#like ‘yeah she really does look scary as hell but she’s not evil’
kotir-propaganda · 1 year
Mossflower has so much going for it, like I’m not even being biased because my blorbo is in it. I will die on the hill of it being Best Redwall Book for several reasons.
-It’s as early Redwall as you can get without actually being Book 1. As such, it avoids a lot of subjects and patterns that would later become repetitive tropes... but it also avoids the Book 1 jankiness of horses and human structures and the implied existence of Portugal. The world as we will come to know it feels more or less fully realized here. The abbey’s not here yet, but its foundation literally is- and we also get our first look at Salamandastron and the extent of Mossflower Wood as a whole.
-It has some of the most solid protagonists around. The legendary hero Martin is here, but he’s at a low point for most of the story and has to work his way up to that legacy! And this is where he does it, this is what future Redwallers remember him for, not the events of Martin the Warrior. Also, Gonff is here? Hello? Maybe the single most charismatic character in the series? Not to mention Dinny, how often does a humble mole actually get to go on a quest in these books?
-This isn’t even getting into how badass all the rest of the woodlanders are, too, but... they absolutely are. This is a small band of rebels that’s been driven from their little houses, they don’t have the luxury of those huge sandstone walls to protect them, but they’re still fighting like hell and outsmarting their enemies to boot. Some of them are seasoned fighters, but some of them are just ordinary families, all banding together to take back their homeland. And they keep it up the whole time! They’re not just waiting around for a guy with a sword to tell them what to do!
-The villains are probably the most nuanced in the whole series. Seriously. There are four whole wildcats here (don’t forget Sandingomm!) and only ONE of them is unquestionably evil. It’s absolutely implied that Verdauga was a fearsome warlord in his day, but if nothing else, he raised ONE kid who turned out to be about as Lawful Good as you can get, and he actually scolds Tsarmina for being mean to her brother!! I wish we could have spent a little more time with Verdauga, honestly, I have so many questions for this man.
-There are a decent handful of morally grey characters here, actually. Chibb spies for the woodlanders, but he’s not the most dependable and is motivated by payment more than sympathy to their cause. Snakefish allies with our questing heroes, but he minces no words in warning them that he’ll just as soon eat them if it comes down to it. Even Argulor is really just out here looking for a bite to eat and can you really blame him, because ashleg is a snack
-Tsarmina herself is irredeemably cruel, but even still there are multiple facets to her. On one hand, she’s scary- big and powerful and ready to rip into anything/anyone with her bare claws. At the same time she can be a clever strategist when she wants to be- poisoning her father and framing her brother, and later manipulating two of her obstacles, Argulor and Bane, into taking each other out. And still yet it can be kind of funny to watch her in action, as she gets humiliated by the resistance on multiple occasions. And maybe there is even a little pathos there, as we see her mind start to slip, and get some glimpse into the deep fear and paranoia that completely overtake her at the end.
-There are just great supporting characters on both sides. Mask is amazing, Fortunata is fantastic. And yeah, Blorbo Supreme Ashleg is here, and I don’t NEED to write a whole essay about him to promote Mossflower as a whole but... having him here is nice! It helps!! May we all follow his example and pursue happier lives for ourselves!!!
-Mossflower laid the foundation for so many events and characters of later books. I mean yeah, it’s a prequel. It’s there to support the first book and by extension, everything that comes after. But so many other great titles in the series have a direct line to Mossflower, from Outcast to Long Patrol to Lord Brocktree and more. Did you enjoy those books? You’re welcome. The threads were already there, just waiting to be expanded upon.
-at one point a wooden leg gets used as a projectile weapon and if you don’t think that’s the best thing ever, I don’t know what else to tell you buddy
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s4 episode 2 thoughts
ah, this episode! i have heard it is very scary. so i’m curious to see how creepy it can be. usually what gets me the most is body horror, at least so far. 
i’m really not a horror fan so i’m interested to see if this will push my limits or just be kinda silly. remember that evil AI in like s1 episode 8? and when it was unplugged it said “noooo, brad :(“ or something like that? yeah that one just made me giggle lol
(author's note after seeing the episode: what...)
(additional author's note: read to the end to see why i think this episode might be actually about the civil war's long-term consequences)
how far we have progressed since then! 
let us begin!!!
we open with a storm and some scary music. pretty intense for the first few seconds. oh, now someone is giving birth. it is very dark and hard to see but it appears these individuals do not look like your average fellow off the street.
GAG! slurping noises are produced as the baby emerges. birth counts as body horror btw i do NOT make the rules. EUGH the umbilical cord…
(sorry y’all pls take no offense to those who have or desire children someday... it’s just something that makes me feel dizzy to watch but i support your dreams and choices i promise 🙏)
okay, but the baby is crying so that’s usually a good sign right? like better than a quiet baby, i think.
but a bunch of people are leaving after the delivery and i thought they would stick around to do things like look at the baby and see if it is healthy and stuff. but no. they’re leaving. where are they going...
they’re digging a hole?????? WHAT DA HELL. BABY IN THE HOLE??!!!!!! while someone cries terribly. OMG the grief…
what have i gotten myself into……
intro time. always gonna think about that tweet regarding scully’s glamour shot on her ID. anyway just in case you forgot the truth IS out there.
so we see some kids in a place called home, pennsylvania, and they’re playing baseball. you know how children are, with their baseball. it’s as serious to them as a senator running a reelection campaign. 
kid knocks the ball over the fence, and onto the property of “the peacocks”. the kids will NOT go get the ball, and instead find a spare. seems they prepared for this, or could maybe find a place that isn’t next to a very scary house to play ball, but i understand spacial constraints.
OH???? the kid is digging his foot in to go swing and…. BLOODY PUDDLE???? THIS MUST BE THE BABY FROM BEFORE????
he backs away as we see a tiny hand in the dirt. that poor kid omfg he must have been traumatized… and his sneakers were so bright and white…..
cutscene to mulder in the field after all the kids have fled! ah, mulder loves his baseball. in fact, he even sniffs it. he’s practicing his pitching LMAOOOO please be serious for FIVE minutes. 
scully is measuring the hole while he does all this. in fact, he is not stopping. it just keeps going while she talks about the angle of the shovel.
she makes some quip about quitting the FBI and becoming a spokesperson for the ab roller, when he SHOVES THE BALL UNDER HER NOSE and says “smell that” THIS MAN IS SUUUUUCH A WEIRDO I LOVE HIM
“it’s perfume. eau de ball” (stupid little mulder smile)
very strong juxtaposition between baby death and a daydreaming mulder, but that is the sort of thing we have come to expect from this show. he seems enchanted.
WAIT! he’s talking about his sister… “all-day pickup games out on the Vineyard” and going down to the beach… no cell phones or faxes… oh man, this baseball has him talking about his family :(
“mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you’d lapse into catatonic schizophrenia” <- WELL GET HIM! it is true. he is always making calls and then abruptly hanging up.
feels weird to be smiling like a fool at my screen as these two talk about their lives after seeing the opening scene... but here we are!
“scully, you don’t know me as well as you think you do. you know my work demands that i live in a big city, but if i had to settle down, build a home, it’d be a place like this” 
1. he has though about settling down and having a life outside of his work, and this is such a character reveal, and i know he wants like a small army of children, and
2. i just KNOW those words are gonna come back and bite him when this place is revealed to be some sort of cult
she says it would be like living in mayberry which i had to google BUT: it is the town from the andy griffith show. ah, i see. so very quaint.
someone pulls up to see them and i paused at just the right time to see that mulder’s shirt is very baggy and living up to my URL, which is good because sometimes i worry it’s a bit TOO niche, but i made it after watching 4 episodes so i’m too attached to change it now. meanwhile, scully’s coat is wonderfully sleek and it’s a fun little contrast.
this is sheriff taylor, who says this is a very small town, and there are no real suspects. mulder asks about the peacocks next door, and the sheriff goes… quiet. apparently three boys lived there, and their parents were hurt in an accident. the sheriff and his team tried to administer care to the parents, but the boys took the bodies home??? that’s. odd.
so these peacocks have no electricity, grow their own food, and… are inbred. the sheriff says they are feeble and sad, and wouldn’t have any idea what they are talking about. which just makes me think they are the prime suspects.
the sheriff is saying that he loves his town, it is quiet and peaceful, and he knew someday it would change when something terrible happened. when he saw “it” in the ground, he knew that day had come. he seems convinced it’s an outsider but also he is purposefully ignoring all the evidence in the other direction. and he wants their help, but he doesn’t want anything to change. 
(i see... this is about the terrible secrets of small towns and the wish to keep everything quiet and preserve an idyllic image rather than make meaningful change)
apparently they were recommended to help out when “the victim” was described, so mulder says that maybe they should go take a look.
and whew, when they cut to a bundle of blankets next to some cans of spam (that look like they’re partially covered to hide the branding?) it’s a lot. it's a lot to handle, for me, emotionally, but i guess that's a fairly normal reaction. the sheriff just pulled the baby right out of the fridge. we also meet a deputy named barney.
they shove poor scully in a tiny bathroom with just a sink in it to do her work, because they don’t want anyone else seeing the autopsy go down. the sheriff says they can’t do it in his office, because everyone knows he never locks his office door, and they’d start rumors. this whole small town thing is starting to seem quite oppressive.
mulder is also here in this tiny closet-like bathroom, and i can feel the claustrophobia from here. despite the lack of space, scully begins.
and she is taken aback, but not as much by the fact that it is a child but that said child “has been afflicted by every rare birth defect known to science”. mulder has his arm on the wall leaning in and watching in a way that is weird for the space.
we only see a few shots of the baby- thankfully, because i don't think i could handle seeing any more of it than we do- but it’s enough to make me go whew, shout-out to the props department for making something that looks like that, because that is how i cope with seeing things on this show that make me nearly faint
she is reciting the various things that this child has been born with, and mulder says that they can probably rule out murder, right? but scully says idk… it looks like it WAS murder, actually. dirt in the nose.
lord, they walk out after doing that and somehow don’t need to like, down some vodka or something to cope. 
“imagine all a woman’s hopes and dreams for her child, and then nature turns so cruel. what must a mother go through?” oh my gosh is scully gonna make me cry…
“apparent not much in this case, if she just threw it out in the trash”, says mulder, while they sit on a bench on he is manspreading like you would not believe. but i assume they are in a tough spot mentally so manspreading is permitted in this situation.
“i guess i was just projecting on myself”, she says, and oh my gosh does scully want kids someday…. stop i’ll cry!! i’ll cry. 
“well, just find yourself a man with a spotless genetic makeup and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping out the little uber-Scullys” he says, rubbing her back.
and i can’t decide if this is funnier if he’s truly and deeply down terrible for her and suggesting subtly that HE could be that man, or if he’s just being a really good pal. so i’m gonna turn around both options in my head for a while and see which sticks.
