#let's discuss freddy boo
Now y’all know I had to brush the dust off my laptop and crank something out for @nahimjustfeelingit-writes’s Kinktober challenge. This is continuation of Boo’s Dollhouse written by my good sis @hearteyes-for-killmonger as well as a belated birthday present for my wifey @blktinkerbell.
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Boo’s Dollhouse
Chapter 2: Honey
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Premise: After wrapping up production of his latest docuseries Trevante sneaks off to Texas to see his favorite girl at his favorite brothel, only this time, his “Honey” isn’t so sweet.
Boo busies herself around the brothel, making sure that everything is in order for the next guests’ arrival. He’d confirmed his appointment a week prior, and even dropped a hefty deposit to make sure that his favorite girl wouldn’t be occupying anyone else’s time but his. Boo happily obliged, swiftly sending over the NDA, and other important documents for finalization.
“He’s here!” she yells up the grand staircase to alert the lady of the hour.
Signature pumpkin head back in place she steps onto the porch as Shawnee opens the back door of the blacked out Durango. The 6’0 Adonis slides out with ease, sauntering up to the house like he owned the place. Boo thanks the heavens that her face is covered, masking the way she was currently eye fucking him as he walks up. Keeping up with the Halloween theme, he opted to come as Freddy Krueger, and Boo would’ve given anything in that moment to have his claws digging into her asscheeks while he pounds her from behind. The thought alone has her fanning herself.
“Tre,” she calls as casually as she can manage. “Or is it Mr. Krueger this evening?”
“We’ll go with Mr. Krueger to stay on theme.” He flashes his signature kilowatt smile and Boo’s knees grow weak. He was wearing the golden grills from the Moonlight movie and his thick New Orleans accent went straight to her core.
“My girl here?”
Boo smirks, nodding her agreement as she leads him inside to the bar. All the girls knew who he’d come to see. Golden sun kissed skin, the most adorable pout, and a face that would make even the most God-fearing man sin. J’Adore Milan Francois aka Honey. A new edition to the Dollhouse, Honey had Trevante weak in the knees the moment he laid eyes on her and it was nothing for him to drop several hundred thousand to keep her on his dick whenever he was in town, much to Boo’s enjoyment.
She frowns when she notices that Honey still hadn’t made it downstairs. It was unlike her to keep Tre waiting, especially since the two had already discussed his arrival.
“Honey!” she yells up the grand staircase, sensing Tre’s growing irritation. He wasn’t a patient man by any means, though he’d try for his Honey.
Boo had made it halfway up the stairs when Honey seemingly appeared, dressed in a skimpy Tinkerbell costume and matching Masquerade mask that covered her beautiful face. Tre didn’t like it, but he was willing to play along with whatever games she had up her sleeve.
“It’s not polite to keep your regulars waiting, Honey.” Boo’s tone was chilling. The golden beauty had been acting strange all week and she was almost to her wits end.
“Is everything alright, Princess? I can come back another time.” Tre’s tone was sincere and it tugged at Honey’s heartstring.
“No, I'm fine,” she says finally. “Let’s get this party started, shall we?”
“Blonde hair looks good on you,” he purrs, regarding her with heated eyes. The way her asscheeks spilled from under the dress had his erection fighting with the material of his slacks and he was ready to pounce. She’d gained weight since the last time he’d visited the Dollhouse and he liked it.
Instead of a verbal response, she pushes him back on the bed, admiring the way his chocolate skin contrasted the deep crimson sheets. Straddling his lap, she lets her asscheeks rest on the tent in his pants as she slid a perfectly manicured stiletto nail up his ripped abs. The action made him hiss. He palms her backside, giving a firm squeeze before sliding her back and forth on his length. He could feel her wetness through her thong and knew she was almost ready for him.
“So we not speaking today?” That Louisiana twang was strong and it had Honey dripping wet, but still she remained silent. Though he tried not to read too much into her silence, he’d experienced her enough to know that something was off. Honey was always very vocal, praising him each time he hit that delicious spot in her core. Her hips rocking in one particular direction make him shake the thought and finally start their session. He didn’t need her to talk too much to make himself cum.
Hot. The room’s temperature seemed to be set to hell as Tre rocks into Honey from behind. She breathlessly pants into the sheets as her slick glistens on his condom-covered dick. She isn’t as tight as before, but he chunks it up to the line of work she does. She is an escort after all.
He pauses. He definitely heard his name being called, but it didn’t sound like it came from the woman currently writhing under him. He suspiciously starts back stroking, glancing around the room for any indication that what he’d heard was real. Or that he may have had one too many bourbon and cokes at the bar waiting for Honey.
His eyes widened when bright red letters began appearing on the mirror across from the bed.
That’s not me…
Trevante froze. During one of their many after sex conversations, Honey told him that she had family ties in Haiti as well as Louisiana and practiced Hoodoo and Voodoo faithfully.
“Is everything alright?”
He looks down to see “Honey” looking over her shoulder at him and he suddenly feels sick to his stomach.
“Y-Yeah, I’m cool,” he lies. “I think I had one too many drinks. Let me regroup real quick.”
He doesn’t give her a chance for rebuttal before he scrambles to the guest bathroom up the hall. His hands are sweaty and his body won’t stop trembling. What the hell had he gotten himself into?
This time he knew for sure that it was Honey calling out to him, but where the fuck was she? He didn’t have to wonder long as her gorgeous face appeared in the mirror before him.
“Don’t scream,” is all she says as she takes in the look on his face. “I’m still alive, I’m just trapped in the mirrors.”
“What the hell is going on?” he asks, his voice just above a whisper.
“It’s Larry. His spirit is angry at Boo for what she did and he’s using his kids to get revenge. They want t—”
Her admission is cut short when the entire bathroom goes black.
“Honey? Honey!”
“Honey,” Larry taunts him menacingly. “Ain’t shit sweet in here, pretty boy.”
When the lights come back on, Tre is surrounded by two male figures and “Honey”.
“It’s too bad that we have to kill you, Mr. Rhodes. I actually liked Moonlight,” the woman says before kicking his feet from under him.
Honey watches from the mirror in horror as the trio grotesquely dismember Trevante’s body, discarding the remains in one of the abandoned bedrooms. Heartbroken, she disappears into the shadow realm, thinking of how she would warn Boo and the others before they met the same fate.
Taglist: @soufcakmistress @ghostfacekill-monger @uhlxis @kissmyafropuff @theogbadbitch @youreadthatright @princessstevens @thehomierobbstark @nobodybaby93 @theegoldenchild @dashhoney25 @blowmymbackout @chaneajoyyy @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @forbeautyandlife @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @wakanda-inspired @yaachtynoboat711 @nickidub718 @heyauntieeee @raysunshine78 @xaviera108 @alexundefined @thadelightfulone @bugngiz @im5ftbutmythroat66 @blackpinup22 @amirra88 @thickemadame
**I tagged people from an old tag list. Let me know if you’d like to be removed! 💛**
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
So I felt I needed to do a post about how I write Chilton.  Yes, I write him as half Latino.  And if you don’t?  That’s okay.  I have never had anyone claim it’s “wrong” until today.  And this upsets me because I don’t exactly go out of my way to upset people.  This is hard for me even to put into words, but this character has helped me through a LOT and so being told my personal thoughts on the character is wrong hurts.  I’m not gonna lie.  This is one of the few things that gets me through my anxiety attacks-and I’m not sure its worth saying this as its already making me cry.  And its a big reason why some of my fanfic I don’t even publish anymore.  
If your reasoning for not making Chilton Latinx is “he doesn’t seem it,” how is that not also detrimental?  Raúl himself has said how frustrated he is that people don’t see him as Cuban, because he doesn’t fit the stereotype.  So someone can’t be a mix?   If you disagree fine, but to say because they don’t seem it seems to me to be part of the problem as a lot of minorities feel as if they don’t fit the mold.    And the beautiful thing at least about my country the US is that families are blended.  It is possible to have a Southern Latinx person.      My little brother is adopted and Filipino.  His last name is our family name, which isn’t.  Does that make him less Asian?  We seem to at least in this country have such limited views of race and ethnicity, one should never assume someone’s background.  And there is nothing wrong with wanting to learn about another culture or background.  It is what fights racism/bigotry.  If you don’t understand something you learn about it.  
Also to tell someone their personal head canon is wrong-why?  You can say you disagree, but I don’t get it.  I find some depictions of Chilton to go against my head canons, as long as they are tagged appropriately I see no problem.  Fanfic writing is in the end supposed to be fun.  And for me at least, adding in the Spanish for me has been the way I’ve picked up the most Spanish.  I think it’s totally possible considering the character’s background is gone into not at all in the show.  
I can understand being upset about stereotypes, but to just blanket get mad at people for not following one’s personal head canon is upsetting.  
And, finally, if you want to make a difference in the world.  Get out and protest.  Vote.  Volunteer for a candidate that supports your values.  I have already spent more time than I should have on this, and I may even delete this post.  But perhaps we can be a little less quick to be so judgmental of others.  
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ineffably-human · 2 years
So uh, speaking of leaks... (part 2)
On a Discord server, @kyrilu pointed out two more Vimeo links of people reading for Shadows scenes in s4. I’m posting them with permission. Unlike the other leak provided, these are still up and able to be viewed by whoever. (Please don’t bother the people who auditioned, or anyone in the Shadows cast/crew, or do anything that could lead to these getting a takedown like the other leak apparently did.)
Since I've seen people questioning how real any of these are, I don't know about the first leak (the Freddie one) since we don't have actual video and only a clip of audio, except that @kyrilu seems like a very nice person who is familiar with looking up industry stuff and who also found these other vids. (Which are easily found btw, literally just search wwdits on Vimeo.)
But these other videos they also pointed out seem completely legit. These are real people clearly reading from audition sides, they give their names and heights etc etc, they're from around 3 months ago which is when they'd be casting/shooting for smaller parts. There's a video on Vimeo that's from a year ago with someone reading for Contessa Carmilla, and those lines are similar to or identical to the lines we actually got in A Farewell. I agree the dialogue to the Freddie one feels kind of 'off', but these two scenes also feel perfectly in character and in line with the show's humor.
I transcribed the first link here and gave my thoughts. Now I'll be transcribing/doing meta about the second one which is...y'all. This isn't a plot spoiler but what's going on in these scenes, I am even more excited for this Nandermo-wise than I am about the first leak that sent everyone spiraling earlier. I love this. I love everything about this SO MUCH.
As before, I’m going to reference 'Reader’ for person reading the other lines and 'Actor’ for the person screen testing since it’s not always clear who the reader is reading for when there are more than two people in the scene. I’ll speculate/give a name of what character it seems to be when I can.
Transcript of the second link:
ACTOR (Richie Suck): (playing with a video game controller, BIG yawn, pause) I'm okay.
