#like I said I’m EXCITED!!!!!!! can you tell? 😂😂😆
scrawlingskribbles · 11 months
waugh I’m so excitedddddd for wearing my costume at work on thursday lol ✨✨✨✨
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luffyvace · 7 months
I just need ussop x male reader head cannons I can never find any cus I can definitely see them kissing and then ussop bragging about it as is he wasn’t sweating and race red please 🙏 I love your work it makes me smile at how silly it is smt 💙
I KNOWWWW I never see any usopp x male reader!!! 💥💥
awww that scenario is so cute and true <3
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THANK YOU!!! That’s so kind of you to say! Yesss I’m so glad you enjoy my siliness because my writing always has been and always will be ;D 💖💖
Honestly Usopp probably isn’t fazed much about the fact that your a male
he’s educated on lgbtq+ and if you hc him to be apart of them that’s probably why!
So he’s not much flustered or surprised at the fact that he likes a guy just the fact that he likes YOU.
and your!- just!- yoursoepicsoawesomesoincrediblesobreathtakingsostunningsoastoundingsoextrodinaryso-
i mean I guess he could’ve just said that buuuut
’cool’ is not cool enough of a word to describe you😉
alr that was a terrible dad joke but anyway-
thats not the point! The point is!….it really doesn’t matter your gender he just thinks your phenomenal (pan usopp? I’ll let you decide…)
the strawhats also don’t mind!
now every time I write they’re reactions it’s the same so I’m not doing it all over again- 😆
just a few honorable mentions :)
first off Robin knew it’d happen all along and nami got paid from the bets of it
Sanji doesn’t get the appeal but he knows every man isn’t the same (my boy zoro scarred him) and so is everyone’s preferences. (he supports)
luffy suggests to throw a party (just as an excuse to have one) but it’s not a bad excuse so you guys through one anyway
and yeah that’s all your getting 🥰
usopp tells the strawhats (probably luffy first) that you two are dating
he’s so excited when he does 💗
as soon as you say yes he’s running off to find everyone, (again- luffy first) shouting at the top of his lungs that you two are an item
okay on to your scenario~ 😊
*chuu*~ usopp gives you a little kiss on the lips (for the first time)
his face gets as red as a rose while standing there computing that he singlehandedly just had his first kiss with you and in general
you blinked and he’s already bolted off to go brag to the rest of the crew
specifically sanji, luffy, chopper and franky/brook
why them specifically?
Sanji because he didn’t even get to kiss at least Charlotte + plus he got his first kiss and partner before him
luffy & chopper because those are his loser bsfs
franky and brook? because he’s way younger than them and he got his first kiss before them 😂😂
he basically couldn’t stop boasting about it for a week straight
even then he’ll bring it up every chance he gets
”you may be strong sanji but at least I’ve had my first kiss” 😁☝️
his love languages are physical touch & gift giving (quality time too)
he will never not be shy about physical touch 💗
he just never gets used to it
his affections? (🤗) he lives for every form of physical touch ever from you
kiss on the cheek/forehead/lips/temple/hand, cuddles, linking pinkies/hold hands, footsie, high fives, shoulders/knees touches
you name it he wants it
seriously even the little stuff- generally before you start dating
Because then he’s even more shy/nervous around you
I haven’t mentioned that but he definitely is
he doesn’t know what to not do or how to act
yes those precisely bc he worries he’ll screw smth up by doing smth you don’t like
as far as how to act he simply doesn’t know what to do with himself around you
he becomes very self conscious
I’m sure quite a few peeps do in front of they’re crush ^v^
making you laugh counts as a love language for him
he loves the sound of your laughter. it lets him know he’s making you happy
he’s really worried about being a good boyfriend
so when he’s able to make you laugh he knows he’s doing something right
with quality time it’s all about the fact that he looooves to be around you!
whenever your away?
*goes to find you/asks around about your whereabouts* “hey m/n whatcha doin?” 😋
don’t get me wrong he’s not clingy the man still has hobbies—you know working in the usopp factory n such
But he does like to spend a good portion of his day with his lover 💛 (who doesn’t?)
gift giving is heavily his thing since he can give you his tinctures
you know cuz he likes to make stuff?
especially if your weak
then you can defend yourself
and he won’t have to worry about you <3
even if you are strong he’ll still make you stuff :P
maybe something that can help in battle but since you can handle yourself it likely protain to other things you like
if your strong he 💯 runs to you to protect him when danger comes
(he’s saying this as he runs away :3)
if he ever manages to save you he’d be so proud of himself and brag to everyone about it
”yeah!! I saved m/n’s BUTT!” 😼
he keeps retelling the story more dramatic a each time and the only one still buying it is chopper <3
even luffy don’t believe him no more 🗿
If your weak he will protect you with everything he’s got!
even if that ain’t much 💪
which it’s essentially just him telling you to run, stalling, then running away himself
He likely leads the threat to someone who can defeat them and takes the credits 😎
random :)
he is most certainly simping if you have abs
like he would just loooove to watch you work out 😍😍🙏
if you met back in syrup village he probably followed you everywhere
like you were his only friend before the usopp pirates type thing
Btw you were the vice captian of said group
If you’ve known each other for that long it’s likely love and not just a crush by now but you label it 🤷‍♀️
if not then when you helped save his village he prob developed a crush on you then
how bravely you fought 😍 (even if you were crying like him)
Or maybe he goes to your island and he finds you very cool (even if your not physically strong)
either way he romanticizes how you really are and develops a crush on that idea of you. BUT- dw he DOES genuinely love you ‼️
quick mention on kaya- lets say him, you and kaya were just close friends and they weren’t crushing on each other
you, chopper, usopp and luffy are a group- ain’t no doubt about it c;
y’all are always being silly 😜
If your the mature one of the group your gonna go crazy 🤗🤗 not crazier than nami
Pranks also happen a lot (water bucket on door, stealing stuff, ding dong ditching etc.. little harmless stuff 😚)
overall usopp boyfriend review and rating? 100/100 green flag please date him
Usopp def needs some more content ! Male reader particularly
Hope you enjoy lovely nonny~♡
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vendetta-if · 2 years
So far chapter 5 has been my favorite so far!
 I am so excited every time you post a update this is generally one of my favorite stories that I have been reading. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that I can play a ruthless killer character and not be punished for it that my character has a supportive loving family they also just happens to be mafia and killers. And the family is my favorite thing about it everything with Luka and the torture scene and I chose to let him torture and I just hung back and watched just completely dominated everything and I could see why Jackal is so in love with him. all the care and concern he has for our character on top of that? 🥰 and I have a little head cannon that little Zoya(My MC) would call him on the phone and he would just teleport to her whenever she wanted.
And grandpa I started losing it when he sat down next to us and was hugging us and patting our head and telling us how proud of us he was and then my character had like a mini panic attack when she started to think about grandpa and Luka dying, which makes sense considering everything that happened to her that she would lose her shit a little bit at the thought of our only family dying. and I was really curious about what exactly Viktor did for work and I read that he’s a photographer and I thought I remembered you saying somewhere that Ash does photography so did he pick it up from Viktor?
And I really am just as excited if not more for all the family scenes then the romance. I think you’re doing something really special with this story.
Hey, I know you sent this like a week ago, but I’ve been keeping it until the Public Update 😄 And thank you so much for the kind words and compliments ☺️
And yeah, loving and loyal family is kinda my jam 😄 I really love the wholesome dynamics and of course, whenever MC needs his help and calls him, Luka will instantly teleport there no matter what 🥺 This is canon, even if I’m not sure whether it would appear in the story right now.
Also, Luka’s ruthlessness is indeed one of the things that draw Jackal to him and also vice versa for Luka. They’re both drawn to each other’s deadliness and proficiency in what they do.
Luka be like:
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But it is also what kinda made their relationship progressed quite slow 😂 Sure, you can sleep with a person that can technically kill you, but truly fall in love—especially for someone like Jackal who is just very cynical in nature. As long as there are no real feelings attached, they’d find it easier to off the other if they end up betraying or stabbing the other in the back 🤣 But of course that was not what happened between Luka and Jackal.
