#like everything is making me angry. im super hungry but no food is good enough
bigengar · 5 months
I swear to god my PMS is so bad it legitimately makes all my mental health shit 800 times worse. it's like im not even on meds or going to therapy it's as if I've never been trying to heal and I hate that cause I know I'm gonna be normal in a week but oh my god. why does it have to be THIS intense?
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bakugou thoughts pt 2001847471 :)))
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- if u go to the park, and somebody is like, walking their dog n the animal barks at y’all??? bakugou is barking back. mans full on squares up, n barks at the dog until it backs off
- he rarely gets into shows/series, but when he finds one he likes, he’ll only watch the first few episodes and then make u watch the rest with him. he’ll always say sum “if i dont watch with you, then i gotta make extra time for your needy ass. ‘m prioritizing my fuckin’ time. it doesn’t mean anything, shut up.” ...... he’s lying. it does mean something. it means he wants to share the things he likes with u
- pls he’s so smart, and generally pretty aware, but sometimes he’ll just do something so duMb. like, u kno that thing that happens sometimes with hair?? like, when it sticks to ur fingers and no matter what u do, u can’t get it off?? bakugou is literally breaking his wrist a foot away from u, shaking his hand back and forth and cursing soooo loudly. u just gotta go up to him and gently remove the hair from him like “oh honey- no.”
- peanut gallery comments. lots of them. mans will sit fully dead silent, not talking for the whOle day, but the second u do something embarrassing?? like trip??? suddenly he has a LOT to say ..... smh men
- animals just always like him. its absolutely unexplainable bc he’s so loud n moves super suddenly,,, but the amount of street animals that follow him home is ridiculous. srsly. sometkmes he even has other people’s pets trying to follow him home
- respects absolutely no one n that somehow strangely makes him the most respectful u’ve ever seen??? like- he hates everyone the exact same so u won’t ever catch bakugou in an act of discrimmination
- he can’t draw at all but if u asked him to draw something, it’ll be the same skull every single time. it’s a good skull, but it’s soooo obvious he learned how to draw it from a tutorial in the midst of his emo phase
- will fully make fun of others for baby-talking around their s/o, n then just fully go home n look at you like “tired.” “hungry.” “kiss.”...... like okay baby man, maybe try putting a full sentence together before u start trying to run your mouth. hypocrite.
- probably sleeps like the dead. contrary to popular belief, i absolutely do not believe he’s up at every single noise. man’s could sleep thru an explosion, im sure of it. that being said tho, it’s probably actually hard for him to turn his brain off n fall asleep. he prob goes to bed so “early” bc he has to wind down for a good hr or two until he’s ready to actually sleep
- he’s got a vendetta against salespeople. like, if his phone rings with some bullshit about a product? if somebody, god forbid, tries to walk up to your door? fully frothing at the mouth annoyed. will chew out any employee who’s too underpaid not to listen to him
- eats like an absolute animal. no rlly, its bad. holds his spoon with a fist and digs at his meal like its the gold rush. the worst table manners you’ve ever seen rlly
- he gets sorts antsy if he sits for too long, so he’s always off doing random shit. like, u’ll look out the window n he’s just like, raking the .3 leaves from ur driveway, probably trying to guess where the wind will be so they wont blow back
- ik this with my heart and soul okay,,, bakugou has never had a conversation with u that wasnt from exactly .2 meters away. like,, if he’s comfortable, then he’s just close all the time. like he’s waving his hands around and yelling and you just have to take his face in ur hands and go “im literally right here. ily but pls tone it down for the sake of my hearing.”
- very much guard dog behavior when y’all go out. absolutely will not leave ur side for even a second, like, at a bar or during a concert. even if u go to the bathroom he’s like, leaning against the wall and waiting right outside the door
- gets absolutely bitchy about your phone blowing up while you’re hanging out. its not that he’s suspicious that ur, like, cheating on him, it’s just that he doesnt understand why u’d even leave ur phone on in the first place since he always has his turned off when ur around. if he gets annoyed enough he’ll fully take the phone out of ur hands, say sum “yeah, you don’t fuckin’ need this anymore. you’re done with this.” n toss it across the room while he kisses u senseless
- tbh his ultimate love language is 100% playfighting. v much would go heart eyes if u even seemed like u might try n wrestle him. obvi u dont win, but his favorite is how u laugh while he pins ur hands above ur head
- he sneers at other angry people. will fully, fully sit there like “jesus christ, they need to calm the hell down. annoying as shit- fuckin’ loud too.” ....... -i. who’s gonna tell him
- silent conversations with ur eyes. no rlly. if y’all are with friends and somebody says something questionable, bakugou is immeadiately turning to u, eyes hardly even shifting but u just know he’s hurling insults in his head
- he doesnt realize his own strength sometimes. like- he knows he’s strong, but if u ever open a door n ur like “woah, careful, this is heavier than it looks” bakugou is .2 steps behind u practically ripping the damn thing off it’s hinges. he’ll look at it, huffing like he doesn’f even understand the issue
- he rlly likes when u call him by his name. pet names are fine, but he srsly is super soft for the simple stuff. like when u look over at him, all excited, smile wide like “hey katsuki, u gotta see this! c’mere!”
- his road rage is severe. no rlly. bakugou drives like every day is a race n he’s one win away from going formula one. you’re pretty sure that the only reason he passed his license test is bc the instuctor was too terrified to tell him no
- bakugou probably does that thing where if you’re sitting on the counter top, watching him cook, he’ll stand between ur legs. hands on ur thighs or resting on ur hips while you tell him about your day
- can’t explain this one, but he doesnt kill spiders. he takes them outside. says sum “they eat ticks, idiot. what- you actually want a fuckin’ blood disease? Hah? ‘m not gonna kill it. motherfucker’s gotta earn his keep before dyin’ just like the rest of us.” while he v gently picks the spider up into his hand and walks it outside
- ik that his one cheat food is sugary cereal. like, he’s a health freak, but the one thing he can’t help but make a concession for is sugary cereal on the weekends
- he’ll sometimes get in this over-stimulated mood where everything pisses him off, n the only thing u can do is leave him alone. u learn this quick bc his anger doesn’t discrimminate and if u push him even after he tells u what’s up?? pls bakugou will lash tf out. at u. like, ik y’all like to write it but that whole “it’s okay- it’s just me. just look at me.” thing does not work with him,,, u literally gonna get merc’d if u try
- he’s probably a guy who’s gonna be super big on passing touches. like he drops his hand on ur head when he passes, or bumps his shoulder into urs when he laughs. no footsies tho. too sappy even for him- pls if u tried to initate that he’d crush ur toes under the table aHAHAHA
- feeds every street cat he comes across. is probably super fond of the ones with a bunch of scratches/scars on them. he’d die if u knew, but one time u caught him feeding a scratched up calico n going “bet u beat his stupid ass, right? that’s my girl. we always win, huh?”
surprise suprise,, my brain rlly never shuts the hell up about this man
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miridiums-writing · 4 years
Vincent Phantomhive relationship headcanons
As always I tried to be as inclusive as possible, let me know if you feel there are things I could change, im always down for positive feedback
I went off on a tangent in some parts I apologise
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He is a complete gentleman
And complete trust is important to him in a relationship
He wants everything on the table sooner rather than later so you both are always on the same page
The only thing he may be inclined to hide to begin with is his job because if the dangers surrounding it
Other than that he will explain his love language, the way he wants the relationship to go, he wants to know your limits boundaries.
He always respects your boundaries and makes sure never to push it, the last thing he wants is for you to be uncomfortable with him
He wants to know if your trans, he would never discriminate he just wants to know everything about you so there are no shocks later in life.
As we all know I hope. Vincent was raised by his butler exactly like Ciel.... kinda, his wasnt a demon. This means he has a lot of respect for everyone regardless of background because that was what he was taught.
He could care less about your family background and if you lived in poverty, he wants to know you completely vulnerable and on the table.
This mans love language is acts of service, if you have a bad day he will run you a bath and care for you.
He will buy that newspaper you mentioned in passing was good to let you read at breakfast.
He would remember which are your favourite meals to request the chefs to make for you again.
Although another big one is physical affection
not because im touch starved I actually think this is true
He loves to give you forehead kisses, tall or short he could care less let him lovingly kiss your forehead.
Hand kisses are a big one too, every time you descend the stairs in the morning and he sees you at the bottom before you both head out together he takes your hand in his and kisses it before holding you close to walk to the carriage.
Sounds dramatic? Too bad
He always holds you close in public, could care less about the stares he needs you close
Parties always have an arm around your waist as he talks to people. Introducing you as his lovely beautiful gorgeous spouse
Because you are dont fuck with me on this you beautiful human being
Which leads me onto the topic of jealousy.
Now this man has two moods, if he is having a good day he doesn't mind, he trusts you whole heartedly and knows you will always come back to him, will just watch you deal with the problem yourself, your strong enough. He believes in you.
But there are those rare occasions
When he is just in an awful mood and the last thing he needs is someone trying to hit on his s/o
So he will come up behind you and glare at them and lead you away.
This man could never be truly angry at you, he loves you so deeply, he knows that person is the one at fault and would never take it out on you
The only thing you get is his sweet doting clingy side. Where he takes you home and cuddles and kisses you for hours.
Which leads me on to sleeping
He is clingy, this is a fact
Big spoon all the time, he needs to security of you being in his arms safe and snug
Gives his reassurance he is doing the right thing
Always gives at least 10 kisses before he even tries to sleep
He reminds you everyday how deeply he loves you
In different ways each time not always saying it, but he makes it knows so you know you are always loved.
For my shorties out there
Every day without fail he picks you up at least once and spins you around to make you laugh
For my taller peeps
Everyday without fail he comes up to you and hugs you really tight, he likes to put his head on your chest during these moments and tickle you, or makes a funny joke, anything to make you laugh
Now arguments with this man wouldn't happen often if ever
If they did ever happen he would stay very calm
Never raises his voice because he knows it won't go anywhere and tries to work with you to solve the problem there and then so you dont both stew on it.
The only instance I can think that an argument would start was if he was super stressed from overworking and accidentally snapped at you
He would apologise instantly and make sure to take a break
He really just wants you to always be happy.
Now for all my peeps who have shark week
He is incredibly doting on you
As if he wasnt already
But seriously he will cuddle you all you need, rub your abdomen if cramps get bad.
If your like me and are just hungry he will get you food, tries to convince you to eat something healthy too
Now if you got sick?
Panics for a bit until he realises panicking isn't gonna make you feel better, then abe internally panics that he has no idea what he is doing.
Asks Tanka what to do because he trusts him
Follows all his instructions to a t to make sure your ok
Even if it is something as simple as a cold
Now if you ever got injured the same thing would occur
Tanaka would be brought in for advice
But if the injury had something to do with his job and his status he would rethink being with you because your safety is important to him
You would need to calm him down a bit and talk him out of it
Which is pretty easy because you make him weak
You are his weakness and he could care less, as long as he can fall asleep with you in his arms
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junicai · 3 years
- get to know me tag game !!
tagged by: @ggukkiedae <3 thank u lovie !
tagging: @h0neyjaehyun @nct-nari @nct-lian @cotccotc @seek-peace @bigbrainenergytingz and anyone else who'd like to participate 🤍
favourite colour? yellow 💛
lucky number? 13 ! (yes i know it's a contradiction shush)
do you have any pets? i have a dog! her name is lily
how tall are you? 165cm 😭 i used to think i was tall but apparently i'm still short
how many pairs of shoes do you own? uh, maybe 5 or 6? most of them are just runners, a pair of heels/boots and then i'm not counting the dance shoes fjsj
favourite song? it changes all the time, but currently it's the belll by olllam !
favourite movie? hm, probably atlantis? i don't really watch a whole lot of movies, so atlantis is just the one i watched most as a child lmao
who would be your ideal partner? someone who will sit with me and listen as i tell them everything i've learnt from my last 4 hour wikipedia deep dive
do you want children? no.
have you gotten in trouble with the law? nearly sjdj i was at a party on a spanish exchange and someone called the police on us 💀
bath or shower? shower for actual cleaning, bath for when ur going through shit and need to Process
what colour socks are you wearing? black !
favourite type of music? hm, r&b city pop kinda? i also listen to a lot of trad fusion though it lowkey slaps 😭
how many pillows do you sleep with? two
what position do you sleep in? i like, curl around a pillow?? if that makes sense
what don't you like when you're sleeping? being too warm :/ i'd much rather be cold lmao
what do you have for breakfast? i very rarely eat breakfast sjfjd i'm either running late or never hungry enough so i just - skip it
have you ever tried archery? yes !! i wasn't terrible at it which is crazy but i haven't tried it since then
favourite fruit? mango 🥭
favourite swear word? any variation of "ah feck" or "ah shite" bc it's normally followed by something extraordinarily comical
are you a good liar? am i? you tell me lmao
your favourite type of girl? my best friend is one of those, very excitable adorable girls i love her very dearly she's so LOVELY
what's your personality type? enfj ! i'm not super extroverted though, i'm more ambivert than anything else
left handed or right handed? left ✨ i'm called a cithóg where i'm from sjfjd
favourite food? too many to attempt to mention 😭
favourite foreign food? i had a croissant, in a french patisserie when i was in paris. it was like, 8 in the morning, i had coffee w it, and it was magical. i still dream of it sometimes
am i clean or messy? i clean when i'm anxious, so i'm p clean yeah :')
most used phrase? uhh probably "ah bless", which kinda means "ah bless their heart" or "ah cute" or smth in the middle? it's a bit difficult to explain sjd
how long does it take you to get ready? 5 minutes to 2+ hours depending on what it's for
do you talk to yourself? yeah 😭
do you sing to yourself? yeah i find it v fun to just sing along to smth in the background when ur alone
are you a good singer? ive trained for a couple years so i'd like to say so!
biggest fear? heights, or disappointing everyone i know
are you a gossip? no, but i do like to keep myself in the know of what's happening. i just don't spread it around
do you like long or short hair? short! i cut my hair into a lil curly bob about two years ago, and i don’t think i’ll ever go back to long hair - short hair on my face just looks so much cuter haha 
favourite school subject? music/chemistry/spanish
extrovert or introvert? i’d say somewhere in the middle? ambivert maybe?
what makes you nervous? big crowds
who was your first real crush? my best friend 🤧 rip, we both had a thing for each other but we never would have worked out well so we just stayed as friends 
how many piercings? two 
how fast can you run? i can sprint pretty fast? but i really don’t like running 😭 so i wouldn’t know exactly how fast 
what colour is your hair? black ! 
what makes you angry? people demanding respect and not giving it in return. (cough, every single teacher i’ve ever had cough)
do you like your name? yes ! i think it suits me :)
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? neither.
what are your strengths? i’m dedicated. if there’s something i want to do, i’m not stopping until i can do it, and i can do it well.
what are your weaknesses? i’m very singularly focused, which sometimes leads me to ignore other problems until they overflow. it’s something im working on lmao 
what is the colour of your bedspread? currently, blue ! 
what is the colour of your room? yellow and white 💛
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nie7027 · 4 years
Super 5 headcanons part 5
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4
So...it’s been a long time right? HAHAHA
Minegishi sighed.
“For the last time I won’t help you sell Shimazaki on ebay” Minegishi stopped dicing the vegetables and turned to look at him with what in any other person would have been a raised eyebrow “I don’t even think it’s possible”
“Who would even buy him?” Shibata helpfully added from his spot at the sink where he was washing the dishes “Besides world domination our friend isn’t that useful for anything else”
Hatori stared when Minegishi just silently nodded
“I don’t know! But thats not the point!” Hatori grunted while shaking his head “It’s time for some retaliation-”
“So your idea for retaliation…” Minegishi deadpanned “is to sell him on ebay?”
