#like bad quality even for the time bcs it's just some kid who was trying to find as many of these videos as they could
beauzos · 5 months
do you ever just remember stuff you used to watch as a kid and go hunting for it. i just remembered a bunch of old warrior cats videos i used to watch in like 2009 and started watching them and god. i still feel so much affection for these videos. but also, like. you just had to be there i don't think anyone in 2024 is going to get anything from watching demonslyr Warrior Cats spoof vids if you hadn't seen them as a child in 2009 you feel me
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sky-is-the-limit · 8 months
I'm sorry but your posts questioning Mary's actions are so REAL bc what the actual fuck..that woman had the opportunity to have ARTHUR MORGAN!!! and threw it away like it was nothing and then people go on to ship them together and defend their relationship and I'm just like girl what are you even defending?!? her constantly calling on Arthur to do some chores for her and after he's done she just sends him on his merry way???! I'm sorry but that's not healthy at all and even if Arthur is a "bad" man who kills and robs he doesn't deserve to be played like that, hell all the camp women try to convince him not to go visit her but he just can't stop himself (I just need one night with him he'll forget what is a mary and what is a linton)
There's people who legit ship them?!?😭 What even???? That woman didn't deserve an inch of him and don't start with the "back in the day-" girl, if you legit cared about that man and wanted him, you'd try and do everything to be with him.
She literally told him to change his ways with that disappointing look like girl ik you agree with your lame ass dad, leave Arthur alone. Even if she genuinely loved and cared for him all those years ago, feelings can change and turn into manipulation.
She literally only reached out to him to use him for help. And I understand the first time, it was her little brother who had a good relationship with Arthur but her dad!??!?! Fuck that. I declined and don't regret it one bit, I'll do it the second and third time as well.
You knew that he was an abandoned kid who had nothing and got raised by a literal gang. What made her think that he'd be a lawman? Or ditch the only family he had ever known and change one of his greatest qualities which was loyalty to be in a suit and play 'lord'? As if they wouldn't hate him still and treat him like shit for the life he previously had.
The goodbye letter pissed me off so much. What was the reason? If you loved him, why torture him like that knowing that he still cared about you even though you hurt him. She literally made him feel unworthy of love. Sending back the ring? Something that he gave you with so much love? For what? And I don't remember which girl was it, either Karen or Mary-Beth, who said that 'that girl doesn't deserve you' damn right she doesn't. She never did.
No one says that she had to settle for an outlaw, but tormenting and manipulating a man who gave you his heart and more is messed up. Especially Arthur who was so kind and caring despite his upbringing. You were hopeless for your brother? Okay, ask for help and MOVE ON. Leave that man alone. Nah, fuck that girl.
If you wanna know what real love and loyalty is, take a look at Abigail.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
hi miss L, i have a spiritual/religious question and i don't know anyone else who could answer it.... since i was a kid i've been attracted to tarot, spirituality, mystical explanations of the worlds workings, astrology, all that good stuff. i never used to connect my spirituality to a single higher power, and i never had any issues with this. for a few years i've been wanting more than just a disturbingly accurate tarot spread and i feel compelled towards god. i'm not sure how to word it honestly! i keep getting messages all around me telling me the saint that watches over me, and that god is there too. so here's my issue.
whenever i reach out and pray or do any kind of ritual or reach out specifically to god or a saint, my life immediately starts going haywire. yesterday i set up a small shrine in my room for my dead kitty since i've been feeling better about her passing and i prayed a little. i asked for sign that i was going in the right direction, and hours after i prayed, our sink plumbing got clogged, my cat (living) ran out and had to be caught, my mom dropped a whole bowl of food, and i wasn't able to pick up groceries bc the bank cards wouldnt work. this never happens in my household, we've been joking that we're cursed. this happens everytime i try to reach out to god. the worst time was when my mom lost her job, dad crashed his car, and i kept having panic attacks out of the blue for a week. i freaked out and took everything i said back and bathed in salt water for hours hoping i could cleanse whatever happened to me. it worked and my life was back to normal the next day.
do you have any advice? i would love to put my trust in a higher power as i've never been religious before, but smthn is going wrong somehow.
thank you for reading, i love seeing you on the dash and your music is so soothing and nostalgic. much love!! <3 <3 <3 <3
so sweet, and caring, thankyou u//u...im sorry things have been difficult :< The following message does not in any way endorse the claim that i understand God, that God could ever be understood, or that any one of us should every try to understand the -inner workings- of God ! purely my feelings v v v
i relate to ur background cus i grew up w no religion, my parents didnt talk about any kind of woo-woo stuff, my dads dad was woo-woo AF and my dad haaaaated it so he rejected all of it so i was pree much just a blank slate. but for some reason i was just REALLY obsessed w magical thinking and the like. believed in god spirits nature deities angels demons magic aliens and i was totaly engrossed in ~my secret world~. i was kinda scared of religion tho i viewed it in a bad light since i was learning about it during the george bush post-9/11 era & for some reason my child self was rly interested in consuming critique of america , iraq war / westboro baptist church type stuff , from an outsider's perspective i saw religion as something american people used as justification for committing atrocities & crazy power trips , which, i mean.. anyways
it didnt help me trust God xD but many of my beliefs remained into my teens i just didnt have any outlet for them. so i got into astrology around 15/16, started learning more about tarot & occultish type things, crytstals, all those subjects intrigued me very much. but i felt the same way as you, like, something was still lacking from it, even when i got these super profound tarot readings, or read my birth chart a million times over looking for clues about ~wtf is this stupid life for~ , i never felt safe. never felt assured, never felt i could trust myself or my future. it was an odd period, early 20s. but then kinda same as u, as my knowledge on these topics expanded i started to notice the quality of Holiness a lot more. the more i learned about different religions the more i realized how connected it all was, and how religion connects to "the occult", and magic, light and dark, i find it very hard to put into words. i just started to find myself actually really earnestly believing in God in a way i never thought i could? Like reading the bible & being completely enthralled, i NEVER woulda thought. i started to feel way safer in the world even tho im still not "christian" technicaly. but i believe in jesus now and it makes me feel safe on a cellular level.
i believe the real jesus was wholly non judgemental and loved everyone no matter what, the thing that susses me out about Religious Institutions was always the judgement that can spawn from it. misses the point of everrything in my opinion.
its kinda wild actually cus when i used to be into like, trash reality tv ghost hunting shows, i remember there was one ep where this psychic was talking about how she always prays to jesus for protection before doing a reading or entering a haunted place. that really intrigued me cus i thought jesus and psychic automatically cancelled each other out. i think that moment rly opened up the rabbitehole and it was so mundane like wtf. still rememebr it tho!
sorry im really in a typing mood tonight.. So my next point was gonna be that, just because i started to really believe in god and jesus and really PRAY for protection & guidance, my life did not get easier xD like i would say the past 6 years have been nothing short of a shit show. my life was fucked before that too tho so its hard to compare, but still, its safe to say my shift in perspective actually brought a lot of chaos into mylife. the point of it, i feel, is that i had to dismantle it in order to truly Live in the frequency of trusting God. because this was new to me! i wanted to trust God, i put out the energy of seeking God, and God was like ok hold on tight..
So now i'm here all these years later like, oh yeah God is real and i love him and it's all real. it's CEMENTED into me lol. When i used to say i trust God it still felt like i was asking permission to be able to feel that way. but now i really really do. And messed up stuff will keep happening forever because there needs to be light & dark, there can't b one without the other. But now i have faith in a really personal way that i wld never attempt to transfer onto another like even by talking about these experiences & concepts i still feel like i don't want to prove anything. except that it's worth it to keep trying, i guess :]
and OK this is really just how i feel like take it with a grain of salt , but from what i've gathered, if you believe in energy entities & astral happenings & whatnot, well. it's my opinion that the invisible low frequency parasites that feed on many ppl's dread & fear, when they're attached to u and u begin to raise your vibration, they get very upset and throw a fit. like think of a demon being exorcised, u know, u imagine it having a total fit in a desperate fight for it's life. if ur appeasing the demon and letting it use you then of course it's going to keep things on an even keel, u kno?
taking a salt bath was a good thing to do tho like one of the best things <3 its also good to have crosses or your holy item of choice around the house, light white candles, organize clutter. pray a lot like every time u feel happy and safe or notice something beautiful say thanku to God.. talk to your angels and encourage them i pray a lot specifically to strengthen them, upgrade their armor n shih...i ask them to work for my loved ones, i try to be concentrated on them, visualize them around me all the time, visualize them standing guard outside every door. i feel this kinda stuff increases ur Holy EXP and over time your spiritual armor gets stronger, bad entities move on and things in life start really flow. the trust just has to b there first, and it will be, so long as u allow it <3
it just takes time, and like i said i dont want to prove anything or be The Convincer, but if u were already having feelings to go down this path i recommend not giving up and let God carry u through those tough situations instead of seeing them as an absence of God or God's Wrath. just keep praying cus it can't hurt right, even if it's just a way to occupy your mind with kind thoughts about your friends and family, there's no downside to prayer. its your own journey so u just gotta live it and feel it out ^^ but pls dont feel u are being punished by God or demons or anything else! So many "bad" things that happen end up being neutral or even "good" in the long run. We can never foresee the reasoning behind God's plan ~~~
yeah, this was a long one, wow...i drank a energy drink 12 hours ago i think it made me hyper.. well have a swell evening if ur reading this anon!! o also i liek to listen to psalms before bed to help me feel calm i feel like it helps bring in angels. i think i will do so now, thanks for the Q i hope things improve for u very soon. Good night anon < 3 3 3 PMD 9
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nakanotamu · 6 months
Alright so I finished watching a Stardom show and I had a lot of thoughts about it and stuff I wanted to say and normally I would dump this all in my discord server but rn I'd feel weird about spamming this in there bc of brain reasons so tumblr gets it instead. So here are my probably needlessly long thoughts about Stardom's 2023.09.09 5 Star GP show from Korakuen Hall:
Alright so just right off the bat I'll say that this show was pretty packed (~1300 people) and the crowd was very hot and that... did nothing for me. Moments that make me feel very alienated from what is apparently the average wrestling fan, let me tell you. People make such a big deal out of loud active crowds and idk I mostly just found this one annoying. There's something about them being so audibly almost exclusively men that is really not fun. Rossy spent 10 years being so bad at appealing to women that I think it's fair to say it just wasn't a concern of his at any point, and Harada was absolutely gunning for a product in that same vein and it SUCKS. Oh my god it sucks. idk why it bothered me so much on this show, it's not like it's anything new, but it was really getting to me. I'm looking forward to getting to the show from, I think late November, when Kid specifically commented on how many women were there and seeing if it feels any different. Shout out to the one very loud woman who was a huge Komomo stan though, mood.
