#i know she stays with him for a good part of the show sigh.
anemhoez · 2 days
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Gallagher/AFAB Reader
WARNINGS: language, unprotected sex, choking, breeding
A/N: i never not think about him……..and im not ashamed
“There’s something seriously wrong with you.” Caelus’ voice sounded exhausted as he stood up and put his clothes back on. The two of you had just finished having sex, his exhaustion emanating from trying hard to make you reach your peak to no avail.
“What did you say?” you couldn’t believe he was blaming you in that moment as a wave of sudden guilt washed over you. “Well it can’t be me, I’m powered by a stelleron for aeon’s sake,” he sighed and turned to you, “Besides, I know for a fact i can make someone come, you’re just impossible.”
Your mind quickly dissected his words, your heart sinking as you realized what he meant. “Did you cheat on me?” your voice hitched in your throat and he just scoffed. “Only once, I needed to know that I wasn’t the broken one.” He sighed and headed out of the room without another word. You started to cry and quickly shoved your face into your pillow to sob as loud as you could.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ll stay with you as long as you need me to, okay?” March’s sweet comforting voice eased your nerves a bit as she patted your head while you lay in her lap. “To be honest, I really didn’t expect that from him,” she sighed and leaned back on her hands. “But, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it, it’s his loss.” you appreciated her trying to cheer you up, but by now you just wanted to be alone and lie in bed and cry some more. “Oh! I have a great idea! she yelped suddenly, “Let’s go to Penacony, to get your mind off of all this!” Her suggestion wasn’t horrible, but the thought of dressing up and going out when you felt the farthest thing from beautiful made you reconsider.
“March, I don’t know if that’s the best idea, I don’t even feel like myself right now.” You sat up and wiped your tears before they rolled down your cheeks. March stood up and went to her closet, “Too bad, no way I’m going to let my hot friend waste away in their room cause some loser doesn’t realize how good he has it.” she pulled out one of her dresses and held it against her body, “The best thing to do is get all dolled up and show off! Make him jealous!” The pink haired girl twirled and you couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. You sighed and stood up, “Fine, but don’t expect me to have a good time!” you said before heading off and getting ready.
Luckily for the two of you, Himeko had some business with the Oak family and an impromptu trip to Penacony was made. As you all prepared for the warp jump, you made sure to avoid Caelus’ stare as he sat across from you. “He’s totally checking you out,” March whispered to you. You didn’t care at first, but that little fleeting feeling of wanting his approval flashed in your mind only briefly before the train hurtled through the jump and brought you to your senses.
You looked incredible after cleaning yourself up nicely and wearing your sexiest dress. You darted your eyes to him and he was indeed staring at you. You just smiled and turned to March who giggled at your interaction.
You and Himeko headed out of the express as March kissed Dan Heng goodbye, reassuring him she’d call if she needed him. You sighed as she ran to catch up to the two of you, “I really wish i was in bed right now.” March scoffed and took your hand, “Oh well! You’re way too pretty to be wasting away on the express crying over that cheater, right Himeko?”
Himeko nodded with a smile, “March is right, this will be good for you, try to relax okay?” You took their advice in stride and the two of you parted ways with her once you reached Golden Hour, agreeing to meet at the Reverie Hotel when the night was over.
The two of you headed off to the casino first, trying your luck at the machines and roulette. Afterwards you headed to a bar March recommended, promising you’d get a free drink just for being a nameless. “Siobhan makes the best drinks, and you can also meet Mr, Gallagher-“ March stopped talking suddenly, as if she realized something important. “Oh right, I forgot he’s gone.” You had heard a bit about what transpired during the last time they were here when you first joined. You joined a few months after the chaos and some of the details were fuzzy, so you couldn’t place who exactly this Mr. Gallagher was.
The two of you reached Siobhan’s bar and she welcomed March like an old friend. March quickly introduced the two of you and Siobhan graciously went to make the two of you a drink. “See?” March said as the two of you sat down at the bar. Siobhan brought the beautifully colored drinks over and placed them in front of the two of you, “To the nameless!” she cheered and the three of you soon began chatting and catching up.
“Well look who it is,” Siobhan said as she looked behind the two of you. You and March couldn’t help but turn and look in that same direction. March almost choked on her drink. “Mr Gallagher?!”
A tall man walked up to the bar, a small smile on his slightly bearded face. “Ms. March, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” he teased and patted her head gently. March just started to cry and Gallagher immediately tried comforting her, “Hey, don’t cry!”
Siobhan laughed, “Can you believe he said the same thing to me? My best friend comes back from the dead and he expects me not to tear up, silly old man.” Gallagher held March closely as she composed herself and he finally turned to you. Your heart skipped a beat slightly, this big gorgeous man turning his attention to you shouldn’t have affected you like that. “And this is?” he asked and March finally sat back down, introducing you as the latest nameless.
“That explains the drink in front of you,” he moved closer to you and reached out a hand, “The name’s Gallagher, security officer for the bloodhound family, nice to meet you.” you took his hand with a smile, “Ah, the famous Gallagher, I’ve heard so much about you! It’s nice to finally put a face to the infamous name.” He chuckled and looked back at March with a smirk, “Ms. March I hope you haven’t been spreading lies about me?” he questioned as he went behind the bar. March rolled her eyes with a sigh, “There’s really no need to lie when the truth is a way better story!”
You learned more about Gallagher and his disappearance, the realm he was stuck in threatening to control his mind. “Once i figured out that it was just another corruption of the dreamscape, I was able to escape.” you took a sip of your drink while March sighed. “I can’t wait to tell the others, actually hold on.” she grabbed her phone snd jumped up, “Can we take a picture?” She asked him kindly and he couldn’t refuse. March handed you her phone and you quickly took the picture. She beamed and sent the picture in the group chat, your phone chiming not that long after.
You didn’t bother looking at it though, knowing you’d instantly get annoyed by whatever Caelus had to say. Honestly he could ask for forgiveness right now and you’d still be so annoyed. You sighed and finished off your drink, Gallagher hurrying over to take the empty glass, “Can I get you another drink sweetheart?” he asked with a smile. You almost choked at his words, feeling your face getting hot and flush as he walked off. March noticed and elbowed you, “How unsubtle of you,” she giggled and pulled you to the dance floor.
“You’re interested aren’t you?” she asked in a hushed tone as the two of you swayed to the music. You rolled your eyes, “I’m getting over a break up, I don’t really want to start talking to someone else.” She took your hands and spun you with a giggle, “Who said anything about talking?” You gave her a look and she just poked you, “Come on why not? you’re both sexy and it’s not like he’s a complete stranger, I can vouch for him!” she said and you raised a brow at her. “Didn’t he like, stab a bunch of people?” she waved off your question, “Details, details.”
After a few more drinks, March was starting to sway on her own and slur her speech. She sighed and leaned on you, “I miss my dragon,” she said and drunkenly sent Dan Heng a text. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way she typed away on her phone with the biggest smile on her face. “I take it you wanna head back?” She sighed as you ordered two waters, “Nooooo, were having so much fun!” she took the water Gallagher handed her and took a deep swig.
“Didn’t know Ms. March was such a lightweight,” he joked from where he stood drying the glassware. You took the time to subtly admire his body, his delicious proportions filling out his clothes nicely. His brown hair looked silky and soft to the touch, the stubble on his face adding to his rugged look. You had a fleeting thought about never fucking someone with his body type before but stopped once March elbowed you. She hiccuped, “Babe, you’re staring.” she tried to whisper but it came out louder than it should have. You just pinched her leg quietly and checked your phone. “Himeko’s all done with her meeting, we should head back to the room.”
March stood up and swayed, losing her balance and crashing into you. Siobhan turned to Gallagher, “Aren’t you staying in the Reverie too? Could you walk them back to their rooms?” she turned to the two of you, “If that’s alright with the two of you?” she asked you politely.
“That would be great actually,” you agreed and Gallagher quickly came over and picked March up in his arms with ease. You waved to Siobhan and thanked her before the three of you headed off to your room.
Upon reaching the room, you saw Himeko roll her eyes at the state March was in. “This is what happens when you don’t get out that much,” she sighed and opened the door. Gallagher placed March down gently onto one of the beds and Himeko thanked him. “Thank you, also it’s great to see you.” she said and patted him on the arm. The two of them talked briefly as you freshened up for your next destination. They laughed and you looked over at them, noticing how good they looked together.
What was wrong with you? Why were you thinking such things at a time like this? Did you really care if he thought you were attractive? A part of you said yes, you couldn’t help but think about him in that way, wanting someone like him to compliment you after dealing with someone who hurt you as bad as Caelus did. “Well i should get going, give my regards to the rest of the express crew.” you heard Gallagher’s voice head towards the door. You popped out of the bathroom just in time to lock eyes with him.
Did he just blush? You weren’t sure of what you saw, but you needed to ask him something, “Mr. Gallagher, if you have the time, can you take me to the Radiant Feldspar?” He stared at you for a second, his eyes moving from yours to your newly painted red lips. “Uh, yeah sure, not ready for the night to be over?” he asked with a smile. Himeko walked up to you, “Are you going to see Bonajade?”
You turned to her and rubbed the back of your head, “Yeah I just, wanted to ask her about something.” Himeko shook her head and gave you a hug, “There’s nothing wrong with you, but go on, and be safe.” she said warmly and you hugged her back.
“So uh, what could you possibly want from Bonajade?” Gallagher asked as the two of you waited in the cue for the ship. You looked at your hands, suddenly feeling embarrassed and avoiding eye contact all of a sudden. “I want her to fix me.” you said simply.
“Fix you? You sick or something?” he asked sounding almost concerned. “It’s nothing like that, it’s more of a problem that I have,” Caelus words replayed in your head, a tear threatening to fall, “it’s why my ex cheated on me.” you cleared your throat and looked forward, avoiding his gaze that was fixed on you. “Oh wow, I’m sorry I asked.” he said as he coughed awkwardly.
“It’s okay, once Bonajade helps me, we can get back together.” Gallagher couldn’t believe what you were saying, “You’d get back with a cheater?” he turned to you, “I know it’s not my business but damn, someone as pretty as you can have whoever they want, why get back with that loser?” A part of you knew he had a point, but another part of you still loved Caelus deeply. “I still love him unfortunately, and if I could just, cum for him maybe he’d-“ you stopped yourself and turned away from him, mentally slapping yourself for talking too much.
It didn’t phase him however, “So he blames you? ‘Cause he’s inadequate?” Gallagher’s voice got louder towards the end of his sentence and you turned to him. “He said there was, something wrong with me, so he went and fucked someone else to prove he could still make someone, forget it.” you said, moving forward a bit once the line started moving.
It was quiet between the two of you for a bit before Gallagher spoke up. “You are aware that this will come at a price, right?” he spoke as he pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket. His lighter flicked open and he took a drag once it was lit. “I know but, I’m willing to try whatever.” He scoffed at your words, looking over the floating dock and into the bright lights of the city.
“It won’t work you know, no matter what Bonajade does,” his voice was so low you could swear you felt it in your gut. “It’s all his fault, not yours.” he took a long drag and stood quietly looking at the ground. A part of you already knew that, that it couldn’t all be you. But your mind was so clouded by trying to keep him, to at least hold onto something that could possibly fix your relationship, that you still held on to that small shred of hope. “Have you ever had a problem like this?” you turned to him and saw a smile spread on his face. “Hell no, I know what the fuck I’m doing.” he said and exhaled a plume of smoke from his nose.
You got hot, the confidence in his voice was so sexy. “What I mean to say is, everyone’s different, but I always try my best to make sure the other person is feeling as good as I am, otherwise what’s the fucking point?” Of course there would be issues in any relationship, but in retrospect, you don’t think Caelus ever really took the time to care if you were feeing good. The line moved further and the two of you moved along with it. “He’s the only person I’ve ever, you know, been with.” you said out of nowhere, feeling like you needed to explain yourself further, “I just, thought he loved me enough but, he doesn’t.”
Gallagher shook his head, the cigar in his mouth glowing in the dim lighting, “Damn shame, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” Your heart jumped again, his words doing all the right things in this moment. God you wanted to just kiss him hard and let him show you all the things he knew.
The line became smaller, only two people in front of you now. Gallagher bent down to neatly stub out his cigar before putting it back in its case and in his pocket. “Bonajade won’t be able to help you like I can.” His words went in one ear and out of the other as another person went into the ship.
You soon registered what he said and turned to him, “What did you say?” He chuckled and met your gaze, “You heard me.” the confidence he had in that moment was so intoxicating, you almost choked. He took you by the chin gently, his deep red eyes darted towards your lips. “Let me help you forget all about him,” he started to lean in, about to kiss you when the host cleared their throat. “Excuse me, you may enter, sorry about the long wait.” He pulled away from you, “Right, I’ll wait out here for you,” the man sighed and headed off.
You quickly entered the ship, looking at the directory to help you find the pawn shop. Gallagher’s words played in your mind, his offer was tempting and your mind reeled with thoughts of all the possibilities a big muscular, probably big dicked man like him had to offer. You sighed, finally deciding that you were going to put your pleasure first for once.
You ran out of the ship and to where Gallagher was standing. Before he could speak you had your lips pressed against his. His large hands pulled you closer to him by your waist. You could taste the tobacco from his cigar still on his tongue before you pulled away for air. “Can we get out of here?,” you whispered against his lips and he nodded in response.
The two of you arrived at his room in the Reverie, your hands slowly trailing up his back as he unlocked the door. He pulled you into his room and immediately pinned you against the door once it was closed, “There’s nothing wrong with you sweetheart,” he whispered against your lips and took your face in both of his hands, kissing you hard. You kissed him back, tugging on his shirt to pull him closer. He picked you up, just as easily as he did March earlier, not once breaking the kiss as he walked you over to his bed.
He placed you down softly and finally pulled away, only to remove his gloves, tie and shirt. He got down on his knees with a grunt and began removing your heels, tossing them aside and roaming his hands up your thighs. “You’re gorgeous, do you know that?” he looked up at you through his lashes and began kissing your soft skin.
Your body erupted with heat as he opened your legs and kissed up your inner thighs. He darted his tongue out and licked a trail from your mid thigh to your clothed cunt. He growled at how excited you already were for him, licking at your wetness through the fabric of your underwear. You squirmed under him, moaning as he sucked and licked desperately at the lace of you panties. Not being able to wait any longer, you moved to pull down your underwear yourself, earning a deep chuckle from him. Once you were bare in front of him, he went up to you and gave you a kiss, “Tell me something sweetheart, that man of yours really never, ever, made you cum?” he asked as his thick fingers pushed into you. You arched your back against him and licked your lips, “Only a few times with his mouth, but he rarely even did that.” He cocked his head to the side, curving his fingers to search around inside of you for that one spot that would make you putty in his hands. You moaned once he found it, a smile spreading on his face, “You poor thing,” he pulled out of you and sucked on his fingers with a moan. He leaned down and finally met your folds with his mouth, giving your pussy a few kisses before licking up your slick and sucking hard on your clit. You moaned and steadied yourself quickly by gripping onto the sheets, his eyes meeting yours as he worked. He pulled your legs over his shoulders, “I’ll make you come as many times as you need, I promise.”
He spit on your pussy, lapping up his saliva along with your essence. He ate you out like a man starved, slurping you up and teasing your clit with his tongue. He moved to piston his tongue in and out of you, using his fingers to rub your clit once he snaked his hand over your thigh. It wasn’t long before your hands went to his hair, pulling him closer, “Gonna, cum-ah!” you yelped as your body erupted in euphoria, your legs twitching and body writhing under him. You heard him chuckle as he pulled back, wiping his mouth. He stuffed his fingers back into you, your cunt messier now with your release. “Look at you, so pretty when you come, wanna do it again?” He curved his digits, pushing up against your sweet spot, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. You moved against his fingers, meeting his gaze with an almost plea. “Yes Gallagher, please!“ your voice cracked as he fucked you faster with his fingers. “Go on doll,” he growled as he came up to kiss you, swallowing your moans as you came hard once again.
You broke the kiss, looking at him while your chest heaved. “Take your pants off, now.” He smiled at your orders and stood up, doing just as you asked. You took your dress off, then your bra and wasted no time in taking all of him into your mouth once he was naked. Gallaghers abs constricted as you sucked him off greedily, a low satisfied moan coming from his throat. “Aeons,” he said and held the back of your head, “just like that, take the whole thing.” You relaxed your throat and felt him as he pushed himself completely into your mouth, his hairs tickling your nose as his balls slapped against your chin. “Perfect,” he huffed and continued to thrust into your mouth.
You dug your nails into his thighs, gagging hard against him and looking up at him through your lashes. The man soon took pity on you and pulled out, your precum stained lips sucking his tip before moving to suck on his sack. “As much as I love this,” he said as he held his dick by the base and tapped it on your stuck out tongue, “I need to be inside of you.”
The two of you moved onto the bed, your anxiety finally melting away with every gentle touch he gave you. It’s as if he tried to give you all of the passion Caelus was supposed to, in this one night. “How do you want it doll?” his gruff voice asked as he sucked marks into your neck while his big hands squeezed your breasts. “Wanna, ride you.” Your voice betrayed you as you whined out your response, but you didn’t care.
He quickly moved you to straddle him, his rough hands holding you over him. The head of his thick cock prodded at your entrance, “Go on sweetheart, indulge yourself.” he said as he let go of you, leaning against the headboard and watching you as you finally sunk down on him. “So big!” you yelped as he filled you up deliciously.
Aided by your slicked cunt, you bounced on him, your arms resting on his shoulders as you stared at him with pure hedonistic lust. He looked at you with such admiration, slowly grinding his hips up into you as you worked. “Thats it,” his nails dug into your skin, his voice coaxing you on as you felt your peak nearing. “Pussy so tight and perfect, shame that man of yours couldn’t please it properly.” He slapped your rear with both hands and roughly grabbed it as you began to clench down on him. “So fucking good,” you sighed as your nails scratched down his chest and abs.
“Fuck!” you convulsed on top of him, the smile you saw on his face before throwing your head back would surely be burned into your memory. He came into you with a grunt, slowly thrusting up into you as his hot seed filled you.
He pulled you close and moaned into your mouth, catching every word of praise that dripped from your lips. “Shit, did you cum in me?” your voice tired as you held onto his chest as you heaved. “Sure did, nothing to worry about in the dreamscape though.” you moved off of him, thick ropes of cum connecting the two of you as you moved. You lay on your back and used your fingers to push his cum back into you, “Really? Then please do it again,” you whined as he moved to hover over you. His lips kissing yours as he wasted no time in entering you once he was hard again.
The big man above you thrust into you roughly, pounding into your pussy like he knew you needed. “Yes, ah fuck me!” you whined in his ear, a moan falling from his mouth. “Aeons your fucking tight,” he growled and pushed your legs up further, his dick fucking deeper into you as he practically folded you in half. “Some men just don’t know how good they have it, I could live in you if you’d let me.” you pulled him down into yet another heated kiss, your peak soon nearing as hard as it did the last time.
“Faster Gallagher,” you begged and he picked up his pace, his fat cock so deep in you now you swore you felt it in your gut. “Never had a cock like this doll? Gonna come all over it again?” You just nodded and gritted your teeth, your nails digging into the skin of his back as he fucked you faster and harder. He could feel you start to clench down, “Cum baby, you deserve it.” And as if his words were a command, you came again, your body convulsing under him as he continued to pump into you, using you as his sleeve and cumming in you hard. “Gonna breed you so good sweetheart.” his voice was gravely in your ear as he filled you even more.
He kissed your cheek before leaning up and watching his cum drip out of you as you caught your breath. He shoved two fingers into your messy cunt and fingered you brutally, your oversensitive body writhed and your pussy throbbed as his fingers brought you to another near blinding orgasm. You squirt all over his hand, the most mischievous look on his face. “It’s like youve never been touched before, fuck.” you watched through half lidded eyes as he got hard again. His stamina impressed you, especially for a man his age.
You tiredly turned so that your ass was facing him, your tight hole now gaping and dripping cum from how hard he fucked you. “More.” you said as you looked back at him and swayed your hips. He slapped your ass, his body moving to slot between your legs. “You’ll never be able to fuck him again after this, you know that right?” his thick cock pushed into you with ease, the new position causing your back to arch. “Good, I don’t plan to.”
Gallagher practically brutalized your pussy now, his hands on either side of you as he bucked his hips against you roughly. His thick balls slapped against your clit, your body giving out quickly as you moaned his name over and over through yet another orgasm. He leaned down and began whispering praises into your ear, using you as he pleased but making sure you felt every inch and drag of his thick cock. “Perfect little pussy all mine, yeah? You won’t be able to take any other cocks like this sweetheart, you’re mine.” he gruffed and growled as he came again, stuttering against you and reaching around your body to rub your clit. You soon came for the sixth time that night, completely spent and sighing out in pure bliss under him. He pumped into you a few more times before cumming into you again, sweaty and tired but in a much different way than your previous lover was.
“The man is always the problem.” He reassured you gently with a kiss and pulled your body close to him, allowing you to finally rest and bask in the sub-space you were currently in. You felt like jelly in his hands, every touch sending your nerves alight. “You want me to walk you back now or in the morning?” he whispered as his hands massaged your sore body. “Morning,” you mumbled and closed your eyes to rest against him. He hummed and kissed your forehead, massaging you softly until you fell asleep.
You awoke at an ungodly hour to your phone ringing, answering it quickly as to not wake Gallagher. “Hello?” you asked with your voice almost gone. March began yelling from the other side, “Where the fuck are you?!” her loud voice caused you to pull the device away from your ear. “March calm down! I’m fine, I stayed with Gallagher last night, I’m sorry I didn’t text or call I was, busy.”
She continued to ramble, giving you an earful about how careless you were but then stopping once she remembered it was mostly her idea for the two of you to get together. ”Busy? Riiiiight, well ok then.” You could hear her and Himeko giggling and just hung up the phone, hoping that was enough to prove to them that you were alright.
You turned and cuddled up against Gallagher, his lips coming to kiss your forehead as he stirred awake. “Ready to head back?” he asked before moving to kiss your waiting lips. You shook your head with a giggle, “Not yet.” Your hand trailed down his front and pulled at his cock. “You’re not hurling?” he asked with a chuckle and gave you a kiss, taking your leg and pulling it over his waist.
He held the base of his cock and tapped the tip against your clit, “Need to get fucked one last time before you leave Penacony, yeah?” You nodded and he slipped into you with a grunt. “Messy cunt still so full of me, fuck!” he cursed into your neck as you hung onto his every word, getting drunk all over again on the pleasure he gave you.
“Need more daddy, don’t know when I’ll be back, ahh!” You moaned loudly as he thrust into you extra hard from the name you had called him. “You just call me daddy, sweetheart?” he asked as he moved to hover over you. He wrapped a hand around your throat, “All you sluts on the express this fucking desperate?” he asked as the grip on your neck tightened. “Spend all your time traveling the galaxy, and you cant find any good dick to satisfy you?” he asked pointedly with another harsh thrust. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his dick plunging deep into you with hard, slow thrusts.
He hit your spot every time, growling curses and names at you as you tightened around him. His dick abused your hole, loud squelching sounds accompanied by your moans and his grunts filled the room. You breathlessly stuck out your tongue, your legs shaking wildly as your orgasm washed over you intensely. He spit onto your tongue, wiping up the mess with his fingers and shoving them down your throat. “I wanna be there when he sees you stumbling in from how good you’ve been fucked.” he said with a chuckle and leaned back, fucking you with a few more thrusts before throwing his head back and finishing inside of you. The two of you kissed for a while after that, his soft dick inside of you keeping warm with your cunt before you finally separated.
