#like 'see what's happened now that you broke my engagement with my beautiful elf woman???????'
worstloki · 5 months
Thor sweating as he tries to get Odin off him about marriage to Lady Sif: I--I already have a woman I intend to marry!!!!! Thor: [covers mouth in regret] Odin: Oh? And who might it be? Thor: [muffled] an... elf? Odin, narrowing his eyes: ...an elf. Thor: she's from another realm, you wouldn't know her!
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sheriffgaymelia · 5 years
Korrasami-week 2019 - Fantasy AU
I had trouble uploading all of this but hope you will like it <3 
As there is no order this year and that I can’t wait to share with you this theme for the @korrasami-week since sunday, here it comes! We improvised the outfits the day before the shooting and I also wrote a text going with the pics. Also, we enjoyed so much wearing elfic Korra and Asami that they might come back with upgraded version :3 
“Korra couldn’t believe what was happening, Asami and her were exchanging the traditional engagement hair pins. Even if water tribe elves and fire empire elves, engagement hair pin was still used by both countries. The way they met was such an hazard. Korra remembered this day who was so particular. She was on a hunt, focused on her pray. Then, an howl attacked her. 
- Who dares to enter and hunt on this holy land ?!
The howl landed on the arm on the most beautiful person Korra ever saw. A black Wolf was threatening her. But Korra was instantly charmed by Asami. Korra laughs in her mind thinking about the fact the answer she gave Asami didn’t really helped her neither put her on a good light. Asami was the first Elf of the Fire nation she ever saw... She was indeed beautiful but also intelligent.  Korra Also came to get along with her 2 familiars even though Berio, Asami’s black Wolf didn’t like her at all. On the other Side Noldo, the Howl bec me used to her pretty fast. 
 - Korra ? 
 Asami was looking at her, waiting for her to complete the Gwaedh ritual. She was quite concerned as she was doing this without her father’s approval. She was marrying a water tribe elf... Elves that she shouldn’t even meet if not for this holy land. The temple of Amarth was a neutral place where she could came every full moon as she had the right by blood to come here. Being raised and treated like deity wasn’t that easy.
Without any servant was her only rest. She had company thanks to Tenzin, an air priest elf, the most respected one. Air elves were highly respected as they traveled everywhere to bring faith and conduct ceremonials. Some of them who rejected the faith were often nomade singers, musicians. Asami had an ancient nomade who married a fire nation elf as her nurse. Still, she was conduct the Gwaedh but would her Father dare to not respect it? They were royalty, but still they were guarantor of the faith, even thought his and her words were government. The other dysnasty was. She had the support of the crowned Prince, Iroh but he wasn’t emperor yet. Her father has tried to make tournaments in order to marry her but she refused the result. When she will came back, she was prepared to fight Mako in order to show her disapproval. She never break any rules or went into conflict publicly with her father. But she wanted to fight for the woman she loved. "
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Characters : Alternative elfic universe Asami & Korra
Asami : @amelia-ships (dress, necklace and corset from my wardrobe, hair pins & earings bought in a medieval festival, gem and tiara made by me)
Korra : @enzaeru (outfit from my wardrobe and hers, some korra cosplay part and fabrics, sword and arm + shoulder armor part made in 1 day) 
Pic taken by our friend Meiji-Cosplay
Edited by us on Lightroom
Big thanks to the creators of LoK, we met thanks to those cosplays. I found in Enza a true friend, a talented cosplay duo and my soul mate (I think?). We don’t know if you are gonna be together for ever but I know that if we broke up, she is way too important for me to stop seeing each other at least as friends. But for now, I’m more than happy. Thank you Korrasami community <3 
PS : Sorry for my bad english and would you like to see some bloopers or more pics? Because we have plenty of both!
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queen-of-the-crows · 7 years
Survivors of Ostagar
Mina Cousland, Clea Mahariel, Alistair, and Morrigan
word count: 2912
It was early afternoon before the remaining two Ferelden Grey Wardens along with Morrigan, a Witch of the Wilds, left Flemeth’s hut in the Korcari Wilds after she rescued them from the Darkspawn at the Tower of Ishal. The battle at Ostagar was two days lost by this point after Teyrn Logain’s men abandoned the king’s army and the Grey Wardens and leaving them at the mercy of the Darkspawn who laid siege to Ostagar and took out everyone, extinguishing all hopes of ending the Blight then and there. The only two Wardens to survive only did so because they were sent to light the signal fire instead of joining the battle on the ground, it was there in the tower that Flemeth rescued them after the Darkspawn broke through stating that the Darkspawn threatened everyone including her and only the Wardens could stop them and that is why she saved them and sent her daughter Morrigan along with them to aid them in their quest to recruit an army, slay the archdemon, and save all of Ferelden.
               Of the two Wardens left alive, one was a new recruit who knew hardly anything of the order and the other was still only a junior member. Alistair was the more senior member of the order. He was a young man of 20 who was raised in the Chantry and was formerly a Templar before Duncan recruited him into the Grey Wardens. He was still reeling over Duncan’s death as he was like a father to him and felt like he abandoned him but not being on the battlefield. He had been silent most of the walk causing the other Warden to watch him carefully as he had not been this silent the whole time that she had known him which admitted wasn’t more than a couple weeks.
The new recruit, the now junior member of the order was a young woman also of 20 by the name of Mina Cousland. She was the youngest child of Teryn Bryce Cousland and was recruited into the Warden’s once Arl Howe murdered her entire family and she alone escaped with Duncan. Duncan had come to her home hoping for more recruits for the coming war and was taken by Lady Mina who had been trained from a young age by her father and brother to be a warrior and that she was, outdoing many of the men in her father’s army. Mina’s father had originally forbidden Mina from joining the order since he didn’t want her to join her brother Fergus in the war to come. His mind was only changed once Duncan promised to take Mina to safety and her father promised his daughter aid in fighting the Darkspawn, Mina’s joy was only overwhelmed by her sadness at the loss of her parents and possibly her brother. Duncan made good on his promise and took Mina to safety and then on to Ostagar while Arl Howe destroyed her family’s home. There at Ostagar was where she met Alistair who oversaw her joining much as he had done for the weeks before with all the new recruits. Everyone at Ostagar seemed to take notice of Mina as she was just as beautiful as she was powerful. Mina had short thick hair that hung down to her shoulders and was the deep rich dark brown of chocolate. Her eyes were a deep piercing ocean blue that seemed to suck in all who caught her gaze and appeared all the brighter for her dark hair and her light skin that seemed to hardly ever seen the sun despite the time she spent outside training. The only thing people seemed to find more shocking than her beauty was her skill with a blade, or two blades as the case was for her. Mina’s weapons of choice were a longsword and a dagger with a twisted blade. She was fast and she was deadly and she struck hard. In the short time she had been at Ostagar, she had bested many soldiers while sparring and caused many others to refuse to engage her. Many people looked to her to eventually take a general’s position once everything was settled but the chance was never given. Everyone fell leaving only her and Alistair to recruit an army and defeat the Blight as well as outing Logain for the traitor that was he and keeping him from the throne that was left vacate by King Cailian Theirin’s death at the hands of the Darkspawn.
“Alistair, you can’t brood forever. It’s getting rather dull.” Morrigan quipped soon getting bored of hearing nothing but their footfalls and the sounds of the Wilds as they made their way towards a small town on the outskirts of the Wilds called Lothering at Morrigan’s suggestion.
