#lethal company circuit bee
mothxart · 9 months
Part 1 of my silly project :]
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mochigoon · 11 months
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Lethal company
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 months
A while back, friends were on a Lethal Company kick and kept being killed by the circuit bees. Like, it was comical how many times the ship landed and there were bees nearby.
While I know the official artwork doesn’t look like this (they kinda look more like cicadas), this is what they look like in my heart
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minart-was-taken · 8 months
I made a Lethal Company animatic 🐝
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psykersomatic · 10 months
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eggomancer · 9 months
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weird bug
(my friends roped me into making a lethal company oc. this is alpha. hes a freakass)
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shadoweclipex · 9 months
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One of my favorite moments form a session of Lethal Company. I went inside the buidling followed by two friends, but after a moment of them not following me I went back outside to find they went down into a canyon and were messing with a beehive. Mean while another firend was already deep inside the buidling getting some good loot. Unfortunately he was being stalked by a bracken.
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tumberkin · 9 months
can I get a moodboard for the circuit bee from lethal company?
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Circuit Bee Lethal Company Moodboard
I hope you enjoy !
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springfallendeer · 6 months
Lethal Culinary Note: Bee Hives
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@xnanosilverx I'll be doing the bee hives first on this file, and will do a random fruit (from a random moon) on a separate one.
Ayala's Culinary Notes:
Circuit Bees. Or Red Bees, as some would call them. A semi-regular encounter that can be had on multiple planets throughout the Thistle Nebula. One which is equal parts painful and anxiety inducing, thanks to insect's elaborate means of self defense.
These hyper-aggressive bugs generate strong electrical charges, which they will use both as a means of crippling prey, and disarming perceived threats.
These electrical charges can reach a volt count numbering as high as three hundred. A human will generally die after being exposed to around 100 volts of electricity. Meaning that virtually every encounter with a hive of Circuit bees doubles as a brush with death.
There was once a time where I too felt the nauseating sense of dread pool in the pit of my stomach whenever I heard the tell-tale buzzing of these tiny creatures. But after having spent so much time learning to understand them and how they work, I have gained something of an appreciation for them. So much so that I am now able to approach most hives without fear, for the sake of collection and relocation.
Circuit bees are predatory insects which double as pollinators. They venture out in groups to gather nectar and to hunt other invertebrates; both of which are used in the creation of red honey. This honey acts as the primary food supply for the colony during times of scarcity, and as such, must be fiercely protected in order to assure the future of the hive.
They build their hives on the ground, rather than on trees. This is likely a means of preventing electrical fires, as the bees also generally prefer to build their hive a certain distance away from plant life. It would be hard to keep a colony alive if it burnt its home down every time it became agitated, now wouldn't it?
The downside to this tactic is that it leaves the hive particularly exposed to predators. Which means that the honey, and more importantly, the Queen and her brood are at regular risk of predation.
This has caused the Circuit bees to develop the most intense Napoleon Complex known to man. They will ruthlessly attack any perceived threat, no matter the size. All for the sake of protecting their food supply and their next generation of workers.
However, despite the aggressive disposition of the bees, they are surprisingly easy to domesticate - so long as you're willing to take a few risks.
The process itself is simple on paper. It requires you to take possession of a hive and completely separate it from the colony.
Once you have done this, time is of the essence. The swarm will be on the lookout for their hive, and your goal is not to completely remove it from the planet.
Your goal is relocate the hive to a more preferable location for easy access in the future. You will preferably place the hive in a more isolated location, away from water or any potentially flammable material. I would recommend putting the hive on top of a rock to reduce the risk of accidental current exposure.
Once that is done, the next step is to find the Queen (which should be easy to spot, as the only other adult bees on the hive will be the male drones) so that you can dispatch her. You must pluck her from the hive and crush her, preferably with your hands, so that you may then cover yourself in her royal pheromones.
This will reduce the colony aggression towards you for the next 72 hours, which will make them significantly easier to tame.
Once the Queen has been dispatched, immediately place some distance between yourself and the hive and wait for the colony to track it down. Then wait for the angry buzzing of the bees to dull into more of an idle hum. You will know that the colony has calmed down when you can no longer hear the tell-tale electrical discharges of their agitated state.
Once the hive is calm, slowly approach while gently waving your hands in front of your body. The swarm will set out towards you, but so long as you remain calm and do not make any sudden movements, you are unlikely to be attacked; because you smell like the now dead queen.
For the next 72 hours, you will need to keep yourself around the hive to get the current batch of workers used to your presence. The bees will come and go in search of food. They will swarm you frequently at first, but as the scent of the queen fades, this will become less frequent. And by the time that protective perfume is completely gone, the hive will have become accustomed to your presence, thus making it relatively safe for you to be around.
It will take another 10 days for you to be completely in the clear, though. That is roughly how long it will take for a new Queen to be hatched. And this new Queen, which has grown up accustomed to your presence and to your unique scent, will go on to sire a new generation of workers that will have absolutely 0 issues with you. So be sure to spend as much time as possible around your hive.
I'd recommend leaving articles of clothing around the hive whenever they need to be away. This will at least keep them familiar with your scent whenever you cannot be physically there. And because bees are incredibly reliant on scent to tell friend from foe, this will be your best shot at becoming a part of the colony in the long term.
If you have completed this process correctly, then congratulations! You now have unlimited access to your own colony of Circuit Bees! Which on its own, does not sound like much. At least until you realize that these bees, if in the right location and properly looked after, will go on to create absolutely massive hives that produce literal gallons of honey each week. Plenty of which you will be able to help yourself too (just be sure not to take too much, or else you'll risk hurting your hive).
Sounds like a lot of effort just for some honey, right?
Wrong! You also gain access to plump bee larvae; which taste a lot better than you'd think. But the honey itself really is worth the effort, as it is rich in essential electrolytes, high in sugar, and laced with a substance that I can only compare to non-caffeinated caffeine.
In other words, the honey itself is a healthy alternative to energy drinks. And when you work in a field that requires you to regularly run for your life... Yeah. That honey can be a life saver. And it tastes pretty damn good!
Anyways! Onto the recipes! That's all you really bother reading my notes for, isn't it? To see what sort of crazy shit I've gotten up to while trying to survive my frequent bouts of isolation on these hazardous rocks. And to figure out how my experiences can be of use to you.
Update: Do not attempt to eat the adult bees. Adult bees are inedible and let off an incredibly painful charge when bitten into, which will cause intense migraines and swelling of the tongue and/or throat...
Honeycomb: Ingredients: Honeycomb from a Circuit Bee hive
Quick Note: Best if taken from a mature hive which has grown to massive size (these hives can get quite large and are capable of supporting hundreds of thousands of bees).
