#light narumayo
azuramarigold · 1 year
A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes
After a tragic accident over a hundred years ago he had learned one thing - He can't die. Now, he adopted a new name - Phoenix - as a phoenix rises from the ashes. However, was it meant for this to happen in order to meet the people that came across his long life?
Day 2 of the AU-gust Writing Challenge 2023! - Immortals! Character: Phoenix Wright Thought of Phoenix as the first thing because of his name and the legends of the mythical bird.
The first time he had “died” it was the most excruciating pain he had ever experienced in his life.
            The young man had been working with the other factory workers when suddenly there were told to evacuate. Everyone was in a state of panic, trampling one another, throwing each other to the ground to make sure they were ahead.
            But none of them were going to escape.
            Whatever project they were working on had overloaded, causing the entire factory to explode. Glass and shards of metal shot through his body like bullets. When he placed his hands on his stomach, a piece of pipe had greeted him as it had impaled him from behind.
            There was no escape except to accept the embrace of death – so that was what he did.
            Except… he didn’t die.
            He awoke God knows how much later, the area around him decimated. A hand to his head in confusion, he simply got and began walking, not noticing the trails of ash dropping behind him.
Not much had changed for him in the next hundred or so years – he had decided to go with a new name: Phoenix.
            After all, when a phoenix dies, they rise from the ashes, right?
            Phoenix had done many things over the century. He had learned medicine and had become a doctor in different fields in different countries. The clinics he was in were quite successful for the most part.
            Until random warlords came in and blew his brains out.
            But, he rose again and left – the people had to believe that he was dead. How would they react to someone like him?
            Phoenix at one point had become an engineer. He was part of a team that helped develop nuclear technology. It was an interesting experience to see how that technology came together.
            That was until he saw it firsthand when he took a small getaway to Hiroshima, Japan and was literally blown away by the thing he helped with.
            Had to scrap that life too.
            Phoenix had been many things – a teacher, a construction worker, a pianist, an architect, and many odd things in-between. It wasn’t until he decided to settle in the Los Angeles area around the year 2012 that he wanted to do something different – art.
            He wanted to be part of something meaningful for once. It was a good thing that he happened to look quite young despite being over a hundred years old. What Ivy University didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
            Good thing at one point in his life he was good at making documents as he was able to forge himself a very convincing birth certificate for admit into the college. He also had forge himself a vaccination record, documentation about parents and bank statements to get himself cosigners for an apartment; luckily that was paid off quickly as he had many stashed bank accounts over the years that had accumulated funds with great interest.
            It was a lot of work – but getting himself into the art program at Ivy University before the first day of the new semester was a synch. No one suspected a thing and every one looked at Phoenix like he was a dumb, naïve twenty-one-year-old boy who didn’t know his head from his ass.
            And that was perfect.
            However, it didn’t help that Phoenix had also decided at the time after watching a court case on the television that being a type of lawyer would be interesting too – sometimes he was overzealous with his interests. After all, he was never a lawyer before either. He honestly didn’t want to wait until he was “killed” again to start that career path, so he took law as a minor.
            As he was in the basement one morning of the courthouse, looking at old court files for a law assignment he was working on, a young woman rushed down the stairs. Her blood-red hair was so deep it looked as though it came from her veins themselves. Her large, youthful brown eyes were darting around wildly, her hands gripping a white laced parasol.
            Then their eyes met.
            For the past hundred years there was something that Phoenix could say that he had never done – he had never been with anyone. He had thought it would be too dangerous and too suspicious as he didn’t age and of course when he “died” he had to immediately skip town.
            But there was something desperate in this young woman’s eyes…
            And that was where the trouble had begun.
            A glass heart-shaped necklace was given to him – thrusted upon him actually – as she stated that she liked him. How could that be? They had never met before!
            Despite being someone over a hundred years old, what Phoenix did in that moment was the stupidest thing he had ever done.
            He trusted that woman – Dahlia Hawthorne – completely.
            Phoenix and her dated for eight months. There were no incidents as far as he knew. She was actually quite sweet and kind, often cooking him nice foods that he thought were cute. Occasionally he surprised her with a romantic dinner that he had cooked himself as at one point in his many years he was a chef.
            By the fourth month of him dating her he had gained a new experience in his life – she was the first person he had ever made love with.
            Then out of the blue a young man she had previously dated began to warn Phoenix that she was dangerous and had stolen top chemicals from the pharmacology department. In Phoenix’s experience when he was a doctor, medicine had come a long way – so the chemicals that this Doug Swallow guy listed were very unfamiliar to him.
            There was an argument, and of course, being the passionate person that he was, Phoenix aggressively pushed Doug to the ground and stormed off. However, he felt guilty about potentially hurting the young man, so he had turned around to go assist him.
            Only to see Dahlia crouched over the corpse of Doug.
            “Oh, Feenie… this isn’t what it looks like…” she had said sweetly, but her tone seemed forced. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes.
            Phoenix could add to his long list of life being on trial of accused murder though.
            He doesn’t know why, even to this day, why he tried to cover her for as long as he did. Even his lawyer at the time, Mia Fey, was beginning to grow frustrated and annoyed. It was then Phoenix made mistake number two.
            He consumed the necklace that Dahlia had given him the day they met… right after it was revealed to be potentially laced with deadly poison that had put an attorney in a coma eight months prior.
            Either luckily or unluckily the poison didn’t kill him. Well, it did, but it didn’t. Phoenix had gone through his normal cycle in the bathroom of the courthouse where he ate the necklace behind locked doors.
            The burning sensation that he always went through was never bearable, no matter how many times it happened.
            When his body “dies” all his cells began to combust simultaneously into flames, leaving nothing but ashes behind him. It was starting life anew – a phoenix rising from the ashes. To be honest, he lost count how many times he had gone through this process. But it did confirm one thing to him.
            Dahlia had never cared for him – she had tried to kill the lawyer eight months prior.
            And the bottle of cold medicine that she had stolen from Phoenix as he was a little under the weather… she had laced it with the same poison in an attempt to kill him.
