#like don’t get me wrong bree is my absolute favorite and i love her with all my being
scottieharveys · 5 months
watching s3 of desperate housewives and jesus, how many creepy things is bree gonna find out about orson and give him a pass for bc he made her come for the first time…
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lees-book-log · 2 years
some of my favorite(*) books:
book lovers by emily henry- I know that at the bottom of this I just said I didn’t like most tt recommendations or romance but I actually really like emily henry. I would absolutely NOT compare her to Jane Austen (such a dumb thing to do, honestly) but I like the mix between romance and “womens” fiction. book lovers is my favorite of hers (sorry beach read fanatics) because I really enjoyed how the romance between charlie and nora complimented both of their inner struggles.
raybearer by jordan ifueko- honestly I read this extremely quickly back in july so i don’t have many thoughts on it anymore, but i think i liked it so much because it was a reintroduction to african based fantasy, and also because of how valued friendships were.
the girl who fell beneath the sea by axie oh- to be honest, I don’t think I would like this much upon reread but that’s okay because I really loved it the first time around. mostly for the vibes and the friendship though because in my opinion the romance wasn’t very compelling/ there was no chemistry.
all my rage by sabaa tahir- I am first and foremost a sabaa tahir stan. would say that as opposed to how I felt about modern stuff being explicit in highly suspicious and unfairly cute, I did not like all of the name drops of authors sabaa is friends with at the end, but that is a small bone to pick. I will reread at some point and add updated thoughts.
legendborn by tracy deon- honestly there is a few things I could critique about this book, and if I ever reread it I’ll definitely have slightly more coherent thoughts on it. but despite my issues with it Bree, the main character has creeped into my mind and claimed a corner there. I will remain invested in her story for better or for worse. also, there are things that I really like about it!
pride and prejudice by jane austen- it’s pride and prejudice what do I have to say that hasn’t already been said. 2005 movie supremacist.
howls moving castle by diana wynne jones- I will always always always always love howls moving castle. each time I reread it I forget jones is dead and then relive finding out 💔. Even though the movie adaptation changes a lot it’s my favorite book to movie adaptation. I love it sm. diana wynne jones you’ll always be famous.
*okay so reading. I read OBSESSIVELY as a child and then in middle school I kind of just. stopped. I guess, well, I still read fanfiction ☠️ but that hardly counts (don’t get me wrong there’s amazing fanfic out there, just the majority of what I read wasn’t) but then! traumatic event happened in my life and I started reading as escapism 😍 but because I was reading to escape reality and because I wasn’t able to consistently go to a shop or the library I was getting most of my recommendations off of tiktok. and reading mostly romance. and I hated most of it. And this year I’m trying to branch out, discover my own unique taste a bit. but yeah, most of these will be super popular, apologies.
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josiesopenheart · 3 years
Spicy Newlywed Questions
Warning: These are nsfw so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable!
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Do you kiss and tell? Have you told your friends about your...adventures?
Ethan: No, never.
Josie: Yes but just the usual girl talk, nothing too explicit. The details are just for us.
My spouse looks the hottest in ____________.
Josie: Absolutely nothing. He looks incredible naked!
Ethan: As does Josie, absolutely gorgeous.
What song best describes that night after the country club (1.15)? You know which one...
Ethan: Heaven by Bryan Adams.
Josie: Aw that’s so cute! I was going to say I Just Had Sex by The Lonely Island but I kind of want to change my answer now. *laughs*
Ethan: Really? That’s your answer?
Josie: Well, it’s not wrong!
Ethan: Are you going to change your answer?
Josie: No, actually I’m sticking with it.
Hottest thing my spouse has ever done is ___________. (Doesn’t have to be dirty)
Josie: When we talks about work or when he’s with patients, just anything like that. He’s so passionate about it that it’s sexy.
Ethan: Punching Declan Nash in the face.
Josie: *surprised* Really? Out of everything I’ve ever done, that the one you chose?
Ethan: I don’t know what to tell you, it was hot.
Who said “Let’s make out” first? Where was it?
Ethan: Josie, when we were at work waiting for Naveen’s test results.
Josie: I only said it because I knew you’d hate it. Plus I really did want to make out and I know you did too. It’s not my fault you cock blocked yourself for months.
Ethan: *rolls his eyes* I don’t like it because it’s juvenile, we’re not in elementary school.
Josie: You we’re making out in elementary school. Wow, you whore.
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate their seduction skills?
Ethan: One hundred out of ten. Sometimes a little too high, especially at work.
Josie: Nine out of ten.
Ethan: Nine? Why not ten?
Josie: I’m knocking off a point for constantly cock blocking yourself in the first two years.
Ethan: Will you ever stop with the cock blocking?
Josie: You didn’t.
Ethan: Josie we’ve had sex.
Josie: Not when I was your intern though. And don’t say we did because the first time you’d taken your dramatic leave and the second was before you came back.
What bathing suit does your spouse look the best in?
Ethan: I actually have two favourites. The white bikini from our honeymoon and the leopard print.
Josie: If I’m being completely honest, it’s not the bathing suit that I’m looking at.
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What’s a surefire way to turn on your spouse?
Josie: Running my hands down his chest. Works every single time.
Ethan: Kissing her neck.
Who makes the most noise? 
*at the same time*
Ethan: Josie
Josie: Me
Josie: I mean if you were having sex with this man you’d be screaming too, Bree!
Who loves foreplay the most?
Josie: Ethan. He just takes too long, I’m impatient and I just want to get down to it. He’s such a tease and he’s so good at it.
Ethan: I love teasing you.
Josie: I know and I hate you for it.
One round or multiple? Which do you prefer?
Ethan: Definitely multiple.
Josie: Yeah, one round is just never enough. And Ethan’s stamina is absolutely insane! He can just keep going!
*Ethan just sits there smirking*
Best night/sex you’ve ever had with your spouse?
Josie: The first time we had sex was amazing! Or maybe the time in the diagnostics team office, on the desk. That was… wow. But for the best night, that would be the night in the cabin after the attack. It was the first time we had all night, without the pressure of our jobs or the ethics of it. It was just us, Ethan and Josie not Dr Ramsey and Dr Kingsley.
Ethan: That night was amazing but I’d say our wedding night. Our first time as husband and wife, that was incredible.
Morning or night? What’s your favorite place to have sex in?
Ethan. Morning sex, it’s the best way to start the day. And our favourite place is anywhere and everywhere.
Josie: Sex that lasts from night to morning.
Bree: All night?
Josie: I told you, he’s got stamina!
Who dominates in the bedroom?
Josie: Mainly Ethan. But I do like switching it up and taking control every now and then.
Ethan: And I love it when you do.
Josie, what’s your favourite outfit to wear for him? Ethan, what’s your favourite outfit Josie wears?
Josie: The blue lingerie set, I love it and it drives him absolutely crazy.
Ethan: I do love the blue but my favourite definitely has to be the particular leather one that we have.
What’s your favorite thing your spouse does in bed?
Josie: Let’s just say Ethan’s very talented with his tongue.
Ethan: As is Josie, everything she does is my favourite.
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Y’all know exactly which leather set Ethan is referring to😉😂
Thank you again for this amazing questions Bree! I always love doing them!!❤️
tagging in reblog
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terrm9 · 3 years
Ter! Feel free to skip, darling. I know you have a lot o your plate right now! If you're up for it, here is the next round for E&C
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics (there are 10 questions). Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures!
Also, don’t worry about picking pictures of your face claim (if any) to answer these! Any picture of the outfit/place, no matter who is wearing it, makes absolute sense! Have fun!
For MC
Favorite picture of Ethan at your wedding?
Favorite picture on your honeymoon (of him or otherwise)?
Favorite outfit(s) on him?
What does your home look like?
Picture of your spouse's last purchase.
For Ethan
Favorite picture of your wife at your wedding?
Favorite picture on your honeymoon (of her or otherwise)?
Favorite outfit(s) on him/her?
Picture of a dream getaway or date you would surprise her with?
Last picture she sent you.
Thank you so so much for sending these, lovely Bree <3 I know I still have the last ones unanswered, but I promise to get to that soon! I always enjoy this so much, so thank you again <3
Favorite picture of Ethan at your wedding?
"Ah," Chiara grins, "I know exactly which one that would be. We do not have many photos from our wedding because it was a small thing, but my absolutely all time favorite would be this one."
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"Seriously?" Ethan lets out a long exhale.
"So the ceremony is over, we are oficially married and all, you know? It's time for fun." Chiara explains. "And Bryce comes to Ethan and goes like 'hey Ethan I bet you would lose against me in a swimming race.' And it was a joke, you know? But of course, Ethan's competitive brain decided to take that challenge and the next thing I know, he is handing me his wedding band - it was on his finger for what? 15 minutes? - so that he doesn't lose it and is jumping into the ocean with Bryce."
"Well, I won," Ethan mutters in his defense.
"Yes, Bryce says he let you as a part of his wedding gift."
Favorite picture on your honeymoon (of him or otherwise)?
"I know!" Chiara almost jumps on the spot and immediately looks for the photo.
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""Everything is a joke to you, isn't it?" Ethan asks as he spots it - though he doesn't look surprised at her choice.
"We were snorkeling in Santorini and something bit him - poor man, he was completely paralyzed around his torso. Our guide made him lay like this for an hour."
"Hilarious, yes," Ethan mutters but doesn't supress his own smirk at the memory.
"Ooookay, I will choose another one," Chiara says at last as she keeps looking for another photo.
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"It's the unbottoned shirt and sleeves rolled up for me," she smiles.
Favorite outfit(s) on him?
"Don't get me wrong, I love those suits on him. We all know how hot he is in those. But I love seeing him in sweatpants and casual clothes the most. I don't know why that is. it's just... that's Ethan at home, you know? Relaxed Ethan. I love relaxed Ethan the most."
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What does your home look like?
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Picture of your spouse's last purchase.
"The last thing you bought?" she turns to Ethan, thinking.
"Groceries this morning," Ethan responds matter-of-factly.
"Maybe something other than that, uh- I know! Ohmygod of course! He bought me the David Bowie LP that I have been talking about for years!"
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Favorite picture of your wife at your wedding? & Favorite picture on your honeymoon (of her or otherwise)?
"She was far better at having her wedding pictures taken than me."
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"Wow, normal wedding photo and a normal honeymoon photo? Now I look like I am the only one who makes fun of you all the time," Chiara grins.
"I detect no lie."
Favorite outfit(s) on him/her?
"I love it when she wears dress. Any dress, really, but this particular piece - all the whole outfit, as you would put it - is my favorite thing to see. If she must be clothed, that is, of course."
"Yes, Ramsey, we all know what truly is your favorite thing to see," Chiara rolls her eyes, but it's easy to see the tips of her ears turning red.
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Picture of a dream getaway or date you would surprise her with?
"Kasbah du Toubkal in Atlas Mountains. It's her 'ultimate dream date spot'."
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Last picture she sent you.
"Last pic she sent me is Lahela when he was six years old. It came with a caption 'look at how adorable our little boy was!"
"Show it, then," Chiara nudges him.
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"I think we might be a bit boring, Ethan," Chiara says as she goes through the photos she sent to Ethan in last month. "Bryce, my selfie, Jenner, cereals I wanted you to buy for breakfast, the cute dog at the park I sent you, another selfie... Pretty boring."
"I do not find them boring," Ethan shakes his head. "And you know what your father always taught you."
"Yeah, I know," Chiara rolls her eyes again, a wide grin on her face. "'Do not send your naked photos through texts to anyone, those things can get hacked so easily and blah blah blah'," she chuckles then and adds: "I am pretty sure Alicia doesn't care about his advice at all."
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
Can I ask for 44 and/or 1 on the fluff prompts list?💕
Here you go anon! This is fast food so don't expect good grammar or quality lmao 😘🍕 Also, I assume since you don't mention a ship, that you meant this for marecal
Cal was never a particularly meticulous person when it came to being tidy, not when he was back at the palace, where his room was cluttered by armor pieces and books, not at the many Scarlet Guard barracks he slept in, where he barely had two shirts and a change of pants to his name, and not now after moving in with Mare at a small apartment in a busy street in Ascendant. However, one thing he never was, was careless, and not being able to find one's own clothing could shove him in that category.
He scans every surface and corner of the place again, walking around shirtless in his best jeans and boots, already 2 minutes late to his night out with "the boys". The boys being Ptolemus, Rafe, Bree, and Tyton. Ugh, he'll never like that guy. He doesn't like the way he looks at his fiancée. Yes, his fiancée. Eat that, chalk head.
Well, chalk head might be an idiot but the other three men have done nothing wrong to deserve being stood up because he can't find his favorite linen shirt. He'll just have to wear whatever.
The second he makes that decision, Mare pads into the living room, rubbing the lingering sleep from her nap from her eyes, yawning wide, her hair in a bun holding on for dear life low on her neck.
He exhales loudly through his nose and tilts his head to the side, watching her stare blankly out the window, to the lake far below.
"My love, my heaven and stars," he lists matter of factly as he approaches her from the side and holding her by the waist, turns her so she faces him. She blinks a few times, finally waking up, and lifts her eyebrows. "Is that my shirt?"
A slow smile starts to tug at her lips when she notices how he's dressed, or rather undressed, thanks to her. The linen shirt falls close to her knees, the sleeves are rolled up to her elbows and the untied V neck exposes a more than generous view of her chest and the scar where his eyes never linger.
Mare loops her arms around his neck and gives him a sly smirk. "You mean our shirt?"
He emits a low protest sound in his throat, still, he holds her closer to his body. Add this to the long list of clothing items they now ‘share’, according to Mare. And they're not even married yet, by his colors. "At this rate, you're going to leave me naked in less than a month."
"How about less than 30 seconds?" she murmurs getting on her tiptoes to brush his lips with hers, and running her hands down his chest, using a spark of her power to create static that raises goosebumps all over his skin. Or maybe it's just her.
"I have to meet up with our friends, remember?" he mutters only half convinced of wanting to go now.
"Suit yourself," she sighs, pivoting on her heels and walking away from him so fast he almost faceplants on the floor. "Ptolemus and my brother are your friends, not mine." She corrects him and tugs his shirt off from her lithe body before throwing it back at him.
Cal's brain stops functioning for a dizzying moment as he gawks at her walking back to their bedroom wearing absolutely nothing, probably to retrieve something else to wear.
He seriously debates not going to this thing before grumbling in annoyance and putting on the shirt he spent a good part of the afternoon looking for. His heart flutters happily when he realizes it smells like her.
"Playing by that book, Tyton is your friend." He shouts so she hears him as he gets his wallet and keys from the bowl by the door, in the hall. "Your dead friend, if I had any say in it," Cal mutters to himself as he puts on his leather jacket, and raises his head to find that whoops... Mare is leaning on the archway, arching an eyebrow, folded arms over her chest covered in another one of their shirts. She heard that last part.
"You would kill Tyton." She seems unimpressed.
"Only a little," he jokes as he tilts her chin up to kiss her goodbye.
"You-" she says against his lips and touches his neck with the tip of her index finger to shock him with a spark of electricity, "-are an idiot."
He jolts and takes her hand, chuckling as he corrects her. "But I am your idiot."
"Get out of here," Mare pushes him away rolling her eyes, but incapable of hiding her smile. "And bring me something greasy to eat."
Cal scoffs and shakes his head as he opens the door. "And I bet you won't be sharing that." He quickly closes the door to avoid getting electrocuted again.
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Hi, Bree! ❤️ First of all, let me say that your lovely Newlywed questions really made my day!! So, I really wanted to ask several questions to our badass power couple, Ethan & Lilac, too! Of course, you’ll need to answer as them. Cheers, love!