“what about your family?” “hm? aside from the need for corrective lenses and a tendency to be abducted by extraterrestrials involved in an international governmental conspiracy, the mulder family passes genetic muster” (said with a celebratory flourish of his hands)
oh my gooooooosh i love them both so bad. he is SUCH a nerd. and his constant need to joke about the horrible things… even when they are approaching a serious topic, life ambitions and the desire to start a family, he has to go in there with some sarcasm to avoid getting Too Serious...
see? he has good genes. allegedly. go forth.
but he sobers up, points out that the child they had to just examine is a serious tragedy, and some likely very young parents are probably incredibly scared. but this isn’t really an FBI matter. 10 points to him for being serious for once.
she is brainstorming how such a thing could happen- “now, we all have a natural instinct to propagate” “do we?” <- ace mulder subtext i see you…
scully is convinced that the woman who gave birth to that child did it against her will, and mulder points out that kidnapping is a bureau matter… she seems determined to save someone caught in a horrible circumstance here, and i admire that about her, the sense of justice she has. she gets up to go investigate.
but he calls out: “hey scully- i never saw you as a mother before” <- OH MY GOD??? OH MY GOD. i can’t even begin to process that right now. oh my gosh it seems like he has wanted kids SO terribly… but scully never really brought the subject up, which is fine because not everyone wants kids!! but what does it say about her character if she DOES…? i am analyzing.
i hope she is happy someday with whatever she chooses. music is playing as he looks after her. do not for a second think i missed that little musical flourish and gaze combo.
so, they go to the peacock's farm. where they find a chopped off pig’s head on the steps. it doesn’t seem to bother them at all, which must be a testament to the strength of bureau training.
mulder tries to do his usual “enter first and ask questions later” thing, but scully STOPS HIM, saying there is no probable cause.
WHAT!!! for once they did NOT JUST BURST IN!!??? their random entering of places is one of my favorite running gags and for once they didn’t. oh she is serious about this one…
so they just peek inside instead…. and then they get their guns and go inside after seeing a table covered in blood. oh…. the scissors from before…. yes, bloody table = probable cause
there is blood everywhere, and the footprint from the crime scene matches the footprint in blood on the floor. AND they find a bloody shovel. well!!! we know who did it now!!! but… where are they??
it is soooo dark and creepy as they make their way through the house. and someone is WATCHING THEM THE DARK as they investigate. BLEUGH we get an extreme closeup on their eyes…….
i am spooked.
now scully is on the phone with sheriff taylor, who is describing the warrants for the arrest of the peacocks he put out, while mulder slams a TV in their hotel room, trying to get it to work. typical mulder behavior
(i bet they felt a need to incorporate some silly moments to lighten out the heavy heavy heavy content, and honestly i didn't think it would work, but for me it kinda is. don't get me wrong, it's still VERY heavy, but it's not start to finish just trauma like we got in calusari, which stands out to me as being the darkest and least fun episode in the series so far. but let mulder sniff a baseball a little and smack a TV and our agents talk about having a family and it is slightly less overwhelming in terms of tone)
and she brings up the white cadillac they found there but he says get a lot of abandoned cars. damn, who is abandoning a cadillac...
what is this sheriff hiding…?
he pulls out his gun from a locked box, and seems deeply regretful. before he puts it back in the box… hmm…
back at the peacock farm. the brothers are packing what looks like clubs into the cadillac. and i notice how silent and scary the whole thing is… no music whatsoever.
meanwhile, mulder is doing a little dance to try and get the TV working, which scully is smiling at him in a way that implies long term affection and exhaustion. i want to get those gifs and save them upon my blog forever and ever.
he’s trying to watch the knicks game, but as she heads out, he says “goodnight mom”, and she looks… uncomfortable. i mean, it’s a weird thing to say, but still. he says a lot of weird things and she doesn’t always look sort of… hmm. idk, the only phrase that comes to mind is “cut to the quick”. i WILL be analyzing that.
she tries to leave and the lock is broken, so he places a chair underneath, which might do something but like… probably not a ton.
anyway, back to the cadillac, where the brothers are pulling out while listening to music. where are they going….
sheriff taylor is up late at night, “taking one last look around before it all changes”. oh, he loves his town… but it is rotten, like mulder says. AND HIS WIFE DOESN’T LOCK THE DOOR AS THEY COME IN!!! NOOOO!
the brothers are on the move, while scully sleeps and mulder watches a fuzzy documentary on hyenas?? okay. king behavior.
but back at the sheriff’s house, he can hear the brothers approaching, and pulling into his yard. oh no…. he looks out the window and the brothers aren’t there. so did they already get in…?
he’s going for the gun, he says, and they enter his house. and he’s got a baseball bat, but where is the gun! they have clubs! like the kind the bad guys in zelda use!!! they look very very dangerous!
he hears them approach as his wife is under the bed……… and he swings his bat at the intruder, but he is barreled right over, it’s three on one, and they beat him RIGHT AS HIS WIFE SEES THE WHOLE THING FROM UNDER THE BED. and they sniff and sniff and FIND HER UNDER THERE????????
what the fuck. who came up with this…….. that song is still playing as they get in their car and leave. i'm sure the song also has some significance to the meaning of what these guys are doing but tbh i have never heard it before so it's hard to unpack.
the deputy is at the scene of the crime the next day, smoking a cigarette, hands shaking in terror. he had come over to give the sheriff a report… and found them that way.
so the owner of the cadillac was found in baltimore, she had left it behind after running out of gas. this is not a lead in the slightest.
mulder is investigating the scene while scully pulls out files from the crime lab, and it is. well, it is very bad, to put it bluntly. the crime scene is horrific. 
she says that the crime scene messed up the tests on the infant… but mulder proposes that… perhaps each of the brothers were the father? she talks about how babies are made and how that makes no sense, but he proposes that generations of inbreeding could maybe make such a mutation. but she says that isn’t possible, they’d need a female family member and there aren’t any left. hmm...
scully wants to try and trail them right now and go save whoever it was that was forced to give birth, but mulder points out that they are outnumbered and could further endanger the victim. what to do…? i don’t know the answer. 
oh! the deputy barges in and says he’ll take them up there so it’s three against three. and they have guns, which should give them the advantage. okay. shoutout to the deputy.
mulder seems suspicious however, and says his suddenly entry was a bit “too chuck bronson for me”. so yeah, i had to google that too. this chuck fellow is the guy from machine gun-kelly. and NOT that sleazy rapper one. the more you know.
scully is confused, though, because why would they kill the sheriff? he didn’t even investigate them. unless they somehow overheard them talking about issuing the arrest warrants while in their house… and they are operating under the assumption that the brothers were not in the house when they were…. but we know that someone was in hiding!!!
OH! back to the house. one of the brothers declares he is hungry. we finally get a semi-decent look at them, and they are incredibly gruesome. someone is under the bed still…. 
and when they declare that they are “ready”, they strip down. they knew this day- and change- was coming, and all they can do is be ready for it. this is our home. and this is the way it’s gonna stay. 
again, i ask, who came up with this……
the deputy and our agents are on the property, now. deputy wants to come in from the front and let them take the back. a brave thing to offer, but i am slightly suspicious of him. they have wired headsets on and bullet proof vests on, and he is going in.
so they’re approaching- scully and mulder in the field, the deputy out in front. scully is peeking through binoculars but she doesn’t see anyone inside!!! it has to be a trap!!!!
OH MY GOSH!!! just as scully tells the deputy to not go in, he opens the door and an AXE SWINGS DOWN AND CHOPS HIS HEAD OFF!!!!!
i am sorry for being suspicious of you, deputy. may you rest in peace.
mulder’s reciting his facts from the hyena documentary. they are witnessing something akin to prehistoric humanity. but he has an idea: divert them out of the house, so they don't have to deal with their traps. it is a good idea.
so they are sneaking into the pig pen, which had to be a pain to shoot. “scully, would you think less of me as a man if i told you i was kind of excited right now?” he asks as they try to get the pigs in a line to topple like dominoes or something???
“is there some secret farmer trick to getting these things moving?” “i don’t know!” lmaooo these city slickers...
they’re shoving pigs straight out the gate, and she’s trying to say some magic pig words from babe, which her nephew apparently watches all day. you know what that means...
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she has a nephew!
but there are more pressing matters at hand than a lore reveal as one of the brothers emerges, falling for their piggy trap. we see them in daylight now, and it is an unsettling sight. 
as the brothers try to herd the pigs back in, the agents sneak in, with mulder picking up a giant log to poke open the door. and it is a good thing he did that, because a trap descends right on the log that surely would have beheaded him as it did the deputy if not for the log taking the axe/weapon thingy for him. thank you for your service, giant log.
they sneak in beneath the log and close the door as if nothing went down. scully is yelling to see if anyone is in the house. they’re doing a sweep in excellent coordination. mulder mumbles “oh no” and i’m scared but he just picks up a newspaper that says elvis is dead and frowns 😭 his ass cannot be serious for more than five minutes 
but something approaches!!!! they enter the bedroom and see photos of generations and generations of this family, with varying conditions. and at this moment mulder notices that someone is under the bed!!
he’s trying to say that they’re here to help, but whoever is down there is screaming, screaming at them to go away. so scully tries to move the bed, but she’s strapped to a board underneath the bed, and they pull her out and…. oh my gosh, she has no limbs, i think? it’s dark and hard to tell. they keep her under the bed..........
mulder says they’re going to get her home, but after a glance at the pictures on the wall, scully says that she already IS home. it’s mrs. peacock. the mother of the family that they thought died in the car accident!!!!!!
she is sobbing and they roll her back under the bed, with mulder having a horrific look on his face, unable to process what he just saw. 
mulder is back on the prowl to find the other brothers. and he tasks scully with trying to convince mrs. peacock that she is the only one who can get “her boys” out of here without them being hurt. a mighty task, indeed.
she walks away, and he says “scully, w-watch your step” and he’s worried about her and i want to cry. oh!! we see a trip wire……….
so scully goes back to mrs. peacock, explaining that she needs medical attention, and the agents are here to help. she says that this is their home- why leave it? she has to see if the boys are okay. 
and she lost her limbs in the accident that killed her husband. “sewed me up just like the family learned in the war of northern aggression” OH! so that is an WILD thing to say in pennsylvania. but it was at this point i thought i was putting the pieces together for an extended metaphor...
but she insists she felt no pain, and that no one in the family does. and they’re such good boys. scully points out they murdered three people, and mrs. peacock says she can tell scully has no children, but maybe someday she’ll learn the pride and the love “when you know your boy will do anything for his mother”
well i think you probably just made her swear that off forever!!! so!!!!!
the brothers see mulder in the window, and they start to run in. and as he holds one at gun point, another tries to bash in his head, so scully shoots him. but this isn’t enough to take him down! and the other one joins in on their attack, so it’s two against one tag teaming mulder!!! oh my gosh scully can you use your perfect aim???
yes, she can, but despite emptying the whole clip, they aren’t hurt!!! 
they’re running and running and dodging a whole lot of terrible blows, and scully yells out that she has the mother! she trips over the wire and one of the traps falls RIGHT into one of the brothers, seemingly finally taking him out.
she notices marks on the floor, and when they go back for mrs. peacock, they can’t find the other brother or the mother.
so they put out an APB for them, saying that in time, they’ll catch them. but he counters with “i think time already caught them, scully”
cutscene to the cadillac- where mrs. peacock says that “sherman and george were good boys”- SHERMAN? a union name? edmund, sherman, and george… 
it ends with mrs. peacock saying that there will be more peacocks, and they have to find a new home, make a new family to be proud of. she is in the trunk of the car while she says this.
okay so first thoughts: WHAT THE FUCK.
this episode definitely lived up to its horrific reputation. but i can’t figure out exactly what it is it MEANS!
