#life series stats
panda-wearing-pants · 3 months
Most common people in SL thumbnails #4
Lizzie's videos:
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Mumbo's videos:
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Pearl's videos:
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ssseriema · 11 months
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youve got mail!
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to-be-a-dreamer · 9 months
Gonna spend some time cleaning up the Secret Life Spreadsheet for the final post but I just need everyone to see this absolutely WILD graph that was so insane I had to triple fact check to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.
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Are. Are you kidding me.
I swear I'm about to make one of these for every other season because I simply MUST know if this has always been the case, that one or two people get most of the kills. There's no way right??? Scar was simply on something this finale (Gem is always Like That I was expecting her to look this way)
Also fun tidbit: all three of Etho's deaths were because of Scar. He killed that man three times. Etho is the only person who died the same way every time.
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arbitersart · 2 months
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BDubs, Etho, and Cleo lineups for my sci fi + royalty/bodyguard fic series, Exogenesis! The clothing aspects of these designs are pretty loose as I'm no fashion designer, so if anyone making art wants to do something else and take artistic liberties, please do!
Nerdy worldbuilding below the read more.
These three are rocking some classic fashion sensibilities popular on Leto! BDubs and Cleo, as the (sibling) monarchs, tend to wear clothes akin to classic european military uniforms, though skirts and wraps are also integrated into this style. These clothes are often seen at diplomatic meetings and formal public appearances.
Their casual clothes, seen on the very right side, tend to be loose fitting and made of natural fibers like cotton. Letotians love flowy and soft fabrics.
Etho's fashion sense is largely practical. The second figure to the far right is his common guard uniform, with reinforced, soft armor in vital places. His casual look, also on the right, employs more sleek, techy wear more popular in south Nereus. You can also see this styling in Cleo's outfit on the second to the right, which serves no purpose except cunt.
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gothsuguru · 7 months
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this man has no fucking right to be THIS beautiful… jinshi my LOVE.
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ambipotent · 3 months
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testing out a different format for the dnd au!!! mini character sheets! this will help organize character info a bit better as well
for some context: Scar ref | Grian ref
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Not Scott and Cleo acting like the game is already done since it’s just them and Cleo left and then wiping Gem out immediately xD
Also heck yeah for a Cleo win!!
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scarscraftingdead · 10 months
theres something poetic about a man who so desperately clings to the idea of being good and making friends, only to have that dream be crushed time and time again by powers outside of his control
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ao3-anonymous · 4 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (05/28/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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vacillantvoid · 11 months
for fans of random facts, here's the current list of rewards you can get from the Secret Keeper, ordered by rarity:
1 Gapple (15)
1 Potion (15)
1 Ancient Debris (14)
3 Diamonds (12)
1 Spawn Egg (12)
1 Enchanted Book (10)
5 Iron Blocks (9)
2 Gold Blocks (6)
1 TNT (6)
1 Sculk Sensor (3)
1 End Crystal (1)
5 Infested Stone (1)
you get one reward per heart you didn't get, and you can get a reward multiple times (for example receiving 15 iron blocks in place of 3 hearts)
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seawitchkaraoke · 6 months
Y'all arguing over whether real life SMP is canon or not, methinks y'all don't know what the word canon means
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panda-wearing-pants · 3 months
Most common people in SL thumbnails #2
Etho's videos:
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Gem's videos:
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Scar's videos:
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(100% Scar)
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indigo-flightly-falls · 7 months
It's a Quarter After One, I'm All Alone and I Need Someone
My gift to @staringamassivemistakeintheface for the MCYT Valentines Day Exchange :D (@mcyt-valentines)
Characters: Ren & Skizz
Ships: renskizz (focus), poly dogwarts (background)
Summary: (Newsies AU) The night after the failed protest and subsequent beating the newsies took, Ren confronts Skizz on a fire escape and they talk about stuff.
Trigger warnings: mentioned/discussed period typical homophobia (in the context of Ren's family pressuring him into marrying a girl), brief mentions of police brutality (talking about a past event), smoking.
