#light novel five
hobbitfalls135 · 1 year
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Light Novel Volume Five Review
So...this is going to be a little different than usual. I am going to go through my opinions on this novel by chapter. Spoilers ahead!!
Case 1: Citrine Undaunted:
I'm really glad that they went more into depth with Shimomura and Seigi's friendship. It was interesting to see Shimomura point out the fact that Seigi didn't call him by his first name (Haruyoshi). Of course, it was when Shimomura was leaving for Spain for flamenco guitar studying. He just sprung that on Seigi out of nowhere, it reminded me of when Seigi just up and left to search for Richard in England. I thought that that actually made sense for him since he was always carrying that guitar around.
Shimomura also knows what's going on with Seigi and Richard and he even tried hinting that to Seigi. And, like the lovable, oblivious idiot Seigi is, he has no idea what his friend is talking about.
I had spoiled myself a bit with TVTropes.com, but now I can finally say I know who the heck Maya is. Great character and I really hope I get to see more of her.
It's good to see Richard and Seigi practicing Seigi's English. Maybe he will actually be able to understand the others when he goes to England again. Probably.
Pretty short case, but was enjoyable and I finally know who Maya is.
Case 2: A Visage in Sardonyx:
Mr. Homura is finally getting married! Three times the charm I guess. Poor Seigi wants to stay far, far away from him so he doesn't accidentally get in the way. Again.
Sweet Home Alabama with Mr. Otomura. I quickly read this case once he mentioned that his unrequited love was his stepmother.
Richard telling Seigi that he could invite Tanimoto to the store was actually pretty sweet and we all know that she's only going to care about the gemstones cause she's an aro/ace queen.
Mr. Otomura is onto something as well cause he just straight up asked Seigi if he and Richard are dating. We all know that they will be, but first Seigi has to stop being oblivious.
Another shortish case, but I hope that we eventually get the scene where Tanimoto ends up visiting the shop.
Case 3: The Majesty of Zircon:
Yay! More Saul scenes! Plus the backstory of Saul and Richard meeting! It was really great to see what Richard was like before meeting Seigi and after his fallout with his family.
Monica is another great character and I'm really glad that she was able to get out of the arranged marriage she was a part of. What kind of horrible family would try to kill someone with acid? It makes me glad that I never had to live in a country where marriage practices are like that. Anyways, I'm glad that Saul took her in and that she's going to be able to have surgery to help her face.
Richard trying to get back the tiara that Monica had gotten from her father was really sweet, and thank God Saul managed to find Richard before that creepy director guy took him back to his hotel room.
Jeffery definitely deserved that punch from Richard when he basically told Richard that he gaslighted Deborah's entire family and Deborah herself to break off the marriage. Start of villain Jeffrey~
At the end of the case, Saul also knows what's going on with Richard and Seigi. And, once again, Seigi is oblivious.
I really loved this case cause I love a good backstory.
Case 4: The Grace of Peridot:
Chieko is finally brought into the story and surprise, surprise! Her daughter is Mr. Homura's soon-to-be wife! The backstory with Chieko and Catherine plotting to make sure Catherine and Ashcroft do not get back together and Chieko is able to return to Japan is basically the same in the anime, it just goes a little bit more into detail in the novel.
I love how Mr. Homura invites both Richard and Seigi to the wedding and the two of them arrive together. Even the owner of the sushi shop next door to the shop thinks that Richard and Seigi are together. And, again, oblivious Seigi.
This case was really good as well, right up there with the fourth case.
Case Extra: Andalusite on Christmas Eve:
Henry wished Richard a Merry Christmas! I'm glad that everything that happened in England is slowly getting resolved.
Loved the ending where it was just Richard and Seigi bantering back and forth. They're just so adorable.
Really short case, but enjoyable!
Case Extra: Tiger's Eye Look Back:
This one was only seven pages long, but it still has oblivious Seigi, Seigi still thinking Richard is beautiful, and more training in English.
Extremely short, but still good!
All in all, really good light novel, and now I have to wait until November for the sixth one! And that means three more months until Seigi's biological father comes into the scene. I will not be putting the book down once it arrives.
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lets-get-lit · 8 months
And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human. So she was turned into a pillar of salt. So it goes.
- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five
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boinin · 11 months
In putting together the resource post, I found a couple illustrations from the first novel that I haven't seen anywhere before, at least on the English speaking side of the internet.
The light novels are illustrated by Sannomiya Kota, who's the artist for Episode Nagi.
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Here's a couple from Nagi's part, including a cute Choki cameo.
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...and here's two from Bachira's! I'm shocked not more people have shared these or talked about them. There's his monster! and Yuu!!
His is my favourite LN backstory to date 💛
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sableeira · 1 year
what number on chuuya’s revenge punishment list do we think is “shooting Dazai in the head” when number 189 (the second mildest punishment) was “spinning him upside down a pole”?
