#liber Nox
tamsoj · 2 years
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C.G. Jung, from The Red Book; Liber Secundus, “Nox Secunda”
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ludinusdaleth · 1 month
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"I have worked selflessly for 1,000 years to find the means of shattering these chains of fate and oppression." // "We walk now on the path of the Luxon, progenitor of all light and life." // "Let me be your villain, if it means liberation for all and forever." // "What Ludinus, sworn enemy of the Dynasty, wishes to do, would send echoes that spiral out, leaving us in the most dangerous places of despair."
Ludinus in Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 98, "The Nox Engine" // Leylas in Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 104, "The Cradle’s Convocation"
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I felt like sharing my collection of Latin phrases that may make good fanfic or fanart titles or inspiration. Some of the translations may be off, so you might want to double-check them before use. Also, I used capitalization liberally so you might also want to check where capitalization is actually indicated.
Ab Intra (From Within)
Acta Est Fabula (The play has been performed)
Acta Sancti ___ (The Deeds of Saint ___)
Ad Undas (to the waves / to hell)
Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's advocate)
Aegri Somnia (a sick man's dreams / troubled dreams)
Alea Iacta Est (the die has been cast / point of no return)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua (defense of one's life)
Caetera Desunt (the rest is missing)
Cedere Nescio (I know not how to yield)
Damnatio Memoriae (damnation of memory / denying someone ever lived)
De Nobis Fabula Narratur (their story is our story)
Decessit Vita Patris (died before their father)
Diem Perdidi (I have lost the day)
Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (a day as dark as night)
Dolor Hic Tibi Proderit Olim (some day this pain will be useful to you)
Dulce Est Desipere In Loco (It is sweet on occasion to play the fool)
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus (while we live, let us live)
Dux Bellorum (war leader)
Ex Umbra In Solem (from the shadow into the light)
Festina Lente (hurry slowly)
Fortis Cadere, Cedere Non Potest (the brave may fall, but can not yield)
Fui Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum (I once was what you are, you will be what I am)
Graviora Manent (heavier things remain / the worst is yet to come)
Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (one day, this will be pleasing to remember)
Hic Mortui Vivunt (here the dead speak)
Hinc Illae Lacrimae (hence those tears)
Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi (Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you - of death)
In Ictu Oculi (in the blink of an eye)
In Somnis Veritas (in dreams there is truth)
Inter Spem Et Metum (between hope and fear)
Lapsus Memoriae (slip of memory)
Luctor, Non Mergor (I struggle, but am not overwhelmed)
Lux Ex Tenebris (light from darkness)
Media Vita In Morte Sumus (In the midst of our lives we die)
Memento Mori (remember that you will die)
Memento Vivere (remember to live)
Morior Invictus (I die unvanquished / death before defeat)
Mundus Senescit (the world grows old)
Nemini Parco (I spare no one - death)
Nitimur In Vetitum (we strive for the forbidden)
Non Ducor, Duco (I am not led; I lead)
Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not all die / part of me will survive beyond death)
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor (now I know what love is)
Oderint Dum Metuant (let them hate, so long as they fear)
Omnia Mutantur (everything changes)
Onus Probandi (burden of proof)
Opera Posthuma (posthumous works)
Ophidia In Herba (a snake in the grass)
Pax Aeterna (eternal peace - a common epitaph)
Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus (we are dust and shadow)
Quis Leget Haec? (who will read this?)
Quod Periit, Periit (what Is gone is gone)
Res, Non Verba (deeds, not words)
Respice Finem (consider the end)
Scientia Et Sapientia (knowledge and wisdom)
Seculo Seculorum (forever and ever)
Sed Terrae Graviora Manent (but on earth, worse things await)
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war)
Sic Infit (so it begins)
Sic Vita Est (such is life)
Silentium Est Aureum (silence is golden)
Sine Nomine (without a name / author unknown)
Sola Dosis Facit Venemum (the dose makes the poison)
Solvitur Ambulando (it is solved by walking / simple tests find solutions)
Stamus Contra Malum (we stand against evil)
Succisa Virescit (cut down, we grow back stronger)
Sum Quod Eris (I am what you will be - of death)
Summum Bonum (the supreme good)
Summum Malum (the supreme evil)
Sunt Lacrimae Rerum (there are tears for things)
Sunt Omnes Unum (they are all one)
Tabula Rasa (blank slate)
Transire Benefaciendo (to travel along while doing good)
Tu Fui Ego Eris (I was you; you will be me - of death)
Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor (where there is love, there is pain)
Ultima Forsan (perhaps the last / sundial quote "perhaps your last hour")
Usque Ad Finem (until the end / fight to the death)
Vacate Et Scire (Be still and know)
Vi Et Animo (with heart and soul)
Victoria Aut Mors (victory or death)
Vincit Qui Patitur (he conquers who endures)
Vita Ante Acta (a life done before - of reincarnation)
Vivere Militare Est (to live is to fight)
Vox Clamantis In Deserto (the voice of one crying in the wilderness)
There are also some longer ones that may not make good titles because of their length, but are still worth inclusion:
Aut Simul Stabunt Aut Simul Cadent (they will either stand together or fall together)
Flectere Si Nequeo Superos, Acheronta Movebo (if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell)
Forsan Et Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit (perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day)
Igitur Qui Desiderat Pacem, Praeparet Bellum (therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war)
In Regione Caecorum Rex Est Luscus (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
Minus Malum Toleratur Ut Maius Tollat (choose the lesser evil so a greater evil may be averted)
Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius (whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad)
Ubi Sunt, Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt? (Where are they, those who have gone before us?)
