#like “here boo I know you're a broke ass bitch”
jellys-compendium · 3 months
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Owen is a sugar daddy CONFIRMED!
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Dr Strange x fem! reader
- a very very very long ass fic as my Christmas present to you all, i got very carried away. a very enemies to lovers, angsty, smutty, jealous Stephen fic for u cause i too am a slut for it. ENJOY U WHORES x
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The tension was white hot with hatred, it was as if you were both being treated like naughty children that didn't know how to get along. What made it all the more hilarious was the fact that it was true. You hated Stephen Strange. Stephen Strange hated you. It was an undeniable fact, your hatred for him went far and wide into the endless horizon, deeper than the pit of a black hole, the feeling of deplorablity so strong whenever he opened his mouth it was about to consume you whole.
Stephen's feelings towards you was just as negative. Although he found it slightly cute the way you would get into a hissy fit just because of him, the thing is he had no problem admitting that you were hot, just extremely annoying and way too assertive. Finding a need to point out every single problem without putting in the effort to fix it, you were a control freak; it was enough to fuck with anyone's head, let alone one of the most powerful magic weilders of all time.
Tony had to put an end to this when a brawl broke out between you two. You punched him in the face and left him with a bloody nose.
Tony had to do something about it: designated sessions for you both in an attempt to diagnose the problem between that made you feel this way. Though it wasn't be being supervised another fight could break out but no one was willing to listen to you both bitch and moan for an hour every week.
It was like couples therapy without the couple or the therapist. Lucky you, this will surely solve all of these engorged problems!
You were both metaphorically being grabbed by the ear and sat down in by Tony, leaving you alone in locked room with Stephen Strange. The man who has cockiness in his blood and is ego incarnate, the man who was blinded by his own self interest. It was taking you all of your night not to give him another bloody nose/
‘’You guys are going to be locked in this room for an hour every week, okay? Sort your shit out or so help me God I'll kick you both out.’’ Tony yelled, you hadn't seen him this fed up in a while. Slamming the door shut, you were left alone with him
Stephen was sat infront of you, bloody and bruised with an unwelcoming scowl indented on his face. The table was the only thing between you. Therapy sessions were not going to fix any of this. It was all far too shattered to even be considered.
Bitter silence encompassed the room but you didn't want to break it first, he didn't deserve your words.
‘’Okay, I'll go first since you've seemingly forgot how to talk, which I thought was entirely impossible. You're fucking insane.’’ Stephen smiled at you sarcastically, voiced laced in venom as his eyes bore into yours.
‘’Maybe you're just unbareable and I wanted to put myself out of my own misery.’’ You crossed your arms in defense.
‘’Okay, okay listen...Do you seriously want to get kicked off the team? Or are we still going to keep doing this? It's all in your hands at this point because I'm done with all of it, I don't care if it's real or not. I don't want to be sitting here and doing this right now.’’ Stephen was actually being sincere for once, finally letting his anger get the best of him. He was so frustrated with all of it. Tired of this little dance he has to endure with you.
You let the words hang in the air for a while, stunned with how he's reacting to all of it; most of the time he's a sarcastic smart ass, this was the most emotional you've ever seen him.
‘’Okay fine. Let's do this your way. Let's get all of these feelings off our chests, okay? I'll go first this time.’’ You leaned forward on the table, defensive and snarky as always but willing to actually get to the root of your hatred for him.
‘’You're an asshole.’’ You stated simply.
‘’Boo fucking hoo. Everyone experiences that from me, you're not special.’’
‘’Nobody should have to experience it at all, Stephen!’’ You yelled exasperated.
‘’You know what I think? You have an injustice complex. Everyone needs to be treated fairly and all that shit. Sweetheart, the world doesn't work that way and you know it so I don't know why you're trying to reinforce it.’’ He snarled, looking you right in the eye to see if his words cut enough to make you flinch.
‘’Call me sweetheart again and I'll burn you in your bed.’’
‘’Sweetheart, you'll never get anywhere near my bed.’’
Your fists clenched, taking all of your might not to punch him in the teeth.
Another week passed and you weren't getting anywhere near to resolving this prolonged feud. You were both dragged to the locked box again. Natasha literally had to find you thanks to you hiding away as a means to not go.
Stephen was actually willing to end this cruelty by trying to get you to open up to get this over with quicker so it'll be easy to convice the rest that you can get along.
The walls felt like they were closing in, the paint becoming thicker and thicker with every second you were both breathing the same air. Hogging the oxygen in the process with the snarky, sarcastic sighs and the groans into palms.
Winced faces met once more in another hour of unrelenting torture: being alone together.
‘’Let's try this again shall we?’’ You smiled fakely.
‘’I think you're scared.’’
‘’Who the fuck do you think you are trying to psychoanalyse me?’’
‘’I'm a fucking doctor, of course I'm going to psychoanalyse you. You don't strike me as stupid, so stop trying your best to fall into that category.’’ He retaliated.
‘’Go ahead then, doctor. Floor me.’’ You squinted your eyes at him, hoping to throw him off.
‘’ You're scared of not having control.’’
‘’I'm not.’’ You were certain that he was pulling this out of his ass...well, you tried your best to convince yourself he was on the outside. But to your dismay and frustration, he was right. It was your biggest insecurity and you hated that he could see right through it. You just wished that you were laid back and could go with the flow like other people, but it felt like a mystery to you in terms of achieving it.
‘’Yes you are.’’ Stephen was sure of it, anyone with a brainstem could see it.
‘’What's it to you?’’
‘’It makes you difficult to work with to say the least. I mean I'm not the poster boy or advocate for being a team player but it's like you're scared of working with anyone else, even a person with the same skill set as you.’’
Your glare softened a little at his deduction.
‘’Condescending.’’ You muttered.
‘’Just smart.’’ He said deadpan.
‘’See that's another issue I have with you. You think you know everything. How am I supposed to work with someone who doesn't value my opinion or my ideas or my plans? You can't reprimand me for being scared to work with other people when you phsyically can't.’m
‘’But we have to learn to deal with it. I have. Now it's your turn.’’ Stephen was stern but you knew he wasn't wrong, it made you uncross your arms and breathe out slowly. Your gaze was still hard, eyebrows creased to form that angry little 'v' between your brows.
You used the fleeting time to look at him in this manufacture, squinting your eyes slightly Stephen looked stoic as always but you could tell he was wilting a little on the inside, exhausted with the way that it turned out this way. His hair was a mess probably due to his incessant need to run his fingers through it. In this light his blue eyes seemed even more cereulean, the blue turning into azure and then shifting to emerald green. It was as if autumn and summer was swirling in his eyes. It was a myraid of different shades, a smattering of colours you wouldn't be able to see if you didn't get this close to him; no one ever really got close to him. They were almost ...hypnotic. Almost like you could get lost in them.
You shook yourself out of your daze. Stephen noticed the way your body was less tense, as if you were finally opening yourself up and actually allowing him to see through the snarky remarks and eye rolls. In the dim light of the room, you really were beautiful when your face wasn't full of distain. He cocked his head slighty at the change of atmopshere between you both, for once you weren't letting yourself fight against it. The silence wasn't uncomfortable. It was just...silence.
‘’You going to the party tomorrow?’’ You blurted cracking through the silence, unsure as to why you were even asking him but your tongue was quicker than your brain.
‘’Have to. Are you?’’
‘’Yeah.’’ You said softly. He hasn't heard your voice be as soft as that, light and whistful- as if you were contemplating something. Something he couldn't trace his finger on.
Stephen groaned going into the humdrum of people he was indefinitely smarter than, but he just had to grin and bear it. He was sure it was a test to see if you and him had actually made some progress with the self inflicted 'sessions.' It was crowded, lights softly blaring into the massive space the compound provided but his eyes immediately caught attention to you.
Like a beacon. A moth to a flame. He didn't like how immediate it was, the reaction he was having wasn't something familiar. He normally associated you with hatred and sometimes beauty but here...you looked incredible....
But you weren't alone.
Stephen squinted his eyes intently as he found you being chat up by Steve Rogers of all people. Captain fucking America. You were at the bar with him, laughing non chalantly at something he said, baring a million dollar smile in the process. He hasn't seen you this relaxed...ever. Steve was close to you, close in a way that irked him. Stephen attempted to immerse himself in conversations but his gaze always harboured to you and Steve. He frowned slightly when he put a hand around your waist and gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek before ultimately leaving you at the bar to entertain everyone else.
Stephen stared at you, your dress was short, hair still retaining its wild nature even though it was obvious you tried to do it up, makeup done naturally, legs on display with impossibly high heels. He didn't like the way he was eyeing you up like a mannequin, he thought he was done for when you caught his gawk.
Stephen staring at you was extremely unnatural, something fairly out of character. You knew Tony was watching you like a hawk so you made this most of this opportunity to convince him that you didn't need any more of these sessions, that you guys were neutral.
Stephen's heart was experiencing tiny palpatations when you swayed over to him and grabbing him by the arm and taking him back to the bar. Your heels were clacking with every step you took. He struggled against you, quietly whispering obscenties at you.
‘’Calm. Down.’’ You snarled as you held onto your drink.
‘’I am calm.’’ He grunted unkindly as he stared into your eyes. Stephen wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at the fact that Steve was touching you or the fact that you were dragging him along like a child.
‘’Tony is watching, so if you want this shit to end then...Get. Along. Okay?’’You gritted between clenched teeth, your smile transparent. Your body was hot with hate and...frustration, but not the normal type of frustration.
You took a quick glance at Stephen. You knew he was looking at you for as long as he's even been here, you weren't sure if it was out of bitter distaste or an even harsher hatred than before. Stephen in a suit was something that you don't see every day, but if he wore it everyday it might be a different story between the both of you. It was haywiring your mind, the way he looked both rugged and classy at the same time was really appealing to you. You tried to shake the thought out of your head, but that little seed was planted in your mind and you were unsure it it was going to go away anytime soon.
‘’Order a drink.’’ You demanded impatiently.
‘’Tell me what to do again and you're dead.’’ Stephen threatened and it was all too serious but for some strange reason the tone in which he said it was slightly attractive. It made a unnerving shiver course down your spine.
You death stared him and it now just made you realise how close you were to him. His glare met yours and you weren't sure what was coursing through the atmosphere, the hate was palpable but there was something else... something you were too scared to identify. You knew the fact that you and Stephen weren't beating each other up was a positive sign that these little sessions were working, Tony would be happy about it. Pelting each other with threats and insults was a healthier alternative.
Stephen ordered his drink and began reluctantly sipping. You clinked your glass against his and raised an eyebrow, his company wasn't too unpleasant and although it was under duress it wasn't the worst.
You still hated him though. He still hated you. So what was going on here? Before Stephen could even think it, you were being dragged away from him.
‘’I hope this was enough to convince Tony. Steve wants me with him right now for some reason.’’ You took the last swig of your drink before ultimately letting out a low chuckle. ‘’One more second with you and I swear I would have killed myself.’’ You blinked up at him, a small smile playing at your lips.
You really couldn't deny that he was attractive, it was objective. It wasn't your own personal opinion. It was just a fact.
Stephen didn't like you being near Steve and now you were going back to him.
He probably thinks he has a chance to fuck you.
Why was he even thinking of such a thing? It was none of his business. Hell, he didn't even like you as a person.
You were both in the room again.
It felt different.
Neither of you were talking. Both of your minds were heavy.
The silence was dense and thick, you were both mirroring each others actions the way your arms were crossed.
‘’Enjoy the party?’’ You tried your hand at small talk, his face was stern and gruff as usual but something felt off...and you knew exactly what it was.
‘’No. You?’’ He replied almost immediately.