Hatori wasn’t dumb, he could hear the snicker behind his flat expression.
“Laugh all you want!” Hatori said pointing an acussatory finger to Minegishi “But I am tired of letting Shimazaki do whatever he wants with is without facing any consequence!”
“Are you still mad about the raccoon thing?” Shibata laughed drying his hands with a washcloth to pat Hatori on the back “C'mon! It was just one rabies shot! And the doctor said it was just cautionary”
Hatori flustered when this time Minegishi openly snickered “You got rabies shots? Aren’t you supposed to get those as a kid?”
“Why would I know? Do you even have yours?” Hatori retorted bittely not expecting Minegishi to actually stop laughing.
“I don’t know…?”
“Aha!” Hatori exclaimed not wasting the opportunity to latch onto this “What if that bastard brings ANOTHER racoon?!”
“He wouldn’t-”
“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”
At Minegishi’s lack of response Hatori screamed victoriously “See? This is why you have to support me with my plan!”
“Sell him on ebay you say…” Minegishi muttered while tapping the kitchen counter with his finges.
“You can’t be seriously considering this!” Shibata exclaimed outraged “Ha ve you lost your minds? We aren’t selling our friend on internet”
“He’s not my friend” Hatori quickly complained.
“And I never said I agreed on selling him on ebay” Minegishi continued “But Hatori’s right and it’s time we put some limits to him”
“And that’s why we should talk with him instead”
“Shibata’s right”
“NOOOOOOOO” Hatori cried miserably, victory had been so close “whyyyy?”
“Im sorry buddy but that’s the right and mature thing to do” Shibata said not sounding sorry at all
“Hatori stop whinning and finish setting the table so we can finally eat”
Minegishi rolled his eyes at Hatori’s sulking form and finished cooking with Shibatas help.
Once they entered the living room with the finished food Minegishi noticed Hatorics hesitance
“Is something wrong?”
“I was just wondering if i should put another plate. Is the bastard going to eat with us?”
“Speaking of which” said Shibata carrying the last of their homemade food “Where is he?”
“I don’t know” shrugged Minegishi “He was annoying me because he was bored and you were late so I told him to go and find something else to do before I choked him”
“And he did it just like that?” Shibata asked surprised.
“I had to threaten him starvation and not buying his cereal forst but it worked”
Shibata hummed “He probably went dog sighting”
“How long ago was that”
“Like 5 minutes before you arrived”
“Then it will be a while before he returns”
Minegishi shrugged again “I wouldn’t worry about him”
They were halfway through their food when Hatorics eyes catch sight of something in Shimazakis makeshift cabinet.
“Are those his glasses?”
Minegishi turned to where Hatori was pointing “Yes”
“I thought he didn’t take them off ever”
“I guess he listened when I complained about dogs saliva on them” Minegishi said “If he is indeed dog sighting”
“I’m pretty sure he is” Shibata said comfidently “Dog saliva? Really?”
“Yeah, between that and the paw shaped stains on his clothes…he was driving me crazy”
“Oh I know! The first time it was really hard to get rid of the stench of trash but I found in internet a helpful mix of…” Shibata’s words died in his mouth when he saw Hatori stand up and pick the glasses.
Minegishi stared confused “What are you doing?”
Hatori didn’t respond and when he made his way to his forgotten backpack Shibata facepalmed.
“Buddy, no. Did you seriously bought those?”
Hatori turned around with a devilish smile om his face while clearly hiding something behind his back. “Well i never thought you would actually help me with the ebay plan”
Minegishi turned to look at Shibata expecting some kimd of clarification.
“We passed a toy store on our way here and Hatori saw…something.” Shibata said in a tired tone shaking his head clearly dissppointed “I can’t explain it…Just show him already”
Hatori proudly revealed what he was hiding. Besides Shimazaki’s glasses there was another pair.
The other pair were one of those funny looking glasses you used for disguisses or parties with crazy colourful swirly cartoon eyes that seemed to wink when you move them and stupid antennaes that ended in a pink cotton ball hanging from the sides.
It was the stupidest thing Minegishi had ever seen.
“You do realize he wont ever fall for this right?” Minegishi deadpanned once again “He will immediately feel those antennaes movement”
“Have more faith in me” Hatori huffed taking off the apparently removable antennaes thus making the glasses look a little less stupider but stupid nonetheless.
Minegishi picked both glassesand turned them around inspecting them. He had to give Hatori some credit. he had managed to find a pair with the exact same shape as Shimazakis and made of the same cheap plastic.
They were perfect…except for one thing.
“They don’t weight the same” Minegishi stated raising the toy glasses. to be honest he wasn’t sure but it was an educated guess.
“You gotta be kidding me right?” Hatori exclaimed “Who cares? He won’t even notice that!”
“He will” Minegishi seriously said before standing up and walking away still holding both pair of glasses.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Hatori screamed following Minegishi back in the kitchenb Shibata just behind him.
When they got there they found Minegishi already kneeling rummaging one of his low cabinets.
Hatori turned to look at Shibata but the big man just shrugged in return as lost as him.
“Aja!” Minegishi suddenly exclaimed standing up holding his white digital scale. He then weighted both pair of glasses.
The toy glasses weighted 10 grams less.
“Told you” Minegishi triumphantly exclaimed.
“So?” Hatori spluttered “Yeah, fine! They don’t weight the same. It’s just 10 grams! He won’t-”
“He will”
“Again I repeat myself” Hatori said losing his patience “YOU GOTTA BE FUCKINH KIDDING-”
He couldn’t finish his sentence because Shibata decided in that moment to place one of his heavy hands on Hatori’s shoulder “Minegishi…Hatori is right. Don’t you think you are being a little… paranoic?”
“No” Minegishi firmly stated shaking his head “Why do you think I take him shopping?”
“Because you were trying to teach him how to be a good person…?” Shibata tried only for Minegishi to glare at him. They already knew how much of a failure that had been.
Hatori shrugged, now it was his turn to try. “Dunno man. I don’t even know why you even let him sleep here”
At the others failed attempts Minegishi continued “I don’t know how or what he does but he somehow can weight stuff with great precision”
“What” “What”
“I suspect it has something to do with Mental eye” Minegishi kept muttering unaware of the others awed expression.
“That’s…unexpected” “That’s fucked up”
“It helps me to make sure Im being sold what I payed for” Minegishi shrugged “ANYWAY my point is if I noticed it he will certainly do it too. If we are doing this we have to do it right”
The phrasing didn’t escape Hatori. “We…?” he asked in disbeliefb excitement barely concealed in his tone.
When Minegishi smirked Hatori couldn’t help but give a devilish smirk of his own. in unison they both turned to Shibata who just groaned.
“Fine. I’m in”
Both Minegishi and Hatori raised a fist in triumph. Shibata hesitantly joining them.
“But what are we doing then?” Shibata asked “The glasses don’t weight the same and Shimazaki is gonna arruve any moment now”
“Shit that’s true”
“I have an idea” Minegishi said calling upon the power welling inside him. Soon a sticky looking vine made its way to where the group was reunited. Minegishi inspected it and after some careful consideration he picked two small leaves growing from it and stuck them to the upper side of the toy glasses simulatin angry frowing eyebrows.
He then placed the toy glasses om the scale and with bathed breath they waited for the led screen to settle on a number.
They differed by less than a gram now.
“That’s enough…right?” Hatori quietly asked.
“It has to be…” Shibata added before turning to look at Minegishi. He was the judge, had the last work.
“I don’t know.” Minegishi confessed “But this will have to do. Quick Hatori. Shibata. Set everything we will need in place. We only have one chance amd we can’t afford to waste it.”
They barely had time to finish their already cold food and prepare everything when Shimazaku suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
They did their best to act naturally hoping the blind man didn’t notice anything.
The moment Shimazaki popped in Minegishi’s living room he knew something was off.
He could feel the remnants of Hatori’s aura telling him he had been building artifacts but wherever they were they were deactivated because he couldn’t sense them. They were probably diacarded om the floor. It wasn’t the first time he did that.
He could feel Shibata tensing his muscles too but it wasn’t like Shimazaki cared. He was hungry and he could smell food so he made his way to his cabinet to fetch his things.
He grabbed his glasses and put them on while he turned about to ask what they had for dinner but before he could do that the whole room erupted in chaos.
“GO GO NOW” Hatori screamed barely restraining his laughter while his artifacts suddenly tuner to life.
Shimazaki could feel them flying, closely circling him but besides that he could hear them. His expartners laughing. Laughing so much they were almost wheezing
“Oh my god” exclaimed Shibata trying to stiffle his laugh with his free hand. The other was busy holding something that made a clicking noise.
“THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT” Hatori cackled pointing at him.
Even Minegishi had bursted laughing!
Shimazaki didn’t know what was happening but he knew something was happening and he didn’t like it.
With a swift movement he took down all of Hatori’s devices, one after another.
“NOOOOO” Hatori screamed “MY BABIES”
Once the artifacts were destroyed Shimazaki turned and launched himself at their vey own creator.
Hatori yelped traying to scurry away from him but Shimazaki was too fast.
Or he would have been if it werenct for the fact Shibata tacklee him before he could reach the little pest.
“Don’t even think that” the big man growled as if that was enough to stop him.
Without wasting another second Shimazaki teletransported behind Hatori and with a strong kick slammed him against Shibata sending them both flyin to the nearest wall.
He was about to punch a hole in them when a sturdy vine wrapped around hos arm stopping him.
“Shimazaki stop” Minegishi exclaimed in a low menacing voice. His hand raised ij prepartion glowing with his aura.
Shimazaki teletransported all around the room avoinding the quick vines Minegishi sent after him trying to bound him.
Soon he made his way towards the plant user and when he was in close range he raise his legt ready to plan another kick in the mans chest but hr had to teletransport before he could do it because somethin was flyin comind directly for his head. Whatever it was it sounded metallic when it crashed om the wall instead.
“You psycho! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Hatori, now surrounded by a bunch of floating stuff ready to be thrown screamed.
Provoked, Shimazaki threw himself once again agains the smaller esper “You were laughing!”
“IT WAS A PRANK JACKASS” Hatori yelled reflexively raising his arms forming a protective barrier.
But it wasn’t needed because that actually made Shimazaki stop.
“A prank?” was all he was able to say before a wave of vines encircled him and threw him to the floor.
“Yes idiot. A prank.” Minegishi walking to where they were and looking down at him “If you had calmed down we could have explain it to you”
Minegishi glared at the bounded man below him. He knew Shimazaki could free himself in any moment. Shimazaki knew it too, afterall he wasn’t squirming instead he stayed put glaring at Minegishi waiting for an explanation.
Or at least he tried. He was stilk wearing the toy glasses and if it wasn'tfor the sight of his destroyed apartment Minegishi would have laughed again.
The final tally after everything was cleaned and accounted for included Hatori’s phone, Minegishi’s toaster and coffe maker (which Hatori had used to build the flying wifi connected cameras and then Shimazaki utterly destroyed) a broken lip from Hatori (though he alleged he had a broken rib too), an unconcious Shibata (who took all the brunt of hitting the wall and that Minegishi had to use his vines to drag and lay to rest on the sofa) and a huge whole on the wall where Shibata had landed, completely fracturing it (Minegishi could consider himself lucky that it hadn’t been one of the buildings support walls).
And an annoyed Shimazaki who was too impatient to wait for them to pick up the place.
“Toy glasses…?” Shimazaki dubiously said when they finally explained what all that had been about. He had taken them off and now was moving his hands along feeling them.
“Yes. They are dumb, they are stupid. You didn’t have to punch our guts but who cares? You are welcome” Hatori said curtly. He was pissed seated on the sofa at the end of Shibata’s feet trying to fix his phone to not succes which only pissed him more.
Minegishi sighed tiredlyb it was too late for this. “We just want to take some photos of you wearing them. We thought it would be fun-”
“How are they?” Shimazaki interrumpted
“How do they look?” Shimazaki suddenly asked seriously. He had stopped touching the glasses and was now frowning at them.
“Uhhh…They are pink?”
“Yeah! pink you dumbfu-” Hatori snapped but stopped himself when he saw the confused look Shimazaki was throwing at him “Of course you don’t know what pink is.. ”
He groaned and turned to look at Shibata for help but the man was still passed out.
“Pink…is this color…like red and white?”
“It’s for girls!” hatori said throwing up his hands in surrender “Minegishi can you help me out”
“They are pink” Minegishi continued shaking his head “ Amd they have this swirly cartoon eyes that wink when you move them-”
“Wink?” Shimazaki asked again looking more confused.
“Yes, they wink. It’s an effect. Don’t think too hard about it-”
“What is this?” Shimazaki said picking apart one of the leaves. “Is it a plant?”
“Yep. Minegishi put them so they weighted the same as your glasses. It worked!” Hatori said in a better mood. As if the fact they managed to trick Shimazaki made him happier “They looked like angry eyebrows. Frowning eyebrows”
“Yes. like you are doing at this very moment” Minegishi said casually pointing at Shimazakis face.
Shimazaki brought a hand to his forehead and lightly patted his eyebrows.
Minegishi ws about to keep talking describing the stupid glasses when the unthinkable happened.
One…two…three…snickers escaped Shimazaki’s mouth and before he or Hatori could understand what was happening he was chuckling.
“OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING? IS HE HAVING AN ATTACK?” Hatori asked panicked and Minegishi couldn’t blame him for that.
It’s not that they had never heard Shimazaki laugh. It was that this was completely different from the mocking laugh they were accustomed.
This was a pure unadultered laugh and Minegishi and Hatori could only stare at the way Shimazaki was bending over while fits of laughter took him over not knowing how to act.
It didnt take much (even though it felt like it did) for Shimazaki to raise with a tiny genuine smile showing on his face while he recovered his breath like they had never seen before.
Afterall maybe a destroyed apartment and an unconcious friend had been worth it.
Because they had to wait for Shibata to regain conciousness and make sure he was okay they ended up going to sleep really late.
Which meant Shimazaki was going to kill the man at the door who woke him with his incesant knocking and shouting.
“MINEGISHI” Shimazaki loudly groaned rolling on his back on the couch and covering his eyes witth his arm wishing that was enough to keep his mental eye from seeing “IM GOING TO KILL HIM IF HE DOESNT STOP”
“I already heard!” Minegishi answered entering in the living room dragging his feet
“IM COMING” he said before mumbling under his breat “Who could even be this early?”
Shimazaki didnt care and he was already readying himself to go back to sleep when Minegishi opened the door.
It was going to be possible. The man seemed to have a death wish.
The shouting not only returned but it increased in volume.
“MINEGISHI SAN” the mans voice boomed in minegishis tiny apartment and to shimazakis surprise Minegishi actually flinched
“Y-Yamada san what are-”
So far Shimazaki had been trying to tune the mans screaming but the more the man continued the harder minegishis grip on the doorframe got drawing Shimazakis attention. It was rare to see him nervous.
“Minegishi san…would you be so kind to explain me why A HUGE FUCKING DENT SUDDENLY APPEARED IN THE WALL SEPARATING YOU APARTMENTS?” the man finally screamed out of breath
“Ill pay for the damage” was everything Minegishi said
“OH IM MAKING SURE YOU DO THAT” the man raged on taking a step forward and jabbing a finger in Minegishis chest.
