#like !!!!!!!! Omg there it is. the steel and the power that made her such a compelling force so early
danikamariewrites · 11 months
omg omg omg omg omg i just read your fic with lucien x reader and her being dark and stuff.
please can i request one for eris x reader where she kills beron to free eris from his troubles. Reader has some hidden power/is much more powerfull than beron, and when she sees how much stress eris is put through she vows to fix it for him and to not let anyone or anything disturb his peace. she lures beron into the foresthouse and fights with him, she manipulates him into thinking he’s winning but turns around and he is so surprised and enraged. She finally kills him off and skips back to eris to deliver the news. she is internally beaming and quite literally could never he happier to see the weight of eris shoulder lift. Next time they meet with the nightcourt, they ask who did it but eris doesn’t know. Rhys looks to reader who faintly smiles and senses her great power, rivaling his own, and smirks. She then tells eris on their way back she did it👀👀👀
Song of Death
Eris x reader
Warnings: death, violence, kinda dark reader
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Eris was at his breaking point with his father. Beron had made some…unpredictable moves as of late. They had thrown Eris off his game and made it harder for his plan to take down the current High Lord.
You had told your mate that he should take a few days away from the Forest House. You’d be fine by yourself. It took a while but Eris conceded. He planned a hunting trip with a few sentries set to accompany him.
You had it all planned out. The full moon was on the third day of Eris’s trip. Leaving you enough time to taunt and lure Beron to his death.
See, Beron constantly underestimates you. He thinks you are nothing more than Eris’s ditsy lover. Most people in the court did. You did a wonderful job at hiding your powers. Your mother was a witch, as well as your grandmother and great grandmother. But you had also been blessed with the Sirens Song. Your great grandfather had helped you perfect your song.
For two nights you danced through the halls by Beron’s quarters, singing your sweet song to make him curious. The farthest he wandered was the end of his hall. You could tell he wanted to search for you. His need to be sated by your voice over coming his senses.
The full moon was bright in the cloudless night. It shined through the tall windows of the throne room. You basked in the light, swaying slightly as you sang the alluring tune. Sending out your magic to see where Beron is you see him stumbling out of his room like a mad man. Sword in hand Beron straightens up. Sweat beading on his forehead Beron’s face contorts in anger.
He sees Eris, wearing his crown and sitting on his throne. Moments later Beron was shoving his way through the grand double doors growling at the hallucination of his first born perched on the throne. Pointing his sword at the empty chair he spits out, “You’ve overstepped boy. That’s not yours.”
“Not yet.” Your voice echoed with the illusion of Eris’s. Your mate stood, giving Beron a mocking smirk as he slowly stalked toward him.
Eris drew his sword from its place at his hip, spinning the steel and swooning at him. Beron swung close and high just barley avoiding Eris. You could see he was already losing his strength. Your spell taking its toll on him.
Dropping the illusion of Eris Beron faltered. He whipped his head around wildly. Confused as to where his son went. You started your song again. Beron turned to you one last time. His eyes widen in shock.
A wicked smirk pulled at your lips. Lifting your glowing hands you control Beron’s movements, dragging your hand swiftness across your throat.
Beron let out a choking sound as blood spilled from his throat. His head barley hanging on to his neck as his body dropped to the pristine marble floor. Letting out a content sigh you stepped over Beron’s body to walk back to your quarters.
He was found the next morning. Sentries had rushed into your room along with your handmaidens. They stayed with you all morning and afternoon. They distracted you from the tragedy that had occurred late last night. Satine, your head handmaiden, made sure you were in one of your favorite dresses and took her time doing your hair in an intricate braid.
Eris was rushed back. A handmaiden had informed you the High Lord power had come to Eris soon after Beron died. It was hours before you saw your mate again. You could feel his thundering heartbeat in your own chest. His anxiety was running rampant and you could feel his concern for you.
When he stormed past the sentries and finally laid eyes on you his shoulders relaxed. “My love.” He breathed out. Eris crossed the room in a few strides scooping you into his arms and collapsing on the bed. “Leave us.” He commanded your handmaidens and sentries.
You cling to each other for a long while. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sweet fox. I was so worried about you when I heard. Worried that whoever did this got to you or my mother.” You calming run your fingers through his short hair. “We’re ok baby.” You pulled away from him, cupping his face. “How are you feeling. I can’t imagine what you felt when the power hit you. I’m just sorry I couldn’t be there for you.”
He let out a breathy chuckle giving you a wide teary eyed smile, “It’s ok fox. I’m ok.”
The next few weeks were consumed by meetings with advisors, other courts, High Lords, and the Vanserra family. As the weeks passed a weight seemed to lift from Eris’s shoulders. Eris became closer with his brothers and his mother was free. The two of you are free.
Days before his coronation Eris was quite pensive. You were a bit concerned with how Eris had pulled away from you. You knocked on his office door. “Eris,” You poke your head in his office. He snaps out of his trance, blinking at you. “Come in fox. What’s wrong?” You shake your head as you sit across from him. “Nothing, I’m just worried about you. You’ve been distant.”
Eris leans back and takes in a deep breath. “The investigation into my fathers death has been confusing to say the least. There were no intruders, no guards saw what happened, and everyone in house was accounted for.” You bite your lip at his words. Leaning forward you place your forearms on his desk.
“I must confess something to you my love.” Now it was Eris’s turn to lean forward. Curiosity sparkling in his eyes. “I am responsible for Beron’s death.” His eyes go wide with shock. “Y/n…I’m not understanding.”
“Im going to show you but, you have to promise not to be angry with me.” Eris’s face changes to confusion. You lift your hands letting the light shine just a little from your hands as you hum that familiar tune. You stop before Eris can be feel the full effect of the Siren Song.
You avoided his gaze, keeping your eyes glued to the floor. He rounds the desk grasping your chin between his fingers. Eris tilts your face to look up at him. His love for you shining on his face. “You truly did it.” You nod, keeping your face neutral. “I did it for you. For us Eris.”
Your mate dropped to his knees in front of you. “Y/n…” He seemed lost for words as his smile grew. “Together we’ll be perfect my love.” Eris nods enthusiastically. “Thank you fox. I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I already do.”
Slipping off the leather arm chair you wrap your arms around Eris’s neck. As High Lord and Lady change would come to Autumn. And you’d be unstoppable.
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harrowedknight · 3 months
OC info and lore m’lord? Brave knight… please they’re both so handsome… I’d take Hancock in a knife fight for just one date fr…. Bleeding on the concrete outside kle0s shop rn….
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Omg,,, thank u for the ask, I’ll take this as an opportunity to introduce all of my fellas since i have multiple saves/ocs for fallout 4. Right now they’re all in separate aus but I wanna connect them, I just haven’t decided who I want to be the sosu yet, if i even want one at all.
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Starting with Ranger, my newest character. He’s the charismatic leader of the Minutemen. He likes making light of every situation, but he knows when to take things seriously. He just puts on a laidback attitude so he appears less intimidating. He’s trying very hard to make the commonwealth safer, but he has some doubts and insecurities about his position, which he bottles up and keeps to himself. He wants to be the person that everyone can rely on and look up to, even if that means putting his own problems aside to appear put-together and strong. He’s the one I draw Edward Deegan with, and I wanna do more with the two of them since I love me some eldritch horror vibes. I imagine Ranger and Edward go on relic hunts for Jack Cabot after their questline, getting into hijinks and fun spooky, horrifyingly traumatic adventures. Maybe kissing along the way. Who knows.
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Knight on the other hand, is an anxious, paranoid little glorbo; and I say this while he stands at like 6’4”, he’s BIG, the tallest of all of my guys. He’s got severe PTSD and he really doesn’t like living in the apocalypse. He had a wife! They were in a queer platonic relationship; they got married for the benefits but they’re both gay. He’s devastated after losing her, since she was his best friend. He has a very hard time adjusting to the new commonwealth, he barely scrapes by, has to force himself to function because everything reminds him of war and suffering. He eventually stumbles into Goodneighbor, gets hooked on chems to distract himself from bad memories, meets Hancock one bad night and ends up getting drunk/rambling to the poor ghoul. They end up hitting it off despite the ridiculous introduction. Hancock manages to ground Knight, gives him a purpose again; helping good people, and hurting bad people. Knight travels the commonwealth doing odd jobs, trying to do what he can, even joins up with the Railroad to help out the Synths. Just trying to make up for all the time he’d lost, doing what he thinks would’ve made his best friend proud.
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Now for Paladin. Yes, he is named Paladin, and yes, he WAS Paladin Paladin before being promoted to Sentinel. It’s probably obvious by now that I have a Dnd/medieval theme for my character’s names. Anyway, Paladin here is— of course— a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. I made him to be a big dickhead because I don’t play mean characters in video games enough. Unlike my other sosus he’s actually thriving in the apocalypse. Before being frozen he was very dissatisfied/disconnected with the ordinary life he was trying to live, he felt like a husk of himself and he couldn’t understand why. After waking up and being met with a destroyed world, his soldier mentality immediately kicked in again. He adapted fast, and when he learns about the Brotherhood and its US military-esc operations he quickly latches onto it. It’s familiar to him, and he excels at his duties. He rises through the ranks quickly, earning his place as Sentinel and developing a massive ego along the way. The Brotherhood makes him feel powerful, and that sort of becomes an addiction of sorts. He just wants more and more power, he wants to be respected; and if not respected, feared.
And as a bonus unrelated to fallout 4,
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This is Monty, aka Montague. He’s a prewar ghoul living in the Canadian territories, or Little America as it’s referred to in the Fallout universe. He was a proud mountie back before Canada was annexed, kept his uniform in a locked safe for years. When the bombs fell and he was ghoulified, he pulled it out and dedicated himself to helping those who get lost in the nuclear winter. I’m still learning things about Fallout lore so idk how Canada is depicted after the bombs in canon, but the idea I had is that Monty lives in a massive, snowy wasteland which he’s learned to navigate with a lot of hard work and dedication. He earns caps by guiding people through the tundra, since few know how to avoid all the dangers it poses.
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apologies if you’ve already answered this/made something about it canon already but i was wondering if angel can like use her powers on demonrry to calm him down/make him feel better when he’s upset? if that makes any sense at all, i just always thought that would be so sweet if when he’s having a particularly stressful day that couldn’t be helped by just talking it out if she could just like *mwah* his forehead and oop- all better!
omg I’ve actually never thought of this before hello???
but now that you’ve mentioned it, I feel like she’d absolutely do it!! She can use her powers to heal physical pain/wounds, so she’d get curious to see if it could work on a deeper level, as well.
And you know when it would come up?? Whenever he has one of his nightmares 🥲 can you imagine??
She’d lay her palm against the scars on his heaving chest while talking to him in a gentle, hushed tone, reassuring him that it was just a dream and that he’s safe and nothing is going to hurt him.
He’s looking at her with large, wild eyes, like a cornered animal desperately trying to find an escape route. His gaze is fractured and scared; he can’t discern reality from what isn’t, and he's fighting the primal urge to run away— to cower and hide, craving solitude in order to lick his wounds on his own terms. He hates letting her see him in this state— so weak and vulnerable, so vastly different from his usual confident, strong, nonchalant demeanor.
This isn't the person she fell in love; it's a broken shell of someone he used to be, and he'd always promised himself no one would ever witness it but him. It's a part of his life he worked so hard to lock away, and the fact that something as simple as a flashback can revert him back to such a fragile, feeble condition is beyond humiliating.
