#like i just feel like i cant rest or move onto the next thing until its set up
munadyke · 1 year
feeling so normal and not at all overwhelmed by daily life👍
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Paint Me
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!inexperienced!American!reader
summary: An unfortunate funeral causes you and Benedict come face to face and he is your surprising shoulder to lean on. And after a secret moment in the garden, you become closer than ever before.
word count: 4k
taglist: @syraxnyra @turtle-cant-communicate @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @intothesoul
part one part two
February 13, 1817
There was a knock on your door after you had gotten home from the gallery. You had embarrassed yourself enough when you had insulted Benedict's painting and weren't in the mood to speak to anyone, especially not who you knew was on the other side of the door.
You had already felt like a disappointment to your father and you didn't need to hear him tell you as such. But he entered the room anyway and sat on the edge of your bed next to you. He went to wrap his arm around you, but you pulled away, moving closer to the other side.
"I am afraid that I have not been there for you when you needed me most," he went to reach for your hand, but you pulled it away, fully turning your back to him.
"I am afraid that is true and I do not wish to speak to you at this moment."
"Bunny," he went to use his beloved nickname for you which caused you to stand from the bed, turning to face with a kind of anger you didn't even know was possible.
"You do not deserve to call me that. I understand that you are my father, but you were also my best friend. So where have you been?" You asked, your voice getting louder. "Where have you been when your wife, my mother betrayed me? If you love me as much as you claim to, then why have you never defended me when you saw the two of them treating me so horribly? I know why. It is because you are nothing but a coward and I do not wish to speak to you any longer."
With that, your father left the room, leaving you alone again. All of your anger was getting the best of you, everything that had happened throughout your whole life, weighing on you. You went under your bed where you hid away your art supplies and began to sketch, the pressure of your hand pressing the charcoal to the page, causing it to break, both it and the tears that were falling from your eyes, ruining the picture completely.
It seemed that not even your form of therapy was working. The one thing that made you feel better in fact did not. As your anger reached its peak, you threw everything across the room in a loud clatter and changed into your nightgown, getting into your bed, pulling the covers over you and crying until sleep claimed you.
But your sleep did not bring you any rest whatsoever, the only thing happening behind your eyes was your father. You saw his carriage crashing into a tree, the ship he was on going down, him falling off his horse, all leading to his demise.
The guilt was eating at you for the way you spoke to him. Even though everyone was asleep, you couldn’t sleep any longer without apologize for the way you spoke to your father. Whether he accepted it or not didn’t matter. You just needed him to know that you didn’t mean a single word.
You snuck out of your room with every intention of heading to your parents’ room at the end of the hall only to your mother sobbing in the foyer. She was on her hands and knees while Lilith held onto her, rubbing her back while he cried tears of her own.
You approached them, looking around for your father only to not see him, and you expected the worst. It seemed that all of your nightmares were in fact not that, but premonitions.
You felt lightheaded, your vision going hazy as your sister told you what had happened. Augustus had gone for a late night horse ride and had experienced a heart attack, causing him to fall off and pass away right there because there had been no one had been around to give him the proper care nor get him to a hospital.
It was all your fault. Or at least, that was what you were telling yourself. He did, however, die in one of the ways you had dreamed about, so you supposed that you had spoken it into existence.
The next few days, the house was quiet, neither you nor your mother or sister uttering a single word, nothing feeling quite right to say as far as the loss was concerned. The funeral was the next week and the three of you stood together, weeping over your father’s grave.
You were approached by Kate and Anthony who pulled you into a group hug as your cried into their shoulders and they held you for as long as you liked. When you pulled away, you saw Benedict standing behind them, his eyes already on you. For once, the flirty look in his eyes was replaced with a look of sorrow. 
For a second, all of your dislike for him dissipated as he pulled you into his arms, his hands rubbing up and down your back as he whispered nothing but nice things into your ear as you cried into his shoulder. 
Kate and Anthony turned away to give you a private moment and whispered to each other about what was possibly going on between the two of you. Kate thought it was sweet, but Anthony was ready to nip it right in the bud. There was no way that he was letting his brother anywhere near you, not even in a friendly way as  Benedict was unable to be friends with women. He only bedded them and there was absolutely no way that could happen. 
You pulled away from Benedict and he was quick to wipe your tears. You hadn’t seen him that soft and gentle since you had moved back to England and you were happy to have your old Benedict back, even if it was just for a moment. 
Benedict didn’t know what had come over him. He wasn’t sure why, but seeing you so heartbroken broke his own heart. When he saw you sobbing when he got to the graveyard, he swore that he could actually hear his heart crack. Usually, he would only comfort a woman going through a loss for the sole reason of getting her into bed, but this time, that wasn’t even a thought. He just wanted to make sure that you were okay. 
He didn’t leave your side the entire day as everyone followed your family to your house to enjoy a meal together in your father’s honor. He kept his distance out of respect, but he wanted nothing more than to wrap you up in his arms and let you stay there as long as you wanted. He knew how close you were to your father and just how much it had crushed you to lose him. 
As day turned to night, you could feel your cold shoulder towards Benedict start to thaw. You were beginning to think that maybe you were being too hard on him when he had genuinely been trying to right his wrongs with what he had done to you almost a decade ago. You didn’t think that you should have let it hurt you for so long and that the grudge you were holding against him was really only hurting you in the end.
February 20, 1817
As a way to see your artwork, Lady Danbury had one of her friends host another gallery. You had told her that it wasn’t at all necessary, but of course, she didn’t listen to you. She assured you that everyone would love whatever you decided to submit and that they would all be lining up to purchase commissions from you.
You, however, thought it was a bold claim. Sure, you wanted people to see your work, but now you were nervous that none of them were going to appreciate it the way that you did. It was all very personal and you weren't sure that you wanted it hung for everyone to see.
Despite that, you still submitted your most personal piece. A painting of your father that was your own way of honoring him. A way to forgive him for all he had done to you and to let go of all of the guilt you felt for what had happened to him. It was the best form of therapy you could have ever asked for and easily your best work to date.
Benedict's piece had been coming along great as well. For once, he wasn't thinking about every single brush stroke and just went along with it, letting the brush guide him. He was going off of memory since he didn't have a proper photo of his subject, but he thought it was turning out rather well considering.
Instead of going to the studio, he decided to work in the garden, the sunlight being the best thing to point out all his imperfections if there were any. He was not going to have a repeat of what had happened last time. It was far too embarrassing.
"Ah, there you are, brother," Eloise spoke as she approached him.
"Here I am," he replied and was quick to stand in front of the painting so she couldn't see it, but it was too late. She had already seen it. She pushed him out of the way and let out a gasp as the painting before her.
"It that-"
"No," Benedict cut her off, trying to block her view of it again, a shade of pink apparent on his cheeks. Eloise just laughed and pushed him out of the way again, careful not to knock over the easel.
"It is!" She gasped. "It's the l/n girl that Kate and Anthony have befriended!"
"It is not." He didn't know why he was denying it. All the proof was right there.
"You cannot deny it. It seems that you have befriended her as well." Eloise could see the way that her brother looked at you and it seemed like he was attracted to you. She hadn't had many interactions with you, but according to Kate, you seemed like someone who keep Benedict humble and ground him.
"She doesn't like me, Eloise," he shook his head as dipped his brush into a shade that was the color of your skin tone and did some shading where he thought it would look nice.
"Why not? Did you hurt her, because Anthony will certainly-" Oh, Benedict knew exactly what Anthony would do.
"I did," Benedict nodded. "Eight years ago. When her family lived down the road, we painted a lot together in the study while Francesca played the piano, but one night-"
"What did you do, Benedict?" Eloise wasn't sure he wasn't going to say, but what she did know was that she wasn't going to like it.
"She told me-she told me that she loved." Her eyes widened at that and she wasn't surprised that she didn't know that fact because you would have been too scared to admit it to anyone and Benedict just felt horrible about the whole thing and didn't want to revisit it.
"And what did you say?" Considering the fact that you were ten and Benedict was twenty-one at the time, she could assume what had happened.
"The only thing I could. She was a child and I was certainly not interested in her and so I told her as much. Maybe a little too harshly and she ran."
"Benedict," Eloise gasped. So that was why you always paid almost attention to him. All of the dots were finally connecting. Now she was thinking that she liked you even more. That you were the first woman to not fall for her brother’s charms even though you were the exact one who should have. He definitely had a type.
"I know, and now she's here and beautiful and I'm afraid I've fucked it all up." Eloise was wondering what had gotten into him that he had such a defeatist attitude. He was never that way towards the women he was interested in even if they weren’t interested. In fact, that usually only motivated him even more.
"Maybe this might seem like a foreign concept to you, brother, but have you ever thought about apologizing like a normal person?" Benedict actually had thought about that, but he didn't think that was good enough, so that was why he had done the painting of you. He hoped that would help you see just how much he cared for you.
"I think it might be too late for that." He decided that his work was done and started to clean his brushes.
"It's never too late for an apology," she rested a hand on his shoulder and gave is a squeeze, leaving Benedict with much to think about.
February 21, 1817
You sat in the study with one of your books in your hand, but you couldn't focus on it. Your letter letting you know whether or not your artwork was accepted into the gallery was going to be there any second and you were terrified. There was a lot of riding on it and you were very afraid that they hadn't accepted it.
Kate and Anthony had insisted on being there when you got the good new and Kate clutched your hand as a servant entered the room with the envelopes on a silver platter and you reached for yours, feeling like time had stopped as you ripped into the envelope.
You read the first few words of the letter and let it drop to the floor, feeling your body go cold, collapsing into one of the chairs as you accepted defeat. They didn't want your piece. You should have known since they wouldn't have since you were a woman. They hadn't said as much, but you were able to read the lines.
Despite your sadness, you told the couple that you would join them at the gallery and felt horrible that Lady Danbury went through all that trouble for nothing. You didn't want to have to look her in the eyes, but the only worse thing was not going an accepting defeat. You were going to show everyone just how strong you were.
February 25, 1817
Practically everyone was already at the gallery when you had arrived and you felt dread come over you as you accepted that you were going to have no part in it. You had been rejected from many things like that before, so you weren't sure why it hurt so much.
Lady Danbury had approached immediately when you arrived and you really didn't feel like speaking with her but you plastered on your brightest smile, faking like you had interest in the conversation even though you would have much rather been in the study with your paints.
"Ah, there's the artist," she greeted. "You left last time before we were able to talk about your critique of the Bridgerton boy." Normally you would have felt guilty for something, but this time you couldn't have cared less. Benedict Bridgerton could have stood to be knocked down a few pegs and you were really enjoying being the one to do it.
"And I apologize for that. I was just letting my own issues take over." You were only apologizing because you felt like it, not because you meant it.
"No apologies necessary, dear. I loved it. I wish you would speak your mind more often. More people could benefit from hearing your thoughts. Especially ones like Mr. Bridgerton." Lady Danbury didn't mind Benedict, but often times she felt he had a big head and let his ego get in the way.
"I appreciate that, but unfortunately, I don't think that I'm up for it tonight."
"But what am I to think about the artwork without a lovely artist to give her opinions?" There was something odd about the interaction and you couldn't figure out what.
"You do flatter me, Lady Danbury. I suppose I wouldn't mind joining you."
So, you led her around the gallery and told her what you thought about the pieces, promising her to not hold back this time, suddenly not afraid to speak your mind. And Lady Danbury was loving every second of it, very entertained by the shy wallflower coming out of her shell.
She quite liked your company, amused by your little quips that you had come with on the spot. And she appreciated how you felt like you were able to be your true self around her, not the shy person she had met a few weeks ago. You were growing on her and easily becomg one of her favorite debutants of the season.
"Lady Danbury, who do you think your favorite artist is?" You asked as she got to the second to last piece. All this time you had been talking about the pieces in front of you, but you were curious as to what kind of art she liked since you thought a person's favorite artist said a lot about them.
"You." You were surprised to hear her say that considering that she hadn't even seen any of your work.
"Oh, that's very nice, but-"
"No, dear, it's you!" She cut you off and forced you to turn to the piece on the wall. You let out a gasp as your face stared back at you, feeling something very strange coming over you.
You stepped closer to the painting and turned this way and that, convinced that you were looking into a mirror, but you weren't. You could very clearly see the paint strokes when you got close enough. Who the artist was was a mystery. You had absolutely no idea who could have done it and wanted to know their identity and why you had been their subject.
You couldn't stop staring, wanting to reach out to touch it, but you knew you weren't allowed, even if it was your face on the canvas. It was amazing how well they were able to paint your features and you wondered what they had used for reference.
"I hope this isn't too amateur for you," a voice whispered in your ear and you felt a chill go down your spin as their hot breath hit the back of your neck.
You turned around only to be face to face with the seconds eldest Bridgerton brother. You eyed him, wondering why he would have done something like that and what he would have gotten out of it. That had to be the reason why he would have done it...right?
So many questions were swirling around your mind, your main one being how he was able to make the painting so accurate that it felt like you were looking into a mirror without having you sit for it.
"What is this, Benedict?" You pointed to the painting and he just chuckled. You didn't like how much you enjoyed making hearing the sound and wondering how you would have been able to hear it.
"It's you." He was smiling brightly and you wished he had done it more often. The look was just too pretty on him to hide away all the time. You wondered why he always seemed to always look so serious. In the many times you had seen him, he had only smiled when he was with Eloise.
"I'm aware of that...but why?"
"I think the better question is why not."
"How were you able to do it without me sitting for you to paint me?"