This show was originally billed as the Generational Struggle Part 3, the culmination of the Generational Struggle stuff from earlier in the Summer, a storyline that nobody ever understood and none of the wrestlers had any interest in, ultimately just completely dropped by the time this show actually happened, really emblematic of Harada's era of booking. I think this show stands out in a similar way, a peak of popularity and hype during a period where the quality was already starting to steeply decline, but before people had really noticed in numbers and before things had really cratered, with the wrestlers still mostly able to cover up the increasingly obvious holes. As such I think it's worth talking about as a shining example of this incredibly weird and bad period for Stardom.
Lady C & Hina vs Miyu Amasaki & Hanako - I like the sort of QQ vs QQ feeling to this match, but iirc it was one of those matches that were frequent at the time that had to be changed at the last minute bc someone was hurt or sick. So idk it was a fine opener though, no strong feelings but like it's the first match it's fine.
Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama vs Mei Seira & Megan Bayne - Okay I hate to say it but Megan is kind of growing on me. I still think the way they brought her in was all wrong, and trying to push her for singles matches again later was still a mistake, but I do think she found a pretty entertaining niche in these less important tag matches. A lot of it is everyone else figuring out how to play off of her, and I don't really think it's a *good* thing when one wrestler warps an entire match around her every single time like she does, but in a match that's not all that important so there's less to detract from, yeah it's actually pretty fun. I just like seeing Mei Seira get thrown you know? Or when Mariah tries to knock her off the apron and she just doesn't move. It's annoying as hell when it gets her title shots, but in contexts like this, it's a pretty good bit.
Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs Syuri & Saki Kashima - I'll talk more about it later but this whole undercard felt really disposable to me, which is always disappointing, especially given how much character Stardom packed into even their smaller matches before this period. Yunamon was in the middle of her joining CA story (still, somehow) and Poi and Syuri are always entertaining together, and they still are here with some fun spots and stuff, but I just didn't care. Like I said though, broader issues going on during this period so we do know why it was like that and I'll get to it later.
Mayu Iwatani, Koguma, & Momo Kohgo vs Natsuko Tora, Fukigen Death, & Rina - Again, perfectly servicable undercard match that doesn't really have anything fun or interesting going on under the hood, but we know why now so I'm not trying to like, criticize, just saying yeah wow it was bad huh. This was Komomo's second last match before she got injured iirc which is incredibly depressing, I don't think she even tagged in once during this match so she was probably already hurt and I hate it.
Mirai vs Saori Anou - God, okay, this match was kind of the one that made me think about typing up my thoughts about this show. I did not like this match anywhere near as much as I expected to. It just was not clicking for me, like, at all. This felt like a very clear "first time singles match", especially between two wrestlers who I guess don't really know each other outside of wrestling and haven't trained together or anything. There's a reason first time singles matches are rarely actually all that good and I really felt that awkwardness and lack of chemistry here. Mirai and Anou are both good so it was like, fine, but I was really taken out of it and unimpressed after I had assumed this would be really good. I do like Anou winning the white belt, and I do think Mirai's run needed to end bc it was not... working, but man I would not have devoted like Mirai's entire Fall to this feud after watching this match. Shining example of why you should put wrestlers together with people they want to work with and not just whichever names you think sound good against each other.
Hazuki vs Starlight Kid - This match on the other hand totally lived up to expectations. Hazuki and Kid obviously know each other super well and are both freaks, it was great. Brawling through the crowd always gives me kind of, idk, a sort of secondhand embarassment feeling? It just feels wrong my brain doesn't like it but I still appreciated what they were doing with it, with Kid angry and desperate and trying to prove herself more intense and bad than Hazuki. Hazuki always looks amazing getting tortured in submissions, and Kid's whole gameplan being trying to build to the Black Tiger Leg Killer makes sense. I couldn't actually remember who won this so I was even biting on the near falls at the end and liked Hazuki's quick, desperate win. They're both so great and I liked this a lot.
Tam Nakano vs Suzu Suzuki - This was like, the exact opposite of Mirai vs Anou to me. It still had a little bit of that first singles match awkwardness I think, but the amount you would expect given that's what it was, and they both brought enough to compensate for that. Tam really does have the same chemistry with "mini Giulia" as she does with the big sis herself and this match was really great for it. Again exactly opposite to Anou vs Mirai, this match totally would have left me excited for a title match program between these two - which ofc unfortunately never actually happened. I think the booking was incredibly stupid though, because of course it was, but why give Suzu the win over the champ to build to her winning the tournament and... earning a title match she already earned with this match? I guess there is the possibility that as people seem to believe Utami was meant to win and Suzu was an audible when Utami got hurt, which would make some sense booking wise. I still think Utami winning would have been extremely nonsensical from a story standpoint, but all the rest of Harada's booking was disjointed and very obviously ignored story too, so it would be consistent in that way at least. But anyway, I really enjoyed this match.
Giulia vs Maika - Wow, man, I liked this match so so much more than I was expecting to. Idk why it quite feels like this because I haven't skipped any of these shows, but if 2023 was the Maika starmaking year, this was the match where her popularity really felt like it exploded basically overnight. Like she was already liked, but this match out of nowhere was where it was suddenly like, oh my god Maika is SUPER popular, god damn. I think all of Giulia's singles matches have some holes, like, I wouldn't exactly say she is "good" at "selling" even at the best of times, but Maika is really good at compensating for her weaknesses, and most importantly the match really really excels at her strengths, namely intensity and homoeroticism. Given the things I've heard or seen I think this might be the last Giulia singles match I really enjoy, uh, either in her time in Stardom or possibly ever, but still if it does turn out that way for me, what a note to go out on. Really really fantastic, I thought this match was great, even if the story stuff and the booking around it was extremely inconsistent and stop and go with a whole Giulia vs Maika storyline they teased repeatedly and clearly wanted to do and never actually got to. At least they got to do this one.
Which I guess brings me to how weird this period of Stardom was. There have definitely been times I've wondered myself why I'm so dedicated to not skipping anything even when I don't exactly think it's fantastic, but I don't know, I still want to see what it was like, you know? I want to see what the wrestlers cared about even when there was no guarantee at all the booker would pay attention to any of it. There are definitely still good moments, even if there are a lot of bad and a lot of it is disjointed and weird around it. I just want to see it for myself.
I did improv in high school, and I remember after regionals one year we tried to do our regular weekly practice the next week, and it was terrible. Everyone was just creatively tapped and needed to recharge too badly, but we didn't realize that at first, and there was just this feeling of like, "we're doing the same things we always do, why isn't this working?" A lot of stuff from this period gives me the impression that that's how the wrestlers were feeling during this time.
The next show, on September 10th, was Dream Tag Fes, which seems to me to sort of be when this era of Stardom jumped the shark. (And I say that as someone who used to be way too much of a nerd about sitcoms and is extremely specific about what that term means.) The one last truly top to bottom great show for this era of Stardom, amidst some decline already starting to show, before the management issues and terrible schedule would become too much to ignore and they wouldn't be able to reach those heights again. I mean I think they're already on their way back up, I'm glad Harada has already been fired and Rossy being gone too is a bonus, but for this period at least. I might skip some stuff in the future, I know at least the Money Ball Scramble that was a mess where they didn't even run by the wrestlers what was in the boxes for sure, but I don't know, I still worry about missing out on the good stuff too, you know? That's my problem with wrestling, I'm so quick to tell others there's no actual obligation to watch everything, and yet I feel it myself. But even if it was another one that was all over the place, I'm still glad I watched this show.
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Hi! I’ve seen your tags but I don’t think I’ve seen a post about it, so may I ask what your cowboy story is about?
I need to go fix a lot of my tags bc I couldn't remember what I have posted about it, but mostly I did a few posts during Yeehawgust and that was it. XD
Ok so.
Several years ago I was binging episodes of Bonanza (I was also depressed ok), and stumbled across one called "The Avenger" which introduced this soft-spoken, genteel drifter who shows up just in time to stop some of the main characters from being executed for a crime they didn't commit. When they finally ask him why he cared enough to endanger himself with the real criminals, he explains his father was wrongfully killed and he's seeking the men who did it - yet the episode shows him going out of his way to avoid killing, even when up against some of the men he is after and him being a deadly-excellent crack shot.
We aren't given the man's proper name in the story, but he's from a town called Lasater, Kansas, and so Lasater is what the townfolk call him.
The episode was intended to spin off its own series, about Lasater, and another show, Outlaws, featured an episode starring the same actor with loosely the same story. This man was given a name, but it was imho a silly name so I stuck with Lasater. (I think he was loosely inspired by the Zane Grey character Lasater, which is probably why they gave him another name later.) In any case, the spinoff never happened, and Lasater's story remained unfinished.
But I loved him. I have rewatched that episode multiple times since. The character is just so....??
He befriends and protects a young boy in town. (He has a real soft spot for kids in particular, and in the Outlaws episode he allows an older boy to become his partner after similarly protecting and befriending him.)
He spoils his horse.
He's a loner by mission but you can tell he really likes people and enjoys having company.
He wears his hat adorably back on his head like a little kid.
He's really concerned with cleanliness, it's noted in both episodes lol.
He's kind and refuses to be provoked by hotheaded men.
He is moved to empathy for but not swayed by the damsel in distress.
He has a sense of humor drier than the desert.
He's dangerous in a calm sort of way.
He defeats the bad guys by compassionately but firmly convincing a scared woman to tell the truth (and then of course there is a shootout but he actually has very little to do with it).
I loved the character and the hints of his story (his lawman father hanged by outlaws, his town burned, his mission to bring the villains to justice - that justice being a jail and a court trial) so entirely, that when I found out the episode had entered the public domain, I dug in to write the rest of his story.
In my continuation, Lasater and his new young friend Sonny are on the trail of the remaining outlaws (it would have made a good mini series, but not a long-standing one probably, so I can tie up all the loose ends in a novel lol), and the trail leads them to a small town that wants nothing to do with trouble, but where they must make their final stand against the murderous gang. I get to turn a few more tropes on their head (like what roles Lasater and Sonny play in the climax, and a love interest who is not a love interest) and... Yeah. Couple of cowboys came and stole my heart.
Ended up writing it for last year's NaNoWriMo project and I'm trying to get up the time and energy to begin rewrites.
For now, the story is still called Lasater, Kansas. It may get a proper name someday. 😂
Thanks for asking!
Please enjoy some low quality gifs I made of Lasater's tv appearances:
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Consider reading Steel Under Silk and The Ghost's Nocturne. Both are BL manhwa. Both are kinda similar to Painter of the Night (on the pairing being a Huge Strong Guy With Issues and a Massive Dick X Petite Man) and yet completeley different. Both have noncon. Both are available on bato. to! Steel Under Silk is legit so good, I dont even wanna pitch it to you. The ML is *MWHAH* chefs kiss. You just have to read it and see for yourself. The art style on both are TOP TIER.