READER (Tom): I said you're too tired, Master. We talked about this! She's not paying enough for you to give so much of yourself to people who don't love you.
READER (I mean I can't confirm this but it's Nandor, right? it NEEDS to be Nandor): Richie, who is this jackass?
ACTOR: It's my familiar Tom.
READER (please let this be Nandor): And you let him speak to you in this way?
READER (Tom): I take care of my master. He's been traumatized by the music business.
READER (Nandor?): Begone, familiar. I am not speaking to you. This is a vampire-only discussion. Right, Richie?
ACTOR: (angrily) Tom protects me from myself! You need to be more respectful!
READER (Nandor?): (gasps) I should respect Familiar Tom?
(Richie nods empatically)
READER (Tom): Doctor Tom.
(Richie mouths for emphasis, 'Doctor Tom')
(Richie is standing holding a microphone, his eyes are closed pensively and he nods a few times)
READER (could be Nandor? or Tom here really): Remember what I said, be yourself.
(Richie gives them a thumbs up, slaps his chest twice, steps forward and waves his arm in a horizontal chopping motion before raising the mic)
ACTOR: Thank you all for coming out. I've been away for a while, and well, it's been a journey. So before I start the show, I'd like to bring out a man that's been important to this whole part: my familiar! Dr. Tom Schmidt!
READER (Dr. Tom): Thanks, Richie. First of all-
ACTOR: Hold up! Now, me and Dr. Tom decided I should be more (waves a hand) authentic, so we collaborated on a bunch of new songs with (indicating someone) Jasmine Three here.
(READER as audience boos)
ACTOR: But guess what? We ain't doing none of those songs.
(Audience cheers)
READER (Dr. Tom): Listen, Master...
ACTOR: Hey, hey, I'm done listening to you. Somebody come eat this bitch.
(Audience cheers)
ACTOR: Now, who wants to hear me do my thing? (audience cheers) Who wants to hear my tell my truth? (cheers) Who wants to hear some shit from Richie Suck that they ain't never heard before? (cheers) Who wants to hear me do some observational comedy?
(Audience boos)
ACTOR: Like, have you ever been flying around as a bat, and get hit by a drone, and think (looks scandalized) damn, the robots are after us? (audience boos) Like you know what's cool about being a vampire? Huh? ...You don't have to do any dishes! (dead silence) ...No, but seriously, grandmas say some stupid shit. (audience boos)
READER (some fan maybe?): Richie Suck, courageously working without a net, that's what makes his life experience so fuckin' irreplaceable.
READER (some fan maybe?): I came all the way from Pennsylvania, I want the hits.
READER (Nandor maybe?): Yes, maybe just sing some hits, Richie.
ACTOR: Nah! That was the old Richie! You told me to tell my truth! My truth is observational comedy. Y'all never notice how grandmas say (old lady voice) 'do you have a girlfriend?' and I be like 'bitch, if I had a girlfriend I wouldn't be visiting you, would I?' Huh? (mic drop)
...y'all. Y'ALL.
I love him. I love that his name is Richie Suck. I love that Dr. Tom is basically Dr. Dre. I love that Dr. Tom was trying to help him be more authentic while not torpedoing his career, and he throws the poor guy over in the most stone-cold way to do the worst standup on earth.
I feel like it's definitely Nandor in that first scene, and who encourages Richie to 'tell his truth'. I figure we're going to get at least one subplot, if not full-on episode, of Nandor traveling alone and figuring shit out; it's too good a concept and too big of a character development thing to not explore it at least a little. And this is everything I want from it, right down to seeing different examples of vampire-familiar relationships than we have in the past.
I love the idea of Nandor freshly hurting from being 'stood up', reverting to his old imperious bullshit about vampire-only conversations, and being told to cut that shit out because Richie's familiar takes care of him ("and you can take care of me") and protects him from himself ("I just want to protect you from yourselves").
"She's not paying enough for you to give so much of yourself to people who don't love you."
And I'm 100% speculating here, but the sheer potential of Nandor going 'well clearly he's just holding you back, speak your truth, tell your story, eat prey love!' and finding that no - Richie's impulses are fucking terrible and Tom absolutely did care about him, and protect him, and these people don't really love him for who he is, and Tom did, and fuck, Nandor misses Guillermo so much.
Like I don't know if the Freddie leak is real or not, honestly, but if we're getting this and then we're getting Guillermo trying to find relationships outside the household? Even if we're not getting the other leak, the way an entire subplot of Nandor's travel alone is to realize just how much Guillermo does and how much Guillermo means to him?
Guillermo is Nandor's love story. Guillermo is the love Nandor has already found. We're gonna get our asses fed and I am so freaking excited.
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We’ll see if I get in before your discussion window closes...I was pretty happy chilling with the thought that Briana was a mother and Louis was maybe or maybe not a father. Until Briana posted Freddie’s ultrasound picture. Which was performed at a fertility clinic. That only employs REI (reproductive endocrinology and infertility) specialists. Who only deal with conception and then graduate patients to either general OB’s sometime between weeks 8-10 or Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) if it’s a high risk pregnancy.
The Clarks said Briana followed there because of health conditions on Instagram. She would have followed with MFM, not REI, if that were true.**
Which made me realize, holy shit, Freddie actually wasn’t an oopsie baby. His conception required medical assistance. There are still dozens of possibilities about Freddie’s parentage and conception, but all of them are wild.
(For full disclosure, Freddie’s US was done at 13 weeks. So still unusual to still be following with REI at that point. Unless privacy and minimizing people in the know were of the utmost importance. I still feel it would be highly unlikely for a mother who didn’t have REI involved to have gotten her scans done there. Not impossible though.)
** this speculation is probably borderline too invasive to publish. Let me know if you’d rather me message you off anon!
***a whole other point is of course, if you act as someone’s mom enough (even if biologically you aren’t), you are their mom. Same thing could be said of Fathers. Mom(s) and dad(s) are the people that the child thinks of as mom(s) and dad(s). Which may or may not be the biologic parents, or even the primary caregiver(s).
Oh anon - I am publishing this because I want to talk a little bit about how we think about what's possible and what isn't.
So here's my starting point - when I read this sort of stuff I was like: "What the fuck are people talking about. How would people know anything from where Briana got her ultrasound?" I've never known someone get get scans like ultrasounds at your midwife practice most of the time (who have primary responsibility for care during pregnancy here). Scanning is contracted out (boo hiss) to these private companies and so a doctor or midwife will refer you to get an ultrasound in the same place where you get ultrasounds for any other reason. Or at least that's how it works in Wellington, it might work differently in a different part of the country. Ultrasound technician is also it's own specialty - ultrasounds aren't done by doctors here.
Now I know that US healthcare operates very differently and is very wasteful, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was normal practice there for every practice that deals with pregnancy to have it's own ultrasound machine (and technician? Or do doctors do the ultrasounds in the US? I have many questions). But my knowledge of how you'd get an ultrasound during pregnancy in the US is zero. And actually very few people would have a broad understanding of how people access ultrasounds during pregnancy in a particular place. People know how they accessed ultrasounds, but if there were differences people wouldn't necessarily know. While writing this, I genuinely had to check in with someone who had been pregnant that I'd got the process right.
You've clearly looked into some aspects, but a huge part of understanding something is acknowledging what you don't know. You know how who the clinic has listed on their website now, that's a really limited piece of information.
To go from 'Briana posted an ultrasound that was taken at a fertility cllinic' to 'therefore Freddie's pregnancy required assistance' is missing so many steps. Particularly around how pregnant people get ultrasounds within whatever healthcare system she was in. The most mundane explanation is that there was more than one healthcare practice in that location (there is now, obviously I don't know if there was in 2015) and they either regularly share ultrasound technology, or they did on this occasion because something went wrong as things sometimes do. But I'm sure there are other explanations I'm not even thinking of, because I'm used to a very different health system.
Even more importantly, the solution you are putting forward doesn't even make sense on your terms. You say that REIs are only responsible for a pregnancy up until 8-10 weeks and then people are referred to another healthcare professional (I'll assume this is right - it's definitely not something I know about the US healthcare system). So someone having assistance with their pregnancy does not explain why they'd be having their 13 week scan at a fertility clinic.
I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to acknowledge the limits of our knowledge and be OK with not knowing stuff. Neither of us know why Brianna's ultrasound had the name of that clinic. Why would we know? Why not just accept that we're going to not know much about a complete strangers' medical history.
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fanfictionaries · 4 years
Oh So Many Years: Ch. 4 - I’m Alive
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fred Weasley
The tournament has been announced! Hermione expresses some conflicted feelings, and Fred and George make a harrowing discovery.
Warnings: Swearing, Death, Smut/18+ NSFW
Author’s Note: I will now be updating this story every week before midnight on Sundays (US MST)! Please feel free to like, comment, and reblog! xoxo
<< Chapter 3
If I should break My silent streak Will knives come out To cut my cheek?
  Hermione couldn’t help the swell of pride in her chest at Fred’s acknowledgement of being bested. Truly, it wasn’t a thing to be proud of. There was no joy in winning a game amongst idiots. What was the muggle phrase again? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Either way, the last thing she ever expected to fill her with smug glee was Frederick Weasley’s approval. No. She shook her head. It wasn’t his approval that made her feel this way. It was the glorious relief of getting the prat to shut up once again, that’s what it was. But if that were true, then why was her mind drifting back to last night’s conversation and the gentle banter the two shared? She felt it then too. The glowing sense of satisfaction that he not only approved of her mental prowess when it came to the art of repartee, but that he also found amusement in it.
Unable to ponder on the thought for long, she turned her attention to Dumbledore as he announced for the year’s sorting to begin. Hermione watched as the group of frightened first years filed into the Great Hall; their eyes wide with wonder. She remembered her first moment seeing the magnificence of Hogwarts. No amount of reading had prepared her for all that the school had to offer. The sorting went by quickly, Hermione clapping and cheering politely when one of the new students joined their table. Some students, especially the Gryffindor students, got quite into the sorting, seeing it as some competition. Hermione was all for house pride, but she really didn’t see it necessary to boo when a child was placed in Slytherin or laugh when placed in Hufflepuff. Glaring over at Ron, Harry, and the Weasley twins, Hermione wished they would conduct themselves with a bit more civility. Honestly, the school could do with more house unity in her opinion. Still, they acquired quite a fair number of new Gryffindors, including the Collin Creevey’s little brother who was already gawking at Harry like he was some kind of god.
Hermione snorted. She imagined they wouldn’t feel that way if they ever had to help him with his Astronomy homework.
Once the sorting ceremony was over, Dumbledore stood up again, his midnight blue robes sparkling with silver stars. Hermione always secretly wondered where he got his robes. They were the most ornate and intricate pieces she’d ever observed in the wizarding world. Surely, they didn’t sell them anywhere in Diagon Alley. At least, she never saw anything quite like them in Madame Malkin’s shop. Perhaps Twilfitt and Tatting’s. She watched as their headmaster adjusted his half-moon spectacles and cleared his throat.