And yes, poor MC is just constantly fearing and worrying about losing another loved one constantly in the back of their head. They’ve experienced it three times in the span of only a decade 🥲 They cling on to their only family left tightly.
As for your question about Viktor’s profession, he worked as a freelance professional photographer to provide for MC. He had always loved taking photos ever since he was a kid. Grandpa and Grandma bought him polaroid cameras and digital cameras and he had photo albums, and you bet he has a lot one for when MC is growing up 🥰 Sadly… The albums would never be fully completed now and the photos stopped around when MC was nine. Maybe one day… MC can fill it in with pictures of their important moments in their life.
I’m not sure about Ash, I don’t think I said that they’re into photography.. Or did I? I can’t really remember anymore. But they are not supposed to, the closest I think is Skylar because they kinda like arts stuff, like poetry and sketching and painting landscapes (although they are not the best) 😆
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punkshort · 25 days
Your Marcus Acacius… let me tell you, when I say my life hasn’t been the same since, I’m not even exaggerating. I mean literally. That man is so swoonable it hurts!!😫 it is impossible not to fall madly in love (and lust😉) with him! The way you described both his inner and outer beauty and his irresistible personality and riz and confidence and raw masculinity is just *CHEFS KISS!! You leave such a visceral sense of who he is he has me in a chokehold and Im just mad that he’s not reeeeeal!!😭😭
your world building is so beautiful! it’s so vivid and delightful it makes me wanna live there. (And I live in NYC😆)
The side characters Iizard and the brother are hilarious! I love them AND I wanna throw an oven mitt at them😂
Your protagonist: I like your protagonist so much she’s so endearing. She’s so sweet and kind even when she’s ready to kick Danny’s ass you can tell she still loves him and will always look out for him. She’s not perfect and struggles at work (and with life) like most of us do but she’s smart and strong and resilient like we all try/want to be so she’s very relatable. It’s easy to see how a man like Acacius would fall in love with her. And even when she’s angry and annoyed she’s still very lovable (in contrast to Kate and Leopold). And that Matt guy. Well… he deserves everything he got lol And the smut… oh the smut. It’s so fluffy and sweet and SO HOTTT🥵🥵 I melted on the floor like your protagonist said🫠🫠
TW: I don’t wanna make this weird I swear. you don’t have to reply at all it’s totally fine. I just want you to know that your art has literally changed my life. I don’t mean to overshare but… being able to take refuge in the world you’ve created got me through weeks of PTSD flashback hell. And I’ve had this one difficulty all my life and decades of expensive therapy couldn’t make a dent but In Another Life cured it. I’m excited to live again🥹. I just wanna say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am that you shared your beautiful writing with us!❣️❣️💝💖💝💖
A Marcus Acacius Girly
PS I did reblog your work but I was too embarrassed to leave all this in my comments so I had to go anon in your inbox😅
This was so beautiful to read it took me a minute to figure out how to answer it - I can't really put into words what this means to me but I'll try 🥹
Firstly, thank you so much for pointing out all your favorite parts because that's my favorite part! I absolutely adore hearing what struck you the most as a reader and I like to hear if what I've written came across the way it intended and how I imagined it, etc, so this was and always is so wonderful to hear. It just gave me that extra motivation I needed to work on part 3 later 🤭 (I've already started it but didn't get very far)
Secondly, thank you for sharing a bit about your personal struggles. I know that has to be so hard for you to share and I appreciate that you felt impacted enough by something I wrote to want to say something about it. I don't think I know how to describe the way my chest literally tightened when I read that part but I'm floored something I wrote could help anybody in the world the way you described. It makes me so happy I could help you in that way, it really truly does. I really hope things are looking better for you now ❤️
Lastly, thank you for reblogging! Don't feel obligated to write anything when you do, I appreciate it all the same!
I'm very grateful you reached out to me and trusted me enough to share a piece of yourself. I sincerely hope the rest of the story meets your expectations and continues to bring a little light into your life ❤️ I also rely heavily on this platform (and my own writing) as a form of therapy (and maybe a little escapism, sure) so we certainly have that in common 😘
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Love Reading 💖 - March 2024 - Sagittarius
Who is Coming In: 7 Cups & The Chariot
Regarding: 9 Swords rev
Long-Term Potential: 4 Swords rev
This isn’t “A” person, it’s several people, you have limitless options and you know it. None of them really float your boat, none of them have long term potential, at least right now. 50% if you are stuck on an ex, and will ultimately choose to head back in that direction and fix your relationship. The other 50% are openly dating, not committing to anyone, not interested and unbothered about it. You would be healing from the last relationship, looking for rebounds, not trying to settle down. For now, I get you’re not serious and you’re waiting for “the one”. When you meet them, you’ll settle down, and it’s that simple. Old School could show your standards being something you were taught or it’s been pushed on you somehow, “mama said don’t marry someone who xyz” - and that could be a block. If you’re not healing from an ex, you’re healing from a very strict family/religion/some sort of conservative teachings that have kinda brainwashed you, for some, for others you genuinely have a lot of standards someone has to meet - maybe because of family or religion. 9 Swords is stressss about this. It’s a big wide world out there and there is no one right way. You can marry someone and travel the country in a van. You can find someone that flies planes and travel the world. You could move to the mountains, off grid, and live off the land. Own a farm, raise donkeys and grow marijuana. You can do the 9-5 thing and hang your hat with a housewife too, there is no one right way 💗 Unless you think there is.
Nada - first time for everything 🤷
- Outdated Thinking
- Conditioning
- Replaying Events Over in Your Head
“Zen as fuck” but reversed, stressed as fuck. Flip it over and see how happy people are doing 50,000 different ways of living, it’s ok. What beliefs do you have that are *yours*?
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Aries, Virgo, Scorpio & Sagittarius
Them: Ace of Swords, Page of Swords, King of Swords & Knight of Swords
Regarding: The Moon
I think you both are playing around, casually dating each other, and maybe other people too. You’ve met your match with this one, the two of you are very similar energies. They have heavy swords, I’ve never seen every swords card in one person before 😆 I don’t think they expected this to get serious, but here they are catching feelings, and you kinda freak them out for that reason. If you’re not dating casually, then you were friends first, maybe even friends now, this person is super chatty and probably considers you someone they enjoy talking to. A lot, they talk A LOT, about everything. They could ask you a lot of questions about yourself, they’re trying to figure you out. How you feel, where you stand, if you’re into them, beliefs, what do you want? A very intellectual way of approaching love, they wouldn’t even call it that…yet. Not out loud. They’re also trying to figure themselves out and their own…what do *they* want? Wtf are these feelings, why is Sag looking good in that way when I’ve seen them pick their nose, daily? What is wrong with me 😆😆😆
This is freakin cute and I’m here for it. You make them really happy, they can’t wait to see you and tell you everything, they want to start something with you, or if you already have, they’re really excited about it. They didn’t realize they liked you like that, their Oracle showing “struck by love” feels like this person, something about you hit them like lightning ⚡️ You two could both talk about being with other people a lot, your sexual exploits (could be part of the attraction), or you have until now. They don’t know if they’re okay with what you do (have done?) or switch that. They don’t want to ruin anything. If you’re the one that’s asked them out, ya done sent them into a tailspin 😂 Heavy air sign energy, this is great.
- Pornstar ⭐️
- Indecisive 🤷‍♂️
- Have Faith
- Love is Coming
- Surprise Invitation
- Struck by Love
“Find your fucking center.”
You: 2 Pentacles, The Star, Knight of Pentacles
Regarding: 3 Cups
I’m also getting you didn’t expect this person to become what it looks like they’re becoming to you. Your messages show you’re crazy about them, willing to pursue them, but maybe didn’t expect that NOW. If they’ve been with someone else, maybe dating “some shmuck” 😆 I heard, they could be newly single and you swoop tf in TODAY. You want them, they’re yours, you could’ve been waiting for this moment even. But also…they’re not the only one. 3 Cups is dating around, people have your number, you’re getting “U up?” texts at 2am from your last conquest or w/e. You constantly go back and forth on what to do, because you recognize this person as a Hierophant. Someone serious, marriage potential, the real deal, or it could be. You seem to have a solid connection, and you know if you offer something then it’s gotta be Pentacles or forget it. The Star shows you seeing this in this person. Your path, a future. You’re comfortable enough with them that it could be forever, but like this person, you’re like “whaaaaat” because *forever* has not even been on your radar hello, Oracle shows living in the moment, when tf did forever become right now? Also freaking out. Your energy is more about taking the leap anyway, you’re afraid if you don’t while you can, you’ll lose them. Or you already know that. You aren’t sure what you *do* have to lose either though. Does a serious relationship mean you can’t be yourself? Or it has to be super serious and you can’t have fun?