‘’Never really cared much about parties.’m You subconsciously teased, unsure as to what outcome you would get out of him.
Stephen now knew exactly what he wanted. He didn't think it was possible but it's what he wanted. He really couldn't deny it for any longer. Stephen thought of alternative ways to channel his hatred for you: fucking you. Hard. Until you were crying, it was more than you deserved after all the shit you put him through. You were as irresistable as you were a hard ass. The small smirk on your face was making him clench his hands slightly, you were a tease and you knew you were. Maybe all of this hatred turning into nasty, disrespectful hate sex was inevitable. Stephen was sure he was losing his mind, he wasn't thinking clearly...but the answers to all of his problems were clear as day.
The silence creeped into the atmosphere once more.
‘’You fuck him?’’ Stephen said very curtly, his voice husky, as if he was asking a completely casual question. You were sure you were about to choke on your own surprise and breath. You knew he was talking about Steve, you brightened at the fact he was jealous, slightly aroused at his incredibly direct nature.
‘’Yeah. I liked it. Very…gentle.’’ You smiled, a little bit of your teeth peeking out as you did so. He knew you were being honest about it and he didn't like that, Stephen didn't know he could harbour so much hate for a woman yet get angry at the fact other people wanted her. It was an uncontrollable paradox.
‘’Good for you.’’ Stephen said lowly, it was hard to differentiate if he said it in a tone that was mad, annoyed, sarcastic or anything else. It was just blank.
‘’Tony probably didn't believe our stunt, that's why we're still here.’’ You crossed your legs trying to stifle your arousal.
‘’Don't think it was as bad to when we first started. Is it?’’ Stephen asked with a heavy voice. Why was it was so hot? The way he talked was... doing things to you. The sexual tension couldn't even be cut with a chainsaw.
It was as if prolonged silences were always following you both whenever you were near each other now. It was such a drastic change to when all you would do was scream at each other. Now it was just searching for the right words to speak, but your tongue was forgetting what language to speak in due to the way he was looking at you. Stephen's eyes were the definition of intense heady sex.
You needed to stop thinking about the man you hated in such a way, but how could you stop when he was looking at you like that?
‘’Can I ask you something?’’ You said without thinking.
‘’Fuck me?’’
Stephen thought he was dreaming, the way something so crude rolled off of your tongue so sweetly was making his mouth water. He was able to keep his stern exterior even though his mind was short circuiting, there was something so inherently wrong with him, with you both. Twisting hatred into heated sexual desire. He wanted it so bad though. So bad it was good. Your face told him you weren't bluffing, the way your thighs were clamping together under the table only reinforced the fact.
He let out a scoff, leaning back in his chair before ultimately getting up and prowling his way to you. It was as if time was being warped, it was so slow but he was finally standing infront of you. You were still sitting down in your seat and from this light he looked more intimating than ever.
Stephen's fingers traced the outlines of your face softly, the pads of his fingers barely grazing the skin; his thumb brushed over your full lower lip.
His gaze eased when your breath caught in your throat.
‘’Rough?’’ He muttered. brows slightly creasing. You nodded, eyes gleaming and bright. ‘’You finally not in control?’’ You nodded again.
His thumb continuously kept brushing your lower lip, you were impulsive and impatient and couldn't take it anymore. You caught his thumb between your pearly white teeth leaving small indents on his skin. He let out a small scoff at your action, so lewd and naughty in your ministrations. Stephen's smirk told all. You began suckling on his thumb and coated it with your saliva, swirling your tongue on it in the process. You finally let him go with a pop, you let out a shaky exhale.
You gasped when he slapped you across the face, you didn't expect it at all.
It felt really really good. Wetness began gushing onto your panties. As your face darted to the side, he brought it back and held your draw tightly in a cupids chokehold. Your eyes were wide in need. Stephen loved that he got you like this. He couldn't wait to show you more.
Stephen helped standing you up and your mouth was open slightly, the air was insanely thick it was unbreathable. Oxygen was replaced with fire. Your mouth slanted against his hard, Stephen's lithe muscle tangling with yours in a fight for control; he was right: you didn't like relinquishing control but in this case you were willing to give in. Stephen's mouth was leading you to places you'd never been, he tasted heavenly. Stephen was drunk off the taste of you, it was apparent by the way his hands wouldn't let go of the sides of your neck. He was the one in charge now.
Something you were sure wouldn't have happened in a million years. But here you both are. Panting and breathing into each others mouths.
Stephen's coarse calloused palms travelled from your neck to your waist as he sat you down on the table. He slotted inbetween your thighs easily, you finally opened up to him after all this time. You smirked slightly as he felt his chest cave slightly, his breathing was slow and heavy only adding to the fiery atmosphere. You were arching into him with every kiss he planted on your addicting lips.
‘’This what you want? Me fucking you on the table?’’ He breathed between kisses. already reaching for the hem of your shirt and taking it off of your body.
‘’Yes.’’ You whined under your breath. You clawed at his back to get his shirt off but he reached behind him and discarded it in one move. His muscles were rippling, the bulk of his biceps were daunting; it only made you that much wetter.
You were his easel, begging for art- undressing you with his voice alone.
Stephen's hands roamed the span of your back, searching for your bra clasp and unhooking it one by one as a means to tease you. His kisses travelled to your neck, leaving goosebumps and blossiming purple bites in his wake.
‘’Fucking tease.’’ You spat out. He was going far too slow for your pleasure. ‘’I said rough you idiot.’’
With that he ripped your bra off of you and discarded it to the other side of the room. His nimble fingers immediately travelled to your pants, he slid them down alongside your underwear. The fact he got you naked this fast was beyond you. Stephen was revelling in your bare body, perfection wasn't even near what you looked like right now. He'd always undress you with his eyes but even he couldn't have envisioned this. You smirked as his eyes raked up and down your body, they were darkening at every moment he had them on you; he grasped at your jaw harshly.
‘’I heard you, baby. You wanted me in control, right? So let me give it to you.’’ Stephen gritted in your ear before suckling on the space below it.
He pushed you down on the table. Hard.
When he fawned over you, your hands immediately slid to grab his face but he stopped you by pinning them back down against either side of your head.
You stifled out a moan as he began kissing and biting from your neck to your collarbone until he reached his final goal of your tits. His mouth devoured them hungrily and all you could do was convulse against him, his teeth tugged at your nipples and wildfire began zipping through your core.
‘’Stephen! P-please!’’ You began trembling under him. Jesus, the man was making you shake. Your ego has been bruised indefinitely.
‘’Open that pretty little mouth again and I'll edge you for weeks.’’ He threatened with a low grumble, he was all too serious and that just made you even wetter.
You gawked at him heavy lidded and dumbfounded as he tugged his pants down, your arms and legs were clinging onto him for dear life. Stephen stroked his dick a few times before swiping up and down your wetness, you were soaked and he let out a low chuckle. He reminded himself of what you said earlier, Steve was 'gentle.
‘’Gentle.’’ He whispered to himself with a laugh as he looked down at your sparkling eyes, he definitely wasn't going to keep himself on a leash. His mocking of Steve Rogers made his ego soar.
Stephen thrusted into you, stretching you out and making a moan rip through your throat. You covered your mouth with your hand to conceal your loud moans.
‘’Let them out.’’ He reassured, pulling your hand away from your mouth. With every stroke, his breath became more heavy.
He set a brutal pace and it made your eyes water, thunderous almost. The tips of your noses were touching as you were gazing intensely and deeply into each others eyes. A tear strayed free and rolled down your cheek and he brushed it away with his thumb. The more you clenched, the fast her went.
Jesus fuck, you were gripping onto him so tightly as if you were vacuum sealed to his dick. And with that he was becoming more swift and confident in his movements, fucking you out as if you were his own personal doll.
You were so close to the edge, a stray bite on your jaw was enough to make you lose it. A high pitched pornograhic moan erupted from your mouth and he swallowed it as his lips latched against yours once again. Stephen felt your wetness leak onto him and like the gentleman he was, he finished after you. Painting yours insides a thick white with a gutteral groan.
Panting against your skin, your eyes were lust clouded and wide as he found himself being lost in them. Your pupils darted from feature to feature, your mind was taking a fantastical snapshot of this one moment. The moment in which you experienced post coital bliss and realisation with the man you hated so much for so long. The fact he experienced intense throes of passion with you of all people was messing up his head.
‘’How quickly can you get my clothes?’’ Your eyes were wide in panic as you were sure anyone was about to walk in at any minute.
‘’I'm still in you.’’ Stephen chuckled lowly.
‘’Put your fucking pants up and get my clothes.’’ You demanded hastily but Stephen actually listened to you for once.
It was a liability being like this, but what could he say. He was hoping he would be able to sneak moments like this with you for as long as you had him.
You were starting to think that this was a mistake…now that it started….you'd have him anywhere and you wouldn't be able to stop.
idk where this shit came from tbh but i spent 4 hours on it help
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daddyavesxx · 3 years
Pairings : Rook x Reader.
Warnings : Smut, Spanking, Rough Sex .. Etc. Need I really say more.
18+ ONLY.
Likes and Reblogs are much appreciated, kthnx :)
A/N : This is dedicated to the bestie boo ( insert devil emoji here lol )
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The house was quiet as I stepped in. I know that Kells was out on a date with my bestfriend, Baze & Slim were out at a party and Rook was home waiting for me as I got out of work.
And I knew I was going to be in trouble as I was sending Rook naughty text messages every time I snuck off to the bathroom. But I couldn't help it. I had a hot man waiting for me at home. Just the thought of being alone with him made my panties soaked the entire time I was home. I was a throbbing soaked mess and I could practically feel Rooks thick cock inside of me.
I would tease him and prop my phone up onto the toiler paper holder to take pics of me holding handfuls of my tits. And each photo would get riskier to the point where I had sent him a video of my hands between my legs underneath my dress, pleasuring myself and whimpering to the thoughts of what were to come when I got to the EST Compound.
                 Daddy Rookie
( You're in fucking trouble. I didn't give you any permission to touch MY pussy. Hurry the fuck to the house so I could teach you a fucking lesson. I hope you didn’t make yourself cum, because if you did, it might be a while until I let you cum later. )
I lightly gasped when I read his text message and felt myself gush wetness into my panties. It was starting to get uncomfortable and I needed to rush and get home.
 I walked into the house and the familiar sounds of my best friends Sex playlist that she let Rook listen to was playing throughout the house.
The sounds of my heels mixed with the music as I walked into the living room and spotted my delicious Daddy sitting slouched with his legs wide open and his head leaning back against the back of the couch deeply inhaling a drag from his blunt, which I could tell was from his strain of weed that he had just came out with.
The flood came back in my panties as I watched the dangerous yet fucking sexy look he was giving me. His hair was in a fucking man bun and his was in all black.
"Sex Therapy" by Robin Thicke played in the backroom and Rook held the smoke in his mouth as he reached over and dropped the ashes from his blunt.
 He leaned back, letting his head roll a little while blowing the smoke out and watching my every move as I stepped closer to him, dropping my purse to the ground and kicking my heels off.
"Come move that sexy ass on Daddy's lap," Rook said, patting his thigh with one hand. I shook my head no, smirking. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at me. "I'm not fucking asking you. I am FUCKING TELLING you to," he growled.
I moved toward him, moving my hands up my body, listening to Robin Thicke singing.
I turned around, moving my body slowly in circles moving to the beat of the song.
The next song changed to August Alsina's "Porn Star" and I smirked to myself. My best friend was a freak. I definitely know she was fucking Kells to this song just the other day. Her yelling didn't go unnoticed.
