#like I did all 4 years of HS
pancakemolybdenum · 5 months
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happy bday!! suit suit for u on this lovely 413
alpha kids
beta kids from last year
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lolopa1 · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about how these people are able to have such nuanced conversations in other languages that they either 1. studied in high school (the twins) 2. learned secretly on the sly (Kevin) or 3. self taught on the run while living in different countries (Neil.. maybe a bit more believable since he was in the country?).
I would probably sound like a 5 year old
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Time for me to cry about king's raid again
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salenrooz · 1 year
Oh the indescribable feeling of dread after you get exactly what you're asked for
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crazies in my notes now claiming that friends used to fuck each other before people got all “weirded out by intimacy” like. babygirl what does that mean. do you think the industrial revolution invented the divide between romantic sexual and platonic. do you think people didn’t have words for different types of relationships before now
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mundifinis · 2 years
maybe i’m just high and crying about james baldwin and that one quote from if beale street could talk but it really is a miracle to realize somebody loves you
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3fling · 2 years
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drdemonprince · 4 months
I went to visit my friend from high school for spring break in college one year. I'd had a crush on him in hs, it was not reciprocated but we remained close. I was also a late bloomer sexuality wise so it wasn't until college that I even would have been up for anything physical. ANYWAY. Decided to visit, figured this was my shot to try and act on that crush again. On the drive from the airport he came out to me as gay so, I figured, that's that. Explains why he wasn't into me in hs and why he didnt really have a reason back then.
I'm determined to hook up w someone on this trip though, so that's always simmering. We hang out with his local friend who is having a will-they-wont-they thing with a guy in their grad program. She is desperate to hook up but he's hot and cold.
We concot a plan to bait him with a possible threesome, spend an evening texting and sending him pics of us making out in a pool. (It's Miami, it just seemed like the thing to do lol) This guy is into it but he's busy that night and nothing comes of it.
A few days pass then it's my last day in Miami, my flight leaves at 6 am the next morning. She calls my friend after dinner like, holy shit it worked, he's coming over now, can you guys get here?
I'm like, fuck it, let's go. I'll bring my luggage and you can just drop me at the airport at 4 am or whatever. Forgot to mention, my friend from hs also has a crush on this other guy, so he's been down to help however he can haha
We arrive, the other guy isn't there yet, the three of us are drinking that whipped cream vodka that was popular at the time while we wait. Dude finally shows up AND HE BROUGHT A FRIEND. Unclear if he warned her ahead of time. Friend is... less cute but whatever, they brought weed. We smoke and dance some bachata and flirt etc...
Tbh my memory gets a little hazy here but somehow she ended up taking grad school guy and his buddy up to her bedroom, and I'm alone w my hs friend, we are smasheddd. I ask him, hey I know you're into guys but do you wanna fool around anyway? And we ended up making out in the bathroom, I tried going down on him but he was too drunk to keep it up so we petered off, then decided to go check on the others bc we realized we left this girl alone w two dude we barely knew.
Well they we having a merry little threesome upstairs and when we came to the door they invited us to join in!
That is how I ended up with my ass in the air getting railed by two strangers while I ate this girl out like a starving person. Grad school guy actually did us a solid w his friend bc that guys cock was huge. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to suck that guy off ;(
Eventually, they headed home and my hs friend and his friend stayed up w me until 3 am when I called a cab to the airport (idk why I ever thought we'd be sober enough to drive). Again, this was Miami but I'm fairly sure I won skankiest person in the supershuttle, which the exhibitionist in me loved. Slept it off on the plane home!
No regrets, best spring break of my life, opened my eyes to group sex and I still got to hook up w my hs crush :) and we stayed great friends!
ANON this is the most late 2000's story fucking ever. pinnacle whipped cream vodka. messily negotiated threesomes. people showing up to the sex party with surprise extra guests. gay guys fucking women. everybody being notionally bi but also not really. near drunk driving. i've been at parties exactly like these. my first apartment in college in 2007 had a pool and we were skanking it up in there miami style all the time. cheers dude
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i-love-yoi · 3 months
What gifts do they usually give you?
TW:GN!Reader, romantic relationship, takes place after the incident with Mari.
Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Kel, Hero,(HS)Mari. (All RW)
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Okay, I didn’t write anything because I was busy studying, and fortunately, I don’t have a single C grade for the year.
•In general, Sunny is quite a jack of all trades, he just quickly gives up what he just started.
•One mistake is enough, and he will abandon this matter.