- I will never leave you alone.
- Old Time Romance 🌹
- Time With Friends
- Having Fun
- Happily Single
- Living in the Moment
“Om Shakalaka” 💃
Mutual: Page of Cups, The Devil, 2 Cups
Regarding: The Hierophant
You both need to calm down, that’s what this is saying. On the bottom, you’re having a panic attack 😆 Because this is mirrored, both of you have preconceived notions of what “commitment” is, that could be kinda toxic. Or you could come from toxic families, have been in toxic relationships before, you both have a funny way of seeing The Hierophant as control. Or you’re both trying to control every little aspect of every little thing, your feelings. Controlling feelings? You can’t! I mean, within reason. Even this says you can’t, there is genuine love between you and the feelings can’t be caged or held hostage like you both are trying to do. Your oracles say to chill, enjoy the moment. You both could be with other people too, that’s an obvious definition of The Devil, talking to each other while you’re in other connections. At the bottom of the deck shows Wheel of Fortune, your energy darling 🩷, things are changing in your love life and it’s looking like you both are considering giving up who you’re with in order to be with each other. I’ve gotten that same story several times this month, could be something in the air. If there’s a control aspect to this, it could delay things, the point is to let it flow however it flows, the Oracle shows “meeting and talking”, just start with that and don’t worry about the rest. Get clear with each other on your feelings, and eventually this Emperor will have to flip upright, both of you will have to do something about it - cutting off other options in order to actually be together. Both of you. Feels pretty new though, at least in a loving sense, you’re building something together, the friendship part of your connection is solid. After that, it’s nothing until it is, calm down.
- Meeting & Talking
- Savoring the Moment
- Feeling Elated
- Building Friendship
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus & Aries
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tiffanytoms · 2 years
Okay so you’re married, right? So how did you know he is the one? Please don’t say, 'you know when you know'. Cz that's what everyone says and i just don’t get it. Like HOW DO you know? Like is there a list in your mind? If all the things checks out then he's the one? Also, how do you not freak out at the thought of spending a lifetime with someone? Like what if it doesn’t last and then you're devastated? And what if it gets boring? Like what do you do then? Get divorced bcz you're bored? Please help me i need answers.
Haha, hello fellow over-thinker 👋
First up: I want you to know that it gets better. I know it’s a cliche and overused, but I mean it here. I hated dating and found it very stressful, but being in a happy relationship really is like snuggling under a warm cozy blanket on a stormy day (with a plate of 🍪). Shit may be going on outside, but you’re good 😌 So while things may seem like a lot right now, I want you to know that someday, hopefully soon, it won’t feel that way anymore, and all this stress you’re feeling now will have been worth it. (Cheesy, I know 😋)
Now, I can’t possibly say anything that would speak to all personality types, or cultures, or stages in life, etc — so I will just write what worked for me, if that’s all right?
I knew my husband was the one bc of something you actually touched upon… boredom. My husband is the first and only person that I never get bored of. And you’re probably thinking that’s silly, but for me it’s the truth. I’m an introvert with social anxiety, so most of my interactions with ppl (even my friends!) can stress me out/fill me with panic. My husband is the first person who I don’t need a break from when I come home. In fact, he calms me down and is my safe space 💜 I love my parents to smithereens, but even after a few days of vacation, I would always need to do something solo — but with him I was locked inside an apt during the pandemic for over a year and, honestly, it was kinda great 😅
In the past when I was dating, I used to keep all my quirks and eccentricities under wraps. With him, I never had to. I could be myself. That being said, we compliment each other — I feel like being with me has made him more goofy, and being with him has made me try to have at least a little structure in my life 😂 We communicate — everything. If something is bothering one of us, we tell each other and do something about it. We travel ✈️ we want to see the world together, and how can you get bored doing that? We listen, even when the other is talking about a subject that we know nothing about, or wouldn't usually care for. *Cough cough* Harry Potter Erotica™️ for him 😆 I don’t understand half the stuff he tells me about coding, but I love it when he talks about it, bc his face will light up, and I love that shit.
I knew he was the one from how he used to help me do dog walks (one of my jobs) after a hard day of doing his own (much more stressful) job. I knew he was the one when he’d drive my dad to his chemo appointments in the mornings when he knew I’d stayed up all night crying. I knew he was the one when I came home one night super homesick after a long day, and he made me my favorite meal from my home country. I knew he was the one when he never treated me differently bc of my past sexual trauma, but helped me work thru it, and experiment, and bought me toys until I could finally (finally!!!) come. (Yeah, sex can be an important part of a lot of relationships, I don’t like pretending like it isn’t 😉) I knew he was the one because of how he treated me, my family, and the things I cared about.
I knew he was the one bc the thought of spending forever with him doesn’t freak me out. It excites me! Like, let’s fucking do this stupid thing called life together! 🥳
Obviously I just got married, so what do I really know, but we’ve been together for 8 years bc I had some of the same fears as you. I wanted to make sure everything was right, and the thought of it falling apart breaks my heart. But sometimes you gotta take that leap ♥️
Could something happen to one of us? Absolutely. Do I sometimes cry thinking of having to go on without him, or something happening to me and thinking about him and my dog all alone? Yes. I’m doing it right now, bc that thought fucking sucks. But at the end of the day, it’s really true:
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
So you didn’t want that one cliche, but got a bunch of others instead 🤪 Hope that kinda helped! You got this! 💪
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Some of my favorite comments I've gotten on Ao3
"Oh great Abby, possessor of The Braincell.I am in love with your fic, that is with" The Abigail Agreste AU
"Oh things are getting more emotionalEvery chapter you write outdoes your last. I can't tell you how excited I get when I get a notification that you posted" The Abigail Agreste AU
"anyway— this is so???? good???? like sjdjsjdj this almost made me cry???? the angst was *chef’s kiss* and legit what I imagine Eli to feel like after the factAND TULIP STOP <3<3<3 PLS I’M IN LOVE" One Year Later
"OMYGOODGODS ITS UP- amazing, fantastic, wonderful, show stopping, breathe taking, never the same- ALSO, I'm very happy my ideas helped so much to build this story :,) I'd love to help more (lemme go see how on earth to turn on co-creation) (EDIT: OKEY I AM NOW CO-CREATEABLE) ANYWAYS SO AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC THAT IT HAS BEEN POSTED DJLHBFVDBVJ" The Arrangement (from @whatsitzface)
"Im begging please release a full story this was my dream!!! You read my mind. I never read a fic this perfect!" The Future, Not a Wish
"Tendría que ser Bow quien descubriera todo de esta forma, solo espero que no esté cerca cuando esas dos tengan un momento más íntimo <3" Melog's Heart (this was my first comment in another language)
"I know absolutely nothing about the show or the characters, but great writing as always Darcy" For a Genius, You Can Be Pretty Stupid (from @whatsitzface)
"The dinner she makes is perfect and I love how you turned the "worrying" trope on it's head. So lovely" Really, Really (from @bacchicly)
"Lovely and sweet. Beautiful work! Merci merci!" At Sunset (from @bacchicly because she is the only one who actually commented on this one and I am grateful)
"BUDDY. This is so sugar." When Paths Cross (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Ok, I came back to say, this is a super cute premise and i'm so excited to see what the other two parts are :DI love that in this world profilers who know them both extremely well couldn't figure it tf out because they didn't change how they act around each other." Unintentional Secret (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"QUEEN OF TOOTH ACHES 👑 "pulled out a little statue of a cat holding a gift box." <--- fucking LOVE it. NOOOOO open the box! "I was expecting her to open the little gift box so she would find the ring box inside" <--- me tooo "She pointed at the little gift box the cat was holding. "Does this open? Did he put anything in it?"" <--- THANKS, JENNA. "Yeah, you were supposed to open it at home." 😂 😂 "No, I'm not proposing to you if you're gonna call me Newbie. Absolutely not." <--Good on you, Luke, stand that sea-saw of a ground. 😆 "I love you," he whispered into her lips." <- Mush. absolute MUSH. Whisper kisses, my weakness. "see you again when I inevitably find the irresistible urge to write Garvez again!" <--- Tomorrow? 😌 😉 Full disclosure I mixed up this and Las Vegas Surprise Wedding and was really confused for a minute." Unintentional Secret (my first essay comment from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails 😌)
