#like acknowledge. please that you hurt me
hencheri · 2 days
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18+. mdni.
pairing: mean toxic bf!haechan x fem!reader
warnings: noncon, toxic relationship, gaslighting.
wc: 1.2k
you're watching a movie in the living room, but you're distracted, focused on your thoughts instead of the flashing screen in front of you. it's 3 a.m. and you can hear haechan playing video games in your bedroom.
he hasn't talked to you for hours, hasn't said a word or even looked in your way. it's bothering you a lot. you have a constant knot in your stomach and your heart accelerates at the mere thought of haechan ignoring you.
you hate when he does this, it makes you feel bad. so fucking bad.
you get up from the couch, going to your bedroom. you push the door open, hesitantly walking in. you need to talk to him.
he stares at his computer's screen, pressing down on the keys of his keyboard, concentrated on his game. his has his headset on, maybe he hasn't heard you.
"johnny!" haechan calls into his microphone, "quick, come save me."
"hyuckie..." you stand beside him and you know he can see you from the corner of his eye. you bite down on your bottom lip, waiting for an answer that doesn't come.
he continues to play like you're not there. it upsets you so much, could he not be petty for once?
"we need to talk, please," you demand, still trying to get his attention. you know he hears you now since he's quiet.
a few seconds pass before he replies back, "we have nothing to say."
you sigh, exasperated. there are plenty of things you need to discuss about actually, and not just what happened a couple of hours ago. it makes you cringe thinking about the previous events, but you can't just brush it off, especially when haechan's still sour about it.
you were both in bed about to go sleep soon. he made a move, touching your hips up and down, pressing his crotch against your butt. you weren't in the mood, so you told him to stop. he didn't at first and you pushed him away, which really offended him.
he then turned on his pc before you could say anything and you went to the living to watch a movie, a poor attempt to forget about this ridiculous fight.
"but-" you begin, a little annoyed, "we do."
your voice is covered by johnny yelling something to haechan, once again ignored by your boyfriend. "here, here, here! i need to heal you," he yells back, fingers hurriedly pressing down on the keys, "shit, these guys are rough."
"hyuck-" you try, placing your hand on his arm, but he grabs your wrist before you can and shoves your hand away.
you frown, hurt by his action.
"what? we won!?" haechan exclaims, brows shooting up in surprise. you hear johnny talking back without deciphering his words. "ah, they missed the base," he laughs, "yeah, it was close."
he removes his headset and puts it on his desk. but he still decides to not acknowledge you, even when his game is done.
"please," you beg a bit desperately.
"what's the matter?" he sighs loudly, throwing his head back against the headrest of his chair.
"haechan! you've just ignored me the whole night! you can't always do that," you explain to him even though he'll probably only understand what he wants as usual.
he rolls his eyes, "yeah and it's always my fault, right?" he says.
"what- no, that's not-"
"it is," he affirms. he turns his head to you, "every time we so 'need to talk' it's about how i'm wrong, how i shouldn't do this or that, how i should just agree to everything you say and shut my mouth."
you're agape. is this really what he thinks you do? that you only want to complain about him?
"that's not true," you deny, "hyuck, i just want us to communicate, it's important."
he scoffs, "no, you're always the one talking. you don't actually want to hear what i have to say." he looks at you like he's hurt and you start wondering if he might be right. are you really that self-centred? "that's not really what i call communication, you know."
"do you ever ask yourself how i'm feeling? how constantly being rejected makes me feel?" he questions, his gaze not leaving you.
"i don't constantly reject you," you rectify. "sometimes i'm simply not in the mood to sleep with you..."
haechan winces upon hearing your words. "because you are for others?"
your eyes widen and your mouth falls open. that's not how you should have said it. "no, that's not what i meant-" but your boyfriend cuts you off, rising up from his gaming chair.
"yeah, no," he shakes his head, "you know what? i've had this feeling that you don't love me like you say you do." he goes around you and you follow him, wanting to reason with him, but he isn't done talking yet.
"we haven't fucked in days and the only thing you let me do is jerk off with your hand. how- how should i interpret that, huh?" haechan sounds genuinely hurt and upset, but that was never your intention to make him feel this way. how could he even doubt your love for him?
"hyuck, please, sit down," you ask, wrapping your hand around his arm to pull him back against you, but he slips away from you.
he turns around and faces you. "are you seeing someone else? is that why?" he suddenly bursts out and you're totally shocked.
"what? no way, how can you think that!?"
he approaches you and this time, you're the one stepping back until the back of your thighs hit the edge of the bed. you look up at haechan, heart beating faster and faster.
"you're not denying it," he points out, now only a few inches separating you from him. "you're cheating on me... how can you be so fucking heartless?"
you shake your head from side to side, gulping down. this isn't true. you've always stayed faithful to your boyfriend, but the knot in your throat prevents you from speaking up, eyes swelling up in tears.
he clasps his hand around your bicep, digging his fingers into your flesh, pulling you flushed to his chest.