The two of you dressed and headed off to your room, promising each other you’d definitely meet up again. Gallagher watched you from the elevator and apologized with a laugh as you stumbled off to your door. You made your way inside and were instantly met with the smiling faces of Himeko and March. The three of you exchanged glances in complete silence before you cleared your throat. “Guess I didn’t need Bonajade’s help after all.” you said and threw your arms up in the air in defense. March put a hand on her hip, “Oh yeah? So Mr. Gallagher ‘fixed’ you did he?” she asked with a laugh and watched you walk awkwardly to the bed. “Fixed one thing and broke another it seems.” Himeko said and covered her mouth as she tried to hold back a laugh. “Haha very funny!” you said in response and grabbed one of the nearby pillows to loudly scream into.
The three of you would spend another day on Penacony, extending the invite to the others on the express who gladly joined. You all enjoyed a free drink at Siobhans bar, danced and chatted the whole night. And thanks to the alcohol, you even exchanged a few words with Caelus of all people. March and Dan Heng laughed happily as they sat at the bar trying each other’s drinks. Welt and Himeko danced to a slow song together, their hands on one another as they swayed peacefully. Your mouth moved as you spoke to your ex, but only aeons knew what the hell the two of you were even talking about. You sighed and rolled your eyes at whatever the boring man next to you was saying as the man you had been waiting for finally entered the room. He greeted everyone who hadn’t seen him since his disappearance, reassuring them that he was just fine. Your heart skipped a beat when he finally turned to you, his stride almost cocky as he shot a glare at Caelus. “Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart, let’s go.” his voice was calm and gentle as he reached a hand out to you, holding you as you leapt off of the bar stool. The two of you walked by March and you made sure to raise your voice loudly when you said to her, “Don’t wait up!”
A/N: don’t even get me started cause we’ll be here all day 😮‍💨 im so obsessed with his big hairy old man ass UGH he’s never leaving my team idc if he’s a four star HES MINE!!!
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scottieharveys · 5 months
watching s3 of desperate housewives and jesus, how many creepy things is bree gonna find out about orson and give him a pass for bc he made her come for the first time…
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criminalamnesia · 7 months
that 141 x reader you just did was so good! i need to know what happens next. like after reader is better, do they stay in the military? stay in 141? or do they take a discharge? I’m not the original ask but it was just so good.
love your writing btw!
thank you! here’s part two :)
you were beginning to hate the infirmary.
the white walls. the moans of pain. the smell of bleach and blood.
the reminder of why you were here. of who put you here.
your friends. your family. your team. john. johnny. kyle. simon.
you’d told the doctor to not let your teammates in, and she had tried, but there was only so much she could do. she couldn’t monitor the door all the time, and so a week after waking up from your coma, john price is sitting at your beside once again.
his hands are clasped together, knuckles white with the intensity of his grip. he’s leaning forward, elbows resting on the bed, hands under his chin. his position conveys his regret and worry. he looks like he should be in church, knelt between the pews and spewing silent prayers to a god that isn’t listening.
you haven’t spoken to him since he sat down ten minutes ago. the second you saw him step inside the infirmary, you knew he was there for you. there to try and speak to you, to apologize.
fuck him and his apologies.
you turned your head to the side, eyes staring at the white curtain separating your bed from the next. you studied the stitching while you listened to him breathe next to you. he hadn’t spoken either— just sat down and watched you.
it made your skin crawl, how he thought this was okay. how he thought this would be the way to get back into your good graces.
he clears his throat then, a sound you’ve heard a million times before. it makes you want to gag now.
“love,” his voice is soft, caring. you want to hit him in the jaw.
“can we talk? please?”
you don’t turn over, don’t even spare him a glance. you keep your gaze trained on the curtain. the only giveaway that he has your attention is the fists you clench at your sides.
he takes the silence as an invitation, that bastard.
“what happened—” he begins, then grunts. stops. takes a second, then begins again.
“what we did,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “it wasn’t right. the intel was from a trusted source. we—” he sighs then, and you can tell he’s rubbing his temple. he did that when he was stressed. when he was anxious.
“we were wrong to believe them over you, love. and im— im sorry.”
silence ensues. you don’t give him any indication that you’ve heard what he said. he sighs again, inhaling deeply.
“you’re still part of this team. johnny and gaz, they’ve been sitting outside this damn room like sentries. can barely pry ‘em away for drills.” he chuckles then, but it’s sad. pitiful. mournful.
“there’s nothing we can do to make this right,” he tells you. you’re still mulling over what he said about johnny and gaz. still hung up on the fact that he didn’t mention simon at all.
simon, who did the most damage to you, both psychologically and physically. simon, who shared your bed. simon.
simon, who is too much of a coward to face you for his crimes.
“but we want to try,” price is speaking again. “if you’ll let us.”
he stops talking. waits a beat, then two. then, you hear his chair scrape. he’s getting up, and that’s when you turn your head to face him.
he looks bad. bags under the eyes, skin pale, beard overgrown. you think he deserves this. deserves worse than this. his eyes meet yours, and they widen the tiniest bit at the attention you’re showing him.
your voice is full of venom as you speak.
“nothing,” you seethe, angry tears blurring your vision. “will ever undo what you did to me. what he did to me.”
price knows you’re talking about simon. the whole team knew you were a thing. hell, when they’d strapped you to that chair and debated who would ‘interrogate’ you, they hadn’t even thought to include simon. why would he want to torture the person he loved?
to their surprise, he had volunteered to take point.
“when i get out of this bed,” you continue. “im gone. and i never, never, want to see any of you again, or else im putting a fucking bullet between your eyes.”
the captain doesn’t speak. you can see the remorse on his face. you couldn’t care less about his feelings.
he gives a short nod, and without another word, he turns and leaves the room.
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after john’s visit, no one else tries to visit you. you no longer catch glimpses of kyle or johnny outside the infirmary door. you’re glad they’re starting to get the hint.
but you’re still getting flowers. you don’t know where they’re coming from. sometimes they’re dropped off by a nurse, other times they appear in the morning after a restless sleep. there’s never a note. never anything to suggest who would be leaving them.
you know it’s one of the 141, but you don’t know exactly who. you feel certain it’s not simon.
but, unbeknownst to you, it is him. he knows you don’t want to see him— to see any of them. price had told them all about what you’d said to him during your talk.
price had also told them that he’d already started preparing your transfer papers. that had caused an uproar from soap, who’d quickly been quieted by a saddened price.
simon had expected it. expected worse, actually. he knew that if the roles had been reversed, he wouldn’t have been as merciful as you. it made him hate what they’d done to you so much more.
there had been the tiniest doubt in his mind when all the evidence pointed to you. he hadn’t believed it at first— and then things became damning. everything pointed to you. trusted sources were pointing their fingers at you, and everyone listened. he had listened.
he had volunteered to torture you because he’d been angry. rage he hadn’t felt in years bubbled to the surface of his skin, and he wanted to tear you limb from limb. how dare you come into their lives— his life— and betray them so substantially?
simon didn’t trust easily. he was battered and broken and scarred. shattered and malformed pieces hastily glued back together. he let the team in. let you in. let you see his face. let you into his bed. let you into his fucking heart.
and you turned around and drove a dagger into him. or so he thought.
he thought his anger and actions had been justified. thought he was doing the world a favor by butchering you. but he was wrong. the team was wrong.
he finds himself regretting how he hadn’t listened to your pleas, but there’s nothing he can do about it now.
he knows the chances of you forgiving him, of letting him back into your life, are slim to none. but how could he not at least try?
you’d know each other for years. been together for years. all of it thrown away because he still knew the hurt of betrayal all too well. because it was too easy to fall back into the mindset that it was him against everyone. that the only person he knew, the only one he could rely on, was himself.
so he left flowers. your favorite ones. and he did so without making you face him, without apologizing or groveling. it was the least he owed you.
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a month after your coma, you were finally allowed out of the infirmary. you were still healing, skin still tender and bruised. pink, jagged scars lining your skin; eternal reminders of the pain you’d been subjected to.
you’d been given a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which you’d pulled on with much fuss. every time you struggled or stumbled, you found yourself getting angry. angry at the men who did this to you.
the anger was going to eat you alive, at least that’s what the psychologist that had been dropping by to see you had said. she’d told you you need to let it go, and you’d laughed in her face.
how do you let something like this go?
you didn’t know. you didn’t think you were strong enough to do that. not a good enough person to forgive the men that had carved into you.
once you had dressed, you shuffled out into the hallway. you’d profusely denied an escort, and the doctor had reluctantly acquiesced. she’d let you go, with just the promise that you’d keep your iv hooked in.
so here you were, trudging down the halls of the base, iv pole rattling along behind you.
you could feel eyes on you, but no one dared to get too close. you were glad. you didn’t want more empty apologies and sympathetic words.
you still remembered the way to price’s office like the back of your hand. you doubted you’d ever forget it.
time and time again you’d found yourself here. sometimes, getting reprimanded. others, congratulated. a few times you’d shown up in tears, and price had let you in without a word.
now you were standing outside his door, trying to contain the rage in your veins.
you raised a hand. knocked once, firm and loud.
“come in!” price called from inside.
you were already twisting the door knob, pushing into the room.
your eyes found price first. he was leaning against his desk, arms crossed over his chest. his hat was absent from his head, instead resting beside him on the desk.
and then you noticed simon.
he was wearing all black. his hands were covered, bones decorating the black gloves. gloves you’d seen many times before. gloves that had been pressed to gunshots, trying to stop the bleeding.
the lower half of his face was covered, allowing you to see from his eyes up. his sandy blonde hair was ruffled.
you quickly turned your attention back to price.
“love, what are you doin’ here? you should be in bed—” he began, but you waved a hand as you stepped further into the room. you pulled your iv pole in behind you, then kicked the door shut.
“don’t talk, just listen. i still mean what i said when you came to visit. the only reason im here right now is because you haven’t put in for my fucking transfer.” you hissed.
the captain’s eyes widened, his face taking on a sheepish expression at the revelation that he’d been caught. simon stood quietly beside him, eyes trained on you. you ignored him.
“love, i didn’t want to do anything before you were ready—” he began. you cut him off.
“bullshit! you didn’t want to do anything because you don’t want me to leave. you want me to forgive you, right? hear you all out? come back and be a happy little family again?”
the room fell eerily silent as you stared at the captain. your heart was roaring in your ears.
“put in the fucking transfer, john.” you finished.
he reluctantly nodded. he inhaled, his eyes glancing at his lieutenant briefly, before he spoke again.
“of course, love. ‘m sorry.”
you didn’t say anything else. you turned to go, your back to the men, when simon’s voice cut through the air.
“you should be respectful to your captain, sergeant.”
you froze as you took in his words. was he fucking serious?
you didn’t turn around. you trained your eyes on the door as you spoke words through gritted teeth.
“you should watch your tongue, lieutenant, before I fucking cut it off.”
with that, you pulled open the door and stepped into the hallway, slamming it loudly behind you.
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author’s note:
apologies for the wait! I hope everyone enjoyed! (this is being posted before proofreading, so I hope it’s okay— I’ll read through it later, it’s just late and im tired lol)
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euphoricimagination · 10 months
𝓗𝓪𝓲𝓴𝔂𝓾𝓾 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴-𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵
Feat. Nekoma & Inarizaki -> Part 2 [Aoba Johsai & Fukurodani]
Premise: You had to do something else for a week and a half, leaving the boys alone for that period. Although they told the coaches that they could survive without you, the coaches ask a girl to help them out instead. They weren’t particularly excited, which got worse the more they spent time with her
You arrived later than you expected, just on time for the club, So you didn’t get to see your dear team until much later
When you enter the gym, you see a…strange view
No one in the team was happy
Yaku and Kai didn’t have any expressions on them, Lev was pouting aggressively, Fukunaga had a frown, Yamamoto was mumbling words and Kenma was nowhere to be seen.
The girl that was supposed to replace you for the week was walking besides a very annoyed Kuroo, who was pushing the cart with the balls
Weird, considering that doing that was the basics for being a manager
They were so out of it that none notice the sound of your shoes, weird considering how attentive they are
“Ah Kuroo senpai, thank God you helped me! I’m so small and weak that I wasn’t able to push it over” you heard her say, making you cringe at the sentence
“Yeah, whatever” said a disinteresting Kuroo
And that’s when you confirm that something was really wrong, Kuroo was never this dismissive
“What’s happening? Everything ok?” you asked making Kuroo turn around with a relief smile on
“Oh hi, Kuroo senpai was just helping me since you know, I’m so small and weak” says fluttering her eyes at him
“It’s just pushing the cart. It has wheels on it…” You gave a disbelief look to Kuroo, who just rolls his eyes “it’s not that hard”
“Maybe for someone as big as you it wouldn’t be so difficult!”
That was it for Kuroo, who quickly move to your side giving you a hug
“Well, guess you can leave now that our manager is back. Bye”
"Kuroo-senpai!! Stooop! I can stay here too!” says stomping her feet
The whole commotion cause everyone to look at you, and you swear you heard a collective sigh full of relief
Quickly enough you felt a bunch of arms around you, a bunch of head pats and a ton of screams of your name
Which quickly was interrupted by a loud scream by the girl “KYANMA!!”
You look at the stairs where Kenma was standing shaking slightly with big eyes. The girl tried to get close to him, yelling “They are being mean, Kyanma!” but he just runs away towards you
Yes. Run. He hated her, she was so loud and desperate, Kenma literally couldn’t stand her.
“You’re back” says Kenma hiding behind you, showing more happiness that you ever have seen from him
So happy that he went to hug you tightly, he really missed you
“Anyways, now that our team is finally complete you can leave. Please go out” says Kuroo
“Agh! Fine! I’m way too good for you anyways!”
She sends you a look full of venom, but you didn’t really notice it
After all, you had a clingy Kenma hugging you tightly and the rest of the team waiting for one
After your small break reached an end you finally were ready to go back to your boys
They were having a small hangout in the Miya household
They tried to be sneaky about it, not wanting to invite the girl that was replacing you
But sadly for them, she somehow knew and crash into them before you could arrive
She’s the first person you see when you enter their house with the spare key they gave you
“Who are you?” she asks with her eyebrow raising
“Ehh…I’m Yn, their manager. You helped them while i was out?” You ask back, confused at her sudden presence
“Yes…I actually think I should be the new manager! After all I play like 17 sports and definitely know more than you about sports. What do you think this is? Cheer? Not like it’s a sport, but whatever” she says with a overconfident smirk
In the meantime the guys that were already in the house starting to appear into the hall, confused at how loud her voice was being
“Anyways! Why don’t you leave? A girl like you probably doesn’t even know a thing about sports! We’re gonna play videogames while you probably just want to paint your nails or whatever!”
“Who says you’re staying?” Atsumu says, frowning
“Ha Ha, you’re so funny Atsumu! Of course I’m staying” she says nervous
“No, you’re not” Osamu adds
“I’m sure we can all hang out tog-” you try to say
“You shut it! I bet you don’t know anything about the sport!” She says to you despite you trying to help her
“Really? You barely even know what we play, you just join because you wanted to see hot guys” a voice behind you says, Suna entering the house as he passes his arm through your shoulders
The girl immediately went pale, stammering the next sentence “well…well, I mean, of course I know!”
“Sure, that's why you asked 'if we knew' the rules of basketball yesterday. Just leave, nobody wants you here anyway”
She scoffs annoyed, looking at the rest of the team as if asking for help, which she doesn’t receive. She scoffs one more time, walking towards the door and leaving as she shoots a glare towards you
“You guys are so mean” you say, receiving a chuckle
“She deserved it, if anything she just hinder our practice” Osamu adds
“Besides, nobody talks about our beautiful manager like that” Atsumu hugs you along side Suna
The rest of the team also comes to hug you, and while they were a bit rude, you knew that they only had good intentions
You love this foxes too much
Note: a little something about my boys, also, I cringed way too much while writing this
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scarlet-star-witch · 3 months
The moon and his sun (Part II)
Aemond Targaryen x Female Reader
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Summary: People would remember their story. Even decades after they were gone, Septa’s would tell young children about the one-eyed dragon prince and his sweet wife as if they were a part of a fairytale, too good to be true for the harshness real life possessed.
Aemond meets a young girl who quickly becomes his most cherished friend and changes the course of history.
Word count: 8.2 K
Warnings: Aegon takes minors to a brothel (but nothing sexual happens), characters get aged up, male masturbation, mutual pining, smut
AN: I am so blown away by the love you all showed for the first chapter, thank you all so much! Hope you enjoy xx
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. 
Aemond had been twirling her around the room practically the entire night. She knew he didn’t particularly enjoy dancing, but when she had asked him, he loathed to deny her. 
“Are you having a good name day?” 
“It’s my best one yet.” He smiled. He had woken that morning to her barging into his chambers, demanding her gift be the first one he received that day. Nothing could ruin such an incredible start to the day. 
He raised her hand over their heads and twirled her under his arm again, his own grin beaming at the sound of her delighted laughter. 
She tilted her head back as she spun and Aemond was struck by how happy she looked. She was happy with him, she was carefree with him. 
Despite how his feet began to hurt, or that he knew many pairs of eyes were staring at him, the desire to let go and sit back down was nowhere to be found. He wanted to stay with her. He wanted to continue to make her smile all night long
As she twirled again, her eyes found the head table, smiling to Helaena who was watching the dancers wistfully while her betrothed sat next to her downing another cup of wine. 
She flinched suddenly as she met the hard stare of the Hand of the King. Otto Hightower’s stare was enough to make her feel as though she was burning under such a disdainful look. 
Her shoulders tensed slightly before she found herself being spun again, back into Aemond’s arms. His smile faltered when he noticed her own smile dimmed. 
“Are you alright?”
She forced a mask upon her face, not quite understanding the contempt coming her way from his grandsire, and brought a smile back to her face. 
“I’m fine, just getting a little tired.” 
“Come on, we’ll take a break.” He took her hand in his and guided her back to the table.
Her father smiled at the two of them as they approached. 
“You two look like you’ve been having fun.” 
“We are.” She smiled, taking her seat next to him. Aemond moved to take the empty seat next to her when his mother called out to him. She beckoned him forward with a pointed look and he sighed, promising to find her later as he left her side to make his way back to the head table.
She watched him go with sorrowful eyes, her gaze moving over to Otto and suppressing a shiver at the cold look she received. 
She seemed to shrink in her seat, catching her father’s attention. He followed her gaze, his face hardening, his posture becoming rigid as he noticed the cold glare the Hand of the King was sending his daughter. 
He had never liked Hightower, he didn’t trust the man. He somehow always seemed to take control of the council meetings, proclaiming he knew what the King’s best interests were. He was a snake of a man and he would not let him drag his daughter into his games. 
He placed his arm over her shoulder, portraying a united front, a warning to anyone that would seek to bring her harm that he would deal with them swiftly. He may be the Lord of a peaceful house but that did not mean he did not know how to fight or that he wouldn’t commit whatever violence was needed to protect his family.
She stayed by her father’s side for the rest of the night, sharing looks of mourning with Aemond as he was sequestered to his mother’s side, unable to escape the politicking unfolding at the head table of Royals. 
As the celebration was winding down, most taking their leave for the night, she bid her father goodnight and sulked out of the large hall. 
She knew whatever reservations Aemond’s grandsire had of her would keep him from her, that there was no use in hoping for another moment with him. 
She shouldn’t have been so upset, she had practically the entire day with him and all her previous days, but that somehow didn’t stop the twisting of her insides as the thought of his own family disliking her, of there being some kind of plot to keep her away from him. 
The sound of her name being called made her raise her head, a smile growing instantly at the sight of Aemond waving her over. 
“Where are you going?”
“I was headed to my chambers. I thought the celebration was over.”
Aemond took her hand and pulled her along with him.  “Not yet.”
She smiled along with him, happily following him. As he guided her out of the Keep, her smile began to falter slightly in confusion.
“Where are we going?”
“Aegon said he had a surprise.”
An uneasy feeling began to fester within her. She didn’t particularly like any time she had spent with his older brother. She didn’t trust a single thing about him. Thoughts of the pink dread came to mind and she quickly held back the bitterness that grew. She didn’t want to doubt Aemond, but she had little hope this surprise would be a showing of brotherly love. 
As the two of them snuck passed the gates, a hooded figure waited for them. 
Aegon’s smirk dropped the moment he spotted the two of them hand in hand. 
“What the bloody hell is she doing here?”
“Aegon.” Aemond admonished. 
“I didn’t invite her, I invited you.”
“She’s my friend. She has every right to join us.”
The disdain on his face faltered slightly and soon morphed into a devious smirk, a laugh leaving his curled lips, one that made her stiffen.
“I do hope you enjoy the surprise, My Lady.” He drawled, the sickly sweet tone of his voice making her want to squirm and head back to the safety of her chambers. 
But Aemond’s hand in hers kept her in place, her stride matching his as they followed Aegon. 
The further they ventured from the familiarity of the Red Keep, the tighter Aemond’s grip on her hand became, his suspicions rising as they continued their trek deeper into the streets of Flea Bottom. 
He pulled her into his side as they passed a tavern, the rowdy sounds inside and the groups of drunken men they passed making his body stiffen. 
“Aegon, what are we doing down here?” He called to his older brother. 
No response was given and Aemond grit his teeth in annoyance. He should’ve known better than to trust his brother. 
They came to a nondescript door and Aegon turned to face them, that smug smirk still on his face that made her hand twitch, longing to smack it right off his face. 
“Well, brother, you’re almost a man grown. I think it’s time you get it wet.”
Aemond’s eyes narrowed, confusion twisting his features as a pit of dread began to grow within him. Aegon opened the door and motioned them inside. 
When the two of them stood still in their spot, Aegon rolled his eyes and gripped onto the front of Aemond’s shirt, yanking him forward, his hand still clasped tightly in hers pulling her along with him, the two of them stumbling through the door ungracefully. 
The scantily clad women that filled the room made Aemond’s lone eye widen. He turned to his brother, his face red with both shame and anger. 
“Aegon, why are we here?”
“Don’t be so uptight, Aemond.” His brother waved him off, brushing past them to be welcomed into the arms of a whore he frequented. 
He was quickly guided off to a room, leaving the two of them to remain standing at the door stiffly, their shocked eyes taking in the room before them.
A group of women soon surrounded them, pulling Aemond away from her. 
He tensed as hands ran down his arms and he shook them off, his head craning to catch a glimpse of his friend. He called out her name, but if she gave any response it was drowned out by the tittering laughter of the women in front of him.
“Is she your betrothed?”
“We can help you, teach you how to please her.”
“We’ll make you a God, My Prince.”
Aemond’s face twisted in disgust at the filth they began to spout, shrugging off their wandering hands, flinching as a hand landed on his thigh, slowly beginning to creep upwards.
“Don’t touch me.” He snapped, his heart beginning to race as a dreadful feeling overcame him. 
He remembered it well, what it was like to not be in control. He remembered what happened the last time he had felt this helpless, wanting to scream but knowing no one was listening, no one caring about his discomfort. His scar flared with pain at the memory and he winced, pushing the woman who was trying to crawl into his lap away from him.
He called out her name again, panic seeping through his tone. 
He stumbled over his own feet in his haste to escape the gaggle of whores that tried to tempt him. He pushed them out of his way, one goal in his mind, one face he desperately needed to see. 
Across the room, he spotted her, his chest tightening as he saw the discomfort on her face as many pairs of hands tangled through her hair and pulled at her dress. 
“You’re a pretty little thing.”
“Just imagine when your tits come in, you’ll put all of us out of work. The men will be lining up to take a turn with you.”