Harry survived decades of torture, years of rigorous training, and centuries of isolation, yet a mere memory has the ability to incapacitate him completely. It's degrading, and it makes him a sorry excuse for a demon.
Y/N manages to yank him out of his dark thoughts, as she typically does. Her hand suddenly starts glowing against his stuttering chest, the tips of her fingers dancing with golden rays of light. He flinches away on impulse, the brightness overwhelming his dilated pupils and cloudy sight.
“It's okay.” She murmurs, her voice soothing and delicate, yet firm. “You're alright, H. Just relax.”
The buttery light from her palm begins to spread through the veins under his skin, pulsing within his blood as it webs up his neck and across his taut shoulders. The magic untangles the tension from his muscles, causing his rigid spine to soften like clay. His breathing levels out and the shadows in his brain start to thin. His entire body gradually fills with a sense of comfort and tranquility, steeling his frayed nerves and calming his frenzied instincts.
Harry can tell ​she’s lending him some of her celestial strength, similar to how she does whenever she heals a cut or mends a broken bone. It's the same sensation of peace and compassion— a certain mellow heat in his limbs that radiates down to the marrow in his bones, evaporating any pain in its wake until it’s all gone.
Any corporeal afflictions Harry endures usually subside fast enough on their own— enhanced healing is part of his own powers, as well, though sometimes she’ll help speed it along for her own peace of mind. It’s easy, since he’s already mending himself, so supplying some extra care takes hardly any effort at all.
But when it comes to his dreams, it’s a very different story. This form of restoration is something much deeper; it takes more out of her, considering the damage runs through his soul, and it demands a heavier toll on the person providing the aid.
Regardless, Y/N always insists on helping because she knows this type of wound is one he can’t fix on his own. Harry’s healing only cures surface-level problems, whereas his girlfriend’s extends further and has the aptitude to ease emotional and mental distress. But by doing so, she takes on that distress herself— she absorbs it into her body and exchanges her vitality in return.
This means that during the process, she feels whatever he’s feeling— his bitterness, his fear, his agony, all of it. It’s one of the fundamental laws of the universe, human, demon, and angel alike: energy doesn’t just disappear, it has to be traded off. It can only be transferred, not destroyed. Therefore, she bargains her fortitude and takes his pain as a result.
Y/N claims it doesn’t hurt as much as he assumes; that it only lasts for a minute, until he manages to get his bearings, and then it fades away as everything balances out. Nevertheless, that doesn’t excuse the fact that whenever she does it, Harry is essentially allowing her to shoulder all of his baggage until he gets his mind under control. And no matter what she says, she doesn’t hide it as well as she thinks she does; he can see her grinding her teeth through a clenched jaw, fighting off an anguished grimace as she blinks back tears from her glowing eyes.
It only adds another layer of loathing towards his nightmares, because it means his girlfriend has to deal with his issues just because he can’t deal with them himself. He’s allowing her to hurt herself for his sake.
But despite Harry’s countless protests, Y/N never hesitates when the moment comes, and he’s always too indisposed to stop her. She's stubborn that way, and though it worries him to death to let her carry his burdens, he can't deny how much he appreciates the relief that comes with the gesture. It feels like being released from a lead strait jacket, to where he can finally move and breathe and actually think again, instead of being frozen in some horrible loop.
So instead of resenting it or drowning in guilt, he’s tried to learn to accept it for what it is— a gift. A token of their relationship. No one has ever forfeited their strength in his interest, much less an angel, and even less an angel who happens to be in love with him.
“It is what it is.” She’ll reason after it’s all over, giving him a tender smile as they lay in bed with his head cradled against her chest, arms and legs intertwined. “It’s an angel thing; I was raised to sacrifice myself for the greater good. To me, the ‘greater good’ is helping you with your nightmares. I’m never going to just sit by and watch you suffer, whether you like it or not. Not when I can stop it.”
“I just don’t want you to put yourself through that.” He mumbles lowly, toying distractedly with the ends of her fingers, eventually letting his own sift between them. “You shouldn’t have to take my pain; I should be able to handle it myself.”
Y/N’s digits curl around his, squeezing his hand affectionately. Her voice comes out as a pleading whisper, her breath warm against the cold sweat that’s long dried across his forehead.
“When are you going to understand that you don’t have to anymore?”
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trashboatprince · 5 months
Omg I love all the monster wives aus! What about for knight and dragon when the two first meet? Is it a meet ugly or a meet cute?
Oh, it's a meet ugly, I can tell you that much, haha.
Warning: mentions of human remains, Crowley sunbathing in her birthday suit, attempted murder of a dragon
So, a quick summary of the plot for this au: Aziraphale is a princess who escaped her family's expected wishes for her to be married off so she could run off to be a knight. Ended up being adopted by a coven of witches who help her prepare for being a knight. In this kingdom, you can become a knight through being a squire, being knighted for an act of bravery/heroism, or for slaying a great beast, especially a dragon.
Crowley is a shape-shifting wyvern who has magical powers because reasons.
On with the fic!
This was the place, Aziraphale swallowed.
It was a large cliff side, overlooking the valley's forest. It was rocky, jagged, and very much exactly what Aziraphale expected from a dragon's home. Looking up, she could see a large ledge sticking out a number of meters up, where a huge cave opening was.
Down below it were the remains of other wannabe knights and professionals who dared to try and fight this beast. Many of the remains looked to be from death falls, others were clearly charred. Same with their ropes.
Aziraphale let out a breath, trying to calm her nerves. This was her only chance to be a knight, as she had never trained with a real knight, it would have been too dangerous. And she clearly hadn't gone to the capital to ask for a task to be brave, nor had she saved any villages or whatever.
No, that left only the option of smiting a beast of terror.
And dragons were an instant approval of knighthood, as they were dangerous and cruel. They were a massive threat, as she remembered her family telling her when she was a child. She remembered the books, the stories, and legends, the history scrolls of the kingdom.
Steeling her nerves, Aziraphale needed to be brave, she needed to do the smart thing and approach this with thought, no going in without a plan!
She was armed with an enchanted shield, one impervious to magic blasts and fire, blessed in Holy Water to be on the safe side. She had a guardian's bronze sword, a very rare and powerful blade that ignited into flames with the flick of a wrist.
How Nana Agnes got her hands on these, Aziraphale would never know, but they will do her well in the fight.
But for now, Aziraphale needed to survey the area, see the best way to get up to the ledge. Going directly up with any sort of levitation spell or item was a no-go, clearly some of these knights have tried. Grappling hooks wouldn't work, nor would rock climbing...
She noticed the large patch of trees growing near the cliff and she approached, maybe the trees? They rose up high enough that she could use a levitation charm and get up there.
Nodding, Aziraphale approached, looking to see how to climb up the trees, before noticing something else.
Behind them, hidden oddly enough into the cliff face, were stone steps, carved by... magic? Hand? It was hard to tell. How had she not seen them?
Taking a number of steps back, Aziraphale realized why. They seemed to hide behind the very high, dangerous jagged spires of rocks, and even hide behind rocks in the cliff.
"How clever!" She blinked and moved to climb up the steps, careful to not make too much noise with what little bits of armor she wore. It wasn't much, mainly a very fine, powerful chainmail made by Aunty Tracy, and some pieces that she really didn't want to know where Anathema and Newt got them from.
After an exhausting jaunt up the steps, Aziraphale finally made it to the ledge, surprised by the sight before her.
Laying across a large, flat stone, was a woman, naked as anything.
She had long, wavy and curled red locks that shone beautifully in the sunlight, like a ruby. She had golden bangles and cuffs on her wrists and arms, and she seemed to be unconscious.
A damsel in distress!
Aziraphale felt her cheeks flush, hopefully from the heat up this high and the climb, not because of the naked beauty. She swallowed hard and approached quietly, shield at the ready, sword only a flick away from burning brightly.
The dragon had to be nearby, right? He would never leave his prey out in the open... this could be a trap, a captured victim to lure in a heroic person, only for them both to become tonight's main course.
Aziraphale turned her attention to the cave, it was too dark to really see further into it than just the entrance and the first fifteen or so feet. She heard no sounds from inside, just the gentle echo of a gust of wind blowing through, the moans of nature.
Then there was a yawn, from behind her.
"Mmm... whazat-? Oh! A knight!"
Aziraphale turned sharply, seeing the woman sitting up, stretching, her long hair hiding her backside from the other woman. Please, don't turn around, Aziraphale thought, her face burning. "S-Shhh! Miss, we must leave, before the dragon returns."
She moved back towards the stairs, thinking that maybe she should offer her cape to help cover the poor girl. "Come along, my dear, I'll get you to safety. We really should get going."
"Ooh? Aww, how sweet~!" The woman giggled. "You think I'm a damsel in distress? That's new! Then again, you lot never catch me sunbathin', so I guess this is a first."
"W-what?" Aziraphale frowned, turning to face her, only to freeze.
The woman was standing on the rock now, completely bare to the world, and that's when Aziraphale finally really took in her body. Which she really should have done from the start, cause then she would have noticed the tail!
A long, thrashing tail, a warning, coated in black and red scales. And speaking of scales, they were in patches along the woman's skin, her nails were long and dark in color, and she was grinning with teeth like knives.
Her eyes were wide, completely golden like her jewelry, with black slits for pupils.
"You!" Aziraphale snapped out of it, the sword erupted into fire as she got into a battle stance.
The woman, no, the dragon, looked oddly amused. "Also a first, a flaming sword, never seen one of those before. At least not in this century! Clever bit of charm work there? Or is that the real deal?"
"Why don't we find out when I stab at your belly?" Aziraphale smirked and charged, only for the dragon to move fast, grabbing the blade in her bare hands.
"Naughty thing, aren't you? Comin' to my home to attack me? How..." Her amused look faded when she realized something. She screeched and yanked her hands back, staring at the wounds. "It's... it's the guardian's sword!?"
"Y-yes? Yes! It is! And it is deadly to beasts!"
The dragon hissed and blew on her hands, the skin around the wounds looked raw and painful, Aziraphale couldn't help but wince. "How dare you! Coming here to harm me?! I did nothin' to you!"
Aziraphale blinked, frowning. "But... but you're a dragon! The locals told me that this is the home of the blue dragon that steals their sheep and slaughters their cattle!"
The dragon snarled, stepping back. "Blue!? Now you're insulting me!? I'm not a blue dragon, I'm not one of those pricks! I'm a black and red dragon, you idiot human! And I don't steal livestock! I don't even like sheep, it's nasty!"
The wannabe knight had completely forgotten that there was clear proof of black and red scales on this creature.
The flame went out and Aziraphale coughed. "I... this is... oh dear."
"Yeah, 'oh dear', indeed." The dragon sneered, sticking out a forked tongue.
Not a great first meeting, but don't worry, Aziraphale will make it up to Crowley.
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writingonthewalls1832 · 4 months
omg i thought about this once but Young! red team (chigiri kunigami and reo) interacting one day (like they randomly met one day in their childhood and started talking and stuff)
Yesss this is so cool! Chigiri-Reo-Kunigami is actually one of the best trios of the show imo, they had such a good skill combination and a great dynamic.
Here you go, Houdie!
For reference, in this fic, Chigiri is six years old and Kunigami and Reo are seven years old. I also didn't proofread it so if there are some typos it was an artistic choice.
Word count: 1,566
TWs: N/A!
It was hot outside, hot enough that after fifteen minutes racing around the football field, Chigiri felt his hair start to stick to the back of his neck. With one final huff, he kicked the red ball into a soaring arc that landed it into the back of a net.
