#like i hate the whole space whale thing for many reasons so that would have to be shortened or erased
a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
(I should have posted this ages ago, but for some reason, I just left it in my drafts. But I regret not posting now because of the renewed surge in ill-informed Starfield hate due to it winning the Steam award. If you’re curious about what Starfield does that is so different, you might want to continue reading. This game surprised me in ways I was not expecting).
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And just like that, she was starborn.
My thought on the ng+ under the cut. **massive spoilers ahead**
Sorry, it’s a long post, you might wanna grab a drink and get comfortable.
I think Starfield just taught me a valuable lesson…
I spent 425 hours on my first playthrough. I attempted to experience everything this game had to throw at me. I was also very distracted by all the pretty scenery, so some of that time was spent exploring and taking photos.
I completed every quest I came across during the game. I thoroughly looted every location I found. I spoke to every single NPC I encountered. I read every book/slate I picked up. I collected every single plushie and plant (it did get a little silly). I ran every research project and collected an obscene amount of resources. Dabbled a bit in decorating, outpost and ship building.
I had over two million in credits. I amassed such a vast inventory my save slots were reduced to ten or so on the series x. I’m assuming just because of the sheer size of my game save since that issue has suddenly evaporated in ng+
By the way, this is normal player behaviour for me. I’m not a total completionist. I haven’t visited every single system and maxed out every single survey. But I would do that for almost every location I visited during the natural progression through the game. I just can’t seem to leave a site unless everything in the area is done.
It was fun. I had a whale of a time. I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t enjoying myself.
But this ng+ thing. Walter was right. You can’t take it with you.
And I find that ridiculously ironic, considering I’m usually such a hoarder in these games and how, in Starfield, your companions constantly nag so much about how much loot you’re carrying. It now feels like it wasn’t them talking at all but Bethesda breaking the fourth wall.
They enabled players to collect even more by not reducing our movement to a crawl when over-encumbered. So I pinched everything, and then I reached the Unity, and you know what? If you decide to go into ng+, they were right. None of it mattered.
Unlike some players, I like what they’ve done here. I think it’s clever. I like how they’ve taken known facts about their hardcore player base and turned them into a feature. How in previous bethesda games, the fans would always play multiple times. Here, they’ve gamified that by writing it into the lore.
But it’s had an unusual effect. Because is this going to affect how I play on a ng+? You bet your arse it will. No more over-looting for me. No more bothering with vast collections of books, plants or plushies.
I like playing as a Starborn. It’s a different dynamic. I feel free of all that collecting nonsense. I left all of that behind. I feel powerful yet disconnected. I know I don’t belong here. It’s not like starting a whole new game. It’s a different way of experiencing the story—a new perspective.
I’ve heard there are multiple possible narrative changes, too, which is always welcome in branching narrative games. I want to be incentivised to play again and the possibility of a changed experience is a massive draw to play again. How many games actually do that? Very few, and that’s what makes Starfield so different.
Because of the higher skill stats, I’m playing differently. I’ve stuck a load of points into melee and running headlong into battle, using void form and slicing pirates up with the blade from behind. I rarely use a gun, and it’s a lot of fun! I feel like a space ninja.
At first, I was a little upset that I couldn’t respec my character traits, and this became very apparent as soon as I landed in New Atlantis, and the adoring fan turned up again and spoke about things I hadn’t done in this playthrough.
Or did I? What happened to this universe’s version of me? I have so many questions.
Mainly to do with what is the Starborns’ long-term goal. Their main incentive seems to be to ‘reach the unity again’ at all costs, almost like it’s a drug they can’t give up.
With exception of The Emissary, whose goal seems to be to guide the worthy to the Unity.
But what happens when you reach a saturation point, and everyone is Starborn? What is the end goal of all of this? Where is it heading?
Or is this game again just asking you how far do you want this to go? At what point does your character think, ‘You know what, I need to retire and just pick a universe to sit back and relax in and become the Pilgrim’?
How will Bethesda build on this in future? Because what more can be said about being Starborn?
Sure, they’ll add more expansions, quests, areas, and Starborn content. Even before I started playing, I could appreciate how much Bethesda could just keep adding to the game, now not just spatially but also new alternate universes.
I have issues with it narratively speaking. In Mass Effect, for example, the stakes were way higher. You tore yourself away from everyone you loved to save the galaxy. Not because you were just curious.
Personally, I can’t understand why someone with loved ones who were happy would choose to throw that away to roll the dice again on a whim. I just don’t think that I would. Especially if a child was involved, how could the kid be physically and emotionally mature enough to be cast into the multiverse alone? What kind of future nut-job are we creating there?
ng+ just feels like a nice feature that I might use every once in a while. Otherwise, it cancels out all the collecting and building you do in any regular playthrough.
The point of a Starborn playthrough seems to be not want can I loot/collect, but ‘what has changed.’
Also, I will want to experience the other player traits, which means a whole new game and leaving this one for good, at some point.
Why do I feel like I’m going to need a spreadsheet to keep track of all my playthroughs? Ha.
I’ll leave you with some parting thoughts. People say Starfield doesn’t do anything new. They’re wrong.
Starfield is much deeper than people realise, and it’s true: back on day one, when I first started the game, I felt that I was standing on a precipice. I just wasn’t aware of exactly how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Whether playing as Starborn, or starting out again from scratch, over 400 hours in and I’m still having an absolute blast.
EDIT: I’ve since gone through the Unity a second time, and I love love love how the Starborn ship upgrades and the suit changes each time, too.
My second Starborn suit is very nice, with a different helmet and gold accents. It will be interesting to see how they continue to evolve with further trips through the Unity. The only other game I can think of that did something similar was Journey - which was universally loved, even though you play through the exact same game over and over again (because that was the point in Journey - the circle of life and all that jazz).
Starfield does so much more than people realise. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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lesbianklance · 3 years
klance debate no2: if klance were to be canon which season do you think would be best for that to happen? discuss
my opinion: i love the idea of them slowly easing into a relationship and getting closer in the space road trip to earth in the first half of s7 however i would change a lot about canon still. either that or after they go to earth but def towards the end of the series
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
The many faces of Star Trek movie posters
By Ames
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Ah, the Star Trek movie posters: a study in just what various artists think William Shatner’s face looks like. A Star to Steer Her By is sitting down this week to really get a good look at the posters (okay, mainly the official theatrical posters, since you’ll see that movies tend to have myriad versions) and consider this: if we saw this poster, would we want to see this movie? Or more often: whose face is this supposed to be?
See all the posters below. ALL of them. They’re also here in google drive if you want to see them higher res. Check out our discussion in this week’s episode here (poster discussion starts at 1:00:26) and find out which posters have us hooked and which have us starting our own insurrection... (wink wink).
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
As Jake says on the podcast, the best thing about The Motion Picture is the marketing, as we discussed in both our tagline and title card posts previously. Like the movie, the poster is visually interesting, colorful, and dynamic. We’re still sold on this one.
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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Always good to see Khan! And while we’re distracted for a minute by the Enterprise firing on Regula I for some reason and by the people popping out of Khan’s pants, this is otherwise a very captivating image with slightly more readable text than its title card!
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Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
We are STILL confused by this one. For one, the color contrast is all a little samey and hard to really find focus on. But we have been debating who those figures at the bottom are supposed to be and coming up blanker than Spock’s memory.
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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Extra points for featuring the whole crew on the poster for a change! With its bold colors, eye-catching landmark, and way better tagline than the official one, this all really works for us! Now if it also had some whales, it’d basically be perfect.
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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
I’d place this one fairly in the middle of the impressions overall. It’s definitely got movement (maybe too much movement?) and it knows how to make a “V” in many different ways! Is the tagline “Adventure and Imagination Will Meet at the Final Frontier” even worse than the official one? You decide.
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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Y’all like the “Praxis Effect” explosion? Cuz this poster got you a whole bunch of Praxis Effect explosions! It’s definitely solid, with some great contrasts in colors, placement of text, and a very foreboding General Chang. 
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Star Trek: Generations
Yawnfest. The colors are so muted and dreamy that we just want to go to sleep. Where’s the intrigue in this poster? All we glean from it is that Kirk and Picard are both in the movie, and frankly, that’s not enough. Well, it is enough if we’re being realistic here, but not for a poster!
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Star Trek: First Contact
If you put some Borg stuff on a poster, people will see it. So kudos to the artist for really giving us exactly what we like from this movie: Picard, Data, resistance being futile, and a real sense of tension. This poster tells me they know their audience, possibly by assimilation.
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Star Trek: Insurrection
There was some love and some meh in our discussion of this one. It’s the first one without any crew member faces, for what that’s worth. And do we really care about this Amadeus-style space face? No really? Do we? Read our favorites and least favorites below to find out where this one falls!
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Star Trek: Nemesis
Another love/hate relationship with this poster: some of us love it and some of us hate it. The green wispy stuff is nice and the font is way better. Shinzon looks intriguing AF, but is it enough? Do we really need Data and Picard or would just Shinzon be better? AND WHERE’S OUR DAMN SHIP?
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Star Trek (2009)
While all the newer movies each have about ten posters each, this is the main theatrical one and it’s super boring. Once you figure out what you’re looking at (oh, it’s the ship!), you come to accept that the marketers know that all they need to do is say it’s Star Trek and people will see it no matter what. And sadly, they’re right.
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Star Trek: Into Darkness
This movie’s main poster is… fine, I guess. That’s all.
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Star Trek: Beyond
At least Beyond makes for a pretty poster. It strikes me as very classic sci-fi and I can’t put my finger on why. But we appreciate the colors and the clouds and the upward movement of the thing. There’s something pretty and optimistic and futurey about this one that strikes us as very Star Trek.
As often happens with us, we’ve got some disagreement in our top and bottom poster lists, with some falling on both sides as tends to happen. Where do you fall on judging our collection of vintage movie posters?
Beyond and Nemesis: Honorable mentions Insurrection: Chris The Motion Picture: Jake The Voyage Home: Ames and Caitlin
Least Favorites:
Insurrection and The Search for Spock: Honorable mentions Nemesis: Caitlin Generations: Jake Star Trek (2009): Ames and Chris
Alternate Posters:
And since the movies all had alternate posters (some with an absolute ton of them!), here’s a whole bunch of extras that we don’t have room in this blogpost to discuss! Want to see them higher res? Scroll through them all in google drive here (organize alphabetically if it doesn’t do it automatically)!
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We’re still getting through the movie-marketing machine, so come back next week as we judge the Trek films some more! Keep following along with our coverage of Star Trek: Voyager on SoundCloud, friend us on Facebook and Twitter, and seriously tell us who the hell you think is in the poster for The Search for Spock!
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amelia · 3 years
related to that last ask but now i actually have a question! what are your favourite episodes for amy as a character? (sorry if i’m pestering you btw you don’t have to answer right away ❣️)
it is absolutely never a bother for me to talk about amy pond!! gosh though this is a Question. okay. i did interpret this as episodes that are my favorite for the lens of My Understanding Of Amy instead of favorite pond era episodes as a whole if that makes sense? under the cut bc i got long as i tend to do
i think my number 1 has to be the big bang, because it really is just like. okay, pond era absolutely runs into the problem of frequently making stories/episodes that should be centered around amy's emotional journey actually about somebody else — but the big bang is all hers. it is all on her! she's leading the show SHE'S the one in the pandorica SHE'S the one who remembers the doctor into existence it is HER choice to say goodbye to leadworth and continue to travel completely without remorse SHE IS THE HERO. it goes from "time can be rewritten, he'll find a way" to AMY being the one who finds the way. rory and river and the doctor all of course get their Moments but it's unquestionably amy's spotlight moment the whole way through
i have also ALWAYSSS been obsessed with starless universe amelia and the way that she still believes in stars in a world where they DON'T EXIST the power of her mind and the conviction of her beliefs is a CORE TENET of amy's character, the doctor has NOTHING to do with it!!! it's just who she is !!! best character of all time <3
other things about the amy's writing in this episode i love: the line "the universe pouring into her dreams every night," space florida outfit <3, ok i obviously do not love this but i think so much about amy talking about the doctor at her wedding and her mother is still like "NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN… i thought the psychiatrists FIXED her" like once again !!! a UNIVERSAL CONSTANT that amy is the one who believes in things nobody else does and is LOUD about it and is RIGHT !!! (let's kill hitler tried to retcon this but it simply won't work on me ❤️ just like anything else about the let's kill hitler flashbacks ❤️❤️❤️), OKAY DOCTOR DID I SURPRISE YOU THIS TIME? <3
number 2, i think, is the eleventh hour itself? like it's just… i've rewatched it so many times and it's still the most captivating character introduction i have ever seen. i know i'm biased but i love it so much. her introduction as a clearly neglected seven year old girl (constantly think about the deleted line that has her talking to aunt sharon and saying "you're not supposed to leave me, i'm seven!" WOOF) who's not afraid of anything except for the crack in her wall… she has drawings up all over her house of burning houses, she draws smiley faces into her apples bc her mom used to do that, she can cook for herself way better than i could at seven, and she desperately just wants to leave. but when the doctor tells her he'll be back in five minutes, amy is already so used to adults leaving her and breaking their promises that she doesn't believe him. but he makes her believe anyway. and he doesn't come back.
and all of the rest of her character hinges on that introduction — of course she has to believe him, he was REAL, nobody can take his realness away from her even if she is the only one who believes. but he also left her all alone for so long, just like everyone else who was supposed to be there for her did, so what good does that to her? so yeah of course she grows up angry and bitter and hiding those layers of hurt deeply under the surface, scorning all attachment and serious relationships because she knows she can't trust them. she outwardly distances herself from her childhood self by changing her name but she IS still just such a child inside.
she's not ready to settle, to grow up, to become what everyone in her tiny village wants her to be, thinks that she should be — so when she gets the chance to GO, of course she takes it. but she's also not just going to let the doctor off the hook for [gestures] her entire life, you know? the exchanges "people always say that" "i'm not people, do i even look like people?" | "people always have a reason" "do i look like people?" "Yes." always just GUT ME. she may trust him but it's NOT a blind trust, it can't be.
number 3 has to be the beast below it just makes me SCREAM how good that episode is at really developing amy through her compassion for other people — right from the start she sees that kid crying and she thinks the doctor must ignore stuff like this all the time, and she says that she could never do that. she's learning and intuiting leaps and bounds about the doctor with everything he says to her — which is another one of my favorite amy character traits, the way she is SO quick to pick up on things about other people and analyze them. everything that she picks up about the doctor allows her to KNOW what to do to save the star whale, allows her to be confident in the fact that the star whale wanted to help the whole time. the choice is IN HER HANDS she IS THE HERO <3 as she always should be. you couldn't just stand there and watch people cry! all that pain and misery and loneliness and it MADE IT KIND. i don't care how overused that quote is it still HITS !!!
um. number 4 is the girl who waited but my very specific headcanon-ridden interpretation and cutting out all that garbage "rory's the most beautiful man i've ever met" "defying destiny causality the nexus of time itself for a boy" bullshit. idk there's so many terrible things about this episode but it also gave me so much to think about when it comes to amy it's on my mind a LOT. one thing i think about is the way it parallels amy's first abandonment by the doctor — not just in the obvious sense but in the way that she's actively fighting for her life in a hostile atmosphere, but nobody else SEES it as a hostile atmosphere. the two streams facility is leadworth like it really is. and what adds a more chilling component is the way the handbots signature line is "do not be alarmed, this is a kindness" — like all the people who were trying to convince amy she was crazy throughout her entire childhood really thought they were doing her a kindness. they thought they were helping her. but they were killing her. because she wasn't made for that environment.
beyond that i am just obsessed with 36-years-later amy she is an icon she is a legend she is the moment i don't care! every mean thing she said about the doctor and rory was absolutely deserved and in fact she should have been so much meaner! she is SO SMART she makes her own SONIC PROBES OUT OF CAMERA PHONES the fact that she even was able to SURVIVE THAT LONG and in COMPLETE isolation and still retain her own mental faculties is just insane to me it speaks so much about her insane mental strength oh my god it makes me sooo emotional i am tearing up a little typing this right now.
i just am always THINKING about the line "there he is, the voice of god. number one lesson: survive, because no one's coming for you. you taught me that" it says SO MUCH about her. oh my god older amy didn't want to die she'll be kicking and screaming and fighting til the end… i fucking hate this show and picking and choosing when paradoxes should apply OLDER AMY DESERVED TO LIVE
number 5 is probably the power of three but my own very headcanon infused interpretation of it. because it's like. the ultimate miscommunication/misunderstanding that exists between amy and the doctor coming to a head. where amy in 7.02 is like "i can't not wait for you, even now. (…) we think you're weaning us off you" (that line always makes me slow exhale … the phrasing of the doctor as a drug) and the doctor keeps insisting that's not true, "you'll be there until the end of me" "or vice versa" (and they have that loaded held stare and you know they're both thinking about what he said to her before he left in the god complex…)
but it's not until this episode where amy starts to actually believe he means it. at the same time she's spent so much TIME preparing for the inevitable moment where the doctor says goodbye and doesn't say hello ever again that she's not willing to fully hope that the doctor really means it when he says that he would never leave her permanently on purpose. and i love that this episode gives amy a lot of space to verbally communicate her emotions because the later pond episodes SORELY LACK THAT. and amy tells him, don't be nice to me, don't stop coming around just because you think that's the kind thing to do. even though she says herself that she doesn't know if she can have "both" — she knows that she can tell the doctor to stay, in her own way, and that he'll listen.
ideally they would have just gone off traveling together forever after that and the angels take manhattan did not happen but unlike what the doctor says about amy, i don't ever get what i want 🙃
also, this episode gave amy friends that weren't rory or the doctor or river so i love it for that on principal <3 i know amy had fun being the bridesmaid at laura's lesbian wedding. and kate!!
