#like ''the partner is the one with more drive and pushes the hero to succeed despite their own troubles''
vaugarde · 1 year
Sitting on these but I may rename my Cubone hero "Vega" (referring to the "fallen star" meaning) and Skitty partner "Milo"
#also want to rework skitty's personality because i feel like his dynamic with vega is too similar to the partners in other games#like ''the partner is the one with more drive and pushes the hero to succeed despite their own troubles''#is something im leaning into with psmd and gti already#its hard cause like... im sorry rt partner easily has the least going for them out of all the pmd partners and its kinda sad#i mean they have content but personality wise theyre just... generically kinda supportive of you#it could just be that i have less emotional attachment to the character than with the other partners but yeah#but like rin is happy to be a vulpix and is deeply curious while nimbus is the anxious one who needs a push#and eris had already given up on his life before transforming and is now stuck in a pikachu body and pushed to save the world#and elliott doesnt let xemself express or feel negative emotions because xey think forcing xemself to be happy constantly#is better for them#and still ironing out the psmd team but froakie (hero) is a deeply anxious person who is terrified of the world and their new body#while riolu (partner) is loud and overconfident and has a genuinely kind heart and wants to see the entire world#so while thats still kinda similar to pmd2 its a roleswap and theyre still different#but like... idk what dynamic to go for with cubone/skitty that isnt too similar to those#ive decided that cubone is definitely fucked up cause shes a cubone. im thinking she's someone who is kinda desensitized to things#and is so determined in her goals that she doesn't care if people who oppose her get hurt. which is why pkmn square believes gengar#but where does that leave skitty bc i already have ''hero who is a pessimist while partner is an optimist''#i had him as this really determined guy who was brave and stuff but i kinda have that already with psmd partner#i have the idea of him being a gardevoir parallel so maybe he'll actually be really gentle?#echoed voice
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plannedparenthood · 4 years
Thank You, RBG
We are heartbroken. Supreme Court Justice and gender equality hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday, Sept. 18. Her death is a painful loss for our country. She was a fierce and unapologetic warrior for equality, and her achievements are endless. As we mourn we’re also embracing our gratitude for her service to our country.
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Cherishing RBG’s Legacy
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg committed her life to protecting the rights, freedoms, and health of people across the country — in particular women, communities of color, and others whose voices too often go unheard. She was a true trailblazer who inspired millions of girls and women to fight through sexism and discrimination to make American a better place to work, to live, and to love. 
Her powerful words over the years, including her razor-sharp dissents, helped push our nation toward freedom and opportunity for all. Her spirit, values, and words will be deeply missed.
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A Modern Revolutionary
Some revolutionaries shook up a society with anger burning and guns blazing. Others studied hard, knocked down an unfair system one peg at a time, and spoke truth to power while wearing a lace collar. That was Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 
She got two mottoes from her mother, Celia Bader (who marched for women’s suffrage): 
“Be independent,” take care of yourself without being financially beholden to a man, and
“Be a lady,” don't allow emotions like anger to be so consuming they get in your way.
When Ruth Bader Ginsburg saw anything repugnant — like systemic discrimination — she would get straight to work. It wasn’t easy. Over decades, Ruth Bader Ginsburg faced a slew of indignities. But she harnessed courage and resolve to strategically break down America’s sexist, unethical laws and institutions. 
To honor the Notorious RBG, we’ve collected our seven favorite facts about her life and her legacy.
7) RBG was defiant in the face of entrenched sexism in college and law school.
Most colleges didn’t accept women in the 1950s, and Ruth Bader was one of the first to break the gender barrier. At Cornell University, she was sexually harassed by a professor, who offered answers to a test in exchange for sex. She confronted him: “I went to his office and I said, ‘How dare you? How dare you do this?’ And that was the end of that.” 
At Harvard Law School, she and the eight other women in her class of more than 500 students were ogled, ignored in the classroom, excluded from the library, and asked by the dean how they could possibly justify taking a seat away from a man. But that hostile environment didn’t stop her. 
She fought it with brain power and superhuman physical endurance. She was so obsessed with the law that she’d regularly stay up until dawn studying. Well into her 80s, she retained her reputation for working until 3 a.m. and living on just two hours of sleep. 
While she was kicking butt at the top of her classes, she was also taking care of her young daughter and sick husband. Martin (Marty) Ginsburg contracted testicular cancer and had extensive radiation therapy, which kept him from going to his own law school classes. So, RBG organized his friends to attend his classes, worked through their notes with Marty, and typed up Marty’s papers — all while doing her own schoolwork on top of it. 
She tied for first in her class from Columbia Law School in 1959. She also was the first person to become a member of both the prestigious Harvard Law Review, and the Columbia Law Review — one of many of her unprecedented feats. She proved to those elite schools that a woman could succeed.
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6) RBG showed the world what a partnership looks like in a husband-wife relationship.
Ruth Bader met Marty Ginsburg while they were both at Cornell University, and they forged an equal partnership from the beginning. He learned to cook so she didn’t have to. Later, he lobbied for her seats on the Court of Appeals in D.C. and on the Supreme Court. And he gave up his law firm in New York to follow her to Washington — a shocking move at the time. 
Here’s how she put it at her 1993 Senate confirmation hearing:
“I surely would not be in this room today without the determined efforts of men and women who kept dreams of equal citizenship alive. I have had the great good fortune to share life with a partner truly extraordinary for his generation. A man who believed at age 18 when we met that a woman’s work, whether at home or on the job, is as important as a man’s. I became a lawyer when women were not wanted by most members of the legal profession. I became a lawyer because Marty supported that choice unreservedly.”
5.) RBG won a whopping five cases before the Supreme Court — and they all advanced the Constitutional protection of equal rights for all Americans.
As smart and accomplished as Ruth Bader Ginsburg was, no law firm would hire her after she graduated from law school. Law firms slammed the door in her face time after time because they only hired men. She realized that “being a woman was an impediment.”
As Ginsburg navigated the legal working world in the 1960s, she saw how thousands of state and federal laws were treating women as second-class citizens. At that time, most states’ laws allowed employment termination for pregnancy, and let banks deny credit to women without a male co-signer. The Supreme Court had rejected every challenge to laws that treated women worse than men.
All this gender discrimination fueled Ginsburg’s drive for social justice. In the early 1970s, she followed the strategy of NAACP civil rights lawyer and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who helped dismantle Jim Crow laws case by case over many years — leading to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, which outlawed racial segregation in schools in 1954. Like Marshall, Ginsburg centered her arguments on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which says all persons should be treated equally under the law.
Throughout the ‘70s, Ginsburg led the ACLU’s Women's Rights Project, for which she argued and won five landmark gender equality cases before the Supreme Court. As she said in the 2018 documentary RBG: "I knew that I was speaking to men who didn't think there was such a thing as gender-based discrimination, and my job was to tell them it really exists.”
These cases set the foundation for the country’s laws against sex discrimination, and helped eliminate being male as the criteria for employment, pay, and benefits:
Two cases in 1975 and 1979 established the requirement that women serve on juries, recognizing that they should enjoy both the benefits and the responsibilities of our judicial system.
“The vaunted woman's privilege viewed against history's backdrop simply reflects and perpetuates a certain way of thinking about women. Women traditionally were deemed lesser citizens.”
—Ruth Bader Ginsburg, arguing before the Supreme Court (Duren v. Missouri, 1979)
An employment benefits case in 1973 required the U.S. military to equally distribute family-based benefits for service members regardless of sex.
“In asking the Court to declare sex a suspect criterion, we urge a position forcibly stated in 1837 by Sara Grimke, noted abolitionist and advocate of equal rights for men and women. She said, ‘I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.'”
— Ruth Bader Ginsburg, arguing before the Supreme Court (Frontiero v. Richardson, 1973)
Two cases in 1974 and 1975 threw out gender-based distinctions in survivors’ benefits, granting widowers the same benefits as widows. RBG argued that while giving widows special treatment sounded nice, it wasn’t. Withholding benefits to widowers devalued the work of their deceased wives.
“A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage.”
—Ruth Bader Ginsburg, arguing before the Supreme Court (Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld, 1975)
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4) At her confirmation hearings, RBG openly declared that abortion access is a Constitutional right.
At her 1993 Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Ruth Bader Ginsburg showed what it looks like to uphold constitutional rights. Unlike recent Supreme Court nominees, she affirmatively declared the Constitutional right to safe, legal abortion. When Sen. Hank Brown (R-CO) grilled her about her views on abortion, she declared:
“But you asked me about my thinking about equal protection versus individual autonomy, and my answer to you is it's both. This is something central to a woman's life, to her dignity. It's a decision that she must make for herself. And when Government controls that decision for her, she's being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”
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3) RBG wrote the historic decision ruling that state-funded schools must admit women.
In 1996, Justice Ginsburg wrote the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in United States v. Virginia, which ruled that the Virginia Military Institute’s men-only admission policy violated the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. Justice Ginsburg destroyed the Institute’s argument that its program wasn’t suitable for women. Instead, she wrote that:
“[G]eneralizations about ‘the way women are,’ estimates of what is appropriate for most women, no longer justify denying opportunity to women whose talent and capacity place them outside the average description.”
The school has admitted women since then, and — as Justice Ginsburg predicted — they have made the school proud.
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2) RBG’s dissent from the majority in Lilly Ledbetter’s case led to the passage a fair pay law.
In 2007, Justice Ginsburg dissented in the ruling against Lilly Ledbetter — a tire factory employee who learned, decades into her tenure, that she was being paid much less than men in the exact same supervisory role: She was making $3,727 per month, while her male counterparts were making between $4,286 and $5,236 per month. However, she lost the case because the Civil Rights Act had a statute of limitations for reporting on discrimination. 
In her scathing dissent, Justice Ginsburg wrote that gender discrimination can be hidden for a long time and “the ball is in Congress’s court” to change the rule. In 2009, Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which extended the Civil Rights Act’s statute of limitations and guarantees women equal pay for equal work.
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1.) RBG put the smack down on TRAP laws in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. 
In the landmark Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt case in 2016, the Supreme Court — including Justice Ginsburg — ruled that two abortion restrictions in Texas were unconstitutional because they would shut down most clinics in the state and cause Texans an “undue burden” on access to safe, legal abortion. The case exposed the lie that anti-abortion politicians have been peddling for years: that it’s somehow “safer” when the state imposes medically unnecessary, onerous targeted restrictions against abortion providers (TRAP) laws. 
In her concurring opinion to the majority, Justice Ginsburg wrote:
“Given those realities [that keep abortion access out of reach], it is beyond rational belief that H.B. 2 could genuinely protect the health of women, and certain that the law ‘would simply make it more difficult for them to obtain abortions’... When a State severely limits access to safe and legal procedures, women in desperate circumstances may resort to unlicensed rogue practitioners... at great risk to their health and safety.”
With this historic decision, the Court reaffirmed the constitutional right to access legal abortion. This decision was a triumph for abortion access. And when one of the restrictions that Ginsburg helped strike down came up in another lawsuit this year, Ginsburg again helped lead the Court to protecting abortion access in a major Supreme Court victory for reproductive rights.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg rose for all of us. How will we work together to rise for her?
From day one, Justice Ginsburg recognized our constitutional right to control our bodies and our destinies. That is a legacy that cannot and must not depart with her. 
Justice Ginsburg stood up for us. Now it’s our turn. 
Follow Planned Parenthood at facebook.com/PlannedParenthood and twitter.com/PPFA to stay updated on how to get involved. Together, we will rise. 
By Miriam at PPFA
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shihalyfie · 4 years
Daisuke and Tagiru
Ever since Tagiru’s concept was announced, people have been comparing him to Daisuke, and, honestly, it’s hard not to -- in fact, considering that Xros Wars did certainly have some degree of trying to invoke stuff from older series, it’s very likely this is intentional! You have someone introduced as a junior to a prior protagonist, who wears goggles like him (and eventually inherits the senior’s pair), wears blue, has a blue dragon-like partner, is more hot-headed than said senior...
...and that is about where the similarities stop!
Still, I think such prominent base profile details practically beg one to make a comparison, so let’s dig in!
(Translations linked below are PositronCannon’s for 02, The Wild Bunch for Hunters, and L Subs for a Kizuna screenshot, unless otherwise stated.)
The junior-senior relationship
Both Daisuke and Tagiru look up to their seniors, and that’s probably the most well-known part about both of them, but I think the first major difference between the two is how they approach that admiration towards said seniors.
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While Daisuke’s way of approaching Taichi can generally be observed through his tone and actions overall, the most clear representation is in 02 episode 8, where you get to see their relationship as soccer team junior and senior. The most consistent thing about this is that Daisuke is completely and utterly deferential to Taichi.
What does this mean? It means that, even when Daisuke is jokingly bragging about his skills, it only takes one criticism from Taichi to entirely shut him down. The degree to which Daisuke respects Taichi’s opinion and holds him in regard is in such high esteem that he completely defers to his judgment. He really, really thinks Taichi is that much cooler of an experienced person whose judgment takes priority over his own. Even in episode 39, when he makes his first major disagreement against Taichi -- that he wants to go help Ken in Tamachi instead of accompanying the others -- the way he phrases it is firm, but politely and respectfully, to the point it almost comes off like he’s asking for permission to go.
Tagiru, on the other hand...
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...well, his first appearance in the series involves disregarding Taiki’s advice. And when it comes to his approach to Taiki...
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...his goal is to outdo Taiki. He understands that Taiki is amazing, but he’s fixated on beating and surpassing him, seeing Taiki’s amazingness as more of a goal to reach.
In contrast, Daisuke’s approach to Taichi is completely on the other extreme.  While no part of 02-related canonical material ever explicitly covers whether Daisuke thinks he’d ever be able to be as good as Taichi, the implication is that Daisuke thinks Taichi is so amazing that the idea of surpassing him doesn’t even occur to him, or that he may not even think it’s possible at all. See Spring 2003:
All right! I’m finally a regular! A center-forward. Haah, I’m getting all pumped up! I’ll show ’em all my power! But… Taichi-san was already a regular in his fifth year. I heard he was big. Ahh, he was awesome!!
The one time he’s known to explicitly compare Taichi to himself...he just gushes about how Taichi was a regular earlier than he was. And then gushes about Taichi in general. So in other words, he treats the fact that he’s not as “good” as Taichi as...just a fact of life, because Taichi being that amazing is a fact of life to him.
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Even all the way in 2010, Daisuke’s default reaction to Taichi is to gush about how amazing he is. He doesn’t even think of himself in the equation.
The goggles
Both of them are also known for having wearing goggles specifically because their seniors do, but the circumstances behind them are somewhat different.
Tagiru’s reasons for imitating Taiki are explicitly laid out in Hunters episode 1:
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Tagiru basically sees Taiki as a “role model” -- he thinks Taiki is the model of the “superstar” level he wants to attain, and, eventually, surpass.
On the other hand, Daisuke’s circumstances and motive behind wearing the goggles were only implied in the series itself, but fully fleshed out in Spring 2003. In what’s implied to be a metaphorical conversation with his younger self, it’s said that the reason Daisuke started wearing goggles was because of “a person wearing goggles and riding something that looked like a huge dinosaur" -- Yagami Taichi, whom it seems Daisuke did not properly recognize as Taichi at the time -- during the 1999 Odaiba fog incident, when Vamdemon kidnapped everyone. Wanting “the strength to protect everyone”, Daisuke went home and picked up a pair of goggles, and has this to say about them:
...when I wear them, I guess it’s like, my feelings become stronger... ...Because I have these goggles. Even I didn’t know a lot from the start — well, I probably still don’t even now — but when I wear these, I kinda feel motivated… to do anything!
In other words, it’s likely Daisuke didn’t even realize “Taichi-senpai” was the person he was modeling himself after at the beginning -- it’s a bit unclear due to the circumstances of Spring 2003 being somewhat metaphorical, but either way it seems it had more to do with Taichi as “the hero who protected everyone” rather than simply his amazing soccer senior. Supporting this is Daisuke’s cameo appearance in the Adventure novels, which also has him express frustration at being powerless to protect his family.
(But of course, at whatever point Daisuke realized they were the same person, Taichi’s amazing soccer skills and leadership abilities must have certainly helped how much Daisuke adores him.)
Their general demeanor
Both Daisuke and Tagiru, on the surface, seem to track with the sort of “brash shounen hero” stereotype, but even their way of going about things differs greatly!
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Despite Daisuke having a very “abrasive” surface demeanor -- he tends to get easily irritated at other people, and can sometimes come off as being pretty aggressive -- the truth is that he actually defers to others quite easily. This is especially in the case of the seniors or Hikari, but it extends to pretty much anyone -- the moment someone else puts their foot down, criticizes him, or takes a sufficiently large stand, he has a very strong tendency to back down. The fact that he’s so wishy-washy at the beginning of the series is a huge part of his character development, especially since the end of the Kaiser arc and the second half of the series are when he starts to make a serious stand about major things he cares about -- such as stopping more casualties at Chimeramon’s hands, or reaching out to Ken -- but he does still have some degree of deference to his friends’ opinions, and of course especially his seniors. At the very least, even if he gets argumentative, he’ll actually debate it out with them and try to make his case. In other words, Daisuke spends the course of 02 learning to be assertive, but he’s actually not as aggressive as his initial demeanor suggests.
In fact, Daisuke has often been described as being a lot like a puppy, which is something I find to be rather incredibly accurate -- he gets easily riled up or defensive, but in actuality is eager to please others and is otherwise not very threatening (especially if you give him attention).
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For what it’s worth, as much as Daisuke seems to often have a lot of confidence (he does the usual shounen hero schtick of gloating about taking enemies down and all that), it’s very rare he actually talks about himself or shows any moments of pride or self-esteem. Even his joking that he might make the national soccer team was that -- a joke -- that he snapped out of the moment Taichi criticized him, and the same episode has him not even entertaining the illusion that they might win against the Tamachi team -- he’s just happy to play them at all. By the time of Kizuna, he’s rather grounded and realistic about his position and abilities in terms of how to approach his career aspirations -- overall he doesn’t actually seem to have a lot of self-awareness, positive or negative, and can be quite humble when it really comes down to it.
Considering that, it makes sense that Daisuke was able to settle for such a simple career aspiration (ramen making) -- he’s not that ambitious, and he doesn’t shoot very high. He’s happy with what he’s able to do, and while he of course wants to succeed in that and do his best, he's still satisfied with not aiming all that high.
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Moreover, while he of course tends to be the one who wants to charge forward, it’s quite easy to hold him back if the others advise him that it’s a bad idea (see: 02 episode 7). During times he does put his foot down because he really, really believes it’s the only thing that can be done, Daisuke is actually forgiving of those who don’t want to charge in forward as easily as he does; in both episodes where he chooses to push on forward when the others are hesitant (02 episodes 20 and 48), he holds no ill will towards the others staying behind and simply informs everyone that he’ll go in alone if he has to. 
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Tagiru, on the other hand, is actually as aggressive as his demeanor suggests -- he’s not nearly as deferential as Daisuke and doesn’t “deflate” as easily, is much more willing to argue with others (or disregard them and go off on his own if he sufficiently dislikes what they’re doing), and is rather generally brimming with pride and a lot of self-assuredness in being great and awesome. Unlike Daisuke, he is absolutely ambitious and wants to shoot for the highest thing he can possibly be -- hence why he wants to not just be like Taiki but surpass him, because he has the drive to push himself as far as possible.
Tagiru also has a tendency to try and “claim credit” for things (the basketball match in episode 1, the above scene in episode 14); most likely Daisuke wouldn’t even bother (except, perhaps, in the occasional moment of weakness when he’s trying to impress Hikari-chan). Moreover, Tagiru doesn’t need any permission to charge in whatsoever; he’ll do it if he wants to, regardless of what others tell him.
This also contributes to Tagiru being much less of a team player than Daisuke is -- making him excel much better in Hunters’ battle royale format in which his aggressiveness helped him compete in a game where everyone was playing for themselves. It’s likely he would have done very poorly in Daisuke’s situation, where team coordination and bonding was important to their adventure, and, conversely, Daisuke, who’s reliant on others and constantly deferential, would probably have performed very poorly in the Hunt.
V-mon and Gumdramon
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Personality-wise, I think it’s generally understood that Daisuke and Tagiru’s actual partners have rather little similarity, and everything is mainly aesthetic (being blue dragon-like Digimon) -- V-mon is rather easygoing and friendly, whereas Gumdramon’s competitiveness and mischievousness matches Tagiru’s own. In general, though, I would also point out that this is reflective of the different ways Adventure/02 and Xros Wars approached Digimon partnership as well. In Adventure/02, Digimon partners were effectively part of the inner self, so V-mon was reflective of Daisuke actually being of a quite friendly and agreeable nature when it really came down to it and you got past his abrasive surface demeanor. As a result, Daisuke and V-mon were like-minded almost unconsciously, to the point of being in sync without even trying. (Not that they’d never got into an argument ever -- see The Door to Summer -- but their relationship was definitely more of a “natural clicking” sense.)
In contrast, Xros Wars very much treats Digimon and humans as individual entities in every respect, with “partners” really just being the Digimon each General/Hunter bonded the most with and has as their core battle partner, so there is much more of a significant level of choice between partners choosing each other in terms of whether their personalities click. (The fact that Taiki and Shoutmon were very disparate in temperament and motive was a big part of the first series of Xros Wars.) Nevertheless, Gumdramon and Tagiru are extremely like-minded -- both a little mischievous, and both very ambitious. Of course, both of them being rather aggressive did lead to some friction in episodes such as 7 and 17, but this led to them ultimately bonding more deeply by working through it.
Unlike V-mon, who had no real affiliation with Agumon, and unlike Tagiru, who can hardly be said to be all that deferential to Taiki, Gumdramon does seem to be significantly deferential to Shoutmon...although mainly out of intimidation more than anything.
So, a tl;dr in closing:
Daisuke's relationship to Taichi is almost entirely deferential, and Daisuke holds him in such high esteem that he concentrates more on Taichi being amazing more than he ever factors himself into the equation; Tagiru sees Taiki more as a role model and someone to aspire to and eventually surpass
Daisuke’s reason for taking after Taichi with the goggles is out of a desire to protect others the way Taichi did; Tagiru wears the goggles explicitly to imitate Taiki as part of his goal to be a “superstar” and eventually surpass him
Daisuke is generally deferential to others, is somewhat lacking in ambition, and only really puts a firm foot down when it’s something he cares about; Tagiru is actually capable of being aggressive, does not necessarily defer to others, and has significant ambitions of pushing himself as high as possible
Daisuke’s relationship with V-mon is that of V-mon being reflective of Daisuke’s inner friendliness, and the two simply get along naturally in a friendly manner; Tagiru and Gumdramon had to more consciously form their partnership on being more like-minded, which meant that they had to overcome some obstacles in their relationship due to both of them being more on the aggressive side.
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heavencollins · 4 years
Top 10 Films of 2020: Part One
2020 was a rough year for a lot of reasons, but even more rough due to the lack of an existent film industry for over half of the year.  Sure, there are small productions happening and movies being released on VOD, as well as some in theatres, but so many great films were pushed back this year—movies I was excited to possibly have on my top ten.  Minari, Promising Young Woman, Zola, The Green Knight, Saint Maud.  Okay most of those are A24 releases but A24 literally released next to none of their slate for this year and it’s one of the most disappointing things to happen in the entertainment industry in my opinion.  
Alas, I still found cinema through streaming, paying $20 for a VOD rental, and those amazing $1.80 rentals from Redbox (remember when they were only a dollar?  because I do).  And honestly?  It was probably the hardest time curating a top ten that I’ve had in a long time; with so much just available through the internet and owning every single popular streaming service, it was both impossible to watch everything I wanted but also since I watched a lot of what i wanted, I ended up loving most of it.  For a year that was so dismal in every other way possible, the films that were released ended up being a shining light more often than not.  Of course, like every other year, a lot of hot garbage came out too, but that isn’t the focus of this—the great, amazing, can’t believe these are real films.  
So let’s start from number ten.  This was my first and only $20 rental this year, starring a man who I personally admire: Pete Davidson.  
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10. The King Of Staten Island, directed by Judd Apatow and written by Judd Apatow, Pete Davidson, and Dave Sirus.  
Judd Apatow is one of the first directors who I watched religiously, and hearing that he was doing a film with Pete Davidson that was essentially based on Davidson’s life meant that I knew I’d have to watch it.  Scott, played by Davidson, is a twenty-something with no direct path in life; he lives with his mother, his sister is going off to college—something he never attempted—and he has no real career.  His father died in a large building structure fire, much like Davidson’s actual father, a firefighter who passed away while responding to the twin towers during 9/11.  Scott is emotionally a wreck, plagued with depression and anxiety, a chronic weed smoker, and dreams of being a tattoo artist that he practices by tattooing his group of rag-tag friends, but none of the tattoos are very great.  
The thing about an Apatow film is they border the line between comedy and drama very well, kind of a complicated little dance.  But, King of Staten Island is very much a drama more than a comedy.  Bill Burr plays Ray, the father of a kid that Scott tattoos earlier on in the film.  Ray comes stomping up to Scott’s mother’s house, and Margie, played by Marissa Tomei, opens the door.  It’s essentially love at first sight.  She hasn’t dated since Scott’s father passed, and to make matters worse, Ray is also a firefighter.  This complicates emotions for Scott, as he loves his mother but also doesn’t know how to deal with the feeling that his mother is finally moving on and may face heartbreak again.  
Davidson puts it all on the table in this film.  It’s poignant and realistic; at the start, Scott is driving down the highway and closes his eyes, way longer than you should.  It sets the tone from the start that this man isn’t okay, but also he’s scared of dying because as soon as he opens his eyes again and sees he may be about to crash, he quickly panics and readjusts his wheel.  This struck a chord with me as most people know that Davidson has struggled with suicidal thoughts in the past.  It’s a beautiful film that memorializes both how much Davidson’s father meant to him, but also the cycles of grief and trauma that last throughout your life.  
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9: Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), directed by Cathy Yan and written by Christina Hodson.
Suicide Squad is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen period, fact.  Birds of Prey is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen period, fact.  I never, ever, ever thought I’d see a day where a DC movie was in my top ten, but this year anything is possible.  Birds of Prey is a display of feminism, badassery, and all around perfection.  You jump right into the story, hearing Margot Robbie’s classic Harley Quinn voice laid over an animation showing what we missed in her life so far, which means you don’t have to have any previous knowledge of the other films.  Birds of Prey is meant to stand alone from any other movie preceding this one, and that’s just part of why it’s so great.
This film knows not to take itself too seriously.  Margot Robbie is a dream as Harley Quinn, using just the right amount of playfulness to put a little edge on her, while also maintaining the manic-panic-pixie-dream-girl effect.  Perhaps the best scene is when Harley goes and purchases the perfect egg breakfast sandwich, and then she drops it, causing a dramatic slow motion effect that proves she really does love that sandwich more than anything in the world.  Or her realistic apartment, nothing truly fancy, just a little hole in the wall above a rundown Chinese restaurant.  But then she has an amazing ensemble of other women actors around her, which are what really uplift her performance. 
The funhouse fight scene at the end may be the best in superhero movie history.  I mean, I guess, is Harley Quinn really a superhero?  She’s kind of the anti-hero, which is what makes her so great.  She’s somebody who isn’t even close to perfect but she still succeeds and tries to help and uplift the other women on her team.  There’s just something special about this movie that made me smile and laugh the entire time.  It’s a reminder that it’s okay to have fun every once in a while.  
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8: The Assistant, directed and written by Kitty Green.
For those who don’t know, I work as an assistant during the day for a small business here in Vermont.  The work is mundane but it’s a job that’s giving me experience for the future.  In The Assistant, Jane, played by Julia Garner, is an assistant to a “powerful entertainment mogul.”  She gets lunch, answers phones, is the first one into the office, the last one out of the office, finds herself overshadowed by her male counterparts and getting the majority of the “grunt” work, and becomes more and more aware of what’s really going on at this office throughout a day in her life.  
What’s interesting about this film is nothing is ever seen; everything Jane starts to feel is just based on intuition.  Her boss is tricky, finding ways to keep his abuse of women out of the public eye, out of the eye of any female employees.  This is obviously in response to #MeToo, Times Up, and the Harvey Weinstein news from the last few years, and it works surprisingly well as a film that just unnerves you and gets under your skin.  
The reality of assault in the film industry is that until it’s widely public and known, nobody is going to know about it.  You can report it to your company, to other women, to other men, to anybody, and nobody will take you seriously until they either experience it themselves or know somebody else who has.  The Assistant hits the ball out of the park with the ending, even if it doesn’t give a vindictive satisfaction to viewers, because it’s simply the truth of the matter.  
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7: Tenet, directed and written by Christopher Nolan.
I really don’t know what to say about this one.  It’s really controversial to like it but I absolutely LOVED this movie, it’s pure fucking vibes.  A lot of people are cinema purists, which I am not, and will never claim to be, which was a huge deal with this film.  Personally, this works way better at home than it ever would in a theater.  It’s slightly long, the sound mixing makes it so it can be hard to hear dialogue over loud noises and the score, and it’s the type of movie you may have to rewind  a few times.  
My partner and I watched this in 4K Ultra HD with subtitles on, and let me tell you, it was amazing.  Everything about the acting, the diversity in the film, the fact that Nolan literally has a character say “Don’t try to understand it, just experience it”???? VIBES.  That’s all I can say about it.  Plus, Elizabeth Debicki plays an actual badass who stands against her abuser and that enough is five stars.  A tall queen standing up against her short joker—absolute feminism.  
Sure, no character gets any development, but is that seriously necessary for every film?  It’s an action flick about time and space and none of it makes sense and you can’t force it to.  Why does everything need to make sense in a time where we are literally living through a pandemic?  Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience of Tenet.  It’s more fun when you don’t take it seriously.  
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6: The Devil All The Time, directed by Antonio Campos and written by Antonio Campos, Donald Ray Pollock, and Paulo Campos.
I never read the book this was based on, but this film made me want to.  I love a film where multiple plot lines converge into one central story and this one did it so well, all with the same theme surrounding every single character: the guilt of sin and how no matter how much you think you can save yourself, you can’t truly save yourself.  I’m not a huge fan of Tom Holland, but he shines as Arvin from beginning to end.  Pattinson brings a creepy southern preacher to life with an accent that he will never be able to match again.  Keough gives a performance you can only sympathize with as you know she’s being manipulated the entire time.  Every character in this is corrupt in their own way but some in worse ways than others.
I don’t know how much to say about this one without spoiling it, either, because the core of this film is on the characters and what leads to their untimely ends, because pretty much everybody ends up dead.  It’s grim and dark but it’s so beautiful and tells the story in a way that keeps you interested throughout the entire run time.  It surprised me but there’s never truly been a Robert Pattinson starring movie that I’ve hated, so am I really surprised?  I’m a TwiHard at heart even at age 22. 
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catmetchu · 4 years
Bots/Cons discover their charge is a Puella Magi (Part 1/4)
You are partners with Miko and got introduced to the bots together. Both of you sometimes use your magic to fight cons but only when you won’t blow your covers.
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He noticed the mysterious beams/lasers/bullets/swords etc. that aided them during battle early on, and figured out your secret before you knew it.
So, one day, he asked you two in secret about your special powers and you had to spill the beans. He advised you to not use your power to fight Decepticons, but instead to save it up for witches. He also managed to persuade you into telling the rest of the team about it, as he was afraid of your safety.
Everyone was slightly concerned about your lives as Puella Magi, but Ratchet wouldn’t stop loudly voicing his complaints about illegal contracts with children who can’t consent…
Optimus never stopped you and Miko from fighting witches but he asked you to always inform the base beforehand. He also asked anyone to help you two, when they’re off duty.
When the witchs' origins were revealed, Optimus was visibly upset, but he was more sad, than angry at the Incubators. He began comforting you and spending the little time her had with you, after learning that Magical Girls don’t live past their teenage years. He also took it upon himself to hunt witches sometimes and always had grief seeds in his subspace. (He asked everyone to store some as well)
You felt bad for putting this burden on Optimus, with all the other responsibilities he had to carry you couldn’t accept his concerns and grief seeds without feeling guilty. You have always seen him as a father figure and a hero, which was who you wished to become, but you soon realized how delusional you were, thinking that being a hero was so easy.