"This is both really sweet and devastating. I loved that he was initially reluctant to call her but knew he needed her and the way she comforted him was perfect 💖 the ending was so lovely and hopefully next time she says it Luke will be awake" Many Tear-Stained Cheeks (from @whitecrossgirl)
"took her hand, placing it back on his heart. "This beating heart? It beats only for you."IM SCREAAAAAMING AND CRYIIIING AT THE SAME TIME!! I NEED TO SEE THIS SCENE LIVE ON TV! THE WRITERS DID US DIRTYYYYY😭😭😭😭" Heartbeat
"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR YOU"LL BE IN MY HEART IS FUCKING PERFECT FOR THEM!!!!! That whole plus one bonus section gutted me like a fish lmao I am literally ill with how much I love this, thank you for writing this!!!!!!!" To Sir, With Love (really all of @dungeons-are-too-cold's comments on this fic)
"Mate it is too early in the morning for this amount of feels 😭😭😭 they are such a fantastic duo and Rossi’s transformation from “The fuck is a team” to “These are all my kids” is my favourite thing about his character" To Sir, With Love (from @whitecrossgirl)
"sobbing. crying. shaking. sliding down a wall and poinding my fist on it. THIS IS SO STUNNING. I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND YOUR WRITING IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. THANK YOU FOR THIS MAJESTIC FIC." To Sir, With Love
"This was great, loved every minute of it, would snort this." Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Why are you just the beeeeeest?! You angel you." Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"When you go to hit that kudos button and the red bar pops up. RUDE." Secrets Exposed (from, guess who, @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I know this was a time consuming task and took a lot of work. So thank you for this, it's unique and fun. :)" Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"i'mdonei'mdonei'mdone i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm DONE. wow. just wow. yeah so anyways this is canon now and explains A LOT about jj's faces in the show" Secrets Exposed
"You literally always know what I need in a fic before I even think about it, this is everything!!!!" Partner's Brunch (from @dungeons-are-too-cold)
"U really need to be the main writer of the revival for garvez ✨ my heart is flipping I was lit blushing the whole damn time!!!🥺😍🥰🤭" Two Can Play at This Game
"I really enjoyed this! I can completely see them trying to one up each other like this! (I swear, if the revival does them dirty…)" Two Can Play at This Game (Helsinkibaby on Ao3 left this comment… and they used to post so much amazing stuff, so I totally fangirled upon seeing this. Ao3 Garvezers, I guarantee you've read their stuff.)
"Ok, look, i'm one of those who will not read a pregnancy story, but this: "Well, it's comforting to hear you say that. Because Luke is the father." <---- perfect ending, perfect pacing my friend. And Krystall's voice *chef kiss*" Oh Baby, Oh Baby (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Seeing a new story from you makes me happy! Loved the conversation between Penelope and krystal. Looking forward to reading more the last exchange with the was perfect." Oh Baby, Oh Baby
"i almost made a fool of myself while reading this in a mcdonalds" Welcome Home
"#It was a spite request your honor #because they were never friends your honor #certainly not best friends, Adam" (Not) Just a Friend (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I am so honored. 😂 I love you I love you I love you. This was excellent. Platonic Morvez! Thank you for playing along with my asinine requests. 💗 💗 💗" Open Ears (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I'm sorry I'm writing not having read the fic yet though I've been loving the works you did so far for this pairing but the "sorry it took me more than 24h hours"????? Mate, you've written so many pieces for this otp ate the speed of light what are u talking about??? Take your time, sweetie, do your thing don't feel pressured to do/write/create more than you feel comfortable with, we've been loving it so far just keep doing your thing! Thanks so much for writing for us! Xx" Girls' Night Out (this person thought snails was pressuring me to write and came RUNNING to my defense 😂)
"Oh my days, Luke calling her "Chica" as a term of endearment/pet name was something i wished so much that the writers kept in the show *deep sigh* guess that's one more thing left for the fans/shippers to take over. But i love it tho! 😫❤️" Girls' Night Out
"Luke Alvez's tool kit for keeping Penelope Garcia happy:1. Roxy 2. Allowing her to call him Newbie 3. Ice cream 4. Kevin Lynch's head on a spike (if requested)" Ice Cream and I Love Yous (from @whitecrossgirl)
"omg I'm literally DYING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm obsessed with the way you write them, it's so like heartstopper, literally obsessed with the drama" We Fell in Love in October (from @dungeons-are-too-cold)
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daddy-suguru · 2 years
Hi hello I got 🦋s when I noticed you followed me back. Literally any and every time a writer I 💗 follows me back I’m like: 😳🤯😭😇😌😍☺️ (does that series of emojis even make sense? 😆). Tyvm for sharing your beautiful, sharp, ravishing, playful imagination w/ us here on Tumblr! P.S. “just a little drunk off you” was your fanfic that got me HOOKED (line, and sinker) on your writing. 😵‍💫 What a masterpiece of plot, porn, AND ~healthy poly (bc c’mon, Suguru and Satoru are just a *tad* toxic 🥲 lmao 😉). “How about I ask your pussy?”; how nonchalantly Satoru just invites himself in 😂; the subtle intimacy of Reader asking Suguru and Satoru to kiss 🥺; DOUBLE PENETRATION 😮‍💨; and “You can't help but laugh as you think that this is what your close friendship with both men was leading up to this whole time,” like yesyesyes fate and destiny and all that jazz !!!!! ANYwho! Hope your week’s going alright thus far. 💝
I keep reading this over! And doing little hand flapping happy stimming because of this! 🥰🥰😋💖☺️ your line of emoji’s makes perfect sense. I feel like that whenever someone follows me or likes several things on my account because they means you liked my writing enough to poke around.
Sometimes I feel like my writing is a bit bland and boring, which I’ve said before. But at the same time I keep telling myself that’s just baseless doubts of myself. Which you are proving right telling my imagination is playfully beautiful and sharp. Which Im going to reread this post when I start to doubt myself.
Now onto the fic, when I writing just a little drunk on you. I was thinking of a world where Suguru didn’t go off the deep end, Au idea, everyone gets therapy.
I feel like the best set up for a poly ship where you become their friend and Suguru being the direct one and not being scared of commitment would date you in a heartbeat. Then Satoru has realizes that he has huge feelings for Suguru which he expected. But you that’s as a harder pill to swallow. Satoru would be a bit toxic in showing that he is jealous towards you since your with Suguru.
Suguru would that down since he would be able to read Satoru well. And he can see that Satoru is just feeling left out. He also knows you see the white haired man as more than a friend which is why upsets you that Satoru doesn’t like you. I can see Suguru trying to gas light you out of believing Satoru hates you.
Satoru after a while figures out that you think he really hates you. So he fails it back, he accepts that he is hopelessly in love with Suguru and You. And that soon enough the two of you will be married while he goes from partner to partner trying to find within what he sees in his two best friends.
I’m going to stop here because I don’t know where I’m going with this I’m just rambling about satosugu which I’ve been sadly neglecting in favor of other things on my blog. Those two together are one of my favorite ships with my other favorite being Eremika. And I love to imagine a world where both ships get to be happy together and if I just so happy to slip a third member in there because happy non jealous poly ships that everyone makes sure they get proper attention is just uggggh 😫😫
I adore how you broke down my fic and told me just about it that you love. When people point out certain parts about my writing they like I always get so excited I feel like imma explode in a ball of happiness.
