#like a WUSS (joking)
tamaharu · 6 months
watched the unused akechi mementos request and if it had been cleaned up a bit it wouldve been such a good and intriguing addition to the story. thinks a little too long about all the extremely cool threads p5r sets up but doesnt do anything cool or meaningful with and get so angry i start foaming at the mouth.
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fwob · 9 months
you cannot imagine the things id to for a jacob phasmophobia stream
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viovio · 1 year
waylons not a softboy he's a hard boy his penis never dies
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
I pull up in a stolen Ferrari, munchin and crunchin on some spicy chips. You don’t know how I found you. I don’t know how I found you.
Do you get in the stolen Ferrari so we can go pet feral cats together? Serious question.
Okay well. depends. what time are you pulling up and when are we getting back? i don't do well with long outings without a definite end time, so if we're just riding off into the sunset forever probably not i got things to do. like sit in my room. but like. if we're just going out for the afternoon. perhaps. would depend on how much homework I have to do.
so to summarize: i'd need more specific context to know whether I'd say yes or no. i'd want to go pet feral cats together regardless, but I have Needs To Know Everything Beforehand And Cannot Adapt To Change Quickly disorder so realistically. we've got some things to work out
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pinguuu-ni · 7 months
rare rl ramble ig but unwanted male attention is seriously one of the things that makes me feel most uncomfortable
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Apparently larrie conveniently forgot how fake the Grammys are and how they actually buy the awards they don’t get it for merit. Remember how Jeff bought Megan Trainor’s Grammys or everyone forgot?
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subbmissivesuccubus · 9 months
Bully- Part 1
Summary: Your bully's, Gojo and Geto, find out an embarrassing secret of yours and will never let you live it down. But maybe, you don't want them to.
Disclaimer: 18+ fic. Gojo X Fem reader X Geto. Humiliation kink. Free use kink. Gojo and Geto being mean. Bully Geto and Gojo. Dub-con warning. It is subtly implied that reader wants and enjoys what's happening to her, but the boys don't care to ask for consent.
a/n: Sorry it took so long wah but here's part one to the series. I plan to write many more cause damn it is so fun haha. I promise, the next part will have all the gratuitous smut and ruthless fucking this premise deserves. Consider this an appetizer <3
Taglist: @bisexuawolfsalt @candycandy00 @nekonanamii @sirimiripetrichor @collectionofdolls @dreamsxmerci
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You sighed as you walked towards your classroom, dragging your feet, knowing full well what was waiting for you. It was the end of the day and it was your turn to clean up the classroom and just your luck- you were paired up with the two people you couldn't stand.
Gojo and Geto. The two 'strongest' sorcerers of your school. Their reputation preceded them. One of them was the prodigal son of a famous family with a deadly technique while the other had an incredibly useful and powerful skill as well. Everyone disliked them to some extent, but nobody could deny that the Jujutsu world would be worse without them.
Which is why it always confused you as to why these two powerful men seemed to love bullying you.
They were never malicious but damn if they weren't annoying. They loved to tease and prank you, joking about how weak you were and how you couldn't do anything by yourself. Forget the fact that you were actually quite strong and capable- but compared to them- everyone was weak.
But they seemed to enjoy bullying you especially even if there were classmates who were of lower grade than you. Stealing your drink right before you were going to take it from the vending machine, taking unflattering pictures of you and distributing it, embarrassing you in front of strangers by treating you like a dumb baby in front of them, making loud sex noises if you were on the phone with someone, tossing away your books and stealing your money-
Gojo spanking your ass casually a few times, Geto licking off some chocolate that was smeared next to your lips like it was a normal thing to do and even that one time when they cornered you in the hallway and convinced you to let them grope your boobs:
"If you let us squeeze your tits, we'll leave you alone for a week~" Gojo had said, wangling his fingers comically as they both stared at your chest like perverts. The offer was too good to give up which led to them squeezing your clothed tits for ten second each before they left, laughing at how easy it was to use you. And of course, they continued to bother you anyway.
You could have made a complaint to the higher ups about their behavior, something your friends have told you to do but you refused. You didn't want to be the wuss who was running to the elders over something so childish when everyone has an important job to do. Dealing with some bullying was easy compared to fighting to the death with some curses.
Besides, if you reported on them...
You steeled yourself before opening to the door to the classroom, met with the sight you expected: Gojo and Geto, lounging around, not doing any work as they waited for you to do it for them because, in their words: 'the weaklings need to put in more effort'.
But what you were not expecting to see was your phone in Gojo's hand using earplugs that he had connected to the device. You knew you left your phone in the locker assigned to you in the hallways which meant these two managed to pick the lock and take it. But the anger over that was dwarfed by your sudden realization:
The way they were looking at you as you closed the door, giving you a shocked look but you could tell there was an underlying hint of pure glee.
Uh oh.
"Give me back my-"
You yelped as Geto suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, barely giving you a second to collect yourself before he wrapped his arms around your neck, catching you in a choke-hold. Before you could even react, he pulled your back against him and manhandled you as he sat on a classroom bench and forced you to sit between his legs, wrapping said legs around you. You were completely caught, your nails doing nothing even as you dug it into his arms.
"Holy fuck!" Gojo explained, eyes wide and a huge grin on his face as he continued to listen to the audio on your phone, looking over at you and Geto opposite of the table he was sitting on, "You're a perverted freak, aren't you?"
"Give it back!" you snapped, grunting in annoyance as you tried to break out of Geto's hold but the man simply laughed as he held you tighter, his legs not budging.
"This is some nasty stuff!" Gojo continued, "Who knew a weakling like you would be such a masochistic slut~" he removed the earbuds from the socket and increased the volume as he confirmed what you had feared:
"Yeah? you like that don't you? Little slut~" a man's voice echoed throughout the room from your phone speakers, "Everybody looking at you as I fuck this sloppy little pussy~ Oh this cunt is dripping for me- did you like being spanked in front of them so much?"
It was an erotic audio you had saved on your phone, one of many that you enjoyed in private. You had even saved it under non-suspicious names which meant that the boys were digging through your files to find something- and they did.
"This isn't even the only one we heard, you know." Gojo explained as he dangled the phone in front of you mockingly, "What was it again? A girl getting humiliated by her teacher in front of her classmates-"
"A girl getting groped by her boyfriend on a crowded train." Geto recollected, his lips so close to your ear you could feel his hot breath dance against your skin.
"Being used as a free-use toy by a group of guys~" Gojo said, a giant shit eating grin on his face, "Seems like this one has a humiliation kink~"
"I'm not surprised." Geto said, leaning into your ear and blowing into it, making you gasp and jump, "No wonder she never reported us to the principle for all the times we preyed on her. She was probably enjoying it."
"Oh!" Gojo said like he just realized it, "Was that why? Was your pussy growing wet every time we bullied you, little slut?"
"Fuck you." you spat out, both of the men laughing in response.
"Yeah, I bet you wanted us to fuck you." Geto growled into your ear, your shiver not going unnoticed by him, "You're fucking loving this~"
"Why don't we check?" Gojo suggested, cutting off anything you might have said, his hands inching towards your belt, a dangerous gleam in his eyes, "Let's see for ourselves if we made your pussy wet~"
"That's a great plan!" Geto interrupted, laughing as he tightened his hold your your neck, making you gasp, "Take those pants off. So baggy and loose- what a waste of a nice ass."
"I agree." Gojo said, finger now running over the metal of your belt, "it hides so much. With what I felt everytime I've spanked you- your pants do you no favors."
"Don't you- fucking dare!" You choked out, face turning slightly red from the lack of air and from Gojo slowly starting to fiddle with your belt.
"Oh, what are you gonna do about it, little slut?" Gojo teased, licking his lips as his long, lithe fingers started to tug at the leather of your belt, "Look at your fucking face- that look in your eyes? You're loving this."
"No- I'm not- fuck-" you sputtered out, failing to convey your frustrations. You couldn't stand these two assholes. Constantly picking on you and thinking they were so high and mighty- treating you like a bug on their path. So smug and narcissistic and not caring about anyone but themselves-
But as much as you'd hate to admit it, you couldn't deny that your body was throbbing. Everytime they bullied you, you felt that heat. Your heart-rate quickened and your pussy would grow wet, leaving you a confused mess every-time you got bullied. When it first happened, you didn't understand what was happening. Through some internet searching, you found those audios and realized you weren't the only one out there.
A masochist with a humiliation kink.
And without them knowing, the two guys you hate were fulfilling those fantasies for you.
Well now, they were more than aware.
"Come on, little bitch~" Geto cooed into your ear, his silky voice making you shudder, "Why settle with these audios when you can experience the real thing?"
"I...I..." you panted, heat rushing to your face and your heart pounding in your chest. You could feel your pussy dampen and had no doubt that if Gojo actually took your pants off, they'd see you be wet and needy.
"Too slow~" Gojo suddenly said, unbuckling your belt in a matter of seconds before ripping it off of you just as fast, throwing it aside. You yelped as you instinctively struggled, Geto laughing behind you as he tightened his hold on you even more, rendering you helpless. Gojo laughed as well, his bright blue eyes peeking from behind his glasses as you could see the gleam of excitement in them.
"You excited, little bitch?" Gojo cooed, licking his lips as his hands started trailing up your leg, running over the fabric of your pants as he inched up higher and higher. Everywhere he touched felt like it was on fire, a rush of heat coursing through you.
"He asked you a question." Geto said, clicking his tongue as you refused to say anything, "Weren't you taught any manners?"