Man so like I was kind of indulging in this conversation with someone else earlier but, you know how there was like that cultural movement in like the 2000s onward where a lot of young women were uncritically consuming yaoi content and yeah there were definitely a lot of people being homophobic and fetishistic about it (legit I think the whole "yaoi is fine but yuri is gross" that was common for a lot of young girls was just internalized misogyny bc I was one of those kids and now I'm literally a queer person with a gender identity of Girl But Also Who Gives a Fuck) but like at the core of it it was younger folks being completely unbothered by queer media and even seeking it out, and then there was this reverse whiplash of "oh no only gay men can read these, if you read these you are gross/homophobic/racist" and it's like. I literally turned 26 the other week and even sometimes when im in YouTube shorts watching manhwa clips (believe it or not this can actually be a really good way to find more stories, some people make very high quality edits or clip and the algorithm will just eventually feed you manhwa shit nonstop) and whenever a BL story comes up, there's like, a sense of shame in my heart, like I gotta look away? "Like oh, better avoid that, consuming this media with gay men in it surely makes me fetishistic and creepy" and it's like, the queer community has not clawed its way to having some rights for us to pull this kinds inter-group othering like this 🤦‍♀️ im a fucking adult and im going to read these stories where dudes are gonna fuck and it doesn't mean a damn thing besides me wanting to see people getting Freak Nasty
But anyways yeah I will definitely add those to my recommended 👀 I think one thing I've been having to watch out for is that I will see a series and then I'll read the comments and it might be something like "dont read this, its extremely unhappy, the mc suffers constantly and the ending is sad" and its like. Yeah I like dark content but I have to be careful when it comes to stories that are kind of just straight up tragedy porn? Idk. Like. When I write dark content its kind of contained into like a one-shot or a story with a few chapters, it isn't extremely drawn out to the extent ive seen with a lot of manhwa. I had my eyes on "Broken Promise: Married Man" or whatever the fuck its called bwcause it looked like it had some kinky stuff in it and then I look into it a little and almost everyone was saying "oh no dude don't read this unless you have a strong heart, bad shit CONSTANTLY happens, this man SUFFERS"
Idk its just, sometimes it can be hard to find my personal limits with that kind of thing 🥺 I don't think I've ever dropped anything for messing me up or anything but there are times I've read fanfictions and it made me like depressed the whole day 😅 the hunt for good stories constantly continues!
Also. It isn't a BL but ive heard Finding Camelia is good? It's a manhwa about a girl who is forced to live as a boy because she's the only heir to her family or something and she has to go through a journey of self growth and learn to feel good as herself and a girl again? I dunno, i don't know many details about it but ive seen a lot of people recommend it. Honestly I'm trying not to start too many stories at once but like I can't stop, I find a good story, start reading, oh wait it isn't complete, better find a another story, oh wait it isn't complete, wash rinse repeat ykwim
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demonsfate · 11 months
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT JIN'S EMAIL TO HER IN TEK 4 LMAO orz I'm sorry. But yeah I agree with you. I also think he didn't tell her all the details likely for those reasons. But he told her enough to warn her and give her an idea of what kind of person Heihachi was. Which makes her attitude in Tekken 5 all the more confusing. I'm guessing Jin was so confused because he swore he had told her Heihachi was a pos, still does and yet here she is trying to go back in time lol. I think that's the game where things start to get worse with the writing. Granted Tekken has never had top writing but still. It actually makes me a bit sad because I was introduced to the games with 5 and I'm very fond of it (bc nostalgia but anyway)
A lot of shit happens in the Tekken series, and it makes it easier to forget it when the game's plagued with inconsistent writing. Hell, there are many things forgotten or straight up misconceptions within the fandom. (Many people still believe Kazuya made a deal with the devil to not die as a kid, but that only happened in the OVA) HELL, even I sometimes forget certain things, and I end up making headcanon posts that don't comply to canon just because I forgot about something. 😅
I looked it up for more info regarding the "email" Jin sent, according to some sources (such as the PAL version of the manual) Jin told her he suspected Heihachi was gonna have her assassinated...? Whiiich unsure if that's just a mistranslation from the PAL edition or not because I don't see why Heihachi would do that. He did it to Jin because Jin was no longer of use, he never cared about Jin, and Jin has the devil gene. But Xiao hasn't really done anything to warrant an assassination, unless Heihachi feared she'll uncover the truth regarding Jin's disappearance, and turn on him. But again, I'm unsure if this is true, or if the PAL version just added more because they thought "dangers" was too vague, or assumed that's what it meant when talking about the dangers. But who knows, we all also know how wonky the official translations of the series can be.
There's also a lot of issues with time travel. Such as, even if Xiao had succeeded, it'd be a possibility that Jin would've never been born. (After all, Jun only met Kaz due to his shady treatment of wildlife animals). But I won't delve too much into this just because it's just a silly story that means little. I don't even know how canon it is, considering that Xiao's ending in general isn't canon I don't think. Time travel, I'm pretty sure, is still not something that can canonically be done in the lore LOL.
Oh, Tekken 5 may be my favorite Tek game. (It's in the top three along with Tek3 and Tag 2) But I also very much enjoy Tekken 6 and we all know how I feel regarding its story. Basically, Tekken games can be very fun but not have the story that matches their quality of gameplay LOL. And I belieeeeve I wrote here very recently that 5 was the start of the atrocious writing. Although Jin was still relatively in character in 5, it did set up his villain arc with the ending. Xiao was flanderized to hell as we've discussed. Characters that didn't have joke endings before now have them (see Heihachi and Lei, probs more that I'm not thinking about rn) which set up the premise of not taking most of the cast seriously. (Tek7 DEFINITELY had an issue with most endings being pointless and comedic) So yeah, whilst Tek5 wasn't as bad as Tek6 in terms of story, it was suffering symptoms of it. Like a pre-illness or something LOL.
Tek3 was actually the first I was introduced to. My brothers CLAIMED we played Tek5 as kids because we rented it before when it was new...? But oddly I have like ZERO memories of it. I only remember playing Tek3, Tag 1, and Tek4. Which I played Tek4 very little because as a kid, I saw the limited amount of characters and thought "why would I play this when I can play Tag 1 with LOTS of characters...?" xD
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killsaki · 1 year
Bc I chose so many I also typed out the questions for you <3
👊 - are they quick to violence?
💤 - do they fall asleep easily? What helps them sleep?
🌙 - what is their greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
🌋 - how bad is their temper? A slow boil, or an instant explosion?
🎁 - what type of present are they happiest to recieve? Are they good at gift giving?
🍼 - what are their thoughts on (more) children?
🎷- do they play any instruments? Are they any good at it?
🎡 - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
📎- a random fact
☁️ - a soft headcanon
💓 - what gets their heart racing?
💗 - when they have a crush is it noticeable? What changes when they're in love?
💖 - are they a subtle or showy lover?
why!!!! do you do this to me !!!!!!
👊🏻 — not at all. he’s big and sweet <3. but, he used to be a hellian at some point—he knows when and how to protect what needs protecting.
💤 — he works out still! so, i think that. plus other physical activities. (you could literally fuck him to sleep)
🌙 — all hes wanted was to have fun with his friends when he was younger, to keep each other safe. and then he had katsumi into his early 20s and didn’t really have any time to form any other dreams. so from then on all he wanted was to make katsumi happy, and give him a good life. he worked multiple jobs and went to college all while taking care of katsumi as much as he could, then started and ran his own business until retirement age <3
🌋 — he genuinely has the patience of a saint. i don’t think there’s much that can make him mad (his son only irritates him at best.) but a slow boil is probably what is most likely. even then, he’s very calm and direct about addressing whatever the issue is.
🎁 — from his son! he doesn’t want anything. from a lover! he really is so big on quality time. (have sex with him) he doesn’t want much of anything materialistic. he sucks at gifts! they’re also super over priced because he “has the the money to spend” so he just buys whatever it is in the “best quality” and then you end up with a $1,200 necklace.
🍼 — he. has the biggest breeding kink in the world im surprised he doesn’t have any already. i don’t think he’d be fully against it! but it would take a while to convince him, because of the issues with katsumi’s mom. even if he doesn’t blame her, even if he never dwelled on it. it was still traumatic.
🎷 — probably can play guitar! he doesn’t suck but he’s not amazing at it. never had enough time to get it down fully.
🎡 — in his youth? absolutely. now? he’d feel silly. but would 1000% indulge you.
📎 — his favorite snack is peaches !! + he has never not made his sex partner cum (:
☁️ — has the biggest habit of kissing his lover on the nose in quiet moments.
💓 — being pawed at, he’s such a sucker just for being wanted. sexually, romantically—in any way. he just loves being come onto.
💗 — very. are you kidding me? he’s trying to come over a repair your entire house for you. build you a deck. put in a fucking pool, he’s trying to stay over to cook for you afterwards too. he just wants to take care of you.
💖 — showy! but on accident. he loves touching you, doing things for you, buying things for you—anything you’ll let him do.
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Dear Annie,
What have you learned from your past relationships?
[also, ofc none of what I say applies to abusive relationships. If you find yourself being abused in any way, shape, or form, PLS discontinue the relationship!]
Really listen to your partner, usually a breakup isn’t just one big event that’s happened but a lot of micro events that leave your partner feeling rejected
The importance of childhood trauma and attachment styles 
I don’t believe in ‘falling’ in love but more like ‘growing’ in love. To me ‘falling’ sounds too fast and too uncontrolled. I think growing is more intentional, it’s slower. Aim for something that’s sustainable, not something that’ll fizzle out because it’s not built on good foundation. 
Love as a choice and not as a feeling. Another way to say this is: feelings are not facts. What I mean by this is that you can feel anxious and stressed out in the relationship (ever heard of relationship anxiety? Well, now you have! And I have it LOL) but just bc you may feel negatively at times doesn’t mean there’s actually a reason for that. Sometimes (depending on your personal traumas) your nervous system will go into hyperdrive in order to help protect you from some perceived danger. You’ll start to try and find reasons to leave or to justify why you’re feeling a type of way. Feelings are not facts. Don’t self-sabotage. Take it from me, please. 
How wonderfully scary yet beautiful it is to share your life and yourself with someone. I never wanted to marry or have kids growing up. But when you find the right person, suddenly all these things become more of an adventure and a challenge you’re willing to take because you feel supported in doing so. You feel like you’ll have someone to make the journey worthwhile. It’s a really beautiful feeling to change your mind/perspective like that.
To cherish every moment bc you never know if/when it’ll end
Love without holding back. If you love someone in this moment, on this day, show them. Let them know. 
Small acts add up and become big, loving feelings. 