( i do hate that this episode ends with that conversation between brian and the doctor. i hate brian as a character and i will forever. won't get into this right now but OUGH )
honestly this list is kind of wobbly and might change if you asked me in a month so i'll just rattle off other favorite episodes / moments real quickly: the good night minisode (it counts!), RIVER SONG DIDN'T GET IT ALL FROM YOU SWEETIE (timeline frozen amy my beloved!), "i remember it so it happened so i did it," vincent and the doctor specifically when vincent tells amy that he hears the song of her sadness…. ow, i could write a whole other essay about amy's choice and how it is so much more complex than people give it credit for but this post is already so goddamn long
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dappersheep · 3 years
Food Fantasy: An Analysis on what killed a Golden Goose (3/3)
Ladies and gentlemen, we've arrived at our final destination.
Again before we start, we have our obligatory disclaimers. I do not own the game or its characters, nor do I claim to know the true history and likely fate of this game. I am entitled to the thoughts and opinions written within this post. Feel free to agree or disagree with the points being made.
This post also remains untagged from the main foofan tag. Only my followers will see this.
We are in the third and final stretch, and the checkpoint is past the cut.
So... here we are, fellow Master Attendants.
As consumers of this piece of entertainment media, we are free to enjoy it however we wish. Appreciating what is there, creating something new from what exists, playing the game by the meta or however you want to play it (within your means and at your own risk of course). There's no one true and absolute way to experience the game.
However, just as you can enjoy something, doesn't mean you can't also point out flaws or shortcomings of the media in question. As an active veteran player, I've already pointed out the many gameplay design flaws  already. And I'd be pretty dumb to say that Food Fantasy's writing is perfect. Hell, it has a lot of holes from a worldbuilding consistency standpoint. 
And what of things from the community side? Yes, there will be times you'd see content you consider cringe, or something in fanon you don't agree with. Or there happens to be fan theories and fangirling posts you don't like the take of because of X or Y.
And that's fine. If we all happen to play the same way, like the same thing, agree on the same thing and produce the same thing, well, this would be one helluva boring community, wouldn't it?
But what if someone decides the way you're playing the game is wrong and harasses you over it? What happens if someone decides that their interpretation of the game's flavor text and lore is more important than what anyone else thought about it? What happens if someone decides that they're absolutely right, and you and everyone else who disagrees deserves to be bullied out of the fandom?
As much as I want to say we aren't part of the problem why the game is deteriorating, we are unfortunately, part of the reason why the game is as such even if most of the blame is directed towards Funtoy and Elex themselves.
⦁ Whale Authority. Whales will always be part of a gacha game's ecosystem. Without them, the game won't be able to maintain its upkeep costs, moreso  for one that services global regions instead of just one. But when a game decides to cater its decisions of what features should be prioritized and when it should be launched around only its most elite paying players' voices  -even if that influence has since tapered off-, you know there is something wrong with the publisher's management team and priorities.
⦁ Interguild drama. While I did not personally follow any of this, this has certainly been the peak of in-game tension back in the day. Poaching good players from both competitive and smaller guilds, guild mergers that often ended up making the annexed guild/s the equivalent of UK colonized India or Australia, suck-ups chummying up to guild leaders to keep a spot in an active, high ranking guild (for bragging rights!) despite never contributing much to overall damage, and just general dislike of certain players' attitudes. Actions like this have disillusioned many players about their playing experience and the reason why many eventually just lost the motivation to log into FooFan.
⦁ Cheaters. You know very well about the Hacker-teme I've mentioned before, but that was in context of Elex being incompetent with dealing with them. Here, I would like  to point out the players who are desperate to dominate  the playing field for whatever reason to the point that they would resort to cheating the ranks with forceful modifications of the APK. Whether it is to rank high in catacombs weekly, get a top spot in daily disaster damage, or weasel their way into the competitive whale ranks of a major ranking event, these are the people who have no qualms messing with the code to give themselves an easier time with the game. And if they're caught? Some pretend that they've made a mistake, some quickly sell the account to escape the blame, some others just scamper away into the dark and hide in the lower ranks where they can't be found. Others simply don't care and keep cheating until Elex decides to finally ban them... if Elex ever decides their rebates score isn't worth saving the account.
⦁ Ship wars. Ah yes, a staple of drama in any fandom. There doesn't need much explanation to this as we've all had our fair share of running into a battleground in whatever fandom we visit. Someone ships BB52 wholeheartedly? Nope, problematic 'age gaps'. Someone likes Napoleon with Pastel? Someone's bound to misinterpret their bios in order to justify that Napoleon was being abusive. Spaghetti and Borscht? Borscht is minor coded, ship her with Vodka instead. Whiskey and Pizza or Cassata? Cancelled! And I've never heard of the Foe Yay trope or pretend I don't know about it! Rarepairs? Disgusting! No fanon in my canon playground! Turkey and Eggnog? Gasp! How dare you, you pedo-shipper-even-though-you-never-said-you-shipped-them-romantically-but-that-isn't-my-point!
⦁ Character Obsession: Bias. On one hand, you love a character so much. Relate to a character so much. You have thus pulled this character into the folds of your bosom and coo at them like a mother dove and get so minutely triggered if someone so much as makes one disagreeable or joking comment about the character that you fly into an overreactive ballistic rage that would make a Canadian goose honk in fear. You don't care what they are in canon. You don't care about the possibility of mistranslation. What matters is the fanon space you carved out for them to exist in and that's all that matters. The problem with this is when this obsession takes over common sense and social etiquette and it steps into harassment territory. You begin to think: I'm the only one who 'understands' the character. I'm the only one who wishes better for the character, everyone else is out to defame them! Oh wait, you like them too? Do you like them the way *I* like them? No? Maybe if you're my 'friend', I'd let it slide. But to everyone else? No one else has the right to like them as much as I do. No one! Never mind that they're completely fictional- No one hurts my bias because in turn, they're hurting *me*!
⦁ Character Obsession: Anti. On the other hand, you hate a character so much. This character just makes you see so much red. Their smug little smirk just makes your blood boil. Their fictional backstory makes you recoil in disgust. You hate that someone else loves a character you hate so much.  You cannot *believe* that someone could be so daringly stupid to like a problematic character. They must be problematic too then. They must be hiding real life secrets that are problematic! Yes, yes. That's right. That person's a supporter of abuse. That person's into pedophilia. That person is into military lolita fashion that Japan started the trend of but clearly Japan was part of the Axis Powers! And that... that person... that person... is a roleplayer and a yaoi fangirl properly interacting with minors and adults. How dare they...!
⦁ Fan Translations.  Normally it wouldn't be a problem that a group or two or several are translating pieces of the game's lore ahead of the official. But with Elex's very delayed translations and extreme allergic reactions to translating Food Soul bios, people have become dependent on fan-translation groups to get their fix. The problem herein lies... is when the translators get drunk off the power that they are one of a handful in a small community who can magically transcribe the oriental moonrunes into English. The problem starts when the translator starts to have an inclination. The problem starts when the translator loses their professional detachment and start adding in details here and there into the fan translated product that ultimately changes the meaning and direction of the entire story. The problem is also escalated when that translator's embellished product is touted as the truth by their followers. If there was an upcoming character whose backstory is connected to a character they hated (either because of someone or they just don't like the character) and you were hoping to read the fan translation? How would you know that what you get isn't something doctored to the point it's basically fanfiction?
⦁ Social Justice Vigilantism. Sometimes someone does not have a character obsession or need it to be annoying. Sometimes, someone just wants to ring the alarm over something they find 'problematic' in order to police and sanitize the enjoyment of the media for 'everyone'. They no longer really take enjoyment out of a new Food Soul design being leaked, they no longer read the lore just to enjoy what it has to offer. Instead, they nitpick bits and pieces of the design and point it out repeatedly as a reason why the whole thing is bad. They point out bits of the story and inject their interpretations of it without really comprehending what they've read in full and react badly to it. What's worse is that they have no qualms publicly posting their reactions and eagerly and hungrily await those likes and echoes of agreement that they were right.
⦁ Circles of Influence. Everyone has a group they eventually gravitate to in a fandom. It comes with its own pros and cons. Sometimes you join a group because someone you admire is in there, sometimes you join a group because you just want to mingle and see more content. All valid reasons. Arguments can't be avoided in a group, it has to happen... But you have to take care. You have to take care to feel the change in the air of the group. When someone starts pushing people to agree with them. When your most admired people start to feel overly sensitive about certain characters or issues. When you start to feel obligated to spy on other groups outside of this one for 'nonbelievers', 'traitors' and 'heretics' who do not think the way this group does, and that bringing back bits and pieces of gossip as offerings would somehow make you more favored in the eyes of the inner clique or remain inside it. There is a gripping sense of annoyance when that person comes in to complain but you can't do anything about it but nod and agree. There is a pervading sense of fear and apprehension of overstepping an invisible boundary. There is fear that you might be next on the chopping block, after witnessing one of the others being ganged up on and thrown out without a second thought, their name spat upon like they're worth less than dirt. And so reluctant you are to give up what you have with them that when they push you to do something you are reluctant to do, all in the name of 'harmony and justice'... You do it. Even though it would mean offering yourself up to the mob with no salvation, and the stark realization that... [they] never cared about you as a friend.
And we've come to the end of this analysis trilogy. The writing got a little bit strange in this post, but honestly this is the best way I could put it. I'm aware things can and will be more complicated than the bullet points I've written but I'm just one person and I tried very hard to keep details of all the drama that happened in this fandom as vague as possible. Of course, that wouldn't work if you know what I am talking about.
The community is quiet now for the most part, the game is somewhere between limbo and the living plane. Things could be better for us, but I don't really count on it.
I wish I could leave a bit of a moral warning or something. But rather than do that, I just hope this was an entertaining read into one individual's eyes into Food Fantasy and everything that makes it up.
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
I got 25 asks that took me WAY too long to reply to! :}
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I have two top favorite episodes, the cone snail episode and the beluga whales episode.
When it comes to my favorite part of both episodes..?
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..Not happy parts...
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I have absolutely no idea what you just suggested.
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(Referring to this post)
Thank you! That was the intention. :} I was worried that their faces all looked weird..
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You want to learn more? Man.. maybe I should post that headcannon draft..
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Yeah haha, this blog has taken quite the U-turn hasn’t it? I’m just glad everyone seems okay with it so far. <:} I’m excited for season 5 also! I hope it comes out soon! :D
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Yes and no.
Does he think of his crew as children? Absolutely not. They are all fully grown, intelligent and capable adults, and he darn well treats them like it.
But you bet that if one of them is in danger or is frightened, he’s dropping everything he’s doing and rushing to their aid as if they’re his cub that just wondered out onto the highway.
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ME TOO! I always felt like he had this fatherly vibe to him with some professionalism sprinkled on top. Like he’s always looking out for his team because he cares for them and worries about them, but its kind of disguised as him just doing his job as the Captain.
I plan to draw more Protective Barnacles because its my jam, so don’t worry! That side of you will have some more fuel soon XD. And thank you for all the compliments! :}
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Daww thank you, it twaz nothin. I’m just glad that people want to see my art.
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Well, taking everyone into consideration, the tallest is Captain Barnacles, and the shortest is Tomminow. (This little guy 👇)
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The Vegimals aside though? Peso is the shortest. 
(And thank you! I’m glad :})
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Honestly? Awful. I feel like absolute garbage, I just hope this will all finally go away soon.
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Not really no, and no thanks on the cookies, I shouldn’t eat anything until I get super hungry because everything gives me stomachaches.. But a hug would sure be nice right about now.
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I can give you a link to their wiki pages if that’ll help, I’m not really good with my words and you can learn everything you need to know about them there. <:}
Captain Barnacles (The polar bear guy)
Kwazii (The orange pirate cat guy)
Peso (The bby Penguin doktor)
Shellington (Tall Otter boi)
Dashi (Doge girl with skirt)
Professor Inkling (Fancy squik)
Tweak (Green bunny country gal chick)
The Vegimals (Little veggie dudes)
All the Gups (Metal fishes)
The Octopod (Momma metal squik)
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Whos the youngest Octonaut? Well, if we’re not including the Vegimals, I’d say its probably Peso. And the oldest is most likely Professor Inkling.
Does anyone have claustrophobia? Yes! Captain Barnacles canonically does. He got trapped in a deep hole in some icy caves as a cub, since then he’s been afraid of tight and closed in spaces. I have extended on that fact and thought of many different scenarios relating to the aftermath of the Octonauts movie, but you know.. still not confident in all this Octonauts stuff so I haven’t posted my headcannons yet. <:/
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Novelas translated into English means Soap Opera.
You think so? I feel like that’s not Kwazii’s thing, he’d probably like horror movies and action filled movies. But Peso probably would like them not gonna lie, him and Dashi would probably watch them together.
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Well, in my draft post I’ve got two headcannons for her so far.
Tweak likes sleeping in the launch bay for the #1 reason that she can hear the water sloshing around in the bay. Which mimics the sound the water in the swamp used to make when she lived there with her Dad.
Tweak gets bad migraines when she’s sick, so the other Octonauts have to do a lot to accommodate her. Because the beds in the med bay aren’t that soft, she prefers to sleep in her room when she’s sick. But then the usually comforting sounds of the water in the launch bay become pain inducing. So the launch bay is emptied of all its water, the lights are shut off and, unless its an emergency, no one is allowed in the launch bay until she recovers. 
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I looked it up, and its true.
KWAZII WAS A GIRL IN THE BOOKS?? THEN WHY IS HE A BOY IN THE SHOW?? WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT?? WH??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like this Kwazii more than I would any other version of him, but still, WHY’D THEY CHANGE THAT?? IM GLAD THEY DID BUT WHY??
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Hmm.. let me think...
Captain Barnacles most likely doesn’t ever have uninterrupted free time, and even when he does, he probably still prefers to be up in HQ where anyone can find him if they need him. But lets say for the sake of it that he has some free time and he takes it. He’d probably either want to play his accordion, or want to read a book.
I feel like there’s a lot of different things Kwazii likes to do in his spare time, but goofing around in the Gup-B is probably his favorite.
Peso probably likes to do puzzles and play his xylophone.
Dashi probably reads books while listening to music. How she does both of these things at the same time I have no idea.
Tweak probably plays video games.
Professor Inkling and Shellington both probably read books in their free time.
I’m not too sure what the Vegimals would do in their free time though..
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Oh yes, indeed it does. 
Before becoming the Captain of the Octonauts, Barnacles had to ask himself,  “Am I really ready to be their leader?” Can he handle managing a team of that size? Can he react to situations fast enough and make the right choices? He thought it through and believed that yes. He was ready.
But he wasn’t. He wasn't prepared for that gut wrenching anxiety when one crew member goes missing. He wasn't prepared for the crippling heat that most everywhere else has compared to his home. He wasn't prepared to become so attached to his crew that the thought of something happening to them keeps him awake for nights in a row. He wasn’t prepared for that overwhelming nausea of missing home and his sister. 
