#like even when I'm not super into three houses at some points (like when I'm into persona or my main focus is something else entirely)
ashes-of-ailell · 3 months
its gotten to the point where I've got a whole headcanon backstory for Ashe laid out in my head based on what he tells us in his supports but I haven't done the same for any of the other characters and I think that says a lot about me really
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mariclerc · 2 months
Dad duties (pt.2) | cl16
Summary: where you meet an adorable dad and his little girl at the beach. Warning: none, single dad Charles, a bunch of kisses and pure fluff... And a somewhat kinda spicy surprise near the end + shy Charles at the end too.
a/n: this is a little too long, but I hope you like it. Let me know if you want another part of this!!
Part 1 Part 3
taglist 🤍 @mehrmonga @barcelonaloverf1life @sillyfreakfanparty
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You find yourself waiting on the porch of your house, Charles had told you that he was going to be a little late since he was fixing some things with Ava, tonight is finally the famous date that you both had promised. The last few weeks have probably been the most fantastic of your life, the company of Charles and his little Ava make your days happier and brighter and that made you happy. You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't realize that Charles was pulling up in front of your house, a smile already on your face.
“Hey y/n! You look incredible, so pretty, oh my...” He says as he gets out of the car, you were wearing a flattering dress, a little more dressed up than usual for your date night, you laugh slightly.
“Hey you handsome! Ready for our fancy dinner?” you say with a smile.
He smiles apologetically. “Uh... About that, there might be a slight change of plans.”
You both walk towards the car and he, like a gentleman, opens the passenger door for you, to which you thank him with a smile. You follow his gaze to the back seat, there, in a bright pink dress with white polka dots, sits Ava she beams at you, clutching a stuffed bunny, she giggles.
Your heart just melts, you weren't expecting Ava, but you can't help but smile even wider. “Hi there little princess! You look beautiful tonight!” You say happily.
Ava beams while Charles sighs apologetically. “Look, I'm so sorry babe. I couldn't find a babysitter on such a short notice and I was hoping maybe we could reschedule the dinner, but...” He was practically babbling, you cut him off.
You reach into the back and scoop Ava into your arms, tickling her belly. She erupts in delighted giggles.
“Charles, it's perfectly fine! Honestly, the more the merrier, don't you think? Besides who could say no to this cute little princess?”
Ava reaches out and tugs on your hair playfully. “Pwincess!” she giggled again and you nodded.
Charles looks surprised and relieved at your words. “You... You really don't mind babe?”
You glance at Charles, his eyes filled with warmth. “I don't mind at all darling! So... Where are we taking our little princess for dinner?” you asked softly while looking at him.
Charles throws his head back and smiled. “There's this great Italian place that has a fantastic kids' menu. Ava loves their pasta.”
You settle Ava back into her car seat, buckling her in. “Sounds perfect, Italian it is! Maybe she'll share some of her pasta with us?”
Charles leans over and gives you a quick kiss, you blush slightly. “Maybe... But you're definitely getting your own plate. This might be a date night with a little one in tow, but I still want to spoil you.” he winks at you.
“Just having you here is spoiling me enough.” you whisper softly. “Now, let's go get our little princess some dinner, I bet she's starving.”
You smile as Charles starts the car, his smile brighter than the restaurant lights ahead. You can't help but feel a warmth spread through you, this might not be exactly the date night you envisioned, but it's already shaping up to be something even better.
When you arrive at the restaurant the hostess leads Charles and you to a booth big enough for three with a high chair for Ava. The restaurant is super elegant, with soft music playing in the background.
Charles speaks smiling to Ava. “Alright, little one, what kind of pasta are you feeling tonight? They have farfalle shaped like butterflies, or penne that look like little tubes...”
Ava points excitedly at a picture on the kid's menu. “Bunny!” she giggles.
You and Charles look at the picture, then at each other and burst out laughing. “Looks like it's bunny pasta for the princess, I bet it's delicious!” You say with a smile on your face.
The waiter arrives, a friendly man with a neatly trimmed beard, Charles orders a glass of wine for you and a apple juice box for Ava, he also orders the bunny pasta for Ava, requesting it with a side of steamed vegetables. You order a light pasta dish and Charles gets something heartier. The conversation flows easily, sprinkled with stories about Ava's day and Charles' latest win on the track. You steal a glance at him while he chats whit Ava, noticing how his eyes crinkle when he smiles at his daughter.
“You're such a good dad, you know.” you say whispering.
Charles catches your eye and gives you a warm smile. “Thank you mon ange. Being a good dad is easy when you have a princess like her.” he whispers. (my angel)
While you wait for your food, you take out a small pack of crayons and a coloring book you brought from home. “Hey, Ava, want to color some pictures with me? See, this one has a cute bunny and another animals!”
Ava nods eagerly and starts coloring with delight. You watch her for a moment, then turn to Charles and you smile. “She's so much fun. I can't believe it's only been a few weeks...” you whisper softly.
Charles reaches across the table and takes your hand. “Me neither, you are amazing with her! You're even amazing to me.”
Just then, the waiter arrives with your food and drinks. You turn your attention to Ava, making sure she eats some vegetables before digging into the pasta.
The night continues like this - a delightful mix of conversation, laughter, a little spilled food, and genuine connection. While you might not have had the quiet, romantic dinner you initially planned, you find yourself enjoying this even more. It feels like the start of something special, a family you're slowly becoming a part of.
As the plates are cleared and Ava starts to get drowsy, Charles leans back in the booth.
“Looks like our little adventurer is ready for bed. What do you say we call it a night?” He says smiling as he holds Ava in his arms.
You nodded. “Looks like little miss enjoyed her bunny pasta a little too much, don't you think? We might be in for a long night... I can help put her to bed when we get home, I don't mind.” You say with a shy little smile.
Charles smiles, a hint of tiredness in his eyes. “Any help would be appreciated, you're a lifesaver, you know that?” he asked softly and you nod.
He throws his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“So, how about we head straight home? Maybe we can watch a movie after Ava's asleep, just the two of us? How does that sound?” He asks you softly, the way his eyes hold yours makes the butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You smile once again. “Sounds like a perfect plan for me... Lead the way, papa.”
You two have a funny little argument about who pays the bill, but in the end he paid like a gentleman, and together you head out of the restaurant. The night air feels cooler now, but your heart is warm, as you walk side-by-side, Charles steals a kiss, quick and sweet, making butterflies explode in your stomach. You know this might be the beginning of something truly special, a messy, wonderful adventure with a charming single dad and his adorable daughter.
The car ride is filled with the soft snores of a sleeping Ava nestled in her car seat. Charles reaches over and squeezes your hand, a silent thank you for your help throughout the evening.
Pulling into his driveway, Charles helps you unbuckle Ava and carefully carries her inside. The house is quiet, bathed in a soft glow from a lamp left on in the living room, the white walls aren't so white anymore due to some colorful scratches on Ava's part, but it gives the place personality. Charles leads the way to Ava's room, a haven of pastel colors and stuffed animals.
“Alright, little one, it's bedtime. Let's get you out of those clothes, okay?” he whispers softly towards Ava.
He lays Ava gently on the changing table. You reach into the diaper bag that he had brought to dinner and pull out a pair of soft, pink pajamas with a fluffy bunny on the front.
You smile softly. “Looks like someone's favorite animal is making another appearance tonight.”
Charles chuckles, taking the pajamas from you. He expertly removes Ava's dress, careful not to wake her. You watch him with a lot of love and affection in your eyes, a comfortable silence settling around you both.
He started talking in a sing-along voice to Ava. “See, bunny pajamas for a sleepy bunny. Time for your warm snuggles, princess.” He slips the pajamas on Ava, who stirs slightly and lets out a contented sigh.
You help him to tuck Ava in. “She's so peaceful when she's asleep... You seem like a natural at this dad thing.”
Charles smiles, a touch of pride in his eyes. “Practice makes perfect, I guess. But having you here makes it a whole lot easier.” He leans in close, his gaze lingering on your lips. “Maybe after she's settled, we can have that movie night... just the two of us?” he whispers.
The air crackles with unspoken desire. You glance at Ava, a small smile playing on your lips. “Let's get her to sleep first, then we'll see. But don't expect a quiet night in. I might have some movie-related cuddles in mind.” you whisper back at him.
A slow grin spreads across Charles' face. He leans in and kisses you softly, the promise of more hanging in the air. Every time he kisses you it's like a dream, he is so sweet and delicate with you that it makes you sigh.
He smiles at you and whispers. “Sounds like a challenge I'm willing to accept.”
With a final goodnight kiss to Ava's forehead, you and Charles tiptoe out of the room, the quiet anticipation of a stolen moment hanging between you. Charles smiles at you, a silent thanks in his eyes. You return the smile, a pleasant tiredness settling over you.
“So... Movie night? Do you have any preferences?” he asks softly.
You shrug playfully and whisper. “Surprise me... Just something that doesn't require too much brainpower, I'm running in fumes after that mega dinner we had.” you let out a little giggle.
Charles chuckles and heads towards the living room and you follow him, collapsing onto the large couch with a contented sigh. He pops a movie into the DVD player, something light and comedic based on the box art.
The movie starts, and you snuggle up on the couch with a fluffy blanket, Charles sits beside you, leaving a comfortable gap initially. As the movie progresses, you find yourself drawn closer... You share a laugh at a funny scene, his arm brushing against yours, you don't shy away, instead leaning in slightly. He seems to mirror your movement, his warmth a comforting presence.
By the halfway point, you're practically cuddling, his arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders. You rest your head against his chest, his heartbeat a steady rhythm beneath your ear. The movie plays on in the background, but your focus has shifted.
Charles speak with a raspy and low voice. “You know, you're amazing with Ava. I don't know what I would have done tonight without you.”
You snuggle closer, a small smile playing on your lips. “She's a sweetheart! And besides, seeing you be a dad is pretty darn cute.” you whisper shyly.
He lets out a soft chuckle. “It's not always cute, you know? There are sleepless nights and mountains of undone laundry. But I swear, it's the most rewarding thing in the world.” He whispers as he looks at you sweetly.
A comfortable silence settles between you for a moment. Then, Charles takes a deep breath.
“Look, I know this might be crazy, but... it's late, and it's been a long day. Would you maybe consider staying the night? The guest room is all made up, and there's plenty of space on the couch if you'd prefer...” he says a little hesitant and even shy.
He trails off, waiting for your response. You turn in his arms, meeting his gaze. His eyes are full of hope, a hint of nervousness lingering in their depths.
You smile, a genuine warmth spreading through you. “Actually Charles... There was something I was thinking too...” You lean in closer, your lips brushing against his ear. “Maybe instead of the guest room or the couch, we could cuddle up in your bed and watch the rest of the movie? Movie-related cuddles, remember?” you whisper softly.
A slow grin spreads across Charles' face. He pulls you in for a kiss, deeper and more passionate than before. The movie fades into the background, the only sound your laughter and the promise of a night spent closer than ever before.
The movie credits roll, the sound barely registering over the soft snores coming from the baby monitor on the coffee table. You stretch languidly, the warmth of the blanket and Charles' arm wrapped around you making it hard to move.
He smiles sheepishly at you. “Wow, I don't know how we lost track of the movie. So much for brainpower, right?”
You chuckle, your eyes meeting his. There's a spark there, an unspoken invitation. “Maybe the movie wasn't that interesting after all. But hey, at least the company was good.” you smile playfully. “Oh, take this honey!” he says shyly and then walks over to a drawer and pulls out a soft, grey t-shirt. “This is probably a little big, but it's comfy! You're welcome to use any time you want.” he whispers.
You take the shirt, the fabric warm from his touch. It smells faintly of laundry detergent and something uniquely Charles.
“This is perfect, thank you Charlie! I think I can manage in a big, comfy t-shirt.” you giggle and smile.
He smiles back, his eyes holding yours. The air crackles with unspoken desire, the night stretching before you full of possibilities. He reach out to take your hand. “Then come on. Let's get you settled in, and maybe we can find a different kind of movie to watch... one that doesn't require a screen.”
He pulls you gently towards the hallway, his hand warm and strong in yours. Your heart races with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The hallway light casts a warm glow as you follow Charles. His hand remains clasped in yours, a silent invitation. You can practically feel the electricity crackling between you.
Reaching his bedroom door, Charles hesitates for a moment, then turns to you with a shy smile.
“Just a warning, my room might be a little messy, Ava has a habit of leaving her toys everywhere... So an apology if you find a colored build block or a stuffed animal on the floor.”
You squeeze his hand reassuringly. “Don't worry, I can handle a little mess, especially if it means more cuddles.” you say shyly.
He throws his head back and laughs, the sound warm and genuine. He pushes the door open, revealing a room that's undeniably lived-in. Clothes are scattered over a chair, a colourful build block and a stuffed bear lies abandoned on the floor. But amidst the slight disorder, there's a sense of warmth, safety and comfort in his bedroom.
He waves an apologetically hand at the mess. “Like I said... It's a little bit messy, but the bed it's made, at least.”
The bed dominates the room, a large king-size covered in a duvet the color of the sea, It looks impossibly inviting. You can't help but smile at the thought of spending the night snuggled up in it with Charles.
You smile. “The bed looks perfect. Thanks for offering the guest room, though. This is much more... spacious.”
He raises an eyebrow playfully while grinning. “Spacious enough for warm cuddles, I hope?”
You blush slightly, but hold his gaze. “We'll see about that, Mr. Leclerc... Now, where's the bathroom? I think I might need to change before those cuddles begin.” you say teasingly.
He points you in the right direction, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Take your time love, I'll be waiting... patiently... Although, no promises on how long that patience will last.” he giggled a little bit.
You wink at him before disappearing into the bathroom, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The night may not have gone according to plan, but it's turning into something far more special. The prospect of a night spent in Charles' bed cuddling, the promise of stolen kisses and whispered secrets, fills you with a happiness you haven't felt in a long time.
