#like I knew the basics of writing before but like maze runner opened my eyes fr
cassketti · 5 months
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Omg I just remembered eighth grade english class bro the MAZE RUNNER WAS SO BADD 😭😭😭😭
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(This a redraw , original drawing was from eigth grade LMFAO)
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Innocent hug
Dylan O’Brien x reader
Warnings: mentions of rape, sexual assault, cussing, mentions of smut, Dylan being sweet (this can be possibly triggering!!!!!!) angst
Promt: when Dylan finds you crying after an uncomfortable interview, the two of you find your selves admitting things you never thought you would say again (y’all i just, I don’t even know, I can’t write freaking descriptions hahaha)
Word count: 2712
Disclaimer: so basically the interview is for maze runner, just pretend that you play another character in the movie that was like Thomas’ best friend and newts love interest (also y’all pls send some requests)
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Not my gif! Credits to @dyobrien! <3
“Hi I’m Dylan O’Brien!” Started Dylan trying to control himself from his laughter, before the cameras had begun rolling Dylan had cracked a joke that he was still trying to recover from.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you said smiling
“I’m Thomas brodie sangster” Thomas said giving the camera a small wave
“And we’re the cast of maze runner” you said still smiling, also trying to control your laughter
“Or at least some of it” Dylan added on making everyone lose it again. Dylan practically fell out of his chair, Thomas giggled and you just kept laughing. Dylan had a habit of making you laugh, it was one of the many things you loved about him. You and Dylan had been best friends since you met on the set of teen wolf. You were a guest star who was quickly killed off. You and Dylan hit it off immediately, you two just got each other. You had the same sense of humor, same interests, and generally you two just felt normal around each other. The two of you stayed connected even after you left the show. Then you were lucky enough to land another part with Dylan in maze runner. Dylan played Thomas, and you played Y/C/N, Thomas’ best friend and Newts love interest. You had become extremely close with the cast, they were like your family. Since the release of the scorch trials you and Dylan had become quite the hit. Though you weren’t together in the movie, everyone shipped it. Two years after scorch trials, you and Dylan were in another movie together! American assassin, Dylan played Mitch Rapp and you of course played Y/C/N, Mitch’s love interest. Everyone wanted you two together, and it was not secret, the two of you were constantly teased on set for “flirting”.
You were doing this interview for the release of your latest movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure. You were very sad that this series was coming to an end, you were definitely gonna miss it, everyone was.
“So my first question is for all of you actually, out of the three of you, who is the funniest?” The interview met asked
“Dylan and Y/N are both quite hilarious, especially when they are together, they are always cracking jokes and laughing” Thomas said looking at you and Dylan
“We do have fun” you agreed “honestly though I think we are all pretty funny, but Dylan I would say wins this one” you said looking to your right at Dylan
“What can I say? I’m a true born comedian” said Dylan
The questions continued, Dylan and Thomas were asked a lot about work and their new projects, whereas you seemed to be getting the clothes questions, the personal life questions. Things like, “where do you recommend buying clothes?” “How was your trip to Italy” “what are you wearing today”. Sadly that was fairly normal.
“Alright Y/N your up again, now the buzzing question everywhere right now is, are you single?” The interviewer asked
“Yes I am single” you smiled even though you were generally annoyed inside “Im that girl at the family reunions who gets introduced to the 3rd cousins, and who always gets told by the grandmas, “see honey this is why you are still single”” you said
Next to you Dylan weesed and began laughing hysterically. Thomas again just giggled his sweet laugh.
“Well do they know the men you work with? I mean your standards must be pretty high huh?” The interviewer pushed
“Yes yes I guess they are” you said, Dylan laughed next to you
“Why aren’t you with any of them Y/N?” He asked
Your eyebrows knitted together at this question, was he really asking this?
“Well blondie over here” you said gesturing to Thomas “is taken as you know, and taken by one of the nicest people I know, so”
“Well what about you Dylan, I mean the media definitely wants you two together, you two are like Tom hanks and Meg Ryan, and hey if I were you I would totally hit that” he said to Dylan
You froze at this, wtf was this guy doing? Dylan’s eyebrows shot up and his jaw clenched, and Thomas glared at the interviewer.
“Really man?” Dylan asked, you adjusted yourself in your seat, moving your arms to cover your body, you suddenly felt exposed and uncomfortable.
“I was just kidding with you guys” the interviewer said laughing it off
“Wasn't very funny” Dylan said
“Sorry man, didn’t mean any harm” he said putting his hands up in defense
You were shaking, you had a past. A past no one knew about, a past that would be easily triggered by a comment like that.
“Maybe think before you speak next time” Thomas added
“Ya, not cool man” Dylan said
The tension in the room was deadly. But still the interview continued on with only two questions left.
After the interview everyone was checking to make sure you were ok, Dylan kept saying that he’d beat his ass and Thomas just repeated that he is a dick. On the way back to the hotel you were all staying at, the consern eventually died down. Thomas and Dylan were planning on meeting up with ki Hong and kaya at a bar somewhere. They asked if you wanted to join but you kindly refused saying that you needed some me time. They were hesitant at first but then gave in and left you in your hotel room. Once the door closed you ran to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the gold rimmed mirror. Then suddenly you were crying.
“No!” You yelled at yourself “don’t cry, stop it Y/N!” You told yourself, but the tears just kept flowing and they wouldn’t stop.
Dylan’s POV
I swear I was gonna murder that man, who the fuck makes comments like that? I knew Y/N, I knew how this was going to go. I could talk she was shaken up and uncomfortable, but she would never admit that. She never let people in, she claimed she didn’t want to bother anyone with her personal problems. Leaving her alone in her hotel room felt wrong, I knew she wasn’t okay. I could see it in her face. As we walked away from her door, down to the lobby I felt the sudden urge to go back. To run back to her and take her in my arms, stroke her hair and tell her it was ok. Then I decided that that was exactly what I was going to do.
“Hey man I think imma go back, you know how she is, I don’t think she should be alone” I told Thomas, he looked back at me with understanding eyes
“Ofcourse mate” he said nodding, “I think that is a brilliant idea”
“Tell kaya and ki Hong I’m sorry I missed them” I said already waking back to Y/Ns room
“Will do!” He responded
Then I burst out into a run, running back down the hall and to the elevator. I clicked the 6th floor and the second the doors opened I was out, running to Y/Ns door.
Once I got there I took the liberty of unlocking it with the extra key she had given me. She said it was only for emergencies, but I thought I could make an exception. I walked quietly into the hotel room, I opened my mouth to yell for her but then shut it again. I heard muffled cry’s coming from the bedroom. Shit, I hope she’s watching some random soap opera, I hope that’s not her crying.
“Hey Y/N?” I said opening the door to the bedroom
Your POV
When you heard Dylan say your name you quickly sprang into action. Because you were still in the bathroom he wouldn’t be able to see u for at least a few more seconds. You wiped your eyes and tired to put yourself together before walking out to greet him.
“Hey Dylan” you said smiling, keeping up your act
Dylan studied you, he saw your smile, but he also saw your red rimmed eyes and your fidgeting hands, he heard the slight crack in your voice and the tiredness in it as well.
“Are you alright?” He asked stepping slowly toward you
“Ya ya I’m fine! What are you doing here?” You said, way to quickly
Dylan looked at you with sad eyes, it broke him to know that you were hiding from him. “I was worried, I wanted to make sure you were ok”
“We’ll hate to break it to ya, but um you came back for nothing, I am totally fine, faaaaaantastic!” you said smiling at him even more
“You can talk to me” he said stepping closer to you again
“There is nothing to talk about” you said
“Y/N, I know you, I know what you are doing, your not ok, and your hiding it, your shutting me out again”
“Dylan you need to calm down! I. Am. Fine!” You said, he was right though, and you both knew it “you should really go have fun!”
“Y/N-“ he started before being cut off again
“I insist Dylan, please, don’t worry about me, ok?” You said smiling sweetly
“That’s a lot easier said than done” he said looking down, then an idea came to him, it was horrible and he knew you would hate him, but he needed you to let him in “but if that’s what you want, then I’ll leave” he said
“Yes! Go have a good time!” You’d aid practically pushing him out of the bedroom
“See ya later!” You said closing the bedroom door behind him
Dylan walking over to the front door, opened it, and then closed it, still standing in your hotel room. Meanwhile you were listening to hear him leave, and when the door shut you began crying again. Then suddenly strong arms were tapped around your body, pulling you in close. You jumped.
“Hey hey, it’s just me” Dylan said stroking your hair
“But-but you left” you said looking up at him confused
“I didn’t, I’m sorry angel but I needed you to be honest with me” he said looking at you in your eyes. His heart breaking into a million pieces, he hated seeing you like this.
“I-I’m so sorry” you said beginning to cry even harder
“Don’t be sorry angel, it’s ok I’m here” he said hushing you and continuing to stroke you hair. He held you in his arms and never let you go. He held you as you cried, though he was also breaking inside.
After what seemed like forever, your tears ran out and you began to calm down. Dylan still holding you close.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked sweetly
“Not really” you said sniffling
“You know I will go back and kill That guy if you want me too right?” He said pulling away from you so he could see your face
You didn’t look at him in the eyes, though his tried to find yours
“No it’s ok, really. That guy was a Douche bag, it’s not his fault I have shit” because you had just been crying and weren’t thinking strait, those words just slipped through your mouth. Dylan’s eyes widened and he moved your chin to that you had to face him.
“What kind of shit?” He asked
“Nothing” you said
He widened his eyes saying “really?”
You nodded in response to his action.
“Come on Y/N I’m here, please just talk to me” he pleaded
You stood up and out of Dylan’s grasp. “Listen Dylan, there is a lot you don’t know about me, and it’s all for good reason, ok? I recommend leaving it alone” you said
“I have left it alone for long enough Y/N!” He said standing up as well
“Whatever Dylan” you said waving away his statement
“No! Do not shut me out!” He said walking over to you again grabbing you hands, you could tell he was getting mad, but when he grabbed you it scared you
“No stop! Please! I’m sorry!” You pleaded, Dylan let go of your hands. His heart broke. He looked at you with concerned eyes.
“I’m sorry” he said, he noticed you were shaking, he was so confused, your reaction wasn’t normal. “Please just talk to me, please?”
You sighed and sat down on the bed, putting your face in your hands. Dylan sighed, giving up he began walking away when suddenly you began talking.
“I was 20, it was the first week of my sophomore year of college, my best friend at the time was bugging me about going to some frat party for back to school, the guys she liked had asked her to come and bring a friend. I told her I had to study but she didn’t believe me because it was the first week of school. I wasn’t a party person but I gave in. We got there, and she was drunkenly talking to the guy. I only had one drink, that the guy, his name was Brandon gave me. I started to feel sick and I went to go lie down. I was not thinking strait and when Brandon offered to help me I accepted, he carried me to the bedroom and put me down on the bed. By that time I was confused but barely conscious. He um…” you hesitated, Dylan stared at u in disbelief “he rapped me, he fucking rapped me. I tried to tell my friend but she just accused me of being jealous and not happy for her, saying Brandon would never do that. She never spoke to me again. Then a year later my boyfriend, who I had only been dating for a month or so wanted to ya know do it and I told him I wasn’t ready, I lied telling him I was a virgin. He was fine with it and he said he would wait. He asked again a month later and I still said no, this time he was more angry. We fought and I told him what happened and he called me a slut. We didn’t technically break up but we didn’t really speak. I felt bad so one time I decided to surprise him in his dorm. He was there with another girl. He cheated on me. I never told anyone else about what Brandon did to me. Not my parents, not my friends, not the police.” You finished in tears again
Dylan’s heart was in a million pieces, his best friend was raped and he didn’t know about it. Ofc it was a few years before you met him but he still kicked himself for not protecting you. He loved you! He loved you so damn much. He walked and he wrapped you up in his arms.
“It’s okay angel” he spoke softly so he would scare you. He let his emotions take hold of him, he no longer had control of what he said, “I love you so much and I will never ever leave you or hurt you, I will always protect you.” He told you
You looked up, he just said that he loved you, “what?” You asked
Dylan then realized what he had said “oh um ha” he said scratching the back of his head, screw it he thought. “Ya I love you Y/N, I have loved you for a long time, and and I feel bad telling you now, I don’t wanna take advantage of you but I do. I love you and-“ he was cut off by your lips on his. They were soft, moved as if they were meant for each other.
“I love you too” you said as you smiled
Dylan let out a breath of relief and kissed you again. When Dylan met you, you were nervous about your new job next to big actors, Dylan hugged you trying to comfort you. You never forgot that hug.
You layed in his arms, and for once in a long time you felt light, happy, and safe. And it was all because of one innocent hug.
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barcaavengers · 4 years
Decisions || Newt Imagine
Note: I hope the lovely nonnie is around who made this imagine request! I’m sorry for taking so long but it is finally here! Not sure if there will be another part, but most probably there will be. Leave any comments or suggestions, as well as feedback!
Tags: Tagging those who liked my posts and the request! 
@hxrryftdelrey​ @seaveynewt @mayakalo @loverofmazeandthrones​ @lovely-leigh​ @meadows-of-light​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @iwokeupinabadmood​ @enixgucci​
Disclaimer: Gif not mine. Credit to rightful owner
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Your ears seem to have muted the sound of the helicopter because you have not heard anything until the boys started calling your name from far away. It takes you a couple of seconds, but your eyes open slowly, only to have Minho besides you screaming at Thomas to move while Frypan was calling your name and helping you up. You try to catch up quickly as Frypan pulls you to your feet, the guards rushing you in the midst of the wind from the helicopter lifting up the sand around you. Your eyes squint to prevent any particles to fly in, and you take a small look around you to see the surroundings. 
The guards were shooting at something, after bullets are fired you hear the loud screech, and you remember the sound from the video that played at the Wicked facility. A shiver goes down your spine at the memory, the bodies, the brief explanation Ava had given before killing herself… You get ushered into a facility, and it takes you a moment to fix your gaze on something until the doors close with a loud thud, reminding you of the Glade walls when they closed. Everyone was as perplexed as you were, looking around before you started being guided into the facility by a man called Janson. He promised safety and Wicked not finding you, and a sigh of relief rushes through you. 
The boy next to you seems to have noticed your tense demeanor, because he reaches for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and providing a reassuring squeeze reminding you you were not alone. 
"You okay, love?" He asks quietly as he gives you a small tug to get you closer so he is able to talk in a low tone. 
"Yeah, the helicopter ride is wearing off" you admit to him. 
Janson continues to explain the facility, mentioning you will be fed and taken care of and nothing sounded better than that right now. You are taken to showers, away from the guys which made you somewhat uneasy. Being around them for so long for basically every hour has made you feel like a part of you was missing when you were apart, like in the Maze, even if Minho was right besides you. You have stayed quite a while in the shower, enjoying how the hot water washed away the dirt from the Glade and the stickiness of the sweat after running for your lives. The clothing provided was comfortable, and just right, not being able to feel the coldness of the air conditioning as much, but not feeling the hot temperature as well. You are provided with small meals, being told that you should all start with something light before going through stronger food, just to not throw it all. You are taken into rooms with beds to rest before they call you to run some tests to make sure you were all healthy. As soon as your head touches the fluffiness of the pillow your head rests on, you drift to sleep in just a matter of minutes, dozing off entirely. 
"You look sleepy" Newt teases as he walks beside you once you are being led to the labs. 
"The bed was so comfortable" you whine playfully. 
"So, you are saying I wasn't comfortable?" He jokes before pulling you close by the hand. "I feel like I slept like a baby, and how long was it? Three hours of sleep only?" He asks. "The difference of sleeping on those hammocks but at the Glade and a proper bed" he says. "Something that the bastards who put us in there didn't have the decency to provide."
"I had a comfortable bed" you point out with a soft grin most of the times you slept in Newt's arm, sound asleep as you enjoyed the warmth of his body on yours. 
"Good," he says. 
The group halts as they take in the labs. So many machines, needles, nurses, liquids, instruments... This facility had it all. Since there wasn't enough equipment to do the same test to everyone at once, they divided you into groups to run different tests, and you hated to be the one to get a feel of a needle first. You sat in a comfortable chair where a lady worked on you, Teresa a few feet away in a hospital bed. The nurse cleans the area before sticking the needle inside without a warning, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" She asks, and honestly it was going fine until you decided to look where the needle had poked through the skin and you started to see the blood rushing into the tube. 
"I-" you look away, the need to throw up present and you could feel what you ate last threatening to come up your throat, leaving a horrible taste in your mouth. 
The lady gives you a cotton ball with alcohol scent for you to smell on, saying that it should help with the dizziness you felt but it barely did a thing. "Still feeling lightheaded, sweetie?"
"Yeah...Like I want to throw up too" you say as you keep smelling on the cotton ball while she works with placing a round bandage over the poked skin. 
"Maybe blood makes you sick" she says. "It is normal on some people."
"I saw blood more often than I like to admit" you confess. "Human and animal…" you add. 
"Don't worry, every test we run in you will let us know if you are sick, but I don't think you are," she says and sits besides you. "I'll ask you a couple of questions to guide us better." The woman reaches for a pen and a wooden clipboard. "Y/N, right?"
"Yeah" you nod your head and relax your body. She asked about fever, coughs, body pains which you mention your legs, maybe a sign of being a runner, any broken bones or accidents you may have had in the Glade, and your job at the Glade. 
"Have you had sex?" Your eyes go too wide and your neck almost snaps as you look at her. The only time you have had that question asked was with Alby, and he was so smooth about it that it didn't sound like that question at first. He had sat down with you and Newt, both of you staring confused when he had asked if 'you have been together'. Alby was of the few people of the Glade who knew right away when you two got together. 
"It's okay if you have. Nothing to be ashamed of" she gives you a reassuring smile. "This stays between us, nobody else knows."
"Uh…" you hesitate. "Yes." The nurse eyes you for a moment, nods her head and writes something down. 
"Recently? I'm sorry, I know it's personal but for our tests purposes we must know an estimate to determine a few things and scratch off others."
It makes sense…"Two? Maybe three weeks ago?" That's the last time you at least remembered that things were somewhat normal before everything started going wrong, Thomas and Teresa arrived, the walls stopped closing, Grievers came in...Now that you think of it, things got really bad really quick. 
"And this was the last time you had your period?" These questions were so bizarre. 
"Maybe a month or so" you say and they realize your answer, making your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Shouldn't you have gotten your period? Yoh shake it off cause you have never been the regular type, one time you had it the same month twice and it was a nightmare. 
"Alright" she writes something in her papers. "That should do it for now. You can go to your next test" she nods her head before standing up. Not even a few minutes after, they came to get you to continue. 
After many more needles, running, patches covering your body and head, you are led to some sort of cafeteria where there were many boys and girls like you, and it takes you a minute to get your eyes fixed on your group before walking to them. Frypan raises his head before waving at you, it causes the rest of your friends to look up and start moving on the table to make space for you, mostly to be side by side with Newt. 
"Hey, guys" you say, sticking one leg in first, then the other as you sit down. 
"Took them long enough to return you back to us," Minho says. "What special thing did they do to you?"
"Nothing, I think" you admit. "Just really personal questions" you say and look at Newt, his jaw was clenched. 
"What were they asking?" 
"Last time we…" you trail off and your eyes widen slightly for him to catch the hint. 
Minho is looking between the two of you intently. "I don't follow."
"Wait, last time we had…?" Newt asks, confusion taking over his features. 
"Yeah" you decide to ignore Minho and his question, he will figure it out eventually. "And last time I was on my period, which I get now, probably to know if it's normal or something" you shrug. "It's weird it hasn't happened for a while now."
"A month, right?" Newt knew because he would take care of you and pamper you with whatever you needed. You also had small pains and headaches during the first days and he would always be around in case you felt sick. 
"Wait, you know when her period is?" Thomas asks. 
"Man, that's weird," Frypan says. "but smart though, and cute."
"We can stop talking about periods now. Anyone wanna join me get some guys and see what their maze was like? See what we can find out about these people?" Minho asks. 
"I'm in," Winston says, Frypan and Thomas join and with Minho they leave for another table. 
"You alright?" Newt kisses your temple and offers you his bottle of water. "You look anxious."
"It's just this place...So many other kids, like us" you say. "They are all from different Mazes?"
"Looks so" Newt says, reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze. "Want to see if they let us out of here to our beds?"
"I don't think they'll let you come along" you say with a grin. 
"Just pretend to be dizzy, maybe they will. At least to be with you for a few minutes with the lot of people around."
Surprisingly they let Newt take you to the dorm, being escorted of course. You ask for a few minutes with Newt and the guard nods his head before closing the door behind you two. Newt cups your cheek and kisses you, his eyes shut tightly as his lips press against yours while he holds his breath. "I was getting scared already" he admits against your lips. "When they didn't bring you in after us" he says. "Tommy and I were already planning to get you, and Teresa, but she hasn't come to join us yet. It's strange" he says and you both sit down on the bed. 
"I'm okay" you assure him. "They had me running, and ran a few tests on me. I hope everything is okay, though" you admit. If they were done with the guys quickly, why did it take so long with you? And where was Teresa?
"I'm sure it's alright. You are a tough one, luv" Newt says with a smile and you run your fingers through his hair. "You look nice all washed up" he steals a kiss from you and you giggle. 
"Not bad yourself" you tease. "I hope they later let us stay together...I don't think I'll be getting much sleep these first days."
"We will find a way, love. I'll sneak in somehow" and just in cue the guard calls on Newt. "I love you, I'll see you later, 'kay?" He gives you a short, passionate kiss before pulling away. 
"Love you too" you say as the guard shuts the door close after he walks out. You lay back on the bed and close your eyes. The bed was too comfortable and the pillow too fluffy to neglect getting sleep, so you try to ease your thoughts before falling into a deep slumber. 
The next day you are all in the cafeteria area again, your group now sat with other guys from other mazes, talking about them and how they got out. Newt asks them about what happened to the people inside the Glade which a boy answers that he didn't know. Your hand squeezes Newt's thigh letting him know you could read his mind, he was thinking about the others that were left there to their luck, the ones Gally convinced to stay because they would meet death upon leaving. Then they start calling people and another one of the boys explains that it is to be taken to a Haven, some sort of place away from everything and only a few are selected. The boys continue to talk so you look around, spotting a couple of girls on a bench, then a whole table of them, another one with only a boy around them. 
Second day you are taken again to the cafeteria, seems it was the only place you could all gather around. Everyone was eating their breakfast but you felt nauseous since you woke up, not having any appetite for anything in your tray. Thomas is saying something about a boy showing him a place through the air vents, but it was under strict access. "I need to know what's behind that door."
"You said you saw a body?" You ask him. 
"Not the body, but it had scanners, like showing heart rates and vitals and other things" Thomas says to you. "Aris says he thinks nobody really leaves this place…"
"There isn't an access through the air vents to that room?"
"No. He tried but it stopped right out of it...They have to be hiding something…" Thomas seemed so sure. Minho and Newt exchange glances.
"Y/N?" Janson approaches your table and everyone looks up at him quickly. "Please, come with me."
"Where is Teresa?" Thomas asks. 
"She is safe. We are only running a few tests on her."
"And why does Y/N have to go with you?" Newt asks, his hand reaching to hold onto yours. "You already called everyone for your little paradise place" you noticed that Thomas' words have put him uneasy. 
