#let legend be happy
Breakdown [Isekai!Reader + Legend/Marin] (Part 1)
In which Isekai!Reader has a breakdown and then proceeds to break reality.
This fic is purely for my own satisfaction as I've yet to find this particular topic explored and I have a mighty need. I've taken liberties. This is self-indulgent trash.
PART: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
You'd tried not to get close. From the moment you were tossed through the portal (conveniently right at the Chain's feet), you did everything possible to prevent either side from growing unnecessarily attached.
Didn't stop them from strong arming you into joining them though. As an abnormality from the portal, it was in their best interest to keep you close and monitored. Which was fair, so despite your misgivings you went along peacefully.
Though you made sure to let them know where you stood in all this.
You weren't cruel, per say, but you made sure to keep your distance and openly expressed your disinterest in opening up to them. You just wanted to find a way home, and for the most part they did their best to respect that.
Most of them anyway. Wind was an absolute menace. The boy was relentless in trying to wiggle his way into your good graces, always trying to include you in all his little side-quests and jokes.
It would be cute, honestly, if you didn't know he was trying to pump you for information. Clever, using the kid, if you didn't already know who these men were.
(If you're going to try to act friendly with the target Wind, remember to disarm yourself of obvious weaponry before approaching. Silly boy.)
You'd put money on Warriors having orchestrated most of the interactions between you and the youngest. You may not have as advanced senses as them, but you're not blind. It's obvious Wind is reporting to Warriors and Time the nights Wind takes extra pains to interact with you.
(Not that there was much to report. You stuck to your story. Came from a more futuristic world, don't know why you're here, the Heroes of Hyrule are just stories- myths- where your from. You don't know much about them. Yes, you have some secrets. No, they're not harmful to their merry little band. Pot, meet kettle. You'll show them yours if they show you theirs. No? Okay then. Last you checked, they forced you into their group. "Have a good night Time, I appreciate everything you guys do for me. Goodnight Warriors, Legend, Four. Sleep well.")
For being such powerful, experienced heroes, they're not always the brightest. Must be the influence of their Tri-force alinment. It takes a special type of person to do what they do afterall. YOU certainly wouldn't.
But you degress.
Yes, you did everything within your power to keep yourself separate from them without making them your enemies. Slept away from the group, tried (and sometimes failed) to percure your own food. Refused any gifts, money or luxuries offered to you that did not directly involve your continued well-being.
Hell, you even took to cutting grass in your spare time, just so you had something to offer up with you inevitably needed thier assistance. And wasn't that a shock, to find rupees just laying around in the grass. Money literally grow in plants here.
Mind blown.
("No Wind. You found that one, so it's yours. Thank you for the thought though.")
Overall, you thought you'd done an excellent job of it. They- usually- kept to their part of the camp, you stuck to yours (lonely though it was). You rarely talked to them unless strictly necessary or Wind managed to back you into a metaphoric corner. During travel you watched the world go by, acting as another silent pair of eyes.
You thought you'd managed to keep yourself in check.
What a fool you were. To ever think you could keep yourself from loving these kind, selfless, traumatized, courageous goofballs. How shortsighted, to think you would ever be able to stay impartial to their plight, to their pain.
When the divines cast a hook, you took it with both hands and didn't let go.
You're such a damned idiot.
It'd been one hell of a ride to get to the point of no return. Somehow, you'd stumbled though a second portal just as you and the chain had finished exiting the first. Literally, just walked out the first, moved 5 feet away from Legend (your portal crossing partner that time) and promptly stepped into another portal that'd opened right in front of you.
You'd heard Sky's alarmed shout, the beginnings of Wild's bellow, saw Legend try to make a grab at you from the fading entryway. You witnessed Legend flinch back in shock as a wisp of light pulled from his hand and disappeared into the portal. Saw him fall to his knees, seemingly crumbled in pain.
And then you were gone.
You fell onto warm sand, blinded by bright, warm sunlight directly in your eyes. The smell and taste of salt was so strong you can almost feel it coating your insides.
The sea, you quickly realize. Your back hurts from being tossed from the portal, but you're so, so thankful you landed on dry land and not somewhere in the middle of the ocean. A little pain is worth not succumbing to exhaustion and drowning after a desperate, futile struggle.
You laid there for a moment, shocked and grateful and shivering from adrenaline.