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit (that which virtue unites, let not death separate)
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fingerless-glovez · 10 months
Here's what I've got so far
• Majoring in political science and government
• Works at a library
• Absolutely hates his major and would rather be in a music course, but he isn't going to defy Gilbert's wish for him to become a politician
• Gilbert and Roc have a political rivalry and are constantly spying on each other, so when Gilbert found out Guy was being raised to succeed Roc, he felt there was no other choice than to do the same with Toa
• Keep in mind, both Guy and Toa were both extremely young when this was decided
• Adopted Knight and brought him to college with him
• He found Knight during his freshman year knocked out in an alley next to a cat that had unfortunately passed away. Toa took him to the hospital and visited him when he woke up, only to discover he was homeless and has no memory. When Knight recovered, Toa snuck him into his house to live in his closet and receive basic education until college
• Majoring in creative writing
• Got disowned, kicked out, and cut off immediately after turning 18
• Joke's on Louis, Fenn set up his own bank accounts and has been saving money since he started his first job at 14
• Throws the best parties
• Regular at Lance and Jasper's bar
• Majoring in psychology
• Empath that just wants everyone to be happy
• As his course goes on, he starts to notice the signs that his friends have some serious problems
• Resident peacekeeper
• Cuddles with everyone
• Majoring in liberal arts
• Wants to be a college professor
• Helps Guy with whatever he needs
• Put on a perfect facade every day
• Klaus works for Roc and Roy is terrified of ruining their working relationship and embarrassing his father, so he basically does everything Guy tells him to
• Sherry, Grayson, MC and Lynt are very concerned
• Majoring in culinary arts
• Works at his family's restaurant, Voleri Gold Eatery
• Wants to own his own restaurant
• Is the academy's support animal
• Probably got shoved into his locker in high school
• That's what he gets for trying to be a decent person in a fucking high school
• Majoring in animal sciences
• Works at the same bar as Jasper
• Wants to be a wildlife biologist
• Addis wanted him to go into politics, but y'know what, fuck Addis
• Almost didn't get in because of his shitty permanent record from school, but his test scores were actually really good
• Plus, Lou seemed to sense his potential and passion for animals, so he let him in
• He got a dorm all to himself so he could sneak Christoph in with him. He allows Christoph the top bunk
• Takes care of Nox when Grayson is busy
• Majoring in animal health
• Toa paid for the bulk of his course, but Knight is working to pay him back
• Works at an animal shelter
• Wants to be a vet
• Secretly lived in Toa's closet before moving out with him to attend the academy
• Has post traumatic amnesia from his past head injury, but neither he nor Toa can afford actual treatment
• Buuuut he starts remembering bits and pieces of his life from constant nightmares and hallucinations
• Majoring in criminal justice and police science
• Wants to be a detective
• Wants to investigate his uncle and bring him to justice
• Loves his horse, Nox
• Traumatized by that one scene in The Godfather
• More scared of you than you are of him
• Unless you wanna talk about horses, Nox specifically
(That’s all I got. Still figuring everyone else's antics out)
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lesbianbanana · 10 months
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Little piece based on my Roman Empire au. basically it's the gods who didn't shift trying to work out why everyone else did. everyone is sad and lonely and traumatised.
breakdown ⬇️
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✨Apollo✨. This au is centred around him. Basically he's trying to work out why everyone around him suddenly went all dark and violent (especially Artemis because Diana is MUCH more witchy scary than her). He goes around the block. Olympus is different. He's a Dii Consente now. Hestia (Vesta) has replaced Dionysus on the council so he goes off to find Dionysus (and finds Bacchus/Liber). He goes to visit Artemis (who is Diana and hates him). He goes to visit his mother (who is Latona and unsure why he keeps insisting she has a daughter called Artemis). He goes to visit Asclepius (who is Aesculapius, and still locked away). He tries to find the muses (who I just can't find mentioned in the Roman era much so they're just gone). Finally he goes to the Fates, and they're like "well, everyone's gone 😊. They're never ever going to come back the way they were 🤗. Bye 🤪" and then he goes and cries and shit but he gets better!!! He has some besties.
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Nemesis!! She's goddess of retribution (revenge) so she turns up because Helios (Sol) keeps bitching about Apollo stealing his schmick. (Apollo didn't become associated with the sun until early Roman days). So she comes to Apollo and she's like "girl, this boy won't shut up. Also he hates you." And Apollo, standing with his new house on fire, is like, "YOU THINK???" and somewhere along the way they both work out neither of them switched like everyone else. (Nemesis has been a bit lonely down in the Underworld. Proserpina as Persephone, Pluto as Hades, Trivia as Hecate, Nox as Nyx, Somnus as Hypnos, Mors/Letum as Thanatos). So they both kind of stick together and Nemesis makes Apollo realise that legitimately a lot of people hate him for being a piece of shit back in Greece.
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Iris is a messenger for the gods, and she's kind of peeved that MERCURY is getting all the credit for it, especially when Mercury's a little bitch. (didn't she mention in cotg that she wasn't annoyed at Ganymede for taking her role as cupbearer, but was annoyed Hermes had taken over messaging?) But she has first had experience just how much the gods have changed now. (MARS IS CALM?? HMMMM??? NO VIOLENCE ALL THE TIME???) but she's at a lot of the Roman Olympus parties and just kind of watches Apollo get drunk and shit because a) he doesn't want to be there and b) he doesn't want to remember that the family he's there with isn't his family. And at one point she's kind of like alright bitch that's enough, and she forces him to take care of himself <3
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Apollo comes across while searching for Dionysus. Ariadne is usually just Ariadne in Roman times but sometimes she's Libera, like how Dionysus is Liber instead of Bacchus at times. So I kind of figured she'd be Libera whenever Dionysus was in Liber form, and be Ariadne whenever he was Bacchus. So as well as her husband being completely crazy, she also blacks out at times to get taken over by another goddess. This stops happening over time but it's still really annoying. Anyway Apollo tries to talk to her after he realises she's Ariadne, and girl gets pissed because why is Apollo the same and her husband completely not? She has this idea or something that Apollo did something to make this happen and Apollo is literally like "I AM JUST AS DISTRESSED AS YOU ARE" but he's also not sure whether it IS his fault or not. anyways Ariadne comes round after a few years and chats to him at a party on Olympus and she sort of gravitates towards his little group because she's very very lonely.