"Fucking- i'll kill you-" you gasped out, face growing redder as you heard Geto's growl of annoyance, feeling the vibration of his chest against your back. "Don't worry about it, Suguru." Gojo said, smirking as he started undoing the buttons of your pants, "We can punish her later for her disrespect. For now, I just want to get at this pussy~"
With a big grin, Gojo ripped your pants off of you in one fell swoop, making you squeal as he tossed it away. You shivered as your bare legs were exposed to the evening air as well as their lecherous stares. You could see Gojo's eyes trail up your legs before zoning in on your clothed pussy, the man letting out a snort as he took in your panties.
"Pink with a bow on? Really?" he joked, "how plain and not sexy."
"I think they're cute." Geto chimed in, also shamelessly staring down at your clothed cunt, "But it doesn't matter. It's not going to be on her for long, anyway."
"True." Gojo said with a nod as he hooked his finger into the waistband of your panties and pulled it out before letting go, allowing the elastic to slap back against you, "but next time, wear something sexier."
"I hate you- so much!" you snarled, face bright red, biting your lower lip as the white haired man looped his fingers back into the waistband of your panties, this time, very obviously wanting to get it off of you. You gasped, unable to stop your shivers as Gojo leaned forward and placed a kiss on your tummy, his tongue peeking out to lick at your skin as he slowly starting pulling your panties down. He laughed as you tried to squiggle out but your movements only made the slide of your panties all the more easier for him.
"Look at that~" Gojo gasped as your cunt got exposed, practically drooling as he stared like a pervert, a twinkle behind his blue eyes, "You might be a weakling but atleast you have a pretty pussy."
"Atleast she's good for something~" Geto teased, shuffling behind you and in that moment, you felt it. Something long, hard and thick pressed up against your back and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that was. You gulped as you felt the imprint of Geto's cock against you, unable to help yourself as your eyes darted towards the front of Gojo's pants and sure enough: His erection was straining against it.
They were too focused on your cunt to notice where you were looking and you were too focused on their dicks to notice that your panties were now completely off and that Gojo had tossed the fabric aside. Geto immediately hooked his legs over your own before forcefully spreading them apart, leaving you wide and exposed to their perverted gazes. Gojo let out a whistle as he dragged a chair over before sitting on it, his face now right across your bare cunt.
"Fuck- fuck you- fuck you!" you gasped out and cursed, feeling lightheaded from the situation. "How does she look?" Geto asked, both of them ignoring you and you could hear the hunger in his voice and the sensation of his cock twitching against you. "Oh, she's perfect~" Gojo responded and you knew they were referring to your pussy as its own person- somehow giving it more praise and respect than they've ever given you, "And oh so wet~"
"I want to see." Geto demanded, not having the same view as Gojo, "Can't let you have all the fun."
"Sure thing, pal." Gojo said, not taking his eyes off of your pussy as he continued to stare, hand reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. "Gojo- don't you dare-" You barked out, understanding what he was going to do- but what you hoped sounded aggressive came out soft and subservient. The man simply snorted in response, ignoring your pleas as he opened up his phone camera and started taking pictures of your pussy. You shut your eyes and squealed everytime you heard the shutter of the camera, trembling body still held tightly in Geto's arms.
"Her hole clenches every-time I take a picture~" Gojo cooed, bringing a hand up to thumb at your pussy lips before spreading them apart even more, making your back arch against Geto, "And look at this little clit! So fucking cute!"
"Just show it to me already!" Geto snarled, impatient. "Alright, alright." Gojo responded with a roll of his eyes, standing up before turning the phone towards the two of you, a shot of your spread pussy on screen. You turned your head away and closed your eyes, ears ringing at how humiliated you felt-
and pussy dripping at how good it was.
"Oh, she does look delicious!" Geto praised, gripping your chin as he forced you to turn your head back towards the phone, making you look at the picture, "You have such a pretty cunt and you hid it from us for so long?"
You whined cutely as you looked at the picture- a closeup shot of your spread cunt with a clear view of your clit and hole, your cunt glistening with slick.
"Seriously!" Gojo barked as he started swiping, showing off the various photos of your pussy that were now in his possession, "If we knew all you wanted was some fucking, we'd have pounded this pussy ages ago! I've always wanted a sex toy."
"Don't you have like a dozen already?"
"Yeah, but I'm sure this bitch's cunt will feel way better than some silicone~"
"I hate you-" you gasped out, any and all fight leaving your bones (not that there was much to begin with) as you leaned your head against Geto's shoulder, "I hate you both- so much-"
"Yeah?" Geto asked, the tone in his voice clearly indicating that he wasn't taking you seriously, "Well, this pussy says otherwise."
He let go of your chin and snaked his hand down quickly to cup your pussy, making you yelp. You didn't know if what you felt was shame or relief that there was finally a hand on your cunt- finally some friction against your dripping womanhood. You tossed your head back, eyebrows furrowed and lip trapped under your teeth as Geto's long fingers started gliding through your pussy lips. The slick sound of him rubbing circles over your hole and collecting your wetness echoed through the room, the sound making your ears burn and your chest feel like it was on fire.
This is was so...so...
so fucking fun...
"She's loving this~" Gojo predicted accurately, eyes darting between your blissful expression and Geto's fingers toying with your body, "Fucking whore- slutty bitch- oh, we are going to have fun with you~"
"Her pussy is growing wetter by the second." Geto noted, cock fully erect and throbbing against you, his other arm slowly letting go of the hold around your neck, confident that you were going to stay right there like a good little girl. You gasped as the head spinning pressure was finally off of you, taking in a few deep breaths but choking on it just as quickly as the man started using his slick covered fingers to run circles over your clit.
"You're dripping all over the table, little bitch~" Gojo teased, taking a couple more pictures before pocketing it, "Fuck- let me feel too- or- actually-"
He sat back on the chair, pulling it closer before gripping your thighs, an eager grin on his face:
"I'm gonna eat~"
"Get used to this, little bitch." Geto growled into your ear, pulling his hand away from your cunt and snickering at your whine of disappointment, "You're our toy now and we are going to do whatever we want to you, understand?"
His hands came upto your chest, lithe fingers starting to undo the buttons of your shirt one by one, revealing a patch of skin before the peeks of your bra. Gojo licked his lips and moved forward, his hot breath fanning against your slick cunt.
"Whatever. We. Want."
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flowerrose14 · 2 years
#It's that time of day-month??yeear where I make random post#then proceed to burry it 6ft under with reblogs ùwú#btw this isn't anythin important just me rambling so if you#wish to continue marveling at the stunning art reblogged below GO DO SO PLEASE>:0#just 👉👈 boi howdy do i wish I could just jump into folks dms or jump through a computer to hug hell outta em for leaving tags#It's clear at this point how much i pause when posting on social media nowadays so when i come back I read what's been left and just get#completely melted to oblivion-#it's Never EVER requirement no one has to do so Hell i'm still blown away folks even like me posts of randomness and chaosx'3#so when folks point out details.show interest in a particular ocs or just react with smol emojis#it COMPLETELY JUST </////>#and I want SO BADLY to just Express this feeling i'm gifted with that their words I read and very much cherish#I want to express I want to talk to them I want to just-👏👏👏 DO SOMETHIN! Wanna vibe and interact with folks more#and feel bad if my mind can't conjure words for em in turn or i'm lost when it comes to this schedule#that's why i post pone somedays cause i wanna have ENERGY I wanna hold the pieces of art my eyes are gifted with when i return here and#Just EXPLODE WITH JOY AND EXCITEMENT-no joke Everyone EVERYONE i reblog from are just the most breath takingly talented souls i have ever#EVER had the prestine honour of getting to bear witness too-!#and all of them deserve to know their works and passion are GOD LEVELS OF DEVINE-!!#👉👈 so when folks do same in return i wanna so badly express to them how much it means to me-!!#(and don't get me started on amount of times i've wussed out on wanting to thank someone for a follow .n.)#okieokie gonna stop very quickly before this turns into me describing the whole 'Saying hi in dms than immediately yeeting self out of#existance' stuff and all my deepest apologies though bless ya if you made it this far and lived#through me mad ramblingx'3
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bakubunny · 9 months
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a kindhearted hero
mdni: 18+ content. yes, i do check. you will be blocked.
a/n: here’s the full one shot of the opening excerpt i posted recently. special thanks to my lovely mutual, @shinsos-puppet/@arlerts-angel for sparking the idea. i’ve never written eijirou at length in anything, so i really hope i did our sweet, best boy justice. 💜 - bunny
pairing: pro hero!kirishima eijirou x plus size fem!reader
wc: 4.7k
summary: red riot sees you, a civilian, lookin’ cute with your friends and dynamight gets tired of hearing him gush about it. he takes matters into his own hands by being kirishima’s (asshole) wingman. kiri x reader fluff and eventual smut ensues.
tags: pro hero!kirishima; fem!reader; plus size!reader; aged up characters; fluff and smut; mention of alcohol; explicit consent; lots of pet names, pretty girl, baby, babygirl, angel, sweetheart, sweetie, princess, good girl; praise; encouragement; daddy as title (a few lines towards the end); teasing; grinding; nipple play (f receiving); fingering (f receiving); oral sex (f receiving); rough sex; multiple orgasms; pronebone; unprotected sex with a stranger (it’s not even discussed); creampie; kiri is a nervous sweetheart for the first half; kiri is taller now and has bulked tf up; kiri has a huge dick and i’m not sorry; kiri loves soft bodies, i don’t make the rules; kiri gets possessive; strength/muscle kink; manhandling; size kink if you squint a little
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you.”
ok now buckle up buttercup and enjoy the ride. 😘
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A scowling blond man walked over from a nook nearby in the club. The closer you looked, it was no less than Dynamight, the number two hero in all of Japan, dressed casually. What the heck was he doing staring you down, a civilian nobody?
