#light mode simeon
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Look, I'm not too far in the story, but is Satan really a mirrored image of Lucifer? Look how uncannily similar he is to Simeon—
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tears0fsatan · 2 months
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... gn!reader, slightly suggestive? kisses and making out??? not that nsfw but u can be the judge of that
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... been plagued with thoughts of making out premaritally that im having dreams about it so i thought i'd share the delusion with the dateables <3 might make a brothers version if i feel like it ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა  posting this little drabble while i work on things ^_^
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the first kiss with him is surprisingly soft and tentative, a large contrast to the lord's usual loud and unabashed demeanour. its nothing more than a peck to test the waters, one to see if the two of you are comfortable.
its not long after that that diavolo takes the reigns, his arm curls around your neck and rests his hand on the back of your head to pull you impossibly closer. the kiss morphs from something sweet and demure to one thats hurried and pervasive.
he naturally takes the lead, mouth slotting against yours like they were moulded to be together while his tongue danced with your own, like a dog eager to show its master its affection.
the first kiss with the royal butler is one thats calm and collected, like theres no amount of doubt in his movements. theres an air of certainty almost as though he knows this is what the both of you have been waiting for.
barbatos lets you take a breath and uses that to coil his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. his eyes take in the sight of your tightly shut eyes and the faint blush that dusts your cheeks with satisfaction, a hidden greed and desire for more creeping up from the bottom of his spine and spreads throughout his entire body.
he craves more, more, and more, until you have nothing left to give.
the first kiss with the sorcerer is playful and chaste, he pulls his head back ever so slightly so you chase after his lips. a low whine sounds from the back of your throat and solomon lets out a chuckle but doesn't relent, firm in his stance.
you huff, and for a moment, you think about pulling away entirely, but the temptation of his lips overruns that thought and you give in to his teasing. like himself, his kiss is pervasive, determined to unravel you with the kiss and uncover your every secret.
the first kiss with the archangel is pure and fleeting; a soft peck that was so light you would've mistaken it for a dream if it weren't for the feeling of his breath ghosting over your lips. a shared look between the two of you show that this was something that was long overdue, feelings that were bursting at the seams finally rising up to the surface in a wordless confession.
an airy chuckle escapes the both of you, the uncertainty of unreciprocated feelings now disappaiting into the air, fluttering away as though there was never any need for the anxiety or the wavering doubt in the first place.
a quiet, barely audible, "may i kiss you once more?" uttered so softly you wondered if the wind was the one playing tricks on you escapes into the evening sky. you give a shaky nod before the feeling of his warm hand gently hold your face, the feeling akin to the way the morning sun would graze your face as you awoke. its a tender touch and yet, it has you melting in his clasp.
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© 2023 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t translate, modify, repost or plagiarise my works anywhere.
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
Everything we know about Michael so far, lore wise.
➤ He's an high-ranking angel from the Celestial Realm, more specifically a Seraph. (nb: 18-2 and nb card: Luke - "I can do it too!")
➤ His love for sweets is the reason Luke took interest in baking. (swd: 5-12 and 23-5)
➤ He and Lucifer were equals in the Celestial Realm and no other angel shared the same status as them. Simeon referred to them back then as "the two great leaders of the Celestial Realm's legion of angels." (swd: 23-7) But currently Michael carries that position alone. (swd: 23-5)
➤ He was supposed to meet MC when they visited the Celestial Realm with Solomon but couldn't because a secret spring suddenly started drying and Michael had to go there to investigate the situation. (swd: 23-7)
➤ He used to be Mammon's mentor and tried his best to train the white-haired brother while in charge of him but wasn't able to figure out how to handle him and eventually went to Lucifer asking for help. And since Lucifer was somehow able to get Mammon to listen to him, he ended up taking over Michael's role and became his mentor instead. (swd: 27-19)
➤ He was originally the one in possession of the Ring of Wisdom but gave the ring to Solomon at a time when the human was feeling "lost" and Michael wanted to help him. (swd: 29-5)
➤ During MC's 2° stay in the Devildom when Diavolo was keeping secret from everyone that their powers had become a threat to the three realms, Michael sent the prince a message through Simeon, warning him that if whatever he was keeping a secret affected the Celestial Realm, angels wouldn't hesitate to intervene. (swd: 31-16 Hard Mode)
➤ He's the one who found the Ring of Light, counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that Lucifer had lost during the Great Celestial War (swd: 37-9), and quickly noticed it was missing when Simeon stole it to give it to MC ( since it was the only other way to control their powers ), shooting the other angel a text stating that they needed to have a "good, long talk" and that he wanted to see him as soon as possible. (swd chat: M, "untitled")
➤ When MC was given the Ring of Light and fell unconscious because of it, Michael appeared to speak with them. And during their talk, the seraph told MC that he had pictured them to be truly wicked person due to being so well-liked by the brothers, but that he had been proven wrong after meeting them. (swd: 38-17)
➤ In that same conversation, Michael confessed to being jealous of MC. He told them: "I must admit that I'm jealous of you, MC. I wish I could have been more like you. Because I loved Lucifer and his brothers, and I lost them. Perhaps things could have been different..." (swd: 38-17)
➤ When asked, Satan explained to MC that Michael was the opposite of Lucifer appearance-wise but that they felt like twins at the same time. And when Mammon brought up Michael's adoration for Lucifer, Satan chimed in saying that in his opinion the reason Michael liked Lucifer so much was because he was the embodiment of everything he wanted to be but couldn't. (swd: 43-19)
➤ He would be the one having meetings with Diavolo when the prince took over the kingdom if he hadn't thrown the responsibility onto Lucifer in the last minute, making Michael in a way the stepping stone that led Lucifer to question his faith and start having doubts about God and the Celestial Realm in general. (swd: 44-15)
➤ When MC ended up in the past Celestial Realm through a dream Solomon sent them to accidentally by feeding them his food, Michael was the one to bring them back home. The angel told MC that they and the brothers would likely forget what happened in the dream but that it would still have an effect on all of them and he would keep an eye on them to make sure that said effect didn't have negative consequences in the future. (swd: 44-18)
➤ Luke told MC that he often found Michael in the hall where the brothers' portraits used to hang staring at the empty space, lost in thought. According to the small angel, Michael to this day still deeply misses the brothers and has regrets about the war. (swd: 49-15)
➤ He was the one to cast out the brothers from the Celestial Realm and send them to the Devildom. (swd: 50-7)
➤ According to Mammon, Michael and Simeon must've pulled some strings behind the scenes to get Luke to participate in the exchange program and be able to visit the Human World with Simeon because, with his low ranking, he'd never be the one chosen for those sorts of things and the Avatar of Greed is convinced that they're doing this because they want Luke to experience life outside the Celestial Realm, see that there's more out there than heaven, and stop thinking that angels are perfect beings who can do no wrong. (swd: 50-10)