beyond exploring the horrific topics of generational abuse, i feel that there is something a bit deeper going on here. i actually felt so compelled to see if i was imagining things that i went on the wikipedia page for the episode, which spoke of its themes on the american dream and the nuclear family. those themes i see for sure- how mulder was talking about settling down in a place like this, so quaint and quiet, how they started discussing their own desire for a family, and how every idyllic thought about what a family could be was upended on its head with the peacocks. that made sense to me. but...
that line- “the war of northern aggression”- was what the confederates called the american civil war to justify their rebellion. this is notable for the fact that this whole episode took place in pennsylvania, which was a union state- but somehow, they got so twisted up in their own hatred that they’re parroting the lost cause ideology over a century after the war.
the repeated motifs of “things being the way they are in a small town, in our town, in our home”- is that a symbol for the festering of post-civil war wounds? the inability for the war to make meaningful change when it came to the attitudes of the people on the losing side, who continue- even to this day- to spew their hateful ideology? the inbreeding metaphor- is that a representation of how hate begets hate begets hate, generation after generation, compounding and corrupting by the lack of intervention from outsiders who are too afraid to change “the way things are” and call out harmful behavior? and the newspaper from elvis’s death… is that another allusion to the family (or perhaps certain parts of the country) living entirely in the past, in addition to their lack of electricity and water, just stewing in their own hatred? even the name- home- reminds me of the “house divided cannot stand” rhetoric. is this talking about the rot of "back in the good ol' days" thinking?
or if not a metaphor for the country, and instead just the horror of abuse? of how people can feel that things are the way that they are, and so that makes it correct, no matter what the cost? about how warped perceptions of family can be made and shaped? and the fact that mrs. peacock went along with all of this, despite being the biggest victim of the family... is that to speak on the twisted nature of gender roles and how they are weaponized in familial abuse?
i have to clarify that i am not an expert on abuse in the slightest; i am just trying to work through the themes of what i just saw. you know how it is on this blog; i do my best to interpret the big issues, but also recognize that i can only see and comment upon so much.
i'm really, really curious to hear how you interpreted the episode, though. or how audiences have understood it in the past, or if it has ever been re-evaluated. what did the cast and crew have to say on it? i want to know.
man. this is gonna really make me ponder. i want to know. it was too purposeful to just be a “wouldn’t it be fucked up if…” sort of situation.
regardless of the terror, i actually thought this episode was pretty good. it felt cohesive, not just a sideshow of horrible things to make you feel shocked. and we learned more about our characters- their ambitions in life, the possibility of a family someday dangling over their heads, and the terror associated with everything that could go wrong. i think there is always some fear about starting a family (i wouldn't know, but i do read books and stuff), and for scully to just now vocalize her thoughts on the subject and to immediately see this case- i can only imagine what it did to her thought process.
i thought the more light-hearted elements were working at the beginning- mulder's TV dance, baseball time, the merits of their genetics, family talk- worked well at first. but by the end it was just... damn. that was a lot. maybe that is the indication of a successful episode, that it can take you along heavy subject matter with a sense of character analysis and horror, but end with just terror.
i'm not a horror fan outside of this show, so the balancing of the heavy and the humor always baffles me a little bit. i don't know how other materials do it, so i can't really say if it could have been done better or worse. i think the important part though is that they don't turn the tragedy itself into the joke. it wasn't giving "point and laugh at the horrible peacock family!" it was finding humor in other situations, that ultimately still surrendered to the sober feeling of what humanity can do.
whew. this one is definitely gonna stick with me for a while, and i’ll need like 12 hours to formulate my thoughts into something comprehensible. but, you ask, did you like the episode?
yes! while i'm not sure i'd watch it again for funsies, i thought our agents had to confront some inner demons while also learning a lot about them together and individually, which is exactly the thing i want in an episode. i think it brought them closer and they understand each other better, and i think we're getting into some real juicy parts of their relationship. i can't stop thinking about him rubbing her back- how terribly devoted they are to each other, regardless of if either of them can put that into words. those dynamics of devotion that go beyond words- it's so special to me.
and sure, i'll take the bait, and daydream about them living together... i am not above fan service in the slightest. it is me, the fan, who loves to be serviced.
but again. i'm spooked.
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oldmemoria · 11 months
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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"Bloodthirst" review
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It's Resident Evil, but the zombies are vampires!!
Novel from 1987, by J. M. Dillard. Kind of a retread of her previous novel ("Demons"), but substituting demonic possesion with vampires. Of course, there's nothing supernatural going on, but a scientific explanation behind everything. I found it less scary than the previous entry, though it's in the same spirit of horror story, this time with a political background as well.
The initial setting is intriguing, even though it's fairly obvious what's going on and who are the villains, from the earliest chapters. The ending is also exciting, and reminded me of an actual TOS episode. The problem is the rest of the novel, and by that I mean like 90%. I had the impression of reading chapter after chapter of barely anything but filler. Kirk does little more than talking through the terminal with this or that. McCoy does little more than telling Kirk "they're close to find a vaccine" and fretting over Chapel's sickness. Spock does... nothing, really. The fact that the story was extended artificially to a breaking point is obvious by the fact it takes the crew SEVERAL DAYS to find an intruder in the ship (an intruder who wears a red cape, is sick and insane, and screams in pain every time light touches him). This with a crew of more than 400 persons, and with the full security team activated at all times (what the hell!?).
To add more padding to it, there are lengthy scenes focused on a group of redshirts. Now I don't have a problem with original characters having their spotlight if they're interesting and play some role. But these guys just reflect about their High School dramas, and they don't have a distinct role compared to any other redshirt: that is, being attacked and suffer a lot. The other characters are a mixed bag. The most interesting is probably Adams, the "vampire", and the passages that follow his sinister deeds are the only ones that keep the plot moving, in that stale middle section. Kirk is serviceable. In particular his friendship with Admiral Quince felt like the real thing. And he gets to do some of his cunning negotiations at the end. McCoy on the other hand... Look, this author makes him funny on occassion, but in my opinion, she has a REALLY odd idea of the character. From the "dirty old man" trait, to his clumsiness and cowardice. The guy who would offer himself for torture in "The Empath" is here scared shitless at the prospect of it (well, he's scared of dark corridors too, so...). Fortunately, there's no Mary Sue on sight this time. Unfortunately, there's still the obligatory romance "out-of-left-field" for McCoy, that this author seems so fond of. This time in the shape of... Christine Chapel??? We're suppossed to believe that she's not just the closest person to McCoy (closer even than Kirk!), but that all this time, they've been repressing romantic feelings for each other. And that Chapel isn't really attracted to Spock, but only chose him because he'd never return her feelings... Yeah, weeell, how about... NO.
Other random weird bits: Nobody knows what a vampire is in the 23rd century (only Chekov has heard about this legend, that had survived for hundreds of years so far). And a crippled Enterprise can only manage to go at warp 9! (c'mon Scotty, I'm sure you can do better than this shitty, fast-as-fuck warp 9 speed...). Spoilers under the cut:
The Enterprise receives a distress signal from a scientific station at planet Tanis, but upon beaming down, they just find a deserted lab, two dead scientists missing most of their blood, and a single survivor: Dr. Jeffrey Adams. Adams looks gaunt and is obviously suffering some kind of disease that makes light painful for him. He's brought to sickbay, and needs continous blood transfusions to survive. But when Kirk interrogates him, suspecting the scientists were doing illegal research on biowarfare, Adams says they were just working on agricultural projects and that the other two commited suicide. Nonetheless, the evidence at the station points to Adams as the murderer, and it seems he had drunk the blood of the victims too. The fact that Admiral Rodrigo Mendez, head of weapons research, is awfully interested in destroying any trace of the virus, and quickly bringing Adams to trial, makes it all the more suspicious. However, the landing party is unable to recover any sample of a virus at the station, and records had been destroyed, so the Enterprise starts travelling to the nearest starbase.
After being informed of this, Adams accuses Mendez of being the mastermind behind the virus development, and begs Kirk to not surrender him to Mendez, since the admiral wants to kill him. Kirk is unwilling to believe at first that Mendez, or any other top brass at Starfleet, would be involved in such deadly project. Besides, upon learning that one of the dead researchers was Mendez's son, he dismisses the admiral's behavior as natural resentment. Nonetheless, Kirk contacts his friend, Admiral Quince Waverleigh, at Starfleet HQ, to see if he can unearth some dirty laundry among the top brass.
Meanwhile, Adams attempts an escape from his isolation chamber at sickbay, and injures Chapel, drinking some blood from her head wound. Adams doesn't go far under the light. But Chapel has contracted the disease, which is contagious upon contact, and slowly slips into a coma. In the end, McCoy realizes that Chapel has died, and disconnects life support. And there's a lot of drama about this, but since the reader can probably guess where this is leading to, and what the solution will be, the scene doesn't have all that much impact. Apart from this, Spock has recovered some info from the fragmentary records at the station, that tell about a Vulcan researcher who had also died at an earlier point. This suggests that there was, in fact, two versions of the virus: a first one that was deadly to Vulcans (and thus, Romulans too), and the current mutation (probably accidental) which is deadly to humans. This deepens Spock's suspicions about Mendez, since he had lost his wife in a Romulan attack.
Once in the starbase, Adams is brought to a detention cell, which he promptly escapes again, this time more successfully. First, he attacks a guard and steals her red cape, to better protect himself from the light, as well as a device that blocks tricorder readings. After this, Adams kidnaps Lisa (a redshirt on shore leave), and forces her to ask for a beam up directly to her quarters in the Enterprise, where he also attacks her and drinks her blood. And then comes a loooong period where everyone is searching frantically for Adams throughout the ship. And yeah, he can block tricorders, but it's not like he's invisible or anything... He goes as far as entering sickbay and stealing transfusion equipment to draw more blood! (his next victim being Stanger, another redshirt).
For his part, Admiral Quince starts noticing strange things going around him, ever since he started investigating: sudden personnel transfers, tampering with his terminal, etc. He sends Kirk a quick anonymous message, to warn him that things are looking ugly. Yet Kirk is unable to reach him afterwards, and later is notified of Quince's sudden death in an "accident". This is the last straw that convinces Kirk of Mendez's guilt, alongside a small clique of corrupt admirals. So he decides to lure him to Tanis and catch him red-handed there, with a bluff: he tells him that Adams has been captured and has spilled the beans about the R-virus (the incriminating Romulan strain), and that they have found the evidence at Tanis.
At sickbay, Ensign Stanger wakes up from the dead after having been infected. And even though he shows some early signs of "vampirism", his good side wins in the end, and he's able to protect his friend Lisa and capture Adams (at long last!). McCoy has also developed an effective vaccine, that he administers to the whole crew and Chapel, who's also waking up from the dead (but strangely enough, much slower than Stanger?). The modus operandi of the virus is thus revealed: at first, it sends the host into apparent death (actually, hybernation) while it consumes the bloodstream's heme; once the host is depleted of heme, he wakes up and starts craving blood and infecting others. (But I don't know, as a bioweapon, it doesn't seem so effective to me...).