“Good evening and welcome back to another fantastic year at Hogwarts. I would like to begin with a few announcements. First, as many of you know, the forest on the grounds is strictly prohibited to all students. Second, the wizarding village of Hogsmeade is also off limits to students below their third year or for those without permi—” Dumbledore was cut off by a loud crack of thunder and the groan of the large Great Hall doors opening. All heads turned towards the entrance, confused by the sudden interruption. What they found was a short and stalky man standing haggardly as the heavy wooden door closed behind him. A sense of unease washed across Hermione as she watched him enter the hall slowly. His long, patched robes hung heavy on him, dripping water onto the floor as he limped towards the head table. He leaned heavily on a thick, wooden staff and grunted with every step. Wet, tangled grey hair hung in his face – a face marred with thick and grotesque scars. But it wasn’t the grueling number of scars that unsettled her. It was his eyes. One eye was small, dark, and beady, while the other was a striking blue that never seemed to stop moving. It swiveled around in all directions, never focusing on one spot for long as he kept his pace towards the headmaster. As he approached, Dumbledore smiled unfazed. They shook hands briefly across the table in a familiar manner before the mysterious wizard limped to take a seat at the spot usually reserved for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
“What good timing my old friend, I was just about to introduce you!” Dumbledore exclaimed delightfully. “This year, the Defense Against the Dark Arts position will be filled by a very dear friend of mine, Alastor Moody. Alastor?” Dumbledore motioned to the scraggly man. Moody stood and gave a curt nod to the mass of students. A spatter of confused, yet polite applause greeted him. Hermione stared at the man speculatively. She had read about Alastor Moody. Some called him Mad-Eye Moody, which observing him now, she could see why the nickname was appointed. A famous auror and dark wizard catcher, he was renowned for his part in catching most of the known Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. However, over the past few years he had become known for his increasing paranoia. If the rumors were true, Hermione wondered if he was truly qualified to be teaching young children.
“Right! Lastly, I have the unfortunate duty of informing you that our annual Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not be taking place this year,” announced Dumbledore. His announcement was met with numerous cries of outrage from the tables of students. Some of which were most loudly emanating from Oliver Wood down the table. Hermione frowned sadly in his direction before looking to Harry and Ron who seemed equally as devastated but more entirely confused. While Hermione was disappointed for them, she couldn’t help but feel a small jolt of glee. At least she wouldn’t have to spend hours in the cold watching Harry try to kill himself on a broom.
“This is due to a very special opportunity—” Dumbledore went on “—Over the coming months, our school has the honor hosting an event that hasn’t taken place in over a century. It is my pleasure to announce that Hogwarts will be home to the Triwizard Tournament!”
“You’re joking!” Fred Weasley exclaimed, his voice ringing loud through the hall. Hermione turned to glare at him for his incredibly rude outburst, but ultimately rolled her eyes when the entirety of the hall began to laugh, including Dumbledore himself.
“No, Mr. Weasley, I am not joking,” the headmaster stated before continuing to inform them all on the history of the Triwizard Tournament. Hermione of course, knew all about the tournament. There was a whole section in Hogwarts, a History dedicated to the event. While the competition was a great opportunity for selected students to show off their magical abilities, it was also quite dangerous. In fact, the whole reason the tournament hadn’t taken place in centuries was because of the overt amount of deaths it resulted in. She warried a glance at Harry across the table. This was exactly the kind of thing he would find himself mixed up in.
“I’m going for it!” she heard Fred whisper down the table. Rolling her eyes, she doubted he had half the knowledge and strength it took to win something as monumental as the Triwizard Tournament. As Dumbledore went on, the hall became restless. Student voices, excitedly discussing the tournament and all it had to offer, soon rose in volume that Hermione deemed quite inappropriate.
“Now, now, I know all of you are understandably eager to participate and win the Triwizard Cup for Hogwarts—” lamented Dumbledore “—however, as one of the compromises made in order to bring the tournament back, myself, the heads of the participating schools, and the Ministry of Magic have all agreed to place an age restriction on this year’s event. Only students seventeen and older will be allowed to enter their names for the Triwizard Tournament. This, is something that we feel is necessary as the tasks will be incredibly difficult and will require the education and experience of older witches and wizards, to complete.”
Hermione gave a great sigh of relief at this revelation. Thank Merlin. That fact alone meant everyone she knew at Hogwarts personally was safe. Even Fred and George weren’t seventeen yet. However, looking around at the disappointed and even angry faces at her table, showed that only she was happy about the rule change. She didn’t let their disappointment ruin her mood though. Instead she listened contentedly, until next thing she knew, her was done and dinner was served.
Dinner went by uneventfully, conversation filled laments of summer trips, general gossip, and theorizing about the upcoming tournament. Hermione was thoroughly stuffed by the time the tables were magically cleared and their group departed back to Gryffindor Common room. Hermione trailed behind Harry and Ron as they walked with the twins through the halls, thinking about her classes the next day when George’s voice broke her concentration.
“You know, Freddie, I reckon we could find a way to get past whatever Dumbledore will use to enforce the age restriction,” George said enthusiastically.
“How do you suppose they’ll pick to decide who gets in or not?” Harry asked. Hermione thought that was quite a good question. In her reading, it was never explicitly stated how the competitors were chosen. It simply stated that they were.
“No idea, but it’ll be them that we have to fool—” stated Fred, his chest puffing in confidence “—I think a few drops of aging potion should do the trick.”
“But Dumbledore knows you aren’t old enough,” Ron piped up as they made their way back to the Gryffindor common room.
“Yes, but whoever is deciding doesn’t. It seems to me that they’ll just choose whoever is best from each school. Dumbledore is just trying to stop us from getting our names in is all,” George replied to his younger brother.
“And you two aren’t the least bit concerned that people have died in this competition before?” Hermione inquired, feeling irritation bubbling up below her calm façade.
“Not a bit,” the pair responded with cheeky grins.
Fred and George’s response irked Hermione quite terribly. Were they really that immune to the idea of potential imminent death? Fred definitely wasn’t – no matter what he said. She knew that for certain just from her memories of the Quidditch World Cup. He had been just as afraid as her, she saw it on his face. That fact alone gave her comfort when she continued to endure the agonizing nightmares revolving around that night. Rubbing at her eyes, she cursed at just how bloody tired she was. When she nodded off in the Weasley kitchen that night sitting across from Fred, it had been the first peaceful sleep she’d had in weeks. Unfortunately, the peace did not last long, for as soon as her head hit the pillow in Ginny’s room the nightmares were back again. However, the comforting thought that she had not been the only person scared and panicked that night reassured her that she was not overreacting. Even though everyone had all but forgotten the events of the Quidditch World Cup. Hermione wanted to forget as well.
“Well if Fred and George figure out a way to enter their names, I want in,” said Ron as they sat in the common room. Upon entering the tower, Fred and George made swift exits to their room, most likely to start on their idiotic aging potion idea. It wasn’t going to work, Hermione knew that, but she doubted anything she said to them would get through their thick skulls.
“You most definitely will not Ronald Weasley!” Hermione scolded the freckle-faced boy sitting across from her in front of the fire. He rolled his eyes at her, ignoring her objection.
“Oh, come on Hermione. Everyone knows the age limit is insulting. Us three have faced loads of dark magic already. Especially Harry! You don’t think he’s capable of winning a silly little competition? Tell her Harry!” Ron looked over at Harry for support, but all the bespectacled boy could manage was a conflicted expression before Hermione responded.
“I think Harry has faced enough life-threatening situations for a lifetime, thank you very much. I’d rather you two lose the opportunity of fame and fortune, than risk your necks again. To do so would just be stupid. No one can evade death forever!” Hermione rose from her seat and stormed out, leaving the two boys to gawk at her retreating form.
Hermione huffed and puffed about her room, slamming books down and pulling on her sleep clothes more aggressively than usual. The other girls in the room continued their babble, paying her no mind as they were too engulfed in whatever the latest gossip was to care about her bad mood. She crawled into bed and drew the curtains closed, blocking out all the light from her roommates Pavarti, Lavender, and Fey. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to sleep – to block out all the frustrations of the day and to most importantly not have nightmares. Truth be told, she shouldn’t be so upset at Ron. It was all trivial. In the end, the twins would never figure out how to enter their names into the tournament and thus neither would Ron nor Harry. This might end up being a perfectly normal year after all. There was no magical item with the ability to keep one alive forever taking up residence in the castle; there couldn’t possibly be a second mysterious chamber hidden under the school housing a deadly snake; and there wasn’t an escaped Azkaban prisoner seemingly attempting to murder her best friend – that she knew of. No, this year they would be the spectators. They would watch as three experienced and skilled students, they were not close to, risk their lives in the tournament. Maybe a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin would compete for Hogwarts. Whoever it was, it wouldn’t be them and they would watch from the stands, getting a thrill from the entertainment. Then they would return to the common room, talking about who they thought would win. They would study hard and pass their classes. They would end the year happy and safe, and looking forward to the next year.
Everyone would be safe, happy, and together.
    No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. It had to be there. It had to! Fred tore through his trunk again, this time physically removing the items one by one and throwing them onto the dormitory floor around him. However, much to his dismay, he reached the bottom empty handed. Standing abruptly, he rushed over to George’s trunk and began to do the same. He was halfway through its contents when his brother came in, followed closely by Lee Jordan and Kenneth Towler.
“Oi, Freddie, mind telling me why you’re scrounging through my personal things?” George asked, staring down at his brother with a curious gaze.
“It’s gone,” Fred answered gravely, continuing to tear through George’s trunk.
“What’s gone?” asked Lee, hopping over the growing pile of things on the floor and landing clumsily on his bed.
“I swear I just saw it the other day and now it’s gone Georgie!” exclaimed Fred in a panic, sitting back on his heels when he, once again, reached the baren bottom of the trunk.
Towler sighed, walking through the mess, and placing his school bag down next to his neatly made bed. Airily he pulled out a few textbooks and laid down before remarking, “I always knew one of you would lose it. Personally, I always thought it would be George.”
George cast an unamused expression in Towler’s direction before crouching down next to his obviously distressed twin. “Get ahold of yourself mate—” George shook him roughly “—just tell me what’s going on.”
“The money!” yelled Fred, breaking away from George’s hold and moving to his wardrobe. “It’s gone! I’ve looked everywhere for it and it’s gone. Last I checked it was in our money pouch and now it’s not there.”
“Wait. You don’t mean the money we won, do you?” George asked, rushing to Fred’s side, and grabbing him by the arm. He pulled him roughly, forcing Fred to cease his search and face his twin. Fred swelled with irritation. He didn’t have time for this. He needed to find the missing galleons. Fred didn’t need to respond for George to know that it was, in fact, the money they won from their bet at the world cup. George’s eyes widened in disbelief and then, he too began to tare wildly through his wardrobe, all the while chanting a desperate mumble of “No, it’s impossible.”