Optimus soon noticed you avoiding him and fighting witches all on your own, and giving all the grief seeds to Miko.
You tried sacrificing yourself to make up for your mistakes.
Your grief seed hatched when you asked Optimus to drive you to a forest to relax a little. You knew your end was near and you can’t bare to let him see your downfall, so you escaped into the forest and your witch was born.
You left him a note, saying: “I’m sorry for making myself a nuisance to you and that I couldn’t make you proud. I would have already turned into a witch as you’re reading this. I’m sorry.”
Ratchet found out about your identies when Miko was so badly wounded during battle with a witch, that you had to call him for help.
When you told him about your secret he was PISSED! How could you subject yourself to such danger! And Kyubey is getting a wrench to the skull when he sees them!
He immediately called the base and informed everyone despite you pleading him not to.
He is absolutely against you fighting witches. The first few times he even went after your cellphone signals, but he always ended up losing you after you crossed the witch’s barrier. It took Optimus himself to convince Ratchet to let you go.
He would force you and Miko to spar with team members, commissioning training dummies from Wheeljack for you to sharpen your skills. However he would not let you on the battlefield, despite Miko’s complaints.
When everyone learned of the truth of witches. He completely flipped out, cursing out the incubators. He even broke one of his own tools out of rage. You attempted to calm him down, saying that being a magical girl isn’t all that bad, given that you have saved plenty of people.
“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian”, he had said to you, almost like he had someone in mind.
When Bulkhead's processor was overridden by data logs, you saw first hand how Miko’s soul gem darkened rapidly. Her resentment towards the Decepticons made her use up all her magic in a battle that followed. She turned into a witch before she could see Bulkhead recover.
After learning about what happened to Miko, you developed intense hate towards the enemy. You swore you would avenge your friend and partner.
Your intentions were no longer to fight witches, but to kill every Decepticon you crossed paths with. Ratchet noticed the shift in attitude in you and confronted you, which lead to you lashing out at him. You called him weak and a bad friend for not doing everything in his power to fix Bumblebee's voicebox, while you are fighting to avenge your friend.
Your grief seed hatched, when the realization dawned upon you, that you have just hurt your best friend. Your thirst for revenge ended up corrupting your moral believes. You pushed away those who cared until it was too late…
Your witch was born inside your very own bedroom, as you whisper your last words: “I lived long enough to see myself become a villian…”
He discovered the identity of both you and Miko, when she didn’t answer his calls past the time of her detention. You two always use detention as a cover up to fight witches.
This time you were both heavily wounded and barely made it out the labyrinth alive, when he found you two exiting the witch's portal in your magical girl attires.
After some explanation he was a little upset that you didn’t tell him, but also mad at himself for brushing off the weird things you two would do sometimes. Like, finding excuses last minute to not go to the base, or the weird beams/lasers/bullets/swords etc. he would see being shot at cons, on the battlefield. If he had noticed and helped fighting these monsters, maybe you two wouldn’t have nearly died.
He agreed to keep your secret from the rest of the team, but made you promise to always inform him when you need to hunt witches so that he can have your back.
When time allowed it, he would fight witches alongside you.
When the secret of witches was revealed he had sworn to punch Kyubey with his wrecking ball if they ever crossed paths. He understands that entropy must be stopped but he only wishes there were better solutions then to sacrifice innocent lives.
Knowing both you and Miko’s lives were significantly shortened as a result, he spends any time he has with you and Miko, watching TV, playing games, playing music.
He also made sure to hunt extra witches to supply you with grief seeds.
Throughout this time he hasn’t told anyone of your identity. But the truth got revealed when Miko died in a battle with a witch and the team was informed of your secret identies.
Everyone was upset that you didn’t tell them, especially Ratchet and Arcee, having lost two partners, she was especially upset. But Bulkhead defended you saying that Kyubey tricked you two into contracts and you kept the team in the dark to protect them.
Your grief seed hatched during a mission when Breakdown teased Bulkhead about the absence of Miko, and you attacked him out of rage. With all the blame you took for Miko’s death, your soul gem darkened rapidly. Bulkhead noticed this and called in back up.
The bots tried to pry you away from Breakdown but you fought them off. After realizing that you have hurt your friends, and murdered someone who wasn’t a witch, guilt pushed your soul gem over the edge.
Your last words before the Bots escaped were: “I’m sorry I killed someone again.”
When Smokescreen came to earth, your secret was already known to the Autobots. However, unlike everyone else from the team, he was ecstatic! He immediately overwhelmed you with questions: Why did you become Magical Girls? Can you really wish for anything? Can I become a Puella Magi?
The mission of Magical Girls, for Smokescreen, was the equivalent of a dream come true. Maybe not quite the life of a hero he had dreamt of, but saving innocent people from evil witches was close enough.
He would beg you to let him join you in battling witches. You two weren’t so sure at first, but you did accept his help in the end, since you don’t have to share grief seeds with him. And his superior firepower aided you both greatly in fighting witches.
Killing witches together became valuable bonding time between you and him. Miko would tease you about being more than just friends with him. You find yourself finding much enjoyment in hunting witches when he was around, and would put effort into impressing Smokescreen with your fighting skills, performing stunts etc.
When the truth behind witches was revealed, immense guilt filled your soul and you felt resentment towards witch hunting, and avoided the witches instead.
Smokescreen noticed your shift in attitude, so he tried to convince you to keep fighting by reminding you that you’re doing this for the greater good, that you are a hero.
“Maybe there is a way we can help those witches, and solve the problem in a peaceful way instead! Maybe then they’ll drop a soulgem instead of a griefseed or something.”, he had said. Those words filled your heart with warmth and you were willing to try. And you and him will succeed!
You told Miko of your plan. She was skeptical but complied with you anyway. If it didn’t work you can always just kill the witch.
The next time you found a witch you tried talking to her, dodging her attacks than trying to fight her. But it didn’t seem to take effect on her, but you had faith in saving her poor soul. You kept trying and trying, and your soulgems kept darkening and darkening. But you kept pushing.
Until you saw Miko’s death before your eyes. Smokescreen was quick to kill the witch before it could get to you.
Only for another witch to be born in the exact spot. Your griefseed hatching right after your last words: “I just wanted to make things right.”
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
Just A Cape Away
SPN FanFic
~Dean gets hurt on a hunt and Y/N helps patch him up...and give him a little reward for his bravery. ~
Dean x Reader
2,090 Words
Warnings; NSFW, Show level violence and injury, Comfort Lovin'. Fluff.
A/N: Written for @burningcoffeetimetravel​ who won a fic and asked for some Comfort Smut with Dean. Hope you all enjoy!
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Dean went down, all breath pushing from his lungs in a loud groan as his back slammed into the cold earth. Wet grass tickled his cheek as he rolled onto his side and coughed; breath coming out in a fog in the cold midnight air.
“Son of a bitch!”
Dean was down but the fight wasn’t over. The wolf advanced, fangs bared, claws sharp and aimed at flesh. Dean tried to stand, flipping fully onto his belly to push himself up, but his wrist buckled under his weight and he skidded back down.
He felt the claws rip into his jacket, tips of the claws pushing down through the layers to dimple his skin. Any harder and they would have drawn blood.
In a flash, the ground fell away and Dean saw stars as the wolf flung him up and away, narrowly missing hitting a half-dead apple tree with his skull. Another crash of solid ground and Dean felt a rib break. He roared with pain and clenched his teeth as he curled inwards, left arm wrapping around his middle. His vision was starting to go, black and white dots pelting the edges as he searched the dark for his sparring partner.
The wolf was closer than Dean thought and there was no time to dodge the fur covered hand that swooped down with razorlike nails that tore through Dean’s shirt like a knife through warm bread.
His scream echoed through the dark and Y/N could wait no longer. She cocked her pistol and slammed the Impala door shut, rushing towards Dean’s voice.
He was bloody and sprawled out on the grass; exhales filling the air in heavy, sporadic puffs as he struggled to catch his breath.
The wolf turned and Y/N took the shot, taking him down with a silver bullet straight through the heart.
Dean gasped as the attack finally let up, rolling to sit up as he clutched his ribs. “Damn it, Y/N!” he yelled through the pain. “I told you to stay in the car!”
She rolled her eyes, stowed her gun, and held out a hand to help him up. “I think you mean, thank you for saving my ass...”
Dean slapped her hand away and rolled onto his knees, sneering as a wave of pain spread through his middle. “You could have gotten hurt,” he hissed.
Y/N stood back and crossed her arms, one hip popping in annoyance. “Hey, asshole,” she growled. “I just saved your life. Say thank you!”
Dean gave in, his head hanging, body shaking, blood dripping. He looked up with red eyes and nodded pitifully. “Thank you, Y/N.” He shifted a bit and lifted his left hand to ask for help. He couldn't say it out loud, but he didn’t need to.
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The motel room was cold. The bathroom window was open and refused to shut, allowing a draft of late October air to sneak in and curl beneath the closed door into the main room. Y/N shivered as she passed it, bringing the first aid kit over to the bed, shaking her head at Dean who was refusing to settle.
“I’m fine!” he lied, wincing as he tried to sit up straight. He clutched his ribs and held in a cough.
“Oh yeah?” Y/N teased knowingly. “Shake my hand.” She held out her left hand so he would shake with his, but he sneered instead and looked away. “No?” Her smile was proud but her eyes were worried. He was really hurt.
“Shut up.”
“Is it broken?” she asked, reaching for his left hand. She turned it carefully in her hand and Dean hissed. The underside was red and a bruise was forming beneath his thumb, but otherwise it wasn’t too bad.
“Nah, just a sprain.”
Y/N sighed and ran her hand gently down his open palm. “I wish you’d stop hurting yourself.”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t do it on purpose.”
“You’re not Superman, you know, and without Cas around-” Her eyes filled with tears but Dean wouldn’t have any of that.
“Hey,” he cut her off, screwing on a smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m just glad you’re OK.”
Y/N laughed softly and kissed the middle of his palm; soft lips gliding over calloused skin. “I wish you wouldn’t do that, either.” She sat back to open the first aid kit, rummaging for alcohol swabs.
Dean grit his teeth as he unbuttoned his torn flannel. “Do what?”
Y/N ripped open a little square of soaked gauze. “Lock me out of hunts, try to hold me back. I’m not an idiot, Dean. I can take care of myself.”
Chewing his lip, Dean peeled back his blood soaked t-shirt; the frayed fabric clinging to the wound beneath, pulling painfully. “Fuck!” He took a deep breath and yanked the rest away, eyes growing huge as the sting bore into him. “I know you can,” he answered finally. “I just worry.”
Y/N met his eyes and leaned in, zoning in for a distracting kiss. “You worry so much about keeping me safe you go and get your own ass kicked.”
Dean puckered his lips, his eyelids dropping as she leaned close. “That’s not tru- Fuck!”
She kissed his scream away as she pushed the alcohol swab against his wound.
“You...bitch…” he gasped, sucking in a quick breath once her lips were gone and pushing it back out slowly. “Not cool.”
Y/N laughed. “I was trying to ease the pain.”
“You did not succeed,” he groaned, lips puckering into a pathetic pout. “God, this hurts.”
“Hey, don’t turn into a pussy on me. Where’s my big, strong superhero?” She dabbed gently at the edges of his torn flesh until the gauze was soaked in various shades of crimson.
Dean pushed his head back against the headboard and grit his teeth. “He died. Fifteen years ago. Shit.”
“I don’t know about that,” she said, leaning down to blow a soothing breath of hot air across the tingling skin. “You look plenty strong to me.” She kissed him gently, just above the slice as she fit a sterile bandage into place, securing the ends with tiny rips of tape. “And you’re just a cape away from being a superhero.”
Dean relaxed as her lips landed again, this time over his heart, slowly making their way upwards. He ran his good hand up her back, middle finger firmly tracing her spine. “Hey, not all superheroes wear capes, ya know.”
She kissed his aching shoulder. “I know.” Another peck at the bend of his neck. “Mine wears flannel…” She sucked at his pulse, feeling it quicken under her lips. “...listens to ancient rock…” Y/N licked at his ear and drew the tender flesh between her teeth. “...drives a kick-ass car…”
Dean’s eyes fell closed but his hand still roamed, moving upwards to tangle in her hair. He held her close, sighing a little moan as she nibble on his ear, licked at the sensitive space behind, doing her best to distract him.
“Ancient rock?” he laughed, her words finally filtering through his mind.
She smiled against his cheek. “Anything made before 1980 is ancient, Dean.”
He cleared his throat in sarcastic defiance. “Excuse me. I was made before 1980.”
Y/N lifted a brow and grinned. “Exactly.”
Very carefully, Y/N shifted on the bed, climbing to her knees and tossing one over his lap. She hovered over him, conscious of his injuries, and let her fingertips dance across his bare chest. He was bruising all over and she bent to softly kiss each bloody blossom.
“What’re you doing?” he asked, voice a raspy whisper as her hands traveled his body.
Y/N ran her tongue across his left nipple and felt his stomach tighten beneath her hands. “Just giving my hero a little reward.”
Dean pulled her up to him, his strong hand tugging on her hair until he could reach her lips. “I like rewards.”
“Then you’ll especially enjoy this one.” She licked into his mouth, caressing his plump lips with hers until she felt him weaken just a bit. When he let go and melted against her, she pulled away, sliding back down to continue her attentions.
Every scar, new and old, she acknowledged; each dip in his body, every muscle saw a visit from her lips. She went slowly, taking her time, moving in no particular pattern, massaging and lightly caressing every inch but the one that was aching for attention.
Dean’s cock was hard and pushed against his boxer briefs, the faded green cotton about to tear as it tented. He lay back and let her work, muscles too strained and overused to do much, too tired to contribute more than a heavy moan now and then.
Y/N was perched on top of his right leg, his thick shin between her thighs, bowed knee pushing lightly against her pussy. She sat up and drew his eyes to her, slowly peeling off her shirt and tossing aside her bra, exposing her tits for him. He reached up and took hold, cringing as his left wrist protested the quick move.
It was pained and sexual all at once, and Y/N bit her lip as he rubbed his palms against her nipples.  
“Just relax, baby,” she commanded, lifting his hands away. “Let me take care of you.” She dropped down and covered his cock with her tits, slowly rubbing against him. Dean pulled in a heavy breath and set his hands by his head, determined to lay back and enjoy. “That’s better.”
Y/N tugged his briefs away and licked him firmly from base to tip.
Dean’s throat tightened. “No,” he squeaked. “That’s better. Fuck.”
She took him in slowly; her lips a tight circle around his swollen head, bobbing leisurely, inch by inch sinking downwards. By the time her nose was buried in the thick hair around the base, Dean was gone, eyes rolling, chest heaving, fingers tensing against his thighs.
“Please, Y/N/N…”
She smiled around his dick and swallowed before pulling back with a pop. “What do you want, Dean? Tell me.”
His mouth opened, ready to answer, but she sank down quickly, sucking hard as she went, sealing her mouth around him.
“Tell me…” She bobbed at the tip, wetness leaking from the sides of her mouth, trickling down the sides of his erection.
Y/N swallowed and he growled.
“Tell me.”
“Tell...me…” She choked on him, gagging as she forced her way down too quickly and Dean jerked his hips upwards.
“Wanna cum in that pretty mouth,” he grit, mind and body sinking to its most base desires. “Wanna paint those fucking lips. Fuck.”
Y/N sat up on her knees and set her hands on the bed beside his hips, giving herself better leverage. She worked faster, her mouth tight and hot around him, humming as she worked. Dean dragged his hand through her hair once more and collected a fistfull, using the ponytail to guide her speed. Up and down, up and down, deeper with each pass. He bucked his hips, meeting each push down with a hard thrust up, making her gag until her eyes filled with breathless tears.
“Shit, baby,” he groaned, “fuck, I’m cumming. Fuck.”
He released his grip to let her pull away, but Y/N wouldn’t move. She waved her tongue against his pulsing vein as he let go, shooting a hot load into her mouth with a guttural cry.
Y/N drank him down and then cleaned him up with kitten licks as he softened before her eyes.
“That was…” He searched for words, but English was hard, his brain a sleepy mush.
“You’re welcome, baby,” she grinned, climbing up the bed to lay against his uninjured side.
“So hot…” he continued, dropping his sprained wrist on his stomach. “Shit.”
Y/N lay her hand atop his and patted gently. “You earned it, Superman.”
Dean sighed and snuggled deeper into his pillow. “About that...I think I’m gonna need an actual superhero name.”
“Hmm… OK…” She scrunched up her nose in thought, Dean’s face doing much the same.
“Meat Man?” he offered.
Y/N shook her head. “No.”
“The Baconator!”
“The Bacon-Eater…”
“Nah... Impala Man!”
Y/N laughed and pushed up to look at him. “How about… Dean Winchester.”
He smiled. “Yeah, I like that.”
She kissed his cheek and settled back in place. “Me too.”  
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2020 Forever Tags: @67-chevy-baby​ @akhuna01​ @amanda-teaches​ @autumnmoon​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @blushingjared​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @classic-rock-angel​ @coopercharlie16​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansgirl215​ @deans-baby-momma @deangirl7695​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @edge-oftonight​ @emoryhemsworth​ @eternal-elir​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @flamencodiva​ @focusonspn​ @herbologystudent252​ @heycasbutt​ @hornyandsmol​ @ilovefanfic86​ @i-love-superhero​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @imjustadrummer​ @ivvitm1109​ @joseyrw​ @justagirlinafandomworld​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural​ @laxe-from-outer-space​ @leatherandfrackles​ @lessons-of-red​​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @lonewolf471​ @maddiepants​ @mariekoukie6661​ @meganwinchester1999​ @melbelle45 @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @starboycas​ @stephaniecanfield96us​​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @thebookisbtr​ @the-chocolate-moose​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @thevelvetseries​ @veevm​​ @winchestersister55​​ @wendibird​ @winecatsandpizza​ @winterpoohbear​
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chaoticnerdreview · 4 years
Women’s Wrestling Entertainment: Then, Now, FOREVER
The Royal Rumble is, historically, one of the biggest nights in wrestling. Some might even go as far as to say it’s bigger than WrestleMania purely because all the chaos and unpredictability of the Rumble matches make it 30x times more fun. This year, the theme of this pay-per-view was comic book heroes and in their promotional video, a voice-over asked who would answer the call to save the world. If you watched the show, you know that the answer was, without a shadow of a doubt:
the women.
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Throughout the years, we’ve heard different opinions and approaches about being the number one entrant. Some people say it’s the most unfair spot of them all and some others say that only the best person in the roster can handle that pressure because they are the foundation for the entire match. Last night, Bayley drew the short stick and yet managed to build an entire cabin. It’s not every wrestler that, at the prime of their career, sets their own aspirations aside to elevate others but that’s exactly what Bayley did. Between making legends look like they’re still a million bucks and absorbing punishment from every single current star, she kept the momentum going by shuffling the action with everyone that stepped on the ring.
A natural ring general, Bayley stayed in the match up until the point where the car could pretty much drive itself to the finish line. And while, regrettably, her elimination was only seen via instant replay due to too much action happening at the same time, she did a masterful job.
For the past year, maybe more, Naomi has been to wrestling the same thing a solar eclipse is to the entire human race: a beautiful phenomenon that only graces our sky every once in a while but everyone stops whatever they’re doing to watch it. With Bayley being number one entrant carrying the weight of leadership in her shoulders, there was no one else that could’ve taken the second spot to help her boost this match right into hyper speed than Naomi.
Blending into the match with a level of understanding only a true veteran has, Naomi countered her Rumble course and easily became one of the iron women’s of 2021 lasting almost 50 minutes inside the ring. And while we were all waiting for her special feet-didn’t-touch-the-floor moment, we couldn’t have prepared to how it would be an ode to black girl magic with the help of Bianca Belair.
Comedy is a special kind of gift that only a select few are born with. Everyone can appreciate it but not everyone can naturally make it without it seeming forced. Billie Kay is a fantastic example of someone who was born with that gift. Everything she does, even when she isn’t trying, is funny and the timing with which she delivers her lines - that end up becoming iconic - is a skill not many can master.
Last night, her role was to be our palate cleanser. When the chaos was pilling up, she would come around and lighten the mood. Be it with her facial expressions, her commentary gig for a match she should be participating or her pairing with a legend that happened to elevate both of them. She kept it fresh and added a new layer to it.
Seeing everything she already achieved, it’s quite shocking to many fans whenever her age is brought into the conversation but the truth of the matter is that Rhea is, in fact, the future of wrestling. She knows what to do and when to do it. She can carry a match on her back and keep the momentum going. A testament to her expertise was how she was trusted, along with Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair, to finish a stellar match with a bang.
Having some of the smartest eliminations, one being tossing Alexa Bliss out of the ring before she could let the Fiend in, Rhea demonstrated that there can be a level of respect in a match where it’s everyone to themselves. After eliminating Charlotte Flair and almost falling out of the ring at the same time as Bianca, Rhea brought the action back inside the ring so it could be settled the right way: may the best woman win.
Sometimes, because the rumble has already enough action as is, it’s very easy to forget that all the participants are involved in storylines of their own. Last night, that wasn’t the case. Everyone’s story had their moment to shine, either via elimination - like Lana finally getting her revenge on Nia by eliminating her - or via momentary teaming up - with Billie Kay telling Ruby that Jillian was now a part of her team and ending up eliminated by the Riott Squad after joining her former partner, Peyton, against Victoria -, everything had a special moment and nothing was forgotten.
Not even grudges from last year, like Rhea seeking revenge against Charlotte about her NXT title, and not even dream matches, with Mickie James puffing her chest against Charlotte because she’s been wanting to fight her for so long. Nothing was forgotten and, just as she promised she would, Bianca Belair tossed Bayley over the top rope.
On the other hand, as is Rumble tradition, we had massive legendary returns that would’ve certainly tear the roof off of the stadium should fans be in attendance. From Victoria to Jillian, without forgetting Alicia Fox that even won the 24/7 title mid Rumble, everyone performed their part perfectly and neither overstayed their welcome. It was a beautiful symphony with the perfect blend of crescendos and blasts from the past.
And last but not least, because the woman that stays for the end is the one that gets the golden ticket........
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It’s one thing to say that you’re the EST of something. It’s one thing to call yourself the strongest, the fastest, the quickest, the smartest. It’s one thing to know that you’re all of those things and that you have ever skill to be even better.
But it’s another to show it.
And if there were any doubts that Bianca Belair is the sun, giving us light during these dark times, last night all of those doubts dissipated as the Iron Woman of this year’s Royal Rumble went from entering at #3 to pointing at the WrestleMania sign as the fireworks went off.
The most beautiful flowers grow in the dessert, despite having every reason not to succeed and Bianca Belair is the shinning example of that. Despite everything in her way, she thrived and pushed to be right here. Exactly where she is. Crying out her parents names and saying:
I did it.
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retvenkos · 4 years
(PART ONE) Hello! Congratulations on your milestone! Can I request a :fire: for Harry Potter? I’m a straight female, My zodiac sign is Scorpio, I’m also a Slytherin. My personality type is Estp-t. I have big goals for my future such as being an actress. I also play the electric guitar and I also really enjoy skateboarding. My favorite music artists are lil peep, Ghostemane, and suicideboys. My friends say that I am very adventurous and I’m emotionally strong.
(PART TWO) they also say that I’m not afraid to take any risks. I can be a bit stubborn at times, I have a hard time trusting people. My aesthetic is a dark grunge. I am an ambivert, I’m not afraid to dream big too. I am also very passionate about witchcraft. I don’t like too much physical contact. I am very protective of my personal space unless I am with someone I’m very close with. Thank you! <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Regulus Black!
now, at first this may not seem like the best idea, but i’ve put a lot of thought into this and can say that this is a good idea
from what i gather about scorpios (astrology is not my strong suit) you are the stereotypical slytherin - bold, ambitious, maybe a little secretive... you definitely have the potential to swing either way on the villain/hero scale. you are sharp and intelligent, and more stubborn than anything else, but none of these qualities are necessarily bad. 
truth be told, a lot of these traits are sirius’ personality traits. you’re very similar to him, and therefore, very different from regulus.
where you are bold, regulus is cautious; where you are ready to jump into battle, regulus is patient; where you are defiant, regulus is flexible and goes under the radar; where you are prone to taking risks, regulus is calculated.... and the list goes on.
on the surface, the two of you look like you would never get along - and i’m usually not a fan of opposites attract - but i have some key points that i want to get through to help explain where i’m going with this.
(1) regulus has lived with sirius for his entire life, and since you are so similar to sirius in personality, he understands you really well. of course, he probably doesn’t like you right away, but he knows how you operate and either the teachers catch onto this and make you partners or some of regulus’ friends realize this and task him with getting you to go help them out.
(2) both of you could become either the villain or hero of the story. regulus is a bit of a tragic character, really, because with the push in the right direction, he could have made a lot of change a lot sooner than he did, and maybe the most cruel thing was the time stolen from him. he’s extremely vulnerable to influence, just due to his personality, and so had he been given someone who believed so adamantly in dumbledore and the other side of the war, regulus really could have been the hero - no need for harry potter to grow up, because regulus could have taken center stage and defeated voldemort himself, with the help of the order of the phoenix. from what i know about scorpio, slytherin, estps, you could have a very similar story. because you have all the determination and ambition to go one way, but you are also transformative and can turn with the right influence, and be adamantly the opposite. both you and regulus are perfect for redemption arcs or bastardisation arcs, depending on what influences you have.
and, since you are the more bold and steadfast, of the two, you would be a driving force in regulus’ turn to the good side - you would supply him with all of the confidence and practicality, and the two of you could have honestly stopped voldemort together, that’s in no way a joke.
(3) you are incredibly forgiving, and this is because you have faced the darkness within yourself, so you are not afraid of it when you it in others. furthermore, you are incredibly perceptive and intuitive, so even though you are slow to trust, you know deep down when you can trust someone and perhaps hold them at bay for a while until you are 100%. but when you’ve seen them, and this usually happens early on, you know. you’re just praying your not wrong. (but girl, trust yourself. you are among the most intuitive slytherins out there, and you are rarely wrong).
(4) you both think big! this is usually rare for an estp, but it makes sense since you are a slytherin. you both have goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them. when you and regulus know what you want, you get it, no matter the cost, and that’s really iconic of you.
something i love about you and regulus is that you will bring dreams to him. regulus has never really had the luxury of foreseeing an ideal future for himself, but you are not afraid to dream, and you can bring dreams to him. it’s definitely one of the reasons why he first fell for you - you talk about the future like it’s something meant to be seized, and you talk about dreams like they’re meant to become reality.
i also think that your stubborn side is good for regulus - he can often be gripped with indecision, but you will take the reins and soldier forth with the idea you know think to be the best. you are bold and direct and original, all of which regulus thinks he is not. you are the person that shows him he is, indeed, all of those things - he’s standing up to the dark lord, after all.
(okay, sidebar, but now i really want to read a series with you and regulus. you are fellow pureblood slytherins who believed in supremacist ideologies because you were raised that way, but in your 6th year at hogwarts, the two of you are forced to become death eaters, and slowly from there, you realize what the death eaters truly were - murderers and thieves and terrible, terrible people who are willing to do terrible, terrible things for no real end. and the two of you decide to leave together. you find the first horcrux and succeed in destroying it, and then the two of you start to fight against voldemort alone, until you eventually join the order of the phoenix and start to take voldemort down. in this version, there is no prophecy and harry potter isn’t the boy who lived because you and regulus take down voldemort yourselves. sirius, james, and remus both join your sides (peter can still be a traitor, or not, it’s up to you. same with snape - i feel like without the harry storyline he wouldn’t swap sides.) and we get the marauders plus you two destroying the horcruxes. can you imagine how great that story would be?)
okay i have rambled too long, let me give you some random headcanons.
as i have said before, regulus listens to music religiously so i 100% see the two of you listening to music while on the run, debating about who’s band is better.
and that’s another thing! you guys have debates like no other - it’s really a wonder the two of you care so deeply about each other, because to the untrained eye, you both look like you annoy the hell out of each other, and it’s very funny when people realize you are such good friends.
(oh yeah, enemies to friends to lovers. although now i get just friends vibes, but i’ve put so much effort into this match up.... friends or lovers. your choice)
i definitely think that the two of you have stargazed throughout your travels - regulus probably told you all about his family one night, when you’re looking at the stars, and you comfort him.
oh! since you want to be an actress, headcanon that the two of you have to go undercover as muggles for a while in your attempts to defeat voldemort, and you end up really falling in love with muggle movies, and after the two of you have a marathon one night (maybe you get a night off or something, idk), you talk about how you want to be an actress. and then, regulus prompts you to dream for him - what would this actress life be like, if when it happens?
and you spin an entire story for him, a dream - a hopeful one - without the war and the suffering, without magic and death eaters, where the two of you are happy - you as an actress, and regulus as a screenwriter, only crafting the most complex of characters for you to play.
and he’s pleasantly shocked that he’s in this dream of yours, and you confidently tell him that no matter where you go, he’ll always be there, at your side. “you can’t get rid of me now, you realize that, don’t you? you’re stuck with me, black.”
and he doesn’t say anything in that moment, but he thinks that maybe that’s not such a bad dream, after all.
okay, i popped off with this one, but now i really want this regulus story to be a THING,,,,,,,,,,, ugh. can you imagine how great it would be? okay, just imagine if it were a mini series and it had the greatest soundtrack ever, and the palate was dark greens and blacks,,,,,, i got carried away but can you imagine.
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thedeaditeslayer · 4 years
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Exclusive interview: Bruce Campbell is having a renaissance.
Here’s a highly recommended interview which discusses what Bruce Campbell has in store for fans in the future.
Bruce Campbell is experiencing a creative renaissance, of sorts. In a recent chat with the actor, he discussed a return to his horror roots, cutting a comedy album with Ted Raimi and so much more.
Bruce Campbell hasn’t been idle during his time in self-isolation. The actor has been experiencing a creative renaissance of sorts. So, we figured now would be a perfect time to reach out and get some of our burning questions answered.
With so much uncertainty in the entertainment industry at present, rumors are running rampant. We gave Campbell a chance to clear the air so to speak and address some of the myriad of questions that fans have regarding Mortal Kombat 11, the latest Evil Dead incarnation, Ripley’s and whether or not he will work with Sam Raimi in front of the camera again.
The actor also surprised us with some monumental news. He will be returning to his horror roots with the sequel to My Name Is Bruce as well as several other projects that he has on his docket including a comedy album with one of his closest friends.
Get comfy, grab your favorite beverage and let’s catch up with Bruce Campbell.
Mortal Kombat 11, Ripley’s and the State of the Industry
1428 Elm: Thanks for speaking with us, Bruce. It’s always a pleasure. We have so many things to discuss. Recently, a site came out and said that you were definitely going to be Ash in Mortal Kombat 11. It seemed like a done deal the way it was reported. Can you comment on that?
Bruce Campbell: I probably shouldn’t emphasize yes or no because I don’t know. I have not been told. If it is not through my agent or proper channels than it usually means its wishful thinking.
1428 Elm: Apparently, an email from Warner Brothers Interactive was sent to a well-known entertainment site and Ash as well as Army of Darkness was mentioned in it with the trademark from MGM.
BC: The reason why it may not happen, just so you and the readers can know this, a lot of time for legal purposes, that character cannot appear in other things because of the license. If you can’t make a deal, that character is not going to show up. So, we may have been talked to about it.
But I do know with MGM that handles the Army of Darkness licensing that they’re hasn’t been a discussion with them about it. They’re pretty touchy. We have to be careful of ownership.
I honestly don’t know. I think I would have heard something. It’s not like my agent books me without consulting with me.
Even if Mortal Kombat came to me and said they want to put me in it, you still have to make a deal. If my agent says, “Bruce Campbell wants a hundred billion dollars,” and then they say no, the deal is dead.
The answer is we don’t know. No point in beating around about that.
1428 Elm: You might not be able to discuss this but what’s going on with Ripley’s Believe It or Not!? Will there be a Season 2?
BC: We’re one and done. It’s not your father’s Travel Channel anymore. If I wanted to host a ghost hunting show, I’d be on the air right now.