My hands went on Rook's knees, dropping my ass to his lap, right where I felt his thick cock resting. I felt Rook lean forward a bit, pushing my skirt up and blowing his smoke onto my ass. I let out a moan and felt him smack my bare ass cheek harshly. My juices were coating the insides of my thighs. I dropped my ass down onto his lap as I sat up with my back to his chest, holding myself up with my hands still on his knees and started circling my ass onto his lap, feeling his dick get harder by the minute.
He leaned over, snubbing the rest of his blunt and leaning back to his position, letting me grind my hips to the song.
He let one hand slide up the inside of my thigh, groaning when we felt the insides coated. The groan in my ear had me grind down harder.
Rook let his tongue run up the side of my neck while he let his other hand rest on my hip as he moved my hips against him and he moved his own hips against mine. My breathing going heavy as I rolled my head to the side letting his thick tongue run up my neck and to my ear , sucking my earlobe into his mouth.
The other hand that was still between my legs finally went to where I needed him the most. His hand cupped my drenched cunt and I moaned out loud, my eyes rolling back as the heel of hand pushed into me.
"Please Daddy, I need you inside of me. I can't take it anymore," I said, half moaning and half whining.
I felt him smirk against the back of my neck and thrust up against me at the same time his fingers pressed to where he knew my drenched hole would be.
"I don't know baby. Paybacks a bitch. Do you deserve Daddy's cock?"
I nodded furiously.
"Get the fuck up," he demanded and I got up on shaky legs. I turned around, watching Rook as he started undoing the belt of his jeans and lifting his hips up as he pushed his jeans and boxers down, letting his hard, thick and long cock free. My mouth watered as it came into my view and it made me drop down to my knees. He didn't need to tell me anything but always seeing his dick made my mouth water.
Rook shook his head which made me pout like a little child.
"Take your clothes off."
Earned It by The Weeknd started to play and I felt like our timing was fucking correct.
I got up, smirking down at Rook as I started to move my body slowly and taking my clothes off slowly. His eyes were dark with lust and his lip was trapped between his teeth. He wrapped his hand around his cock, gripping it slightly and stroking it while watching me as I took my clothes off until I was fully naked.
Rook leaned forward, letting his free hand move to my thigh, bringing my body close to his. So close that I could feel his breath hitting my wet pussy which made me moan out.
He grabbed my thigh, bringing my leg over his shoulder, and let his other hand hold onto my other thigh to keep me balanced as he pushed his face between my legs, letting his tongue run between my drenched lips. I threw my head back, moaning out and bringing my hands to his head. I lightly growled, feeling his hair in a bun and I needed it out to grip that hair.  So I did just that, pulling the elastic out off his hair, to let his beautiful hair down. He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes, letting his hand swat my ass roughly. My body jolted and I moaned out loud and Rook held onto me so that I wouldn't lose my balance.
Rook brought his hands to my ass cheeks, pushing my pussy closer to his face as if he couldn't get close enough. His tongue went back to pushing between my lips, licking from the bottom to the top, sucking my clit into his mouth then sliding his tongue back down, pushing his tongue into my hole, letting it fuck me.
Rook was eating me out as if I was his last meal, and once he landed a smack on my ass I felt myself close to climaxing.
'Cause girl you're perfect,
You're always worth it.
And you deserve it.
The way you work it'
Daddy leaned back and let his head roll back as he watched me with hooded eyes and a slow lick to his lips, tasting me on them.
"Climb on, baby." He said huskily putting his hands behind his head. I nodded, moving over his lap, hovering over his dick as he held it in his hand. I brought my body down, taking him inside of my wet cunt and my eyes rolled back at the feel of his thickness stretching me out. I took every inch of him inside until he bottomed out and my ass sat on his thighs. My hands gripped the back of the couch and started moving slowly, enjoying the feel of him inside of me after a long fucking day. I slowly rode him, to the beat of the song.
Rook had put one hand on my hip, gripping it and moving his hips underneath me to the rhythm I was going in, and his other cupped my chin as he leaned forward and kissed me slowly, his tongue coming out and moving sensually against mine. He broke the kiss, kissing down my neck, running his tongue down until he reached my collarbone, sucking across it, and marking me while he went, making his way to my nipples, sucking them into his mouth. I moaned out, pushing my chest closer to his face, enjoying the sensations of his mouth, tongue and teeth on my nipples.
He brought his hands to my ass, gripping it tightly and getting up, making me wrap my legs around him. He kicked his pants off and away, earning a giggle from me and he grinned happily.
I loved when he controlled me but I also loved when he was care-free and smiling the way that his eyes got small and the corners crinkled.
'So I'ma care for you, you, you.
I'ma care for you, you, you, you yeah'
He walked us over to the pool table, laying me down on it.
I licked my lips, watching him as he looked down at me, grabbing my legs and putting them over his forearms.
"Bang me like your drum, daddy," I cooed which made Rook's cock twitch inside of me. He smirked darkly and pulled out of me and pushed into me roughly, making my back arch and a loud moan come out of my mouth.
"Reach your hands up and grip the edge of the pool table. I'm fucking you hard," he growled out. I decided to be a brat and not listen, running my hands along his arms that were holding my legs up. He growled and dropped my legs, grabbing my wrists and roughly bringing my hands over my head. "I said fucking grab the damn pool table. Stop being a fucking brat."
Closer by Nine Inch Nails started to play and Rook smirked once again.
The minute I gripped the pool table, Rook went into full on animal mode, channeling the song as he gripped my legs and started fucking me wild with ambition.
'You let me violate you.
You let me desecrate you.
You let me penetrate you.
You let me complicate you.'
His thrusts were wild as he fucked me hard and fast. My back arched and I moaned out loud, moaning out his name, feeling him everywhere and deep inside of me. I always loved when he showed me this bad side of him that no one else knew, except for my best friend who I told everything to.
Rook's tattooed hand reached up, wrapping around my neck. He applied the perfect pressure to it, that would give me so much pleasure and not cut off my circulation.  My eyes rolled back and I felt him squeeze a bit while groaning out loud and fucking me fast . He brought his free hand down to between us, pushing his finger against my throbbing clit, rubbing furiously and pinching it to the point where I clenched around him and saw white lights behind my eyelids as I came hard around him.
"Fuck fuck fuck," Rook groaned loud and pulled out of me, letting my cum drip onto the table. "Get the fuck down," he ordered and I listened, slowly getting down from the table, my legs feeling like jelly.
The minute I got down, Rook roughly turned me around pushing my upper body down on the table.
'I want to fuck you like an animal.
I want to feel you from the inside.'
Rook thrusted into me from behind, making my body jolt and push the table forward a bit. He wrapped my hair around his fist and pulled at my hair as he fucked me harder and faster, his balls slapping against my clit, making me automatically want to cum again for him but not before I could make Daddy cum.
"Fuck, I love your pussy baby." He groans. "It's always so wet. You're always so fucking wet and needy for Daddy's dick." he roughly said, fucking me. His fingers gripped my hip, no doubt leaving finger prints on me and I didn't care. I welcomed that shit.
"Faster, Rook. Fuck me faster," I moaned out loud, bringing my hand between the pool table and my body, rubbing my clit then moving a bit down to cup his balls as he fucked me. Rook groaned out loud and brought his hands to my ass, slapping my cheeks hard.
His hands gripped my cheeks hard, opening them so that my puckered hole was visible for Rooks eyes to see.
I turned my head to the side of the pool table, just in time to see Rook spit down, letting his saliva hit my puckered hole and his thumb press into me.
The feeling of feeling his cock inside of my pussy and his finger in my ass, had me close again. "Baby please cum inside of me. I can't take it anymore," I said half moaning and half whining. All of the sensations were hitting me as I felt my orgasm building up.
Rook slid his thumb out, only to push another finger inside of me, pushing it knuckle deep and then added another.
His movements started getting sloppy and I knew he was right there.
"Daddy fill me up with your cum, I want to feel you pour out of me."
And those words alone had Rook roaring out and stilling his body against my ass as he filled me up with everything he offered me, filling my pussy up with his cum. The force of him spilling into me, made me cum right with him. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and leaned his body over mine, panting heavily on my back.
Rook kissed up my spine and pressed his lips against the side of my neck.
"I love you," he said sweetly. I smiled and brought my hand up to the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair. "I love you too baby"
He pulled out of me and I whimpered at the loss but brought my hand between my legs, cupping my pussy, literally wanting to keep his cum inside of me, hoping that it would give me the baby we talked about but the minute we heard the door slamming shut, I scrambled up to grab my dress from the floor, Rook's cum spilling out of me and down my thighs. Rook went to move towards his pants to put them up, when my bestfriend and Kells came into view.
"Make sure you clean that fucking pool table, bro" Kells said laughing pushing my bestfriend towards the stairs. "Nice ass, Rook" she teased and I laughed because that’s how crazy she is. A loud smack to her ass sounded in the room. 
"Now we need her playlist." Kells said winking.
Rook shook his head and laughed. He pulled me to his body, tenderly kissing my lips.
"Now let's go for another round in the shower," he smirked, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, running towards his room.
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mooncxmm · 3 years
Todo's Petal
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You rest your back against the roughed up bark of the old Sakura tree and let a relaxed sigh. You tilt your head back and squint up at the swaying flowers.
It feels like you're in your own little peaceful beautiful world, until footsteps snap you back into reality. 
Looking at who was walking up to you, you see it's the love of your life, Shoto Todoroki.
The half n' half male approaches and stops in his tracks as he's right in front of you.  “Petal… You actually came. I’m glad.” He spoke in his monotone voice.
“Of course I came, Sho. I wanted to see what you wanted to talk about,” you said softly.  You watch your boyfriend sit down next to you and look up at the pink flowers.
"Petal I just want to apologize for not spending as much time with you anymore. Nakamura-Chan is really all on me and has me on a leash," your beloved explained. 
"Nakamura-Chan this, Nakamura-Chan that… you know, I'm really sick and tired of hearing that bitch's name," you mumble under your breath. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Shoto said, looking at the ground covered in cherry blossoms. “I don’t want this to happen either. You know I'm against it, too.”
“You know I’m against it, too,” you mocked. ”If you were so against it, we wouldn’t be here in the first place."
Todoroki just looked at you in shock. He knew how you could get when you were upset but damn. 
"You know if I see that bitch being all lovey dovey with you again, I'm going ape shit on her ass," You bluntly put that out there. 
Todoroki's eyes widened. As he knew you showed your emotion with your eyes, he knew you were dead serious. 
“I know you’re upset, but please don’t do that,” he said. You could tell he was shaken after what you said.
"No promises boo," you say nonchalantly. Your blood was boiling. All the times you had to watch Nakamura be all up on your man, touching him and shit, it was living hell for you.
"Baby look at me," Shoto said softly. He reaches for your cheek, but you slap his hand away, making him frown.
"I don't want your Nakamura germs," you say straightforwardly. 
"Baby, please don't be like that," Todoroki pouts.
"Baby, please don't be like that," you mocked. 
"Petal," Todoroki said firmly. 
"Don't 'Petal' me," you said. 
"It was all a lie when you said you loved me, wasn't it!" You shout in frustration. You slowly feel yourself lose your composure, your anger slowly increasing.
Todoroki's eyes widened. Did he just hear you right? He knew you didn't like the situation you were in at all but he didn't think you were doubting your guys' relationship. Did he do something wrong? Was it all his fault? Immediate guilt overfilled his soul and mind.
"Petal I-" Before he could even form a sentence you just shut him up real quick. 
"No, just stop! I'm sick of this! I can't take it anymore. I'm about to lose my shit!" You yell at him before bursting into tears. 