"We just need to run a few more tests on her," Janson offers a smirk. "She will be back in a couple of minutes, I promise" he says and one of the guards reaches for your arm which you tug away quickly. 
"I can stand on my own, thanks." Your body turns to Newt. "I'll be alright, okay?"
"I know…" he says and squeezes your hand before letting go. 
"More tests?" You ask the doctor who asked you to lay down on the table. 
"We found something," she says as she sits besides you. "I'll show you." She reaches to lift up your shirt and you pull it down quickly. "It's okay…" she says, you hesitate before letting go of the hem of your shirt. 
She places some kind of gel on your stomach, "What is that for? Is something wrong?" You start worrying, because if she was going to run tests on your stomach and your nauseous state in the morning, it had you wondering if your stomach was sick in a way you needed treatment. Maybe so long in the Glade...but you always ate. Your head was spinning with possible causes. 
"You'll see" she starts running an instrument along your belly, looking at a monitor as she does. You eye them both curiously as she seems to be looking for something. "Ah, there it is" she says with a smile. "See that small figure over there?" She asks and points at the monitor, your eyes squint at it. "That's your baby," she says, "congratulations."
The room starts spinning around you, eyes wide, your chest feeling tight all of a sudden, you find it hard to breathe. You take small breaths and let them go rather quickly. "I'm sorry," you take in some air. "My what?"
"You are pregnant" she repeats and the words take a while to process in your head, your lips agape in surprise. 
"I-" you trail off looking at the monitor. You were pregnant… You were expecting a baby. No. Newt and you were expecting a baby… Your baby. "I-" no words come out of your lips. You are speechless. 
"We wanted to let you know," she reaches for a napkin and hands it over to you to wipe out the gel from your stomach. "You can go back to your friends" she says, standing up and leaving the room. 
You return to the cafeteria, all the walk there thinking how to tell Newt, how would he react, what words to say? It wasn't like you were expecting the news, or like you knew what to say right now. You sit next to Newt, right in the corner of the bench, his arm goes around your shoulder and he eyes the guys when he notices your tense body. "Love? Are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost. You look pale." He places a hand on your cheek. "Did they hurt you? If they hurt you I'll bloody-"
"A baby" you blurt out. Thomas turns his attention to you and Minho raises his eyebrows, Newt looks at you in confusion, Frypan joins the trio's expression as well.
"What? What baby?" Newt asks
"Ours" and you slowly turn to him. "Newt, I'm...we are having a baby."
"Oh shuck" Minho blurts out.
"How did you guys even made time to-" Frypan gets interrupted by Newt.
"What?!" Newt's eyes go wider. "Did they-"
"Yeah...A doctor showed me." Your hand goes to your belly, running your fingers on top of your shirt. "Newt...I- I don't know what to say or what to do" your vision starts getting blurry from the tears. 
"Hey, no, love. It's okay. It's okay" he coos as he pulls you to his chest and wraps his arms around you. "I don't know what to say either... Other than I'm happy in a way, we will have our own little lady or little boy running around in a couple of months...Our baby" his last words sound like he is repeating it for his own processing. "We are safe here…"
"We don't know that yet," Thomas steps in.
"I said, we are safe here" Newt says through his clenched jaw at his friend, and you couldn't see him but you knew he is getting a death glare from your boyfriend. "We will figure it out. We have time" he pulls you away and pecks your lips, his hand covering yours on your belly. "I didn't know it would be this fast, though."
"What? You thought the baby would wait in there to be cooked up after you two-"
"Minho!" You call and the boy grins.
"Congratulations, though," Frypan says. "The little one will have one hell of a story of how it got made." He and Minho high five and Newt pinches the bridge of his nose.
"All the bloody supportive things you can say and you shanks have to go through the last ones of the list" Newt complains and turns to you. "Babe, I-" you can see him struggling with words. "Are you okay with this? I mean, obviously maybe you are not because this is so unexpected and-"
"Newt," you call and meet his gaze, "I'm- I want this baby. I don't want it to grow up here though…"
"We will figure it out. If this place is true we should be all good, love." Thomas parts his lips to say something but Newt is quick to glare at him. 
Third day you are sitting in the cafeteria, Newt is already worrying about you when you don't come in quick wondering if something happened to you, like you fainted or the morning sickness was too much for you. "I don't like being away from you, now more than ever" he says and presses his lips against your temple. 
"I'm fine, okay?"
"If something we know from Y/N is that she can take care of herself" Winston says and you smile at him. You liked that he gave you a confidence boost and the most needed moments. 
"Have you seen Teresa?" Thomas asks and Minho rolls his eyes. 
"No, I haven't...I don't know where she is…"
"Aris and I will go into that room tonight, we just need a plan to get an access card there."
"Alright, listen up folks, we have the new list of those whose lives are about to begin" Janson says as he is handed a clipboard. He mentions a few names, ones who you take a moment to remember to not name your baby from how weird they were. "And Y/N." Your eyes go wide and the whole group in your table turns to you, Newt's eyes showing panic. 
"No, there must be a mistake. I just got here, I-" you trail off and a few guards come over to you and you stand up, chin up, defying them. 
"Don't you dare to touch her" Newt stands by your side quickly and places a hand in front of you. 
"You will deny her the chance to be away from this place? Of your baby growing somewhere else?" Janson asks as he approaches the group, Thomas, Frypan, Winston and Minho stand behind you. 
"Because it is our baby, I won't let you take her" Newt takes a step forward in front of you. 
"I won't go anywhere without them" you say to the guards.
"Unfortunately, this isn't a choice…" Janson says, a guard moves forward but he is quick to raise his hand. 
"You are threatening her right in front of us?" Thomas takes a step forward and a guard is quick to push him, but he continues to struggle, "Where is this place exactly, huh?!" After a few seconds, Frypan holds Thomas back and he stops struggling. 
"Let's not ruin the excitement for others, okay? Let's do this as amicably as possible." He says. "And I am sure you don't want to be taken in your sleep, leaving your friends wondering what happened to you." His tone was almost threatening. Why was he insisting so much in taking you when so many others were there before you. "I'm sure you'd like what's best for your baby, and this is it. So please…" Janson steps aside and you eye your friends, then your boyfriend. 
"I'll be fine, okay?" 
"Love, don't-" you press a kiss to his lips. "I'll come back to you" you whisper against his lips before pressing another kiss. 
"Be careful, love" Newt says as he watches you being escorted by the guards and Janson trailing not far behind. "So," Newt turns to Thomas. "What do you have of this bloody plan of yours? I need to know that she is not being taken into a strict access room where I won't see her…"
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littlemoonchildbear · 4 years
Gally’s Arrival
Author’s note: English is not my first language then, tell me if you find something wrong and I’ll correct it. I wrote this one-shot a long time ago and just decided to translate to English now. Katherine is an OC from my Maze Runner fanfic and maybe in the future, I write it in English too. Hope someone enjoys it. 😊
Summary: Have you ever imagined what was like for Gally when was his time to come to the glade? How did he react to all the lost memory thing?
Words: 3084
Warnings: none.
Gif’s credits: @tiffanymaxwels​
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The sirens started wailing warning everybody what was to come, but they already knew what it was. Another poor teenager scared as hell, perhaps with some injury, without any memory besides their own name.
Katherine was the first among the six people in the clearing to reach the box. She was curious to know who it was this time, she hoped it would be another girl, even if they didn't become friends at least she would feel more comfortable in the clearing.
As soon as the sirens stopped and three other boys arrived, Alby and Minho went ahead to raise the bars that kept the entrance closed. As soon as Kathy looked down there, she was a bit disappointed, it was another boy who looked very tall, with short blond hair. Although she couldn't see the color of his eyes from that distance, she could see they were wide-open and he had a very peculiar pair of eyebrows.
“Hey! Can you climb up here by yourself?” said Alby
The boy was confused. With a frown, he looked at the three boys suspiciously, so Kathy realized he hadn't noticed her, maybe because she was crouched.
“Cat got your tongue? Don’t know how to speak?”  provoked Minho
Now those other emotions have softened and an angry look has taken over his eyes, all the time focused on Minho.
“Come, we will help you.”
Alby signaled for Minho and Ben to get him out. As soon as the boys extended one arm each, the blond pulled Minho's arm tightly making him fall towards him, quickly the greenie circled an arm around Minho's neck, holding him tightly, he could hardly breathe.
“Who are you? What am I doing here and why can't I remember anything?” he said aggressively
“Hey easy there, greenie! Let him go, get out of there and let's have a civilized conversation.” Alby said trying to calm the other
“I don't want to talk! I want you to give me answers! Right now!” he shouted
Minho was almost turning purple.
“You better let him go before I get down there and kick your ass!” threatened Alby
 “I want to see you try.” the blond challenged while tightening poor Minho's neck even more
Before Alby could do anything, Kathy made herself noticed
“Hey, hey, calm down you two!” she got up “we have no idea what's going on either ok?” she was closer to the edge of the box “it's ok, we're all in the same boat, no one here is going to hurt you.”
The boy's eyes were fixed on her, his anger had subsided and he loosened the grip on the Asian boy's neck, but there was still suspicion in his eyes.
“You can trust me, it's okay.” Kathy now entered the box very slowly “I know you are confused and afraid, we all went through it too. Now let him go and let's talk like civilized people.
He stepped back, Minho still in his arms as she entered the box and stretched her hand towards him.
“If you want, we can talk just the two of us, I'll tell you everything we know, but let Minho go.”
Kathy looked deep into his eyes, now she could see their colour, they were green and he also had lovely freckles through his nose and cheeks, she would have smiled if it wasn't for the situation, they were in.
“Please.” she said with a sigh
The boy thought for a moment, but for some reason, that girl gave him a feeling of trust, tranquility, for some reason he felt he should listen to her.
He let go of Minho with aggressiveness. The Asian boy fell on the floor on all fours coughing and trying to catch his breath. Katherine knelt down in front of him with a worried look, put one hand on her friend's back and the other raised his face checking if everything was ok with him. She helped him up and before the boy did anything against the other, Kathy held him by the arm and whispered something that whatever it was it worked.
Minho was taken out of the box, then Katherine also left, as soon as she stood up, she turned and stared at the blond one who was still motionless down there.
“Come on, now it's your turn.” She smiled and stretched out her hand - “trust me you don't want to stay in there all day. It's more interesting out here.”
He got closer to the exit where she was standing and got her hand. Ben got closer to help and then, they finally got him out of there.
When he came out, he looked around, everything he could see was grass, many trees all of them located in a specific place unknown to him. He realized that whenever he looked there were enormous walls making something like a giant square.
There was nothing in that place besides trees and something that looked like an improvised tent. It was just 4 wooden stakes stacked on the ground with a long cloth above them, which he could conclude was intended to be the ceiling, and to make sure it didn’t move from its place the edges were nailed in the stakes.
Under the ‘tent’ he could see an improvised bed and on it, a person was laid while another one was seated in a chair beside it. However, the person on the chair was more focused on organizing some things that were on the ground.
He gave one more look around himself until he stopped on the girl who was with a sweet smile on her lips and with her arms crossed.
“I told you out here was more interesting.” she turned to the black boy “Alby, what do you think about you, Minho, Ben, and Jeff took the supplies out of the box while I explain everything to our big boy?” she said turning and giving two pats on grennie’s arm.
“Alright, hope you can keep him controlled. Tell Jeff to come and help us.”
The 3 boys that were standing there started to take the things out of that box. Kathy turned to the greenie.
“Come on big boy, I’ll explain everything you need to know.” she said starting walking
“My name is not big boy.” he said grumpily.
“Oh really?!” she said a little sarcastically and looking at him “So, how can I call you? Can you remember your name?”
“My name is Gally.” he said seriously without hesitation
“Wow, you were fast. It’s a pleasure, my name is Katherine, but everybody is too lazy to say it all so, they call just Kathy.” she offered her hand to him and he did the same
They arrived at the ‘tent’ and the boy who was busy organizing things was coming towards them. The other boy on the bed was sleeping. Gally was able to see that his leg was immobilized and bandaged. It seemed to be broken.
“How is he doing Jeff?” the girl asked worriedly
“He seems to get better, but it’s going to take some time so he can walk again. Maybe it never is the same.”
“Okay.” she sighed “Alby is calling you to get the box’s supplies.”
“I’m on my way.” before he could go, he noticed Gally “Welcome to the glade greenie.” he ran to help the others
Kathy got closer to the sleeping boy, caressed his hair, and checked if he had a fever. Gally just kept looking at her. She looked sad and worried. That boy might be someone really important to her. He was so distracted looking at how delicate she was taking care of the hurt boy that he almost jumped when she looked straight at him.
“You can start making your questions.” she gave a little smile
“Why can’t I remember anything besides my name?”
“Great, with so many questions you had to do this one.” she mumbled to herself “Look greenie, we don’t know this too, okay? All of us went through this just like you, we came with nothing besides our names, some of us took longer to remember them, but we have no idea of why.”
“And why are we here? Who put us here? What is this place? What are these walls?”
“Okay I’ll explain everything at once.” she sighed deeply before continuing “We don’t know neither why nor who did it with us. Every month a box comes up with supplies and a new glader, this month we were rewarded with you.”
“What is behind these walls?”
“There is a maze. We didn’t have the courage to explore all of it yet, I don’t think we are near even half of it. We are waiting to have more people, but from the little we’d already seen, shows that it will not be easy to found a way out. At least we have each other and with everybody doing their part I know we’ll make it.” she took his hand and looked deeply into his eyes.
Gally looked to their hands. It was difficult to accept all of that, who could do such a thing with them? Why the hell they were put in a so repulsive place? His thoughts were interrupted by Katherine screaming with the other boys.
“Hey! Ben, be careful with this box, it’s the medication we asked!” she stood up quickly and walked to them “Stay here Gally, don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back!” she told him while running “These shanks can’t do anything without me…” said to herself
Gally kept looking at her. She took the box from Ben’s hands and said something to him, she looked furious. From what he could see, they weren’t as careful as she expected.
“So… you were the lucky teen of the month?” Gally jumped with the new voice
The boy who was sleeping before now was awake and was lifting his body carefully to seat on the bed.
“I’m Newt.” he said offering his hand
“I suppose Kathy has already said the basic to you, hasn’t she?”
Gally nodded.
“Did she have time to explain about the jobs?
He shook his head.
“Well, there are not many of them, you can end being responsible for more than one task, but from what I can see, you can help us building some things.
“What each of you does here?”
“Well, I don’t think you know their names. Alby, the tall black guy is our leader and intends to build a place where we can sleep. Ben, the blond guy, is helping Alby, but he goes to the maze with Minho, the guy with Asian features, to find a way out of here. Jeff, the boy that was here before is our med jack and work on the garden as well, to make sure that we have enough supplies. I help in the garden too, but from what you can see I suffered an accident then, I haven’t worked for some weeks.
“What about Kathy?” he asked curiously
“Already fell in love for her?” Newt teased him
“It’s not like this.” Gally said blushing “I’m just curious.”
“Good to know, cause I don’t want anyone insinuating himself to my sister.”
“She’s your sister?!” his eyes widened
“Yep. We found out not so long ago. She was supposed to be a med jack, but she ends up as a handywoman and she helps in everything she can. She even goes into the maze when is necessary.
The two boys turned their gazes to her. Katherine was helping to take box after box, supplies after supplies. She would point where they should put the things and when they finished Kathy patted everybody’s backs. She walked closer to the Asian boy, what was his name again? Minho! Yeah, that’s right. Gally didn’t like him so far, he seemed to be always sarcastic. Katherine was examining him, she looked at his neck, his face laid her hands on his shoulders, and smiled. After this she came back to them besides Jeff, they were having a serious conversation.
“Yeah, she’s always like that.” Newt said getting his attention “Doesn’t matter who is she takes care of the person as they were her treasure.
“I don’t think she’s gonna do it to me.”
“Wait and see.” said Newt smirking
She finally reached the tent.
“Hey, little brother! How are you feeling?”
“Like a bunch of plong.”
“I see you were talking to our big boy. He nearly choked Minho.”
“He deserved. He was teasing me.”
“It’s okay big boy, but from now on, no choking other gladers. One of our rules is to not hurt each other, are we clear?” she said bloody serious
Gally nodded, he was glazed in her eyes, they were a delicate shape, deeply brown and were shining.
“Very good, from what I can see you are not hurt.” she said examining his face, neck, and arms “Let’s talk to Alby so he can determine your tasks, I think I have an idea of what you can do, you look very strong.” she felt his arms letting a little laugh escape her lips
   Later, at night, everybody was preparing to sleep. They put some blankets on the grass to make it more comfortable. Kathy was helping Gally to arrange his own space to sleep.
“Well, today was a busy day with many new things to you. I believe you are still confused, but try to rest as much as you can, okay? Tomorrow you’ll help Alby building, so, you’ll need a lot of energy.”
Katherine left him alone, took a look at every glader saying goodnight to them. Then, she finally reached Newt.
“Ready to sleep?” she asked sweetly
“Even sleeping all day and stayed here for weeks I feel my body is ready for another nap.”
“You know you can count on me, don’t you? You’re not alone Newtie.” she said stroking his hair
“I can tell the same to you. Do you think I didn’t notice that you haven’t slept well? I can see the dark circles in your eyes getting darker each day.”
“It’s just light insomnia, there is nothing for you to worry I swear that everything will be okay.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, little brother.”
   Doesn’t matter how much Gally tried, he couldn’t sleep. There were so many thoughts in his head. He wanted to remember something so hard about his previous life, but he couldn’t. The strange noises from the didn’t help too. It was like monsters were outside. Even doing so much effort he couldn’t hold and tears started to stream down his face. His cry could be heard if someone was very close to him. He didn’t want the other boys to see him like that.
“Hey, are you alright?” someone whispered in his ear
He got really scared, his eyes widened, and wiped the tears away as fast as he could. He shrunk as much as he could so she couldn’t see what had happened.
“I’m great, just can’t sleep.”
Katherine walked until she was in front of him. She laid next to him, hold his face, and wiped his cheeks.
“You don’t have to be ashamed; I’ll not tell anyone if it makes you feel better. When it was my time, I was scared too, even more at night when the grievers walk freely in the maze.”
“Yep, they are the maze’s monsters. I saw one a long time ago, it was not a nice experience.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Hum… you are number 8, so I’ve been here for 6 months. I was the second to arrive after Alby.
“You don’t remember anything too?”
“No. In fact, it took me 3 weeks to remember my own name, but I had been unconscious for 2.”
She saw he got confused.
“I arrived very injured; I was still conscious but when Alby took me out of the box I passed out. I stayed like this for 2 weeks and after one more I remembered my name. To be honest, I think I was not even trying to remember anything.
“Why? Didn’t want to remember your old life?”
“I believe that deep inside I felt it was better like this, not remembering anything.”
They kept looking at each other eyes for some minutes, without saying a word. Gally felt better now, she transpired a sensation of peace, that everything was okay now e that nothing could change it. He could even feel a little smile on his lips.
“It’s gonna be okay. Try to sleep, I’ll be here in case you need anything. Usually, on the first nights, we have nightmares, but I’ll be here to wake you up, alright?”
He nodded. She left a kiss on his forehead and started stroking his hair. When he fell asleep, she did it too. As incredible as it may seem, none of the two had any bad dreams.
   “Hey, wake up big boy!” Katherine whispered
It was really early, none of the gladers were awake yet.
“Can you stop calling me that?” he said scratching his eyes
“Alright picky boy. What do you want me to call you? Captain?”
“Just Gally is good.” he said getting up
“Okay, Sir Just Gally is good, follow me.”
Gally rolled his eyes and followed the stubborn girl. They stop in front of one of the stone walls. There were names carved in it, he could connect all of them to the guys he met yesterday, but only one was crossed out. George.
“What happened to him?”
“Remember when I said that I had seen one of the grievers and that it was not a nice experience? It was even lesser nice for him.”
She extended him a knife.
“There is a lot of space, you can choose whenever you want to put your name.”
“Why you do this?”
“Alby thought it was a funny way to count the time and it is also a way to make us think in everybody that is here and who are not anymore.”
He looked to the wall for a moment, passed his eyes in each name, there were not many of them. He started carving his own name and after 10 minutes it was done.
“Great. Welcome to the glade, Captain Gally.” she said giggling
Gally rolled his eyes but smiled. He felt good close to her. Maybe being stuck there was not so bad after all.
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runenc03 · 5 years
Minho (a seaycee oneshot)
Writing date: December 2018
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none, except for a lot of personal information lol. Basically this is a real life experience, although 'Minho' (who's actually a Newt irl) and I are now actual friends, but nothing else. I love him, but not in a romantical way. And that's okay, I'm happy this happened, because I can't imagine my life without him now :)
It was around mid september when she first saw him. He was walking through one of the corridors of her school, head down, dark, healthy hair brushing his forehead. He was wearing a long coat, his hands deeply burried in their pockets. His jeans were ripped, but not too much, and his sneakers were a daring shade of red for a boy.
She felt herself immediately drawn to the mysterious boy. She didn't know him, had never seen him before, but there was just something about him that made her want to know more about him. Who was he? He must at least be a year older than her, they would have their breaks at the same time if he wasn't.
As soon as she realised that she was shamelessly staring at the boy, she quickly looked down at her feet, scolding herself silently for zoning out like that, and accelerated her steps, hurrying to her next class.
Still, she couldn't get the unknown boy out of her head, wracking her brain for someone he reminded her of.
He looks like Minho from the Maze Runner.
And in that moment, it just clicked. For her, his name was Minho.
"You see that boy there?"
The girl tried to whisper to her best friend when she saw 'Minho' again, feeling the need to share her thoughts with someone else.
"You mean the one with the long coat and the healthy hair?"
"Shh! He'll hear us if you don't talk a bit softer!"
Her best friend had the decency to look guilty.
"Well, yes, that one. Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he looks just like Minho. You know, from the Maze Runner."
Her best friend rolled her eyes at first, but soon had to agree with the girl.
"I know who Minho is, you idiot. And you're right, he does resemble him. But, wasn't Ki Hong Lee your celebrity crush? You should smile to the boy! See what he does! You have- Oh gosh he's looking at you!"
The girl's head shot up from her smaller best friend, whom she had been looking at earlier, since they were in a conversation. The shorter girl was right, he was looking at her.
The girl's brain seemed to stop working and everything around her slowed down. Not because it was love at first sight, no, it was far from that. She was simply paralyzed, not knowing what to do in a situation like this, having never experienced it before.
She couldn't stop looking however, her eyes seemed to be glued to his, even though there was about 13 feet of distance between them. It was only when she turned a corner and he dissappeared out of her eye sight that her brain seemed to function again.
"He was so staring at you!"
The girl's eyes went back to her friend, and her eyebrows curled itself in a critical manner. Even though she knew that her best friend was right, her brain's malfuntions seemed to make an appearance again, because it simply refused to believe what her eyes had clearly registered.
She told herself that he probably just looked at her best friend, not at her. She wasn't nearly as beautiful as her friend was, not having the same curves as her, not to mention that the smaller girl's hair was always on point, while her own was a mess, if not completely tangled, then probably dirty, even though she washed it non stop.
Who would ever look at her?
She sighed, tuned out all of her friend's squeals and fangirl-talk, and focussed herself on her next class. He was probably just staring into space, hadn't even noticed her. No need to get so riled up.