Ao3 link: It's a Quarter After One, I'm all Alone and I Need Someone - Stars_In_Our_Paws - 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series [Archive of Our Own]
"Alright, Sparrow, can you move your leg?"
Ren and Racetrack were currently helping Sparrow figuring out how bad his leg had gotten hurt during the raid.
"King, I walked back to here, I think I can move my leg." Sparrow sassed, his tongue sticking out to distract himself from the pain.
"That doesn't mean you can currently move it." Ren pointed out, raising his eyebrow. "Move it now, or I'll tell Bumlets that you're making your leg worse."
"Threats aren't fair." Sparrow grumbled, but he complied. He was able to move his leg a bit, but it clearly was hurting him. "Fuck this." He hissed, leaning back into Racetrack's arms. "I'm not listening to you."
"Alright, I'm not helping you if you won't listen." Ren threw his hands up, knowing Sparrow would rather listen to Racetrack anyways.
Ren stood up, stretching by reaching his hands to the sky. The lodging house was bustling, but it was quieter then normal. The beating they'd taken had been a blow, and even worse was Crutchie being taken and Jack unable to be found.
He took a small walk towards the windows leading up to Jack's 'penthouse', which was what he called the top of the fire escape.
Ren noticed a figure on the lower fire escape, almost thinking for a second it was Racetrack due to the smoke trails, before realizing with a shock that it was Skizz. And then he felt a bit silly because he could hear Racetrack berating Sparrow for stressing his bad leg.
Skizz had never smoked before. Ren wanted to figure out what was up.
Ren climbed out the window, taking a breath of the air, tinted with smoke. Skizz had his back to Ren, staring out at the city below.
"Hey, come here much?"
Skizz turned his head towards Ren, before looking back out at the city's lights.
"King, you know the answer." Skizz answered, not smiling like he usually did. He took another drag of the cigar, probably stolen from Racetrack.
"Drop the title please, you know I'm Ren to you guys." Ren walked over to lean on the railing next to Skizz, looking at the smoke trails.
"Yeah, but you're the king of the five of us."
Ren pulled Skizz into a side hug, leaning his head onto his boyfriend's.
"I like being just Ren around you guys."
Skizz huffed a laugh, rolling his eyes. "You picked the nickname King, you dug your own grave."
Ren gently punched him in the side for that, before the two of them drifted into quiet.
It was nice, after the day they'd had. Skizz had new bruises on his face, and Ren had bloodstained bandages on his wrist. It was the price they paid.
"How's Etho?" Skizz broke the silence, looking worried for his partner. Ren just sighed.
"You know how they are. They pretend not to care, but they care deeply 'bout everybody in this lodging house. Crutchie getting taken's shattered their confidence."
"Should I go check on them?"
Ren shook his head, exhaling. "Hand and B are with them."
Skizz nodded, still looking worried. "I'm glad they're not alone. Is everybody else okay?"
Ren made a so-so motion with his hand. "We're all bruised up, Les's arm is bothering him and Sparrow's leg flared up again, but we got away pretty good considering it was the bulls."
"I suppose it's better then it could be."
"Yeah." Ren agreed.
Once again the two drifted off into a easy quiet, knowing neither of them had much to say. They just watched the city together, as Skizz periodically exhaled a bit of smoke.
Ren used the time to reflect on his choices in the day, trying to figure out if he could've stopped Crutchie from getting taken.
"You know," Skizz started suddenly, "It's kinda funny how many formerly middle class or wealthy people are here."
When Ren raised his eyebrow, Skizz continued to explain.
"Well there's you, Sparrow, Nipper, Racetrack, Etho, Martyn, and probably at least one other." Skizz counted off on his hand. Ren just chuckled in amusement, with the smallest amount of bitterness mixed in.
"Yeah, and of course I'm the only one who gets badgered to come back home."
"Got another letter this morning?" Skizz questioned, evidently remember how downcast and angry Ren had been as they walked out of the lodging house.