“Hey, princess, y’see the guy with the shitty red hair?” he said, pointing in the direction he came from. “‘S Kirishima. He thinks you’re gorgeous, but he’s too much of a wuss to come talk to you. Will you let him buy you a drink so he’ll shut his damn mouth?”
There was only one redhead with “shitty hair” you’d ever heard of in the news in relation to Dynamight, but it couldn’t be that one, right?…
“I-I’m sorry, what?” you said.
You smiled, holding back a look of disbelief, but he must have caught it. He sighed loudly and turned to look the other way. It was dark enough that you couldn’t quite make out the man in the distance.
“Oi! Shitty hair! Get’cher ass over here, she’s not buyin’ it,” he shouted with an irritated look.
A tall, broad-shouldered redhead got up and began moving towards your table, head tucked down and rubbing his neck. He looked up and met your eyes, smiling with cheeks almost as red as his hair. It was that redhead - Red Riot, to be exact. Your eyes went wide and your face flushed.
“Oh no, I’m sorry, I think you’re at the wrong table,” you said, flustered.
This has to be a joke, right? He can’t be serious. There’s no way someone like him could be interested in you. You’d heard and seen in interviews that Dynamight wasn’t exactly nice, but he wouldn’t pull some sort of childish stunt like this as an adult, would he? As a pro hero?
“No, I’m not at the wrong fucking table,” he sneered, crossing his arms.
Red Riot approached the both of you. “Sorry about him, he can be a bit of an ass. I don’t-”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m doing you a favor,” Dynamight said, cutting him off. He turned to you. “This is my friend Kirishima, also known as Red Riot. You should give him a chance.”
Dynamight turned back to Kirishima. “You’re fucking welcome. Play nice,” he said, giving him a clap on the shoulder before walking away.
You both froze awkwardly for a moment before breaking into quiet laughter. He looked you in the eye with a smile.
“I uh…. I hope that’s okay, though,” he said nervously. “You’re absolutely stunning. I’d love to buy you a drink.”
You blushed, smiling in return. “I’d like that a lot.”
You glanced to the two friends you came with that night for approval. The look they had was what you’d expected; one that said, “Are you crazy?? Go!” but they grinned nonetheless as you stood from the seat you were at.
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the dimness of the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you were falling hard for this guy. But you’d swear Kirishima looked even prettier in real life than anything you’d ever seen or imagined. Shaggy hair, clean and pulled back into a messy bun instead of his signature spiked style, stray pieces falling around his face at the front. Crimson eyes that were bright with joy and crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Slightly tanned skin from spending almost a decade on the field as a pro hero. Laugh lines that had barely begun to settle in from sun exposure and his brilliant, sharp toothed smile that rarely seemed to fade. Though it was only the two of you in your little corner, he had the ability to light up a room just by being there.
And it was hard to believe that he was here, sitting knee to knee with you. Showering you with compliments. Listening intently as he learned the details of your civilian life. Asking questions about your pets, excitedly gushing over pictures, and showing interest in your career. Brushing his thigh against yours. Leaning in to hear what you had to say. Turning faintly pink when you grasped his hand with a laugh before quickly pulling away with a blush of your own. Reaching for your hand and holding it under the table…. Yours was small in his massive hand, and despite being well used and calloused, they were still so soft. (He claimed his friend Ashido once told him he “needed to moisturize his scratchy skin,” and found that it helped him heal, so he stuck with it.)
Kirishima had this innate way of making you feel protected, and you’re pretty sure it had nothing to do with his hero status. All while making the apex of your thighs hot and your cheeks warm.
Okay, so you had to admit, you’d secretly had a little bit of a crush on Red Riot - now Kiri, he’d insisted - before you met him tonight. He was handsome, strong, kind, and humble in any media you’d ever seen him in. Who could blame you for swooning a little inside every time you saw him? (No one. That’s who.) The best part was that none of it was fake. He was honest, sincere, and you could see it in his eyes.
Minutes turned into hours. You’d both switched to drinking water long ago. The number of people in the club had started to dwindle. Yet you were still wrapped up in conversation.
He’d assured your friends that you’d get home safely - a hero’s promise - when they stopped by to say they were heading out. Gave Bakugou (was that what Kiri called him?) a smile and nod of acknowledgement as he and a few other hero faces you recognized from the media moved towards the door. The hero with pink skin and a brightly colored dress gave an excited wave goodbye as they passed. Come to think of it, you were surprised he wasn’t with her, another hero. A pretty hero. But you noticed Bakugou’s hand guiding her by the small of her back, keeping her close as they worked their way through the crowd. You shoved those thoughts down as Kirishima gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Listen, I know it’s getting late, but I don’t want this to end,” Kirishima said. “I promised I would get you home safely, and I’ll do that. Buuuut if you want, we can go back to my place and watch a movie.”
He caught the flicker of hesitation on your face, silently wondering if this had been his goal all along, but not opposed to the idea.
His face grew red, eyes wide at what he might be suggesting. “I did mean just a movie! You’re really beautiful and nice to talk to, that’s all I meant. I’m not looking for a fling. Please, don’t get the wrong impression,” he rambled quickly. “B-but I do want that with you! I want you, I just-”
“Kiri. Slow down. It’s okay.” You gave a reassuring smile.
His shoulders relaxed slightly and he smiled as he tucked his head, rubbing his neck. You noticed the way his nervous habit highlighted his massive bicep and shoulder.
“I think that sounds great. I’d love to spend more time with you… no matter what that looks like,” you said, heat rushing to your face as you caught his glance again.
His eyes held a glimmer of hope as he looked down at you. “Really?”
“As long as you can promise me I’ll get a proper date someday soon,” you replied.
“You got it, pretty girl. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said, grinning.
There was a shift in the silence you shared. Kirishima hesitated, a question in his eyes.
“Can I?…”
His free hand reached for your face and pulled you in eagerly for a kiss, full of heat and tenderness as your lips met. It knocked the air out of you as your fingers tightened around the hand entwined in your own beneath the table. It was gentle, slow, his thumb stroking your cheek for a moment. Heat built rapidly between your legs, almost throbbing at his touch.
When the kiss broke, you stared into those gorgeous red eyes knowing you were absolutely fucked. This man had you, and there was no way you’d let him go.
The door closed with a soft click as you slipped off your shoes. You turned to Kirishima and realized that he was bigger than you’d thought in dim lighting. He was taller, broader, bulkier than the image you’d had in your head.
“So,” you said.
“So,” he repeated.
A shared laugh broke the tension. Kirishima reached for your face with both hands and leaned in to kiss you, pulling the breath right out of your chest again. It was all consuming, the way his hands cradled your face, fingers already tangling in the hair around your neck. His kisses were warm and sweet.
“Come here,” he whispered as he lifted you into his arms.
You let out a small yelp as he did, wrapping yourself around him more to keep from falling than anything else. “What are you doing?”
Kirishima flashed a cheeky grin. “Unless you want me to stop, I’m doing what I want,” he replied, leaning in for another kiss.
It was visceral, how quickly embarrassment and fear flooded your face with heat as you reciprocated. “Y-you don’t - I’m too-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t even say it.” Kirishima had a sharp look in his eyes.
“But-” you protested.
“Baby, I train six days a week. I save people for a living. I can carry you,” he said, unwavering, a soft smile forming across his lips.
A flash of warmth hit your cheeks again. You buried your face in his shoulder as it hit you just how strong he was. Kirishima chuckled and turned to walk towards what you presumed was his bedroom. His lips met your skin, placing kisses along the side of your neck. You whimpered softly as a shiver slipped down your neck.
“C’mon now, don’t get shy on me,” he teased. “Haven’t even started.”
“Shush you,” you replied.
Every bit of you was growing hotter by the second with Kirishima’s hands on your body and his lips, fucking hell, how did you already feel a little weak? He laid you down on his bed as he leaned back onto his knees. Reverent crimson eyes raked over you in a short sundress, barely riding up to reveal the tops of your thighs.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he said quietly.
You blushed and gave him a smile.
There was a twinge in your stomach. A thread of doubt. One that said, “but I still have clothes on.” You pushed it down.
You pulled Kirishima closer as he drew you in with firm kisses and a gentle suck on your bottom lip. With your legs wrapped around his middle, your hands wandering over his back and shoulders, you were still in disbelief that this was happening. His hand ran down your side as he moaned deeply, gripping the soft flesh of your hip. His lips grew needy as they moved down your neck, finding a spot that made you pant as your head spun.
A groan rumbled in his chest, sending chills over your skin as his hips pushed into yours; your eyes snapped open, your throat caught. Kirishima rolled his body into you again and holy fuck he was huge. You let out a high pitched whine rather than the moan you anticipated. There’s no fucking way this man is real, you thought as he continued, pulling soft moans from your lips. You cursed under your breath.
“Hmm?” he said with a tone that suggested he already knew.
“Jus’ feels good,” you replied.
Kirishima kissed his way back to your lips as he pushed harder into you, a louder moan bubbling out of you as your cunt fluttered under the thin panties you wore and the heat of his cock.
“Mhm. Y’so big, Kiri,” you said between kisses.
He paused to look you in the eye. “‘S that okay? Won’t hurt my feelings if you say no, honest. I don’t want you t’be scared.”
“More than okay,” you replied, heat rising to your cheeks. “I like it a lot. ‘S what I was kinda hoping for.”