Little did she know that things like this would happen a lot more in the near future...
It was late october, and the girl was, as usual, walking though her school with her best friend, when the latter elbowed her in the side.
"He's looking at you again."
Instantly, she turned around, forgetting to be careful or subtle. He wasn't either, if she could believe her best friend's judgement.
The boy was indeed staring at her again. Their eyes locked, and just like every other time this happened, the girl didn't know what to do. It was simple, really. As soon as their eyes locked, her brain refused to work.  Should she say something? Smile? Glare? She didn't know, wasn't used to these kind of situations.
Suddenly, a large group of rowdy teens blocked her view, and their eye contact was broken, as was the spell she seemed to be under whenever he looked her into the eyes.
He had deep brown ones
Did she just notice that?
A smile made its way on her face. She remembered something, which meant that she wasn't as shocked and frozen anymore when she looked at him like when she did for the first time.
She was making progress
"We should try to find out what Minho's real name is. Maybe Instagram or Facebook can help"
The girl was sitting in the canteen with her friend, and somehow, the conversation had turned to Minho again.
She liked to talk about him
Did she really just think that? She couldn't keep the blush from forming on her cheeks, completely embarrassed and horrified that she had thoughts like that.
Come to think of it, she really didn't know anything about him.
But did she want to?
She'd always thought that she wanted to know who he really was, but now that her friend proposed to actively search for him on social media, she wasn't so sure anymore. In all honestly, he had been more on her mind the last few weeks than was probably healthy, invading her rational thoughts and turning them into a fangirl-like mess. Always.
Did she really want to know the real Minho, who would undoubtedly not be as perfect as the one in her head? Was she really willing to give up that perfect image of him?
On the other hand, maybe his real self wasn't that far away from the perfect boy in her mind, and she could - then what, actually? What could she do? She knew she would never make a move, she was way too shy for that, not to mention that she still wasn't convinced that he really looked at her. It just seemed so surreal. What did he even see in her? Was he attracted to her? She couldn't imagine being attracted to someone like her, she was just so...plain. She didn't have the curves of a model, but wasn't a plus size either. Her hair was brown, but a plain, boring kind of brown, and too busy with a lot of other things, her clothes weren't the most fashionable either. She was rather comfortable in something less beautiful than having to worry about every little imperfection in her outfit. What did he see in her? Why did he keep staring at her, not one or two, but at least 15 times over the course of the last 8 weeks?
"Hello? Are you still there? Zoning out about Minho again? I just said that we should try to find out his name. How does that sound, miss Daydream?"
She felt the blush on her cheeks burn even harder, busying herself with her sandwich, instead of looking at her friend. Refusing to make eyecontact, she simply nodded.
"Alright, let's find out his name."
How could she not? Her curiosity would always win over her fear.
That was Minho's real name.
The girl was at home this time, it was a Tuesday afternoon in early november, and she had seen Minho talk that morning to someone she vaguely knew the name of. She hadn't wasted any time when she came home, quickly throwing her bag on a chair and plumping down on the couch, looking on Facebook for the person's name and immediately clicking on the 'friends'-section. She had scrolled down on the seemingly endless list, looking at every profile picture, trying to catch a glimps of slightly longer dark hair or an athletic build.
Just when she hadn't been expecting it anymore, she'd come across a picture of a boy in sweatpants, hair disheveled, sweaty from sporting.
She felt a flutter inside her chest.
It was him.
And then her eyes shifted towards his name. Sean Lew.
She hadn't expected that name, but she didn't really know why. Had she subconciously expected something Asian? It shouldn't matter, she realised, but in reality, it did. She had been refering to the boy with the name Minho for so long, that it felt weird to think of him as anything else.
Why am I even thinking about that? His entire profile is one click away, for God's sake!
She couldn't contain her curiosity anymore, didn't even think about the doubts she had had a few weeks ago.
She clicked on his name.
She wished that she would've been able to call her best friend with the news that Sean was just like Minho, but that wasn't entirely true.
The second picture she came across, was one of him holding an empty bottle of liquor above his open mouth, showing his muscular arms, but also his immaturity.
It felt like her heart dropped a bit, suddenly feeling a lot heavier.
This is what she'd been so afraid of.
But she refused to let go of him completely, at least for now. Holding on to the last drop of hope that was still within her, praying that this picture was just an exception and he was actually a good guy with manners and maturity, she scrolled down his profile.
She honestly didn't know what to think of him. It almost seemed like he was 2 completely different people at once. There were the typical bad boy replies to girls who commented bold things under his pictures, but there were also posts where he talked about how much he loved his family, which honestly warmed her heart.
And she realised then and there, that she still had no clue who he really was.
It was still early in the morning. The young girl was waiting for her best friend, while also looking one last time through her notes for chemics, since it was her worst subject and she was in her exam -slightly-more-than-a-week.
She sighed. She would never get the hang of those oxidation state numbers.
Deciding that she'd seen enough of those, she looked up from her notes, only to see the back of a head that looked a lot like Minho's, but was only covered in very slight stubble.
Her breath hitched. It couldn't be him, could it?
But it was. He had turned a bit, walking in another direction than he had previously stood, and she could see his face now.
Definitely Sean.
But why? His hair was one of the most attractive things about him! Her friend had agreed with her, saying that it was the only attractive thing about him.
And that's where she had to disagree with her friend. It hadn't been a very long time since she had finally admitted to herself that she found him attractive. Like, really attractive. True, his hair had been his best facet - although his arms weren't far behind- but that didn't mean he wasn't attractive in general. In fact, she realised as she looked him walk away, unaware of her presence for once, she was still incredibly attracted to him.
But an almost bald Minho would still take a lot of getting used to.
She didn't get a lot of time for that, however. It was currently half past 2 in the afternoon, and she felt like she could breath again now her exam chemics was over. The girl was standing all alone outside of the toilets, waiting for a few of her friends to get out, deep in thoughts, until her attention was brought back to reality by the sudden feeling you get when someone else is watching you. She looked around, and at first, she only saw a shadow of someone walking upstairs to the first floor. When she squinted her eyes however, she saw that it was a boy with a long coat on and very, very short hair. 
She didn't recognise him at first, still not used to his short hair, but when she focussed on his face, all thoughts about the state of his hair went out of the window.
He was literally not even looking at the steps he took, his eyes glued to her, craning his neck to be able to watch her as long as possible.
She couldn't do anything, only stare back at him, like all the previous times. She felt so drawn to him, so interested in him, that she asked herself if she really didn't have a crush on the boy.
But you can't have a crush on someone who only stares at you, but never says a word to you, right?
And with a shock, she realised that she really couldn't deny it anymore: he looked at her, and only her. No-one was near her, not her beautiful best friend or some model-like popular girl, she was the only one in the whole corridor.
She couldn't hold back the smile that crept on her face, or the sudden surge of confidence that swept through her for the first time in forever...
It was almost one week later, the last Monday of this semester. The girl was walking towards her bus, earplugs in her ears, humming slightly to the music and already imagining different types of choreography to it. She was in a good mood, her last exam being tomorrow, English at that. She was almost at the place where she always waited for the bus with the other kids who took the same one, when she felt his eyes again. Properly looking around this time, she found him, and their eyes met again. He was standing only a few feet away from her, and she could see that his hair had already grown a little bit, now in a decent buzzcut, instead of the fuzz of a week ago. She studied his face for the umpteenth time in the last few months, not ashamed anymore since he never looked away from her either. His eyes seemed bigger with his short hair, jawline sharper. And his lips-
She had never thought about his lips before. Sure, she was attracted to him, but not to the point where she fantasised about kissing him, hence why she'd never thought about his lips. Yet his lips seemed the only thing she could focus on right now, and she had a very logical explanation for that.
He smiled at her.
Not just a tight, quick smile. Not a smirk either. His smile was a genuine, heartwarming smile.
And it was directed towards her.
Not being able to help herself, she smiled back at him, only for her to bury her face in her scarf a second later, scared that he would see her blushing cheeks. This was something new, something she wasn't used to yet.
Not that she would mind having to get used to him smiling at her like that.
She didn't know whether the drinking bad boy, or this smiling, seemingly awe struck, gentle boy was the real Sean, but for some reason, it didn't bother her anymore. Maybe her 18 year old self was laughing at her younger self while cuddling Sean, or maybe she had completely forgotten about him by then. It didn't matter. Right now, he made her feel something unexplainable. It wasn't really love, not even a crush actually, but it was definitely attraction, and even though the situation probably seemed like an incredibly boring one for the rest of the world, the fact that he looked at her, stared at her, smiled at her, made her feel powerful, feminine, and for the first time, confident in herself.
And for that alone, she was him incredibly thankful.
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halfbloodglader · 7 years
Beacon (Newt)
Newt x Reader - 1,234
Just a random piece from a while back that I dug up! Basically while in the Scorch, Thomas has memories of how he’d lost Y/N to the maze one night with Minho. However, she managed to escape and then finds her friends in the middle of the Scorch. 
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Just behind them, a griever shrieked, it’s metal legs scratching against the stone.
“Holy SHIT, RUN!” Thomas yelped, all three of the kids arms were pumping uncontrollably, pushing their bodies forwards.
“This way! This sections closing!” Minho commanded out, turning a sharp corner. Just down the corridor, one of the sections was sliding closed, just as the doors do every evening in the glade. Y/N was smart. She was smart enough to know that the doors were too slow, and that even if they made it through, so would the griever.
“Go!” Y/N pushed Thomas in front of her and she pulled the machete from his pack as he rushed by. She took one quick look at the griever and found the mark she needed to hit for a fatal blow. Following closely behind the boys, they raced down the corridor. But, she skidded to a stop, the doors before here just a few feet from closing.
“Y/N! RUN!” Thomas let out a heart-wrenching plea. Y/N stood her ground, looking back with sorry eyes. Neither boy budged, they knew there wasn’t enough time to make it back to the other side.
“Tell Newt I’ll see him on the other side!” Were the last words she yelled down the corridor at her best friends. The last thing they saw was the machete being riffled at the monsters head, sending it toppling to the floor, writing in agony. It was a lethal shot and all Minho could hope was that she’d make it through the night. He knew she could. The rest of the night, the boys ran, hoping they’d evade any grievers.
Though Thomas wanted to leave the maze, going back to the Glade to face Newt seemed far worse than any griever now. He could almost see the blonde crumpled on the ground, shaking like the earth when it’s plates shifted.
Inevitably, the morning sun began to cast shadows in the maze and the pair of runners found their way back to the doors. They’d survived a night in the maze, but lost their closest confidant in the midst. They lost the girl who they promised to would protect.
If Thomas had thought losing sight of the girl last night was the worst thing he’d ever experienced, he was wrong. The vexation Newt was about to blow him to pieces with was far worse.
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” The second-in-command screamed with every ounce of agony inside of him, not a single Glader trying to hold him back. Newt’s entire energy was focused on Thomas, not Minho, because Thomas was the one he had made promise to keep the girl safe. Thomas’ ears rung with white noise as Newt screamed in his face, throwing a punch which rattled his mind. Newt’s chest was open wide and Thomas could see right through to his broken heart. The brunettes heart, on the other hand, had fallen into an abyss he was sure it’d never return from. Newt, he knew, would never be the same. He’d just lost a piece of himself.
[Time Skip To Scorch]
“Thomas? You bloody listening to a thing I’m saying?” Newt tapped Thomas’ knee, trying to catch his attention.
“Y-Yeah…” Thomas rubbed his eyes and sighed, looking up to Newt. He hated looking his friend in the eyes. He could still see the misery Newt kept hidden inside. Newt tried to convince everyone that he didn’t miss her, that he didn’t care. But everyone could tell he still thought about her everyday.
“What you thinking about?” The blonde asked quietly.
“Y/N…” Thomas fought back the tears in his eyes, finding it hard to admit that he too still thought about Y/N at times like this. They were situated in the shade under an old, torn apart building in the scorch, hiding from the sun. Newt turned away at the mention of Y/N and everyone sat in silence, waiting out the oppressive sun.
They had been walking for at least an hour when the sun had finally begun to set. The scorch was afire with golden light and it made it look somewhat pleasant. Just a few hundred metres away a single, thin but tall tower rose out of the ground. Thomas assumed it was some sort of old power line with a makeshift lookout built on the top.
“HEY!” A voice screamed from in front of them, the words being carried on the wind. Up in the tower, a bright red scarf was being waved violently in the air by a small person. Newt pulled out his own red scarf and waved it back, all of the Gladers screaming against the wind. They continued forwards as the body climbed down from the tower. At least five minutes had passed of everyone treading through the deep sand, the wind making it difficult to stay on a straight path before they could get a clear image of the person approaching.
They were wrapped in cloth, face completely shrouded by the fabric which protected them.  A red scarf tucked into their pants, blowing in the wind like a beacon of hope. The closer they got, the faster the person ran. Minho just prayed it wasn’t a crazy crank coming to eat their brains.
The group circled around the stranger cautiously. Gladers tried to meet the eyes of the person but the fabric around their face was risen just too high. The person removed the glove on their right hand and pulled the fabric away from their eyes.
In that moment, Newt’s heart stopped pumping and his lungs stopped taking in air. He’d know those Y/E/C eyes anywhere.
“Aye shuckfaces.” The girl quipped and Newt lunged forwards, throwing her to the ground. He fell atop her and hugged tightly, a sob leaving his body. When he finally released, he straddled her and pushed back the fabric from her face with shaky hands.
“I-It’s you? It’s really you? Y-You’re dead?” He asked, his belief still faltering.
“Yeah!” Y/N laughed a little and shuffled out from under Newt, sitting up.
“Where’s Aris?” Y/N asked and Newt eyed her suspiciously. How she knew the blue eyed boy, he didn't know, but he sure didn’t like it.
“Right here.” The boy slumped down beside her in the sand and Y/N hugged him tight. Newt sat with wide eyes, looking to Thomas for answers he didn’t have.
“How the shuck does he know you?!” Minho piped up and Y/N laughed.
“He’s my little brother! We could talk to each other telepathically ever since I got to the Glade. He helped me out of the maze that night, then through the WICKED compound, and then told me to meet you guys here.”
Everyone was baffled.
“And you DIDN’T tell us she was alive?!” Thomas barked at Aris and the blue eyed boy cowered.
“I asked him not to. You guys might not have believed him. That would’ve just caused problems and you know it.” Y/N looked at Minho suggestively and he rolled his eyes.
“Well, you’re back, that’s all that bloody matters.” Newt lifted Y/N off of the ground and held her closely once again. They still had a long ways to go, but Newt didn’t care. Nothing meant more than having Y/N back in his arms once more.
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fanficstookover · 7 years
A Year Before the Rest- Newt
Last weekend I went to a Maze Runner marathon in my local cinema and honestly, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it was a bit too much. I couldn’t handle it. I am officially dead. This is my writing from the beyond.  So I have watched all the movies finally, have read the first book (the other ones are already ordered and in the mail) and I have some serious Newt feels. Like, it’s not natural anymore. So, I decided to give it a go. 
As the title says, it all takes place around a year before Thomas arrives and shuckes everything up.. 
word count: 5367
warning: Don’t think so. Not really. Just fluff
Summary: You wake up in the Box. The rest is self explanatory: you freak out and almost kill somebody with a shovel. There’s also this guy with a slightly stupid name that catches your eye. 
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Darkness and noise. That is what you woke up to. Your head ached and there was a gnarly feeling in your stomach. You looked around, but it was still completely dark. There was nothing around you. But the noise that was being made, told you otherwise. Something was happening, But what? You tried to think, but nothing came up. You couldn’t remember what was going on, what this place was or how you had gotten there in the first place. It was like everything was wiped out of your memory. Well, not exactly. You could remember the sound and smell of animals, events and places and the taste of food, only not the people or the times in which you visited them. Everything personal wasn’t there. Your whole existence was a completely blank, except for one thing: (Y/N). Your name.
Suddenly the noise changed. It got louder and the ground you sat on began to shake. You were moving..up. The sound of some type of chains being pulled at could be heard. Again, you could recognise the sound of chains and you could remember what chains are, but there was no single memory in your brain about ever doing anything with them. Like, you knew only the basics to life and were just about to start it.. Like a robot. Were you a robot? Was that even possible?
The chains kept on rattling, a cold wind blew in your face from who-knows-where. You could feel that you were moving up. The destination unknown. How could you know the destination if you didn’t even know where you came from?
Then it stopped. Everything at once. The sound and the wind. Now you sat there in complete silence. Not knowing what to do, you decided to try and remember something else about yourself. A name was a good start, but it couldn’t be the only thing that your brain managed to restore.
How do I look?  The question scared you. You didn’t even remember how you looked like. Some things you could feel, like your hair, which was long and a bit of a mess at this moment. Or the shape of your nose and ears. But skin colour, length, you had no clue.
You wanted to scream out the frustration that was stuck in you, but the sudden movements above you caused another kind of scream to come out. Suddenly something opened up and the light that emerged almost blinded you. The sun shined bright and the nice warmth was also not unwelcome. You squinted so you could see better. Dark figures were visible to you, hanging from the edge and looking at you.
“It’s a shucking girl!” one of them shouted. It made you jump up a bit. Finally getting a bit used to the light in your face, you tried to get a better look at the people hanging above you. So far you could see, they were all boys. You couldn’t tell by just this look, but probably in their teens. All of their eyes were on you. You could feel your cheeks heat up.
“Why’d they send a girl up?” another one asked. Voices started to talk through each other and you could no longer keep up with it. Your head started to hurt more and more. Were they just going to stare at you for the rest of your life? Were you some kind of sacrifice for them that will end up on the dinner table, or worse… A slight rush panic hit you. You couldn’t breath anymore. Some of them must have noticed, because soon enough the loud conversations died down and somebody even jumped into the box you were trapped in.
Tears were already blurring your vision, but you could see that the person in front of you was skinny, but well built. A mop of blonde hair on his head. He made a small step towards you, but you pushed yourself back, away from the stranger.
“Stay away from me!” you demanded. It scared you. Not only the whole situation. Also the fact that that was the first time you heard your own voice. The boy smiled weakly at you.
“Hey, it’s ok. I won’t hurt you.” he said kindly and carefully. He had some kind of accent that you didn’t recognise. Maybe everybody here had it. You could have been brought here to a whole different country.
“Who are you?” You spoke and ignored his previous words. The boy made another step, and you pushed away again.
“It’s going to be ok. You’re save.”
“That’s good to know, but it’s not what I asked!” you shouted, catching him off guard. The other boys that were looking at the small show also looked surprised at your response. “Unless your name actually is ‘It’s going to be ok’ I want an answer!” you yelled out. The last few words a bit shaky. You were definitely scared, but the blond boy didn’t mind. He didn’t try to approach you anymore and kept his distance.
“Ok, Ok. My name is Newt.”
“What kind of stupid name is that?” you scoffed. Some laughters could be heard, but they stopped as soon as “Newt” looked up at them. He clearly had some power over the rest. “Why don’t you, slintheads, go and piss off.” That had done the trick and soon you were alone with the stranger.
“I guess it’s Newton, but you can just call me Newt.”  He smiled and gave you his hand to shake it. You looked at him a bit unsure, but finally shook it. He laughed: “I think this is the part where you tell me your name.”
“(Y/N).” but then you felt someone’s eyes on you, and they weren’t Newt’s. You looked up to be met with a head of dark hair. “Who is that and why is he still here?” you pointed up. Newt followed your finger.
“Don’t worry. That’s Minho, he’s cool. He’s only here because somebody had to help us get out of here.” Minho smiled at you and gave you a small wave. You waved back, feeling slightly awkward for some reason.
“So, you want to join me out there? Or would you prefer to stay in the Box.”
“I don’t think I have much choice, do I?”
“No, not really.” he smiled. He had a really nice smile, you noticed. Newt gave a sign to Minho and he let down a rope with something attached to the bottom of it which helped you get out.
“Do you trust me, (Y/N)?”
“Not really, but then again, what choice do I have?”
“That’s the spirit. Come here, I promise you’ll be fine.” you stood up with a sigh and gave him your hand. He held you tight and then suddenly you were moving up. It was only a very short moment until you could free yourself from the grip of the young man and get out by yourself. Minho wanted to help you get on your feet, but you sternly declined. You could see from the corner of your eye how the two boys shared a look. It gave you an opportunity to look around too. It seemed like you were standing in a field. A field surrounded by gigantic walls. The walls were split in half at each side, like some kind of entrances.
There wasn’t only a field and some weird concrete walls. In one of the corners, there stood a small forest of some kind, which looked rather dark. Even in the middle of the day. There were also a few buildings. The biggest, looked like a barn or something, the other one like a house that the occupants couldn’t decide on how much was actually too much in an renovation, and another small building that was much simpler in construction. In the opposite corner of the forest there was a farm where animals walked around. Cows and sheep stood there and to chew on grass. Boys of all ages, but averagely between their early and late teens, walked around the place, talking, working and doing other things.
“Welcome to the Glade,” Newt announced.
“It’s uhm… nice.” you gave him a small smile. “I do have questions though.”
“Not the place, nor the time for that.” he simply said and then told you to follow. As you still had little choice in doing so, you followed the blond boy towards the big renovation problem house.
“This is the Homestead.” Newt pointed towards it. “It’s kinda the homebase of this whole thing. Who wants to, can sleep in there, but the weather is good at night, so you can sleep outside too if that’s what you want.” He talked some more about the building, but you weren’t exactly listening. There was so much going on around you, it was hard to take in. Everybody was also staring at you, what was rather uncomfortable. Because of that you tried not to make any eye contact with any of the boys you passed.
“Am I the only girl here?”
“Not if you count the ones in the dungeon?” Newt said casually as he kept on walking. You stopped and so did your heart. Was he serious?
“Come again?” you asked, ready to run away at any point. He could be leading you right there. But even if you ran away, you wouldn't be able to escape. All the eyes were on you. Someone else could easily get you on your way… and besides, there was no way to run to. The Glade was big, but not that big. You had no idea what was behind the walls and weren’t really interested in finding out soon.
“Calm down, I was only joking,” Newt smiled, but you didn’t. He realised that the joke was a mistake and tried walking up to you, but you backed away again. “I’m sorry. I promise, there is no dungeon.”
“So where are the other girls?”
“You are the only one. They haven’t brought any other girls yet.”
“Who are they?” you took another step back. Quickly looking at your nearby surroundings you spotted a shovel that was leaning against the wall of the Homestead. You grabbed it and pointed it at Newt, who now took his turn to back away. The swing that you had made previously was also really close to hitting him square in the face.“Hey hey hey, (Y/N) please, calm down.” he put his hands up in surrender. “We don’t know who they are either. We call them the Creators, because we assume that they created the place. They bring us and some other supplies here, and that is all we know. There is nothing to worry about.”
“Nothing to worry about? I just came up here in a freaking box, with no memory whatsoever. Now I’m stuck here in some weird concrete prison farm with dozens of boys! Not to mention you were just talking about a sex dungeon! I don’t think so..Get away from me!” Another boy tried to come up to you and grab the shovel. You swung with it and almost hit him straight in the face.
‘Joking, I was only joking. And nobody said anything about a sex dungeon.”
“So for what other purpose would you have girls locked up in a dungeon, huh?”