“Don’t worry, Honey. We can prepare you so it won’t hurt too much when your old husband beds you.”
The whores’ words made her stomach clench and she squirmed under their hands that attempted to get her out of her clothes. 
The feeling of lips caressing her neck made her flinch, a small squeak of surprise escaping her before she could even fully realize what was happening. 
“Get off her.” A stern voice spoke.
She let out a stunted breath as she realized it was Aemond. She reached out and within a second, he hauled her up and wrapped her under his arm as he pushed their way out of the brothel. 
A ragged breath left him as the stench of perfume finally lifted, the debauched sounds of the pleasure house muffled and distant as the door closed behind them. He looked down at the girl under his arm and a bolt of worry shot through him at the sight of her blank stare.
A low hum rang in her ears, her body trembling slightly as it tried to make sense of what had just happened, of what could have happened. 
“Hey, look at me, please.” His pleading voice came through and she slowly raised her head, her gaze meeting his worried eye. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what he was planning. I never should have trusted him.” He rambled, his own voice wavering slightly, his trembling hands moving to cup her cheeks. “I swear to you, I never would have come if I had known.”
“It’s ok.” She breathed out quietly. 
He sighed, the fear on her face still evident. 
“Are you alright?”
She nodded wordlessly and he winced, the gesture so unconvincing he quickly wrapped her in a tight hug. 
“I’ll take you back to the Keep.” 
She looked down the darkened alley fearfully, the thought of making her way through the streets of Flea Bottom so late had dread settling in her stomach. 
“It’s ok.” Aemond assured her, taking her hand in his, noting the unease in her eyes. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” 
They began to walk, the silence between them stifling, something so unfamiliar to the inseparable pair. 
“I’m sorry.” She began quietly. “You don’t need to- you can stay if you wish. I don’t want to ruin your night.” 
Aemond stopped in his tracks, his lone eye wide with horror as he looked at her in complete shock.
“I don’t- no! I didn’t want- this wasn’t-” He was at a loss for words. He blew out a long breath, cursing Aegon profusely in his head. “I don’t want to… do what Aegon does.” He explained vaguely, unable to bring himself to speak of his brother’s depravity in front of her. 
The insinuation of him acting like Aegon, of sullying himself with the same debauchery that brought his family shame made his stomach twist. He never wanted her to see him like that, he never wanted her to think he would ever act like his brother.
Aemond ran a hand through his hair. “Fucking twat.” He mumbled under his breath. He wanted to throttle Aegon 
A small giggle met his ears and he looked at her, slightly bewildered by the small upturning of her lips he saw, so unlike the fear he had seen etched in her eyes just seconds before. 
“I’ve never heard you swear.”
He let out a small noise of surprise, unsure if she was truly smiling or if it was a ruse to placate him.
“So unbecoming of a Prince.” She jested and he let himself laugh, her sarcasm, her humor so like the girl he knew that it was enough to ease his worry. 
He liked his arm through hers, holding her closely to his side as they began to walk again. 
“Did this ruin your name day?” She asked after a few moments of silence.
He looked over at her thoughtfully. His day began with her, her excited smile beaming as she demanded he open her present, her at his side loyally all day. No one had ever been so attentive to him, not even on past name days. 
“No.” He answered honestly. Nothing could ruin the content she gave him, the feeling of being wanted and needed that surrounded him when she was around was stronger than any blow of shame Aegon could deliver.
Neither of them spoke of that night, the both of them too embarrassed by what they had seen and heard to say anything about it. 
Though the seeds of lust were planted. 
As the years passed and they grew older, their childhood innocence dissipating into adult desires and longing, it became harder to deny what was between them. The looks that passed between them were no longer the shared smiles of childhood friends, they were the looks of longing that stirred the shared hunger that grew steadily with each passing day.
After that night, she loathed to think of her friend, her Aemond, venturing back there with Aegon, indulging those whores, laying with them, letting them touch him, his own hands greedily touching every inch of their bodies. The thought of him laying with another was like a lance to the heart. 
The same dread plagued Aemond. 
He made himself sick thinking of his friend, the girl he always simply considered to be his, indulging one of the many suitors that ogled her.
Aemond thought of what those whores had told her, that she would have to lay with a husband leagues older than her and endure the lackluster and, most likely violent, attempts to produce an heir. 
The thought had his insides twisting. The thought of any man with their hands on her sent fury racing through him. 
As they grew, he couldn’t help but find his thoughts of her drifting to ones that would be considered less than innocent, not thoughts one should be having of a dear friend. 
He couldn’t help but admire her curves, the dip of her cleavage she had no trouble showing in the low cut gowns she wore around the Keep. It drove him crazy. 
It was becoming more and more common that he would wake, his thoughts racing of images of her lingering from his dreams. He would roll over, imagining she was laying next to him in his bed, tangled within his sheets, her sweet smile his first sight of the day. 
He had no time to feel guilty as his hand ventured below his sheets, as he found his hard length that was more often than not standing at attention to the thought of her. 
He would let his eye close, imagining her hand taking his place, of her sweet mouth taking him in, of the praises she would give him as he took her over and over, the sound of her delectable moans and pleas for him. 
His mouth would part with panting breaths as he thought of the pleasure he could give her, of the pleasure he longed to give her and the pleasure she would bestow upon him. 
His hand would speed as he neared his end, his body writhing among his silken sheets, his head fallen back against his pillow as he pictured her face, what it would look like as he brought her to climax.
The thought, as always, was his undoing. 
His lips parted with a long groan, the raspy call of her name becoming familiar to the walls around him. He panted as he expelled the last spurts of spend on his stomach, his limbs feeling weak as he let his fantasy dissipate. 
He didn’t know how much longer he could continue without having her in his arms. He didn’t know how he could endure meeting her gaze with such filthy thoughts of her in his mind. 
Later that day, as he caught her eye as she sat with the ladies of the court, he felt his face flush, the images of her he conjured in the privacy of his chambers rushing back to him. 
The warm smile and small wave she sent him only incensed him further, leaving him to contemplate for a few long moments whether he should neglect his training with Ser Criston to return to his chambers and deal with the heat she had unknowingly spread throughout his body that was undoubtedly weak for her. 
He was doomed to her.
The longer he repressed his growing feelings for his best friend, the more he couldn’t get her off his mind. 
He woke early one morning to avoid passing her by, knowing with one mere look at her he would be a distracted, bumbling mess for the rest of the day. He was determined to get through at least one training session without his thoughts drifting to her. 
He had been successful for a short time, managing to best Ser Criston time and time again, his focus purely on the weapon he wielded with precision. 
Until he heard that familiar laugh, a sound so purely wonderful, it almost knocked him off his feet. 
His gaze wandered around the training yard before they found her, as he always would, her arm linked through Helaena’s their smiles wide as they watched the training commence.
As if sensing his gaze on her, she turned her head, her eyes meeting his. She smiled, the sight blindingly beautiful. He sent her a wave, hoping the blush on his cheeks wasn’t as severe as it felt. 
The sound of a throat clearing beside him broke him out of his daze and he turned sharply to meet the knowing smirk of Ser Criston.
“Shall we continue or are you done for the day?”
The knight’s tone implied he knew exactly what thoughts had been running through the Prince’s mind the moment he saw his dear friend. Anyone with eyes and half a working brain could see the affection the Prince and the Ixtal girl held for each other. 
Aemond grit his teeth, sending a glare the knight’s way as he spun his sword effortlessly, a flagrant display of his prowess with his beloved blade. 
“I am more than ready to continue, but if you require a break I will gladly find another opponent to knock into the dirt.” 
Criston snorted and raised his sword, giving the young Prince he had valiantly trained a pointed look. 
With one last gaze up to the woman on the balcony, the sly wink she sent him giving him all the drive needed, he raised his sword and struck a deadly swing towards his mentor who scrambled to block it. 
His heart raced with adrenaline. The wink she had sent him igniting the fire in his blood, only incenting him to display his power to her, determined to win, determined to show her his strength. 
He wasn’t a boastful man, he left those frivolities to his older brother, but when it came to her he suddenly didn’t recognize the feelings within him, the desires that had taken root that seemed to unravel him to his most basic senses. 
Up on the balcony she repressed a shiver as she watched Aemond fight with an ease that made her body heat and caused her mind to conjure things her Septa would’ve slapped her for ever thinking as an unmarried woman.
“He’s very good.” Helaena commented, not noticing the desire now lingering in her friend’s eyes. 
“Yes, he is.” She murmured, attempting to shake herself from thoughts of him handling her in the delicate yet deliberate way he did his sword.  
Later that night, as she and her father joined the Targaryen family for dinner, she couldn’t get her mind off of what she had seen in the training yard. She couldn’t help the nervous flutters that erupted within her as she took her seat in between Helaena and Aemond.
It was her usual seat, she had spent too many dinners to count by his side, but for reasons she couldn’t quite understand - or refused to - she suddenly felt bashful in her friend’s presence. 
The smile he sent her in greeting made her stomach flip.  
She could barely concentrate on anything besides his presence beside her. She was sure she was about to crumble into a puddle as his fingers brushed against hers as he passed her the jug of wine. 
She took greedy swallows of the drink, hoping it would dull her sense enough to withstand the looks he sent her every now and again, his smile warm, his gentle affection subtle but enough to undo her completely. 
As Helaena engaged her in conversation, telling her one of the many stories of her beloved twins, she let her thoughts of Aemond dissipate, smiling softly to her dear friend who glowed with her love of her children. 
She listened intently, allowing her nerves to retreat to the shadows of her mind. 
As conversations around the table continued, she let her eyes wander curiously. She turned her head, catching Aemond’s gaze already on hers. He straightened and abruptly tore his eye back to the plate in front of him, though the blush that grew on his cheeks was undeniable. 
A shock of excitement rushed through her at his reaction, suddenly realizing she wasn’t as hopeless as she had thought. She thought back to all the times she had caught Aemond looking at her, all the times he sought her out before anyone else, all the times he had abandoned whatever it was he was doing just to see her and spend a mere moment together. 
She suddenly wondered if it meant as much to him as it did to her. 
She wondered if her dear friend was caught in the same haze of longing she found herself drowning in. 
The slamming of the door made her flinch, the book she was reading slipping from her hands. She sat up straighter when she noticed Aemond standing rigid, his chest heaving with heavy breaths as he tried to rein in his anger.
“What happened?”
“My fucking grandsire.” He seethed. 
She remained seated and silent, allowing Aemond to vent out his anger. 
“They want to betrothe me to some Baratheon girl.” He explained as he began to pace erratically. “They’re bringing her to court for the Summer Feast. They expect me to do my duty with that plain-” He stopped himself abruptly before any insults could pass his lips. 
She frowned, setting her book aside. 
“Tell them you don’t wish to marry her.”
Aemond hummed, the sound more bitter than she had ever heard it. “My grandsire isn’t as agreeable as your father.” 
He knew the Lord of Ixtal had vetoed a number of requests for his daughter’s hand at her request. He didn’t want his daughter shackled to a man she did not desire. 
He wished his family was as caring to his needs as hers was. 
“Well, I guess you need to find the love of your life before the Baratheon girl arrives.”
Aemond looked over at her plainly, clearly not in the joking mood. 
“This is not funny.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t see what the issue is. Tell your family this isn’t what you want.”
“They don’t care about what any of us want. If they did, Helaena wouldn’t be forced at Aegon’s side.” 
She frowned at the mention of her dear friend and what she had to endure with her drunken leech of a husband. 
“I’m running out of time.” Aemond sighed, running a hand over his face. “I’ve been able to keep them at bay the past few years, but they’re becoming more incessant, I can’t stall any longer.”
The thought of being forced to marry some girl he didn’t know, a girl who would never compare to the woman in front of him, the woman he longed for, desired before he even knew what it meant to desire a woman, left him feeling hollow. 
“I’m sorry. I wish I could solve this for you, but I don’t think your mother would take too kindly to my meddling.”
Aemond huffed out a laugh at the thought. He looked at his friend curiously, noting how cavalier she found the idea of marriage.
“Isn’t your father putting pressure on you to marry?”
“Not exactly. He’s hinting at the time coming for me to go back home, but no plans have been made just yet.”
Her words made his stomach twist. The thought of her leaving King’s Landing, of not seeing her everyday, was unfathomable. 
“They don’t have a courtship lined up for you?”
“No. Who I marry is my decision.”
“Is it that easy?”
She breathed out a small laugh at his disbelieving tone.
“Ixtal isn’t as conservative as King’s Landing. We don’t force people to be together, we don’t expect women to wait to find pleasure until marriage. We don’t expect a fruitful marriage to come from sexual disappointment.”
Aemond blushed at her words, his eyes darting to the wall behind her, unable to keep her gaze as she spoke of things his mother would’ve slapped their wrists for.
“My mother said marriage is for the sake of duty. To unite strong houses.”
She scoffed, sending her friend a pointed look of disappointment.
“You’re forced to marry for every reason other than your own happiness. It’s barbaric.”
“It is duty.”
“So you just accept it? Being tied to someone you don’t love for the rest of your life?”
“Some grow to love each other.” He said quietly, though he couldn’t deny how undesirable the customs, one he had known his entire life, sounded to his own ears.
“So if you’re betrothed to a Baratheon daughter, you’ll accept it?”
“No, of course not.” He answered immediately, his tone sharper than he intended. 
“Why? You’ll have to marry someday. Soon I’ll need to go home and find myself a nice man to settle with.”
The reminder of his time with her coming to an end made it feel as though his heart was turning to stone. Her previous words about Ixtal’s customs suddenly came screaming back to him and his hands tightened into fists, fury rising within him at the thought of men touching her, kissing her, making love to her.
The sound of that beautiful voice saying his name made him look up, the anger inside him washing away at the knowing look on her face. She stood from her seat and took slow steps towards him until she was only inches away, making his throat tighten at the closeness he was constantly longing for. 
The unspoken things between them bubbled to the surface, reaching a boiling point as they looked at each other in the dim light, the topic of conversation causing tensions to run high, threatening to reveal true emotions that were kept hidden for so long.
“Eventually, you’ll have to marry, and so will I. We’ll have to do our duty, as you say.”
He swallowed thickly, his eyes unable to hold her gaze any longer, falling onto his hands that clenched and unclenched as waves of anxiety passed through him.
She sighed heavily and stepped past him, moving towards the door. She loved so many things about Aemond, but his refusal to feel anything but anger, his stubborn nature to speak his true thoughts, angered her.
“I don’t want you to go back to Ixtal.” He admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. But she heard him. She would always hear him. 
“Because you belong here.” He told her, his gaze rising to pierce into hers, his tone becoming sharp once more. “Because the thought of you going home, marrying some man that doesn’t deserve you, makes me furious. The thought of you-” He stopped abruptly, looking away from her, his hands clenched tightly.
“Would you be jealous knowing another man has touched me?”
Aemond’s jaw clenched as he turned on his heel and moved towards her so they were now chest to chest. He had to fight hard to keep his composure, to not close his eyes in bliss at the feeling of her body against his.
“I would kill every man that dared to touch you.”
A devious smirk grew on her lips, one he wanted to kiss away desperately. 
“Would you feel jealous if-”
“Yes.” She answered immediately, shamelessly. She smirked at the way his breath hitched, as the hunger in his eye grew tenfold. “I don’t share.”
Aemond almost choked on his breath at her insinuation. 
Her arms slithered over his shoulders, pulling him in closer to her, close enough they could feel the other’s heart racing wildly. 
“You’re mine. You’ve always been mine.” She whispered and Aemond could’ve sworn he would melt into the floor into a puddle of nothing. 
Her lips crashed onto his and he was powerless against her touch. He kissed her back with a furious desperation, revealing every ounce of desire he held for her. He needed her like the air he breathed and it was never more evident in the way his lips molded against hers, in the way his tongue tangled with hers, how his hands held to her hips tightly, ensuring she couldn’t part from his side. 
Her nails scratched against the leather of his doublet as she kissed him fiercely, hoping he would understand, hoping the hunger in her kiss and touch was enough to make him realize she didn’t want anyone but him. 
His mind was blank save for thoughts of her. 
The duty he had adhered to his entire life, the duty that had been instilled in him since his birth, didn’t exist. His duty to his mother, to his grandfather, didn’t exist as he kissed her. 
He knew then and there that he was going to marry her, his only friend, the beautiful girl that had his young heart racing, or he wouldn’t marry at all. 
They pulled away from the kiss, the both of them breathing heavily, neither parting too far from the other. Aemond smiled softly and let his forehead rest against hers. 
“I won’t marry her.” He breathed out in promise, his chest tightening pleasurably as he saw the smile that grew on her kiss swollen lips. 
“Iksā ñuhon, issa prūmia.” He whispered and placed a soft, slow kiss to her lips once more. 
Her mind was racing. She knew few Valyrian words but none sounded familiar. 
“What does that mean?” 
Aemond just smiled and kissed her again, content to stay in that moment for the rest of his life. 
The gravity of their actions, the realization that anyone could have walked into the library and saw them, could have told his mother or his grandfather, didn’t catch up to him until he had parted from her side and settled into bed for the night. 
He lay rigid, his mind racing, his heart heavy with guilt. 
If anyone had seen them it would have ruined her reputation. She’d be painted as a whore. The court would speculate what other Lord she’d kissed or opened her legs to. 
Aemond couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t ruin her. 
The next morning, every ounce of bliss he had felt with her lips against his was tainted with worry. He found her in the gardens, his cold stare softening as he spotted her sitting with Helaena and the twins. 
The sight of her with little Jaeheara in her arms made his heart stop for a moment. He swallowed thickly, desperately moving past the emotions, the longing, the sight stirred within him. 
“Good morning, brother.” Helaena greeted him brightly. 
He just nodded briefly in greeting, his posture stiff as his gaze landed on her. 
“Can we talk?”
Her smile faltered slightly and she placed the babe in her arms back to her mother before taking his offered arm, Aemond guiding them away from prying ears. 
“Is everything alright?”
“What happened yesterday-”
“Do you regret it?” She asked stiffly, her worry evident as her grip on his arm became lax, as if she suddenly wanted to be anywhere but by his side. 
“No! Never.” He responded frantically, his eyes leaving hers to take in their surroundings, making sure no one would hear them. “Yesterday was… it was long overdue.” 
“Then why are you so tense?” 
“No one can know.” 
She sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging. 
“The rumors that would spread if people saw us together would ruin you.”
“I think you’re giving the court too much credit.” She responded flippantly, her annoyance growing at Aemond’s worry. “Are you going to let me have a say in this or are we going to let the court decide our future for us?”
He spoke her name softly in exasperation, sparking her anger. She wrenched her arm out of his and walked a few paces to gain distance from him. She couldn’t think clearly so close to him. 
“If you weren’t being truthful yesterday then tell me. Spare me the lies and tell me how you truly feel.” 
“I wasn’t lying.” He assured her, his heart beginning to race in fear for where this conversation was headed. He loathed to hear the doubt in her voice. “I refuse to marry the Baratheon girl, I only want you.” He told her, his voice much quieter than before. 
The fire in her eyes dissipated, her fears subsiding and she stayed still in her spot as he stepped towards her, closing the distance between them. 
“We must keep this between us for now, at least until my father is more lucid and I can take our betrothal to him. I cannot let my grandfather know of this. He will only find a way to speed up a wedding to the Baratheon girl or any other Lady in the Keep.” 
She looked up at him with a smirk, her heart jumping at his words. 
Aemond flushed and cleared his throat, as if the words were tightening his throat.
“Well, yes… is that not what-”
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” She spoke in an overly saturated tone, interrupting his nervous words. He looked at her fiercely, his lone eye betraying every ounce of lust, longing, and annoyance he held for her games.
“You will never stop vexing me, will you?”
“I am certain you love it.” She teased, his swiftly pink turning cheeks all the answer she needed from him. She straightened, clearing her throat, as she moved back to the matter at hand. “So we must sneak around?” 
He looked regretful, his hands gently taking hers. 
“I know it’s not ideal.”
She shrugged. “If that is the only way I can have you now, then I can live with it.”
Aemond smiled, a breath of relief leaving his lips, the heavy weight on his chest dissipating quickly. 
A smirk grew on her lips, one he knew signaled mischief. 
“So, that means we’d have to remain as friends in public.” She surmised, stepping closer to him, much too close, as their chests brushed against each other. “But behind closed doors…”
Aemond swallowed, his eyes fluttering closed as she leaned in, his lips brushing against his ear as she spoke. 
“...I can do what I want with you.” 
Aemond cleared his throat, desperately trying to keep a hold of what little control he had left. 
“When we are behind closed doors, which we are not.” He reminded her, sounding exasperated, making her laugh softly. 
She loved the effect she had on him.
“Meet me in my chambers tonight.” She whispered and placed a soft, barely there, kiss to his cheek, before leaving his side and making her way back to Helaena, leaving him with pink cheeks and a racing heart.
Night couldn’t have come fast enough. He spent the day training vigorously, Ser Criston taking the brunt of his pent up anticipation with round after round of sparring. His knee bounced impatiently throughout dinner, paying no mind to his mother’s attempts to bring him into the conversations he couldn’t bother to focus on. 
He waited, long, torturous hours, until the sun had finally set and night descended on the Keep, the halls clearing as Lords, Ladies and their servants alike settled in for the night. 
He paced in his room for longer than he would ever admit, his nerves bubbling low in his stomach, his hands twitching as he longed to reach for a goblet of wine to ease his worries. 
He knew if his mother were to ever discover he had entered a lady’s chambers in the dead of night, let alone a Lady he was undeniably close to, she would slap him until he found his sense once again. 
Though no amount of worry, no guilt over his allegiance to his duty could ever be enough to overtake what he felt for her, what he had unknowingly felt for so long. 
With only his desire to see her, he purposefully strode across his room and pushed at the stone wall, silently thanking his brother for drunkenly revealing to him the secret passageways years ago.
 It only took a few minutes until he found her door. With a deep breath, he stepped in slowly, his eyes immediately finding her as she sat at her vanity, brushing her hair. His breath caught in his throat when he noticed the sheer slip she wore as she readied herself for bed. 
He cleared his throat, feeling a blush quickly and involuntarily growing on his cheeks as her eyes rose to meet his. 
“You came.” She smiled. 
“Of course I did.”
She got to her feet, taking slow steps towards him, as if he were a wild animal that would spook if she got too close too quickly. She knew he had a strong sense of duty, of what behavior was becoming of a princely man, it had been instilled in him by his family since he was born.
She knew he was breaking every single one of those lessons by being in her room so late at night. 
“You know we do not have to sneak around. You can wait to court me as is proper.” She reminded him, hoping to ease his discomfort.
“I can’t take that risk.” He spoke smoothly, as if it didn’t even require a second thought. “I can’t take the chance that we will be denied. I can’t lose you before I’ve even had you.”
She smiled, her heart jumping in anticipation.
“So take me while you can.”
Barely a second later Aemond had crossed the room, his hands cradling her face gently as he crashed his lips to her, kissing her passionately, revealing every ounce of his desire for her. 
She moaned happily against his lips, the noise forcing his body to tighten, every shred of control he thought he possessed gone in an instant. 
They kissed as if they had been lovers for years, as if he had been gone for so long and they couldn’t wait to reunite as only lovers could. 
His hands greedily roamed the curves he had admired for years. Her hands wove into his silken hair she had braided many times as children. The innocence was gone between them, no childlike wonderment left, leaving only their loving, lustful desires. 
They pulled away after a few minutes, the both of them breathing heavily, their swollen lips turning upwards into a shared smile as their eyes met, the pure bliss in his lone eye matching hers. 