Todoroki's heart broke into pieces as he watched your tears stain your cute cheeks. He didn't mean to make you upset. None of this was supposed to happen. 
“Peta- Y/n...I’m sorry,” he said, you can hear his voice cracking, choking even. 
As you sob, Shoto leans towards you, grasping you with his arms, holding you tight. He just allowed you to punch his chest as you cried and shouted out threats towards Nakamura who wasn't even there. 
"It's not fair! Not fair! Not fair! Why don't you just tell her that we're in a relationship already?! Please! Just end it with her!  Who cares about your fucking father?!" You cried. You were just so tired of this whole situation. 
Todoroki just held you and took it all in. He started to apologize over and over to you. He was so sorry that he had put you through this. He felt so shitty for doing this to your guys' relationship. 
“If you hate him so much, why can’t you just tell him no? The one time you really need to?” You said through tears. “Why is this happening? Why is this the thing you can’t bring yourself to do?”
“I'm scared for both of our safeties,” he blurted. “I kept this up with Nakamura for as long as I did for us.” He looked a bit ashamed.
"What the fuck do you mean you're scared for both of our safeties? What do you mean by you did this for us?" You asked. 
“I didn’t know, or even expect, that Nakamura would…” he trailed, “I didn’t expect that Nakamura would threaten to hurt you.”
You freeze. That bitch really threatened both you and your boyfriend. Ah hell no. She's definitely getting a beat down now.
In the midst of all of your confusion, Shoto's phone had a bing, and you could’ve guessed who it was.
*Nakamura<3 sent a message:*
‘hey! I noticed you were looking a bit down recently and I wanted to treat you!! meet me at that restaurant near your house, we can get some cold soba, i know you love that stuff!!! <33’
Confusion is gone, regret is in. You didn’t know what to do after your fit. His reason wasn’t something that you were really expecting.
“Shoto I…” you trail. ”I’m so sorry.” The embarrassment you felt was immeasurable and the regret was overwhelming.
“It’s okay Petal, I know this is something I should’ve said sooner so we could put an end to this but…the thought of Nakamura going through with it,” he exhaled. You could hear his shaky breath. “It frightened me beyond belief. And if she really did do it, I don’t know what I would have done with myself.”
You frown as you wrap your arms around his waist. "Sho it's okay… she can't hurt me. You know I'm a big girl. I can handle myself," you reassure him. "I'm a crazy bitch, I know how to handle myself," you joke.
Shoto chuckled and he nodded his head. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and he plants gentle kisses on the skin of your neck. 
You started to giggle a bit, since your neck is ticklish. "Sho! Stop it!"
Shoto chuckled once again and he moved and kissed another spot on your neck and gently nibbled down on your skin. 
A faint moan escapes from your lips. "Baby…" you whisper. 
Shoto let out a curious 'hm' as he was making love to your neck. He was really into it as well.
"I swear if you leave a hickey on me…" you mumble. 
Shoto growls at you playfully. He pulls away from your neck and asks,"What if I did?" 
You pout your lips and you poke his cheek harshly. "Sho sho!" 
"Okay that's enough. Let's go to the restaurant and meet up with Miss Nakamura," you say as you push away Shoto and crack your knuckles. 
Shoto pouts as you push him away from your neck, his sweat drops when he hears you cracking your knuckles. Shit was about to go down. 
The way to the restaurant wasn’t too far from the park you had been at, and the excitement of beating down Nakamura was getting to you; making you speed up your pace, basically dragging Shoto.
“Finally! The moment I’ve been waiting for is coming!” You said in a mix of giddiness and aggression, looking like a mad man speed walking to your destination.
“Slow down a little, Petal,” Shoto chuckled, you could tell he was stumbling over his feet a little from the pace of speed.
You could just see the restaurant in the distance. Oh gurl you were r e a d y to beat her ass. You were holding Shoto's hand, dragging him to the restaurant but in your other hand, you had a fist. Your knuckles were white from how tight your fist was. 
Once the restaurant was in your view, you licked your lips as you saw a certain person standing outside of it. You let go of Shoto's hand and sprinted towards them. 
"What the fuck?! You crazy bitch!" 
The sun was setting, and the wind was blowing gently. The sky was the most beautiful thing you had seen, a mix of orange, red, yellow, blue, and even the clouds looked a beautiful shade of pink. Undoubtedly, today was probably one of the best you’ve had in a while, and nothing could ruin it.
“Thank you for taking me out Sho,”You said, a giant smile plastered on your face.”I know I’ve been a little rash, everything just hasn’t been the best lately.”
“It’s okay, Petal, I get it,” Shoto said, he had a gentle smile on. Your heart has never felt this warm and you know it’s because of him. How could you have been so lucky to find someone who understood you so well? Someone who basically knew you inside and out?
While walking, you could see his black roofed house. Even though this was one of the most beautiful sceneries you could possibly witness, all you wanted to do was get to his place, plop down, and rest your footsies.
Like the gentleman you knew Sho was, he pulled the slide doors open for you, obviously to let you in first. And to your surprise when you had taken your first step, you saw Enji. And he wasn’t alone.
He had a petite brunette girl with golden yellow eyes, and you had no idea who she was.
After you had technically stepped into the house, Sho was a couple of seconds after, making a joke on the way in. Once he turned around from closing the door, you could see he was just as startled as you were. 
"Father, who is this girl?" Shoto asked as he took off his shoes. He places his shoes next to yours. 
"Hikari Nakamura met my son, Shoto Todoroki, your new boyfriend," Enji said bluntly. 
Both Shoto and you froze, in shock. 
This hurt you so badly. You knew and respected that Shoto wanted to keep your guys relationship a secret but this was bad. 
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whole-lotta-hoes · 3 years
Whole Lotta Hoes| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: Zeppelin Is No More
Episode Two: Looking For A Job
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
This will cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and question your sanity. It will include a shit ton of weird shit and things that don't make sense at all. Do not read if you are not ready for any of this, read at your own risk.
John Paul Jones (Main character)
Robert Plant
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
Led Zeppelin is a band apparently. It's just a bunch of horny mother fuckers put together to make songs about sex. John Paul Jones was laying in bed with Robert Plant which he has no idea how that happened. He hoped nothing weird went down between them cause Jimmy Page would be so mad. oh jesus oh god you do not want to make that mother fucker mad. He'll literally turn you into a cheeseball and eat you. John got out of bed only to see that John Bonham was standing in the corner eating swedish fish gummies. He was not going to question it.
"Want some?" Bonzo asked him and he held one in his hand.
"I don't know you what the fuck!?" Jonesy yelled. He went to the baffroom and spotted jimmy trying to swim inside of the toilet. He believed he could do it if he tried hard enough.
"the oil supply demand is sky rocketing these days!" jimmy yelled as he got out of the toilet.
"Bitch do not touch me with your boo boo water," He warned him as he grabbed a toothbrush to use as a weapon. He learned how to make a knife with it in jail.
"Penis guitar playing is totes fun jonesy, you should try it," jimmie added. Oh mother fucker he is a heterosexual lad. Or that is what he said the other day when he ate some of robert's caramel popcorn. man he wondered how he even ended up in that stupid band. who's led and why does he have a zeppelin? you know some guy named their kid zeppelin but he claims that he didn't name him after the band. wait what were we talking about?
The band all decided to head to mcdonalds to eat happy meals. jimmy tickles.
"Guys! oh my god you will not believe it but britney is such a slut! ugh! can't believe she left me for a fish lookin' mother fucker-"
"No one gives a rats ass about your weird horny ass!" jimmy cut him off by yelling at robert. God damn that shithead has a huge ego but a small dick. Jonesy never understood why people liked him so much. He once stole his favorite pair of jojo siwa socks and claimed he never knew he owned any.
"You motherfuckers we're supposed to be going on tour!" Bonzo yelled as he swooped the food off the table.
"suck my asshole bonzo!" jim yelled.
"calm down pagey, he's just a meanie," robert added as he patted his head.
"y'all need to start realizing that no one likes you both!" jonesy snapped.
"shut up you're literally ugly and small and the bassist of led zeppelin and you look like heman with that stupid haircut of yours" Bonzo said as he ate jonesys burgers. damn that hurt.
"You know," jonesy began, "i don't need this job"
"what job?" robeet askes.
"shhhhh let the weirdo speak," jimmy said as he stuck his finger into his mouth.
"without me you will all suck asshole and no one will actually like led zeppelin," he explained.
the three slowly looked at each other and began to laugh their asses off at him.
"You act like you matter so much," robert added.
"shut up cheese cream! you're literally big and ugly and you look like you are 50 years old!" bonzo said as he drank his milk. that was funny. Jonesy felt his blood boil and grabbed his happy meal and stormed out.
It was the day of their shit concert. led zeppelin were backstage preparing to cause a dismother and set things on fire. preferably roberts underwear that pretty much doesn't exist in this case. the band stepped on stage and the crowd went wild.
"hello bananas-" That motherfucker fell forward into the drum set. oopsies. jimmy ran to him to make sure his hoe isn't dead or alive. fucking bon jovi.
"oh shit! robert plant is down!" he yelled. jonesy was absolutely done with them. they are nothing but a bunch of dumb fucks who ruin everything. He took out his laser penis and shot jimmy and robert to death.
"oh Motherfucker has a fucking laser pp! hija de su pinche madre!" jimmy yelled as he split in half. robert died again. bonzo just sat there blown away by the fact that that john paul jones just killed the front man and the guitarist of Led Zeppelin in front of millions of people. he was impressed.
"holy shit man you really-"
nope sorry but jonesy shot him too so he died. damn he could've let him live. meanie. oh wait im writing this so i could've.... ah man im too lazy to go back and fix it. too bad we're going with this plot now. Jonesy stepped off the stage and headed to the back.
"god dammit i hate everyone in this bloody world," he said to himself. he decided to hit the pub that was nearby to enjoy himself.
As he was sitting at the counter drinking something that is an alcoholic beverage. he began to spark ideas of what he could possibly do since led zeppelin died. He thought about starting a whole new band but he remembered that what caused him to kill led zeppelin. that was out of the shopping list for walmart. next was to steal money from the bank so he remains rich but he then realized that he is a famous musician and will get recognized quickly. fuck. he then thought of changing his hair to look less like heman cause that insult hurt.
"aha!" he shouted. He finally thought of something that could get him a shit ton of money. He drank the remaining drink from his cup and ran out of the pub.
he put on a thicc line of eyeliner, red lipstick, a black wig, fish nets leggings, high heeled boots, and earrings. oh man this is going to be hella great. His wife walked in to see what the fuck this small ass mothertrucker was up to this time. oh man i shat my pants.
"sweetie what the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled. Jonesy turned to look at her.
"led zeppelin is no more," he responded. She was so confused and wondered how the fuck she even ended up marrying heman. she had no idea what led zeppelin is no more meant and was hella concerned for his health.
"be back in a few days," he added as he broke his ankle trying to exit the house and rolled down the hill. oops it's not up the hill anymore. guess you could really say he went down hill. i hate myself so much. he walked down the sidewalk and ended up in someone's house. Motherfucker it's jimmy page's house. he stole his nice trousers or whatever those were. my teacher walked by as i wrote that btw. turns out they don't fit him cause jimmy is also a big hoe and jonesy isn't. shit. jimmy is embarrassing asf. that was pointless of him stealing so he stole his underwear. wait he wears those? imma look it up hold on. i didn't find anything about that so im just going to assume that he doesnt.
there was a picture of jimmy when he was with the yardbirbs and golly that is one ugly Motherfucker! he stole and stuffed it into his underwear. he got out of the house full of useless shit that he did not need at all. Then he forgot what he was doing. Jonesy continued walking down the street only to break his other ankle and rolled down the steep pathway. damn he's one dumb hoe bitch.