“Good point,” Newt agreed, laughing at your cleverness, “But there is no dungeon. You are safe! I promise.” The look in his eyes made you believe it. It made his words sound genuine. You lowered the shovel. Newt let a deep breath of relief out. You apologised to the kid you almost hit in the face.
“It’s ok.” he said and walked away, still a bit wanky. You were actually surprised at how easy that was. You would definitely be a bit more angry if somebody almost decapitated you with a garden tool. Not even a completely sharp one at that.
“Are you ready for the rest of the tour?” Newt asked.
“Yeah,” you walked up to him, shovel still in hand, “but I’m keeping this.”
“Of course.”
“Do you mind repeating what you said about the Homestead, I was a bit distracted the first time.” You gave him a small smile. Newt looked at you a bit unsure, but gave in after a while. He started to talk about the building and then went on about the rest of the Glade. So many question popped into your head, but every time you wanted to ask one, Newt just said: “Not now.” So you didn’t.  
“That’s about it. Now you can ask your questions.”  Newt turned around to face you. He hadn’t looked at you since the shovel incident and had just kept on walking around the “Glade” as they had called this place.
“Can I ask all of them?”
“Yes.” He assured you with a smile. “I have the whole day.”
“Good, because this will take a while.” you sat down on the grass. Newt was surprised, but sat down next to you. “First of all, what is out there?” you pointed at the opening in the walls.
“I’m not sure if I’m the right person to tell you this.” he said nervously.
“Try me, Newtie.”
“Don’t call me that.” he glared at you. For some reason you didn’t feel intimidated. You just laughed. “I just did it. There’s nothing you can do about it, Newtie. Now tell me: What is behind those walls!?”
“Fine,” he groaned, “it’s a maze. Yes a maze, as in labyrinth. As in, we have no clue how to get out.”
“How come you have no clue how to get out?  If it’s a maze, then there must be a way out.”
“It’s more complicated. You see, those walls move.” he pointed at the holes in the walls. You looked at him, then at the walls, and back at him with wide eyes. “That is not possible!”
“Well, it is. In a few minutes, those things will close and the rest of it will change. Just like every day, like clockwork.”  he looked at the walls for a moment in silence. “That is why we have the first rule: If you’re not a Runner, you must never go into the maze! Understood?”
“Clear as daylight.” you said. “Then my second question will be.. How long have you all been here?”
“Well, the first few times people got send up here was in groups. I was in the second group. Now, every month only one person emerges from down there. It’s been almost a year, I think.”
“So, in a year, you haven’t figured out how to get out of here?”
“Unfortunately, no.” Newt sighed. It was clear to you that this was a bit of a touchy subject to him, so you decided to change it.
“Alright, so...how about you introduce me to the others. I’ve had a bit enough of you today.” you laughed and Newt let out a sheepish laugh too. You got up and he walked you to what seemed like a big garden. Plants and all types of fruit and vegetables were growing all over the place.
“Here are the Track-Hoes.” Newt announced.
“Excuse me.” you couldn’t keep in the laughter. Newt apparently agreed with you as he joined your lough. It felt nice how casual everything was between you and him. You were just smiling and laughing the whole time around him. It felt like you knew him longer than only 2 hours.
“Yeah, I don’t like the name either. Trying to change it ever since I became one.”
“So, you’re a Hoe?”
“Oh shut it.”
“You got it, Newtie.” you stuck out your tongue and walked around to find some people. Finally, the first person you saw was a boy that was quite big and tall. His hair was black and his long fact and droopy eyes made it look like he was bored out of his mind.
“Hi!” you said as cheery as possible. The boy looked up from what he was doing and smiled weakly. Almost immediately going back to work.
“C’mon Zart, don’t be so sour to the Greenie.” Newt said happily to him. Zart, as you just heard, didn’t seem to be very amused. He continued to work without saying a word. You looked at Newt a bit unsure. He took your hand and pulled you away from the gardens.
“Oh nevermind him,” he said, “never been the social one. I think the Slicers are on a break right now.”
“Let’s go then. Bye Zart!” you waved enthusiastically at the boy. You could see a small laugh leave his lips, but it could have been a trick of the sun. You finally let Newt pull you away towards what he called the “Slicers”. With all the new information you had just received, you couldn’t exactly imagine what the Slicers could do. So you were disappointed to see that they were technically, just butchers.
Newt introduced you to the “Keeper” of the Slicers. A boy whose face was covered in acne walked up to you. He looked much happier than Zart. However, your smile faded.
“Glad we can finally have a proper introduction. My name is Winston.”
“(Y/N),” you shook his hand. “I’m sorry again, for you know…”
“Don’t worry about it. Worse things have happened around here.” he assured you. It made you feel better about your situation, but at the same time a bit scared at the thought of what else happened in the Glade. You decided not to ask about it. Sometimes ignorance is, in fact, bliss. This was one of those times.
“Hey Winston, where’s everybody?” Newt asked as he was looking around.
“After (Y/N) arrived, they all ran to the showers to clean up. Didn’t want you to see them covered in blood and other klunk. There is only one shank left.” he pointed towards a boy on the other side of the barn. He was busy cutting up a piece of meat. His shirt almost completely covered in blood. When he heard his name, Frankie looked up and waved at you and the boys. As he was still holding his machete it looked like a scene from a horror movie.
Have I ever seen one actually? Would I be too scared? Did I see it with anyone else?  Many questions popped up in your head with no answer. How was it possible that you couldn’t remember anything at all? It was starting to make you sick.
“I think you’ve had enough of the Slicers for to today.” Newt was about to take you away from the barn, but you stopped him.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just… uhm…” you stumbled on your words, “You know what. Let’s go. You’re right. The smell is becoming a bit too much.” you walked out of the building, leaving the boys behind. You didn’t actually mind the smell. It was the thought of having no memories that bothered you.
The fresh air hit you as you walked out. As soon as you were outside, you felt eyes on you. All the boys were looking at you. It wasn’t making anything in your situation better. Probably, only much worse. You had to get out of this place. But the only way out would be the maze. You couldn’t break the most important rule on your first day. They would probably kill you.
Then your plans were interrupted. A horrible sound filled the calm silence of the Glade. You looked up to where the sound came from. At least you tried. It seemed as if the sound came from all around the place. Once you had found the source, you wanted to slap yourself for not noticing it sooner. The openings in the walls were closing. At a speed that broke all laws of physics. You looked at it with fascination as the wheels turned and the entrances shut. The silence was back.
“You took it better than the rest.” somebody walked up behind you. It made you scream. The mysterious person laughed: “I’ll take that back.”
“Well, I’m sorry if I’m not used to guys creeping up at me yet. I’ll try to work on it.” the sarcastic tone from your voice was practically spilling out of you. The boy who scared you seemed to be hiding the fact that he was impressed with your answer. He looked you up and down. Not in the way that the rest had been doing. Not in the way that made you want to push his face in the pile of manure you saw nearby the gardens. He looked at you in the way how a General would look at his new recruits. Full of judgement.
“I assume you are Alby.” the boy didn’t answer. He just kept looking at you silently. You wanted to walk away, but the boy was a bit scary looking. Tall and muscular, He was clean shaven, including on top of his head. His eyes dark like the rest of his skin.
“I’m gonna go now.” you announced after a minute. There was still no response. It was very unclear to you what you were supposed to do.
“I hope Newt told you about the rules.” he finally spoke up, just as you were about to leave.
“Uhm, yeah. Never be a slacker, just do your part. Don’t hurt another Glader, and never leave the Glade.. Unless you’re a runner.”
“Are you finally going to tell me who you are?” you asked. The boy still didn’t look like he was planning on having a longer conversation with you. But after a second he gave in: “Yeah, I’m Alby.”
“(Y/N).” you said in the same cold tone as he did.
“Tell me (Y/N), what do you think about this place?” He came up and stood next to you. The question startled you a bit. You had to look around before giving Alby ananswer. The Glade looked peaceful at the moment. The four entrances were closed, but the fields still looked large. The sun was about to set, giving the trees this glow that couldn’t be seen at any other moment in the day. The Gladers were back at work, laughing and pretending not to look at you.
“Actually rather beautiful.”
“Stick to the rules, and it will stay like this.” with this simple, but definitely threatening statement, he left you standing on the field. You followed him with your eyes. Alby walked with big steps towards the Homestead. The door of the building was open, but when he walked in, they were immediately shut by somebody already inside. The sudden bang of wood against wood startled a couple of Gladers nearby, but they soon got back to work again. Giving their almost full attention to their jobs, following rule number 2.
You didn’t know what to do. You had no idea where Newt was, and since he was the only person you knew…
“Hey, Greenie!” You turned around. A boy was jogging towards you. The black hair on his head told you that you already knew his name, but you couldn’t remember it. “Where the shuck have you been? Newt was looking all over the place for you.” he said as he stopped a few feet away from you. He had probably hurt what happened with Winston.
“I literally been here the whole time.”
“What were you doing in the middle of the empty lands?”
“Looking at the walls. Had a little chat with Alby.” you shrugged. You wanted to walk towards  the boy, but he hesitant walked backwards. You wanted to laugh at his reaction, but weren’t sure how he would react.
“You’re Minho, right?”
“Yeah,” Minho raised an eyebrow. He still looked apprehensively at you.
“Nice to meet you.” you gave him your hand to shake. Mindo ignored it and started to walk. “Yeah, whatever. Newt is looking for you.” He was already jogging away from you.
“I don’t even know where he is.” you shouted out to him. There was no answer. Minho’s attitude surprised you a little. When you were in the Box, Newt made it sound like he was his friend. You didn’t exactly know Newt, but at least you didn’t expect him to have such horrible friends. So far, the people here weren’t exactly the best. With the exception of Newt and Winston, but you had a feeling that Winston was only being nice to you, because he was scared you would hit him with a shovel again.
Locked up with dozens of boys who hate me. Absolutely fan-freaking-tastic! You shouted out mentally. Suddenly a cold breeze hit you. The smell of grass and fresh fruit went by with it. It smelled familiar, but again… you didn’t know why. Everything was wiped out. The memories you knew you had, weren’t there anymore. As if somebody robbed your brain from everything about your life.
It was horrible, you knew that. But there was no way out of it now. You had to get over it. Make new memories. There was no other option anyway.
The breeze passed. You were still standing on the same spot in the field. You must have looked a bit strange to the rest of the Gladers: just standing there, not doing anything. It didn’t bother you at all. You weren’t breaking any rules, yet.  
“There you are.” You had decided to take the matter into your own hands. Clearly the boy had some trouble finding you in the middle of an open and empty field, so it was your turn to look for him. Newt smiled at you as he saw you walk up. “I was starting to get worried.”
“Yes, I am sure it must have been really hard to find me as I was in the same place the whole time.” you rolled your eyes. It didn’t seem to bother him. His smile was still there.
“I know where you were. Just thought you wanted some time to be by yourself. At least, you looked like you needed it.”
“Oh, thanks” the heat rising in your cheeks was starting to become obvious. You walked up to Newt. He was leaning against a big tree, hiding in the shadow of it. In his hands he held a small piece of wood and a carving knife.
“What you doing there?” you asked.
“Not sure, actually.” he looked at the piece of wood. There was no real defined shape in it. “Just keeping myself busy.” you sat down next to him, also leaning against the tree. Now, it was a big tree, but not that big. To still be able to lean against, you also had to get pretty close to Newt. It didn’t seem to bother him at all. He kept on carving his little handiwork.
“So, how’s your first day going?” he asked you, still busy carving. You sighed. Not from anger, exhaustion or annoyance. It was a type of sigh that let the other know you had to think. “I’m not sure.”
“I know what you mean.” he chuckled under his breath. His effortless smile made you smile.
“I’m not sure you do. Something here feels familiar. I just don’t know what. It feels like…” you stopped for a moment, “Nevermind.” It made Newt look up from the wood and knife. He raised an eyebrow at your obscure comment.
“What do you mean?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
“(Y/N),” he leaned away from the tree to turn towards you. His eyes pierced straight into yours. “I know you’ve been here for less than a day, but some people here - including me - are here for over a year. We keep telling people there is a way out, but I swear that when I tell you we have tried everything, we have tried everything. If there is a slight chance that you can remember anything, even if it is the smallest of details, you better bloody tell me.
“I uhm…” you dazed of in his eyes. Not even realising it. “It’s not exactly like that.”
‘Then what is it like?”
“I just don’t understand how I trust you already.”  it was your turn to look deep into his eyes. Your answer shook him up a bit.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s been a day, and we’ve been hanging out like we have been friends for… at least longer than that. I can’t remember a lot about myself, but I do have a feeling that being social is not my best skill.”
‘I’m sure you’re not that bad.” You appreciated Newt’s attempt on changing the subject.
“And I’m sure most of the guys here think I’m some crazy shovel bitch. Except for the pathetic introduction with Winston, Zart, Minho and Alby, you’re the only I have actually talked to.”
“Well, you’re the Greenie, I technically had to talk to you today as your guide.” he shrugged.
“But you don’t have to talk to me now, yet you still are.”
“Do you want me to stop talking to you?”
“See,” I pointed the not-so-obvious out to him, “that’s the thing. I don’t want you to stop. I don’t even know why? We barely know each other.” Newt didn’t say anything for some time after that. It was clearly written on his face that he was thinking. The soft wrinkled on his forehead were contracted and released with every other movement of his eyes. As he was thinking, he carved some more of his wood. It started to gain shape, but from your angle it wasn’t exactly distinguishable.
“What if we knew each other? Just not here.” he suggested eventually. You gave him a look of confusion, as it didn’t make any sense. “What if we knew each other before we were thrown in here?”
“Do you think that’s possible?” you asked him.
“I don’t know. It would explain a lot, wouldn’t it?” he said.
“Yeah, but then again no. Nothing about this place makes any sense.”
“I would like to say that as time goes by, it’s easier to understand,” he laughed sadly, “but, to be honest, it only gets harder.” Another silence broke out between you. This was another thing that started to make you question this whole thing. How could silence around complete strangers be comfortable? Newt didn’t feel like a stranger. On the contrary, he felt as the exact opposite. It just happened to be that you didn’t know what “that opposite” exactly was.
“Here,” Newt handed you the little piece of wood. You examined it quickly: the shapes were rough. Rustic, as some would call it. It made it bit harder to find a shape in it, however after a while you got it.
“It looks like a cat.” you laughed.
“Thank you!” Newt clapped his hands together, “I couldn’t figure out what it was.”
“It’s cute.” with a sheepish smile, you wanted to give it back. Newt pushed your hand back and started to refuse: “No, no, no. Keep it. I have a feeling you were a cat person before this place.”
“No idea.” you shrugged and took the small cat back. You looked at it once again. It also looked familiar. Some kind of deja vu was forming around it. As if you had gotten it once before. You looked up from the kitten to the boy next to you. “Have you been doing this long?”
“I started when I got here. I have no idea if I had done it before I got here.”
“How good were you when you carved your first one?”
“I never thought about that,” he looked at you and at the wooden cat in your hand, “it was just something I could do. I guess I must have done it before then.” without another word he leaned back against the tree, looking up at the sky that was becoming darker and darker by the minute. There was no worry in his head. Even with all those crazy things around you. You, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to calm down. Was it more than just deja vu?
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neewtmas · 7 years
{#41} the last city // gally
 fandom: the maze runner
pairing: gally x reader; also a little bit of newt x reader
word count: 5k words
Request: by @02273
a/n: this is based on the movies, so this contains SPOILERS for the Death Cure movie & cursive writing are flashbacks
summary: y/n and gally were in love, but the end of the Maze Trials also marks the end of their relationship. y/n finds comfort with newt, but what happens when they get into WICKED’s Last City?
enjoy reading :)
I stared at the two cars, and our group got pushed forward by the crowd which followed them, the people around us yelling and screaming, pumping their fists into the air. 
The atmosphere had suddenly changed to tense and angry, it felt like the situation was close to escalating from one second to the other.
Thomas seemed oblivious to the tension around us and motioned us to go after him, making his way to the front of the crowd. 
It had stopped around 200 meters away from the huge walls that even beat the ones in the maze in height, and the mob around us kept getting angrier, the shouts increasing in volume. 
“Thomas!”, Newt yelled at the boy who didn’t react in the slightest. “We need to leave right now!”
Suddenly everything went quiet and I averted my gaze upwards to where huge … machinery was now aimed at us. It looked kind of like big floodlights but I knew it was something a lot deadlier.
Out of instinct, I looked back and immediately my gaze fell on a few people in black uniforms – guards of WICKED? – ruthlessly pushing their way to the sea of people.
Their faces were hidden behind black masks, yet I had the strong feeling that they were heading towards us. But before I could do anything, someone yelled: “They’re gonna shoot us! RUN!”
As if on cue, the WICKED guards on top of the wall started shooting, the grenades exploding all around us, dirt and stones erupting wherever they hit the ground and the force of the detonation almost sent me off my feet.
People were running, their screams now terrified and I stumbled backward, only to get pulled up by Newt again.
“Come on!”, he screamed, gripping my hand tightly, and we ran with explosions rattling the ground left and right, almost causing me to fall down several times. 
Suddenly I got pushed behind a concrete wall into a small alleyway by Brenda, pulling Newt with me, and we both got thrown to the dusty ground as a bullet exploded right behind us.
I scrambled to my feet again, the echo of the explosion still ringing in my ears as Newt pulled me further into the alley to protect us from further detonations. 
We stumbled into a small opening and I came to an abrupt halt at the scene that unfolded in front of me.
The masked guards that I had noticed in the crowd only moments before had now surrounded us, every one of them aiming their guns and launchers at us.
“Into the vans”, one of them barked and Thomas was the first one to get practically thrown into the big car, followed by Brenda. 
All of sudden I felt a gun being pressed against my back between my shoulder blades, and the guard that had appeared behind me pushed me forward roughly so that I had no other choice than to get into the van, barely able to pull my feet inside in time before the guard slams the door shut, cutting off all sounds from outside abruptly.
The van made a racing start, and my left side collided with the doors, sending a sharp pain through my shoulder as the car raced around corners until it stopped with screeching tires.
The door opened and Thomas, Brenda and I climbed out, looking around. We were surrounded by guards, and everything looked kind of ragged and old. So this probably wasn’t WICKED.
Soon the second van held next to us, and one of the guards went to open the door, only to have Jorge tackle him to the ground as he threw himself out of the car and lunched forward, pinning the surprised guard to the ground. 
Before anyone could react he started punching him, screaming ‘Where is she?!’ again and again, until Brenda stormed towards him, trying to get him away from the poor guard.
“Jorge! I’m okay, I’m here!”
Jorge retreated from the guard, breathing heavily and hugging Brenda, and I smiled at how protective he was of her. The two of them just had a great father-daughter relationship.
The next one to climb out was Newt, though a lot calmer than Jorge, and then Frypan. 
Newt came over to me and laced our fingers together, quietly asking: “Are you okay?”
I nodded, right when Thomas stepped forward. “Who are you? And why did you kidnap us?” His tone was demanding, and I involuntarily flinched, maybe it wasn’t too smart to talk like that when you have several weapons aimed at you.
One of the men turned around. “We didn’t kidnap you. We are on your side.” His voice was muffled through the mask, though something was familiar about it.
“If you are on our side, then who the hell are you?”
The man took off his mask in a with a swift movement, revealing a face I thought I would never see again. It was Gally.
„So greenie, how’s your first day in the glade been?“
The boy named Newt jumps over the log I’m leaning against and plops down next to me.  He was holding a big jar with a liquid that almost glimmers golden in the light of the fire that reaches us where we sit. 
“How is it supposed to be? I mean, we’re trapped in here, right?”
Newt doesn’t say anything and to try and lighten the mood a bit again I add: “I remember my name though. It’s Y/N.”
He smiles brightly and extends his hand. “Welcome to the glade; Y/N”, he says, and I realize that he wants me to shake his hand, so I do.
After that, it’s silent again until I ask: “What’s that?”, motioning to the jar he occasionally sips at.
“Oh, that’s Gally’s special drink. Nobody knows what’s in there though. You wanna try?”
He gives me the jar and I take it, examining the liquid. It smells weird, familiar almost, but at the same time, it doesn’t. Bringing the jar to my lips, I take a tentative sip, but as soon as the liquid reaches my throat, I choke everything out again, almost dropping the jar at my violent coughing fit.
“What is that?”
Newt laughs, gently patting my back and taking the jar back.
“Like I said, Gally’s special drink.”
“And who his Gally?”, I ask, wanting to know the guy who had obviously zero talent at brewing anything.
Newt shuffles around, leaning over the log, and I follow his movements, now facing the gladers by the fire. 
“You see that guy over there? The one who’s eating right now? That’s Gally. He’s the keeper of the builders, and you really don’t wanna cross his path.” 
The blond points over to a group of boys, and I immediately know who he means. 
It was the boy that had already caught my attention earlier on, mostly because he was just so damn tall and stood out against the others, and maybe also because I can’t deny that I found him just a little bit attractive.
I stare over at him, and as if he had felt my gaze on him, he suddenly looks up and we lock eyes. I feel a shiver running down my spine, and as he smiles at me I blush, not only because he caught me staring, but because he smiled at me.
“Did Gally just… smile at you?”, Newt asks next to me, for some reason sounding amazed.
“I think so?”, I say, trying to hide my blushing face from him. “What is so special about it?”
“Gally never smiles at greenies. Especially not at greenies that could mean trouble. And you’re a girl, basically, trouble in person.” 
“Okay…” I’m not fully convinced, he seems kinda nice after all. 
We keep sitting there for a while, until Newt pushes himself up on the log, extending his hand.
“Let me introduce you to the some of the guys. It’s your evening, after all, you’re the guest of honor”, he laughs, clearly already slightly tipsy, and I let him pull me up.
He introduces me to some of the guys, and I talk to them until he leads me to the fight ring, where Gally wrestles with whoever is daring enough to get into the ring.
I watch a little bit, hardly ever taking my eyes off him, trying to be discreet while admiring his muscles bulge under his shirt as he takes one guy after the other. Bing a builder obviously pays off. Sometimes he looks up and locks eyes with me just like he did earlier, each time smiling at me and making my heart flutter weirdly.
I’m sitting with my back against a log just like on my first bonfire night in the Glade, just that this time it’s Gally who is sitting next to me. My side is pressed against his as his arm is thrown over my shoulder and we’re watching the crackling fire, quietly talking. 
I have to constantly remind myself that even though we’re basically cuddling, it doesn’t mean anything. He always gets this affectionate with me when he’s slightly drunk.
But being so close to him still makes it hard for me to concentrate on our conversation, and so I sip more often than necessary at our shared moonshine.  
As the night goes on, I can feel my eyelids getting heavier, and the more sleepy I get, the less I think. I’m not even realizing that my head is placed on his broad chest until he gently shakes me.
“Are you still awake, Y/N?”, he asked, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
“Mhm?” I raise my head, my heart skipping a beat as I find him already looking at me.
“I asked if you are still awake”, he chuckles, and I shake my head. “I’m kinda tired, I think I’m going to bed now.”  Though I really don’t want to leave, I’m scared that I will eventually fall asleep on him, and I would rather avoid that.
“I’ll walk you to your room”, he suggests, and before I can tell him to just stay at the bonfire, he gets up and extends his hand. I take it and he pulls me up effortless, almost causing me to stumble into his chest. 