For Both:
1. What is your spouse’s silliest fear?
2. Who is the better driver?
3. Which one of you brought up the subject of marriage first?
4. What is your spouse’s biggest pet peeve?
5. If your spouse wins a lottery, how would they spend it?
For Lilac:
1. When did you know that Ethan was ‘the one’?
2. If your house was on fire, what’s the one thing Ethan would immediately grab before leaving?
3. Name 3 of Ethan’s favourite vacation destination.
4. What is Ethan love language? Is it different than yours?
5. Who would win in a dance battle between the two of you?
For Ethan:
1. If Lilac found $10,000 dollars lying on the ground, what would she do?
2. What’s Lilac bra size?
3. What was the first meal Lilac cooked for you?
4. Name the best gift Lilac ever gave you.
5. You wake up one day and realise that you and Lilac are the only people left in this world. What’s the first thing you and Lilac would say or comment?
Mia! Thank you so much for these questions! I’m so sorry I’m so late with the replies! 
For Both:
1. What is your spouse’s silliest fear?
Lilac: My husband is somewhat afraid of spiders. He won’t freak out like I do, but he’ll definitely stiffen up when he sees one. The only reason he deals with them so that I don’t have to. 
Ethan: I don't particularly feel like "burning the whole house down and starting fresh somewhere else" per your last suggestion. Lilac is scared of that demonic doll that murders people. What's it called?
Lilac: Chucky. You just explained why I'm terrified of him.
Ethan: He's fictional. And even if he wasn’t, he’s a doll. You can throw it in the trash and problem solved.
Lilac: He comes back! That’s literally what happened in the movie. He clung to the bottom of their car as they drove back from trying to get rid of him. 
2. Who is the better driver?
Lilac: Ethan. Definitely. Last time he let me drive, we were in Little Italy and I took every one-way street imaginable... going the wrong way.
Ethan: Every time. 
Lilac: He hasn’t asked me to drive us since. 
3. Which one of you brought up the subject of marriage first?
Lilac: Technically, I did when I set up your Pictagram account during my second year. 
Ethan: Yes. You weren’t subtle.
Lilac: Neither were you. You couldn’t stop looking at me the whole time after we talked about it.
Ethan: Yes, well, that happens when you have feelings for someone.
Lilac: So you were in love with me then? Are you finally going to admit that?
Ethan: It’s been years and we’re married. I think it’s safe to admit I had been in love with you for a long time by the time we had that conversation.
4. What is your spouse’s biggest pet peeve?
Lilac: Ethan hates willful ignorance. He has no patience for people who “purposely have their heads up their own asses when the scientific evidence is presented to them in clear terms.”
Ethan: You can say anti-vaxxers. Lilac despises anyone who tries to mansplain her. 
5. If your spouse wins a lottery, how would they spend it?
Ethan: Clothes. Makeup. Shoes. Fragrances. Candles. Books. Those fuzzy socks she loves so much.
Lilac: Lingerie.
Ethan: *Ethan nods once, trying to seem unaffected but he gives her a heated, meaningful look*
Lilac: Ethan would invest the money.
Ethan: Which, in the long run, results in more clothes, makeup, shoes, etc. for you.
Lilac: And more lingerie. 
Ethan: *clears his throat and shifts in his seat* 
For Lilac:
1. When did you know that Ethan was ‘the one’?
Lilac: I knew the night I almost died. He spent the night with me in that room and all I remember thinking is how badly I wanted to live so that I could fall asleep with him like that every night. When the pain would get especially bad, I found solace in thinking that at least he’d be the last person I’d see if I died. 
2. If your house was on fire, what’s the one thing Ethan would immediately grab before leaving?
Lilac: I would hope Jenner. 
Ethan: You wouldn’t hope I’d rescue you? My wife?
Lilac: I’d be able to get out myself and if I can’t, then that’s on me. 
3. Name 3 of Ethan’s favourite vacation destination.
Lilac: My husband has his favorite destinations categorized. Those are: beaches, cities, and ecological/archeological/historical (his favorite). So here are a few of his favorites: Navagio Beach in Greece, Bergen in Norway, Volubilis in Morocco, Petra, Chichén Itzá, Pompeii, Machu Picchu, and many others. I could sit here all day and talk about my nerd husband for hours. 
4. What is Ethan love language? Is it different than yours?
Ethan: I have absolutely no idea what love languages are and at this point, I refuse to learn.
Lilac: I got this babe. Ethan’s love language is quality time.  Ethan appreciates spending meaningful moments with me. He is fond of eye contact, lingering touches, and just spending time in each other’s company. My love language, on the other hand, is words of affirmation. I love using and hearing terms of endearment in Spanish and English. I adore hearing and saying “I love you” frequently, even if the words are demonstrated in actions every day. I’m also very fond of electronic communication such as texting.  
Ethan: Sounds spot on. 
5. Who would win in a dance battle between the two of you?
Lilac: Me. No doubt about it. He does well with ballroom dancing, but anything outside of that and he’s hopeless. I’m definitely the better dancer out of the two.
Ethan: I don’t mind one bit.
Lilac: That’s right. He prefers watching me dance. 
For Ethan:
1. If Lilac found $10,000 dollars lying on the ground, what would she do?
Ethan: She would be adamant about finding out who it belongs to. She’d look for any identifying markers and hope to track the person down. If I know my wife, I know for a fact she would never just pocket the money. 
2. What’s Lilac bra size?
Ethan: I have no idea.
Lilac: *Laughs* That’s true. He always asks me for it when he’s about to buy me something special. Even though he could probably use his hands as a reliable measure.
Ethan: Doing to the mannequins what I do to you will be frowned upon in a public store. 
3. What was the first meal Lilac cooked for you?
Ethan: She made me Enchiladas Suizas. They turned out fairly good, given her track record with cooking. Later, I found out it was because she had her mother on the phone the whole time while she was making them. 
4. Name the best gift Lilac ever gave you.
Ethan: It was...
Lilac: *grins* Valentine's Day?
Ethan: Valentine's Day.
Lilac: He has too much propriety to say it out loud but he loved it. And it changed his mind about the holiday.
Ethan: It did.
5. You wake up one day and realise that you and Lilac are the only people left in this world. What’s the first thing you and Lilac would say or comment?
Ethan: She'd make a comment about how my fantasy of making people leave me alone finally came true. She'd have a point. Lilac is the only person I tolerate well enough to have next to me for the rest of my life.
Lilac: Aww. That's high praise coming from him.
Thank you so much Mia! These were so fun!
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HI fellow Gryffindor! Here are a few more questions for D&E! Hope it's okay to answer as them still!
For Both
What’s the most embarrassing childhood story you know about your spouse?
What did they want to be when they were younger?
What was your spouse's favorite band in high school?
Describe your spouse in high school using memes or/and gifs only.
How old was your spouse when they had their first kiss? Who was it with?
If you two were the same age and had met in college, how would you have met? Would you have liked each other? Dated? Eventually married?
Which of your spouse's friends is the most attractive?
Who was your spouse's hero when they were growing up?
Can you name all your spouse’s exes before you?
Thank you for the questions Bree, I had so much fun answering these.
•What’s the most embarrassing childhood story you know about your spouse?
Diana: (almost bouncing in her chair) Oh please can I go first? I have the perfect one.
Ethan : Rookie please have mercy
Di : Nope.... So when I visited Providence for the first time, Alan showed me a picture where Ethan was making out-
Ethan : I told you I wasn't, I was practicing CPR
Diana : Don't interrupt me Ramsey, so as I was saying, he was making out with his teddy bear. It's hilarious and I am never letting him live it down.
Ethan : *groans* (but suddenly his eyes light up with mischief) Rookie you have started a war.
Di : What war? You don't have any embarrassing stories about me (suddenly a little unsure) Do you?
E : When she was a kid she tried to hatch an egg by tucking it in her shirt, which resulted in the egg breaking and her being coated in all the yolk in the middle of the night.
Di : Wait how do you even know this? Everyone who knew were supposed to take this to their graves. Wait it was my grandmother isn't it? She told you.
Ethan : Astute observation as always Rookie. Your grandmother has some interesting stories.
Di : I hate you both so much.... (then softly) I just wanted to have a pet duckling....
•What did they want to be when they were younger?
Ethan : Di wanted to be many things as a kid. Once it was her aim to be a teacher, once she wanted to be a forensic expert and once she wanted to join the circus.
Diana : That circus thing was just one time. Well Ethan always wanted to be a detective but Alan told me he once had a pirate phase when he was five.
•What was your spouse's favorite band in high school?
Ethan : Di never had a favourite band but she always was a fan of Taylor Swift's songs.
Di : He never was fond of any single band but he loved music in his own way, I guess. He played the cello and was drawn to whichever song he liked at the moment.
•Describe your spouse in high school using memes or/and gifs only.
Ethan : Do I have to do this? I find memes juvenile
Diana : Just do it Gramps
Ethan : (sighs) okay then
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Ethan : This because how obsessed Di was with books back then.
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This, because she had terrible arachnophobia and had once skipped school because of a spider on the strap of her book bag and as no one was there to remove it for her.
Di : Spiders are terrible *shudders* and back then I didn't have you to protect me from them.
Ethan : *smirking slightly* Is that why you married me? For my spider killing abilities?
Di : *shrugs* Among other reasons.
This is Ethan
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Because he always corrected other students
Ethan : When they were wrong
Di : My point stands
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This because he absolutely hated some of his teachers and would set fire on them if he could.
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And this because he never changed and smiled as little he could even back in school.
Ethan : Wait did you just turn me into a meme?
Diana : (both hands raised) I promise it wasn't me, it was Bryce, I swear.
Ethan : I need to talk with the scalpel jockey
Di : (whispering) It was me.
•How old was your spouse when they had their first kiss? Who was it with?
Diana : He was 16 when he had his first kiss.
Ethan : You were 17 right?
Di : Yes, it was Mark, we went to prom together.
•If you two were the same age and had met in college, how would you have met? Would you have liked each other? Dated? Eventually married?
Diana : We would have met in the library I guess, with the amount of reading we both do.
Ethan : Or it could be in one of the classes
Di : But romance in the Library is more romantic, we would reach for the same book and then he being the chivalrous guy he is, he would offer the book to me and I'll offer to share. And then we fall in love and get married.
Ethan : You surprise me with the amount of detail you have put into this.
Di : That's because I think we are inevitable
Ethan : Well I think it's impossible to know you the way I do and not to fall in love with you.
Di : *kisses him softly*
•Which of your spouse's friends is the most attractive?
Di : Can I say Harper? (To Ethan) She's your friend right? I want to be her when I grow up.
Ethan : You are ridiculous
Di : You love me for that.
E : True... Now can we go to the next question?
Di : Hey don't try to avoid this question
Ethan : (mutters) well it was worth a try. If I absolutely have to choose then Sienna.
Di : Yeah I agree
•Who was your spouse's hero when they were growing up?
Di : Although he would disagree because, "Idolatry among physicians is absurd Rookie", Ethan looked up to Naveen a lot, even before he knew him, his works inspired him. And also he won't admit it but he really looked up to Alan.
Ethan : Di's hero as she grew up would be her Mom, she really is someone worth looking up to.
•Can you name all your spouse’s exes before you?
Ethan : I guess so, there was Mark from high school, and Arjun from Med School, just these two I think.
Diana : Yes, I didn't have too many boyfriends, it's necessary for me to have some sort of emotional attachment with someone before being romantically involved and there weren't many guys before Ethan who were like that.
(She links her hand with his)
As for Ethan, there's Harper obviously and Dr. Isabella White from med school and I have forgotten the name of his first girlfriend.
Ethan : Well it doesn't matter when I have the most important person of my life right by my side.
(He tugs her closer and kisses the crown of her head)
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Eclipse reread part 3 bewr bewr bewrrr! Covering the entire rest of the book in ONE post so buckle on in baybee: 
1. Absolutely everything about chapter 15 (wager) is disgusting. To a certain extent I appreciate how successfully meyer captures how frustrating assault is as a woman, how futile it feels to fight against it. But at the same time the way she handles the aftermath is unbelievably disappointing and infuriating. Charlie doesn't get up to help his own daughter, Jake trails after Bella into the house and sticks around, there's just no relief or reflection that feels satisfying. Bella can ask where the justice is when she finds out Jake isn't aging but just ignores Charlie defending her assailant? And to some extent I get it, I've shut down after assault before to the point where it took years to recognize that some of the things that happened even were assault. But when there's a pattern within the series of men being narratively rewarded for assault and abuse and women being punished for reacting to abuse it feels like the narrative is reinforcing the status quo of women<men. I'm not stupid, I understand when a book is trying to make me uncomfortable and I don't need villains to be punished to know that they're villainous. This doesn't come across that way at all. Meyers handling of misogynistic abuse and violence lack the nuance to make me believe that she sees this violence as something to be critical of rather than something that just happens to women. And again, because it's a pattern in her writing, women getting no reprieve from gendered harm, I don't believe she's making a statement. There's just no self awareness and that's the key difference between a story like Brave New World or Lolita and Twilight.
2. Also this quote that precedes the assault is just so so frustrating:
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Bella is not mean for setting boundaries! She isn't stringing you along! I would love to hit meyer in the head with a rolled up newspaper. Anyway.
3. Bella keeps saying things like "this would be annoying if it weren't so scary" in regards to having her clothes stolen by vampires that want her dead and having to lie to people around her, again because dozens of vampires want her dead. And y'know after the third time she said she would be annoyed if she weren't scared I'm just left to believe she isn't scared at all. I don't feel rising tension, the newborn army feels like a minor nuisance and even after they connect it to victoria (who still hasn't shown up at all) I'm just like...okay well get on with it then! Meyer makes bella "shudder" (I'm still tempted to make a comp of every time she shudders in this fucking book lol) instead of showing us her actual fear. I don't believe she's scared, I don't care about the "threat," and I don't believe anything bad will happen to Bella. There are Literally No Stakes here. I'm not invested in this story at all.
4. Alice is a bad friend lmfao
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Girl, you're psychic you know she wanted to wear red why are you just dressing her up for your brother.
5. Okay returning to point 3 because I read chapter 17 and had an epiphany: Bella says she isn't scared for herself and I get that I do. But smeyer also hasn't shown us that she's selfless- just that she doesn't care if she dies. If bella actually cared for her human friends, in any way, I would believe that the newborn army was a scary threat because the people she loves might get hurt. But I don't believe that she cares about that I only believe that she- like Edward- has a weird martyr complex.
6. The Mirror chapter also reinforces this. I can’t stop thinking about how much more impactful it would have been narratively if it had been Angela in Bree’s position (because she’s the only human friend Bella seems fond of but if Bella showed interest in any of the other humans, honestly any of them would do). Imagine the moment where the newborn vampire first lifts her head to look into Bella’s eyes and it’s someone she knows. Someone she cares for. There should have been consequences for Bella beyond “Jake got some bones broken and now I feel bad :(” which was also a shitty punishment because smeyer is inflicting physical trauma on an indigenous character just to make Bella feel bad. Okay. Anyway, it would have built the tension I was missing for- quite literally- over 300 pages of this book if Bella’s friends and classmates and Fork’s residents had been going missing the whole time. Suddenly, at the end of the battle, there’s Angela. Or Jess. Or Katie fucking Marshall. Someone Bella knew should have been there and maybe I would have cared about this book at all.