The bathroom door clicks shut behind you. You take a moment to splash some cool water on your face, trying to calm the nervous butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Slipping on Charles' oversized t-shirt, you steal a glance in the mirror. It hangs loosely on your frame, the scent of his laundry detergent clinging to the fabric.
Taking a deep breath, you step out of the bathroom. Charles is sprawled on the bed, the movie barely audible in the background. He glances up when you appear, a slow smile spreading across his face.
He smiles warmly at you. “Looking comfortable chérie. Ready for some more movie... or maybe something else?” (darling)
His eyes hold yours, the question hanging in the air. You walk towards the bed, a teasing smile playing on your lips. “Let's see what kind of mood this movie sets first. Maybe it'll inspire some cuddling, don't you think?”
He pats the space beside him on the bed, the duvet invitingly warm. You crawl in next to him, the familiar scent of his cologne filling your senses. He pulls the duvet over both of you, the space between you suddenly feeling too large.
As the movie plays on, you settle into Charles' side, your head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You lose yourself in the quiet rhythm of his breathing and the steady beat of his heart against your ear.
The movie becomes a distant hum, the plot lines forgotten. You focus instead on the warmth radiating from Charles' body, the way his fingers gently brush against your arm. You steal a glance at him, his eyes already trained on you.
A slow smile spreads across your face. You lean in closer, your lips hovering a breath away from his. He closes the gap, the kiss soft and tender. It's a taste of what could be, a promise of something more.
You pull back, breathless.
“Maybe the movie can wait. How about we focus on some real-life entertainment?”
Charles chuckles, his voice a low rumble in his chest. “Sounds like a much better plan. Besides, I doubt this movie has anything on what we can do right here.” he said coquettishly.
He pulls you closer, his kisses becoming more insistent, more passionate. You melt into his touch, every thought of the movie forgotten. The only thing that matters now is the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the promise of a night spent tangled in his arms.
The movie plays on in the background, a silent observer to the unfolding scene. But neither of you cares. You're lost in your own world, a world of stolen glances, whispered secrets, and a growing intimacy that promises something truly special. As the night deepens, the movie fades into a distant memory, replaced by the intoxicating reality of a connection blooming under the soft glow of the bedside lamp.
You and Charles are caught in a heated embrace, the movie forgotten on the screen. The only sound is your own ragged breaths and the frantic pounding of your hearts. Just as Charles dips his head for another kiss, a faint sound pierces the air.
It's a whimper, barely audible, but unmistakable through the baby monitor nestled on the nightstand. You both freeze, pulled back from the brink of passion by the tiny sound.
Charles reaches over and turns up the volume on the monitor. The whimpers become clearer, accompanied by a soft snuffling sound.
“Sounds like Ava might be waking up...” he frowns slightly.
Disappointment flickers across his face, a mirror of your own feelings. You both know it's time to pull back, the night taking a different turn than anticipated.
You let out a soft sigh. “Maybe we should check on her, poor thing might be having a bad dream.”
Charles nods, a hint of frustration battling with his concern for his daughter. He leans in and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
He smiles apologetically. “Duty calls princess. Maybe we can pick this up where we left off later? After Ava's back to sleep, of course.”
You smile back, a touch of longing lingering in your eyes. “Of course darling, Ava comes first. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! Besides, a little mystery only adds to the fun, right?”
Charles lets out a soft laugh, the frustration melting away. He throws back the covers and gets out of bed, heading towards the door.
“You're right. Maybe this little detour will just make the reunion even sweeter. I'll be back soon babe.” he smiles.
He throws you a quick wink before disappearing down the hallway. You watch him go, a mix of disappointment and amusement swirling inside you. The night may not have gone exactly as planned, but the unexpected turn of events only adds to the growing connection you feel with Charles.
Settling back against the pillows, you pick up the remote and turn off the movie. The room falls silent, except for the faint hum of the baby monitor. You close your eyes, a smile playing on your lips. Maybe there's no need to rush things. After all, the best things in life often come when you least expect them.
You wait for Charles' return, the silence amplifying the soft hum of the baby monitor. Curiosity pulls you towards it, and you pick it up, placing the receiver near your ear. You hear the familiar sounds of Ava stirring in her sleep, little whimpers turning into soft murmurs.
Then, a gentle voice cuts through the static... It's Charles, his voice low and soothing as he speaks to his daughter.
“Hush little one, don't you cry, The moon is out, the stars are high. Close your eyes and drift away, Dreams of sunshine and flowers at play.” he sings softly through the monitor.
His voice washes over you, warm and comforting. You can picture him sitting on the edge of Ava's crib, rocking her gently as he sings. A pang of tenderness hits you, a glimpse into the protective and loving father Charles is. The whimpers gradually subside, replaced by the soft sounds of contented breathing. Charles speaks again, his voice barely a whisper.
“There you go, my little princess. Sleep tight, Daddy loves you so much.”
A lump forms in your throat. The tenderness in his voice sends shivers down your spine. You can't help but eavesdrop a little longer, yearning to be a part of this sweet moment.
After a few more minutes of silence, the bedroom door creaks open and Charles peeks in. He sees you with the baby monitor in hand, a soft smile gracing his lips.
“She's sound asleep, seems like my singing skills did the trick after all.” he whispers and smiles at you.
You blush, caught eavesdropping. You put the monitor back on the nightstand. “Guilty as charged... Your singing voice is impressive, Mr. Leclerc. Although, I'm not sure Ava fully appreciates your operatic skills yet.” you whisper softly and smiled at him.
He lets out a playful chuckle, walking towards the bed. “Maybe not... But, hey! At least she's asleep now.” he giggled. “Now... Where were we?” he whispers.
He reaches for you, his hand brushing against yours. You feel a warmth spread through you, the disappointment from before melting away.
“I believe we were about to explore some real-life entertainment. But this time, maybe with a little less noise... After all, we don't want to wake the princess again, do we?” you smile playfully.
Charles' smile widens, his eyes flickering with desire. He pulls you back into his arms, the promise of a stolen moment hanging heavy in the air.
The night may have taken a detour, but with Ava safely asleep and the connection between you growing stronger, it seems like a new chapter is about to begin. The adventure may be messy, filled with unexpected turns, but the prospect of exploring it with Charles fills you with a mix of excitement and anticipation. As you settle back into his embrace, you can't help but wonder where this unexpected journey will lead you both.
The soft glow of the bedside lamp casts a warm, intimate light on the scene as Charles pulls you back into his embrace. His touch is gentle yet insistent, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and desire.
He smiles and whispers again. “Absolutely not. Princess Ava deserves her beauty sleep... Besides, there are plenty of ways to have fun that don't involve waking the entire house.” He trails a finger down your arm, sending shivers dancing across your skin. You lean into his touch, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
“Oh, really? Do tell, Mr. Leclerc. Enlighten me on these... quieter forms of entertainment you have in mind.” you smile shyly while blushing.
Charles leans in close, his lips brushing against your ear. His voice is a low murmur, sending a delicious warmth through you.
“How about we explore each other, one slow touch at a time? See where the night takes us, without waking a single soul.” he whispers huskily.
His words ignite a spark within you, a thrilling mix of nervousness and excitement. You nod, your voice barely a whisper. “Sounds like a plan. But remember, we don't want to get too carried away. After all, Ava's room is just down the hall.”
A slow smile spreads across Charles' face. He tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch lingering.
He smiles shyly while blushing. “Don't worry bébé, I know how to control myself... to a certain extent. But trust me, this is going to be better than any movie we could watch... I promise.”
He dips his head for a kiss, this one slow and lingering. His lips move against yours, a delicious exploration that leaves you breathless. His hand trails down your back, sending shivers down your spine.
As the kiss deepens, you become acutely aware of the warmth of his body pressed against yours. The t-shirt you borrowed from him smells faintly of laundry detergent and something uniquely Charles, a scent that intoxicates you.
With a soft sigh, you pull away slightly, your heart pounding in your chest.
You say breathlessly. “Maybe we should start by turning off the light. A little darkness can add to the mystery, right amour?”
Charles lets out a low chuckle, the sound rich and warm. He reaches over and flicks off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into a comfortable darkness. The only light comes from the soft glow of the moon filtering through the window.
In the darkness, you feel Charles' hand find yours, his fingers intertwining with yours. It's a small gesture, but it sends a jolt of electricity through you.
He leans and whispers in your ear. “The night is young, and the possibilities are endless... Let's see where this adventure takes us.”
With that, he pulls you closer, his lips brushing against your neck. You know this is a path untrodden, a journey into uncharted territory. But with Charles by your side, the uncertainty is exhilarating. You close your eyes, surrendering to the moment, ready to explore the night and the deepening connection that binds you together.
The kiss breaks, leaving you breathless and wanting more. You rest your forehead against Charles' chest, your heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs.
A moment of comfortable silence stretches between you. Then, Charles clears his throat, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into his voice.
“Listen babe, I just wanted to apologize. Maybe I came on a little strong there. It's just... well, it's been a while since I've had anyone in my bedroom, you know, other than Ava when she needs a middle-of-the-night cuddle or she has a fuss.” he mumble slightly.
He sounds embarrassed, the vulnerability in his voice a stark contrast to his earlier confidence. You reach up and cup his cheek, a sympathetic smile playing on your lips. “Hey, it's okay... I understand, It's been a while for me too. Besides, I don't blame you for getting a little carried away after that movie... or maybe it was the cuddles on the couch... Either way, there's no pressure. We can take things slow if that's what you want!” you smile again. “But honestly, your straightforwardness is kind of refreshing... No games, just genuine interest. And that's something I can appreciate.” you giggle softly.
A flicker of relief washes over Charles' face, followed by a slow smile.
“Really? You're not offended? Because honestly, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable.” he sighs softly. “Slow sounds good, really good. But honestly, the thought of having you here all night, even if it's just for cuddles, is pretty darn amazing. It's been a long time since this place felt... well, alive.”
His words tug at your heartstrings. You understand the loneliness that comes with being a single parent, the longing for adult connection that can easily get overshadowed by the daily responsibilities.
You smile reassuringly. “Then consider yourself cuddled! Besides, I wouldn't want to leave you to face Ava's next potential night terror alone. Maybe I can even offer some expert advice on soothing a restless toddler. After all, I have a few nieces and nephews who keep me on my toes.”
Charles lets out a laugh, the sound warm and genuine. “Expert advice is always welcome, especially if it comes with a side of cuddles. Come here darling, just... Closer.”
He pulls you back into his arms, this time the embrace filled with a newfound tenderness. You rest your head on his shoulder, the sound of his heartbeat a comforting rhythm in the darkness.
The night may not have unfolded exactly as you planned, but as you settle into the warmth of Charles' embrace, you realize something unexpected... Sometimes, the best adventures are the ones that take you by surprise.
The night stretches before you, full of possibilities. There may not be any more passionate encounters, but the promise of a slow burn, a connection built on shared experiences and genuine connection, is far more enticing. You close your eyes, a contented sigh escaping your lips. You may not have gotten the fiery night you initially craved, but the prospect of a slow, sweet exploration with a charming single dad and his adorable daughter is a much more promising prospect.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i. about 2 weeks ago, i was told there's a good chance that in 5 or so years, i'll need a wheelchair.
ii. okay. i loved harry potter as a kid. i have a hypothesis about this to be honest - why people still kind of like it. it's that she got very lucky. she managed to make a cross-generational hit. it was something shared for both parents and kids. it was right at the start of a huge cultural shift from pre to post-internet. i genuinely think many people were just seeking community; not her writing. it was a nice shorthand to create connection. which is a long way of saying - she didn't build this legacy, we built it for her. she got lucky, just once. that's all.
iii. to be real with you, i still struggle with identifying as someone with a disability, which is wild, especially given the ways my life has changed. i always come up against internalized ableism and shame - convinced even right now that i'm faking it for attention. i passed out in a grocery store recently. i hit my head on the shelves while i went down.
iv. he raises his eyebrows while he sends me a look. her most recent new book has POTS featured in it. okay, i say. i already don't like where this is going. we both take another bite of ramen. it is a trait of the villain, he says. we both roll our eyes about it.
v. so one of the things about being nonbinary but previously super into harry potter is that i super hate jk rowling. but it is also not good for my mental health to regret any form of joy i engaged with as a kid. i can't punish my young self for being so into the books - it was a passion, and it was how i made most of my friends. everyone knew about it. i felt like everyone had my same joy, my same fixation. as a "weird kid", this sense of belonging resonated with me so loudly that i would have done anything to protect it.
vi. as a present, my parents once took me out of school to go see the second movie. it is an incredibly precious memory: my mom straight-up lying about a dentist appointment. us snickering and sneaking into the weekday matinee. within seven years of this experience, the internet would be a necessity to get my homework finished. the world had permanently changed. harry potter was a relic, a way any of us could hold onto something of the analog.
vii. by sheer luck, the year that i started figuring out the whole gender fluid thing was also the first year people started to point out that she might have some internalized biases. i remember tumblr before that; how often her name was treated as godhood. how harry potter was kind of a word synonymous for "nerdy but cool." i would walk out of that year tasting he/him and they/them; she would walk out snarling and snapping about it.
viii. when i teach older kids creative writing, i usually tell them - so, she did change the face of young adult fiction, there's no denying that. she had a lot more opportunities than many of us will - there were more publishing houses, less push for "virally" popular content creators. but beyond reading another book, we need to write more books. we need to uplift the voices of those who remain unrepresented. we need to push for an exposure to the bigotry baked into the publishing system. and i promise you: you can write better than she ever did. nothing she did was what was magical - it was the way that the community responded to it.
ix. i get home from ramen. three other people have screenshotted the POTS thing and sent it to me. can you fucking believe we're still hearing this shit from her when it's almost twenty-fucking-twenty-three. the villain is notably also popular on tumblr. i just think that's funny. this woman is a billionaire and she's mad that she can't control the opinions of some people on a dying blue site that makes no money. lady, and i mean this - get a fucking life.
x. i am sorry to the kid i was. maybe the kid you were too. none of us deserved to see something like this ruined. that thing used to be precious to me. and now - all those good times; measured into dust.