            Although a dark tough did cross his mind at that point: How shocked would Dahlia would have been to see Phoenix consume the poison and “live”?
            It didn’t matter in the end as Dahlia Hawthorne was arrested for the attempted murder of Diego Armando from eight months prior, the attempted murder of Phoenix Wright, the murder of Doug Swallow, and stealing highly toxic chemicals. The young woman was put in cuffs and dragged off, screaming curses to anyone who would listen.
            The lawyer that had defended him, Mia Fey, offered to mentor him with his legal path from there on out. There was something about her that he knew he could trust – an energy that she emitted. So, he took her offer fully.
            For three years he studied like a “normal” person and became a lawyer – he honestly could’ve done it much faster, but it would’ve been suspicious. Phoenix ended up with his own shiny Attorney’s Badge and began to work as a Junior Partner with Mia at her own firm of “Fey and Co.”.
            It was a nice change of pace – no extreme dangers. Phoenix even debuted as a lawyer defended a friend he had made from one of his “odd” jobs from the pass from murder. It went like a breeze and he was able to find the true culprit in no time.
            Then a couple of nights later when Mia had invited Phoenix out for some drinks, he re-learned his lesson on why he never got close to anyone.
            Phoenix arrived to the office to see that his boss, his mentor, his beloved friend was slumped underneath the window. Blood was dripping from a wound on her head, already beginning to clot as she had been sitting there for a an hour.
            Mia Fey had been murdered.
            A small girl was sitting by Mia’s side, bawling her eyes out, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath. The girl begged at whatever god she could pray to for her sister’s life back.
            Mia had never mentioned a sister to him before…
            The girl – who he learned was Maya Fey – was then promptly arrested for the murder of Mia Fey. It was ridiculous and made no sense at that logic – Phoenix had tried to point that out multiple times. The detective in question, however, was hearing none of it as he stated the proof was because Mia left evidence of her writing the name of her killer behind.
            Phoenix had instantly felt connected to the young girl – he couldn’t put his finger on it. She was an odd one as she was a Spirit Medium in training. Maya was constantly wearing her acolyte robes, purple and white, and had her raven black hair in a top knot with decorative purple beads in the front holding two strands of her hair.
            Seeing her behind that glass in the Detention Center – she looked so small and helpless. It was no place for her to be.
            Despite Maya trying to reject his offer of being her attorney – Phoenix insisted on it. He was going to defend her. After all – Mia would’ve wanted it, right?
            Odds were stacked against the two of them – a dark past unraveling that Phoenix had only heard whispers through the grapevine over the years. A dark corporation that specialized in blackmail had ruined Mia and Maya’s mother’s reputation as a Spirit Medium due to an old murder case from fifteen years prior. So, Mia was doing digging of her own to get all the evidence against the man – Redd White – to get the names of politicians, people in the high legal system, cops, and so on to finally put him away.
            Mia was killed for it – but with Phoenix and Maya’s teamwork they were able to force Redd White to admit his guilt.
            The two had become inseparable since that trial as Phoenix felt an extreme protectiveness over Maya. They had done a few trials together and when it came to the trial of the rival prosecutor they had faced since Mia’s murder, it was the first time Maya realized there may be something different about him.
            “Hey, Nick…” Maya had asked when they two where at Gourd Lake doing their investigation for Miles Edgeworth’s trial.
            “Hmm?” Phoenix had replied with a hum absently. He never really responded to a nickname for his name, but with Maya he had made an exception.
            “Why aren’t you wearing a coat…?”
            It was true that at that moment Phoenix wasn’t wearing a coat, just his traditional blue suit he liked to wear for court. Maya on the other hand was bundled in a winter coat with a small purple hat and gloves.
            “Oh… I’m not cold…” he half-lied.
            At one point in his long life, he had frozen to death. Ever since he had risen from those ashes, he no longer could feel cold or get frost bitten. He had no idea why that happened – he noticed when he was shot a few times after getting killed by bullets that they hurt like a son of bitch, but they didn’t kill him again. It was the same with stabbing. Or a broken neck.
The trial against Miles Edgeworth ended up being acquitted – although there were a few tough calls.
            One, the prosecutor for the trial was Manfred von Karma – who was Miles’ mentor. The man was evil and devious and had cornered both Phoenix and Maya in the evidence room at the police precinct. The devilish prosecutor had a high voltage taser that should have highly illegal to use and tried to strike Maya with it.
            Phoenix would never let that happen – so he was struck with it instead. His body was jolted with thousands of volts of electricity until he felt that familiar burning sensation. He crumpled to the ground and von Karma had run away with the evidence he needed to have stayed hidden. Maya collapsed to the ground next to Phoenix with tears in her eyes as she tried to call desperately for help.
            “No, I can’t have someone else I care about die on me again…!” Maya had sobbed. “Please don’t…!” Her hands had brushed against his hand, and she yelped when the skin flaked away in ash.
            A gasp had escaped from Phoenix as though it was the first time he had ever breathed oxygen, his hand clenching to his chest.
            “I guess I can scratch that off the list…” he’d murmured.
            Maya had looked at him with wide eyes. “What… the HELL was that, Nick!?” she demanded.
            Phoenix at the time jumped away from her, his back hitting a file cabinet. “Ah… hold on, Maya… I can explain… sort of…” he insisted meekly.
            “What’s with these ashes!?” she’d nearly shrieked, her hands gesturing to the ashes that were dusting the floor and files.
            “Uh… we need to clean that up…”
            “This is not helping, Phoenix Wright!”
            “Okay, okay!” Phoenix had then taken a deep breath. “I… sort of can’t die…?” he’d said it like a question.
            Maya had given him a perplexed look. “What do you mean…?”
            “It means I have been alive for over a hundred years and have never aged,” he pointed out. “I have been shot, stabbed, nuclear bombed, ate poison, died of hypothermia, starved to death, died of dehydration, and now have been electrocuted and I’m still kicking.”
            Maya then blinked. “So… all my ‘Old Man’ jokes are legit…?” she had asked innocently with a coy smile.
            Phoenix had gawked at her. “You just saw me die and come back and that is the first thing you think of!?” he demanded almost angrily.