Ripley’s was made for the older school Travel Channel like Drive-Ins and Dive Bars where you go to wacky places around the country. There is a big push for paranormal, mystery and science-fiction, Discovery type stuff. I think we just “out aged” ourselves.
1428 Elm: It would have been nice if the Science Channel would have picked it up.
BC: It’s all good. I remain philosophical about all shows that come and go. There are so many factors involved. You change executives and things change, companies get bought and sold and things change, ratings aren’t what you expected…
After this virus, we’re going to see what shape the motion picture industry is in. It’s going to be a wounded beast. Projects are going to go away.
You’re going to have fewer tentpole movies too. I am hopeful we’ll have a return to low budget filmmaking.
That’s what I hope comes out of it. Each studio will start a low budget division and spend the money wisely.
Number One on the Charts with a Bullet
BC (Cont.): In the meantime, what is nice, I’m finishing up a couple of projects. I’m hoping by the end of the year to put a book of essays out and a comedy album with Ted Raimi.
1428 Elm: A comedy album?
BC: Yeah, we finished it. I’m in post-production on it. I’m putting all the sound effects in now.
1428 Elm: That sounds great!
BC: Who knows? We’ve never done one before so we’re going to find out.
1428 Elm: So, you guys are harkening back to the 1960’s when comedians like Bob Newhart had hit albums?
BC: It’s our version of that. I used to listen to the top comedy albums during the 60’s and 70’s. I wouldn’t dare compare myself to any of the masters like Mel Brooks and the 2,000-Year-Old Man with Carl Reiner. We gave it a shot. I love audio and I like radio plays.
Bruce Campbell vs the Classic Monsters
1428 Elm: So, tell us what is going on with your political satire, House Divided. Are you still working on pitching that once everything gets back to business as usual?
BC: It will be on the sales block. It’s a harder sell. There’s no blood. It’s not a horror movie, it’s a political satire. Associating Bruce Campbell with political satire isn’t the first thing investors whip out their checkbooks for.
To combat that, I just finished writing a sequel to My Name Is Bruce. The idea is we want to take Bruce and have him go through each of the classic film monsters. The sequel is Bruce vs Frankenstein.
We’re done. I finished my draft and sent it to Mike Richardson, my partner at Dark Horse Comics. We’re actively looking for money on that one. It is the Expendables of Horror. I fully intend to load the cast with so many familiar horror faces. It should be a lot of fun.
It would be a cavalcade of genre stars, old, young, on TV now. We really want to cover the bases. A lot of people will be getting killed. Guest star kills. Basically, Bruce bumbles his way into being a hero.
1428 Elm: Will you have to go through Universal to get permission to use the classic monsters?
BC: Some stuff is public domain. I’m not a lawyer but we would figure out a way to do this.
I think the bolts on Frankenstein’s neck are trademarked, as well as certain looks. But you can make a Frankenstein. That story is under public domain.
It’s also a parody of a Frankenstein movie and that gives a lot of leeway legally as well. I don’t think you can say, “Wolfman,” but I think you can say Bruce vs the Werewolf. This is my version of the Bob Hope road movies.
Ted has two parts; I have two parts for Robert Englund and I have a couple of parts for Kane Hodder. If they’re a name, I am going to put them in it.
After we come out of the zombie apocalypse that we’re in and everyone gets back to work, that is what I will be actively pitching. There’s plenty going on. So, I have been self-isolating in a constructive way.
It’s an Evil Dead World
1428 Elm: We’re curious about the 1970’s period piece that you were working on when we talked to you last year. What happened with that?
BC: It’s currently on my action board. I will eventually get to it. I am going to finish my book of essays first and then I am going to get to that one.
The story is set in 1979. The idea behind it is what would have happened if us raising money for Evil Dead went horribly, horribly wrong. It becomes a horror movie in and of itself.
1428 Elm: How did this idea come to fruition?
BC: I was going through projects in my computer. People who have a lot of downtime do spring cleaning. Clean out your woodshed, toolshed when you have extra time. In this case, I went to the head of my projects folder.
This one popped up and it was just an outline that I had written 15 years ago. I thought, wait a minute, this is pretty well thought out.
In the 70’s, filmmaking was real, you didn’t have a lot of options. You had to get cameras from a certain place, you had to have insurance. There were a lot of steps that you had to take that made the process really difficult.
I remember making calls for money from payphones in blizzards and s*** like that. You had to leave messages, you’re getting busy signals, you’re not texting anyone. There are no computers, there’s no email, its old school. You sent things in the mail.
Today, filmmaking is not difficult. I can go to a store and buy a 4K camera. I can make a movie with $5,000 worth of equipment. Probably less.
1428 Elm: Well, you can do it on your phone too. Sam Raimi is on Quibi now with 50 States of Fright, which is entertainment tailored to your device. If his series continues once everything settles, do you think there’s a chance you might appear on the show?
BC: Never say never, that’s all verbally at this point. They have to succeed; they have to survive. Any new format, any new platform, I’m game and if Sam’s involved all the more reason.
1428 Elm: Have you ever thought of doing anything like Quibi?
BC: Not yet. I’m used to writing 90-page screenplays with a three-act format. I can adapt anything too.
I was thinking the other day, I have a few screenplays that might be tough sells but maybe I might convert them to a fricking novel and put them out as books. There’s lots to do. I’ve got plenty going on.
1428 Elm: Has the current situation affected the new Evil Dead? We remember that you talked about possibly going into production at the end of this year. Is that pushed back like everything else?
BC: No, not really. It was so early in the stages that we can keep going. I just read the first official draft today. So, then we’ll give notes and additional writing will take place.
Then you have to budget the thing so you know how much money you need to raise and then you have to get the money. Nothing will stop any of that.
You can make calls for money, you can send the script to people, you can do budgets. The only thing that will be affected will be the actual start date. Which we didn’t know anyway. We may end up not being delayed at all.
Many thanks to Bruce Campbell for chatting with us.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Unforgotten- Chapter 3
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Previous chapters on AO3       A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter Three
Jamie dragged through his rounds at the hospital bleary-eyed and stumbling to his office, where he was scrutinized by his office manager. If he had been coherent he would have noticed this look as a first warning, he was out of control. Instead, he locked himself into the office and sat back in his chair to doze until called for his first patient.
He knew it was time to pull back, get more sleep, stop acting like a teenager with a new dose of testosterone short-circuiting his brain. He remembered his call to an old buddy, John Grey, with an offer to get re-acquainted. It was an attempt to strangle his broken heart by finding something, anything, to make Claire Beauchamp fade away so he could be happy again.
“John! I havna seen ye in a long time, wanted to call and catch up with you. Are ye free for a drink on Friday night?”
“Give me an hour, and I will be.”
An hour later Jamie read a message from John, “see you Friday night at Mickey’s, can’t wait.”
It was too easy to slip into a new existence, a comfortable camaraderie with an old friend who knew all the hot spots and fun places to be on the weekend. The two friends were deadly together. Both strikingly handsome in different ways, both hungry, and both drew women where ever they went. Life was going by so fast for Jamie there wasn’t time to check in with the toothless twin in his head, so he ignored him.
He had begged off Jenny’s invitation for dinner so many times she was getting huffy about it. She left a scathing text message that drove Jamie to cancel with John next weekend. Either that or his sister would come into town and drag him home.
Driving to Lallybroch with a great bottle of whisky made him happy he was going home for the evening. It was late July and he saw groups of children playing as he turned down his street, bringing memories back of doing the same with his faithful friends. The estate looked great with all the fields growing full and healthy, almost ready for the harvest.
Jenny came out of the kitchen door, arms wide for her brother, smiling brightly. Jamie hugged her and handed over the bottle of whisky, noticing her approval. It was a wonderful evening, Jamie played touch football with Jenny’s boys and Ian, his childhood best friend. The rules of no tackle were ignored with the first pass and the men laughed and fell down, while Jenny dissolved in laughter. Jamie had introduced Lallybroch to American football after returning from his year at Columbia. It was great fun for the whole family and Jamie was in his happy place. Hearing the hum of a car and wheels crushing the stones on the driveway, he looked up to see a gorgeous Jaguar, top down, with an auburn head of hair behind the wheel. The neighborhood friends had joined the game and eleven kids hit him at once, crashing him to the ground.
Geneva stepped out of her magnificent car and laughed at the pile of kids that were rolling off as a big man pushed to his feet. She hugged Jenny and laughed at the funny kids. When her eyes landed on Jamie she smiled and waved at him. Jenny yelled dinner was ready and made the introductions when the men were coming in.
“Jamie, this is a friend of yours from grade school, Geneva Dunsany.”
Jamie looked at the Irish beauty with the crystal blue eyes and dark hair and felt his world tilt. He remembered her, a snooty little brat who lorded over the other kids because her teeth came in early and her family was rich. Now that she was grown up, demure and blushing, Jamie took a new inventory and his interest grew through dinner. They took a long walk after supper that was interrupted by his ringing cell phone.
“I’m sorry lass, one of my patients is in labor and close to delivering. I must go. I promise to send Ian to get ya because I have to run.”
“I know how to run Jamie.” She removed her heels, “let’s go.” Geneva took off while he was still contemplating what she said. He smiled his approval and caught up with her. When they approached the kitchen, she said goodbye and ran directly into the house, shoes in hand.
He stared after her and then peeled out of the driveway to deliver a precious baby that was already deeply loved with a promised life of affluence and support to be its guide in this new world. As Jamie checked in on his patient, he heard her husband coach her expertly and gave him a thumbs up. The labor and birth were textbook perfect, and he handed a very blessed son to the waiting father.
When he dropped into bed he thought about Geneva, happy she had grown up refined and tolerant. He called her the next day and got more excited as the weekend grew near. She was impressive to look at and her conversation was both stimulating and warm. He was hooked, and with Jenny’s encouragement, soon Geneva was all over his life. Her family loved him. A doctor was a very good catch indeed, so they welcomed him and paved the way for their daughter to solidify the union.
Claire woke up with an aching shoulder and gently pulled her hand out of the bassinet next to the Lazy Boy. The baby seemed less distressed at night when she felt a warm hand on her skin, so Claire obliged any night she wasn’t pulled into surgery by Cutter. She yawned and stretched before preparing a bottle of formula and thought her heart might explode seeing the tiny girl smile at her.
“Oh my God, a gift for me, sweetheart.” Little arms moved a bit in the air but laid still from exhaustion after a few minutes. Claire held her and looked into the sweetest eyes as she offered the bottle. The mother was released two months ago and had not been back to check on her daughter. Claire’s heart broke to know she was abandoned, but it didn’t stop her from giving constant attention to the baby.
“I think it’s time to name you princess. Luna is perfect for a miracle baby. Do you like it?”
The baby was sound asleep. She didn’t have the energy to drink the amount most babies do at four months and a full belly was like knock-out drops. Claire put her in the bassinet and wandered outside to the picnic tables to relax. The trees and high foliage had been cut back to lower fire damage to the hospital so she could see the sky and the brilliant full moon. She gazed at it and thought about Jamie looking at the same moon. It was a momentary connected to him. The pictures were pulled out of her lab coat pocket and she looked through them by the light of the moon. Everyone looked so happy and dressed up, having a fabulous time at her going away party. She looked at Jamie’s smiling face and her heart hurt. “Be well handsome,” she whispered into the night. Leaning back she sighed and closed her eyes, just before a screeching animal dropped on her face.
Claire screamed and batted at the thing, feeling it jump behind her head and pull her hair. She was terrified, running around trying to knock it off when she felt the thing jerk away from her. She spun to see Cutter wrestle with the animal and shout when it bit him. The monkey shrieked and tried again to bite but was knocked to the ground and ran away.
“Jesus Cutter, how bad is it?”
“It’s nothing, but I could use some treatment, do you mind.”
“For my hero, anything.”
Claire looked at the bite and steered Cutter back into the building and into a treatment room. She washed the bite with Betadine and giggled at Cutter’s face grimacing with the sting. She handed him a sterilized gauze so he could assess the damage from the little monster while Claire ran for Penicillin.
“Drop the drawers handsome and lean forward.”
She stabbed him in the ass delivering a five CC payload of antibiotics that would bring Hercules to his knees. She kept an arm on his back while she massaged the stinging medicine in his butt. She could hear him suck his breath and growl.
“Don’t be such a baby, Cutter. Do you want me to blow on it?”
“Well yes actually, that would make it much better,” he choked out between giggles.
“Sorry, I only blow the patients now, so on your way soldier.”
Cutter turned around and kissed her on the lips, ducking quickly to avoid her fist and laughing at how easy she was to assault. They had been glued at the hip for the last four months, forging a bond professionally and personally. Both knew they would walk through fire to protect and save each other.
A month after arriving, Claire came onto Cutter. He pulled her into his lap and looked at her like she was a fine treasure. He ran his hand down her leg and told her he was honored and excited she had chosen him. Then he explained that his estranged wife had made contact with him, and he couldn’t touch another woman if he was to share his life with her again. Claire didn’t feel disappointed, but she was curious about his fidelity.
“Tell me about it, please”
“About what?”
“Why did she leave? Did you want to control her and change her views on life? You couldn’t stop so she would stay?”
He looked at her for a long minute. “Is that what happened to you, Claire?”
“It always happens, that is how relationships are, and I rebel.”
“Not a shocker, sweet-pea, and you’re wrong about relationships. You aren’t old enough to have had more than one or two. You should never feel oppressed or held down by your partner, just the opposite. He should encourage you to fly and succeed. Men who want to change you are insecure or narcissistic and they aren’t worth your time. Don’t settle. You are in the upper five percent in gorgeousness, spirit, and skill. You just wait until the perfect man comes along and be open to him. My best advice.”
Claire touched his cheek before going to bed. “Thank you, Cutter.”
She walked back to her room to clean up for dinner and thought about that conversation with Cutter. Since that night, her melancholy was permanently parked in her head. She needed to talk to someone on the outside and on a whim, she called Laoghaire who was overjoyed to hear her voice. They talked for a long time before Claire asked how Jamie was.
Laoghaire assumed it was an old friend asking about another and happily explained her cousin was in a serious relationship and she expected them to marry someday. She described the beautiful and graceful Geneva as the perfect woman and Claire was finding it hard to breathe. When Laoghaire continued with details of Jamie’s relationship Claire clicked off and ran for Joe.
“Joe! Give me your phone.”
“What do you say, dearest?”
“Please.” Claire finally looked up and Joe saw the tears and pain in her face.
“Anything for you love.”
Claire sent a text to Laoghaire that her phone went dead, and she will catch up another time. When she handed the phone back Joe pulled her outside, where she gave him the sad story about leaving Jamie after two amazing days. Her confusion that started right after their time together, and her struggle to forget him. She cried so hard people were coming outside to check on her, only to see Joe’s warning to stay away.
He felt so sorry for Claire. She had arrived a different person and Joe could not get her to share anything with him. This was a bomb going off in her life, making her talk because the pain was overwhelming. He held her against him and told her she would not expire from this, but she would grow and find another love. He kissed her cheek with compassionate eyes when she pulled away to feed Luna.
When Luna was back in the bassinet sleeping peacefully, Claire could not stop her tears. She cried in the dark until the door opened letting the bright lights of the hallway flood into the room.
She hid her face while Cutter examined Luna and then he picked Claire up and stretched out on the Lazy Boy, pulling her into his side and pressing her head to his chest.
“Do you want to talk about it, Claire?”
He felt her head shake no and her sobbing continued so he just held her to him and they both finally slept.
For the next three days, Joe, Kevin, and Cutter took turns staying close to Claire. Her tears finally stopped but she walked around lifelessly and hardly ate anything. Cutter worried because she didn’t have any weight to lose so he pushed Ensure milkshakes at her and pestered her to drink up. On the fourth day of her sadness, Joe suggested she text or call Jamie and then kissed her goodnight.
Claire laid in the dark Lazy Boy and stared at her phone. Before she could stop herself, she typed… wishing you the best, would love to share a phone call, CB… Send.
Jamie struggled through another night of insomnia staring into the dark, listening to Geneva breathe next to him. She had been testy all week and refused to answer his persistent questions about her mood. He felt trapped in a cage when she got like this. Like she wanted to torture him by not letting him leave and not acknowledging his presence. He might find out in a few days and he might never know what set her off. He only knew he felt miserable and wanted some space.
Jamie picked up his vibrating phone and squinted in the dark. He got out of bed as quietly as possible and heard Geneva swear under her breath and sigh loudly. He read the text and was calling the number in less than a minute.
Claire tried to slow the ramming in her chest and sound normal when she said hello. The first few minutes were awkward as Claire was running to her room so she wouldn’t disturb Luna. When her door closed it was just her, Jamie, and five thousand miles between them.
“You don’t have a sleepy voice, were you still up?”
“Aye, sheet boxing with my insomnia. Are ye well Sassenach?”
Jamie’s head was whirling at this surprise and he had a moment’s thought to control the conversation and end it quickly, which he was helpless to do. Instead, he walked around his living room, kitchen, and outside where he walked the streets with the phone pressed to his ear. They filled each other in on the events since they last spoke. Jamie was amazed at the conditions she lived in and his story made no mention of Geneva. Was he sparing her feelings, or did he not want to open up to her?
“Well, it was great talking to you, Jamie. I am due to feed a baby, so I have to go.”
“Sassenach, why did you call me tonight?”
Claire was uncomfortable with her answer but remembered standing in the stadium parking lot and Jamie’s request for honesty.
“Because I am still crushing, after all this time. I spoke to Laoghaire and she said you’re getting married and I fell apart. I’ve been crying for four days and I just wanted to hear your voice and tell you I’m sorry for leaving the way I did.”
“Sassenach,” his voice was barely over a whisper. She felt his voice wrap around her just as the tears were coming.
“How can I help ye?”
“Will you Skype with me, next week?”
“Aye, I will.”
“Thank you, Jamie. Goodnight.”
Jamie stared down at his phone for a full minute. He wasn’t confused or conflicted, and he didn’t believe this was more than a young girl feeling lonesome tonight. It changed nothing for him because she was never coming back here. Maybe this was the first night without a date for her, making her feel insecure and alone. Whatever it was, he wasn’t biting and doubted there would be any Skype next week.
Laying back on the couch, Jamie felt tired, of everything. He remembered the first time he touched Geneva and the excitement of pulling each piece of clothing off her. She was modest and kept him skin to skin, pulling his shoulders up when he tried to taste her. To date, she was still receptive, only in the dark and allowed only conservative positions, pulling Jamie into an orgasm by the shortest means possible. Sex was part of his benefits package. Something she gave, under the right circumstances, but seemed not to take. It was easy in the beginning because he liked her intelligence and the way she looked. Time will reveal all if you’re willing to wait and after four months, her true nature was clear, she was still that mean little girl.
This was the task before him, putting Geneva back in her box without causing a scene that would reverberate through Edinburgh and land on his patients. He was ready to spend another weekend in the woods and suddenly felt better. Another doctor would take his calls for the weekend and he could disappear tomorrow afternoon after his last patient. He slipped into his exhausted sleep and his last thought was kissing Claire on this couch, a long time ago.
Claire was thriving on the adrenalin and happiness that Jamie did not hate her. She blew through the weekend with renewed energy that was noticed by everyone. Luna responded better, her coworkers were happy with her banter, and the patients were more cooperative. Cutter and Joe did not like the change in her. It was a quick fix of some kind. She had not put the work into this miraculous recovery which meant it was fake and she would crash again.
Cutter called to Claire, it was time to go and watched her practically skip to the jeep. He exhaled and rolled his eyes declaring open season on Claire’s secrets and intentions. After a long day visiting the outlying counties to administer shots and general well exams they piled back into the jeep and headed back to the hospital. Claire was tired but undaunted as her personality emerged, happy and strong as she stood in her seat and danced with the wind her hair to a favorite song on the radio. She was so alive, uninhibited and free. Cutter laughed, wondering if this was the real Claire or her bipolar opposite.
“Stop!! Please stop. Is that a pool through there? Back up, pretty please?”
Cutter threw the jeep in reverse and looked where she pointed. It was a pool indeed, attached to a resort that looked abandoned. Claire jumped out of the jeep and ran into the bush, getting closer to the iron fence. Cutter looked around warily and called her back just before he heard a splash.
Running to the gate he saw it was open. On the inside, graffiti covered almost every wall and structure. His heart started to pound as he walked quickly toward the pool, looking for Claire. He started waving her toward him, but Claire had mischief on her mind, he could see it in her face. He said nothing until she swam to him, naked except for her underwear. He reached in and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her up as he started running back to the jeep. His grip was brutal around her waist and he ignored her protest and request for her clothes, left where she shed them. She was practically thrown into the jeep with Cutter’s eyes giving a directive she could not ignore. He spun the jeep in a circle and a death-defying race back to the hospital was underway.
Claire barely got her seat belt on before she was launched from the jeep. Cutter was unbuttoning his field jacket and pulling his arms out of it as they were bounced and jarred from the speeding vehicle. He held it toward her, and she was buttoned into the garment as the jeep came to a screaming halt at the hospital. Claire jumped out and ran for her room before anyone saw her in Cutter’s jacket.
She pushed against her bedroom door, panting for breath. The knock made her jump and she saw the doorknob twisting from someone outside.
“Just a minute!”
“Claire! Let me in.”
She opened the door to see Joe, looking angry, and the doom crept into her.
“Why did you do it, Claire? Do you care so little for his happiness?”
Claire looked at him wide-eyed and shook her head.
“What are you talking about, Joe?”
Cutter is only waiting for his commitment to be up. He’s going home to start fresh with his wife. Now you’re half-naked and so is he. Did you seduce him? Was it worth it?”
“Jesus Joe. No, nothing happened, and your boy is unmolested. I spotted a swimming pool on the way back at some spa or something. It was vacant so I jumped in. Cutter came at me like a crazy person and hauled me back the jeep, almost killing us both on the way back. What the fuck was that place Joe?”
Jamie sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the paper. It was seven o’clock and he was back from doing his rounds to wait for Geneva to wake up. He was calm and excited to get out of town later today.
“Jamie! I didn’t expect to see you this morning. What is going on?”
“I wanted to tell you that I’ll be leavin this afternoon for the weekend. I’m sorry it’s such short notice but I haveta go.”
“We have dinner with my parents tomorrow night, any chance you’ll be back for that?”
“No lass, sorry.”
“So, what the hell do I tell my parents?”
“That I left for the weekend. It’s time for work, maybe we can have dinner on Monday.”
When the front door closed Geneva tried to calm down. This was ridiculous and she was living in constant frustration. Jamie held her at arm's length from the beginning. She couldn’t talk him into any more than three days a week and she didn’t even have a pair of shoes in his closet. It was time for her to let Jamie know she wanted more. A ring on her finger was a good start, or she was walking.
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fulldreamsahead · 4 years
Cinnamon Melon Soda
Last night I had a dream where I believe all the content I’ve been consuming lately came to a head and exploded into one super dream. I assisted Scrooge McDuck, I chased Mirko down while she was hero-ing, and I hung out with the Mythical Kitcheneers.
I have the whole dream written below: 
So my dream begins in a music venue/bar that has an old west theme. I’m waiting with my partner to watch a concert. Even though this is an indoor venue, everyone has blankets set out to mark their spots as if it was outdoors. Our spot is marked off on the balcony and we’re having a good time with 3 other friends. While we are chatting I find out that my partner purchased all the tickets via our joint account without telling me. I am very upset by this and end up taking my car (the whole group’s only means of transportation) and just driving away with it. I feel some guilt, but karma has it’s way with me as, while I’m trying to get on the freeway, there is some sort of traffic jam and every on ramp is just packed with stalled vehicles. I eventually give up and pull off into a gas station. I’m somewhere in the country because there is little road lighting outside of the highway and this utopia like gas station. I get out of my car to browse the store inside and that’s where I run into Scrooge McDuck.
He is trying to get a handle on “blasted technology” by working as his own social media manager for a charity event that is happening tonight. I ask if he needs help and he explains that there is a tower nearby that is getting historical recognition and he’s holding an event to raise awareness for it because he has some sort of past connection with it. I’m interested in his tale and he goes on to explain that he got the uploading down, but he can’t take a picture to save his life. He then shows me a series of images he took on his phone that are either selfies where he is almost completely out of frame or regular shots that are all motion blurred. I tell him that I am a photographer and offer to help him take the photos as I have nothing else to do (at this point, I’ve forgotten all about the concert mind you). He tells me I’m a right fine lass and I go off with Scrooge. We wander through the back of the convenience store which happens to butt up against a small lodge that is used for small local meetings. Scrooge surprises an assembly of fisherman and they are happy to see him like an old friend. I take pictures of him schmoozing and he always comes over to me to write a tagline about the building’s celebration. After awhile he can tell we’ll get stuck if we stay any longer so we sneak out the back and this is about when Scrooge tells me about Mirko.
Apparently there is some sort of feud going on between them and that is the reason Scrooge is so invested in drumming up social media. Mirko is on her socials blasting Scrooge for being fake and only setting up his investment in this building now as opposed to her who has always cared. Scrooge gives me his phone while he explains how preposterous this is and I search back through both their accounts to find out Mirko seems to be in the right. A quick search shows Scrooge hasn’t posted anything about the building ever, even in a TBT. While Mirko, on the other hand, has taken many photos of the building over the years, having nabbed a bad guy there. It turns out she was instrumental in getting the building historical status. I try to tell Scrooge that this is not in his favor and he scoffs and says he barely runs an account online and there is so much more to life than posting your adventures. I’m not convinced, but I point out that Mirko is nearby as she is also on her way to the commemoration. Scrooge turns his beak up at the notion and gets a devilish look on his face. He asks that we split up and I go and stall Mirko while he goes on ahead to the ceremony. He says it will make him look better if she is late for something she’s been ‘so invested in.’ I give my concern, but he tells me it’s done and gives me a moped to travel more discreetly than his limo. He still needs more pictures so we agree to meet up at a carnival that is set up in the old town square surrounding the building. He leaves and I take off into the darkness again, this time using social media to track down Mirko.
I run into her several times as I drive the now desolate highway (whatever accident had happened earlier seemed to be cleared up). She’s on rabbit foot and is traveling around doing her heroic acts. I catch glimpses of her, stopping a robber in a getaway car, and almost get to have a conversation with her when she stops a different convenience store mugging. Unfortunately, she is too stubborn to be stopped and only gives me a salute with her fingers to a ‘big fan.’ Distraught, I head to the carnival and meet up with Scrooge. He asks me if I caught up with Mirko and I tell him kind of in a shy manner. He is overjoyed with my success even when I try to tell him I actually didn’t succeed. He doesn’t listen and orders me to take more pictures of him enjoying the carnival and with random people in attendance that seemed excited for the photo op. At the top of a bending slide that’s where I run into Mythical Chef Josh.
I take a picture of Scrooge going down the slide and as I wait for clearance for my turn I sigh. Josh asks me what’s wrong and I spill the whole situation to him. He rolls his eyes and calls the situation a classic unknown rivals trope. I am confused and he says that he thinks he can help. I ask how and he tells me I need to find Trevor at the arcade. I ask what he means and he gently pushes me so I’m set up next for the slide. I shout to wait and he pushes me down the tube. I can hear his voice carry down behind me that he’s always wanted to do that. At the bottom, I find that Scrooge has not waited for me, but I do see a neon sign pointing to the arcade. I sigh and start heading over there because it seems fate has intervened again. I get a text from an unknown number saying it’s Josh and that, after some quick research, they have found that Mirko hates cinnamon, but she is a sucker for melon soda. I am flabbergasted looking at my phone as I enter the arcade building with all its loud chirping machines. I locate Trevor in a pizza party side room and he’s even younger than he is on Mythical Kitchen. He’s about 14 and waves me over saying he got the message from Josh.
He presents me with some cinnamon jellybeans and says I just need to get the melon soda by winning at a game of arcade basketball. I roll my eyes at the event, but me and Trevor work together to get a perfect score of baskets and win the soda. I realize then that I have no idea where Mirko is and don’t know how we can get the soda to her. Trevor says Nicole is on it and staged a fake cry for help and Mirko is already heading this way. I despise the fact that they are lying when real people might need help, but young Trevor doesn’t see the problem. He uses a straw to stuff the cinnamon jellybeans into the mouth of the soda before sealing it up and giving it a gentle shake to help dissolve them. I watch in dismay that the little beans are obviously still floating in the soda and lament that this is never going to work. Trevor hushes me and we hear cries of adoration for Mirko. She enters the room and it’s the first time she’s given me her full attention. I freeze up in sight of her and Trevor spins a yarn about a villain that was stealing from the carnival and stashed his bag of stolen money (this is about when I find out the carnival is a non-profit that is donating its proceeds to the town square’s revival) in the basketball arcade cabinet. Mirko thanks Trevor who swoons and with one kick she busts the cabinet open and there is indeed a bag of money inside that is not its coin dispenser. I drop to my knees at the ridiculousness of the whole thing and wonder if the Mythical Kitcheneers have been stealing from the carnival this whole time. Trevor offers Mirko the melon soda as thanks for her help and she takes it with sparkles in her eyes. I am dumfounded she can’t see the obvious bean matter floating in it and she pops the top off and thanks Trevor. He accidentally tells her he loves her and she busts out laughing before she can take a drink. At that point, I sadly woke up. 
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
MC Character Challenge
Tagged and Created by @cptaincarswell 
(If there is another one like this I was never tagging in so…) Thank you so much for tagging me! Honestly this is a lot harder than my Jacob’s one! I hope I did a good job explaining my MC…
Rules: Choose five characters (movie or tv show) that represent your MC/ MC’s different layers.
1. Sirius Black - Harry Potter
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Let’s just get the obvious out of the way =p 
Where to start…
Dramatic entrances
Just dramatic tendencies
Good hair (even after 12 years in Azkaban, the rest may be a mess but the hair is looking fabulous! =p)
Love Remus Lupin
Okay, a bit more siriusly now 😉
Unwavering loyalty and fiercely protective nature (that may be taken too far…)
Witty and sarcastic (“run along and play with your chemistry set” - classic! =p)
Charming and charismatic (she can probably convince almost anyone to do anything… maybe a bit manipulative too…)
Rebellious and mischievous
Flirtatious and seemingly confident
Secretly really insecure
Dark vengeful side, can be vicious towards those he hates
Sure, we have magic, but you know what’s satisfying? Punching someone in the face!
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2. Emma Swan - Once Upon A Time
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Forced into be the Savior seems fitting, right? Fine, if she has to do this, she will, because no one else will =p Plus she’s probably the best at it anyway 😉 It may be stressful and a weight on her shoulders but she’ll handle it herself and appear cool and collected while doing it.
A natural leader and hero even though she may not want to be (Have to deal with the Cursed-Vaults and R/Cabal even though this is definitely not what she signed up for)
Strong and independent (but also lonely)
Practical and realistic
Strong sense of justice
Will do anything to protect and save those she cares about
Self-sacrificing (which is easy to do if you don’t care really if you live or not)
Dark Side
Distances herself from others to protect them
Trust issues
Abandonment issues
Very guarded with her feelings (particularly when it comes to love)
Feels like she has to appear strong and keep things together despite how stressed and overwhelmed she is with great responsibility thrust onto her shoulders - probably also feels like she has to handle it all by herself/on her own
Gets Captain Hottie Hook =p
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3. Kate Beckett - Castle
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I think Kate shows how determined and even obsessed Keira is with finding her brother. She’ll push herself to her limits and doesn’t care about placing herself in dangerous situations, even engaging in reckless behaviors that could severely harm or even kill her to find her brother. And she’ll try to do it all herself. (Also I love Stana Katic!)
Strong sense of justice (even if it’s her own set of morals/ethics)
Strong and independent
Her own savior/hero
Doesn’t like when someone tries to control her or even protect her - she demands respect and wants a partner, not a protector (Keira just doesn’t do well with being told what to do/authority figures - she wants to do what she wants when she wants!)
Determined and hard working 
Determined almost to the point of obsession and recklessness - doesn’t care about what happens to her as long as she succeeds and will cross lines to do so
Can be secretive
On a one-woman mission
Speaks multiple languages
Likes to keep her past and personal life/feelings private (Keira doesn’t really talk about herself much to her friends - her mom, life in Canada, etc.)