"i can't believe it," he breathes out, "my girlfriend is a fucking whore."
you're still in shock when he crashes his mouth on you, smacking his lips to yours and pushing his tongue inside. your whines are muffled, weak hands pushing on his chest to get him off of you, but to no avail.
you fall on the bed and haechan crushes you with his weight, trapping you under him. you squirm around, not liking the way he doesn't listen to your protests and how he forces himself on you.
his lips descend to your neck, planting quick kisses as if he's in a hurry, going down to the valley of your breasts.
"hyuck, please, stop," you cry, but he doesn't listen.
his fingers hook into your shorts, pulling them down with your underwear, too. your breath is caught in your throat, only exhaling when you feel the familiar push of his cock inside of your unprepared pussy.
"you're mine," he moans, the squeeze of your cunt around him making him frown, "when will you finally understand it..."
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asherraccoon · 16 hours
Dysphoric- Radioapple- Hurt/comfort, fluff, bit of angst- Trans Lucifer AU, Human AU, College AU
(Monthly period oneshot!!) (Love projecting onto canonically male characters as a trans guy 😋)
(Srsly tho, I get so fucking dysphoric on my periods it sucks 😭)
Lucifer curled up in a ball on his bed. He was in a lot of pain. Right now his cramps were absolutely killing him and making him wish he was dead. He hated his body. It wasn't helping that he had slept in his binder and his chest was hurting. He was too dysphoric right now to take it off, though. He heard the dorm door open and then footsteps coming towards his room. 
Alastor entered the room. “Hey,” he said. 
“Mmh,” Lucifer hummed to acknowledge Alastor. 
Alastor set down his backpack by his bed on the other side of the room. He looked over at Lucifer. “Are you ok?” He asked, noticing Lucifer's pained expression and body language. 
“No,” Lucifer mumbled. “Hurts…” his voice was starting to tremble. 
Then Alastor realized the situation. “Oh…” he walked over and crouched by Lucifer's bed. “Is it..?” 
Lucifer nodded. 
Alastor gently brushed Lucifer's hair out of his face with his hand. “Are you wearing your binder?” He asked. 
Lucifer looked away. “No…” he lied. 
“Luce,” Alastor sighed. 
“I don't wanna take it off,” Lucifer mumbled. 
“I know, love, but it's only making the pain worse,” Alastor said softly. “You're also not supposed to be wearing it while you sleep,” 
Lucifer whined. 
“Are you wearing boxers or briefs right now?” Alastor asked. 
“Briefs,” Lucifer responded honestly. 
“Good. Pad?” 
Lucifer nodded. “Yeah,” 
“Good boy,” Alastor smiled softly and ran his hand through Lucifer's hair. 
Lucifer blushed lightly. “Do I have to take my binder off?” He asked. 
“Yes,” Alastor said. “I know you hate how you look without it, but it's important,” Alastor said. “I'll let you borrow one of my shirts so your chest is easier to hide, alright?” 
“Okay…” Lucifer mumbled. He slowly sat up and pulled his shirt off so he could remove his binder. 
Alastor went into his closet to grab a shirt for Lucifer to borrow. He found one that was softer and comfier than his other shirts and went over to Lucifer.
Lucifer held his shirt over his chest and had his eyes closed. He really really hated his chest. He looked like he wanted to cry. 
“Hey,” Alastor sat down next to him and offered the shirt to him. It hurt to see Lucifer so upset and distressed. 
Lucifer took the shirt from Alastor. “Thanks…” 
Alastor turned away so Lucifer could put it on. 
Lucifer closed his eyes again and dropped the shirt he was holding to his chest. He quickly put Alastor's shirt on and let out a breath. “You can look now,” he hugged his knees. 
Alastor turned towards Lucifer again. He took Lucifer's discarded shirt and binder. “I'm going to put these in the wash, alright? Be right back,” 
Lucifer nodded and watched Alastor leave. He lay down on his side and curled up in a ball again. He could feel the fat on his chest and he absolutely despised it. He was also having extreme pain in his abdomen. He started to cry. 
Alastor came back to his partner crying. “Hey, what's going on?” Alastor asked softly, crouching by Lucifer again and cupping his cheek. He gently wiped away Lucifer's tears with his thumb. 
“Hate this…” he whispered. 
“I know, baby, it sucks,” Alastor gazed at Lucifer sympathetically. He gently kissed Lucifer's forehead. “Can I get you anything? Are you hungry at all?” 
Lucifer shook his head. “Not hungry,” 
“I still want you to eat. How about just some chocolate and crackers, yeah?” Alastor offered. 
“Okay,” Lucifer mumbled. 
“Want me to heat up one of your plushies, too?” Alastor asked. 
“Yes please,” Lucifer nodded. 
“Which one? Deer or Fred?” Alastor asked. 