The importance of having values and morals align. Interests aligning really helps too and makes things more fun imo haha. I think it’s because I’m kinda niche (? Does that make sense?) so there are specific things I like doing. My ex and I liked the same things so it was fun to go around and have someone to do them with. We never fought about how we would spend our very limited quality time. It was fun, it felt natural. But even with this being said…
Try out new things together because that puts both of you on a neutral playing field, no one is more ‘in control’ or has more ‘power’ when you do something new together. Plus, creating totally new memories with someone you love is just super lovely!! 
It’s really important to respect who your partner is at their CORE, not just who they are as a partner towards YOU. Does this make sense? In the same way, they must also respect you at YOUR core and who you are as a HUMAN FIRST. 
Tbh... it’s so much easier when your circle (friends + family) like your partner. I know you can’t always find this.. but honestly… it’ll take away so much unnecessary drama and stress. Get the opinions of the people you hold closest to you. Try not to find someone who everyone dislikes lol it’s not cool (or worth it) to rebel (I say this bc I used to think it was cool LOL but hopefully you guys are smarter than me hehe). 
Fighting hard (and even often) isn’t necessarily a bad sign or a sign the relationship needs to end. I think of a relationship as two people trying to fight their inner demons, but together. Get through the fights. Learn what works and what doesn’t. Learn how to communicate through them. Learn if it’s best to solve things RIGHT NOW or to give your partner space and revisit the topic later. Learn what triggers them, learn what triggers you. Not to sound like a weirdo, but I personally like fighting with my partner. I want to see them in ‘every season’ of their being. I want to see what they’re like when they’re REALLY mad. Are they rude? Do they make me feel small? Do they stonewall me? Would they call me names? These are things that are scary but you need to see. Fighting styles are always evolving the more that you fight. You CAN fight productively and soon your ‘fights,’ which would fill you with dread and exhaust you, are now serious conversations that you can manage. Remember, winning isn’t the goal. Coming back to that person and showing them that you love and care for them are. (Honestly I can go on and on about fighting/communicating. These were actually 2/3 reasons my ex broke up with me- granted… he didn’t have the patience nor determination to figure things out with me. But it’s a long and convoluted story). 
You will make mistakes. You will hurt the person you love. On days, you will even dislike them and they will dislike you. That’s okay. If they’re worth it, keep choosing them and be gracious to yourself.
When you go through hard times, both your and their character will come out. One of the reasons why I am so upset and saddened by my ex leaving me is because he was so good to me in the beginning when things were easy (no fights, everyone got along, all the people in our circle also got along, my family liked him, his family liked me, etc.) but when things got tough, and we had a rough season of a lot of fighting and pent up resentment (on his end, bc he didn’t communicate a lot of how he was feeling towards me), he up and left rather than stay to try and figure things out. Even though he had proclaimed how much he loved me all the time, would say how he’s going to marry me, how he felt ‘so good’ about this relationship and could see it ‘going all the way,’ would pretend to get on one knee and propose to me bc he was ‘practicing’ … all those things fell through the cracks when things got hard. Was he a good boyfriend? Yes- but in the beginning. Could he endure what an actual relationship takes when things get hard and rough between us? No. Real love stays to mend, it doesn’t leave when things get dark. (I am going to brag about myself rn bc I feel that it’s deserved): What did I learn about myself when things got hard? That I’m someone who stays by the person I love. I’m someone who loves hard and true. I love tenaciously. If I say I love you and I want things to work, I’ll do the work. I’ll stay. I’ll fight the fight. I’ll love you the way you are RIGHT NOW, NOT who I hope you’ll be in the future. Relationships are NOT easy , tbh I think being in a relationship is the hardest thing I’ve ever done (and I’m not being dramatic!) but it’s one of the most rewarding and beautiful things you can do. Remember, nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. I feel proud knowing that I didn’t give up and that I gave it my all, even when things got messy. Even when my ex was breaking up with me. I was sobbing and he was extremely emotionally charged, rather than worry about myself I tried to give him water to calm him down, I asked if he wanted to take a 5 minute break from the conversation so he could cool off, I kept asking if he was okay even tho I was the one clearly breaking down. I put him first even when I was hurting- bad. Looking back at how lovingly I acted not only in that situation, but in many where things were going poorly, I know I’m someone I can be proud of that would leave others in awe if they saw how I acted in times of great distress. I wouldn’t have known this about myself had I not been in a relationship. 
Give up your ego. There's no worth in keeping it. You'll hurt the person you love. In the same way, try not to be with someone who won’t give theirs up. It’ll just be hard for you, trust me. 
Being vulnerable is scary, but it’s worth it. The right person will accept all your flaws and the story that has made you who you currently are today- warts and all.   
Even if a relationship ends, there is only one you - and that is your superpower. 
Tbh I can go on and on... but I had to stop it somewhere! >.< I’m so sorry my list is so long!
I don’t know what you’re going through or why you asked me this question, but I hope there is something you can take from it.
Thank you for stopping by and for reading. I hope you’re okay. ❤️
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drawnaghht · 1 year
just for the record, for Samurai Rabbit fans who do like the show, objectively, the show is pretty good. What's the objective measure here? for me it's usually just much I can enjoy it while watching, but there's always more to it than that. i was a bit bored with the show the first 2 eps, but then it surprised me with a few elements in ep 3. I slowly understood what it was actually going for with the slowness. I kept watching and found things I liked about it. Got all sorts of theories and connections and story ideas. I started re-reading Usagi Yojimbo and went looking for more crew interviews. Saw how much the cast and crew seemed to like it and I'm convinced that it was a good show to work on. Rewatched it in other dubs to get some other perspective for my theories. But that's just one way I enjoy shows.
Of course, there's no real objectivity when it comes to tastes, so I say, if you like it, like it unabashedly. You never know when a show just ends or you'll look back and might feel sad you didn't really let yourself enjoy it, just because others don't. I've watched much trashier shows before this one, (comparably, Samurai Rabbit isn't even trashy at all), and those have gotten much less hate, for being much much more annoying/bad/low quality as a whole x3 You don't have to feel bad about folks hating on the show online. They just have a different taste than you. But if you like it, that's really the only metric you need to judge it.
(this is specifically a thought bc a younger fan wrote to me that they felt sad that the show got so much hate in reviews/online posts etc)
if the show was truly as bad as some folks say, it probably would not have been made. there are just so many factors at play in making a show, i personally just try to go by my gut feeling at this point abt shows and if they're going to be fun to watch or not.
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and lol i don't have the energy to put this into a longer well-articulated post but still wondering i guess why there are so many posts with "oh this show ain't so good, i hate it" etc etc
sorry for sounding harsh or whatever but literally, watch more animation!!!! there are shows worse than this one and if you'd been alive when those aired you would have watched them and remembered them fondly, only to realize one day you were just watching them out of boredom bc there was nothing else animated on
even shows which we lambast as critical darlings within fandoms had their ups and downs during airing
how well a show is received always depends on how much the network loves it, but also a lot of pure luck
or you'd find a good show and see that the network abruptly ended it, not even with a solution or real ending, but just something open bc the creators were hoping the show could come back. or the show would come back, but completely changed, something so unwatchable you wish you could unwatch it
at least, that was my experience watching cartoons as a 20-something or younger, coming back to cartoon-watching because I had time after highschool
maybe the show just came out too late/early, and would have found a different audience if it came out at a different time. I think about how ROTTMNT was received and how now reviewers are coming back to it, with tails between their legs like "UmU this show was not so bad... after all!!!" shut it!!!! i guess compared to how rise was treated by old TMNT fans and critics alike, this one has gone fairly under the radar or remained almost unremarked upon. Well, old UY did complain about it, and youtube reviewers too, so it's sorta the same thing. kids' cartoons will always have adult critics because everyone thinks they know how to run a cartoon/know what a good cartoon is xD
find other things to do!!!! make your own cartoons and see how easy it is. western cartoon/tv is just how it is and it's not bad to expect more of it, but also, it feels weird to go along with hating or reviewbombing etc just because that's become something "in" now. there's worse media than an animated adaptation turned into a kids cartoon, made during the pandemic.
lowkey some of you just seem kind of spoiled with how many good series there are, and you're just putting the bar so high for even shows you like, NOTHING is good for you unless it's extremely perfect or catering to each and every of your expectations xD
yea ok, it's a children's cartoon - whatever! western children's cartoons can run such a wide gamut of quality vs enjoyability, there's so many shows now you can enjoy instead.
if it's good for you, great! if it's not, ok! don't go posting it in the tags as some universal opinion lol xD
again, there are much worse cartoons out there in the past and in other parts of the world. one little animation mistake or even several per episode aren't going to break my enjoyment of the episode or show as a whole xD
the slowness i mentioned experiencing for example, is also subjective. A reviewer on Commonsensemedia, wrote that they found the show too fast-paced, but that their young daugther liked it, and how the messaging came off as good to both them and their child. It's a matter of perspective.
like yeah, it's a bit goofy and dorky at times, I personally do not get some of the jokes (more on that in a proper review) and maybe as an animator, i'm a bit annoyed at some of the things done with the 3D animation specifically. But that's personal! and those are so few things. on the flipside, I was still able to enjoy the rest of the show, because to me it felt like a lot of care and thought was put into it as a whole. Like, many of the visdev team actually asked to be on the show. It can't be that bad if long time professionals around the western animation industry want to work on it.
A show that's truly bad, would not even bother fleshing out some sort of villain or antagonists at all, and mabye would have scrapped Kagehito as a character entirely, when hearing that it was sort of impossible to animate him as intended. But there's a lot of stuff in this show like that. Compromises from the crew, so they could still make the show and focus on aspects of production and story that were more necessary. So for example also, lobbying for more appearances of Miyamoto Usagi, even though Netflix was not on-board with that themselves, the producers and showrunners were.They were pushing for more of him and his backstory in this show.
so eah, idk, this ended up long anyway, but just, if you like it already, it's ok xD you don't have to justify yourself to other fans or people. and honestly, if you dislike it, same thing. you don't have to justify it. you can just dislike things without reason.
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paperw0rmz · 1 year
wut's a trend from the 90s/early 2000s u wanna see make a comeback? :0
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For those who don’t know Hi I’m Grave and I am obsessed with 90’s-2012 things and have archives and logs of media, specifically web, of things from those eras
1:Radio shack
As someone who is getting into ham radio and also just misses being able to get funky little add ons to computers and shit, I think we should all as a collective demand a radio shack. “Oh bUt yOu hAvE bEst bUy” I will literally slit your throat if you are dumb enough to think that that ugly wanna be ikea shit is anything remotely similar to big daddy Radio Shack
Was I way too young to be on them back when they were popular? Yes. Did that result into trauma? Yes. But I’ve learned my lesson and now I want this shit back so bad. I LOVE chat rooms. “YeAh wE hAvE dIscOrd aNd DMS” ITS NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING AND YOU KNOW IT.