“I know your story Minegishi san.I know what you used to do and let you come here despite my best judgement” the man hissed with his finger still deeply buried in Minegishis chest. Shimazaki couldnt understand why Minegishi kept listening. “I should just evict you. But I am a generous man and I know you wont be accepted anywhere else so… ill let you stay, given you pay for all of the repairs…who knows how deep your little stunt damaged my building”
“A-all of the repairs?!” Minegishi exclaimed
“And any demand issued againys my persona for this incident”
“Wh-But Yamada-san! I don’t have the momey to pay for all that”
“You seriously expect me to believe that? You should have thought that! And if you refuse to pay I will call the police-”
That’s it.
“You arent calling anybody funny man.” Shimazaki said with a smile telatransporting just behind Minegishi immeditely getting the desired effect.
“W-WHO IS THIS?” the man screamed jumping backwards
“Yamada san this is Shimazaki” Minegishi sighed “He is … a friend of mine-”
“IS THIS ANOTHER ONE OF YOU LUNATICS?” the man pointed a trembling finger in Shimazakis direction
“Who I am doesnt matter.” Shimazaki started but was interrupted by Minegishis hissing
Shimazaki ignored him teletransporting to the space previosly occupied by the man earning another scream from him.
“What matters to me is…” shimazaki said leaning forward dropping his smile “who the fuck are you?”
“W-Who am I?!”
“Yes, you. Idiot.” Shimazaki sighed. The funny man wasnt as funny as he was brainless.
“EXCUSE ME? I’m the-”
“I dont care” Shimazaki quickly cut in “You are but an insignificant piece of shit who should have thought better before coming here and waking me up with all you babbling”
“Babbling? Waking you…up?” the idiot kept repeating everything Shimazaki just said “You sleep here?”
“Duh” shimazaki simply said because it was obvious but something happened because the moment he said that Minegishi groaned and the man who had been previously trembling suddenly stilled and was now looking over shimazakis shoulder at Minegishi
“Minegishi-san what is this?!”
“He was just over-”
“Or else what?” Shimazaki snarled grabbing the not so funny man by the collar of his shirt and raising him “You know? I am getting really tired of you.”
“LET ME GO YOU LUNATIC” the man uselessly kicked in the air
“SHIMAZAKI NO” Minegishis hand shot up effectively grabbing Shimazakis shoulder and stopping him from teletransporting to the bottom of the sea like he had been planning to. “Let him go”
Shimazaki unceremoniously dropped the man and he didnt waste a single second before fleeing down the hall almost tripping with his own feet.
Shimazaki laughed, closed the door and turned around ready to joke with Minegishi like they did everytime they decimated an opposing force.
Except Minegishi currently was sitting in the floor burying his face in his hands.
“Minegishi?” Shimazaki tentatively called
“If he calls the police then Im done for good” Minegishi quietly mumbled
“What? why?” Shimazaki exclaimed  “He was the one who came screaming and woke us up! He was screaming at you!”
“Dont you understand?” Minegishi straightened turning to look at Shimazaki “That was my landlord. I cant go around threatening my landlord!”
“Your what?”
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A-” Minegishi started but stopped to take a deep breath 
“He owns this place” Minegishi finally saaid gesturing around
“What? I thought this place was yours”
“No  I don’t.” Minegishi grumbled “I don’t have that amount of money...I actually don’t even have enought to pay all of Yamada sans demands”
“What? Arent you super rich or something?”
“Waht makes you think that?”
“Well...with all the stuff you buy me...and how you are always working...”
“You though that I...?” Minegishi said in disbelief  before quietly chuckling “How much do you think Im paid?”
Shimazaki shrugs 
“You do realize you are a lost cause, right?”
Minegishi stood up dusting his pants “Here c’mon” he then walked towards the doors “Let’s go”
“Where?” Shimazaki whined “Im hungry”
“I have to go now and somehow covince everybody to not sue me or Yamada-san...I would preferred to change first but we have to do this as soon as possible if i dont want to pay even more money.”
“And why do i have to go? ” 
“For starters because this is your fault.” Minegishi deadpanned “And besides I dont trust you enough to leave you alone in my kitchen”
Shimazaki couldnt argue back so he crossed his arms and followed Minegishi out
I know, I know its been more than a year since I last updated this but *gestures vaguely* life.last year of college.new fandoms. global crisis...
And more importantly... tumblr deleting all my drafts
Seriously I had like a good chunk of the prank scene written since last years august but Tumblr kept deleting my drafts and i had to rewrite all of that like 5 times which was pretty descourangingly (that and the lack of response )
It’s a shame considering the whole scene of the prank was the main reason for me to write this. I was very excited to write it.
I hope it lived to your expectations because i know I kept talking about this
Anyway I wish i could tell you when the next part is coming, because theres still more (this thing just grows and grows out of control) but yeah *gestures vaguely at everything going around*
What I know is that I want to write this before i forget how key scenes go (part of the discouragement was that i forgot some cool witty dialogue i had for the prank and I was so mad at mysellf for not remebering) so lets see how this goes.
I missed these dorks.
Anyway any feedback is greatly appreciated (reblogs>likes).
You can find me  in ao3 ( Im posting these headcanons and other fics there)
 It’s an honor to contribute to leftist propaganda
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barrendome · 5 years
the 2b2t survival guide
are you planning to play on 2b2t? have you been playing but can’t seem to get out of spawn? or have you been waiting 12 hours in queue to no avail?
in that case, have i got some stuff for you! heres a handy guide about how to actually play, and some tips to help along the way!
step one: preparing
you can just hop right in and go, but it is smart to know a bit beforehand.
know what you're getting into. the server has no rules to it, so you just have to expect a fuckton of disgusting shit, slurs, etc. just kinda accept that, and ignore it.
get a hacked client. sure, you can play on vanilla, but doing that will make your life harder. the best client to use is impact, but if you really need to you can download wurst instead.
make a plan. although this is optional, its smart to do. you can just wing it if you wanna, but it’s helpful to have a goal for what you wanna do in the server.
step two: queue
queue is basically inevitable, but there are a few things you can do to make the wait less painful!
decide if you want priority. priority queue is a godsend, it takes 30 min at MOST to join the server! but on the other hand, its 20 dollars per month. if you’re planning on playing for a long time and dedicating lots of time to playing? get priority. if you just wanna check the server out? don’t worry about buying it.
join when nobody else would. the best times i’ve found are near 1-3am, or on a weekday in early mornings. you’ll still have to wait hours, but not as long as you would otherwise.
pray for a server restart. when it restarts, turn on auto-reconnect (if you have that) or just keep on trying to connect. you’ll get onto the server extremely quick if you’re able to join right after a restart.
do something else. multitasking is the best way to wait. leave queue running in the background and check on it whenever you can, but fill your time with other stuff. i usually draw or watch videos when waiting!
step three: common sense
you gotta use normal common sense, but also server-unique common sense.
remember: there are no rules. people are going to kill you. people are going to grief you. people are going to say gross shit. the worst kinds of people are here on the server, you have to accept that.
what you build is gonna go. no matter how nice it looks, how far out it is, how tiny it is, whatever. its how 2b2t works. when you build, you have to remember that its going to get destroyed one day.
you aren’t safe. no matter how far away you are, or how nice that one person is. don’t get lulled into feeling secure, stay on edge. better safe than sorry.
enderchests are your friend. you’re definitely gonna die, several times, so keep any important things in your enderchest. for more space, put everything into shulker boxes and store the boxes in your enderchest. this is why silk touch pickaxes are something you’ll need: because your enderchest is the only safe place for your items.
signs are the best communication. carry a sign with you, and read all the signs you find. its not important, but its fun to read what people write, and its nice to make your own mark on the world with just a simple sign.
don’t trust anyone. or at least, be cautious of everyone. if you run into someone, expect deaths, and be cautious even if they give you stuff.
you aren’t special. oh, so you watched a bunch of fit videos and know everything about the server? no you don’t, shut up. you’re gonna spam things in chat and grief a bunch of builds to become a notable player? you’re gonna become a minor annoyance, shut up. you read this guide and now know how to become the best 2b2t player ever? my guide is shit, shut up.
everyone hates new players. don’t openly say you’re new. just stick to yourself for the first while of joining.
step four: chat
so you’ve joined, and you connect to see.. the constant spam of chat.
hide the chat. go into settings, and turn chat off. usually chat isn’t worth looking at, except for warning about server restarts. if you wanna keep chat on, just turn down the opacity.
use /ignore. theres bots constantly flooding the chat, so if you wanna keep chat on, spend time quickly ignoring all the bots.
don’t ask for help. you do not wanna let everybody know you’re new, and if you don’t get ignored, people will send gross shit or fake help instead.
if you have a question, ask google. like the point above, asking for help isn’t a good option. search stuff up on google or the 2b2t subreddit before asking chat. and try not to ask obvious questions either.
don’t get into arguments. don’t rile people up or argue, its kinda risky, and again some bad shit will get sent your way. its really not worth it. if you get angry at some gross shit people are saying, just /ignore them, because fighting them will make you just a laughing stock.
step five: escaping spawn
i know what you’re thinking, “tumblr user barrendome! stop rambling and just tell me how to actually PLAY now!”, and yeah yeah, okay, i will.
turn your hacks on. what i’d suggest is turning on storage esp, player esp/tracers, search (search for blocks like melons, crops, wood, etc), and things like that. also keep xray and freecam ready, and make sure you set keybinds for those.
collect, store, die, repeat. i never did this, but my boyfriend did, and it worked incredibly well. he would collect as many resources as he could, store them in an enderchest whenever he saw one, and then either die of hunger or something else. he’d repeat this process until he had enough stuff in his enderchest to get him out of spawn.
save your hunger bar. try not to run, and try not to jump. its hard, but its important. most deaths are from hunger in the first while of playing, so just try not to get hungry. for this exact reason, the main thing you’re looking for is food.
don’t go into the nether right away. spawn nether is impossible to get out of, so travel on the overworld for about 2000 blocks, and then its safe(ish) to go into the nether.
20000 blocks is the safer zone, but its still spawn territory. outside of 50000 blocks is when id consider making a base if you really need to, but try to go much farther if you can. 
step six: just outside of spawn
so you’re out of the major spawn area... now what?
find food, farm food. get as much food as you can, thats the most important thing to do at this moment. make sure you have as much food as you could need, and store some in your enderchest.
make a temporary base. you can make a small house, a hole, or even just a dirt hut. just make sure you have a place to store all your extra stuff, and a place to stay for now. (sidenote, don’t put a nether portal right beside your house.)
find a bed. later on, beds aren’t a big deal, but at first they definitely are. try to find or make a bed, and set your spawn somewhere. i’d suggest hiding the bed somewhere near your temporary base, but don’t make it visible.
get geared up. use your xray and get some diamonds, look through dungeons for enchanted books, make yourself tools, etc. its best to get what you need now that you’re out of spawn.
go fishing. you can get food, enchanted books, xp, etc. going fishing is actually super useful. the autofish hack is your friend right now. but don’t go afk when fishing, you can get kicked for it.
remember the nether highway myth. if you have almost nothing, and are travelling on the nether highways, there’s a good chance a high-level player could stumble upon you, take pity, and give you stuff. remember not to trust anyone right away, they could still end up killing you. but there is still a chance that being on the highways could get you everything youd ever need. again, though, make sure to put everything in your enderchest!
step seven: planning and playing.
im ready! ..what do i do now?
make a goal if you haven’t already. if you wanna be a nomad? plan where you’re gonna wander. if you’re gonna make a huge base? plan where to build it and go out there. if you’re gonna go visit monuments? figure out which ones and their coordinates, and start walking. gonna join a group? figure out which one would be safe and fun to join, and try to get in.
get as far from spawn as possible. unless you wanna stay near spawn, try and get 100,000 blocks away or further. and if you really wanna keep a base intact, don’t stay near any of the major highways.
have fun! as rough this server can be to play on, theres a lot of cool stuff you can find, and its important to find joy in the chaos.
and that’s all for now!
i may have forgotten things, so feel free to send me anything i missed! but i hope that everything i was able to write down will be enough to help anybody that wants to join 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server on minecraft!
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lindsaylouus · 5 years
7 Swans a-Swimming 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ (Monsta X - I.M)
A/N: Back to the inaccurate emojis. Can you believe there isn’t a swan? (Spoiler for the 6th day, there’s not a goose either).
Just wanna say, I love Changkyun, you love Changkyun, we ALL love Changkyun
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Boxing Day is always a weird one, right?
You’ve had Christmas Day, and all the build up before it. Now, there’s this massive come down. 
But usually, you’re still super festive, refusing to let the Christmas spirit leave you and gripping onto it for dear life.
This year though, was different. You didn’t feel like holding on to that joyous nature, and Changkyun had noticed.
You sat on the park bench, staring into space. You could feel the Christmas hangover in the cool air, hear children excitedly chatter to each other about what they got the day before and see loved up couples on swan boats, sailing carefree along the river.
However, when usually you’d be filled with other people’s joy, all you could focus on was your own pain.
Ugh, brooding much? But you couldn’t help it. 
Comes to something when you’re looking at the real swans paddling away in the water, and you’re jealous of them for not having relationship problems, or no relationship at all, now.
Your boyfriend had left you on Christmas Eve. Yeah. Christmas Eve. For another girl. It was still so raw, you’d been going out for almost two years, and out of the blue this happens. Well, not exactly out of the blue.
Changkyun hadn’t heard from you in almost 24 hours, which was very out of character for you, and instantly knew something was up.
‘Y/N, what the Hell, where have you been?!’ He’d finally tracked you down, knowing you always came to the park to clear your head. 
He figured he’d find you here at some point. He even thought about heading to your house on Christmas Day, but he thought better, leaving you to spend time with your family, and him.
You looked up at your friend, and slowly turned away again. You didn’t want to talk about this with him, yet there was no one else you’d rather talk to about it.
It didn’t take a genius to work out that your best friend was not the biggest fan of your boyfriend, and never had been. It wasn’t without good reason, either. 
Not long after the two of you began dating, Changkyun and his friends invited the both of you to their New Year’s Eve party. They wanted to meet your new man, and size him up, as friends do. Especially Changkyun. He was always wary and protective whenever you started dating someone new. 
You wanted to confront him face to face while you had the chance. You loved him, but he just never seemed to approve of your choice in men. 
He was retrieving beers from the fridge before the party kicked off, just you and him in the kitchen, this was your chance.
‘You’re young and naive, Y/N,’ Changkyun had said in response to your question.
‘I’m older than you, dumbass,’ you retorted, pinching his cheek. You were forever winding each other up, ever since you met a few years ago. A chance encounter involving a shopping cart and a rather angry shopkeeper.
It’s a long story.
‘Maybe in years, Y/N, but not in mind,’ he continued, lecturing you like a rebellious teenager, ‘I’m just doing my job as a friend, and filtering out the dogs for you.’ He winked and gave you a look that screamed, you’re welcome.
‘What does that even mean?’ You pinched a beer from his arms.
‘See? Where would you be without me?’ He tried to make a get-away, but you blocked his path.
‘Why do you always talk in riddles when I ask you about this? Do you not trust me? I could really do with your support, instead of your judgement for once, Im Changkyun.’ Oh yeah, you pulled out the big guns using his full name.
Changkyun’s tongue was firmly in his cheek, before he responded.
‘It’s not you I don’t trust,’ he began, ‘and I am supporting you, by making sure you’re not being taken advantage of!’ His voice started to grow in volume.
‘Another lover’s quarrel?’ A voice said from the kitchen doorway. Kihyun had appeared behind you. ‘Why don’t you two just kiss and get it over with?’
