#liam x willow
maylas · 10 months
Liam & Willow | Exile
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ehmahlee26 · 2 years
NonEndgame Couples || Let You Go
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canary-warrior · 2 years
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bugbit3ss · 2 months
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warnings :: swearing, cheating
wc :: 1.2k words
pairing :: boyfriends big sister!ellie x brothers girlfriend!reader
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It was 7pm on a random Tuesday and your boyfriend of 2 years had kicked you out of his room like he normally always does when you come over, so you had decided to hang out with his older sister Ellie, she had only been a year older than you but you always felt like you had a special bond between the two ofyou almost like you guys were soulmates, butyou weren't cause you were with her asshole little brother, Liam.
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You would normally hang out with Ellie when her brother was being a pain, to be honest you normally went to their house just for Ellie, and Joels bomb lasagna, but other than that you didn't have any other reason to go to their house.
As you knocked on Ellies door your boyfriends slams his shut obviously annoyed when you had done nothing to annoy him in the first place, You rolled your eyes at how childish he could be sometimes. You knock a few more times thinking Ellie couldn't hear you because she had her headphones on or she was taking a nap. After around 3 minutes of you knocking she yells out from behind the door.
"What?!" she yelled sighing.
"Its me." You replied back waiting for her to let you in.
"oh right come in!" sounding happier after realising who it was at the door, as you pushed the door open seeing Ellie on laying on her bed scrolling on her phone.
"Hey els" You said to her knowing calling her "Els" always made her a bit nervous, you sit down on her bed at her feet then falling back andyour arms out like a starfish on her bed.
"uh. hey, what are you doing here? Did Liam kick you out of his room again?" She answered biting at her chapped bottom lip.
"yeah he did, did you get the Chapstick like I told you to buy?" You say sitting up and straddling her hips and running your thumb over her bottom lip what was all cut from her biting it.
Ellie face flushed her hands automatically moving to your hips her thumb drawing small circles against your skin.
"I forgot to get it, but I swear I was going to get it!" She rambles on trying to get her story straight.
"Elsss" You whine out what just makes Ellie even more flustered.
“I'm sorry okay!? You know what just to make up for it come on ill show you place!" She said quickly throwing herselfoff from the bed and stuffing her wrecked converse over her dinosaur socks she had on.
"Ow!" You say dramatically as Ellie threw you off her hips.
"Come on, Come on!!" Ellie rushed you as she grabbed your hand and pulled you up off her bed in a hurry.
"Come on getyour shoes on!" Ellie said excitedly, throwing your shoes at you. You grabbed your shoes and tried to get them on your feet as Ellie rushed
"I cant get this shoe on!!" You said bashing your foot against Ellie's floor
desperately trying to get your converse over your heel, when it finally went on your foot. "Finally.." You sighed out.
A few hours later you and Ellie were in the woods, You both soon seen a farm house that looked like it hadn't been touched in years but was still full of love, it was looking out onto a field filled with overgrown grass a bunch of different types of flowers and a massive willow tree in the middle of it. The field had been surrounded by a bunch of trees so it made it feel like a secret field
You and Ellie both standing silently against the porch of the farm house that looked out onto the field, When Ellie finally broke the silence.
"its really pretty don't you think?" Ellie mumbled looking out onto the field not bothering to look at you. You looked over at Ellie admiring her for a moment not realising how pretty
she actually was. "Yeah it’s gorgeous..." your eyes flickering back out onto the field when two wild deer appeared and danced around the old willow tree as you and Ellie watched in awe.
The next 5 minutes were just silence of you and Ellie watching the deer
"I don't get it, Why are you even with my of a dickhead brother. I mean come on you could do so much better, you're like those deer out there, you're fucking so delicate, you're soft... my god you're angelic if I'm putting it at the least." Ellie mumbled out softly and you didn't know how to answer the
question because you don t know why you’re with Ellie's brother.
"Follow me." You said to Ellie and walked off the porch the two ofyou leaving the deer, the sun was now setting and was different shades of oranges and
pinks and reds.
When you and Ellie finally reached the spot that you had taken her too, it was a river with a rope swing into the water at the top of a hill above the water and a water fall coming down the rocky cliff into the pool below it, the grass and rocks at the bottom of the water waving around as the waterfall splashed down, you rushed up the hill to the rope swing off an old sturdy tree. Once you made it to the top of the hill you looked down at
Ellie who had her arms crossed and an annoyed expression plastered on
her face.
"What are you doing get down from there, you’re gonna get hurt." Ellie huffed looking up atyou.
You took your shirt off leaving you in a white bra then took your trousers off leaving them at the top off the hill next to the tree, Ellies face flushed red seeing you in your underwear, as you reached out for the rope swing and grabbed onto it nearly falling in the water below.
"Are you ready Ellie?!" You asked her jumping in excitement smiling from ear to ear.
"Get down you're gonna get hurt!!" Ellie yelled up at you concerned.
"WOOOOO!!!" You yelled swinging off the hill and dropping down into the water, you came back up to the surface coughing and your hair swiped back.
"Get in the water it’s warm I swear!!" you yelled out at her smiling, and Ellie
"You're fucking stupid..." Ellie said unbuckling her belt from her jeans and unbuttoning her flannel and jumping into the water with you.
Hours later of you and Ellie splashing water at each other, you both were
floating in the water smiling back and forth at each other.
"What did you mean earlier when you said, I could have better than your
brother.." You asked her.
Ellie sighs softly "I think I like you and I know you're with my brother and you guys have been dating for a year and all but i-" Ellie starts to ramble on but gets cut off by you.
"i like you too." You say planting a kiss on her lips, Her eyes widen and she squeaks a little not expecting a kiss but she doesn't pull away and instead shuts her eyes and kisses you back wrapping her arms around your waist as your hands come up to her cheeks which her bright red.