“Two hundred galleons do not just up and walk away Freddie!” cried George, abandoning his wrecked wardrobe, and lying flat on his belly to look under their beds.
“Where on earth did you two get two hundred galleons?!” asked Lee incredulously. He sat up in his bed, showing a larger interest at the mention of money the two had seemed to misplace.
Fred sighed, sinking to the floor, and leaning against the open door of his wardrobe. Closing his eyes tightly, he banged the back of his head against the wood as he tried to think.
“We won it,” answered George, now pulling back the covers on his bed.
Fred smirked sadistically, knowing it was a lost cause. He already checked there.
“Won it?” asked Lee again, clearly both confused and impressed.
“Yeah, we bet our dads friend all our money and a bloody fake wand that Krum would catch the snitch, but Ireland would win—” Fred rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms in frustration “—he was pretty surprised when we were right, but he paid us. We’ve had the money locked up in my trunk ever since. We were going to use it to upstart our business.”
‘Were’, was the important part of that sentence, thought Fred. Now without the money, he had no clue how they would fund their business after school. They could get jobs he supposed. He and George could work in a shop and save up until they had enough. It wasn’t the worst scenario, but merlin, it wasn’t what they imagined.
“Well I didn’t touch it,” said Lee, holing his hands up to signify his innocence.
“You couldn’t have taken it even if you wanted to,” said Fred. “I put so many wards on my trunk, you’d think I was trying to keep Dumbledore himself out.”
“It has to be here somewhere Freddie. Are you sure you didn’t take the money pouch out for something and then, I don’t know, leave it somewhere?”
Fred looked at his brother in irritation before snapping, “Actually now that you mention it, just the other day I was sitting on my bed and I thought ‘Gee, you know what would be an excellent idea? Taking two hundred galleons for a bloody walk.’ Of course, I didn’t take it out for anything! What do you take me for, Georgie?”
“I’m sorry, you’re right. That was a stupid question. I just don’t understand what could have happened to it.”
“This friend of your dads, he wouldn’t happen to be Ludo Bagman, would he?” asked Towler from his bed, nose currently buried in his transfiguration textbook.
Fred and George froze, so still they could have easily been mistaken for victims of a well-placed body bind curse. They looked at their second roommate with suspicion.
“Why?” the two questioned in unison, staring hard at the sandy-haired boy.
“My dad says he’s a real bilker. He’s always making bets and never paying up – still owes my dad two galleons and seven sickles from a game of cards almost a year ago,” said Towler, looking back at his book with a bored expression.
Fred took a moment to process his words. Kenneth Towler was many things: swotty, boring, killjoy to name a few, but he wasn’t a liar. So that meant if he said Ludo Bagman was a renowned cheat, then it was probably true. Still though, he had paid them the money. Almost immediately even. If he was constantly broke, then where did he come up with the galleons to pay them off? Unless…
George seemed to have the same thought he did because it was his turn to sink to the floor in abject horror.
“Leprechaun gold,” they said in distraught realization.
It was the only possible explanation, thought Fred. While possessing the exact same features as a wizarding galleon, leprechaun gold had one little thing about it that made it unique – it vanished after twenty-four hours. Fred cursed under his breath, standing, and beginning to place his things back into his trunk.
“Of course that slimy git would try to con us out of our well-deserved money. We should have known!” exclaimed George, throwing his hands in the air.
“Maybe it was a mistake,” Lee offered kindly.
Fred and George snorted, “That’s likely.”
“Well it never hurts to make sure,” said Lee, taking off his shoes and kicking their things out of the way as he shuffled to his wardrobe to pull out his sleep clothes.
“He’s got a point Georgie,” said Fred, pausing his cleaning to grab parchment, a quill, and his ink bottle from the ground.
Dear Mr. Bagman,
Fred and George Weasley here! We’re sure you remember us from the world cup. We were the two incredibly dashing twins that won all that money off you.
Speaking of the money, it seems there was a slight mistake and you paid us in leprechaun money instead of real money.
We’re sure it was just an innocent error on your part and therefore would hold no ill-will against you as long as you respond to this letter with the amount in full.
Fred and George Weasley
Founders of Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes
Fred penned the letter as George stood over his shoulder reading aloud and making suggestions. When they were satisfied with the tone and contents of their letter, Fred folded it neatly and placed it inside an envelope, addressing it to Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the Ministry of Magic.
“Do you suppose we have enough time to make it to the owlery before curfew?” Fred asked, kicking the rest of his things out of the way, and pulling on his shoes.
Kenneth Towler snorted rudely from his bed, “When have you two ever cared about curfew?”
“He makes a fair point Freddie. Come on, let’s go then.”
“Oi! Aren’t you two going to clean up your mess?” Lee shouted at them as they made their way to the door.
The twins yelled a shifty “Maybe” over their shoulders as they exited the dormitory and made their way down the stairs to the common room.
Fred held tightly to the letter, hoping against all hope that it was all just a big misunderstanding. Perhaps Ludo had been a bilker in the past, but recently changed his ways. Perhaps he had every intention of paying them in full. Perhaps he’d be embarrassed upon opening the letter and realizing his mistake. Perhaps George would sprout a tail overnight and he would shit out a pig.
Still, it was worth a try. Not only were they short the two hundred galleons Ludo owed them, but they were also down the 37 galleons, 15 sickles, and three knuts they originally gave him for the bet. It was all the money they had to their name. They needed that money. Fred rubbed a hand through his hair and gripped it tightly at the roots behind his left ear. He honestly didn’t know how it would all turn out, but one thing became apparently clear as they reached the owlery.
If Ludo Bagman didn’t give them the money he owed them, then it was more important than ever that they get their names into the Goblet of Fire and have their chance at the prize money.
Chapter 5 >>
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 4 years
When most people hear the name, “Veronica Lake” usually one of three things comes to mind – that incredible peek-a-boo hair, the Film Noir’s with Alan Ladd or possibly Kim Basigner playing a Miss Lake lookalike in L.A. Confidential (1997) – fun fact, she won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for that role. Although, with Veronica’s heyday being well over half a century old, that’s sadly usually as far as it goes.
However, with the Classic Hollywood Era being hugely timeless and forever coming back into fashion, the genre is becoming less of a niché subject and more Stars are on the public radar. If you’re a long time Vintage Lover like myself, you’ll be aware that unfortunately, a lot of our favourites don’t have many books written about them, or if they do, they’ve been out of print for a number of years and can be hard to find, or very expensive. Therefore, when I came across the news that Dean Street Press were publishing a reprint of Veronica’s Autobiography, which was first released in 1969, I was absolutely ecstatic! As most who know me are probably aware of my love for Blonde Bombshells, it may not be as well known that Veronica is my other favourite, after Marilyn.
There have only been two books published on Veronica, which I must add, astounds me – and one of them is this one which was co-written by ghost writer Donald Bain, who sadly passed away in October of 2017. The other is by Jeff Lenburg and I am fortunate enough to have both. However, Lenburg’s book is fairly controversial as he takes a lot of his information from Veronica’s mother, who claims a lot of detrimental things about her daughter – yet was estranged from her for many, many years. I think it’s actually being reprinted this summer and I will read it again, but would definitely advise new fans to stick to Veronica’s own words.
The republished version of Veronica’s Autobiography features a new cover with a stunning publicity photo of her in Ramrod (1947) which was directed by her then Husband, André de Toth. The book is a shiny paperback, with a non crease format, so even when you’ve finished reading, it will be in great condition and can take pride of place on your bookshelf! At 215 pages and 27 chapters, it’s not a huge length, but definitely a substantial read and full of personal anecdotes from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Broadcaster and writer, Eddie Muller adds a new Introduction and his following words really stuck with me, their relevancy still to this day does not go unnoticed,
“I’ll point out instead that while the public has granted Sterling Hayden, a legendary boozer and hash-head, a legacy as a heroic, larger-than-life iconoclast, it has branded Lake’s life after Hollywood a steady downward spiral of abasement, worthy of only pity. Blame a cultural double standard that applauds reckless rebellion in men but shames it in women.”
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As the chapters do not have titles, I’ve decided to write down a snippet of information which sums up the pivotal points and various timelines in each section.
Chapter 1:
– Starts in 1938 and traces Veronica’s move to Hollywood with her mother, step-father and cousin on the 4th of July. Veronica enrolls in the Bliss Hayden School of Acting and has her first role in a movie as an extra in RKO’s Sorority House (1939).
Chapter 2:
– Veronica’s signature peek-a-boo hairstyle is unintentionally created on the set of Forty Little Mothers (1940) by Director, Busby Berkeley who stated, “I still say let it fall. It distinguishes her from the rest”.
Chapter 3:
– Director, Freddie Wilcox sets up Veronica’s first Screen Test, whilst at home her step-father suffers a collapsed lung.
Chapter 4:
– Veronica joins the iconic William Morris Agency and recounts her knowledge of the infamous Hollywood Casting Couch and how she turned away from the many advances.
Chapter 5:
– Veronica meets her first husband, John Detlie and has her named changed by Producer, Arthur Hornblow Jr., who, after a second Screen Test, decides to cast her as Sally Vaughn in her breakout movie, I Wanted Wings (1941).
Chapter 6:
– Focuses on the location filming of I Wanted Wings (1941) from August 26th 1940 in San Antonio, Texas.
Chapter 7:
– Continues filming in Hollywood for I Wanted Wings (1941) and elopes to marry her first husband, John Detlie.
Chapter 8:
– Veronica discusses the first 8 years of her childhood and her move to Florida in her teen years and the two schools she attended in Montreal and Miami.
Chapter 9:
– Recounts various appearances in Miami Beauty Pageants as a teenager.
Chapter 10:
– Returns to 1941 with the release of I Wanted Wings (1941) and focuses on the worldwide phenomenon of the famous hair. Also finishes with Director Preston Sturges hiring Veronica for the role of The Girl in Sullivan’s Travels (1941).
Chapter 11:
Veronica shares the news of her first pregnancy with her mother and how her third trimester would coincide with the physical demands of filming Sullivan’s Travels (1941).
Chapter 12:
– Covers the filming of Sullivan’s Travels (1941) from May 12th 1941 and the revelation of Veronica’s pregnancy. It’s simply incredible when watching the film all these years later to come to the realization that she was between six to eight months pregnant!
Chapter 13: – The filming of This Gun For Hire (1942) and The Glass Key (1942).
Chapter 14:
– The filming of I Married A Witch (1942), So Proudly We Hail! (1943) and The Hour Before The Dawn (1944). Veronica also discusses the deterioration of her marriage and the tragic loss of her second baby, Anthony, who died a week after being born two months prematurely.