"Yeah!" He cheered, jumping into the air with a pump of his fist.
"Hyoma, do you want some water? It's so hot!" His mother called from where she was sitting next to his sister on a steel bench at the edge of the field.
Chigiri nodded and jogged over to them, boosting himself up with small hands to sit next to his mother. He took a long drink from his water bottle.
"You know," his mother said with a good-natured smile, "We're on vacation. You don't have to practice football."
Chigiri wiped his mouth on his sleeve, smiling. "I want to, though! I want to get better!"
"How are you going to get better if you don't have anyone to play with?" His sister asked.
Chigiri frowned at her and opened his mouth to answer.
"Why don't you go ask that boy over there to play?" His mother offered before Chigiri could speak.
Chigiri followed his mother's gaze across the field to near the far corner flag. There, a boy with orange hair was kicking around a gray soccer ball.
Chigiri watched the boy dribble clumsily and then shoot the ball into the net. He shrugged. "Eh. I'll just go play on the other side of the field."
"He's all by himself," his mother cooed with pity. "Go talk to him. Hopefully his parents are around somewhere."
Chigiri slid off the bench and walked over to the strange boy, careful to not sneak up on him.
"Hey," he called when he was close enough to not need to yell.
The boy turned, surprised, trapping the ball beneath his foot. "Hey," he said evenly. "What's up?"
"My name's Hyoma Chigiri."
"Rensuke Kunigami."
There was a moment of awkward silence where Chigiri looked Kunigami up and down. Kunigami was a little older than him, if he could guess, and he was certainly taller and stronger.
"Do you...want to play together?"
Kunigami smiled, an honest, open smile that made Chigiri feel a bit like they were friends already. "Yeah!"
After a few moments of passing the ball around and taking shots on goal, it became apparent that Kunigami wasn't super experienced. He had an odd talent though; his left leg shot was powerful enough that when he accidentally shot the ball over the crossbar, it nearly ended up in the playground on the other side of the park.
"Whoops, sorry," Kunigami said awkwardly when Chigiri retrieved the ball. "Thanks for getting that."
Chigiri dropped the ball back into the grass. "It's no problem. So, you haven't been playing for very long, have you?"
"No," Kunigami admitted, looking slightly embarrassed. "Only a few months."
"Are you from Tokyo?"
"No, Akita. My dad's here for work and I came with him. You?"
Chigiri passed him the ball and they started a passing drill, the ball swishing rhythmically over the grass. "I'm from Kagoshima. We're here for vacation. Where's your dad?"
"At the hotel across the street. He knows I'm here, don't worry."
Chigiri nodded, eyes narrowing to focus on the ball between Kunigami's feet. When he received the pass, forceful enough to sting his unprotected calf, he trapped the ball under his foot.
"Want some advice, then?"
Kunigami, who had been moving towards the goal for the next pass, straightened and blinked. "Sure."
"You've got power, but you don't have to use it all the time," Chigiri began. "We're close enough to talk normally to each other; that means you don't have to pass it like you're shooting. Hit it with the side of your foot, like this."
Chigiri gave Kunigami an easy pass. Kunigami considered the ball, then the inside of his foot, and then tapped a hesitant, slow pass back. "Better?"
"Hey, you two over there!" Someone called from close by.
Chigiri and Kunigami both turned. The voice belonged to a boy with purple hair who was running away from his obviously disgruntled parents with a wide smile on his face.
"Do you play soccer?" He asked, practically skidding to a stop in the grass in front of them.
"Uh, yeah," Kunigami responded, confused.
"I'm Reo Mikage. Let me play with you."
Kunigami looked at Chigiri as if it was his decision. Chigiri glanced back towards his mother, who was talking to his sister and didn't seem in a hurry to leave.
"Sure," Chigiri told Reo. "Why don't you and Kunigami go on one team, and I'll go on the other. You two try to score on me."
"Okay!" Reo said confidently, and then, just as confidently: "Where do I stand?"
Chigiri blinked at him. "You don't play?"
"Nope, but I want to! Someday I'm gonna win the world cup! So where do I stand?"
"Just follow my lead," Kunigami told him.
Chigiri passed him the ball and then backed up towards the penalty area to defend. Kunigami's control was good, though not graceful. Reo was too close to him to be useful, purple eyes trained on the ball as if he was itching to get a touch on it.
Kunigami dashed forwards, but Chigiri blocked his path to the goal. Kunigami dribbled for a moment, did a poor feint, and then tried to shoot. Chigiri stole the ball easily, wishing that Kunigami's leg wasn't so powerful.
"Sorry," Kunigami said with a wince. "I booted it again. I thought maybe it would get past you."
"It's fine."
"Can I try?" Reo asked.
"Sure." Kunigami passed him the ball, and Chigiri was back on the defensive.
Reo kicked the ball in between his feet once or twice, feeling the weight and considering the way it moved. "This is good," he said. "I like it!"
Chigiri moved a bit closer, starting the game. First, Reo tried to take the ball up the side of the field. When he quickly found himself trapped, he reversed direction, but Chigiri knew he was looking for a pass, and he dashed to block his way.
"Ooh, you're fast!" Reo exclaimed.
"Reo!" Kunigami called.
Reo tried to get around Chigiri again and failed. He was losing confidence quickly. Kunigami moved far up, towards the midfield and out of danger, so Chigiri let Reo pass it to him. Reo said something to Kunigami, then walked over to him. Kunigami put the ball between his feet and they stopped for a moment to chat. Chigiri couldn't hear what they were saying, so he readied himself for a new play.
Kunigami and Reo both started rushing forwards towards the goal at the same time. Chigiri panicked for a moment at the sudden movement, then decided that he should obviously go for Kunigami since he had the ball. He confronted him at the edge of the penalty box, ready to block an opportunity to pass.
Kunigami kicked the ball to the left and Chigiri moved with it, expecting Kunigami was trying to create an opening for a shot. When Chigiri turned his shoulder to block Kunigami, Kunigami extended an arm, and Chigiri felt himself blocked more forcefully.
He tried to push back, but Kunigami was bigger than him and his efforts were in vain. Kunigami passed the ball across the goal to Reo, who tapped it in easily and then ran over to join them.
"Nice job!" Reo exclaimed, breathing hard. "Man, that was so cool!"
"Thanks," Kunigami answered with a smile.
"That was nice, yeah," Chigiri agreed. "That fake shot and physical press back on me wasn't a strategy I expected."
"It was Reo's idea, actually."
"Yeah!" Reo nodded. "I figured since he's bigger than you, he could push you out of the way instead of trying to outrun you. I would get open in the meantime and be ready for a pass."
"Good thinking," Chigiri acknowledged, honestly impressed. For someone who had never played before, Reo could think tactically.
"You know, we make a great team," Kunigami said. "We should play together again sometime." He turned to Chigiri. "The three of us on a team would be super cool. With your speed, we could make amazing plays."
Chigiri chuckled. "Yeah, that would be nice."
"What if--" Reo began.
He stopped mid-sentence and looked over his shoulder, face falling into something like disappointment. "Sorry. Those are my folks, I've gotta go. It was nice playing with you!"
"I should go, too," Kunigami added apologetically. "My dad'll be expecting me for lunch. See you, Chigiri."
"Yeah, see you both."
Reo and Kunigami both turned and walked away. Chigiri frowned at their retreating backs, then turned and jogged back to his mother and sister.
"How was it?" Chigiri's mother asked him. "It looked like you were having fun!"
Chigiri thought for a moment: Kunigami's generosity and power, Reo's enthusiasm and play-making mind...
"It was fun, actually," he said. "Neither of them have played for very long, but I think they have potential. I'd like to play with them again someday, but Kunigami lives in Akira and I think Reo lives here..."
"Well, if it's meant to be, it'll be!" His mother offered cheerfully. "And I'm sure if you're great teammates, you'll se each other again one day."
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justanothervigalanty · 3 months
when I found my love ❤️🖤🤍 (Jason Todd x fem! Reader)
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Jason Todd. But you always new him as jay. You were around 10 when you saw a small boy around 11 steeling tires of an old car in the dump. “Hay! You, this is my place back off!” You say to him “ho sorry kid but I need these if I want to eat tonight” the strange boy said picking up the tires. “It will cost you!” You say just as he is about to walk off. “Yeah, ok fair point. What you need kid?” He asked walking towards you. “I can’t give you money though! I have a cigarette?” He said jokingly. “I’m 10 and a half! Plus I don’t want money.” You say with a hand on your hip. “So what do yo-I need something to eat!” You cut him off. “Oh um ok I normally get a sandwich from a soup kitchen but they shut down” he signed putting down a tier and holding out his hand for you to shake. “I’ll share what I can get from this. Ok?” He asked “yes! Oh I’m y/n, y/n L/n” you say “nice to meet you y/n I’m Jason Todd but…around here I go by jay, you should figure out a new name as well it’s safer like idk umm maybe Jen ?” “Ok sure jen and jay sounds cool!”
after around three years you got to know him better and became his closest friend and had maybe kissed once or twice. But then he disappeared. Vanished. Like he was never there. Only a week after Jason’s disappearance you were descoverd and put into foster homes but avenchualy you met the Kent’s. Thay already had a son Conner and he instantly saw you as his baby sister. When you found out that your foster father was the superman you begged him to let you train to become his sidekick along side Conner! And one day he agreed! You were over the moon you may not of had powers but you were one heck of an engineer you had made rocket boots so you could keep up with your brother and dad and not to mention a total badass when it came to hand to hand combat. You were 14 when Bruce Wayne came to your home to ask you to enter the titans who really needed an engineer. “Can I? Please dad please?!” You practically begged him “oh god fine but Bruce if I come round and see her with a fucking stab wound, she comes home!” Clark made it very clear on that but the next thing you know you’re in the elevator with your dad and Bruce by your sides. When you step out every one is in the living room watching some murder mystery movie or something like that. “Everyone I would like you to meet y/n L/n - Kent.” Bruce said as he patted your shoulder. “Ok I got to go be careful n/n” Clark said as he kissed your forehead before leaving. “Hi everyone I’m your new engineer.” You say as everyone comes to meet you expect one a black haired blue eyed teen still sat watching the tv. “Omg hi I’m Rachael finally more teenage girls!” You smile at the girl and everyone comes to say hi and greets you. “Jason.” Bruce calls out “come and introduce yourself”. “No I’m good thanks B much rather be here right now there about to enter crime alley!” Said the boy. You recognise the name Jason and his attitude towards everyone it was all familiar like you knew him from your childhood but didn’t know were. Dick when over and turned of the Tv to get Jason’s attention “what the hell dickhead!?” He said standing up. “Jason we all know you like crime alley but come meet new kid” they both walked over “hi I’m y/n L/n - Kent nice to meet you” you said “Jason Todd good to meet-wait L/n?” He asked you like he had remembered something. “Um yeah that’s me formally L/n now L/n - Kent” you said trying to explain you weren’t born a Kent. “No you’re what…Jen? That’s your nickname right? Jen?” He asked “yes it is- holy shit jay!?” You responded as he pulled you into a hug “I never thought I’d see you again!” Jason said still hugging you “um what is going on?” Asked gar “yeah not trying to reck the mood but do you know echother?” Kory asked “um yeah we dated in crime alley… speaking of which” you said pushing Jason off you. “Where the hell did you go? You just left me i when to bye us some sandwiches and when I get back you we’re gone!” You said still holding his shoulder’s “I know I know Ieft you and I’m so sorry but um can we talk about this somewhere that isn’t in font of my dad?” He said with that stupid voice he used when you argued back a crime alley.