Kirishima's eyes lit up with a flicker of relief as though you’d sung a tune he’d rarely heard. He kissed you hard. “Fuck, you’re just perfect, aren’t you, angel?”
Another thread tugged at your chest. “He’s saying that to sleep with me.”
You smiled playfully. It didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I dunno about perfect, but that’s very sweet of you.”
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you,” he said.
Kirishima crashed his lips into yours, drawing a whimper from your lips. His mouth didn’t leave you for a second as he picked up where you left off, kissing down over your neck and chest, his hands on your ass. He slid your dress up and groaned at the sight.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking soft,” he said, kisses trailing over your stomach. “So pretty. So perfect.”
The heat of his massive hands washed over you as they wandered your body. Kirishima’s fingers dug gently into your flesh. Clothes rapidly began piling onto the floor; his shirt, your dress, his pants, your bra. His hands immediately went for your chest where he scattered kisses on your skin as he groped, moaning softly when his lips took your nipple into his mouth. Your breath grew heavy. You moaned in return as he sucked and licked the swollen bud. The hot ache between your thighs built as he took his time with each one, only encouraged by your whimpering and the way your hips bucked with need. You felt a rush of sensations as Kirishima began grinding his cock into your leg, an empty flutter and a shiver sliding over you. You reached down to relieve your throbbing clit, but he grabbed your wrist.
“Patient girls get what they want. ‘M not done,” he mumbled.
And fuck if that didn’t just make you ache even more. “Kiri, please.…”
Letting go, his hand slid down over your cunt. He gently rubbed and groaned against your skin when your hips pushed into his hand.
“‘S it, pretty girl, show me what you need,” he said.
And you did, moaning and grinding into him. After making quick work of discarding the last of both your clothes, Kirishima opened your legs and cursed. He ran his hands up your thighs, lips not far behind.
Insecurity began to slip away as you saw Kirishima’s cock twitch as it hung, swollen, hard and red at the sight of you. All of him made you hotter - the look in his eye, broad shoulders and thick arms you had been imagining around your legs all night, strong thighs you wished were caging you at the hips, and a heavy cock that had to be as big as your face, so thick you didn’t think you could wrap your hand around it. He was so kind. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, like you’d hung the stars just for him. And he going to fuck you dumb.
A shiver ran down your spine and you blushed.
“You’re amazing,” Kirishima said.
You thought to respond as his mouth reached your inner thigh and you gasped. He slid a thick finger into your cunt and pumped slowly. Already, you could feel yourself fluttering and weeping around his hand as you moaned. He slipped a second finger in, slightly curled and reaching a tender spot you couldn’t quite get on your own.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, angel. Don’t stop, I wanna hear your pretty voice,” he said.
Heat rolled over your body. Kirishima sloppily kissed his way around your pussy, never settling where you wanted him.
“Kiri… need you.”
“Yeah? Whatcha need?” he replied with a little smirk.
Your head fell back, letting out a small groan in frustration as he teased.
“Eyes on me,” Kirishima said.
Heat rushed to your face. You locked eyes with him and reached for his head with a soft “please,” guiding him to your clit. He kissed and licked gently, taking it into his mouth. It didn’t take long for intense pleasure to fall over your body. You grabbed hold of his free hand resting on your stomach as the tension in your body built, legs starting to shake.
Kirishima hummed with satisfaction. “Such a sweetheart. C’mon babygirl, you can do it. Jus’ let go. ‘M right here.”
The skill of his mouth pushed you over the edge. His lust-hooded eyes stared into yours as your climax broke with a whining moan. You trembled as it washed over you. He carried you through with his tongue, treating your cunt with care until your body calmed.
“Good girl,” he said.
Your eyes went wide briefly and he smirked. “You like hearing that?”
“Didn’t expect it,” you said.
“Not what I asked.” Kirishima took his hand from you and stroked his cock, covering himself in your cum.
You weren’t sure how, but the tables had turned; now you were the one who was easily flustered while he had every ounce of confidence and a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe I did a little, yeah,” you said.
“Good. Now tell me, pretty girl, how do you like to be fucked?” he said.
You grabbed a pillow and laid on your stomach with it under your hips and gave your ass a little shake, smiling back at him. “Like this. Come get it.”
“You’re not gonna let me stare into those gorgeous eyes of yours?” he said playfully, lining himself up behind you, rubbing the head of his cock along your folds.
“Maybe next time I’ll ride you. How’s that?” you quipped, peeking his face for a moment as he huffed a laugh and turned pink.
“Y’ready baby? Might hurt but I promise I’ll be gentle.” The heat and thickness of his cock head had you pushing into him as he teased.
“Yes. I can take it, please,” you said.
“You sure? You sound so pretty like this…” he purred.
You blushed. The sound of your wet cunt was obscene and he hadn’t even fucked you yet.
“We can take it easy… go real slow…” he insisted.
“Kiri I swear if you don’t-ohfuckohfuck”
He was already halfway in, pushing deeper as you panted heavily and groaned. Kirishima looked down at you and saw your eyes roll, face laid into the sheets. He pushed himself in fully and you gasped. The slight sting didn’t matter in comparison to the pleasure, goosebumps covering your body.
“Fucking hell Kiri you’re huge and perfect holyshitfucknnngh.”
“Need me to stop already?” His lightly patronizing tone would have been irksome if it weren’t for the fact that you were split wide open and full to the brim with his cock, your pussy clenching hard as he stayed still.
You whipped your head around as far as you could. “Don’t you fucking dare,” you said. It was meant to sound threatening in the same way he had earlier, but it came out desperate and needy. You swallowed hard. “Please.”
You caught him grinning ear to ear as slowly, gently, he started fucking you in long strokes, your moans quickly filling the room. You grabbed another pillow in a vain attempt to muffle the sound. The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming as your cunt stretched and the sting subsided into bliss.
Kirishima’s hands ran over your ass and up your body as he fucked you, relishing the way your ass moved with him, the way your cunt drew him all the way in over and over as you got wetter. “Fuck you feel so good, angel. Can’t get enough of you. Love watching you take my cock so well. Such a perfect little pussy.”
“Kiri…” you whined, “‘s so good, so fucking good, ‘s perfect.”
Your thoughts were jumbled with the way he had you unraveling with each tender stroke - just enough to feel his hips kissing yours as he pulled you up and into him slightly. The pressure of each thrust against your cunt made you flutter.
“‘N don’t stop after I cum. I can take it,” you said.
You heard a shy laugh behind you. “You like my cock that much, hm?” Kirishima said, leaning down briefly to kiss across your shoulder.
“I do. Y’so fucking big. Feels so good, Kiri. Need you inside me.” Chills ran through you as he hit that deep, sensitive spot behind your cervix that made your feet tingle and your breath stop, orgasm hanging overhead.
“F-fuck, b-baby, right there, don’t stop,” you said. Your mind fell into an empty haze as your legs began to tremble. “I think ‘m c-close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me, princess? Gonna cum on my cock without any help?” he replied.
Your answer was in moans as your back arched and your vision went white. The heat of his hands, his grip tightening on your hips, his encouragement had bliss crashing down over you.
“‘S it, that’s what I like to hear. Let it all out. Cum for me, sweetheart. Make a pretty mess on my cock.” Kirishima moaned as he felt you clench hard around him, watching you come undone for a second time. It was dizzying holding himself back, your cunt like a vice he never wanted to leave. His hips stuttered for a moment, but he continued with a low grunt.
“Such a good girl…” Kirishima said, lacing your skin with kisses as his pace increased.
Your head was spinning with pleasure, sensations radiating up your spine, curling down your legs, trying to process his words fully and failing. “Yes, harder. Fuck me. Please, Kiri… please. Need your cock.”
He groaned. “Y’make it so hard not t’cum with you. Y’know that, angel?” Kirishima grabbed a large fistful of hair at the scalp and pulled gently, lifting your face away from anything that could muffle your moans as his hips collided harder into you, sending electricity over your skin as you panted and let out a cry. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. So soft. So beautiful, every part of you. Y’sound so fucking pretty. Y’feel so damn good, I almost couldn’t stop myself.”
His quiet praise hit you hard and unexpectedly - a wave of heat and tension building in your body, amplified by the grip he had on your hair. The previous one had felt like it hardly passed, but another orgasm was winding itself around your core in anticipation.
“Oh fuck, ‘m sorry, I…mmm.” Your knuckles went white gripping the pillow under your head.
“Hey, hey, no sorry,” he said, his grip falling loose and moving to your side. He could feel how close you were getting with every passing movement, willing his body to hold off once more. “I love it. Y’need to cum again, sweetie?”
“Please,” you replied.
You made movement to reach for your clit a second time, but Kirishima’s hand was quick and found its way there first.
“Nuh uh. ‘M gonna make you cum, baby. You just relax. Can y’do that for me?” he said.
“Mhm.” You nodded dumbly, giving in to his request.
Kirishima’s thick fingertips gently rubbed your swollen clit, a whimper at your throat. Goosebumps trailed across your body as pulled you closer, closer, and over the edge as he fucked you. The lewd sound of your cunt as you came on him drove Kirishima crazy, sweat running down his body. He was drunk on your pussy, fucking you still when sensitivity finally hit.
It was overwhelming but not enough all at once, the feeling of his cock bullying your swollen folds. You reached back to stop him, but he grabbed your wrist, looming over you to put it back where it was.
“Kiri, ‘s too much, please,” you said.
“You can take it, babygirl. Just one more for me, yeah? I know you can do it.” Kirishima’s voice was a mixture of sweet and ragged.