There is no one in this world that could tell me that Satoru wouldn’t talk to your pussy. He hears it getting loud and sloppy for Suguru and Him so he just has to. Even if this means a personification of your pussy as he attaches she every one in a while. Satoru would mainly want to talk to you and your pussy when you haven’t said the safe word but your crying that you can’t cum. “Do you hear your sweet pussy? She is just begging for more.”
Also reader who encourages Suguru and Satoru to love on each other because she could tell that Satoru has feelings for Suguru. And Suguru would have already confessed that while you will have a place in his heart Satoru would too. And you can’t get jealous, by the way they kiss each other it’s clear they were meant to. And so you want them to make up for lost time. But at the same time they can’t ignore their favorite princess who is their happy audience. The two would make out near you trying to get you to join in on the fun as they loudly moan into each other’s mouth.
Satoru and You would have to trade off being the center of attention. This would also give reader a chance to be a little more dominate. And you would give Satoru more chances to be dominate which with Suguru mainly taking that dom role for yourself it leaves Satoru and You as subs a lot for him. Suguru would love seeing his two favorite subs working together for his praise.
Oh yeah Satoru just helping himself. If he walks in unless you tell him to leave if he likes what he is seeing then he will test to see if he could join. And Suguru and You look too beautiful making love to each other.
Say that I was to make a part two to just a little drunk on you. I could see Suguru wanting Satoru and You to fool around in front of him but he would make both of you edge yourself until he joins. Because this poly ship would have huge voyurisum kink with Satoru and Suguru, and have you seen these two? You would pay to watch them.
Also the best way for the poly ship to fuck and all feel each other would be double penetration. Since Suguru and Satoru would be fucking themselves into you while rubbing their cocks together.
Also I’m a sucker for fate which is why I kind of want to do a soulmate au for satosug x reader. In which they are the missing part to completing their soulmate mark. Say it’s like a tattoo and you and when you met your soulmate you get a full picture instead of just half. Well with Suguru and Satoru they have only ever had the outside birds until they meet you and their tattoos fill in fully meaning you are meant to join their relationship.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For this wonderful comment you made my whole day! 🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳
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tuprefersbright · 3 years
Gorya’s slap, and why it makes sense
Last post of the week! I am so happy that tomorrow is Saturday; those spoilers and still cuts have been on mind, ever since they were released! This week went by so slow... But I’m glad I was able to talk to you guys about Episode 10, and share thoughts <3 
As promised, I will be talking about our girl, and why her slap was SO necessary. Some people might not agree with me, and could side on Thyme’s side, but to be honest, I really don’t care HA 😂 Anyways, let’s begin~
1. What did Thyme say to Gorya before she even slapped him? He said she was easy! And this wasn't the first time 😑 He said it to her in Episode 5, when he saw her pictures that were taken by Ms. Hana (also known as Trash 2). He didn't believe her, and didn't let her explain. But, Gorya didn't say anything. She let it slide. But in Episode 10, it was so right for her to slap him. Not only did he say she was easy for the second time, but he kissed Lita! We all know that Lita initiated it, but when Gorya saw it, it looked like he kissed Lita first. Of course she's gonna defend Talay (also known as Trash 1). I believe that even if you are really angry with someone, you shouldn't call them names. ESPECIALLY if you are in LOVE with them. That's not right.
2. Thyme tells Gorya that they were exes. Can someone tell me when that happened? I don't remember 🙄 Thyme, I love you, but we have to be honest here: You guys never dated. So, for you to say that y'all broke up and how she's with a new guy; it doesn't make sense to me. And it's not just Gorya who's spending time with a guy... You are as well! Also, we all know that you have done WAY WORSE with Lita 😡
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3. Did Gorya ask Talay to be her boyfriend? Never. She doesn't even have feelings for him. She loves you, Thyme. And that showed throughout the whole episode. But, when you said those words to her, she was hurt. During the whole episode, she was hurting! Because of you 😠 Who would want to hear someone they love say that they are easy?! No one does *sigh*
That's the end, guys :) As you can clearly see, I was very mad HAHA. But, know that the paragraphs ⬆️ there were written days ago. I still get mad when I watch this scene, but my anger doesn't boil like before 😆
Episode 11 is tomorrow AHHHHH!! I am so excited 😊 The leaked video has been on my mind, and I don't think it's planning to leave...
Anyways! Thank you so much for reading <3
Have a great day/night everyone ❤
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toreii · 2 years
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Did I not tell y’all these three hoes are my new found family? DONT PUT ME ON THE SPOT LIKE THAT!😭
Okie…I cheer for you💕
That said, I finished translating!!! Aaaahhh, I’m tired~~~
Really, so fucking proud of Epel finally obtaining his unique magic. Running into the control room like an excited child telling mama Vil “I did it! Look!” Yes, baby, we see you!
Ngl, I was honestly waiting for my kiss (and slap) from Vil…😂 Everyone else losing their shit seeing Yuu. Yes, we are here, too!❤️
Is it weird that I don’t feel anything for Grim? It’s not that I dislike him or anything, but I honestly feel like there are way more important things going on now like preventing the end of the world. So, I’m casually picking the other options like “Is everyone okay?” Great. Let’s get onto business.
And finally, the Shroud brothers….😆😆😆 Y’all… I’m…. I’m not surprised it happened the way it did, but I definitely gasped pretty loudly, and kicked my legs. Shit has definitely hit the fan. How much more are these two brothers going to rip my heart to shreds? I dont know if my sanity can handle this anymore. Im almost afraid of the next update. Please dont hurt me more, Yana-sensei. (Jk, bring on the angst.)
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Look at this fucking delicious ending. Yes!
This next update can’t get here soon enough😭 Gonna save my loves💗
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alwayzraven · 3 years
Kardeşlerim ep 41
I wasn’t really excited about today’s episode until I remembered IT’S STILL BERK’S BIRTHDAY 😆 Yes the party was ruined but at least he saw that Aybike and the others did not forget about him.
Asiye kept on asking Akif why Suzan said that it was because of them that her mom died and Akif explained to her that her mom caught them together that day and Suzan blames herself for not stopping Asiye’s mom from leaving. Doruk of course didn’t know about his father’s affair with Suzan and he was so angry with him. Later, Aybike and Berk arrived to the party. They saw Asiye and Oglucan leaving. Berk was like “What are you guys doing here ? What’s going on?” and Aybike explained to him that they organized a surprise birthday party for him. 
Tolga was having so much fun 😂 He said that Akif is his idol and asked him for an autograph and Akif kicked him out. Doruk asked Akif since when he was in a relationship with Suzan and Berk was shocked to hear that. Berk was angry and he slammed the door on his way out. I don’t get why he was angry here 🤔 is it because his dad is interested in Suzan but she was with Akif before ?
Harika was livid because she was humiliated in front of everyone. She thought her mom and Akif were meeting again but Suzan explained to her that Akif was going to tell Resul about their past and that’s why Suzan went to that house.
Omer was unfortunately fired from his job. The guy who employed him thought that he was using the area in front of the building as a parking lot and he was taking money from people parking their cars there.
Doruk told his mom everything. Ayla was there and heard everything. She went to Resul immediately and told him about Akif and Suzan’s past together and them meeting that night. This pissed Resul off I think, because he and Suzan were supposed to meet that night but she said she couldn’t come. Before this, Ayla asked Resul if he talked with Berk since it’s his birthday and he said that they met earlier that day. It’s great that he didn’t forget about his son’s birthday but why wasn’t this scene included in the episode 😭 ??
Later that night, Aybike was waiting for Berk. He sent her a message: ”Can you come to door? I am here” He came to her house.  Why does she still have him saved as just “Berk” 😂?? meanwhile he saved her as “My Aybike”
She tried to sneak out quietly but when she opened the door it made a noise so she slammed it lol. 
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Aybike:"What happened? Are you okay?"
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Berk: "I don't even know what to feel. it was a strange night"
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Aybike: "You are right"
Berk: "My parents relationship was not good for a while anyway. I am used to them being unhappy but right now everything....I mean they officially got a divorce on top of that tonight’s incident...I feel like things got more complicated"
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Aybike: “I really can’t believe what happened Berk. I hope this won’t affect your relationship with Doruk.”
