#let's see how amazingly wrong I'll be
It’s Week 3 and I promised I’d commit to my theory for Season of the Seraph’s story arc if hubris didn’t come knocking for me before then, so time to put my money where my digital mouth is. I’ve seen folks talking about the first part of this theory, but not the second, so here goes: 1) Clovis will try to make himself the new Warmind and 2) in the process breach the Ascendant Realm and open the way for Xivu Arath.
Clovis, by the way, gave away the game like two minutes in because he can’t keep his dang mouth shut. Clovis couldn’t resist a good smug gloat. He gave it all away when Ana said god, fine, hop on this disk and we’ll go. He said, “Once I am in control, all will be as it should be. The Warmind will rise again.” 
As it should be? That line stopped me cold. Clovis hated that Rasputin was in charge. He couldn’t believe he, the genius Clovis Bray the first, was expected to take orders from a jumped-up calculator he used to own. A restored Rasputin is not “as it should be” in Clovis-land. What is “as it should be?” It’s Clovis, so that’s easy: the way things should be is with him in charge. He doesn’t say, “Rasputin will rise again.” He says, “The Warmind will rise again.” Clovis is going to get all the subminds together except put himself at the center instead of the Rasputin core Ana has, and try to make himself the new Warmind. All of which would just be fun to watch as we wait for Red to break him, but: there’s Xivu Arath to deal with. 
We’re all worried about Xivu getting into the warsats. I don’t think she wants them at all. In the Judgement of Kelgorath lore she doesn’t order Kelgorath to go get her some warsats. She says: possess the Warmind. Xivu Arath has plenty of weapons already. What she needs, as Mara points out, is a way in. Mara comments in the encounter dialogue that moving an army through the ascendant realm is very hard. But Xivu did it over Torobatl. How? Sav showed her the way: she did it by getting someone on the other side to build her a gate.
I was surprised in Season of the Hunt by the extent of control Xivu displayed. I thought her unlikely to go for subversive powers like Oryx’s Taking or Sav’s manipulation. But she’s a lot smarter than I gave her credit for. Her Wrathborn contagion is effective, coercive, and quick-spreading. It makes sense metaphorically: violence is a kind of disease, an insidious way of thinking that spreads and snares people till they see everything as a conflict to be settled by force. Xivu invaded the Cabal by infecting Caiatl’s co-ruler Umun’arath, general of the Cabal legions. Driven further and further into obsession with the conflict Xivu Arath makes herself synonymous with, Umun’arath invoked her in the rituals of warfare - the same ones Eris and Eido were discussing - opening the way for Xivu’s armies to pour into the skies over Torobatl. 
For Xivu to repeat that trick in our solar system, she needs another Umun’arath. But Umun’arath was a singularly convenient target: the military chief of the war machine of a huge conquering interstellar empire, or in other words, someone you might call...war-minded. When scouting our solar system Xivu probably heard the name “Warmind” and thought hell yeah, that’s my ticket in. Except it’s not, because Rasputin’s a) not coherent right now and b) not fundamentally the personality she needs. That’s what we’re already exploring this season: at his core Rasputin was never a martial system. He was a pretentious art nerd who got drafted. They made him a Warmind. Xivu Arath needs someone coterminous with war for its own sake, with conflict as the apex of existence, with the supreme violence she represents. And ironically it turns out the Warmind Rasputin is not sufficiently war-minded. 
But Clovis is.
Clovis Bray already sees life as endless contest and conflict via his pseudo-evolutionary legacy bullshit. He’s Xivu’s dream target. When you first see her forces attacking him Clovis is like “they want my precious braaaaaain!” and Osiris goes, “no, they want him. Brought to submit.” That’s exactly what Clovis wants of Rasputin (and to a lesser extent Ana and Elsie): brought to submit. He’s neck deep in Darkness on his own, no convincing needed. And he’s a coward. If Clovis hasn’t cut a deal yet with either Xivu or the Witness to ensure “humanity’s” (his) survival in exchange for his allegiance, he will as soon as he has the reins. After all, let it not be said that he left humanity to fend for itself, right?
So that’s her plan: Xivu Arath attacks the warsat infrastructure to force us to go to Clovis and give him access to Red’s enclave. She waits while we do all the hard work of laying out the subminds to conjure back Rasputin. Clovis inevitably betrays us to slot himself in instead and take control, rousing Rasputin’s entire apparatus of violence to impose his own command on the solar system, helped along by the Wrathborn contagion already brewing in his subconscious. In doing so he invokes such immense rites of war that he opens the way for Xivu to step through. It’s Torobatl all over again...except I don’t think trying to “become the Warmind” is going to work out the way Clovis thinks. 
Clovis still doesn’t understand what Rasputin is, and he still doesn’t understand - as he doesn’t understand with any of his kids - that Rasputin is no longer as Clovis designed him to be. Even Ana hasn’t fully gotten there yet. Both Brays are still thinking of Red as a sort of jigsaw puzzle to be pieced back together. But assembling himself was the first thing Rasputin ever did. Ana still hasn’t cracked the real reason “plug engram into Exo, receive Warmind” isn’t working: because Rasputin is a distributed intelligence. He lives in connections, literally and metaphorically - between warsats, between worlds, with Ana, with humanity. He’s a creature fundamentally built on network and communication. Rasputin is already still out there. He’s in that engram, but he’s everywhere else, too. He’s still in the warsats. He’s talking to us through the Sleeper nodes. He’s going to fight Clovis for control of that Exo Frame; that’s why the frame has red eye-lights in all the season art even though Clovis uses blue ones. 
And in the larger paracausal sense our entire solar system still bears the marks of the Warmind’s influence. He’s synonymous with the Golden Age. The same way Oryx conjured back Savathun and Xivu Arath by recreating the shapes they made, Rasputin will be conjured back by the shape he traced out in a huge web of connections and actions and effects on others that Clovis, an isolated point, fundamentally doesn’t understand. So Clovis is going to pull his little coup, possibly smashing that engram along the way, and he’s going to think it’s working, too - right before Rasputin cracks him open like an egg, because the Warmind never left. I think this season ends with us fighting Clovis in full Wrathborn mode while Xivu Arath’s armies stand ready just on the other side in the Ascendant Realm, hammering to get in, and Rasputin will deliver the final blow from inside - or maybe not, since killing Umun’arath completed the ritual last time, maybe we just wedge Clovis into his own Pillory engram - stopping Xivu from getting her beachhead and leaving her angry but stranded in the Ascendant Realm. 
Hopefully. Either way I can’t wait to see what happens.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
A Malfoy And A Potter
pairing: draco malfoy x female potter reader
warnings: fluff, kissing
summary: you and draco have been dating in secret but the secret comes out when you two attend the yule ball together
a/n: i am so sorry i have not posted in forever, i've just been busy with school and work, and trying to catch up on my reading goal for the year! it's almost summer break so i should be posting more again :)
song: sleigh ride - the ronettes
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You were currently pushed up against the wall by your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy.
His lips roam the smooth skin of your jaw and throat. Peppering you with loving kisses while you play with his hair.
Both of you are breathing heavy and he brings his lips back up to your mouth as he kisses you. You let out a satisfied hum and put your hands on his chest.
You gently push him back a bit and he looks at you. "What's wrong, love?"
"Someone is going to see us," you whisper.
"Hm, well that sucks for them," he grins and kisses you again.
You push him and laugh, "I guess you're right," you smile.
"They're going to see us when we go to the ball tomorrow night, you do know that, don't you?"
"Well of course, I know that!"
Draco pulls you into his chest and rests his head on yours, "If Potter has a problem with you and me tomorrow, I'll be more than happy to practice some hexes on him," he glides his hand along your waist.
"There will be no practicing hexes, Draco," you pick up his hand and kiss it before walking out of his embrace.
"Oh, don't be such a baby," you squeeze his cheeks. "Anyway, I'll be off to dinner now, you should come too," you start walking to the great hall and he follows you like a lost puppy.
You go in and sit with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. "Hello," you smile at them.
"Hi, Y/n," Hermione smiles.
"Hey, mate," Ron says.
"Greetings," Harry salutes you. You grin and salute him back.
"So, do you all have your dates?" You ask them. You already knew about Hermione's date, of course, you two are like sisters.
"Er- not exactly," Harry replies scratching the back of his neck.
"Same here," Ron sighs and drops his head onto the table. You cover your mouth to stop your laugh when he groans in pain.
"Welp, you two got under a day left," you clasp your hands.
"What about you?" Ron asks, "I've been wondering if you finally picked someone out of the two hundred people who asked you," he says with amusement.
"Oh don't be silly, Ron, it was not two hundred people!"
"Sorry- two hundred and seven," he corrects.
You roll your eyes, but it was true. You four have literally been tallying how many people have asked you, boys and girls. "Well, yes, I have a date."
"Really? Who?" Hermione asks.
"I suppose you'll have to see tomorrow," you exclaim with a smile.
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You were in your room getting ready for the ball, slightly panicking. Hermione was already dressed and now helping you. "Y/n, you don't need to be nervous," she says as she helps with your hair.
"I know but-"
"No buts. You are perfect and you dance amazingly! Your date is very lucky," she smiles.
You relax a bit and look at her through the mirror, "Hermione, have I mentioned how much I love you?"
"Yes, yes you have," she takes her wand to finish your hair. You already did your makeup with some of her assistance. She claps her hands in excitement, "I believe it's time for the dress!"
You pick up the beautiful dark green gown. You had bought Draco a matching tie when you picked the dress out.
You put the dress on and flatten out some wrinkles.
"You look stunning!" Hermione squeals.
"You mean that?"
"Of course! Now, let's head to the ball!" Hermione links her arm with yours. You two make your way to the entrance when you start to panic again. For someone as well known and popular as you, you get social anxiety often.
"You go in first, I'm scared," you bite your lip nervously.
She sighs but nods. She gives you a quick smile with a thumbs up before she heads down the stairs and goes to her date, Viktor Krum. You peak through the curtain to watch. Ron's jaw drops when he looks at her and her date. He looks angry and you could almost laugh.
After pacing for two minutes you decided to just go down. You pull the curtain and try to sneak in without being noticed. Unfortunately, things don't always go the way you want.
There were an absurd amount of gasps as you made your way down the stairs, praying to Merlin that you didn't trip in your heels. The gaping gazes of the people there making you even more nervous.
You see Draco talking with his best friend, Blaise Zabini. Draco listens to his friend talk as he waits for you to arrive. He notices his friends eyes widened as his mouth opens a bit.
He furrows his brows and looks to see everyone staring at something. He looks and his eyes land on you. He feels all the air sucked out of him. He admires you and then snaps out of his trance and makes his way over you, who was smiling at him.
He holds out his hand and you place yours in his. He leans down to your ear and whispers, "I hope you know how ethereal you look, sweetheart," he pulls back and you blush. Another round of gasps fill the room and you hear a, "WHAT?!" You look over and see Harry rushing over to you two, "I- what in Merlin's name are you doing with Malfoy?!"
"Um, he's my date," you say.
Harry's jaw drops as his head goes back between the two of you. You laugh and shake your head.
Draco pulls on your hand, "I would appreciate a dance with my girlfriend while you continue gaping," he places his hand on your lower back and walks you to where people started to dance.
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romanticinlove · 3 months
Summary: When Jude is banned because of his celebration, his anger gets the best of him
word count: 1k
Warnings: Angst
During the game against Slovakia, England was putting up a good fight. When the other team scores, it went unanswered for so long. As you watched the game from the stands, you felt very anxious. Your boyfriend, Jude, was playing and you knew he had a lot of pressure of him during this game. You were wondering how he was dealing with the weight of the game, and you worried for him. When the game clock showed the 90th minute, you could only hope that enough time was added for England to make a comeback. When England finally scored, it was Jude who scored. You jumped up in the stand celebrating along the other fans. You could not have been more proud of your boyfriend. It was only when you looked down at the pitch that you saw how Jude decided to celebrate. You didn't think much of it, other players had done this celebration many times before. Sure, you thought it might've been a bit crude but he was just celebrating, you couldn't blame him. When the game came to a close, you were celebrating, Harry Kane scored a goal in extra time that secured the win for England. When you went down to see Jude, you were so proud of him and could not wait to see him. When he left the locker room, you could see that he was upset about something.
"hey baby, I am so proud of you! You played amazingly tonight, I knew you would be the one to put us ahead" You said and went to kiss his cheek, but he simply turned his head. You were confused and continued "Is everything ok?"
"Can we just go?" Jude said, while he couldn't even look you in the eye. You were a bit hurt because of the way he was acting but decided to leave him cool off before trying to talk to him again. As you drove the both of you home, you would occasionally look over at Jude, who only looked out of the window. You dropped Jude off at the facility where the teams were staying. When he went to leave the car, you tried to talk to him again.
"Ok well I'll call you tonight ok? " You said to him hopeful that he would at least give you something.
"I can't call tonight" he said before opening the door, but before he could get off, you began again.
"That's ok, I'll talk to you later then. I love you"
"You too." Jude said and then he shut the door and walked off. You sat in the car for a couple of minutes, shocked at his behavior. The both of you always said I love you to one another. It sounded so stupid and cheesy, but it did hurt you. You began to drive to the hotel where you were staying. Before, the distance would've killed the both of you, but maybe now it was necessary. You tried to think about every possible thing that could've set him off. When you couldn't think of anything, you tried to brush it off. When you arrived at the hotel, you got ready for bed. Just when you were about to go to bed, you decided to text Jude.
you: Hey Jude, I don't know what happened tonight, but I just wanted to let you know that I am very proud of you, you did great. I love you, please text me back <3
Read at 10:47
When you woke up and saw that he left you on read, you got a bit upset. You genuinely had no idea what happened and you thought maybe it had something to do with you. You decided to try and text his teammate, Trent, and see if maybe he knew something.
You: hey Trent, Do you know what's wrong with Jude???
Trent: did he not tell you?
You: apparently not
trent: Y'know his celebration yesterday? He got a €30,000 fine, and a ban
you: are you serious??
Trent: unfortunately
You were very upset and immediately called Jude.
"Jude why didn't you tell me about the fine and ban??" you said as soon as he answered the phone
"Who told you about that?"
"it doesn't matter, why didn't you?"
"y/n I don't have to tell you every little thing that happens, stuff just happens"
"Not every little thing, but yeah things like that are important, especially when you get disrespectful with me"
"you still haven't answered my question"
"I told you it doesn't matter"
"who did you ask?" Jude said as he began to raise his voice a little. He was met with silence and then he spoke up again. "y/n, who told you about that?"
"I asked one of your teammates"
"Oh so instead of going to me, you go to another guy? How is that right?" Jude said in an accusatory tone. You didn't like what he was implying.
"What are you trying to say right now, you think I would cheat on you?"
"why did you have to go behind my back?"
"You were being cold and unresponsive, I was worried" you said. Jude scoffed not he other end and you began to get teary eyed "we're not accomplishing anything right now, ok. I will call you later when we're both a bit more calm."
"Yeah sure, maybe you can call my teammate and tell him about this" he said before hanging up the phone. You sat indoor hotel room, dumbfounded by this argument. How could he think that about you? You were beyond angry, but you couldn't think about why you were crying right then and there. But maybe he was right, maybe you should've texted Trent, maybe you should've waited for him to be ready. As all of these maybe's went though your head you got a text.
Jude: Honestly, I don't know what to do right now, I need space, I can't be focused on this and the euros, soju please leave me alone right now
you: Jude I will respect you space but please know that I would never do that to you, I promise
Jude: Ok
You: I love you
Read at 12:26
a/n: This was my first attempt at angst so pls lmk what you think!!