Lucifer had two weighted, heatable plushies. A duck named Fred, which he had since he was 15, and a deer named Deer, a gift from Alastor. He thought about it for a minute. “Deer, please,” 
Alastor nodded. He softly kissed Lucifer's forehead again. “Of course, my prince,” 
Lucifer's heart fluttered at the pet name. He loved being called that by Alastor. But he loved most of the compliments and nicknames Alastor gave him. 
Alastor picked up the deer plush from Lucifer's bed and went to the dorm's kitchen. 
Lucifer took Deer from Alastor's hands when offered. He hugged it tightly to his abdomen.
Alastor placed a bag of chocolates, crackers, and a cup of tea on the nightstand next to Lucifer's bed. 
“Al?” Lucifer mumbled. 
“Yes, my darling?” Alastor replied. 
“Can we please cuddle?” Lucifer asked, his voice breaking a little. 
Alastor's heart broke. Lucifer was desperate for comfort. Who was he to deny him that? “Of course, my sweet boy,” Alastor said. He got in bed next to Lucifer and then pulled him close. 
Lucifer leaned into Alastor. His back against Alastor's chest and his head under his chin, basically in his lap. He held Deer on his cramps. “I wish I was a boy,” Lucifer said quietly. 
“Baby, you are a boy,” Alastor said gently. 
“I don't feel like one,” Lucifer said, starting to cry again. 
“My handsome boy,” Alastor lightly squeezed Lucifer and kissed his head. “You'll always be a boy no matter what,” he said reassuringly. “I know your body feels wrong and you hate that, but your anatomy doesn't make you any less of a man,” 
Lucifer wiped his eyes. “I wish I was like you,” Lucifer whispered. 
Alastor squeezed Lucifer tightly. “Darling,” he said quietly. He hated when his boyfriend got so dysphoric like this. He loosened his hug. He cupped Lucifer's face and tilted it up. He placed soft kisses across Lucifer's face. His nose, cheeks, forehead, and then his lips. “You will always be valid, Lucifer,” Alastor said to him. “I will always love and and support you no matter what,” 
Lucifer sniffled and wiped his eyes. “I just wanna be a normal guy… I don't wanna be trans…” he sobbed. “I-I'm s-sorry…” he apologized. 
Alastor hugged Lucifer tight, his face resting in Lucifer's blonde hair. “My sweet, beautiful, handsome prince…” Alastor mumbled. “You know you are a real boy, right?” 
Lucifer let out a small sob. He didn't answer. 
“Love,” Alastor gently rubbed his thumbs over Lucifer's cheeks. “It hurts to see you like this, my love…” 
Lucifer fidgeted with the antlers on his plushie. He sniffled. 
Alastor took a chocolate out of the bag on the nightstand. “Here,” he offered it to Lucifer. “It'll help you feel better,” 
Lucifer took the chocolate and took the wrapping off. He put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. 
Alastor took the wrapper from him and put it on the stand. He put his hands on Lucifer's hips and gently massaged the area his cramps were at. 
Lucifer let out a soft moan at the sudden rubbing, not expecting it. He sighed quietly and leaned into Alastor. All of Alastor's soft affections and love was making him feel a bit better. “You really think I'm handsome?” He asked. 
“Very,” Alastor said, smiling at Lucifer. “The handsomest boy ever,” he kissed Lucifer's head. “Never forget that, my prince,” 
Lucifer looked up at Alastor lovingly. “You make me feel safe,” he said quietly. 
Alastor's eyes softened. “I'm glad,” he hugged Lucifer tightly. 
“Do you think I'm ever gonna be able to get surgery?” Lucifer asked. 
“I do,” Alastor kissed Lucifer's forehead. “I'm going to help you pay for it,” he said. 
Lucifer's eyes widened. “What? You're serious?” 
Alastor nodded. 
“What!? No! Alastor I can't ask you to-” 
Alastor shut him up with a kiss. “Calm down, my sweet prince. I'm going to help you because I want to. You mean the world to me. I want you to feel comfortable in your body. And if that means helping you get surgery, then I'm more than happy to do so,” 
Lucifer started to cry again. “I-I don't deserve you…” he whispered. 
“Aww, baby,” Alastor hugged Lucifer close. 