Scour the hive in search of comb which is free of brood; the bees store their honey and their larvae in different sections of the hive.
Once you have found a section that is stocked with honey, take a sharp instrument (a sharp stone will work, but a knife works best) and carefully cut out a small section of the hive; roughly 4 x 4 inches in shape. Repeat as many times as you wish, just be mindful not to take too much, as you do not want to inhibit the bees ability to tend to their needs.
Once the honeycomb is collected, it is perfectly fine to eat as is. The honey is very sweet with fruity undertones (similar to cherries and pomegranate). It is rich in antioxidants and electrolytes, and contains a substance similar to caffeine. The comb itself has a pleasantly crisp texture, but does not have much taste in this state. As is, the raw honeycomb will make for a pleasant energy boost.
However, if you would like to bring out the hidden potential of the waxy comb, the best course of action is to cook it over an indirect flame.
If you happen to have a cookie tin or a piece of sheet metal on hand, station that a couple of feet above a low fire and allow the metal to heat up. Once the metal is good and hot (you can test it with a few drops of water. Listen for a good sizzle), carefully place your squares of honeycomb on top.
The sugar in the honeycomb will immediately begin to caramelize.
Allow the honeycomb to cook for two minutes, then flip and repeat the process; for a total cooking time of four minutes. Then remove from heat (you will preferably remove the honeycomb from the hot metal entirely).
Allow to cool for at least two minutes, and then dig in. The grilled honeycomb is best eaten while warm and gooey!
You will find that the honey has lost most of its excess moisture due to the heat, which will give it a slightly chewy, almost gummy texture. And thanks to some sort of chemical reaction from the caramelized sugars from the heat, the true flavor of the honeycomb has come out!
I find that it tastes like toasted pecans. And combined with the sweetness of the honey, this grilled honeycomb tastes almost exactly like honey roasted pecans. The only difference is the texture.
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Energy Tonic: Ingredients: Red Honey, Water
This is a very simple recipe for which I don't have any exact proportions, but I do have a general rule of thumb.
Combine 2 parts water per every 1 part Red Honey. This creates a sweet, vaguely fruity beverage that doubles as a simple energy drink.
The honey itself can be easily collected with nothing but a blunt instrument and some sort of a shallow vessel. Getting the honey into you water container might be a little messy, but honestly, it will be worth it.
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Circuit Bee Larvae: Ingredients: Circuit Bee Larvae. Preferably plump, and days away from pupating.
Alright. We're getting into the potentially disgusting territory. And honestly? As far as my culinary adventures have gone, this one has had one of the more surprisingly pleasant endings. I can definitely see why such a "recipe" might not work for everyone, but it isn't horrible and it'll get you what you need in a pinch.
Scour your Circuit Bee hive to find where the brood are stored. Then look for the largest, plumpest of the larvae. The ones that practically fill the entirety of their individual combs. They will be pale white in color, with little pink heads. Ignore any which appear to be developing a black stripe along their bodies, as these larvae are on the very brink of pupating and are currently full of feces.
Depending on the size of your hive, you may only be able to take a handful of these walnut sized grubs. But from the larger hives, you can realistically get away with taking a few dozen at a time. Especially if you're trying to keep the overall size of the hive at a reasonable level.
Once you have the larvae, you have two options.
You can eat them raw, or you can cook them. Each option comes with its ups and downs, but for the more faint of heart, I would have to strongly recommend cooking the larvae, as this vastly improves their otherwise unpleasant texture.
If you're content to brave eating the larvae raw, then do just that. There is no special preparation that must be done. Just pop them one at a time into your mouth.
The raw larvae have a texture akin to a fried mushroom; soft and squishy. They will burst in your mouth and release a rush of honey, which makes the otherwise unpleasant experience more bearable. Their bodies are also soft enough that you can just crush them with your tongue and swallow, which I find makes them easier to eat if you're eating them raw.
They don't taste bad. Their overall flavor is sweet, because they have only ever eaten honey by this point. But their texture can be gag inducing for anyone unable to tolerate something squishy, like soggy bread.
The cooked larvae have a far improved texture and admittedly a more pleasant taste.
To cook the larvae, place them on a metal sheet (like a cookie tray or some sheet metal) and grill over a low flame until their white bodies turn yellow and tighten up. There is no need for any seasoning, as the larvae themselves have been naturally seasoned by the honey inside of their bodies.
The cooked grubs take on a texture reminiscent of a fully cooked egg yolk. Thick and creamy. They strangely take on a taste similar to a fried egg as well. Which makes the fact that they also taste like honey a very peculiar, but not unpleasant experience. It is very much a flavor combination that, while unexpected... Is pretty nice. Had I access to fresh eggs, I might even be tempted to see if the honey and egg combo was any good.
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Fruit and Honey Tonic: Ingredients: Red Honey, Water, any fruit
This makes for a mildly fermented, and therefor slightly alcoholic, carbonated drink. As such, I must advise caution when drinking this. Please be responsible.
For the recipe, you will need at least half a cup of water, half a cup of honey, and one cup of the fruit (or fruits) of your choice. Or in more simpler terms, a ratio of 1:1:2 for water, honey, and fruit. Which I am clarifying because this beverage is easiest to make in large batches, to make use of available pickle jars (which you should be sure to have thoroughly cleaned by boiling them).
You can collect your honey with a blunt instrument. Scraping it directly from the hive into a prepared jar will be easiest.
Then combine the collected honey with an equal amount of water, and mix until thoroughly combined.
Take your fruit and cut it into small chunks, no larger than an inch in size. If your fruit has a tart skin, I would recommend removing it as it will add an unpleasant bitterness to the resulting drink. Naturally, you can leave the skin on if you prefer that bitter note.
Combine your fruit with the honey-water mixture, then tightly seal to prevent anything from getting inside.
Leave in a warm, dark place. At least 24 hours, and for as long as five days. Be sure to burp your vessel every 24 hours to prevent the resulting gasses from building up too much (I have learned the hard way that these glass jars can burst).
Allowing the drink to ferment for longer will allow for more alcohol to develop in the drink (and I repeat: PLEASE drink responsibly!), and the distinct flavor of the added fruit will definitely become more prominent.
Once you've decided to end the fermentation process, open your container back up and remove all of the fruit. This can be eaten if you like, but I prefer to leave it out for the bees as thanks for all that they can provide for me.
Once the fruit is removed, your drink is ready! Just add it to your drink canister and enjoy! Any extra can be kept in its current jar for storage, but should be moved to a colder environment to stop (or at least greatly slow) the fermentation process.