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mnnuni · 4 months
Not just sex
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Jay Halstead x Reader
Summary: Jay and reader live the evolution of their relationship Warnings: smut Words: 2491 Author's note: I actually don't know if i like the ending and I think there may be some typos, sorry
"I swear to you, the chief's face at that" (Y/N) was practically crying while she told the story "Otis was covered in flour from head to toe, we never understood how it happen"
"Because he's an idiot sweetheart" Hermann said while passing her table and handing her the beer she ordered; she pointed at him "very true, but still"
Jay loved seeing her laughing so much.
"wait wait wait" Adam was chuckling too, "if it was just flour, why did you hear a- how did you said it?"
"a BOOM" she moved her hands to simulate an explosion. She knew he was only asking her to make fun of her, but she laughed at that too.
They were all hanging out at Molly's, as per usual; everyone talking with everyone, about everything, bit (Y/N) could only think of how amazingly blue were Jay's eyes in front of her;
At some point during the evening, (Y/N) send Capp to the smiling blondie across the bar -Lord knew he needed to get laid and that woman was willing on doing it-
Just half an hour later Adam and Kim disappeared too, and they left (Y/N) and Jay alone. The tension was palpable.
They didn't last long like that, swirling their beers through their fingers, looking at each other... (Y/N) hoped noone could notice the true intentions under their eyes, Jay thought they were so obvious with their glances that everyone knew about them and were only waiting for them to confirm anything. Either way, when they got to that point of the night, neither could care less of anything other than each other.
(Y/N) got up to announce she was going to head home but Jay caught her arm, he brought her near him pretending to hug her goodbye to whisper "I'll take you home" and lightly bite her ear; he did it so naturally that noone noticed, but the goosebumps (Y/N) got from just that...
She tried to contain herself, to walk normally through the bar and act like she wasn't going to scream Jay's name in a few minutes but Jay took her hand the moment they stepped out of the bar.
It was so natural.
Too natural. (Y/N) left it and began to walk to the cars, Jay scoffed but was smiling at her.
When they got in Jay's car the air shifted in an awkwardness that didn't belong to them; (Y/N) had a feeling Jay wanted to kiss her and couldn't comprehend why he wasn't doing it. Jay really really wanted to kiss her, but maybe rushing things wasn't a good idea: he didn't want "just sex" with her, and she had to understand it.
Jay leaned over and turned the radio on, "oh my God I love this song" (Y/N) beamed and started to sing. She was so fucking beautiful like this: comfortable and happy in Jay's presence. He loved it. At the chorus of the second song, Jay finally put his hand on her thigh. He could practically feel the internal battle that (Y/N) was fighting between giving in or pretend his touch didn't affect her so much. Jay loved this too.
"I have to say, I really want to stay the night tonight"
It was a simple sentence, but from the way he put it (Y/N) knew it was more than that. He didn't say "I want sex and you're the only one who wants it with me" -which (Y/N) swore multiple times that wasn't true and that there was a very long line of women anywhere he was- no, he wanted to let her know that she made him hard with just a look and he couldn't even think to rest his hands from her but was more than happy to just sleep in the same bed if that's what she wanted.
Don't get her wrong, (Y/N) wanted to jump his bones off, but tease him like this was so fun... So she pretended he didn't say anything and kept signing until they got to her apartment.
She kept her act going smiling at him and kissing his cheek as a thank you for getting her home, she got out of the car and started walking to her flat.
It got him the time that (Y/N) arrived to her door to show up, while she was searching for the keys she felt his hands on her waist. "Took you long enough" she looked up at him and finally looked him in the eyes again. Jay didn't let her say anything else, slamming his lips to hers and devouring her on her porch. When she felt his tongue pushing at her lips she couldn't control herself anymore and opened her mouth to let him do whatever he liked. In their little bubble of hands and mouths they forgot where they were and only returned to reality when (Y/N)'s keys fell from her hands and made a noise. The pair got away from eachother, Jay got the keys and opened the door but it was (Y/N) that pushed him inside and blocked him at the door to kiss him again.
Jay pushed her away with his hands on her waist, (Y/N) was ready to have sex on her couch but he had other plans. He lifted her shirt and turned her around, flashing her back to his chest and while he kissed her neck gently and unbuttoned her jeans he guided her to her bedroom.
When (Y/N) turned to look at him, Jay was shirtless too and was pushing her to the bed to make her sit.
He was so handsome.
He left her in her underwear and was gently pushing her legs apart now, he got on his knees and started kissing and biting her thighs. (Y/N)'s breath stopped in her throat when Jay got to her panties, grabbed them with his teeth and proceeded to take them away with his mouth.
He had a wonderful mouth.
"So wet for me". He knew it was only for him, but liked the reminder. (Y/N) settled on her elbows to look at him better but when he finally licked a stripe she closed her eyes and put a hand in his hair. Jay kept licking her up and down until he heard a whimper and knew it was the moment to start sucking on her clit and massaging her lips with his fingers;
"Jay" she breathed out, he was looking at her through his lashes and she clenched at his look. He entered her with both fingers and (Y/N) moaned again; Jay was fucking smirking on her her pussy. When she tightened her grasp on his hair Jay became a hungry man and devoured her all, "please don't stop".
Oh he would never...
(Y/N) was a mess of moans and screams and Jay wanted so desperately to cume with her, but she was the priority now.
"I-I'm" she couldn't resist anymore, "I know baby" a suck "let it all go" a pump of his fingers "cum for me baby" a last lick. And then it all went away because (Y/N) was a panting wreck and Jay was eating her orgasm out until she calmed down.
When she slumped on her back on the mattress Jay slowed down and started to clean her, slowly, gently and kissing every part of her now red pussy.
After he was done he got up, took off his jeans and boxer and lay down with her. He didn't expect to do anything else, he just wanted to be near her and feel her. (Y/N) turned to him and smiled, she got closer and whispered a content "hi", Jay chuckled at her "hi baby".
Looking at him in all his naked glory, after an orgasm, made her want more, (Y/N) bit her lip and got even closer "I want you". Jay thought she was even hotter when she spoke her desire out loud, but he also knew that her pussy's lips were swollen "you sure?", she travelled her hand from his chest to his dick. (Y/N) squeezed his tip making him hiss, "positive".
Jay smiled and turned to her nightstand to pick a condom while (Y/N) kissed his back and caressed his shoulders. When he got back he already opened the package but she stopped him, "what- something wrong?" she shook her head "I want to do it". She already got the envelope in her hands and Jay's eyebrows never shot up so fast, "if-if you're okay with it", Jay seemed to come back to earth "I-I-I- of course!" she smiled "you're so fucking hot" he confessed kissing her again. While they kissed (Y/N) picked the condom and slowly unraveled it on Jay, he moaned in her mouth and swore he never experienced something hotter.
They lay back on the bed and Jay started to grind on her, "don't tease" she hissed and he smiled.
He loved to tease her.
Jay entered at a slow pace, he wanted to feel every inch of her stretch to his dick. (Y/N) wanted to scream from the first instant he started to move, but she put her hand on her mouth to muffle her noises. Jay didn't agree. He put her hands on top of her head and purred in her ears at the sign "I want to hear you while I fuck you". She would definitely moan now.
Jay on top was so good: he kissed her neck and mumbled dirty things in her ears. And he had so much control of his thrusts, he could almost hit her g spot.
But (Y/N) wanted to be in charge too. It was her on top now and she loved how one of Jay's hands was on her hip and the other on her breast, flicking and squeezing her nipple from time to time. When she was on top they both were a mess of moans and grunts because she was able to grind her clit too and Jay loved the sight of her tits so near his face when she jumped up and down. This time (Y/N) swore Jay didn't moan, he said "I love you". She stopped for a second.
Nahh it couldn't be.
"Jay I-" her movements were becoming sloppy, Jay put both his hands on her hips to steady her "I know baby, I know". She couldn't keep it anymore, so Jay pushed her back on the bed and started to thrusts into her so hard they were both screaming. When Jay came he didn't stop until (Y/N) closed her eyes and finally let go.
After some moments he gently pulled out of her and let her breathe. He threw away the condom and got his boxers again; (Y/N) was happily watching him go around in her room to find her "sleeping t-shirt" from the bed. He sat on the bed again and put it on her, kissing every part of her during the process.
"You okay?"
He always asked her after. She always said "more than okay" and then she stretched her arms to him to make him hug her and sleep with her. He didn't need the grabby hands, he would have done it anyway, but Jay loved seeing her so cozy around him.
Jay Halstead slept so well that night and had a wonderful breakfast with (Y/N) the following morning that he didn't realise what he did up until he heard Adam whisper "I love you" to Kim before she left for a few hours the precinct.
"Oh shit"
Yeah he screwed up big time.
"What?", Adam was already laughing at his face, Antonio was rather concerned instead "what'd you do Halstead?" "I told (Y/N) I love her". He didn't realise what he'd done now either, he was too in shock. Nobody knew about them and he just confessed his love to everyone.
"You did what?" , Antonio's concern shifted to confusion; that seemed to shake Jay to reality "Um-", then they started with the questions "(Y/N) as in (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? The firefighter?" "How long have you two been seeing eachother?" "I knew there was something when-"
He never thanked God enough for the call from Voight, "Sarge?" "I need you at the 51, Boden already knows what I need, go talk to him", yeah and that's why he didn't thank him.
Adam burst out laughing at Jay's petrified face, "is there a problem, Halstead?" "No Sarge".
He got up and started going like he was doing the walk of shame.
Now Antonio's expression was one of pure amusement.
When he finally arrived at the firestatione, everyone was there. Perfect, he thought, he was gonna embarass himself in front of a platoon of firefighters whithout them even understanding why. He tried to act as cool as possible, asking Severide to see their chief and everything was going smoothly. That was untill he passed Boden's door and saw (Y/N) sat on the couch in the chief's office.
"Ah Detective, I know why you're here", Boden started the search for some documents and Jay could only look at (Y/N); she nodded and saluted him with a short "detective" and a smirk.
Jay wanted to be swallowed by the abyss of the Earth.
Boden handed him two folders and thanked him for the help his unit was giving him to... something- he didn't really listen to anything other than his thoughts.
"Can I talk to you?" he asled (Y/N) when he was sure Boden had finished. She was rather confused but agreed nonetheless; (Y/N) led him to the lockers to be sure of have some privacy. She sat on a bench and he sat next to her, (Y/N) couldn't understand why Jay wasn't looking her in the eyes...
She took his hand to shake him from the visible spiral he was getting himself into and made him look at her.
Three seconds had passed, only three seconds and Jay exploded just because he finally looked at her "I love you"
(Y/N) felt the world stopping, the floor under her feet collapsing and the sky opening.
"I'm sorry, I imagined saying it in other circumstances but just before coming down here I realized I actually told you yesterday- which is even more terrible, I am so sorry, telling such a thing while you're on top of me is so... but it slipped and now that i saw you I couldn't wait anymore because I-I feel like I ruined everything"
(Y/N) couldn't decide if she was going to cry or laugh at his face.
"You love me?"
Jay wanted to crawl on the floor and never see the light again, but then he saw her tearing eyes and little smile of amusement and breathed a sigh of relief; "yes, (Y/N). I love you so much"
Yeah now she was crying for real.
She jumped at his neck and kissed him with an emotion he though he never felt.
"I love you Jay Halsted".
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spidybaby · 1 year
Be quiet, please
Summary: Kylian got a little too drunk and decided to share some information he isn't supposed to.
Warning: Slightly cursing.
Part two
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"Princesa, do you want another drink?" Neymar asks you, noticing the glass in your hand is empty. "Please," you hand him the glass with a smile.
Your attention goes back to Melissa and Fayza, Melissa was telling you a story about her recent trip. From time to time, you turned your attention to the dance floor, Kylian was dancing with Bruna, she's trying to teach him some Brazilian dance.
You can't help but smile, dizzying off from the conversation with the two women.
The party was something Kylian wanted to do, not being a very party guy himself, he asked you to help him plan it. And if you were honest, you did an amazing job, all his teammates and their partners were there, his parents, his brothers and close friends too.
"I mean, that's good for me. What about you, y/n?" Melissa asks you. You turned back to her a little embarrassed because you have no idea what they're talking about. "Yes," you say, trying to save the talk.
Fayza can't help but laugh while Melissa just looks at you with a funny expression. "You have no idea what we're talking about," she says as she joins Kylians mother. "Sorry, I zoned out." The blush on your face only grows.
"Melissa was talking about meeting for breakfast tomorrow, just us and Lana," Fayza tells you. You smile really hard, loving how they always involve you in every activity they do. "I'll love to. Let's have brunch at the cute cafe we visited last time, " you suggested happily.
"Princesa, your drink, extra special for my good friend," ney interrupt the conversation handing your drink to you. "Miss Lamari, Melissa, would you like something else to drink?" He offered happy. Ney decided to be the bartender helper since he couldn't really dance because of his injury.
They thank him and accept the offer, ney goes back to the bar to prepare the drinks. "I was thinking," you say, pausing to drink a little of the cocktail. "Ky asked me to start planning the wedding, he wants to have a summer wedding and I want to ask you to help me."
The thought of your wedding with him makes you excited. Since he proposed back before the World Cup, you started saving ideas for dresses, venue ideas, and daydreaming of what everything was going to look like.
Fayza moves closer to hug you, excited at the idea of you finally joining the family as her sons wife. She helped Kylian with the proposal, helped him pick the ring, and practice his speech. She was the most welcoming woman on earth. Since day one, she was arms open to you, knowing as soon as she met you, you were there for the long run. She wasn't wrong.
"I can't believe it's been a few months since that, you know I love you like a sister, count with me on anything."
When you moved to Paris, you didn't expect to find love and a family that loved you and protect you. Not expecting any of that to go so well as it's going.
"Thank you, both of you"
You hug them easily as you were in the middle of them. Ethan walked close to the scene and asks what's going on.
"What's going on is that Melissa wants to dance, and you're taking her," you say, watching Melissa roll her eyes at you but accept dancing with her little brother in law.
Verrati and Marquinhos saw this and decided to invite you and Fayza to dance, accepting the offer you move to the dance floor. Some Brazilian music is playing, probably a request from one of the team guys. Loving to see Ney and Marquinhos break the dance floor with their moves, tonight only being Marquinhos.
Kylian saw that you and Marco were dancing and smiled. He was happy to have you, happy to see how you blend amazingly into his world, not thinking of anyone more than you to do it.
"Go, Kylian!" Bruna yelled as he got the steps correctly this time, after what it seemed like a whole night trying. "Go, Kyky. Go, Kyky. " Sergio and Pilar cheer for him. Antonella and Leo are trying to imitate the dance as bruna directs the whole choreography.
You took Ethans hand, dancing a little bit with him while Melissa and Marco dance together, Marcos wife lost at the bar laughing with Neymar. Everybody's having fun. Everybody's relaxing, forgetting about their worries for a moment.
After a good time on the dance floor, Fayza and you go back to your seats. You are tired from the workout you did in the morning, cursing yourself for it. After a few songs, Melissa frees herself from Marco, handing him to Bruna, and she accepts excited to teach more dance moves. It was her night, and nobody denied it. We just accepted it.
Kylian left the dance floor when his eyes and yours made contact, walking your way, you open your arms for him to get into them, embracing you while you kiss his cheek. "You did it amazing, amour. Such a dancer, " you smiled, pulling away from him,
You both laugh, and he takes a seat next to you and in the middle of Melissa and his mom. "Maman," he yells, a little more drunk than usual, something is not common in him, but tonight you're happy he's letting go, knowing he needs that "Je vais me marier." (I'm getting married) Fayza, and you let out a laugh. Finding adorable the way he's so excited about it.