When everyone was getting ready for bed later you Hurd somebody knock on your door you opened it to see Jason “hay babe can we talk?” You pulled him in pining him against the wall. “Don’t you ‘babe’ me, you left that is by far the opposite of being a good boyfriend!”you said you were about to carry on yelling at Jason but just as you opened your mouth he kissed you and you couldn’t help but kiss him back because in all truth no matter how angry you were at him you couldn’t help but miss how he kissed you, how he used to play with your hair after you had nightmares or when he would play a old music tape on his VHS player that you when both dance and sing along to you had missed everything about him and in all honesty so did he.
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empressofmankind · 10 months
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Things I enjoyed about writing my Crocodile/female!OC smut, in no particular order:
If you had to imagine the walking, talking embodiment of all Buggy's insecurities (imo), I feel like you'd get Sir Crocodile, and that's pretty much how I went into writing him. I set out to absolutely maximize Buggy's: "Oh no, her ex is (insert self-deprecating qualifier) than me". You know, tall(er), confident, masculine, accomplished, infamous, intimidating, actually scary, redundantly rich, pretty conventionally attractive and the scar just adds to the sex appeal. He has a voice like that, and no doubt a way with women? He's even near perfected his control over his devil fruit powers! Absolutely aces the whole Bounty Hunting business thing. Rolls in and out the Grand Line like it's his backyard. He's even better at being Disney-levels of evil! Complete with a better villain laugh. How dare. How dare he absolutely nail most of everything Bugs covets? Poor Buggy. The fact that his girlfriend is technically still married to the jackass is just an extra kick in the gut while he's down, tbh. Basically, if Bugs were a piniata, this is currently my stick of choice to go at him with. I just keep finding new aspects for Bugs to be insecure about and it doesn't matter how often Shivs tells him not to worry about it.
As you know, I wrote the whole thing first in three sits, ignoring most of the limb logistics. And then I went in and revoked hand privileges. That sucked? But it was also kind of fun to then try and either make it work with one hand and/or integrate his hook. Some of the instances actually got far better with it: neck pulling, ahoy! is a big one, hitching up clothing for a close second, but also being casually threatening for no apparent reason (and then for a really apparent reason, omg). Croc seems to lean towards preferring to use his hand, and sometimes he misses having two of them for this and I tried to show that. I mean, I get it - hands have tactile sensation. Plus, we wouldn't want to kill her. Not at this point in the timeline.
God tier banter, if I may say so myself. I specifically enjoy writing (sexual) banter, but I feel like I've outdone myself here. Their beats are also pretty even-handed and so well attuned to eachother, like this isn't their first verbal rodeo, this is the end stage mega evolution of years of practise.
The way Shivs walked into her ex's office with the intention of manipulating him with sex, but did so while explicitly and recognisably wearing her current boyfriend's clothes. Balls of steel, this girl. But, she knew who she was confronting. If he turned out at all amenable to her scheme, he'd want her out of these rags stat. And that was five free steps in the direction she was meaning to go. In addition, I am a firm believer of him being a high-key closeted bisexual and we all know what they say when boys excessively pick on you. All it takes is squinting just right and imagining her with a different hair colour, and that just made me chortle. I am probably the whole target audience for this, but yolo.
The way his pet name use corresponds to his emotional headspace, apparently. I wasn't doing this intentionally, but I noticed during editing. He says 'doll' a lot (a grand total of 14 times, jfc), uses it the way guys tend to use 'babe'. I felt doll suited him, perhaps because I strongly associate it with Noir films, older Bond & Mafia movies, and crime bosses in general. Showing my age there, maybe. Then he also uses 'sweetheart' quite a few times (9 iirc), and I am pretty sure he does so in an endearing manner. Lowering those emotional walls a teeny tiny bit as fondness seeps through. And then, like, once or twice, he uses 'honey'. And, again, I feel like he uses it in an older manner, the way stereotypically a husband fondly refers to his wife. It feels intimate. Like he briefly forgets all of this is dust? I think about that a lot.
Did you notice how she doesn't use any terms of endearment? I did wonder if she had any, but I felt like she wouldn't use them. Not at this point. Not any more. She loves Bugs. She did slip up once though, did you notice? She is the queen of mildly awkward nicknames.
It may not seem so at first pass, and it's certainly not super obvious, but it seems to me like he's trying pretty hard to put Shivs' relationship goals bar somewhere on the roof. He wants nothing and no one to be able to even remotely compare to him, especially not the clown. So he throws everything at this that he can? Which, arguably, is mostly material because that's in his nature and fundamentally how he interacts with and relates to the world and people around him. But you saw how fast he was to gtfo that couch the minute she alluded to any part of this being cheap (Mediocre? Sub-standard? Blasé?). Does he genuinely not want to cheapen the whole thing? Or can he just not stand the idea of her thinking this whole thing is cheap? Or both? I suppose these aren't mutually exclusive.
I like that she can make him laugh, and vice versa. They've got really solid chemistry, dammit.
Two people that just really enjoy smoking. Like, they are Smokers with a capital S. That's a whole relationship dynamic unto itself. I am really pleased with how I managed to actively integrate it into their shenanigans. It was a lot of fun and something unique to them.
The way he just repeatedly fails at trying to engage her in a little girl dynamic. Was that a thing in the past? They had (and have) a fairly notable age difference (7-8 years, give or take). And he takes it so well when she just, doesn't play along or only does so for like five entire seconds, or blatantly wields it against him. Poor guy. Just spank her already, I know you want to.
The way Shivs goes from being mildly nervous and quite determined to: 'Oh fuck, I'd forgotten how good this actually used to be'. Like, been there, done that, didn't end well. But man, it's a mood.
Press F in the chat for the fact that she only had one orgasm in this whole thing, and it barely took the edge off. Jerk knew what he was doing. It's a power play, of course.
Sneaking in background information and then doing absolutely nothing with it. Like the comment he makes regarding both their facial scars. But also every time either of them alludes to their past relationship but doesn't actually tell us anything.
Mihawk is a wine aunt. Even Crocodile seems to think so. I am sorry, I don't make the rules.
The part where he just happens to have things on hand that she either likes (i.e. that specific brand of cigarillo's his company makes) or that fit her way too precisely (i.e. that outrageously swaggy negligee). This dude is not OK. My man, if you still know your ex' dress sizes this well after several years, you need to do some introspection. And maybe see a therapist.
The infamous fancy panties were originally a gift from him, and she evidently kept them these past years? I am not sure what makes me frown deeper: the fact that she still has them, or the fact that he immediately recognised them. I don't think she was necessarily wearing them on purpose? She does really like them and wears them often. RIP those undies. I think she's way more upset about losing them than she lets on. I wonder if she'll accept new one(s)? I suspect she may, something about gift horses. Maybe he figures? Maybe that's the point. A renewal of something. A visual reminder of the casual control he can exert over her when he wants to. It may seem insignificant (she will definitely not overthink it), but underwear is very private and intimate. He's staking a claim even without particularly saying so. But I am sure every other man in the room will figure that one out. (Counting on Mihawk to say it out loud in that bored drawl of his. The Bisexuals Straights Are At It Again.) Doubly so if they're particularly prone to feeling insecure. Poor Bugs. Just take this one lying down, you silly clown. She wants them because she thinks you'll like them and she knows neither of you can gdamn afford anything remotely like it.
Did you notice she isn't truly naked at any point? Partially undressed, yes. A little exposed, also. But not naked. Meanwhile, he's stomping around in his bare ass half the fic. I like how he gave her something nice to wear and then didn't take it off.
At this point, I feel like he gets pants problems the minute she calls him 'sir', no matter the context. Some things just get sexy tainted forever, and there's no going back, lmao.
The unnecessarily expensive details. I had so much fun with those? The layout and details of his office and bedroom, for one. Both their smokes are implied to be well out of Shivs paygrade. Any brands come to mind? Or take the wine, for example. Can you guess which one I am referencing? And the lace - I am from a traditional lace-making area. Handmade lace was and is hella expensive. Don't even start about lace featuring custom tailored designs. There was absolutely no need to throw this much Beli at the nearest wall. But he did it anyway, because he does it all the time.
The way he keeps verbally reminding her of how different things used to be. For the better, in his opinion, of course. Like, are we casually trading favours here, or are you trying something?
On that count, did you notice how often Shivs is actually thinking about Buggy in this? At no point is he far from her thoughts, it seems.
I didn't set out with this mindset, but based on how the whole thing came out - I think Crocodile might miss her (or the idea of her) ? At any rate, I don't think he's OK. You stupid dick. You self-marooned on this island of misery and now it's too late. No changies, no takebacksies.
I came up with the title post-fact. Maybe it's his thoughts, not hers?
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kiasnocturnality · 2 years
Va'ari's lover being a deadly human knight armed to the teeth in steel and sworn only to Va'ari and no one else. If her lady love demands it, she will kill for her.
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characters: Va'ariniel
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. * ⋆ . ·  . VA’ARINIEL
✭ As Va'ariniel's night, you were sworn to her and her alone. Many falted the Princess for employing a human for a position where loyalty was the utmost necessity as humans were infamous for their ability to lie, their bodies much weaker than fae, their magical abilities trivial even for the few human who did possess the ability to wield such power.
✭ However, they all soon understood that their wise princess had not made a poor decision when you marched along behind her, covered from head to toe in steel. The sword at your hip would glint like an omen of doom and the green cape upon your back showed all that you were unwaveringly loyal to the first-born Princess.
✭ You were inseparable from your Princess, always close enough to protect her, always training when your presence was not needed. When the day came to an end, you would carefully remove all of your armour that would scorch any fae who dared come too close with the very heat of the sun. The armour would be placed in a case in your shared chambers and that it when you would join your Princess in her bed.
✭ The two of you crave the touch that you cannot give her in the day and so find each other tangled in the other's limbs in a messy and desperate embrace where you are both more than happy to be squeezed to death by your lover.
✭ Va'ari isn't good with grand gestures or well-placed words of love so she shows you just how much you mean to her with physical affection, feeling safe and comfortable enough behind closed doors with you like this. She kisses all over your face, massages any aches in your body, whispers to you how she loves you and you're the only person in the world she trusts so she would be ruined if you ever broke it. You whisper back about how she is all you have in this world that you left your own to be in, you remind her that you left everything behind to be hers, you confide your name in her over and over again between so that she knows you could never betray her.
✭ She's watched you take care to clean the bloodstains from your green cape before. She's watched your hands treat the material with such care, the same hands that had swung a steel sword to sever the head of one who had denied her claim to the throne.
✭ She had your name and you had her heart. She would see you one day rise from knight to queen consort.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
OMG, i just love your platonic yandere gow stuff and i kinda have a prompt that i just can't get out of my head and i wanted to know if you'll up for writing it
so lets say that reader is well lets say understatemented because of how much people don't really see him as anybody else then being kratos son and loki's/atreus brother
so… what if lets say the reader sees the peeps (sif, thor, heimdall, freya and anybody else you want) in trouble and reader being seen as the weakling out of his family suprisingly saves there life like they do some powerful magic shit
Sorry if you don't want to write about this, but it was just stuck in my head and i wanted to share
thank you and goodbye :>
Broken Truth (Looks at the ask): Let's be honest - Thor and Heimdal can handle themselves in a fight, Lady Sif really wouldn't leave Asgard and Thrud would be able to defend herself without any help; so I'll write for Freya because she's the only one I can see getting into trouble and needing help. If I think of someone else, I'll come back to this ask and add to it. I hope that's okay.
