#it starts off angsty
tending-the-hearth · 3 months
thinking about how canonically the pevensie siblings are 13, 12, 10, and 8 in "the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe"
thinking about how lucy needed a stool to be able to get up onto her throne, how peter's sword is a little too large for him, how susan's bow is a little too difficult for her to pull back, how edmund's shield nearly covers his entire body.
thinking about the pevensie siblings and their first few months in narnia, getting to know their new people, and half the narnians sitting there horrified because WHAT have these literal babies been through to give them such traumatized, old eyes, and the other half of the narnians are preparing to adopt them, no it doesn't matter that they're the rules, they're children who are being put in charge of too many things, and if peter looks at the old man council long enough he's going to cry, so someone needs to give him paternal support while aslan is off doing Lion Jesus Stuff™️ and whoops oreius is being nice and encouraging and now he's adopted his kings and queens they're his kids now he doesn't make the rules.
just the narnians and the pevensies being thrown into it together, and just as the pevensies will do anything to protect their new kingdom, the narnians will do anything to protect their rules, because let's be honest, these children have no sense of self-preservation, and are far too overprotective of each other and their people to take into account their own safety, so a lot of battles it's just one of the pevensie siblings running headfirst into danger with oreius running after them because his kids are feral and don't know proper royalty manners and won't threatening old kings from different countries because they're being assholes and the last time one of them tried undermining the queens susan called him a self-righteous asshole and lucy tried to stab him SOMEONE help him corral his children please
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spaceslayer · 1 year
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I didn’t have a choice.
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starays13 · 4 months
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I made more Jailboi stuff.
He technically wasn’t in his normal clothing for the scene this is from but I tried what he was wearing and it looked weird, so I decided to disregard AU canon for the sake of art
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youngmoviemaker · 6 months
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You're Not The Lamb . . . @bamsara
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mkstrigidae · 1 month
APWH preview snippet!
Since I'm actively trying to work on getting the next few chapters out, I thought I'd share a little future scene with some hints of Jonsa with all you lovely people! This bit is from like, a few chapters in the future bc it's the in-between that's giving me fits right now :) (Fair warning: this is unedited and subject to change! That being said, it's such a fun scene that I can't imagine ever nixing it :D)
“Does he even know that they have to avoid the press?”
“For the last time-“ Sam sighed, sounding completely exasperated, “Dickon knows what they can and can’t do- he’s got enough practice not being photographed from when our dad was the secretary. Not to mention spending time around you when that exposé on your crazy grandfather came out two years ago.”
“I just-“ Jon sighed, blowing a stray curl out of his face. “You didn’t see how freaked out she was when the press caught us at that performance in White Harbor. I thought she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.”
He was immediately derailed by Gilly plopping little Sam down in his lap and shoving a bottle into his hands.
“What’s this all about?” he raised a brow, adjusting the baby on his lap, allowing him to latch onto the cuff of his flannel shirt and start gnawing at the fabric. “You going somewhere?”
Gilly shot him a withering look, but he saw the amusement in her eyes.
“I-“ she gestured, imperiously, “Have not had time by myself to shower all week-“
“Sorry, love.” Sam winced, looking up from his pile of paperwork. “I can take a break from these-“
“Not your fault, Sam.” she waved him off. “You warned me about this conference at the beginning of the summer.” a grin played at the corners of her mouth. “Besides, it works out well- Jon needs a distraction right now from the fact that Sansa’s on a date with your extremely hot and conventionally attractive brother.”
“Hey!” Sam looked wounded, and Gilly rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“You know you’re my favorite Tarly.” she wrinkled her nose. “How long have you been working on this presentation? You smell like the baby spit up on you.”
“Guess I’m next in line for showers.” Sam said, mournfully. “Unless-“
“Nope- I need my own time right now, Samwell. Did you even hear what I said about why Jon’s bent out of shape?”
Jon had known Gilly since Sam and she had met up north while the two of them were in college. Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile the timid, scared girl she had been with the woman who was currently devoting all of her remaining energy to busting his balls.