/// 9.6.2022 // FUCKING AGAIN, JK? Are you fucking kidding me?
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highhhfiveee · 8 months
safety net, part two
part one: 💸 | part three: 📹
are we excited???? prepare your hearts cause the feels kinda took over
pairing: pornstar!mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: mike and reader are both genuine people and that draws them to each other. wc: 3.5k tags: fluff, lots of internal pining, porn mentions but nothing graphic. should be error free bc i actually proofread this one but if there are any, my sincerest apologies
“you have to be, like, evading taxes or something.”
mike chuckles behind you as he closes the door to his apartment--sorry, penthouse.
you're stood with your jaw unhinged, eyes scanning over the wide, sweeping space of his open concept living room and all of the furniture that decorates it, expensive-looking but cozy in a way that you wish you could replicate in your own place. you stalk over to tall windows that line the farthest wall, creating a corner that allows for you to see the bustling city below; all of the flashing lights, people drunkenly stumbling around street signs, and cars zipping and weaving through traffic.
you'd never seen anything like this, just a girl used to the urban suburbs on the south side of town, and your cheeks flush with embarrassment when you feel mike's presence behind you. you don't turn to him, dropping your shoes and purse to the ground and keeping your eyes trained on a street corner below.
"the view's what sold me on the place. i'm able to watch the sunrise on that side," he points to the windows on the other side of the kitchen, offering a view of the green space nestled in between skyscrapers. "and the sunset on this one."
"must be nice," you reply, backing away from the glass and observing the rest of the space. it was the size of, like, three of your apartments combined, organized and free of mess. "i only have a view of a corner store, and a really really busy bus stop. it's super annoying."
"where do you live?"
you give him the name of the neighborhood you'd known your whole life. you didn't recognize any of the area's flaws when you were a child. it was never a red flag to you that the street off of the one you grew up on had two storefronts of the same fast food chain on either end, or that the closest supermarket was twenty minutes away. you hadn't even batted an eye when some of your school “friends” would tell you about visiting gourmet cupcake restaurants and vintage consignments stores. you just went along with it, saying, "that's so cool. the fanciest place by my house is the $7.99 buffet." they all laughed at you.
it wasn't until you were older, freshly graduated from high school and looking to be on your own that you realized the disparity across the region. only people with certain attributes got the nice things, and you'd been conditioned to be grateful to have a daycare in a plaza with a smoke shop and tax preparation office.
"it's just too expensive for me to move anywhere else. i can barely make rent now, with the way they keep raising it every year. kept the tag on this dress just so i could take it back." you look down at yourself and mike can see the longing in your eye, the twinkle in them that wishes you could hang it up in your closet tomorrow.
after tonight, you kind of wish you hadn't bought it at all. you thought that simon would’ve found it insatiable, wining and dining you before taking you back to his place for a night cap, but all you think about now is the embarrassment of walking back into the luxury department store, handing them your receipt for the item you wore once and couldn’t keep.
it fills you with distaste and you find yourself desperate to peel the item off your skin. “is it okay if i shower?”
mike nods furiously, apologizing for not offering. he’d just been staring at you while you talked, admiring you. he was used to people with perfect appearances around him, done up by professionals that costed $200 an hour, but you were different, uncaring about your unruly curls and smeared eyeliner. you were unbothered and carefree, and that fascinated him.
he leads you down a long hall, coming to a stop once it forks into three different directions: left, right, and slightly diagonal right. the walls are lined with paintings and photos of mike and people that share his features, and at the end of the diagonal path is a giant trophy case, filled to the brim with plaques and trophies of various sizes, shapes, and finishes.
“jesus,” you murmur, abandoning your escort. mike’s walked ahead of you, but he makes his way back when he notices you’re not behind him.
“everything okay?”
you point to his trophy case, letting out an incredulous laugh. “are all of those for you?”
mike nods, and you laugh again, shaking your head in disbelief. “okay, so you’re obviously some sports star because no way someone living like this wouldn’t be.”
mike goes rigid next to you. he never knew how to bring up his career to new people he met, sometimes ping-ponging between “i work for a world-renown production company” and “i’m an entrepreneur”. he had no problem lying to other people, his guard all the way up from years of rejection and disgust at the mention of “sex worker” and “pornstar”, but something felt wrong about lying to you. he swallows hard, racking his mind for a semi truth.
“not sports, but definitely still physical.” you scrunch your nose at this, blinking at him in confusion, but you stop when he grabs your hand and nudges his head in the direction of the bathroom. “didn’t you want to shower?”
you nod, allowing him to pull you down the hall but not without a second glance at the case. what other physical career presented you with that many awards?
the bathroom is a star in it's own right, modern in a way that you fawn over when you're watching hgtv. the gigantic, complicated looking shower invites you from the corner, nestled in between the gadget-rigged toilet and garden bathtub.
all of the decor in here was clean, pale blue, a nice offset to all of the white tile and gold-accented appliances.
you're half-listening, your conscience replaced with static as mike explains where everything is. "so...towels are over here..."
his shower had a rainforest head and a small, handheld one clipped into a holder, with a screen embedded into the wall. there was a bench and railing to hold onto, a speaker on the back tile....your eyes cut to the toilet, and the smaller one next to it. a bidet??????
"...and, the bidet remote's right next to the soap. i'll lay some clothes out for you on the hall table, but let me know if you need anything, okay?" you react a little too late, raising your hand and squeaking, "wait" right as mike's backed out of the room.
you try to look around for things, eventually finding the towels in a closet concealed as a part of the wall and, as a bonus, a knob to turn on the heated floor?????
you strip down, completely bare under the dress, and fold it up, retail employee coded, delicately placing it by the sink with the tag on top. it was exactly how you'd return it, with a shitty excuse and plastic smile. you do the same with mike's jacket.
you throw your hair up before wrapping yourself in the towel, delicately cloaked in what had to be egyptian cotton, and pace on over to the shower. you tap the daunting screen, and it lights up with a flourish, displaying the date, time, weather, and a host of different icons.
you don't know why it's so hard for you to turn the shower on, scrolling and bumbling through a collection of options that weren't simply turn on. why did you need to use a screen anyway? why reinvent the simple wheel that was a faucet lever?
you decide you need mike's help after a bit, though self-conscious about having to ask after he probably told you earlier. you splash cool water on your face before leaving the room, attempting to wring the anxiety out of your body.
you're at the fork in the hallway again, the view of you obscured from the living room by a wall, and you turn your attention to mike's trophy case again. you're too far to see any of the engravings on anything and you're so curious to find out what they say.
you feel your muscles attempt to pull you down the lonely hall, but you halt, reminding yourself that mike was a kind person who'd invited you into his home, and you were supposed to be showering, not snooping. still, even with the moment of morality, untrustworthy interest prodded at your brain.
mike's exiting his room with a handful of clothes for you when he catches you, arms wound around yourself to keep your towel up. you haven't seen him yet, your gaze fixed on something down the hall. he gulps softly, unaware that he would see you like this so early in your connection. your long neck cranes forward to see better, and he prematurely wonders if you're sensitive there, mind swirling with musings of bites and marks.
"something wrong?" you jolt, blinking and stammering and damn near jestering as you attempt to defend yourself. mike doesn't look at you with malice or cynicism, simply stepping closer as your eyes flitter around. "i, uh...i need help with the shower. i don't know how to turn it on."
mike huffs, squinting his eyes at you jovially. "that the only thing?" fuck.
you drop your shoulders with a deep sigh, throwing a pointed finger down the hall. "i also wanna know why you have all those awards." there's a small, almost undetectable change in mike's face, his eye twitching. you watch him shrug it off, placing a hand on your shoulder to lead you back to the bathroom. "i'll explain after you shower."
you're puzzled as to why he's so cagey about it, but you don't question it, accepting his statement and finally listening to him as he explains what to do
you're alone again after he sets the clothes down and leaves. he took your dress, easing you with "just going to hang it up. no worries" and a sheepish smile, and you're eager, ready to hear about what he does and how he's able to afford all this, including this shower that provides you with the best shower you think you've ever taken.
you're able to get the water to the perfect temp, scalding, with the perfect amount of pressure to sting your skin and make you feel clean. you wash away all of your worries; thoughts of keeping a roof over your head, being okay, and finding a genuine connection extinguished with the hum of soft jazz and lather of ylang ylang scented soap.
you lotion yourself with one of the various creams on mike's counter, soothed by the powder smell, and slip into the clothes you're provided--a pair of soft, heart-covered boxers and a university t-shirt, faded into burgundy from countless washes.
mike's sitting on the couch, scrolling aimlessly on his phone when the the demure pitter patter of your feet sounds against the floors, and he swears he almost dies when he sees you.
maybe it hadn't been totally random when he chose the clothes for you, deciding to give you two of his favorite items so he could see how they looked on you. the shirt, very lived in and from his alma mater, skirted your thighs and covered up his boxers, draping over your lithe body in a way that made his mouth go dry.
"okay," you call, dropping beside him on the couch. the wispy hairs around your hairline frame your clean face, guiding his attention to the smattering of dark moles around your eyes and temples. "tell me. what are all of those awards for?"
"do you want some water or something?" he interrupts, and while you accept, you furrow your eyebrows at him. he gets up with the swiftness of a nascar pit crew, and you hold your gaze on him, pivoting your body as he moves.
"mike, c'mon, what gives? you can trust me."
his back is towards you, filling a glass with water from the filtered water faucet. he hunches at your baffled tone, your voice all soft and downcast.
he wants to scream because it's so easy to just come out and tell you what he does. you didn't say anything at the restaurant, but maybe you'd put two and two together when he finally told you truth, remembering a thumbnail from the porn site of your choosing. he wasn't ashamed---nowhere near that. he'd been in the industry almost a decade, moving past the internalized and societally-imposed scrutiny he felt for his career. it was other people that were ashamed, other people that turned their nose up at him because of what they assumed he was; sleazy, devious, a player. he'd had so many connections blow over because of it, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle that happening with you.
you just stare at his back, watching it rise and fall with every laboured breath he takes. what was so bad about what he did that he couldn’t just tell you? he was obviously good at whatever it was, and you wondered if it was a front for something. maybe he disarmed you with his nice guy act, and he lured you here to kill you an—-
the clink of glass on glass brings you back to reality. mike is beside you again, staring blankly ahead while he wrings his hands.
“i’m a pornstar,” he utters plainly. he squeezes his eyes shut, expecting you to make a noise of disgust or get up and leave, but you don’t.
he opens one eye, and then both. you’re staring at him with no concrete expression, lips pursed. he closes his eyes again, counting in his head before opening them once more.
you’re still there, and it almost makes him cry.
“that checks out,” you muse. you’re fairly non reactive, but not because his admission freaks you out. you’re thinking back to the awards, the sheer amount of them in that case, and how good he really must be at what he does. “why didn’t you want to tell me?”
he runs a hand through his hair, melting into his couch with boyish reserve. his eyes are a mixed bag, bouncing between relief and despair. “people run every time i tell them. lots of them act like i just told them i killed their childhood pet and it's just so...disheartening, y'know?
"i just don't get it because it's just like any other job. you work, fucking hard, because you want to perform at your best, just like anyone else. the stigma around it never goes away, no matter how hard you try to convince people. they think you get around outside of it, having sex every second of every day, or that you're gonna mess around with your coworkers and give them something. it's like the trust level is in hell before you're even able to prove yourself." you scoot closer to mike without a word and place your hands over his. his rings are cold against your palm.
it's a gentle gesture. the airy smile you give pacifies him and he swears he's never felt anything like what he feels now.
"i'm not here to judge you, mike. i never will. sex work is a completely valid career, just like anything else. i'm sorry about all those shitty people who made assumptions about you."
"no need to apologize," he whispers, adjusting his hands so that they cradle yours now. you tilt your head down bashfully, lashes fluttering. "all those times led me here."
you two chat for a long while. mike tells you all about the production company he works for, how he got into the business, what his work schedule's like, the community of other stars that he works with, his stage name. you can tell he's passionate about it, lost in his rambles and talking with his hands. certain words segue your convo into other topics, like books and food and pop culture. you two have a lot more than coffee in common.
"i was surprised you didn't recognize me, honestly. not in a douchey way, but just because everyone does. it's usually the first thing they come up to me with." you could only imagine, being approached with "i've come to all of your work" in the condiment aisle at the grocery store.
"i don't watch professional porn really. too staged for me."
"i get that. i think you'd like our content. we really found a good balance between professional quality and ethical, genuine, safe fun."
you try to stay nonchalant, not wanting to betray the fact that you're itching to watch something of his work. "that's really nice. i bet you have quite the catalog."
"almost ten years worth so, yeah, i'd say," he chuckles, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth. "enough about me though. what do you do for work?"
"nothing as exciting and well-paying as porn. i type letters and numbers into a computer in a cubicle. it barely pays the bills, but i've worked in too many customer service jobs to ever go back." mike agrees. you're about to say something else when you're interrupted by a yawn, unhinging your jaw like an animal. you quickly cover your mouth, muttering, "jeez. sorry." you didn't realize it, but you were tired, exhausted from the night you had.
"it's okay, it is pretty late." he checks the time on his phone and turns it to you. 2:23 am. had you two really been talking on this couch for 3 hours? "i can show you to the guest room if you're tired. i have a shoot tomorrow anyway so i should get to bed too."
"sure," you whisper, grabbing his hand when he extends it to you. he pulls you to your feet like you weigh nothing at all, and you tail behind him like a lovesick puppy.
you're feeling that tingly ball of warmth in your stomach, the one you've felt with every person you thought you'd marry. you usually indulge in it, but with mike, it scares you. why do you feel like this after one night with a man you barely even know?
it's rash and inappropriate, you decide, and you're still convincing yourself as you slide under the black satin sheets and duvet on mike's king sized guest bed. you recline on the satin-covered pillows, sinking into the memory foam. it's a nice departure from your noisy childhood mattress back at home.