7. Going back in time to this quote which comes before the battle:
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UGH!!! SHUT UP SMEYER! She literally poisoned Jake’s character from the moment she made him a main character and she has zero self reflection to see the damage that she’s causing here. I’ve said before that I don’t think Jake’s actions were a romantic deal breaker and that stands out now more than ever after reading Eclipse. THIS is the moment that Bella realizes she’s in love with Jake too. Smeyer not only sees abuse and aggression as romantic, she also lacks the braincells and reflection to see that she’s playing directly into racist stereotypes. Edward got to grow up- marginally- but Jake had to remain aggressive. I still don’t think she ever once meant to villify Jake- I think that there was no way in a hell a racist woman could ever successfully portray an indigenous character. His tenderness is tainted by the aggression she forces on his character and in the end he never had a chance because- again- he was being written by a racist woman with fucked up views of indigenous people.
8. Okay, I get it. They’re like Cathy and Heathcliff. Fine. I buy it.  
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This isn’t even the last time she compares them to Cathy and Heathcliff. Kate Bush isn’t gonna write a song about you, meyer! Give it a rest! (Also lol at “like wuthering heights”)
9.  Jumping right to the end here because to be completely honest the only actual event in the entire book was the newborn battle. Jane was a bitch, fine. Edward talked at Victoria and bored her to death (presumably) and the action never felt very action heavy. I knew if from the “best friend (and werewolf)” line that this book was presumably written for idiots given how little is left to the imagination at any given time. I can’t stand when books treat the audience like dummies and I especially can’t handle YA books that do this. Teenagers aren’t stupid!! Young adults can pick up on subtlety in literature!! AND young adults can handle suspense and action. smeyer doesn’t do either well and the editors never once said “hey you know teens aren’t stupid right? like your audience will pick up on hints that you scatter you don’t have to forcefully explain everything?”  
10. Smeyer can’t stop interrupting herself even in the very last sentence of the book proper:
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What, pray tell, is wrong with “Where it would stay for the rest of eternity.” Why did you have to sow doubt in the sentiment right after Bella made her For Real Final Decision???? And why the em-dash!? Again: the editors of the twilight saga are my nemeses but also my favorite conmen. What were they paid for?
11. Back to the editors real quick: if i was given a draft of eclipse I would instantly say: this story is almost 400 pages of nothing, you need to play with the structure of the story. You need to build suspense and if that means playing with POV like you randomly start doing in the epilogue, then do that. Or you can play with the plot. Nothing happens for 300 pages. It takes 300 pages to get to the newborn battle and nothing that happens before the newborn battle makes me feel worried about it. Again, kill off some humans, raise the stakes, do SOMETHING. This was so painfully slow to read because meyer tried to center this book on a love triangle that I didn’t even believe in myself. And even then, it took 14 chapters for the love triangle to get real action (as in an Event, not necessarily physical action). 
12. The epilogue. Oh man. Was the r-slur really so acceptable in 2007 that not one single editor questioned its use? I won’t type the quote in full but Jake refers to his fake arm sling as r-word. Like??? What? And THEN smeyer has him call Leah a “bitter harpy.” Shut up. 
In conclusion, nothing felt like a bigger waste of time than Eclipse. Genuinely, to be completely honest. Two (2) important things happened, at least in Bella’s narrative (I agree with Vinelle that the Volturi debacle was important from Carlisle’s perspective, it adds nothing to Bellas and Bella learns nothing important from it.): 1. Bella made a decision, she chose Edward. Who could have seen that coming? Whaaaat? 2. Rosalie told Bella her backstory. Not that Bella even used that to reflect on her decision to become a vampire but hey, at least it felt like an important moment. Jasper’s backstory only mattered for the newborn battle which didn’t matter at all (and it never informed his character and no one ever brings up that the confederacy was a terrible dark stain on US history (along with the rest of US history but that’s a full dissertation or two on its own)). I can’t imagine a way to improve this book as a standalone book. You could split up the plot (using that term loosely) so that New Moon and BD are both a little longer and BD a little more organized. But without completely changing the plot beats in Eclipse, its just pointless.
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haveamagicalday · 4 years
My reads of 2020
My top ten is in a separate post but here are the rest of my reads!
5 Stars
If You Tell by Gregg Olsen 
This is a memoir about the Shelley Knotek case. It focuses heavily on the relationship and struggles of her three daughters that were just children when Shelley’s tortures started. This book was fantastically written for such a morbid tale but be warned, it is not for the faint of heart. Trigger Warning: Abuse, torture, murder
Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom by Louis Sachar 
The Wayside school books were some of my favorite growing up. I made sure to reread them all before reading this one. It felt like no time had past at all. This is a great blast from the past that won’t disappoint old fans of the series. 
4 Stars
All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban
A group of seemingly unrelated students are invited to a scholar dinner that turns out to be a trapped. Once all the students arrive, they are locked in with a bomb and the the option to choose one person to die or they all die. As the night slips away, we learn the secrets and connections the students share that brought them to their predicament. Surprisingly not as suspenseful as you would think it would be and the secrets/bad things the students had done in the past really weren’t that twisted. Still it was very fun with an explosive ending.
Beyond the Shadowed Earth by Joanna Ruth Meyer
This is a sequel to Beneath the Haunting Sea and actually focused on the hero from the first’s books antagonist, Eda. Eda overthrow our hero from the first book as heir to the throne, blamed the king’s death on her and had her wrongfully banished to an island that launched the story of the first book. After that we never visited Eda again as the book focused on a different story instead of getting her kingdom back. So in this one, we see what happened to Eda after she took over. She is not a good person and the author isn’t afraid to make her unlikable at first, but also redeemable through her adventure and misfortunate. 
Break Your Glass Slippers by Amanda Lovelace
Another book of poetry from Amanda Lovelace that delivers profound and touching poems.
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier 
A classic retelling of The Six Swans. This story takes place in a medieval/fantasy version of Ireland. Marillier is one of my favorite authors of fairytale retellings. This book is definitely a slow read but is gorgeously written and rich in character development. The story follows the fairytale with little variation. Trigger Warning: Rape (graphic depiction).  
Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History by Tori Telfer
Nonfictional account of female serial killers. I liked that this wasn’t written like a wikipedia page and took a more narrative approach. After the first few women, they all start to blend together though. Lots of poisoning happens. It would have been nice for some variety. 
Malorie by Josh Malerman
The sequel to Bird Box that we probably didn’t need but was still good nonetheless. This one focuses more on Boy and Girl (now named thankfully) as teenagers and their view and challenges of the world they’ve grown up in. This book introduced new concepts that were interesting and creative. Somehow this managed to have a relatively happy and satisfying conclusion.
The Monstrous Feminine by Barbara Creed  
A look at horror films through a feminist and psychological lens. I absolutely loved this book and the ideas it presents. The first half of the book takes a look at certain horror films (such as Carrie, the Exorcist, Alien, ect.) and “challenges this patriarchal view by arguing that the prototype of all definitions of the monstrous is the female reproductive body.” I liked the first section of the book more than the second part where I felt it focused too much on Freud and his findings and challenging them through horror films.
No Judgements by Meg Cabot
A cute, fluffy romance that takes place on a small island preparing for a category 3 hurricane. Bree finds herself forced to shelter with the island’s resident heartbreaker and they don’t get along. At first ;)
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Alicia, a famous painter and wealthy wife, shocked the world when she killed her husband and then stopped speaking afterwards. Now committed to a mental institute, Alicia is still refusing to speak. Theo is a therapist who jumps at the opportunity to work with Alicia and discover what really happened with her husband. Some of the twist was easy to pick up on at first but there was plenty that kept me guessing. This was a real page turner.
When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey
Alexis and her group of friends have one very big thing in common; they are able to preform magic. One night, Alexis’ magic causes an accidental death of a classmate and the friends have to ban together to make things right. This was a creative and moving read. There’s plenty of magic but it almost comes secondary to the friendships and blossoming love between two of the friends. 
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Immanuelle lives in. a patriarchal society where the prophet’s word is law and the town is bordered by the evil and forbidden Darkwood. In the Darkwoods lurks four witches that seem to be calling out to Immanuelle. This book had fantastic world building and the story was unique and engaging. Sometimes it felt like we were just skimming the surface of possibilities and I felt that the book could have been longer or divided into a series. While the story wraps up in the end it does turn out there is going to be a sequel so I’m excited for that! Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape
3.5 Stars
The Cousins by Karen M. McManus
Jonah, Aubrey and Milly never knew their rich grandmother. Her children were all cut off ominously with a note simply saying “you know what you did.” Now their grandmother is reaching out to the cousins and inviting them to work at her island resort for the summer. Lots of secrets and twists await them! This book was a lot of fun and probably my favorite of this author’s so far. Some of the twists border on zany but the overall tone of the book is a little zany so it works.
Horrid by Katrina Leno 
After her father’s death, Jane and her mother are forced to move across the country into Jane’s mother’s childhood home. The manor has many secrets hidden within that Jane must face. The book was well written and intriguing. The books deal with grief and mental illness with a touch of the supernatural. I felt that the overall pacing felt off though. Very little happened in the beginning and then a lot happens in the last 30 or so pages and then it ended abruptly. It was a great concept though and I'm interested in more from this author!
One of Us is Next by Karen M. McManus
A sequel to the hit novel, One of Us is Lying. This book focuses on one of the character’s from the first books little sister and two of her classmates. The stakes in this one didn’t feel quite as serious as the first book but it was a fun read with interesting twists!
The Return by Rachel Harrison
Julie went missing, leaving her 3 best friends grappling with tragedy. Then, exactly two years later, she comes back with no memories. The four friends decide to spend a weekend together but something is not quite right with Julie. This book was creepy! However, it focuses more on the relationships of the four characters and dealings with grief with a touch of supernatural sprinkled throughout. It’s a gripping novel from start to finish that will keep you guessing.
3 Stars
All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
Nicolette returns to her hometown for the first time in ten years after the mysterious disappearance of her best friend. Shortly after arriving another girl goes missing, forcing Nicolette to relive what happened years ago. What made this book a page turner was that it tells the story backwards. Once she gets to her hometown it starts on her 10th day and works backwards to what happened on the day of her arrival. Unfortunately, while the concept works at first it builds up to a lackluster and disappointing ending. If you were to put the book in the correct order, it wouldn’t work as there are stuff that is found out in the first few days that the reader doesn’t know about but the characters do that wouldn’t make sense in a narrative sense.
Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris
From the outside Jack and Grace come off as the perfect couple but behind closed doors, everything changes. No twists here, Grace is Jack’s prisoner and she is desperately trying to get away. The book alternates between past and present about her current situation and how she got there. This involves a lot of suspension of disbelief. Jack is a cartoony type of villain with no real motive and he would never be able to get away with what he was doing. Grace is also not the smartest person, there were a lot of different ways she could have escaped but for the sake of the story she doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, this was still a suspenseful and fun read but also questionable and some points.
The Blue Salt Road by Joanne M. Harris
A quick, fairytale like story about a selkie who was tricked into becoming human and now longs to return to the sea. I feel like there was a message being preached in this story, but I can’t really pinpoint what it was. Regardless, this was a magical little read.
Clown in a Corn Field by Adam Cesare
Clown in the corn field is a slasher film put on page. It starts off like a typical YA novel and sets up a mystery as to who the clown is, but then the clown attacks at a party and the rest of the novel is that one night as the clown wrecks havoc and the teens have to escape. I think I wold have preferred and more drawn out mystery but fans of slasher films would really enjoy this!
Coral by Sara Ella
A sort of retelling of the Little Mermaid. Sort of. This book focuses on strong themes of mental health. The mermaid/fantasy side is minimal and almost completely disappears in the 2/3rds in to the novel. It was a slightly confusing read but had a powerful depiction of depression. Trigger Warning: Suicide
The Doll House Murders by Betty Ren Wright
A sad but sweet little mystery novel about a preteen girl who discovers a dark secret via an old dollhouse and its mysterious moving dolls. The subject matter was dark but the story was written for middle graders and thus mystery is handled with simplicity and strange charm to it.
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson
The sequel to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. This book hasn’t been released in the US yet but you can still get the British/original version on amazon which is what I did. This novel requires a stretch of disbelief and I didn’t think the mystery was as good as the first one. However, if you are a fan of the first one, you will still want to check this one out as well!
I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney
You definitely have to suspend your disbelief when you read this one. It's gripping and while some twists were easily guessed, the final one took me for a surprise. It's equal parts dark/chilling and cheesy/silly. I'm still left with a lot of questions after the ending. It makes the book fall apart when you think about it but if you just take it for what it is, an entertaining but cheesy thriller, you'll enjoy it.
The Harp of Kings by Juliet Marillier 
This book features the children of the main characters from the Blackthorn and Grim series but you don’t need to read that series in order to read this one (though you should!). The book features three teenagers that are training to be warriors that are selected to go undercover in a nearby kingdom to find the stolen Harp of Kings before the new king’s coronation can take place. It was slow in the beginning and I felt there wasn’t much character development but it was an enjoyable read.
In Darkling Wood by Emma Carroll
Alice’s sick brother is getting a lung transplant and Alice is forced to stay with an estranged grandmother. Her grandmother lives on the edge of darkling wood, a place rumored to be filled with fairies. This book reminded me of a less dark version of When A Monster Calls. It deals with some of the same themes but this is more aimed towards children with a feel good ending.
The Lost Girls by Heather Young
In the summer of 1935, six year old Emily disappeared leaving her two older sisters and parents devastated. Sixty years later, both sisters are dead but one of them left behind her house and a notebook detailing what happened that summer for her grandniece, Justine. This book wasn’t so much of a thriller but focused more on Justine’s current issues with her daughters and ex boyfriend. I found the chapters with the notebook pages in between chapters more interesting than the modern story.
Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli 
I read the first Stargirl years ago but reread it before reading this one. This sequel doesn’t manage to capture the same charm as the first one did. The book is a series of letters that Stargirl writes (but doesn’t send) to Leo from the first book following her over the course of a year. I found it surprisingly boring at times and Stargirl seemed far to normal as compared to the first book. It was neat to see what she was up to after the first book but overall I didn’t think it was a necessary sequel. 
A Psalm for Lost Girls by Katie Bayerl
Callie’s older sister was considered a saint in her small town before she tragically passed away. Now the city is trying to have her canonized, but Callie knows her sister wasn’t a saint, and the pressure is what ultimately killed, so now she’s on a mission to prove that her sister was just a normal girl. This book involved a missing child that Callie’s sister was supposed to find before she died but couldn’t. The mystery there was very predictable and was kind of on the back burner to Callie’s story. I think this would have been a more interesting story if it had been from the sister’s perspective and how it felt to be a teen saint while she was still alive.
The Rose Without a Thorn by Jean Plaidy 
The story of Katherine Howard, the fifth wife of King Henry. I was looking for a novel that painted Katherine as sympathetic, as most adaptations make her out to be a seductress. This novel was strange as it read as a wikipedia entry in a narrative form. It was all telling and no showing and lacked real emotion. From the minor research I’ve done, it seems to be pretty accurate in terms of events that happened. Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse featuring a minor (but isn’t presented as such)
Sadie by Courtney Summers
Sadie’s sister was murdered and she is determined to bring the killer to justice. In between each chapter about Sadie is a the transcript for a podcast that is covering the case, as well as Sadie’s future disappearance . This is a very popular book but to be honest, I'm not sure what the point was? The podcast was an interesting idea but it basically just rehashed everything we already knew. Not much was added by it. The ending just fizzles away and the story tended to drag in places. It was very well written though and I think I was just not the right audience for it.
The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher
A creepy retelling of Bluebeard. It reads like a YA in some places but Adult in others. It was definitely unsightly and out there but I found it confusing in some places. It has some great creepy imagery and slight body horror to it.