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about Sansa with my brother.” Sam snorted, shotgunning another cup of coffee next to him the way Jon was used to seeing undergrads do with jaeger shots. “I mean, this is Dickon we’re talking about. Used to bring wounded animals home to take care of them Dickon? The same guy who cried when we had movie night and Gilly and Rhae wanted to go see ‘Love, Simon’?” He shook his head. “Look, as far as guys she could be out on a date with right now go, Dickon’s kind of the best case scenario. She’ll have a nice time, and he’ll be a perfect gentleman.”
Jon blinked at him, silently turning to look up at Gilly, who rolled her eyes and sighed.
“You’re hopeless, sweetie.” she kissed him on the forehead again, wrinkling her nose. “He’s not worried that things will go wrong- he’s worried they’ll go a little too well.”
“You’ve been spending way too much time around my sister.” Jon muttered, narrowly avoiding little Sam’s grasping reach for his glasses, managing to get the baby to latch onto the bottle before he destroyed any more of Jon’s eyewear. “You even sounded like her just then.”
Sam blinked for a second, his head whipping between Jon and Gilly.“You’re jealous?” He asked, incredulously. “Of Dickon? Wait- you like Sansa?”
“Got there in the end.” Gilly sighed, affectionately patting him on the shoulder before going to shower, leaving Jon and Sam behind with four cups of coffee, one baby, and approximately five brain cells total between the two of them.
“You like her.” Sam repeated, like it was a giant revelation.
“What are we- in middle school?” Jon hissed, immediately turning his head down to smile and make faces at little Sam while he fed him, before glaring up at big Sam again. “I don’t- I mean-“
Sam was just shaking his head.“Of course you do.” he laughed. “Should have guessed- red hair and a damsel in distress? You were doomed from the outset.”
“Shut up.” Jon muttered, flushing. “It’s not like that.”
“Then why are you worrying about Dickon for fu-“ Sam glanced nervously at the baby, “-god’s sake? When Gill was meeting my family for the first time, I remember you told her not to worry- that my brother was ‘one of the best guys you know’ and ‘practically a golden retriever’.”
Jon could tell that Sam, who could not raise one eyebrow without the other, was desperately trying to do just that.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, moving little Sam to his shoulder to start burping him. “Look- I’m attracted to her, alright? It’s a fu- er, a giant disaster that I’m gonna ignore for the rest of my life.”
“Stop trying to do that with your eyebrows.” Jon complained. “It’s giving me motion sickness. And yes, seriously. I’m not even going to consider that- it’s just a stupid crush. Besides,” he sighed, rubbing little Sam’s back comfortingly, “Robb’s already dealing with enough right now with this whole Sansa situation- can’t imagine telling him I think his sister’s attractive while he’s being forced to suddenly confront all of his guilt and self loathing every time he looks at her.”
“That whole bro code thing of never dating your friend’s sisters never really made sense to me.” Sam shook his head, gulping down more coffee. “I mean, I’d be thrilled if you decided to date Talla, because I know you’d be good to her.”
“Yeah, don't think she'd quite go for that, mate.” Jon snorted, standing to bounce little Sam around gently. He was just grateful Sam hadn’t said anything else about Robb.
“Eh, wouldn’t count you out completely.” Sam shrugged, smirking. “With that hair, you’re pretty enough to be a girl- maybe that’d be enough for her.”
“You are so lucky i’m holding the baby.” Jon muttered, still bouncing little Sam, who picked that moment to spit up spectacularly down Jon’s back.
“Well, that’s three of us who’re gonna need showers now.” Sam grinned, looking thrilled as all get out that it hadn’t been him. “Wow- his aim is getting better.”
“I’m going to remind him of this when he’s a sulky teenager.” Jon grumbled, wiping spit-up off his shoulder as best he could. “Look- no gossiping with Rhae about this, please. She thinks she’s such a good clandestine agent that she doesn’t always realize that Robb is better at sniffing out her plots than she thinks.”
“Alright-“ Sam sighed, looking back down at the massive stack of paperwork in front of him. “I make no promises for Gill, though.”
“Gilly could give some of my Uncle’s colleagues at the WIA a run for their money when it comes to withstanding interrogation.” Jon snorted.
“Probably true.”
“Where did your brother take Sansa?” Still holding onto a now much happier baby with one hand, he reached down the other to take a gulp of his own coffee.
