#like he might not fully get it BUT if he can find a workaround that keeps things running and you happy then he's gonna do it full steam
assortedvillainvault · 8 months
could you do a Hades and a trans male f/o with ocd and how he would help them/react to things? Only of you are comfy with it!
Hey there! Thanks for the ask and apologies for the snail trail it's taken to get these out.
I tried my best with these - I don't suffer from OCD/am not trans so if there's any inaccuracies please let me know!!
Hades x Trans+OCD!Reader Headcannons
Babe he has dealt, and will deal with, every single soul who has ever lived. Which is over 5 billion or so by now. This ain’t his first trans rodeo, just let him know and you’re good.
As a god he’s kinda beyond the whole 'gender' concept anyway, he just double checks his pronouns and moves on, busy guy whole realm to run and all that. But if someone disrespects you? You?? His S/O?? BOOM straight to Tartarus – he’s got your back babe just say the word.
While he might not be familiar with OCD through personal experience, or know the term, he’s not exactly unobservant.
If you’re particular about keeping your hands clean -and yeesh he can relate the soul stuff goop sticks – he just asks that you please please please don’t use the river water for washing. The Underworld's nine rivers ALL cause magic bullshit on contact, from accelerated ageing to memory loss, and neither of you need the stress ok. He can provide perfectly normal sterilised water on hand just ask the servants that’s what they're for.
You like everything just so, huh? Like down to the right angle and the minute? While he’s also gonna bring up practical issues of micromanaging (lack of time, fate, rampant minion idiocy and his family’s mere existence), he relates because he also runs a tight ship and hates his systems being disrupted – something simple being thrown off whack is a red flame rage trigger. You can be each-others chill pills. Hopefully.
If he spots you counting- shit babe want a job? There are reams of records in his office that need an organised eye and if you feel the need then who is he to stop you honestly. He’ll even pay you. Please help him.
Its almost soothing, in a used salesman board meeting type way, how he can talk you through the worst of the paranoia. Like. Ok, so what’s the worst that could happen babe? You could die? You are dating the Lord of The Dead. You’ve visited the underworld so often you’ve basically mapped the place! You know exactly what happens once ye old mortal coil is shuffled off! Who else can say that, huh? Course he’s gonna resurrect you, Olympus isn't exactly gonna notice.
And if you’re worried that through some kind of colossal, fates dammed fuckup, you’ll somehow harm him or the underworld? Babe. Sweetheart. Is your name Zeus? Or Hercules?? No?? You’re not knocking down walls or attempting to yoink a soul back upstairs? No?? You’re good. The place ain’t exactly made of tissue paper and neither is he.
Now c’mere, ok? He needs some snuggles and so you you. Lap time.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 4/8
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The thing is, Davesprite's situation is more complicated than an unfulfilled time loop. His timeline isn't an irrelevant offshoot - in fact, it's integral to the existence of the Alpha Timeline, and presumably always was. Davesprite forms part of a weird, fully intact time loop which spans multiple timelines.
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And since this is a future Dave, you have to assume he knows about Bro. The two clearly had a complicated relationship, but he's surely shaken by his death - if nothing else, it's a sign of how serious things have become.
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That'll be a fun thing to check out when I've finished the comic! It reminds me of those Hunger Games simulators that were doing the rounds a couple of years ago.
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That's true. Dave knows how strong the Underlings have become - and yet, he's still confident that Jade can stand up to them. Presumably she finds some sort of workaround for their First Guardian powers?
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Sunslammer is so good! A standout song, even in a comic with as many bangers as this one.
Honestly, part of why I'm dragging my feet on the album reviews is because I want to hear these songs for the first time in context. If I'd heard Descend before watching Descend, I feel like it would have robbed the song of some of its dramatic weight.
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I assumed it was just because witches are associated with frogs.
That would have explained why they're part of her Land, but I'm pretty sure that Kanaya's glitched planet was also a frog Land, and she's not a Witch, so...?
*The rest of Sal's response has been redacted, lest we fall once more into the Frog Theory Black Hole.*
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I'm pretty sure that's a statue of Echidna, the mother of monsters and Jade's Denizen. Dave's probably close to LOFAF's Palace!
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The Seer sees all - and sometimes, she understands the implications before we do.
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It'd certainly be interesting. I just reread that conversation, and the biggest takeaway would have been that the kids were going to befriend the trolls, and get involved in their personal drama. This would certainly be consistent with the tone established by an Act 1 Hivebent!
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Yup. Vriska was only able to 'create' Perfect Jack because Becquerel didn't object.
Really, he could have prototyped anything he liked, no matter what Vriska did. Even if she tried to shut the Entry down by incapacitating Jade, he could simply have activated the piñata himself.
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I mean, that's basically what happened!
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If any Aspect is geared around survival, then it's Feferi's. There's no breath left in her body, but our girl is still in the game!
Getting back to the trolls will be interesting, especially since - I assume - we'll be zipping back to when Feferi was still alive. The Veil is a much less friendly place, now - but does Feferi know this? What, exactly, is about to happen to the trolls?
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I suppose. I guess there's no reason for every Carapacian to be created with knowledge of the Rings.
Actually, Sburb might not want them to know - Jack's probably not the only one who wouldn't respect the Ring's rules. There could be potential ringwielders out there who are far more dangerous.
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Thank you! I feel like I've been doing a lot more character analysis in Act 5 versus previous Acts, where most of my speculation was about the lore. It's a fun change of pace.
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Damn, I didn't think we'd actually be explaining these!
It's moments like these which really enhance the comic for me - justifications for things that I genuinely thought were just nitpicks on my part. It's really gratifying, honestly.
@thelegendofgreg asked: Here's some commentary from the jade enter flash, theres uh. alot to read but its all neat stuff "I talked about this way back, maybe even in an earlier book? Well, here I go again, so hold on to your ass. There are four entry items: Apple of knowledge, Bottle of wine, Crow's egg, Dog piñata. A, B, C, D. All of them are related to new life or new beginnings. You bite the apple, you fall from grace, enter a new world, begin this wild journey. You smash a bottle to christen a ship. An egg hatches, creating new life. You break a piöata to celebrate a birthday. Each involves breaking or puncturing something. Each involves a form of sustenance, or something to consume (piñatas have candy inside). Two are vessels for the substance (bottle, Piñata), two are the food items themselves (apple, egg), and one arguably counts as both (egg). Two of them drop from the same basic tree template (apple, piñata). They ramp up in complexity. John's is a simple test: bite the forbidden fruit. Not much to it. A single unit of departure, almost conceptually elemental, like an apple, as Rose goes on about later. The challenges get trickier. Rose has to break a bottle. Easy enough idea, but things go wrong, and she has to take a blind leap to get it done. A sacrificial gesture, and one of faith in a friend (Jaspers). Dave's is even more obscure. A simple test of patience, but one that's not clear. He isn't told what to do and just has to wait. Non-action is the key, and in a way it's another gesture of faith under dire circumstances. Finally, Jade's challenge incorporates a lot of these elements. It's another "blind faith" situation. She has to take a shot in the dark. There's a sacrificial gesture, but instead of risking herself (like Rose), Jade must symbolically sacrifice her friend via effigy and cannot complete the sacrifice without help from that friend. (Bec must redirect the bullet. There's no way this works if he doesn't.) It is also a signifier that the pet she knew as a friend her whole life is about to, in a way, become her enemy. Like a good dog gone bad, who now must be put down."
So they are all intended to be foodstuffs! And, apparently, alphabetical - although I think 'Crow's egg' is a bit of a stretch.
There are also themes of sacrifice and faith that I didn't really think about before. Choosing to enter Sburb at all, knowing the stakes, is absolutely a leap of faith - and it's a game which sacrifices your whole planet. Skaia's been telling us the score this whole time.
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Homestuck absolutely deals with dark themes - but they start out buried under the surface, and even now, are still in the process of revealing themselves. This makes sense for Homestuck, a coming-of-age-story whose protagonists are slowly coming to terms with some dark truths about their lives.
Awful Hospital, however, immediately says: here's our protagonist. Her baby is dying. She just woke in a strange room. She doesn't know how she got here. Her baby has been stolen. There are monsters inside her brain. By the way, here's a quip, because this is actually a funny comic. It just felt... dissonant, and not in a fun way. I don't really know what it's going for, tonally.
Don't take this as a negative review, though! I only read a couple dozen pages, so I'm really not qualified to rate the comic - I just wasn't feeling it at the time, so I shelved it. I enjoy a lot of Bogleech's writing, and Awful Hospital's lore sounds pretty interesting, so I'll probably give it another shot at some point.
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Not for the most part! I'm super into time travel stories, though, so I'm well-Primed to understand their intricacies.
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So there might be intermittent stages between the four we've seen in the kids' session? That'd be interesting - I'd love to see the intermediary stage between John's 2D chessboard and Rose's 3D cube.
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There are, at this point, too many awesome songs for me to pick favorites. Umbral Ultimatum and Sunslammer are excellent, but what songs aren't, at this point?
I can't imagine what we're in for when we reach the Act 5.2 finale...
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Ooh, interesting. Considering how many accidental references Hussie seems to make, it's honestly up in the air whether that was intentional.
That said....
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Jack is looking awfully divine these days.
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I suppose Tavros has probably logged the most rocket-hours, yeah.
I'm sure all Breath Players probably learn to fly, unless there are some oddball classes which don't let you interact with your Aspect.
Anonymous asked: forwarding this message to you from someone who doesn't have a tumblr account. ~DJ "Important fact. Dave and Aradia both use musical instruments for time travel, but different ones. Aradia’s is a music box, it has a single prerecorded music, the only way to “play” it is to turn it so it plays the music that was always in it. Dave’s is turntables. They contain a preexisting music, but what you do with them is to jump, cut and shuffle this music, creating something new, having full control of it. - RM"
I like it! As Time Players, they both follow the set path of the Alpha Timeline - but Dave gets a little funky with it, multiplying himself with a complex series of time loops.
Aradia, ever the fatalist, instead turns to doomed clones for reinforcements. I don't think we've ever seen her make a stable loop.
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Ace Dates with Belphegor
Contnuing with @kingsheir's request! After two years I finally completed the brothers. Wordcount: 866
It seemed likely that – being asleep for most of the time – he missed the cues about your asexuality. And that was about what happened. But if you worried that he would get whiny or  needy – considering it’s his persuasion method of choice – he proved you wrong. He listened to your coming out with full attention and accepted it completely.
It seemed in the beginning that he’s not taking it as a serious thing – he has that peculiar easy-going attitude that makes him sometimes find positives in an exceptionally unexpected place despite all his whininess that he developed as the youngest and most coddled of the brothers.
If you didn’t know him so well, it could have seemed that he isn’t taking your coming out seriously. Maybe he indeed doesn’t think it’s a serious thing – it’s a fact, and fighting facts isn’t what you do when you save your energy, so why should we get fixated on it? It’s time for a nice nap on your lap anyway.
There’s however one question. Is napping together a date? Probably not exactly, but with Belphie being sleepy more often than not, it’s still one of the main ways you’re spending time together. Even if you personally don’t need so many naps, it’s always good to have a moment to take some rest and have a nice excuse of the type “I can’t now, the cat is sleeping”. And with him being the baby of the family, the excuse works pretty well.
He’s already pretty cuddly to begin with and likes to take a good cuddly nap, but it goes up to eleven after you two get together, so it inevitably reaches the point where you have to wake him up. He always complains a bit that his nap was interrupted, but he doesn’t fully mean it – it’s become a habit long time ago and he’d rather wake up and follow you sleepily (or eventually kiss you goodbye, even if it’s a goodbye for approximately 5 minutes) than just be left behind for the sake of his nap.
This doesn’t mean you don’t get any more standard type dates in the town. He gladly tags along whenever you go visit someplace in the town. And since he mostly tags along and it’s rarely a meticulously planned outing, it’s usually pretty chill and helps you unwind. Even spontaneous, if something as leisurely paced counts as such.
When he invites you out, it’s similarly relaxed – you wouldn’t suspect him spending a lot of time on planning of the date, but he actually picks up whenever there’s something that might interest you and is always happy to take you there. While the date rarely has a strict schedule or a detailed plan from dawn till night, it’s probably not what you’re looking for, dating the Avatar of Sloth of all demons. His date plans are more like a pool of options you can choose from - whatever speaks to you at that moment.
He tries his best not only when researching it, but also to making sure his sleepiness won’t interfere. Still, you already got used to the fact he often falls asleep in the cinema pretty fast, but it might surprise you that he actually doesn’t miss much from the film if he knows you thrilled about it. He wants to know what it was about and see with his own eyes the parts you praise afterwards, so he needs to actually watch the whole thing. Sometimes it doesn’t work well, but he does his best and sleeps in advance to be as well-rested as possible. Which is probably why he annoys everyone the day before by turning in immediately after school.
There is also another – secret – type of date that a third party would never suspect to exist. With his entire dream universe created just so he doesn’t have to wake up to study, it’s no wonder he’s also made sure there are some nice dating spots there. It took him some time to build it– and he really worked hard to make it as flawless as possible. And it’s a wonderful surprise! If you’re physically tired after an active, busy say but still don’t want to go to bed yet, it’s a perfect workaround! A romantic walk towards the sunset? Maybe just laying down on cool grass to stargaze? The dream world is now filled with the most tooth-rottingly romantic opportunities.
There is also something really alluring in the sense of secrecy and trust – no one but you knows about it after all, and no one knows that you two are on a date when you’re seemingly napping on a couch. That is also an excellent way to continue when you return home after your outing.
Since your minds stays very much active in that dream world of his though, it might not be the best place for a refuge from mental exhaustion. In such case a traditional nap seems like a better idea. He really needs rest after your outings anyway as he’s been fending off his sleepiness all the time. So whether you continue the date in the dream world or just fall into slumber, it’s cuddle time!
Also on Ao3.
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Other anon here- I don't think he's trying not to share whatever relationship he has with her. He could have somehow easily kept everything under wraps (and I mean EVERYTHING, even the whole asia trip, he maybe took one picture with a fan, the rest we found about through her and his accs). He's not followed around by paparazzis like other actors do and he lives a mostly reserved life (meaning you won't really find him on deuxmoi for instance). The things we find out are due to him or his circle posting about it online. So it's not like he doesn't want to share, he just doesn't want to be clear about it (he doesn't owe anyone explanations either but it's just a weird thing to do, considering, as you said, that he is a celebrity and people keep tabs on him). All the compliments he has shared could be easily sent over a DM. I'm not trying to downplay their relationship (at the very least they are good friends) but I feel there's the possibility that he's being a bit over the top to show her off to his exes or something. And not even just her but all the semi nude pics of girls he doesn't have a clear relationship with (in the case of Meredith, for example, he made it very clear that she's his friend, when he took pictures of actors at cons, they got tagged, but he didn't do the same with Joelle). I can't imagine being Lauren and randomly going through my stories and seeing so many different posts about my ex singing praises about a new girl.
If I had this person who I'm dating and I'm serious about ot, I'd just post that (I do agree with the anon who said that there's no expression in English language that allows to express afection without saying I love you, like we have in other languages) but what about Happy Birthday, I'm so glad I met you, you bring happiness to my life, you make me a better person, etc. If, on the other side, he wants to be private, well, he already shared too much, in every sense of the word.
