#like he wanted to be 100% sure that sasaki wanted him as a boy. that’s so important to me
dirtbra1n · 1 year
for the first time ever. in my dirtbrain ideas Guy capacity. I’m thinking about sasamiya. like this is a very stream of consciousness thing but like on paper miyano is the character I have the LEAST to say about WHICH ISN’T A DISS OBVIOUSLY. love that fudanshi. but also his immense gender is SO INTERESTING. (and a little why I have like. so many opinions about depictions of him. different conversation)
HES SO BOY. MIYANO YOSHIKAZU IS SO BOY AND HE LIKES BEING A BOY like down to his hands becoming more masculine in shape he paid so much attention to that and LIKED IT. SOOOO MUUUUCH and the slowburn development of the ssmy romance is one hundred percent because of miyano taking his time to. Okay yes consider sasaki’s feelings for him BUT WITHIN THAT figure out how he feels about being a boy in this romantic situation context with another boy It’s all about miyano deconstructing the foundations of his ideas of queer relationships as a boy who liked and LIKES bl stories Without the like. self aware queer lenses on because miyano LIKES BEING A BOY SOOOO MUCH. and he’d HATE it if outdated bl logic was applied to make him like. the “girl” in the relationship. he’d hate it. and it’s not like he wanted SASAKI to be the “girl” in the relationship because like. miyano doesn’t want a girl in this relationship. not that he doesn’t want girls period obviously etc etc I don’t feel I actually need to defend my point here but miyano is a boy with so much PRIDE in his being a boy. who doesn’t want to be seen as feminine because he’s a BOY and like there’s complicated juvenile nuances here I’m cutting for length (especially since this is all off the top of my head) and so it’s not like he’s going into thinking about sasaki in the Ew, we’re both BOYS… way because he’s going into it with this biiig fourth wall separation between the existence of BLisms and his like. Life. that he lives. like he’s going into it very clearly aware of the things sasaki was doing (flirting, mostly) (blatantly) but he was contextualizing it like Hey we’re both boys you know people are gonna get the wrong idea right. and I don’t know if it’s necessarily an internalized homophobia as it is just. having this big neon sign sitting in his brain that has been there for so FOREVER that he doesn’t like. look at or think about. so he’s not so much thinking about whether he’s LIKING the flirting and attention in that capacity as he is thinking about how it looks to other people. because miyano is so used to having the reader third person perspective he’s not all that plugged into what it’s like to actually BE IN IT the way he very evidently is.
like I feel like maybe my point is getting lost in translation but it’s just so IMPORTANT to me how miyano’s capital g Gender interacts with his fiction-programmed brain to recalibrate when the way he lives his life shifts to accommodate sasaki shuumei. AND HE IS THE CHARACTER I HAVE THE LEAST TO SAY ABOUT. still trying to articulate sasaki feelings in context with third year friendshipisms and different facets of one’s personality and the joy of Boys Life but. like. I don’t know tfw you’re ssmypilled. etc
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manofmanymons · 18 days
Anyway since it's pride month I wanna talk about Sasaki to Miyano again for a sec
I've never been a romance fan
Never read any bls or gls or watched het romcoms either in fact I've always been kind of a hater
But ssmy resonated with me SO hard in a way nothing else ever did
I love how Miyano goes from questioning whether he can like a boy if he liked a girl before to questioning what exactly the hell romantic love even is. The fact that the confusion isn't "but we're both boys" it's "wait but I've only ever liked a girl before does that not make me straight?" BECAUSE WHEN YOU'RE LIKE 16 YOU REALLY DO NOT KNOW. Obsessed with him realizing he definitely does love Sasaki but still not being 100% positive if it's the same way Sasaki loves him. Cuz you know what it's a LOT harder to tell the difference than most stories would have you believe, at least to me, so it's so nice seeing the confusion acknowledged and explored. Also him wanting to make sure he completely figured it out instead of impulsively acting on feelings he didn't understand yet because he refused to use Sasaki as just a test run is too cute 😭
I love that Sasaki has put 0 thought into wtf his sexuality even is and isn't sure if he's even gay bc he's never been attracted to anyone before, he just knows he's in love with Miyano. There's something very precious to me about him getting genuinely confused upon being asked if he's into guys even though he's literally in love with one. Is he gay is he bi is he pan, no one knows, least of all Sasaki, and that's okay because it literally does not matter.
Really just obsessed with Sasaki in general. Even though he loves Miyano, he is first and foremost his friend. Regardless of whether or not Miyano liked him back, he would still always be there for him. He was the first person to ever listen to and care about Miyano's interests, and he wasn't just faking it to win him over, he actually cared. He legitimately wanted to get to know him better and make him happy with no ulterior motive.
I love how much of the story is about their relationships with their friends and family and not only each other. They may be in love but they care deeply about plenty of other people too.
Actually insane about how much happier they both made each other even way before getting together. Miyano being so kind and fun to be around that he actually got Sasaki to enjoy going to school. Sasaki loving Miyano so strongly for who he is on the inside that it actually helped him overcome his self-consciousness about his appearance.
Both of them being so terrified of accidentally hurting the other and so determined to make each other happy 😭
Also shoutout to Masato "most of your friends are girls but you're not dating any of them but you're not gay either???" Hanzawa, absolute legend. Him having 0 interest of getting into a relationship of his own but always curiously sticking his nose into other people's romances is so real skskldd
It's also just really fucking funny. Everyone knows how important humor is in getting me to like something and my GOD is ssmy funny.
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yioh · 3 years
hii yura, i've been reading kieta hatsukoi and bloom into you recently and because you sometimes post manga stuff that looks interesting i wanted to ask if you could recommend some other lovely stories? :) also no pressure to answer this <3
oh yes i can definitely do that !! ill try and separate them by genres <3
romance :
sasaki to miyano - a school life romance between 2 boys, miyano who is obsessed with all things bl and sasaki who is 1 year older then miyano and is absolutely smitten by him,, they basically become friends and miyano ends up lending a ton of bl manga to sasaki and their entire relationship is miyano babbling on about whatever new bl he read and sasaki just being . heart eyes af :’) also it’s important to know that the author said they don’t regard this manga itself as a bl, it’s just a romance that happens to be between 2 boys,, you’ll understand why as u read it but dkdhdkdj it’s so adorable and cute and pretty and also has a fun cast !!!! ( also getting an anime in 2022) but i think the best part of this manga is miyano’s self discovery and him thinking about his own relationship w his interest in bl, it’s super super interesting …
run away with me girl - this is basically a romance about a girl called maki, she’s a phd student who has no idea what she wants to do w life and is enduring her nagging mother constantly telling her to get married, and then comes in her first love from her student days misaki !!! the dreamy and free misaki who always had both of them running off somewhere to go on adventures, only she’s now pregnant and apparently getting married soon? this is a story about a girl who wants to run away from the world and her lover who will hold her hand and take her all across the universe if that’s what she wants … the art is so so so spectacular you must must MUST read this, it takes u away into a whole other world ….
i hear the sunspot - this manga centres around taichi, a financially struggling student who’s constantly looking for part time work because he keeps getting fired for his fiery loud personality, and kouhei, another student who has a hearing disability. the way it shows the 2 of them falling in love so slowly but surely just feels so real ??? and believable ?? and it also talks so much on what having that disability entails and how it affects how u treat the world and how the world treats you in turn, it’s a very very interesting read !!!! also once again the art is … gorgeous
still sick! - this manga takes place in a company where shimizu, competent member of staff who is looked up to by all her juniors, has a secret hobby of being into gl manga,, and she ends up getting discovered by maekawa, her coworker.. maekawa ends up wiggling her way into shimizu’s life and they both have the cutest and chaotic relationship and they both have the most Beautiful impact on each others life, growth and self discovery ?? it’s a story about finding your way in life you could say, w load of comedy and romance <333
kieta hatsukoi - a school life story that revolves around aoki and his 3 friends !!! aoki basically has a crush on hashimoto (the girl who sits next to him) and finds out that She has a crush on iida, and then (yes there’s more djskdhdk) iida somehow misinterprets and finds out that aoki has a crush on iida himself 😭 now this might sound like a super tiring storyline but it’s the most beautiful love triangle ( if you can call it that even) i’ve ever seen and i enjoyed every single page of it, all the characters are SO endearing and the friendships are so wholesome and the comedy and art style is amazing … overall good vibes and will make u smile sm just please please trust me on this one chsndjxksm it’s so good ….
fantasy :
witch hat atelier - tbh i don’t know how to describe this story in a way that can encompass completely everything it is about, but it’s probably one of the, if not the, best story i’ve ever read :))) it takes place in a world where magic exists, magic that can be accessed through the art of drawing ! coco, due to unfortunate accidents, ends up becoming a magic apprentice of a man named qifrey along with 3 other girls and it’s a story that revolves around … learning, the morals and ethics of magic, what kind of magic is evil and what kind is good? it had lowkey made me cry on certain parts, not because of sadness but it just … made me think in a way i have never before?? it told me things i never knew i wanted to be told and yeah it jdhzkxjxjz also it has the most ENDEARING cast and i love them all and their dynamic together, not to mention the art ??? THE ART !!!! look it up because hdjdkxjsks BREATHTAKING …. it’s a story that has children characters and treats them exactly how children are meant to be treated :’) it will make u very nostalgic of ur childhood hxksndk
jujutsu kaisen - ok we’ve all heard of this one but ima put it in anyways bec imo the manga is suuuch an amazing read and it’s defo worth it even if you’ve seen the anime :’) gege’s sketchy art style is amazing and all the fight scenes are so cool and the way the story weaves together is just *chefs kiss* also has some very amazing and heartbreaking character arcs !!!!!
chainsaw man - i honestly don’t know what to say about this at all …. as in …. you should read it 100% but there is no way i could ever describe this manga other than, please read this in its entirety with no context i swear to god it’s a … uh…. experience 😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah in general it’s an action/fantasy manga and has some very complex storytelling !! :)
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
[TRANSLATION: anan No. 2231; 12.2020]
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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7 MEN 侍
Dignified and Bold
7 MEN 侍's long-awaited first appearance on anan. Experiencing a turbulent 2020, these 6 people are pursuing a new entertainment. Challenging the stage play 「DREAM BOYS」, looked closer at their real selves.
Nakamura Reia
I like to make each of my choices the correct answer.
I was originally a kid who skateboards wearing a cap over a long hair and loose jeans. That's why I didn't have interest in being an idol, rather, I thought that having a neat appearance was lame. But, when I unwillingly went to the audition, I was selected to be a member of Snow Prince choir so I couldn't quit...My awareness changed when I started working as Sexy Boyz with Kishi (Yuta) and Jinguji (Yuta). It was different from my lenient and care-free self, I am positive and had the desire to improve myself with my works, I really got motivated. During the time when Sexy Zone who is close to me also debuted, I am the only one who didn't feel impatient or frustrated, rather, I felt "yabai". Since then, I started to think to do my best to be an idol seriously.
I am happy that Johnny-san chose me to be the center of 7 MEN 侍, but I am not the type who pulls everyone, the other 5 members have better skills than I am, they are also reliable, and on the contrary, I am being supported by them. It's just that, only my mental strength is strong. I totally don't care about things like criticisms from the society. Something like it is better to say bad things about me rather than attacking the other members. Because more than those criticisms, the fans are telling me that they like me. Or rather, this toughness might be my unique talent (LOL).
Since I came to like acting because of「Koi no Yamai to Yarougumi」, I want to try playing NG guy who has an older girl as the partner kind of role like「Himemon」or 「Kimi wa Petto」.
Is becoming an idol my fate...? But after all, everything is from the choices that I made by myself. I decided to go to the audition, I was taught by Johnny-san about how wonderful to be an idol, and I've continued being an idol up to now. From now on too, I would like to make each of my choices the correct answer.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Before the live, with the meaning of "please look over us", I talk to the photo of Johnny-san that is placed in the backstage room, I also put my hands together. I am the type who is moderately nervous but I don't hate that feeling of being encouraged.
Motodaka Katsuki
It seems that the feeling of home when the 6 of us gathers is very valuable.
I started singing, dancing, and playing on stage when I entered Johnny's. But, being completely absorbed in an instant than being skillful is my strength. But, with the keyboard I am in-charge of, my experience playing the piano since I was 3 years old was put into use. At that time, I really didn't like playing the piano. It was like that but I got the sense of perfect pitch. I am thankful to my parents to let me, who hates playing piano, attend the class.