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Berk: “I don’t think it will. It shouldn’t affect our relationship”
and then he held her hand ❤️️
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Berk: "you're the only good thing in my life. I came to say thank you. I'm lucky to have you."
AND THEN HE KISSED HER HAND 😭 Okay but am I the only one who got S1 Berk vibes from this part???
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Aybike: " I'm lucky to have you too ” Berk: "This time, will you hug me ? " and then she hugged him
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Aybike: "I hope we’ll have a lot of birthdays where we can hug each other tightly” AND THEN SHE KISSED HIM 🥺️
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Aybike: "I love you. Happy Birthday"
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Berk: "I love you too"
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AHHHHH this is the first time she said “I love you” to him 😭❤️️
Aybike: ”But if we want to celebrate more birthdays, I have to go back home before anyone wakes up”
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Berk: "Okay go back"
Aybike:"I will see you tomorrow"
Berk: "See you tomorrow"
I love the way he looked at her when she was leaving ❤️️ OKAY BUT DOESN’T HE LOOK LIKE KLAUS MIKAELSON HERE??? istg I thought I was seeing Klaus for a second 😂
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The next day, Resul asked Akif to end their partnership and Akif said that they can’t do that right now. They have to finish the projects they started together and then they can put an end to their partnership. Akif was not happy about this and I think he is going to do something to Resul.
I would like to thank Doruk and Harika for what they did to Tolga today. Doruk punched him and Omer was like: ”Okaaay, one punch is enough” and then Harika slapped him 😆 
The director and Ayla came to the class. Aybike asked Asiye:”Am I having a nightmare right now?” 😂 Berk was surprised to see his mom. 
The director introduced Ayla to the class. Aybike: ”We are so done for. Did you know about this?” and Berk said no. Ayla said that the students can always come to her if they have a problem and she will help them. Two seconds later, she humiliated Asiye for not wearing her skirt. Asiye was wearing pants that day because she burned her skirt. When she told Asiye to see her outside the class, Aybike panicked: ”is she talking to me?? is she talking to me????”  😂
Berk and Aybike went to the cafeteria. Aybike got a small cake/muffin (I have no idea what that was 😂 ) and she put a candle in it. Berk had his eyes closed. The way he put his hands on his eyes was so adorable 🥺️
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Berk: ”Can I open my eyes now??”
Aybike:”3...2...1, you can open them now”
Berk: ”wow ! what a beautiful surprise sweetheart”
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Aybike: ”you weren’t going to celebrate the start of a new age without blowing out candles probably”
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Berk: ”Then I should make a wish before I blow out the candle, right?”
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Aybike: ”Yes ! Include me in your wish”
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Berk: ”Always”
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OKAY LET’S PLAY  A QUICK GUESSING GAME HERE 😂 what do you think he wished for?? Stay together with Aybike forever ?? It’s something related to Aybike I am 100% sure 😂
Look at him thinking so hard about his wish lmao. I hope they will tell us what he wished for.
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and then she gave him his gift.
Aybike:”This is the only gift I can give you and I can afford right now and the only gift that came to my mind”
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Berk: ”But aren’t these things too sweet for my wild girlfriend to do?? You’re okay right? Did something fall on your head?? Are you sick??”
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Aybike:”No I am okay. I thought you needed some kindness and normal things during this period. Everyone and everything are not normal anyway”
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Berk: ”You’re right”
Berk: ”This is beautiful? Did you make this yourself sweetheart??”
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Aybike:”Yes, do you like it?”
Berk:”Like it?? I love it!” and then he hugged her 
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Berk: ”Thank you so much my love”
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and then he saw his mom.
Berk: ”My mom is coming, she’s behind you, she didn’t see you”
Aybike:”Okay, I have to go” and then she ran away. She took the wrapping paper and tried to take the scarf but he was wearing so she left it 😂 I guess it’s her turn to run and hide now 
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Ayla asked him what he was doing and he said: ”nothing, I was just celebrating my birthday by myself. By the way congratulating on your new job, I didn’t know”
Ayla: ”Yes I wanted it to be a surprise but this is not like the surprise on your birthday right?”
Berk: ”yeah” 
Why do I feel like they were gossiping here 😂
Ayla: ”Think about it, from now on we’re going to be together all the time”
Berk: ”Yey we’re going to be together all time 😬”
He was forcing a smile but he was dying inside lmao
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Ayla: ”I am going to keep an eye on you, I don’t want you to make a bad choice like your father”
He kept looking for Aybike but I guess she was really gone. The fact that Ayla thinks she is going to prevent him from meeting Aybike at school is so funny. These two will find a way to meet. 
The next day on their way to school, Aybike, Oglucan and Omer stopped in front of a clothing store.
Aybike:”I wish we can buy these shoes for dad. His shoes are old”
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Omer:” Those shoes are pretty. They will look good on Asiye”
Oglucan:”I wish I can buy those gloves for my wonderful. The poor girl, her hands get cold”
Aybike:”That’s just what we need right now ! your wonderful ! I can’t believe you”
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Oglucan:”Aybike, are you by any chance jealous of my girlfriend?”
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Aybike:”No why would I be jealous ! But Omer is thinking about his sister, I am thinking about my dad and you’re only thinking about your wonderful, that's what drives me crazy ”
Oglucan: ”and you know what drives me crazy?? You making a scarf for that red head vampire. You didn’t think about your bother. You should’ve made one for your brother” 
Oglucan are you jealous of Berk by any chance  😂 😂
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Omer: ”Wait, wait, did you make a scarf for Berk?”
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Aybike:”Yes, I did. Why? Was it wrong of me to do that?.”
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Omer: “No it wasn’t but I was surprised”
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Ogulcan heard the store manager talk on the phone. The guy who was supposed to work as a mascot cancelled at the last minute. Ogulcan offered to replace him. When he was talking about the job with the store’s manager Dora and Ozga were in the store and they heard him. Later that day, the girls asked Harika to hang out with them and they took her to the clothing store where Oglucan was working as a mascot. Of course Harika didn’t know it was him. The girl started badmouthing Asiye first then Oglucan knowing damn well that Oglucan was listening to them. Dora asked Harika if she was “hanging out” with Oglucan because she pitied him and Harika said:”I don’t know, maybe”. Oglucan was so heartbroken when he heard this. 
Orhan found out that Sengul remembers everything. He heard her talk with the owner of the electronics shop about money she owed him. He then tricked her into confessing the truth lol.
In the teaser, it looked like Susen and Omer will become a couple. Good for them ❤️️ Also it looks like the class will go somewhere. Maybe another outdoor activity like the paintball. Ayla said that she is coming with them too and Aybike was like 😫 . Harika had a bag filled with money, I wonder where she found it. I hope she didn’t steal the money.
I think at some point Omer will report the loan sharks to the police because they are hurting people and basically using illegal methods to get their money back. Either that or he is going to get into trouble because of them.
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iboopedyournose · 2 years
Hi this is @fayes-fics it’s a sideblog so I couldn’t reply from there. For the a/b/reader threesome, yes please do send any parameters you want. I can’t promise to have anything soon, my writing process is very dysfunctional and usually involves insomnia haha, but I will work on it 😁
No rush at all! I’m just excited you’re willing to do it lol 😆
I really didn’t have a particular plot in mind but I can try to spitball. I loved the vibe of your “Tell Me” fic: pretty rough, lots of dirty talk, maybe kinda dom/sub if you’re up for it? Spanking is always fun! Just unabashed filth really lmao 🥵🥵
Ok, 2 ideas:
Maybe Anthony is trying to be a good big brother by teaching Benedict how to pleasure a women (or punish a naughty girl ;p) Or maybe it’s the reader he’s trying to educate, with Benedict as his example.
Maybe reader and Benedict are fooling around and Anthony catches them. Ensuing threesome is a bit of “punishment” imparted by Anthony for being so brazen where anyone could walk in on you
Whatever sounds good to you! Like I said, I like to be surprised and you have artistic license ofc so whatever feels right. If I come up with anything else I’ll let you know. Lmk if I should elaborate on anything more 😂
Thank you! You’re a gem! 💎💕💐
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 3 years
EEEP, I opened my Christmas gift from @timebird84​ early because it arrived early and she gave me permission to! 😆 I did leave it under the Christmas tree for a few hours to increase the suspense and to make my tree feel like it’s doing its job 😂 ...but alas...one can only wait so long!