            Maya had merely shrugged. “Nick… I’m a damn Spirit Medium, this is probably, like, in the top five weirdest experiences I’ve ever had,” she nonchalantly said to him.
            Phoenix’s secret was out – he didn’t have to keep lying to Maya about himself anymore. And it was a great weight that was lifted from his shoulders.
            Once the trial had ended – Miles Edgeworth had kept eyeing Phoenix oddly. It was as though he was finally recognizing him from somewhere.
            “I do want to thank you for all your work here today, Phoenix,” Miles told him, reaching his hand out for a handshake.
            “Oh, yeah, the pleasure is all mine, Miles,” Phoenix sheepishly smiled. “What are friends for?”
            Miles raised a gray brow. “So, you recognize me too, then?” he finally asked.
            “Uh… recognize…?” Phoenix echoed curiously. “I’m sorry… I’m afraid I don’t…”
            Miles gave a small shake of his head. “The factory over a hundred years ago…” he calmly recalled.
            Phoenix went rigid. In all his years, he had never spoken to anyone about that.
            “The one who tried to warn everybody when one of the machines overloaded…?” Miles prodded. “That was me… I was too late…” He crossed his arms in a nervous matter, his right crossing to his left and gripping tightly. “So many of the workers… they were throwing each other to the ground and hurting each other to get to safety…”
            “How… how do…”
            “But you didn’t do that…” Miles continued, ignoring him. “In fact, you saved me…”
            Maya was invested. “So… you have the same thing as Nick, Mr. Edgeworth?” she asked softly.
            Miles looked down at her. “Yes…” he replied. “I too have died many a times over the years… the burning sensation and the ashes…” He then touched his hair. “It’s happened so often that my hair has turned permanently gray.”
            Phoenix raised his hands. “Whoa… wait… back up a minute here…” he insisted. “How did I save you?”
            Miles gave a small smirk. “Oh… I guess I should elaborate…” he chuckled lightly. “I was the son of the owner of that factory. The workers were mining and refining some sort of fossilized meteorite from thousands of years ago…
            “There was radiation, which back then many people didn’t have experience with. When one of the machines cracked a meteorite… the radiation leaked out and affect the machines and caused them to overload.” Miles took a deep breath, remembering the details. “I was close to one of the sites and noticed the machines going haywire… so, I went to try to warn the other workers.
            “My father was not pleased… he wanted you all to keep working, to keep digging. I refused to let it continue. The radiation kept leaking and I warned you all to the best of my ability… my father was angry and tried to throw me against a machine – but you… you Phoenix…” Miles trailed off.
            Phoenix rubbed his head, trying to recall that night. Ever since that first death, he barely had any recollection of what had happened. However, the more that Miles talked, the more the man began to feel familiar. Instead of wearing the burgundy suit that Phoenix was familiar with, he recalled Miles wearing a wine-colored waistcoat with a cotton white undershirt and a black newspaper boy-styled cap on what was once his dark brown hair.
            Phoenix remembered at that instant. He remembered the machine was being overloaded with energy. Miles’ father was enraged from the young man trying to warn the workers and had tried to throw him against the machine. Phoenix, who was running one of the machines, had stopped dead in his tracks from trying to evacuate and stopped the man from doing so. It was futile as the machine still exploded.
            The glass shards going through his body… the metal… the steel pipe…
            “Are you implying that the radiation…?” Phoenix finally whispered.
            “Gave us some sort of immortality?” Miles finished. “Yes… the meteorite was obviously not from our solar system…”
            “Why us…?”
            Miles shrugged. “That… I am not sure…” he honestly said. “But whatever the reason… I’m glad to have seen my friend again…”
            Phoenix then felt a small hand clasp into his. He looked down to see Maya smile up at him.
            “And I’m glad I got to meet you too, Nick…” she told him honestly. “I think Mia may have known something different about you… we Fey’s have this uncanny ability about this stuff.”
            Phoenix blinked at her. Even though he potentially can live forever – he didn’t want to leave Maya behind at all. During his years he had never put much thought into trying to cure his immortality – but after meeting Maya and a few other people recently he rather stick around and age with them.     
            “You know what… I’m glad too…”
- There will be a PART 2 of this eventually lmao... - Also, LIGHT GHOST TRICK REFERENCE WHHHHHATTTTT? MEEEEEE? If you haven't played the game yet, I'm not spoiling anything - GO PLAY IT! - Not gonna lie these AU Writings are cutting into "The Found Turnabout" and "Born to Run", even though I tried to write a few of these ahead of time. Whoops.
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benasabrina · 5 months
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Reblogs are appreciated
Phoenix wants her to pay attention to him... too bad there's a new episode to whatever new Steel Samurai spin off on tonight lol (at the end of the day, he’s just happy to be around her)
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doctorsiren · 1 year
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“I can feel the hands to hold already”
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neutrallyobsessed · 18 days
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NaruMayo Week Day 7: Free Day!!
And for the last day, I'm showing you the very first Narumayo I drew digitally! Mainly to practice all those light effects, and no better way to do it than putting your OTP in there x3.
After all the SoJ antics, they finally get to have some ramen just the two of them, just like the old times~~💙💜
These 3 years in a row with Narumayo weeks have been amazing and so full of beautiful artwork, let's go for more!!
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tact-and-impulse · 20 days
Narumayo Week 2024 Day 5
I just had to pull together the idea at the end of the day, but I made it!
Prompt: Travel
“You finally made it? That took forever.” Pearl gasped on the other end of the line. “Can you see the big clock tower? Or London Bridge?”
Maya wryly looked past the glass, at the rainy weather obscuring the city lights. “Not right now, it’s already nighttime here. And guess what? I’m calling from tomorrow, it’s the next day.”
“Oh, my gosh…” Her little cousin was awed.
She spied a familiar blue blazer staggering out of the men’s restroom. “There he is. Nick is totally wiped out, even though he slept for half the flight.”
“I heard that, Maya. Hi, Pearl.” He yawned. “And it took almost fifteen hours. The Legal League of Attorneys is paying, so I probably shouldn’t complain that much.”