I like him but a lot of his behavior is just too immature for me.
Yeah, I agree with everything you said. English might now allow for a word that means platonic love, but there are expressions and workarounds. Like the way he wrote a whole thing about each of the Shameless co-stars he went out with the other day.
He can be smitten with Madison, and I fully support his right to be, but you're correct in how private but not private he likes to be lot of the time. This ten-part birthday story was quite excessive in my opinion. He could have consolidated a few pics into just one or two posts. Or, said something like, "it's been a joy getting to know you." Not that that would've given us more clarity, but it might not have come off so over-the-top and baffling.
0 notes
“am i gonna be safe with you?” + dealer’s choice
Brain still defaults to Jessica/Leto... PG-ish, early-era, and also on ao3.
She becomes curious, as weeks turn to months.
Jessica is good at following instructions; Jessica is also nineteen and feels it on very rare occasions yet increasing in frequency as she acclimates to this new home. This life she has been thrown into will become what she makes it, and there is a freedom she did not expect until she started to find it, a sense that perhaps she could use how clear it is that no one here fully knows what to do with her as an excuse for a great many things well beyond the general life purpose she’s known ever since she can remember.
She is not rebellious yet, but the first cracks are beginning to show, and soon enough she will fall. Soon enough-
No. She will limit herself while she can. She cannot, will not become ruination.
Still, she allows herself to develop fascinations, to accept in the early months that her counterpart is… far from a worst case scenario, she minimizes for her safety. Human and flawed, of course, but there is something she can’t look away from, something she can’t-
“What are you thinking right now?”
They are entwined after intimacies, deep in the quiet of night, and she knows she will fall asleep in this warmth. She should keep better boundaries than she does, but her shifting loyalties say that proximity is protection, that she will be more useful if she is close by and-
“Nothing at all,” she murmurs, trying to make herself convincing enough.
“You don’t need to be cautious with me.”
It’s a frightfully easy statement to want to believe like this, bodies still draped around each other, one of her lover’s hands playing with her hair in a way she’s decided she will only tolerate if she is undressed, and that’s the frightful part, the flickers of desire, the reminders that she is human too and-
“I absolutely have to,” she replies as she weighs how to get out of the situation without moving. She’s in no mood for further physical activities right now, and her partner is not the easiest person to quiet, and distraction could only get so far and-
Damn this man, damn the kindness of his oblivion, how clearly he isn’t used to being told that some things are beyond his realistic understanding. She knows already that boundaries are going to become impossible too quickly, and how is this the first time in her little life that she’s felt like someone might actually like her, and-
“I don’t know you yet.”
A mutually understood lie, unconvincing even as she looks away for just a moment. It’s been more than long enough for her to get enough of an understanding – she figured out enough to be useful, however she chooses to, in under a week – but on some level she doesn’t know. Core personality and motivations, yes, but not all the little mundane things that might become familiar in time, that might-
“What don’t you know that you want to?”
Oh, if she felt like moving she’d kiss him to make him stop talking. She’s tempted to even now, but she’d like to avoid developing bad habits this early and she is in more control of that set of possible issues, and-
“Whether I’m going to be safe with you,” she says too quickly, letting herself admit an inappropriate fear.
It’s crossed her mind a few times, in these months, that she will run out of time. She is young and pretty now, yes, and those are useful traits. Will she still be so desirable in ten years, in twenty? What does she have to do now, always thinking circles around her surroundings, to make sure she is not put aside later? There are workarounds, strengths apart from her beauty and if all else fails she could become quite manipulative, but…
She wants the safety of this, and that’s the part of it all that crawls under her skin, the fact that she is starting to unthaw and experience actual emotions, and whomever thought this was a good pairing was either out of their mind or just wanted to watch her burn or maybe both probably both, and she can see how if she’s careful this overreaction to the slightest affection could turn into something far more binding, and she wants it so badly and she’s years from openly admitting that, and-
“Is there a reason you question that?”
Jessica gives her partner a sharp look, like he should know better than to ask such things but of course he doesn’t, because nothing truly terrible has ever happened to him and she is worried that she will be too close whenever that changes. “You took a witch into your bed. You tell me.”
“I do not… you haven’t given me reason not to trust you.”
“Not yet.” Only because she’s still acclimating, she’d say if she wanted to escalate. Only because she exists in such uncertainties. Only because she can’t, really.
“You worry me,” he murmurs, shifting their positions for just a little more closeness. “Whatever goes on in your mind…”
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“I wasn’t sure it was one.”
“I don’t… know you,” she repeats, pushing away the slightest sadness. “I don’t know…”
“Don’t overthink this,” he says like he already knows she won’t listen, like that will become a part of their core, like mutual stubbornness could be a fun time, like-
“I don’t know how this turns out. And I don’t like not knowing things.”
“I don’t know what promises you want right now but I-“
“I am not asking for promises,” she says, almost a hiss. “I’m asking for you to stop confusing me. And no, before you even start, you did not do something to offend me, I’m just… unsure how to reconcile everything.”
“If you need…”
“Don’t. Don’t try to fix what I’m not sure is damaged.”
And that’s the confusing part, she thinks as she pushes herself away, as putting a few inches between their bodies gives her better space to rest. The possibly damning potential that all of these complications, everything she was not prepared for, may be where the beauty is. The possibility that she may not be what she thinks she is at all, and she may not-
“I want you to be safe. Is that enough?”
She doesn’t answer. She can’t. She doesn’t know yet, and she’s admitted enough uncertainty for one night.
She’ll find her way. She doesn’t have other options. Whether that ultimately lines up with what anyone else wants her to do… remains to be seen.
0 notes
oceandiagonale · 2 years
I got an OC that I made up for the Gen-Verse.
Basically, a young woman (About 23 years old) finds a shiny baby Mew in the forest, the little guy is very tiny and is so young they can barely open their eyes, she has no idea what species this pokemon is, but it’s clearly a baby, so she sits nearby making sure nothing happens to them while waiting to see if it has a mother, singing to them occasionally when they seem distressed to help them relax, but no mother pokemon comes by by the time the sun starts setting, so she goes “My child now” and basically adopts the little guy, who at this point can fully open their eyes.
Meanwhile, the other Legendaries have noticed that the Mew in this world (who isn’t shiny and is very much not a baby) has gone MIA and they are like “Shit, something happened”, and after a few months, find this lady raising the Newest part of the Mew Gang, but its kinda a no no for humans to raise Legendary Pokemon, however, this Mew (Affectionately Named GiGi) has pretty much imprinted on her (The feeling is mutual, this Mew is basically her child at this point) and throws a massive fit at not being aloud to be around their Mom. Then Celibi comes up with an idea, she suggests that this woman become’s this Mew’s Chosen Hero, that way Mew can be around their Mom, because Legendaries are highly encouraged to visit their Heroes somewhat regularly to update them on recent happenings, and it’s not unheard of for a Legendary to live with their Hero of choice for long periods of time. The other Legendaries agree this is a suitable workaround, though they ask her to learn how to battle with Pokémon and get a bit more physically fit so she can at least protect herself from bad people who might try to steal Mew.
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Stark's Girl
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part 015/015 "the real hero"
previous part
word count nearly 9k whoops
an: okay so... this is long and honestly... be prepared for an ending that took me days to write. i do not take any ownership on dialogue/scenes used from endgame, and i tried to make it original as well... anyways, here's the final part, and i can't wait to see what y'all think of the ending :3 oop i cried three times in this so be ready.
Was this actually going to work? Were the Avengers really about to get everyone back? According to Tony.. No. There were too many factors against it.
You tried to talk to him about it that night, but Tony avoided the conversation like the plague. By the morning Tony had disappeared and you were set to head back to the Compound that evening. You hadn’t heard from anyone if they had gotten anywhere beyond Tony’s involvement but it raised the question.. Who would even be able to make it work besides him? Hank Pym had been blipped, and as far as you knew this must be outside of Banner’s expertise. Tony was avoiding you, and that bugged you.
You understood the hesitation, but you knew how tore up he was about losing the Parker kid, even to this day. Morgan and Pepper were his world, this was his fresh start, so if it didn’t work then it was all for nothing. But what if it did? Then everyone would be back, and things would go back to how they were.
You zipped your bag shut and reached for your phone that laid on the bed. There were no new messages and you couldn’t help but sigh when there was a light tap on the door frame behind you. You glanced over your shoulder before tossing your phone into the bag and picking it up, and facing your brother fully. “Look who decided to say goodbye.”
“Got everything?” Tony asked and motioned his hands. “Clothes, toiletries-”
“I have everything,” you reassured him. “Was that all or.. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Tony sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. You dropped your bag to the floor and sat down on your bed, and pat the spot next to you. Tony pushed himself off the door frame and ended up by your side, and you hit him with your shoulder. “Go on old man.”
“I hate it when you call me that,” Tony grumbled before he sighed and looked at you. “I just don’t see it working. And I can’t risk losing all of this.”
“I get that Tony, I really do,” you replied. You slid closer to him and snaked your arm through his and rested your head against his arm. “What you have here it’s.. Well I haven’t seen anything like it since mom and dad.”
“But you want me to figure it out,” Tony said. You sighed and looked up at him.
“I just.. I want to know if you really think it won’t work.”
Tony sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.”
“It’s never been explored, I get that,” you told him. You unlatched yourself from his side and stood, and grabbed your bag before placing a hand on your brother's shoulder. “I have to get back and see what they’ve come up with though.”
Tony placed his hand over yours and gave you a tight squeeze. He spent the rest of the day with one question on his mind.
Would it work?
When you got back to the Compound the sun was nearly setting, and you sat in your car after switching the engine off. You pulled out the velvet box from your bag and ran your thumb over the top a couple times before pushing the lid open and staring at the contents. The ring inside still had a gleam to it, and you smiled a bit at it. You snapped the box shut and got out the car with your bag in tow, and headed inside. There was a strange brown van parked in the large hangar that made you slow your pace a bit, but you shook it off and continued on your way to the common room. As you got closer you could hear more and more chatter, and prepared yourself for what you were about to walk in on.
“I only have enough Pym particles for a few more goes,” you could hear Scott saying. “So I hope you were able to figure it out.”
“I got it down.. Mostly,” another voice said. It sounded almost like.. Banner?
When you came around the corner you were met with what looked like equations, workarounds, and everyone’s back to you. You had heard about “Professor Hulk” (that’s what his students called him at least) but you hadn’t seen Banner since after the blip. It was definitely, well, something. You came to a halt and couldn’t help but smile. “I see you guys have made progress since I saw you.”
Everyone turned around and Natasha approached with a smile. “Did he come around?”
“No,” you admitted. “He has a family now Nat, they mean the world to him.. And he doesn’t think it’ll work.”
“Well,” Nat looked back at Banner before he moved out of the way. “We might have a start.”
Bruce (Hulk?) explained everything. Tomorrow they would attempt time travel by sending Scott back to the 1950’s, and pull him right back. He said it would be easy, and checked his work multiple times to prove it. It sounded plausible, but until the morning no one would really know if it could work. Your nerves were shot at just the thought of it, and decided to make yourself some tea. You weren’t a huge fan, so as you dipped your tea bag into the hot water of your mug, the smell made you shake your head.
“You should try adding some honey.”
You glanced up from your mug at Steve walking into the kitchen. He stopped at a cabinet and pulled out a container filled with golden honey. He made his way to your side and set it on the counter, and you graciously took it and swirled some of it into the steaming cup. You lifted the cup to your lips and took a small sip, and turned to rest your hip against the counter and face Steve. “You think it’ll work?”
“It has to,” Steve said. His hand came up to rub one of your arms. “We owe it to everyone we lost to at least try.”
You nodded at his words and tapped your mug lightly in thought, and something surged through you. You set the mug down and reached into your pocket and pulled out the velvet box he had given you just days prior. Steve felt his heart stop at the sight, and his stomach twisted as you placed it on the counter between you both.
“I know you said you’d give me as much time as I needed, but.. I don’t need time to decide my answer.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve mumbled. “I guess I read too much into things-”
“Steve,” you cut him off from even finishing that thought. You placed your right hand up on his cheek, and Steve met your gaze. “The answer is yes.”
“Yes?” He asked quietly, and you nodded.
“Yes,” you repeated, and couldn’t help but giggle when a smile spread over his face. Steve pulled you into his arms like you were going to disappear right in front of him. When he set you back down you watched as he grabbed the velvet box and opened it, and pulled the ring out. He gently grabbed your left hand and as he slid the ring onto your finger, it felt like both of you weren’t breathing. You held your hand up to look at the gold band and diamond on your finger, and Steve’s smile fell.
“Are you okay?”
You met his gaze again and nodded. “I just never thought this would ever happen for someone like me.”
Admitting that to him felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Steve’s look turned more understanding and he took your hand and placed a chaste kiss to your fingers. He pulled you into his embrace and your arms wrapped around his waist and head laid on his chest, while his arms held your body close. You had the sneaking suspicion the last few months that Steve did know what had been running through your mind, and this felt like confirmation. Your confession was absolute, and Steve understood it. And he would spend everyday making sure you knew you were worth it until the end.
It was the first night you spent together, welcoming one another’s embraces in a quiet and tender moment. To you, you had felt like it would be one of the last quiet moments before finding out if time travel was possible, because from there it would be non-stop until they got everyone back. You knew it, and Steve did too. One last night of quiet, then one last time saving the world. So Steve took residence in your room once more, sharing your bed and holding you so you knew you were worth this.
The next morning came too soon, peeking through your shades until FRIDAY opened them higher like you had scheduled. Steve traced his fingers up and down your arm that draped across him for awhile before duty called. Begrudgingly you both changed and went to the hangar hand in hand, only separating when you got in view of everyone. Natasha though never misses anything.
“Good morning love birds,” she quipped while typing away on a computer near Banner. As you two neared you came to her side and nudged her with your arm gently to take over.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you replied back and met Steve’s gaze with a little smile.
“The ring on your finger says different,” she threw back your way. Banner looked down over the exchange and saw what Natasha had been talking about.
“What? Since when!” He asked.
“Recently,” Steve offered. Banner tapped his rather large hand on your back and shot a finger Steve’s way.
“I always knew you two would work it out, congratulations.”
“Speaking of working out,” Natasha cut in. “Are we ready?”
“Almost there,” Banner said as he worked on a couple more calculations. “I’m going to go over this with (Y/N).. Cap do you mind setting the breakers and getting the emergency generators ready just in case?”
“Got it,” Steve said. With one final glance between you both he casted a smile and walked back into the compound. Banner hovered over your shoulder and walked you through the equations running through the sequence, and also working in the Pym particles into that. You followed it for the most part, but for some reason something didn’t add up, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Tossing caution to the wind (you weren’t a genius like Banner was of course) the sound of footsteps echoed in the hangar, and Steve made his way back.
“Alright, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott you can fire up the uh, the van thing,” Banner instructed. Scott, in what looked like a retro Ant Man suit, powered up the Quantum tunnel and you double checked Banner’s work.
“Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby,” Steve said as he walked back to your and Natasha’s side.
“Good. ‘Cause if we lose the grid I don’t want to lose Tiny here in the 1950’s,” Banner said lightly. Everyone’s gaze went to him in shock.
