#like geez i just want to have a little wander
voerman · 1 year
act 3 is so overwhelming to me i cry
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aayakashii · 12 days
(maybe) distance makes the heart grow fonder
Warning: mostly angst, depictions of anxiety and a panic attack.
Part 1
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You didn’t notice how far you actually had wandered after Towa had decided to take you back to Jabberwock’s dorm. He held your hand tightly, forcing you to keep up with his awfully fast pace.
You stumbled, trying not to fall down whenever you had to jump over a loose stone or some exposed root, but you were surprised with yourself – after pouring your heart out, you thought you'd have little energy to do anything besides breathe; yet there you were, power walking behind Towa as you two made your way back to the dorm.
The sight of the quaint cottage that was Jabberwock’s dorm filled you with relief. Even though you still managed to follow Towa, you were still exhausted. Your throat burned like lava whenever you swallowed and you could feel your face was terribly puffy. Your eyes were heavy and your nose was stuffy. Crying always took way too much energy out of your body and you were sure you could just curl up on the living room’s sofa and nap before forcing yourself to go on with your life.
Towa slammed the door open, still tightly holding your hand, and you watched as Haru jumped at the sudden sound, almost dropping Peekaboo’s feeding bottle.
“Geez, Towa! I told you not to slam the door open like that! What if Peekaboo was sleeping?!” Haru grumbled, scrunching his eyebrows as he gave a good shake on the bottle again, before turning around to face Towa. You were sure he was going to keep scolding Towa, if it wasn’t for the fact that the white-haired boy was smiling and humming happily while pointing at you.
“Oh! If it isn’t the Honor Student!” Haru quickly went back to his sunny mood and walked towards you, expertly feeding Peekaboo while doing so “I didn’t expect your visit! How are you… oh. What happened?”
You frowned and rubbed your face in your hands. You didn’t want to make your mental breakdown everyone’s business all of a sudden. That was the exact reason why you went to hide in Jabberwock - so you’d avoid being seen. Despite that, you could probably say you trusted Haru enough to talk about your problems without feeling judged. What you’d definitely feel, however, was guilty - Haru was probably the busiest man in Darkwick. Did you really need to give him more burdens to hold?
“I’m… okay.” you said, barely able to say the words as your voice was terribly hoarse. Beside you, Towa pouted and let out a sound of discontent. He was back at being silent, apparently.
Haru gasped, clutching his chest and you couldn’t help but smile a little bit. He always seemed a bit too dramatic, although that was truly just how he acted normally. He’d probably be good friends with Zenji, you thought for a moment.
“What happened to your voice?!” he asked, placing Peekaboo’s bottle on a nearby table. He quickly walked towards you and grabbed your arm and your chin, turning you this and that way under the natural light of his dorm, searching for other possible injuries. “Wait, don’t answer. It might be worse for your throat! Let’s take you to Mortkranken, okay? They’ll help and-”
“No.” you croaked out, grabbing his arm as tightly as you could. “Please don’t take me to Mortkranken.”
Nothing reminded you more of your impending doom than spending even a fraction of a second around Yuri. While some of the ghosts treated you like lesser than human, Yuri straight up treated you like an object. Something he had to analyze under a microscope; something convenient to him, since you could be the key for his glory. However, you’re pretty sure he would like you better if you didn’t talk.
A not-insignificant part of you could empathize with him. He just did it all for recognition. He wanted to be seen and admired and you could understand that. Always having to keep a mask of arrogance just to reassure himself that he wasn’t worthless must be tiring. You’d know that. You had to keep a mask of your own for way too long as well.
But then he would call you a worm and belittle you every chance he got so, after a while, all the empathy and patience you had in you faded away.
Haru quietly observed how your hand trembled as you held his arm and how your bottom lip quivered. He nodded, gently prying your hand away so he could guide you to a table.
”Okay. No Mortkranken then.” he said, motioning for you to sit at the table. As soon as you did, Towa dragged a chair to sit as close as possible to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You welcomed his touch.
“No Mortkranken” Haru repeated and raised his index finger “But you can’t just leave your throat like that!. I’m gonna make something for you real quick, okay? Wait a second! Watch Peekaboo for me.” you nodded as he placed the round ball of fur on your lap. Peekaboo greeted you happily and snuggled against your chest while you pet his head.
A few minutes later, Haru sauntered back to the living room with a huge steaming mug. He carefully placed it in front of you and picked up Peekaboo from your arms, not without some sounds of protest coming from the little anomaly.
You sniffed the golden drink in front of you, the sweet scent bringing a warmth to your face that you very much needed, as you felt your nose less congested. You looked at Haru, inquisitively, hoping he would understand your unspoken question.
“It’s ginger, honey and lemon tea! Well, uh, I put some anomalous medicine for colds in it too but…” he scratched his cheek, his smile a bit embarrassed “But! It’s what my mama would make for me whenever I got sick! It's fail-proof. Go on, drink it.” he motioned for you to drink it and gave you a thumbs up. Beside you, Towa nodded and let out a sound of approval, as if he was attesting to the tea’s efficacy.
You cracked a small smile while you held the enormous mug with both of your hands and thought about Haru's family for a second. You wondered if they were all nice and nurturing like him or if he was just a very good egg. You could imagine him having a very sweet and caring mom, and, in your mind, he’d be her spitting image. Both with fiery red hair and a smile that could convince you of anything. But more than anything, you could imagine him being the eldest child of a big family, full of little siblings that clung to him no matter where he went, begging their big brother Haru to go play with them. And he would. Of course he would.
You began to feel weirdly melancholic as you wondered why someone like him ever needed to make a pact. Was it for his family? And if it was, does he still keep in contact with them? Or was he ripped out of his own old life just like you were?
You drank the tea, feeling the sweet taste of honey mixed with the bitterness of ginger and lemon send a jolt of energy to your nerves. There was a third, unknown taste in it, which you assumed was the anomalous medicine, but you chose to ignore it. Right then and there, what was healing you wasn’t that - it was Haru’s and Towa’s kindness towards you.
The warmth of the drink spread from your chest to your fingertips and you felt tears pool in your eyes again. Apparently, the dam was broken and literally anything would make you cry - even your own fertile imagination and the abandoned Sagara family you had pictured in your mind.
You placed the mug on the table, taking a deep breath through your now decongested nose.
“How are you feeling?” Haru asked while finally feeding Peekaboo his bottle.
You nodded.
“Better. You’re a miracle worker.” you replied, surprised at how your voice already seemed to be less raspy than before. Towa hummed happily with a sing-songy voice, squeezing you a bit tighter.
“Haha! That’s probably the medicine working though!” he laughed, modest as always.
You shook your head, about to protest, when a loud stomp was heard from the top of the stairway that led to the bedrooms. Ren peeked his head down, clearly checking whether or not Haru was around to bother him. It was when he met your gaze, however, that his eyes widened in shock. At the sight of your puffy eyes and red nose, Ren mouthed an “o” and slowly backed away from the stairs, locking himself into his room once again. Beside you, Haru sighed loudly and scratched his head.
“I’m sorry about Ren. He still needs to practice how to be a good friend.”
You waved your hand dismissively.
“It’s okay, I don’t blame him. I would feel awkward if I saw someone crying in my living room too.” you let out a tired, breathy laugh and Haru grimaced.
“Do you feel like telling me what happened now?” he asked, after a few moments of silence.
You stared at the now empty mug. Cozy warmth spread in your stomach and your limbs, but you were still very much aware of the sinking dread that had hosted itself inside your heart. You knew that whatever comfort Haru and Towa were giving you was temporary, while your anxiety was way more resilient. Would Haru know what to do? Would he be able to offer a little bit of respite from your spiraling thoughts or would you just make things awkward?
As you opened your mouth to give him some sort of answer, you heard it.
Inside your pocket, your phone was pinging.
You felt your heart drop. With trembling fingers, you fished your phone out of your pocket and placed it on the table. There, flashing incessantly like a persistent and spoiled child, you were able to read the notifications that had been flooding in, unbeknownst to you.
Jin, Tohma, Leo, Romeo, Ritsu, Yuri.
Your breathing became labored once again. For a split second you wondered why these men wanted you around so bad when it was so clear that they hated you. Was the power trip that addictive? You wouldn’t know. You had too much of a conscience and that wouldn’t allow you to treat others like they treated you.
You tried focusing on your breathing as the familiar pressure behind your eyes began to build up. You were already so tired of crying and all the effort Haru had put into making that tea would go to waste if you began bawling your eyes out once again.
Where was all that courage you seemed to have during missions and why couldn’t you summon it right then and there, when all that terrified you were the men that dangled your life as a bargain chip in front of your eyes? They were just as dangerous, if you thought about it.
“Hey, hey. Let’s turn this off, ‘kay? You really need a break.” Haru’s gloved hand suddenly appeared before your eyes as he grabbed your phone and forcefully turned it off. Towa rubbed your back again, eyes glinting with concern, and you realized you were already making a fool of yourself, once again. You felt traitorous tears dampen your cheeks despite trying so hard not to cry.
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled, hastily drying your eyes with your hands.
“Don’t apologize for that! They’ve been giving you a hard time, right? Dealing with all the ghouls in here is a handful, you’re already doing so much more than I would be able to do!” Haru chirped, trying his best to cheer you up. You cracked a small smile at the fiery way he delivered those words.
“Yeah… It’s been… a lot. And I miss my home.”
At that, you noticed how Haru visibly flinched. Like the topic was a tender and open wound for him as well. Made-up images of his mother came back to your mind and you wondered if your guess about his family was right.
He then sucked his teeth, looking apologetic.
“I wish I could help you somehow…” he muttered, visibly upset at his inability to solve this specific problem as easily as he did his duties. You just shook your head.
“You already helped me so much. You and Towa. Thanks for being so understanding and making me that tea.”
Towa rubbed his cheek against yours, humming happily, and Haru barked out a laugh.
“We all need to be supporting each other a lot more, dontcha think?”
You nodded. You were pretty sure he was the only one who thought that in that entire place. The others would probably be happier if everyone disappeared.
And as you thought that, that word lingered in your mind.
It teased you, much like a mirage could fool a parched man, lost in a desert.
It was something you've thought of before, but it just never seemed possible. It was a common thought you had when you arrived at your dorm after a really long day of yells, insults and orders being barked left and right.
After your nervous breakdown, however, you felt like you needed to make it possible – it was a matter of life or death. You didn't know how you could go on while you felt like you were on the verge of being eaten alive by your grief, your anxiety and your fears.
You needed rest. Peace. Quiet. If only for a little bit.
There was no harm in trying. At least no harm bigger than the ones you already faced.
“Can I ask your opinion on something?” you spoke, after a few moments of silence.
“Oh? What is it?” Haru's back straightened and his eyebrows shot up, his attention fully back at you while he nursed Peekaboo.
You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
“How screwed do you think I’d be if I disappeared for like. One or two weeks?”
His smile slowly melted away from his face and turned into a frown. It would be funny if your hands weren't clammy with sweat as you asked. You were pretty sure Towa could feel the spike of your heartbeat in your neck, since he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Disappeared? As in leaving Darkwick? I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“No, no.” You shook your head “I wouldn’t leave. I just want some time away from them. The ghouls. Spend a few days in a place where they won’t search for me. Or somewhere I can stay hidden.”
Haru tilted his head to the side, thinking.
“I don't know how you'd pull it off. The academy would probably search for you too."
You suppressed the urge to scoff. The Academy knew your whereabouts at all times. As long as you stayed inside Darkwick, you figured they probably wouldn't care where you were. They just couldn't know you were planning on not doing your job as an inspector, but… what the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel, right?
“You think? I don't think they care that much. As long as I stay inside the Academy, it'll probably be okay.”
“Well… But what if they summon you to a mission?”
You waved your hand dismissively.
“I'll cross that bridge when I get there. But I think I made up my mind. I want to do this. I need to. All I want you to be my accomplice and say you don't know where I am if someone searches for me.”
Haru opened his mouth, and then closed it, changing his mind on whatever he would say. He sighed, defeated.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
“Thank you, Haru! Towa?”
The boy, that was still hugging you tight, nodded happily.
“But where would you stay?”
At that, Towa pouted at Haru and stomped his foot on the ground.
“But Towa–” he began.
“No, it’s okay, Towa.” You ran your fingers through his hair. “I know I can't stay here. The vacant rooms are being used as storage for the animals right? I can't crash here without forcing you guys to go through a very tiring cleaning process.”
You had helped Jabberwock far too many times to know that a lot of the supplies Haru used were being piled up inside the dorm rooms. If a new student joined them, it would probably take some precious time to make room for them – time that Haru and you didn't have.
“I mean, we could try to empty a room and clean it up–”
“No, it’s okay. That'd be a hassle. I’ll go to Obscuary.” you announced, final.
Towa immediately let go of you and grunted, stomping his foot again. You knew how much he hated Ed, but there wasn't any other option for you to choose. Hotarubi was Darkwick's little lapdog, and you don't think the students would help you stay hidden. You trusted Subaru, Zenji, and Haku with your life, but you couldn't say the same for all the others.
No, you needed complete isolation. Nothing better than the place that mostly everyone avoided after all. Towa would have to forgive you.
“There are some free rooms in Obscuary right now and I don't think Rui would mind. I've stayed there before.” you explained.
“Right! I've slept there before as well, after being a tad too tipsy, haha!” Haru added, trying to quell Towa's jealousy otherwise it'd probably bring forth a storm he definitely did not need.
The lavender haired boy pouted, looking to his feet. You grabbed one of his hands and held it tightly.
“I know you don't like that place, so I'll try to come here to visit you while I'm there, Towa. You won't have to go to that creepy forest, promise.”
He looked at you with glistening eyes and nodded timidly. You sighed, relieved. You didn't want to upset one of your closest friends just because of a selfish decision you were making.
“Thank you, Towa. You're amazing.” You kissed the back of his hand and he quickly smiled at your gesture.
Haru got up right as things were settled, and placed a happy and well-fed Peekaboo inside its crib.
“It's time to feed the rest of the animals. Give me a hand, Towa. We got a lot of field to cover.” he said as he stretched, his words sounding more like a groan than anything. Beside you, Towa nodded happily and dashed out of the door without hesitation.
“Wait! I didn't even tell you which animals you can feed! Gaaahhh, he's gone…” Haru yelled, pulling his hair.
You chuckled at his cartoonish behavior while he quickly prepared himself to go out after Towa.
“Do you mind if I stay here a little longer, Haru? I'm still very tired.”
“Of course! Our house is your house! Take your time. See ya!”
You watched as he activated his stigma and ran as fast as a lightning bolt to catch up with Towa, leaving the door to the dorm's entrance open.
You made your way to the door, pulling it closed, and sighed deeply, sitting on the couch.
Well, you had done it. You had given in to your selfish thoughts and hastily planned your temporary escape. Would it work? You had no idea. But if you got even one day of peace, you'd consider it a win.
You resisted the urge of grabbing your phone and scrolling mindlessly. You needed to be offline as much as possible in order to avoid everyone. You'd feel bad for some of them, like Kaito, Luca and the Hotarubi ghouls. But a secret held by too many people rarely stayed a secret.
"Senpai?" a monotone voice resounded behind you after a few minutes of silence and you jumped.
"Ren! Sorry, you spooked me." you gasped, placing a hand over your heart.
"Ugh, sorry..." he mumbled awkwardly, looking to the side. You stared at him, waiting for him to continue whatever it was that he wanted to say. You knew it was best not to hurry him up when he took the initiative to start a conversation, after all. "Er... you are feeling bad."
It was more of a statement than a question. Regardless, you nodded.
"So..." he mumbled a few more things you didn't quite make out "do you... like... do you wanna watch a movie or something? To distract yourself, I don't know..." he finished, rubbing the back of his head, clearly embarrassed by his own behavior.
In that moment, you couldn't help but feel your chest swell with affection for the boy in front of you. You knew how hard it was for Ren to open himself to others, much less allow them to participate in the things that mattered the most to him. To invite you to watch a movie was more than enough proof that Haru was wrong – Ren knew how to be a good friend, in his own way.
"I'd love that. Thank you so much, Ren." You smiled and he rolled his eyes, the pink on his ears betraying how he actually felt.
"Well then, let's go. I don't wanna wait too long to watch this movie. Also, it's going to be a trash horror, so if you don't like this type of thing, tough luck."
As he babbled, trying to hide his own nerves, you entered his room. Ren grabbed a chair and plopped himself on it, pointing towards the bed so you could lay down. You chose not to argue. He was already doing a lot more than you'd expect him to.
You snuggled against his pillows, trying to find a good position to rest and watch his notebook's screen. And to the sounds of high-pitched screams and gurgling monsters, you ended up falling asleep.
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melon-fodder · 1 month
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Summary: The last thing Hiragi wants to do when on the cusp of a rut is watch over his boss' bratty daughter (who he happens to find very attractive). Too bad for him.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: guard dog!Hiragi, human!reader, fem-bodied reader, reader wears a dress and lip gloss, some a/b/o traits (ruts, pheromones, knotting), p in v, rough sex, reader is a bit of a brat, rich girl!reader, attempted assault, crying, mentions of breeding, biting, lil bit of blood, fingering, squirting, p in v, knotting, slight cumflation, Hiragi just goes kinda feral in this
Note: title is from It Will Come Back by Hozier. A big thank you to @lady-lauren for reading this and demanding more despite barely knowing Hiragi. I love you, bb. This is for @goxjo’s into the omegaverse collab. Make sure to check out the whole masterlist!
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Hiragi rubs his temples, reminding himself to take even breaths. His irritation grows with each passing second, a growl taking form in his throat until he finally barks out, “hurry up or we’ll be late!” 
He can hear movement from the other room, heeled footsteps, the opening and closing of containers. Just as he’s about to march into your bedroom and drag you from your little vanity, you decide to emerge. 
“Calm down, I’m ready, geez.”
You bat your eyes at Hiragi as you pass him, an amused smile playing at your shiny lips, and Hiragi has to bite his tongue to keep from calling you a fucking brat. 
He has to fight that impulse every day, actually. Because you are a brat. A spoiled, privileged, doe-eyed little—
“What are you just standing there for?” you question with a little too much sass. “You’re the one worried we’re gonna be late. Come on.”