"do you have work tomorrow?" you shake your head, and mike claps his hands together with a cheer.
"yay. i'll be leaving around 8 or so, but feel free to sleep in and hang around as long as you want. the remote for the blinds is right there, i'll put a toothbrush out for you, and there's all kinds of food in the kitchen. help yourself. just let me know when you're leaving so i can lock the door."
your eyes squint. "you're gonna lock the door after i leave?"
mike nods, smiling excitedly and geekily diving into his rationale. "mhm, i have a smart lock. i can do it from my phone."
you're so tired that the words just foolishly tumble out of your mouth. "you must have great dick."
mike lets out a laugh that's a blend of flattered, nervous, and amused and you're both red-cheeked and flustered. "i am so fucking sorry, i, uh..y--" you stammer over all of your words, finally able to wrench out, "a smart lock just sounds expensive."
mike stares you down with fascination, backing towards the door. "watch the videos and find out for yourself, yeah?" he winks at you, and you gulp so loudly you're sure he hears. "goodnight, y/n. sleep well.”
"you too,” you croak.
you're out like a light once he leaves, but not before telling yourself to put up a new sticky note at home: “watch mike's porn."
you awake what feels like days later, refreshed and made anew. you click on the remote for the curtains, and they rise slowly, flooding the room with rich early afternoon sun. the clock on the nightstand reads 12:38 pm.
you hop to your feet and make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face before stalking to the living room. it's filled with light, and you think about how you'd probably never be depressed living in a place like this.
a box, red and moderately sized, sits upon the kitchen counter. you think you should ignore it, but as you get closer, you see a paper with your name scrawled across it. you like your name in mike's voice and handwriting.
you pull up the lid and inside is your dress from last night with the tag missing, two fat wads of hundred dollar bills, and another note that reads, “you deserve to feel beautiful and pay your rent <3 call this number when you're ready to go home. -m”.
in this moment, you're 100% positive that you're falling in love.
wow wow wow wow. they are so fucking CUTE! i love themmmmmmm <3 hopefully this tides y'all over for a bit because i need to outline the rest of their story, and i wanna work on some other stories for a little bit 💜 more parts are definitely coming, have no fear! i'd also like to say that while i use y/n in my stories, reader is typically a character that i'm inventing. using your own name and likeness while you read is totally fine, of course! i just use y/n as a placeholder name for my reader character bc i don't feel like coming up with character names all the time <3 sorry if that doesn't make sense 💔 i hope you all enjoyed! happy reading my seedlings 🌱💜
faire's seedlings ✿
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wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Choso headcanons
Tumblr media
(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
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catboygretzky · 1 year
i have not read the silm but people always use it to go GLADADRIELS HAIR TO GIMLI can u explain
I wish i could do this without explaining so much of the silmarillion but i refuse to explain the entirety of the silmarillion
the first thing you have to know is that there's an elf called fëanor who was the most important elf of the early first age. he was a big deal. super smart, super talented, and he knew it. absolute cunt of a dude. was he an anti hero? was he simply a villain? idk at the end of the day he was a kinslayer of a cunt that committed atrocious war crimes. but he was smart and talented! (he created the silmarils which - well. as you may be able to guess are also a big deal)
super interesting character though. a 🔥 character, one may say.
so just. keep in mind that fëanor was super great at doing elf things (not so great at being a dad or just. having morals that weren't ambition and arrogance) and he was also galadriel's uncle.
now fëanor was obsessed i mean obsessed with galadriel's hair - literally everyone was.
Even among the Eldar [Galadriel] was accounted beautiful, and her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, for its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother; and the Eldar said that the light of the Two Trees, Laurelin and Telperion, had been snared in her tresses. Many thought that this saying first gave to Fëanor the thought of imprisoning and blending the light of the Trees that later took shape in his hands as the Silmarils.
so yeah - pretty impressive hair on a pretty impressive elf. impressive enough to inspire the silmarils creation? maybe.
(everyone was obsessed, but fëanor was obsessed obsessed, there's this whole thing with him and light. see: silmarils, which literally captured the light of the Two Trees of Valinor and quite possibly were inspired by galadriel herself)
NOW fëanor begged for an entire lock of hair, and expected her to agree, three times. galadriel denied fëanor all three times.
to bring gimli back in - if you remember, gimli says his only desire is a single strand of her hair, not expecting to receive it but hey, she asked for what i desire most so!
by this point you may be able to sumise why it's a big deal without me telling you BUT
when galadriel tells him to name his desire and what she should give him, gimli says this
"There is nothing, Lady Galadriel," said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. "Nothing, unless it might be - unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire."
"i do not ask for such a gift, but you commanded me to name my desire" whereas fëanor begged - gimli didn't even ask it of her, just answered her question about his desires.
but to everyone else this was a Big Deal
The Elves stirred and murmured with astonishment, and Celeborn gazed at the Dwarf in wonder, but the Lady smiled. "It is said that the skill of the Dwarves is in their hands rather than in their tongues," she said; "yet that is not true of Gimli. For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous. And how shall I refuse, since I commanded him to speak? But tell me, what would you do with such a gift?" "Treasure it, Lady," he answered, "in memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days."
the elves went UM WHAT THE FUCK but galadriel just smiled because yeah, it was bold of him to ask, but he expected nothing and the only thing he would use it for would be to fix the (shitty) relationship between dwarves and elves.
so this look? when gimli tells legolas she gave him three hairs?
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i'm sure inside he's thinking "holy shit holy shit holy shit", but it's definitely a turning point in their friendship. because well, if galadriel deems him worthy...
and when gimli said the only thing he'd use it for was to fix the relationship between elves and dwarves? HE DID.
and then galadriel let legolas bring gimli into elf heaven.
i'm sure others can say this much more eloquently, but tl;dr: galadriel said 'fuck you fëanor, go gimli go'
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selfindulgentpixies · 9 months
Soothing words and decaf
Satoru Gojo x Reader x Suguru Geto one shot
When nightmares wake you up once again your boyfriends decide they can't just leave you to sit up alone. Gn!reader, reader wears glasses and has bad eyesight, not stated where in the timeline this is. It's an AU where Suguru never left though. This is really just to comfort myself because my nightmares have been bad lately and making sleep super difficult. It why i've been slow on writing stuff because i'm tired a lot. Also i couldn't decide on just one of them for this comfort fic and needed to be doted on by both. Pls excuse any typos or mistakes
You wake with a start, a stuttering in your chest and a choked gasp. You gaze blearily up at the ceiling, your current location slowly invades your senses and pushes away the personal hell your subconscious  had been creating for you. There’s warm breath fanning over the crown of your head. It would probably be ruffling your bangs if not for the fact they were plastered to your forehead by the sweat. You glance to your right and see that at some point in his sleep Satoru had decided you were his personal teddy bear. Your eyes then drift to the left and you jolt slightly to find that Suguru is blinking back at you with a combination of tiredness and concern. 
“Another one?” He asks, voice low and thick with sleep. This had unfortunately become routine.
You go to speak and nothing comes out the first try but upon clearing your throat slightly and trying again you let out a small. “Yeah.. Go back to sleep, Sugu.” 
He huffs a little at your words and how you begin to try and wiggle out of Satoru’s arms without waking him. An impossible task given that all three of you weren’t what anyone could call heavy sleepers. Trauma will do that afterall. So it’s unsurprising when Satoru grumbles and tightens his grip on you. “You should take your own advice.” Satoru’s voice is just as gravely as Suguru’s and when you glance up you see him peering down at you with his impossibly bright eyes. 
“You know I can’t do that… Let me up and the two of you can get some sleep.” You scoot up to a sitting position, Satoru's arms wrapped around your waist making your task of reaching over him to the side table to get your glasses a far harder task than it needed to be. You whine and flop on him. Fine you’d just be blind. You wiggle down and under his arm, surprised he allowed you to do so as you slide to the end of the bed to get up. 
You didn’t feel like giving Satoru a chance to change his mind about letting you go so you don’t walk past him to get your glasses and instead just pad your way into the kitchen. Your shared apartment with the two men was so familiar you could probably navigate it wearing Satoru’s blindfold. 
Once you’re close enough to the microwave to make out the little glowing numbers you let out a huff. It wasn’t even five am yet. You’d maybe managed to get four hours of sleep which was becoming painfully typical. Today would be another day of surviving off coffee and hopefully slipping in a nap as soon as you got a chance. Your nightmares seemed to happen less when you slept during the day. 
You’re shuffling around the cupboards getting down what you need to make coffee when you hear quiet foot falls, perhaps near silent for someone else but your ears were sensitive and seemingly more so when you chose to mostly forgo being able to see. Anything beyond a couple feet away from you losing all clarity and blurring around the edges. Impressions of objects you only recognized based on familiarity.
Well mostly. “That’s the sea salt, love.” Suguru whispers against the shell of your ear as he takes the long cylindrical container from your hand to place back on the shelf and then grabs a very similar but not identical container that houses the sugar. 
You grumble. “Why do we even keep them next to eachother on the shelf?” Suguru’s hair tickling your neck makes you twitch slightly but you don’t brush it or him away as he leans over you, enveloping you in his warmth, resting his chin on your head as he bends at the waist and wraps his arms around your middle.
“Normally you’re wearing your glasses and can tell the difference.” there’s the smallest hint of amusement to his voice. 
You sigh. That was true. It annoys you but it’s true. You rock back on your heels and lean into his chest. “Really you should get more sleep. Go cuddle with Satoru, I’m sure he’s lonely trying to sleep alon-”
A loud yawn cuts through the kitchen as Satoru walks in. “Too late, already here.” 
“Seriously you both should-” 
“If we should be sleeping so should you. So either you come back to bed with us, or we’re all starting our day at this ungodly hour.” You feel Suguru’s jaw moving against the top of your head as he talks. 
You frown deeply, slouching in his hold. “I… can’t sleep okay? If i go back to sleep it’ll probably just start again.” 
Suguru hums and rocks the both of you back and forth. “Then it sounds like we’re all getting up then, right Satoru? “ He turns you both so you’re facing Satoru who’s much closer now.
Another yawn. “Sounds about right.” And as he says this he places your glasses on your face, bringing his own into focus for you. Satoru is beautiful as always but definitely looks like he needs more sleep. But you know very well how stubborn both he and Suguru are, they’re worse than you are. 
You cave. “Fine, stay up if you want then.” You wanted to sound petulant but instead you just sound tired. Suguru Squeezes you before rising to his full height and releasing you. “Go relax, I’ll make the coffee.” 
Before you can respond he gives you a small nudge in Satoru’s direction who doesn’t give you time to protest as he scoops you up and carries you toward the plush living room couch. He flops both of you down before rolling you so he’s squishing you into the plush fabric. “Satoruuuu-” You try to protest as he nuzzles into your neck. If you were more awake you might have caught on to what the two men were doing since in the kitchen Suguru put away the regular coffee and switched it out for decaf before brewing it. They still had some hope of lulling you back to sleep and caffeine wasn’t part of that. They knew you well enough that you likely just needed to be soothed and given time to get out of your head so you could be directed back to bed. 
“Mmm don’t want to cuddle me?” He pouts at you.
“You’re squishing me, you big menace!” 
The two of you go back and forth, you sinking back into the couch and giving Satoru his way despite complaining when what feels like suddenly Suguru is there holding two mugs of coffee and judging by the heap of whipcream on the third mug a cup of hot chocolate for Satoru. He kicks one of Satoru’s legs. “Move over and quit crushing them. “ 
Satoru grunts and starts to complain until he looks At Suguru and spots the mug topped with whipcream. He sits up quickly, suddenly looking angelic which earns a sigh from both you and the long haired man. You sit up and give Suguru a grateful smile as he passes you one of the steaming mugs. “Thank you, Sugu.” 
“Of course.” He leans forward and brushes his lips over your forehead. He gets you to scoot over slightly and as you often do you find yourself squished between the two men. You didn’t need to be squished, the couch was big enough, Satoru just seemed dead set on not moving further than he had to. 
You don’t really talk as you quietly sip at your coffee, instead listening to Satoru and Suguru talk about the upcoming day, voices low and soothing. You hardly notice when your mug is pulled from your hands and placed on the coffee table before you can spill the remnants of your drink on your lap. You blink rapidly realizing you’ve been completely zoned out only now to have Satoru’s face directly in yours. It’s brief because the next thing you know he’s picked you up for the second time that night, or rather morning. “Satoru-” You cut off in a yawn and wrap your arms around his shoulders, body shaking slightly with a stretch. 
“I think it’s time we head back to bed. Suguru and I have been talking to you and you haven’t even noticed,” he says amusement clear in his voice. You can hear Suguru in the background putting your mugs in the sink before following the two of you.
“Mm sorry,” you mumble against his shoulder, your glasses being pushed askew though you couldn’t care less. You feel more than hear Satoru laugh. And it feels like in the next blink he’s laying you back in bed, and gently slipping your glasses off before crawling in after you, wrapping you in his arms. It’s only a couple moments later that Suguru follows. A rough warm hand sliding under your sleep shirt to splay over your stomach. 
You’re finally back asleep then, safely tucked between the two of them where no harm can come to you, even if your dreams make you feel otherwise. The two of them will always be there to remind you that you’re safe.