There was a lot he didn’t know. They’d all turn to him when something went wrong and ask if everything's going to be okay. He’d say “don’t worry, its all going to be okay.” but he’s just as unsure as everyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, he’s not this completely hopeless and unexperienced Captain that bit off more than he could chew, no. There’s just somethings he didn’t think about before becoming Captain of the Octonauts.
Now usually he can really keep himself composed almost always. He’s very level headed and very good at thinking his way through things, But sometimes? He just.. needs a break. He usually cant get a break because he’s the Captain and always needs to be alert, so everyone else that sees it usually tries to help.
Some crew members, like the Vegimals and Kwazii, have a habit of following the Captain around when they see that he’s tired to keep an eye on him. Others like Shellington and Dashi tend to give him space and keep things quiet for him. Some crew members, like Peso and Tweak tend to clean up around the place to take some weight off the Captains shoulders, they all help him out in some way.
Professor Inkling will sometimes find an excuse to pull him aside to have some tea with him. They’ll sit and talk for a bit but then he’s back up on his feet and back to work. This poor bear..
..hold on.. was this a drawing suggestion?
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Dashi and Tweak would probably hang out in Dashi’s room and goof around. Not sure what they’d do.. maybe read, talk, play games or.. idk pillow fights? I don’t know what girls do on a girls night.
As for everyone else? I also am not sure, I don’t know what all those characters with all their clashing personalities would do on a boys night. Maybe they would all watch a movie? All attempt bake something obnoxious together? They seem like the kind of characters that would do that.
I’ve never been to a girls night or a guys night, so I don't really have much of a base to go off of.. but both groups would probably get together and do something they’d all enjoy. Guys maybe a funny movie, and the girls just talking and reading books? <:D 
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For real that’d be hilarious. Imagine if their voices were deep and gruff too but they just make them sound high pitched for fun?
Dude that’d be so funny. Like Kwazii’s up to his shenanigans again blabbering on about some sea monster or what have you, and Tunip out of nowhere just goes,
“Kwazii legit stop, we all know that you’re just talking about some ordinary sea creature that pirates interpreted as a sea monster.“
The whole crew gon be like
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If this game existed in their world and they all played it.....
Captain Barnacles would make it through a pacifist run and would be satisfied. He’s some kind of weirdo who doesn’t think of characters as real people and doesn’t obsess over them and cry about them. Overall he thinks the game is pretty neat, but probably not his type of game.
Kwazii would want to test his skills by attempting a genocide, but his heart of gold would get in the way and he wouldn’t be able to complete it. He’d feel terrible for killing goat mom, reset and go hard pacifist next round. Overall he thinks the game is awesome.
Peso would want to talk to every character so they’d all be included in the story. He’d go full pacifist and cry over the story and its characters. Overall 10/10 for him.
Dashi would probably cry over the game a lot and would never attempt a genocide run because the characters are now her family.
Shellington would hate the fighting parts so would delay those bits by walking around and talking to characters over and over again.
Tweak would go through a neutral run because she sometimes accidently kills weaker monsters. Overall she loves the story and its characters, 10/10 would play again.
Professor Inkling would become invested in the story I bet. Complimenting the story arcs for the characters and its creative game play. But I feel like he’d only play it once and probably wouldn’t beat it, but would have fun with it none the less.
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Thank you!!!♡♡♡ Man, I never expected such a positive response to switching to Octonauts, I cant believe everyone is so excited about it! I’m so glad you like my Octonauts art, that really makes me feel better and like what I’m drawing is worth while. ɷ◡ɷ
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Aww I’m glad! And oh yeah, the animals at the end were always scary. Remember the Boo the spookfish?
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Boo was a cute little googly eyed fishy boi who was just so sweet and somft until the creATURE REPORT AND I-
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Dawww thank you!! I tried. <:}
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softwarmboy · 3 years
1. Selfie
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2. What would you name your future kids?
I really like the name Damon! And Grace
3. Do you miss anyone?
4. What are you looking forward to?
My name and gender marker documents going through!!! (Hopefully) my trip to London in the fall!!! My second dose of the vaccine! Seeing my little sister again! New tattoos!!
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Absolutely, I have a few close friends who can always get me smiling again
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Unfortunately for me, yes, very ;-; Im a very emotional person and feel things very strongly
7. What was your life like last year?
Living on the coast, working construction, and that was about it
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed
Yes 😂😂😂 mostly over math
9. Who did you last see in person
My friend Shannon!!!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings
Yes and no, if I’m upset/irritated/sad it’ll show on my face whether I want it to or not, BUT I’m pretty good as passing it off as something else if I want. Not a whole lot of people can tell when im doing that, if anyone at all
11. Are you listening to music right now?
Of course!! Im listening to When The Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat
12. What is something you want right now?
Food 😂😂😂
13. How do you feel right now?
Sore and tired
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you
Yesterday!! My friend was having a rough day and was kinda snarky with me and gave me a hug and an apology after she calmed down
15. Personality description
Full of dad jokes, puns, sass, caffeine and smart ass replies at all times 😂 very direct/straightforward, and have little to no patience for beating around the bush, in any context
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t
Oh god yeah, growing up I never told anyone anything, ever
17. Opinion on insecurities
We all have them, if you’re the kinda person who zeroes in on someone else’s, for any reason, I feel sorry for you but also have absolutely no patience or respect for you
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Nooooooooo, I wasn’t very happy. I wasn’t unhappy necessarily but 🤷🏻‍♂️ still no, hard pass
19. Have you ever been to New York
Nope! It’s on my travel list tho
20. What is your favourite song at the moment
At the moment??? The Colbie Caillat song i mentioned above!
21. Age and birthday?
23, and December 16th!
22. Description of crush
No thanks 😂
23. Fear(s)
Oh man, spiders, wasps, escalators (I have no idea why, don’t ask 😂😂) and aggressive men
24. Height
25. Role model
As cliche as it is, I mean it when I say my momma
26. Idol(s)
I don’t really??? Have any????
27. Things I hate
Mushrooms and olives 😂 but in all seriousness, people who are rude to retail/customer service employees or servers, people who don’t use turn signals or say please, thank you and excuse me, the sound of styrofoam (it’s a sensory thing for me)
28. I’ll love you if-
You’ll play video games with me or will try them or any books/music I suggest, notice the little things about me
29. Favourite film(s)
The Mortal Instruments!!!!
30. Favourite tv show(s)
Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Lucifer, Stranger Things, The Witcher, Firefly
31. 3 random facts
Your feet are the same length as your forearm! A whale dick is called a dork (if I remember correctly) and I can’t think of a third
32. Are your friends mainly guys or girls?
Girls mostly! I don’t have much in common with many guys 🤷🏻‍♂️ that and I just feel more comfortable around girls
33. Something you want to learn?
Sword fighting!!!! That’d be so cool
34. Most embarrassing moment
I have so many 😂😂😂 I’m a clumsy bastard, but I’ll go with my most recent for now- I saw a cute dog hanging his head out a car window and said hi without realizing there was someone in the passenger seat with their window down 😂😂
35. Favourite subject
Anything compute related!!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill
Go to Italy, get married, see the northern lights!!!
37. Favourite actor/actress
Melissa McCarthy 😂😂
38. Favourite comedian(s)
John Mulaney, Taylor Tomlinson, Gabriel Iglesias, and Iliza Shlesinger!!
39. Favourite sport(s)
Hockey I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
40. Favourite memory
Just one??? Hmmmmm….singing Party In The USA with my friends after we’d been inhaling helium 😂
41. Relationship status
Single 😂😂😭
42. Favourite book(s)
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, The Selection by Kiera Cass, and the Nightshade trilogy by Andrea Cremer
43. Favourite song ever
Ever???? Oh man that’s a tough one, maybe Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day???
44. Age you get mistaken for
17/18 😂😂😂so many of the teenagers at work don’t believe me when I say I’m in my 20’s. One of the kids in produce absolutely refused to believe I’m older than him
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
“I know you are”
47. Turn ons
Light nail scratches, is really all I can think of lately 🤷🏻‍♂️ I haven’t had that conversation with someone in quite some time
48. Turn offs
Being non consensually bossy, treating me like an object, daddy/mommy kinks
49. Where I want to be right now
London maybe! I’m really excited to go
50. Favourite picture of your idol
51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Teaching myself instruments! I’ve taught myself 3 so far! It’s always been something I’ve been able to pick up really quickly
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, love in any form, snuggles, drives with my favourite people, my favourite comfort foods
54. Something that’s worrying me at the moment
My name and gender marker documents
55. Tumblr friends
God I don’t remember anyone’s URL’s anymore 😂😂 but I have a fair amount! I talk to 99% of them on other platforms now so 🤷🏻‍♂️
56. Favourite food(s)
Nachos, mashed potatoes, any sort of cheesy/creamy pasta! Grilled cheese, grilled salmon roll, and really any form of potatoes actually
57. Favourite animal(s)
Wolves are my absolute favourite
58. Description of my best friend
Curly brown (it looks brown to me 😂 I know you’ll come at me for this when you see it) hair, blue eyes, the gayest fashion sense, practical, will always tell me when I need to pull my head outta my ass 😂💚
59. Why I joined Tumblr
I wanted a safe space to explore things like mental health, transitioning and a few other things!
60. Ask me anything you want
Self explanatory, have at ‘er
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? That would never happen, but for the sake of this question I’d certainly be surprised and caught off guard to say the very least for a lot of reasons. I would just be like wtf?? Do you play video games? Sometimes.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? Yeah.
Is your house more than two stories tall? Nope.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? >> I've never been in a physically abusive relationship, thankfully. <<<
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) Nothing.
What color is your hairbrush/comb? It’s rose gold.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm? Chips and dip, crackers, cookies...
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive? No.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? I don’t think so.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female? I don't remember.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? None.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? I had a mini Kit Kat yesterday if that counts.
Do you play any games on Facebook? Nope.
What would you like to get a degree in? I have a degree in psych.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? I don’t even go to bed until the early morning hours.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game? >> I mean, that obviously depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time. <<< Exactly. I enjoy all those things.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? Both.
What genre of films do you like the best? I’ve listed this a few times recently and don’t feel like doing so now.
How many bank accounts do you have? Just one.
Have you ever had the flu? Yeah.
What is your goal for the next few months? Get through each day and try to improve some health stuff.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life? My sleep schedule is completely messed up.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience. Yes. It’s a very unpleasant experience.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex. Funny and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it? :/
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? I don’t want to share what, but there’s definitely something I would change for her.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? No.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Yeah. I’m a big scardy cat and went through the whole thing having my friend push me through while I mostly kept my eyes closed lmaooo. I kept anticipating things or someone jumping out at me.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see? No.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping? I would say dusting. Did you pull a senior prank? No.
Did you graduate? Yes.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? No.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t remember.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? Nope, hence the glasses.
Is fashion one of your interests? >> It is, I think fashion is intensely interesting and fun.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? It’s hard to imagine that happening for me, honestly.
Do you care what people think? Yes, but not as much as I used to. 
Is acting something you enjoy? No.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? My leg when I was a kid.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours? No.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No.
Whose house, other than yours and your families’, are you most comfortable at? I’m most comfortable at my own house.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? No.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Nope.
Did you ever watch the show Full House? Yeah.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry? No.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture? No.
What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on? I’ve never been on a hike.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? My ex.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? Nope.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? I’m currently wearing an Hey Arnold shirt with Arnold and Helga plucking a flower on it and it has “I hate him” repeated a few times and then at the bottom it says, “I love him.” 
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. Any reptile or insect.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? Taller. Most people are taller than me anyway.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Yes.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? No.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? That my family was here.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Hmm.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The Fault in Our Stars is one that really, really got to me when I first saw it. I bawled. 
What’s your favorite restaurant? I don’t have a particular favorite.
Is there a dessert you don’t like? Not a pie fan.
Favorite album? Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I got into Twilight and The Hunger Games that way. I ended up becoming really into both, though.
Underwater or outer space? Both terrify me.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Kittens or puppies? Puppies
Bird watching or whale watching? Bird. I have an irrational fear of whales.
What was your best subject in school? English.
What was your worst subject in school? Math.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? Uhhh.
Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one. 
Diamonds or pearls? Both are nice.
What color dress did you wear to prom? It was white with gold flecks.
What’s your favorite plot-twist? Thats a broad question. There’s been a lot of plot twists in various movies, books, TV shows, and life itself, ha, that really got me.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? A few days ago. Had a full on panic attack, too, which was fun.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? Ew, NO. I find that so disgusting.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No.
Who are you closest to? My mom and brother.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No.
Are you currently sad about anything? Sad is just part of me.
Have you had any form of exercise today? I haven’t even gotten out of bed, yet, but I can assure you no exercising will be going on today.
Can you handle blood? Nooo.
Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. I didn’t try to apply for a job either though, so.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No.
Are you currently searching for a job? No.
Does eating breakfast make you sick? >> Nah. There was a short period of time when it did, back in the day, but now eating shortly after waking is almost a necessity for me. <<< Same, actually. The past few months I’ve gotten into the regular routine of having breakfast. 
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starwarsdestroyedme · 4 years
This has been in my head for a while and I need to get it out of my system. 
I’m giving y’all a bullet-point ficlet, because if I start to fully write it down I will lose myself as per usual and end up with 10 pages, and I have a project due for uni. 
Is the entire concept an excuse to get Remus to cup Logan’s face? Yes. Will I make fanart of it? Who knows, anything is possible. 
Did Logan deserve better? Yes. Always. That should not be a question. Is this shameless fluff having Remus comfort him? Absolutely. Enjoy. 
(I will write this properly later, if you wanna be tagged just let me know)
Tw: mildly unsymp light-sides, swearing, Remus being graphic, sad Logan times, self-doubt. (if there’s anything else do tell)
So, it goes like this: 
Logan is not okay. Like, we all suspected it, but for the sake of the drama let’s pretend it comes as a surprise. 
He goes to his comfy place. Logan’s comfy place is a huge window frame reworked into a reading space with a bookshelf on one side and a bunch of pillows arranged in a way that ensures proper posture, because there’s nothing better than a healthy spine. This is where he keeps his favourite books. 
Logan goes straight (heh, sure) for some poetry. Because that’s what he does when he feels like crap. 
Thinks about everyone ignoring him as per usual during the last video and covers himself with a blanket. Conjuring some tea, rain outside the window and some Satie (we live in a society) as background music for thematic appropriateness. 
Suddenly, the ceiling cracks open and Remus falls next to him like on the “hey, Billy” vine. He is covered by rubble and has some blood trailing the side of his face. So everything is normal. 
“Hey, Jan Jan told me to check on you” - R. 
Logan just says how that’s not necessary, that he cannot fathom why Janus would think so.
Remus does not buy it, but lets it go and just crosses his legs and sits on the ground, still surrounded by bits of broken ceiling. He gives Logan a blank stare and smiles like the absolute idiot he is. 
Logan is almost about to smile but forces himself not to because he is serious, and those outbursts are precisely what get him ignored in the first place. 
Remus asks him to read to him, and Logan obliges, because he does really enjoy that and he low-key (high-key) would like to have Remus hugging him while doing so. But who cares? Not the other sides, they don’t care about anything pertaining him. 
The reading begins (I’ll get a thematically appropriate poem here). 
Remus cuts the crap and tells him he knows something’s up (not what, because, mind you, Janus was too busy to tell him and he wasn’t there) because what he read was depressing and he looks like he just ate a rotten toe. 
“Is anything I say worthwhile?” 
“Oh, wow. Which of the light sides was it this time? I’ll murder them in a heartbeat for you”. 
“Please refrain from doing so. Also, I don’t believe it matters which one, the message is clear, my input is not appreciated”. 
“Fuck them. You’re a quasar, Lo, and I can flirt using that word because you taught me what it was. Everytime I hear you talk about something I feel the way you do when looking through a telescope. I know I’m not them, but I care about what you have to say. Except for when you tell me not to throw a javelin inside the living room or stuff like that, you’re a buzzkill, that is all I’m saying”. 
“I want to assist them. A good frame and background information are essentials on problem solving, why can’t they see it?” 
“Because they suck more than I suck you, and that is a whole lot. You do help them though. That is, like, your whole thing. Even if they’re complete idiots who don’t appreciate it, but, honey, we knew that. There is a good reason why only one of them is a whale penis, because he’s the only one who deserves my cute nicknames. You’re the one that’s worth it, dork”. 