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Britomartis is a Hunter of Artemis and doesn't generally hate Apollo, but doesn't like him either. But she, like all the other hunters, is 100% caught off guard when Artemis switches to Diana. And Apollo is around a lot because he wants to work out Diana and doesn't want her to hate him (which she does). Idk. Diana is very volatile in my head (at least during Roman Empire days) and gets very annoyed when her hunter's call her Artemis, so Britomartis sort of slips away and starts hanging out with Apollo, mainly because she's a little bit worried about him, and mainly because she knows Artemis would want him to be okay, even if Diana didn't care.
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Ganymede probably got so much whiplash from this whole thing poor kid. Like, he's one of the newest gods to the pantheon, and suddenly everyone just shifts up and is super ANGRY. and bros like I am literally fourteen chill please. but he's up front with a lot of the gods as their cupbearer, so he sort of has to internalize his breakdown until he goes to Apollo and is like "get me tf out of here". And Apollo's like slowly recovering and is like holy fuck this boy traumatised, so he takes Ganymede under his wing and eventually just kidnaps him away from Jupiter. (he's a protector of youth, so I like to think he helped Ganymede settle in after his abduction).
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Triton is pulled along by Iris. He's a messenger too and Iris kept messaging as a little defiance because there's no way the little punk Mercury is going to take her job. So she keeps in touch with all her friends and realises quite quickly that Triton is still Triton. Actually a lot of the sea deities stay the same, except mainly Poseidon as Neptune and Amphitrite as Salacia. And obviously Triton is the most affected by their change as they're his parents. He's not on the verge of fading but.. he is. Romans don't worship minor sea deities (which is why a lot of them didn't change) and he's kind of losing his will to go on while feeling like a stranger in his own house. So Iris pulls him away and up to hang out with all the others and he gets less lonely <3
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Thetis was like a butterfly effect. Iris pulled Triton and Triton was like fuck it you're coming too. It's a little.. tense to say the least between Thetis and Apollo, but they warm up over time (centuries). It also gives Apollo the chance of redemption there. Also thetis doesn't like looking human and never has since she was forced to be with Peleus for a year. Thetis also like being a little shit and she will use that against Apollo.
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Psyche!!! I love her. Obviously the switch up between Eros and Cupid is crazy. I cannot imagine Psyche being amused with her husband being a little child thing. And she didn't hate him, because she's all about loving the soul and stuff, but it did fed her up, so she kind of gravitated towards the gang. Psyche and Ariadne were probably friends before everything anyway since they could've bonded over both originally being mortals. Also Apollo being a little "she's the wife of the guy that cursed me and Daphne" character development
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brookstolemybrand · 3 months
I was watching the newest Mom Piece VOD and they were talking about not being sure what the moon symbolism in One Piece actually signifies and that got me thinking and I think I have an idea?
Or at least this is the vibe I've been getting and I'm finally starting to figure out how to put it in words
Firstly, let's talk about chapter 1044:
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The Sun God, the Warrior of Liberation, appears at night, silhouetted against the moon, while below him in the palace, Kozuki ("Shining Moon") Hiyori plays "the Moon Princess" and talks about the Dawn
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Secondly, Pedro and the Nox Pirates in chapter 878:
Perospero: Did you you name the Nox Pirates… to refer to the night? A rather negative connotation to choose!
Pedro: …
Pedro: As they say, there's no night… that doesn't end in a sunrise.
Pedro: To me, Nox is synonymous with… the moment before the dawn.
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So I'm sensing a bit of a theme here:
One Piece definitely has a lot of light-dark symbolism, and light tends to be good while dark is bad. BUT, importantly, the kind of darkness that's bad is the darkness of the void, it's Blackbeard's black hole, it's Imu obliterating an entire island, it's turning an entire century of history into a "Void Century"
And it's also Kurozumi ("Black Charcoal") Orochi covering the sky with smoke (and defeated by Hiyori whose name means "Clear Sky"), which is not really "void" but it's definitely another kind of darkness with heavily negative connotations
The Night (Nox) on the other hand, is not inherently bad. The Night is a natural part of the cycle which will always give way to the Dawn.
And I'm gonna take a little bit of a leap here and say that the Night is not all dark, because it's illuminated by the Moon
Which allows me to actually justify the theory about the D not being a letter but a pictogram of the moon!
This is why I feel like it would be thematically appropriate: think of the D as the light that illuminates the darkness and ushers in the Dawn! Like a moon!