“He said something about going out towards the Tyrell Estate.” Sam shrugged. “They probably drove out there to see the gardens- he’s said it’s a good road to take his bike out on.”
Jon promptly spat out his entire sip of coffee, staining the front of his shirt as well as the back, and frightening little Sam enough that he started to cry.
“He took her on his motorcycle?”
Gilly picked that moment to reappear, completely clean and with wet hair, blinking at the scene in front of her.
Sam, who couldn’t seem to stop laughing, was desperately trying to calm down the baby, who had started wailing, while Jon’s entire front was covered in coffee and his entire back was covered in baby vomit. Not that he seemed to notice, as his face was white and he was making a series of angry looking hand gestures at her husband.
“I really can’t leave you three alone for five minutes, can I?” she sighed. “Do I even want to know?”
#my writing#my wips#writing wips#just APWH things#jonsa#fanfiction wip#God bless Gilly like for real#YES Sansa is on a date with someone else here#muscleman golden retriever McAttractiveness#Aka dickon tarly#unsurprisingly jon is not having a great time about it!#in fairness to sansa the plotline directly preceding this and kicking off her doing some traveling was pretty rough on her#so our poor girl really deserves a giant muscley golden retriever with a motorcycle#and to just have a good time with someone who isn't wrapped up in all the stark drama/disaster/mess etc.#jon can deal with it rn bc it's really a 'you snooze you lose' kind of situation#sam's usually quicker on the draw but he's very sleep deprived here#and working on some stuff for a pathology conference#not at all going to be relevant nope no sir#writing sam and jon interacting vs jon and robb is so fascinating#they're both jon's besties but there's a very different dynamic to the two relationships#in fairness Robb has like SO much complex childhood trauma and is kind of seriously going through it right now#but his scenes with jon always have this sort of darker edge to them#like an 'i've known you my entire life and know everything about you for better or worse' type deal- deeper but darker#it's more akin to a sibling relationship? but also not? they are both going thru it#my headcanon is that anytime jon starts getting too gloomy and angsty gilly just straight up shoves the baby at him#and then waits like twenty minutes#Gilly: 'it's free babysitting!'#generally it works pretty well#jon's like '404 error does not compute' as soon as sam says the word 'motorcycle'#also when sam says 'the secretary' he means randyll tarly was the secretary of defense
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mudstoneabyss · 4 months
actually. the specific phrasing that boy Kevin wants to kill older Kevin with "I must disassemble him, piece by piece, so that everything inside of the Old Kevin comes out. Only then can the New Kevin truly begin." is so incredibly the idea that to heal from trauma and "improve" you have to destroy every "wrong" part of yourself, that everything "tainted" by it has to somehow be replaced by something untouched (which isn't possible)
#reading back that phrasing I do think that'll be the way brinknor takes it#this arcs seeming like it'll be so. breaking the cycle of abuse and violence and coming to terms with yourself#and maybe understanding that you can never remove the parts of you impacted by trauma and start again completely ''pure''#but you can treat yourself with the kindness you should've been given#which i hope it is that because. and understand i am biased. but i'd love that direction for Kevin#it feels much more satisfying than any more. angsty way this arc could go imo#like he's been through enough!#because of the way Kevin is portrayed in fanon. not as frequently anymore but still pretty common. I worry about coming off as woobifying#by saying I want him to heal I want him to have nice things I think he deserves them#when he's also simultaneously Not A Good Person#yknow the poor little innocent cinnamon roll baby etc etc fanon#but. well for one im Not Like That about him. but my main point of bringing that up is. him not being a good person is why I want to see hi#get better and generally have a good life. why does someone have to be good to deserve to heal from trauma#especially when trauma is a big reason for the way they are#like its fiction yeah yeah i'm still tired of mentally ill people having to be ''good'' to ''deserve'' to get better yknow#i mean especially in fiction you tend to either see mental illness as the poor traumatized one who's allowed recovery because they're nice#or the insane psychopath who cant be ''fixed'' so ''deserves'' bad things-up to deserving to die!- for it#i didnt mean for this to be a rant erm. oops#wtnv#wtnv spoilers#joyousposting
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gojosatorailme · 9 months
I’m desperate for Nagumo from Sakamoto Days so might as well take the initiative and write a fic myself. I’m now taking over this hashtag, this man shall be KNOWN.