Someone gave me an idea to make [Name] something like the Dragonborn from Skyrim because I gave his voice power in the Thrud Extension and it would do good in this.
I'm thinking of giving [Name] a name, what do you guys think about 'Nithe' for a name? It means Dragon or Serpent in Old Norse if my research is valid. Anyway, let the words weave together.
Freya was looking for some kind of rare ingredient in the land where the dragons were plentiful, it was quiet for a while when she found the ingredient but that's when the dragon attacked. Freya did what she could and used her magic along with her combat skills but the creature overpowered her and knocked her into the wall, causing her to drop her sword and slump to the ground. She looked at the creature with blurry vision as it slowly stalked toward her before charging at her; she closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it never came, she opened her eyes when she heard the dragon roaring in anger and pain, and came face to face with an unbelievable panorama.
A single body stood between Freya and the Dragon & that body was [Name] - the youngest & 'weakest' of the Sons of Kratos. Holding the head of the dragon still as it struggled and tried to get away from him.
"Dovah Mul!" [Name] roared out in an unknown language as he began lifting the dragon up and threw it against the wall, making it slump to the ground. [Name] looked at the downed beast with an unknown fury in his eyes, this made Freya rise to her feet and hold her bleeding arm.
"[Name]? What are you doing here?" Freya asked.
"Stay back, Lady Freya, I'll deal with this." [Name] demanded as the dragon began to stand again. The beast inhaled and shot a river of fire in [Name's] direction, he inhaled and spoke in the strong language again.
"Yol Toor Shul!" [Name] roared out as a river of fire left his jaws and collided with the dragon's canceling each other out before he inhaled again and hit the dragon in the face with his fire, causing the creature to screech in pain and fly away from the agony. [Name] watched to make sure it was gone before turning his attention to Freya, who healed her wound. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?"
"I...I am fine. How did you do that? You had the strength of a dragon and you could breathe fire like one; aren't you a human?" Freya asked as she walked over to [Name] who shook his head.
"I'm half-giant & half-god. My Blood holds the blood of a dragon, my mother found that out a long time ago and was training me to learn more about controlling it but ever since she died, father refused to train me." [Name] explained it as he looked around for something.
"What are you looking for?" Freya asked as she followed his gaze but couldn't see anything.
"I heard that this dragon took a very powerful steel and I wanted to use it to make a weapon for myself." [Name] said as he walked over to the dragon's hoard and began digging through all the various metals until he found the one he was looking for. "I need to get back home and craft my weapon before father and Atreus get back." [Name] began walking to the ledge of the high point before Freya called out to him.
"Wait, have you thought about my offer? Will you become my son and the brother Baldur saw in you?" Freya asked him.
"I...I can't see myself leaving y father and brother. Please understand, Lady Freya" [Name] said as he turned and sprouted dragon wings and began flying away.
"I understand that you are too good for him and I shall make you my son, [Name]." Freya said as she went to the hoard and got the ingredients she needed.
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
YES! exactly my thoughts, they would do so well being girl dads <3 like, they will continue and have sons too off, but their little girls? aww <3 I think they would be fraternal! like, aemma looks so much like lucerys, who in turn looks so much like the original aemma... meanwhile, I picture rhaelle looking more 'targaryen' like, the shape of her nose and her cheekbones are higher. apart from that, they're two drops of water <3 ALSO YES. Jace is like, "I want 15, please" gahjsfhs I leave this here with you too in case you might like it 🫣
Rhaelle is dozing off in her father’s arms, drowsiness finally catching up with her little body. A small hand curls around Jacaerys’ dragon pendant, the one Rhaenyra gifted him when he was named Crown Prince during their mother’s coronation. Lucerys adverts his eyes from the scene, fire catching in his cheeks as he recognises the piece of Valyrian steel and rubies that dangles by his brother’s neck and hits the back of his head during their nightly activities. 
I love the idea of them being like “boys? Those are fine. But girls?” They had so many brothers growing up that they’re desensitized to it lol.
15??? They’re built different. Made a pact on their wedding night to not only rival their mother for most kids, but to try and beat Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s record too.
OMG OMG Baby? Like it? I fucking love that fjgiejfjf
Rhaelle holding onto Jace’s pendant and just the imagery of her grabbing onto a symbol of their family’s power. But also, Luke getting all flustered 🫣🫣🫣
Like yeah, I would be too ‘cause Jace railed him into the headboard the night before, dragon pendant beating against the back of his head-
Love that for them.
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moku-youbi · 5 months
Fallout is seriously almost everything I could ever dream of or hope for out of an adaptation to my all time favourite video game series, and the game that was my gateway to gaming. It captures the soul of the games in a way that is downright astonishing at times, to the point that I felt I was playing the game at many points. Even hating Maximus felt appropriate, given how I feel about the Brotherhood of the Steel (fuck those assholes fr, fr). Titus the absolute tool, I'm over here like:
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The way he's freakin' out, I'm like oh shit, it's a Deathclaw. Nope, just a yao guai. And you're in POWER ARMOUR, douchebag. You don't deserve it, that much is true. A little sad we didn't see Mirelurks, but that gulper was a thing of real beauty. My new favourite monster, sorry Cazadors!
Like dear GOD the vaults were so beautifully done. If I could walk through that set I would *cry* it's so real and perfect--the furniture! the wallpaper! the appliances! the SPECIAL skills! (Lucy, girl, let's talk about your stats tho babe). Also just dying thinking of what the antis are gonna say about all the incest and laughing my ass off. They captured Vault-Tech in all it's bastard glory. The entire time I'm on the edge of my seat like omg, what's it gonna be, what's it gonna be??
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And the wasteland? All the background characters and sets--chicken fucker! Barv! Dale! The water filter guy was pure fucking genius. RED ROCKET??? GORGEOUS. NEW VEGAS??? Are we gonna see HOUSE??? (though sadly without Rene Auberjonois to play him, legit heart-breaking). and DOGMEAT, MY LOVE!!!! She is the *best girl*
And don't even get me started on the food, I was about to start crying. Do you know how long I've wanted to try blamco mac n cheese or YumYum devilled eggs (my wife was like unrefrigerated eggs wtf and I'm like shut your mouth I KNOW they're delicious, I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL)? To drink a nuka cola? To try Fancy Lads Snack Cakes? And it was all there on the screen looking so real!
And the pip boys and computers!! OMG, every time someone used their pip boy, or when they pulled up the records, and the hacking scene? I was like LET ME DO THIS, I AM SO GOOD AT THIS MINIGAME PLS!!!!
Coop doing his thumbs up???
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Beautiful. Magnificent. Absolute Perfection, except...
WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE COMPHET??? From a game that was way ahead of its time with queer characters and allowing you to romance either gender regardless of player gender, and even offering perks related to being queer, and where romance isn't the focus anyway--like sure, you can woo most of your companions, but that's really only if you want to, and definitely not the point. So why shoehorn this AWFUL romance subplot into something that was truly perfect without it?? It made me distinctly unhappy at several points because it was so shoehorned and unnatural. And like, them boning? Okay, casual sex is a thing in the fallout verse. But making it this love story that made NO SENSE and wasn't developed at all, and relied on the ridiculous boy and girl make eye contact, so obviously they fall in love trope is so fucking lame. Lucy has more chemistry with Coop. She had more chemistry with HER OWN COUSIN. Come *on*.
Let's talk, Nolan.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Tbh in terms of rivusa and winx as a whole I refuse to acknowledge anything past season 5 like season 5 was crap but tbh the small rivusa moments like in ep 1 when they both made fun of skys awful hair or when she teased him Abt being a show off or like in that dragon taming episode where he was teasing her and she eventually managed to tame the dragon and he said “that’s my girl” (ok first of all If Anyone I was involved In romantically said that to me I wpuld fold immediately and secondly he said it in front of his professor😭😭😭 was gonna say he has balls of steel but honestly I’ll take it as he loves his gf a lot🗿) and of course the song writing a as cute and it’s the only time I’ll ever let a man getaway with public singing dedicated to his partner cause it’s so cringe for me but idk why for them i thought it was cute hahaha they honestly saved season 5 for me like I was eating up every crumb and interaction between them
Literally one of the saving graces of season 5 eat your fucking heart out season 4, and behold a season that actually understands Musa's personality
Tbh while I do like "getting together" stories, my favorite part of couples is seeing how they act when their together and established and s5 is FEEDING ME WELL WITH ALL THESE FUCKING ADORABLE RIVUSA MOMENTS
When Riven literally drove around to make sure that Musa could see that he saved the guy just like he asked her to do in the first episode, I'm still not over it. He was all like "!!!! Look I did the thing!!!" I am obsessed with him, and Musa teasing him for it by calling him a show off, I'll never recover
Riven just listing to Musa play the guitar with hearts in his eyes in s5 got me ok, and the way they snugly when up to each other and started flirting!!!!! Like yes their not suddenly going to super easily express their emotions over night, but their clearly TRYING and you have got me SOBBING ABOUT IT
Seeing Rivusa just getting to act like an established couple has reversed all the horrific damage s4 did to me mentally and emotionally with that horrible plot line. I genuinely want to know who in the writing room was stupid enough to think the girls would suddenly be super egotistical about their powers (interesting plot point when their mostly dating the nonmagical, but handled terribly) and Musa would mad at Riven for his actions. Not only would Musa and her actual standoffish personality never even give Andy the time of day, s3 confirmed that she isn't bothered by jealously just Riven not giving her attention/listening to her, and the way she was so mean about his gifts??? Like I can understand not liking or wanting them but she acted like Riven was giving her gifts to make her day worse, or was trying to intentionally make her upset, when it was clearly the opposite and I am quite annoyed. Musa would never. She go "awwww, you fucking idiot. He's allergic to those flowers, come here dumbass"
And the drama this season??? Makes SOOOOOO much more sense. Riven in s2 SENT people who had a crush on her to Musa. There's no way he couldn't of not known that Jared had a small crush on the Winx, and he intentionally sent him to Musa. Maybe because he thought he wouldn't be as good of a boyfriend to her, so he was trying to help in his own Riven way. And MUSA GOT PISSED!!!! Like she was so mad that Riven did that, and that combined with the fact that she smacked the shit out of Icy in s1 over a guy she wasn't even fucking dating, makes it pretty clear that Musa was originally the one more prone to jealously (until s3 when the writers begun falling on their one arc for Riven writing crutch and never got off of it) compared to Riven and I'm SO DELIGHTED TO SEE IT COME BACK
Usually it's the guys being the dumbasses and fucking up and it's just so lovely to see my favourite girl struggle with something I struggle with too!!! Like yeah!!!! Musa definitely has some major abandonment issues, if the way she pushes people away is any indication, some major trust issues in general, her bitey demeanor towards Stella and her tendency to expect people to read her mind makes me imagine she often thinks people know how she's feeling and are intentionally trying to hurt her when that's not the case. It's just so relatable!!!!!!