You groaned heavily. “One more,” you repeated. “But c’mere, closer.”
He wrapped himself around you, arms sliding under yours, the burning heat and weight of his body against your back. “Like this?”
“Yes, fuck,” you whined.
You could feel sweat on his chest, the movement of each thrust as he started again, every groan, drunk on the girth and heft of his cock slamming into you, his heavy balls hitting your clit.
Your body began to tremble. “Need t’feel you on me, don’ go, please.”
“Aww, y’really are a little sweetheart, huh?” Kirishima cooed. “Just love bein all wrapped up n safe in my arms while I take care of your pretty pussy.”
“Yes, d-mmmfuck.” You cut yourself off and hid your face.
“‘S okay, angel. You can say it if y’want,” he said gently. “Doesn’ bother me.”
“I can’t,” you said, your cheeks hot.
His voice lowered. “Yes you can. Lemme hear it. Say yes, daddy.”
“Yes, daddy,” you replied weakly.
Kirishima’s thrusts got sloppier as hot, wet kisses hit a tender spot on the crook of your neck. You grabbed and kissed his hand and pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts. He growled into your skin.
“‘S it, baby. That’s my girl. That’s my good fucking girl. My pretty little angel. Take my fucking cock,” he said softly, his breath hot against your ear.
“D-don’ say that,” you slurred, knowing full well that he could hear the way you whimpered and moaned when he did. Knowing he could feel you fluttering erratically around him.
“Why not, hmm?” Kirishima replied. “Y’really think ’m gonna let a pretty little thing like you get away after tonight, lookin’ so perfect, cummin’ all over my cock like this? Beggin’ me not to stop cause y’need more? Bein’ so sweet n lovely that I can’t help but fuck you ‘til you fall apart? ‘Til you know I mean what I say?”
Words failed you as he fucked harder, movements sharper as his orgasm neared. Your head fell forward into the sheets with a loud moan. “N-no.”
“‘S right, princess. ‘M not. ‘M gonna keep you ‘s long ‘s you’ll have me.” Kirishima’s muscles burned from exertion as he spoke, but he didn’t care.
He loved the way your breath went quick and shallow when he found just the right spot that made you tremble, savored the way your moans grew louder and your eyes rolled the harder he went. He got lost in the heat of your breath and the taste of your skin, the perfect way he could rail into you without being gentle or holding back because you needed every bit of him. It made his skin hot, the absolute mess you were making around his cock, fluttering and squeezing him hard enough to lose his damn mind as he moaned into your ear, his grip around your body getting tighter.
“Don’ stop, daddy, please. ‘M close,” you said. It was intoxicating, the way his skin felt against yours, the way each thrust knocked a little bit of the breath out of your lungs as another orgasm drew near. “Cum with me?”
“‘S that what you want, angel? Want me t’cum inside you?” he asked.
“Please, wanna feel you cum,” you said.
Kirishima groaned low in his chest as his need for you took over. His lips and teeth continued to graze your skin with open mouthed kisses as he came, his throbbing cock pushing you over the edge a final time as he fucked you full of cum. You laid together panting until silence took hold.
After a quiet moment, Kirishima pulled out and spread your ass gently, watching his cum trickle down your swollen pussy and thick, soft thighs.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he said. “You’re the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”
mdni banner created by the lovely @cafekitsune.
manga color edit is mine @bakubunny.
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 3 months
MK1 characters and sick! reader
(johnny cage, bi-han, smoke +liu kang & shang tsung)
not proof read not thought out not nothing i am SICK and this is my OUTLET (again this is not serious, just goofy stuff)
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Johnny Cage
- sick equivalent of “it’s not uterus it’s uterUS”
- Especially if he doesn’t have much going on in his schedule? It’s like there’s two sick people in the house
- He has ZERO issues laying in bed all day with you- until he decides on a group excursion to the living room couch where you will… continue to lay there! Exciting.
- Depending on how sick you are he’d be more serious, if it was just a little cold and nothing to worry about, expect to have some movies in the back while you doze in and out of his incessant chatting
- (I personally think he can’t cook well) so your favourite takeout is ordered and put into one of those fancy ass bowls to make it look like a home cooked meal. Bless him.
- Wearing matching ugly pjs like the worlds bleakest slumber party
- Says he doesn’t care about getting sick from being close to you, but makes jokes about your ‘heebies’ getting all over him if you ask for any physical contact (he will over enthusiastically oblige)
- If you’re seriously ill, he would be at a loss, especially when his usual demeanour can’t seem to cheer you up.
- Since i imagine his relationship with his parents isn’t the best, he’d probably call one of your family members to ask how to best care of you, and take it from there
- He wouldn’t treat you like a glass vase though, still cracking jokes while he attends to your needs; but in a way where you can tell he’s trying to mask how vulnerable he feels in his care for you.
- Calls you his sicky wicky honey boo boo sugar tits pumpkin pie
- Definitely gets the man flu once you recover no question about it
- As you lay in bed, sweating from your fever with this huge piece of man meat hugging up on you, all you can hear in the back of your head is “BAAAAYBBUHHHHH…. IT HUUURTTSS…” (congratulations! You can see into the future!)
- Also would call his assistant to ask for help. What are they going to know? They just do his accounting!
Bi Han
- You are sick? Have fun not being allowed to do ANYTHING. No chores, no training, no oily food, no Netflix- NO NETFLIX?
- He claims that extended screen time will only agitate your condition.
- He takes it upon himself to care for you; making easy to digest food, offering to help you shower when you feel physically weak, buying all sorts of medicines, etc.
- it would be easier to send someone to do some of these tasks (aside from the showering.) but no. Out of the kindness of his heart? Yes, of course. He loves you dearly. But also because he does not trust anyone to be as competent as he is.
- As the grandmaster gives you several containers of traditional Chinese medicine, you can only wonder if some pharmacist is sponsoring him. If you dare complain they taste horrible, he will GLADLY take a pill or a bit of powder just to show you were being a wuss
- Nags you for not being careful, and at first it’s annoying but you figure out eventually it’s because he’s worried and this is how he shows his love and concern
- During the day he has to be off at work, and as the hours pass those around him see his shoulders tense higher and higher. You’ve eaten lunch, right? You’ve taken your medicine?
- But don’t worry! Once you show the SLIGHTEST signs of recovery, it’s back to the grind.
- You can sniffle and puppy eyes him all you want, but once he deems you fit for daily life, we are back for business! No more Mr Marginally Nicer Bi Han!
- That being said, once you’re back to smiling and laughing, he will admit that it’s nice to see you back to your usual self.
- feels horrible that you’re sick, but secretly proud of his immune system for staying strong; now he has an excuse to show off his hospitality skills!
- sort of like bi-han, expect instead of professional fussing you get excited pampering, gets to the point where you have to ask whether or not he should be at work instead of here
- “Work? Taking care of you is my work!”
- Uses this as a chance to freshen up memory on his hometown; making foods, remedies and tricks he remembers his mother doing for him as a sick child.
- If you ask him more about it, he will gladly go into detail- telling wonderful stories even if he occasionally gets emotional through them
- Cleans your face with a damp cloth and uses it as an excuse to get all close with you- again! He has a strong immune system, so nothing to worry about.
- While he’s off at work, he leaves you notes around the house to remind you that he’s thinking of you and hopes you feel better soon- if you collect all the notes, he becomes embarrassed and acts like he doesn’t know who wrote them
- Comes home and snuggles with you, mentioning even if you did have a fever, it was nice because outside was so cold and you were so warm.
- A little tone deaf, but he’s… got the spirit?
- Secretly upset once you get better because you’re less accommodating to his needy/ clingy behaviour, but it’s also great that you can communicate with words and not pained groans!
- You are WAITING for the day he gets sick. There’s no way you’ve gotten the flu 4 times, and he hasn’t. He sleeps in the same bed as you when you’re sick! Kisses you!
- How did they raise kids to be so strong where he’s from?
Liu Kang
- you don’t get sick.
- flu season? he makes you take traditional medicine to prevent it.
- cold? you’re funny. around him? Liu “Set Off Fire Alarms With His Flaming Biceps” Kang? Haha.
- food poisoning? he Knows if the food is off, and won’t let you get the chance to eat it.
- Papa is going to make sure influenza season hits a new low this year
- Seriously, medical insurance companies are terrified of him.
Shang Tsung
- very creepily offers you an elixir and asks you to drink it.
- (Here is the part where I say: but you know he won’t hurt you, so you take it. But, you don’t know. He’s looking at you reeeaaalll funny)
- Notices your glare and takes a moment to re-do his sales pitch, this time a lot less devil-binding-contract and more… human…like?
- turns out, the elixir was just a failed experiment on shape-shifting. he sheepishly offers practical medicine while you roll your eyes.
Kung Lao
- is also sick.
- You both are idiots.
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yngtort · 5 months
— double or nothin
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chan | lino | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
xfem!reader • poly relationship • double!pen mdni — in which chan and bin convinces you to try something new with them .
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you’re kinky.
as fuck, actually.
You’d would literally anything your boyfriends, changbin and chan, wanted to do. From common foreplay to outside adventures. You were down for the count. but there was one thing you just wouldn’t— no— couldn’t do.
Even the word makes you cringe and doing that act was definitely out of the question. Both of your boyfriends had came to you on multiple occasions, asking to do it. They wanted something knew, other than the taking turns fucking your cunt or one of them nuzzling into your throat.