In the final chapters, Spock and McCoy beam down to Tanis and confront Mendez, who demands the samples of the R-virus (which they actually don't have). But just then, a transporter beam captures them and they appear in a Romulan ship. As it turns out, Adams had contacted the Romulans, promising them the samples of both virus in exchange for his freedom. Kirk forces Adams to cooperate by refusing to give him the cure, until he tells them where's the R-virus, so Adams confesses: the original R-virus had been hidden all this time inside a locket that he wore around his neck. The Romulan commander threatens Kirk, saying that he'll kill Spock and McCoy if he doesn't surrender Adams. Yet Kirk tries to negotiate with him and buy time, now that he has the only sample in his hands, though the Romulan doesn't agree to destroy the sample. However, Spock, McCoy and Mendez had managed to escape from their cells in the meantime. And after a run through the enemy ship stunning Romulans (with McCoy closing his eyes every time he has to shoot, the poor devil), they manage to lower the shields and beam themselves to the Enterprise, which promptly warps away. In the transporter room, Mendez makes a last, desperate attempt to escape with Adams and the sample. But Spock tricks him into confessing everything, and then Kirk informs him that he's been monitored, and now Starfleet knows everything about his involvement in the illegal research. In the epilogue, Kirk reflects about his lost friend Quince. And there's a moving scene where he receives a posthumous gift, with a last message from his friend, telling him to not feel guilt about his death.
Spirk Meter: 0/10*. Kirk and Spock barely exchange a couple of lines throughout the novel.
There isn't a lot either in other departments. Spock and McCoy don't seem to like each other much, though McCoy asks Spock for company while disconnecting Chapel from life support. Though it's hard to read that as Spock/McCoy, when it's evident that McCoy's full concern is for Chapel in this book. Maybe, maaaaybe, one could read some McKirk in the final scene, when McCoy drinks with Kirk in his quarters and comforts him about Quince's death. But at this point, that's like begging for crumbs.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
tagged: @bonez-artistry
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DBD rewatch notes!
episode 1
Why was Charles making that face before offering Crystal to stay at the office?
Why are they not supposed to interact with the living? clearly Emma has no such qualms.
Crystal speaks up to make sure Edwin hears when she says thank you for taking her in
Why is David a surprising name for a demon? Why IS David called David, if it isn't a demon name?
HOW did I watch the show this many times without noticing the septum ring??
"The living are messy. If she had died last night, I'd have no issue with her being here." OKAY EDWIN. I guess this and the 'no living people' rule must have to do with the Infamous Puppy Debacle of '94. In this case, Edwin is not insulting Crystal specifically, but is being very literal that he would not be worried about taking care of a dead person.
I love how they NAME everything from cases to moves to incidents.
Charles teases Edwin for being jealous, but does he actually think that? Edwin is just overly cautious, and yeah that's causing an issue at the moment, but does he have, like, a record of being jealous of girls Charles likes?
Charles immediately tries to seperate Edwin and Crystal to stop them arguing, and Crystal is like "wait what??" like she's SO surprised. Also kinda love the not-subtle dig at Edwin's behavior. That does not go without retaliation ie: you weren't here when the mail came
WAIT they're going on a walk and taking, like Edwin and Monty. that's cute.
Did Crystal actually thin Edwin was in hero for being evil? I feel like that is surprising to hear regardless. Is it common for Charles to explain to people that his bf was only sent to hell on a technicality??
I think Crystal must have learned about hell from David, because if the ghosts she has met haven't moved on yet they have no way of knowing about hell.
The focus on people staring at Crystal is kinda weird. Does she even realize yet?
What did she used to feel like when people got mad at her for being mean?
What does Charles think about the way Crystal talks about her anger? He says it's cool that she is still alive, but does he admire her honesty too?
The up-and-down when she asks if that line used to work. He didn't even tell her what decade he died. Read him.
Aww she wanted to get Edwin some coffee to cheer him up. She even says hi to him as soon as she's inside. Crystal cares whether Edwin likes her or not. At the very least, she is trying to be nice to him.
How DOES the ghost post work? also the sheer incredulity of Crystal's voice lmao. Why exactly does the mail carrier sneak up on them? is he also dead?
Why does he care who the client is? they already know what the mystery is.
'keep your voice down!' bestie you already flirted at her, she knows.
'it's happening too quickly' Edwin doesn't wanna screw up his routine
good on Crystal for getting straight to business. Becky's ALIVE, boys!
Why do they think Death will come back to the office?
more people stare at Crystal. Dies she really not notice before the malt shop?
I can't help being reminded of that textpost about putting Crystal in the bag and going through a mirror.
Edwin thinks he is so clever with the agency name joke. He is so proud of that one. same thing with his journal of opinions joke. he's having so much fun rn.
I love that every time there's a Jenny scene the soundtrack changes to goth or rock music.
Why is the red LED neat diagram briefly orange and why is Edwin so fascinated by it?
She's scary for all of two seconds before becoming awkward and weird and mean. Jenny, ladies and etc!
Edwin is so menacing here FOR WHAT
Crystal gets the room as is, then never decorates it during the following weeks.
Can those ghosts teleport?? I noticed the dragons so it too, is it a shirt distance thing?? wtf?
pictures of guys, huh Charles? Is there anything else notable about the pictures?
Edwin jesus fuck lay off her. He is looking for just ANY excuse to talk shit.
Charles trying to help out Crystal is nice. I wonder why she doesn't like reading minds though? During the course of the series, she totally volunteers to read minds and it's a go-to solution for her. What happened to put her off it that she doesn't remember anymore?
What'd he do to get burned by the iron?
I guess after knowing ghosts for however long, none of them must have told Crystal about iron.
how does that alarm system via possession even work??
After that silence I kinda thought Edwin went to hell for possession when I first watched LMAO
Esther must have put the shoes in the woods as a distraction. I wonder if the boys would have ever found out if it weren't for Crystal.
they know cats talk and have human personalities and yet Charles sees one and is instantly like "aw fuck off man :((" bro chill
Why is the cat voice so. echoey?
what would happen if somebody tried to sit on the stools that the boys are already on?
Do we ever see anything like this door entrance in a mindscape scene after this? Does she ever walk around while in a trance again?
holy crap Edwin
I guess she takes a while to figure out it's her own brain. mecore.
of course there's an argument now. how could there not be?
then they never follow up on the "our demon" line
poor old Edwin has Charles taking such good care of him that he isn't used to the guy trying to take care of TWO peoples' feelings. Man I know that they don't talk about feelings in your time but at some point you've got to learn that everything you're saying is a fear reaction and not a moral stance.
I love the high contrast in this scene!
Simon's lil smile and Edwin walking away looks SO different with Context.
why tf is the sacrifice named "Mary Ann" and WHAT is Simon's brother into?
"don't do that!" and a breath of relief followed immediately by a jumpscare is SO GOOD. like I get scared by jumpscares but I love when they do it like this.
"It's not that bad" *hoovers the boy* *sells him to a demon*
Why is the same cat here? is he following Edwin? W H Y
you're such a whore 🙄 (cat voice)
What if I offered you a sardine out of my gloves hand and bound you in a magical leash and you were a cat🥺 (and we were both boys)
The cat's mannerisms are pretty convincing IMO. my cat does the same ear thing when she wants me to leave her alone. And the tense shoulder/neck scrunch combo just adds to the effect.
I wish Edwin got to use more magic in the show.
not the apathetic eyebrow raise
me when I dump blood
I love this scene. Jenny is so awkward but also she remembers what Crystal says here. She remembers hearing about Crystal's ex like three times ever and ends up going after that boy with a cleaver. but it all starts with Jenny not knowing if she's allowed to show that she cares.
oh and her shield of cynicism
and the way she asks for more information!!
Charles with the questions! detective-ass.
it's interesting that Jenny and Charles both try to help Crystal while looking through a lens colored by trauma (specifically parental flavored) but Charles is so gentle while Jenny is abrasive.
Crystal! With the self-awareness!!
if you what? finish the sentence, Crystal.
Also she says "didn't you see that" like those pink lights were not symbolic they were real in-universe. Crystal and Niko were still acting hella gay tho. ofc, Crystal was under a spell and Niko is just Like That.
he doesn't answer whether or not it's weird. He also doesn't wait for an answer of if she'll tell Edwin. He trusts her.
Aww poor kidddsss
Edwin walks in and out of rooms like God sent him
Crystal with the self-awareness once agaiiiin 😎
if she was in that relationship since three months ago and we don't know how long she was possessed for before Emma figured out how to find the boys, she may have already been missing for weeks at this point.
The way she is dressed and the way she's acting is risky different from the memories she gets from the marbles. Is this a real memory? Why would she dress like that, or hang out with those people?
Is the possession paralelled to any of this scary movies that was playing in the theater they go to? bc it looks really familiar.
Edwin is really focusing on the wrong details here, man. Also comparing a scared person to their abuser is not fuckin cool.
I love the sound of his voice in this scene.
I mean I thought it was already clear that neither of them wanted David involved but if Edwin needs clarification that's fine ig
the description of Esther is line a spoken word poem
you know he doesn't get out much when he doesn't know about the internet
Jenny is iconic
absolutely ZERO emotional response to "Like kind of a sexy witch who smokes alot but in a cool way" like maybe they didn't hear Charles. maybe their minds were blocking it out because what the fuck /j
and her coat gets caught in the door and she can't drive. Perfect.
The fuckin twirl. Thank you costumes for cutting the vent stitch because the swooshy coat adds to the effect 🙏
Esther leaves the stove on when she's out of the house? does she want her bird to DIE!? It must be an accident because Edwin has to take it off :o either that, or she wasn't planning on leaving for too long, or knew there'd be someone to take care of it 👀
Also Edwin is EXACT in his reading if the floor plan. Like that is SPECIFIC
is that a sink cabinet? no basin??
an empty cabinet like that is sus anyways. who has that little stuff??
Edwin volunteers and Charles knows he's scared but makes sure he does it anyways. I wonder if there are any more examples of this behavior.
Monocrome; floor littered in bones and shoes. Edwin is 'weighed down'
it's not a void, there's a floor.
Wait Has Esther been planting shoes for the cops to find, then re-stealing them for her snake's nest??
Also how often does she kidnap forms because I feel like she'd either have to run out or get caught at some point.
"bag of tricks" they name EVERYTHING
technically they didn't break in
what did she THINK they wanted?
I've already said this but Esther loves things she *consumes*, so her love of birds is kinda bad news for Monty. He's just there to use in her plans.
Also the first time I watched this I thought Esther was trying to kiss Crystal. like that shot is. weird.
Why does Charles want the bird to be his friend and why is he not concerned about its living conditions
rope+ magic weight= OW
technically, since everyone else is only going off of Edwin's (and later Cat King's) word, they might think the snake is huge but realistic. do they know it's like fifty feet??
interesting that they show it takes multiple puffs of smoke to paralyze someone but later when she gets power from that rando ghost she does a whole ranged spell with the pipe because she is more powerful.
that is some weird and impractical snake jewelry on her hand.
appearance ONE of the BAT! he DOES NOT get to use it!
Edwin looks to be MORE bothered by the iron burn than Charles now that nobody is looking.
Do people normally get incapacitated when Crystal does her trick?? or is that special for this time?
I wonder what Crystal thinks watching this possession, since she just got possessed recently.
bag of worms?? not a thing
MONTY im tryna threaten some kids🥺
I guess the woods thing was believable bc she's a girl scout.
Also now that Becky's mind is wiped, she can't see the boys even though she has been close to the supernatural. I guess it would have worked on Jenny too if she chose that.
is now a good time to mention: I LOVE Crystal's weird-ass jacket. and she's wearing overalls again today, like in episode (six? I think?)
so now are they on David's case? I guess not lmao
The Night Nurse's hair is so funny to me. She is the only person who would ever think to wear victory rolls with a microfringe.
why are those photos so low-quality and why is the Afterlife Lost and Found a liminal '50s office building full of women?