He began to gather up a variety of covered plates to take through to the living room, as per, enough food to feed an army. Or seven hungry mouths.
‘Not you as well,’ you rolled your eyes and knocked your beer bottle on the kitchen counter, opening it.
‘So you’re the reason we have dents in this!!??’ Kihyun stopped in his tracks, extremely unimpressed by yet another small nook on ‘his’ counter. You froze, but at least it took his mind off teasing you and Changkyun.
He huffed and left the kitchen in a flurry, tutting at you both.
You giggled at each other. One thing that united you more than picking on each other, was picking on Kihyun. 
‘Changkyun, can you please, just try to be nice. Just this once, for me. I really like this guy and I don’t want to screw it up.’ You’d resorted to begging.
Changkyun saw the pleading in your eyes, ‘OK,’ he huffed, ‘but I’m doing it for you, because you asked so nicely.’ He mimicked you and swayed out of the kitchen. You wanted to both laugh at him and strangle him, all at once.
The night had been going pretty well, laughs, jokes, pleasantries, you were impressed. Especially with Changkyun, he really was trying. He’d been chatting to your boyfriend for a while now and they seemed to be getting along. Just the idea of him liking your new man, put a huge smile on your face.
If only it lasted. That same night, whatever positive thoughts you had, were eradicated.
‘I SWEAR Y/N, I wouldn’t make this up!’ Changkyun grabbed your wrist, as you tried to turn away from him.
‘ENOUGH CHANGKYUN! I don’t care what you think you heard, OK? I don’t care, I’ve literally had enough!’ You escaped his grip and stormed down the stairs.
‘Y/N, please! You have to believe me!’ He rocketed down the steps after you. Both of your voices were reaching volumes that others were noticing, including your new boyfriend.
You turned suddenly, stopping him in his tracks, your voice lowered, almost as a warning. ‘Just stop, Changkyun, please. I can’t do this with you anymore. Something always comes up, there’s always a reason. Always. I don’t want to lose you. But, I can’t do this.’
With that, you and your date left.
You couldn’t help but cry that night. You just couldn’t win. Since when did this friendship become so hard?
As time went on, you and Changkyun reconciled. You couldn’t not be in each other’s lives. You agreed to turn the other cheek, and not force Changkyun to get on with your boyfriend. In turn, he agreed not to talk about him at all when he was with you. 
Not an ideal arrangement, but it was worth it if it meant you two could just hang out.
Now you were both sat on the park bench, trying and failing to think of what to say.
‘I’m sorry, Y/N. It was a long time ago now..’ Changkyun was sat about a foot away from you, legs stretched out, hands in his lap.
‘But you were right. All that time I thought.. I don’t even know what I thought. I guess part of me always knew you were right, that he was seeing someone else. I just didn’t want to believe you.’ You sighed heavily and finally looked Changkyun in the eyes.
Those eyes. Eyes that you trusted more than anything else in the world. Even if you didn’t act like it. 
Looking back, he’d always been right. Whenever he had an inkling, a hunch or any kind of negative vibe about someone, he’d always been right. So annoying.
He let his mind wonder back to that party two years ago. He’d overheard your new boyfriend talking to another girl on his phone. Changkyun had stuck around long enough to know for sure and immediately relayed it to you.
He knew what would happen. He knew he’d been quick to judge your other dates in the past, but this was different. But he had to step back, it was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. It’d been a long couple of years. But it confirmed one thing for sure. He was completely in love with you.
Changkyun finally met your eyes, and neither of you looked away.
‘I’m so sorry, Changkyun,’ you meekly said, as tears were brimming in your eyes.
He quickly wrapped his arms around you, saying nothing, not needing to. He was your friend first and foremost and he wouldn’t let anything threaten that. He also knew that there was only one way to react in this situation.
‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas...’ 
Your eyes shot open, was he singing?
‘There is just one thing I neeeeeed.’
Oh Lord, he’s singing.
‘I don’t care about the presents, underneath the Christmas Treeeee.’
Why is he singing?
‘I just want you for my own, more than you could ever knowwww.’ 
He was getting progressively louder.
‘Make my wish come truuuuuuuuuuuueeee, ooooh ooo ooooh.’
He’s too into it, you’ve lost him.
‘All I want, for Christmaaass, iiiiiiiiiisssssss YOOOOOOOOUUUUU.’
You wiggled out of his grip, and before he could utter another note, your lips were on his.
Changkyun’s eyes opened, his arms were out by his sides. He couldn’t quite process what was happening. As your hands held either side of his face, he decided to just go with it. He relaxed and closed his eyes, but placed his hands on his own thighs. 
He didn’t want to kid himself that this would go further than a park bench.
To you, something about this felt right, yet so weird at the same time. I mean, this is Changkyun, your friend, the dude who sings loudly in public to make you laugh, he was your confidant, your emotional support...
Wow, he’s everything that other guys hadn’t been. Woah, serious lightbulb moment.
You broke the kiss and pulled away, but still remained close enough, that you could feel his warm breath against your face.
‘I’m so sorry Changkyun, I.. I.. I’m so freaking stupid!’ Realisation had hit you like a tonne of bricks.
‘Can I get that in writing please? Or I can record it on my phone, if that’s easier?’ The smallest of smirks appearing on his face. A face that you had forced yourself to be blind to for the last three years.
You hit him on the shoulder and he dramatically fell back on the bench, feigning injury.
You smiled for the first time in two days.
‘I don’t deserve you,’ a solemn truth in your words, hung in the air.
‘No, Y/N,’ Changkyun lifted himself up to look at you once more, ‘you deserve better than what you’ve been settling for.’
You stared at your friend, wide eyed, things continuously falling into place.
‘Ahh, I’m so cheesy,’ Changkyun giggled, there he was, forever unchanging, ‘but it’s the truth.’
‘So.. what now?’ You looked at him expectantly, everything was so up in the air.
He takes a deep breath, ‘I’ll be your friend for as long as you need me to. And, if you ever need more than that from me, I’ll be right here.’ 
You couldn’t believe how lucky you were. The friend who’d stuck by your side, who loved you, who had to sit and watch you make a complete fool of yourself for years, still wanted you.
‘But for now,’ he continued, ‘we go on one of those.’ He pointed to one of the large swan boats you’d been looking at earlier.
‘Really?’ This guy was just full of surprises today.
‘Yep, you’ve always wanted to go on one of these, but all your previous suitors were all scrooges. Not this guy. Consider it a Boxing Day gift.’
Changkyun stood up and offered his hand to you.
You take it, and don’t let go. Before walking off to the boats, you place a soft kiss on his cheek. You never felt worthy of someone like Changkyun, you didn’t think you’d be good enough for him. He was such a special guy, you felt like you had nothing to give in return.
And yet, settling for others was what could’ve torn you apart. Turns out you were the dumbass, not him.
He smiles at you again, before saying, ‘let’s not tell Kihyun about this, we’ll never hear the last of it.’
‘Agreed,’ you replied whole heatedly, good old Kihyun, reuniting you once again.
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thinkthinkt-think · 4 years
today i let my thoughts go free again
since the start of the year i always tried to go with somw super not healthy diet, where i would eat like only fresh fruits and veggies for like ig 4 month? slowly adding some ither things but it would go like this most of the time
i remember the first time i was so excited cuz i really liked the idea, i mean at that time everything was like super new:
i got my own flat
i had my own job
my own money
I got out from my kinda toxic parents
everything was perfect
so one week in (started it with my best friend ) we kinda got weak cuz now we had the opportunity to order foods over ans everything
so we did it
and it was kinda yummy (not the best tbh) and idk we thought we could just start over (it was like the begin of thw year had all the time uk)
but it happened again
after one week
and again
sometimes there woulsnt be one week just a few days
i REALLY was upset and angry at myself
i even felt how much weaker i got everytime we failed
it got harder and sometimes i remember that i rlly couldnt focus on somwthing else exept food
even today i sit here with food i dont wanna eat
junk food
even normal food
idk if i ahouls feel good about how i currently feel about food
cuz everything looks disgusting
like im not hungry
i juat eat cuz i dont want it here
i would love to just throw everything exept my fruits away and just start over
thinking i would succeed this time
but i dont wven know why i want to succeed
like wow yes i feel disgusting but this time its not like my main feeling (?)
i feel so bad
i cant even put a finger on it
nothing makes me feel good or only foe a short period of time
when i ask myself why i sont want to eat
my mind wanders
and there i keep thinking
is it cuz i feel like i wanna disappeare again..?
like wait wow
this is super strange
cuz this feeling is so strong
i push everyone away like wow and im not even subtle about it
(tbh ig i can cover it good with "im tired" or people thinking im a ass haha.. ha.)
but no literally when i keep thinking back
the past days could have been good days
i dont know why i behaved like an dick
like to everyone
i hate this everyone was doing their best to brighten the mood and ahh me beeing so ungrateful I-
i dunno
i wish i could to one of the thinks correct
to live
to die
ig would suck on both if i rlly tried
i wish i had someone i could share these thoughts with
like i dont want to talk to someone
it would always go with this "oh no look at chu" look
or maybe a weird out look
omg no
I mean
soon there will be a appointment like next week
where ig some " specialist " will talk with me? omg that rlly sounds strange
rlly since april im thinking about this appointment
it got postponed once and i rlly didnt want to go there a 2nd time
my best friend told me once "u shouls be glad that ur doctor diagnosed u so u can have this appointment, enjoy it" or something like that
but idk if i can enjoy something like that
i mean its strange cuz i wrote here that i rlly want to talk to someone about it right?
but im scared tbh
there is nothing different
if i talk with someone about it i will always feel judged
and i hate it
everyone does it
i hate it
i try to act so nobody will judge me bad
i want everyone to feel good
to think im good
to think im doing good
im not even doing it much
im getting bad at it
but wven these few times
they make me feel weak
i feel weak
i dont wanna feal weak
i dont need help
i dont need
i dont need help
no help
i dont need it
just want to be alone
i cant bare the thoughts
thinking its normal
thinking everyone has to live
to work
to be happy
i cant
its useless
i am...
it stresses me out
i sont see me there
in the future
my heart wont stop beating
can i stop
can it atop
dont be loud
can u stop
u too loud
dont worrie
give it a few hours
maybe a day
some days
and everything will be fine again
seeing these old faces
looking at them like before
but i sont want to
i dont want to talk about me
why cant i just be
be here
isnt that enough ?
cuz its hard
its so hard
just beeing
beeing there
and here
oh yea
u wont belive
u wont belive how hard
it rlly feels heavy
uk when as a kid sombody just sit on u so u cant stand up
it feels like this
so why should i
why should i resist
im so sleepy
i hope today
there wont come nightmares
i sont wanna be chased
i hate it
i feel horrible.
Tumblr media
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Just an idea
Tony meets Bucky and Steve during WWII.
Tony worked alongside many teams such as the electrical repair crew, engineering, etc....while Steve and Bucky worked in the front lines alongside the howling commandos.
Tony always got into fights with Steve ever since training. Steve was always Howard Starks favorite. Howard never had time or paid attention to Tony. Tony was nothing but a regret, a mistake, nothing but a distant memory. Then again Howard was in love with the super soldier. So that made sense to him. At least he didn't have to worry about his father nagging him for being a complete failier.
To make matters worse, Tony didn't have any friends in the army. Everyone only used him to fix things up or work in a battlefield strategy. They were nice to him but not nice enough to sit with him during lunch, or just have an idle chat with him during breaks. He felt so lonely there. He used the loneliness to his advantage. Build up walls so they don't break. So they don't shatter.
What really helped was when James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka Steve Rogers best friend/bodyguard told him to stay away from them. Bucky was very protective over Steve and things tend to get rough when people talk bad about either of them. Bucky just like his father told him that he was a good for nothing spoiled brat and the only use the army has for him is his brain. He said a whole lot of bad things after that.
After that Tony had told himself that he will never fall in love with anyone ever again. Push all his emotions aside. Since then he has never spoke to anyone that wasn't work related. He stopped trying to make friends. He pretty much stopped looking after himself. That was when the late nights planning fueled only by coffee kicked in. He kept on working until he passed out. As soon as he woke up he will get straight back into it.
A couple of days later, he almost faints but strong arms hold him up. He becomes dizzy as he tries to balance and almost drops again. He feels himself being lifted up and he starts complaining. He gets taken to his tent and is gently placed on the bed. He looks up and is too tired at the moment to be shocked at who had helped him.
"Bucky? The fuck you doing here?"
He watches as Bucky grabs a tray of food, sits beside Tony and starts trying to feed him.
"Im not hungry"
"I don't have time for your bullshit Stark. Eat!"
"great me neither. Im not hungry"
"you haven't eaten in days. Now eat!"
"I don't fucken care. Just go back to Captain America and let me get back to work"
Out of anger, Tony finds the energy to throw the tray of food to the floor and get off the bed and walk out. He doesn't make it far as those strong arms he still has a thing for are wrapped around his waist and he is pulled back to Buckys chest. It was a good thing too as Tony began to feel dizzy again.
"don't act like a brat Tony"
"how else should an army brat act?"
Dizziness subsides and Tony breaks out of the hold. He doesn't look back as he walks away.
"leave me alone Bucky. Just leave."
"you're acting like a child"
"great!" Tony finally turns around to look Bucky in the eye "then I can do this"
Bucky crosses his arms "do what?"
Tony smirks "I quit" he turns around and walks away not even paying attention to Bucky's growlings for Tony to get his back there. Tony sighs contently at the feeling of freedom.
-2 hours later-
Tony's freedom is shattered. His dad refuses to accept his absence from the army. They have heated words. Well at least his mother managed to get food into him.
After that Tony sneaks back to his tent. He starts packing up his stuff.
"what are you doing Tony?"
Of course he shouldn't be surprised who it is. He just had his other half in his tent hours ago.
"what do you want Steve?"
He tenses as he hears Steve get up from the chair by the door.
"what, you can't handle a little heat so you run away?"
Tony finishes packing and grabs his stuff. He gets ready to leave but stops as Bucky walks through the door.
"oh great as if seeing today wasn't bad enough. Look! I don't care what you heard but just so you know, it's none of your business. Either of you. so if you boys don't mind"
Steps around Bucky and makes his way to the door.
"I'm leaving. This is me leaving. Have fun without me. Everyone else will."
Tony walks out and sneaks through the area right up to the entrance. He smiles as he sees that Bruce Banner is the one working security tonight. Out of all the people Tony has ever known, he never minded Bruce. Bruce kept to himself. He was just as friendless and lonely. People liked Bruce though. He just never wanted to make friends so he didn't have to worry about losing someone to the war. Tony had mad respect for that.
"hey Brucie bear."
"hey Tony. What's up?"
"I'm running. I told my father to get fucked, packed my shit and now this is me leaving."
"is that the same for those guys too?"
"what guy's?"
Out of confusion Tony turns to look behind him and finds two very angry super soldiers standing there with eyebrows raised and arms crossed. He can't help but roll his eyes as he turns back around.
"yeah fucken right they are. Nope I am doing this solo."
"good luck"
Tony and Bruce nod as Tony walks through the gate and sets off under the nights sky.
After what felt like hours of walking Tony huffs as he stops to turn around.
"how long do you guys plan on following me?"
"however long it takes for you to realize you are just being stupid and childish and that you should come back to base, apologize to your father and let things return back to how they used to be."
"oh fuck you Rogers. Go suck Howard's dick asshole. I'm done with him. I'm So fucken done with you two asshats."
"Bucky say something. He's being a brat"
Tony turns around so his back is towards them.
