#lieutenant helga sinclair
frollosversion · 18 days
Louder for people at the back, Miss Sinclair.
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kumari8670 · 1 month
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Her name is Helga Sinclair, and she's acting on behalf of her employer who has a most intriguing proposition for you...
Are you interested?
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miarage-art · 6 months
Lieutenant Helga Sinclair
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Incorrect Quote
Y/N, with a BIG crush: Are you... the little spoon, or the big spoon?
Helga: I'm a knife.
Rourke, calling over from a ways off, not even looking up from a map: She's a little spoon!...
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helgasinclvir · 1 year
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CONTO: Atlantis. NOME: Lieutenant (Tenente) Helga Katrina Sinclair. IDADE: 33 anos. GÊNERO: Cis fem. PRONOMES: Ela/dela. ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL/ROMÂNTICA: Panssexual e homorromântica. ALTURA: 1,70 cm. OCUPAÇÃO: Tenente e mecenária. QUALIDADES: Astuta, determinada, persuasiva e inteligente. DEFEITOS: Gananciosa, traiçoeira, ambiciosa e impiedosa. PODERES: Nenhum poder sobre humano; perícia com armas de fogo; perícia com armas brancas; exímia lutadora marcial.
Helga Sinclair é uma ladra ambiciosa e astuta, cuja vida é marcada pela busca implacável por riquezas. Ela trabalhava para Preston Whitmore, um rico e excêntrico explorador, que financiou uma expedição em busca da lendária cidade submersa de Atlântida. Helga foi contratada como uma das tripulantes do submarino que os levaria até lá. Sua missão inicial era ajudar a encontrar o poderoso Cristal do Coração de Atlântida, que possuía imensos poderes energéticos. Determinada a adquirir as riquezas de uma cidade mítica, incluindo o valioso coração da cidade que repousava com Kida, Helga planejou um ousado roubo visando seu próprio enriquecimento.
Com seu conhecimento sobre a lendária cidade submersa, ela traçou planos meticulosos para obter as preciosidades de Atlantis e vendê-las a compradores ricos, seduzida pela perspectiva de fortuna e poder. Contudo, suas intenções egoístas foram frustradas por aqueles que não compactuavam com seus objetivos e pelo dano iminente que seria causado a uma cidade viva e pulsante. 
Após a derrota, Helga se viu mergulhada em frustração e desespero. Determinada a recuperar suas perdas, ela está em uma jornada incansável em busca de oportunidades para compensar suas ambições frustradas. 
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Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost Empire gets called Babygirl!
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An hyper specific Atlantis' characters expressions' assemblage: Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair
Part 2
because I'm very so little obsessed with this movie
"The more I think about the years of her life she lost the moment she crossed roads with an emotionally unavaiable madman in the name of a greater adventurous and enriching life, the more it makes me sad and sadder each time I turn back to that thought" Series
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she speedin
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Ah yes. A rare sightning of a wild Helgus Sinclærius popping the head out the her deep underground burrow
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God may give her toughest battles to their strongest soldiers but he'll also have to witness my silly funny faces while I try not to think too much about my doomed narrative
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When I When I When—
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when I tell the bae that parents aren't home
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"HELLO??? GAY RIGHTS SYDACATE??? I would like to report that I'm still waiting for the enriching clubbing episode of my storyarc to come. where is the clubbing episode of my story arc"
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Apparently in this scene she seems having jumped from a wagon? (Uwa! How dexterous!)
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Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Helga
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Rourke
Part 1| Variegated Movie's Details
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igottakeeponmoving · 15 days
Notes on a BOTW/TOTK Atlantis: The Lost Empire au
Milo Thatch - Zelda -> it just makes more sense for her personality to make her the passionate scholar rather than the warrior princess
Kida Nedakh - Link -> less an actual prince and more of an out-of-time wild child who was taken in by the king and queen
Preston Whitmore - Impa
Commander Lyle Rourke - Ganondorf
Lieutenant Helga Sinclair - Riju -> much less overtly villainous than Helga, and in fact turns against Ganondorf pretty quickly once he lays a hand on the royal family.
-> She's also not the one who recruits Zelda; Paya is the one who takes Helga's role in that particular instance
Dr. Joshua Sweet - Sidon -> the Zora have healing powers and he is one gigantic sweetheart
Audrey Rocio Ramirez - Tulin -> young airship mechanic. Teba was part of the expedition that found the Journal/Tablet
Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini - Yunobo -> because of the whole explosions thing, though the personality is drastically different
Gaëtan "Mole" Molière - Josha -> up the child prodigy aspect rather than Mole's overwhelming weirdness (given that Josha is the head of the Depths investigation team this just makes sense to me)
Wilhemina Packard - Purah
Jebidiah "Cookie" Farnsworth - Robbie -> these two are undercover as the communications officer and cook respectively and were in fact tasked by Impa to keep an eye on Ganondorf (all those moments where Packard is gossiping with her friend Marge instead of watching comms? That's Purah reporting directly to Impa through code); they take over the expedition after Ganondorf betrays everyone
Kakeshim Nedakh - Rauru -> create a role for Mineru - makes more sense for her to become queen after Rauru's death than for Link to become king The Queen - Sonia
The Leviathan is either the Colgera or a giant Flux Construct. Maybe even a literal Divine Beast.
I am open to better ideas.
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Surprised there are WAY more Pixar twist villains than Disney. They’re getting their own list.
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princemannikin · 3 years
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-Helga’s Funny Faces, The “Nothing Personal” Collection
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lohvur · 4 years
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shoutout to atlantis: the lost empire for gifting us these lesbians & turning a whole generation of girls gay!!!