His laser penis was out of control. he just wanted to have a little me time but instead shot a whole through the wall of the motel be was staying in. god dammit. he removed his pp and switched it out with a normal pp. that's odd. his plan of overthrowing led zeppelin stressed him out. what else do you do when you're stressed? well can't say cause i ain't gotta peener. he got so bored. his days of not being in led zeppelin have been lame and was the worst idea he could even come up with. he didn't know what to do know. he can't just eat your grandma over and over again. he looked at himself through the mirror and oh my god I'm a sexy Motherfucker oh yeah bitch im THE BITCH. he needed to find something that'll keep him entertained for while.
babysitting was a bad idea. he got bitten by a bunch of goblins and gave him rabies. god i hate kids.
"hello motherfucker," jimmy said.
"Nah bitch that was just my twin brother Jamie Patricia Page," He added. "Bitch why are you dressed like a stripper?"
Oh yeah he forgot that was what he was going to do once he killed led zeppelin. he still can but now there's a little bitch with him named james patrick page.
"we should kill robert plant," jimny suggested.
"Bitch i already killed him, you're a little too late you duck whore," he responded.
turns out he didn't actually kill led zeppelin but instead killed their twin brothers.
"You want to overthrow led zeppelin into the trashcan?" Jonesy asked. "Thought that's what you and bert wanted to do...."
"Nah man.... percy is a very stupid penguin and is meanie.... he stole my jojo siwa socks," jimmy explained.
ah damn turns out robert plant is the villain of the story and should be died. he is too powerful. his hair will slice the fuck out of anyone.
"You got a plan?" Jonesy asked.
"i say we steal his pants and burn them and use them as an alternative to oil," he explained. damn science class. then this guy named bonzo showed up and began to beat them with his drum sticks.
"sorry but robert said to beat you both with them!" bonzo yelled back.
jonesy dug through his pants and took out a bunch of swedish fish gummies.
"hey look! fish gummies! come and get it boy!"
"bitch what the fuck I am not some stupid dog for you to be doing that time of shit you small Motherfucker heman lookin hoe short shit," bonzo said.
"GIMME GIMME OH SHIT!" he attacked Jonesy.
jimmy page the god of led zeppelin stood there watching while cheering them on fight fight fight! it got in here so he removed his trousers and threw them at bonzo which ended up knocking him out.
"oh shit! your pants are powerful! we can use it to kill percy!" Jonesy shouted.
"NO! JIMBERT MUST GO CANON!" Jimmy yelled and jumped out the window. all you heard was splash. that motherfucker jumped into the pool and is now wet. that's a disturbing image. Jonesy rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever the fuck he was doing. it all of a sudden got really bright outside. oh the sun came out cause it was cloudy. but wait! Jonesy looked out the window and spotted robert plant heading towards him.
"IM THE GOLDEN GOD-" that motherfucker fell inside of the pool and sizzled. cual pinche golden god ese no mas anda haciendo puros desmadres y estupideces de mario.
that was the end of led zeppelin.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 15
Warning: cussing, some parts are kinda nsft? But no so much so, no probs I think. Slight mention of past trauma.
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Ari and Rei was standing before Sofía's door, both kinda annoyed by their big sister's behaviour by now.
- Don't be ridiculous! It's been almost a week! - said Rei and pounded her fist on Sofía's door... again. For the fourth time. - You can't still be mad at us! - no answer came. Rei threw her head back and frowned. - Ugh, Sof, you haven't made anything sweet since monday! If I don't have some cake soon, I might die! Do you want me to die, woman?! - Ari giggled at Rei's sudden selfish outburst. She shood her sister away so she could get to the door.
- Come on, cariña, you love salvaging! And now we can do it in our own home! We don't even have to go out! - said Ari and tapped the door with her fingertips lightly. - Por favor guapa....
- Cut the spanish crap, boo, it won't work! - interrupted Sofi. - You snake-ass bitches shut me up ON PURPOSE, AND you broke the laws of our Sister Code. Which YOU TWO CAME UP WITH, BY THE WAY, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS IT'S FUCKING IMPORTANT!!! - Ari breathed out like a horse and leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, Beetlejuice was there, right before her face, dangling in the air upside down. He flashed a toothy grin at his favorite breather.
- Hi there! - he said in an aroused tone. Ari sighed and scruffed his hair.
- Hello Bug. - the demon did a little half cartwheel in the air, then put his feet down on the ground. He pointed at Sofía's door with his thumb.
- How's it going with the little Drama Queen? She still won't come down from her tower?
- She can't be real dude. - said Rei with a sigh while rubbing the bridge of her nose.
- Sorry for this taking so long. - commented Ari with a light smile. She then turned towards the door and shouted: - SOMEONE'S PEOPLE SKILLS ARE A BIT RUSTY. - Beej leaned back towards the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. He shrugged with a handsign.
- No probs. - he rubbed his palms together. - This gives me a lot more time to fantasize, cause, hey, let's just look at you pretty girls, being all dolled up for me. - he said as he paced up and down on Ari and Rei. Ari wore a light purple dungaree with little bats all over it, a black cropped tshirt and a sparkly bat-shaped leather choker. Her nails were dark purple on both her toes and her hands. Half of her messy brown hair was let loose, the other half was put in a high ponytail on the top of her head with a black sparkly ribbon. Rei had a cropped, oversized, black Harley Davidson shirt on with a pair of cut-out jeans and black fishnets. Her copper-colored hair was free. They both crossed their arms before their chests and did an annoyed little frown. Beej stepped closer to them, held both their chins and lifted their faces up lightly. He summoned two more hands and with one, he caressed Ari's face, while with the other he pulled a lock of red hair out of Rei's face. - I was feeling a little off today, but you've turned me on again! - he released a kinda animalistic, guttural growl out while he pulled the girls a bit closer to him. Then with a lowered voice, he naughtily giggled. Ari tried so hard to tell herself that his gravelly, kinda smokey voice didn't make her knees tremble, but gosh she couldn't do anything about it. Being turned on by a fuckin corpse was so unnatural and was wrong on so many levels but... Gods what could this voice do with me if he whispered something into my ear while being on top of me. - I can't wait to have my own little private space and beat off to the thought of you, babies. - aaaand that snapped Ari out of fantasizing. She pulled her upper lip.
- Ew. - she commented as she shoved Beetlejuice away. He was laughing so hard his hair lit up. He made his extra hands disappear and stack his tongue out at Ari.
- Ya nasty. - said Rei with a pointing finger held up. Beej stack his tongue out at her too. Ari turned to her sister and shrugged with her hands held up.
- Nah he's just a man. - Beej hissed with his snakelike tongue still out and crossed his arms before his chest. Rei turned to Ari as if she haven't seen the demon at all.
- Is he though? When we last asked he said he has mischief in his pants not... - she held her little finger up and wiggled it. Ari burst out with laughter and had to hold her mouth so she wouldn't spit on her sister. Beej raised an eyebrow and bit his lower lip while smiling. He reached for his belt buckle.
- Well, you can check if you want...
The thing that stopped him from removing his pants was Sofía's shouting from the other side of the door.
- Oh that fuckin demon with the attitude problem is there to help you too?!? - BJ sighed as he started redoing his belt.
- Hey, I only called you a melodramatic bitch yesterday cause you're acting like one! - he shook his index finger towards the door. Then shrugged. - And, by the way, I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
- Plus, he's nice. - commented Ari while looking at the door. Beetlejuice's hair turned into a light pink and neon green mess. He raised his shoulders up to his ears, put his hands in his trousers's pockets, put his weight from one leg to the other and smiled widely. Cute little wrinkles and holes appeared on his chubby face as he did so.
- Awwww, thanks, babes!
- No, he's not! - interrupted Sofi. - You guys forget that even though he does nice things like saving us from burglars and letting us rummage through the stuff in the attic before he makes the stuff we don't need disappear, he's still a demon! A FUCKIN DEMON!!! What if one day he gets bored and hurts us?! - the sisters looked at each other with a certain look. Maybe what she said was somewhat true...
Even though Beetlejuice didn't really understand human emotions yet (Rei told him the other day that it was like living with Sheldon Cooper, even though Beetlejuice didn't have the slightest idea of who that was), he did know what that look meant. The girls had second thoughts. He already realized that Sofía was the most serious one of the sisters, and that she could easily plant ideas into their heads. I can't let her fuck me off by the side of my new BFFFF... I should scare her. That will do the trick. He cleared his throat and held the girls' shoulders. He pulled them away from the door and made a little "I'll handle this" gesture with his hands. He quickly reajusted his thoughts and found his ground, so after a quick second he let a devilish, nasty smile find its way to his face. He stepped closer to the door and held both sides of the doorframe.
- Oh honey, if I wanted to hurt anyone here... - he said in a honeyed tone, then put his head through the door. - ...I would have already done so. - the last part sounded like it came from every possible direction, and had a weird smokey effect to it. His voice also dropped a couple octaves. Ari could hear in his voice that Beetlejuice was flashing an evil smile at her sister.
The girls heard Sofía growl and by the huffing, grab something heavy. Beetlejuice all of a sudden pulled his head out of the door just a nanosecond before something crashed against the door. Beej pulled the side of his lips and closed one of his eyes.
- That was an old camera. - Rei took her glasses off and rubbed her temples.
- Dwight you ignorant slut... - BJ threw his head back and growled. Okay time for Plan B. Being nice. Ew.
- Ugh, it's so tragic that someone this sexy as me has to go through this much to have some little privacy! - he growled then sighed and held the doorframe again. He took a deep breath and put his head through the door again.
- Look, Sofía, honey... No STOP, STOP, PUT THE CHAIR DOWN! - the girls heard Beej stop shouting for a second, then breathe out with a little "whew". - Good girl. Okay, see sweetcheeks, the easiest way to get into the attic without a key is to break the door in. - he said in a legitimately sweet tone. He let go of the doorframe and with a little whirl of a hand, a huge axe appeared in his right hand. He put it through the door. - And I'd gladly give this tiny fella to you so you could let some steam outofya.
Beetlejuice stepped back from the door, axe still in his hand. The door creaked and opened up. Sofía was still holding the door handle, a lock of her fluffy hair dangling before her eyes while the rest was pulled together with a tealblue scrunchie. She had comfy kneehigh jeans and a tealblue top with the picture of a maneating siren on. Her nails were mirrorlike and sharp. She huffed the lock out, then stepped closer to the demon and grabbed the axe out of his hand. He answered with a huge shiteating grin. Since Sofía was way taller than Beetlejuice, she easily rose above him and pushed her index finger into his chest. She wrinkled her brows.
- That's a good idea. But I'm still mad at you. - she turned around and pointed at her sisters. - All 3 of you. - Ari rolled her eyes.
- I'll make you the strawberry dress in lavender. - she said. Sofía let her finger down.
- ...kay I'm not that mad anymore. - Rei growled and rolled her eyes with her head thrown back.
- Sof, bloody hell, why are you the way that you are?
The door to the attic was at the end of the hallway, with a couple stairs leading up to it. Beetlejuice floated through the door, saying he's not comfortable next to Sofía while she's holding an axe so he would wait on the other side of the red door. Rei and Ari stopped a few steps behind Sof as well.
Sofía brandished the axe and cut into the door. The wood cracked and a part of the door broke in. The girl swinged the axe again and again, then looked through the hole she created and she shouted:
The girls woo-hood and smiled at their sister's horror movie reference. Sofía cut into the door a couple times more, creating a hole big enough for them to go through. She put the axe down and stepped into the attic.