"Yep." Ren said, stressing the 'p'. "They said they had a 'nice perfect girl' picked out for me, and if I went home and married her, they'd forget about my 'transgressions'." He growled the last word out, making fists with his hands.
"Ah, that's what got you upset?" Skizz asked, leaning against the wall.
Ren nodded, leaning onto his left hand while his right hung over the balcony.
"That sucks. They really are just pushing you to get married to a girl, aren't they?" Skizz asked, knowing exactly where Ren came from and what was at stake.
"I get caught in the Bowery once, and they all take it as a hint I'm gay." Ren held his finger up, shaking it. He then sighed.
"You are, though." Skizz said with a knowing smile.
"Yeah, but I don't want them to know that." Ren said, hanging his head.
"People are stupid." Skizz commented staring off into space.
"Yeah." Ren laughed in agreement, smiling at Skizz. "I'm glad this place is at least open-minded enough to let us be together quietly."
"I mean, nobody talks about it, but there's the five of us, Racetrack and Sparrow have something going on, same with Blink and Mush. Crutchie has eyes for Jack, both Etho and Cosmo have been accepted as, quote, 'not a girl, not a boy, but space', and Racetrack's been pretty open about being born a girl, so..." Ren continued, listing off the many queer people in the lodging house.
"I don't know how this specific group of newsies is so gay." Skizz laughed, finally putting the cigar down.
"Yeah, but I guess if I have to die because of who I am, I'm glad I'll be dyin' with youes." Ren told him with a smile, showing off his pointed teeth.
"Don't say that!" Skizz cried playfully, pushing Ren to the side. "We're gonna live for years together!"
"I know, I know!" Ren laughed, just glad he had gotten Skizz's spirit up again.
The two of them fell into the same silence they always seemed to, just enjoying the night and each other. They linked their hands, watching the stars twinkle in the sky and tried to ignore how they should've been hearing the sound of two bodies above them.
Ren looked into Skizz's eyes, finding the exact same thing he was thinking.
'I'm so glad I met you'
Ren leaned into his side, feeling Skizz press a quick kiss onto his forehead.
This was nice.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 10 months
I Am Afraid For This Man
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That being said, I do actually have faith because other than the enderman kill in Double Life, he always lost his last life because another player killed him (EDIT: I was wrong, see end for note*) and I doubt anyone is going to be actively trying to kill him next session.
Here's a chart showing how many of each life color were still alive the session before Jimmy permadied compared to how many there are as of Secret Life Session 4:
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I can't see anyone hunting him down when TWELVE greens are still left. By this time in every other season, there were 8, 9, 2, and 0 greens, respectively. This season is shaping up to be the longest of the life series yet but I'm guessing it'll be about 7 or 8 sessions.
Even ignoring the fact that the only other Red on the server is Jimmy's ally it would be actually genuinely cruel to intentionally take someone out of the series this early. No one would ever do that, no matter how funny it would be to ensure Jimmy gets out first.
In conclusion: I think the only way Jimmy gets out next session is via the environment and I have faith that he's got at least two more episodes left in him, knock on wood. (I use numbers to fuel my delusions)
*EDIT: Actually I forgot he permadied in Limited Life from simply walking off Bread Bridge of his own free will, my delusions will now fueled be by prayer and prayer alone
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it's been a while since i've done this, but i decided to take a crack at mcyt ao3 stats again :) the fandoms that were involved are Hermitcraft, Traffic SMPs/Life Series, Empires SMP, Dream SMP, and Lifesteal SMP! i also did these stats back in august, so there's some fun comparisons at the end. hope you enjoy the stats under the cut! :D
Grian/Scar or Scarian is the most tagged relationship with 1201 out of 13,710 fics being tagged, roughly ~8.8% of all fics. 522 fics have Scarian as their OTP/only contain this relationship
Grian & Scar or Desert Duo is the most tagged platonic relationship with 1059 out of 13,710 fics being tagged, roughly ~7.7% of all fics
Quite interestingly, Hermitcraft has the tags "Fluff" and “Angst” both being tied to be the most tagged additional tag with 2476 out of 13,710 fics being tagged each, roughly ~19% for both tags!