Maya was already enjoying the trip. She’d never traveled by plane before, and she had the window seat. The green fields, craggy mountains, and tiny bustling cars were fascinating, but she was absolutely enthralled by the glow of sunset among the clouds. She had taken pictures with her digital camera, although none seemed to capture the beauty of that golden hour.
A crack of thunder caused them to startle. Maya hurriedly said. “It’s also raining here, and we should get to the hotel. Talk to you later.”
“Bye, Mystic Maya.” The phone clicked, and they rushed to baggage claim. They headed for the exit, stopping short at the sheet of water rippling over the glass windows. A flash of lightning illuminated their resigned expressions.
“Uh, Nick, did you-?”
“No…ugh. And London’s known for it too.”
They’d forgotten to pack umbrellas.
And the airport had to jack up the prices. While Maya sifted through the sightseeing magazines and tried not to stare at an incredibly expensive toy tea party set, Phoenix paid for their shield from the rain. As he returned, she noticed it was a single clear umbrella. Just one.
Her pulse picked up, and she hoped she sounded nonchalant. “We’re operating on a budget, huh?”
“It’s only for tonight. Do you mind if we stick close together?”
“After sitting next to you for hours and hours?” No, she didn’t mind at all. In fact, that was crucial to her enjoyment. “I think I’ll survive.”
“I’ll try to keep you in one piece. Who else is going to ride a trolley and eat fish and chips with me?”
“And sticky toffee pudding. We have to get the full experience while we’re tourists.”
“Legal exchange representatives.”
“Only in the courtroom. Outside of it, that’s a different story.” She purposefully raised her eyebrows. He gave a low laugh, and she was too pleased.
“A fair argument. That’s why I asked you to come along.” Despite his weary demeanor and the dark circles under his eyes, he still offered his arm. That was him to the core, continuing to the very end. “Let’s go.”
She acquiesced, tightly hanging on to his solid presence. “Okay. First one to find a cab wins.”
And with that, they went stamping into the stormy darkness.
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
Krisnix and cykesquill?
Krisnix (I Ship it)
What made you ship it?
Projecting onto Kristoph. I first started to be curious about the ship at about the same time that I got into the fandom a few years ago. Discovering the k*nk meme was pretty groundbreaking for me in terms of introducing me to a lot of ships that I might not otherwise have considered. (As I believe I've mentioned, I'm pretty indifferent to both narumayo and narumitsu so I was definitely looking for other pairings to get into besides the obvious slash option and obvious het option). Krisnix started appealing to me pretty quickly due to the inherent tragedy and drama of such a ship. However, it took me finding fanworks that leaned more into Kristoph as a comedic and/or tragic character (as opposed to just him as the designated evil villain in endgame narumitsu) and emphasized his vulnerabilities that really got me into the pairing. I really credit the Count of Monte Cristo AU, the Frozen AU, and these two pieces of fan art for really getting me to latch onto a more nuanced, emotional Kristoph and to the ship.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
As a former English major, I tend to get feral over ships that utilize some of my favorite literary devices. And there is so much to work with for krisnix. The "doomed by the narrative" trope, particularly given that the fact that Kristoph's actions even before they met inevitably doomed any relationship (romantic or otherwise) that they might have had before it even began. Not to mention Phoenix's savior complex vs. the man who it is too late to save.
There's this sense of Kristoph as a dark mirror/foil of Phoenix, and given that Kristoph's influence canonically brings out a very dark side ( hidden cameras, forgeries, manipulation) of the otherwise "heroic" Phoenix, I like to contemplate that the reverse may have been true as well--that Phoenix's "light" might have penetrated Kristoph's darkness even if only a little and if it was already too late. The yin-yang potential fascinates me. I also love the fire and ice imagery motif that surrounds them.
I also love the intriguing possibilities of the 7-year gap--the opportunities for closeness, catching feelings in spite of one's self in a way that is all but inevitable when you spend so much time together, the idea of Kristoph at least somewhat co-parenting Trucy with Phoenix, wondering exactly how much of their "dinners" were genuinely for mutual surveillance and how much was because they grew to enjoy each other's company, speculating as to when Phoenix realized Kristoph was involved in his disbarment (my headcanon is less than a year) and if Kristoph ever realized Phoenix was on to him.
They're also so weird about each other in a way that's so interesting to me. The solitary cell scene is frankly bizarre in a lot of ways, but I am always taken aback by how quickly the two of them fall into their old rapport. Kristoph is literally in a jail cell because of Phoenix, and yet they are super polite and friendly to each other. Honestly, Kristoph in this scene seems far more upset about the idea that Phoenix's "friendship" might have had ulterior motives from the start than he is about the fact that said false "friendship" resulted in Kristoph's incarceration. (Phoenix's bringing up their friendship, trying to snoop in Kristoph's mail, and questioning why Kristoph killed Zak are the only times in this scene that Kristoph's facade slips. Otherwise, they're just bantering like old times. Why are they this weird? I don't get it but I love it anyway).
I also love a lot of the relationship tropes that the ship plays into: uptight loves impulsive; repressed loves outspoken; contrasting visual aesthetics; fake relationship/becoming the mask; foe yay; things we left unsaid; the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers-and-not-necessarily-in that-order pipeline. It's all so good.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The unpopularity of this opinion has fluctuated over time, but when I first started shipping krisnix, there were really strong fanon for all of the following: 1. Top and/or Dom Kristoph who liked subjecting poor poor Phoenix to times that were neither fully safe, fully sane, and/or fully consensual. 2. Helpless cinnamon roll woobie Phoenix who has NO IDEA about Kristoph's various crimes until a Savior™ (usually Miles, occasionally Apollo, Trucy, or Maya) comes and explains the plot to him even though canon implies he puts this together on his own and pretty quickly. 3. Kristoph is a generic sociopath incapable of any real feeling and diabolically clever who gets off solely on POWAH and does evil for evil's sake.