“Excuse me?” Scott asked from near the van.
“He’s kidding!” Natasha told him, before turning and whispering to the group. “You can’t say things like that!”
“Yeah, just a bad joke!” Banner said loudly for Scott, and offered him a thumbs up. Scott nodded hesitantly and smiled nervously.
“You were kidding right?” You asked. Banner lowered his voice again.
“I have no idea. We’re talking about time travel here. Either it’s all a joke or none of it is,” Banner explained, though it didn’t calm any of your hesitations. Banner looked back to Scott and gave him a nod. “We’re gonna send you back a week, let you walk around an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?”
“Perfectly not confusing,” Scott tried to level with humor.
“Good luck, Scott. You got this,” Steve offered in encouragement which Scott gave a more confident smile.
“You’re right. I do, Captain America.”
You met Scott’s gaze for a moment before giving him a nod of approval, and with Banner’s direction you pressed a button and Scott disappeared into the tunnel. Silence fell over the group, and you exchanged glances with Steve, who put his hand on the small of your back. Banner, with his arms crossed keeping track of time on his abnormally large watch gave you a nod.
“On the count of three. Three.. Two.. One!”
In the same sequence as before you pressed the button and the Quantum Tunnel spit a figure back out… But it was not the same one you sent in. They were younger, and your heart dropped as Banner moved you out the way.
“Guys? Uh this doesn’t feel right,” the teen said, and everyone’s attention shot to Banner.
“What is this?” Steve asked.
“Who is that?” Natasha asked next and Banner mumbled to himself.
“Jesus, is that Scott?” You asked this time and Banner huffed.
“Yes, it’s Scott!” Banner exclaimed. Before anyone could get a grasp on the situation, Banner hit buttons and teen Scott was sucked back into the Quantum Tunnel, only for an older man to be spit back out.
“My back,” the old Scott said and Steve shuffled next to you to face Banner fully.
“Can you bring him back?” Steve asked and Banner tapped the buttons furiously.
“I’m working on it!”
Tensions were high as old Scott got sucked back in and in a flash another body was spit out. The Ant-Man suit had fallen to the floor and inside was..
“It’s a baby,” you said matter of factly.
“It’s Scott,” Banner countered.
“As a baby!” Nat said again, matter of factly.
“He’ll.. Grow,” Banner offered and Steve shook his head.
“Bring Scott back!” Steve ordered. And Banner looked to Natasha and motioned to the generators.
“When I say kill the power, kill the power,” he instructed her. Natasha nodded before rapidly walking towards the generator and grabbing a hold of the lever. You came up by Banner’s side again to see what he was doing and he pointed at Nat. “Kill it!”
Nat pulled the power and out shot regular Scott, which made everyone sigh in relief. Scott, on the other hand, stood there in disbelief and admitted something quietly. “Somebody peed my pants.. But I don’t know if it was baby me or old me.”
You glanced Steve’s way and offered a sad smile. Tony was right, this wasn’t going to work. Natasha came back to the group and mumbled a thank god, while Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
It wasn’t going to work. It was a grim thought, and everyone got their hopes up for nothing. Though Banner still tried to remain optimistic, and threw his hands up in triumph.
“Time travel!” Banner exclaimed, only earning a few shakes of the head. Steve motioned his head in a direction and off you two went, leaving behind Nat and Banner, and Scott who didn’t know what to do about his situation.
Steve had led you outside into the sunlight, where he removed himself from your side and let you walk out of the shade and close your eyes. He felt defeated, and took a seat on a hard surface and casted his gaze to the ground.
There was no victory, not even an opportunity for it. He had to once again come to terms with the fact he would never see Bucky again, or Sam, or Wanda. Wakanda would never get their King or Princess back, and the kid from Queens would never get to step foot back in the city. Steve was so lost in thought he nearly missed what you said.
“Holy shit,” you said out loud. Steve averted his gaze back to you, only to see what you had referred to. A car was fast approaching, and he knew just who was behind the wheel. Steve was by your side before the car came to a halt before you and the window rolled down.
“Why the long faces?” Tony asked.
You couldn’t help the smile that broke out over your face. There would only be one reason why Tony would come here (voluntarily)... He figured it out.
“Let me guess.. Lang turned into a baby,” Tony said and you covered your mouth to hide your grin. Steve nodded beside you and shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?” Steve asked. Tony removed his sunglasses and tossed them onto the passenger seat before stepping out the car. He walked around the back, and opened the trunk.
“That’s the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you must’ve pushed time through Lang. It’s tricky, dangerous even. Somebody should’ve cautioned you on it,” Tony went on explaining. Steve smiled a bit and nodded at him.
“You did,” Steve admitted and Tony put his hand over his chest, acting shocked.
“Did I? Well thank God I’m here,” Tony replied while fishing something out of his pocket. It looked like a funky little watch, which he promptly tossed your way and you caught easily. “Regardless, I fixed it. That is a fully functioning Time-Space GPS.”
“Son of a bitch,” you mumbled to yourself looking at the device in your hands.
“And don’t think I didn’t notice that,” Tony pointed from where he was. You looked at where he was pointing and smiled at the sight of the ring on your finger. “I just want peace, if you’re okay with it.”
“Of course I am Tony,” Steve confirmed and Tony sighed as he lowered his voice for the two of you.
“We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost? I hope so, yes of course. Keep what I got?” Tony paused while focused on you and nodded at him. “I have to, at all costs.. and maybe not die trying would be nice.”
“Sounds like a deal,” Steve agreed and offered Tony his hand, and you watched them shake on the promise. Tony pulled one last thing from the trunk of his car and Steve looked uncertain to take it. “Tony-“
“Why? He made it for you,” Tony insisted. And finally.. Steve took the shield once more.
“Looks good, Cap,” you commented, earning one of those looks from Steve and Tony shut his trunk.
“Ew. Please I don’t need to hear that.”
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The Compound was about to be bustling once more. It was one of the more festive dinners the Avengers compound had seen in awhile, nearly every seat occupied and chatter among everyone. Pizza was the easier choice for the evening, and you had found yourself looking for a seat near Nat, Tony, and Steve who had engrossed themselves in early talks.
Clint had proven that Tony’s way of time travel worked, though it had taken a couple weeks to get it ready. You learned the calculations for entry points and exits, then re-entry back to the present. It was confusing, but the thought of getting the world back to normal was worth the late night lectures with Tony.
So now it was down to figuring out where and how to get all the stones as they are scattered throughout time. There wasn’t a clear path though, not yet anyway. But as you came up to the trio you could hear them still discussing it.
“I’m so glad we have the Three Stooges figuring this out,” you commented as Steve welcomed you to sit in his lap. Tony tossed a napkin your way and you chuckled before taking a glance around the room. “It’s nice to see all these faces again.”
“Hopefully soon it’s everyone,” Natasha offered. Her hope never died these last five years, and it made you nod in agreement as you bit into your slice of pizza. One of Steve’s hands ran up and down the side of your hip, and everything felt a little more normal.
“Lang only has enough particles for ten round trips, one for each of us,” Tony went on about, though you quickly swallowed the bite of pizza you had to inject.
“What about me-“
“No,” Steve and Tony said in unison. You narrowed your gaze at them both and took an angry bite of your pizza. It was ridiculous that they made the decision you were to stay here and track them on the time heist.
“Thor and Rocket could go for the Reality Stone in 2013,” Steve offered.
“Clint and I can get the Soul Stone, Nebula and Rhodey can handle the Power Stone.. We know where those are in 2014,” Natasha said out loud.
“That still leaves three stones and four of us,” Tony sighed. You shrugged your shoulders and took a bite of the crust you had left.
“I mean if you pick the right year, there’s three stones in New York,” you said off the top of your head. When silence fell among the group and you looked up to see them all staring at you you raised a brow. “What?”
“What did you just say?” Tony asked and you blinked at him.
“I said if you pick the right year there are three stones in New York?” You replied and when everyone still looked confused you sighed. “The wizard had the Time Stone, you guys had the Space Stone aka the Tesseract, and Loki’s scepter had the Mind Stone.”
It was silent, everyone seemed to be processing what you said when Banner came up to the group, but Tony was already in motion. “There’s only one pizza left can I have it-“
“Jolly Green take a look at this,” Tony said as he whipped out a small device and displayed images in the room. His actions made everyone else look on as he moved pictures, air typed words, and took a step back to show everyone. Tony put his hands on his hips and Banner looked surprised.
“Shut the front door.”
“This is it,” Natasha stood and looked on. “This is how we get all the stones in one go.”
For once you were glad to have caught up on all those confidential SHIELD documents on what you had missed.
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No no no. No it wasn’t supposed to be like this. This wasn’t supposed to happen, no one was supposed to die.. This was supposed to fix everything, but not this. No.. No it wasn’t true. What Clint was saying couldn’t be true.
He fell to his knees, he had to be picked up from the floor as he recounted what happened. A soul for a soul, he said. It shouldn’t have been the price but it was, he said.
It couldn’t be true.
The thought just ran over and over again in your mind the rest of the day. Everyone had gone to the lake and discussed it more but that one line just kept running over you. Clint insisted there was no other way, there was no give backs.
She bet her life on it.
Tony crafted a gauntlet to house the stones in. He carefully placed each like where Thanos had them originally. He was precise, this was delicate after all. Someone died to make this happen.
Steve was distant. You chalk it up to being focused on the situation at hand.
But who should snap?
Thor offered but was met with (quickly) apprehension from everyone. Tony said he was in no condition to do so, so Bruce said it should be him.
“You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive,” Banner said.
“How do we know you will?” You asked. It was one of the first times you had spoken up in days, and seemed to shock everyone a little bit.
Honestly, you couldn’t handle someone else dying right now.
There was no way to know for sure, but it was time to find out. This time you weren’t letting anyone tell you not to join, and you grabbed the nano suit attachment Tony had made for you. The chest pendant stuck to your shirt and like a second skin it dispersed the suit over your body, leaving your face still exposed.
You came up by Steve’s side and he glanced your way and sighed. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Let me be here for this,” you said lowly. Steve didn't question you again, and strapped his shield tighter to his arm as Scott came to his side and gave him a ready nod.
“FRIDAY do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol will you?” tony asked.
Barn Door Protocol was simple. There were protective blast doors that closed the Compound in the event of a catastrophic event. It protected every square inch of the facility-
You get the point by now. It’s in case some shit goes down.
The room got slightly darker, and Tony gave you a nod across the room and both your helmets covered your faces. Tony projected a shield before him and Clint, and you shifted in your place.
This was it: one last mission.
Banner slowly put on the gauntlet, the metal growing over his enlarged hand, and when it fit snugly the stones began to glow and you could see their power begin to surge through him. Suddenly, Banner fell to his knee and grunted in pain.
“Take it off!” Thor hollered.
“No, wait,” Steve called over the chaos. “Bruce you okay?”
“Talk to us, Banner,” you tried to reason over the conflicting voices.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Bruce reassured everyone and even attempted to give a thumbs up. But the scene unfolding told you (and probably everyone) that Bruce was not okay. He screamed in pain, holding his hand that housed the gauntlet and just when you thought he was going to pass out from the pain he was in--
-- He snapped.
Bruce fell to the ground and the gauntlet slid off his hand and Clint kicked it away. Steve rushes to his side and you move to do the same but Tony stops you.
“Don’t move him,” Tony instructed and Bruce gripped onto Steve’s arm.
“Did it work? Bruce asked immediately. Everyone glanced around, unsure if it did or not.
Nothing felt different, nothing screamed yes it worked. Tony iced Bruce’s affected arm and just when the dust was settling-
A bad choice of words. Suddenly everything evaporated around you. Explosions, debris, rock and dirt flying everywhere. Everything was disorienting, nothing truly felt settled for minutes. You weren’t sure how long time had passed, but there was chatter in your ear and you gasped back to life.
“We’re drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!” Rhodey’s voice rang a little choppy.
You groaned as you pushed yourself up, feeling the same water building around you. Rhodey, Rocket and Hulk came into view and you forced yourself up, having to crouch because of the fallen pieces of cement. You rushed over as water continued to fill the small cramped area, and came to Bruce’s side.
Your boots cemented themselves to whatever ground you stood on and helped push the cement that was threatening you all. “I got you, big guy.”
See you on the other side, man,” Rhodey said to Rocket who was next to him. The water was quickly rising, and this didn’t feel real.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Bruce and you couldn’t bear the weight, not with the water circling your necks. It was an ironic death, because your life did flash before your eyes. Seeing your parents death, seeing Tony again, that date with Steve where he kissed you in the rain, then the flashes of Siberia, Natasha’s last smile.. You wouldn’t admit this to anyone until much later, but you welcomed this ending.
Suddenly something cupped you all and air rushed around you. The large hand hugged you all carefully, and when they released you the scene of the outside world was a punch in the stomach, but there was no time to reflect. You could see that Purple Titan from this far, and you could also make out the size of his army.
And by the looks of it, Bruce’s snap worked.
Bruce leaped out of Scott’s hand and Rhodey, back in his suit hovered with Rocket, and you landed by his side. The chants of the Wakandan tribes ring in the air, but one voice cuts over the comms in your suit and you clutch your fists.
“Avengers!” Steve calls out.
Both forces charge one another, Thanos still on the battlefield pointing his legion on. You had flown in with Rhodey by your side as both sides met in a chaotic middle, and landed before one of the ugly Sakaaran aliens and ricocheting them backwards with the repulsors in your palm. Asgardians, Wakandan forces, wizards, and fellow Avengers fought all around you. Landing by your side, your brother shot another alien backwards past you.
“You alright?” his voice projected into your suit. An alien charged you and you grabbed it around the neck and propelled yourself upwards before using the momentum to slam the body back down to the ground.
“Oh just the usual Tuesday,” you replied before someone landed beside you two.
“Mr. Stark! Hey! Holy cow-” the young kid started. You gave your brother an understanding nod, and flew back up into the air, eyes landing on an incoming Leviathan, heading straight for Clint.
“Anyone have my back with the big space worm?” You asked over the comms, while cycling through the weapon options of your suit quickly.
“I got it!” Scott called over the comms and you took a play out of your brothers book. Scott was charging forward and as the Leviathan came near the forces fighting below, he punched the space worm, and with your charge ready, a small missile shot out from your suit and into a now exposed piece of flesh and exploded the Leviathan. Scott continued on, but in your state of distraction one of the Chitauri from the ground leapt up and pulled your downwards.
Shocked, the alien slammed your back down to the ground, and with a scepter like device flourished downward to pin you. You stopped the scepter just before impacting your chest and huffed and you tried to push them off, but they’re a lot heavier than they look. Before you have time to panic, the alien is thrown off of you, and a couple shots ring through the air.
Standing above you is Bucky Barnes.
Barnes lowers his gun and looks down at you, before offering his exposed vibranium hand for you to take. Without hesitation, you grip his hand and he pulls you up but not without lingering his hand in yours before letting you go, and you give him a nod.
“Thank you,” you tell him. “That’s two I owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Barnes replied. Both of your attention is pulled away when chatter erupts in your ears.