"I know, my love. I can't be happier for you, " she says, caressing his cheek as a love sign. She has the same thoughts as you, Kylian has a very pressured life, so it's good for him to let go and enjoy his youth.
Kylian recliners himself into you, his head into your shoulder, giving him access to your cheeks and neck, something he didn't take for granted, kissing you cheek multiple times. "Ky, stop," you pull away a little, not wanting him to start something he's not supposed to. Not in front of his mother.
"Tu n'aimes pas que je t'embrasse?" (You don't want to kiss me?) His expression turns into a hurt one, "Chérie, s'il vous plaît" (honey, please) he tries to kiss your cheeks again, but you move your face, making him pout harder this time "You weren't denying my kisses this morning while I was inside of you." You move your hand to his mouth, stopping him to finish his sentence. Melissa can't help but let out a loud laugh, Fayza laughs with her while shaking her head. "Amour, be quiet, please."
He takes his hand into yours and moves it, freeing his mouth. "Est-ce que je te fais de l'effet?" (Do I make you feel good?) He whispers into your ear.
You can't help the blush that creeps into your face. "Ky, be quiet," you whisper to his ear. "Why? maman sait ce qu’on fait" (mom knows what we're doing). With every single word of him, you can feel your face turn more red. Thankfully, the color of the lights helps you.
"Maman, elle m’a fait me sentir si bien ce matin" (mom, she made me feel so good this morning) kylian tells his mother, laughing casually, not caring a single bit about the meaning of his words. "Et peut être que je vais te faire sentir bien, ce soir" (And, baby, Ima make you feel so good, tonight) You try to hush him again, but his hands on yours difficult you the work.
"Oh Chérie, you're so drunk right now, " Fayza, who is enjoying the moment, knowing damn well she'll use it to mess with him later, tries to shush him. Melissa, on the other hand, is enjoying everything, not caring to make him stop but decide to help you. "Kyks, come with me, I want another drink," she says while taking his hands and pulling him off of you.
You stay there, ashamed that Kylian says that in front of his mother, deciding to drink your cocktail, looking at everything but the eyes of your future mother in law. "Y/n, Chérie, don't worry." She says, feeling your discomfort and laughing at how embarrassed you were. "But I have the feeling I know now why you wanted a brunch and not an early breakfast," she joked with you, which makes you laugh, you love the way she always makes sure you're comfortable.
You can't deny that even though you feel embarrassed, you lived for these moments. Yes, it was something you were going to be mocked about for a long time, but hey, it's the memories that count.
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sturniolosass · 6 months
I..want you - C.S
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In which Chris tries to handle a relationship that he’s no where near ready for, and you can’t have your emotions be toyed with…
warnings: swearing, feeling neglected, uncertainty, hurt feelings, talking stage chris.
Chris and I have been in this "talking" stage for around 3 months but the thing is stuff has been getting really serious and its gotten to the point where we've become so attached to one another that we see each other each day and sleep in each others beds, at one point we both spoke on marriage.. not like seriously about it but what we’d like to gain from it..if you get what i mean.
But this pass week somethings been off, I've texted, I've called, I've messaged him through DMs for christ's sake.. No reply..
So today I've been contemplating heading over to the boy's place and seeing what's been going on.. maybe he's sick, maybe he's down in a rut about something... I'm not sure but I need to see what's going on maybe I'll stop by and even find out they're out of internet or something.. I couldn't imagine the reason Chris would ghost me for 3 whole days.. He doesn't even seem like the type of guy to go talking to a bunch of girls, I couldn't imagine him being unfaithful to me, even though we're barely a couple to begin with.. regardless heading over there wouldn't hurt that bad... at least I hope not..
Getting dressed I head out the door sending chris one last message before I head out to his home.
Hey, I'm headed over, i know I wasn't invited so if you don't want me over or something just let me know...
I wait 10 minutes, No response
I grab my keys and head out the door.
Arriving I hop out the car to knock on the door, I'm greeted with Matt. "Yo! what's up, Chris should still be sleep but he's in the basement if you wanna wake em" he greets. "hey, yeah I've been looking for him" I speak. He let's me in walking up the steps to the living room.. I immediately head to the back of the house towards Chris' room, walking down the steps and then the hallway leading up to his door. I hesitate, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong when I turn this door knob.. twisting the door knob I'm met with a pitch black room.. a sleeping Chris laying flat on his stomach with one knee bent up north.
I just sit at the edge of the bed contemplating whether or not I should wake him and risk being greeted with his morning anguish.. Being the pussy I am, I just kick off my shoes and lay with him, picking his arm up off the bed and snuggling under it cozily.. He moves mumbling under his breathe inaudible words... I soon fall asleep right next to him..
Chris' POV
I wake up unexpectedly cuddled into y/n confused as to how she amazingly got into my room yet alone my house... Things like this genuinely annoy me, I've started to distance myself for some time now because of how serious we were getting, it began to really freak me out.. from the goodmorning messages to the worrying about my sleep schedule... things started feeling all too real. Don't get me wrong I really, really like y/n but us doing all these lovey-dovey things really scares me... aggravated I head upstairs to find out who the fuck just let her come down here while I was sleeping... Once I'm up the stairs I see Nick and Matt sitting at the dining room table, Nick editing, Matt eating cereal. "ouuu Mr. lover boy is up, how was you cuddle session?" Matt jokes.."Matt shut the fuck up, who the fuck- who just let y/n in my room and when did that happen? I didn't even go to bed until like 4 am so I know it was one of you fucking early birds" I ask angrily grabbing a Brisk can from the fridge.. "wasn't me." Nick blurts.. "who cares, its not like she was gonna murder you.. she said she was looking for you.." Matt explains.. "bro I was ignoring her for a reason.." I shout.. "well she's here now, what were you gonna ghost her something? did she do something?" He asks.. "yeah she's getting all weird and clingy and shit.." .... "like asking 'how my day was' and' if I slept well' and shit" I add... Matt looks at me weirdly "you mean caring about your well being? you're such an idiot" He gets up from the table heading to his room.. "GRAB YOUR FUCKING BOWL IM NOT YOUR MAID" Nick nearly busts my ear drums yelling at Matt.. "dude are you crazy?" I ask heading to the steps that lead to my bedroom.. "shut up bitch" Nick rolls his eyes...
Your POV
I wake up in Chris' bed alone.. not worried where he went I just wait for him to come back down the steps which is where I assume he went, starting to scroll on TikTok I hear Nick scream at the top of his lungs about 'being a maid' which I laugh at..
I then hear Chris heading back down the stairs, I hurriedly sit up fix my hair worried of what he'll have to say to me, then I start to think of what I should say to him.. I don't even know how I feel.. I wanna talk about us moving forward in our relationship but I also need to figure out why he's been acting all distant lately, I hope he doesn't think I haven't noticed.. because to be honest it feels like he has literally blocked me out of his life for the past 3-4 days..
He enters the room I stare down at my feet He walks straight pass me.. I look up. He heads straight into his bathroom... I flop back down on his bed..
Getting up from the bed I decide to make it, fluffing the duvet, tucking the sheets , fluffing the pillows.. Chris has been in the bathroom for around an hour now, I hear music, assuming he's in the shower, I clean a little more. Throwing away Pepsi cans and food casing from last night, I assume.. grabbing dirty clothes off the floor throwing them in his hamper... Suddenly I hear the water and music stop.. shuffling in the bathroom continues until Chris comes out in fresh love sweats and a black tank top, dropping his dirty clothes on the bed near his bed and heading over to his computer, I grab them and throw then in the hamper to which I assume irritates Chris.. "Can you stop!" Chris shouts... "wha-" I start to speak soon being cut off, "like you're being weird leave my clothes where I left then I didn't ask you to clean for me!" He adds.. "I mean what else am I supposed to do? You've been ignoring my presence sense I got here!" I shout back... "go home! I don't fucking know!" He replies.. "what the fuck is even your problem? like what have I even done for you to react this way to me cleaning for you?" I ask genuinely confused... He doesn't respond.. "hellooo" I speak in a questioning manner... “maybe i just don’t like you anymore and don’t need you to be here, i’m starting to even question why i did in the first place like you’re being so fucking annoying and clingy” he huffs… “all you do is bug me now gosh!” he adds…. I look to the ground genuinely hurt… it honestly makes sense, every guy i like always ends up ghosting me and it makes sense why at this point.. i can’t help that i am too “caring”.. apparently that freaks out a lot of guys..
“what so this is how you treat every girl you like? or liked?” i ask.
"I was ready to drop everything and be your girlfriend, in fact my plan today was to come ask you to be with me..I was ready for everyone to know how we've been these pass few months and not give a fuck what any hater or 'fan has to say.." I say holding back emotions.. "I never said I was ready for that, I never spoke on being together like that" He speaks.. "So what? we were just gonna be 'talking' for however long?" I ask. No response.. He just continues to stare at his computer screen. I just look back and sit down on his bed. blinking back tears.. He stares at the computer screen, nothing on it, not scrolling, no video, no music, nothing... Just staring, deep in thought...
We sit in silence for around 10 minutes before I speak again
"Chris?, can you say something? because I've done nothing but try to keep things working between us.. You've ignored me for almost 3 days when before you'd message me everyday 'How are you' , 'come over' , 'when are you free' , 'lets see a movie' , 'lets hang out before I leave for Boston.' " I count off examples.. "I just don’t get how we can go from something so good.. or what I thought was good, to you completely ignoring my existence." I add.. He continues to stare at the blank screen, until.. "I don't know okay, I just feel weird when I'm around you? you're always so caring and shit like that freaks me the fuck out..." he breaks silence. "I never feel this deep of feelings for anything, its fucking annoying.." He adds... "Well, I care about you.. its true, I care about how you slept, I care if you have a nightmare, I care if you feel a cold coming on, I care if you're upset with how much I care... because I genuinely like you Chris, and I don't know maybe this is one of those " right person, wrong time" moments because I feel like we deserve each other..." I speak whole-heartedly.. He just stares at his hands... I stand up.. "maybe in another life then?" I ask headed for the door... He doesn't respond.
I grab the door knob opening it slowly hoping he'd say something to keep me from leaving...n
"wait" he speaks "I wanna try- I want you- I wanna be with you..." he adds looking up from the floor despair in his eyes. "Chris I just don't feel like you're ready for what I'm ready for.." I reply.. “i’m ready- i am” he pleads… “how when just a moment ago you were telling me you were unsure if you even liked me” i ask… He looks down at his hands, I grab my bag and keys walking out of the room..
I hear him get up rushing out the room, he slows down once he sees me standing at the steps. Walking up to me slowly he pulls me in for a kiss, which i kindly reject hoping he gets the hint.. “i like you a lot Y/N.. i just- i need time to understand my self more. i’ve been used and hurt so many times..” he tells.. I just look at his hands in mine.. letting go i turn to walk up the steps… “can i call you later?” he asks.. I turn back “i feel like time apart might actually be what we need at this time, my feelings are genuinely hurt by the things you’ve said to me today” i reply. “i didnt mean it- you know that…” he looks up at me… I walk up the steps walking past Nick and leaving the boys house “bye Y/N see you sometime again hopefully, i know my brothers an asshole” Nick yelps from the dinning table…
I smile walking out the door.. knowing that’s possibly the end of my friendship with the boys…
A/N: the long awaited.. sorry yall i got busy but here it is!!! Hope yall like Chris and his trust issues!
taglist- @junnniiieee07 @frankdelreyy @ireadstoriss @freshsturns @unbruisable
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gtsdreamer2 · 7 months
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"Mmmph. Yes. That's it. Umph! I can feel it pouring into me!" You hugged the lamp tightly to yourself, hidden under your shirt and nestled between your petite breasts, bucking against the air as you laid in bed. Having the warmth of the lamp contained with nowhere else to go, your body seemed to absorb its energy quicker than your mother had. The heat was almost unbearable, but you knew that you needed to hurry. Your brother's girlfriend would be here soon to steal away this treasure that was suddenly thrusted apon you. After seeing how large your mother had grown simply from this morning at breakfast to only a few hours later, you were hoping that you could at least gain a few inches before then.
Aa your body adjusted to the heat, your arousal levels began to spike. You could feel your body expanding and becoming more sensitive. The lamp's energy being concentrated around your breasts was causing them to swell more quickly than the rest of you which elicited a coo from your plumping lips. You felt them growing bigger and bigger as they began to envelop the lamp, which was quickly running out of room under your shirt. You felt your feet sliding further down the bed and figured you must be close to the six foot tall mark by now.
"This feels so good!" You cried as you bit your blanket to try and stifle your moans and whimpers. Sweat poured off your body, but the heat only felt like a gentle, loving caress at this point. Just as you were starting to get lost in the throes of ecstacy, a knock at the door forced you back to reality. "Shit. She might wake mom."
Quickly you withdrew the lamp from its prison and put it on your nightstand. All your clothing was sopping wet from sweat and desire as you got up. Stretched beyond its limits, your pants tore at the seams, as did the sleeves of your shirt. Your midriff was exposed and glistening with sweat as your now massive and surprisingly perky tits tented your top. As you exited your room and made for the door, you were suddenly overtaken by your mother, who's stride greatly outpaced yours.
"Don't worry, sweetie, mommy's got it." As she opened the door, you were surprised that it wasn't Katy, but instead a delivery man for Doordash. "Finally. I'm famished." Your mom said, hungrily. Being in the presence of your eight foot tall mom, the poor man was immediately captivated by her overwhelming pheromones. "Come on. We're going to enjoy this in my room." Cindy beckoned the delivery driver and he shambled behind her, caught in a trance while carrying enough food to feed three people.
'Well that was weird' you thought to yourself, watching the whole scene play out until the door to your mom's room was shut. Just as you thought you might have more alone time with the lamp before Katy arrived, there was a second knock on the door. Before even waiting for an answer, your brother's girlfriend let herself in. She was immediately thrown off by the size of her boyfriend's "little" sister.
"Woah, Des, you're massive. What the fuck happened to you?? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look gorgeous, like seriously, super amazingly scrumptious, but your clothes are all torn because you're just...bigger." She was practically drooling as she took in all of your new stature. "Your tits grew. And your muscles grew. And you're like six foot two or something. I'm seriously jealous."
You were suddenly aware of the effect you were having on this woman in front of you. It seemed similar to the way the delivery guy had just reacted to your mom, although not as strong...yet. You began to form a devilish plan as a smile crept across your face. "You wanna feel these muscles? I'll give you a taste. Come to my room, it'll be fun." She only hesitated for a moment.
"I..um...your brother sent me here to get...something. A present? I forget...um..."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's in my room! Come on. I'll show you! You replied jubilantly. Grabbing her hand, you pulled her into your den, trying hard to ignore the moans that were escalating from your mother's room.
You pushed Katy gently into your room and closed the door behind her. "Wow," She said, dazed and dosed with an even higher concentration of your phenomenal pheromones. "It's smells so good in here. So sweet and feminine. Nothing like your brother's room. It's nice." She took the liberty of sitting on your bed while you closed the vent above your door, which you had no trouble reaching. When you turned around, Katy was staring at the lamp, still aglow beside your bed. "Hey, this is really pretty. It's totally my aesthetic."