•It would have been the same with playing the violin, but the parents were already spending money on training, and the older sister was not allowing it (until the day of the concert.)
•Although, I would say that he clearly has a rich imagination, especially after 4 years of literally living in dreams and fantasies.
•I also think he has good motor skills, so he really likes to do things by hand.
•For example, while Kel was buying figurines of his favorite characters, Sunny was just printing out diagrams and assembling them in the form of origami.
•But he did not resort to this often, since his family was quite well off, and he could easily buy the same figurine from the store.
•So, based on all this, I think he would give you some small but very cute fakes with different and interesting mechanics that you would think would be difficult to make with your hands.
•And if you don’t have money, or for some reason you can’t buy a figurine of your favorite character, then consider that you already have this figurine, but in the form of paper.
•Oh, and I could definitely say that he has his own hand-made paper figurine in the shape of you.
•I think everyone here has already guessed what will happen to Basil.
•Exactly, Basil would often give you bouquets of flowers!
•Of course, he understood that not everyone likes flowers, and some consider them useless, but clearly not him.
•Although, of course, he will respect his partner’s preferences.
•For him, flowers are something tender and pleasant, a way to express great respect and love for his partner.
•Moreover, since the past, respectful men have done this, wanting to charm the lady of their heart and show their respect for her.
•And he obviously doesn’t buy them, but grows them himself.
•Honestly, it’s more pleasant for him to grow scarlet roses like blood himself, watching how this sprout grows, turning into a lovely flower.
•Also, he will always attach a photo of a beautiful sunset or field to the bouquets, with a beautiful and sweet inscription, for example: “These roses are as fragrant and beautiful as you.”
•I think she would despise all those flowers and paper things and those candies.
•The most important thing for her is that she can spend time with her love partner, hear his voice, feel his partner physically, and understand that she is not alone.
•Aubrey generally does not like to be alone, especially at home, with her mother.
•So you often either go for walks or go every now and then for pizza, to a secret place on the lake, or to your house if you're not as bad as she is and you're comfortable there.
•Ultimately, this helps her take her mind off the all-consuming thoughts about the situation with her parents about the incident.
•Although, of course, if you want candy or flowers, she will give them to you, but more often she still likes to share some moments with you, for example, the same sunset or to greet the sunrise.
•She collects flowers from the street, so they can be simple daisies or clover flowers, or maybe bells (flowers).
•Although, I don’t argue that she can sometimes quietly steal a flower from someone else’s flowerbed from a bush.
•In fact, Aubrey relies on “Whatever you ask, I will take,” since she, firstly, wants to get to know you more, the point is clear, and does not want to give any useless gifts.
•What is more important to her is that you are happy and comfortable.
•But it’s quite difficult with this guy.
•So, he quickly acquires many hobbies, including cooking, embroidery, gardening and much more.
•However, he does not succeed in all areas, and he quickly abandons some, and some simply become boring to him and he abandons them.
•And if Sunny could compensate for this with money due to the financial situation of his family, then Kel cannot even compensate for this.
•Kel already has a fairly large family, so the money first went to his talented older brother Hero, and now it goes to his little sister Sally.
•So Kel doesn't have much money to buy you gifts.
•Well, that’s okay, he could save up, but he has no patience or financial literacy at all.
•Therefore, sometimes he can’t restrain himself and buys some kind of garbage, even which he doesn’t need at all.
•The main thing is that it brings him pleasure, the same feeling of pride of a collector with a complete collection or something like that.
•So his skillful and not so skillful hands often come into play.
•So, Kel has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, and in his fantasies they all look simply gorgeous.
•And either he has thought too much of himself, or his arms do not quite grow from his shoulders (Here, most likely, the second option).
•So when he gives you a gift, he is either shy or too happy. (The second option is very rare.)
•Basically, he is very disappointed that what turned out to him is clearly not what he came up with in his head, and is quite self-critical in this regard.
•I think he would have thought something like: “But my brother would have done better.”, “But there’s too much glue here.”, “But here it’s already peeling off.” And much more like that.
•So it’s with shame, but he gives it to you, he’s already spent time and materials on it.
•But he will bring you some wild flowers, or not very expensive ones.
•Just remember that he is already in a large family, and not a very rich one, so just don’t discuss him for this, he deliberately denied himself his favorite figurine for your sake.
•In any case, I think he has something homemade, but made with soul, albeit with glue around the edges.
•Oh, check, her baskets have everything you want.
•Do you want some fruit? Already here.
