please tell me more about your guide in Tunis talking about the Fourth Punic W4r
HI SORRY I took a couple days to get to this.
Bachir didn't have a ton to say about the (fictive) Fourth Punic War per se, but he was a hardcore fan of authoritarian secularist rulers who, in the Tunisian context, have a history of presenting the country as part of a grand pan-Mediterranean civilizational inheritance over against its Arab and Islamic qualities. He told us (@mayasaura was there for this and can vouch for it) in so many words that "Arabs need a dictator," he avowedly hated every religion except Buddhism (which was on thin ice), and he said while he was showing us the Baths of Antoninus that Emperor Hadrian "was what we would today call a homosexual; other than that, he was a perfect man" (exact quote that is going to live rent-free in my head for the rest of my life). He was also courteous, knowledgeable, and immensely entertaining; clearly loved Tunis and being from Tunis; and was so fond of and gentle with the street cats of which most Mediterranean cities have so many that my housemate and I named our own kitten Bachir after him. It takes all kinds to make a world!
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valyrfia · 2 months
37, 38!
37. Talk about your current WIPs!
There's three! One is F/F Lestappen (my brand) which is deeply personal indulgence and means a lot to me, one is Carlos POV Lestappen as eldritch horror soulmates (and Carlos having a weird psychosexual obsession with divinity as a result) you can find this under creatures from heaven on by writing blog, and one is a vague idea and a few paragraphs of a Lewis Ferrari 2025 fic with Brocedes and Lestappen with themes of transhumanism, religion, love, legacy, duty, sacrifice, and everything you could even want in your standard F1 RPF you can find this under meteor becoming on my writing blog.
38. Talk about a review that made your day
Full disclaimer, any and all reviews/comments make my day, nay, my week, even if I don't reply to them I see them ALL. But my personal favourite (which I also never replied to) was this one on grid dynamics
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I really fret about and struggle with character sometimes, so to be told that Max, with the ONE text message he got in the fic, was perfectly captured, was so lovely I almost wept.
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year
#also I stand by my theory that Nona knows what the message is
OH. If you feel like elaborating on this I'm *eyes emoji* @ u
hehehe, sure!
So here is the passage in question:
“I’m the Messenger,” said the Angel simply. “We are the Message … the message has two parts left, and you are looking at one of those parts. The name for this part of the message was ‘Aim’ when the message was passed to us through my forebear Emma Sen. The message is too simple for human beings like us to understand. What do you think the message is?” 
Nona couldn’t guess.
“The message is too simple for human beings like us to understand.”
Nona’s not a human being.
She also doesn’t lie. We see her fudge her wording on a few occasions to avoid lying on a technicality, and “Nona couldn’t guess” just strikes me as the kind of very specific response she might give to wriggle her way out of a lie. Aim asked what Nona thought, but what we’re told is that Nona couldn’t guess.
If you already know what the Message is, it wouldn’t be a guess. And Nona couldn’t guess.
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radley-writes · 1 year
...am I procrastinating on tumblr to avoid sending the finished project to my lovely agent?
........do I meet the ‘Very Often’ criteria on the ADHD checklist when asked ‘How often do you struggle with finishing projects’?
............did I initially promise to get this manuscript to my aforementioned lovely agent before Christmas?
...............................is the answer to all of these questions the same?
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dwellordream · 1 year
my girl catelyn!
I don’t qualify Cat’s treatment of Jon as emotional abuse tbh bc I would prefer to reserve that term for more substantial relationships.
Cat treated Jon horribly in their one interaction in AGoT, but she was neither a parental figure nor a mentor/teacher to him. They didn’t regularly interact. They were at opposite ends of the dinner table for fourteen years.
I’m not arguing that her behavior was good or appropriate, or that Jon was wrong to feel hurt, but their society would not consider her at all a parental figure to him, nor did she ever act as one, and her behavior is not ‘neglect’ in the same sense it would be if Catelyn treated Arya or Bran in that manner.
Also, it’s really funny to me when fics have Catelyn refuse to address Jon by name or refer to him as ‘the bastard’ when speaking to others. Catelyn has always referred to Jon by name. She doesn’t hate him so much that she dehumanizes him.
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cbk1000 · 3 months
assumption based on your fic: you like history
I'm a little fond of it, yeah.