Bring back chatzy, bring back IRC (I’m active on a few), I’m even on Wireclub if anyone wants to join my chat rooms there!!! And pesterchum
3: physical copies of media
I hate streaming services. I hate it. There is nothing but zombie glossy eyed, let’s market to the brain dead, shit on there. Like yes, I love some of the shows, but we have lost so much shit from moving to streaming services. Remember on a VHS or DVD where you could watch behind the scenes, bloopers, play movie/show related games all on a tape/disk???? It’s the same with any physical music media too. I think it makes you more so focused on what entertainment you actually like. Too many people just like things because it’s popular or trending, which is fine, but when it comes down to it do you actively want to OWN something physical from the media? If not then is it something you’re willing to put time into then? Why not do something else?
I’m not talking about that Dave and buster shit. I’m talking not scam (at least not as bad as it is now) arcades that was on every Main Street, in every mall, like in a mall now of days is a small as shit arcade if it’s NOT Dave and busters. I hate Dave and busters mainly bc they ruined a genre. It was marketed as a arcade for adults but then they added kid I pad games and now it’s just an awkward overpriced place to be where you can see a seven year old play cross road or angry birds on a glorified I pad and also see grown men get shit faced drunk.
Literally so hard to find good magazines now of days. Especially for a cost that won’t fucking kill you. I managed to get most of mine second hand, but it’s so hard to find anyplace that sells magazines especially ones that are to kids without being too babyish. I go to a grocery store and if I look for a young girls/boys magazine it’s about very YOUNG things to the point I don’t think the market audience can even read??? That or it’s just guns or gardening. Which is cool, but there isn’t anything for teenagers really anymore. Like yes there are, but you have to sign up online for it which is fine, but I miss being excited to go to the corner store to see if there is any latest addition of the magazine I loved there.
6:social interactions
You would jus stay outside or inside right next to your phone/computer waiting for someone to come by and tell you where everyone else is at. Like having to go walk to every gas station and corner store to see if your friends are there and getting excited when they are actually there. I am thankful for being able to easily like meet up with people, but like the feeling you get when you run into people and then go fuck off is so fun
7:The video games
Video game quality has gone down hill. I’m not talking about highly detailed story based games, no. I’m talking about app games, free to play games, all that shit. It is now a click bait, league clone, or clash clone. And it’s BORING. It’s all ad based and trying to suck as much money from you as possible and it’s all so ugly in that ugly 3D art style.
*insert the tweet about how if you say you like waffles people will just assume it means you hate pancakes* people today do not have common sense anymore.
9: sense of community
#coquette #grassfromthegardencore #corefromcore
Like yes, back then was also elitist, but not as bad and forced as it is now. So many people today are so focused on aesthetic labels instead of just focusing on what they just like. Like yes, labels are comforting, but to the point you’re desperately asking what aesthetic this is so you can then throw out and change your aesthetic to match it and then repeat over and over? Gross.
10: early web memes
Memes arnt long lasting today as it was back then. There aren’t even memes today. Just a tiktok video that was posted on Twitter. I hate it.
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libraincarnate · 2 years
Moon persona chart one : mine is in same sign 11th in natal and 8th in moon chart 💀 what do you say one this I'm trying to understand please thank you
- moon in the 11th house:
very social and could be comfortable with being open about your feelings
however you may wait to have an emotional connection before you really consider someone a friend
your mom could be one of your best friends, she may act too much like a friend and not enough like a mom/parent, not really dependable
could be sensitive about your friendships and connections with people
you find comfort in spending time and talking with your friends, really enjoying the quality time you have with them
empathetic, you care about people & society and wish better for them
hurts you deeply when people are cruel to others
your emotions may be unpredictable and difficult to control
the type to mentally process your feelings instead of just feeling them
desiring a good friend group/community, people you can trust
but some of your greatest pain may have been caused by your friends
can have a unique way of expressing your feelings
good emotional and social awareness
- moon in the 8th house in the moon persona chart:
tendency to be private/reserved & secretive
you don’t like when people see you cry and you try to prevent that
very guarded with your emotions, you don’t let people in easily
may be difficult to be vulnerable with others, hard to accept comfort/help
may find comfort in the dark so you be attracted to things that are considered bad, scary, or forbidden. for example, drugs, witchcraft, magic in general, things related to death, etc.
your mom could be someone who has hurt you the most in life and made you feel a lot of pain and suffering
may like to wear black a lot
you never forget the pain people caused you, could hold grudges
probably have super heavy and intense emotions, ones that people don’t expect you to have but also one’s that even surprise you
may prefer to be alone
sex that feels very passionate and emotionally intense
you are or will be (if you want kids) a super protective parent
could have experienced a lot of deaths in your life, been to a lot of funerals
might feel paranoid about letting people close to you or even about the people who are already close to you because they can hurt you the most
vulnerability may make you feel insecure
- with that being said there are clearly some differences between the having your moon in the 11th and 8th house. the moon in your moon persona chart can be like be another layer to your feelings, pain, trauma and how you identify with your emotions.
you may experience a push and pull within you. the push to be social, talk about your feelings with others, help them, maybe heal them, and to really connect with them but you may also feel the pull to isolate your self and be in solitude, to keep your feelings and secrets to yourself, to not get to close with others or be so friendly, may overshare and then regret it after, wanting to keep everything private etc.
hope this helps.
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villains4hire · 1 year
16, 17 (nuravity)
//Soft reminder that I track anons if I get dms over this lol.
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16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? //I think I would change to at least make Stella and Stolas's situation comedic rather than 'drama-based'. As Loona has physically abused Blitz more than Stella has done to Stolas on screen at this point and it may as well be played for laughs if we're really gonna go that route. Like that and just not have this narrative they're 'good people' or at least presentation when they're all trained killers, ppl like villains for being who they are, not being 'good'. It's okay to have 'upstanding qualities', but it just seems like a moot thing to do when the reality is that it's literal Hell. There are levels of varying evil yes, but they're all bad people which some you can be empathetic towards or those grossly disgusting at the end of the day with rare exceptions being genuinely 'good people' by any standards like: Charlie, Moxxie (even Moxxie kills semi-innocent people but has standards), Millie, probably a few others like maybe Vaggie and Octavia, but I dunno man. It just feels kind of weird at times as you don't have to prop up the protags over who they're opposing. As I get the whole 'good and evil' is a black and white narrative, but some things like literal murder or them playing up murdering some kid or kids for a joke in several episodes I'd say is pretty straight forward evil even if say 'the kid is a dick' or 'the crazy murderer's kids are probably brainwashed to begin with', then bc Stella tries to bitch slap her now Ex, she's the worst apparently? It's all really weird when there are things arguably more 'evil' that the protags do than who they oppose at times on screen.
Like, even from a comedic standpoint, it kinda just picks it apart as it's not to take the piss out of all of it or just be unfun, I'd rather just have them be 'bad people' and presented as such. I mean look at Overlord as anime/series, it's bad people doing terrible shit to other bad people or even worse people and that's a pretty big hit. It just feels unneeded and not as organic for me in the narrative it unintentionally paints. As you could argue it's just a comedy show, but they're attempting actual plot, actual empathy and something to grab your attention to a background story that's playing more and more out, so I think it's not really able to use that excuse anymore.
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17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
//I think I've mentioned Final Space already but uh, I'd probably would have made Lapis Lazuli a stand-alone ally rather than be a Crystal Gem and have her one thousand years of isolation do more to her mentally speaking in terms of being unwell? She would've befriended but not become part of the Crystal Gems and maybe stick around more/be present in the series with the group along with Peridot and Bismuth and not focus so much on the backstory of the creator's favorite: Pearl. Then give more attention to Amethyst who didn't get that much tbh and probably Sapphire and Ruby a lil more. As the other three such as Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot I would've preferred more involved mayhaps? Then while I get the message, I think it would've been stronger for Steven to beat White Diamond to poof her, then show mercy later on in the series when she changes, that not everyone can change, but WD decided to as Rebecca's message I get, I really do, but it felt a little weak when the 3 main Diamonds are literal imperalist entities that have caused massive suffering under their reign, but it is a kid's show so I try not to take it too seriously but just like fedangle a few neat things that might've made her message stronger/better as such a large platform that influences the minds of millions of youth while keeping her somewhat flawed vision but okay that I arguably find pretty flawed in execution.
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
episode one of nay pretending to have a podcast or perhaps some sort of serious blog where she analyzes slasher movies
"it's a film about meat." - aka there is no ethical consumption under capitalism: the movie
so Obviously i'm gonna start whatever this is. by talking abt. texas chainsaw massacre (1974) there is fucking NOTHING in this world as SPECIAL as texas chainsaw massacre i love her so much she means Everything to me she is so. just. genuinely important for horror movies like. i've seen her be called "The Mother Of All Horror Movies" and you know WHAT it's SOOO TRUE so fair she deserves it she's. the blueprint. the original. and like for better or worse tbh bc if you really look at it she didn't just like. start the slasher subgenre back in the 70s but she also. was the first remake in the 2000s like. she started the fucked up slasher remakes craze of the early 2000s like. they made the tcm reboot in 2003 and they just. never fucking Stopped that trend was her fault. arguably. most of them were at the very least unnecessary like i don't always Hate remakes but. what are you bring to the table why are you needed what are you Saying. and sometimes they bring something new but it's Worse BLACK CHRISTMAS 2006 I'M LOOKING AT YOU but actually speaking of black christmas. i love it so much truly one of my faves But. i've seen like. sources online and stuff and they talk abt black christmas and texas chainsaw like. like an alt kid who wants to Prove they're cooler than you by talking abt some obscure band they listen to. anyway. there's that like weird reversal of expectations tone to some articles and stuff where they try to say that "before texas chainsaw massacre came black christmas" which is like. OBJECTIVELY NOT TRUE?!?!?!?!? like texas chainsaw was lichrally release like 10 days before black christmas give me a break 😭😭😭 why would you lie to me like that why would you fucking say that!!! sbdjajkfksg so weird. anyway!!! i would argue that even IF black christmas had come out before texas chainsaw it doesn't have the same. level of slasher energy i guess. the same amount of influence. like. it's not like the traditional slashers that we grew used to ya know ??? so even THEN all the other movies just clearly took so much more inspiration from texas chainsaw she truly just left more of a footprint i think if the slasher genre was built upon the foundations of black christmas instead it would be sooo different. black christmas is like. a little bit uhhh smarter ?? than like. texas chainsaw and the like. there's more thinking in there w the whole peter situation while texas chainsaw is just. in your face and she's PERFECT ok this is so irrelevant actually anyway moving on
i don't even feel like i Can talk abt it bc there is SO much to say and who am i to try and say it!!!! god. the vibes of the first movie. how it feels so Real the documentary aspect of it the way it just fucking LIES to you saying it's based on a real story and it ISN'T but it does feel real god!! the sets being so organic the way it's shot the low quality and low budget just ADDS so much to it!!!! god old slashers w low budgets are the SHIT i mean it there is NOTHING like those and i feel like you can't really pull it off anymore nowadays ??? like if you have a low budget in 2022. you're done. pack it up. it's gonna be bad. but back in the day???? god and i don't know why but. god. back on topic. tcm74 just Feels so organic you watch it and you feel how hot it is how dry it is you look at it and you can FEEL it can't you. and besides the visuals (stunning) it has so much to say? it's so much smarter than you'd think it is? i could not possibly talk abt all the critique and commentary it does abt usamerica & society besides the obvious points but it's SO interesting and clever and ughhhhh when i learned the gas shortage that is one of the main plot points in the movie was actually a real common problem in the us at the time and not just a convenient plot point to get the characters in the situation we need them in. i was Sent. i was Insane. i don't know why it sent me the way that it did but.