Chapter 15:
– Veronica divorces John and retells various anecdotes of the Hollywood Lifestyle in it’s heyday in the 1940s.
Chapter 16:
– Veronica discusses the filming of Star Spangled Rhythm (1942) and also her dating history during this period. She shares some fascinating stories of various celebrity anecdotes which include such Stars as, Errol Flynn, Katharine Hepburn, Howard Hughes and Gary Cooper.
Chapter 17:
– The filming of Bring On The Girls (1945), Duffy’s Tavern (1946) and Hold That Blonde! (1945). Veronica recalls marrying her second husband, Andre de Toth and shares a moving story from her visit to The White House in January 1945.
Chapter 18:
– The filming of Miss Susie Slagles (1946), Out Of This World (1945), Ramrod (1946), The Blue Dahlia (1946), Saigon (1947) and The Sainted Sisters (1948). Veronica and Andre expand their family as she has her third baby, a boy named Michael. She also talks about her and Andre obtaining their Pilot Licenses and how the death of her step-dad deeply affected her.
Chapter 19:
– Features a highly entertaining story of Veronica flying her plane, whilst carrying her forth child, in her fifth month of pregnancy. With her on board is her secretary Marge, who up until then had never flown before.
Chapter 20:
– Veronica gives birth to her forth baby, a girl named Diana and talks about the turmoil of her relationship with her mother, who decided to sue her for, “lack of filial love and responsibility” and over $17,000.
Chapter 21:
– The filming of Slattery’s Hurricane (1949) and Stronghold (1951). Veronica discusses her frustration with Andre’s prolific spending, which results in them filing for bankruptcy and ultimately, the deterioration of their marriage.
Chapter 22:
– Veronica moves to New York in 1951 and continues her acting career through various television appearances and the stage. She enters her third marriage to husband, Joe McCarthy, which she admits was volatile from the start and they divorce after just four years, in September 1959.
Chapter 23:
– Covers the years 1959 through to 1961. Veronica discusses her time taking a job as a cocktail waitress – which contrary to popular belief, she actually quite enjoyed. She also talks about the traumatic accident which resulted in a severely broken ankle, which caused her inability to act for two years.
Chapter 24:
– Delves into her relationship with Andy Elickson, a Merchant Seaman, who she met during her time working in the Martha Washington Hotel and focuses on the period between 1961 and 1966. She also writes about a high note in her stage career; appearing in Best Foot Forward in 1963.
Chapter 25:
– Veronica discusses her move to Miami from New York in 1966.
Chapter 26:
– The filming of Footsteps In The Snow (1966) and Flesh Feast (1970) which was then known as Time Is Terror and was originally shot in 1967.
Chapter 27:
– Ends in October 1967 with Veronica discussing her reading performance of The World of Carl Sandburg, which she describes as one of the, “finest moments” of her life.
Veronica’s words are full of honesty, she does not sugar-coat her flaws and her anecdotes convey a great sense of humbleness towards her career and lots of self criticism to her talent, the latter which saddens me. I’ve noticed many of the great Stars rarely seem to have any belief in themselves. If only they could see how loved and appreciated they truly are. However, her loyalty and generosity towards her close friends and even acquaintances does not go unnoticed. It’s refreshing to see her be able to share her own story, without various opinions and conspiracies that have grown over the years being included.
Overall, there’s only two downsides that springs to mind. Firstly, as the book was originally published in 1969 and finishes at the end of 1967, we’re missing the six final years of her fascinating life and tragically nothing can be done to change this. Of course no one is at fault, it’s just a shame that those last years will remain mostly a mystery to us. It would have been wonderful to read about her time in England. Lastly, in the original edition, a number of pages featured very rare photos of Veronica throughout her years, including her own comments. Sadly, only a small version of the cover photo reappears at the end of the newly republished book. I’m assuming this is down to cost and or copyright, but it would be nice to see these rare treasures reappear in the latest edition for fans that are not fortunate enough to also own an original copy.
Ultimately, Veronica always maintains her true self and comes across as not a Screen Icon, but just like one of us – albeit with some extraordinary Hollywood stories. She’s simply, and I mean this in the most complimentary way – a human being. It’s been almost a decade since I discovered Veronica, eight years in fact and I for one have not only became even more endeared to Miss Lake, but, I have also developed a warm space in my heart for my fellow 5’2″ little lady, Miss Connie/Ronni Keane.
Lastly, a huge thank you to Dean Street Press for believing in the popularity of Veronica and so wonderfully reprinting hers and Donald Bain’s special words for us all to enjoy.
For anyone who wants to see more of Veronica, I’ve amassed a fairly large archive of photos over the years which can be viewed on my blog devoted entirely to her; missveronicalakes.
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Veronica: The Autobiography of Veronica Lake; Book Review. When most people hear the name, "Veronica Lake" usually one of three things comes to mind - …
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ao3feed-hamilton · 5 years
by Zxrcon
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Orgy, Mouth Sewn Shut, Gay Sex, Everyone Is Gay, Lesbian Character, Lesbian Sex, Kissing, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by Zxrcon
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのは��う考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Orgy, Mouth Sewn Shut, Gay Sex, Everyone Is Gay, Lesbian Character, Lesbian Sex, Kissing, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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questions 1 to 10!
1: The meaning behind my url:
Well, I thought, “let’s trade spit, boo” wasn’t edgy enough and could be perceived as a bit gross or creepy to some, so I swapped spit for blood but kept the intent the same; Let’s kiss.
2: A picture of me:
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3: How many tattoos i have and what they are:
Just the one so far and it’s a pair of geometric cherries.
4: Last time i cried and why:
Lol today, but wasn’t like proper tears, it was like dry crying.Last proper teary cry was at Avengers Endgame
5: Piercings i have:
None, not into them on me, but they’re rad on other people especially septum ones.6: Favorite band:
Ghost, by a country mile and I only got into them last year thanks to my ex and I’m so glad so got me into them.7: Biggest turn offs:
Selfishness. Ignorance. Not being honest/mature with a relationship situation/discussion. Hypocrisy. Being high maintenance. Obnoxious/condescending/smug people.Being unhealthy, which is a loaded thing to say but I’m not saying weight is a turn off, I’m saying how healthy someone is can be a turn off. You can be a size 12 and be healthy, you can also be a size 8 and be healthy, but if you’re not looking after yourself then I will be sufficiently turned off.8: Top 5 (insert subject):
You never specified so I’m going for animals here:CatsFoxRaccoonPotooSeal9:Tattoos i want:
Way too many, I want loads of little flash tattoos, smiley faces, skulls, love hearts. I want a Dark Mark on my left forearm, an Indian floral design on my left hand, a sleeve representing my life on my right arm, a Freddy Kruger one, a bleeding heart on my chest, a full back piece depicting Lucifer being cast out of heaven and two daggers on my calves, one with the head of Joan of Arc on the pommel and Saint Dismas on the other. Joan of Arc’s will have a wrap around the dagger that says “saint” and Saint Dismas’s will have “sinner”. The Joan of Arc one will be the next big piece I get, got it priced and everything.
10: Biggest turn ons:
Glasses.Telling me what you want/voices in general.Flirtatious humour.Someone who can make a good cup of tea.Begging.“Fuck me” eyes.Shit-eating grins.Someone that can make me laugh.Politeness.Selflessness.Biting/licking my ears (drives me into a frenzy).
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
Friends your opinions - do you think Chilton being glued to the chair (sorry yes sad and upsetting) would have made those burns worse ? No difference or would that part of skin be more protected in the event it's an extreme glue, super glue or something ? For storywriting purposes thanks !
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junker-town · 4 years
‘Little Giants’ deserved a sequel. So we made one
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Warner Brothers production / Illustration by Tyson Whiting
What would a sequel to the 1994 “Little Giants” movie have looked like? SB Nation’s Sam Eggleston thinks he knows.
Let’s rewind our VHS tapes to October 1995, when Little Giants first hit the big screen. It wasn’t particularly well-reviewed, nor was it a blockbuster hit. What it was, and what it became, was a cult classic.
In today’s entertainment climate, that would have nearly guaranteed a sequel would be born from the $19.3M it made at the box office ($32.5M in today’s dollars).
But what would the sequel be?
At the end of the first film, the Little Giants win their head-to-head single game and become the lone pee-wee team in Urbania, Ohio, with players from both teams comprising the roster and former rival coaches Kevin and Danny O’Shea splitting duties at the helm of the program. The town’s water tower is changed to reflect the contributions of both O’Shea brothers.
We fade to black and the credits begin to roll.
In the sequel, dubbed Little Giants Go For 2, we open up with the Giants having just defeated another opponent from a nearby town. The team, in a show of sportsmanship, is shaking hands with the other team at the 50-yard line, the scoreboard lit up in the background to show a 20-point win.
“Why do you have to be such a Neanderthal all the time?”
Kevin and Danny are cheering with the kids in the locker room afterward, well-placed endorsement items like Gatorade and Doritos here and there.
”We’re going to the state playoffs and our first game is a week from today,” Kevin says. “There are three games ahead of us before the state championship game, and we’ve got our work cut out for us. We’re going to have to lay some wood and crack some heads if we’re going to get through Port Clinton in the first round.”
”And we’re going to have to have fun, too,” Danny pipes in. Kevin rolls his eyes. Right then, the commissioner of the pee-wee league comes into the locker room, holding the regional trophy the team just won. The kids cheer and rush the poor man, who is taken to the ground when Marcus trips and tumbles into him. The trophy flies into the air and gasps abound until Hot Hands Hanon leaps up and snags it.
”Spike thinks that was a great catch,” says the former villain as he takes the trophy. He claps Hanon on the back, sending him sprawling to the ground.
”Ugh,” Becky O’Shea says from behind Spike. “Why do you have to be such a Neanderthal all the time?”
Spike scrunches up his face, clearly trying to avoid an outburst.
”Spike … is … not … A NEANDERTHAL!” he screams out. “Besides, Spike would rather be that than a stupid girl!”
”This stupid girl has kicked your butt before and can do it again!”
Junior Floyd steps between them.
”Stop it!” he says. “We just won a game because the two of you are the best football players in Ohio. We’re better when we’re a team and not trying to fight each other.”
Becky glares at Spike for a moment and then puts her hand out for a shake.
”Fine,” she says. “I’m sorry for calling you a Neanderthal.”
Spike stares at her hand for a moment and then turns and walks away without a word.
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Warner Brothers production / Illustration by Tyson Whiting
We return to Urbania where we see Danny working at the service station. He is talking to the town’s mayor as he pumps gas. The discussion is about the upcoming game against Port Clinton, a game the mayor has heard the Little Giants will probably win hands down.
As the mayor pulls away, another car comes into the station lot, the bell ringing as it pulls up to the pumps. It’s Danny’s love interest, Patty. She is all smiles as she gets out of the car, a lunchbox in her hand.