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fuckyeahnightmares · 2 years
Skinamarink Explained (JK I won’t do that)
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I’ve been gone a while but that’s just because I’ve been Skinamrink’d.
What is this movie?
It was a viral sensation for a little bit before it hit Shudder and limited theatres (I saw it in theatres last night). Some people will say “know nothing about it, just watch it” so stop reading if you wanna do that.
It’s about two kids in a house looking for their parents and stuff around their house, such as windows and doors, start disappearing. It’s graiy as hell.
How scary is it?
I was scared. The whole time? No, I zoned off quite a bit, coming up with great ideas for personal projects, because man this movie goes on. Let it be known I did not take out my phone. But there were a few times that got me good, and I was scared later that night, and the story is scary to think about in hindsight. 8.5/10
Jump scares or nah?
A few, good ones. Cleared my sinuses.
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being Halloween Kills), how dumb were the characters?
They are kids! It’s also a weirdly told story so it’s hard to gather just how smart these children are.
Does the story make logical sense if you think about it too long?
This movie’s a good argument for me to get rid of this little section all together. It operates on a nightmare logic.
Ooh, this one is polarizing and I see why. My tattoo artist liked it, but she also said she liked boring movies. Unless you have the attention span of like, someone in the middle ages who threw around rocks for fun, you’ll be bored, but that’s kind of okay. Some guy blurted out at the end, “I should get an award for sitting through that.” It doesn’t reveal much about the characters, the setting, but for this I’m not sure it matters. Could it have been shorter? At least by 20 minutes. Did I appreciate it? Yeah, it’s so different from every other thing I’ve seen, and my mind can entertain me well enough for the brief lulls. It creates a vibe through basically grainy still footage and sounds.
And It’s scary. It pulls you into its liminal space. Confounds you a bit. It kind of lulls you in and then there are a few moments that oof. It really does feel like a childhood nightmare, so big kudos to the team for doing that. Anyways, it’s an original, go see it. Or don’t, you might straight up hate it. 7/10
Read below for some spoiler-y thoughts
I did feel real bad for the kids. This movie kinda evil, from Kaylee losing her eyes and mouth and Kevin seemingly getting stabbed over and over again in a time loop. Damn.
“Look under the bed.” Chilled the shit out of me!
That fucking phone jump scare. Gold.
I would have bodied that monster who could “do anything,” eaten him for breakfast, really
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ask-a-bot · 12 days
I don’t know if this has been asked before but what’s your favorite song/genre. Both earth and cybertroian if you have one that is
I like Behind Blue Eyes by The Who. I think it's about me. I've got blue optics. I never had red ones. That was just a way to make me look evil and scary in the original cartoon (like I even need to look scary! Ha! You humans are fragging weird) – my optics were always blue. And I do lie a lot and I'm not good at keeping my cool and... it's me, isn't it? The bad guy.
Oh, Starscream. May I put an arm around you?
I suppose.
I like the song How Many Friends that you showed me. I feel so good right now. A handsome boy tells me how much I changed his past. He buys me a drinkie but I think he really just likes my aft. How many friends have I really got? You can count them on the one hand.
You really listened to it! I didn't think you even liked The Who!
You were right. It is a good song. Their songs are so well written, even if they are a little too noisy for my taste. I like the words.
I thought you would! You might like Madness too. They're surprisingly poetic. Oh! And there's an Elton John song you might like, called Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting. That one's good!
One at a time, Starscream. Time and patience.
That reminds me! You need to try out The Divine Comedy, too.
Are there any bands you don't know and like, Star?
I know ABBA, but I don't like them much. I find the music too... bouncy. I don't like The Beach Boys much, either.
Oh. I like The Beach Boys! Does that mean I'd like ABBA too?
Maybe. I don't know. You like most music, so you probably would like them. At least a song or two, probably.
I like most music, too! Earth music is pretty cool. I like Highway To Hell! Woohoo! And Bohemian Like You. And the Woohoo song by Blur that says something about jumbo jets not being easy.
I like Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys. That's a good song. And I like Meatloaf. We were racing! We were soldiers of fortune! We got in trouble but we sure got around!
Bumblebee! I'm not sure how I feel about you listening to that.
Why? It's a great song!
I liked the song that got sent in a while back. The video was weird, but the song was good.
Get Some Scars by Lux Lisbon. Yes. It is about how simply living our lives is constantly shaping us. It is by our experiences that we become who we are and can tell each other apart. When we are older, we should meet up and show the scars we got when we were young. Or... something like that.
While we're young, yeah, let's go out and get some scars... we'll wear them to tell us apart.
That's the one!
I think I like The Beatles best. Here Comes The Sun, The Blackbird, Hey Jude...
Maxwell's Silver Hammer!
Oh, you would like that one.
Back in school again, Maxwell plays the fool again, Teacher gets annoyed. Wishing to avoid an unpleasant scene, she tells Max to stay when the class has gone away, so he waits behind, writing 50 times "I must not be so..." But when she turns her back on the boy he creeps up from behind. Bang, bang! Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head! Bang, bang! Maxwell's silver hammer made sure she was dead!
Yeah, but he got caught and came to a sticky end.
He killed the judge!
Maybe, but it was in a court room. With witnesses. Even the people who – very stupidly – said he should go free wouldn't be able to defend him after that! Next time, he'll be secured better and get his sentence. It won't be good.
He's just a school kid! He should go free!
Star. Being a kid isn't an excuse for killing people. It just isn't a thing you should do. It's wrong, OK? He killed his teacher for trying to discipline him. He killed a girl who he was supposed to be taking to the pictures (British word for movies, I'm guessing) and he killed a judge for... well... like the teacher, for doing his job. Each time, he's a little more... more... I don't know... he seems to care less each time about being seen or getting caught.
It's just a song! I like it – it's exciting! I want a hammer!
There is no way I'm getting you a hammer. Silver or otherwise.
What about a yellowhammer? It doesn't go bang, it sings. It says "devil don't you touch me" in Scotland and "little bit of bread and no cheese" in England.
I don't think we're allowed to buy or sell native songbirds here either.
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destinationtrekk · 26 days
hey! it's me, the b.o.w. reader anon again!
just wondering...
in your opinion, what do you think a female Tyrant would look like?
i'm talking like a Mr. X or Nemesis kind of Tyrant.
would she have hair? or would she be better off bald?
would she be as monstrous as her male counterparts? or would she be something like Lady Dimitrescu?
again, just wondering...
(also tall and buff women hell yeah)
no i definitely want a sexy monstrous beast!!! i'm talking xenomorph fangs and exoskeleton armor - the whole nine yards.
mayde it'd be cool to have them be able to kind of shift depending on whats going on. maybe xenomorph tyrant doesn't want to tear the bedsheets with her big claws, but i think even in a 'normal'/'not beastly' form, reader is still gonna have those virus traits - maybe hair or not, i dont think it really matters - but certainly things like unusual pupils/eye colors, odd physique (ribs, spikes, tentacles? go wild!), and maybe even a different voice/accent!
the thing i love most about this b.o.w./tyrant!reader is that he/she/they aren't sexualized monsters. this isn't anime, this is resident evil. as much as i love the sexy badasses like ada wong and jill valentine, i don't want wesker to be flirty and turned on (at first). i want him in awe, distubed, proud, absolutely mindblown at the combination of his scientific triumph and reader's extreme resilience and determination - not only to survive the t-virus, but to survive for him.
so in short, i think a female tyrant will be just as creepy and terrifying and superior as nemesis or mr. x - maybe just a little nicer to our evil little scientist boyfriend.
(but also imagine big scary xenomorph tyrant reader getting their progenitor shot like wesker does and he puts a hello kitty bandaid on them :3 )
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e11 first born (w. robbie thompson)
this reminds me a bit of teen wolf in the plot overload disorder. i don't think i even bothered mentioning abaddon last episode. too much shit going on! also makes me laugh that we're in the 1800s, teen wolf also had this very weird (not good) flashback for the history of the argents (in the 1700s) 😂
all right, i know it's cain here, but i don't know anything really beyond that. except the mark at some point.
CROWLEY So...is that boudoir smile for me?
crowley's back in his sweet spot of evil but also maybe helpful but also probably trying to fuck you over. much better than just flat evil
CROWLEY I've been chasing that blade for decades. The closest I got to it was when one of my droogs -- Smitty -- got wind of a protégé demon of Abaddon's who claimed knowledge of the blade. Sadly, before Smitty could nab the guy, a hunter by the name of John Winchester nabbed the protégé. I'm here to see if there's anything in the John Winchester memorial library that might lead us to the first blade -- to killing Abaddon. DEAN You want to hunt? With me? CROWLEY I do love a good buddy comedy.
i know people talk up how crowley feels about dean but to me crowley is just horny for literally everyone and/or no one. sheppard is just so charismatic in this part
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why is this so cute!
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laughed out loud, good one. i'm the BEST liar, i totally fucked you both over, don't you remember??? don't besmirch my lying abilities, bro
i thought being totally sober would make me less loquacious but sadly, no ;(
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CROWLEY Is all this really necessary? I mean, I've been inside your brother. We're practically family. DEAN Listen to me. We are the furthest thing from family. You got that, dickbag?
while dean does like to adopt every stray he comes across, the king of hell apparently doesn't qualify 😩
cas seemed disappointed about the lack of an actual guinea pig. understandable
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sam barely keeping it together haha
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hello sarah connor 🔥
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CROWLEY I can help. Dean? DEAN He wants Abaddon as dead as I do. TARA If your daddy could see you now.
stop the doom spiral of guilt, dean. it's complicated, okay??? and shooting the floor in her own shop to break the devil's trap, what the actual fuck 😂
CROWLEY Would you care to join us? TARA Him? Anytime. You? Never.
hot lady who banged his dad, of course she wants to jump dean too. reminds me of this
s7e19 of grave importance
SAM Annie's not usually this late, is she? DEAN No, never. She's totally compulsive. I'll try her cell. SAM You know, uh, you know she and Bobby had a thing, right? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, I knew that. Really? SAM Yeah. Kind of a foxhole thing – very Hemingway. DEAN Huh. She and I kind of went Hemingway this one time, too. SAM All right, well... that happens. DEAN What, you too? SAM Look, it was a while back. We ended up on the same case. She was stressed. I-I-I... I didn't... have a soul. DEAN That's a lot of foxholes.
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what a pretty face! i don't know much religious lore but i wasn't expecting cain to be scary for crowley. i have no idea where he lands in the food chain, in fact
DEAN Why don't you just zap out of here? CROWLEY I'd never leave my domestic partner in crime. DEAN [snorts] Yeah, like your heart grew three sizes. You can't zap out of here, can you?
i wonder if crowley could make it an entire day without flirting with anyone
CASTIEL Sam, the trials. You chose not to go through with them for a reason, didn't you? You chose to live rather than to sacrifice yourself. You and Dean... You chose each other. SAM Yeah, I did. We did. And then... Dean made a choice for me.
how does finding gadreel fix things?
cain became a demon, okay (aha things are clicking that i know from fic lol). so with the whole dean and sam are descended from cain and abel, does that mean cain is grandpa? uncle?