there is also something SO COOL abt how. famously everyone remembers the original texas chainsaw to be a lot gorier and bloodier than it actually is right? like it's a common thing for people who watched it once a long time ago to think it was so much more of a splatter than it actually is. i for one watched it as a kid and i was Dead Sure it was sooo fuckin messy but it ISN'T not ONE bit not at ALL the most blood you see is literally just on sally at the end of the movie. isn't that so fascinating. show don't tell can work the opposite way in movies sometimes and the blood and gore in texas chainsaw is Implied, Philosophical, and it's so fuckin. good. that it gaslights you into thinking it's messy as hell just because it's SO intense the visuals simply Have to match right??? but they DON'T and it's SO IMPACTFUL maybe even more impactful for that innit god i love it sooo fucking much!!!!!! it's so brutal that your brain just kinda fills in the blank!!!! makes me go CRAZY!!!!!!
moving on! onto my favorite bit maybe. ? characters. god bless. i love the mandatory group of teenagers/young adults who are introduced Just to be killed off i LOVE them always and the texas chainsaw ones are especially pleasant to have around for as long as they last are they not. babes. i don't get when people go like. boohoo the mandatory group of kids that only exists to get killed off have no personality in [insert movie] 😔😔 like i don't CARE i don't care abt their personality i look at them and all i see is a bunch of little corpses who CARES but like obviously if they Have personality sure it's a nice bonus but like. who cares. the texas chainsaw kids Do have some level of personality doe i do care them except sally's boyfriend he does Nothing for me except driving the van but fine. kirk i do like him more he's alright. but PAM MY FUCKING GIRL!!!! i love an astrology bitch who has everyone's chart memorized i Love her i love sally but i just care pam so much more. not in a way that makes me wish SHE was the final girl bc i have so much affection for the kids who die. i love to see them diebrnsjjckskgjsf like. sometimes my favorite kids deserve it. not as a result of them Pissing Me Off but just bc i like them so much they deserve to go out in the best way? you know there's a lot of honor in being killed in a movie like this i think and pam? arguably? more iconic than sally. all the scenes she's in are Perhaps more iconic than sally's scenes. like. the shot of the house from below & behind pam ass first. the shot where she tries to run out of the house and bubba picks her up just as she's jumping out the door. the bit where she gets put on that hook. god. Iconique literally iconique !!!!!!!! my beloved my queen!!!! sally doe she just. my girl's jumping out of windows over and over the way she keeps screaming Iconique as well really gets in your head it's so impactful and she simply. does not stop screaming or jumping out the window. she is so relentless fr god bless and to her credit obviously the final bit where she's covered in blood in the back of that car laughing and screaming as it drives off FIND ME A FINAL SCENE AS ICONIQUE AS THIS ONE GOD!!!!! i do hate everything that's happened to her in the sequel(s) doe <3 fuck that. anyway. the man the myth the legend. franklin. my man. pam's a bit more favorite but he's a clooose second how could people ever fucking say he's annoying i have never thought he's irritatin. like. ok objectively maybe he could be a bit nagging and repetitive ok but like. wouldn't you be a bit. shook. like my man got his arm sliced by some freak and you want him to just get OVER it????? fucking insane how do you expect him to not be like a bit paranoid at LEAST abt it god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and i don't think the other kids are always necessarely evil to him but you know when they just leave him alone once they get to his and sally's grandparents' house. that scene is so frustrating to me why would you do that to him. and then whine that he's annoying. he deserves to be annoying if anything i'm gonna kill you he did Nothing wrong. he's sooo fascinating too like obviously the movie wants to tell us he's got Something in common w the sawyers almost right.... like there's this inherent otherness abt franklin that separates him from his group and it almost seems like he has more of a connection to nubbins.... it's so inchresting..... i wish that went somewhere you know it's kinda left up in the air after the Concept is introduced it's a shame but also i like that it doesn't go further idk. idk
but Obviously the actual STARS of the show. the sawyers God i love them. i love a family i LOVE a fucked up little family more than anything else i love how much we get of them in texas chainsaw 2 i love grandpa just. being there even though he's more dead than alive but they won't let him die they won't let him go and even GRANDMA and nubbins in the sequel something so inchresting abt how they kill & eat people all the time but they won't even really record when their family dies ? like. if they won't eat it then it's not dead ?? they can't wrap their heads around someone being dead unless they eat it i think the sawyers' relationship with death is so fascinating luv
and obviously there is also something to say about grandpa and the Good Ole Days and the way they cling to him and it's some kind of metaphor for not wanting to move on from the traditions they were used to and hating the /progress/ in technology etc and it's something that nubbins touches on in the van too- obviously one of tcm's big themes in general
the way that there is no female figure no mother figure in the family (unless we count grandma who i'm sure was a girlboss but. you know. dead now) is SOOO important and interesting about them and i HATE how some sequels tried to add that female figure i feel like it just fucks up the dynamic like. there Is a reason that they had no ladies in the family to begin with just let it be that way i can't put my finger exactly on WHAT it adds but it ADDS SOMETHING like bubba wearing the grandma mask to make up for the lack of a female figure is IMPORTANT it SAYS SOMETHING they would have added a mom or made grandma alive in 74 if they had to. like. this was so clearly done on purpose like. like. i get so pissed off for no reason abt this LIKE they would have turned out different if a girlboss was in the picture ok. 
moving on. drayton. beloved eldest daughter disease ridden old man. he is such a guy. he is so much some guy. i like to think he's not actually as old as he looks he just aged like absolute shit whenever he ended up having to care for his three younger brothers by himself so like. i don't blame him for being a little rough. he's so weird. he's actively part of the fucked up stuff his family does even if he might not enjoy the actual killing that much but at the same TIME he's so NORMAL like. we meet him very early on at the gas station and we don't suspect a thing we might even forget about him cause he's soooo just some guy right. he's kidnapping sally to bring her home so they can kill & supposedly eat her and yet he stops to go back and turn off the light like that's the biggest problem he's got on his hands rn. the way he's so consistently concerned abt money and stuff. like. it brings such a level of Normalcore it hammers in how much that type of violence has been normalized for them the way that despite. you know. the cannibalism and all he's worried abt money and bills like you and me and the rest of us. it's such a good clash! it does such a good job at subtly telling you. hey. look at this fucked up little family. they're just like us. you could be them if you were pushed enough. you couldn't even tell him apart from sally and her friends at first cause he's just like them. them being just like you. ain't it fuckin scary. and it is!! 
and the TWINS???? HELLO. chop top is SO special i love how he's introduced in the second movie w no actual foreshadowing or anything in the original (which would drive most people up the wall) (talking about me) but still he settled in so well and he's so beloved! when you see people talk abt the og sawyers he's usually included even if he's not an actual og! and usually people (ME) don't fuckin take it kindly when new random family members are added to the original (texas chainsaw 3d & leatherface 2017 talking about you mostly. third & fourth don't really count i feel like it goes off track enough to get away w it but.) but CHOP TOP CAN STAY THANK YOUUUU 🥰🥰🥰 he's my best friend. and the only thing they say abt why he wasn't there in the first one is just. oh he was in the war. genius. stellar. of course he was in the war look he has a fucking metal plate in his head. why the fuck was HE the only one in the war but everyone else was just home. who the fuck cares. i'm obsessed w him!! obviously he fits the tone of the second movie perfectly, actually helps to bring up the funnysilly vibe they wanted, a comedic relief kind of character but if i think too much about him coming back from the war w a hole in his skull & finding his twin brother dead & deciding to put straps on nubbins' arms so he can wear him like a fucked up little backwards backpack and carry him around and talk for both of them using a different voice for nubbins and refusing to let him go. i could start to get a little bit sad it breaks my heart a little bit. it's tragic actually innit. but he CARRIES on w his stupid little hippy attitude or whatever the way he is w music the way he just has fun w bubba and takes him on a little drive and listens to the radio w him. and nubbins also comes with. i love the fucking concept
and nubbins. fucking weirdo little artist he's so fun. obviously not as funNY as chop top but he's FUN we don't get to know him as much as chop top or even like any other brother really bc the second movie is what really gives us a lot of content and obviously :/ nubbins isn't really in it :/ but one thing abt him that i feel like is kinda underrated is that he just fuckin. really sets the whole story in motion doesn't he. he's the one fucking w the corpses at the cemetery and that's the reason why sally and the gang go on their little trip to check on grandpa's grave and that's how they run into the sawyers if you think abt it it's all because of nubbins <3 the little reveal was so satisfying to me! cause you almost forget in the whole mess that at the start of it all was some weirdo digging out corpses! and then in a casual blink and you'll miss it exchange they reveal it's the hitchhiker and like. the way it all snapped into place in my brain was soooooo satisfying it's UNDERRATED i understand that like. you don't need to care abt the gravedigging at the end of the day BUT I LIKED IT UGHHHH also i fucking care that he's an Artiste i care that he's creative i care that he has a Vision i care that the implication is that he made all the cool bone furniture in the house i care that he and bubba (not sure abt chop top doe & drayton def doesn't seem to have one) have weird bracelets that kinda look like they're made from bones or teeth and like it had to be nubbins making that too right i care that he's a photographer i care that he ✨decorates✨ other places too (not just the cemetery but sally & franklin's grandparents home ALSO had that little sculpture that freaked out franklin) he's SOOO SPECIAL