@nanamikentoseyebags @strawberrystepmom @icy-spicy
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
gyutaro h/c with blind s/o
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pairing: gyutaro x reader
a/n: super sweet h/c about gyutaro! ALSO, i tried to make this gender neutral as possible, so I'm sorry if there's a bullet point that doesn't reflect that. I'm also trying to be inclusive in my writing (so i don't always include able-bodied readers) but if something is incorrect, please let me know! love you all!
even before turning into a demon, gyutaro wasn't happy with the way he looks
poor little baby was getting bullied, beaten, and shunned
so coming across someone that cannot see his face might help that insecurity a little bit (not that he wouldn't want someone who could see him, because if you truly loved him, it wouldn't be a problem)
how did you two meet? (in these scenarios, pretend like daki and him are separated/he isn't inside her body)
scenario one: you bump into him at night in some alley in the district trying to find your way back to your house. and he waits for the squeal of terror directed towards his face, or for you to run away. but instead, you bow, apologizing deeply. it's then that he notices your cane. you go to brush off his clothes when he grabs your hand and insists no harm was done. let him walk you home. why is he acting so nice? he doesn't know. but he doesn't like it. he hates humans, disgusting creatures. but this one seems ok.
scenario two: daki grabs you for your beauty, but he stops her from devouring you. why? who knows? maybe it's because he recognizes you from when you were kind to him. either way, you're his now.
just like when he was the primary guardian of his sister, he would love to feel like he was protecting you, even when you don't really need it
he would follow you around to make sure nobody would be mean
he would make sure there were no sharp objects around that you could potentially run into in areas you weren't familiar with
one night, the two of you were sitting on your futon, talking, hugging, doing whatever s/o and demon bf do, when you reached up to touch his face. he tensed up a bit, a little nervous of your soft hands feeling the uneven skin, but when you smiled at him, he saw you were genuinely happy. he might've shed a tear that night, but who knows?
you could feel his body tense up next to yours, but you didn't cease your movements. your hands, cupping his face, trying to map out what you couldn't see.
"mmmm, whatcha doing?"
"just trying to feel what you look like."
"'fraid there isn't much there, love."
"nonsense. you are gorgeous."
(sniff. "are you crying?" "no it's just raining." "..." "we're inside.")
his hands reach up to cover yours, slowly entwining your fingers as he puts them into his lap. he rests his forehead on yours, and the two of you sit that way for a while before you reach up and press a small kiss to his lips.
"thank you."
"for what?"
"loving me as i am."
"and you, me." (<- a/n: this part was so rough for me to think of. i literally had a brainfart and was like, how do you respond to this... 'ditto?' 'same here?' i wanted it to be romantic lmao.)
this man wouldn't hesitate to kill for you. fr. you saw what he did to that samurai that got ume. he would annihilate them.
i'm trying to think... how would he respond to you aging? like would he just let you die of old age? would he turn you into a demon? like this man has never felt so loved and accepted by someone (who wasn't his sister), and i don't think he would let you go that easily.
love languages: physical touch. this man was STARVED of loving physical contact as a child. please hug him.
words of affirmation. mans doesn't regret becoming a demon, so don't say anything like that. but maybe, "you're so pretty", or "best bf ever" or "you're too good to me." mans would be one of three things.
one, weeping. crying his eyes out. hugging you, or your waist (depending on where the two of you are)
two, bashful. little embarrassed about his reaction, but he loves and CRAVES the attention. little head kisses as thanks.
three, literally throwing you onto the bed and just going crazy.
fucks you into next week.
his love languages towards you: acts of service. physical touch. enough said.
very loving though. just don't flirt with anyone else, even to get a rise out of him. toxic gyutaro fr. mans is a demon. how else would he react?
a/n: AHHH hope this is enjoyable! let me know if you want more h/c from characters. i'm literally obsessed with demon slayer rn...
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ratcash-wasgud · 6 months
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Hey hey hey! Wah this turned out to a rollercoaster lmao! Okay, so I'm actually super happy that I was finally able to write this part of the story, but beware, this is will contain a little smut, not too much though. Plus, I'm trying to fit the frustrations I had during watching the series into the story if that makes sense. Anyways, sorry for the possible spelling mistakes, and I'll try to continue as soon as I'm able to.
Like swimming in the sunset /part three/
As Mizu was heading back to the house, she kept her gaze on the ground. She felt ashamed, those thoughts she has while bathing still lingering in her mind. She walked through the woods, deep in thought until she was snapped out of it by a bow landing on a tree, right next to her head. She gripped her broken sword, her eyes scanning the scenery like a hawk, until you stepped out from behind a bush.
"Ah, Mizu! Sorry, are you hurt? I just heard movement and shot withouth thinking!" You hurry over to her with a bow in hand and concern filling your eyes. Mizu took a moment in to take that in, and pulled the arrow out from the tree. You moved close to her, looking for any injury you could've caused, and even put a hand on her face to tilt it so you could see better.
Your touch ignited her skin, and the hair stood up on her nape. Her face stayed deadpan, even if she was burning with every touch of your fingertips. It made her frustrated. She quickly shoved your hand away, which left you a little confused. "I'm fine." She says simply. "Why do you have that?" She asks, her eyes squinting at your bow.
"I'm hunting." You answer with a shrug and take the arrow from her hands, inspecting the crack that appeared on it's tip.
"Why are you the one doing it?" Mizu asks again, her tone as cold as ever...maybe even colder that what you're used to. She wanted to push you away a little...it's as if your touch, your voice...it made her crazy in some way, and she didn't know what to do with it. She knew she shouldn't feel this way.
"What, you expect my blind grandfather to hunt?" A small chuckle leaves your lips, and it makes Mizu's cheeks flush, but not in a way you could notice.
"Taigen?" She asks. She doesn't want you to be hunting. You're precious. What's next, will you be chopping wood too?
"Taigen can't hold a bow. He's a swordsman." You say with a shurg and a small smirk, putting your weight onto one leg. "Here, let me show you how to do it." You say, putting the cracked arrow into the arrow holder on your back, and taking out a new new one as you start walking. Your steps are quiet as you eyes scan the enviroment. Mizu walks after you in silence, but she's not watching the forest...she's watching you. You changed more than she could've realized. Sure, you could do things on your own back then too, but...she doesn't like seeing you do stuff she could do for you.
Suddenly, you stop, and you stop her too with putting a hand on her chest. That makes her breath hitch, as she sucks in a deep and quick breath through her nostrils. She doesn't even see the small rabbit you're pointing at first, since she's too focused on your touch where her...breasts are. You doesn't know that, but you're directly touching one under her haori and the bindings. That's only two layers. She can almost feel the warmth of your touch on her skin...and it makes her tingle. She wants that touch directly on her skin, she wants to feel you...but she could never get it.
She only gets pulled out of her mind when you let out a small victory "yay!" as you shot the rabbit, and rush to collect it. "Look! Must be almost three pounds!" You say with an excited smile, showing off the dead animal. It's such a surreal sight to Mizu. As you carry the rabbit back, she walks by your side in silence. She remembers the times you sat in silence with you in her childhood, but this was a different kind of silence. It felt...awkward. Like you were a stranger to her.
"So," You start, breaking the silence. "I heard Taigen has a bride." You say, trying to bring up any topic that comes to mind. "Akemi, right? Have you met her?" It doesn't seem like you noticed how much this topic irks Mizu. She narrows her eyes at the path you tow are walking through, and chews on the inside of her cheek.
"Yeah." She murmurs. "Once." She says, and from her tone you can tell...that's all she's gonna say. She doesn't know why she feels so awkward in front of you. Maybe because of that fluttering feeling, maybe because her imagination ran wild while she bathed, maybe because your touch still burns on her chest...whatever it is, it's new. It's not often she feels awkward.
"...and he's your age, right?" You say quietly, glancing at her with a smile. "Have you...thought about settling down too when you finish your quest?" Mizu can feel her heart skip a beat. Are you...hinting at something? Do you want her to settle down with you? Now that she's thinking about it, it would be pretty normal to marry the boy you grew up with, the only thing is...Mizu's not a man. Could she ever tell you that? Would you hate her?
On the other hand, you must like her as a man, if you're hinting at settling down together, even if that meant getting looks for marrying a halfbreed. She remembers how she felt towards Mikio in the best days of their short time together...and she wonders if you feel that way towards her too. Would it be too bad to pretend to be a man forever and live as your husband one day? Would that be possible, Mizu wonders.
"You know, there's a very pretty albino woman in town...I don't think she would mind your eyes, and she'd make a nice wife one day." You hum, and Mizu's train of thought suddenly crashes.
You...are you trying to set Mizu up with some other outcast? Mizu's jaw thightens. Suddenly, pretending to be a man and being someone's husband disgusts her. She knows it's a sick thing to want, but she wants to settle down with you, not some...other woman. Why do you want her to marry someone else? Do you dread staying by her side this much? Do you...have someone else you want to settle down with? It hurts her. She hates it and it makes her act indifferent.
"I don't want you to decide who I'm settling down with." Mizu says harshly, her eyes glaring. In reality, she's not mad at you. She's mad at the situation, her feelings...herself in general. But somethimes...it's not in her power to control her anger. "Do you even know what you're saying? You think I can't find somebody myself?" Mizu says, stopping in her tracks to look at you, her blue eyes colder than ice. "You don't you have the right."
"What?" Your eyebrows shoot up. "No, I was just suggesting!" You try to defend yourself, but Mizu has already stormed off, walking ahead. She doesn't know why she's acting like this. Is it jealousy? Maybe...maybe it is. As she walks back to the house, she's faced with...Ringo.
She slowly sits down next to the guy who's chopping dried up herbs, making spices. "I..." Mizu starts, then sighs. "Can we talk?" She asks, and the previously still fussy Ringo's gaze softens and he nods.
"You and Master Eiji's grand daughter...are you two not on good terms anymore?" Ringo asks cautiously. It seems like even he can read the room and force his bluntness down.
Mizu bites the inside of her cheek. "...I'm not sure."
Ringo sighs. "She really likes you. While you were still unconcious she was worried sick. All she talked about was you, and the time you spent together as children." He says with a small comforting smile. That plants a warm feeling inside Mizu's heart, and then guilt spreads all over her being. "She's a kind soul, Master, but I'm sure you're the one who knows that the most. So...I'm sure if you asked her to open her heart, she'd do it."
Mizu thinks...does she wants you to open your heart to her while she's about leave, and possibly never come back? She remembers when you were taken away by your father, and she broke inside. Maybe, when she leaves it will feel that way for you too...it's a sick thing, but that makes her a little happy. She wants you to miss her while she's not by your side.
"Maybe I will." Mizu sighs, then looks at Ringo from the corner of her eyes. "...thank you." She even shoots him a little smile. "Useful." She murmurs, and Ringo smiles back.
Mizu stands up and goes to find you next to the fireplace. Before she enters the house, she stops in her tracks. She hears you giggling...along with some other voice. Eiji is not inside, she knows that since he was outside picking out wood, so...it's Taigen. Mizu can't force herself to step inside, so she just...stands there. Peaking and listening.
"Oh, you're just a jerk." You laugh while Taigen holds up the kitchen knife too high for you to reach. "Come on! The food I'd like to make with that is your dinner too! You're playing against yourself." You say, playfully flicking his forehead.
"Jump then. Jump and get it." Taigen dangles the knife above your head with a smirk. It was strange to see Taigen like this. So this is how he acts around women...knowing he has a bride too, ugh. The guy's just awful.
"As if." You say and punch him in the side, which makes him hunch over and you quickly grab your kitchen knife from his hand.
"Hey! That was a low blow!" Taigen eventually starts laughing too, and pushes you, making you drop the knife, and he tackles you to the ground and you yelp. It makes Mizu want to throw up, seeing Taigen on top of you like this. Thankfully you quickly flip him over, pining him down by sitting on him. You seem...stronger than you look. Mizu always saw you as delicate but...seeing you this way, flipping a grown man over with ease and holding him down, is...doing something to Mizu.
At first you and Taigen just look at eachother, giggling before his eyes widen and he goes quiet. You just look at him, confused for a couple seconds before you eyebrows shoot up and your cheeks turn fully red. You jump off him, and turns towards the wall, revealing what was the cause of the sudden mood change...Taigen go hard.
Mizu's eyes widen and she feels...she feels disgusted and shocked at the same time. How dare he, is the first thing that comes to her mind. But what really twists her insides is your reaction. You seem...flustered, if anything. She hates is. Why did that fluster you, and not make you enraged?
Oh, right...he's a man, and a man you, for some reason, don't hate.
As Taigen apologizes and mutters something about probably just missing Akemi, you quickly and awkwardly rush out of the room, and when you do, you crash into Mizu. She doesn't even care about getting caught eavsdropping, she feels...crushed. Like she just lost a race she didn't even knew she wanted to win. But now she knows she wants to. She wants to win, so bad. You stare at her, your cheeks still red as Mizu grabs your wrist before you could react, and starts pulling you towards the forest.
"Mizu?" You asks, eyebrows lifted, still under some shock. "You saw that?"
"Keep quiet." Mizu says, and after dragging you to the forest, she corners you against a tree. "Taigen? Really?" She hisses.
"What? You think that was something I anticipated?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing. "If I had a choice, that would've never happened." You say, slowly reaching out to touch her arm. This time, even if only that tender touch makes her shiver, she doesn't push your hand away.
"Don't act fool. I see how much you like being around him." Mizu says, her eyes narrowing at you. She isn't thinking clear. It's like she's drunk on jealousy.
"Taigen is entertraining, I'll admit that. But that's where it ends." You say. "I...I'd never chose him over you. I'd rather be around you, but you hardly allow it." You whisper softly. Thos words...they make Mizu's heart band on her ribcage, roaring inside her chest.
Then Mizu takes a deep breath and... "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'm not sure...what's with me. Maybe I got a concussion." She says, lowering her gaze.
Then, she quietly gasps as she feels your hand move op her hand and slowly reach her neck, caressing the skin. She's now almost breathing hard, her gaze burning a hole into yours. All while your other hand slowly glides up her chest. Her hand flies to your waist by instinct and she slowly pulls you closer and she lets out a shaky breath.
"I meant that...I wouldn't choose him over you...or anyone for that matter." Mizu feels herself melt inside. A warm feeling taking over her whole body, something that turns her heart into a pile of honey. She feels like...she's swimming in a sunset. She then, before she could regret it, leans forward and pushes her lips against yours. The best feeling is that you don't hesitate to return that kiss, and you even take control of it. She finds herself with her lips parted, your tongue inside her mouth as she's desperately collects your saliva, savoring your taste. As the kiss keeps going, you slowly take her hand, and place it on your chest...your breasts, to be exact.