"I will answer all of your questions, but right now, we must see the final painting."
He offered you his arm and you grabbed onto it, letting him lead you through the rest of the gallery.
"But this was the last one." 
"Not quite,” he winked and stopped at the last piece, causing you to let out a loud gasp as your own painting was staring back at you. But it had been rejected. How did he get a hold of it and why was it there? The man was confusing you even more by the second. You were convinced that he had just been trying to get you to forgive him just so he could feel better about himself, but now you weren’t so sure. 
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you turned to him. No one had ever done anything that nice for you before. Something so selfless that they only did because they wanted to and not to make themself look good. Maybe he wasn’t the same Benedict that your remembered. Maybe he was finally turning over a new leaf.
Benedict wiped your tears away and even though it was entirely inappropriate, you threw yourself into his arms and he was quick to catch you, almost falling backwards because of how much force you had used to push yourself in his direction. You squeezed each other tight, avoiding the gasps of the people around you. Lady Danbury shooed them away to give the two of you some privacy as you both pulled away. 
Without a word, you pulled Benedict away from the gallery and you both discreetly made your way through the crowd to get outside for some much needed fresh air. You looked out into the garden and couldn’t help but feel like home there.There was something that was so comforting about it that made it seem like you belonged there. You could see yourself there with Benedict right by your side, the two of you facing each other with your own easels as you painted your own portraits of each other. 
You hadn’t thought about him in that way in a long time and wondered where that had come from. Maybe you were overcome with gratitude to him, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was the fact that you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at his pretty lips, wondering what they felt like between yours. And how you could have taken the chance and it would not have been inappropriate.
Without a word, you grabbed him by his coat and pulled him down so that his face was only inches from yours. You pressed your lips to his with so much force that your teeth clinked together and you both were quick to pull away covering your mouths in pain. You couldn’t believe you had done that. That was exactly why you never acted impulsively. It always just ended in embarrassment. 
You just shook your head as you felt your cheeks heat up and turned back to enter the gallery. Benedict wasn’t going to let you get away this time, though. He lost you once and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. And this time, he was actually attracted to you and he was going to let you know just how beautiful he thought you were. 
He grabbed onto your arm just as you were going to open the door and turned you around to face him. His hazel eyes bored into yours as he grabbed onto your chin, lifting it as he bent down. He slotted his lips between yours and you tried to move along with him, mimicking his actions exactly even though you had absolutely not fucking clue what you were doing. 
Your hands moved to his face and pulled him closer to you so you had more access to his mouth, becoming addicted to the feeling of his lips on yours. You had only gotten a little taste, but already wanted to do that exact thing for the rest of your life. Benedict pulled away to let the both of you breathe, but quickly dove in for more as he grabbed onto your waist and pushed you against the pillar that was behind you. You let him lead, taking exactly what he wanted from you as you were pliant under his touch. 
He pushed your mouth open as he slid his tongue inside, letting it swirl around your own and a sound escaped your mouth that Benedict definitely needed to hear again. And the fact that what you were doing was considered wrong only made him love it more. He continued to kiss you like his life depended on it as his hand moved up to your breast, massaging it the best he could over your dress as you let out another moan, this one louder. You pulled away as you felt a weird sensation between your legs, a lot of wetness collecting there. You began to panic as you pushed Benedict away, embarrassed about what was happening. 
“I had a lovely time tonight, Mr. Bridgerton, but now I must go.” You curtsied and then rushed inside, gathering your dress in your hands as you did so. 
You made a beeline for the restroom and locked yourself inside it before grabbing the nearest towel-like fabric and pulled up your dress before wiping. You pulled the towel away not to find blood like you were expecting but found that whatever was between your legs was almost clear. You were convinced that there was something wrong with you, having never seen anything like that before. 
While you were panicking in the restroom, Benedict was pacing in the garden, debating running after you even though he was sure that you had already left. Had he made you uncomfortable? That must have been it because you looked so scared. He had taken advantage of you and now he was going to beat himself up over it. Not reciprocating your feelings when you were a child was one thing, but taking advantage of you was another and now he had ruined his chances with you because he was selfish. He didn’t think that another painting was going to fix it either. Perhaps it was time to finally let you go for good and let you find a man who was actually worthy enough. A man that was actually able to keep you.
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irwinsblender · 2 months
hiii could i request a luke x fem reader where reader has pots and its a bad day for her but shes on tour with the boys so she has to do her best to stay well? luke begs her to take breaks but she’s their hair or makeup artist and physically cant take a break until the show is over 😭 so basically just some cute fluff of luke fussing over his sick and dizzy gf :)) i have pots and i never get to read this sort of stuff so it would be great to have some rep written ^^
hi!! thank you so much for sending this in! again apologising for taking so long to get to this request but hopefully this fic turns out okay!
take it easy
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pairing: luke x reader
summary: you’ve been travelling around with your boyfriend, luke, on the bands tour doing their hair and make up here and there while also trying to manage your pots symptoms within their busy schedules
warnings: none?
word count: 3.7k
✩ ✩ ✩
Getting to go on tour with your boyfriend, Luke, and his band had always been one of your favourite things to experience. It was heartwarming to see him and your friends up on that stage, enjoying every second of performing. Living out their dream.
Luke loved you being there, never having to spend a minutes away from you for the long times they tour for. He loved that you got to to watch them every night.
Not only were you there to watch the shows, but you were a qualified hair stylist along with knowing your fair share about make up.
You helped the guys get ready before their shows each night, making sure their hair looked good by using hairspray and sometimes hair gel. If it was a lucky day you wouldn’t have to use either.
Luke was the only one who you did make up for, although you knew he was capable of doing a good job on his own, he always insisted that you do it for him.
One thing that came along with travelling for a tour was busy schedules, late nights and early mornings, rushing around if things didn’t quite run on time or having to suddenly change plans. It was a lot to deal with for you.
Especially with what you have to deal with in your day to day life.
You had been dealing with pots for quite a few years now, the not being able to sleep properly, the headaches, other aches and pains, having to take it easy if you were feeling dizzy to ensure you didn’t pass out. it was difficult.
Luke was always there to make sure you were okay. Sometimes he knew before you did that you would have a bad flare up, making sure you rested properly and didn’t overdo it.
Some days were better than others, you could get up like normal, go about your day with the band, easily do their hair and make up without any issues. Other days, you knew a bad flare up was coming before even starting the day, knowing you’d have to try and compromise to still help out.
Today was one of those days.
You had to sleep on the bus after a show last night to travel to the next tour stop. Sleeping in the tiny bunks where there was hardly enough room to move had never been your idea of a comfortable nights sleep. And so, you didn’t get nearly enough sleep.
As soon as you woke up, you could feel the throbbing pain in your head, a bad headache that would surely last a while. Knowing that would add to any other symptoms you may get.
You could hear the guys on the bus, chatting away to one another, talking about the previous show as well as plans for tonight’s show too.
Having to get out of bed was the hardest part, not knowing exactly how bad things would be. Would you be okay to move around like normal? Or would you need to lay down to take breaks?
Standing up from your bunk felt okay. You didn’t feel too unbalanced apart from your worsening headache. It was only once you stood fully upright that you knew things were bad.
Losing your balance before you could get far, Luke rushed over to you as quick as he could, holding onto you to make sure you didn’t fall.
He brought you over to the front of the bus, getting you to sit down with ashton while he got you a water and painkillers to help with your headache. He sat with you after that, making sure you recovered from being dizzy before letting you get ready for the day.
After you tried to convince him that you felt okay, he let you do what you needed to do. Going into the bathroom and closing the door behind you to freshen up.
You did as you always would do, washing your face, brushing your teeth, everything you usually did before heading to the back of the tour bus to get dressed.
You took longer than normal today, understandably of course. By the time you were ready, things were running slightly behind schedule.
There was still enough time though. You and the guys left the tour bus, heading into the back entrance of the venue away from where any fans were lining up for the show.
Inside, you were lead through a main area, through a backstage door which took you to the dressing rooms and where all of the equipment was.
In the first dressing room, you all got settled. The guys spreading themselves out around the room, taking drinks from the mini fridge, talking about things for the show tonight, discussing what songs to sing for soundcheck after their own.
It didn’t take long for them to have to go and do their private soundcheck. Which you opted to stay behind for.
It was the same once the time came around for the vip soundcheck, you stayed behind in the dressing room.
You told Luke it was purely to rest up, try and re settle yourself before having to be standing up for a while doing all of their hair and make up. He believed you, but in reality you still weren’t feeling quite like yourself.
While you could hear the soundcheck happening, you moved yourself to the counter where the mirror was. Setting up your hair products and any make up Luke might want to choose from.
Doing all of this, you were sitting on a chair in front of the counter and mirrors. Hair spray bottle and gel pot to the left, along with a hair brush and comb. Your make up was in a box, some concealer, beauty blenders, brushes along with a few palettes of eyeshadow and finally eyeliner.
It was easy to know when the band was done with soundcheck, their loud voices and laughs echoing through the hall.
They burst into the room, seeing you had moved. Calum plopped himself down on the sofa, resting his feet on the coffee table. Michael joined him, scrolling on his phone. Ashton let everyone know he was going to the bathroom, which left Luke who came over to you.
“Hi, lovie,” he wrapped his arms around the top of your shoulders, leaning his head atop yours as he looked at you though the mirror.
“Hey, rockstar,” you shuffled slightly, leaning to look up at luke. “How’d it go?”
“Went great,” Luke smiled excitedly. “We played an extra song that the fans were chanting for, just about remembered the lyrics. right, Cal?”
“Hey!” calum complained from his comfortable position on the couch. “I’m not the one who forgot the fuckin’ guitar chords.”
“We haven’t played the song since, I don’t know, four tours ago?” Michael smacked calum’s arm.
“Well I’m sure they loved it anyway,” you shook your head at the bickering pair.
Luke stepped back from you, knowing this was about time to start sorting things out. You stood from your chair, maybe slightly too quickly.
You had been sitting down for a while and should’ve taken more time to be up right again. You gripped onto the counter, keeping yourself balanced.
“I’m fine,” you held one hand out to stop him. “Just give me a second.”
It was quiet in the room then. Michael and Calum paying attention to what was going on.
You needed to get yourself together, you had a show to prepare for. Four band members sort out. You could last a few more hours.
You turned towards the two on the couch, leaning back against the counter, “Who’s first?” You pointed to the chair beside you. “Hair first, any make up last.”
“Are you sure you’re up for doing this?” Luke quietly spoke, letting Michael and Calum decide who would go first. “You can take a night off, it’s alright.”
“You’ve got a show to be ready for,” you stepped back, Luke following to let Calum have space to take a seat. “This is my job here, gotta make sure you four are looking your best for the fans.”
“And you offered to do this job for us, it’s okay if you’re having a flare up and need to take a break for tonight.”
You moved to stand behind calum, fluffing his hair from side to side, “Don’t think you’d be able to tame this mop without me,” you laughed, covering up how groggy you were feeling. “Go change into whatever you’re gonna wear for the show, I’ll be okay.”
“I don’t—“
“Baby, i’ll be okay.”
He reluctantly nodded. Wanting to pull you in for a hug before letting you get to work on Calum’s hair. You let him, wrapping your arms around his back as you felt him rubbing his hands up and down yours.
“Don’t rush anything,” he pressed a feather light kiss to your cheek. “Take your time.”
“I will,” you smiled softly, understanding his worry for you. “Now you should rest until your show, don’t need you getting tired out on stage.”
“Here you are not feeling good and you’re still worrying about little ol’ me,” Luke stepped back from you, making his way over to the snack bar.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you at the same time, Lu,” you raised your eyebrows at him.
He picked up a packet of chips, sitting down next to Michael on the black fabric sofa. You turned your focus to Calum, picking up the hair spray and a comb.
You started fixing up his hair so it looked more tamed than his usual messy, curly hair. Not that his hair didn’t look great, it’s just easier to handle on stage with some spray in.
After a little bit of time, it was finished, “How’s that?” You asked him, making sure there wasn’t anything else he wanted you to do.
“Looks perfect to me,” he smiled at you in the mirror.
At the same time, Ashton walked back into the dressing room, seeing where they were at with things. Noticing Calum getting up, he took it upon himself to decide it was his turn.
“Hey,” you placed your hands on his shoulders. “What are we doing today?”
“Getting you a fuckin’ chair, that’s what,” Ashton turned to look around the room. “Why is there only one chair?”
“Ash, I’m all good,” you moved beside him, placing the hairspray and gel there. “Which one.”
He looked up at you, taking a breath. Pointing to the gel. You opened up the pot, reaching for the spray bottle before doing anything.
“Gonna go fill this up,” you started walking towards the door of the dressing room when a wave of dizziness washed over you.
You took a few oddly placed steps as you stumbled to the side, squeezing your eyes shut as you braced yourself against the wall nearest to you.
Luke stood abruptly, heavy footsteps pacing over to you. He stepped behind you, arms wrapped around your front to help you stay standing without having to hold yourself up using the wall.
You leaned your head back against Luke’s chest, taking a deep breath to try and settle your vision and your heart that seemed to be starting to race.
“I’ve got you, baby,” Luke soothed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You need to take it easy, come and sit down, just relax for a bit.”
“But, I’ve only done Calum’s hair,” you weakly replied.
“It’s okay, we can handle things for tonight,” Luke reassured you, starting to slowly walk you over to the sofa.
You made sure to open your eyes again once you felt where he was taking you, grasping onto his arms around you to keep yourself steady.