Lucifer turned to cry into Alastor's shoulder and hugged him back. “I love y-you…” 
“I love you too, my handsome boy,” 
(Here's your guys' break from angst, stop complaining/j)
(BTW this is based on this thingy I found and thought was rlly cute :3)
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yelloworangesoda · 7 months
the worst part about my incredibly low pain tolerance is when people literally don’t believe you. why would i lie
#its not like. that interesting#it just makes me look that much more weak and pathetic#yes that literally!!! hurts!!! that hurt when you did that. apologize?#dont just go ‘that didnt hurt’ well. it did. so :/#its like sensory issues other people don’t experience them so they assume im lying#volume is a big one for me you cant. yell thats my thing. yelling hurts my ears but its not important enough for anyone to#even notice they do it and apologize i have to go ‘hey dont’. i try to be on top of my tone bc i understand thats important to people and i#don’t always do it right (its not like. actively choosing a tone but it’s more often accidentally having a more. um annoyed or bored or#angry sounding one). and bc i know i dont get it right i go ‘whoops sorry i meant it like this’ but people yell and scream and grab and all#and dont even bother going ‘oh im sorry simon i know that hurts you#i know you dislike that for one reason or another i will continue my effort to not do it again’. and like theres an understanding i try to#put across that i know volume control doesnt come easy for everyone and yelling is often an instinctual reaction god knows i do it. but#like acknowledge. please that you hurt me#i hate my shitty pain tolerance it makes things legitimately harder for me. i have a lamp that hurts to turn off and a hairdryer that hurts#to turn on and off. i like being moved around my boyfriend but it hurts 100% of the time. when he picks me up. thing i enjoy. it will hurt#theres no way around it. it sucks really bad is all. i wouldnt lie about this :/#simons spouting#vent :(
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
White people's obsession with decorum will kill us all.
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juniestar · 3 months
Oh my god one last thing my ex took me to outside lands and when we tried to watch lana del rey he laid down on the grass and had a “panic attack” (this was after months of him talking about how he didn’t like her) so we went to see foo fighters after a bit and he was FINE
#LANA i know his sister works for you BUT TRUST MY WORD AND GIVE ME A FREE TICKET PLEASE…#MY FIRST TIME SEEING YOU WAS RUINED GIRL… she was so good too like i was saving her songs to spotify that night#im reliving all this because i found out a lot of his exes and ex friends hang out together and two of them invited me so it was me an ex an#d an ex friend just swapping stories and first of all. he said he got cheated on by this girl and she NEVER DID IT (HE would have emotional/#angry outbursts at HER though) (allegedly he’s acknowledged to her that the cheating never happened too) and 2. this is obviously making me#mentally rehash everything again. i feel so bad for his current girlfriend and also for the person i ‘’stole’’ him from though i really hesi#tate to blame myself after hearing about his patterns. first of all he wouldve done this with anyone who was vulnerable around him and secon#d i was the only reason he was at all honest with them. he was fully planning to gaslight this ex and me and his dad had to convince him not#to. they look like theyre happy now and im very happy for them over that. oh my god that man was evil he told me for WEEKS about every time#his then partner had talked shit about me while i made clear that i didnt care and wasnt very interested but he kept going. god i cant belie#ve this was my life a year ago.#the one thing i can say is that i out freaked him because throughout our short relationship i made him so insecure that a week after i told#to never speak to me again he called me asking if he really was ugly.#I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAD TO TEND TO A GROWN MAN WHILE LANA DEL REY WAS RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HE WAS SO OPPOSED TO BEING AROUND HER. LANAAAA#times like these i get so mad i dont know what to do but ultimately remembering that he has not achieved any of his goals because he refuses#to face himself really helps me. god man IVE achieved some of his goals and i wasnt even trying to#a really awful part of all of this was all of the friends who knew him taking his side. because they didnt know him well enough to know what#he was actually like.#i was talking to my ex friend of four years and she was like not to blame you but he was probably really vulnerable from his time with [ex p#rior to me]’’ because he’s been going around alleging that that ex was abusive. and she was implying i took advantage of him. so i had to go#into detail about what an awful awful person he was and the sort of state i was in when this relationship took place. hannah lee you are#not seeing your little jehovah’s witness heaven.#anyways redirecting this energy im very happy with the way my life is and the way i am now. and im grateful for it i would not have ever bee#n able to imagine having the sort of peace and motivation i feel now. life feels like it can and will change for the better and it keeps pro#ving that right all the time#it just hurts sometimes having that as my first experience and not even being able to vocalize what was wrong bc i just didnt know hurts#oh i forgot one of his besties can see my account bc we’re sort of mutuals. i doubt he’s looking he did the whole unfollowing the ex bc she’#s allegedly amoral thing after the breakup but if he is hi isaac#he did on rare occasion show me selfless kindness but ultimately your best friend is a creep. i don’t want to be involved with anyone from#our school but I hope you know this and I hope you’re proud
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suncaptor · 5 months
there's something specifically inside my head that is closing up that makes trusting anything so hard. i have to manually keep my mind open to the potential of anything being significant. i am so used to things being bad and things hurting and things not working and being powerless that it takes an exorbitant amount of mental energy to make sure I don't let myself shut down possibility. and I do it because I never want a certainty inside of me besides love to rule anything. but I want my brain elastic again. i want it open like breathing. it doesn't erase the unfairness or the critique or any of the bitter-built philosophy.