"no! How bout Bucky stays silent and you two to return back to base and fuck my dad's brains out in front of my mother. How bout you two just leave me the hell alone."
Tony takes a sip of water before he carries on walking. he hears shoes scrape against rocks and he prays to god that they are returning to base.
About a couple of hours later he finds an abandoned cabin. He slowly inspects the outside and sees everything is alright. He checks to see if the door is open and as he does he feels hands on his hips and let's out a yelp as he is dragged away from the house. Him and whoever has gotten a hold of him are thrown back as the house goes up in flames.
His body is shaking and he turns and presses against the body. He hears Buckys voice calming him and now he can put a name to the body holding him.
"it's okay Tony. It's okay. I got you."
"don't leave me"
Tony tenses as he feels another body against him.
"it's okay Tony. We ain't going anywhere. We won't leave you"
Tony calms as he hears Steve. Still shaken up, he let's his anger towards them subside and let's them hold him. He continues his chant of "please don't leave me" afraid that if he stops they will be gone.
After Tony falls asleep Steve looks up at Bucky on the other side of Tony with tears threatening to leave.
"we can't leave him Bucky. Promise me we won't leave him"
Steve is slightly shaking at what happened. He almost lost Tony if it weren't for his best friend noticing the trap right away.
"we won't. I don't wanna leave him."
Bucky is still trying to calm down and breathe. He clings on to Tony like their lives depend on it. He almost lost Tony and he won't ever let that happen again. Now with a more determined mindset, he gets up and picks up the sleeping Tony.
"we won't let him leave us. We'll stay by his side forever. Nothing is gonna to ever come between us no matter what. We lost him once, won't let that happen again."
Steve stood up also looking more determined after hearing Bucky.
"even if he hates us, we'll continue to protect him. I love him Bucky. Im not willing to give him up."
"same here Stevie. Same here."
They return to the road side and continue their trek.
A while later they find a cabin that has lights on. They walk up to the door and knock on it.
A lady opens up the door with a bright smile.
"hi there. How can I help you gentleman?"
Bucky being the more stronger one, places Tony into Steve's arms and steps up. He places a smile onto his face.
"hey I'm James. We are a little bit lost. We were looking for the base camp. We went for a jog but our friend got hurt along the way. Are we able to stay the night?"
The ladies eyes open wide and she drags the boys in.
"oh yes of course of course. Have you eaten anything yet? I'll make up some drinks. Oh dear boys. You need to be more careful around this parts of the woods. It's dangerous. You don't know what you will run into during the war. You guys do look familiar though. I'm not sure where I have seen you"
Steve smiles "probably not. We just joined the army awhile ago." Steve looks at Bucky who nods back. They can't trust anyone out here. Best keep to some white lies and half truths.
After they had a little something to eat, the lady takes them to her room where there is a big bed.
"this is mine and m husband's room. My husband is away at the moment. I will take the spare room. Theres a shower and I can provide spare clothes."
After they have a shower and going as far as washing a sleeping Tony, they get changed and head to bed. After saying good night and making sure Tony is tucked safely between them, they start to relax.
"we have to tell him how we really feel, don't we?"
"if it means that we don't completely lose him then yes we do. We also need to explain to him everything."
"even the reason for the fights and arguments?"
"yes. Right back to the training days"
"do i really have to tell him why I liked sending him down to the mat?"
"yes Stevie you do. It's bad enough he got his ass kicked by a scrawny asthmatic punk. Let alone being reminded of it and finding out the real reason why you started the future arguments."
"he's gonna be pissed"
"yes but at least he'll know. He'll probably be okay with it"
"yeah I can hear it now "oh yeah I'm totally fine with you getting a hard on Everytime you send me to the ground because after the first time, you had fantasies about dominating me in bed. It's gonna be better now that my dad who is totally in love with you had pumped you up with that god juice making everything twice as big. Hey did I mention the part about my dad" real smooth"
"I hope you do realize that that was a really bad impression"
"oh shut it"
After the laughter dies down. They get comfortable and fall asleep.
-the next morning-
Bucky and Steve wake up to no Tony. They call out to him and search around hoping that he's there. Unfortunately Tony is not around.
Things start to get wierd as the owner of the place is no longer there either. It's not until their super soldier senses pick up far away screaming.
Bucky and Steve look wide eyed at each other. "Tony". They run outside and see Tony being dragged onto a boat kicking and screaming. They run after him but the boat has already taken off.
"they took him!" "Calm down Steve!" "WE PROMISED. THEY TOOK HIM BUT WE PROMISED!" "I know. Come on. We'll head to camp and stock up." "We bringing him home?" Bucky watches the boat that says Hydra speed off "yeah Stevie. We're bringing him home"
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slusheeduck · 6 years
Rule: Answer 11 questions and ask 11 more
@alreadyinmotion (I’M ONLY ANSWERING ONE SET)
Podcast/music you’re listening to right now? Well, RIGHT now I’m listening to “Celtic Music for Sleep,” but recently it’s been a lot of Elder Scrolls. For “Sonance” I listened to Mozart’s Klarinnettenkonzert and the MITJ soundtrack, including just Lisztomania (the theme version) for four hours straight.
You can have anything in the world to eat right now.  What is it? I just ate, so I’m not that hungry. But I guess I could go for some tonkatsu ramen.
Zodiac sign? Cancer.
What’s something you’re excited to do this week? GOING TO DISNEY TO TRY MY LUCK AT GETTING A MIGUEL MUG.
Favorite article of clothing? My oversized flannel shirts.
A food you want to try? Oden. God, I want to try oden so bad.
Favorite food when you’re sick? Plain noodles. Coincidentally also my favorite “It’s 3 am and I’m drunk and starving” food (if chips/fries are not an option.)
Favorite thing to do for others? Make them laugh.
Your best friend/sibling/S.O. wants to hang out! What do you do together? Best friend: Binge on anime. Sibling: Binge either Baking Championship or Real Housewives.
What’s something you’re proud of? Honest to god I am so proud of the fics I’ve put out for the Coco fandom. While I haven’t been ashamed of my fics, I’ve never been like HEY LOOK AT THIS I LIKE THIS THING I MADE before now.
What’s something you want to plug in and have people check out ;)  (Promote your OCs, AUs, webcomics, etc! Or your friends! BOAST, ALL YOU CREATIVE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE) Well, if you want an idea of what my original stuff is like, Wit reminded me today that I have my script Troubadour on my original works page. So, yanno, maybe check that out? I’m constantly ready to talk about “Hates Everything About Adventuring” Caena and Murder Goblin Edrys.
1. What part of a creative project excites you the most? Probably writing out intense emotional scenes--any scene where someone breaks down into tears or, more favorably, explodes in a rage that becomes tears is when I’m at my writing peak.
2. If you could teleport anywhere in the world RIGHT NOW but could only stay for 45 minutes where would it be and why? I think I’d go to Paris. I love Paris a lot, but the whole travel aspect is not great. So if I could just pop over and get some bread or whatever, that’d be super rad.
3. Favorite animal. WHY ARE YOU ASKING HARD QUESTIONS WIT. Let’s say a penguin. Because I would absolutely be a penguin if I could.
4. If you where a dog what breed would you be? I’ve actually been doing a lot of dog research lately for reasons, and I think I’d be a shiba inu.
5. Favorite trait you value in a friend. Not being socially draining. It’s kind of a weird trait that is entirely based on my own perception of the person, but as someone who’s almost cripplingly introverted, it’s so nice to find people I can spend time with and not feel like I need to hide for a week afterward. 
6. Favorite season? Moodwise: Fall. Weather-wise: Spring.
7. Coolest injury/scar story you have (if you want to tell it). I dislocated my knee because I got too excited about a boy and I sprained my wrist in show choir.
8. What color would you paint your bedroom if you could choose? Honestly? Like a nice warm brown, maybe with darker stripes.
9. Favorite TV show. Right now probably Mozart in the Jungle.
11.Superpower you would most want to have
Shapeshifting. I cannot express my frustration at having to look like the same person all the time.
If you could have any kind of pet with the means to care for it properly, what would it be? A lion. I freaking love lions.
Favorite time of day/night? There’s about five minutes when the sun’s setting, when it’s just dipped below the horizon, where the sky’s still lit but the trees and buildings look like black paper cutouts against it. That’s absolutely my favorite time of day.
Favorite color palette I’m a sucker for neutral, foresty shades. Greens are my fave.
Are you a swimmer or a sand-castle sculptor? I am a “Why did you want to come to the beach so bad, Slushee, you hate the beach and you know you hate the beach but you kept whining about how you wanted to ‘feel the ocean air’ and now you’re here and you hate it but you can’t go home yet because the drive would have been a waste so I guess we’re going to sit here and sulk for an hour”-er.
If you ever got to meet your hero(ine) what would you talk about? I’m terrible when I meet people I look up to, so I’d probably just stammer into silence and slam my head into a camera. That’s what I did when I met Lee Unkrich.
Clearance Aisle or Thrift Store? Both.
If you had enough money for the house if your dreams, where would you live and why? I’d live in a fancy loft in a hipster-y city. I’d love to check out Boston, but I don’t know if I’d want to live there. Paris is another good option, except that I’d have to speak French all the time. 
It’s raining like crazy outside. How does that affect your mood? TIME TO OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS AND LISTEN TO IRL RAINYMOOD.
Would you rather go on an adventure by yourself and make new friends on the way, or depart on an adventure with the friends you now have? I went on an adventure by myself, and it was a wonderful experience. I think I’d like to go on one of those again, but for now I’m very happy just staying home.
Favorite sound? Moving water. The sea, a river, the rain. So long as water’s moving I’m loving it.
Would you rather journey to the very bottom of the ocean or to outer space? Space is infinitely less scary than whatever’s going on with our oceans.
1. What do you wish more people knew about you? I wish more people knew how much I love pretty things. I’m a complete sucker for pretty things.
2. What place or thing in the world would you most like to see? Right now I really want to go to Japan. 
3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was REALLY little, I wanted to be a dentist. Then I became more sensible and wanted to be an actress.
4. What style of clothing do you think you look silly in? I look TERRIBLE in rompers. It’s a disgrace.
5. What would your alebrije be? (Yes, you can pick more than one!) My cat would absolutely be my alebrije, Pepita-style. Except grumpier and more demanding.
6. What movie are you most looking forward to this year? Uh...I honestly don’t know what movies are coming out. Wreck It Ralph 2 looks pretty interesting.
7. What is your favourite thing to cook? Onigiri’s pretty fun to make.
8. What is one skill you would like to learn? I really want to learn how to paint someday.
I do think Ella Enchanted is a must for most little girls, though. That’s where I learned that main character girls could be angry and feisty and sarcastic, and it’s been a huge influence on all my writing.
10. What is your Hogwarts house? SLYTHERIN.
11. If you could dress like/make a costume of any character, who would it be? Is it cheating if I’m already making an Hector costume for Halloween?
You get to visit any historical time period. Where do you go?
You’ve switched places with your most recent favorite character. How screwed are you and why?
Come up with a catchphrase. This isn’t a question it’s an order.
What’s your usual soundtrack while doing creative things (or do you work in silence?)
What’s something you consider a guilty pleasure?
Tell us about the last book/short story/fic you read.
Talk about an animal. Just like, any animal.
What’s your favorite part about the medium you work with (art, writing, music, chemicals, whatever)?
Beach or forest?
What’s a style you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t been able to get the nerve/money to go for?
What’s a lyric that gets stuck in your head easily?
JOINING THEM ARE @scribblrhob @lacendydreamer @seasidefanasties @humanityinahandbag @beckytailweaver @geod23 @white-throated-packrat
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laurendwarddd · 4 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Rita 🤤
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Definitely outgoing!
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My girlfriend when she gets home in 1 hour 😍
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Yeah I am, I try to make everyone comfortable!
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
No because she’d be too drunk and encouraging me to drink more.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Apparently idiots, but currently attracted to anything to do with her.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I’m already in a relationship 🥴
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My boss, he’s a dick.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
All Rita does is talk about so I have to learn to be okay with it 😂
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘My brain is fried’ - Rita
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Lonely hearts - 5sos
Renee’s song - Bazzi
Without Fear - Dermot Kennedy
Dont start now - Dua Lipa
Not the same way - 5sos
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I miss Rita having fake nails for this purpose!
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Sometimes, but I also believe you have to make your own luck.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I explored a lot with Rita, went a small hike with her and then went to Bali!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Well she as soon as she gets home I would hope that’s what I’m doing.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I don’t even know who that is
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Depends on the mood
20. Do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know them
21. What are you bad habits?
I leave wet towels on the bed (don’t be mad Rita)
22. Where would you like to travel?
Thailand, and then Spain!
23. Do you have trust issues?
I did, but not anymore, I know who I can and can’t trust and I’m very lucky.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
... Seeing Rita, falling asleep with Rita, eating with Rita, is it inappropriate if I say having sex with Rita?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My belly button
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Usually cuddle up to Rita then make coffee
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Tegan and Rita
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
A few, but I’m friends with most of them now.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Nobody honestly
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
No, I’m not afraid of sharing my feelings.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I usually ramble
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Long brown hair, deep brown eyes, small and soft hands, beautiful lips, small in height, witty, smart, funny, and her name is Rita.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I’d say general pants
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m out of High school and definitely not doing what I wanted.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Depends on the situation.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Im tired or super angry.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Always. It’s the only language everyone understands.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean for sure
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
If it’s not Rita it’s my job
46. What are you paranoid about?
I get super paranoid about the dark
47. Have you ever been high?
Like last week
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Last weekend
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Nope, everyone knows everything.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?black
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Nope my life is very good
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
How much I care
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Idk tbh
54. Favourite store?
General Pants or Thrills
55. Favourite blog?
Mm anything positive
56. Favourite colour?
Normally red but it’s actually pastel blue now
57. Favourite food? Thai
58. Last thing you ate? Fruit
59. First thing you ate this morning? Fruit
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Too much of a long strory hahah
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
I am right now 🤤😍
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Can I tell you the story of my first kiss with my girlfriend? Well it was a while ago, we’d gone out to dinner/drinks at the cove in Patterson Lakes, and I’d driven her home from our first date and as I hugged her goodbye I kissed her, she then proceeded to walk away and trip. 😳
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No way
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook not that I have it anymore.
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
No I’m in bed reading.
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Tegan and Jasmine
71. Craving something? What?
I want curry.
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3 because I have to have melman
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Does melman count?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Maybe 2-3?
75. Favourite animal?
A sloth or a bat
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants? White
81. Favourite tv show? I don’t know, I like them all.
82. Favourite movie? Moulin Rouge
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Idk 🥴
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Definitely Dory
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
Rita. We literally talk 90% of the day
89. Name a person you hate?
I only hate one person but I won’t name them
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Yes holy wow yes
92. In a fight with someone?
No, because a fight would require any kind of care and I have none.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
A billion
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
A few
95. Last movie you watched?
Something with Rita
96. Favourite actress?
Nicole Kidman
97. Favourite actor?
Chris Evans
98. Do you tan a lot?
No 😂
99. Have any pets?
I have two dogs and a cat!
100. How are you feeling?
Really good, I let go of some baggage today and finally realised what I have in front of me.
101. Do you type fast?
Yeah I do
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Only the last year hahaha except I wouldn’t have met Rita so I don’t know!