He cautiously lowered you to sit down before he sat too, placing his hands on your shoulders to guide you to lay with your head in his lap.
Luke took hold of your right hand, placing two fingers against the pulse point in your wrist. You stayed quiet while he did so, allowing him to do as he always did when he wanted to make sure you would be okay.
“Can someone get me some ice water?” Luke asked, looking to ashton who had been standing since you became dizzy, Michael was with Calum behind the couch.
“I’ll go find some ice,” Michael walked to the door, leaving right away.
Luke was still feeling your pulse, so you shuffled, laying so you could look up at him from a better angle. He gave a sympathetic smile which you returned.
“Feel any better now you’re lying down?” He asked.
“Kinda,” you said as Ashton appeared in your sight. “Ash, I could probably do your hair if you sit down—“
“I think you’re done for the night,” Luke interrupted. “I’m putting you on strict bed rest.”
You chuckled at his phrasing. Only talking like that because you’re meant to follow doctors orders. You knew he was just worried and trying to look out for you.
“You know too much bed rest will make things worse, Lu,” you reminded, trying to sit yourself up slightly. “Seriously, I can do more from here.”
Calum chuckled from across the room, “you know she won’t rest for a second until we’re all ready, mate,” he stuffed a piece of chocolate from the counter into his mouth. “How about a compromise.”
You squinted your eyes at him, now leaning against Luke’s shoulder to sit more straight. Moving slowly of course.
“I’m listening.”
He walked over, stopping short of the table in front of the couch, “If you keep doing our hair and make up now,” he started. “You have to take the day off tomorrow, get some extra rest.”
“There’s a show tomorrow night though, Cal.”
“But we’re up in a hotel tonight,” he widened his eyes. “Means comfier sleep, a nice bed to get a lay in that you probably haven’t had for at least a week.”
He did have a point. You loved doing this for the guys, you’ve practically done it since Luke introduced you to them; they all see what flare ups are like and know when to you should stop pushing your limits.
“He has a point,” Michael appeared from the hall, ice water in hand.
“We could all use more rest tomorrow,” Ashton agreed too. “Some more than others.”
Referring to you as he finished talking. Luke reached to brush your hair behind your ears, knowing by the look on your face you were considering this.
“I think you should, lovie,” Luke holds your hand in his, linking your fingers together softly. “We still have a lot of shows to come so you need to get all the rest you can.”
“Okay…” you sighed in defeat. “I’ll take the night off tomorrow.”
“I know you don’t want to,” Luke could sense you didn’t really want to. “But you especially need it, alright?”
You nodded at him. Managing to lean over towards him to peck his lips softly in thanks for looking out for you so well.
Next you were looking at Ashton, pointing to the floor in front of you for him to sit down. You would finish his hair like this, then Michael’s and Luke’s. You would make this work for them, not wanting to let them down.
Before doing anything, you took the ice water from Michael, taking a few slow sips. Feeling the cool liquid was a refreshing feeling, hopefully it would help.
You got to work on Ashton’s hair, using the spray bottle of water along with a little bit of hair gel after to really form the curls on his head. It turned out pretty well.
Next Michael sat in front of you, not a lot needed doing to his. Just a little hair spray here and there before he was completely happy with it.
Luke was last, although you didn’t waste a second to tell him his hair always looked perfect anyways. The fluffy curls, hair grown longer down the back to almost form a mullet style was definitely something you loved.
“What do you want me to do?” You asked while Luke stayed beside you on the couch. “Hair spray? Gel?”
“Whatever you think is best.”
“Okay um…” you thought for a moment. “Can i do what i did to ash’s hair?”
Luke nodded, wanting to give you free range with this for once. He hoped it might cheer you up if he let you do your own thing.
He sat down on the floor in front of you, settling back against the couch. You ran your hands through his hair, it was just to untangle it, however, you did like running your fingers through his blonde curls.
You reached for the spray bottle, gathered a tiny amount of hair gel. Luke’s curls were one of your favourite things, especially making sure a few small ones hung around the front of his face.
“You can go check it looks okay,” you told him.
He got up, walking to the mirror, he looked around at it, quickly walking back to you.
“Looks great, baby,” he smiled, sitting with you again. “Make up now?”
“Yea, let me just get my palettes.”
You sat on the edge of the sofa, wanting to do this yourself. Luke placed his hand on your knee, giving you a look. Knowing this was always hard for you, you liked doing things for yourself. Not having your friends waiting hand and foot on what you needed.
Luke stood up, holding his hands out for you to take, “Gonna walk you over,” he explained. “If you get dizzy just tell me.”
You took his hands, your feet slowly padding across the carpet. Luke walked backwards, taking you over to the counter to collect your makeup supplies.
It was only when you were going back to where you had just been sat that you could feel your heart rate picking up again. A small pain forming in your chest.
“Need to sit back down,” you rushed, an uncomfortable but familiar look on your face.
“Ash, can you grab the make up from her?” Luke asked as he was the closest.
He took everything from your hands, letting luke quickly get you back on the couch to sit down. He watched as you took a breath, thinking about the show ahead of them.
You loved watching them perform, especially Luke. but he had to do the difficult thing, only looking out for your health. Knowing you might not be able to watch the show the same as you did most nights.
“Feel up to doing some make up?” He double checked, you responded with a nod. “Do something simple, maybe some inner corner glitter.”
Ashton handed you the concealer and eyeshadow along with a couple of brushes. Luke sat down next to you, facing you so you could get this make up on him. It appeared harder than you though at this angle.
“Here— just—“ Luke pulled you gently onto his lap, legs either side of his. His hands rested on your hips. “Gonna keep my hands on you in case you get dizzy again.”
“Yea, this is better.”
You leaned closer, placing a small amount of concealer around his eyes. Blending it into his natural skin tone before reaching for the eyeshadow.
You put some blueish glittery eyeshadow on your pinky finger, holding his chin with your thumb and index finger to keep his head steady.
As you started putting the make up on him, he couldn’t help but look at you. Admiring your features, the light freckles covering your cheeks, the pure concentration in your eyes as you tried to get this make up to look perfect.
He loved that you were here on tour with him, you got to experience each city together. Plus he could take care of you if you did have any trouble with your pots.
“I can feel you staring,” you leaned back to gather some more glitter for his other eye.
“Sorry,” he whispered, not wanting to distract from your concentration. “You’re just beautiful.”
You stopped what you were doing, smiling softly, “I appreciate you caring about me so much while we’re here,” you placed your hands on his face, caressing your thumbs back and forth. “I know I can be stubborn at times but it’s good to have you to tell me to just chill for a while.”
“Well, it’s something that stops you doing the things you wanna do, I get that you don’t wanna put things on hold all the time,” Luke sympathised with you. “But I love you a lot, and want what’s best for you.”
“I love you too, bubba,” you leaned forwards for a hug, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
You’d stayed like that for a couple of minutes too long, hearing someone clearing their throat. You both looked over to your left, Calum holding a shirt and pants in his hands.
“I hate to ruin this nice moment,” he nodded over to Ashton who had apparently left the room to change into his stage outfit. “We don’t have long until we need to be ready.”
“Got it,” you understood. Quickly finishing up Luke’s make up so he could change too.
It wasn’t long after that before all of the guys had changed into their various stage outfits, earpieces attached carefully so to not get disconnected. Opener up on stage who would be done 30 minutes before their set.
While waiting for the guys, you’d been sitting and resting, deciding you could give standing up a try. You managed to follow your friends to the stage area, Luke slipping his hand into yours as you took your time with walking.
“We’ll be off in about an hour and thirty minutes,” luke told you, hands in his as you heard the final preshow song playing. “And there’s a chair out there if you wanna watch and feel dizzy at all, or it’s totally fine if you hang back in the dressing room.”
“You know i’ll be out there watching,” you stood on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek softly before they all got given the word to get ready. “Maybe not dancing as much this time but I’ll be out there.”
“You’ll be okay?” Luke asked once more as he had to step away to get his guitar adjusted.
“I’ll be okay,” you reassured. watching as the guys started heading towards the stage. “Go have a good show, rockstar.”
✩ ✩ ✩
taglist: @hexsdexs @conspiracy-ash @oliviah-25 @superbloomrry @jake-and-johnnies-slut | if you would like to join my taglist, please comment here or see this post
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shypen · 2 months
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ㅤ — ༿ີ۪۪  ͏ ͏ 𝓫e quiet. ⠀⠀𓋜‎ 𝓢JY
𝓼ypnosis . when you wanna go on a movie date with him, he agrees, but can’t find two seats seated together. he buys one seat without you knowing, hoping you’d sit on his lap during the movie. ✧‎ ‎ ㅤ 𝓰enre . smut 3.4k
𝓬ontains . lap sitting, public sex, sucking, cockwarming, riding, petnames, unprotected (im sorry) ++
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𝓹airings . horny!jake x female!reader
req status . taking rqs!!
note . reminder everything here is FICTIONAL, meaning NOTHING HERE IS REAL!! these things never happened. | yes some things here are references to some fanfics i read WHAT ABOUT IT!!! moving on. working on this was so much fun i hope you like it!! this is the most words ive ever written and my second smut
© shypen 2024. do not copy, plagiarize or repost.
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“shoot,” jake murmurs under his breath as he stares down at the employee. he lets out a frustrated groan before sucking it up. “it’s okay, we’ll just take one ticket,” he sighs, angrily snatching the ticket from the poor staff’s hand. “here,” he speaks through gritted teeth, handing the worker their money for the ticket.
well, the cinema is spacious; with enough room for people to move around without feeling crowded, but the amount of chairs are sadly limited. there unfortunately aren’t any two seats next to each other for the both of you.
thats when the lightbulb went off in jake’s head.
was it wrong? yes. but he cant just let all the information he got from pornwatching go to waste.
he walks over to you and grabs your hand without saying a word, pulling you away from the snack line, hiding his smile as you two head to the room where the movie is screening. “what’s wrong??” you mutter, noticing his strange behaviour. he drags you to the seat he bought, letting go of your hand. he plops down onto the singular seat, patting his lap. “wait wh—” you barely manage to let out your sentence before he holds your wrist and pulls you onto his lap.
“jake, what are you doing..” you mumble as he wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him so your head rests on his shoulder and your back is pressed against his chest. “there was only one seat available,” he explains, avoiding eye contact. “the movie’s starting.”
you place your full attention on the huge projector in front of you as the movie begins to play. that’s until jake repositions himself and you can finally feel what he was hiding from you. not so hidden now, huh, jake sim?
“h—hey-” you stammer as you feel his hardness through your clothed clit, catching you off guard. he smirks at you. “what’s wrong?” he pouts mockingly, tightening his grasp on your waist so you’re unable to go anywhere. “focus on the movie,” he demands, his eyes glancing back at the screen. but you cant focus— not when you can feel his bulge through your thin skirt. and oh boy was it making you wet already, but this is a public setting, sadly.
guess jake must’ve noticed. he looks back at you. “soaking wet already hm?” he says in a hushed tone, careful so no one could hear. “be grateful we’re sitting at the back,” he smiles as his hand travels to caress your thigh, then moving to your inner thigh. “jake— we’re gonna get caught..” you express your concerns as he gets dangerously close to your clothed core. “you’re right, so stay quiet for me, will ya?” he asks, hand going under your skirt and lowering your panties ‘til it’s fully off.
“shoot—” you wince as he removes your panties, especially because now his hardness can be felt even more, and it’s driving you insane. he barely wastes any time in gently pushing you slightly off of him so he can remove his gray sweatpants, revealing his oh so large cock, and you can already spot precum dripping down. he immediately drags you back onto his lap, giving you no time to react or adjust before making his cock slip into you. you would’ve moaned out so loud if it wasn’t for him generously placing his thumb in your mouth. “suck on it,” he orders, signaling to suck on his thumb. you nod, simply obeying him as he groaned, loud enough for you to hear, and thankfully not loud enough for others to hear.
“you’re already so tight baby,” he silently moans as he places his thumb slightly deeper into your mouth. you’re more confused than ever at the moment; seeing this side of your boyfriend honestly is so thrilling, but here? now? you try to fight off the urge to ride him, considering basically everyone could notice, but they thankfully don’t. you reposition yourself slightly so it’d be more comfortable, but you stop when you feel his cock twitch inside you. you suck on his thumb more to keep yourself from whimpering. “mfh shoot.. stop moving,” he whispers in a hushed tone, his australian accent strong. his voice sends shivers down your spine, and you comply to his request, almost immediately freezing on his lap.
“so obedient.. such a good girl,” you hear him mutter, and you clench around him. if it weren’t for your baggy, oversized t-shirt you two would’ve been caught by now. him calling you a good girl only makes you more impatient.
whatever, if you grind your hips forward slightly, would he notice? he’s too focused on the movie, right?
so you do just that. you close your eyes shut as you do, staying quiet becoming your main challenge today.
whew, he didn’t notice.
or atleast you think.
his warm and slim hand wraps around your throat, and you can feel his breath near the nape of your neck.
