#let me know +_+
spitfire-of-the-sea · 2 years
Stowaway Series, Part 3: A Bubbly Disaster
Finally, part 3 of the Stowaway series. I was torn between ending it there and continuing it, but for now stopped here. :D
Find part 1 and part 2 if you want to read the beginning of this. =)
Word count: 3 Warnings: Still SFW. Just a naked butt. Pretty safe, I think? Characters: Ace, Marco & Thatch... and cat!reader :D
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The Stowaway Series, Part 3: A Bubbly Disaster
The last remnants of your sanity drowned in a bubble-filled bath that smelled of rose water and white lotus.
At least that was what the label of the bottle read, the content of which Ace had squirted quite generously into the bathtub while he filled it with warm water. Generously enough to result in a veritable mountain of bubbles you had almost hoped would hide you when Marco dropped you into the bathtub, rather unceremoniously so.
Ace had strongly protested that kind of treatment, the sweet boy, while you had sunken deep into a puffy cloud of white foam. Sure, you’d tried your very best to bite Marco’s thumb off a minute prior to that in an attempt to escape… well, to escape whatever the fuck was going to happen in a giant bathroom with three pirates with a combined bounty of over Two. Billion. Berry. And a combined shirt count of one.
So perhaps it didn’t come as a great surprise when Marco dropped you into the bath – with a happy grin, too. But honestly, a girl had to at least try, right? Not that you were totally against getting bathed by three handsome men suffering from a veritable lack of fabric. Preferably those men would not be world-renowned criminals, though. And preferably, you’d be in your human form, being fed grapes or something such. For this whole scenario to work, you shouldn’t be in your cat form. This was just plain weird.
So you’d splashed into the water and immediately stood up to your neck in it, spluttering as you tried to keep your nose over water. Of course, you landed on your feet – you were still a cat, even if only like… 50% of one. The foam had fused closed above you, hiding you from sight, and you’d tentatively waded towards where you thought the door might be, your fur soaking in water as swirls of rosé pink and white drifted past you. After a moment, you squeezed your eyes closed. A soap bubble had gotten into your right eye and you’d almost yowled in pain and annoyance.
 “Where is she?” you heard Ace ask, concerned. Groping hands parted the foam somewhere behind you, and you waded more quickly, your whiskers twitching desperately at the constant contact to the myriad of bubbles in front of your face.
“Ace, that was way too much,” Thatch commented and sighed. “I literally can’t see her in all those bubbles. Why’d you go for so much?”
“Girls like bubble baths,” Ace murmured, shoveling hands full of foam out of the tub. “I didn’t think it’d blow up like this. I should have used my soap.”
“She’s a cat-yoi,” Marco said, and you heard somebody move around the tub. Or at least you thought you did. The bubble foam made sizzling noises in your overly sensitive ears.
“Do you even have soap?” Thatch asked, sounding genuinely curios.
Flattening your ears against your skull, you waded onward, a task made very difficult by being fucking submerged in water to your nostrils. Using your tail like a paddle seemed to do little to propel your forward. Useless thing!
“She’s a girl cat,” Ace corrected him. “She might like it. Kotatsu likes bubble baths. Also. I do owe a soap. Fuck off.”
“Kotatsu is five times her size and is no danger of drowning in it,” Marco replied warily, and you heard fabric rustle, and then a big set of hands parted the foam to your right – you couldn’t see it, but you could hear it.
You melted away from that side and wondered how fucking huge this bathtub was?! Did they do communal baths?! Pirate orgy parties?! Where was the end of this?! You shuddered and waded onwards.
“When was the last time you took a bath, anyhow?” Thatch continued, unperturbed. Water splashed behind you, and you almost growled in annoyance. “By the way, I suspect Kotatsu appreciates the company of the nurses more than the bubbles,” he chuckled, and a hand touched your tail.
You snapped it forward against your body and squinted against the pain. Bubbles. Bubbles everywhere. Was this how you’d die? Suffocated by fucking bubbles?!
“Actually, only four days ago, thankyouverymuch.” Ace sounded exasperated.
You grimaced. Pirates.
“Well, you might as well use the chance,” you could hear Thatch and then something that sounded like he was heartily patting Ace’s back. “Since you went to all the trouble to prepare the biggest bubble disaster since Haruta’s prank of ’17.”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna get in there naked. You saw what she tried to do to Marco’s thumb?”
You rolled your eyes. You hadn’t even been successful; your teeth had barely nicked him. Plus, whatever Ace was thinking, you definitely wouldn’t try to sink your teeth into his naked arse. Or anything else, for that matter. You had class, after all.