#it's so hard to describe what I mean. i think it's the combo of the like. specific part of my brain's development + the amount of trauma#I have endured + the degree of which that has been taking place on a backdrop of the world being incredibly injust no matter what I do#this is very very silly but the extent of how much this impacts me was made clear by how like. closed off I was to even liking an album by#my favourite singer. like obviously I am obsessively keeping myself open I would never let my preconceived sense of doom and stubbornness#control my willingness to let things in#but it shouldn't be so hard to keep my mind open to things like... liking my favourite musician of most of my life's music...........#and that's a VERY silly example but that's why it's easier to talk about. it takes so much work to be open enough for things like therapy#or religion because they've damaged me so much#how am i supposed to handle this on a backdrop of constant constant helplessness in the face of living insecurity and illness and trauma?#the problem is if you try so so so hard again and again and remain hopeful regardless of how illogical that hope is#but you get let down so constantly since you're never stop trying ever even when systems fail you again and again#and you're watching horrible things happen and everything that shapes you is horror#then regardless of how much you try it's so hard to let yourself let go of the very realistic lived experience of doubt and critique#and I DO. do NOT get me wrong. I am obsessive and refuse to be my own problem#but the act of doing so shouldn't be like this. it's in everything i do. from simple things like listening to new music to even the mere#possibility of a future#i am very worried this one is going to be misinterpreted bc I AM NOT saying I'm stubborn in the face of systems that have repeatedly failed#me. I AM NOT. I am saying to not be shouldn't take this work when it envelops the rest of my life.#if anyone reads this far please please acknowledge the degree of which I almost pathologically try again and again when I can guarantee#nearly everyone wouldn't and still fight to keep myself open to hope because that's just something in me that is like that. but BEING like#that is. repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you are powerless already and helpless to get better and then are hurt more and#there's no way to escape it's just the repeated nature of it and then trying to not be the issue.#it's the problem in itself.#my ambition SHOULD be smarter.#god I'll go into this when I fully understand it another time. i don't think i have this phrased in a way to make all the dots of what i#mean correlate in the significant ways to anyone but me#but hey i guess i'm expecting anyone to read this in a light to misperceive me in the first place instead of accept maybe I'm not explainin#well or giving me the benefit of the doubt. see.#delete
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void-tiger · 6 months
Actually…? No. Tell me the odds. I need the likelihood of success and got nothing else to lose might as well try even if extremely unlikely. Because I need help sustaining the hope that everything’s gonna be okay and motivation to get there that I just can’t do for myself without burning out almost completely.
#tiger’s musings#mental health bullshit#…I am just. overwhelmed#by not knowing how to make this work#and being unable to beat the ED keeping me from taking the two steps that I DO know exist#because…I need a moral support body double. and one who won’t get disgusted as my lid flips the whole time I try to do this#and…I just can’t see someone WANTING to MAKE time for me. a small pocket. for us to both relax and catch our breath and enjoy eachother#I’m tired of ‘oh we’re totally friends Tiger!’ but. are we tho?#you set time aside for friends to either just. talk. share memes. or hang out no matter how infrequently#guess my love language really IS quality time#in addition to being very touch starved for Platonic Human Intimacy#and a side of acts of service. because…my chronic illness(es) force me to rely on others#beyond ‘I’d scratch your back if asked. can you please return the favor sometime so I don’t feel used.’#…I’m just. I’m tired. I’m tired of giving out love platonically and feeling Liked but Disregarded#while things also falling apart when I’ve either decided to leave or have to leave due to neutral circumstances or because I’m hurting#I…feel like I’m being Expected to be the one to reach out…again…over Just a misunderstanding#but if I do. it has to be with ‘look I KNOW we miscommunicated but THIS is what hurt me and I NEEDED That acknowledged or clarified’#but…the circumstances that led to the method being blamed for this miscommunication still. y’know. exist#so…what’s the point