and finally. last but by god not least the opposite of least actually the MOST the most important most special boy in all of texas my BELOVED my BABY BOY BABY leatherface i fucking love him so much i adore him he is SUCH a good character but it's so easy to miss i think if you watch the movie without thinking much abt it 😭😭😭 which is a valid way of watching texas chainsaw but is it worth it. no. but if you think abt him. and i personally think abt him all the fuckin time. there is so much there.... gen my favorite thing is just that he's objectively supposed to be a sympathetic villain. and i feel like at this point it's an overdone and often badly done character trope but he's fine he's OK he's wonderful. so. i love that if i go He Did Nothing Wrong I Can Fix Him i'm not just being hashtag insane but i'm actually kind of right bc that was kind of the plan. the director intended for this to happen he was building leatherface w the purpose of making a pathetic little scary guy and. it worked! so well! to me. i get it's hard to notice but also i cannot imagine missing it like. it's right there. like. backtracking. of Course he is also supposed to make you shit your little pants and he's not supposed to be. innocent or whatever. but you HAVE to grasp the. ~he's as scared of you as you're scared of him~ dynamic it's RIGHT there!!!!! it's not subtext it's RIGHT THERE most notably when him and pam see each other the first time they're both panicking and screaming! or when he just looks out the window to make sure there's no more meddling kids and then he sits down to pat his face and take a breath like he's had such a tough day :( he's having a liddol panic attack pls give him a second :( but a WAY better example to me that i don't see people bring up as often is the little moment when. after sally breaks into his house and locks him out. after she's done running up the stairs and she's running back down just as he finishes chopping up the door. the moment when he steps in and sees her basically running towards him. and he straight up gets so startled he jumps back on his heels for a second before getting his mind back in the game and starting to chase her again. like. that fuckin moment! that is so clear! bc you could chalk up his screaming at pam as him being mad but like. this. this bit is so important to me!! like /canonically/ he doesn't kill any of those kids out of malice but just out of fear? self defense? he's definitively like protecting the family from these fucking trespassers right. i Have said that texas chainsaw massacre 1974 is just Why Are You In My House: The Movie. which is a valid fucking question like for the love of god will you stop fucking walking into people's house it's fuckin illegal. and rude. i just think that it's so cool that he's scared kinda the whole time :) i think it's so cool that Arguably the first slasher is just a scared big guy i think it's so cool that Arguably the first slasher movie managed to make a very organically sympathetic villain without relying on all the cheap moves that a lot of other movies use THAT ONE OF THE PREQUELS FUCKING USES LEATHERFACE 2017 THIS IS FUCKING ABOUT YOU i have so many problems w that fucking movie and the worst crime is the fucking clichè tragic backstory that they slap on my boy like why would you go so far to try and /make/ this character sympathetic by making you feel sooo bad for him or at least i feel like that was the goal when he was already sympathetic in the original movie. like. they missed the point AND they did it wrong and i do not care for it AND WHY SUDDENLY HE'S THIS LANKY TWINKY FUCKING WHITE BOY OF THE MONTH LIKE 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 HE IS NEVER GROWING INTO THE BUBBA WE KNOW AND LOVE DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME !!!!! his Size is so. important ? and they took that away from him 🔪 
ACTUALLY THE WAY HE LOOKS? HIS PRESENTATION IN GENERAL? UGHHHH SO IMPORTANT ! the plasticky butcher apron is furtherly telling you Hey This Is Normal To Them. This Is Just A Job To Them. Because They Lost Their Job To Industrialization So They Need To Do This Now To Provide For Themselves. Wouldn’t You Do The Same? You’d Have To Do The Same. You’d Need To. Hey Why Are You Scared It’s Just Work It’s Just Blood It’s Just Meat Didn’t You Like Meat? We (the sawyers) ’re Just Like You (the viewer) (Struggling, Needing Jobs, Needing Food, Poor) You (the viewer) ’re Just Like Them (the animals) (Just Meat, Get Butchered) the way that putting this normal job article of clothing in a context so fucked up has the same unsettling effect of drayton’s whole deal but it’s more effective bc it highlights one of the main points of the movie aka the equating humans to the animals we have to slaughter so at the same time it brings out the violence we commit and makes you think of it as awful in a way you’re not used to thinking of (vegan propaganda-esque) but at the same time it questions it. why are you not used to thinking like that? why can you excuse yourself when you kill living beings bc u gotta eat but the sawyers are scary for that? aren’t you both monsters then? or are you both excused? aren’t you both just hungry? anyway. as i said his size is so important to the way he. operates. ig? to the way he Scares but also it works so well w the way his characters Is. again like i said. the contrast between him looking so intimidating and him being so intimidated. i truly love it. love that he’s the youngest he’s the littlest baby but also he’s 6something ft x 300 pounds and wields a chainsaw and yet his smaller older brothers kick him around all day and he makes himself (look and sound) small when the oldest, probably weakest, least inclined to violence (alleged, arguable) brother approaches him threateningly
and the masks???? he just wears them to wear them. he’s not hiding a weird face situation like tcm03&06 (which is a liddol lame sorry 😔 like boooo what’s new) i think it’s supposed to be a means of expressing. purely a way to communicate. he can’t really speak- he’s not non-verbal like jason or michael, he simply. it’s like he didn’t learn how to talk. makes me wonder how early on did they give up on him. like definitively they did not bring him to school. so did they never teach him. where were mom and dad. was grandpa /dead/ already when bubba was little. was drayton simply unable to parent him. did they resort to cannibalism were they already cut out of normal human society when bubba was little. how old is even he ! the very fact that his /name/ is just bubba probably because it's all he could manage to say. ! the first actor who played leatherface and worked on building him as a character talked in his book about bubba’s /speaking/ process, about how he has some lines on the script, about how he talks but he just bumbles up the words into a sound that just reminds you of the actual words if you listen closely. it’s like he can’t speak but he can try to replicate sounds he hears. he does the same w animals. so it seems like he can understand but doesn’t know how to make those sounds, put letters in the right order to make them into words. it’s so cool it's so interesting. so he can’t express himself normally thru words. so he does it thru the masks :) he feels nurturing so he wears the grandma mask to make dinner for his family. he wants to be pretty like sally for the dinner so he tries looking for a mask w blonde hair like hers before settling on the pretty lady mask and putting on makeup. i just love him so much do you understand. don’t even get me STARTED on his genderfuckery on his being “detatched” from gender and just trying to look the part. like. he just has no idea how things out there are huh. i think he was just always sheltered and brought up into the violence of the sawyers household. and yet he’s a sweetheart. DESPITE that he’s a sweetie. bc i don’t know if more than any other brother he realizes that what they do is bad. segway-ing into the second movie. when he tries helping?? hiding??? comforting???? idk hard to say. stretch when she ends up in their house and he just does to her what he finds to be good. puts her bestie’s fuckin face on her face. bc maybe he doesn’t realize it’s a fuckin AWFUL thing to do hgdgfdgf but it’s helpful to him he’s used to this it’s normal to him so he does that for her. am i making any sense. can you hear me. are you seeing the recurring theme of fucking up what's normal. are you seeing the recurring theme of bubba babyboybaby my sweetest best boy in all of texas. he's baby your honor.
ummmmm anyway. so. yea. i don't know if i have any more to add so. instead i'm gonna /rank/ all the movies but it's mostly an excuse to talk shit worst to best let's Go
1- fuckin 2017. oh my god. i kinda touched upon what i hate abt it already but. like. why's he a twink. i get why he's a twink it's for the big plot twist wow reveal at the end but like why for the love of god. why's it a prequel to the original why's there a mom why does he fuck up his face to excuse the masks and the Not Talking. why did you make it so different from the tcm formula like… i understand it can get a little repetitive but i love it i feel like it should be there. there wasn't even a dinner scene. there wasn't even a surprise relative. come on. why does it feel like a devil's rejects reject. why does the first movie in the firefly trilogy feel more like a texas chainsaw than this actual texas chainsaw which feels like the second firefly trilogy movie instead. oh my god. why did you do THEE 2012 creepypasta go-to tragic backstory of Insane Asylum. i literally want to kill this movie so hard
2- the newest netflix one. Jesus. it wasn't gonna be this high on the list cause i thought it didn't do Anything for the story. like for better or worse i thought it simply had nothing to add. but oh boy. it's just so. fucking bad and lame. i almost even thought there was potential but. first of all it also doesn't feel like a texas chainsaw either but it's not as bad as 2017. secondly it takes the topic of Progress In Technology Bad but tackles it in the cringiest most boomer way like god. don't even get me started on the bus scene. you cancel leatherface? you cancel them like an influencer? chainsaw. chainsaw for the millenials for ten fucking minutes i want to Die also mask ugly i like that apparently it was supposed to look sad and pathetic almost as if it wanted you to sympathize w him but Ugly. i appreciate that it sort of addresses the original family and why there's a mother figure but i simply do not want it. this leatherface smells like jason. and the focus was on the group of kids too much and those kids sucked ass. and i'm gonna pretend they didn't fucking mess with sally. and i want to kill this movie and this franchise for the love of god let it die let it rest
3- i'm gonna start this point by saying that i feel the same level of like-dislike ratio for tcm3 tcm4 And tcm3d. like. i kinda don't care enough and the pros and cons are sort of the same. so i'm not sure how i'm gonna rate them. they might as well all be on the same tier. but i'm gonna put 3rd one aka 1990 one here. it's just so forgettable. more than the 4th bc at least that one's So fucking bad in the most batshit way it sticks w you but this one ??? like. brain empty. i don't. i'm repetitive but again i do not fucking appreciate adding family members and this one adds All the family members huh. freaks me out to see aragorn there. and the lowest point is obviously the fucking. daughter. oh god for the love of god i hate to think abt her and how it's implied that she. came to be. why would you do this you did not need to do this i swear to god. And i feel like this is where we start to lose our grip on leatherface as a character bc he is a bit too evil and scary in this one besties i'm not seeing him have enough panic attacks. one thing i like soooo much from this movie that i still remember is the golden chainsaw No. but that IS cool as shit. i remember kinda liking the bit where he puts his headphones on the girl :-) and yanks them off when she yells at him or smth :-( my bubba would have gotten startled abt it. but whatever . also the other superior thing is that whole bit where he's playing that i guess word-image association game and it's showing him a picture of a Person and he keeps trying to mark it down as Food and gets frustrated when it keeps telling him it's wrong UGHHH THAT IS SOOOO NICE AND SO COOL AND I LOVE IT!!! but everything else in the movie is shit and wrong so. pass
4- fuckin new generation. oh my god. can you believe that is a movie that got made. how did they even think of that weird illuminati subplot like what weed were they smoking Like. Hello. honestly 80% of the reason i'm not putting this at third place is bc there's no r*pe baby in this one but the bar is so low. insert mandatory complaint abt the extended family here except these guys are fuckin. insane. i don't like them. and the squad of little corpses is unbearable. having said that i can kinda vibe w how BAD!!!!!! JUST BAD it is bc i have grown to enjoy straight up bad slasher movies but the fact that this is a Bad Texas Chainsaw and not just a bad slasher makes it harder for me :( but if i pretend i do not see that… then i can kinda have a good time. they did kinda fuck w leatherface's character but in the completely opposite direction than normal this time like. dare i say he is a bit Too wimpy in this one and not intimidating enough. like it just gets a liddol bit ridiculous. but i can almost forgive everything in favor of how HARD they went with the genderfuckery i'm not gonna debate the like. morality of it? like is it offensive did it come from a good place i do Not care abt it. but i care abt bubba goin full fem baybayyyy slayyyy yassss this might be a problematic statement from me but i think this leatherface is closer to the original than most other sequels have ever gotten to. bye. not debating it