Hiragi is just standing there because he’s trying to gather himself. You may be one of his biggest stressors in life, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t affected by you in other ways, especially on days like these when he could fall into a rut at any given moment. It’s a little past due, if he’s being honest—the general weight on his shoulders has done a good job of keeping it at bay—but Hiragi has noticed that his patience has been thinner than usual the last few days. His senses are heightened, able to pick up on the most subtle scents as his dark ears twitch at every little sound. 
Not to mention the persistent dull ache in his balls that he just cannot get rid of. 
After this function tonight, once you're back home safe, he’s gonna have to find someone to take this out on, someone he can trust enough to ride it out with him. 
Now isn’t the time to think about it, though. It’s unwise to let his mind wander to sex when you’re so close to him, looking much sweeter than you actually are in your little dress and strappy wedges, perfume and pheromones wafting off of your neck and making Hiragi’s mouth water. 
All he’s gotta do is deliver you to your father’s dinner, stand watch for a couple hours, and bring you back home. Nothing more, nothing less. He only has to be around you for that completely reasonable amount of time. 
Still, Hiragi feels dread settle in the pit of his stomach as he walks with you outside. He goes for one of his boss’ nice cars, keys in hand, but you catch him by his jacket sleeve and tug him in the opposite direction. 
“Let’s take your motorcycle!”
“No,” he shuts you down without hesitation. Your father has never explicitly told Hiragi that you aren’t allowed on his bike, but he has told him that Hiragi is to keep you out of harm’s way. It’s sort of his entire job. Having you up against him with a machine rumbling between his legs seems like a very unsafe thing to do. 
You pout up at him, cross your arms and whine, “you never let me ride with you!”
“Yeah, ‘cause your dad would fuckin’ skin me.”
“He doesn’t have to know. We’ll leave before he leaves. He won’t even see it in the driveway.”
He’d probably hear it, though. 
It isn't actually his employment that Hiragi is worried about. That’s not why he wants to keep you off his bike. The real issue would be having you touching him for the duration of the ride—your arms locked around his torso, your tits heavy and warm against his leather-clad back. There’s no way he’d be able to make the drive without getting hard on the way. 
“Please, Ragi?” you ask again, blinking up at him like a neglected puppy as you push your bottom lip out. 
Unfortunately, it works, your expression triggering that protective nature inside of him. As maddening as it is, there is a part of Hiragi that’s loyal to you—your father as well, but especially you. 
Why else would he put up with you? 
“Fine,” he grits out, pulling his other set of keys out. 
You grin at him all giddy as two words fall from your glossy lips—a phrase he both loves and hates because of what it does to him. 
“Good boy.”
His temper flares at the same time that his cock twitches, and he grumbles incoherently the whole time he adjusts your helmet. 
“Little brat.”
“You love me,” you retort, voice muffled by the visor Hiragi purposely pulls down over your aggravating, beautiful face. 
As expected, the drive is tortuous. Your hands splay out on his chest, fingers clutching his shirt at every turn. He can feel the spread of your thighs behind him, and if he could shut his eyes to get rid of the mental image he would, but he can’t because he’s driving. 
You’re hot pressed against him, or maybe it’s his blood boiling him from the inside out. All he knows is that if you were to move your hands lower on his abdomen, he’d combust. If you were to just slowly palm him through his pants…
Hiragi growls in frustration, accelerating a little too fast and making you squeeze him tighter. Fuck the speed limit; the faster he can get you to your destination, the faster he can get away from you. 
The neighborhood that your father’s associate lives in is very nice—a neighborhood that Hiragi would have no business in were it not for you. He's finally able to take a full breath when he pulls to a stop and cuts the engine, but his heart stutters again when you spring off the bike. 
Hiragi would be lying if he said he didn’t immediately miss the weight against his back, but it’s best that you don’t touch him. Still, now he has to wrestle with the sight of you as you pull your helmet off and smooth your hair back into place. 
Your thighs are on full display, and your tits are literally wrapped in a bow, cleavage teasing him from behind the ribbon of your dress. You’re like a little doll. So pretty. Probably fun to play with despite your pull string that makes you say all kinds of annoying things like, “what the hell are you looking at?”
“Stop staring,” you laugh as you hand him your helmet. “You’re gonna get dog drool all over your bike.”
“I’m not starin’, and I’m definitely not droolin’!”
Your glossy lips twist into a knowing smirk, and you step closer to him. Way too close. He could pull you onto his knee if he really wanted to which… he does not. 
“You don’t have to lie, I know I look nice tonight,” you tell him. 
Oddly enough, it doesn’t sound cocky. There’s even a glimmer of sorrow in your eyes as you absentmindedly poke the spikes of Hiragi’s collar. It makes him shiver, makes him reach up and catch your hand because if you don’t quit it, he’s either gonna bite a finger off or cum in his pants. Not sure which. 
You squeeze his hand before letting it drop, mumbling, “Father told me to dress up. Look my best. So I put on my cutest bartering chip dress.” Stepping back, you do a little twirl for him and plaster on what he now knows is a fake smile. “So you like it, yeah?”
“I liked it more when I thought you put it on for yourself,” he admits gruffly, never able to control his mouth on nights like this. 
It makes sense now why you’re supposed to be here. Your father wants to make a show of his pretty daughter, a strategy Hiragi has seen a couple times before. It had irritated him then too, but what he’s feeling now is different from irritation. There’s a sickness swirling in the pit of his stomach at the idea of his boss offering you up like some kind of business deal that needs to be signed. 
“Well, hopefully this guy’s son thinks I put it on for him,” you say, and as you start to walk toward the large house you whisper to yourself, “hopefully he doesn’t make me take it off.”
It wasn’t meant for him to hear, but you should know by now that Hiragi will pick up most things. You’re always teasing him about how sensitive his ears are, so you really shouldn’t be surprised when he tells you, “I’ll tear the fucker limb from limb if he touches you, got it?”
You blink your wide eyes at him a couple times before dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
“Oh my god, Ragi, don’t be so dramatic!”
And, just like that, your spoiled brat mask is back in place. 
Walking to the entrance, Hiragi smells the other hybrid before he sees her. The front door swings open to reveal what he assumes to be the family dog, just another one of his kind doing what they all do best: protect territory. 
She’s tall—not as tall as he is, but she's got several inches on you. Black ears are tipped with white, moving like satellites to catch every sound of your approach. She eyes both of you up and down, but afterward her gaze rests on Hiragi. 
“You didn’t have to bring your guard dog, little miss,” she sneers, an ugly sound that she punctuates with a wink in his direction. 
“I go where she goes,” Hiragi grunts. Already, the other hybrid is putting out signals, putting out scents. Worse, she’s picking up his. She can smell his wariness, his possessiveness, and by the gleam in her eyes, his impending rut. 
“You sure it’s a good idea for you to be in there?” the hybrid asks, holding up a hand of manicured claws to keep him from passing over the threshold behind you. It puts the stranger in a very precarious position.
“You sure it’s a good idea for you to get between me an’ her?” he warns, the hair on the back of his neck rising as she crosses her arms and smirks. It straightens her back, pushing her tits up, and Hiragi picks up on a new aroma, a new interest. The female hybrid seems aroused by his dedication, taking it as a challenge she intends to win. 
Maybe she will. She’s not unattractive. After this dinner Hiragi could just drop you off and come right back, ride out his rut with this stranger. She's obviously interested, so why not? 
“Hiragi,” your voice rings out, and when he glances back to you, he finds your hand outstretched, finger beckoning. “Come.”
That’s why not. 
He nearly shudders at the command, spares the other hybrid a threatening look—don’t try to stop me—then brushes past her to join you inside. 
If he were a smarter creature, he would spend the dinner posted outside flirting with the female while keeping an ear out for any danger 
But, he’s not, so instead he spends the dinner leaning against a wall, eyes flicking between you and the young man you’ve been seated next to. Apparently, he’s next to take over his father’s business, so it’s “imperative” that he’s here. Your presence isn’t so obvious—at least not to the hosts. You’re here to entertain and seduce, to wrap this boy around your finger so that he’ll convince his father to take the deal. 
It’s nauseating. Hiragi watches the way you grin playfully, cover your mouth to keep from giggling loudly or inappropriately. You’re delicate and sweet, docile yet tempting—a glimpse at a perfect little wife. 
Hiragi hates it. As much as you annoy him, he’d take your smart mouth and bad attitude over this any day. It may be another costume that you wear, but it’s more genuine than this little show. It’s definitely less filtered. 
A hand dips under the table and out of Hiragi’s eyesight. He sees your body tense, smile fading into something tight as a wave of dread rolls off of you and straight into Hiragi. The smell is pungent, mixing with fear and anger and causing his upper lip to curl. 
“I know you aren’t baring your teeth at my young master,” the female hybrid says beside him. He hadn’t even noticed her arrival, too distracted by your scent. 
“I’ll do more than bare my teeth if he doesn’t get his fuckin’ hand off her.”
“So touchy,” she purrs, moving close enough to brush against him, “they’ll be fine. There’s no need to worry.”
He takes a step away from her, overloaded with the onslaught of aromas—your panic, the kid’s desire, the hybrid’s deceit. She’s trying to distract him, to keep him from watching too closely. It’s not going to work. Hiragi only has eyes for you now. 
And then yours land on his. He sees a plea within them, somehow silent and screaming at the same time. Get me out of here, please. Your brow is pinched, your lip is trembling, and your chest is rising and falling too fast, each breath like thunder in Hiragi’s ears. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you apologize meekly, slowly standing from the table on shaky legs, “I’m afraid I don’t feel so well.”
You smooth your dress out quickly—so quickly that no one else seems to catch how rumpled it’s gotten, how high it had been pushed up, but Hiragi notices. 
Saliva pools in his mouth but not because of you or the sight of your thighs he so desperately wants wrapped around his head. No, it’s the kind of spit that drips from his teeth, that foams and spills and warns people: rabid dog, do not approach. 
Hiragi takes a step only to be stopped by the female hybrid. His eyes are still locked on his target and its pulsing jugular—its face twisted into a petulant frown, like a child who just got his toy taken away. 
“Don’t you dare,” the female hisses, placing a hand on his chest. Hiragi nearly shoves her away. The only reason he doesn’t is because of you passing him, gripping the leather of his jacket and tugging him along behind you. 
Nobody tries to stop the two of you from leaving. In fact, the two older men remain lost in their own conversation, completely oblivious to the massacre that nearly took place right in front of them. 
You don’t say anything until you’re standing next to Hiragi’s motorcycle under the dark, evening sky. 
“Fucking entitled asshole—thinks I’m on the table right next to the money. Who does that? Who just—”
There are tears shimmering in your eyes, rolling down your cheeks, and Hiragi doesn’t think before wiping them away with his thumb. He can smell the salt and disappointment and resentment, considers tasting it but now is not the time. He’s furious, ready to crack skulls and teeth and anything else. There’s so much blood pumping through his veins, hot and hungry for violence—for anything. 
“I should fucking kill him,” he says more to himself than to you. 
“Don’t bother. He didn’t get far. Barely made it into my panties before I—”
“I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
He turns back to the house, about to take off at a god damn sprint, but goes rigid when he feels your arms wrap around him from behind. 
“Don’t,” you mumble, “just take me home. Please?” Hiragi sucks in a breath, diaphragm spasming when your hands grip the fabric over his abs. “Just let me forget about it.”
This shouldn’t be arousing. You were just assaulted, for fuck’s sake. But Hiragi has been riled up for days now, and you’ve just gone and coiled yourself around him, so vulnerable. So needy. 
His heart is beating too fast, pumping blood to too many places at once. It pounds in his head, courses through his veins like magma, travels down until his cock starts twitching, and Hiragi just groans. 
“We gotta get you home.” It’s right there bubbling beneath his skin, that primal need he can’t suppress no matter how hard he tries. Hiragi peels your arms off of him and grabs your helmet, unable to look at you–your glistening eyes and pouty lips–as he pulls it over your head. The street lights blur on the drive home, each one passing quicker than the last. He should slow down. He should stop taking the curves so fast. But he can barely focus on what’s in front of him when you’re right there behind him. The domesticated part of him is slipping away, and he can’t do anything to stop it. A particularly sharp turn has you squealing behind him, morphing into a high pitched laugh that Hiragi can hear over the roar of the engine. You squeeze him tighter, the heat of your palms going straight to his cock. What he wouldn’t do for a little friction, to be able to rut into something. He’s losing his mind. If he isn’t careful, he’s gonna– “Get off,” he barks as soon as he pulls into the driveway. “What?” “Get off, and get inside,” he commands through his teeth. “Hiragi, what…” you sound a little breathless as you kick a leg over the bike to stand. If he had been watching, maybe he would have gotten a glimpse of your panties, the ones that bastard tried to push aside to get to… He can’t think about it right now. He can’t fall into another fit of rage, and definitely can’t think about anyone touching you. “You’re not gonna go back there, are you?” you ask once you take your helmet off. “I’m fine, I promise! The ride helped. It was actually really fun!” “It’s not that,” he tries, hiding behind the visor of his own helmet, “I just need to… Look, I’m having a bad night.” “Oh,” you tilt your head to the side, “can I help at all?” “No!” You jump at his voice, and he immediately feels bad. “Sorry. It’s not you. I just… need to cool down.” “Do you need some water or something?” God dammit, he needs to leave. He can’t just sit here with this bike rumbling between his legs. He can’t just sit here and stare at you. “It won’t help. I’m…” he pauses, trying to come up with the right words to make you understand that there’s nothing you can do. Nothing you could do without getting hurt. “It’s a hybrid thing.” You blink at him, don’t say a word, just nod and let your eyes wander down his body until they land right where he doesn’t want them. A multitude of swear words clog his mind because you were not supposed to get that. You were not supposed to catch on so quickly. You’re not supposed to be clever, god dammit, you’re supposed to be his boss’ ditzy, bratty daughter. “I see,” you smirk, and Hiragi is helpless as you step closer, slowly reaching for his chin to loosen his helmet straps. “Stop,” he warns, “don’t touch me right now.” The way you push out your bottom lip is so overdramatic, plush and inviting and in clear view once you slide the reinforced plastic over his head. “Why not?” you question, eyes wide with faux innocence. Even teasing, your voice sounds so much more enticing than that hybrid’s. “You don’t want me to?” You trace the skin of his neck just below his leather collar, and Hiragi stifles a groan. He’s burning up, sweat trickling down his spine already.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, and if you keep it up, I will.”
Your eyes light up. There may as well be fucking hearts dancing in them. Hooking a finger into ring of the collar, you tug.
“You don’t know a thing about me if you think that’s gonna scare me.”
Hiragi cuts the engine, steadies the bike, and gets off of it all in one fluid motion. He’s in your space before you can even calculate a threat, hands gripping your biceps as he backs you up toward the huge house behind you.
“Bratty little princess askin’ for shit she doesn’t know a thing about.”
“I know about it,” you challenge, letting him guide you to the front door where he types in the key code. “I know about ruts and… what you’ve got down there.”
He chuckles, kicking the door behind him and pulling you flush against him. You made your decision outside, and there’s no changing your mind now. Doesn’t matter if you get scared or get hurt; he’s not letting you go.
“Yeah? What’s that?” Hiragi spins you around to press his hips forward, grinding his clothed cock against your ass. “You feel it?”
A sweet little gasp parts your lips, and Hiragi quickly closes a hand around your throat to catch the next one that falls when he slides his other hand up the skirt of your dress.
“Not the same as a human cock, you know that?”
You nod in his grip, trying to shove a clumsy hand between your bodies to feel him.
“I know. Still want it.” Your words are strained from the fingers clasped around your neck, a muffled moan vibrating in his hold when he licks the shell of your ear. He could cum in his pants right now, and it wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t be enough. Not enough relief and not enough of you.
“Want what, princess? Gotta hear you say it.”
Actually, he doesn’t. Whether or not you want it now is a moot point. He’s too far gone for any protests, so hopefully your body will be able to take what he’s about to give. 
A smile splits your face, head turning so that your lips are a hair’s width away from his. You’re quiet but confident when you whisper, “Your knot. I want your knot, Ragi. Want you to stretch me on it and–”
He loses it, hand around your neck tightening to hold you in place while he crushes his mouth against yours. The fingers at your thigh dig into supple flesh, nails tearing your skin just like his teeth tear at your lips. He tastes iron but doesn’t feel bad, just savors it on his tongue while he licks into you.
You’re squirming but not away from him–trying to get closer, grabbing the hand on your leg and moving it inward until he’s cupping your mound over your panties. You whine into his mouth, push your ass against his confined cock like a cat in heat.
Warmth radiates from your core, and Hiragi can feel your arousal seeping into the cotton beneath his fingers as he rubs you through the material.
“My room,” you breathe against his lips, only able to lean in that direction as Hiragi doesn’t let you take so much as a step. You have to break the kiss and use a different tone of voice–that voice, “Hiragi. My room,” before it clicks in his head that this is an order, and he has to obey.
He does, but first he tosses you over his shoulder, mouthing up and down your thigh while walking down the hall to your personal haven.
Your scent envelopes him like a thick fog. It blurs his vision and clogs his throat and makes him want to howl. Hiragi has to fuck you. He might die if he doesn’t.
Dropping you onto your bed, he doesn’t even wait for your body to stop bouncing before he descends on you, slipping out of his jacket, latching onto your neck, pushing your dress up over your panties so that he can tug them off of you. He moves his face to your chest, teeth catching the ribbon squeezing your tits. He tugs at it, ends up ripping it, and revels in the sight of you.
The more time he spends with you, the more the animal inside him gets triggered. Sucking on one perfect, pebbled nipple, all he can think about are these gorgeous tits engorged with milk, feeding hungry mouths, the mouths of pups. God, he’s gonna fuck you so full, watch you swell with his cum and then his spawn. Can’t be some rich boy’s wife if you’re too busy nursing, too busy taking Hiragi’s knot over and over and–
He sucks at the swell of your breast, smooth skin drenched in his spit, and bites. Too hard. Breaks the skin, tastes the blood, then bites down harder.