Alistair chose to ignore her instead of fighting with her as he would have under other circumstances. Mina glanced to him and saw the sadness in his hazel eyes and decided to leave him to his grief for the time being. Morrigan was about to open her mouth to say something else when Mina reached her hand out and shushed her. “Did you hear that?” She reached behind her back and withdrew her sword and dagger. She heard Alistair do the same as she looked around for the source of the noise that she had determined was a human voice.
“It sounds human to me.” Morrigan commented as she raised her staff.
Mina nodded. “I agree.” She scanned the treeline looking for any signs of life.
Alistair began walking towards what appeared to be the source of the noise. “Over here!” He yelled, the first words he had spoken since leaving Flemeth’s hut. He sheathed his sword as Mina approached him and also sheathed her dagger but still held her sword as she followed Alistair’s gaze to what appeared to a woman hunched over on the ground at the base of a tree partially hidden by some bushes. They would not have noticed her if she hadn’t moved.  Mina lightly kick the woman’s leg and she twitched and groaned in pain. Mina sheathed her sword and instead crouched down to look over the woman.
The woman wasn’t human at all but was actually an elf, most likely Dalish due to the gold tattooing that framed her delicate face. She was also most likely a rogue due the bow and quiver of arrows strapped to her back and the dagger that Mina noticed on her back at the waist. She had long black hair that had originally been tied into a tight bun but was now falling loose and tumbling down her back. Her eyes were barely open but Mina could see that they were a vibrant green and her pale skin contrasted greatly with her black as night hair. She was wearing what Mina guessed was traditional Dalish armor because she had never seen anything like it before.
“Help me.” She coughed. She had a very light voice with a somewhat mystical quality to it that many elves seemed to hold, light and airy.
Mina followed the elf’s arm to where her hand rested on her bare stomach covered in blood no doubt from the wound that she was protecting in her side. “What happened to you?” Mina asked her as Alistair crouched down beside her and pulled bandages from his pack to bandage her wound and stop the bleeding. Mina also noticed some more much smaller holes in the woman’s shoulders and upper chest and one in her thigh, no doubt left from arrows that she had pulled free herself.  
“Darkspawn. I was at Ostagar. I’m a Grey Warden”
Mina looked shocked as she looked into the young woman’s face. She couldn’t be much older than Mina herself was and she knew that she didn’t recall seeing a beautiful raven haired elf at Ostagar, let alone even a single Dalish elf. Alistair’s hands stilled at her words and he looked up from his bandaging and caught her eyes instead.
“I remember you. Duncan recruited you from a Dalish clan to the north, said that you had the sickness and brought you to us to save your life and also cause you were the best hunter in your clan according to your keeper. She’s telling the truth. I oversaw her Joining weeks ago, back when Duncan and Cailan first started to amass their army at Ostager.”
“She was there for weeks? How come I never met her then? I was there long enough to see many people but never her. I think I would have remembered seeing one of the Dalish.” Mina still seemed skeptical despite Alistair’s insistence she was telling the truth.
“I stayed with the soldiers and never ventured out into the main camp after my joining. I stayed and trained and engaged no one. Even being one of the Wardens, the soldiers would give me looks like I didn’t belong. I kept to myself.” The woman spoke up.
“You were new to the Wardens and wouldn’t have been allowed to make camp with the rest of our soldiers because Duncan still had much to teach you and much to tell you. Same with all new recruits. The difference was that Darkspawn came, the battle started, and there was never a chance.” Alistair finished her bandages and helped her to her feet.
Mina nodded. It all made sense. So her and Alistair weren’t the only remaining Wardens after all, not that she thought one more of them would make much of a difference anyway, they were hardly an army. “I’m Mina, Mina Cousland. This is Alistair in case you never caught his name and this is Morrigan.” She gestured to where Morrigan stood outside their little circle just watching but saying nothing.
“My name is Clea Mahariel, adarin atishan.” Clea greeted them in elven, showing that they were friends, welcoming them.
“Hopefully this one shows more promise than Alistair.” Morrigan told her in greeting earning her a glare from Alistair and a look that told her to be nice from Mina.
“You were in the battle then?” Mina asked, slowly coming to the realization of exactly what that meant.
Clea’s bright green eyes grew dark and sad, her face shadowed. “Yes I was there.” She stated simply, not volunteering anything else.
Alistair perked up this, his eyes gaining a light they hadn’t had since waking up in Flemeth’s hut. “You were in the battle and you survived! Did you see what happened to Duncan?! Did he survive?!” Alistair probably would have grabbed her shoulders in his desperation if Mina hadn’t reached a hand out and lightly touched his forearm.
The elf’s face told him all he needed to know and just as quickly as the light returned his eyes, it vanished.
“Tell me what happened, please I have to know.” He almost begged her.
“Trust me Alistair, the battle was a bloodbath, you don’t what to know the details of what happened out there.”
“I do! Duncan was family to me, I have to know.”
“If you’re sure, if you’re both sure, I’ll tell you what happened.” Clea said sounding resigned. Ostagar wasn’t something she wanted to relive and it certainly wasn’t something she wanted to talk about to someone who had cared so deeply for someone who died there. The horror of the battlefield of Ostagar was something that would haunt her dreams for as long as she lived.
Clea Mahariel signed and pulled her long hair loose letting it fall down her back and around her face, almost as a curtain against the story she was about to tell. “It started out just as we all knew it would, King Cailan sent out the hounds and gave the order to loose the arrows. Darkspawn started to fall but it seemed that just as quickly more came from the wilds. It was then he called for the attack, his army and the Wardens to charge the darkspawn ranks and that we did. Intially we appeared to have the advantage, each one of us took out a slew of those monsters but every one we killed, there were two more who would appear. We all waited anxiously for the signal fire that seemed to take ages to light, everyone covered in sweat and blood, most of us thinking the next parrying would kill us.”
By now the small band had stopped walking and even Morrigan seemed focused on the tale being told. Mina’s mabari, Lucifer, also sat attentively at her feet watching the elven woman with his large dark eyes. Clea lifted her eyes from Lucifer and instead raised them to meet Alistair’s for the first time since starting her tale. The anticipation she found there brought a small lump to her throat knowing that what she knew would break his heart all over again and Clea didn’t take joy in being cruel.
It was with a heavy heart that continued her story. “When the signal fire finally went up, the relief was evident on everyone’s face; some people were even smiling. Loghain’s army was joining the fight, we stood a chance again. Except they never came. As the fire continued to burn and the army didn’t show themselves, the hope slowly died on everyone’s face and was replaced with despair and a sense that we all knew we were doomed.”
Clea paused and drew a deep breath to steady herself for what she needed to tell next, the hard part of the story. “That was when the ogre grabbed the king from the field. He roared in his face, like an act of defiance and then crushed his body in his fist. Your king was already dead by the time his body hit the ground; even his heavy gilded armor held the imprint of the creature’s fist. Duncan saw it all go down and moved his attack in the ogre’s direction. He leaped at the creature and buried both of his blades into its heart and twisted. The creature in its dying rage threw him aside. When he hit the ground he didn’t get back up, he was too badly wounded from injuries he had already taken. I ran to him, even called for a healer, but there was nothing anyone could do, he was already gone. He died avenging his king and killing darkspawn, I don’t think he would have had it any other way. When I looked around I saw much the same every where else on the field, soldiers dying, fewer and fewer still able to fight. Then I took a darkspawn arrow to my shoulder and another to my chest. One pierced my thigh as I was attempting to pull the others free and I just missed one shooting through my hand before my shoulder. It was only feeling the slice of a darkspawn sword against my side that took my mind from the arrows. It burned red hot for only a second before it was too much and I passed out. When I finally came to, the battle was done and we had lost. The darkspawn had quit the field but I could hear them not far off. The majority of the horde had moved off together but I still heard others back at the ruins of the camp. I wrapped my side as best I could and stumbled into the wilds just trying to put as much distance between myself and that place as I could and I made it here to where you found me.”