You noticed the portal didn't disappear, and none of the chain came charging through to save you either. You watched it for a while, taking deep breaths to calm your heart and waiting for something to happen.
Should you try to go back through? Why is the sound it makes so damn irritating?
"Are you alright?" A lilting voice asks unexpectantly, startling you from where you're sprawled on the sand. "Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!"
It didn't click at first who this woman was. Long, beautiful red-blond hair, freckled, sun-kissed skin and a little red flower swaying in the sea breeze above her head. A sweet but sad smile, with just a hint of grief in her soulful dark eyes.
You were surprised she didn't notice the portal. You wondered why.
"My name's Marin. What's yours."
It should have clicked.
It didn't.
You broke your own rule, unwittingly though it may have been. Don't interact unnecessarily. Don't get involved. Don't put yourself in a position to get attached. Don't think about it too hard.
Don't. Get. Emotionally. Invested.
"Oh! What a lovely name! I wish we'd have met before-" Her eyes flickered sidewards, and it was then you noticed the biggest egg you'd ever seen on top of a volcanic mountain peak. Just there. A nightmare wrapped up in a pretty bow, waiting for someone to open it.
And he did.
It started to break right before your eyes. Light seeping out through the cracks and pouring down the volcano and into the surrounding land. It was not how you remember this going down, but you knew (without a doubt) what this was and what was happening.
The shock must have been evident on your face because she started talking again, soothingly, though her voice cracked with emotion.
You barely heard her, eyes fixated on the sight of a mountain slowly starting to disintegrate. On the sounds of screams in the distance. Of little shapes moving away from the light, like roaches across the mountainside.
Your eyes flickered to the portal, still there, waiting, emitting the most horrendous noise. A long dark corridor stretching out into a vast nothingness.
The sceams continued. Some cut off suddenly. It was a small island, and the mountain tall. It let their voices carry into the lands below.
Your body was cold. Your skin numb and prickling.
You noticed Marin still talking. Her eyes frightened, though she was trying not to show it.
She was trying to distract herself, you realized. "We should go to the village. Say goodbye. I'll-I'll introduce you to my father. You can be part of our family. No one deserves to- to without having a f-family."
You looked at her. Eyes wide open. Throat tight. Heart beating. Mind numb.
That was where she should have been right now, wasn't it. But she wasn't because she was talking to you. She was too far away to reach it.
(She was never meant to reach it.)
She knew that. You could see it in her eyes.
This world could not be this cruel. It couldn't. It just couldn't.
She looked to you with such sad eyes. Wet with unshed tears. So very aware.
She reached out for your hand.
Her fingers cradled yours, warm and soft.
She tugged you slightly, inching closer. Other arm stretching, stretching. Embracing.
Her skin was warm, like sunshine. She smelt of sweet fruit and clean sweat. Her heart was thundering.
It was warmer still where she hid her face in your shoulder. Wet. Damning.
And then a whisper. The flutter of lips.
A secret, breathed like a confession.
"I'm sorry Link. I wish I could have lived for you."
You bent.
You twisted.
You ached.
"Marin. If you had the chance to survive this, no matter how slim, would you take it. Even if it meant giving up everything? Even if it meant having to live with the pain."
She stared at you, bewildered. And then-
"You're like Link. Aren't you?"
Her expression shifted. Beneath the sheen of tears, a fire ignited in her dark eyes. Hope, so strong it scorched the world.
It burned you too. That unyeilding will to survive.
"Take me to him." Her eyes softened, but were no less determined for it. Instead, her resolve set like obsidian. "So we may grief the loss of our family together."
Hook, set. Bait, taken.
It was agony. From the moment you grabbed Marin's hand and attempted to enter the portal, it felt as though your entire bloodstream was on fire. Like being unmade and reforged all at once, originating from where your hand connected with hers.
You wanted to pull away, but you didn't. She wouldn't have let you either way. Her grip was an iron vice. Deceptively strong.
She didn't even flinch despite the sweat you could see gathering on her brow, the way her jaw clenched. Her entire body was covered in goosebumps, the hairs on her arms standing on end.
You couldn't imagine what she must be experiencing, if the feeling of her hand alone was enough to arrest your breathing.
You took another step forward. She matched it. It was like walking through wet sand, sticky and unyielding, but not impossible.