“Fuck, Ragi!” But your fingers tighten in his hair and your hips buck. The purest form of want pulses from the scent glands you don’t even know about, filling Hiragi’s head, getting him stoned, a single word on repeat in his mind: mate, mate, mate.
All he can do is keep sucking and groaning and whimpering into your flesh. He wants you so bad, wants to feel your cunt wrap around him and milk him. You want him too, right? Wanna take him and be with him and let him breed you?
“Please,” you beg, “please, need to feel you–touch my pussy. Please, Ragi, need it–”
He can’t deny you. You’re his master, and he is a slave to you.
Loud squelches echo in your bedroom as Hiragi plunges two fingers inside of you, your slick cunt sucking them in greedily, clenching around them over and over. As much as he wants to slam his dick into you, he has to prepare you first. Your little pussy wasn’t made to take a knot. Hiragi has to make sure he won’t tear you apart when he gives you his.
You’re bucking into every thrust, legs spread wide, and you finally break the seal of his mouth against your chest to bring his bloody lips to yours.
“One more, baby,” you tell him, “get me ready for you, fuck.” Your jaw drops when he slides that third finger alongside the other two, hitting that sweet spot and fucking into it until you scream and gush into his palm.
“Ohh, good boy, just like that,” you praise, encouraging him to keep going with a pleasing scratch between his ears. He noses down your neck, tongue lolling out of his mouth when you start making sweet little sounds, arousal leaking from your gummy walls and soaking his fingers until he pulls them out to watch you squirt like a fucking geyser.
Sliding down your body, he’s got his face shoved between your legs in record time, making you laugh and squeal as he laps up every drop, doing everything he can to make you cum again– “all over my face, princess, give it to me, mark your territory–” He roughly fucks his fingers into you, pulls his face back to stick out his tongue, then moans when you do exactly as your told and make a mess on him.
Hiragi is humping the bed by the time you’re done. He’s dripping with you, smells you everywhere, barely gets his pants down to his thighs before he’s shoving his sticky cock into your fluttering pussy.
There’s no adjustment period, no waiting for you to get used to him or even take a breath. Hiragi sets a brutal rhythm, head thrown back, hips snapping as he loses himself in the feeling of your perfect fucking cunt. So soft and doughy, smearing slick and cream all over his shaft.
You pull his face down to yours for a harsh kiss. Your lips are swollen, and you’re still bleeding from where he bit you earlier. There are so many filthy smells in the air, the stench of sex layered with wanton pheromones. Your head falls back as Hiragi drives into your g-spot, fluid leaking around his cock.
“Never knew you were such a dirty little thing,” Hiragi pants.
The only response he gets is your jaw clamping down on the soft tissue between his neck and shoulder. Your teeth bruise before piercing flesh, drawing blood and leaving their mark.
“Fuck, gonna make me cum,” he growls. You hum around his skin before lifting your face to show off a red-tinted smile.
“Is’at a bad thing?”
You sound drunk. Drunk off his cock, the way he’s fucking you, just like he’s drunk off the way you’re taking him. Squeezing him. Milking him. His knot starts to swell at the base of his dick, growing wider and rounder so that when he uses it to plug you, nothing will spill out.
“Tell me you want it—want it all… spoiled. little. brat—,” he punctuates the last bit with a few well-aimed thrusts, each one moving your body up on the bed and making your tits bounce.
“Want it all–be my good boy, Ragi. Be a good boy and gimme your knot–...” His thrusts get sloppy but never stop. Gripping your thighs, he spreads your legs even more, watching the way he disappears inside of you. That heat builds in his gut, his balls tightening, and with his eyes locked on your creamy hole, Hiragi starts to bully his knot past stretched skin and straining muscle, pushing and pushing as you cry and moan, unable to settle on if you’re lost in pain or pleasure.
“Almost there, princess, it’s almost in.” If you could see what he’s seeing, how pretty your cunt looks getting stuffed fuller than it’s ever been before. “Fuck, look at you…”
Hiragi slips in the rest of the way because you suck him in, pussy contracting with the first waves of your orgasm. You pull him in so tightly then scream as you cum around his knot, walls fluttering, too stuffed to clench the way it wants to.
The sensation has him plummeting into his own climax, his thick cum only adding to the mess inside you. Line after line, he fills you with it, watching the place just between your hips as it becomes bloated.
“Oh my god. Oh my god–I’m… it’s so much,” you whine, looking down at your swelling tummy with wide eyes. “It’s… God, Ragi, m’so full. Can’t–”
He groans as the last bit of cum paints your cervix. His cock is fucking saturated in it, mixing with your own arousal, the pool of squirt you want to push out so bad but can’t because of how he’s plugging you.
“Gonna have to sit with it, baby,” he tells you, voice gravelly. “Stuck like this until my knot goes down.”
You lick your lips, chest still heaving, and Hiragi is too hot for this, shirt drenched against his back. He pulls it off, jostling the both of you in the process so that you whimper and he moans. You're stretched thin around him, your pretty folds chubby from blood flow, puffy clit slick and begging for attention.
Hiragi smirks as he brings his thumb to it, chuckles when you instinctually pull away but can’t. All you do is tug him forward, bringing him down on top of you. He uses one hand to catch himself, the other still between your legs, and plays with you until you’re cumming again, tears streaming down the sides of your face when he doesn’t stop.
He’s long past domestic, now in a feral state as he licks up your cheek, catching the salt on his tongue. His thumb keeps rubbing circles on your overstimulated bud, and your legs tremble violently, still spread wide to accommodate him.
Your next orgasm pulls his second from him. He shoots another large load into you, abandoning your clit so that he can place his hand on your belly.
“You didn’t know what you were getting into, did you?” he hums, nuzzling into your neck, “didn’t know you were gonna be all swollen with my cum.”
You shake your head, more tears falling, but your words betray any discomfort you might be feeling.
“Want m-more of it,” you sniffle.
Hiragi growls and nips at the skin below your ear, heart full of primal possession and affection as his cock throbs inside of you.
“I’ve got so much more to give you,” he murmurs, kissing the bruise he just left. “I’ll spoil you real good, princess. Promise.”
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callofdudes · 11 months
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Don't go there.
Summary: When you and your friends take a summer trip out to the woods you are unaware of just what you've disturbed from it's slumber deep inside.
Cw: Serial Killer Simon, gore, blood, wounds, angst, death, childhood trauma. Mention of dissociation, abuse. Dark themes, animal death, Simon has a bit of a psychotic obsession over you in the end.
Word count: 6.8K+
A/N: Please don't let this flop, I spent way too much time staying up and writing this. So I do apologize for my dry-eye editing mistakes. I didn't want to super edit it all but I worked so hard on this. I was tempted to make the end kinky, but he just really, really likes chasing. Italics means a flashback/something in the past.
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"How much longer until we get there??" You asked, looking out the window of the car, seeing the long road of trees. Stretching out for miles deep into the unknown where shadows lingered.
"Shouldn't be much longer." Your friend, Adam replied, checking the gas level in the truck.
You had stopped at a gas station nearly an hour ago. You had been going down this road for almost half an hour with nothing to see for miles.
Two of your other friends sat in the back, distracted by their boredom. You look in the rearview mirror, seeing them making out.
Crystal and Peter couldn't get off each other for five minutes... You had to be in the car with them. Why couldn't you have been with the others following in the car behind you?
You sigh softly in exhaustion, fixing your headphones again.
You all had taken up the opportunity for a summer job out at a camp for the extra money. Having just gotten out of school, you were looking for somewhere to start fresh, away from your parents' clings. And this felt right.
"Hey, looks like we've got something," Adam points out.
You look up, clicking off your phone to see the road split off. An old sign at the crossroads directs you down another road.
"That's the camp's name." You sit up, your whole body feeling relief that you are almost there.
"Thank goodness."
You looked at the backseat, leaning over to gently hit Peter. "Hey, stop it, there are others in the car you two."
"Sorry y/n."
Hah, you knew they weren't. At least you'd be at the camp soon...
You arrived at the camp, pulling up on the road to the large cabins just across from a lake spanning out into the thick forest grove.
You got out, stretching your limbs. Hands high above your head, yawning and working your legs.
You grabbed your bags from the car, meeting up with your other two friends Phillip and Stacy, pulling up in the car behind you.
"Geez, I'd have to make that trip every summer." Phillip fixed his hat, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Well, hopefully, the drive back won't be as painful." You playfully glared at Peter and Crystal, taking your bags up the walk to the cabin lodge.
The warm late afternoon sun came through the trees, the breeze blowing softly across the open land. Seeing some of the other campers and counsellors wandering about.
The main office was where you met up with the head counsellor. He smiled upon seeing you. "Y/n, glad you made it."
"Thanks, it was quite the trip."
"Well, we're glad to have you here. Sign your name, and we'll get you all the keys to your cabins."
You nod, write down your name on the paper, and then take the cabin key from him, "Thanks!"
He nods, setting up your friends as well.
Taking your bags, you head down to your cabin. You walk through the main grounds, across the road and over to the thick backwooded area. You paused, looking out into the woods.
The trees were growing and darkening as you looked in, hiding the other side from what lay there.
You shook it off, heading to the cabin and unlocking it. You were sharing your room with Adam, two beds set up and a window at the back of the cabin wall as well.
"Not bad..." You muttered.
As you and Adam start to unpack, you couldn't help but feel a little excited about spending the summer here. The camp was beautiful, with its lake and surrounded by lush forest. It was going to be the perfect escape from the stress of school and family drama.
As you were unpacking, you noticed that Adam had left the cabin without saying anything. You shrugged, thinking he had gone to explore as well.
After organizing your clothes and items in the drawers, you grab your sunglasses and head out to explore the camp. The sun was setting, casting a beautiful golden hue on the entire area. You walked towards the lake, admiring the serene beauty of the water.
As you sit on the dock, dipping your feet in the water, you feel off. Feeling that weird sense that someone was watching you.
You looked out across the lake, attempting to spot anyone, but the forest looked all the same. You were startled a little when you heard footsteps approaching. You look up to see Adam walking towards you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Hey there," he says, sitting beside you on the dock. "Enjoying the view?"
You roll your eyes but can't help but laugh at his antics. "Yeah, it's beautiful."
"Well, I was talking with some others and we're setting up dinner for everyone, then it's swimsuit time~"
You scoffed, shoving him away. "We're to relax, not stick our pieces in random places."
"Oh, say you," He grinned, but you just shrugged him off.
"Meet you at the cabin then?"
You hummed in agreement, and Adam left you alone to join some of the others. You looked back out at the lake, sighing before getting up and following after him.
As you walk back towards the main grounds, you can't shake off the feeling of being watched. The shadows of the trees seemed to elongate and twist, as though they were reaching out to grab you. You shivered, feeling as though you were being watched by something lurking in the forest.
But you shook it off, reassuring yourself that it was just your imagination running wild in unfamiliar territory. You arrive at the campfire just as dinner is being served, the smell of grilled meat and vegetables making your mouth water. You grab a plate and sit down next to Philip, who was chatting animatedly with one of the other counsellors.
You laughed at the funny stories and jokes that were shared, feeling yourself relaxed for the first time in a long while.
But as the night wore on, the atmosphere changed. You noticed the people around you becoming louder, more intoxicated. The crude jokes turned into innuendos and the flirting became more aggressive.
Your typical night with a bunch of people barely older than the drinking age and taking it to their advantage to flirt with any young mind like themselves.
After dinner, you all head back to your cabins to change into your swimsuits. You grab your towel and head towards the lake, joining the others who are already swimming and playing around in the water. You dip your toes into the cool water and shiver slightly, but soon adjust to the temperature and join in the fun.
As you were swimming around, you suddenly felt someone grab your waist from behind. You gasp and turn around to see Adam, grinning cheekily at you. "Gotcha."
You continued to splash around in the water as the sunset. Across the dock, dark eyes stared into the stirring waters. Watching from behind the darkness of the tree line Peter and Crystal made out against one of the firm dock legs. Others laugh and touch too closely to not be called flirtatious.
Their laughter stung his ears. The sounds of shrill joy twisting his stomach in a way that made him angry. One more year where he'd have to do all the dirty work. Where these kids would have to learn.
He'd hear their screams and see the looks of horror on their faces. That's what he wanted.
He moved back into the shadows, slinking down the old house of a family doomed from the start...
"Simon! Get your ass down here right now you little shit!!"
"Hang on." The young boy looked in the mirror, whining as he fiddled with his belt, desperately pulling it and looping it back through. Shaky hands working hard when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
His father angrily pushed through the bathroom door, grabbing his wrist. "I said get over here. You're going to make us late again and I don't want your excuses."
Simon wriggled, whining again as he was pulled down the stairs.
His older brother sat with his bags on the couch, chuckling. "Hah, look who got caught with his pants down again." He smirked.
"Shut up Tommy!" Simon retorted, his father yanking him forward and slapping him across the face.
"He's right. Now you shut your mouth."
Simon looked over at his mother who remained quiet as the boys' father led them to the door, getting them into the car.
"If I hear any shit from your counsellors' I'm going to be through with you. You understand me!?"
Simon looked out the window, watching the trees blur by in a mess of green as they drove. He saw his brother look over at him and smirk.
"Don't be a pussy, Simon. You're going to love it."
Simon shook his head and looked away, thinking about all the wonderful things he could be doing if his brother was the one going away to camp.
Simon couldn't help but feel the knot of worry in his stomach. He wasn't looking forward to the summer camp, but his father threatened him with more than was needed to scare the young guy.
"Simon. Simon! What the fuck are you whining about?" His brother punched his arm, and Simon looked over at him.
"Don't try to lie to me. I can hear it in your fucking voice."
"I'm just nervous is all."
"Yeah, about that..." Tommy laughed, reaching into the glove compartment and pulling out a small tin. "I got you something to take the edge off."
Simon looked at him, eyes wide. "What the fuck is that?" He asked, Tommy, grinning and popping open the lid, a snake popping out and making Simon jump.
"Tommy, stop!!"
Tommy laughed, tucking the fake snake away.
The stairs of the old house creaked. He took it to the bathroom where the mirror took in his frame, eyes showing out from behind the skull mask he wore. Something he'd taken on after his brother's death.
He bent down, opening the sink drawer doors and grabbing his set of knives and his hatchet. Tracing his gloved fingers over the sharp edge, a twist of evil excitement stirred inside him.
Another year of spilling blood. All for himself.
You were back at your cabin at the end of the night, slipping into a sweater as the chill of the summer air set through the interior.
"What's up, y/n?" Adam asked as he noticed you staring out the window for the hundredth time.
"I don't know, I just have this weird feeling like we're being watched." You turn from the window to face him.
Adam let out a chuckle. "Don't tell me you believe in all those ghost stories they tell around the campfire?"
"No, it's not that. It's just a feeling. Nothing more." You tried to brush it off, but you were unconvinced.
"Yeah, but it can be fun to believe you know? Peace of mind." He offered his hand, and you took it.
Adam pulled you outside, and the two of you walked to the cabins beside yours.
"Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?" You asked, feeling a little braver around him.
"Not really. I've seen some crazy shit and it's hard to believe there's more out there. But why not? I'll believe anything if it's from you."
"You're uncontrollable."
"I know." He grinned but then stopped in his tracks. "Wait, hold up. What was that?"
You stop, cocking your head to the side to listen. "I don't hear anything."
"Shh. Listen."
You sit there for a tense moment, scanning the dark tree line, fists clenching in your pockets.
You listened closer, and what you heard was a heavy thumping from one of the cabins. You both seemed to exhale softly upon realizing it wasn't anything to be scared of.
"Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom." You kept walking, heading down the path to the bathrooms. Heading inside and flicking on the small light, locking the door.
Adam smirked, hearing you as you left down the path. He's been trying to get into your pants for months. And yet you brushed him off every time. He partly hoped that this time around, the summer camp and the alcohol will loosen you, literally.
He waits around for you to be done, looking out down toward the dock and the cool waters. Hearing footsteps behind him, he chuckled. "That was quick." He turned, facing someone who definitely wasn't you.
His eyes widened, looking up at the imposing figure.
The mask bore holes into his skin, the darkness hiding the grotesque glint in his eyes.
"Woah man, easy." Adam backed up, but it did little to save him as the large man's hand clasped tightly around his throat, his hatchet slashing into his abdomen.
He had to die first.
Adam's eyes went wide. He attempted to scream, heels digging into the dirt as the blade retracted from his stomach and he was dragged across the open grounds. Blood splattered from the torn skin and clothes onto the rocks and dirt. Dragged back into the woods, trying to scream or scramble for anything to help him.
"Help!" His words were mumbled and barely made it out as he was dragged back into the darkness behind the cabins. Thrust into a tree, the knife sinking back into his flesh. Adam choked, blood spilling from his mouth as the knife carved up through him. Blood splattered into the dirt and leaves.
His eyes stared upward; his face twisted in fright as the man began to brutal him with the knife. The blade tore into his flesh, slicing open as the man took his time to toy with the young man.
Adam's struggles weakened by the minute. Until the knife dug into his throat, and life escaped his body.
He dropped Adam, flicking the blood from his knife and tucked it back into his vest.
The man turned back to the cabin, the sound of footsteps approaching.
Adam was left slumped on the ground, blood oozing from his wounds.
The man slipped back behind the cabin, his hand grasping the hilt of his knife as he listened intently for your return.
You were coming out of the bathrooms, heading back to your cabin when you noticed Adam wasn't around. "Adam?" You looked around, watching the darkness. When you heard nothing, you shrugged. He probably just headed back to the cabin then. So, with that you headed back, but when you returned, still no Adam.
"Alright then."
You left the cabin door unlocked, just in case he'd take a while to get back. Setting up your bed and crawling in, flicking out your lamp. You lay in the darkness, snuggling into the bed and closing your eyes.
You listened to the sounds of the cricket outside and the occasional small rustle of a critter along the wilderness edge. Your breathing slows, exhaling softly as you feel yourself slipping away into sleep.
Footsteps crunch against the pebbled ground. You aren't entirely sure how long you've been asleep when you feel your eyelids fluttering open again. Not moving when you hear the heavy footfalls coming up the side of the cabin. They come around the front of the cabin, stopping at the door.