"Ya! Isn't it cool! That's your present! I'm borrowing it right now though." You hopped into bed between Katy and the lamp and rested yourself against the headboard before grabbing it to give her a better look. As soon as it touched your hands, the familiar warmth began to spread through you. You couldn't help but let out an audible coo."
"What was that?" Katy asked quizzically, reaching for the lamp instinctively before you pulled it further out of her reach.
"It just feels really good...and it's turning me on.", you confessed, embarrassed about how honest you were being with what the lamp was making you feel. You spread your legs, revealing the split seam of your pants and a pair of strained and soaked pink panties beneath it. "I need you to...um...help me. You rubbed the soft wet spot between your legs enticingly and Katy began to drool subconsciously. She was easily being overwhelmed by your pheromones in this confined space.
"I...um....what?" She said absent-mindedly as saliva began to pool in her mouth.
"Here. Like this." You pressed the lamp to your chest with one hand while you grabbed the back of her head with your free one. With ease, you forced her head between your legs and she automatically stuck out her tongue and began to eagerly lick you over your panties, completely unaware of what she was doing. She was yours now.
"Mmph mmph mmph." Your brother's girlfriend made rhythmic whimpers between laps of her tongue as you grew more and more aroused, the warmth of the lamp still pouring into you. 'This is my own personal heaven.' You thought to yourself, your panties growing tighter as the seam in your pants split further and further with each pulse of energy.
"You know...umph..I know you're my brother's girlfriend and all, but...(holy shit I'm getting so big) you're so good at this. I might just have to steal you and make you mine." You let the lamp rest between your massive tits which had no trouble gripping onto it unassisted as you reached down and grabbed two fistfuls of Katy's hair to both pet her and force her harder against your sopping panties. Looking down on her, you suddenly realized that she was packing more ass into her jeans than she was when you ushered her into your lair. 'This girl is leaching size off of me!' You thought to yourself. You could feel yourself still growing, but you were also now aware that the warmth of the lamp was being fed to her through you. 'This is so hot.' You bucked your hips harder against her as your jeans and panties snapped off. Katy peeled the remnants away and continued her work, now unobstructed.
As Katy grew, she was slowly starting to shake off the pheromone fog caused by her boyfriend's gargantuan little sister.
'What the fuck am I doing?' Was her first thought as she was tongue deep in Destiny's snatch. Her second thought was 'why was she enjoying it so much?' Her third thought was 'why was the bed so small?' Quickly coming to the conclusion that her boyfriend's sister was causing this and that she wanted more, she continued to indulge her temporary lover. No longer bound by Destiny's pheromones, Katy began to get more aggressive with her movements. She gripped Destiny's hips with force and tried to maximize her skin-to skin contact by laying her arms against her larger partner's thighs.
"Fuck, who taught you to eat like that?" Desiny moaned, crying out in sudden ecstacy. Unable to hold back, she finally let go and succumbed to her first orgasm of the evening. The heat of her arousal peaking only added to the lamp's power, forcing a sudden growth spurt out of her and causing destiny to crest the ten foot mark. "Fuck!" She cried out, gripping Katy's head and adding a second climax.
"Who taught me that? What, like your brother has been my only lover?" Hearing Katy's voice snapped you out of your euphoria only briefly. How had she broken your spell? You felt her grip on your hips change as she pulled herself up to get on top of you. She was still clearly some feet shorter than you as she maneuvered herself swiftly face to face with you. Lowering her weight, she was suddenly sandwitching the lamp between your ample chests as she pressed her lips to yours. A small whimpered moan of surprise escaping your lips. "Let me show you what else I know." Sharing the lamp between you and tasting your own arousal on your tongue immediately relit the fires between your legs and ignited another session of passion.
Your first thought pulling up to your house after a long day of work was that Katy must have been late to pick up her gift if her car was still out front. Your second thought was curiosity about the extra car that belonged to the delivery driver trapped (unbeknownst to you) in your mother's clutches. As you opened up the front door to your house, you were greeted by a half naked delivery driver making a mad dash past you to his car. He sped off, not even bothering to collect the money for his deliver. As you turned back towards the inside of your house, your eight foot tall mother exited her room, covered in nothing but a bed sheet. "I wasn't done with him." She pouted.
"What's all that noise?" Your sister said groggily, squeezing her twelve foot tall frame out of her doorway. She had to crouch next to your mom as to not dent the ceiling.
"Oh fuck. Des, what happened? You were supposed to give that to Katy, not use it!"
"Oh, I gave it to her alright, she said sardonically as a ten foot tall Katy followed your sister out of the bedroom. Seeing your twelve foot tall sister, your ten foot tall girlfriend, and your eight foot tall mother was too much for you to bare. You fainted at the sight, and the gaggle of girls giggled about what to do with you next.
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
The Humanity of Odysseus: Fear, Pity and Honor (an analysis based on Sophocles's "Ajax")
This analysis has been suggested/requested by my amazing friend @artsofmetamoor with whom we are dealing with various of projects, mainly W.I.T.C.H high fantasy related material! Please visit her profile and check her amazing art!
So as you see from various accounts and much more my recent analysis in regards to whether Odysseus is someone without actual essence of right or wrong, we have one of the few cases in which we have a more complicated Odysseus rather than the usual anti-hero figure we have in post-homeric tradition. Sophocles in his tragedy "Ajax" tells the story of Telamonian Aias, how he lost his sanity when he became furious that the armor of Achilles was not given to him. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Odysseus opens and closes the tragedy by being in both the first and the last scene. In the first scene we have one of the most hilarious (and daresay extremely modern even for today's standards) dialog between Athena and himself. Athena has just explained to Odysseus what happened to Aias and then proceeds to call him, earning this HILARIOUS reaction by Odysseus!
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Odysseus: What are you doing, Athena?! Don't call him to come out! Athena: Easy there! (Lit: Hold up, or Keep your posture), are you taken over by cowardice? Odysseus: Don't, by gods! If you please, let him stay inside! Athena: What's the matter? Isn't he the same man he was? Odysseus: A man who was an enemy, especially now
(Translation by me)
Okay, other than the fact we have the absolutely HILARIOUS moment of Athena going in a "What are you? Chicken?" mode with Odysseus (which has me laughing to this day!) we also have an increasingly panicking Odysseus! From the moment he hears Athena go "Hey, Ajax!" from outside you can almost see him jumping out of his skin! We even have him go increasingly more panicked when he says "By gods, don't!" like the last thing he wants is to come face to face with a 2m tall behemoth of a man who not only has a personal grudge against him but also now he is mad and murderous. And his anxiety is also shown by some low-key homor he does even when Athena talks again:
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Athena: Certainly isn't it the sweetest taunt, the taunt of one's enemy? Odysseus: For me is enough that he stays inside his chambers! Athena: Are you afraid to see the madman? Odysseus: I wouldn't be so terrfied of him if he were sane (Lit: If he were in fact, sane, I would lift my fear) Athena: But now he won't see you being present near Odysseus: How? If he sees with his own eyes?
(Translation by me)
Okay we have once more Athena being cheeky (like a very interesting trope) basically sayng "why? don't you want to laugh at your enemy?" and Odysseus answering with equal humor in a "thanks but no thanks!" manner! Like "nah I'll pass!" but I find it also interesting how honestly Odysseus speaks with Athena. If other people call him coward he retaliates and in fact most of the time he is prudent but now he is truly terrified and he is not afraid to admit that to Athena who, let's face it, knows his soul. He is so afraid to the point of forgetting that gods can do stuff humans find impossible and he even asks her how she would achieve that Aias won't see him. He doesn't ask if she will protect him. He asks HOW she'll do it! XD
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Athena: I will darken his eyes so he won't see clearly Odysseus: Indeed, everything is possible when the gods are acting Athena: Then, be silent now and stay where you are! Odysseus: I'll stay: even if I'd rather be anywhere but here!
(Translation by me)
Honestly...I love this to no ends! Odysseus finding some composture in a "Oh! Right!" mode as he remembers it's Athena we are talking about, Athena basically be like "Shut up and stay still!" mode as if she talks to a dog and Odysseus whom I can so imagine mumbling that last part to himself is just an amazingly human roller coaster for Odysseus who even if he has the wits that all people would wish to have, he still is blocked by fear like everyone else. And then we have another amazing detail and scene here;
Aias comes out in all his mad glory, covered in blood of the sheep he killed and holding a bloody whip. Athena asks him questions and Aias answers how he ellegedly killed the greeks and how he captured Odysseus in his tent! He then proceeds speaking on the gruesome death he has in store for his rival, that he wil whip him to death (And again cheeky Athena inserting some dark humor like "Don't hit the poor man too hard!") She then turns to Odysseus as if expecting praise! She basically asks him "Well? What do you think of the power of the gods?"
And how does Odysseus respond?
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Odysseus: Well, I don't know of anyone: however I pity him, the poor man, even if he is an enemy, for he is taken over by this devastating delusion. Neither do I think myself better than this purpose; I can see that we who live are nothing more than deaf shadows.
(Translation by me)
Not only does he recover from the shock and fear even after he heard all the horrendous things mad Aias wants to do to him but he now pities Aias; He knows he used to be a powerful dignified king who is now reduced to a shadow of himself in madness and he pities his condition but he also PUTS HIMSELF IN HIS SHOES! He sees that he as well can easily become him! He admits that he doesn't feel any better than him, that he is also weak before the gods and he even speaks on how humans basically are pointless, temporary existences on earth compared to the immortals.
Athena even closes the scenes with a threat. She threats Odysseus never to be blasphemous to the gods because the gods can do this and much more to a man. In a way we also have a foreshadowing or an "easter egg" of the Odyssey here. In a way that threat or warning coming out of Athena coming in place.
However his humanity for his elleged enemy doesn't stop there for later he is the only one of the offended party of greeks to actually insist upon allowing Aias to be buried with honor. I will not speak on the moments where he says some of the most iconic things like "I hated him when it was honorable to hate him" which was done by another tumblr creator @ilions-end here
The clip that this analysis talks about is not his unparalleled diplomatic nature but rather the humaity that we analize here. And some of the phrases he uses to put himself in Aias's shoes as well as the people who love him and want to see him get honors after death. One of the phrases he uses, which seems to reflect to the words he gives to his wetnurse Euryclea (you can see in my other analysis) in which basically he advises her not to take pleasure upon the face of death. Sophocles seems to place a similar word to his mouth here with:
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Odysseus: Do not rejoice, Son of Atreus, to take benefit from something not good
(Translation by me)
Basically Odysseus here shows once more the other side of his; the need to be just to others. He advises Agamemnon that he should never be happy by taking revenge with an unholy act such as leaving someone without a decent funeral. Despite the fact that in Iliad for example in the heat of battle he often threatened to leave someone without a funeral, in reality here in a calm environment he realzes that one must be just before the gods. Despite the fact that Aias threatened to do unspeacable things to him, he seems to recognize not only his pain and misery but also the nobility of his spirit to which he feels sorry to see derranged like that. Odysseus KNOWS it is not noble or right to leave someone yet alone such an honorable man without a funeral and he knows the consequences of that act would anger the gods and make them become something they ellegedly should be looking down upon.
Odysseus advises against feeling joy with such type of revenge.
Of course one can argue that it would be for his own personal benefit as well to do some last act of kindness to the man that felt wronged by the decision to hand the arms of Achilles to him (and depending on the source seems that the anger was quite righteous). However it seems to me that it is his genuine drive to do it right at least in the end, in a way showcasing one more time the complexity of character in Odysseus; a man who often makes severe mistakes or even brings controversy to the table but at the same time he has a large fose of humanity inside him and a strong will to make things right
Quite frankly Sophocles is ranking as one of my favorite post-homeric sources for Odysseus's persona and inspiration apart from my top favorite Homeric version exactly for this reason. Because we can experience the many different human emotions of this character called Odysseus of Ithaca! In this one play we see Odysseus freeze in fear even his mind having trouble to work for a second in his worry, then he experiences pity and compassion for the man that had murderous intentions towards him and finally the final tribute to that said man; having surpassed all the previous carousel of emotions he experienced and finally seeing clearly what is the right decision to make.
But what do you guys think? Let me know! ^_^
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Honey for Some Honey
Bottom!FTM!Kaeya x Top!Masc Reader
AFAB Language Used | send suggestions for a prt 2 ^^
Contains: Step-Cest, Non-Con Touching, Panty Kink, Cunnilingus, Sex
Words: 1,553
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Kaeya's dad married your mom, meaning you get to see him every morning in just an oversized shirt and panties. He's way too comfortable with everyone but hey, you're not complaining.
You always hope he bends over or reaches up so you can get a look at his plump and perfect ass. He rarely does but today, he's struggling to get his favorite honey from the highest cabinet. Even with his amazingly long model-like legs he can't quite reach it, but you can.
Of course you put it up there on purpose, how else would you be able to get this amazing view?
"Are you serious? Who even put this up here?"
You walk up behind him and press your boner against his ass. "Need any help?"
Kaeya chooses to ignore your length poking him, he needs that honey for his tea. "That would be appreciated."
"It'd be nice to have some compensation though...honey for some honey." Your hands lightly massage his shoulders. "If you know what I mean."
"Absolutely not." Kaeya pushes you away and crawls on top of the counter, his ass in a wonderful display. "I'll get it myself."
"Thanks for the view, Kae."
"You're a fucking pervert." He steps down and pulls his shirt down. "Not to mention, sex in return for honey is a completely unbalanced transaction."
"Come on, don't you want your step bro to show you a good time? You don't even have to do anything, just let me touch you." You move your arms underneath his shirt, pulling at the band of his underwear. "All the guys I've been with have told me my fingers are magic. My mouth too."
"Yeah? I bet you haven't even gone past first base." Kaeya scoffs. "I doubt I'd feel anything."
"Really?" You lean into his ear. "Let me show you how wrong you are."
"I decline, but have fun jerking off alone in your room to the thought of me." Kaeya moves your hands away from him and turns around. "Oh, and here's your masturbation material, perv." He says while pulling his underwear off. He throws it in your face before walking away, he can live without his morning tea for one day.
Later, you sent him a picture of his underwear splattered with cum. With the message: "Thanks, Kae."
Kaeya couldn't help but feel a little tingle from seeing that.
He places his phone next to him on the bed and rubs himself through the fabric, drenching it with slick. "That perv is gonna love this.."
He slips his fingers inside and fingers himself. Kaeya rolls his head back and thinks about you finding his slick coated underwear on your bed, sniffing it and instantly getting a boner.
Kaeya imagines you jerking off to it, groaning and fantasizing about all the things you'll never have the privilege to do to him.
"Ah-" He reaches his peak and moans, quietly enough that no one else can hear.
He'll drop off his underwear onto your bed when you leave.
You damn near lost your mind when you found his panties on your bed, you sent him a video this time.
"You're a real tease, Kae." You groaned, jerking off over his drenched panties. "You're so fucking hot, wanna fuck you so bad.."
Kaeya could hear the desperation in your voice, the husky lowness made him so horny.
During dinner, neither of you can keep your eyes off of each other. Kaeya can feel you fucking him with your eyes and his underwear is already drenched, he's thankfully wearing shorts though.
"Mom, remember those tickets I gave you? You two should start getting ready now"
You bought tickets for some boring event your mom likes to get her and your stepdad out of the house.
Once they leave, Kaeya pulls his shorts off and walks over to the counter. "Still offering that honey deal?"
You quickly make your way over to him. "Of course."
He brings himself up onto the counter and pulls his shirt up. "Here's your honey, perv."
You almost start drooling, Kaeya truly is a sight to behold. With his perky chest and hard nipples down to the very obvious damp spot in his white panties, gods, you don't know what to do with yourself.