Compared to last time, Grian/Mumbo (Grumbo) and Grian & Mumbo (Waffle Duo) are being significantly beaten out by Scarian and Desert Duo, despite being the most tagged relationship(s) back in August. Grumbo has 831 fics (~6.1%) and Waffle Duo has 861 (~6.2%) fics. Sorry Grian and Mumbo enjoyers! 
Traffic SMPs/Life Series
Grian & Scar or Desert Duo is the most tagged relationship with 971 out of 4,815 fics being tagged, roughly ~20.2% of all fics
Grian/Scar or Scarian is the most tagged romantic relationship with 877 out of 4,815 fics being tagged, roughly ~18.2% of all fics. 364 fics have Scarian as their OTP/only contain this relationship
Scott/Jimmy or Flower Husbands is the second most tagged romantic relationship with 525 out of 4,815 fics being tagged, roughly ~10.9% of all fics. 197 fics have Flower Husbands as their OTP/only contain this relationship
Jimmy/Tango or Team Rancher is the third most tagged romantic relationship with 466 out of 4,815 fics being tagged, roughly ~9.7% of all fics. 161 fics have Team Rancher as their OTP/only contain this relationship. 
Jimmy & Tango or Platonic Team Rancher is the fourth most tagged relationship, 194 out of 2885 fics or ~7% are tagged
also since im biased (yes i am repeating myself from the last post again) and this is my post, 180 out of 4,815 fics or ~3.7% fics are tagged with Bdubs & EthosLab. the % has gone down since last time. sad!
"Angst" is the most tagged additional tag with 1404 out of 2885 fics being tagged, roughly ~29.2% of all fics, making "Traffic SMPs/Life Series" the angstiest fandom on this list!
Empires SMP
Jimmy/Scott or Flower Husbands is the most tagged relationship with 1057 out of 3,860 fics being tagged, roughly ~27.4% of all fics. 395 fics have Flower Husbands as their OTP/only contain this relationship
Joel/Lizzie or Jizzie is the second most tagged relationship with 492 out of 3,860 fics being tagged, roughly ~12.7% of all fics. Congratulations to Jizzie for being the only F/M pairing on this list! 
"Angst" is the most tagged additional tag with 802 out of 3,860 fics being tagged, roughly ~20.8% of all fics
Dream SMP*
*Due to the complicated matter of Dream SMP tagging, I will be including statistics from the fandoms "Dream SMP", "Video Blogging RPF", and "Minecraft (Video Game)"
Wilbur & Tommy or Crime Boys is the most tagged relationship in the fandom "Dream SMP" with 11329 out of 71,451 fics being tagged, roughly ~15.9% of all fics
"Angst" is the most tagged additional tag in the fandom "Dream SMP" with 18441 out of 71,451 fics being tagged, roughly ~25.8% of all fics
Dream/George or DreamNotFound is the most tagged relationship in the fandom "Video Blogging RPF" with 20952 out of 236,117 fics being tagged, roughly ~8.9% of all fics. 10,983 fics have DreamNotFound as their OTP/only contain this relationship
"Fluff" is the most tagged additional tag in the fandom "Video Blogging RPF" with 48069 out of 236,118 fics being tagged, roughly ~20.4% of all fics. 
Please note that "Video Blogging RPF" includes other fandoms outside of MCYT as well as other SMPs. I am in hell.
Dream/George or DreamNotFound is the most tagged relationship in the fandom "Minecraft (Video Game)" with 14290 out of 104,515 fics being tagged, roughly ~13.7% of all fics. 14,290 fics have DreamNotFound as their OTP/only contain this relationship
"Angst" is the most tagged additional tag in the fandom "Minecraft (Video Game)" with 27995 out of 104,515 fics being tagged, roughly ~26.8% of all fics
Lifesteal SMP
Branzy/ClownPierce or Clownzy is the most tagged relationship with 249 out of 676 fics being tagged, roughly ~36.8% of all fics. 141 fics have Clownzy as their OTP/only contain this relationship
Ashswag/Reddoons or Swagdoons is the second more tagged relationship with 94 out of 676 fics being tagged, roughly ~13.9% of all fics. 43 have Swagdoons as their OTP/only contain this relationship. 