You questioned if they would even know what they were doing— to which Changbin replied : “of course, I’m an ass connoisseur.”
an eyeroll and scoff is how you ended the conversation. Your ass had a beaming exit sign on it and you intended on keep it that way.
the topic of Anal still came up but it was subtle. Little jokes saying you were a wuss started to get under your skin. So much to the point where you asked your friends about it.
“It’s not that bad, girl.” One of them said with a shrug, “if he knows what he’s doing you should be good.”
He’s a connoisseur apparently.
you friend goes on to explain the whole process. Spilling about how her partner had her “reaching for the gods above” or something like that.
once again, you try to shake the idea out of your head. The key word here is try.
But the curiosity was gnawing at your brain, fucking around with your senses. You became hyper aware of your boyfriends touches. you shy away when Chris cups one of your cheeks and when bin slaps it, you get mad.
the boys noticed your behavior and they used it as a chance to make you cave. Day by day, they grew even more handsy. rubbing it, squeezing it, patting it—until you just can’t take it anymore.
Now you’re all oiled up as you ease yourself down on Chris’s shaft, cunt savoring each inch. “F-fuck..” you spluttered, mouth hung open as you chase after your breaths.
“there you go, sweet girl, that’s it.” Chris praises. His hands kneading the dips in your hips.
“Look at you two,” changbin chimes in, as he settles himself behind you. “Havin fun without me.”
“Jealous much?” the older asks.
changbin rolls his eyes, gently pushing you down until your chest hits Chris’s. “not at all.” Bin says, hands getting a fist full of your ass. Meanwhile, his eyes were full of the sight of your cunt filled with the others girth.
“Liar.” “Am not.”
You interrupt their yapping with a whine. “Guys, please.” you beg, hips circling against Chris with need. They both chuckle at your eagerness.
“Alright, alright.” behind you, you can hear the a bottle of lube being popped open. Changbin lathers his fingers, along with your hole, with the Icy gel. goosebumps cover your skin from the coldness and you inadvertently clench.
“Relax, babe.” Chris coaxes through a grunt, hands soothingly rubbing your back. You hum, burying your face into his neck, sucking on it to get your mind off of things.
changbin takes that as a cue to continue. He slips a finger into your surprisingly accepting hole. His eyebrows raise as he easily adds two more, making you moan into Chris’s neck.
“you’re taking this too well.” changbin says, a wide grin stretching across his face. “Don’t tell me you’ve been…”
“Y-you’re too big for me not to prepare ahead of time.” you admit and chris laughs under you, calling you cute.
“Yea? How much preparation are we talkin?”
“enough for you to fuck me already.”
changbin snickers, pulling out his fingers and replacing them with the head of his dick. he grunts as your hole wraps around him. “Still so fuckin tight.”
The stretch has your mouth open. long moans spilling from your lips like water as you’re filled with the second girth of the day.
“Good girl, you’re doing well.” Chris whispers sweet nothings into your ear as he slowly starts thrusting up into your cunt.
Meanwhile bin did the opposite.
“Slut,” he degraded, gifting your ass with a sharp slap before fucking you like his life depended on it. “To think you were acting like you didn’t want this. I knew a whore like you would.”
As each of them pump into you, your brain melts. Unable to comprehend a single thing except for the two men that you were sandwiched between.
Shit, It was hard to even do that.
When changbin would pull out, chris would slide back in. You couldn’t get a break as you withered away in their hold.
“Channie, fuck, binnie” was as about the only words you could form.
“What’s wrong, baby? Too much?” Chris asks in an almost tantalizing voice.
“I don’t think it’s enough, actually.” changbin said before giving the older a look. You obviously don’t notice it, too busy whining and crying into your boyfriend’s chest.
It’s till Chris’s pace starts matching bins, when you realize that they had put too much thought into this. You could feel both of them rub together, somewhere in your guts, and it had you…
What did your friend say?
Reaching for the gods above.
you clench both holes, signaling to your partners that you’re close to cuming and they don’t stop working their way through you. Hips slapping against each-other as they lead you to your high.
“That’s it baby, let it all go.” you unravel at Chris’s words, body trembling as you cling on to him desperately. He pulls you into a calming kiss, tongue slipping its way into your hot cavern and swallowing up every sob.
After you finished, the boys continued to bottom out. Thrust gradually getting sloppy and losing rhythm until they’re twitching for release.
“Gonna fill both your holes” Bin rasps from behind, fingers digging into your skin as he Rails you. “fill ya’ till ya’ pop, yea?”
“Mhm, been s’good, need it.” You babble out,
“then we’ll give it to you, bub.” Chris says and he delivers right after.
it just takes a few more thrusts till their both pouring their seed into you. your whole body shutters, warmth engulfing you in a white cloud.
Changbin slowly pulls out, watching as his cum seeps from your hole and onto Chris’s thighs. “Fuck, that was..”
“amazing.” Chris finishes breathlessly, “right, y/n?” He calls, but is only answered with your soft snores.
“Poor girl, we wore her out. Let her sleep.” Changbin chuckled, kissing the back of your neck.
“But bin,”
“Im still inside.”
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NNI : this was supposed to be in kinkmas but now that I completely botched that, I’m posting it for fun— as gift and part of my apology for leaving yall high and dry😞
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Tinytags (comment to be added) : @sydnerss @sunnyyangie @panjakes @foxinnie8 @inniescandy-01
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beiasluv · 1 year
sully boys walked on you changing 😳
a/n: i am out of ideasss, lmk if you have some :) anyways, enjoy! :)
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although the na’vis are not known for their coverage in clothing pieces, they have a time for changing things up.
i swear they are putting so much trust in their piece of clothing, like neytiri’s top is holding on for its dear life.
jake (2009)
“hey, y/n um- OM MY FUCKING-“
“HEY! JAKE GET THE FUCK OUT!” you covered your bare chest and turned away from him. “GET OUT! LEARN HOW TO KNOCK FOR MY SAKE!”
“so- sorry!”
“y- yes! going now,” he closed the curtain slowly.
“no peaking!”
stares a moment before going out the tent. he is doing that shOOk face before collecting his senses.
definitely smirking to himself behind the curtain
jake is definitely a sweet guy and a consent king, but he can’t help himself sometimes, y’know. getting those free views is not something he’ll see everyday, might as well take advantage of it.
he tries to kill his thoughts but those pictures flash over and over he had to beat himself to it.
definitely have to bonk his head to get some senses back. he’ll be so flirty at first, but he’ll become so shy afterwards
definitely thinking about you before going to bed. he’ll be a drunk person in love, imagining your embrace during the nights.
tails wagging and everything when he daydream about you.
can’t even look at you in the eyes for a week, i guess. he was so ashamed but he can’t help himself teasing you of it 😈
the sweetest boy 100% tho. he’ll even comfort you.
“hey, y/n, i know i can be a wuss sometimes but you don’t have to be embarrassed to me. I know i’m an idiot but you have a really sweet body, don’t think i am a creep, but i think every part of you is perfect, and i mean it,” he tucked a hair behind your ear.
his father’s son 100% a flirty boy
“y/n, i was wondering- OH HOLY- nice views”
“okay, okay, going now, you should wear that more, or should i say i like it off,” he snickered behind the curtains.
“YOU- son of a- please, get out!”
he is so sweet about it tho. he’ll apologize afterwards 🥺
he’ll hug you whenever he can 100% and shower you with comforting words. maybe he can shower you with seductive compliments *AHEM*
“i know I’m an idiot, y/n, but you are so cute for me, and i mean it, okay?” “never let anyone sees you like that, because you are my little potato and mine.”
but neteyam being neteyam, he’ll throw out a joke afterwards like
“next time call me, I’ll help you change.” *wink* *wink*
he’ll daydream about the scene that flashed against his eyes, he wouldn’t complain about it. just basically dozed off in the middle of the day, drooling and everything, and people around him were worried asf. “tf is wrong with his dude.”
wanders to those deep dark waters that he know he shouldn’t go there. definitely cringe at himself and smack some senses back.
then he always learned how to shout before going in, which other people thinks it’s weird why he started doing it now, after all these years.
when he knows you are inside he’ll never miss a chance to tease you.
“hey, y/n! watch out for a handsome boy going in, he might see some views.”
“oh, shut up.”
my boyyyy, he is flustered to the flustered
“y/n, i wanted to ask- AH- WHAT-“
“OH MY GOODNESS, please, get out!”
“I’m so sorry!”
his face is so red that people walking past the tent would ask if he is okay💀 he’ll be so flustered he couldn’t even answer them.
people got worried so they called jake to see💀
“lo’ak! what happened, did you do something?” he grabbed his son and shook him.
“no-nothing dad! let me go!” he refused to stay in his embrace.
“then tell me what happened!”
“MR.SULLY, HE SAW ME CHANGING! IT’S NOT HIS FAULT!” you quickly got out of the tent. lo’ak’s face turned even redder and his body’s temperature is rising rapidly.
the fact that, I am telling you, jake died laughing inside. he was like- “HUH” and then “HAHAHSHSHHA”
lo’ak couldn’t be more embarrassed, but he was met with your comforting words later on. you went to see him in his tent alone, choosing wisely to bring a shawl to cover your shoulder
“hey, lo’ak, are you feeling better?” you placed your hand on his shoulder. “look, i’m sorry-“
“no, please, i should be the one apologizing,” he turned to look at you, instinctively looking down first but panicked and looked up. “I’m sorry for reacting like that, your body made me think things i never imagined- BRAH EW WHAT DID I JUST SAY.”
“it’s okay,” you giggled. “glad i can help.”