I am attending college now but during my high school, I got a lot of advices from Snow Man's Abe (Ryohei)-kun. Since I have been chasing him on his back for a long time, I have been encouraged on how he flapped big his wings as Snow Man. Honestly, 3 months before the first concert as 7 MEN 侍, I wanted to see the world from the different point of view so I planned to study abroad in New York. At that time, I once again tried to think about this job. And then, I realized that I grew to love this job. The good sides and the bad sides, as a human being evaluated directly, there's a sense of accomplishment in here. That's why, studying abroad became not necessary for me until I take a break from the work that I love.
This year, I had a lot of chances to be in quiz shows alone, and I thought "Is being not with the members this disheartening?"...To that extent, I can feel that the feeling of home when going back to 7 MEN 侍 is very important. The members often tease me, but since I am not a talkative and interesting type of person, I become happy too when I made them laugh when they tease me. But behind the scenes, the members are relying on me and I often receive personal consultations too. 7 MEN 侍 who is in the process of exploring it's form, now and from now on too, I want to support everyone. And in the year 2021, even if we encounter struggles, this may be the year where we can have a firm grip to make great strides!
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
This is just my own value but I don't believe in luck. Everything is result of my own decision and it is my own responsibility. I don't want to blame "luck", and I also don't want to think that what happened is thanks to "luck". Suppose there is luck, pulling that luck towards yourself is a great deal of effort.
Sugeta Rinne
An idol is a wonderful job that has the charm to inspire people's hearts.
When I was an elementary student, I went to Hey!Say!JUMP-san's live and when I saw a girl who is in front of Yamada (Ryosuke)-kun cry and laugh, I thought that an idol is a wonderful job that has the charm to inspire people's hearts. Rinne also wants to be like that so Rinne uploaded everyday in ISLAND TV during stay home. I had worries like, "Won't they get tired of me?" but it turned to "I am sure the fans are happy with this, right?"
Rinne's special skills are acrobatics and sports, and I was able to appear in shows like 「Honoo-no Taiiku-kai TV」や「SASUKE」. For me, I think a person who is athletic is cool, and since you will want to support a person who is working hard, from now one too, I want to appeal as a Johnny's who can do sports. It would be nice if I can also appear in 「Run for Money」this 2021.
The senior that I admired is Ueda Tatsuya-kun. There was a time during a race in 「Honoo-no Taiiku-kai TV」, I showed off to hype up the audience and my time got slower. During that time, I really got scolded by Ueda-kun saying, "You can't win like that." Since that was the first time I got scolded throughout my Johnny's life, I think a senior who can properly scold his juniors is cool.
In 2020, I got 1 million yen when I guested in 「Quiz! Only 1」, I think Rinne is a guy who can grab luck. Before, when the my previous unit was gone, it felt like I have lost my chance...Given that I thought of quitting Johnny's if I am not going to be put in a group until 2020, I am so glad that I went to talk directly to Johnny-san. Since I now have a group original song and individual job, I think this is really the time to give my all.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have a ritual that only you doTo have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Before the actual show, I watch videos of my senior's lives starting with Hey!Say!JUMP-san's. Since I think having a proper image of "idol" as " a work to make people happy", I can do a better performance.
Sasaki Taiko
The 6 of us, even though we are late bloomers, I believe that we can definitely bloom.
The one who opened my path to Johnny's is Takahashi Kaito-kun. I also sent my resume when I heard that Kaito-kun who I thought cool when I saw him in a dance contest. With that, now that I am working as the same Johnny's, this is an amazing fate! I talk about music with Sato Shori-kun who likes the same band as mine, and I also receive dishes that he makes. Kishi (Yuta)-kun who Shori-kun is good friend with, took me to a his favorite soba stall saying, "It's a delicious shop." Since then, I've been addicted to that shop too.
I have been practicing dancing and playing drums when I was a kid, but Johnny-san chose my drumming skills more. At first, even though I am very thankful to be able to show it, I have become greedier and greedier, and I honestly thought that "I can also dance"...But 3 months before Johnny-san passed away, I heard from Oriyama (Nao) of Shounen Ninja that Johnny-san said, "Sasaki is good at dancing too." From here, I want to say with confidence that I am also good at dancing that Johnny-san had recognized. After all, dancing is a must in Johnny's! In addition, while polishing thoroughly my singing and acting too, I want to reach for something extraordinary.
With 7 MEN 侍 changing the members twice, a self-conscious was born each time and I have come do develop mutual trust with them. Even if these 6 people bump into a big wall, if these 6 people are together, they will be able to cross over it, they are probably late bloomers but I believe they can be successful and well known. (T/N: lit. 花を咲かせられる (flower can bloom; it is like an "idiomatic expression" for becoming successful and well known) In 2021, if possible, I want to do a live where 100% of the audience can go. It is going to be a live where they can think "I am glad I am supporting 7 MEN 侍." I'll cry if that happens (LOL).
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
I do things as I please like how I kissed Hamada Masatoshi-san of Downtown in a variety show, but I am really very nervous...Before the show, I am the type who right the character "人" 3 times on my palm, I do it seriously (LOL).
Konno Taiki
I think I could grab the chance because I was able to meet Johnny-san.
I like Kimura Takuya-san since I was 3 years old, and thinking that I want to be like him, I sent my resume to the agency. In year 2020, when I was able to go and see Kimura-san's tour, I told him those feelings, he said, "Let's take a photo together." I thought that a star is different after all.
From the start, even before joining Johnny's, with singing as my strong point, I love singing in front of people. I often sing Misora Hibari-san's 「Kawa No Nagare No Youni」. But when I hit the puberty, I came to hate my own voice. I stopped singing for a while but during my 4th year in Johnny's, when I casually hummed to Kinki Kids'san's 「Anniversary」near Johnny-san, he praised me saying, "You're good in singing!" More than anything else, I am glad that Johnny-san who loved me like a parent recognized my singing which is something that I am trying to make as my strong point. From that moment, I worked hard because I wanted to be praised by Johnny-san, but when he passed away, it felt like I have lost my aim. But for Johnny-san, he hates negative remarks the most. That's why it is not the time to feel down, aiming seriously for this group to debut, I feel like that timing completely changed my awareness towards work. I think I could grab the chance because I was able to meet Johnny-san after all. If that didn't happen, no doubt I am not here now.
2020 is the year where I got to experience a lot of things for the first time. Especially with the stage play 「The Happy Prince」, I was able to feel the enjoyment of plays. I think it would be nice if I can challenge campus love story in a drama or movie this 2021.
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
When I want to calm down, I use a perfume that has a sweet vanilla scent. Since「The Happy Prince」is my first stage play, I was very nervous. When I used this perfume during that time too, it was able to relieve my nervousness.
Yabana Rei
A performance that will also remain to the memories of those who are not knowledgeable about music.
I took the audition 4 times. For the details, you can try watching the episode where I talked about it in YouTube channel (LOL). Even if I passed the document screening but I couldn't go to the practice, I will repeat the cycle of going through audition again. If ever I continued [being a Jr.] during my first audition, I might be dancing and I might not had been able to make an appeal with musical instruments as my special skill during the band boom of Johnny-san. I am being told, "You're not Johnny's-like" because I say that I am better in playing instruments than dancing. It's just that, if I didn't enter Johnny's, I won't be playing instruments until now. So I can say that it feels like a wonderful destiny to be playing instruments as 7 MEN 侍.
Other than the bass that I am in-charged of playing, I also play guitar and harmonica. The first instrument I started with was drums and I got very hooked with 「Taiko no Tatsujin」(LOL). If you play different things, you will pick up the characteristics of each sound and you will be able to make songs too. I also want learn about the theories so I am attending college of music. I am a complete geek as regards to music (LOL). Me going on a rampage on stage is the result of me thinking on how I can show 7 MEN 侍's style. In the letters from the fans, letters with "you are cool playing the guitar" is not few even though I am playing the bass. Since there was a time when I also don't know clearly the difference between the guitar and the bass, so I can understand that feeling. That's why I want to do a performance that will remain to the memories of anyone.
With the aim "to be not less than what I am now" for next year, I want to be able to do more work than I did for this year. ...by the way, this is not a prank, right? I am very overwhelmed lately and I still can't believe that I am having an interview for anan (LOL).
Q. To have the luck on your side, do you have your own ritual?
Going to this certain shrine. Since I visited there alone during New Year, we had talk about changing the instruments we play and I have luck on my side. I like that it is quiet there even though it is located within the city, when I found that shrine, I prayed to the god of works.
To Nakamura
To stand as the face of the group, you stand as the center of the group. His personality is my pace and gentle-mannered. Since you are not the "follow me!" type, that's why I think the members with strong personalities are also kept in place. Because I get stiff in front of seniors, Reia's sense of "being loved by everyone" is really nice. Even though you have the longest history in agency in the group, you are not prideful at all, Reia who can understand the things he can't do and who can rely to others is amazing. (Motodaka)
To Motodaka
Our overwhelmingly highly educated member. And yet, you are not annoying because you are a cute guy who is an overeater and carelessly says foolish things like "therefore!?" (LOL) Before the group was formed, you are a companion who I find easy to talk with, but you see me as a senior, right? The way you call me too was "Reia-kun". But I am happy that you interact with me on equal terms lately. (Nakamura)
To Yabana
Banasan is seen as someone reliable, and among the fans, I think they see him as peculiar, funny, and has a lively image. But unexpectedly, he has a delicate side too, and he is fairly a considerate person.He is really a very nice person that sometimes he looks pitiful. Well, I also usually tease Yabana (LOL). That's why, everyone too, please take good care of Yabana more! (Konno)
To Konno
He doesn't seem elusive at first glance, but I think he is stubborn. Konpi definitely won't cross the line he can't compromise with. And, he hates lounging around doing nothing. When work is done, he will be the first person who will say "I'm going home." At the start of 2020, when we changed the atmosphere of our band, I was struggling with the hook part's harmony, but Konpi can properly play the sound. I am super jealous of his talent! (Yabana)
To Sasaki
Among the members, he has the biggest gap. Despite being called as "mad dog", he still makes weird faces and also jokes around doing things that are not Johnny's-like. Since he is a youngest child, he might also have an impression of being a brat and naughty. But in lives, he shows a sparking cool dance, and he has a excellent style too. Since his range is really amazing, I hope you can enjoy his both sides! (Sugeta)
To Sugeta
You have the cuteness like an idol. Especially you like Yamada-kun, you have Hey!Say!JUMP's DVD and there was a time when we enjoyed watching it together. Also, your muscle is amazing, you are really healthy (LOL). But in reality, you are the type who will be silent when you get mad so I will ask Reia, "Why is he mad? Did I do something?" (LOL) Thinking of the members, I think the member who likes 7 MEN 侍 the most is Rinne! Since you always listens to our original songs. (Sasaki)
Cross Talk
Motodaka: anan is the magazine that my mother often buys. Thus, I am happy to be able to appear in anan! At home, I am always being asked, "Are you going to work today?", but this morning I said, "No, it's not for work" (lit. it's different). I want to make it a surprise [for my mom] once this issue is released.
Yabana: It would be funny if she didn't notice it even if it is already released~!
Nakamura: Even when they have the magazine at home LOL.
What is the history of your group name?
Sugeta: At the time we got the group name, I was doing activities with another 7 people. Rinne and Reia went to Johhny-san asking "we want a group name." And then, Johnny-san told us "I understand, I will think about it."
Nakamura: And then we thought that day was already over.
Sugeta: 5 minutes later, we got called "Samura~i!"
Nakamura: I thought, "Who is he calling Samurai!?" but when I looked around, it is only us who were there.
Sugeta: When the 2 of us went to Johnny-san, he asked us, "Do you know Kurosawa Akira's 「Shichinin no Samurai」?" Then, when we answered, "We know that film," he told us, "Then, how about being called 7 MEN 侍 from now on?" Each of the samurai who appeared in the movie are properly...like this...
Konno: Having strong personalities and skills.
Sugeta: Yeah
Konno: I am grateful that 7 people like that (having strong personalities and skills) were gathered.
Have you seen the movie?
All: ...(Only Nakamura-san raised his hand)
Nakamura: Wait a minute!
Sasaki: Everyone has not seen the movie except for Reia LOL.
Nakamura: It is the origin of our group name so let's watch it~!!
Yabana: Gerin-san (Sugeta) lying to Johnny-san saying "I know the film" is the worst LOL.
Nakamura: It is a wonderful film and you will learn something from it so please watch it!
What is 7 MEN 侍's strength?
Motodaka: Our difference from the other groups is that [playing a] "band" is our strength. As idols, we don't only play as a band but we can also show our dance.
Sasaki: Yeah, having both band and dance as "weapons" is huge, isn't it?
Motodaka: Yeah, since our first original song 「samudama」 is a band song, and our second original song 「Siren」 is a dance song.
Konno: When our next song was thought to be a band song too, our next song came out as a cool dance song.