He moved in again, desperate to get her lips back on his, but her hands on his chest stopped him. His brows furrowed, a strike of worry lashing him as he gazed at her in concern. 
“I want to see all of you.” Her quiet voice spoke, her delicate touch framing his face, her fingers slowly canting upwards to trace the edge of his scar. 
He flinched instinctively, having never felt the touch of another there, but almost instantly calmed as he stared into her eyes that reflected nothing but love and trust. 
She had been there for him through everything, she had been the only one to see him for more than his title, to respect him as he was, simply a boy trying to find his place in the world. 
He let out a shuddering breath, allowing his forehead to rest against hers as he built up the courage he needed to reveal his eye to her.
“Every part of you is beautiful, Aemond. I have known that for years and I certainly won’t think differently tomorrow.” She reassured him, her velvet voice melting the hardened resentment within him. 
He swallowed against the tightness in his throat and reached up slowly, willing his hands not to tremble as he grasped the patch over his eye. Slowly, he pulled it off, revealing the sparkling sapphire in place of his eye. 
A small laugh left her, scaring him momentarily until he saw the delight in her gaze rather than mocking cruelty as he had suddenly feared. 
“I can’t believe you really listened to me.” 
He smiled bashfully, remembering a conversation years ago, when she had suggested he put a ruby in place of his eye to resemble that of a dragon eye. He never told her when he took her suggestion, feeling too silly to divulge such a thing. 
“Well, I’m sorry it’s not a ruby.”
She shook her head, her smile never faltering. “Why did you pick a sapphire?”
“It reminded me of the sea.” He stated simply, watching with bashful satisfaction as her smile smoothed out, her expression one of touched devotion.
He always told her she reminded him of the calming and luxurious blue waves that crashed on the shores of Ixtal, the waves he had become mesmerized by the day he met her. 
“It’s beautiful.” She breathed out, feeling unable to take her eyes off the shining gem that made the man in front of her look even more ethereal than he already did. 
Her eyes found the gem between every breathless and fiery kiss, somehow lingering as he pulled his clothes off, remaining, as if for comfort, as she bared herself to him for the first time. 
It was a beacon to her, the guiding light in the ferocity of a storm, calming every one of her nerves as she was reminded he was hers just as she was his, as they always had been. 
She felt as though there were sparks igniting under her skin as he touched her. She felt herself melt under his delicate fingers that curiously roamed her body. She felt beautiful under his awed gaze as he eagerly took in every inch of her, as if she were a divine entity he would soon bow to. 
The second a gasp escaped her as his fingers found the wetness between her thighs, Aemond’s eye snapped to hers. He watched with wonderment as she vocalized her pleasure, pleasure that was because of him. 
She smiled against his lips as he suddenly kissed her with a might she had never felt before. She was powerless against his hungry lips. 
He let out a stunted breath at the sound of the whine that fell past her lips as he curled his finger, seeking out her pleasure, eager for it as if it were his own
The two of them never let their eyes wander too far from each other. He watched with a wide, amazed gaze as he brought her to her peak with his fingers, delighting in the pain he felt as her nails dug into his shoulder as her hips grinded against his hand. 
The sounds of her soft moans echoed in his ears, alighting his body with furious desire. 
As he settled between her legs, he looked down at her, his eyes posing his silent question, the devotion she saw from the beauty of his lone eye, that she felt from the gentle touch of the tips of his fingers that traced lines up and down her thighs, was enough to have her nodding immediately, fiery want washing over her. 
He never dared to look away from the depth of her eyes as he delved inside her for the first time. 
He watched her carefully, whispering apologies as she gasped, the foreign feeling making her tense slightly. His gentle caresses, his soft kisses down the length of her neck, the words of praise he gave her, were enough to soothe her, her body relaxing, the pain fading.
He began to thrust slowly, the pleasure soon becoming too much and his eye fell closed as he shuddered from the delirious pleasure of being inside of her, but he forced himself to bring his gaze back to her, taking in the starry eyed look in her own. 
Their hands never left each other, Aemond gripped her hips as if he feared she would soon be forced away from him, her hands gripping onto his shoulders to ground herself in the wake of the unexpected pleasure he brought her. 
His nose brushed against hers as he kissed her softly, his hips finding a rhythm that made them both sigh in delight. He felt his limbs tremble, his resolve slipping the longer he stayed inside her, quickly realizing nothing in his entire existence would ever compare to this, to being with her, the woman he loved more than life itself. 
“Aemond.” She breathed out, pleading for him, pleading for this never to end, to never lose each other. 
He squeezed his eye shut briefly, his movements becoming more controlled as he let his body adjust to the ecstasy he was feeling. 
“You’re mine.” He panted, his hand moving to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin affectionately. “You will always be mine.” 
She nodded frantically, a moan falling past her lips as he found the spot inside her that made stars explode before her. 
The noise had Aemond gritting his teeth, a desperate growl sounding and he knew this would be ending soon. 
He quickened his movements, his hips rolling rapidly against hers. He choked out a surprised sounding moan as her legs wove around his waist, pulling him in deeper. 
“Oh, Gods, I can’t-”
“Give it to me, Aemond. I want it. I want all of you.” She replied frantically, the growl in his voice causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. 
She watched, entirely raptured by the sight before her as Aemond’s jaw dropped, his eye widening before slamming shut, his body trembling as a loud, desperate sounding groan fell from his lips. His hips became erratic, his movements becoming sloppy as he came hard, untethered from his control.
She gasped at the feeling, the tingling in her spine spreading until it burst, a cry of his name sounding in the room as she fell off the edge just a moment behind him. 
Aemond slumped against her, his chest heaving alongside her own, his shuddering breaths cooling the skin at her shoulder where his head rested. 
She ran her hands over his muscled shoulders and found their way into his hair and she began to run her fingers through his mussed strands gently as she found her way back to her body.
After a moment of quiet as their breathing relaxed, Aemond raised his head, his eye finding hers, her gaze locking onto the gem once more, their shared smiles bashful. 
A soft giggle sounded from her and Aemond wanted to melt into her all over again. He rested his head against hers, placing a soft kiss to her lips. 
“I love you.” He whispered in the quiet room. 
“I love you.” She told him with just as much honesty and devotion as had sounded in his voice. 
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kitscutie · 10 months
hi! i saw your post about snow omg, can i request a coriolanus x mentor!reader where she’s similar to like clemensia but she’s more close to corio and they have a secret relationship? thank you in advance if you do this rq! love ur tsitp writings sm 🥹
snow and roses: part I (coriolanus snow x fem!reader)
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pairing: coriolanus snow x reader
warnings: none!
summary: you and coriolanus have been dating in secret for months, all it takes is one songbird for everything to come into the light.
a/n: first time writing for snow and I'm very excited about it! I've always loved the hunger games and this movie was insane in the best way so please enjoy! I will be making this a series and this is only part one so stay tuned for the rest!
word count: 2.2k
join my taglist here.
"You're going to get it Coryo, don't stress." You soothed the boy as you sat next to him. It was barely even six in the morning and the pair of you had woken up, well he had woken up and you with him as he blatantly needed your support, desperate for the Plinth Prize.
You didn't need the prize, already coming from a wealthy Capitol family and yet you felt the same hope that he would win as you would for yourself, stomach twisting into knots at the thought.
"There's good candidates Y/N, it feels as if the odds are already stacked against me." He sighed, leaning over as he sat so his elbows rested on his knees, head in his hands.
"The odds are in your favour Coryo, you're special. Different." With that he looked at you, a small smile gracing his pale lips. He leaned up kissing you gently, fully embracing the special moment before he got up from his place next to you.
"I'll see you at the Academy?" He asked, knowing you had to leave quickly back to your own house in order to change but also in order to avoid the suspicions of your own family who had no idea of your relationship with Snow.
"Of course." You replied, also standing up and pulling on last nights clothes as you left.
You studied the dark an empty halls of his house, ensuring Grandma'am was nowhere to be seen before you quickly walked to the door, exiting un-noticed until Tigris came around the corner, seemingly equally in a rush and holding a shirt you knew must be for Coriolanus.
"Oh, hello Y/N." She smirked as you both stopped, unsure how to approach the conversation. She was one of the only people who knew something was going on between the pair of you and still she wasn't quite sure what it was.
"Hi Tigris. You look lovely today." You said quietly, feeling like a scolded child even though you hadn't done anything wrong.
"Well if you're here I can only assume Coryo is awake, I'll see you again I assume?" She replied.
"Yes and yes." You answered awkwardly before hurrying away once again, letting out a sigh of relief as you heard her enter the house. You could only hope she wouldn't mention your interaction to Coriolanus.
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You walked into the Academy at the same time as you did everyday, conveniently when Coriolanus would also show up.
"Coryo!" You yelled, spotting him across the room. He turned his head to you as though it was a surprise to see you, it wasn't.
"Y/N. What a pleasure." He smiled with his typical Snow charm, allowing you to link your arm with his.
"How are you feeling?" You asked him, thumb gently rubbing his bicep through his shirt. You rounded the corner past the food and yet you both avoided it for different reasons. You having already been fed by your family and their lavish lifestyle and he too nervous to even look at it.
"Never felt better." He replied with false confidence but no one else around you had to know that.
"Snow always lands on top." You teased as you entered the hall, spotting your friends if that's what you could call them stood in the centre of it all, as they usually did, talking about everyone around them no doubt.
"Y/N and Coriolanus, finally some real competition has arrived." Said Arachne, a glass in her hand and a smirk on her face as she always seemed to appear in public.
"Be humble now Arachne, you never know who will be chosen." You smiled, turning on your Capitol attitude in order to fit in. You were Capitol born and raised but your family taught you to be humble and kind. It was clear this wasn't common among parents here.
"Have you tried this lamb? It's scandalous." Said Felix, it made you chuckle how he used such a word to describe food.
"Only the vulgar eat with their fingers Felix, daddy not teach you table manners?" Snarled Festus, it was as though there was always a secret competition between the two of them, never quite made clear, never making sense.
"Maybe he would've if he wasn't so busy running the country. Hey they called us here for the Plinth prize right? 'Cause I heard Doctor Gaul's in the building." Felix changed the subject, knowing he had won. It was impossible to lose as the President's son you supposed.
You hadn't noticed but now Felix had mentioned it you took in the strange atmosphere, tense and mystery lingering in the air. "That is peculiar." You said, holding onto Coryo's bicep tighter subconsciously.
"Plinth. Look at his spawn. Who would've thought you could buy your way into the Academy." Felix once again snarled, he was always filled with such anger though it seemed todays anxiety only heightened this.
"Well you can't buy class. Did you see his mothers outfit? Sorry his Ma's." Festus joked, seemingly over his small tiff with Felix.
"Dress a turnip in a ball gown and it'll still beg to be mashed." Said Coriolanus, playing into their pompous ways. You knew he didn't agree, not really.
"Don't do that we all know you like him." Arachne spat with her spider like venom, raising her eyebrows at Coriolanus.
"I don't like him Arachne, I tolerate him. He's district." Said Coriolanus and he seemed pleased with his answer as you felt him relax under your touch. You however did like Sejanus and weren't afraid to show it.
"If I hear one more time how immoral these Hunger Games are I'll put him in the arena mys- Sejanus. You made it to the Reaping for once." Festus cut himself off, caught by Sejanus himself.
"And you made it to graduation Festus, we're both shocked." Sejanus replied and you couldn't help but snicker, hiding it as you realised no one else shared the same reaction. "Y/N, always a pleasure." He smiled at you politely. You couldn't help but note the way Coryo's jaw clenched, neck twitching as he looked at you to gaze your reaction.
"As are you Sejanus." You nodded. Arachne scoffed quickly mentioning the only thing she really cared about, the prize.
"Spill it, who won the prize." She asked.
"Well, no I'm not gonna ruin my father's big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money." He once again hit back at the group around him, you felt sorry for the boy. Alone in a room full of people. "You know what that's like don't you Arachne?" He dug the hole deeper and you internally smirked, grateful someone was brave enough to stand up to a powerful woman like Arachne.
As the Captiol's anthem began to play you made your way to your seats, sat next to Coriolanus you placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered 'good luck' in his ear, though you didn't really think he needed it.
Doctor Gaul's chuckle resounded around the room in a menacing echo that always managed to make you shrink into your seat.
She commended you all for being star students before untroducing the creator of the games: Casca Highbottom.
He went on to tell you all that today was not the day the prize would be given out but instead there would be one more task to challenge you all and gage your true worth. Everyone seemed confused but not Sejanus.
"What's going on?" You whispered to Coriolanus. He sensed your anxiety placing a calming hand on your knee but gave you no other response which reassured you that you had not been left completely in the dark.
"The Plinth prize will no longer be determined by who was the best grades. But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games." With that there was outrage, to you it was dehumanizing for the tributes, 'mentored' by people their own age but for the others they only seemed to care whether they were given someone strong or weak. A 'runt' in Arachne's words.
The reaping commenced and you couldn't help but wish to be anywhere but here. You didn't want to do this, you didn't need the money yet you were forced to have another's life in your hands.
You got a small girl from 8 named Wovey, seeing her face on the big screen left you determined, determined to help her in anyway you could on the path to being a victor. Even if that meant Coryo may lose the prize.
Snow's tribute left the room in horror, her stage presence and brutality sent shivers down your spine, though you supposed that the outer Districts had it harder and that sort of survival must be built into her.
Standing up on shaky legs you grabbed Coriolanus up from his chair and outside of the room, you needed fresh air and you needed to talk to him about what you were about to face, arguably harder than any other test the Capitol could give you.
"Slow down Y/N, I can hardly keep up." He said, words laced with worry.
"I don't believe I can do this Coryo, did you see my tribute? She's hardly eligible for school never mind to be put into an arena where she's going to be killed. She's only a child." You paced while he leant against a pillar, beginning to eat some food he a had smuggled from the buffet table.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice Y/N." He tried to help but only made it worse as you realised you were trapped in yet another one of the Capitol's games. He seemingly realised this. "Hey, hey. If there as anyone in that room who would get that tribute, I'm glad it was you. Arachne would've given up on her by now. With you she has a fighter. A chance at surviving." He said while grabbing your wrists to stop your pacing.
"It's not that simple Coryo-" You tried but he cut you off.
"It is Y/N." He said sternly and you understood what he meant. It was either play into their games or become apart of them, no other choice. "You're a born winner Y/N, give her some of it hm?" He stared down at you as he spoke and his blue eyes while at times piercing sucked you in, heart rate lowering almost immediatley.
"Okay." You said.
"Okay." He smiled, reaching a hand around your neck to bring you into a kiss. It started off slow and caring though quickly intensified as he turned you both around so now you leant against the pillar instead of him.
His hand tightened around your neck, not enough to actually cut off air but just enough to make you feel dizzy as he pushed his body further into yours, keeping you against the cold cement and trapped in his arms.
Your mouths clashed together intensely, tongues colliding in a rhythm you though you would only ever be able to find with him in this lifetime. He was your everything, your light in a blizzard.
"Ahem." Coughed Casca, drawing the two of you away from each other with baited breaths and rosy cheeks. "Just like your father, yes we were best friends. Once." He said, and with that it felt like you weren't even in the room.
"Tell me Mr Snow, what are your plans after these games?" Casca asked.
"I hope to go onto the university sir, naturally." Coriolanus answered, pulling his waistcoat straight where it had been wrinkled by your tight grip.
"And if you fail to win the Plinth Prize, what then?" Asked Casca, it suddenly became clear to you that he knew something, just what he knew you were unsure of.
"We'd pay the tuition of course." He scoffed, insulted at Casca's insinuation even if it was true.
"Look at you, in your makeshift shirt and too tight shoes. Trying desperately to fit in when I know the Snow's don't have a pot to piss in." Casca said. You felt your own heart drop and so you couldn't imagine how Coriolanus felt, the insult to his pride was one you knew he wouldn't take well and so you grabbed his hand subtly, hiding it behind your back as to not show any sign of weakness to Casca.
"Goodluck with that poor little Songbird." He said, and with that he left. Leaving you to do damage control.
"Ignore him Coryo, he's trying to get into your head." You reassured him, moving a Snow white hair from his face. His jaw looked similar to the way it did earlier when Sejanus had so much as acknowledged your presence.
"He's right Y/N. From the moment my father died I lost. The odds were never in my favour." He spat out, though his actions didn't match his words as he gently removed your hand from his hair before beginning his exit of the Academy. "Come on now Y/N, I've got a songbird to catch." He said sarcastically.
You sped after him hoping Casca's words hadn't knocked him too much, after all, Snow lands on top and he wouldn't be the one to change that.
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TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am, @riordanness, @suvgs, @charmed-asylum
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Are you going to continue the roomate James series? I’m actually in love with it😍
Yes! Thank you for reading <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │ part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 804 words
“Honey, I’m home!” 
A smile tugs at your lips, even as you roll your eyes to yourself. James has become more and more fond of these pet names, and of announcing his comings and goings like he’s worried you’ll miss him. (He’s never gone long enough for that, though you might actually miss him if he were.) If you don’t respond in some way or another, he’ll—
“Hey.” He pokes his head through your cracked door. “You alive in here?” 
You pause in folding your laundry to give him a deadpan look. “I could have been in my underwear.” 
He looks mildly horrified. “I’d hope if you were, you’d close the door all the way.” 
“You know, I did manage to stay alive even before you moved in.” 
James leans on your doorframe, giving you the sort of lazy grin you have to pretend doesn’t scare butterflies into flight in your stomach. You really hope that wears off soon. “See, but now I’m convinced if I don’t check on you, you really will die and it’ll be my fault.” 
“How would it be your fault?” 
“Classic case of roommate neglect. I smell the rotting coming from inside your room, the police come, they ask How did you not know your roommate was dead for a month? I reply, Well, officer, she said she could be galavanting in her underwear at any moment. They put me in handcuffs and I spend the next five to fifteen years having Sirius bring me cigarettes I don’t want so that I can trade them for ramen noodles in the yard.” 
You scoff, fighting a smile. “As if you would ever eat ramen.” 
“That’s what I’m saying, sweetheart. You’d be forcing me upon desperate times. But hey,” he raises his hands in a show of surrender, “I didn’t come in here to discuss prison currency. Would it be alright with you if I had friends over tonight?” 
“Of course,” you say, looking back down to match a pair of socks. “You don’t need to ask every time, it’s always alright.” 
“Thanks,” he says warmly, “but it makes me feel better to ask. What do you want on your pizza?” 
You blink. “Me?” 
“Yes, you.” He smiles. Butterflies all over again. “You don’t have to hang out with us to eat it—though we’d love to have you—but I’m not just going to order pizza to your own apartment without having any for you.” 
“It’s your apartment, too,” you remind him. “That’d be a very normal thing to do.” 
“Irregardless.” James waves you off. You wrinkle your nose at the word choice. “What do you want?” 
You swallow a sigh. There are some things, you’ve found, James is nearly impossible to argue with about. If you really dig your heels in, sometimes you can make him move first, but you don’t feel like it right now. 
You do the next best thing you can think of: choosing the least obtrusive option. “Cheese is good with me, thanks.” 
His eyes narrow like he knows what you’re doing, but he says, “Got it. I’ll let you know when it’s here.” 
“Thanks.” You turn your attention back to your laundry. James lingers in the doorway. 
A month ago, you would have kept ignoring him, working on the (unfounded) hope that he’d go away. Now, you look up. 
“Do you think you might come downstairs and hang out?” he asks. He has a strange look on his face, one you can’t quite decipher. “You know you’re always invited.” 
You give James a terse sort of smile. He’s not stopped inviting you to do things since the day he moved in. Your open invitation has been made very clear, and you’ve been accepting it more often lately. James is someone who makes it easy to feel close to him. He tosses pet names at you like they’re nothing, comes to check on you when he gets home, pretends he needs to go grocery shopping just because you need a ride to the store. Last week, you’d sat down to watch a movie with him and woken up to a black screen, your cheek smushed into his shoulder and his head resting atop yours. 
Somehow, you’ve let him spill into your life without meaning to, and now you have these childish, crush-like reactions whenever he smiles a certain way or calls you pet names with that familiar bent to his voice. You know you just need time to sort these feelings out. It’d probably be ideal to keep yourself from spilling into his life as much as possible in the meantime. 
But it’s hard to deny James anything when he’s so sweet to you. And he’s nice. His friends seem nice. 
“I might,” you say. 
“I’ll take the win,” James replies, smiling. These butterflies are seriously inconvenient.
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pathologicalreid · 5 months
don't say nothing | S.R.
gemini part two
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: smut (18+ mdni) content warnings: softdom!spencer, "good girl" (you can tear it out of my cold dead hands), alcohol, fwb, oral fixation, consent, idiots in love, praise kink, gun violence, jealous spencer? unprotected pinv sex, word count: 3.73k a/n: posting smut twice in a row who the fuck am i?? anyways, everyone's favorite idiots in love are back. i used the song don't say nothing by del water gap to provide me with inspiration.
part one
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please say something, cause I've been growing lonesomer each day
Penelope threw her arms up in frustration as you walked through the front door of O’Keefe’s, “I was beginning to think you were ditching us.” She got up from the booth, letting you slide in so that you were next to the wall – across the table from Spencer.
Things with him were as awkward as ever. The two of you were like a rubber band getting stretched, every time the tension became too much, you snapped and ended up in bed together - or in the academy showers, but that was just the one time. Looking at him now, the rubber band felt taut.
“I took the liberty of getting you this,” Garcia announced, a broad smile on her face as she pushed the glass toward you.
Raising your eyebrows, you eyed the beverage suspiciously before taking a tentative sip. An undetermined liquor slid down your throat as you tried to hide the distaste from your expression. Penelope had a taste for sweet, sugary drinks, it was the main reason she usually ended up puking first at girls’ night.
Spencer noted the look on your face, discreetly sliding his glass of water toward you. Thank you, you mouthed to him, earning a slight smile in return. “So, where’s this friend of a friend that you’re trying to set Y/N up with?” Luke asked, standing at the open end of the table.
In your periphery, you saw the smile immediately drop off Spencer’s face. Feeling his eyes on you, you shifted on the supple leather of the booth and looked over at Penelope.
“He said he’d show up later,” she said, lifting her own glass to her lips and sipping out of the straw.
That was enough for you to know that it would never work between the two of you. You needed someone who was punctual. Someone who wouldn’t ghost you at the last moment. Huffing, you sat back in the seat, wondering how long you’d have to stay out before it was socially acceptable to go home.
You took about thirty minutes before asking your teammates to let you out of the booth under the guise of needing fresh air. Luke asked if you wanted to move out to the patio, but you waved him off before walking out the front door.
The spring air kissed your skin as you avoided pedestrians until you made it to the outer wall of the bar, leaning against the cool bricks and sighing.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asked, walking out of the bar, and approaching you.
Avoiding eye contact, you watched people’s shoes as they walked by – heels, sneakers, sandals. “I’m fine, Spence,” you answered simply as your heart begged you to meet his hazel eyes.
You closed your eyes as he reached out, gingerly placing his hand flat on your ribcage. “You had a close call last week,” he said matter-of-factly, referring to a shot you had taken to the chest while on a case last week.
Shrugging, you opened your eyes again, “I was wearing my vest, barely even hurts anymore.” Spencer had been on sabbatical at the time, but he still came to visit you during your overnight stay in the hospital. You were left with a gnarly bruise to the ribs, and Emily had benched you for two weeks.
Tired of your refusal to meet his eyes, Spencer hooked a finger beneath your chin, lifting it until you could make out the gold of his eyes. He looked through the window of the bar, checking for something before he tugged you further from the glass. You didn’t have the time to ask him what he was looking for before his lips were on yours in the alleyway.