Mizu jumps on the opportunity and slides her hand inside your kimono, her fingers finally feeling your skin. And oh, you're so warm. Her hand enveloping on of your breasts, squeezing it gently, just to feel how soft it and...it's softer than she imagined. She feels your nipple harden against her palm, and she pushes against it. It's a feeling she never expected to like...but she loves it. You're body's reacting to her, and it's doing it so nicely too...she wants more. She rolls it between her fingers, which makes you sigh into the kiss. Mizu can't get enough of this.
This all happened so fast, too fast, but at the same time not fast enough. Her head is spinning as she pulls away from the kiss, gulping your saliva down as she opens your kimono and slides it off your shoulder. She leans in to lock the nipple between her lips, and it takes all of Mizu's willpower not to moan as she feels it against her skin. She softly licks it first before she gently sucks on it for a couple seconds, and she glances up at you with narrowed eyes, gauging at your reaction. When she feels your hand in her hair, and hears your soft moan, she feels something warm coating her inner thighs. She does it again, and again as your sound, taste and feeling makes her pant and her hands slightly shake.
Oh, she wants this. She wants this so bad.
But then she's pulled out of the moment, her eyes widening when she feels your hand on her crotch.
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theragethatisdesire · 9 months
random poly!erejean headcanons bc i said so ❤︎₊ ⊹
some of these are going to end up nsfw i'm sure so i'm going to put a cut at some point but i just love this little throuple and u guys need to know as much about them as me and @fictional-d-supremacy
it takes eren the longest to adjust to everything (to be fair, he went from "wait, a threesome would be fun...especially with jean!" to "why especially with jean?" to "wait...jean.")
so it's understandable that it takes eren a bit to understand his attraction towards jean and jean's towards him, both of them are hesitant and crossing that bridge of best friends -> unexpected relationship
but one day you come over unexpectedly to find them snuggled up on the couch together, eren tucked under one of jean's arms and your heart just melts - naturally they LEAP up when you catch them and are super pink and eyeing each other suspiciously
jean goes a little too long without a hair cut and eren (after some manhandling) drags him in front of you one day, both of their hair tied back in identical buns. "look babe, twins!"
going on a date night with the three of you is damn near impossible
jean and eren bicker constantly about the restaurant. jean wants to wear the same red button-down that eren's already got on and claims he's called dibs. eren wants to have sex but you're all already fifteen minutes late for the reservation
all that to say jean gets to show off his cooking abilities a lot considering how many dinner reservations you miss
it turns out jean is the only person that can dom eren. eren loves to talk shit to you, but jean can shut him right up. sometimes jean's in the mood to play good cop/bad cop (like we've seen in the fics), but other times, your sex life just goes in a cycle of jean pulling the strings and you and eren smiling up at him with hearts in your eyes
eren finds out that he loves giving head. neither you or jean can get out the door without eren trailing after you begging to "just give it a kiss goodbye"
jean teaches you how to help him make eren cum without anyone touching him (you didn't even know guys could do that, and neither did eren)
when it finally happens, eren's eyes are as big as saucers while jean and you just smirk at him
"what just happened?" "you came." "i-i- but, i know, but-" "i think we broke him."
birthdays are a HUGE deal
especially since two of you can gang up on whoever's the birthday princess (regardless of gender, the birthday boy/girl has to wear the "birthday princess" crown that eren got you for your birthday a few years ago)
you've come home on several instances to find the air in the apartment chilly and jean and eren not speaking only to find out one beat the other in a video game
even once they're comfortable and mushy and in love, jean and eren still insist on you sleeping in between them
1. "because you're our princess!" 2. "because jean snores." 3. "yeah? well eren kicks." you wind up both the body pillow and the punching bag for them
you and jean love to get eren all flustered by telling him how pretty he looks before you head out. little cheek/forehead kisses make him scowl and blush without fail.
alternatively, you and eren love to rile jean up by sending him nudes and nasty videos while he's at work. you both pay for it later, but it's so worth it.
i feel like they just pick you up 24/7? like they've absolutely swung you back and forth with one holding your arms and one holding your ankles just to piss you off while you're reading on the couch
when you get your period, the boys secretly call it your "monstruation" period. jean chastises eren for it all the time, but he's the one that slips up and clues you in on it
eren's in charge of snacks and movies to keep you comfortable, jean's in charge of medicine and keeping the tampon/pad drawer stocked
eren absolutely buys stupid "his/hers/his" things for the house like mugs and matching towels. denies being the one that bought them when they show up in the mail
"we must have a secret admirer- i mean, not like i blame them or anything. we're hot."
i have so many more i just didn't want this to be an absolute MONSTER of a post lol. like yes, is poly!erejean a smutty dream? sure, but the FLUFF potential!!! that's what gets me! i just love them <3
if you guys want more please tell me i will never shut up about them ever
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could you do anemo boys hcs for your bday?
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A/N: since there's five of them, i made each a bit short :( sorry, i hope that's ok! trying out formatting too hehe >:)
Characters: Heizou, Kazuha, Scara, Venti, Xiao
Warnings: None!
In his birthday voiceline to the traveler, he mentions wanting to take them to some sort of locked room!
So I think he'd take you two to an escape room (do they have those in teyvat?...)
If you can solve the puzzles, he'd secretly find that really attractive.
Who am I kidding, "secretly"? He'd tell you about how cool you were the entire way home.
If you can't, he tries to drop subtle hints, enough to set you in the right direction but not enough to make you feel like you weren't doing anything.
When you finally got it he would be so proud!!!
He'd probably tease you for taking so long, tho
If you tell him to stop he will, but if you find it funny too, he won't stop with it until... well.... who knows, honestly.
He just wants the two of you to have fun :)))
ugh literally SO SWEET
Probably brings you breakfast, and does whatever tasks you have on the Alcor so you can sleep in longer!
Wakes you with a super sweet poem :)
His gift, honestly, is probably an entire notebook of poems written just for you!
When the Alcor gets docked and you guys get to go on land, he takes you to a bakery - in his voiceline with the traveler, he mentions wanting to get them cake for their birthday.
Makes you his specialty dish at the end of the day and you fall asleep together <3
I know I keep mentioning their birthday voicelines but Scara's is literally so cute!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6fxFXU7w64&ab_channel=Michi <---This is it
So like in his voiceline he takes you somewhere pretty. Maybe he doesn't exactly know how to act or what to do on your birthday but if 500 years of existence doesn't give a puppet a catalogue of the most beautiful places in Teyvat I don't know what will.
Let's just say he takes you to Mawtimiya Forest!
Since it's in Sumeru he'd try to avoid Nahida, purely because he thought she'd embarrass him in typical older-sister/mother figure fashion.
She'd find you two anyways... she's the Goddess of Wisdom, after all!
Nahida would share some embarrassing stories of his hopeless pining while you three had a picnic on top of one of those weird blue mushroom thingies.
Eventually she'd leave you two to it, and you just decided to camp on said weird blue mushroom thingie and fall asleep under the stars!
Brings you to the Angel's Share!
Prepare for a nonstop onslaught of embarrassingly sappy ballads, especially when he gets drunk, lmao.
It's cute though, and most people come over at some point to wish you a happy birthday, whether you know them or not :p
If you somehow feed him enough food and water to get him back to a semi-sober state, at night, he'll take you up to the hands of the statue of him in front of the cathedral.
He'd somehow get EVEN SAPPIER, and now that he's regained some of his faculties, he's very poetic.
Idc HOW good you are at keeping your emotions hidden, he WILL make you blush at some point.
You two talk up there until you fall asleep and then he flies you back over to your house, leaving some dandelions in an empty vase in your room.
Kind of like Scara, he takes you out to nature, but instead of there being a specific destination, the two of you just kinda go for a walk.
He's freaking out the entire time, because he's worried you're going to get hurt by his karmic debt.
In fact, you probably had to ask him to go on a walk with you, and he agreed only after he had cleared out the entire forest of hilichurls.
Catches some crystalflies for you, makes you some food using fresh ingredients, is overall really sweet (as much as he can be)… but you can tell that he's hiding something.
Eventually (guess what... I'm referencing the birthday lines again...) you ask him what's up and he finally shows you.
He made an adepti amulet to protect you, but was embarrassed to give it to you!
He tries to run away after that, so if you make him stay, you two can go into Liyue Harbor and get some food (something he hardly ever does, so you're special!)
Honestly, you keep him sane, so he's happy that he could give you at least one good day.
And that's it! Tysm for requesting! Future note tho I probably won't be doing requests with more than three or four characters, just so that I can make sure the writing is okay!
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poppy-metal · 7 months
Every Uperclassmen!Jordan post hits harder than the last for me because I'm a freshman right now (I'm French so it's not how it's called but it's equivalent) and all I need right now is for Jordan to take some stress of my shoulders and make me feel like I've been actually productive by teaching me how to have actual good sex, because let's be honest, actually fucking with real people scares me so much I might stay a virgin forever.
So like, imagine their ringed hands on your thighs as they slowly eat you out in frat house bathroom, working their way up to three fingers inside your tight pussy and sucking on your clit till you can't breathe anymore. Marveling at the way you moan and whimper sinful praises of their work as you get lost in the pleasure.
Her in female form after working out in the gym, coaxing you into riding her thigh until you're dripping with cum, her muscular leg doing an amazing work at making you see stars.
Her teaching you how to pleasure them, feral at the way you innocent happy eyes look at them with tears seeping out of it as you choke a bit in their cock. Loving how debauched you look with wetness on your chin as you sucked on her clit (they didn't cum the first time but it's okay cause you kinda wanna do it again to prove you're worthy of being their "sex apprentice")
Working their way up through every sexperiments you might wanna try before actually getting into real "taking your virginity" deal, even though at this point, you're not a virgin anymore in your head.
Them hissing at how you're so tight as they spear you on their cock, pushing it in inch by inch, shushing your little cries and kissing you better every now and then, the feeling of your pussy around them making them wanna just slam you down their cock and fuck you like an animal. Praising your good behavior "sooo good for me, bunny, such a good girl. You're doing so well." and you think you might faint at how their voice sends you to fucking heaven.
Imagine her in fem form hitting it from the back, hard, this time, and smirking in satisfaction because you take it so fucking well, and they're proud of their little bunny, of how they've corrupted their good innocent freshie girl so well she's turned into a freaky sex obsessed (and Jordan obsessed let's not lie) slut. And they love it. Hitting you with a "that's it, good girl, letting me use that princess cunt, you're so good for daddy", and basking in the way you answer "I love it so much, daddy !" between moans.
But also... Imagine them being there for you through every freshman year mental breakdown because you're not accustomed to how hectic the rhythm is, forcing you to take breaks, shower, eat with them if you dont' wanna be alone, drink water. Helping you with your classes, when you just don't get it (because why the hell should there be statistics in the psychology major mendatory classes ?!). Imagine Jordan shifting from your stress reliever friend with benefits to your rock in a world you don't really want to navigate in, taking care of you as much as you do them, if not more. But they love it, they love feeling useful to someone, and with you, the love you give them, the way you make them feel safe and cared for ? They feel like a super hero, your super hero.
And they realize maybe it's all they need to be happy....
I meant to write an entirely smutty thing but digressed on Jordan Li's ass being sappy and simping as fuck... They have me whipped I swear ❤️
puts my head in my hands.
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theshinazugawaslut · 6 months
Always here to help, Esha😘💕
Anyway, thoughts on Toxic Nemi? Not like super toxic but like…still toxic yk?😵‍💫
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Controlling, manipulative, and possessive; those are the best three words to use for toxic Sanemi. Whether it's set in the canon-verse or a modern AU (I've written this with more of a modern-AU in mind but I wouldn't mind making two seperate ones on request. However, I do also use references to the canon verse (training, missions, ect.).)
He loves you, he really does — he doesn't want to ever have to hurt you but he's doing it for your own good, don't you understand?
It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust others around you. How can you blame him? You have such beautiful, shimmering eyes and the prettiest smile, you could tempt anyone.
It starts off small: clingy little gestures like always keeping an arm around you, perhaps his rough hands dig just right into the plump flesh of your hips or perhaps his arm wraps around your sweet stomach, forearm resting against your belly whilst his fingers stroke some skin under your shirt as you go out shopping with him, excitedly showing him something you like. He listens to you but his lilac eyes burn into every passerby, his gaze almsot shadowing you from anyone's view with the promise of bloody murder in those eyes you find so very sweet.
He stands unnecessarily close to you, invading every inch of personal space he possibly can with that charming smile on his face, wants your eyes on just him and wants to make sure he can shield you from everyone else's filthy eyes.
If you're going out — mission, training, or in a modern AU where you're going shopping, visiting a friend — Sanemi is already slipping on his shoes and his haori (or jacket), looking at you with his usual serious face.
"I'm comin' with you, sweetheart," he says simply, blunt fingertips gentle brushing against your cheek, placing a chaste kiss on your jaw to make you listen. "Can't let you out alone, can I? What typa man would that make me, hmm?"
He swears it's for your safety and even when you protest you're meeting a friend at a cafe or simply going on a mission, he's tagging along, snarling when you try to deny him.
"Why do you not want me to come? Are you hiding something from me? Do I embarrass you?" he asks, making his eyes vulnerable and soft, making himself look sad and hurt, the way he knows that'll make you sag your shoulders and let him come along.
Hence, Sanemi follows you everywhere, even in the house. If you're sitting down — writing a letter to another Hashira or in a modern-day verse, texting someone on your phone — he's got an arm around your shoulder, lilac eyes watching your every move sharply.
"Baby, who's that?" he asks innocently, pointing to a contact as you had been mindlessly scrolling down your list of numbers to find a specific one.
"Oh, he's a friend from highschool," you answer and he scowls.