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AAAHHH what a great assortment of gifts!!! 🥰 That cute armadillo’s name is Armand now. 1) Armand is one of the main vampires from the Anne Rice series 2) There are armadillos in the 1931 Dracula movie (one person theorized that armadillos are a status symbol...aka only wealthy vampires get to have them since they’re difficult to obtain in Europe. Armadillos like to eat bugs and worms, which is helpful for ensuring that their master doesn’t wake up in a coffin full of creepy crawlies every day 😂) 3) Obvious similarity between “Armand” and “Armadillo” 😉
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Omg, who knew there was a whole world of Lebkuchen out there that isn’t just the traditional 4-inch round cookie?!?! (Clearly, Germans knew 😛) I had no idea there was so much variety! I’m excited to try them all! But I’ll have to do it in moderation, which means it could be a few months until they all get eaten 😜
The cuckoo clocks, nutcrackers, and sea creature items are fantastic. I already put the magnets up on my fridge. And that’s a hardcore rubber ducky 🤘💀🤘 The first thing my spouse said upon seeing it was, “Skullduckery!” (a play on “skulduggery” 🤪)
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And now to tell you the tragic story of Beanie (grab the tissues, guys). When I was a child, the local newspaper would hold this activity once a year where if you read a specific section of the newspaper every day for a week and answered some questions correctly, you’d earn an Argus Buck for each day. Then at the end, you could use those bucks to buy something at a real store! Anyway, I faithfully earned a buck each day and then my mom took me to a toy store where I could use the bucks. I chose a beautiful sand-filled crab that had a jellybean-like design on the fabric. Something like this but less realistic-looking:
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Naturally, I named him Beanie. He was a great crab that I played with and treasured a lot. One day in 5th grade, I decided to bring him to class. A girl named Sabrina took quite a liking to Beanie and asked if she could take him home. I didn’t want to say yes, but she insisted that she would return him the next day. I finally relented since she wouldn’t stop asking.
The next day, I went up to her and asked her where Beanie was (y’all know where this is going 🙃). She said that she was babysitting a boy and the boy took Beanie home and she didn’t realize until it was too late. Apparently, there was no getting Beanie back after that (yes, the more likely story is she just decided to keep Beanie for herself).
I broke into tears and she apologized and I was a mess for the whole day. After that, I never let anyone “borrow” my plushies ever again.
Years ago, I came across a slap bracelet with a little crab on it at an aquarium gift shop. He kind of reminded me of Beanie, so I bought him and it slightly filled the hole in my heart (scroll back up to see him trying to be Armand’s new belt)
And now, Sonja, you’ve given me a sand crab! That’s about the same size as Beanie! And actually filled with sand (unlike Beano the slap bracelet crab)!
😭😭😭 Maybe this is everything coming full circle! Beanie’s spirit has been reincarnated in this new crab and he wants me to heal and move on 🦀💗 You could’ve chosen ANY sand creature...but you chose the crab. Surely...it means something 🥲✨
In conclusion, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE THOUGHTFUL PRESENTS @timebird84​!!! I’m so grateful to have a friend like you! 🤗😆 HAVE AN AMAZING BIRTHDAY BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!! 🥳🎂🎈🎊🎁🍰🎉
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survivorrokkenjima · 3 years
Episode 9 - "And I haven’t spoke to Pule since the year 2005'" ~ Jessica
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God damn it these girls pulled a fast one on us. I was so blindsided with the Nasir vote like damn. I knew I had to cut him eventually but I didn't think they would vote him out this early. To be fair, he brought it upon himself. That Ava lie was very unnecessary lol it made homegirl mad and sent him packing. Anyways, I can only trust Tim now since we've been on every vote. If push comes to shove, I might write his name down tho. I feel betrayed by Jasmine and Ava like damn. Jasmine especially I thought I could work with her. Melisa's betrayal I understand I lied to her twice pre-merge lol. But her excuse of her phone dying is utter BS. Now that I'm on the bottom, I could only climb up. I need to reintegrate myself within the tribe so that they could work with me moving forward. As for today's challenge, I was excited to learn what it was. I literally play Sudoku every second of my life. So I thought easy peasy I got this one. I went to do the thing and honestly my ego got tge best of me. I was so focused in doing it fast that I didn't notice my mistake. AND I DIDN'T READ THAT YOU ONLY GET TO SUBMIT ONCE DAMN IT. So yeah ya boi scored a 0. Part of me thinks I should still be ok. Tim is a bigger fish to fry than me. But then I also know my days are numbered. So yeah might as well enjoy my last few days. But I'm not giving up and I would still do my best to reintegrate and get to everyone's good graces. I'm channeling Michele Fitzgerald right now and I hope I can pull through and manage to stay alive. If Tim goes next, I will Chris Daugherty my way to the end. Watch me.
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Nasir is voted out after a very chaotic day. I blew it in the challenge. I AM NOT DOING GOOD IN THEM. I do feel (kinda) safe this round. I do believe I’m playing the middle well. & Tim won the challenge. I’m assuming Nasir gave his legacy advantage to Tim (or Pule but I’m leaning towards Tim having the advantage). So Tim could use immunity on Pule but I would assume he would save it for himself. THEREFORE, Tim is safe for about 2 rounds. I did damage control with Tim explaining why I didn’t tell him about the Nasir vote and he said it was okay and blah blah blah. SO, melisa and I are maybe going to be working with Tim further to cover our grounds in case things go wrong. ALSO THIS STUPID TWIST UUGHHHH. So I need to figure that out as well. I’m exhausted. 
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Ok so Tim won the challenge yey good for him. I just need to survive this round, then they'll be going after Tim if he doesn't win the next challenges. Lol he really needs to Mike Holloway his way to the end. And then there's me who needs to channel Michele Fitzgerald right now LIKE I really need to act like it's all cool, we good, I'm open to work with you guys again. I have no choice but to lay low in this vote because I'm in no position to dictate the moves. Right now I'm trying to get into everyone's good graces. I'm actually a master of making someone hear what they want to hear and I could definitely use this skill now to re-integrate myself with everyone. I think I got into Amy, Melissa, and Elle's good graces for now. I just need to tell them what they needed to hear, then I'll be safe in this round.
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To tell you the truth I don't have the energy for this twist especially with whatever nonsense Melisa is trying to start already. She really pitched me a group consisting of everyone except elle, els, and ava who are my closest allies at this point. Especially since she's also pitching a group to ava with different names lol 😂 I asked okay cool but how do we use our votes bc it doesn't seem like we can just all keep them or all use them or how do we split but like no matter how you cut it this shit is going to bc messy and I'm just exhausted. I don't think it would fall on me if I just sit back but I already spilled to elle and els lol 😆 if I'm going out I'm going out swinging and messy haha. But it does answer why out of nowhere jasmine asked me "I thought you were right with Elle and els since the original tribe" mayyybe it's bc I wrote in the 4 with jasmine Jessica and Melisa about saving some of our votes for next round just in case, or maybe they were already planning this second group 👀 anyway it's too much I'm trying to get it ava v Melisa and then imagine if I just got ava to idol Melisa out while I'm turn saving elle els ava and my votes for next round 👀👀👀 is it possible? Probably not, but I didn't think we had a chance last week 😂 it's all funny bc I was just thinking like I'd like to see Melisa win this bc she was asking if this is like comicon 🥺 but now I don't like this ha she's too quiet in groups and sitting on invisible mode I know she's in everyone's dms rn just to save herself and even if I go with that group lol that leaves me going at 6 which like sure I can or wiggle my way up the standing but I want the boys out 🔪🔪 no boys at F5 pls and this group doesn't support that. Knowing I'm not getting to the end bc I voted danny out ☠️ makes my goals in this game different.