Alistair was trying his best not to cry but his efforts were in vain as the tears fell silently. Mina’s eyes were misted over as well as she placed a comforting hand on the young warden’s arm.
“I’m so sorry Alistair, I told you that you didn’t want to hear it.” Clea told him softly finding it hard to look at the pain in his face and turned her gaze to Mina instead.
“You were right, I didn’t but I think I needed to. Can we just move on now? I don’t want to think on it in this dreadful place any longer.” Alistair was already continuing on their intended path as he spoke, not waiting for any of the others to join him.
“I’ll go to him.” Mina said shaking the sadness from her face. Her admission wasn’t necessary as neither Morrigan nor Clea were going to volunteer. Instead the two of them continued further back and out of earshot.
“Tis remarkable that you survived at all without a healers aid.” Morrigan remarked once Mina was gone.
“The Dalish know quite a lot about bandaging and healing wounds, especially hunters. You don’t want to be stranded in the forest after taking a wound from a wolf or bear and not know how to bandage it enough to keep you alive for a couple days. I wouldn’t have lasted much longer had you not come along though. I had accepted my fate.”
“It seems that fate had not accepted your death.”
“So it does. I’m sure there will be many more things to come that will give fate a chance to change its mind.” Clea said, feeling lighter now that Mina and Alistair had moved on ahead and a dark cloud no longer hung over her.
Morrigan chuckled at that, thinking that she actually liked their new companion. “Of that I have no doubt.”
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emalynde · 8 years
D&D Soap Opera Synopsis 9/10: Emalynde Edition
((The following is the report “required” of Emalynde, a courtesan/contracted intelligencer, for lead intelligence agent Thalandril Van’drys--her lover and Chelyse’s now rather estranged lifemate.  Emalynde is well aware that the secretary who requested the “official document” simply wants a sordid play-by-play of her adventure and that any guise that the record is necessary is just that--a guise. This entry starts at the fourth day’s account, the prior three chronicling her journey from Evermeet to the Fae Wilds to Nexus City, then several days spent in the company of Savid Velikov.  Jhanys, the receptionist in question, is positively enamored with the giant dusk elf.))
DAY FOUR: It was this day that I met the remainder of the group in question, namely the House Dawnbloom’s youngest children and their sha’quessir, along with a rather pretty human.  We broke our fasts together whilst planning to attend some sort of festivity.  You would not believe the sheer variety of creatures that occupy the region, Jhanys.  For instance, the pretty human threw mashed potatoes at this group of young elves and the plate happened to belong to a fire giant seated nearby, who was none-too-pleased at the use of his breakfast as a projectile.  The beast was the largest sentient being I’ve ever seen! I must admit to having giggled, but apparently it caused somewhat of a fuss.  The enormous creature thought it purchased the human?  I think?  I could not understand the exchange.  Speaking only elvish in this sea of species was rather limiting.  Either way, Chelyse was forced to intervene, which was likely quite necessary at that point.  Slavery is such an awful thing, and a rather enormous miscommunication to have.  The brute actually listened to her, though.  After that, your darling Savid and the youngest Dawnbloom, Adryssa, decided that the three of us needed new attire for the occasion.  Although the lot of them were wildly unprepared to attend such a celebration.  They had not even secured tickets!  And it was for the very same evening!
Wilson, the guild’s doorman of sorts--perhaps butler is a better term?--refused to permit me entry into the evidence room to secure the copy of the invitation we needed.  The idea was to produce enough to gain admission to the gala.  The man was veritably immune to my charms, which is ever so vexing, as you might imagine.  Adryssa was able to secure entrance, as she was a guild member, and we found out that the document in question had been checked out by one Ricatavio.  The girl knew him, so we paid the man a visit.  I shall have to take you on my next trip, Jhanys, as this Ricatavio was no man, but an eladrin.  Positively beautiful.  You would have adored him.  His cheekiness rivals your own.  And he is lovelier than I, if such a thing were possible. Unfortunately, and I am still unsure how, the eladrin knew of my identity as well as my association with Thalandril.  There were a few frightening moments in which I thought myself compromised, but he only wished to be privy to Thalandril’s information on Evermeet.  Can you imagine?  By Hanali.  Of course, I gave him nothing.  Betraying Thalandril would be my last action in this life--either he would have my head should I speak or I would lay down my own life rather than surrender his.  In order to attain the mentioned invitations, we had to reach an agreement as to the trade of information--but it is only at Thalandril’s whim.  Yes, I have already discussed the details with him.  No, you needn’t any paperwork on it; it’s off the books. You shall be happy to know that I sated your curiosity.  Not only did my abilities have no effect on Ricatavio in the least, but he desired my companionship despite my failed charms.  He agreed to make the invitations, but that I should also bed him.  The notion was premised on the fact that Thalandril must keep me around for some purpose, which I only assume was intended to be a slight to my skill of reconnaissance.  Not that I could contest as much at that point, but I had no qualms putting the eladrin in his place within the bedroom.  The only complication was that the poor Dawnbloom child got entangled in some sort of bondage device of Ricatavio’s whilst looking about.  He freed her, after having a laugh, and bade her return in several hours for the mentioned invitations. ((Emalynde gives a detailed account of her rendezvous with Ricatavio, sparing Jhanys, who often lives vicariously through the redheaded enchantress, no detail.  Think middle-aged, sassy secretary who’s into ‘Magic Mike’ and might be dealing with a mid-life crisis.))  I might have actually expanded my repertoire--with the eladrin’s help.  So Savid will have to be only one on your list of pursuits within Nexus, Jhanys.  I do highly recommend him, although be wary of the biting wit and general condescension.  Ricatavio thinks quite highly of himself, but his animal companion, a great beast of a cat, will happily put him back in his place for you if need be.  Mr. Kittums might be the only individual that can curb the eladrin’s narcissism. We decided to have Chelyse and her dusk elf consort secure the invitations when the ranger had finished with them, so that the three of us--Savid, Adryssa, and myself--could find something to wear.  At breakfast, we had discussed the need for Adryssa to find a date to the engagement, as she witnessed Savid request my company for the evening.  We took her flying carriage--although think of it as the metallic union of a wagon and a boat--that’s apparently powered by a fire elemental.  I am unsure why the elementals remained caged thusly, but perhaps I am not privy to the agreements reached.  Or perhaps the world works differently here than in Evermeet. The ride was exhilarating.  Have you ever flown?  We soared about the city and the view was absolutely breathtaking.  Everything is so much more varied in design and architecture here than Evermeet, where the uniformity and elegance of our fair city are key.  We soon arrived at the home of whomever Adryssa wished to take to the evening’s activity--a rather artistic area of town.  I jest you not, Jhanys, the individual in question was a demon!  The spawn of one, at least.  If my education serves, the race is referred to as Tieflings?  House Dawnbloom would be devastated to know that their youngest progeny was consorting with such creatures, much less on a romantic level.  I wonder if Thalandril plans to utilize that knowledge to his ends.  T’would not surprise me.