Spencer Reid had a habit of kissing you like you were a last meal, with open, messy kisses that made your lovelorn chest ache.
“Garcia’s friend didn’t show up?” He asked, pulling away from you just enough to get the words out.
Shaking your head, you reached up a hand and threaded your fingers through his hair, “Nope.” You cocked your head to the side as the two of you fell into your familiar pattern, “I’m glad I didn’t agree to the date. Could’ve been a fatal blow to my self-esteem,” you told him while thinking of a good way to navigate your current situation.
He also had a habit of making your mind go blank when his lips were on you, and you almost lost it when he groaned against your mouth, “His loss.”
Your breath hitched when he used his knee to part your legs, placing an agonizing pressure on your sex as you resisted the urge to grind on his thigh.
“Hey, Y/N?” He murmured in your ear before pressing gentle kisses on the side of your throat.
Humming, you bit your lip, “Yeah?”
Detaching his lips from the soft skin of your neck, Spencer pulled away to look at you, “Thank you for not agreeing to the date.”
Your body slouched against the wall, “I can’t do this again,” you confessed. The words slipped out of your mouth too easily for it to be a lie, even if you never meant for them to come out.
Spencer took a step back, removing himself from you entirely, “What do you mean?” He asked, watching as you frantically smoothed down the front of your dress and caught your breath.
“Why do I keep doing this to myself?” You muttered helplessly, once again averting your eyes from the man standing in front of you. Taking a shaky breath, your heart pounded so violently in your chest that you thought it might burst.
Catching out at you, he firmly placed his hands on either side of your waist before you could walk away from him. “Baby, what are you talking about?” He asked you urgently.
There it was again, baby. It was like a key in a lock, causing everything to pour out of you. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Isn’t that funny? You’re there, haunting my every move, and none of me occupies even a fragment of your mind.”
Recognition flashed in his eyes as he processed what you were saying to him, “It’s me?” He said, hazel eyes flickering over your face.
“Of course, it’s you, Spencer,” you said exasperatedly, afraid of years of longing coming out in a random alleyway in the district. Tears pricked at your eyes as you silently pleaded for him to say something.
Bewilderment was pasted on his face as he opened his mouth to speak, shut it, and then opened it again. “The person. Your one person that you’d say yes to. I’m your one.” He clarified, trying to get a hold on the situation.
Nodding miserably, you reached up and placed your hand over your heart as if you could staunch your bleeding heart, “You’re my one, and every time we’re together, you’re thinking about someone else.” It wasn’t an accusation; you knew he had feelings for someone else. He had told you just as much at Dave and Krystall’s wedding. Two months ago. Wiping underneath your eyes, you gathered whatever was left of your dignity and walked away from the situation.
As you walked back to your car, you were vaguely aware of people staring at you. You knew that you had played just as big of a role in your own destruction as Spencer had, maybe even more. You never should’ve had sex at the wedding, but you had sought comfort in one another.
Fishing around in your purse, you pulled your keys out, only for them to be scooped from your hands. “Hey!” You shouted in frustration, gaining the attention of passersby as they wondered whether or not they needed to call 911 or stay out of a lover’s quarrel. Shooting daggers at Spencer, you refrained from stomping your foot in frustration lest you look like a petulant child. “Give me my keys, Spencer,” you insisted, holding your hand out impatiently.
“Not until you talk to me,” he responded. He was out of breath, meaning he had run to catch up with you – a feat in and of itself.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, “There’s nothing left to talk about, Spencer.”
He took a moment to catch his breath before looking around, “There is everything to talk about. I have to talk to you.”
Weighing your options, you reached out for your car keys, which he let you take, and unlocked the car. “Get in,” you offered halfheartedly, wiping your cheeks before getting into the driver’s seat.
Silently, you started the drive, taking a right onto the next street. “This isn’t the way to your apartment,” Spencer observed anxiously.
You shook your head as you turned on your turn signal to merge onto the highway, “No, it’s the way to yours.”
Residences had been off-limits during your illicit affair, but each member of the BAU had the ability to get to each other’s homes. It was more of a safety concern than anything else. Since you’d never been to Spencer’s apartment before, you needed him to guide you through the lobby and up the stairs. To your chagrin, he did that by taking your hand in his and having you follow him.
Looking around once he unlocked the door, the first thing you noticed was that the space was so… Spencer. From the green walls to the stained-glass window to the piles of books, it all just seemed so fitting for him. “Sit,” he said with an authoritative tone as he made his way back to the kitchen, returning with two glasses of water.
“What do you want to say, Reid?” You said, leaning back in an armchair as you looked over at him, taking calculated breaths.
Disappointment filled his eyes, “Don’t call me that.” There was something in his eyes that resembled fear, but you couldn’t quite place the reason.
Narrowing your gaze, you tilted your head to the side and feigned ignorance, “Everyone calls you that.” You challenged, even though you supposed it wasn’t true.
“You don’t,” he responded simply. It was true, over the years you had never called him Reid. Dr. Reid and Spencer Reid, yes, but never just Reid. To you, he had always been Spencer or Spence. “When you do it, it feels so… impersonal. Detached.”
You blinked, not expecting him to have said that. Your relationship with Reid had always been personal. From back when you were just friends to whatever miscellany of emotions you had now. “I didn’t mean for it to be,” you admitted defeatedly, fiddling with the buttons on your cardigan. Although maybe you had intended to detach yourself from the situation by referring to him with a name that felt less personal.
In your periphery, you saw him looking dejectedly at you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes. “Will you please look at me?”
Swallowing thickly, you closed your eyes, “I can’t.” Your voice was no more than a whisper as you admitted the truth, one look in his eyes, and you’d break your heart even worse.
“At first, I thought it was easier for me to just say I was interested in someone else because I was under the impression that you were interested in another man,” Spencer told you candidly. “My idea was that I could keep you close to me until you felt ready to move on, and that would just have to be enough.”
Staring blankly ahead of you, you reached out to grab your water from the coffee table, taking small sips as you struggled to digest what he was saying to you.
You shut your eyes tightly at the vulnerability in the room, opening them to find Spencer knelt in front of you. “What I didn’t realize was that a fraction of you would never be enough, not for me.”
Burying your face in your hands, you avoided his eyes as the gravity of his admission weighed down your shoulders. “Spence,” you begged. He needed to stop. He was toeing the point of no return.
“I am so devastatingly in love with you,” he admitted. “I didn’t know how deeply it ran until the wedding, but I just couldn’t get myself to let you go.”
Spencer pried your hands off of your face, revealing teary eyes. You let your body slide off the chair until you knelt in front of him, knee to knee. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his.
Quickly, he wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling your body flush against his, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you answered, surprised at how easily the words rolled off of your tongue. Taking your time, you slung one arm over his shoulder, reaching the other up so you could put your hand in his hair. You relished in his groan as you tugged lightly at the strands.
You couldn’t help the whine that passed through your lips as he pulled away from you. He got to his feet before helping you up, and once you were standing, his lips were back on yours.
Leading you to what you assumed was his bedroom, you felt your blood heat up as he pushed your cardigan off of your shoulders. As you reached up to undo the buttons on his shirt, you grinned against his lips.
Sat on the edge of his bed, you parted your knees and pulled his shirt from where it was tucked into his pants before fumbling with his belt buckle. Disconnecting your lips so that you could look at what you were doing, he took the opportunity to duck his head and take your earlobe between his teeth. As he nipped at the soft skin, goosebumps spread where you were bare, leaving you in need of more. More of him.
Once you got his belt undone, you made quick work of the button and zipper on his slacks, sliding them down over his hips and ass while his hands made their way up your dress. “Spence,” you said breathlessly, trying to push his pants further down. Understanding your plea, he stepped out of them entirely, kicking them to the side.
Spencer drew away from you just enough to tug your dress off of your body, tossing it off to the side and gently guiding you so that your back was flat against the mattress. You watched in anticipation as he pulled his t-shirt off, the movement allowing for the tip of his cock to peek over the elastic of his boxers. “You’re so pretty,” he muttered, the softness of the words taking you by surprise, “Always so pretty for me, baby.” He gently traced his finger over your bruise as a shadow of worry crossed his features, but it was gone as quickly as it showed up.
His words spurred you on to pull at his underwear, trying to take them off, but you simply didn’t have the arm span to do it on your own. “I wanna touch you,” you confessed, “Can I touch you?”
“I need to be in you,” Spencer answered, pulling his boxers off before kneeling in front of you, eyes widening when your legs fell open. Expertly, he hooked his fingers in the sides of your underwear, dragging them off in one swift motion and leaving the both of you completely bare.
Your mouth parted when his hand reached your wet heat and two fingers entered you tantalizingly slowly. “I thought- ah- no touching,” you complained. It was a halfhearted complaint because really, there was nothing to be bothered by.  
Reaching down, your hand grabbed his wrist, trying to slow his ministrations. “You’re so responsive for me,” he murmured, continuing to move his fingers in and out of you and watching in fascination as your hips bucked off of the mattress involuntarily.
“Fuck,” You said, screwing your eyes shut as that all too familiar knot started to form in your lower belly. “Spence, baby- I’ll…” A low whine escaped your throat as he withdrew his fingers from your core. “Spencer,” you said in frustration, opening your eyes to see him inspecting your slick that had been left on his fingers.
Like a rehearsed routine, he placed his hand in front of your face, prompting you to incline your head forward and wrap your lips around his index and middle finger. As you swirled your tongue around his fingers, he watched you with an undying interest. “Good girl,” he muttered, the praise causing your sensitive cunt to clench around nothing.
Taking his hand back, you looked down as he used his now free hand to line his cock up with your entrance. Laying one of your hands at the side of your head, he used his other hand to intertwine your fingers before he pushed into you. Instead of tossing your head back like you normally would, you looked up at him, watching as he hilted himself in you. “Spencer,” you whispered.
“Are you alright?” He asked, checking in with you as he placed his free hand on the other side of your head.
You nodded quickly, “It just feels different this time.” Your heart clenched at your own admission. You weren’t using each other as an escape anymore.
Spencer hummed in understanding, leaning down and pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “I love you,” he whispered, “I love you so much.”
Your breath hitched as he tentatively thrust in you like he was testing the waters. “I love you,” you responded in kind, your voice higher than usual.
The response was enough encouragement for Spencer to keep going, he tucked his face in the crook of your neck, gently biting the skin as he set the pace. Small gasps escaped your throat every time his hips met yours.
As usual, your sounds spurred him on, seemingly trying to make you as vocal as possible, he used one hand to reach up and grope your breast. While his fingers pinched at your nipple, you wrapped your legs around his torso, locking your ankles together behind him. He lifted his head, moving his lips against yours in hurried, messy kisses that only aided the knot building in your stomach.
You didn’t have the capacity to warn him before you came undone beneath him, your orgasm coming over you as you whined into his mouth. Your walls clenched around him so tightly that Spencer had a hard time keeping his pace before it became too much.
Sighing contentedly as he filled you, you ran your hands down his back as he continued working through both of your orgasms. You whimpered as he continued fucking his cum into your oversensitive hole until your head went fuzzy, “Spence.”
He stuttered to a stop, staying inside of you for just a beat under he pulled out, causing you to flinch as you were left empty. “Are you alright?” He asked, still breathing heavily – not that you were faring much better.
Nodding, you blinked rapidly as your lungs tried to catch up with the rest of you, “I’m perfect,” you answered dazedly.
Spencer smiled at you, “You are. Perfect, that is.” He sat next to you on the bed, placing a hand on your bare hip, affectionately dragging his fingers over the skin. “You need to go pee,” he said suddenly, furrowing his brows at you.
You couldn’t help it as you erupted in a fit of giggles, resulting in an adorably confused look from Spencer. “Sorry, it’s just you telling me that I need to go pee – it’s funny,” you told him, biting your lip to muffle your laugh.
“Have you not been peeing after sex?” He was clearly appalled as if the idea of you not peeing after sex was abhorrent to him.
Rolling your eyes, you propped yourself up on your elbows, “Of course, I pee after sex, Dr. Reid,” you put extra emphasis on his honorific. “And I will pee just as soon as I’m sure my legs aren’t going to give out of me when I stand up,” you explained to him, reaching out and placing a hand on his knee.
He looked at you seriously, “You know, there are some studies that say the sooner after sex you urinate the less likely you are to contract a UTI.”
“Oh my god,” you said, “Don’t say the word urinate at me while I’m naked in your bed.” You complained, clambering up and making sure you were steady before you walked to the ensuite.
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Later on, you were laying in bed next to Spencer, your head was resting on his chest while he kept you tucked into his side. You flinched as a phone started ringing, you sat up and looked around for your phone. Please don’t be a case, you silently hoped as you searched the sheets for your phone.
Once you finally grabbed it, you saw Penelope’s contact flashing across the screen. Swiping the screen, you put the phone up to your ear, hearing loud music on the other end of the call. “Hey, Penny,” you said, smiling as Spencer reached out and pulled you back into him.
You adjusted your t-shirt over your skin, having made Spencer go out to your car for your go-bag so that you could have clean clothes to sleep in. He slipped his hand under the cotton of your shirt, placing his hand flat on your bare skin. You tried to greet Penelope again when she doesn’t respond.
“Hey!” Her voice chimed in through the speaker, “Where’d you go? Jason just got here!”
Frowning, you pulled your phone away and looked at the time – just past eleven o’clock. You sighed, letting your body meld into Spencer’s, “Tell him that someday he’ll find a girl with equally as atrocious time management skills as him.”
You heard some rambling on the other side of the call, and wondered how many members of the BAU made it out this late. “Okay, but where are you?”
Humming, you peered up at Spencer who had, unsurprisingly, pulled out a book to read before bed. “I’m right where I need to be,” you told her earnestly, wondering if she could hear your voice's smile as Spencer kissed your forehead softly.
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tagged, if you asked for a part two: @donttrustlove @jumpingjackalope @bippityboppityboob1tch @makingbloodbaths1 @sammyreidslut
@evvy96 @mus3y @nnab @basicallynotbreathing @hell0kitty11
@tatilolz @radioactiveinvisible @lamentis-10 @k-corbett @discotitsposts
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haveagarbageday · 16 days
Nobody got you the way I do \\ Lando Norris
summary: When Lando finds out what your friends truly think about him, he starts to wonder why you haven't left him yet.
additional info: This is a blurb, really. Title comes from OneRepublic's song Nobody.
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Some of your friends often wondered why you were sticking around. “It must be tiring,” they said several times when Lando’s struggles with his mental health came up in a conversation. They were reading the posts, saw the interviews, checked the social media buzz around him, so they always knew when there was a reason to bring it up and convince you to break up with him. It was almost a sport for them at this point, which was quite annoying since they were supposed to be on your side.
But you never cared about these comments, you loved him way too much, even on his darker days. He was under a lot of pressure on and off the track, and thanks to his more emotional personality, it was only natural that he wasn’t always in a cheery mood, and there were times when he truly doubted himself. Now that his car was fast and he had pretty good results on every race weekend, he began to overthink everything, terrified that he would make a mistake on the track that could take it all away.
Following the Italian grand prix, your friends were back on their bullshit after seeing the photos McLaren posted, the ones that showed neither Lando nor Oscar were in good spirits despite being on the podium behind Charles. “Gosh, he’s such a sore loser,” one of them noted, a girl you didn’t even remember from before. She was probably a friend of a friend and that’s how she became a part of your group chat. All you knew was that she was usually quiet and decided to stay away from your nights out, so you completely forgot that she existed.
Tired of the pointless fight with them, you put down your phone went to bed, hoping Lando would soon finish his Quadrant meeting and join you before you fell asleep. But he didn’t. You drifted off to sleep without him, and only woke up in the middle of the night when he sat down, causing the bed to shift under his weight. You turned your head to look at him, and you saw him sit there with his back against the headboard, phone in hand as he read something, which made it obvious that he couldn’t sleep again.
“You okay?” you asked him quietly.
Lando glanced down at you with a surprised look. “Yeah, sure,” he replied a little too quickly.
It was a lie, you knew that, but you didn’t say anything, only let out a sigh and closed your eyes again. He reached out to bury his hand into your hair, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your cheek as if he was trying to help you relax and go back to sleep. It almost began to work when he suddenly let out a groan and you heard the clicking sound coming from the phone as he locked the screen.
“When everyone, including your friends, keep telling you to leave me… why do you stay?”
You raised your head from the pillow and gave him a questioning look, but he refused to elaborate. Knowing your family meant he knew they weren’t so happy that you chose to date him, while some F1 fans also enjoyed bullying him online by writing comments about how you looked too nice and normal to date someone like him. But your friends? You had never mentioned those conversations.
After some time he looked at you, and even in the dimly lit room you could see the sadness in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to snoop around, but when I checked the settings of that app on your phone, a notification popped up from your group chat and I read the preview. How long has this been going on? How long have they been trying to convince you to break up with me?”
A small smile appeared on your lips to assure him everything was okay, but he seemed even more troubled than before, so you decided to sit on top of him and lean down to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. “They can talk as much as they want, but I won't leave you, all right?” you said as your fingers traced his cheek. “I love you, this is all that matters to me.”
He gulped as he watched you, struggling to keep his composure, but when you kissed the corner of his mouth, he let out a relieved sigh. “I love you too. I don't want you to ever leave me,” he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and leaned forward to bury his face into your chest.
“Lan?” He looked up at you with a questioning hum. “You would have to do something colossally stupid thing to make me leave,” you told him with a laugh.
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cntloup · 6 months
Why not doing reader pregnant but her boyfriend leave her with her child and she has some trust issues or whatever you want and she's poor too :) then someone (you'll decide who you want) see her in a small house or maybe a garage. I don't know if it's a good idea but hope you'll like it :]
i loved this idea thank you babe<333 i might write a series for this lmk what you think :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
You pass the various shops and cafes, filled with life and smiles and laughter, a sheer contrast to the void forming in your heart as you sob in agony while hugging yourself and rubbing your arms to keep somewhat warm, your flimsy dress doing nothing to keep away the freezing cold.  
Your vision is blurry from the endless streams of tears flowing down your eyes and you don’t seem to notice the large figure stepping out of the cafe and appearing right in front of you. 
You bump into the mass of muscles and jolt back in shock. You quickly wipe your tears and lift your head to see him already looking at you in high alertness from the sudden impact. You notice his serious look and the numerous scars littering his face. 
You take a step back, “I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t see you.” you apologize while looking down and his gaze softens, noticing the timidness in your demeaner. 
“ ‘s fine.” he responds, his voice deep and gruff, but maintaining a soft tone in order not to scare you any further. 
He observes the shaking in your much smaller form and how you’re trying so hard to keep warm, and that you have been crying. 
“Do you need any help?” he asks. You shake your head no and of course he knows you’re lying. You're scared, even to ask for a small favor. He knows how that feels. 
He takes off his leather jacket and goes to drape it over your trembling body, but you flinch away, “It’s ok. Here, take it.” he says, holding the jacket in front of you. 
You open your mouth to decline but the brisk icy wind prevents you from it. You take the jacket hesitantly and put if over your shoulders, “Thank you so much, sir.” “Simon.” “Thank you, Simon.” you try your hardest to give a small smile. 
But soon the tears come flowing down as rushing rivers, “Hey, hey. It's ok.” he tries to calm you down and goes to touch your arm only for you to pull away. He takes a step back and slightly raises his hands to show you he’s harmless. 
“Do you have anywhere to stay?” he asks and you sigh followed with a bitter chuckle, “Not really.” you silently scold yourself. You barely know the guy and you say you have nowhere to stay. 
He offers to take you inside the cafe and the rumbling in your stomach urges you to say yes. So you sit and talk for a while and he tells you he’s in the military which makes you maybe only slightly trust him and you warm up to him a bit more.
“I’m three months pregnant and my asshole of a boyfriend threw me out when he found out.” you tell him while biting into your sandwich like a starved animal. 
“What a bloody cunt...” he grumbles which makes you chuckle and agree. 
“I’m gonna check you into a hotel for now. Is that ok?” he offers kindly. He was gonna offer you his own place to keep an eye on you, but bit back his tongue since he knows how it would come off. 
Something tells you he’s trouble, but you can’t decline. Where would you stay? In the streets? 
“Yeah. Ok.” you accept, not knowing this is the start of something new. 
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cosmos-coma · 8 months
My Sun, My Star
A/N: I'm so weak for Winter soldier Bucky. I cant wait to write more of him, I love this sad guilt ridden man.
Pairing: Winter Soldier!Bucky x Reader
Words: 6756
Warnings: Breaking and entering, Minor violence, Injury and Blood, Winter soldier Bucky, GN reader but also Pregnant reader, mild language, I'm not sure if this is fluff or angst or both??
Summary: You wait up late for your boyfriend Bucky to return from his mission, but it isn't Bucky who finds you.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue | Bucky Masterlist
Like what I do? Consider buying me a Coffee!
Your eyes blinked slowly, heavier with each passing second, yet you still managed to open them once again. Glancing at the bright white numbers of the digital clock you watched it change to 1:46 AM, causing a groan to pull from your lips. Bucky was supposed to be back tonight (yesterday technically) from his latest mission, but he still had yet to show up at your shared flat. 
You checked your phone again, the lack of notifications mocking your tired eyes. You let out one more sigh before you turned off the mindless babbling of the TV and stood up to get ready for bed. You were sure Bucky wouldn’t want you waiting up so late in your current condition anyway, he had been harping you about getting enough sleep and water and everything in between.
“I’m only four months pregnant, Bucky. I’m fully capable of staying up late” You had said to him. 
“Five months, Doll, and it’s about your cortisol levels. It’s not good for you or the baby, and it could lead to them being underweight” he said, reciting exactly what the doctor had told him during your last checkup. 
“Four and a half,” you argued as you stuck your tongue out at him, “and she was talking about getting chased by a bear kind of stress, not staying up to watch Bake Off.” 
You snorted at the memory of just earlier that week, a small smile coming to your face as you went through your nightly routine. You continued to check your phone here and there as you went, “Did you get back safe? How’d your mission go?” you had texted two hours ago, yet it still remained unread and unanswered.  
‘Maybe one more quick text wouldn’t hurt,’  you thought to yourself as you typed out the simple message and hit send. 
“Stay safe, okay? I love you.”
You sighed as you set the phone down, “it’s okay, everything is okay,” you assured yourself as you pulled one of his large hoodies over your head, enjoying the way the hem brushed against your bare thighs and the sleeves threatened to swallow your hands. “He’s a former assassin and a super soldier! Nothing is going to happen that he can’t handle,” You stated firmly to your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes remained unsure despite your voice’s conviction, but you did your best to ignore it, focusing instead on the achingly tired look they held. 
“Yes, I know. It’s finally time for bed, little one,” you mumbled sleepily as you felt your baby kick against the walls of your protruding belly, being quick to climb between the layers of blankets and lonesome sheets. “Fuck, that's cold…!” you swore quietly as your bare legs hit the icy fabric- having gone unwarmed by your personal space heater and super soldier.
Thankfully sleep came easily, the thought of waking up to Bucky’s sleepy, scruffy face only further urged your body to wind down so the moment would come sooner. 
Bucky’s phone buzzed again in his bag, lighting up with your smiling face as your text displayed on the screen, but nobody reached down to check it, as everyone found themselves in a far more urgent situation. 
“Keep him busy, Rodgers! I just need one more minute!” Tony yelled as he dug through the equipment in the quinjet, “For fuck’s sake, who organized this last?” 