Nakamura: With this, our third song became something incalculable. From now on too, I want for the fans to look forward to what our new song is each time we announce our new song.
Within the group, who is the member who has the element of "samurai" the most?
Konno: It's either me or Yabana, right?
Sugeta: Is it about the appearance?
Konno: In the sense of sticking with the will.
Yabana: Don't say that yourself!
In Yabana-san's solo interview, he described Konno-san exactly the same way you with what you (Konno) have said...
Konnp: Is that so? Then I shouldn't have said it. Please tell me properly about it. This is embarrassing!
Motodaka: Konpi dragged Yabana with guarantee LOL. For Yabana, getting dragged is just a trouble.
Yabana: Don't drag me into it~!
Nakamura: LOL. I love kanji, I wonder if that is samurai-like. I also play Sengoku. But, if we talk about the body, then isn't Rinne the one who is samurai-like?
Sugeta: Rinne thinks that more than being a samurai, I am more like a ninja.
Yabana: What is that? A self-awareness of a secret mystery from your heart LOL.
Nakamura: Of course we are idols, but I think it is also good to show the manly side of us exclusively during our band performances.
Yabana: We will go on a rampage like Sakamoto Ryouma who tried to change Japan!
Sasaki: For me, changing...or rather it's more like I want to create a new path.
Konno: Defying the public belief.
Yabana: The awareness that we don't want to go with the typical type is something we all have in common, right?
Motodaka: All 6 of us have different personalities but we that the same awareness.
Konno: We don't want to pretend to be someone else.
Sasaki: It's a subjective image but I think protecting a girl is an element of a samurai. It is gonna be a cheesy talk but I want to be an idol who can protect the fans.
Motodaka: You just said something really good! But, what would be the good thing to do to protect the fans?
Sasaki: I think making them happy.
Sugeta: By making our fans happy, as a result, we are able to protect them!
Motodaka: We are saying good things today, aren't we?
Nakamura: With what said earlier , it doesn't feel like you worked LOL.
Currently, you are in the middle of practice for the stage play 「DREAM BOYS」.
Konno: I watched the DREAM BOYS 2019 where Reia and Taiko appeared, and since I thought I wanted to appear on it again, I am so happy to be able to appear on DREAM BOYS again.
Sugeta: Since there is already a vision in Domoto Koichi-san who is directing the play, I am looking forward to recieving direction and guidance even before the practice.
Sasaki: Reia will stand in front of the audience after a while, right?
Nakamura: Yeah. I currently have a feeling like I am seeing the person I love after a while that my heart is throbbing.
ALL: OH~!!
Sasaki: Rinne made a face that he doesn't want to lose [to Reia] after hearing Reia's comment LOL.
Nakamura: Probably, this comment will be used by Rinne on a different interview, right? LOL.
What is the charm of 「DREAM BOYS」?
Sugeta: The burning passion of two men towards boxing is its charm after all, right?
Nakamura: Yeah. The feelings are delivered in a straight manner.
Motodaka: It is a story that firmly depicts humans and their relationships with each other.
Sasaki: Youth! It has the entertainment that is unique to Johnny's so you won't get tired of watching it. Oh, which minds me, as soon as the practice started, Kishi (Yuta)-kun asked, "Is Yabana not around today?"
Yabana: He told me "teach me how to play the guitar please." It is an honor to be needed by a senior.
Sasaki: But (Iwasaki) Taisho is a strong opponent. It looks difficult to keep up with him LOL.
Yabana: Taisho mistook me for a nourishment or something and my energy gets absorbed.
Konno: It looks like Yabana has no time to rest LOL.
By the way, 7 MEN 侍 still does not have a leader, right?
Sugeta: *raised actively his hand alone*
ALL: *roar of laughter*
Sasaki: If our leader is like Rinne, 7 MEN 侍 is seriously over LOL. This is different from asking in in the werewolf game on who is the fortune teller and you will say, "I am."
Yabana: I think it is his win because he said it first LOL.
Konno: Announcing it during the anan round-table discussion which is a big occasion LOL.
Yabana: Doesn't it feel like the same thing for the MC part in YouTube channel...?
Nakamura: When Rinne realized that being the MC is not that great...
Sugeta: Well, whatever!
Sasaki: Since he stopped doing the MC, he wanted to have punishment games so that he would be shown in the camera even just for a little LOL.
Sugeta: In the filming recently, Rinne is always beside Yabana, right?
Motodaka: Don't tell me that's because if you are standing next to the MC, you will be in the camera too...?
Sugeta: Yup. I revealed this for the first time now.
Konno: In a sense, you are a genius LOL.
16 notes · View notes
novelelitist · 4 years
Custom Event: Chaldea (Boys) Idol! World Tour
Also available on AO3. (Where it’s far easier on the eyes, IMO.)
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“I never expected that a career in performing arts could be so demanding, though I’m not sure it would have been any better in my era. The ‘stans’ remind me of zealots. I wonder when they’re going to realize that I’m a human with flaws, like them. There are those that would put others on a pedestal only to tear them down when even the slightest action–”
“Do you ever stop being melodramatic, pretty-boy?”
“Is that really necessary, Mr. Hyde?”
"Hyde does have a point, ya know. You guys should worry about your king more often. He’s gonna run himself ragged eventually. There are movies all about stars like him that overwork until they go nuts.”
"Interesting as your conversation is, we have a real matter to deal with right now, so if you could shut up and tell me what you want on your pizza that would be great.”
There are so many Servants that would’ve been better suited for this. Maybe they’d even enjoy it. Egh… Sorry, Master. This isn’t the worst time I’ve ever had, but I can’t say much for your taste in entertainment. … Don’t give me that look, kid. I’m still gonna help out. Just making sure we’re on the same page.
I’d be much happier on a couch with one of those small metal mouth-thingies. What do you call them? … Nah, not the kazoo. I think it’s the harmonica? Yeah. That’s the one. … No thanks, Master. I don’t want a kazoo. Stop making that face. You look like a puppy. Aaaaaghhh. I’m too old for your shit.
- Hektor
Chaldea (Boys) Idol! World Tour is the first (and only) officially-licensed Chaldea concert tour, and you get to be in charge of it!
Arthur Pendragon as Star Of Camelot
Demon King Nobunaga as Oda Kippoushi of A-TSU-MO-RI
Hyde as Lead Vocals and Lead Guitar of Noisy Obsession
Fionn as Stereotypical Pretty Boy of Backspear Boys
Hektor as Barely-Willing Participant of Non-Musical Gang Outrage
Supporting Cast:
Camelot Productions Collaboration
Lancelot (Knight Of The Round)
Gawain (Knight Of The Round)
Tristan (Knight Of The Round)
Bedivere (Knight Of The Round)
Merlin (Star Of Camelot)
A-TSU-MO-RI (+Story)
Mori Nagayoshi (A-TSU-MO-RI)
Okada Izō (A-TSU-MO-RI)
Hans Christian Andersen
Noisy Obsession (+Story)
Arash (Noisy Obsession)
Astolfo (Noisy Obsession)
Charles-Henri Sanson
Dragon Busters (+Story)
Siegfried (Dragon Busters)
Sasaki Kojiro (Dragon Busters)
William Shakespeare
Backspear Boys (+Story)
Cu Chulainn (Backspear Boys)
Diarmuid (Backspear Boys)
Enkidu (Backspear Boys)
Karna (Backspear Boys)
Cu Chulainn Alter (Outrage)
Rama (Outrage)
Billy The Kid (Outrage)
*NEW* Special Event Bonuses
Event stars participating in the world tour offer powerful event bonuses!
Members of the idol groups participating in the world tour offer event bonuses!
Suffer Buddy (+100% Damage Bonus, +50% Bond Bonus)
Stars (+50% Damage Bonus, +20% Bond Bonus)
Arthur Pendragon
Demon King Nobunaga
Jekyll & Hyde
Fionn mac Cumhaill
Idols (+30% Damage Bonus)
Knights Of The Round
Star Of Camelot
Noisy Obsession
Dragon Busters
Backspear Boys
Kouhai (+50% Damage Bonus, +5% Bond Bonus To Allies)
Mash Kyrielight
*NEW* Event-Limited Items
5☆ The Way You Want It Craft Essence:
Effect: Ignores Invincibility. Saber damage +35%. [Event Only: +100% Damage. Grants class advantage against Sabers.]
Lore: Do not judge a lancer by their ability to use a boom as a weapon–some of them know that it’s recording equipment, as opposed to a spear. A candid outtake from the first recording session of the Backspear Boys’s debut music video. They seem less like Servants and more like superstars…until one of them opens their mouth to catch food, and suddenly the sparkling facade is no longer. Perhaps Servants and superstars are still like the rest of us, but with disposable income and legions of screaming fans. 
Jekyll And Hyde “Sharp Edges” Costume: Featuring Noisy Obsession front-man Hyde in his favorite on-stage ensemble–all black, with unnecessary zippers. Ensemble from CBC2016. (Cover Image As An Example)
Okada Izō “Emcee Vinyl Scratch” Costume: Featuring a futuristic, hip-hop inspired Okada Izō using a microphone stand in favor of his usual katana. Complete with Beats By Dre. Ensemble from CBC2020. (Example)
Demon King Nobunaga “Give Me A Beat(down)” Costume: Featuring Oda Kippoushi in his favorite performance wear, ready to kick ass and take names. Ensemble from CBC2020. (Example)
Hektor “Kids These Days” Costume: Someone pierced Hektor’s ears and replaced his cigarette with a cigar. He’s hiding his shame behind his new Gucci shades.
Sasaki Kojiro “Serpent Or Swallow?” Costume: Has Sasaki always had the horns and tail of a dragon, or are those just for the tour? …Are they real?
Fionn mac Cumhaill "Forever The Sickest” Costume: Which is more surprising–Fionn’s new ‘modern’ hairstyle, or the fact that he let someone do this to him?
3☆ “Applause” Command Code: 
Effect: Removes one debuff and recovers 100 HP to a random party member when attacking with the engraved card.
Lore: The warmth shared between songs in an idol’s set. Supporting one’s bias will never go out of style. Kira-kira~
4☆ “Shot To The Heart” Command Code:
Effect: Inflicts Burn with 300 damage for 3 turns to each enemy after attacking with the engraved card.
Lore: An Archer in a shredded suit sets himself ablaze during his solo, then disappears for the next few songs. He returns with his hair and clothing in disarray and burn marks on his face. His smile is bright against his crispy cheeks. He has illuminated the world.
5☆ “Pass The Mic” Command Code:
Effect: Increases damage against Saber enemies by 20% of the engraved card. Increases damage to Riding enemies by 10% of the engraved card.
Lore: Two knights share an unbreakable bond of brotherhood, forged amidst shared secrets and sins. This is NOT to be taken as suggestive. They will throw all stans overboard from their respective ships.
Event & Story Structure
Chaldea (Boys) Idol! World Tour lets Chaldea’s Master navigate work behind the scenes with each of the groups on tour. The player completes story quests to earn Saint Quartz and limited revivals of Chaldea Boys Collection Craft Essences from past years. Number of nodes per section will vary. 
The event story is structured as follows:
Idol Training Boot Camp (Sect. 1)
Story: Through all of Ritsuka’s adventures in saving humanity, they didn’t put much thought into the circumstances under which they would need saving. The day has finally come, but there is no escape hatch for the protagonist this time. They are forced to become the ultimate Ideal Idol Tour Manager for Chaldea’s boy bands. Hektor was in the wrong place at the right time to make fun of Ritsuka’s predicament, only to be dragged into it himself as Ritsuka’s right-hand man. Neither has any idea what they’re doing. That’s showbiz! Fake it until you make it, right?
Reward: VIP World Tour Exchange Ticket
Dragon Busters (Sect. 2) 
Story: Siegfried and Sasaki are a mismatched pair if there ever was one. Neither fits the mold of an idol, but somehow they seem to have fun performing together. Ritsuka and Hektor put their Idol Training Boot Camp skills into practice with the aid of commentary from two of Siegfried’s biggest fans. 
Reward: *RETURN* 3☆ Prince of Slayer Craft Essence 
Noisy Obsession (Sect. 3-4)
Story: The trio of Hyde, Arash, and Astolfo felt like it was doomed from the start (at least for them, it did). Years after they cracked drunken jokes starting a band together, they finally have the opportunity to perform in front of a real, live crowd! (Not to be confused with a fake, Singularity-bound crowd. They have plenty of experience with the collateral damage associated with those.) Ritsuka and Hektor are tasked with the impossible–to create the ultimate pyrotechnics display using Arash as the focal point! 