•Do you want some candy? Please!
•Do you want flowers? The most recent?
•Do you want a cat? Somewhere in the depths there will also be...
•It may seem to you that you just robbed her, but in reality it is not so.
•Mari likes to pamper you, even if you yourself are ashamed of it.
•She loves to see you blush, gobbling up the sweetness on both cheeks.
•In fact, Mari just really likes to embarrass you and make you feel good.
•We can say that if it’s pleasant and joyful for you, then she’s happy too.
•So Mari often takes care of you, and also, thanks to her basket, pampers you with something.
•Understand that she likes it herself.
•Especially when she is alone, and her little brother and a group of friends are looking... Looking? No, you're wrong, they're just walking.
•They have no one to look for.
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AITA for pretending to lose consciousness and using it as an excuse to drop out of school?
This happened when I was in HS but it's still eating me up. I (18F at the time) suffer from a severe case of IBS, which went undiagnosed for years. During the events of this story, I had no idea what my illness was which I suffered from ever since I was a toddler. My parents took me to several doctor, all who insisted I was perfectly healthy. Every year, the pain would get increasingly worse, and we try a different doctor every once in a while. I gave up seeking medical help during middle school because I was frustrated, the doctors believed I was faking to skip school and refused to write me notes. My parents know I don't lie, yet the doctor's words got to them. They don't exactly think I'm faking, but they think I'm exaggerating a mild stomachache because I wanted to skip school and have no will to fight. I mean, it's true that I have a low tolerance to pain, even getting my hair straightened is a painful experience for me everytime.
Anyway, since IBS tends to attack when someone feels bad, high school was the worst period in my life for numerous reasons but mainly because I was getting severely bullied. Also due to my frustration with doctors, I started believing that my illness was terminal and had yet to be discovered and I was severely depressed thinking my death was soon, which made my IBS worse. When the pain was at its worst, it felt like my belly was being stabbed from the inside by several knives, it leaves me to exhausted to get up from my bed. I always locked my room's door so my parents wouldn't try to drag me out of the bed Whenever I wanted to skip school. Despite at the constant pain I was in, never once did I lose consciousness because of it. Sometimes I wish I could faint so I wouldn't feel the pain for a short a period of time, but it never happened.
In days which pain is manageable, I try my best to go to school, I often attended 2-3 days each week. I specifically insisted on going to this school because it's lenient, unlike the school my parents tried to send me to.
However, just because the pain was manageable, it didn't mean that I was feeling fine. The constant exhaustion from the severe IBS attacks left me tired all the time and I just wanted to lay in my bed again. I spent most of my time at school resting my head on the desk and teachers got used to it, but they drew the line at me actually falling asleep in class.
It happened when I was like 4-5 months away from graduating, I just wanted to rest, I had enough of the pain that I didn't want to set afoot in school again, but my parents wouldn't let me. Eveyrone thinks I'm fine and just exaggerating, that's why, I used my perfect acting skills to drop to the floor while sitting in my chair, I heard everyone whispering about how worrying the way I fell was, that it must be something serious. Classmates kept shaking me for a minute but I didn't react because I wanted it to look real. I eventually pretended to wake up and told them that I couldn't handle it anymore. That period was my Physics final, which I didn't study for, and I didn't want to take it. I have no idea what lessons we took because I never studied or paid attention in class, I was literally at my limit.
I was allowed to rest that day, and when I went back home I told my parents about losing consciousness and that I desperately need to rest. They allowed me to drop out on the condition I go back to school the next year, I agreed, but secretly believed I would never live that long to attend school ever again.
My best friend cried really hard when I told her we wouldn't be graduating together and begged me to reconsider. I told her my illness got worse to the point I started fainting, and I desperately needed to rest.
Of course, I'm still very much alive and learned what's actually wrong with me (I literally self diagnosed myself based on people's experiences on the internet then "confronted" a doctor about it) and the IBS attacks are mild and manageable these days since I know what I need to do to avoid them, I have a full time job and rarely ever need to skip. But the guilt is making me feel like TA for worrying everyone about me and breaking my bff's heart. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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numinously-yours · 7 months
Pick a pile: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
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Looking back at my poll from a couple of weeks ago, there were three topics tied for second place. One of them is this one: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
For this reading, I looked at your current energy. If you're not sure which pile is for you, please feel free to read that part first! Then, I went through and provided insight on where you'll be/what you'll be focused on at the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month increments of the next year. The write ups are a bit longer than usual, so I apologize in advance for pile 3 & 4 for having to scroll a bit longer lol
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Current Energy: The Moon
At this current time, it feels like you are in an energy of “almost”. You have something in your mind that you think makes a good idea/proposal. Your gut tells you that you should go for it, but your anxiety is holding you back from taking the leap. You may be remembering a time in the past where you went for something big and it didn’t work out. You’re worried this may happen again and you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment.