Your resulting drink will be pleasantly carbonated, fruity, and slightly (or moderately) alcoholic. It also doubles as an energy drink thanks to the many beneficial properties of the honey!
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Honey roasted vegetables: Ingredients: Red Honey, water, root vegetables like carrots / beets / radishes, or leafy vegetables like kale / brussels sprouts / spinach
This is sort of an all in one recipe that only really changes depending on which sort of vegetable you decide to use.
To create your basic glaze, combine 1 part honey with a half part water (1 cup and a 1/2 cup, as an example). Mix thoroughly. You will use this slightly runny honey to season your vegetables, whatever type you decide to use.
Make sure that all of your vegetables are thoroughly cleaned before you start any cooking.
If you happen to be using hardy vegetables, like carrots or beets, you must first chop them into reasonably sized pieces. You'll then want to steam these pieces for 5-10 minutes, just to soften them up a bit (if you happen to be using brussels sprouts or something similar, steam these whole). This can be easily done by pouring water onto a hot sheet of metal and covering it to prevent the steam from escaping. Just be careful not to burn yourself.
Once your vegetables have softened up a bit, you can begin the glazing process. This can be done by either directly pouring the glaze onto the vegetables, or by adding the vegetables directly to the glaze to thoroughly coat them before returning them to the heat.
Cook for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure to move your vegetables around every so often to prevent them from burning. Reapply any remaining glaze if you like. Remove the vegetables from heat once they're nice and soft. Pull a couple minutes early if you'd like a little extra firmness to them.
The caramelized honey will add a very nice sweetness to the vegetables, along with a faint smokiness.
If you're roasting leafy greens, simply toss the greens with the glaze (you can technically eat this as is, as a sort of salad. If you don't feel like cooking).
Once your greens have been thoroughly coated with their glaze, move them to your cooking surface and allow to heat up. Remove your greens once they have wilted, and enjoy! This particular dish is more about the texture than the taste, as I've personally found that leafy greens don't have a very intense flavor. Though you may find that these honeyed greens have sweet, herbal notes to them.
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Honey smoked meat: Ingredients: Red Honey, any meat of your choice (roughly 1 pound), salt (optional), any vegetable (optional)
To create your basic glaze, combine 1 part honey with a half part water (1 cup and a 1/2 cup, as an example). Mix thoroughly. You will use this slightly runny honey to season marinate your meat.
Take your portion of meat and chop it into sizeable cubes. 2 x 2 inches works best from my experience. If you happen to have salt, sprinkle the meat with salt and allow to sit for about 10 minutes so that it will work its magic.
Take your meat and your glaze and combine them in a sealable container. Store in a cold place for at least two hours, preferably overnight.
Once the marinating process is completed, remove your meat chunks and skewer them (DO NOT THROW OUT THE MARINADE YET!). Either on a sharp stick, or on a metal one if you have it. If you happen to have access to vegetable, chop them into reasonably sized pieces and skewer them along with the meat, alternating between meat and vegetable with each addition to the skewer.
Use any remaining marinade to coat your meat (and vegetables) skewers, then carefully arrange said skewers around a slow flame. Ideally a flame which is producing a lot of smoke, as the smoke amplifies the flavor of the meal.
Cook this way for 30 minutes and up to an hour, rotating the skewers every 10 minutes to make sure that everything cooks evenly on all sides.
The resulting meal with be sweet, smoky, and savory all at once. If you were able to add vegetables, they will add a nice earthy undertone to everything that is absolutely *chefs kiss*. This is one of my favorite ways to put the red honey to use, as it makes for a delicious and energizing meal.
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Honeyed Grains: Ingredients: Red Honey, any available grain, water, milk (optional)
Take your available grains and combine them with enough water to fully cover them. Be sure to use a vessel suitable for boiling, as your next step is to bring the mixture to a full boil over either a very low flame, or some very hot coals.
Allow the grain to boil until they are fully cooked. 10-15 minutes. Then carefully strain the hot water out of the grain.
You will then mix in at least 2 tablespoons of honey for every 1 cup of cooked grain that you have prepared. If you have not collected your honey before this, just bring your container of hot grains straight to the hive and scrape some honey in.
If you do not have access to milk, then the dish is done and you are ready to eat. These honeyed grains make for a pleasant meal, similar to oatmeal. You can even crush up the cooked grains if you'd like to eat something with a bit of a stickier consistency.
If you DO have access to milk, then you'll want to add around 1/2 a cup per every cup of cooked grain that you have made. If you're like me, you may also want to add a little extra honey to really amp up that sweet taste. The addition of milk makes for a creamier, better rounded meal.
If another crewmember has made this for you and they happen to have used milk, do not ask where it came from. We do not like having that conversation.
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jupiterswasphouse · 3 months
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[Image IDs: A 3D render of a swarm of Circuit Bees generating an intense static charge around their nest, followed by another 3D render of a swarm of Mask Hornets /End IDs.]
Ah, the surprise hit of last year, Lethal Company! I've put quite a few hours into this co-op survival horror, and part of what keeps this game that's relatively simple in concept fresh enough to keep coming back is the many entities within. Today, we'll be having a look at a couple of them, including one that's been there since I first started playing, the Circuit Bees, as well as one that's only been added just a few updates ago, the Mask Hornets!
Starting off with the Circuit Bees, their appearance is generally undefined, with a very low-poly model and a muddy texture, but they generally seem to be wider than a typical honey bee, their size resembling that of a carpenter or bumble bee or maybe even a blow fly, the red eyes adding a bit to the blow fly comparison, they're missing one pair of legs and noticable antennae, and their wings appear to look a lot like those of a dragonfly, with dense venation, although having an orange color that resembles that of tarantula hawk wasps.
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[Image Sources: Wikimedia Commons, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, ResearchGate, and Wikimedia Commons, Niklas299 | Image IDs: A photo of a metallic green and brown blow fly, Chrysomya megacephala, with red eyes on the end of a leaf, followed by a black and white diagram of a dragonfly's wings, followed then by a photo of an almost blueish black tarantula hawk wasp with orange and black wings, Pepsis grossa, on a leafy green plant /End IDs.]
So overall their appearance is very different from that of a honey bee, however, in Sigurd's log it states "The circuit bee, also known as red bee, is a eusocial flying insect of the genus Apis, a descendant of the honey bee.", meaning that the Circuit Bee is directly related to the IRL modern day honey bee (Despite having their scientific name listed as Crabro-coruscus). Clearly, some extreme evolution has taken place!