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pairing: 90s!liam gallagher x fem!oc
summary: in which the concept of a one night stand is lost to the fates of juniper willow
word count: 3.52k
warnings: drinking, vomit, allusions to sex, kissing, all the usual you would expect from a bender in the 90s, liam being an arrogant prick (we love him really) <3
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one night stands usually worked well and functioned in natural order for juniper willow, and every other twenty-something in the country. get drunk, go home with someone who looked vaguely interesting in the club, wake up in the morning and face the awkward small talk. the system was clockwork and so was the aftermath, so why were the fates staring down at juniper willow trying so hard to knock her off balance?
she stumbled into the office with a hangover so bad she could hardly see straight, and security had to pull her aside when her id card didn't work at the turnstiles in the lobby. peter, the security guard, was laughing at her as he guided her to his small office. granted he did give her two paracetamol tablets, a flat bottle of half-drank coke and a paper cup filled with rich supermarket coffee, but he still laughed at her.
if moving didn't cause her stomach to turn itself inside out, she would have slugged him in the ribs.
the tinted sunglasses juniper shielded her eyes away with from the rest of the office did nothing to help her, and tony from accounts whistled at her as she slumped into the chair tucked into her small cubicle. the entire floor was split up into small boxes sprawling about, sometimes the occasional head would peek out and ask if anyone wanted a coffee, or if there was a stapler going spare.
"fuck off tone," she bit back, trying to cross one knee over the other but couldn't when she felt the recurring dull ache between her legs. "bit snappy, someone got lucky last night."
he nudged simon and ellie, a couple always in their own small world that gave hr a headache, on his way out. before she could stop herself, juniper yelled, "bite me!" and regretted it as soon as the last syllable left her mouth. the fizzing of the coke bottle irked her beyond belief, as did the clacking of fingers on keyboards all around her.
god knows what she was going to be like in the brightly lit room with a camera shutter going off constantly when the next band who were getting featured on the cover came in for photos.
juniper reached into her bag to pull out her planner, peeling the pages away from one another to reveal the date. in the middle of the page she'd written a simple word, 'oasis', in large capital letters with four think lines drawn below for emphasis. just below was the time they were coming in, 12:00, in three hours.
three hours to get over a hangover so bad she couldn't think straight. most of the time juniper hated half of the people in the office with a vengeance, but slowly they were redeeming themselves by falling silent when walking past her desk, or offering her cups of coffee with silent sympathetic smiles. normally she liked tea, but she could get over it.
at eleven o'clock, she started reviewing some of the concept art that had been left on her desk. oasis were coming in for a short shoot without the bells and whistles - it was the only condition under which they'd agreed to actually be on the cover of nme in the first place. the brothers were coming in at twelve, the rest of the band at one, and then they were going off for their interview downstairs at two.
a phone call came through to her from the wardrobe department to clarify that all she would need were some jackets and sun glasses, and they added a runner into the mix to ensure that the information reached the right people by the right time.
by the time half past had rolled around, juniper was beginning to feel better. she could walk in a straight line and didn't vomit each time she went to the loo. tony had also come by the apologise and declared peace by sliding over a warm slice of cake from the bakery by the school over the road. juniper was scraping the thick layer of chocolate icing off with her finger and licking it off as memories of the night before slowly pieced themself together in her mind.
someone from marketing had asked her through a friend of a friend if she wanted to go out, and usually juniper had a rule against going on benders during the week. however, the chance to go to the velvet rooms wasn't one to be passed up. juniper remembered getting out of a cab with a girl she vaguely knew, shivering in the cold from her skimpy skirt and glittery stilettos and warming herself up with a shot given to her "on the house" from the bartender.
ten minutes before the gallagher brothers were meant to be arriving, juniper had started to regret filling up her stomach with icing and felt the bright blue fishbowl full of alcohol she'd drunk the previous night sloshing around in her stomach. ellie had tried to talk to her about the composition plans she'd submitted for final review, but held them tight to her chest as juniper blazed right through the middle of the office and barged through the door to the staff loos with a harsh shove of her elbow.
juniper had made it into a cubicle just in time before she retched and a blue liquid came splattering into the toilet bowl. she slumped down against the cubicle door and held her head in her hands. the door creaked as ellie's soft hands rapped against the cubicle quietly, "june, are you alright?" she asked tentatively.
"peachy," she croaked back, lunging towards the toilet again as she felt another bout of bile rise. "not so peachy." ellie's heart softened. it wasn't very often juniper came back from a night out and was feeling the repercussions of it the next day. slowly, juniper stretched her legs and rose to a stand, sliding the lock and leaving the cubicle after flushing. she caught sight of ellie's watch, she only had five minutes until she had to be down in the lobby.
fucking mancunian cunts.
thankfully, ellie had supplied her with a plastic cup of water and some mints. she fluffed up her hair and slid the sunglasses down her nose again, surveying her pale, forlorn reflection in the harsh yellow light. juniper pinched sharply at her cheeks to inject rosiness and life, re-applied her lipgloss and failed to stare back at herself confidently.
the guy she'd taken home last night had been from manchester, thick proper thick accent and everything. he was cocky, too, and juniper wasn't sure if it was a northerner thing or not.
ellie gently pushed the small folder of composition sketches to her as they left the bathroom, and gave her shoulder a small reassuring squeeze before departing back to her desk. the phone rang as juniper walked past her own, wrapping two slender fingers around it to answer, "hello, this is juniper speaking?"
"hi june," clare, the receptionist, was talking back at her, "the gallaghers are here, shall i send them up or are you coming down?" sending them up would save juniper from having to brave the lift again, but greeting them in the lobby and taking them to the studio herself would give a much better impression.
she sighed heavily, "i'll come down, let them know i'll be five minutes if they wouldn't mind the wait. they can help themselves to tea if they want as well."
with shaky steps, she pushed the button for the lobby on the pannel for the lift, when the middle one slid open juniper felt like she was walking to her death. she resisted the urge to curl up into a ball in the corner and instead stood up straight, fluffing her hair up once more as she walked as confidently as she could into the lobby. with a folder tucked under her arm and her yellow tinted sunglasses pushed right up to her eyes, she locked onto two men stood in the corner by a coffee machine.
both wearing sunglasses, but whether it was by choice or they were covering up a hangover like her, she didn't know. an instinct in her was leaning towards the latter in hopes of making herself feel better.
