#lets forget that I forgot to tag this
Because I’m tired over parenting debates where the only true answer is Straff, who’s the worst sibling?
Motivations under the cut:
Reen - Was physically and psychologically abusive towards his sister.
Zane - Tried to have his brother assasinated and tried to make his sister in law fall in love with him because he was jealous and when she didn't reciprocrate tried to kill her as well. Also got multiple of his other siblings killed during the previously mentioned assassination attempt.
Gavilar - Used his brother as a weapon and then used his following ptsd and addiction as a way to manipulate him. He also persued the girl he knew his brother wanted to court.
Dalinar - Was about to kill his brother once, got drunk and didn’t listen during his meetings and eventually fucked his widow (which is good for her but I imagine Gavilar would take issue).
Telsin - Faked her death, killed her brother, then tried to nuke his home city.
Eventeo - Took the throne from his brother and banished him.
Kiin - Tried to take the throne back from his brother by force.
Balat - Let his sister deal with their family problems and feel responsible for him and their brothers despite being the youngest.
Helaran - Left his siblings alone with their abusive father.
Kelsier - Died? And fought over a girl.
Venli - Set off events that led to her sisters death, kinda. Idk it's not her I just wanted more women on the list.
Prime Elhokar - Had one of his sisters closest allies murdered in front of her. Basically locked her up so she couldn't tell anyone and then married her off to Sadeas/Amaram against her wishes.
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numberonepartyboy · 2 months
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this was supposed to be a comic but i was too tired to make it so here's a small two doodles of manager jay finding his old paintings of nya :3. he doesn't know who she is but there's still this weird feeling he can't shake off....
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chalkodareal · 10 months
various john drawings. mostly just the good ones. drawings that suck too bad are not here. sorry about the weird way they probably look in the small version its a thing i do for insta sorry.
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these are from like. multiple months so they still vary in quality a significant amount. scijohns are not here they probably get their own post at some point.
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orykorioart · 7 months
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Cleaned up another BikersAU sketch from Oct2022.
(Click for better quality bc tumblr’s been nuking the resolution lately)
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makeyouminemp3 · 7 months
i hate how people can just easily erase and forget and overlook a platonic relationship that had key importance to the show/movie they're apart of, like people talk about them at first, but when the second a romantic relationship is "more important" to talk about, most of the fandom drops it and forgets it when it's convenient for them because apparently it's not as important as romance 😒
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camels-pen · 23 days
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the eepies (and zoro)
psst @redriotinggg
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mxwhore · 3 months
mutuals. i am getting caught in my own bitterness again...
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italeean · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
Waaaahh thank youuu 🥹😭 I really needed that ❤️❤️
But, since I'm running on a tight schedule I'll tag everyone instead of sending you all an ask... ahem-
@chibimochii @wertzunge @tenta-tickles @jettorii @mai-mei @xsezzie @myreygn @kaerichan-yatta @tickles-and-cuddles @eliankrios @rand0m-s1nner @nekoma-not-lee @stopiteatpopcorn @fanfic-chan @nataliewritez @skribblz @duckymcdoorknob @blobbirobbi @peachesv094 @eliasiis @lovelynim @made-by-jade-222 @intheheartofarainbow @otomiya-tickles @vqler
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And a fist bump for @trans-ace-lee
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sucrose-soymilk · 8 months
hadn’t really regressed in a While and i didn’t realize how much i missed/dareisay needed it until i had the free time and ability to do so over the last few days and i have to say. i’m feeling a bit better