"Adam?" You finally whisper, shifting a little in your bed, squinting into the darkness.
Still silent.
You sat up slowly, looking out the window to see if the coast was clear. You couldn't see anything. You listened for a few moments more, and when you still didn't hear anything, you laid back down.
You watched the door, your heart picking up in pace slightly. The door handle of the cabin finally twists. Your heart leaps as the door opens with an ominous creak.
The steps follow into the cabin, and in the moonlight, you can clearly see that the figure is not Adam.
Your heart spasms in your chest. Your body goes into freeze mode. You try to keep your breathing low in the darkness. The figure shifts its weight slightly, and you feel a pair of eyes on you. Whatever or whoever it was said nothing.
Boots moving across the cabin floor. You close your eyes, feeling fear overtake you when the person reaches your bedside. The glint of the moonlight revealed the sharp hatchet, yet your eyes were closed. Unaware of just what danger you were in.
The figure leans over, warm breath fanning from the mask, leaning down near your cheek, the blade caressing over the skin of your shoulder. You can't stop your whimper, feeling another hot puff of air against your skin, the tip of the blade digging into your shoulder.
You flinch, gasping. The figure stops, the blade drawing away from your skin. Your eyes finally open, wide with fear.
The figure is looming over you, and you can't make out their features in the dark, but the knife glints in the moonlight.
"Please." You whimpered. "I won't tell anyone, I promise."
"Shhh..." The figure shushed, bringing the knife down slowly, trailing the cold metal across your exposed stomach.
Your bottom lip quivers, shying away, whimpering. "Please- Please I won't-" Your voice dies out with another small whimper as he toys with you. Your body is a nervous wreck.
The blade drags across your skin, slowly sinking into your flesh. Your body throbbing in pain, your eyes so wide that they sting.
You try to look down to see the blade, but the figure moves away, and your eyes follow the figure. You see the glint of the moonlight upon the blade as it comes into view. Your body is trembling violently, your skin stained with a light coating of sweat.
You're going to die. You're fully prepared for whatever is happening to end you.
"Oh, Crystal, come on!" You hear Peter's voice in the darkness. The thick silence pierced like shards of glass. Their breathing pauses, blade stilling against your skin.
"No! I told you not to look!" Crystal hollered back. You could hear her coming closer, walking down toward the docks probably.
The figure leans away from you. You feel your heart throbbing inside your chest. The blade leaves your skin, boots heavily walking back across the floorboards. You remain there, hearing the stride stop, eyes back on you. Then the door creaks shut, and the steps are moving away.
You exhale shakily, opening your eyes, half expecting him to still be there.
You thought he was going to kill you. And then it hit you. Crystal... He must have been going after one of them. You were about to rush out of bed on adrenaline, but the fear immediately had you lying back down. You couldn't move, pulling your blankets back up.
It was morning when you got up, finding Adam not at the cabin. You were surprised. You thought he'd come back eventually, but it seems he'd disappeared. You tried to clear your head. Getting dressed and stepping outside to brush your teeth. You looked around, trying to see any signs of what had happened last night. But it seemed all was still. You spat into the dirt, shrugging on your camp sweater and headed over to the main cabin.
There you saw everyone, Peter sitting alone and looking a little bummed out. "Hey." You walked over, getting his attention. "Hey... sleep ok?"
"Yeah, you? Heard a scuffle last night."
Peter sighed, looking into his half-full cup of iced tea. "Found some old photos in a bag she brought with her... Her and her ex."
You cringed a little, but nodded, hearing him out.
"She stormed off and didn't come back last night."
"She did seem the type to be dramatic." You shrugged but gave him a side hug. "Look, it'll be alright. I'm sure she'll come back, and you can sort this out."
Breakfast was passed around and you slowly got to thinking about Crystal. She had no ride back unless she were to take Adam's car or Phil's truck... And where was Adam? Oh well... She was probably off brooding about how she would have to come back and apologize. She was always a tad dramatic for your type.
But the day shifted on, afternoon setting and you all headed to get changed into your swimsuits.
Grabbing your towel you headed outside to meet up with Phil who was chatting up one of the other male counsellors. He had that sly look in his eyes. You patted his arm, motioning him to go get it somewhere else and you headed for the dock.
Some others were already talking and breaking out the kayaks to take on the lake.
You once again sat down, dipping your toes into the water. You looked down into the water, noticing it seemed slightly darker than you remember. Playing it off to be the sunlight and you continued to gently swish your toes through.
One of the girls waved off as she pushed her kayak out into the lake. Rowing out a small bit enough that she comfortably floated along. Until her paddle hit something in the water, rippling up the lake.
You raised an eyebrow, looking down, noticing a chain tied to the leg of the dock. That hadn't been there the other day. The girl seemed to come to the same conclusion, pulling on the chain, something scraping along the bottom floor of the lake bed.
She grunted, pulling a little harder, one of the guys swimming out to steady the kayak.
You all watched as she pulled the chain up, struggling with it until finally. She screamed. You were startled, immediately pulling your feet out of the water. The girl dropped the chain and started desperately attempting to get out of the water and out of the kayak. There wasn't any mistaking her blonde hair, Crystal's body tied by the neck around the chain, her body gutted and hollowed so she'd sink.
You were horrified. Everyone was horrified. Peter and Phillip grab the chain and tug it, dragging her back to shore. They pulled her body onto the dock, seeing her lifeless eyes. The chain digging into her throat, stomach and chest completely hollowed out, her rib cage sticking up like fangs from her peeling, mutilated skin.
You backed up, hitting Phillip's arms. Covering your mouth as you saw what it was. Someone had murdered Crystal. And he was in your cabin last night. You hadn't imagined it.
Someone was hunting you...
"What do we do??" Phillip asked.
"We call the police!" Stacy cried.
"No! They'll shut us down. We'll be responsible."
"What if he comes after the rest of us?"
Your heart pounded a million miles an hour. What were you going to do!?
Some of the boys simply pushed her body back into the water. Vouching that they should just keep a lookout for anything that comes up. They wanted to make the rescue that it was probably just animals. Yeah, because animals were the ones to skillfully skin the organs and carve out around the sharp bone of her ribcage.
But no one could convince them otherwise, so you let it go. It still terrifies you, keeping an eye out as you walk the grounds. Every noise around you sounds like aggression.
Dark eyes watched from the cabin door as Crystal stalked across the camp. Muttering angrily to herself, pulling her shirt fully on, and heading for the docks to get some fresh air. He watched her head down, footsteps following after her once she was far enough away.
The twisted sense of hunting prey filled his mind. Smelling the blood before it was spilt and the delicious scream he'd tear from her lungs.
She sat on the dock, huddled against the small sloshes of the lake against the dock legs. Staring out into the starry night. Footfalls make her brow wrinkle. "Peter, I told you to leave me alone."
He stared down at her, his hatchet glinting in the light, hand tightening on the blade in anticipation. He could almost get off to it. Grabbing her by the throat, hearing her gasp and choke, feet scraping against the wood of the dock. She tried to scream, grabbing his forearm, and looking up at him.
He stared down at her, eyes glimmering with excitement as he watched her thrash. A predator toying with its prey. She squirmed desperately, attempting to kick or bite her way out. Her nails dug into his forearm, drawing a light trickle of blood from his skin.
He frowned, gripping the hatchet and piercing it up through her back, the blade squelching through organs and blood, spilling across the dock and flicking into the cool water.
Her face was frozen in an endless scream, bloodletting out across the wood, falling limp after a moment.
He dropped her body, walked back up the dock and grabbed one of the boat chains from the grass. Unthreading it from the post, he came back over. He tied the chain around her throat, making sure it stayed.
The blade tore into her stomach and gutted her before picking up her organless body and throwing her into the lake. Blood seeps into the water like a bleeding-out animal. Like she'd just been mauled by a shark and was left as scraps.
Seeing blood flood and bubble along her flesh as she sank down to the bottom, the current moving her slightly, throat tugging on the chain that kept her secure to the dock.
He flicked out his blade, looking down at his forearm, wiping the blood from the scratches away. And he left silently.
Simon stood at the edge of the tree line. His brother sneered from the porch, watching him investigate the noise that had rustled the bushes. He stood there, looking down at the small fox, blood splattered across the leaves, stomach torn open, caught in the barbed wire fence of the property and ultimately caught by whatever it had been running from.
Simon reached out to touch it but quickly pulled away and backed up. He walked back over to the porch, nose scrunching when he smelled the putrid smell of cigarette smoke from his brother.
"Go tell Dad, he'll want someone to pick the guts out of the fence." He sneers.
Simon kept his head down, heading inside where his father was muttering away angrily about his mother again, another bottle in his hand. Drinking it back while he went on and on over the phone.
Simon hesitantly went over to him, standing there patiently and waiting. His father noticed him and frowned angrily. "What do you want, boy!?"
Simon gulped, finding his voice. "There's a fox in the fence..."
"Is it dead?"
Simon nodded. "It's dead."
His father huffed, chugging back more alcohol. "Get the tools and go clean it then. You know what to do."
Simon felt his stomach twist painfully, digging under the sink in the kitchen to grab the gloves and cleaner, heading back outside onto the porch.
As he worked to remove the fox from the fence, Simon couldn't help but think about how much death he had been exposed to lately.
He finished cleaning the fence, but his mind was elsewhere.
As he buries the fox gently, Simon can't help but feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knows that there are cruel people out there who are capable of senseless violence, and it makes him angry. He wants to do something, to make a difference, but he doesn't know how.
As he walked back towards the house, he heard his father's voice. "You know, Simon, you can't be a sissy your whole life. You gotta learn to face things head-on. That's what real men do."
Simon felt his blood boil with anger. His father had no idea what he had gone through, the trauma he had endured. And yet, he was still expected to be a "man". He was only twelve by that point.
You sat around the fire with a blanket over your shoulders. The warm afternoon was rather quiet as you all attempted to get over what you'd seen earlier. Why the hell were you sitting here instead of calling the cops? Someone was murdered and you just had to be stuck with the people worried about the camp's reputation.
The boys continued to work, trying to forget about the corpse in the lake and the ramifications that would come with it. The girls all sat in the cabin, trying to distract the younger campers from the grim day.
Phillips came over, handing you a flask of scotch. "Drink this. It'll help."
You took it from him, looking away. "Why'd she have to die?"
"I don't know."
"Where's Peter?"
"He's outside, making s'mores with the other kids."
You nodded, taking a sip of the liquor. It warmed you up and you sighed in relief.
Phillips sat down beside you, looking like his mind was miles away. "You seen that prick, Adam?"
You shake your head. "Nope. Disappeared last night hasn't come back." Saying it out loud really solidifies it for you and Phil. Looking at each other, simultaneously coming to one conclusion.
He was probably dead too...
"We need to get the fuck out of here. We can take his car, leave and go get help."
You agreed, nodding your head. "Yeah, yeah. We should leave now."
Phil wasn't gonna fight it. He may like to do his own thing but the idea of getting killed wasn't on his MO. Not this pretty boy face, no, no.
So, you packed back up, Phil convincing Stacy to go back with you. With your bags, you loaded into Phil's truck. Some of the counsellors seemed a little upset at the idea of you leaving so early. Or going to the cops at all.
But you weren't going to sit there and wait to be next.
Within another hour or so you were all packed up and getting in the truck. Phil pulled you out of the road, clicking his tongue as he turned the truck around.
You stared out the window, looking at the trees and the stretch of empty road as if they were watching back. Mocking you, laughing.
It was silent for a large portion of the drive, your foot tapping along the car.
"What of the others?" Stacy asked from the backseat. "Their fault for being stupid. Although that one counsellor was pretty cute..."
You remain quiet, watching the road as you drive. Tires picking up down the road. You looked down at your phone, distracting yourself with one of your games, Phil eventually filling the silence with the sound of the radio.
The thick tension in the air was palpable through the drive.
There was a thunk under the truck. You looked up, eyes widening as Phil brought the truck to a stop.
"What was that?" You looked out the side mirror but couldn't see anything.
"It's probably some dumb rocks." Phil takes off his seatbelt and opens the door. "Phil-" You reached out for him, and he shrugged it off. "I'm just gonna check it."
He left the door open, heading back around the truck, seeing something lying in the road. A clump of fur stuck on the tread of his tire, a fox in the road.
Phil approached it, looking around. "Geez... talk about dumb." He mutters, spitting into the dirt and scuffing his shoe. Looked like there wasn't any damage done to his truck though. That's what mattered.
He bent down to look at the fox again, hearing footsteps. Just as he looked up the sharp glint of a blade glared into his eyes. His heart lurched, backing up as the blade retracted, swinging again.
Phil gasped, continuing to dodge and trying to move, the large skull-masked figure intending to strike good with the hatchet.
You heard the scrape and thunk when the blade hit the side of the truck, seeing the large figure.
"Phil!" You cried, Stacy getting out of the car before you could stop her.
Your eyes widened, seeing the figure. He dwarfed both Stacy and Phil.
How did he get out here!?
The figure turns towards Stacy, raising the hatchet. She screams, but before he can strike, Phil tackles the figure from behind, knocking him down onto the ground.
You quickly get out of the car, running towards them. "Phil, are you okay?!"
"I'm alright, but we need to get out of here!" Phil grabs your arm, pulling you back to the truck.
The figure stands up, body looming in the dim light. You get a good look at him now. He was wearing a skull mask, with the rest of his face hidden in shadow. He was wearing a black jacket with a hood, and black gloves. You couldn't see anything else.
He starts coming towards you, but Phil quickly gets back into the truck, starting its engine. You all drive away quickly, leaving the figure behind.
You're breathing heavily, heart pounding as you look out the back window. The figure is standing in the same spot, watching as you drive away.
"We're getting the police..." You whisper, unable to take your eyes off the man as he gets smaller in the mirror.
"Agreed," Phil says, continuing down the open road.
Ghost lifts his mask, putting a lit cigarette between his scarred lips, exhaling smoke out into the open road. Turning back toward the camp. He'd gone too far anyway, back to his stomping grounds.
He takes another drag of smoke, dropping the cigarette and shoving his heel into it.
Tommy smeared the dirt with his shoe, exhaling the last of the smoke from his lungs, spitting into the freshly shuffled dirt.
Simon watched him, holding the shotgun his father had shoved in his arms. "Tommy-"
"Shut it. You'll scare 'em off." He looks around, scanning the forest grounds, into the darker parts of the trees and across the bushes.
"They always run back to where they think they're safe." Tommy picks up a rock and throws it at the lake. Birds stir in the water, flicking and scattering, some rushing back toward the trees.
Simon gulps, raising the shotgun, and aiming upward at one of the birds. He shot, missing the thing by a mile.
Tommy scoffs, shaking his head. "You're not gonna hit anything like that, kid."
Simon lowers the gun, feeling embarrassed. He had never shot a gun before, let alone at a moving target. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"
Simon can feel his cheeks flushing. He hates it when Tommy treats him like a little kid. But he knows better than to argue. Tommy's been doing this for years, and Simon's only been brought into this recently.
"What are we even doing out here?" Simon asks, shifting the gun in his hands.
Tommy turns to him, squinting in the sunlight. "We're hunting, Simon. Hunting for something that's been bothering the camp for too damn long."
A couple days later you and the others returned. It was only you and Phil this time, along with a couple officers and a K9 unit. You'd been nervous about returning for the entire time up until finally going back.
Getting there you open the door, looking around. The camp was quiet, the trees still, bushes bristling as the breeze flowed steadily.
Some officers looked around, the K9 sniffing along the ground as you headed into the camp.
It was completely dead. Abandoned beer cans, a filled pool, and Kayaks still down at the beach unchained.
You latched onto Phil nervously as you followed the officers. Searching everywhere. The main office was empty, and cabins were abandoned. You gulped, the officers scratching their heads, but you knew it was too late. He had gotten to them.
"And what did you say he looked like again?"
"Tall- over six feet, skull mask, wore all black?"
The officer nodded, looking around. The K9's ears perked up, staring into the bushes. Barking into the darkness.
Your insides tensed up, watching the officer with the K9 move forward, others readying their guns in case.
You were shaking and your knees felt weak. the officer moved the K9 forward, waving it further in.
The K9 stopped, barking as it tugged on its leash. The officer stepped forward, pointing his gun into the woods.
The noise quieted, and the dog calmed down. The officer sighed, walking back over. "It's a deer. Want us to keep searching?"
You look around, sighing. "No, nobody's here. Nobody was here."
"Alright, well, we're going to be here for a while still. You can head back to town, we'll keep searching." The officer shrugged. You pocketed your hands, heading back to the car with Phil.
You get into the passenger seat; Phil leans forward and turns on the radio. You look in the rearview mirror and your body freezes. You look back, going cold in horror, a silent scream building in your throat. The hatchet reached up between the seats, grabbing Phil and choking him.
You attempt to tear the man off but he's too strong, blood slashing through Phil's throat as he angrily fights.
You finally manage to scream, getting the door open quickly getting out of the truck, your heart hammering in your chest. The figure turned towards you, his mask hiding any emotion he may have felt. You couldn't make out any details in the darkness, but you could tell that he was tall, muscular, and had a menacing aura about him.
Your feet carry you, thudding across the ground, the back door of the car opening and heavier footsteps following.
You try to call for help, bloody glove wrapping around your mouth, pulling you back, back pressed to the strong chest of a bloody killer.
You wanted to thrash but thought better, remaining still. His hand tightened over your mouth, leaning in so his warm breath fanned over your face. You whimpered, feeling weak, shaking as the edge of his weapon grazed your stomach. Tracing up your sternum, across your chest. Edge of the blade nipping your clothes.
You breathe in heavily through your nose, hands clasping on his forearm, wriggling around.
He enjoyed it. Seeing the pure fear in your eyes, watching you struggle and shake.
Your eyes water, looking into the bushes, knowing the officers were just right there...
He leaned closer to you, whispering into your ear, "Now, now." He was right up against your ear, breath hot and damp.
You try to kick him in the knee, but he's too strong. He grabs your leg, squeezing, bruising as he pulls it up, causing you to fall to your knees.
He moans in your ear, lips pulling into a smirk against the shell of your ear.
You gag, struggling, hearing the heavy thunk of his hatchet against the ground.