Although I could understand nothing that was said unless Savid chose to translate, Temerity--as she was called--seemed peaceful enough.  I must admit to being rather wary, but neither your darling Savid, nor Adryssa, seemed to bat an eye at the presence of such a being.  It--or she, I should say--appeared to be an artist, rather morbidly erotic paintings displayed throughout.  The shop itself reminded me of a vampyr’s residence: all blood-colored velvet contrasted with black accents and furnishings.  The same coloring as the tiefling, now that I think about it.  But I digress.  Judging by facial expression and body language, the tiefling assented to attend alongside Adryssa.    We then ventured to the Dawnbloom girl’s shop, as she designs and tailors attire through the use of fabrication magic--or so she explained to me.  The girl had requested that Savid and I showcase her newest line at the dance to spread awareness of her wizarding brand.  We, of course, assented.  Oh!  I do hope you enjoyed the dress I promised you from Lamruil Teth’Sol, on the subject of custom-made garments.  Please let Thalandril know if you’ve any trouble using my name on the order.  But no matter, I must admit that the child is rather talented; I’ll be sure to show you the gown she created next time I stop by the office.  If it does not drop your jaw, and at least Dellanor’s trousers, I will owe you dinner.  Agreed? But I am sure you’re much more concerned with Savid’s attire.  He always wears these fitted, leather pants that I am sure need no further description.  His shirt was partially sheer, resulting in more clothing than the enormous elf normally wears, seeing as his rule of thumb is typically to only don what I dare say is the same, singular pair of trousers.  The giant of an elf was disappointed that our garments did not match, but the Temerity woman wished to wear leather and so I, of course, could not.  After Adryssa created the appropriate accessories to accompany her work, we relocated to the brand’s atelier to ready ourselves for the evening.  You would giggle.  Savid spends more time at the mirror than I do.  I was forced to apply my make-up in a side mirror as he would not share the prominent dressing one. At the designated time, we met the remainder of the group at the location specified upon the invitations, information that Kasimir relayed to the little Dawnbloom girl through the use of their magical talents.  The venue was atop a looming tower, but built of stone and masonry.  It was so drab and lifeless compared to Evermeet’s living structures wrought of crystalline sharding and trees.  Rowhouses dotted the rooftop--and we knew not where to enter until Adryssa alerted the lot of us to an invisible doorman he managed to spy.  It was really rather fascinating, although the entity also was revealed to be a horned devil, so I was wise in remaining close to Savid’s side.  I gave my ticket to the dusk elf to offer up in my stead and the parchment sizzled to a crisp as it was proffered toward the empty space where it supposedly stood. I was confused as we filed through, one by one, into the foyer.  It was entirely empty--no patrons, no drinking, no music.  Nothing at all.  I think it was Savid who noticed it, but there seemed to be some sort of film over the far end of the hallway.  He stepped right into it without a second thought--and since our hands were entwined, the barbarian pulled me right along with him.  It was only after passing through that barrier that the area came to life.  Jhanys, it was like nothing I had ever seen.  The room was black but illuminated somehow; colors seemed to glow and were bright in a manner that I have never witnessed.  Attendees had bands of these glowing, bright-colored lights about their bodies and some brought around trays of little pebble-looking edibles.   Savid took one of the morsels, as did the pretty human.  Maybe he had two; I cannot recall.  Each became somewhat... intoxicated.  That is the closest I can describe their resulting behavior; it seemed as if they were enjoying themselves much more than they were only seconds prior.  Temerity and Adryssa began dancing, and so Savid drew me into the crowd along with them.  You know I can never pass up an opportunity to showcase my talents, and so I gave those gathered an exhibition of my many years of practice in the art.  For as large as he is and despite his condition, the dusk elf was rather nimble.  He managed to keep up with me and even could halfway engage in several of the movements native to Evermeet.  I was mildly impressed.   We whiled away the evening dancing, mostly.  The masses moved together to the music playing, almost as if they were flowers swaying in a breeze.  It was hypnotizing.  I think the scholar and paladin--along with the tiny one--went to investigate something during our frolicking.  I am unsure.  Perhaps they desired the more quiet seating upstairs.  Nevertheless, our festivities ended somewhat abruptly when a pair of those devil spawned creatures let their gazes linger on my person.  Apparently, Savid thought the duration too long and became defensive.  He confronted one, but it was more physical than verbal.  He just slapped the creature right across the face, knocking the tiefling to the ground.  It was certainly uncalled for.  Utterly so.  But I could not reason with Savid; he would not listen, despite my pleadings.   I finally goaded him back to Adryssa and Temerity, but the other sharply-dressed ndividual approached after several moments.  Just as I calmed the giant of an elf, as luck would have it.  Whatever he ingested was doing nothing to temper his emotions.  In fact, I am quite certain it exacerbated them.  The individual’s boss wished to see him, Savid translated.  The request set off numerous red flags, but the barbarian sauntered off all the same.  I accompanied him to hold the dusk elf in check, as did the pretty human.  We were led to the chambers of some two-headed beast, Jhanys.  Both heads spoke and it even wore a little jacket.  It wasn’t quite as big as the fire giant from that morning, but it looked surlier.  The brute asked to purchase me, which--as you can imagine--sent your sweet Savid right into another fit. Thank Hanali for the effectiveness of my spells that day.  Blowing a sweet scent to intoxicate the ettin, he no longer posed a threat and I summarily coaxed Savid from the place.  We had no business there, not with creatures of such a sort--and I wished for us to be free of conflict.  Such a concept was not in our immediate future, it seemed, as Savid--and I do apologize for the graphic nature of this, my friend--smashed the head of the remaining tiefling guard against the wall as we passed.  Without provocation.  I have never feared for my wellbeing more than at that moment.  Our fair city sees little violence, if any at all, and I have been privileged to lead a passive, carefree existence.  I was not prepared to watch a man die that day. After watching a creature’s snuff out like a sputtering flame, it was necessary to retreat and reflect on the situation I had put myself in.   I sat upstairs at one of the tables where some aristocrats seemed to be mingling.  Thalandril would be livid with me when he discovered the degree of danger I was immersed in.   The barkeep came over to assumedly offer a beverage, but we could not communicate, so he left.  Savid, of whom I was certainly tentative at this point, sat down with me, bringing two bottles of what I assumed to be wine.  He drank one as if it were naught but water, but he became sick soon into his drink and I was forced to cry out for Kasimir as the enormous elf became startlingly pale.  The paladin accompanied him and veritably saved Savid’s life.  You have Corellon to thank for your dusk elf, Jhanys.  Chelyse requested that I stay and watch him, as they were embroiled in trouble of their own, but Savid would not have it.  He said he could not protect me in his state and thus the paladin insisted that stay safely in her company.  I did not argue. Kasimir and Chelyse hefted the enormous elf’s weight between them and to another corridor, where the others were waiting amid a rather grisly scene.  Forms lay splayed upon the floor like morbid decoration--hooded and menacing, but unmoving.  Apparently there had been some sort of disagreement or fight.  I knew not.  And had no need or desire to know more than what I did.  A creature with the head of a serpent was bound nearby, an unsettling sight by all interpretations of the term.  I stayed near Savid, who had been sat within a plush armchair, as the adventuring party investigated the premises, which looked to me to be some sort of office.  They were not conversing in elvish, so I knew not of which they spoke.  But everyone looked stoic, intent in their current tasks.  