None of these headcanons/interpretations had any appeal or rang true for me, so it was hard for me to interact even with some of the people who shipped it because they shipped in in the opposite way/ for opposite reasons that I did. I even had someone tell me in no uncertain terms that I was shipping it "wrong" for headcanoning a more vulnerable, conflicted, nuanced Kristoph who wasn't a pure one-dimensional generic villain, who had real and genuine feelings (both for Phoenix and in general) , and who was overall more likely to be submissive and/or a bottom than dominant and/or a top.
As I have said, fanon de jour has fluctuated significantly overtime and more and more people who headcanon/prefer a Kristoph more similar to the version that I enjoy have come out of the woodworks and shared their fanworks/head canons/meta with the world. (*Waves affectionately to all my beloved krisnix frens and mutuals. You know who you are. *) That being said, with the release of the AA 4-6 Trilogy port, I have noticed another shift within the larger fandom towards the "Hello Naughty Phoenix, It's Murder Time" Kristoph interpretation again, which makes me rather sad/anxious. I just wanna be able to project onto and shamelessly woobify the pathetic blond blorbo without worrying about people telling me I'm not allowed in the krisnix sandbox anymore. And like I think I'm probably safe enough but there's still a little fear.
Cykesquill (I Ship It...albeit much more casually)
What made you ship it?
A combination of being somewhat indifferent about the fandom-preferred ships for them (Juniper or occasionally Apollo for Athena; Nahyuta for Blackquill) , the fact that I already actively shipped Athena in a similar-ish pairing that is just as (if not more) "problematic," and the fact that telling me I am not "allowed" to ship something/shouldn't ship is far more likely to encourage me to ship it than actively deter me. Also I project pretty heavily onto Athena so naturally I'd be drawn towards ships that are narratively and thematically interesting for her.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I tend to be especially drawn towards ships that are (or have the potential to be) agents of narrative/character development for the characters as individuals. And this is especially the case for Athena and Simon. They were quite literally created with and for each other.
You can't really think or talk about Simon Blackquill without first talking about Athena Cykes--about the fact he was willing to risk and even give up his life to protect a sensitive, frightened child from an experience (prison and/or execution) that would've destroyed everything about her. You can't really think or talk about Athena Cykes without talking about Simon Blackquill--about the brave, kind young man who comforted and protected her when no one else would but who wouldn't let her comfort and protect him back.
Everyone always talks about the impact that narumitsu have on each other, and I'll admit that they do. But the thing is...there are other people in Phoenix's and Miles' lives that have had as greater or greater an impact on each of them than they have on each other. (Mia, Maya, Dahlia, Trucy, debatably Larry, Apollo, or Kristoph for Phoenix; Gregory, von Karma, Gant, and debatably Kay, Gumshoe, and Ziska for Miles).
For Athena and Simon, there's really no contest, they are the single most important and impactful person in each other's life. Yes, Apollo, Phoenix, and Juniper also influenced Athena. Yes, Fullbright, Metis Aura, and the spoiler character also influenced Simon. But none of them did so to the level that Athena and Simon influenced each other. To quote Wicked, "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? (I do believe I have been changed for the better.) But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." That's it; that's them.
Additionally, they do have some other tropes that I enjoy: grump and sunshine (though Athena is so much more complex and complicated than just a "sunshine" and Simon can also be much more playful than the typical grump); the couple that saves each other; contrasting visual aesthetics; height difference; "we're both hella neurodivergent albeit in different ways,"
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact that it's a valid ship in the first place? I've legit seen the argument that you can't ship it because hypothetical future step-incest. Which is absurd in and of itself but especially cause it's presuming a reality that could not possibly exist. One where Metis not only lives (so we're starting off very canon-divergent) but also returns Aura's feelings, assumes that because they love each other that they would of course have to get married (which not every couple want) and therefore Simon now is hypothetically Athena's step-uncle in the future and this possible reality should be treated as such even if it doesn't exist. And just if you have to conceive of so many steps in order to justify why not to ship a pairing, maybe your case against isn't as strong as you think. Also very curious to hear what OP thinks of double-in-law marriages (ex: Person A marries Person B and then Person B's sibling marries A's sibling) because like those exist in real life???
send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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valkylander · 10 months
Narumayo Week Day 7: Free Day
"And once you sign the contract, I will grant you Magical Lawyer Powers," the small creature that looked like something out of a Sanrio cartoon and claimed her name was Maya said.
"And I definitely can't have the lawyer powers before I sign a potentially dangerous contract?"
She shrugged. "Them's the breaks."
Phoenix sighed, took his pen, and signed.
In a flash of light, he was transformed into Maho Shojo Legal Naruhodo StrikerS!
He turned his new (L)eagle Eye on the contract he just signed with new understanding.
He blanched. "Maya, this is a marriage contract!"
"It's a what?!"
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sheepinthebigcity · 7 months
bored. here are some opinions ppl on tumblr give a shit about
shipping: i'm not a cop but i will give you shit and not want to hang around you if you ship incest or adults with children. same with certain other ships like shipping a bigot with someone they're bigoted towards. ships where one of the characters turns 18 during the course of the story (i.e. light x l, narumayo) or the characters being related is a spoiler (i.e. cassandra x rapunzel, reylo) is fine but you're on thin ice.
literally any lgbt identity shit: i do wonder if we're falling back into microidentity shit from 2014 but just a bit more edgy about it especially considering society's gotten more anti-lgbt lately. it's a little individualist but western society is also individualist so i can't fully complain. i think solidarity is really important though so take some time to REALLY reflect upon that. not just "we're all lgbt we're a family" "let's stop fighting and start making out" like actually think about what you share with like. gay men, trans women, etc. <- examples for me
cringe culture: still alive to me if they're normie cringe. i watch baby shows i can call you cringe if you're obsessed with sonic. get into a more esoteric furry game like detective gallo (not the right genre i dont play video games).
sex/kink positivity: sex and kink are kind of inherently neutral. don't act like they're a unstoppable force of universal good don't act like they're pure evil. something to be said about getting off to something and being normal vs googling the bomb that kills all women.