5- 3d. oh GOD texas chainsaw 3d !?!?!?! oh god. getting the obvious Timeline Makes No Sense critique out of the way immediately i'll move on to Why Is This Plot Literally A Creepypasta Wattpad Fanfic. a secret little cousin??? who gets introduced to the family tradition of Chainsaw???? hi?????? this takes my pet peeve of fuckin hate extra relatives and makes the story be all about it. + there's that fuckin terrible editing moment that. iykyk i can't remember enough to be specific but. for the love of god. besides that. i put it lower on this list bc. i appreciate it a bit more. mainly due to my beloved mutual leo hellboys who likes this one sooo much that it grew on me by proximity. and secondly bc at the very least you can tell the source material is truly understood. it's so clearly a passion project and there's so much love that clearly went into it. bringing back original cast members is such a sweet move. leatherface is quite humanized and the movie asks you to empathize with him and if he's a bit more bitter than i'd like i can let it slide bc they killed his family it makes sense if he's rude now. + the actor is……. hhoghh god. lol. it's fine
6- 2003 reboot. i appreciate a reboot WAY more than a sequel prequel whatever. i respect that they went all out and just made up a completely new leatherface & family to fuck around with instead of fucking up the character and add relatives. this leatherface is simply a completely different dude so if he has a tragic backstory and an aggressive personality and a different family it won't annoy me u know? and i RESPECT that. it's a fine movie + it's the one i saw as a kid (in fact me & my cousins just referred to leatherface as thomas) but it bears the faults of starting the bad remakes era. tcm is a trendsetter for better or worse ig
7- the beginning 2006 i like a prequel more sorry. i like to see how things came to be And i like the group of dead kids walking more AND the scene? where chloe from lucifer shoots herself in the head? and the camera goes thru her mouth thru the hole in her head to the wideshot(????) of all the kids screaming? my GOD that is one of THEE coolest fucking shots in the whole world like oh my god. bumps it up the list immediately. anyway. dumpster baby tommy hewitt i care you. this man is the biggest brickhouse in texas has cake for days long shaggy hair A Job competent as all hell cool mouthguard kind of mask?!?!! homoerotic tension with his first face???!?!?!??! my MAN!!! i'm not a slasherfucker. but i'd go as far as to say. he is Hot. anyway. fuckin hate hoyt more than most characters in history. but luda mae… oh sweetie she's so sweet… now i'll go on to broadly talk abt both movies. the cinnamontography as anticipated is really fuckin nice. i adore all the little references to the original movie i always love to see it. i love that they stuck to the formula (surprise family member! DINNER SCENE!!!!) but at the same time! this movie explains things that i don't need explained! the skin thing to excuse the mask! the weird reason to become cannibals that is just a watered down version of what's implied in the original! it's not enough to turn me off bc again. reboot can get away with more or less anything. but still
8- i'm gonna be fuckin honest it's so hard to pick between the first one and the second one. by god they're soooo close they could just be on the same step. the only reason i'm putting the original as the last in this list - and therefore the Best one - is bc. well. of course. it just deserves it. despite of what your opinion might be. so we're talking about 1986's texas chainsaw massacre 2. easily one of my favorite slasher sequels of all. it's so fuckin fun! the original had some bit of dark comedy and they decided to just go all out on the comedy in round 2 and i love them for it! the family dynamic is great chop top is fucking amazing the personality we got from all of them was PERFECT we got so much more of bubba… we got NAMES! WE GOT STRETCH OH MY GOOOOD STRETCH MY FAVORITE FINAL GIRL THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! the ONLY fault of this movie is that one of the new main characters they introduced was a fucking cop. that one is unforgivable. but everyone except stretch dies at the end so it's cool ig. i love it they really knew what they needed to do. instead of making it Scarier they made it funny. just so the next sequels could try to make a scary villain out of bubba. suck my dick this movie is fucking Perfect and i love it so much
so is this it. am i finished. do i have anything else to say 🤔🤔🤔🤔 i think i've talked enough. i fucking love this movie & franchise to some extend soooo much she's everything. my final message thank you for reading to anyone who might have 😭😭😭 if i continue going insane there will be more <3 i had a Blast running my mouth. this is truly therapeutic
9- and finally. the 1974 original. i'm not gonna say anything bc i just. talked enough abt her lmao no need to explain why it's last place in a worst to best all over again. but. yeah. there she is
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hotcocoabombb · 25 days
archiving my thoughts on sonic 06 with some light revisions since I'm hoping to abandon twitter now :)
Sonic's campaign:
I finally beat Sonic's campaign. Did I enjo- no. Not at all. This was absolute ass. It felt like torture. I forced myself to do this out of curiosity. The last cutscene was nice but Jason is so bleh as Sonic he took me out of it. Elise and Sonic had a good relationship but the rest of the story was dumb, the gameplay was either boring or frustrating, and honestly the only redeeming qualities were the music and the story being laughably bad. So I give Sonic's campaign a 1.5/10, although that could change depending on the other campaigns
Shadow's story:
Just beat shadows campaign. I think past me summed it up well. This was better than Sonics campaign, but in the same way where I'd rather get punched in the face instead of getting punched in the balls. There's no mach speed and no level quite hits the low of Sonic's Kingdom Valley, but overall this just wasn't fun. It was less frustrating and more boring, which honestly I'd take in a heartbeat. Also I don't see why people rave about his characterization in this game so much. Like yeah that sure was how shadow the hedgehog would react in this moment. Nothing groundbreaking, idk why people lose their shit over it all the time. The story is still weak as fuck, mephiles is an awful villian with no presence, and the voice acting is very meh. I'd give it a 2.5/10 overall. Better than Sonic's but not by much.
Silver's Campaign:
I just beat silvers campaign and holy shit he is the best one by FARRRRRR. Sure, silver is slower in a speed platformer, but because 06 controls so awfully the slower speed actually helps the game feel, plus his hover helps how bad mid-air movement feels. And his levels are all fun! The ball puzzle genuinely didn't give me any issues somehow so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it's fine lmao. This is still sonic 06, so it's not amazing, but I actually had some fun. 5/10. I might play some of these levels again one day. Onto Last Story!
Last Story/Final Thoughts:
Unfortunately the energy from Silvers campaign didn't carry over. End of the World is rage inducing making you use all of the broken characters that aren't fun to control, and the final boss is boring, but functional at the very least. On its own that gets a 3/10. As for the game itself, Sonic 06 is like the kid who fails every exam. Like you can tell he's trying but it's just disappointing yet expected at a certain point. Everything good in this game would be SO much better if you experienced it in any other Sonic game. The only thing this game has going for it is Silver's Campaign, which isn't even that good, it's just relatively better than the rest imo. All of this leads to me just feeling like I wanted to play any other game in this franchise, and it just made me feel like i was slowly decending into madness. I'm glad I played it, even if just to give myself the experience, but outside of a few levels from Silver's campaign I never wanna touch this game again. This is the 2nd biggest exercise in frustration I've ever had, and I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to play it. Onto the story. It's terrible. Aside from Silver, who may just be my favorite Sonic character now, this whole game just has awful writing. When they try to pull emotional moments at the end, they didn't land bc I didn't care. Sonic dying is actually the dumbest fucking part of this game. His death scene literally made me cackle the first time I saw it. Frontiers ending pre-update 3 handles this better, and that was rushed beyond belief. Every part of this story thats "good" is, once again, better in any other sonic game. People rave about Shadows writing but honestly it's only slightly above sonics, and way worse than silvers. It may sound like I'm trying to be contrarin but this is seriously how I feel. But TLDR, Sonic 06 is one of the most dreadful experiences I've ever had. I was begging it to end by the time I reached the end of sonics campaign, but instead it dragged itself out for 2 more tedious campaigns, an ending that underwhelmed more than frontiers, a shitty final boss, and made me never wanna touch my 360 again. 3.5/10. The only reason it's not lower is because of Silvers campaign, and the music. Never again
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hirokiyuu · 4 months
D: sorry to hear about your life situation. for oc asks ill steal some questions from an earlier askmeme: does your yuujin believe in luck ? what about the cauldron kid? (i forgot his name but i thought the full-naming was very cute--it reminded me of when i spent a lot of time working w membership rosters and started doing the same thing). what do they do on lazy days?
hmmmmmmm i think the only luck yuujin believes in is the bad kind LMAO tho really rather than luck i think yuujin's just aware that sometimes shit just Happens to you for like, no reason. i don't think they mentally quantify it as luck or even fate so much as they do like. honestly. helplessness. there's no higher power or subtle quality to it it's just shit that Happens and sometimes ppl can escape it thru their own power but mostly they cant. They're Bitter About This.
as for wyn (cauldron kid)......... tbh idk if baby really believes in luck either....... i think he understnads intellectually theres a gap between hard work and guaranteed success and that sometimes that's luck but i think that his status as insane child prodigy means he's almost never come against a problem that he would classify as one he couldn't conquer thru hard work LMAO
and THANK U baby does the full naming thing bc hes pissed off people even before nrc by not being able to refer to them w/the proper level of politeness due to his status as Premier Potions Genius. some ppl encourage him to refer to them casually bc theyre colleagues even tho baby is less than half their age, some ppl get pissed off when a 13 year old who has more accomplishments than theyve ever managed refer to them as anything less than "mr" or "mrs" or even "maam" or "sir" lol so baby has found that if he refers to most ppl by their full name + institution of origin that usually means they wont get mad at him for how he's calling them LMFAOOOO
as for lazy days........ yjn doesnt even wanna get out of bed for those LOL they will lie around in bed on their phone just reading all sorts of completely random wiki articles abt whatever catches their eye. sometimes philosophy sometimes weird math paradoxes sometimes the hundreds of varieties of snails living in the oceans in twst. in their heart of hearts they are SUCH a nerd
baby meanwhile...... honestly baby is probably pretty bad at relaxing. i think any time he's not in the lab he's thinking abt like. what he should research next and how he should do it and what sorts of things he could do based off what he found most recently......... oh wehn he's at home tho i think when he's got lazy days w/his mama she'll sit and brush his hair and listen to him talk abt these. one of the only times he'll actually sit and relax instead of trying to go back to working LOL
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