As a result, "Lifesteal SMP" has a majority of fics tagged as "M/M" or "Male/Male Relationships" (357 fics) than "Gen" (248 fics)
"Angst" is the most tagged additional tag with 162 out of 676 fics being tagged, roughly ~24% of all fics
Fandom Awards!
The "Fluffiest" fandom award goes to "Hermitcraft"! Although, giving Hermitcraft this award when there’s an equal amount of angst fics and fluff fics is a little bit of a cop-out, with both tags having ~19% as a rough percentage. 
The "Angstiest" fandom award goes to "Traffic SMPs/Life Series"! "Traffic SMPs/Life Series" has the most fics tagged "Angst" with a rough percentage of ~29.2%!
the "Shippiest" fandom award goes to "Lifesteal SMP"! "Lifesteal SMP" has the most fics tagged with the ship Branzy/ClownPierce with a rough percentage of ~36.8%! 
Relationship Comparisons 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Grian/Mumbo or Grumbo has been overtaken by Grian/Scar or Scarian for the most tagged “Hermitcraft” relationship! Grumbo has gone from ~9% of all fics to ~6.1%, a ~2.9% decrease! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Grian & Scar or Desert Duo has gone from ~19% of all “Traffic SMP/Life Series” fics to ~20.2%, a ~1.2% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Jimmy/Scott or Flower Husbands has gone from ~35% of all “Empires SMP” fics to ~27.4%, a ~7.6% decrease! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Wilbur & Tommy or Crime Boys has gone from ~14% of all “Dream SMP” fics to ~15.9%, a ~1.9% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Dream/George or DreamNotFound has gone from ~9% of all “Video Blogging RPF” fics to ~8.9%, a ~0.1% decrease! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Dream/George or DreamNotFound has gone from ~14% of all “Minecraft (Video Game)” fics to ~13.7%, a ~0.3% decrease! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Branzy/ClownPierce or Clownzy has gone from ~55% of all “Lifesteal SMP” fics to ~36.8%, a ~18.2% decrease! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, Ashswag/Reddoons or Swagdoons has gone from ~3.3% of all “Lifesteal SMP” fics to ~13.9%, a ~10.6% increase! 
Although Clownzy has gone down ~18.2%, the percentage of M/M fics has stayed relatively the same (~56.2% -> ~52.8%). So although Clownzy might not be as popular, there are just new ships taking their place. #swagdoonssweep, I guess. Gay people are somehow winning and losing at the same time.
Fandom Growth
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Hermitcraft” has gone from 9,268 fics to 13,710 fics, a ~148% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Traffic SMP/Life Series” has gone from 2,885 fics to 4,815 fics, a ~167% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Empires SMP” has gone from 1,709 fics to 3,860 fics, a ~226% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Dream SMP” has gone from 53,803 fics to 71,451 fics, a ~133% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Video Blogging RPF” has gone from 209,369 fics to 236,117 fics, a ~113% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Minecraft (Video Game)” has gone from 96,746  fics to 104,515 fics, a ~108% increase! 
Compared to August 2nd, 2022, “Lifesteal SMP” has gone from 121 fics to 676 fics, a ~319% increase! 
Congratulations to Lifesteal SMP for having the largest fandom growth out of this entire list!
A note as always, these statistics will probably be outdated soon. As a frame of reference, these statistics were taken on February 22nd, 2023 at around 9 - 9:30 PM EST!
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pittsburghbeautiful · 7 months
Honus Wagner
Honus Wagner Johannes Peter ” Honus ” Wagner, also known as Hans Wagner, was a German-American baseball shortstop who played for the Pittsburgh Pirates for 21 seasons from 1897 to 1917.  In 1911, Wagner won his eighth (and final) batting title, setting a record in the National League that still stands today and has only been matched once, in 1997, by Tony Gwynn. He also led the league in slugging…
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