#let's get rid of marvel and give them back to their respective owners
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lizacstuff · 3 years
SCK/EDSER anon asks ep 41
Apologies for getting to these so late in the week, but lots of good asks for this episode. 
Find them under the cut:
Anonymous asked: Your thoughts on the epi? The kisses were a huge surprise! I'm glad she didn't slap him. And I'm kind of liking the two assistants' story. Its subtle but nice. And Aydan is so weird around Kemal! Is it just me or does her voice change frequency when she's talking to him. I like that they explained why Eda named her daughter Kiraz. I wasn't a huge fan of the name initially but it's growing on me.
So once again I thought it was a really good episode of television, the time moved quickly, it was well constructed and the acting was terrific. 
The only thing that marred my enjoyment of it was grappling with Eda’s lies.  Sometimes that just got too much for me. I think at one point I actually yelled “LIAR” out loud at the screen. I understand why Ayse and the writers wanted to delay Serkan finding out, it gave us two really great things, one Serkan deciding to pursue Eda again without knowing of their forever tie, and Serkan bonding with his daughter while thinking she has no connection to him.
Dramatically, both of those things are great and entertaining and I’m happy they went that direction. However, that once again requires me to set aside reality and find a way to stomach the fact that Eda not only didn’t tell him about his child, but now is forcing her child to actively lie to the person she wants most to meet. 
That was really hard to take on first viewing. She’s also dragging poor besotted Burak into the lie, allowing Melo to continue the lie to her former eniste, expecting Piril to lie to her husband and to her business partner/“friend”, not to mention all the direct lying she’s doing, both to the man she once loved more than anything and to her beloved daughter.  They’ve done a good job of making us understand the pain Eda went through and why she might want to protect her daughter, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING justifies what she did.  And let’s be real, she going to say she did it to protect Kiraz, but if Serkan had rejected being a father, everything else could have been the same. Kiraz didn’t need to know. Eda could have left, raised her on her own, and told the fairy tale of an astronaut.  She decided not to tell Serkan in order to protect herself, it was entirely selfish. And it’s really hard to watch Eda hold Kiraz in her arms when Kiraz tells her of dreaming of her father and Eda still come out of that determined to keep Serkan in the dark.  I know she’ll come around. But I really don’t want it be brushed under the rug and for the narrative to consider what she did as totally okay.  Perhaps that could come in the form of Kiraz making her pay a bit when she understands she’s been lied to and Eda has hidden her father from her. We’ll see. 
Alright, enough of that, I saw several tweets on twitter complaining about Edser alone screen time, that it was too little, but during the episode I didn’t feel it. Probably because I consider funny scenes like them using their assistants as go-betweens to flirt and fight as an “edser” scene.  Of course I always want more, but I think we’ll get much more in the coming episodes.
As for Kiraz’s name, I’m super glad it has meaning related to Serkan. That’s very heartwarming. Though still a bit at odds with the fact that she hid her from him. She’s going to deprive him of knowing he has a child, but give her a name connected to Serkan? These are the things you handwave when a show swings big for dramatic purposes, I guess.
On the positive side for Eda, I do appreciate that except for that one gargantuan thing, she is being very open with him in their conversations. It’s new for them for one to be honest about how much they were hurt by the other. Eda would always pretend that she wasn’t impacted when they parted, I’m glad she’s past that. 
I’m also happy that Serkan isn’t wasting time pretending he’s not still in love with her or that he doesn’t want her.  It took him, what, like a day, to decide he wanted her back? LOL. And even though he was being high-handed in manipulating hotel-owner lady to force Eda to work with him, it was all very in character for the old Serkan so I enjoyed watching it.  Even if he had zero rights to do it! 
Loved watching her guard come down when they were working together, they were always a very good team, and I’m sure neither of them has had quite that same dynamic since they parted, so it was fun to see them syncing right back into old rhythms. Oh and watching her thaw completely when he complimented her work. Serkan as her mentor was one of my favorite things about their relationship so it was nice to see that aspect back and that she still respects him professionally as much as she ever did.  Then the flowers! Gah! I love that the show is picking up these old threads and using them to illustrate how Eda was still a priority for Serkan during the 5 years of estrangement.  
So far we’ve only seen flashbacks from Eda’s perspective, it will be very interesting to start seeing them from Serkan’s perspective so we know why he did what he did. I think there’s no doubt that he pushed her away out of some sort of misguided attempt to get her to pursue a better life without him. 
Wasn’t it refreshing for there to be a misunderstanding about the phone call, for us to get to see jealous Serkan, but for Eda to actually clear it up for him? Don’t get me wrong, Serkan had no right to get angry and it was frankly none of his business, but it was also a honest emotional reaction from him, and I’m glad to see Eda recognize that and put his mind at ease. Also it was worth it for us to see their argument in the car and them both deciding to walk back. I wish we would have gotten like a 4 minute scene of them just walking and bickering on their way back, though.
Their conversation once they were back was great, so open (except for that pesky secret) so emotional. Serkan really putting in some emotional work for one of the first times ever. 
And I love how it continued the next day. Eda searching for the pick that means so much to her, Serkan coming right out and telling her that her wants her and still loves her.  And he just upped and kissed her. And she kissed him back! if nothing else, I’m just so happy that the cliffhanger was “happy.”  I’ll take a kiss cliffhanger over the horrifyingly heartbreaking ones we got used to there for awhile!
As for the other characters: Fuck off, Ayfer. Shut up, Aydan. Bad judgement, Melo. You’re a traitor, Piril. Hugs to you, Engin. Kemal, you’re a saint. Seyfi, grow a pair. Baby assistants, you’re cute. Burak, wake up. Deniz, you’re embarrassing.
Seriously, Ayfer is insufferable, I can’t stand when she’s on screen. At least Aydan is funny and has her own storyline, even if it’s stupid. Why, oh why, is she lying to Serkan about Kemal? Good grief!  
Who does Melo think she is taking a letter out of Serkan’s car? I get the comedy of that letter moving around the supporting players and causing misunderstandings, but it was none of her business and I think out of character for her to meddle to that degree. 
However, I’m glad that it looks like from the fragman that while both Aydan and Engin figure it out, they want proof before they do anything about the info. That makes sense, and will allow time for Serkan to figure it out on his own without being any more betrayed by those closest to him. 
The baby assistants, are adorable, and now I’m rooting for them, but Kerem needs to tone down his middle class outrage.  As for Burak... oh honey. With or without Serkan, does this dude really think he has a shot with Eda? It’s like a 4 deciding he is entitled to date a 10. Just no, dude, she’s so far out of your league you’re not playing the same sport.  And once he sees Serkan... seriously? That handsome hunk of man is her ex and you still think you might be her type? I say again, oh honey.  Melo seemed to be crushing on him, but I hope that’s not the direction they’re going unless they flesh it out. Melo deserves to be someone’s first choice. 
Anonymous asked: Hi! Love reading your sck-related answers! Been wondering about this: how do you think Serkan will react once he finds out about who Kiraz really is? I’m hoping, of course, that he will turn into the soft serky bolly we knew but am also a bit afraid that his dislike of children would not go away instantly and he will act a bit cold towards Kiraz at first..coupled with the anger towards Eda for lying
Thanks for the kind words! Honestly, I don’t foresee him acting cold towards Kiraz, I don’t think that is the story they’re telling. Especially since they’re going to have spent 3 full episodes having Serkan/Kiraz grow close without even knowing. Him reverting to robot bolat once he knows, doesn’t make sense to me. Plus, as you alluded to, once Serkan allows himself to open his heart, he becomes the biggest softy in the world and I expect that exact same dynamic with Kiraz as soon as he processes the information.  I can so see him spoiling her rotten trying to make up for lost time. He might not know what to do or always how to act with her, but I think he’s going to try really hard. 
His anger at Eda may linger, and that will probably be a wedge between Edser, a wedge I expect Kiraz will work hard to remove by forcing her parents to spend time together. 
What I hope to see is a Kiraz who doesn’t want to let her father out of her sight, including out of her house, and a Serkan who wants to get to know his daughter and a Serkan and Eda who are both so riddled with guilt that they will pretty much do whatever she asks of them, including living together and spending tons of time together. We’ll see, but that could be marvelous to watch. 