The loss of her mom drives her - serves as her motivation to become a detective (while Keira lost her mom as well, the loss of Jacob is a strong motivator for her influencing even her career choice as well)
However, wants to be defined more than just by her mother’s death (Keira wants to be defined more than her brother and the Cursed-Vaults)
Struggle to love herself and accept someone else’s love
Survives getting shot to the chest (it’s very difficult getting rid of Keira =p)
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4. Mazikeen “Maze” - Lucifer
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(Kind of looks like a batarang right?! =D )
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She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face (and then stab you and rip your throat out). Keira enjoys a good fight but also has a darker side that primarily gets unleashed when people she cares about are threatened or harmed. She can and will cross the line and do what’s necessary especially in difficult and stressful times. And those clothes!
Quick to anger and acting out violently (prefers getting mad than showing she’s actually sad)
Gets a thrill and pleasure from fighting (Duelling is fun and all but Keira does really enjoy physical fighting. May also have a taste/skill for knives - related to Bellatrix afterall 😜)
Confident in her fighting abilities
Can come off as cold and uncaring
May sometimes act impulsively especially when angered (Keira has a classic fiery Irish temper)
Struggles with showing vulnerability and opening up
Secretly lonely and insecure about her friendships - like she cares more/does more for them and they don’t really care for her - worried about betrayal 
Fiercely loyal and protective - so much she easily becomes a sadistic vengeful killer if anyone harms those she cares about (well Maze is a demon =p - Keira definitely has a dark side that hasn’t really needed to come out much but after this Rakepick stuff…. Anyway she’d have no problem torturing or inflicting pain and destroying someone’s life if they hurt those she cares about)
Keira would definitely wear a lot of Maze’s clothing actually - leather, duh =p badass and a little sexy 😜
(Bonus - since you included Eve in yours 😉) 
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5. Jamie Moriarty - Elementary 
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Besides the fact that I just love Natalie Dormer, I also want to highlight Keira’s intelligence and manipulative capabilities, as well as her not really being good or evil but as more of a neutral. (If she wanted to run a criminal empire she could =p Who knows what the future will hold? =p) Also could possibly show what she could become if she didn’t have her friends. (More reasons she needs Bill as a partner).
Diabolical mastermind
Clever and cunning
Manipulative - uses people to do her dirty work or distract them from interfering
Likes a challenge/mind games
Likes to feel smarter than others  
Likes to be in control/have the upper hand/be one step ahead
Confident (possibly overconfident) in her skills, intellect, and abilities
Gives credit where it’s due and respects other intelligent, manipulative, and clever people
Can view situations as a game (but she’s pretty sure she’ll - and determined to - win)
Focus on benefitting herself and doesn’t care who she has to take down in order to get what she wants
Will stop at nothing to protect those she cares about (i.e. her daughter)
Doesn’t like to appear/show her vulnerability (aka her daughter)
More dramatic reveals?! Yes please =p Love a good plot twist!
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Honorable Mentions: The Witch - Into the Woods; Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl; Veronica Lodge (or maybe even Cheryl Blossom) - Riverdale; Loki - Marvel; Wolverine - X-men; Selene - Underworld
Summary: (This got long - don’t have to read! You can probably see the running themes here)
Keira comes across as a strong, confident, sarcastic person who actually hides a lot of insecurities, trust issues, and overwhelming stress. While charming and charismatic she actually is quite guarded and doesn’t like to open up or be vulnerable but that also leaves her feeling alone. While appearing even flirtatious at times she is particularly guarded and insecure about the whole ‘love’ thing and struggles with believing anyone would actually accept her for her, flaws and all. Takes awhile for her to feel comfortable around others and a long time for her to feel safe opening up and even then she rarely shows her vulnerability to those close to her. Likes being independent and handling things on her own even if that means struggling and being overwhelmingly stressed - doesn’t like to admit she needs helps or can’t handle things on her own (even though she needs support she prides herself on her independence). Normally pretty cool and calm but definitely has a fiery temper than can easily be set off causing her to lash out angrily and even violently. Also has a flair for the dramatics and can be quite rebellious and mischievous. 
Is an incredibly determined and resilient individual, particularly when it comes to finding her brother, but in general when she wants something it’s hard for her to let it go and she’ll cross lines to get it and even push herself to extremes and engage in dangerous and reckless behaviors - doesn’t matter what happens to her as long as she succeeds. Normally likes to take things into her own hands without involving others, in a way to protect them, but also keeps her at a distance from them so maybe also in a way to protect herself from her fear of being betrayed by people she has opened up to and trusted - again leaving her feeling alone, especially when she truly does need support. But she also just doesn’t like being told what to do =p 
She has a strong sense of justice, and has a hard time keeping her mouth shut when she sees an injustice, and is fiercely loyal and protective towards those she cares about; however, is a true neutral, living more in a grey area, so her code of ethics may be different than others (she’s not a Death Eater but she totally understands killing Dumbledore, would have done it herself if they asked! And she’ll fight Harry about it! =p). She doesn’t normally get involved in things (such as the second wizarding war) unless necessary and rewarding from her own perspective. She enjoys a good fight and is probably the first to sign up for some dangerous mission (as long as she feels she’ll get something out of it even if it’s just the thrill and adrenaline rush). While she may have insecurities when it comes to her relationships with others, she’s confident, maybe too much so, in her skills, intellect, and capabilities (and therefore does not handle defeat well and does not like being the one be to used and manipulated when she likes to have the upper hand and be one step ahead). 
She definitely has a dark side, particularly when anyone she cares about is threatened or harmed or when she feels it’s called for in difficult situations. She can be vicious and has no issues torturing, inflicting pain, and completely destroying someone’s life - quite literally will cut a bitch =p (and if she needs to be a bitch she can be a bitch =p) She can be very manipulative and vengeful, no problems using others has her puppets, although again normally only does so to protect or avenge those she cares about (i.e. doesn’t do so for her own personal amusement). Also I think she’s good at compartmentalizing. Honestly feels like her friends need her because, let’s face it, they’re too “nice” and “good” and they need a friend willing to do the dirty work and cross that line into the darkness… even if they don’t know about her doing that…because she does try to keep that darkness in her hidden from her friends. (But her friends and that support truly keep her from snapping and acting out more violently and diving into that darkness as easily as she would alone).
Think that’s it =p Hope I explained her well, I don’t know…
Tagging: @wilhelminafujita @bluerosesburnblue @arnyan @callmederok @jadeowl19 @missnight0wl @changeling-fae @sly-vixen-up2nogood @gryffinpuffthunderbird @unforgivablecurse-breaker and anyone else who wants to!I’m sure I’m forgetting people - I’m sorry, it’s not personal I swear! Just please do it and tag me! =)
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Characters as Zodiac Signs 🌙.
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Aries The Ram (Mar. 21st to Apr. 19th) ♈︎
Symbol: The Ram Element: Fire Quality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, the planet of war and energy Body Part: Head, face Good Day: Energetic, encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic, caring Bad Day: Proud, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless, jealous Favorite Things: Competitive games, new clothes, road trips (in fast red cars), debating, expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats What They Hate: Sharing their toys, being ignored, cramped spaces, losing, the word “no” Secret Wish: To be number one How to Spot Them: High foreheads, focused or manic energy, aggressive stance Keywords: Willpower, Initiative, Determination, Passion, Beginnings, Self-Belief, Innocence Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Leo, Sagittarius 
Famous Aries: Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Marvin Gaye, Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Sarah Jessica Parker, Al Gore, Heath Ledger, Rosie O’Donnell, Gloria Steinem, Marc Jacobs, Emma Watson, Tyler Oakley, Kourtney Kardashian, Big Sean, Kristen Stewart, Pharrell Williams, Jamie-Lynn Spears, Vivienne Westwood, Tommy Hilfiger, Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, William Wordsworth, Jessie J, Brendan Urie, Robert Downey Jr., Peyton Manning, Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler
Aries is ruled by Mars, the fiery red planet of energy and drive. In mythology, Mars was the god of war and aggression. Highly impatient and competitive, many Aries have the fighting spirit of your mythological ruler. You love to be a hero–or to be swept away by one. As the zodiac’s first sign, you were born to be number one. You’re a solo star who steals the spotlight and inspires everyone with your confidence. Yeah, you can be impatient, even a little bossy, especially when you don’t get your way. As the “baby” of the zodiac, you need lots of attention, and can throw quite the tantrum when you don’t get it. Fortunately, you rarely have a problem turning heads. Your friends love to follow as you lead them on the latest adventure. Make sure to let other people be the boss every now and then, too, or you could alienate potential allies. Focus your competitive streak into a diva-worthy goal, delegate to your troops, and you’ll rise to the top! Ruled by the headstrong and determined Ram, Aries energy can be stubborn and willful. It causes us to dig in our heels, stand our ground and refuse to be pushed around. Under the influence of an Aries planetary transit, we may butt our own metaphorical Ram’s horns against the same obstacle until we break it down—often with the sheer force of will. Confident Aries energy helps us believe in ourselves and champion others. The essence of Aries energy shows up as encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic and caring. In its shadow form, Aries energy can make us prideful, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless and competitive. This sign likes a challenge, but be careful not to become selfish or domineering under Aries’ influence. Aries is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Leo and Sagittarius. Since Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the match that lights the blaze. Many Aries people are trailblazers and trendsetters. Under the influence of an Aries planetary cycle, we all become more pioneering and innovative, leaping without looking or putting our bold ideas out there. Aries is ruled by warrior planet and energy activator Mars. The masculine force is ruled by this “yang” planet. On a positive note, Aries cycles can fill us with unstoppable life-force energy. The negative manifestation is that we can become argumentative, confrontational and aggressive. Mars is the mythological god of war, and was often worshipped by the ancient Romans. He’s often shown with battle attire, fully equipped with shield and sword and ready for action! The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Aries is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Aries people tend to have a lot of energy, which they apply to everything from tackling supersized projects to unleashing their lusty libidos with a lover. This confident sign is known to leap before looking, diving into each new experience with a zest for life that few others can muster. As the zodiac’s first sign, they love to be number-one and can be amazing trendsetters and trailblazers. These people are true originals who inspire the rest of us. With all of their fire power and can-do attitude, there’s nothing an Aries can’t (and won’t) take on. At times, Aries can be selfish or overly focused on themselves. It can be a “blind spot” for them, and friends of Aries may need to gently remind them from time to time to share their toys. Aries are born with an innate sense of entitlement, which helps them shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses. This go-getter sign can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive. However, Aries will never back down from a challenge and can be heroic champions of anyone in distress. In love, Aries is a one-on-one person. You can never get too much attention or solo time with your sweetie. You’ll put your partner first in all matters, and you expect the same in return. If your mate’s universe doesn’t include a starring role for you, there’s simply no point in being together.That doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, though! Aries is one of the most independent zodiac signs. You’re not into being suffocated or controlled. You just love attention (giving and receiving), and you want to share your most intimate side with someone you can trust. It’s been said that the biggest gift we can offer is to listen to another person. Aries are masters of this. You give your full heart and attention in a relationship, often “stage mothering” or playing the heroic savior for the object of your affections. This can become a bit suffocating for both you and your partner at times, so monitor this tendency carefully. Otherwise, your independent spirit will rebel, wreaking havoc on your relationship. That Aries temper can blindside you at times, and out of frustration you can say things that are quite cruel.The remedy? Carve out “me time” every day. Being alone to breathe, relax, and tune in to your thoughts helps you stay centered and balanced in love. Aries rules the head and face, and tension for you tends to pool here. Regular scalp and neck massages, blowouts and pampering will keep you from burning out—and lashing out.Because you’re the zodiac’s first and “youngest” sign, you may secretly feel more dependent on your partner than you care to admit. When you’re in a relationship, be sure to keep following your own pursuits so you remember how powerful you are. As the sign of the “self,” you must always maintain a strong sense of who you are as an individual if you want to succeed in love.Aries is a competitive and alpha sign. You guard your mate like a prize. And you won’t back down from a fight if someone tries to cross a line. You may be private about your relationship’s intimate details, but you want the world to know exactly who you’re with!Although your appetite is lusty and you radiate sensuality, at the end of the day, you want that special someone who truly gets you. Although you may naively hang on to a bad match, you don’t tolerate disrespect once the blinders come off. You’re quick to say “next!” the minute you recognize that you’re not the apple of your partner’s eye. Aries, you ’re a born leader who loves to be in charge. And why shouldn’t you? As the warrior sign, you embrace any challenge, and champion every project you take on. Being somebody’s “second in command” is not your speed. That will only work as a stepping stone to your ultimate goal (world domination, of course!), or if the position offers enough excitement and control — a chance to flaunt your leadership skills and rise to the top.A common Aries pitfall on the job? Taking on more than you can handle. Aries is the solo sign, and if you’re not careful you could end up doing everything yourself! (“Just so it gets done right,” you’ll say.) If the office closes at 5:00, there’s no need to stay until midnight. Learn the art of delegating, and hand the grunt work off to a persistent Taurus or a detail-oriented Scorpio, who will get it done in half the time.All that independent energy could also make you a bit bossy at times. Be careful not to cross the line from determined to dictator! If you work with a team, make sure they’re as motivated as you are. Give them plenty of encouragement and appreciation to keep the good vibes flowing. Your praise, more than any other sign’s, can put rocket fuel in a slacking teammate’s or employee’s tank.Your impatience makes you a go-getter, eager to reach your goals. At times, you toe the line between enthusiastic and pushy. Sometimes, you have to pay your dues — and that can take longer than you like. Don’t assume something’s wrong just because you don’t see instant results, or you’ll make the fatal error of giving up too soon. Plant the seeds, water them, and see what grows.Lastly, keep that temper in check. Aries anger easily, and if you blow your top over every little thing, you could alienate valuable allies. If you’re furious but holding it inside, find an outlet (like the gym) or speak up to someone who can help so the pent-up stress doesn’t affect your health. The best careers for an Aries include an entrepreneur, publicist, defence attorney, holistic healer, professor, motivational speaker, stunt person, hairdresser, salesperson, magazine editor, agent
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Taurus The Bull (Apr. 20th to May 20th) ♉︎
Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Quality: Fixed Ruling Planet: Venus — the planet of beauty and love Body Part: Neck, throat, jaw Good Day: Patient, organized, supportive, romantic, careful, dedicated Bad Day: Overindulgent, stubborn, lazy, vain, cheap, too cautious Favorite Things: Photography, the mountains, great music, rich/gourmet food, satin sheets What They Hate: Being rushed, wasting money, dirty things, hotels, mornings Secret Wish: To own the best of everything How to Spot Them: Deep and soulful eyes, long and elegant necks, delicate jaw lines Where You’ll Find Them: Comparing prices on a luxury purchase, singing in a band or choir, working three jobs, displaying paintings at an art gallery Keywords: Stability, security, elegance, sensuality, stubbornness, persistence Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Virgo, Capricorn Famous Tauruses: Adele, Al Pacino, David Beckham, Stevie Wonder, Donatella Versace, Cher, Robert Pattinson, Chris Brown, Channing Tatum, The Rock, Gigi Hadid, Queen Elizabeth II, Sam Smith, Megan Fox, Meek Mill, George Clooney, Lena Dunham, Tina Fey, Christian Lacroix, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Valentino Garavani, William Shakespeare, Harper Lee, James Monroe, James Buchanan, Ulysses S. Grant, Harry S. Truman
Sensual Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Your sign loves great food, romance and beautiful things. Venus kicks your five senses into high gear, so you are are happiest when surrounded by the best of everything. Satin sheets, gourmet dinners, a glass of red wine, and boom…you’re relaxing into one of your famous, 14-hour naps. Not that you don’t work hard, too. Like a bull, Taurus operates at two speeds: either totally relaxed, or charging headfirst towards a target. You prefer to keep the peace, but when you’re pushed past your limit, watch out! Underneath it all, you just want to be comfortable, and surrounded by life’s finest offerings. Taurus knows what s/he likes, and that’s that. You stick with your opinions, and you don’t change unless there’s a really good reason. You can be stubborn…but on the upside, you’re also loyal and dependable. Just be careful not to get stuck in a safety zone or your life could become stagnant. Take a chance and try something new. Sometimes, change and risk can bring the progress and reward you’re wishing for. Ruled by the persistent and plodding Bull, Taurus energy has two speeds. It’s either relaxed and contented (like a steer luxuriating in a verdant pasture) or hyped-up and ready to charge. (Toro, toro!) This zodiac sign has a built-in energy conservation program. It will patiently assess whether something is worth the investment of time and resources. Then if the green light flashes, it’s all systems go! Until then, slow and steady wins the Taurus race. This sign encourages us to break our work into simple steps then take daily action. Taurus is the sign of the builder, helping us create concrete results for our diligent efforts. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary transit, we roll up our sleeves and get the job done. The positive essence of Taurus energy shows up as patient, organized, supportive, romantic, careful, and dedicated. On the flipside, Taurus energy can also be overindulgent, stubborn, lazy, vain, tightfisted and too cautious. Routine-loving Taurus can get us stuck in our comfort zones and habits. Make sure that consistency doesn’t turn into stagnation or inertia. Taurus is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn. Since Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the bedrock that sets the foundation. Many Taurus people are stabilizers, ensuring that there’s security for themselves and others. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary cycle, we all become more grounded and easygoing, taking the proper steps necessary to ascertain our goals through diligent effort and output. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty. Legend has it that when Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, Uranus’ blood spilled into the sea, impregnating the sea foam and giving birth to the goddess Venus. (Who knew this charming goddess came from such violent origins?) In Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is fully naked, perched exquisitely on a clam shell. That is sensual Taurus in a nutshell. This sign’s Venusian energy adds charm and embellishment to everything it touches, from food to fashion to home decor. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Taurus people can be grounding, bringing a sense of ease and contentment. Unless, that is, they’re worked up about something. Then steam pours out of their ears. You’ll see them pacing, muttering the same thing over and over, clenching their fists and looking like Bulls ready to charge! But when they’re content and in the groove, there’s no happier sign than Taurus. Lovers of the arts, you can find them composing photos, blissing out to music, losing themselves on the dance floor or preparing a feast fit for royalty. This affectionate, comfort-loving sign can indulge in hours of deep lounging or sensual boudoir play. As earth signs, they may love to go on walks, bike rides and hikes. Disclaimer: other Bulls think “communing with nature” means gazing at the French Riviera from the Hotel du Cap veranda, chilled rose in hand. Never go cheap on a Taurus, because these epicureans love the finer things. That said, they can be very down-to-earth and work hard to pay for their indulgences. (You might need to light a fire under their asses to get them going. Once in motion though, there’s no stopping this charging Bull!) Sure they can be materialistic, but really they just want tasteful creature comforts that last the test of time. And, if you’re lucky enough, they’ll share the finer things in life with you, too. Taurus is an old-fashioned type when it comes to love, a complex combo of toughness and sensitivity. To the outside world, you may appear completely composed, but inside, you’re a hopeless romantic looking for that “love of a lifetime.” Your needs are basic: you want a stable, loyal partner who’s affectionate and classy. Why, then, does it seem so hard to find? For one thing, Taurus hates change, and that’s why you don’t just throw yourself into relationships. Once you’re in, you’re in. Predictability may bore some, but for you, it simply provides a canvas on which you create a lovely twosome. Taurus is not a “player” sign. When a possessive Taurus finds her match, she plays for keeps. Sure, you’ve got not shortage of dates and admirers. Ruled by beauty-planet Venus, attractive Taurus is easy on the eyes. You love romantic trappings like fine restaurants, flowers, and gourmet chocolates, and will happily accept these gifts without falling in love. Nonetheless, it takes a long time for you to give away your heart–and only the strong will survive the wait! Wise Tauruses learn to hold out for the very best. In your world, that means someone with class, taste, good manners and style: someone who keeps the peace, but won’t get crushed by your natural strength. Although you hate drama, you also need a mate who brings their own spirit and flavor to the mix. Just because you like stability, doesn’t mean you’re boring. The right person for you will get this. Your public image is important to you, so your partner must never embarrass you in a social setting, or it’s curtains for that relationship.Although you’ve got a soft spot for your sweetie and offer great generosity, you’ve got your limits. Anyone who takes you for granted or crosses your boundaries will have a charging Bull to deal with! Your mates quickly learn that kindness does NOT equal weakness. Underneath that charm is a man or woman of steel! The driving force of your sign is loyalty, comfort and persistence. For you, a relationship is like a project, and you’ll remain attentive, self-sacrificing and caring toward your partner. There’s no stopping you when it comes to getting—and keeping—what you want. Dependable and reliable, you need to be needed. You’re quick to offer your help when your mate is behind on errands or needs a hand with a practical matter. Be careful, however, or you could go from queen to royal subject in his eyes. Being taken for granted is a common complaint among Tauruses. Sometimes, your helpful nature can just be too ever-present. You have to work at keeping the dynamic tension alive in relationships by remaining committed to and passionate about your own life. Abandonment issues are a Taurus Achilles heel, and you may fear that your partner will leave you if you say no to a request or aren’t always around. You must test the waters or you will never feel secure. If someone is going to leave you for having your own life, then he’s not “The One” for you anyway! You have a strong nesting instinct, and creating a comfortable home with your mate tops your list of fantasies. Ruled by Venus, you’re incredibly sensual. Touching, holding hands, and kissing are an all-night affair for you. Your sign loves to be pampered, so save your money for spa treatments that make you feel relaxed and beautiful. Couples massages are a big turn-on for you. Indulging in anything luxurious with your love by your side gives you a serious case of the warm-fuzzies. Taurus is one of the zodiac ’s hardest working signs—loyal, organized and persistent. While you love to lounge once the workday’s over, nobody is more dedicated when there’s a job to complete. You finish what you start, even if it means late hours and extra stress. This guarantees that you’ll always succeed, simply because you don’t quit until you do! Taurus rules the zodiac’s second house of daily income, so a steady paycheck is vital to your inner peace. Although you can prosper as a business owner, security is your top priority in life. The rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship may just make you nauseous. As a result, many Tauruses end up in high-ranking management positions, often in large, stable organizations, or industries like banking and real estate. (Bonus if you get to wear the stylish, upscale clothes you love.) Ruled by artistic Venus, Taurus is a highly creative sign. Be sure you don’t neglect this part of yourself just to get a regular check. Many Tauruses thrive in the arts, as dancers, painters (Salvador Dali), actors (Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz) and musicians (Stevie Wonder, Kelly Clarkson). Because Taurus rules the five senses, you’ve got a strong sense of color, gourmet tastebuds and a keen musical ear. At the very least, you’ll improve any environment you join. You understand that a company’s image is vital to its success, and you know just how to package a product or brand to give it that first-class touch.Because Tauruses hate change, you should thoroughly research any company or project before taking a job. Chances are, you’ll be there for a long time, so you want to be sure it’s a great fit. Another self-defeating habit to break? Being polite at your own expense. You tend to be proper and well-mannered, showing great respect to the higher-ups. Little do they know there’s a raging bull within you! If you’ve got an issue with a superior, you may hold back from telling her. Instead, you’ll gossip and complain to co-workers, driving them crazy. Eventually you explode, damaging your own reputation and burning valuable bridges. Better to have a calm, direct conversation when a problem first starts, before it gets out of hand.  BEST CAREERS FOR TAURUS: Banker, manager, real estate agent, photographer, filmmaker, interior designer, dancer, musician, art dealer, restaurant owner, makeup artist, singer.
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Gemini The Twins (May 21st to Jun. 20th) ♊︎
Symbol: The Twins Ruling Planet: Mercury — the planet of communication Body Part: Shoulders, arms, hands Element: Air Good Days: Fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, adventurous Bad Days: Restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, overwhelmed Favorite Things: Cell phones, fast cars, trendy clothes, obscure music, guitars, books, comedy clubs What they Hate: Small-minded people, dress codes, authority figures, silence, routines Secret wish: To have all the answers How to Spot Them: Mischievous twinkle in their eyes, reading, talking with their hands Where You’ll Find Them: Behind the camera, behind the deejay booth, in a chat room, arguing both sides on the debate team Keywords: Communication, Collaboration, Synergy, Cleverness, Wittiness,  Inventiveness,  Ingenuity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Libra, Aquarius Famous Geminis: Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Colin Farrell, Prince, Johnny Depp, Donald Trump, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube, Macklemore, Alanis Morissette, Fetty Wap, Kendrick Lamar, Iggy Azalea, Troye Sivan, North West, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Morgan Freeman, Blake Shelton, Kate Upton, Amy Schumer, Kanye West, Angelina Jolie, John F. Kennedy, George Bush, Walt Whitman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Joyce Carol Oates, Salmon Rushdie, George Orwell, Salvatore Ferragamo, Mary Kate & Ashley Olson, Charlotte Olympia Dellal
The Gemini mind (and mouth!) is a busy machine, always moving at warp speed. That’s because your sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury also rules technology and the mind, making Gemini one of the most curious and cutting-edge signs of the zodiac. If two is double the fun, then as the sign of the twins, you know it’s true! There are at least two personalities inside of you at all times. Adventurous Geminis change faster than the weather, and constantly flip between moods and interests. One day, you’re into frilly, girl stuff. The next day, you’re over that and skydiving out of an airplane. If possible, try to stick with a couple key passions for the long haul, and get really good at them. You love to chatter and you have a million great ideas. Keep your fast-moving mind and hands busy with email, instant messages, mobile gadgets, and great conversations. Watch a temptation to gossip. Keep a notebook handy to jot down your thoughts at all times. Ruled by the dual sign of the twins, Gemini energy circulates in a quick and frenetic way. Gemini rules communication and this sign inspires witty wordplays and dynamic dialogue. Gemini transits are great for brainstorming and socializing. This sign also craves “twin flame” and kindred spirit energy, and is always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary transit, we could find ourselves with the gift of gab, talking and conversing with others for hours hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics. Beware of becoming a “gossip girl,” though, as Gemini can crank up the rumor mill. As renowned Dr. Bernie Siegel says, “[we] have the ability to cure with either ‘words’ or kill with ‘swords.'” The essence of Gemini energy is fascinating, original, resourceful, charming, wise, and adventurous. The negative manifestation can devolve into restless, distracted, two-faced, judgmental, depressed, and overwhelmed energy. Gemini has a tendency to ride the roller coaster of life, spiraling skywards one minute and plunging into lows the next. If you can keep up with these vibes, though, you’ll have one helluva thrill! Gemini is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the air element. The other two air signs are Libra and Aquarius. Since Gemini is the first air element of the zodiac, it’s like the first gust of wind to circulate the communicative winds of change. Gemini people exhibit great creative synergy, instantly connecting people to each other. Under the influence of a Gemini planetary cycle, we’ll all be inclined to spend time with friends and focus on changing the world one idea at a time. Gemini is ruled by the fleet-footed messenger planet Mercury. Mercury would usually carry out requests and tasks at the command of other gods, even adopting multiple personas in order to fulfill his missions. This fits perfectly with Gemini’s ability to communicate between people and play out its varied theatrical roles. Mercury is usually depicted wearing winged sandals and a winged hat, which fits perfectly with this airy sign’s vibe. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Gemini is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Gemini people can come across as clever and quick-witted, eager to dish out the juiciest pieces of news and happenings to their friends via text message and social media. And in case that’s not enough, they’ll probably send you a Snapchat story for good measure. Geminis love fast cars, trendy clothes and any wacky gadgets or games they can tinker around with. Part of the fun (and curse) of Gemini people is that you’re never quite sure which personality you’re going to experience. Will it be the vivacious, pun-dishing jokester, or the snarky, mean-spirited critic? But if you’re willing to see Fifty Shades of Gemini, they’ll color your life in thrilling ways! Love: It ain’t easy for an ever-changing Gemini. As the sign of the Twins, you have so many sides to your personality, it’s hard to find one person who’s compatible with them all.  Then there’s the fact that you live to flirt! The courtship phase is your absolute favorite. You love everything from the suggestive sidelong glances to the naughty text messages that crescendo into a passionate sexcapade. Games are totally your thing. You love playing them and find people who don’t downright boring. Trouble is, you aren’t always great at distinguishing a fling from the real thing. You need a soulmate who is also your playmate. For you the fun, flirty stuff IS “serious.” Only a few special people understand that — and these are the ones you should go after. Although Geminis are capable of long-term commitments, it’s usually after an exhausting series of affairs or marriages that end as quickly as they started. One minute, you’re totally into someone; the next, you’ve lost interest and moved on to the next conquest. There’s no halfway for you. A part of you seeks eternal love; yet, you have an equal hunger for freedom. Until you’ve satisfied your thirst for variety, you can be quite the player. Your romantic taste buds are wild and unpredictable. Gemini track records include strippers, porn stars, circus performers and ex-cons — mixed between stockbrokers, religious leaders and foreign dignitaries. Ay caramba! So, who’s the perfect match for you? A versatile, young-at-heart mate who expands your horizons and shares your adventurous spirit. Someone who keeps you on your toes, doesn’t demand consistency, and celebrates your nuttiness can also win your heart. Since your sign rules communication, you also need someone who loves to talk, brainstorm and can hold their own in a debate. Love is a mental match for you.Once a Gemini finds that true playmate, you can be incredibly loyal. But nothing sends you running faster than a predictable, scripted life. Although you may take advantage of traditions and institutions like marriage and children, you must have an equal dose of rebellion woven in to stick around for the long haul. Join forces with a starry-eyed dreamer who knows when to bring in a dose of practical magic, and soon life will be the adventure for two you’ve always dreamed it could be! Hyperactive Geminis are impatient, impulsive and need constant stimulation. You thrive in a versatile career and a busy environment. As the sign of the Twins, you need a career that has many jobs in one. Bring on the multi-tasking! You simply aren’t meant to do just one thing. While other signs would feel overwhelmed by such a workload, having lots of variety makes you feel free.Gemini rules communication, so you thrive in an environment with lots of small talk, email, phone calls and little tasks. A quiet, sterile office would drive you insane. If you work at a desk, the job had better include a great computer, where you can fire off Instant Messages and hop between projects all day. Gemini also rules short trips, so you’re happy running around doing errands, or bringing materials between departments and chit-chatting along the way. As the zodiac’s Twin, you need an “other half” wherever you go. That can either be a nurturing boss or a supportive co-worker—any kindred spirit who can help you talk through your ideas and issues. Gemini is the sign of the teacher, so you love to mentor new people on the job — though you can be a bit impatient with the slow learners. You comprehend new information instantly, but remember that not everyone’s mind works as fast as yours! You also love to hook people up, and are always on the lookout for opportunities. Because Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of data, you’re often the first to hear about anything up-and-coming. With your mental Rolodex and ability to Google at lightning speed, you’re a one-stop connector for all your friends.The main Gemini hazard? Indecisiveness. Because you’re so multi-faceted, you may hesitate to commit to one career path, fearing you’ll be “trapped.” As a result, you end up in an endless string of unfulfilling jobs because you don’t want to commit. Here are a couple suggestions to keep you from being your own worst enemy: Be a consultant or a “project person.” Hone a field of expertise, then travel to different companies or departments and make them over. Or, work on projects with limited deadlines. Either way, the gig is short-term and there will be an end in sight, so you never have to feel trapped.Use your creativity. Geminis have huge imaginations. Can’t find an existing job you like, or a position in your company that suits you? Make one up! Work for yourself. At least you’ll always have the freedom you crave. Some happily self-employed Geminis we know? A hair colorist-stylist and a makeup artist. Guess all those wild colors and new styles keep their imaginations stimulated.Give yourself a year. If you take a traditional job in a large company and already feel like you’ll be stuck there forever, commit to a year, or six months. Plan to reevaluate at that time. If you still like the job then, stay. If not, cut loose and move on! BEST CAREERS FOR GEMINI: Journalist, consultant, web developer, agent, entrepreneur, makeup artist, hairstylist, editor, project manager, film director, yoga teacher, interpreter, stand-up comedian, DJ, day trader
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Cancer The Crab (Jun.21st to Jul. 22nd) ♋︎
Symbol: The Crab Ruling Planet: Moon–celestial body of moods and emotions Body Part: Chest, stomach Element: Water Good Days: Helpful, patient, caring, kind, empathetic, compassionate, nurturing, romantic, creative Bad Days: Gossipy, clingy, moody, crabby, clique-y, isolated, uncommunicative, hypersensitive, overly competitive Favorite Things: Gourmet meals, intramural sports, hosting parties, working with kids, museums and art galleries What they Hate: Tacky clothes, frozen dinners, public speaking, being rushed, paying full price Secret wish: To take care of friends and family How to Spot Them: Walking with their chests puffed out, round “moon-like” facial features Where You’ll Find Them: Shopping for antiques and rare finds, creating a masterpiece with a guitar or art supplies, listening to live bands, in the kitchen Keywords: Nurturing, Sensitivity, Emotions, Moodiness, Home, Family, Children, Femininity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Scorpio, Pisces  Famous Cancers: Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Khloe Kardashian, Jaden Smith, Kourtney Kardashian, Vin Diesel, Robin Williams, Lana Del Ray, Lindsay Lohan, Gisele Bundchen, Li’l Kim, Courtney Love, Pamela Anderson, OJ Simpson, Selena Gomez, Khloe Kardashian, John Quincy Adams, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald R. Ford, George W. Bush, Franz Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pablo Neruda, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Bronte, Vera Wang, Giorgio Armani, Oscar de la Renta
Sensitive Cancer Zodiac is ruled by the ever-changing Moon, and your moods go through many cycles. You’re intuitive and nurturing, even psychic. Pay attention to your dreams, especially near a Full Moon. You are sensitive and loyal, with a ready shoulder to cry on. Cancer loves to get domestic, serving your friends and family home-baked goodies and tea. When you get moody, you need to be comforted, or else just left alone. Like a crab, you can cling — or pinch — when you feel threatened or vulnerable. And thrifty Cancers can pinch pennies just as tightly. (Of course, you also love to spend! It’s a mood thing.) To make life easier, surround yourself with comfort: a cozy sweater, a favorite book, trusted friends, and a stash of your favorite goodies. Cancers are close to their moms, so keep yours on speed-dial and call her when you’re down. You may be an unofficial mom to everyone in your life, too. Taking care of kids, friends, and pets can keep your spirits high. The zodiac sign Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, with its impenetrable outer shell and vulnerable underside. Just as the Crab claw grips, Cancer energy makes us cling to comforts—from job security to beloved family members and pets. The Crab also carries its home on its back, and Cancer is about setting up a cozy and safe space wherever it goes. Change can threaten this security-seeking sign, which seeks to plant deep roots. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary transit, we feel sentimental and nostalgic. These are times for nurturing ourselves and our loved ones. The essence of Cancer energy is sensitive, domestic, feminine, maternal, compassionate, care-taking, romantic, and creative. Negative Cancer vibes can be gossipy, cliquey, isolated, passive-aggressive, hypersensitive, and overly competitive. Under the Cancer influence, emotions and intuition overrule their logic and intellect. Cancer rules the stomach and literally urges us to “go with our gut.” Cancer energy is the ultimate Chicken Soup for the Soul, and once you’ve sipped from the Crab’s consommé  you feel soothed and nurtured. However, we may play it too safe or feel smothered by too much Cancer energy, which can veer into coddling and codependence. Cancer is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the water element. The other two water signs are Scorpio and Pisces. Since Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac, it’s the fluid river that gets the emotion ocean and creative juices flowing. Cancer people are excellent caretakers, making sure that everyone around them is feeling happy and content. Under the influence of a Cancer planetary cycle, we’ll feel a deep urge to nest and spend time with our families or loved ones. Ah, la luna! The moon is the closest celestial body to our Earth—and the one that affects our moods the most. The moon rules the “inner” self, arousing our deepest soul desires and emotional cravings. In ancient Greek mythology, Serene served as the goddess of the moon, driving her horse-led chariot through the night sky. Although there are multiple lunar deities, all of them are depicted as feminine or female in nature. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Cancer people are homebodies at heart, even if they’re out and about in the working world or the queen bees of their social hives. They love returning to a space that they can call their own. Home and deep bonds, especially female ones, keep them feeling secure. Many Cancers are passionate foodies who love to cook and of course, eat! Many Crabs love to host their own house parties for a regular crew. Creative Cancers are the ultimate culture vultures, always up on the latest Michelin-starred restaurant, new band or raved-about independent film. Great with kids and pets, Cancers make excellent parents and caretakers. Need a little TLC? Call on Cancer, who’s always ready with a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. (Be warned: You will need to return the favor soon enough!) But don’t get too hooked on Cancer’s compassion or your relationship can get codependent. That shell can be a bit too snug and Crabs can lose perspective, lapsing into pessimism. Before claustrophobia strikes, make sure to set healthy boundaries. Encourage Cancers to dry their tears and face their fears. They need friends who give them space to vent but also remind them of their strength. Cancer is the sign of family and children, ruler of the heart and all its matters, which you take rather seriously. While your friends are playing the field or ordering their first legal cocktails, you’re busy picking names for your future children or mentally decorating their nurseries.Crabs hang with a tight circle of friends, and you may find your mate within yours. Since you only trust your inner posse, your pals may act as a romantic referral service. A homebody at heart, you just want to cozy up on the couch with your mate — although you love to be taken out, princess style. You’re highly intuitive but equally moody, so your partner needs to respect your emotions. A sensitive, sometimes insecure creature, you need stability and lots of reassurance—which is why you’re strongly attracted to confident, successful types. Cancers can be mama’s or daddy’s girls/boys, so you need a nurturing, trustworthy partner with whom you can build a nest. Although you have dozens of crushes, falling in love is serious business to you. Your sensitive nature makes you uncomfortable opening up. As a result, in matters of the heart you take a long time to decide if a partner is reliable enough to hear your deepest secrets. Once you do, you’re in for the long haul.Since you’re so close to your family, your mate MUST get along with your kin or the relationship simply won’t work. You live for those cozy, multi-generational Thanksgiving dinners and family vacations. A partner who loves kids and family is just your type.Still, you’ve gotta cut the cord, which many Cancers are reluctant to do.  Like a Crab, you can cling, and it takes a long time for you to let go of love.Cancers should look for the right combination of toughness and tenderness, and a steady partner who is both loyal and sympathetic. Players beware — this sign is looking for security and closeness, not a casual fling. Fortunately, you’re not easily fooled by the smooth-talking types. In fact, you can be quite the challenge for prospective mates. Try softening up that tough “crab shell” a little and revealing more of who you are when out on dates. This actually increases your chances of attracting a compatible mate who shares your interests or creative appetite for life. Security is Cancer’s number-one career goal, and you need a job where you feel safe and at home. You nestle right into your career with the same spirit that you use to create a warm household. You’ll cozy up your workspace with personal touches, like a candy bowl, funky artwork or a comfy pillow.As the ruler of the zodiac’s fourth house of home, family and hospitality, Cancers do well working in the hotel, restaurant and childcare industries. You’re the zodiac’s “mother” sign, and you’ll nurture everyone who crosses your path. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be Mother Earth for a living, though. You’re just highly sensitive, and you’ll bring that intuitive touch to everything, whether you work in the arts or at a strict corporate job (both sectors where Cancers thrive). As a natural homebody, home-based work also appeals to you. Freelance writing, computer programming — anything you can do in flip-flops and your favorite comfy T-shirt is the perfect gig.  Warning: don’t isolate yourself so much that you lose touch with the world. Cancers can disappear into their cozy crab-shells, but too much time in there can make you seriously lose perspective. You could get moody and depressed. If that happens, get out and mingle with your fellow human beings! That said, Cancer, you can just as easily fortress yourself in an office job, too. You may hide behind work or create a little office clique and shun everyone else. Should that happen, push yourself to embrace new opportunities and people outside your comfort zone. You’ll always do best when you allow your horizons to expand. Remember, it’s safer out there than you think! BEST CAREERS FOR CANCER: Corporate executive, childcare worker, editor, writer, gallery owner, art director, interior designer, women’s rights lawyer, urban planner, family therapist, bed and breakfast owner, computer systems analyst or programmer, home-based business owner, organizational strategist.