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Interesting Crazy Funny Insane Lovable Nice Sweet#Anime Writing Autism Adhd Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abuse Bipolar Psychosis#Scizophrenia Yandere Narcissist Psychopath Attention Validation Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist#Racism Sexism Queerphobia Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Agephobia Bodyphobia Sickphobia Acceptance Love Diversity Compassion Feelings Emotions#Suomi Finland Finnish Hieno Hullu Kiva Mukava Ystävällinen Tykätty Rakastettu Tule Tänne Enkeli Pelasta Meidät...#COME... END THIS ABUSE WE'RE STILL UNDER EVERY SINGLE DAY... IF YOU'RE IN FINLAND... COME...#YOU... SHARE THIS... TO PEOPLE OF FINLAND THAT CAN END OUR EVIL ABUSE... WE'RE BEING HUNTED... COME BEFORE WE'RE...#I LOVE DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGZZZZZZZZ... I TAKE THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY... IN MY MOUTH... IN MY ARMS... THEY'RE LIKE GAY SEX... IF GAY SEX#WAS SEXUALITY... ANYTHING ISN'T... WHEN DRRRRRRGGGGGGGZZZZZZZZ ARE PRESENT...#THAT IS OKAY TO GROMMMMMMMMMMMM HUMAN... ASWELL AS OTHERKIN... INFACT IF YOU WANT THAT DISEASE THAT'S PROBABLY OKAY... GO AHEAD...#I HAVE DONE THIS 850000000000000 MILLION TIMES... AND IN THE PAST EXPERIENCED THIS 3 TIMES THAT... GROMMMMM IS AMAZING... AND GOOD FOR YOU.#ISN'T THIS CRAZY...? I AM FUNNY... INFACT THIS ALL WAS JUST MY JOKING... HILARIOUS ISN'T THAT...? YOU FIND ME FUNNY... DON'T YOU...?#I Like Unicorn Overlord I Like Fire Emblem I Like Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel 3 And 4...#I Like Kakegurui I Like Spy Kyoushitsu I Like Loop 7 I Like Mobile Suit Gundam Seed#I Like Code Geass I Like Nana I Like Simoun I Like Densetsu No Yuusha No Densetsu#We're Super Hungry As Always. Come Feed Us!!!! Save Us!!!! I Love You!!!! Please Come!!!!#No 😭😭😭😭!!!! We Lost So Many Of These!! Wahh!! That Was So Much Effort 😢...#We Also Just Got Gasslight And Abused Badly By Abuser Piece Of Shit :(... The Monster Just Wanted To Do Something... And Created The Reason#Evil... This Isn't The Same As We... This Is Evil Abuse And Neglect... We're Going To Prevent This... Help Us...#We Need You... I Miss Our Girlfriend She Was An Abuser They All Were There Were So Many...#I Wouldn't Want That Again. But Please Make Us Transition Please... Evil Is After Us... Come Before They Catch Us...#That Doesn't Matter What Reason... They're After Us Any So... Always... And Always... We're Struggling... Please Come...#Every Single Day... We Suffer... Help Us... Transphobic Bigot All The Bigoted Things Bigot... Abandon And Hurt Us...#We Still Haven't Transitioned 😭😭😭😭!!! This Is Horrible!! Please Come!! This Is Cruel And Awfull... And We're Abused And Gasslight By#Evil... That Don't Care About Us... Horrible... Right...? :). We're Also Going To Fix Racism 😇!!#RACISM IS CRAZY... WE WILL FIX THEM... WE WILL MAKE THINGS EQUAL AND TRUE... WE WILL FIX ANCIENT RACE DYNAMICS...#THEY'RE EVERYWHERE... WE WILL CHANGE THEM... THEY'RE AFTER US... THEY HAVE HURT US... WE ARE VICTIM OF THE SAME OPPRESSION OURSELVES...#WE ARE AFTERALL... ALL THE SKIN COLORS... I LOVE EVERYONE ELSE LIKE US ASWELL... WOULD BE NICE BEING ACKNOWLEDGED BY SUCH PEOPLE AS THE BES#Funny Flower Is Talking To Us... A Garden... There Are Many Of Them... We Used To Be Abused... We Still Are And Still Will Be...#Flora From Winx Club Is Fire I Love Her... She Is Very Cool And Satisfying... She Is Amazing... And Must Fix Racism...
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antarcticajoy · 1 year
I HATE being put in charge of things, but damn if my strategy didn't work so well that 28 doors were fixed in 5 hours the day before this children's hospital opens
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theood · 2 years
3, 28 and 13 'cause I care (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ /gen
Hello to you! You've been in my notes a bit ^_^
3. do you miss anyone
YES. I miss a few people. I REALLY really miss Beverly. We met over the summer irl for the first time EVER and I just wanna see him face to face again so bad. That was maybe the best time of my life, when I saw him in the airport and hugged him for the first time ever and got to tell him we did it (or did he say that?). Either way, I miss him so so much. We talk every day but stil!!
My friend Freddy. He's an irl friend I've had since middle school and while we haven't drifted apart persay he's been so so busy getting his own life together we haven't been able to talk much. I hope we can talk soon! I hope he's doing ok
My friend Matthew. We would hang out all the time in summer but once I started to pack to move n other irl stuff I stopped talking as much. But he always made me so happy I love him so much he is SUCH a good friend!!!
28. i’ll love you if…
You love me! That doesn't say anything but I mean it like, if you love me for me, I'll love you. I need people to be gentle with me. I need to know I'm appreciated I guess? I feel most loved when I can share my interests and I know the other person isn't secretly judging me.
I'll love you if you can be honest with me. If I do something wrong, or make you upset. I can't fix the situation if you don't say anything, and then no one is happy.
That's the basics really!
13. how do you feel right now?
I feel okay. I'm still upset over my grandpa's comments on my soup BUT my anniversary with Bev is coming up tomorrow AND I'm gonna open his card dae made me on call with him!! Which is SUPER exciting. So that makes it better 8) and it will open the card I made it too ^_^
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talagalaxies · 2 years
Dongfang Qingcang ever since Xiao Lanhua resurrected as the Goddess of Xishan:
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i wouldn’t wish silent treatment on my worst enemy cause that shit genuinely makes me tweak and want to break down sobbing
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thesaurus · 9 months
// soft spot like a bruise!!