#imagine that! the coping mechanism… helps!!! wow#Seven’s Small Thoughts#not tagging this as anything else bc this blog is really just a not-so-secret public diary#and im not really trying to gain any sort of following or participate in the community very much#i just wanna talk to the void abt regression every once in a blue moon y’know#i also feel like i don’t really belong in the community much/am not a Good Example of sfw agere since i’m very n/ s/ f/ w everywhere else#which is a double standard that i don’t hold others to but i feel like others will hold it against me??? and i’m just shy anyways#and not looking to interact. just wanna keep all this stuff tucked away in a side-blog#i also feel like a lot of the community likes to blog while actively regressed and i don’t wanna step in there as someone who isn’t#nothing wrong with it! at all! i just don’t have the capacity to since i go nonverbal when i regress. no thoughts head blissfully empty#anyways this wasn’t supposed to be a vent post let’s change the topic!#anywhooo what else did i come on here to say. oh yeah#i lowkey forgot how much regressing has helped me in the past until i was able to really indulge myself in it again recently#it’s so nice to just be small and hand someone else the reins and forget abt everything other than doing something you enjoy#maybe one day i’ll be at a point in my life where i can fully regress more freely and more often but for now i’ll take what i can get#i’m also excited because i’ve been thinking abt ordering a paci from this one specific seller#and yesterday saw that they’re dropping a new batch of fall/halloween themed ones today!!!#so now i’ve gotta make myself stay awake until 6pm so i can jump on it when they’re available#which is a small struggle considering my nocturnal sleep schedule but i will do it nonetheless#that crescent moon patterned one Will Be Mine#trying to decide between buttercup yellow and schoolbus yellow for the clip#i think i’m more drawn to the vibrancy of the schoolbus yellow honestly#eeeeeee i’m excited i’ve been wanting to treat myself to ordering from this shop for a g e s and im finally gonna do it
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possum-tooth · 2 months
i wish you could like replies
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Danny Fenton & Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Twins, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Gun Violence, Blood and Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Mugging, Medical Torture, Vivisection Summary:
“If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.”
His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead.
She loved him, but she loved the League more.
Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more.
They loved their work more.
After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way.
Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliant
Chapter 8!! Chapter 8!! Chapter 8!!
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mechawolfie · 1 year
ok thats vol 10 finished!!! heehee giggle teehee
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doyoueverjustwomen · 6 months
Capcom should make a sitcom about all of the ace attorney villains in jail. I imagine during lunchtime they would all sit down at specific tables with specific people and gossip like they’re in Highschool.
Obviously I’ve never been in jail before (yay I’m not a criminal) so I have NO idea how it works or if you’re even allowed to pick who you sit with during lunch but. It’s a fun thought
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syn4k · 1 year
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the pluralkit name glitch + our access to an image editor makes for a really funny set of pictures especially without context
(blurred avatars are members of other systems in the conversation, that screenshot was posted with their permission, the one with the unblurred purple avatar is Ray and the one with the MLM flag in theirs is another member of our system)
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
symbolism in insider: the matryoshka doll
jtbc’s insider is filled with symbolism, from the card games to the literal cards themselves, but one mysterious element that pops up too many times to be a coincidence is a matryoshka doll (featured in bad screenshots throughout). it’s never explicitly clear what the matryoshka doll’s purpose is, but it is clear that it is supposed to have some significance. in this post, i will attempt to analyze the matryoshka doll, and what connection it has to the plot, specifically yohan and sunoh.
the matryoshka doll makes it’s first appearance in episode three. in the scene, yohan is searching sunoh’s cell. the matryoshka doll is seen on the windowsill. when yohan goes to investigate it further, he is interrupted/caught. 
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the second time the matryoshka doll is seen is in episode six, when yohan enters sunoh’s now empty cell and confirms that he has left without a word (as he said he would). however, the matryoshka doll is still there, indicating that sunoh has left it behind, despite it seemingly being a personal possession of his. 
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the matryoshka doll makes it’s third appearance in episode eight/nine, right after yohan has seen the video on minho’s instagram and realized sunoh was his grandmother’s killer. after he’s done breaking down, he looks at the matryoshka doll with cold fury, remembering picking it up in sunoh’s cell. it’s clear that in this moment, the matryoshka doll is sunoh.
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the last time the matryoshka doll is seen is in episode twelve, where yohan sets it on the table before beginning his interrogation of sunoh. it’s surely no coincidence that episode twelve, the last time we see sunoh, is the last time the matryoshka doll is featured as well.