This evolution is clearly shown in their nesting and defense behavior, their nests going from connected but separate slabs of wax in the branches of trees to exclusively grounded nests, not connected to anything and having a round structure akin to that of a yellowjacket nest, large honeycomb cells covering the outer surface.
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[Image Source: wildalongtheway | Image IDs: A photo of an abandoned wild honey bee hive in a tree, followed by a 3D render of a circuit bee hive]
As for their defense behaviors, they're far more aggressive than even the most aggressive eusocial wasps in the real world, but are easy to calm down. Once their hive is picked up, they will not stop until they manage to return to their hive and all players are out of their radius, and until they're no longer enraged they will attack everything in their path, chasing the nearest employee or roaming the area if everyone is outside of their radius. It doesn't seem like they'll truly attack other entities other than the employees, but the log further states "They have BEEn known to leave BEEhind fields of bodies of small rodents, insects and even some larger mammals, and in rare cases they can start fires."
But how can they start fires? Well, that's where the their main method of defense comes in. They're capable of creating friction in the air and generating a static charge! "Red bees produce friction with the air. They also produce friction by rubbing their two pairs of wings against each other or by rubbing against one another while in the hive.". Obviously, this is not a real defense method used by any real world insect, but mayhaps this is an adaptation caused by the presence of more extremely aggressive lifeforms on the moons visited by the employees. Perhaps it's also inspired by honey bees' real world ability to generate heat through vibration of the wing muscles.
Their diet is uncertain, but it can be assumed they maintain a similar diet to real honey bees or possibly even vulture bees.
Onto Mask Hornets, there unfortunately isn't a log that can be read from for further information specifically about them, but we can still have a look at their appearance and behavior!
They have identically shaped and colored heads and wings to the Circuit Bees, but bodies that make them look that much more like dragonflies given how thin and long they are, much thinner than real world hornets. Their leg count is also unclear from the images I can find, but I believe they have two pairs of legs, much like the circuit bees.
They also have very similar behavior defensively, although they don't have the ability to generate electricity and instead will sting the employees much like real wasps, and they're also only found inside the facility rather than outside. They will not stop after they become enraged, as they only appear after their nest is destroyed, and therefore cannot return to their nest. What does their nest look like? Uhm... Well...
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[Image ID: A 3D render of the Butler from Lethal Company holding a broom and a knife /End IDs.]
Their nest is this guy! Described as looking like a deflated balloon and smelling like rotten flesh, this is the Butler. Whether it has a mind of its own or it's puppeted by the Mask Hornets is unclear, but it does appear to at least mimic human behavior, walking around and sweeping the area until an employee is alone with it, at which point it starts to give chase with a knife. The origin of its clothes, broom, and knife are unknown. Upon being killed, it pops like a balloon and the Mask Hornets emerge.
Generally, both of these insects are strange, as is the point of them, being from the game they're from, and I do love these weird little dudes, but they're not necessarily accurate. Zeekers, at the very least, did put some good thought into the Circuit Bees though.
Overall (Circuit Bees): 5.5/10
Overall (Mask Hornets): 4/10
Leave your wasp review suggestion in the replies, tags, or askbox!
Next week's wasp has not been chosen yet!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to playing Lethal Company:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to this adventure! I've never actually played Lethal Company so some info may be wrong, I apologize if so. The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Lucifer's reaction:
Really bad at first. But don't tell him that or you'll never get the Avatar of Pride to play a game with you again.
What kills Lucifer the most isn't even the monsters..he can't make the jumps across the gaps but refuses to not try. His pride convinces him he'll make it, just to fail every time. Mans is fuming. The second thing that kills Lucifer the most is other players, when he plays with his brothers depending on what brother it is, they shovel him to death. Poor Luci can't even enjoy a game without being "pranked".
Is actually really good with the monsters, after scanning them and learning what to do he's basically a pro with them.
Plays really efficiently, always scanning, always picking the better items, he has a set time when everyone should be exiting the building and heading back to the ship. Though there are a few cases when everyone dies and then he doesn't make it to the ship on time, he gets so mad that he doesn't even speak, just sitting there with a blank face and his arms crossed.
He is great at being the man on the ship, though he chooses favorites, and depending on who he's playing with he may purposely let someone die just for fun. His brothers have shoveled him to death one too many times. But besides that, he turns off turrets amazingly, and is great at closing and opening doors on time. He's great at call outs of monsters and items, and since he knows the monsters well he can tell the person he's watching what to do.
If he has to only choose two bought items to bring in, he's a savage and he'll choose the radio and a shovel, or weapon in general. Why does he need a flashlight? Scanning gives a minimum amount of light, and anything in the dark is no scarier than he is.
His least favorite monster? Forest keepers, he can handle everything else, but since it's on sight for them he hates them. How is he supposed to avoid going into its sight if it's somewhere next to the ship? He crouches and stays silent and everything yet he always gets caught by them.
Lucifer's favorite thing in game? The company monster, the amount of times he's caused someone to be snatched up by the monster that takes the items, is probably the same amount of times he's played.
Lucifer doesn't prefer to play a modded version of Lethal Company, he says it takes away from the actual game. The only mod he really enjoys is the mimic one, just because he finds it fun to say stuff in hopes that the mimic will say it to the other players.
Mammon's Reaction:
..one would think since it's a scary game that he would be bad..which technically he is, he panics and freaks out..but somehow that's the reason he lives and does good in the game. If things get crazy, Mammon is gone, nobody has ever run back to the ship faster, the only reason I call that good, is because all items would be lost if he wasn't there to send the ship back into orbit. Mammon's scariest moment in game is when he found out that the door to the ship does not stay locked, he was so mad, he thought that was his safe heaven spot.
Mammon does not die in game as often as one would have thought, like I said he bolts, he'll ditch everyone but Mc any day, and sometimes even Mc isn't safe. When Mammon does die it's either to a crawler or his own stupidity. He grabs the circuit bees a lot man, even when someone tells him the run back to the ship would be too far. Mammon also has personal beef with like every loot bug in game, mans does not understand that he should not take their loot if no one has a shovel. There was also a few occasions that Mammon died to Lucifer shoveling him to death, but that's because he started a shovel war with Lucifer.
Mammon sucks with the monsters, probably one of the worst with them out of all the characters, he just flips his lid no matter what monster it is, unless it's loot bugs or bees, for some reason he just beefs with them, but even then he's no good with them because he always dies by pissing them off. No matter how many times someone tells Mammon how to handle a specific monster, he forgets? His mind goes black? Who knows what happens, but he has no idea how to deal with the monster.