The attic was kind of big, but it was full of boxes and random stuff. The 2 windows on the right side of the room were barely visible by the boxes shoved before them. The walls had wooden paneling on them, but that was barely visible because of the shelves as well. The floor had a couple old, hole filled carpets scattered around. And everything was dusty. Not just simply dusty, everything had at least 10 centimeters of dust on it. Mountains of dirt, one might say.
- Wow, it's like nobody came in here since... I dunno, the 90's. - said Rei as she peaked her head through the door. When all 3 of them were in the room, Beetlejuice put his feet down on the ground and unfolded his hands.
- Welcome to my humble hideaway! - he said dramatically, then clapped over his head and the lights turned up. He took a step towards the girls and with that, his shoes got tangled up in a hole in a carpet and he fell back with a loud thud. His fall filled the air with dust particles. The girls all coughed. Sofía looked at Beej and between two coughs, she said:
- I didn't know a bloody demon could be clumsy too.
- The fuck you mean. - answered BJ, still laying on the floor, looking at the ceiling.
- That you fell over.
- I did not! - he said, holding his middle finger up. - I attacked the floor! - Sofía stepped closer with hands folded across her chest and a disbelieving smile.
- ...backwards? - Beetlejuice thought for a minute then a legit lightbulb appeared above his head for a slight second. He pulled a smug grin, fingergunned and winked at the oldest sister.
- I'm skilled.
Sofía rolled her eyes, waved her hand and stepped aside to take a look inside the nearest box. Ari stepped next to Beej and offered him a hand.
- Come now Mister Skilled, you're dirty enough, you don't need to roll around in the dirt as well. - Beetlejuice grabbed her hand and tilted his head sideways. Then flashed an evil, smutty grin. Uh-oh. Ari knew what that smile meant.
Beetlejuice all of a sudden pulled Ari down. As soon as the girl fell on his chest, the demon quickly turned them around so Ari would be on her back and he could be right on top of her. Beetlejuice pinned Ari's hands to the ground above her head with a hand and with the other, he held her chin playfully. His green hair had some magenta streaks in it. Ari's heart was racing. Her demon buddy was basically lying on her, and the coldness radiating from his body made Ari tingle. Shit, I was fantasizing about this scenario... Oh wow that's a big dick even without an erection... NO ARI THAT'S WRONG. STOP IT. You might be horny, you slut, I get it, we didn't have any proper action in a year or so, but he's your best friend... Your pervy, always horny best friend who literally just told you, 5 minutes ago, that he's gonna jerk off while picturing you naked... But he's still your very dead best friend, which you haven't had in a long time. That's a point you should consider too... But that devilish smile... And his weight, pushing my body down...
- What you say we get you dirty as well, doll? - whispered Beetlejuice in a definitely horny tone. Ari tried to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Beetlejuice let out a guttural, small laugh... and was instantly stopped by a book hitting his head.
Rei had a couple books in her hands, and was ready to throw another at the demon. She had determination in her eyes. Beetlejuice let Ari's hands go and sat back on her belly to stick his tongue out at Rei. Ari saw the opportunity and immediately started tickling BJ's sides. He fell over, laughing his ass off, screaming at Ari to stop 'cause he's ticklish. A couple neon green, glowing tears rolled off his cheeks. He tried to push Ari away, who only got more dedicated to tickling her undead bestie to his second death by seeing the tears and hearing his screams. Rei facepalmed and growled.
- GET A ROOM, YA TWO! - she shouted. Beej was finally able to grab Ari's hands and stop her. He flashed a devilish smile as his hair turned neon green completely and he summoned 2 extra limbs to tickle Ari back. But as soon as he reached for the girl's uncovered sides (her croptop left her sides naked), her eyes flinched and she pulled her legs to her chest. Beetlejuice saw the uncomfortability in her eyes instantly. He quickly let go and jumped to his feet. Even though he was a demon, a kind of pain in the ass, he didn't want to scare Ari. Not like this, at least. A good old jumpscare is fine, but scarring your best friend is a douchebag move. He knew, he was still kinda pissed at his last best friend-o for literally scarring him.
Plus, Rei made him promise that he'll be a nice emotional support demon boy.
- Am I overstepping my boundaries? - Ari kinda shook her head but Beej raised an eyebrow at her. To which Ari sighed. She did the "más o menos" handsign. Beej offered her a hand. - Alright, no belly touching thingie then. Imma keep my hands to myself, sugar. - he pulled Ari to her feet, but before letting her hand go, he pulled her closer with a smutty grin. - At least for now. - Ari playfully scruffed BJ's hair with a giggle and pushed him away.
The weird and unusual group quickly got to work. They made some space on the floor and put several boxes down. Of course, Beetlejuice didn't help (lazy bum), he was just floating around and made quirky and pervy comments. And made the girls laugh. God that made him feel all tingly inside. A couple strikes in his hair even turned orange, he was so proud of himself, because, you know, being scared of is one thing but making someone laugh their asses off is even better.
The girls got little pillows to sit on from the living room. On their way back up their pets accompanied them. As soon as Minerva spotted a box, she ran straight past the demon she hated oh so much and jumped into her new favorite resting place on earth. She got comfortable very quickly and fell asleep while purring loudly. Sirius sniffed around the place. The black dog quickly turned brownish grey as he went through the attic. Rei shook her head and established that during the afternoon Sirius will take a bath, doesn't matter if he'd like that or not. Ari snorted when Beetlejuice flinched and made a disgusted face at the idea of a bath.
As soon as the sisters sat down into a cozy little circle on the floor, BJ snapped, disappeared, then a couple seconds later reappeared with a green puff of smoke next to Ari. He was holding a bunch of sweets and snacks, like gummy worms, Sugus, a bag of Boca Bits, Lay's Gourmets and Reese's packs. He sat down sideways next to his friendo with outstretched legs, then layed down and put his head in Ari's lap.
Ari was always a very touchy-feely, passionate, sentimental person. She never thought much of hugs, kisses, sweet embraces or just genuinely touching someone; these actions felt nice and natural for her. She turned out to be like this because of two reasons: one, she grew up in a household where hugs and words of affection were constant. Two, spaniards are naturally passionate and rather handsy. It's basically embedded in their heritage. Although, as one might guess, for a short period of time she was nothing like this. She got uncomfortable when someone wanted to touch her abdomen or sides while hugging, she couldn't let anyone near her in an intimate way and such tings. She hated that period of time in her life, but she considered herself lucky that she had help when she needed it, and slowly but surely she could return to her old self. She still had some issues, but she was working on them.
So knowing how she was, she didn't think much of BJ snuggling up to her; she already got used to how touch-starved her new undead best friend was. She also noticed that he was basically addicted to body heat. Anytime Ari hugged him - which, he honestly still didn't really understand why she did - at first he was startled, he didn't know what to do, he was just standing in one place and didn't move at all, but as soon as the girl tried to let him go he quickly wrapped a couple arms around her and held her close for long long minutes. He really liked that Ari didn't wear any shoes in the house, so he was even taller than her then normally. This way he could rest his chin upon her head... And smell her. I know. Creepy. Ari didn't notice though. What she did notice was his stench and how he almost choked her to death yesterday when he got too wound up in their hug. I'll make him take a bath even if he kills me, she thought.
She was telling herself that she hugged him so many times because she knew (based on the things that BJ told him about his past and mother already, even though it wasn't much) that he needed comfort and hugging did the thing... But to be honest, she hugged him and let him be all touchy-feely with her because it just felt nice. She didn't feel any discomfort when he touched her. It felt like they've known each other for ages. Plus, he was cute and soft as a plushie. And stinky. Very stinky. She pulled her nose into wrinkles.
- Bug, I adore your charm and everything, but honey if you'd be a fairy, you'd be called Stinkerbelle. - Beetlejuice looked up with glowing eyes. Literally.
- Awww thanks babe! - Ari shook her head.
- That... That was NOT a compliment. That was so not a compliment. - BJ crossed his arms before his chest and threw his stripey, forked tongue out at Ari. Ari clicked her tongue. - Come on, you ARE stinky as hell hombre! You wouldn't die by taking... - Beej stopped Ari by showing a handful of gummy worms into her mouth. She rolled her eyes and wrinkled her forehead angrily at the demon. He just smiled and threw his tongue out again.
Ari, just like her sisters, reached for a box and started going through it. They showed everything they found to each other so they could sort every little thing out: there was an empty box for stuff they needed, there was a dump for stuff they wanted to disappear, and there was an empty box for BJ. Ari reached into the box and shook her head.
- There's only a bunch of unfinished projects in here, guys. Let's see. - she lifted some very thick books out. - Books on computers... - she reached into the box again. - A "spin-your-own-yarn" kit? Home-brewed kombucha?
- Ew that most of the times tastes like an armpit. - commented Rei. Ari put everything that she lifted out on the dump and while reaching into the box again, she looked at her undead pal laying in her lap, shoving Boca Bits into his mouth.
- Tell me Beej, who left all this stuff here? I'm pretty sure it wasn't the previous owners cause, hey, they couldn't climb the stairs. - Beetlejuice shrugged.
- Adam and Babs. - he said with a full mouth. - Owners in the late eighties. Middleclass, suburban and white... A boring but very sexy couple. - Sof chuckled. Beej's bright green hair started turning a little purple. The girls already knew that purple meant sadness. He looked down at his stripey jacket and started playing with his buttons. His face turned all foggy. Literally. Ari stroked his forehead.
- What's the matter B? Did I say something wrong? - he shrugged again.
- Nothing, just... - he turned his head and looked at Rei. He started snapping, like he was trying to say something but didn't find the word. - Sugar, what's that feeling you feel when someone leaves you and you still wish for them to come back cause you... You know... What's that word? - Rei raised her eyebrows.
- Miss them? - Beej pointed at her with enthusiastic eyes and snapped again.
- YES! THAT'S THE ONE! - he looked back up at Ari, still being a little purple. - Yeah, I kinda miss them. They were fun folks... - his eyes wandered to the object Ari was holding. He gasped as his hair turned back to green, like his sadness was blown away by that black and white little object. He quickly snapped the thing out of the girl's hands. - AWWW THAT'S MY UKULELE! - he sat up and hugged the instrument. - I've been looking for this for years! - Sof smiled at the demon's genuinely happy reaction. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...
- I didn’t know you were such a musical guy. - she said. Beej quickly snapped and reappeared before her. He pinched her cheek.
- Sweetcheeks, I'm the ghost with the most, name one thing I'm not.
- Helpful when it comes to moving boxes. - she said without hesitation. BJ rolled his eyes. Sof pushed him away by his head, which caused the demon to fall back on his backside. He threw his hands up in the air, still holding the ukulele.
- Come on, you can't blame a guy for loving to watch those sweet litle rumps of yours swingin' around! - he said, looked up at Ari and winked.
The next second, he was laying in Ari's lap again. He started tuning the ukulele while humming and gently singing.
- 🎶The Barbara you marriiiiied, she is dead and burieeed six feet below-uow-ouw... Ouw-ouw-ouw~~~🎶
- What's this song? - asked Ari as she put a fancylooking porcelain butterfly aside. Beej shrugged. He didn't even look up from the instrument.
- Oh nothing, just a little somethin'-somethin' that I can't get out of my head. - he played a couple notes on the ukulele, then did a proud little fistbump. - Yessss, works like a new one!
The girls got rid of a couple stuff, they emptied like a box when Rei called out to Beej.
- Hey, scruffyhead, could you play something for us? - an enthusiastic, shy light glistened through the demon's eyes. He tried to cover his happiness with a macho shrug.