"Remove him," he orders and when you try to deny him, he nuzzles himself into your neck. "Baby, please, you care about me more, right? Not this rando, hmm?"
He grins when he watches you delete the contact.
He's also a bit shameless to get his point across to your friends and all the other people who ogle at your pretty person, kissing and suckling softly at your neck in public even as you squeal in protest.
He veils threats as well, ones he disguises as teasing or jokes but will wholeheartedly act upon should he deem he should.
"Tch, fuckin' bastard, I'll break his hands if he thinks of touching you."
"Do you really need to be visiting your family all the time? It'd be a shame if they got sick of you..."
"Baby doll... Don't keep talking to that idiot, I'll lock you in the house."
He doesn't like you going out to meet other people. Hell, he doesn't even want you to work (as a Hashira or as anything else in a modern-day verse).
He doesn't care if it's your family, friends, colleagues. He's all you should need. All you should want.
So he kisses you madly when you try to leave the house, wraps (traps) you up in muscled arms and kisses you breathless, senseless; littering mulberry, dark hickeys onto your jaw, neck, collar, undoing your clothes so he can worship your cunt.
"See, baby? 'm all ya need," he murmurs against your clit, licking at your folds, plunging his wet muscle into your hole as you cry out. "Let's stay home today, you can go 'nother day."
He marks you often as well — there's not a day where you aren't desperately trying to wear scarves to hide the mark of Sanemi's teeth against your neck or his love bites all across your body.
"You look so pretty, what are you doing?" he says, brows furrowing as he removes the scarves to gaze at you in the looking glass. He looks angry, scowl marring his rugged features. "You don't like them? You don't like what I do with you, to you?"
Your eyes widen, trying to explain yourself desperately before he gets upset, before he gets angry, and keeps you here till you apologise. "No, 'Nemi, of course I love it but it's a bit innappropriate-"
"-I love you and you're calling it indecent?" he hisses, hands coming on your shoulder to turn you around. "You truly think I'm some sorta monster than you gotta hide what I do to you? I thought you loved me."
"I do, I do, I do, I love you so much, 'Nemi, I won't wear the scarves, I promise," you murmur, grabbing his face to kiss him, and he smiles against your lips, victorious.
Sanemi controls your every aspect soon. He likes your fashion but he'd prefer if you'd only doll up just for him, and if you wish to go out, he's damn well at your side.
He glowers at you as you excitedly show him a dress you plan on wearing for the day and when your doe eyes widen in upset that he doesn't like it, he kisses your neck, up your jaw, then your temple, kissing you multiple times, his mouth like a drug to you.
"God, you look gorgeous," he murmurs, "but it's too much, hmm? Change into that lilac dress, yeah? You'll look so much sweeter, doll."
It started off like that but it's get to the point that he starts throwing tantrums, desperate and pathetic, when he sees you wear a dress that shows off the shoulders that he ends up kissing till they're bruised.
When you start crying, he cradles your face, kissing your face all over, wetly and open-mouthed. "Oh, baby, I only want what's best for you, don't you want to listen to me?" He cups the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair, mouth desperately kissing your cheek, your nose, your brow. "Oh, don't cry, baby... I'm only doing what's best for you, why won't you listen to me? You wouldn't be crying if you'd. Just. Listen." One hand moves to squeeze your waist, to stroke the tender skin of your lower stomach where your womb lay beneath. "You wanna look pretty? I'll make you look fuckin' pretty- Why're you so damn stubborn? I love you, I love you so goddamn much and this is how you repay me? I buy all the pretty shit you wear, I buy it all for you so you fuckin' owe it to me to listen to me. Aye? Got it?"
When you nod, tears being stroked gently off your face, Sanemi smiles as though he hadn't even yelled at you or kissed you senseless. "Atta girl, my good girl."
But other times, it's not about what you wear but more of who you talk to, he scowls when he catches you talking to someone, and heaven forbid you manage to hang out/train with someone else without him finding out.
He keeps a track of you, always, whether you like it or not. If it's keeping a tracker on you or perhaps stalking you whenever you leave.
He'll go beserk, yelling and huffing, grabbing at your elbows, trying to drag you back home where you belong, and if that doesn't work, he'll cry and beg for you to never leave him, sobbing against your thighs that he wants you stay.
"Why did you lie to me?" he cries. "I thought- I thought you trusted me, don't you love me? I trust you with all my heart, I do everything for you, why can't you love me back the same?!"
And he lets that guilt fester at your heart, makes sure you never even try to utter the word 'break up' or 'leave' him (and if you ever even tried, he'd cover that pretty mouth of yours that he loves so much with his large, broad hand, his eyes bloodshot and crazed, kissing your forehead softly as his hand tightens your delicate face and squeezes till it feels your cheekbones will snap and teeth will shatter. "Don't even dare," he whispers against your ear, kissing your earring, "I'll fucking strangle you if I have to, if it means you'll stay, or maybe I should strangle that darling sister you care so much for...").
He proposes to you quite quickly as well — you're his one and only, his piece of perfection, the only one that matters. He plans the wedding precisely how you would want it and it makes you forget all the bad aspects as he dotes on you for the rest of your life, very rarely having to remind you of your place as you become a perfect housewife for him.
You love him just as much now, whining his name when he has to leave for awhile, but he always kisses and bites you, murmurs how much he loves you (and you know he means it).
He makes sure to bounce you on his cock almost every night, loving how you sob his name is ecstacy, and he makes sure to stuff you full until your belly swells nice and round with his children.
God, he's always wanted a big family, he's always wanted to make sure you never had a single fucking choice other than him.
And he loves it, how you give him child after child, how utterly divine you look as you giggle and chatter, carrying his baby as he kisses your stomach over and over whilst his other children play at your feet.
You really couldn't resist him, could you?
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 2
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I got my regular inbox from @notfreetoday I adore you. Thank you for always taking the time to explain things and cheer me on. So let's start this post off with some info from them. Also, if you haven't read ep 1 first, that can be found here.
"Oh oh @LutaWolf 💜 you might want to know - about the whole dryer/only 1 bedsheet thing - The author of the original manga clarified through a tweet that the line "it's been 3 years since then" that was posted in Ep 1 actually meant it's been 3 years since the convo they had in the library - at this point in the story they've only been living together for a few months. Hahaha, too many people were confused by how they've been supposedly together for 3 years but seem relatively new to each other"
For further elaborations from notfreetoday check out their post here.
Poor Yoh, he's already missing the D. Bless him. I personally feel this is a valid response to a lack of sex. I would likely have skipped making the cute doll and gone straight to the priest. But that's just me.
As soon as Segasaki enters the house, he's looking for Yoh. When he looks around and notices a dark home, he goes right to his room. Yoh is concerned because he thinks this must be due to Segasaki wanting food, but Segasaki immediately corrects this.
There is a lot going on. First, Segasaki knows something is wrong with Yoh. Okay so, it's been three years since the conversation but a few months of living together. Yet Segasaki already seems to catch on to things concerning Yoh, which I would expect from a Dom but not this fast. It makes me wonder how long Segasaki actually had been watching Yoh prior to even approaching him with the deal. Also, he left the door open when he left. Like offering up an invitation. Come out here. Come be with me.
Then in the next scene. There he is, immediately sitting down and being with Yoh.
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Sure, he makes excuses as to why, but only Yoh doesn't realize their excuses. He's also being super considerate. He could demand Yoh spend time with him, but he's trying to find Yoh's boundaries. Then when Yoh goes to fix him a plate, he immediately stops him. Though it's in such a stoic way as to confuse Yoh.
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A Dom can feel insecure too, and that's what I feel we may be seeing from Segasaki. Which is why we are getting attention seeking demands from him. That Yoh once again completely misreads. Segasaki wants to feel connected to him.
Again, he notices something off with Yoh and asks, but Yoh doesn't talk. And he doesn't push. The drink. I freaking love that he drinks from Yoh. I do this so often but have never seen it represented in a show or movie before, it tickles me.
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These two are both so in love with each other, but they're both just stupid. Waking him up to make sure he goes and sleeps in a bed. Segasaki's sadness at being late and likely missing the Yoh making him dinner. You can see Yoh's instant sadness at being told not to make dinner for him. For all he complains about being a "servant" he sure does get upset when the duties are taken away. And let me repeat, in my opinion he is in no way a slave/servant, that's just how he views himself. It is not how Segasaki views him, and for a slave/servant he is given far too many liberties.
Here is the thing about M/s relationships. The master owns the slave. Slaves have absolutely no power. The best example is actually Hira from My Beautiful Man, prior to them developing a relationship anyway. Now, outside of fiction, the submissive 100% consents to this. This is not what we are seeing with Yoh. He is giving off all kinds of brat vibes, and Segasaki is allowing it. Which is why I'm saying what I'm saying about Yoh.
In general, M/s and BT/b won't be in the same room. We have a whole different view on D/s relationships. A Brat Tamer and brat will likely have experience in M/s relationships, but a M/s will have zero experience in BT/b relationships. Did I lose you? A Brat Tamer and brat when entering the kink community will often explore themselves and all the D/s spectrums, but once landing on BT/b, they stop. They've found themselves. A Master and slave will never explore BT/b, we either disgust them or confuse them.
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I adore how he realized what he was doing and threw down the teruteru bouzu like it was going to contaminate him.
Ugh, why we got to talk about a woman's cleavage. Especially as another female. Why put a female down over fucking tits? I get that this story line is meant to sure as initiating the jealousy from Yoh. I personally don't appreciate it, though. They could have easily established it without discussing how a female should or should not dress. Honestly, though, I think they did it in order to put the woman's tits on display, and I'm not mad at it. I hit the pause button and gave suitable appreciation for the support that bra was giving her.
Segasaki is completely oblivious to anyone other than Yoh and given the opportunity of getting home early to him. He is taking it. Sorry party lovers.
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OH, that look Segasaki gives after the initial "huh!" is a look that I'm sure had subs alike backing up from their screen. That look, is a Dom's I'll be damned, look. I personally got giddy over it. Yup, "You have the nerve to do this when someone is holding back?" The fact that he was allowed to push him away, and rather than getting punished, Segasaki begins cleaning up after him. That's a Brat Tamer and brat. Each Dom in my opinion has a different type of patience. You can't beat a Deep Dom when it comes to play but lifestyle, that's hands down a Brat Tamer. We are more likely to be charmed and amused by things that would set other Doms off. But there are no doubts that he is Dom. He said stop drinking, and he isn't backing down.
Oh, that shut up takes him by surprise and pauses him. His face tightens in annoyance, but he waits and listens to Yoh. He is not too happy when Yoh says that he'll make lots of money and get out of there. He wants an explanation, but his brat pushes him away. These two are a shitshow. A train wreck that I can't look away from. Drunk Yoh is a brave and talkative Yoh. On the bright side, we are getting mush needed things said.
Oh damn, there is lots of anger there. Yoh is very pushy, and let me say that only a guilty Dom would put up with that shit. "You never smile at me like that."
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"I'm tired. I'm tired when I'm with you. I hate it."
And I have just fallen in love with Segasaki as a Dom. I've been falling since the first episode, but now he has cemented it. When Yoh says this, Segasaki becomes self reflective. Sure he's sad, that's expressed in facial expression and body language, but he isn't mad, and then we see that he's appreciative. Which he expresses to Yoh.
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He rubs his head, "You talk a lot when drunk." Then he smiles. Ohhh, I was wrong about the rain. It happens people. I still maintain that he saw Yoh's anticipation and enjoyed it, though. You are not going to convince me otherwise. Segasaki was trying to respect a boundary. Meanwhile, Yoh is like, "Can't we buy a dryer." Bro isn't good with just going and buying an extra sheet. No, homeboy wants a dryer so he can get that D on the regular without worrying about sheets.
OMG! I love these two so fucking much. Segasaki is like, you accepted my proposal, and now you're saying you don't want it. Giving a whole new meaning and light to it that has Yoh scrambling to catch up. Segasaki calls him an idiot. He also asks Yoh if he hates him and when Yoh says nothing, he says whatever and rubs Yoh's head. Though this time it's not affectionately. I think he knows that Yoh doesn't really hate him, but he doesn't know how to get the relationship on track either.
The next previews look promising and I'm excited!
Hope you guys enjoy! 💜💜💜
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Super Mario Bros. Isekai!Reader (Bowser x Reader) (2/3)
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There were exactly three more weird encounters with Bowser that stuck with you.
He seemed to be even keener on taking you down after the first encounter. It kind of scared you. Actually no, it really scared you.
You actually have a target on your back now.
But that didn't stop you from having a fun time around the kingdom.
You traveling around the kingdom started this whole series of encounters in the first place.
The first encounter…
it was at the mushroom fields where you were having a small picnic by yourself after Peach told you to have a break.
you picked a nice spot to set your basket and blanket and took in the scenery.
The weather was so nice out today, it was a perfect time out. It kind of made you want to sleep outside on your blanket after you ate.
You guess.... shutting your eyes for a few seconds wasn't going to hurt. It was your day off. It was so peaceful that it was a crime to not relax. Just a little-
You opened your eyes to see a large Fireball heading in your direction.
You were able to move out of the way fast enough to save your basket. Your Blanket and nap area was burnt to a crisp.
"My Blanket!!" You said shocked to your core. You look at the person responsible for this and turned out to be none other than Bowser. Steam was still coming out of his nose as he glared at you
"What was that for?"
"You Know EXACTLY What That Was For, Pipsqueak. You're Going To Pay For What You Did!"
Uh Oh. You don't have the energy to fight him again. Not that you really wanted to fight but still. There must be something around here!
"Think Fast!" You throw the first thing you had with you. A sandwich.
It splattered across Bowser's face, blinding him. This is your chance to book it. You can as face as you can.
"YOU BRAT!!" He quickly wiped off the mess on his face so that he could burn you to a crisp.
He couldn't find you, however. you could run fast if you wanted to. He stomped around for a minute until he came across a goomba. It looks like it's one of his.
"You! I'm looking for a Brat! Have you seen her?"