You kneel down, at the perfect height to eat him out. You run your hands along his soft plump thighs and bury your face in between them, breathing in his sweet scent. The sight makes Kaeya ache, he loves seeing you look so pathetic underneath him.
You lick him through the fabric, groaning heavily and palming at your boner.
"You're such a pervert." He throws his head back and you hum in agreement. He pulls his underwear to the side.
You part his folds and kiss his clit, lingering on it for a moment and making Kaeya shiver. You move in to devour his wet cunt, eating him like a starved man, like you hadn't eaten minutes earlier.
"Shit-" Kaeya's voice is breathy and high pitched. He wasn't expecting you to be this good. "Lik- like that-"
You grin, feeling smug that you proved him wrong. You slip a digit inside him, his walls pulsing around your finger.
"Oh gh- god-" Kaeya gasps, he never realized it but your fingers are big, just one feels like two of his. How would your cock feel..? "Gonna come~!"
You keep your finger inside him while licking his sensitive clit, feeling him clenching and unclenching around your finger and imagining how he would feel coming on your length instead.
You pull away, chin drenched in slick, and look up at Kaeya.
He pets you, chest rising with each breath. "Good boy."
"Can I fuck you, Kae? Please?"
He purses his lips. "D'you have a condom?"
You stand up. "Yeah, but it's so much better raw."
Kaeya looks to the side, the thought of you having sex with someone else raw makes him jealous. "As long as you pull out, okay?"
You nod, a wide grin on your face as you pull your shorts and boxers off. Kaeya holds back a gasp when he sees your full length.
"Actually.." Kaeya closes his legs instinctively. "You're too big.."
"You'll be fine, Kae! I'll go slow." You rub his thigh with your thumb. "I'll be gentle."
Kaeya sighs. He absolutely wants that inside of him but the rational part of his mind is extremely anxious. "You better be." He stares at your length. "I've never taken anything this big before.."
The most he's taken is a 5 inch dildo, the toy pales in comparison to yours.
You smirk. "Of course." You grab his thighs and pull him towards you before slowly entering him. You groan at his tightness while Kaeya grimaces at the stretch.
"Gods, you feel amazing Kaeya."
He moans, loving the feeling of you entering him despite the pain. "Gonna tear me apart-"
You grip his thighs tightly, trying not to shove your entirety inside him and fuck him like a doll. "Don't say that.."
"Pervert." He smirks. "You're so fucking big, daddy, I can barely take you~" He teases. He's about to say something else but stops when he sees your reaction, breathing heavily and clearly using all you can to restrain yourself from being rough.
"Kae. Don't.."
Kaeya can't help but snap that rope keeping you from doing that. "I might come just from having you inside me, daddy~ Mm, so big and th-"
He's interrupted by your sudden thrust, a loud moan escaping his pretty lips as you bottom out. You pick him up off the counter, gripping his ass tightly as you fuck him without mercy.
Kaeya breaks out into cries of pleasure. "Fuck~!" He digs his nails into your back, almost piercing the fabric with his nails.
He rolls his eyes back, moaning shamelessly due to your hard and rough thrusts preventing him from even trying to stay quiet.
You land a harsh smack to his ass, pulling a shriek from Kaeya. "Is this what you wanted?" You ask, nipping at the outer part of his ear.
"Ye- yes~!" He chokes on his saliva. "Ah- gon- uh~ come~!"
You keep up the pace, fucking Kaeya even as he's reached his climax. "'M close too-"
"Outs- outside~!" Kaeya squeaks, slapping your back.
You rest him on the counter and retract your length slowly. Kaeya almost wishes he didn't tell you to pull out, he misses the feeling of having you inside him.
You push his underwear back to normal, jerking off and shooting your spend over the white fabric.
Breathing heavily, Kaeya watches you ruin his underwear with cum. "...Shower?" He asks quietly, his intentions anything but pure.
You smirk, catching on, and carry him bridal style into the bathroom. You sit him down on the sink and pull his underwear off, tossing it into the basin before removing his shirt and throwing it elsewhere.
He helps you take yours off, staring directly at your abs. You move to turn the shower on, adjusting the water to a good temperature for Kaeya.
He goes into the shower first, looking at you seductively as the water cascades down his body. He leans against the wall, turning his head towards you and jutting his ass out.
"Are you coming, big boy?" He winks.
738 notes · View notes
A/N: I replied to a request ages ago it was george Weasley x fem Slytherin reader ending with smut and I just spent like 3 hours editing and adding to it to improve it. Here you go :) 💗
Warnings: smut, p in v, praise kink if you squint (barely there), orgasm denial, overstimulation, cunnilingus, deapthroating, Draco kinda being an ass, harry kinda being an ass too, swearing idk if I missed anything out let me know please :) ❤
Word count 4350 (yes I did make it so it was an even number for people with OCD like me because it's something normal and shouldn't be alienated it should be acknowledged and people should do things to help people with OCD out)
"George, Geooooorgggeee GEORGE"                  George snapped out of his day dream with a start. "What fred" George said rolling his eyes lifting his head from his fist to look at his twin. "You're staring at her... AGAIN" Fred said exasperated.
"How can I NOT she's gorgeous, she has nice eyes, nice hair, amazing smile, her laugh literally sounds like a Phoenix song and don't even get me started on her personality... " George rambled on dreamily
"She's a Slytherin George" Harry deadpanned interrupting him rudely
 "She's not actually half bad mate considering that she's a pure blood Slytherin and all that she doesn't seem to obsessed with purebloods" Fred told the bespectacled boy pointedly
"See" George said
"Even Fred agrees that she's amazingly gorgeous"                         "woah woah woah I never said that... " Fred started
"George stop being a mushy simp and just go ask her out if you're that in love with her " Ron said annoyed
"But what if she rejects me or.... " George started. It's unusual for him to be so hesitant in asking a girl out this completely opposed his usual confident demeanor.
"JUST GO" Harry Ron and Hermione said in unison
"Fine fine I'll go but if I get rejected all three of you owe me 5 gallions" George exclaimed standing from the Gryffindor table and walking over towards where you were sat at the Slytherin table
"Hey Y/N...." He started 
"Oh here comes the carrot top blood traitor " Draco interrupted seethingly                             
"Draco shut up and stop" You said to him firmly                                    "what I'm just saying it how it is Y/N" he said clearly annoyed by the presence of George        
"I said.... Stop" You said firmly glaring at him furiously  
"Fine" he said moodily and returning to the conversation he was having with pansy
You stood up and walked over to where George was stood a couple of feet away                          
"I'm so sorry about him" you said "he's actually really caring beneath all of the pure blood shit his parents just sort of brainwashed him.. Especially his dad. Anyway sorry I'm rambling on what's wrong? " 
 "It's fine don't worry I don't take it to heart but thank you for you know... Standing up for me" George told you  blushing ever so slightly                                                                       
" that's absolutely fine I'm glad to help out a fellow blood traitor " you said jokingly. Everyone knew that you had a horrible relationship with your parents and they had disowned you so for now you were living at the Malfoy man or much to Lucius' dismay.
" so what can I help you with? " you asked grinning up at him
"Well I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe go out to Hogsmede with me this weekend" he said blushing furiously scratching the back of his neck nervously
"Of course, I would love to ! " you said happily "do you want me to drop by the Gryffindor common room then we can walk down together? " you asked
"No absolutely no you're the lady so I'm picking you up at YOUR common room okay!? " he said pointedly regaining his usual confidence now that he hadn't been rejected. He wasn't about to  let you be the man of the date you deserve to be treated like a princess                                   
"okay so that's a date then? " you said smiling. You were pleased that finally one of the boys that had asked you on a date had the decency to pick you up. (You have had A LOT of boys asking you out because you were the heart throb of Slytherin. You weren't a slag or anything like that but you'd been through a quarter of your year )
"Yea sure.. That's a date " he replied                   
  "okay I'll see you on Saturday I'll talk to you later or I'm going to be late for charms " you said checking your watch                                  "ok, see ya" George said
You both turned to walk away but then             
"George hang on a sec" you said jogging over to him                             "What's wr..... " he started. But you cut him off as you stood on your tip toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek "thanks for asking me out" you said and before he even got a chance to open his mouth to reply you had already jogged off to your next lesson.
Fred walked back to his friends stunned and madly blushing.           "So you got the date then judging by that oh so innocent gesture that left you in this state" Fred said grinning madly knowing that he would tease George for at least 2 weeks for being in such a state after one kiss on the cheek by a girl
"Yea" George said still stunned his cheeks flushed still
George stood outside the Slytherin common room waiting for you to come out.
"Sorry I kept you waiting I couldn't find my purse and I wanted to pop into zonko's so I wasn't about to leave without my purse"  you said slightly flushed you had just spent the last 10 minutes rushing around looking for your purse.
"That's absolutely fine and thank God you're off into zonko's because me and Fred need some more Dr Filibuster's Fireworks we ran out last week when we got detention for setting them off during transfiguration" George said smiling at the memory
"Right then good sir off to zonko's we go" you said poshly                 "Why of course my lady" George replied playing along and and bowing deeply offering you his hand graciously. You took it just as graciously                                                     
"why thank you kind sir" you said
You both walked off laughing and chatting animatedly. Once you had been to zonko's for a few hours George turned to you and asked                           
"Where to next? "                                                     
 "We are NOT going to madam Puddifoots anywhere but there! " you said seriously             
"Oh thank god you said that! " George said sounding relieved           "three broomsticks? " you asked                            
"Yep definitely" he replied grinning.
Once you had arrived at the three broomsticks and chosen a table George asked "butter beer? "                                                   
"yes please let me get out my pur... " you started but George interrupted you                     
"absolutely not fuck no I'm not letting you pay for your own drink I'm paying and that's final. Now do you want your drink hot or cold" he said firmly giving you a dont-you-dare-argue-with-me look. Usually you would pay for it yourself as you had been brought up to be independent and do everything yourself (another toxic trait your parents had passed onto you)
"George are you sure?? " you said feeling a little bit guilty               "yes I'm absolutely sure" he said "hot or cold? " he asked again      "George it's in the middle of summer... " you said looking at him with a 'seriously' look             
" I take that as cold" he said laughing and going to order your drinks. About 2 mins later George came back with your drinks he sat down and took a sip. You looked at him and snorted with laughter.                                     
"What?? " he said confused                                   
"you've got a little something there" you said pointing to your the end of your nose. George had gotten the froth of his butter beer on his nose. He wiped the tip of his nose with the back of his hand.      "Have I got it?? " he asked                                        
"yea" you said laughing
   He hadn't got it but you thought you'd have a little fun and let him believe that he had.            
"Y/N I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to come back to the Gryffindor common room once we've got back to the castle instead of going back to yours? " he asked                                             "Yea sure I'd like that" you said smiling and trying to surprise your laughter at the fact that he still had butter beer froth on the end of his nose luckily he didn't notice.   
After about 3 rounds of butter beer you both decided to head back to the Gryffindor common room.                                                            "Do you think your friends will be ok with me in your common room considering I'm a Slytherin? " you asked George                       "Of course they will! " George said surprised      
"Are you sure? . You don't think I'll make anyone uncomfortable do you? " you asked      
George half absent mindedly threaded his hand through yours and said "I promise no one is going to mind"
He noticed that he had taken your hand in his and let go immediately                               
"sorry" he said "I wasn't thinking"                       
"no it's ok" you said grabbing his hand again and looking up at him "I liked it" he down smiled at you holding onto your hand more tightly.
You got to the portrate of the fat lady George stood there and said "shit I forgot the password ummmm.... "
"Daisy's " you said and the door opened George looked at you "how did you... "                
"overheard one of the prefects telling Neville the other day" you said smiling                             
"you're amazing" he said awestruck "after you" he gestured 
You walked in and looked around                             
"oh my god it's so much nicer in here, the Slytherin common room is shit compared to this " you said amazed. George laughed            "I'm glad you like it , come on " he put his hand on the small of your back and guided you to the sofa. He sat down and you sat next to him he put an arm around you and you leant into him
"Ah is this the lovely Y/N? " Fred said coming over to you and George offering you a welcoming smile he sat beside you and you offered to shake his hand. He took your hand but jumped back immediately. You and George shook with laughter   
"Electric shock ring" you said wheezing "got it from Zonko's"  . Fred grinned at you then looked at George                                              "I like this one" he said then he looked at you "welcome to the family"
He looked at George again and then furrowed his brows slightly looking at the froth still on his nose. "Geo.." He started but then stopped as you put a finger to your lips and mouthed "don't tell him"   he winked at you understanding the assignment
Luckily George didn't notice this interaction as he was too occupied with the arrival of Harry, Ron, Hermione and, Ginny.
"Hi Y/N" Ginny said as though you had been friends for years
"Hi Ginny " you said smiling kindly at her
"Oh yea sorry hi to everyone else as well " you added
"Hi" Hermione said sitting down opposite to you  
   "Hi" Ron said sitting next to Hermione
"Hi" Harry said coldly sitting on the other side of Hermione which was a mistake because as soon as he sat down Hermione elbowed him hard in the ribs
"Ow what did you do that for? " he said to Hermione
"Because you need to watch your tone not every Slytherin is an asshole " Hermione said pointedly
"It's ok I get it"  You said looking down "I guess.... Not everyone knows how amazing I am " you said putting the back of your hand to your forehead and pretending to faint onto George.
Everyone laughed and Harry let out a sort of snort of laughter
Hermione elbowed him again looking at him pointedly. He rolled his eyes"Sorry" he said half hartedlh "i guess you don't seem too bad"
"Don't seem too bad! " you exclaimed looking scandalized "What treachery is this? " you said looking to George wide eyed and offended
"Why my lady, I do not know! " George said playing along       "Alright I take it back your amazing" Harry said laughing at the shared ridiculousness you and George had. He was still a bit cold towards you after that but eventually he warmed up to you and stopped being an ass.
Somehow Fred had managed to tell the others not to mention the butter beer froth without George noticing. So after an hour or so of just the 7 of you talking George said
"Why do you lot keep staring at the tip of my nose ? "
"No reason " Fred said innocently                            
"pffftt yea right" George said sarcastically. He got up to look in the mirror just above the fire place he turned around and looked at you.
"You little shit" he said "you told me I got it" he said wiping the froth off of his nose
You and the others laughed
"So you're telling me that for the past 4 hours I've had this shit on my face"
You and the others were now histerically laughing at Georges pissed off face
"Yep" you said grinning at him maliciously.He came over to you grabbed a pillow and threw it at you. You caught it and threw it back hitting him square in the face. This kick started off a big pillow fight between the 7 of you. You ran up into the boys dorm as George ran after you with a particularly big pillow. You managed to get up there 15 seconds before he did. You grabbed a pillow off of one of the beds and drew the curtains around the bed but hid underneath the bed knowing that you could ambush George when he opened up the curtains on the 4 poster bed.
George came up with his pillow and (predictably) went straight to the bed with the curtains closed. He ripped open the curtain and lept onto the bed expecting to find you there. You shot out from underneath the bed and ambushed him. He flipped onto his back and held his arms above his face laughing. You were almost straddling him with both your knees either side of him you were hovering just above him. After a couple of hits you threw the pillow to the side and put both of your hands either side of his head panting slightly.
"Accepts defeat! " You told him grinning              
"never! " he said and flipped the two of you, so he was above you.
"Ha" he said
"ugh shut up" you groaned                                        
"make me " he started smirking                            
"fine" you replied. You trapped the back of his neck and brought his lips crashing down onto yours.