3 – Page of swords, Knight of cups
In three months time, you’re going to be on an enthusiastic, creative, and passionate adventure. There is something you are hoping to share with the world! In the months leading up to this, new ideas are going to be brewing. How can you best share your passion with others? What is a fun and new way to present your idea? Continue brainstorming these ideas and you’ll have a good basis of where to start when the time comes.
6 – Eight of wands
After a few more months of getting your idea up and running (6 mo. total) , you are really going to see movement and action. There may have been a few bumps along the way as you perfected the execution of your ideas above, but things seem to be smoothing out. I think that around this time, you’ll have a really solid foundation of where you want this project to go. As you see the rewards of your work, you may even want to begin expanding.
12 – Four of wands, Wheel of fortune
Finally, a year from now, you’re going to feel really fulfilled. What I love is that the wheel of fortune came up in this time frame specifically. The Wheel is about karma and life cycles – it makes me think that at this time next year you’re really going to feel like you’ve come full circle in whatever project you’ve just taken on. The four of wands is all about celebration, harmony, and relaxation. An amazing and overwhelming sense of “I did it!” is definitely coming through here. Congratulations on whatever you’re up to, pile 1. It’s going to be amazing 😊
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Current energy - Knight of pentacles rev. and Seven of cups rev.
You are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Based on the cards that came out for your timeline, I think it likely has to do with your social circle/relationships. Maybe you’re the foundation of the group and you’re starting to become tired of being everyone’s support (like, actual exhaustion, not just “sick of it”) or you feel like you’re the one who is continually left out. You are trying to figure out what to do about it but feel stuck. I also can’t stop thinking that some of you are students – either graduating HS this year and starting college in the Fall, transferring schools, or starting a new career closely after graduation. This might not be all of you, but I was called to make that note.
3 – Three of cups reversed
You’re going to venture on your own pretty soon here, number two. Where the three of cups upright is about community, celebrating with friends, etc., the reversal indicates that you need some alone time. It’s okay if you don’t feel like you’re really clicking with your people anymore. Even though it can suck, you must do what is best for you. And I think that means seeing who you are, without the influence of others. There is a small indication of overindulgence, specifically when it comes to lifestyle changes. While it’s important to find yourself, please remember to do it smartly and healthily.
6 – Six of cups, page of cups
Taking the time to find yourself is going to bring you to your six-month point. At this point in time, I think you’re going to have a pretty good idea of who “you” are. You’re going to be more in tune with your intuition & higher self. You have a clearer idea of the future – or at least you are getting more and more comfortable with the unknown. Taking this time for yourself was really important and I’m happy that you’re going to do it. It is going to teach you the beauty of curiosity, it’s going to remind you that your inner child is still within you and deserves fun, and it’s going to teach you that the past is the past and the only way forward is continuing to move ahead.
12 – Ten of coins, The Devil
The main message from these two cards comes from the ten of coins. This next year is going to teach you SO much about yourself. At this time next year, you’ll look back feel like your personal journey was absolutely worth it. You feel more abundant and much more confident that your future ahead is bright. The Devil, I think, is here as another reminder to not get ahead of yourself or start to feel conceited because of your journey. You may feel tempted to rub your success in the faces of that social circle you left, but that is not going to be beneficial to you. Let your success make YOU happy. You can absolutely share the success, but not as a way to shame the others who had previously let you down.
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Current Energy – The Emperor and Playday rev.
Playday is a specific card to this deck and, for some reason, there’s not any info on what the card was meant to represent. But hey, that’s all part of the tarot reading process! Since it came into reverse, my initial thought is that you haven’t had many opportunities to have playday. I asked the deck for a standard tarot card to clarify and the Emperor came out at that time. In your current energy, you feel an obligation to take of others and be a foundation for them. Some of you are likely parents or caretakers. Others feel like you have to be “the strong one”. In your eyes, there is no time for play because there is too much to be done and there are too many people who need you.