The goomba said nothing but nodded his head in a different direction. Bowser followed the direction the goomba pointed to.
"Hehe..I can't believe that worked." You take off the goomba hat and chuckle to yourself. The goomba mask always worked in video games, but you didn't think it was going to work in real life.
Let's run back to the mushroom Kingdom before he notices.
Second Encounter…
You were napping in the forest. Why? You don't know. It just felt comfortable underneath the tree.
you could get used to this. In your old world, you had so much stressful work to do, and naps were little to none, as it felt shameful to take a nap sometimes. This, however, felt nice. this world had little to really stress over.
"Grrr!!" You opened your eyes and saw A FIST COMING INTO YOUR DIRECTION!
You quickly moved away before he came in contact with you, creating a large hole in the tree.
okay, almost little to stress over.
"You won't get away this time!"
"HEEEEELP!!" You ran as fast as you could.
the good news is that you were not far from the Mario Bros. House.
Luigi was peacefully doing the laundry outside when he heard yelling. He turned around and saw you.
"What? WOAH!"
You had the Mario Bros. take care of that one for you. That's how you were able to escape the second time. Cowering in their house.
Third Encounter……
This time you were picking fruits from trees in a forest. You planned to take some back to the mushroom Kingdom and bake with Peach. You currently have bananas, apples, and peaches.
hopefully they will be enough for some delicious desserts.
While you were lost in your train of thought, a fireball comes your way. You were able to jump out of the way before you were hit. Deja vu.
You turned around and saw the one and only Bowser. He was beyond angry. Veins were popping out of his head. and steam seemed to come from everywhere. oh boy.
"This.ends.here! Stop running away!"
You ran anyway. He wasn't far behind.
You still had one trick up your sleeve. You reached into your basket and pulled out the only weapon you had. A banana.
Throwing it to the ground, you ran faster as he slipped on it. This made him roll over on his back, making him unable to get back up.
"You annoying pipsqueak! Get back here!!" He yells, struggling to get back up.
This is the perfect time to get back to the kingdom......but.
you can't just leave him like this. well, you can, but you didn't want to. It didn't feel right, no matter how scary he was.
you went behind him to push him back on his feet.
"H-Hey, What are you doing?!"
"Getting you back on your feet!" He was really heavy. you were kinda struggling a bit. But you knew you were close, just a little more push.
"I don't need your help!"
'Almost...Got It!" With a huge push, you successfully got him back on his feet, your arms feeling like jelly while you did so. He's as heavy as he looks.
He turned around to look at you. Slightly glaring at you as you look like a quick puppy. You were a little too tired to run and couldn't put up much of a fight. You'll have to accept your fate.
But he just turns back around and stomps away, with a scowl on his face.
"Count your luck. I decided to spare you. Get lost!" He stomps away, leaving you confused.
That was weird.
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panandinpain0 · 11 months
Yo so like, r u ok writing for Peter Parker?? If so, could you write a Peter x Male Reader where the reader is both a charmer and peter’s ultimate hype man (sorry Ned). Around prom season, Peter asks the reader for help to ask his crush to the prom, and the reader is sadge bc he thinks it’s MJ. Slight chaos and maybe some nervous gay boy stuff ensues??
Yes, I'd love to write for Peter Parker! (And because you brought up Ned I'm assuming it's Tom Holland's Peter.)
Also, I'm in love with this prompt <3
Requested by: Anon
Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Peter was at his locker, talking to Ned about his Lego death star, when (Y/N) approached his locker. Peter closed it and raised his eyebrows at (Y/N), while Ned jumped in shock (neither had seen him approach but Peter's spidey-senses- or should I say "Peter-Tingles"- came in handy).
"Are you guys planning a Star Wars marathon without me?" (Y/N)'s jaw dropped with a betrayed look on his face, hand to his heart. "What happened to the brotherhood?"
Ned snorted and Peter laughed, turning to walk down the hallway.
"We were gonna' invite you anyways, (Y/N), we always do," Ned reassured, giving in to his teasing.
"Good. So, whaddya' say, Pete? Star Wars at your house this Friday?" (Y/N) asked, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder and smiling at him as they walked.
Clearing his throat quietly, Peter nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."
"It's a good thing too, because I need help studying for this chem test coming up, and I was wondering if you'd help me?" (Y/N) asked him, hand still on his shoulder.
In truth, (Y/N) was barely getting by in chemistry for a reason. It's not that he wasn't smart enough or that he wasn't putting in the work- it was that he was sat next to Peter and couldn't stop looking at him. Trying to goof off with him in class was one of (Y/N)'s favorite pastimes, and what got them in trouble the most.
This gave him an excuse to beg Peter desperately for help with his homework, therefore getting to spend more time with him. It was a solid plan in his mind.
"For sure! Studying and then Star Wars, sounds like the perfect Friday," Peter said back, always too nice (or too love-struck) to say no to (Y/N).
Ned looked between them, realizing they were doing the smiling-at-each-other-for-too-long thing, and coughed to get their attention.
(Y/N) and Peter both looked over at him and Ned smiled, "So, got any dates to prom yet?" It was meant to be a joke, the three of them in the "nerd" clique, even though realistically they were all very attractive and much more than just nerds. (Considering one of them was the web-slinging super hero, they were much more than just smart.)
"Nope," (Y/N) and Peter said in unison, laughing together.
"What about you, Ned?" (Y/N) asked back, and Ned shook his head like it was a joke he was even asking.
"Who'd wanna go out with me?" Ned asked a bit glumly, thinking he was the unattractive one in their friend group.
"Well, I have an idea." (Y/N) winked at him and pointed down the hallway. A girl named Darla, who they'd gone to school with since elementary, noticed she'd been caught staring and blushed, turning back to her locker quickly.
Ned stuttered for a minute, his face heating up. "No, she must've been looking at one of you-"
"Dude, she's been in love with you since the eighth grade!" (Y/N) insisted, moving between Peter and Ned and throwing his arm over Ned's shoulder. "I bet you twenty bucks that if you ask her out she'll say yes."
Shaking his head in doubt, Ned stuttered again, before giving up.
"She'll probably be asked out by the captain of the football team or something- that's always what happens with the cheerleaders."
"Oh, come on buddy. You've got a chance, you're the only one that doesn't see it," Peter insisted.
"She knows me because I help her with her calculus homework..."
"Just try. If not, what's the worse that can happen?" (Y/N) asked nonchalantly.
"I'll get humiliated."
"Or she could say yes," Peter countered.
"Fine, I'll do it if you guys leave me alone about it."
"That's all I ask." (Y/N) held his hands up in surrender. Then he turned to Peter and they fist bumped.
Once they got outside Ned split off, going his own way home while (Y/N) pulled out his skateboard. Happy waved from the limousine at Peter, letting him know that he was here to take him to Tony.
(Y/N) let out a low whistle, looking at the limo. "Nice ride, Parker. Perks from the internship?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, Mr. Stark sends Happy to pick me up when its more urgent." Technically it wasn't a full lie, he'd usually only get picked up by Happy if it involved emergencies.
"Well, drive safe. Text me if you need anything, or just if you're bored." (Y/N) pulled Peter into a hug, patting his back and putting down his skateboard.
"See you tomorrow!" Peter patting him back before watching him skate off, looking back to Happy. As he approached the door opened, and his jaw dropped as he saw Tony.
"Was that your boyfriend?" he teased, glasses at the end of his nose.
"Oh! Mr. Stark, I didn't know-"
"Hop in kid, we've got places to be."
Knocking on the Parker's apartment door, (Y/N) played with the colorful box in his hands.
May opened it, smiling when she saw who it was.
"(Y/N)! It's such a pleasure to have you, Ned and Peter are in Peter's room." May pulled him into a hug and (Y/N) returned it, smiling at the comfort he got every time he was welcomed into their home.
"Thanks, May. Here, my mom made you those cupcakes you like." He held out the box and May gasped, her smile getting brighter.
"Oh, that woman..." she shook her head in amusement. "Tell her thanks! Now I've got to make her that pasta she likes so much."
(Y/N) laughed and patted May's shoulder before making his way to Peter's room.
"Happy Friday boys!" (Y/N) announced as he walked into his room.
"You said that this morning," Ned commented laughing as (Y/N) slung his backpack to the floor.
"No, this morning I said 'It's Friday'. This time it's happy," (Y/N) corrected with a smirk, sitting down on the floor with Peter and Ned.
"Don't forget, it's not just Star Wars it's also studying," Peter reminded with a laugh, pulling his books out of his backpack.
(Y/N) let out a dramatic groan, clearly joking, because he didn't mind what he did as long as he got to hang out with his friends (especially Peter).
About half an hour into studying, Ned left to use the bathroom and Peter and (Y/N) started talking.
"You've asked people out before, right (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, why? You got someone in mind?" MJ was (Y/N)'s first guess. (Y/N) had seen how he looked at MJ and wished it was him instead.
Peter, on the other hand, was only thinking of (Y/N). He was extremely handsome and charming, always jokingly flirting with Peter- but no matter how smart he was, he was oblivious to Peter's obvious attraction to him.
"Uh, yeah, I do. I was wondering if you could help me ask them out to prom? Just like, give me tips or something on how to impress them..." Peter nervously chuckled as he trailed off, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, sure! But I'm not sure there's much I can say to help. You're a really great guy Peter, and anybody would be lucky to have you. I know everyone says this, but just be yourself and depending on the reaction you get it'll tell you if they're the right person for you or not." (Y/N) shrugged, not really sure what else to say.
Peter nodded, trying to figure out how to impress (Y/N). "Should I get them flowers? Or make one of those 'promposal' signs?"
"I always thought those signs were kind of tacky, but if you think they'll like it then I think you should go for it. And I think the flowers are a nice idea..." (Y/N) tried to give him a smile, but he didn't think it looked very confident. It hurt, not knowing if he liked (Y/N) back- but it hurt worse knowing he liked someone else.
"Okay. Okay, I'll bring them flowers. What kind do you think I should get?"
Just then, Ned walked back into the room, stopping hesitantly in the doorway as if he'd interrupted something.
"Hey, Ned," (Y/N) greeted, smiling at him.
"What's up?" Ned asked, still not sure if he should sit back down or not. He considered making an excuse about asking May for snacks or something, but they weren't giving him any clear signs that he wasn't welcome in the conversation.
"Just talking about asking people to prom," Peter responded with a shrug, going back to his homework.
"Peter was wondering what flowers he should get for his crush," (Y/N) gained back some confidence with the joke, nudging Peter playfully.
"Oh?" Ned asked, eyebrows up as he retook his seat on the ground, looking between the two. He noticed their behavior and realized it was going to be weird for a while- and that he couldn't say anything. He held back a sigh at that thought.
"Yeah, what kind do you think I should get them, Ned?" Peter asked as (Y/N) started twirling his pen in his hand.
"Who're they for? Everyone has favorite flowers, right?" Ned thought aloud, looking through his notes.
"I say roses. Everybody likes roses," (Y/N) concluded, nodding as he talked.
The boys went back to studying (and eventually Star Wars).
Monday morning's were always rough, and prom was that Saturday so everybody was buzzing (much to (Y/N)'s annoyance).
Closing his locker with a yawn he turned to walk to his first class, chemistry with Peter, just to be jump scared by said boy.
"Woah! Peter, hey. Gave me a heart attack," (Y/N) mumbled as he clutched his chest, his breathing ragged.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to..." Peter looked sheepish as he gulped down his nerves.
"Are you okay? You look really... sweaty." That's when (Y/N) noticed the roses in his hand and his mood dropped. "Oh, you must be nervous to ask out your crush, huh?"
Peter nodded, taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah. I just hope he says yes." And he held out the flowers with a almost scared looking smile.
"(Y/N), will you go to prom with me?"
His jaw hit the floor, eyes wide with confusion and shock. He never thought in a million years Peter would ask him out, much less over MJ, who was watching from her locker next to his with a smirk.
Truth is, Peter knew that MJ and (Y/N) shared an art class and were friends, so he asked her for advice. That's what led to the awkward study conversation, and the roses in front of (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait- what? Really?" (Y/N) asked, searching Peter's face for any hints of a prank or deception. "You're shitting me, right Parker?"
Peter just shook his head, heart racing a mile a minute.
"You said roses, so I got you roses. I'm sure if you knew I was meaning you you'd have said another kind of flower but I couldn't figure out how to ask you what your favorite flower was without giving myself away-" Peter rambled, fumbling with the paper around the bouquet of roses.
(Y/N) put his hand on Peter's fumbling one and smiled at him, "I'd love to go to prom with you, Peter. I love the roses- and I'm so glad you didn't make one of those stupid poster boards."
The boys broke into somewhat relieved laughter and Peter pulled him into a hug.
That's when they remembered that they were in the middle of a highschool hallway. Everybody was staring at them, and both of their faces were shades warmer than before.
Ned, always the loyal friend, stepped in.
"Darla!" he all but shouted through the hallway, everybody's attention going to him. He was holding a singular tulip in his hand and was sweating bullets. "Will you go to prom with me?"
Some kids started laughing, but they turned into gasps as Darla nearly squealed as she nodded her head, her curls bouncing with her movement.
"Yes, Ned! I'd love to!" She hugged him, while he just stood there in absolute astonishment. His original plan was to pull attention away from his best friends by being humiliated, not by pulling the most beautiful and talented girl in the school.
(Y/N) started clapping and hollering, Peter soon joining him.
Then the bell rang, and everybody started going to their classes.
"I still can't believe that happened," Ned whispered from Peter's carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling in amazement.
Peter and (Y/N) sat on his bed, putting together the Lego death star shoulder to shoulder. They'd steal looks at each other every once in a while, blushing at their newfound romance.
When they watched a movie with May later that night they held hands and shared a blanket, and all May did was smile at them when she noticed.
Not as chaotic as I'm sure you were hoping, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this.
Thank you anon! I hope you liked it.
-Author Max <3
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