Logan hugs the book and starts to tear up. 
“Should I just keep quiet? Is it better if I don’t even appear?” 
Remus looks away because he’s too angry, and mentally swears to disembowel every light side. 
“But what about Thomas? I must help him, without my input his productivity will be reduced by… 39% per cent”. 
‘Those percentages are WAY too low’ Remus thinks to himself, ‘he’s the braincell, without him we’ll only have Janus and Virgil, and those two will argue’. 
Remus rushes up and cups Logan’s face. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Remember those breathing exercises you taught everyone? Do that. Look, I’m a fuck-up, Lo. So, from one fuck-up, to one that thinks he’s an aspiring one, you don’t make the cut. You’re the most important side. So the light sides don’t pay attention? Who needs them! Thomas listens to you. Hell, he even listens to you when you’re not there”. 
“The compliance of the rest is key for me to be persuasive to Thomas, if they don’t--” 
Remus gives him a long soft kiss. 
“Leave them”. 
“That’s not--”
“You can do it. Virgil left us. You can leave them. You don’t need to be a dark side if you don’t want to, Thomas could never hate you, look at you! Just… stay with us for a while. Janus loves to talk to you about your nerd philosophical stuff, whenever you come by he’s thrilled there’s finally intelligent life around. Stay, give him a boner with Kierkegaard! Besides… my bedroom’s always open” insert an eyebrow wiggle because Remus and timing cannot coexist. “We can do space simulations in the imagination and--!”. 
“Wait. Really!?!?!?!” 
“Why would you suggest it if you don’t mean for me to---”
“I thought you’d never accept. Oh, this is going to be great!!! I am going to make you an autopsy room and give you so many study subjects. Just you wait Lo, you’re going to be up to the elbow with the amount of dissections--” 
Logan was about to say something big. He felt really heavy in his chest. Happy by looking at Remus, who actually gave a damn. But saying that was perhaps too big yet. Timing and Logan coexisted at all times. 
“Thank you” he offered instead. 
Remus smiled like the Cheshire cat. 
Intrulogical taglist: (it’s not exactly a fic, but you might enjoy it)
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evien-stark · 3 years
✧I Need You✧  Chapter 196
Ex-Stark Employee At the Mercy of Bleeding Hearts on Valentine’s Day 
This was not the headline you imagined for your big night. It wasn’t one you wanted. It was one that made you a little… sad, even. Cadence had stolen your big night, but you’d ruined her life, right? Fired her when she’d gone behind your back and hurt people of New York City that had needed help. Maybe you’d been too hard on her. 
Because what else would cause her to become so deranged? To volunteer herself for science experiments and use the rest of her life savings on blackmarket Chitauri weapons? She wouldn’t give up her seller. Nor her doctors. She wouldn’t give you any information on anything that had led her from the street of Stark Industries the night you’d fired her to the moment where she’d carefully planned and crafted a rouse designed to kill you. 
She’d messed with your car. She’d tried to break your Reactor. She’d possibly gotten close to murdering you. All so that she could parade your dead body around the city, wound Tony over it and try to draw his fire out in much the same way. Damage his suit and then probably put his head on a pike. 
This life-
God you hated this life. 
And that poor kid had gotten wrapped up in all this nonsense. You’d come out of it with more than a concussion, but that was not the thing you were most concerned about. Seeing as how the evening was only recalled in bits and pieces. But you remembered just enough about him. That a young crimefighter had come to your aid when you’d needed help. And he’d almost paid a very dear price for it. 
He was just a kid- and you knew exactly which one. Because there were no coincidences in the world. What had driven Peter Parker to vigilantism? Was it the night at the Expo? Had you and Tony done this to him? Prodded him into a glamorous life of villains and evil? He was just a kid. He was just a kid. Had you met him when he was even younger than he was now for a reason? Had you seen him in the park a few months ago for that very same reason? 
None of it made sense and- You were just so tired and sad.
It was why Tony found you sitting up in your darkened bedroom, weeping the next night. Falling down off an emotional cliff the wrong way. It hurt to cry, too. Physically. Your chest was a disaster area. Healing quicker than you deserved, but two days out you still weren’t there. Your face and body were still blotchy with yellowed bruises. Your neck still bore what looked like claw marks on the side. 
And Tony had given a public press release about Cadence with his ring on. Without you. Because you were wounded and in bed. Not that it mattered. Press had pictures of you wearing your engagement ring as you were being half carried out of that apartment building by Tony and DC. You didn’t remember that moment- in pictures you seemed to be awake, lucid, and on your feet. Exactly as you should have been because Lady Iron couldn’t be taken down by a crazed ex-employee right?
Except that’s sort of what had happened.
Some hero you were. 
You were supposed to be thankful that they were painting you in such an angelic light. An ex-employee had been out to kill you. Had plotted for years about the exact way to do it and had done everything within her means (and some very far out of her reach) to exact this plan. You’d had a chance to kill her- because of course you had- you were Lady Iron. An Avenger. But you’d chosen mercy. 
...this was all true. Perhaps. Maybe Tony had told the story that way. And it was true. You hadn’t wanted to kill her. You’d come very close to doing so. But by your heroic strengths alone you’d decided not to. But that wasn’t really how it had happened, was it? 
The next few days were a daze. Walking nightmares that you barely woke from until Tony held you in his arms. Dropped broken glasses as you felt yourself going upside down in your car and- alien shrieks accompanied with those electric spears- In some moments you were in that alley. In that building. In others you were facing down a giant space whale and laser blasts. Life was a daze. You were in so many places. Yet you’d never once left home. 
Tony weathered your storm with loving patience and understanding. Until finally on the fourth morning it felt like you were going to be okay again. You didn’t get lost going down a hallway, or start crying looking out windows- or… duck for cover, plastered into whatever closest corner you could find. 
You hated this life. You wanted out. 
But how could you? When you’d unknowingly indoctrinated a child? 
You weren’t over the Battle of New York City. You weren’t over Ivan Vanko. Or Obidiah Stane. Or being tossed off port beams to die in a fire- being injected with EXTREMIS and exploding. You weren’t over Triskellion ships exploding out of the sky in Washington. Or being attacked at the United Nations. Or Sokovia being utterly destroyed. You weren’t over being tortured by Kilgrave. Or murdering your college professor. 
Now you were fighting the fresh and new monsters Cadence had born to life. 
Your battle record was getting to be quite extensive. All of them looked like victories on paper, but to you they were all shadows that at any moment could slither around you and choke you. It just depended on the right noise or the right darkness or the right trigger. 
How could you let a child start digging himself a well of trauma chasing the life of a superhero? 
Really, more importantly, how could you stop him? 
You took a long two hours that morning to get your head on straight. Wallowing was good for only so long. It had allowed you a lot of release that had been building up. And despite your rank in society, you tried to remember that you, like everyone else, were really just a person. Some days it was harder to remember that than others. The days where it felt like you were holding the world on your shoulders. But… for now you’d had your time. Now you had to get back to work. 
A too long and too hot shower really helped soothe all the aches and pains that still lingered. Once you were finished you got ready as if it were a normal day. Did your hair. Your makeup. Got dressed like you were going somewhere, even if you had no plans to. It helped. If only a little. 
Tony was sitting at his desk in the corner of the living room. Close to the bedroom. Not his actual work office or down in the labs. Close to you. Because you might need him. And often did. He had papers and parts and who knew what else littered just about everywhere. He was working on something. But when you approached close enough he lifted his head like he just knew you were there and turned on his stool to glance your way. 
Once you got within arm’s reach, that’s literally what you did. Reaching out to him, winding your arms around him. Resting your forehead against his shoulder as he returned the embrace. He had a touch of nervousness about him. The same one he always did when you had just woken up fresh from a battle. Worried he might hurt you if he exerted too much upon you, no matter how much he wanted to. 
So you squeezed him. And delighted when he squeezed back. Not quite crushing you to him, but somewhere close to it. A feeling that helped ground you. 
When you eased back he reached up- left hand on purpose. You felt the cool metal of his ring as he cupped the side of your face. “How are you feeling?” You reached up with your own to hold him where he was, half tilting in closer, eyes closing. Just… just enjoying the feel of his touch. “Good enough.” Tony had his own demons to deal with, his own torments and problems the same as you. You knew because of this he understood exactly what it was like. To be where you were. You nodded to everything sitting in front of him. “Working on what Cadence had?” 
His attention turned back to the table just a little. “Working on figuring out how this happened.” A cloud was looming over him. But that was normal after these kinds of events. He blamed himself for everything. Constantly. Even things that weren’t his fault. ...especially things that weren’t his fault.
A useless shrug welled up from your shoulders and a little more than guilt seeped through you. “I was so focused on us being normal I forgot that we weren’t.” 
“Don’t blame yourself-” “Why not?” The two of you were staring at one another again. “I was so focused on us and… pretending to be anyone else. I should have realized what was happening far before it happened. That my car was messed with. That I was going the wrong way. That she was waiting for me in the road. I didn’t. And I got what I deserved.” 
He stood up suddenly but didn’t raise his voice. “You did not deserve that. Or any of this.” Anything that had ever happened, he meant. He was firm in saying this but not forceful. His heart was aching same as yours. 
“It just seems like… every time we try and carve out something for ourselves, some force is determined to take it away.” There was a certain helplessness about you. At what point did you stop lying to yourself that you could have a life with Tony? How many times had the universe waggled its finger right in your face to tell you otherwise? 
His hands reached up again but landed on your arms, giving you a light little rub there. “You telling me you buy into the whole cosmic fate nonsense all of a sudden?” 
You found yourself shaking your head. “I don’t know. I just know that… coincidences just never seem to be coincidences. And whenever we try and take one step forward for us, we get shunted back about ten.” 
Softly he watched you. Considered what you were saying. It wasn’t long before one of his brows arched upwards. “In terms of the public eye we just got engaged. You wanna call it off?” 
“No.” Something desperate in the way that you said this, lifting your hands to touch up across his chest. “Of course not. But… I think it’s time to pack it in on this whole retirement idea. It’s not really working out.” Sadness hit Tony hard then and you were entirely responsible. It hurt because you didn’t know what else to say about it. “We’ll have a wedding and some loud obnoxious villain will break it up. You’ll have to bring two suits.” The humor was not real or strong, no matter how hard you were trying. 
That he didn’t even crack a smile was telling. “Our life is not a Saturday morning cartoon. We don’t live in a five act structure. Not everything gets wrapped up with a neat little lesson and an audience laugh track. Things happen no matter how much either of us try to stop them or prepare for them or fight them. But the only thing we can do is move on.” 
“To the next terrible thing.” 
His hands gripped you a little harder. Not hurting you but… “All we can do is move on.” It was like he was begging you to come to an agreement with him about this. As usual. As always. Every time you had this exact conversation… he begged you not to fall away from him.
You didn’t know what to say. You had no words that would make it better and you feared saying anything that would make it worse. You rubbed at his chest a little absently and he let up on his hold. You drew a deep breath in and let it out as an even deeper sigh. “Well…” Deciding to just… move on as he’d said. “I may not have deserved this latest atrocity but. I know someone who deserved it even less.” 
It took him a moment to be able to pick up his own pieces enough to go to the next topic of conversation. He gazed at you for a moment longer, then nodded a bit and moved to sit again. “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about our little mystery spider friend, would you?” 
“I know who he is.” 
“So do I. Now- did you know before or after you sent him up for a playdate in my lab?” 
“After.” You moved to seat yourself on the edge of the table, folding your arms. 
A huff of a laugh escaped him as he mirrored you, crossing his own with a shake of his head. “And you were just saying about coincidences…” 
“Peter Parker.” Just saying his name to get it out there. Peter Parker was Spider-Man. You had no idea how the hell that had happened or how long that had been true for. ...but the way Tony was looking at you- “Tell me you didn’t go digging.” He knew. 
“Alright- look.” Holding a hand out to you as if to stop you from staring at him in that slightly judgy way. “My wife-to-be was bleeding out on the floor of an abandoned building murmuring something about Spider-Man and you think I wouldn’t go digging?” 
...you’d had no idea about that. Embarrassment compounded with shame made for quite a lot of heat on your face. You decided to quickly sidestep the issue. He’d gotten himself out of jail this time. “We haven’t heard much about him, so I assume he hasn’t been spider-ing around for a long time.” 
“Barely crawling, if you ask me.” Turning back to the table he reached for his phone, touched a few things on his screen, and then flipped a hologram into the air. Just a couple street level videos of Spider-Man’s activities- though the titles didn’t quite have the name down. 
You watched as Peter stopped a car barreling towards him and two other civilians with his bare hands. Extremely impressive stuff. That strength was probably on par with Steve. Which was… saying a lot. He wasn’t even out of puberty yet- ah- “Is he a mutant, do you think?” 
Tony put his phone down. “Hard to say without looking at him up close. He’s got some pretty impressive gear, I’ll give him that. Gotta wonder who’s making it for him. Suit needs immense work, though.” 
The stuff he was shooting, you imagined that’s what Tony was talking about. Webs, you barely remembered Peter calling them. But. Accurate, if that’s the theme he was going for. But that meant they weren’t coming from him- so he was already smart enough to start augmenting whatever mutations he had with other tech. “Who’s to say he didn’t make it himself?” 
“Kid’s living in a two bedroom in Queens. The goggled pajamas he definitely made. But the webbing materials? It’s possible but…” Tony seemed skeptical for one reason or another. “I’d like to have a nice friendly chat with him.” 
“Me, too. But we have to be delicate about this. He’s a good kid, Tony.” 
“Didn’t say I thought any different.” 
You nodded a few times over and took another deep breath for good measure. “He’s new. And he wants to help. But… the world is out of control. Cadence might have beat him to death if she’d wanted to.” 
“Or you. Seemed like you two had some sort of synergy going on there.” Now Tony was scrutinizing you. Not in a bad way or anything, but… being under his microscope was extremely uncomfortable.
There was an easy way to relieve the pressure. “Kid called me Mrs. Stark. First thing he did.” Smiling softly as you told Tony this. 
It broke the magnifying glass and he couldn’t seem to help his own grin. “That so? Then we definitely need to go talk to him.” 
“We just have to be gentle with him. If we tell him to stop it might make him act out. And if we tell him to go all in, that’s dangerous, too. Oh-” Memory struck you, the more you thought about him. The path that he was on. “When I saw him in the park… I think something happened to him. Something terrible. I’m not sure if it’s related.” 
Tony’s eyes dropped in such a telling manner. His hands folded together and then he was nodding. “Yeah. His uncle died not too long ago. Doesn’t seem like his parents were in the picture for very long either.” There was a purposeful pause here. It made you scared. But not quite like when Tony finally said, “Guy was murdered.” 
“Murdered?” The word blurted out of you before you could help it. 
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth and he sighed. “Yeah. In the phenomenally wrong place at the phenomenally wrong time.” You weren’t sure what to make of this. “Crime rate’s going down in the city but. It’s never zero.” 
“Where’s the guy who did it?” “Funny you should ask.” He sniffed a breath in. “Disappeared but miraculously turned into the police station a couple days later. Beaten pretty bad but. Alive and now behind bars.” Relief flooded through you hearing this and you let go of a long exhale.
So. Peter Parker was suffering. And in his grief he had decided to… first make things right- thank god he hadn’t killed that man. And then his next move? Try and help everyone else. 
What were you supposed to do with a kid like that?
In lieu of your Reactor now that Tony was working on a brand new one, he asked that you carry the new watch he’d designed. The one with the miniest of mini Arc Reactors inside of it. Good enough for a few defensive and offensive maneuvers. While you didn’t need it going to visit Peter, Tony was still on edge. So were you. Which was why you let him strap it onto your wrist without a fight. 
The building the Parkers were living in wasn’t the nicest and it also wasn’t the worst. At the very least it wasn’t an old walkup, so that was nice. Your body still sort of ached after everything that had gone on a handful of nights ago so an elevator ride instead of six flights of stairs was a nice reprieve. Tony had parked the car right on the curb outside which was probably not the smartest idea but…
Was any of this? There wasn’t really a concrete plan here. Just to go talk to his aunt first to lay the foundation of lies that Peter had been accepted into the inaugural September Grant after applying, get her reaction on that, maybe do a little investigating… and then catch Peter unaware as he came home from school. Not to upset him or make him feel like something was wrong but so that he didn’t run or shy away from this. 