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now, in regards to the doll itself, there are several questions about it’s significance in canon, such as:
why did sunoh have the doll to begin with? (and what does the doll mean to him?)
did sunoh leave the doll purposefully for yohan to find?
why does yohan set the doll on the table for sunoh to clearly see?
for the first one, we don’t know the answer, and likely can only speculate about it. it’s unclear what value it holds to sunoh, and if he leaves it behind because it’s worthless, or not. however, it doesn’t seem to be something that he’s super attached to, or at least not something with a whole ton of sentimental value.
which leads me to the second question: did sunoh leave the matryoshka doll on purpose? if so, why? 
although this is never confirmed canonically, it is my personal belief that sunoh did leave the doll deliberately, and likely meant for yohan to keep it, as it is shown that yohan did. i think at that point, from episodes six to eight (ish), the matryoshka doll becomes a symbol for sunoh, both his presence and his absence. yohan initially keeps it as a token of remembrance, almost like a parting gift from sunoh, but after episode eight it becomes a symbol of revenge. when he looks at the doll in episode eight, remembering finding it in episode six, there is nothing but a burning hatred and intent in his eyes. in this scene, yohan is choosing to leave behind the relationship he had with sunoh in favor of taking his revenge. sunoh is now one of his enemies, and so the matryoshka doll can no longer symbolize their friendship.
the third question is the hardest one to answer. we are obviously shown yohan setting the matryoshka doll down for a reason, and yohan obviously does it for a reason, but that reason is unclear, and us viewers can do nothing but hypothesize about it, which is what i will now do.
some viewers have postulated that yohan sets the doll down as a signal to sunoh of some sort, which infers that they were working together in some aspect. while i don’t think the latter is true, the former - that yohan sets the doll down as a signal - could possibly work out, as it lends to other details of the scene that don’t quite add up, such as yohan deliberately showing sunoh his web on the wall, showing him the video, etc. despite yohan having seemingly no problem setting sunoh up and letting him get captured and tortured by the yang brothers, his interrogation is surprisingly gentle; he promises medical care, and even though sunoh doesn’t confess to anything, yohan still reacts instinctively to save his life. although this could be lended to just yohan’s more kind hearted personality, i think insider is clear about yohan’s transformation from someone who is more soft hearted to a cutthroat man, and like i said earlier, he doesn’t seem to have a problem backstabbing sunoh in episode eleven.
i believe that it’s more likely that yohan sets the matryoshka doll down for sunoh to see as a sign of their former shared relationship. if we take the possibility that sunoh leaves the doll as a parting gift to yohan as true, then yohan setting it down is almost his returning it in a way, kind of like him saying ‘we’re over.’ it would remind sunoh of his promises to yohan, and the closeness they shared, and could also possibly make sunoh feel guilty towards yohan.
now, outside of it’s appearances in canon, i want to discuss a little about what the matryoshka doll might symbolize re: sunoh himself, outside of his and yohan’s relationship.
matryoshka dolls are nesting dolls, meaning they’re hollow on the inside, fitting smaller dolls inside of them. although sunoh’s doll is certainly small, it likely still has several other dolls on the inside, although we never see this confirmed (i think it would have been cool if they did confirm it was a nesting doll, but it might have gotten a bit heavy handed then, as insider is all about hidden meaning and coded symbolism, letting the viewer draw their own conclusions without shoving it in their faces).
this concept of a nesting doll perfectly matches sunoh’s traction throughout the show. like the matryoshka doll, sunoh shows one side to the world, but inside there are miniature versions of himself that are revealed as the show goes on. we first meet him as the dean of the prison, but then we learn about his real personality underneath his sadistic, cheerful front, shown through how he mentors yohan. and underneath that is a more calculating version of himself, someone that hides his hands to hide his lies, which we see as his past with yang joon is revealed. we are once again blindsided by the reveal that he is the person that killed yohan’s grandmother, and then we’re shown the more desperate sides of sunoh, someone who wants to live and is morally unscrupulous. however, our final view of sunoh is in episode twelve, where he is fully unraveled during his talk with chairman do, where he reveals the final nesting doll of his heart (and yes, i could say a lot more about sunoh in episode twelve, but by then i would be completely off topic lol).
again, it’s no coincidence that the matryoshka doll is last seen the last time yohan and sunoh interact. it vanishes with sunoh’s ‘death,’ and sunoh vanishes from the screen.
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kanerallels · 1 year
So, I just realized that like, eighty percent of the couples in my book series are enemies to lovers and I'm not sure how I should feel about that
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