God I love seeing the girls fuck up and do stupid shit and make mistakes!!! Like YES, give me the GOOD SHIT!!!! Tecna's arc and Aisha's arc in s2 we're some of the best arcs in the show, watching them learn to be kinder and stuff 🥹🥹🥹 I am literally on the floor SOBBING this is why I love them so much, anyone who doesn't like them is WRONGGGF 😭😭😭
I love it when ANY character fucks up and makes mistakes, see: Riven is my favorite specialist, but there's been too much focus on the boys problems to the point where it just seems like they should break up and it's not mutual. But it is!!!! Sure Sky is over protective to a extreme, but Bloom is flighty and avoidant to an extreme. Riven and Musa have the same amount of abandonment issues, they both get jealous, they both struggle to communicate, they both can't control their emotions, ect (which is part of the reason they'd work so well together, and not so well with other people. Take it from someone with jealousy born of fear and very bad abandonment issues, there's NOTHING like seeing someone finally care about you the same amount you do when your expecting them to drop your ass at any moment. Like I know it's wrong but I can see where Musa is coming from in s3, the situation was extreme but pretending it wasn't, someone acting jealous over me immediately calms down my fears that they'll abandon me because they wouldn't do this if they were. Listen, I could write a whole essay about how well Musa and Riven's issues fit together from experience, but for now I'll let you know really well. Like they'll both have to put in the work to make their demons play nice but someone having the same issues as you, as they obviously do, is extremely comforting offering a level of understanding no one else can offer and they ABSOLUTELY PUT IN THE WORK!!! Musa would actually be the one more stubborn about it did you see Riven getting better in s2???? A TEAR TO MY EYE) Timmy has a cowardice problem and Tecna is way too aggressive and doesn't believe in silly things like "not sacrificing yourself for nothing", and they way s2 had them meeting in the middle 😭😭😭😭 how do more people not love s2??? Nabu and Aisha have NO FUCKING SOCIAL SKILLS, IN COMPLETELY OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. Nabu is way too friendly, while Aisha is standoffish, and they both try to prove themselves by acting independently and hoping it helps like idiots shut up I'm in LOVE
Stella working on her issues with Brandon, sobbing, crying, I love s3. Want to see more of Brandon's issues please, and not that bullshit from later seasons where he's also stupid for some reason. Brandon has the most emotional intelligence of the guys and he's using it to hide his emotions, change my mind. Not to mention the way neither Helia or Flora could express their feelings without Chatta getting involved 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
For all of its stupid S5 has SUCH AMAZING MOMENTS
Like I get to see my favourite ship in this show act as a established couple and see Musa struggle with something that's been established since s1???? I'm in hysterics this is amazing
The only thing I want to take from s4 is characters and their motivations, Harmonix > Believix, every couple of episodes I see something new in s5 that's an amazing concept I want to use NOW!!! S5 is just peppered with all these amazing moments and for what???? How do you make the worst age changer sub plot I've ever seen in my fucking LIFE, right after one the best quest plot line with the test of confidence, one of the best written songs in ruby reef, and the superior Stella and Aisha are fighting subplot (looking at YOU s4); And right before one of the worst but adorable episode with one of the hands down BEST Trix spells, getting to see the boys be useful again, and THE BEST S5 FIGHT IN THE RAVINE
Do you see that??? Do you see how for every like, two god awful episodes that make me wanna scream with one or two fun things in them, there's an episode that ruins my life with amazing and interesting concepts that I am legally required to scream about???? Do you see that??? Why is s5 like this omgg, I never know if I'm going to get amazing or terrible. It's like Russian roulette
Anyways I'm obsessed with how hit and miss this season is, I'll defend it till I die but also it's awful and terrible and if you don't acknowledge all of it's crimes it will never be forgiven for weee r going to have to fight. Complexities
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Shadow And Bone S2E5 Reaction
the opening with the five crows (one with a knife) and one banging on a window trapped 😭😭 aauugghh
don't mind the darkling just casually killing himself for power
I feel like they made him a more stereotypical villain but not at evil...you know? he doesn't hurt genya as much as in the books and doesn't blind his mother and do all of those things yk?
I wonder if the apparat is gonna make an appearance?
my wesper heart 🥺🥰
jesper is so done with kaz...he's just like...let me be with my boy
damn kaz's faccee all beaten 🥺
nina saying what we're all thinking "he'd rather push you away than admit he feels anything for you" and jesper just like thank God someone said it
"is that my hat!?" "you hate that hat" "yeah I hate this hat" I love him
"I know kaz...and I know you" 🥺
aww daviiddd 😭 he thinks genya is mad or something but she's ashamed of what the darkling did
nikolai vs alina in the battle of genya 😗
why is kaz so disgusted by the nickname "jes" 🤭 likes he says it so menacingly
"I'm not here for you" get it girl!
"can't you read it?" oh baby boy 🥺🥺😭 the way he tried to backtrack
oh! they didn't kill off nadias brother! that's nice!
genyas speech to the queen 😭😭 and nikolai standing up for her!!
this genya and nikolai scene was beautifully done 😭 I'm actually crying
I love seeing the religious aspect with honoring the dead
kazzzz stop being like this (I love you) you can't even look at inej
"your beauty is your armor, fragile stuff really...but what's inside you that's steel" 😭😭 david and genya I love you so much
this scene broke me 😭😭😭
"I did not do anything stupid...I said something stupid"
TOLYA AND JESPER I LOVE YOUUU THIS IS SO FUNNY "there is a poem" "that is incentive enough"
"you've got all that in your head...and you've still got all your fingers...you might just be the smartest person I know" he looks so done he doesn't know how to fix ittt
"my husband and i" kaz just glaring 🤭🤭 "isn't that right waffles"
inej 😭 I love you so much "I couldn't leave you, not like this"
mal? how did you get here?
"the problem with wanting is that it makes us weak" THAT LIINNEE
honestly I was so ready for this malina fight
Zoya being like "bro I'm not a theif" and literally all the crows being like 🧐🧐 what?
yeesss Pekka Rollins in hellgate bro
bro just best Matthias cell mate to death (gotta love the upped rating)
at least Matthias also hates Pekka now 🤷‍♂️
"you are who you are in spite of him" good line bro
I love nikolai and alinas friendship because there's no romantic chemistry there but they are just so good together 🥰 "I love it when you quote me"
damn...alinas battle with the darkling really made him give up on her now "the whole world will hear it when i make her scream"
me when wylan walked over to wylan "bro not now we're in the middle of a heist!"
me once they started talking: 🥰
the scene was so sad thougghhh cuz neither of them know their backstorys yet so they don't understaaannndd
and that's how nina zenik died (jk I've read the books)
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Omg I am loving your dreaded string of fate au this is such an interesting take! As always your writing and ideas absolutely amaze me You are such a wonderful writer! If it isnt too much of a bother could we get some more writing for dsaf? Either way I hope you are staying safe, taking care of yourself, and that overall life is doing you good.
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Thanks, everyone! And sure, you can have more!!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Luka wasn't sure why Marinette had called him over that day. As far as he knew, she was busy with projects, though he wouldn't complain about spending some time with her.
Still, he found himself tensing and steeling himself up as he walked up the stairs to her living room. The hum of her sewing machine could be heard as he got closer, reminding him of clothes, which led to the thought of thread, which then brought his mind to the red string of fate wrapped around her neck. His last venture as Viperion seemed to have improved his sensing, so now he could see someone's red string even if the person on the other end wasn't nearby.
Needless to say, he wasn't looking forward to it with Marinette.
He closed the living room door behind him, then went up the staircase, knocking to let Marinette know he was there. The sound of the sewing machine stopped, and he heard her footsteps come closer followed by the slight creak of the trapdoor.
Marinette's face was revealed to him, offering him a smile, and Luka tried not to stare too much at the red string still tied around her neck. He swallowed, but smiled back at her, which was genuine enough even if he was uncomfortable.
"Come on up," she welcomed, holding the trapdoor up for him. He nodded and walked up the rest of the stairs, hearing the trapdoor close behind him as he took a look around the room. He felt Marinette's eyes on him, but she voiced her thoughts before he could wonder about them.
"You didn't bring your guitar?" she asked.
He glanced at his back, then at her, having no way of telling her the real reason why he'd chosen not to bring it. "Yeah, I didn't. Sorry, did you want me to play for you?"
"Oh! No, it's okay—I mean, of course I love it when you play for me so I always want—but I understand!" She thankfully dropped the subject there, turning away to return to her seat. "You can make yourself at home or help yourself to the fridge downstairs if you want anything!"
"Thanks," he said with a smile, heading over to her chaise lounge and taking a seat on it. Even with Marinette's chair turned away from him while she used her sewing machine, he could still see the red string dangling off the side, though it faded into full transparency before it hit the floor.
In truth, he'd left his guitar behind to force himself to use less music and more words. He didn't want to hide behind it to try and ease his situation or make himself more comfortable with everything. The situation the love of his life - and more importantly, his friend - had gotten into through no fault of her own was horrible, and no matter how uncomfortable he was, he couldn't have been any more uncomfortable than her being strangled by fate itself.
He watched her, waiting for a lull in her work to ask, "Did you need anything?"
"Hm?" She looked over her chair to meet his gaze.
"I'm happy to be here anyway, but I didn't know if you needed me for something," he clarified.
"Oh." She understood. Waving a hand dismissively, she assured, "No! I just invited you here to hang out—" She gestured to her sewing machine, her eyes a bit shifty. "—with me, while I was busy but totally happy and relaxed and everything!"
Her wording was inherently suspicious. His eyes scanned over the room, noting the projects littered about that seemed so plentiful. He supposed he hadn't exactly been subtle in his concern for her, but he wasn't sure of exactly what tipped her off or made her feel like she had to "prove" her happiness to him.
Besides, he knew better, and he knew her. Even with the smile she gave him, her brows were furrowed and twitching, a tiredness to her eyes that definitely didn't show what he would call "happiness."
He gave her a nod anyway, not wanting to call her out when he was still piecing things together himself, and he didn't want to confirm her worries if she was merely suspecting that he felt that way.
He leaned back while she returned to working, his hand on the cushion underneath him as he considered what to say. If Sass was right in his beliefs, then Luka indeed had the power to change Marinette's fate, though there wasn't any specific method of how. He thought back to all of their conversations, wondering what he would've done differently if he'd known beforehand and trying not to get bogged down by "what if"s or blame himself for it.
He stared silently at the back of Marinette's head, remembering the day at the ice rink when he saw the same thing. She'd been running away, or more specifically running towards Adrien after he'd encouraged her to do so. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but from what he gathered from interactions he'd either seen or heard about, it hadn't gone anywhere. Maybe it hadn't even gone well at all.
Maybe he'd made a mistake?
Luka's mind grew heavy with the thoughts, his body falling back to lay down on Marinette's chaise. He didn't regret doing what he felt was right, but now he wondered if his wording could've been better.
"You should probably go over and talk to him."
He hadn't exactly been thinking at the time - a lot had happened that day - but he noted that he could've asked her how she felt. He could've questioned her on if she really wanted to go after Adrien. It was possible she'd wanted to go home on the subway with him, but was convinced to chase Adrien when he brought it up. Luka just imagined Marinette seeing Adrien and Kagami together, the red string tightening around her neck and then loosening when she was presented with the prospect of going after him.
He felt like he was the one being strangled, just thinking about it.
He looked up, surprised, seeing that Marinette had stopped sewing at some point and had come to sit on the chaise lounge with him. She hovered over him, concern written across her features and the red string taunting him with its mere existence. Luka knew by now that she was very worried about him, and trying to wriggle or half-lie out of it wasn't going to convince her. He'd just really thought that she would've been sewing for longer.
He also jolted up into a sitting position upon realizing that he probably looked like he was making himself too comfy on her chaise lounge. She didn't seem to mind at least.