You kissed him passionately and to your surprise after a couple of seconds he kissed you back with just as much passion .
He reacted instantly and within seconds his hands were trailing down your body and stopping  at your hips, his thumbs caressing them.
He pulled away from the kiss , flustered and slightly pink in the cheeks.
You both felt it now ,the definite sexual tension between the two of you, he was already half hard and you were begginng to get wet a dull ache that needed to be cured setting between your legs. You both knew what was gonna happen next. And things became more serious as the sexual tension built up.
He looked into your eyes "This ok? " he asked not wanting to do anything without your permission (COZ CONSENT IS FIT)
He uooked his thumbs into the band of your jeans to indicate what he meant, not that he needed to though.
You nodded your head
"Words sweetheart. I won't do anything without verbal consent " he said slightly cautiously
"George? "
"Ruin me" you whispered seductively
His lips smashed down onto yours as you both made out passionately. He brought his knee up and settled it between your legs putting the much needed pressure on your aching (and now dripping wet) pussy.
"George please" you said breathlessly, wanting more.
He took action heeding your request and gradually you began to undress each other as you continued to kiss.
George stopped the kiss his hands on your bra clasp. He looked in you again, looking for consent. You gave a small nod and he took off your bra (with a tiny bit of difficulty) and threw it to the side. He stared at you completely dumb struck
"You're fucking gorgeous" he said kissing the valley between your breasts
You chuckled your breath hitching slightly at the contact "you're not to bad yourself" you said staring at his abs
He grinned and started kissing his way down your body. He stopped came back up and began to knead your breasts with his hands.
You let out a soft breathy moan, which spurred him on further. You had very sensitive breasts so every touch felt like heaven. He began to play with your nipples alternating between sucking on your right nipple and kneeding your left breast one minute then sucking on your left nipple and kneeding your right breast the next minute.
After about 5 minutes of this he moved back up to your lips and began making out with you again, eagerly you met his lips and kissed him back. His moved away from your lips slowly kissing his way along your jawline and finding the sweet spot on your neck and sucking on it leaving a (very dark) hickey behind and making you moan softly at the sensation.
After making a few more (noticeable) hickeys on your neck, he slowly kissed his way down your body keeping eye contact with you the whole time. When he got to your knickers ((panties if you're American)) he asked
"May I? "
"Yes" you said "please,... Be my guest"
He smiled and took your knickers ((again panties if you're American)) off and spread your legs gently with his hands. He looked you in the eyes before dipping down and slowly licking the length of your pussy. You let out a moan and thread your hands through his hair, not to push him just to have your hands there.
"Fucking gorgeous girl" he said, more to himself but it made you blush nonetheless
After a few more slow licks, he started to speed up. Focusing on your sensitive clit he alternated between circles and flicking your clit with his tongue. Every now and again he dipped his tongue into your cunt and tested your hole. He would start and stop his actions alternatively so when he started again it was a pleasant surprise that made moans and profanities spring from your mouth. You noticed you were coming close to your orgasm and chased it, you began to slightly buck your hips into him whilst your moans and the string of pleas' and sweet nothings became more frequent and louder . He lapped at your pussy faster and your moans were now just endless strings .
You felt a knot forming in your stomach as he focused all of his attention onto your bundle of nerves
"Gorge... " you moaned out your hands curling into his hair
He seemed to understand and started sucking on your clit and brought up two long slender digits and began to pump two fingers into your (now drenched and dripping) pussy. You felt the knot get tighter and tighter until it almost snapped.
Just as you we're about to cum George stopped much to your dismay
"George please" you whimpered
"Shhhh I've got you love " he cooed as he brought your legs up onto his shoulders and used one hand to arch your back wonderully. He delved back into his actions faster than before and your nerve ending we're deliciously tingling, every part of your body tingling in anticipation. The new position brought you onto new levels pleasure and after another minute off all this the coil that had been getting tighter and tighter and tighter finally snapped.
You tilted your head head back letting out a loud moan your thighs shook around his head . He continued his actions relentlessly and you were sure he sped up.
"Fuck George I can't.. " you whimpered, begging to get overestimated
He lifted his head his chin covered in your juices, "c'mon love give me another one you can do that for me can't you? "
"Okay" you said
"Good girl" he said as he went straight back to his assault on your pussy.
He pushed up a bit with his hand, arching your back more as he hummed into your pussy sending vibrations through your body. It didn't take long for you to cum again as you were still extremely sensitive from your last orgasm.
The coil snapped again and you came, hard, your thighs shaking again and your hands gripping onto the bed sheets and you let out a string of (almost pornographic) moans, praises and profanities.
He slowed his actions wanting to fully milk you of your orgasm before stopping and wiping his ching with his fingers and then sucking them clean.
"God you taste amazing" he stated almost dreamily
Panting you said  "you're good, like.... Really good"
He grinned and replied "it's only going to get better from here"
"Fuck I don't know if I can come again" you said uncertain as you were already overstimulated
He moved back up to your dance and put a finger underneath the tip of your chin and kissed you softly and gently.
"Don't worry love, I'll go gentle with you"
He unbuckled his belt and took his trousers off discarding them somewhere near the foot of the bed on the floor. He pumped himself a couple times before you sat up and moved his hand out the way.
"Let me" you said, wanting to repay the favour
He gave you a nod leaning back onto his elbows and you started pumping him up and down slowly. He hummed in appraisal as you spread up your actions.you leant down and took his cock into your mouth taking him completely
"Fuck" he moaned as he tiled his head back closing his eyes.
Your deal throated him until he nearly came and he put a hand in your hair stopping your actions
"Keep going like that and I'll finish before I'm inside of you"
You stopped and sat back up and he did to before leaning over to get a condom out of the draw on the night stand.
"Wrap it before you tap it" he grinned and slid the condom on his dick
You laughed lightly. He put his hand on your hips gliding you to lay down and you complied and one again he was on top of you.
He hovered over you his penis at your entrance
"You ready? "  he asked cautiously
In answer to this you flipped the two of over so you were on top and you slid onto his dick, completely bottoming out the both of you letting out a loud mian. You gave your self a minute adjusting to his size, he was a bit bigger than  the guys you've been with before.
"I take that as a yes" he said breathless pleasantly surprised by your actions
You began to ride his dick your hands ghosting his soft ripple of abs. You were slow at first then gradually became faster. You were both letting out streams of moans and saying sweet nothings to each other as you both neared your climax.He became needy and he started to thrust his hips up to meet yours and you started thrusting in sync.
He bought his hand to your pussy to stimulate your puffy overused clit further with his fingers and in return you kissed him slightly biting his bottom lip with the overstimulation of pleasure , your hand threading through his hair, almost massaging his head.
As you both neared your climax your motions became sloppy and out of sync. He came first , groaning out your name as you continued your actions until you came every nerve in your body deliciously burning, your pussy clenching around his dick as pleasure harshly ripples through you as you cane for the 3rd time that night just this time you came around his cock moaning out his name in vice versa.
You collapsed beside him both of you panting. "Best. Ive. Ever. Had" he stated firmly threading his hand through yours and interlocking your fingers.
"You took the words right out of my mouth" you replied
After about 5 minutes of the two of you you just laying there catching your breath and restoring your heart rates to normal he sat up.
"I'm gonna go clean up in the shower..... Care to join" he said"I would love to" you replied
------------------------------time skip :)---------------------------------
After the two of you showered and dried yourselves off (he mostly took care if you since you could barely walk)  you walked (actually he carried you bridal style) back into the dorm.
"You can borrow some of my Pj's if you want" he offered placing you gently on the bed and pulling out to pairs of PJ's
"You want me to stay the night? " you asked surprised
"Umh..... Yea! Obviously" he said as though it was the most abvious thing in the world
You grinned "chuck us the PJ's then"
He laughed throwing them to you "Y/N you can stay any night you want"
"Thanks" you replied putting on his PJ's. Obviously they were too bug for you but you didn't didn't mind as they were comfy. You both got into his bed (him spooning you from behind) and you both fell asleep after about another half hour of just talking about nothing.
A/N: second time writing smut I'm pretty sure it's shit but who cares. If you have constructive criticism PLEASE feel free to comment thank you so much for reading and please request because I'm bored.
Love from me ❤❤
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pythoness94 · 2 months
Obscure fanfic recs, the opinion piece, part two.
This one contains relationship advice and analysis so that's like great? I guess? and it's a more serious take then my last one but like. What can I say? this one was darker then the last. So, I hope by reading these you look into the fics yourselves because every single one of these are wonderful. Also, if y'all got a fic you want me to look into like this (which, lets be fr, you probably don't.) let me know and I'll look into it! As always, thanks to @the-aphelion-archives for the recs and let's get into this.
Fic name is "i hate how you’re going through hell, when you’d never let anyone else: by gaysforbyler "
Opening thoughts: Well, this is a fic I’ve read before and starting out. I adore it, this is the EXACT type of Fic I love. I read this fic very often and the author is one of my favs. So let’s GET INTO no?
Fic thoughts: First things first, I love how Will’s mood matches Mike. He’s not perfect but he’s trying and I love that. It matches a real relationship perfectly, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and I KNOW it’s been beaten to death but coming from someone who is in a three year long relationship COMMUNICATION is the best thing you can do. And sometimes, communication isn’t sitting down and spilling your guts like your partner is your therapist. Sometimes communication is just saying you aren’t feeling it, or letting them know you don’t want to do things, saying that you just aren’t okay. And when you can’t say that, you have to find a way to say that. I:e, what Mike and Will do in this fic using examples. “Rollercoasters and concrete.” Also, communication is a two way street. While it’s also a partner's job to talk, it’s also their job to LISTEN. Which Will didn’t do at first, he kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing Mike until Mike broke. This is what I was talking about: how relationships aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it’s one person tugging too hard on the rope while the other is just weakly holding it so they fall into the mud. But it’s the person tugging to hard job to drop the rope and clean their partner up, asking what’s wrong and trying to fix it. This is how relationships work and this fic demonstrates that excellently.
Okay so, this is one of the things that signal that you need to pick yourself up and get your head into the fucking game and outside of your pitying spiral ”. “Fuck you” Mike spat out” Now for Will, this was strange for Mike because, as we all know, Mike doesn’t do that to Will. So it was the perfect thing to cuff him upside the head and go “HEY DIPSHIT SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOUR BOY!” Personally, I’ve had things like this with my girlfriend (her getting quiet and snippy with me.) and I’ve been told that one of my tells is me just getting terse and competitive with things that don’t fucking matter. So Will soothing Mike and getting him OUTTA THERE, is good shit. It reminds me of when i get overwhelmed and my girl hands me her airpods. Good shit.
Will is such a good boyfriend in this fic, recognizing that he fucked up and doing his best to listen to him, great stuff. Also, Mike is characterized AMAZINGLY. His depression is portrayed wonderfully (has a person with diagnosed depression, it’s like this a lot for me. Mike is me fr) This is wonderful. The wheeler family…they’re something else. I can ramble all day about their dynamics but that’s for a different post, different time. But I can say that I TOTALLY see Karen doing that, accidently dismissing something really serious due to 80’s bullshit. Mike and Will are SO cute. However, to address the elephant in the room. I love when people talk about the quarry. It’s a…tender… subject not only for me but others in the fandom and I HATE how the duffers brush over it. That kinda shit sticks with you and I don’t like how nobody brings it up. Not only did Mike jump off a cliff, but he did it for Dustin, who was there, and saw him. Honestly? If I was Dustin I wouldn’t let Mike outta my sight. If Dustin was there for season 3 he wouldn’t have let that shit where Mike hit Billy with a pipe and ran at him when he hit Max slide. He would flip his shit and put his foot down so that Mike needs to be more careful. Another reason why I hate it when people make the party hate Mike. That’s not how people react when their CLOSE friends don’t reciprocate another CLOSE friend’s feelings. They don’t all turn on one fucking person, even if they did choose sides it wouldn’t be everybody and their MOM on fucking Mike’s ass, at least SOME would be against Will. Like I said in the past, if you can’t imagine your ST cast being against Will in this situation or ANY situation but then turning on Mike with a finger snap is totally reasonable then your characters are OOC.
I have some great feelings about the ending. Will recognizes that he can’t handle Mike’s issues alone and guides Mike into letting him tell his mom (AKA a trusted adult.) This is what you should do in this situation. It’s not on YOU to help your partner get better, you’re not their therapist, you’re not their mom or dad, you’re their partner. That’s it, and the only person that can help someone get better is themselves and they will never get better if YOU get worse because you’re struggling to carry the brunt of their problems on your back. Will puts it real good at the end here. “Maybe that’s all Will needs to do. He can be here— offer support, an ear, hugs, anything Mike needs. That’s how he can help. If that’s the case, he has a pretty easy job. There’s nowhere he’d rather be.” This is all you need to be. If someone ever, EVER, threatens to harm themselves or is doing something if you leave them, if someone getting better enterally relies on YOU, then call someone. Their mom, their dad, their siblings. If they are threatening to harm themselves, call the emergency line. The instant they start that shit, call it and ask for a wellness check and explain the situation. That isn’t your job to do, that’s the police’s and your partner's family to do. Do not try and talk your partner down unless you REALLY REALLY need to, you’re giving them exactly what they want. If it gets to the point where they are willing to pull that shit on you, then they need help you can’t give ‘em. Period, dot, end of story. Anyways. 
Will is a great boyfriend here and Mike is just so cute, and so real. Will doing his best to coo and coddle his boyfriend was great, made me feel like my girl was in the room with me lmao. It’s good, it’s cute, and it’s HEALTHY!!! Let’s fucking go.
Final thoughts: I can’t really say anything I haven’t already written, so, great fucking food. Byler was hella cute in this. This is my favorite fic, that’s why it’s so fucking long. I can’t promise the others will be this long but y’know? We’ll see how goes. Onto the next one!
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kittykichi · 1 year
Making my own post as to not start anything, but that post going around saying Titan Luz is bad writing because she was just handed her powers by God on a silver platter is a bad take. It's taking everything such at face value without the nuance that it is.
From the beginning, Luz discovers glyphs from other people and her surroundings. Eda, her mentor and guardian with light (and to protect herself and King from Eda's curse) , Ice from the wilderness in a moment of weakness when she desires to save her friends, fire from a rival when trying to stand up for her friend through a game. Like, Belos says the Titan "hid" magic from him while he "favors" Luz, and while I think that's actually ambiguous compared to the end (I'll get there) the point is that ultimately the power Luz has is that she appreciates others! She's open-minded, she desires connection. And that's what made her so radically different from him.
Now as for "God favors her and she is the chosen one so she gets ultimate power" I wanna step back and talk about how the Titan (alive in the liminal sense) is presented to us.
When we first meet him, he's not amazingly grand or regal. In fact, he's got dad bod, comfy in his robes, synonymous with a coffee cup in hand. He's just some guy. He's also KING'S FATHER. He's watched Luz become an older sister to his son, love King SO much that she was willing to give up her old life so he wouldn't face The Collector alone. Again, she values connection to others, and not just anyone, but his son. She deserves his power because she's proven time and time again that she is selfless, to fucking fault in fact. I won't even go into all the times she self-sacrificed to make others happy. So yeah, he chooses her. Wouldn't you?
And she doesn't take it eagerly either! She's full of self-doubt that she asks why? Let's compare this to the second episode where she eagerly believes she's been chosen by the wizard and ends up beefing it. She doesn't take that power lightly. King's dad responds, "I don't see anyone else around" and basically says that he thinks she'll just do fine, but she has to choose it to. This is not "handing it on a silver platter" situation. This is a mutual agreement. This is a dad wanting to help his son, fix his mistakes, nurture a caring soul. This isn't Luz "being the chosen one™". This is a young girl who's learning to accept herself, willing to forgive herself and fight for others.