“needy, are we?” he chuckles lowly, moving his hand from your neck to your waist. one of his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back and forth on his cock, and you shiver. your whimper gets cut off by you sucking on his thumb again, feeling more thankful than ever that it was there. he lifts you up ‘til nothing but the tip was left inside of you, then lets go of you so you slip in his cock. your gasp gets interrupted by jake turning your head slightly, removing his thumb from your mouth and slamming his lips on yours, not warning you as he sneaks his tongue in your mouth. his lips moving with your rhythmically makes your head spin. he swallows your moans for you.
unfortunately the ethereal moment that left you breathless had to stop when jake pulls away. “so annoyingly noisy,” he sighs, voice husky and deep. he brings his thumb that you sucked and licked to his mouth and licks it, tasting you as he does. you hear a muffled mffh from him when he sucks on his thumb. he pulls his thumb away, then puts two hands on your waist. he taps your waist twice, giving you permission to finally ride him, and you hide your smile.
before you could even move he holds you still as he thrusts up into you, causing you to react by biting down on your lip, holding in your sounds. gulping, you decide to speak up. “j-jake—” you stutter, attempting to protest, but he groans in your ear before you had a chance to say anything more. “shoot, baby.. say my name again..”
that petname again..
you obediently obey and you mutter out his name, causing him to let out a soft moan. he starts to thrust into you again, but slowly and sensually. that doesn’t last long though, the first second he’s taking his time and the next he’s thrusting in and out of you in a fast pace. sloppy but surprisingly quiet slapping sounds can be heard. if it wasn’t for the movie volume, you two would’ve got caught by now.
you react to his thrusts with soft ‘hmph hmph hmph’ sounds, clenching around him more. “mmhf you’re— shoot.. so tight baby,” he gasps, his heavy aussie accent slipping out. his stupidly huge cock and groans are making is increasingly difficult to stay silent for so long. without giving you time to think, he goes as fast as he can, his cock slipping in and out of you in an incredibly rapid pace, causing you to throw your head back and let out a deep but quiet moan.
you roll your hips a little to feel more of him and oh goodness did it work. you felt his cock vein against your walls once you did that, causing you to do it again, and again.
“ngh— jake pleasepleasepleaseplease,” you whisper his name and the word ‘please’ repeatedly, and you could feel his cock twitch inside of you again.
you and jake’s breathing are uneven and heavy, and there’s no denying you were close. by the looks of it, jake is too; the way he’s biting his lip, eyes closed shut in pleasure. “jake..” you say, the mention of his name again driving him absolutely insane. “i’m c-close..” you tell him, and he nods. “cum with me, okay?”
he removes one hand from your waist so he can place his thumb in your pretty little mouth again, something for you to suck on to distract yourself as you release all over his throbbing cock.
and you did exactly that along with jake cumming the same time as you. the pleasure makes you let out a muffled moan as your tongue caresses his thumb. you hear him let out a pleasured sigh from behind you. “mfh you feel so good, baby..” you hear him saying. you try to get off his cock but he tightens his grasp on your waist. “you’re not going anywhere after all of that,” he says, and you notice a smile in his voice.
“stay like this for the entire movie. can you do that for me, baby?” he adds, getting closer to your neck. “yes..” you reply, voice trembling from his cock stretching you out.
a hushed “good girl,” comes out from his soft lips. he starts to leave a trail of kisses down your neck. “taste so good,” he groans in your ear, licking and sucking on your neck.
he bites down on a sensitive spot on your neck, and a soft gasp escapes your lips, biting down on your lower lip. he soothes the pain by licking the bite. you wanna protest but your afraid if you stop biting on your lip that you’d let out another moan, you can’t risk that happening, but with what jake is doing, it’s gonna be hard to stay quiet.
“you’re doing so well for me baby.. ‘movie’s almost done,” he praises, and you can feel your cheeks grow warm. he sneaks his slim hand under your shirt and the coldness of his hands catch you off guard. with his other hand, he plays with your bra strap. your bra falls from your chest and almost immediately, he wraps his hands around your tits, cupping them. he kneads your supple skin before placing two fingers around your nipples, rolling them gently. a soft moan escapes your mouth.
you let out a sigh of relief when you spot the credits roll on the projector. “jake.. the movie’s over,” you inform him, but he sighs, frustrated. “fine,” he reluctantly groans, giving you permission to get off of him. you nod and stand up, getting off of his cock with a pop sound. he helps you put your panties and bra on, and in return you help him pull up his sweatpants.
“i’m gonna go to the restroom real quick,” you mutter, voice slightly quivering. “k” is all jake responds with and you immediately sprint off to the bathroom, only to regain your composure from what happened. theres a long hallway and then a turn at the end to go to the bathroom, and as you’re about to turn, you feel long fingers grab your wrist.
before you could react, the person traps you against a wall, your chest against the wall. by the hands? it’s jake.
“what are you doing..?” you mumble, and you hear him scoff behind you. “do you know how upsetting it was to stop you from screaming my name the entire movie?” he pushes you against the wall more, grabbing your waist as he does. “dumb cocksleeve..” he faces you to the direction of the bathroom and opens the door with one hand, instantly pulling you two in a stall, trapping you against the stall door. he barely gives you a chance to react before hardly pressing his lips into yours, his hands working on sliding down your miniskirt.
you immediately sink into the kiss, too absorbed to see that his hands have already slid down your skirt and are attempting to pull down your panties. he successfully removes them and pulls away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting you two before it breaks. he glances down at his sweatpants and he starts to pull them down, and you can already see his hardness. he swiftly removes both his pants and underwear, stepping back a bit as his cock springs out. “suck on it,” he whines. “please.” his desperation creates a familiar wetness pool in your panties. you immediately nod, using the extra space he made for you to get on your knees.
you spread your mouth open and let him insert himself into it, and goodness did it taste good. you wrap your lips around his tip and start to move up and down slowly, sucking on his cock a little, making him let out a loud groan. you pull away to lick on his cock, licking a vein. he moans and grabs your hair, making you lick on his vein with more pressure. “baby,” he sighs in pleasure as you stop licking his vein and start to suck on his cock, moving up and down slowly, trying to get used to his size.
he grips your hand and positions it on the bottom of his cock, hinting at you to rub. you take the signal and start to pump his cock as you simultaneously suck on it, increasing your pace. you can already taste precum leaking from his tip, the taste so incredibly intoxicating. you whimper against his cock, sending vibrations through his body. he shudders in response. you can hear his small pants as you continue to devour his cock. words are coiled at jake’s throat, coming out as desperate whimpers, craving for more.
jake’s breath hitches as he starts to feel his release coming closer, and he brings his hand to yours, guiding you to help jerk him off faster. naturally, you suck him faster to, and that was enough to get him to cum inside your mouth with a groan, a wave of pleasure washing over him. “swallow,” he grunts, panting heavily as he attempts to recover from the situation.
he shuts his eyes closed to gain his composure only to flutter his eyes back open so he can catch the beautiful glimpse of you swallowing his cum, almost pathetically whining at the sight; your tongue licking your lips for more of his taste, shoot, it makes him go crazy.
you gaze up at him, eyes filled with silent pleads as you do, an immediate invite for him to completely ruin you. he smirks at you and extends his hand to help you stand up. one minute you were standing up, the next you’re pinned against the stall walls by your boyfriend, undressing you impatiently.
he successfully takes the last piece off of you, (your panties), leaving you in only your oversized shirt. he lets out a silent moan. “look so perfect,” he mutters under his breath as he throws your piece of cloth on the ground. his pants are still down, and so he wastes no time in lifting his cock up to your already so wet hole, dragging his slightly leaking tip up and down your slit slowly. “so wet for me already..”
“j-jake—” you choke out, feeling the stretch from just the head of his length. “what’s wrong baby?” he mocks teasingly, almost immediately thrusting fast and deep into you with no warnings. your lips quiver as you cry out his name followed by a whimper, eyes closing shut as you try to adjust. jake caresses your cheek before kissing it, giving you time to get used to the feeling.
he starts off slowly, giving you painfully slow but deep thrusts. jake’s impatience takes over however, harshly burying his whole cock inside you. his pace increases slightly, and both of your heavy pants fill the silence of the bathroom. “ugmf- jake..” you whine, feeling his veins around your walls. “so tight for me, baby..” he grunts, beginning to move faster. jake leans forward, his forehead resting on yours. you spot him licking his lips, hands traveling to your waist.
he pulls his cock out, gliding it across your wet slit, teasing you as you whine. “jake.. p-please..” you pathetically whimper, eyes half-lidded as you glance up at him, his eyes darkening as he sees you desperate beneath him. he thrusts into you, his balls slapping against your clit as he slams his whole length inside. you throw your head back, becoming an embarrassing moaning mess under him. “so tight for me,” he coos, voice trembling from how soft your walls feel around his cock. his low australian accent sends shivers down your spine. the pleasure, the moans coming from your mouth, the filthy squelching sounds from how wet you are only makes him groan from how satisfyingly dirty it is. if it wasn’t for his freakishly strong hands holding your waist your legs would’ve gave in.
your hands travel to his shoulders, squeezing his clothing each time he harshly thrusts into you. his eyebrows sexily furrow at the pleasure, a low grunt escaping his mouth. his thumb begins to rub sloppy circles on the side of your stomach, his head leaning in to slam his plump lips against yours. he groans into the kiss, the vibration going straight to your clit, making you wetter than you already were. you let out a gasp, and jake doesn’t waste the opportunity to intrude his tongue into your mouth. he plunges his cock in and out of your core, both of you becoming more vocal as the noises you two held back at the screening finally comes out in muffled moans against each other’s mouths. he pulls away to catch his breath, both of you unevenly panting as he pistons into your wet tightness mercilessly.
you feel the knot in your stomach tense and tighten with each thrust, your mind foggy and spinning from his big cock in you. “feel so—” he grunts, interrupting himself with a moan. “so good..” he speeds up, whimpers escape your lips without your control. you squeeze his shoulders tight ‘til your knuckles turn white, sure to leave marks but jake didn’t pay attention to it. rather he was more turned on by it, rutting his length into you deeper and faster. both of your pants grow heavier, his balls slapping your cheeks echoed a repeated clapping noise all around the bathroom. “ngh— jake.. shoot..” you whine, jake tightening his grip on your waist as a response. “that’s it.. let me hear you, baby..” he speaks, tone breathy and deep.
you bury your head in his chest, whining in satisfaction. you can hear his australian accent dripping off his moans as his tip reaches your cervix. your hips move with his, allowing his cock to reach places you never have with your fingers. the new angle only makes jake feel more aroused, thrusting into your tight hole repeatedly. your mouth gapes open at the feeling, feeling your second orgasm of the day get closer each time he pulls his cock in and out of you. “love my cock, yeah?” he grunts, his cock twitching inside of you. “s’ good.. m’ c-close..” you cry, fingers gently digging into his shoulders. “mmfh— me too, baby,” he groans, his hand circling the side of your stomach makes its way down to your clit, circling it instead. the sudden added pressure elicits a high moan from you, balling your hands into a fist and squeezing.
“j-jake..” you let out between pants, barely above a whisper. he doesn’t respond, simply inserting two fingers inside of you, a whimper escaping your mouth. “cum,” he commands, and you nod, lips trembling. he circles and thrusts you faster and you feel your mind starting to spin, a wave of pleasure washes over you as the knot in your stomach finally snaps. his cock pulses and twitches as he releases shortly after you, shooting his hot load into your tightness.
the next 30 seconds is pure silence, the only sounds being you and jake’s heavy pants. he breaks the silence, wrapping his hands around your waist and kissing your collarbones, murmuring tiny “are you okay?”’s against your skin, pouting. you nod and reach for his head, ruffling his hair. “lets go home,” he mutters.
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𝓽aglist . @hursheys , @slutforjaeyun , @miley-williams92 , @heeseungsbm , @heeheeswifey , @quhrtz , @jakehooni , @isa942572 , @leov3rse , @flowerlvrs-blog , @jinostooth , @myywonie , @river-demon-slayer , @seulkikiii , @hxxsxxng , @missoxy , @zyvlxqht , @jakesimluver , @skaterhoon , @ayyysweetcreature , @petalsofink , @jazminethecreator , @camprock101 , @kwanholic , @faithnsstuff
note 2 . THE TEASER BLEWW UPPP OMG TY!! if you like this please REBLOG with tags and commentary ! i worked extremely hard on this fic and i’d appreciate it sososososo much !! mwahh thank u for reading ♡
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
2. say you feel the way that i feel
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summary: jake finally gets a moment alone with you.
pairing: best friend’s brother!jake seresin x fem!reader
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, smut (oral), allusions to smut at the end, jake being down bad tbh
previous part • drive me wild
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Jake Seresin didn’t believe in luck. He never had to. It was hard work and skill that got him to the top of his Top Gun class. It was even more hard work and skill that made him stay on top.
Right now however, he was thanking his lucky stars.
Both his sisters are back at their respective houses for the day, his dad is out golfing, his mom is at book club, and Addy is at lunch with her high school friends.
That’s leaves him and you in the house. Alone.
Jake notices you from where he’s stood near the kitchen window. It’s hot out today, and you’re sat on one of the recliners near the pool reading a book in what could probably be described as the worlds tiniest bikini. It’s white and has little cherries on it. Jake thinks he might spontaneously combust. Before he can do so, you turn in your seat to catch sight of Jake in the window, wiggling your fingers at him in a greeting.
Jake takes this as a sign to actually make a move, when had he even been the guy to pass up on something he wanted? He starts towards the patio doors, but not before shedding himself of his shirt and checking himself out in the reflection.
“Hey sugar,” he drawls, slipping into the seat next to you, “don’t you just look extra sweet today?”
You can feel Jake’s eyes rake over your frame, paying specific attention to the flimsy ties of your bikini. You place your bookmark in and put the book down beside you.
“Hey, Jakey,” your voice comes out in a teasing lilt.
Usually he hates when people call him that, but he decides in that moment it’s probably the best thing he’s ever heard.