You moved one step at a time, slow and steady. Open mouthed panting, sweat running down your faces and soaking your hair, plastering it to your scalps. Your skin was flushed from exertion and you guys hadn't moved more than a few paces.
You weren't even out of sight of the entryway when the light was suddenly ripped away from behind. Leaving nothing but a yawning void.
Marin stumbled, as though her strings had been cut, and you followed. Your entire body was molten lava, bones scorched to nothing.
Someone was screaming. Or maybe you both were. You couldn't tell. Marin was gripping your hand with all her might and you gripped right back. The point of contact felt melted into her skin, like you were a part of her.
Or she was part of you.
Eventually, you felt her start to rise, pulling you with her. You couldn't see, but you knew she still had that fire searing in her eyes. No amount of tear stains could hide her will to live.
She took a step forward, and you followed her into the dark. One, two, three, four....
Time lost it's meaning. You'd long since lost count of the steps you two stumbled through together.
It was getting harder. Each step forward seemed to add another weight to your shoulders. It hurt to breath, it hurt to blink. You stopped opening your eyes a while ago. Your skin felt blistered and cracked.
You and Marin had tried talking, but it wore on her too heavily. She was gasping for air even more desperately than you were, breaths raw and ragged.
More time passed. Each step got harder. You were stumbling more than you were walking.
You were sure your nose was bleeding. You could taste the iron in your mouth, where liquid dripped over your upper lip. You couldn't feel your face.
Then Marin threw up. Fell to her knees and just kept puking and puking, struggling for precious air, whole body convulsing. You reach down blindly with your other hand to try to get her hair out of the way.
You overshot and your hand ended up in the spray (it was perfectly smooth like water, not at all natural). It felt like liquid metal across your skin, ripping a scream from your throat.
The smell of burning flesh hit your senses as you curled around your arm, the limb pulsing under you.
You could feel tension building in your body, heavy and foreboding.
Marin was crying. She was shaking. She retched again.
She clutched your hand like a lifeline, desperation corded into every muscle in her fingers. You squeezed back with everything you had, reassurance you were still there in the total darkness.
The tension snapped.
Then her hand went limp, only your grip keeping her from fully slumping to the ground. Dead weight.
"Marin?" You rasped, voice shaking with pain and shock. "Marin?"
She didn't respond. She didn't move. Her limp body slumped against your side, like a branding rod searing through your clothes.
Your heart raced in panic and it gave you the strength needed to pull your still burning arm from beneath you and feel for her pulse.
You found it. Faint. So faint it was a mere whisper, but there.
Ahead of you, an endless void. Behind you, the gapping maw of nonexistence. Nothing in all directions but the limp body leaned against your leg. The sound of the portal just kept growing louder, like metal scraping in your ear.
Your body was so heavy. Your skin seemingly peeled back and exposed, burning against the agony of existence.
You broke.
You shattered.
You felt.
"It doesn't get to be this way." You panted, eyes open, seeing nothing and stinging like hornets. "No. You don't get to do that."
Emotion rose like a tidalwave within you, boiling under the surface of your skin. You turned your eyes up, casting your gaze into the void there.
"You don't get to do that to them. You don't get to keep hurting them like this. They're not toys. They're real."
You swallowed thickly.
"They're real."
The emotion boiled over. The dam broke. Everything else was lost to the Rage.
"YOU!" You screamed, voice shrill, hot liquid falling from your lips as something stretched and burst. "Don't! Get! To! Keep! Hurting! Them! You don't get to do that! They're people! They're real people with real feelings and pain, Goddamnit!"
You were lost to that rage. The feeling that had haunted your every waking moment since the moment you fell through that first portal. Since first you realized where you were.
From the moment you realized who they were and what that meant.
"You don't get to take anything else from them! You hear me! Not a single. Damned. Thing. More!" You spat. "I will not allow it! I! Reject! It!"
You hauled Marin forward inch by agonizing inch with strength you should not have, using spite that ran so deep it tore at peices of your soul.
You weren't even looking forward anymore (what need have you to know when the torment ends, when you're never going to stop. not until death takes you). Instead, you'd braced your feet firmly and started hauling yourself backwards, back arched so far you were nearly sitting.
"I will not let you keep hurting them for your entertainment!" You screeched, not caring how it hurt. Not caring how spit and snot and blood ran down your chin. How sweat soaked straight through your clothes, stinging against the aching rawness of your skin.