“Guys,” Marco said, “Focus. The cat.”
You’d given up trying to find your way out of the fucking bathtub for a moment, but now that hand after hand full of foam was suddenly shoveled away, your chance was slipping away quickly. You might have even made it to the rim of this veritable pool if a bubble hadn’t found its way into your left nostril. You tried to control yourself. To be zen. To find your inner center.
You managed for about 2.5 seconds before a hearty sneeze parted the bubbles in front of your face.
Aw, rats.
Looking up and squinting against the burning in your eyes, you saw Marco look down at you, clearly very amused. Clearly also very shirtless and up to his elbows in foamy water. He apparently hadn’t noticed the small cloud of foam that was sitting on his shoulder. “There she is.”
Yay. He found you.
You sneezed again, realized that the door was very much not in front of you, and heaved a sigh that didn’t even nearly match the tragedy one wrong decision had brought upon you. Closing your eyes again, you accepted your fate, your tail curled tightly around you, your ears flattened against your skull, and your strength seeping from your body from the continued contact with water – even if it wasn’t saltwater, it wasn’t exactly doing great things to your stamina and strength, submerged as you were.
“Where’d you get the bath thingy from, anyway?” Thatch asked and sidled up on the other side of the bathtub. You blinked your eyes open briefly. Long enough to notice that he had not bothered putting on a shirt in the meantime. Well. Understandable. But distracting. You closed your eyes again.
“Izou’s stash,” Ace answered and removed a bulk of foam from around you. “Aww, kitty, this is too high for you!” He moved away, and then a slurping sound somewhere behind you announced that he was letting some of the water out.
After a moment of silence, Thatch spoke up again. “He’ll kill you.”
“Naaaah,” Ace shook his head. “He’ll like her.”
“He’ll kill you and not even try to hide it. Shoot you right between the eyes.”
You ducked into the receding water line, curled up as much as you could. Five minutes spent in this porcelain prison, and they were already talking murder. Fucking hell. You better be a very convincing cat.
“Miau,” you uttered and cleared your throat. No, that hadn’t sounded quite right. “Miau?” you tried again, happier the tone.
“Sssh, kitty. It’s all good,” Ace said, and you personally didn’t think anything at all was good right now, but hey, you might be biased.
“He won’t kill me,” he then continued. “I’ll just tell him it was Marco.” He chuckled, and suddenly his hands were on you. Not that you could see right now, but he’d touched your butt enough times today for you to know the way his hands felt on you, and that in itself was… disconcerting. You didn’t even know how your life had derailed like this.
“Yeah, as if I’d be that dumb-yoi,” Marco snorted. “I think she’s got foam in her eyes, she’s not even opening her eyes.”
A large hand came around your chest and propped you up only a moment before a second hand cupped your face. You opened your mouth to protest – still undecided on whether this warranted a hiss or a growl, you weren’t quite sure on the proper cat etiquette – and felt water pour over your eyes. Sputtering, you tried to reel back, but Marco held you firmly. A moment later, his fingers traced your eyes, and the burning sensation was gone in a second. You slowly blinked your eyes open, seeing three very expectant faces looking down at you. All naked, as far as you could see. The men attached to the faces, that was, not just the faces. All very built as far as you could discern. Huh. Apparently a life of pirating made for great upper body training.
With some delay you remembered that you should probably be scared and shrunk away.
“She’s got pretty eyes,” Ace cooed and started to massage the shampoo into your fur, the movements surprisingly tender and somewhat hypnotizing. You blinked up at him. One plus point to Freckles. Clearly, he had great taste.
“Mhm,” Marco made and mirrored Ace’s movements at your front. Each only used one hand, steading your body with the other. There was literally nowhere left to go.
Ace’s hand felt pleasantly warm, while Marco’s was refreshingly cool. It was weird, but… if you had to be honest… probably the most comfortable bath treatment you’d ever gotten in your life. Ah, well. If you were doomed, you might as well enjoy a massage, right?
So what if they were hardened criminals? They also had amazingly dexterous fingers – probably from strangling marines or something such – and they hit just the right spots. Right there, on your lower back and just above your shoulder. You didn’t realize that your eyes had drifted shut, and you had started to purr until Marco chuckled.
“Not so bad now, huh?” he murmured. “Considering you were trying your best to chew off my finger just a minute ago, kitty-yoi.”