“What do you think I’m doing…!” The blond grunted with a justified hint of frustration,” Sam? Any help??” He shouted with a pointed look, telling more than asking as he struggled to restrain his thrashing friend. A swift metal fist flew toward his already battered face, barely giving him time to duck out of the way and attempt to restrain it again. 
“Honestly? Seems like you’ve got this one,” Sam said, holding up his hands.
“I’m coming..! God, can’t either of you old men take a joke?”
No one knew exactly what happened, Bucky had gone off on his own in the Hydra base they were exploring. It was supposed to have been recently abandoned, something about the agents leaving in an urgent rush that left files upon files sitting out in the open. It was supposed to be a simple mission; everyone goes off in teams, gathers what they can, and makes sure there are no surprises. But Bucky assured them that he would be fine to go on his own, he hadn’t had a sign of relapse in over a year, and he would only be picking up what looked important. A simple job.
He should’ve listened. 
It was when he didn’t return to the jet with the rest of them that they started to get worried. 
“So, where’s the Manchurian candidate?” Tony jested, looking at his watch. They were supposed to leave maybe 10 minutes ago, not terribly late by any means, but enough to start getting worried about Bucky’s quietness over the coms.  
“Man, come on.. ” Sam sighed at Tony’s joke as he crossed his arms. 
“Bucky?” Steve tried calling over the coms, ignoring both of his teammates, but the line remained all too quiet. 
They found him finally in the basement level of the office building, old discarded computers lining the walls along with cabinets upon cabinets of old files and other equipment. He hadn’t even realized it was a trap until he stepped right into it, triggering a switch that had the computers and hidden speakers flashing images and sounds that assaulted his senses with fragmented memories long forgotten. 
He should have listened. 
Sam had found him first, on his knees in the middle of the floor with hands desperately covering his ears, trying to block out the incessant noise. Hauling his teammate to his feet, he rushed back to the jet, calling everyone off from their search before anything else could be sprung. 
At first, they thought he might be fine- quiet, but fine. He had given them a small smile and a wave of his hand as everyone tried to check in with him, taking a seat as the jet took off to go home. It had all seemed relatively normal until they were halfway back and the unseen battle inside him must have taken a turn. 
“Got it!” Tony yelled as he pulled out the dart gun, aiming quickly as he fired two shots into Bucky’s chest, readying a third as he waited and watched for the tranquilizers to finally take effect. It was slow as Bucky continued to struggle against the drug’s drain, his body and mind turning into slow-moving molasses. Low grunts emanated from his throat as the last of his strength ebbed away, leaving nothing but forced sleep in its wake. 
“Was two really necessary?” Steve asked as his shoulders finally relaxed, the strain and worry now temporarily over. 
Together they dragged the drugged-up assassin into the jet’s small quarantine area for the remainder of the trip, satisfied only when they heard the mechanical locks slide into place. It wasn’t much, and they knew that and if he really wanted to there would be no stopping him from getting out, but it was something- enough to give them a few seconds of preparation if nothing else.  
“I’m not giving a super soldier only a single dose, you two metabolize things like this way too fast and I’m not taking any chances with the Tin man over there.”
Bucky- no, the Winter Soldier, seemed to still be out of it when they finally landed, sat up and leaning against the wall, head slumped forward just as they had left him. 
“Alright, let's just get him into one of the holding rooms for the night. We’ll work on resetting him-” Tony lifted his hands as the two men glared in his direction, “- on ‘fixing him up’ as soon as he’s been secured.” 
Sam shook his head as Tony corrected himself, taking notice of the lit-up phone in Bucky’s bag, buzzing with an only recently delivered message. Sam had quickly become one of your closest friends after you were introduced to the team. He was one of the few people Bucky trusted with his life and between his sarcastic jokes, his incredibly loyal nature, and his willingness to give Bucky shit whenever he deserved it, you knew very quickly how great a friend he would be. 
But now his stomach twisted as he saw your name flash across the screen, the alert quickly minimizing itself as it joined the other messages you had sent that night. How was he gonna break this to you? The last thing you needed was a bunch of unnecessary stress on your shoulders, but it’s obvious you were beginning to worry over their late return. Sliding the phone back into its rightful place Sam told himself that he’d call you once they had things more figured out.
“Heart rate still seems to be resting. With any luck, he’ll remain knocked out until we get inside,” Tony relayed as he monitored the Soldier’s vitals and pressed the button to open the heavy quarantine doors.
The doors slid into their resting positions with a soft click. 
As soon as that click landed on sensitive ears, vibrant blue eyes shot open. Sparing not even a second, the Winter Soldier surged forward from his seat, not nearly as far gone as he left them to believe. With the element of surprise, the Soldier easily knocked past his teammates, throwing his body weight against them and knocking Sam and Steve off balance, leaving him a good headstart as he dashed out the jet’s open door.
“Fuck, Bucky- Wait!,” Steve swore as he stumbled out behind him, having to use his super soldier speed just to keep pace. But between the settled darkness of the night, and the winding alleyways the brunette stuck to, Steve was left falling behind in no time. “Shit,” Steve swore as he slowed to a stop, looking around for any sign of his compromised friend. 
However, the streets lay barren, the fluttering of moths in the streetlights the only sign of life on the entire block.
The heavy thud of his boots echoed against the alleyway’s pavement. He wasn't sure where exactly he was headed as his silhouette slunk between the warm light of the streetlamps, but part of him- a currently repressed part of him- knew that safety was bound to be just ahead. 
His heart beat smoothly as he kept his pace, every other step falling in time as he rounded the corner. Blindly, he let himself be led by instinct and his feet maneuvered the city’s countless paths with a mind of their own. They slowed before a little apartment building and as those emotionless eyes looked up, he knew this was it.
The lateness of the hour had almost assured that no one was around as he slipped inside, footsteps padding up the stairs before stopping at the third floor. His heavy boots left nothing but wet prints in their wake as he wandered down the hall, impossibly silent, as even the notoriously creaky boards dared not announce his presence. 
The closer he got, the more the back of his mind itched, as if something- someone- was begging him not to go any further, but he refused to listen; he knew this was where he was meant to be and where he would find what his body was so inexplicably drawn to.
With each step his head turned on a swivel, looking for the sense of safety and familiarity that the other half of him seemed to find here- and desperately wished he wouldn’t discover. Just as his foot was about to take another step he stopped. ‘No. Here.’ His gut told him, turning to the door. 
His door.
Your door.
The former assassin bypassed the lock with ease, quickly slipping in before shutting the door behind him. A dim light illuminated the living room, the little lamp you left on for him casting its orange glow over his surroundings as he surveyed them.
A few mugs stand beside the sink, framed photos dot the wall and side tables, and a veritable nest of blankets lay across the couch. It was obvious someone had been here, and recently. A deep breath pulled into his lungs, causing his head to tilt to the side in contemplation as an unfamiliar scent hit his nose, something just as earthy as it was sweet and speckled with distant notes of… him?
His sensitive ears picked up the soft grunt from down the hall immediately. His shoulders squared and tensed as his body leaned into a defensive position. Cautious fingers pulled the knife from his boot, ready for whatever may come at him as he approached. 
The sounds of soft breaths lead him to a door left ajar. Light just slipped past the curtains into the darkened room. Badum… Badum… Badum… a heartbeat pulsed in his ears as he took a step closer, leaving the door open and letting further light fall onto the source of the noise. 
His wolfish gaze ran down your form as you lay there on your back, swallowed in the extra fabric of the old sweatshirt. Your hand rested casually over your stomach as your other one squished gently against your cheek. Your legs lay bare to the world after having kicked the overbearing sheets away, leaving just a glance of your underwear for him to take in.  
“Mmph” You grunted again as you shifted, your face now turned to him as that earthy scent of yours gripped him like a vice and refused to let go.
Your sweet sleep became interrupted though- much to his dismay- as the phone on your nightstand began to light up and buzz incessantly. Still, as a statue he watched as you groaned, propping yourself up on your elbows as you went to check what your device could possibly want at this ungodly hour. 
With one loose fist, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes away, blinking consciousness back into them until you saw Bucky’s illuminated figure before you, standing tall and quiet as he watched you intently. 
“Bucky..?” You couldn’t hide the grin that spread across your face as you saw the familiar face of your lover lit up by the bright light of your phone screen. But the longer you looked the more you noticed.
His eyes were all wrong, his gaze was devoid, that’s the only way you could put it. Devoid of meaning and humanity, it seemed every gaze- every movement- was a means to an end. Empty… save for a flicker of fear; It was probably the only thing in those eyes right now that registered as human. The fear of someone who was lost, unknowing of their purpose, and confused as to why your gaze was made his cold heart falter.
His expression was flat and stoic, save for the knit of confusion that pulled his brows together. His stance was tense and prepared, the discrete knife still glittering in his hands as he took another step forward, his head slowly shaking in response to your question. 
A gasp caught in your throat as you finally understood. Glancing at your phone you saw it was Sam who was calling, undoubtedly trying to tell you what you now already knew.
“Soldat…” You whispered, trying to hide the way his name sent shivers across your skin. Your phone went black then, as you didn’t pick up in time and you were left blind by the sudden darkness.
 You and Bucky had talked about what to do if you found him like this, “You call Sam and Steve, Okay? You find a place to hide and you stay far away, no matter what you hear. There’s no reasoning with him,” He had told you.
So much for that
Your phone lit up again with Sam’s urgent call, its revealing light sending ice down your spine as you saw the man nearly standing over you now, just a hair’s breadth away.
Your hand rose slowly, shaking as you tested a reach for your phone, stopping dead in your tracks as he let out a disapproving grunt. Your head nodded slowly as you gulped, returning your hand to your stomach as you watched his gaze finally shift away. 
With unbothered calmness, he looked toward your phone to see Sam’s face and name scrawled across your screen. Wordlessly he reached over and pressed the ‘decline call’ button, cutting the call short and leaving you two in perfect silence once more. 
Panic began to rise in your throat as his gaze turned back toward you, darkened now only by the lack of light. With slow movements the Winter Soldier reached out, putting the knife away as he crouched down, as if trying to attract a skittish animal. 
Your whole body tensed as his reach came closer, eyes screwing shut as you waited for the worst, “Please… Just don’t hurt her…” You whispered, fear and desperation rattling your voice, just as it did your anxiety-filled body. 
But the pain never came. Instead, the cool touch of metal fingers ran down your cheek, barely denting your flesh as he relished in its softness. Your eyes peeked open cautiously, as his fingers moved along the slope of your jaw, tilting your head up as he came to your chin. 
His eyes had changed, you noticed, instead of being a harsh blizzard, they had now settled into something more human, something warmer and… yearning? 
“Soldat..?” You questioned as you watched his lips part, his senses focused only on the way your body reacted to his touch. You were sure he could hear the rapid pattering of your heart beneath your ribs, its pace only increasing as his fingers moved down your neck and to the exposed collarbone in your loose neckline.
“Красивый [Beautiful]...,” was all he could reply. It came out so soft you weren’t sure you heard it at first, it’s quiet reverence meant for your ears and your ears only. “Из-за тебя он чувствует себя здесь в безопасности...? Замки дерьмовые, видимость слишком высокая, но ты… [Are you why he feels safe here…? The locks are shit, the visibility is too high, but you…]” He continued, quiet and unbothered as if he assumed you couldn’t understand him. 
“He’s been bugging me to get better locks all week…” you replied with a huff, quickly shutting up as his stare found your eyes again. Between Bucky’s ramblings in the night and Natasha’s tendency to only gossip in Russian, you had made an effort to learn it; You were still learning, and your pronunciation was shit, but your understanding had gotten far better. 
“And you have a good ear…” He spoke in English this time, the vague hint of an amused smile pulling at the assassin’s stern lips. You couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever done that before. If that odd little smile had been seen by anyone else- anyone still living that is.
A breath of relief left you as your lips stretched to mimic his, the tension easing out of your body a little by little.
His metallic touch continued to linger, running down your covered chest until it settled on the waistband of your underwear, the cool metal trailing across your ticklish skin. 
“Ah, wait, Sol-” You jumped at his touch, grabbing his wrist, despite knowing you wouldn’t have the strength to stop him if it’s what he wanted.
But instead of dipping his fingers lower, he simply tugged the oversized hoodie up, gathering it over your chest and exposing the firm baby bump concealed below. His head tilted to the side as he listened to the tiny heartbeat that fluttered in your belly as well as the thuds of its little movements against your skin. Slowly, still with that inkling of a smile, he turned to look at you, his hand hovering just above your vulnerable midsection as if awaiting permission. 
Heat rose to your cheeks as you hesitated. On one hand, you felt a surprising amount of calm under the assassin's touch, his need for your approval only increasing your sense of security. But on the other hand, Bucky would never be able to live with himself if something happened to you or the baby, accident or not. 
“Oh. I-” 
You nearly jumped out of your skin as were cut short by the loud noise. The door to your apartment slammed open, surely breaking the hinges with the sheer force of it. Over a dozen heavy boots stormed into your apartment as the lights turned on, flooding your senses and forcing the Soldier’s attention elsewhere. 
Your hand found his instantly, the heat of his calloused skin a comfort to you just the way Bucky’s was, especially as it squeezed around yours just the same. Sitting up properly now your sweatshirt swallowed your pregnant form once again and you peeked out to see just what was going on. 
Through The Winter Soldier’s defensive stance in front of you, his knife is now drawn once more, you watched a small armed group, covered in black tactical gear raid your home, all guns pointing towards you- or more accurately- the former assassin attempting to shield you. You recognized the symbols on their vests as the team’s secondary security force, having even met a few of them over the years. But where was the rest of the team? Where was Sam, and Steve, and Tony?
“Step away from the civilian!” “Put your hands in the air!” “Sir, drop the knife!” They all shouted, overlapping with each other as each of them rushed out their demands. 
“Don't shoot! It’s okay! It’s okay!” You rushed.
You tried to slip your hand from his, but he only held fast, “Soldat, please… It’s okay, just do what they say… They don’t want to hurt us. Please,” You urged, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, 
His defenses faltered as he listened to you beg him to stand down. It wasn’t the usual begging he heard in his line of work, and coming from your lips had his walls cracking in an unprecedented way. 
He shouldn’t have looked back at your eyes, wide and pleading, as they shook his walls further. Moving slowly he turned, kneeling before you despite the way the armed group yelled at him not to. You just held up your hand to them, pleading for them to be as gentle with him as he was with you. 
“Мое солнце [My Sun]...” The warm flesh of his hand came up easily to cradle your face and a small smile pulled at him again as you leaned into his large palm. “Я только что нашел тебя. Я не потеряю тебя снова так быстро[I’ve only just found you. I will not lose you again so quickly]. ”
Your heart both swelled and pained for your Soldier. You looked into his eyes and saw a sense of certainty, a sense of knowing, you hadn’t seen from him earlier. “Oh… my soldier, my star,” Your fingers entwined with the hand holding your cheek, ”You can not lose me in any way that would last…” You whispered to him past the shouts, the commotion, and the tension, like you were the only two in the room. 
“Sir, put the knife down!” A young squad member called again, his voice far more concerned than his superiors. You didn’t recognize him or his number and you figured he must’ve been new. His gun trembled in his hands as he shouted again, but as the Soldier failed to move and the kid’s finger unexpectedly twitched, there came a sudden- 
“Ah-!” Your face twisted with pain as you pulled away, “Fuck…!” Your hands instinctively grabbed your leg, clamping over the shooting pain in your calf that hit you- well- like a bullet. 
You winced again as you pulled one of your hands back, the raw skin of your leg angrily letting you know that it did not like being brushed against. Warm, wet crimson covered your fingers as you looked down, becoming slightly dizzy at how much had already covered your palm. You were thankful it only seemed to be a graze, but the burn you already felt and knowing you were losing blood had your stomach lurching in uncomfortable ways. 
Concern painted the assassin’s expression as you recoiled away from his doting touch, but as the unmistakable warm, metallic smell curled into his nose, his expression darkened dramatically. What was once kind, curious blue eyes now saw nothing but red as he caught sight of the wound slashing across your skin. His jaw set firmly, almost audibly grinding his teeth as he stood and turned to the young kid. 
You looked back at the newcomer as you tried to breathe through the pain, the horrified look on his face telling you that he knew he was a dead man walking. His face went ghost white as the super soldier stalked toward him and through even worse trembling hands he raised his gun to shoot again. 
A sickening thud rang out as the bullet hit the assassin square in his good shoulder, getting lodged in the muscly flesh. His shoulder jerked back at the force, but it wouldn’t stop his stride as he closed the gap. Another shot rang out, but with the solid vibranium arm now covering the barrel it did little to help this poor dumb kid. Snatching him by the neck, you watched as your assassin held him up until his feet kicked uselessly in the air. 
Every gun immediately trained on him and with their proximity you knew they wouldn’t miss a fatal shot if it came to it.
“Stop! Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! Soldier, put him down!” You yelled as you maneuvered towards the edge of the bed. “Please, don't shoot, I can fix this!” you continued, trying to convince yourself as much as you convinced them. Familiar voices joined in on your plea as Sam and Steve finally entered the picture, urgently trying to talk down both the Winter Soldier and the secondary security team. 
“Bucky, It’s okay... Just put the kid down, alright?” Steve tried to reason with him, “He’s new, he doesn’t know what he’s doing yet.” Steve tried his best to stay calm and patient, but the young man was beginning to change colors now. “Bucky, put him down before you do something you can’t come back from.” But Bucky’s ears were deaf to the outside pleas and the Winter soldier refused to listen.
“Ah..!” You whimpered as you tried to stand and approach the commotion. The pain in your leg reached new heights as you tried to put weight on it, causing you to tumble to your knees almost immediately. You clutched your belly, hoping the sudden jostle wouldn’t upset the baby too much as you tried to get up again. 
“Hold on, Y/n. Stay down for a minute so we can wrap your leg…” Sam asked of you, moving over to help as soon as he saw the blood on your hands, “You’re losing plenty already.”
“No, I have to…. I can’t let him get hurt,” you argued, pushing away his helpful hands as you tried to stand again. You heard the crashing thud and rushed voices as you shakily got to your feet, leaning all your weight on your good leg. As you looked up again you came eye to eye with worry-filled icy blues.
“Мое солнце  [My Sun]...” He interrupted, his metal arm snaking around your waist to pull you in possessively and away from those who threatened your safety. On the other side of the room, the nervous kid now coughed and wheezed for breath, but you were just happy to see he was still alive. 
“Please just listen to them. You’re already hurt, don’t get yourself killed…” you pleaded, your hand barely brushing over his bleeding wound before pulling his hand to your rounded belly. He tried to keep his expression steady, but you saw the way his eyes widened slightly as he looked down. “She needs someone looking out for her and I can’t do this on my own. I can’t keep away all the dangers of the world…” Your forehead rested against his as you tried to shift your weight, whining as you gave up and moved back. You couldn’t deny that this part of Bucky was her father too, even if he had been hidden away for ages, she was still his too. Whether Bucky would see it the same way you weren’t sure, but right now you were just concerned with making sure he got out of this alive. 
“I can’t do this without you…” 
The silence felt deafening as he considered. He never had to think about other people relying on him, not like this. His orders had always been to leave no threats, to finish his job and move on, no matter the cost to him. But the pain in his soft, fleshy shoulder was getting harder to ignore. The way his blood-soaked shirt clung to his arm now climbed to the forefront of his mind as he watched your big eyes stare back at him, desperate to understand. He was between a rock and a hard place. 
“I’ll be right beside you the whole time..” You assured him, “We both will, but please let everyone get us some help.” 
A gentle nudge pushed against his palm as his thoughts swirled around him, snapping him back to a single line of thought and he knew then. Defeat laid heavy on his shoulders as they slumped, accepting what must be done., “Мое солнц [My Sun] …”, He said, “Если вы так хотите, то я не буду жаловаться [If it is what you wish, then I will not complain].” 
You couldn’t tell just how long you had been holding the breath you let out, your muscles relaxing as he finally held his hands up. The security squad began coming forward with an array of cuffs, but it was Sam who stopped them this time, glancing back at you for confirmation as he assured them that they could take it from here. Despite the arguing and the hesitation, they seemed to relent, shifting their focus now to their injured colleague. 
Both Sam and Steve looked tired but relieved as they turned to the two of you, bloody and pained in your current state. Though they weren’t quite better; both of them looked like they had been the unfortunate punching bag of a certain super soldier mere hours before. Sam had bruises lining his arms from where he was surely blocking blow after blow and Steve smiled a bit with his busted lip, dried blood still stuck in the corner of his mouth.
“Let’s get you two to the tower…” 
The journey to the tower was quiet, your soldier never letting you out of arms reach as you all boarded the armored truck, and made your way up the tower and to the lab. 
Doctors tried to treat the both of you, but as soon as anyone dared to come close your assassin was right there to growl them back. They’d hardly be able to get past his possessive hands even if they could manage to get close, his touch keeping you pulled beside him at all times.
“Soldat…” you warned him, but he was too preoccupied gathering the medical bag they had been dropped. Coming over to you, there was no warning as he scooped you up from the ground and set you on a table to get to work. 
“Oh-!” You exclaimed as you held onto his strong shoulder, quickly getting plopped back down on the corner of the cold metal table. A shiver ran down your skin as you shifted against the sleek table, watching as practiced hands scoured through the medical bag, producing everything he needed as he went about fixing up your leg wordlessly. 
You were beyond thankful for the haze of the (baby-safe) painkillers as his fingers slid over the raw flesh. Despite the gentle numbing of the painkiller your fingers still lay tangled in his hair as he worked, only tugging in discomfort as the gauze wrapped tightly around your leg.
"Thank you..” You said when he finally finished, moving back to appreciate his work before giving it a satisfactory nod. His eyes had grown distant again, bits of confusion and uncertainty swirling in the storm of his eyes, and you reached out to stroke your thumb across his cheek. His stony cool expression remained as you touched him, his mouth staying a firm line as he instinctively leaned into your palm. You watched him for a moment before you continued, knowing that his thoughts must be far away.
“It's your turn now, big guy.... your shoulder is still seeping and you can’t keep losing blood like this," You urged him just as you had on the ride to the tower. He had refused to listen then, letting nothing else occupy his mind until he knew you were fully taken care of. But now as you sit safely before him, the only looming threats being Sam and Steve who seem to haunt the hallway outside, he finally relented.
You moved to stand, needing the angle to effectively dig out the bullet still lodged in his muscles, but he held you still with a single large hand on your shoulder, "Stay," he urged you with that low rumble of his. His eyes lingered on yours, ensuring you would do as he asked before he began to move again, gathering the supplies you would need.
He slid his bloody shirt off, revealing the weeping wound beneath and the scars of many wounds past. You expected him to stand in front of you, maybe sit so you could take care of him, but that didn’t seem to be the important thing right now.
He climbed up onto the cold table where you sat, curling onto his side with his back facing the door so his wounded shoulder sat closest to you. His head lay in your lap with a look of unmatched serenity as he pressed his forehead against your rounded belly. And there he rested, quiet and unmoving as he took his quiet moment. But he was far too exposed like this, far too trusting of “threats” lurking outside, and he almost reminded you of Bucky again. Was Bucky fighting to come back…? Was the Winter Soldier trusting you to watch his back? … or was he accepting of something you weren't sure he knew yet?
"Are you sure? It's going to be harder to take the bullet out this way. I don’t want to hurt you more than I have to," you tried to explain as you pulled out the forceps.
But he simply shook his head, "I know my time here is short, my Sun..." he said with an even tone, no semblance of fear to shake his voice, "Please let me enjoy it like this…."