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: *RETURN* 4☆ Noisy Obsession Craft Essence
A-TSU-MO-RI (Sect. 5-7)
Story: The loss of the Guda Guda events left Nobunaga stranded, desperate for a new opportunity to get funky fresh outside of canon. To combat this, Maou Nobu presents as Oda Kippushi and unites with Okada Izō and Mori Nagayoshi to perform as–wait for it–a hip-hop group specializing in multi-genre music that wouldn’t sound out of place on an early-2000s Linkin Park album. They even make the YUNGBLOOD-MGK collaboration look weak with how hard they go. And their lyrics? How can such a group come up with such sick bars? Ritsuka and Hektor do the math, and something doesn’t add up… 
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: *RETURN* 3☆ Superb Turbulent Times Craft Essence
Knight Of The Round (Sect. 8-9) 
Story: On their first full-fledged tour, the KOTR learn about the horrors of stan culture when they are unwillingly exposed to Gawain x Lancelot fan-art, cams, edits, and fiction. The group tries, and fails, to maintain normality while Bedivere and Tristan pick up the fragments of the other guys’ fractured dignity. That is, until they find people doing the same for their king and his wizard and demand Ritsuka do something about it! 
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: Saint Quartz
Star Of Camelot (Sect 10)
Story: Arthur is no stranger to putting on a face for the public. He’s thrilled that he finally has the opportunity to perform on stage again. To nobody’s surprise he still overworks himself, to the dismay of his multi-talented co-writer/producer/choreographer/life coach. While trying to relax, the two happen upon the same Arthur x Merlin fan-works that the KOTR were trying to hide. Ritsuka and Hektor perform damage control. 
Reward: Saint Quartz
OUTRAGE (Sect. 11-12)
Story: Hektor’s time runs out as Outrage finally catches up to him. Knowing that he can’t yet repay the debt he’s run on the gang’s tab, he confesses to Ritsuka that he hates this stupid tour, hatesidol culture, and hates that he’s going to be speared-through by Outrage’s leader. Ritsuka battles Outrage for Hektor’s freedom from his debts.  
Reward: VIP World Tour Exchange Ticket 
Reward: *NEW* 5☆ The Way You Want It Craft Essence
Backspear Boys (Sect. 13-15)
Story: Five lancers watch suffering unfold as Ritsuka and Hektor fight to make last minute preparations for the nearing debut Chaldea (Boys) Idol! Concert. While they chat over food, Finn McCool, Deermood, Cool Cullen, Je Suis Karnanana, and Clay find themselves making music together with objects lying around on the table. They’re surprised by how well they “vibe” together as a group and decide to see if their knowledge of modern technology spreads to musical instruments. Turns out, it does! And with that, the Backspear Boys are born amidst bickering over who plays what (Diarmuid refuses to take ‘lead’ anything) and how they should prevent Enkidu from consuming the expensive studio equipment for fun. They agree to help out Ritsuka and Hektor with the other performers during their sets at the debut live show. As thanks, the other music groups join together to help the Backspear Boys start their career as a bangin’ boy band. Everyone uses the word “vibe” an uncomfortable amount of times near the end. It gets weird.
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: Saint Quartz 
Reward: Holy Grail
Epilogue (Sect. 16) 
Story: Ritsuka and Hektor finally get to take a break. They both stop running around for a second and realize that they’ve gotten everything done, and that somehow, some way, they made it work. Hektor opens up about his insecurities regarding his past failures, admitting that along this journey he expected Ritsuka to be disappointed in his lack of interest or expertise in this event. He gets all vulnerable about the different shit he had to figure out on the fly with Ritsuka during this chaos, and how uncomfortable it made him. (CG.1) He’s grateful for the opportunity he’s had to learn from Ritsuka and grow alongside them. Like a proud dad/uncle/mentor, he tells Ritsuka how happy it made him to see their hard work pay off. He goes on a tangent about how cool some of the stuff they got to do was, then rants about how much he hated every second of it. (CG.2) Ritsuka compliments him in return, and they share a quiet moment of mutual understanding. Hektor is about to say something, but the other Outrage non-musical-gang members show up to berate the shit out of him… Only to transition to complimenting him themselves, and asking if he has any interest in managing more projects for their non-musical-gang. Hektor’s response is a firm, but amicable, “Hell no.” 
CG Get: Ritsuka and Hektor dressed in their professional garb, collapsed on an illuminated stage. Ritsuka spread out like a snow angel, Hektor with his arms folded behind his head and knees bent. The lights and colors cast a glow on them. 
Variant 1: Both exhaling, exhausted, eyes closed. 
Variant 2: Sheepish/embarrassed Hektor, cheeky idiot Ritsuka.
Reward: Saint Quartz
Side Stories + Challenge Quests
Side Story A: Unlocks after completing Noisy Obsession.
Story: An intimate look on how the split personas of Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde communicate with each other, and the world. How do two separate identities reconcile to make music? Perhaps they influence each other more than either would like to admit… 
Reward: Jekyll And Hyde “The Sharpest Edges” Costume
Side Story B: Unlocks after completing A-TSU-MO-RI.
Story: Okada Izō’s ability to mimic swordplay translates into his wordplay, where he can pick up any line another guy drops. It’s totally like him to try to get by on his talent alone. Can he ever be persuaded to pursue more than what he’s capable of today? 
Reward: Okada Izō “Emcee Vinyl Scratch” Costume
Side Story C: Unlocks after completing OUTRAGE.
Story: Oda Nobunaga, Maou Nobunaga, and Oda Kippoushi are different people, okay?! But they’re also definitely the same person and deserve the same respect. They’re all equally important, and they’re all here to rock the fuck out, for better or worse! 
Reward: Demon King Nobunaga “Give Me A Beat(down)” Costume
Challenge Quest: Crystallized Lore CQ 
Challenge Quest: Bronze Event Currency CQ 
Challenge Quest: Silver Event Currency CQ 
Challenge Quest: Gold Event Currency CQ 
Challenge Quest: 4☆ Fou Atk CQ 
Challenge Quest: 4☆ Fou HP CQ
Notable Event Shop Rewards
There are two event shops: the bronze/silver/gold currency event shop that players can farm to purchase rewards from, and a World Tour Exchange Ticket shop. World Tour Exchange Tickets can only be used once the player has completed Section 12. 
Bronze World Tour Exchange Tickets
3☆ Chaldea Boys Collection Craft Essences from past years available through Bronze World Tour Exchange Tickets. 5 Bronze World Tour Exchange Tickets are available for 200 bronze currency per copy.
Silver World Tour Exchange Tickets
4☆ Chaldea Boys Collection Craft Essences from past years available through Silver World Tour Exchange Tickets. 3 Silver World Tour Exchange Tickets are available for 200 silver currency per copy.
VIP World Tour Exchange Ticket
5☆ Chaldea Boys collection Craft Essences from past years available through VIP World Tour Exchange Tickets. 1 VIP World Tour Exchange Ticket is available for 200 gold currency per copy.
5☆ The Way You Want It Craft Essence
Four copies of 5☆ The Way You Want It Craft Essence available: 200 bronze currency, 200 silver currency, and two copies at 200 gold currency.
3☆ “Applause” Command Code: Bronze Currency 
4☆ “Pass The Mic” Command Code: Silver Currency 
5☆ “Shot To The Heart” Command Code: Gold Currency 
Hektor “Kids These Days” Costume Dress Token 
Sasaki Kojiro “Serpent Or Swallow?” Costume Dress Token 
Fionn mac Cumhaill “Forever The Sickest” Costume Dress Token
Random Details
The idol-themed event that Fate/Grand Order neither wants nor needs, but it provides the opportunity to get old Chaldea Boys Collection Craft Essences and that’s more than enough reason to play it. Inspired by the idol-themed Chaldea Boys Collection Craft Essences. There are other music-themed CBC Craft Essences, but they unfortunately didn’t fit thematically with this concept. Instead, there are references to those ideas through the side characters in the event.
“The Way You Want It” is a reference to the Backstreet Boys song “I Want It That Way.”
The Way You Want It is designed to encourage the player to use non-Archer Servants to defeat Saber-class enemies, specifically in the Advanced+ battles and Challenge Quests. Outside of this event, its closest Craft Essence counterpart is probably Infant of Atlas. Invincibility and Sabers aren’t the most common combination. It’s not a “good” CE but it’s definitely a fun one for the purposes of this exact event. Worth MLBing? Maybe not. But if you MLB it and it grants Sure Hit that’d be pretty cool.
The first single the Backspear Boys release is probably another play on a Backstreet Boys song.
Enkidu messes around with expensive studio equipment unless specifically instructed otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to, eating multi-thousand-dollar microphones and using cables as rope to tie up suspicious individuals.
The suspicious individuals above are underpaid employees Enkidu hasn’t been introduced to yet.
One of the Challenge Quests is vs. a way-over-tuned Gawain and Lancelot. Assume they’re blaming you for the fanfiction of them spreading. Or for perpetuating it by participating in fandom. 
Gawain says, “On God, that’s the tea, sis.”
“Shot To The Heart” is a reference to “You Give Love A Bad Name” by Bon Jovi, and the fact Arash fucking dies when he uses his Noble Phantasm. 
Sieg is Siegfried’s biggest fan. His Tweeter feed is full of Siegfried propaganda. Astolfo is jealous, but jealousy isn’t a good look so he doesn’t say anything about it. (Siegfried already knows anyway.)
Sanson is brought in by Ritsuka to work with Noisy Obsession per Astolfo’s recommendation. Astolfo and Sanson are both in the choir trio Angel Breath with Sieg.
Hans Christian Andersen does not write the lines for members of A-TSU-MO-RI, but he helps “train” the angry boys on their vocabulary and spoken word style. They regularly bring in “that little blue dude” to have rap battles. They refuse to share their alcohol as he looks like a child. Shakespeare later laughs at him about it.
“Serpent Or Swallow?” is a reference to Sasaki Kojiro’s Swallow Reversal technique that acknowledges the fact he somehow gets dragon horns and a tail for a costume. Also more grown-up wordplay on the age-old question of “spit or swallow?”
“Forever The Sickest” is a reference to the band Forever The Sickest Kids, and is a dated reference to suggest that the hairstyle Fionn was given by the “celebrity” stylist for his costume was as dated as the reference is. 
Originally Arash was going to receive a Costume based on his Noisy Obsession outfit instead of Hyde, but he got a Command Code instead.
The “Stars” of the event are the frontmen of each group. The frontmen of each group play roles throughout the entire event story that I was too lazy to explain in the brief section summaries here. (If there’s interest I’ll go into detail about the storyline, battles, and Servant interactions at a later date.)
Hektor was chosen as the buddy cop for this event on a whim, initially with the intention of him acting as a foil for the event’s environment. He was going to be pretty miserable through most of it, and while he is still not happy with his circumstances, the narrative arc that he takes through the event would leave him emotionally satisfied, even if he did have a shit time working. Honestly they can’t pay him enough for this shit. The more thought I put into Hektor as the partner for this event, the more the subplot of “him avoiding Outrage” developed, and the more intertwined I saw the varying groups’ stories as being.
This event has two main subplots that follow from start-to-finish outside of the individual groups’ stories. One is “Hektor accidentally got himself up shit creek with Outrage and now they’re going to kick his ass.” The other is parallel, and is “a mysterious non-musical-group is parading around with our troupe trying to get information from us about Ritsuka and Hektor’s whereabouts so we have to steer them the wrong way or maybe kick their ass.”
Story supports have the potential to be a ton of fun in this event, because there are so many different characters that you’re just gonna be stuck with. 
For “boss” fights in each groups’ sections of the story, the only available Servants would be Servants within that idol group. Story supports available would be from that same idol group.  
As an example, during the Dragon Busters “boss” fight, only Siegfried or Sasaki would be usable. Both would be available as story supports. The fights would be tuned for these incidental solo/duo situations, since they’d be so common. 
As another example, during the Knights Of The Round “boss” fight, the only available Servants are Lancelot, Gawain, Tristan, and Bedivere. Each would also be available as a story support. 
Another thing to consider is that completing Section 12 gives the player the first copy of The Way You Want It, so fights in Sections 13-16 have the potential to play on that. Imagine all the fun comps you can play using Lancers Only for like 4 whole sections? 
There is, in fact, at least one fight against the KOTR and one against Star Of Camelot. Plus the Backspear Boys are the “culmination” of the hard work that Ritsuka and Hektor put in, so it only makes sense to reward that hard work by letting Lancers smack Sabers in–if only for this event. There are a total of 6 Saber-class Servants in this event (7 if you count Astolfo being able to be summoned as a Saber, 9 if you consider that Okada and Sasaki are both skilled swordsmen that aren’t of the Saber class). 