3 – Three of coins rev., Five of cups
I think it’s been your goal for some time to focus on self-care. And I think that you’re going to continue to try for the next three months. There is this sense that you wish others would take care of you for once, but you’re “stuck” taking care of yourself AND trying to take care of them at the same time. You wonder why you have to be on the journey of self-care alone. You might get to this three-month period and wonder what the point of self-care is if you don’t even feel better.  I’m here to remind you that ANY progress in taking care of yourself is good progress! The fact that you are THINKING about how you deserve to be taken care of is a good thing! It means you know your worth. Unfortunately, I don’t think the three-month period is going to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but!! (see your six-month overview for more)
6 – The Chariot
Although the road to self-care has been HARD, you really WILL feel your rewards soon. By the six-month period, you’re going to feel some success. You’ll see that you have the willpower to take care of yourself instead of dropping everything to help everyone else, you’ll have the determination to hold your boundaries, and you’ll have the strength to remember that it only gets better from here. Boundary setting is coming out the strongest as the thing you’ll progress with the most. There will be tests that challenge this and sometimes the boundaries will come down, but you will more consistently BELIEVE you deserve the boundaries. It’s going to be an empowering time for you, group three! I’m just sorry it has to be the six month check point lol
12 – Five of swords rev., Ace of swords, Eight of swords (clarified by Sunrise, also a deck specific card!)
At this time next year, you’re going to be so proud of yourself. This makes my heart happy <3 There are still some times where people challenge your boundaries and try to take advantage of your genuine heart, but you’re finally at a point where you feel confident saying no. If/when this happens, you’ll reflect over this past year and see how far you’ve come. This will remind you of all of the hard work you did to get here and that it is not worth going back to feeling the way you did before (aka right now). You can ABSOLUTELY still be a person who provides a solid foundation for others, but not at the expense of yourself. Your mental state is going to feel soo much more clear. Each day you’ll realize something new about yourself, your needs, and how YOU can help yourself get there. This is really going to be a turning point in your mindset. AH I’m just so excited for you! Finally, with the eight of swords – I wanted to pull a clarifier because the eight usually represents negativity and victim mentality. I don’t think this will be your energy in a year. So, I pulled the Sunrise card. I think it’s AWESOME that you got 2/3 unique cards from this deck. This card is different than the Sun card, though, in my interpretation, it has a lot of the same energy. In the times that you feel guilty for setting your boundaries or taking care of yourself first, there will be a sunrise in the back of your mind. You will see the light of the rays and the warmth of this bright star. It will be a reminder that the sun always rises and it doesn’t mean you’re reverting back to your old tendencies to forget your own needs.
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12 month column is ace of wands & moonlight ; apologies for the hard to read text. in retrospect, I shouldn't have picked that photo background.
Current energy: The Devil reversed.
Right now, you are going through a personal transformation. I bet there is a sense of unknown and you’re a bit resistant to that (consciously or not). The future is scary and not being able to plan for it doesn’t help the anxiety. However, you understand the importance of your transformation and are trying your best to optimistic of the outcome.
3 – The Hierophant, Temperance, and Four of cups
In three months, it looks like you’ll still be on the journey of self-discovery, but you’ll be a little more patient with not knowing. In the time leading up to this three-month mark, you’ll discover tools that help you remain present. You’ll do a lot of introspection which will allow you to feel more comfortable about still being in land of the unknown. Around the three-month mark, you’ll redirect your thoughts to a different pathway than you’re currently thinking. The four of cups represents meditation and re-evaluation of your situation. You may have a moment of panic feeling like you have to start over AGAIN, but the tools you’ve learned were meant to be learned so you could get through this. You KNOW you’re not starting over because you have new insights that weren’t even in your reality three months ago (aka now). You may start delving more into spirituality to help you on your journey. This could include going to church more often, researching new religions, picking up tarot, or simply continuing meditation to get a bigger understanding of the world around you.  
6 – The Sun
By six months, you’re going to feel like the sun won’t stop shining. Even on the coldest days, you feel the warmth of the sun because you know you have a purpose. In the time between three months & six months, you’re going to figure something out. Something is going to click and it is going to propel you to work on something great. You’ll feel revitalized, group four, and I think it’s a feeling you’ve been looking for for awhile now.  You’re going to inspire others with your newfound light. You’re going to feel confident expressing yourself (beliefs, needs, ideas, etc.). I’m really happy for you!