Which he might- ...this also was probably a bad plan if you were trying to be delicate with him. Which you were, but… there were no manuals on how to raise superkids. 
...was that what you were doing? The thought hit you like a truck. About the same time Tony had finished knocking on the apartment door. He must have sensed that you were zoning out. “Honey?” 
Whatever answer you were going to give him died when the door opened and there in front of you stood a very stunned and confused May Parker. “Uh- hi. Hello?” Not really sure what to make of what was going on. 
You put on your gentlest, winning-est smile. “Hi, Mrs. Parker. I hope we’re not interrupting.” 
“Gosh. How could I ever say you two were interrupting anything? What is this, anyway? Am I on some new- uh… what’s going on?” While she’d been trying to joke about perhaps being pranked it must have been the way you and Tony were looking at her. 
 And the fact that two NYC-local-Avengers had just showed up to her door. And her kid was nowhere to be found. Still in school maybe. But the alternative was...
Tony picked the exact wrong words to say for someone who was still grieving a loss about three months in and suddenly burdened with over-anxiety about her kid’s whereabouts. “We actually came to talk about Peter. Can we come in? It’s a little drafty out in the hallway.” 
Her hand tightened on the door. “Peter? Why? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” She was practically drowning you in her worries.
“Nothing yet.” You sent a little calmness her way hoping it would help. “We wanted to talk about his introduction into the September Grant society- and about a Stark Internship for him.” 
Her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “Oh- oh! I knew there was a reason he went to- never mind- come in! Yes. Please come in. Sorry. I’ll put on a pot of coffee.” She walked away from the door, suddenly harried with frantic excited energy. Tony closed it behind the both of you as you followed her in. “He was the happiest I’d seen him since- ...well, happiest in a little while, anyway. I don’t think I’d ever be able to repay you.” Her voice was floating in from the kitchen. “Did he apply when he went to the labs in December? It was such a big moment for him. I don’t think you’ll ever know what it meant to him.” 
Peter probably wouldn’t be happy about her divulging all this information but… hearing it did do your heart a little bit of good. He’d needed something that day. You were glad to have been able to help. Tony put his hand in his pocket. “Yeah he uh… displayed some pretty keen talent. Would be a shame for it to go to waste.” 
You followed up. “Which is why we wanted to talk to you. Make sure it’s okay with you. He did apply and we’re ready to offer it to him, but it’s a big commitment.” 
Tony grinned her way as she looked up from the kitchen. “Wanted your blessing.” 
She scoffed. “Who am I to say no to a thing like that?” Turning back she looked at the clock on the wall. “He should be home soon anyway. Can’t wait to see the look on his face.” 
“Neither can we.” Said with the widest smile. 
Eventually the coffee brewed and she sat the two of you down in the living room with some homemade walnut loaf and two mugs of her finest instant coffee. While you’d been fishing for more information about Peter, she turned the tide your way. “I thought it was awful what happened the other night. I don’t know how you do it.” 
“Some days I don’t, either.” This was something you really didn’t want to talk about. 
She seemed to understand. “Hell of a way to make a statement, though. Did you two pick out a date yet?” Smiling a little apologetically for the snafu. 
Tony grinned. “If only she’d let me.” 
“It would be tomorrow if I did.” 
He made a face. “What’s wrong with that?” 
May was smiling quite broadly. “You’re practically married already. What’s a piece of paper?” 
Tony gestured to her. “A woman with good sense. See? She understands.” 
Despite your best efforts to play offended you couldn’t help yourself, hiding another smile behind a sip of coffee but unable to hide your laughter as he gave you a little nudge. Whatever turn the conversation was headed towards, it stopped as the sound of keys jingling in the front door alerted you to Peter’s presence. 
He walked in completely unaware, headphones plugged into his ears. He dropped his keys onto a table against the wall and let his backpack slide off his shoulder and down onto one arm. “May- there’s this really crazy car parked outside-” Then he turned.
And caught the sight of you and Tony sitting on his couch opposite his Aunt May. Shock wasn’t quite the color painting his guts. First came an abundance of excitement. It was bias that brought the thought but… his two favorite superheroes were sitting in his home. But soon after that realization dawned. And there was a serious sense of trepidation and fear. He thought he was in trouble. Huge, huge trouble.
 After all. Why would Team Iron show up like this unannounced after what had happened? “Uh…” 
You smiled up at him. “Hi, Peter. It’s nice to see you again.” 
He shakily took his headphones out of his ears. “Y-yeah. ...yeah. You, too.” Then he pointed a nervous finger your way and started laughing just as nervously. “What- what are you two doing here?” Peter Parker was a far cry from the confident snarky show he put on as Spider-Man. But. Maybe that was on purpose.
Tony was grinning like a shark. Maybe he was enjoying this a little too much. “Yes, I’m here too. Nice to see you.” 
Peter stood a little straighter. “Of course, Mr. Stark. Um… what’s going on?” He’d been almost caught red handed but he had to have known if you’d dared to say anything to his aunt about his web-slinging ways she’d probably have been screaming at him by now. So… 
Tony put his arm over the back of the couch. “Didn’t you get our email?” And then he did the most ludicrous double-wink and you were just glad that May was focused  on Peter because the three of you would have been busted after that. 
This man had done missions for SHIELD. How was he this bad? You gave him a little secretive nudge with your elbow to keep him on track. 
Peter folded his arms. “Uh- yeah…? Maybe? Regarding…?” Oh good. Peter was worse at this.
May shook her head. “Why didn’t you tell me you applied for the grant?” 
Peter made a vague gesture and finally decided to start playing along. “Right. The grant.” 
You nodded. “The September Fund. Yes. You applied didn’t you?” 
His brows went up. “...yeah?” 
Tony pointed at him. “Well we approved.” 
May made quite a face at him. “You didn’t tell me anything about this. What’s up with that? You’re keeping secrets from me now?” 
This made you feel a little bad for him. Putting him on the spot right now. But it didn’t seem like it would put a chip in their relationship. Peter put his hands behind his back and shrugged. “I just- I know how much you like surprises. So… I thought I would let you know… when...” He drew in a breath and put his focus more intently on you and Tony. “Anyway- what did I apply for- exactly?” 
Tony nodded. “That’s what we’re here to hash out.” 
You held a hand up. “Actually. We’d like to go to our office. Sign some papers. Make it official.” 
Peter seemed a little stuck. “Uh- alright- I uh… does this grant got money involved? Or whatever?” 
Tony couldn’t exactly hold back a little chuckle. “Yeah. I mean. Look who you’re talking to.” 
May was on her feet. “Well this is exciting. Is it alright if I- I mean I hope you don’t think it’s rude. Can I freshen up- maybe meet you there?” 
Perfect. You stood. “Sure. We don’t mind. We’ll take Peter. I’ll have Happy come out to bring you.” 
It looked like Peter wanted to object but he realized that might have been a huge mistake. So he didn’t. However he did offer- “I uh. I have homework and uh-” 
May waved a hand at him. “Oh stop. You can do your homework later. This is the only time I’m giving you a free pass on that one mister so don’t waste it.” 
Tony stood finally, and walked over to reach out and put a sturdy hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Come on, Mr. Parker. You can ask Mrs. Stark if she’ll let you ride shotgun in the crazy car parked outside.” 
He shied away just a little. “That’s- that’s okay I’ll… I’ll sit in back…” 
Which is exactly what he did after the three of you went all the way downstairs in silence. He was a little starstruck by the inside of the car but it didn’t hold a candle to the anxiety welling up inside him. And once you were a good distance away from the apartment building, as if he was scared May might hear, he finally did ask- 
“So um… am I in trouble?” 
Your smile was incredibly kind as you turned in your seat to look at him. “Of course not. I came here to say thanks for saving my life the other night. ...unless I have the wrong guy.” 
He stared at you. Seeming to weigh his choices. When he took too long to speak, Tony looked up into the rearview. “Our intel’s pretty good but… not infallible. Still…” He breathed the word out. “Got a pretty strong feeling about this.” 
Peter sank into his seat a little. And then he looked up at you and pleaded, “You cannot tell May about this.” 
Your nod was a firm promise. “I told you, Peter. You’re not in trouble.” 
He crossed his arms and pressed his lips together. “Sorry- then what is this?” 
“We want to help you.” 
“Help me?” Like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“Yes, Peter.” You softened your tone up, getting him to relax almost immediately. “You.” 
Nervous laughter in the apartment and cold anxiety in the car finally gave way and then broke completely. In their place was a warm smile. And the real Peter Parker. “Me.” Really, really not believing his luck. “Wow.” 
Tony glanced up into the rearview again, but his own quirk of a grin was telling. 
Neither of you had the resources or the knowhow to teach a young kid how to do the right thing or make the right moves or- ...god help him, be a superhero. But he already had a good head on his shoulders. He just needed… 
Some direction. 
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4, 7, 12, 18
4 - answered!
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
Actual Plot, that cannot be summarized as “feelings happen and then other feelings happen”... my bugbear... my white whale... i also have a bad habit historically of perfectionisting myself out of finishing things, which is a bad habit generally but particularly stupid to carry over to fanfiction lmao... i’ve been feeling extra stupid about this lately because i’ve been looking back and realizing that close to every single time in my life i have nutted up and actually finished a piece of writing (other than like for school etc) i’ve looked back and seen how it taught me something, which like big duh but for some reason it has only recently clicked for me. trying to be tougher about sticking with it even when the sentences are ugly and the emotions are incoherent in the belief that i will find what i need to get me to the other side.
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
someone else asked this and i’m going to answer it there bc SURPRISE the next part of this answer got stupid long!
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
i’m gonna go with this, from the last scene of wreck my days—
He thought about what you understood when you came from a place where the nights were still dark enough to see a sky that looked like a galaxy: the cosmic alchemy through which ancient light and empty space came together to create something real enough to guide sailors home. He thought about the ruins on the mountain, and the grass amid the ruins. What shaped the land once and always, and what later there learned how to grow. New life reaching for the sun.
—because it ties together many of the major recurring images and ideas, and because it summarizes what this story is really about, which is: eliot is afraid that he will only ever be the person his father made him, and he realizes that isn’t true.
the first part, the milky way, that comes back to star-gazing on the roof, this visual connection to his childhood which he chose to follow and share instead of hide from because he’s using what he’s learned from loving margo - the care and intimacy that comes from revealing the things you’re scared to show - to rebuild his relationship with quentin, grounded in something real. it leads him to express this fear that everything good about him is fake. this is something that has sort of been simmering beneath the surface since the beginning with uncertainty about how to construct himself now. eliot’s in a rough spot here, and although quentin is the focal point the deeper fear extends beyond their relationship to this anxiety that his reinvention is never gonna matter (which is why he echoes what he says to mike about being his own creative project, but dismissively, like that was a stupid thing to believe) — that the real eliot waugh is always and ever just the abused farm kid hiding from his dad. 
of course quentin gives him this gift (which, like eliot’s confession, is very deliberately an echo of what eliot remembers margo telling him after the secrets trial - eliot and quentin learned about love from their BFFs first) of saying, i know you; and he doesn’t explain what that means because it’s not about you are X or you are Y, it’s not about eliot is a drunk or eliot is kind, eliot is fucked up or eliot is fashionable. it’s about — eliot is a whole person, and quentin sees him holistically. the fuck-ups, the things that scare him, the shit he didn’t ask for or want, that’s eliot — but so is the person who cooks for quentin even when he thinks quentin hates him. quentin sees the scared, lonely kid, and he also sees the adult who’s choosing to be brave.
the idea expressed early on about the false dichotomy of “authenticity” vs. “performance” is a key concept of mine, and in a story where eliot struggles with his self-presentation, it was really important to me NOT to write a story about how eliot learns to be more “real” by being less “fake.” the moral here could not be, “quentin loves eliot so eliot can calm down about his hair,” or “eliot’s vests are bad because they represent him Running From His Past.” there are healthy and unhealthy ways to do most forms of human activity, and eliot clearly takes real pleasure out of considering his appearance — you can become the guy who doesn’t care about repeating shirts with your boyfriend while still wanting to look good. (eliot’s feelings about music are a projection of his defensiveness about his constructed self, but also a microcosm of this idea - ugliness is not the only form of honesty.)
that’s why the joy of the sex scene comes in large part from his newly rediscovered sense that he can be anyone he wants to be for quentin, and that’s why his imagined future in the end involves shopping with margo — i wanted to return to him that joy of self-creation which is such a lovely part of him in the show. he does need to have that moment where he chooses to be raw and messy and unvarnished — he needs to accept that part of him, and he needs to have that moment of courage where he shows quentin what he fears, to cement that he’s committed to having an honest relationship even as friends, and to overwrite for himself the moment where he hid from quentin and regretted it. but the point of that is not to learn that all construction is bad. by opening to let his darkest self in, he makes more room for his brightest self. he’s more free to choose, precisely because he doesn’t need to use his choices as a shield to keep his fears as bay; he can do it out of pure desire.
so this line for me serves as a kind of hinge between those ideas - the sky we see bears very little resemblance to the sky as it “is,” but it has real value. the milky way is an illusion and a map, fake and real, empty space and human concept. eliot is vast swaths of nothingness and also a beautiful swirl that shows people where they are. and i like framing this understanding as something he has because of where he comes from; i like the idea that his past was awful but he managed to mine it for the lessons that would save him. no one else needed to teach him this. he figured it out on his own.
so that’s... one sentence lmao. AS TO THE OTHER...
this whole story is about eliot thinking of himself as fundamentally ruined, tainted, rotten, etc. the idea of the thing that shapes you once and always appears first when he’s walking around the ruins on the mountain, which depress him because they express visibly this horror of a permanent injury, the deformation that makes it impossible to go back to the whole, living, unwounded self. i feel like it’s pretty obvious is eliot projecting there onto burned concrete, but that connection is made explicit later when he’s stoned and thinking of himself as a series of ruins compared other people who are houses. he marks this house/ruins distinction (which is also connected to things like his hatred of red hook, because red hook seems so house-y i.e. normal and he feels so not) partly by the ways houses have places they can be entered or left and windows that can let things in or out as needed. that’s kind of me playing around with the idea that trauma leaves you feeling both isolated from the world and trapped in your own isolation— you can’t leave or let anyone in — and of course also a riff on the door in 4x05. this is partly why when he’s remembering the mosaic by the fire he thinks that he looks at quentin and feels “a room with a door that hadn’t existed before,” because quentin opened that way out for him, and eliot in this story feels like he shut it out of fear and lost his chance forever to escape.
the thing that shapes you once and always comes back in the scene on the roof, where eliot reaches inside himself to show quentin something real and in doing so comes face to face with what the reader already knows, which is that it’s his father, not any of his own wrongdoing, that sets this foundation of brokenness, being built wrong, etc. his fear is that his father’s abuse will always be the most important part of him (an idea mirrored when he fears that only the worst of his relationship with q was real enough to have survived), and as discussed above the catharsis of the scene comes from his ability to feel viscerally that it’s not — that he can be and feel and do all these other things. 
eliot’s dream in this last scene about his father is based on a real dream i had - i used to get occasional nightmares about seeing my father somewhere and either immediately waking up in a jolt of terror or being rendered immobile, trapped in my own body; then one day in my mid twenties i had a dream about him and it was irritating but it wasn’t a nightmare, and it went a lot like eliot’s dream here: i was stuck in a car with him, he was on his old bullshit, i was annoyed — and then very suddenly i realized i actually didn’t have to listen to him. i could just get out of the fucking car. i thought about that dream a lot, in the months after i had it. i’ve dreamed of him since, but never quite like it used to be.
for eliot, this dream recaptures the arc of the whole story in miniature: he thinks he’s trapped in this space defined by his foundational wound, and then he realizes he isn’t. he can make the choice to leave. and for him i wanted to close specifically on “eliot opened the door and stepped out of the car” to bring back one more time the door motif, since it’s so lovely and moving in 4x05. (that’s also why the second to last sentence of the story, the last bit of his imagined future, is “windows open to let in the clean soft breeze” - that was the very last edit i made and the story wasn’t done without it! - i needed to bring into his optimism the idea of the window because now eliot can see that he is a house.)
anyway. so this line quoted 9000 paragraphs earlier comes after eliot has been brave enough to open his heart and look at his past and name his fears, after quentin has accepted him and reignited their relationship and started to name for him some of the pieces eliot has trouble seeing in himself (”you made dinner”), after he’s shifted his perspective so that he no longer feels haunted by his own past, after he’s had this dream where he realizes he can just get out of the fucking car. and the thing is... the ruins are still there, you know? they’re always going to be there. he wasn’t wrong about that. you can’t erase the ruins, but you can shift your perspective. you can say, look at how fire and concrete choked the land to something pathetic and small; or you can say, look how after a catastrophe, life managed to find a way. eliot is the mountain, permanently scarred, and he’s the grass, permanently growing.
which, i feel like this is the idea i come back to again and again, probably because it’s the idea i need to learn for myself again and again, one of those things i don’t think you ever really finish learning, but when i’m writing about trauma i’m always on some level writing about this, and one of the reasons i like this story so much is because i think it’s the most fully i’ve managed to capture it thus far — you are always ruined, you are always growing. you are always reliving the past, you are always building the future. you can’t choose what to erase, you can choose what to become. it matters what the world made you, it matters what you make yourself, and you do make yourself, every single day. what shapes you once shapes you always, and every day you shape yourself. you are never healed, you are always healing. over and over and over and over and over again you wind up back in a cab that’s stuck in traffic going nowhere, and over and over and over and over and over again you realize that you can just get out of the fucking car.