“We have incoming!” Someone shouted. Everyone turned their attention above as the looming ship Thanos arrived in began to fire. The same explosions that rocked the Compound hit the ground in the same destructive way, but the wizards (you really needed to learn the correct term for them) began to make shields to cover the people around them. You projected the shield Tony had integrated into these new suits and held it above you while Barnes shot at a couple more aliens who were still attempting to attack.
“Guess that’s only one you owe me,” Barnes said next to you and you let your helmet disappear to look at him fully.
“Did you just make a joke?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I do that sometimes,” he replied and you smiled a bit before your helmet reappeared over your face.
Above, you could just barely make out the Spider kid with the gauntlet being carried away on a Pegasus before you see them get knocked off the winged horse. But there was no telling how to get the ship to stop firing on both forces below, and that started to sit badly in the pit of your stomach. But in near perfect timing, the cannons stopped, and everyone around looked at one another in question (including you and Barnes). Your shield disappeared and the cannons moved to point upwards, and shot into the sky.
“What are they firing at?” You asked over the comms, before FRIDAY answered that something was entering the atmosphere.
In a blazing ball of glory shoots down from the sky and into a part of the ship, straight through, and then back in, all before shooting out as the ship began to crumble below her. You smiled behind your helmet before refocusing on the scene before you.
Get the gauntlet to the brown van, and put an end to Thanos once and for all.
“See you on the other side, Barnes,” you commented to him before shooting back off into the thick of it all. In a matter of seconds Thanos threw his sword towards the brown van and almost in slow motion, the gauntlet is lost in the dirt. You land besides Steve, who seemed to have almost forgot you had been here during this.
“We can’t let him get that gauntlet again,” you said to him, your eyes trained on your brother who was heading that way. “We can’t lose anyone else.”
Instead of arguing with you, Steve nodded in agreement and he outstretched his hand, and Mjolnir flew into his grasp, his shield on the other arm. Side by side you charged towards Thanos just as he smacked your brother away, Thor arriving at the same time. The two men teamed up to distract Thanos, and you focused your attention on the gauntlet, whose stones shined under the grim that now governed it. You could see Thanos overpower both Thanos and Steve, and with no one else in sight you picked the gauntlet up and back into the air you went. But you didn’t get very far, a large hand grabbing ahold of one of your legs and pulled you backwards, and for the first time you came face to face with the Titan who ruined everything.
Thanos used his free hand to grab a hold of your neck and released your leg, and you felt the metal of your suit dig into your sin as you gasped for air. Thanos looked you over, as if he could see your frightened expression behind your suit, and with his free hand he plucked the gauntlet from you and looked it over. His hand still was tight around your neck, and your vision began to fade before he looked back at you.
“Pathetic,” he muttered to you, before tossing you away. You weren’t sure how far you landed, but the impact shocked your body. You could feel yourself come in and out of consciousness, hazy vision of the dark clouds in the sky moving ever so slightly each time you came too. It wasn’t until the snarl of an Outrider nearing you did you finally find the strength to push yourself up, but before it lunged at you.. It disappeared into the wind like dust.
Pushing yourself up, you watched as all around all of Thanos’ different forces began to crumble away into dust. The Chitauri, the Sakaraans, and the Outriders all disappear before your very eyes in the same manner half the world did five years ago. You pushed yourself forward, over a heap of debris in what seemed like just enough time to see Thanos sit himself down in the middle of an open area. Thunder crackled above, and Thanos crumbled away into dust as well.
It.. It was over. It was really over.
Your helmet disappeared so you could see the spectacle for yourself. The only people still around were the Avengers, and everyone who helped that day (you would call them Avengers as well). You smiled a bit as your eyes landed on Steve who was focused somewhere else, but then he looked around frantically before spotting you. His expression made your chest hurt as you looked to where he had been staring previously.
You could see Tony fall to the ground and people begin to surround him. There was an urgency in each step you took and when someone tried to stop you you pulled your hand from their grasp to get closer. You needed to see your brother, he had to be okay.
He just had to be.
When you finally got to his side you felt your heart stop. Peter was being pulled off the ground by Rhodey, while Pepper took his spot. She was stroking the side of Tony’s face, and whispering something to him you couldn’t hear. You found yourself taking in every detail, but still you couldn’t believe what you were witnessing. Tony stared off into the distance, his body was… It was just completely eaten up from what you knew were the stones. He was the one who snapped, and you shook your head in disbelief.
He was supposed to go home after this.
People looked at you, and Pepper glanced behind to meet your gaze. She held out her hand and you took a heavy step forward, until you kneeled down in front of your big brother… But his eyes held nothing in them anymore. Carefully you grabbed his hand that Pepper wasn’t holding and you gave him a squeeze, not really sure what to say.
With a shaky hand you reached out to stroke the side of his face that wasn’t burned, but your touch did nothing to get a response from him. You could feel the tears fall down your cheeks as you watched him barely breath, and you shook your head.
“I love you so much,” you managed before the sobs in your chest ached to be released. “I love you-”
Just as you were struggling to get the last words out, the light of his arc reactor went out. You gasped lowly as Pepper fell forward to sob into Tony’s shoulder, and someone pulled you off the ground as your sobs were just starting. Steve had pulled you into his embrace as you cried, and the somber feeling carried through everyone else.
You had lost the last piece of family you had left.
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Uncertainty. That was the one thing that had settled into your life those days between the battle and Tony’s funeral. Those of you who needed it found yourselves in a hotel in the city, and each of your days blended together in the same way. You slept all day, most of the time waking up and opting to stay in bed and stare ahead.. Your eyes burned, and you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
Steve stayed with you, though it was hard on him. When you first arrived, you nearly immediately got into the bed and under the sheets, and he couldn’t coax you out for two days. He opened the blinds to the windows, but you stared blankly out, and when he came with food you told him you weren’t hungry. He tried to help, but he didn’t know how.
The day before the funeral, when he finally got you to eat oatmeal (even if it was just a couple spoonfuls) and managed to get you into the shower, he tucked you back into bed and you went to sleep once more. He stayed in the room for a while, his own thoughts heavy on his mind, before going to the one person he knew would understand him the most.
When Bucky answered the door, he gave him a sad smile and let him into his room. Steve walked in and stopped in front of the windows overlooking the city, which was now bustling with life again. Bucky came up behind him, and Steve could hear him open the mini fridge in the room and pull something out.
“How is she?” Bucky asked. Steve sighed and turned back to face his friend while crossing his arms.
“I got her to eat a bit, but Buck… I’ve never seen her like this and I.. I don’t know what to do,” Steve admitted. Bucky sat himself on the edge of his bed with a water bottle in his hand and sighed.
“You just have to be there for her, Steve,” Bucky offered. “No matter how long it takes.”
The guilt on his conscience was too much, and Steve nodded in response. He took a seat in the chair across from the bed and rubbed his hands together, all while Bucky took sips from his water and watched him closely. Bucky knew he was holding something back.
“Steve.. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Steve looked up to meet his best friend's gaze, before looking back down to the ground. “I… I don’t think I belong here anymore, Buck.”
Bucky’s brows narrowed as he looked at his friend. Where was this coming from? Hethought you two would’ve worked things out in the five years he was gone, Bucky had only assumed so since Steve was by your side during this.. He thought Steve moved on from this kind of talk. “What do you mean Steve.”
“What if I should go back?” Steve asked him, meeting Bucky’s gaze again. “There’s a way now and… And I saw Peggy-”
“You saw Peggy?” Bucky asked, and Steve gave him a nod. “Steve now think about this… I thought you were over this, I thought you were set on making things right with (Y/N)-”
“I was,” Steve cut him off this time. “But Buck when I saw Peggy… There’s something telling me that… That it was always supposed to be her.”
“Yeah, maybe back then,” Bucky conceded. “But Steve think about now. You’re here for a reason, not back there… I thought you passed this.”
“Maybe I never was,” Steve asserted. Bucky looked over his friend, and he shook his head and stood up again.
“I think you should consider this a lot more than you have… Because there is someone really hurting right now, and she needs you,” Bucky told him. “I don’t know if you two worked it out over these last few years but Steve you need to think about this.”
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Tony was… Exceptional. He was what you had always wanted to be when you grew up. And maybe that was more true now than ever.
You found yourself unable to do a lot of things the last few days, including dress yourself for this funeral. You felt sickly, but the cries had drawn themselves out and left you too tired to continue today. You were there for the entirety of Tony’s message to his family, and Steve was still by your side as Pepper set a wreath with an old arc reactor into the lake by their home.
You felt empty. Emptier and more alone than you had ever felt.
When you managed to be alone you had wandered off by yourself to Tonys’ work shed and pried it open. Dust lingered in the air, and you entered slowly with hands shoved into the pockets of the coat you had been wearing. You were chilly, probably getting sick, but you ignored the thought as you turned the light on to see better.
What you had been searching for was staring at you like it had been weeks ago. Slightly discolored, the photo of Tony and you from when you were younger screamed at you of a feeling you’d never feel again. You reached out for it with a shakiness you couldn’t control and grabbed it, and traced your fingers over the glass front before holding it to your chest in an effort to comfort the pain in your heart.
The floor echoed as someone entered, and you wiped the tears from your face as they came up behind you. They didn’t sound like Steve’s footsteps, and you turned to face the person who must’ve followed you out.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Bucky Barnes said to you. You found yourself nodding and looked back down at the photo you were clinging onto.
“Me too,” you admitted quietly. When you met Bucky’s gaze again he looked like he wanted to say something, but Steve came up behind him and the moment was stopped. Steve glanced between you two before refocusing on you, and he cleared his throat.
“Happy has something for you,” Steve admitted and you gave him a nod. Steve waited for you to pass him before Bucky turned his way and gave him a knowing look. Though they hadn’t discussed it since, Bucky hoped Steve had come to his senses.
Things never felt normal for you, not as soon as people seemed to hope it would. You tried to be more.. Enthusiastic. But how could you just be okay after that?
Weeks had passed since the funeral, and you didn’t feel any better. Happy had given you a drive with a message he said Tony had left for you, but you couldn’t seem to bring yourself to listen to it. Not yet, maybe ever. It was hard enough seeing his face plastered on the news, and in depth reporting on the Stark legacy, with people questioning what you would contribute in the family’s wake. Even Steve had asked you about your commitment to one another… You hate to admit it but you told him you couldn’t right now, not with this pain in your heart. He told you he understood. You weren’t sure if he noticed, but you tucked the ring he had given you back into the velvet box, and then away safely.
But things were uneasy between you two, and you did what you always do. When Bruce called with work, you accepted it. Anything to get you mind off the thoughts that ran rampant. There was one last thing that needed to be done: the stones needed to be returned.
You had memorized every detail of Tony’s work when it came to the Quantum portal. Bruce and you had replicated one in record time, and on a sunny day you stood there beside him double checking the trajectories. Steve had volunteered to return the stones, with no arguments from anyone on the matter.
“Now, remember,” Bruce explained to Steve. “You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”
“Don’t worry Bruce, clip all the branches,” Steve said as he messed with the com in his ear. You were too focused on the conversations that unfolded, your mind drifting off for a moment before being pulled back with Bruce setting his hand on your back.
“You okay?” He asked, and you nodded and returned to finalizing the jump.
“I’m fine,” you reassured him and looked up to see Bucky and Steve hug for a moment. Steve stepped up onto the platform and the familiar Quantum suit appeared over him. He picked up the case that had all the stones, and Mjolnir as well.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asked.
“For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds,” Bruce explained before meeting Steve’s look. “We’ll meet you back here, okay?”
Steve looked at you, with a look on his face you couldn’t quite place. Your stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot, even though he gave a nod and looked back Bruce’s way.
“You bet,” Steve replied.
“Going quantum in three, two, one..” Bruce counted down before Steve disappeared. You intently watched his stream disappear on the monitor you had before you, and Bruce started counting again. “And returning in five, four, three two, one-”
When Steve didn’t reappear you frantically looked for his stream location, only to see it shoot past his return point. “He blew right past his time stamp-”
Bruce moved you out the way and your gaze focused on the empty Quantum portal, and you shook your head a bit. You could hear the conversations around you, but couldn’t quite make out the words being said. All you knew was Steve didn’t come back. When everyone went quiet your attention went to the three men who were focused in the distance, with Sam heading towards a figure who hadn’t been there before.
You stepped off the platform you had been working on and took a few steps in the grass closer to where Bucky was standing and watching whatever was unfolding. You had your disbelief, but that was crumbled the minute you saw Sam take the shield, and you could now make out it was an old man.
When Tony died time had all but warped together.. But what you were seeing right now had felt like the ground was taken out from under you. The older man had stood and shaken Sam’s hand, and when they looked back at Bucky, when you could see those eyes even from this far you stumbled backwards. They were Steve’s eyes.
Confusion… Panic… Hurt. Everything coursed through you at once, and ignoring the calls from whoever tried to get you to stay, to probably talk about it, you turned away from the scene and pulled the arc attachment from your pocket and desperately threw it onto your chest. The suit that you hadn’t worn since the battle appeared out your body, hid your face behind a helmet and you shot off from the ground with only one destination in your mind.
You had never used the fastest flight power Tony’s suits had to offer but you did that day for the first time. You needed to get back to the hotel you had been staying at quickly, and when you landed on the roof and your suit disappeared as you ran for the entrance to the building, you needed to find it.
Out of breath by the time you made it to your room and threw open the door and it shut behind you, you overlooked your room and couldn’t get your mind together. You hurried over to the bedside table you had hidden what you were looking for and pulled it out the housing completely, only to find it empty.
A frantic panic flooded you, and in a matter of minutes you had nearly destroyed the hotel room, overturning every piece of furniture, overlooking every crevice you could find. You rested your back against a wall and breathed heavily, before sliding down and for the first time in weeks, fresh sobs left your body.
Steve Rogers had taken his ring back. And now you were truly alone…
...In 1974, Howard Stark was going to unveil his City of the Future to the world, but was having a hard time coming up with the right words. Tony had interrupted him once, though he couldn’t hold it against the kid, he was only four and Howard worked late nights. With Maria talking about wanting another kid, Howard was doing whatever he could to set them up for success, and here he was, getting ready to record a message for them.
He just needed to get something off his chest, and he leaned back against his desk with his arms crossed before him, and searched his mind for the right words. He tapped his foot lightly before sighing under his breath.
“I’ve never been a man of many words, as crazy as that sounds. But trying to build all of this, I’ve had to put my best foot forward,” Howard started. He touched the model beside him and looked at the camera. “You don’t know it yet but your mother is talking about having another baby, and I’m… I’m looking forward to that, when it happens.
“Tony, you are too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you. I built this for you, and by the looks of it your brother or sister, and some day you two will realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world.”
Later on Howard would go on to edit this message, just weeks before his death, to include another message. This one would go unheard for years. Until you were ready, this message sat alongside Tony’s on the drive he left for you.
“You turned five this year. When someone told me that I would become a sucker for my little girl, man did they mean it,” Howard chuckled. Something caught his attention off screen, but he looked at the camera he had set up in his study and on a rare occasion he smiled. “With Tony, he became my vision, the reason why I wanted my work to make the biggest impact on the world… So that he would have the best future. But you? You’re my aspiration. And just like Tony, I know you’re going to change the world… If you both sat through these messages, I just want you to know one last thing.