A blood tainted battlefield. This is the life you chose the moment you entered the JCC. It wasn’t going to be “sugar spice and everything nice” oh no, it was gonna be hell and you knew it. The longer time passes, the more comrades were bound to fall..bound to die. It was inevitable.
But that doesn’t stop the racing of your anxious heart when you saw them fight.
It doesn’t stop your heart from worrying about him.
Sakamoto, Akao, Nagumo, and you. The four of you were tasked to infiltrate an enemy from Thailand, the four actually meaning three.
You were only a first year, you tagged along as an observer. The three were the strongest in the assassin class, you wanted to experience their missions first hand.
Before the mission, you didn’t exactly know much about the three nor did you have a strong opinion on them.
“Taro Sakamoto. Strong.. does he talk??”
“Rion Akao. Totally a hot babe”
“Nagumo…. dunno?”
None of them caught your interest, you just wanted to see them fight and maybe steal a few signature moves for your own benefit.. with your own tweaks of course.
None of them caught your eye, besides him of course. Who the hell is he? I mean, he was attractive sure. He had big eyes, remotely long lashes, long shaggy-ish black hair and.. his tattoo’s. His tattoos were what got you, it was like he was a canvas. Works of art were painted throughout his entire body, it was beautiful. Not to mention his physique, he was so your type.
But he was just so mysterious? There wasn’t much about him that you could pin point, he wasn’t as readable. He’s smart and strong yeah but what goes on in his head you don’t get it? What even is his surname? Meaning to his tattoos? If he wants to fu- he was a mystery.
That’s why he was so captivating. His movements were smooth and quick, you barely saw it as he sliced open an enemies head. Then down another, and another, then eventually there was a pile of bodies that littered the floor accompanied by the reeking stench of blood.
You were supposed to only tag along for one mission, but after meeting Nagumo, you practically begged to tag along again. Then you became a permanent member of the team.
At first, you wanted to see what you can learn from them in order to be stronger. But now, it’s for him. You wanted an excuse to see him. It didn’t take you long to realize that this interests developed into a crush.
You couldn’t help it, the more you hung around him the more entranced you became. You wanted to believe he was using a sort of assassin technique to seduce you, maybe his dark eyes were the culprit? Everytime you gazed into them you couldn’t find yourself looking away.
He’s so silly, he’s pretty cool too. It was strange, you thought he was kinda weird but his laugh never fails to make your face feel warm. The room felt hot when he was there, at one point you wanted to escape.
At one point the feelings made you feel trapped, suffocated maybe. Seeing him made you anxious, you made a fool of yourself. Fumbling over your words and avoiding his gaze, he’s a smart guy so your sure he’s caught on by now. It got so bad you began throwing up in the morning worried you’d see him, what does he think of you?? Your stomach would always feel funny at the thought.
His laugh began to make you feel dizzy.
Why was he so cute?
It didn’t help that he smelled sooo good, a cold blooded assassin that smells GOOD? You don’t hear that everyday.
These feelings stop you from reaching your full potential as an assassin, even limiting you from your original powers.
Even now, as Nagumo is on the ground with a bloodied stomach, you can’t protect him. The others were in another building and it was only you two, being overcome with the tension, you messed up and he was forced to take the blow.
He could’ve easily taken on the enemy on his own, he was strong after all, but he had to save you. Why? You don’t know. You don’t even want to bother deluding yourself with the thought that he’d like you back.
The enemy was eventually killed but what do you do with a bloodied Nagumo? You don’t know either. He’s just laughing.
“It’s okay I’ll be fine in a bit, that guy was a small fry anyway!! He barely stabbed me no worries.”
Oh but you were worried. You were so worried, you felt disgusted about yourself, he was bleeding from the stomach and your getting butterflies from the mere thought of his hand touching your shoulder. Gross.
The butterflies remained as Akao and Sakamoto helped you carry Nagumo back to base where he can get proper treatment.
The butterflies remained when you got back to your dorm at the JCC.
The butterflies remained for a long time.
You cant possibly continue like this could you? your an assassin, a killer. That’s your purpose here, there’s no room for love.
with trembling legs, you walked to the infirmary where Nagumo layed.