We walk over to the homestead, and I try to focus on other things as the fact that he still hasn’t let go of my hand until we reach my room.
“Thanks, Gally”, I mumble and keep my head low to try and hide my red cheeks from him. “Good night.”
I open the door to my room, but before I can step inside, Gally grabs my wrist, pulling me outside again. 
Before I can ask him what’s wrong he pulls me flush against his chest, suddenly pressing his lips against mine.
I freeze, what is happening? but right when I want to kiss back, he pulls away again, smiling.
“Good night, Y/N”, he says and then quickly walks away.
I stare at him, my heart racing and my fingers slowly moving to touch my still tingling lips as a wide smile spreads across my face.
“Gally, please. Come with us”, I plead, taking his hands and trying to pull him with me, but he is stronger than I am and doesn’t move a bit.
“Y/N, please understand. You’re going to get yourself killed!”
I can feel the tears begin to pool into my eyes as I look up to him, his expression hard and cold, only his eyes showing how much it gets to him.
“You really wanna follow Thomas? You don’t even know him! How do you want to know that he doesn’t work for WICKED?”
“I may not know him, but I know that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life behind these walls”, I answer, raising my voice. “And if you were honest then you would tell me that you don’t want to either.”
He pulls his hands out of my grip, making a step back. “So you’re saying that you would rather go out there and possibly die instead of staying here with me? Where you are safe?” 
I have to squeeze my eyes together to stop the tears from escaping, not wanting to cry. 
“We’re not safe here, Gally! The grievers will keep coming until no one is left!”
“The maze is our home, Y/N. We belong here”, he says with a firm voice, and I swear I feel my heart breaking just a little bit at his words.
“You may belong here, but I don’t. This is not my home, Gally”, I whisper, my voice cracking and my throat hurting from the tears I’m holding back.
“Y/n? We need to go now. Are you coming?”, Newt asks me, and I turn my head, seeing the small group of Gladers who had decided to follow Thomas standing there, waiting. Most of them are gripping tightly onto their weapons, a look of both fear and determination on their faces, and I know that if I want to go, I have to go now.
“I’m going now. Please, go with me”, I try to convince him one last time, but a look on his face tells me that there is no use. He won’t listen to me.
I hesitantly move closer, extending my arms to hug him one last time. He pulls me into his chest, and wraps his arms tightly around me, hiding his face in my hair.
I grip onto his shirt, not wanting to let go already, and I can’t hold back my sobs anymore. My tears wet his shirt, but I don’t care. When he pulls away from me, I look up at him, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Gally.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Be careful”, his voice cracks, just lightly, but enough for me to know that he too is close to tears. “Promise?”
With this, I step back, slowly letting go of his hand until only the tips of our fingers still touch, and for a few seconds, we’re looking at each other like everyone else just doesn’t exist anymore.
And then the moment is over, our hands aren’t touching anymore, and it feels like I’m leaving a part of my heart, a part of myself with Gally in the Glade as I stumble over to the others, tears now blurring my vision.
Newt gives me a long stick and places his hand on my lower back, gently pushing me forward as everyone starts jogging after Thomas who leads the way into the dark corridor of the maze.
Right before we turn around the corner, I stop and look back for one last time, seeing Gally standing at the entrance of the maze looking after us – after me – with slumped shoulders, a devastated look on his face. I raise my hand to a small wave, and he does the same before I keep going, this last picture of Gally etched into my mind.
“And what are we doing now?”, someone asks, breaking the silence.
“We’re going. We’re free now”, Thomas says, the relief clear in his voice as he ruffles through his hair. 
He wants to go, go to the door behind us when suddenly a voice let us all freeze.
“You think you’re free? You’re not. You’ll never be free.”
I whip around, my mouth hanging open as I realize that it’s Gally. I want to run to him, hug him, but Newt holds me back with his arm in front of me, and only then I noticed the gun Gally was gripping tightly in his hands.
The gun is shaking, and I can see that he’s crying as he points it at us.
“Gally”, Thomas says in a soothing voice, raising his hand slowly. “Take the gun away. We’re out. We’re free. We just need to go through that door. Come with us, please.”
“And what do you think is outside? Do you think that’s better than the maze? You can’t get out! You belong to the maze!” He’s yelling now, violent sobs racking his body, and this is the moment I realize that he’s not himself - he either got stung or gets controlled by WICKED.
“Gally, please”, I speak up, trying to get him out of his trance, but he doesn’t react.
He raises the gun even more, and before someone can do anything, he has pulled the trigger, the loud shot echoing in the room. Then several things happen all at once. 
I let out a shriek, clutching my hand over my mouth in shock, as Chuck, little Chuck, throws himself in front of Thomas, the bullet hitting him square in the chest. 
At the same moment, Minho throws the spear he has been carrying the whole time at Gally, the spear burying itself into his chest. 
Gally’s eyes grow wide and his mouth opens as if he doesn’t believe that there’s a  spear in his chest, but hen his knees give in and he falls to the ground, his head hitting the tiled floor hard as he falls to the side.
I see his lips moving, but I’m too far away to hear what he is saying if he is saying anything at all. 
I’m too shocked to do anything, my body doesn’t react so I’m just staring at Gally on the floor, tears running down my cheeks and dropping on my shirt until I suddenly feel my knees growing weak, and newt has to hold me so that I’m not falling to the ground. 
Everything around me, every sound, is suddenly dimmed down as if I’m underwater, and that is what it feels like too. I feel like drowning as if every last bit of air is sucked out of me, and I’m not able to breathe anymore. 
At the same time, everything inside me is purely focused on Gally and his body that lays on the ground, the spear HERAUSRAGEN from his chest.
Suddenly someone pulls me back, ripping me out of my trance, and everything comes crashing down on me. Thomas’s screams ring in my ears as I get dragged back, and suddenly someone else starts screaming, and I need a moment to realize that it’s me. 
I scream and I scream as they drag me away from Gally’s dead body, and I only stop screaming when I can’t see him anymore and instead start crying like the world just ended. Because for me, it did.
Screams pulled me out of my memories, and I blinked, trying to come back into reality. Thomas, who had just stared at Gally, suddenly charged forward and connected his fist with Gally’s jaw, the impact of the punch sending him to the ground.
I yelped, wanting to run to Gally, help him up and get Thomas away from him, but before I could do anything, Newt was at Thomas’ side.
He placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder, and just this simple gesture was enough for Thomas to stop throwing punches at Gally left and right.
Newt said something to him, and Thomas stood up and staggered back from Gally, reluctantly, but he did.
Gally got to his feet again with a grunt. “Guess I got that coming”, he said with a slight smile that wasn’t really a smile, effectively getting to guards around him to lower their weapons.
His hand tentatively felt the bruise that was already beginning to form on his jaw, when suddenly his eyes met mine.
He stared at me with wide eyes, before his gaze fell on my hand that was intertwined with Newt’s and he clenched his jaw, pressing his lips tightly together.
“Why are you here?”, he asked Thomas.
“Minho is in there. We need to get him out as fast as possible. And you can help us, right?”
“Maybe. But first – can I maybe talk to you, Y/N?”, he asked, locking eyes with me. I wanted to run to him, hug him, kiss him, but I couldn’t.
I was more than aware of Newt’s hand that was closed around mine and his arm that brushed against my shoulder. I turned to look at him, and he squeezed my hand, his smile sad. 
“Go with him”, he said, and somehow I knew that he didn’t only mean going with Gally at this particular moment.
It hurt to leave him like that, most importantly because I knew I was hurting him. I stood on my tip toes and pressed a kiss on his cheek, mumbling a ‘thank you’, before stepping back. 
He slowly let go of my hand, his arm falling limply to his side.  I looked at him for a moment, before I turned around and walked over to Gally.
“You guys wait here”, he told Thomas and the others and then turned towards one of the guards. “Go to Lawrence and tell him that I have found someone who can help us against WICKED.”
The guard immediately obeyed and scurried away, and I couldn’t help but be impressed. Gally seemed so confident as if he was knowing exactly what he was doing, and there was nothing left of the aggressive and hot-tempered guy he had been in the glade most of the times.
He led me through the crowd and I could feel the guards around us staring at me, making me feel almost uncomfortable, and I was glad when we reached a door.  
Gally opened it and let me step through into a rather small room, that was only dimly lit from the few streaks of sunlight that had made their way through the tattered and old curtains hanging in front of the windows.
“First of all, we need to get you something new to wear. I don’t like the way they all look at you”, he said, and I looked down on me, surprised to find that my shirt was ripped in various places. Maybe the explosions and the flying rocks had done more damage than I had noticed. 
Gally went over to a dresser and pulled out one of the drawers, starting to search through it.
“So, you and Newt, huh?”, he asked, obviously trying to sound casual, but his voice was strained. I knew he was more of the jealous type – I just had to think back to the glade where he once almost beat up one of his builder friends after he made a comment about how he wished that I wouldn’t always wear Gally’s clothes but give the boys a little bit of eye-candy in order to thank them for being so nice to me all the time.
“It’s not what you think. Newt and I are…”, I trailed off,  desperately searching for a way to explain the relationship Newt and I shared.
“You are a couple”, he turned around to me, and to my surprise, he wasn’t angry at all, he just looked sad.  “I understand. And I’m not angry or something, I never knew why you even wasted your time with me anyways.”
“Because I loved you!”, I blurted out, shocked that he would even think something like this. “And I still do. I never stopped. Newt just… he helped me a lot, you know? Especially after I thought that you were dead.”
He threw a hoodie over to me, and I caught it with ease. 
“But you love him, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. But…not as much as I love you. I never loved him as much, and he knows that. I don’t think I ever could love someone the way I loved you and still do.”
Slowly, a smile spread across his face, the face I hadn’t seen in so long, only at night in my dreams, and every time I closed my eyes and thought of him. “I’m glad to hear that. Because I still love you too. The spear obviously didn’t kill me, but after I realized that you were gone, I sometimes wished that it did.”
I swallowed hard at the thought of Gally wishing he was dead, just because I wasn’t with him anymore. It all seemed surreal, one moment we were running from bullets and explosions, and now I stood here with Gally.
“But I’m here now”, I whispered, suddenly don’t trust my voice anymore.
“You are.”
And suddenly he’s next to me, engulfing me in a hug, pressing my whole body against his, as if I could slip away from him again every moment.
I hugged him back, burying my head in his chest and we stood there for a long time before he slightly pulled away and finally kissed me again, almost taking my breath away from all the emotions that were poured in this single kiss.
Over one year apart and by now I had almost forgotten just how perfect his lips felt on mine, but now everything was back again. Every single memory, every moment we ever shared suddenly was back in my head as I hungrily kissed him back.
I felt his hands running all over my body, the kiss getting more desperate and heated with every passing second as I suddenly found myself pressed up against the wall.
He slipped his hand under my already ripped shirt, his cold fingers causing goose-bumps to rise from my skin and my hands gripped tightly against his biceps as he moved away from my lips, starting to leave small kiss along my jaw. 
Finally having the chance to breathe again, I sucked in huge breaths of air, but as he began to press kisses all the way down to my neck, I couldn’t help the small whimper that escaped me. 
I could feel him smirking against my skin as he just continued until suddenly a loud knock came from the door.
“Gally? Lawrence is ready to see you now!”, someone said, and Gally pulled away from me, his expression annoyed.
He had to clear his throat, trying t make his voice sound normal before he answered: “Alright, we’ll be there soon!” He stepped away from me, rubbing the back of his neck. “We need to go now.” 
I smiled at him, my face flushed as he bent down to pick up the hoodie I had dropped, giving it to me and then turning around. 
I quickly discarded the ripped shirt and slipped on Gally’s hoodie, which was way too big for me,  almost reaching my knees so I had to tuck it into my jeans a bit.  It was really soft and big, it smelled like Gally and it felt almost as if he was hugging me constantly.
“You finished?” Gally asked, and I replied with a ‘Yes’, so he turned around again, looking me up and down.  
“I almost forgot how good you look in my clothes”, he winked at me, making my heart flutter and then intertwined our hands.
When he opened the door, most of the guards had disappeared, the few ones left watching Thomas and the others who still waited exactly where we had left them. 
“Follow me”, Gally said curtly and we made our way deeper into the headquarters until we reached a room similar to the one I had been in with Gally, although this one was slightly bigger and darker.
“Rose took my nose I suppose. Rose took my nose I suppose”, someone repeated under their breath, the words echoing through the room, making me shiver.
“Lawrence?”, Gally asked, and a man in the far corner of the room who had been messing with some plants turned around to us.
I couldn’t help but made a tiny step back as I saw his face. It was completely deformed, the whole left side of his face was covered in some sort of veins bulging under his skin that was scratched open at some spots. 
There were also thin black veins all over his head and neck, but the most horrible thing was his nose, or at least what was still left of it. It looked like someone with a knife had just cut off half of it, and you could actually see the bones. I really didn’t want to know what had happened to him. 
Gally seemed to sense my discomfort because he stepped closer to me, squeezing my hand reassuringly. 
I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at Newt who was already looking at me with a sad smile, and it broke my heart to see him like this. He didn’t deserve it.
“Gally. Who are those people?”, the man – Lawrence – asked, eyeing us up and down as he came closer, leaning on a stick.
“Old…friends”, Gally answered. “They need –“
“We need to get into the city”, Thomas chimed in, making a step forward. Lawrence averted his gaze to the boy, smiling viciously. “And why should we get you in?”
“Because we can help you”, Thomas simply said. “We want to take down WICKED, and we need to get our friend out of there.”
Lawrence didn’t seem convinced. “Are they telling the truth?”, he asked Gally, briefly looking down at our intertwined hands. 
“They are. This could be our chance.”
“Well then… two can go, the rest stays here so that you guys have a reason to come back.”
Everyone looked immediately at Newt and Thomas as if it was clear the both of them would go.
“Three”, said Gally firmly, turning Lawrence’s attention back to him. “I’m  not about to leave her side anytime  soon.”  
tags: @preciousnewt @shutupminho @icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog @shuckface-shank07 @just2amthings @221buckythesoldier (if you want to be added/removed, just message me :) 
Thanks for reading:)                Request something?           Feedback? :)
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demons-n-daydreams · 7 years
Part I: Greenie
Pairing: endgame Gally/Reader, slight angst
Warnings: None (let me know if I missed something)
Requested by: anon
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(angst + fluff with gally please ?? preferably during tdc.. thank u and i love ur imagines especially the latest one with minho)
Word Count: 1.4K
Author’s Note: I got a little carried away with ideas when I received this prompt, so this imagine is actually nothing like the prompt, purely because I intend to write more imagines that eventually do. This is part 1 of my Gally series, which should span from before The Maze Runner all the way through The Death Cure. Who’s excited??? Also, the reader is my height, because I love height differences. I’m 5’3”. Will Poulter is 6’3”. Do the math.
Summary: You wake up in an unfamiliar place, to a horde of unfamiliar faces. Naturally, you’re a little freaked out.
Your name: submit What is this?
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When you woke, it was dark.
Your body was laying down on a metal floor, cool beneath your back.You felt around frantically with your hands, trying to get a sense as to where you were, blinking rapidly to try and adjust your vision.
You moved to sit up, only to get knocked back as the floor lurched beneath you, the room- no, the elevator- you were in beginning rise. You could feel your mind racing a mile a minute, a thousand panicked questions crowding up in your jumbled thoughts. Where were you? How did you get here? Where were you going? You felt a burst of panic when you realized that these weren’t the only things you didn’t know. Beyond self-identifying, knowing what your name was, you knew nothing; not where you came from, why you were here. You didn’t know if you had been kidnapped; hell, you didn’t even know your own last name.
Lights flashed past as the elevator ascended, causing bright spots to dance in your vision, disorienting you further. You laid there, dazed and frightened, until you managed to slow your heartbeat to normal levels.
Your vision adjusted slightly, and you could begin to make out your surroundings. There were boxes all around you, stacked together neatly. Moving carefully to avoid falling on your face in the swaying elevator, you crawled over to one of them, opening it carefully to avoid spilling the contents.
It contained tools. Basic things, like hammers, screwdrivers, nails, some nuts and bolts. After casting a wary glance around the room, sensing no other person there, you grabbed one of the hammers, closing the box before retreating to the corner of the elevator. You had no idea where you were, no idea what was going to happen to you- this was your best chance to defend yourself.
After a long, undetermined amount of time, the elevator came to a shuddering halt, throwing your balance off and forcing you to land on your hands and knees, hammer sliding out of your grip. You fumbled for it frantically and then stood, backing yourself into the corner.
A groan of metal rattled your eardrums and suddenly, a line of light illuminated the elevator. There was another screech of metal, and another groan, this time coming from humans, and the ceiling above you opened up, blinding you as a bright light shined in your eyes.
You recoiled, cringing back into the corner, holding the hammer in front of you defensively. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you could hear muttering above and around you, steadily growing louder.
“Holy shuck-”
“Is that-”
“Slim it!” someone shouted, and you snapped your head up, taking in your surroundings warily. There was a dead silence as you looked around, eyes darting back and forth.
Above you, there were about twenty or so boys, all staring down at you. Your grip on the hammer tightened, and you felt your hackles rise, their gazes intimidating. One of them, with tanned skin and curly brown hair, tore his eyes away to look at the group.
“Alright shanks,” he said, voice full of authority. “Back to work. Don’t need you slintheads slackin’.”
Grumbling but compliant, the boys all left, with the exception of the one that you figured was the leader, and two others; a boy with dark skin, and another with dirty blond hair and freckles.
You didn’t relax at all despite the much-reduced crowd and flinched back when the one who had spoken jumped into the elevator, and began advancing towards you. You raised the hammer again, palms sweating around the handle with anxiety. He was significantly bigger than you, both height-wise and in muscle mass. Even with your improvised weapon, you weren’t sure you’d be able to fight him off if you needed to. Panic began to swell in your chest. You had no idea who he was. For all you knew, he and his friends were the ones who had brought you here.
He came within four feet of you, and you reacted on pure instinct.
“Back off!” you shouted, waving the hammer wildly, hoping he didn’t come any closer so you wouldn’t have to use it.
He paused, thankfully, raising his hands up in surrender. Leaning forward, his face fixed into an open and unthreatening expression, he made further no efforts to come closer. The other two stood at the edge of the ground above you, ready to jump in if you made a single wrong move.
“Calm down, ‘kay?” the boy in front said, voice soothing. You looked at him with wide eyes, hammer trembling in your tight grip. “We ain’t gonna hurt you. S’okay.”
You kept your weapon out in front of you, back against the corner of the elevator to keep as far away as possible. You weren’t going to take any chances.
“What’d you do to me?” you demanded, voice shaky. “Why can’t I remember anything? Where am I?”
“S’okay,” he repeated, same calming tone as before. “Happens to everyone. They send one of us up every month. We ain’t gonna hurt you, alright?”
The boys above the metal box shifted, their movements setting you on edge. Eyeing the boy in front of you suspiciously, you asked, “No one here remembers? Just like me?”
He nodded, taking a small step towards you. You flinched back, breath halting to a gasp, bringing the hammer back up to deter him.
“Ay, woah! Relax!” he exclaimed, raising his hands to protect his face. The boys above moved into defensive positions, ready to swoop in to help as they eyed you like you were a wild animal. “It’s okay, alright? Lookit, I’m Nick. This is Alby,” he pointed up at the dark-skinned boy, then pointing to the tall, freckled one, “and Gally.” He turned to face you fully, back bent a little to lessen the height difference, brown eyes piercing through you. “I promise, ain’t no one here gonna touch you. What’s your name?”
You tried to slow your panicked breathing, managing to calm yourself before stammering out, “Y/N. My-my name, i-it’s Y/N.”
Nick nodded encouragingly, giving you a small, reassuring smile. “Hey, Y/N. You’re safe here, ‘kay? Gimme me the hammer. We ain’t gonna lay a finger on you. You got my word.”
He offered his hand up, showing you it was empty before holding it out. A peace offering. You stood there, for a moment, weighing your options. He hadn’t actually made an attempt to hurt you, besides unintentionally scaring you half to death. If what he said was true, he’d been through the same exact thing as you. Deciding to trust him, at least for the time being, you crept forward and laid the hammer in his hand hesitantly, letting go when he curled his hand it. He slowly lifted it out to his side and dropped it to the ground with a clang. You felt yourself relax once he let go of it, seeing Alby and Gally slump a little as well in the corner of your vision.
“We gotta get you outta this klunkin’ Box, huh?” Nick said, trying to break the tension. You nodded in agreement, and he gave you a small smile. He looked to you for permission to touch your shoulder and you nodded again, body tense as you let him guide you over to one of the walls where Gally and Alby were standing. “I’m gonna hav’ta lift you.”
You stiffened a little at the thought of him touching you, but ultimately let him, knowing full well you couldn’t drag yourself out, the walls too high up for you. He lifted your body, and Gally reached down, one hand gripping your arm while the other wound around your waist, pulling you up with ease.
He set you down in front of him, and you looked up to his face as he towered over you. His green-blue eyes bored into you, and you stood there, transfixed and a little anxious. A smirk crept across his face and he patted your shoulder, and due to your proximity to his body, you could feel the timbre of his voice in his chest as he said, “Welcome to the Glade, Greenie.”
@weekendswithgoodfriends , @randomblog289848 , @serpent-princess , @bluesprings18 , @apps99199 , @hernandofuentes , @mrsbarness , @rebekxhmikaelson , @weyheycraicey , @haleyyc , @neewtmas , @thevalkyriee
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Jealousy Complications
Pairing: Thomas x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 5409
Author’s Note: I finally decided to write Thomas again and I really like it. I think it’s absolutely adorable and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! Thanks to my babe @lovelydob for proofreading this for me:)
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Being in the maze with a bunch of guys and one girl was awful, but one good thing came out of it. Thomas. He always made sure that I was okay and comfortable and made sure that I was safe. We had bonded closely while stuck in the maze. He was a runner. I was a med-jack. He would come by the tent every so often that I was on duty, deliberately hurting himself as an excuse to see me. I had not known of this at first until Newt had mentioned that he was basically a pro with a machete, growing confused on how he was still cutting himself.
When Teresa had arrived in the maze, a note in her hand letting everyone know that she was the last one, I had become a little weary and suspicious, since she had known Thomas. I honestly didn’t like that she was trying to get close to him, they hung out so much that I was beginning to slip from the picture and I hated it. I did my best to ignore both of them, not looking them in the eye when they talked to me, turning down Thomas’ offers to eat together. I didn’t want my heart to break anymore than it already had.
 Thomas had noticed my cold shoulder and he became frustrated that I wasn’t talking to him. He would ask the guys if they had known what was wrong with me, but I never told anyone, except Minho. I know Minho wouldn’t say anything to him though, I hope anyway. I had been in the medjack hut when Thomas made his visit again. I tried to leave, but he ended up stopping me by blocking the door with his body. His incredible body.
 “What’s gotten into you?” He asked me, looking down at me as I glanced around the hut, not wanting to look at his face, I shook my head, trying to get out of his grip.
 “It’s nothing, Thomas. I have to get back to work.” I muttered, looking at the ground as I felt his eyes on me.
 “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” Thomas declared and I sighed, looking up at him, gazing into those beautiful honey brown eyes I loved so much. “Please…” He whispered, rubbing my arm softly with his calloused fingers.