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Leo The Lion (Jul. 23rd to Aug. 22nd) ♌︎
Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Ruling Planet: The Sun Body Part: Heart, upper back, spine Good Day: Courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest, entertaining Bad Day: Arrogant, wasteful, sloppy, cold-hearted, jealous, aggressive Favorite Things: Theaters, cameras, DVDs, rich desserts, red roses, exchanging gifts, singing, affection, compliments, great clothes What You Hate: Being ignored, silver medals (instead of gold), bland food, being alone, goodbyes Secret Wish: To rule the world How to Spot Them: Distinctive mane of hair, regal posture Where You’ll Find Them: Producing, directing and starring in their own independent films, swept away in a romantic escapade, running for President Keywords: Passion, Romance, Expression, Drama, Playfulness, Courageous, Loyal Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Aries, Sagittarius Famous Leos: Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, J.K. Rowling. Kylie Jenner, Barack Obama, Demi Lovato, Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, Robert DeNiro, Robert Redford, Jennifer Lawrence, Cara Delevingne, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Brady, Anna Kendrick, Joe Jonas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Hemsworth, Whitney Houston, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence, Bill Clinton, Alduous Huxley, Yves Saint-Laurent, Coco Chanel, Michael Kors, Domenico Dolce
The Sun is the center of our solar system and the ruler of Leo. When the whole universe revolves around you, it’s hard to be humble! Like the Sun, Leo heats everything up with its dazzling drama. And when the Sun sets, it’s ice, ice baby. That’s why friends of Leo know to keep them happy and shining…or else. Leo is the sign of drama, and oh, can you put on a show! Even the Leos who pretend to be shy come to life in the spotlight. A natural-born leader, you love to be the boss. Leos need mega-doses of praise and appreciation, which may cause people to think you’re self-centered. The truth is, you have a huge heart, and you’re the zodiac’s most generous sign. You’re always there to help, spoil, and protect the people you love. So what if your appetite is huge? Your energy may be hard for others to match. Remember, people express love in different ways, and not everyone can show it like you do. But it’s never boring to be part of your glamorous world, so let your star shine. Somebody’s gotta rule, and it might as well be you! Ruled by the proud and fierce Lion, Leo energy is expressive and flamboyant in nature. It makes us fiercely protective of our passion projects and our loved ones. Leo inspires us to lead from the heart and wear our emotions on our sleeves.  Under a Leo planetary transit, we can get swept away in our personal theatrics and romantic affairs, fully opening ourselves to the splendor of our desires and self-expression. The essence of Leo energy is courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest and entertaining. Negative manifestations of Leo energy can be arrogant, greedy, sloppy, coldhearted, jealous, aggressive and vain. Leo energy can cause us to upstage those around us, forgetting that each and every person is a valuable member to a team. Yet, we can direct the Leo flair for powerful leadership and let everyone have their spot in the sunshine. Used properly, Leo energy leaves others awakened and revitalized in an empowering way. Leo is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Aries and Sagittarius. Since Leo is the second fire element in the zodiac, it turns the flame into a roaring fire with the intensity of its heat felt by all. Many Leo people are magnetic performers and natural born leaders. Under the influence of a Leo planetary cycle, we’ll all feel the burning desire to steal the spotlight and shine, shine, shine! At the same time, we may step on some toes and get a little overzealous, even pissing people off with our bossy demeanor. Leo is ruled by the great ball of fire that is the center of our universe, the Sun. Typically, the Sun represents the ego and the masculine life force energy found in humans. In Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology, Apollo was the Sun god who drove his chariot of flaming horses around the Earth during the day time, setting the skies afire with bright light. It’s no wonder that Leo has such fierce and fiery fervency! The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Leos are entertainers at heart: they know how to spin a story, belt a tune and to get others hyped up around them. Warm-hearted and authentic, Leos can offer great strength and heroism in the face of adversity, pouncing upon obstacles with their prowess and determination to be Number One. You can often find them going to the theater—or starring in a production themselves!—and taking endless photos and videos. Wooing them romantically means pulling out all the stops. Treat Leo to luxe but meaningful gifts, oversized roses, lavish dates, and they might just decide to pounce on YOU! Sometimes their energy can be too dramatic or overbearing. But if you’re willing to adore your Leo—paws, flaws, and all—you’ll be rewarded richly with their worshipful devotion and affection. That said, some Leos can fall more into the “ice queen/king” realm of their royal family. These haughty and aloof Lions who can be self-centered and even elitist. They must work to open their hearts, giving rather than just taking. Sure having all the toys feels good for a moment. But they may learn the hard way that it can be lonely at the top! Romance-a-holics by nature, Leo loves being in love—and your proud, flamboyant sign wants the whole world to know when you are. Some of the most high profile romances have been between two Leos, like Madonna and Sean Penn, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (a.k.a. “Bennifer”), Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Plain and simple, Leos love drama — in fact, your sign rules it. Unless there ‘s romance and fireworks that light up the sky, you want no part of the relationship. Red roses, poetry, expensive gifts…you’ll take it all. Spoiling and being spoiled are the name of the game. Still, the number-one addiction for a Leo is attention. A person can keep you hooked for years by giving you intense doses of it, then pulling it away, leaving you chasing desperately after another fix. Although you’re totally together with your career and family, your love life may read like a bad soap opera. Friends cringe at your romantic choices, and you may even lose a few pals to your drama. Beware of this cycle, as it’s extremely difficult for Leos to break! Leos rule the jungle, and you’re the boss in all you do. Because you’re so powerful, it can be hard for you to find a mate who can keep up. As long as your mate makes you feel like royalty, you don’t care if s/he’s a dysfunctional loser, or a few notches below your level—you’ll still design a throne to match yours. A little worship goes a long way. In fact, you may secretly prefer it that way. Watch out though, because your royal treasures can be drained by playing Sugar Mama/Daddy. Dig deeper if you find yourself caught up in this cycle. It may feel exciting (at first) to have a kept person in your life, but lurking below the surface are your own control issues. When you pay, you have the say—but you can also lose your attraction and respect. How about being with someone who can pull their own weight AND participate in a fair and equal dynamic? It IS possible, so hold out for another superstar instead of settling. Loyalty is huge for a Leo, and you stick by your mate no matter what (unless, of course, a dazzling new playmate sweeps you away when your current amour has been neglecting you). Your secret weapon? Your heart. The warmth, generosity and love you offer are addictive to your mates. You are a wonderful parent, a beloved friend and a pillar in your community. Ruled by the Sun, you are your partner’s life source, and s/he may simply want to bask in your rays, content to be a lesser constellation. Learn the true worth of what you offer, Leo, and you will never have to settle for the crumbs you’ve called a relationship again. Although your ego may jockey for control of your romantic choices, set your sights on a loving, mutual, RESPECTFUL relationship that’s based on equality and true support. You may learn that a little less glamour is a worthwhile tradeoff for the healthy relationship you truly crave. Proud, loyal Leos are the heart and soul of any organization. Ruled by the Sun, you bring warmth and excitement to your workplace, even a splash of drama. There’s no question – you’re in charge, and everyone senses it. As the Jungle Queen, Leo’s royal ranking just makes itself known.Passionate and dynamic, you love a job where you can champion people or a cause. Leos are great performers, public speakers and diplomats. You ooze charm and love talking to people. You’re incredibly creative, with a contagious, childlike enthusiasm that inspires your co-workers (as long as you don’t go too far with it). You’ll bake cupcakes for an office-mate’s birthday, or plan a baby shower—as a loyal Lion, everyone is part of your den. Just don’t get your feelings hurt when others don’t return the favor. Not everyone sees things the same way that you do, so make sure you’re giving is unconditional. One of Leo’s most impressive qualities is that you KNOW you deserve to be at the top. Even when you’re not the actual boss, people respond to your power and leadership. That will either land you a leadership role or a bunch of enemies. As long as your high self-image matches reality, you’ll be a beloved ruler. However, a Leo or two in her day has been guilty of an ego trip, feeling entitled to a high-ranking role without paying the requisite dues. If you’re not rising to the top as quickly as you’d like, ask a close friend for a brutally honest reality check. Are you being too bossy or pushy? A little patience, some humble pie and lots of hard work (which you’re quite capable of doing) will go a long way to win respect.Being adored is so important to Leos that on the flipside, many stay in low-paying jobs just to feel “needed.” Praise and appreciation put fuel in your tank, but they don’t put money in the bank. Make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth, too! Remember, you’re the zodiac’s star, and you deserve to shine. BEST CAREERS FOR LEO: Actor, teacher, counselor, artist, interior decorator, lawyer, agent, performer, artist, religious leader, CEO, event planner, human rights advocate, children’s author, politician, public speaker, motivational trainer, dancer, owner of a creative empire, fashion designer, game developer, animal trainer
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Virgo The Virgin (Aug. 23rd to Sept. 22nd) ♍︎
Symbol: The Virgin Element: Earth Quality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Mercury — the planet of communication Body Part: Stomach, waist, digestive system Good Day: Dedicated, resourceful, helpful, hardworking, witty, practical Bad Day: Preachy, self-destructive, overwhelmed, self-pitying, uptight, critical Favorite Things: Laptops, magazines, long showers with aromatherapy soaps, outdoor concerts, childhood friends, Trivial Pursuit What You Hate: Lazy or vulgar people, dive bars, spicy food, leaving home, toothpaste squeezed from the top of the tube Secret Wish: To be a hero How to Spot Them: Baby faces, roving eyes that are sizing up or analyzing a situation Where You’ll Find Them: Babysitting for the neighbor’s kids, running errands on their endlessly long to-do lists, building something with their own two hands, cleaning something to spotless condition Keywords: Health, Helpfulness, Order, Organization, Innocence, Purity Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Taurus, Capricorn Famous Virgos: Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Richard Gere, Lea Michele, Zendaya, Nick Jonas, Bernie Sanders, Cameron Diaz, Niall Horan, Quvenzhane Wallis, Paul Walker, Kobe Bryant, Jimmy Fallon, Flo Rida, Blake Lively, Adam Sandler, Wiz Khalifa, Pink, Shania Twain, Sean Connery, Harry Connick Jr., Lilly Tomlin, Amy Poehler, William Howard Taft, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mary Shelley, Leo Tolstoy, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Tom Ford, Karl Lagerfeld
Detail-oriented Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication. Virgos are always analyzing everything, forming opinions and judgments. On the outside, you seem sweet and innocent, but your quick mind never misses a detail. Virgo is also the sign of service, and you’re always there when help is needed. You’re an amazing, careful listener, and as a result, you give the best advice. You love to analyze everything! In fact, you can drive yourself crazy, because you never stop thinking. Virgo is a perfectionist who sees every flaw, and at times, you’re a little too critical. Relax your mind by channeling it into a project, like solving a crossword puzzle, writing a story, or organizing your desk. As an earth sign, you love the outdoors, so chill out in nature, or try a sport like karate. Remember, it’s easy for helpful Virgo to give, but harder for you to receive. Let your friends pitch in and support you, too! Try opening up a little more. You don’t have to be perfect to be loveable. Just be yourself. Ruled by the nurturing, orderly and rule-abiding Virgin, Virgo energy focuses on control, purification and organization. Imagine a bookshelf that needs sorting, and you’ll find Virgo categorizing by color, book title, and author, usually just for fun. Virgo helps us to maintain a sense of efficiency and conduct in our physical realities, and can be very supportive as it’s not focused on shining in the limelight. Perfectionism can be an issue. Under a Virgo planetary transit, we may find ourselves caught in waves of “analysis paralysis,” wanting to make a million decisions down to the last detail but unable to make a move. The essence of Virgo energy is dedicated, resourceful, helpful, hardworking, health-conscious, analytical, clever, witty, and practical. In its negative state, Virgo energy can be preachy, self-destructive, anxious, overwhelmed, self-pitying, uptight, and critical. Virgo pickiness and sky-high standards have their uses, but can wreak havoc on relationships with ourselves and others. Since Virgo rules the sixth house of health and fitness, wellness and all things “green” (from kale smoothies to cleaning up the planet) fall under its domain. Virgo is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Taurus and Capricorn. Since Virgo is the second earth sign in the zodiac, it picks up where Taurus left off and quickly arranges schedules and an impeccable building plan to be constructed around Taurus’ solid foundation. During a Virgo planetary cycle, we’ll be quick to pinpoint the divine in the details, crafting an exact blueprint to the nearest thousandth of an inch so that we can accomplish our goals. Virgo energy motivates us to try a new workout routine or revamp the systems and schedules we use to manage our lives. It can also make people anxious (even neurotic) about the future. During Virgo transits, we can get caught up in “What ifs?” Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by the fleet-footed messenger planet Mercury. In mythology, Mercury carried out requests and tasks at the command of other gods, even adopting multiple personas in order to fulfill his missions. This fits perfectly with Virgo’s ability to multitask and check off their never-ending to-do lists with precision. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Virgo is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. From work ethic to wardrobe, impeccable Virgos are the epitome of #flawless. They can pull off the “I Woke Up Like This” look—even if they’d rather spend a couple of hours primping and putting themselves together in the mirror. Because Virgos can get stressed from micromanaging their lives (and other people’s!), downtime is crucial for them. They cherish their solitude and can spend indulgent hours reading, writing, planning, decluttering or dreaming up creative projects. But they’ll always spring into action for a friend in need. Because observant Virgos can quickly spot the flaws in everything, they can come across as critical or judgmental. They’re only trying to help! But when they lapse into preachy mode, they may need a reminder that they don’t have to “fix” the world. As hard as Virgos may be on loved ones, they’re even harder on themselves. This giving sign needs to learn the art of receiving—a lifelong struggle for many. Picky Virgo, love can be a challenge when your high standards get involved. As the zodiac’s perfectionist, it’s hard for anyone to measure up to your criteria. You’d rather be alone than settle—a great attitude, as long as you keep your expectations realistic.When applied correctly, this weeding-out process chases away the losers and can even tame eternal bachelors. Many times, though, you barely give anyone a chance. One human slip-up can be a fatal flaw for your suitors. Since first dates are often filled with nervous moments, you may need to give people a tad more leeway. Analytical Virgos have a way of sizing people up, your eyes squinting as you assess the creature in front of you. You don’t mean any harm—you just can’t help noticing every detail! However, it can be quite intimidating for the person under the Virgo microscope. Underneath it all, is the fact that you’re just incredibly hard on yourself. Thank your inner critic for sharing then tell it to shut up. It will give you a lot more tolerance for other people’s “imperfections.” Wise and worldly though you are, there’s a certain childlike innocence about you as well. No matter how tough or wild you act, when it comes to romance, Virgos have an old-fashioned streak. You want the full fantasy, complete with a dashing suitor who sweeps you off your feet (or vice-versa). Even if you run a physics lab or boast several PhDs, your romantic notions remain simplistically sweet. Amid the fantasies, however, your soulmate still has to pass a long, practical checklist. For starters, this person has to be clean (Virgos are hygiene freaks), loyal, respectful and intelligent. No dummies make it past a first date with picky Virgo — not even the hot ones! Bookish Virgos can be introverts, and many of you are reluctant to spill your secrets, which makes it hard for people to get close to you. Or, you may dump out all your baggage right away, assuming that the other person can already see all your so-called flaws. Both of these extreme attitudes can prevent you from forming lasting relationships. Although everyone appreciates a great listener, make sure you’re not lending your ears in order to avoid opening up. And if you’re tempted to spill your dirty laundry too quickly, take a deep breath and talk about the weather instead. Like a Virgin, you need to be wooed and courted. Flings bore you, and you rarely indulge in them (or they end up turning into long-term relationships despite your intentions). Virgos have an eye on the real thing. Your family must approve of your mate—and this person will eventually be paraded in front of them before you decide if s/he’s a keeper. You should be able to picture this person as the co-parent of your children. You may be sentimental, but you’re far more practical. You choose with your head before your heart.There’s one exception to this trend. As the sign of the helper, Virgos need to be needed. This can tempt you to fall for a “fixer-upper” type who leaves you drained and unsupported. Remember, it’s not your job to be someone’s therapist or helpmate. There are people who charge $150 an hour to do that—and chances are, you’ve got your own neuroses to deal with.To keep yourself in check, make sure you’re not falling in love with a person’s potential. Just because you’re capable of running the show doesn’t mean that you should! Although it can be easier to give and receive, relationships are a two-way street. Virgos will do anything to avoid that vulnerable feeling of DEPENDING on someone. Yet, once you let down your walls and try it, you’ve just laid the groundwork for real love. Aim for mutuality and respect, a true balance of give and take. Busy-bee Virgo loves to work. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you’re constantly thinking and strategizing. You always need something to do! Obsessed with organization, many Virgos end up as office managers, or running a bustling department. Your detail-oriented mind keeps track of every little item, and you’re always planning ahead. Filing, labeling, managing data—what seems like a chore to others is a fun day at the office for you. You can’t stand seeing things out of place! You’d be a great interior designer or “clutter consultant,” helping people organize their spaces and minimize junk. (Ironically, you hate throwing anything away yourself, but at least you organize it in neat, ever-growing piles.)With your sharp mind and keen listening skills, you make an excellent journalist, Virgo. You know how to get the facts and put a great story together! Virgo, you’re not afraid to ask people tough questions and get to the bottom of a story. You’re fascinated by what makes people tick, and love to learn about each person you meet. That also makes you a great therapist, social worker or human resources director. Many Virgos are also whizzes at accounting, and as an Earth sign, you excel in natural sciences like biology or botany. You love being outdoors, so why not make nature your virtual office? You have quite a green thumb, and are great with gardening, too.As the ruler of the zodiac’s sixth house of health and organization, a lot of Virgos end up in healing professions, working as yoga teachers, acupuncturists or nutritionists. Quite likely you have a cabinet full of vitamins and herbal remedies, so you’ll always be the unofficial office “doctor,” no matter where you work. Bottom line, you’ve got plenty of options. The only thing that can mess with a Virgo’s success is your perfectionism. Virgo is a highly self-critical sign, and you may avoid going for your dream job because you think you aren’t ready. Take a risk and try! Chances are, you’re way more qualified than you think. Also, your ruler Mercury makes you an information magnet. You’re always the first to hear office gossip, but avoid the temptation to spread it. Lastly, know when to chill. If you take your detail obsession overboard, you can turn into a workaholic and control freak, intimidating co-workers. Remember, everyone has to go home sometime, and that includes you! BEST CAREERS FOR VIRGO: Journalist, office manager, veterinarian, biologist, accountant, social worker, systems designer, project manager, holistic coach
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Libra The Scales (Sept. 23rd to Oct. 22nd) ♎︎
Symbol: The Scales of Justice Element: Air Ruling Planet: Venus — the planet of beauty and love Body Part: Lower back, butt Good Day: Charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, hopelessly romantic Bad Day: Vain, indecisive, melodramatic, manipulative, spoiled, delusional Favorite Things: Concerts at large venues, poetry, expensive jewelry, designer clothes, rich food What You Hate: Dull or practical people, bullies, being pressured to decide, saying goodnight, hearing the word “maybe” Secret Wish: To love and be loved in return How to Spot Them: Small symmetrical features, dimples, gentle eyes, outrageous designer outfits Where You’ll Find Them: Dancing the night away at a warehouse party, philosophizing about life at a coffeeshop, tucked away at home writing a novel, procrastinating, happily mingling at a social event  Keywords: Commitment, Partnership, Equality, Balance, Mutuality, Fairness Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Gemini, Aquarius  Famous Librans: Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruno Mars, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stefani, Zac Efron, John Lennon, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Putin, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Shel Silverstein, T.S. Eliot, E.E. Cummings, Oscar Wilde, Donna Karan, Sergio Rossi, Ralph Lauren
Gentle Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty and love. Perhaps that explains your smooth talk and pretty face. Like Taurus, which is also Venus-ruled, Libras love to be surrounded by art, culture and beauty in a soft, harmonious environment. You love good food and expensive things. Lovely Libra knows how to charm but behind your dimples and sweet personality, you’re a fighter. Libra is the sign of the scales, and you can’t stand anything that’s unfair or unbalanced. You love a designer outfit as much as you adore a good debate. You’ll stand up for justice, and you’ll do it with style. Libra hates to be rushed–you prefer that everything happen your way, on your time. If that means you’re ten hours late, so be it. You’re a social butterfly who loves to be surrounded by people in a beautiful setting, talking and hanging out for hours. Just remember to save some time for yourself. Libras can get so caught up in the moment, they forget to handle their own responsibilities. Learn the beauty of being organized, and you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy your beautiful life. Symbolized by the Scales of Justice, Libra epitomizes balance and fairness. This sign’s influence helps restore equilibrium to all affairs, no matter how big or small. From settling a major legal or ethical conflict to determining the best place to hang a painting, Libra energy will stop at nothing to establish interpersonal and aesthetic consonance. Under a Libra planetary transit, we can regain our footing in relationships and seek more balance in our lives. The essence of Libra energy is charming, lovable, fair, sincere, sharing, beautiful and hopelessly romantic. Negative expressions of Libra energy can be vain, indecisive, melodramatic, manipulative, spoiled and delusional. Libra energy enhances our social graces and turns our attention to beauty and style. In Italy, there’s an expression known as la bella figura, in which Italian natives not only dress to impress but also exhibit their brightest, best personalities when in the company of others. Libra transits help us achieve that kind of inner and outer beauty, making us feel like the fairest of them all. Libra is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the air element. The other two air signs are Gemini and Aquarius. Since Libra is the second air signs, it directs Gemini’s gregarious gusts into gust of grace, good manners and social charms. But Libra is no gale force—this sign brings the winds of change in such a mild and moderate way that you barely even notice that you’ve been swept somewhere new. The essence of air is communicative, intellectual and aids the spread of ideas. With Libra’s interpersonal flair added in, this sign inspires compromise, helpful dialogue and successful relationships. Under the influence of a Libra planetary cycle, we may crave a dynamic duo to accomplish goals that we might not be able to achieve flying solo. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty. Legend has it that when Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, Uranus’ blood spilled into the sea, impregnating the sea foam and giving birth to the goddess Venus. In Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is fully naked, perched exquisitely on a clam shell. Venusian energy adds charm and embellishment to everything it touches, from food to fashion to personality. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Libra is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Peace, love, and harmony is the Libra M.O. You’ll instantly be swept away by Libra’s charm and pleasant demeanor, enchanged by their wide array of conversation topics. Libra people are the perfect partners for a social justice project, interior design masterpiece, or even just a peaceful day picnicking in the park and strolling around the town. Set these social butterflies free at a networking event and they’ll own the room. Some Libras can be reserved and formal at first. But once you get them talking, a five minute conversation can morph into a three-hour philosophical discourse! Because Libra seeks compromise, this sign dislikes conflict and anything that feels “unfair.” In fact, if you meet an angry Libra, chances are this sign is riled up about an ongoing injustice. Their system simply can’t tolerate it! Many Libras are natural diplomats who will do everything to negotiate between warring parties that just can’t get along. They can accurately see both sides to a situation, and often resolve disputes in an equitable way for all involved. However, there is a population of Libras whose Venusian appetites rule them, eclipsing their sign’s sensibility and driving them to pursue material indulgence at any cost. These Librans use their natural charms and good looks to manipulate others into taking care of them or doing their bidding. As the sign of the Judge, some Libras can even tip the scales into dictatorial behavior and power trips (Libras Simon Cowell, Margaret Thatcher and Vladimir Putin are examples of Libras with a “my way or the highway” attitude). When it comes to their own decision-making, they have an even harder time and will vacillate between “Should I?” or “Shouldn’t I?” You can find Libra people taking in culture at a gallery opening, indulging in a sweet treat or gourmet health food, or shopping for a couture or hand-crafted piece to add to their impressive wardrobes. Libra rules the zodiac’s seventh house of relationships, and you’re at your best when you have a companion to share your life with. A romantic idealist, you’ll wander the Earth looking for the perfect match. In fact, you’ll wait years until the right person comes along, leaving friends and family wondering why someone with your charm and good looks is still single. And if you’re reading this Libra love horoscope, you may be wondering too.Attractive Libra is ruled by beauty-planet Venus. With your wit, finesse, and style, you have plenty of admirers. Many Libras sport finely balanced features and a cute set of dimples. Grooming is important to aesthetic Libras, and you expect your partners to maintain good appearances. Since outgoing Libras love to mingle, you could meet your true love at a party, a singles event…anywhere you can dress up or display your social graces. As the sign of the scales, you’re constantly seeking balance, and for that reason, it’s crucial that you choose partners wisely. Admit it, you can be a softie at times, so watch out for dominating people who try to steamroll you with their demands. Libra is big on equality and fairness, and you need an open-minded mate who wants to share and share alike. You’re equal parts sugar and spice. You like to debate (for fun only—your peace-loving sign hates conflict). You want to be with someone who’s passionate about a few issues, though not too forceful. Your gentle disposition can’t deal with an imposing personality.Libras hate to be rushed and may take years to commit, driving their eager-to-settle-down mates crazy. Like the scales the represent your sign, you’re always going back and forth, “Is this person right for me or not? Could I do better or is this as good as it gets?” While it’s fine to take it slow, you could lose some great catches to your endless deliberating. Libra may be the one sign that actually NEEDS an ultimatum: marry me or else! If you’re that type of Libra, consider this: in a survey of elderly people, most reported that they only regretted the things they DIDN’T try in life, and regretted nothing that they did. So don’t let your fear of making a mistake stop you from taking risks! Who knew this Libra love horoscope was going to be so motivational? The other Libra pitfall is dependency. Since your sign rules the zodiac’s seventh house of “other people,” you may lean too heavily on those around you, expecting them to carry your emotional baggage. This can prevent you from developing a key relationship skill: the ability to feel absolutely whole and content by yourself. The trick for Libras? Strive for balance within yourself, first and foremost. Then, seek a harmonious, equal relationship with a partner who balances you out, and needs you as much as you need him/her. We hope this Libra love horoscope was helpful. Now go out there and find Libra love.  Lucky for you, Libra, you rule the zodiac’s seventh house of relationships: people are your profession! You do best in a career that allows you to work with others — to need and be needed. You thrive on a team, or championing another’s cause as an agent, broker, or representative. With your charm and diplomacy, few can say no to a Libra!Libras love getting to know people, and you may have a mile-long contact list in your cell phone. This is your secret success weapon. Unlike other signs, you rarely shy away from an office party or networking event. You’re in your element when “schmoozing,” but you’ll also go beyond the superficial and share informed opinions. Libra, if you want to build your career, go to well-attended parties and take lots of business cards! We also recommend the book Never Eat Alone, which illustrates how everything you need for career success within your own circle. Ruled by beauty-loving Venus, many Libras work in the arts, or inside the beauty, fashion and design industries. Since you naturally understand balance, you could also work as an architect, graphic designer or engineer. You’re sensitive to color, decor and proportion. Either way, a tasteful work environment is a must. If you’re an entry-level person with little pull, snag a window seat or pretty up your workspace with lovely Libran touches like flowers, framed photos and elegant office accessories. Libra is the peacemaker sign; you hate conflict. You’ll either avoid it by working in a harmonious environment, or you’ll leap into the fray as a career as a social justice advocate, peace activist or even an attorney. As the sign of the scales, you’re constantly weighing and measuring information, and can earn a reputation as a wise judge or a source of strong opinions. As an outspoken American Idol judge, Libra Simon Cowell blends this trait with your sign’s artistic bent.Your main pitfall is procrastination. Libras hate to be rushed, and you may gab too long at the water cooler or even report to work late. You also fiddle endlessly with projects, missing the deadline or having to pull an all-nighter instead of getting your Libra beauty rest. Dressing for work is another trap, since you’ll deliberate endlessly about what to wear. Remember, your ability to meet deadlines shapes your reputation as much as your keen sense of style. Be rigorous with yourself about punctuality. Get up two hours earlier to curl your eyelashes or iron your silk shirt — but be on time! BEST CAREERS FOR LIBRA: Journalist, fashion designer, interior decorator, creative director, artist, publicist, lawyer, judge, party promoter, makeup artist, food critic, human rights advocate, filmmaker, mediator, agent, broker, engineer, architect.