“What is, and always will be, my greatest creation... is you two."
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oh, what a laugh it would have been
🎄The Twelve Days of Promptmas🎄 - Day Two
concept: kid fic
In the three-and-a-half years since becoming a parent, Peter’s learned a lot about himself. 
Or rather, things—facts that have only been confirmed.
Namely, his ability to say no to anyone with MJ’s eyes and wild curly hair has all but disappeared. To be fair, it’s not like it ever existed in the first place. But still, he always likes to think he has some sense of control. 
“Can we read…” His little girl’s words are drawn out as she wanders up from his lap and over to her bookcase, seemingly taking her time inspecting each and every spine; a tactic she’s learned to drag out the bedtime routine. There’s a triumphant smile on her face, a true a-ha! moment as she grabs one of her favorites. “This one?”
Any sense of that control Peter thought he had goes flying out the window when she turns to look at him, holding out the worn copy of Corduroy—the one that Aunt May would always read to him. 
He’s figured out a workaround for this, though, always agreeing to less than what he’s actually willing to read. “Sure. After that, we’ll read two more.” 
“Three more!” She responds with a toothy smile, eyes crinkling as she holds up three fingers. 
Sure, it might not be the best of parenting methods, but if it avoids another meltdown before bed, then it’s fine with him. He’s already had to deal with three this evening; the first, when he gave Lia her a sippy cup of water and, the utter horror, the lid didn’t match the cup. 
The second, when she found out he’d be the one putting her to bed tonight instead of Mom. MJ had already put Ben to bed an hour before, so it was only fair for Peter to take over. Sure, it tugged at his heart a little when Lia ran into her mother’s arms crying, saying she needed Mommy specifically to read her books and sing her songs. 
But he gets it. He’s not MJ. MJ’s cool. MJ’s Mom. 
And the third; when she found out as Peter was carrying her off to her room and her big girl bed—the one she’s always so proud to tell everyone about—that they wouldn’t be lighting the Menorah tonight or opening any more presents until the 25th. Who knew that a toddler wouldn’t understand the concept of Hanukkah stopping after eight days? 
Three books later, and he’s placed her in the bed, clicked off the lamp, letting the soft glow of the nightlight shine, sitting on the floor beside her, his heart soaring in his chest as she holds her stuffed bunny close, snuggling into the blankets. 
“Sing me a song, Daddy!” She requests, stretching her arm out to him. 
“Okay, sweet girl,” Peter says softly, smiling. “One song.” 
She giggles. “Two songs!”
“Okay. Two songs,” he relents without hesitation. “Which one do you want me to sing?” He asks, taking her tiny hand in his. 
“Hush Little Baby,” she answers after a moment of thought, the little sounding more like a widdle, something that definitely tugs at Peter’s chest. 
“Alright,” he grins, his voice hushed. “Hush little baby, don’t say a word. Daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird…” Her little voice picks up with his as she quietly sings along, her already drooping as struggles to stay awake. “And if that mockingbird won’t sing, Daddy’s gonna buy you a diamond ring…” His thumb draws a line on the back of her hand, feeling as if his chest is about three sizes too small for his heart. “And if that diamond ring don’t shine, Daddy’s gonna buy you a porcupine—”
Sleepy giggles bubble up from Lia as she dramatically shakes her head. “You’re not singing it right!”
This goes on, Peter purposefully—and maybe even a little on accident—getting the words wrong, all to make his little girl laugh, even as he sings Old McDonald for her. He can’t help but chuckle himself when she scolds him for saying a bark bark here for the cow, or a meow meow there for the horse. It’s enough to almost make him sing another one just for her, when he sees her nodding off. 
After kissing her goodnight as he tucks her in, he makes his exit, quick and quiet. Sneaky, like a spider. 
A quiet falls over the apartment, a peaceful hush that only comes from two successful bedtimes in a row. MJ’s sat on the couch, curled up with a mug of tea in her hand, a book in her lap. He comes up behind her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, pressing a kiss into her hair. She hums leaning into his touch. 
“How’d it go?” She asks as he jumps over the top of the couch, giving him a pointed, warning look when her tea dangerously sloshes in her mug at the movement. 
“Good,” he says, smiling apologetically. “She kinda forgot about everything when I asked if she wanted the dinosaur pajamas or the donut ones.”
Michelle huffs out a knowing laugh, smiling fondly. “Which did she pick?”
“Donut ones.”
“A solid choice.”
“Yes. Very cute.” 
“Read four books, too,” he adds, resting his arm on the back of the couch, thumb softly grazing her shoulder. 
“Only four?” MJ asks from behind her mug, brows raised. “I can see why she wanted me to do it. Damn.” She nudges him playfully, hiding her smile behind another sip of tea. 
“Ouch,” Peter says, placing a hand on his chest, wounded. “At least I make up silly songs on the spot. I’m a good dad, okay?”
Her gaze softens, lips pressing into a faint grin as she takes his hand, interlocking their fingers. There’s a warmth in her eyes that always anchors him, that always makes him feel that overwhelming sense of home. 
“You are.” 
“And you…” He trails off, leaning in to plant a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Are an amazing mom.”
She hums in appreciation when his mouth finds hers, slanting them together in a gentle peck. “I know.” 
He scoffs, more from amusement than anything. 
“You know what would make you amazing though?” She asks lowly, her gaze drifting down to his mouth, her breath tickling as her lips ghost over his. 
“Mmm what’s that?” He replies under his breath, his arm on the back of the couch now fully wrapped around her shoulders, fingers subtly pushing the sleeve of her cardigan down. 
“Now that the kids are asleep…” She trails off, looking to the baby monitor on the coffee table in front of them. “I was wondering…”
“Uh-huh?” A sly grin tugs at his lips. 
It truly is the perfect time for this, he thinks. He’d always heard the stories of certain activities becoming less frequent after kids appear in the picture, and while it’s mostly true—peaceful moments of quiet are few and far between when you have a one-year-old and a three-and-a-half-year-old crawling around the apartment—they’ve still been able to find some time for themselves. Especially in the late evening hours after putting their precious little ones to bed. 
Peter sits up, ready to pounce the second the words leave her lips. He’s learned to be ready for anything. 
“If you could go to the store and get me more of that winter earl grey?” 
Okay, almost anything. 
He deflates, eyes screwing shut as he hangs his head, laughing into his palm. “MJ… That wasn’t nice.” 
But he looks up at her, and the look in her eyes is enough to make him commit to anything ever. “Please?” 
It doesn’t take much at all for him to give in, rolling his eyes playfully as he hops up from the couch. He looks over at her, a satisfied little grin tugging at her mouth as she folds her legs underneath her. “I promise I’ll make it up to you when you get back.” 
“I’ll hold you to that,” he says, pointing a finger as he disappears into their bedroom to grab his suit—the faster he gets to the mini-mart and back, the faster she can make it up to him. 
“Please do,” she replies. 
She’s still curled up on the couch when he emerges from the bedroom, now covered in red and  blue spandex, sans mask. “Winter earl grey?” he asks, though it’s not as if he’s ever made a mistake buying her tea. He always knows what she likes, what her favorite brand is. 
“Thank you,” she says, smiling behind another sip. 
And he pauses, unable to help himself as he takes the sight of her in; adorably curled up, looking so soft under the twinkling lights of their Christmas tree, her soft flannel pajamas, and he wants nothing more than to snuggle up next to her right at that exact second. 
He cracks a lopsided, somewhat dopey smile, still as gone for his wife as he was in high school. “Anytime.” He has his mask half-way on, almost to the window, when she stops him. 
“Wait,” she says, rising from her place on the couch, approaching him slowly. “Consider this motivation.” Her hands find their way to his mask, holding it still just above his nose as she leans in, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. 
It’s instinctive, the way his hands come to rest on her waist, his touch gentle as his gloved hand smooths over the plush fabric of her robe. 
But then, as he feels himself smiling against her lips, they hear a high-pitched gasp, and they nearly jump away from each other. 
From the archway, they see Lia peeking her head from behind the corner, little eyes wide with wonder, her mouth hanging open in surprise. 
“Ohhh no…” Peter hears MJ mumble under her breath. 
The problem here being that neither of their children know of their father’s second life. It was something that Peter and MJ had decided long before they even had kids, knowing that it would be better to tell them when they were old enough to understand—and old enough to know the concept of a secret identity. 
Certainly not at three-and-a-half years old.
In an instant, before either dumbstruck parent can say anything, Lia dashes down the hallway, out of sight, giggling to herself. 
“You couldn’t hear her sneaking up on us?” MJ asks. 
Peter grimaces. “Oops.”
But all hope doesn’t seem lost. 
“Ben! Ben!” Lia shouts, no doubt waking up her little brother from his restful sleep in his crib. 
MJ curses, chasing after her. 
“I saw Mommy kissing Spider-Man!”  
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And the last chapter of the first volume! Though technically there’s after-chapter content that will be in a separate post from this, but for now, what matters is finishing up the quirk assessment and getting into the battle trial!
Honestly, it’s a good thing that I just shoved all the opening arcs from before the USJ together into one tag, because this chapter literally goes from the quirk assessment into the beginning of the battle trial stuff, and trying to separate them out would have been a mess and a half. Better to just have it all in the ‘opening arcs’ tag.
...weird title for something that only comes at the end of the chapter, but whatever, it’s not like we don’t see that happen later on in the series as well.
[No. 7 - Costume Change?]
And we immediately come back to where we left off, with All Might realizing what just happened and what Izuku did and even why! One of those little peeks that remind us that All Might is very smart! Also god, him with a small fanboy moment over how proud he is of his kid and how cool that workaround was, mmm this is the Dad Might content I signed up for. 
Izuku is still standing firm, even with his finger swollen and damaged, biting back the pain. Ochako is cheering about that record, Tenya notices Izuku’s finger is damaged and thinks back to the entrance exam, calling it a ‘strange quirk’, Aoyama says it’s stylishly done, and Katsuki is brain broke.
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I’m sorry that’s just so fucking funny. He is such a goddamn gremlin, but he’s also completely shook. He thinks about how quirks never manifest past age four, but somehow Izuku has a quirk. 
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He then recalls Izuku saying ‘he earned this’ and gets pissed, blasting forward to demand an explanation while Izuku freaks out-
Only for Katsuki to have his quirk cancelled by Aizawa and also get caught up in the capture scarf. 
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Beauty. Grace. He’ll bite off your face. 
Katsuki notes the cloth is stiff, while Aizawa tells him that it’s a capture weapon made of carbon fibers and a special alloy wire, then tells Katsuki to stop using his quirk already. Which is interesting; can Aizawa sense when people are trying to use their quirks while under the effects of his? If so, is he sensing the aborted movement of whatever quirk factors exist, or ??? 
(All I’m saying is that that is some possible fuel for a Dad For One connection but for Aizawa instead of Izuku… you know, just in case.)
As we sort of saw from the last chapter, Aizawa’s quirk has the side effect of giving him dry eyes (he was putting eyedrops in his eyes after using his quirk on Izuku). Izuku thinks that sucks since his quirk is so awesome. Aizawa lets his quirk and scarf drop, telling the class to prepare for the next event.
Katsuki is standing where he was stopped, glaring at Izuku who is holding his hand while Ochako worries over him and his finger. He’s caught up in a flashback (which again, reminder that this is chapter 7 and we already have flashbacks), thinking about how up to then, Izuku was just another pebble in his path. We get a brief cut to a memory flashback (not a chapter flashback) to when Izuku and Katsuki were still friends, and Izuku was waiting for his quirk to come in still, and then repeats that Izuku was only supposed to be a pebble. Single track mind, much?
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Ah, that good Bakugou discourse. This is why you do this stuff in a server with friends.
Izuku narrates a short passage of time - over the rest of the events - while handling the pain of his injured finger. Aizawa tells them it’s time for the results, with Izuku thinking about how he’s going to get expelled because the only record worth mentioning was the throw, and how the endurance running failed hard because of the pain. Aizawa says he won’t explain the process behind the scoring process, just that they reflect performance.
And then he reveals he was lying about expelling someone. 
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The trio’s faces. Aizawa’s manic smile. The trio’s faces. And Momo there like ‘what did you expect?’ God, I can’t help but giggle.
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Izuku just fucking ascending to a new plane of existance here.
Aizawa turns to leave, saying they’re done there and that the documents about the curriculum and whatnot are back in the classroom. He then calls out Izuku, who is shaking in panic (probably about Aizawa changing his mind again - I wonder if teachers before UA pulled that sort of ‘syke’ on Izuku… yikes.)
Instead, he just gets handed a pass to the nurse’s office (not even filled out fully, incredible) and then turns and walks off.
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The class is left to stare after Aizawa in bafflement, with Izuku’s narration noting that he’s safe for the moment, but still has too much he can’t do, and that he’s literally starting from the bottom - but here’s there to learn so he can get closer to his dream!
Class rankings:
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And- ah, he walked past All Might, who calls him out as a liar. Aizawa either didn’t notice him watching or didn’t know it was All Might specifically who was watching, but either way calls it ‘wasting time’ - which makes sense when all the teachers know about his time limit that he’s spending there watching Izuku the kids do their trials.
All Might notes that April Fool’s was over a week ago, and that the ‘rational deception’ thing falls flat when he expelled an entire class of first years the previous year. Aizawa discards those with zero potential, but he went back on his word here, and then asks if he sensed Midoriya’s potential as well. While giving Aizawa finger guns. Have I mentioned this man is a complete dork yet?
Aizawa catches onto the ‘as well’ bit, and determines that All Might’s supporting the kid - which isn’t his usual style. He then starts walking off again, saying Midoriya doesn’t have no chance, but that’s all he’ll say on the matter. He then says that if the kid had no prospects, he’d cut him loose, since it’s crueler to let someone chase half-baked dreams. 
All Might determines quietly that it’s Aizawa’s way of being kind, but out loud states that they can agree to disagree. Meanwhile, in the background, Sero and Sato notice All Might, which probably leads to class 1a going after him and him fleeing for safety. 
We transition to when Izuku is heading home, with him exhausted because of his trip to Recovery Girl. Tenya checks in on him, and Izuku says he’s fine, with us seeing a temporary flashback to the nurse’s office. Izuku notes his finger’s better, but he’s exhausted all of a sudden (he doesn’t remember last time since he was unconscious). 
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A couple of things:
Kamui Woods pez dispenser 
Oh, so if he doesn’t have stamina he’ll die! Good to know! :)
Anyways, Izuku thinks about how he can’t keep going on like this and has to figure out how to regulate his power fast. Tenya goes on to talk about how Aizawa had fooled them, making them think that was how it was, only for it to be a deception. (The irony that the mercy was actually unplanned all along gets to me.) Izuku is more relaxed around him now that he realizes Tenya isn’t scary, just super serious.
Ochako rushes over to catch up, asking if they’re heading for the station. Tenya calls her ‘Infinity Girl’ and Izuku repeats it mentally in surprise. Ochako introduces herself, and then brings up their names - though she mistakes Izuku’s name for ‘Deku’, because of what Katsuki said during the test. Izuku corrects her with awkward hand gestures, saying his real name and that the ‘Deku’ is just Katsuki being a bully. 
