#like a sourdough starter
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I love my jury-rigged camera mount almost as much as everyone I've ever met hates my desktop
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sleepsucks · 3 months
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
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2nd batch of sourdough! Lots better than the first, actually got some crumb structure this time (bc the starter is finally ready for bread)
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mothbart · 1 month
i was given a sourdough starter and idk wtf i'm doin but we're gonna try
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brattylikestoeat · 6 months
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macroglossus · 2 months
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made gf sourdough today and i didn’t have very high hopes (it was just the recipe on the flour bag that called for the starter to be made just the day before) but it turned out actually pretty good!!!
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Saw someone in the tag mention bread making and I tried not to expose myself as someone who is being bitten by the bread making bug but. Lets go. A headcanon I've had for a WHILE now.
Peeta, with Katniss and even Haymitches help has to clear the site of the bakery before he can begin rebuilding. It is, as one would expect, extreamly emotonally taxing but he powers through with their support. There isn't a whole lot to save, but he does manage to get a few boxes. Mosly nonsense stock records. There is a box of the Mellark families most basic recipes he obviously keeps. However the interesting thing is a almost empty box with a larger envolope. Katniss finds it, not quite sure what it is. It has only a date on it, one not long before the bombing.
Upon inspection, Peeta knows exactly what it is. It's saved with the other few boxes and taken home.
The next day Katniss finds Peeta dumping it into a small bowl with water and a little sugar. When asked, he explains that the envelope contains dried yeast his father must have saved. Mixed with warm water and sugar, it is how bread dough rises.
He makes a loaf with it, and somehow it's better than any other he's made in a long time even though there is literally no difference in the recipe he uses.
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planetsallalign · 8 months
Today at Walmart while do errands I bought a nightgown that I 100% can call a Nana nightgown. In fact I’m sure my Nana had many in this style. The pattern kept calling to me, I bought it and tried it on at home. Upon trying it on I learned not only is it so comfortable, it’s 100% cotton AND it has pockets. I’m leaning into my dressing for comfort and in things I like. Not for anyone else’s gaze or consumption.
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kedreeva · 2 years
every time I try my starters die out of spite towards their delicious fate
What flour are you feeding? I almost lost Tex because I was feeding bleached all purpose flour. Once I switched to unbleached all purpose, she turned around and started having Opinions about things.
Everywhere I have read also says to feed with a 1:1:1 ratio (1 part starter, 1 part water, 1 part flour) by weight. But I was also told the starter should look and feel like "pancake batter" and - despite never having made pancakes in my life - in my VERY LIMITED experience, 1:1:1 makes way too thick a mixture. So, I usually keep 50-100 grams of starter, and more water and less flour. If I was keeping 100 grams of starter, I would add 110 grams of water and 90 grams of flour. Also you do have to keep enough of them I think. When I discard, I don't like to keep less than 50g of starter. You can probably still work with less, but I don't want to.
I'm also finding that I have to listen to her about when she wants to be fed. Everywhere says you're supposed to feed them once a day (if she's at room temp) or once a week (if in fridge) but I'm finding that MY room temperature is not "room temperature" but in fact is lower (because we're in the middle of a michigan winter over here). So instead of feeding her "Every day," I wait until I can see a clear layer of alcohol on top. I was told that's how you actually know they're ready to be fed, and it seems to be sound advice.
I've also seen advice about what to do with that alcohol; some people say mix it in, some say pour off as much as possible before stirring. I poured it off a couple of times and Tex was very sad afterward. I mix it back in, now, she does great. Maybe it works the opposite for some people, idk. I just know what works for me and Tex.
I'm editing to add: I don't know if the container matters but I got three Weck tulip jars (the one in the photos) and they have nice wide lids and the glass just sits on top and the curved bottom is easy to clean. I got three of them so that I could swap back and forth at feed. I stir her to mix everything, then pour off the measured amount I want into a clean jar and set it aside while I do whatever with the discard or rinse the dirty jar, then feed her in the new one.
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resurrecting my darling eldritch child (Hierophant Yeast, my sourdough starter)--let's see what horrors it provides this time
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sniffanimal · 4 months
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everyone I know irl despises that I've named my sourdough starter "Yaoi", but they can hate all they want because Yaoi has grown up and is now a beautifully bubbling culture
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vaguewizard · 1 year
My homunculus is currently throwing a tantrum because I didn't feed him enough last night I guess :/
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
no those aren’t weird sex noises coming from ur neighbour’s apartment; it’s ur local insomniac slap & folding bread dough in the wee hours of the morning
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huntingteeth · 5 months
i had a fucking wild day today lol anyway but i did get a sourdough starter so life is pretty good
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soopertiddies · 7 months
Nicholas was made for me and my girlies that have social anxiety.
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allysdelta · 8 months
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Just wanted to mention that for the first time, I managed to bake a sourdough loaf, using a starter I made myself from wild yeasts, and at no time did it turn into an inedible brick of hardtack
I didn't have bread flour and used all-purpose, but overall I am very pleased with the outcome. It tasted good too
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