"...Marinette," he said slowly, trying to put his thoughts in order. She leaned closer as a sign that she was giving him her attention, and he continued, "Do you know why I let you go that day?"
She tilted her head and he belatedly caught that he hadn't been specific, still too lost in his own head. He opened his mouth to clarify, but realization struck Marinette before he could speak, her brows raising in recognition.
"Oh!" she gasped. Though the conversation was sudden, she didn't seem to mind rolling with it. "Um, yeah, I wondered about that sometimes. I mean, I knew that you knew that I—but I didn't know that you—but if you didn't back then, I—"
"No, your song was definitely in my head, even back then," he confirmed casually, smiling as he added, "Since the day we met, remember?"
She blushed at the mention of his confession, but nodded. "Y-yeah." Then, seeming to rethink the moment with that information in mind, she asked, "...Why did you let me go then?"
His eyes flickered to the red string, then back up to her face. "I want you to be happy, Marinette, no matter who it's with. I thought that Adrien would do that, but I hope I didn't make you feel like you had to go after him."
She blinked, the thought having seemingly not even occurred to her. She averted her gaze, her eyes darting around at nothing in particular. "Is...is that why you were looking like that?"
He didn't answer, but that was answer enough for her.
"Oh, Luka," she murmured sympathetically. "I—well—" She shifted uncomfortably. "—I shouldn't be talking to you about this. It'd be wrong when my feelings are so messed up. You..."
He shook his head. "You can talk about Adrien if you want. I'd be happy if you relied on me more."
He meant it. Even regardless of his fate sensing, he wanted Marinette to feel comfortable talking to him, even if it was about her love problems. He didn't want their relationship to be changed because of his feelings for her.
"Even more?" She raised a brow, the concept confusing her, but she didn't question him further. She hesitated, rubbing her cheek in thought, then dropped her hands to her lap and twiddled her fingers. "I-I don't know; about Adrien, I mean. I—" She sighed, giving a halfhearted shrug. "—he's not interested in me. He likes Kagami, but the girls kept telling me that I shouldn't give up on him because of how hard I tried." Then, stiffening, she waved her hands and rapidly assured, "N-not anything against your sister, of course! That's just what happened—and—" She huffed in frustration. "—it feels like I hit a wall, and I'm not going anywhere. Adrien doesn't notice me and I can't talk to him and... I'm tired."
Luka nodded silently to let her know that he was both listening and sympathetic towards her plight, also not wanting to interrupt her.
"Of course I tried hard, but Adrien and Kagami seem like they're good for each other and they should be happy together. Just, whenever I think of giving up or not trying, I..." She raised a hand to her neck in a gesture that he immediately understood. "It hurts, and Alya's always trying to get me together with Adrien no matter what I say. Maybe she knows best and maybe she's right, and that's why I always end up in crazy situations with him. Plus, everyone..." She looked away, her voice not having the enthusiasm one would imagine her next words would go with. "...everyone keeps saying we're made for each other."
Luka clutched his leg to ground himself while struggling to keep a straight face. He'd certainly never heard that one before, but it stung like his neck did just thinking about it. His lips pressed together, trying to contain his emotions, but he couldn't help blurting out, "No one's made for anyone."
She blinked at him, shocked, but he didn't take it back or apologize for saying it so suddenly. He recognized the fact that he was talking about destined love being nonexistent when he himself knew that "fate" was very much a real thing, but his actual opinion on the subject hadn't changed. As far as he was concerned, fate's "opinion" was about as valid as anyone else's when it came to someone else's relationship.
"No matter what Alya, or even Rose, say about you and who you love, Marinette, all that matters is you and who you want to play for. You deserve someone who makes you happy." He paused, lamenting the reality that she really hadn't gotten to think about it. "Does Adrien make you happy?"
He saw the string tighten, Marinette opening her mouth to respond before she seemed to stop herself. He felt like apologizing, but knew she wouldn't understand even if he did. She frowned, staring down at her lap and appearing conflicted with herself, so he reached out and carefully hovered his hand over her shoulder in a show of comfort. She glanced at his hand, noticing the gesture, but didn't immediately give him any sort of permission.
Then, to his surprise, she brought her hand up, gently grabbing his wrist and lowering it so his hand was placed perfectly on her shoulder. She didn't even let go, keeping his wrist held like she needed his hand there.
"...Luka," she whispered, her voice shaking, "I—no, you'll laugh, or think I'm crazy."
He squeezed her shoulder, not hesitating to insist, "I won't. I'm here for you, Marinette."
She finally met his gaze, and he saw a vulnerability there that wasn't there before. She was nervous, whether of his potential reaction to whatever she had to say, or something else entirely.
She took a breath, her fingers tightening around his wrist as she composed herself. The silence stretched, though he could tell that she was steeling herself up.
"The—the Adrien pictures," she began, tossing a pointed look to the wall where they were. "I don't remember putting them there."
He kept his expression schooled, not wanting her to overthink his reactions. Careful and quiet, he asked, "What do you mean?"
"I-I mean, obviously I started putting them there, back when I first met him," she admitted, "but I took them down. They'd been down for a while."
Luka could confirm that. He'd been to Marinette's room before when she'd been sending in their Kitty Section audition to Bob Roth, and the pictures weren’t there.
She continued, "I-it hurt when I did it, but I did, and I threw most of them away. But then—when I wake up sometimes, they're back, and I don't remember putting them up. I-I mean, maybe I did but I just don't remember it? I stay up late sometimes and I won't remember falling asleep, so it might be like that, you know? I-I know you're not exactly like me and I'm sure you don't sleepily put pictures on your wall but..."
He smiled as best as he could, even though he was hurting inside. "I know as well as you do that creativity doesn't have a schedule."
She managed a smile in return, but it returned to a frown as she dropped her gaze to her lap. "A-anyway, I can forget things, but it's never been that bad, and sometimes they'll be gone for a while but then they'll be back a few days later. There's just—there's no other explanation, so it has to be me, right? I-I don't know if it's a sign or what, but if it is then I don't know what it's telling me? Because whenever there are a lot of pictures—" She made a vague gesture with a wave of her free hand, cringing as she added, "—something humiliating always happens. That usually gets me to take them down again, but then... well, you know." She rubbed the back of her neck with a hand, blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry, I probably sound crazy. I-I swear, I'm not trying to—"
"I believe you."
Her mouth halted mid-sentence, hanging open as she stared at him.
"I believe you, Marinette," he repeated, giving her shoulder another squeeze. He didn't need any further detail to know what happened, as there was no way Marinette would take down those pictures and then put them back up the next day, or even the day before that. It didn't make any sense, and while he hadn't seen the wisps of fate move things or brush them aside, he had seen them trip Marinette, meaning they had some level of physical control. It explained it all: the convenience of the pictures appearing and disappearing, as well as the amount of them there'd be.
"T-thank you," she murmured, her lips briefly moving to form extra words but nothing coming out. She looked shy, possibly from admitting something she hadn't told anyone before, but she at least wasn't so nervous anymore.
"You don't need to thank me," he assured, "but you're welcome. Just know that you can tell me anything."
She ducked her head, peeking up at him to ask, "How much do you want to know?"
"Whatever you're comfortable sharing with me," he replied.
"Everything?" She'd said it quickly, as if she'd blurted it out, but she didn't panic afterward. She merely looked at him, hope in her eyes.
He nodded without hesitation, wanting her to be certain that he meant it. She searched his gaze for a few more seconds, one last shred of doubt remaining, but he knew he'd convinced her when her body relaxed and she smiled at him with her whole heart. Her grip on his wrist lightened, her hand sliding off and back down to her side. He pulled back as well, his heart a mixture of emotions but mostly just happy to see her happy.
"I..." She turned away, facing her trapdoor. "I'm going to get some snacks first."
He watched as she pushed herself up, then stood as well to follow after her. "Do you want any help carrying them?"
She looked at him, confused. "You don't have to."
Instead of responding with the obvious - that he wanted to - he simply replied, "You're not alone anymore, Marinette."
He didn't need to elaborate for her to understand. He let himself get lost in the warmth of her gaze, hoping that he might see it more one day if he could ever get her string removed, even if her warm gaze would end up being for someone else.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
UHMMM EXCUSE ME BUT BOKUTO X ONEE-SAN IS JUST 😳🥵. I'm a different anon from the last one but omg, is it okay to ask more??? Maybe an MSBY Bokuto now or idk what if his onee-san finally gets pregnant (if you're okay with that). Thank yoy so much!
I got like four fics where the reader ends up pregnant I’m definitely fine with writing pregnancy lmao I’ve looked it up so many times I have a notebook of pregnancy symptoms and baby delivery. I do need to start writing down baby names tho bc my computer keeps asking me when I’m expecting
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Mission : Corrupting Onee-san ; Bokuto, part 3
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Kōtarō was a bit upset a week after the.. incident. You weren’t showing any common signs of pregnancy.
He researched it at least six different times, expecting to match something in your behavior to one of them. Each time he realized you weren’t pregnant, it was hard on you. Well, he was hard on you. Forcing his cock into you while you thrashed and tried to get him off, only to be met with the brick wall that is your little brother. He hardly even noticed you, often off in his own delusions until after he spilled his load into you. Even then, your fucked out face and overstimulated hole always had him raring to go again, this time with his focus on how good you made him feel.
With it being a month into his stay at your house, you wondered if your family would get suspicious about it. When he told you he’d be trying out for the MSBY Black Jackals, it fell into place. That’s why he was staying at your house, with the added bonus of being there if you needed anything. From someone else’s perspective, it would seem like he was a golden child with a heart of gold. In your eyes, you just saw a monster with a goal and determination to see the goal through. Kōtarō never shied from any questions your son had, either. Answering every question quickly and maturely, as if he knew the kid would ask it. He’s able to manipulate you and your son but you can’t do anything to stop him, not when he holds power over you.
Kazuki loves his uncle, his Oji-san a lot. You know he does. He’s always enjoyed visiting your parents’ house to see Kōtarō who would tell him stories, but you find he often lets his adoration for Kōtarō blind him. In his eyes, Kōtarō is a perfect human being and can do no wrong.
“Oji-san?” Kazuki’s little head pops up from under the table. You jump at his sudden appearance, especially if he came from under the table. With Kōtarō having you firmly placed on his lap, you wonder how your son would see the situation.
“Yeah, squirt?” He still smiled at Kazuki, not seeing anything wrong with the situation. Not seeing anything wrong with the way he has a steel grip on your hips and keeps rubbing his hardening cock into your clothed pussy.
“When you both go to bed, why does mommy scream?” Your eyes widen at his question, panicking. How do you answer that? He’s so young—
“Oh! Mommy has some bad nightmares, but it’s okay! I’m there to take care of her!” Kōtarō wraps his arms around your middle, warm hands sliding along your stomach. “Isn’t that right, mommy?”
“Yes, Kōtarō, it—“ your words were interrupted with a shriek, feeling Kōtarō pinch the skin on your hips.
“Mommy, are you okay?!”
“Yes, dear. I’m fine. Uh, daddy just startled me, that’s all.” With the new situation and lack of anyone else, Kōtarō wanted to fully move into the ideal family life. Including his title. Kazuki didn’t bat an eyelash, just nodding and eagerly going to play with his toys. A present from Kōtarō.