”You forgot this,” she said as Danny approaches.
”Did I?” he teases. “Maybe I just left it so I’d get to see you a little extra today.”
The two are about to share a kiss when a full-size Hummer H1 comes roaring into the station, surprising them. The Hummer is a gaudy green and gold with a hood ornament in the shape of a wedge of cheese.
Danny steps up to the tinted driver’s window, which rolls down slowly. Inside is a man wearing Tommy Hilfiger with a pair of Oakley sunglasses.
”You O’Shea?” the man asks, chewing a wad of gum. Next to him in the passenger’s seat is basically a miniature clone of him.
”I am,” Danny responds, looking more than a bit confused. “And you are?”
”Freddy Hayes,” he says, cracking a jerk-type smile. “Coach Freddy Hayes.”
Danny looks at the boy in the passenger’s seat. He, too, is wearing Oakleys and chewing gum.
”That’s great,” Danny says, polite as always. “Any relation to Woody?”
”Yeah,” the guy says. “Well, probably. Like distant cousins on my dad’s side. Maybe.”
Danny glances back at Patty, who just shrugs. The question clearly irritates Hayes, who reaches out and pokes Danny in the chest with his index finger.
”I know you’re the coach of those stupid Little Giants,” he says, scoffing. “Well, I coach the Packers over at Port Clinton. And you know what? I’m going to make sure you and your brother get the beating you deserve.
Without giving Danny a chance to respond, Hayes slams on the gas and tears out into the street, forcing a car to swerve to avoid hitting him. Tires squeal as the big Hummer tears away.
”What the hell was that?” Danny wonders aloud.
There is commotion inside O’Shea Chevrolet.
”Freddy Hayes?!?” Kevin O’Shea yells from inside the dealership. The scene jumps inside as Danny nods his head.
”Yeah. Do you know him?”
”Know him?” Kevin repeats, pacing around his office. “You could say that. The year I won the Heisman, I pretty much punched the ticket with four touchdowns in the Alamo Bowl. On the last play of the game, we were down by four, and Coach called a wheel route off the play-action. As I turn up field, our quarterback Beau Rondeau hit me with a beaut of a pass. I secure the ball, start sprinting down the sideline and here comes the defense’s best player, Freddy Hayes.
”Well, Freight Train Freddy makes the mistake of going for my knees. As soon as I saw his shoulder drop, I jumped and hurdled right over him.” Kevin mimes the move energetically.
Danny’s eyes grow wide.
”I remember that,” he says. “He flew right off the field and slammed into those poor cheerleaders. And you scored, untouched.”
”And they replayed it on SportsCenter over and over,” Kevin says, a smile on his face. “Dan Patrick must have played that clip 10 times in a row.”
The O’Shea brothers look at each other and in perfect sync quote Patrick.
Danny sits down in the chair across from Kevin’s desk. “So what the heck does he want with you now?”
Kevin stands up, rotating the wedding ring on his finger as he looks out the window into the car lot.
”I think it’s obvious,” he says. “Don’t you?”
Danny remains silent.
”He wants revenge, Danny. He wants to embarrass us like we embarrassed him.”
”Wait — ‘we’ didn’t embarrass anyone. You did!”
Kevin chuckles as he walks up to his little brother. He pats him on the shoulder.
”There’s no ‘you’ in team, Danny. He wants all the Little Giants to suffer.”
The Little Giants are all sitting in an old garage, pizza and soda and other goodies scattered around. Junior Floyd is sitting on a beat-up couch with Becky “Icebox” O’Shea. They are holding hands. Nearby, there are a few of the old Cowboys players chatting with Rudy Zolteck and the rest of the Little Giants are scattered around.
Spike is lifting weights while little Jake Berman watches in amazement. “His arms are the size of my head!” Berman announces before wiping his nose.
”That’s because Spike never misses his weight training,” Spike says. “That’s because Spike knows the value of a good diet and a strong workout.”
Zolteck turns to look at Spike. He’s holding a bag of Reese’s Pieces.
”Do you like seafood?” He asks Spike.
”Yeah, it’s a great source of protein,” Spike says.
”Here’s some see food for you!” Zolteck says, opening his mouth to reveal the chewed up and colorful oranges and yellows mixed with peanut butter brown in his mouth.
”Ugh!” Spike says, dropping the weights to the ground with a thud. “Why do they even let you in here?”
Zolteck shrugs his shoulders and throws more candy into his mouth. At the same time, the door to the garage opens and Kevin and Danny enter.
”All right, take a seat and shut your mouths,” Kevin says as he walks up to a television and VCR. He pops a tape in and the static on the screen turns to a football game.
”Whoa,” says Junior. “Those guys are big.”
”Really, really big,” says Tad Simpson.
”Bigger than Spike,” Johnny Vennaro says.
Spike growls as he stares at the television under a furrowed brow.
The scene on the film shows play after play of a team wearing green and gold crushing their opponents. Offensive lines look like wet paper bags and defenders tear through them, sacking the quarterback and picking up tackles for losses. Interceptions abound. On offense, they cruise through their opponents like they are running past tackling dummies.
”Who are they?” Vennaro asks, his eyes wide with fear.
”That, kids, is the team from Port Clinton,” Kevin says. “The Packers.”
Three Little Giants players are walking down the driveway, away from the garage.
”Where are you going?” Danny calls out after them.
”To update my life insurance!” Zolteck answers over his shoulder.
”Yeah, I need to call my grammy,” Tad says.
”I’m just getting the heck out of here!” Berman cries out, speeding up his walk.
Danny steps out of the garage and jogs after them. He catches them before they are out of the driveway.
”C’mon, guys,” he says. “They’re just pee-wee football players. Just like you.”
”Like us?’ Zolteck says in disbelief. “They’re all bigger than anyone on our team! I think some of them had beards! And tattoos!”
“They’re all bigger than anyone on our team! I think some of them had beards! And tattoos!”
Danny corrals the boys and turns them back towards the garage. The boys look reluctant, but they fall into step and allow themselves to be escorted back inside where the other players are waiting.
Kevin is at a chalkboard with Nubie standing next to him, his playbook in hand.
”We ready?” Kevin asks, looking slightly annoyed.
Danny nods as the three absconding players find places to sit next to their teammates.
Kevin begins drawing on the chalkboard, glancing down at Nubie’s playbook.
”The best way to defeat size,” he says as the Xs and Os develop on the slate, “is with speed.”
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Warner Brothers production / Illustration by Tyson Whiting
It’s game day, and we get a view of a beautiful football field surrounded on both sides by bleachers. Fans are packed into them, each side waving signs and wearing the colors of their team.
As the Little Giants come onto the field and tear through a paper sign, one side of the stadium erupts in cheers.
”Nice turnout,” says Danny to Kevin as they come out behind their team.
”People can’t resist a good football game, Danny,” Kevin says. “Let’s give them a game to remember.”
On the other side of the field, a golf cart pulling a trailer drives up in front of the entrance of the home team. On the trailer is a brick wall with “Packers” spray painted on it in green and gold. All the Little Giants are standing there, eyes locked on the strange display across the field.
Suddenly, the wall shakes. And then again. And again. And again. And then it topples and crumbles to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust into the air. Fans on the Little Giants’ side of the field gasp as figures begin to emerge from the dust.
A trio of Packers players, including the younger Hayes, steps into view. They are holding sledgehammers. Without a word, Hayes lifts his hammer and points it straight at the Little Giants. He holds it there for a few moments before letting it drop onto the green grass turf.
”Packers! Packers! Packers! Packers!” the crowd on that side of the field begins to chant. The players come marching over the rubble of the fallen bricks, three abreast, and flow onto the field.
Fans in the Little Giants’ stands look at one another nervously and remain silent.
Danny and Kevin glance back at the stunned crowd, then to their players, and then call them to the sidelines.
”Blood and guts. If they hit us hard enough, they’ll get to see both.”
”We can’t let their size intimidate us,” Danny says. “You’ve beaten teams with bigger players than you before. And with some of these plays that Nubie has designed, you’re going to have the element of surprise.”
”Yeah, I’d be surprised if we don’t die during the kickoff,” groans Tommy Moore.
Danny frowns and then gestures onto the field.
”Get out there and show them what you’re made of,” he says.
”Blood and guts,” Zolteck says. “If they hit us hard enough, they’ll get to see both.”
The Little Giants trudge onto the field, and things instantly start to go bad. The Packers take the opening kickoff all the way back for a touchdown, and then kick an onside and recover it.
Kevin looks across the field to where Freddy Hayes is standing with his arms crossed, his attention locked on the O’Shea brothers and not at all on the game. Kevin looks away just in time to see a deep pass from the younger Hayes, who is the Packers quarterback, to a receiver who easily leaps over Hot Hands to make the catch and jaunt into the end zone after shedding a tackle. The scoreboard reads 14-0 with just 30 seconds off the clock.
The Little Giants recover the ensuing onside kick and Junior jogs onto the field with Icebox and Spike already waiting in the huddle.
”Power-I 32 Fullback Lead,” he says. “On two.”
The team lines up with Icebox at fullback and Spike at tailback. As Junior calls “Down!” all the Giants linemen go into three-point stances.
”Set!” Junior barks, beginning his cadence. “Hit!”
The entire Packers defensive line fires forward, slamming into the Little Giants. Players fly backwards, slamming into the ground. The center, one of the former Cowboys, is thrown into Junior, who stumbles backwards into Icebox and the duo then crash into Spike, knocking them all to the ground.
Yellow flags fly all over the field and the referee turns towards the pressbox and signals an offsides on the Packers.
”That’s all you’re going to call?” Kevin yells out. “How about unnecessary roughness? That was nothing but a bunch of cheap shots!”
The referee ignores the O’Shea brothers as the Little Giants once again approach the line of scrimmage.
Zolteck puts his hand down in his three-point and looks across the line at the massive defensive tackle he is tasked with blocking.
”Can we just agree that football is a game about sportsmanship and caring for your fellow player?” he asks.
”Can we just agree that football is a game about sportsmanship and caring for your fellow player?”
”I’m going to knock you into next week, and then I’m going to sack your quarterback,” the Packers defender growls. “And then I’m going to steal all your candy.”
As the ball is snapped, Zolteck is run over. Junior turns to hand the ball to Spike, but Becky’s lead block is blown up and she is knocked aside. Spike and Junior are tackled at the same time by the Packer.
”Spike wants to know where you learned to block!” Spike screams at Becky as they all get off the ground.
”The same place you learned to use pronouns!” Icebox barks back.
The chaos continues and we get towards the end of the second quarter and the Giants are forced to punt and then go on defense. There, on the first play, Spike misses a tackle and inadvertently trips Becky in the process. The two get facemask-to-facemask and growl at each other as the horn sounds to end the first half.