The Supervillain and Me by Danielle Banas
Abby’s brother is a superhero beloved by the whole crime ridden town. But when a supervillain comes into town, Abby finds her paths crossing with him again and again. Okay, so the supervillain wasn’t even a villain and the reason for wanting Abby to help him was not a very good one. The book is mostly about the romance between the two which was nice but nothing spectacular. I found myself more interested in the musical Abby was starring in. It was about a cannibalistic royal family whose oldest son falls in love with a servant and he has to save her from being eaten by his family. Now THAT sounded interesting!
Winterdream by Chantal Gadoury
A Nutcracker retelling. This was a sweet retelling of the story. It didn’t add much to the original tale or the ballet but it was a good winter read to get into the spirit of Christmas.
They Wish They Were Us by Jessica Goodman
Freshman year, Jill’s best friend was killed by her boyfriend., Graham Now it’s senior year and Jill is the president of an elite school club but someone keeps texting her about Graham’s innocence and she can’t keep herself from diving deeper into the mystery to unearth what really happened to her friend. Gripping and twisty, this book was a solid teen mystery!
Not Rated
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid
I read this almost a year ago and I still don’t know what to think about it. I can’t decide if the story was genius or simple shock value. Did the twist make sense? I don’t know honestly. I read this before I even knew there was a netflix adaptation coming and I while I read this book in one sitting, I only made it halfway through the movie. I personally don’t think it translated well to screen. If you are looking for a quick disturbing read with an ending you WILL NOT be able to guess, then I highly recommend this one.
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror by Mallory Ortberg
There’s a pretty popular post on his webiste that has a link to a horrifying retelling of Curious George. This is a collection of retellings/unrelated short stories by the same author. I didn’t read all of the stories in this because some of them were just too difficult to get through and confusing. However, the dark retellings of fairy tales and children books were really enjoyable. I particularly liked the retellings of The velveteen rabbit, the frog prince and the six swans. I think they can all be found online and not just in this collection.
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
Is it good? No. Is it garbage? Yes. Did I still read it any way? Yes. Team Edward for life.
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 512
Looking for a way to spend Mother’s Day? Well, we here at Outlander have the perfect idea! Celebrate with the women you love by watching us gang rape grannie!
This episode is like the perfect storm of everything that is wrong with Outlander. The cast and crew saying it’s their strongest episode yet when it’s basically artsy gang rape. The CYA trigger warnings when the story would have worked perfectly well without including yet another rape. The kool aid-drinking fans yelling at and acting holier than thou at the fans who rightfully call out the massive problem this show has with rape and assault. The fans yelling at other fans because It’S iN tHe BoOk so it has to be included. The fans yelling at other fans for wanting to follow the books but not wanting rape every 0.5 seconds. The fans yelling at other fans to fuck off if they don’t like the show. The women in the cast throwing out trigger warnings while the men are radio silent or wanting the gladiators to face the plague and fight for their own amusement. It literally has everything.
And I am tired.
I’ve been in this fandom for six years and have had quite a journey. From first discovering the show and immediately devouring the books. The honeymoon period where I could headcanon out all the problematic bits. The getting deep into the fandom nonsense. The getting out of the fandom nonsense. The judging the fandom nonsense because it’s funny and they’re all idiots. The getting sick of the fandom nonsense because it’s not even fun to judge the dummies anymore. The becoming more and more aware that it’s impossible to whistle past the problems in the books and the show. The sticking around, holding out hope things might turn around and the initial magic could be recaptured. And finally, the giving up.
The books are trash. The show is trash. There are a handful of good scenes in each which can be enjoyed on their own, but as a whole, holy shit this stuff is not good. (Seriously, I tried to do a Fiery Cross reread before the season started. I started like a year ago and am still only at Jocasta’s wedding because I just don’t care enough to actually get through it.)
Which brings us here. I am tired. I have already ranted and raged and yelled and swore and wrote far too many words about the gratuitous overuse of rape in the Outlanderverse. It fucking has its own tag for fuck’s sake.
So here’s a recap. And then I think I’m done looking at this show in detail. Not because the idiot fans insist on coming to my notes to tell me to fuck off if I don’t like the show. Not because the crew are condescending douchecanoes. Not because the author is a misogynist garbage heap. But because spending an hour of my time for a few weeks out of the year to write these things isn’t worth it. I did it for as long as I did because it took so little time. So why not? But yeah, it’s not even worth that tiny commitment anymore.
And to the people who I know will @ me about how no one was forcing me to stick around and I could have quit any time, yeah, no shit captain obvious, I know that. Fuck off already. I stuck around because I really liked the little corner of the fandom that I’d found. I made some awesome friends. Most of those friends have since quit the fandom. I’m really glad to have them in my life outside of this little corner of the internet. And it was a fun writing exercise. I don’t really like the show anymore, but I enjoyed building an argument about why I don’t like it and think it’s bad that has valid points behind it. Especially considering how blindly overly adoring a bunch of the fandom is about it. But now I think I’d rather consume Outlander content as pretty people in pretty period costumes in gifsets. Or like, on in the background but not really paying close attention. Why not quit altogether? Because to quote the great Ron Swanson (I’m halfway through a Parks rewatch and I just love that show a lot ok.), I can do what I want. And besides, there’s like a fucking library’s worth of fics that I haven’t read and have been meaning to. And I like the characters enough to want to keep reading about them in stories that are better than the canon. (Bless you fic writers, blesssss.)
So. Was this whole ramble self-indulgent and overly serious for a fucking TV show? Absofuckinglutely. But please see the aforementioned Swansonism.
Alright, fuckos. Let’s do this.
This is a Roberts brainchild, isn’t it. *checks credits* Yup. Knew it. This feels very much like a Roberts special. In that he is probs quite pleased with himself but like, it’s crap.
Yes, we ARE doing ANOTHER rape story! But look! It’s a disassociation montage! It’s the ‘60s, get it?! There are callbacks! An orange from the king in season 2! A vase from season 1! A rabbit from season 3! An amber-looking dragonfly! Jamie with the young hair spouting off book lines! ApPrEcIaTe MuH aRt! We are so good at finding new and creative ways to rape our characters! Fuck off, twatwaffle. You are the worst.
Like, does Roger feel left out at this point? He’s only been hanged. Literally everyone else has either been raped, been sexually assaulted, or been threatened with rape and/or sexual assault.
“But it’s not gratuitous! Look! They’re all so different! Jamie’s was overly graphic and he got a half a season to brood about! We manged to not show much of Fergus’ (but still showed a thrust) because he’s a child and it was just a plot device for Jamie and not actually about him! Mary’s was about Fred! Claire’s with the king was about Jamie! Jamie’s with Geneva was shot like p0rn! Marsali being threatened by the sailors was to motivate Fergus! Bree’s was about the other people in the room and Roger! Claire’s really has no purpose because she’s already been kidnapped and beaten, and that is super traumatic, and we’re gonna wrap it up with a bow by the end of the episode!”
This fucking show, guys. This fucking show.
Bonus points* for the Black character spouting off the superstitious stuff.
*By bonus points I mean this show, and the books are absolute shit on matters of race. The books especially.
The cast and crew have 100% heard everyone’s thoughts on the overuse of rape in the Outlanderverse. And their response has been to include more and more of it. We had a whole season of one character’s arc being about her rape and literally as soon as that was resolved, they gang rape another character. It really does tell you as much as you need to know about them. Lazy. Fucking. Cowards.
Kidnapping not enough trauma? Let’s add some gang rape! Gang rape not enough trauma? Let’s add visualizing that your daughter and grandchild are dead! Just like Fred died! This show really brings trauma p0rn to a whole new level.
Called the Bree and Roger shit.
This scene with the men rallying to go save Claire is like another layer of fuck you. Bree, you stay home, men, give your hero lines and let’s have a getting ready montage. Because your hero moment is what this is really all about. And your manpain about killing someone. *screams into a pillow*
The petty side of me is happy that it was Fergus and Young Ian who are with Claire when they find her and not Roger. Her two sons...
Why yes, I am judging all of the fans who like get their panties all wet over Jamie being like “It is I who kills for her.” Like “yeah go ahead and rape and beat Claire within an inch of her life if it means the big strong man gets to come in and save her and say something intense.” Fuck off and go take a hard look at yourself and what that says about you.
“Was there an Indian there?” “Nope, he wouldn’t help you because LiOnEl but somehow was able to peace out when it was in his interest. Because he is as bad as the ones who actually raped you.”
The Bree and Claire hug makes me both sad and angry. I want to hug them both and take them out of this fucking place and tell them that they’ve been done dirty and deserved fucking better from the writers.
Glad Marsali gets in on the hug. Claire’s two remaining daughters.
Claire’s “I have fucking survived” speech is like the one time she she actually talks about herself not in relation to a man. It’s about her. Claire. HOWEVER! It is epically fucked up that a woman needs to check off all the trauma she’s endured to show she’s a strong character.
So. Fucked. Up.
The fact that we’re spending time on Roger’s manpain about killing someone also really tells us a lot about the show’s feelings toward women. Yeah, killing someone is a big deal. It’s normal and expected to have feelings about it. But the juxtaposition of Claire’s speech about all of her traumas with Roger being like yeah, I killed a guy who had kidnapped, beaten and raped your mom is like, read the room, bro/writers.
The fact that the men put Claire’s rapist in her surgery, her space, her place of healing, where she is able to be most herself, makes me want to punch each and every one of them in the throat. Like seriously. Fuck each and every one of them.
Also Lionel is like cartoonishly terrible. Not that nuance has ever been this show’s strong suit. But like come the fuck on.
Marsali killing Lionel is the one thing about this episode that I didn’t hate. The men are all like “We kill for Claire! Let’s all rally in this montage and go do the manly thing of defending the woman!” Marsali is just like, yeah, that’s my Ma you fucked with. She shows some agency. She doesn’t do it in a performative way for the other men or for Claire like the guys do. She just knows this fuck needs to die, knows it’s gonna be hard for her and might damn her soul (don’t worry Marsali, all that religion crap is bullshit), and does it anyway.
Marsali’s arc has been my favorite of this whole fucking series. The one bright spot I was hanging on to all of this season especially.
Her quick scene with Jamie doesn’t bother me like Roger’s does. Because Roger is like oh no, I killed a guy! Can you forgive me? For killing a rapist? Like fuck off, bro. And Marsali is like yeah, I killed a guy. I hope I’m not damned for it, but the guy needed to die so I did it.
Also like, Richard had potential to not be cartoonishly bad. But like nope. “He reaped what he sowed, but cLeArLy I’m gonna need to escalate this further. Because manly men can’t let shit go.”
Fuck all men, tbh.
*googles how to emigrate to Themyscira*
Jamie’s speech that’s like supposed to parallel Claire’s can fuck all the way off. Giving him the last voice over just underscores how this was all about men. Not Claire. But the men. Fuuuuck everything.
Look! Everything’s fine again! Back to normal! Peaceful for a bit! With a cheesy af on the nose storm coming! So you know something bad’s coming! In case you forgot!
And Jamie got a book line. So it’s all good now.
And don’t worry about Claire, y’all. She feels safe now. Her and Jamie fucked it out.
It’s amazing, in retrospect, that I ever let this story suck me in so much.
Happy Mother’s Day! See you on the other side of the hiatus.
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - New Experiences
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Six: Reminiscing
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n had found herself stuck in a scenario she’d never thought she’d ever have to face: she’d been catching feelings for a coworker. While she attempted to adapt to her new job and work load, she also had to get used to these new feelings and figure out what the fuck to do with them. George made her want to take risks, she didn’t care about the potentiality of a broken heart with him, because falling in love with him made it seem worth it. Is George falling for Y/n too? Will he be able to reciprocate her feelings?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! The boringness of quarantine collaborated with a random burst of inspiration I got, so enjoy the early part!
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s some sexual! tension! up! in! here!
I watched as George placed his hand on the small of her back, as their waiter led them to their own booth. I felt sick to my stomach and it was obvious to my roommate across from me. We asked for the bill as soon as our waitress returned to our table and we left as soon as we could. I texted him, telling him that I was going to catch up with some college friends, so I wasn't able to have dinner with him that night; seeing him with Faith left me in an extremely uncomfortable state, and I wasn’t exactly sure how to feel.
I silenced my phone and stayed in bed for the rest of the day, laptop on my lap as I attempted to come up with a new pitch for work. The bright light from the screen and the ideas that began flowing from my brain kept me awake until about two in the morning, when I finally convinced myself that I needed to sleep. Even with exhausted eyes and a tired body, my brain continued to replay the moment from the restaurant, reminding me of George’s touch on Faith’s back. The small gesture worried me, ate me alive, until I tossed and turned in my bed for hours before finally drifting off.
The sun kissed my skin, as I lay in the warmth of the light as if it were my blanket, absorbing all of the rays that the sun had to offer. It was a still summer day in Ashland, and I’d been laying in the backyard, just a few feet away from the pond. The blades of grass tickled my exposed skin, gently brushing against the spine of my book that rested in my hands. I could hear the gentle ribbits from the frogs as they softly communicated with each other, hopping on one lilly pad to the other. I was on my stomach, my feet swinging back and forth whilst my eyes scanned the pages in front of me.
My body jumped, turning quickly to look at my father. I folded the corner of the page over in the small novel, before tossing it aside and getting up. My small ten year old body ran to him, the grass poking through my tube socks. He picked me up as I playfully screamed, pretending to throw me into the pond.
“Daddy, no!” my youthful voice screeched as my cheeks swelled with happiness. 
He finally put me down, squatting to pick the book up that I’d tossed.
“Whatcha’ readin’, doll?” he queried, examining the cover.
“Harry Potter, of course,” I said as-a-matter-of-factly, sitting myself down in front of him.
“Want to know what happens in the end?” he grinned, his eyes lighting up mischievously. 
I covered my ears with the palms of my hands. “No!”
He laughed, standing up and brushing the grass stains and dirt off of his jeans.
“C’mon, mommy’s making some fruit salad with the fruits from the garden, and she needs her favorite little taste-tester,” he informed me, as I uncovered my ears and followed him inside.
My excited feet carried me into the cozy home, shortly behind the tall man. 
“Is she using the plums?” I asked, as the sweet vanilla aroma of the home filled my nostrils.
“Of course, doll,” he answered, smiling at my question.
“And, can I read to you and mom tonight before bed?” I pleaded, my un-groomed eyebrows threading together. “I want to show you guys how good I’ve gotten at reading.”
He turned around, kneeling to my height with a toothy grin on his face.
“Of course doll,” he repeated. He ruffled my head, causing me to stick my tongue out at him. “My little reader, just like your mother. Maybe you’ll be a writer just like her.”
I awoke with tears streaming down my face. Every now and then, I’d get extremely homesick. I reached for my phone, immediately clicking on my mother’s contact information. I held the phone up to my ear, listening to the dial tone before my mother’s voice echoed from the device.
Her voice was soft and innocent, a reminder of her soul; no matter how much she’d aged, she was still the youthful, sweet woman I knew and loved. 
“Mom,” I croaked, my bottom lip trembling as I remembered the smell of her, the warmth of her touch. I missed her.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” her voice was filled with concern, alert with worry from my emotional state. 
“I miss you, mommy,” my voice cracked, hot tears running down my face as the images from my dream replayed. “I miss you and dad.”
“Oh, doll,” she cooed. “We miss you too, so much.”
My eyes softened at the nickname, the nickname reserved for me and only me–I wondered if George called Faith “love” too. 
I wiped the tears from my cheeks, attempting to collect myself. 