This is the culmination of over 10 hours of research, planning, writing, and organizing. It took longer than my Britannia vs. Roma Singularity concept. Was it worth it? No, probably not. It’s obviously neither perfect nor complete and it’s really just an extended shitpost, so you’re the one who wasted their time, aren’t you?
I could go into so much more detail about every part of this from a game design and narrative perspective but like I already went hard on what was supposed to be a shitpost and wasted a bunch of my life on it so I guess I played myself.
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Welcome back! Sorry for the wait. it's...
BNHA Character Theme Songs!!
Also I'd like to note, this playlist is spoiler free.
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3: Here we have the big 3 and Pro hero songs with Shinso just for fun because he can (and should) be.
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Mirio - The energy, the lyrics and the band really just suit him. I don't know how someone can listens to this song and not think of him, it's too perfect.
Tamaki - This song is about doing the best you can but still never having anything good happen to you and still being stuck in depression but continuing to try. It's quite upbeat and if you didn't listen to the lyrics, you could probably just vibe it and move on without much thought.
Nejire - It was super hard to think of one for her and I don't know why. This one just kinda stuck out at me because it's very high energy and happy.
Shinso - and this is 1st song I came up with for playlist! This song is from this animation and I used to watch it over and over as a kid but I watched it last year again and it made me think of Shinso. Ppl always give him emo songs, same as Aizawa, but thats not really who they are at heart so I changed it up. Now he has Jazz 🤣
Aizawa - The man! The dad! Aizawa! Now, this song is reminds me of younger Aizawa and his self doubt and 'Can we skip to the good part?' is like flashing forward to now (or at least before the year before UA and first few 😅)
Yamada - Yamada is 100% the kind of person this song makes you feel like. Party animal, jamming and grabs your attention as soon as the walk in. It's also the kinds of some I can see him sing like, you can so hear "You are now- now rockin with Present Mic and Midnight bitch"
Kayama - another one of our pros that grabs the attention instantly! While Kayama can be chill, it's not very often so a sexy kinda song is best she do be like that a lot and is confident in herself that way. It's kinda sounds like she's fighting with My lady too so that works ( I can also hear her singing it in a karaoke battle).
Toshinori - 👀 it's started as a joke but the more I played it for him, the more it the more it works. Toshi also has 2 actual theme songs in the soundtrack n I was so tempted to put them in place instead. This is an amazing fit tho, so it stays!
Sasaki - This was a joke but once again, it's stays. I'm sure if Sasaki could, he would 100% keep trying to get Toshi to listen to him but his power is based in the future. It's kinda romantic n I personally am under the popular belief they had something more going on there butvi feel it always works in the context of them platonically. Nighteye isn't much of a character beyond his relationship All might so it was a hard pick and I just stick with this one. It's also kinda funny.
Tensei - 😭 I love him! He 👏needs👏 more 👏love! Anyway, this song is very pumped up, an older classic and ' Work it harder, make it better, Do it faster, makes us stronger More than ever, hour after hour Work is never over' makes it have that hard working team element that Team Idaten has. It's a very fast working team but is super careful and caring. Each part has a place and it doesn't always look like it would fit but they make it fit.
Wild wild pussycats - When I hear Pussycats it's makes me think of The pussycats dolls 😅 no one really thinks about them anymore and just like the bnha public also don't think about the WWP anymore. I feel like this fits the high energy, 'Were still popular' vibe of Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll but the 'Be careful what you wish for' reminds me of the fact that Mandalay and Tiger are a bit more chill now, Tiger probably not liking being in the spotlight while transitioning and them now being back in the popular spotlight because of the LOV attack and it's side effects. It's also a pop group and that's very much the style they go for
Toyomitsu - it's 2 choices with him and I went for this one cos I like MIKA more and I think it's also got a more positive feel to it. More dancing and fun like Fat is.
Hakamada - He is fashion man No1. Confident, fabulous, dramatic and he has 500% said that before
Enji - Enji is hard to find a nice some for because he's not a villian by social standers so it can't go down that road. This song has got that middle ground feel and also mentions legacy and says "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" and we can only hope 🧡
Tamaki - This is the 2nd song I came up with and is why I actually made the 1st playlist. People use super sexy songs or super sad songs and him and move on but I feel like this has a wide view of his feelings. He's angry and does want to have to do the things he has to 9/10 he just does.
A lot of ppl just kinda ignore who the characters actually are and see them as the first impression of them we get or just the surface levels. Like how a lot of ppl just see Ayoama as a fancy boy or Shoji as an mystery emo boy when that's not who they are at all. So that's why I feel like I have to give explanations for characters because I don't feel like people see each individual character as who they are in full
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sasaki-to-miyano · 5 years
hi yes hopping on the miyano train because that boy deserves so much love, fictionally and literally. He is always thinking about others, and gives serious answers when they have questions, like ogasawara and his girlfriend issues, and then he also gives serious thought to just about everything. he's always thinking, which is both good and bad: he doesnt rush into things, and he doesnt put pressure on himself or other people. i just love him so much ;-; and i wish for his happiness
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 YES THANK YOU!!!! How dare people think Miyano is inconsiderate of others’ feelings. He’s more considerate of other people’s feelings than his own. Even when he’s struggling to figure out how he feels about Sasaki, he constantly worries that he is making Sasaki wait too long. Miyano is fully aware of it. It’s so funny when they say he’s inconsiderate because he doesn’t just rush into a relationship when it’s like???? the exact opposite??? It would hurt Sasaki more if Miyano wasn’t 100% sure how he felt and then he changed his mind later. SMH. 
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avicebro · 6 years
Hello Pollux! Can you explain your OTP tags?
This is something people want? Lol okay:
This includes League of Legends and Fate.
otp: be my queen | richard/ayaka
reference to the fact that richard is continuously trying to get ayaka to be his master. since they are master/servant and i like them romantically it turns from “be my master” to “be my queen”. a good otp 10/10 narita when will you ever.
otp: avenger and ruler | edmond dantes/amakusa shirou 
i hope this is obvious. it’s an avenger and a ruler. demonstrates the fact that they’re polar opposites but still good as a ship.
otp: dragon slayers | siegfried/saint george
reference to how they work really well together in defeating wyverns in fate/grand order. may include kojiro if i find some siegfried/kojiro art i like.
otp: thief and executioner | robin hood/charles henri sanson
i like these two, especially in the salem chapter. the ship name is reference to their roles: one is a thief, one is an executioner. i was also thinking of giving them a title like “the new fruk” cause that’s basically what they are lol.
otp: im a self insert | guda/fgo character
any art of a guda and a fate grand order character. mainly avicebron and dantes because that’s who i ship myself with. more characters may join eventually but im very gay.
otp: casters of opposing factions | avicebron/william shakespeare
in apocrypha they’re the casters for the opposing factions. in fate grand order they seem to keep this dislike for each other.
otp: a new isolde | tristan/melt
ok i haven’t seen the full ccc event yet but basically tristan compares melt to isolde so yeah she’s a new isolde for him. i don’t like how fate writes her name (isseult?) so we’re going with this spelling.
otp: i’ll make you tsar | kadoc/anastasia
this is kadoc’s plan in lostbelt, to make her tsar of the lostbelt. that doesn’t really happen though but they’re in love okay?????
otp: hate at first sight | kirei/kiritsugu
i was tempted to call them “beautiful ties” as a pun on their names but decided against it. hate at first sight because that’s what happened. get along you two.
otp: president and princess | rin/issei
their roles at school. proud captain of the rissei ship. i will love this ship by myself if i have to.
otp: like cats and dogs | gilgamesh/cu chulainn
this is because of ip. go through her gilcu tag. i swear you’ll come out a different person. gilcu is a good ship. they’re a cat and a dog.
otp: i hate everything you stand for | hansa/jester
hansa and jester both hate each other because of who they are. jester despises those from the church, hansa hates dead apostles. they’re fun.
otp: l’auteur malfaisant | edmond dantes/dumas
this is just what dantes calls him, “the wicked author” but in french. love these two so fucking much. if you want me to be happy just mention eddumas.
otp: beast like me | caren/angra mainyu
in hollow ataraxia, it’s stated that they are both beasts: caren for being born “out of wedlock” and angra mainyu because he’s all the evils of the world. they are both beasts by birth, and must deal with the sins from being called a beast. also a big otp.
otp: sad a lot | tristan/lancelot
i was originally calling this ship “tristalot” which sounds like “triste a lot” which is french for “sad a lot”.
otp: up until this moment my wish was being granted | medea/souichirou
OTP TO RULE ALL OTPS. god i love these two. it’s a reference to what medea says in UBW when she dies. man i love these two so much.
otp: the jewel resting near my heart | rin/shirou
reference to the pendent rin gives shirou. may include rin/archer i’m not sure yet.
otp: let’s destroy the world! | kirei/gilgamesh
wow this is late on the list lol. the ship name is what they wanna do. kirei route when nasu.
otp: on the defense | hector/alter cu chulainn
both of them are known for being defensive characters, both in playstyle and in personality. they’re old, tired men let them nap.
otp: i may not always be by your side | issei/shirou
this is a line issei tells shirou in prillya. love these guys a lot. especially with rin.
otp: sword and sheath | saber/shirou
that’s what they are. saber is the sword and shirou is the sheath. no sexual jokes please. like them romantically and as friends.
otp: my wish is for her to live | medusa/sakura
purple girlfriends. love them. love heaven’s feel. reference to a line medusa tells shirou.
otp: my superman | sakura/shirou
OTP TO RULE ALL OTPS. the best ship in stay night with kuzucaster. i love heaven’s feel so much. they were what got me into drawing. i love them so much. reference to the superman scene in HF.
otp: two too pretty boys | diarmuid/gilgamesh
this is 100% because they are attractive guys. that is it. the ship name shows this.
otp: you cursed me | emiya alter/kiara
don’t @ me i like these two. emiya alter an alter because of kiara, hence the ship name.
otp: you were literally made for me | gilgamesh/enkidu
I DON’T HATE THIS SHIP WHY WOULD I TAG AND REBLOG IT SO MUCH IF I HATED THIS SHIP? I simply stated that I am tired of seeing it so much in the f/sf tags. I do like these two shhh. name is a reference to the fact that kidu was made for gil.
otp: lance to the heart and you’re to blame | kirei/cu chulainn
hello i love kotoyari. reference to the UBW ending. feb 14 isn’t valentines day it’s kotoyari day.
otp: your dream is mine | kiritsugu/irisviel
i can’t talk about this ship without crying just know i love them. iri wishes for his dream to come true.
otp: i wanted a saber anyways | rin/saber
just gals being pals you know . and originally rin wanted a saber.
otp: the woman was a saint | kirei/claudia
im not crying you’re crying. a line in the VN.
otp: you remind me of someone | paracelsus/phantom
no this isn’t just because they’re pretty boys lol. like the idea of them being good friends who help each other when the other goes berserk. 
otp: dancing with the devil | mephistopheles/paracelsus
there’s a lot of cool/interesting ship art between these two that’s really cool and i love. love the idea of them adopting jack. 
otp: fist of the north star to the heart | saint martha/sasaki kojiro
just wait until the summer event. love how koji has joined the dragon slayer’s group. hope he enjoys his new friends. you have to fight her at one point for koji’s development. it’s a joke about how her np is a fist of the north star joke.
otp: calm desert nights | nitocris/scheherazade 
reference to lalalack’s ‘desert beauty’ piece. they spend those nights in the desert exchanging stories, calming each other down. 
otp: how about we put it to the test? | li shuwen/beowulf
what beowulf says to li shuwen before they start their fight. they like to beat each other up and it’s great. 
otp: beat up a pretty face | beowulf/fionn mac cumhaill
who has the pretty face is up to you. reference to how fionn looks ephemeral in the beofionn art.
otp: a king and his knight | diarmuid/fionn
it’s their roles. yeah i know fionn “killed” him it’s fun. 
my chivalrous knight | diarmuid/saber
who is the knight and who is chivalrous? up to you!
otp: blue knights | cu chulainn/saber
only two people ship this there’s only two posts i wanna die
a queen and her knight | saber/irisviel
based on when saber acts as her knight (aka all of fate/zero) in f/z. doesn’t have otp cause i’m lazy. 
ot3: church trio | gilgamesh/kirei/cu chulainn
they live in the church lol.
ot3: we could have had it alllllll | sieg/jeanne d’arc/astolfo
based on the fact that apocrypha could have easily juggled the three of these into an ot3 but nope.
ot3: my two friends | gilgamesh/enkidu/kirei
there is only 1 piece of fanart in this tag but it’s a very good piece of fanart
ot3: this could have worked really well tbqh | kirei/gilgamesh/tokiomi
team archer could have been good if kirei didn’t get his dick sucked by gilgamesh.