Mammon plays chaotically, it may seem like a bad way to play, which sometimes it is, but he honestly does some really cool chaotic things and sometimes saves the day when everyone else is dead. Mammon's also really good at finding items, even though he never scans, he just has a sixth sense for finding items, he also somehow always finds the most expensive items.
Is Mammon good at being the man on the ship? ...in all honesty no.. he's not very good at call outs..because he almost always has the screen on himself, he's a scaredy cat he needs to know if there are monsters nearby. Say someone important goes in, Mc, Levi cause he's good at games and even Lucifer if he doesn't shovel Lucifer to death before he can go in, then he'll actually try to pay attention to them, though he is constantly switching back to check on himself. Even if Mammon is watching someone he's still half bad at call outs, he can tell you where the loot is just fine, but he somehow always misses the red dot approaching until the person he's supposed to be watching is dead. & Since he's bad with the monsters he couldn't tell the person what to do even if he did properly warn them. Despite all this, it is a job in itself to get Mammon to leave the ship, he's a scaredy cat man, he wants to stay somewhere semi safe. Mammon is also trash at shutting down turrets and opening or closing doors in time, just can't type it fast enough for some reason.
Which two items does he bring in if he can only bring two bought items? A flashlight, there's no way Mammon's going in there to search in the dark. & A walkie, Mammon's scared, he wants to be able to talk to someone the entire time he's in the building getting items. & If something happens and he happens to die, everyone will know, because he's not taking his finger off the button that makes the walkies work. Everyone is knowing that he's dying, and sometimes it's more dramatic than Asmo's deaths.
Least favorite monster? Thumpers. Even with a shovel he dies to them. The amount of times he's been told to get behind the crawler or jump onto the railing is infinite, yet he still dies. He hates how fast they are, and he finds their character design to be scary. Have you seen it? How can it run so fast with two hands and no legs?? Truly a monster to Mammon.
Mammon's absolute favorite part of the game is that you can shovel other players. If Mammon gets a shovel everyone dies but him and Mc, Mc doesn't need anyone alive but their first man! If Mammon can't kill everyone then he's just going after Lucifer, he loves annoying and killing Lucifer in game, it's his favorite part of the game. He just sometimes doesn't like the aftermath when Lucifer gets too mad and punishes him over it. Mammon and Lucifer should just not play together unless absolutely necessary, but everyone knows how the two are secretly fond of each other so it's no surprise that they play together more often than not.
Mammon does not like the modded versions of Lethal Company, it makes the scary game scarier! Mammon thought regular Lethal Company was bad, then he played a modded version with Mc, Lucifer and Levi. The mimic, mimicking his brothers didn't get him, it was when he heard it mimicking Mc that he was done. It didn't help that the mimic said something like "Mammon! Come here I need help!", Mammon went sprinting to save his human, just to get a huge scare and die to an imposter that he had thought was Mc.
Leviathan's reaction:
Levi could play games for a living man, he's good at all kinds of games, so it's no surprise that he's basically a pro at the game before he even buys and starts the game up. He did his research and knows all he needs to know before even getting into the game.
What kills Levi the most..other players. Now Levi is not unable to die to monsters, he does occasionally, but most of the time if he dies to a creature it's because somebody else angered the monster or didn't know what they were doing, causing him to die in the crossfire. He dies so often to the brackens because people can't just glance at them, they have to stare and then Levi dies because he's closest. Levi also dies when he self sacrifices for Mc, he likes being Mc's hero, and dying in game for Mc to live is like being Mc's virtual hero, that's his player two, if he cant safely get them both back to the ship, then hes sprinting full speed yelling or getting in the monsters sight, whatever needed to make Mc make it back to the ship safely.
Is Levi any good with the monsters? Is that even a question really? Levi has the info for each monster written down on a nearby notepad, not that he hasn't already memorized what to do and how not to provoke the monsters. Levi knows almost everything there is to know, the only reason he wouldn't know what to do is if it was a monster that's new to the game.
Levi plays efficiently, even more efficiently than Lucifer, Levi has a timer that will go off signalling when the monsters on the outside usually show up, so he'll try and get everyone out of the building before then if he doesn't think they are pro enough to deal with the monsters outside the buildings. There is barely a moment when Levi is not scanning while playing, he's constantly scanning, it tells you important info man! Levi knows where like every fire exit is, and he knows how to get the most expensive loot.
Levi is so good at being the man on the ship. He somehow keeps up with everyone in the building, he's amazing at call outs, if it's on the screen he's giving the most detailed description over where it's at and whether it's a monster or loot. Levi plays games and is on his computer constantly, none of the characters match him at the speed of typing, so he can shut down turrets and open and close doors like it's nothing. Levi knows his monsters so well that he can sometimes tell what it is just by the red dot that shows from the ship, but even if he can't tell by the red dot he can tell by the person's description of the monster. Even if it's a vague and panicked, most likely not even close description, Levi somehow knows what monster they are talking about, and he knows exactly how to handle it.
What two bought items Levi brings if he can only bring two? That depends on who he's playing with, and how mad they are making him. If Levi's in a good mood and enjoys who he's playing with then he brings a shovel and a radio, if Levi's in a bad mood and is mad at who he's playing with, he'll bring a shovel and a flashlight just so he doesn't have to communicate with the other players. Levi's main item of choice is the shovel, or a weapon in general, he can survive without a radio and light, but he likes having a weapon on him to defend himself from the monsters if they are killable.
Least favorite monster? Brackens. Levi doesn't even die to them on his own accord, he's died to them so many times due to other players that he can't stand them. He thinks they are the absolute worst when he has other players around him. He honestly doesn't mind them when he's alone or with someone who listens when he tells them how to deal with it. He would rather deal with a coil head, then he wouldn't die due to people staring.
What's Levi's favorite part of the game? He has a lot he enjoys and a lot he doesn't enjoy but his favorite part of the game is the fact that the ship is not completely safe. He loves the fact that the door has a battery, Levi is here to play a scary game, not a game where he can sit in a ship and be completely safe, so he loves that monsters can still kill you in the ship. Levi also enjoys the items that make noise when you carry them, he enjoys the fact that an item that costs money could be the reason you get killed by a monster.
Levi has nothing against playing a modded version of Lethal Company. He thinks some of the mods are fun but he thinks some of the mods are silly and pull away from the actual gameplay. Levi doesn't care what version he plays so he usually leaves that decision up to the people he's playing with. Although Levi does enjoy a certain mod that allows him to have some loot be Ruri-chan merch, like posters and figurines.
Satan's Reaction:
Satan is decent, he is like every normal player at first, but once he starts learning and catching on he becomes an okay player, he's not the best but he's not the worst. He gets better at it the more he plays.