"noel and liam gallagher, i assume?" juniper spoke as she neared them, holding her hand out. noel looked at her first, smiled tightly, and shook her hand. "yeah, that's us."
"great. i'm juniper, it's lovely to meet you both. are you ready to come upstairs so we can get this over with? i've heard neither or you are fans of this kind of thing." at this, noel's smile increased slightly. he made to follow her and thumped his brother on the back of the head to get him to join.
liam cursed his brother under his breath as he turned away from the coffee machine and dragged himself into the elevator where he nursed his head in the region noel had made sharp contact. it did nothing to help his hangover, and as he held his hand out for the nme photographer to shake he hoped she would let him keep his sunglasses on.
he nearly laughed out loud when he looked at the reflection of the three of them in the mirrored doors of the elevator. what a sight they looked in their sunglasses in crippling sates of hangover recovery. liam was about to make a snark remark that would have surely granted him another whack on the back of his head when he stopped shortly in his tracks.
the photographer looked familiar, so familiar is was scary. he'd recognise the raggedy ends of her blowout falling limp and losing shape over her shoulders from when he'd seen it splayed over a pillow as she moaned beneath him the night before, and her orange painted nails that dragged over his shoulders and neck in a darkened corner of a club toilet.
he couldn't remember her name, something like juno or julia he thought, but liam knew it was her. she had the same aura about her that he couldn't have forgotten even after stumbling back out through her front door some time around four in the morning. leaving before she'd woken up had been a bit of a dick move even he had to admit, but he was about to be part of the best band in the fucking world!
he had to live up to rock and roll standards somehow, didn't he?
part of him felt bad, but another thought it was for the best he hadn't been there that morning. the situation would have been awful, leaving and then arriving in the same place a few hours later. perhaps he should say something? only in necessary, he concluded, safe in the comfort that at least she hadn't recognised him.
juniper's head was pounding dully as she walked the gallaghers into a studio, bright white lights stabbing through the flimsy protection offered by her glasses. ellie was fiddling with a camera in the corner, and made room for juniper to lay out the concept sketches and composition proposals on the table. "ellie, this is noel and liam." she introduced, though the brothers hardly needed it. they were on the verge of being the best band in the country. "she's here to make sure we run to schedule and to get you and the rest of the band - when they arrive - to your interview on time." she spoke as ellie shook their hands and returned to her camera.
"is there anything you'd like to ask before we start? there's a few jackets we've taken from the wardrobe department if you'd like to change."
without looking up, nimble fingers darting over the buttons as she set the camera onto a tripod in the middle of the room, ellie added, "there's shirts and sun glasses if you'd like those, too." shoved against a corner of the room was a clothes rack full of stone island, fred perry and adidas. noel beelined to a blue denim jacket with a fur trim around the neck then a vintage manchester city football shirt, while his brother hung behind.
juniper was going to introduce herself as she realised she hadn't gotten a chance in the lobby, but stopped short when she saw him look up at her from the paper cup of cheap filter coffee. she hadn't just slept with any mancunian the night before, she'd only gone and slept with liam fucking gallagher.
at first she thought her mind was playing a trick on her, but on closer inspection she concluded that she hadn't. along his neck were one or two hickeys, as well as stains from her lipstick that hadn't washed away after vigorous scrubbing under the shower. his jaw was the same as well, the same one she'd ran her finger along and pulled to face her as she sat on his lap after too many shots.
if having a hangover while photographing up-and-coming music legends was bad enough, having to do it all for her one night stand was much worse. and she could hardly talk to him about it either, because ellie was keeping her to a tight schedule. thus with a sigh and a heavy lump starting to form in her throat, juniper pulled her camera towards her and began to position the brothers in various positions.
the shutter flickered for just under an hour with little to no conversation, the silence only punctuated by juniper asking liam to move a few inches to the left or to get noel to move his head back more because it looked better under the lighting that way. she changed the film three times, got them to change jackets and shirts twice and took another dose of pain killers. eventually, ellie called time. "i'll go downstairs and get the rest of the band, they should be arriving any minute now. take five minutes if you need it, be back here by five past."
a bell rang somewhere in the distance, but juniper thought it came from the secondary school over the road. stupid place to put a music magazine office really, next to a school full of kids clued up about music and pop culture when there were bands and rock stars walking in and out of the building like a revolving door. sometimes they would try and get in through the lobby, or the delivery entrance if they were trying to be clever.
excusing herself and walking down the corridor, juniper looked out a window off a short turning and watched a sea of children clad in navy blazers flood out onto the playing fields where they shouted or played football, gossiped in small circles or watched fights unfold with anticipation.
there was a sharp tap on her shoulder and through the reflection, juniper could see who it was. with a heavy sigh and a pray to a god she didn't believe him to not fuck up the interaction, juniper turned around. "listen, juno-"
immediately, she cut him off. "juniper."
"what?" liam questioned, reeling after he was sure he got her name right after debating it over and over in his head. "it's juniper. my name, but june's fine."
"oh. righ'. well, june, then . . . listen. i was goin' to say summat but i don' really remember." there was something in his head yelling at him to stop acting like a cunt, but he couldn't help it. since he'd seen june in the club the previous night, there was something about her he didn't want to let go. kissing seemed like something he wanted to do to her, but was probably a bad course of action especially if she didn't remember their encounter.
a yell in juniper's head clicked her voice into action and she spoke at the same time as him, "listen, about last night-" they both stopped to look at each other. they clearly both remembered at least one small detail from the night before, mainly who it was they'd slept with. juniper could feel the throbbing returning in full force to the front of her head, and decided to let liam speak first.
"no, you go."