As the Little Giants tramp into the locker room, the scoreboard behind them reads 24-3.
As Danny comes in, the scene is one of battered and bruised players. Zolteck is laying under a table, a bag of ice on his face. Spike is taping up bloody knuckles. Junior is helping Marcus fix a pair of broken shoulderpads.
”Things are looking tough out there,” Danny says. “Our backs are against the wall. But we’ve got two quarters left, and that’s a lot of football.”
”That’s a lot of football,” Berman repeats, but in a groan of despair.
Kevin is making his way towards the locker room when Coach Hayes steps out in front of him.
”There’s Mr. Heisman,” Hayes says, pointing. “Oh, man, this is so exciting! Can I get your autograph.”
”Hello, Freddy,” Kevin says, tensing up. “What do you want?”
Hayes takes off his Oakley sunglasses and walks right up to Kevin.
”What do I want?” Hayes says, chewing his gum harder and harder with each passing second. “Well, for starters, I want you to admit that you’re not worthy of the Heisman Trophy.”
”For starters …,” Kevin repeats, slowly.
”That’s right,” Hayes snarls. “Because when you’re done with that, I want you to dress in a clown costume and go out to midfield and do a funny dance.”
Kevin looks confused. He opens his mouth to say something, then changes his mind and closes it again. He can’t help himself but to open his mouth again, a question clearly at the tip of his tongue. He sighs and closes his mouth again.
”You know, because you’re a clown,” Hayes says, a sneer forming across his lips.
”Oddly enough, I did get what you were trying to say,” Kevin says. “Listen, I’ve got a team to coach, so I’m going to go do that.”
Hayes throws his head back and laughs.
”A team?” he says. “You don’t have a team. I heard all about it. Your stupid little brother beat you and you lost your team. If it weren’t for that loser, you wouldn’t even be coaching right now.”
Kevin nods his head, clearly agitated. He looks down the hall and through a crack in the door he can see his brother passionately trying to rally the troops.
”You know what? You’re right,” Kevin says. He steps up right into Hayes. “I wouldn’t be a coach if it weren’t for my loser little brother. I wouldn’t even have a job right now if it weren’t for him.
”And I’ll tell you something else. Not only did my little brother beat me, he’s going to beat you, too. Get ready for one big WHIFFFFFF, Hayes.
”And you know what? You should probably stop with the excessive gum chewing. You’re not Mike Ditka.”
“You don’t have a team. I heard all about it. Your stupid little brother beat you and you lost your team. If it weren’t for that loser, you wouldn’t even be coaching right now.”
Kevin pushes past Hayes, who is practically stammering. Without looking back, Kevin steps into the locker room and looks at Becky and Spike, who’ve been snapping at each other all day. Danny quiets down, sensing his brother has something to say to the team.
”Becky, you’re my niece and I love you,” Kevin says. “And Spike, you’re probably the best football player I’ve ever seen at your age. You two are amazing at this sport. You’re the leaders of this team. But right now, you’re tearing it apart because you just can’t get past one little moment in one football game.
”Football is a game. It’s not something that should control your life. It’s supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be played with friends. My brother taught me that. Unless the two of you can get past that one play and that one game, you’re never going to be able to lead this team to victory.”
Icebox looks angry at first. She glances over and sees Spike, his knuckles bloody from trying so hard. She looks down at her leg and the scrape across her shin. She takes a deep breath and then stands up, offering her hand to Spike.
”You wanna win a football game?” she asks.
Spike looks at her for several long and silent moments. He smiles and grabs her hand.
”Let’s do this.”
A smug Coach Hayes stands across the field from the O’Shea brothers as his team lines up for the kickoff to open the second half. With a 24-3 lead, he’s confident his team is on their way to a rout.
Kevin is glaring back at first, and then hears Danny clapping and cheering in support of the Little Giants as they trot onto the field for the return. Kevin looks at his brother, out at the kids, and then starts clapping too.
”Let’s play some football, Giants!” he yells out.
Hot Hands lines up to receive the kick with Spike and Icebox ahead of him. The Packers boot the ball deep, nearly into the end zone, and Hot Hands makes the catch at the 2-yard line and sprints forward. A group of Packers break through the initial line of blocks and are sprinting toward the kick returner when suddenly Becky and Spike converge in front of him, shoulder to shoulder, and lead block right into the Packers. Bodies tumble away as the duo opens up a lane and Hot Hands leans into his sprint, pulling away from any would-be tacklers and into the open field for a long score to cut into the lead, 24-10.
The entire stadium erupts in cheers and jeers. The Little Giants rally around their teammate, celebrating the 98-yard touchdown.
”We need to get that ball back,” says Junior to Marcus. “Can you onside it?”
”I can barely kick it straight,” Marcus says.
The Little Giants look worried, but then Nubie steps into the group. “Actually,” he says, “kicking straight is exactly what we need.”
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Warner Brothers production / Illustration by Tyson Whiting
We cut to the two teams lining up for the kickoff, with Coach Hayes livid on the sidelines. He’s yelling at his Packers players, accusing them of being soft.
”You better start playing like men, or you’re going to run tomorrow at practice from sunup until sundown!”
The Packers players look upset and begin to glare at the Little Giants across from them.
”Get your hands up and be ready to dive on that football!” Hayes screams out again. His own son is at the front of the pack of players, his hands ready and his eye fixed securely on the ball as Marcus begins his approach for the kick.
The ball fires off the tee like a bullet, straight at the young Hayes. His first instinct, to come forward expecting an onside dribbling across the open field, is the wrong one as the line drive hits him in the shoulder and bounces back towards the rushing Little Giants. Players from both teams dive for it and end up in a dogpile. The refs start pulling players off here and there until we get to the bottom — and Spike has it.
As the Little Giants go to the huddle, Coach Hayes is screaming at his son on the field. The Packers are looking at him as he throws a clipboard.
”Is that how I taught you to play football?” he screams. “Is that how you’re going to represent me on this field?”
Kevin and Danny are frowning on the opposite sideline.
”C’mon, man, it’s just a game!” Danny yells across at the other coach.
”Shut up, loser!” Hayes screams back. There are murmurs from the crowd.
”You better start playing like men, or you’re going to run tomorrow at practice from sunup until sundown!”
The Little Giants break the huddle and come up to the line of scrimmage in a shotgun formation with Spike and Becky as split backs. Junior stomps his foot on the ground and Johnny goes into motion and heads toward the trio in the backfield.
The snap hits Junior in the hands and he spins around as Spike and Becky converge on him just as Johnny reaches them. The four players then burst apart, heading in different directions, all holding their arms as though they have the ball.
A Packers player hits Junior and brings him to the ground and another grabs Johnny around the hips and tackles him. Neither have the ball.
As Icebox scoots around the end, ball wrapped in her arms, a Packers linebacker meets her, gets hit and misses the tackle. She cuts in front of a defensive back, spins off another tackle and then is brought down 20 yards later.
Hayes reaches down and takes Becky’s hand, pulling her to her feet.
”Nice run,” the Packer says.
”Thanks. Plan on a few more coming,” she says and then jogs back to the huddle.
On the next play, the Little Giants move the ball within five yards of the goal before coming out in a Power-I formation.
”SHIFT!” Junior calls out and suddenly everyone seems to be in motion. Linemen break away and start jogging toward the sideline to their left, joined by Spike and Johnny. Hot Hands splits out to the right. The only players left in their original positions are the center, the quarterback, and the fullback. The Packers look utterly confused.
”Swinging gate! Swinging gate!” Coach Hayes begins screaming from the end of the coaches’ box. “Shift with them!”
Packers players begin scrambling and nearly all of them bolt towards the largest concentration of players near the sideline.
In the confusion, the Little Giants get set and Junior calls out.
On the snap, Hot Hands races into the end zone, drawing his corner with him. The center drives forward, pushing a defensive lineman backward while Becky sprints ahead of Junior and plows into the linebacker. Junior jukes another linebacker and walks in for the score.
”Are you kidding me?” the Packers coach is screaming. “Are. You. Kidding. Me?!?!”
With the extra point sailing through the uprights, the Little Giants now trail the Packers, 24-17.
”But I want you to know that however this game ends, I’m proud of you Little Giants. And I hope you’ve been having fun.”
The game rages on through the remainder of the third quarter and into the fourth when the Packers are facing fourth-and-3 with just over two minutes remaining.
On the snap, Hayes turns and hands the ball to a running back, who sprints towards the right side tackle. Suddenly Icebox breaks through the line, filling the hole and coming in for the tackle. The Packers runner plants his foot in the ground and reverses field, but as he does, he’s met by Spike blitzing from the opposite side and is crushed with a huge hit.
As the referee signals a first down for the Little Giants, Becky helps Spike off the ground.
”Nice hit,” she says.
”Thanks for pushing him back towards Spike,” he responds.
From the sidelines, Kevin calls a timeout and gathers up the players.
”We’ve got to get down the field and score, and we have less than two minutes to do it,” he says. “That’s a lot to ask against a team like this.
”But I want you to know that however this game ends, I’m proud of you Little Giants. And I hope you’ve been having fun. I know Danny and I have.”
The team is then greeted by Nubie as he steps into the huddle. He looks around at the players and then opens up his playbook.
”It’s time,” he says, “for the Siege of Stirling Castle.”
The Little Giants are lined up on the field in a spread formation. Junior is in the shotgun with Johnny by his side. To his left out wide stands Hot Hands, while Icebox and Spike are out to his right.
”Down!” Junior calls out, and the offensive line drops their hands to the ground in unison. “Set!”
Junior stomps his foot and Johnny goes into motion to his right, towards the sidelines.
Junior takes the snap and steps back, then looks to his left as Hot Hands slants towards the middle of the field. Suddenly Hayes bursts through the line on a blitz and Junior scrambles to escape. He is looking downfield for an open receiver when he sees Becky break toward the sidelines on an out route, and he fires the ball just as he’s hit by Hayes.
The throw looks to be off target and heads out of bounds, but Becky leaps for it anyway. She snags the ball in the air and before she lands, she flings it back onto the field to Spike, who had delayed his route so he would be at full speed behind her when she caught the ball.
The Packers players, stunned, are completely unprepared as he sprints past them, breaking away from the defense and into the end zone for the score.
Cheers erupt throughout both sides of the stands and the Little Giants are all celebrating. Both Junior and Becky run up to Spike.
”That was amazing!” Junior screams. “I can’t believe that worked!”
”Just like Nubie drew it up!” Becky says.
The trio turn and look at the scoreboard, which reads 24-23.
”Should we kick it and tie it, or go for two?” Danny asks, looking at his brother. Kevin is looking across the field at Coach Hayes, who is screaming at his players. Packers heads are hanging, and the verbal berating isn’t helping matters.
Kevin takes a deep breath and then looks at his brother.