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regina-del-cielo · 3 months
nine people you'd like to know better
I was tagged by @liesmyth, thank you!
last song listened to: uuuh I'm pretty sure it was Children of the Sky by Imagine Dragons
favourite colour: turquoise and violet
currently watching: the Figure Skating World Championships, and suffering (Charléne and Marco you are my only hope)
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet > savoury >>>>>>>>>>>>> spicy
relationship status: single
current obsession: The Old Guard (2020) keeps having a chokehold on me as if it hadn't been four years [stares at the window waiting for the sequel to come back from the war]. Most recently, Formula 1. I watched February The First™️ unfold on my dash live and now I actually care about how Ferrari does during the season. Because I needed another sport to have an existential crisis over.
last thing you googled: the definition of finnock - in case you care, it's a fishery term for a sea-trout that hasn't spent more than a year at sea.
ships you like: Do you have time to hear about our lords and saviours Nicolò di Genova and Yusuf al-Kaysani, who have been gay married for more than nine hundred years? Also Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. There are others, I'm sure
first ship ever: Will/Matt from W.I.T.C.H. no one did romance like you [sends kiss to the sky]
favourite childhood book: Ascolta il Mio Cuore (Listen to My Heart) by Bianca Pitzorno. ITALIANS WILL UNDERSTAND
currently reading: The Long View by Elizabeth Jane Howard
currently craving: hm. Chocolate, probably. I had pizza for dinner so I feel pretty satisfied for now.
Tagging... @emjee @mistressemmedi @nicolos @nicelytousled @paigian @frizox @raedear @spacegirlsgang and @turnpikeghosts! Have fun!
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arithmonym · 1 year
*jumps into your inbox* AUGUSTINE REFERENCES WHAT?
According to Ianthe, he referenced Anne of the Island! From chapter 23 of Nona the Ninth:
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From chapter 24 of Anne of the Island:
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It’s been a very long time since I read the books so I’m not the best person to analyze this, but in this letter, Philippa is writing to Anne to tell her about a theological student she’s just met named Jonas Drake. Although Jonas is ugly, she’s enraptured by the “splendid sermon” he delivers and she eventually marries him.
Also notable for possible John/Jonas parallels is a section from earlier in the letter:
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cassatine · 2 years
I swore off anything GOT related and didn't vibe with the Fire And Blood book but your posts are Tempting me. If you feel like selling me on House Of The Dragon I'm 👀
listen. listen. i'd sworn off anything GOT related too (because... well. u know), didn't vibe with F&B either (even tho i am a known slut for fake history shit), and yet here i am. going insane over the soapiest of all soap operas and pretending it's not gonna rip my heart out like the tragedy it really is. the best things i can say: so far it's better than GOT *and* it's better than F&B. it's gothic, it's high tragedy, it's fantasy, it's soapy, it's over the top and earnest about it all, it feels like ASOIAF in the sense that it's a high octane love letter to genre fiction and it's not ashamed of itself, and it has themes. fuck, it believes in themes. it has more episodes directed by women in one (1) season than GOT had for like, its whole run (or just about). it's about gender as a cage, it's about the patriarchy (westerosi edition), it's about incestuous legacies, it's about blood, it's about power being an illusion, it's about unhinged people going to insane lengths, it's about being unable to escape the traps of societal expectations however much you struggle, it's about being doomed from the start and condemned to be sacrificied on the altar of the narrative -- it is, unbelievably enough, pretty good.
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bigmanroykent · 6 months
Fic title: well, I've been afraid of changing
This might be obvious but. Roy stuck-in-his-ways Kent being turned into a vampire and being forced to change in every single way
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theriverbeyond · 7 months
Assumption that you don't LOVE chocolate. Maybe like it a bit
HMMM ok so this is SEMI-ACCURATE i think -> i don't really like sweet things in general... chocolate is one of the most tolerable sweets and if I had to choose between them (if a cocktail bun or similar was not avalible), i'd probably go for a chocolate bar over like, other types of candy. chocolate cake is good with fruit but I would like maybe 1 piece
[askbox assumption game]
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3, 11, 21
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
(I promise this is a real answer, not just Italianservice) Maybe Fabrizio de André'?
11. Something you want to do again next year?
International travel (maybe?), hang out in the warmer months with some of the local-New-England-clothing-optional-swimming-hole friends I don't see otherwise, cornplate over The Locked Tomb and Yellowjackets, make local news for doing well at my job.
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Well, I have cats now, for one thing!
End of the year Asks
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terezis · 1 year
it was really good!!! i stayed up all night to read it LOL
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jacks-long-coat · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: hand kissing, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Mutual Pining, Oral Fixation, Pre-Canon, The Arrangement (Good Omens), Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes Summary:
[19m 22s] Crowley eats an apple, tempts an angel, and gets more than he bargained for. [Written by liesmyth.]
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
For the WIP meme!
💗 — Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
💗 - I am both excited for and terrified of writing the panic attack scene for my big res fic. I've been planning it for a while, and if It works out it'll be really good payoff, but. Well.
🔍- I don't actually have as many active TLT WIPs as I thought! But here's a clue for the first one I ever started:
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alectology-archive · 2 years
I AM putting annihilation in my tbr thank you 👀
the movie was great too so I’d highly recommend that as well <3
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