You pulled, both hands latched onto Marin's one. The universe pulled back, trying to take this precious being from your grasp. Your progress was halted.
You snapped.
You screamed then, rasping, tearing and wordless. Just kept screaming and pulling against the universe. Against the pain. Against the unfairness of it all.
The universe pulled again and you snarled like a beast, grip so tight on Marin's wrist you felt something cracking. She felt like Hellfire under your hands.
It only enraged you more.
"You don't get to have her! You don't get to hurt him anymore! You don't get to hurt any of them! They're mine now! You! Don't! Have! The! Right! THEY'RE MINE!"
A choked rasp, iron flooding your throat as the nosebleed gets worse.
"Marin is mine! Legend is mine! Hyrule is mine! Wind is mine! Warriors, Sky, Four are mine! Time and Twilight are mine! Wild is mine!"
Another step back, an inch gained.
Again, and again, and again.
"I'm going to take back everything you stole from them!" You howl into the void, uncaring of how absolutely broken your voice had become. "The moment you let your guard down, I'm taking everything! You. HEAR! ME!"
The universe let go and you fell.
...and Marin fell with you.
Suddenly, there was gentle light filtered through leaves, cool spring air and the faint call of birdsong. No endless darkness or scorching magma in your veins or the infernal screech of portal magic in your ear. Just bliss.
And then your body reminded you that it was not fine.
Your muscles seized, tightening in painful reminder of the strain you had put them through. Your skin stung like sandpaper burn from head to toe, your lungs ached so fiercely it drew tears to your eyes.
Eyes tightly closed and teeth gritted, you curled around the limp body sprawled at your side, limbs intermingled as your body spasmed through the pain.
Then, there were hands on you and you cried out in agony.
Someone shushed you, soundly oddly choked and quiet as another pair of hands gently tried to move you. Then several.
You refused. Arms tightening around the precious being trapped in your embrace. You fought with what little strength you had left, sobbing as the hands managed to pry you loose.
You wailed in dispair.
Someone sobbed with you.
You finally succumbed to your body's desperate demands to escape the pain. You drifted away to the feeling of gentle arms cradling you close, of soft whispers in your hair.
Finally, peace found you. If only for a time.
Perhaps there will be a part two. Maybe even venture into yandere territory. Who knows.
I must return to the shadows once more to recharge.
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drlessy · 4 months
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sehaniine · 5 months
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mine, all mine
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clockwork-era · 1 year
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See you soon!
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thelvadams · 2 months
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Princess Horse Girl Zelda in ECHOES OF WISDOM
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thejdblog · 6 days
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OH-GOSH! No...
That parallel?! Take her pain and give it to me!!!!!!!!
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burninbriight · 6 months
costantly thinking about how gentle and caring vi and cait are with each other
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they look at each other so tenderly... every single touch they share is so full of care... i feel ill
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sentientsliotar · 24 days
so many fics about how megumi learns the truth
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shocked and awed that the manga did it better
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hootsiegrimgrin · 3 months
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Hoot hoothoot hoot hoo hoot!
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adultemophase · 5 days
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awww she’s grown up so much :)
(im going to buy a gun)
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arcanegifs · 2 years
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Favorite Arcane Scenes: 10/? ↳ "You understand you've broken several laws? You're a Councilor's daughter. Your actions reflect on the entire body."
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Breakdown [Isekai!Reader + Legend/Marin] (Part 2)
In which you learn that predators come in all sizes.
The indulgence continues.
PART: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
You weren't aware of the world for a time. Occasionally, there was pain (agony. like coals under your skin, explosions bursting forth from your damned cells). Sometimes there was relief, the gentle warmth of something sweet and light swirling through your veins like honey. But mostly, it was just numb.
The first time your eyes cracked open you did not register anything beyond the unpleasant sting of light. Tears had rolled down your cheeks, burning all the way to the hairline at your ears. A gentle (so gentle, so careful) hand dabbed the salt lines away with a wet cloth, pressing delicately against your cracked lips afterwards to moisten them.
You didn't respond. The sensations meant very little to you. Your eyes closed after a time, but the light of consciousness had left them long before that.
You came too briefly but did not open your eyes. Pressure from too small (calloused) hands were wrapped around your motionless fingers, like delicate bird's bones against your skin. Almost fragile, but for the power that resided in the flesh.