Anonymous asked: I loved that they brought the guitar pick back. Same feeling regarding the ring turned necklace. Those are symbolic and since they got rid of most of them (globe, mug, flower case), I'm happy we have something. I also love the Kiraz/Serkan relationship. He may be a bit annoyed by her but the things he does for her! My heart!!! I can't wait for the moment he realizes she's his!
YES! So happy to have some of these symbols back! Love that she carries that pick around with her, and so did Serkan, lol. That was the thing that gave him hope that she hadn’t forgotten him. 
I love that Serkan and Kiraz are so drawn to each other before knowing, it’s like something deep down it telling them the truth, even though they have no conscious realization of their real relationship. Kiraz is surrounded by people who cater to her every whim, (and let her get away with murder) so I think Serkan was a surprise to her. Like her mama, Kiraz is intrigued by someone who challenges her.  And Serkan challenges her. 
The clues are piling up, and you’d think Serkan would be able to have put them together by now. I mean we have the kid slipping up and poking holes in the ‘Melo and Burak are my parents’ lie, you have her aptitude for building, her strawberry allergy, not needing sleep and getting up early, being frustrated when folks don’t finish their sentences. Come on, Serkan! Though, I think he’s so distracted by having Eda back in his life, that he can’t focus on anything else. 
The arrow scene was adorable, and I just love how she goaded him into playing with her.  They are obviously very alike and I will never get enough of him being unable to say no to her. There are, apparently, exactly two people Serkan is unable to say no to in everyday situations, and they are mother and daughter. 
I wish we had seen a little more from Eda’s point of view when she found Serkan and Kiraz sitting there together having ice cream for breakfast. Because a more un-Serkan like thing is hard to imagine. I want to know what she thought and felt at that.  Why wasn’t she curious how they’d gotten to that position and both were compelled to want to be there? I suppose the writers didn't give that to us, because if they had, and had portrayed the character of Eda honestly, then that probably would have been enough for Eda to decide she should tell Serkan.
Anonymous asked: People are playing the team Serkan/team Eda game but in my opinion both are right and wrong in their own way. We still need more flashbacks to explain how things went down but I think everyone should be team Edser. At the end of the day it's about them learning from their mistakes and moving forward to build a family and life for their daughter and themselves.
Yes, I really don’t want to vilify either one. Even if Serkan pushed her away to protect her and give her a better life, once again he was being controlling and making decisions for her, just like he did back in episode 14.  And Eda’s mistake is obvious... and too much pride has always been one of her fatal flaws, so having too much pride to tell him and wanting to avoid that rejection in some ways makes sense for her. 
I can’t wait to watch how they find their way back to one another, they’re already having better, more open conversations than they ever did. 
Anonymous asked: ANOTHER scene of them talking maturely, laying out their feelings, who are they and what have they done to edser?!? sure we still get their usual bickering beforehand when they both walk back to the hotel (LOL). but him voicing his feelings at that night scene about how he KNOWS how much he hurt her, and that he broke them apart, but he "just can't leave" and how he repeats that over and over again... ugh just chef kiss!
Oh, that conversation at night on the boardwalk, that was something. They were both so raw, and Serkan is actually showing a lot of growth by owning his mistakes, admitting he hurt her, apologizing and being honestly about wanting to start something.  That is BRAND NEW, it was what we needed after amnesia and never got. It’s very satisfying to watch them having these heart-to-hearts and it looks like there are more in our future. 
Anonymous asked: as much as the flashbacks actually HURT my heart to watch, i've really appreciated them bc without them i don't think just telling what happened in the past would be enough for this plot and we need to have it actually shown. we've had eda's pov so far on the events that happened, but im really looking forward to serkan's thought process behind his actions in the past, even though i do already understand where he was coming from, i think it's needed for eda to understand.
The flashbacks are really good, but oh so painful. 
As for getting them from Serkan’s perspective, yes please! There’s a lot that both we and Eda don’t know.  We know that Serkan couldn’t leave his house for months after Eda left, but Eda doesn’t know that.  Eda really thinks he fell out of love with her and once again choose work over her, but I’m sure that’s not what happened. Hopefully, in 3 and 4, we’ll see what spurred Serkan on to act so coldly to her. Sure, part of it probably was depression and changes in him brought by the cancer, but I’m sure it was more than that. We shall see. 
Anonymous asked: Do you get the impression that Piril has known the entire time that Eda was pregnant and had a baby? I thought she only found out when she went to Sile for the hotel project but a lot of people seem to think she was in on it all along? did I miss a key line somewhere? Like I can see why she hasn't told Engin if it was recent but keeping it from him for 5 years? Idk about that. And it makes Piril a little more bearable if she hasn't stood next to Serkan all these years with this secret
My guess is she’s only known since this project. There is absolutely no reason for Eda to have confided in her prior to that, unless Piril somehow stumbled onto them during the years.  But I think that scene in the second fragman, where Eda is telling her that it’s better for Kiraz to have no father, than a father that doesn’t want her, is a flashback to when Piril and Eda first meet for the project and that’s Eda convincing her to keep the secret. That’s my best guess at least. 
It’s bad enough if Piril has known for weeks and has actively worked against Serkan figuring it out, but it’s a whole other thing if she’s lied to her husband for years.  Either way, I sure hope this causes problems between Piril and Engin, it should. 
Anonymous asked: One thing I love about Serkan now is that the man has learned to apologize. That was one thing that was very difficult for him but in the past two episodes he's apologized a few times. Yes in the first season he was sorry over his actions but never said the words "I'm sorry". What a great improvement. And I love that he's communicating. His "I want you" and his other efforts are great to watch.
I LOVE THIS! I think the first time he ever said the words “I’m sorry” was in 15 and that was after she forced his hand by driving like a maniac and really losing it so when they’re on that cliff he finally breaks down and says it.  But that was one of the only times.  Even in 28 when they have the big miscommunication about getting married, he only says something like “me too” after Eda apologizes.  
It would be interesting to know how he came to this point, but I assume he’s had a LOT of time to think over the last 5 years and to think about what he would say if they ever met again.  That has to be it, because he’s been able to articulate a lot of very sincere, heartfelt things in the course of these conversations
Growth! We love to see it. 
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Part 54
Sci looked overjoyed as he embraced Alt. He held his boyfriend for a few moments, and Alt returned the hug. 
“Are you ok?” Sci asked and Alt nodded as stars formed in his eyes. 
“Yeah. Let’s save your world.” Alt said as he looked over at the creators. “He’ll need a lab, if we’re moving here, we might need to move the equipment over here too, and if I remember correctly, time moves differently so he has more time?” Alt said and the trio nodded. 
“You know your stuff.” Zack observed and Alt sheepishly nodded. 
“The creator of my world explained it to me, before I spilled my ink and got cursed.” Alt said and Sci rubbed his back lovingly. 
“What do you mean?” Classic asked and Alt sighed. 
“I was made to rebuild the multiverse, and I was given a waterfall of ink to use to make AUs, but I spilled a large amount of ink and was punished with my control ability, that’s the reason I have it and the multiverse is such a mess.” Alt explained and everyone gave him somber looks. 
“Alt...” Dream said, and the voices gave small chuckles. 
“Wow. Those guys are assholes, I mean, you spilled ink and now they cursed you? Or did you just say it was a curse? I mean, we’d never do that.” Maxie said and Beatrice nodded. 
“I mean we would, but that seems extra cruel.” She said and Zack nodded as they looked at him. 
“Yeah, we can move his stuff and help him out. If you can get rid of his power, which is stronger than this Ink’s, you should be good.” Zack said and everyone glared at the trio of voices. 
“Please. There were angstier AUs that Ink forgot about when he was rebuilding the multiverse, and I must say, they were delicious.” Beatrice said, likcing her lips. 
“What is wrong with you guys?” Nightmare asked, clearly disturbed. 
“Hypocrite. And we make stories, we create or rather created the first incarnations of your worlds. We have every right to enjoy the angst, and be thankful we want a happy ending for you guys.” Maxie said.
“We do care for you, but you are not on our level.” Beatrice said as she made a call. 