I worried as to what we might have stumbled upon. Suddenly, Chelyse began speaking aloud in our tongue, communicating with Adryssa from what I could tell.  She and Temerity had been left downstairs during all the commotion and at some point, the club itself had detached from where we were currently.  Some sort of dimensional door, given that the youngest Dawnbloom reported being in an entirely different part of the city now.  The paladin instructed the pair to be careful and to meet us back at the guild hall.  The festivities were obviously over.  Someone slung the snakeman over a shoulder and we returned to the group’s home.  Thankfully, Adryssa and the devil girl were well, having been spared both confrontations.   They wished to continue their celebrations, a notion that I could not argue with as I required a rather stiff drink at this point.  But not before Adryssa pulled me aside and informed me that not only had she watched Ricatavio and myself make love previously, but that she somehow reported to Thalandril--through some ungodly means--the aforementioned liaison and was concerned that the eladrin and myself were plotting against Evermeet?   It was then I knew my fate was sealed.  Savid also moved over to interrupt her, apologizing for his violent outbursts, citing the influence of the substances he ingested.  I was so overcome with the Dawnbloom girl’s news that I couldn’t even afford much attention to the giant elf, nodding at him blankly.  It was only because she mentioned that you had expressed your regards that I knew Thalandril would not disown me as soon as I stepped back into Evermeet. We did go out on the town soon enough, to a smaller establishment that felt much like those taverns near the harbor.  Knowing it was my last night in Nexus, I did drink rather heavily, spending the last hours of the day dancing with Savid and even managing to get Kasimir on his feet.  It was a concerted effort, I shalln’t take all the credit.  Savid made for Chelyse, encouraging her to take the floor with him, whilst I plied my admittedly drunken wiles on the scholar.  He was amused, if only just so, and acquiesced to my insistence--but likely only because Chelyse had been swept up with the barbarian.  When the number was finished, Savid and I made use of the coat closet before being corralled home by the paladin, who apparently plays the part of mother hen for the group. I would be remiss to not mention that apparently the demon girl and Adryssa expressed their intent to bind.  The House Dawnbloom shall go up in a sea of flames should the Senator become aware of this ordeal, to be sure.  How the pair shall manage to successfully engage in such a union is both beyond me and none of my business.  Lineage is such a touchy subject with the nobles.  I left Savid in his room upon our return--as he was likely exhausted and still recovering from the day’s events--and went to secure any loose ends with Ricatavio.  It was perhaps 2 or 3 in the morning, but it was necessary to be sure of our arrangements lest I anger Thalandril additionally by being sloppy in my dealings. The eladrin answered the door in suited sleepwear decorated with tiny renditions of his saber-toothed cat.  Of course, my inebriated self was very much bemused by the sight.  It did not take long to review the parameters of our agreement, but it was a necessary step.  Such matters cannot be treated lightly.  As I was about to leave, Ricatavio casually mentioned that he wished to share my bed once more, citing the fact that we might as well given that I had woken him, but the great feline forbade as much.  Tickled that Mr. Kittums dictated Ricatavio’s partners, I ultimately did as I pleased if for no other reason than to spite the great cat.  ‘No’ is a word I hardly know the meaning of.  I was surprised, following our intimacy, to learn that the ranger preferred the company of men.  But apparently not when superior skills are in play, it would seem.   Having only a few hours until the conch-like craft arrived, the vehicle that was to carry me back to Evermeet, I wrote your dusk elf a quick note before gathering my things.  I probably should have bid him farewell in a more personable manner, but I had not the courage for it.  I was worried about Thalandril’s reaction, now that he was aware of my excursion, and was still somewhat uneasy around the enormous dusk elf.  My trip home was much less uneventful than the journey there.  I did not see the herd of centaur that had ferried me to the Fae Wilds’ guild hall initially, which was a disappointment.  They were such interesting companions; I should have liked to learn more about them. I hope you enjoyed the tale, my friend, although next time you wish for such a telling, you needn’t disguise it as a statement mandated by the agency.  I would be happy to tell you whatever you wished of my adventures, if you should just ask.  Even the torrid bits.  Especially the torrid bits.  If you’re reading this at the office, give Thalandril my love and I will not forget to include you on my next journey to Nexus, should such an endeavor occur.  I will most certainly put in a good word for you with Savid, I promise.  
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brijoimarie · 6 years
December means Christmas Movies
The way I see it there are two types of people in the world, the people who love Christmas movies and the people who absolutely hate them. Now when I say Christmas movie I don’t mean the ones that are household staples that everyone loves like Elf, The Grinch, and Love Actually. I’m talking about the real reasons for the season the Hallmark/Lifetime/Netflix Christmas movies. You all know what I’m talking about, they’re low budget, seem to have the same theme, and are super cheesy. I apologize but I am one of those people that absolutely adore these movies. Want to know a secret? I hope to be cast in one of these movies one day. Hey, before you judge please realize that these movies bring in tons of revenue every year and they are not going anywhere..
Netflix is currently trying to compete with the Christmas movie big dogs like Hallmark and Lifetime. This year I decided to challenge myself, the challenge is to watch 4 of these Netflix Christmas movies and rate them from best to worst. The movies I selected are; A Christmas Prince, A Christmas Prince; The Royal Wedding, A Christmas Inheritance, and The Holiday Calendar. The movies will be judged on the story line, the acting, and if it truly put me in the holiday spirit. Don’t worry if you want to watch these movies yourself, I won’t give away too much of the story line Alright, let’s begin!
The first movie I watched was Christmas Inheritance. The story line here was one of the typical ones when it comes to Hallmark type Christmas movies. Rich girl lives in big city, daddy cuts her off and makes her go to a small town to learn a lesson, gorgeous small town man lives there, they fall in love while learning about the importance of Christmas, and then movie ends with a big kiss. I’m not gonna lie, I loved every second of it. I’m sorry ya’ll but there’s a reason why these story lines are used every year, because if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. The acting was pretty good, very much senior year of college as a Theater major level. The movie does have the Hallmark queen Andie MacDowell in it, so she brought the acting caliber up quite a bit. This movie had a beautiful love story and indeed put me in the holiday spirit. It actually made me want to start giving back during the holiday season, I looked into a couple of soup kitchens I could volunteer at this holiday season. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being a bore and 5 being a banger), I’ll give this movie a solid 3.5.  
The next movie I watched was The Holiday Calendar. I actually screamed when I saw this trailer previewed on Netflix. It has one of my favorite actresses in it, Kat Graham. I also enjoyed that it had two black lead characters in it. I will say Hallmark does need to step up in that arena, they usually cast one black person (if that) and he/she is always the best friend with 5 lines in the whole movie. It was very refreshing to see people who looked like me in a Christmas movie. The story line was a young woman who has a dream to be a photographer but works at an in mall photo studio. Her grandfather gifts her an advent calendar. The calendar is magic and reveals everyday something that she will encounter. The items bring her closer to her love not only for herself, but her relationship that she obtains. I won’t spoil the rest for you, but this definitely is outside of the box of the typical Christmas movie. The acting was soooo good! It had William from This is Us, Kat Graham, and Quincy Brown. I wouldn't say this movie put me in the absolute holiday spirit, but it did motivate me to follow my dreams, which is always important. On a scale of 1-5, this movie was an absolute 5!