ot3: princess president and prince | rin/issei/shirou
their roles - i think shirou should be a prince. i just really love rissei and shissei so why not combine them into an ot3 y/y?
group tag: aesthetic of death | gilles de rais, uryuu ryuunosuke, jeanne alter, prelati
i love these guys a lot okay? a lot of gilles/ryu because canon otp. was supposed to be art of death because of ryuunosuke's CE but it was mistranslated and i'm too lazy to change it!
group tag: equipe francaise | d’eon, marie, mozart, sanson 
they are cute but this tag is pushed by my thirst for mozart. the tag means “french team” which is basically what they are right?
brotp: my retainer | waver velvet/alexander the great
im sorry i can’t ship this romantically but they are cute together!
brotp: troy's defense | penthesilea, hektor
these two are good bros who break pots together and will rip achilles' open
League of Legends:
otp: spin to win | katarina/garen
this is about gameplay. garen is known for his e, which is a spin. the joke “spin to win” comes from that ability. since katarina also has a spin, spin to win works for these two.
otp: drasona | draven/sona
it’s just their ship name lol.
otp: takes two to tango | evelynn/twisted fate
reference to the twisted fate and evelynn shared tango skins. such a good ship. i love them and twisted fate/graves. league of legends please do something with these two i stg.
otp: partners in crime | twisted fate/graves
man this is the best lol ship man i wish lol would do anything with this ship that would be great i love my gay men. and they’re working together again! nice!
otp: the sun shines for you | leona/pantheon
i don’t know what lol is doing with these two if if they’re actually gonna be together and i love diana/leona too but i’ve always had a soft spot for these two. also? a great bot lane if you can stomp early. 
otp: it’s called art | jinx/jhin
to be honest i just think these two would be hilarious. let them just do whatever they want in piltover. 
otp: collecting souls | thresh/kalista
aesthetic and also a great botlane. i just love kalista tbh. ghost wife. 
otp: trying to keep the balance | shen/zed
wow the first otp for league of legends. good shit guys hope you guys get more content soon. 
If a ship you know I like is not on this list it’s probably just tagged as the ship name! I’m probably going to go through and create tags for each ship like these as I think of them. If you have suggestions for ship names let me know! 
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truly-morgan · 3 years
Morgan simply rambling about their ocs part 1
So I got four likes on my post about rambling about my ocs, so that’s enough for me to do it anyway. I waited to talk about how they came to be and how they evolved (since many are from easily 8-9 years ago). They won't be in chronological order, mainly because it been too long for me to really remember that, but also all the original thing that could have helped me figure that out are now gone or have new date of creation. I can remember maybe who the 3-4 first are, but that's as far as my memories go.
I'd love to go over what design they went through, but tumblr wouldn't allow me to do that, so I suppose I'll do that on a later time.
They were, for a large part of them, meant to be used for rp (boy do I miss doing those), a lot of the other just growing around them as side characters and world building. So I'll most likely go over those that were originally meant to be used in rp, since the other characters came much more later and have obviously less development.
Anyway, hope y'all love this long post about my ocs.
Jack Auchter (previously Jack Miller)
First original character I ever made (meaning: not a naruto/my candy love oc), it was actually my brother’s character in a way, as I created him out of his suggestion. It is to say, he has change a lot.
He started as a lone ex-secret-military guy, trying to go back to a normal life despite his violent past, with some hint of losing someone before. I had created him as being seen like an horrible monster by the villager living close to were their base was and him just ending up quitting at some point. That whole secret military was a rather vague idea (I still have to work on that even).
Then he grew into becoming a more friendly characters. Really kind to people, ready and wanting to help anyone. This is where I implanted the whole reason why he got out of it, basically after losing his two best friends, blaming himself for what happened.
Now he is still a pretty gentle young man, wanting to help people the best he can, keeping a lot to himself as he tries his best to just live a normal life, as normal as it can be with all the nightmares and old habit. He still blames himself for not being able to save Yannis and Matthew, (where I also decided to work more on these two)
I cannot remember all the little changes, but he slowly grew throughout the years and it funny to look back at how much more depth he has now.
Evan & Ethan Matsui (+kuro) (previously Tatsuya and Tenbatsu)
I am 90% sure they are the “second” characters I created. They were inspired from two thing: twins oc a friend I had at the time had + Fruit Basket, or more specifically the cat zodiac part (for those who know).
Surprisingly they didn't changed too much, the demon is the one who did the most in a way. They were twins from a family stuck with a demon, needing a vessel to keep him “harmless”. The tradition was a weird “the purest and sweetest heart must be used, to 'appease' the demon”, and Ethan was just that. Evan begged to take his place because he sneak to see what the old vessel was like and saw how it would destroy the joyful person his brother was. So Evan ends up being the one stuck with Kuro, Ethan never leaving his side and wanting to protect him from the demon. Evan grows to be a rather solitary man, trying to stay away from people as much as people, only letting his brother close, despite scared that the demon would us him to get to Evan. Ethan grew to be a loving young man, doing his best to protect his brother.
They didn't changed too much, I most likely made them to be even closer, looking after each other and pretty dependant from on another. I added a little more depth and story around the curse, making it more logical, but also making the reason behind they close bond better.
Like I said, Kuro is the one who changed the most. At first he was an entity simply wanting to kill and be violent, trying to harm Ethan just so he could make an opportunity to take over Evan's body. Then he became this demon who's annoying Evan 24/7, trying to steal his body, but less by using Ethan as a mean to do so.
Now Kuro has grown to be this demon who once wanted to us Ethan as a pawn to his taking over the body, but ended up growing found of the young man (because of him also showing kindness to him despite it all). He's as much of an ass to Evan, having for objective to take over the body at some point, but not as much. The two even sometime agree to switch if its about a difficult situation Evan couldn't deal with.
So it pretty much went from the twins being against the demon, to the three of them having a weird relationship, not quit enemies, but not quit 100% trusting either.
Haru Sasaki
Of course, I just HAD to create a bad boy at the time. Of course I needed one. Haru's characters as changed a lot, but to be have more detail added to him and not to only be a bad boy.
He started as a teenager who became such a violent kid because that's what people expected from him. He hated and was hated by his mother because she had him at 17 (and kinda fucked over her life plan). And he was a loving brother. That was pretty much it, a kid missing his dad, who was violent and got into fight all the time, with no friend and love his sister a lot.
Then I decided to had in his hobby cooking, making him a great cook. That was a genius idea I had, because it became an important part of his characters and a goal I could give him (good job me).
Then I decided to had two other little delinquent to follow him around. At first I wrote it more as him letting them stick around out of just not being able to get ride of them, to changing it to him slowly warming up to them and taking care of them too since they aren't bad kid. Lets not forget him working in a flower shop with a sweet lady seeing the good in him.
Now this is what Haru is: someone who grew up with the expectation to become someone violent who cause trouble (he does, a lot), but who is actually really kind and a very protective brother, who aspire to be a cook on day with the encouragement of his sister, with two idiots for friend (but who just need some love too).
(note: also, somewhere towards the start of my rp with him, I made cherry his favourite aliment. Dunno how it became like this, I was often using this as his snack and it just... somehow became his whole thing. Cherries.)
Akainu Fuyuda & Kyosuke Hamada
They were probably created in similar times, as they pretty much go hand in hands.
Kyosuke started as a test subject who was there since he was born because of his telekinesis power, and Akainu was one of the nurse helping take care of him. I had made Kyosuke to be much more prone to have his sanity snap and want to kill people, where Akainu was a rather sadistic man with little to no regards to his test subjects. Their relationship was based on a mixed of interested for his art and power (for Akainu) and hate mixed with some want to absolutely annoy the shit out of the scientist (for Kyosuke).
Akainu is the one who changed to most, going from the sadistic and uncaring scientist for one who take care of his test subject as best as he can, who can't get along with his colleague (other than two) and who is overworked (an absolute workaholic also). Kyosuke is less of a wild one as he was, still an annoying little shit, but less in the “sanity goes bye bye” kind of way. He's tired of being tested one, but a routine as settle between them and Akainu tries to make it less bad. He will sometime snap if pushed pass his limits or when thing just get way too overwhelming, as a defensive mechanism.
Their relationship became less of a “I want to study/kill you” and more of a “We are both tired of this, but at this point it too late to change anything, but i'll still annoy the shit outta you”. Honestly the only consistent theme as been Kyosuke's dad hatred towards him for the loss of his wife.
Not gonna lie, I wonder how it would feel to write Akainu as a more sadistic man again, I realised that only after taking a look back at older stuck I wrote with him,
Alexy Leblanc
Oh boy this one was me going ape shit in the sadistic department, like I was really hard and angsty one some characters, but Alex? You'd believe I hated him or something (despite me very much loving this character). (tw: mention of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, skip to next character if this is too sensible for you)
So Alexy started as having the absolute worst life. Being physically beaten by his dad and his classmate, also being sexually abused by those two group. Like, the world was against him and somehow the teacher never found out or just didn't gave a single shit about it.
For a long time I made his treatment just a little bit worst, then I calmed it down a bit for something “more possible” where he was just bullied at school, yet had the same treatment from his dad.
Then, about a year ago, I decided “boy would it be nice to start making him feel nice” and despite his story basically being the same, he ain't stuck in this endless teenager cycle and I'm finally making him grow and slowly heal from his trauma with the help of a friend.
The story around him is the one who changed the most, as his character always stayed a rather quiet young man who was scared to get close to people In fear of getting punish for it. The change in that character is more of adding growing to him rather than actual change in the core of who he is.
Am still unsure where all this dark part came from, I suppose I needed that one character, as people around me also had character with rather deep, hard and dark stories. Am really happy to finally work on making him slowly heal from that, I feel like now this is something I would find more interesting to work on, rather than nonstop angst and abuse.
Kadir & Tamir (previously Kira & Ryu)
Tamir was the first one I created, he was actually a random character I drew in class before also created Kadir as someone who wanted to kill him. Their dynamic was inspired from what I saw of Izaya and Shizuo relationship (note “I saw” since I haven't read or watched drrr yet). It was pretty much Kadir hating Tamir and wanting to capture him as a bounty hunter, where Tamir was a pickpocket who would always play around with him.
Tamir started as a sneaky pickpocket who didn't care about anything but having fun and annoying people. Kadir started as a bounty hunter with great strength and anger issue. That was pretty much what they were and their relationship was very much just one-sided hate while the other is playing with the other anger.
Tamir stayed rather similar, despite his background story slowly building up more and see what his power actually are. He's still the demon who likes to joke around, steal stuff and cause problem. I'd say these part just became a stronger part of him, since he was just a random doodle at first he was rather plain. Kadir is still easy to anger, but it way less of being angry all the time. He's less always on Kadir trail as he was before and does so mainly when they meet or when he feel like he could finally win over him. His background as also evolve a lot.
They have a sort of frenemy kind of relationship, where they always fight together but don't actually hate each other (or at least not like it was at the beginning of their relationship).
Micha & Cyrus (previously ??? & Kiyoshi)
Micha is basically what happen when you give up another character and use their trope to create another one. I had a fallen angel before, but never actually did anything with it, so I created Micha.
He changed a lot over the time. He was first rather plain, being the owner of a bar somewhere (don't ask where, am as uninformed as you on that). Polite to client, yet distant about who he was with a vague past about how he became a fallen angel and why he didn't like heaven (basically being to what an angel is supposed to look like and being pushed aside a lot, he decided to do his best to get kicked out but not kill).
Then I gave him more depth, also throwing at him Cyrus, an amnesic angel who didn't remember who he was. Micha was then a little more friendlier, still not getting close to people, but still ready to help the people in the village he settled in. Cyrus was created as a very innocent and naïve characters (due to his amnesia), down to his design being rather innocent and cinnabun-ish.
Then in more recent time, Micha personality is pretty similar, but I also changed a little bit what his reason to be a fallen angel is (will be touch a little more if I finish my animatic :'D). He's more invested in the little village he settled in, rather found of the humans there. Cyrus changed a little more. He is a little less of a pure baby who's extra naïve and innocent. He's still rather naïve by time and clueless on some thing, but less child-like (even his design became a little more mature as an attempt to clash a little with his personality). Still a very kind and loving person tho.
Their relationship pretty much stayed the same, as Micha is still taking care of him and protecting him of potential danger as he did in the past.
Frederick Wilson (previously Frédéric ???)
Fred is also a rather old character of mine, yet his characters is somewhere between changed and not changed?!?
He started as a playboy who don't give a shit about people feeling, sleeping around a lot and legit every night in bars. That was the biggest part of his personality.