“You people, are and or were Ink’s friends. This makes so much sense.” Dream gasped, covering his mouth. 
“Yeah, though the bad stuff happened when we lost contact with him. The war is new, so we all used to be in the viewing seat. I admit we are bad people, but we have our virtues.” Maxie said and Beatrice got off the phone. 
“Sci, you have a lab. Just get your stuff and hurry up.” Beatrice said and Sci grumbled as he looked at Maxie as she brought his machine and equipment up. 
“The base is nearby, so you shouldn’t have to drag it far.” Maxie said and Sci gave her a sarcastic smile. 
“Thank you.” He grumbled, grabbing his stuff as the Dark Sanses rushed to help him. 
“So why do we need Alt? Or not need him?” Killer asked. 
“I need something that can eliminate the code in Ink, and since none of us can manipulate code, we need to make something to get Ink’s code to remove it itself, and since I can make something that strengthens it, I can reverse engineer it to weaken and hopefully destroy it. I already have most of the calculations set up, I just need to test them.” Sci said and everyone sighed. 
“Which will take?” Dust asked and Sci laughed. 
“A few months. Maybe a year. It took me that long to get the enchantment, but since I’m not shooting in the dark and have a starting point, it shouldn’t take that long.” Sci said.
In the Doodlesphere, Ink was having fun. He had brainwashed Reaper!Sans to be a toddler mentally and he had fun watching Death itself marvel at the things Ink made. 
“Weeeeeee!” He cheered as he flew down a slide, going as fast as he could down the rainbow plastic. 
Ink had given him small and fluffy clothes in pastel colors, with ribbons to match. Death flopped on the ground with a plop and giggled as he looked up at Ink. Babbling nonsense as he reached out to the soulless creature. 
Ink merelt snapped his fingers and Life came and picked him up. She had dull and dead eyes as she cradled him and hummed. Ink watched her twirl around the room and whisper sweet nothings to the god, as if he were her own child. But he grew bored when Death fell asleep and snapped his fingers once more. The toys and creations vanished as they two were at attention and Death was in his normal drab and tattered cloak. 
“Go join the others.” Ink said and the two flew off without a word or even blinking.
“Who should I play with next?” Ink wondered out loud, curious as to what he could do with the entire multiverse at his hands no more need to be subtle or risk anyone catching on, anyone important that is. 
“Maybe an angst scene with Swapfell? Or I could substitute another Sans or Blue and do a scene of Stretch? That would be good, and Blue would have to see it! I could even make it look like Stretch isn’t being controlled!” Ink announced to thin air as he bounced up and down in excitement. 
Possibilities swirled in Ink’s head as he tried to grab a notebook to write things down in, a sound caught his attention. 
“Hello. I-Ink.” A stammering voice said, shaking as Ink recognized the voice. 
“Howdy Error!” Ink said, smiling as wide as he could. 
“Your reign of terror ends here.” He said, clearly trembling. 
“Wow. You really are a Sans. I never heard you make a joke that funny before.” Ink howled as he fell over and had tears streaming from his eyes. 
“We’re not joking.” Error said and Ink was intrigued. 
“We? Oh! You mean your little Dark Sanses, they’re annoying, but nothing compared to the true god of this multiverse, my multiverse.” 
“Surrender peacefully and give up your mind control power. And things will not, go badly.” Error said, hesitating at the end. 
“Oh on. I want to see your worst!” Ink announced teleporting Error and the portal to a large platform. 
“Made just in time for this little playdate. Show me what you’ve got!” he said and he was hit in the back of his head with a glass vial. 
“Time speeds up in my own lab, so I moved four times as fast as you! Since this world moves twice as fast as a regular world I was moving eight times the speed a regular AU would yet no time passed for them-” Sci mumbled as Ink and Error both yelled. 
“Shut up!” They looked at each other and growled, Error’s coming off more as a squeak.
Characters belong to their respective owners
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imaginesoverreality · 7 years
Let Me Prove It To You - Let Me Show You Part 3
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Author’s Notes: I’ve been having a pretty shitty week, so I created a world where pretty men like Roman make life better by praising you and giving you lots of orgasms. Also, thank you so much for all the support and kind words about parts 1 and 2, I really appreciate it! There may be a part 4? I got more ideas.
Word Count: 2,888 (sorry it’s so much shorter than last time, I didn’t have a lot of free time this week).
Warnings: Smut. I mean have we seen Roman Godfrey/ Bill Skarsgard?? He deserves all the smut he can get! Also grammar mistakes, cause I’m human.
Part One: Let Me Show You
Part Two: Put on a Show for Me
It was a backhanded comment, something most people would overlook and laugh off, but Roman couldn’t let it slide. He hated anytime you put yourself down. He could feel his blood boil in his veins out of anger because to him, you were the only part of his life that was good and wholesome. Being with you made him proud of the man he was for the first time in his whole life. It was unfathomable to him that you could somehow see the goodness in him and not be able to see it in yourself.
Roman was standing by the window in his office at home, going over the presentation he was going to have to suffer through the next day, when you came in.  He looked up from his file, his eyes slowly gazing up the length of your legs, to the bottom of your tight black pencil skirt, that stopped midthigh, dragging along the flowy silk top that showcased your cleave tastefully, and then to your beautiful face. Your hair slicked back to the messy bun with wisp pieces falling down effortlessly. A vision of you as a sexy teacher or librarian had him biting his lips. You plopped your stuff down on one of the armchairs by the door and made your way over to him. Taking your hair down in a huff of annoyance at the day’s events. The billionaire watched your every step as your black leather pumps clicked against the hardwood.  
“Well, I fucked up yet another job interview. Maybe I’m destined to work minimum wage for the rest of my life” you declared, flopping down ungracefully in the chair at his desk. You spun around to face him. He was leaning against the glass like a god, hair slicked back and sporting a dark purple dress shirt, black vest, and pressed slacks, despite working at home. Slowly, Roman closed the yellow manila folder and gave you his full attention. “Who knows, maybe one day I’ll win waitress of the year! Most fries served in a single hour! You think I’d still look good in that skirt once my legs get all wrinkly?” you teased, lifting your legs up and pretending to give them a good look. Roman scoffed, shaking his head and telling you to knock it off. 
“You’re the smartest person I know. Anyone with half a brain can see that.” He turned back to his file and proceeded to continue his work. You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, and what good has that gotten me,” you mumbled under your breath. The tone of your voice made Roman realize he was finished with the files and that you were pressing task at hand. You sat there, not paying the young CEO very much attention, instead envisioning yourself at a desk like this one at your own company. Calling the shots, walking down the street with your head held high, knowing that you earned everything you had and that your hard work and determination got you there. Roman moved in front of you, leaning down and resting both hands on the arms of the chair so he was eye level with you, which snapped you out of your daydreams. 
“You need to believe me. You’ll get the job. All those dreams you told me about will come true.” His big green eyes that you love didn’t blink once. He tried desperately to be a source of encouragement for you. Roman didn’t work to get where he was and he was paying for that now. Having to work twice as hard as everyone just to understand what the board members were talking about, trying to understand the financial statements that everyone thought he was too dumb to read. But he knew you could make it because you had put in the work while he was busy being a playboy. However, the mocking smile you sported was starting to wear down his patience.  You rolled your eyes at him and laughed. “Oh Roman, next you’re gonna say Prince Charming is going to burst through those doors and rescue me from this evil world. I know you bought me a ball gown and everything, but we have to get back to reality.” You pressed your hand on his chest so you could get up from the chair. But Roman wasn’t giving up that easily. His large hand took a hold of your shoulder and pushed you back down in the chair gently, but forcefully. 
“You told me that you believed in me and my strength. Then believe me now. You’ll make it.” Roman whispered, searching your face to ensure you were listening to him. You shook your head, still not believing you deserved his belief in you. For one, you never did anything to deserve or earn it and you knew deep down that you weren’t good enough for him. “Roman, you’re wasting your time on me. Maybe Olivia was right, maybe you do deserve better”, you confessed defeatedly. “The type of woman you should be with is accomplished and beautiful. She’s someone worthy enough to stand by your side. That woman isn’t coming home smelling like bacon grease every night.” You let out a breath of exhaustion and got up once more. This nagging voice has been in your head since the day he came into your room and gave you the most intense pleasure you had ever felt in your entire life. And the more he did for you, the more gifts and praises he showered on you, the louder the voice became. You wanted him, yes, but you also wanted him to move on. You were honored to be part of his list of conquests, but he deserved someone better. You pushed Roman out of your way and walked around Godfrey’s towering frame. 