➤ He's knowledgeable on constellations and likes them so much he had Raphael rebuilt a whole room so Human World constellations could be seen even from the Celestial Realm. (swd: 52-7) He also taught Mammon about them when he was still in his care, and later on taught Luke as well. (swd: 50-12)
➤ It was actually he who went into the Devildom and told the brothers that they had been forgiven by God and had to choose between staying in the demonic kingdom ( and making an enemy out of heaven ) or coming back to the Celestial Realm and leaving Satan behind. And in a conversation with Raphael, Michael said the reason for his disguise was that he was worried about what could happen if he showed up as himself. But Raphael quickly rebutted that by saying that the true reason Michael didn't go as himself was because he wouldn't know how to act around the brothers. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
➤ Still disguised as Raphael before going back to the Celestial Realm, Michael told Luke that he wasn't surprised that the brothers didn't accept his offer to go back to heaven and actually knew that would be the outcome of it. He was also surprised not too long after when Luke, not knowing it wasn't Raphael who he was talking to, pointed out that Michael seemed sad and lonely whenever he was staring at the wall where the brothers' portraits used to be. Michael's exact response to the younger angel's words was: "...I didn't realize that's what people thought.” (nb: 20-A)
➤ When asked by Raphael if he planned to attend RAD in the future, Michael avoided giving an direct answer and left. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
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devildomangel · 9 months
Simeon Headcanon(?):
Simeon has his DDD at full brightness and on light mode so when you borrow his phone it's just
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His phone's brighter than the celestial realm
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melverie · 22 hours
⸺ LESSON 10 ⸺
Solomon & "Nightbringer"
MC's magic
strange feelings & soup
the 'MC is human' situation
records of a banshee
- lesson 9 || lesson 11 || all posts so far -
I'm going to reveal my crack theory on Nightbringer's identity soon since the brainrot is getting out of hand, but then again, it shouldn't be hard to guess based on the points I bring up for this lesson :) I'm still preparing a sideblog for that tho, so it might take a bit Also if someone wants to get tagged for these recaps, do let me know! General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Solomon suddenly shows up at HoL uninvited and claims he and Simeon have plans for drinking tea together. Simeon doesn't remember ever making such plans [10-4] -> while we're not told what they are talking about, I'm guessing it has to do with 10-A -> love how he just was at Nightbringer's tea party, and now his immediate response when asked why he's here is just "......Simeon and I are having a tea party" lol
by the time Solomon arrived at HoL, Satan was already outside, yet he didn't realize Solomon came over [10-18] -> while you can argue that Satan was just so caught up in watching the cat, he does notice MC coming over, the brothers leaving to the Demon Lord's Castle, AND this is the same demon that could later tell on that MC was standing in front of his bedroom door based on the intervall of their footsteps
Belphegor talks about Lucifer trying (+ failing) to hold in his laughter [10-1]. Demon!Lucifer would never :(
Lucifer seems overly reluctant to take MC with him and Belphegor at first [10-4]. When asked why, he deflects -> he was kind of quick to entertain the idea of taking Solomon with him as the 'uninvolved third party' though
Lucifer seems surprised that Belphegor was denied entry to a shop back when they first arrived in the Devildom [10-6; pic below] -> since this treatment from the denizens was part of the reason Mammon wanted to gain the title of 'Rulers of the Underworld', you'd think that Lucifer would be aware of this kind of treatment happening in the first place...
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it's raining, which reminds the brothers of the day before the Great Celestial War + according to Lucifer, it was unusally quiet [10-9]. The brothers talk about what everyone was doing that day:
Belphegor was napping in a tree and was all alone that day [10-11] Beelzebub was off in the human world to run an errand on Michael's behave [10-11] Asmodeus was taking a bath, and thinking of ways to get out of Raphael scolding him later on [lesson 10 hard mode] we don't get any comment on Satan, but he was obviously still part of Lucifer, so uh... Would have been interesting to know if he has any fragments of Lucifer's memories of that time tho Leviathan and Michael were taking a walk and talking [lesson 10 hard mode] Mammon was tasked with covering Beelzebub's gatekeeping duty, but he ended up skipping out of it [lesson 10 hard mode] and then there's Lucifer who was......somewhere. The game doesn't tell us what he was up to, but instead points out that no one knows where he was [lesson 10 hard mode; pic below]
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Lucifer hogging the family braincell as usual and immediately realizes that, yep, MC has the Ring of Light [10-16] -> btw kind of unrelated but I do find it funny that out of all the characters to (originally) head to the Demon Lord's Castle to free Beel, it was MC and Luci & Belphie. You know. The only two brothers that wanted to attack MC once they found out that they are a human. Imagine what would have happened if Mammon, Levi and Asmo hadn't shown up lol
[hi, this is probably the only time I'm bringing the Japanese version into this recap simply because I already translated this specific scene here]
illusion!Diavolo and illusion!Simeon pressure Solomon into choosing either demons or angels. Solomon chooses the secret third option :) [10-A] -> since this illusion was most likely created by Nightbringer, we can assume that he wants Solomon to either choose his side (whichever that may be), OR to simply abandon humanity altogether -> a little later on Solomon implies that Nightbringer should know by now that Solomon won't ever waver on his convictions -> Nightbringer knows Solomon well enough to know that threatening MC's safety might get him to change his mind. Solomon does stop smiling at this threat, so he does seem to take the threat seriously
during the illusion tea party, Solomon says that he just wants to be free, and that that's part of his agreement with "him" [10-A] -> while we don't know for certain, I'm guessing his agreement is with Nightbringer since it would make sense narrative-wise
Solomon also tells Nightbrignger that he sounds like a demon [10-A] -> sounds like something you'd either say to someone who isn't a demon, or someone who only recently became a demon
Nightbringer says that Solomon is acting more like a demon than he is because of his arrogance [10-A] -> Solomon then says that it is inevitable that he behaves like a demon since Nightbringer made him to the person he is today
Two fun facts about the Japanese version! 1. Nightbringer uses 「傲慢」 for 'arrogant', which also happens to be the word used in the game for the deadly sin 'pride' 2. instead of saying "you're the one who made me who I am today", Solomon says that Nightbringer is the one who reduced him to what he is now
when Solomon calls Nightbringer......'Nightbringer' (lol), he actually puts his name in quotation marks in the Japanese version [10-A; pic below]. Makes you wonder if he actually is the historic Nightbringer we learn a little of later on, or if it's just someone using that name...
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「」 are the Japanese quotation marks
MC one again absorbs the brother's magic in order to calm down Beelzebub [10-16]
beast mode Beelzebub is heading to the colosseum, and Lucifer points out that it was build on the exact spot the brothers first landed in the Devildom [10-13]. That was a year ago. Why is it built already??