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peg-legz4 · 4 years
peggy's klance fic rec :)
this is my first fic rec and i know its really sloppy but one of my friends said she wanted it do I an forced to post it after procrastinating finishing it for a month. enjoy!
Best Friends to Lovers
Hearts Don't Break Around Here - klancekorner
AHHHHH okay okay okay this is the first klance fic i ever read and it set the bar soooo high. basically keith and lance have been bestfriends since foreverrr and it jumps between flashbacks and present day where keith is realizing hes just been In love with lance for like the whole time they've known each other and lance calls him snickers and its s l o w b u r n bc they're both oblivious idiots but theyre also pining and aghhghhh AND THE WAY THEY START TO REALIZE THEIR OWN FEEELINGS IS! IM- it's super cute pls read!!!
with love - allinadayswork - 8,888  AHHHGGGGGGGs high school au! this is so cute they're both so smitten basically they're best friends but lance is also keiths secret admirer and ahhhhh!!!!!! so cute pls read i beg of you + valentines day and overprotective shiro!!!!
 Your Smile Makes Me Awkward - Lancelee (ashleeforreal) - 8,791
another best friends to lovers (hehe) lance gets his braces taken off and keith is in a gay panic because lance looks hot and he doesnt know what to do and theres miscommunication but its all good in the end this was so cute
One Heart Missing - starlightment - 24021 HSWOQSJKNQJNIU BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS AU IM A SUCKER FOR THESEEE they’re in college and keith finds out he loves lance nd then they have a fwb thing going on and ppor keith but also poor lance for reasons i can’t disclose anD THE REOCCURRING THEME WITH THE ICE SKATING ITS SO CUTE AND DEHQIJOjqsk please just read it oh my god 
Soulmate AU
between two points - Alltheroads - 20,589 red string of fate au!!!!!!! keith is one of the few people in the world who can actually see the strings though, and lance seems not to have a string, just like keith. its them falling for eachother and keith teaching him how to repair a motorcycle and 50′s themed diners its amazingggg
Tell Me It’s My Name Written In Your Skin - Ivnars - 15,636 soulmate au where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist once you fall in love with them (i think?) and lance thinks his is unrequited and of course he also has a martyr complex and is willing to die for the team and almost does and then omgomg i just its so great pls read
there, nestled against his pulse - hiuthyn SHAOAMALAL ITS A SOULMATE AU I LOVE THESE HJDJSJSJSS AND ITS CANONVERSE (im pretty sure this was a one shot first and then I came back and it was a multi chapter fic and I read and it was like 1000× more amazing ajsjska) this was one of the very first klance fics i read and it’s definitely the first one that made me like gasp and scram cause oh my god,. okay basically the first and last words your soulmate says show up on your wrists and keith hides his wrists because he thinks he k words his soulmate and there’s miscommunication aND KEITH’S BACKSTORY AND IT GIVES LANCE SO MUCH DEPTH??????? and it has a really happy ending and its slowburn and angsty and pining and i’m a sucker for all those things which made this amazing!!!!!!!
College AU
i just wanna be (with you) - aknightley - 8,020 COLLEGE ROOMMATES AU LETS GOOOOOOOO there’s a lot of tension and pining and they give eachother gifts all the time i’m sOFT pls pls pls read
reasons why keith is the worst - MellodramaticLawliet - 5517 lance and keith are roommates and to cope with his hate for keith, he starts a list of why he hates keith and it just turns into a journal abt keith and lance is so oblivious and there’s also fencing tournaments which is cool hadjalkj read ittt
You Should Date Me - petalloso ahhhh lance and Keith are both freshman in college and they have little adventures and it's just super cute and fluffy ajskkasna
The Art of Secret Telling - jilliancares - 4,880 so to form another coalition, voltron has to form another coalition and lance has, 1, never kissed anybody and 2, has a crush on keith hehehe
a culmination of things - viscrael ahhh it's super cute and short and basically jumps around in time and they're just in looovee
instincts - godsensei lance n keith are getting their groove on when red mistakes Keith's pleasure for distress and comes crashing through the wall ajsksksmsna
i can’t help but want - aknightley  lance and Keith's lions get stranded on different islands but their comms get through so they're just talking and bonding and falling in love while they get their lions fixed akssjal so cute pls read!!!!
Terminal Velocity - speaks tHE ANGSTTTTT. i'm like, a whore for angst. but basically. voltron gets captured by these alien empaths and this guy feeds off of other people's pain(???) and so he tortures lance and makes keith watch and oh my. this is so good I felt so many emotions pls read.
Keith McClain - orphan_account 🥺🥺 keith sees visions of him and lance in the future on the space whale and its v soft
In English, Please  - orphan_account this is a fic I'll always remember omg so lance flirts with Keith in spanish but pretends they're insults and he thinks Keith wont find out (he does)
 moderation - Katranga - 21, 613 HSJHKJAJOIHQQ keith gets bitten by a love bug and sees lance first and then allura gets bitten and sees hunk so he just tries to act how allura acts so it doesnt give away his actual crush on lance hsjksskjs
Public Displays of Affection by hattricks lance n Keith are undercover on a mission and they see guards and they hide by making out ajkaka
the waiting game - they frick frack a lot but basically Keith and lance make eachother wait through a week without sex and only teasing sksjakak
To Bite, Or Not To Bite - jilliancares - 11,433 lance gets bitten by a vampire!!!! and he turns into one!!!! need i say more? and the way it like happens AND THEN THE WAY HIM AND KEITH DECIDE TO OMG IM THIS IS GRESR
feelings on fire i guess i'm a bad liar - melancholymango - 22679 a witch curses lance and now he can’t lie to Keith or anything having to do with Keith and its really funny i cackled sjhkah
The Loverboy Trials - PM_Writes - 20,838 THSIEIHWHIJIHJI I LOVED THIS ONE AHHHHHHH.basicaly the aliens think keith is their god of fertility and stuff so they’re like oh we need to do a ritual thing where people fight for his virginity and voltron is like oh fuck no so then lance has to compete to save keith i can’t get over it it’s- i’m softttt
Sorry, Who Are You? - sjskakaja lance and keith were childhood best friends but keith is bad with faces so when they meet at the garrison lance is really salty and keiths backstoey and the way he find out i'm- its great trust me pls
it might not be that bad - Katranga - 16,416 omg i adore this fic okay so. basically. keith doesnt know the difference between jealously and attraction because of him clinging to the closet in middle school and now hes trying to find out why his and Lance's definitions of jealousy differ and Keith's bad at feelings please readd
Everything Else
read all about it - starlightment AHAKAKAL HIGH SCHOOL AU!!!! i just read this one and it’s great!!!1 Lance is on the newspaper and writes and articles professing his love for Keith, the star quarterback that everyones in love with. it's such a good read and oh my goshh this made me throw my phone and squeal out of freaking excitement i love it so much 🥺 idk how but this made me feel as if i was living out senior year through this fic??? it was just that amazing
it's you that's haunting me - perfchan 
suuuper cute youtuber au where Keith hunts gosts and enlists lance as his cameraman. (includes a haunted mansion ballroom dance scene) and its just great oml oml i love it so so much!!! there’s also like 4 sequels so that makes it even better!!!1
Dirty Laundry - 
this is a staple and if you havent read it you're either new to the fandom or living under a rock but its a fake dating au where keith spends winter break with Lance's family and they bondddd and its great!!!! 
alright i just realized the author took it down so uhhhh
adaigo by shipstiel
lance moves in next to keith and Keith likes to play piano at the ungodly hours of the might where lance is just trying to sleep. this ones so cute!!!!!!
eyes to you wide with wonder - aknightley
an office au where Keith is shiro's secretary and lance always comes up to his desk to annoy him and they mask their affection under playful banter and lance also ends up being Keith's knight in shining armor ajskssnns it's so great!!!!
okay i know that you are not my type (still i fall) - quidhitch
ajoasbak nyma cuffs lance to a bed during a party and then leaves but then the bed turns out to be none other than....Keith's bed!! so they like talk while Lance is only in boxers and cuffed to Keith's bed
you never stood a chance - kagshina
it's a snapchat fic!!!!!!! lance accidentally snaps keith a shirtless pic and then Keith snaps back and it's just 😳😳 the whole time it's great omg
Cold Hearts Looking for Love - swang_is_trying typical enemies to lovers where lance is the son of a rich businessman and visits the orphanage that Keith hangs around to visit Pidge??? but its fricking jam packed with them thirsting over each other sshsksksm (i must warn you, its incomplete)
Of Don Juan And Elvis - shipstiel 
Keith is a starbucks barista and lance always comes in and orders with really weird names ehehe
And Now Presenting: Rielle and the Forbidden Meringue
tsbkakaK this ones so cute keith is a galra guard and hes guarding a garden (ooh alliteration) and climbs a tree and then falls into lance's arms (who's an altean guard) and its really cute sjkssahajaj
how to not keep a diary, or, lance’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad semester - glitterfreezing sjskasla they're sophmores in college and roommates pidge forces lance to keep a diary and he just ends up ranting about keith but he’ oblivious to his won feelings heheh
Lance and the Search For Keith's Boyfriend - haikquu - 9497
lance is jealous bc everyone keeps talking abt keith’s boyfriends but he doesnt know who he is (it’s him)
bus buddies - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot - 8033
lance notices Keith doesnt have a bus buddy on a 3-day-trip to save the bees so he goes and sits with him and it's so cuteeeee
got got got it bad -  kairiolette - 10,377 so keith is bad at feelings so he asks what its like to have a crush on someone and then basically tells lance that he has a crush on him and lance just casually brings it up
Only Fools Rush In (but I Can't Help Falling in Love with You) - Fangirl_on_fire_ - 13,524
The Bitter And The Sweetness - The_Real_Karaage - 66337
its a klance youtuber au!!!!!! I love these!!!!! okay so keith makes like conspiracy theory videos and knife throwing ones and lance does like vlogs or storytimes with pidge and they also do dance and then they meet irl but lance doesn't know keith is the YouTube guy cause he hides his identity and omgomggg also Keith is from Texas so he acts like a stereotypical emo cowboy and as a Texan I find it extremely funny
nobody puts baby in a corner - orphan_account - 3,950
 its like the 23rd century and aliens are on earth and keith is a royal galra and lance goes clubbing and and they meet and dance and wOOHOO 
okay thats all for now but i'm probably gonna make a part 2 cause i have a whole bunch saved to my notes app lmao have fun reading y'all
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voreconnoisseur · 4 years
Pilot Fic 2 - Water, Water Everywhere
--Same prey, different scenario and pred, still willing and safe. --
When an old buddy of mine from school mentioned that he’d been going through some tough times, and that he’d had to sell his plane and was missing flying anything that wasn’t a company jet, I offered to let him pilot mine for a flight with me over the Atlantic for some sightseeing. I’d just got my hands on a new plane, and I was looking forward to give it another test spin. This outing, unlike a certain previous one, went mostly according to plan. No crash landings or bad weather.
That is, until I found myself looking down the barrel of my “friend’s” Smith & Wesson.
He forced me to land on some uninhabited island we’d flown over a few minutes ago, forced me to get out, hopped in the cockpit, and flew off, gun still in hand.
Honestly, I was impressed he was able to get back in the air with the terrain as it was. It was just a short stretch of rough sand.
I was really starting to hate sand at this point.
I figured he’d taken my plane to sell like he had his own. What sort of “tough times” might warrant marooning someone on an island, I didn’t want to know. What concerned me now was finding some way to get rescued. And then I could let the authorities know what the bastard had done, assuming air traffic control didn’t figure it out on their own first. The good news was that meant someone would probably start looking for me soon. Just needed to survive until then.
The most important thing in a (hopefully) short term situation like this is to make yourself visible for rescue teams. I spent about a half hour setting up an S.O.S. sign made of rocks in the sand, and another hour trying to light a fire out of driftwood.
My efforts in that regard were wasted, however, as some heavy showers rolled in and put it out before I could do anything. Damned island weather.
Now I’d need some shelter. Not that I wouldn’t have needed it in the sun, but now it be miserable to work on. The dilemma of staying visible was heavy on my mind, too. Moving inland toward the trees might make it easier to build a shelter, but I’d be far less visible. Not to mention any deadly spiders or snakes I might bump into by accident. I decided to tough it out on the beach.
I wandered the coast a little, being sure not to stray too far from my sign, and climbed atop a rocky outcropping over a small lagoon, being careful not to slip on the wet rocks. There was no visible sign of any other islands.
Of course, I knew that. There was one inhabited island a a few kilometers to the southeast, but not close enough or large enough to see with the naked eye. Whichever direction it was, I sure wasn’t going to be swimming there, and I didn’t want to even consider trying to raft over there. I’d never sailed in my life.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of bubbles in the water. I peered into the lagoon—it was deep, dark blue, and I couldn’t see the bottom.
The bubbling ceased, and I looked a little closer, expecting to see some aquatic animal, but what I found instead was far more intense.
An almost-human face, staring at me, through the surface of the water. And no, it wasn’t my reflection.
It was a good bit larger than a human’s face anyway—by 4 or 5 times, maybe. Covered in scales. And the nose wasn’t quite right. The eyes, though, were what immediately made me think: “That’s a person.”
The face burst from the water like a breaching whale, followed by the upper body attached to it. Now, even as I stood high up on the rocks, it towered over me.
Another thought, but not my own this time, echoed in my head:
You’re right. Not a human. But a person, yes.
All I could do was stand there and gawk. Eventually, I just crossed my arms and stood there in the rain, lips pursed.
The being’s eyes widened as it continued to look me over.
That’s an interesting reaction for a human! Have you seen my kind before or something?
I shifted a bit and decided to initiate conversation again, with this <i>person</i>. I didn’t have any clue what was going on with the whole telepathy deal, so I just spoke out loud instead.
“Can’t say I have. But not much can surprise me at this point.”
You’re not even a little bit scared?
The sea-person grinned a bit after sending this thought, revealing several rows on rows of teeth like those of a shark. Though this wasn’t in any way comforting, I really didn’t have the emotional energy to get upset about it. I had things to do.
“No. I don’t think I am.”
That’s unusual. They cocked their head to the side. Not afraid I might eat you, or something like that?
“Well, for one thing, there’s nothing stopping me from doing this.” I hopped backwards off the rocks, further inland. It didn’t look like they had legs, so it would be difficult for them to get past the rocks.
And what’s the other thing?
I let out a small grunt of amusement.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Their eyes widened and they grabbed hold of the rocks and pulled themself closer.
You must be REALLY well traveled.
“You could say that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a shelter to build.” I turned to leave, but was interrupted by a shrill noise in my brain as well as my ears this time.
I looked back only to see the person (I guess you COULD call them a mermaid, since they had a tail instead of legs and appendages that looked like fins, but it was a far stretch from the pop culture variety) making a face almost like a pout, save a couple of teeth that were long enough to jut out.
I can help you with the shelter.
“How do you propose you do that? You can’t get out of the water, can you?”
I can BE the shelter. I can put you inside.