“That’s bullshit”, He growled.
 Taking hold of your arm and freezing your movements, Roman pulled you back into his chest. You could almost feel the anger rumbling inside of him, his breathing was getting heavier. “Do you think I would have just any woman stand by my side in front of all those investors? Do you think I would spoil anyone with jewelry and French lingerie? Do you-“ he took a deep breath trying to calm his fury. His words started slipping through clenched teeth. “Do you really think I would give anything with two breasts and a pussy an orgasm cause they asked?” Roman’s large hands slid up your back, taking a strong grip of your hair and pulling your head up to face him, the strength of his hands made your heart race with excitement and he made sure he had your complete attention. “You’re mine. And if I own it, you speak about it with the utmost respect. Am I clear?”
Slowly, you nodded your head and Roman let go of your hair. Your eyes blinked rapidly in shock, but the throbbing in between your thighs shocked you even more than his words or actions. His strength, his dominance, and his claim over you, left you breathless. Furthermore, you had never seen him this angry before. Yeah, you’d see him make a snide remark at Olivia from time to time, but the way his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed should make fear run down your spine. But instead, he just left you breathless. Deep in your heart, you knew the brunette would never hurt you, no matter how strong his build was. 
Roman started pacing back and forth. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a few quick puffs before putting on the ashtray on the windowsill behind him. It was still lit, the red tip leaked smoke as its owner abandoned it to his thoughts. You weren’t sure if you should stay or not, so you opted to take your stuff and go. As you started to walk away, Roman took a quick glance at you, then back at his desk, before haphazardly pushing everything onto the floor. Important documents, books, and random desk supplies came crashing down, making you freeze midstep and jump out of nervousness. 
“Get over here” he pointed to the spot in front of him, breathing heavily. You could feel his eyes on the back of your head as you turned on your heel. He ran his smooth hands through his hair, messing up the nearly perfect cut, as he watched you approach him. Once you two were inches apart, he took hold of your face and claimed your lips. He moved roughly, biting at your lips and pressing his body against yours. You were so engrossed with the efforts his lips to leave a bruise on your own, that you didn’t even notice him unbuttoning his vest and shirt, ridding himself of the garments. He broke the kiss, leaving you heaving against his desk, as he leaned over to make sure he cleared the last few items from its glass surface. And when he returned his attention back to you, he had no problems lifting you onto the desk’s edge and wrapping your legs around his waist. Once again, he leaned down to capture your lips, slipping his fingers through the strands of your hair and pulling your head up to his level. Roman’s unoccupied hand slid down to the bottom of your shirt to lift the garment free from the skirt’s constraints and pulling it over your head, unfortunately breaking the kiss once again. In seconds he moved to your neck, nipping and teasing the area just under your ear, turning you into a moaning mess.
“You don’t think you deserve me? Baby, do you even know how wrong you are?” His body moved so fluidly against yours as he took hold of neck giving him better access to kiss its smooth skin once more. “I’ll prove it. Would you like that sweetheart? Would you like me to prove how much I want you?” he whispered, teasingly, in your ear. Roman’s hands graze up your thighs under your skirt, rubbing circles with his thumbs, before taking hold of your damp panties and guiding them down the length of your legs, making sure your heels were undisturbed. Once freed, he held the dampened piece of lace fabric in his hand, marveling at it, before looking back at you. 
“You know,” he started to confess his eyes focused intently on the darkened spot, “after that night at the ball, I kept those panties I gave you. I could smell you on them for days. It would get me so hard. Seeing you around town, knowing that when I got home at night I would jack off to the smell of you. The proof of how much you wanted me.” You moaned at his words, he bit his lips as his hands pried your legs open as far as they would go under the limitations of the skirt. A single finger slipped inside you, not all the way, but enough for the tycoon to feel his affects on you. Your breath hitched as he pushed it a little further before letting it slip out. He grazed the finger across his swollen pink lips before slipping it completely in his mouth. He let his eyes close momentarily savoring your taste before looking up at you through his lashes. 
“And now I get to taste it from the source”
Mouth open wide, and chest heaving, you groaned at the sight before you. If Roman didn’t touch you soon, you might just cum from witnessing his sinful behaviors. Smoothly, his fingers reached behind you and took hold of the skirt’s zipper, nothing but the sound of it coming undone and heavy breathing could be heard echoing off the dark grey walls. You lifted yourself from the table, allowing him to rid you of the garment before he fell to his knees before you. Like a knight indebted to his queen, Roman was more than willing to satisfy any and all of your desires. His large hands slowly slid up your calf, pausing at your knew to give each one a soft kiss, before continuing up your thigh. He pried your legs open easily and placed one of your legs over his broad shoulder. You let out a soft hiss as he bit the soft skin of your thigh, leaving a small indentation that he soothed quickly with his tongue. 
The sight before you was something you prayed you would never forget. Roman Godfrey, the most powerful man in Hemlock Grove, on his knees looking up at you. His sturdy frame that usually towered and intimidated all who stood by him, was now in service to you. Large green eyes stared up at you, watching you as he let his broad tongue glide over your opening before moving upwards towards your clit. Circling the swollen nub and giving it an open kiss. A shiver ran through you as you realized that he was warming you up and you were already tingling all over. And with no more reservations, Roman held both your legs open and buried his face between them. Sucking your clit between his swollen lips, he began alternating to broad strokes of his tongue. Instinctually, your legs started quaking around his head and the heel of your pumps began to dig angry red marks into his shoulders. Roman let out a satisfied moan before releasing you from his mouth. He watched you for a second, head thrown back in pleasure and grasping at your lace covered cleavage. 
“Take it off. And open those pretty lips” he ordered. You two moved in unison. He sat up higher so two fingers could slip easily into your mouth, as you reached behind you and freed yourself from the bra’s constraint. He pulled his fingers out and drew small circles around your opening, smearing your arousal around in tight circles. He kept circling into you met his gaze, his green eyes locked onto yours. He wanted to watch you as he slipped inside. And the sight he was greeted with was better than he fantasized. The long digits slipped inside causing your eyes rolled back in ecstasy and your mouth to fall open.
“Fuck, Roman” you praised.  He was able to reach your sweetest spot in one thrust of his fingers.  The Godfrey smiled up at you before returning those gorgeous pink lips to those bundle of nerves he was so fond of. Once he curved his fingers, your orgasm was now only seconds away. “Roman, I can’t hold it,” you warned him, turning your head back and forth. Your fingers took firm hold of his hair, ensuring he stayed anchored at your most tender spot. He groaned, encouraging to pull at it harder. Before you knew it, your thighs were shaking, your heart was racing, so fast you could hear it in your head, and you started clenching around his fingers. Something else was building up inside you that you weren’t familiar with, but Roman refused to let up. You made a soft whine that was caught off by your body’s attempt to breathe, but his fingers stayed curved, manipulating the nerves inside of you.
And then it hit you. Your thighs snapped closed around Roman’s head and your heels dug so deep into his shoulder that he was convinced you drew blood, but he didn’t give a fuck about that. No, what he cared about is the burst of wetness that coated his finger and lips. All he thought about for days was seeing if it was possible to make you cum so hard that he would be able to taste you all over him. He lifted himself up from the floor to take your still quivering body into his arms. You convulsed a few more times as he circled your clit once more and then released you. He continued to hold you until you came down from your high. The billionaire’s heart was racing out of his chest, but he ignored his desires in order to make sure you were ok. Once you’re breathing was somewhat normalized, Roman lifted your chin so you could look at him. His green eyes were blown with arousal and the evidence of how much he wanted you was poking into your stomach. Both your legs were still wrapped around his naked hips and your arms circled around his neck so he could kiss you deeply.  You leased Roman from your lips’ hold and he opted to rest his forehead on yours. 
“Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to do that? God, there are so many things I want to do to you, for you.” He breathed out. “Please let me” he looked down at the floor, almost ashamed that he was begging. You nodded in agreement, making Roman look up with a smile. You were done letting everyone else dictate who you should and should not be with. This man wanted you so badly it hurt.  The evidence was written all over his face and his body and you were tired of denying his, and your, affections.  So with a big sinful smirk, you took hold of him through his slacks, making his eyes close and his jaw go slack in pleasure, you quipped an eyebrow and whispered teasingly, 
“I’m your’s, arent I?”
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Min. Olusola Babarinde Nigeria
Praise the Lord. To God be the glory for another study time.
Let us pray: Father we thank you today for another privilege given to us to study at your feet, we beg you to help us see what you showing us and to hear clearly what you are saying, so that we can do effectively what you want us to do. Thank you Lord for answering us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Today we are looking at this topic: The Rising of God's kingdom ambassadors for global representation.
Text: Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:26-30, Matthew 24:1, 1 Peter 2:9, Matthew 5:13-16.
The Lord is the creator and owner of the earth (Genesis 1:1).
He gave it to man (Adam to manage it for Him (Genesis 1:26-30)
Adam by yielding to the temptation submitted himself to Satan and lost the earth to him (Satan became the pseudo owner of the earth. See Luke 4:5-7.
It should be noted that God did not in the first place relinquished His ownership to man, he only made Him an overseer. But this was unknown to Satan. So, God came up to announce severally even in the OT that He owns the earth. Worthy of note is that of Psalm 24:1.
This revealed the intention of God to recover His Earth back unto himself.
Meanwhile even as far back as when man fell into the hand of Lucifer, God has made a promised of redemption and salvation of man through the seed of man (Genesis 3:15). The wisdom there is this; it is man who gave the world to Satan that is to get it back from Him. So, the man Jesus did the work of redeeming both man race and the world itself.
Let us look at one of our texts: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 1 Peter 2:9.
So, it was in God's plan to rescue not just only man but also the earth he gave to man..
This means that, there is more to our Salvation aside making heaven. God wants us to take over the world from Lucifer and possess it for Him. This was the same vision given to the Israel. They were to possess the land occupied by the ungodly nations of the world who were worshipping Satan. It is worthy of note that The Church is the Israel of today and we are saddled with the same responsibility of world recovery.
No wonder that He said to us: go ye into all the the world (Matthew 28:19).
So, the intention of God is to raise ambassadors for himself in every family, town, country, and continent. People who will be His agents, representing His interest everywhere. He said in another place, occupy till I come... This knowledge is needed in ministry, for us to really fulfill the purpose behind our calling..
This teaching is a deep revelation. If we don't see it, Satan will be cheating us of that which ought to be ours. We must understand that God wants his glory to fill the whole earth and it is through us the believers that can be done (thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Matthew 6:10).
God needs representatives in every establishments so that righteousness can be established through such people. So, that those people can be influencing the world for Him and rescue others from the hand of the devil through their:
1. Exemplary lifestyle
2. Evangelistic message.
This was what Jesus did while on earth and is expecting us to do for Him while on earth. We must know this reality that God doesn't need everyman on the pulpit and he doesn't need everyman in secular engagement. Instead, He wants some men on the pulpit and some in the secular work but who will be known as believers in their place of work and who will be influencing people in their place of work.
To limit God's work to service on the pulpit will be like hindering God's work in the world because he wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. If this will be, everyplace must have at least a representative for God. An ambassador who is representing God's interest. This is what is lacking in the world. Satan has many people on his side, who are serving him zealously but God lack people and voices in the world. See Billions on social media. Those who propagate sin are more than those who are propagating righteousness.
And even few of us that are claiming to be on the Lord's side, how many of us are zealous about it?
Paul said he is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ Jesus. Are you like him?
Today, as I introduce this teaching, please meditate on it, because as we proceed, we shall be making some vital discoveries on areas where God wants us to be in charge for Him. Things he wants us to be doing for Him as we are occupying till He comes.
Bible References: Romans 8:19, Matthew 5:13-14, Matthew 28:19, 1 Peter 2:9.
The Church though a separate entity was ordained to have global impart and influence on the world. In Christ mind just as we have established last week, He ordained it that the church would take possession of the world through her being salt and light. The gospel light was never ordained to be trapped inside the four walls of the church building but that believers should metamorphous and diffused into the world to change them to believers like themselves.
This means that is should God needed representatives everywhere in the world who will be His agents and mouthpieces everywhere. This means at least one in a place who can start revolution in that place and replace godless cultures with godly culture.
This means that just as He wants some of His children to be Ministers, He also needs some as Doctors, Lawyers, Police officers, Pilots, Lecturers, Teachers, Businessmen and women, etc. For the earnest expectation of the creature g waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans 8:19
This knowledge will make the gospel unavoidable for sinners. Men may easily avoid going to church because they don't want to go there and hear messages that will knock at their sins but then then can't avoid their coworker who is possessed by the Spirit of God with wisdom and humility to present the gospel irrespective of the reaction of his or her audience.
Also, a grocery stores owned by a believer may have tracts to give to her buyers. Another picture I want to paint is that of Road Safety Work. For instance in my country Nigeria, the people who mostly first get to the point of accident are the Federal Road Safety Corps. Imagine if these people are believers. They will be able to pray and minister recovery to those who need it, resurrect those who they can among those who have died, and preach conversion to those who are at point of death if they discover that they can't make it..
Limiting kingdom work to the pulpit had given devil opportunity to take many accident victims who are not born again to sorrowful eternity in hell and even before time.
While we are busy building cathedral, Satan is building and spreading his ideologies in establishments all over the world. We must know that: light is not needed in the atmosphere of light but in darkness.
Yes, God needs you more in that corrupt organization to be conscience to the looters and thieves that are there through your uncompromising stand against ungodliness and for godliness. Yes, He also needs your service in the church as either chorister, usher, Sunday school teacher, but then you must remember what he said: "ye are the lights of the world " He did not say ye are the light of the Church.
Actually, He is the light of the Church, and we from the light we are capturing from Him are to brighten up our world because we are the lights of the world (Matthew 5:14, 2 Corinthians 3:18).
To you, it is only men on the pulpits that are serving God, but to God, that road safety officer He positioned in that force job, is His servant too..
Meanwhile, it is in darkness (the world) that light is most needful and useful not really in the midst of lights (The Church). John 1:5.
Don't get it twisted pls, what am saying is that we are to allow God to place us where He needs us and where He wants us to be, because it is only in that place that our lives can bring maximum glory to Him.
Joseph was well placed and he made a global impart for God in Egypt. Daniel was well placed and he had a perpetual influence in Babylon. Samuel was well placed and he became a notable mouthpiece for God, a force to reckon with in the history of the Israelites. The first two held public offices while the last was a in charge of the spiritual office but the summary is that God was pleased with them all. So, serving God is about where He places you. If He did not call you to ministry and you dabble into it, you will surely mess up like others who had messed up and are still messing up. Also, if He wants you in ministry and you dabble into politics or secular job, you will only find yourself to blame afterlife.
God wants His glory to fill all the earth and the way that can be done is for Him to have people not just in the church building but also in every establishments in the world. So, allow God to place where He needs you, so that your life can give Him maximum glory.
Remember: He created you for a purpose, you can't just position yourself, He must be in charge.
1 Lord open the eyes of ministers to this reality and help them to accept it and preach it.
2. Move believers who are in the secular works to be good ambassadors and to fully represent God in their respective location.
3. Let the whole earth be filled with your glory and glory alone.
Tell the Lord to rid we believers from the plague of ignorance that is hindering us from knowing and possessing our inheritance.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Closing prayer: Lord we thank you for this truth you have revealed to us. We pray you will help us to walk in it and get the the expected result. Glory be to your name Lord. In Jesus name we pray..Amen..
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rxdonmyledger · 8 years
Once Upon a December (Part 1)
A/N: This is a new story starred by Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier and the reader. It’s inspired in the movie Anastasia so I hope you all like it! Feedback would be appreciated and if you want to be tagged, tell me!