- Sure, why not. - he sat up from Ari's lap and positioned himself in criss-cross-applesauce while leaning against Ari's shoulder. - Here goes nothin'. - he cleared his throat and started singing while playing his little instrument. - 🎶You're...🎶 - the girls all got wide-eyed at the clear voice that left the demon's lips. It even sounded somewhat humanlike? - 🎶You're gonna be fiiine... On the other siiiide...🎶 DIE! - he shouted suddenly in his normal, gravelly voice. - YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE! - he pointed at the girls with the neck of his ukulele. Gosh he seemed crazy. - YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE! 🎶I'll...🎶 - he changed back to the sing-song voice again, leaving a comedic impression behind, making Ari and Sofía cackle. - 🎶I'll be your guiiiide... To the other siiiiiide...🎶
- AWMYGOSH YOU HAVE A LITTLE BEERGUT! - interrupted Rei. She cupped her face with her hands, awed at her discovery.
- Wah... - said the demon while pulling one side of his upper lip into a grimace. Rei clapped little claps.
- I knew my eyes weren't lying! You have a dadbod! That's so sweet! Your beergut is so cute! - Beetlejuice quickly stood up with arms crossed before his chest, angry red streaks appearing in his greenish-purpleish hair.
- Shut the fuck up, I don't have a beer gut. - he said and held a finger up at Rei. Ari smiled at how sassy he looked. - I have a protective covering for my rock hard abs. - Ari still smiled but something started bugging her. Her friend kind of looked... Wounded? Self-conscious? - Plus, I look pretty fuckin good for a dead bitch, just so you know. - and with that last sentence it was clear for her. Not just the tone, his hair told on him as well. It had an angry red glow to it, but it was mostly purple and blue, just like his stubble. She guessed it might meant that Rei touched a sensitive subject. The girl tugged on the demon's pants, which made him look down. His eyes told Ari she was right. She flashed a humble smile at the demon.
- You really do, Mr. Devilishly Handsome. - and boom, the red glow disappeared. Beetlejuice looked startled. What did she say?!?, thought BJ.
Ari took a quick glance at her sisters. They knew what that look meant. Time to make someone feel good about themselves. That's what their mothers taught them. Rei blinked at the demon with glistening eyes.
- You look very fine! - Wait what the fuck is happening., thought Beetlejuice again. His hair started to change. It got a lot lighter.
- You really do. - said Sofía without even looking up from the box she was going through. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON SERIOUSLY?!?, thought Beetlejuice, now kinda panicking. A light pink streak appeared in his hair, and his stubble almost entirely turned pink at this point. Ari cleared her throat. Sofía looked up and pointed at the demon with a light sigh. - Look homeboy, I still have second thoughts about you, but it's a fact that you're a fine specimen. And it's coming from a chick who's into girls. - Beetlejuice leaned closer to the oldest sister with a toothy grin. Of course he had to cope with humour.
- Aww so I don't have a chance with ya? - Sofía raised an eyebrow.
- I'll seriously punch you in the face bro. - the demon laughed. Hah, cringey situation avoided.
- Seriously though, we love all body types in this household. - commented Rei. - And yours is very cute and fluffy. - NOPE NOT AVERTED, TIME TO DISAPPEAR, he thought as he started making smoke. - I understand now why Ari hugs you so many times. - that startled him. He looked down on the floor in embarassment, being unable to disappear he was so happy deep down in his little undead heart. He was never genuinely complimented. And these girls made him feel so nice...
- Oh calláte... - said Ari in a tiny voice as she looked down as well. Good thing BJ haven't seen her face was red as a tomato. Rei ponted at BJ with a gasp.
- AWMYGOSH YOUR HAIR! THAT'S SO CUUUUUTE! - Beetlejuice put his hands, all 4 of them on his totally pink hair.
- S...stop... This is so embarrassing! - he cried out. - You make me cringe at this mortal human bullsh... - he couldn't finish the sentence because Ari launched herself at his neck, pulling him down to a tight awkward hug. - Wha... No! - he said in an embarassed tone right after Rei scooted over with a giggle and hugged his knees. - NO STOP! - Sofía scooted over as well and ruffled his hair in a siblinglike way. - STOP! I HATE YOU ALL!!! - he shouted while trying to get away. But there was no escape from the girls' embrace who were all laughing at the suffering, pink demon at this point.
- Shut up, you like it! - said Ari right before she placed a sloppy kiss on the demon's face. He answered only with a shy smile and a certain pink glow to his body hair.
You can't imagine how much I do.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 44) "Don't Talk Shit Around Nix."
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"Who EVEN is she though?? I mean, WHAT is this? She's this underground thing and in a week she's everywhere? With everyone? Like she's the new coming of Diddy. Featuring people all up in her video. Singing with MGK on stage. She's nothing without these people."
It's Monday morning in NY and BeBe Rexah is rattling off to Charlemagne on The Breakfast Club.
Nikki Minaj is sitting next to her, on her phone, sending out a text to Luna before she speaks. "Hold up. Hold up. Hold up." She starts, waving a long, hot pink, manicured finger in the air. NY accent THICK. "I know you ain't tawking bout That Brooklyn Bitch needing people." Nikki laughs as she leans back and glares at BeBe, arms crossed.
"I am. Who the fuck is she without them?" She cocks her head at Nikki.
Charlemagne is watching the women.
"Yous a dumb hoe." She clicks her nails at her. "How da fuck you gonna be from BROOKLYN, or even in da music industry and not know who da fuck she is?" Nikki looks over at Charlemagne, appalled. "What they say, Char?" She asks him.
Charlemagne laughs, reciting with Nikki.
"You ain't shit until you been shot by a LunaTic."
She points in his direction, sucking her teeth. "Word. You know what it is." She then looks BeBe up and down, with pursed lips, saying "Obviously YOU don't and ain't shit, you..." She stops herself. "You know what. Link me up real quick. You wanna know about That Bitch. Imma call That Bitch." She hands her phone to Charlemagne.
He takes it leerily "She gonna be HOT, Nikki." He tells her.
Nikki shrugs knowing Luna. "You know she'd be hotter wit somebody speaking on her name."
"Wait, wait, wait!!" BeBe interrupts "You're calling her?"
"YUP." Nikki pops her lips, irritated as she sits back in her chair again.
It's 7A in LA when Luna's phone rings.
"It is early as fuck, Nix. What's going on?" Nikki is going off on the other line. Sleepy and confused, Luna asks "BeBe who?"
Colson pops his head up, her phone had woken him up too. They're both on their stomachs, but she's facing away. He nudges her so she'll look at him. "Bleta." He says with half open eyes.
She gives him a look of 'What the Fuck?'
Luna answers the phone thinking she's only talking to Nikki as she starts in, hype. "Yo, Loons!! There's this chick, BeBe Rexha, runnin' her mouf bout you, tryin' to be all Sug Knight, comparing you to Diddy and shit."
"BeBe who?" She groans. Looking at Colson, it clicks to her annoyance.
"Morning, Bitch. Nikki forgot to tell you you're On Air" Charlemagne chimes in.
"NIIKKII!! Seriously!?" Luna asks, recognizing Charlemagne's voice immediately. Rolling over quickly onto her back, whacking her shoulder into Colson, both of them jerk from it as she sits straight up. "It's 7A!! Why am I On Air???" She groans again. This time in pain.
In the studio, Charlemagne gives Nikki an 'I told you so' look to which she flips him the middle finger. "Because Loons, this bitch got questions and wanna run her mouf..."
"I'm not running my mouth. I just said she popped..." BeBe interrupts Nikki.
"BITCH!! You is too!!" Nikki snaps.
"This can't be fucking happening. How is this ShitShow my fucking life." Luna thinks to herself in disbelief. Rubbing her face, she looks over at Colson. Making a decision.
"YO." Luna interrupts them both. "Chill. Charlemagne, you got it, My Dude. Official statement. Yes. That Brooklyn Bitch and Machine Gun Kelly are EXCLUSIVELY" She looks over at Colson again. He kisses her elbow. "Dating. Each other. And only each other."
Nikki let's out a whoop and a clap.
"Shut up, Nix." Luna laughs continuing more seriously "Bleta. I don't know you. I don't speak on you. BUT, you know, that you been known. He told you. Respect that. And keep my names out cha mouth."
BeBe starts in but Luna interrupts her.
"I don't wanna fucking hear it." She stops the stranger before continuing. "Char, since you got the official word... Y'all listening out there, check out Nightmare, it's fighting for our rights as women. Bad Things, banging a little love story. Both are streaming now. MGK, Hotel Diablo drops July 5th. Make sure you check that out. It's gnarly as hell..... Nix call me when you're done. Char always a pleasure. Bleta..... Take care. See you guys." Luna hangs up without waiting for any responses.
Charlemagne and Nikki laugh knowing Luna all too well. "I think that's the first time she's ever been on here." He says to Nikki.
"Probably. You know she don't roll like dat."
BeBe sits silently. Pissed as hell. Deciding she wants THAT song.
Walking out of the studio, Nikki calls Luna. She's not surprised when she doesn't answer, it's still early for her friend. Nikki had met Luna years ago back in Manhattan. Rapping on the corner across from The Apollo, she had caught Luna's ear and eye. Finding the woman mesmerizing, Luna started to shoot her. Nikki got pissed, causing an all out brawl between Luna and herself right in the middle of West 125th. Nikki breaking Luna's camera and busting her bottom lip WIDE open. Luna breaking Nikki's nose in return. Luna left, spitting blood, stating Nikki would regret her actions. Nikki blew the tiny white girl off. Later, they had found themselves both in Queens General, waiting for their injuries to be treated. After mean mugging each other for a bit. Nikki asked her why she was taking her picture anyway. Luna had told her that it was because Nikki was really good at her craft and she wanted to capture her still raw before she broke into the world. That she had thought it was a beautiful moment. Until Nikki had been a cunt. That broke the ice. Nikki moved to sit next to Luna as they continued waiting, loving her candor and unflinching hardness. Talking about music and life. Creating a friendship. They had walked home together sharing a blunt. Both laughing at Luna struggling with the 7 stitches in her lip. She has a scar to this day and Nikki regrets wrecking the photo.
Still sitting up, Luna looks at Colson.
"What the fuck was THAT?" He asks, passing her the joint he has lit. She shrugs her shoulder, putting her arms out like 'I don't know'.
Taking it from him, she lays back on the bed beside him to enjoy it. Sighing, she really doesn't know. "We're gonna have to pull it up later. Nix was on The Breakfast Club and so was Bleta? BeBe? Whatever the fuck her name is...I don't know. Nix said she was talking shit. You heard what I said." She hits the joint again.
He laughs "Yeah, free, killer fucking plugs. For someone on an independent lable, you sure as fuck know how to promote, Kitten." He laughs again, rolling over to kiss her.
"You're welcome." She teases, passing him the joint.
"Thank you." He's still laughing, looking over at Luna. She's staring off. "Hey, she's just mad....." He tells her softly, still smoking the joint.
"She can be mad. She can also keep my name outta her fucking mouth." She says kissing Colson.
It's not even 8A and they were up late as usual. She pops 2 percs. He puts the joint out. Climbing into him, he kisses her head.
"You outed us on The Breakfast Club." He chuckles.
"I knoooowwww." She whines into his neck before they both drift off to sleep.
Luna wakes back up, buried underneath Colson's naked body. Wiggling her ass into him, she stretches. He stirs in her hair, moaning her name. She wakes him up further, rubbing her soft feet along his legs, feeling his dick start to grow hard against her. She reaches for him, stroking it firmly as he slides his finger inside of her.
"You're always so wet."
He moans into her ear. His finger making her wetter. He slides into her from behind, lazily laying on his right side. He pulls her into him by the hips.