“Whatcha reading?”
Your smirk slightly and Jake realises whatever you’re bound to say is about to be amusing.
Jake scoffs playfully, “you’re funny sugar.”
“I’d like to think so,” you shrug with a smile.
Jake rolls his eyes and settles back into the recliner, the sun feels so good beating down onto his tense muscles. He thinks he could probably drift off until your voice rings through the air.
“Jake?” you question.
“Could you do me a favour?” you ask, voice dripping with honey, “pretty please?”
Jake opens his eyes and looks over to your pouting lips.
“Well since you asked so nicely…”
You hand Jake the bottle of sun lotion that had been resting on the small table between the recliners and roll over onto your stomach.
“Do my back?”
You let out a giggle as Jake audibly groans, unashamed of how you affect him. He watches with hooded eyes as you let the ties at the back of your bikini top loose, your modesty only being saved now by your position.
“I hate tan lines,” you offer.
Jake nods his head vigorously, “‘me too, can’t stand ‘em, great idea.”
His enthusiasm skyrockets your ego, you jut your hips up lightly and look to where he’s standing above you.
“You gonna sit?”
“Oh yeah, right.” Jake mumbles, disoriented.
He hovers over you awkwardly, a leg on either side of your waist. You look back to him again and giggle.
“It’s okay, y’know?”
Jake shakes his head as if to clear it and sits down finally. He tries not to think about how you feel beneath him and instead gets to work squirting the lotion onto his hands.
His strong hands are cool on your back, massaging into your skin. You cant help but whimper slightly as his hands massage lower.
“Feels good, Jakey,” you moan out.
Jake can’t wipe the smirk off of his face as he continues his movements until he’s satiated, grabbing languidly at the soft flesh of your back. After he’s decided he’s finished, Jake moves back to sit at the edge of your chair,
“All done, sugar?” He taps at your ass lightly.
You hum and push yourself upwards, turning to face Jake. His mouth goes dry as he catches sight of your bikini top laying lonely on the chair.
“Help me with the front?” You pout, something glimmering in your eye that Jake can’t quite decipher.
You reach over and take Jake’s hands in your own, they’re soft and still sticky with residue from the sun lotion, and guide them up towards your breasts. He can’t get enough of the way you feel beneath him, soft skin arching up towards his touch. When he swipes the pads of his thumbs over your nipples you gasp quietly and Jake chuckles.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he mumbles more to himself than you.
You whine, “I need you to touch me Jake.”
“I am touching you sugar,” Jake teases.
He knows what you want, but he just wants to hear you say it. You whine once again, it’s music to his ears.
“Touch me properly,” you huff.
Jake sighs and removes his hands from your breasts. His hands go to your thighs as he lies down on his front of the chair and pulls you abruptly towards his face. You squeal at the unexpected movement, widening your legs to accommodate Jake.
He reaches a hand up to the ties of your bikini, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before speaking.
“As cute as this is sugar, I think I’d prefer what’s underneath even more.”
Jake’s words bring a further flush to your cheeks rather than the hot sun in the sky, you nod down at him to give confirmation for what he was about to do.
He pulls slowly at the string on your right hip, watching as it comes undone, the side already falling to expose more of your skin. Moving to the next one, Jake pulls just as tantalisingly slowly. Once it’s undone, he pulls the glorified scrap of fabric away from you and drops it to the floor.
“Fuck.” Jake breathes out.
He’s so close to your center that you can feel his breath on you, making you squirm.
“If that ain’t the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen,” he smirks.
You make a sound that mixes between a whine and a whimper and jut your hips up towards Jake’s face. He gets the hint, tongue darting out to lick a fat stripe from your entrance to your clit.
“Shit, Jake,” you breathe out, hands coming down to grab at his blonde locks.
Jake takes this as encouragement and immediately gets to work, tongue lapping at your clit languidly. Your hips jerk slightly at every flick, prompting Jake to place an arm over you as an attempt at stilling your movements.
The wet noises coming from where Jake’s mouth meets your center should be embarrassing, but it just serves as fuel for him to carry on. His tongue dips down to your hole for a moment as he laps at the wetness, groaning into you at the taste. Jake’s free hand wanders up your thigh to to play with your clit, middle and ring fingers drawing circles into the bundle of nerves.
You’re wary of your surroundings, but it’d be pointless to try and hold in your moans. They come out in squeaks and guttural sounds that please Jake to no end. He’s almost as vocal as you are, mumbles and groans sending delicious vibrations through you.
“I’m close, Jake,” you whimper out after a particularly salacious swirl of his tongue.
He looks up at you from his position between your legs and continues his motions, sending you over the edge with a high pitched whine. Jake coaches you through your high, legs spasming around his head from the pleasure.
He pulls back after a few moment to allow you to catch your breath, legs still shaking. You can see some of your arousal glistening on his chin, bringing heat to your cheeks.
“That good, sugar?” Jake drawls.
You roll your eyes. He knows it was. Instead, you wrap a small hand around the back of his neck and guide his lips towards yours. They’re soft, and you can still taste yourself on him which makes your shiver in excitement. Jake’s lips move in tandem with yours perfectly as you allow his tongue entrance, and something foreign twinges within him that he’s not felt before. Your hand is still at the back of his neck, fingers fussing with his slightly longer hair than usual.
You’re the one to break the kiss first, pulling back just to peck at his lips a few more times. Before Jake can speak, your phone is pinging on the table beside the two of you, stealing your attention from him.
“It’s Addy,” you smile apologetically, “she’s gonna be back soon.”
At the mention of his sister’s name, Jake is reminded of his somewhat unfortunate predicament; sat with her naked best friend in his lap.
“Yeah, of course,” Jake shrugs.
You move to stand from him, not before pecking at his lips once again, and bending down to pick up your discarded bikini. Jake smirks at the sight, alleviating his dulling mood by reaching a hand out to smack lightly at your behind. You snap back up with a gasp and point an accusatory finger. Jake raises his hands in mock surrender and defends,
“you’re the one flaunting that thing sugar!”
You scoff, trying to mask your smile, “creep.”
Jake laughs and goes to reach for you again as you slip away with a giggle. He watches your retreating form with a sigh falling from his lips. He should probably take care of his raging boner before his mom got back from book club.
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Jake can’t sleep again. This time, his internal debate has been on whether or not he should try and sneak into your room. The noises you make, the way you taste, and the way you look when you’re so consumed with pleasure is all Jake can think about. You’re infuriating in the best way possible.
Once everyone had returned shortly after your garden escapade, you had descended the stairs in a little ditsy sundress that had Jake reeling. His older sisters and family had joined for dinner as well, Jake was blatantly ignoring every look that Josie was trying to send his way. She was the little moral compass angel on his shoulder, trying to steer him clear from anymore damage he could make. It was annoying because he knew she was right, she always was, and the way she eyeing him down after his gaze often lingered too long on you meant that she was well aware that something had already happened.
You were worth it he had decided at dinner, and he reiterated that as finally removed himself from his bed in lieu of finding you. He opened his door quickly and jumped a little in surprise when he looked down and saw you already there, looking up at him with the same amount of shock. He wonders how long you’d been out here, debating whether to knock on his door or not. Jake figures it’s best not to think about it too much in fear of falling any deeper into what was already becoming much too complicated feelings for you.
Instead, he takes in your attire, you’re clad in a large sleep t-shirt which ends at around your mid thigh and what Jake hopes is nothing else.
“I was just-” you begin.
“God, come here.” Jake sighs, scooping you into his arms.
You oblige happily, jumping into his embrace.
“Gonna make it worth my while, cowboy?” You tease.
Jake plops you down onto his mattress and towers over you for a moment.
“Is that what you want sugar?” Jake questions.
You reach a hand out to palm at the already growing bulge in Jake’s boxers, and smirk,
“more than anything.”
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next part
a/n: ahhhhh here’s ch2!! i hope it’s up to standard 😭
thinking perhaps jake is in a tad over his head atm hehehe
i would love to hear everyone’s feedback and what u want to happen next so comment, reblog or send me an ask, i love to hear from u guys!!
tysm for reading :))
- honey <333
tag list:
@blairfox04 @eddiemunsonreader @aemondssiut @girl-in-the-chairs-void @1111zxc @flrboyd @morpheusmybeloved @moonbxtchsreblogs @moonbxtchsblog @fox-bee926 @djs8891 @dempy @daggerspare-standingby @potato-girl99981 @lilylilyyyyyy @bcon24 @abaker74 @callsign-viper @whatislovevavy @cherrycola27 @shanimallina87 @pulisvertz @hypatia93 @fudosl @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @onethirstyunicorn @alana4610
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
No thoughts rn only sannie holding it in all day not being able to go to the bathroom and you dont understand why he is all whiny today until you notice him moving his legs together trying to hold it in as best as he can and you realize why he has been all squeamish and whiny so you step on his cock until he relieves himself bc it hurts so good uwu (u dont have to post this btw, im on anon bc i am slightly embarassed)
- jenna
jenna im gonna lose my marbles !!!! subby masochist san makes me wanna eat my fist AND you snuck the piss kink in there?????? youuuuuu 🫵🏼 you’re the enabler not meeeee anyways don’t hold me personally responsible for what happens underneath this cute little barbed wire <33 also please don’t be embarrasseddd this ask was so hot dude 😵‍💫
(warnings: sub! san, dom! reader, piss kink obv, mommy kink, small cock san agenda, foot play)
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As your boyfriend sat down on the couch next to you, you couldn’t help but notice that he cracked open yet another water bottle and brought it to his plush pink lips. “You’re still thirsty?” you perused, watching your boyfriend take long, deliberate gulps, eyeing the way he gripped one of his thick thighs, his fingers squeezing into it through his thin gray sweatpants.
“What do you mean, baby?” San questioned aloofly, wiping the liquid away from his mouth and letting out a small groan, his legs tensing up.
You tilted your head to the side, looking him in the eye. “That’s the third water bottle you’ve drank and it’s only been a couple hours. Aren’t you full?”
San’s eyes dilated in real time, licking at his bottom lip, before slowly sitting back against the couch, automatically spreading his arms along the top to appear as casual as he could. “I’m pretty full now, yeah.”
Not thinking much of it, you turned back to the TV screen, your attention staying on the show you were watching until you began to hear small whimpers coming from beside you, concerning you enough to break concentration.
San was sitting with his legs pressed together and his back slightly arched off of the couch, both hands on his upper thighs and clutching them. He felt your gaze and returned it, his cheeks rosy pink and his brown eyes glossy.
“What’s wrong, Sannie?” you asked softly, biting at your bottom lip, feeling your heart begin to pick up the pace.
“N-nothing, baby,” your boyfriend replied, weakly shaking his head, strands of his parted golden hair beginning to stick to his forehead. He squirmed around a bit, gritting his teeth. His tummy felt so full, like he was about to burst, and it didn’t help that you were staring him down. He swore he was about to fall apart in front of you. Make a mess all over himself and the couch. It made his cock twitch.
“You have to pee, don’t you, Sannie?” You turned your body to face him completely, lifting one of your feet up and resting it on San’s knee, slowly sliding it up along his thigh, feeling his muscles tighten up underneath the sole of your foot. “You’re being a naughty boy and holding it on purpose, huh?”
“N-no, I swear, I’m a good boy,” he whined, giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. “I’m just–aahhh…!” San couldn’t think all of a sudden. All he could focus on was the weight of your foot pushing down onto his small soft cock and balls, sending a zap of pleasurable pain into his lower abdomen. He had to go. Bad.
“Oh, you’re a good boy, huh? Then why are you getting so wet for Mommy already?” you challenged, sliding your foot up and over his cock, covering it completely due to how petite it was. Pre-cum was already staining the material of his pants, making you beam with pride.
San let out a small whimper, unable to keep himself from lowering his sweatpants and revealing his twitching cock, his lower abdomen visibly distended. “I cant help it, Mommy. Please take care of me.”
“I’ll take care of you, Sannie. Don’t worry your pretty little head about a thing,” you reassured him softly, despite the pressure you were putting on his slick cock, the pad of your foot moving upwards and pressing downwards into his pelvis.
“Oh my god,” San moaned, tossing his head back into the couch, pressing his own hand against his tummy when you went back to stimulating his cock. He reached over for your hand, your fingers interlocking, looking up at you past his wispy eyelashes. “I-i’m gonna make a mess, Mommy. Let me make a mess for you.”
“Oh, yeah? How bad do you want it?”
“I wanna pee so bad, Mommy. Please step harder,” your boyfriend begged, a bit of drool slipping past his lips, squirming more and more underneath you, his breath growing ragged. He was so close to feeling complete and utter bliss that he lifted his hips up from the couch, continuously rolling them into the bottom of your foot.
Stepping down harder and moving your foot back and forth like you were trying to get something off of it, you noticed San’s moans and whimpers starting to crescendo, a look of bliss in his watery eyes. You reached forward and lifted up the hem of his t-shirt, stuffing it into his mouth to watch his abs grow taut against his sweat-covered skin as he inhaled and exhaled deeply, the muscles in his upper arms straining the closer he got to relieving himself.
“Isch schpilling out, Mommy…!” San cried out in a muffled voice, biting down into his t-shirt, his back arching painfully as a fountain of almost clear liquid began to shoot out of his reddened cock, slowly covering himself in his own release. Once the heavy flow turned into a slow trickle and eventually stopped, he collapsed down and sunk into the couch, panting heavily, his sweatpants now dark gray and heavy with his piss.