His hands were big enough to cover your face. One wrapped around your throat, the other on your mouth, thumb and fingers digging into the meat of your cheeks, squeezing.
Your hands scrambled against his arm, nails digging into his flesh as you desperately tried to claw him away.
There's barking and a sharp whine of the K9. You struggle, attempting to wriggle away as you hear the officers yelling. There's another loud bark, claws digging into the ground, the man letting you go.
You don't have a moment to think longer, taking off down the old road. The canine returns to Simon's side, a tussle of fur in her mouth, and he gives her the signal to wait. He smirks under the mask, watching you run as fast as you can. His stomach twisted in excitement. He couldn't wait to watch your blood spill…
He wants to watch the anguish before the pain. He wants to see your insides. Do they look as good as you do? He swings the blade wiping some of the blood off, running it along the white truck stopped along the road.
Tears fill your eyes, your heart pounding. Your legs shake as you run with everything you have in you. He could have just killed you, but you couldn’t give up. You had to get out. You had to run. You had to survive. This twisted game of cat and mouse, feeling the cats claws ready to sink into your tail and drag you back for a meal.
For now, you were prey, and he was predator.
(Please do let me know what you thought if you read this. I worked hard and haven't a true slasher fic before. I tried my best and want to give you guys more of this.)
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suiana · 2 years
I wanna give YanVillain head under his table while he is talking down to another in the room(probably a hero)
sorry for the rushed work anon, my phone was dying 🥲🥲
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you crawled under the villain's table and pulled down his pants. a confused grunt could be heard from above you but you said nothing and continued on with your lewd action. hm~! the plan to finally get back at the villain is finally coming together~
you tore away the villain's pants and admired his strong legs. oh those legs that you loved so much... your fingers drew stars and shapes while getting closer and closer to his growing erection. cupping your hands over it, you heard the villain let out a low groan.
"you naughty little hero..." your villain grunted as he stared down at you from his seated position, with a smirk on his face. looks like he's enjoying it now, but will he enjoy it once your friend comes in~?
you slowly pulled down his boxers and marveled at his hard length. geez, no matter how many times you saw his cock, you'll always be surprised. it's just so... pretty. so big, so large... and all just, for you~
you pumped his shaft a few times before pulling away and placing kisses on his red tip. he really is the sexiest man alive. a hot face, sexy body and a really pretty cock ♡
the villain threw his head back as his hands gripped the arms of his chair. fuck, stop teasing him already! his eyes gazed down at you and he saw the mischievous glint in your eyes. were you planning on teasing him more? no worries, he'll just-
"stop you e-evil villain! I'm here to take your h-HEad!"
who's this fucker?
at least interrupt him with confidence? what the fuck was that voice crack?!
the villain's smirk dropped as his mood plummeted into the negatives. what the fuck?! he was just about to receive head from his beloved hero! oh, he's going to get it now, he's so going to-
you started sucking on the enraged villain's still hard cock and watched as his furious face dropped. sweat formed on the sides of his forehead as his legs grew weak. he had to resist the urge to moan out loud as the intruder stared at him like a deer in the headlights.
the villain had trouble maintaining eye contact as one of his hands gripped your hair and the other on his desk. fuck, why were you suddenly deep throating him?! did you want him to embarrass himself?!
"ha... ha... y-you villain! evil scum!"
the intruder didn't know what to say as he prayed for the heavens above to bless him. oh... this was going to be the first and only time he helped out another hero. he thought that the villain you were talking about was some small one! not the scariest and most feared villain! he's going to piss himself...
as for your villain, he was having difficulty forming a sentence without letting out noises of pleasure. fuck, you were sucking him so good... the villain tried to focus but then you started to let your hands wander his sensitive legs and he just completely lost all resolve.
"ha-ah... fuck... you... w-why are you here- haah~" the feared villain grunted as he felt his climax approaching. fuck, fuck, fuck! yeah, just like that. use your tongue- the villain threw his head back as he used one of his gloved hands to cover his mouth. shit, he must look like an idiot in front of this small time hero. oh well, he'll just murder him after this.
"fuck, just like that baby-! yeah, suck me like the fucking slut you are. bet y-you planned this out, hm? ha-ah... fucking whore. is this your idea of revenge huh?" your villain moaned as he took control and started fucking your mouth like a fuck toy. desire burning at an all time high, he completely forgot about the hero standing in the room and used you like you were a prostitute. Ah, he's so close, so close!
the villain glanced down at you and saw your flushed cheeks and stained face and he swears he had never seen a more erotic face. something animalistic in him roared and he started thrusting into your mouth at a faster pace.
the attractive male moaned softly as he came in your mouth. he pulled out his cock as a string of saliva connected his semi-hard length to your soft lips. using his gloved hand, he held your chin and forced you to open your mouth.
"remember to swallow everything slut. don't waste a single drop." he demanded as he closed your mouth. he watched as you eagerly swallowed and smiled at him. god, you were so cute. the villain sighed happily but then remembered that there was someone else in the room. he felt his smirk come back as an evil thought formed in his head. on second thought... maybe he wouldn't kill him.
your villain pulled you into his lap and tore away your clothes, leaving you completely bare in front of the hero you got to intrude. your jaw dropped as you tried to cover your nude body. your villain however, had other plans as he tied your hands behind your back as he rubbed his wet and hard cock against your entrance.
"you stupid intruder, I'm feeling nice today so you'll get to keep your life. but I have a job for you. you are going to stand there and count the number of times me and this whore of mine fuck, okay? remember to count it properly or you'll end up losing your life~"
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monkiesimp · 1 year
Hi can I request a macaque wukong x fem Neko reader
Reader is a baker and she loves to bake and she’s housewife material i just wanna see the reaction of them to see there s/o so sweet that she would do nice things to them
• You went to visit his dojo where he apparently lived for the first time and oh man, does he even clean up?
• Anytime you'd visit you'll just get distracted by the place and start cleaning up, Macaque didn't really like it because he didn't think it was that important, plus he didn't want you doing his work he ignored.
• Macaque mostly spent his time wandering around, he wasn't home that often and he didn't know why cleaning was so important.
• After that, he would make sure to clean the house up himself before you came so you two could ACTUALLY spend time together without you getting distracted.
• When he saw you cooking for the first time, he took one small bite without you noticing and... Oh, wow. It was actually so good.
• This man eats nothing but noodles, just buying anything he can afford, he didn't try any other stuff but once he tried your cooking it was like a whole new world opened to him...
• Nonetheless he'd still be poor to afford anything.
• So he just stole all the goodies you made and portaled away somewhere, still in your house but out of your view.
• He didn't do much when he heard your grumbling from afar, probably realizing he took everything away.
• You were definitely pissed and scolded him afterwards for it.
• Since noticing he doesn't eat anything much but some simple stuff, you began gifting him food you made sometimes, you didn't mind sharing.
• Macaque never said it but he definitely loved anything you'd make, you were very good at cooking.
• He was starting to become very flirtatious towards you, often being close and coming in behind you while you were baking, placing his hands on your hips and whispering words into your ear that would make you shudder.
• You knew he was just messing with you, but geez.
• He enjoys the little reactions he drives out of you very much, also the way your cheeks and ears flush red when you get flustered.
• Oh, he's definitely going to have a lot of fun with you.
• When he saw you with Mk, he saw you as a friend but he wasn't too interested in you. At first, anyway.
• But after knowing you cook, which his own protege told him, he was a little interested...
• He can't cook himself, he burned down the entire kitchen when he tried. All he eats is his own hair and peaches, so why doesn't he try to learn from you? Yeah! That would work!
• ...
• He accidentally burned down your house.
• So, that didn't go very well and you're definitely never teaching him to cook again.
• Your house wasn't completely destroyed, luckily, just needed a little repairing. Wukong felt very guilty so he invited you to stay with him for the meantime, as to which you agreed to. What else could you do?
• You had lots of fun at his mountain, tons of it! You played with the monkeys, petting them and they loved you. You gave a few of them names, the ones who stuck with you the most.
• But it bothered you greatly the fact that you could eat nothing besides peaches... Not that you didn't like peaches, but you can't go every single day eating just one fruit and nothing else.
• And you definitely WERE NOT going to eat his food made out of hair.
• So you decided to bring some ingredients from your home to his mountain (Which Wukong helped by with flying you there ofc) to make something.
• You made a peach cake, and offered Wukong to try one too.
• When Wukong tried it he was in love, he never tasted anything so heavenly in his life before.
• He nearly ate all the cake, well, more than half of it, he really liked it.
• You were honestly quite concerned by how fast he was eating, he looked like he was going to choke on it. He did, just once.
• Since your appetite was small you weren't bothered by it.
• When you had nothing to do you'd usually clean his home when Wukong was away.
• About a few days later, your home was back to it's normal stare and you could go back! Yay!
• Of course, you grew attached to Wukong so you'd still visit his mountain from time to time, bringing him food. Poor guy eats nothing but peaches and his own hair, he needs to try something new.
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kurishiri · 3 months
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01 . . . the past records ˗ˏˋ🍎🪞´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: mentions of perversion toward a child, mentions of alcohol, poison.
This is a story from a little before a certain little robin had wandered into the dark night——
Liam: Hey, Al, what’re you looking at? Photos?
Alfons: Indeed, from when Lord Elbie was little. I found it while looking around his room for items of monetary value, out of necessity.
Liam: Waow, look at that angel.
Within the album Alfons had open, there were many photos of Elbert.
Alfons: This was from the time a photographer had come in — uninvited — to the Greetia estate, saying that he wanted to capture Elbie in a photo.
A: He was not allowed to make a single movement, so he was so stiff. He was quite miserable back then.
A: And this is a picture from when he was ten years old.
A: ‘We must have him wear cute clothes while he is still this cute,’ was what some perverted ladies had said before making him wear a dress.
A: That said, I can’t deny that he certainly was cute back then.
Liam: The fact you know all this means you were with Lord Elbie at the time, right?
Alfons: Yes, more or less.
Liam: Hm? But wait a minute, I see there are a lot of pictures of Lord Elbie, but there are none of you in this album.
Alfons: Yes, well, I can’t say I am very fond of photos.
A: Besides that, the photographers had no complaints as long as they could take pictures of Elbert.
A: Meanwhile, I was sulking and pouting while playing with cats in the corner.
Liam: Ahah, so even you had your cute points too, huh, Al.
Alfons: How rude. Why, I’ll have you know that I’m breaking my cuteness record every second, as we speak.
Liam: Even so, it’s kind of strange. Why are you with Lord Elbie, Al?
Alfons: You seem to have a penchant for asking things like this out of the blue, don’t you?
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Liam: I mean... it seems to me like Lord Elbie wouldn’t be able to live if you weren’t there with him.
L: But, you don’t seem like the type to stick to one place, or with one person, for a long time, so.
Alfons: I expected nothing less of you, Liam! You understand me so well, I feel I am about to cry from emotion. Indeed, the tears are about to flow.
Liam: Geez, I wasn’t done talking yet!
L: Anyways, I was thinking, since you’re normally like this, there must be some reason you’ve stuck to Lord Elbie’s side for so long now or something.
Alfons: ...There is no deep reason behind it.
A: But, if I had to give a reason, it would probably be that I had left whether I should leave or stay by his side up to fate, and as a result, it had ended up dragging out... [1]
Liam: You left it to fate?
Roger: Oh, you’re talking about that crazy game you played with Elbie whenever, aren’t you?
Roger had shown up suddenly, grabbing a bottle of liquor from the shelf as he chipped into the conversation.
Liam: Eh, you know about it, Roger!?
Roger: Wait, you didn’t?
Liam: Huuuh, please don’t tell me I’m the only one?
Roger: Ellis and Jude might not know, seeing as they’ve joined Crown recently.
Liam: Oh, thank goodness I’m not the only one.
Alfons: I was having the most amusing conversation with Liam, until just now.
Roger: Good for you, let me join in then.
Liam: So? What’s this about a game?
Alfons: It’s a game called Dead or Alive.
Liam: Dead or... huh? That name is really disturbing.
Alfons: Hehe, you say that, Liam, but your eyes are sparkling.
Liam: Come on, I know you know that I’m ‘very curious’ and you were leading me on.
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Alfons: ——It was a game we played once, every year.
A: Would I continue to stay by Lord Elbie’s side? Or——would I disappear?
Liam: How...?
Alfons: Let’s see now... The very first game we played, it was simply on a whim.
—— Flashback ——
This was right after I was taken in by the Greetia family.
Lord Elbert had just lost his father, and so he was very unstable.
Just, as Liam had said, I preferred not to step into the lives of others,
and so, one day, I thought about possibly leaving this manor.
However, I was still young at the time, and my good heart would not approve of me leaving him alone. And so, I decided to make a certain bet.
Alfons: Lord Elbeeert, I brewed some tea, wanna have some?
Elbert: ...Thanks, Alfons. ...But, you don’t need to call me ‘lord.’
Alfons: But that butler of yours—sorry, I meant the butler who serves you [2] keeps pestering me to call you ‘lord.’
Elbert: Then, feel free to call me whatever you want when he’s not here.
Alfons: Why though?
Elbert: Because... you are the first friend... I ever had.
Alfons: ...Hmm.
A: Anyway, back to the tea.
A: Which one do you want?
—— End flashback ——
Liam: So, that was what started the games? I don’t think I see the ‘Dead or Alive’ part...?
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Alfons: Well, you see, one of the cups was a completely ordinary cup of darjeeling tea.
A: But the other cup of tea had a poison that could send you straight to the afterworld with naught but a single sip!
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first. next →
full masterlist 🍎🪞
[1] not completely sure what this means, to be honest... I kind of took a stab at it from context clues though. The original line was [ずるずると来てしまった] (zuru zuru to kite shimatta). I assume he meant that it kind of “dragged out” (ずるずる). But, if anyone wants to correct me if I’m completely wrong, then I appreciate any feedback!
[2] so Alfons says [お前] (omae) at first, which is like a casual or direct way of saying “you” to Elbert, but then he corrects himself to [貴方] (anata), which is like a polite way to say the same thing. It’s hard to translate directly into English, I feel like, but I tried to convey the tone. In case it didn’t come through at all, this is the explanation!
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sydsaint · 11 months
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Summary: The reader is a member of Judgment Day who piques Jey's interest.
"Jordan, grab my bag from the trunk, please." You ask McDonagh after you step out of the SUV with Rhea. 
"Grab mine too, Dom," Rhea adds from your side. 
Dominick and Jordan both nod and grab yours and Rhea's bags. The pair pop back up on either side of you and Rhea and everyone heads inside the arena. You and Rhea chat about the show while Dominick and Jordan trail after you. 
"I just remember that I've got that match against Zoey Stark tonight." You think aloud. "Ugh, what a pain in the ass, right?" 
"Got that right." Rhea agrees. "I still can't believe that Zoey thinks she has any chance of beating me at Survivor Series." She snorts. 
You and Rhea laugh and everyone files into the Judgement Day locker room. Damian and Finn are already there when you arrive so you walk over to Damian to chat. Jordan cautiously trails behind you, wary of being so close to Damian. 
"I see that you got your briefcase back." You notice that Damian has regained his MITB contract after Sami Zayn hijacked it a few days ago. "How'd you manage that?" You ask him. 
"Pearce had it in his office," Damian explains. "So either he made Sami give it to him. Or Zayn just dropped it off because he didn't want me to come looking for him." He sneers. 
You scoff and shrug. "I'd still kick his ass if I were you." You suggest. "The little weasel needs to be taught a lesson so he doesn't try and pull something like that again." 
"Oh, Sami will get his." Damian insists with a dark chuckle. "When the time is right." 
You nod and hang around for a bit longer until it's time for your match against Zoey Stark. "Come on, Jordan." You beckoned JD back to your side since he wandered off to chat with Finn. 
"Coming." Jordan hops to his feet and walks over to you. 
You make your way out to the ring with Jordan at your side for backup. Zoey Stark comes out a few moments later and the two of you start the match. 
Despite Zoey's best efforts, you make quick work of the blonde and start teasing her about Rhea once you've won. Jordan laughs and teases Zoey with you a bit until someone else's entrance music hits on the overhead speakers. Your head snaps to the top of the ramp as Jey Uso makes his way down to the ring. 
Jey makes his way down to the ring with a mic in hand and comes face-to-face with you in the ring. "Y/N, how's it going, shortie?" Jey flashes you a charming smile. 
"What do you want, Jey?" You turn your nose up at the defected Uso. "And where's your boyfriend at? I believe Damian would like a word with him." 
"This ain't about him," Jey replies. "I'm here to talk about us, baby." He informs you with a flirty grin. 
You raise a brow at Jey's claim and look him up and down briefly. "Us?" You repeat him. "Since when is there an us?" You ask him. 
"Yeah! She's with me!" Jordan speaks up from your side. 
"Shut your mouth, ol' big forehead looking ass." Jey snaps at Jordan and silences him. "The lady and I are talking." 
You hold back a snicker at Jey's comment and try to remain stoic. "I'm pretty sure this conversation is over." You insist. "Come on Jordan, let's leave Jey to call for his boyfriends." You gesture for Jordan to part the ring ropes for you. 
"Here, let me, baby." Jey shoves past Jordan and parts the ring ropes for you. "And hey, when you tired of having ol' big forehead over there following you around like a lost puppy? You know where to find me, baby. A girl like you should have a real man at your side." He flashes a grin at you. 
Jordan huffs and grumbles to himself as he hurries to catch up with you on the ramp. You walk backward a few steps as Jey stares at you from inside the ring. You stare back at him until Jordan sets a hand on your arm. 
"Y/N? Come on!" Jordan posters you. 
"I'm coming, Jordan. Geez. Pipe down." You snap back at him and head backstage. 
When you return to the locker room, you walk over to Rhea and Jordan finds Finn. Rhea congratulates you on beating Zoey as you sit down next to her. 
"Nice work taking out Starks." Rhea smiles at you. 
"Ah, it was light work." You wave your hand dismissively. "It should be an easy night for you at Survivor Series." You insist. 
Rhea nods in agreement and changes the subject. "And what about Jey Uso?" She asks you. 
"What about him?" You reply. 