“How are things at home?” I asked, trying to sound normal with my saddened voice.
“Really good,” she revealed. “Your father and I found a frog in the living room last night, Daisy tried to eat it,” she recalled with a laugh.
Her laughter was like music to my ears, reminding me how much I’d missed it. 
“How’s Daisy?” I asked, smiling as I thought about the goldendoodle.
“She misses you,” she confessed with a sigh. “She likes to sleep in your bed almost every night.”
I pouted, thinking about the big furry ball of joy that we’d gotten during my junior year of college. 
“Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me,” I pleaded.
“I will,” she promised.
It was quiet for a moment, both of us reminiscing on the memories we’d shared together at home in Ashland.
“Work’s okay?” she confirmed.
“Yeah, it’s really good,” my mind wandered to the blue-eyed prince of mine, causing me to sigh; he wasn’t mine, and it hurt me that seeing him with Faith made me realize that. 
“Is there a boy?” she observed.
My eyebrows scrunched together at her accurate guess.
“How’d you know?” I admitted, chewing on my lip.
“I can sense everything, doll; I’m your mother.” she softly assured me. “Whoever he is and whatever he’s done, do not let him ruin work for you. You’ve finally got your dream job, and no immature boy can take this away from you.”
I nodded at her words, absorbing them and allowing them to remind me of my worth. 
“You’re right,” I agreed. “Thank you, mom.”
I could hear her smiling from the other line, I could feel the warmth of her motherly love.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she confided. 
Another pause settled between us, unspoken words filling the air.
“I’ll call you soon,” I promised her. “Tell dad I said ‘hi’, and give him a big hug for me?”
“Sure thing, doll,” she agreed. “I love you.”
“I love you,” I told her genuinely, meaning every single syllable with my whole being. 
We both ended the call, as I laid back in my bed, staring up at me ceiling. Calling her was good, it made me feel better about a lot of things. It reminded me of my Oregon roots and the love I had for my parents, and she reminded me that I shouldn’t let George ruin my happiness. Just like she’d said, I’d finally gotten the job of dreams, and there was no way in hell that I could let a man ruin it for me. 
I looked down at my phone.
George: Hey.
Don’t respond, Y/n, what did your mother just tell you?! I reminded myself.
I turned my phone off, holding my head up high as I tried to ignore the itching inside of me that begged to respond to him. 
George: You alright?
Shit. I’d forgotten to turn my read receipts off. Nope, not responding, who cares? He can go and text Faith, clearly she has his interest. I tossed my phone onto the bed and stood up, entering the living room where Bree sat on the sofa, watching a television show with a mug of coffee in her hand. I sat myself down next to her, cuddling up to her body. 
“I love you,” I reminded her, my eyes looking up at her. 
Her eyes met mine, smiling at me before she pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
“Love you too, babe.” One of her hands moved to wrap around me, pulling me close to her as we watched the celebrity talk show. 
“I was going to go out with Valerie and Jason today, if you’d like to join?” she asked, her head turning back to face me. “They miss you a lot.”
Valerie and Jason were two of our friends from college. I shrugged against her.
“I’m not sure if I’m up for that today,” I answered honestly. 
“It might be good for you,” she suggested with a shrug of her own, bringing her mug to her lips.
I didn’t respond, instead focusing my attention back to the television screen. Not long after, she stood up and headed toward her bedroom, presumably getting ready to go out. I dragged myself to the kitchen, grabbing a bagel from one of the cabinets and plopping it into the toaster that’d barely worked anymore. My elbows rested against the countertop, intently waiting for it to pop. Bree came out in a sundress with a jacket, facing me after ruffling her hair.
“You’re sure you don’t want to go out?” she urged, her eyebrows raised and her hands coming to rest on her hips.
“Yes,” I assured her, jumping when the bagel popped out of the toaster unexpectedly.
She snorted at my reaction, shaking her head and walking to the door.
“Text me if you need anything!” she called, closing the door softly behind her. 
I grabbed the bagel, resting it on a plate and searching the refrigerator for cream cheese. 
“Where the fuck is it?” I asked myself, as I moved multiple items around, helplessly searching for the spread.
A knock on the door startled my search, causing me to close the refrigerator door in defeat and walk toward the entrance of my home. 
“What'd you forget, Bree?” I called, predicting her actions. 
I swung the door open, surprised when I saw that it was not Bree.
It had been George, instead, standing at my apartment door.
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Title: Convince Me To Go {12}
Tumblr media
AU Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot
Words: 4.5k
Summary: When we run away, we’re usually running from something. This time you may have run toward it instead.
Note: Welp. 🤷🏾‍♀️  I hope you enjoy this.
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Your studies in school you studied many different theories and laws. Some of your favorite were The Butterfly Effect, Chaos theory, and Murphy’s law.
 Murphy’s Law says that “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Case in point, your wedding day. You hadn’t slept a wink, you tossed and turned and even rolled off the bed at one point which resulted in you banging your head on your nightstand table. Your mother had a fit which prompted her to make you have almost every facial treatment at the spa that morning. Her hope was that they would be able to exfoliate and microdermabrasion it all away.
 Now at ten in the morning sitting for makeup that bruise was being persistent. No makeup in the world covered it well enough for your mother. So, when the makeup artiste finished while it wasn’t a huge focal you and your mother could still see it. That resulted in almost a thirty-minute tirade from your mother about the importance of your beauty and how things would be jinxed and ruined if you didn’t look like a pristine virgin bride. You tried to tell her that virgin bride hope was long gone, but she didn’t seem to hear.
 Next, your hair didn’t want to cooperate for the planned style. Your edges just wouldn’t lay right and after an hour and a half at almost eleven forty-five you stared in the mirror at your coifed hair with dull amusement. You know who wasn’t amused? Your mother. She went on another tirade, this one you didn’t listen to. You simply sat in the “bride” chair and sipped your seventh glass of champagne. You didn’t care that it wasn’t even noon yet.
Next, the lingerie that was picked out for you to wear underneath the dress was delivered and it was all wrong. What was to be nude colored lace that matched your skin complexion was blush. It was pretty but absolutely wrong, compared to your mother. So, you stood around in the blush-colored lingerie, strapless bra, tanga panty, suspender belt, and your garter sipping what else—more champagne. By twelve-twenty there was nothing else to do but continue forward.
 The entire time you managed to keep yourself composed and tightly wound. You didn’t mutter a peep or remove the plastic smile that was stapled to your face from the moment you sat up. this marathon was far from over.
 Thankfully, your dress was right and as your eight bridesmaids assisted you in getting into the frilly contraption you continued to smile. When you stood in front of the mirror at twelve-forty you almost passed out but not from the pulling and tugging of the laces of your garter back gown or the suffocating way your breasts were hoisted up like you were some eighteenth-century French prostitute, but from the sight of you in the dress. You hadn’t worn it for almost a month and a month ago you felt differently.
 You tried to tell your mother that white was unnecessary, but she wouldn’t hear it. you also told her that the ballgown was too much, but she insisted. It was a beautiful gown, one that cost more than most people made in a year and took nine months to make special for you, but it was not you. you could barely recognize yourself. Everyone around you praised you and said you looked gorgeous and Brod would cry when he saw you, but you tuned them out. From the mirror you caught Bree’s expression, she wasn’t smiling nor was she frowning, she had a complacent look as if she were waiting for something. Probably your impending breakdown, you thought.
 You were supposed to be at the venue by one forty-five so the ceremony could promptly begin at two. Traffic had other ideas; you were sitting in the elaborate white nineteen thirty-six Rolls Royce limo with your mother as your company.  It was bumper to bumper and that was not acceptable to your mother. She proceeded to go on yet another tirade and pestered the driver to hurry up. It was amusing. She didn’t even say anything to you when you popped open the bottle of champagne there. As traffic snailed along you shook your head at yet another thing that had gone wrong.
 When the Rolls Royce finally arrived it was almost two. Your entire party had to hurry into the elevators and to the “bride’s chambers” to make final preparations for the ceremony. As everyone bustled around you rushing to make sure everything was as it was to be you sat in your seat and just twirled your new and improved engagement ring. It was never something you’d done. You didn’t have nervous ticks like shaking legs or chewing your bottom lip or fidgeting before. You’d been groomed to always be poised, controlled. Now you had all three.
 “Ten minutes everyone. Let’s get our places,” your mother cheerily announced. A knock at the door brought everyone’s attention. In walked your father dressed like the perfect gentleman. His smile was warm as he made a beeline to wrap you in a hug.
 “I’ve been so worried.”
 “I’m sorry, daddy.” He looked at you for three seconds and turned to everyone.
 “Everyone I’d like a moment with my daughter.” Everyone made a move for the door leaving the two of you.
 “You’re beautiful, princess.” You smiled.
 “No father can ever imagine that there is a man good enough for his baby girl, his only daughter. With Princeton we have it easy, he’s a boy—a man now. You are my princess, my fragile, precious little jewel.” He brushed the back of his hand across your cheek. You smiled.
 “You’re different. I can see it. you may be able to hide it from everyone else, but not me. I have always seen you.”
 You averted your eyes and sighed.
 “I always thought you’d put an end to this thing. I thought you’d come to me and tell me flat out that this was not what you wanted. I thought you’d find the strength, the courage to forge your own path but here we are.”
 You studied him and saw that he knew.
 “I love your mother more than anything. She’s given me two incredible gifts, you and your brother. I can never thank her enough. She has though turned into someone else over the years. Someone who is completely different than the woman I met. I didn’t love her when I met her or married her. It wasn’t until just before she told me she was pregnant with Princeton that I realized I’d fallen in love with her. It is an unconventional path to take toward love, but we ended up there. Not everyone’s path is the same princess. Grow into love, or Fall into love and grow together. It is all up to you.”
 “Daddy, what are you saying?”
 “Don’t live your life for your mother, or for me. It is your life. Do what makes your eyes sparkle when you smile, do what makes you feel.”
 He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and walked through the door he came. You turned to the mirror and stared at yourself. The breakdown that was steadily approached was so close. You locked the door and pressed your back to it and closed your eyes trying to stave away your panic attack. You ignored the knocks and the rattles of the doorknob. Only when you felt composed enough did you turn it. The first one in was Bree.
 “Ready to go?”
 You heard the double meaning in her words and nodded your head. You flipped the veil and took your bouquet from her and walked through the door toward where your father stood. When he saw you, a somber smirk spread across his face. You couldn’t tell if it was disappointment on his face or sadness. You bit your bottom lip and breathed out as you stood beside him.
 “Ready for the first day of the rest of your life?” It sounded like a threat instead of a well-meant question. Glancing at him his smirk was present but he was looking ahead.
 “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He nodded and touched your hand and nodded. Giving Bree one more glance you nodded. 
The doors opened and your procession line walked down the aisle to the chosen music, a classical piece chosen by your mother. You snorted and laughed. When you tried to stop you continued and everyone looked at you as if you were crazy.
 “Are you okay, princess?” you nodded but continued to laugh.
 “I’m sorry. Oh my god.” Through the words, your laughter continued. Every time the doors opened to allow another of the bridesmaid-groomsmen pair to enter the guests heard your boisterous laugh.
 “Oh my god. Do you—do you realize mom picked every single thing? Everything. The flowers, mom. The color of the bridesmaids' dresses, mom. The groomsmen tuxes, mom. The shoes, mom. The venue here, mom. The priest, mom. The tux you’re wearing, mom. My dress, mom. My underwear, mom, my hair, my makeup, my life. Mom has picked it all. This is her wedding, this is not my wedding,” you frantically blurted out.
 “Nothing involved here I picked. Brodrick, mom picked him. she thought our families would mesh well, she thought our families would be able to dominate together.”
 There were two couples before you now, and Bree was staring at you.
 “I don’t like anything here.”
 “So what are you gonna do about it?” You looked at your father’s stern face. He was daring you to grow some balls, daring you to make a decision you wanted. Daring you to live your life.
 The doors opened and Bree waited for your signal. You knew she was prepared to get you out of there. You took a deep breath, held it and slowly let it out. The song continued to play, and you knew everyone was growing restless. You could imagine your mother standing there getting nervous.
 You looked to Bree and nodded but she didn’t move. She looked to be begging you not to do this. Trying to convince you to go. You nodded again more sternly and she sighed and turned forward and the doors opened allowing her to walk down the aisle.  When the doors opened again you were calm. Everyone in the room gasped and awed when you began the walk of your life. You found Broderick at the end of the aisle standing beside his best man Gavin and a smile spread across his face, but there were no tears. You looked to your mother who also had a pleased smile on her face as many whispered to her no doubt telling her how gorgeous you were.
 Maybe you could grow to love Broderick, he wasn’t an asshole or a bad guy, he’d always been kind and generous. Maybe you could do just what your parents did. Maybe love was a daydream, maybe it was something impractical and frivolous. Maybe those two days in Boston were just you feeling the stress of today and cold feet. Maybe you really could have a happy life and future with Broderick. Anything was possible, right?
 You glanced into the rows of faces; most you didn’t know well. they were there to witness the opulence, the sheer awe of a socialite wedding. You looked up and saw an insane number of flowers just handing from the ceiling and shook your head. This was all too much. None of it felt like you. Now the veil over your face felt claustrophobic, your breasts sitting pretty under your chin felt suffocating, the scent of all the flowers turned from pleasant to putrid, the six-inch heels you wore felt like pins and needles rather than three thousand dollars of comfort. Everything was getting to you, the lights, the falling rose petals from above the flashes of the camera before you cementing every move you made toward your future. A future of doom, you thought. Your steps stopped with the thought. Your mother’s smile stayed where it was, but her eyes were a different story.
 Your father leaned to your ear and asked if you were okay. You didn’t respond. You were too busy trying to shake off the feeling of dread you were wrestling with. Slowly you began again and looked from left to right smiling at your guests. They didn’t know you at all, more than half of these people couldn’t say they knew the first thing about you, not even Broderick. That thought made you stop again. You looked down to your ring finger at your engagement ring, your upgrade. You snorted. An infidelity clause and an upgraded ring from six carats to eight, that was what he thought you would need.
 You continued your walk and quickly looked to your right and saw him.  you looked away before it registered and smiled to your left before your head snapped back to search for him. frantically your eyes went looking but you didn’t see him and thought you imagined him. before you knew it you were at the front where Broderick was waiting. He smiled at you. it was then he lifted the veil off your head and nodded.
 “You’re gorgeous.” The two of you approached the priest and you looked out over the hundreds of people in search of one. You hoped you didn’t imagine him, hoped he was real. You wanted him to be real. After looking through nearly all of them your attention was brought back to the ceremony.
 “If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
 Silence in the room stretched and you looked again and sure as the roses were still falling there he was. He was standing toward the back with wide eyes and a pale face. you almost passed out. He was there. He was at your wedding. He was watching you right now. A ton of thoughts rushed through your head and so many words came to mind.
 “Let’s continue then. Dearly beloved--.” The words of the priest brought you back as Broderick’s hands squeezed yours. You couldn’t breathe. When you looked still there. Your heart sank and you began slowly hyperventilating. You felt everything you felt over those two days come crashing down. Flaring your nose your tears sprang to your eyes.
 “Do you Broderick Pierce Havenmayer take F-N/ M-N/L-N” to be your lawfully wedded wife?
to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death you are parted by death?”
 “I do.”
 You looked to him again and didn’t hear the priest ask you the same question. You got lost in his eyes again. You then looked over to your parents. Your mother had a stern look that was a threat you knew it, but your father looked mellow, neutral. You looked back to him and you saw the break in his calm disposition. His jaw clenched and his nose flared, and you recognized the slight look of pain.