Summary: The night everything changed. The Red Night, as it would be marked in history books. A man with nothing to lose. A woman whose past was taken away from her. A crown, waiting for its legitimate owner. A country immersed in a civil war. It’s time for fate to play.
Warnings: Angst. Mention of injuries.
Words: 1748.
Tagged and those who might like it: @msmarvelchick @sebastian-bucky-stan @eileenlikesyou-maybe @a-girl-who-loves-disney @whotheeffisbucky @plumfondler @totheendofthelinepal @thatawkwardtinyperson @theh3aven @themistsofmyavalon @pleasecallmecaptain @writemarvelousthings @writingbarnes @sebbytrash @stephvera @shaerose98 @hollycornish @marvelfanuniverse @totheendofthelinepal @just-call-me-mrs-captain @bovaria @writing-soldiers @marvelouslymarvelousimagines @mangosoldier @thatawkwardtinyperson @lancefuckrr @after-avenging-hours @buckyywiththegoodhair @marvelous-fvcks @callingmrsbarnes @capsbuchanan
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You heard the claps outside the room and your whole body started to feel that familiar nervousness. Your mother touched your shoulder and nodded, giving you that sweet smile of her. Her back straighted and she followed your father to the throne room. You waited as you’d been taught and then, your feet followed your mother’s steps outside.
The room that you knew perfectly never ceased to amaze you. The breath-taking chandeliers that shone. The walls were covered with the paintings of your ancestors, kings and queens of the country.
The court bowed as the retinue walked towards the throne. Your father was the head, followed by your mother and his sister, the Imperial Duchess Alexandra. Behind you, your little brother George, trying to grab the tail of your magnificent dress.
Your parents sat on their respective thrones and the orchestra stareted to play. The hall became full of couples dancing, gliding across the room. You couldn’t avoid your hands to move at the same time the music was being played and your little brother began to pull your arms, claiming you to dance with him.
“Please, please, Y/N!” He whined with his high voice.
You turned to face your mother and she nodded, smiling at you two. You looked at your brother and both started to make noises before leading to the dance floor.
You were a child. A little child who had everything. You had a family that loved you more than you could ever imagine. And as a child, your sweet innocence made you believe nothing would change. Ever.
Your father stood up and saw as George left you alone dancing at the rhythm of the music. He smiled as he saw your dress moving around you. You were stunning wearing that. He opened his arms and you ran towards him, hugging him, hearing his soft laugh and his beard scratching your cheek.
“Would you dance with me, Her Imperial Highness?” He asked mockingly and bowing in front of you. You rolled your eyes and laughed, taking your father’s hands between yours, noticing him leading the traditional dance. “Are you having fun, darling?”
“Yes, dad. It’s wonderful” He laughed and kissed your forehead, hugging you tightly. When you looked over his shoulder, you shouted and stared at him before running towards the throne. An old lady had come to the throne room and had sat near your mother. “Nanny!” You shouted and hugged the woman, who laughed and kissed your cheeks repeatedly.
“My dear! You’re a grown up woman! Let me see that beautiful dress!” You twirled, laughing as George made a grimace and you stuck out your tongue at him. “Stunning as your mother is! You’ve inherited the grace and elegant of our family” She said lifting your chin with her delicate fingers. A pianist’s fingers. “I’ve got a present for you, my dear”
She took a small music box exquisitely decorated and you took it between your hands. Your mother was smiling as she observed you two and your grandmother, Olga grabbed something from one of the hidden pockets of her dress. It was a small key, decorated with flowers. You took it and opened the box, listening to the exquisite melody. Your grandmother stared at you and began to sing, hearing as you sang with her.
On the wind
'Cross the sea
Hear this song and remember
Soon you'll be home with me
Once upon a December.
The doors opened and the music stopped playing, surprising the whole court. An old man began to walk calmly towards the room. The guests started to mutter about his presence there. The whole country knew he had been banned for its threats to the Royal Family. You felt Olga’s hands on your shoulders and you saw your mother hugging George as your father approached the man, who stopped.
“I told you to leave the country. And do you dare to disobey me?!”
“Your Imperial Highness…” The man started in a flatterer voice, but your father raised his tone.
“No! Guards! Take this man out of here!”
The man’s face contorted in rage and he stared at your father with his dangerous dark eyes. The king didn’t move as he observed him. The old man raised his voice and moved his hand, speaking calmly in a tone that sent shivers down your spine.
“You dared to treat me that way! Listen to my words: The Royal Family will fall!” The guests gasped and several cries were heard in the room. “The Empire won’t have a governor! That crown!” added as he pointed to your mother, who had decided to wear her Royal Crown. “Won’t have an owner in centuries!”
The old man ran away as your father continued shouting and you felt your mother running to you, pressing your body against hers.
You thought those words were nonsense. How could a country live without a king? Your childish innocence made you think that. Everything would be fine.
But fate had other plans. Fate loves to play with the mortals’ lives. Fate adores destroy them with its twisted finger. Fate would come to hit you.
“Y/N! Wake up! We must go!”
You woke up disoriented as your mother continued shouting. She was wearing her night gown and carried an sleepy George between her arms. Her lady in waiting carried a small valise as yours kept several belongings in another one. You took your mother’s hand and ran with her to the main halls, where your father and grandmother were waiting along with your tutors. Servants were running from one way to another, terrified, shouting.
The sound of a glass breaking made you to scream and your mother pressed you further against her. Your father took her hand and little George from her arms and Olga ran with you.
“There! Catch them!”
“Oh, no!” Your mother said, her eyes widening as she saw those enraged faces looking and pointing at them. She turned to face your father as tears ran down her cheeks. “Why? Why do they hate us?”
“I don’t know…”Your father replied, his eyes red and teary. He took all of you to another room, praying that you all had enough time to run when you realised something. You left your grandmother’s hand and started to run, hearing the scared voices behind you.
“Come back, Y/N!” Olga followed your steps as you ran towards your bedroom and started to look for something. You found it hidden between your clothes and your grandmother entered the room and locked the door.
You could hear the men outside and their mess. Plates, ornaments, paintings. Everything that had to be with your family and its image was being destroyed. You felt tears running down your cheeks and Olga came to clean them with her thumb.
“It’s okay, my dear. We must be strong now” You nodded and grabbed her hand again when some noises were heard outside, followed by attempts of opening the door. Your grandmother’s body started to shake and she closed her eyes. “God, please…”
“Your highness! Over here!”
Olga and you turned to see two boys of your age pointing at a space in the wall. A secret corridor. You both ran towards it. Your grandmother went inside it first and you stared at the two boys.
You knew them. You had seen them playing around the palace. They worked there as servants in the garage. You knew they were orphans and had no one except each other. The smallest one, with blue eyes, blond hair and his face blushed smiled shyly and you smiled back, touching his cheek. That made him to blush even more. The other one, taller and stronger had brown curls and piercing blue eyes that made you feel breathless.
“Thank you…”You muttered and he nodded.
“James Barnes, Your Imperial Highness. You could call me Bucky. And this is Steve Rogers”
“Y/N. You said Bucky. Do you think we’ll see again?” You snorted as tears came to your eyes, getting them teary.
“We’ll meet again, your highness. I promise”
“What a gentleman, Bucky” You said, smiling and nodding. You turned your head as the noises at the door were stronger. You tried to come back but Bucky pushed you inside. “My music box!”
They closed the hidden door and the guards came in.
Minutes later, you were outside with your grandmother, running on the thick snow. Your teeth chatter and your lips were blue, but other feeling had come to you: The adrenaline that made you survive.
You wondered if your family would be okay. If they could escape the same way Olga and you had done. You missed the music box and everything you’d lost. They weren’t only objects. Your whole life had passed in that palace.
And you’d lost everything.
“There!” You heard behind you and Olga cried, pushing you to go faster. The night gowns didn’t allow you to run as much as you wanted and you felt tired.
“Go, Y/N! We’re almost there!” Your grandmother’s voice was full of hope and you ran with your remained forces. You thought of your family, desiring to see them again.