The third movie was A Christmas Prince. This movie was actually a Christmas movie release from 2017. The movie was so popularly unpopular that there were even articles about how many unrealistic things happened in the film. The story line was similar to your typical Hallmark story line. Basically a girl from a big city has to go to a small country and do a report of the future king of that country. I think it's safe to say that they fall in love. To be completely honest, I fell asleep on this movie and its sequel twice...OOPS. The acting in this one was a tad mediocre, especially coming from the main character, I just never believed her when she said things. It put me more in a semi holiday spirit because the movie had a lot of traditional things in it like tree decorating and singing. On a scale of 1-5, this movie was a 2.5.
The final movie is The Christmas Prince; A Royal Wedding. I liked this one more than the first one, but I still managed to fall asleep during the movie. The story line consisted of the now in love and engaged couple from the last movie prepping for their royal wedding. During the movie the main character realizes that she has to change a lot of who she is in order to be queen, and this causes frustration on both ends. This one didn’t put me in the Christmas spirit at all since most of the movie was about the wedding prep, the frustrations, and the problems her boyfriend was having running the kingdom. On a scale on 1-5, this movie was a 3. The wedding scene saves the whole movie.
So there you have it! 4 mini reviews for some pretty good Christmas movies. I hope you all are having a fabulous holiday season, and even if you hate cheesy Christmas movies, give one a try. Even the bad ones will at least give you a good laugh at how ridiculous they can be.
-Bri Joi-Marie  
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Drarry Fanfic #2 - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is Will Understand (Intro & 1st Chapter)
See more of the story here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12401953/1/Anyone-Who-Knows-What-Love-Is-Will-Understand
Introduction - The Night After The Battle of Hogwarts
She ripped open his black shirt as he pressed himself into her. They fell back together onto the large four-poster bed, moaning in their mutual pleasure. Malfoy's hands gripped at her thighs and pulled her harder, harder, harder onto him. She moaned into the kiss as his cock hit her in just the right spot. Their lips crashed together with long withheld passion, the scent of fire whiskey filling the space between their lips as they pulled away. Malfoy brought his hands up to her face, pushing flyaway hairs out of her face and gazing longingly into her emerald eyes. For hours they explored each other's bodies, feeling things they'd never dared to feel before. And when she woke the next morning, she turned to look at him, that beautiful, terrible, magnificent grey-eyed man she had fallen in love with despite all the odds. So she couldn't really describe the feeling, the black hole which enveloped her chest and consumed her when she saw that he was gone, not a single trace of their night together remaining, save memories swirling around like a tornado in her head.
Chapter 1 - Can’t Handle It
She thinks back on that night every day. Even now, her children all grown up and going off to Hogwarts, she wonders what could have been. What if she had told him how she felt? He had said he had feelings for her, but that must have been the heat of the moment talking. Lots of people got together immediately after the war, wanting someone to love after losing so many people, and changed their minds shortly after. That morning when she woke, Draco gone, not a trace of him left behind, her heart broke. She never told anyone about that night, not even Ron or Hermione. She had been too hurt, especially after—
Albus's voice interrupted her train of thought.
"Yes, dear?" Harry asked.
"We need to go! We're going to be late for the game if we don't leave now!" he whined.
"I'll be there in a minute," she responded.
"But Mum, you said that ten minutes ago!"
"Just go wait by the floo, I'm coming," she sighed.
She glanced in the mirror, attempting to straighten her unruly hair for the thousandth time that morning. She gave up with a sigh, grabbed her purse, and headed downstairs to the floo.
When she and Albus came out on the other side, they where at the stadium. The game was about to start. Albus ran up the stairs two at a time, calling after his mother to hurry up so she wouldn't miss the start of the game. Normally she wouldn't want to be late to a game either, but today was different. They were here as the Malfoy's guests, and she always dreaded having to spend time with them. She loved Scorpious; she really did. However, along with Scorpious came his father and seeing him made her feel like her insides were dying, like her intestines were trying to tie themselves up like shoelaces until any circulation of blood was impossible and her organs threatened to explode.
She finally made her way to the private box and stepped inside. The game just started. Albus and Scorpious were deep in conversation and didn't even notice her entering. Draco looked up and gave her a curt nod as she sat down next to him.
"Lovely weather for a game," he said.
"Yes, it is," she replied, trying no to remember the feeling of his breath on her skin.
"Will you be attending the Ministry Ball next Sunday? Astoria keeps talking about how much she wants to see you there," he commented.
"Yes, I promised Kingsley I would attend. I'm sure Astoria has a beautiful dress picked out for it. Why isn't she here today?" Harry asked, despite how jealous she was of Astoria, she couldn't help but like Malfoy's wife. She was one of the nicest people Harry had ever met and treated Albus like her second child.
"Her mother has been a bit under weather lately, so she is visiting her in Paris. What about your husband? Will he be attending the Ball as well?"
"No, he's out of town for work," she replied.
Draco nodded at this, but said nothing more. They sat through the rest of the game in silence. Malfoy and the children seemed transfixed on the game in front of them, but Harry's mind was miles away.
A few weeks after The Night, which is how she had come to think of it, she still hadn't heard so much as a word from Malfoy. She had thought about contacting him, but she wasn't sure what she would even say to him. Now, though, things were different. She didn't just want to talk to him; she needed to talk to him. She fought to gather up all of her Gryffindor courage and apparated to the gates of the Manor. After being granted entrance, she walked up to the intimidating structure before here and knocked on the big oak doors. A house elf she didn't recognize answered and showed her into a formal sitting room to wait. Before Draco showed up, Narcissa Malfoy entered. She was kind and made small talk and offered Harry tea, which she accepted. She also thanked her for helping save her son and for the testimony she had written for them during the trials.
"Honestly, Mrs. Malfoy, you don't need to thank me. I was happy to do it. I owe you so much for protecting my in the forest," she said as she sipped her tea.
"Well then, let's talk about something else!" Narcissa said, beaming. "Have you seen the announcement in the paper today? We are so thrilled for our Draco."
Not sure what Mrs. Malfoy was talking about, she took the paper that was being held out to her. At the top of the page was a picture of Draco and a woman she didn't recognize. She looked at the header to see which section she was looking at and her heart almost stopped. "ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCMENTS" it read. Her breath stopped. Her heart beat twice its normal rate. Her hands began to shake slightly.
At this moment, Draco finally entered the room.
"Sorry for the delay. The Aurors had a few more questions for me," He said with a shrug. "Hello, Potter. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Harry looked up from the paper, not sure what to say now.
"I…uh…Just, wanted to tell you congratulations!" She stumbled over her words and with a forced smile continued, "Congratulations on your engagement!"
She got out of that house as quickly as she could. She apparated to a nearby market, too upset to go home yet. She stood outside a magical pet store with cages of kneazles waiting to be adopted and tried not to cry. A black and white kneazle rubbed its head against her hand playfully while she tried to catch her breath. This couldn't be happening. She was supposed to tell him. What was she to do now? She had to go back. He deserved to know, and she needed to tell him.