CASTIEL No. Why must the Winchesters run toward death?
good question, cas
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sometimes i wonder how things are lit (in all media, not just spn), if they're trying to give the appearance of someone being on the verge of tears. when you got that highlight near your lower eyelid, it really looks like it regardless of actual tears accumulating. anyway,
SAM My life's not worth any more than anyone else's -- not yours or Dean's...or Kevin's. Please. Please, help me do one thing right. Keep going.
oh, sam.
@shinelikethunder linked this fight scene with rhianna's s&m over it, i may not be feeling the vibes op is talking about but i can appreciate it nonetheless :) it's a really good fight scene for jackles and great song choice. i'm always mourning the spn that could have been with better music 😔
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looking to see if there was a clean version on spotify of s&m out of curiosity and laughing that there's a kids version of the "sex in the air, i don't care i love the smell of it, sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me" song
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DEAN Right. Yeah, except I didn't kill my brother. CAIN You saved yours. Why? DEAN Because you never give up on family -- ever. CAIN Where's your brother now, then?
also, cain is retired, other demons didn't know where he was, but apparently he still gets the hot gossip on the winchesters somehow.
CASTIEL Sam, I want Gadreel to pay as much as you do. But nothing is worth losing you.
oh i see
ah fucking hell speaking of music, this melody is back. what did i associate it with last time. twilight and something. i think when dean was praying in his room to cas. it's at the very end of this post, i included video of it - s8e16
something about this mushy music has me feeling twilight or hunger games and i'm not sure which. ugh. bella's lullaby / rue's music (but that doesn't even have piano but it does have that plucked acoustic guitar like day before yesterday's s8e14 princess bride-esque music)
and apparently it really was time for sam and cas quality time. but anyway this melody is so familiar, kicks in when cas says the thing about him screwing up more than sam. is it a slowed down version of some spn theme? urgh. question may go unanswered until i rewatch from the beginning.
so anyway, that was a nice moment. i like how robbie is writing cas this episode
DEAN The jawbone of an animal. The jawbone you used to kill Abel because he was God's favorite. CAIN Abel wasn't talking to God. He was talking to Lucifer. Lucifer was gonna make my brother into his pet. I couldn't bear to watch him be corrupted, so I offered a deal -- Abel's soul in heaven for my soul in hell. Lucifer accepted... As long as I was the one who sent Abel to heaven. So, I killed him. Became a soldier of Hell -- a knight.
listen i don't know these stories except for very broad strokes but okaaaay interesting twist
ABADDON We could have been forever, but you chose her. Well, if I can't have you, then neither can she.
i see. ex and you're her... creator? complicated
welp. i didn't know dean was getting the mark in this episode, wheels are in motion
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aw. sweet sammy
CASTIEL As far as I'm concerned, Metatron is the key to fixing everything that's wrong. I'm gonna find him. You know, Sam, we could use all the help we could get to find Gadreel and Metatron.
CROWLEY You don't mean that. We're having too much fun. Listen up. Even with the Blade, we're gonna need all the help we can get against Abaddon. DEAN Go find the Blade. CROWLEY It's always something with you boys, isn't it?
cute. but yes, show sure likes to do it!
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i'm sure it's fine
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
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Hbtaker- Scary Vistors
Shawn knew he was supposed to be retired. But when hunter invited him to work at nxt he couldn't help it. And well Taker wasn't mad so he didn't feel as bad. Taker understood. He was still wrestling and shawn didn't like being alone.
Taker hadn't been able to stop by nxt yet. As in a few years have passed since Shawn started. It made Taker feel bad because Shawn always visited him. So he decided to stop by.
Taker looks around the building. It's small. Nice. He then spots some of the kids and a evil little idea grows. He fades into the shadows with a smile.
"Man this sucks" Adam mutters, belt hanging from his hand. "Why?" Finn asks. "Because you know they'll give drew the belt if he does come back." Adam states. "You don't know that. He was vinces chosen one, not hunter or shawns" finn chuckles. Adam just huffs and adjusts his belt against his shoulder. Both men pause as the lights flicker above them. "Finn.." "not me. Hunter did say some work was being done. Maybe it's that" Finn shrugs going to move forward when the doors around them start opening and slamming. "What the fuck!" Adam yells grabbing finn arm and running off.
Taker chuckles as he steps out of the shadows. He looks down the hall to see Rhea Ripley and Dakota Kai walking into the canteen. "Lets see how tough you are rhea" Taker chuckles moving away.
"Yeah but I'm nxt champ and that's all that matters. None of these scare me" Rhea huffs setting the belt down on the table. "I will say its cool how hands on shawns became. He was almost shy at first and now look at him" dakota smiles. "I feel bad, he's amazing but he's so insecure with himself" Rhea admits as she sits down. "I heard the old man comment. As if he still hasn't got it. He's hbk!" Dakota cheers. "Got you out here sounding like John cena" Rhea smirks. The girls pause as the water fountain turns itself on. "Uh..." Both jump as the table flips. "What the fuck!" Rhea yells standing up. A chair flies and hits the wall. "Fuck this! Cmon!" Dakota yells grabbing her arm.
Taker can't help but laugh as they run off.
"Hunter!" Finn yells as the run into the office. Shawn lifts his head. "Hunters having a meeting with the big guys, what's wrong?" Shawn asks standing up. "Hunnner!" Rhea yells running in. Shawn stares a the four superstars who are clearly scared. "What happened?" Shawn asks. "Flickering lights and then doors opening and slamming!" Adam states. "The water fountains turning on before table and chairs went flying!" Dakota adds. Shawn stares at them. "Its the truth!" Finn snaps. Shawn looks as Johnny walks in. "You got a guest...a really cool...badass guest" Johnny whispers. Shawn smiles as Taker walks in. "Takes" Shawn smiles. "Hey baby" Taker smiles walking closer.
The younger watch in Awe as the bigger man kisses their boss. "Its the undertaker. Wow." Rhea whispers. Taker chuckles and looks at them, resting his hand on shawns lower back. "Finally got the time to come check this place out." Taker states. His eyes examine them. "You all look like you've seen a ghost" and one and one immediately clicks in shawns head. "Yes, well I'm sure whatever it is, is over now." Shawn states. "Aren't you even going to check?" Finn asks. "What is this? Me checking for monsters under the bed? No. Go get ready for the show, if it happens again tell me and I will deal with it" Shawn promises. "You promise?" Adam asks. "Yes, I promise. But I also promise it won't happen again" Shawn tells them.
"It was really cool meeting you sir." Rhea smiles at taker. "Prove it by putting a hell of a show on tonight." Taker tells them. "Yes sir!" The all reply before rushing out. Shawn huffs. "You should come around more often. It's like a daycare around here" Shawn states moving back to the paperwork. "Piece of cake" Taker smiles resting against his back. "I guess so when you spend time scaring them" Shawn states. Taker chuckles and kisses his neck. "Just havin a little fun. I can tell you that Adams worried about Mcintyre coming back and finn has promised he has nothing to worry about because you wont favour drew and that Rhea and dakota wish they could take your insecurity away" Taker tells him. Shawn smiles slightly. "Pain in my ass but good kids. The lot of them." Shawn states.
Shawn turns to taker. "Stop scaring my kids" Shawn scolds. Taker chuckles and kisses Shawn softly. "Yessir" he mumbles. "Now show me what you do" Taker smiles. Shawn smiles and takes his hand.
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Finally got around to watching Train To Busan on Thursday. So good!!
Spoiler-free summary: I loved this movie to bits. SO good! I loved the slowly building drama in the first bit, I loved the characters, I loved the ending.
Hhhh I'm such a fan of slowly building dread
Oh shoot there's the zomb
Fuck this is so scary XD
Kudos to the steward being like "EVERYONE RUN"
Oh - that's why they didn't stop in the first city.
His daughter is so sweet!
I would not get off the train there. That's just me.
This COO is trying to be helpful, I hope everyone listens to him. He seems to know what's up.
I feel like this "quarantine" is just gonna be murder.
Old dude knows what's up.
Aw she cares so much.
Oop, old dude, that's a zom.
Ah, yeah. Not sure if they MEANT to just have the whole train get killed or if there was a real quarantine there at all.
Oh yeah, seems there might've been... But there sure isn't now lol.
Ah COO, the moral lesson of this movie is to be nice to people. Like, you're safe on the train, you can afford to wait.
I feel like one of those sisters got bit.
Oh no baseball kids, I was just gonna say how much I love you.
Nooo husband you must make it - ok good.
So terrifying to be in a state of limbo like that.
Rescue time!
I feel like you should probably still have your coats on for more bite protection, humans can't bite hard. That said, this is still very badass, 10/10.
Husband is like the hulk or something.
Oh no baseball friends! Come on, you can do it, they're depending on you!
Oh tunnel, the zoms can't see.
Ok, now hurry, gotta go, no time for reunions - ah stuck in the bathroom.
I'm loving the exploration of what it means to be a man/husband.
Hey COO, you jerk. You're justifiably concerned they might be infected but I think you have someone infected in there with you.
Mm, climbing in the luggage rack would be hard to do silently. Nice, nice, distract them. Is some gonna cough? We haven't had that trope yet. Ah, slip of the foot, close enough.
Who even is this old guy?
Oh, the can, lol. That counts.
Oooh evil.
Oh no! Husband!
Why are they still silencing the girl?
Sister! Save you sister!
Ah ha, you see small child COO, surely that will change your heart.
Husband, you are a true hero. Best husband, 10/10.
HAH he deserved to be punched (the COO).
Yeah girl I wouldn't want to stay with those assholes either.
Aw sisterly love. Wait. No. Nooo sister.
Well that's what you get for being assholes. True they weren't ALL assholes but still.
I still wanna know who the old guy is and if he's like, relevant.
Aww. His daughter is so sweet.
Ah, your company is implicit in this, that sucks. It's nice he lets his buddy of the hook.
Literal blood on your hands huh.
Uh, there's no getting into Busan, huh.
Ew, the COO is still alive.
I also love the conductor. He's like a superhero too.
Ew. COO. You suck, I hate you so much. Now there's zombs everywhere.
Holy shit literal zombie train.
COO you continue to be just The Worst.
Wow that's a hell of a shot, love it.
Oh good he broke his ankle - noooo conductor my love.
Noo old guy my love.
I kinda love how the zoms move like water.
There's no conductor, hope you can figure it out!
Oh no, what if a lot of them slow it down?
Lol did the imaginary cameraman get hit?
Oh hi COO. Hey wait, how'd you open that door? Oh, you're still a bit alive.
Nooooo dad - I guess it IS all about sacrifice, huh? So heroic in your last same moments.
Aww sweetie it's not your fault, but he really does have to go.
I'm not crying you're crying.
(I'm definitely crying)
This tunnel seems like a bad idea.
Oh no, the woman is gonna look infected...
Aw, she's singing. And it let them know they're ok!
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mid-year book freak out tag
tagged by @bloody-wonder, thank you!
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? 
Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente. i dont even know what to say. i want to sit raptly while someone smarter than me explains all the history and symbolism in this book that i missed. haunting.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023? 
partially just because i've read few sequels this year, The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik wins. I maintain that Orion is boring as hell after book 1 and I don't care about him but the rest of the book? Delicious. El is so snarky and dark. Ooooh im an evil witch princess im so scary my friends have to hold me back from committing evil (devotes her life to protecting other people) (refuses to live in an enclave because it feels like cheating) (shows up whenever people ask for help even if they suck). also the reveal with the mawmouths was just. such fucking 10/10 writing. the punch of understanding. the way the text gives the reader space to figure it out themself and just go HOLY SHIT.