"righ'. well i just wanted to say i try not to sleep with people i end up working with but sometimes it just happens and when the bird is fit, and i mean mega fit, it just sorta happens." there was a level of tiredness and, surprisingly, bewilderment about her stare up at him. perhaps it was his outspoken way, it could have been that he'd tracked her down the corridor to speak to her, but most likely it was the fact he'd even chosen to acknowledge it in the first place.
juniper couldn't believe what she was hearing. liam gallagher, blabber mouth of the century who couldn't even begin to fathom the meaning of the word 'modest', was apologising for sleeping with her. it was nice, don't get her wrong, but there was something in his words that sounded like regret and she didn't like it. not one bit.
after three minutes of endless waffle and the sound of ellie walking across the hall further down with the rest of the band trailing behind her, juniper held up her hand. "thanks, really. i appreciate you telling me you try to keep your sex life away from your work and i'm assuming you don't want people to think of you as a wet wipe, but seriously. hardly any of the men i've slept with have had the decency to bring it up if i've seen them again. and believe me, in this building it happens more than you would think-"
the movement of her shoulders being forced back into the wall behind her as liam gained in distance closer to her face startled juniper into realising he was kissing her with as much force behind it as she was throughout the night. frozen into place as liam moved his hands around as much as he wished, juniper slowly twisted around to push him as far as she could down the small part of the alcove that remained behind them. then she brought her hands up to his chest, and begrudgingly pushed herself away.
juniper looked up at him through her lashes and the lenses of her sunglasses as she fiddled coyly with the button of his jacket placed just under his chin, suddenly brimming with confidence she hoped wouldn't fail. she could see the hickeies she'd marked him with and knew it wouldn't.
liam looked down at her over the bridge of his nose smugly, grin increasing as she questioned, "what was that for?"
"couldn' think of another way to shut you up. i mean you're proper fit, don' get me wrong, but you blab enough for half of the country." juniper appeared disheartened but tried to hide it behind her furrowed brows. "is that it?" she wondered aloud.
"nah. been thinking about doin' that for a while now actually."
ellie's voice called from somewhere in the nearby distance, asking if she ("junie") had gone to the loo and if she had had she seen liam wondering about. if she had, could she please bring him back to the studio now because his brother was getting "testy".
"cunt's always gettin' testy, been testy since he came out of the fucking womb." juniper had to bite down on her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing and giving the pair way. "she'll get testy if we don't hurry up." slowly, juniper peeled away from liam's hold and began to saunter away from him.
she could feel him eyes burning holes on her back where her checked skirt met the low hem of her brown leather jacket, and called over her shoulder lowly, "if you'd started by saying you'd wanted to kiss me, i would have invited you out for a drink tonight if you weren't busy."
liam rubbed his eyes and pushed them back into his head. "i'm not busy."
"are you sure? i would've thought rock and roll stars didn't have time for that sort of thing."
"i'll make time," he rushed out, stumbling over his words at the pace they were leaving his mouth. "lots of time, all the time in the world if you want it."
"i'll think about it, would that make you feel better?"
she hadn't acted like this before, only when she'd had too much to drink and had been running the heel of her shoe up his leg throughout the night at the club, and again liam felt himself being dragged in to wanting more. the pull she had on him was too much to bear. "please, junie?" it was something foreign on his tongue, begging, to get a woman to go out with him.
juniper's eyes lit up before she pushed open the door to the studio, and suddenly her hangover wasn't feeling as brutal as it had been. "well if you insist, mr gallagher, i suppose i'll have to give you the offer won't i?"
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 320: Camille
Round 321: Olaf
Round 322: Dana
Round 323: Tim
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Ralph, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Rosemary, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Fox, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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kingspacebar · 2 months
If you ship your characters together who would it be?
I have a lot I love making gay people kiss eachother
My oc x My oc - Space x Gary [Married] - Furry!Space x Starbit [Dating] - Truffle x Yuzu [Friends w benefits] - Royalty x Yuzu x Truffle [Friends w benefits] - Angel x Fondue [Dating] - Miitopia!Truffle x Miitopia!Caramel - Miitopia!Truffle x Miitopia!Yuzu [friends w benefits] - Aster x Liam [friends w benefits] - Nova x Oreo [Dating] - Pastry x Puddle - Alex x James [dating] - King x Bunnie [dating] - Koa x Orion [dating] - Arc x Aki [dating] - Noah x Nathan [dating] - Citra x Phin [dating] - Blaze x Winter x Watt x Fae x Moss x Toxin x Alex x Skyler x Stell x Clay x Finn x Forest x Aura x Shadow x Spirit x Wyvern x Terra x Valor [yes thats an 18 character polycule] - Vortex x unnamed character - Ascii x Chip x Sparky [dating] - Kai x Rhoe [slowburn-- end up dating] - Choki x Chase [dating] - Trixy x unnamed character [dating] - Citrus x Grape x Mango [dating] - Aurora x Horizon [dating] - Joy x Selene - Buoy x Brine - Dew x Fizz [dating] - Sekai x Miracle [Dating] - Storm x Havoc [slowburn-- end up dating] - Solar Spirit x Golden Wing [slowburn-- end up dating] - Solar Saddle x Luna Pegasus [dating] - Lucie x Liane [dating] My oc x others oc - Bear x Starburst [dating] - Flop x Greenspell [dating] - Willow x Dawson [dating] - Stella x Red [dating]
My oc x cannon Space x any of my fictional significant others Lumi x Callie Splatoon [dating] Blaze Glaze x Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie [dating]
OK so I got to page 12 on my th and then realized i have like 57 more pages and this is already a lot lmao,, plus its mostly of the characters that I've posted about the most so these are the more main guys anyway.