And to say this is bad writing, ESPECIALLY SINCE IT WAS PRETTY WELL KNOWN THAT THEIR SHOW GOT SIGNIFICANTLY CUT! is such a bad take, sorry. You can prefer other shows' writing, but this take isn't it, friend.
In short, Luz has always been hinted at to be good at glyph magic because she is a kind soul who values others and doesn't take selfishly. And "God" here is ultimately just some dude who cares about his son and fixing a wrong.
-mic drop-
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Book of Memories ~ Clavis, Jin, Sariel ~ Part 3
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Collection story
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
~~ Flashback continues ~~
As night falls, the town is enveloped by a lively atmosphere different from during the day.
As if to blow the fatigue from work away, people happily drank their fill and danced to music at the tavern...
Within such a town of adults, two children wandering about looked out of place.
Clavis: Jin! Look, there's some musicians over there.
Jin: Hold on, if you run too fast you'll end up crashing into people.
Clavis: ! This smell. It smells like the muffins I've had with my mother.
Jin: It definitely smells sweet like a muffine...
Clavis: I thought so! Jin, you got it.
Jin: Seriously...
Clavis dashes through the streets with the zeal befitting a child of his age.
Jin chases after him and pulls him back before he bumps into someone.
To the people passing by, the pair looked like brothers.
Jin: I'm feeling a bit hungry. Wanna get something to eat?
Clavis: I do! Ah, I'm the senior so it'll be my treat!
Jin: Nah, let me treat you. You've already done so much for me. Besides, let me be the big brother once in a while.
Clavis: ...
Jin: Hm, what's wrong?
Clavis: I was just happy to hear that Jin wanted to do something brotherly!
Jin: Ah- I just got caught up in the moment. Sit on that bench while I go get us something.
Clavis: O~kay.
Jin: I didn't think you'd actually follow me.
Clavis: Hm?
Clavis, who was munching away at his muffin, tilted his head at Jin's words.
Jin: I meant when I invited you to go out to town when you happened to pass by. Won't your mom or Sariel scold you if either found out you snuck out of the castle?
Clavis: It-It'll be fine as long as we don't get caught.
Jin: You're pretty bad.
Clavis: Am not! I didn't follow you just to enjoy the twon.
Jin: Are you keeping an eye on me as my senior in case I do something weird?
Clavis: That's not true. If I thought you weren't just simply going out, I would've done everything to stop you.
Jin: Then why'd you follow me?
Clavis: So that you can get closer to your brothers.
Jin: Other people think that we're close enough.
Clavis: Do you think so too, Jin?
Jin: Definitely...more than the beginning.
Clavis: I see...That's fine with me! Still, I'd like us to get along and know each other better.
Jin: By how much?
Clavis: Why don't you tell me some stuff. Things that make you happy, annoyed, or sad. All of it.
Jin: ...
Clavis: I came along because I thought it'd be the bets place for us to relax and get to know each other better. Because I think court's still a place that's too nerve-racking for you. A place where you can't stay calm.
His golden eyes which were usually brimming with curiosity now held some seriousness.
Jin: You've really come to accept me as your older brother.
Clavis: Of course. But I'm also your senior too. As your little brother and senior, I'm easier to talk to than anyone else. So you can tell me anything, no matter how trivial it is. I'll be happy if court becomes a comfortable place for you someday, Jin.
Jin: You've grown up to be an amazingly good kid.
Clavis: I'm a good boy! Mother told me so.
Jin: Your mother must be really proud to have a son like you.
Clavis: She told me that too! H-hey, don't mess with my hair! I'll have to tidy it up again!
Jin: Pfft. You look good even when messed up. It's no problem.
Clavis looked up at Jin in annoyance as he fixed his hair, but his eyes instantly narrowed in happiness.
Clavis: I knew getting out of the castle was the right choice.
Jin: Hm?
Clavis: I feel like I've seen a true smie. It's soft and gentle. You should show the real Jin more often, even if it's just in front of Sariel or our brothers. For that reason, I'll keep visiting you as much as I can.
Jin: The real me... If you, my little brother and senior, are going that far for me, then I guess I have no choice. I know I might be lacking as a big brother, but don't turn away from me, okay?
Clavis: I'm a boy with a big heart so I don't mind.
Jin: Thanks...
After giving his little head a gentle pat, Jin stood up from the bench.
Jin: I had good a lot of fun, but I think it's about time we head home.
A rough-looking man: Hey, there's some kids out at this hour.
Jin and Clavis: Huh...?
Sariel: You're back late, don't you think?
Jin and Clavis: ...
As if punishment for their bad behavior, the two rann into Sariel after returning from town.
Sariel: Do you have anything to say?
Jin and Clavis: Sorry.
Sariel: At least you're honest with your apology. But that doesn't mean I'll let this go.
Jin and Clavis: Understood...
Sariel: Prince Jin, what's with that scratch on your face? Prince Clavis too, you didn't have that scratch on your arm this morning.
Clavis: I...fell.
Sariel: How?
Clavis: Because I was running from a bad guy that approached us...
Sariel sighed deeply and looked at the two again.
His eyes were wavering with quiet anger.
Sariel: You two are children first, before you're royalty. You know how dangerous it is to go out at night. Even the most familiar of places change once night falls. This is even true for court. Nonchalantly thinking that you'll be fine can lead to danger.
The lecture that echoed throughout the entrance hall placed a heavy weight on their shoulders.
As Clavis' gaze lowers more and more in apology, Jin steps in front to hide him from Sariel.
He smiled as if to smooth things over.
Jin: I asked Clavis to go with me, so don't get mad at him. I'm sorry I put him in danger.
Sariel: Prince Jin, you don't regret it at all, do you?
Jin: Excuse me...?
Sariel: I'm not just concerned for Prince Clavis, but you as well. Actually, I'm glad that Prince Clavis was with you. If you went out by yourself, you would have returned with even more scratches.
Jin: Why do you think that?
Sariel: Because you have this odd sense of confidence that you can do anything yourself.
Jin: ...
Clavis: Sariel...Jin...?
There was a strained tension in the air that wasn't present before.
Clavis looked at the two before getting in between them.
Clavis: S-stop arguing!
Sariel: Thank you for helping me find my words. Prince Clavis, I'm going to have to ask you to stay quiet for a moment.
Jin: I agree with Sariel on this one.
Clavis: B-but if you don't, you'll start fighting!
Jin and Sariel: We won't.
Clavis: Liar!
Jin: Not if this guy doesn't keep pushing me.
Sariel: Unfortunately I won't be backing down.
Clavis: Sariel...?
Sariel: You've never complained, studied hard, took part in social gatherings, but then you suddenly slipped out of the castle. I'm not so uncaring toward you that I'll stop my lecture here. I worry about you as a human being, not as royalty nor as a prince.
Jin: ...
Sariel: Can you at least tell me why?
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dropthedemiurge · 9 months
Got prompted by @pinkkop but also partially this might end up as the controversial Thai BL post because the range of characters I'd defend with the passion is very wide for me:D
Uea (Bed Friend)
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This show isn't jokingly called 'A Tale of 1000 Traumas' for no reason, I mean – there is only so much one young adult can go through, and Uea has been through... well, almost everything. Tagging hurt/comfort fics on AO3 will result into red triggers all around. What fascinates me in this character is his resilience, too. He managed to go through everything with the sheer will power and knowing his own worth, what he deserves and what he does not. I am so glad the show made an active choice to send him to therapy and give him a considerate and loving boyfriend! He really needs both.
Sky (Love in the Air)
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Again, no surprise that everyone would want to protect Sky. The acting was also chef's kiss in this show, I know I shouldn't be but I absolutely enjoyed seeing Sky getting triggered and sent to the red-lit room in his mind because this was pure cinematography, but irl I would just hug Sky with consent and never let him go. And kick Gun until he never rises up again too. I think Rain should've been given full freedom to avenge for his best friend. But this is also why I'm writing all these skyrain fics – because they are safe space for each other and I want to keep seeing it.
Rain (Love in the Air)
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Ehem, like I said– the show has not declared it loudly but he's one of the most ADHD characters in Thai BLs if I ever saw one. He does not deserve to be mocked for his struggles and airheadness. I wish we saw more of him playing into his strengths beside taming a dom, instead of being infantilized by the show sometimes. Don't ask me to dive into full analysis though, I only could watch the PayuRain half of the show once so I'm going off vibes I remember, but I absolutely adore Rain and love reading fics that focus on his ADHD headcanon and how others understand and help him. And also those platonic BDSM tendencies he has with his best friend Sky.
Kawi (Be My Favorite)
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For this guy, I would not fight the show or narration because they treated both characters and viewers with care, gentleness, wise teaching and love (Max is a harsh brat but that's his personality). I would actually fight the fandom: from people who hate-watched this show and refused to acknowledge it was amazingly done further than 'i might've liked it but ew screw this actor and novel the show was inspired by amiright don't judge me for liking it jk lol' to some individuals who missed the beautifully developed and portrayed close bond (aspec on at that, I'll stay firm) that spread across >10 years and different timelines and reduced Kawi to immature whiny weirdo who's scared to fuck Pisaeng ten times a day instead of one, idk. This show is a gem with many life-lessons and Kawi has one of the strongest and fascinating character development in Thai BLs that I've seen. Hands are being thrown.
Boston (Only Friends)
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The creators of the show said the series didn't have any intentional message, but considering how many long discussions and poured out frustrations we had with some people, Only Friends definitely did Boston wrong. So what if he's a proud slut, should the show punish him for it while praising 'righteous' characters high on their horses? I don't think so. My guy was constantly filmed illegally and threatened by his hookups and friends, he's very hesitant about falling in love but he tried his best with clearly spoken offers, poly views and limits. I also see Boston kinda neurodivergent and/or demiromantic based on many lines he said about himself and his own view of people and relationships in the series. Nick might not be fully compatible with him, and I would throw hands for both of them, but if those two would communicate better, there would be no need for the OOC "twist" at the end. Their story could be beautiful, sad and realistic, instead Boston being kicked down in the street dirt by everyone after opening up about his heart and fears made me angry.
Akk (The Eclipse)
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These descriptions just keep getting longer and longer? Oops... I don't think I need to explain the desire to protect Akk – this guy has not stopped crying since a mischievous and passionate newbie managed to break through his 100m thick wall of composure, pokerface and sheer will to survive. And also through all the manipulation Akk faced from the people he looked up to. Akk and everything that he went through managed to rip my heart out, and I'm not kidding. If you're repressed, oppressed and/or struggling with money, desire to make your parents proud and can't help but feel 'disapproved' feelings for someone – meet Akk, he's very relatable. I'd protect him and you too.
Thua (The Eclipse)
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*clears throat* I did say this post would get controversial. I can and I will consider 90% of the people who hate Thua as lacking media literacy :D But without getting into useless fandom discussions, Thua is a poor teenager that needs love and support to be able to find himself and his own voice. He's stressed out by a harsh step-father, constantly facing homophobia and mocking in school, has suicidal intentions and the only good friend who opposed homophobic students and teachers, who showed him safe space and helped reach out to his mother, encouraged him to speak out loudly... went behind everyone's back, started dating the main "bully" of the school who threatened every queer for months and decided to support him while silencing students' and Thua's voices. At least that's what Thua experienced from his POV. Would you throw hands? Thua did, and while I may not agree with how he handled the situation, I can't hate him. He finally stood up for himself and his own, tried to change the system, and I'd fight Suppalo school for him too.
Black (Not Me)
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There's someone who doesn't need my protection at all! A second before turning into bloody merciless activist-fighter who doesn't shy away from murdering capitalists and cops, I would still want Black not to think he's better off alone. While antagonistic sexually-tense exchange of comas with his ex-best friend can count as one of the most delicious type of romance that happened in subtext not text, he still deserved to seek solace in his ex-girlfriend and (ex? they were so close, why Gram does not care about him at all when he returns? we'll never know) other activist friend's company. Also, fighting with his life to change something in how the country works and hearing 'nah, your twin is better, he knows how to fight with social media so we achieved more with him than with you' from his mentor and Black deciding that he should again ditch everyone he cares about...noo:( I need spin-off about him where he gets everything he really deserves.
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monsoon-of-art · 2 years
Donut Hole
Chapter 10 - Sad Machine
And though I know, since you've awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you She'll go alone, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend... I'll depend on you
[Amazingly. I have to say this; but minor Scarlet and Violet spoilers in the form of a Gen 9 Pokemon (kinda). Also minor violence!]
[ao3 link here!]
Barry woke up and immediately knew something was wrong.
All of his pokemon were awake and in the little nook, including Fern, who had been sleeping outside last he checked. All of them were awake, and completely, perfectly still. Scared stiff, as it were, their eyes wide and anxious.
Second, the air was…different. Tense, thick with static electricity. It felt as if a foggy thunderstorm had rolled in while he slept.
He tried stretching in the confined space with a murkrow on his chest, a piplup on his shoulder, and a burmy and kirlia filling up any of the remaining gaps. “Guys, c’mon. A little elbow room? Please?”
Moving Mystery off of his chest, Barry started for the exit to see what was going on outside, but Fern sat right in his way. The kirlia shook its head, tapping its paws together in a clear act of anxiety.
“C’mon Fern, let me out! I wanna see out there!” He tried to peer around the pokemon, seeing that it looked very dark outside, with flickerings of multicolored light. Was it still nighttime? Barry did feel tired, but he was always tired.
Fern shook its head.
“Pleeease? I just wanna take a look! I’ll be careful!”
Still tapping its paws together, Fern considered this. Then it carefully moved out of the way for him to move past.
Stepping out of the hollow, Barry felt the electricity crackling around his hair and skin, sparking at his feet. Looking up, it appeared as if a giant dome had settled over them; the sky was dark and swirling with energy, but with clear boundaries.
The poketch on his wrist buzzed. Looking at it, all of the lightning surrounding them had given it a bit of power, but it was still clearly busted beyond repair. It garbed nothing but static, refused to switch apps, and the screen was nothing but colored lines.
“Well, there goes that idea. Let’s take a look around-”
All of his pokemon swarmed him, desperately trying to tug and pull him back to the safety of the hollow. “Guys! Guys! C’mon! I know it looks scary out here, but it seems fine!”
They’ve probably never seen something like this before, Bary reasoned. (Neither had he, but he was ignoring that part).
“Maybe there’s cool stuff here! Let’s go look!”
He began to explore inside the dark sphere, his pokemon hesitantly following behind him. “See? Nothing bad is happening! It must be a weird weather fenom…feninime …fonomone-”
Barry could’ve gone on his tangent of mispronouncing ‘phenomenon’ for quite a bit longer, but an object falling from the sky interrupted his thoughts.
It was a blue stone, roughly larger than his palm. It glittered, even in the low light. No matter how Barry turned it in his hands, he could see a star-shaped pattern inside.
“It’s…” he hesitated with the name for reasons unbeknownst to him, “It’s a Dawn Stone.”
It was an evolutionary stone, but a very rare one. He took a moment to try and remember what pokemon evolved from it. All around him, more objects fell from the sky - nuggets of gold and pearls, more stones, a pokedoll, a magmarizer, and a lot of shards.
Barry was lost in his thoughts to notice. Behind him, his pokemon scrambled to dodge the falling objects.
Finally, something pinged in his mind.