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I am disgusted, I am revolted, I dedicate my entire life to [Redacted] and this is the thanks I get?!?! This Challenger were. The way I would've won if I slowed down for 2 seconds I 🙈 ahhhhhhhhhh Long story short: it took me multiple submissions for the right answer but that cumulative time was still lower than the winner of the challenge. And I'm fine 😌 but fr someone vote me out before I have to go this emotional rollercoaster again :').
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To make things short, Melisa wants to turn on the kick ass alliance and work with Tim,Pule, Amy, and Jasmine. GIRLLLLL. I’m not doing that. We just blindsided Tim and Pule with the vote. And I haven’t spoke to Pule since the year 2005. Plus with this twist it would just be a mess. I have a feeling Melisa might get in trouble if she keeps doing 180s. I need to steer clear of that if that happens. If anything… I’ll work with Tim on the side and leak information to him. 
Els tells me she thinks Melisa is coming for her. Someone told her… Els also told me they really like Tim. Which means what I feared is coming true.. Melisa is in danger. I offered to give my vote today to gain some trust in the LKA alliance. I’m just going to sit back and see what everyone says. 
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Wtf Ava is annoying lol she asked me who we can get onboard and I answered Melisa and Amy and she seems pissed like bestie I just answered your question what more can I give. Right now I'm definitely playing up this, "Boohoo, I'm at the bottom I'll work with anyone yada yada". If they're smart, they would take advantage of my position in the game. But if I'll get voted out this round, I won't be surprised. Disappointed, yes. They're not using me to further their game lol. If no one comes up with a solid plan, then I'm definitely not voting this round. If I go then bye. Honestly now, no one's trying to come up with a solid plan with me so I say bye y'all have fun playing for 7th, 6th, 5th, and 4th place.
Lol Elle is hilarious. She literally confirmed I'm in the bottom and I'm like damn you so straight up bestie, you didn't even try to give me false hope 🤣 Melisa I know she still won't work with me this round like I can sense homegirl is very calculated with what she says to me. Idk honestly I don't want to strategize this round lol like I would prefer to vote in the next round.
Come through Amy! Telling me there's no bottom and we're channeling Cambodia season with the voting blocks. Lol I just realized I should have done this a long time ago like submit a confessional after my 1-on-1s. I sound so boring in my previous confessionals like girl I have personality. Anyways you go Amy for trying to comfort me. Unlike Elle who straight up broke my heart for confirming I'm at the bottom. Why u do this Elle?? I've been nothing but nice to you (except that time when I tried to vote you out TWICE. The 1st one was in our swapped tribe but you won immunity at which I'm very annoyed with lol). Anyways, c'mon girl Amy I need you to move out from Melisa's voting block and do your own thing! I'm literally offering myself up to you woman USE ME!!!
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What the hell is happening 
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I think Amy may very well turncoat soon. She might have already, but as long as she isn't actively rooting against me, I don't really care. I don't think I'll use my vote today, and I think I will use my idol, and if I decide not to I'll give it to Els just in case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think this will be my first time getting voted off early merge :O does that mean my game is slipping or just simply that once you have a name people get extremely wary of you? I feel like it's the second one but that may just be my pride lol. We will see. What an annoying round 😂
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I thought that the last vote was chaotic well this vote said SIKE! Honestly I don’t know who is being honest & who is lying. I only trust a few people & idk about everyone else. I hope I don’t get blindsided tonight. As the numbers get smaller the lines of division are getting clearer but they are also muddled because of all the lying that’s going on. This is also the point of the game where people are starting to experience Survivor exhaustion. This game is definitely fun but after awhile not knowing who is straight up lying to you or playing you starts to take a toll. 
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I have no idea what’s gonna happen at tribal tonight, there’s supposed to be a big alliance of 7, (me, Jessica, jasmine, Amy, ava, elle and els) but personally I don’t want to vote with them this round. I think Elle or Els need to be voted out soon. I hate this twist @Raffy! I don’t know if everyone’s gonna vote how they say or even gonna vote at all! Tim and Ava have been wanting Elle out for a while now so I’m gonna hope Ava will vote her out. I always feel like I’m in danger, but I don’t want to play my idol and be wrong.
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Honestly I just wanted an easy vote and I've put in so much fucking energy to try to make sure it's not on els or elle and I don't think it's working plus I think it might flip onto me bc els told jessica she knows about Melisa's plan. Honestly Melisa is doing too much and her plan isn't going to work. Plus she's really trying to make sure only her closest allies have votes next round lol. Jessica has been back and forth which is annoying bc she wants pule out. Anyway I think the merge idol will have to be used and I fucking hope I have enough info and it's elle. Then we only need one vote. Granted we are sitting ducks after this haha but I'm going to just say I heard so much confusion I just abstained. No one has mentioned the black pieces being removed but also half the group didn't know there was a twist until results 😅 Melisa really trying to get everyone on her side plus Tim put me in a group of him pule and ava and me. I am just fucking stressed like I need a break I'm getting a tension headache. Just vote me out so I can focus on something else bc I have too much going on irl and this is taking everything in me AND I'M NOT EVEN IN DANGER RIP ☠️ or they're just voting me out rn in which case thank you get me out of here. I really am making every wrong move like why am I fighting so hard to keep elle and els in when I could just go with someone else lol but playing this game with them in our group is so fun. Did I even do a confessional that working together elle found the merge idol last night ♥️ it's fun working from the bottom but idek if I'm really on the bottom. If I'm not I'm about to be ahahahaha
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Idk even know what all happened today. But I’m voting Elle for tribal. Not exactly what I wanted… Elle is an icon🌙 and I’m actually pretty bummed about this. This is a huge messss. Jskslalakdjskl Hopefully this works but honestly this could fuck me over. 
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I’m back with another voice to text confession Hey guys the game has been a lot I know I didn’t really leave a good confession last round so just to kind of catch you up on that I have literally been hearing my name all day like if you saw the tribal video and didn’t have any context for the reason I was acting the way I was acting that I literally lost my last marble because I was so convinced it was me people straight up told me that they had heard my name and that my name was one of the only options they had heard so of course to me in my mind that means I’m getting boat so then I did my whole little display that I always do when I think I’m getting votes around like just tell me it’s me just get it over with but then I ended up not being me at all, and I was like what I mean not like a bad what but just like what but you know what???? Soon as your left and it was like whatever but then we move onto this round and oh my gosh I was literally so happy when Elle found the idol I was literally like screaming on call with some friends because we really really really need that and I’m glad we have it but now everyone’s against me and Elle and it’s like this is easily the least chaotic I’ve ever been in the game and it’s like y’all are really targeting me now and I haven’t even done anything like I don’t know I feel like now I have to add some drama so that there’s a reason for me to be targeted against because it’s just weird and like I haven’t heard my name today well my name is a possibility but it seems like they ultimately decided I’m going for Elle but we do have an idol so will be fine, but pretty much everyone is against us except for Amy and I thought Jessica but now Jessica seems to want to protect me but is still working with Melissa behind my back and oh my gosh I really really really want Melissa gone but also I’m really not in a place to make demands but who cares I will anyways I am happy that Tim won the challenge because he’s really sweet and although he is actively working against me right now he is someone I want to work with eventually if I make it that far the challenge did make me a little upset though because the tiebreaker was super super close and I was really close to only having my thing be six minutes but then it just ended up being seven and it was like super frustrating but you living you learn and I finally got some information on the black night but then when I try to utilize the information I entered getting Amy at 2% disadvantaged and I feel really bad but I don’t think she was upset I think we’re just gonna make it work I really hope that all three of party of three comes out alive I would really hate for it to turn into a party of two I don’t know what’s happening but I never do so I am OK with confusion a little bit and I hope that we’ll pull through and figure it out <3
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I’ve decided I’m going to save my vote. I need to win this game and I can’t be playing for others. I need my vote for next tribal. 
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CPN5 - Pule MORP3 - Tim CPP4 - Amy UTRP3 - Jasmine CPN3 - Elle UTRP3 - Ava CPN4 - Melisa MORP4 - Jessica CPN3 - Els
Winner’s Pick:
Jessica N Tim Melisa Ava
Power Ranking:
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3 - Amy 7 - Pule 2 - Tim 6 - Jasmine 9 - Elle 5 - Ava 4 - Melisa 1 - Jessica 8 - Els
0 notes