Tenya and Ochako both acknowledge this, with Ochako apologizing, and then mentioning how ‘Deku’ sounds like ‘do your best’, and that she likes it. Izuku goes beet fucking red and immediately replies that Deku is fine, with Tenya chastising him for not showing backbone while Izuku calls it like the Copernican Revolution and Ochako questions who Copernicus is. 
The narration takes over, noting that even if there’s a lot he can’t do, he’ll do his best, but having All Might and even some friends behind him… it’s more than he could have asked for. 
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Good children. Best friends. God, these were the good days… more OG Dekucrew content please and thanks.
We get one panel of Toshinori that Izuku’s got no time to rest, and that tomorrow the real test begins. Then we’re onto the next day, aka the first day of actual classes - and oh, right, UA has clubs, that’s something that’s easy to forget when we never see it with the hero classes. I mean, considering that the actual hero training classes probably overlap the usual club hours, not surprising, but still.
Present Mic is shown to be the English teacher, trying to get the kids in the spirit of class, but pretty much everyone is finding it boring - asides from Izuku, who is actually trying to answer the question mentally, even if not out loud. The narration notes that the mornings are for normal classes, and that lunch is top-notch food for dirt cheap in the cafeteria (as cooked by Lunch Rush), and then hero training is in the afternoon… possibly after lunch? Which isn’t great when people could end up throwing up. Ah well.
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These fucking dorks. Two peas in a quirkless-to-superpowered pea pod.
And of course, more meta from the class on how All Might’s drawn differently.
Anyways, All Might gets into Hero Basic Training, how it’ll mold them into heroes, and that there’s no time to waste as he shows off a card reading ‘battle’ before stating that they have battle training. 
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Have I mentioned he’s a dork? There’s more ham here than in Shatner’s performances in the original Star Trek series!
Katsuki is thrilled with battle training, of course. All Might notes that for battle training, the class will need - as the wall clicks and opens several drawers with numbered cases, each with contents in accordance with the quirk registry and the special request forms fill out before admission - costumes! Which the class is super hyped about. Izuku is holding his backpack in excitement, and All Might orders the students to come out to Ground Beta in ranking order once they’re changed, to which the class agrees. 
As he takes his leave, he notes that looking good is important, and to look alive, because from today on, they’re all heroes! We also get some nice transition moments showing pieces of people’s costumes, with Izuku being the last one out as the rest show theirs off.
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So cool! And what a way to end a chapter and a book! And a nice nod to the prototype costume for Izuku. Time to say goodbye to it before the end of this arc. 
Next time, I’ll try to get through all the bonus stuff for the end of the volume, and then we can get into the battle trial proper! Looking forward to that.
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reineyday · 4 years
some feelings abt touya and bnha 302 in general! (long post)
jesus this whooooole chapter makes me so so so sad for touya, like he's canonically a crier and i just have all these images now of him crying off to the side while enji looks at his other kids and gives them the time of day. knowing that he was/is a frustrated crier makes the fact that dabi cant cry cuz of his burned tear ducts that much sadder ohhman
one of the things i cant get over is how touya was SO shunned by his dad that when he went to go tell enji about his fire turning from red to blue, he says "i might be as awesome as shouto sooner or later!" like?? this boy is 13 and shouto is 5 yet he's talking like the brother that's eight years younger than him is better than him and thar it's just a fact. the sky is blue, enji wants to beat all might one day, and shouto is better than the rest of his siblings. nevermind that he's only five and just wants to play with his siblings (and dont even mention to me how shouto says he wants to play with "touya and them" cuz im gonna fucking cry abt it. like even though touya's accepted he's bottom of the ladder in this family, shouto clearly wants some sort of acknowledgement from his older siblings and especially his older brother. IM FVCKN SOBBN). enji has made it clear in this family that shouto was what he was looking for and everyone else is not as important, and i knew this from shouto's pov but it's kinda wild to see it implied so casually in touya's words.
"you'll be glad you created me! i just know it!" HOLY SHIT. god my heart. oh my fuck. literally all enji had to do was show up to the fucking mountain, and he couldnt even do that? what the hell?? your son asks you to go to the mountain, you tell your wife not to let him go traim but she said she couldnt stop him, and instead of going yourself to make sure he's okay and BECAUSE HE ASKED YOU TO COME (and with an actually valid reason, no less! fire changing colour is kind of a big fucking deal!!!) you just?? let him go and let him stay there??? my god the amount of times touya must have burned himself and the trees with tears in his eyes. ahhhHHH!!!
what kills me (and touya too soon?) was that we thought before the back story started that enji forced touya to train till he burned up. then when 290 came out--and definitely after 301--we thought maybe touya overtrained himself and burned up. and sure, he was definitely overtraining, but to find out that the burns that "killed" him started just bc he was crying so much he lost control and didnt know how to ease up on his flames? he was upset and literally trying to get himself to stop crying, and then he just set himself aflame and burned up cuz of all his emotions??? that HURTS. holy fuck.
i cant believe natsuo's feeling lowkey guilty for not socking enji in the face like he wasnt EIGHT???? and let's be real, enji woukdnt have fucking listened to natsuo telling him to talk to touya--he already wasnt listening when touya would straight up say "look at me" and when even rei said touya just wanted enji to look at him and notice him. listen, i know sometimes miscommunications happen in families and children are embarrassed to admit they want attention and so their parents remain unaware that theyre not giving their kid something they want, but touya was as clear as can be on MANY occasions, and even rei agreed touya needed the attention and enji just wasnt listening.
also i know there was discourse abt touya being sexist by telling natsu that "the women in this house are good for nothing" and mb it was partly diff translations cuz i feel like saying "this house" makes it specific to rei and yumi instead of all women everywhere, but even disregarding that--i think it's a valid thought for him to have when rei wasnt standing up for him (where he could see, at least) and yumi admitted herself that she was too scared to interfere and so just tried to fix things and keep appearances. i feel like based on what touya's seen from them, it makes sense that he has that opinion. (also gonna mention that i think rei's and yumi's choices also make sense and i think they were valid, seeing as how they were afraid as well.)
and poor natsu being woken up in the middle of the night (what was implied to be often enough, esp cuz it seemed they share a room and their futons are close) bc of touya's pain. that's a lot of emotional responsibility for an eight year old, and it is also so sad that at 13, touya didnt have anyone else to turn to but his kid brother. at 13, i remember being fully aware of the distinction in maturity between an 8 year old and myself, and it sucks that touya couldnt go to anyone but a younger child with all his pain. i bet yumi being too scared to interfere translated to touya as "she wouldnt help me" and thats another reason he didnt go to the 2nd oldest when he needed to vent. (also not related to this but how the FUCK was natsuo so tall at 8 years old? wh a t)
this chapter. this fucking chapter. my heart aches for touya, and it's just such a huge fucking shame he didnt get the attention and validation and support he needed. there must have been workarounds so that touya could safely use his quirk. there weere DEFINITELY better ways to support your son through a self-destructive quirk, ways that involved actually being there and seeing him. i feel like if someone showed him the attention he needed and talked him through how to better control his emotions (and by extension, his flames) and a positive and healthy way, he could have been someone so great. and if he ever learned how to set aside the way he felt infefior to shouto and saw that shouto just wanted to play with his cool older siblings, it might have been really beneficial to see that there was someone there who thinks he's cool and gave him attention just bc he was an older brother, who needed him when everyone else in the househild didnt seem to need him.
and lastly, the fact that the chapter ends with rei saying that shouto is the family hero and that shouto will have to face dabi?? and it makes me angry that shouto has to take on that responsibility. that he was five and suffering for things he wasnt even a part of, couldnt be properly aware of, bc he was so young. he just saw that he was separated from his siblings and that his dad bullied his mom, then grew up shouldering enji's heavy goals and high expectations and abusive training alongside the barely-there memories of his older brother who died (i say barely there bc if natsu didnt even know shouto liked cold soba, shouto was definitely not around enough to have solid memories of touya before he "died"), and now he has to do the emotional labour of fighting his villain brother (who i bet shouto lowkey empathizes with when he thinks abt it late at night) as well as suffer the physical consequences of that agni kai. and it makes me angry that he has to do that, bc he's a Good Guy and he probably feels he has some sort of filial and familial responsibility. he's only 16. he just wanted to play with touya and them, and now he has to deal with this horse shit dabi's causing cuz his dad's an emotionally neglecting asshat who couldnt see past his dumb fucking ego until he saw shouto play with a bunch of kids during shou's remedial exam a decade after his eldest son burned himself to death. what the fuckety fuck.
lastly, since we saw touya burn uo the way he did... did he really just like... burn so much his jaw fell off, and that's how they found the jawbone? cuz holy hot (BURNING too soon???) damn that must have been painful as all hell. i wonder if next chapter we get to see if someone found touya at the park and helped him out and sorted out the jaw bone thing, or if we finally get to see if deku wakes up lol.
anyways this chapter hurt my heart big time, and i kinda wanna draw kid touya crying while being overlooked by his family to let out some of those feelings but we'll see.
and i still stand by my idealistic and naively optimistic hope that dabi gets redeemed and they soend some actually time together as a family (without enji. or at least, with an enji that has apologized to touya in seiza. like, forehead-to-floor apologize.)
does this hope sort out how dabi redeems himself, seeing as how he's murdered people in cold blood and shouldnt be excused for that bc those actions are also inarguably terrible? no. not sure how he could redeem himself for that kinda stuff honestly, but it doesnt mean i dont still somehow want the todoroki sibs to get along, cuz im weak for mending families.
also id like to send a huge kudos out into the world to rei todoroki for being firm for once and for also not running away from her mistakes like her asshole husband has been. i really admire and respect that. she was afraid and being abused, but now that she's been away from enji and has had time to heal, now that her and shouto are in the mend and she's seen that her eldest son is alive and a villain, she's a place where she can acknowledge that even though she was a victim too, she played a part in touya's emotional neglect and she's taking responsibility and that speaks to some incredible fucking strength. damn.
i hope one day that dabi realizes the same in regards to his mother and natsuo, who shouldered a lot of his emotional pain and suffered the consequences of his outbursts (even though his emotions are valid and his outbursts understandable, he still hurt rei and put a lot of pressure on natsu), and i also hope he sees that for all that he hates his father, his whole existence revolves around enji and it's a shitty place to be (and then he'll have ANGST abt it and that shit will be!! so good!!!)
yeah i think those were all my feelings. i had so many lol. their family situation is so difficult, i hope they all turn out okay and alive and healing.
oh i guess i also wanted to say that i kept calling enji an asshat and asshole cuz he was for sure, but i still think his redemption is valid and im glad he's taking those steps to be a better person by being a better father. i dont know if id want his family to forgive him for all that horrible shit he put them through (im personally hoping that no matter what anyone else does, natsuo will choose to to cooperate in the healing of his family as a unit but will never forgive enji) but i think it's good of people to try to be better than they were yesterday regardless of whether or not they get forgiveness. i dont personally like enji, but i dont hate that he's getting a redemption. i just hope it's a redemption that makes sense and forces him to put in the work, and isnt something like a death sacrifice for shouto or dabi. i want him to be alive and i want his redemption process to hurt like a fucking bitch while he forces himself to make better choices and be a better person, cuz redemption isnt supposed to be easy in the slightest. i GUESS all the crying he did in 302 was a good start.
anyways, if for some reason you read all the way down to the bottom--hello! and thanks for reading haha. cheers! :)))
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timerainseternal · 4 years
Who’s your favorite character of tua and why
I enjoy most of the characters in Umbrella Academy, but my favorite is Five! As for why, there are a lot of reasons, but I think, writing-wise it's because I don't know what he will do at any given moment, but I trust where he's going. This is a difficult balance to pull off, but I'll try to explain exactly what I mean and why I feel that way.
Firstly, I don't know what he'll do, which makes him interesting to watch. He's full of contradictions in many ways, he's very resourceful, and he's written as someone who is extremely smart. (Though another thing I find interesting is that unlike with many other "genius" characters, intelligence--as in knowledge or ability like with his scribbling-on-the-walls math--isn't his primary trait, at least not to me. Before that I would say that he is at least determined, as well as resourceful in a way that isn't linked strictly to book smarts. Instead, he's driven on sustained desperation that "geniuses" never seem to get in media, and even though he's so smart and generally competent, his plans often or always fail, which I actually made a whole post about. Even further, we know he's 58, so his knowledge is based not only on natural ability, but also a lot of work and time, which is also not the general presentation. We know he's smart, but figuring out time travel took him a whole lifetime.) Anyway, even his power set is...fluidly defined. I don't know what plans he will make, or what side effects will follow--only that, based on past experience, side effects will follow. As such, I'm very entertained watching him constantly pivoting and coming up with new ideas and plans, especially since I think he gets more plot turns than anyone else in the series, or at least is a more active force in those turns.
His choices also showcase the desperation that is at the core of him, and the moral greyness that comes from it. He's not bound by normal considerations like most of the others are; often, he doesn't even consider them. What might be off-limits to others isn't off-limits to him (which is like his powers in a funny kind of way). But really, it all stems from the fact of having lost everything with his 45-year stint in the apocalypse and the loneliness that comes from that. It's an interesting philosophical thought experiment. What are morals in a dead world? What are a few thousand people compared to the end of humanity? What are we if everything else gets stripped away?
And for Five, the answer is not in the violence we've seen him commit, but instead the love he shows. He was presented as a prickly genius who is smarter than everyone and knows everything (like he says to Allison in ep 1) and who is also a time-travelling assassin hardened by decades in a wasteland. We expect competence, cold calculation, and a near-complete lack of empathy. But then we meet Dolores, and we learn that he's doing everything for his family, and we see that everything he does is for love of other people. Specific other people, sure, but love nonetheless. And he isn't cool about it, isn't aloof; he's lost it all before, and he's desperate, and nothing he does--despite what most shows tell you about geniuses--really fixes any problem completely, and especially not the relationships that got broken when he left.
Yet even despite all that, he's also predictable in a way that lets me trust him. Obviously, as an audience, we see how pressing and devastating the apocalypse is. It's the end. Yet none of the other characters understand that the way we do, or the way Five does. His ultimate goal is to stop that from happening and protect his family, and given his life experience, I know that there is nothing that will stop him as long as he's around. I trust that his character will make decisions towards an end goal that I agree with as the audience, and that as long as that remains true, I know that even if I don't know where he's going with a plan, I can at least trust his intent. Even with the Commission, where he worked as an assassin and presumably murdered innocents, the end goal is great enough that it makes sense. Moreover, though, is that once we see that his motivation is for love and to protect, not from a place of sadism or superiority, and that he will even listen to others to find a less violent workaround (as with Luther in s1), I trust his intentions even more.
That's part of what makes the murder of the Board, and then the aftermath, so interesting: it's a study in contradiction, the urge to be violent and feel seen and effective and successful, contrasted with a sense of guilt and remorse and an understanding that it's not the best version of himself. He's warring with those instincts, but the writers have portrayed him in a way that allows for understanding and sympathy.