Leviathan points out that the Great Celestial War feels like a really long time ago [lesson 10 hard mode]
[hey, we finally reached the reason I wanted to make this its own category, whuu!]
so here's the thing:
1. back in lesson 8, Diavolo said that while he is now fairly confident that MC is indeed a human, he still can't be 100% sure because there is "something else" within MC [8-1; first pic below] 2. back in OG season 3, fairy illusion!Lucifer asks MC what they are. If MC answers that they are an angel, illusion!Lucifer says this that he knows when he is in the presence of an angel, but also admits that there is something else within them and that he can't say so for certain [OG 52-5; second pic below]
THE REASON I'M BRINGING ALL THIS UP is because now in lesson 10, Lucifer once again mentions being able to tell when he's in the presence of an angel. This time, however, he indirectly claims that he can tell that MC isn't one [10-16; third pic below]
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Beelzebub managed to escape from his prison cell and we learn about the state he is in [10-9; pic below]. Once again, it seems like too big a reaction for just hearing the word 'banshee'
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we also learn that Beelzebub's rampage started right after the brothers left earlier [10-9; pic below]
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Barbatos actually blames the brothers for Beelzebub's escape [10-9] and I am inclinded to believe him because:
1. Solomon was (supposedly) with him earlier, meaning Barbatos would have known had Solomon tried to pull something. And yet he is blaming the brothers 2. while Solomon could have just been sneaky & teleported away right after putting some kind of spell/curse on Beelzebub, the other characters mentioned last lesson that Beelzebub was already acting beside himself during the dinner party, meaning it must have been someone who was also at the dinner party. From what we know, Solomon was with MC at the time 3. while it could have been both Solomon AND Barbatos, I seriously doubt that Barbatos was involved in this situation in any way. Diavolo is already in a lot of distress because of suddenly having to govern the Devildom, MC's situation, Lucifer's comment last lesson and so. much. more. The Beel situation right now just causes Diavolo even more stress, and doing something like that just feels COMPLETELY out of character for Barbatos 4. speaking of seeming out of character, it's not like Barbatos to just baselessly accuse others like that, meaning he probably had a solid reason to blame the brothers 5. I am reaching with this one, but I like the idea lol--Diavolo still has the ability to tell lie from truth, and while Belphegor vehemently denies having played any part in Beelzebub's escape, Lucifer never outright says so
they suddenly start arguing that Beelzebub is acting like this because he's hungry [10-13] -> thing is, we later learn that he's lacking his "demonic disposition" and that the hunger he feels is all No. 6's doing. So unless No. 6 suddenly decided to go all in that can't be true
⸺ MISC ⸺
Belphegor tells MC a little more about Lilith + we get Michael lore (he looks like a jellyfish :] ) [10-1]
Belphegor also tells us that the Celestial Realm forbids angels from intervering with a human's life [10-1]
Belphegor's line from the website [10-1; pic below]
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the sibling bickering <3 [10-6; pic below]
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Simeon reassures Satan that they will one day be known as "the seven brothers" [10-18]
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elsecrytt · 1 year
Obey Me Theory:
Simeon and Michael are the same person.
Yes, I know about the "But then wouldn't..." objections to this theory; I'll present my evidence and then address those at the end.
I came up with this idea after going through specific things in my personal MC lore, but there ended being so many things that fit that I actually really liked it.
To be clear, this idea is to say: Simeon is Michael's alternate identity. Simeon as we and others know him has always actually been Michael; there's no "real Simeon" hidden in a basement somewhere while Michael impersonates him.
Evidence (spoilers for Obey Me and Nightbringer):
There are hints and suggestions throughout the story - confirmed in hard mode in NB - that Simeon is actually a considerably powerful angel. Powerful enough to be a seraph like Lucifer was.
In Season 1 and 2 of the original Obey Me, Simeon acts as the representative of the Celestial Realm in the Devildom. He's obviously high up.
Diavolo says that Simeon is the one person he doesn't want to anger. Diavolo. The would be King of the Devildom.
Note that Diavolo can tell when someone is lying. Simeon does an excellent job of tip-toeing around issues and details, not disclosing the full truth, etc.
Diavolo says he finds angels in general difficult to work with. He finds Simeon difficult. And Simeon does live up to that difficulty (hard mode Season 2) - and he puts it a very interesting way.
He tells Diavolo that if a matter (the dangerous information Diavolo's been hiding from Lucifer all Season 2) concerns the Celestial Realm, then of course they'd interfere...
...that's what Michael told Simeon to tell him, anyways. Simeon speaks with a lot of authority for someone who's not even a seraph.
Pretty much all the information we get about Michael and his current intentions come from Simeon.
And after this - what happens?
The incident with the Ring of Light.
Mighty coincidental that Simeon happened to be able to stroll into Michael's Lucifer fan-shrine and nick the ring from there, huh?
The explanation Simeon gives for knowing that the ring existed - "Michael would never let something of Lucifer's go" - is also interesting.
If Simeon were Michael, then he would know the solution of giving MC the ring from the very beginning. It'd be easy for him to stay calm, cool, and collected - Michael already gave a mortal (Solomon) his ring, and he knows Lucifer's ring can do the same thing.
Additionally, we have the sequence where a voice - almost certainly Michael - speaks to MC in a vision sort of sequence.
The voice specifically says that it would have expected MC to be an awful person, since Lucifer and co. care about them so much.
Notably, Season 2 is also the turning point for several of the side characters. Diavolo and Solomon get some ship tease for feelings, and Simeon steals the ring for you...
But this conversation could also be Michael/Simeon acknowledging his feelings for you - a human. Simeon confesses to you in Season 3...
...where it's also revealed that his worst fear is his (and Lucifer's) father.
If Simeon is Michael, this makes a lot of sense. Michael, like Lilith, has fallen in love with a human. He's even also - technically - interfered in a human's lifespan by saving you. He would fear his father, for the same reason Lucifer would.
Now, this also makes plenty of sense if Simeon isn't Michael... but just imagine.
The bone-chilling terror of having fought and beaten Lucifer and his family, having killed Lilith...
Only to eventually fall into the same circumstances that she did.
But who will fall with Michael? Who will rebel against heaven to protect him? He expunged those who were guilty of this sin, and now he is guilty of it himself. He erased all possibility of change or rebellion with his own hands.
There are other reasons to be suspicious.
In Nightbringer, Simeon and Diavolo each attempt to tempt Solomon to their side. But Diavolo's angel counterpart in the Celestial Realm is Michael, the authority figure; not Simeon, the powerless archangel.
Simeon and Solomon get along pretty well. Michael liked Solomon enough to give him the Ring of Knowledge.
What else do we know about Michael?
Most people describe him as eccentric.
Simeon wrote?? A whole book series?? About Lucifer and his brothers????? Why???????
For bonus eccentric humor: in Season 2, Simeon writes a play. He puts Lucifer and Diavolo (who have been on bad terms with each other) into a love triangle with MC.
Season 2 marks a big breaking point for Luci and Dia's relationship, with MC at the center, and both of them develop feelings for MC.
Simeon recognizes it when people tease Luke - and he is basically Luke's guardian - and pretty much says it's okay up to a point.
"Sure, tease this little kid I'm responsible for, a little taunting is good for the soul." He even seems to imply he likes to do it, too XD
He actually takes a lot of weird antics and wacky hijinks with stride. I don't think it's because he's a responsible adult. I think it's because he's another weirdo, masquerading as a responsible adult.
Several characters also talk about Michael working Raphael very hard, and having very particular demands.
We see exactly how extreme and demanding Simeon can be in Season 2, when we put on a play. He has a vision. And he's going to make EVERYONE do it, RIGHT.
We also see Simeon the taskmaster with quite the temper in Season 3 when he's running a cafe. He gets EXTREMELY mad, to the point of getting everyone to sit down and obey him, despite being normally very calm.
Michael is a huge Lucifer fanboy.