“My messy boy,” you cooed affectionately, squeezing his hand and rubbing your thumb across his knuckles. When he looked over at you with a clouded gaze and flushed cheeks, you leaned in to press a gentle kiss onto his lips. “Let’s get you in the shower.”
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
how they move in with you (ff14 bois)
What starts as “it’s too late to send you to an inn, stay here for the night” leads to “yeah i grabbed an extra toothbrush for you its on the bathroom counter” which turns into “this is your half of the closet :)”, and the next thing you know you’re waking up to the sound of him puttering around in the kitchen in the morning like he usually does. It feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
You catch him sleeping in his workspace. There’s a padded bench and a warm-looking quilt, but it’s. Sad. It’s really sad, and you’re not going to stand for it. You bully him into your apartment and onto your couch/into the spare bedroom, and he just kind of. Forgets to leave. And you forget to kick him out. And the next thing you know his research is spread out on the kitchen counter and his favorite biscuits are in the cupboard and youre drinking the weird fermented tea he likes and handing him a mug when he wanders into the kitchen in his sleep clothes, all bleary eyes and rats-nest hair and.
Well. Youre certainly not going to kick him out now.
Like a true cat: you bring him in from the cold ONE night, feed him ONCE, and the next thing you know there are piles of pillows in the sunniest spots in your house, scratches on the doorframes where he likes to swing around in his speed, and books. Everywhere.
You dont so much invite him to live with you as you just. Dont object. You wake up in the morning and hes crashed on your couch, as unobtrusively as he can, his lance resting against the back and his armor in a little pile next to him. When you turn around hes gone, but theres his clothes in your laundry pile and his part of the grocery gil in the dish and his cheap romance novels on the coffee table. At some point he stops crawling onto the couch in the middle of the night and starts crawling into your bed instead, starts washing the laundry on weekends and watering your plants when youre out, and you couldnt rightly say when it started, but youre not about to stop it now.
You dont even realize whats happening until its already done. What starts with him not wanting you to stay in a place as dangerous as the forgotten knight (especially when you seem to make a sport of pissing off temple knights) turns into you asking to crash in his mansion whenever you get back from a clan hunt, which becomes you crashing at his place whenever youre in town, which becomes you making your travel plans with his house in mind, and then the next thing you know his majordomo is greeting you with "welcome home" and.
Yeah. His mansion is home for you now, isnt it.
He is absolutely in love with your home. No, really. Hes lived in a lot of different places in his life, but your home is just so. You. And maybe he has to suddenly budget astheryte travel into the camp dragonhead budget, but. Its worth it for the opportunity to call your home his. To wake up to you every morning, to bump hips with you in the bathroom, to kiss you goodbye before you both leave for work.
You got the house from Edmont after the Dragonsong war, and honestly you’ve only ever stayed in it once. You couldn’t bear to, not after. Haurchefant. Estinien. Nidhogg. Everything. But a fire tears through the Brume, and whether be it a candle left unattended or an intentional spark Sidurgu and Rielle find themselves with nowhere else to go. 
You really don’t mind though. A house should be lived in, and though you know they wouldn’t have accepted it under any other situation, you watching them settle in you cant help but feel like this place is a little more like home.
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queerlordsimon · 9 months
Tis the season of giving
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Cw: y/n is ramshackle prefect, winter, cold, kissing, loving couple things, the works
An: merry christmas cattie, i know i organized this secret santa so it may seem cheap that i got you, but i swear it was the only way to make the organization make sense- so enjoyyyyy @hotchocolatefairy
It was the holidays again in Twisted Wonderland, and that meant Night Raven College was covered in snow again as well. Ramshackle dorm had yet to get heating inside, so y/n was just as cold inside as she was walking to the school, or anywhere else.
She had started traveling from her dorm to see her partner. Most of his dorm had stayed over the holidays for studying, and so had he. She stumbled through the cold breeze that brought more snow down on her, falling onto her knees a few times in the process. She shivered in the cold, but kept moving. 
Now her boyfriend had exited his dorm mirror to go get a few things from the school kitchen, when he spotted y/n in the courtyard. He blinked a moment, confused, before she fell to her knees again. He rushed over quickly, kneeling down next to her and wrapping an arm around her, helping her up. 
“Ja-mil-” she gasped softly in the cold air, looking up at his face lovingly. He looked at her softly, concerned.
“How did you end up all the way out here, my love?” he asked carefully, already walking her to the mirror room.
“I was-s coming to see y-you” she managed to say softly before another shiver passed through her. He trained his eyes on her, noticing she was still wearing what she was when he had visited a few days ago.
“How long have you been wearing those clothes?” y/n might have flushed if her face wasent already flushed from the cold as they entered the mirror room. 
“Grim-m managed to ruin-n all the other o-ones, so now this is all i have-e until C-Crowley gets b-back” she shivered again as Jamil took her hands softly, making her smiled softly. “Your hands are warm-m” Jamil smiled fondly in return and nodded.
“Youre about to be warm too, were heading into my dorm.” she nodded softly, as Jamil pulled her through the mirror, and y/n instantly felt warmer, still not fully warmed up but much better than she felt outside.
Scarabia had become a second home to y/n, her visiting whenever she had the chance whether it was to just see Jamil, or to study with him, or help him cook. Practically anything happened and she was over there, so she had many fond memories over there. So it felt natural for her to be there.
Jamil lead her into the dorm itself, and through the halls till they reached his room, as he opened the door and lead her in, moving the blanket on the nicely made bed out of the way and having her sit, before wrapping the blanket around her tightly, almost like he was swaddling a baby, and not that she fought it. He then went to his closet and pulled out a shirt for her, and his birthday jacket before setting it on the bed next to her.
“Im going to go make you some hot tea, change into these while im gone, alright? Itll help you warm up” she nodded carefully, smiling gently.
“Alright mil, thank you” she hummed, already warm enough her voice wasent shaking, and he nodded back, smiling softly before leaving and closing the door. 
While he was gone she changed into the clothes, and he was right, she already was feeling warmer. She looked around the room that was so familiar to her, smiling softly at the familiarity. As Jamil came back with a tray, a small pot of tea and two tea cups on it, along with some small treats, which he slid onto the lightstand next to the bed. He poured some of the tea into one of the tea cups, offering it to her, smiling softly at how warm she looked in his coat. 
“Here, drink up, its your favorite.” she smiled brightly at him.
“Thank you jami.” she look it carefully, sipping at it softly as he sat next to her on the bed, and she rested her head against his shoulder. “Youre too good to me.” he shook his head softly. 
“I cant have you getting hypothermia, now can i?” he hummed softly, looking at her gently. Before he thought and stood up again, making y/n raise an eyebrow. 
“Where are you going?” he smiled. 
“I have a surprise for you” he hummed, eliciting a curious look from y/n as he reached up on the shelf in his closet, pulling down a small box before bringing it back over to her, her putting her tea cup on the tray again. He handed it to her and she inspected the box carefully as he sat back down. “Open it, love” she nodded before opening it carefully.
Inside was this beautiful necklace, a round stone that looked like a galaxy with a single gold band around it hung from a gold chain, and y/ns eyes were astonished as she looked at it.
“Najma picked it up from at home, thinking youd like it, from everything ive told her about you since she met you last year. Do you like it?” 
“I love it, Jami. thank you” Jamil smiled softly.
“Good, cause some force took its energy to send you here from another galaxy, just so we could meet. And for that im so grateful.” y/n smiled gently.
“Im so grateful too love.” he smiled warmly and flushed softly, “can you help me put it on?” he nodded, y/n handing the necklace to him before turning away from him, moving her hair out of the way as he put the chain around her neck, clasping it carefully before she turned back to him, fingers going up to mess with the stone, as she looked above them, a small thing of mistletoe forming above them, making her look at it curiously. 
“Did you do that?” Jamil looked up, confused, before his eyes locked on the mistletoe as well, and he shook his head. 
“No- who could have-” he looked at the door, which he hadnt closed because his hands were full, and he sighed. “Kalim must have.” y/n smiled gently, leaning closer to him carefully. 
“Tis the season of love. “ she smiled mischiviously, making Jamil chuckled softly and shake his head. 
“No, thats true hearts day season. Tis the season of giving.” y/n giggled softly in return.
“Well then, give me a kiss.” Jamil laughed, before leaning in and kissing her, as she returned it. Before they broke apart, resting their foreheads against one another. “I love you Jami”
“I love you to, y/n”
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lanitalay · 8 months
Among Flames and Starlight Chapter 1
a/n: I was going to wait until tomorrow but I just cant so enjoy the first chapter!!
Warnings: none
2.3k words
Other Chapters
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Irene opened her eyes to reveal the midnight moon pouring through the frost covered window in the town house. The silver light casted a dim glow across the familiar room. She relished the feel of the sheets and snuggled up even more on the impossibly soft pillow. Keeping her eyes opened, she counted the seconds as they passed by. It was a habit she had picked up as a girl when the war was raging and her parents were at battle. She counted and counted, reminding herself that time was indeed passing, if ever so slowly. Now that the war was long over and her parents long gone she counted to remember them, to ground herself.
Sunrise was a few minutes away so she turned from the window and slowly sat up in bed. She stretched her limbs and cracked her joints before stepping onto the icy morning floor. Winter was at its peak and even with magical temperature control the cold still found a way to creep into the house. Irene looked for her pants, they had been removed from her body first when she entered the room and she could recall them being thrown in the general direction of the door. 
They were hanging on a lounge chair, next to her shirt. She frowns as she sees the slash straight down the middle of the garment. Entitled prick, she thinks but a smirk ghosts her features all the same. The sleeping body still on the bed stirs and grumbles, feeling her absence. 
“You don’t have to leave so early, you know?” Rhys says in a voice muffled by the pillow his face is buried in. 
“Hush, yes I do, Cassian will be here in a few minutes to go train. Plus Victoria and I have a dance lesson right after breakfast, I need to get ready” she slides her arms through the sleeves of her torn shirt and ties a knot to keep her chest from spilling out. 
“I hope you learn some new moves, it will make next time more… interesting” he’s resting on his elbows and he watches her from across the room. 
“You’re unbelievable.” 
“You’re incredibly attractive” she rolls her eyes but he flashes her a smile that completely disarms her. 
“You ruined my shirt.”
“I quite like the new look” he motions for her to return to bed and she can never say no when he looks at her with still sleepy eyes and messy hair. This is her favorite Rhysand, the soft, endearing male he is first thing in the morning. Before his father sees him, before he has to train for an ever impending battle, before he has to mask all of his goodness. So she always says yes to this Rhysand. Irene settles herself on his lap, thighs straddling him. He traces along her collarbones and she shivers at the feather light touch. He’s kissing and nibbling at her neck when she notices the moon is no longer visible through the window. 
“I have to go.” 
“Five more minutes” she chuckles and lifts up from the bed one last time. She pecks his lips and leaves his room. Scurrying down the hall, she arrives as fast as possible to her room, throws her broken shirt into the hearth and lights it. The room is untouched. Last night and pretty much every night this week she had slept in his bed. A necessity, because they had wanted to keep what they did in the cover of night private and Victoria, Rhysand’s sister, spent too much time in this room. 
She would scent him and what they did in an instant.
The shirt turns to ash as the sun begins to rise. 
Irene stays near the fire a while longer before going to the bathing room and getting ready for the day. 
“And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again!” the dance teacher ordered. Irene and Victoria twirled around the room with the rest of the class. Weaving through the other dancers and switching partners when the timing was right. They had been taking ballroom dancing classes since they were kids. It was something they both enjoyed equally. Which was rare. Sweat gathered on Irene’s brow but she did not wipe it away for fear of messing up the timing in the most complicated part of the dance. They would separate from their current partners and retrace their steps in a flurry of jumps and twirls until they returned to their original partner. 
Madame Silvie had been drilling them for hours. Irene’s feet hurt from the not yet broken-in shoes she wore. She sighed happily when Victoria handed her a glass of water and chugged it down in one go then said “that was intense.”
Victoria laughed and nodded “but wasn’t it fun?”
“It was the best dance we’ve learned, and I think lover boy over there is counting the days until he can ask you to dance in a real ball” she nods her head towards Neil, a male they had known since childhood. He stood leaning against the other wall, offering Victoria a shy grin. She covered her own smile and turned away from him, “stop that! He probably heard you.”
“It’s fine Vic, we all know Neil is in love with you” her eyes bug and Irene stifles a laugh. 
“Alright, alright, I won’t say anything else.” 
“We should go, my mother wanted us home for lunch” the girls picked up the few belongings they had brought to the class and walked back to the town house, flanked by two bodyguards each. 
Celene greets them at the door, her face stern. “Go wash up for lunch” she turns to her daughter and in a low voice warns “your father will be joining us”. 
Irene and Victoria go up the stairs without making a noise and once inside Vic’s room let out the breath they had been holding. 
“If he’s here for lunch and unannounced it can’t be good” the Princess of Night groans. Irene remains silent. 
In her opinion, the High Lord of the Night Court was the most terrifying male in Prythian. 
Cassian sat across from her. Azriel was next to him and Rhysand sat at the other end. Victoria sat next to Irene and on her other side was her mother. The High Lord was at the head of the table. Nearest to him were his mate and heir. Irene did not look up from her plate as she tried to eat. The dryness in her mouth made it impossible to swallow without gulping down water. Through her peripheral vision she saw him cut some meat clean in half. 
A gifted butcher. 
“Vallier” Irene stiffened as he addressed her. The same way he would address her father. 