For another thing, as I think @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace mentioned, given his unique standing as both 13 and 58, he can't really have a romantic relationship to pull him away like the others can, nor do I think he would if he could, considering the timespan the show tends to give him. He's not really in the mindset for romance at all, and especially not a romance that would distract him from his goals. Not only was Dolores an extension of his own mind for a long time, but also was one he was willing to abandon, first going with the Handler, then again towards the end of season 1. Not only does this make his goals less likely to be swayed from what I, as an audience member, consider to be important, but also romance as the sort of "love at first sight, I will prioritize you over everyone else without any real merit behind it" is always a bit flimsy to me. Maybe I'm a little too aromantic to get it, but I generally find it a bit distracting at best unless done really well. (I did like Raymond and Allison as a couple. I thought that was done really well, where they had time and chemistry and respect for each other, and I enjoyed the time they spent together. It doesn't hurt that Allison is my second favorite, but it stands well even besides that. It's just a good relationship.)
Finally, all of that plays into Five's relationships with others. He isn't good at being a social creature (understandable), yet that's what he values most: his family. He wants to be empathetic--and in many cases he can be--but he's battling his own inability to be understood. He doesn't even fully understand himself in the world he left when he was a child. In a very real sense, he can't do what has become most important to him--not that his siblings are the best role models for communication. It makes sense, then, that he was able to seemingly connect with Reginald. Five wants to connect with the people he missed and felt like he wronged, no matter if he actually was in the wrong or not. He so often gets ignored/misunderstood/considered crazy that even as someone just watching that conversation, it felt cathartic for him to be listened to and taken seriously, even if I think Reginald is the absolute worst and that the best thing for him to do would be to stay dead. Five thought he was being the most rational of his siblings in that supper, but he didn't realize that his biases were as strong or stronger, and just had a different root. His relationships with others are his strongest desire/goal/motivator, but he has such a distorted perception of the way the world works on a daily, interpersonal level and also who he is in that world, that he can't really make it work right, and that's really neat to watch.
In my mind, also, what Five is looking for isn't actually his family from 2019. It isn't even his family from 2002, or at least not just them. I think that what he wants is to be who he was when he left, before he got stuck in the apocalypse. He wants his family because he loves them--I don't doubt that, and I don't want to discredit it--but also because I think in some sense he believes that if he can just be with them again, he can make things the way they used to be, the way he used to be. He's kind of like Luther in that regard, except that Luther is beginning to move on, and Five is stuck in it. The tragedy in this, of course, is that he's the time traveller here, and no matter what time he goes to, his only choice is forwards for himself. He can't go back, even if he reaches the exact moment he left. This, of course, is speculation--or analysis, if we use the kinder term--but I think it shows how much can be read into his character based on his choices and narrative arc, and that in itself is interesting whether it was intended or not.
So, that's an overly long answer to your question! It's Five because I think he's interesting, and I think he's interesting because the writers have backed themselves into a corner where he kind of has to be. I hope that was what you were looking for!
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dongjus-sparkle · 4 years
SVSSS Read through 📖
Chap 5 - Chap 15
Let's go!
■Chapter 5■
• Mission time!!
• "don’t you know you’re exactly like that mission-giving NPC?" 🤣
• Nice. Shen Qingqiu complained earlier about cultivators using horses and carriages when he was reviewing the book. It is a bit weird, but 🤷🏻‍♀️
• "Ming Fan was truly well-versed in being a piece of cannon fodder." His entire character so far.
• The Skinner. Sounds like an exciting arc is starting.
• Ohhhhhh loopholes in the system's OOC function. He's coming up with every workaround to be nice to Luo Binghe and everyone is SHOCKED.
• AND we already have Luo Binghe being like 'he's good to look at' 🤣
• -5 points for smILING?! Rude.
■Chapter 6■
• "He didn’t like looking at an old man in his sixties and a teenage girl fondling each other in front of him at all!" Good I'm not the only one.
• Of course Ning Yingying went missing. So far she just accidentally starts trouble over and over again.
• "Fuck, if there’s an Easy Mode why didn’t you say so earlier! Activate activate activate!" Honestly a mood.
• Get's knocked out just to be taunted by the system OOC: -50 Points.
■Chapter 7■
• Oh good not totally naked.
• Immediately guesses correctly who The Skinner is and then just waits for the classic boss narrative. I love Shen Qingqiu 😚
• Ohhh. The butterfly demon is clever! Using Shen Qingqiu as their next skin so that they can use the Xiu Ya Sword to make themselves stronger 👏 but then they just gave away the entire plan.
• Luo Binghe sees Shen Qingqiu half naked, vulnerable, and tied up 👀
• Please tell me there's a reason you're directing the Butterfly toward Luo Binghe with your weird roundabout complements~~
■Chapter 8■
• Exploits the systems rule that only Luo Binghe can't die, but then complains about what a cop out it will be for the reader 😅
• "...Just praised you and you said something stupid again. Please don’t talk about how to release your enemy"
• I forgot that he set the mission to easy mode!
• "Even if something does happen, nothing will happen to you.” hi. They're being cute again.
•Earning a whole bunch of points and disabling OOC function. Shen Qingqiu having free control, I sense chaos in the wind~
• He gave Luo Binghe the right cultivation methods. The best master. 💗
■Chap 9■
• Enters the spirit cave to find a way to cultivate, immediately had to deal with someone's Qi deviation.
• 'Congratulations! The system’s notice: Changed the scene ‘Liu Qingge’s death,’ the death and hatred values for the villain ‘Shen Qingqiu’ have decreased' OHHHHH he can change whole scenes and his character!
• Each of the peaks is know for their own thing thats cool. There is an Ascetic peak? And a Lovley Ladies peak 🤣🤣
• I love Shen Qingqiu being devastated by Liu Qingge not being a big tough guy.
• Every single person when Shen Qingqiu is being genuinely nice: 😱🧐
■Chapter 10■
• Shen Qingqiu sees Luo Binghe: oh good he's here! When he sees the leader of the demon invasion: "Don't your feet hurt?"
• I think I need to see some art of the Demon Saint Sha Hualing. Her description is mint. 💃🏻
• Here we go again with the making your character be less like scum. HUM. I wonder if that will change the plot...
■Chapter 11■
•Shen Qingqiu out here getting all fancy fighting the one armed demon with just his fan. God that's style.
• Luo Binghe being like 👀🤩💘
• She is so beautiful that she has to wear a veil all the time. Damn. Thats powerful.
•Shen Qingqiu then just fawns over both the future wives of Luo Binghe being in his presence. "The beauty of an Evil demon girl’s wild and unrestrained behavior can make him drunk; the Righteous saint girl wavering between abstinence and desire letting people’s hearts itch." Dramatic ass
■Chapter 12■
• Everyone thinks he's crazy for calling Binghe forward to fight. And they basically beg him to forfit so he doesn't die... but didn't we say earlier that the protagonist can't die.
• Binghe really takes it to heart every time Qingqiu says he believes he'll make it through.
• He's mad that Binghe didn't win even more cool points 😆
• The demon is so mad he lost and was shamed that he decides it would be a good idea to slight up attack Luo Binghe again. Demon logic.
• "These righteous and awe-inspiring words didn’t just make the demons speechless; in his heart, even Shen Qingqiu’s own old face turned dark red." And I'm sure broke Binghe's brain a little bit.
• Binghe literally: 🤩🤩😍 He saved me again, and be believes in me 💘
■Chapter 13■
•He can't stop himself from jumping in front of Luo Binghe again and again.......
• "In his mind and heart there was a string of scrolling fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck brushed all over the screen." Honestly I'd think the same id I was poisoned.
• Luo Binghe is PISSED.
• "Shizun, this disciple is willing to receive the attack in your stead.” 😵 "Since you know this injury is because of you, you should properly protect your own life!” ☠💀☠💀
• Liu Qingge is like, oh, you wanted to run away after attacking us unprompted. No.
• Improves his own role, then sees Binghe crying for him, immediately regrets his decision, passes out.
■Chapter 14■
•Luo Binghe watching his Shizun from as far away as possible is sad.
• Shen Qingqiu is just now seeing how much he's changed the story. And how the future events scare him. Whooo.
• "Luo Binghe immediately ran to the kitchen. The congee that he remade every hour these days finally came of use." 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Oh no. He's like fully committed.
• The flirting is RIDICULOUS. "Why don't I make you something new everyday" 😫
• Shen Qingqiu realizes that's his best pickup line in the original story, but being all, what a guy, why not!
• Him trying to get away with not pushing Luo Binghe into the Abyss.
•You're telling me that in the original book that having set with a half demon half great cultivator is the cure. And that that helps him level up?
■Chapter 15■
• Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu being brothers is cute. But even he thought that Qingqiu might be possessed
• Ming Fan is so mad hearing positive words about Luo Binghe from Shen Qingqiu that he throws a fit. Abd Binghe just accepts it. Hes the best boy.
•The name Dream Realm........ I wonder where this could possibly go!
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
I just got my nips pierced last week (they are SORE 😭 )... So that on top of my tongue piercing, I've been wondering the reactions the mains would have to an MC that has one / both?
Main 6 x Pierced MC (~LEMON~) (LONG POST) 
Bold of you to assume Asra “knifecatface.jpg” Alnazar is capable of not thinking about MC’s nipple and tongue piercings for any extended period of time. 
If MC had to get them done post-resurrection because of the new body, he’s definitely on top of reminding them to do their piercing care.
Once they’re healed though, he looooves that MC has them, he’s always surprising them with new jewelry for them from his trips. 
He spends a lot of time with his mouth on MC’s nipples, asking how different bites and flicks and tugs feel, temperatures perhaps. 
Perhaps even begging for MC to go down on him more often than he usually would, because he like the feeling of their tongue piercing. 
He think its hot as hell and definitely on the list of reasons he thinks MC is hot as hell and he even gets some himself. 
She thinks its extremely brave and endearing that MC would get piercings in their nipples and tongue. She’s aware of the phrase “beauty is pain” and is mostly worried that they might have hurt to get.
Oh? An event where she gets to design MC’s wardrobe? Nipples out or being able to see the piercings through the fabric is her choice. 
Loves being able to shower MC with new and cute jewelry for their nipple piercings (and tongue if she can find something that works). 
She loves the way she can accidentally brush MC’s chest in public and get them all wound up so easily. 
Gentle tugging on/flicking their nipples during sex would be the name of her game at that point. (Maybe inspiring her to get something of her own)
(As a side note, i think all of Nadia’s family would think MC’s tongue piercing is cool as fuck. (and nipple piercings if they know). Namar would ask if it helps MC taste stuff better. Navra is piercing her tongue as we speak. Nazali knew three men who’s nipples fell off from bad nipple piercings.)
Julian asks MC if it hurt but in a way where he’d be much more interested if the answer was yes than if the answer was no, yknow?
He thinks they’re fun and sexy and make MC even more unique than he already thought they were. They look like a real rebel, which he can assure them, is the hottest thing they can do. 
Surprises MC with one of these . Its a very self serving gift but he thinks they’d look stunning in it. When he sees it on them, he fully drops to his knees in front of them, barely coherent and bright red. 
If any of them ever get irritated, he goes into full doctor mode and is there with a warm saline soak in no time at all. 
MC’s piercings start him on his own piercing journey which he thoroughly enjoys for a multitude of reasons. 
He’s worried it might still hurt them because its still a hole yknow. 
“Why would you want to be in pain on purpose? You dont make any sense.” 
BUT once he’s satisfied they dont hurt anymore, he finds that he thinks the aesthetic is kinda nice. MC is kinda weird in a good way and tongue and nipple piercings he thinks are kinda weird in a good way. It tracks.
Listen i need to go and take a moment thinking about Muriel running a rough calloused thumb over MC’s nipple piercings. 
Deep breaths everyone. Deep breaths. 
He’s surprised the first time he feels MC’s tongue piercing on his body during sex but he resigns himself to the fact that he really likes that they have it. 
Portia is just awestruck. MC is a MAGICIAN?? AND NOW??? THEY HAVE PIERCINGS TOO???
She’s enamored with MC being so many layers of impressive and cute and adventurous. Piercings included. 
She’ll ask MC to stick out their tongue randomly just to giggle at their tongue piercing. 
As soon as she plays with MC’s nipple piercings she goes out and gets her own, she is like damn this is GOOD and i want IN. 
Loves pulling MC into secret passages just to play with MC’s nipple piercings for a minute to tease them before slipping back to her duties.
Sexy! Daring! Brave! Unusual! Cool! Sexy! Are MC’s piercings gold? Because if not thats the first thing he rectifies. 
He KNEW MC could take the pain of getting such sensitive places pierced, it speaks to how strong and wonderful they are. 
He doesn’t like the feeling of MC’s tongue piercing clinking against his teeth so he and MC find a workaround for that. 
He LOVES playing with MC’s nipple piercings, sometimes at inappropriate times. He always showers them with clothes that show them off. Sometimes also at inappropriate times. 
He’s inspired to get his own piercing! He goes right for the prince albert and complains the whole time but at least he has “An experienced and brave partner by his side to get him through it” 
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
Sooooo...I'm gonna need a story of a time where a) Runaan got very jealous and b) you got very jealous. And no Moonshadow-y workarounds, either ("he got the last cookie and I really wanted it!"). Specifically when a hot guy was jonesing on your dude and you didn't like it and vice versa. There are no judgments here, just tapping my fingertips together in delight. Indulge us?
You’re going to need these stories, huh? Well then… *rolls up my sleeves* Here we go.
Did you ever wonder why Runaan was so persistent in pursuing me? We all know he’s terrible at flirting. 
He wasn’t the only one trying to court me. Sure, he didn’t know what he was doing, but he needed to try, because if he didn’t, he might’ve lost me to another elf. No, don’t worry, he really wouldn’t have, but he didn’t know that at the time!
Who was this other elf, you ask? One of the village bakers. Runaan and I connected over weapons, because he came to me in my workshop. But Salvar and I connected over tasty food, because I would taste test his new creations for him. He saw me walking past one day, just as he needed a second opinion, and my feedback was so enthusiastic that he asked me to come help him another time, too! Well, I couldn’t say no to that. So I’d pop by and he’d feed me whatever he’d made. And a bite dragged out into snacks and then full meals.
Let’s just say I was a lot more visible out in the village, eating Salvar’s treats, than I was alone in my workshop with Runaan. It made Runaan feel very concerned for the trajectory of his courtship.
Jealous. He got jealous.
And then they found out about each other.
Most people would seriously consider backing off the moment they realized they were up against an assassin, no matter the context. Not even Moonshadows have that little self-preservation. But Salvar is not most people. He’s a few inches shorter than I am, slender as a whip, and very feisty. He’s good at what he does, and he knows it, but he can take things a bit too far…
Why do I find such elves attractive? These two were just different knives. One for the kitchen, and one for the hearts of his enemies. *sighs* I do have a type. And I do like plenty of social interaction. Why rush things? Even if I had made up my mind.
Anyway. one day, there was a bustle at Salvar’s bakery when I came by. He’d put a cake in his oven, shut the oven door, and when he opened it again there was an arrow right through the cake and its pan. He hadn’t left the kitchen. And it wasn’t an enchantment. He was pretty twitchy when I asked him what happened, and he just gestured imperiously to his arrowed pan.
We all knew whose arrow that was. We knew.