Simeon is constantly texting Lucifer ingame, even when Lucifer ignores him. He also joins Diavolo in on complimenting Lucifer's looks as an angel.
He admits that he does care about Lucifer and the brothers. We get hints that Michael feels a similar way.
In Nightbringer - Simeon ruminates deeply over a specific day where he, Lucifer, and Raphael were spending time together.
Lucifer confirms to him that he had a nice day, that day - that Simeon did notice his discomfort, and it was a relief that Simeon reached out in the way that he did, even if Simeon is rethinking it now.
It makes more sense for Simeon to be ruminating over this if this day is just a representation of his inability to reach Lucifer, to make Lucifer see his side of things.
Anyways, that's most of the things I noticed that make it look possible.
So, why doesn't anyone recognize him?
There are a few different possibilities.
They don't know what Michael really looks like.
I've seen screenshots of a devilgram floating around where angel Mammon is chatting with angel Lucifer, and he mentions that Lucifer actually has twelve wings - he just doesn't have all of them out at once.
If Michael has a similar number of wings, and does use all of them, then it's possible no one ever got a good look on him.
Also notable is that Lucifer's angel outfit is pretty conservative - if Michael was similarly clothed, with the addition of gloves, and some kind of veil/mask (he is supposed to be eccentric), they actually may just legitimately not have a good picture of him.
For personal reasons (I want to know what Michael looks like), this is my favorite theory.
Michael has used a glamour to change his appearance.
I'm relatively sure that angels can do this; they can "wear" their wings or not, and demons have similar abilities, so I don't think it's out of the realm of reason.
No one remembers what Michael looks like.
When we meet Michael in the finale of Season 2, we see just a glowing light from above. It's possible that we did see Michael then, but we just don't remember it.
Lucifer and his brothers might have forgotten Michael's appearance post-fall.
Michael texting himself? Simeon's punishment?
The text from Michael to Simeon was the most obnoxious dramatic conceit in the game.
We don't see ANY more communication between the two, at all, and are only informed of any of it afterward. It was literally just there to be a cliffhanger/source of excitement.
I think the hint is in season 3, where Simeon's greatest fear is his father.
Because if Simeon is Michael, then there's only one higher power who can punish him. The fact that Simeon was hiding who he was - that could also really explain his dodgy behavior in Season 4.
After all, after punishing Lilith for doing exactly what he just did, it'd be extremely hard to face them and be honest about what happened.
There's probably more to this theory to iron out and explain, but yeah. I do like the idea, and find the possibility fascinating - for some reason, I've picked up a bit more on Simeon these days.
Nightbringer really has made the side characters soooo much juicier >.>
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lordeemailarchive · 8 months
Pure Heroine turns 10
Living in Ruins of a Palace within My Dreams
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Photo by Simeon Patience
Firstly, I wanna say thank you for your extremely supportive and kind messages after my last newsletter. I genuinely feel deeply cared for, less alone, and more sure that things will be okay after sending it! Albeit with a slight overshare hangover. I think a part of me knew that I had hit a wall, and that I needed to invite in the compassion and understand I’d been struggling to generate on my own, and then I’d have something to draw from and mirror. It feels like it’s working. I feel incredibly grateful that we have this relationship, that we can each give when the other needs it. Beautiful stuff x
Now, might U have noticed it’s 2013 mode round here????????? Yes that’s right, it’s a very special anniversary… Pure Heroine is... ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。TEN ˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ YEARS ˚༘♡ ⋆。˚ OLD ੈ✩‧₊˚ TODAY ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You may (like me most of the time) hold the opinion that this album has been MYTHOLOGISED QUITE ENOUGH, but a milestone is a milestone, so I thought coming here and typing some shit to u about this time would be a fun thing for those who care.
2 xxxxtra special ltd time only commemorative designs by Hassan, who did the original of this bootleg tee 10 years ago❤️
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It’s close to midnight, and I’ve just finished scrolling through my entire computer and phone archive from 2011-2013. Going on this memory lane ride has reminded me, for one thing, what a different time it was technologically. We were just starting to be able to see ourselves in real time, but we weren’t constantly connected. I had an iPod touch until halfway through 2013, which didn’t have a front camera or internet access, and my sister and I shared a MacBook, which is where we did our schoolwork and I wrote my lyrics. I took my first few years of selfies on Photo Booth…. Just let that… sink in!!!
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Note the Royals Nat Geo pic in background— it’s happening...
When I was fourteen, my greatest work of art was my bedroom. A very cool, very classic teenage bedroom, Andie’s and Duckie’s from Pretty in Pink meets the Virgin Suicides— fairy lights, fabric on the ceiling, candles, stolen road signs (badman), paper lanterns, beer crate shelves, magazine pictures and club night posters and permanent marker on the walls. Bliss! I’d sit up there and vibe out, taking a lot of selfies. Creating a small-scale work of art using the self, and then examining the product from every angle, was the best method I had to express myself and exercise creativity at that time, and I now see it as an important PH incubation phase, whether I knew it or not. Something really amazing about a young person starting to see their own face and body for the first time, coming to a very secret understanding that they are beautiful. 
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I started to smoke weed, which gave me a deeper understanding of sensory pleasure, and allowed me to start to see my world as a possible work of art. I’d go on long walks around the neighbourhood, and began to mythologise the stuff around me (big empty floodlit rugby fields/bus rides/dark streets/boredom/isolation) into the motifs that would become Pure Heroine. I wore a lot of like, navy lipsticks from the 2 dollar shop. God, this aesthetic, It’s just TOO MUCH.
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At some point in here, I met Joel, and another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. When you’re a teenager, you’re particularly sensitive to adults being condescending to you, not respecting the specific and finely tuned skills you have because of the ones you don’t. I was always on the look out for it, and from the first day meeting Joel, I knew that he would never give me that feeling. Which I’m sure wasn’t easy — my wallet at the time was the foot of a pair of tights that I cut off and knotted at the top — but somehow from the very beginning he made me feel like my ideas had value, like we were peers, in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way. 
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My view for thousands of hours making this album
We got on a call earlier this week and broke down the complete history of making the album. We both agreed that making Pure Heroine was deeply exciting and intimate and free, and still one of our most treasured experiences. I’ve linked it here.The second half of 2013 is when I really met the world, went to America and Australia and Europe for the first time. I found an incredible (for some reason Christmas themed) disposable camera image of my stage outfits all over the floor of my hotel room, which really sums up how ad hoc everything was at the beginning — a jetlagged sixteen year old, late for lobby call and frantically stuffing thousands of dollars of borrowed clothes into a suitcase. 
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In this stage, it felt like I pulled everything off by the skin of my teeth. Every week was the most exciting week of my whole life, I was so tired and still didn’t have a winter coat and took everyone clamouring for a piece of me completely for granted. I had zero cultural context, had no idea if an interview or TV show was huge or small, and so breezed through it all truly not giving a fuck. I am not a naturally nonchalant person, it was literally just too much to care about, I could hardly get up in the morning, so I just said absolutely whatever I felt like, all kinds of wild shit, if someone did something corny I’d say so, I was ruthless in that way that only teens are. Then through that year we went on our first tours, met you guys for the first time, hours and hours of hugs after the show, my favourite part so far and where it started to feel real for me. James took a lot of beautiful film photos through that time, and I’m really grateful he did.
