#levi has a dad :(
heartfulcakes · 3 months
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leviathan strikes me as the brother that gets overwhelmed when the family (mammon and lucifer) starts arguing, so he just steals the closest younger brother (asmo) and end up at the mall food court or some shitty concert that maybe (yes) a child shouldn’t be listening to
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
SWAYING. Worshippers can often be seen swaying during the standing part of the service, or while reading aloud from the Torah. Judah ha-Levi, a great medieval poet and philosopher, explained this by saying that because of a shortage of books, scholars had to keep moving around to look over their colleagues' shoulders. Vigorous swaying during prayer may be seen especially in a Hasidic synagogue and is called in Yiddish, shuckling.
-Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, Dr. Ben Isaacson, 1979, p. 156
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soanliawriter · 6 months
Everyone never thought you'd get pregnant with Levi's child, cause after resigning from the Scouts since the war has ended, and you two got married, you both simply did not care if he's in a wheelchair, his left leg is the one that couldn't really move, but his right leg still functions, which led them to having passionate sex, since the last one they had was when they were in their 20s and early 30s. Still they both have the sex drive running as if they're still 20. In that case, you got pregnant, and once you announced it to your scouts friends, they couldn't believe it.
Mikasa: Come on guys, of course it's possible Y/n is going to get pregnant.
Eren: How did they do it though?!
Armin: Probably when they're in bed or, maybe in the wheelchair?!
Jean: Never knew at their age, their sex drives are still young
Annie: I'm quite excited to see their child
Gabi: My bet is Uncle Levi and Aunty Y/n did it like old times!
Falco: GABI?!?
Yelena: That's incredibly hot, I'm imagining it now.
Erwin: Congratulations, we'll be expecting a little Ackerman running soon I hope
Hanji: Moblit take notes will ya?! Even if the person is on the wheelchair due to incidents, they can definitely still have sex! Both in the bed or bathtub, and wheelchair!
Moblit: *blushes hard but writes down what Hanji told him to*
Isabella: I want name your child big bro!
Farlan: I think Y/n told me the name they want to give to their child, was it Brandon Ackerman for when it's a boy and Anabelle Ackerman for when it's a girl.
Zeke: Why do I get the feeling that their little Ackerman wether boy or girl is definitely going to be like their father towards me?! 🥹
Reiner: If Captain Levi was dangerous, I have no doubt that their child will be the same, plus Y/n is 3rd best next to Levi.
Berthold: Can't wait to see little Ackerman🤗
*Later that night*
Levi: Tch, can't believe they thought we couldn't have sex cause I'm on this stupid wheelchair.
Y/n: Levi, come on I don't blame them, not a lot of people who's on a wheelchair can't even do that much
Levi: *touches Y/n belly* hey there little brat, come out soon, we're excited to meet you
Y/n: your father and I, along with our friends made peace with the Marleyans, so no more war, you'll be born into a world that's safe my child.
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ladycheesington · 8 months
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beeapocalypse · 11 months
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oh my god
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oh my GOD ?
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rainofthetwilight · 5 months
egyptian madani: yeah so here's my full entire family tree, we're pretty well known and here's some newspapers that had my relative in it, and oh also a news article abt my dad
nile delta egyptian: here's the entire animal farm in the backyard w/ the cow of course, and here's all the houses we own too, also our villiage is very historical
sinai egyptian: we all know eachother, here's some newspapers my relatives appeared in, otherwise we're pretty chill
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I've had this AU in my head for ages but I only just got the nerve to submit it lol (long ask ahead, sorry)
Anyway so basically it's like: what if the brothers' fall goes entirely different. This is half serious and half crack? But basically after falling, instead of ending up in the Devildom they land in the human world, in animal forms. So like Lucifer's a peacock, Mammon's a crow, Levi's a snake, Satan's a cat, Asmo's a rabbit, Beel's one of those big dogs that go boof, Belphie's a fox. (I was going to go demonic animal for all of them, but then Beel would be a fly and Satan would be a unicorn which don't exist, and that's tricky to work with lol)
Basically they can communicate with each other but they can't speak like verbally, they can still do simple magic but no demon form transforming. They're just kinda stuck in animal form for some reason.
Ik sees a tattered crow hopping about by the road on her way home from school. It keeps getting startled by the cars but it's not flying away, and it looks really close to getting hit, which she's worried about. So she tries to shoo it away, and the crow stops and looks at her with these big dark eyes and she can't help but feel like it *understands* her when she tells it that it's dangerous by the road.