You abruptly stopped the purring, and your eyes snapped open. Right. Right. You shouldn’t get too comfortable. The chances that they’d do something nasty after going to the trouble of fishing you out of the sea and literally bathing you like a princess were slim. Not zero. But slim.
You eyed the three of them, taking note of their wide shoulders and muscular chests. Your eyes landed on Ace’s upper arm, the muscles rippling below his skin as he moved, and the letters spelled on it. ASCE. Drunken mistaken? Illiteracy? A lost bet?
The hat he’d worn before was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t look too hard, though; you got distracted by the freckles on his shoulders and, even more so, his very defined pectorals. Shit. He was hot.
Quickly looking away to the pirate in front of you – Marco – you hoped to regain focus. However, his chest was just as defined, and the lines of the giant tattoo there just invited your eyes to roam. It was like they were models for the Hottest Pirates of the Year calendar, and that was slightly unfair.
But enjoyable.
You looked up, your eyes locked with Marco’s, and for a horrible, horrible moment you saw something in his eyes that looked like scrutiny. His brow furrowed and you gulped. Shit. Did he know?! Shit. Shitshitshit.
Just then his hand reached your right ear and he started to rub circles against it and without any conscious choice your brain cells took a vacation and you absolutely melted into his hand like butter onto warm toast bread. One touch and any intelligent thought was annihilated. Your ears were your weakness. The purring was back, full volume, your chest vibrating.
“Awww, just listen to her. Almost as loud as Kotatsu,” Ace grinned and worked the shampoo into the fur along your spine, setting off all kinds so reflexes.
Overstimulated, your tail started to twitch as you tried to simultaneously shift against his hand while remaining in full contact with Marco’s hand at your ear. Your paws were kneading water, your eyes dropping closed.
Suddenly, it didn’t seem all that important anymore that they were allegedly plundering and killing their way through the Grand Line. Their hands were magic. To be fair, you’d never seen them make any trouble on your island, on the contrary… they restocked, paid good money… partied… and left.
Maybe they weren’t so bad.
Maybe getting a full-on body massage was actually completely ethically acceptable.
Maybe playing cat for like a week or however long it would take to land on another island wouldn’t be too bad.
“Well, seeing as you have the little Miss under control…,” Thatch said, and you’d have protested that notion if you weren’t so busy feeling fucking amazing right now. You cracked one eye open to watch him.
He got up and ran a hand through his wet hair. Somewhere, in the periphery of your conscience, you noticed that his wide chest and back were decorated with several tattoos, as were his muscular upper arms. “I’ll go take a shower, and rinse the salt off of me too.”
The next time you had something resembling a conscious thought was when your eyes landed on his very naked butt on the other side of the room, stepping into a shower. His very naked, very shapely butt. And his strong, muscular thighs. And, as he turned to draw the curtain closed, you saw even more that piqued your interest... You craned your neck, the purring momentarily forgotten. How… interesting.
 “Alright, I think she’s all shampooed up-yoi,” Marco decreed and dropped his hand from your ear. You shot him an indignant stare because you certainly didn’t feel all shampooed up yet, you were pretty sure there was a spot still missing just behind your ear. Why did he stop?!
“Didn’t get her paws yet,” Ace murmured, slid his hand below your belly and scooped you up in one movement before you could so much as squeak your protest. In the next moment, you were held against his chest and his fingers massaged your paws. The ticklish feeling immediately shot up your spine and you drew your paw back and away only for him to reach for the next one. The game went on – you had four paws after all – and perhaps you’d have tried to protest more strongly if you hadn’t been made very aware of Ace’s physique over the last minutes. A physique you were now very close to. Close enough to boop your nose against.
Thing was, the longer you stayed in your cat form, the more feral mannerisms bubbled up in you. You’d known this for a while and usually it was fine.
Did you feel the need to run after flickering lights sometimes? Yes.
Could you handle it? Usually.
However, you’d never been in your cat form for this long.
So your tongue was already out of your mouth and halfway to his neck when you realized what you were about to do. Scraping the remnants of your sanity together, you bit down hard, wincing at the pain and quickly turned your head away from him, eyes glazing over. What the hell.
You’d almost licked the 550 billion berry pirate like a Popsicle.
Perhaps he’d been right to decline a bath. Perhaps you would have tried to bite his ass if it was even half as nicely shaped as the rest of him. Just a little. Just a nip. In a friendly, complimentary way, of course. Respectfully.
“There you go, kitty, now you’re all clean,” Ace cooed into your ear and you shivered. Ah, shit. You were in even bigger trouble than you’d realized.