If you want more details about any of these guys then let me knowww I am happy to provide more info... :3
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kazu-naito · 10 months
romance club couples as taylor swift songs ✨
[part 3]
lou x ivo (psi)
eva x amen (song of the crimson nile)
devi x ram (kali: flame of samsara)
mei x kazu (legend of the willow)
selena x liam (arcanum)
lou x kay (psi)
mc x astaroth (heaven's secret 2)
selena x damon (arcanum)
lou x jonas (psi)
mc x hunger (heaven's secret 2)
[part 1] [part 2]
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
Ok new rp blog list (in order of introduction (I think)) (if "•" is written next to it that means it's mine because I'm a self centered prick)
Already made:
Jake: jake--sterling
Drew: drewybear
Henry: lettuce-my-love
Liam: wh0sliam
Hailey: hailey-i-guess •
Zander: zander-wickham
Sadie: xjaded-sadiex • (tw: eye contact in pfp + banner)
Daisy: x-daisy-x •
Milly: x-pink-haired-devil-x
Sean: mr-broom •
Luke: luke-tmfrp / luke-peterson-tmf
Zoey: zoeyhoeyisalive
Lia: lia-tmf-rp
Elliot: xx0blooming-orchid0xx •
Maria: maria-r0b0tn1k-ark
Stacy: lukepleasenoticeme
Bethany: bethieboo
Milo: the-sigma-milo
Background-chan: background-bg-chan •
Tomato-san: tomato-san-tmf
Max: grandpamaximusivofancynameiii
Yet to be made:
All the teachers
Al the parents
Mia + Willow
Jakes former bullies
Any other background character (like the violinist or misc other background lesbians besides miallow)
The third guy in Max's friend group Jamie
Bonus: all other TMF gimmick (?) blogs I'm currently aware of (ok confession: I have no idea what gimmick actually means because I'm an idiot)
freakblr-lore •
Please inform me of anything I might have missed!
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undeserved-halo · 11 months
creating tmf ships with a spin wheel thing and then rating them because i can
(characters in the wheel are jake, hailey, z fuck it i’m not naming them all 🖕🏻)
lia x mia (yes i put miallow in the wheel, what’s it to you?) — i don’t actually ship mia with anyone aside from willow and honestly we really know nothing about mia but based on vibes alone they could be cute. 6/10 👍🏻
drew x henry — honestly i’m in a love hate relationship with drenry you guys know that. 7/10
mia x zander — sir. that is a gay man and a lesbian. 0/10.
zoey x lia (THESE ARE RANDOMLY GENERATED I SWEAR-) — okay so i kind of love them but i kind of don’t at the same time. 7.5/10
zander x luke (okay genuinely what the fuck- what the actual fuck. i was hoping id get some cool rarepairs and i was thinking lol imagine if i got like an actual ship. this isn’t even funny at this point.) — i mean yes but it also seems kind of rushed and forced. but then again i love them. 8/10
stacy x liam — uhm. UHM. y know there are actual stiam shippers out there and they’re goofy as hell but like y know i see why they ship it but then again there’s reasons not to ship it. 4/10.
(okay this is the last one i’m doing) hailey x maria — okay. OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT I ACTUALLY KIND OF LIKE THIS ONE UHMMM 7/10
okay this was fun i’m gonna do it again some time😃👍🏻
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, May 26
BUFFY: I didn't realize meditating was such hard work. WILLOW: I'm healing. Growing new skin. BUFFY: Wow. That's magic, right? I mean, when most people meditate, they don't get extra skin, right. 'Cause Clem should, like, cut back.
~~Same Time Same Place~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Like the Sands of Time by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Family Matters by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Dawn, PG-13)
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MedWhump May 2024 Day 25: High Fever by MadeInGold (Buffy/Cordelia, G)
a lady in the meads by myrmeraki (Buffy/Spike, M)
i know that when i'm with you i'm at home by slambat (Buffy/Willow, G)
MedWhump May 2024 Day 26: Unconscious by MadeInGold (Giles/Maggie Walsh, T)
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Family Matters by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, anthology rated PG-13)
Unexpected Company by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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I don't feel safe in my body - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) WillowBee326 (Buffy/Willow, Explicit, warnings for self harm)
When Worlds Collide - Chapter 1 by CorsetedPrincess (Harry Potter crossover, Willow/Tara, T)
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Secret Obsessionm, Ch. 29 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Deliverance From Destiny, Ch. 12 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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When the Multiverse Hiccups, Ch. 1 by samsas (multiple crossovers, Xander, FR18)
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Blood and dust, Ch. 13 (COMPLETE!) by Blackoberst (Buffy/Spike, 18+)
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Out For A Walk... Bitch, Ch. 18 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Ch. 36-38 (COMPLETE!) by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
See You Yesterday, Ch. 4 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Bruises, Ch. 5 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea, Ch. 1-2 by Claire (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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New Banner Art #18 by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Meme: the slayerrrrr by diamond-rings-and-gutter-bones (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Faith screenshots captioned with My Chemical Romance lyrics by whale-music (worksafe, blood)
bi xander pride icons by pridebicons (worksafe unless your colleagues are homophobic)
A neon scenecore manip by soponge-meringue (Buffy, worksafe)
Captioned screenshots: spuffy + textposts by spikespeaches (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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My Baldur's Gate 3 Party [game avatars that look like BtVS characters] by phantombeast (Buffy, Willow, Faith, Spike, worksafe)
Feeling very Buffy coded today with my outfit by Xandertheokay (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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S1E06: Sense & Sensitivity - The Best & Worst Episode So Far by Known-Parfait-520
This show [AtS] is so innovative and so old. by murdered800times
Rewatcher's diary: Season 2 retrospective by jonaskoelker
Poll and discussion: What is your favourite of the "worst" episodes? by MonsterTournament
[Recs & In Search Of]
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spangelmybeloved seeks Buffy Summers x Ben Wilkinson fanworks
passporttomadness seeks a 21+ roleplay partner for Angel (or Angelus)/Spike
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Liam Duke’s Moloch Rap recced by SparksOnAGrave
[Fandom Discussions]
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Re: Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind? [Riley] by goldheartedchaoticdisaster
More Kendra haunting the narrative thoughts after watching Helpless by thechosenthree
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Is Riley more misogynistic than other characters? by Stoney and others
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Buffy speaking of her relationship with Riley in ‘Sanctuary’ by Berry-Pie216
Why no vampire army? by Xyex
Season 3 was so great [Faith subtext in "Earshot"] by Cailly_Brard7
Who's your all time favourite villain from the show? [a Major Wilkins appreciation post] by Remarkable_Mud6377
Do you ever think about how Angel broke up with Buffy in a sewer? by stillhavehope99
Does anyone else have this weird certainty that Willow and Faith could have a really good relationship from season 7 onwards? by IntelligentPumpkin74
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Darla, Anya, Glory, and Dru. Reunion pics posted on IG today - via yyouriley (Julie Benz, Emma Caulfield, Clare Kramer, Juliet Landau, worksafe)
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Austria Comic Con 2024 Reports, Pics & Videos (James Marsters) via jamie_marsters
James Marsters' next scheduled con appearance is Sydney @SupanovaExpo Jun 22-23 - via jamie_marsters
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seolinah · 6 months
some plots/dynamics i would love to have under the cut. like and i'll message you about making us a starter maybe? or plotting things out if that's your jam
always up for (and prefer) making any of the things f/f, but otherwise fine with whatever; put some muse ideas to use in it, but always up for using someone else or making someone new !