“YOU ARE MY CREEPER,” a peck on his lips. muah.
today’s a great day to try something new! and take care! 🤍
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @loudcolorwolfgarden / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Maya blurb based around the tiktok mary posted!!! Her little giggles are so cute
hotshot II m.le-tissier
"are you gonna have one babe?" maya asked as you lounged about on the sofa in mary's room, only laughing dryly at her question. "not a fucking chance." you smiled sweetly as there was a knock at the door and mary let alessia in.
"oh come on! don't be a wuss." maya teased with a grin, poking at you as you swatted her away and mary moved to set her phone up, grabbing the hotshots out of the fridge. "oh there's only three, such a shame." you pouted sarcastically.
"you can have mine?" alessia offered right away, mary quick to yank her back down on the bed as she tried to stand. "no! you're doin it less." the older girl remained firm as alessia groaned.
"may what are you giggling at? nobodies even said anything!" you laughed softly at the brunette who couldn't seem to contain her amusement, the girl only unable to shrug as her giggles became infectious and soon enough all four of you were struggling to catch your breath among laughing at one another.
"right settle down girls i'm clicking record!" mary announced, tapping her screen and settling between the two younger girls beside her as you watched on behind her phone on the sofa. she introduced the three of them and what they would be doing, handing both girls a hot shot drink.
your heart melted at your girlfriends repeated soft giggles at almost anything that was said, she truly made everyone around her feel like the funniest person in the world with her constant laughter and you adored her for it.
"wait what's in them?" you questioned, crossing your legs underneath you as mary was quick to joke that you were also here but refusing to participate. "there was only three of them and i said no first, snooze you lose!" you popped your head in frame to clarify, maya's giggles increasing as you did so.
"orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric and cayenne pepper." alessia read the ingredients out off the bottle as you grimaced. "i'm not kissing you after this until you thoroughly wash your mouth out." you warned your girlfriend who grinned and sent you a wink.
"right! i'll believe that when i see it, lovesick idiots the pair of you." mary scoffed, alessia humming in agreement as both of you rolled your eyes at their comments.
it wasn't hidden information that the two of you were dating but you kept your relationship quite private, repeatedly popping up in one anothers social media's, insta dumps and goofing around at training but when on the pitch together you were nothing but profressional.
"no mary that's too big to do in one." alessia immediately argued as the eldest girl ordered they all down it, maya furiously shaking hers on the end of the bed.
"oh god i can smell that from here." your girlfriend grimaced as mary cracked hers open with a chuckle. "no you can't say that cause alessia eats with her nose." mary warned with a grin, the blonde beside her taking a whiff and recoiling instantly with a look of disgust.
"she does that too!" maya accused you, cracking hers open and standing off the bed. "go on." she held it out for you to sniff as you shook your head. "babe you're not even drinking it the least you can do is smell it!" she groaned as you gave in with a huff, leaning in to give it a cautious sniff.
"may!" you smacked her leg unimpressed as she shoved it practically right up your nose, retreating to the bed with a giggle and a victorious smirk. "that is absolutely rank. nah im definitely not kissing you after that." you rubbed at your nose with the sleeve of your training top trying to get rid of the smell which refused to pass.
"shut up you're not even drinking it!" alessia scowled, mary starting to count them down and alessia and maya started arguing over if less was gonna drink half or just down it.
"the quicker its down the quicker its done less." you of course took your girlfriends side, holding your hands up in defense as the striker fixed you with a glare.
"right. go!" with that said you watched in horror, shock and awe as alessia and mary sipped at theirs and maya downed it in one. "you right baby?" you asked, mouth forming an o in shock as she paused for a moment as if contemplating.
then with a wordless shake of her head she lurched forward off the bed, tossing the empty bottle in your lap and staggering at you. "no maya if you're gonna throw up get away!" you whined as she burped loudly and clutched at her stomach, leaning over you as you shoved her away and she stumbled back to the bed.
"oi stop showing your bum to the camera." you laughed, kicking it softly as she turned around and sat back down still gagging and burping again as you collapsed into a fit of your own giggles to her reaction. "not funny!" she managed out among her hiccups, shooting you an annoyed look.
"go on, tell the camera what you think." mary grinned, gesturing to her phone as alessia struggled to drink her own, pulling all sorts of faces making you laugh harder. "you want the rest of mine?" the blonde offered as you furiously shook your head.
"not a chance after seeing your reactions." you refused, clutching at your stomach which was starting to ache from your repeated giggles at their expense, never more glad you'd opted out than watching them all struggle.
"here babe." you handed your bottle of juice to your girlfriend who'd sat back down on the bed, face flushed bright red as she accepted and chugged a large mouthful, handing it next to alessia who did the same.
"it went up my nose cause i started laughing-" maya struggled to speak, throat burning as she couldn't help but once again giggle and grin at marys expense, making fun of how loudly the older girl had gulped down her own shot.
"i think less is going through the five stages of grief." you laughed, head thrown back at the poor striker who was again pulling all sorts of horrific faces as the shot worked its way down her throat, and she hadn't even finished it yet.
"shut up." the blonde managed to get out among a mouthful of juice, kicking you. "less don't kick her!" maya reached over mary to shove her friends shoulder whose eyes rolled at the two of you, handing back the bottle of juice.
"i need some lip balm it's all tinglin." your girlfriend wiggled her fingers around her mouth as you grabbed your bag off the floor, rummaging around to see if you had any.
"you liked that? you're a psychopath maz." your eyes widened in disbelief at your friends words, the older girl shrugging and again stating she found it quite nice as alessia tried to hide her half drank shot.
but neither of the other girls were having that, right away pressuring her to finish it as you found your lip balm and watched on with an amused shake of your head as alessia took painfully small sips.
"just down it!" you laughed, not understanding why the girl was punishing herself more. "here may." you stood to hand her the lip balm as she finished practically holding the bottle up so alessia had to finish.
"lifesaver coming in clutch." maya accepted it, pulling you to sit down on the edge of the bed with her as she slathered her lips in the balm and sighed in relief, tugging your legs to drape over her lap as mary did her outro and clicked stop on the recording.
"nah i need to go and wash my mouth out! that was horrid mary." alessia stumbled to her feet and toward the bathroom. "oh my god is she bokin?" you heard sounds of retching as marys eyes widened and she raced off to check on the younger girl.
"how's your lips?" you grinned, pocketing the lip balm again as your girlfriend handed it back to you. "why don't you come here and find out." the defender balled your top in her fists trying to pull your mouth to meet hers.
"no! maya i was serious get away!" you tried to run but her longer limbs wrapped around you, the two of you struggling and pushing one another around with soft giggles and protests before eventually you found your body pinned beneath hers on the bed.
"no no no may please at least brush your teeth!" you begged as maya hovered over you with a wicked grin, shaking her head at your request.
"stop squirmin and just kiss me!" the girl giggled, cupping your face in her hands as your head thrashed left and right causing her to miss as she kissed your cheek and forehead.
your head held still in her gentle hold there was no avoiding her lips finally finding yours, as always soft and welcoming as they moved against your own, her tongue darting into your mouth and causing you to let out a small gasp.
though as you came down from the love-drunk high of kissing her, did the burning sensation start to whip through your mouth from her hot shot and you tugged your hands free from under her knees and pushed her off of you.
"thats the worst kiss i've ever had." you admitted as the two of you lay on the bed, sheltering your body as your girlfriend smacked you for the comment.
"oh you want me to kiss you again? of course i will gorgeous!" she sat up suddenly and cooed, launching back at you as you laughed and tried to roll away as she kissed all over your face your combined giggles filling the air.
"oi hot shots, stop making out on my fucking bed!"
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hotgirlssupportlando · 3 months
one day x lando norris pt 2
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this is a part of my series following one day of every summer from 2016 onwards in y/n’s and landos lives, exploring their friendship and love for one another. ofc not a smooth ride with some angst and fights along the way. a friends to lovers, growing up together kind of thing. read first part here pairing: lando norris x fem!reader summary of this part: lando and y/n crushing hard on each other without the other one knowing. roadtrip to the beach and that kind of cosiness. warnings: a bit of angst? wc: 1,6k part three here
summer of 2017
”are you sure you don’t want the professional race car driver to drive there?” lando said with a concerned voice.
”does this look a race car? it’s a car suited for grandmothers, i could probably run faster than this car can drive. stop being such a wuss now and jump in” y/n demanded. 
lando jokingly crossed himself and told a little prayer before entering the passenger seat. y/n laughed and rolled her eyes at her scared friend.
”i know i only just got my license but i’m actually a decent driver! and besides that i’m the one of us that actually drive on roads, safely, while you’re out there almost killing yourself every other weekend.”
”okay, okay i get it, i trust you, just please keep us alive, i have a race in hungary this weekend” 
”we will just have to hope for the best dear” y/n responded driving away. 
while lando and y/n continued bickering about who of them was the best driver y/n drove along the english shoreline heading for a viewing point. she hadn’t seen him in a while and really missed him during the long periods of being apart. y/n tried her best at concentrating on the road and making a good impression of her driving skills but at the same time she couldn’t stop looking at lando and his beautiful smile. he truly made her so happy with his presence which she hadn’t really realized up until now. 
it was almost a year now since that podium kiss in austria and ever since that their friendship had developed into a special bond. y/n was still crushing quite hard on lando and without her knowing he was too. they’d never really talked about what happened in austria and although they had a very flirtatious friendship it had never lead to anything between them since that podium. this friendship that had now lasted almost a year felt like a once in a lifetime kind of thing and no-one of them wanted to ruin it by expressing their feelings for one another and maybe ruining it all. eventually it had led to them both staying away from any kind of topic regarding their feelings. 