“Time to rinse it all out-yoi,” Marco announced suddenly. “Close your eyes!”
“What?” Ace managed to ask while you squeezed your eyes shut.
Next thing you knew you and Ace both were dripping wet, although it was fair to say that you had been for quite some time and were far less surprised. Ace, on the other hand, looked utterly flabbergasted as he glanced down over his length, then at you, then at Marco, and then back at himself. A frown appeared on his face.
“What the hell, man?!” he demanded to know, his hands tightening around you.
Marco chuckled. “I figured it was a good opportunity-yoi.”
“For what?!” Ace snapped. “Being the most annoying brother since Luffy raided the alligator mom’s nest and had her hunting us through the whole forest for days?!”
“Regular showers are highly encouraged,” Marco said mildly, a serene smile in place.
Ace’s fingers twitched and you looked up at him, seeing his grin grow absolutely feral as he lowered his head. Suddenly, you felt very much like you’d like to switch holder.
“Is that so?” he asked and tenderly set you on the ground. You made a squishing noise as you touched down and grimaced. Shampoo bubbles were still everywhere in your fur.
“As per the nurse’s request…-,” Marco started and easily dodged the bucket full of water Ace was splashing his way. How quickly he had managed to pick up the bucket, scoop it full with water, and splash it out was beyond you.
Within five seconds the situation had derailed completely. Marco was hosing Ace down at any chance he got, Ace was catapulting buckets full of foamy water at Marco, Thatch was humming in the shower as if this was an everyday occurrence, and you sat there. Just watching. Just wondering if these men were indeed the criminals you had assumed them to be.
Also… should you… like… just go finish rinsing yourself, or…?
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Let me know with what we shall continue - Ace's bath? Picking a name for cat!reader that she will hate with a certainty of 100%? (Suggestions? :D) Let me know in the comments! :D @ms-sasa You wanted to be tagged, here you go! <3
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starridge · 1 month
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also deciding to make stuff that 12 year old me would have wanted to draw
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eurekq · 2 months
Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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pigswithwings · 10 months
the angel staying over at my house asked for a nightlight in their room and i told them buddy, don't you produce your own light? what're you gonna do with more? and they said they wanted to see why people like it so much. and also that the nightlight i own is blue and they've been trying to understand color. anyways i think they've stared at it for an hour now
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onefey · 5 months
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
I want to see a work of fiction that reverses the "vampires are snobby upper class, werewolves are brutish lower class" stereotypes
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turtletoria · 2 months
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Please help Tala and her family! They still have not reached their goal of $30,000 to evacuate from Gaza; they have currently raised $19,146/$30,000. Every donation counts so please don't become discouraged - every dollar counts no matter how little!!! With your help, we can help Tala and her family to reach safety!!
🌟 This campaign has been vetted - this fundraiser has been promoted by PYM Dallas and is supporting the family of a TX community member!!
Please donate and share widely!!!
This campaign is also a spotlight fundraiser from Artists 4 Gaza where your donation could get you a free art request from one of their many many talented artists!! Click for more info!
[template for the secondary graphic made by the amazing @/starelegy_ (IG)]
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taffybuns · 7 months
if anyone has money to spare for donations, im forwarding more links for palestinian aid
CareforGaza is a nonprofit that provides direct aid to Palestine, and you can donate directly here
Operation Olive Branch is a document that lists evacuating families that need assistance, which gives information on the families, the urgency, and tracks the progress of their fundraisers
eSims for Gaza lists very clear instructions on how to purchase e-sims to keep them connected, they are urgently in demand
Here is a project that distributes feminine hygiene kits directly to Gaza
Mutual Aid Diabetes has channels set up for you to donate insulin and medication to diabetics in Gaza, as well as lists fundraisers for diabetics seeking to evacuate
please keep sharing and adding links on this site, please add more if i'd missed any, and please don't stop talking about Palestine.