103. Can you spell well?
Yeah except I rely on autocorrect to much
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Of course
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Sure
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yesss
108. What should you be doing? Literally nothing, I’m wrecked
109. Is something irritating you right now? Nope
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Not really, I’ve never been in love until now with Rita
111. Do you have trust issues? Not anymore
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? rita
113. What was your childhood nickname? Loz
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?yes
115. Do you play the Wii? No
116. Are you listening to music right now? No
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? No
118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes
119. Favourite book? Anything bau tauplin
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Yes
121. Are you mean? Yes
122. Is cheating ever okay? No
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Nope
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes
126. Are you currently bored? No
127. What makes you happy? anything to do with Rita
128. Would you change your name? No way
129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius
130. Do you like subway? Yummy
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Laugh cause he’s gay
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Rita
133. Favourite lyrics right now? Not really
134. Can you count to one million? I’d get bored real quick
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I love you
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Depends on whose home
137. How tall are you? Midget sized
138. Curly or Straight hair? Both
139. Brunette or Blonde? Both
140. Summer or Winter? Summer for sure
141. Night or Day? Day
142. Favourite month? January
143. Are you a vegetarian? Yes
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk
145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee
146. Was today a good day? It surprisingly was, off to a rough start but it’s going to end well
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers
0 notes
devicefulflightrisk · 8 years
SOFIA: -she's hungry and uncomfortable and when she cries somebody always comes so...she's crying loudly from her crib- 
FINN: -wakes up at the sound of sofia but jace is completely on top of him and a bunch of dead weight. it suddenly hits him that if he doesn't get sofia right away, colt will, and that would be...not good. so he's attempting to peel jace off of him WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT-
JACE: -ZZZZZZZ. he hasn't slept this peacefully in a long time. he's not going anywhere. he's probably also clinging a little. or a lot.- 
COLT: -it's true, colt is up and at 'em in no time, but as he trots downstairs he notices some... strange signs. abandoned bowls of snack foods and a movie menu playing on loop. he squints... it isn't until he sees what appears to be jace's boots on the floor by the couch that he pieces it all together. AW HECK NAH. - 
COLT: -fuming JUST a little, but unable to do anything about it because he has a baby to attend to first. it's okay sofia, uncle colt is here to snuggle you and go get you some breakfast. don't mind him if he snuffles your baby hair a little during the process. she smells good...-
SOFIA: -she ALWAYS smells good. she's just flopped against colt's chest and whining. she knows he'll take care of her- 
FINN: jace -he hears sofia quiet and realizes that colt must have her and there's a certain kind of panc in his eyes as he tries to UN-CLING JACE-
COLT: -GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT. just kidding, he might be turning into a monster boy but he wouldn't eat sofia. he loves her too  much.- There there... -heats up a bottle, readjusting her in his big arms so he can feed her when it's ready. he does this, but keeps glancing at finn's room... WAITING for him to show his face.- 
JACE: Mmhh? -cracks eyes open, staring blearily at the warm body he's clinging to. that isn't normal. suddenly he remembers what happened and snaps awake.- Oh.......... -detaches when he sees how panicked finn is.-
SOFIA: -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. she keeps whining until she can actually start drinking the bottle, and then her crying immediately stops and though her cheeks are covered in tears, she's much more content- 
FINN: sorry it's just sofia -kisses jace's head so it's not too abrupt and he gets up to put his abandoned sweatpants on- i'll be back just FINN: hold on FINN: -he BUSTS OUT THE DOOR-
JACE: Okay.... -sits up and watches him go, processing everything again. ITS ALL STARTING TO SINK IN.- 
COLT: -standing in the kitchen SQUINTING at finn.-
FINN: -finn looks disheveled- oh hi 
FINN: i was uh 
FINN: gonna get her
COLT: I've got it handled. -colt looks DISPLEASED.- 
COLT: You musta been sleepin' pretty heavy.
FINN: yeah just a -DONT LOOK AT HIM LIKE THAT- just a little i guess
COLT: Did you have someone over last night? -glances at the living room.-
FINN: -looks back at the living room- oh 
FINN: well jace was sneaking around the house late and i just 
FINN: let him come in and thought it wouldn't be a good idea for him to keep exploring in the dark 
FINN: so i let him have my bed
COLT: -he just stares at him, clearly not buying this story.- Finn.
COLT: -THESE BIG OL' EYES. they judge.- I know that ain't the whole story.
FINN: -just kind of looks guilty-
COLT: You know I don't wanna tell anybody how to live their lives. 
COLT: ... But this is my house. And that's my baby brother. And if you're gettin' up to somethin' but you don't wanna own up to it, then I think you already know you're crossin' some boundaries there. -frowns, angry, but mostly just disappointed...-
SOFIA: -she's just so happy about eating honestly- 
FINN: -hangs his head a little- i just -he sighs-
FINN: it was fine at first just normal and then like
FINN: uh
FINN: he said he had feelings for me and i basically told him i didn't feel the same way but he thought it was because i saw him as a baby but 
FINN: i was telling him i didn't see him like a baby and then he was still upset so i told him he was attractive because well he is your whole family is but that's not the point
FINN: and he just wanted to 
FINN: you know 
FINN: regardless 
FINN: so i said ok
COLT: -finn he's gonna put you in the ground-
FINN: -oh- 
FINN: -uh oh-
COLT: Why would you-- 
COLT: Don't you think that might send some mixed messages??? 
COLT: Listen... Jace ain't like Citrin or Ryan, alright? He's sensitive and-- -SIGHS. he can't believe jace instigated this, and yet somehow he can. clearly he wasn't thinking this through either... THAT BOY AINT RIGHT.-
COLT: I just hope you know there's likely gonna be consequences. -LIKE ME PUTTING YOU IN THE GROUND-
SOFIA: -okay she's done. she turns her head away. NO MORE PLEASE. she whines about it- 
FINN: -he's still hanging his head- i'm sorry 
FINN: i should have 
FINN: thought it through 
FINN: instead of just thinking he knew what he was getting into
COLT: -looks down at sofia and sets her bottle aside. burping time. he's already got a cloth ready to prop her up against. pats the sweet baby.- 
COLT: Yeah, well... Reckon I oughta have a chat with him too. -eyeballs finn's room again.-
FINN: do you have to have a chat with him 
SOFIA: -making noises over here while the burp attempt is made-
COLT: -he's proud of her. she's good at making noise.- 
COLT: Yes.
FINN: what are you going to say
COLT: -that finn is a ho.- I'm just gonna make sure he knows what he's gotten himself into... Unless you want to talk to him to clarify. -EYEBALLS some more.-
FINN: -pauses- the look you're giving me is confusing because i don't know if you actually want me to or you want me to stay away
COLT: Guess I don't know either. 
COLT: But I know it's best to take responsibility for yourself.
FINN: -he sighs- i can do it
COLT: -grunt.- Alright. Good.
FINN: do you want me to do it now 
SOFIA: -she burps-
COLT: -frowns some more- That'd be ideal. 
COLT: -good girl, sofia. cleans off her face and goes to toss this towel, leaving finn to his own devices.-
SOFIA: -do I get to hang out with you uncle colt-
COLT: -of course cutie pie...-
SOFIA: -its a good day-
FINN: -meanwhile, Finn walks back into his room to see if Jace is still awake-
JACE: -currrently in the process of climbing out the window without his shoes.- O_O
FINN: hey wait
JACE: Hhhh... Okay... -sits on the window sill-
FINN: -gestures at him- you can sit somewhere inside
JACE: ... Its alright. I like the window sill. -even though it's not super comfortable on the ass.-
FINN: oh okay uh -scratches the back of his head- colt knows
JACE: Oh......... I figured as much..... 
JACE: Is he mad?
FINN: at me yeah 
FINN: he doesn't think we are on the same page so 
FINN: i should probably make sure that's a thing
JACE: -frowns down at the floor.- So... he thinks I dont understand that this is just... 
JACE: Um. You know... a fling.
FINN: -nods-
JACE:  -sighs- I do know that. 
JACE: ... I guess it makes me kind of sad. 
JACE: -pauses, really thinking about all this. as best he can with his head swimming and his heart still racing from anxiety.- But I had fun? 
JACE: That probably counts for something. 
JACE: I dont really... want to regret it... Even if its not permanent...
FINN: -his expression softens- yeah me too 
FINN: i really don't want to hurt you
JACE: Oh, yeah.... Um... Ill be okay. 
JACE: This is way more than I ever could have expected so Im happy about that. -manages a little smile-
FINN: -smiles back- well just so you know if you ever feel bad about it it's okay to talk about it 
FINN: i've had flings that made me feel pretty sad
JACE: -swings his feet as he looks to the floor again, contemplating something... then he slides out from the window sill.- 
JACE: Is it okay if I kiss you one more time?
FINN: -he pauses and nods- yeah
JACE: -shuffles in closer, shyly... before he places his hands on finn's cheeks and leans in for one last slow, soft kiss.-
FINN: -kisses him in return for as long as Jace wants to. Consider this one for the road-
JACE: -melts... he really doesn't want to let go when it feels so nice, but alas... he draws away after a moment, gazing up at him with his big eyes.- 
JACE: ... Did you see my boots out there? -points at finn's door. he's still just in his socks...-
FINN: yeah you left them 
FINN: i think that tipped colt off just a little 
FINN: you don't have to leave i can sleep on the couch i don't mind
JACE: No, its okay!! I should go... Now that Im up I wont be able to fall asleep. 
JACE: -shuffles over to the door- Ill just... Umm. -opens it carefully.- 
JACE: Ill see you! -YOUTH ROLLS OUT THE DOOR. snatches up his boots, stumbles into them, and sprints out the front door.- 
COLT: -squints after him from sofia's room. INCREDIBLE.-
SOFIA: -look at me i'm cute- 
FINN: -he just kind of waves and goes in to join colt-
FINN: so
FINN: same page
COLT: ... Good. 
COLT: -offers sofia to him.- I think she wants you.
FINN: -takes her in his arms and kisses her head- 
FINN: colt i'm 
FINN: i'm sorry
COLT: -gives him a bit of the silent treatment, but it's mostly because he doesn't know what to say. there's too much on his mind, and all his weird compulsions and sensory overloads aren't helping him feel any more at ease. maybe he's being unfair, or hypocritical... or maybe joel's just right about them. they're all just a bunch of idiots prone to bad decisions and they should feel bad for it.- 
COLT: ... Reckon it don't make much difference. 
COLT: Jace can make his own decisions.
FINN: -he just feels really guilty. and pathetic. and like the worst person ever. maybe joel was right, he shouldn't have a kid. why did he have sofia in the first place?- i'm still sorry
COLT: Ok, I get it. -says sharply, but he's starting to look upset.-
FINN: -he just looks down and says nothing. HE FUCKED UP. HE REALLY FUCKED UP-
COLT: -sniffles where he sits, falling quiet again and feeling very stuck and confused.-
SOFIA: -yells momentarily just because she can.- 
FINN: -shhhh baby. he sits there as well, just holding sofia and staying quite and he might actually BE SNIFFLING TOO?-
COLT: -glances at sofia when she scream... then up at finn because they're both sniffling babies.- 
COLT: I'm not... 
COLT: I'm not really mad at you... I am disappointed but... 
COLT: Mostly I'm just upset about everythin' happenin' lately. 
COLT: And I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it.
FINN: i don't like to disappoint you
COLT: ... It's not like it's the end of the world. 
COLT: I'm not gonna snub you for it or nothin'.
FINN: i don't want to make your life worse 
FINN: because i know it's already hard
COLT: My life is fine. 
COLT: My life is great, in fact? I don't got much to complain about. 
COLT: I'm happy. -sighs- Even if I'm havin' a hard time right now.
FINN: -wipes his eyes- but it's been hard lately 
 FINN: i know that
COLT: Well, it ain't all about me. -starts to get up-
FINN: -stays sitting and watches him. all he can do is wait it out, because it seems like he can't fix this. the tears don't stop-
COLT: -he just needs some time to calm down... he really can't stay upset about all this -- and he definitely doesn't want to.-
FINN: -he'll just remain here holding sofia and using his communicator to start doing some research-
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nie7027 · 4 years
Super 5 headcanons part 5
Minegishi sigued.
"For the last time I won't help you sell Shimazaki on ebay" Minegishi stopped dicing the vegetables and turned to look at him with what in any other person would have been a raised eyebrow "I don't even think it's possible"
"Who would even buy him?" Shibata helpfully added from his spot at the sink where he was washing the dishes "Besides world domination our friend isn't that useful for anything else"
Hatori stared when Minegishi just silently nodded
"I don't know! But thats not the point!" Hatori grunted while shaking his head "It's time for some retaliation-"
"So your idea for retaliation..." Minegishi deadpanned "is to sell him on ebay?"
Hatori wasn't dumb, he could hear the snicker behind his flat expression.
"Laugh all you want!" Hatori said pointing an acussatory finger to Minegishi "But I am tired of letting Shimazaki do whatever he wants with is without facing any consequence!"
"Are you still mad about the raccoon thing?" Shibata laughed drying his hands with a washcloth to pat Hatori on the back "C'mon! It was just one rabies shot! And the doctor said it was just cautionary"
Hatori flustered when this time Minegishi openly snickered "You got rabies shots? Aren't you supposed to get those as a kid?"
"Why would I know? Do you even have yours?" Hatori retorted bittely not expecting Minegishi to actually stop laughing.
"I don't know...?"
"Aha!" Hatori exclaimed not wasting the opportunity to latch onto this "What if that bastard brings ANOTHER racoon?!"
"He wouldn't-"
"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?"
At Minegishi's lack of response Hatori screamed victoriously "See? This is why you have to support me with my plan!"
"Sell him on ebay you say..." Minegishi muttered while tapping the kitchen counter with his finges.
"You can't be seriously considering this!" Shibata exclaimed outraged "Ha ve you lost your minds? We aren't selling our friend on internet"
"He's not my friend" Hatori quickly complained.
"And I never said I agreed on selling him on ebay" Minegishi continued "But Hatori's right and it's time we put some limits to him"
"And that's why we should talk with him instead"
"Shibata's right"
"NOOOOOOOO" Hatori cried miserably, victory had been so close "whyyyy?"
"Im sorry buddy but that's the right and mature thing to do" Shibata said not sounding sorry at all
"Hatori stop whinning and finish setting the table so we can finally eat"
Minegishi rolled his eyes at Hatori's sulking form and finished cooking with Shibatas help.
Once they entered the living room with the finished food Minegishi noticed Hatorics hesitance
"Is something wrong?"
"I was just wondering if i should put another plate. Is the bastard going to eat with us?"
"Speaking of which" said Shibata carrying the last of their homemade food "Where is he?"
"I don't know" shrugged Minegishi "He was annoying me because he was bored and you were late so I told him to go and find something else to do before I choked him"
"And he did it just like that?" Shibata asked surprised.
"I had to threaten him starvation and not buying his cereal forst but it worked"
Shibata hummed "He probably went dog sighting"
"How long ago was that"
"Like 5 minutes before you arrived"
"Then it will be a while before he returns"
Minegishi shrugged again "I wouldn't worry about him"
They were halfway through their food when Hatorics eyes catch sight of something in Shimazakis makeshift cabinet.
"Are those his glasses?"
Minegishi turned to where Hatori was pointing "Yes"
"I thought he didn't take them off ever"
"I guess he listened when I complained about dogs saliva on them" Minegishi said "If he is indeed dog sighting"
"I'm pretty sure he is" Shibata said comfidently "Dog saliva? Really?"
"Yeah, between that and the paw shaped stains on his clothes...he was driving me crazy"
"Oh I know! The first time it was really hard to get rid of the stench of trash but I found in internet a helpful mix of..." Shibata's words died in his mouth when he saw Hatori stand up and pick the glasses.