What kills Satan the most is misdirections or miscommunication with the person on the ship. The way they describe things confuses him, so he usually gets led straight into a monster or right off the map into a spot that kills him. Satan does rather well with most of the monsters, and he usually jumps across gaps just fine. The only time Satan dies to not making the jump across a gap, is if he's playing with Lucifer. Satan will watch Lucifer fail the gap, bust out laughing, making fun of Lucifer, just to fall and die to the gap as well. The silence between the death chat is strong, Lucifer knows better than to let Satan hear his snickering, that would send Satan into a rage.
Satan's decent with the monsters, with enough experience of running into them he'll catch on and learn how to handle them, Satan is one of the only brothers that reads the creature data on the ship, so he learns most of his monster information from there.
Satan plays as a prankster, he'll take the game seriously when he needs to, but he's also looking for any opportunity to cause chaos and play a "prank". Satan may do something to purposely get someone killed, or to purposely anger a monster. Satan may also get a noise item, and then cause chaos and deaths when at the company building by angering the monster that takes the items and gives money.
Satan is good at being the man on the ship..if you can understand the big words he's saying and the way his brain works. He doesn't do call outs as one normally would, he describes it a little differently in his own way. He also seems to use a lot of fancy words when he's trying to help someone, so he may confuse the person he's helping if they don't have the same vocabulary as him. Mans is a walking dictionary that gets mad when the person he's directing dies.
What two bought items does Satan bring in if he can only bring in two? Oddly enough Satan is a shovel, flashlight kind of guy, especially if he plays with someone who's willing to walk around with him, they hold the walkie, he holds the weapon, it's the perfect combo. It's usually Mc, Asmo, or sometimes Belphie. If nobody follows Satan, that's still his preferred combo, he doesn't feel the need to talk to the other players, the only reason he'd really need to is to ask for turret help or for help with a door, and if he runs into those things he just goes a different way.
Least favorite monster? Bunker Spiders. Satan for some reason never realizes when there is a spider around until he's already angered the Spider and is being chased by it. Spiders are hard to kill so he usually dies in the midst of trying to fight it with his shovel, but sometimes he survives. He doesn't dislike them because they are spiders in general, he just runs into them too often, and doesn't seem to pay attention to their webs or where their "territory" is. Due to how often he runs into them and deals with them he finds them to be annoying and enraging, so that's why they are his least favorite monster.
What's Satan's favorite part of the game? Satan enjoys the monsters he can kill other players with, he has purposely killed other players with, brackens, Coil-heads, loot bugs, and circuit bees. He also enjoys the fact that if everyone dies all loot is lost, as when he gets everyone killed all their efforts are lost. He usually doesn't do this the day before the company's profit quota needs to be met.
Satan has a lot of fun in modded versions of Lethal Company. He enjoys the fun cute mods, like the ones where loot items can be made into items related to cats, cat posters, cat stuffed animals, ect. But he enjoys the mods that he can chaos with more, like the mimic and imposter mods. Satan's personal favorite mod was one he had Levi make, then he got Levi, Mc, and Mammon to play with him, the mod was one that turned the monsters into an angry Lucifer, the noises the monsters make were changed into Lucifer angrily yelling Mammon's name. Satan has such a good time that gaming session, Mammon's terrified screams made the experience perfect.
Asmodeus's Reaction:
Asmo is really bad at first, somehow he dies within the first five minutes for the first couple of rounds he plays. He takes the deaths like a champ though, he doesn't get upset or mad over his constant deaths in the beginning.
Everything kills Asmo. He says it's cause he's the most beautiful thing in the game, so of course all the ways to die are attracted to him.♡ Asmo dies the most to monsters and just walking off the map due to not properly paying attention. He also dies due to the ship leaving without him a couple of times, as he's actually rather bad at timing everything perfectly in game. Asmo does not die to other players that often, there were a few occasions but most of the time but that was due to him getting caught in the crossfire. Nobody really tries to shovel him to death or try to get a monster to kill him.
Asmo is no good with the monsters. He doesn't even try to learn how to deal with them or even what they are called. He just uses the monsters as an excuse to be dramatic, he could run into a monster that's not usually hostile and he'll still be panicking and screaming into his walkie. He's not even scared he's just being Asmo, he secretly does know a thing or two about a few monsters, just so he can try and be Mc's Knight in shining armor if given the chance, but he's more than happy to be the damsel in distress for Mc if they want to be the hero.
Asmo plays distractedly. It's not even like he's getting distracted by something outside of the game, like he doesn't get on his D.D.D, nothing like that. He just starts exploring, off in la la land as he hears the other players screaming and dying through the walkies, but hey he has a fun time and he enjoys the game. He may not seem useful, but if someone drops loot outside the building doors, he'll pick it up and bring it back to the ship while he's on his exploring adventures.
Man on the ship? No. You treat Asmo like the prince on the ship he is or he lets you perish. Unless it's Mc or one of the few people Asmo deems important or just favorites, then they'll probably die anyways. Asmo is not the best at being the man on the ship, he still somehow gets distracted, even though he's standing in the ship. If it's someone he favorites he'll be paying more attention to them than he would with the others but he still isn't very good. He can turn off turrets or open and close doors, but that's about it. His directions are rather confusing to some, if they don't know how to understand him. Asmo doesn't speak fancy or even speak weird at all, his directions are just confusing for some reason, half the time it seems like he doesn't even know where he's leading the person. Asmo doesn't know a lot about the monsters so he's no help when the player he's directing runs into a monster. All that being said, Asmo loves being the man on the ship. He feels so important and special even though he gets yelled at by the other players before they get picked off due to his miscommunication and inexperience with the monsters.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? That's not even a question for Asmo, he takes a flashlight and walkie and that's that, even if he had space for a shovel he wouldn't take it. That's someone else's job, not his, he's not meant to get his hands dirty, in game or not. How's he supposed to know that he didn't just get his nails done in game? Besides, being protected by other players with shovels is so romantic! ..in all honesty though, he took a shovel once, did realllly poorly with it, and then everyone always told him to give the shovel to a different player, so he's not even really allowed to take a shovel.
Least favorite monster? Snare Fleas. It's not even for a reason like he finds them annoying in game or does to them constantly. He's only ever died to them a few times but they are his least favorite monster because they cover his beautiful face! He doesn't respect a monster that can't see what true beauty looks like.
Favorite part of the game? Asmo enjoys the song that plays when the items you buy are brought down by that smaller ship thing. Sometimes after he hears it he can be heard humming the tune as he plays. Asmo also enjoys that you can explore around the map, he's been to almost every nook and cranny, gotten stuck and glitched in almost every way possible.