Next day the crow is there again, and this time it's staying away from the curb, as if it *listened* to her. And for some reasons he can't stop thinking about it... so the next day she buys a little bag of nuts on the way back, and when she sees the crow by the road again she scatters some of them for it, which it seems to appreciate.
Ik feeds the crow for a week before it's already comfortable enough to hop right up to her and wait for its snack. While she's watching it eat, she'll talk to it. After another week it seems to be *looking forward* to seeing her, because it sits on a tree watching the path she takes and visibly perks up when it spots her coming around the corner, and it seems to listen very intently when she's talking. It's like having a best friend.
Then one day the crow follows her home. Ik waves to it when she goes inside and it's gone by morning. And it isn't there in the usual place after school...
Then she gets home and finds the crow waiting on her doorstep. When it spots her it squawks happily and then calls to something. And then six animals that you would NOT expect a crow to be acquainted with emerge from hiding in a bush nearby. Does that dog have a fox AND a snake on its back? Is that a fucking *peacock*?!
Okay. This is weird and definitely not normal. "Are these your friends?" she asks the crow, as if it understands. Then the crow *nods*.
Basically Ik takes in the animal-brothers and takes care of them as best she can in her little house. (Bonus: cut to Diavolo and Barbatos in the Devildom, extremely panicked and confused about where those fallen angels ended up if they're not here)
I've got more thoughts but I'd like to know what you think first hehee
OOOOO I LIKE IT VERY MUCH!! i agree that this is a very half and half au, so let me think about the serious half for a moment...
if this happens directly after the fall, then there's a lot of interesting dialogue coming from the fact that all that war trauma's very fresh... though potentially, they'll all heal from it a lot more healthily, rather than repressing for centuries on end until a kid who cares too much shows up. this time, the kid who cares too much is right there immediately
i reckon the other brothers, especially lucifer and the twins, would be quite standoffish with ik at first. like, they'll acknowledge her help and be grateful for it, but belphie'll snap if she gets too close and lucifer doesn't like being alone in a room with her. but i think satan would latch onto her company quite quick actually - since he's new to, like, existing, and isn't quite sure how to be around his new brothers
mammon of course has decided ik is his new bestest friend ever. part of it is because his brothers are all very sombre and he doesn't know how to handle grief properly, so he's glad to have someone to just goof off with - part of it's because ik's the first face he saw after landing and he's, like, imprinted
(he did see other humans but none stopped long enough for him to get a look at them, and ik's the first one that approached him in good nature)
ik's main concern is not having a lot of room for all these animals, plus letting them get out. levi doesn't wanna anyway, she can be pretending to walk a dog with beel, mammon can just kinda go fly on his own and will look normal, belphie, asmo and satan won't look that out of place outside - the main issue is lucifer, because peacocks are not a normal sight in urban england
she resorts to waiting until the dead of night so that lucifer can get some air and loses a fair amount of sleep over it, and this is part of the reason lucifer starts warming up to her :')
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toestalucia · 4 months
great news everyone cygames gave the people another month to start & read 177 chapters of gbf before dropping the most important story update of all time
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
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I don't remember if I've ever posted Lillith's updated appearance but like
it cant hurt to post again 🤭
(he/him only; nbi butch - call him a man and that's the last thing you ever do)
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blee-bleep · 1 year
i need to buy aot's uprising arc volumes just so i can continually gawk and stare at historia's stellar character arcs cuz she's so MOTHER
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silverislander · 2 years
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ok the possibility of vander being warwick makes all of this SO much fucking worse i'm going to start sobbing. the man who put down his weapons to help his city and raise his kids in a safer world, who purposefully chose peace as often as possible and kept himself from seeking (fairly justified!) revenge... is then forcibly made into a creature whose explicit purpose is to act as a weapon (whose hands are taken to become weapons), who literally can't choose anything but going straight for hate and violence as the only possible outcome to any negative emotion. he's been through war and fury and knows it's not the answer because it almost destroyed him and the people he loves, but he isn't given any other choice! his own name is taken and then even his title is twisted like singed is trying to mock him.
if he's even scared, he's forced into anger.
poor warwick.
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obsidian-art04 · 1 year
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A gaggle of sillies/j
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pear1ridge · 10 months
i love these muses bc they r all their own separate important entities but also? its the cassie or tate extended universe depending on who im more interested in that day
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devoteyrheart · 11 months
all i've done lately is:
worry about my health
be in a disgusting soft but still realistic mood while i extensively think about parent!aus for my ships and characters
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earl-grey-love · 2 years
Well considering I've been dreaming about him every night, it seems like my crush on Toby is serious.
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