Minegishi stared confused "What are you doing?"
Hatori didn't respond and when he made his way to his forgotten backpack Shibata facepalmed.
"Buddy, no. Did you seriously bought those?"
Hatori turned around with a devilish smile om his face while clearly hiding something behind his back. "Well i never thought you would actually help me with the ebay plan"
Minegishi turned to look at Shibata expecting some kimd of clarification.
"We passed a toy store on our way here and Hatori saw...something." Shibata said in a tired tone shaking his head clearly dissppointed "I can't explain it...Just show him already"
Hatori proudly revealed what he was hiding. Besides Shimazaki's glasses there was another pair.
The other pair were one of those funny looking glasses you used for disguisses or parties with crazy colourful swirly cartoon eyes that seemed to wink when you move them and stupid antennaes that ended in a pink cotton ball hanging from the sides.
It was the stupidest thing Minegishi had ever seen.
"You do realize he wont ever fall for this right?" Minegishi deadpanned once again "He will immediately feel those antennaes movement"
"Have more faith in me" Hatori huffed taking off the apparently removable antennaes thus making the glasses look a little less stupider but stupid nonetheless.
Minegishi picked both glassesand turned them around inspecting them. He had to give Hatori some credit. he had managed to find a pair with the exact same shape as Shimazakis and made of the same cheap plastic.
They were perfect...except for one thing.
"They don't weight the same" Minegishi stated raising the toy glasses. to be honest he wasn't sure but it was an educated guess.
"You gotta be kidding me right?" Hatori exclaimed "Who cares? He won't even notice that!"
"He will" Minegishi seriously said before standing up and walking away still holding both pair of glasses.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Hatori screamed following Minegishi back in the kitchenb Shibata just behind him.
When they got there they found Minegishi already kneeling rummaging one of his low cabinets.
Hatori turned to look at Shibata but the big man just shrugged in return as lost as him.
"Aja!" Minegishi suddenly exclaimed standing up holding his white digital scale. He then weighted both pair of glasses.
The toy glasses weighted 10 grams less.
"Told you" Minegishi triumphantly exclaimed.
"So?" Hatori spluttered "Yeah, fine! They don't weight the same. It's just 10 grams! He won't-"
"He will"
"Again I repeat myself" Hatori said losing his patience "YOU GOTTA BE FUCKINH KIDDING-"
He couldn't finish his sentence because Shibata decided in that moment to place one of his heavy hands on Hatori's shoulder "Minegishi...Hatori is right. Don't you think you are being a little... paranoic?"
"No" Minegishi firmly stated shaking his head "Why do you think I take him shopping?"
"Because you were trying to teach him how to be a good person...?" Shibata tried only for Minegishi to glare at him. They already knew how much of a failure that had been.
Hatori shrugged, now it was his turn to try. "Dunno man. I don't even know why you even let him sleep here"
At the others failed attempts Minegishi continued "I don't know how or what he does but he somehow can weight stuff with great precision"
"What" "What"
"I suspect it has something to do with Mental eye" Minegishi kept muttering unaware of the others awed expression.
"That's...unexpected" "That's fucked up"
"It helps me to make sure Im being sold what I payed for" Minegishi shrugged "ANYWAY my point is if I noticed it he will certainly do it too. If we are doing this we have to do it right"
The phrasing didn't escape Hatori. "We...?" he asked in disbeliefb excitement barely concealed in his tone.
When Minegishi smirked Hatori couldn't help but give a devilish smirk of his own. in unison they both turned to Shibata who just groaned.
"Fine. I'm in"
Both Minegishi and Hatori raised a fist in triumph. Shibata hesitantly joining them.
"But what are we doing then?" Shibata asked "The glasses don't weight the same and Shimazaki is gonna arruve any moment now"
"Shit that's true"
"I have an idea" Minegishi said calling upon the power welling inside him. Soon a sticky looking vine made its way to where the group was reunited. Minegishi inspected it and after some careful consideration he picked two small leaves growing from it and stuck them to the upper side of the toy glasses simulatin angry frowing eyebrows.
He then placed the toy glasses om the scale and with bathed breath they waited for the led screen to settle on a number.
They differed by less than a gram now.
"That's enough...right?" Hatori quietly asked.
"It has to be..." Shibata added before turning to look at Minegishi. He was the judge, had the last work.
"I don't know." Minegishi confessed "But this will have to do. Quick Hatori. Shibata. Set everything we will need in place. We only have one chance amd we can't afford to waste it."
They barely had time to finish their already cold food and prepare everything when Shimazaku suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
They did their best to act naturally hoping the blind man didn't notice anything.
The moment Shimazaki popped in Minegishi's living room he knew something was off.
He could feel the remnants of Hatori's aura telling him he had been building artifacts but wherever they were they were deactivated because he couldn't sense them. They were probably diacarded om the floor. It wasn't the first time he did that.
He could feel Shibata tensing his muscles too but it wasn't like Shimazaki cared. He was hungry and he could smell food so he made his way to his cabinet to fetch his things.
He grabbed his glasses and put them on while he turned about to ask what they had for dinner but before he could do that the whole room erupted in chaos.
"GO GO NOW" Hatori screamed barely restraining his laughter while his artifacts suddenly tuner to life.
Shimazaki could feel them flying, closely circling him but besides that he could hear them. His expartners laughing. Laughing so much they were almost wheezing
"Oh my god" exclaimed Shibata trying to stiffle his laugh with his free hand. The other was busy holding something that made a clicking noise.
"THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT" Hatori cackled pointing at him.
Even Minegishi had bursted laughing!
Shimazaki didn't know what was happening but he knew something was happening and he didn't like it.
With a swift movement he took down all of Hatori's devices, one after another.
"NOOOOO" Hatori screamed "MY BABIES"
Once the artifacts were destroyed Shimazaki turned and launched himself at their vey own creator.
Hatori yelped traying to scurry away from him but Shimazaki was too fast.
Or he would have been if it werenct for the fact Shibata tacklee him before he could reach the little pest.
"Don't even think that" the big man growled as if that was enough to stop him.
Without wasting another second Shimazaki teletransported behind Hatori and with a strong kick slammed him against Shibata sending them both flyin to the nearest wall.
He was about to punch a hole in them when a sturdy vine wrapped around hos arm stopping him.
"Shimazaki stop" Minegishi exclaimed in a low menacing voice. His hand raised ij prepartion glowing with his aura.
Shimazaki teletransported all around the room avoinding the quick vines Minegishi sent after him trying to bound him.
Soon he made his way towards the plant user and when he was in close range he raise his legt ready to plan another kick in the mans chest but hr had to teletransport before he could do it because somethin was flyin comind directly for his head. Whatever it was it sounded metallic when it crashed om the wall instead.
"You psycho! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Hatori, now surrounded by a bunch of floating stuff ready to be thrown screamed.
Provoked, Shimazaki threw himself once again agains the smaller esper "You were laughing!"
"IT WAS A PRANK JACKASS" Hatori yelled reflexively raising his arms forming a protective barrier.
But it wasn't needed because that actually made Shimazaki stop.
"A prank?" was all he was able to say before a wave of vines encircled him and threw him to the floor.
"Yes idiot. A prank." Minegishi walking to where they were and looking down at him "If you had calmed down we could have explain it to you"
Minegishi glared at the bounded man below him. He knew Shimazaki could free himself in any moment. Shimazaki knew it too, afterall he wasn't squirming instead he stayed put glaring at Minegishi waiting for an explanation.
Or at least he tried. He was stilk wearing the toy glasses and if it wasn'tfor the sight of his destroyed apartment Minegishi would have laughed again.
The final tally after everything was cleaned and accounted for included Hatori's phone, Minegishi's toaster and coffe maker (which Hatori had used to build the flying wifi connected cameras and then Shimazaki utterly destroyed) a broken lip from Hatori (though he alleged he had a broken rib too), an unconcious Shibata (who took all the brunt of hitting the wall and that Minegishi had to use his vines to drag and lay to rest on the sofa) and a huge whole on the wall where Shibata had landed, completely fracturing it (Minegishi could consider himself lucky that it hadn't been one of the buildings support walls).
And an annoyed Shimazaki who was too impatient to wait for them to pick up the place.
"Toy glasses...?" Shimazaki dubiously said when they finally explained what all that had been about. He had taken them off and now was moving his hands along feeling them.
"Yes. They are dumb, they are stupid. You didn't have to punch our guts but who cares? You are welcome" Hatori said curtly. He was pissed seated on the sofa at the end of Shibata's feet trying to fix his phone to not succes which only pissed him more.
Minegishi sighed tiredlyb it was too late for this. "We just want to take some photos of you wearing them. We thought it would be fun-"
"How are they?" Shimazaki interrumpted
"How do they look?" Shimazaki suddenly asked seriously. He had stopped touching the glasses and was now frowning at them.
"Uhhh...They are pink?"
"Yeah! pink you dumbfu-" Hatori snapped but stopped himself when he saw the confused look Shimazaki was throwing at him "Of course you don't know what pink is.. "
He groaned and turned to look at Shibata for help but the man was still passed out.
"Pink...is this color...like red and white?"
"It's for girls!" hatori said throwing up his hands in surrender "Minegishi can you help me out"
"They are pink" Minegishi continued shaking his head " Amd they have this swirly cartoon eyes that wink when you move them-"
"Wink?" Shimazaki asked again looking more confused.
"Yes, they wink. It's an effect. Don't think too hard about it-"
"What is this?" Shimazaki said picking apart one of the leaves. "Is it a plant?"
"Yep. Minegishi put them so they weighted the same as your glasses. It worked!" Hatori said in a better mood. As if the fact they managed to trick Shimazaki made him happier "They looked like angry eyebrows. Frowning eyebrows"
"Yes. like you are doing at this very moment" Minegishi said casually pointing at Shimazakis face.
Shimazaki brought a hand to his forehead and lightly patted his eyebrows.
Minegishi ws about to keep talking describing the stupid glasses when the unthinkable happened.
One...two...three...snickers escaped Shimazaki's mouth and before he or Hatori could understand what was happening he was chuckling.
"OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING? IS HE HAVING AN ATTACK?" Hatori asked panicked and Minegishi couldn't blame him for that.
It's not that they had never heard Shimazaki laugh. It was that this was completely different from the mocking laugh they were accustomed.
This was a pure unadultered laugh and Minegishi and Hatori could only stare at the way Shimazaki was bending over while fits of laughter took him over not knowing how to act.
It didnt take much (even though it felt like it did) for Shimazaki to raise with a tiny genuine smile showing on his face while he recovered his breath like they had never seen before.
Afterall maybe a destroyed apartment and an unconcious friend had been worth it.
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okwilliamson · 8 years
should be doing homework but im sexting my boy and answering survey questions
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - ummm i really dont know, syd, seany, evie, luke or bae at home lol 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - mostly shy but when something i want is in the sights i might as well be outgoing to get what i want 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - BAE 
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I think i am easy to get along with, i look mean at first i think and i have trouble controlling my facial expressions lmfao 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - yeah i think so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -  fucked up sad boys who will crush my heart / boys in general im straight af to clarify/ but boys with big lips and nice eyes / someone whos funny / someone who will watch shitty movies w me/ BUT if this is just about people in general im attracted to shit lords like myself 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - um actually maybe? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - my bab 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - no i love talking about sex 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - umm i have deep convos with everyone lol so probs today with syd and clayton 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - ‘omw’ 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - oh sheesh idk ive been listening to throwback shit from middle school and also hamilton 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- honestly the thing i like most in the world 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles not really bc i feel like that has a religious connotation 
15. What good thing happened this summer? -  i slept with someone new 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - would i? yes...should i? not at all lol 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - there has to be right 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - bro what how would that even be possible 
19. Do you like bubble baths?- yeaaaa but never have the chance i dont have bathtubs in my dorm room 
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont even know my neighbors at all i know the girl next to me is named jackie and shes nice 
21. What are you bad habits? -  im a mess all the time like i dont clean up after myself, i dont even care if im living in trash ill just keep adding more trash to the pile. i dont shower enough lol, and im obsessive 
22. Where would you like to travel? -  anywhere!! i wanna go west 
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes kinda, i have a hard time being vulnerable with people bc i build up this wall to keep myself hard and safe away from potential sadness x d 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - umm makeup probably :) 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - probs my double chin lmfao but i can take selfies and look good anyways 
26. What do you do when you wake up? - i like have to pee as soon as i wake up 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -  im good with my skin tone tbh but it would be nice to be able to tan vs burn 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - syd, evie, luke, mik, bella, my sister 4 sure, 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -  no lol 
30. Do you ever want to get married? - ummm idk im not really like super hype to the idea but it could be cool 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -  ya girl has a buzz cut lol 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - wowwie idk 
33. Spell your name with your chin. - miss me w that 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - literally no sports are like the least interesting thing in my opinion 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - shit idk thats so hard bc i use tv as like back ground noise a lot of the time but music helps me with everything else i cant choose 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - ummmm yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - depends on why its awkward 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -  xd i dont need this 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - lovesick, xxi?? thats about it oh and thrift stores!!!!! 