His stomach was recovering quickly, the doctor said he’d be able to go on missions by next week.
“Hey y/n! ya here to visit me?”
He waited for your answer as you sat down near his bed side.
“You look pretty serious, something wrong?”
first, an apology.
“I’m sorry, I was weak so you had to save me. I’ll be better, thank you.”
and before he could answer, with a shaky sigh and eyes tightly shut you took in a deep breath.
“I love you.”
It came out as a whisper, barely audible. You were worried he didn’t hear you and you were dreading the thought. You seriously didn’t want to repeat it.
His expression was blank.
It scared you.
The atmosphere was choking you, you wanted to cry.
Noticing his expression, you took the hint and turned to leave. How silly right? You almost git the guy killed and you have the audacity to confess? hah!
“I know.”
You stopped in your tracks. He knows? He knows what?? That your stupid? That someone like him was out of your league? That you were weak and almost killed hi-
hm? whats this?
Your lips feel warm.
Oh. He was kissing you.
he was.. HE WAS WHAT?
you froze still, eyes wide. You were sure you looked like an idiot. Even after he pulled away and a small string of saliva was visible, even after he smiled at you. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening? The situation seemed foreign to you.
It wasn’t until you heard loud cackling that you snapped out of your trance.
“I love you too stup- y/n.”
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undertheredhood · 9 months
the real reason why the og titans knows dick’s real identity is because he was tired of them talking about how hot bruce was in his presence
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tourettesdog · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt where when Jason returns to Gotham he finds himself having exceptionally bad luck.
His foot slips on the edge of rooftops, when he was sure he'd more than made the jump. He's seen by adversaries, even when he was sure he was hidden. Knives slice into his side, when he was sure he properly dodged the thrust. His wounds get infected, even when he properly cleans them.
Nothing he does seems to go right, and it feels as though the world itself is conspiring to drag him down.
This, as it turns out, is not all that far from the truth.
The Spirit of Gotham felt when Jason was torn from his grave, his body moving from the safe embrace of her soil-- from her. He was spirited away before Gotham could recover what was rightfully hers. Before she could right this wrong.
His grave lay barren for a time, and Gotham lamented failing her charge...
Yet the boy returned.
Now, while the boy still wanders her streets, heedless of the resting place she has so generously guarded, Gotham is doing everything in her power to put him back where he belongs.
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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#my brain treats these things the same as it does spamton. almost. i want to see them dead i want to chew on them. i want to kiss them gentl#y and tuck them in bed and sign up adoption papers for them. i want to hit them with a baseball bat. i will take a bullet for them#yknow?#you get me.#again an experimental fun quick drawing#that i ended up ... popping off on. oops.#i have... 0 self control in art#fun fact originally this was gonna be a painting but i went hmm what if i do the thing#ive been doing with sketch lineart on paper but... digitally? angular and sketchy and sharper#aw yea#guz art#toontown corporate clash#low baller#also i had to post this on clashcord and bail instantly because the second i see angst for stuff i like that i havent made myself#i lowkey start breaking down oops#i dont do well with other fans of things that im not familiar with.... my brain works in mysterious ways !#i say this as my next drawing i plan is literally oc angst ... oops !#something i aint done in a while....i only ever do vent stuff i never post if anything. i try not to be like.... venty edgy like that it#just. aint for me. well i say while i ramble on and vent constantly. oops. but yknow what i mean - not let my art reflect that? be goofy#with the stuff i do? but like yeah either way. lore gettin angsty. have we gotten to the point in our lore / rp yet? no. is it kinda an#inescapeable point? yes. i loooooove making my characters suffer the consequences of their actions#WHY AM I TALKING SO ELABORATELY ABOUT THIS. THIS IS A LOW BALLER DRAWING.#BY TALOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BRAIN!! OH WELL if you like these. thanks for reading you are swag. you probably went thru#like. 5465465341564 thomas 'fights' now havent you#oh well gotta have a place to dump my thoughts somewhere!