”y/n? what are you thinking about?” lando said waking y/n up from her spiraling thoughts.
”oh, ehm.. nothing. ju-.. just trying to figure out where-, how we’re going to find a nice viewing point before the sun sets” y/n said trying to sound as calmly as she could.
”oh okay, well i know a place. if you just take a left over there and go up that road” lando answered while pointing to a road that was approaching. y/n drove as instructed and after a while reaching a beautiful spot that had a view over the water and a nearby beach. 
”wow this is nice lan, good job. i guess i now know where you take all your girls” y/n winked and playfully nudged lando’s arm trying to seem as unbothered as possible.
”not aaall girls but one thing i can tell you is that this spot has never failed me with the girls, soo-” lando cheekingly told y/n returning the nudge. 
y/n laughed. ”oh you wish norris! i’m not falling that easily, and what makes you think i’m like your other girls? i actually have more than IQ 50”
”heey that last girl actually a decent gcse!” lando whined.
”woow your standards are very high, i’m impressed. you do realize that that describes almost every girl in this country?” y/n joked as lando laughed and shook his head. ”well we will see y/n, don’t be so sure that you can resist me at a place like this” lando winked at the girl. y/n laughed denying it all while thinking that there was nothing that she wanted more than to be lando’s girl. 
moments later at the nearby beach
lando was running into the cold water squealing about how it felt worse than ice baths. he looked back at y/n standing on the beach fully dressed with no intention to go for a dip. ”come on now y/n it’s really not that bad!” lando shouted. y/n looked at lando who was clearly freezing and trying to hide it the best he could. ”lan you’re not convincing anyone that it’s not cold, i can see your goosebumps from miles away” she shouted back.
”okay well i bet you’re too much of -”
”lando stop, you can’t just make a bet for everything you want me to do?! that’s not how life works!” y/n interrupted before the curly headed boy could come up with the seventy-third betting game of their friendship. 
lando laughed seeing that y/n once again couldn’t resist his stupid ideas and started to remove her sweater. she continued taking off her skirt and top revealing the black bikini underneath. luckily lando was a bit further out in the ocean so y/n couldn’t hear his ”wow” when he saw her for the first time in that small amount of clothes. he kept admiring how beautiful she was walking down to the water while y/n tried to cover up a bit more of her body with her arms. 
y/n gasped when entering the water and also tried to put on her best show of convincing lando that the water wasn’t at all cold. slowly she waded out in the direction of the boy with full concentration on the coldness of the water against her skin and also on not stepping on any fish. while y/n struggled with this lando chuckled a bit further out in the water without looking away from the beautiful girl approaching him, oh how he had to fight the urge to not run up to her, grab her in his arms and kiss her. but he couldn’t do that. 
”hello? is your last braincell giving up too?” y/n woke lando up from his daydreaming receiving a smile back. as a response he playfully splashed water on her which eventually ended up in them both being totally soaked and heading to the car for some warmth.
moments later back at the car the pair of friends were talking in the trunk of the car that had been made to a cosy little space with blankets, pillows and mattresses. both of them were lying on their backs watching the sun set in front of them whilst the waves crashed against the beach. they talked about their future and what they wanted to achieve. the formula 3 driver’s dream future wasn’t hard to guess, formula 1 was of course the ultimate dream but although he was so talented he wasn’t optimistic in getting to that top tier. this however y/n just waved away reassuring lando that if somebody were to get there it was him and tried to fill him with the confidence boosting thoughts he needed to brush away his irrational thoughts.
”but what about you y/n/n? since the day i met you i’ve always been talking about formula one but you’ve never expressed any of your dreams?” he said tilting his head looking at y/n. 
”oh, well i don’t know if i have any specific dreams like you.. it sounds so cliché but i truly just wanna experience so much in my life so that maybe one day i wouldn’t need a storybook to tell my children bedtime stories you know? so i could just tell them about all the adventures i’ve been on instead” y/n responded.
”aaw that’s sweet of you. i’m sure that will happen for you and your kids are gonna be thrilled about hearing all about it. i hope i’ll be a part of at least one of your bedtime stories” lando smiled.
y/n smiled back ”i’m sure you’re going to be, but we both know that i also have too much need of academic validation so i’m gonna have to do something about that first, get a degree in something at least” y/n laughed while thinking about also making her family proud as she was often seen as the ’smart’ one in the family. lando chuckled a bit responding that she was the smartest girl he knew before he opened up his arms for her to come and lay on his chest. y/n snuggled in putting her head on his chest and resting her arm on his stomach. she thanked lando for the compliment although ’the smartest girl he knew’ -bar wasn’t very high to be honest. soon their both giggles died out in to a comfortable silence while the pair were holding each other closely. lando thinking about how he wanted to stay this close to y/n forever and y/n thinking about how lando’s arms were the safest she had ever felt. y/n lied so closely she could hear lando’s heartbeat in the silence. both of them were falling for each other, none of them knowing about the other persons feelings.
”lando?” y/n whispered.
”hm?” lando whispered back.
”can you promise that we will always stay like this? … like friends?” she added as her initial thought about expressing her feelings felt too overwhelming at the moment.
”i promise y/n, always” lando whispered back with a small voice crack revealing tears that were held back. oh how he wanted to tell her the truth.
y/n could feel her heart rip. it killed her slowly thinking about how this embrace and these safe arms didn’t belong to her. and if she never get the courage to tell lando they would never do.
@amberpanda99 @phantomxoxo @landossainz @chezmardybum @lan4cha16
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romantic-disarray · 1 year
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“—No thank you.” How many has it been since then? “I'm not interested.” Rejection after rejection.
You could only stare as Rin turned down another box of chocolates one of the girls prepared for him on this specific day. You watched as the expression on the girls face turned sour, nose scrunching, and forced a quivering smile out of her.
“Ah, I see.” You watched as she walked away in a solemn manner. Yeah, you watched.
That's what you've been doing all day. You watched as your best friend rejected every person that dared to offer him anything on Valentines, and each time you see another one approaching—it strikes fear within your heart.
Because you knew, had you not decided to be a wuss and hide the love letter in your bag earlier that morning—you'd probably be the one in their shoes. Rin gestured for you to follow him after a few seconds of standing in the middle of the hallways, and you reluctantly followed, a bit tired now that you've finally reached the end of the day.
You heaved a heavy sigh, “Are you tired?” Rin asked, staring while you stretched your back. You hummed, before chuckling, “A bit, I got pushed around by your fans a lot. But it was worth it, seeing them all fawn over you was hilarious.” You joked.
It was true though, no matter how painful their harsh pushes past you were—seeing them fight over one guy was funny to watch. Even if that one guy was the person you were currently unrequited with. Rin stayed quiet, one hand reaching over to unzip his bag and rummaged through it.
You stared in anticipation, not sure as to what he was looking for. “Here.” To your surprise, Rin held a box of chocolates in front of you. Your eyes widened, wondering where and when he got the chocolates, “It's from one of the people who gave it to me, I'm not sure who, I forgot.” You being the tired person you were, thought nothing of it and instead slowly held the end of the box while his fingers tightly gripped onto the other one.
“I don't really like chocolate, they taste like wax.” He murmured quietly, a small stitch to his eyebrows already said a lot about what he felt. “They're lukewarm, right?” You playfully teased, and Rin unsurprisingly nodded his head in agreement.
“Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then.” You hummed, usually the two of you go home together, so why is he in a rush now? “Aren't we gonna go home together?” You asked way too quickly, not even considering that fact that he must be tired after being the star of the whole school earlier.
“Sorry, that sounded desperate...” Your apology was immediately followed by an awkward laugh. Rin lightly shook his head, “It's fine. I'm just... Tired. Bye.” You rose a brow, he said bye a little too quickly just now. Just what is going on in his head?
Rin slowly began to walk away while you looked back down at the crimson box in your hands, lightly staring at it before it hit you.
“Wait. You never accepted any of their chocolates.” Rin paused, almost like he'd been caught. Your eyes widened, a blush immediately creeping up your cheeks when you finally realized.
“You bought me these?!” You yelled, a little too loudly. You covered your mouth and whispered a small apology to nobody in particular. Rin did not dare to turn around, instead he gave you a small wave, “I'll see you tomorrow.” He said, before continuing to walk—just a little bit faster this time.
You smiled widely and ran to his side, not letting him escape when he'd just done the sweetest thing anyone has ever did for you. “That is so sweet of you.” You lightly nudged his side. “Thanks, I really appreciate it.” Rin stayed quiet, too busy staring at the gate ahead of him, before he sighed when the silence that followed was too unbearable.
“... You're welcome.”
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sage-nebula · 5 months
Picked up my replay of the OG Ace Attorney trilogy again and I have to say, the real criticism that needs to be made about Manfred von Karma is that he was such a little wuss back in the days DL-6. "Waaaah I got a penalty, I need to wander around the courthouse in a melodramatic daze for hours and murder someone over it, waaaah." Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it. I get penalties in these games every other day in court and you don't see me having dissociating episodes and orphaning children over it, smh. Honestly pathetic behavior. What a gigantic wuss. "Most feared prosecutor" my ass. This man is so stupid he hand wrote instructions so a letter could be traced back to him with his handwriting. He's such a doofus he suggested cross-examining the parrot himself. He could let a bullet sit in his shoulder for 15 years but he couldn't take one measly penalty like a man. He's a joke. Absolutely pathetic. "But I got a penalty!" BFD I've had three penalties since the recess and you don't see me crying about it, sit tf down and put away the taser you big baby. Smdh.
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