I turned around again, and bent over to pick up a couple pieces of useful-looking driftwood.
“Forget it. If you’re looking for an easy meal, you won’t find it on this island.”
I promise I won’t hurt you. I don’t want a meal or anything! And I can only eat small stuff anyway.
“Yeah, bullshit. Not with those teeth.”
They’re for cracking open shells.
As a demonstration, the being dove into the water and re-emerged with a solid looking clam about the size of a football. They bit into the clam effortlessly, piercing a hole into the shell, then put the clam to their lips and slurped out the meat.
“If that was supposed to make me feel better, it didn’t. Anyway, how are you gonna go about eating me is you ‘can only eat small things?’”
I’m not going to eat you! I have a storage stomach that can fit large things. My kind stores our young inside to keep them safe from predators. Only tiny pieces of food can pass through it.
I couldn’t make too many assumptions about mer-people, knowing nothing about one, but to me this one gave off the impression of the human equivalent of an inexperienced and optimistic kid. I still didn’t trust them entirely, but seeing the way they communicated, and didn’t seem to have any issue finding real, non-me food, I didn’t see what reason they’d have to lie to me. I was also kind of curious to know more about them. Curiosity killed the cat and all that, but I was already in mortal peril with no shelter and no food.
“Alright, fine. I’ll do it. I’m too sick of this rain.”
I climbed further back up the rocks, almost slipping once or twice on the now-soaked surface. A pair of giant silvery webbed hands reached for me, and in the moment, I was too in awe of the shimmering scales to be frightened.
I was lifted, somewhat roughly, off the ground, and in a swift motion, my upper body was placed in the mer-person’s mouth. They had a pretty human-looking tongue, and I wasn’t sure whether that made it better or worse. The long teeth I’d seen early were just far enough apart that I could be wedged comfortably between them. Well, I wasn’t being bitten, so I was safe at that point.
Without struggling, I let myself descend smoothly down the being’s throat as they tilted their head toward the rainy sky. It was damp inside, but at least I had some relief from being pelted with heavy raindrops.
It only took one gulp to drag me into the small cavern that was the storage stomach. Amazingly, the fleshy walls were glowing a soft blue. It wasn’t big enough for me to stretch my limbs out, but it wasn’t so cramped I couldn’t move.
Everything okay?
“Yeah... this is really something,” I murmured more to myself than them.
The glow is for young ones. It’s to make them feel safe. Does it work on humans?
“I dunno. It’s pretty neat, for sure.”
I heard (or maybe felt) a loud purring noise coming from all around me, and some pressure pushing up against my side.
I should probably tell you more about myself, now that we’re better acquainted. I’m male, and you can call me Markov.
I gave one of the fleshy walls a heavy pat.
“Nice to meet you, Markov.”
It is a pleasure.
Whenever I heard his voice in my mind, it sounded cheery. It was strange, since it was more of a feeling than a literal sound.
Suddenly, the space I was in lurched as I was flipped upside down, and I let out a rather embarrassing yelp upon hitting the squishy glowing floor with my face. The movement stopped for a moment, then changed to a slow undulation of the stomach walls.
Sorry! I know you’re not used to this. I just started swimming, that’s all.
“Oof. Warn me next time.”
I shuffled around, squirming to regain the more comfortable position I’d held earlier. The swimming movements stopped for a second, then started up again.
I’m going to take you to the human settlement on the nearby island. Is that okay?
I have a vaguely amused huff of relief.
“Sounds perfect to me.”
--I may write a sequel to this chapter after a few other fics I have planned.--
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Smokey brand Select: Heavy is the Head
There is a criminal lacking amount of material about Godzilla on this blog. I feel ashamed that i have so haphazardly neglected the Big G. I've spoken about this before, but Godzilla means a great deal to me. I didn’t have the warmest of experiences during my childhood so i cherished the ones that weren’t horrifying. I’m melancholy for a reason and a lot of that can be traced back to my unkind environments as a kid. Godzilla is tied to many of those good memories i was able to glean off the darker circumstance of my halcyon days. I’ve seen every movie and own about half of them. It occurs to me that there are, like thirty of these things and, with the release of the what might be the final Monsterverse movie on the horizon, Godzilla vs. Kong, i wanted to take a look at the entire catalog. I wanted to revisit the films and choose what i believe to be the best in the franchise.
10. The Return of Godzilla
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This was probably the first Godzilla movie i ever saw in my entire life. The second is actually on this list a ways down but this one left a massive impression on me. It was gorgeous, lavishly produced, and completely different than the film i had just watched. Not in the sense of tone, they both are on the darker side of the Goji spectrum, but this is the first time i witnessed the “death” of a Godzilla and it f*cked me right up. I remember weeping about that for days. Imagine my surprise, years later, when i found out that Godzilla 1985 was the start of an entire era of Goji films. This thing is actually a direct sequel to the 1954 Gojira film, ignoring everything in the Showa era. As such, it takes a ton of cues from that film, not only the tone, but visually as well. This Goji is like an updated version of that Goji and it really shows. I initially saw this film in the re-cut, Americanized, version Godzilla 1985. It was fine. I was a kid so i didn’t even know about the way the US butchers foreign film yet. As an adult, i made it a point to watch the original Japanese version and i can say, hands down, that version is the superior watch. I’d say check both out, Godzilla 1985 and Return of Godzilla if you’re a Goji fan but Return is definitely the better of the two.
9. Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
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This is the first appearance of Kiryu, the third Mechagodzilla. You’ll notice that Mechagoji makes a ton of appearances on this list. That’s because it’s films are some of the best in the entire franchise, hands down. Plus, it’s my all-time favorite Goji villain. This particular version was our introduction into the loose continuity of the entire Millennium era. This saw Goji in a ton of one-shot type and experimental narratives. The only two story lines actually connected were this film and it’s direct sequel, Tokyo S.O.S. I chose this one over it’s follow-up because of the raw emotion i felt seeing the best design of Mechagoji ever captured on film, for the first time. Kiryu is a masterpiece and i loved every second it was onscreen. The narrative is an interesting one, too. It’s not top-tier but, for the Millennium series, it’s pretty ambitious. Objectively, Tokyo S.O.S might be the better film, but this one made a great first impression. If you see one, you have to see the other. They’re kind of a set.
8. Godzilla: Final Wars
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Oh, Final Wars. Your ambition is only matched by your absurdity. Look, final Wars is Endgame before other was an Endgame. It’s the cap to the entire Godzilla franchise to that point, kind of like how Destroy All Monsters was supposed to close out the Showa era. We saw how well that worked, just like this “conclusion.” This thing is unapologetic fan service, rife with the campiest of performances. I mean, the Xilliens in this are a direct reference to the original, would-be world conquerors from Planet X, first introduced in 1965. I love that sh*t! It’s chock full of Aliens, Mutants, Monsters, and more! Almost every Goji villain gets a cameo, including the first US attempt at a Goji adaption, Zilla. Gigan got an updated design that was just gorgeous, King Ghidorah gets a promotion to Kaiser, and Monster X is introduced as it’s own thing. That initial design was absolutely filthy and immediately made my top five Goji villain designs. Speaking of designs, Final Wars Goji is my favorite version of the King, Slim, mean, and breathtakingly regal in statue, it was dope seeing this suit in action, even if it was the only time.
7. Godzilla: King of the Monsters
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I’m a huge fan of the new Monsterverse being woven together by Legendary over here in the States. So far, I’ve enjoyed every release, even Kong: Skull Island. I don’t like King Kong. Never have. It’s a rather offensive allegory when you think about but that’ a discussion for another day. This is about the latest release of Legendary’s universe; King of the Monsters. Like Final Wars and Destroy All Monsters before it, this film is kind of a celebration of the Goji franchise as a whole but with a Yankee twist. For the first time, we get to see what classic Toho monster look like, filtered through a modern Hollywood lens and, let me tell you, it is a sight to behold. I was already on board for the Godzilla reveal a few years before but Mothra and Rodan killed it. Those designs were amazing, particularly Mothra. She seemed like a proper threat and not some mascot. I loved it. That said, and this might be blasphemy among the fandom, but the Monsterverse version of King Ghidorah is the best goddamn version of the monster ever captured on film. This motherf*cker is smarmy, conceited, arrogant, and just plain awesome. The design, the personalities, the cruelty; It’s everything a challenger to the Throne had to have and Legendary nailed it. The movie, itself, is kind of weak in the narrative department, mostly as a knee-jerk reaction to the heavily human story of the initial Godzilla release, but the monster action is premium.
6. Godzilla vs. Biollante
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Among the fandom, this is considered the very best Godzilla movie in the entire franchise. I wouldn’t go that far but i can’t deny the objective quality saturating this film. It gets right what so many of these movies get wrong; The human story line. That aspect of the story, rather than feeling like something tacked on for perspective, is integral to the overall narrative. It’s rare for that to occur and this film was the first time experienced it, myself. This is easily the best film in the Showa era but it took some time for it to be seen as such by the entire fandom. Initially, people hated this movie. They hated Biollante and wanted to see old monster with new tech. They got their wish and those films are kind of bogus. Heisei closed out strong with Space Godzilla and Destroyah, but that was after a series of mediocre retreads. Toho should have followed their instincts and moved forward with the new look they pushed with Biollante. She was dope and deserved better initially. and, yes, Biollante is female. That’s part of that integral human story i spoke of before.
5. Terror of Mechagodzilla
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The second appearance of Mechagodzilla was one for the history books. The bionic monster was just a ferocious, just as menacing, as his initial outing but even moreso here. Terror is less heavy that the first time we saw Mechagoji, but it’s still got a ton of blood on it’s hands. This thing skews closer to the darker Showa outing but never really gives you pause like those other films do. No, it;s true to the narrative established a year before and tends to be an exercise in violence the whole way through. I really like this film and it has one of the best stories in the Showa era. It's not as tight as it’s predecessor, which is on this list, but it does a spectacular job with what it has.
4. Godzilla
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So this is the first of several adaptions of the the initial Godzilla encounter. This particular one, is the first appearance of the Big G in the Monsterverse. The 2014 Godzilla film is derided for having next to no Godzilla in it, but that didn’t bother me too much. Of course you want all Goji, all the time but that makes for a lousy film. King of the Monsters did that and it is vastly inferior, narrative wise, to this flick. This film, while Godzilla-starved, does accomplish that rare thing Biollante was able to pull off and so few others in the franchise seem to do; Make the human narrative relevant. This sh*t does that exceptionally, even if they kill off the best character in the entire goddamn movie, almost immediately. Still, after Bryan Cranston bites the dust, i was still on board. A lot of this movie feels like a test run for what comes later but what a Beta it turned out to be. As a film, Godzilla is amazing. I loved the narrative, the characters, and even the monster action, what little there was initial. I really hate the MUTO. They’re kind of corny looking, a little generic, but the best designed of all the US Titans. All of the US Titans are gross looking. All of them. Great movie though!
3. Gojira
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The first appearance of Godzilla and the most harrowing tale in the entire franchise. The name Godzilla is actually a misnomer. Goji’s original name was Gojira, which basically means “whale ape’ but this was mispronounced by Americans as Godzilla, thus the moniker we use today. Gojira is the correct, Japanese name, for the King of Monsters but people, worldwide, recognize Godzilla more so it’s been accepted as the proper name. Now that that little tidbit is out of the way, let’s get into the many, MANY, different cuts of this film. Similarly to Return of Godzilla, this one was recut, had scenes added with a well known US actor, dubbed, and released under the title Godzilla: King of Monsters! I’ve seen both versions and there each have their merits but the aggressive bleak tone and tragic narrative of Gojira make for a truly emotional viewing experience. Godzilla isn’t a monster in this movie, he’s literally the physical personification of that devastation inflicted upon Japan, by the atomic bomb. This film is Japan mourning the death of their great country. This is Japan reflecting on their sins. It’s an incredibly raw, violently bleak, take on such content, easily held in the same vein as Schindler’s List. That’s not hyperbole either, this film hits the same as that one. The US cut is good as a film but lacks a lot of that genuine Japanese energy. Gojira does not and of the tow, this one is far superior. both version are absolutely required viewing if you’re trying to get into Godzilla.
2. Shin Godzilla
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I love Shin Godzilla. I was mad hyped when Toho announced they were going to release a proper Goji film after some years and even more on board when i heard that Hideaki Anno was going to be in charge of it. Dude is the principal architect of my all-time favorite anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, so i knew there was going to be a brilliance to this flick not seen in the entire franchise. The take on Godzilla being a manifestation of how crippling bureaucracy and tradition clot the Japanese culture was not lost on me. This is another one of the Goji flicks that puts precedence on the human story and it does that so goddamn well, i was stunned. Look, i loved film and, as a film, this thing is outstanding. I get that it can come across as plodding and slow paced, but you have to understand, it’s showing you, real time, what it’s like to move through the Japanese government. All of that red tape, all of that inaction, is a noose around Japan’s neck and you get a real understanding of that. Not only does this thing have great direction and exceptional performances for a Japanese product, that Shin Goji design is absolutely horrifying. It’s wholly original, brilliantly executed, and easily my second favorite in the entire franchise. I love this movie and everything it represents. Shin Godzilla is absolutely required viewing for the Goji fan.
1. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
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I alluded to this before, but Mechagoji is my favorite Godzilla villain of all-time. This film is why. Terror was the second Godzilla movie i had ever seen. It was the first VHS i ever bought with my own money. I remember, vividly, the emotions i felt watching this mechanical monstrosity decimate both King Shiisa and Godzilla. Mechagodzilla was a legitimate powerhouse and it demonstrated that with every assault on Tokyo. I mean, he shows up, and damn near rips Anguirus’ face right the hell off! We saw blood, so much blood, spew from Goji’s best friend and it was truly heartbreaking. Angie just scuttled away in defeat, inflicting almost no damage to the violent impostor and, from there, it was just a massive show of power. Unlimited power. Narrative wise, it’s actually one of the best, most coherent stories in the entire franchise. In my opinion, it could give Biollante a run for it’s money but most would place is a step behind. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla is my favorite Goji film and required viewing for any fan of the series.
Honorable Mentions: Godzilla vs. Mothra, Godzilla vs Gigan, Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster, Godzilla vs. Hedorah, Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Destroyah, Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out attack, Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S, Godzilla Raids Again
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Smokey brand Select: Heavy is the Head
There is a criminal lacking amount of material about Godzilla on this blog. I feel ashamed that i have so haphazardly neglected the Big G. I've spoken about this before, but Godzilla means a great deal to me. I didn’t have the warmest of experiences during my childhood so i cherished the ones that weren’t horrifying.  I’m melancholy for a reason and a lot of that can be traced back to my unkind environments as a kid. Godzilla is tied to many of those good memories i was able to glean off the darker circumstance of my halcyon days. I’ve seen every movie and own about half of them. It occurs to me that there are, like thirty of these things and, with the release of the what might be the final Monsterverse movie on the horizon, Godzilla vs. Kong, i wanted to take a look at the entire catalog. I wanted to revisit the films and choose what i believe to be the best in the franchise.
10. The Return of Godzilla
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This was probably the first Godzilla movie i ever saw in my entire life. The second is actually on this list a ways down but this one left a massive impression on me. It was gorgeous, lavishly produced, and completely different than the film i had just watched. Not in the sense of tone, they both are on the darker side of the Goji spectrum, but this is the first time i witnessed the “death” of a Godzilla and it f*cked me right up. I remember weeping about that for days. Imagine my surprise, years later, when i found out that Godzilla 1985 was the start of an entire era of Goji films. This thing is actually a direct sequel to the 1954 Gojira film, ignoring everything in the Showa era. As such, it takes a ton of cues from that film, not only the tone, but visually as well. This Goji is like an updated version of that Goji and it really shows. I initially saw this film in the re-cut, Americanized, version Godzilla 1985. It was fine. I was a kid so i didn’t even know about the way the US butchers foreign film yet. As an adult, i made it a point to watch the original Japanese version and i can say, hands down, that version is the superior watch. I’d say check both out, Godzilla 1985 and Return of Godzilla if you’re a Goji fan but Return is definitely the better of the two.
9. Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
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This is the first appearance of Kiryu, the third Mechagodzilla. You’ll notice that Mechagoji makes a ton of appearances on this list. That’s because it’s films are some of the best in the entire franchise, hands down. Plus, it’s my all-time favorite Goji villain. This particular version was our introduction into the loose continuity of the entire Millennium era. This saw Goji in a ton of one-shot type and experimental narratives. The only two story lines actually connected were this film and it’s direct sequel, Tokyo S.O.S. I chose this one over it’s follow-up because of the raw emotion i felt seeing the best design of Mechagoji ever captured on film, for the first time. Kiryu is a masterpiece and i loved every second it was onscreen. The narrative is an interesting one, too. It’s not top-tier but, for the Millennium series, it’s pretty ambitious. Objectively, Tokyo S.O.S might be the better film, but this one made a great first impression. If you see one, you have to see the other. They’re kind of a set.
8. Godzilla: Final Wars
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Oh, Final Wars. Your ambition is only matched by your absurdity. Look, final Wars is Endgame before other was an Endgame. It’s the cap to the entire Godzilla franchise to that point, kind of like how Destroy All Monsters was supposed to close out the Showa era. We saw how well that worked, just like this “conclusion.” This thing is unapologetic fan service, rife with the campiest of performances. I mean, the Xilliens in this are a direct reference to the original, would-be world conquerors from Planet X, first introduced in 1965. I love that sh*t! It’s chock full of Aliens, Mutants, Monsters, and more! Almost every Goji villain gets a cameo, including the first US attempt at a Goji adaption, Zilla. Gigan got an updated design that was just gorgeous, King Ghidorah gets a promotion to Kaiser, and Monster X is introduced as it’s own thing. That initial design was absolutely filthy and immediately made my top five Goji villain designs. Speaking of designs, Final Wars Goji is my favorite version of the King, Slim, mean, and breathtakingly regal in statue, it was dope seeing this suit in action, even if it was the only time.
7. Godzilla: King of the Monsters
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I’m a huge fan of the new Monsterverse being woven together by Legendary over here in the States. So far, I’ve enjoyed every release, even Kong: Skull Island. I don’t like King Kong. Never have. It’s a rather offensive allegory when you think about but that’ a discussion for another day. This is about the latest release of Legendary’s universe; King of the Monsters. Like Final Wars and Destroy All Monsters before it, this film is kind of a celebration of the Goji franchise as a whole but with a Yankee twist. For the first time, we get to see what classic Toho monster look like, filtered through a modern Hollywood lens and, let me tell you, it is a sight to behold. I was already on board for the Godzilla reveal a few years before but Mothra and Rodan killed it. Those designs were amazing, particularly Mothra. She seemed like a proper threat and not some mascot. I loved it. That said, and this might be blasphemy among the fandom, but the Monsterverse version of King Ghidorah is the best goddamn version of the monster ever captured on film. This motherf*cker is smarmy, conceited, arrogant, and just plain awesome. The design, the personalities, the cruelty; It’s everything a challenger to the Throne had to have and Legendary nailed it. The movie, itself, is kind of weak in the narrative department, mostly as a knee-jerk reaction to the heavily human story of the initial Godzilla release, but the monster action is premium.
6. Godzilla vs. Biollante
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Among the fandom, this is considered the very best Godzilla movie in the entire franchise. I wouldn’t go that far but i can’t deny the objective quality saturating this film. It gets right what so many of these movies get wrong; The human story line. That aspect of the story, rather than feeling like something tacked on for perspective, is integral to the overall narrative. It’s rare for that to occur and this film was the first time experienced it, myself. This is easily the best film in the Showa era but it took some time for it to be seen as such by the entire fandom. Initially, people hated this movie. They hated Biollante and wanted to see old monster with new tech. They got their wish and those films are kind of bogus. Heisei closed out strong with Space Godzilla and Destroyah, but that was after a series of mediocre retreads. Toho should have followed their instincts and moved forward with the new look they pushed with Biollante. She was dope and deserved better initially. and, yes, Biollante is female. That’s part of that integral human story i spoke of before.
5. Terror of Mechagodzilla
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The second appearance of Mechagodzilla was one for the history books. The bionic monster was just a ferocious, just as menacing, as his initial outing but even moreso here. Terror is less heavy that the first time we saw Mechagoji, but it’s still got a ton of blood on it’s hands. This thing skews closer to the darker Showa outing but never really gives you pause like those other films do. No, it;s true to the narrative established a year before and tends to be an exercise in violence the whole way through. I really like this film and it has one of the best stories in the Showa era. It's not as tight as it’s predecessor, which is on this list, but it does a spectacular job with what it has.
4. Godzilla
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So this is the first of several adaptions of the the initial Godzilla encounter. This particular one, is the first appearance of the Big G in the Monsterverse. The 2014 Godzilla film is derided for having next to no Godzilla in it, but that didn’t bother me too much. Of course you want all Goji, all the time but that makes for a lousy film. King of the Monsters did that and it is vastly inferior, narrative wise, to this flick. This film, while Godzilla-starved, does accomplish that rare thing Biollante was able to pull off and so few others in the franchise seem to do; Make the human narrative relevant. This sh*t does that exceptionally, even if they kill off the best character in the entire goddamn movie, almost immediately. Still, after Bryan Cranston bites the dust, i was still on board. A lot of this movie feels like a test run for what comes later but what a Beta it turned out to be. As a film, Godzilla is amazing. I loved the narrative, the characters, and even the monster action, what little there was initial. I really hate the MUTO. They’re kind of corny looking, a little generic, but the best designed of all the US Titans. All of the US Titans are gross looking. All of them. Great movie though!
3. Gojira
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The first appearance of Godzilla and the most harrowing tale in the entire franchise. The name Godzilla is actually a misnomer. Goji’s original name was Gojira, which basically means “whale ape’ but this was mispronounced by Americans as Godzilla, thus the moniker we use today. Gojira is the correct, Japanese name, for the King of Monsters but people, worldwide, recognize Godzilla more so it’s been accepted as the proper name. Now that that little tidbit is out of the way, let’s get into the many, MANY, different cuts of this film. Similarly to Return of Godzilla, this one was recut, had scenes added with a well known US actor, dubbed, and released under the title Godzilla: King of Monsters! I’ve seen both versions and there each have their merits but the aggressive bleak tone and tragic narrative of Gojira make for a truly emotional viewing experience. Godzilla isn’t a monster in this movie, he’s literally the physical personification of that devastation inflicted upon Japan, by the atomic bomb. This film is Japan mourning the death of their great country. This is Japan reflecting on their sins. It’s an incredibly raw, violently bleak, take on such content, easily held in the same vein as Schindler’s List. That’s not hyperbole either, this film hits the same as that one. The US cut is good as a film but lacks a lot of that genuine Japanese energy. Gojira does not and of the tow, this one is far superior. both version are absolutely required viewing if you’re trying to get into Godzilla.
2. Shin Godzilla
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I love Shin Godzilla. I was mad hyped when Toho announced they were going to release a proper Goji film after some years and even more on board when i heard that Hideaki Anno was going to be in charge of it. Dude is the principal architect of my all-time favorite anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, so i knew there was going to be a brilliance to this flick not seen in the entire franchise. The take on Godzilla being a manifestation of how crippling bureaucracy and tradition clot the Japanese culture was not lost on me. This is another one of the Goji flicks that puts precedence on the human story and it does that so goddamn well, i was stunned. Look, i loved film and, as a film, this thing is outstanding. I get that it can come across as plodding and slow paced, but you have to understand, it’s showing you, real time, what it’s like to move through the Japanese government. All of that red tape, all of that inaction, is a noose around Japan’s neck and you get a real understanding of that. Not only does this thing have great direction and exceptional performances for a Japanese product, that Shin Goji design is absolutely horrifying. It’s wholly original, brilliantly executed, and easily my second favorite in the entire franchise. I love this movie and everything it represents. Shin Godzilla is absolutely required viewing for the Goji fan.
1. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
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I alluded to this before, but Mechagoji is my favorite Godzilla villain of all-time. This film is why. Terror was the second Godzilla movie i had ever seen. It was the first VHS i ever bought with my own money. I remember, vividly, the emotions i felt watching this mechanical monstrosity decimate both King Shiisa and Godzilla. Mechagodzilla was a legitimate powerhouse and it demonstrated that with every assault on Tokyo. I mean, he shows up, and damn near rips Anguirus’ face right the hell off! We saw blood, so much blood, spew from Goji’s best friend and it was truly heartbreaking. Angie just scuttled away in defeat, inflicting almost no damage to the violent impostor and, from there, it was just a massive show of power. Unlimited power. Narrative wise, it’s actually one of the best, most coherent stories in the entire franchise. In my opinion, it could give Biollante a run for it’s money but most would place is a step behind. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla is my favorite Goji film and required viewing for any fan of the series.
Honorable Mentions: Godzilla vs. Mothra, Godzilla vs Gigan, Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster, Godzilla vs. Hedorah, Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Destroyah, Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out attack, Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S, Godzilla Raids Again
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rhimorechill · 4 years
1-30 can i just have your opinion on all of them please
KDHSKHFKFB whoever u are anon ur actually my only follower ever
1. are you of the “tom nook is a crook” or “tom nook is an honest businessman” opinion ?
HES AN HONEST BUSINESSMAN !!! ur loans have NO interest and he was handing out 100k interest/month for a good while there !!!!! the only reason it dropped to 10k is b/c i accidentally made a mil while tryna get dreamies ok. the whole "nook inc owns the entire island" thing is KINDA WEIRD but like ! i mean. its still a pretty sweet deal
2. do you play as yourself or a made up character ?
i play as me !! and then everyone tells me my character is cute which ROCKS
3. where is your house located ?
well CURRENTLY. its just at the center of the island. but once i get terraforming (which will be as soon as i get lolly, mitzi, and purrl) it will be on its own little island in the middle of the island
4. who were your first villagers ?
hamlet and renee ! and bea and agent s and broccolo. oh and quillson. theyre all gone now but i moved bea into a friends island so i can visit her later !!
5. preferable method of earning bells ?
turnip runs babey !!! srsly i will pay like 500k tips and make a million in PROFIT (per run !!) its fucking awesome. i never use turnip exchange tho that shit website always stops telling me where i am in the queue
6. what villager personalities do you typically get along best with ?
i love all of them. so much. normal and lazy villagers might take the cake, but ankha was on my island for 2 days and nearly stole my heart, so snooty villagers r up there too. smug villagers ? like i mostly have experience w raymond b/c i fucking HATED quillson and keaton n ed i barely paid attention to (ed gets points tho. he shares my bday) but that goddamn nerd has a war with slugs. we love to see it. peppy villagers rock (i have THREE on my island rn... but ugh i gotta kick out merry sometime..... i love her but i just !! have too many). i CANNOT hate jock villagers those guys just wanna work out !!! and talk abt working out !!!! theyve done nothing wrong in their whole lives. uchi villagers are great too and cranky villagers r trying their best !!! every villager is good is what im saying. even quillson (i guess)
7. who is your current best friend in the game ?
MGHGSHGD felicity or raymond !!! they send me mail all the time and also i really like raymond. b/c hes such a fucking NERD of an accountant. and felicity was the first of my dreamies to move in so im 💚 when it comes to her...... SOMEDAY. lolly will also be my bff. lolly come home
8. is there a villager you want to get rid of ?
MERRY WHITNEY VELMA. PLEASE GO AWAY. U R ALL SWEETIES BUT NONE OF U MADE THE CUT. ONLY ONE OF U IS EVEN A CAT. (if you want whitney or velma pls dm me !!! someone asked for merry already but id love for them to be on islands where ppl love em)
9. do you hoard a lot of items ?
YES. i did a purge the other day and laid a fuckton of items out to give away. it did not fit and i had to shove some on the cliffs. i still have a big pile waiting to be taken. meanwhile my storage gets new items added
10. take medicine or save & restart ?
medicine is for chumps.
11. where is your favorite spot in your village ?
HMMMM i rlly like my entrance !!!! its rlly neat and has green AND pink mums + trees..... and fencing and a path. IDK i worked hard on it and think it turned out rlly well !!!! other than that maybe my shopping area ? i dont have terraforming yet so theres a lot i Havent Gotten To wrt my island (like my cliffs are almost entirely undeveloped b/c i havent placed any inclines. so theres no pathing)
12. what achievement do you want to hit the most ? (ex: golden equipment, all fish / bugs, etc)
its not REALLY an achievement but i want all my dreamies real bad. after that i want a 5 star island !! i would like a lily of the valley. or 20.
13. do you know any secret tips ?
HMMM i dont think so ?? i dont really know any secrets. ive been trying out campsite cycling and it has Not been going well tho. if u need tips on tting to move villagers out or smthn i can help w that !! this is such a vague q that im like DO i know smthn ??? that is a secret ?????? i also vaguely know abt *m**b* sp**f*ng but im not allowed to do that soooo. thats a pipe dream. fun fact: its not a secret but gardening is SO fucking complicated theres genetics n shit. its wild. thank god someone straight up gave me blue roses so i dont have to go thru that shit. also do not tt backwards when dealing with turnips. not even 30 mins to save ur 600+ prices frm closing time. They Will Change
14. who are your dreamies ?
THESE CATS (i know major shocker from tumblr user pumakittycat. app is acnh life)
Tumblr media
15. favorite furniture item ?
HMMMM THIS IS A TOUGH ONE. maybe mum cushions ? those r cute as fuck. i love every flower item, honestly, frm garden wagons to flower stands to pansy tables to hycanith lamps to. idk the bonsai shelf ? i have one of those. i also love my sea globe. its great. WAIT DO RUGS AND WALLS/FLOORS COUNT THERES NO QUESTIONS ABT THOSE i love so many FUCKING items. also autumn woods wall, if ur out there,
16. favorite clothing item / outfit ?
my green clover dress !!!! its the best thing EVER. my full outfit also consists of a silver tiara, a cherry blossom pouchette, white fishnets, and green rubbertoed sneakers. and, ofc, clover facepaint. ALSO FOR CONTEXT. my island is named clover bay thats why im like Clover Time. Theyre Important To The Aesthetic. im also an aro bitch who loves overall dresses. b/c they slap
17. favorite museum room ?
I LOVE THE LITTLE BUTTERFLY ROOM do not even TALK to me unless ur the butterfly room in the museum THERES SO MANY AT ALL TIMES ITS SO NICE
18. cedar, fruit, or palm tree ?
FRUIT. i literally chopped down every single hardwood tree on my island and replaced them w orange trees
19. favorite fruit ?
20. favorite fish ?
HM. bitterling has a special place in my heart for being my Only fish model. whale sharks also rock tho. and thats only of the ones ive caught !!! i also love frogs, turtles, and obligatorily catfish. oh and seahorses and bettas
21. favorite bug ?
HM. ladybugs maybe. and both birdwings ! maybe also emperors butterflies. possibly others as well
22. favorite flower breed ?
MUMS !!!!!
23. favorite crossbred rare flower breed + color ?
24. favorite villager personality ?
havent we been over this ? im a dumb bitch who likes all of them way too much
25. favorite time of day to play ?
i uh. play. all the time. i tt a Lot tho so i like setting my time to 1pm ? idk it Feels like a good time
26. favorite special visitor event or reward ? (ex: selecting an art piece from redd, aiding guliver and getting a special item, etc)
SAHARAH. im obsessed w the fucking rugs and the tickets and the lottery. i also love celeste, and gulliver has a spot on the faves list for providing lucky cats sometimes (also a fave item) and for having been to space
27. favorite kk song ?
call me basic, but bubblegum kk plays at all times in my living room
28. favorite animal crossing game ?
ACNH lmao. i never really sat down and got Dedicated to city folk, which is the only other game ive played
29. if you’ve played animal crossing before, are there any animals you’re nostalgic for ? if this is your first game, has any animal in particular left some effect on you ?
ROVERRRRR come home :( also harriet.... i Miss Her. and resetti (i REFUSE to use rescue services dont @ me). and also the bus driver guy who took u to the city. If You Were An NPC In City Folk I Miss You Now
30. share a story from your gameplay
SO. i love the little alien easter egg. i set up a photoshoot and made like a little storyline abt the aliens and stuff. i even got a flying saucer and put that down and used it. and every fucking time !!!! i do shit with aliens !!!!!!! gulliver shows up on my beach. i know he went to space in cf n stuff (I GOT FLAVOR TEXT ONE TIME-- DURING NH-- ABT HIM NOT WANTING TO GO BACK EVEN) so i think its fucking hilarious that the aliens show up.... so does he
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