He is still playboy, love to party, drink and sleep around, but even if he still don't look for long term relationship, his less on the cruel “Am not making it clear, but it also your fault for getting your hopes up” and more on the “Yeah, no, am just looking for sex”. At least he's more honest on that point, still not a a good boyfriend, as he never take it seriously, only goes along for some times. Part of his motivation is not to follow in the step of his father and brother, who are men that don't take responsibilities and pretty much don't seem to care about people's feelings.
It shows better when I write him with his best friend, he's not as much of an ass as he seems to be.
Stanley Murphy (previously Shinji ???)
I'd like to say Stanley didn't change much, but it not exactly true? He was at first a young man who works as a waiter to show you can live just as well without high studies (I wasn't too much into the idea of “you much go to university to have a good life”). A good working young man, helping people when he can a living happily with his cat.
Somewhere along the line I made Frederick and Stanley to be best friends, don't ask how or why it came to be despite being rather different from one another, it just did and now I cannot separate them.
Stanley slowly grew to be the son of a rather wealthy family who had too much being pushed on him and part of what he decided was partly to rebel against his family, but also because he didn't actually had any goal in life. He's still a very hard working person, really loving of those who get to be close to him and who tries to live a good life. He's probably even one of the reason why Frederick didn't became an absolute garbage man.
Samuel Roy
Samuel is a cold hearted hitman, who became one rather young too. I feel like most of his characters just became the same, but push the button for more.
Insomniac, caffeinomane, misanthrope, don't really care who the target is (unless it's a kid, see later for Mike), live a lot day by day and knows he will most likely not die a painless and happy death.
That's the whole essence of Samuel, most of these were there when I first created him, I simply pushed some of those to an extreme. I still need to better his background story and how he ended up being a hitman.
I also added a second person who managed to get close to him, Michael Drake, who's a good friend of him and also his doctor when he ends up hurt out of what he can deal with. They lost touch when Samuel suddenly disappear and it took a couple of years before he finally learned what his job was, but ended up not telling anyone else and acting as if not knowing most of the time, under the promise that Samuel would never do anything to a child.
Samuel is a character I played a lot, but also one I really enjoy playing for some reason (There are a couple of character I really like playing).
Damn I did only 14 characters, yet I have so many more (but a couple o those “didn't changed”, or at least not enough for really doing a part). I feel like this rambling didn't showed much how they changed, but I know they did (but mostly because am the god who created them).
Welp, hope y'all did understood my rambling, don't be shy and ask me anything if you are curious for more, my inbox is open for that.
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Sending this here because I don't want Tumblr to block me from questions because it is too long
Warning: Black Reaper Ken being himself.
OK so we are off to a good start. /s
God, she wanted to call him. She stares at his contact information on her phone, her finger hovering over the call button. She almost presses it numerous times. 
Why do I feel personally called out here? /suspiciously eyes the mods/ But this makes me feel so much for Touka, she is in such a difficult position and  all she wants is some support but even the kindest word is in short supply.
He may be an arrogant shit head, but Nishiki had always come through in the end.
My inner Nishiki x Touka stan is peeking out.
He lets himself in, much to her annoyance.
Never change, Nishiki. I love him so much, at least he’s reliable.
 He would have made a good older brother. Then again, he already was in a way, wasn’t he?
/ugly crying/ They are so close now, why can’t she cling to him for support? And where the fuck is Ayato?
opens the door to see Ken standing there, coat on his arm and eyes narrowing when he sees Nishiki sitting on her couch like he was way too comfortable there.
Of course he would come then and he has the nerve to 
act displeased? The image of him standing with his coat on his arms is really sexy though.
He reaches behind her to turn the knob and let himself in. 
Oh, by all means. Don’t let the protests of the house owner stop you. The fuck you think you are boy?! Yes, I can see my own hypocrisy.
“Nishiki-senpai,” Ken greets smoothly, “I wonder what Kimi-san would be thinking if she knew you were here with Touka after abandoning her.”
And he’s not keeping up with the pretense of not knowing him anymore?
Nishiki almost doubles over in laughter. “What!?!” He guffaws. “You think that I’m fucking Touka?”
Nishiki, an adult, is surprised he has to deal with a middle schooler’s temper in a grown man’s body.
“You are,” Nishiki grits out, “But even if you weren’t. Does the king of fakes really have any right over her life? You’re the one who remembered and refused to come back,Investigator.”
I am ignoring the part where Ken punces Nishiki because I hate Ken in this fic so much, he is such a fuckboy and Nishiki doesn’t deserve this shit.
He slips his shoes back on and slams the door in his exit.
That door is the real victim of this story.
“I acted rashly,” She admits, “I shouldn’t have hit you – I was overwhelmed I haven’t been feeling well recently.”
My mind says I agree with this apology but my heart says SOCK HIM AGAIN!
How had her mother told her father about her pregnancy?
She wants her mom’s help /ugly crying/
“Kirishima?” Ken asks and she’s startled from her thoughts. Then, she sees him holding the burger in his gloved hands. “Why do you have this?
So they are definitely not keeping up with the protests anymore. And that is so fucking rude Ken, who knows where those gloves have been?!
“Don’t play dumb, Sasaki-san,” she retorts, bitter. She sees him flinch from the use of that name, but she refused to call him Kaneki when he insisted on keeping up with this charade. This isn’t what she had meant to tell him, but she can’t even imagine what his reaction would be to a child. It was better if he didn’t know, right? He was a mess. An absolute mess, and there was no way that she could trust him with this secret in good conscious.
At least not yet.
The words are bitter as they leave her lips because that was definitely not the case. A future – god, who even knew about that? She didn’t even know what day some dove manages to crack down on her identity and hunt her down to Re:.
/ugly crying/
“We can be more, if that’s what you want –”
Too little too late my dear Sasaki.
By now the maintenance desk downstairs had probably called the police from all of the noise that he was making. Not that he cared. He would almost welcome the opportunity for a fight right now.
As if that poor guy working at the desk is so willing to sacrifice his life for minimum wage! It’s enough he has to deal with your rude ass!
It didn’t matter. None of this would matter in a few more months. Not even her.
/Linkin Park’s In The End blares in the background/
There were no ghoul doctors 
Do I see an opening for Kimi to join the story?
“I thought that everyone at re: was a team,” he reminds her. “Or did you forget that the moment that he walked back into your life?”
Nishiki laying down the truth. Please give him Kimi back!
“I know that you’d let yourself be killed for his child,” Nishiki says firmly, “Just like you’d let him keep taking pieces of you if it means that he’d throw you even a scrap of affection. When are you going to stop doing this? Do you think that no one cares about you?”
I love love love LOVE love your depiction of Nishiki and his relationship with Touka here, it’s so consistent with both their characterizations. Of course what he’s saying is 100% true and someone needs to face her with it but I wish he would understand that a little more emotional support will get him further in getting to her.
Every day was a battle of wills between her and her unborn child.
Carlos, the little sociopath. Good to know his personality is shining through so early in her pregnancy. 
“I don’t know who else knew about this, but I would expect that, you would have come to me for help at least once.”
This must be so hard on Yomo. He has always been watching over Touka and he is now witnessing history repeat itself without the ability to help. /ugly crying/
She had been afraid. What if he also told her to get rid of the child? She didn’t want that, she didn’t want that at all. 
Poor Touka. My poor daughter. All she wants is someone to tell her the decision she is making is right because she is so unsure of it herself. /ugly wailing/
“It is,” he says, sounding tired now. “You always were too much like your mother.”
Yomo, doesn’t give her the opportunity to voice any of these questions, however, as he goes back into the front of the shop, leaving her alone.
Guess not. /deflated balloon/
She sinks down to her knees, trying to control her breathing even though panic had seized her. Her heart is racing, eyes darting around as she struggles and gasps for air.
My poor Touka, always so strong and now overtaken by panic. This does not good decisions make.
Everyone had expectations – they always had. She was meant to be the girl who held it all together. If she was too angry, then she was a sad person consumed by revenge, and if she was too passive, then she would blink and everything – everyone would be gone. People even left now when she disappointed them. What was she even supposed to do? She didn’t want to live while losing things.
Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.
She’s not sure why her feet are leading her to Ken’s flat.
Called it.
For a moment all she could do is stare, tears silently rolling down her cheeks as she tries to keep her jaws clamped shut from whimpering in relief.
I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t leave me alone.
Why are you doing this to me? Isn’t the pain Ishida is causing me enough?! /ugly sobbing and crying and wailing in a fetal position/
Or so she thinks, until she feels his arms envelope her in a tight embrace. She flinches, eyes growing wide as she feels him kiss her forehead. “It’s okay,” he reassures. “It’s going to be okay.”
Wait, what?! What is happening?!!
She hadn’t expected a reaction like this from him at all.
You and me both sis. I was so ready to tear him a new one for being a fuckboy about this but he is being supportive?! What am I supposed to do with my bottled up rage?
In fact, he was touching her with far more gentleness than he usually did. 
OMG, is Ken back? Did the news shock his old personality back into him?!
“Again,” Ken whispers, drawing back from her mouth, so that he can see her expression. Her flexibility allows him to lean down, pushing her legs up against her chest so that he can close the distance between each other. He uses his free hand to grip her chin, “Say my name again,” and she does.
It’s only then, that his restraint seems to break.
And then, “You’re all mine now,” she hears him whisper, and his hand run down to rub at her belly. He wraps his arm around it possessively, kissing her shoulder. “You can’t leave me.” He’s smiling, as though he were at peace.
Oh shit.
You just couldn’t let me have that moment, could you?
You know, for people who keep saying they hate angst, you’re really good at writing it. This chapter left me emotionally drained and a little scared for Touka at the end. I know Ken would never hurt her intentionally but I am worried for how this will change their relationship. Why didn’t we get any insight into his thoughts? I got the feeling he would put her in bubble wrap and lock her in his apartment to keep her safe and his. And how is anything going to be ok when he is planning to fight his dad in a few months? Just like the selfish fuckboy to want to keep her his for a few months and not care what happens after he’s gone.
I both love and hate you mods but this chapter was so good and I already want to read the next one, thank you for your hard work, it really is appreciated because we have so few Touken fics in this fandom. I always look forward to everything you post.
I hope you forgive the long post.
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thirdmagic · 7 years
n-nasu thoughts...?!?! boy we’re on a roll with this sorta discussion tonight
So this is a really fantastic piece of writing that articulates really really well what I've been frustratingly saying for YEARS since I first played F/sn about what makes it so unique an experience and as a visual novel, and simply as a piece of media and a work of art-- like trying to express how much I agree with this will probably make me sound a sycophant but it really does articulate very well what F/sn as a story is all about, the value in it, and how its structure and characters and every element of its design is a means to an end to explore the many, many themes and concepts it centers on. How it uses the structure of a three-route visual novel to carry across a story in a way that all wraps up together in the end in a really excellent way, by making three entirely separate routes actually the three chapters of a linear story that examines a bunch of concept from all different possible angles, and why I love it for all these things.
Like I keep wanting to write like... a 20k meta on this very topic like I've been wanting to do since I read it when I was 14 because I'm still not over how much symbolism this game runs on and how much thought was put into the thematic elements of it and in making them come together, and how that shows EVERYWHERE, from major characters like the Shirou/Rin/Sakura trio, to characters like Sasaki and Medea and even the shitty Matous, to how the symbolism is everywhere, from the Emiya house to the Matou and Tohsaka mansions to the whole goddamn city to Shirou's shed being a reflection of himself and... honestly there's so much to write about there.
But what I wanted to add to this specifically is on the topic of Nasu and his writing, because I've been thinking about it a lot for the past few good years and came to some conclusions and I both agree with what Lance says here on what makes him so unique and also want to add my own reasons... specifically what I feel that really makes and defines him as a writer and why I still really love and enjoy a lot of his work despite that there's no few reasons I shouldn't.
Now, first off, let me be upfront: when it comes to straight male priveleged writers, I tend to define them into three categories: those who think with their dicks when they write, those who think with their heads and occasionally dicks (sometimes subconcious) but with no feeling or heart or emotional sincerity, and those who write entirely with their hearts/emotions. The first two are pretty much classic fuckboy writers, tho the second comes in many varieties (I'd put early Urobuchi, at least in F/Z, in this category but I really think he's improved a fair bit in this sense over time!), but the third is like... writers who are artists and creators beyond all things, whose writing and creation comes straight from the heart, and they come in many varieties too, good ones and bad ones! And the point is: it's where I'd put Nasu.
What makes me come back to his writing time and time again, what really, really makes F/SN for me? Is that I feel like his are stories written with love. This may sound like, terribly cheesy and saccharine but I really do think that he is a guy who writes from the heart. I read F/sn and it's just... so obvious to me that this was made and created by someone who loves and cares for these characters. It's why everyone feels so alive and rich in character, it's why there's something to love in even the most undeveloped characters or the most messily written ones. Like... he cares about these people. He cares about them, he wants us to care about them and love them, and he goes out of his way to not just stick us in Shirou's head through the whole thing, despite how much of the VN is indeed in first person POV from him?
