#like i imagine itd just be a little more higher pitched
somecoolpigeon · 5 months
I made a post on twt talking about en va fancasts for twst since the anime got a recent (albeit vague) update. Seeing everyone's responses inspired me to put together my own headcanons :3c
Please note that I'm not 100% sure on all of them (ESPECIALLY with ortho's), so do keep that in mind!!
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
I should make pc voice claims i have affew already but not many. anyways time to ibfodump uh
pascal has two one is like more close to what I actually imagine bim sounding like and rhe other is a good bit less accurate then the first one but its funny um. the more serious one is he sounds like morty from rick and morty. its basically spot on just I inagibe his voic elieke a tiny bit higher. the second one is jason funderburker from dover the garden wall msotly because jason looks sonmuch like. pascal. and I never watched over the garden wall (or rick and norty) but from what I xan tell jason is like a lot like pascsl too. what the heck
I imagine each channel sebastian has has a different voice. i have a speciifc voice for sebastian main channel thing but I cant think of anyone who sounds like it its like kind of deep or like. average deepness. and like very slightly british. rex (very angry channel) sounds like cave johnson from portal. ruby (very sad channel)bsounds like sad ena from ena or misery from ruby gloom either works. I want to use funt I'll me foxy but isk what channel itd be for. maybe the news but idk if ill even have the news
spidey has a voiceclaim bit its kiterally just a voice I made for her. idk how to describe it. spideryish. high pitched. Its my voice but im making it sound different
same with honeycrumbs as spidey but i trie dtk make honeycrumbs sound more like a bee
I have never mentioned this oc on this account before but socks sound slike blakc crow by girl rituals its litetally perfect for them thats exactly it
kohaku sounds like spike from my little pony friendhsip is magic. I dont make the rules.oh wait yes I do
I am having so much trouble with this one. at first since I based rieki on a song sung eith vflower I made reikis voice vflower then I changed it semthing else I dont rem m ber because vflowrrs voixe is a bit too rovotic it has a little bit of a robot effect like all vocaloids then i changed it to airy from hfjone but I ewalized that was a bit too monotone for her so I have no idea im just go i ng with vflower until I think of something good
alsodont know for taira. I eant his voice kore high pitched. and I think eggman in the snaocuhe fandubs fits him but poo bly specifcally when hes having A Moment™ also i ahd some ither ideas but I forgot actually ibjust thougjt maybe liam from hfjone. maybe.
I wanna use meanie ena a s a vocieclaim someday but idk who to do it for.
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