joe g*ldberg x love qu*nn dynamic from you; or a toxic and dangerous couple with murderous tendencies. can be obsessed with each other, one could be straying and the other is pissed about it, or they can not know (or one not know) about what the other is actually like ↪ wouldn't mind using: samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), freja (rebecca ferguson), wren (ben barnes)
polyships; give me a couple in love with their best friend or maybe best friends that are always on the verge of being more and then both end up liking the same person or frenemies/rivals that go after the same person ↪ wouldn't mind using: elizabeth (reina hardesty), jasper (alex fitzalan), noah (zoey deutch), tori (kim yoo jung), belinda (havana rose liu), daria (jessie mei li),
ancient / immortal being and a time traveler that keep running into each other throughout different periods of history ↪ wouldn't mind using: androméda (marisol nichols), anele (gugu mbatha-raw), tereza (angela sarafyan), liam chung (henry golding)
nerd x popular; more so just from this → i should be riding some nerd’s thigh while he gropes all over my body & tells me i’m the girl on his dreams ↪ wouldn't mind using: ye-jun (song kang), chan-yeol (lee dohyun), daria (jessie mei li), holly (abigail cowen), raven (tati gabrielle), belinda (havana rose liu), kenny (fivel stewart), eden (willa fitzgerald), jia (han so-hee)
all the horror related things pls and thanks; being haunted, someone going after them, killer x target, killers duo or killers competing against each other ↪ wouldn't mind using: camilla (amanda seyfried), cora (kim go-eun), florence (brianne howey), jonah (olivia cooke), joo won (choi sooyoung), priscilla (kate siegel), samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), alex (maggie q), bernie (halston sage), edie (rachel weisz), yu-mi (seo yeji), jane (melissa barrera), melanie (song jihyo), tereza (angela sarafyan), willow (victoria pedretti)
someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every. time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls ↪ wouldn't mind using: zoey (adelaide kane), raven (tati gabrielle), presley (samara weaving), cassandra (vanessa kirby), barbara (suki waterhouse), tasmin (jessica alba), sebastian (felix mallard), mj (shin hye-sun), lucy (amy adams), ye-jun (song kang), ezmeray (demet özdemir), elizabeth (gemma chan), carmen (kylie bunbury), caria (melisa pamuk), adrian (seo kang joon)
ghost x human; where they're the only person that can see them (maybe bc of where they live or maybe they're connected somehow) and they work together to try and deal with the ghost's unfinished business or they're the reason they're a ghost or maybe the ghost has grown obsessed with them and wants them for themselves ↪ wouldn't mind using: willow (victoria pedretti), jane (melissa barrera), bernie (halston sage), cora (kim go-eun), yu-mi (seo yeji), theresa (rachel mcadams), edie (rachel weisz), zillah (mookda narinrak)
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burningflamescurse · 1 year
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Pre—Accident!Stephen Strange x Fem! Surgeon!OFC, Grey’s anatomy Crossover.
A/N: First of all I have a lot of Original Characters that I am adding to this Series, Which I will Explain the roles right now before moving along into the actual writing part!
Chief of General Surgery: Doctor Jack Wilson
General Surgery Attending: Doctor Liam Jones
General Surgery Resident: Doctor Lucas Miller
Chief of Thoracic Surgery: Doctor Charlotte Garcia.
Thoracic Surgery Attending: Henry Davis
Thoracic Surgery Resident: Camila Taylor
OBGYN/Neonatal Surgeon: Emily Perez
Fetal Surgeon: Evelyn Lopez
Pediatrician: Asher Lewis.
Neurosurgery Resident: Noah Sanchez.
Orthopedic Surgeon: Aria Adams
Hand Surgeon: Layla Rivera
Spine Surgeon: Ethan Carter
Trauma Surgeon: Hazel Evans
Pediatric Surgeon: Aurora Baker
Interns: Amy Nelson, David Torres, James Scott, Shelby Edwards, Willow Brooks.
Chapter Two: Beginnings Of Tragic Incidents.
Chapter Summary: after Blake talked with Cristina about what’s been going on in Seattle with Meredith and Everyone else, her Interns do something unforgivable, something she can’t even Fathom forcing her to do something, maybe even tell her boyfriend.
CW//TW: Medial Terminology, Drama, Shouting, Surgery, Trauma, Cursing, Stephen getting mad at the interns, a Bunch of different OC’s, Blake and Christine are best friend, mentions of Derek shepherd’s Death, Trauma, Flashbacks, Cristina and Blake are like soulmates, injuries, mentions of Cutting an LVAD wire.
“So he totally is Like Meredith’s McDreamy, Huh?” Cristina said over the Phone call, Blake Hissed at her to shut up as she was in the Female Attendings Locker room, Pulling on her Dark Blue Scrubs. “Cristina!” She Whisper Shouted.
Cristina Snorted before ending the call, She Met Stephen Outside heading towards the Nurses Station to get and find there own Cases, like Any hospital Worked. “By the way where are your Stupid Interns?” He asked. Blake stopped, blinking her eyes noticing that none of her little Suck ups were around her, Malia Noticed the Doctor becoming Suspicious and Knew she had to tell on the Poor Interns.