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wildemoth · 8 months
Gender is a performance and it’s time to play the music it’s time to light the lights it’s time to meet the muppets on the muppets show tonight
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irlpretear · 8 months
100 trans/genderqueer musicians
Against Me! (rock, folk punk) (x)
The Oozes (punk) (x)
The Hirs Collective (metal, grindcore) (x)
GEL (hardcore punk) (x)
Urn (hardcore punk) (x)
The Black Dresses (noise pop, hardcore hyperpop) (x)
Party Ghost (rock) (x)
Lagrimas (hardcore punk, scream punk) (x)
Doll Skin (rock) (x)
Dazey and the Scouts (rock, indie) (x)
G.L.O.S.S. (hardcore punk) (x)
Dog Park Dissidents (punk rock) (x)
She/Her/hers (rock) (x)
Deli Girls (hardcore electronic) (x)
Dream Nails (punk rock) (x)
Sarah and the Safe Word (rock, dark cabaret) (x)
Pinkie Promise (punk rock) (x)
B. Fraser (emo) (x)
Newgrounds Death Rugby (emo) (x)
Scowl (hardcore punk) (x)
Feminazgul (black metal) (x)
Sports Bra (dream pop, light rock) (x)
Club Sofa (indie pop) (x)
The Cost ov Living (grindcore, harsh noise) (x)
Kuromy (punk) (x)
The Sonder Bombs (indie, pop) (x)
Lidocaine (rock) (x)
I'm letting unseen forces take the wheel (cybergrind) (x)
Gum Disease (punk) (x)
Cam Girl (rock, trash rock) (x)
Gully Boys (grunge pop) (x)
Arcadia Grey (sparkle punk) (x)
Schmekel (folk punk) (x)
Destructo Disk (punk rock) (x)
User Unauthorized (hardcore punk) (x)
The Spook School (indie pop) (x)
Pinkshift (emo) (x)
Glass Beach (emo) (x)
Butch Baby (light rock) (x)
VIAL (indie punk) (x)
Sister Wife Sex Strike (folk punk) (x)
homewrecker. (metal, hardcore punk) (x)
Mega Mango (indie rock) (x)
Keep For Cheap (prarie rock) (x)
Steam Powered Giraffe (cabaret, steampunk) (x)
Thotcrime (grindcore, cybergrind) (x)
Whirlybird (indie pop) (x)
Kampsport (hardcore punk) (x)
Um Jennifer? (alt-rock, punk) (x)
Scarlet Demore (alt-rock) (x)
HappyHappy (folk, folk-punk) (x)
Queen Zee (punk) (x)
Grumpy Plum (slop pop) (x)
Cheap Perfume (punk) (x)
Pollyanna (power-pop, rock) (x)
Ballista (metalcore) (x)
Faetooth (fairy doom, metal) (x)
Lacerated (death metal) (x)
Fortuna Malvada (hardcore punk) (x)
Peach Rings (bedroom power-pop) (x)
Solo Artists
Laura Jane Grace (rock, folk punk) (x)
Left at London (pop) (x)
ZAND (pop, ugly pop) (x)
Ada Rook (hardcore electronic) (x)
Ms. White (pop) (x)
Rett Madison (indie, folk) (x)
Murder Person for Hire (folk) (x)
Backxwash (rap, industrial hip hop) (x)
LustSickPuppy (electronic, rap) (x)
Babylungs (electronic, rap) (x)
Human Kitten (folk punk) (x)
Harley Poe (folk punk) (x)
Ewy (emo, folk punk) (x)
Averstaskta (instrumental) (x)
Andie Schoen (indie) (x)
Elliot Lee (dark pop, electronic rock) (x)
Urias (hip hop, ballroom) (x)
Twink Obliterator* (cybergrind) (x)
Rio Romeo (cabaret punk, indie) (x)
Knife Girl (art pop, indie) (x)
Alexander James Adams (folk) (x)
Starmaxx (pop) (x)
Sofya Wang (pop, alt-R&B) (x)
Boy Jr (indie/alt pop) (x)
Medusa (revenge pop, hip-hop) (x)
Mal Blum (singer-songwriter, folk) (x)
Gina Young (riot grrrl) (x)
Petra Fiyd (indie pop) (x)
awfultune (bedroom pop) (x)
Quinn Hills (alternative pop) (x)
Femtanyl (electronic) (x)
Vivivivivi (electronic, glitchcore) (x)
Lilac Boy (glitchcore) (x)
Rosie Tucker (indie rock) (x)
Ryan Cassata (singer-songwriter) (x)
Pain Chain (noise, synth) (x)
In Love With A Ghost (electronic, lo-fi) (x)
Alice Longyu Gao (hyperpop) (x)
Prophetic Nightmares (ambient synthwave) (x)
Saint Wellesley (indie folk) (x)
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pooptoucher4000 · 11 days
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bill's number one rule of impressing a guy is to have fun and be yourself
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anonbeadraws · 11 months
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I made a Room Building tutorial! Lemme know if it helps! 🧡
Tip me here| Commission info here!
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cyancees · 2 years
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i have neither a good imagination nor aphantasia, but a secret third thing
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pigswithwings · 6 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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