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konggodzuko · 6 years
[sobs incoherently because I love Helga Sinclair so fucking much]
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not-sewell · 4 years
my brain seems to have devoted a fraction of a brain cell to the act of randomly daydreaming about Lieutenant Helga Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost World but as Commanding Agent Ava du Mortain, help.
i mean—
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Incorrect Quote
Milo: So- if Helga and I were drowning, who would you save?
Rourke, unimpressed: You two cant swim?
Milo: Its a hypothetical question, who would you save?
Rourke: My time and effort.
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segretecose · 4 years
me at age 5 seeing lieutenant helga sinclair from atlantis: the lost empire (2001) for the first time
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Atlantis: Retirement Plans
     It was around eight thirty when she got back to the manor and Jameson, Whitmore's butler, met her at the door.
    "Good evening, miss Sinclair." He said taking her coat.
    "Evening, Jameson." She answered, sighing with relief. It was good to be home.
    "Long day?" He inquired.
    She nodded. "It was, yes." And rubbed her neck. All she wanted was to get out of her damp clothes and go straight to bed.
    Unfortunately, life had other plans.
    "Mr. Rourke is here to see you, miss Sinclair.” Jameson informed her. “He's waiting in the library."
    Helga sighed. She knew why he was there. He and Whitmore still hoping she’d agree to the upcoming Atlantis expedition. And though she'd been saying no for three months, Rourke kept asking her to reconsider.
    She nodded at Jameson. "Thank you, I'll go see him now."
    Turning, she walked down the hall toward the double doors at the end.
    She stopped just outside them and took a deep breath. She wasn't in the mood to argue with Rourke. She was too tired and honestly her patience was wearing thin with him. How many times did she have to say no?
    Although, a small part of her did want to take the job. She’d been there at the beginning. And damn her curiosity, she wanted to see how things would end. She wanted to see if that journal of Thaddeus’s was telling the truth. And it didn't seem quite right not to have what remained of the original team together for the second expedition.
    She shook her head and shoved the thoughts aside. The older she got the more sentimental she became it seemed. Then, squaring her shoulders she opened the door.
    Rourke was seated in a chair by the fire drinking a scotch neat. He looked up when she entered. "Helga, how are you?" He asked with a smile.
    She joined him by the fire and sat in the chair across from him. "I'm well enough." She answered.
    He motioned to the side table with the decanter. "Can I fix you a drink?" He offered.
    She shook her head. "No, thank you." As usual, she hadn't been sleeping well and alcohol just made it worse. She fixed him with a stare. "Rourke, why are you here?" She wanted to cut to the chase.
    He rested his glass on his knee and looked at her. "You know why, and Helga, I'm going to level with you. I need you to be my second in command on the Atlantis expedition. I don't trust anyone the way I trust you and we've worked together long enough we each know how the other thinks.” He paused to let that sink in. Then added. “And if you won't sign up then I'll have to step down as commander."
    Helga scoffed and settled back in her chair. "You wouldn't step down. You've had your heart set on Atlantis and that crystal for years now."
    Rourke leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and staring at her intently. "I mean it, Helga. I won't have a stranger hired on as my lieutenant, and right now Whitmore is prepared to do exactly that."
    She groaned inwardly. This was exactly what she didn’t want to hear. “I don’t appreciate the attempt at guilting me into agreeing.” She told him with a scowl.
    “I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, Helga.” He assured her. “I’m only telling you how it is: you, me, us, or not at all.” He leaned back in his chair once more and sipped his drink.
    Helga shifted and rested her cheek on her fist. “Look, Rourke, I’m tired. Tired of all the moving from place to place, traveling by car, train, on foot.” She waved a hand gesturing. “All the adventuring was well and good when I was in my teens and twenties but now the romance of it all has worn off and I just want to settle down again, live a quieter life, get a job teaching someplace, maybe. And I haven’t seen my family in since I started working for Whitmore.” She looked at him. “You and I’ve had a good run, but this just isn’t for me anymore. It’s nothing personal.”
    Rourke saw an opportunity. “Look at it this way, Helga. The money you’d make from this trip is enough to set you up for the rest of your life. One last job and you can settle down and have the life you want.”
    She stared at him but didn’t say anything and he saw he had her full attention. “Now, I haven’t mentioned this, but I’ve been thinking of retiring myself. Hell, I’m fifty-four. How much longer can I expect to keep doing these kinds of things?”
    She smiled then. “You’re not old Rourke, far from it.”
    A grin appeared on his face too. “No, I’m not, but I’m also not thirty anymore. Better to quit while I’m ahead, don’t you think?”
    Helga leaned back in her chair and folded her hands. “If I did say yes.” She began slowly, holding up a hand when he opened his mouth to speak. “And that’s if, you wouldn’t come asking me to do another job with you in a year or two? You’d just let me live my life?” She didn’t believe he’d give up a life of adventuring so easily. And she couldn’t imagine him living the same life of Sunday fishing trips, woodworking, and reading of the classics as her father.
    Rourke looked at her seriously. “Helga, if you agree to sign onto this expedition as my lieutenant, I promise it will be your last.”
    She sat unmoving in her chair for a few minutes as she considered what had been said. It made a certain amount of sense, she had to admit. This job would get them both what they wanted.
    She could do one more expedition, she decided. It was only projected to last a month at the most, late October to late November, so it wouldn’t get in the way of the plans she’d made for the end of the year. She’d already written her mother and promised to come for Christmas.
    Finally, she spoke. “Alright. I’ll do it.” She agreed. “One more job for us both.”
    Rourke extended his hand, and they shook on it.
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