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Scorpio The Scorpion (Oct. 23rd to Nov. 21st) ♏︎
Symbol: The Scorpion Element: Water Ruling Planet: Pluto — the planet of power and regeneration Body Part: Crotch, reproductive organs Good Day: Magnetic, passionate, loyal, protective, trendsetting, brave Bad Day: Obsessive, possessive, jealous, secretive, vengeful, manipulative Favorite Things: Underground music, spicy food, an air of danger, one-of-a-kind objects, wireless devices, organic ingredients, vinyl What You Hate: Simple-minded people, insincere flattery, personal questions, living at someone else’s house Secret Wish: To have complete and total control How to Spot Them: Intense eyes, a hawk-like gaze, smooth movements Where You’ll Find Them: In the studio producing a platinum album, sitting at the corner table of an underground bar, taking things apart and figuring how to put them back together again Keywords: Intimacy, Sex, Secrecy, Power, Intensity, Obsession Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Cancer, Pisces Famous Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Drake, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Willow Smith, Kris Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Tyga, Lamar Odom, Puff Daddy, Calvin Klein, Shailene Woodley, Lorde, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Julia Roberts, Kendall Jenner, Willow Smith, Katy Perry, Emma Stone, John Adams, James K. Polk, James A. Garfield, Theodore Roosevelt, Warren G. Harding, Sylvia Plath, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Robert Louis Stevenson, Voltaire, Stefano Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli
Intense Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, planet of power and control. Pluto is a tiny powerhouse, and a bit of a mystery; in mythology Pluto was the god of the underworld. Many Scorpios are also drawn to “dark” things, and often wear the color black, or a shocking tone like red or hot pink. Like Pluto, Scorpio’s power often emanates from a hidden source, even when you don’t say a word. Mysterious Scorpio is the zodiac’s most misunderstood sign. You’re so powerful that people feel your presence, even before you’ve said a word! Sensitive Scorpio picks up vibes. You see every little detail, and you can read people like an open book. Once your friends get used to your high-intensity style, they know that you’re fiercely loyal. Anyone who betrays you had better watch out! Like a Scorpion, you’ll deliver a painful sting of revenge. Since your sign is naturally secretive, work on being more open with people. This will develop trust, and improve your relationships. Scorpio’s concentration powers are amazing, but be careful not to get obsessed. Curb any jealous or possessive feelings by pouring your energy into a creative project or passion.Ruled by the all-powerful and seductive Scorpion, Scorpio is perhaps the most misunderstood and mysterious sign of the zodiac. Secretive by nature, this sign brings us to shadowy and hidden places that we don’t usually have the courage to face. The sign of life, death and resurrection, Scorpio energy embraces these life cycles and continually transforms and reinvents itself. There are actually four incarnations of Scorpio: the first is the venomous, possessive Scorpion itself; the second is the slippery, charming-yet-deadly snake; the third is the soaring eagle whose piercing gaze sharply observes the landscape (and its prey) below; and the final version is the ever-burning, all-seeing Phoenix that rises up from the ashes into eternal rebirth. Under a Scorpio planetary transit, we may find ourselves dealing with some intense people and energy, even holing ourselves up late at night to process complex emotions or channel our overwhelming feelings into focused work and creativity. The essence of Scorpio energy is magnetic, passionate, loyal, protective, trendsetting, controlling, powerful, charismatic, transformational, focused, loyal, healing, psychic, bonding-oriented and brave. On the flip side, negative Scorpio energy can be obsessive, possessive, jealous, secretive, vengeful, cruel, calculating and manipulative. Scorpio is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water signs are Cancer and Pisces. Since Scorpio is the second water sign, it channels Cancer’s intuitive tides into a forceful stream of psychic and healing energy. Scorpio energy excels in exploring the darker, unexamined sides of life. It gives excellent research and sleuthing skills, helping us plumb the depths and peer below the surface. Scorpio energy helps out in our darkest hours; this sign is not afraid to go to the murky waters of the emotional and spiritual unknown. Under a Scorpio planetary cycle, intense feelings surface around our closest ties. This sign rules merging, bonding and sharing resources. Under Scorpio’s influence, we may get obsessive about a passion project or lover, even becoming jealous or insecure. Mysterious Scorpio makes us want to hide our vulnerabilities. Yet, those raw and unprocessed feelings are Scorpio’s access to power. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld and all things connected to the occult. The legend goes that the primary Greek gods—Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto—drew straws to determine who would respectively rule the Earth, the ocean, and the underworld. Unfortunately, Pluto received the bad end of the deal and was compelled to oversee the domain of the deceased. Pluto is often depicted sitting on his throne with a two-pronged staff. Since Pluto wasn’t discovered until the 1930s, Scorpio has Mars as its minor ruler. Mars is the god of war who is depicted as charging forth into battle. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Scorpio people can be tricky to spot. With their reserved personas, they seldom starts a conversation or expresses interest in others openly—unless they feel out the situation first. Once you get them to open up, however, you’ll feel their scorching passion for whatever topics fascinate them. Be warned: Scorpios can focus on one subject to an extreme, so you may be in for a deeper dive than you expect—or want! But their natural charisma can quickly pique your interest in the topic, too. Many Scorpios are cutting-edge trendsetters with cultlike followings! Another way to spot them? Look for the piercing Scorpionic gaze, which is hawklike, narrowing in on its “prey” with hypnotic and piercing eyes. If you happen to be the object of that look, watch out! You could feel read as easily as a children’s book, as Scorpio seems to just KNOW all your secrets, soft spots and fears. Their focused attention can be addictive, and even painful when it’s pulled away. Be careful how quickly you fall down that Scorpio rabbit hole—it’s not as easy to crawl back up. When you befriend a Scorpio, you form a power couple or formidable alliance. While they don’t give up their loyalty and trust easily, once they do, they’ll stick with you through thick and thin. Don’t even think about double-crossing a Scorpio, though, because they WILL unleash their fury on you, divulging all of your secrets and airing your dirty laundry. Revenge is their favorite dish to serve…ice cold! On a positive note, Scorpios are the perfect people to help you explore your darker emotions or sexuality, guiding you through fifty-plus shades of irresistible and soul-communing experiences. Although this sign may crave complete and utter control over everything, Scorpios secretly yearn for the very thing they fear: true intimacy with others. It takes a lot for Scorpio to reveal their vulnerability, so guard that privilege with the utmost care. As Scorpios open up and learns to show their shadow side, they can heal in ways that are truly profound. Scorpio rules the zodiac’s eighth house of intense bonding. In love, you play for keeps. There’s no middle ground for extreme Scorpio — you’re either in or you’re out. Your sign has quite a reputation. You’re known as the “sex” sign, jealous, controlling, irresistible, obsessive…whew!It’s true, your passionate sign can be intense. One minute, you’re aloof and mysterious, driving partners crazy as they vie for your ever-shifting attention. The next minute, you’re in a committed long-term relationship. You are the sign that rules extremes and you can run hotter and colder than most. Take Scorpio Matthew McConaughey, who was voted People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” He can be the ultimate bachelor AND the world’s most devoted boyfriend. You can’t help it if you’re “versatile”! Suspicious Scorpios don’t trust easily, and will fight intimacy every step of the way. Love is both tempting and frightening to you. Deep down, you long to give yourself fully to that perfect soulmate. You’re both threatened and intrigued by a dynamic, powerful partner. Still, you’ve got no interest in pushovers. As the zodiac’s most passionate sign, you need someone who can hold his ground and keep you guessing.In relationships, you don’t just commit, you FUSE with the other person. For that reason, you’re reluctant to dive in, because you know you’ll “lose yourself” once you do. Although this concept gets a bad rap, it’s actually an essential part of intimacy (which Scorpio rules). When—and if—you surrender to love, you and your mate become one. Beautiful!To get there, you must work through your control issues. Scorpio rules psychology, and a great therapist can be essential for you. You also benefit from yoga, meditation, spirituality, or any practice that strengthens you internally and calms your irrational fears.For Scorpio, relationships are like the stock market. You want to make sure the long-term payoff is worth the effort. At times, this attitude can make you your own worst enemy. Like an undercover cop, you’ll seduce prospective mates into revealing their most intimate thoughts. Pretending to be fascinated, you catalog every detail, building a case for or against this person. You may conduct a private investigation, too, snooping in diaries, checking pockets, or Googling for incriminating evidence.Too much of this FBI approach could take its toll, though. True love requires risk and vulnerability — it’s not always safe. If you pry without revealing your own hand, partners may bolt. But they should also be careful what they wish for. Once the Scorpio floodgates open, you can overwhelm partners with your intense energy and the need to lose yourself in a mystical, highly charged union.Ultimately, Scorpio is a private sign. Paparazzi, step off! Once you settle on a mate, you like to build a quiet world for two, designed according to your master plan. Obviously, those secret Scorpio worlds must be enticing, as very few partners ever leave you! When it comes to your career, Scorpio, you’re on a serious mission. You pour yourself into work with the same smoldering intensity that you bring to everything else you do. No detail escapes you, and you’ll do almost anything to get what you want.Scorpio is the sign of power and control. Although you crave security, you also thrive on competition. Nothing engages a Scorpio more than pursuing an out-of-reach goal that promises power, lifelong financial security or a chance to be seen as the best in your field.Scorpio rules the zodiac’s eighth house of other people’s property and large chunks of money. You could thrive as a real estate mogul, tax attorney, investment pro, media mogul, or anything that involves handling a large fortune. Scorpio is a limber, body-conscious sign, and you may express your intensity through a physical career: a body worker, yoga teacher or physical therapist. Because you rule birth and death, you could even be a mortician! (Hey, somebody’s gotta do it.) Scorpios pay precise attention to detail, and you love to plumb the depths of any subject. You could make an excellent editor or psychologist. With your natural creativity, you can also be a great artist or musician — at the very least, you could be an expert in obscure music or a great producer. Though you long for fame, secretive Scorpios are uncomfortable bragging. And boasting is SO unflattering to your sign (are you listening, Sean P. Diddy Scorpio Combs?). It makes you seem desperate or annoyingly cocky (translation: insecure) — tarnishing that intimidating, oh-so-powerful vibe that we love and fear in Scorpios. That said, too much secretiveness could work against you, too. Because you simmer with such powerful energy, people who don’t know you may feel overwhelmed when you unleash it on them. Or, they may simply sense that “something’s up” and suspect that you have a hidden agenda. You’re the sign of extremes, so be careful not to be too brash or forceful — and be sure to reveal your intentions upfront rather than being overly mysterious. Scorpios should instead find ways to showcase your secretly cultivated gifts without looking like YOU staged the publicity campaign. Your sign is like a magnet, so focus on drawing others to you by inventing a new brand of cool, rather than chasing after them. Our good friend Debbie Stoller, publisher of BUST magazine, singlehandedly spawned a knitting revolution, turning a retro hobby into the bestselling Stitch ‘n Bitch book series. Nothing says “world domination” more than the quiet, come-hither energy of a Scorpio basking in his/her power. Best Careers for Scorpio: Lawyer, real estate mogul, bodyworker, psychologist, investment banker, psychic, tax attorney, mortician, journalist, musician
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Sagittarius The Archer (Nov. 22nd to Dec. 21st) ♐︎
Symbol: The Archer or Centaur Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter — the planet of luck and expansion Body Part: Hips, thighs Good Day: Honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, dedicated Bad Day: Argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, tactless, overconfident Favorite Things: Dares, flirting, pets, pop music, international travel, laughter, karaoke, books, inspirational stories What You Hate: Prejudice, routines, rules, being bored, taking things too seriously, the words “you can’t” Secret Wish: To make the rules How to Spot Them: Strong legs, laughing eyes, comedic facial expressions Where You’ll Find Them: Organizing a talent show, publishing a tell-all ‘zine, cracking inappropriate jokes in the middle of a staff meeting, backpacking through South America Keywords: Adventure, Travel, Expansion, Honesty, Outspokenness, Wisdom Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Aries, Leo Famous Sagittarians: Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Sia, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Jay-Z, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Ian Somerhalder, Vanessa Hudgens, Rita Ora, Trey Songz, Jake T. Austin, Scarlett Johannson, Christina Aguilera, Jake Gyllenhal, Chrissy Teigen, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Manolo Blahnik, Gianni Versace, Joseph Stalin
Cheerful Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the “happy” planet, full of energy and confidence. Sagittarians often reflect Jupiter’s larger-than-life persona. As the zodiac’s traveler, Sagittarius is the ultimate free spirit: optimistic, open-minded and ambitious. You’re happiest in wide-open spaces with plenty of adventure and excitement. You juggle a million projects, hobbies and friends. The more, the merrier! Sagittarius is forever pursuing a super-sized goal. Even when you fail, nothing can keep you down. You’ll chalk it up as a life lesson and inspire everyone with tales of your experience. As the sign of wisdom and truth, Sagittarius loves to “tell it like it is,” especially when it makes people laugh. However, your honesty doesn’t always come in the prettiest package. You’ve been known to bruise feelings with your bluntness. Cultivate patience, and be careful not to come off as a know-it-all. Although Sag loves the thrill of a new project or friendship, you don’t always finish what you start. Work on keeping your promises and commitments. Ruled by the straight-shooting Archer, Sagittarius energy manifests through enlightenment, travel and truth-seeking. Curious Sagittarius makes us hunger to expand and learn, sending us on adventures to determine the meaning of existence. Philosophical Sagittarius rules higher learning and university settings. It inspires scintillating symposiums and discussions on the deeper aspects of life. Restless, globetrotting Sagittarius loves the great outdoors. Under its influence you might camp under the stars or play urban explorer in a bustling new city. While enthusiastic Sagittarius helps us take risks and big leaps of faith, we can bite off more than we can chew. Under this sign’s influence, we need to know our limits. Otherwise, we can get excited about starting new projects, but fail to follow through. The essence of Sagittarius energy is honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, and dedicated. Negative expressions of Sagittarius energy can be argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, and tactless. What’s most brilliant about Sagittarius, though, is its indefatigable thirst for adventure. With this optimistic sign at the helm, every moment of life can feel like pure magic! Sagittarius is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Aries and Leo. Since Sagittarius is the third and final fire sign, it harnesses Aries’ trailblazing and Leo’s fiery leadership into a cosmic supernova of universal wisdom and action. Sagittarius is the inspirer and eternal optimist of the zodiac, challenging us to go big and seek limitless possibilities. Under the influence of a Sagittarius planetary cycle, we may feel pumped to travel, learn, connect across cultures and expand our horizons. Prepare to collect some passport stamps as this fiery sign loves to blaze a trail from Bali to Burma to Boston and beyond! Sagittarius is ruled by expansive Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. As a result, this sign can be “larger than life.” Jupiter is one of the gas giants, and indeed, overconfident Sagittarius energy can seem full of hot air at times. Leaping without looking is a Sagittarius habit. Luckily, fortunate Jupiter helps us land on our feet. But it’s not without a few bumps and bruises (also known as “life lessons” in the Book of Sag). Jupiter was the most widely revered god in ancient Roman times, often referred to as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (literally translating to “all good” and “all powerful”). Not surprisingly, his was the largest temple in Rome. Sagittarius desires the biggest and best, at times to the point of excess and indulgence. In fact, Jupiter was the mythic god of the feast. People with Sagittarius in their charts may quickly expand in girth. Hedonism and decadence without limit can make Sagittarius energy too much of a good thing. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Sagittarius is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Send in the clowns! Witty Sagittarians can be some of the funniest and most entertaining people you’ll meet. They have a gift for seeing the absurdity of human nature and turning it into comic material. Yet, Sagittarians can also be wise and philosophical, revealing perspectives you might not otherwise see. This sign is ruled by the Centaur, a half-human, half-horse mythical creature. From the waist up, these knowledge-seekers are reaching for the highest truth. From the waist down…it’s all animal instinct and restless hooves. (It’s not easy being the ruler of ethics and the hips and thighs!) Busy Sagittarians have a million friends, projects and irons in the fire. As a result, they may not be the most reliable day-to-day allies. But if you have a five-alarm crisis, they’ll rush in for an epic save, even if you haven’t seen them in years. Time and distance are irrelevant to this sign—they have friends in every port, and if they connect with you, that’s all that matters. Personal development falls under the Sagittarius domain. They’re always up for meeting in a far-flung locale, taking a road trip or joining you for a weekend workshop. Falling for a Sag? Proceed at your own risk. While they can be deeply loyal and monogamous, these explorers must first sow their oats. Sagittarius is known as the “bachelor” sign. These natural risk-takers love to take on dares, and are shameless flirts to boot. You might find them organizing a talent show, rocking the karaoke mic, standing in an airport line, publishing a tell-all blog, or cracking bawdy jokes in the midst of a meeting. In love, Sagittarius is full of contradictions. Symbolized by the centaur, the mythical half-horse/half-human, you’re governed by both animal instincts and enlightened thinking. Sagittarius rules morals, wisdom, higher education…along with the hips and thighs. Although you’re always striving for divine inspiration, you’ve got a serious lust for life’s “earthly pleasures.” No wonder you’re often torn in two directions! You’re the zodiac’s free spirit, a true traveler who’s comfortable on the road. Although you hate feeling tied down, you also crave a soulmate to experience the world with. You have a huge appetite for life, and your partners must share that quality. Finding someone who can keep up with your endless quest for adventure and expansion is no easy task. For this reason, many Sagittarians can be single for long periods of time. When you actually ARE in relationships, they tend to be all consuming–at least, at first. As a passionate fire sign, you throw yourself in everything with the force of a speeding train. Keeping up that pace is well nigh impossible. Reign in the urge to merge, and stay committed to the life you had before you met “The One.” Otherwise your fairy tale romance can fizzle as quickly as it sizzles.Sagittarians are dreamers, always creating huge projects. Ruled by expansive Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system), you think BIG with everything. You long to create new worlds — like Sagittarians Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg. You need a mate with enough vision to encourage you, but one who’s still grounded enough to reassure you when the going gets tough. A late-blooming sign, you can be a notorious bachelor(ette) in your early years. Sagittarius is the sign of the hunter, and the chase thrills you.  You’re not afraid to brag about your conquests, either. With your honesty and good humor, you rarely make enemies, since you tell your flings upfront that you’re just looking for a good time. In fact, you may have a long roster of exes who’ve morphed into close friends. As the zodiac’s optimist, you always see your mate’s potential. Warning: be sure that the object of your affection is actually dedicated to fulfilling it. You are one of the zodiac’s most generous signs, and you’ll gladly share your financial resources to help your love get ahead. Those rose-colored glasses can drain your emotions and your bank account if you aren’t careful. For Sag, love is blind, but lust is blinder.Bottom line: Don’t let physical attraction overshadow your need for a supportive partner who pulls their weight. Sharing your wisdom is one thing, but playing life coach will drain you in the end. Ask yourself: Is this relationship taking place in my head or in the present? Or does it suck today, but I’m hoping that it’s gonna be great once they get a new job/forgive their mother/move out of the basement/leave their spouse? Hope is your addiction, and it ain’t a healthy one. Since spiritual Sags love to read, a good self-help book and some creative visualization can help you get out of such a trap.Writing down your “love visions” in a clear-headed moment can serve as a checklist when you feel yourself going off the deep end for Mr. Wrong. Fortunately, Sagittarius is the zodiac’s luckiest sign. Although you play with fire, you always bounce back once you wise up. Life always throws you another grand opportunity, and if your partner doesn’t come along for the ride, you can set sail and move forward to new adventures once you put your mind to it. As with everything, Sagittarius, you need a career that offers a wide playing field with plenty of freedom and excitement. You’re the sign of the traveler, an inspired visionary who requires big dreams and lots of stimulation. Sitting still is a challenge! A natural entrepreneur, your sign thrives working for yourself, with nobody lurking over your shoulder or telling you when to wake up. Sagittarians love to do things your way, according to your vision. Because you have lots of interests, it can be hard to focus on just one. You love to explore, but you hate to commit, for fear that you’ll miss out. To prevent eternal wandering, we recommend reading Doing Work You Love — the title alone summarizes Sag’s essential career need. Without passion and inspiration, you can sink into depression. As the sign that rules higher education, you’re a lifelong learner — and teacher. Load up on classes and books that expand your mind and spark new ideas. You love to make people think AND laugh, like Sagittarius wordsmiths Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Jay-Z. Sagittarius rules publishing and public speaking — two great outlets for your unusual ideas. Sagittarians are notoriously swept up in new projects before finishing the last ten you started. Patience is not your forte. You’re the sign of the Archer, so you need a target. Having a clear, project-oriented goal helps you build the follow-through skills your sign often lacks.If you’re an extremely restless Sagittarius, consider outdoor work, like our dad, a Sagittarius landscaper who works for himself. Your sign also rules travel, so you could work in another country, as a travel agent, or in a job that keeps you on the road. Remember, by trying not to commit to one thing, you can spread yourself too thin and end up overwhelmed. If you crave variety, consider doing seasonal work, consulting, or signing on as an independent contractor rather than a full-time employee. This gives claustrophobic Sag a short-term deadline and flexible hours while still providing financial security. BEST CAREERS FOR SAGITTARIUS: Entrepreneur, author, publisher, motivational speaker, designer/creative department, salesperson, professor, travel guide, outdoor worker, international human rights organizer, environmentalist, freelance anything
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Capricorn The Goat (Dec. 22nd to Jan. 19th) ♑︎
Symbol: The Mountain Goat Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn — the planet of discipline and maturity Body Part: Knees, skin, bones, teeth Good Day: Loyal, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, fearless Bad Day: Pessimistic, unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, hopeless Favorite Things: Business cards, goals, official titles, being in charge, exclusive clubs, “leg sports” like soccer or track, motorcycles, leather What You Hate: Quitting, shouting in public, careless mistakes, traveling without an itinerary, doing things “just for the heck of it” Secret Wish: To have every need taken care of How to Spot Them: Distinctive jaw, strong teeth, wise look in the eyes Where You’ll Find Them: Enjoying quality time with the family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, running for Senior Vice President of the company, directing a full-length feature film Keywords: Ambition, Structure, Goals, Long-Term Plans, Prestige, Public Image/Acclaim Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Taurus, Virgo  Famous Capricorns: David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Kate Middleton, Martin Luther King Jr., Michelle Obama, Zayn Malik, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage, Meghan Trainor, LeBron James, Elvis Presley, Lewis Hamilton, Gabby Douglas, Pitbull, Liam Hemsworth, Ellie Goulding, Cody Simpson, Jared Leto, Howard Stern, Betty White, Psy, Calvin Harris, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Richard M. Nixon, David Sedaris, Nicolas Sparks, J.D. Salinger, J.R.R. Tolkien, Edgar Allen Poe, Kate Spade, Alexander Wang, Diane von Fürstenburg, Christian Louboutin
Serious Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of tough lessons and wisdom. As a result, many Capricorns are “old souls” who play by the rules and follow tradition. Accustomed to regular butt-kickings from Saturn, you often see life as an uphill battle, with the ultimate reward arriving only through suffering and sacrifice. Ambitious Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat climbing up a rocky hill, taking one cautious step at a time. And that’s exactly how patient Caps like to do everything. You’ll skip the good stuff today if it means getting the reward tomorrow. That’s why your sign has more trophies and loyal friends than any other–you stay strong through the hard times. Hardworking Caps are devoted to their friends and families, and people count on you for support. You always keep your word. Remember to let yourself have fun, too! Life doesn’t always have to be a struggle. It’s okay to enjoy your victories, even if you didn’t work hard to win them. Lighten up and share your wacky, down-to-earth humor. When you get moody, let your family and closest friends be there for you–just as you always are for them. Ruled by the driven and persistent Mountain Goat, Capricorn energy is willful and determined, focused on the loftiest goals. Capricorn helps us set our minds on an outcome, and reach the finish line. It may be an epic “hero’s journey” to get there, which is why we need Capricorn’s steely grit and unparalleled resilience. Taking the road less traveled isn’t how this traditional sign rolls. Instead, Capricorn maps out the straightest and simplest route to the top, then sticks to its plan. Even if it takes a little more time to get there without shortcuts, ambitious Capricorn will make the trek. The essence of Capricorn energy is loyal, structured, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, and paternal. Negative expressions of Capricorn energy can be pessimistic, unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, elitist and overly serious. Capricorn energy can be overly harsh or calculating. The dutiful side of Capricorn can be its downfall. This stoic sign may repress a lot to be the “rock” for others, which can lead to a heavy or burdened energy. Capricorn is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the earth element. The other two earth signs are Taurus and Virgo. Since Capricorn is the third and final earth sign, it combines Taurus’ rock-solid foundation and Virgo’s skillful plans into a high rise penthouse fit for world domination. Capricorn people are the master strategists and CEOs of the zodiac, who always keep one eye on a five- or ten-year plan. Under the influence of a Capricorn planetary cycle, we’ll feel more motivated to take on our biggest goals and create structures in our lives that will last the test of time. The planetary ruler of Capricorn is stern and authoritative Saturn. In Greek mythology, Saturn is also known as Cronus, who is literally “Father Time.” The legend goes that Saturn—in a rebellious act to overthrow his father, Uranus—castrated his dad and assumed power as the next-of-kin. Much like Saturn, Capricorns are the “daddy” sign of the Zodiac, and want to be respected for their paternalistic command. Additionally, Saturn is the planet of repression, which can make Capricorn urges come out in shocking or subversive ways. Don’t be surprised if Capricorn has a few freaky secrets under the stoic exterior. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Aries is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs start every season—Aries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. Thus, they are the leaders and “idea people” of the zodiac. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They’re the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. Count on them to initiate a winning idea or plan. Busy busy! You can find Capricorns enjoying quality time with family, working obsessively on a large-scale project, or running for a prestigious role. Capricorn people like to mix business with pleasure. They often develop tight bonds with people they meet on the job or through a team project. They are the “popular people” of the zodiac, so friends who can help increase their status are valuable assets. Capricorns were born with their eyes on the prize. Once they’ve set their sights on something, they begin to climb slowly and steadily toward that goal. Often they become so focused on reaching the finish line that they fail to pay attention to the journey, looking neither to the right nor the left. They believe that if they just keep pushing ahead, eventually they’ll get what they want. Capricorns need to learn flexibility and to listen a little more to their heart than their heads at times if they want to feel fulfilled inside and out. Ambitious as they may be, not all Capricorns have relentless drive. When they slip into lounge mode, they can relax with the best of ’em, becoming practically immobile! Work hard, play hard is the M.O. of this sign. Other times, they overwhelm themselves by setting such impossible goals that they get discouraged, giving up before they’ve even left the starting gate. Capricorns do best when they break their grand plans into measurable action steps. Their friends need to remind Capricorns to celebrate their victories—not jus the huge ones but the small triumphs and milestones along the way. Persistent Capricorn approaches love as serious business. As the zodiac’s most goal-oriented sign, you’re not one to play around. Chances are, you’ve got a 10-year plan for your life, and your partner must forward that agenda. Flings aren’t really your bag; you’d rather be alone than jump from partner to partner. With this attitude, it’s no wonder many Capricorns marry more than once. You’re so eager to settle down and start a family that you may not screen your spouse thoroughly. As the sign of public image, Capricorns are status-conscious. Whatever you value — college degrees, money, or good looks — your partner must possess it in spades. You’re also huge on family, and you’re deeply loyal to your own. You often act as the “rock” that your family leans on, and you dutifully play this role. If your mate doesn’t mesh with your family, all bets are off!Workaholic Caps are determined about professional goals, too. Your sign rules the zodiac’s tenth house of career, and you’ve got CEO written all over you. Although you find work fulfilling, don’t let your long office hours eclipse your personal life. Strive for balance. You may be on the early retirement track, but at what cost to your relationship? If you don’t give your relationships care and feeding along the way, you could be sailing off on your yacht at age 45 with divorce papers in your hand. In other words, Capricorn, try approaching your love life with the same dedication that you put into your job, and you could have a fairy tale romance that lasts a lifetime. The loyalty of Capricorns is not to be underestimated, no matter how flirty you appear on the surface. Capricorns rule history and value things that last over time. The person you’ve known longest is often who you marry—regardless of compatibility. You assume that anyone who keeps coming back around, or attracting you back to him, must really love you or he would have moved on. It’s a funny way to measure love, but nobody can tell you otherwise! As an earth sign, Capricorns have a lusty appetite, and are known to stray on occasion. Oddly, you don’t consider a meaningless hookup cheating. If you haven’t given away your heart or material assets, it doesn’t count in your book. Of course, your partners may not agree — and thus come the memorable explosions. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of repression, many Caps have a wild streak underneath that serious, traditional facade. Only a chosen few (if anyone) will experience your out-there fantasies. It could take a very open-minded person to understand! Caution: a Capricorn deprived of a stable family could spend her whole life stuck in resentment or regret, never allowing love into her life. Behind this is a deep reservoir of self-doubt, which all Capricorns must struggle against. Caps who experienced early family traumas should find an understanding therapist, and work persistently through your issues. As with everything you do, determination is your secret weapon. You’re used to fighting for what you want, so why not aim for a wonderful, loving relationship? You deserve it! Capricorn, your sign rules the zodiac’s tenth house of career and achievement. You’re in your element at work! A dedicated professional, you love to plan and set goals. You don’t care if it takes ten years to reach your destination. Capricorn is symbolized the mountain goat, and you view life as a rocky uphill climb. Unlike other signs, you expect to face a few bumps along the way. Even when you get discouraged, you rarely let an obstacle stop you for long.Capricorn rules structure, and you need it. Although you make a great CEO or manager, the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship can drive your nervous sign crazy. If you want to run or own a business, you’d do best heading up a well-established corporation, or wisely choosing an industry where profit is guaranteed. The key for Capricorn is planning. Research your field, or write a business plan and follow it to the letter. You could also plug into a franchise or pre-existing business model and follow the steps to success. Although you may gravitate toward a traditional career in the corporate sector, Capricorns can be highly artistic. With your flair for structure, you make a great designer, architect or head of a creative department. Being an earth sign, you’re tuned into the sensuality of colors, shapes and textures. Musical ability is also common for Caps, and you may have a deep, rich voice.Capricorn is the sign of public honors and fame. You love to be rewarded or acknowledged for a job well done. Trophies, bonuses, and titles turn you on. You love all the trimmings of a successful career: monogrammed stationery, embossed business cards, a gold-plated or leatherbound desk set. Why not? With your sights set on a goal, a little incentive goes a long way in keeping you motivated!What could you add to recipe for success? Moderation. Capricorns are at high risk for becoming workaholics. You may not know when to put the work down and have fun. If you’re not careful, work can dominate at the expense of friends, family, health and happiness. While Capricorns are often the family breadwinners, make sure you have a healthy balance of pleasure in your hectic schedule, too. BEST CAREERS FOR CAPRICORN: Film producer, manager, politician, police officer, stockbroker, doctor, president, school principal, CEO, financial planner, business owner, architect, creative director