You and Rhea chat about Jey for a bit and his potential in Judgement Day. Damian walks over to the two of you after a bit with some news. "Jey and Sami are tagging together in a bit against Kaiser and Vinci. Finn and I are going out there to get some revenge." He informs you and Rhea. 
"Okay." Rhea nods. "Why don't you take Y/N and Jordan with you?" She suggests. "You can mess with Jey a bit more." 
"Ooo, sounds fun." You agree and join Damian and Finn. 
Everyone heads out to the ring and Damian gets to work in attacking Sami. Finn goes after Giovanni and Jey, leaving Kaiser the only one not being attacked. You lock eyes with Kaiser and nudge Jordan on the arm. 
"I don't like how he's looking at me, Jordan, Take care of it." You send Jordan on his way. 
"What about me, baby?" Jey pops up at your side a few seconds later. 
You lock eyes with Jey and an amused smile cracks on your lips. "You're no better." You taunt him. 
"Oh, I don't think that's true, baby." Jey chuckles. "I know that you're into me, Y/N." He insists. "I can see it in your eyes." 
"I think that you need to get over yourself, Jey." You reply but take a step back as Jey advances on you. 
You back up and your back hits the ring so you stop. Jey steps up to you and looks you over. His gaze switches from your eyes to your lips a few times before he licks his own. "Why don't you let me show you what a real man is capable of?" He asks you suggestively. 
Before Jey can advance on you any further, Jordan pulls you away and back to the rest of the team. You laugh at Jordan's side and shrug at Jey. "Better luck next time, Jey!" You shout at him with an amused laugh. 
"Oh, I can wait, baby!" Jey shouts back at you. "Take all the time that you need. I'll be right here." He insists. 
You watch Jey as you walk back up the ramp. And you know that he means what he claims. 
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
umm that recent fic u posted (love it btw) got me heated ngl. So would it be okay if I could request one where reader broke things off with Leon (cuz of Ada/during the re4 era) and years later they see each other at Claire’s get together?? But reader is with fiancé and u can decided the ending—thank you
♡Wet Wedding Dress♡
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader work
《 You bursted into Claire's party that night and winced to the number of people already present and on-time unlike you. You carefully brushed past some of the crowd as Claire in her red cocktail dress crossed her green lawn to greet you.
“Geez, I am so sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy..” You said apologizing but Claire in her usual, perpetual kindness hugged your neck, only caring that you came at all on her birthday.
“Don't worry! Ugh, the stupid caterers were late anyhow. You haven't missed a thing.”
You went ahead and gave her the small gift you'd picked up on the way over, having boxed it up in the car and she smiled appreciatively and promised she'd place it with the others back on the dessert table.
You felt a little overwhelmed by the people already here when she walked away. You wove ‘hi’ to a few of them asking how they've been since basic. The conversation was nice but you noticed yourself wandering in the hopes of finding someone else.
Leon was in the back of the living room out of your gaze. He sat with his back to the wall, talking over a game of pool with a few acquaintances from the past. He noticed a new silhouette in the room suddenly and then felt a racing flutter in his heart as you crept closer.
He sat upright in his seat, clutching his beer as a surge of nervousness washed over him. He blinked several times to assure himself that it was you and he handed his long cue to one of them, telling them to take his turns for the rest of the game. He then poured the rest of his beer into a tall houseplant secretively as he needed an excuse to get into the open kitchen area where you were headed.
He couldn't approach you directly. It would be weird for both of you, he was sure. The last meeting you had wasn't exactly a kindred memory. He'd just been caught talking to Ada his ex when he said that they'd parted ways and well within your right to, you had slapped him across the face. You two were dating at the time, and he did love you. But that palm print against his cheek was the mark he needed to know that you loved him too. Enough to cry while telling him that hated his guts.
He never forgot that night. And he wondered now on his approach the beer cooler on the kitchen floor if you remembered it too and now he wanted to ask you if telling him you hated him, stung in your throat like your handprint on his face.
You were oblivious to him reaching down into the cooler while you were scanning the room in fact trying to find…him. You held your hand to your chest, taking a plastic glass premade by Claire's punch bowl to give your hands something to do.
He wanted to get your attention- so nonchalantly, as if he was mistakenly not paying attention, he ‘accidentally’ placed the cold beer bottle to the side of your thigh just below your dress as you stood faced away from him.
“Sorry..” He said feeling you shiver, then felt just as frozen by the first look you gave him. Your eyes lit up brightly and you put down the small plastic glass but..you held your hands together. Your spirit told you to wait and remember to resonate on how much you've missed him.
‘Don't hug him, idiot. Don't you dare hug him.’ you thought in your head.
You crossed your arms, trying not to be awkward when he searched in your gaze as well you did his. He didn't think of the night you slapped him at all when he stood in front of you now, lost for words that were certainly taking their precious time to find him. He thought of that morning before. You had slept over after spending your night together. You laid there only wearing the half smile you wore when you dreamt and he thought of the morning sun in your hair, circling around you like a halo.
“Didn't think I'd run into you.” He said, clearing his throat to break the thoughts in his head that tormented him with the images of you sleeping so beautifully in his bed like you were born to do it.
You shrugged, then mentioned with some added repose to portray that you weren't aching to see him,
“Yeah, I ugh- I forgot you were friends with Claire. Uhm..”
You twined your hands behind your back, mentioning a little more brave after a hard swallow,
“It's nice to see you.”
Leon nodded, telling you the same and he found his mind wandering again. But yours was too. A part of you stayed resigned thinking that he might’ve hated you for the last fight you had. You overreacted and you regretted doing it everyday. After remembering that, you thought about just walking away.
“How've you been?” He asked, trying to keep down all the things he really wanted to say.
When you moved your hair out of your eyes, Leon's heart sank into his stomach and hit the bottom of his feet with a clunk that shook him. He felt a ball wadding up in his throat and his eyes fell down to realize the worst thing had happened while you two were separated.
You had a ring on your finger.
“I've been alright. How about you? Still…federal and working in DC?” You asked, noticing that he stared now at your engagement ring, hating that he'd even seen it.
Leon nodded, trying to avoid sounding like a brag so he merely shrugged while catching another glimpse of that little shiny boat-sinker rested on your ring finger.
“You ugh-” Leon asked, wanting to get this part over with,
“You getting married?”
You froze, hoping he wouldn't try and ask the details of your fiancé so soon. You wanted to reminisce and try to find the normalcy between you. However, you knew that was the overly hopeful part of yourself trying to…..imagine that you two still had a chance at working.
“I am.” You answered, twisting the ring on your finger tensely,
“Here in about three months.”
Fuck, he thought. Feeling like he was talking with a hole carved through his chest now. He had thought about calling you sometime in the year apart. He thought now that maybe if he'd gone through with it, things would be different now. You'd be wearing his ring on your finger.
You heard Claire call out from behind him and she yelled out that “Jacob” was here and you smiled widely, waving him over and you introduced Leon to your fiancé on the spot but felt the air change between you.
Leon looked over his shoulder as this new man approached and not-impressed just didn't fit the bill. Jacob was lanky, wore glasses with curly, boyish hair that just looked to be lackluster. But, Leon shook his hand to be cordial.
Jacob looked to you, a little surprised to be standing in front of the renowned agent Leon S. Kennedy, and he asked you softly as if to be discreet,
“You ugh….you worked together? You've never told me that, honey.”
Your face turned a bright, telling pink, looking back to Leon, then Jacob in this awkward situation you'd found yourself in. Leon tried not to gasp at the feeling of being some kind of secret and more, so he tried not to smile. He put the bottle of beer to his lips, hiding his grin as you backpedaled all the reasons you just so happened to never bring him up before.
“Well-” Leon said, holding back a laugh. He was amused with the way things had turned out, but he laughed also at himself. Even though Jacob looked like a scrub in his eyes, that was your man, and he had no right to make judgment.
But you couldn't tell that to his mind.
“I'll catch you guys later. Nice seeing you.”
You felt the need to pull him back, wanting him to stay, but you told him goodnight as he slipped away back into the crowd. You lost him after only a moment, and yourself and Jacob then gravitated back towards the outside veranda where Claire's cake was being cut already.
The rest of the night, you felt detached from the celebration. You were sunken into your phone, overhearing the conversation from Jacob and his friends that were in attendance. Leon sat against the wall, chugging what had to be the 10th beer he'd gotten ahold of and felt a fire starting when he constantly found himself staring at you.
And him.
When everyone began making their way home, hugging Claire's neck before waving goodnight, he wanted to make sure you didn't leave before he gave you a drunken earful of what exactly he thought of Jacob and how you deserved better. He was stumbling, trying hard to focus as he looked for you in the front yard of people but you had been following him in silence for the past few steps he'd taken.
“Leon-” You said, trying to be gentle knowing he was drunk.
He turned, trying to shake away the warble in his vision and he faced you, leaning on the wall so he wouldn't stumble while you talked. He noticed something in your hands and looked up as you started explaining, somewhat unsurely.
“I just-” You said, beginning to crumble the piece of paper in your palm, knowing you were only doing this so he wouldn't think you were still into him,
“I just wanted to give you this. We had a few extra so I wanted you to have one.” You said handing over an official invite to your wedding in the few short months.
Leon felt a scoff leave his mouth due to the loss of his inhibitions then you mentioned to ease any doubt,
“You don't have to go. We're friends so.. I figured I'd tell you that you were welcome to come. If…you wanted to.”
There was a silence between you after that. You wish you knew what he was thinking. Because the space and the quiet was killing you as you stared at the floor. You started to tell him that Jay seemed to like hearing the stories of you two working together but Leon spouted off quietly,
“I'm happy that you're happy.”
He turned his head, his eyes half lidded partially from the alcohol but also to the tension. You don't know why. But it just sounded like he was…lying. Or at least leaving something out. But you were too, weren't you? There were a million things you couldn't say.
“Me..too..” You said in a hollow tone, feeling nothing but empty after you said it.
You brushed past him, knowing that Jay was waiting in the car then you said over your shoulder, trying not to sound desperate as if you wanted nothing more than the last word,
“Just..text me if you're coming. Just so I know.”
“I will-” Leon said montonely, looking up at the ceiling before mentioning finitely before you were gone,
“Congratulations..by the way.”
You wanted to thank him but instead you just trudged away. On your way home that night, Jacob asked what was keeping you so quiet. Thinking that maybe you had a lot on your mind but you did. You told him you were fine, just tired and wanted to shower before bed. Once you closed the bathroom door and turned on the water, all you could do was cry in the hum of the shower. You were getting married in two months and you were going to be thinking of Leon now, every single day, weren't you? Could you really wear someone else's ring?
~Your Wedding Day
You sat in the dressing room ten minutes before the ceremony. Your makeup was done, and your dress flowed around you with even your veil made of the fine, sheer lace that cost a fortune. Your bridesmaids had been asking all morning if you hadn't slept well. You were irritable, easy to ignite. But they figured it was nerves, and you assured them as much.
When ten minutes became nine, you looked up to the dimly lit vanity mirror and asked the room full of people if you could have a minute alone. Everyone was quick to do as you asked and when you were washed back into a more settling silence, you pulled the phone away from your purse. That morning, unbeknownst to anyone you'd received a text from Leon saying that he was coming today and that he was sorry he didn't rsvp sooner.
You stared at that message longingly while you were alone and in a moment derived from lack of thought and more so grounded in a nostalgic panic, you called him. You held the phone to your ear feeling as if this just wasn't real.
Leon was signing in at the small table in the cathedrals vestibule when you called and he was slow to reach into his jacket pocket to answer. You heard it ring once then quickly ended the call, cursing into the mirror as you tossed your phone down.
“Fuck!” You cried from the feeling of never speaking to him again and you leaned over, trying to save your makeup from tears. You hurried to preserve your mascara, now asking yourself over and over what you were doing.
You were led along by the wedding coordinator in the next few minutes and stood in front of the large double doors, peering inside as your bridesmaids entered the ceremony hall first, waltzing down the aisle along with the lulling accordion music. When the loud, booming bells began to change in arrangement, you heard the sound of everyone standing and you took the last breath you needed to convince yourself that….you weren't making the biggest mistake of your life.
The doors opened and softly you heard the gasps of everyone in attendance to your long, ornate gown that cascaded to the floor in its angelic, blinding white. You stepped forward on the coordinator's cue and began reluctantly down the aisle. You stared at the floor as you began to softly cry with one tear escaping. Leon watched as you moved with a slowness. These were the last images he'd ever have of you before losing you to marriage and he realized it now. His gaze resigned back down and he told himself not to be so goddamn selfish.
As you came to the altar, Jay helped you up to stand across from him. The priest began to read from the traditional verses detailing a bound union made with love and duties to those who dedicate themselves with vows. All of the words felt meaningless as you stood there, staring into the ground with your bouquet ready to break beneath your clawed fingers.
Then, you were prompted to turn for the placing rings. Jacob slid his ring on your trembling finger and you did the same, reciting vows as you both did so to the stone walls that echoed. Jacob said the prolific phrase “I Do” and there in that moment, time felt stuck in place. Unmoving and slow.
You fell quiet when asked the same question that needed an “I Do.”
The church grew at its quietest and waited for you to respond. Leon looked up from his harrowed stare into the floor and watched you hesitate. You held Jacob's hands but felt that nothing would ever leave your throat again without a fight. Your voice shook as well as your legs, and with a breath of air you felt you needed to die for, you instead turned to run.
The congregation gasped sharply, and people even stood to watch as you fled in heavy strides that flowed your dress behind you in long, white billows as you sped down the aisle. Tears flooded your face now as your shaking hands held up the front of your gown, and you screamed curses that probably appalled the stone angels on the walls, but you didn't care.
You begged those who ran after you not to follow as you escaped down the church's side stairs leading to the street but one shadow moved their way through the pathways and side doors to run behind you anyhow. Leon swung his keys into his hand and practically dove through the moving people to get to his car.
As the sky above you darkened in the few minutes it took you to get outside, you hurried across the large cobblestone steps in no clear direction. Tires were heard behind you, and you assumed it was one of the groomsmen trying to change your mind. But you saw Leon roll down his car window right when the rain began to fall. You shook your head, knowing water would ruin this thousand dollar dress, and you just stood now in the somehow fated torrential downpour.
Leon got out of the driver's side, asking you from the road what you were doing as the rain soaked you both now. You raised your hands, asking with a snideness as your shoulders rose in just as much confusion,
“Does it look like I know what I'm doing?”
Leon swung the wet hair away from his face and asked vaguely through the sounds of the water,
“Why'd you never say anything?”
“What?” You asked, getting closer, and he asked again, getting annoyed that he didn't ask this when he needed to,
“Why'd you never tell your little boyfriend about me?...You never told him that I was your partner. That we..worked together for years? That you…slept with me, dated me, screamed at me-”
“I fucking get it-!” You shouted over the rain to stop him but you shook your head, moving your sopping wet dress as you paced tensively to find an answer,
“I don't know, okay?! It just never came up. And don't throw it in my face about that fight. I..think about it all the time.”
“Do you?” He asked shortly, hanging on breath-by-breath for you to say it, and you crumbled, hanging your head to cry in the rain while he put the pieces together himself.
He looked out at the street, watching the water roll in and he knew he needed to make this quick before you both become waterlogged and he said with his voice roaring over the soft thunder and rainfall,
“We didn't talk at Claire's. And we should've.”
“I'm sorry for hitting you that night, Leon.” You said, sputtering with shaking lips as you sobbed, and he only half smiled, telling you that you didn't need to apologize for something like that. He began to laugh contagiously even with rainwater soaking your gown,
“You hit like a princess, come on, that didn't hurt me or my tender feelings.”
You stared at him as you both began to laugh in the rain together. It felt healing but not as healing enough as what you were about to tell him. Words left behind that should've been said years ago.
“I wish-..” Leon said stuttering until you cut him off,
“I love you.”
Leon was halted from even breathing, watching as you stared across the road to him. You knew then that there was just no other way to say it or explain it. You couldn't tell your boyfriend, your friends, or even your fiancé about him because it'd be too damn obvious from the first breath. You loved him too deeply, and it'd be written all over your face. For all to see.
Leon charged towards you after giving into the feeling. After stomping to your side, he lifted you into his arms, rising you above him, wet wedding dress and all to bring your lips to his. It felt like another tireless thing that was left undone on the night you last saw him, and you surrendered into his lips as you did those years ago.
Suddenly you heard voices from up the street and saw as your family and wedding party had found you, yelling over the rain to the others and you looked to Leon in horror, knowing you could never go back now.
“You wanna get me the hell outta here?”
He nodded with a devious smile as he brought you back to your feet, and you remembered that troublemaking look from the many memories of his past antics in your mind. He raced with you back to his car, and you watched behind you as together you both ran with your hearts pounding in the falling rain. He closed you inside the car, hearing as your family began yelling your name, and his foot slammed to the gas pedal once back behind the wheel.
“Hang on tight.” He said as the motor accelerated loudly in a whir.
You laughed in new joy feeling his car take off in a getaway that spun the tires and throttled the loud engine. He took your hand once the rear view became a blur but you noticed one more thing that needed to be left behind along with the life in the distance. You tossed that wedding ring out the window. It clinked to the road passing you by and you nodded as Leon smiled widely to the sight.
“That's better.” You said in relief to take his hand. 》
I wrote the HELL outta that one. Thank you so, so much. That was fun. Looking forward to more! ✌️
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Heyy could you maybe do the verbal fight with bucky from the bingo thing if it isn’t finished yet? love what you write btw <3
Thank you! Also to everyone that helped with their amazing ideas. I couldn’t decide which one to write... I will definitely take another prompt from this post (you can view it as a WIP list lmao)
I had to go with the most detailed one this time because my head is literally blank. Thank you @winterarmyy 💕
Verbal Fight (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: fluff, misunderstandings, and Bucky’s sad internal monologue
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Bucky’s eyes jolted open when Natasha and you laughed on the sofa next to him. He had been up for 36 hours now. But he wanted to spend time with his girl after the mission - a mission which left him with little to no sleep on top of physical exhaustion. 