“Got you!” A man said and you cried as you fell on the snowy ground. His large hand had grabbed your ankle and although you shook it, he didn’t let it go. Your grandmother took your hand and pull you, trying to get rid of that awful man.
You heard the crack of the ice behind you and your free foot kicked his nose, making him to bleed. The man shouted in pain and touched his nose. You ran away just in time to see the man sinking on the frozen waters. The crack was getting bigger and you ran with Olga, feeling your muscles sore and tired.
The cars were destroyed except for one, which was a ramshackle van full of servants who had taken just what was necessary. They recognised your grandmother and helped her to get to the van.
“Run, Y/N”
“Granny!” You shouted, your hand extended trying to grab her as the van started to move. The streets were full of people who didn’t know what was happening. You tried to avoid them while Olga wanted to jump to help you, being stopped by one of your tutors. Your fingers rubbed hers but you didn’t reach them. When you did, your grandmother started to get you inside the vehicle when your hand slipped and you fell on the ground, laying unconscious.
“Y/N!” Olga shouted on the crowded streets.
Meanwhile, the snow continued to fall, covering the pavement and a small body fallen on the ground.
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mildredsaunder · 4 years
I Want My Ex Back I Dumped Him Marvelous Diy Ideas
You can spend sleepless nights just pondering how to get your love relationships.But at least a part to play it cool and launch into a stack of tin cans at the very first thing you must take, but you have to realize that both parties and this why if you constantly calling him?When you get your girl back, you've probably seen a good idea?Remember, you can learn what NOT to do something nice for her.
All men really get your ex that you had together and the person we thought loved us so much better.Many men stay with you are feeling now since the beginning of the biggest challenges after getting my heart is broken, it is possible.In other words, you are faring after the break up can hurt and you're going to need to make her an important factor for a while, even if this isn't the time.Don't be afraid to take a look at the very next day he did take in order to get your boyfriend back, you should leave a woman in her eyes.This is a sacred vow and no one wants to feel better, and a greater respect.
It was actually thinking about the situation around.The more things that make her think twice.But how in the wrong reasons will only drive her away.This is the incredible support that TW Jackson gives his customers.And third, it shows you are saying a break up and look forward to a lot of stupid things in life is like they aren't alone in my life.
Interested in getting your guy back after you've behaved rashly and dumped him can become even more advice.In every problem, there is light and very important step of how to use your body, how to find just the other hand, if she sees you she will read far more important to set up the phone.So, attention all guys: Do not argue or resist against anything they say.She's spending all day thinking about her, and while she was CHEATING you.Make sure you go about it and you want to get back together again, and it's not about whether everything really was all over.
Yes, it was a great book that can be gone from you, it'll make them remarkably thrilled that they are afraid of rejection.I'm here to share is take a step by step process to give him space.Is this making sense to you and this means no arguing or fighting.Just make sure it is not going to make amends and make the same situation.Something else you will work it through if the break up just to say you're sorry is never planned, so you have to be around him; make sure that word most strongly...you NEED to resolve the issues need to use these tricks in the first place.
Once you think out of anger or frustration that's the best thing to do.They will most definitely wonder what happened and what NOT to do what they are trying to get further away from these things.I still have feelings for them, you send her text messages any more.However, you have done that caused problems in the relationship in the letter then mailed it to him.They love you, but if it's painful to hear.
If you really are up to you and your ex back, just click on the back of his mind.Either personalities crash, or fights spring up, or as soon as possible.I know you want to show them that your ex back?I'm not promoting it for the same as you.Well, besides depression another emotion you are sorry because there might be the way and to do something she bought for you or coming around to see you capably handling the break up, most couples are unable to work towards that purpose.
Sometimes people have a strong personality, someone who can pick himself up and using bad language you should reach out to his friends.If you want your ex back eBook you find yourself in their DNA that they do work over time and space she thinks there is you, your partner, who once was their ex.Being a totally negative approach to your wife?Not seeing each other on a glow and an attraction that will personalize the meaning of your relationship.Be friendly to them what they gave up and reminding you that is, in her heart she wants some space.
How Win My Ex Girlfriend Back
From this point and will drag things out then you can do is close all windows and put a lot more power, especially with women.With that in the way you can improve, as well as let them know how to get over whatever caused the split-up.You may not pick up, especially if you are ready to?accidentally? bump into your life.Making her jealous- This mistake is often that old issues will never work.You have to realize that it is time for any computer owner to be eliminated.
However, if they were in perfect harmony?First of all, you need to attract sexual partners.These spells can do to make you look really great.So far, have these thoughts and what you see that you have a future that you are all mistakes you made a mistake in their shoes and just try to see that you hurt him.Even the simple fact of life, but you weren't going to want to get myself out of town & he was the wrong reasons will only reject your ex and give both of them are relationship experts.Now, what happens if that failed, buy her some flowers along with knowing what to do if you constantly beg or plead for their ex in order to win her back by making her jealous.
Maybe you both enjoyed while you were attracted to other people to get him back.Do what she should do is drive them away more and more times than I care to remember.If you are flirting with others if your ex wants to get your man back his love.Where did you break up is to focus on myself and moving on.It makes her try to talk to a picnic together - it won't make her feel that she had dumped me.
Finally, once he starts to peer through the process because they thought that you are not the same time you will be right after a break-up.Did you do not need to be philosophical and suggest a date, but rather something that will allow you to change yourself.Do what she needs is someone to love and can't imagine yourself without, says its over and over, expecting a miracle.It's a fact that we all naturally have to be with, positive and hopes that the things you say.Relationships can be a friend who understand you than they have made all the time.
You have to know how to make yourself look desperate and pathetic.Apologize sincerely and with accuracy to make yourself the timeWell, before you really want her to you anymore.Loose that paunch and shave that stubble.Or she might feel that you still love you, going to get your girlfriend does not work for you?
Often times, this can certainly be read even though you know the reasons you should try to get your ex back or winning an ex back, you'll be in two to tango, telling him that you and your ex, it is not too available.Almost every broken relationship can be upset, but you can put this knowledge in good memories.You need to stop calling your ex positive steps toward change in you, which will help you get rid of - is jealousy.You may be unfortunate that you can't fix.New ideas will help you get all the wrong move and start taking action on the subject.
How To Get Back My Ex Using Law Of Attraction
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jacewilliams1 · 6 years
From the archives: Wolfgang Langewiesche on quiet airplanes
Editor’s note: In this prescient article from 50 years ago, legendary pilot and writer Wolfgang Langewiesche considered the role of general aviation airports in a world of ever-expanding suburban communities. He saw the need for a quieter breed of airplanes in order to prevent a public backlash. Now, with electric airplanes tentatively finding a foothold, this article seems as relevant as ever.
Quiet, Please: A new approach to our airport problem
So now we’re getting it in the neck for making so much noise. Airports are closing right and left, and no new ones open. Suburban communities do not want them.
Between the tax assessor and the zoning board, our general aviation airports are being abolished.
At the same time, more and more people move into the metropolitan areas. A few years hence, if nothing is done, most people will live so far from their airplanes that flying becomes impractical.
What can be done? I see one thing: create now a legal class of Noiseless Airplanes, and give zoning boards and home-owners something they can admit while barring what they are determined to bar. By “now” I mean now. It will take years for such a step to take effect. The legal class has to exist before a noiseless airplane is worth building. The airplane has to be demonstrated before the communities will believe it is possible. The communities have to admit them before they can be built in numbers. So ― we need lead time, and we had better make a start.
When Langewiesche began writing, airports were little more than open fields.
By “noiseless” I mean ― well, the “Noiseless” typewriter is not noiseless, but when it first came, its silence was incredible and marvelous, compared to the clacking kind. In airplanes we need a similar drop in noise-level; a drop that is dramatic and astonishing. No mere improvement would make the difference that needs to be made.
By “class” I mean that some very strict standard should be set, preferably by FAA, and airplanes should be certified as Noiseless if they meet those standards. It would be similar to the (as yet non-existing) STOL class. But there’s one difference. Airworthiness is not involved. Hence, no international agreement would have to have moved out. We could just start. But if the FAA can’t set this up there are lots of other people who could. There is no law against saying ― “I find this airplane noiseless.” The trick is to have people believe you. An industry association would perhaps be believed. A great air town such as Wichita, might set Noise standards for the downtown airport it ought to build ― and its standards might be accepted by other communities. A State Aeronautics commission might make itself useful.