You squeezed them as well as you could, giving little more than a twitch for your efforts. The hand understood though because it squeezed back fiercely.
Someone was talking, but the words and their meanings slipped by like water through grass.
Nothingness took you just as a tiny, bird's bones hand touched your cheek.
Your eyes opened again and it was dark. You stared unseeing into the shadows of the rafters for some time, quiet and listless.
You did not know where you were. You didn't care. You were just so very tired.
You close your eyes. You open them and there is pain. Light. Movement. Colors. Burning. Pain. Pain. Pain.
Bliss. Gone.
You opened your eyes once more and light was just creeping in through half drawn curtains. Your eyes flickered to them as a light breeze pulled the fabric into a gentle flutter.
A warm hand touched your hair unexpectedly, tenderly easing it back from your forehead while another wiped sweat from your brow. It was enough to draw your attention and your hazy eyes instinctively met those hoovering above you.
"Good morning." Sky whispered quietly, voice warm and sweet beneath the tired tones blurred around the edges. His hand was still resting lightly in your hair, thumb caressing the curve of your forehead.
You stared uncomprehendingly at the man above you. You blinked as his thumb moved to tenderly caress under your eye. You hadn't noticed the quiet trail of tears running sluggishly down your cheeks.
You closed your eyes, comforted by his gentle touch. It'd been so, so long since anyone had touched you kindly.
You drifted off to a wet, cool cloth wiping off your face.
You jolted awake, scream silently caught behind your teeth. You clawed, clutched, tore at the blankets around you, writhing as hellfire consumed you.
A warm, calloused hand holds yours, the pressure of another larger body pressing themselves close draws your attention. Your eyes flicker desperately to the person cradling your head and shoulders.
It's Twilight, dressed in a plain off-white shirt and calling out for Hyrule with forced calm. He smells strongly of musk and dog, the firm bulk of his muscles tense under you as his chest expands with each breaths.
Traveler is upon you within moments, pressing glowing hands to your body without hesitation. His tired, tired eyes overflowing with compassion and tender, vulnerable love as he gazes upon your contorted face.
Bliss, so great you sobbed in relief as the light enters your skin. You hid your face into Twilight's collarbones, so very thankful when he didn't push you away. Instead he pulled you closer and whispered softly in your hair, his hand cupping the back of your head.
You cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
But not before catching sight of Legend, hands clenched white on either side of the doorframe, frustrated, heartbroken tears beading like pearls in his eyes.
When you finally came to true consciousness it was to Four, well, all around you. Red was laying beside you, tucked sleepily against your arm, Green was on your other side, face relaxed in sleep. Vio was in the chair at the head of the bed, reading. Blue was missing, but you figured he'd lost patience with the quiet at some point and left.
You were confused at first, unsure of what gave the colors the impression that you approved of this kind of closeness. You had never given any sort of indication that you wanted anything to do with them. You'd made sure of that.
Then it hit you. Marin. She must have made it though. She's alive. She made it. She's here, in the world. With Legend.
The thought almost pulled tears to your eyes, but you pushed them down. Now was not the time for that. It was time to run damage control and salvage the situation. You still couldn't afford to get attached, or let them get attached to you.
One day you were going to go home- you were- and they did not deserve the heartbreak of another broken bond. And honestly, neither did you. It just wasn't worth it. It wouldn't be fair.
You needed to think.
Of course they would feel indebted to you after that little stunt you pulled. Legend had probably lost his shit and attached himself to Marin the moment he got over his inevitable break from reality (poor, traumatized bastard). The chain would have put two and two together and realized you'd done them a favor.
The tricky part would be convincing them it hadn't been intentional. You and Marin hadn't talked much, so it shouldn't be impossible.
But thinking was just so hard. You were so tired (soul crushingly exhausted), and the lies and half-truths you strung together unraveled like frayed rope in your mind. You could barely remember what you'd said to Marin.
You hoped the boys hadn't heard you in the portal. More than the loss of any viable reason to keep them at a distance, the embarrassment at your loss of control was too much to bear. You wouldn't be able to look any of them in the eyes.
'They're mine? Really?' You'd probably sounded like a lunatic, completely unhinged. The though was enough to pull heat to your face.
"What are you thinking so hard about?" A quiet voice asked from beside the bed, and your mind stuttered to a stop.