I couldn’t help myself. I started laughing uncontrollably. Of all the things Runaan could’ve done–lurking in Salvar’s rafters, poisoning his tea, challenging him to a duel–he shot his cake. With an arrow. Just as Salvar closed the oven door. Runaan had been hiding right nearby–somehow–and left his mark, and his intentions, unmistakably clearly. And he’d done it without threatening Salvar at all. A very Moonshadow tactic.
And I thought it was adorable. So soft, really, for an assassin’s skill set. Salvar was less impressed. But the fact that I was laughing so hard at what might’ve passed for a hard prank under other circumstances told me–and Salvar–that it would be better for him to move on. I’d made up my mind.
Salvar let me down easy, and I started cooking for myself again, with no hard feelings. That’s the beauty of Moonshadow courtship. The plausible deniability is astounding. And later, Runaan invited him to cater our wedding.
Victory flex? Generous winner? Just a good Moonshadow? This is Runaan we’re talking about. It was all three.
Now, me getting jealous? Hmm. That’s not really in my nature. On the other hand, I do have a really hot husband, and he’s occasionally attracted some intense attention that neither of us were interested in. You’d think Runaan would be good at saying no to that sort of thing–and usually he’s the first–but sometimes things get complicated. 
We’d been courting properly for just a couple of months when the Silvergrove got visitors. A squad of veteran assassins assembled from all over the Moonshadow Forest, come to brush up everyone’s skill’s because there were rumors that trouble was brewing along the border and Runaan and his teammates might be getting a lot more work. Well, that got us all to pay attention. Runaan especially. He takes the defense of his people very seriously.
So he was out at all hours, sometimes for days, training extra hard, running trial missions with his squad, learning these veterans’ hard-won combat skills. When I’d see him, he was exhausted and sore and more focused than ever. He told me he wished he had more time to spend with me, but this was very important to him. So of course I let him train all he wanted, and I did everything I could to take care of him when he wasn’t. That boiled down to feeding him and tucking him in, and telling everyone that he needed his rest.
And then I talked to Lain about the assassins’ training schedule one day. And Lain told me that not everyone was training like Runaan was. That one of the older asasssins was working privately with Runaan on some kind of “fast track skill set” that would give him a whole new set of skills and put him on the path to becoming a good leader for the Silvergrove assassins. 
Of course Runaan wanted that. Very much. And I wanted it for him. But something in my chest felt a little rebellious. Why just Runaan? Why not teach these techniques to every assassin and let them all decide who would make a good leader? They already know each other well. An outsider won’t know their strengths and weaknesses like they do.
By the time I started walking Runaan to morning training, a few weeks had gone by. He introduced me to his advanced trainer, Kelvik, and the moment our eyes met, I knew I’d been right to worry. The look he gave me when he realized Runaan had a boyfriend clearly said “How quaint. But I’m here now. You can go.”
Spoilers: I did not go.
I asked Runaan if he could avoid training with Kelvik, since he clearly had designs on him. And, bless him, Runaan said he’d been trying for the past week to shimmy away without making a fuss. But Kelvik was just as intense and subtle as Runaan is, and they both knew that everything came down to Runaan’s sense of duty. He’d do whatever it took to learn to keep his people safe. And Kelvik was teaching him that. Slowly and deliberately.
And then one day Runaan wouldn’t look me in the eye after he was finally finished training. And I knew that, whatever had happened, it had just gone too far. I was done being soft. My elf needed me, and I fully planned to step up for him. No one hurts my baby. I kissed his cheek and held him softly and told him that I’d make everything okay. And he just nodded against my shoulder.
There was a village dance that night. Runaan and I went together, hand in hand, as always. But I told him to sit with Lain and Tiadrin and chat. And I told them to make sure he stayed sitting. No matter what happened. Because I really wasn’t sure how my plan would play out–plans are more Runaan’s thing than mine. I just wanted him to stay safe, though. That’s all I cared about.
So I sat my boyfriend at a table at the edge of the dancing green and sauntered right up to Kelvik as he stood with his own squad and asked him to dance with me.
And the Moon granted me a boon just then–the rest of his squad looked between him and me with expressions that told me they knew exactly what was going on. And that was the last bit of courage I needed. I held out my hand with a bright cheery smile–Moonshadows can hide all kinds of things behind a smile, especially when they’ve got nothing to lose–and Kelvik took it.
I whirled him around the green with my best, most graceful moves. After the first dance, he begrudgingly complimented me on my skills. And tried to let go of my hands. 
I squeezed. Hard.
“Oh, I’m not done with you yet. Dance with me again! This next one’s a real favorite.”
And he was too confused to say no. So we danced again. And I slowly started crushing his hands every time we touched. He gasped and winced, and I just smiled broadly and kept up the small talk.
I didn’t let him go after the second dance, either.
Halfway through the third dance, he finally blurted, “What do you want, Ethari?”
And through my cheery smile, I told him, “I want to break you in half, Kelvik. Can you convince me not to?” And then I snapped a bone in his hand.
He hid it well. He was an assassin, after all. But he’d opened the floodgates, and I couldn’t stop talking as I swirled and stepped alongside him. “Your selfishness is endangering everything Runaan holds dear. He just wants to be a good assassin, to protect his people and his squad. You’re using that to get close to him, and he doesn’t feel he can say no. So I’m saying it for him. If he comes home one more time and can’t look me in the eye because you can’t keep your boundaries straight, I will very cheerfully hunt you down and disassemble you. I’m very good with moving parts, and I have a bigger collection of knives than you do.”
I dipped him at the end of the dance, squeezed his broken hand, and said cheerily, “Is this in any way unclear to you?”
He growled up at me, “You’ve made your point, craftsman. No need to keep stabbing me with it.”
I hauled him up, gave him a jaunty bow, and headed back to have a drink with my boyfriend and my friends. Runaan looked at me, wide-eyed, as I joined him and the others. “What… did you say? I’ve never seen him look like that before. I think you actually worried him.”
I pressed a soft kiss against Runaan’s cheek and clinked my glass against his. “Just telling him how it is, my heart. I protect what’s mine, just like you do.”
His cheeks flushed the prettiest moonberry red, and that smile… Moon help me. 
Then Lain had to go ruin the moment by saying loudly, “Does this mean we aren’t going to fight anyone?”
I looked across the green and caught Kelvik’s eye again. He’d heard Lain, and he gave me a long look. And then he turned away.
“Not this time,” I said. “This time, we win softly.”
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Soft babes + “You don’t have to sleep here just because I got admitted.”
Chris/Melissa, post 6x06. Did not use the actual prompt line but it did make a good starting point here. PG-ish and also on ao3.
Two years. Two damn years of dealing with what seems like an endless parade of new types of supernatural beings, after spending half her life beautifully oblivious to the existence of anything of that sort, and Melissa’s breaking point is apparently very human and very not used to anyone caring.
It’s not even the whole ancient magical medicine part of the last day of her life that has her overwhelmed, although she did take a moment to write that list down because it could be useful later. Nor is it remotely surprising that the man she’s currently hovering over managed to get himself hurt – from what she’s pieced together, this isn’t even close to a low point there. It’s more…
When bad shit happens to the kids, even the ones who went through hell before they turned into whatever they are now, they all have this sense that they do deserve some kind of caretaking. Her counterpart, on the other hand…
She’s never seen that many scars on a human body before, and she only got a good look from the waist up. It figures this, of all things, would finally be the match for her resilience.
It’s over with now, Melissa reminds herself. It’s over with, and she didn’t have to appropriate anything that would get flagged as anything more than inventory error if anyone were to assess the state of a few supply closets, and half her coworkers know she’s involved in some kind of bizarre situation that doesn’t usually happen out here. Someday she will probably have to explain the supernatural world to a few of her quieter coworkers; for now, it is enough that when Visibly Weird Shit comes in and she’s on shift, it is automatically her problem. She wonders offhand who knows what, who suspects what, how no one questioned this latest round to her face.
(She will blame Malia for that, she decides. The girl tries, but sometimes the claws and fangs are a little more publicly visible than they should be. With that kind of distraction attached, and recent enough in a few particular memories, Melissa could probably do whatever she wanted for the next week and no one would bat an eyelash.)
And the thing is, she’s gotten used to the not-knowing because she can’t make predictions about the biology of creatures she doesn’t understand. A decent working knowledge of werewolf medical care may be her life’s work if all of this keeps up – Melissa is under no delusions this phase of her life will be over when the kids leave for college, she knows how word gets out about safe people, and apparently Beacon Hills is a magnet for creatures so there is no way this ends anytime soon – but most of the time it's trial and error and misjudging metabolism and toxicities. This is different. This is very human and determined to fight her even when drugged to hell, which… is honestly a little more conflicting than it should be.
Blame the loneliness of her positions. Blame the fact that he’s reserved enough she’s not even sure what to call him, what level of formalities they’re working with here. Blame her involuntary dry spell and how long it’s been since someone on her level has fully appreciated how capable she is. She does not care anymore.
It's over, but she is still not letting that man out of her sight because she has heard enough stories not to trust his ability to rest when ordered to. She has a few admin tasks to do anyways, an attempt at electronically erasing the last day or so. It won’t be perfect, her little detours never are, but again the goal is just to avoid a major flag, if it looks like effort was made then she’ll be okay and-
Oh never mind, he’s awake. Next time, she thinks, next time she is finding a way to hook up better sedatives without doing anything she’d have to explain to anyone else. If this is her life for the rest of her life, she needs to find better workarounds.
“You’re still here,” he breathes. She did not realize his voice could get lower but apparently it can, and there are too many possible reasons for that and she worries and-
“Yep, because you won’t ignore me and go chasing whatever the hell attacked you if I don’t give you the chance,” she replies. She knows that’s where this ends – it has to be. Somehow the whatever-the-hell will end up connected to why she’s had to unlock a few doors in the past two weeks and cash in a favor with security, and things will go wrong for other people but not her because the bad things do not happen to her and-
“You don’t have to stay.”
Melissa turns and conjures up what she hopes is a good death glare. Fine, so their relationship so far has  mostly been of the we’re stuck in each other’s worlds so might as well coordinate attempts at surrogate parenting variety and that doesn’t leave a whole lot of space for actual bonding, whatever. The fact that this is where she feels underestimated? Not okay.
“Does any of this look like obligation?” she asks, gesturing around the room. She’s tried to keep the footprint minimal, but there are still a few monitors around in case something more mundane happens, still an IV in him in case of very human emergency. “I can’t… I don’t want to lose you.”
If the worst happened, she told herself while trying to improvise, she’d find a way. She always does. But in the midst of all of this she realized she doesn’t want to. The man may be a stubborn sacrificial idiot with communication issues, yes, but even while poisoned and not exactly mentally present he trusted her to pull off something that may or may not count as low-level magic. That’s a hell of a trust fall, and she…
She wonders. And now is not the time for that, but she wants.
“You’re not getting rid of me,” she says after a few moments’ quiet. “Not possible.”
Call it trust issues, call it loneliness, whatever. She is equally good, and she feels that now, as she moves closer. Her attempts at admin detouring will have to do as they are; right now she is preoccupied.
“You don’t… owe me,” he says, and the rest goes unspoken but she is pretty sure he’s mentally promised his life to her. He would.
“I don’t live in that kind of world. I take care of people. I’m good at it. And you needed me, and the kids knew that, and-“
“You shouldn’t have to-“
“I don’t. I want to.”
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Donald Pierce x Reader - “Donald Pierce Dating A Doctor Would Include...”
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A/N: Aaaah I lost the ask when I finished writing this, I’m pretty sure it was an anon? Anyway, I hope you enjoy!!
Warning: maybe implied smut, I don’t remember but it’s Donald Pierce, that’s the least you should expect from him lmao, also mention of blood, violence and gore.
■ You had met at the bar and immediately hit it off.
■ Instantly falling for his charms, you both really liked each other.
■ He had been a little uncomfortable the first time you were interested in knowing about his robotic arm.
■ But he easily became at ease and being amused by the twinkle of curiousness in your eyes as you touched and examined the device.
■ After the first few days going to coffee shops, bars, cinemas and theaters, he escorted you home and you started having dates at each other's houses.
■ A lot more kissing and doing the do ;)
■ It was going great together and he was absolutely supportive about your studies. Even willing to give you money when you needed it to pay for the fees to put your mind at ease.
■ He did something he doesn't regret but he will never tell you.
■ He asked your boss to at least state that he was giving you a raise to support your studies more, enough to cover it fully.
■ And Donald secretly paid for your studies.
■ He attended your graduation and he took you on a nice vacation.
■ Celebrating the new jobs you get.
■ However you became a little anxious when you started to doubt his job, things didn't add up and with the amount of money he was making, you were wondering if it was entirely legal.
■ I mean, he did have a robotic arm, was it really because he was in the military? That would be the only concrete excuse but...
■ You decided to confront him a few weeks into your job at the hospital when you managed to make free time.
■ Sitting down with him and asking him to come clean.
■ He confessed, extremely on edge and watching intently how you were responding to what he was saying.
■ You didn't know what to say to that, he killed people, could you forgive someone who was taking the gruesome way to help people in need?
■ After that you told him you needed some space.
■ It ate him up alive but he respected your choice.
■ You showed up at his place, a little cold towards him.
■ He didn't know what to say.
■ "Promise me you won't ever kill someone if you're not one hundred percent sure he's guilty." you murmured.
■ His eyes softened and offered you a tiny smile.
■ "I promise."
■ Slowly, you walked closer to him and hugged him tightly. He happily returned it.
■ You pulled away suddenly just enough to look up at his surprised and confused expression.
■ "And promise me you'll come straight to me, hospital or not so I can stitch up any injuries."
■ "Absolutely not, you could get fired or worse if I show up at the hospital." he shook his head stubbornly.
■ "I can prepare a spare room, you can just send me a message 20 minutes before."
■ "What if you're busy-"
■ "I'll find a workaround you stubborn tree! Just promise me!" you flicked his forehead.
■ "Okay, okay, I promise!" he lifted his arms up in surrender, mischief in his eyes before chuckling at how cute you are.
■ "Stop!" you warned.
■ "Will do." he cupped your cheeks and kissed you, finally, he was missing you painfully.
■ And so, his men stopped near the hospital and used the back door to get any injured inside so you could help the very few men that had decent knowledge in medicine.
■ Fortunately for you, he didn't get too many extremely serious injuries.
■ Only on two or three occasions did he get a bullet wound, but a slightly higher number of broken or fracgmtured bones.
■ It was mainly because he was more conscious of it afterwards. He could easily hide it from you before, somehow.
■ You took care of him regularly, cuddling him when you sticked him up. He adored it.
■ He wanted to do the same for you because of how much he loved it.
■ Even when you got a cold from overworking, he tried taking care of you but you threw him small facts to contradict what he was doing.
■ "Babe, I'm not going to take medication for a cold, I can just drink hot honey and lemon tea and rest. If I take medication now, it won't be as effective when I really need it-"
■ "But babyyyyy" he whines but he loves how smart and witty you can really be.
■ He finds this side of your relationship, albeit, sometimes bloody and maybe disturbing, extremely domestic and he somehow loves you even more for it.
■ Donald couldn't be happier.
■ You could just as much if you wouldn't worry as much when he goes off for a mission.
■ Slapping him about when he attempts to reassure you with a egotistical remark.
■ You love him though, you might just keep him around a little bit longer lol.
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