12 – Ace of wands, Moonlight (specific to this deck; different from The Moon)
This time next year will truly feel like a new beginning. The sun has set on this particular part of your journey and the moon is coming out to light the next path. While the moonlight is less bright than the sunlight, I think this card is here to represent that, no matter day or night, the universe is here to provide some light even in the darkness. As you look ahead to new opportunities, the unknown doesn’t scare you as much. You know the sun will always rise again and provide you clarity on your path. And you know based on this journey that you’ll always feel the sun’s warmth, no matter what part of the journey you’re on.
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Ayy put in ur request mfs😩🫶
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(or questions. or thoughts lol)
Request are CLOSE😚
(for now pookiebears, pls do share ur brainrots if u want too!)
Also this shit is 18+
(Out the door if u is underage. Aight now below here is just things me like and don’t like, as well as masterlist)
Here’s thing me like and no like👌
Me likey:
Wandanat (Romantic)
I’m open to NSFW but like not explicit?? (Idk how to explain myself, I’m just not very good at smut😅 But yes you can request that!)
Wanda x Reader (Romantic/Platonic)
Natasha x Reader (Strictly Platonic)
I know there’s not a lot of Masculine!Reader so if you want those just specify it 👍 (Just keep in mind of the previous bullet)
Natasha x Sibling!Reader is my personal fave.
Wandanat x Child!Reader is also 🫶🫶
Me no like:
Wandanat x Reader (Sorry guys, unless it’s platonic yes I can do that)
Natasha x Reader (Again sorry guys, I see her as a mother/sister figure)
(now onto the good stuff)
- Romanoff-Maximoff Family -
Soccer Moms Wandanat
Shopping for School Supplies
Goes on a vacation ('Vacation Dad' Nat x 'Memory of a Dory' Wanda) Part 1 | Part 2
- Wandanat (my beloveds) -
Fatal Attraction Natasha gets hurt during a mission with Wanda, and Wanda for some reason found herself more attracted to Nat. Yes, in her state on injury.
Frog Debacles Wanda and Natasha's child is an animal lover. They have the tendency to bring home whatever stray they find, today was no different. They brought home a damn frog.
Shape of You Wanda's exploring the extent of her powers and can't help but tease Nat with it. And Natasha... well, Natasha discovers something new about herself.
Money must be funny, in a rich girl's world. Natasha works at a beach club, and Wanda is the daughter of the owner. Let's just say, summer wasn't the only thing that's hot that day.
Sweater Weather Wanda and Natasha are friends, maybe even more. People love a classic jock and cheerleader trope. However when Natasha finds out that Wanda's little groupie had been bullying her little sister, it puts a strain on their relationship. Will Wanda be able to redeem herself?
'Chubby MILF' Wanda x 'Beefcake' Romanoff Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |HC
The Adventure of Wanda's (questionable) Hairdos Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Wanda has an obsession with her changing hairstyles, and Natasha is a supportive girlfriend.
Queen of Westview High ('Mean Girl' Wanda x 'Nerd' Tasha) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Last
Stuck in Our Universe (Crackfic that got extended... very much) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 (Holyshit this was long-)
Two Worlds Apart ('Corrupted' Wanda x 'Earth 77' Natasha) Part 1 | Part 2
Love and Immortality ('Witchy' Wanda x 'Vampire' Natasha) Part 1 | Part 2
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader -
Tainted Past Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Years have passed since Westview and Wanda finally has the chance to settle down and live the normal she had always yearned for. However, that comes with a challenge as many were still wary of her. Along the way she met a young man in his early 20s, whom took pity on the witch despite all odds.
Mockingbird America Chavez gave Wanda what she wanted, Wanda sees the love of her life again from another universe. However, her lover's variant already build a life without her...
International Affair (Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Last
Hopelessly in Love (HS au) (Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff x Reader) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Last
- Natasha Romanoff x Reader -
Alternative Proposition Struggling to take care her 5 year old daughter, Y/n took out a loan from the mob to start a small business in hopes that it would resolve their financial struggles. But small businesses takes time to flourish, which Y/n doesn't have and ends up biting her in the ass... or did it?
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greenhaired-gremlin · 18 days
Okay very serious post time
TW: school shooting, Apalachee HS shooting
I live and go to achool an hour away from Apalachee. The shock and fear that one experiences when you find out a school an hour away has a shooting is so indescribable to anyone who hasn't experienced it. Today my school has our normal security officer and THREE others, a state trooper, a sheriff, and another who I can't read the car of.
I, a 16 year old, shouldn't have to go to school thinking "what if today's the day?" I should not have to have a plan for every room and every section of my school for if (inevitably, when) something happens. CHILDREN shouldn't have to worry about this. We deserve to be protected. Metal detectors help a little bit, but it's far too easy to slip things past.