"Doctor Shepherd, one of your Patients on the transplant list came back in after his heart was failing again despite the LVAD, They've been in his room for an hour now, I think his name was Daniel Cooper." Malia said, Blake had a bad feeling about all this, She nodded at Stephen and Malia to come with her. The Trio Scrambled to Cooper's Room, standing in shock when they saw what was happening. "What the hell.." Blake mumbled, her eyes widened in shock, seeing Amy Pumping his heart Manually as the LVAD Wire was cut with a Pair of Scissors next to it. "Amy, What the hell did you do?!" She Practically yelled, "and why are all you fools helping her?!"
Amy didn't respond continuing to Pump his heart, Blake looked at Stephen who shook his head, she nodded to Malia, "Malia take over Pumping his Heart, and Amy step away from the Patient." Malia Nodded and Tried to gently take the device away but Amy screamed no and said not to touch her, Blake Ignored Amy for now telling Malia to stay with her and to help Amy if she allowed her to, Blake turned to the three other Idiot doctors, "You three, In the hall. Now." She ordered.
Blake was angry, seething even. "What the hell were you three thinking, you could have killed that Patient." She said, Stephen was right next to her agreeing with her words, "Even worse, you could have endangered your careers and be sued for assaulting a Patient." Stephen added. David Tried to speak but Blake shushed him, "No, Not a word, you are not to speak, Not a single word, I don't wanna have to Testify against any of you fools." She said.
The Group was silent for a moment, “I assume you ran labs..” She said, Her eyes showing a Furious anger and Disappointment. They stayed Silent only fueling her Annoyance and anger, "Well?..." She demanded. James spoke, "you told us not to speak-"
"I know I did, Now did you run labs?!.." Blake said, tapping her foot impatiently, David Nodded, Blake sighed as she gave out orders, "Okay, Shelby Jack's been asking for you." She said giving her the order to go, before turning to the rest of the amazingly idiotic Interns, "David go get those labs and come right back, do not talk to anyone, go straight there and back."
Then She turned to James, "Now you, follow me and Stephen Right now."
A Few Hours later and both Blake and Stephen were making sure Mr. Cooper was okay, She listened to his heart with her Stethoscope sighing at how weak it sounded. "Why Amy... Why would you do this?.." She said, Continuing to to Listen to his heart while Stephen did a quick Neuro Exam to ensure he was okay in the head, no concussion or any Brain Bleed whatsoever. "Because he needs that heart and I love him.. I love him so damn Much Doctor Shepherd.." The Intern Whispered, Blake shook her head sighing In Disappointment.
"Oh for God's sake, you fell in love with a Patient.." Blake sighed, exasperated, Stephen was really trying to hold back all his anger at the Interns. "Well his Brain is Okay, No signs of anything wrong with his brain." Stephen Said. David Came in with the Labs, "Labs are back, His State is becoming worse." Blake sighed Knowing exactly what that Meant. Amy Spoke now, "He'll get the heart right, He's gonna get the heart? He has to. You'll Sign the papers that he'll be put at the top of the list-" She was quickly Interrupted by Blake's cold tone.
"Those are the Kind of things I would tell a doctor, and right now you are not a doctor, you are a Visitor." She said, her eyes showing how furious she actually was. "What?.." Amy asked in complete and utter disbelief. "You will no longer be a doctor in this Hospital until I say Otherwise. Now Step away from Mr. Cooper and let Malia Take over." She Ordered.
Malia came over slowly taking it away from Amy as Blake Glared at her slightly, making the rest of the Interns Shrink underneath her Gaze.
Blake told Stephen to carry on with the rest of his Surgeries while she went to talk to the Chief of the hospital about this certain Incident without exposing her Interns for doing this.
She asked the Chief about a Hypothetical Question with the exact same Situation, In which she explained that Mr. Cooper move to the top of the list and receive the heart Immediately but ordered that whoever did that was to be in her Office for Intense Consequences for endangering a Patients Life.
Blake nodded, "Of course, Ma'am."
Which ended with the Interns getting yelled at by the chief and forced to not even go near a Surgical case unless they fessed up on who did it and to share one single Patient to give her what she needed.
Later on Blake was sitting at the Nurses Station, Checking on different Patient files and Images, as Stephen was Charting, "So, How bad was their Punishments?" Stephen asked with a Snide Smirk on his face. Blake sighed, Shaking her head. "The Chief said no more surgeries until they confess that Amy did it and they had to share one singular Patient." She snorted, Searching up another Patient file.
Malia was now delivering Labs due to Blake's Interns being Punished for their Stupid decisions, "Here you go Blake, Imaging is back for Ms. Collins." She said handing her the Tablet. Blake looked it over smiling to herself, "Oh.. I could use a little Great Neuro Case." She muttered. Stephen Looked up Suddenly Interested, Raising his eyebrow, "Oh no Mister, You have your own Solo Neuro Surgery in 30 Minutes, you need to get ready for that, I've got this one." She said, smirking to herself before teasing him. "Besides this woman has a nail in her head." She said, before rushing off.
Stephen Chuckled to himself, "Well Played, Doctor Shepherd."
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dadumtss · 2 years
I saw another blog writing this prompt and I was rlly curious abt how you'd work with it. (Although, my memory fails me so idk if it was you or not)
So like. Slenderman having a personal assistant or a secretary or even some sort of heir that's like an Elle Woods type of character.
Like they're always wearing pink and being so cheery and bubbly during work, they use glitter pens to sign off paperwork and give stickers or little cheerful notes to their coworkers. They are the whole opposite of Slenderman, but they do such a good job that he can't fire them.
I just think it's funny to have Slenderman be this serious and menacing business man with a little pink, wide-eyed, girly-girl following him around 😭✨
I know the post you’re talking about!  
After a bit of a googling adventure I found the post here. It’s by @intimidating-fettuccine so you should definitely check out her version too if you like the prompt! 
I do have a Willow x Slenderman fan-child who is very feminine, though she’s a bit too desperate to be taken seriously to use glitter pens lol. Junior is always a little ray of sunshine and I actually have him developing an interest in law and politics as a teenager, with Slender taking him under his wing, but he’s definitely not a girly-girl. 