Your voice caught in your throat as he answered, his blunt acceptance and knowing catching you off guard. You wished beyond anything that you could soothe him, to tell him no one was going to hurt him or take him away again. But you wouldn’t lie to him, so instead you said nothing, Your words rasping as you replied, "Of course, My star…."
The room was quiet as you worked, the only noise the sweet mumblings from your boyfriend's lips as he filled your baby’s ears with loving promises. His body let out a grunt and a soft squelch as you finally tugged the crushed bullet out. Pain creased his brow but his words never faltered and neither did the nudges or kicks he got in reply.
Carefully you cleaned up the blood, packing the wound as best you could, but you were sure Tony and his team would be redoing it soon nonetheless.
A sigh escaped him as he heard you putting away your tools, "My Sun?" he asked.
“Is it time…?”
You cast your eyes downward, looking into those confused and swirling blues as they watched you with unbridled hope.
You nodded, wiping away the tears that welled in your eyes, “It’s time…” you whispered.
He nodded, thinking quietly as he looked down at your belly again, his hand smoothing over the skin he’s exposed, “Will I see you two again…?” 
Your heart broke at the slight waver in his voice, “Oh, my star…” you said, resting your palm against his cheek, “It’s just like I said, ‘you can not lose me in any way that would last’. I’ll see you again and again, in this life and the next,” you assured as you leaned down to kiss his temple, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips. Tears blinked from your eyes as you continued, “I don’t know when, or for how long, but you will see us again. You can always come home to me, and I will always be there to welcome you.” You leaned, slow as not to scare him, and kissed him gently as he turned again to look at you.
 It was awkward at first, but you didn’t mind, you couldn’t imagine the last time the Winter Soldier had felt such gentleness, let alone a kiss. 
But the moment was ripped away as the door opened, Steve, Sam, and Tony all standing in the doorway. “We’re ready for him,” Tony said simply, “Let's get this started so my lab techs can go home….” 
You watched behind thick glass as Tony and his team of technicians attached various wires and machinery to Bucky’s body. Sam and Steve’s hands lie on your shoulders, trying to comfort you as you watch them finish tuning and placing everything. You watched as his blue eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling, as still as a statue as he let them do their work.
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to watch this…” Steve tried to comfort you, but you only shook your head. 
“No… I promised I’d see him off,” you replied, then thought with a pause, “Despite all the warnings Bucky gave me I’m happy I got to see him face to face…” 
“Well, it helps that he wasn’t trying to beat the shit out of you…” Sam mumbled, getting an immediate nudge from you right in one of his bruises, “ Ow…okay, point taken.”
You smiled and shook your head. It was true though; despite the fear, blood, and death that dripped from his moniker, despite the pain you endured in his presence, you would do it all again. Bucky had hidden this part of him from you for so long, only ever showing you half of his face. And though you know he wouldn’t like it, you’re happy to finally see him in full light- to know and love him completely as he’s meant to be.
Tony says something that’s hard to make out through the glass, but you see him give a thumbs up to you all so he must have been ready. He moved to the switch, hesitating for a moment to let you say a quick goodbye. 
Your Soldier’s eyes found yours right away, but there was no trace of sorrow for you to see, no discomfort or fear. In fact, he seemed almost excited; excited and hopeful that when he saw you next he’d have a bundle of joy to look forward to as well. 
“Мое солнце [My Sun]...” you watched him say beyond the glass.
“I’ll see you again, My stars. I’m sure of it…” You replied with a soft smile.
He had just enough time to smile softly back at you, an image now pleasantly etched in your brain before Tony flipped the switch and the reset procedure began. 
You covered your eyes quickly as Bucky’s body began to convulse, his strained grunts and shouts breaching containment despite the way he tried to hold it all back. The sounds of pain continued for minutes, but it felt far longer. Though, it wasn’t until it got quiet that you began to worry. 
“Is it done? Is it over...?” You asked the men on either side of you, afraid to peek past your hands for fear of the worst.
“Doll…?” you heard the familiar voice call, gritty and rough from its recent use but still carrying that same soft tone he used with you.
Your heart swelled, “Bucky...?”
Taglist: @writingmysanity @simpxinnie (sorry I forgot to tag!)
It's been a while since I've written for our favorite sad man, so if I've missed you/you want to be added to the taglist, DM me to let me know!
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coldfanbou · 2 months
Weaving the Web
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Alright, everyone, initially, this was more smut-based, but then I sort of just kept adding story bits so I needed to check all that and make sure it was consistent.
Length 3K
Momo X Jihyo X Mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
You head to the shower and notice all three women are following you. “Where are you all going?”
“We’re going to shower with you. It saves water.” Sana replies, putting her hand on her hip as she stops in her tracks.
“I’m okay with paying more on my water bill. Besides, we wouldn’t all be able to fit.”
“We’ll see,” Sana says as she walks in front of you, heading into the shower. You would be right; the shower could barely accommodate all of you. You would touch one of the women if you moved in any direction. Jeongyeon made the situation worse by putting herself in front of you, her ass rubbing against you when she stepped back. Jeongyeon was doing this unconsciously, wanting to keep you for herself. 
“Couldn’t we have taken turns?” You ask, “We can’t shower well because it’s cramped. 
“We can clean each other… like in a circle.” Nayeon chirps as she faces Sana. You sigh and agree to the prospect; the circle would have Nayeon washing Sana, Sana would wash you, and you would wash Jeongyeon, and so forth. It was initially awkward with Sana not knowing how she would handle you when you got hard. She got better over time, treating you as if you were any other person and scrubbing your body. When she got to your cock she stroked as she went, licking her lips as memories of last night rushed back to her. You groan as you feel Sana’s hand rub your shaft. You try to focus on Jeongyeon, attempting to wash her back as Sana’s grip grows tighter. Jeongyeon looks over her shoulder, notices what’s going on, and turns around. 
“Sana, we’re supposed to be cleaning each other up.” She says, trying to dissuade the younger woman. Sana pouts but stops touching you; she restrains herself and washes your back. “Turn around, I’m washing him.” Jeongyeon orders, becoming more protective of you. You’re forced to turn around, and Jeongyeon does her best to clean your body. As she works, though, she becomes lost in thought and hugs you behind. Her hands slowly move lower until she’s stroking your cock just like Sana was a few minutes ago. 
“Ya! Jeongyeon, we’re supposed to be washing each other,” Sana complains as she sees Jeongyeon engage in the same actions. Jeongyeon snaps out of it, her face red, while Nayeon laughs at the situation. 
You speak up, tired of the situation. “You know what. I’m clean enough. I’m going to set out. The three of you can wash yourselves.” You say as you turn off the water and head out of the shower. You wipe yourself down and leave the women to their own devices.
The women stand there momentarily inside the shower before Nayeon turns the water back on. “So, what’s going on with you three?” She asks nervously.
Jeongyeon and Sana look at each other and stay silent, waiting for the other to speak. “I- We’ve done this before,” Jeongyeon says as she speaks up. “It’s not the first threesome we’ve done.”
“Okay, but I meant with him particularly.” Nayeon clarifies, “You both seem a little into him.”
“I am not into him,” Sana says, refuting Nayeon’s claim. “I will admit he has a good cock,” She adds.
The attention soon turned to Jeongyeon. “I…think…” She shakes her head, struggling to form the thoughts. “I think I’m in love with him. He’s just made me feel so good about myself recently. I trust him and…I want to be with him.” Jeongyeon says softly, letting herself be vulnerable in front of her friends. Nayeon stays silent but shows her support by hugging Jeongyeon and patting her back.
“Have you told him any of this?” Sana asks.
“Not quite; I’ve told him a little about my feelings. The thing is, I’m not the only one; Dahyun and Jihyo also like him.” Nayeon is shocked at the revelation, her mouth gaping.
“So you guys are competing?” Nayeon asks.
“I guess so, but…” Jeongyeon shakes her head again. “Let’s talk about this later. I need some time to organize my thoughts.”
You check your phone once you’re out; the women stay inside a bit longer. You open Jihyo’s message first. “Hey, I gave your number to Momo. She said she wanted to talk about something with you. If you’re planning something with her, don’t leave me out, okay?”
You check the message from the unknown number, and as Jihyo said, it was Momo. It read, “Hey, handsome, it’s Momo. I was thinking about the last time we were together, and I want to feel you inside me again. Jihyo gave me your number, and I thought maybe you’d like to do something.” A follow-up message was, “I’m not looking to date or anything; I just want to be friends with benefits. Jihyo said she’d be fine to join us, too. Can you imagine how nice that would be? Call me,” She said, adding a winky face to the end of the message. You recall the last time you were with Momo. It was a threesome with Mina. You consider her message for a time before putting your phone away. You get dressed for work, and the women leave the shower, their bodies covered with your towels.
“Hey, I don’t know about you three, but I’ll head to work now.” Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other before deciding they needed more time. You nodded, smiling at that Jeongyeon wasn’t as sad as before. You tell them to lock the door before they leave and head out. You do your usual routine, picking up Dahyun and such before reaching the office. During your lunch break, you pull out your phone and consider your options. You didn’t know where you stood with Jeongyeon after what happened to her. Maybe she wouldn’t be ready to go into another relationship right after. While she did come to you for sex, you didn’t know how much it meant to her, especially considering she was drunk. You sigh and accept her invitation, sending her the message, “Jihyo was more than interested in joining us. You can make a group chat, and we can set something up.”  Momo replied instantly, setting up a group chat for the three of you and setting out her schedule. Through this, you find the three of you were only available tomorrow. Jihyo quickly makes herself the host, telling both of you that her house will be empty for the week. You agree to meet at her place, ending the conversation. 
Dahyun walked in a moment later, fidgeting with her hands as she approached you. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, what is it?” 
Dahyun sits down next to you, her face turning red as she glances at you. Dahyun’s mind races; she’s beginning to panic and stands back up. “Actually, it’s nothing. Uh, thanks for driving us here every day.” She says before hurrying out of the room. Dahyun heads back to her desk, shaking her head and disappointed with herself. She wanted to confess how she felt about you, but it felt like her heart would burst out of her chest. She slumps in her chair, rubbing her temples as she decides she'll confess to you the next time she gets you alone. 
You watch Dahyun scurry away, smiling as you think of how cute she is. With your break ending, you stand up and get back to work. The day goes by smoothly, and soon, you’re returning home after dropping off Dahyun and her baby. You head back home, finding it empty. You sit back on your couch and relax, happy to get time for yourself. You spend time relaxing and messaging Nayeon to ask about Jeongyeon’s situation. She told you that the two would live together for the foreseeable future and that Jeongyeon would focus on her divorce. You appreciate the update. Tell her as much as you can. When you ask when they’d return to work, Nayeon tells you they’ll return next week. You give her a thumbs up, and the conversation ends. 
The next day after work, you went to Jihyo’s home; as you reached the building, you saw Momo outside. You called her name, and she turned her head; as soon as she met your eye, a smirk came across her face. “It’s nice of you to be here. I was tired of waiting all alone.” She says, just as Jihyo opens the door.
“Come inside and make yourself at home. It’s just me.”
“Why is that?” You ask Jihyo as you step inside her home for the first time.
“My husband is on a week-long trip with his friends, and my parents wanted to take Nari to an amusement park in Busan; they’re returning in two days. So that leaves the entire place for us.” Jihyo shuts the door behind her and smiles at the two of you. You notice Momo staring at your crotch, “Momo, keep your eyes up.” Jihyo says as she leads you to the living room. 
“I can’t wait any longer; it’s been too long since I’ve had sex,” Momo whines as she walks toward you. Momo sat you back on the couch, pressing her lips against yours while Jihyo unbuckled your belt and pulled down your pants. She reached for your cock, stroking it slowly as she stood up to kiss you. “We’ll take care of everything,” Jihyo says as she pushes her arms together, squeezing her tits together. Momo cups your cheek, turning your head before pulling down her shirt and pulling out her tits, letting her shirt hold them up. Momo leans in for another kiss, but Jihyo interrupts her, stealing a kiss from Momo as she strokes your cock. You watch as Momo holds Jihyo closely, their tongue exploring each other. Momo reaches for Jihyo’s tits, squeezing roughly. The soft flesh melds around her hand as Jihyo moans. A smile forms on Momo’s face, clearly enjoying the sound of Jihyo’s moans. 
“Why don’t we treat this big guy to something only we can do?” Momo says, getting off the couch and kneeling beside Jihyo.
“You read my mind,” she replies. The women get on either side of you, pressing their breasts together around your cock. The soft mounds trap you, and each woman cranes their neck, lapping at the side of your tip. “Just sit back and enjoy.” Jihyo and Momo glance at each other and nod as they drag their tits along your shaft. You groan from the pleasure, enjoying their soft mounds as they move. Momo leans over your cock as she works her side of your cock. She gathers her saliva and lets it drip onto the tip of your cock. As it moves down your shaft, Momo’s saliva coats the women’s tits. As the friction lessens, they’re able to move faster and smoothly. Jihyo does the same thing minutes later; as you look down at the women, you see their lustful expressions and glistening chests. They continue moving their tits along your shaft, taking turns to lick the tip as it poked out from between them. You moaned their names as you felt your orgasm approach. 
Momo and Jihyo slow down, “Don’t cum so soon. We want to make sure you save some for later.” Jihyo said as she looked at you.
“I think we should let him,” Momo chimes in, “But only if you beg.” She says, focusing on you. “How bad do you want to cum?”
“Please,” you grunt, feeling close to the edge. Momo slowly moves her tits along your shaft, making sure her hard nipples run along it. 
“Please, what? What is it our baby wants?” 
“I want to cum on your tits.” You grunt, precum leaking from the tip. 
“What do you say, Jihyo?” Momo asks the younger woman.
“I don’t think that was good enough,” Jihyo says as she moves her tits along your cock at an agonizingly slow speed. “Beg a little more. I want to hear how much you want to cum on mommy’s tits.” Hearing Jihyo refer to herself as Mommy surprises Momo but arouses her simultaneously. You begin to beg to cum on their tits, moaning their names as you approach your climax. Satisfied with your begging, the pair speed back up and press their tits together. “Come on, big boy, cum on mommy’s tits. Cover her in your cum.” Jihyo says, pushing you over the edge and making you spurt cum onto their chest. A healthy amount coats their tits and parts of their neck. Momo runs her hands along her neck, smiling as she collects your warm cum and licks it off her finger. 
“Mmm, that’s nice. Have a taste, Jihyo.” She says, pushing her finger into the younger woman’s mouth. Jihyo smiles and sucks on Momo’s finger, getting you hard as she moans around it. Momo notices it and smiles. “Looks like you’re ready to go again. Let me get him first, Jihyo; I’ve been craving him all day.” Jihyo pouts but lets Momo go first. The older woman straddles your lap, placing your hands on her ass. “I want you to help this thing go as deep as possible,” Momo tells you, grabbing your cock and rubbing it between her lips. As Momo aligns it to her entrance, she leans over, whispering, “Fuck this pussy up.” She kisses your ear and licks her lips before dropping herself onto your cock, stuffing herself with your shaft. Momo throws her head back and moans, feeling satisfied with how you fill her cunt. You grip Momo’s as and begin helping her ride you, moving her up and down your cock like she was a fleshlight. Your thrusts bring her more pleasure as you knock against her womb. Jihyo watches as you use Momo, seeing it as different from how the two of you would have sex.
Jihyo sits back on the floor, rubbing her cunt in small circles as she watches Momo moan like a bitch in heat. She didn’t stay out of the action long, however. Jihyo got up and played with Momo’s tits, tugging at her nipples and making the older woman moan louder. “You should know, Momo loves having her tits played with,” Jihyo tells you as she pinches Momo’s nipples roughly. The older woman bites her lip, her whine sneaking past her lips as she struggles with immense pleasure. “Her nipples are super sensitive.” Jihyo says before staring at Momo and pressing her lips against the older woman’s, “I bet they would be more sensitive if she were pregnant. I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you, Momo?” 
Momo couldn’t hear what Jihyo was saying anymore; the feeling of her nipples being pulled and your cock stretching her filled her mind. Momo nodded her head without knowing what Jiyho had asked. You could feel Momo tightening around you as she neared her orgasm. Her moans became low and constant as you rammed your cock as deep as you could go. “Cum inside her,” Jihyo tells you before attaching herself to one of Momo’s nipples and swirling her tongue around the hardened nub. Momo’s cries of pleasure filled the room. She was drooling, and her tongue hung out of her mouth. 
“I’m cumming,” Momo groaned, shutting her eyes as her walls tightened around your cock. You didn’t hesitate to follow Jihyo’s orders and buried yourself inside Momo’s snatch. You pumped her full of your cum, painting her walls as her pussy milked you. Momo’s body twitched, and a euphoric smile spread across her face. She reached down, rubbing her clit as she came down from her high.
“It’s my turn now, Momoring,” Jihyo whispered, giving Momo’s tits one last squeeze. Momo climbs off slowly with assistance from Jihyo, who soon lets her fall to the floor. Momo reaches between her legs, gathering your cum and eating it as she recovers. She watches as Jihyo straddles you next. Jihyo presses her lips against yours, licking them as she pulls away. “I’ve been waiting for this.” She says before lowering herself onto your cock. Jihyo coos as she feels you split her apart, your cock filling her well. She smiles as she begins to bounce on your cock. She moves your hands to her tits, letting you play with them as she bounces at her own pace. 
Jihyo kisses your neck as she rides you, enjoying a slower pace. “Mommy is going to enjoy milking you baby. I want you to fill my pussy just like you did, Momo.” You squeeze Jihyo’s breasts softly, watching milk drip onto her stomach. Jihyo moans softly, enjoying your touch. 
Momo soon climbs onto the couch, sitting next to you and catching an eyeful of Jihyo’s leaking tits. She silently goes in, sucking on Jihyo’s tit and drinking her milk. Jihyo stiffened; she felt Momo’s tongue move up and down over her nipple. “Ah, Momo, hold on,” Jihyo grunted as she rode you. Jihyo struggled to do anything, being caught between the pleasure she got from you and Momo’s thievery. She could only put her hand on the back of Momo’s head, inadvertently pushing the older woman against her tit. “Shit, I’m going to cum.” Jihyo stares into your eyes with a pleading look. “I want you to cum inside me. Put a baby in me.” Jihyo moans as she tries to push you over the limit with her words. Jihyo’s cries of pleasure fill the room as she plants herself firmly on your cock, feeling it throb inside her before it finally spews your baby batter. Jihyo holds Momo to her chest, keeping her there as you pour your cum into her, and she rides out her orgasm. She kisses you, her tongue exploring your mouth. You ride out your climax together. Jihyo keeps her hips moving as she tries to drain every drop from you. 
Once she felt satisfied, she got up, your cum immediately running down her leg. “Let’s head to the bedroom to be more comfortable,” Jihyo says, leading you and Momo. Once in the bedroom, you wouldn’t leave as the three of you go all night. You gave the pair creampie after creampie until you were tapped out. Covered in a heavy layer of sweat, the women clung to you, their tits rubbing against you as you all drifted off to sleep.
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thelostconsultant · 25 days
pairing: Lestappen x reader
summary: Charles convinces you to join his relationship with Max.
warnings: Well, not much, except for mentions of sexual activities, unprotected sex (wrap it, guys) and pregnancy.
note: Just little snippets stitched together to give you a glimpse into their life.
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The plan began to form in Charles’s head when it was announced you would become his race engineer from the 2024 season. As you got closer and got to know each other better, he began to flirt with you, making it quite clear that he wanted something from you, and when he kissed you for the first time, feeling it in his bones that he got you, he finally told you the truth. 
“There’s something you should know,” he told you softly with his hand resting on your cheek. “I’ve been in a relationship for a good… three years now, but me and my partner are looking for someone to play with, someone who would be willing to be a part of our little secret.”
“Why do you keep it a secret?” you asked him, flashing a curious look at him. 
Charles let out a long sigh as he thought about what to say to that. “We are trying to avoid a scandal.”
“So it’s someone people know. Hmm… If I was held at gunpoint and they told me to name one person you might be in a controversial relationship with, my first guess would be Max, but–” When you came to a sudden halt, he knew his expression gave away his surprise that you figured it out on your own. Well, he wasn’t that good at keeping a poker face after all. “No way,” you said slowly, your voice suddenly dropping. 
He smiled at you after shaking off the bad feeling he had. You wouldn’t rat them out, he could tell, but now he was worried you would say no and it would change the way you work together. “Now you know, but please, this has to stay between us.”
You nodded your head a few times. “Sure, I won’t tell a soul.” There was a short pause, but then you looked back at him and said, “So how long have you been looking for a third member for this relationship?”
“We weren’t actively searching. When I met you, I found you attractive, then I got to know you better and realized I like your personality too. Max heard a lot of stories about you, and he was also attracted, so we just came to the rational conclusion that we would love to have you,” he explained. 
You agreed pretty easily. Sure, you did point out that it was only a pilot period, you wanted to see if this could even work, but that was more than enough for Charles. And soon enough you fell in love with them the same way they fell in love with you, and being together in this relationship became the new normal for you.
During race weekends the two of you could spend a lot more time together, easily slipping into his driver’s room to have some fun, but times like this you usually put extra effort into showing Max how much you loved him when you got him in your company again.
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Charles was in an extremely good mood in the evening, and when Max finally arrived, he was immediately pulled into a hungry kiss, his back pressed against the now closed door. “Good drive today, pretty boy,” the Dutchman praised him as he placed kisses along his jawline. “Wish we could talk a little more.”
“We can talk now,” he said before letting out a short laugh and slipping out of his grasp to move towards the kitchen. 
Max shook his head with a smile as he glanced into the living room. “Where’s our princess?” he asked with a confused look as he followed the other man.
“Left to take care of something. Actually, it’s good that she’s not here, because I need to talk to you,” Charles said as he passed his boyfriend a glass of soda, who seemed much more interested in what he was about to hear. Rolling his eyes, Charles reached out to take his hand. “Hey, don’t give me that look, I’m not planning to break up with you. I was thinking about why she wanted to go on a date. Do you think she wants to leave us?”
“No, I don’t think so. But… I don’t know, I once overheard a conversation she had with a friend or relative, and she was trying to explain to them why she hasn’t been in a relationship for a while,” he admitted. 
As he sat on a barstool, Charles let out a thoughtful hum. “It’s a good thing you mentioned this, because my idea could actually help this issue,” he began, earning a questioning look. “Maybe it’s time to make things official for our sake.” Max shook his head, but before he could say anything, he went on. “Not us, dummy. I know we agreed to keep it a secret for a few more years. I’m talking about you and her. Just hear me out. I can be seen in her company because she’s my race engineer and we’re friends as far as people know. But you? You’re on a different team, people think we don’t like each other. So if she was dating you, you wouldn’t have to feel left out even on race weekends, and I could jump over to meet her, even if she’s with you.”
With a thoughtful hum, Max rested his forearms on the kitchen island. “That’s… actually… not a bad idea,” he said slowly. “Have you told her about this?”
“No, not yet. I was waiting for you,” came the response. 
Nodding, he moved to stand behind him and wrapped his arms around his body. “Are you sure about this?” Charles let out a confirming hum in response. “Well, if she’s on board, I say let’s do this,” he replied before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
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Max woke up to the sound of you vomiting in the bathroom. He quickly jumped out of bed to see what was up with you, and when he opened the door, he saw you sitting on the floor with tears in your eyes. With a worried look, he kneeled next to you and kissed the top of your head. “Stomach flu?” he asked you softly. But you shook your head at this, carefully avoiding his gaze. “Tell me, what’s wrong? You’re hiding something.”