Spinning around, he slapped the dawn stone into Fern’s paws. “Alright! Evolve into a Gallade, please!”
Fern squeaked in surprise, looking at the blue stone in its paws. Baffled, it looked back up at him with wide eyes - wanting to make the boy happy but not knowing how.
It tapped the stone several times, clearly unsure of what to do.
Barry frowned, scratching at his head. “...maybe I’m doing something wrong here.”
He stood, kicking a blue shard with his foot. “Yeesh, this place is a dump! Where did all this stuff come from? Oh, oh, is that gold?? OK, let's grab some of this and then we can go!"
Eagerly beginning to pick up some of the more valuable items, Barry didn't notice the electricity in the air growing stronger, top of the dome crackling with energy.
The sky split open with a horrendous screech. White lightning screamed above them.
All four of his pokemon forced Barry into a patch of tall grass to hide. “W-What’s going on?!” He tried to whisper, before being shushed.
A dusknoir silently floated above them, several dusclops following behind. Barry felt the air grow colder as the ghosts passed by.
Was this a type of Mass Outbreak? A swarm? Barry wished he had listened to Lucas better about them, he had no clue what to do in this situation. Hiding seemed to be the best bet, though, so Barry and his pokemon hunkered down.
Maybe they could wait this out.
Or maybe, instead, a nearby magmar could push aside the tall grass with its large tail purely on accident, revealing the boy’s hiding space.
Magmar stared at him. Barry stared back.
Instinctively, he went to grab one of his pokemon. He was hoping for Jen, but instead he grabbed Pest. Holding the bug out like a can of pepper spray, he shouted, “PEST, KILL!”
Pest let out a ferocious war cry, then spit silk all over the magmar’s face.
The magmar was clearly not impressed, glowering at the boy and his pokemon. Barry tucked Pest safely back into his coat. “Alright let’s try that again - Jen! Bubble Beam! Let’s get going!”
Jen was more than eager to get fighting, sending a stream of bubbles at the opposing fire-type. “Yeah! That’s the ticket!”
The magmar recoiled from the attack, but quickly recovered. Typing was important, but this magmar was clearly stronger. It took a deep breath-
“DODGE! DODGE!” He shouted, scooping up Fern and Mystery and ducking out of the way. Jen darted just before the magmar released its flamethrower attack.
“Another bubble beam, while it’s recovering from Flamethrower!”
Jen complied, aiming for the magmar’s sides and back. The magmar hissed and spit, trying to shield itself from the torrent of bubbles.
“You got ‘em on the ropes! Hit them with everything you got!”
With a shrill squawk, Jen sent out a water pulse. It hit the magmar square on, the large fire-bird falling to the ground with a rumbling CRASH.
Defeated. Winner, Jen!
“Yeah! YEAH! That was amazing!” Barry praised, reaching over to give Jen a pat on the head.
Before he could give Jen the praise it deserved, it began to glow. 
Barry gave the penguin a wide berth for evolution, watching in complete joy as his little piplup grew. Its form shifted, stretching, growing taller. Flippers growing stronger, more sturdy for physical attacks. Starting to form a respectable crest.
His poketech buzzed to life. Kinda. It began garbling a pokedex entry;
Pri-plup: The P---uin Poke-on. Abili--: Torr-nt. With a --ight of 2 feet and a w--ght of 5-.7bs, the-e are 7 -ales for e---y female. It li-s alone, a-ay from --hers. A-par--tly, ever- one of t-em believ-s it is the m--t import---. Its -ings de---er wi-ked b-ows that sn-p even the t-ic--st -- trees. It se--ches for pr-y in ic- seas.
He gave Jen a hug, ignoring the embarrassed peeps. (Prinplups were horribly self-entitled, but he hoped that enough socializing could nip that behavior in the bud.)
“I knew you could do it, buddy! Look at you!”
Setting Jen down, he turned to the magmar and began rummaging in his bag for a pokeball. “And now let’s get you, new buddy-”
The magmar vanished in a blink of an eye, swallowed up by purple lightning.
“...oh.” Barry put the pokeball back in his bag. “OK. That’s kinda rude. Didn’t have to leave like that-”
In its place appeared a massive Rampardos, sporting the glowing red eyes that Barry was beginning to loathe.
Immediately, Barry wondered how this thing was alive. Rampardos could only be resurrected from fossils, they were supposed to be extinct. And yet, here it was, slowly turning its head to stare down at them.
“We can handle this! Jen! Let’s get another-”
The rampardos didn’t let him finish. Swinging its tail like a club, slamming into both boy and bird. It knocked the wind right out of Barry’s lungs, sending him sprawling onto the unforgiving ground, and poor Jen flew right into one of the cliff walls with a horrible CRUNCH.
With a strangled gasp, Barry reached into his bag for Jen’s pokeball, recalling it. The last thing he wanted for his newly evolved Pokemon to take any more damage.
Pokemon were always a bit fragile after just evolving. Their new bodies weren’t quite ready for physical damage yet, like a dratini after a fresh molt. He should’ve recalled Jen immediately, not try to pick another fight. Stupid, stupid, stupid .
The rampardos bellowed, rattling deep into Barry’s bones. “Y-You can do whatever you want to me!” he said, painstakingly standing back up. “But you’re not gonna hurt my friends-”
Another slam of the rampardos’ tail sent him skidding back to the dirt. He felt his head hit the ground, and he saw a flash of white and black dots.
That was a concussion, definitely. And damn, it hurt too. It felt like his world was spinning, even though he was fairly certain he had stopped moving.
Fern and Mystery tried to tug him back to his feet as the living fossil stomped closer. “N-No, guuyss-” Barry slurred. “‘M trying to protect youu, get outta here!”
Mystery immediately took Barry’s advice, flying just far enough to be out of range of the rampardos’ attacks. “‘M not running away anymore!” Barry shouted as he stood, glaring right back at the giant dinosaur. “You’re not even TRYING to kill me, you big!...Dumb!...Stupid-face!”
(If he was thinking a bit more clearly, Barry might’ve realized that the rampardos was toying with him more than anything.)
“Go, Fern! Please!” he said, looking into the kirlia’s eyes. “It’s my job as your friend to protect you! Because that’s what friends do. I’m not going to lose any more friends!”
Tears began to well in Fern’s eyes. It reached to hold Barry’s hands.
“It’ll be OK.” said Barry.
The rampardos lowered itself, claws scraping into the dirt as it prepared to charge.
“It’ll be OK.”
The rampardos bellowed as it began sprinting for them. It tore up the packed, rocky ground as it ran for them.
“It’ll be OK. I promise.”
Holding onto Barry’s finger with one paw, and holding the dawn stone in the other, Fern began to glow.
Fern’s body flickered and shuddered, limbs stretching, jumping too far, then snapping back into place. Like a broken gif, looped in unnatural ways. “Fern!? FERN!?”
He didn’t care that the rampardos was still coming for them. He didn’t care about anything else right now - he needed Fern to be OK.
But Fern still held on tight to Barry’s hand. Even as its paws grew and changed, its grip held firm.
Barry could see a head horn forming, along with the long blades on its arms indicative of a Gallade - but he could see the flowing skirt grow longer, into almost the dress of a Gardevoir.
“Fern?! Don’t hurt yourself! Please!”
The rampardos was right on top of them now. Even if he wanted to, Barry couldn’t move. It was roaring now, shaking Barry’s very soul-
Mere inches away from headbutting Barry into a fine red mist, something too fast to see slammed into the rampardos’ thick skull, sending it careening off into a rock pillar. It smashed right through it, falling into a pile of boulders.
Barry slowly turned to Fern.
Fern stood tall, shaking off the lingering energy of evolution. It wasn’t a Gardevoir, sporting a blue head crest and bladed arms. But it wasn’t a Gallade either, sporting a dress and longer ‘hair’. But there were other things that neither evolution had that Fern did - such as its bladed arms being a pinker color, and its belly being black.
Its fist was clenched, and Barry realized it must have been Fern punching the Rampardos in the face moments earlier.
“Fern? Buddy?” he whispered. “Are…are you OK?”
Fern turned to Barry, giving the boy the smallest of smiles. It unclenched its fist, carefully patting him on the head - not unsimilar to what Barry would do when Fern was a ralts.
Then, Fern’s gaze snapped back to the rampardos as it stumbled out of the rubble. It shrieked at the two of them, already preparing another charge.
Fern finally let go of Barry’s hand, striding over to the dinosaur. Barry’s poketch buzzed.
ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR - True -o its honorable-warrior image, it u-es the blades on its elbows protect --s Trainer even at the risk of its own life seeks out those in ne-d and aids Tra-ner it has bonded c-osely with cut down any-ne confront--g it without hesitat-on protect trainer protect trainer protect trainer protect Barry-
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It stood in front of the rampardos, glancing over its shoulder. Waiting.
Barry understood completely.
“ALRIGHT FERN!” he shouted, finally feeling like he was in his element. “LET’S SEND THIS CLOWN BACK TO THE STONE AGE! Let’s go with a close combat! Before it gets a charge in!"
Fern didn’t hesitate a moment.
It sprinted forward, rearing back to uppercut the rampardos before it could get in a double-edge. With how slow it was, rampardos didn’t stand a chance. Fern barraged the opponent with punches, moving far too fast for the rampardos to even try and retaliate.
“Let’s go with confusion now!”
Fern stopped. Luckily, the rampardos was too stunned from the previous attack to do anything. Fern looked back at Barry, clearly confused and a little panicked.
What, did it forget confusion when it evolved? Was it not a psychic-type anymore? “O-OK! Let’s go with a final close combat! Let’s end this!”
With a final blow - an uppercut directly under the rampardos’ head, Fern sent the dinosaur crashing back into the rocks. And while it shuddered and twitched, this time, it didn’t get back up.
Before Barry could properly praise his pokemon, the black dome that had covered them at the beginning began to shake. Lightning cracked and the air seemed to scream in his ears.
And then, just like that, it was gone. His poketech shut back off, the sky was a brilliant blue, the darkness was gone.
The rampardos too, disappeared with the black dome.
“...that was. Really weird.” he muttered, feeling a headache coming on.
Mystery flew back from wherever it had hidden, chirping as if nothing had happened. Barry, a tad annoyed that his murkrow had ditched him, recalled Mystery back to its ball.
He slowly approached Fern. “Buddy…I have no idea what you are.” he said honestly. “BUT YOU LOOK SO COOL!”
A Gallade? Or a Gardevoir? Barry wasn’t sure. Barry also didn’t care. If Fern was safe and fine with it, then he was fine with it too. “Maybe you’re like uh! Regional variant! An alternate universe kirlia evolution! I think I get naming rights! Maybe even a finders fee!"
Fern hummed alongside him, happy that Barry seemed happy, but not quite understanding why.
Barry circled around Fern, taking note of the petal-like formation of the dress. The longer hair with pink ends. The difference in coloration. The horn shapes. All were just slightly off from normal.
"Let's call you….Galiant! Because it starts with a G-A like Gardevoir and Gallade and a mix of Valiant! They should pay me to make more names, heh!"
Fern the ‘Galiant’ chirped at that, again patting Barry on the head. “H-Hey! Just because you’re taller than me doesn’t mean you get to tease me about it!”
He tried to brush the affection away, Fern chuckling as he tried. It had black paws now, and it kept trying to poke and prod at him.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon bud, let’s get serious for a second. We gotta get back on the road. We gotta find Cyrus, so we can punch his stupid blank face in!”
[Surpriiiiiseee! Fern's a girl! :) and also technically an Iron Valiant. But not Iron! (Galiant name came from tumblr user @/hezuart!)] New Team:
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millylotus · 9 months
Another Void & Gold Post!
I'm going to cure Elaine & Doug of this weird Joker bullshit if it kills me & I'm making it a whole thing about why they're so difficult to cure
Duke has been trying for years to both find & cure his parents, but for some reason nothing can fix them. All the other victims have made some recovery but they just wont.
His mom is doing the worst, she barely responds to outside stimuli, the only noise she makes are giggles & laughs. He can't even look her in the eyes anymore, they've gone so dull, lost that luster that Duke remembers her for.
His dad is a bit better, he reacts to more aggressive stimuli, always asking for help for his wife, begging for someone to look for his son. Asking for his sister & her family, sometimes even his long dead parents. His desperation & pain make it so hard for Duke to sit there & listen to him speak.
Duke just wants his parents back, but nothing seems to be working. He was almost going to resign himself to this being all they could be when some new information came up.
Bruce had been looking into the "why" & he stumbled upon it. There was something inherently different about Elaine's very being, she was human yes but a different kind then what would be normal on this Earth. Doug by close association with her had taken on a few of those traits.
So the theory of Elaine not being from this dimension was brought up as very feasible. There where of course some difficulties across the board.
Duke getting desperate to find some kind of information about his mother before she came to Gotham. And the only person who could have possibly known her is Gnomon, her ex [husband?] & Duke's bio dad.
So Duke's sitting in the visitation room of a meta-human prison staring down Gnomon, who looks like he doesn't give much of fuck.
G: So you've finally come to visit, finally come to ask about me? D: Yeah no, I just wanted to ask about mom, not exactly here for your sob story. G *sighs*: Yes of course, Elaine must have kept some things from you. Especially considering how ill equipt you where when fighting me. Did she not want to talk about her past with you, even now that you know about me? D: More like she couldn't. G *eyebrow raise* D *deep breath*: Mom & Dad have been thoroughly Jokerized for a couple years now. Everyone else has made a proper recovery but they haven't. The doctors have come to the conclusion that something is fundamentally different about mom. We think it's dimensional. And you're the only person who knew her before she showed up in Gotham, so you'd know the best. *tense silence* G *mumbling*: Well you're not wrong. G: Elaine & I aren't, under a technicality, from this world. D: So you can guess what's wrong with them? G: Not with any accuracy, not unless & I see it up close. D *groan*: You aren't even set up for parole yet, & I'm not letting you out. G: Child it was never about anyone letting me out. It was always about when you & Elaine would muster up the courage to come talk to me. I can leave whenever I want. And if what you say is true, then you're Mother & Douglas are on a bit of time crunch at the moment. *D glares at G, who is smirking* D: I don't like this. G: I'm not about to hurt you Duke, I've done all I wanted on the getting your attention front. D: How do I know you're not lying G *serious*: Elaine was my first friend & love, you are my son, and you both deeply care for Douglas. Any harm I may cause to either of you three or anyone else you care for, for that matter, would only grant me your ire. And I do not want that. D *sighs*: I'll see what I can do.
So science, not my strong suit, but a small passion of mine. Still not going to go in amazingly thought out depth of it
Gnomon is able to pinpoint the reason Elaine & Doug are taking so long is because the Joker venom used on them had traces of Nth metal
An off shoot of Elaine & Gnomon's previous home dimension of The Sphere/The Collective, so their immune systems where having a hard time differentiating between the invading Nth metal & Elaine's own energy
As is it has been a long while since Elaine had rejuvenated any of her powers
The simple fix was to reintroduce Elaine's energy still within The Collective
A whole adventure to The Sphere happens as a sort of Father-Son bonding trip for Gnomon & Duke. Something that I'll probably have fun hashing out later in another post. But in the end they get back, synthesis the cure & get it to Elaine & Doug!
Elaine snaps out of it first, quickly followed by Doug, a tearful reunion between child & parents ensues
Jay's there by his family, also getting hugs & tears
Bruce explains some of what's been going on
Gnomon's off in hall being a bit awkward
And that's how Elaine & Doug are healed! Hip-hip hooray :D!
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