“We talked about that, nee-san,” Kōtarō’s breath tickled your ear, a warm tongue licking the shell of it. A shiver went down your spine, feeling his bulge get harder underneath you. “Kazuki needs to see me as a father figure now. Especially since he’ll have a baby brother soon,”
“What makes you so sure it’ll be a boy?”
“I have faith. Need strong boys to protect mommy while daddy’s busy at work,” the talk of you having his offspring has him raring to go, a dark cloud covering his eyes as he ruts up against you. You find yourself face down on the dinner table while Kōtarō eagerly strips off your panties and your jeans. It’s nothing for him to pull his cock out of his sweats, eagerly rubbing the mushroom tip against your folds. Even if your mind and heart don’t want it, that doesn’t stop the slick from pooling into your panties and coating your folds. Your hole is nice and wet for him, ready for his fat cock to split you open.
“Kō, we- we can’t! Zuki-“
“If you keep quiet, he won’t know,” he hisses in your ear, his hand digging into the fat of your ass. It’s a warning to be quiet. Kōtarō usually enjoys your voice, how you scream and beg when he’s filled you to the brim, but now he needs you to be quiet since you’re on the table.
Pushing his cock into you is something he’ll never get tired of. He loves the warm feeling of your cunt and how tight your walls are around him, you’re all sticky and wet, allowing him to slide right in. He doesn’t stop, not for a moment, feeling you holding back your moans as he bottoms out. Even with your hesitance, your body knows he makes you feel good. It has him slapping his hips to your ass while he cages you to the table, pressing you down with his chest. Your nails scratch the table, trying to find something to hold on to when his hands snake up under them, squeezing while he rams into you. It’s enough to squeeze his hands while he brings you to an orgasm, his balls slapping against your clit while your walls squeeze around him, sucking him in.
“K-Kō-chan, I-“
“I’m almost there, hold on, baby,” he whispers, his mouth right next to your ear. You don’t know whether he’s talking to you or the possibility of a child resulting in this, but you find his hips stuttering, a low groan as he stills inside you. Your walls milk him dry, another orgasm as you coat him in your own release. He doesn’t pull out, keeping still inside you while you both come down your high.
“It’s Kazuki’s bedtime. I need to tuck him in,” You break the silence, squirming as the feeling of Kōtarō’s cock in you, and his cum, has become awkward.
“I’ll do it,” he presses a kiss to your hair, removing himself from you. He’s quick to pull your panties and jeans back up, keeping his cum from mostly coming out. “After all, I gotta be a good dad, don’t I?”
With Kōtarō constantly leaving the house for practice with the Black Jackals, he leaves you alone. Taking care of Kazuki was your only chore, really. With Kōtarō earning plenty of money and you having the insurance money from your recently deceased husband and daughter, you were not financially unstable. Most of your money had gone to special pills to prevent pregnancy, making sure you had one each time after Kōtarō spilled inside you. Labeled as vitamins, you easily took them all the time in front of Kōtarō as he didn’t bat an eye. They seemed to work, suspending the pregnancy as each day you turned out and took the test, only one line popping up.
You thought you were safe.
When your vitamins went missing, you didn’t know where to turn. After the table sex and the bedtime routine, you needed those pills. Looking through each cabinet, you couldn’t find it. When you asked Kazuki, he seemed innocent enough. The only possibility was that Kōtarō had found out and taken them out. You had to wait until he returned from practice before you could confront him.
When he finally popped through the door, Kazuki went to go hug him. “Oji-san!”
“Hey, hey, hey! We talked about that, squirt,” a darkness looms in his eyes, but his smile is bright and blinding.
“Sorry, daddy. I’m not used to it,” he looks downright guilty, as if he did something wrong. Kōtarō’s big hand plops on top of Kazuki’s head.
“It’s alright. You’ll get used to it eventually, especially once you have a little brother,”
“I’m gonna have a little brother?!” Bouncing on his feet, Kazuki turned to you. The smile you sported was more of a cringe, but you nodded.
“That’s the plan. Daddy, can we talk?” Kōtarō eagerly follows you, handing a new toy to Kazuki as if he doesn’t have over 20 new toys. Kōtarō doesn’t stop in front of you, rather hugging you close to him as you feel his hardened cock rubbing against your leg. “Kōtarō we need to talk. About serious stuff.”
“If it’s about those Plan B pills, I flushed them down the toilet,”
“Wha- flushed? Those were my vitamins!”
“You aren’t taking anything that risks serious health problems if you don’t take it. Not only that, you’re not under any prescription medications. From now on,” he says, voice low and commanding. Pulling from you, you look into his eyes to see something sinister in them, as if his delusion is becoming tangible. “You’ll be taking what I give to you. No more caffeine, no more wine before bed, yes I know you drink a glass while getting ready, and no more vitamins without my permission. After all, our future is dependent on this.”
With his declaration of claiming you, officially deciding to prevent anything that could stand in his way, you felt sick as you took another test, the single line being joined by a matching one. You couldn’t hide it, you couldn’t throw it away, he’d know the truth regardless. You always showed him negative results, so the test going missing would mean he knew it was positive. Kōtarō waits on your bed — his, too, now — as you weigh your options. With shaky hands, you open the bathroom door as he perks up, his face smiling as if he knew the answer already. With his hair down and still damp from the bath, you see how attractive he is, his muscles flexing as he gets up to see the result. Showing him the plastic piece, he can’t hide his excitement.
“I’m gonna be a dad! You’re gonna be a mommy! Well, we are, but this time for reals!” He’s so excited, it’s easy to find yourself smiling with him, caught up in the excitement. When he puts you down, it’s on the bed and he’s quickly crawling to cage you in. “I say this is cause for a celebration.”
“Kōtarō, what about mom? And dad? And our sisters? They’ll find out eventually, won’t they? We’ll be disowned,” your panicked voice stops him, straddling you as his hand goes to his chin. As if he’s thinking.
“Well, lets just cut ties with them. I’m a member of one of Japan’s Division 1 volleyball teams. I make enough money for us to be stable comfortably, not to mention the money you have from insurance. That way,” he licks his lips, leaning over you again, “I can have you all to myself,”
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dangermousie · 3 years
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Here it is - the moment my heart switches from like to love, for Crichton and the show, on every rewatch.
It is such a little moment. Aeryn and John escaped and Aeryn made contact with Crais, her superior officer. Of course, neither John nor Aeryn know that Crais wants to kill John because of the accident which killed Crais' brother (And this is so the Farscape ethos - John is doomed and hunted for a moment of pure bad luck that happened the moment he ended up here, a moment he did not know about and cound do nothing to change. As he said in a much later episode, they’ve basically found the map to the cruelty of the universe.)
And there is the scene. John is captive, peacekeeper guns all around him. Crais circling him like his personal piece of property (Poor John. This is only a start. This is not the Aurora Chair, not Grayza, not Scorpius, not Scarrans, not Harvey). John watchful and realizing the wrongness (and OMG his innocence breaks my heart) and Crais telling him he'll dissect him. And Aeryn speaking up and telling Crais (and I love this. She didn't have to say anything. She didn't have, she should know it's a risk in such a society) that she didn't believe John was capable of killing Crais' brother because he is not intelligent or brave enough. And Crais, crazy Crais, fixating on her and asking her in this tone 'just how much time did you spend with this human?' And. And. And. This is the moment I fell in love with John Crichton all over again. He gives this quick, intense glance at the situation and he speaks up (to Crais), quietly and a little bit desperately: 'Not much, not much at all.' Why? It's so hard to put into words. I think because in the middle of all this (where there is the probability of him being killed in a gruesome fashion) he speaks up for Aeryn automatically, without the second thought. Maybe because even though as an alien he has no idea what is going on, he catches on so quickly, judges it so quickly, recognizes the danger to her, before she does herself. Maybe it's the seriousness, and the intensity, and the reassuring little nod he gives to her. Even utterly helpless himself, he tries to save Aeryn. This Crichton is not yet the Crichton that will literally turn the galaxy upside down to save the woman he loves, not someone who will make impossible choices and bear it all, but it's all in there already, all the qualities, and you can see that. In a way, knowing how all of these people will end up makes it even more delicious. Seeing Crais, all neat and orderly, before he went so crazy and AWOL (and his dishevelment definitely paralleled his fall from grace) and way before he redeemed himself. Seeing D'Argo as a self-concerned, immature, angry being. Seeing Aeryn as Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun, not a complex evolving human being yet, not a woman, not a being of her own will. But the seeds are still there. I cannot imagine other peacekeepers speaking up for John, trying to save him a bit. When John says 'You can be more' that is the thing. There is a 'you' in her to be more. There is something to start with. She has a soul that is not warped past return. And the chemistry between the two? Amazing. Even in this first ep, where they are nothing more than reluctant allies at first, disdain on her part and confusion on his. Btw, that first meeting? I love it love it love it so much. I watched 'pilot' after I've seen S4 and I remember going, as Aeryn threw him against the bulkhead and hit him and then demanded his rank and serial number. 'John, meet the future mother of your child.' Heh. God. It amazes me how far the two will come and yet how organically. And it's so true about all the relationships. Watch D'Argo and Crichton interact here: the anger on D'Argo's part the 'he is crazy' on John's. They don't even tolerate each other and yet by the end they are the best of friends. I love that Farscape, even though its romantic relationship was so crucial (didn't David Kemper or someone describe Farscape as a 'love story') also had all these incredible, well-developed, organic, fascinating other relationships: friendships, familial. Another thing I love? John saves the day with his brain. God, how much do I love that. He is a scientist, not a military guy, not a 'space jockey' like his Dad. He is a scientist. And that is why he can never get used to collateral damage, to killing, no matter how much of it he does, he is forced to do. And the show never forgets that. Farscape is one of those rare fictions (because I am not just talking about shows, but movies and books as well) where I do get convinced that John is indeed brilliant. And that he loves the science, he loves discovery, he loves the work. Despite wormholes being tainted so much with everything else, he is genuinely excited, involved in working on them. I keep remembering the S3 finale where even though he is pretending to work for Scorpius, he can't help but get into it, where equations literally pour out of him in scribbles everywhere, on windows, on pieces of paper, writing on his own arms. John is an obsessive. Here it is yet small: he wants to prove his theory. And even in the middle of the escape he is excited that it's proven. His obsessiveness will of course be brought out spectacularly by his stress later on, and his feelings, but it's already here.   But to get back to what I was saying: I just love that he gets to win with his brain. And that is consistent. Because that is why he becomes the defacto leader of Moya. Not his amazing fighting prowess. He becomes quite competent in the later seasons, but he will never be pure warrior the way D'Argo or Aeryn are. It's his brilliant, crazy, completely creative plans. That, and the power of his conviction. John's conviction is an utter, absolute, contageous thing. It's not brought out fully yet, but I am struck by the foreshadowing of when he tells Aeryn to come with them, tells her she can be more, changes her life. It's the same conviction that will later have him walk into a Scarran station, unarmed, most wanted man in the galaxy, to get Aeryn out. And getting the Moya crew to come with him.   But then, all of John is already here, just not forced to the surface yet. His crazy humor as way of coping with the insane universe about him. The core of steel (he is lost and dazed in this new word which is great because he is in a way proxy for the audience, but he doesn't bend before D'Argo e.g. and he is adamant to D'Argo about taking Aeryn with them or no one escapes), the inner decency and basic kindness (that kindness will be almost beaten out of him but shadows will always remain) when he tapes up the broken eye-stalk of the DRD - “merely” a mechanical critter on Moya. Oh. GUH.
@mousieta I am so glad we are doing this!
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