“My lord” she tried to keep her words steady. But this male had been the reason she had lost everything. 
“The anniversary of your father’s death is coming up, are you planning on doing anything to commemorate?” Tears stung at her eyes. He reminded her every year. 
“I always light a candle for him and those who fell with him, since there is no grave for me to visit.” Her father had died during the war. While he was alive he had been an advisor to the High Lord. When the war between humans and faeries broke out he was ordered to fight, never having wielded a weapon in his life. Her father, Irden Vallier, was a scholar. His mother was a priestess and he had grown up in temples and libraries all over Prythian. He only moved to the Night Court because he fell madly in love with a White Haired Witch from Kovelain, a smokey isle east to the Court of Nightmares. 
He arrived at the mountain court as a scribe, and worked for centuries until he became advisor. By then the witch, Avalon, had given birth to Irene. Avalon was casted out when her coven found out about her pregnancy. It was a disgrace to her bloodline to dilute it with fae blood. Their white hair and silver blood essential in carrying out spells and enchantments. 
Irden died as a footsoldier. He was incinerated alongside everyone else on that battlefield.  That was merciful compared to what happened to Avalon. She had lived in Velaris since giving birth to Irene. When the war began, the High Lord used her knowledge, forcing her to create weapons to defeat Hybern. She was good, possibly too good. When the war ended and the human side won, the High Lord accused her of treason. Executing a witch is impossible, for they are truly immortal, no wound nor poison could kill them. Only the gods decide when a witch’s life is over. So he sentenced her to eternity in the Prison. 
Celene had taken Irene in after both her parents were gone. She was not a true witch and she wasn’t fully fae. If she possessed any magic it had never manifested and she never learned the spells that made her mother so dangerous. 
How easily she could be killed was yet to be determined. 
The High Lord’s voice rattles the table “it’s a fitting tribute” he says coldly and adds “this court has been invited to Adriata. The young High Lord Tarquin will be hosting a grand ball to inaugurate the new docks he built and the trade agreements.” Victoria lights up and turns to Irene “an actual ball!” 
“You know she won't be able to attend, dear” Celene gently reminds her. But her daughter responds with a roll of her eyes and a loud huff “there’s no reason she can’t go.” 
“As the offspring of a traitor she’s not allowed to leave the Night Court” the High Lord interjects. 
“It’s ok Vic, have fun. I have to catch up on some readings anyways” Irene attempts to soothe her friend. 
“She should go, I’ll escort her myself” her heart does a somersault in her chest at what Rhysand says. His father turns to him and raises a sharp brow.
“She’s grown up with us, father. She hasn’t spoken or heard from her mother since the war ended when she was twelve.”
“Father please” Victoria adds her violet eyes wide as she attempts to persuade him. 
“I won’t listen to anymore whining,” he scolds. 
The rest of the meal goes by in silence.
After lunch the High Lord and Celene go to the House of Wind, leaving the heirs and orphans alone in the town house. 
Cassian approaches Irene while everyone else disperses. “He’s a dick, Ire, don’t think of what he said. That’s exactly what he wants.” She runs her hands through her white hair and trying not to cry says “he remembers every year, Cas.” He envelopes her in a giant’s hug. Squeezing tightly. “I can burn the candle with you if you want company this year” Irene shakes her head, “thanks but I don’t think you can sit still for longer than five minutes let alone until an entire candle burns out.” 
“I can try” he nudges her shoulder, trying his best to cheer her up. 
The galloping filled Irene’s ears as she rode her mare across a valley in the outskirts of Velaris. This was the closest thing she could get to flying. Her mother never got the chance to teach her. So she rode across the plains as fast as her horse could take her. A horse that wasn’t really hers. Nothing was. She was a pampered prisoner. Daughter of a traitor and a casualty. Whatever she stood to inherit was taken by the High Lord as reparations for her mother’s crimes. 
She arrived at the abandoned temple she visited each year on this day, walked inside and placed a thick white candle on the altar. With some flint she quickly lit the wick then knelt before it. 
It was a simple ritual. The candle represents the life of the fallen. While it burns the mourner reminisces about the good times and the bad times. The light of the candle along with the memories are supposed to be a guiding light to the souls in the afterworld. It is done with the hope of connecting to a loved one for a moment before they return to the abyss. 
So Irene thought of her father and his scrolls and tomes and quills. She thought of his brown hair and how it had begun to gray at the roots as he got older. How he would wear glasses to read at first but then began to need them at all times. She remembered his voice and the stories he would tell her of the libraries across Pyrthian. He had traveled the realm and she had never been outside of the city limits. 
Night had fallen. The candle nearly burnt out. She recalls the last time she saw him. How his glasses fogged with tears welling up in his eyes. How he knew it would be his doom, his sword too heavy and his reflexes too slow. 
He hugged Irene that day. He kissed Avalon and without another word he went to war. 
The door to her bedroom was cracked when she returned to the townhouse. Rhysand stood by the window that overlooked the garden, waiting. 
“You shouldn’t be here, Rhys” was the only thing she could say, exhausted from the ride and the ritual. 
“I wanted to make sure you were good after today. I forgot it was his anniversary.”
“I’m fine, just tired.” 
“Do you want to sleep in my room?” Yes. She did. She would love nothing more than to crawl into his silky sheets and fall asleep with his arms around her. 
“No, I think I better sleep here tonight” she can’t tell him. Maybe he already knows. What she knew was just a physical release for him was everything for her. 
She had loved him long enough to know he did not feel the same. 
He walks toward her and places a hand on her cheek. Irene doesn’t falter so he concedes. “Alright, see you tomorrow.”
Taglist: @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams 
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kazemi-archive · 1 year
The Elements of Love
Summary: What it feels like to love within the elements
Includes: various from BLLK, AOT, BNHA, JJK, HQ
A/N: Idk man. This is just all based off vibes I get from them. Feel free to disagree with some or all and give me your input for what you think should be different!! (Just be nice about it <3) Or if I missed a chara you wanna tell me about feel free 💜 ||| Shoutout to Aims for letting me ramble about the elements when I started this idea, and shoutout to Caly and Echo for helpin me associate some of the characters <33 ||| don’t perceive me pls
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water = friends with benefits to lovers/will they-wont they
water is always like that comforting feeling of floating, of lulling back and forth on soft waves, of like just the comfort of the waves taking you where you're meant to be. but when it turns to rip tides where they pull you under and there's no way to survive fighting against it, it catches you no matter what, the only way to exist is to go with it, to swim with the tide. and its a little scary at first to get pulled under when you've tried not to be but if you just relax and let yourself look under the surface its fine, you can swim with the tide until you're back in soothing waves just deeper than before. but tsunamis come out of nowhere, the pulling away, leaving you unsuspecting before it hits you out of nowhere, the utter feel of drowning in a love you never expected
BLLK: Otoya Eita, Niko Ikki, Kunigami Rensuke, Itoshi Rin; AOT: Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë; BNHA: Tōgata Mirio, Shinsō Hitoshi, Todoroki Shōto, Shindō Yō; JJK: Itadori Yūji, Chōsō; HQ: Matsukawa Issei, Suna Rintarō, Miya Atsumu, Kozume Kenma, Kageyama Tobio, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hirugami Sachirō, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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fire = slowburn romances/enemies to lovers
fires always start as a spark, small and unsuspecting and they grow into a fire. like campfires that are warm and inviting, feel like comfort and home. it feels like you could stay curled up into it for the rest of your life. fire that sparks up a little more with the smallest of circumstances. it grows and expands and engulfs everything in its path. wildfires that rampage through you and erase everything you've known, begging you to start anew and to grow new love from the wreckage of everything else. all-consuming and rebirth. slowburns, volcanos that build slowly for years before the smallest thing makes them erupt, forcing them to blow over, explode, spontaneous confessions of love after years of pining, before spreading and slowly consuming the ground you'd stood on, creating a new landscape for both to explore
BLLK: Shidō Ryūsei, Bachira Meguru, Raichi Jingo; AOT: Jean Kirschtein, Conny Springer, Porco Galliard, Levi Ackermann; BNHA: Dabi, Bakugō Katsuki, Shigaraki Tomura, Kaminari Denki; JJK: Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Tōji; HQ: Daishō Suguru, Satori Tendō, Bokuto Kōtarō, Hinata Shōyō, Ukai Keishin, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji
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earth = friends to lovers/exes to lovers
earth is grounding, something solid to put your feet on, a basis for everything else, always growing and sprouting new things. its the feeling of laying in the grass or digging your toes into the sand, the comfort of feeling something sturdy to latch onto. it turns to earthquakes, the rumbling of the ground under you of your lover changing your world, shifting the plates of the earth in order to draw you closer, creating mountains and valleys, shifting your entire terrain. its the gravity constantly pulling you back to them no matter how far you go, the need to be close, to watch them literally move the earth for you, to adjust everything you both are and create something new. slow changing where you cant notice from one second to the next but building wonders that force awe out of anyone that sees them
BLLK: Karasu Tabito, Barō Shōei, Mikage Reo, Aiku Oliver; AOT: Eren Jaeger, Reiner Braun; BNHA: Aizawa Shōta, Bakugō Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirō; JJK: Inumaki Toge, Getō Suguru, Nanami Kento; HQ: Miya Osamu, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Terushima Yūji, Sawamura Daichi, Ojiro Aran, Konoha Akinori, Iwaizumi Hajime, Meian Shūgo, Hirugami Fukurō
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air = love at first sight/love by chance
air is soft wind at first, the way it tickles like breath against your neck, like gentle fingers through your hair, soft kisses against your cheeks before it grips you like a vice. there's no way to hide from the air, especially when it turns to tornados. it picks you up and makes you dizzy, rips everything you know to shreds and spins you in circles. it steals the breath from your lungs and leaves you gasping though you'll never know if its because you want less or more. it carries you from one place to another, its impossible to not follow to not chase the wreckage you'll both leave behind and watch it happen over and over again. a sudden change from nothing to everything with barely any warning, just the urge to relive the thrill over and over again
BLLK: Itoshi Sae, Nagi Seishirō, Chigiri Hyōma; AOT: Armin Arlelt, Bertholdt Hoover; BNHA: Toyomitsu Taishirō, Amajiki Tamaki, Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaibara Sen; JJK: Gojō Satoru, Okkotsu Yūta; HQ: Sugawara Kōshi, Oikawa Tōru, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurō, Hanamaki Takahiro, Adriah Thomas, Semi Eita, Kamasaki Yasushi
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mortalkittyy · 9 months
Johnnie Guilbert Imagine- Smut!!!
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Y/N’s POV:
You were hanging out at Johnnie’s apartment with Jake, Tara, and Sam and Colby. You guys somehow got on the topic of exes when you were asked about yours. You were telling them about how your ex was the only person you ever did sexual things with, and how he took your virginity but was never able to make you have an orgasm. So you basically told them how you never had an orgasm in your life that wasn’t from yourself. Johnnie scoffed and shook his head, “Seriously?” He said as the others were surprised about it. You guys continued the conversation as others were telling their stories when you felt your phone, which was resting on your thigh, vibrate. You quickly picked it up to see who had texted you to see it was Johnnie even though he was sitting right next to you. “You know, if you want I can help you find out what an orgasm feels like later if you’re down ;)” he texts you. Your cheeks immediately got red and hot and your heart started to race. You could feel johnnies gaze on you and the slight smirk on his face. You and Johnnie have been friends for years and you guys playfully flirt around all the time, but you didn’t expect this. You looked at him with a “are you serious” look on your face, and he gives you a smirk and a nod. You wanted him so bad, and you couldn’t deny it. You texted him back with “yes please after everyone leaves…” and he responds with “cant wait” with a smirk on his face. The night goes on and at about 10pm, everyone went home. It was just you and Johnnie now. You went to go grab a glass of water and sit down on the couch to watch the tv. Johnnie walked over and sat next to you, his arm slowly wrapping around your waist to pull you closer to him. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you were blushing, you were clearly nervous and Johnnie could tell. “Why do you look so scared? Just relax beautiful. We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to we can just chill and watch tv” he says, smiling at you and lightly squeezing your waist in a comforting way. You lean into Johnnie, taking in his warmth. You guys watch the tv in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes until you decided to stop being so shy. You look at him, “Johnnie?” You ask, and he hums in response. “Can I still take you up on that offer?” You say, giving him a nervous smile. He doesn’t say anything, he just smirks and crashes his lips onto yours. You gasp into the kiss, not expecting him to be so eager, but you loved it, he pulled you closer and his hands ran up and down your back, and rubbed your thigh. He paused the kiss for a moment and asked “may I?” As he leaned back on the couch and motioned for you to sit on his lap. You nodded and did so, straddling him. He had a smirk on his face as he continued rubbing your back as you guys made out. His hands slowly slid lower, and he grabbed your ass, which made you gasp again and he slid his tongue inside your mouth. He then helped you undress slowly, and you were left in your black lace set. “So fucking beautiful, y/n. You don’t know how much I’ve wanted this. I’ve wanted to make love to you for so long and to make you feel amazing. Are you sure about this?” He asks… and you nod and pull him back in for more kisses. His fingers trace patterns on your thighs, and slowly move up towards your core. You can’t help but eagerly grind yourself on him slightly, aching for his touch. You can feel him smirk into the kiss as his fingers trace over the lace of your panties, rubbing you through the fabric. You pause the kisses for a second and let out a soft, needy moan. He looks you deep in the eyes, full of love and lust, “are you completely sure about this? Once we do this there’s no going back. I want to make sure you really want to experience this with me” he asks. “Of course Johnnie, I want this so much. I’ve dreamed of being intimate with you for a while, please…”
Follow up for part 2 :)
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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It's the second Night! hope everyone is enjoy it as much as I! 🥰
On A Timer by Simplistically_content - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2637, sterek)
“Gonna prove that I have every reason to be smug,” Derek promised. “Now,” he went on, knees resting on the edge of the sofa cushions, hands resting on Stiles’ hips. “Remind me what happened first...”