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Ten years goes really fast. One minute you’re wearing a leather collar with a giant crystal hanging off it to a Chanel party, and the next you’re blonde. A lot of stuff isn’t good after ten years. But I am still totally touched by this sweet record. I have deep respect for the vision of the little one making it. 
Going back through all of this has reminded me of something that feels important to point out, whether you make art or not: everything starts out as a bunch of bullshit in a laptop. Pure Heroine was a handful of Photo Booth selfies and emotional Word documents and Tumblr posts (and a gorgeous over-decorated bedroom) before it was even one song. I had no reason, on paper, to believe that I was capable of anything. But if you can trust that the first impulse you had to create came from a place of deep wisdom, develop a few principles for your decision-making, and absorb a lot of stuff you find inspiring, you’ll have something special on your hands. Pure Heroine exists because I had the tiniest inkling of what I’ve now come to see as one of my guiding principles: that each of us have a handful of songs inside us that are ours, and only ours, to sing. Your specific interests and upbringing and physiology and experiences exist only in you; you are sitting on a gold mine that no one can rob. Whatever that means to you, whatever that statement you were born to make is, I invite you to take a big breath and make it.
All my love for another ten years of all this, and more, and more—
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(source: received this email)
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diodellet · 1 year
things ive observed while playing ruri tunes:
disclaimer: i only did this after repeatedly grinding the lessons for extra DP, i don't know how to look at the assets themselves so feel free to correct me if im wrong, but please be nice
lucifer's got lightning effects which is similar to the animation that plays when hes abt to curse someone
when mammons using a money bag to hit the obstacles, there are coin particle effects
levi has glowsticks and the gardening staff, plus matching rainbow effects when he uses the latter
satan has cat paws and scratch effects
simeon has feather particles and litral holy light (i thought it was a disco ball at first oops)
cheers to asmo and diavolo for having the most lag inducing effects (pink hearts and fire respectively)
asmo also sometimes wields a mic stand which is so adorbs
solomon uses his wand and sometimes you can see faint magic circles in his double-hit animation
barbatos holds a tea tray while running, but uses an empty tray to attack (where did the tea go 🤔) ++some of his attack animations are green (not sure if thats magic, and im p sure ill be reaching if i said that was his tail)
and beel has red teeth marks for his attack animations (from seeing an irl play, i havent used him at all yet)
i cant seem to pinpoint if luke and belphie have other special fx than the chihuahua and pillow... does the blunt hit fx count as a special particle?
also i noticed that the hard mode UR+s are the same color as obm vanilla's seven rulers of hell SSRs (coinkydink? I Think Not)
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lastly, in nightbringer's akuzon, I also noticed that you can't buy individual dv with 30 dp. which is scummy because you're forced to spend 270 dp for a 10 pull IF you dont have anymore dv
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supreme-burrito · 9 months
Chapter 24 in a nutshell: Asmo gets his revenge
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Even Lucifer can’t control the power and sheer power that is Queen Asmo
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Also if this only the second demon we have to tame, it’s only going to get worse from here.
I can only imagine they’ll pull a Team Rocket on us with the twins and Levi traps us all in the Hana Ruri anime
However I am noticing something prevalent and it’s the song ‘Passion’ keeps popping up more and more (Satan and Lucifer’s duet) as if it’s foreshadowing of the greater (or worst) of things to come.
And Simeon couldn’t have said it better in Hard Mode
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I played through essentially one sitting of Season 2 of OG Obey Me
And just from this dialogue alone I am seeing a lot of parallels with it
I can already predict that
1. Lucifer is gonna get triggered at the Founding Ceremony
2. Michael may or may not show up (in disguise obviously) and triggers it.
3. We are given an ultimatum to kill Lucifer because he’s so unstoppable but the Ring of Light prevents this from happening and Michael is the one who gives it to us or Simeon steals it again and falls FOR REAL and becomes a demon
However the possibilities are endless because after that Barbie twist, maybe the writers have finally learned what good story telling is.
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how do you think the angels (including rapheal, only if you want to) would react to Puella Magi God IK?
i feel like luke would ball his eyes out when her learns about ik's sacrifice to save magical girls while also sparking a potential role model in ik.
oo ok, for some reason i've got this idea in my head of simeon being scared of ik in the beginning, maybe even more so after he finds out how she ended up ascending in the first place... in the beginning it's just because he doesn't know how to handle someone with this aura who isn't an angel, because it's entirely outside his experience
after finding out, his fear is more to do with his own character, having been passive in the celestial realm's policies and the war, plus the brothers' subsequent fall - versus ik's very active approach to solving the mass suffering of magical girls. basically simeon looks at her and sees everything he should have been and done, and it doesn't help that her whole god aura gives her the quintessential angel vibes
luke, on the other hand, would see a lot of similarities between ik and michael (not least because they both literally glow with divine light), so at first he kind of holds her on a pedestal and treats her more like some kind of idol than an equal. after finding out her story, though, knowing that she gave up being a normal person and misses it, he'd try hard to treat her like he would any friend! maybe even better!!
and raphael.... interesting scenario: say ik'ami and the original ik, while still technically the same, have some kind of divide between their personalities - basically ik snaps in and out of god mode, between 'ethereal serenity' and 'just some kid' personas, but the others don't notice since the 'ethereal serenity' is the default and they assume her 'just some kid' moments are her joking around to ease the tension
but raphael meets her when she's in 'just some kid' mode and actually notices the switches, which he brings up with the others and eventually with ik herself... not sure what goes in between, but the idea is that ik can eventually come to peace with herself, and rather than switching, ends up with a kind of mix of the two personas as her 'true self'
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
For your event could you do "aw did you miss me." Headcanons for Beelzebub, Levi, and Simeon, with male reader who has just gotten back from a two day business trip with Lucifer?
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... gn!reader (no pronouns used), this is so stupidly sweet watch out u might get a cavity, can be read as romantic or platonic, includes cuddles snuggles and more cuddles lol.
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... hello fruity five i am alive!! i know i pinky promised i'd post this a few days ago but im struggling with a lot at the moment. i apologise, sometimes life just feels like it's constantly moving forward and never gives me time to breathe. anw i digress, this was super fun n cute to make thank u for sending it in darling <33 i altered the quote a bit for all of them i hope u don't mind honey!
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g*d forbid you find out about how he spent most of the time you were away in the entrance hall, ready for your return
he genuinely considered bringing his favourite ruri-chan blanket down and sleeping in front of the door (luckily for everybody, mammon and satan were able to convince him from doing that and alls well ends well)
kept moaning about how you were gone for too long so much so that even beelzebub nearly lost his shit
the moment you stepped foot through the door, leviathan was the first to run towards you
the type to hoard you in his room until he feels like you're actually back
hope you're strong because he will just. hold onto you. and he won't let go.
he'll keep his arms wrapped around your waist while his legs drag across the floor if you're walking to get something from across the room
if you say you want to go outside he'll look at you with them big ol' beady serpent eyes lol
he refuses to play games unless he's sitting on your lap or vice versa
“noooooo, mcccc, pleaseee.” leviathan whined, tugging on your sleeve with so much force it had you falling back down to his lap.