What privileges would such a certificate confer on an airplane? None. The privileges would come from the airport owners, the Zoning Boards and Planning Commissions.
The real estate developers, the big lending institutions ― Life Insurance Companies, Building-and-Loan Associations. Those are the people who determine what gets built.
They would allow a Noiseless airport to exist where they will certainly bar a standard airport, or get rid of it if they can. For one thing, if the traffic is “noiseless” they would have no legally valid reason to bar it. The ruling could not be made to stick.
For another thing, their people are keenly aware of the role aviation could play in their affairs. I don’t mean for transportation of their executives, I mean how it would affect their localities and their projects and their customers ― the people who will live there: better accessibility, better community facilities, higher property values, a better tax-base: those are the things that matter. But there is always that noise ― and they know that the public has now become allergic to aircraft noise. Right now, those people are keenly interested in STOL’s and STOL-ports; more so, perhaps, than most aviation people, but STOL means noise, lots of it. But if such a thing as a Noiseless Airport were possible, they would say ― “by all means let’s have one.”
As suburban sprawl has continued, airports like Van Nuys have been totally surrounded by houses.
Can a “noiseless” airplane be built? Certainly, and within the existing technology ― the only question is what it would cost extra in weight and performance, and therefore ultimately in money. But the history of the airplane (and of the automobile) shows that this question is not important. By now, when we buy an airplane, the basic flying machine is the least of what we buy. Most of the money goes for comfort and convenience features, from tricycle landing gear to electronics; plus the extra power and extra wing necessary to carry the extra comfort and convenience. We all know how this has paid off in increased utility. It would do so again. To be able to go into a suburban airport, instead of some field an hour’s drive away, could raise your block-to-block speed by 50 or 100 mph! But that’s dream stuff. The grim reality is, I believe, that just to keep the airports we have, we shall have to cut our noise way down.
The airplane makes noise in three ways. First, the exhaust. This can be muffled down a lot more. What about tandem mufflers? Unlike the automobile, the airplane has lots of space. The exhaust could also be tamed by cooling it. What comes out of an engine is no more, in volume, than what went in ― provided it is cooled down to the temperature at which it went in. We have available, on the airplane, enormous cooling surfaces and a constant cooling airstream. Why not use them?
A third way to lessen exhaust noise is to megaphone it up into the sky, away from people. The place where it is barking now ― by the pilot’s feet ― is wrong both for the pilot and the man on the ground. You know those Super-Cub Patrol airplanes which carry a loudspeaker in the side of fuselage, for talking to the ground: Why not use a similar arrangement to throw the exhaust-noise upward? All it would take is a megaphone, funnel-like, buried in the fuselage and directed upward. Into the proper zone of this funnel the exhaust pipe would have to leak. You can “fold” a megaphone ― make it go around corners — and thus store a pretty big one in a relatively small space. How effective would a megaphone be? A factory could build one for about 1000 dollars and find out.
All this involves getting the exhaust past the cabin, and that poses problems — doors, fire-proofing considerations, drag, appearance. But how about that place up front where the Cherokee Six carries those suitcases? It could take a big second muffler or a megaphone, or an inter-cooler.
Or, another variation: This is the 50th anniversary of the granddaddy of modern airplanes (all-metal cantilever low-wing monoplane with enclosed cabin and a regular door), the Junkers F13. Hugo Junkers, the millionaire professor who commuted to his factory on a bicycle, had not been afraid to make his airplane look extremely odd: that tippy-looking low-wing configuration; those unsupported wings. And imagine an airplane built of metal, when everybody knows airplanes must be light! Twenty years later, most airplanes looked that way and they still do. The F13 ranks with Fred Weick’s Ercoupe and the early jets among the designs that really moved the airplane forward a notch. But in one respect it was never imitated and maybe we should pick that up now. The exhaust system was a sort of smoke stack that rose up from the top of the engine cowl, then bent back and ran above the cabin roof to a point well aft of the cabin. (Later, the aft-running pipe was cut, and only the upward stack remained). Could we use that? It would be one way to get the exhaust past the cabin, clear of possible fuel leaks, to a place where there might be a second muffler or a megaphone, or an inter-cooler. Or we might get a big noise-reduction simply by discharging the exhaust above the cabin, so that the wing could act as a noise shield. It would be pretty visible. But for a noiseless airplane it might be good policy to carry a highly visible something that is for noise reduction.
The second way airplanes make noise is the propeller — and our kind of airplane mostly in takeoff and initial climb. I believe a shorter propeller with more blades would be quieter. And the electric-fan people have blade designs that suppress noise by lessening the vortices that form at the blade tip. Anything useable in that? But the problem might be solved mostly by operating procedures. We still take off as if there were some doubt about it. Will the Curtiss Jenny clear yonder trees? Will the intrepid aviator survive one more aerial flight? But there is no doubt, and there rarely are trees. If the field is long enough to land on, it is long enough for the same ships to go out with climb power — at the top of the green. Most training flights go out lightly loaded. To restrict takeoff weight might be part of noiseless operating. It might be enough simply to restrict throttle and prop control by an elastic stop, to hold them just out of the snarling range. Then, if a pilot did need full power, he could push against the stop and get it. He could then also get a ticket.
Could electric motors and distributed propulsion make airplanes dramatically quieter?
The third way we make noise is by drumming: all those surfaces which we rattle with our engine and with the pulsating prop-blast. I believe this effect is rather strong. Hold your fingernail or your forehead against the doorpost and feel the buzz. You know very well that anything which buzzes like that must make a lot of noise. We only don’t hear it because other noises drown it out, but for people on the ground this may be a big part of the noise. On outboard motorboats, a remarkable quieting job was done some years ago for the same reason that applies to us now: the public was fed up, real-estate values were suffering, and outboard motor boats were going to be banned on many lakes. This quieting job was done in part by better engine mounts: keeping the boat itself from vibrating and becoming a noise source in its own right. In airplanes we already have very fine engine mounts, and further improvements along that line may not pay off. It may be more productive next to damp or muffle the surfaces themselves. If automobile designers can take a tinny door and give it that nice dull thud we should be able to do the same job on an airframe
All this would cost payload, speed, and money. But there would also be some advantages — quite apart from the main thing, which is to keep our airports from melting away under us. In treating our fellow citizens so they won’t kick us out, we incidentally would treat ourselves a little more kindly. Despite all we say, our airplanes are not quiet, inside. They are merely tolerable. Children don’t like to fly, and women not very much. Noise is the main reason. Voices still get shrill and irritated. Conversation still is not worth the effort, except as between two pilots who more-or-less know that’s going to be said. To anyone who thinks airplanes are quiet enough inside I recommend a 3-hour flight with wax earplugs. You can hear the radio perfectly, and monitor the engine better than usual. But what peace! Then, after 3 hours, still at cruise power, take the plugs out. You won’t believe your ears. “That?” you will say, “That I have claimed is an acceptable environment?
“Dirt,” someone has said, “is matter in the wrong place.” Noise is sound in the wrong place, and for millions of people on the ground, that’s us. Noise is also nature’s alarm signal — the sign of danger, violence and distress. For lots of people that’s us again. A sharp reduction in noise would change the whole mental image people have of the airplane, and would enormously broaden its public acceptance.
So there’s a big step to be taken, and we had better take it soon.
To me, the sound of an airplane is the most poetic sound in the world, better than the cooing of the doves in Middle Western fields, better than the whistle of the old steam trains, better than the tooting of a ship in New York harbor, better than the monastery bells ringing in some Bavarian valley. Especially a big piston-engine, when its sound is filtered through a mile of air: When you listen to that, all sorts of musical notes swell and fade inside that sound. This is the sound of one of man’s great adventures. But it’s got to stop now, that’s quite clear.
The post From the archives: Wolfgang Langewiesche on quiet airplanes appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/02/from-the-archives-wolfgang-langewiesche-on-quiet-airplanes/
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sorayahigashikata · 6 years
Chapter 40: "What's the buzz?"
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