 Looking back to Broderick and then the priest you nodded. “I—I—I—do.”
 The priest continued to speak and when you looked up it was in time to see the door close. He was gone. Panic went through you, panic you’d never felt before, panic you didn’t know how to deal with. Panic that had you grip your stomach and groan loudly.
 “Are you all right?” those in your bridal party sprang forward ready to assist, your parents were also there as well as Broderick. You fanned them all off and hyperventilated loudly.
 “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.” Your bridesmaids fanned you as the murmuring throughout the room increased. You felt hot and agitated. You ripped the veil off your head and sent a few tendrils of your curled updo in disarray. You then fanned and batted each of them away. “Get away, get away. I can’t—I can’t—I can’t do this!”
 Everyone gasped and gaped at you.
 “I can’t do this, I can’t do this. I can’t continue living this complete lie. I can’t keep pretending to be this perfect daughter, a perfect debutant. I don’t care about any of this, this is ridiculous. I look ridiculous. I hate everything about this day, everything. I only like my underwear and that was a mix-up. you snorted and took the first deep breath that felt good enough in a long time. You then looked at Broderick who looked sad.
 “I can’t marry you, Broderick. You don’t love me, not really. You don’t even know me and that’s not your fault until the day before yesterday I didn’t know me either. I can’t stand up here and vow all of these things especially if I don’t love you. I don’t want to grow to love, I want to fall in love and grow together. I want to go to candy stores and eat candy, I want to go to diners at two in the morning and pig out on everything, I want to walk through libraries and do nothing, I want to sit at your besides worried you’ll die because I care, I want to trace your freckles that are on your back with my fingertips in the dead of night when you’re asleep but I’m wide awake. I want to build something for myself, not from my parents, I want to stay up all night doing impractical things, spontaneous things. I want to drink gin and coconut rum together because the combination is actually pretty great. I want prince charming. I don’t want any of this. I’m sorry Brod.” Everyone was silent.
 Your eyes finally landed on your parents. Your father was smiling but your mother looked furious.
 “I’m sorry mom. This is your life; this is your everything. It’s not mine. I want more than just we fit together, or we look good together or we can have a life that most dream of because of money. I want everything else. I want we belong together; we go together, we are going to have a life that most dream of because of love. I want love.”
 She didn’t speak and for the first time, you were so glad about it, because you didn’t care. Your father stepped forward and hugged you. “Go find love.
 You smiled and then took off the ring you wore and handed it to Broderick. He sighed and nodded. You hurried down the aisle you just walked up and out the doors. Frantically you looked around hoping to see him. Every wait staff you passed you asked if they’d seen him, but none had. That continued with you looking throughout the rooms for him. 
After thirty minutes you had no idea what to do. You didn’t even know his name. slowly you became discouraged and walked outside. The snow was coming down and you stood there taking in the fresh air, taking in your freedom. For the first time in your life, you were completely free. You could do whatever you wanted, and you were absolutely terrified.
 Those who passed by stared at you as if it was a strange sight to see a woman in a grand wedding dressed just standing outside in the dead of winter. You probably looked like you belonged anywhere else. A little girl approached you and smiled.
 “You look like the fancy woman in a snow globe.” You smiled and bent down to her and took out one of the flowers in your hair and handed it to her.
 “Thank you.” She giggled and ran off. You smiled and watched her and took another deep breath. Across the street, you saw a bar and decided why the hell not you had nothing else to do.
 You gathered what you could of your dress and walked down the steps to cross the street. you drew the attention of everyone walking down the sidewalks and driving. When you walked into the bar you had to pull your train in after you. When you finished everyone was watching.
 “Hey, where’s the groom beautiful?” You scoffed and approached the bar and gathered your dress around you as you sat. Thanks to all the pouf and frill it was a comfortable sit but now you were surrounded by while tulle and frill.
 “At the altar, where I left him.”
 “Oh, tough for him.”
 “He has a lot of money to keep him warm.”
 “What can I get ya’? it’s on the house in honor of this.” He pointed up and down on you.
 “Thanks. Gin and coconut rum.”
 “Together?” You nodded, he looked at you as if you were crazy.
 “Keep em’ coming.”
 He walked off to prepare your dink. Behind the bar, you saw the mirror and it was the first look of yourself you got. Your hair was a mess, curly tendrils fell down all around your face, the put-together look you had hours ago was gone. You looked crazy. you snorted and laughed at yourself. The bartender put a drink in front of you and you wasted no time downing it in one breath. The burn woke you up and made you breathe out and shake your head.
 In the mirror, you saw his reflection. He was sitting in the back, in the dark staring at you. Your heart sped and you looked at yourself again. The glint of the gold wrapper of butterscotch in a dish on the bar made you smile. Sliding off the stool you walked over to him with the drink in your hand. The train and bustle of your dress bounced seats and other patrons. When you stood in front of him he took you in from toe to face but he didn’t speak.
 “What’s a nice man like yourself doing in a place like this at three in the afternoon?”
 “Looking for a runaway,” he responded.
 “Runaway? What did she run away from?”
 “Well first she ran from her perfect put-together life that had no love, then she ran from the possibility of one that wasn’t so perfect or put together but would have been all the love she needed. Now it seems she ran from this perfect loveless life again.”
  “Maybe she realized that in order for her life to be perfect and put together all she needed was love.”
 He nodded. “Spoken like the writer of a Hallmark card.” You smiled.
 “I still don’t have millions of dollars. I don’t come with some earth-shattering wealth and companies that are worth billions. I don’t have private jets, or fancy outfits and cars to offer you. I don’t have a penthouse in the sky with doormen and drivers. I probably can’t afford a Harry Winston diamond. I won’t be able to take you out on my yacht, or keep you decked in Chanel, Fendi, Prada, and Loubitons every single day of every year. I’m not Broderick.”
 “Thank god for that.” You bit your bottom lip put the drink on the table and held out your closed hand to him then opened it showing him the butterscotch in your palm.
 “Can you promise to love me for the rest of my life? Can you promise to listen to me, respect me, honor me, be faithful to me one hundred percent? Can you promise that you’ll always be a man of integrity and goodwill and will work every day doing honest work to keep us comfortable? Can you promise that though I have an overabundance of wealth you can easily exceed it in love, devotion, and passion?” A small smile spread on his face. he reached for the butterscotch and you closed your palm.
 “It’s only yours if you can promise those things.” He stood coming face to face with you.
 “I promise fancy face,” he answered. You smiled and held out the butterscotch. He took it then popped it into his mouth. He then pulled you flush against him and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You relished his scent and the feel of him in your arms again. It was a feeling you thought you’d never have again.
 “Are you sure about this? You sure you won’t regret this and wish you could be who you are?”
 You touched his cheek. “I wasn’t me until I met the nicest asshole in the world who saved my life twice and showed me who I was.” His smile was wide as he shook his head.
 “Asshole huh.” You nodded.
 “But I love the asshole. He’s the only man I could ever love. I love you prince charming. you never had to prove to me or anyone else you were good enough. I needed to be good enough for you. I left Broderick because he wasn’t you.”
 He looked choked up and you saw the emotion in his eyes.
 “I love you, fancy face.” You smiled and crashed your lips to his and kissed him with every ounce of love and passion you had for him.
 “Careful buddy, she left the last guy at the alter!”
 Everyone around you laughed, you pulled away and laughed as well.
 “You did.”
 “I did. You missed the best speech I’ve ever given in my life. In front of everyone, I blew up my life.” He smiled and took out his phone to show you a video of you doing that very thing. Your jaw dropped. You’d made it to the gossip blogs already.
 “I caught it. I was pretty good.” You smiled again and kissed him some more. You’d never get tired of kissing him. He lifted you into the air against him and the joy you felt couldn’t be measured or duplicated. 
 “Ready to go back to Boston?”
 “Convince me to go.”
 He smiled again then whispered the kinkiest things you’d ever heard in your life. You looked at him with wide eyes and his laugh was loud, the laugh you loved.
 “Don’t you think it’s time I knew your name?” He smiled again and stepped back from you then held his hand out.
 “Chris Evans.” You smiled, he kind of looked like a Chris.
 “Y-F-N/Y-L-N.” He nodded then shook your hand.
 “Nice to meet you,” the two of you said in unison with smiles as wide as Manhattan. Chris took up the drink and gulped half then held it out to you. you finished the glass and nodded.
 “Good together huh.”
 “Belongs together,” he finished.
 You smiled and kissed him again. Then the two of you walked out the bar into the snow, you in your fancy two hundred-thousand-dollar wedding dress and six in heels and him with a smile plastered to his face. He took his jacket off and put it around you then held his hand out for you. You took it and both of you walked down the sidewalk ready for whatever came next.
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!! ❤️❤️
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desperationandgin · 5 years
Hello! It’s me again doing top moments from 5x02!
IDK about a whole-ass top five. The structure is super helpful but the order of things and things being left out bothered some people, including me, so LET’S BE LOOSEY GOOSEY!!!
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I’ll still do the things I loved first, starting under the read more!
Claire’s talk with Roger. Did I ever, in my life, think that something featuring Roger would be in my top moments? No. But here we are. What got me was Claire’s fear. She’s watching these women who love their families more than anything slowly kill them because they’re ignorant. She has so much to teach, but because it hasn’t been discovered yet, she can’t help the way she knows how. Then she takes it to the next level: she’s saying she can’t protect the ‘people’ in this place and then immediately launches into how she couldn’t protect Jem. That’s where Claire’s mind is at. I would love the counter-argument, though I don’t think we’ll get it. I was surprised Bree didn’t use the car accident example with her mom since, in the books, Bree DOES get hit by a car. Anyway. Claire looks desperate and afraid and that whole scene was just two people like ‘fuck, what are we gonna do about the people we care most about?’
And on that note, Claire and Marsali!!!!!
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In my head, I already have this idea of how things are going to go later in the season and while I could be wrong, this episode felt like fuel for my own personal fire. And I want to go on record as saying that no matter WHAT happens, I love Marsali SO MUCH. 
There’s a thing that I enjoy but it also goes with a thing I really am struggling with, so fam, let’s talk about Jamie’s storyline with Murtagh.
Here’s what I like: I like the idea of Jamie struggling to do what is right vs. what he knows he needs to do to be sure his family doesn’t wind up evicted (the nicest way to put it probably) from their land. There’s a lot on Jamie’s shoulders and he wanted it, but now we have to watch him juggle it, and I’m here for it. What I am absolutely not here for, is what they’re doing with Murtagh.
I understand that Murtagh was recognized as important and beloved, and both Jamie and Claire should have the opportunity to say goodbye to him when the time comes. The way to do that is to say he lived, great! If the goal is to give him a satisfying goodbye, then he didn’t need to be a Regulator. I don’t understand, when, we have enough conflict in the chess game between Jamie and Tryon, why there’s a need for Murtagh to be in this mess. It’s a sloppy storyline for multiple reasons, but the thing that pushed me over the edge was rewatching 5x01 and that episode ending on Jamie crying, begging his Godfather to run and be safe.
And then they’re going to start the very next episode with Murtagh doing the exact opposite, apparently not caring all that much the position he’s putting Jamie in. I know that the goal isn’t for me to look at Murtagh and think ‘what the fuck man’ but it’s where I’m at. I don’t get the need for this storyline thread. We didn’t need the Regulator story in order to have a heartfelt goodbye to a character all of us (and Jamie and Claire) love. If he dies at odds with Jamie, I’m not sure how I’ll feel. I’m reserving full judgment until the end of the season, but.
On that note, Sam’s face acting continues to be incredible. Jamie trying to navigate tricky things, talking his way out of them and playing cat and mouse is always exhilarating to me. My favorite parts of the back half of season two were Jamie being a leader and saying the right things to the right people when they needed to be said. So, for that, I enjoy the Regulator storyline BUT the stakes did not need to be so high. Jamie still needs to please Tryon in order to keep his land, which means he has to hunt Scots in general, anyway. Why couldn’t that have been enough?
I continue to appreciate the ways Sophie Skelton chooses to portray Bree’s PTSD. And I liked her conversations with Claire - it reminded me of Jamie, honestly. The initial ‘you realize this is insane’ followed by ‘okay, lol give me a pen I guess.’ It REALLY reminded me of the whole thing with Otter Tooth’s skull, funnily enough. Sometimes your wife brings you skulls and asks if you can keep it, and sometimes your mom is like ‘let’s make this bread’ (literally) and you just have to be like ‘FINE’ but keep your blood and guts away from me. I do think that by the end of that arc of the episode, Bree and Claire’s conversation helped. Claire cannot stand feeling helpless, and I think her daughter does understand that. After all, as Claire pointed out, she couldn’t sit back and let their deaths happen. Bree wasn’t helpless and she took control where she could - Claire feels like she’s doing the same thing and HOOBOY DOES IT MAKE ME NERVOUS!!!
JAMIE FRASER NEEDS HIS WIFE. Remember how I said one of my favorite aspects was strategizing Jamie? Well, that goes hand in hand with those plotting conversations he and his wife used to have. I’m not, at this point, worried that it won’t happen, especially considering:
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But oh, my poor Jamie, right now. He needs his wife. He needs to lay his head on her chest and tell her that he doesn’t know what to do, and that his heart feels split in two. And she needs to run her fingers through his hair and tell him that it will be alright.
Anyway, I’m not saying I’m salty about no J/C in this episode because over-all, I know it’s going to happen at times. Knowing that next week is pretty much all Jamie and Claire keeps me from grabbing a pitchfork just yet. But what I hope is that there is an understanding of balance this season that absolutely did not exist in season 4.
On a final note: what the FUCK to the end of that episode? First of all, Pippin, you can fuck off back to season 4, no one wanted you then and no one wanted you now. SECOND of all, I stand by my first question of WHAT THE FUCK????? Was that necessary? It didn’t even feel like the same show, it was like we were suddenly dropped in something much darker than Outlander for too long. But in the same breath, Ed Speelers is fuckin creepy as hell in this role and I’ve missed an actual creepy villain. But also WHAT THE FUCK.
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 years
Crown Of Hearts 2- Hazy Shade of Winter [Ivar x Reader]
A.N.: Hello my darlings! Here is the next chapter, I hope you’ll like it! Kisses! <3
Summary: Not a prey anymore.
Characters: Ivar x Reader, Ubbe x Torvi, Hvitserk, Bjorn
Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of violence and blood, mentions of sex and arranged marriage, please read with care. Also, friendly reminder that  I don’t condone any of the messed up stuff happening on the show or in here.
Word Count: 3010 (Here we go again...:D)
Due to the linking issue, you can reach the other chapters on my masterlist!
Gif’s not mine!
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You giggled as Ivar pulled back from you and fell back on the bed, breathing hard. He grinned at you, pulled you closer to him and pecked you on the lips.
“Let’s stay a little longer.”
“I would stay for centuries, my beloved.” You smiled brightly, and Ivar reached out to brush your hair off your face,
“For centuries hm?”
“That is if you would not get tired of me.” You said through giggles “Or become…disenchanted.”
Ivar shot you an amused look. “Centuries would not be enough for that,” he said, “And what did I tell you?”
“Oceans would have to catch fire first.” You said softly, and Ivar nodded, then kissed your neck but both of you stopped when you heard a very familiar cry.
“It’s not the time for him to be awake yet-?”
“My queen?” Gala’s voice carried out, “May I come in?”
“Just a moment Gala!” You called out and Ivar grabbed his pants as you put your nightgown on.
“At least Ubbe didn’t cry when it was time for him to stop us.” Ivar commented and you threw him a pillow, making him chuckle before you opened the door.