A moan escapes as she feels him fully enter her. He reaches around, playing with her tits and piercings as she slowly shifts back and forth on his dick.
"You feel so fucking good." She tells him as he slides his right hand under her and around her throat, pushing himself into her harder. She props up on her right side slightly to give herself more leverage as she slides along him harder.
Holding her by one hip and her throat. Colson is pumping into her faster, getting ready to cum. He stops suddenly, deep inside of her. He holds her tightly in place as he feels her body quiver and cum from his girth.
"Oh FUCK, Colson." She moans. With her body shaking in his arms, he gives her a few more deep thrusts before cumming hard. They lay there, wrapped in each other, tingly and sweaty. He kisses the back of her neck. "I love you, Kitten."
Sighing happily, she replies "I love you too, Bunny."
He slides out of her and the bed to find a joint before they take a shower.
Colson's in the kitchen with Slim and Rook. Luna hasn't made it down stairs yet. "This cunt is FUCKING retarded!!" He says in amazement, opening his Insta. The first post is by BeBe Rexha. It's an old selfie of them. The caption under reads:
Tumblr media
To the hardest working man in the industry. You do everything, Boo. Couldn't be more proud. You'll always be my #MCM 💕
"Yoooo... LunaTic is gonna SNAP." Slim says, agreeing with Colson that this girl has to be slow.
"Why would she do that?" Rook asks.
"I don't know." Colson responds, running his hands through his hair "There was some big thing between her and Nikki on The Breakfast Club this morning. It was so bad Nikki put Luna On-Air without her knowing."
"WHAAAAT!??" Slim is shocked.
Colson puts his face in his hands. "Bleta's jealous and taking it too far. Luna's gonna fucking kill somebody when she sees this." He says.
"I already fucking seen it." Luna says walking into the kitchen. She walks over to grab a cup of coffee.
"You ok?" Colson asks her. She has on a long green, army style jacket. She holds her arms out straight, the back of it stating 'I HATE EVERYONE" making Colson laugh.
"Am I in that group?" He asks as she climbs into his lap.
"Nooooo...." She sighs, "I'm just tired and hate the world." She looks down at Colson's phone on the table, seeing the post again. "This girl is dumb. Like, so dumb, I'm not even mad at her." She rolls her eyes as she lights a joint.
Rook and Slim agree in unison.
Knowing she doesn't have an Instagram, Colson asks how she saw it.
She shows him her phone. There's texts and copies of the post from Nikki, Ashley and Bella. She hadn't responded.
"Your bitches don't play!" He laughs.
"Nope." She replies kissing him. She then asks "Can we turn The World OFF today and do something fun?" Overwhelmed by all of the exposure.
Kissing her back with a smile, he tells her "Absolutely." An excited Rook bounces around the kitchen asking what they're gonna do.
"Vegas?" Luna asks.
"I fucking love you." Colson chuckles into her hair, making her smile.
Rook and Slim's excitement solidify her idea.
"Let's figure out what we're doing so we can BE OUT!" Colson tells them.
"I'd be jealous too...." She thinks to herself honestly of the Bleta girl before kissing Colson.
To be continued.....
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sapph-tj254 · 2 years
She woke in the dark (fiction)
She woke in the dark, her feet were cold. All she could do was cry. "Why do I miss her so fucking much?" Leah loathed herself for missing her ex. She lied, cheated, was disrespectful and broke her heart beyond repair. Yet, all she could think of is how she used to cuddle her cold feet up against her and would feel safe.
Leah dragged herself from her bed and grabbed her phone. Shit, it's 3am. She called her best friend, Dom.
"Bitch...you better be in the hospital! "
All Leah could do was laugh. Dom has been her best friend since High school. Him being the flamboyant, gay guy and her being the quiet, introvert it's a wonder how they clicked instantly. She could always count on him to have her back.
"I thought about her again...ugh I just can't shake her."
"Hun, it will get better. I promise you. I don't know why you didn't let me cut that hoe when I got the chance."
Leah chuckled. "Yes I regret that decision everyday."
"We should go out Saturday night! You know that new gay club opened up downtown! Let's go get tipsy, dance and find you a sexy new stud to love up on."
Leah rolled her eyes.
" I don't think I'm ready for all..."
" Girl! Ain't no time like the present! Besides it been a while since we went clubbing. It'll be fun!"
"Sigh, if you say so Dom."
" I do and the next time you call me this late you better have a tall, dark, sexy, booty call waiting for me on the line! Bye boo."
"Goodnight Dom" she chuckled.
That Saturday while she waited for Dom to get to her apartment, she panicked a little.
"What if I see her there?! What do I say?"
She fought the urge to burst into tears.
When Dom walked through the door she was pacing frantically.
"Le...girl, why you pacing like you touched?"
"I can't do this! I just CAN'T! I’m not ready! What do I do if I see her there?"
"Then you let me handle it. That bitch bet not even think to look in your direction or she's gonna get that ass checked. You know I got you Le. Lets just go out and have a great time. You deserve it."
"You're right... you're right. Thanks Dom."
They get to the club, and much to Leah's surprise, she is feeling good! She drank, danced, even flirted a little with this cute girl.
"Dom was right, this is exactly what I needed" she thought as she went to the bar for another drink.
When she turned around to meet back up with her friend, there she was.
"Shit." she thought "and I thought it was going to be a good night."
"I'm sorry." Shane responded before Leah could say anything.
"Go fuck yourself. You know, I thought if I saw you tonight, I wouldn't know what to say or do. But you know what? Being out having fun tonight made me realize I'm not mad at you anymore. You broke my heart but guess what? I'm still here and eventually I will find the woman that deserves me. Have a nice life."
Leah took a sip of her drink, and walked away from Shane. For good.
"Hey! Is that who I think it is?! You need me to handle it!" Dom said with a fervent look on his face.
"No. Don't bother. I’m over her" replied Le
"Well! NOW the fun can really begin!" Said Dom with a gleeful look on his face.
"My sentiments exactly." Says Leah while she raises her glass.
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clockworkfromspace · 4 years
The Book v2 chapter 4
Mr. Taio: Self defense.
Mr. Taio: One of this worlds biggest threats was created from people treating him like an outcast.
Chris comes in smiling he looks at Zeke "so you got expelled I see?"
he did
I got suspended
eh. now I’ll be bored at home
hey Chris, wanna go get some ice cream?
ok. can we go now Mr. principal, sir?
Principal: Yes.
-Zeke leaves-
k. see you in three days. *looks at Zeke* see you never
*looks over to Chris* what’s the nearest ice cream place?
"Cafe where a friend of mine works but I'll brb" he teleports off
Mr. Taio: Sure you want to let them off that easily?
Principal: I'm sure
well, he left me... somehow. *teleports to the front of the school to meet up with the twins*
Chris yawns and just about falls
Jea helps him not fall
Jea: No problem.
-the twins get on their bus-
Jenifer: You coming, slowpoke?
Chris follows
Jea: Do we have a new bus driver?
Jenifer: I think its a substitute
Jenifer: I wonder why he's wearing that orange bo tie
Jea: His outfit is kinda silly but I like it.
Driver: Why thank you Jea. -he chuckles-
Jenifer: How'd he know your name?
-Jea shrugs-
Chris sits in his seat and falls asleep
*sits down next to Chris*
Jea: Didn't know you rode this bus
I didn’t either until today
*nudges Chris* yo... Chris. wake up
He groans "fine"
about the principal's office. you just left me... I didn’t even know you could do that
"I was with the twins"
Jea: I can vouch for him there.
bro... you just ditched me in the principal's office. I asked if you wanted to get ice cream and you teleported off
"Ask jea and jenny I was with them! wait why were you in the principal's office??"
you didn’t see?
that normie, Zeke? he punched me so I knocked the shit out of him and dropped him off the roof!
Driver: Sadly, he didn't
Driver: He caught the kid.
I caught him before he hit the ground.... he’s fine
Jenifer: How do you know?
he got expelled tho
Driver: That's a secret. -he chuckles-
I got suspended for three days tho
he called Chris a bitch so I got pissed
"Wait what he did I didn't know this..."
you were standing right behind me growling
and since when could you teleport?
"That wasn't me"
Jea: You can teleport?
yes, you can... I saw you
"That was not me!"
Jenifer: Sounds like you've encouraged your first shapeshifter.
so someone that looks like you, with your same powers, but not you?
why would someone impersonate you?
"I don't know"
well, who do you think it was?
"I don't know"
this hurts my head
"Can I go to sleep now?"
He falls back asleep
-the bus gets to the twin's stop-
Jenifer: Wake up Chris and tell him to turn into a puppy
Jea: Okay.
*looks at the twins* this is y’all's house isn’t it?
Jea: Yeah
-she shakes Chris-
Chris wakes up and turns into a puppy he jumps off the bus
-Jea picks him up and the twins walk to the house-
*Jeff pops behind them* hey
Jenifer: Following us home stalker?
Chris yelps
I don’t have anywhere else to go
Jenifer: Where were you staying before you popped into our place?
Chris licks jea's face
Jenifer': No where is nowhere. Even under a bridge is somewhere.
pretty much anywhere I could. my parents died when I was 9, and I ran away from the orphanage because the lady was cruel
Jea: I'm so sorry.
it’s fine
-they get to the house-
Chris whispers "when is your dad going to be home?"
Jenifer: He should be home around 6
"What time is it?"
Jea: My phone is dead.
Jenifer: and I broke mine playing some stupid floppy bird rip off
"And I left him inside"
Jea: Left who inside where?
"I swear this is why I hate being a dog I left my phone inside the house"
Jenifer: Speaking of you being a dog, where do your clothes go?
"Still on my human body..."
Jenifer: So what, they just vanished when you morph into a dog?
He nods "yep"
Jenifer: So your previous statement about your home was just proven invalid. You had to leave your phone in the house to morph but you could be a dog and still have it on your human body.
"I forgot my phone at your house"
Jenifer: I understand that but you blamed it on you being a dog.
Jenifer: Anyways, what are we doing just standing here? -she walks into the house-
-Jea follows-
Chris runs in finding his phone
*follows as well*
"Found it!"
Jea: I'm heading to my room
Jenifer: Okay.
-Jea finds a random comic book on her bed-
*teleports right behind jea and puts a hand on her shoulder* BOO... what’s that?
Jea: Strange.
-the book is titled Mind Freak: The Psychic Psycho-
Jea: AH!
Chris runs into jea's room whimpering
it’s too funny tho
-Jenifer storms to Jea's room-
"What do you think you're doing ya perv?"
being bored. *looks at jea* I didn’t know you liked comic books.
-To him, the comic book said something else-
Jea: I like a lot of things though I've never seen this one before.
Jenifer: You read this all the time?
Jea: No I don't.
Another dog comes running and attacks Chris it looks just like him
Jenifer: You even have a poster -she points to a poster of Cloak and Dagger-
Jea: That's Cloak and Dagger. This doesn't even seem to be written by Marvel.
-Jenifer gives her a strange look-
Jea: Look, down here it says "F.A.N Multiverse"
Jenifer: Jea, are you okay?
"The what?"
-she points the comic to Jeff- "You look at it"
-to everyone else, it's a cloak and dagger comic-
Chris turns human "wait jea write down with it says"
-she draws the title page-
-It shows a man in a white lab coat and orange bow tie-
-he has long hair and an insane grin-
"I recognize that bow"
Jenifer: Our bus driver had it didn't he?
"Maybe that guy on the comic book is the bus driver!"
-Jenifer tries to remember the bus driver's face-
Jenifer: The bus driver did have long hair like this but the face I'd too cartoonish for me to recognize him.
-Jea picks up the comic and starts looking through it-
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