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aubdrewanchel · 11 months
I still can't get over the fact that first printed book (in Europe) was the Gutenberg Bible. And the first thing that Rozemyne printed was Bible made by Gutenbergs.
Not me in history class just giggling at the image of bible in my history textbook.
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maddymoreau · 11 days
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Grant Turner icon commission by @bathfinder
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rize-said-so · 1 year
Go Away, Romeo (chapter 33)
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"Is this the face of someone who misses you? I feel nothing but disgust. Besides, who would miss a deceitful deadbeat?"
He tried to stir something in her, remind her of the past but he just spit venom like Reputation Taylor Swift.
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etrevil · 1 year
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“That’s what makes me love you!” /// “You used Corruption believing in me? How beautiful.” /// “Leave it to me, partner.” /// “Chuuya, this is farewell to you too.”
There's just that, certain gentleness to his eyes when he looks at him. As if he feels alive when seeing him.
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lamentfulwarbler · 6 months
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Finally got my copy of stormbringer i’m so asdfghkhklhjkl
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ijichi-nijika · 4 months
sometimes i read or watch takes about the things i love that while they praise the aspects of the series that i love and agree with, the things they dislike about them are so incorrect and wrong that i just get pissed off. I regularly see takes about Wataoshi because of how much i love it and it pisses me off so much when people just think the second half is superfluous, because like. ITS SO FUCKIN IMPORTANT. Like yeah, the first half is a complete story, but to write off the second half because it takes itself a bit more seriously (while giving claire and rae even more character driven moments and well written sections of their romcom life) isn’t a bad things. do a few plot points seem random and new? yes but that is literally how, NEARLY ALL STORIES WORK!!! please you can have you opinions about it but don’t just say it’s a bad thing, just say it’s a part of the story you just don’t like, because it very much ISNT BAD!!!
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my-hyperfixations · 1 year
Saying a prayer before S5 comes out that they didn’t animate Stormbringer 🙏
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gojosbf · 1 year
im the person who sent the ask about interpreting characters as friends or romantic, and i didnt actually send the first ask, nor do i even have an opinion of the sexuality of the character or whether that relationships romantic or not, like ive literally only read about 20 chapters off the manga so far. i just sent the ask because you seemed to be saying that having a really strong relationship with someone made it romantic? which to be honest im just sick of seeing in fandom its sort of a weird opinion. like you can see it as romantic and argue that its supported and stuff, but its weird to say that makes it like their canon relationship like 'they couldnt possibly be friends cause theyre too importanat to each other' is sort of weird
that was poorly timed i would say because yours was the last anon (after the two others which led me to believe all of them were from the same person), now that aside sure it can be a strong bond or only friendship between them, which is why i mentioned that you can look at it however you may wish to but others are allowed to do the same. i don't know about the "really strong romantic relationships" implication that you talk of because all i did was to add to THIS ask were canon manga panels, the author gege's words himself and lastly my two cents of what *i* think. if you've been a part of any anime fandom specially the shonen genre you'd know shipping of this sort is not uncommon and it's our massive inside joke always (we have so many memes and fics and fanarts based on it) and i don't find it weird because they're actually close to eachother. none of us are denying the friendship between them, infact that is the whole basis on how their relationship is built but some of us take it a step further, others don't, based on what one prefers. you're allowed to do the same, we have a vast amount of fandom content adhering to that as well.
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dykewithoutfear · 1 year
wrote a 1200 long analysis on ace for my mythology class totally expecting my prof not to know what one piece was about… turns out his daughter introduced him to the live action and i just spoiled so much for him 😭😭😭
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llycaons · 2 years
I love lqr but he's hardly blameless in how he raised his nephews. its more explicit how strict he was in the novel and how difficult that was for lwj and lxc, but in the drama making lwj kneel with the bamboo for like...two days? with his arms out like that just for visiting wwx is so harsh. like presumably most of the lans, and honestly most of the sects, he's punitive minded and he sees it as the only way to protect people he sees as under his guardianship and correct behavior he sees as unacceptable. but he just causes suffering and in the end he didn't keep lwj away from wwx anyway
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henpeckedho · 1 year
So, like...I have finally reached the point in my Trauma Healing Journey when I'm discovering that while I am still a bit mentally ill and very neurodivergent I'm nowhere near as bad as I was/thought I was.
Turns out a lot of the worst of my mental demons was just bad living situations.
And that is a truly baffling and wonderful discovery at 35 years old. That I'm still mostly okay. The wiring inside will never be normal but I'm mostly okay. And I'm finally in a place where I'm getting better.
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baked-hylian · 2 years
buys another four books like I don't already have thirteen waiting to be read
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