At Apalachee two teachers, Richard Aspinwall and Christina Irimie, both of which who had families, were killed. Two students, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both of which were 14, were also killed. By a 14 year old with an AR-style gun. Colt Gray had access to this weapon through his father, who claimed Colt "did not have unsupervised access to his hunting guns." Colt Gray has been on an FBI watchlist since last year in suspected relation to school shooting threats and social media posts about guns, but they didn't have enough evidence to arrest him. Now 4 people are dead and another 9 are injured, one of which had to be airlifted to Atlanta (Taylor unknown-lastname). David Phoenix (sh0t in the hip and foot according to his daughter) was also injured. All 9 are expected to survive thankfully. (the other 8 victims names haven't been disclosed as they were all students and therefore, minors)
WHEN are the adults who run this godforsaken country going to ACTUALLY do something about this? School started a fucking MONTH ago and there's already been one school shooting with major coverage and who knows how many others.
My mom said to me last night "And I though, at least she only has about a year and a half left, and then I was like nope these things happen at colleges too." I had so many people ask me if I was alright. I'm lucky enough to have never been in a county eith an active shooter but what about those who are? Apalachee has a student population of around 1910, plus their staff. Those are 1910+ families who will never be the same. 1910+ people who will never be the same.
I've seen so many posts of ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teachers talking about how their students told them "they wanted the light up shoes but couldn't get them just in case we have to hide" or something along that line. LITERAL CHILDREN. Everyday my little sisters go to school and I worry about them too. They are 9 and 4.
Protect our children.
Protect us.
Talk about the victims. Talk about the injured victims. Don't give all the attention to Gray. They had families too.
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pressplay-if · 21 days
Typically after hs graduation one starts at 18 for college and assuming the MC/band received at most an undergraduate's or bachelor's degree after 4 years they would be 21. Did the band all graduate college at the same time and kind of curious what they all have degrees in? And Lincoln likely earning one in journalism or photography? Thank you!
So a lot of stuff online and folks on the forum said it was like 22-24, so I ultimately went with that, given I imagine especially Angel and Stevie would have taken a year to work in between high school and college, and MC probably took a little longer with school also for reasons. But I don't wanna focus on the ages anyhow/I don't wanna make em too specific to allow readers to like... headcanon MC's specific age. Also I never settled on the specific college degrees bc it kind of doesn't matter to me. I know, peak authorship 😂 but I really couldn't decide
When it comes to Lin, they never went to college. I imagine they took classes at a private trade school (hope that is the correct term). Also Lin kind of speedran their entire education and always got private schooling.
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swisccfinds · 9 months
Preteen mod by ItsKatato & adeepindigo
Original mod adopted from ItsKatato
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The original website to this mod and the link to download has been taken down but I did some digging because I really want to try this mod out. I found adeepindigo's website about the preteen mod and seen that the mod had been adopted from the original creator.
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Creator's notes-
"Welcome to being a pre-teen! For the next couple of years you're going to be experiencing some changes. Don't worry, it's completely natural, you'll do just fine!"
Now introducing my Sims 4 preteen mod! First of all the teens in this game look too grown. Sims go from a little kid to looking like they pay taxes. So that's why I created this mod to give us a good in-between phase.
How does it work?
When a child ages up into a teenager they get the pre-teen trait. They are automatically enrolled in middle school and are automatically made shorter than adults. Pre-teens go through phases more often than children & teens and the phases happen pretty quickly. They can also experience voice cracks.
Simple Hygiene System
I added a basic hygiene system to the game which is available to all sims. If you click on your sim you will have the option to apply lotion, body spray, and deodorant. Use the lotion after your sim gets out of the shower or they will have dry skin. The bodyspray gives your sims a confidence boost, but watch out, if you spray too much they get dizzy. The deodorant slows down hygiene decay and gets your sim smelling nice and fresh.
Middle School/Junior High School
There are now two versions of the mod. The Middle School versions allows for Preteeens to be younger and attend Middle School. The Junior High School version allows for Preteens to attend a new branch of High School, Junior High School. Junior High allows Preteens to attend active school with High School teens if HSY is installed. Otherwise, they attend the HS rabbithole.
The middle school acts exactly like the grade school & high school that's in the game. In the school-focused pack for this mod, I'll be adding some cool features for middle school, but for now, it's pretty basic. Middle schoolers do get their own homework book so make sure you use that. Junior High School functions exactly like High School.