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To?
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle. I have it downloaded. I am ready.
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? 
I have no idea. I just find books when I find them, y'know?
5. Biggest Disappointment?
ironically, the sequel to question 6, The Return of Fitzroy Angursell by Victoria Goddard. after a book which is about a guy whose whole thing is "really good civil servant" this book was just...not what i wanted. it was about a classic singing robin hood style hero who is charming and cool and magical and does adventures and maybe otherwise i would have enjoyed it but how can i read a book set in the world of my favourite bureaucrat Kip and not read about bureaucracy??? only book so far this year i just straight up didnt finish. also, you can only tell the same vague story about how kip made a joke that one time without actually telling the joke before it stops being "backstory" and starts being "the author never actually figured out what the joke was".
6. Biggest Surprise?
The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard. absolutely bizarre book. there is no real plot other than the emperor preparing for retirement. the first three hundred pages the emperor just. goes on vacation?? i was expecting political intrigue but the political intrigue is 90% just "the rich guys dont like it but our guy, Kip the bureaucrat, is the emperors specialist guy and also extremely stubborn so everyone has to go alone with UBI". the biggest conflict is literally just interpersonal miscommunication but good. i was so hooked it was ridiculous. where did the heterosexuality come from i am perplexed
7. Favorite New Author?
i was about to say catherynne m valente but i actually cant claim that because now i looked her up and ive read other work by her! she did The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making and sequels which were extremely delightful also. so this one goes to Victoria Goddard on the basis of i have apparently read a lot of authors i already know this year
8. Newest Favorite Character?
Cliopher (Kip) Mdang my beloved
9. Newest Fictional Crush?
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
💕Best Ship💕
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
okay i guess maybe kip + the emperor? or maybe el + liesel because i was surprisingly a big fan of liesel by the end. though maybe thats just me wanted el to be with someone more interesting than orion.
10. Book That Made You Cry?
i can't actually remember if i cried but Driftwood by Marie Brennan was quite haunting and beautiful and bittersweet
11. Book That Made You Happy? 
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. now, all brandon sandersons are at least 30% power of friendship by weight but i really do appreciate that this one was like "yeah no we're saying that part out loud. people are heros because they love their friends anything else is just set dressing"
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year?
i...dont think ive watched any book adaptations this year
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year?
don't write 'em, so n/a
14. Most Beautiful Cover?
im going to say Deathless tho i think i am biased because the book hypnotised me
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year?
so many. Ancillary Justice. I also really should read Nona the Ninth but book 2 was so...eugh. i ravenously devoured a bunch of Pratchett's last month and i am waiting on several more from the library. apparently theres a new murderbot out soon? i should check that out.
tagging @a-fish-bee, @foxsoulcourt if you want to do this one :)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estas? Espero que estés teniendo un lindo día 😊
I started giving private lessons and it's mostly teenagers, those people are scary!! But in a cool way 😎
The One with the Presentation
In his defense, he hadn’t known that he will spend two weeks in a hell dimension.
Neither did I... what a shocking shock that was!!!
After they had come to the Silent City, Jackson had told him the truth.
Ok but... I kind of want him to be possessed because if it's something else it's probably worse and that's just NO... nope, nopety nop...
“I was, um, just talking to myself,” David said awkwardly. “I wasn’t talking to the demon inside me.”
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Hey, Brother Enoch. There is this girl who is obsessed with my boyfriend. I think she wants me out of the picture. Maybe it’s her?
Say it!!! I also think is her... 🤔🤔
“Did you tell anyone about this?” Jackson demanded.
Oh no... I don't like where this is going, keeping secrets is bad!!!
“We’re not allowed to speak of it,” Jackson replied.
Well fuck you very much!! And to think I was happy to see you!!
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“I don’t know why you look surprised,” Max replied incredulously. “I broke into hell.”
New love language unlocked!!! Break into places for me or leave me alone!! 😏
You can sniff it. But like, not in a creepy way. But in a soft, romantic way. They do it in the movies, you know.”
🥰🤣🥰🤣 please let Max be the prince from the vision instead of something creepy... just look at him... look!!!
And he brought Chopin!!!! I am deceased!!! Maxwell you cuteness!!! I am love them!!! 😍🥰😍🥰😍
He was…He was holding David’s hairbrush.
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“I’m not possessed,” David insisted. He promised. “Max. I’m not possessed. I just…I just want you. Please.”
He's just horny and in love...!! Right?!?
“This is the Silent City,” Jackson said, the monotone making everything somehow more hilarious.
The silent brother looked up. “David. You have demon blood.”
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“How can he have demon blood?” Rafael asked in confusion. “Is it because he killed Asmodeus?”
Yeah... how? How? How?? And most importantly... why Dani why????
There was a sliver of vulnerability in her voice, something he rarely he ever heard from Anjali.
Oh no 😔  what's going on with my queen????
Rafael thought it was unfair. He thought it was unfair that young people were not allowed to vote on the things that can impact their future.
I agree 100%... please brain don't start obsessing with President Rafe again!!!
“I’m your Inquisitor. I am the leader of the Council and the enforcer of the Covenant. And as your Inquisitor, I expect you to respect my authority. Is that understood, Victoria?”
Anjali my queen 🥵🥵🥵
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I am love Camila... bella, hermosa, poderosa!!! Stupid Marcus and his evil ways can't defeat her!!!
“Nephilim,” Marcus said, his voice soft and alluring. “Allow me to change your world.”
Why don't you change your status from alive to dead? 😡😡😡
“Some of these theories are top tier,” Lexi said, looking at their list. “I really do think the Chopin one has merit, Max. He does only like David.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣 these theories are fantastic!!!!
“No. There are demon traces inside him,” Jackson said.
Jackson sweetie maybe you should stop talking because I'm not loving any of the things you've said this chapter!!
Selena gasped. “He is puking, isn’t he? You are trying to get the ichor out of him.”
Wait... is someone poisoning him??? How??? Is it the tea???
“Dad?” Max called, feeling marginally better. “Are you guys back?”
Where are they??? Did Marcus kidnapped them???
On one hand, he really needed to talk to someone right now.
Don't do it Max!!!!
Max put on a hoodie and made a portal to the top of the Empire State Building.
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She smiled and nodded. “It’s my birthday.”
Nobody cares!!
He told her what happened.
Fuuuuuuck!! MAXWELL 🤬🤬
This scene is making me want to punch Maxwell!!!
Catching lightning in a bottle Maxwell?? Seriously??? Go home!!! NOW!!! 🤬
He had expected this reaction. He had expected exactly this.
And now Marcus POV 🤮
It landed exactly where he wanted it.
Right in front of Rafael.
And now he's shooting at mi bebé precioso??? Oh hell NO!!! Where's my twin??? Alexander 🗣🗣 tear him apart!!!!
“The guns will be produced by Devlin Corp and no one else,” Marcus promised. “You can trust me. I will take full responsibility for it.”
Do not trust this bitch... I swear I will slap every single one of you if you agree to this!!!!!!
Every one of them wrote down their choice and put it inside a goblet.
Please don't let this creepy bitch win!!!
He watched his name float in midair. He let out an incredulous chuckle.
Noooooooo!!!!! Noooooooooo!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
“We thank the Council for their votes, and we respect your choice,” a voice said. “But I’m afraid Marcus’ proposal has been disqualified.”
YES!!!! Thank you Dani!!!!! I had tachycardia 😮‍💨
Of course it was Anjali my queen!!!!
“Is this all because I refused to read some manual?” Marcus scoffed. “Which I presume you wrote?”
No, it's because you're an evil, disrespectful, creepy bitch!!!
Marcus flinched his fists. “Then I don’t recognize your authority.”
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“They think I’m crazy,” Marcus whispered.
Because you are!! 😠
He was going to show them.
Aaaaand now I'm very afraid!!!
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I know things are gonna get a lot worse than they are now but... I'm really worried about David and Anjali 😖😖😖 I just want them to be safe and happy!!!
This chapter had me on edge the whole time, Marcus is that type of scary that makes you cold and gives you chills, he is the type of evil you can actually find on the streets and that makes him extra scary!!!
Thank youuuu Dani!!! You are the bestest best!!!
I didn't understand that sentence in spanish so i had to google translate it 🥺
also you are soooo right. i used to tutor teens too and it was a very weird experience lmao. like how are they not a threat to us and still somehow scary????
i hope the classes go well x
Every time i get your ask, my mom is like 😑😑😑 because i laughed so loud and just giggle the entire time.
Your reactions are so funny. My dream is to live watch and live react to a movie or TV show with you. It would be hilarious and so much fun 🥺🥺🥺
Speaking of Anjali and David, one of my fave scenes is this whole bit where Magnus talks to Anjali and David (speerately) but I love it so much because we have some father-in-law(???) Magnus content and he is very soft with them 😭😭😭
I am love you 💚
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Kevin the villain assistant from Dorkly is hired to assist nightmare moon with her evil plan. And by assist, I mean literally tear about everything about it due to logical inconsistencies.
“Mwah hahaha,” nightmare moon laughed maliciously. “Finally, the thousand years of waiting are over, and we shall enact my master plan to rule equestria and bring eternal night!” Suddenly however, her monologue and malicious laughter were stopped by a splash of water to the face by her newly hired villain assistant, Kevin. “Kevin, what in the Tartarus was that!? We shall teach you better than to mess with.” But Kevin cut her off mid tirade.
“Oh yeah, I’m a big and scary alicorn of the night using the royal Canterlot voice to intimidate people and show how angry I am blah blah BLAH !.”
Kevin cynically replied, “I’ve heard it all before, so if you are willing to cut through the horse apples, I’d like to have a chat with you about your good old master plan!”
“Ah, so you wish to stroke our ego about the greatness of our plan 1000 years in the making?” Nightmare moon boasted, “Well then we might just be willing to look past that little splash!”
“Oh ho no, I wasn’t here to congratulate your plan, I’m here to tell you how much it FUCKING SUCKS!” Kevin replied angrily.
“What, our plan sucking? How dare thou !?” Nightmare moon angrily clapped back. “We have worked for a thousand years in exile to make sure it is absolutely foalproof! I challenge thou to find one single flaw with it infidel!”
“Oh yeah? Well I challenge myself to NOT find a flaw in EVERY part of it!” Kevin retorted! “For starters, your plan to do grand reveal as soon as you’re free! I mean really, your first order of business after being gone a thousand years is to just launch yourself at everyone in the middle of the festival to announce your return by yourself? What the hell kind of stupid idea is that!?”
“Stupid? Ha!” Nightmare moon angrily replied. “I must instill fear in my new subjects and let them know who their new ruler will be! The best way to do that is to announce my arrival and show my powers in spectacular fashion!”
“Oh it’s the best way to do SOMETHING alright! The best way to get your ASS…. er um FLANK kicked!” Kevin snapped back. “For one thing they HOPELESSLY outnumber you. What if one of them is a sly dog and catches you monologing as a chance to sneak behind you and strike you with a blunt object?”
“It will take more than blunt objects to stop…” Nightmare Moon clapped back before Kevin cut her off again.