“I believe he wants you,” Gala said, rocking Ragnar and his bright blue eyes filled with tears turned to you. You awwed and took him from Gala,
“Hello my sweet,” you rocked him, “Why are you awake so early?”
He sniffled, looking up at you and let out another wail, making you raise your brows. Normally, he would stop the moment he heard your voice and was in your arms, -which was one of the reasons why you couldn’t find it in your heart to put him down, even if the midwife advised otherwise-  but if even you couldn’t make him stop crying, it meant something was bothering him.
“Ragnar,” you said softly, then pulled his lip down to take a look at his gums, “Your teeth trouble you my love?”
Ragnar chewed on his small fist, sniffling again and you pressed your lips on his soft tuff of hair, as Ivar approached you.
“Again, baby shark?”
He babbled something into your neck, heaving a deep sigh and you patted him on the back.
“He will be alright,” you muttered, and Gala cleared her throat,
“My King, you are needed in the Great Hall.”
“I told the ambassadors they need to wait.”
“Not the ambassadors, my king,” she said, “Your brothers.”
You turned your head, “What?” you asked, “Is there news of Ubbe and Torvi? Their raid?”
“No no,” Gala shook her head, “Not that I know of at least.”
Ivar raised his brows, “Now now, Gala, I think everyone in this room knows you know more than you let on. Thanks to my brother.”
Gala’s cheeks burned in red “My king I wouldn’t dare-“
“Ivar,” you smiled slightly, “Let her be.”
“What?” he said, feigning innocence “I can hardly see Hvitserk nowadays.”
“I- it’s- of course it is not my intention my king,” Gala stammered, “Please, I-“
“Gala, he’s jesting,” you said as Ivar chuckled, then grabbed his shirt to put it on. Ragnar fussed in your arms, making you hush him gently, and he reached out to hold a lock of your hair, as if that calmed him down.
“Will you be there?”
“You start without me, I’ll be there if I can make it,” you nodded at Ragnar who shot Ivar a pitiful look, his brows pulled together while still gnawing on his fist.
“Bear the trouble, vicious prince.” Ivar pressed a kiss on his forehead, then leaned in to peck you on the lips,
“And you,” he smiled slightly, “Don’t make me bear the trouble of your absence.”
“I would never.” You said as he left the room, then you turned to rock Ragnar in your arms, making him look up at you.
“Do you want to go to the Great Hall my love? With Eitr?”
Ragnar waved at Eitr, then pointed at the door but Eitr didn’t budge as usual. His huge blue eyes turned to you as if asking for help and you couldn’t stop the small chuckle escaping from your lips,
“Maybe the next time baby shark,” you said, then someone knocked on the door and opened it.
“Good morning Bree.”
“Why are you still not ready?” she grinned at you, then gasped at Ragnar who moved in your grip to reach for her, “Oh look at that, my favorite Viking!”
“Yes my dashing prince?” Bree took him from your arms, and you smiled,
“He’s teething, don’t take it personal if he fusses.”
“I think he will be just alright, will you not Ragnar?”
You grabbed your dress to put it on, then Gala approached you,
“Your hair my queen?”
“Please braid it Gala, thank you.”
“So,” Bree twirled in the room with Ragnar giggling in her arms, “Osmond is here.”
“Yes I hope both he and Raydon enjoy their stay here.”
Bree raised her brows, keeping her eyes on you.
“What?” you asked, your gaze meeting hers in the mirror.
“Nothing,” Bree said quickly, “Just… It’s been a while since they saw you, that’s all.”
You were sure you weren’t even breathing with the fear of them hearing you. One good thing about growing up in the palace was that you knew every room, every hall, every hidden place that even your brother didn’t know. You leaned in closer to the small window, trying your hardest to hear what they were talking about.
“Of course, this means in times of despair, our countries will help each other,” your brother’s voice reached “We will send Kattegat food, bags of seeds and such if there’s drought, and your army will come to our aid if there’s any attack from outside.”
“You will also give us those lands for our people.” The man who you later on learned was Ubbe added “And there must be an article concerning divorce.”
“You’re already planning divorce?” your brother asked Ivar and you held your breath. He muttered something to his brother Hvitserk, then turned to your brother.
“We have different cultures.” His accent washed over you and Ubbe cleared his throat.
“Your sister will acquire her own land and gold, and will be treated with respect as a part of Kattegat in case of a divorce.”
What would even happen to you if you had a divorce?
You had only known a queen who’d gone through divorce, and as far as you knew, she had lost every ounce of power she had.
“Your grace?” someone whispered behind you and you held your breath, then turned around to look at Sir Osmond. He was around your age, his father was an important lord to your brother and he had always treated you with utmost respect.
“Sir Osmond.” You pressed a hand over your chest, “You scared me.”
“My apologies.” He bowed slightly,  “You just looked in discomfort.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, then opened them to look up at him,
“I merely-“
“Wished to see your husband to be.” Osmond said and you felt your face grow hotter, no one could know about King Ivar’s short visit to your bedchambers last night.
Not that anything could ever happen, but you doubted anyone would believe you if you told them you had only talked. It would be an absolute disaster to your reputation after all.
“Something like that.”
“Do you find him to your…liking?” he asked hesitantly and you took a deep breath, then nodded at him to walk with you.
“I’m afraid it’s too early to tell,” you managed to say, “Do you know anything about them, Sir Osmond? Their culture or- or their ways?”
“I’m afraid I do not, my lady.” He said, “I only know they are afraid of nothing and no one, and on battlefield, they’re unstoppable.”
You pursed your lips together, then nodded. “I’ve heard of such tales.”
“It is not my place to question our king’s decisions, I would not dare,” Osmond said, “But I- I wish you had another option than those savages, my lady.”
You blinked back tears, “Thank you.”
“It seems that your beauty could even subdue barbarians,” he stated, “That awe must be the only thing we have in common with them.”
“You’re very kind.”
“And please know that you will always have allies in this court, no matter who you marry.”
“There you are!” Bree’s voice cut you off and you turned your head to see her coming closer, “Your majesty. Sir Osmond.”
“Lady Bree.”
“Sir Osmond offered me his company on my way back Bree.” You told her and she tilted her head, arching a brow, then smiled at Osmond.
“Well then,” she said “I’m sure the king would love to hear what a trustworthy company her majesty had on her way back.”
Osmond frowned slightly, then bowed, “My lady. Your grace.”
“Thank you Sir Osmond.” You said as Bree linked her arm with yours, then walked out of the hall.
“He told me once,” you mused out loud, “That I would have allies in the court, no matter what.”
Bree snickered in a very un-ladylike manner, “No wonder.”
“I think it’s good that he kept his promise,” you said as Gala finished the braid, “Thank you so much, Gala.”
“Of course.”
“So I know I told Ivar to leave you be,” you grinned at her as she started blushing again, “But…”
“My queen, please.”
“But we’re friends!” you said as you left the room with Bree, Ragnar and Gala, Eitr flying behind you, “At least tell me this, has he gained your affections?”
“Prince Hvitserk has no need for my affections.”
“I’d disagree,” Bree said as she rocked Ragnar slightly when he started fussing, “Judging by the way his gaze follows you everywhere.”
“And he himself follows you everywhere.” You joked, as Gala stole a look at you,
“He has had many lovers, my queen.”
“Oh I would never judge you for making sure his affections are sincere and not fickle,” you waved a hand, “Guarding one’s heart is not wrong.”
“But you do remember what I told you?” Bree asked Gala and you turned to her,
“What did you tell her?”
“That she must never compare herself with another,” Bree said airily “Everyone has a past, does not mean it should affect our future, especially in matters of heart.”
You raised your brows, grinning, “What else has she told you, Gala?”
“Lady Bree has been most…helpful.”
“I just gave a couple of suggestions, that’s all,” Bree shot you a mischievous look, “Men can be quite….tempting when they want to, and since Gala wants to guard her heart, I figured she could use some experience.”
“Do I wish to hear it?”
“It’s all very respectful advice, my queen,” Gala said hastily, “Nothing vulgar of course.”
You stifled a laugh, “I would not dream of you being vulgar, Gala.” You joked as you walked to the Great Hall, then took Ragnar from Bree and sat on your throne next to Ivar’s, as Bree walked to Bjorn.
“Are Ubbe and Torvi alright?” you asked and Ivar raised his head,
“Are Ubbe and Torvi healthy and safe?”
“Yes they are,” he sounded somehow distracted and he reached out to ruffle Ragnar’s hair as he tried to go to him,
“Da da!”
“Then what did they want to talk to you for?” you asked as you pulled Ragnar back and he was immediately distracted by Eitr flying in the Great Hall, looking up at her while sucking on his thumb.
“Nothing for you to worry about.”
“Rumors,” he said and you frowned.
“Rumors of what?” you asked as Ragnar pointed at Eitr, babbling cheerfully as if she could understand him, “Something bad?”
“It’s just rumors, little shark,” Ivar tried to smile, “He is quite chatty today, is he not?”
“What rumors?” you insisted and he took a deep breath, reaching out so that he could stroke Ragnar’s cheek, and in a second, Ragnar was biting at his arm ring, holding his wrist with both hands.
“King Kjaran.” Ivar said softly so as not to startle Ragnar who happily drooled on his arm ring.
“Who?” you asked when the name didn’t sound familiar and he stole a look at you.
“He has a small kingdom near here,” he said, “And apparently, he is growing greedy.”
“For Kattegat?” your heart skipped a beat “Is he- is he a serious threat?”
Ivar thought for a moment, then shook his head, “Do not worry about it.”
“Ivar, Kattegat is ours,” you reminded him, “As you promised me.”
“And I’m still behind that promise.”
“Then do not push me away as such.” You managed to say, “It’s about our country. Our heir’s country.”
Ivar kept his gaze on Ragnar, then poked at his dimples on his cheeks., making him giggle.
“It’s not certain that he will act on it,” he said, and you shot him a look.
“And yet, you’re already thinking of strategies.”
That seemed to make him smirk, despite being in a bad mood. “Kattegat is ours, little shark,” he repeated, “I would not form a strategy without you.”
“Would you not?” you teased him, and he shook his head.
“We’re deadlier together.” He admitted, “Without you, I’m…” he trailed off, making you smile and you reached out to squeeze his hand,
“Well, lucky for us both that you have my heart,” you giggled, “And I’m- well, I’m willing to share my infinite wisdom.”
He let out a small chuckle, “Infinite wisdom?”
“Concerning battlefields.” You said, with your nose in the air, “I have never seen one, but I’m sure the leader of The Great Heathen Army could describe it.”
Your words seemed to pull him out of the gloom around him, but only for a moment.
“I will kill him if he dares to act on it.”
You nodded, “Let us be prepared but not worry over a rumor, we will handle and get rid of the issue if it comes to that.”
Ivar pulled his hand back, and Ragnar looked up at you, his lower lip trembling for a moment as he opened and closed his mouth like a little bird.
“I know,” you fixed his hair as you pressed your lips on his forehead, trying to check whether he was warm or not, “I know my love, it’s troublesome.”
“My king.” Earl Eric approached you and bowed, “My queen. My prince.”
“Earl Eric.” You smiled at him, but then looked down at Ragnar as he started fussing, “I shall take him outside for fresh air.”
With that, you stood up from the throne and walked through the crowd who bowed and got out of your way, then stepped outside, rocking Ragnar.
“We shall ask Aunt Gala to get you more frozen apple pieces,” you told Ragnar who softly sighed, burying his face into your hair as if it helped, “Would you like that, baby shark?”
“Your majesty?” a murmur made you turn around, and Lord Raydon bowed,
“I hope I am not disturbing your peace.”
“Lord Raydon,” you said, “Of course not. It’s just that-“
“Your prince is in distress,” his brown eyes met yours, “If I may ask, your grace, why does he not have nursemaids? Surely the Viking queen has more pressing matters?”
“It is my choice.” You said calmly, “I wish not to make the mistakes as my parents have made.”
“You always had a gentle heart, your grace.” He stole a look at you, “It is relieving to find that rumors were not true, back at home.”
“Rumors?” you asked and he shook his head, as if he was embarrassed.
“My apologies, I-”
“What rumors?”
“It is said that…” he licked his lips, “That you have grown as ruthless as a Viking, perhaps more. That you casted magic on both your king, and your brother. That you became a witch when you stepped into the land of heathens, and your familiar is your falcon, which is the source of your strength.”
“It is my own strength, Lord Raydon.” You said, “My own wit. My own power. Not magic.”
“But your grace, you used to be different,” he said, “You used to be our princess, before you were their queen. Before you were the Viking king’s…queen. Your mother never stopped thinking about that.”
You found yourself smiling at his naivety. It was what everyone back at home thought. They still wanted to see you as your brother’s pawn, something to negotiate for their own benefit, some prey to use as they wished.
Their weak, powerless, princess.
Exactly the opposite of how Ivar saw you.
“I wish we could do something- how you looked before you stepped onto their ship-“
“Do you know why I had my brother killed, Lord Raydon?” you cut him off, “Do you know why I sent those ships?”
“Your grace?”
“Because he underestimated me.” You turned to him as Ragnar heaved a sigh against your neck, “He thought I was stuck in my old ways. He thought he had the luxury to see me as weak. As some sort of prey to throw to the wolves. He thought I would stay scared, so did my mother, who didn’t bat an eye as she supported my brother.”
“It broke everyone’s hearts, your grace.”
You arched a brow, then smiled at the cast of falcons who circled the sky before flying away, making Ragnar shift in your arms.
“I’m not your princess, Lord Raydon.” Your smile widened, “I’m your queen. I’m Kattegat’s queen, and I am scared of no one, or nothing. Make sure to tell my mother that, in your letters. Tell her it was completely my idea to kill Edgard, because he disrespected me. Tell her that Ivar and I are unstoppable, and so is our heir.”
With that, you walked past him, and made your way back into the Great Hall as Ragnar waved at him innocently from your arms, unaware of your threats.
  Special thanks to: @nympha-door-a @theskytraveler @iblogabout-stuff @mamaraptor @vikrone @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme@asongofmarvelanddc @not–even-a-real–fan @alicedopey @thorohdamnson @captstefanbrandt @flowers-in-your-hayr @marauderskeeper @badbitsh13 @superwolfchild-fan @mblaqgi  @m00nlightdelights  @marvelsvalhalla @natalielbeauty @pandalandalopalis @alyssiamarierenee @bloodyivar  , @eleanorsparkz    @illumminated @itsjoshebelbitch @hangirl93 @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @skadithegoddess   @geekandbooknerd @supercarricat @sky-daybreak @athroatfullofglass @blushingskywalker @little-froggy @girlwhoisfearless @aikeji @part-time-patronus @actuallyazriel @rhabakoli  @lizblinder  and lovely anons! You are amazing! <3
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, BREE! You’ve been accepted for the role of BIANCA. Admin Rosey: I think the first thing that came to mind was how powerfully you captured Bunny's voice, Bree. You. Absolutely. Killed it. Your plot points built upon one after the other which shows how you plan to lay the foundation for her and force her to grow, no matter how much she kicks up her heels about it. It can be difficult trying to force a character like Bunny to grow without taking away from what makes her so intriguing and fun, but wow. Am I so very glad to have her added to the ranks, ready to bring us chaos and absolute ruin. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Bree.
Age | Twenty.
Preferred Pronouns | She/her.
Activity Level | I’m studying engineering and running collegiately, so the short answer is that I’m not entirely sure. The long answer is that my activity will ebb and flow depending on my schedule; some weeks are easier than others. But I’ll do my damnedest to be around, even if that means firing off ugly-formatted replies on mobile (or having Rosey or Kiersten format them for me… we’ve done it before).