Vio had put the book down in his lap at some point and was staring at you with cool disinterest. At least, it seemed that way, but you doubted that was the case. He had a sharp glint in his blue-lavender eyes that spoke of questions beyond the spoken.
You realized, quite suddenly, that you were in no condition to go head to head with Four's most intelligent component. He'd rip you open and suck the information right out of your head if you tried engaging him in any way.
Silence it was then. It was the only defense you had, and if you were lucky it would seem like your normal behavior, just exasperated by your condition.
You turned your head towards the window, staring out at the sliver of green peeking through the curtains. You heard a sigh, then shifting.
A small (bird-boned) hand was on your face then, gently but firmly turning your head away from the window to meet blue-lavender eyes. You expected exasperation, frustration, anger even. You got none of those.
He was amused, and deeply empathetic, as he said. "I'll give you some advice, because you've done one of my brothers a great service." He smiled, a small private thing flickering like a secret between you two. "And I know I can trust you."
Your stomach dropped. They heard. They knew.
"Let it happen. You're fate is already sealed." He hummed then, impish glee starting to surface in his eyes, his tone. "Did you think Legend would just let you slip away after what you did? The man's a hoarder by trade, and that includes people."
You were just staring at him with wide eyes, stunned by this turn of events.
A smirk teased at his lips, eyes sly and glinting as he took his hand from your face and leaned his cheek onto a fist instead. Smug. "Don't look so shocked. You played a good game, I'll admit, but you never stood a chance. The others just needed a reason to drag you into the fold, and you handed it to them quite spectacularly."
'Why? How? You were so careful.'
"Wind." You breathed, befuddled thoughts spinning with the realization.
Vio was grinning now, bright and amused and so unspeakably proud of his youngest brother. "He's a smart boy. Maybe as smart as me, in his own way. He's always been better with people."
You couldn't help the spark of admiration that rose within you at the younger boy's cleverness. Even if it was at your own expense.
"It's not nice to tease people when they're feeling sick, Vio!" A sweet voice piped up, and when your head snapped over to face it you found Red's pouting glare boring into Vio from over your chest. "Don't be mean!"
"Red's right, Vio." Green spoke up, eyes still closed and you got the impression he'd been awake the whole time, listening. "It's not nice to tease others while they can't defend themselves."
You could feel the strength of Vio's eye roll above your head, but was thoroughly distracted by Red snuggling closer to your side. You glanced down at his crown of fine blonde hair spilling across your shoulder, his cheek pressing into your arm. He was so warm and sweet, delicate like a baby bird fluffed trustingly at your side.
You didn't have the heart to move away. Then Vio's words rung through your head once more and you realized it wouldn't have mattered.
They knew. They'd heard. And you were too tired and scatterbrained to wiggle your way out of the trap you'd run headfirst into.
"Hey?" Green said, peeking an eye open to meet your gaze as you turned back to him. "You claimed Four, but you never claimed us." He hummed, much like Vio and just as amused. A smug grin had crept onto his lips. "Blue's gonna be upset when he finds out, you know."
Your breath caught audibly against your will, your heart thudded painfully against your ribcage. A cold sweat broke out across your back.
Fast as a snake, Red reached over you and punched Green in the arm with a loud, painful sounding thrack. "Stop that! No games! They're still recovering!"
The colors continued to bicker around you, Red curled into your side, head on your shoulder, Green's arm flush against yours. Vio had his book in his hands again but was only half paying attention to it as he slid in a sly comment or two, never really taking either side.
You stopped paying attention after a while, just too tired to care. Care that you'd been caught wrong-footed. Care that you'd been backed into a corner. Care that there was well and truly no turning back now, no backing out.
So you did the only thing you could.
You closed your eyes, and drifted into warm, thoughtless slumber and let everything just slip away.
One last moment of peace before the storm to come.
I must return to the shadows to rest.
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darth-ban · 16 days
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my fav bi wife + trans husband duo // inspired by (x)
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umbrum77 · 1 month
Kya: what is this?
Lin: it's my to-do list once I retire.
Kya: this is a list of names.
Lin: yes
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sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
I’ve hurt him enough, have some drawings of Cryptid Sky being happy.
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A smile that must be protected.
Also big brother Pipit.
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Silly goofies now that finals are done haha!
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kalicocal · 2 years
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grief is the thing with feathers (version two)
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