 “You practically forgot about me ever since Teresa showed up. I distanced myself to save me from getting hurt.” I told him quietly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Thomas sighed, dropping his head down before pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head into his neck.
 “I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean for you to feel that way, but somehow I know Teresa and I just need to figure out how to get everyone out of this place. To protect you.” He muttered the last part lowly, almost not hearing it as my heartbeat sped up, pounding against my ribcage.
 “I believe in you, Thomas.” I whispered, glancing up at him.
 Thomas actually managed to get us out of that hell hole that Gally called home. I couldn’t be anymore thankful to him, for saving my life, more than once. We’re now in this giant facility that shelters kids from the other mazes, not realizing that there had been more than one. I stayed relatively close to Thomas when we first arrived, getting nutrient shots from the doctors and real food. Thomas, Newt, Minho, Winston, Frypan, and myself were all placed into one room while Teresa apparently needed more tests done on her. Thomas didn’t like the idea that they were keeping us from seeing her. Unfortunately, there were only five beds, so I had to share one with Thomas, which I totally didn’t mind as long as I can sleep on a real bed.
 We all sat in the cafeteria area, eating some food as Thomas stared, seeming to be in thought as I glanced him over. I pressed my lips together, a little upset that he’s so worried about her, but since he knew her before the maze I guess it’s understandable. He snapped out of his gaze when Janson had begun talking, telling everyone that he’s got the list of people that are going to the safe haven they have.
 “How did you sleep?” Thomas asked me as I played with my food, glancing up at him, hearing Janson’s loud voice read off the names of kids. “Like, we-we’re you comfortable?” He asked and I nodded my head, giving him a small smile, taking a bite of my food.
 “Yeah, I slept really good. How about you? I know you were turning a lot.” I frowned, placing my fork down. Thomas nodded his head a bit, picking at his fingers and I reached my hand out, placing them on his as he looked over at me.
 “I just, this place, I don’t have a great feeling about it.” He whispered, hearing the cheers of some of the other kids as their names got called, keeping my focus on Thomas. “And I want to dig deeper and figure out what’s going on, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” My heart leapt, butterflies filling my stomach as his thumb ran over my knuckles.
 “You would never, ever, let me get hurt, Thomas. Do what you need to do, because I’m having the same thoughts about this place. I-I don’t know what it is, but I feel like they’re hiding things from us.” I muttered, glancing around, noticing a guy our age sitting at a table all by himself.
 “I’ll figure it out, okay? You, you don’t worry about it. Stay with the others.” He sadly smiled at me and I nodded my head, squeezing his hand lightly.
 That night, Thomas and I were lying in bed, facing each other as his fingers were playing with mine. My head rested against the soft pillow, glancing up at him every now and then as he smiled down at me. We laid in silence, our fingers intertwining every once in awhile as we heard the snores of our friends. A tapping noise from under our bed made me jump and Thomas’ eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He let go of my hand as the tapping continued, turning around so his back is facing me, looking underneath the bed.
 “Thomas? What is it?” I asked him as I sat up a bit, my hand on his back. “Thomas?!” He sat back up, turning to face me as his hands rested on my cheeks, one of mine laid gently on his arm.
 “I’ll be right back, okay?” He reassured and I shook my head, gripping onto his limb. I was about to say something when he cut me off. “It’s okay. It’s the guy from lunch, he wants me to follow him. I’ll be back, I promise.” Thomas whispered, leaning his forehead against mine and I gulped, not wanting him to go.
 “Let me go with you.” I muttered and he shook his head, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
 “No, you need to stay here where I know you’re safe. I won’t be gone long.” Thomas muttered, pressing his soft pink lips to my forehead, before crawling underneath the bed. I hung myself over the side, watching both of them crawl away and I sighed, sitting back up against the wall, waiting.
 I closed my eyes, picking at my fingernails as it felt like hours since he’s been gone. I leaned my head against the small pole that connected the two beds together, falling asleep, my thoughts filled with Thomas.
 Thomas had crawled back through the vent, into the room, putting the vent cover back in it’s place as quietly as he could. He crawled out from under the bed, looking up seeing my sleeping body in an uncomfortable position. “At least she’s getting some sleep.” He muttered to himself, moving me so I’m laying on the mattress as I was before he left. Thomas crawled in next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist, his face resting against the back of my neck. He intertwined his hand with mine, smiling to myself as both of us fall into a deep sleep.
 Here we are again, sitting in the same spot as yesterday, but now Aris, the guy Thomas was referring to, was sitting with us. Janson doing his regular call of kids.
 “So, what'd you guys find?” I asked, pushing the tray of food away from me, not feeling all that hungry as Thomas looked around before leaning in a little.
 “Well, they're certainly hiding something.” He muttered, glancing over at Janson as he patted the kid's back as they go to the front.
 “Y/N.” Janson’s voice rang through the steel room. My heart stopped as I looked towards the front of the room, Janson motioning me to come forward.
 “T-Thomas, I-I don't want to go.” I muttered, feeling scared as a guard walked towards me, grabbing my arm. He made me stand up and my friends stood up as well. “No, no. I don't want to go, let me go.” I fought in the strong embrace the man had on me.
 “Let her go.” Thomas demanded, stepping forward. The guard just laughed and I wiggled out of his grip, running towards Thomas.
 “Don't let them take me.” I whispered, my eyes pleading as the other guard stepped forward. The two guards grabbed my arms, dragging me away from my friends. “No! Thomas!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face as Janson stepped in front of him, placing his hand on Thomas’ chest.
 “You hear her? She doesn't want to go.” He growled, Janson’s face remaining still, not showing any emotion. The guards began dragging me out the door as I attempted to grip on the side.
 “I don't want to go anywhere without you, Thomas.” I cried, his eyes looking into mine, tears pooling as I struggled. They brought me out of the room, my screams still audible. “Thomas! Help me, please!” The group heard before it was silent.
 Janson smiled sinisterly before walking out after the guards. Thomas ran a hand through his hair, punching the wall next to him as he walked back to their room. He sat down on the bed, rubbing his hands on his face, letting out a loud sigh, our friends walking in a few minutes after him.
 “I should’ve done more. She’d be here with us if I fought harder.” He muttered, gripping his chocolate brown hair. “God damn it.” Thomas whispered.
 “Hey, we’ll get her back, okay?” Minho reassured and Thomas nodded, hearing the vent open slightly, Aris popping out from under the bed.
 “Hey, Thomas.” Aris muttered, our friends looking at him weirdly as Thomas stood up. “I know where they’re taking them. C’mon.”
 “Thomas, what’s going on?” Newt asked and Thomas shook his hands, glancing back at them.
 “Look, I had suspicions of what’s going on in this place and so did Y/N. I’m going to find out who we’re really dealing with.” He muttered as he got on the ground, slipping into the vent after Aris had crawled in. The two boys crawled through the vent, going to the same place they had gone the night before, making sure that no one was around before jumping down. Aris handed Thomas the keycard to the secured lab and he placed it against the keypad, the locked door opening for the two.
 Thomas walked in, Aris following closely behind as his lips parted, seeing all the kids hanging from some machine. Thomas pressed his lips together, going down the line of the people that have been called the past few days, wondering if I was in here. He frantically started looking for my body when the door to the room had slid open. Aris and Thomas had hid behind one of the machines, watching Janson walk up to the big screen, Ava appearing on it. Thomas’ body filled with rage as they discussed how the progress was coming as she told him that she needed more.
 “Well, we can start with the newest recruits.” Janson grinned and she nodded her head. Just as he was leaving, her voice filled the room.
 “I don’t want them to feel any pain.” Ava sympathized and Janson half smiled, nodding his head.
 “Trust me. They won’t feel a thing.” He muttered as he walked out of the room, the large projector screen turning off. Thomas rushed out of the room, climbing back into the vent as he hurried towards their room. Once he got through the vent, he crawled out from under the bed, panicking a bit as he ran towards the door, looking out the small window.
 “We gotta go. We gotta go right now.” He muttered, our friends faces all looking confused as Thomas grabbed the sheets from the bed, tying it around the door handle.
 “Why? What did you find?” Newt asked and Thomas kept muttering that they needed to go. “Thomas, what’s going on?!” He asked once more.
 “It’s WCKD.” He yelled, their faces paling a bit as he placed the bed against the door, blocking the view. “It’s always been WCKD.” Thomas muttered and everyone began panicking slightly as Thomas thought of a plan. “Alright. We’re getting out of here, but we need to find Teresa and Y/N, so we’re going to have to split up.” The group crawled through the vent, coming out where they had before and Thomas looked to our friends. “Alright, Minho and Aris, you come with me and the three of you try and find Teresa. We’ll meet by the door.”
 The six of them split up, Thomas, Minho, and Aris going back into the secured area quickly before anyone saw them. Once inside, Minho had muttered inaudibly to himself as Thomas began frantically searching for me.
 “Thomas! I found her.” Aris called out and he rushed towards him, seeing my body strung up, tucking my hair behind my ear. “She hasn’t been here long so it shouldn’t affect her negatively.” Aris notified and Thomas nodded, taking the machines off my face, getting me down, gently placing me on the floor.
 “C’mon, Y/N.” Thomas muttered, his hands rubbing my cheekbones as I gasped, my eyes fluttering open. I sat up, coughing hard as Thomas rubbed my back, his forehead resting against the side of my head.
 “Thomas?” I whispered, gripping his arm as I glanced up at him. He placed both his hands on my cheeks, smiling softly down at me. “You saved me.” I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his neck.
 “I got you, but we have to go.” Thomas whispered, looking up at his friends. “Can you stand?” He asked and I nodded a bit, getting up with the help of him and Minho. I took a step forward, my legs almost giving out underneath me.
 “Okay, maybe I can’t.” I muttered and Minho wrapped his arm around my waist, holding onto me as Thomas led us out of the room, heading towards the exit door.
 The three of us had run into a single guard, Minho placing me against the wall as he attacked him, knocking him out quickly. I almost fell over, Aris catching me as Thomas picked up the stun gun. Minho wrapped his arm back around me, Thomas leading us again as we were careful, checking the corners as the alarms have been going off for the past five minutes. My legs finally stopped being wobbly, being able to walk on my own. We met the other four at the door, not being able to open it as Thomas cursed.
 “I’ve got an idea.” Aris muttered, running off, Winston telling us that he’ll go with him, just in case.
 “Thomas.” Janson yelled, all of us looking behind us, Janson and a few of his guards standing behind him as they trailed towards us. I stood behind Thomas, gripping the back of his shirt as he stalked forward, pointing the stun gun at them.
 “Open the door Janson.” Thomas demanded and he just chuckled, shaking his head slightly.
 “You don’t want to go out there. You guys won’t survive out in the Scorch.” His eyes landed on me and I gulped, looking away from him, wrapping my arms around my stomach. “I see you’ve been in places you’re not supposed to see.” He nodded his heads towards his guards and they began coming towards us, my back pressed against the metal door.
 “Stay back!” Thomas growled, pointing the gun at both of them and one stopped as the other kept walking, his eyes on me the entire time. Thomas pulled the trigger electrocuting one of the guards. “Now open the damn door.” He yelled and the door behind me made a noise, opening as Aris and Winston stood on the other side, grinning. The five of us walked on the other side of the door, Thomas glancing back at us, his eyes meeting mine.
 “Close the main door, now.” Jensen yelled into his walkie, the buzzing of the door going off as it began closing.
 “Thomas!” I yelled, taking a step forward as Minho grabbed my waist, holding me back. I wiggled in his grasp as Thomas began running, throwing the jammed gun at the guards as he sprinted towards the door. As there was a few inches left, Thomas slid under the door, making it just in time as it closed shut, behind us, Aris hitting the control panel, breaking it.
 Thomas flipped off Janson before we began running. The two of us stood there for a second and I brought him into a hug, squeezing him tightly. “Oh my god. I’m so glad you’re okay.” I muttered, gripping the fabric of his shirt.
 “I’m alright. C’mon, we need to get the fuck out of this place.” Thomas smiled softly, intertwining our fingers as we caught up to our friends. Thomas pulled a lever to the huge cargo door, it opening slowly and all of us make a run for it once the gap was big enough. We ran quickly up the hill, hiding once in the shadows as we saw the arrays of flashlights coming from the facilities. All of us got up again, running down the sand hill, Teresa running into an abandoned building, the rest of us following in suit, Thomas warning her to be careful.
 Once inside the place that looks like a mall, I sat away from the group, breathing heavily as I tried to calm down my heartrate. Thomas walked over to me as everyone else looked around at the place that seemed to be a hideout of some sort. He crouched in front of me, taking my hands in his and I glanced up at him.
 “You okay?” He asked me and I nodded my head, giving him a small smile. “I’m so sorry I didn’t help you when they took you. I should’ve tried harder.” Thomas whispered, looking down at the floor and I scooted closer to him, lifting his chin up with my finger.
 “It’s okay. You ended up saving me in the end and that’s all that matters. I’m here, with you, right now.” I grinned and his hand moved to my cheek, rubbing his calloused thumb against my cheek.
 “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He muttered and I blushed, turning my head away from him. “Um, it’s probably not the best time to ask this but…” Thomas trailed off and my heart jumped, knowing exactly what he’s gonna ask and as he was about to ask, I cut him off.
 “Yes.” I breathed, scanning his features and his lips parted, eyes widened. Thomas’ eyes glanced down to my lips for a nanosecond before pressing our lips together. A surprised voice escaped my lips, my eyes fluttering shut as I began to move my lips against his, running my fingers through his hair. Thomas pulled away from me, placing a few short kisses to my lips before the lights turned on.
 Both of us jumped, looking around as Thomas helped me up, seeing Minho and Newt running towards us, screaming for us to run. We noticed zombie-like people behind them, running after them and I intertwined my fingers with Thomas’, running away with everyone else.
 We managed to get out of the mall, all of us intact as we walked towards the mountains. Stopping every few hours to catch our breaths and drink some water. We found out that winston had been bitten by one of the “cranks” and was starting to become weak. At one point, Thomas had me on his back, arms wrapped around my thighs as I rested my eyes in the nape of his neck. It didn’t last long since I didn’t want to tire him out with my heaviness. Although, we’d always walk next to each other, fingers intertwined as I leaned my head against his shoulders. We had stopped that night, taking cover after WCKD sent out helicopters to find us. The rest of the group was asleep as Thomas and I stayed awake. I laid my head on his chest, his large hand rubbing the small of my back as my eyes began to droop shut.
 “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” Thomas whispered into my ear, pressing a small kiss to my forehead.
 Thomas jolted awake at the sound of a crow picking at our food and he untangled himself from me, waking me in the process as I watched him shoo away the bird. I chuckled and he looked back at me, frowning a bit.
 “Did I wake you?” He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Thomas sighed, sitting down next to me as we looked out at the sand, leaning my head into his neck. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He mumbled and I placed a soft kiss to his neck, mumbling that it was alright.
 The rest of the group woke up and we had started packing to leave again when Winston made an unhealthy noise, our attention brought towards him. I frowned as Frypan walked over to him, giving him some of his water.
 “Guys, I’m not gonna make it.” He breathed and I squeezed Thomas’ hand, tears welling up in my eyes. “Go, before things get worse, please.” Winston coughed and I pressed my lips together, trying not to cry as Thomas’ thumb rubbed against my knuckles. We all said goodbye to him individually and before we left, Winston had asked for the gun, so he wouldn’t turn into one of those monsters. As we were walking away, a gunshot rang in the distance and I jumped, looking back as Thomas pulled me along.
 “It’s alright. He’s in a better place now.” He whispered into my hair, pressing a kiss to the side of my head as I nodded, sniffling slightly. We had become relatively close to the mountains, seeing a place with power in the distance and we began running. As the sun started to get, we all settled in on the ground, needing a little rest.
 The group was abruptly awoken by the storm that has started. Lightning going off in the distance as my eyes widened.
 “Guys, guys! Get up. We gotta go, we gotta go now!” I yelled, gathering my things as did everyone else. We began running towards the building, lightning striking down near us and we began to sprint a little faster. My heartbeat began pumping against my chest, feeling the anxiety attack coming as the thunder vibrated, lightning coming down a minute later, hitting me. I collapsed on the ground, unconscious as Thomas noticed.
 “No, no, no. Y/N!” Thomas ran back to me, placing his hands on either side of my face, slapping my cheeks lightly.
 “C’mon, grab an arm. We’ll bring her with us.” Minho yelled, each of them grabbing an arm as they carried me to the building. Once inside, they put me on the floor, Thomas’ hand moving the hair out of my face, muttering incoherently.
 “You can’t leave us yet, Y/N. Wake up.” Thomas murmured, and I began coughing, startling everyone.
 “I’m not going anywhere.” I whispered, giving him a small smile as he grinned, leaning down, pressing his forehead against mine.
 “Oh thank god.” I stood up, looking around the place we were in and a flashlight had shone, a crank inches from us. I screamed, wrapping an arm around Thomas as I clung to him, seeing a girl a few inches shorter than myself.
 She glaned at all of us, her eyes roaming over Thomas’ body and I glared at her slightly, intertwining our fingers, letting her know that he’s not available. She rolled her eyes and I glanced up at Thomas’ a small smirk on his lips as he looked down at me. “Come, Jorge will want to meet you.” The girl mentioned, leading us through the hideout.
 During our stay here at this hideout, we’ve been hung by the ceiling almost left for dead as WCKD had found out where we were hidden by one of the guys that stayed here. The building was now being overrun by WCKD soldiers and Jorge has provided a way for us to get out while placing a record in the record player. I was slightly confused on why he would do that, but he answered my thoughts by telling us that it’s rigged to blow the entire building when the song is finished.
 All of us managed to get out of their alive, but Thomas and Brenda, the chick that needs to back the fuck up from Thomas, got stuck together. I walked next to Minho, praying that Thomas is alright.
 “He’s going to be alright.” Minho mentioned and I glanced up at him, swallowing thickly before nodding my head. He rubbed my back, trying to keep me calm, but it doesn’t exactly work, not until Thomas is back here, with me.
 Thomas and Brenda were walking through tunnels underground, walking slightly faster. “So, who’s the chick that’s always wrapped around you like a cloth?” Brenda asked and Thomas looked down at her, continuing down another hallway.
 “She’s my girlfriend.” He mumbled, pointing his flashlight towards the goop of black stuff on the wall. “And she’s probably super worried about me.” Thomas sighed, hearing a groaning noise and cranks started to come out of the walls. The two began running, eventually finding their way out of the tunnel, climbing up destroyed debris of buildings to lose the cranks.
 The group, minus Thomas and Brenda, made it to Marcus’ place, settling down there until the other two show up. I sat against the wall away from the others, picking at my fingers as I tried to calm myself down. It’s alright. He’s okay. He’s going to be okay.
 Thomas and Brenda finally had made it to the town the group was supposed to be in, standing in a line to get into Marcus’ place. Thomas began to get fidgety, wondering how I was doing as they were the next in line. The pair were handed a green liquid, the entry fee and both of them had drank the disgusting liquid, Thomas close to spitting it out.
 I had gone downstairs to the party, needing to get things off my mind as I walked around, glancing at all the different types of people and became a little uncomfortable. I looked around, hoping that maybe Thomas was here.
 “They’re not here.” I heard Brenda’s voice, quickly glancing around me, seeing the two of them and I begin walking over to them before watching her press her lips to his.  My heart ached, lips parted as my sight began to get blurry, tears spilling from them. Thomas had pulled away from her, glancing at her like she had two heads.
 “You’re not her.” He muttered and a small smile came to my face before he ended up passing out. I ran over to him, gasping as I kneeled on the dirty floor, placing my hands on his cheeks.
 “Thomas! Thomas.” I yelled and Minho’s hand landed on my shoulder, glancing up at him. “Minho, help me.” I muttered, trying to get him up. Minho wrapped one of his arms around him as the two of us brought him upstairs, laying him on a makeshift bed.
 Jorge had Marcus tied up to a chair, beating the shit out of him as I sat next to Thomas’ unconscious body, stroking my thumb on the back of his hand gently. He gasped, sitting up quickly and I placed a hand on his shoulder, slowly pushing him back down as he glanced over at me. His other hand landed on mine, letting out a sigh of relief as his eyes shut slowly.
 “Oh I’m so glad to see you.” He muttered and I smiled sadly, wondering if he remembered kissing Brenda. I pressed my lips together, staying silent as his eyes stayed on me. “What’s wrong?” Thomas asked, sitting up slightly and I sighed, glancing back towards Brenda, her eyes already on us.
 “D-Do you remember what you did downstairs? In the party?” I asked and Thomas’ lips parted, looking past me. He cleared his throat, nodding shamelessly and I nodded my head curtly, getting up.
 “Wait, Y/N. I-I was drugged with something and part of it I thought I was kissing you. I-I saw you in front of me when I pulled away. I realized what I had done wrong.” He pleaded and my back was to him, seeing the smirk on Brenda’s face. I glared at her, walking towards her as the anger boiled inside of me.
 “Is this what you wanted? Us to fight? So you can fucking swoop in and have him for yourself?” I asked, crossing my arms as she shrugged, not seeming fazed.
 “I guess I didn’t have to do much for you guys to fight.” She said bluntly and I scoffed, shaking my head.
 “He was drugged and you took advantage of that. That’s super low, you know.” I rolled my eyes, walking away from everyone, needing some air. I leaned against the building, trying really hard not to cry, wondering what’s going to happen between Thomas and I. I heard footsteps, seeing Thomas frantically looking for me as his eyes connected with mine before running over to me.
 “Y/N, look, I-I know that I can’t exactly take back what happened, but I-I can’t lose you. I’m so in love with you and there’s no going back and I don’t want to. I want to be with you, not her.” He confessed, his cheeks flushing pink as my eyes widened, my breath hitching in my throat.
 “Y-You’re in love with me?” I asked and he nodded his head, wiping the stray tear that slipped from my eye. My hands gripped his dirty shirt, smiling to myself as my heartbeat pounded against my chest. “I’m in love with you as well.”
 Thomas let out a sigh of relief, resting his forehead against mine, his hands squeezing my hips as he brought me into a quick hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his neck as his hand rubbed my back. “Oh thank god. I love you so much.” He muttered in my ear and I grin.
 I pulled away from him, glancing up at him before leaning up on my tippy toes, pressing my lips against his. One of his hands rested on my cheek, rubbing my cheekbone softly as his lips moved against mine, letting out a small groan. He pulled away from me, his lips brushing against mine as I felt his breath hit my face.
 “I love you too, Thomas.” I whispered, smiling widely as he placed a small kiss to my forehead.
 “You’re going to be the death of me.” I heard him whisper and I chuckled lightly. “Now, c’mon, we’re leaving to go to the mountains. I will do anything to make sure you get to the safe haven, the real one.” He mumbled, giving me a chaste kiss to my lips, linking our fingers together, leading me back to the group.
 I’ll go anywhere with you baby.
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kayetaz · 7 years
You Be the Anchor that Keeps My Feet on the Ground (Ch. 3) | Newt x Reader
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Summary: The reader is dealing with the aftermath of the new rule on top of her obligation to go and watch her attacker’s banishment. Her and Newt continue to grow closer and closer.