Timezone | CST.
How did you find the rp?  | English class my senior year of high school, with the help of Rosey (no, seriously). I’ve been watching from afar, and I couldn’t stay away.
Current/Past RP Accounts | here, here, and here
In Character
Character | Bianca; Bernadette “Bunny” Dupont
What drew you to this character? | Well… originally, I wrote her. But since that sounds like a cop-out and I can never pass up the opportunity to wax poetic about one of my literary children, I’ll bite. ;)
She’s a piece of work. No, not that kind of work, not artwork—given her art forging expertise, that would be a cliché, and neither I nor Bunny are particularly fond of those. I mean that she’s single-handedly both the easiest and the most difficult character I’ve ever written and, I might argue, will ever write. Self-absorbed and yet oddly self-aware, vulgar in the delicate way only someone with a face like hers could be, and so tenderly cruel it’s endearing—she’s awful, but writing her has never been an inkling as heavy as writing equally diabolical characters has been in the past. She’s somehow able to be a light-hearted character in an environment where that sort of label tends to be reserved for characters like Maeve, all flower petals and naivete and ripe for the slaughter—without encompassing any of that. I don’t know, maybe it’s her youthful appearance, maybe it’s her love of candy and strawberries and her tendency to act so much like a child, or maybe it’s that careful balance between what she appears to be, what she’d like to be, and who she is, but she manages to check off some boxes that appear at first glance to be mutually exclusive. She lacks any concrete ambition outside of being revered, yet she possesses the potential to climb, to do some terrible things, because of that unfocused ambition. Her selfishness makes her a target for manipulation while being an avid manipulator herself. Her priorities are bottoms-up and she’s hardly got what most would call a good head on her shoulders, but damn if she isn’t a coquettish kind of cunning.
I thought I wouldn’t even know where to begin, but I’m having trouble finding where to end. The point is, I love this little brat.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | Where do you see this character developing, and what kind of actions would you have them take to get there? 3 future plot ideas would be preferable.
Piss off, Picasso: It’s only fitting, I suppose, that a little girl so proficient at mocking her sister (and her friends) behind her doting parents’ backs should grow up and learn to put that art of imitation to good, more mature use in the mob. She’s got it all going for her, really; wealthy upbringing, an eye for detail, and a shameless disregard for plucking coins from the purses of others to feed her own greed—what could go wrong? Plenty. And while I’d definitely like to explore the aftermath of what might happen if she got sloppy and was found out, she’s got her fair share of trouble on her plate right now with her—er, bad publicity. So first, I’d like to see her do well. I’d like to see her get overconfident, make connections, be successful. Once she’s finished throwing her little tantrum about my next plot idea, she’ll probably be inclined to hone her skills, sell a few more paintings to get out of the hole she stumbled into. After all, respect isn’t earned in Bunny’s world; it’s bought.
Paparazzi: It’s not what it looks like. Come on, he isn’t even that cute. Bunny’s moment of weakness, if it can be called that, presents obvious potential for her to either pull herself up by the bootstraps (imagine) or dig herself even farther. This might be the first time she’s gotten into any real trouble, especially the kind that Daddy Dupont couldn’t fix, and she’s not going to handle it well. But her knee-jerk reaction should make for good comedy and some even better plots. How far will she go to prove that she’s still just as loyal to the Capulets as she’s always been (which is to say, not particularly?)? What other mistakes can she make? It’s time to get her pretty little hands dirty, I think. She’s too proud to ask her sister for help, but all bets are off when it comes to Cyrus. Hell, maybe even her connection to Boris can come into play here (counterproductive, probably).
This Is What Makes Us Girls: The relationship Bunny has with Maeve and Juliana is one of my favorite parts about her, because it’s one of the best means for me to flesh out and play with all of the different sides of Bunny. They’re a pretty integral part to the image she keeps up—both that of a dignified daughter and a girl still steeped in candy-lacquered youth, and it’s for that reason that her secret dislike/jealousy of them both is so… telling? Bunny’s conceited, sure, but she is—at her core—insecure. And insecure people—insecure teenage girls, although she’s aged out of that territory—do pretty terrible things. I want to explore the dynamic within this friend group. I want to see her sabotage something important to Juliana. I want to see her have Maeve do her bidding, see her put her friends in harm’s way. Betrayal doesn’t always call for bloodshed; sometimes cutting deep doesn’t call for a knife.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Eh… as much as I’d love to give the usual “yes, give me all the angst,” I’m not really sure that Bunny is the type of character whose death will serve a purpose/further the plot, to be honest. Only the good die young, and she’s anything but.
If at any point the plot calls for it, we can talk about it, but I don’t foresee her developing in such a way that I’d suggest it.
In Depth
What is your favorite place in Verona? |
That’s a stupid question, she thinks, smoothing out the hem of her skirt and settling contentedly into the plush armchair, half-business and half-play. It’s a copout, almost—the daytime equivalent of asking someone’s favorite color in truth or dare. It’s a wasted turn, a missed opportunity. If she wanted to write love letters to the streets of Verona, she’d pick up the noble art of journaling.
In any case, the answer was most certainly a harrowing tie between her clawfoot bathtub and the half of her king-sized bed farthest from the window—but that sounded so infantile even she might’ve quirked an eyebrow at such a response. This, she realizes, is what it’s like to grow older: to make terrible small talk over lukewarm tea and lie in more dignified ways than she had in her youth.
(She’s twenty-one years, two months, and three days old. This is middle age. This is melodrama.)
“There’s a little candy shop a few blocks from the foot of the Castelvecchio. Their chocolate-covered strawberries are to die for.”
What does your typical day look like?
She likes this one—likes the way it sounds like a question straight out of the magazines she reads in her near-infinite free time, all gloss and understated glamour. In fact, she’s spent a perhaps embarrassing amount of time crafting responses to such a question in the event that she were ever asked, and although this isn’t exactly the avenue she’d had in mind, it’ll do.
Let it never be said that Bunny Dupont cannot compromise.
“I like to wake before the sun,” she lies elegantly, matter-of-factly, knowing damn well that just this morning she’d slumbered until noon but eager to portray the image of a young woman with her shit thoroughly together. The corners of her pink lips turn up in a smile, as if the very thought of a sunrise sways her to cliché thoughts of new beginnings and second chances, of the kinds of phrases befitting the tacky dollar-store decorations Maeve collects like an old man does stamps. How very carpe diem of her.
“I wash my face, have a cup of tea, and try to get a bit of reading done.” When she puts it that way, it sounds quite a bit more like a sophisticated heiress devouring novels in the early morning light than the slightly-less-respectable-but-nonetheless-true alternative of a troublemaker surveying last night’s damage, pastries piled with whipped cream within arm’s reach.
“I like to meet my friends for brunch. Juliana and I are regulars at The Phoenix and the Turtle,” she says delicately, deliberate with her inclusion of the Capulet girl’s name and her exclusion of any others. “I’ll paint a bit in the afternoons…” The little blonde trails off, green eyes darting about as if calling the remainder of her routine to mind. The truth is that she’s already grown bored, and perhaps that’s her own fault; it can get exhausting, pretending to be responsible, truly exhausting—but playing pretend is too fun. “And home for dinner, always.”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
She twirls a strand of cotton-blonde hair around her finger, a coy display of sheepishness befitting a schoolgirl. What was her biggest mistake? The question demands a certain sort of humility, a level of introspection and honesty she’s never had the need to stoop to in all her years as the Dupont family darling, and if she were a tad less shameless it might even be a little—what’s the word?—unnerving. There was a reason she’d been dutiful enough to go to church on Sundays with her father but had avoided the confessional like her mother avoided carbs, and that reason had nothing to do—okay, fine, but only a little— to do with an aversion to being on her knees.
But she’s nothing if not an opportunist, a performer, and she treads the line between timid and cruel when she remarks, “I held a Montague boy’s hand once. Went home and went through two bars of soap.”
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
“Firing a gun,” Bunny admits, leaning in as if to let the intern in on a secret, “It’s harder than I expected. “Pulling the trigger, I mean. Takes a bit more pressure than they show you in the movies.” Leave it to her to turn such a grim discussion to something a bit less uncomfortable, a bit more palatable. Leave it to her to dodge the—well, difficult—questions. When have you failed? When have you struggled? How have you grown?
In two words: she hasn’t. (In another two: not yet.)
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
Lingering in the air like her favorite perfume was a rule oft-spoken and waiting to be broken: no politics, it’s simply not lady-like. Her father’s banks backed the Capulets, and where the money went, the Duponts surely followed. For all her selfishness and disdain for anything which drew the attention away from her and her needs, Bunny Dupont understood the necessity of these things—of petty grudges and not-so-petty crimes—for people like them. Wars, even wars like these, needed money: a lot of it.
“I don’t feel I know enough to say much about it,” she says carefully, the gleam in her green eyes looking more like a trick of the light and less like a clue. “I only wish there weren’t so much blood.”
Why? It left a nasty stain.
Extras: If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here! This is OPTIONAL.
When she was little, she wanted to be an actress or an only child: the former, she told her parents, and the latter, she told her sister.
Her hard liquor of choice is vodka, the flavored kind—the sweeter, the better. She’s mastered the art of taking shots of it with a straight face after many years of practice.
Strawberries are her favorite. Chocolate-covered, in champagne—you name it.
In high school, she got her kicks by scaring off boys who approached her to get a leg-up on wooing Juliana. So many potential suitors shot down, convinced that Cosimo would have them shipped off to some foreign land without their heads or their manhood.
Once, she promised Maeve she’d get her crush to ask her on a date. She was only half a virgin after that. He never called Maeve.
She’s a Gemini (May 30th).
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Outlander 4x10 The Deep Hearts Core: Spoilers!
Ok so it looks like it’s unpopular outlander opinions time again... I loved this episode. There were a few things that I think could have been done better and I’ll get to those but overall I think this was one of the stronger episodes of the season.
•Jamie and Bree: the scene with Jamie and Bree where he overpowers her to prove a point was one I was worried over because that could have gone very wrong. But it was actually one of the highlights because of Sam and Sophie. They killed it. Sam especially. You can just see on his face how much Jamie hates this while he had her in a lock. Brilliant performances.
• Roger: I have had issues with Rogers character a few times but never with Richards performance and this one is a winner. I enjoyed getting to see how smart he is to track where he’s going. The increasing danger of his situation cut with the ‘happier’ moments at Frasers Ridge really hikes up the tension, and makes it so uncomfortable in a good way waiting for the ball to drop on the Ridge. And his face and reaction to finding the stone and hearing that buzz at the end made me cry. If you didn’t then you have no heart. Bravo Richard.
• Mama Claire and Bree: ooof. Claire explaining to Bree ALL of her options and the lack of time she has to choose, was somehow simultaneously heartbreaking and uplifting. All the C&B moments this ep were gold especially since we have seen in the past how tense their relationship was before. Them drooling and laughing over all the things they miss from the future was again heartbreaking and uplifting. I love them. Bree brings out the Claire in Claire that we’ve been missing. Bree’s “I’m sorry for making you leave me” and their embrace and parting shattered my heart.
• The Confrontation and Rescue Plans: I am apparently super in the minority here but there is very little about those scenes I didn’t like. Bree has a temper. She has Jamie’s AND Claire’s tempers. And she is still dealing with a significant and ongoing trauma. Learning that Roger came back for her and was then beaten half to death and sold into slavery and death by her family, and then to have Jamie yelling in her face accusing her of lying, after she was woken from a nightmare where her rapist is attacking her again...he earned that slap. And while Bree will regret the things she said she wasn’t wrong to say them in her anger in that moment. Especially since it was partly true about Frank. That scene was fraught with anger and confusion by all and the tension was palpable.
Brees line when Jamie is raging..”No! You do not get to be more angry than me!”... that was the best moment of the ep. and my favorite line of the season. It sums up the true issue with the entire situation. Not only is she feeling guilty and horrified, but J&Y.I. did this thing to her husband, behind her back, for revenge for her, without actually considering her. Even having the best of intentions, Jamie and Ian made Brianna’s trauma about their anger. It harkens back to season 1 when J&C first got to Lallybroch, and he thought weeJamie was BJRs from raping Jenny and how he was disgusted for the dishonor to him. Remember that? Yeah. Its a reoccurring theme with the men of the show that sucks but makes for good moments when Claire, Jenny, and now Bree have to point out to them and to the audience that it’s not about them! It’s a good message to not make yourself the center of another persons trauma and once again Sam and Sophie killed it. They played off each other perfectly and your heart aches for both. Just wonderful.
• Young Ian and Murtagh: Ian being smitten by Bree is funny. He’s a puppy but he’s a puppy who’s getting to remind us of his range again. John Bell did a fantastic job with Young Ian’s guilt, remorse, and horror about what they did. Murtaghs presence will never not be appreciated. stepping out for the confrontation and stepping in to take Bree to Jocasta were perfectly timed and a good display of someone who knows their place and role in this family.
• Claire: While I do support Claire being firmly TeamBree, and she was right to honor Bree’s wishes that she not tell Jamie about Stephen Bonnet...I don’t know... It felt like she was supposed to be feeling torn between the two and Cait should have played that up a bit more. We keep getting these moments about how happy she looks and feels here but it doesn’t always translate. Instead we have reating bitch face/scowly Claire instead of happy/worried/torn Claire in a lot of scenes. Remarkably enough Cait was by far the weak link in an episode of strong performances.
• Jamie and Murtagh: Jamie never fucking learns. How many times are the women of his life going to have to yell at him about making their pain about him before he gets it! Asking Murtagh to hunt down Stephen Bonnet is an astoundingly stupid thing to do and I hate it. Murtagh is not in any position to be hunting down criminals right now since he kinda is one! The whole reason he is on the mountain right now is to lay low from the law! Do I want Stephen Bonnet to fucking die? You damn right I do! But does it feel like going after him now is going to put Murtagh in a terrible position? Absolutely it does. Let’s not forget that Murtagh is not technically supposed to be here! He was supposed to die at Culloden so any risk taking from him makes me extremely nervous for his fate in very uncomfortable ways!
On The Fence-
• Jocasta: I love Maria Doyle Kennedy and she plays Jocasta well but that woman makes me want to roll my eyes out of my head. She’s snobby, but kind, and her obvious plans for meddling are already tedious.
• Murtagh and Jocasta: I have seen some theories about a possible romance between the two and I have no feelings about it. It’s so very ‘eh, sure’. I don’t know what it would add but I also don’t think it would take away from anything so I guess we will just have to see.
Overall this was a great episode driven by absolutely brilliant performances almost all around (come on Cait). What I’m getting is that people need to stop:
A) letting Frank be noted for being a good father and an important part of Bree, make them think it’s somehow a slight against Jamie. It’s not. People seem to think Bree talking about Frank to Jamie is some terrible, disrespectful glorification of his character. It’s not. The writers have been very clear about all his shortcomings in his marriage to Claire. Frank may not have been a good husband, but he was by all accounts (including Claire’s!) a great father who adored Bree and she him. To ignore that IS disrespectful to that memory and that’s rightfully and realistically not something Bree is willing to do. Get over it.
B) thinking that any episode where Jamie and Claire aren’t banging it out constantly is automatically a bad episode! This was a good episode! This is so far a good season overall because of the story! Are there some clunky parts and not great CGI? Yes. But are those few in comparison with the rich and full story being told through some of the best performances in the whole show so far? YES! If all you want is a constant J&C bone-fest then go read some, and then kindly fuck off while the rest of us enjoy a good story.
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