I definitely do think that's the purpose of the 月 (Moon) character in all the names of the major families in Wano (except for Kurozumi). And Kozuki is the primary family because their name has the character for "light" in it (Kozuki meaning basically "Shining Moon") and Hiyori in particular is important because she has both the Moon 月 and the Sun 日 in her name, which I think is why she's one of the very few Wano characters whose name is written in all kanji
(Also yes I still have that crack theory that the 月 is just the Wano spelling of D which preserves its actual meaning)
(I don't actually remember if I've talked about that before on this blog or not)
And speaking of the Nox Pirates: the Minks in general are inherently connected to the moon as well, through their Sulong forms
So all of these moon associations would just be an extension of Pedro's words; the Moon (D or 月 or Sulong) is the Light (光) that illuminates the Night (Nox) which is followed by the Dawn
Teach of course is interesting in that he's a D but also associated with the Void... And he doesn't sleep so arguably he's also associated with the night? idk, we'll see where that's all leading to I guess
I do also really like the idea that the D is a smile, partly just because it's funny but also because it is very fitting for this story
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arcanespillo · 1 year
it says that ur into poetry in ur bio and thats so cool!!! i like poetry as well and am taking it as an elective at uni but i am actually not too good with poets so was wondering if you had any favourite poets? if not thats totally fine. maybe poetry recs? thanks ☆
i'm not the river / nox by anne carson is tricky to find but there's a fragment here / PORTRAIT OF THE ALCOHOLIC WITH WITHDRAWAL / A BOY STEPS INTO THE WATER / SOME BOYS AREN’T BORN THEY BUBBLE / Thirstiness is Not Equal Division / EVERYTHING THAT MOVES IS ALIVE AND A THREAT–A REMINDER / A Man Said to the Universe / The Worm King’s Lullaby / Cortège / the triumph of achilles by louise gluck / the reticent volcano keeps by emily dickinson / the mirror by louise gluck / i go down the shore / the arrowhead / Brother / My Brother at 3 A.M / I would I might forget that I am I / the second elegy / stripped car / The Saints Come Marching In by Anne Sexton, How to Be a Dog by Andrew Kane, Angel of Hope and Calendars by Anne Sexton / I Remember / WHAT THE BIRD WITH THE HUMAN HEAD KNEW / THE TRUTH THE DEAD KNOW / In The Deep Museum / Lament / The Starry Night / A Curse Against Elegies / jesus suckles / start here / march is march / a bad day by mary oliver / Portrait of the Illness as Nightmare / lord knows / Town of Finding Out About the Love of God / fragments from Avalon Revisited (1963) by Margaret Atwood / from crush by richard siken 'the torn up road', from war of the foxes 'landscape with fruit rot and millipede', 'birds over the trampled field', 'the museum', 'self portrait against red wallpaper'/ from louise gluck's the wild iris 'clear morning' 'spring snow' 'scilla' 'the hawthorn tree' 'april' 'the jacob's ladder' 'matins' 'song' 'vespers' 'harvest' 'retreating light' 'lullaby' 'the gold lily' / from her vita nova 'the open grave' 'roman study' 'timor mortis' 'castile' 'mutable earth' 'inferno' / from faithful and virtuous night 'aboriginal landscape' 'utopia' 'the melancholy assistant' 'a foreshortened journey' 'the horse and the rider' / from meadowlands 'parable of the king' 'moonless night' 'departure' 'rainy morning' 'telemachus' guilt' 'meadowlands I' 'telemachus' kindness' 'parable of the dove' 'purple bathing suit' / from firstborn 'the cripple in the subway' 'seconds' 'letter from provence' 'firstborn' / from the house on marshland 'the pond' 'gratitude' 'abishag' 'the fire' / from descending figure 'the garden (2)' 'origins (4)' 'thanksgiving', from the triumph of achilles 'exile' 'seated figure' 'liberation' 'adult grief' 'horse'/ apostle town / the town of the sound of a twig breaking / strawberry moon by matthew dickman / the wolf god / this poem by mark bibbins (another year on the day/ of class photos/ i scratched at my face/ with a sharpened popsicle stick/ no blood just a few pink lines/ that didn't read/ what else./ i wanted a cast on my leg/i wanted braces and glasses/and my tonsils out/i wanted scars/i don't know when or whether i figured out the difference between wanting to be damaged and wanting to be healed) / ancient text by louise gluck
short talks by anne carson, waiting for god by simone weil, blue horses by mary oliver, dog songs poems by mary oliver, men in the off hours by anne carson, trances of the blast by mary ruefle, autobiography of red, red doc and norma jeane baker of troy by anne carson, richard siken and ocean vuong's books are famous honestly but try to read their stuff if you haven't checked them out yet (i don't like ocean vuong but i did like some bits of his first book) and also i suggest reading 'the journal of albion moonlight' if you find yourself particularly liking red doc, i hope you were not expecting old poetry because that really isn't really in my ropes
this is what i have noted on my journal :p if you can't find some stuff dm me but you can search for most poetry books on archive.org and it's free and legal
+ poems by Margaret Atwood ! i forgot, like this one
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thunderblessedhero · 3 months
hey new N, can you tell us a bit about your life from your timeline?
Hm? Oh, sure! First though I'd like to sincerely apologize about the N you know disappearing. I really don't know how or why something like this would happen... I hope it'll all be sorted out soon. Blake assures me it will in a day or so, so I trust them.
Anyways, I'm guessing you're asking cause you're curious of how different my life is from the N of this world, so I guess while I wait to get sent back home I can indulge you!
Let me see... well, originally I grew up in a forest with a family of wild Pokemon that raised me and my brother Nox. Not sure whatever happened to my biological parents or why they left me there, but I was pretty happy nonetheless. Then one day, Alder found me and took me in as his own. I trained under him for most of my life, and he taught me a lot about the relationship unity between people and Pokemon. But he also always told me about there being hardships, too. People who used Pokemon as tools, them getting into fights because they couldn't understand each other... but he told me it didn't shine a candle to the incredible things the two could accomplish when they worked together.
I've always had the rare ability to hear the voices of Pokemon. Not just hear what they're saying, but sense what they're feeling in their hearts, too. I thought that with that ability, I could be a sort of "bridge" between us. Help there be less suffering in the world for both. I started out pretty small, just by helping people who were having difficulties training their Pokemon reach a common ground and give them tips on how they could improve and work together more. But then... this group called Team Plasma sprouted up, claiming they wanted to "liberate" Pokemon from people. They were lead by a man named "Ghetsis", and basically he was trying to awaken the two legendary dragons to achieve that.
Hearing about this, I decided to set out on a journey of my own to try and stop him. I took on the gyms along the way, made a lot of new friends, and upon reaching Castelia City I found out Team Plasma had invaded a small island called Liberty Garden. I sailed there, and that's where I found them trying to steal a Pokemon called Victini. Long story short... Victini ended up joining my party! Throughout my journey I had to keep it secret, though, with it being a Mythical and whatnot...