His arm was resting on the couch behind you, fingers grazing your shoulder ever so slightly. It was enough to send him into a drowsy state. But as much as whatever he was doing right now neared sleep more than anything had done in the past day, he needed to go to bed. Preferably with you, cuddled up under the warm blanket, the smell of your hair in his nose and your soft body pressed into his. Bucky felt all warm just thinking about it and it plastered a small smile on his face.
“I think I'm going to hit the hay,” he said as he stood from the sofa, and waited once he had done so. 
“Ok,” you answered before your eyes wandered to him, an asking eyebrow urging him to talk again. “Anything else?”
His eyebrows raised before his hand reached out to you, a silent plea from him to just take it and follow him. You didn’t always go to bed together, but he liked to believe that you enjoyed it just as much whenever you got the chance to. “Aren’t you gonna join me?”
Your features softened once his request had passed, but you shook your head slightly. “You go ahead, I’ll be right behind ya.” And then you were back to giggling with Natasha. 
Bucky’s smile fell. He just wanted his girl in his arms and finally some sleep. Was that so too much to ask? But he didn’t want to sound desperate either. 
“Geez, clingy much Barnes?” Nat laughed before you agreed with a giggly “I know, right?” And then started whispering something with her. 
Bucky’s shoulders slumped, his heart seemingly doing the same. He just liked being with you. Especially after a mission or when he didn’t get to talk to you much. Was that clingy? Bucky thought it was normal to miss the people he cared about. You always told him you missed him when either of you was away. But apparently, he was a little too much. You had spent the entire evening together after all. 
A hoarse ‘okay’ drowned in the giggles in front of him before Bucky turned and headed to his room. How could he not have noticed that he trapped you with his presence? How long had you felt that way? All the questions were eating Bucky up inside. He couldn’t not bother, but he was hoping that his exhaustion would take care of it for now - let him sleep and forget about his racing mind. 
Unfortunately, Bucky’s wishes remained unheard. He wasn’t sleeping. It had been 43 minutes since he tried. He knew, because every time he opened his eyes in hopes of having dreamt his newest dilemma, the watch hand of the clock on his nightstand had barely moved.
He was constantly bothered by the ways he could change his behavior. The last thing he wanted was to annoy you. But it was hard. He enjoyed your presence so much. It was new for him to feel this attached to a person, and because it felt so nice for a change, he pursued it in all the ways he could. 
It was about time it came to bite him in the ass now. Because in his experience, good things never lasted long, not for Bucky anyway. Hell, he was surprised the last four months of your relationship had gone so well. He was bound to mess up - it was in his nature...
The door to his room opened, but Bucky stayed in his position on the bed. His back turned to you, and his face pressed into the pillow frustratedly, we waited for you to just get ready and sleep. He told himself it was so he could be alone with his thoughts again, when really, he just didn’t know what to do - he needed to give you space.
Though Bucky should have known, you weren’t one to ignore an issue - and you always knew when there was one. 
The bed dipped but he didn’t move. Your hand reached out to him but he didn’t move. You attempted to turn him to you and he shook your hand off. 
“What’s wrong, Buck?” No response. It would only make it worse. 
“Come on, talk to me.” You touched his arm again and Bucky finally sat up and turned to you, eyebrows scrunched, breaths heavy. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” There was no way to navigate this. Even if Bucky were able to steer this conversation toward the revelatory outcome he wanted, he had no clue how to do it. It was better to just get space - give you space. 
But you wouldn’t budge. You scooched closer to him on the bed, halting when Bucky flinched back. When he caught your eyes then, he found hurt and confusion turning your features. It made his chest sting, his hand clammy.
“You were fine just then. What happened?” Another attempt to reach out to him but he reacted the same. You averted your eyes, picking on the covers. “You know you can tell me anything right? I’m here if you need me-“
“Well, I don’t need you.” The words tasted bitter on his tongue. But how else could he tell you that he was anything but clingy? 
“You don’t mean that.”
“How would you know what I mean?!” He snapped, his effort to stay calm breaking like a dried stick between his fingers. “I feel like I don’t even know you! You don’t even want to spend time with me.”
But he didn’t miss the fire light up in your eyes at his last words and it sent a shiver through him. “Well, it’s hard when you pull yourself out of every social interaction to ever exist!” You moved away from him and he felt a pull at his heart. 
“Maybe I wouldn’t do it if you would actually pay attention to me for once!” Bucky didn’t know where that came from. There was frustration and confusion, and hurt all mixing in his brain, making it hard to distinguish intrusive from rational thoughts.
“Oh, so this is my fault?” You huffed.
“Or maybe I’m just fucking broken. Is that what you’re trying to say?! In this case, I don’t even know why you keep up with me.”
“If I’m so broken why don’t you just get back to having fun with everyone else on the team and just leave me be? That’s what you do best, right? Be social! Show me how it’s done because I can’t do it. Ever!” Bucky caught a tear falling from your cheek. No. Nonono. This had not been his intention. Shit.
The room fell silent and Bucky took a deep breath. He was just angry at himself. Angry that he was incapable of connecting with people. Angry that he upset you by being clingy once he found the one person he could attach himself to.
“Alright stop it!” Another tear spilled from your eyes but something inside him was still not finished.
“Why? Is it making you uncomfortable to hear the truth?” He hadn’t intended to say it, but his mouth just opened and did. Stupid fucking mouth.
“Bucky!” He flinched once you raised your voice. You had never done it at him. Neither of you had ever fought with each other in fact. “Where the hell is this coming from?” Now your tone was softer and Bucky could feel his heart pumping blood through his body again. Yeah... where the hell was this coming from?
Bucky fumbled with the blanket. He didn’t even notice he was crying until a fat hot tear landed on the covers. He felt you shuffle closer again, relieved that he hadn’t scared you off entirely.
“Do you really think you’re broken?” You spoke so carefully, as if he were to break at any second. And honestly, that might have happened.
“It feels that way too often for it not to be true..,” he whispered ashamed. 
“Baby,” You reached out again and this time, he allowed it, needing your touch more than ever before. You pulled him into your chest, your arms encasing him as he slumped against your frame - finally exhaling, relaxing, and falling into your embrace. “Everyone feels like this from time to time. You don’t have to always be happy and confident to be normal or okay.”
Your soothing voice traveled through his exhausted haze, tears still falling from his eyes. "But it feels like I get stuck in my sorrow.”
“That is normal. I have those days, too. Nat has them, Steve does too.”
Bucky moved to look up at you, a silent request for confirmation in his stare, but this time, he felt, you understood. You probably always had.
“It’s true, babe.” Your body rocked softly and it soothed Bucky further into your soft chest. He felt the tension draining from his body, the sleeplessness replacing it in every inch of him.
“Please, talk to me when you feel like this again. I can help you. I want to help you.”
“Thank you.” He smiled weakly. How could he have ever thought you would neglect him? It was stupid, just as stupid as that attempt of his to give you more space.
“Not for this, Bucky.” You kissed his forehead, ultimately lulling Bucky into his well-deserved sleep - with a calm mind, and the promise to never let his insecurities get the better of him again. 
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bari-the-witch · 2 years
“Ahoy there, sailor!”
Eddie saunters into Scoops Ahoy like he owns the place, an overly cheerful expression on his face. He nearly panicked again making his way through that blasted mall full of people, and putting on a fake smile is his way of not losing his mind. It’s not the healthiest way Eddie knows but it’s quick and it’ll do for the moment. He can deal with the aftermath of being overwrought later in the confines of his own bedroom.
Fortunately, Steve doesn't seem to notice the fakeness of Eddie’s behavior or notice him at all. He’s too occupied with trying to make the little girl at the counter explode or something if the look on his face is any indication of that.
“Listen, Erica. You can’t come in here every day and demand free samples of every flavor we have, okay? I told you yesterday. And the day before. And every other day of summer until now. So buy something, or leave.”
Steve looks like he’s ten seconds away from tearing his hair out or banging his head against the wall. Eddie is torn between watching how this unfolds just for shits and giggles, or jumping in and saving Steve from his obvious discomfort. Unfortunately, he's a very curious person, so he seats himself at one of the many tables near the entrance and watches the train wreck in front of him unfold.
“That’s not how you treat a customer, idiot. Do you want me to talk to your boss or something?" The girl - Erica - replies, clearly not impressed in the slightest by Steve’s lecture. “I bet he wouldn’t like what you did.”
“You wouldn't-." Steve pauses for a moment. There seems to be something in Erica’s face that makes him falter mid-sentence. Because in the next second, Steve sinks into himself like a puppet with its strings cut off.
“Fine,” he groans. “What do you want?”
“See, I knew you’d come around.” Erica sounds proud of successfully blackmailing Steve into giving her what she wants.
Ten minutes and a few samples later, Erica leaves the store with a smug expression on her face. When she catches Eddie staring at her, she glares at him with disdain, before finally leaving for good. Geez, those young girls sure are different today.
“God, I can’t believe her sometimes…,” Eddie can hear Steve muttering from behind the counter, head tipped back and staring at the ceiling like it holds the secrets of the universe inside. When Steve looks down again and finally spots Eddie sitting there, he blanches, his face immediately losing all color.
“Oh no,” he states. “Please don’t tell me you’ve been here the whole time.”
“Would it make things better if I told you that this little girl is absolutely scary before giving you an honest answer?” Eddie says, before making his way over to the counter.
“A little,” Steve squeaks, sounding unsure. “God, you really must think I’m a loser now.”
Eddie deliberately lets his eyes wander over Steve's body, clad in that scandalous sailor outfit." Right. Only now.”
At first, Steve doesn’t get what he’s hinting at. Then his eyes widen. Then they narrow. And before Eddie knows it, he’s met with the infamous Harrington glare of doom. Or the mean girl stare as Grant jokingly likes to call it. It’s almost funny to watch Steve turn from complete and utter embarrassment to this in a matter of seconds.
But instead of lashing out, like he surely would’ve done last year, Steve leaves it at that and a “Funny, Munson”, before smoothing out his face again into a neutral expression. Though he now believes Steve changed, Eddie is surprised by his tame reaction. The old Steve would have verbally torn him to shreds at such a jab at his ego by now.
“Does she really do that every day?” Eddie asks, changing the subject, so as to not test his luck. He doesn’t need to overdo it when the first soft tendrils of their friendship are still fragile.
“Erica? Yes, unfortunately,” Steve replies, making a face. “And because I need this job and my asshole father surely would serve my head on a platter if I lose it, I have to play nice with her. Mostly.”
“Your father makes you work here?”
That’s a bit surprising actually. Eddie always thought the Harringtons would rather be caught dead than let any member of their family work a minimum-wage job. In this ridiculous outfit no less.
“Mhm. Remember when I told you they always nag at me for something?” Eddie nods, and Steve continues. “Well, seems like he didn’t take it well I graduated at the skin of my teeth and couldn’t go to college because of it. Seems like he was right calling me a disappointment since the first time I brought home a bad grade.”
He sounds so defeated telling him about the way his father treats him, Eddie feels the urge to punch Mr. Harrington in the face fester inside him. He balls his hands into fists at his side, trying to shove his anger down. This is not the time, nor the place for this.
“So that’s the reason I work here. And most of the time it’s not even that bad,” Steve says, shrugging his shoulders like it’s no big deal for him. But Eddie isn’t convinced at all. From the things he heard about Steve’s dad, whether it was from Steve himself or his uncle Wayne, Mr. Harrington doesn't strike him as the person to give his son a job he would like.
“I mean, I get free ice cream sometimes. And at least I have a job, unlike others. So I shouldn’t complain that I-.”
“Steve.” Steve immediately clicks his mouth at Eddie’s firm tone, something that he’s definitely filing away for later. “It’s okay, really. You don’t have to pretend to like your job in front of me. I’m not judging you for it.”
“I uh - thanks. I guess.”
“Don’t mention it. I would be a hypocrite if I’d actually encouraged you to like your job in that evil den of capitalism,” Eddie jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
It seems to work because Steve snorts, his solemn expression turning into an amused one. “Are you going to jump on tables here, too?” he quips good-naturedly, then his eyes widen. “Oh, please don’t actually do that.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Although it sounds rather tempting.” When Steve wants to protest, Eddie holds his hands placatingly. “Just kidding Stevie. Wait, does that mean you actually listened to those things I said at the school cafeteria?”
“It was hard not to,” Steve grins toothily, his cheeks red for some reason. “Has anyone ever told you really have a knack for the dramatic?”
Eddie bumps his finger against his lips a few times, pretending to think about Steve’s rhetorical question. “Hmm. Nope, definitely heard this the first time today.”
“As if,” Steve laughs. “I think you being dramatic is like a law of the universe or something.”
“I’m going to pretend this is a compliment,” Eddie replies dryly but feels somehow giddy at Steve’s words. He feels seen. “Otherwise it would be totally rude of you.”
“Believe me it is a compliment” Steve becomes serious again and Eddie feels almost dizzy with how fast the other is changing his emotions today. “There’s just something so admirable how you’re so unabashedly yourself. Makes me a bit jealous, to be honest.”
Jealous? Steve Harrington is jealous of him? No way in hell. But Steve looks so earnest that Eddie can’t do much than accept the fact that this may be the truth.
“Sorry I-,” Eddie hesitates because this is just so weird for him. “I think I’m a bit surprised hearing that from you.”
Steve shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. It’s only the truth. And I think I’m jealous because if I would be a bit more like you, I maybe could accept myself more easily.”
This catches Eddie’s attention. “What do you mean by that?" he asks curiously. And it must’ve been the wrong thing to ask because Steve’s expression immediately slides shut and suddenly there’s a distance between them that’s almost palpable.
“Uh, nothing. Forget it. It’s - I - nothing, really.”
Despite his brash demeanor, Eddie knows when it’s the wrong time to pry. So he just nods and lets it slide for the time being. Maybe there’ll be another opportunity to talk soon, where Steve will be more open about whatever this is.
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captain039 · 1 year
Big bear
Halsin x reader
Warnings: AOB, size kink, age gap, teasing, feelings, tav insert
I just want Astarion and Halsin 🤣
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The first time you met Halsin, you wished it played out better, you felt like a fool.
The group had successfully found Halsin and killed the goblin group. Not fully aware that the bear was indeed Halsin, but the bear was helping with the fight so it was a bonus. When he shifted you’d stared in shock at the size of him, gods he’d throw you over your shoulder easily. You’d cursed your dirty thoughts seeing as you were covered in dirt and blood and just ended a fight. You stood behind the group waiting for Tav to talk out their plan with the Druid. You were in pain, you’d wandered a bit away checking yourself for wounds finding a large scrape on your side.
“Are you alright?” You jumped turning around to see the Druid. You pushed your shirt down and flushed a bit.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” he smiled kindly and you shook your head slightly.
“It’s ok” you said quietly finding no energy to heal the wound yourself, maybe one of the other members would have a healing potion.
“May I?” He asked and you frowned as he gestured to your wound. You hesitated, but nodded lifting the side of your shirt up again. His hand began to glow yellow and a warm sensation ran through your side as the wound healed. You sighed in relief lowering your now ruined shirt back down.
“Thank you” you said and he nodded a smile still on his face. He had kind eyes and a kind smile despite his scary scarred face and big body.
“Are you alright?” You heard Tav called and nodded giving them your attention.
“Come, we’ve got more goblins to kill” they smiled and you nodded again following them.
After the goblin killing festive you were done, you didn’t want to walk back, didn’t want to move, but alas you did. You followed Halsin back to the hollowed grove, the teiflings already packed and ready for celebrations. You were invited for a party back at camp, Tav agreed for it to be later as you headed back to the druids. Khaga was cast out, seeing Halsin angry was a little nerve wracking, but also somehow hot on his part. Geez you needed some wine and sleep. Once Tav and Halsin finished he gave his thanks to the rest of the group and you. You gave a small smile and nod, avoiding your attraction to him and wanting to sleep. Being back at camp was a blessing, you hated how gross you felt though as you washed your face in the water. Your body ached all over as you sat back and sighed.
“You’ve had a rough day” you jumped again at his voice, for a man so big he moved silently.
“I’m sorry little one I keep scaring you” he chuckled lightly and your whole body tensed at the name before you flushed.
“I’ve had a hard day” you grumbled embarrassed.
“I know you have” he sat down beside you watching the lake also, your body tensed as the smell of alpha filled your nose.
“How’s your wound feeling?” He asked looking to you.
“It’s healed, thank you” you said giving him a glance.
“You seem to still be in pain though, have you other injury’s?” He asked a frown on his face and you shook your head.
“All that fighting makes my body hurt, I don’t have any more wounds, just muscle and joint pain” you explained.
“I just need to rest” you said sighing exhaustedly.
“I won’t keep you up then” he said going to stand.
“No it’s ok, I won’t sleep till everyone else does” you said as he sat back down again. You winced as you moved to get more comfortable. You sighed closing your eyes and hanging your head. Today was hard, there was no doubt about, how your group members can keep a party going was beyond you.
“Hold my hand” the Druid suddenly said and you frowned looking to the hand he offered. You laid your palm on his hesitantly as a magic glow began to emit and warmth filled your body again like before. Your aches and pains went away, nothing but soothing warmth replacing them. You practically melted eyes closing with a smile as you relished the feeling. Halsin allowed you to bask in it before you grew embarrassed and took your hand away.
“Thank you” you whispered as he smiled a slight daze in his eyes before someone called him.
“I’m being summoned” he chuckled and you nodded as he bid his goodbyes and left. You slept better than ever that night, body not in pain and a faint warmth still lingering. When morning came you helped the grove pack their remaining belongings, some more eager than others by the bickering you heard. Halsin was also lending a hand with the heavier stuff, lifting it all easily, muscles flexing. You cursed yourself, you shouldn’t be ogling such a alpha as great as him. Halsin stayed at your camp while your group tried to replenish their supplies after the big fight. It was slow going so you headed out in your own to the few traders in the grove. You got some health potions, food and some things for the others. Apparently you over bought because you struggled with your pack on your back as you went to leave.
“Need some help?” You turned seeing Halsin smiling, his scent filling your nose again and nodding to your backpack. You hesitated, but shook your head it’d be fine.
“You’ll fall over backwards, here” the man insisted and shrugged off your pack carefully before putting it on his shoulder.
“Better?” He chuckled and you flushed, but nodded.