Because look: there are so many interludes from so many different points of views, there's the First Person POV sections for Rin, there's interludes which are in third person but still very clearly in the heads of a specific character- Sakura and Saber have many such scenes, and I remember Sakura getting a brief first person scene too. Anyway, the point and the reason I emphasize this is what this tells me is that not only does Nasu love and care about these characters, and really wants to deeply explore them and their heads and thought processes- he wants us to see into their heads too. He doesn't stick them into the story as plot devices, or for them to just be There and revolve around the main characters. No, he makes sure that they all feel alive and human, that we see into their heads and the way they think, reason, feel, and experience the world. Every character gets a chance at this-- with a few exceptions, and some get only one chance and not much more, but none of these people are cardboard cartouts. He wants us to get to know them and understand them. He wants them to feel alive and human because these are the characters he created.
But what he lacks, I think, as a writer? Is simple technique. I'm also absolutely 100% on board with him being a good thematic writer, because when it comes to the symbolism and themes and how they all work and come together he really shines and he KNOWS how to make it work. But I think it's less that he's not a good character writer than just... he doesn't have the skill in writing technique you need to be a good character writer. I get the sense that the characters in his head are truly really rich and deep ones, but when he puts it down on paper, tries to actually write them as they are in his head as concepts, it just doesn't work out, and not for a lack of trying, but because writing is just about technique and knowing how to create and make the character on paper the same person you see in your head. That takes skill, in writing, in plotting, in knowing how exactly to make the plot and story elements come together. Here is where he's on shakier ground because while I feel he really tries he just... doesn't have what it takes to recreate those characters in paper.
And I wouldn't call him a bad writer for that, exactly? I know that it sounds like I'm saying this bc I'm saying that he lacks writing technique, but I mean that more in the sense that the /technical/ aspect of writing is where he's weaker. Honestly what it all comes down to is that he's fantastic in creating really good concepts, and genuienly tries really hard to carry them across on paper but just doesn't have the skills to. That's not, like... some sort of moral failing or fault of his. Different people are good at different things! His talents lie in thematic elements and creating those characters and knowing how to input them into the story, in creating a story centered around themes and how to make them work and examining these themes in very thorough ways! He excels when it comes to the bigger picture, is what I’m saying. The best way to describe it, really, I think... is that his true talent lies in being a storyteller. Hell maybe even a director- he knows how to create and tell a story, but the technical aspect of writing down the script is where he tries really hard but just isn't where his skills lie.
What I mean about the technical aspect is things like- pacing, plotting, working out what character x should do in situation y and how to figure that into the plot and how concept x should carry across in terms of the plots and events happening. Things like that. It's a fair bit more technical and requires a different sort of imagination-- a sort of ability to temper your creativity into something more practical and grounded, in taking a concept and figuring out how you'll carry it across. It's like someone who's excellent in composition and ideas and concepts and may even have fantastic taste in color and wants to create really colorful stuff... but just doesn't have the talent for, you know, the actual technique of drawing/painting.
Going on with this pretentious analogy, I think Nasu knows this but he has so much fun with drawing and painting anyway despite this that he goes through with it. And here's where I also agree that everything he creates is just.. so much fun and easy to be swept into because you can tell that he's having a blast making it. It gives his work a sort of unexpected charm? I can say for myself that all of the Nasuisms like endless unnecessary exposition often put and phrased awkwardly and characters reusing phrases over and over and all those expositions being endless and repetitive, and the often awkward/weird dialogue and speech patterns... what I once saw as a flaw has just become a trademark of his at this point. I mean, sure, objectively it is a writing flaw but I look at it and I don't get irritated. I just sort of sigh fondly at Nasu's love of writing Too Many Words and putting Too Many Metaphors and his flowery language and excessive symbolism and just go, Oh, Nasu, You And Your Nasuisms in this sort of fond way. It's just so endearingly him at this point.
And all this comes down to the fact that he writes from the heart. Everything he writes he pours a lot of sincerity and love in it- sincerity about the story, about what he wants to carry across, about how much he wants us to love it too. It's extremely self-indulgent but that too is the way his love and sincerity comes across in his work. And a lot of his self indulgence comes into things like, overly long cooking scenes and super Extra fight scenes and flowery prose and these don't make for classical literature but I can't really hate it because it's just really harmlessly self indulgent. I look at it and go, oh Nasu, you go on having fun, you. And when I gripe about how he uses Too Many Words and doesn't know how to put together a scene without it going on forever I do this with a sort of... fondness I can't descibe, like I can't be angry because it's just another super Nasu trademark of his.
Now obviously it doesn't end and begin there. Sometimes his self indlugence goes into really weird fucky areas, and yeah, sometimes it goes into directions that make even me, a Self Proclaimed Problematique, raise some eyebrows. There's a fair bit of stuff in all the games he wrote that makes me groan and eyeroll and sometimes I want to walk up to him and shake him a bit and go please stop doing these things!! And we can talk forever about his writing with regards to sj topics and feminism because there's so many different and mixed factors going on there that he's like, found some weird perfect middle where he's not either a Feminist Male Writer Icon but also not a Thinking With The Dick Straight Dude Fuckboy Writer but has aspects of both that mixed together in this weird indescribable result that's very distinctly him that I still adore.
But just... for all these things he's still someone I'm very fond of as a writer and he really does have a way of drawing you into his world in a very unique way, and I always enjoy the experience. So to me it's hard to describe him as a bad or good writer. He's just sort of in a league on his own because everything he writes and makes and his attitude towards so many things is very distinctly him and you can't really define him as a writer with either such terms. Even as there are no small amount of things I hate, and even as they are just as many if not more things I adore... it's for reasons that are distinct to his style of creation and writing, and more about categories or classifications such as good or bad. He is what he is, and what he is can't be defined!
... Anyway, that's basically all I wanted to say, I think. I would like to apologize for how corny and unnecessarily cheesy a lot of this sounds but I've been stewing over those thoughts for like, years, and I felt this is a perfect opportunity, in relation to this post, to finally put them down in writing.
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purgatoryandme · 7 years
fic idea, modern au, arimon: people kept asking both of them when theyre gonna get married and have kids of their own (not knowing that theyre dating each other) they came out to their friends by posting a new baby photoshoot but with a husky puppy bc arima wanted a dog
((((((I really want to see Arima and Amon get an old dog bc they have that old married couple aesthetic going on))))))))Another day, another marriage interview. Amon wasn’t evensure how his coworkers kept managing to trick him. This was the 10th“hang-out” this month that wasn’t reallt a hang-out.“I’m sorry,”He apologized, delicately taking his “date’s” hand and trying to smile, “But I’m not looking to get married yet. You are a wonderful person and I wishyou the best.” As he left the café, Amon tried his best to ignore his potential partner’s redface and whispered,“I’ll wait for you.”After all, he was already taken.
Instead of heading home, Amon trudged all the way toArima’s tiny one-person apartment on the east side of the city. It was crampedand surprisingly plain, but it had the one person in it that could make himfeel at home. He didn’t bother to knock on the door, instead pulling out thekey he’d been gifted only a week prior (hehad given Arima a key almost a month before that). 
“Koutarou,”Arima’s soft voice managed to carry through the tiny space perfectly (something Amon loved…it was always likeArima was right next to him when he was here),“Are you alright?”Amon sighed and tossed his suit jacket onto the couch, running a hand throughhis hair as he tried to gather some kind of positivity into his voice,“Yeah,”He responded,“I am now.”
Another day, another marriage interview. Amon was pretty sure he was an idiot at this point.Less than 4 days had passed since his last one. Admittedly, his friends hadchanged tactics this time, telling him that the boss wanted to have a talk, butthat was hardly an excuse. Shifting uncomfortably, Amon glanced around the rather intimate (and expensive) restaurant. Another manacross the room looked almost as awkward as him and, hoping to commiserate withsomeone, Amon tried to catch his eye. The man was his boyfriend. Arima looked like he was holding back laughter, but Amon’s heart rateimmediately picked up in a panic. Oh God, his boyfriend had seen him at amarriage interview. What if Arima thought Amon was trying to leave him (not that he would veer…he wanted to…)!? Sheer desperation lead Amon to escaping his marriage interview in under anhour, something his polite upbringing had consistently prevented in the past,and he went to Arima’s apartment at a dead sprint. Halfway there, he realizedhe needed to grovel properly. He’d never really had to apologize to Arimabefore, but Akira liked flowers and said they were the only kind of apology thatwas proper for a partner…He ran to the florist (arriving sweatyand, apparently, terrifying). After buying a massive bouquet of roses that he managed to severely bedraggleon the way home (Arima’s was home, damnit, he wasn’t going to give that up), Amon slammed into the apartment tofind Arima already there. His boyfriend grinned at him (at least, Arima’s version of a grin) and said,“Oh, are those for me? I’ve never gotten flowers before.”Which caused Amon to immediately (outloud) vow to buy him flowers more frequently. Arima looked perplexed, butAmon simply plowed onwards with his apology,“I’m not trying to leave you, I swear! Everyone keeps trying to set me up withstrangers without telling me and-“Arima stood up from the couch and strode over, taking the roses out of Amon’scrushing grip.“It’s alright,”He said, patting Amon on the shoulder (waytoo hard…God, why was Arima so strong),“I was at a marriage interview too, actually. For similar reasons.”
Arima and Amon had told their coworkers almost a year ago that they weretogether. It had been at a company party and was totally unplanned. It had justseemed like a good time and, well, Amon was never good at hiding his happinessfrom others (Arima just didn’t care much,though he seemed pleased when Amon grabbed his hand). Everyone had laughedand…
Amon had a bit to drink. So did Arima. They both just…assumed the laughter wasa positive reaction.It had taken months to realize everyone had taken Amon’s (admittedly ostentatious) confession as a joke. By then, it was fartoo awkward to bring it up again. Amon didn’t even know how to beginexplaining…it felt like he’d been keeping a secret intentionally. Still, ithadn’t seemed like a problem until the endless marriage interviews began.“Ugh, they keep asking me when I’m going to have kids.”Amon groaned, burying his face in his hands. Arima made a face, mumbling underhis breath about Haise Sasaki (that newdetective he had taken on), and muttering,“I already told them that I have kids. All the kids that they are asking me to train.”A black mood was beginning to take over Amon. As he sunk deeper into histhoughts, he blurted,“It’s annoying that they misunderstood in the first place. This is ridiculous –now I feel like I can’t even ask you to move in with me, even though I have anew place picked out and I bought a bunch of monogrammed towels and I want tosee your face every morning…”Arima “awkwardness is a thing only other people experience” Kishou took hisboyfriend’s sudden confession in stride, even though Amon was internallyscreaming. He blinked slowly before crinkling his eyebrows in thought. “I have an idea.”Arima said, crushing Amon’s shoulder in what he probably thought was acomforting grip,“If we get a kid, they have to take us seriously right? So we can livetogether?”Mutely, Amon nodded, though he was torn between excitement and breaking out ina cold sweat (wasn’t Arima indifferenttowards kids? Did he want to have some? Was Amon ready to be a dad????). “Is your new apartment pet-friendly?”
Picking out their dog had been the best day of Amon’s life. He’d never seenArima smile like he had when they’d adopted a crotchedy old Husky would hatedeveryone and everything. The following week had him returning from work everynight with Arima to try to earn their dog’s trust together. 
Once he stopped biting them and started tentatively allowing them to pet him (though his ripped ear was 100% off limits),they started finding treats that he liked. Then they started taking him forwalks around the city, brushing his fur, buying him sweaters (that he tolerated just for them)…Turns out, their dog was a huge sweetheart even if he seemed cold (Amon glanced at Arima and tried not to gettoo many mushy feelings).  Arima, king of terriblenames, called him Peanut Butter (”What? He likes it!”). They were going to keep him.
The announcement was poorly planned, but hilariously well executed. They hireda photographer, a tiny girl named Hori, and staged a photoshoot in their newplace. Arima lay on the couch, Peanut Butter tucked under his shirt like apregnant woman’s belly. Throughout the shoot, the dog steadily wiggled his wayout until he was licking Arima’s face.
Hori loved all the photos enough to scrap their original idea of sending justone out. Instead, she strung them together into a little scrapbook of Arima “givingbirth” (she was one weird girl) and wrote “it’s a boy” on the front cover. She deliveredthem all herself, not even asking for pay.She said seeing “embarrassing a bunch of detectives” would be enough.
Everyone called in sick the next day at the CCG detective agency. Amon and Arima wenthome early to play with their dog.
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