"Excuse me?" A tall, dark haired man a few years older than her approached her. "That kneazle seems particularly fond of you. And he doesn't normally like people."
She looked at him absently.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
She did not respond.
"My name is Jack," he continued, "You look pretty pale. Maybe you should sit down?"
Harry couldn't hear him any more.
"Miss? MISS?" He shouted. "YOU'RE BLEEDING!"
Harry looked down and saw the blood. There was so much. She didn't know she had that much blood inside her. She tried to sit down, but before she had the chance, everything went black.
Some time later she awoke on a bed in Saint Mungo's. The man from the market, Jack, was still there, sitting next to her in a white chair with the latest issue of The Quibler open on his lap.
"You're awake!" he said with a smile.
"Yeah…" she said, still somewhat dazed. "What happened?"
"I…uh, I think the Healer should explain that," he said, looking slightly uncomfortable.
She looked at him. He was handsome, with black hair and a crooked smile that gave him a mischievous look. He was dressed oddly for a wizard too. He was wearing a fleece lined jean jacket and muggle trousers and boots. The trousers and boots were covered in blood.
"Is that my blood?" she asked.
Jack nodded solemnly.
Before she could ask, even though she felt sure she knew the answer, the Healer entered the room.
"Miss Potter," he said. "I'm glad to see you awake and alert. You lost a lot of blood."
"Just say it," she said. "Just tell me what happened. I can handle it."
The Healer took a deep breath before speaking.
"You had a miscarriage," he said.
She couldn't handle it.
0 notes
Second Chance 9
Harry Potter AU
Link to Chapter 8 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Rating: M- 
Remus Lupin was mad! He was seeing red mad. After Sirius had stormed out of the house the night before and Remus learned of the breakup; he was ready to fight. Remus completed his role as “big brother” and held you as you sobbed in his arms. It took all that he had not to throw his wolfsbane potion against the wall and wait for Sirius to come home (he would be embarrassed by these feelings later but now he didn’t care).
After he got you calmed down enough, Remus sent you home with Tonks. The two would make sure that you would be okay. Both knew that you would need them in the coming days.
The next morning Remus and Tonks returned to Grimmauld Place. Sirius lay on the couch passed out drunk. Remus gave his girlfriend a nod before going into the kitchen and coming back with a large metal pot and a wooden spoon. Tonks smirked as Remus put the pot down by Sirius' head and started banging loudly.
It took Sirius all of three seconds to jump off of the couch. The man looked petrified as he tried to get his pounding heart and head in order.
“Remus, what the hell? Oh, merlin, I feel horrible.”
Remus crossed his arms over his chest.
“Well, you should! Think about how my poor sister feels. What the hell are you thinking? She’s pregnant with your baby and you leave her? This isn’t the Sirius Black that I know. You would never do Y/n like this.”
Sirius sat down and put his hand over his forehead. He was trying to ease the pounding in his head. Sirius wanted to tell Remus that he regretted everything because it was true. After drinking a large amount of booze, Sirius was regretting the last conversation that he had had with you.
“Remus, I fucked up. I know.”
‘You fucked up?”
Tonks questioned. The best friend in her was ready to attack.
“You did more than fuck up! You have crushed her. Y/n hasn’t stopped crying all night. Are her feelings a game to you? Sirius, you aren’t 16 fucking years old anymore. I have to ask. Are you on drugs?”
Sirius looked up over his hand. His eyes were bloodshot and exhausted.
“No, but it would make a lot more sense if I was. I think cocaine sounds fun.”
Tonks fought the urge to start wailing on her cousin.
“Y/n is worried about you. She can’t stop crying. I hope you are proud of yourself.”
Tonks and Remus’ words were finally starting to click in Sirius’ hungover mind. The logical side of his mind (the side that was still himself) was in high gear panic.
“She’s crying over me?”
Out of nowhere, Remus reached out and smacked Sirius with a book that Kreacher had kindly provided. Sirius glared at Kreacher but realized why the elf was joining in on his torture. You were kind to the elf. Sirius hated that you treated the ugly little jerk like a fun new pet.
“What the hell do you think?”
Remus snapped.
“She’s devastated without you. She has lost you twice and neither time she’s had a choice in the matter”
Remus added, angrily sitting down in a huff. The werewolf in him was beginning to take over and he was ready to rip his friend apart in your honor. Remus didn’t get it. Why did Sirius enjoy hurting you so badly? Was it some kind of fucked up game?
“Look, before the two of you straight-up murder me, listen to what I have to say. I broke things off with her for her own good. Don’t you two realize how people are going to talk about her. It doesn’t matter if I am innocent or not. She isn’t going to be the murder’s wife and baby mama forever. Do you really want that for her? I want her to have a chance to have a normal relationship with a guy that I could have been.”
Remus sighed.
“She is already known as the murder’s wife and baby mama. Whether you want to admit it or not, Sirius, Y/n had been living under that stigma for a very long time and she is used to it. She doesn’t care. Y/n wants you. She loves you. Why can you not get it through that thick skull of yours?”
Sirius looked down at his feet. He hasn’t thought about it that way.
“I regret my decision. I want nothing more than to curl up with my head on her lap and beg for forgiveness.”
Tonks faked a gag.
“Well, then you better start figuring something out.”
Over the next few weeks, to Sirius’ devastation, you wanted nothing to do with him. You wouldn’t take his calls, letter, visits, nothing. It didn’t matter how much he pleased with you. Any kind of communication came through Tonks or Remus.
“How can I apologize if she won’t see me?”
Sirius snapped at Remus one night when Sirius dropped by. Remus stood with an alien-like expression on his face as he listened to Sirius rant.
“I’ve tried talking to her. Maybe when she said she’s had enough...Y/n has had enough too. It looks like the two of you are going to parent this child separately.”
Finally, after another month and half of being ignored by both Harry and yourself, Sirius got a letter from you one morning...
“I want to see you. We need to talk about the baby. Come by at 6:00”
Sirius was at Remus’ house at 5:45. You sat in the living room when he stepped in. To say that you were dreading this meeting was an understatement. The girl in you was dying to see Sirius. You wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and tell him that you still loved him more than the waking world. The logical side of your mind was trying to say, he is going through a lot. We lost our daughter. This is where all of this is coming from. Your heart, however, was broken over Sirius’ desertion.
The moment that your eyes met his, your heart broke all over again. You poor darling looked exhausted.
“How are you?”
Sirius asked, softly. He noted how pale you looked. You looked as pale as Remus did a good 95% of the time.
Still beautiful though….
His mind supplied. You were still the most beautiful woman that Sirius had ever laid eyes on. He wanted nothing more than to apologize and beg you to come home to him.
“I’m okay. You?”
Sirius shrugged as he took his leather jacket off and sat down beside you. His eyes were on your tummy. You had gotten bigger since he had seen you. He could only hope that this could be a sign that his child was still okay.
“I’ve been better. Is the baby okay?”
You nodded, noting that he still had his wedding ring on.
“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking fine. I’m a bit further than we thought. I must have gotten pregnant right when you got out of prison.”
You were relieved when Sirius smiled.
“Looks like we are in for it again.”
You smiled as you began to feel ill again. What you hadn’t told Sirius as the doctor was concerned about your constant illness.
Sirius had picked up your sudden mood change.
“What’s going on?”
He questioned, reaching for your hand. His eyes locked on your wedding band and engagement ring. Was this a sign that there was still hope?