“Or how about if they shoot you with a GUN!” Kevin replied, “Which in case you weren’t aware, is basically a device that can propel a lethal projectile at you faster than you could EVER hope to dodge or stop it. It’s literally a device made for killing, and for all you know that entire room could have those on them! The town you’re planning to do that in IS a country town after all!”
“A gun? Surely no such device could EVER exist?” Nightmare moon replied.
“Oh and this is coming from someone who lives in a world where ACTUAL magic exists!?” Kevin said. “If you can use magic to raise the sun and create force fields and whatnot, then I certainly think such a weapon, or at the very least a lethal spell which can avada kedavra your ass, is within the realm of possibility, and dare I say even LIKELY given how long you’ve been absent. And that applies to your sister the literal goddess Celestia and her guards as well. “
“But then how are we to take control if we cannot stop Celestia?” Nightmare Moon said, “I cannot rule while Celestia does!”
“I agree.” Kevin replied. “Which is why you need to go about it differently. The way I see it, you’ve been gone been so long you probably have long since faded from public mind, so why not use that to your advantage and sneak under the radar, Celestia is so busy handling politics and raising the sun and moon in your absence she probably won’t even remember the exact date until we’ll after it’s passed if she does at all! And even if she does remember, you can literally SHAPESHIFT! Become another pony like you did with that Shadowbolts plan demonstration you did last week! Or better yet, just transform into some nameless nobody no one will notice suddenly came into being and bide your time while you learn about new technologies, spells, snd geopolitical rivalries and how you can use those to your advantage when you do choose to strike! Heck, maybe you could even take a more proactive approach while your st it and infiltrate the government and bring it down from the inside without ever having to fight like Neighdolf Hitler!”
“Preposterous!” Nightmare replied,” “Neighdolf Hitler has an army backing him up, and no pony would ever actually want to aid me in bringing everlasting night!”
“Oh I think you overestimate the intelligence of the general public quite heavily” Kevin replied. “There’s LITERALLY an entire group of people where I come from who think the planet they live is flat.”
“Wait…. You’re kidding right ?” Nightmare Moon said aghast.
“Nope, you can’t make this shit up”” Kevin replied. “And there’s an even larger population of idiots around than just them. Did you know a fair number of people in a fandom about friendship based on your show seem to get a sick enjoyment in others’ misery and have missed all the morals it’s supposed to teach…. Especially on fanfic sites! Or that half of my entire country literally voted for a fascist a few years ago and got him elected despite him CLEARLY outing himself as horrible and saying things directly counting their own best interests? Actually, speaking of which, I actually have an appointment with him coming up next.” Kevin said, before he shook his head realizing he went on a tangent.
“Point is though” Kevin continued, “There’s always someone, er um somePONY, who will follow you if you look hard enough and know what to say, which slipping under the radar and NOT immediately exposing yourself in some stupid grand reveal gives you plenty of time to learn and enact on countless palookas looking for someone to follow and who you can throw under the bus if the plan fails while you escape and try again. Sure it might take a few years to do it, but what’s that compared to the thousand you were imprisoned for? If you’re gonna get revenge may as well do it right I say!”
“Ah…. I see, we thank thou Kevin for the valuable insight, we shall now go and engage in your master plan and use it to bring eternal night and rule Equestria.” Nightmare moon said, before Kevin splashed her again. “Grrrr! I swear to Celestia, soon to be myself, if you do that to us again…”
“Uh, no! You will not be bringing eternal night when you take over because that is the stupidest idea EVER!” Kevin snapped at her ignoring her threat.
“But we must show our might to the land and make others know how powerful we are in their everyday lives just by going outside.” Nightmare moon replied angrily. “And since the grand reveal instilling fear is out that is all we have left!”
“Look, I do respect the desire to be respected…. Something I never was from my two ex wives, but that is a HORRIBLE way to go about it!” Kevin replied. “You do realize you need sun to do some minor teeny weenie SUPER IMPORTANT things like, oh I don’t know, grow crops, make clouds for pegasi to shake rain from due to heat causing convection, or get sufficient vitamin D for example! If you take away the sun, you’ll be looking at a wasteland in ten years if you’re lucky! And how are you going to be respected if everyone who could do so is DEAD!? Assuming of course they don’t just French Revolution you and ffoverthrow you before that point and kill you instead. Let them eat moon cake as it were!”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Nightmare Moon replied.
“Oh yeah, forgot, alternate dimension! Doesn’t really make knowing French history all that easy.” Kevin mused, “The point is, don’t take away the sun, you’ll actually kill everyone and likely yourself due to starvation, drought, vitamin deficiency or an angry mob, and even if you don’t die for some reason, you’ll just be ruling a wasteland by yourself with NO ONE to respect you! No, what you do is use the sun as leverage! Demand the citizens follow you OR you don’t raise the sun. That will give them plenty of motivation to not try anything funny, because it’s not like they have the magical ability raise the sun if you’re out of the picture! So that leaves them two choices, either they overthrow you anyway and doom themselves to a slow painful death, or do your bidding for their own sakes, and if they’re anything like the people where I come from, when faced with an existential threats they will most certainly do the latter!”
“That…. Could be a potential solution too..” Nightmare Moon said.
“Uh huh” Kevin replied smugly. “But anyway, I gotta go, if I’m late to my next appointment he’ll grab me by the pussy! But before I go, is there is one thing I want to ask. Why are you so vehement about the night being a staple anyway? Like I know your whole schtick is night time so I could understand some desire, but you have an obsession so I’m thinking that isn’t the only reason is it?”
“Um….. you won’t judge us will you?” Nightmare Moon said.
“I’ve worked with people who LITERALLY snapped half of all living things into oblivion and who tried to kill a baby, there is NOTHING you can say which will faze me at this point.”
“Um….. we may or may not enjoy nighttime donkey shows” Nightmare said sheepishly.
“Aaaaand I stand corrected…..” Kevin said, “On the plus side though, at least you’ll fit right in with the sexually frustrated teens and spiteful miserable manchildren on the website I mentioned earlier!”
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marklikely · 5 months
and these five because I'm nosy - 12. favorite well known horror film; 13. favorite under appreciated horror film; 14. favorite "controversial" horror film; 15. favorite re-watchable horror film; 16. favorite un-rewatchable horror film
:-) thank you lol <3
12. Probably either Get Out or A Nightmare on Elm Street. Get Out is a classic that the entire genre has been trying to repeat for years for a REASON and it's still my pick for the best Peele movie <3. And then NOES is just as iconic and did a lot to shape the genre too honestly. But its also just really fun i love Nancy, i love the practical effects and the scary phone. the bed that explodes in a geyser of blood. and the fact that nancy does a home alone chase with freddy. its good.
13. I think Bloody Muscle Bodybuilder in Hell can go up against at least 3 of the canon Evil Dead movies in terms of Greatness honestly. IDK if i can count it as under appreciated because everyone who's seen it loves it but a lot of people also just write it off as an evil dead fan film. which it is and that's fine, but it's also just really good as a microbudget horror movie with goofy ass effects. and a couple legitimately creepy sfx moments too even though most of them look extremely fake and cheap.
14. Controversial as in like. had a lot of public problems then I'd pick Possession (1981). its crazy and really painful to watch at times but its still so good. and got banned in the UK and severely restricted in the US so i'd say that counts as controversy. Controversial as in ratings though i'd say Black Christmas (2019). Everyone hates that movie so bad and i'll die on any sword to defend its cheesy teen scream buzzfeed feminism honor.
15. Creep 2!!! i have watched that movie like 5 times in the last year and i will keep rewatching it forever. i can't explain what makes it so rewatchable but it never gets old or wears on me at all. something about the bi energy to it (i even found out after watching a couple times that the lead is a bi actress so like i guess she's the reason it feels like a bisexual ass movie)
16. Not sure if it's usually considered a horror but Funny Games. i watched the original and it ruined my day! but they really play with the fourth wall in a way that made me feel guilty for watching like i could have just paused the DVD and ended all the violence. so yeah i dont need to watch it again i'm good, but its also a really great movie.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
This b**** works at Walmart they've been sitting there complaining about him and Walmart's had enough of them we can see the people at Walmart writing notes get them the hell out of there. No they're not doing that so we're going to do it and we're going to take over and we're going to use this because we're going to start fighting this assholes ourselves we need them out they're horrible people they're trying to poison people and that's what they're saying don't have him take the poison out of Walmart you're saying so then take it out and we're going to use it on you starting now I'm going to have your husband poison your friends so they poison her back I'm going to use your stupid clans covered by eating them in my cage will turn into you and give me his team of killers killing all your buddies.. she got really mad and she said I've matured him for the last time that's correct now your brain is going to be swill. Turns around she's crying riding your bike home and she goes to a room and starts crying and fell asleep and she doesn't really care she's trying to do it for impression no she cares it's all over and she ruined it said how's my family be weaker than you it's not possible go to your Island and get the hell out of here
There are two Tina turners and it's a fat slob who's imitating her
And I thank you very much and yeah that's the fake one and it's really Lily and she went to her house turned into her and died and the movie is in Florida and we think the people grab her and it started there I've been trying to put it close and he doesn't really care if she's a fat slob. She's possessed okay and these guys are going to use her and what he says is I have all these people who won't shut the f****** and an evil some of them are close like Tommy f who gets his face cut off. She imitating my clan and you make it look like I'm not small even though I'm not really proud of the clan that makes a lot of sense and this jackass is doing it and say it is King Charles and my husband said that and he's so ashamed he can't stand it for years and it's really like keeping a character around she didn't do it on purpose but her name was saying is zoee it's not really true. And she comes back and in and out of the roll of Michael Myers and she comes back as the women in salt... I think we're going to go ahead and scary monster movie I mean they're doing Barbie and the reason is this scene comes up and he's like getting really powerful maybe 11 ft 12 ft is bulky and it's our son moves the car out of the way a little so the guys get out the ivory and they do it before he comes back out and the push it on vibrate it back and forth also it slides into traffic and one of those garbage trucks slams into it shoots it like a hockey puck down the street you're a loud crash
Right now it's a positive lesson and he's going to ask Dave to do it and to try and teach his people because they learn that way at least the sun got it right away nailed it if he has blue eyes and that's how damn it and you know what it is right out there did Mark out there and have him move the car and then you have your father moving and you show that the machine is doing it and it does all sorts of s*** cuz you can go pick it up after and they said they're going to stage it like you have to stage the whole street so Dan is going to do it and he says he gets out which is covered and it's covered for all sorts of stuff so they're going to go ahead and do it
It's one of the funniest scenes I've ever heard him come up with I'll tell you this kind of full of funny scenes.
It's all these people have to die because they're not fighting monsters at all or staying in them holding them off drinking against people who do I guess and that's going to happen but really we're rolling on movies and he's going forwards
She's got like 10 minutes ago and it's the person who took over team to turn his job
Thor Freya
He's going to eulogize her
I'm trying to grab me with the same ambulance and he tried to grab me this morning as I went to go to the policeman and it was Tommy f and Jason ran out there and she was gone already so the house is in the movie so it's going to be a fight I don't want to take a pay cut at first supplemented first and have other people do it like social security she's going to try it if they don't they're taking a beating cuz you can't see it once that other lady
I don't want to take a beating but this sucks you can't go anywhere and Garth wants to be the BF and he's a huge idiot with a big mouth
Olympus we approved this message to go out
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