“levi, i was gone for two days. you’re acting like i left you to fend for yourself in the woods for months.” you said, exasperated. you wanted to be annoyed, but the view of leviathan whining has your heart stuttering.
“but, but….!” his voice trailed off, knowing that he had nothing to say that could validate his argument, not that he really needed to anyways.
“wow, seems like someone really missed me, hm?” you cooed, to which the demon responded with incoherent stuttering and a splotchy red face. his reaction only made you want to tease him more.
deadass nearly squeezed you to death when you walked through the door
he was so excited to see you that he even dropped all the burgers in his arms just so he could hold you
he doesn't say much, simply basks in your presence that he'd been deprived of for what seemed like forever
he's not usually the clingy type but for the first few days of you being back he'll hover around you
he doesn't necessarily cling onto you like levi does, but he'll follow you around the house
... you found yourself sleeping in his bed for a week because you caved into his kicked puppy look
he would bring an abundant of food up to his room (where he's held you captive)
shares his snack stash with you, even lets you have the last piece of his favourite spicy screaming gummy snake
gets super flustered when you cheer him on during his workout
“beel, darling… what do you mean by this?” you shifted your gaze from the heap of snacks the demon dumped on your lap to beelzebubs face.
beelzebub huffed with his chin resting on your shoulder, his eyes drifting from the snacks and making eye contact with you. it was almost like a lightbulb lit up in your mind and you subconsciously let out a small, “ah!”
you ripped open the bag that sat on top of the pile, taking out three fingers worth of treats and fed it to the demon. he had his mouth open, drool just barely seeping out from the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his eyes were crinkled.
the moment the fiery gummy touched his tongue, beelzebub’s expression changed into one of pure bliss.
you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of the happy and content demon, the words, “aw, did someone miss me that much?” followed your actions. beelzebub didn’t even try to deny it, merely nodding half heartedly before opening his mouth wide, ready for another treat.
the moment your foot touches the purgatory hall, simeon's got his arms wrapped around you
he does the cliche 'sweeps you off your feet and spins you around' LMFAOOOO (he's an author, what can you expect)
once he sets you down he wastes no time in peppering your face with kisses, making sure he doesn't miss a single spot
he's prepared an assortment of little tasty treats just for you (felt bad that he couldn't share with luke but made a promise he would treat him next time)
once he has you all to himself, he'll make you tell him all about the trip, no matter how many times you try to remind him it was purely a business trip
he listens attentively, the look on his face tells you that he's hanging onto every little detail, regardless of how boring and mundane it was
has the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face the entire time
you catch him staring at you a lot, even more so than usual
if you mention you missed a certain devildom dish, he'd whip up a plate for you immediately
simeon’s eyes are bright and utterly smitten while they take in your appearance. it almost seems as though he's so entranced by you that he pays no heed to the words that come out of your mouth, which you find a little funny seeing as he's the one who told you to tell him all about your little adventure.
you smile softly, a smile that he reciprocates with one of his own without realising.
"-en... a giant ugly squid bursted through the sky and attacked lucifer and i." you finish off the ridiculous story, waiting to see if your angel would take the bait or prove your suspicions.
the angel covers his mouth with the hand he was leaning against and lets out a small giggle.
"mc... i'm sure that squids don't appear out of thin air in the human realm." to your surprise, simeon's expression returns to the one from earlier, easily disproving your thoughts. "i was hanging on your every word." his words are so suave you can't help but let out a laugh.
"haha! looks like you really missed me, huh?" you joke, but simeon just gives you another soft smile and nudges the plate of treats towards you. you want to joke around more, but the sincerity in his gaze stops you, so you choose to finish the story properly, knowing that the angel was paying attention to every word you uttered.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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glossyfairytears · 3 years
Tying their shoelaces together HC’s
Brothers + Dateables
Gender neutral
Warnings: none
Not amused :/ Why in the devildom would you stoop so low as to mimic one of mammon’s foolish pranks. You could have at least thrown in a curse to make the attempt better. 1/10
Falls for it every time. Tie his shoelaces together while he’s distracted or sleeping and then drop a grim on the floor. Chances are he will trip over something in his room first before he trips over his shoelace, but either way it gets the job done. 10/10
Most times he is too hyper-conscience of your presence to let you get close without him noticing, but if you get him while he’s gaming you have a solid chance. Tell him a package arrived and you think it has Ruri-Chan merch in it. He will move faster than the speed of light and subsequently trip, taking his chair with him. 11/10
Get him while he is watching cat videos. He is so zoned in on them he wouldn’t notice the house falling apart around him. Tell him there is a cat on his windowsill and watch the chaos unfold. He trips into a stack of books, causing a small avalanche. Prepare to run however, he isn’t the avatar of wrath for nothing MC. 7/10
Get him while he’s painting his nails. Not only can he not move, if he tries to untie them his nails will be ruined. Oh MC, you better hope his nails stay wet for a while. Once he finds you, you’re in for a long night. 8/10 ;)
Offer him a snack as a distraction and tie those suckers together. Be prepared to have a 500 word apology ready though. Even if his reflexes stop him from falling they don’t stop him from hitting you with the soul sucking puppy eyes. 5/10
you’ve got a 50/50 chance of success here. He could either wake up and stop you, or sleep through it completely. Bonus points if you can manage to tangle him up in blankets making his fall to the floor worse. Keep one eye open when you sleep MC. He will have his revenge. 6/10
He will absolutely fall for it. Tell him to close his eyes because you have a surprise for him and cast a shoe tying spell. Tell him to take a few steps forward to get the surprise. He will absolutely try to do it to Lucifer. Rip MC. 9/10
He knew something was up. He didn’t, however, check to see what kind of prank you would pull on him. Avoids you for a majority of the day just in case. Barbs please just humor the human. 1/10
He dozed off at his desk and you took the opportunity to tie them together. Wake him up and tell him to move to his bed. Poor sleepy angel, as soon as he takes a step he tumbles to the floor. He is definitely not so sleepy anymore, courtesy of a giggling MC. Has a good laugh about it later but is definitely very embarrassed in the moment. 8/10
He probably invented the prank in the first place. He ties yours together too, the sneaky man. Plays along and tumbles to the floor with you. Will absolutely make some sort of joke about falling for each other. 8/10
Bark Bark Woof Woof Gurrr. Angry Chihuahua mode activated. He can’t believe he fell for it. MC please don’t tell anyone. The pesky demon brothers would just make fun of him and the others would think it was cute. Please don’t tell Barbatos, that would be mortifying. 6/10
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May I please request Mc going to the demon brothers/ and new dateables, tugging on their sleeve, and asks them to go home in a whimper. And that's when the brothers smell blood and realize Mc was attacked by a demon at Diavolo's party. Thank you♡♡♡
Let’s just pretend that anyone would be getting out of that ballroom alive if MC was injured by another demon. In order to make it a little bit more ‘believable’ of a prompt I’m going to alter it to ‘MC cut themselves on accident with a glasses, and the smell of blood is starting to attract other demons’. Hope this works for you!
Obey me Boys + Injured MC at a party
He senses your distress before he smells the blood, and immediately quakes on the inside at the scent of it.