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chainsawctopus · 8 months
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I made a Yoshida-Denji roleswap AU some time ago but gave up on it cause I don't know how to design a good Ocean Devil Hybrid design LMAO 😭 Octopus Pochita's name is Takocchi, more random info in tags
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Read a fic and found myself thinking “what if Mac got hurt bad trying to save Swk from the furnace or any other thing he wasn’t there for” would Swk tell him he shouldn’t have come instead, because Swk should have been strong enough to handle it as the monkey king or would it cool the flames just a bit to prevent full blown disaster later down the line. also, love how the shadowpeach fight happens with Mac already feeling like he betrayed Swk, like he doesn’t even have to say it Macky is already feeling that way and trying to suppress his other feelings because it feels wrong to feel them when your conscious is reminding you that you betrayed your friend and oh, when the lid pressing down on a steaming tea pot is knocked off those emotions come harsh and fast. So how’s your day going?
my day was pretty good……………until i read this :)
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somebluemelodies · 11 months
i saw that one screenshot of Cellbit and Roier that screamed AU and it altered something in my brain chemistry so here's what i created in response. tumblr needs more spiderbit fics so here's my first contribution :]
There are pros and cons of being a personal guard.
Cellbit practically knows the prince like the back of his hand. What makes Roier happy, what makes him sad. All the drama and his feelings and all the other comings-and-goings.
He likes it. He really likes Roier.
(He loves Roier.)
Maybe he loves Roier, but that’s nobody’s business but his own (and Richarlyson’s, his loveable little nuisance of a son, who enjoys trying to play Cupid far too much for his own good).
Roier is the prince, next heir to the Brown de Luque throne. And he’s… a guard.
Even if the feelings were mutual, even if he’s helped Roier sneak out more times than he can count to find new places to watch the sunset, so Bobby could see from wherever he was among the stars that his adoptive father hasn’t lost that sense of adventure, of bending the rules just a little bit.
Even under a sky painted navy blue and flecked with white, and kisses are exchanged to an audience of no one but themselves.
He’s just a guard to his prince.
It’s for the best, though, Cellbit tells himself. He’s not royalty, and he never has been. No, he’s the opposite of royalty.
Roier deserves the best: royalty just like him. The best isn’t a prisoner-escapee from faraway lands, isn’t an ex-meticulous-murderer-and-manipulator, even if he spent years reforming himself so he could become a guard to begin with. The best isn’t broken.
The best isn’t Cellbit.
(Even if Richarlyson tries to reassure him otherwise. Even if Roier says his past doesn’t matter, that everyone makes mistakes. His past does matter, he’s made too many mistakes.)
But it won’t stop Cellbit from doing his rightful duty; he’ll always protect the prince with everything he has. Roier will never be alone as long as Cellbit is around. He’d die for him, he’d kill for him. Because a man like him deserves nothing less.
It’s why he doesn’t react when he hears Kings Foolish and Vegetta break the news of an arranged marriage for their son. It’s why he ignores the way Richarlyson keeps incessantly tugging on his arm that night, urging him to act, to object. Lest he lose what he loves for good.
It’s why he shakes his head, why he tells himself it’s for the best. It’s why he scolds himself for wanting something, someone, that was never his in the first place - because it was never his place.
(No matter how many hushed sweet nothings. No matter how many tight embraces or sunset kisses or familial feelings.)
He’s just a guard to his prince.
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syrasenturi · 1 year
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scribbly amphibbies
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bonus christmas garfapillar
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chushanye · 19 days
writing a fic about something you legit dislike but see potential in is so trippy because I FORGET some things aren't cannon and it makes me so upset
you have a necromancer who is a medic. extremely well versed in human anatomy -> and you have implications that he's scared of death because his necromancy always gave him false hope that you can take death away. he can never truly bring something to life and it haunts him. AND YOU DON'T EXPLOOOOORE THAT CONCEPT?!?!?!?!? he's one of your main characters and you just dgaf??? he DOESN'T have a character arc like...at fucking all. and add onto that that the enitre series hes treated like an asshole and insensitive for telling it like it is like NO WHY ARE YOU BOOING HIM HES RIGHT
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actualbird · 9 months
i swear to god the next time i think "oh i feel and function much better now, maybe i dont need my meds anymore" i NEED to remember that that is the DEVIL SPEAKING and that the REASON i feel and function better is BECAUSE the meds are IN my system and that the NEXT COURSE OF ACTION is NOT to REMOVE the from my system but to KEEP THEM THERE good god
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