At one point I discovered Plasma had darker intents. Ghetsis was plotting to use the two Legedary Dragons in order to take control of Unova and force humans and Pokemon to separate. I believe he found the stones and made his two daughters become their chosens... what were they called? I'm not good with names... I think they were Conco-
...oh. Concordia and Anthea.
...Ah- anyways, Victini and I managed to defeat them. I guess in reality Ghetsis was only using them for power and didn't actually care about "saving" Pokemon, so once they realized that they left with their respective dragons. I haven't heard from either of them since... I hope they're both doing alright. I'm not sure if they stayed together or went their own separate ways.
Following that I challenged my dad at the Pokemon League and managed to win the champion title. These days I mostly just fulfill my duties, and continue to help mend the rifts between people and Pokemon where I can. My dream's to see a world where we no longer have to worry about people like Ghetsis anymore. Where everyone is collectively striving for a better future, together. I don't know if I'll see something like that in my lifetime, but at the very least? I want to leave the world in a better state than I found it.
So... yeah! I think that about catches you up. To be honest I'm struggling to grasp what Blake's been telling me about the me from this timeline. I was Ghetsis' son and the chosen of Zekrom?
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gladstones-corner · 4 months
Liber Null - Liber AOM
This is part of my series on Liber Null. 
Welcome back! This is the final article in my series on Liber Null. It covers Liber AOM, the syllabus of the adept magician. It abandons much of the physical materials in favor of developing the core magical skills.  
Before we get too deep above the cut, let's get started. 
Introduction to Liber AOM 
Recall the materials, techniques, and methods from Liber MMM, Liber LUX, and Liber NOX. These are the tools of the neophyte and initiate. The tools of the adept are direct enchantment and prescience only. This is a significant departure, for magicians accustomed to physical tools may discover they are unable to produce the same quality of magical output using these methods. This is normal—regular practice will improve these skills. 
The direct tools from the earlier books manifest at the adept stage through Carroll's "two prime forces...the solve et coagula of existence...the basic spiritual principles of the universe" (Carroll, 1987, 96). These are the principles of moving away from the Source or towards the Source. Carroll writes that the assignment of "light" and "dark" is only relevant within the system being practiced. Magicians will always assign them based on personal perspective. 
Let's take an example. In Chaos Magic, the Light force is responsible for expansion away from the Source (viewed as birth) and the Dark force is contraction back towards it (viewed as death). However, for magicians who aspire to return to the Source, contraction towards it would be considered the Light force while expansion away from it would be the Dark. 
At any rate, Carroll implores magicians to learn both the Light and the Dark forces to become fully competent as a magician. In doing so, they become an embodiment of Chaos in their own right—able to influence the world at their whim. 
With all that said, let's dig into the five chapter of Liber AOM. 
Recall from Liber LUX the definition of the Aethers: the spaces between Chaos, Kia, and Mind, where magic works. Aetherics is the umbrella term given to the techniques that directly manipulate the Aethers. There are two general classes of Aetherics: dense and subtle. 
Dense Aetherics are related to physical feats. Skilled magicians can use these techniques to improve their speed, strength, and endurance; common examples include martial artists and fire-walkers who use dense Aetherics to enhance or protect themselves. Magicians can also use dense Aetherics to expedite the healing process—both of themselves and of others. 
By contrast, subtle Aetherics are categorized by mental feats. In subtle Aetherics, magicians leverage their emotional-telepathic connection to other living beings. Carroll writes that skilled magicians can use subtle Aetherics to wither or revive plants, commune with animals, or even manipulate other people. The most common example of this is subjective invisibility: the magician casts an aura that signals to others "don't pay attention". This makes others avoid contact with them. 
Both are useful. Dense Aetherics—besides the healing improvements—are helpful in daily challenges of alertness and endurance. Subtle Aetherics improve phenomena like the Halo or Horns Effects and increase the feelings of calm control in situations that involve others. 
This chapter is a single page of poetry. Carroll writes that transubstantiation is "the penultimate metamorphosis, / the achievement / of constant magical consciousness" (Carroll, 1987, 99). He urges the magician to remember that they both are and are not the illusion. In other words, the magician is aware that they are both the experiencer and the experience. 
However, recall from our discussion on Liber LUX that the mind perceives everything in dualities. To try and reconcile being both the subject and the beholder leads to ineffective embodiment of either. It leads to psychological distress as the mind tries to perceive something it cannot. Further, in trying to be both leads to split attention, which can cause difficulty in normal life and less effective magic. 
So what is the solution; what is constant magical consciousness? It is choosing to be magical or mundane in the moment, then committing to being so—for as long as need be. Then, it is the conscious choice to switch when needed (of course retaining the same level of commitment). But in all things, it means mindfulness of thought, word, and action. 
The Chaosphere 
The Chaosphere is "a psychic singularity...a purposely created crack in the fabric of reality" (Carroll, 1987, 100). In plain terms, it is an embodiment of—and portal through—the Aethers. Magicians use them for three primary purposes: 
To draw raw Chaos energy from 
To transfer information and energy through 
To use as a magical tool (for meditation, energy work, etc). 
Though it can take any shape, the most common form of a Chaosphwere is a 3-D Chaos Star. Its arrows align with the vertices of a cube, sort of like a tesseract. It looks like this: 
To construct a Chaosphere, the magician first visualizes it in the space before them. Then, they supply it with life force. This can be through any medium, but adept magicians often supply life force through Aetherics. 
However the magician charges their Chaosphere, they must imprint the life force supply with paradoxical energy. To do this, the magician focuses on complementary opposite forces—like Fire and Water or Zero and Infinity—while supplying life force. Once charged, the Chaosphwere will exist on its own. However, magicians can charge their Chaosphere regularly for best results. 