He’s ashamed of himself for letting his demon side get excited about it, but knows he’ll be able to control himself
It’s the others he’s not convinced of
Quickly whisks you away, coupled with a menacing aura for anyone who should come close, so you are safe. Urging you to be more careful next time.
Immediate feeling is alarmed.
‘Oh my God, Oh my God, they’re hurt!’ racing through his mind as he tries to get a look at your hand and fix it.
Coupled with a panic of trying to keep everyone away from you, like a guard dog.
May actually growl at anyone who comes close before he takes you to the bathroom to clean up.
Has to steel himself when you show him your hand, because the sight of RL blood makes him nauseous.
Of course he’s worried about you. You’re hurt and need medical attention right away!
Gets some cocktail napkins to cover your hand and ushers you away
Feels bad that he’s happy to leave the party. He wanted to leave, but not like this!!
Paging Dr. Satan. Dr. Satan to the ballroom please.
Immediately goes into WebMD mode of trying to access the damage to your hand. Laceration depth. Possible tendon damage. Blood loss.
It’s not until he looked up that he noticed the other demon’s encroaching, with murderous intent in their eyes. Jokes on them.
Instantly shifts into full demon mode, wrathful intent & all, to scare them all back while he tended to you.
Oh no! Your precious, beautiful hand! Whatever shall we do!
Does the most gentlemanly thing possible and takes out a handkerchief to act as a bandage for your wound. Embroidered silk be damned.
Of course he notices the attention you’ve caused. Asmo has always had a sixth-sense for being watched, and not always for the better.
Keeps the conversation between the two of you light & cheerful as he gently ushers you out. So you aren’t alarmed.
Panic, panic, panic, panic. But on the inside.
On the outside he just picks you up and carries you away to safety.
He has to get you out of here, and to a doctor, picking you up is the fastest way to do both things.
No one comes near either of you. The smell of your blood might be driving them crazy, but no demon was crazy enough to openly attack the mountain of monster that was Beel. Aside from being picked up, it’s the least eventful.
Panic, panic, panic, panic. But on the outside.
Lashes out; at you for getting hurt, at any demon who comes near you, at the glass for cutting your hand. He’s just scared.
Seeing you hurt reminds him how fragile you are, and that scares him.
Refuses to leave your side, and begrudgingly lets Lucifer tend to your injury because he actually knows what he’s doing, but doesn’t like it.
Knows that this can go very badly, very quickly with this many demons around. But tries not to show it.
Showing alarm would only cause panic. Which would only make it worse. So he just pretend laughs about how clumsy you are.
Casts a spell to instantly heal your wound. And a protective barrier for good measure.
Makes an excuse to leave the party to ‘keep you away from more violent glassware’ when in reality he wants to get you out of the situation as quickly as possible.
Oh no! You’re hurt! What happened?! Why are you bleeding?! Did someone hurt you?!
Spouts off a million questions in his worry for you, and quickly takes you somewhere to get cleaned up & seek help.
Activate guardian angel mode as he’ll keep you safe no matter what. Everyone forgets he fought in the Celestial War too.
Calms down after he sees your cut is only superficial and begs you to be more careful in the future. His poor heart can’t take it.
Ever vigilant, he hears the glass break before you even come up to him. It’s actually Barbatos who comes to you.
Knowing that the fresh smell of blood could cause a frenzy, and more importantly put you in danger, he whisks you away to a private room where you can be alone.
He tends to your wound gently, with slow words of support over the broken glass, and encouragement to be more careful in the future.
Kisses the top of your hand when finished as he still knelt before you.
The party is immediately over
He doesn’t care how important it is. You’re hurt, and nothing is more important than that.
Takes you away while letting Barbatos clear out the guests. Worried over your cut as he’d never seen you bleed before.
Will be by your side for several days after to make sure you’re ok; no matter how minor it may be.
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melverie · 3 months
⸺ LESSON 6 ⸺
Solomon & Barbatos
demons & angels (& humans)
- lesson 5 || lesson 7 || all posts so far -
Lesson 6 aka the lesson that had me going ?????????????? half of the time General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
weird quotation mark placement once again [6-9; pic below]
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human world look [6-14 + 6-16 + 6-18]
Solomon talks about his hometown and says that he would love to return to there as long as it were the same the way it was when he was a child. However, he then adds that that's impossible unless he can travel back in time [6-18; pic below]. You know. Even though he traveled through time to help MC???
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he also talks about how he and Asmo forged their pact [6-18] -> Solomon wonders what would happen if he were to forge a pact with Asmodeus sooner than he is supposed to [6-18] -> also correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Solomon usually call Asmodeus 'Asmo'? Because he exclusively uses 'Asmodeus' here [6-18; both pics below]
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Simeon claims that Michael still cares about the brothers [6-4]
he has also tasked Luke with writing a detailed report about Simeon's and his stay in the Devildom [6-4]
Barbatos couldn't attend the dinner because he had "urgent business" to attend to [6-9] -> everyone assumes it's because of Solomon's presence there [6-9 + 6-14]
Simeon and Luke came to the Devildom as representatives of the Celestial Realm for RAD's founding ceremony [6-2]. Considering that the ceremony is still some time away, it's a little strange that they are already here... -> both Belphegor & Leviathan are surprised that Michael allowed the two to go in the first place. Simeon then explains it's because the two realms have recently re-established relations [6-4; pic below] which?? When?? Because that's a little fast considering everything else we know and learn later on????