Asmo enjoys the modded version because he was able to find a mod that made the loot items be items related to him. Posters of him, and cute little Asmo plushies. He also enjoyed the mimic mod oddly enough, it didn't scare him, instead he was happy when he heard himself speaking, and he was always saying stuff just for the other players to hear his beautiful voice.
Beelzebub's Reaction:
Beel is pretty bad at first, honestly it takes him a while to learn the ropes and get decent at the game. But once he catches on he's actually rather good at the game.
What kills Beel the most is the monsters. It's not because he doesn't learn or understand what to do with the monsters, it mostly has to do with his mic always catching sounds of him eating and getting him killed by monsters attracted to sound. He also dies to monsters often because Beel's a nice boy, he's a family man, a protector if you will, it doesn't matter who he's playing with, he's willing to die in game for them. Self sacrifices are Beel's number one cause of death.
Beel is decent with the monsters, it takes him a little, but after being told what to do and what angers the monsters he catches on. It doesn't seem to do him any good, as he does to monsters for others, but he can tell the others what to do when it comes to monsters so he feels helpful and like he's protecting them.
Beel plays like a team player. Maybe it's cause he plays Fangol and already works on being a team player, but he's just the best team player out of all the characters. He'll do whatever you need him to do, no questions asked, no hesitation. Someone gives him a task he's on it, someone gives him an order he's following it perfectly. They could lead him straight to his death and he wouldn't be mad, mistakes happen, and holding grudges won't change that. If the group he's playing with doesn't have a teleporter yet to get other players dead bodies back, that's no problem as Beel is willing to sacrifice his life to go try to recover their dead body.
Beel is actually rather good at being the man on the ship, again it could be because he plays Fangol, sports strengthen communication abilities. Beel is amazing at call outs on monsters and loot, he is amazing at giving directions to where either thing is. Beel is decent at turning turrets off and opening and closing doors. If he doesn't get distracted by eating food and have his hands full then he can be pretty good at doing what the other players need. His food eating habits don't hurt his ability to communicate, as everyone he plays with is used to him talking with his mouth full. All that being said, Beel actually doesn't like being the man in the ship, he feels more useful going inside the building. He can protect the other players easier when he's actually with them.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? This is a hard decision for Beel, Beel preferably has a flashlight, walkie, and shovel, so it takes him a bit to decide what to bring. He ultimately goes with a walkie and shovel, if he walks next to another player with a flashlight, he sort of can see, and seeing in the dark isn't impossible so he works with what he has to. Beel likes having a walkie to communicate with the other players, so he knows who's dying and who needs saving, stuff like that. The shovel is just an obvious choice to Beel, he can't protect the other players from all the monsters monsters, but with a shovel he can save and protect other players from some monsters.
Least favorite monster? Eyeless dogs. They always kill him because he's always snacking on food and his mic picks up on his munching sounds, which attracts the eyeless dogs to him. He tries eating quietly and everything! They just have it out for Beel and his snacking habits.
Beel's favorite part of the game is the rare occasions when they have an amazing loot day and all the players make it back to the ship alive. It feels so rewarding having everyone alive in the ship, it doesn't even matter if they end up not meeting the profit quota and losing that round of the game, he just enjoys the little moment where everyone's safe and happy, chatting away in the ship as they successfully leave the moon with everyone alive and go into orbit.
The modded version messed with poor Beel. He's such a a team player man, a true protector, so the mimic and imposter mod got him more times then it should have, he couldn't help it! He heard what he thought was one of the other players calling for help, technically it was their voices, so he goes running, it's not his fault that almost every time it was an imposter and he gets killed. Besides that, Beel likes this mod that makes the loot items be food, but that mod makes him hungrier than the other mods, so he doesn't play it often.
Belphegor's Reaction:
Don't ask why, because Belphie wouldn't be able to tell you, but he's for some reason a natural at this game. He's so good at everything in the game, for absolutely no reason, as long as he puts in effort and doesn't let his Avatar get the best of him and fall asleep or something.
What kills Belphie the most is his own antics. Belphie is a little chaotic prankster, he dies provoking monsters hoping that they'll kill the other players, Belphie also gets shoveled to death a lot as he starts shovel fights with basically anyone he plays with, even Mc isn't safe from Belphie's antics. Though admittedly Belphie doesn't mess with the players he favorites as much as he does other players. Belphie dies a lot to Circuit Bees, he's always grabbing their hive and bolting for the ship, hoping he gets to the ship before he dies so that the Circuit Bees and their hive will be in the ship, causing every other player to die if they go into the ship with the Circuit Bees in there.
Belphie seems like he's bad with the monsters due to how often he's dying to them, but he's actually rather good with them. Belphie learned what to do with every monster just so he could use it against other players and cause chaos, Belphie enjoys how easy it is to make the other players lives a living hell with the monsters.
Belphie plays like a menace. He's the ultimate "prankster", he'll do literally anything to cause the ultimate chaos. Belphie does not give a fuck, he's a brat man, he is not going to stop his chaos even if they begin to run out of days to make the profit quota. If he successfully makes everyone die too many times and the profit quota doesn't get met, he'll be laughing his ass off as the company kills everyone. He'll be so proud that he successfully ruined the mission for everyone, but that doesn't mean he'll actually play the game, he's the youngest, being annoying and messing with others is what he does.
Belphie isn't allowed to be the man on the ship, he purposely gives incorrect information to make sure the player he's watching over dies. In general Belphie would actually be good at being man on the ship, in the small amount of time he was actually being serious and properly directing someone he did an amazing job, but then his favorite player died, Mc or Beel, so he made sure the rest of the players died too and then he was never allowed to be the man on the ship again.
What two bought items does he bring if he can only bring two? Belphie doesn't have a set of how much he can bring in, cause he rarely actually brings any loot out of the buildings. But Belphie would choose a shovel and a walkie, Belphie doesn't need light or to be able to see to cause chaos. The shovel is a given, he needs it so he can smack on his teammates and kill them, of smack on a monster like a loot bug and then lead it to a teammate. He brings the radio, not because he'll be using it to talk to anyone, just so he knows what everyone is doing and where they are at, who's he's easiest target for chaos.
Least favorite monster? The ones that aren't hostile are a given. But his actual least favorite is Coil-Heads. Belphie runs around a lot, not paying attention to his surroundings just trying to find his teammates to mess with and pick off, however his plans get ruined a lot when he ends up getting killed by a Coil-heads because he wasn't actually playing the game enough to see it in time. If Belphie happens to see the Coil-head before it kills him then he loves them! He can take a Coil-heads to a teammate and abandon them with it, it's a love-hate relationship with them for Belphie. He's just died to them one too many times to just love them, he has to dislike them for always ruining his plans.