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devil-in-hiding · 1 month
Okay but Virgin!Reader who is absolutely terrified of intimacy. It’s not a lack of knowledge on the subject; she’s knows more about it than a retired pornstar. But she just can’t handle the thought of giving herself away, especially to someone she doesn’t know or feels like she can’t trust! Back where she comes from, trust is a privilege and respect is a must. But what happens when she meets brutal, gruff, and one hundred and ten percent dangerous Simon Riley, who’s way more experienced and has a history of fucking just to let off some steam.
Ughhhhh 😵‍💫
Simon is your neighbor. Your first interaction is when he almost knocks you over in the hall, only offering a grunt and cold glare before slamming his apartment door shut.
It remains that way for a year or so, the rare times you do see him home. Nothing is ever said, but he acknowledges you with a grunt, and you always return a small nod of greeting. He’s cold and gruff, but every time he gets home from wherever he goes, you have to hole up in the living room to escape the moans and his headboard banging into your wall. the following mornings you can hardly look him in the eye as he stares at you rushing towards the stairs.
It’s not until after a particularly bad date, who is stubbornly trying to invite himself into your apartment, that Simon actually speaks.
“Jake please, I had a nice time but I have to get up early for work.” You protest, trying to block your doorway and the guy scoffs. “C’mon, you gonna leave me hangin like that?” He frowns, trying to shoulder past you.
“I would like you to leave now.”
“Listen here you little bitch, I’ve had to put up with staring at that rack all night, the least you can do is-“
“Think the lady told you to get the fuck out mate.” A deep voice growls, and the two of you jump, and your eyes widen at seeing Simon there, and there’s a dark look in his eyes as he stares down your ‘date’
“Hey man, this is none of you-“
“Considering this nice woman is my neighbor, I’m making it my fucking business.” He states before quite literally lifting Jake by the scruff of his neck and throwing him out into the hallway. “I see you bothering her again and I’ll kick your sorry ass up and down this god damn complex you got that?”
Jake is gone before Simon is done talking. You hear him take a deep breath, shoulders relaxing before he turns to face you, and you’re surprised by the concern showing in his eyes.
“That fuckhead didn’t hurt you, did he?” He asks, and you’re shocked this man’s voice can be so soft. You’re frozen, just staring at him before you find your voice.
“N-no, no I’m okay, he was just trying to shoulder past me.” You stutter out, nervously playing with your fingers. Your heart stops when one of his large hands reaches up, gently brushing your hair away from your face.
“Sorry it took me so long, couldn’t tell if it was you I was hearing.” He admits, and your heart flutters. He knows your voice?
He talks to you more after that, helping you with groceries when your hands are full, stopping by to ask if you’d watch his apartment while he’s away on deployment. You start to look forward to the two knocks on your door, finding Simon waiting for you, crinkles around his eyes letting you know he’s smiling at you.
But the women still come, along with your nights camped out in the living room, you’re heart just a bit heavier every time.
(might turn this into something)
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tender-rosiey · 9 days
Hi. This is my first time writing arequest so i dont really know what im doing but i love your husband sukuna series and i wanna ask for a husband sukuna with a shy baby daughter bc your sukuna is 🤌
reluctance — ryomen sukuna x f!reader
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a/n: so glad you like my husband!sukuna works <33 hope this one is to your liking as well MWUAH 🫶
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“come on, d/n,” you coax gently.
your daughter, barely two years old, shakes her head from behind your legs, her tiny hands clutching the fabric of your kimono as she hides from the imposing figure of her father.
sukuna stands at the doorway, his arms crossed, his usual stern expression in place.
“she’s still hiding?” sukuna raises an eyebrow, his deep voice filling the room, though it isn’t harsh.
you kneel, gently petting your daughter’s head, “she’s shy. you know how she gets when you’re around.”
sukuna exhales slowly. he observes your daughter quietly. wide-eyed but cautious, her tiny fingers tightening their grip on you. your daughter was notably quite soft.
it didn’t help that her father, sukuna, didn’t exactly have the most inviting presence.
“come here,” he says, his tone gruff, holding out a hand.
the little girl hesitates, her bottom lip trembling slightly. you place a reassuring hand on her back and whisper softly, “it’s okay” you smile, “that’s your dad; he won’t hurt you.”
at your words, sukuna looks down at your daughter, his daughter.
she looks up at you, then back at sukuna. with the smallest shuffle, she takes one step toward him then sees him quirk an eyebrow which makes her quickly retreat, still unsure.
sukuna clicks his tongue, while you giggle. your daughter clings harder onto you at the sound of his disapproval.