 Warnings: Banishment/sexual assault mention Word count: 3,234
 A/N: This chapter is more fluffy and I was smiling like a schoolgirl writing most of the parts. Again, I’m aiming for only about 2-3 more chapters unless I get some requests that might make it longer. My ask is always open for this and future imagines!
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 
After the meeting, I head directly to the gardens to start my new job. Zart smiles timidly at me and asks me to start weeding around the crops, as long as I don’t mind. I roll my eyes and sigh as I get to work. I knew the new rule was going to make things a little bit weirder, but I really did not expect it to start happening that quickly. It’s almost as if anyone who talks to me is afraid to have a target on their back now.
“Hey, love,” Newt announces as he comes up behind me in the gardens.
I’m startled a little by his sudden and quiet arrival, but I recover quickly before turning and looking up to meet his eyes, hoping he didn’t notice. I have to let what happened with Ivan go, before I become nothing but a scared shell that everyone feels they need to tip-toe around. I fought so hard for so long to be treated like all of the other guys, and I’ll be damned if I let him take that away from me.
“Hi, Newt,” I answer, smiling.
He’s still managing to get around very well on just one crutch, and he seems to only use it as an afterthought. I admire his strength, and it makes me want to be strong too.
He kneels down on the ground next to me and starts pulling at weeds too. “Mind if I help?”
I groan. “Listen, Newt, I really appreciate your help yesterday. I know I was an absolute wreck, and I still am pretty shaken up, but Alby has already relocated my job and my living arrangements, as well as given me around-the-clock supervision… If you guys keep treating me like I’m weak, that’s how I’m going to look to the other Gladers and what happened yesterday will happen again.”
“You’re absolutely right, (Y/N),” Newt agrees, “But I’m not here to babysit you, or because I think you can’t handle pulling out some weeds on your own. I’m here because my new job is working in the gardens too.”
“Really?” I ask, both excited that I get to spend every day with him again, but suspicious of why he was placed in the same job as me, on the same day.
“Yes. And it’s not because of you, it’s actually because I was a Track-hoe before Minho picked me to be a Runner. Obviously, due to recent events, I can no longer run the maze.”
My heart drops a little. “How are you doing, by the way?”
He smiles at me and returns to work. “Much better, (Y/N). Much better.”
“Good,” I answer him happily as I return to my own area of weeds.
As Newt and I sit down at lunch, I can tell that a lot of the Gladers are feeling the same way Zart did towards me. They avoid any eye contact, and Gally even let me cut in front of him to get food, no matter how many times I told him it was okay. My appetite is suddenly gone and I just pull Newt’s hoodie around myself tighter, feeling dozens of eyes on me.
Of course, the blonde-haired boy notices this and asks what’s wrong.
“Why aren’t you afraid to be near me?” I ask instead of answering his question.
He just furrows his eyebrows and stares at me, lost for words.
I gesture to the boys sitting around us, but he only continues to look at me in confusion.
“They’re all acting like I have the black plague.”
Slight recognition graces his face but he still seems un-phased by the situation. “I think they’re just trying to give you space, given what Shuckface did to you.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s because of that stupid new rule. They’re probably all scared if they make me mad I’ll tell Alby and have them banished or something.”
“(Y/N), that rule is for your protection. It’s not stupid,” he says, looking hurt by my comment.
“Well, I think it’s stupid. And who is Alby to decide if I can or can’t have any kind of romantic relationship with anyone?”
Newt’s eyebrows raise at me and a cheeky grin appears on his face. “Someone you have in mind there, (Y/N)?”
“Oh, bugger off,” I say, my cheeks heating up. “What happened last night scared the klunk out of me, but I still need to be able to live my life here. It’s going to be hard to do that if you’re the only person who will talk to me.”
“Would that be so terrible?” he jokes.
I laugh in response, but on the inside, I know that if Newt were the only person I talked to for the rest of my life, I’d be a little more than okay with it.
My mind suddenly goes back to the other important topic of the Gathering this morning. “Ivan’s banishment is in a few hours.”
Newt sighs. “You don’t have to go if you don’t feel up to it.”
I just shrug, staring down at my uneaten food. “A person is going to die because of me.”
“(Y/N),” Newt says but I just twirl my food around with my fork, until he says my name more sternly and grabs my hand, which I initially want to pull out of his grasp but I remind myself that it’s Newt and he won’t hurt me. “He’s going to die because he’s a bloody Slinthead. And trust me when I say this: if I hadn’t gotten there in time, I would have killed him myself.”
Tears burn my eyes but I blink them back as I smile at the sweet boy in front of me. I look longingly into his chocolate orbs and think of everything we had been through in just a short amount of time, and how much he’s come to mean to me as well.
“What are you thinking about, love?” Newt asks quietly.
“How a life without you in it would be so pointless.”
His cheeks redden slightly as he smiles and looks down at the table. “That was me before you came and put me back together.”
“Not very well, though. Your poor ankle…” I joke at my lousy job at tying the splint tight enough that will result in him having a slight limp.
His eyes find mine again and all humor is gone. “A reminder of why I need you in my life.”
We stare at each other for who knows how long, until I realize most of the Gladers are gone and we have to get back to work.
Newt notices this too and we just smile at each other, an unspoken agreement to pick this conversation up at a different time, as we get ready to head back to the gardens.
Newt must sense my anxiety as it gets closer and closer to sunset because he spends the next few hours trying to get my mind off of it by asking hundreds of questions.
“I guess I would say (Y/F/C),” I answer when he asks my favorite color. “Yours?”
He gives another cheeky smile as he looks into my eyes. “Recently I’ve been really digging (Y/E/C).”
I roll his favorite color at him and try to think of my own question. “Do you think you ever owned a pet?”
“I have this odd sense that I once had a dog. I can imagine taking it to the park and throwing a ball around. You?”
I grab my tiny sketch book from my pants pocket and open to a random page, showing him the contents. It’s a black and white cat, which I draw on almost every page. At first, I thought I was just drawing it because I was bored, but the markings always stay the same and the name ‘Cookie’ always comes to mind while I’m drawing it.
He takes the book from me and flips through a few more pages. “Wow, (Y/N), these are great. You’re really talented.”
“Thank you,” I tell him, grabbing the book back and stuffing it into my pocket, relieved that I resisted the urge to draw a certain second-in-command on more than one occasion.
“Seriously. You should do a cartoon page in the Glader Gazette,” he says and winks at me and I laugh despite it being a rather sad memory.
“I really do think we should get that going. We can just ask W.I.C.K.E.D. to send us up a type-writer. It would seriously boost morale around here.”
He chuckles. “I think we should worry about basic necessities like soap and medicine, but yeah, a typewriter could be a close third.”
I pretend to sniff myself and make a disgusted face. “What? You don’t like the smell of a hard worker?”
He playfully scrunches his nose up and I run after him trying to rub my dirty shirt in his face as he tries to push me away.
We end up falling over because he doesn’t have his crutch and I’m a huge klutz, and we lie on the ground laughing so hard it hurts.
“You do seriously stink though,” he teases.
“Well I only went one night without showering. You forget, Newt, that you went weeks while you were in the Med-jacks.”
He laughs again. “My hair looked really good though, didn’t it?”
“It did,” I agree, giggling. “It did look really good.”
We lie on the ground another moment or so when Alby calls for the Keepers to gather for the banishment, and my happy mood is ruined again.
I feel Newt look over at me while I continue to stare at the sky, the fake sun lowering quickly.
“You don’t have to do this, (Y/N).”
I nod my head as I consider it again. It would be so easy to just head to the showers and wash up while the banishment goes on and then join everyone at Fry’s after. But then I remember that I want to be strong, like Newt, so I start getting up and turn to help my injured friend do the same. I grab his crutch that’s leaning against the tomato cage and hand it to him.
“Let’s get this over with,” I say gravely and he nods his head in return as we make our way to the north maze doors.
There are six long poles with sticks tied horizontally at the end for the two leaders: Alby and Newt, and for four of the Keepers: Zart, Winston, Frypan and Gally. Newt is the last to get there, and hands me his crutch so he can grab his pole.
Twelve other Gladers have spears and stand on the sides of the maze doors while the leaders and Keepers stand in front, waiting for Ivan.
Almost all of the Gladers gather around; a lot of them giving me sympathetic smiles and some even come over and tell me they’re sorry or that I am so brave for being there. It really makes me feel like I can get through this okay.
Eventually Ivan comes into view, his hands tied behind his back while Minho has a hold of his shirt and pulls him into the center of the poles and spears. His nose is obviously broken as it is almost completely turned to the right side and dark, dried blood is all over his face, neck and shirt, including the blood Newt said poured from his ears. He also has a black eye and several gashes around his left cheek.
“Ivan,” Alby speaks, “for your crime of breaking the second rule of not harming another Glader, you are sentenced to banishment. Do you have any final words?”
His eyes travel around all the Gladers gathered, until finally landing on me. The eye contact between us makes me nauseous but I hold my ground and remind myself to be strong.
“You were worth it, sweet cheeks,” he says to me with a disgusting smirk on his face but I only stare back at him, my eyes squinting in anger.
“Do you want me to use your face to break my other bloody crutch?” Newt yells, starting to run forward but Alby grabs his arm, pulling him back and giving him a knowing look that says to behave.
“Don’t worry, Newt. I was only borrowing her for a few minutes. She can be your slut again.”
Newt looks at Alby, a crazed expression on his face that says he wants very badly to do something stupid, but then the booming that warns the closing of the doors sounds throughout the Glade and Alby is yelling at everyone to move forward.
Newt is on him with his pole first, nearly knocking him to the ground with how hard he pushes. Ivan’s face finally shows fear of his upcoming fate as his eyes silently plead to everyone around, but no one seems the least bit compassionate as they continue to guide him into the maze as the doors come nearer to their close.
Once he’s right outside the walls, Newt’s pole gives him his last good push so that he has to fully enter the maze so as to not be crushed by the doors. When the doors are fully shut and Ivan’s shouts can no longer be heard, everyone looks around at each other.
The only other banishment the Gladers ever held was George’s, after he had gotten stung by a Griever and was going through the Changing. He became a danger to the population so we had no choice but to send him into the maze. Afterwards, there were a lot of grave expressions and guilty consciences as we all wondered what more we could have done.
Now, however, everyone just looks relieved that it’s over.
Newt leans his pole against the wall and hobbles over towards me, and I meet him halfway to give him his crutch back, but he pushes it away like it’s the last thing on his mind and pulls me into a hug, settling his face in my hair. This time, I don’t even flinch from the contact. It’s like the doors closing on Ivan officially cut off the fear of intimacy again.
“Are you okay, love?” he askes.
“Honestly? I am.”
He pulls away and looks into my eyes, searching for a sign that I am just trying to act stronger than I feel, but I’m not lying. I don’t blame the maze, or even the Creators, for what happened. People like Ivan exist all over the world, trying to make others feel like they’re objects and not human beings. I was just as likely to be in the same situation outside of the Glade. But I realize, because of Ivan, and even more so because of Newt, how strong I really am and how important my life is.
He smiles and finally grabs his crutch from me. “Dinner?”
“I’ll meet you there. Someone told me earlier that I smelled so I should really hit the showers,” I retort.
“Oh, good. That means the flies won’t be joining us as well,” he jokes and I hit his arm playfully before I walk in the direction of the bath house.
‘He’s going to be the death of me,’ I think casually, before it hits me that he might actually be the death of me because of the new rule.
I shrug and decide I really don’t care.
After dinner, Newt and I find ourselves nonchalantly strolling over into the Deadheads, talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
“What job do you think you’d have if you didn’t live here?” he asks me.
I smile, as this is a question I’ve answered in my head before. “I think I’d be a teacher. I can’t remember any specific children in my life, but I feel like I would love to work around them. I just think their carelessness and innocence would be so refreshing.”
“I can see that,” Newt responds, smiling at me. “Yeah, you’re so great with everyone, like, such a people person… I can see you being an amazing teacher, (Y/N).”
My heart just soars some more, as it seems to do every time we talk. “Thanks, Newt. How about you?”
“A firefighter. I always liked the idea of saving people. I guess it’s why I was so miserable here for such a long time. I felt like I was no good to anyone.”
“I totally disagree with that,” I tell him, stopping us in our tracks so I can look into his eyes. “You ran into that maze for a year and a half, every day without fail, risking your life for everyone in the Glade. You’re a hero in my books.”
He seems to consider this for awhile, biting on the inside of his cheek as his gaze goes between me and the grass until he eventually smiles brightly at me. “Thanks, love. That means a lot.”
We look into each other’s eyes for a few minutes, just smiling at one another in comfortable silence until some sort of confidence finds its way into me and I find myself asking, “Do you think you’d have a girlfriend? Outside the Glade?”
His cheeks go pink. “I would hope so.”
I raise my eyebrow at him, as a small gust of wind comes by and I shiver, pulling his jacket tighter around me. He notices, and runs his hands up and down my arms which causes me to blush hard.
His voice comes out as a whisper, “I think she would have (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair and (Y/E/C) eyes, and would be the sweetest yet strongest person I know. She would be beautiful even when she’s dirty and smelly and would make the world seem like rainbows and sunshine even on the grayest of days.”
I smile so hard my face hurts and I feel happy tears prick my eyes. “Well I think I would have a boyfriend.”
“Oh yeah?” he asks, grinning.
“He’d have blue eyes and red hair and wouldn’t make fun of me for smelling bad.”
Newt chuckles and pulls me into a hug, still warming up my arms.
I whisper in his ear, much more seriously, “No, I’m kidding. He would actually have shaggy blonde hair and chocolate-colored eyes and the cutest accent. He would be the most caring and loving person, who deserves more love and care than anyone else on the planet. And I would literally risk my life to feel what it’s like to be with him.”
His arms still from their warming motions halfway through my talking and by the time I’m done, he’s pulled back and staring into my eyes as if he can see my soul. His eyes briefly glance to my lips and I only nod slightly before he leans down and kisses me so softly it almost feels like it didn’t happen. We pull back, staring at each other a moment before I grab hold of his shirt and pull him down more forcefully. He smiles at my eagerness into the kiss, but I can’t help myself as my hands go straight into his hair and his find their way to my waist.
We pull back after a minute and lean our foreheads together, so immersed in each other that we don’t see a certain Glader watching us from behind a tree.
To be continued.
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shaykeijser · 7 years
#60 - i said get rid of it
this wasn't requested because all of my followers aren't active but i miss writing so here's this imagine :)
you were absolutely furious, it was taking all of your will power to not start throwing things and knocking over chairs. you were running around your small apartment that you shared with your boyfriend calum hood that was right outside of you both's campus, looking for any other of the death boxes.
ever since you were a young girl you had always been informed about how horrible smoking is for you, that it can lead to lung cancer and several other life damaging diseases. after you heard that your grandpa had struggled on and off with risks of cancer you had promised yourself that you would never get into the habit and would never be with anyone who was a smoker.
so when you found out freshman year of college that the brunette australian boy you had been dating for a few weeks smoked, you quickly ended things. your friends called you crazy, saying that you should have waited to see if he did it frequently or if it was a rare thing.
but you had made up your mind when your grandpa had a possible lung cancer scare. his doctor told him that a tumor he had was most likely cancer and right after that he quit smoking cold turkey. however, he got lung cancer about ten years later. knowing how much pain smoking had caused your family you didn't even want to spend time checking in on him.
after what felt like hours of waiting and waiting for your boyfriend of nearly three years to come home, the door finally opened. you ran to the door, ready to say the speech you had been preparing for ever since you saw the cigarettes hidden in the back of his night stand.
in fact, when you went to meet calum at the door you had already started your monologue.
"what the hell is wrong with you!? when i decided to get back together with you to help you quit i never thought that you would fucking go back to it!" you yelled, remembering when you had finally caved and got back together with him.
when you paused to collect yourself, you looked up to who you thought was going to be calum. however, it wasn't. it was ashton, one of his best friends, and yours.
"woah y/n, calm down. it's just me. were yelling about how calum started smoking again?" ashton asked you. as soon as he asked that your mind jumped to the worst case scenario, assuming that all of the other boys had known about him getting back into the life ruining habit. you didn't want to jump to that conclusion, but god damn it all made sense.
your voice rose to a scream, "did you know about this!? was i the only one that didn't, or did my boyfriend decide to just tell one of his friends, who also happens to be my best friend?"
flash back time bitches
"hey ash?" you asked your best friend ashton since your seventh year of primary school. at the moment you guys were on the couch together, two weeks before you both went off to college. you are both going to the same college, but your extended friend group was not.
"yeah?" he said.
you sighed, "are we going to try and make a whole group of friends, or just go stag throughout the campus together?"
"i actually mean to talk to you about this forever ago, but i'm joining a frat. so i'll have them" he looked up at you as if he was scared you would run away at any moment, "i'll still spend basically all of my time with you though."
ashton saying that made a choice you had been struggling with for a while very easy to choose, "that works perfectly! i was thinking about joinging a sorority too, i'll only do it if my roomate does though too."
ashton was apart of the same fraternity as calum, so that and you being in a sorority too made it a very easy greeting. you don't know it, but if ashton had a say in the meeting back then, and still now, he would have never let you met him if he knew how serious the relationship would go.
end of flashback time hoes
"no! of course not, you should know that i wouldn't hide something like that from you." he yelled back. right after he said it he wish he could take it back, he could tell that the last thing that you needed right now is getting yelled at by your best friend.
"hey, you have to listen to me okay? i know that right now you don't want anything to do with him, but i bet he'll have an explanation. okay?" he said, not using the same harsh tone as before. his words calmed you down.
finally, calum unlocked the door and came into the flat. he looked even more tired than when he had left this morning. granted, it was a 7 o'clock class.
his eyes lit up, "y/n! oh my god you have no idea how jealous i am of you for having later classes."
when his eyes fell on ashton he visibly stiffened. you were oblivious to it all, the way that you mainly saw ashton when calum wasn't around, the way calum happens to plan hang outs with the boys when ashton can't, and mainly the way that every three or four months they would have a huge fight about you. about how calum doesn't like ashton hanging around you when he isn't home, and that ashton can't keep using the best friends card. because everyone but you knew that ashton had been in love with you far before calum had ever met you.
"hey ash, didn't see you there." calum said, not looking at you or ashton.
"yeah, i've been meaning to come over to help y/n and you set up the sound box." he replied. ashton saying that should have made calum feel better, it was the truth, but it didn't. he no reason, but it just didn't. maybe because it was something that he wasn't able to figure out.
after less than two minutes of conversation with any of the three, you couldn't wait any longer.
"calum, i found your fucking cigarettes. i can't believe you, i said get rid of it years ago! how long? how long have you been hiding these in my home?" you attempted to yell. the more that you looked at him and tried to get angry again, the more you started forgetting. the more you felt yourself thinking that you didn't care. that you didn't care that he hid them, that he lied about it, that he had picked up the habit that caused you to break up with him in the past. you didn't care because all you could feel was love for him. and you were mad at yourself for that.
"they aren't mine, i promise!" he yelled back. you were surprised that he so able to get so mad so quickly, like this is something that you pulled out of your ass, something that didn't make any sense.
he turned to ashton, "was it you? did you point her to where they were? you must have known by now. hell, you were probably the one who made her so quick to think they're mine!" he yelled. you were shocked at why calum thinks calum would do something like that.
not letting it get to him, ashton remained calm, "wasn't me dude. she found them herself. i even told her that there's an explanation to why you have them. so instead of accusing, get explaining."
damn it calum! stay calm around him when y/n is around too, one day he'll do something that you can call him out for, calum thought.
"they're michaels. well, his girlfriends. she smokes and he's trying to have her quit. she's telling him that she did but he's finding them hidden around there place. so we're keeping them here. we agreed to not tell you because we knew that you wouldn't want them around me." he finished explaining. even though it was an elaborate plan you probably should have doubted or thought through it longer, you didn't care. you believed calum.
"i believe you. i wish you told me, but i get why you didn't...i most likely wouldn't have let you keep them here. you can now though, i trust you." you smiled up at him. you took his hands and wrapped them around you, feeling the guilt from accusing go away.
calum was so happy, standing there with you in his arms. for a moment he had thought he ruined everything. that ashton had. but no one did, you were still his. he was still yours.
lol sorry this is really long and still shitty. i want to get back into writing, so send requests. i write the maze runner, 5sos, shawn mendes, and riverdale. also, i'm totally down to write some ship fluff and imagines too. for arrowverse tv shows and riverdale. like olicity and bughead. so send requests for all of those if you want. like, reblog, and follow if ya like this, i hope to get back into writing soon! also, i'm going to try and link the prompt list somewhere here, i don't know if it'll work because i'm shit at html but i think i linked it as a source. anyways, love y'all!
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a/n: y/f/n = your friends name. It's not a full y/n imagine but I don't know the person who requested’s friends name so I thought this would be easier, enjoy!
"Marissa and Dylan are the worst for that" Kaya exclaimed.
"No-" Dylan began to protest to Kaya's statement.
"You really are, the number of times you were both told off!" Will agreed with Kaya after being asked by the interviewer who was the most mischievous on set. Dylan glanced behind the camera as Will began to explain the time Marissa scared Dylan near enough to death while they were filming a scene with the grievers.
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They couldn't finish the story as they broke into laughter. "You seemed to have a lot of fun with her," the interviewer said.
"Oh yeah, defiantly. I had worked with her before on Teen Wolf, which was just as much fun" As Dylan was talking Marissa sneaked behind them putting her finger over her mouth as she mouthed, "shhh." Will and Kaya tried to keep a straight face.
Kaya had to say something before she gave it away, "I would love to be on Teen Wolf!"
"I don't think I could handle it," Will said, adding, when Dylan pretended to be hurt, "Imagine how paranoid you'd be with Marissa around all the time!" Will laughed.
"Don't you live with your co-star, Dylan?" the interviewer asked. Kaya and Will went quiet, they thought that was still a secret, they wondered how much the press knew about Marissa and Dyl's relationship.
Dylan went a little paler, he wasn't sure what to say, "errrhhh"
"DYLAN!" Marissa shouted as she touched his shoulders rapidly. He nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Oh my God" Dylan breathed, holding his chest, "this is what it's like in my house." He said directly to the camera.
"Our house, sweetie." She said as she walked around the chairs and sat on Dylan's lap. "I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing," she said to the interviewer.
"Oh no, it's completely fine. Who do you think is the most mischievous on set?"
"Defiantly not me!" Marissa pointed to herself, "as you can see I am very responsible," she said sarcastically, leaning forward and whispered, "unlike this lot" as she raised her eyebrows.
"Oh really?" the interviewer laughed.
"You don't believe me?" Marissa asked as she broke into a laugh.
"One day you're going to kill me," Dylan said, as they walked into the front door of their house.
"Is that a challenge?" Marissa joked, Dylan glared at her, "I'm joking" she held her hands up. Her phone buzzed, it was from Kaya to their Whatsapp group, 'Gucci Squad? No, Glader Squad'. None of them could remember who the name of the chat was created, but it was certainly something to do with Marissa and Kaya.
Marissa's all over the internet again lol – Kaya
Really?? Why?? – Marissa
"Kaya just messaged the chat and said were all over the internet 'again'" Marissa used air quotations around 'again', her phone still in her hand.
Dylan laughed, "I wonder why," he said sarcastically.