This is the shortest chapter of the five. It discusses the current magical aeon as defined in Liber NOX. According to Carroll, we are just now entering the fifth magical aeon—the aeon of Chaoism. He writes that it "exists only in the embryonic form. Its precise manifestation hangs in the balance" (Carroll, 1987, 102). 
Carroll's fear is that we will fail to fulfill the aeonic energies and enter a new dark age as a result. Though he doesn't detail why within Liber Null, I believe it's because of his description of the fifth aeon. Recall that Chaoism "represents a return to the consciousness of the first aeon but in a higher form" (Carroll, 1987, 89). The face the risk of falling back into first aeonic thinking instead of advancing. This is Carroll's new dark age—a world where magicians are forced to rely on magical technologies rather than choose to use them for liberation. 
How do we avoid this? Some magicians may choose to supplement their individual studies by engaging with the world at large. They unleash their magical powers upon society, influencing it towards greater liberation for all. They do this through any number of actions—from promulgating and developing magical technologies to creating magical groups for the fulfillment of the new aeon. 
Not everyone will feel the call to engage with society on a magical level. That's okay. It's not for everyone, and magicians are never considered lesser for choosing to remain solitary. 
I'm going to open this final section with this: Carroll's views on reincarnation are not my own. I will keep my disagreements brief. 
Let's start with a depiction of the most common scenario at death. Carrol theorizes, "in the ordinary course of events, the personal aether and life force of Kia disintegrate as the material body disintegrates...The personal life force then finds its way back into incarnation broken up into millions of parts scattered into many beings" (Carroll, 1987, 103). 
So far, he makes sense. He is saying that the Aetheric body dissolves completely into the primordial cauldron. I believe that part of our life force dissolves, and the rest forms the core of our new incarnation. 
In either case, it's possible for magicians to concentrate their Aetheric forms, such that they can carry over wholly into a new incarnation. How Carroll suggests magicians do this is a little controversial. Let's take a look at the three rites Carroll details—just bear with me for a moment. 
First, the Red Rite. Only those with functioning testes and a willing partner with a functioning womb can perform this ritual, and only those with the testes can actually use this ritual to reincarnate. The magician impregnates their partner, then ends their own life so that their spirit can carry over into their partner's fetus. 
Second, the Black Rite. The magician leaves their body and forces their way into another one. This is a supreme form of maleficent magic. It can only do one of two things: either it condemns the original spirit to the Aether before their time, or it causes a war between the two spirits that usually ends in insanity for the winner. 
The third and most simple is the White Rite. The magician leaves their body and inhabits a random fetus. 
I find the first two rites ridiculous and in bad form. For a magician to voluntarily end their own life is the biggest gamble they can take. There is no guarantee they have the skill to transfer into the new fetus. Also—to take another's body is not only ethically unacceptable, it's nigh impossible. 
The White Rite is as close to believable as I can muster in Carroll's writings on reincarnation. However, depending on when you believe life starts (and depending on when the magician chooses to inhabit the fetus), the White Rite is just another form of the Black Rite. 
At the end of the day, take Carroll's thoughts on reincarnation with a grain of salt. They're unconventional, but somewhat useful from a theoretical standpoint on Aetheric bodies and their ability to carry memories and abilities between lives. 
And with that, we've come to the end of this article on Liber AOM. We've also come to the end of the series on Liber Null. If you missed it, please check out the series page here. 
If you're interested in reading Liber Null, you can find a copy of it at the Internet Archive here or here (in different editions) 
Until we meet again, stay safe and stay tuned. 
Blessed be~
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tamsoj · 2 years
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C.G. Jung, from The Red Book; Liber Secundus, “Nox Secunda”
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creatorbiaze · 6 months
Translations / meanings behind OC names
except a concerning amount translate wrong and you guys don't know half of them
Videns Luminae Mortem translates to Seeing the Lights of Death
Clara Ventus translates to A Clear Favorite
Genesis means Creation
Nox means Night
Saltator De Salices means Dancer of the Willows (Saltator is also a genus of bird)
Verum Deorum means Truth of the Gods
Mendacium Deorum means Lies of the Gods
Tenebris Deorum (Star Seer's real name) means Shadow of the Gods
Sidera Noctis translates to Stars of the Night, while Finem Omnia Saecula (Sidera's real name) means End of All Eternity (or end of all ages)
Dominus Flammis means Lord of Flames
Mutari Mundi means to Change the World
Amatus Maren means Beloved Star of the Sea (Maren also can mean Sea, beloved, or rebellious)
Aella means Tempest or Whirlwind
Venenum Herba means Poison Plant
Timere Audax Cordelia means Fearless and Bold Daughter of the Sea. Timere also means fearful as well, weirdly enough.
Insomnium and Metus (Genesis's cobras) translate to Nightmare and Fear respectively.
Zenza translates to Final Guide
Zelura translates to God of Chaos
Merivu translates to Death
The Vezexe last name means 'of the Last Ruler'
Inxau translates to Insane God
Vizerivu means Bringer of Death
Caul means Secret of the Frost
Xalcurau means Dangerous Chaos God
Ceciru Quelxeru means Dawn of Wishes And Golden Light
Ceriveri Viclerulz means Powerful Sun and Healer of Harmony 
Evex Quili means Of Great Value
Xerqik (the Phoenix) means Silver Moon
Vizerxa Mortem translates to Bringer of Death
Ezeri Mortem-Vezerae means To Light the Death of the Lost
Xicuri means Hope
Ceriex Vurxe Saecula means Great and Powerful Ruler of Eternity (or of ages)
Klerkure Saecula means Friend of Knowledge for Eternity
Pandora means either All-giving or All-gifted
Chrysós Keres means Golden Death Spirits
Timorós means Punisher/Vengeful
Phúlax means Guardian/protector
Phobos means fear
Lysander Acacius [ironically] means Liberator of Peace (technically 'liberator of not evil '.)