40. What do you want to do after high school? - bitc im doin it im in art school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- yes for sure i give everyone a lot of chances 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - im sick/sad/angry lol
43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - classes bb 
46. What are you paranoid about?- money all the time 
47. Have you ever been high? - yes lol 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - also yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - ummmmmm yikes idk no not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - green 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - i used to but not recently 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - work ethic 
53. Favourite makeup brand? - sheesh i think jeffree star cosmetics & lime crime 
54. Favourite store? - not sure 
55. Favourite blog? - probs claudias 
56. Favourite colour?- pink 
57. Favourite food? - pizza i think 
58. Last thing you ate? - pizza lol
59. First thing you ate this morning?- i didnt eat this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - no i dony think so 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- nah 
62. Been arrested? For what?- nope 
63. Ever been in love? - i believe so! i fall in love with people all the time lol 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- i was in 8th grade and his name was garrett and he was my first bf ever and we kissed on my front porch it was very cliche 
65. Are you hungry right now? - for the first time in a while actually yes 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - literally no i dont really have tumblr friends 
67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? - this is tough bc i frequent both but probs tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? - nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? - claudia, syd, evie, luke, mik, bella 
71. Craving something? What? - HUMMUS 
72. What colour are your towels? - one is like peachy and the other one is purple but i never use that one bc i cleaned up fruit juice off the floor w it and never cleaned it lol 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - a lot like 3 pillows and i use blankets as like body pillows for that snuggly vibe 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - just one hello kitty lol 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - total i have quite a few but i dont bring them to school with me 
75. Favourite animal? - ummm i really dont know tbh 
76. What colour is your underwear? - black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla for ice cream / chocolate for like cupcakes or cake 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - tbh mint choco chip or phish food by ben and jerrys 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - currently just chilling in my bra fam 
80. What colour pants? - black leggings lol 
81. Favourite tv show? - right now the office for sure / but also my 600 lb life 
82. Favourite movie? -  i have so many , django unchained, perks of being a wallflower, across the universe, i lowkey love the twilight series?? idk im not well versed in classic film just shitty films that have a special place in my heart 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - this is an ugly quest but the original mean girls 4 sure 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls lmao 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -janice lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - bro idk finding nemo is not something i think about a lot lolol but probs the badass fish jawn w his ripped up fin 
87. First person you talked to today?- my sister 
88. Last person you talked to today?- just now syd 
89. Name a person you hate? - donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? - claudia <3 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - um not currently except maybe if my illness was personified then i would punch that bitch 
92. In a fight with someone? - i dont fight w people lol 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - literally 1 pair i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - SO many lol 
95. Last movie you watched? - twilight last night lol 
96. Favourite actress? - hmmm, i love charlize theron, kristen stewart but not bc of twilight her other movies are fire 
  97. Favourite actor? i love tom hardy, eddie redmayne, john boyega 
98. Do you tan a lot?- not at all 
99. Have any pets?  - one cat named Bo 
100. How are you feeling? - kinda shit but ok 
101. Do you type fast? - pretty fast, working in call centers get ur typing skills on fleek lol 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - a few things of course but at the same time whats the point in regretting things you know, it just gives you more baggage to carry around and that shit sucks 
103. Can you spell well? - for the most part i think but sometimes shits questionable lol 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - ummm no not really 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yes i have it was a strange experience 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - no way bruh people break my heart all the time tho it seems lol 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes but i was like 8 i think i was sooo young 
108. What should you be doing? - im chillin 
109. Is something irritating you right now? - BEING SICK  
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yessssss 
111. Do you have trust issues? - not so much trust issues but i have a hard time putting my walls down for people 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - ummm syd and luke hahah 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - liv, livy, liver, livy loo ( my mom calls me this when shes salty at me) my dad has always called me scooter crunch i have no idea what thats from, or any variation sometimes its just scooter and recently he called me scooter mc crunchy and that was even a lot for me lol , oh and olive!! 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes ive been out of ohio but not to anywhere very exciting 
115. Do you play the Wii? - i did once upon a time 
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes frank ocean’s blond album 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- i mean its fine 
118. Do you like Chinese food? - i love it but only from like select places bc mediocre chinese is always kinda a let down 
119. Favourite book? - harry potter series, perks, sula, 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sadly yes 
121. Are you mean? - i am sometimes lol i cant even lie 
122. Is cheating ever okay? - i dont think so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - dude no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - this is always a question in these 
125. Do you believe in true love? - ofc 
126. Are you currently bored? - nah im cool 
127. What makes you happy? - makeup, photography, my friends, my sister 
128. Would you change your name? - no ive never thought of something that suits me more than olivia, which is why im cool with my nicknames 
129. What your zodiac sign? - scorpio 
130. Do you like subway? - as in sandwhiches yes lol 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - i would be shocked lmfao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - ummm idk ive been kind of mia recently from being sick but probs syd 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - the whole wiped out album by the neighbourhood 
134. Can you count to one million? - ive never tried and i probably never will but on principal yes i can count 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? umm idk that im ok? i try not to lie about trivial things but if im sad or something and someone im not comfy w asks me about it ill just be like yeh im good 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed i live in a dorm room lol 
137. How tall are you? -5′6 
138. Curly or Straight hair?- i have a buzz cut so neither 
139. Brunette or Blonde? - is this an opinion question bc i have blue hair so like 
140. Summer or Winter? - man im more of a fall/spring type 
141. Night or Day? - day i think 
142. Favourite month? - november but im really tired of my friends trying to kill themselves in my birthday month tbh LOL 
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no but maybe i should be so i wouldnt be so fucking sick all the time 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? - i really like both 
146. Was today a good day? - my day hasnt even really started 
147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers i guess  148. What’s your favourite quote? - i dont really have one tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yuh 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -  the only book i have with me is my science book and thats not interesting at all so lol imma skip this one 
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newjourneytome-blog · 6 years
It is NEVER good enough.
My effort is never good enough. My clothes are never good enough. My appearance is never good enough.
 It hurts to know that I disappoint you. I can never do enough to satisfy you. I try my best to keep going and keep a smile on my face. You must realize that I am grown and have a family of my own. I can’t always drop what I am doing to help someone else, family or not. I will always do what I can, but I have been working on not putting too much on my plate. I said I would try, and that still wasn’t good enough.
 Everyday, you ask why I am wearing what I am wearing, as if I didn’t already have enough insecurities about myself. It is constantly how you don’t like how something fits me, or its too tight for YOUR liking, or GOD FORBID my kid pukes after I have left my home. It happens. She is a baby, and I am her mom. I don’t need you constantly telling me that you don’t like the clothes I wear, or that you think my hair looks greasy, or how I would look so much better if I would lose weight or cut my hair off.
 I know that I would feel better and look better if I had time or energy to shower every single day, but I don’t. I am EXHAUSTED. I get up bright and early in the morning, typically around 5:45. I get dressed, wake the beautiful baby that my husband and I made up, change her, feed her, get her in her car seat, lug her down the stairs about 6:30. I drop her off, and put her in the crib to go back to sleep. I make sure she is calm, if not asleep before I leave. I go to work. I get to work anywhere between 7:00-7:30 am and don’t leave until 4:30-5:00 pm. I work all day long, on projects of my own, and other people’s projects, because they “just don’t have the time to do them” I leave work, and sometimes I must pick Abigail up, other times her father picks her up. Either way, when I get home, I have to hurry up and love on Abigail a little bit so she doesn’t get upset, and clean as much as I can up from the day prior so that she can play with her toys and I can try to cook dinner, and I wont have to worry about her getting something she isn’t supposed to have. I cook dinner, and clean the kitchen, and typically have to pack my husbands’ dinner up for him to eat while he is on his way to work or right before he starts work. I get dinner made, his food packed up, and kiss him goodbye. Then, I feed Abigail her dinner, and spend some time playing with her. After were done playing, it is bath time, and then bedtime. Once I get all of this done, it is anywhere between 8:00-8:30pm, and then I will eat dinner, if I even feel hungry anymore, or have the energy to stay awake. A lot of nights, I choose between eating dinner or bathing. I try to do them every other day. One day I will eat dinner, and on the other nights, I take a shower. At that point, I get about 5 whole minutes (if that) to talk to my husband and tell him goodnight and that I love him. I don’t get a break. I don’t get “me time” or any alone time with my husband. I don’t get to spend very much time with my husband and daughter together, EXCEPT for the weekends, and that is IF the military doesn’t take my husband for the weekend. IM TIRED. I try so hard to just use the weekends to relax, but clearly that is NOT okay with you… but you know what, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE. I might be your daughter, but I have responsibilities of my own, and that beautiful little girl will not watch me struggle to be happy because I am trying to make everyone, including you happy, when in my 25 years of life, I have NEVER been able to do so. I have never been good enough. I am always the one that is compared to something or someone, and I am done. I AM ME. And if that isn’t good enough for you, then I don’t know what to tell you other than its your loss, because I know deep down, that I care and love for EVERYONE whether they deserve it or not, and I do my best to help any and everyone as often as I can. I am a good mother. I have a work ethic. I have morals, and values. I am a good wife. I am a good Aunt. I am a good sister. I am a good niece. I am a good granddaughter. Apparently, the only thing I am not, is a good daughter.
 I want to lose weight. But in what time do I have to exercise, when I have a 9 month old baby at home, and a husband that works nights. I don’t have the money to buy super healthy food, but I don’t eat unhealthy either. I cook dinner every night, except occasionally on the weekends, but I have a job that requires me to sit at a desk all day, and I don’t get much movement from that job. I am hoping that I am able to start exercising soon, but time will only tell.
 I don’t have a lot of clothes that fit me. I have never owned a lot of shirts that are good for an office environment. I have a lot of tshirts, because that is what I am most comfortable in. I don’t have money to go buy new clothes either. I am trying so hard to set my family up for success. I want to get out of debt, and be able to get a house, with a yard, for my husband and I’s kids to play in. I don’t want to struggle. I am done wondering how I am going to pay my bills, but your constant negative comments about what I wear and how I look are completely unnecessary.
 You complain ALL THE TIME, about how I never come around, and you never get to see Abigail… but guess what… I don’t want to be around people that make me feel even worse than I already do. Abigail is at your house regularly. If you want to see her, then ask to come visit her, or leave work on time instead of burying yourself in your job. I am not going to make you be apart of her life. In her 9 months of life, you have asked if you can have her for the day (which really was only 3 hours) one time. Then, you called me to come pick her up, and when I picked her up, she was sitting in a bouncy seat, on top of the coffee table, facing away from everyone, in a onesie, that had blue paint on it, and in a dirty diaper. I had to find her headband, her socks, and her pants, and then change her diaper before I could leave with her, and then, you were mad because I was upset with how she was treated. You haven’t come over just to visit EVER at my apartment. I ALWAYS have to come to you, and I am not doing it anymore. I am so tired of it feeling like a one way street. Put forth POSITIVE effort, and you would likely get some back.
 For you to talk to me with NO respect, makes it really hard for me to even want to be around you or talk to you. The way you talked to me on Sunday, April 15, 2018 what absolutely rude, uncalled for, and disrespectful. Your comment about how you hope my brother and I have a better relationship when you’re dead than we do now, COMPLETELY uncalled for. My brother and I, we have a great relationship. We can confide in each other. We open up to each other…. I can do that with him, because he doesn’t constantly have negative things to say about me, like you do.  I told him we would TRY to help him, and he called to see if he has a definite option, and because I told him maybe, you wanted to call and try to figure out every detail of my day, when honestly, it doesn’t matter what I have planned. I MADE PLANS. I AM A GROWN WOMAN, WITH A FAMILY OF MY OWN. I CAN PLAN THINGS FOR THE DAYS WE GET TO SPEND AS A FAMILY. You don’t get to control my actions, or who I am. You don’t pay my bills. You don’t get to make choices for me. I have held my tongue for too long, and now you think its okay to walk all over me. The minute I start to stand up for myself is when I am “being disrespectful.”  I guess you’re going to have to get used to me being “disrespectful” then, because I am tired of being walked on.
When I wouldn’t change my answer from I will try to help… you tried to guilt trip me into cancelling my plans, telling me about how your shoulder hurt, and your husbands legs were still messed up… but guess what, you didn’t have to do it either. Him and his girlfriend loaded that moving truck by their selves… they could unload it too. Then you wanted to bring up how I should rearrange my schedule to help him because he has helped me before. Justin and I help each other on a regular basis, but clearly, you don’t know that. I asked when specifically had you guys helped me move… and you brought up how he carried totes downstairs for me when my husband was in training for the military… when really I hung them over the ledge and he set them on the ground… then I PUT THEM ALL IN MY STORAGE UNIT. I didn’t ask for help. You forced him to do it before he could go home and play his video games since he was still living with you.  Had he of asked more than 4 hours before he needed help, we could have planned around it, but we had made plans a week prior with people and cancelling last minute is rude.  Not to mention, I texted Justin around 4:30pm and told him I could probably be there around 7:30 to help him, and he didn’t text me back. But we showed up, with help, around 7:15 and he was done, and driving the moving truck back.
For you to think that it is okay to talk poorly about my husband, because you’re angry says a lot about who you are, and what you think about him, my choices, and my family. And If you don’t like them, then you don’t have to be apart of it. My husband called you, when he saw me getting upset, and then tell you your comment was uncalled for, because what you said was hurtful. He wants to protect me. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. If you think that is “controlling” then Im sorry, but I know that my husband is doing everything he does out of love. Does he go overboard sometimes, yes. But he doesn’t do it to try to control me. He would never try. My husband loves me unconditionally, and I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Im sorry that you don’t agree with my life, because in all honesty, youre missing out on great people and a beautiful little girl. That is your choice. You were right when you said that Mitchell and I come from two different backgrounds… but you know what the beauty behind that is? We see things differently so that we can open each others minds to new thoughts, ideas, ways, traditions, and ways of thinking. There is no right or wrong up bringing. Mitchell and I are both good people, doing our best to make it in this life, and we don’t need added stress of trying to satisfy other people, when we have a marriage to build and a baby to raise.
 I vowed to spend my life with Mitchell, and it was the best decision I have ever made. He is a good husband and a good father. He is my best friend, and the love of my life. We are a good team, and we are good for each other. I will be with him and he will be with me through the good and bad. The ups and downs. For sickness and in health, and for richer and poorer. Those vows we took in front of God, and each other, and we both meant them.
 I wish you could quit being so judgemental, and controlling and just enjoy watching me grow as a woman, mom and wife, but I have made that request before, and it has never worked in my favor so, maybe one day it will but as for now, I give up. I am living my best life, and I am living it for me, my husband and our daughter.
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luckyleolion · 8 years
so its been a year since ive been with my bf and this is the longest relationship i have ever been in and i dont see it stopping anytime soon. i think this is good.
however fairly recently i have been going through this weird time where i dont want to do anything and everything kind of makes me feel sad or mad. it could be because i should be starting my period soon. but i dont know.i hope so. i feel like this happens often and i think it is due to that, like the hormones just make me feel weird and act strange.
overall ive been pretty good i recently got like a job, like they said i have been hired but like they haven’t given me a start date. idk. like ive been super pissed about my parents recently. they are only acting this way because i have a bf and me and him go out or just are happy together unlike them and their lame asses. and its like they just get pissy. my mother kind of has been acting like a bitch to be honest and its like she gets really bitter about things. i feel like its not as much as before but its not completely gone yet.
on top of my mothers irrational behavior is my fathers rational behavior. he thinks if i have enough time to go out then i have enough time to clean around the house since i dont have a job, which is completely reasonable. all he really wanted was like the house to be picked up and occasionally vacuumed but what he really cared about was the yard, the pool, and making sure my room is clean. he said once a week he wants to see my room clean and the yard picked up(weeds,leaves,trash) and twice a week to empty the pool traps so the leaves dont clog the pool. completely reason to be honest.
but then my mother goes in and says she wants to add to the list because she is “working so hard at work” and im doing nothing. i think its screwey when people say that and they aren’t like lawyers or something. its like 99% of jobs require that you only have to think about work WHEN AT WORK while school makes a point of students having to think about school WHEN NOT AT SCHOOL. i dont know, its like she literally doesnt do shit and she acts like her job is so fucking hard. meanwhile my father is working full time plus overtime, multiple 24 hour shifts and having to go to mandatory meetings right after the 24 hour shifts where sometimes he gets no sleep. it is insane. and then on top of that he goes to school full time. its like i get father telling me what to do, or getting upset that i need a job. but its like my mother has no room to talk.
anyway, so she goes and butts into this arrangement me and my father have made. she says i have to:
once a month- clean all the fans and windows
twice a month-wash all four dogs, clean the washroom (wash all the clothes and throw stuff away)
once a week-clean the bathrooms and her room
twice a week- vacuum, dust, mop up and downstairs
everyday-pick up and clean everyones stuff that they leave lying around the house
on top of that i have to do the yard work and the pool and make sure my room is spotless once a week.
its fucking ridiculous. nevermind that but i also have to be the source of transportation for my sister and her friend for whenever they get out of practice evn though that varies from day to day to a point where i cant make any definite plans after 5pm. considering mon-thurs i get out of school and back to my house by about 4:15 this leaves me little time for myself. and then i have to clean everything all the time. its just stupid and it makes me angry that they have given me so much work. its like, why? thats fucking stupid.
so i applied to get a job because im fucking tired of my mother and i think i should get away from her. oh my gosh today i spent the day with my bf and his family and my mother was off today....so instead of being productive or like cleaning or doing anything like that she complained to me all day about how she is home alone and there is no one to keep her company and that she is bored and what am i doing and all this stuff. and its like i got out of school around 5 today and my bf’s family had some food so i went to his familys house because im so fucking tired of my mother and also i forgot my food at home so i was super hungry. and my mother was jus trying to make me feel guilty about it. but hell no. im so fucking tired of them trying to make me feel guilty just so they can get their way. my scorpio friend is right i cant be letting them do that to me, they are using me and thats not right.
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