“I just haven’t felt well.”
You replied, trying to wave it off. Sirius, meanwhile, didn’t buy it.
“Should we call your doctor?”
You shook your head.
“The doctor knows.”
Sirius put a hand over his face and leaned back. You were closing him out.
“Can I do anything? I don’t care what it is. “
Sirius hoped that his being kind would get him some points. Maybe if you saw that he still cared, you would accept whatever he could do.
“That’s sweet but I’ll be fine.”
“Look, I have a job coming up. I’ll be gone for a few weeks. Should I cancel it?”
You shook your head and stood up. At the moment, you needed to look away from Sirius’ heartbroken face. You needed to remember the hell that he had put you through.
“ No. I’m not your responsibility anymore.”
Sirius was on his feet and behind you. His hand slowly wrapped around yours.
“Please don’t say it like that. I still love…”
You held a hand up.
“You made your choice. Please. Just go enjoy your life. You haven’t had a fair chance at doing that.”
Sirius slowly turned you in his arms. His heart broke seeing the tears in your eyes. Tears because of him...again
“I made a mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking. Y/n, I’m not me without you.”
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. The two of you stood kissing for a few moments. Sirius placed a hand on the side of your cheek to deepen the kiss but you pulled away.
“Stop being mean. Just go.”
You didn’t give Sirius a chance to reply before turning and quickly walking into another room.
(3 weeks later)
Sirius sat in a bar keeping his eyes on one of the death eater targets that he had been watching for the past three weeks. He hadn’t heard from you since the incident at Remus’ house. The memories of the last kiss was the only thing keeping Sirius going. At least you kissed him back. That was nice.
His phone ringing pulled Sirius from his thoughts. Glancing down, he sighed seeing Remus’ name and stood to go outside.
“You called?”
He asked cheekily, hoping to make his friend laugh. Instead, Remus sounded almost panicked.
“You need to come home.”
“What? Why?”
Sirius questioned. Remus quickly cut Sirius off from saying anything else.
“Y/n had the baby.”
Sirius almost dropped the phone as he did mental math real quick to affirm that it was too soon.
He yelled. Remus took a deep breath needing to calm himself down in order to talk to Sirius.
“She passed out this morning. I came down for breakfast and she was sitting at the piano. I asked her what was wrong and she said she felt so strange then passed out. When we got to the hospital, the doctor couldn't do anything to stop the labor.”
Sirius was about to panic!
“What the hell happened? Is she okay? The baby? Talk to me Remus because I am about to take out a lot of people in this bar to get outside.”
“The baby is fine. The doctor has her in intensive care. Y/n...she hasn’t woken back up. The doctors are doing everything and I don’t know what is going to happen but you need to be here in case…”
Sirius rubbed a hand over his face.
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”
Remus had barely hung up the phone when Sirius came running around the corner. Sirius looked close to losing whatever sense of self that he had left.
“I need to see her!”
Remus reached out and put his hands on Sirius’ shoulders.
“The doctor is in there right now. It may be a bit.”
“Fuck that!”
Sirius snapped. Remus tightened his hold on Sirius’ shoulders.
“I want you to listen to me, Sirius. I need you to calm down.”
Sirius shook his head. There was no calming down. He wasn’t going to calm down until he knew that the love of his life was going to make it. Sirius wouldn’t be able to make it without you. He might as well throw himself out of the hospital window.
Remus took another breath.
“Your daughter needs you. Whatever crazy is going through your head...you need to put it on hold and think about your child. Come on, you can at least see her until Y/n is free.”
Sirius was shaking as Remus tried to push him down the hallway. How did Remus expect him to keep a grasp on reality at the moment? How in the actual hell was that going to happen? Sirius had lost Matilda and now he could lose you…
Stepping into the nursery, Sirius had to practically be pushed by Remus until Tonks came into his view. She sat a few feet away holding a small little bundle.
Tonks immediately smiled seeing her cousin. The expression of crazy on his face made her freeze for a moment before she mentioned him over.
“She’s just fine. A little on the small side but the doctor thinks after a few weeks she will be fine. Now hold your arms out.”
Sirius’ eyes widened as he stared at Tonks like she was insane. All of the horrible information that Sirius had received in such a short amount of time was making his PTSD go crazy. Tonks softened her tone.
“Now don’t be scared of a little girl. She’s darling.”
Tonks placed the baby in the crook of Sirius’ arm as he looked down slowly. The baby was tiny! Tiny was a bit of an understatement. Sirius felt somewhat better the moment that the baby yawned and snuggled closer to him.
“Look at that, already knows her daddy.”
Tonks said with a smile. Sirius tightened the blanket around the little girl automatically fearing that the air was too much.
“Are they sure that she is okay?”
He asked, nervously. Tonks nodded.
“We just need to keep her extra warm.”
“She needs her mother.”
Sirius said, sadly. Tonks' happy expression faded as she laid her head on Sirius’ shoulder.
“Her mother will be with her when she can. Have the two of you thought of a name?”
Sirius nodded.
Tonks turned her attention to the nurse who was writing the name down. She didn’t have to look at the nurse any closer to know the women clearly recognized Sirius. Her wary expression told Tonks everything that she needed to know.
“He’s the father.”
Tonks explained as the nurse nodded and stepped out of the room. Turning back to Sirius, Tonks motioned to the empty chair.
“Sit down and unbutton your shirt a bit. You’ll be able to keep her plenty warm.”
For the next hour, Tonks and Remus sat quietly watching Sirius hold his new daughter with an expression of awe and panic on his face.
Remus leaned over with a smirk.
“If that baby cries, she will scare him to death.”
Tonks grinned.
“I never thought that I would see big bad Sirius Black scared of a baby girl.”
Remus glanced down at his watch before turning to Sirius.
“We should be able to see Y/n now. Tonks will stay with Aurora.”
Sirius didn’t want to give up the baby but at the same time, he needed to get to you. Standing, he slowly put Aurora back into Tonks waiting arms. The little girl shot him a small sneer due to being moved from the warm spot that she was in.
“It will be okay.”
Tonks said, soothingly as Sirius turned and followed Remus back down the maternity ward.
The doctor was stepping out of the room as Remus and Sirius walked up. Remus decided that he would be the one to do the talking. Sirius definitely wasn’t in any condition to say anything that made sense.
“How is my sister?”
The older woman nodded politely.
“Her conditions are improving. Why she is not waking up, I don’t know. Right now, I am afraid it is just a waiting game. You’re welcome to go in now”
Remus waited until the doctor walked away before turning to Sirius.
“You should go in.”
Sirius didn’t wait for Remus to say another word before storming in. His heart sank the moment that he looked at you. You looked so tiny in the hospital bed. The sight of you hooked up to a bunch of machines was almost more than Sirius could handle.
He quickly knelt down beside you and took your hand in his. Your skin was so cold...so cold and so pale. Sirius pressed his lips to your hand before moving to your wrist.
“Come on, sweetheart. You can’t bail out on me now.”
Sirius stood up enough to press a soft kiss to your icy lips. This had to be the most painful kiss that he had ever had. Your lips weren’t soft and warm like usual. Sirius didn’t want to think about how it felt like he was kissing a corpse.
I can’t think like this!
He snapped in his mind before sinking back to his knees beside you. If he had to sit like this for the rest of forever he would.
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