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Simeon and Lucifer have apparently met after the Great Celestial War [6-2]
⸺ MISC ⸺
a lot of magic was cast on the house to alter it [6-7]. Asmodeus later says that it was Lucifer that cast a spell that wraped space itself [lesson 6 hard mode; first pic below]. Interesting that Lucifer has such powers -> Simeon also repeats that Lucifer is able to do such thing at the very end of the chapter [lesson 6 hard mode; second pic] -> the house doesn't have an attic according to Asmodeus :( [lesson 6 hard mode]
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Asmodeus mentions that the Celestial Realm is overflowing with light [6-12]. Sounds like the perfect place to suddenly bring night to, huh :)
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belphieslilcow · 2 years
I was gonna send you a request but i accidentally unfollowed you absdjhndsfj forgive my potato fingers 👉👈
Imagine the brothers falling asleep on you so you take a picture and show it to them when they wake up. Lucifer would totally drool then threaten you with murder(affectionately) if you don't delete the picture. Bonus: Oops I accidentally sent it to the group chat oh no how did that happen :)
I assumed thats what happened when I saw you refollow gjfjdjxjxj this idea? so cute
Taking Pictures of the Bros Sleeping Faces
it's not very common lucifer would fall asleep on you randomly, but he was juuust sleep deprived enough to lean his head on yours and start snoozin
you were already internally giggling mischievously at taking a picture of him when he's so vulnerable, but when you feel a drop of drool on your arm, after your initial disgust, it's the perfect moment, the avatar of pride, hair tousled and drooling on his favorite human like he isn't one of the most powerful demons </3
he Very much makes you to delete it when you show him, almost grabbing your ddd and doing it himself (no one tell him you already sent it to diavolo and simeon shhh)
He's a super light sleeper normally, but when he's with yoy he always sleeps a lot more comfortably and deeper, aww how sweet for him, he still snores like a mf and drools A Lot (he's one of those dudes that has to chug a gallon of water when they wake up)
ofc he's gonna be a big tsundere about it when he wakes up ("why'd ya have to go and take a picture like that, huh?") but he's just embarassed you saw him like that, he doesn't have much reaction to posting it to the group chat other than telling levi to fuck off when he says he's gross lol
Unsurprisingly, this shy lil serpent only falls asleep on you on complete accident, all his d energies finally made him crash right on his precious human, too bad he drools like a mf is is So clingy, he's used to cuddling with body pillows so prepare to be his makeshift one until he wakes up
snapping a quick selfie and showing it to him when he's up is him being "WHA- B... WHYD YOU TAKE A S-SELFIE WITH ME WHILE I WAS SLEEPING uwahhh i look so gross with the drool..." he'll mostly just be embarassed if you post it to the gc, so make sure to reassure him how you think he's cute while he sleeps
Satan falling asleep on you is the cutest thing ever, he has the most adorable face when he sleeps, poor thing probably stayed up too late reading and just conked out right on you <3
he's So embarassed at how cute he looks and is just like "please delete it and forget you saw me like that" with his face all red, if you send it to the group chat prepare for satan to go rage mode when they tease him~
Asmo's usually so perfectly pretty while he sleeps, he deadass looks like a disney princess, but that's with all his careful planning and EXTENSIVE nighttime routine, but he sure wouldn't have time all his serums and relaxing breathing exercises after an exhausting shopping trip, just getting hope and him passing out on you on the couch
it's refreshing to see him like this, he looks natural, but still as beautiful as ever, i hope you have a speech about how asmo doesn't need to be looking devilgram worthy in every picture because otherwise he'll pull a lucifer with asking you to delete such an unflattering picture of him, maybe just keep it to yourselves if you don't want angy asmo
he's not used to being called cute, and he doesn't really get how him his mouth open with a mountain of drool leaking out while sleeping makes him cute, but he trusts you and likes that he's making you happy :)
he's so adorable, especially times where he's (lightly) gnawing on his pillow or holding his burger plushie, please send all your sleepy beel pictures to belphie, he'll get such a kick out of them, everyone else will too cause hehe cute sleepy little brother, but yknow
there's no shortage of sleepy belphie pictures, practically half of them are him sleeping in a weird position or cuddling with one of his brothers
however the faces he makes with you are different, he has the softest lil smile, juxtaposed by the iron grip he has on you, poor baby doesn't wanna let you go :(
he gets so cutely embarrassed whenever you gush about how cute he looks, (almost literally going 👉👈) especially when he sees the pictures, that goes double when you send it in the group chat and it's just everyone going "awee!!"
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spicytrashthe1st · 3 years
Obey me boys "i beg to differ" "then beg"
"I beg to differ"
U fool. U absolute buffoon. He realises what his said too late. By the look on his face he already knows what ur gonna say but is still irritated when u say "then beg". Will walk away from u, is 100% done w ur shit.
"Then beg"
He says it w so much sex in his voice that u cant not be flustered. If u cant recover feel free to retreat, if Mc.exe comes back online climb into that bitches lap n whine a "please". He'll break, trust me.
"I beg to differ"
We all love to make Mam's beg, he's just so cute when he does it. Considerin he says this in front of his bros the poor boy doesnt see it comin. So when u say "then beg" he freezes, full body blush like hes a kettle ready to boil before yeetin himself out the room. Congrats, uv broken him, better go after him before he runs into a wall.
"Then beg"
He's so smug when he says this its too cute. Like full on hands on hips bendin down to ur level smiling all the way.
Dont back down. Dont u dare back down.
Sensually grasp the sides of his face, only leave an inch between ya n say "oh great mammon, would u please". Break him.
"I beg to differ"
Big regrettie spaghetti as soon as he says it. He waits for ur response but it never comes so he looks up at u. Big mistake. He gulps at ur wicked grin. "Then beg" n oh boy does he.
"Then beg"
Y'all r in full fanboy discourse mode so he says it w such conviction. Naw, look at ur boy bein so confident. Take a picture, itll last longer, especially since ur gonna wipe it of in a second. Go all out. Crawl into his lap n go full anime gurl w a "Leviachan, please, please, pretty please?". Get the smellin salts, u just k.o'ed this boy.
"I beg to differ"
U respond w "then beg" without even thinkin about it. U both blink at each other like 'did that really just happen?'. Then this shithead gets that demure smile on his face n u know ur fucked. The way this man says please leaves ur entire being tingling.
"Then beg"
Smug bastard tm. U cannot visibly break his resolve, however, blush stained cheeks r still a win.
"I beg to differ"
He's waitin for u to say "then beg" like a dog lookin at a nice jucy steak. Will u give in?
"Then beg"
Doesnt really expect u to beg, but that just means that u can do a sneak attack. Fluster the avatar of lust at ur own risk.
"I beg to differ"
He looks confused when u ask him to beg. He does the dogo head tilt n u have to tackle hug him. Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.
"Then beg"
Gotta be honest, i dont see him sayin this unless in jest. That bein said, he did ask.
"I beg to differ"
Gettin brat boy to beg is harder than tryin to get Luci to sleep at a reasonable time. Most of the time he'll scoff at u. But on a rare day he'll get all sly n rub himself against u like a cat, lookin up at u w those eyes that make u horni grip before sayin please.
"Then beg"
Never beg this man. Ur better than this.
Make this brat pay for his insolence.
"I beg to differ"
He doesnt know. I always see Dia as both oblivious n in the know at the same time. It shows when u ask him to beg. Like a light bulb goin off in his head he looks at u w such smolder u almost regret sayin it, almost.
Dia begs either like a dog wanting to go for a walk or a brat. He begs like a brat this time. Pound his ass, its what he deserves.
[Im changin Dia's status from baby boy to bothe brat n baby boy, it has been decided]
"Then beg"
Bratty behaviour engaged, tread carefully soldier. To defuse do so cutely, he become a fit of giggles. If u wish to escalate be prepared to back ur shit up.
"I beg to differ"
Homie. Brother. Senpai. Look at me.
If u ask this man to beg u r unleashing a beast that could destroy us all.
So do it anyway!
Honestly gettin this man to break his whole butler shtick is a challenge, but a challenge worth doin. Im just warnin ya that the amount of horni ur about to unleash is uhh...well itll be somthin else, lets just leave it at that.
"Then beg"
Please leave it cute.
Leave the horni outta the kitchen.
"I beg to differ"
He knows. The fucker knows exactly what he's doin. Will act all innocent but theres that look in his eyes that screams otherwise.
[Is...is Simeon a brat? 🤔]
"Then beg"
Would u beg for this angel man?
Do u think he'll show his tru intent if u do?
"I beg to differ"
Is this wizard boy even capable of beggin? Only one way to find out! He'll do it if he thinks it'll fluster u.
"Then beg"
Dont let him, never let him win. Cake that shit on when u say "oh my beloved king". Or flip it on its head, how dare he tell u to beg, put him in his place.
[This post has been updated to reflect my findings after makin this post]
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