”I think we go for the win,” he says. “It’s risky, but it’s football.��
The Little Giants line up in the Power-I as the Packers stack the line. Junior looks over the top of the center at Hayes, who is creeping up, his eyes locked on the quarterback.
”Icebox, right?” Hayes asks.
Junior just looks at him and smiles.
”Down. Set.”
The atmosphere is tense. Fans on both sides are standing. There is a silence hanging over everything.
The center snaps the ball back, through Junior’s legs and directly to Spike, who charges forward. Junior and Becky run a fake dive to the right, drawing Hayes and another linebacker with them. By the time they realize it’s Spike with the ball, it’s too late as he leaps up and into the fray, stretching the ball out over the line for the score.
”AND IT’S GOOOOOOD! Giants win! Giants win!” The announcer’s voice echoes in the stadium but is immediately overtaken by the roar from the crowd. The Little Giants are celebrating when the younger Hayes walks up to them.
”That was one heck of a football game,” he says, shaking the hands of Junior, Icebox, and Spike. “I can’t wait for the rematch next season.”
”We’ll be there,” Becky says. “You can count on it.”
”AND IT’S GOOOOOOD! Giants win! Giants win!”
At midfield, Kevin and Freddy Hayes meet. Kevin holds out his hand.
”Nice game, Freddy,” he says.
Hayes looks at the outstretched hand and then back at Kevin.
”It’s time to forget the past,” Kevin says, looking down the field at Hayes’ son, “and start to think about the future.
”You’ve got a special boy there, and he’s a solid football player. Give him the love of the game, just like you and I had when we played. There are far more great moments than bad ones.”
Hayes watches his son shake hands with the Little Giants. He takes a deep breath, reaches up and pulls off his Oakleys, and then looks Kevin right in the eyes.
”You got lucky when you hurdled me,” he says.
Kevin smiles.
”I did.”
Hayes looks down the field again as the Packers begin to gather together in the end zone. The Little Giants are gathering with Danny on the opposite end of the field.
”Great game, Coach,” Hayes says, taking Kevin’s hand and shaking it. “See you next year.”
As Kevin approaches his team, some of the players rush over and grab him, dragging him next to Danny as the rest of the team surrounds them both. Smiles all around.
”This one was for you two,” Becky says, hugging her dad and then her uncle. “Thank you for being our coaches.”
As she steps back, Junior lifts his helmet in the air, followed by the rest of the players.
”Little Giants on three!” he yells.
Kevin and Danny look at one another and then shake hands as the players scream out the count down.
”One! Two! Three!
We fade to black, and the credits begin to roll.
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
Marry, kiss, cuddle and push away: if I sent you 4 Raúl characters I'd probably know the answers anyway. So I'll make this a little more difficult. Chilton in seasons 1, 2, 3, and after season 3.
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
The love languages ask got me thinking. What do you think Chilton's are?(I think receiving gifts and physical touch are high up the list.)
Agreed! Especially buying them too, as most authors usually portray him as showering his SO with gifts. I think especially touch would mean a lot to him as well. I think actions would mean a lot from his partner too and hearing words of praise from them. But since he’s a bit awkward spending something he has a lot of to try and make his so smile would be very Chilty and of course he would be happy to get gifts. I think receiving the words and touches would be more important for him to get.
Any other thoughts from ppl?
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
If I were going to make a mood board for Chilty for Raúl Esparza week. What would be in it?
Hmmm…well a cane, one of his suits, something to show his inner anxiety, something referencing psychiatry, tie pin, maybe medical degree. I always picture him with an OC but if you are just sticking with the character I guess. I think it was a lily in his home, @drunkonsmut has discussed this she knows what flower they show in his home in the yakimono episode. He also has a piano I think so maybe something musical, although some say it was for show. I think he craves light as he remains in darkness at work, based on his very open and bright home. Also his character wears those rings sometimes. I would think he would have expensive fancy pens. Hope this helps!
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
Chilton Character Thoughts-part 1
Okay so a few people @yourtropegirl @vanessa-found-a-boy and anyone interested in my Chilty thoughts.  This is first of all, going to include stuff those who watched the series will probably know already, since I have been asked by those who haven’t.  
Frederick Chilton is in the books, and I think in some of the movies but the character on the NBC show is very different.  To be fair too, I have not seen any of the Hannibal movies, and have only glanced at the books, but it seems the Chilton there is pretty much a jerk and you don’t really feel for him.  When Bryan Fuller, the creator of the tv show, asked Raúl to be a part of the show, our man was a bit hesitant.  He had worked on Pushing Daisies but he didn’t want to be just the jerk character, he wanted more.  Because as an actor, you want to find things in your characters, you want multi layered people to play.  Those are the most fun.  So Bryan said no, you won’t, you will be sexy.  (And I mean its Raúl when is he not??)
And so he accepted, and I think added a lot of things on his own.  The whole fixation with pens is an homage to the Chilton of the movies, but of course it wasn’t half as appealing when that guy did it.  (Sorry not sorry).  And Raúl also mentioned he specifically asked for bikini briefs, for the sleazy uncomfortable feel.  To me, this sounds not like a big deal, but its a genius choice as an actor.  He saw Chilton even then as insecure, and I think the character really puts on airs.  He’s a psychiatrist, and when the show opens it seems he is a higher up doctor at the Hospital for the Criminally Insane (which I don’t think they have those anymore).  Then, he is the administrator for the hospital.  
And another thing, we don’t really get much of a backstory on Fred at all.  To me I like to call him for example, an awkward duckling.  I think his career is his whole life, and he really craves true relationships.  His loneliness is something that really speaks to me personally, I have actually told Raúl this, and I think that’s what he was aiming for.  No one seems to truly care for Fred, except possibly Freddie Lounds, who sticks up for him and at one point saves his life.  (Although at least in the show, she also puts him in danger again later).  I do think Fred squared as a ship is adorable, but I also like to ignore a lot of what happened in the last season.  
I’m not sure if you guys want a run down of the story, but of course there’s Hannibal “the Cannibal.”  In this story no one knows what he is right away, and at one point Will Graham is thought to be the killer, and then Hannibal frames Chilton as his “patsy.”  And at that point, Chilton is very much on Will’s side, and I do think sees Will as a friend.  Although he did testify against Will, before that.  But I do think he believed Hannibal’s lie that Will was the big baddie.
For whatever reason, Fuller likes to torture Frederick.  Its to the point of being sadistic and at times, disturbing.  I understand its a dark show, but a lot of fans really relate to Chilton.  I do, I love this character so much because there are times I have felt alone, and he feels like a kindred spirit to me.  So yes, he’s just a fictional character, but one that I relate to, and its somewhat hurtful to watch.  And basically be told by the show writers you feel lonely?  Okay you deserve it.  
I like Fuller at times but he also makes me very mad, especially when he claimed Chilton deserved what he got in season 3.  How??  I don’t know if you want me to go into it, I never re blog gifs from that scene because it greatly upsets me.  And it certainly upset Raúl too, as he told a fan here he cried when he learned of his character’s fate.  Yea, he was happy to do the work of course but the fact he got so upset just…makes me kinda upset.  
I will tell you in season one, Chilton is attacked by Abel Gideon, a patient, and eventually he has his kidney removed by said patient.  He used “psychic driving” to get Abel to say he was the Ripper (which is hannibal) which okay, wasn’t the best idea.  Abel buys into it, and kills a nurse in the hospital.  I don’t think this was meant to happen by Fred.  I think he believed that Abel was the ripper, as he had consulted with the FBI on the case.  And he got a bit ahead of himself, so thought he would try some risqué techniques to get the guy to admit who he ‘truly was.’  And of course our Fred, in my opinion, is aching for love and respect, so he latches on and gets excited thinking he will get more respect for this.  
One backstory thing we do get, is that Fred went to medical school (regular) and was to be a surgeon, but dropped out.  My theory is perhaps his father was a surgeon, and Fred really found the sight of blood upsetting, and never wanted to do it.  But he so wanted to have his cold father love him and be proud of him, that he tries it anyway.  So there would have been a falling out when he left school.  This is my thought (and others I think believe similarly) but we are told nothing about his family.  Which is in some ways good, as a writer I can make my own interpretation, and as an actor so could Raúl.  
I also like to think he has a brother who is the ‘golden child’ who perhaps Fred is jealous of, and has always tried to live up to.  The father’s favorite.  And I think a big reason Fred can seem above it all on the show is he is trying to keep himself from being hurt.  I would guess he had one love, and that love broke his heart.  I think many of the stories I have read have used this as well.  And personally I see him as straight, although some stories have him bi as well.  I think though he definitely likes women, but again, my theory.  We really don’t see much one way or another, unless you could how happy he is to have Hannibal as a friend before he learns the truth.  As someone who struggles to make friends, I think that was more look!  This guy who is super popular and respected wants to be MY friend!  
Next season Fred gets shot in the face, and lives.  He is set up by Hannibal, and while he’s in custody, survivor of the ripper Miriam Lass shoots him.  She has been manipulated by Hannibal, and has a flashback.  It’s hard to totally hate her, and it bums me out that we never heard anything more of her. 
We also never hear about Fred being exonerated, only that people figure out its Hannibal.  Or much about his recovery.  He doesn’t really use a cane that season.  He really needed it only after the Abel attack, but then he used it as a flourish, or a literal crutch.  To me though, I would assume overusing it could cause the need to use it again.  Wouldn’t it hamper one’s spine?  I could be wrong I am no medical person.  
I will probably add to this later, but to sum up, I think Fred is very lonely.  He’s strong in that he has survived, and although I like to forget about the end of season three, it is worth noting he could have possibly escaped had he given up another character, Reba, and he doesn’t.  He doesn’t risk her life.  
I hope he has someone at least, and I think once he did find love he would be extremely devoted to his partner.  Because he has feelings of not being enough, of being ugly I’m sure after the second attack, (he isn’t but I think he’s very touchy about this).  I think he is someone who would be extremely in tune with his partners needs, and that he would always listen and want to do all he could to make them happy.  I also personally think he would be the best dad, because he would so want his child to have everything.  And he would attend every recital, every game, etc.  And same with his love, he would be there for her at a moment’s notice.  And honestly I think he would be thrilled to be a stay at home dad.  I think his career has taken the place of love in his life (on the show) and once he gets it, he wouldn’t give a shit about work.  
Whew-that got long!!!!  @seekret-fanfic @vintagemichelle91 @ohbelieveyoume @drchiltonsdick @drunkonsmut @chiltonme @larkistin feel free anyone to supply opinions @somebodyhelpthenotdeadfreds @marywisdom @morganbritton132 more Fred lovers if you’re interested 
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mrschiltoncat · 7 years
Since I really have no desire to watch Hannibal. Will you give me a character analyses of Chilty? Might help fall further in the hole.
Sure! I’ll do this later tonight or tomorrow and tag you. I can talk about chilton at length lol
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