Why doesn't the teen I made in CAS have the pre-teen trait?
A sim will only get the pre-teen trait if they age up in the game from a child to a teen. If you make a teen in CAS they are going to be a teen when the save starts. If you want to turn the teen into a preteen click on the teen and find the "preteen" pie menu. In this menu, you'll have the option to add the pre-teen trait, which removes them from high school & enrolls them in middle school. It also will automatically change their height.
Will the teens already in my save turn into pre-teens??
No, but if you want to turn them into a pre-teen you can use the interaction in the "preteen" pie menu on your teen to turn them into a pre-teen.
I don't want this sim to be a pre-teen!!
Okay cool, just go to the "pre-teen" pie menu on your pre-teen and choose the option to remove the pre-teen trait. This will change their height back to the default and enroll them in middle school.
Why can't my pre-teen be romantic?
I disabled the romance menu for pre-teens. I plan on making my own romance options in the next pack for this mod, so please be patient.
Changes to the original mod by me:
I have eliminated the need for a separate compatibility file for Education Overhaul.
There are two versions of the Preteen Base. Choose only ONE.
Middle School: This functions just like the original description above. Your preteens attend a separate Middle School and function as younger preteens.
Junior High: This functions differently in that your preteens will still attend regular High School but will be older preteens. This also allows you, if you own HSY pack, to follow your preteens to high school, but HSY is NOT required. Romance interactions are still restricted to other preteens and only expanded by the First Crush pack.
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Pack Requirements:
Packs Used
Snowy Escape (if you don't have it you'll be missing animations)
Parenthood (only for the Phases package)
Mod Requirements:
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod
Education Overhaul - Still Fully Compatible but No longer needs compatibility file!
Mod Conflicts:
Zerbu's Go to School Mod
Install instructions
There are two versions of the Preteen Base. Choose only ONE.
Middle School: This functions just like the original description below. Your preteens attend a separate Middle School and function as younger preteens.
Junior High: This functions differently in that your preteens will still attend regular High School but will be older preteens. This also allows you, if you own HSY pack, to follow your preteens to high school, but HSY is NOT required. Romance interactions are still restricted to other preteens and only expanded by the First Crush pack.
I do recommend showing love and support to both ItsKatato and adeepindigo for making this mod happen they both did a good job.
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getluckylana · 6 months
just wanted to let you know I am an icu registered nurse from nyc. I love your style so much and made a tumblr again like I did back in hs just so I can have the best fashion inspirations and I do the same on Pinterest. I literally dress up coquette/girly pop Y2K/romantic cottage core on my days off from wearing scrubbies. I really admire how much you have been become your own person, own it and have grown as an individual. Here’s some fashion related questions I wanted to ask you: #1) Favorite brand for purses?
#2) if you could wear 1 brand only for a year which brand would it be? #3) which material of clothing is your favorite? For me I am trying to buy more cotton dresses as opposed to polyester for summer so I don’t have to feel like I need to change 10 min after going out in the heat? Hby?
#4) favorite runway fashion show? example could be Chanel’s 1994 runway show for winter or Prada show in 2001 summer
#5)I sell on poshmark and have been for years and it is my go to for shopping too! Do you shop on there also or do you prefer depop?
#6)I am trying to not incorporate jeans anymore into my fashion I literally only wear dresses, skirts or pants that are like trouser/casual work style or linen pants or hosieries with my skirts. How do you incorporate jeans that can still have that coquette/romantic style?
Thank you if you do answer my questions btw! :) 💕
Why thank you my cheeky nurse friend!
1) Delvaux for everyday wear ( fun fact they are the oldest luxury brand in the world! followed closely by Hermes and Loewe)
But I also collect 2000’s Miu Miu purses, they are much more fun and youthful than the bags they produce now!
2) this includes vintage right? so I would chose Miuccia Prada( that covers Miu Miu and Prada after she took over) all the vintage nylon pieces, Prada sport and 2000’s Miu Miu.
3) I prefer natural fibers.
4) I couldn’t choose ever? But probably something early Margiela, the show that he introduced the tabbies. He put wet paint on the bottom of the shoes to walk on a solid white runway and leave behind the split toe print on the cat walk. Iconic moment. He was a great mind.
5) Depop the most, but I use all the resale apps, and I thrift in every city/country I go to.
6) I hate jeans and always have haha. They are uncomfortable and they ruin the outfit. I recently found these capris on Depop with bleached prints on them. They are flattering and girly. Here’s a pic:
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It was nice chatting with you <3
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