mental health: psychiatry is fucking barbaric we're still in the dark ages. we have a very limited array of ways to actually deal with it and everything else is either a scam or too experimental and clinicians are unwilling to look further into it. mental health systems do serve those and power and can help you if you're a normie, but it's sort of becoming worshipped as the new family. you can't really question your therapist, which makes it easier to hurt you. that's also why i don't like seeing anything as a universal good.
misusing mental illness terminology: people act like this is an act of ableism instead of it being people not knowing shit fuck about psychology. XD idc if you do it.
punitive justice: world's most useless thing. you need to admit that you're a vengeful soul who simply doesn't want to see the people who hurt you again. idk how a restorative system would work in full, but starting from there i think is a good idea.
punitive justice but strictly stupid revenge schemes: funny. i'll allow them
callout posts: straight up ocd triggering and i could never make one. a lot of them are shit that shouldn't be public internet drama (stupid) or shit that shouldn't be public internet drama (actual fucking crimes). callouts are def a weird line when it comes to punitive justice because is it a punishment to tell everyone what you've done? it's like are rumors a punishment for being too close to someone in middle school? but at the same time it's undeniable there's a certain morality culture that causes people to leave you for dead about it.
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sha-je · 4 years
phoenix in 3-1 & 3-2: lol maya always looks the same xD coz i see her every day xDDD
phoenix in 3-3, seeing maya wear something even remotely different for the first time: O SHIT...........
#NARUMAYO#top 10 anime mini arcs#at the beginning of 3-2 maya jokes(?) about dressing up specially for the exhibition and tries to get nick to comment on it#but its her regular ass everyday sprite and nick is like lol she looks the same#later when u meet larry at the delites house iirc you can present mayas profile#and larry is like wow youve changed maya u look really different now#and nick is thinkin like wtf she looks the same#but then hes like 'maybe i just dont notice anything bc we spend so much time together'#then in 3-3 maya actually wears something different... the Maid Outfit#and nick immediately goes :o like shook and then hes all out *eyes emoji*#i mean if he had a thing for waitress outfits specifically he wouldve reacted to maggey earlier in the case#but he only acts weird when maya is dressed up#and thus nick realises maya is pretty/attractive to him or something#i theorized that this whole thing where nick goes from thinking maya always is the same to seeing her in a new light is not only deliberate#but also part of the greater conspiracy to push the big narumayo agenda throughout t&t#ITS A CONSPIRACY#all the way up to 3-5 where the whole initial romantic theme ties itself up#3-1 had nick fawning over dahlia/iris#2 cases of (sneaky and also not so sneaky) narumayo build-up later we come to 3-5 where maya is apparently nicks new waifu#because where feenie had been trying to protect/defend dollie from the murder accusation like crazy in 3-1 to the point of unreasonability#(like eating the poison glass necklace and yelling nonsense in court)#nick in 3-5 is doing similar crazy shit to protect/defend maya from murder accusations and danger#(running across the burning bridge and also yeling nonsense in court)#but maybe im just nuts#and nick was only ogling maya's new outfit platonically after all#draft spring cleaning
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azuramarigold · 10 months
Day 3 for NaruMayo Week 2023
Day 3: Videogames/Pining
"Alright, so, here me out, Nick-"
            "Whatever it is that you are about to beg me for, the answer is 'No', Maya."
            Maya stood in front of Phoenix's desk with her cheeks puffed out and her small fists to her side. "You haven't even heard me out, yet!" she complained with a whine.
            Phoenix gave her an exasperated look. "When you start your sentence with, 'Alright, here me out, Nick' I just know it is going to cost me some sort of amount of money," he explained to her, pinching the corners of his eyes.
            The medium gave a small grimace while she gave the "so-so" hand gesture. "But I swear it's not a lot!" she promised. "The arcade by the high school has just got the new 'Steel Samurai vs. Evil Magistrate - Deluxe Battle for Neo Old Tokeyo: The Arcade Game'!"
            Phoenix's jaw dropped. "Why… is the title so long…?" he asked her, completely perplexed.
            "It just is!" she vaguely replied.
            Phoenix gave a loud sigh. "So… what, is this an arcade game based on the movie you made me go see with you a few weeks ago…?" he questioned her.
            Maya scoffed, "Uh, NO!"
            "It's the arcade game based on the home videogame version that is based off of the movie!" she told him. "Duh!"
            The attorney rolled his eyes. "Of course," he slowly said, over-acting his words. "Silly me, how could I have ever mistaken that…?"
            Maya stuck her tongue out at him. "Well, why are we still sitting here!?" she demanded. "We need to make our way down there and get our gaming on!"
            Phoenix rolled his eyes. "Maya… I have paperwork to finish up…" he informed her. "And besides, the last time I played any sort of video game was back in grade school."
            Maya's mouth dropped. "WHHHHAAAAAT!?" she nearly screeched. She immediately ran around the desk and grabbed his hand, forcing him to drop his pen. "C'mon, Nick! We need to get you a dose of gaming!"
            The attorney's face fell, looking completely exasperated and beaded with sweat. With a sigh, he got up from his desk and began to follow Maya out of the office, his keys in hand to lock up behind him. The Spirit Medium smiled with victory as she waited for him to lock the door and they headed for the nearest bus stop.
"Wow… this place is packed…!"
            "Well, Maya, it is a little after three in the afternoon on a weekday, so the school just got out," Phoenix pointed out to her. "And you said the game is brand new to the arcade… of course these kids are going to want to play."
            The other games in the arcade were completely abandoned, but the "Steel Samurai" game was crowded with onlookers and a line. When Maya managed to push her way through the onlooker crowd, it seemed the two people who currently playing were playing as two players - the main character of the "Steel Samurai" himself and the secondary character, the "Pink Princess". It seemed that the duo's streak was long - they had been playing since they got there, feeding the machine constantly with quarters to keep their lives up.
            "Aw, Nick… they're not letting anyone else play…!" Maya complained to him when she sulked back.
            "Can’t be helped, Maya," Phoenix shrugged, not particularly caring. "They got here first."
            "There has to be some kind of law they're breaking by hogging the game!" Maya pouted, her cheeks puffed out.