Belphie's favorite part of the game, is anything to do with getting other players killed. Any monster that helps him in that mission he loves, anything in the game that helps him do that, he loves, like ringing the Beel touch at the company building and getting your teammate killed when they try to turn items in, or the fact that you can kill all your teammates by putting the Circuit Bees beehive in the ship, things like that are his favorite parts of the game.
Belphie eats modded versions of Lethal Company up, he loves how much more chaos can be caused. The mimic and imposter mod does so much for him! He'll purposely say sentences like "hey guys! There's a bunch of loot over here!" Or "no, no! Don't go that way! There's a monster there. Come over here!" Belphie unlike everyone else, does not look for mods that make the game easier, he is looking for mods to make the game harder and more chaotic. Belphie finds the absolute worst mods, that just make the game a living chaotic hell, then he'll sit back laughing his ass off as the poor people he convinced to play with him try and figure out how to survive and play the game with his mods.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Should I do a version with Barbs, Dia, Luke, Simeon, & Solomon? Or if there's any other games you want me to try and have the characters play. Let me know in the comments or my requests! Other content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Spooky!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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azzydoesstuff · 7 months
lethal company creature collective name headcanons
a group of snare fleas is called a slink
a group of bunker spiders is called a blockade (derived from a group of regular spiders being called a clutter)
a group of hoarding bugs is called a mafia
a group of brackens is called a rustle
a group of thumpers is called a wrath
a group of hygroderes is called an ooze
a group of spore lizards is called a puff
a group of eyeless dogs is called an uproar
a group of forest keepers is called a percussion
a group of earth leviathans is called a tremble
a group of baboon hawks is called a slur
a group of nutcrackers is called a creak
a group of coil-heads is called an anguish
a gorup of jesters is called a melody
a group of masked is called a masquerade (this one's actually not mine, i got this from another post)
also, a group of manticoils is called a flock and a group of circuit bees or roaming locusts is called a swarm, but those are obvious
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bunnimew · 2 months
Lethal Company Circuit Bee Hive!
Metrocon was a blast! But we were working on our costumes up to the last second so it is only post-con that we can share what we were doing 😂 As soon as we decided to cosplay Lethal Company, we were coming up with which props to carry. I immediately latched on to the hive. 1) It's adorable 2) it has led to so many hilarious and despairing deaths that I can't help but think of it first. It's a perfect "Do it for the company!" kind of prop.
Behold the Bee hive!
I went full-tilt middle school prop for this thing. I believe paper mache is an underrated prop option. It costs almost nothing, it's sandable (not that I did much of that; what is time?), it's strong, it takes paint great, and you can build onto it easily if you want the outside to be something a little more refined. I have, in the past, fiberglassed and XTC'ed over a paper mache base. Both work. But I didn't do that for this hive.
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Instead, I went to party city and bought the cheapest balloon pack I could find. In classic elementary fashion, I paper mached over a balloon (2 layers), then popped the thing so I had a sphere to work from. I did not cover the bottom of the balloon. There's a 6 inch diameter hole at the base so that it sits without rolling and so I can shove stuff inside. Because yeah, I did shove my flashlight in there a couple times. I only have so many hands.
I cut empty paper towel rolls in half and used an x-acto blade to cut slits in them, then hot glued them around the sphere to give it the comb shape from the game. I mached over the rolls, about 3 layers, then did a layer of wood filler and sanded to even things out just a smidge and fill gaps.
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All of the paint were acrylics. I used 3 shades of yellow in awkward stripes to mimic the changing, uneven shades from the game. Then black with a tiny brush to make the combs. Absolutely no measuring went into this thing; it's all eyeing and vibing while listening to Adventure Zone 🤣
We bought two strings of bee lights to cover the outside. The battery packs went inside the hive with the switches toward the opening so I can easily switch the strings on and off while holding it normally. The bees were hot glued in place, of course.
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And if you saw me between photos at the con, you know I was tossing this hive around and putting it down everywhere, including on top of my helmet. The thing was sturdy and balanced and everything I needed it to be to survive a day at the con.
Thanks to @therepo-man and @quintdophoto (On Insta) for the con photos! Ngl, I think it's the coolest shit when you can see the bees reflected in my helmet visor.
I spent so long balanced on one foot because you gotta grab the hive and book it or you're not doing Lethal Company right, right? 😂
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kukkakisu · 8 months
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Another Lethal Company OC, this time just a regular crewman guy. He is called Carmine! More details about them under here;
Carmine (Employee 120) was originally sent on a diving mission to Gordion. Witnessed horrors beyond his comprehension under the waters and was the only one who returned back to the surface alive. He now refuses to leave the ship whenever visiting the moon to sell scrap and even outside of it is wary around bodies of water. Absolute nervous wreck of a guy that is on edge 24/7. Brackens seem to like him, much to his dismay and he is terrified of insects. Especially the circuit bees. They are his arch-enemies. He is wearing a dry (diving) suit under his overalls. The latter wasn't originally his (which is why it is a bit oversized), but he wanted to keep it as a memory of the friends he lost and carries it with him everywhere he goes. Carmine is currently traveling with @freckledmuskrat's Patches. Still kind of wary of Bowie, but they're warming up to the little creature <3
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orcboxer · 8 months
funniest thing that happened to me in lethal company is when the ship passed through a cloud of circuit bees as it was landing and everyone was screaming and trying to run out of the ship and two of us died, including me because I was laughing so hard I couldn't move
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You know what I just realized?
In Lethal Company, most everything *inside* the facility relies on *sight.* The Thumpers are deaf so you have to stay out of their line of sight, Brackens need to be glanced at to deter, Coilheads don’t move if you’re looking at them, Nutcrackers will aggro if their little parasite sees you, etc. There are exceptions, but not many, and those exceptions don’t usually care about noise either.
Meanwhile, most everything outside the facility relies on *sound.* Eyeless dogs, forest giants, and the worms are all attracted to sound, and Circuit Bees… I mean they care more about proximity than anything. Baboon Hawks, contrary to popular belief, also don’t care about sound so… I mean there is that.
It’s weird from a biological perspective, it’s always dark in the facility while there’s a day-night cycle outside, but gameplay wise it makes sense. Outside, there are so many places to hide: trees, rocks, cliffs, etc. But none of those matter. Meanwhile, in the facility, you can hide around corners and the occasional pipe, but because of the narrow claustrophobic nature of the facility, it won’t take much for a monster to round the corner and spot you.
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