She didn't catch the sarcasm and mumbled, "I don't know, I've asked her."
Probably your little prank on Dylan during the interview – Kaya
Before Marissa had the chance to think what to type Will had sent a message.
And that you basically confirmed your relationship – Will
No I didn't * rolling eye emoji *– Marissa
Yeah, you sorta did – Dylan
Marissa looked up from her phone, "I'm standing right here" she tutted. "I don't think I did, it's just joking-" Dylan cut her off as he shoved his phone in her face.
"They don't take it as jokes, Marissa" He huffed as she took his phone, scrolling through the article which had already surfaced. Marissa followed him through to the kitchen.
"Are you mad at me or something?" Marissa asked, pushing his phone across the work surface.
Dylan huffed and then shrugged. Marissa huffed too, she hated it when he shrugged like that. Dylan knew that and he didn't know why he was purposely winding her up. "No, I'm not. I'm pissed off at the media. Nothing better to write about other than our personal lives" he ranted.
"It's their job," Marissa said but that wasn't what Dylan wanted to hear, he wanted her to rant with him. Dylan didn't say anything else and Marissa decided it would be best if they weren't in the same room. "I'm going to get cleaned up," she said and made her way through the house their room, where she took off her makeup and went for a shower. They didn't like arguing, the hated it but somehow it always seemed to happen. They used to argue when they were friends too, it was because sometimes they loved each other a little too much.
Tommy and I wondered where you got off to * laughing crying emoji * - Ki Hong
Thomas?? Are you alive?? – Ki Hong
You know he can't use that phone he has * laughing crying emoji * - Will
Hark at the one who doesn't have Instagram... * eyes emoji * - Kaya
Oh. Wow. Okay... I see how this is... * laughing crying emoji * - Will
You should get one, Will! – Dexter
I dunno, I might – Will
When Marissa got out of the shower, she checked her phone and saw the messages. She laughed and opened the chat.
Seriously Thomas... are you alive?? – Marissa
Thomas hadn't opened any of the messages, usually, he would but only say something when he felt necessary. He was a quiet soul.
Yes, I'm alive – Thomas
Marissa let out a laugh, she wondered if he realised how funny he was without trying. "What you laughing at?" Dylan asked, standing at the doorway. He had his guilty face on.
"Thomas" she laughed, "on the chat," she added. Dylan opened the chat and smiled, he guessed that you had to be in the moment or something. "Why are you just standing there?" Marissa asked, opening the wardrobe and taking out some comfy shorts and top.
"Sorry" he mumbled and walked away. Marissa frowned, he had been acting very strange for a while now, they could never agree on things. Not to mention how secret he was being, Marissa knew it wasn't another woman but she didn't know what it was.
Marissa walked into the kitchen, "Morning, sweetie" Marissa kissed Dylan on the cheek. "I'm going to the shop; do you want anything?"
"Why are you- oh wait, its girls night isn't it?" Dylan asked. Marissa nodded with a cheeky grin, "I forgot" Dylan sighed.
"I mean I could cancel" she offered but Dylan could see she didn't mean it.
"Nah, I'll just stay out the way," he said, "I don't need anything either," he said, answering her first question.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit" Marissa kissed him again and made her way to the door. She stopped when Dylan called her name, "yeah?"
"How long you gonna be?"
"Probably a couple hours, I'm going to look round for a top too!" Marissa called when Dylan didn't say anything she walked out of the house.
"Hello, Dylan" Kaya smiled as he invited her in, "is she in the kitchen?" she asked.
"Yeah," Dylan said as Kaya walked into the kitchen. Marissa introduced y/f/n to Kaya while pouring Kaya a glass of wine. "Alright, I'll leave you ladies to it" Dylan waved as he walked past the kitchen and to the stairs.
"Is he still acting weird?" Kaya asked quietly to Marissa. She nodded and shrugged, she didn't know what else to say. "I don't know what's going on" Kaya shrugged. y/f/n was very quiet but at the time Marissa didn't think anything of it until the house phone started to ring.
"Don't know who's ringing now," she said as she picked it up.
"I've got it!" Dylan yelled.
"I've already answered it!" Marissa shouted up to him, "Hello?"
"Oh, hello Marissa"
"Hey... Dad, why are you ringing the house phone?" she questioned as she looked to Kaya and y/f/n.
"I couldn't find Dylan's number," her dad said.
"Why do you need Dylan's-" Marissa was cut off by Dylan when he snatched the phone off her and walked back up the stairs without saying a word. "That was weird, right?" she asked Kaya and y/f/n.
"errr" Kaya and y/f/n exchanged a look then said together, "no not at all", "no not really".
Marissa frowned, looked at the empty phone stand and to the stairs where Dylan had gone. She thought it was very weird, "he's been really secretive recently," she said, sitting on the sofa across from them both.
"You think he's cheating?" y/f/n asked.
"No, defiantly not" Marissa shook her head, taking a swig of wine. "I just... I don't know, he's hiding something, but what would it have to do with my dad?"
If Marissa was sober, she would have guessed it easily, Kaya and y/f/n stayed quiet, they knew something Marissa didn't.
It was the end of the press tour for The Maze Runner, Kaya had decided to stay out in America for a little longer as her husband, Ben was coming out here. Now, not only Dylan was still being weird, Kaya and y/f/n was too. "Kaya, where are we going?" Marissa asked her from the passenger seat.
"I thought we could get some food and talk, you know, catch up," Kaya said as she turned into a car park.
"What do you mean? Catch up? We've seen each other nearly every day for over a year" Marissa said and laughed, she was very confused. Kaya didn't say anything and as they walked up to the restaurant, "seriously, why are you all being so weird? Even the chat's gone quiet, which never happens" Marissa continued to talk as Kaya found a table.
"Look, I was just told to keep you busy and I want to spend some time with you, is that such a crime?" Kaya asked, adding, "I'm not here for much longer and when I'm back home we can't just drive to each other's when we feel like it." Marissa didn't argue anymore, she didn't try to figure out what was going on. She would find out eventually.
"I can't wait to start on the next film, you know," Marissa said as they finished their food.
"Me too, I feel like we haven't seen everyone in so long" Kaya agreed, "well I suppose we haven't."
"That's true, have you spoke to Thomas recently?" Marissa asked, "he's still here right?"
"Yeah, he went home for a month and now he's back again" Kaya explained, "that's why he's so shit at replying in the chat, the time difference and all."
"We've gotta all meet up again" Marissa took a sip of water.
Kaya nodded, "yeah we do, I'll message him later," she said and glanced at the time on her phone, "I think we should get going," she said.
"Yeah, it's getting late. I'm ready for my bed after that meal" Marissa laughed.
"You mean the three-course meal we just had" Kaya laughed.
As Kaya pulled into Marissa and Dylan's driveway she was hoping this would work, it was such a risk to do. Kaya and y/f/n had asked Dylan multiple times if he was sure he wanted to do it that way. He had invited a lot of people around, it was clear what answer he was expecting to get. y/f/n hadn't really heard Marissa talk about Dylan much but she guessed that was because she constantly had the media talking about them and she just wanted a break. y/f/n had found out they were dating over twitter, Marissa had been very upset that she wasn't able to tell her friend herself. But, that was the life she lived in, even if she wasn't dating Dylan, ever since she was cast in Teen Wolf they had been interested in her life. She didn't understand why, he life was very normal, in her opinion anyway. Then when she was cast in The Maze Runner and around the same time she and Dylan went public with their relationship, everything blew up for her. She couldn't step out of her house without the internet knowing about it.
"Is Dylan having a party or something" Marissa commented seeing some people in the house, "oh wait, I think its guys night... damn, I must have forgotten" Marissa said out loud. Kaya said nothing as they walked up to the house. Marissa didn't question why she was following if it was guys night she wanted the company.
Kaya stayed behind Marissa as she went to find Dylan. She stopped as she saw her parents, "what are you doing here?" Marissa asked them, she realised it might have sounded rude but she had no idea why they were there.
"Come to see you," her mom said, "can't we surprise you?" she asked.
"errr" Marissa just made a noise at them. She had no clue why they were here, she knew it wasn't just 'to see her'. Why were they here with everyone else there too... and Dylan's parents? Marissa spotted them standing on the other side of the room with Dylan. He looked like he was either going to pass out or throw up. As long as he doesn't do it in the house, Marissa thought, she didn't want to clean it up.
"erm, Dylan!" Marissa shouted to him, he turned to her and looked as though he had seen a ghost.
"Your back early," he said, kissing her.
"Not really, Dyl" Marissa frowned, "what is everyone doing here?" she asked.
"Well...err" Dylan looked to Marissa's dad, who nodded. Everyone fell silent, "I wanted to ask you something, I know you don't like grand gestures and our relationship has never been like that but-"
"Dylan, I don't think-" y/f/n cut in but Marissa cut her off instantly.
"No, shut up" Marissa pointed a finger at her friend, which earned a laugh from everyone, "you were saying, Dylan?"
Thanks for reading! Hope this was what you wanted...
ps.gif not mine
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neewtmas · 7 years
Harry x Hermione ~ Stupid Partygame
Ok, so i actually planned on keeping the writing on this blog purely Maze Runner related, but this is a exception.
This is for @hermione-who , it’s her birthday today (go congratulate her, and also follow her blog, her Hp-chats are hilarious), and even if we don’t know each other for too long, i still consider her one of my best friends on this site (and on insta) . Fifi you know i don’t ship this, but i thought since it’s your OTP, i could write a little something for you. I even asked what plot you like best (i was the anon btw) and i actually planned on this being a short drabble, but now it’s over 1,8k words long lol. I hope you like it and i didn’t ruin this ship for you with my horrible writing.
"Harry Potter caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan yelled into the megaphone he was holding and jumped up and down, almost falling off the stand in the process. 
The gold and red crowd that was the Gryffindor students erupted in cheers and applause, people waving their house scarfs and hugging each other. 
Madame Hooch's whistle ended the game, and the players slowly directed their brooms down onto the pitch where Harry got buried under his teammates, who were hugging him and cheering, the moment his feet touched the ground.
It had been the last game of the season, against Slytherin. What made this victory so exceptionally great was the fact that Gryffindor and Slytherin had had the same score  - this match had decided who would win the Quidditch house cup this year.  And thanks to Harry’s spectacular catch – he almost fell off his broom – Gryffindor won the cup this year. 
Hermione had found a seat next to Ron and Luna, who changed her Ravenclaw Uniform to a Gryffindor one for this special occasion, and for once she was actually going to interested in the game, and not just watching because Harry was one of her best friends and she felt the need to support him. An outcry of indignation came from the Slytherin crowd as Madam Hooch raised Harry's arm to show the snitch he had caught to everyone. 
Ron started to climb down the stands, motioning her to come with him, his lips curled into a wide smile.  She hesitated, not even sure if they were allowed to do that, but after several other had jumped down onto the pitch to celebrate with the team, she decided to follow Ron. He had already almost reached Harry and the rest of the team, but unlike him, she walked over at a normal pace. 
When she reached the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she had to wait a few moments for Harry to free himself from all the hugs he received. He was laughing and smiling joyfully as he pulled her into a tight hug, almost lifting her off the ground in the process. 
She giggled lightly. “Well done, Harry.”  
“Only well done? Wow, Hermione, don’t be too excited!” he laughed after he put her down again.
She laughed. “You know what I mean, Harry” 
Suddenly Fred – or was it George? -  jumped up behind them and wrapped his arms around them. “Don’t talk, celebrate!”  he laughed, pulling them with him. “Party in the Gryffindor common room!” 
Fred and George had managed to get lots and lots of Fire whiskey, and Hermione didn’t know where and how, but she also didn’t want to know. Two hours after the party had started, she was the only one who was even remotely sober. Everyone else was absolutely wasted, and she did absolutely not enjoy it.  
She wondered if she should go into their dorm, cast a silencing charm over her bed and just go to sleep, but her plan got ruined the moment she set a foot on the bottom step. 
“Hey, Hermione!” Angelina slung an arm over her shoulder, pulling her back. “Don’t go to sleep now! You don’t want to miss out on a fun game of Spin the Bottle, do you?” the girl slurred slightly, her breath smelling of Fire Whiskey. 
 “Well, actually -” Hermione tried to argue, but Angelina interrupted her mid-sentence. “Great! Come on!” The older girl pulled her over to the fireplace, where a few people were already  gathered in a circle. She got pushed down, Harry on her right, Luna on her left. 
Fred, who already staggered a bit, explained with a slurred voice: “The rules are easy: you spin the bottle, whoever it lands on has to kiss the person to their right. And who’s gonna start…”
 He looked around in the circle and Hermione held her gaze down to the red carpet she sat on to avoid Fred’s attention. But he had someone else in mind anyway. 
“How about - our Champion!” Everyone cheered as he threw the empty fire whiskey bottle over to Harry, who almost missed it and only caught it right before it could hit the ground. Harry put the bottle down in the middle of the circle and it started spinning after he gave it a push. 
Everyone’s eyes were glued to the bottle as it started spinning slower and slower, eventually stopping and pointing right at Dean Thomas. He didn’t hesitate a second and turned to Seamus, who sat to his right, cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. 
The drunken players erupted in cheers and hollers, whistling at the two of them who still kissed before Dean broke away from the boy who was not yet his boyfriend, but everyone knew it wouldn’t take too long anymore. 
The next few pairs, chosen by the bottle, were Ron and Katie Bell, Neville and Ginny and Angelina and Alicia. By now everyone was even more drunk if that was even possible, and Hermione felt more uncomfortable as ever. She had already tried to leave several times, only to get pulled back again. At least no one tried to give her any alcohol because by now everyone knew that she usually didn’t drink anything.
Most of the people in the common room had gathered around the circle, drinking and cheering for the lucky pair that had to kiss. There weren’t only Gryffindors though, but also Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws - basically everyone who was interested and not a Slytherin.
Angelina took the bottle and gave it a forceful spin, so forceful that it moved for almost two minutes. Again it got slower and slower before it stopped at – Hermione. She hadn’t realized it until Luna gave her a little push with her elbow, and Fred hollered:” Hermione Granger gets to kiss our champion! What a lucky day for you Hermione, isn’t it!” 
No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t at all. Hermione felt her cheeks heat up, and she wished to floor would just open up and swallow her. But nothing happened, and so she slowly turned to Harry, who sat to her right. 
He gave her a lopsided grin, and Hermione felt worse than ever. She didn’t want to kiss Harry. This was so wrong. But she knew she had too, so she slowly leaned in, deciding to just give him a quick peck on the lips to minimize the damage.
But the moment their lips touched, she forgot everything. 
The laughter and cheers of the people dimmed down to a light background noise, and all of her senses focused on Harry and the feeling of his lips against hers. He tasted of Fire Whiskey, and even if she normally despised its taste, she suddenly couldn’t care less. Harry cupped her left cheek with his hand, sending sparks through her whole body and causing her heart to flutter.
After what felt like an eternity and still way too short, Harry broke the kiss and just looked at her, his hand still not leaving Hermione’s cheek.  
The common room was dead silent, everyone was staring at the two, dumbfounded until someone from the back of the room started to whistle. “Now that was a kiss!” another one yelled and everyone cheered loudly. 
Hermione started from the haze the kiss had set her in, and immediately realized what she had done. She had kissed Harry. Her best friend. This was supposed to be wrong, but it felt good. Too good.
She suddenly felt tears pooling behind her eyes and she jumped up and ran out of the common room as fast as possible. 
After the painting closed behind her, it was silent. No music, no cheering crowd, no Harry who looked at her like that. Like he was in love with her. 
She slowly let herself drop down to the ground, leaning her back on the cold stone wall, while hot tears started to roll down her cheeks and she buried her head in her hands.
The painting of the Fat Lady swung to the side, and someone stepped out onto the hallway, closing it immediately again. “Leave me alone”, she mumbled, thinking it was Ginny, or maybe Luna. 
“Are you ok, Mione?” But it was Harry. Her head shot up to find the black haired boy kneeling next to her, a worried expression on his face, and seemingly sober. This was her breaking point.
“No!” she sobbed, the tears now streaming down her face. Harry decided it was better he didn’t say anything, so instead, he just wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her close to his chest. 
Hermione tensed up but soon relaxed into his arms, her tears wetting his Gryffindor jumper. After a few minutes, the stream of tears began to slowly die down. 
“I don’t  know anymore”, she finally whispered, barely audible. Harry leaned back to get a better look at her. “What don’t you know?” he asked softly, wiping away some tears from her chin.
“What to think. What to do. It’s all so complicated. I know Ron likes me, and I like him too… just not that way. But I still feel like everyone just expects me to love him, you know? Famous Harry Potter’s  best friends, happily in love. And I always thought, maybe, if I just tell it myself often enough, I’d fall in love with Ron.  But – but it never happened. And after this kiss …” 
Harry had listened to her intently, but he didn’t want to pressure her into telling him more than she was comfortable with. So he just waited. 
After a short silence, where she had just nervously fiddled with the hem of her shirt, she spoke again. “- and after this kiss, I honestly believe I won’t ever fall in love with Ron. Because I think-“ 
Again she stopped talking, and Harry now knew what she was going  to say, but he wanted to hear it from her. 
“Because I think I’m in love with you. Maybe I’ve always been, and this kiss just made me realize it, or it made fall in love with you now. Either way, this whole thing has no future at all, and I don’t know why I’m even telling you this because you’re in love with Ginny and I know that-“  
She had started to cry again, and when Harry bent down to stop her from talking, her lips tasted salty. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, getting an immideate response from her as she pressed herself even closer to him and fiercely kissed him back. She buried her hands ion his soft black curls as his hands wandered over her back, gripping her hips tightly. When they broke away from the kiss, both were panting heavily but smiling at each other. 
“I’m not in love with Ginny. I’m in love with you, even if it took a stupid party game for me to realize it”, Harry whispered to her, cheeks tinted with a light red.
And they kissed again.
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neewtmas · 7 years
{#27} i know you // thomas
fandom: the maze runner
pairing: thomas x reader
word count: 1,1k words
request: by anon
a/n: thank you for your request anon, i hope you like it:) also this is my first time writing an actual imagine for thomas, so i hope it’s good. enjoy reading!
summary: y/n is the first girl ever in the glade, shocking everyone. but there is one boy she remembers - thomas.  
You woke with a start, your fingers clasping around what felt a cold metal grid. Your surroundings were pitch black, no matter how wide you opened your eyes, there was nothing but darkness.
It felt like the metal grid you sat on was moving, you just couldn’t decide wether it was up or downwards.
Suddenly it came to stop with a jolt, causing you to make a little jump and falling back down hard. You groaned, then tried to stand up.
You had to know where you were, and how you could escape.
After you managed to get up, a bit weak in the knees, but standing nonetheless, you extended your arms to your side and above your head and searched for something to grab, but your fingers only clutched around cold air and darkness.
You felt your breath quicken in rising panic, where the hell were you? Then the darkness was abruptly replaced with blindingly bright light.
You closed your eyes, shielding them from the almost painful bright light, and stumbled backwards.
In your confusion, you hadn’t noticed the person jumping down to you, and when you suddenly felt a hand on your upper arm, you shrieked and lashed out blindly in all directions.
When your fist met what felt like someones stomach, you could hear a pained groan and soemone stepping back.
You let your arms sink down and your eyes slowly adapted to the bright light, which - how you now realised - came from the sun, and you took in your surroundings.
You stood in some sort of a cage, with nothing under your feet than the metal grid you had already felt earlier and complete darkness.
A few steps away from you stood a boy with black hair, who looked oddly familiar to you. He wore a blue shirt, partly covered in stains of dried mud, and on his - rather handsome - face laid an expression as if he’d just seen a ghost.
“You - you are a girl.”
You looked up and down yourself. “Eh - i guess?”
The boy turned his head and looked out of the box. “Newt, it’s a girl.”
You followed his gaze to see who ‘Newt’ was, and only then you noticed around 20 boys standing around the cage, wearing the exact same expression of shock like the boy in front of you.
“I think everybody can see this, genius”, mocked an asian looking boy, but you could see that he was just as confused as everyone else, including you.
What was going on here?
“Eh yes, well, maybe we first get out of this box?” suggested the boy, and quickly pulled himself out with ease and without waiting for your answer.
He then extended his hands and you hesitantly stepped forward and took them, so that he could help you out.
When you finally stood on the grass, you dusted your pants off and then took a look around.
You were on a wide field, sourrounded by four gigantic walls with an narrow opening in the middle of each. In one corner you could see some trees and in the other a  building.
Slowly but steady you could feel the panic rising inside of you. It didn’t help that all the boys stood very close to each other, basically blocking every way out of the circle.
You tried to run and maybe take them by surprise, but immediately after you shoved the boy closest to you out of the way, you could feel again a hand on your upper arm, holding you gently but firmly back.
“Hey, don’t do this! Believe me, i tried it too,there’s no need to run away!”
You swirled around, now facing the black-haired boy who held you back, and in panic you tried to forcefully remove his hand from your arm by shaking it violently.
“Let me go! Who are you? And where are we?”
“Hey hey, calm down! We are at the glade, and you’re safe, no need to freak out!”
You stopped shaking your arm around, but still remained tensed, ready to run.
“I’m Thomas, this is Newt, second in command”, he nodded to a tall, blonde boy who smiled friendly,“ this is Minho”, he gestured to the Asian boy who winked at you, “and then this is Alby, he is in charge here.” Alby was a dark-skinned boy with broad shoulders, who only nodded shortly.
Thomas released your arm from his hold, and then asked: “Do you know your name?”
Your name? Wait. What was your name?
You desperately tried to remember your name, but - nothing.
You stared wide-eyed at the boys. “I don’t remember my name! Why don’t i remember my name?”
“Hey, calm down. That’s normal. You’ll remember it again in a few hours, i promise.”
You eyed Thomas sceptically. “ But why?”
He shrugged. “We don’t know. Whoever sends us here erases every memories of our past. Usually the greenies remember their name a few hours after their arrival.”
Alby interrupted him with a stern voice. “Thomas, you’ll give her the tour. Newt and Minho, we need a gathering, right now.  Bring the other keeper.” Then he turned around and walked away, Newt and Minho followed him.
“What is the tour? And what do you mean with glade? And greenie?”
He chuckled. “So many questions. I’ll explain anything later, i promise, but now i gonna show you around here.”
An hour later you two sat together in the grass, backs at one of the walls, which trennte the glade from the maze out there. This was only one of many things Thomas had explained to you in the past hour.
“So you say no one can remember their past? Nothing?”
He nodded and stared over to the building, the ‘homestead’, how you had learned. “Yes, nothing. I sometimes have some weird dreams, but i don’t know if they’re really memories or just something my mind made up.”
“Well, i still can’t remember my name, but you - you seem familiar to me. Like, i don’t remember you, but i kinda feel like we knew each other before they sent us here.”
He sat up abruptly and gave you an excited look. “You do? Really? Me too! I think i maybe even saw you in one of my dreams.”
“In your dreams? Then i believe they are real memories,because otherwise how would you even know what i looked like?”
“Yes! You’re right! We need to tell Newt, immediately. Maybe you’ll have the same dreams as i and could help us the solve the maze!”
He practically jumped on his feet and then streched out his hand to help you up, before he dragged you after  him in the direction of the homestead.
I would really like to write a part 2 ! Anyone interested?
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