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Aquarius The WaterBearer (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) ♒︎
Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Ruling Planet: Uranus — planet of originality Body Part: Ankles Good Day: Communicative, original, open-minded, fair, logical, inviting Bad Day: Guarded, detached, self-destructive, out-of-touch, irrational, desperate Favorite Things: Computer programming, teaching, team sports, anything with a cause or mission, independent films What You Hate: Injustice, drama queens, feeling isolated, owing money or favors, having to choose just one thing Secret Wish: To experience total freedom How to Spot Them: Cute smile, quirky movements, darting eyes, long legs Where You’ll Find Them: Backpacking through the Swiss Alps, picketing a company with unfair hiring practices, coaching a Little League team, revolutionizing the industry you work in Keywords: Friendliness, Eccentricity, Teamwork, Humanitarianism, Technology, Futuristic, Groups Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Gemini, Libra  Famous Aquarians: Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Bob Marley, Harry Styles, Justin Timberlake, Emma Roberts, Alicia Keys, Bobby Brown, Nick Carter, Sarah Palin, Mischa Barton, Michael Jordan, Ellen DeGeneres, Taylor Lautner, Ed Sheeran, Shakira, The Weeknd, John Travolta, Chloe Grace Moretz, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Dre, Ayn Rand, William Henry Harrison, William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Virginia Woolf, Langston Hughes, Gertrude Stein, Charles Dickens, Toni Morrison, Christian Dior
Avant-garde Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the only planet in the solar system that spins on its side! Just like your celestial overlord, you’ve been known to do things your own way, moving on a path different from everyone else’s. Some call you eccentric, others appreciate your cutting-edge originality and authentic style. One of the many ways that Aquarius is a paradox? You’re highly individualistic, but also an amazing team player. Aquarius rules the zodiac’s eleventh house of teamwork, technology and friendship. You might look like the fresh-faced guy or girl next door on the outside, but inside you march to your own beat. Many Aquarians are also naturally popular, as your vibrantly social sign loves to be among your people, telling jokes and introducing thought-provoking conversation topics. People truly do make your world go round, and you can become insta-BFFs with the most random strangers. As the sign of the future, you can be a bit of an alien—a little “out there” in your approach. Not that you care about offending anyone! Aquarius rules casual connections, and you can disengage as quickly as you connect. In fact, your platonic pals may get better treatment than your romantic partners. While you can be a bit unsentimental on a one-on-one level, you can be moved to tears by the plight of animals, the environment or other social justice issues. Yes, you’re a bohemian at heart in some ways, but you also get the job done. As a tenacious fixed sign, you can be quite hardworking when you devote yourself to a goal. A competitive (and lesser-known) Type A streak can emerge when you really want something. Nothing turns you on like progress, especially in the name of your grander ideals! Symbolized by the philanthropic and objective Water Bearer, Aquarius energy is innovative and avant-garde. From experimental electronic music to community-oriented living, there’s nothing that this sign won’t explore. As the sign that rules groups and teams, bringing people together around a social cause or political agenda is an Aquarian specialty. Aquarius energy is cutting-edge, “out there” and even a little strange at times. This futuristic sign helps us envision utopian worlds. This is the sign of science fiction and inventions. No topic is too cutting-edge under an Aquarian transit: extraterrestrials, stem cells, cloning, robots taking over the earth…yup, Aquarius will go there. While Aquarian influence can make us rebellious and detached from reality (c’mon back to earth!), it helps us see possibilities we wouldn’t otherwise. The essence of Aquarius energy is community-oriented, original, open-minded, fair, logical, humanitarian, connecting, and inviting. The negative expression of Aquarius energy can be guarded, detached, destructive, out-of-touch, irrational, and desperate. Aquarius vibes make us reluctant to express emotions—it prefers rational reasoning and cool-headed logic to the messy tapestry of the human feelings. No surprise that author Ayn Rand, founder of the Objectivist movement, was born under this sign. Objectivism has been a major influence on the Libertarian movement, which has a real Aquarian flavor. It’s an organized system that also preserves individual freedom and limits government intervention. Like Aquarius energy, it’s “fringe” and mainstream all at once, a fascinating paradox. Aquarius is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the air element. The other two air Signs are Gemini and Libra. Since Aquarius is the third and final air sign, it combines Gemini’s playful gusts and Libra’s social butterfly whirlwind into a gale force of humanitarianism for all. Aquarius people are the visionaries of the zodiac, dreaming up quirky utopias and alternative realities that can shake up the status quo. Under the influence of an Aquarius planetary cycle, we might find ourselves joining a new social group, getting involved in social justice or using science and technology to better advance humankind. Uranus is the planet that rules emotional detachment, unpredictable energy and rebellion. In mythology, Uranus was the Sky God who mated with Gaia the Earth Goddess. He hated their children and imprisoned the youngest ones in the earth where they tormented Gaia. She made a sickle and asked her children to castrate Uranus. The youngest, Cronus (Saturn) did it. After that, the Sky and Earth became separate. Interestingly, Saturn was considered the ruling planet of Aquarius until Uranus was discovered and named. Strucured Saturn is still thought of as the “minor ruler” of Aquarius. This can explain why many Aquarian can be “Type A” and totally quirky all at the same time. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. There are four fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.These signs fall in the middle of every season. They’re the stabilizers—the ones who set up a solid goal or foundation, then start building. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. They pick up the ball when the cardinal sign passes it, and run the distance to the goal. Fixed signs are the trustworthy types who like “to-do” lists and fancy titles. If a cardinal signs says, “Let’s go on vacation!” the fixed sign will call the travel agency, book the tickets and hotel, and send everyone a list of what to pack. Aquarius is the sign of friendship and teamwork, so Aquarians tend to be more focused on the group than the individual. Freedom is important to Aquarians, which is why they like to keep things light on an interpersonal level. That way, they won’t feel bad about running off to the opposite corner of the world at a moment’s notice. At times, this nomadic strategy backfires, leaving them lonely and disconnected. Aquarians are uncomfortable with too much intimacy. These free spirits belong to the world, and feel off-balance giving their considerable energy to just one person. While their friends get first-class treatment, families and lovers see a different side of Aquarius: moody, brooding, anxious and neurotic. Or they may pick one (and only one) person to open up to, getting attached to the point of obsession. Learning to accept and express their emotions can help Aquarius people avoid the massive freakouts and anger flashes that come from pretending everything’s cool when it isn’t. Aquarians appreciate a quirky or eccentric twist and have some colorful characters and countercultural personalities as friends.  When it comes to love, Aquarius is a funny creature. You’re an idealist who believes in true love, and you’re always searching for a best friend and soulmate in one. On the other hand, your sign rules casual connections, and you guard your independence fiercely. While you have friends by the thousands and you’re totally laid-back around them, you can be neurotic and unpredictable with your romantic partners.Just figuring out what you want—and sticking to it—is enough of a challenge for ever-shifting Aquarius. Your sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden moves. We’ve seen countless Aquarians marry young and out of the blue, only to divorce just as suddenly. The real issue? You may look like the boy or girl next door, but most Aquarians are eccentric beings. What’s in that package may be quite different than the often clean-cut wrapper suggests. Although you may come across as light and superficial, you’re a true visionary with a lot of complex layers, and you may secretly believe that nobody can truly understand you. This leads you to settle for less-qualified candidates, just to avoid being alone.Rather than get hung up on a bad match (you can obsess over a breakup for years), Aquarians should mingle in social circles that reflect your deepest interests. Aquarius is the sign of groups, friendship and humanitarian pursuits. Join a network of people who share your beliefs—like environmental protection or animal rights—and you’ll likely meet a mate who shares your ideals. Wouldn’t you love to date a best friend with whom you can kick back, laugh AND save the world? Since you need lots of freedom, you may be drawn to a long-distance relationship. Unconventional living arrangements are not uncommon in Aquarius romances. You may wish to keep your own residence even after you’ve declared your matrimonial vows. Connecting with your partner on the mental plane is far more important than seeing them in the flesh every day. You’d rather be sending “I miss you” e-mails from a spiritual pilgrimage than having the same “how was your day, dear?” conversation after a predictable day. As the sign of the rebel, you’re not above a good controversy, so it all comes out in the wash. You love to shock people. Just make sure you don’t base your romantic choices on the need to prove a point. If your family has pressured you to tie the knot, you could spend years giving them the proverbial finger and refusing to engage in a long-term relationship. While you should always maintain your independence, don’t be afraid to put down roots and discover how commitment can actually set you free! You bring so much fun, creativity and wackiness to a relationship, there’s no reason you shouldn’t enjoy inventing a romance with your own funky spin. Independent Aquarius loves freedom, and you need a career with room to express your individuality. Entrepreneurship was made for your sign! At the same time, Aquarius is the sign of groups and teams. You work well in an office environment, provided it’s not too strict. You rebel under the supervision of anyone bossy or controlling. You’re best either leading a team, or working in a position that gives you lots of breathing room.Most Aquarians make great salespeople. With your gift of gab and hilarious jokes, you can sell ice to eskimos. Like Aquarius Oprah Winfrey, you genuinely love interacting with people, and you’re naturally curious about everyone. It’s not uncommon for Aquarians to become personal friends with your clients. Commission-based jobs don’t faze you. In fact, you rise to the challenge. Cold calling, which other signs dread, is a breeze for outgoing Aquarius. You have no trouble picking up the phone and dialing a total stranger. Aquarius is also a competitive sign. When a sales bonus is involved, you just turn on the charm and start selling!Your quirky brain loves to solve problems or find your way out of a difficult spot. You make a great advertising copywriter, and with your futuristic bent, you could be a scientist or an inventor. Aquarius rules electronics, so you may work with computers or telecommunications. As the sign of popularity, your natural likeable-ness could bring fame, as it did for Aquarians Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey and Justin Timberlake. Public relations is another great gig for you. Aquarius is focused on the future, and that often leads you to work with future generations. You love kids, and with your team spirit, you make a great teacher or coach. As the zodiac’s humanitarian, you want to make a lasting difference for the people around you. As the sign of the rebel, you understand children’s need to assert themselves, and encourage them to express that. Entrepreneurship appeals to your free spirit, but you can be impatient and sloppy with details. If you open your own business, team up with a Capricorn or Virgo. These grounded earth signs will handle the mundane administrative tasks you hate. Make sure you have a good lawyer and accountant, since you like making deals on a handshake. You’re at your best selling people on your vision or product, so no need to waste your time on anything else. Make sure you’re having fun, expressing your creativity and keeping everyone entertained. As long as you’re making people laugh or think, you’re in the right line of work! BEST JOBS FOR AQUARIUS: Teacher, futurist, scientist, salesperson, public relations, pop star, coach, nonprofit worker, astronomer, psychic healer, talk show host, author, researcher, computer programmer, inventor
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Pisces The Fish (Feb. 19th to Mar. 20th) ♓︎
Symbol: The Fish Element: Water Quality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Neptune — the planet of fantasy Body Part: Feet Good Day: Romantic, empathetic, compassionate, healing, helpful, wise, comforting, imaginative Bad Day: Gullible, escapist, addiction-prone, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, self-destructive, clingy Favorite Things: Dancing, romantic encounters, laughing and crying, walks on the beach, long poetic letters What You Hate: Reality, throwing away the Christmas tree, drill sergeants, daylight, bad design and noisy music Secret Wish: To find unconditional love How to Spot Them: Large and dreamy eyes, soothing voice, glamorous “silver screen” look Where You’ll Find Them: Printing photos in the darkroom, people watching in the shadows of an underground club, holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view Keywords: Dreams, Fantasy, Healing, Compassion, Karma, Mystery Most Compatible Romantic Matches: Cancer, Scorpio Famous Pisceans: Albert Einstein, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Adam Levine, George Washington, Carrie Underwood, Kesha, Steve Jobs, Ansel Elgort, Kurt Cobain, Eva Longoria, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, Victor Hugo, W.E.B. DuBois, Dr. Seuss, Jack Kerouac, Henrik Ibsen, Hubert de Givenchy
Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. A part of you is always trying to “swim away” or escape reality. The other part is so intuitive that you get swept up in everything going on. Your imagination is the perfect hideout when you want to escape, since Pisces is so creative. You love dancing (Pisces rules the feet), movies, poetry, and music. Your moods are mysterious and your dreams are intense. Every Pisces should have a journal by your bed, since some your best ideas will come in your sleep. Although you can feel helpless, you’re much stronger than you think. The best way for Pisces to experience your own strength is to help people in need. You have great compassion and incredible healing powers. Because it’s easy for people to make you feel guilty, Pisces should watch out for friends who use you, or make you doubt yourself. Surround yourself with good-hearted friends who have their acts together. Many people born under your sign have a “tortured soul” quality. Finding a tranquil spiritual outlet, or spending time alone, can help you get re-centered in your own power. Ruled by the enchanting and elusive Fish, Pisces is the sign of illusions, darting in and out of the shadows. Is it real…or just a mirage? Celestial sleight of hand is the Pisces forte. Much like a siren, Pisces energy lures you into its depths—but it can also leave you drown you in the emotion ocean. Compassionate Pisces is empathic, absorbing and reflecting the feelings of everyone it contacts. This is the “old soul” of the zodiac: As the final sign Pisces is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it. Soulfully deep, Pisces energy never just skims the surface. In fact, this sign rules the subconscious and governs our dreams, imaginations and unhealed wounds. The essence of Pisces energy is romantic, helpful, wise, comforting and artistic. Negative Pisces energy can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, addictive, self-destructive, clingy and masochistic. During a Pisces planetary transit, we need to set boundaries and avoid playing the martyr, codependence, and rescuing troubled souls. Pisces is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water Signs are Cancer and Scorpio. Since Pisces is the third and final water sign, it streams Cancer’s sentimental waves and Scorpio’s forceful jets into the ultimate emotion ocean. With Pisces energy activated, expect to dive deep. Pisces energy awakens our compassion, opening our hearts to people who are struggling. Under a Pisces planetary cycle, we can expect to wear our hearts on our sleeves and feel intuitively connected to those around us, whether or not we’re consciously aware of that energy. We may also express ourselves emotionally through creative channels: music, film, the visual arts, and dance are all ruled under the Fish’s domain. The planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune. The Ancient Romans praised and glorified Neptune as the almighty God of the Sea. When Jupiter and Pluto (or Zeus and Hades, as they’re referred to in Greek mythology) met with Neptune, they divided the three main realms of the Universe—earth, sea, and underworld—amongst themselves. Neptune was feared for his furious temper, which could incite earthquakes on land and intense storms for those away at sea. The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Pisces is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign. Pisces people are sensitive and intuitive, and can become easily overloaded by crowds or overstimulating environments. It’s often hard to pin these people down, because they’re so keen on swimming away to a place where they can experience some downtime and meditative R + R. Pisces can gain a reputation as flaky because of the way they swim in and out of your life. When they do surface, Pisces make charming and magical friends, especially because they view life through rose-colored glasses. These fantasy-fueled folks need to keep at least one fin on solid ground. At their best, Pisces are attentive and inspiring. You can find Pisces artfully composing a photo, listening to music or guided meditations in their Zen dens, people-watching in the shadows of an underground club, or holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view. You’re a romantic sign, Pisces, and you love to be in love—at least, in theory. Ruled by Neptune, planet of fantasy, you want to be swept away by romance. Glamorous Pisces rules the imagination, and you have a way of making everything feel tinged with magic and fantasy. You’re gentle, nurturing and sensitive, and your mates rely on you to soften the rough edges.Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and this sums up your approach to love. You’re eternally searching for a partner to provide both security and freedom, and you can be genuinely puzzled when they don’t come in one package. You can be a hardcore realist one second, then desperate to escape into a fantasy world the next. For that reason, the reality of commitment is your least favorite part, and at times you’ll do anything to avoid it. For example, you’ll complain endlessly about how badly your mate treats you. Secretly, you love the drama, as long as it stokes the flames of your fantasies. This can confuse the heck out of your friends, who urge you to dump the loser. But as quickly as you diss people, you’re back in their arms…that is, until someone better comes along. Like the fish that symbolizes your sign, you swim right to the next one. You certainly know how to catch ’em, too!As the ruler of the underworld and the zodiac’s twelfth house of trouble, you can be your own worst enemy in love. Admit it, your taste in partners can be suspect. You’re drawn to tortured souls, grungy performance artists, and even to people with a dark side. Anyone with a sob story can melt your compassionate heart, too. You can be a bit of a tortured soul yourself.But it’s not entirely your fault. Your ruler Neptune is a hazy, watery planet where it’s hard to tell what’s real. Sometimes you experience life this way, unsure what to believe or whom to trust. Unfortunately, this can make you vulnerable to being victimized, or making poor judgments you later regret. Wise Pisces learn to step back and give themselves a reality check before making any big moves.Your biggest challenge is asserting yourself, and asking your mate directly for what you need, rather than getting quiet or passive-aggressive when you’re unhappy. Remember, nobody’s a mind reader! Just because you feel your emotions so intensely doesn’t mean your partner knows you’re hurt. You may swim from one relationship to the next, rather than patch up the one you already have. While you often find the pursuit more interesting than the catch, be careful not to lose yourself in the chase.Your incredible intuition helps you feel another’s pain — but there are better ways to bond in love than through misery. Your intense creativity, desire to make the world a better place, and love of all creatures makes you a total catch.  A storybook relationship is well within your reach, as long as you pick a partner who brings as much magic to the table as you do. Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and this sums up the lifelong theme of your career. You need both security and freedom. You’re at once a total rebel and an utter “company man.” Although you feign helplessness, when you’re in charge, it’s all about business.Imaginative Pisces, you rule the zodiac’s twelfth house of dreams, creativity and healing. If you’re not an artist or creative director, you have a true appreciation for the arts. Your ruler is Neptune, the planet of fantasy. You love bringing the vivid landscapes of your imagination into material form, stretching people’s minds. Pisces especially rule photography and fashion — all things glamorous, in short. You may work as a photographer, a designer or a model. Pisces Cindy Crawford is considered the world’s first supermodel. Directing film is another natural Pisces path.In a large institution or corporation, you bring a rare creative touch, and push for reform. You may work for “the man,” but you’ll never be him! Pisces also rules compassion, and you treat your staff with a humanity rarely seen in the workplace. At times, you may blur boundaries between business and personal, so curb the tendency to be too nice. Otherwise, employees will quickly take advantage of you, bringing out your rarely-seen inner bully. You hate being an authority figure, and probably got the gig because you’re so responsible, not by stepping on anyone.Ultimately, Pisces is a leader “for the people.” This makes you a great agent or advocate. In fact, if you go into business for yourself, we recommend representing others. Pisces make great art dealers, for example, or talent agents. While you’re not very nice to yourself, you’ll fight for your charges to the bitter end. With your huge heart, you thrive in the non-profit and educational sectors. Solitude is also important to your sign. Many a Pisces has been found crunching numbers in a quiet cubicle. Still, we recommend interacting with people, since your natural warmth and hospitality put people at ease. You’re perfect as the sales representative who takes clients out to lunch, since you quickly make them feel comfortable. They’ll sign contracts in no time, simply because you made them feel so accepted! The twelfth house is the zodiac’s final house, often associated with the last stage of life, where reality is blurred, and people often go into a restful or secluded state. Hospitals, institutions, retreats and the subconscious are all ruled by Pisces. For that reason, many Pisces are nurses, therapists or work for large institutions. You are also a powerful intuitive healer, and can thrive in the holistic or medical fields. BEST CAREERS FOR PISCES: Photographer, filmmaker, musician, artist, human resources director, head of a non-profit, nurse, physical therapist, psychiatrist, healer, spiritual leader
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zdbztumble · 6 years
“Batman” Series Take
After chatting with @echidnapower and others about the DCAU, headcanons, rewrites, and the like, I remembered this little number I put together years ago - an outline for a hypothetical Batman series - a high budget animated series.
Some initial premises: it may seem repetitive, but I think TAS got it right with "Dark Deco." 30s dress and cars mixed with modern computers and TVs (which all have black and white screens) just worked for Batman's world, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I would push the architecture into a more overtly Gothic/Victorian style, with interiors taken from the late 50s/early 60s. I wouldn't mind a more "cartoony" character design either; I think a clean, simple, retro look to the characters mixed with very dark backgrounds and stories would make an interesting clash. The format would be hour-long, with 20 episodes a season and a TV-14 rating.
On a foggy, drizzly, miserable evening, Bruce Wayne slips back into Gotham unnoticed after his many years away. Alfred picks him up, takes him to his parents' graves, and the obligatory flashback to the death of his parents is shown. This is as much of his origins as we'll ever see; Bruce's past, his travels, his training are to be left a mystery.
The Gotham Bruce has returned to has, for years, been under the total control of the Gotham Hold (an equivalent to the Five Families of New York), an alliance of the five major organized crime groups in town - the Falcone Empire, the Maroni Family, The Penguin's Flock, The Grissom Syndicate, and the Thorne Gang. The heads of these gangs are all public figures - Carmine Falcone and Carl Grissom relish their notoreity - but while Gothamites of all stripes have some awareness that the game is rigged, the true extent of the Hold's power and its true make-up is a complete mystery to the public and to most of law enforcement. Harvey Dent, fresh off his election victory, and Captain Gordon have put forward the most determined team trying to bust the Hold, but their efforts have been in vain. The judges and police commissioner they work with are openly corrupt. Of the three largest private companies headquartered in Gotham - Wayne Enterprises, Daggett Pharmaceuticals, and Shreck's Entertainment - two are in league with the Hold. 
Bruce and Dent have been friends since childhood, but while the friendship has survived Bruce's long absence, Dent doesn't turn to Bruce for support. Upon his return, Bruce Wayne comes off as a "goody goody," completely incorruptible, but with no social skills, no public presence, and no business sense. No one in Gotham notices or cares that he's back. But while some of that persona is unintentional and genuine, Bruce does get more serious behind closed doors. While he leaves Lucius Fox in the CEO chair that Fox has held since Thomas Wayne's death, Bruce asks him to do more for the city and to ramp up competition with their crooked rivals. He also starts pilfering various cancelled and untested technology projects, which Fox turns a blind eye to.
Batman makes his first appearance on the docks, making short work of some small-time drug dealers. They are associates of the Falcone Empire; applying his detective skills, Batman is able to trace them to the Empire's largest narcotics crew and takes down the whole lot of them as they attempt a big score. On a Halloween later dubbed "Nosferatu Night," he tracks down and assaults the bosses of all the Hold gangs and uses sonar technology to sick thousands of bats on each of them. This strike throws Gotham upside down and emboldens Dent and Gordon, who succeed in forcing out the corrupt commissioner and finding a judge to prosecute the captured Falcone crew. It is Dent who Batman first contacts in this series, though Gordon is soon brought in, and the trio concot a plan to expose the extent of the Hold's power and take down the biggest and most public of its gangs - the Falcones. 
Batman's methods let him uncover more than his legitimate partners ever could, and Gordon makes a turncoat of one of the captured Falcone soldiers. In a televised event analogous to the Valachi hearings, Dent uses the soldier as a mouthpiece to make public all of Batman's intel: each gang has its own primary racket, and various systems are set up to interconnect their interests. The Falcones make their living through narcotics and arms smuggling. The Maronis, once the one and only powerhouse in Gotham organized crime, have been cut down by their younger partners over the years and are now headed by a man, "Don Salvatore," who had hoped to escape his family's criminal past and reluctantly oversees his organization's gambling interests. The Penguin's Flock is a loose cabal of eight upper-crust figures who dabble in white collar crime, primarily counterfeiting, fencing of valuable antiques and artifacts, and high level political corruption. Their true leader is unknown, but Batman has observed all its members coming and going from the supposedly ruined Cobblepot estate. The Grissom Syndicate handles prostitution, with waste management as a very strong "front.” The Thornes control the unions of Gotham. There is also the Red Hood, the Hold's murder squad (made of one member per gang) so named for the unique outfit its members wear to avoid detection. Not even Batman could learn the names of the Red Hood's members, known only to the crime bosses.  Each gang has a set number of seats on the Hold's "board of directors," and they meet monthly to coordinate and plot new illicit business. The public notoriety drives the Hold underground, and Batman makes a spectacular raid on Carmine Falcone's home, making off with "The Roman's" ledger. Dent is able to use it to secure arrest warrants for the top administration of the Empire, and in the biggest trial Gotham has seen in decades, manages to put Carmine Falcone away for life.
The victory is short-lived, however. The soldier-turncoat is gunned down by the Red Hood as he is brought in to testify at a new trial. The first of the radical criminals make their appearance: Catwoman, who seems more interested in playing cat and mouse with Batman than in any of the things she steals. While Batman hunts down the Cat, Bruce meets Selina Kyle. They immediately form a bond, though Selina seems more interested in a flirtatious friendship than anything serious. When Batman finally catches Catwoman, she proves gracious in defeat, revealing where everything she stole is, though she eludes actual arrest. Selina abruptly stops seeing Bruce around the same time. Next is Ivy, who seduces Dent with a mind to kill him for prosecuting eco-terrorists. Batman stops her, but the affair strains Dent's relationship with his wife Gilda. Finally, Mr. Freeze assaults Daggett Pharmaceuticals, hoping to take revenge on the underlings who caused his condition and to force Roland Daggett to pay for research to save his wife. When Batman stops Freeze, he is able to convince him to put vengeance aside, orders Fox to set up a research lab for Freeze in prison, and for the rest of the series, Freeze is an ally to Batman.
The affair with Ivy is kept hidden from the public and the Hold, but it shakes up Dent's mental state. He begins to see a psychologist - none other than Jonathan Crane, who sees Dent on the side from his duties at Arkham Asylum. Dent is revealed to have a split personality, born from his efforts to suppress his rage after he accidentally killed his alcoholic father while trying to defend himself and his mother. Crane has lately cut deals with the Thorne Gang to get their men out of jailtime, and also engages in many twisted experiments concerning fear. He now wants to see what would happen if Gotham's greatest hero became its greatest public menace. He approaches the Thornes for aid, and without the approval of the Hold, they agree. Dent and Gilda are kidnapped; restrained, Dent sees Gilda murdered before his eyes. As The Scarecrow, Crane tortures Dent with fear toxins, what he knows about his past, and a face full of corrosive bleach. Batman learns of the kidnapping and rushes to the rescue, but is too late to save Dent or capture Scarecrow. When Dent recovers physically, his mind is gone. He becomes "Two-Face Dent," and with a flip of the coin, vows to take down the Hold by killing off all its members. He goes on a mass shooting spree, sending Gotham into a panic. Rupert Thorne manages to escape Two-Face's wrath, but is killed by the Red Hood for helping to bring this menace upon the Hold. Crane delights in his "experiment's" success, and Gordon and Bruce are left to deal with the loss of their friend.
A few months have passed. Two-Face has continued his shooting spree, driving all of organized crime further underground. He has claimed several Thorne soldiers, an entire Falcone crew, and the Falcone acting boss. The next in line for that job, Angelo Falcone, finds the Hold falling apart. He and the Penguin (who finally reveals himself to his fellow mobsters via speaker phone) both conclude that the strongest Hold gang could take advantage of their situation and absorb the others, and so the two begin a race to conquest. Their most visible battlefield is in their support for competing factions in the Thorne Gang; underboss Lew Moxon is backed by the Falcones, while lieutenant Vasily Kosov has the support of the Penguins. Angelo also adopts the guise of Holiday and starts killing off the biggest threats to his Empire in the other gangs. The Holiday guise is a risk; after the Two-Face fiasco, the Hold has voted to cut all ties to the "freaks." Not only has Angelo become a freak, he has kept in contact with Crane. And while he and the Penguin duke it out, sister Sofia and aunt Carla work within the Empire to undermine his reign.
Meanwhile, Gordon and Batman have soldiered on without Dent. The new DA, Janice Holder, is unfriendly towards Batman (and, as a social friend of Angelo Falcone, is lax if not openly corrupt when it comes to the Hold). Nevertheless, Gordon and Bats do have their successes. Gordon has put together a loyal team (Bullock, Montoya, John Blake, O' Hara). Selina abruptly reappears, and she and Bruce start casually dating. And Batman has an ace in the hole - Salvatore Maroni. After the Two-Face fiasco, the reluctant godfather has had enough. He won't testify for the police or the law, but he will talk to Batman. Among the nuggets he gives up is the identity of all the Red Hood assassins, as well as the leaders of the hit squad - Joe Chill and "Glasgow Jack," who have only been seen before this as chauffeurs and, in Jack's case, a popular stand-up at Underworld nightclubs. Based on Maroni's tips and Batman's own work, the Grissom Syndicate becomes the next prime target in the Hold for law enforcement. Tipped off by a mole, Grissom tries to avoid Carmine Falcone's fate. He resigns as head of his Syndicate, names Jack as his successor, and goes into hiding. Jack is unpopular as a boss in the Syndicate and in the entire Hold, not because he is too greedy, but because he frightens them. Ever since Batman first appeared, Jack has grown more and more wild - and he was barely in control to begin with. Since the Red Hood will not betray their boss, the Hold recruits Grissom gunmen to take Jack and his crew out as they inspect a chemical plant they operate as a front, Axis. Tipped off, the Red Hood all don their standard disguise and ambush their attackers. Batman and the police try to break up the fight and bring Jack to justice, but in the end, two are captured, two slip out, and another is accidentally knocked into a vat of chemicals by Batman. Jack and Joe Chill are not accounted for.
While Maroni's testimony is helpful, Batman has no respect for him. He is horrified when Maroni turns up at a Wayne fundraiser as a guest of Leslie Thompkins. It is revealed  that Salvatore's father Luigi was a patient of Thompkins, was also a reluctant mobster who tried to reform before the Falcones started a mob war, and had his life saved by Thomas Wayne. Dr. Wayne and Luigi became friends in spite of themselves. Salvatore is also Thompkins' patient and has kept a correspondence with Alfred started by his father. Bruce develops a reluctant respect for the godfather, and just in time. The Hold has found out that Maroni talked to the Batman, and kidnaps his two sons to try and force him to come forward and reveal what he told. Instead, Batman and Maroni blaze into where the boys are being kept and save them. Maroni officially cooperates with law enforcement, convinces several of his top men to do the same, and is deported to Sicily, where he takes up his dream job as a writer.