“I didn’t realise you came too” you said as you began to walk back to camp.
“I said some things to clear up back at the sanctuary, a new leader” he said and you frowned.
“You’re not going back after everything’s done?” You asked.
“No” he shook his head, but there was sadness behind his voice.
“Oh” you muttered.
“I’m sorry, it’s your home it must be hard to up and leave” you said.
“It is hard I won’t lie to you, but they’re in good hands, besides the sanctuary felt too comfortable, I enjoy the freeness of the camp, the heat of the battle” he chuckled shaking his head and you smiled.
“And besides wouldn’t want you to get wounded again without a healer” he said chuckling lightly with some flirt on his tongue and your body froze.
“Did I say something wrong?” He asked worried turning to you.
“No- I” you flushed as he tilted his head to study you.
“You’ve never had a lover?” He asked and you shook your head avoiding eye contact.
“Apologies I did not know” he said guilty and your stomach churned.
“It’s alright, you did nothing wrong, I-“ gods you felt stupid, you don’t know how to handle flirting or feelings, too stuck in your romance novels and dream prince and accepting nobody really wanted you.
“We should move” your walls rose in your mind and you pushed past him continuing your journey back to camp.
Halsin followed you, you were curious to him, you had no scent, whether you were hiding it on purpose or it was the parasite he didn’t know. The warmth he felt when he healed your aches though felt like an omega, did something happen to you in the pass to make you conceal your true nature?
You made it back to camp, thanking Halsin quietly as he dropped the pack off by your tent. You gave everyone what you got them, whether requested or not before sitting in your tent and reading. Nightfall came, thankfully it’s been a quiet day and everyone could rest easy.
Next part ->
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skymar13 · 2 months
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Mina ashido x fem!reader
: angst
heavily inspired by Chappell roans “Goodluck babe!”
Synopsis : you and Mina have been best friends since UA and now looking back at it you regret not choosing her. Slight bakugo x reader
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3rd person pov
“MINA!” You shout getting her attention
“WHATS UP?” She shouts back before you put a finger over her and your lips
“I have a crush” you said excitedly
“OH MY GOD ON WHO?” She says jumping up “I’ve been begging for my little catipilar to get a crush”
“So I know he’s really loud and mean but ..bakugo” you said looking for a reaction
“Him? Out of all the people him?” She says with a confused look
“Yes he’s js so cute and smart and strong” you say but smth about this makes her stomach hurt and her heart feel like it just got squeezed
“Yeayea save the sappy shit for when I’m at your wedding” she says with a forced chuckle
“I’m way too young to get married I want to live life first and when I do you’ll be my maid of honor” you said cheerfully
‘maid of honor? I can’t be mad but why does it hurt’
That’s when she had known
She fell in love with her best friend
Time skip
You and Mina were laying on the floor of your dorm room Mina holding a blunt in her hand as she turns over to you.
“What do you think life’s going to be like after highschool?” She says puffing out the smoke it slowly blowing out the open window
“Can’t be too different right we’re already 3rd years so we will just continue what we’ve been doing. Wake up hero work study go to bed” you said taking the blunt from her hands taking a puff letting it sink in before taking another and handing it back
“Yeah but will we stay how we are?I love you I always will” She says . You can see the way her eyes wander over to a picture of you guys at a party, you have your arms on each others shoulders you’re looking at the camera and she’s looking at you
“Of course I love you” you say smiling at her with a lazy expression “you’re my bestfriend we will always will be” her expression drops
“Yeah. Best friends” she gets up saying a quick good bye leaving you sitting on the floor wondering if you’d said smth or if she was feeling alright
You check your phone to see that bakugo had texted you ‘weird’
Bakugo : want to go to that new soba place down the st?
You take a second to respond on one hand your bestfriend from 1st year seemed off and on the other your crush from 1st year had asked you out. ‘I’ll check up on her when I get back’ you thought before typing out your response
[your name] : yeah when?
Bakugo : meet me in the commons in 5
[your name] : 👍
You quickly got dressed and slipped on your shoes as you walked into the hall way you see mina walking out of her dorm that’s opposite of yours too
“Going somewhere” she said throwing a saddened smile
“I forgot to tell you! Bakugo invited me out to that new restaurant down the street” you said so happily you missed the way sadness contorted her features
“Already made plans? I just left like five minutes ago?” She said sarcasm dripping from her tongue
“Well I mean you decided to leave, I’m sure bakugo wouldn’t mind you coming.” You said confused ‘is she mad at me?’
“You didn’t even stop me. And no I have things to do have fun” she said rolling her eyes and walking away
‘Weird’ you thought walking to meet bakugo
He gives you a compliment on your outfit and with that you guys walk out of the dorms with a sad Mina watching you leave from the kitchen
“Have you told her?” Jirou says coming out of nowhere and scaring Mina
“Geez! Don’t do that! And no I can’t she’s not into girls like that” Mina says scrolling on her phone for that recipe she wanted to try with you
“Have you asked-“ Mina cuts Jirou off with a “no”
“Well you’re punishing yourself being in love with your bestfriend” Jirou says grabbing the seasons Mina is going to need
Time skip
“You look stunning” Mina says looking at you through your veil
“Don’t make me cry” you said fanning your face grabbing Mina’s shoulders and pull her into a hug
She smells your sweet perfume and hugs you tightly and pulls away “I told you so”
“What do you mean” you say with a small giggle
“Told you I’d still be at your wedding” she says tears already dry now replaced with a bitter sweet smile
“Of course you would be you’re my bestfriend” you say getting distracted by eri helping her fix her flower crown you missed the saddened expression that marks Mina’s face but Jirou doesn’t
As you leave the room to take some bridal photos Jirou walks up to Mina
“I’m so sorry Mina” she wraps her arms around her in a tight hug as Mina silently sobs into her shoulder soaking Jirous suit in her tears
You can hear the wedding bells and the start of the wedding song play throughout the hall.
You can see a teary eyed bakugo with his hype man/best man kirishima along with Kami and sero standing beside him and on the opposite side you can see an equally if not more teary eyed Mina
Tears were shed that day some filled with hope and happiness while others were full of heart break and realization that they were watching the love of their lives getting married (bakudeku moment anybody?)
As you and bakugo say your vows to each other Mina breaks into a silent stream of steady tears as she feels jirous hands come out to rub her shoulder soothingly whispering hushed ‘it’s going to be okay’s
Later on in the ceremony as you greet your guests one by one you pull Mina aside asking her for a dance
“Dance with me?” You said as if asking a boy and letting out your hand for her to take
“Of course who’d I be to decline your majesty” she says taking your hand guiding you to the dance floor there’s a slow song playing so she puts her arms on your waist and you move your hands to her neck looking up/down at her
“I love you” she blurts out “I always have and I always will” she says looking you straight in the eyes hoping but knowing you won’t say what she wants you to say, well, you will but you won’t mean it the way she does
“I love you too you’ve been such an amazing friend to me you’re like the sister I never had” you whispered to her tearing up before pulling her closer to you you feel her arms tighten around you not wishing to let you go
She looks over your shoulder and sees bakugo impatiently waiting for your guys moment to come to an end so she hesitantly pulls away whispering ‘I love you’ one more time
Time skip
“These are so heavy how much stuff do you have bitch?” Mina says carrying a couple boxes into your restroom and setting them on the counter
“That’s all my makeup stuff” you said with a giggle starting to unpack the boxes she js played down
“Not even I have this many things” she scoffs
“Thank you Mina really you’ve been my bestfriend for years and not once have you lead me astray” you looked over to her to see her stunned face
“I told you I’d be here for you always” she says walking over to you and laying her head on your shoulder as she looks at your face in the mirror “and I’ll always love you” she said
“I love you Mina” you say before bakugo shouts for you grab your cat food and supplies “duty calls from the ol’ ball and chain” you said jokingly leaving her to herself
‘Loving you hurts more and more every day’ she thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone and looks at the wallpaper of the same picture you had in your dorm
End of time skip
You and Mina were laying on the floor of your dorm smoking a blunt as she turns to you with half lidded eyes “I told you so” she says leaning in your lips only a breath apart
You wake up with a gasp sitting up and swinging your legs to the edge of your bed and putting your head your your hands looking at your wedding ring then to a picture of you and bakugo that rests on your night stand
You notice Mina in the back with tears flowing down her cheeks with Jirou comforting her
You look at bakugo and wish that it was someone else you were asleep next to
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alchemania · 11 months
I saw people talking about how Wanderer and Furina have a lot of similarities and now I want them to interact SO bad.
I am thinking about them dancing together (cuz iirc Kabukimono did sword dancing) or eventually opening up and talking about some of the hells they've been through and being like man. We are both really messed up, huh?
Also Wanderer cooking for her and her praising his cooking... do you see the vision. Do you see my thoughts.
I think also if he found out what happened to her in detail he'd be really angry. Like you're telling me part of the reason you put on a huge act was because your own people doubted your capabilities and you basically had to turn up the drama to appease them? Why even care about folks who won't accept you as you are? And she's just like well I had to save them. I wanted nothing more than to save them. And he's just okay but what do you have to show for it?? Your entire life got flipped on its head, some people hate you for deceiving them, even though it was necessary, some hate you for what happened at Poisson, even though you couldn't do anything, and now you're left wondering was it worth it. You suffered in silence for literally centuries for people who don't even care about the real you, and you barely got rewarded for it. He's just like if it was me personally I would have just up and left and then he's like you got a will of steel for doin this yk. But I hope you're a little more selfish from here on out, look out for you first.
I like thinking about her crying sometimes because everything is so overwhelming and she's still processing everything and Wanderer is just like oh geez (grabs a hanky) ...takes her somewhere more private and lets her sob it out and lean on his shoulder and just. Be sad. She tries to apologize and he's like no no. We are not doing that.
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thespiritssaidso · 2 months
Shawn Is A Pretzel
Summary: The station has gotten very quiet due to the drop in crime. A little too quiet. This is enough to convince Shawn to stir up some trouble. Nothing to elaborate, however. Just something harmless to freak out a certain Head Detective.
Notes: I should be writing whump but here I am lmao.
Thank you @starsandmindhkhk for making the wonderful drawing of Shawn that sparked this fic.
Lassiter clicked his pen rhythmically. He tapped his foot lightly against the desk leg. Nothing was happening right now. He’d gotten all of the reports done, no one had called about a murder. All was still and quiet and — he never thought he’d say this — just a touch boring.
Of course, he could count on a certain asinine man-child to turn that around.
Among the bustle of police officers, Lassiter heard a certain set of sneakers striding down the hall near his desk. Spencer. What was he doing here?
Lassiter got his answer soon enough when Shawn himself came into view. He had a strange long bag shouldered across his back. He’d briefly assumed — and panicked slightly — that Shawn had finally lost his final screw and brought in a firearm. But a better look told him that it was rather some kind of mat Shawn had brought in.
For some reason, he was also wearing the most godawful pair of jeggings instead of his usual jeans. He’d kept the same green polo shirt, though.
He watched as Shawn found an empty spot nearby his desk and, after gauging out the measurements of the floor length and width, opened up his bag. There was a mat in there, green with small pineapple designs on it. Shawn proceeded to roll it out with a flick of his wrist, letting out a snap.
‘What is he- is he really going to take a nap in the middle of the police station?’
And that’s what he thought was going to happen. He even believed himself correct when he saw him lie down.
Lassiter was proven to be very wrong very fast.
Shawn had in fact lay in a prone position, but soon changed that when he went into a perfectly executed upward dog. Lassiter stopped clicking his pen and just watched the small spectacle in front of him.
He then transitioned to a downward dog, and Lassiter found himself having to forcefully turn his wandering eyes away from Shawn’s butt. This lasted what was probably a few seconds. But to Lassiter? It was hours.
Lassiter had no idea why on earth Shawn had decided to do his yoga routine in the station of all places. It wasn’t like he was exactly complaining, per se. It was just… unusual. Shawn usually had some kind of ulterior motive for his actions. Whether it be a vision, or some way to have an excuse to get on a case, Shawn had a reason for the things he did. Lassiter wasn’t completely oblivious to that. He just hated the way Shawn got the things he wanted by acting like a child.
Lassiter returned his attention back to Shawn, who was currently-
“Oh geez, what in the name of-?!”
Some how, some way, the man who was known famously for being unathletic, running out of breath after only jogging for 30 seconds, had brought his legs up and over his head and back on the floor and wrapped his hands around his ankles. All while still keeping his chest connected to the mat.
Shawn looked over to Lassiter. He grinned and lifted a hand up, waving at him through the gap in his legs. “Hey Lassie! How’s the paperwork?”
Lassiter held back a gag. “Spencer, why are you- what-” he could feel himself getting paler from looking at the unnatural position Shawn was in.
“Wow, I rendered you speechless. That didn’t take long.” He uncurled himself from his position, choosing instead to sit upright. Lassiter let out a short sigh of relief.
That small moment was ruined when Shawn brought up his right leg and tucked it behind his neck. Lassiter could practically feel the blood drain from his face.
“I- I uhmm- I need to find O’Hara.” He tried not to sprint as he abandoned ship and escaped to Juliet’s desk instead — which was thankfully just out of view from Shawn.
“Oh, hi Carlton! Did you finish those-” she stopped as she noticed the look on his face. “Oh my god, are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”
He might as well have. It probably would’ve been his own, too. Lassiter swore he’d felt his soul leave his body when he saw Shawn twisted like a damn pretzel. “I think Spencer is actually possessed.”
Juliet just sighed, and slumped in her sit. “Carlton, I think you’re overreacting.” She got up. “Where is he?”
“Nnnononono, don’t go over there.”
She pushed through him when he blocked her. “You’re being ridiculous! He’s not-”
“Hi Jules!”
Juliet looked over at where Shawn was, and let out a tiny startled gasp. “Oh my god, Shawn!”
Shawn had contorted himself into a slightly more messed up backbend, his hands touching his feet, forming an almost perfect circle. He looked at the two detectives with a slightly crazed look in his eyes, face colored a blotchy red from blood rushing up.
“See, O’Hara? He’s possessed by something!”
Once she’d recovered from the small scare, Juliet rolled her eyes. “No, Carlton. Shawn’s a contortionist. He didn’t tell you because he wanted to get a reaction out of you.”
“And you reacted beautifully. Five stars, ten out of ten.” Shawn stood up from the pose that had made Lassiter cringe terribly. He turned around to face the two. “And by the way, I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but you wear the ‘shocked’ and ‘slightly concerned’ look very well.”
Lassiter pursed his lips. He felt extremely foolish. “That doesnt make… whatever you did… any less aberrant.”
“I’m pretty sure you and Gus are the only ones who know what that means, Lassie. So I’m going to assume it means ‘awesome’ and take it as a compliment.”
ao3 link
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Sakyo Furuichi SSR: Preparing References For One Day In The Future - Part 3
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Sakyo: (Director-san was right, it’s like a small forest church.)
Sakyo: (It does seem like the sort of thing she’d like.)
Sakyo: My congratulations to both of you.
Groom: Ah, Sakyo-kun. Thank you for coming.
Bride: Thank you very much.
Sakyo: This chapel is quite the nice place.
Groom: I’m surprised. I didn’t think you’d like it.
Sakyo: No…
Sakyo: Actually, a friend of mine likes this chapel, when I saw her earlier she got jealous of me.
Groom: Ahh, in that case–
Izumi: Hello, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: Hey. Have you finished your job?
Izumi: Yes. I’m sorry for making you wait.
Sakyo: Then… Let’s get going.
Izumi: Hm? That’s not where the parking lot is–
Sakyo: I don’t mind taking you home immediately if you want to go back early… But I don’t want to hear you complaining later.
Izumi: Eh?
Sakyo: Follow me.
Izumi: Waaahhh—!
Izumi: It’s much more beautiful in person…! I feel like I wandered into a fairy tale world…!
Sakyo: You’re jabberin’ like a little kid.
Izumi: But how…?
Sakyo: The groom arranged for us to be allowed to take a short look around after the ceremony. 
[Flashback starts]
Sakyo: Is that alright?
Groom: Of course it is. Look at it this way, it might also be of some help in the future, yes?
[Flashback ends]
Sakyo: (... I should keep that part of the conversation to myself, huh.)
Choice 1: The sunlight is beautiful…
Izumi: The sunlight is beautiful…
Sakyo: Yeah. It’d look nice on a wedding dress.
Izumi: …
Sakyo: … What’s up?
Izumi: Nothing… I was just thinking about how even you have thoughts like that, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: … It doesn’t suit me, does it?
Izumi: Fufu, that’s not true. I think it’s quite lovely.
Choice 2: It’s romantic
Izumi: It’s romantic.
Izumi: Ah, are there squirrels or foxes? Did you see any, Sakyo-san?
Sakyo:  Nah. It’s not that much like a fairy tale. Though if such an option is available, that’s a different conversation…
Izumi: *staaare*...
Sakyo: … I guess it’s not impossible if you’re lucky.
Izumi: I’m sure having your wedding ceremony here would make for a happy memory.
Sakyo:  … I’ll jot that down.
Izumi: Eh?
Sakyo: Nah, don’t mind me.
Sakyo: (I guess doing this sorta thing once in my lifetime isn’t bad at all…)
Sakyo: More importantly, didn’t you want pictures? We don’t have the luxury to be dilly-dallying like this.
Izumi: Ah, please wait a second!
Izumi: Thank you very much for today.
Sakyo: This is my thanks for your help with the wedding gift.
Kazunari: Ah, welcome back~!
Yuki: So you two were together?
Kazunari: What’s with that huge paper bag, Director-chan?
Sakyo: I was thinking about that too when I was loading it in the car. It’s light, so it doesn’t seem to be meant for work…?
Izumi: My acquaintance let me bring home the leftover gifts.
Izumi: I figured I’d share them with everyone here!
Azami: Do you and that shitty Sakyo share a brain cell?
Yuki: Spare us the stinginess, Director.
Izumi: Ehhh!?
Kazunari: Director-chan, are you starting to take after Furuchee-san?
Izumi: That… sounds kinda bad.
Sakyo: Ah?
Izumi: Ah! I’ll go leave these in the living room!
[Izumi runs off]
Sakyo: … Geez.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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