            The attorney gave a small chuckle, "Unfortunately, no… there is not. Unless they assault someone over the game, or breaking one of the arcade rules, they are there to stay."
            Since they were there at the arcade, Phoenix figured he would cheer Maya up a bit by playing some games with her since they were all free. She had given him a small nod and the two went off. Maya couldn't help but laugh at how odd Phoenix looked in his suit playing a racing game with her.
            "You didn't give me time to change…" he had complained to her. "And you're one to talk with your robes!" The proper response was Maya beating him in the race.
            The next game they played was a zombie shooting game where they took plastic guns and shot at the screen. It had cheesy dialogue, and it was something that Maya knew by heart as she was reciting the lines with poor voice acting along side them. Phoenix was a little more decent at the game as it was an updated version of a similar game he played as a kid on a console.
            After an hour of them playing around, they had won a decent number of tickets, but Maya still wanted to at least try to play the new "Steel Samurai" game. The crowd had since dispersed, but it was still the same two people at the game. Upon further inspection - they weren't high school students, but college kids that seemed to not have classes that day and were just playing at the arcade all day.
            "Hey, do you mind if we can have a chance to play?" Maya asked politely, her hands clasped together.
            "Buzz off," one of the players replied, a taller lanky guy with dark blonde hair wearing a red beanie with the local community college logo on it.
            "Yeah, we've been here since the arcade opened," the other replied, him with brown hair with a few streaks of blue, wearing a red hoodie from the local community college.
            "We're trying to find every Easter Egg in the game since we already beat it a few times," the first one followed-up.
            Maya's jaw dropped. "A few times!?" she nearly shouted. "Okay, I get playing while the kids are at school, and you don't have classes or something… but let others have a chance after the fact!"
            Phoenix pinched the edges of his eyes. "Maya, we can come back another day…" he told her.
            The second player laughed, "Yeah, try to be here when we aren't, I dare ya! Listen to your Sugar Daddy here!"
            Phoenix's face fell. "I am anything but that…" he grumbled.
            Maya puffed out her cheeks in anger. "Oh, you guys are jerks!" she shouted at them. "Hogging the game from a bunch of kids and kids at heart!"
            "I have no idea why I'm being lumped into that latter category…" the attorney sighed.
            "We are paying customers, girlie!" the first player told her. "We can do what we want!" He then eyed her up and down. "I'll tell ya what, you can sit on my lap and watch me play, you're pretty cute." He then waggled his dark blonde brows at her.
            Maya's face twisted with disgust. "Um… no thanks…" she muttered, her crossing her arms.
            "Only way you're going to be able to play…" the guy told her in a sing-song voice.
            "Talk to her like that again and there will be suit filed for sexual harassment faster then you pressing one of those damn buttons on that console," Phoenix then growled, his dark blue eyes narrowed at him.
            The man gave a chuckle. "Oh, what are ya, some kind of lawyer? That why ya wearing a suit and tie?"
            "As a matter of fact, I am," Phoenix smirked. "And I personally know a couple of prosecutors who would love to make sure your asses get in jail."
            The second player paled slightly. "Hey man, we were just messin'…" he insisted, his voice cracking.
            "One has a whip," Phoenix continued, not caring. "And believe me, she just loves to use it… and get your head out of the gutter, not in that way."
            The second player then got up from the game, the continue screen counting down. He pocketed whatever quarters he had left. "All yours, miss…" he told Maya. He then gestured to his friend to get up.
            "Dude, what the hell!" the first player shouted at him. "You pussy, he's just bluffing!"
            "Am I?" Phoenix countered, tilting his head to the side slightly and rubbing his chin.
            With a scoff, the first player relented and got up from the game as well, pocketing his leftover quarters as well. He then bumped into Phoenix's arm as he stalked off, muttering incoherently. The second player trailed off after him.
            Phoenix let out a long sigh, which was cut off by a startled grunt as Maya threw her arms around his torso. "M-Maya…!?" he squeaked out.
            "Thank you, Nick…!" she said to him. Was the sniffle he heard from her?
            Bashfully, Phoenix scratched behind his head. "Eh… it's no big deal…" he replied offhandedly.
            "You looked like you wanted to deck him though," Maya smiled up coyly at him.
            "I mean… he was…"
            Maya gave a giggle, "I would never dream of sitting in another man's lap!" She then realized what she said, and her face turned into a bright crimson, practically glowing.
            "What was that, Maya…?" Phoenix pressed lightly, trying to hide his grin.
            "N-Nothing!" Maya squealed, throwing her hands out in front of her to push her away from him. "Now let's play some of the game! I call the 'Steel Samurai'!" She sat in the one chair and put a quarter in to select the chosen character.
            "Wait… I have to be the 'Pink Princess'!?" Phoenix said to her, clearly shocked.
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benasabrina · 21 days
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Narumayo week day 4: Soulmates and grape juice
Decided to merge Grape Juice (the “water” theyre in) and soulmates!
Maya’s looking up towards the surface because she’s fighting herself too… her duties to her clan vs her feelings for Phoenix.
Phoenix doesn’t feel like he belongs in the light due to him being disgraced…. let alone with Maya because of her status as master in training. So, despite his feelings for her, he will end up pushing her away to keep her safe and away from him.
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tact-and-impulse · 25 days
Narumayo Week 2024 Day 1
@narumayoweek2024, posting now because I've got a long day tomorrow. Nothing explicit in this one, just implied. I wrote with after SOJ in mind. AO3 link!
Prompt: First Times
Slowly, Maya’s eyes opened to a sunlit ceiling. Pleasant warmth suffused through her whole body, and she smiled as she stretched her arms over her head. Her elbow bumped against disheveled hair; a soft grunt emerged from the presence next to her.
“Sorry, Nick.” She whispered but he didn’t stir. As she settled between the soft sheets, her gaze traveled over him. He looked so calm, almost as young as when they met. The slope of his nose, the hint of dark stubble on his chin, his firm mouth. She wondered if his lips felt as sensitive as hers right now.
She considered her next move, finding her clothes or brushing her teeth or rummaging through the kitchen. Except she didn’t really want to move, partly because of soreness and mostly to enjoy this. Last night had been a lot of firsts, and this was another first: waking up next to him.