The testimony of the Maroni defectors opens up the entire Hold to prosecution, and Batman and Gordon are hopeful for a successful strike against them, despite distractions from new "freaks" (Man-Bat) and Catwoman's return. But a few weeks after the incident at Axis, a radio message announces that Grissom will meet his death at the hands of the Joker. The prediction comes true, down to the minute. Several more members of the Syndicate meet a similar end before the targets become random civilians. The deaths are all caused by "the Joker's Patented Smylex Venom," which Batman is able to synthesise an antidote for, but no one can predict when or where the deaths will come. The Joker makes his first public appearance in a deadly parade that leaves one of the busiest streets of Gotham in ruins, courtesy of Mr. J and his Red Triangle Circus Gang. It is implied (but never confirmed) that the Joker is either Jack or Joe Chill, and whichever he isn't is the Ringleader character of the Circus Gang. The Ringleader is the Number 3 man in  the group; Number 2 is Harley Quinn, who has Dini's origin but met Joker outside of an institution.
The Joker keeps up his reign of terror, always evading the law and Batman. His antics are destroying organized crime. After Grissom's death, what remains of his gang is absorbed by the Penguins; what was left of the Maronis was absorbed by the Falcones. They continue to fight each other through the Thornes. Angelo Falcone hires Crane to take out the Joker. Crane gets his chance when the Joker breaks into Arkham. As Scarecrow, Crane tries his fear gas on the Joker; it has no effect. In response, the Joker gases Scarecrow, and all of Arkham, with a laughing gas, and sets them all loose on Gotham. When Sofia Gigante gets wind of her brother's failed plan and Holiday guise, she puts a contract on his head; on the 4th of July, Angelo takes them both out in a suicide strike, leaving his top man as the boss of the Empire. In the Thorne Gang, Kosov kills Moxon and agrees to serve under the Penguin. Batman exposes the Penguin as Oswald Cobblepot at some point in the season, but he is able to remain an obscure figure to the public. Two-Face, with a flip of the coin, plans a bombing of the Cobblepot estate, but the Penguin escapes to an underground lair. He and the new Falcone boss make peace, and the streamlined Hold plots its future in a Gotham where the criminal scene is dominated by the freaks.
Batman and Gordon rush to control this situation. Batman targets the Joker himself, getting unexpected help from Catwoman. In the end, the Joker falls from a building and his body can't be found (the Joker's appearances would follow in the vein of his earliest comics; he appears to have died, but you're never sure). While most of the inmates of Arkham (and Scarecrow) remain loose, Gordon manages to scatter them, capture most of the Circus Gang (Harley and the Ringleader get away), and Two-Face. He is promoted to commissioner.
The most episodic season, featuring encounters with classic Batman foes. A proper confrontation with Scarecrow, a proper confrontation with Penguin, Riddler, Harley and Ivy, Mad Hatter (with Tweedledee and Tweedledum as henchmen, naturally), two more rounds with the Joker, King Tut (who is more Catwoman's foe than Batman's), Clayface, Two-Face's escape from Arkham, and Croc. Catwoman gets into hijinks throughout, and we (but not Batman) are privy to her darker side. 
I've always wanted to see a Batman story that went something like this: Gotham hits a calm spell, and while Gordon spends the extra time with his family, Bruce has no clue what to do with himself. 
Throughout, Bruce and Selina get more serious. Eventually, her identity is revealed, with the twist that it's Bruce instead of Batman who discovers it; he doesn't take her in right away, not knowing how to take it. The season finale is an adaptation of the Mad Monk story, forcing Batman to accept the existence of the truly supernatural.
It opens with a trip to Metropolis on the trail of some of Penguin's smugglers, a "World's Finest" episode. When Bruce gets back to Gotham, Selina has left town under mysterious circumstances. However, a woman named Talia who Bruce meets at a ball keeps his mind off of Selina. Talia appears to be the daughter of a visiting diplomat, and as she and Bruce fall in love, she puts pressure on Bruce to become a more public figure, to use his wealth and influence for philanthropic causes. Lucius Fox has encouraged similar goals. This leads to Bruce having an experience based on the "Ghosts" segment of "Haunted Knights." This experience causes him to question his image of his father and his commitment to his persona. This also causes him, when he next faces the Joker, to make an offer similar to that at the end of "Killing Joke;" the Joker refuses, but agrees to go to Arkham "for a nice long vacation." Meanwhile, a few more notables from the Rogue's Gallery make their appearances;  Solomon Grundy, Ventriloquist, and Hugo Strange.
Strange, as it turns out, is in the employ of the diplomat, who is of course Ra's al Ghul. Together, they deduce Batman's true identity. After the obligatory test of his "rescue" of Talia, Ra's wants Bruce as his successor and Talia's husband. When Bruce refuses on both counts, Ra's and Strange attempt to frame Batman for various crimes; they eventually succeed, Gordon the only one keeping the faith. Batman flees Gotham and the country on the trail of Ra's and Strange. He eventually learns of Ra's immortality through the Pits, that there are only a very few Lazurus Pits left, and that Ra's plans to detonate them to wipe out humanity, courtesy of Strange's technology. However, Ra's has misled Strange about his intentions. When Strange learns of the double-cross (courtesy of Batman), he engineers a controlled destruction of the Pits, preventing mass destruction and robbing Ra's of his immortality. When there is only one Pit left (the one their headquarters is built on), Ra's stabs Strange, and he and Batman have their classic duel. Ra's seems to have the upper hand, but in his last moments of life, Strange draws a gun and puts a bullet in Ra's head. As the headquarters begins to collapse (Strange had set it to blow), Talia throws herself into the fire rather than go with Batman.
As Batman, badly injured, flies back to Gotham, the military is scrambled to shoot him down. He is still not cleared of false charges. Alfred has been working on exonerating him, and sends his evidence to Gordon, but Gordon can't spread the news in time to stop Batman from being blown out of the sky. He staggers out of the wreckage, only to be shot into the water by soldiers. He barely makes it back to Wayne Manor. As Alfred pieces him back together, Bruce decides to give up the cape and cowl and honour his vow another way.
We open six months into "The Year of the Dark Knight's Rest." Bruce and Alfred have closed Wayne Manor and moved into a penthouse in the city. Bruce has taken Talia's and Fox's advice, becoming a public philanthropist and more involved in his family’s company. However, he is still Batman at heart, and his unsatisfied desire - his need - for the cape and cowl is taking a toll on his state of mind. He has also been diagnosed with the early stages of Type 2 diabetes. In the Batman's absence, Gordon has generally managed, though morale in law enforcement has sunk and morale in crime has risen. The Penguin has turned over his criminal interests to underlings (ostensibly; in fact, they are front bosses still answering to him) and set himself up as a legitimate figure. Though he had been known as a crime lord, the public never knew the extent of his misdeeds, and he enjoys a wonderful reputation and a greater degree of political influence than ever before. Many of the freaks have been released (or escaped) from Arkham, and have carved up the city into spheres of influence, where their particular brand of crime dominates. The Joker breaks out of Arkham and goes on a rampage to try and lure out Batman, but when he never appears, the Joker gives up and goes back to Arkham. The damage caused is another weight on Bruce’s psyche.
A year on from his “retirement,” Bruce attends a charity circus, headlined by the Flying Graysons. Another member of the circus is Bane. Imported as an enforcer for the Falcones, he has gone undercover in the circus to ensure that they pay their protection money. When they stop, Bane enlists a crew to cause an accident for the Graysons, leaving 13-year old Dick an orphan. Bruce gives the boy a home and, seeing the effect the loss of his parents has had on Dick, finally takes back up the mantle. He tracks down the hoods, who finger Bane. When facing Bane, Batman is faced with just how much of his edge he's lost, and almost has his back broken when Dick (who found the cave and stowed away in the Batmobile) saves his life. Together, they bring down Bane, and Batman realises Dick's drive. Reopening Wayne Manor, he offers to train Dick, and Robin is born.
Batman and Robin spend the rest of the season bringing down mobsters and encountering notables from the Rogue's Gallery. Along the way, they encounter Barbara Gordon. Wheelchair bound from childhood in this continuity, she deduces their identities and offers her computer services; Oracle is born. Selina returns to Gotham, with nothing to say about her absence. She starts going out as Catwoman again, and Batman dutifully goes after her, though it soon becomes clear that she is handing out wealth she aquired during her time away, not stealing it. During one encounter, they say certain lines to each other; in their first meeting out of costume, they repeat the lines, and Selina learns Bruce's identity. They get together, and Catwoman becomes (a distant) part of the Bat-family.
Two years have passed. Batman, Robin, and Oracle are a seasoned trinity of crime-fighters. Bruce and Selina have maintained their relationship, and Catwoman assists on a case-by-case basis. Bruce is as close to happy as it's possible for him to be. Most of the radical criminals are in Arkham, or well-contained.
But the Bat-family is faced with a new kind of foe. The Penguin, as a legitimate figure, has formed closer partnerships with Shreck and Daggett. They have successfully funded a mayor, forced Gordon out of office, bought most of the city councilmen, and gotten massive deregulation passed. They've destroyed the environment and preyed on the populace, and all of it legal, since the start of Season 5. Because this was done over a long span of time, and because the radical criminals are still so visible, no one has really stopped to notice. Batman's new strategy is one of espionage; with Catwoman and Oracle's help, he uncovers the full extent of what has been done, and through viral messages, turns public opinion against Penguin and his allies. Meanwhile, Bruce redoubles Wayne Enterprises' efforts to compete with Daggett and Shreck.
It isn't all corporate espionage and stealth campaigning, though; there are still crooks to fight. The beginnings of the the Royal Flush Gang pop up, and Hush arrives on the scene. This version of Hush has a grudge against Bruce and Harvey Dent, who was with them on that fateful day at camp. He kidnaps Bruce and Two-Face, but the experience reawakens Harvey and his free will. He stops Hush without killing him, frees Bruce, and checks himself in to Arkham (I figure at least one version of Harvey should have a happy ending).
Things begin to turn south towards the end, however. The Joker breaks out of Arkham and kidnaps Robin on his first night going solo. Batman, Catwoman, and Oracle search for weeks, without leads, when a massive explosion rocks the Axis Chemical ruins. Robin is found, hideously scarred and barely alive. When his fate is pronounced "uncertain" by ICU, Batman tears through the underworld, demanding leads on the Joker. He finally tracks him down to a ruined carnival, where he sees Harley kill the Ringleader for perceived disloyalty. When Batman finds the Joker, he is treated to footage of Dick's torture, and the Joker reveals that the Boy Wonder was eventually coerced into revealing everything he knew about Bruce. It is implied (but not confirmed) that the Joker knows something about the deaths of the Waynes. Batman attacks, and it becomes clear that the Joker's whole plan in torturing Robin was to drive Batman to kill him. He comes very close, but in the end, just cannot do it. When he refuses, the Joker goes on the attack, hoping to force a murder in self-defense. In the end, the Joker ends up killing himself. His last words: this isn't funny.
Harley is taken to Arkham. After a few months, Dick has recovered physically. Emotionally, there is some work to be done, but he wants to take up the costume again. When Bruce refuses, the two argue, and Dick ends up stealing the Robin costume and running away. Bruce does not go after him.
Even with Dick's departure, the strategy against the Penguin works; his mayor is recalled, Gordon is reappointed, and regulations are restored. The Penguin is arrested on evidence of his past criminal deeds, and Daggett falls under investigation. But Shreck weasels his way out of trouble. When his secretary finds out about a certain scheme, he hires Black Mask to kill her. That secretary was a good friend of Selina's. She tracks down Black Mask, and the fight ends with Mask and Shreck in a precarious position. Catwoman lets them die, and becomes wanted for murder. When Batman confronts her about it, he appears to talk her into coming home with him. However, she sees him reach for handcuffs. She swipes him across the face and skips town again. The deception causes friction with Alfred and Oracle, and Bruce gives up on any love life.
It is 20 years in the future. Gotham is not quite as futuristic as in "Batman Beyond," but it is on its way (it has a retro-futuristic look, with Gothic touches of course). This "New Gotham" barely hides the ruins of the old; not long ago, a massive hurricane struck, crippling the city. It has just gotten back on its feet. Dick Grayson has gone through the Teen Titans and Nightwing phases of his career, married Starfire, and is running for mayor of Gotham. Barbara Gordon has replaced her father as police commissioner. They are in a similar spot to Dent and Jim at the start of the series: organized crime is again ruling the streets. Supplanting the Falcones and the Penguins as the major force in the underworld is the Jokerz. They operate in several large groups, loosely involved with each other but all paying homage to Harley Quinn as the queenpin. Harley has clung to the delusional belief that "Puddin" will come back for her, and her inner circle has taken on a cultlike atmosphere. The biggest corporation in town is DagShreck Power, an amalgam of the old Daggett and Shreck businesses bought and controlled by the unscrupulous Derek Powers.
The Jokerz and Powers pose a problem beyond what Barbara and Dick can manage alone; they need Batman. But Barbara has not spoken to Bruce for years over some mysterious falling-out. Dick and Bruce are still estranged. And Bruce himself is not up to the task anymore. Years as Batman and advancing diabetes have taken their toll on his body. Technology enables him to patrol the entire city still, but in hand-to-hand combat he can only manage for short periods of time. While his mind is as sharp as ever, he is limited in what his detective work can accomplish, not having a partnership with the police anymore. As Bruce, he has lost touch with his company. Fox's replacements have not done well, and there is immense pressure to sell the company to Powers, something Bruce seems prepared to do. He spends his days being pieced together and cared for by Alfred and playing dice with Harvey, who has fully recovered and lives a quiet, anonymous life in the city.
Though Alfred hides it well from Bruce, he is feeling his age, and soon is on his deathbed. He tells Bruce that the has planned his funeral, that certain people will be there, and that he wants Bruce to try and make amends with these people. When the funeral arrives, Bruce meets several mourners, including Don Salvatore Maroni, whose sons have become honest and effective businessmen at Wayne Enterprises. But the people Bruce is expected to make up with are Dick, Barbara, and Selina Kyle. Selina and Barbara remain cold to his (admittedly feeble) efforts, but Dick, encouraged by Starfire, agrees to try to patch things up. Also at the funeral are members of Bruce's mom's family - the McGinnis family. Bruce's cousin Warren, an employee of Powers, asks Bruce to give his wayward son Terry a job. Bruce initially refuses, seeing Terry as a punk, but he later observes him defending his brother from bullying cousins. Knowing he'll have trouble living alone in his condition, he agrees to take Terry on as an attendant and chauffeur.
Terry, a 17-year old ex-punk with a healthy social life, is initially bummed about the job, but starts to have a better view of Bruce when he observes "the old man" outmaneuver Powers and the traitors in his own company, appointing Maroni's sons as the new heads of Wayne Enterprises and retaining ownership. As they make their way home, they are attacked by some Jokerz, and Bruce again impresses Terry by fending them off. The fight drains Bruce, and he has to be rushed home. While preparing to go home, Terry finds a bat in the grandfather clock, and uncovers the Batcave. Bruce throws him out.Terry and his father fight over his losing the job; when Terry comes home after the fight, his father is dead. A note written right before his death indicates Warren knew something about Powers and the Jokerz, but he was unable to finish writing it before being killed. Terry goes to Bruce, who does not offer or refuse help. When he leaves to take his medicine, Terry steals the suit and jet, intent on getting Powers. Bruce takes control of them and brings them home. He tells Terry that what he uncovered is the first piece of a puzzle, and that he is willing to train him so that they can solve it together.
Over the next few weeks, this is just what they do. Bruce gets more involved in the company to have opportunities to meet with Powers, while Terry is given the batsuit and allowed to spy on Powers and the Jokerz (but nothing else). Terry is a fast study on detective work and logic, being a fan of Sherlock Holmes, but is unrefined in physical combat, and Bruce is limited in what he can teach him. After a time, Terry wants to be allowed out on a full night. When Bruce refuses, he takes off anyway. He takes on a gang of Jokerz, gets in way over his head, and barely makes it out alive. Meanwhile, an attempt is made on Bruce's life; Powers wants him out of the way. All the stress of the night results in a heated argument in the cave, culminating in Bruce having a diabetic stroke. During his recovery, Dick, Barbara, and Selina all come to visit, and they all (more or less) reconcile. Dick and Barbara remain skeptical of Terry, though Dick is more open to the idea of a new Batman. Selina and Bruce find they still have feelings for each other, and Selina moves in to Wayne Manor to help take care of him. Being in much better condition than Bruce, she is the one to train Terry in martial arts, and in whip work; this Batman has a bit more of Zorro in him than usual.
Together, the three of them uncover the plot: Powers has been smuggling in equipment for the Jokerz. While he thinks it will be used to extract ransom, it is actually meant by Harley to fulfill an old "master joke" the Joker had drawn up years ago (a variation on "Joker: Last Laugh.") When push comes to shove, Bruce is both afraid for Terry and reluctant to give up the mantle, refuses to let Terry fight, and instead passes the information on to Barbara and Dick. But when a Jokerz mole passes along word, the pair are attacked and hospitalized. Starfire is injured too, leaving the Bat-family as the city's best line of defense. Bruce eventually relents; he and Terry both don the cape and cowl (with Selina as Catwoman) and take on their enemies. Powers is turned into Blight and escapes, most of the Jokerz leadership is rounded up, the plan is foiled, and Harley dies (the Joker didn't want anyone doing this "gag" but him; he found a way from beyond the grave to kill anyone who tried). In the conflict, both Batmen show their stuff, but Terry ends up having to save Bruce.
As they start to recover, Dick and Barbara concede that Terry is worthy of the mantle, though it is clear he needs more training. Barbara agrees to tolerate his presence on the condition that Bruce permanently gives up the cowl. Bruce agrees, but can't resist one last "flight." While patrolling the city, he spies a couple and their son being held at gunpoint in Crime Alley. He swoops in to help, and he does scare off the gunman (and the couple), but he takes a fatal bullet wound. With his last  strength, he makes it back to the cave and extracts a promise from Selina to finish Terry's training. Two funerals are held; one in public, one for the Bat-family, who bury Bruce in the cave. Terry prepares for his first solo flight. Batman lives on.
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uncontrollablyme · 6 years
Today, I am okay.
I am writing this today before I get stitches removed from my face.  I know I am okay deep in my core, even if I am not actually okay.  I went for a normal skin check, thank you heritage and too much sun exposure, and then I heard Basal and the C word, and we are doing a biopsy right now.  I was stunned, but calm, knowing the "spot" wasn't normal for months and then fearing this moment.  A pinch, burn, sting, and then driving myself home with my left eye half covered with a bandage.  Then, just numb. Let me back up.
I have mentioned before on here and on different social media posts that this last 12 months has been one of the hardest years of my life.  Harder than living with a broken home as a little girl and having no idea that that hard wasn't normal.  Harder than defying my mother and moving out and into a relationship she didn't approve of.  More difficult than that same relationship failing and going through a two-plus year long divorce.  Harder than parenting alone and even more difficult than being abused for years and harder than recovering from the night I was raped.  More difficult than health issues and family drama, mental health crisis's and living on less money than could stretch to feed us, and all of the uncertainty of life on a normal day-to-day.  This last 12 months shook me, changed me, and showed me how all of that suddenly seemed to pale in comparison.
To say I am resilient is a fact.  I have survived things that should have killed me. But this last year, which contains the absolute hardest night of my life to date, also involves others, so some of it I have yet to open up about in an effort to protect them.  In time I will find a way to share but for now, you'll just have to believe me when I say that I felt my life impossible to face under this set of events. 
During all of the same time that my life was turning upside down, I was also faced with the wildly overwhelming idea of being on my own and what that meant for what really was the first time in my life.  I compounded the hardest time in my life with my fake sense and need to control, the need to make clear who I was in what felt like an early midlife crisis.  Good timing eh?
At the lowest point, when I struggled to get through the days I finally hit a place in my life where I could no longer get through alone.  I knew I needed help, the kind that my loving family and friends could not provide.  Not for lack of want to or effort, but simply because they are too close to be objective and also were supporting me no matter what.  (Sidenote, I am eternally for all of your support, y'all know who you are. Whether a passing conversation or those nearest and dearest on this journey, I appreciate you!)  I knew I needed the kind of help that only a professional could direct and finally, finally after all of the hard times and suffering of my life, some even beyond what I touched on above, I decided I was worth it. 
I was worth saving.  I knew I had more work to do and feeling familiar with rock-bottom meant I was tired of being a rock-bottom frequent flyer/visitor.  I knew I could overcome.  I knew that my audacious tenacity would eventually pull me through, that years to come I would put in the work and be better for it, all, again.  But now, this time, the cost to recover sooner, the desire to use my pain to launch me into this next phase of life was bigger than my concern over affording it.  My value was worth every penny I put into getting help, every penny.
After all what good can I do in this world if I allowed this kind of suffering to hold me down? Again, again. 
So, I made the decision to make an appointment with a therapist.  I had seen several before and I knew that there is always the risk of it not being a fit.  I have been to a therapist so bad that the urge to walk out mid-meeting was almost more than I could resist.  I have tried therapists who coddle, downplay, judge and underestimate.  They all gave me just what I needed to give up on relying on a professional for help, furthering my reluctance to ever need anyone for that matter.  They all gave me enough incentive to say, "it is too expensive anyway."  Or in other words, I am not worth it.  But this time I had faith that I would find someone who would not deter me from the real work that needed to be done. I knew my life needed savings and the cost became an after thought.  
Facts are, that I could say out loud in the most monotone way, what I survived.  I had stood in front of over one hundred people and told my story.  And yet, I still had not felt my way through the traumas of my life.  I disconnected feeling and emotion from the happenings of my life in an effort to numb, to survive.  And it had served a purpose at some points.  Unfortunately, it also became a habit.
But now, this night, this situation, was in the heart of my heart something I could no longer numb to. It was blaring in my face, "TRACY JEAN!!!!  You have work to do.  You cannot keep going this way.  You have to get better, learn better, DO BETTER! You cannot give what you do not have!"  And so I found my person to help.  Actually, within a few weeks, I found two.  I found my therapist and my life coach.  And when I say they helped me save my life, I mean it with all of the conviction I can.
My therapist, I came by through local word of mouth, my life coach, well I found him on Instagram funny enough.  Let me say here that in my weakest moments something told me there was more for me in this business of helping others.  So, I needed help but I also knew in order to become like my heroes, to fulfill my desires and passions for giving back, I needed to also learn from them.  It was a faint voice under the tormented days but it was there, none the less.  
Therapy is reparative and helps you heal the past in order to move forward, coaching is the acceptance of the past with the directive of massive forward momentum. Healing and recovery plus goals and direction.  In the overlap is the present and also the action.  I knew I had my team.  My family, my friends and this dynamic duo, completely unknown to each other were and are magnifying my worth and value, helping me, holding my pain in their hearts and encouraging my change.  This unearthing of who I am meant to be.  Besides Josephs mom, besides a broken girl, beyond all of the things that happened to me.
This recipe of humans enabling my ability to succeed. 
I started the work, realizing it is never really done, I became my own accountability partner.  Reading, immersing myself in everything I could to immerse my mind in the fuel that helped direct me, propel me, drive me through the acknowledgment, the facing, the overcoming and into the best me I have been yet. 
It wasn't pretty on a lot of days, in fact, sometimes the monumental tasks kept me in bed, or shut down, or with a feeling of being a spinning top with more questions than answers.  But then other days would bring a breakthrough and I found myself a step ahead of my pain, shoulder to shoulder with all of my experiences rather than them strapping me down as they had previously.  I was working through it.  I was getting up and pushing into all of the dark corners and connecting the dots where there was once only blank space.  This puzzle of all of what makes me, me, was taking shape.  There was no loud bang, no poof, and a cure.  It was in the constant and consistent connection to myself, mediations, journaling, reading, showing up for my appointments and myself.  The day-to-day, one foot in front of the other, one breath at a time AND the grace in which I faced my failures.  My grace allows me to be human, to know it is okay to not have it all together, all the time.  It gifts me with the softness I need to recover and heal. 
Throughout these past few months, I have come so far.  My therapist helped me give me back my worth, my validation of events, my heart connected to soul and life.  She helped me give myself back all of the grace I so easily handed out to others, she helped me forgive myself years after letting others off the hook so easily.  My coach, man he exploded my brain so many times and still does.  He helped me undo past damage but sent me forward with new perspectives that have helped me change my life.  He guided me to my own truths and answers without judgment.  He allowed me to shout my truths at the top of my lungs and then say "job well done!"  Together they have empowered me to rewrite my story.  My way.  I cannot change this life up to now but I absolutely can grasp this life by the balls, or boobs to be equally un-PC, and make it mine with audacious resiliency.
Shew all good stuff and liberating, overcoming, strength, resiliency-based brain power!  And then my body went, "Oh hey brain, good job!  Well done, I am so proud of you... but uh we need some love now too."
I realized to the detriment of my health I had neglected really taking care of me.  Not on purpose, not in a malicious way.  But in the simple disregard in making an appointment a year earlier when I first noticed the spot on my face as an example.
I am writing this now, before I know the results because I truly, unwaveringly know and believe that I am okay.  Better than that I am chock full of this life and even if there is another obstacle to face because they are bound to come, I trust myself and feel secure in my ability to get through.  I can face things with all of the strength that has its basin and foundation in the depths of my pains... which is deep Y'all!  I have work to do.
As always, I am not reaching out, also read as spilling my guts, for anything in return.  My only hope is to reach those who need the encouragement today.  To possibly fall into the inbox or be read on a post by someone I can help.  This is not about comparison, just my story.  My story being spoken loud enough so that those it can reach hear it with a compassionate hug of "me too".  Life is tough, but you are worth it.
My head is still spinning, the results were not good, BUT I AM STILL OKAY!  I have been diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma, but before your head starts to spin too, it is the best kind of skin cancer to have.  It is very common, slow moving, and once removed it should be gone from my body completely.  The reality of it's outcome, it being super common, it being curable and figure-out-able does bring a little relief.
Am I scared? Of course.  
Has it fully sank in? Not really.  And I am sure there will be emotionally charged moments, questions, and the fogginess I felt as the words from my doctor settled over me.  I will be sure to continue to share and spill my guts here about it all in the future.  
Do I know I will be okay and still mean everything I wrote yesterday? ABSOLUTELY.
I have cancer, I am going to face it with every ounce of strength and resiliency that has grown from within me through all of my experience up to this point.
I am a warrior.  Today, I am okay.
PSA - Stop using your skin as payment to worship the sun.  I spent half of my teens with sun-in and baby oil during my summers and my twenties in a tanning bed.  I love the feeling I get from enjoying the sun and being tan... but if I have to look like Casper to keep doing this life, so be it.  SUNSCREEN is your friend!  Use it!
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nfl2sevensummits · 4 years
Former Heisman Trophy winner, Danny Wuerffel was not only an amazing quarterback for Florida back in the day but has taken that same drive and energy & made helping others his life's mission. He is the executive director of Desire Street Ministries and t
178: Danny Wuerffel: Former Heisman Trophy Winner and Executive Director of Desire Street Ministries shares his path to going from being an amazing quarterback in Florida and transformed that energetic drive and desire into making a meaningful impact in the lives of those less fortunate. Danny Wuerffel also is the force behind the Wuerffel Trophy which recognizes the top college player in the United States who is also involved in community service efforts. 
  Danny Wuerffel 
  Danny Wuerffel discusses growing up with his family in Florida as one of the top quarterback recruits. “I definitely have to thank my family and sort of the foundation of my parents. I remember being young winning something, bragging about it. My dad, I will never forget a look he gave me in fourth grade when he found out I was bragging in a sense. He was like, ‘That is not how we do things.’ So, there was this tension of always wanting to win. But at the same time trying to be humble about it and recognize that it is not all about you.”
On this episode of Finding Your Summit Podcast, we talk with Danny Wuerffel, Former Heisman Trophy Winner and Executive Director of Desire Street Ministries, who also emphasizes the role his spiritual faith has had in his life. “A lot of my understanding of the world and not seeing yourself as the center comes from my faith, and there is a long line of Christian faith in my family. My dad was an Airforce Champlain, and a lot of other folks and families. So, a part of the way that we understand our faith is to live it in a way that really impacts other people. So, I think that was very foundational for me. At different points as I got older, kind of recognizing that and embracing it for myself.” 
  What You Will Learn:
Danny Wuerffel talks about how humility has continued to be important to himself and his family. “You never want to be around somebody who thinks that they are better than you are. My son is on a soccer team and there is a couple kids on the team that are really good. But, he just struggles because they walk around like they know they are good. So, he immediately doesn’t feel connected to them. So, I think the ability to be honest, and to be real, and share your own struggles, and to walk with people, and to listen, you know? I was going to write a book. It was kind of a joke. Sometimes when you are successful, it can stunt your growth as a human being.”  
Danny Wuerffel  discusses getting involved in Desire Street Ministries as the executive director. “I was drafted by the Saints and I felt like I wanted to be a part of something to help people. So, I was kind of looking around and I didn’t have anything specific that I was looking for. Just a unique coincidence if you will, or perhaps divine intervention if you believe that led me to a small organization in the 9th Ward of New Orleans working in the Desire Housing Project called Desire Street Ministries. It was working with families and kids in the neighborhood trying to raise up leaders with the goal really, it sounds insane, but to help transform at one time the worst neighborhood in the country to a desirable, wonderful place to live.” 
What is the moment that pushed him towards the work that he does? “As I drove by these empty buildings, I saw a girl walk out with a doll, a little girl, and then I realised that she was living there. That ever so often in these projects you see an air conditioner and there were people living in these neighborhoods. My heart was broken. I definitely wanted to be a part of helping and making something better. So, Desire Street is very holistic. At the time we started an after school program and then we started a school. We had started building houses. We had started helping people get into jobs and businesses. We started a health clinic and a church.” 
How long has Danny Wuerffel been the director of Desire Street Ministries? “In the years since (Hurricane) Katrina, I became the director in 2005, and we moved our headquarters to Atlanta to expand. What we do now is we basically, instead of starting and running new Desire Streets, we found that there are already heroes living and working in neighborhoods all over the country. But, so often they don’t have the resources they need, the training, the support. So, rather than these heroes having an incredible effect on their neighborhood, they are often burning out or just hanging on.”
How does Desire Street Ministries expand their reach? “Really what Desire Street does now is we partner with leaders to establish thriving and sustainable works in the inner city. Our new mission is to develop 20 sustainable ministries in the next five years and we are really excited about how that works and the things that we can do to support them.”
  African American Leaders  
 Danny Wuerffel talks about being committed to work hand in hand with African American leaders to make change a reality. “I feel a little bit more like a proud brother, someone who is there right alongside and doesn’t always have all of the answers, but is committed to walking the walk with them. Also, in particular, my heart has been in what happens to be often African American neighborhoods and leaders and just over the years of getting to know and listen and be in deep relationships with people. It also makes me extra encouraged that so many of our leaders, our people of color that so often don’t get the same levels of trust from donors that I would get, or the same opportunities. To see them rise up and be so successful is extra special as well.” 
  Succeed with Humility   
During this episode of Finding Your Summit Podcast, Danny Wuerffel speaks about how important it is to be humble. “Whenever you are successful, people like to say, you know, anybody can do anything if you just try hard. There is some truth to that. But, I also think there should be a little bit more humility with those of us that have succeeded because a lot of times we are just fortunate, you know? My dad was supposed t o move to Minnot, North Dakota when I was going into high school. Instead, at the last minute they switched it and moved to the panhandle of Florida where football is amazing.” 
  Links to Additional Resources:
Mark Pattison: markpattisonnfl.com
Emilia’s Everest - The Lhotse Challenge: https://www.markpattisonnfl.com/philanthropy/
Danny Wuerffel’s social media: Instagram Twitter
Danny Wuerffel’s website: DannyWuerffel.com
Mark Pattison: Instagram
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