“What’s going on?” came Charles’s groggy voice from the door. When Max looked over at him, he saw the way he was rubbing his eyes, but then he focused on the two of you on the floor and quickly woke up. “You okay?”
You groaned, then flushed the toilet and went to the sink to wash your face. “I’m fine,” you replied defensively. 
“What are you hiding from us?” Max pressed on, knowing you well enough to sense there was more to the story. 
A minute or two passed in tense silence while they waited for you to finally speak up. Charles moved to be by your side as support, but he was stopped right away. He meant well, but this wasn’t the time to play nice. Max wanted answers, and if he had to be harsh to get them, he was willing to do it. And his strategy worked, because you finally took a deep breath and turned around to rest your hips against the sink. 
Your eyes moved back and forth between the two of them as you said, “I’m pregnant.”
Charles gasped next to him, barely able to hide his bright smile, but Max was hesitant. You had been with them for almost a year, and you had been publicly dating him for a while too, but this? This he wasn’t expecting. It’s not that he wasn’t happy, because he was. But you looked scared and maybe even ashamed, and this was killing him. So he quickly rushed over to you to cup your face with a smile on his face. 
“Are you sure?” When you nodded, he kissed your forehead. “I love you, sweet girl.”
“You’re gonna be a great mom,” Charles added as he joined you and put his arms on your shoulders. “So… I’m gonna ask. Who’s the father?” he wondered out loud with raised eyebrows. 
Shrugging, you looked down at your hands. “I don’t know. I’m on the pill, but both of you doofuses tend to forget to use a goddamn condom, so it could be either of you,” you mumbled. 
Max looked over at his boyfriend as he bit on his lower lip, feeling guilty since they had agreed at the beginning not to do this. But based on the look on Charles’s face, he wasn’t the only one thinking about this. Of course, this was nothing new for the two of them, they had discussed their preference to fuck you raw countless times, but they never explicitly told you about this. But you weren’t stupid, you just probably loved them enough to let them do what they wanted as long as you all tested yourselves on a regular basis. 
“Are you mad at us?” Charles asked cautiously, but you just shook your head. “Then what’s wrong? I can see there’s something else you’re not telling us.”
“That’s not how you wanted to become parents,” you eventually told them. 
The sentence made Max’s heart clench, and he could tell Charles felt just the same based on the look they exchanged. They had told you about their plan to one day either use a surrogate mother or adopt a child depending on how things stood in their lives. Adoption seemed to be the winning option at the time as they couldn’t decide whose biological child should it be if they chose the surrogacy option. 
But things had changed since then, a lot of things happened and their feelings also changed. Once the Monegasque nodded, Max took a deep breath and prepared to tell you what they were both thinking about at the moment. 
“We love you. Yes, we did have different options in our heads at the time we talked about this, but now you fully belong to us. Our gorgeous and smart girlfriend is pregnant from one of us,” he said with a smile as he tipped your head to make you look at him. “It’s so much better than anything we could dream of. You should be happy now. We’re here, we love you, we’re going to support you the whole time.”
On his side, Charles let out a quiet chuckle, then kissed your temple. “You’re not getting rid of us, baby, don’t even think about it.”
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note2: I just wanted a little glimpse into their lives. I don't know if I should write more about them, little snippets or text or idk.
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stevieschrodinger · 1 month
Part One Ten
Steve will just have to tell his parents he’s visiting Robin, they already think she’s his girlfriend, so that tracks. Or maybe he’ll just tell them that his shifts are longer than they actually are; but only if they actually show an interest. It’s just as likely they won’t ask. Won’t be interested really, in where it is Steve’s disappearing off too. That’s the most likely outcome, knowing his parents.
Eddie sits upright in the passenger seat, fascinated by everything he’s seeing. It’s cold out, but the sun is shining; Eddie has on his yellow sweater and his shades, his tail wrapped in a blanket, watching avidly as the houses slide past. They’re well out of Loch Nora now, heading towards Hopper's cabin, when Eddie sits up straighter, making an inquiring noise.
Eddie points.
“What is it Buddy?” Steve slows; there’s no one else on the road.
“Upside Down?” Eddie queries, head cocked.
“No. No Buddy. No upside down,” but he turns down the street Eddie’s indicated, curious.
“Upside Down,” Eddie nods, “Upside Down Eddidie tent,” Eddie says, pointing to a house.
“You...you stayed in that house? In the Upside Down?”
Eddie nods, tapping the glass, “safe,” Eddie seems to rethink that, tilting his head, “safe good bad.”
“So...sometimes safe.”
Eddie nods.
Hopper and El are both sitting on the stoop when they get there, squished side by side on top of the narrow set of three steps up to the cabin.
Steve sighs, “okay Buddy, lets do this.”
Steve goes to get out of the car, but Eddie grabs his wrist, tugging him back, “Stee.”
It’s all he says, but it speaks volumes. He’s frightened. He doesn’t want Steve to leave him here. Steve can’t see his eyes behind the shades, but he knows they’re big and sad.
“It’s not for long Buddy,” Steve turns his hand so he can grip Eddie’s fingers; Eddie holds tight too, “not for long, okay, I promise. And then you can come home.”
Steve can see enough to see that Eddie’s eyebrows are drawn together in a concerned frown, his mouth opens and closes a couple of times, he wants to tell Steve something, he just...doesn’t have the words yet, Steve figures.
“Stee perfect,” he finally settles on, before turning away and carefully opening the car door.
He must have figured out how to do that on his own.
Eddie moves cautiously around the inside of Hoppers cabin. He’s not quite brave enough to touch, but he inspects everything closely.
“He’ll be fine, he’s got his things,” Eddie’s books and walkie are already on the coffee table, his toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom. Steve doesn’t know if he’s speaking to reassure everyone else or himself, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
“Stee?” Eddie asks quietly from the kitchen; it’s open plan, but Steve can’t see Eddie where he’s behind the counter.
“Yeah buddy?”
“Idge food?”
“Yeah Buddy, just like at home, it’s in the bottom drawer.”
Steve sees the fridge door open and, after the sound of a brief rummage, it closes again. Eddie doesn’t appear to take anything though.
“And you sure you’ll be fine on the couch?” Hopper asks.
Eddie cocks his head, “sleep on couch,” Steve clarifies.
“Yes. Eddidie sleep couch. Sleep dark.”
“You got it buddy...look, I’ve got to go, I need to sort the pool but...you be good for Hopper and El, okay?”
Eddie nods, and Steve doesn’t think he’s ever seen him more dejected, “Eddidie good.”
The following evening, Steve checks on Eddie straight after his shift. He knows it’s late, nearly nine by the time he gets there, but Eddie was so sad...Steve doesn't want to leave him with strangers for too long.
When Steve gets there, Eddie answers the door and then practically launches himself at Steve.
“Hey buddy,” Steve laughs, dropping into a half crouch so Eddie can give him a big hug, “you okay?”
“Eddidie good. Stee good? Work good? Home good?”
“Yeah Buddy, everything is fine,” Steve doesn’t have it in him to explain to Eddie that right now all of those things are actually objectively shit.
“I think he recognized the sound of your car,” Hopper says from the couch, “he said you were coming before we could hear you.”
“I knew it was you,” El says matter of factly from the table.
“Yeah, well, some of us don’t have super powers,” Hopper grouches back.
Steve laughs, sitting on the other couch, Eddie gets a book off the table opposite El and brings it to Steve, “Eddidie col-or-ing,” he says carefully.
Steve flips through the book, “this is pretty good buddy,” most of it’s pretty spot on too, he even stays in the lines at least half the time. There’s a dog though, that’s inexplicably purple, and Steve is suddenly faced with the reality that Eddie’s never seen a dog before. It’s a bit criminal if they’ve left dogs out of the encyclopedia, Steve thinks vaguely.
“We’ve been practicing,” El brings her own book over, showing Steve the picture of a Christmas tree and gifts, complete with fireplace and stockings.
“Good stuff,” Steve smiles at them both, “good job.”
Eddie preens, “El Eddidie Hopper had lunch,” he volunteers, speaking in that careful way he does when he’s navigating new words.
“What did you have?”
“Eddidie celery, grape, pear. El eggos. Hopper cig-a-rette.”
Steve bursts out laughing, and Eddie grins so big in response, obviously pleased with himself.
Eddie has on a cheap plastic watch, it’s pink and has some sort of princess or something on it, a little kids watch. He shows it to Steve very proudly almost the moment Steve is through the door.
“We’ve been learning to tell the time,” El informs Steve, very formally. Steve is fucking elated. He knows it’s stupid, but since that one bad dream, the thought of trying to teach Eddie to tell the time makes him feel all fucking itchy.
“Hows it going?” Steve sits in his usual spot on the couch; Hops not here, but Steve figured as much, since his car isn’t here right now.
“Eddie, what time is it?” El asks.
Eddie makes a performance of pulling his sleeve out of the way, the tip of his tongue poking out and frowning as he inspects his watch carefully, “two and half soon.”
“Eddie...Eddie that’s amazing. So so good! Well done Buddy!”
Eddie absolutely beams at him, “Stee time to-morrow?”
“You learned tomorrow?”
Eddie nods, “sleep dark, tomorrow,” he makes a movement with his hand, like passing over a bump into tomorrow.
“You got it buddy, and...about four ish tomorrow?”
“Ish? Called ish?”
“Oh it’s...near to four. So,” Steve tilts his hand back and forth, “maybe three and a half, maybe four, maybe four and a half. Around then.”
“Around then,” Eddie repeats, nodding. Being around other people, especially El, is clearly doing Eddie some real good; something inside Steve unclenches as some of the worry leaves him.
It’s cold in the woods around Hopper’s cabin; Steve figures El wasn’t too far off with her Christmas coloring. Eddie wanted to come out here though, and Steve only has an hour before work, so he agreed easily.
It’s not exactly wild, the path Eddie takes him down, it is through the trees, but it’s clear. Like it’s been walked often. After a couple of minutes, Steve sees why; there’s a bench sat next to a tiny little trickle of a stream. It really is a tiny amount of water, no more than if three or four faucets were left running, but it still makes a nice burbling tinkle noise as they sit on the bench together.
Eddie leans over, producing something from half under the bench; it was easy to miss, since it’s all pretty much the same color as the ground. It’s long, thick woven grasses and thin twiggy bits. Winter type flowers and a couple of holly leaves, all woven carefully together. Eddie lays it carefully across Steve’s thigh, both ends hanging down.
“Did you make this?”
Eddie nods.
“Wow Buddy, that’s really cool. Well done.”
Eddie frowns at him, pointing, “Stee.”
“Oh. Oh it’s for me? Like a gift?”
“Gift. Yes. El- Ell tell Eddidie…”
“What Buddy? What did El tell you?”
Eddie seems to struggle for a moment, “gift thank you.”
“Oh. Oh, thank you for what?”
“Safe. Eddidie Safe. Food. Stee. Hawkins Indiana. Pool. Couch. TV. Tent. Book. Touch-”
“Right. Right I get it Buddy, thank you for everything.”
“Every-thing,” Eddie repeats carefully.
Eddie leans over, nudging Steve’s thigh, getting him to lift up, trying to tie the ends together over Steve's jeans, “ohhh...wait no,” Steve stops Eddie, “I guess I’m supposed to wear it, but it’s going to get ruined the second I walk, hang on,” Steve carefully ties the ends together into a hoop, then lifts the whole thing gently, settling the whole thing on his head. It’s very light really, his hair should hold it in place, mostly, “how do I look?”
Eddie looks absolutely delighted, “perfect.”
“You’re being pretty liberal with that word, you know.”
Part Twelve
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webbluvrsugar · 26 days
Spencer Reid x Shy bau!reader: trying to work together.
cw: drabble, fluff, fools in love, mutual pining, you’re both in love and you both can’t see it.
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You’re stuck alone in a small kid’s bedroom, pink pillows and princess bedsheets, toys all over the room along with books thrown on the floor, a broken window and a missing plush, you’re supposed to be investigating, but it’s almost like the presence of each other is just too distracting.
The team knows how your two feel for each other even without words needed, the glances you give at each other, the mutual pining that’s been going for months, they’re a bunch of profilers, they see it, and you two are profilers too, you should see it. But you don’t, which led to being put together in cases more times than you could count.
“Reid.” You nod for him to come closer, he does, but not after fumbling with a small toy on his hands, almost letting it fall in the process before putting it on its rightful place on the little girl’s shelf.
When he’s next to you, hands clammy on his gloves, suddenly sweatier than they were, taking just a few more steps without realising and suddenly the room feels tight, you’re both really close to each other, he can see the light flush on your cheeks but brushes it off for another different reason, maybe you have allergies or something, who knows?
“I f — found this.” You smile briefly before raising the it up on his face, a glass shard with hints of blood.
Spencer nods, mostly staring at your face than anything else as you look at him expectantly, clearing his throat before speaking.
“Yeah it… has blood in it, that’s — that’s good for the case.” He pulls out a plastic ziplock bag, handing it to you so you can place it there, closing it for you in the process.
“Let’s just hope it’s the unsub’s.” You flash him another smile again, he nods one more time with you.
You both stay silent, he’s looking over at you and you at him, his body towers over yours, you can feel your heart beating consistently, he parts his lips as if he’s about to say something, but you’re both interrupted by Hotch calling you.
“We should — We should…” you point towards the door.
“Yeah, let’s just.. go.” He nods, you walk away in front of him, he follows behind you.
When you’re both back at the bau, you’re talking to JJ and he’s on the other side of the room, sitting in front of Morgan, staring at you, because he really doesn’t know how but he just can’t get you off his mind. He sips on his coffee, Derek notices where his gaze is thrown at, one of his eyebrow raises, it’s almost like you’re too blind to realise what he’s looking at.
“Pretty boy,” Morgan smirks, Spencer turns his gaze right to you. “Go to her.”
“What? No that’s… she’s talking to JJ, I’m just not gonna go to her and..” he’s quickly interrupted by the man in front of him, who’s clearly skeptical.
“Just go, man.” Derek grabs his mug of coffee, slowly pushing him to him before sitting down.
Spencer finds himself walking towards you, gulping nervously as you turn to him, his eyes going to yours before going down to your other features, the soft plush of your lips, your cheeks, the hair that frames your face.
“Hi.” He speaks, JJ raises an eyebrow, turning to you.
“Hey.” You respond, it’s simple, a single word just like him, the blonde understands and makes a move to leave you two.
“Would you… would you uhm..” he sighs, gripping on to the hem of his sweater. “Would you like to grab lunch with me?”
You turn red almost immediately, turning silent in the process, Spencer slightly frowns, waiting for your answer, it’s been just thirteen seconds and he’s already thinking this is a bad idea, fourteen and you’re still quiet, fifteen, he’s starting to think you don’t even like him and then finally seventeen until you answer.
“Yes, I —“ You chuckle, a bright smile showing from your lips. “I would love that.”
He smiles with you, extends his hand for you to grab it, you do, fingers locking with his in a heartwarming motion, taking slow steps to the exit.
“So, what would you like to eat?” You ask as you keep walking to the elevator.
“Whatever you want to.”
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Four
your eyes followed him as he slowly walked over to where you sat. he took a seat next to you, not to far but not too close. a good distance for the strangers you were to each other. "who are you?" he looked at your face, examining your features from the color of your hair to the shape of your eyes and face.
you could only sigh at the tension in the room. "i work with your father. my name is y/n l/n. your father has been training me for some time now when he was still known as ultraman as a back up plan in case you did not want to step up for the position as ultraman. i have only shown up now since your father thought it best to have two heroes instead of one."
kenji could only stare at you, his eyes sharp, almost focused like a lion stalking it's pray. you gulped as you waited for him to make any comments. "but why? why would my father have a backup plan for me? why didn't he tell me about you when he asked me to take up this position?" he looked at you confused by all the new information.
"your dad knew that you liked playing baseball. he did not want to force you to choose between the two. we met many years ago, during his hero days, and had created a plan for me to take up the job so you would not lose your dreams of being an athlete in case you were to deny. i genuinely mean you no harm and i do not plan to reveal who you are to the public."
he sighed, rubbing his hands through his hair. "but how can i trust you?" he said looking at you. "you can't. but you can learn to trust me." you smiled at him, making him return a little smile back. "besides, i can help you take care of the infant kaiju as well. better two than one. i can take care of her when you're out for your games. also big fan by the way."
he could only laugh at your last comment, finding it funny how you didn't mind to praise him during a serious conversation like this. "i don't know much about you, but i would appreciate the help. i hope i can get to trust you y/n. please prove me right." you nodded your head, watching him stretch from crouching down as he sat down. "you can trust and count on me ken."
after a bit of talking and getting to know each other a little bit better, ken offered for you to stay with him in the duration of the baby kaiju being here. he didn't know how long she would be here but in his head she wouldn't be here long before she is dropped off at kaiju island.
you didn't know whether to believe his idea of it not being that long but you agreed to stay there with him. he showed you a spare guest room he had, telling you that you could temporarily live there if you wanted to, unless you would return back to your house in the city.
you decided to stay, worried for the safety of the baby kaiju and any issues that kenji would face in taking care of her. so there you were, currently laying on the bed that kenji offered to you as you heard the cries of the baby kaiju finally end.
your eyes were red, tired from staying awake so late, as your hair stayed slightly messy. you laid in a spare shirt and pair of joggers that kenji gave to you out of pity for your uncomfortable jeans and blouse that you wore long before the two of you met.
your eyes finally moved to close, taking the chance to knock out. peace and quiet enveloped your body as you felt yourself relax. or so you thought. a loud cry erupted through the house as you heard ken yell right after. you rose from bed, going to the door and out the hallway that led to the living room.
your eyes landed on ken who slammed his face in a pillow in annoyance. his hair was messy and covered part of his face. "can't sleep, huh?" you croaked out. he could only groan in response as his hand fell to his side. "nope, but by the looks of it, you couldn't too." you laughed at him.
the both of you sluggishly went to the tube like elevator, slowly going down towards where the baby kaiju was. you both walked out grudgingly, as mina floated to the two of you. "she settled down for a minute. then started right back up." her voice yelled over the crying that was happening.
"yeah! i can hear it!" ken's aggravated voice yelled through the crying as he set a box of food down of the steps. "she's still scared of you both, ken and y/n." you could only frown at the scene, fixing the blanket that wrapped around your body.
he groaned and then turned to you. "follow my lead please." you nodded and watched him as he yelled for the baby kaiju's attention while clapping his hands. "hey hey hey!" you walked backwards with him.
"before." he opened his arms wide. you quickly caught onto what he was trying to do. "after!" you both changed into your ultra forms, with kenji hitting his head. the cute pink kaiju stopped crying and smiled at the two of you. she jumped slightly in joy as you waved at her. "hi baby." she could only coo in excitement.
you and kenji both went back to your human forms making her cry. and then you both went to your hero forms. kenji repeated before and after as the baby kaiju went from crying to jumping to joy to crying over and over. it wasn't long till the both of you stood in front of her in your normal forms and she smiled.
"you see. it's me. us." he said as he walked closer to the containment unit. you followed behind him, sitting next to it as you tapped the glass. the baby kaiju could only reach for you as you tapped the glass back at her, making her mimic your actions. "hi baby, its me. everything's okay." you said smiling at her. she smiled back making her cheeks look chubbier and cuter.
she then turned to look at kenji, watching him as he ate from the box of food he brought down with him. her stomach grumbled as she whined while hitting the glass. she pressed her cute face against the glass, trying to eat the food that she couldn't reach.
"what now?" kenji grumbled to himself. "she must be starving." mina responded. "do i look like i have any idea what to feed a giant pink lizard baby?" he sounded annoyed but you could tell it was from the lack of sleep.
"lighten up kenji. she's just a baby. she can't control when she's hungry or not." you said as you pulled out a donut from the box next to him. he only playfully glare at you before sighing and turning to mina seeing the baby kaiju throw a tantrum.
"mina, hurry! give her something to eat before she stomps another car!" you couldn't help but cackle at him worrying about his already destroyed cars as mina brought out a table inside full of different types of foods.
"nice! maple and brown sugar oatmeal. new york strip. mmmm. go on, try it!" ken pointed at the food that rotated in the table, trying to sell off the food for the cute kaiju to eat.
"ken- i don't think she can eat that." you said worried for her. "shhh y/n, no one can resist a new york strip." he said putting a finger to your face playfully to shush you, which you slapped away while rolling your eyes.
the baby kaiju cautiously picked up a piece of meat from the table. she took it into her mouth, taking small bites. ken turned to you with a cocky smirk on his face. "see, she likes it-" the meat she ate was spit out in front of ken, only missing him because of the glass that separated them.
"uhuh, you were saying." you smirked at him, putting your hands on your hips jokingly. ken went to make a remark only to stop when the baby kaiju slammed the table of food against the walls, making the plates breaks. "hey stop that!" she could only cry more as he yelled at her.
"you're gonna be in big trouble, young lady!" he raised a finger in a threatening manner, trying to scare her to behave. she didn't bother to listen to him, only to halt her crying as she stood up.
"what is she smelling?" you turned to watch where she moved towards, seeing as she sniffed the air where the fishes from the ocean swam along.
"what? what is it now?" ken asked annoyed from the lack of sleep and events of the day. "hey lighten up, she's just a baby." you said furrowing your brows at him.
you looked to see as your adoptive baby faced the fish. a form of vibration shook the air in front of it, only to bounce back to her after it hit the fish. "what the heck is that?" kenji asked confused.
"it's echolocation, you idiot." you said to him. "who are you calling an idiot??" he raised a finger at you. "you! the guy who doesn't know what echolocation is!" you yelled at him as you both fault like kids.
your bickering was cut short to the sound of the baby crying, causing you both to look at her as an hit the glass and motioned towards the fish.
"you want fish, we'll get your fish!" ken shouted. "we?" you asked raising a eyebrow at him. "yes. we. you're going to help me catch fish for the baby." he said sticking his tongue out at you.
you rolled your eyes and threw your blanket off your body to the side. "fine, let's go get some fish."
you both swam through the water in your ultra forms, chasing after fish that swam away from the both of you in fear. it had taken longer than expected to get the amount of fish you had now. the fish were slimier and faster than you expected in water. you underestimated them.
your body walked over to the top of the container as ken removed the lid from it, showing a happy kaiju reaching to you both in joy. you both dumped the fish that you caught in with her, making her jump with joy as she stuffed them into her mouth.
you both zapped out of your forms, back to your human sizes, as you fell to the ground. you let out a yawn, finding yourself cradle yourself on the ground with your blanket, that you left behind on the floor, now wrapped around you again.
ken fell next to you, not too far from you but not too close as he laid down with you. you both silently stared at the ocean from the windows, taking in the scenery.
the peaceful silence was broken by kenji talking. "thank you for helping me take care of them. i know i dragged you into this in a way but i really needed this help." his voice was soft but you could still hear him.
"of course ken, i told you i'd help you the second we found her. it's not that no one can raise a kid by themselves but it's because the extra support in raising a baby is always needed to feel better. don't feel bad, okay?" you ended your words with a unsaid promise as you stuck your pinky finger out.
ken groaned seeing your finger poking out. "do i really have to do that? i'm not a kid no more." you glared at him from the blanket that partially covered your face. "pinky promise, now." you said sternly.
he sighed but stuck his pinky finger to do the little pinkie promise you asked for. he looked away as his finger intertwined with yours but not without failing at hiding the small smile that graced his lips.
"thank you. now goodnight kenji." you whispered to him. "goodnight y/n, well chat more tomorrow." you hummed in approval letting yourself drift off to sleep on the cold metal floor. sleep enveloped your frame, but not without the feeling of someone fixing the blanket around your body more.
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