I could kiss him awake. On the mouth, or somewhere else… She slid her hand over his back muscles, in a light embrace. She smirked at the reddish imprints on his shoulder, her bite in a passionate moment. His own marks on her bare skin came to life, and she couldn’t resist wriggling against him.
“Maya. Are you gonna keep teasing me?”
She jolted. “Oops. Well, I didn’t mean to, you didn’t even move!”
One eye cracked to peer at her, his voice rough as he replied. “I wasn’t asking you to stop.” In a single motion, he turned so he was on top of her, his leg parting hers. He was fully alert now, looking at her with blatant awe and appreciation. “Hey. Good morning.”
“Morning.” Oh, she was flustered all over again. “Sooo, did you want breakfast or, um. Ah…”
Apparently, there were many more firsts.
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juricha-art · 4 years
@provider-of-guardians @rational-mastermind do y'all mind if I steal dis
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different pieces of media, then tag 10 people. 
1. Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon from SM, duh;
2. Tikal the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog, and also I love all Sonic characters except The Deadly Six, and also throwing NiGHTS in here because she might as well be a Sonic character at this point, lol);
3. Akane Kurashiki - also tied with Luna and Diana - from Zero Escape because she will save us all (actually I love all the characters, but, well... you know... GO PLAY ZERO ESCAPE IT'S FUCKING RELEVANT AS ALL HELL RIGHT NOW THIS IS A PSA);
4. All iterations of Princess Zelda (except maybe for BoTW because for some reason it rubs me the wrong way, but maybe it'll grow on me if I ACTUALLY manage to finish the goddamn game BUT I actually LOVE her short-haired design);
5. Aerith Gainsborough from FFVII because she's the best thing about that game, no contest;
6. Horo the Wise Wolf from Spice and Wolf;
7. Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura (also gonna throw Chi from Chobits here because also CLAMP and I love CLAMP);
8. Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa;
9. Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere (actually I love the entire game, so I can't really divide it up into characters)
10. Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service (did you know there are SIX BOOKS about her and the movie is only based on the first? Like go and read them, they are great).
...you know what, there are only girls on here and it's not fair at all, so here's my Top 10 male characters (aka some of my imaginary crushes I used to have - but I didn't tell you that, you didn't hear anything) as well because I want to! FUCK THE POLICE:
1. Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney (*starts screaming*);
2. Professor Hershel Layton from PL (*keeps screaming*)
3. Junpei Tenmyouji - tied with Sigma Klim - from ZE (*screaming gets louder, one can decipher a faint 'PLAY ZERO ESCAPE' chant somewhere in there*)
4. Kaiji Itoh from Gambling Apocalypse: Kaiji (this is like the most intense portrayal of pretty mundane stuff, and I suggest you all watch that and you WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED);
5. Adol Christin from Ys - the destroyer of boats and women's hearts (please appreciate Falcom games, they are the best);
6. Shigeo 'Mob' Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100 (it's such an amalgamation of crazy, mundane, funny and feels and one of the best anime ever made);
7. Light Yagami from Death Note (because my boy deserved better, screw L);
8. Rei Kiriyama from March Comes in Like A Lion (I'm also throwing Kawamoto family in here as well, you can't separate them and also intense portrayal of mundane things, also THE FEELS);
9. Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon (he was my first crush and he's actually the best character after Usagi herself, he's much better than Seiya and doesn't deserve all the hate he gets, I love him);
10. I'm gonna cheat here: Sonic the Hedgehog, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot and Rayman because they're all my bros since the early childhood and that'll never change.
Top 10 OTPs:
1. UsaMamo (Usagi/Mamoru);
2. Akane/Junpei (JunePei) and Sigma/Diana (SigDi? I have no idea);
4. LayClaire (Layton/Claire Foley) (*gross sobbing*);
5. NaruMayo (Phoenix/Maya Fey) (FIGHT ME)
6. SyaoSaku (Sakura/Syaoran Li);
7. Clerith (Cloud/Aerith), Squinoa (Squall/Rinoa), ZiDagger (Zidane/Dagger), TiYuna (Tidus/Yuna) (all from FF);
8. Sonamy, Shadouge, Silvaze, Knuxikal, Taiream and maybe Jetave (all from Sonic);
9. Lawrence and Horo (Spice and Wolf);
10. KanNao - Kanji Tatsumi and Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 (also Ren Amamiya (Akira Kurusu) and Makoto Nijima from Persona 5).
Soooo... Here you go. I dunno if anyone will care, but it was fun to do~ Actually, I can go on and on and on because I'm old multifandom trash, but here's a very condensed version of it. Would you want me to make AN EVEN BIGGER LIST? Anyway, I hope you didn't get tired of my ramblings and I tag everyone who sees these lists to make them as well (M/F/OTP)! Have fun while staying inside and take care!💖
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queenscene2 · 5 years
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When you find out your best friend has Hot Legs™
Reupload to fix some lighting details
Hunk is a Leg™ man change my mind
Inspired by @ganonlady's Narumayo Legs comics
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ao3feed-wrightworth · 5 years
The cry of a prosecutor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C6Uwgi
by Kuzutine
The moon brightly shined, bleeding through the hard Smokey windows. The light pasted on the asleep prosecutors, however waking up to unfamiliar.
The prosecutors had been kidnapped as they try to escape strange things happen outside the building they are staying at.
Words: 577, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Godot (Gyakuten Saiban), Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe/Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Light Narumayo encouragement
Additional Tags: kidnap, Gruesome Murders, Attorney, sadist
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C6Uwgi
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 5 years
The cry of a prosecutor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C6Uwgi
by Kuzutine
The moon brightly shined, bleeding through the hard Smokey windows. The light pasted on the asleep prosecutors, however waking up to unfamiliar.
The prosecutors had been kidnapped as they try to escape strange things happen outside the building they are staying at.
Words: 577, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Godot (Gyakuten Saiban), Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe/Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Light Narumayo encouragement
Additional Tags: kidnap, Gruesome Murders, Attorney, sadist
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2C6Uwgi This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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