Argyros Thanata means Silver Death
Cearo means sorrow
Celeste Chrone means Heavenly Time
this isnt all my characters btw
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a-d-nox · 2 years
if an asteroid is still unnamed or if an asteroid changes their name does it affect their meaning in astrology? I always wonder this 😭
hello, brielle!
i did see the string on @factsrological ‘s blog!
asteroids are odd things - and not to get all metaphysical and philosophical but really its odd to think our naming objects mean anything in the universe, no? it’s kinda like us naming god? like why g-o-d? if something so primordial exists how can a finite being be someone or something capable of understanding and naming something so infinite?
same goes for asteroids - asteroids are sizable pieces of clay and silicate that have preexisted us and oftentimes outlive us. who is to say a great many people wouldn’t rename them by the time the earth stops spinning or humans burn up in a solar flare? that if aliens exist, they don’t have different names for the asteroids already?
all that in mind, names are very arbitrary things - i go by a.d. nox here but that’s not the name my mother gave the little pink bundle she brought home 22 years ago. names bend, change, and shift.
i believe sky is within her right to study liberal astrology and view things as flexable and changing - attentively studying the present name. just like i am within my right to study astrology conservatively - looking at the history: i personally look into why its named the way it is presently and whether it has mythical or historical significance. unnamed asteroids aren’t of interest to me *shrug* but something newly named would spark my interest. i would note that it was unnamed for a long time but other than that i’d focus on the name. but again if it’s unnamed and not mythological it’s not really my bag - i’m an english major, i live for things that have a glorious story like the asteroids orpheus, loki, aphrodite, etc. i love a good old myth ;)
ultimately, sky has a clever point in that asteroids don’t change, it is us that change the asteroid!
hope this clears up some things! happy to continue the chat!
a.d. <3
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
Back in the Forest of the Everfree, under the light of the Moon, Boom was continuously pacing back and forth in the Stone Courtyard, unable to fall asleep, fearing the Monster may gain control of his mind, which would only lead to his ruin; fortunately, as the night passed, and the Moon slowly sank, he knew that day would break soon, and he gathered his belongings to meet up with Pinkie Pie.
In the Empire, after they felt a sudden sharp pain on their chest, their heartrate rose, and their mind began to burden them with the twisted sight of the Nameless Thing which they faced alongside Boom, Light sat upright in their bed, and checked the bandages covering their wounds; fortunately, they found they had not worsened overnight, and holding their head, they breathed a sigh of relief.
Looking out of the window in their room, from this high point in the Crystal Palace, they saw the Sun slowly rise over the horizon, and they closed their eyes to take in its warmth, as a smile grew onto their face; though the memories of their time in the Valley were still fresh in their mind, which they expected to stay there for a while, the Sun's gentle warmth swiftly banished this evil.
They knew not how long they stood at the window, but they cared not, as the pure warmth felt truly liberating after spending a great length of time within the darkness of the caves and fog in the Valley; eventually, when they heard a quiet knock, coupled with Nox's voice, they moved to the door where they greeted their friend with a gentle smile, and both wished each other a good morning.
Seeing Light walk around with ease, wearing a smile on their face once again, greatly warmed Nox's heart, and she asked them if they felt fit enough to join her downstairs for breakfast, where she reckoned they would genuinely surprise the others with their sudden return, to which Light chuckled sweetly, and politely nodded to her, before stepping out of their room and walking alongside Nox.
As their reached the bottom of the stairs, Nox asked Light to wait for a moment, as she heard faint sounds of metal moving plates around the corner, and she looked down and away shyly as these noises slowly faded; from what Light remembered she told them the night before, Lord Shining, the Captain of the Crystal Guard, whom they remembered nigh always wore armour, must have just left the room…
When neither of them could hear sounds of marching troops nor moving plates of heavy armour, Light turned to Nox, gently laid their hoof on her paw, and asked her if she was alright with concern in their voice, to which Nox, after taking a deep breath, responded that she was alright, as she moved down the last steps, slowly heading towards the Hall where breakfast would be served momentarily.
While Nox took a seat on one of the couches, making sure to keep her eye on the doors, hoping that Shining Armour would not re-enter the room, Light headed into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for them both; then, while they waited for the water to boil, they heard sweet voices approaching, and they chuckled quietly, knowing their sudden presence would be a welcome surprise to the Princesses.
From around the corner, excitedly flying through the sky at great speed, Flurry Heart appeared, happily babbling to her Mother walking below her, until they both noticed Light, after which they quickly trotted over to talk with them, welcoming them back to the Empire, asking them a myriad of questions, until Light asked them to wait with their questions until everyone else had joined them.
To this, Cadance smiled and shook their hoof, telling them she was glad to see they were well, when Flurry landed on their back, laughing sillily, making Light chuckle in return; Cadance then lifted her off their back, after which Light brought the tea to Nox, followed by Cadance and Flurry, as the other Princesses arrived downstairs, politely greeting Light and asking them how Boom fared.
They quickly decided not to mention the Monster, and replied:
"He is doing better, making good progress, and currently, thinking about our next destination."
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43 Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing
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chromaslip · 1 year
What do you and Nox get up to in bed?
I bet Its kinky~
((For future reference specify which muse but since you said nox I'm assuming chroma))
*shi smirks and looks over at @nox-lunarwing * we don't often make it to a bed usually any Ole pile of rubble in a recently "liberated" raider settlement will do. Given our respective regenerative abilities teeth and claws usually get involved.... also more often than not she comes away from our.....coupling.... rather....glazed.... and leaking.... cream from more than one place.