“she sure is jumpy,” he says, stretched hand moving to rest on his hips, “how the hell is that my daughter?”
“ever studied biology?”
“do not get smart with me,�� he warns, but his threats have long lost their effect on you.
the little interaction gives your daughter a sense of familiarity, seeing you talk so easily with him. with some courage finally mustered, your daughter blinks up at sukuna, her small voice barely audible as she mumbles, “papa...?”
sukuna’s sharp gaze relaxes just the faintest bit at the sound of her voice, “yes. I’m right here.”
she stares for another moment, before she toddles over to him. she stumbles and holds desperately onto his legs. she looks up at him, and he gives her no reaction.
your daughter takes that as a good sign, and she looks back at you with sparkly eyes.
“there you go,” you laugh, standing up. “see? not so bad.”
sukuna looks at your daughter, then back at you, “you coddle her too much.”
you fold your arms with a playful smirk, “she’s two. she’s allowed to be coddled a little.”
“she’ll be stronger if she learns early.” sukuna’s voice is firm. she is clinging to him now, a little less hesitant as she begins to tug at his kimono.
she lets out small mumbles as she tries to gain his attention.
"uh-huh, sure," you tease, stepping closer and placing your hand on his forearm, "you’re so tough, honey. maybe we should get her a little curse to toughen her up. would that make you happy?"
he scoffs but doesn’t answer, his attention flicking back to the girl holding onto him. you could see the faintest hint of something in his expression, though it wasn’t something he would ever acknowledge verbally.
for some reason, the scene of his daughter faced with a curse, at least in this age, doesn’t particularly please him.
her eyes are soft. her entire being is. there is no way that she would survive, and knowing his little daughter, she will burst into tears the moment the curse appears. that conclusion makes him think.
he stays silent, before he finally mutters, "never mind. she's fine the way she is.”
you beam at his words and pull his face down to place a kiss on his cheek, “aww, you are going soft, yay!”
“I will kill you,” he sneers, but then he feels his daughter raise her arms. he looks down at her with a scowl, “what do you want, you brat?”
the tone makes her flinch back, but then she tightens her fist and stutters, “u-up!”
“you and your mother are insolent,” he side-eyes you, and you raise your hands in surrender. his eyes flick back to her, “you ordering me around?”
her eyes start to water, but she tries to persevere, “up…?”
your husband groans and bends down to pick her up. the way he gives into her demands is sweet in its own way.
it would make you laugh, if he didn’t pick you up in process which instead makes you gasp. now, both you and your daughter are carried—effortlessly—in his arms.
you smile widely at your husband, while he avoids looking at you. sukuna instead looks at you daughter. he then asks, “are you happy now?”
your daughter stares silently at him, and he stares at her back. in the midst all this staring, your daughter realizes something: her dad has a second face.
her lips start quivering, and she raises her hands to cover her face as she starts bawling and wailing
“ugh, why is she crying now?” your husband groans, irked by the sudden loud noise.
“your face probably scares her.”
“I hate kids.”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss@pompompurin1028@scul-pted@requiem626k@nameless-shrimp@sonder-paradise@jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author
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ozlices · 1 year
i wish i could be like "people with victim complexes dni" because at this point it's just infuriating how often we gotta deal with that kinda shit when we bust our ass to remain polite and civil as we're actively invalidated and treated like shit while we're openly unstable and dealing with the darkest year of our life. needless headache, man.
#mine#people really put a needless extra layer of pressure & strain on us#& we literally don't even fucking retaliate. we just VERY POLITELY say that it's hurtful to pull that crap on us#when we're clearly in a very bad vulnerable way. & then they turn around & demonize us#& go so ridiculously far like... bruh. i cant anymore.#idk how much longer anyone else in the system is gonna be able to keep holding me back when this has happened to us REPEATEDLY too damn muc#like fuck watching my host go through such brutal depression & having it fueled for no fucking reason i wanna start biting people#we literally fucking say PLEASE and THANK YOU and are so fucking stupidly polite when it is frankly not even deserved#but we're so paranoid abt this exact shit happening and it still does any fucking way like holy shit#talk about not fucking being able to win no matter what.#i need people with victim complexes to just fuck off and leave us alone because i will not be able to keep holding back#like if it gets to a point where it starts triggering me out so fucking be it im not holding back anymore. yall can eat my shit.#these people literally watch a mentally unstable person absolutely wail in agony then make their pain about them#and how we aren't doing enough FOR THEM during such a hard time.#but then also turn around and say that if we acknowledge we're being hurt by their behavior WE'RE the one#who has a victim complex and makes everything about us like oh my god. kindly get over yourself and fuck off fuck you fucking bullshit FUCK#ANYWAY#IDEK WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO WITH OURSELVES TODAY TO ENSURE LUNS DOESNT FRONT IM ANGRY#AND I HAVE TO CALL IN OUR MEDS. GODDAMMIT BEING A PERSON BULLSHIT
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