So we’re going with... 
Slenderman’s Peppy Secretary
Opinions of her around the office are mixed. A lot of people appreciate her bright dress, bubbly attitude and efforts in getting to know others and find joy in seeing documents signed in glitter pens or little motivational notes around the office. Others think it’s annoying, unprofessional and shows an unserious attitude about this very serious job.
Slender doesn’t care.
He doesn’t care how she dresses and if anyone else has a problem working with his secretary because she’s in a bright pink blazer, Slender’s power and intimidating demeanor ensures they keep that to themselves. 
He doesn’t care what type of attitude she has so long as it’s not a rude one.
He doesn’t care if she chats with those around the office so long as she does her job. And she does. 
Very Well.
But as he enters his office and sits at his desk, he pushes down annoyance as he deftly removes from his documents the many, colorful sticky notes adorned with equally colorful motivational quotes and doodles. Then, as he reads through his schedule (now free of sticky notes), he frowns lightly at the fact that it is annotated in glitter pen.
However, when he leaves his office for his first meeting of the day and she falls into step with him, handing him a leather folder containing a summary of the meeting’s topics, relevant documents he may need as well as information on the attendees; he finds his annoyance waning. 
Even more so as she keeps up with his longer stride without complaint and she goes through the information with him as they walk, explaining her thought process in choosing each document and further summarizing key information. 
But then he finds a picture of a baby as he flips through the professionally typed pages. Thinking it irrelevant, he reaches to remove it only for a manicured finger to hold it in place. 
“That’s Michaela’s new baby! They went with the name Toby instead of Liam! Isn’t he a cutie? She’s back from parental leave today and we’ll pass her desk on the way to the meeting so you should say something nice! Apparently the delivery was very difficult and...”
Slender doesn’t care. 
He’s perfectly aware that Michaela returns from leave today but doesn’t care about that beyond how that affects workflow. He doesn’t care what she named the child and he certainly doesn’t care enough to form an opinion on the ‘cuteness’ of her baby or whatever his secretary was prattling on about now.  
Now that the topic has been changed from work he ignores her as she talks, focusing his attentions on the documents which he continues to flip though as soon as she removes her finger.
They’re passing through a more populated corridor, flanked by offices on each side, when she suddenly stops. Slender pays no mind to it and continues on.
Only to stop as she grabs his arm.
Someone gasps. 
Slender feels his annoyance rising to the point of anger as he turns to her. She seems unfazed, a huge contrast to the others in the corridor who watch paralyzed in silent horror. 
“Michaela’s at her desk!” She whispers excitedly, “You should say something before we take on Councilwoman Kaia and the others.”
Slender considers killing her. His muscles tense and as his mouth opens everyone around them is certain they’re about to witness him rip into her with his teeth. 
“Councilwoman Kaia?” He says instead. 
“Yes? Didn’t you see the sticky note I left? It was the one with the heart at the top and it said ‘Managed to convince Councilwoman Kaia to join the meeting. You got this.’ And then a smiley face?” She replies, confused.
She continues, “I was up all night talking to her to try and get her to come so I didn’t have enough time to add her profile to the folder but I know you’re acquainted so I didn’t think it would be a problem.”
Slender was very acquainted with Kaia, the Head Councilmember of the Merpeople, the most populous aquatic cryptid species. Kaia was belligerent and stubborn but undeniably powerful both magically and politically. She often leveraged that power to get her way, including in locating meetings to the shore or outright refusing to join those that weren’t. Like this one. 
Slender studies his secretary. 
She seems unaware of the significance of her actions and seems to be focusing her attention on subtly bringing his attention to the open doorway she is standing in front of. He looks through and sees a scared Michaela who immediately dips her gaze to her desk as she notices his attention on her. 
“Welcome back, Michaela.” He says. 
The pink-clad secretary beams, and gives an enthusiastic wave to the shocked Michaela before running off to catch up with Slender as he continues on his way.    
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trashbins-stuff · 1 year
whos ur favorite character
*sit you down* buckle up soap bc it's gonna be a bit of a long ride lol
mlp: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle
ninjago: Zane, Jay, Nya
lalaloopsy: Jewel Sparkle, Mittens fluff 'n' stuff, Pepper pots 'n' pans
undertale/deltarune: the kfcs (Kris, Frisk, Chara), Alphys, Papyrus, Ralsei
pusheen: Pusheen, Bo, Stormy
pokemon: Snivy
winx club: Bloom, Flora, Icy
gravity falls: Mabel, Waddle
adventure time: Finn, Jake, Marceline, Lumpy Space Princess
svtfoe: Ponyhead
steven universe: Pearl, Lapis Lazuli
tawog: Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Larry
peppa pig: Ms.Rabbit (NOT mommy rabbit)
chowder: Chowder, Gazpacho, Shnitzel
OK K.O!: K.O, Enid
amphibia: Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Anne Boonchuy, Polly Plantar, Ivy Sundew
the owl house: Gus Porter, Willow Park, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight
eddsworld: Matt, Ringo
inanimate insanity: Mephone4, Bot, Cabby, Taco, Suitcase
bfdi: Four, X, Remote, Ruby, Taggy
hfjone: Airy, Liam/Backpack, Charlottle/Moldy, Texty, Scenty/Amelia, Tray
aib: Oodle, Blanket, Recycling Bin
tnm: Tophat, Spraypaint, Folder
ppt2: Treasure Chest, Bottle, Slipper, Gold Ingot, Silver Ingot, Ukelele
hsgtos: Happy Star
olo: Paint Pallete, Pitcher, Notebook
voo: Perfume, Blue Rectangle, TV
burner: Kit
lots: Crown, Charger Block
oi: Bread, Phone, Skittle, Ipad
bfg: Flash, Rubber Duckie
calculated battleground+obs: Calculatory, Crayon, Buzzery
cast 139: Nacho
tdos: Computer, Moonlight, Cos
there's probably more fandom im in but forgor lol
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teamrobert · 6 years
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