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arcanespillo · 4 months
20s | He\Him | Asks and dms always open, it\eng
TAGS | things | tattoos | my pics | movies watched | bunny | web weaving\parallels | writings\fragments\poetry | star wars (!!!) | (STILL FIXING)
SERIES\MOVIES \CARTOONS\ANIMES that i already posted are in the tags
Actors, filmography posted | Lorenzo Zurzolo, Ewan Mcgregor, Hayden Christensen, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Alessandro Gassman, Nicolas Maupas
Cool Actors mostly Cool Movies or Just Hot :p no filmography posted – yet | Tim Roth, Ethan Hawke, Dev Patel, Mia Wasikowska, Andrew Garfield, Owen Campbell, James Duval, Matt Dillon, River Phoenix, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Keanu Reeves, Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Natalie Portman, Chloë Sevigny, Matthew McConaughey, Willem Dafoe, Woody Harrelson, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Johnny Depp, Mia Goth, James Dean, Francois Arnaud, michelle trachtenberg
Cool Mangas | Princess Jellyfish, Beastars, The Promised Neverland, Gangsta, Blue Period, We Were There
Cool Authors | Anne Carson, Mary Oliver, Valentina D'urbano, Louise Gluck, Simone Weil, Elena Ferrante, Anne Sexton, Elsa Morante
Cool Directors | Gregg Araki, Gus Van Sant, Danny Boyle, Alice Rohrwacher, Wong Kar Wai, Lina Wertmuller
FAVS | giorno per giorno disperatamente, east of eden, giles corey, one, stripped car, giles corey, my brother at 3 am, jude st francis,ari n dante, i would i might forget, the angels, nothing is heard, dog motif, liberation, fear, for my father, autobiography OR, two ,spn x nox, i lay my brother down, spn x ben 10 , face in the tree, not your fault
listona di poesie\poem masterlist kind of
TXF x SUPERNATURAL | one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
RANDOM PARALLELS | 8x23\9x1, 10x23\1x16, jack\dean, mopi x spn, merlin x spn one, two, three, morgana x sam, frailty 2001
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 4: Secrets.
Ricks POV in a small Earth Kingdom village nearby the mountain range prison:
I wake up with the sunlight shining in my eyes & realising I have slept in “oh Spirit’s, I gotta hurry!” I rush out of bed & get changed into my White Lotus uniform as I’m about to head out the door I just then remembered something “Oh, I almost forgot to my water my cactus!” After I finish I quickly head out to make my way to the airship station while grabbing a quick bite to eat along the way from a small Tofu stand, which makes the best in this side of the Earth Kingdom “Here you go Rick, your usual spicy steamed chicken Tofu with no mushrooms!” “Thanks Nox you’re the best, how much do I owe ya?” “Just 5 yuan’s” “here.” I handed him the money as he asked “Why did you quit that Metalbending Task Force anyway?” “I didn’t, I got promoted. Apparently I impressed the Metal Bending Boss herself Cheff Beifong. Sure I’m not in the taskforce anymore & I’ve had to essentially uproot my entire life & move far away. But anyway when you have a family of your own you’ll understand..-” “Alright alright I don’t need to hear your whole life story, now you better hurry off now or you’re gonna be late for work.” “Oh right, thanks for the pick me up!” I said as I started booking it to the airship station. I noticed I’m running behind schedule & use my Earthbending to launch myself onto the rooftops & started racing to the airship I reach the station as it’s about to take off & enter just as the White Lotus Airship Transport shuts it’s doors when another White Lotus guard remarks “Took ya long enough Rocky Rick..” I catch my breath then say “Better late *deep breath* ..that never, heh.” Then the Airship takes off bound for the Mountainside Prison.
Hours later-
As we arrive at the prison it’s nearly late, clear skies & there’s a very bright full moon too, like me & few other guards a couple of days ago there’s a small group of White Lotus guards waiting at the landing zone for the shift changes, i & the rest of the passengers get off while the other guards boarded the airship I quickly ask one of the off duty guards “Hey, has Old Gary Clocked in yet for his shift?” & she says “Yes I think so, he should be on patrol right about now.” “Okay, thanks.” She boards the airship & it immediately takes off, I think on where I saw last him going & head to where he went before I lost sight of him only to find a dead end wall which was odd so I placed the palm of my hand onto the ground & put my echo sense training to good use. After a few seconds I started sensing a void this wall, i stand up & forcefully Earthbended this false wall open & discover a Planning Room, there’s Temple maps, ancient scrolls, there’s even a stack of encrypted letters here & a dairy. Last log entry was two days ago. ‘It’s almost time to act after soo many months of waiting under cover as one of these pathetic short sighted idiots, practicing & honing my skills on the brat you sent for me to train on, just a couple of more days until I can finally liberate our glorious leader & finally without the White Lotus!’ As I finish reading this last passage I turn the page to find this insignia.
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I gasped & said to myself “I need to warn the rest of the guards & sound the alarm’s!..” as I’m making my way to the security tower I see Old Gary standing on it’s & decided to pursue him.
Old Gary’s POV:
I’m currently looking over the Prison from the top of one of the Guard Tower’s basking in the full moon light after I finished planting the explosives all around the prison during my patrol, I have my finger on the trigger ready to finally set the plan into motion. I gleefully smile from ear to ear as I say “After all these years of carful planning ..has finally led to this ONE ..GLORIOUS MOMENT TO FINALLY FREE MY MASTER!-” I’m then interrupted by the meddlesome Lotus guard from before as he shouts “HALT! I HEREBY ARREST YOU FOR CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT A JAILBREAK OF A KNOWN SERIAL KILLER & FOR TORTURING A YOUNG CHILD!” “YOU’RE TOO LATE STOP WHAT’S COMING, enjoy the show!” I say as I lift my hand holding the detonator up for him to see “IT’S OVER GARY, THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING ..STAND DOWN!” “..& here GO!” *Click* (Loud Explosions)
End of Chapter..
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