Ghosts of Christmas Past. by devilscut  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 15261, sterek)
Christmas Eve and Derek's at the Stilinski house after receiving a text from Stiles to meet him there urgently. He finds the teenager asleep under the Christmas tree and on waking him up he discovers that Stiles has found a huge missing part of Derek's past and a loving reminder of the Hale Family. The resulting emotional upheaval leads to revelations between the Alpha and his teenage pack member which leads to kissing and touching..
Christmas morning the Sheriff finishes his shift but what he finds beneath the Christmas tree is the last thing he ever expected.
The boom boom boom of your heart by aprettysmalldose  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7258, sterek)
i want a fic in which stiles has no feelings for derek like hasn’t even thought of it as a possibility, because he’s just, well, derek, he’s derek and tbch stiles doesn’t spend much time thinking about him at all since people are fucking dying, y’know, but then someone brings it up, like makes some passing remark that throws stiles and derek into a romantic/sexual light and then stiles cant sTOP thinking about, he goes to bed at night and dreams that derek is sleeping next to him and jerks off to the image of derek wanting him, and by week number three of this new found whatever you want to call it, stiles is a fucking mess and the next time he sees derek in person, derek shoots him a look during a group conversation and stiles meeps~characterdevelopmentwrites~
with porn 'cause that's how I roll howla
Gotta love the classics by aprettysmalldose - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3979, sterek)
“Or you could just blow me,” He says, casual as all fuck.
Yup. That's pretty much the fic.
Mouth by ViragoWrites - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3261, sterek)
The first time Derek and Stiles made love…things did not go exactly as planned.
A New Type of Air by nooodisaster - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1132, sterek)
"Rrrraaagggggrrr," Stiles growled into the wood. 
He hadn't moved from the spot where they'd finished, which this time, was right up against the wall of his bedroom. Drool was starting to dribble down his cheek and onto his Killers poster. That was something he'd like to avoid, but moving seemed completely impossible after what they'd just done. The part of his brain that processed things like movement and language was busy at the moment processing just how well Derek had fucked him. 
Stiles felt like his whole body had been torn open, banged around, and stitched hastily up. He could still feel the cum Derek had pounded inside of him, and how red his hole was by now from the abuse. So that was why he was immobile, mute, and drooling on his wall. There was really no other option.
Control by stilesune - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4853, sterek)
It started off as dirty talk. Stiles had three fingers in Derek's ass, stretching him nice and good, taking his own pleasure from the whimpers that Derek let out every time Stiles' long fingers slipped over his prostate. He wondered aloud what it'd be like to watch Derek fall apart just from that. He told Derek he'd get him a vibrating plug, make him wear it one day. But Stiles would be in control of the remote. Would turn it on whenever he felt like it. It could be when Derek was getting groceries, or at work in a meeting, Stiles didn't care. With the werewolf refractory period, he could turn it on every half hour if he wanted to until Derek's stomach cramped from coming so much.
That's about as far as that conversation got before Derek flipped Stiles on his back and rode himself to two orgasms before Stiles reached his first.
Accident by Nival_Vixen - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4627, sterek)
Derek accidentally sends a shirtless photo to Stiles instead of his computer.
Stiles doesn't mind at all.
When Things Go Right by SylvieW - (Rating: Mature, Words: 12580, sterek)
Stiles is nervous for the mating run. What if his soulmate is disappointed? Scott’s convinced that Allison will catch him, but Stiles isn’t so sure of his best friend’s girl, and the results could be upsetting for everyone.
Sometimes When We Touch by KaliopeShipsIt - (Rating: Mature, Words: 14010, sterek)
Stiles Stilinski can handle a lot of things at once, including being an unemployed recent college graduate and finding himself with a very unexpectedly expecting werewolf boyfriend barely five months into their new relationship. 
It's a lot, honestly, but Stiles is going to figure it out. 
He can deal.
What he can't deal with, however, is the fact that Derek keeps flinching every time Stiles touches his stomach.
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dmcheatsheet · 4 months
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potions and poisons 1.
Fire Elf Wine, somehow i want this to poison rich people. like suger in ur diet will react with this to cause goat or vomiting, richness of diet, maybe processed food? magical gmos? the great citys and nobles would be eating from magicaly enhanced gardens so thats what the fire wine interacts with, con fail = vomit, but over 10 they get 10 temp hp, disAdv on all saves, and will fly into a DM guided rage if annoyed. until long rest it away.
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iron wine, from a mining/ distilary in the cliff side of the moors. an Emonian clan distil this glorius brew. taste of blood and mild flavoured berrys, but the main flavour is pure, stinging alchohol. It gives advantage on con saves if u make the initial DC10 to hold onto it. and raises ur AC by 1, and any fleight/ jump/ vehical motion or asuch will prone, paralyze and make u through up.
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Absinthe-ay Chromatamagoria
brewed in Ard Carmen, it changes flavour based on ur latitude, like a note block. so bars have a weird placement of people, talking to friends through spells, who ae across the bar enjoying a different flavour. And can be found with a bunch of reveling wizards, in a feild, because they found a perfect latitiude for a crazy cool elemental flavour.
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Bog Brandy, hags make it. goblins, orcs and ogars go berserk. Rage effect and if they drink 3 without vomiting DC 15 (1 try/Lrest), they upgrade to the bigger goblinoid, 1/year. Hob Goblins, become violent aggressive and naked drunks. others who survive DC15, still think its awful but get the affect of a 5 uses primal savagry cantrip.
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'Flower of the Felwood' dc15 it marks u as a demon, u understand abyssal, feel demonic presence within 30f, and it tastes like mint, then just cold, then it feels sooo cold it burns the throught.
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Mermaids' spite. it makes u very forgetful right now, short term/ this day, keep remembering the thing that angered u most and u get furious about it, ranting and fighting anyone who argues with them. but after falling asleep AFTER 6 hours active (keep them awake til) they will fall asleep and on waking wont remember the thing that they are angrey about, and will have a very spoty, often dream-like memory of the day they were drunk.
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poison of tears. 6 poison damage, and they cry snot and droll like crazy for an hour. extreme dehydration and exhaustion if they dont find water within the next hour.
poison of night. 6 dmg, and if fail DC 10 con sv, they are blinded for ten turns/ 1 min.
snake poison. no dmg, if they fail dc10, they beacome paralyzed for 2 rounds/ 10 seconds
charming poison. They act like theyre very attracted to the first thing they see after shaking their head (dc10, Cha sv). maybe they grow shy of a tree and move away ignoring the battle around. or they love an enemy and just propose right there. or silently defend them, or chat em up while still fighting (non lethal). those who dont feel attraction, naturally or by circumstance arnt afected, they just shiver wildly.
bee venom. looses concentration dc10 Con, bees hate those who are hit, and all insects are attracted to attack them.
Brinacle Bath Water. DC 20, or loose movement, next turn dc15 or loose movement that turn, next turn dc10 or loose it again. if they fail all three, then at the end of that third turn the poisoned will freeze. anyone with fire relations. sorceres with fire spells, fire elves, natural fire spells, fire related patron or farmilier.
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exuberance. from the city of love, it makes u extremely excited, excitable. ur beaming smiling, everything u say comes of in good humour and happy. people assume ur having the best day ever, that ur a genuinely happy person, and a fun person to be around. HIGHLY illeagal outside of the city, Lady Love knows its become an addiction, and cant moniter people outside teh city, so has her followers smash or spill smuggled ones over her shrines in sacrifice.
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potion of wish. u honestly believe ur wish came true. they character then hallucinates (with narration to no body in particular) their wish coming true.
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moon light collected for a month. as a potion it keeps ur illusions up under scrutiny. as a poison/ splashed, it melts illusion like they were fire, it flickers and wobbles.
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potion of storms, it randomly blinks u out of existance, and u manifest somewhere random within 30f. every time, a massive thunder clap sounds from both places, but people cant triangulate it with the loadness and echos. Lightning strikes if u outside, not harming u but often dealing 2d6 to others. this may release a storm elemental if ur in a place of nature energy.
potion of... fish? immortal fish that, might be a potion? if they talk, it says 'just keep swimming', if they swollow it, they become a were-fish (60f darkvision with weird eyes - webbed didgets/double spd in water - claws do four dmg - gills can breath water - u need hydration quick rub on ur skin, every 3 hours or exhaustion). the affect is perm but 3 days without water or 24 hours in heated sand will force a reversion to natural form.
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Warping Walker potion. gravity affects u differently when u turn ur head, u can walk onto a wall or ceiling, and that becomes ur 'down' in terms of gravity, u also jump 10f forward, 6f up. be aware stepping off a roof will send u straight up...
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mind crack. DC (must be embarrassed) u start hearing peoples thoughts, beside u, around u, people u know, love/hate. its not mind reading its random daily thoughts totally mundane, espetially goofy thoughts and then they are all taken over by shouted catch phrases, funny quotes from ur party, then an animals mind is locked on eg Mmm grass, good grass, milk me. soon soon. milk soon. Then the perosn will start acting like that animal. they know therir friends, more afectionate now prob, they know their enemies, much more lickly to attack (in the fashion of their animal) but cant use wepons or magics. can use abilities.
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miss-misguidedmoon · 6 months
isn't it funny
ever since i was teen i knew i wanted to do hair as my profession. well, i graduated high school, moved out to santa barbara for a year, went so cosmetology school, then moved back home and started my first job ever, in a salon.
i loved it, until i didnt. working in a salon and the type of clientele i had is what i didnt love. doing hair, cutting and creating different styles just by cutting hair to fall into a unique style, or coloring a whole head of hair from one color to another. theres a science and chemistry behind mixing chemicals and manipulating the structure of the hair strand, can chemically change the color of the hair.
i was never good at art. i cant draw and can imagine it in my head but cannot recreate it onto paper. i dont have the hands to draw. hair was like my canvas, where not every since line and detail had to be super concise with the strand right next to it.
lately ive been missing that kind of creativity. ive been sparking that interest in me that wants to do something crafty. i love being able to take my time and really sit and focus on that project, but life has been so busy that i always feel guilty when i'm fucking off and procrastinating or resting.
i’m trying so hard to get my mind right and really am trying all of my options and pushing some personal boundaries within myself to find what can motivate me again to push through this chapter in my ilfe.
maybe thats why ive been feeling like crafting lately. theres not enough time in my days where i could only focus on that one thing all day. when i was little and working on a project, no one would interupt me or take my attention away from it until i fully completed it. i think the reason behind my sudden spark of DIY. am i missing the times where i could do something, uninterupted, alone with just me and my thoughts? now thinking of it, it was nice to not have to talk to anyone or be bothered with shit i really couldnt bother ilstening to, but as an adult now you dont really get that kind of alone time.
home is where i am safe and home is where i can be my most authentic self. i pick my nose whenever i want. i can eat like a slob and no one is looking at me weird. its my personal dome. my bubble.
is that why i also hoard a lot of things? i always like having everything i could possibly need in the house. idk where this thought was going.
all i know if that i am really considering buying doll heads and hair colors because i really just miss working on hair. i went down a brad mondo and hair dresser reacts videos. i was reflecting the other night about how differently i would have done those client's hair if i went back but knew what i knew now. i have a lot more knowledge about how color and bleach really works. i was never patient in the coloring process because it always took so long, but if i could just do hair without there being a risk of ruining an actual person's hair and being able to essentially wing it to create something on the head.
idk. ~
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sminiac · 10 months
can’t stop thinking about jealous Minjae when the boys are teasing him like usual but he sees his gf giggling along to their jokes and he just looks at her with that side eye and one eyebrow raise thing he always does wjdjdjdiej
^inspired by this pic because I would
if he looked at me like that
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Initially he’d have that half smile on his face whilst getting an earful of their jumbled banter, his eyes flitting to whoever felt inclined to add onto the teasing next, like always he’d allow them to have their fun, for the most part, until he notices that you seem to be enjoying it almost a little too much.
You’re completely distracted, too caught up in your giggles that you lack the ability to notice how he doesn’t seem so preserved in his nonchalance against their quips and pokes anymore.
His smile would subconsciously slip into nothingness as he continues watching you, and the irritation would only thicken if the boys start popping jokes directly to you about him, once they do his brows cocked at how easily you give them the satisfaction of being entertained by the way you smile.
He looks at you like he’s waiting for everyone else around the two of you to fall straight through the floor and into a dark spiraling abyss once Sumin’s hand rests against your knee, he tongues at the inside of his cheek, head tipping to the side as to urge you to go on, keep laughing when you’re looking to him at the mention of his name being said by one of the boys, like somewhere along the way you’d forgotten he was there and was just now reminded.
His face is so telling it provokes nerves to swell up from the lower region of your stomach, but also this sort of warmth that has your knees knocking together in a feeble attempt to keep the arousal at bay, an all too familiar feeling flourishing under his biting glare, lips wet, shiny under the light.
You aren’t so quick to move away from Sumin like he expects you to, instead you shift yourself closer, foot swinging over his thigh so that yours rests directly on top, Minjae’s jaw is pulled so tight that it tingles seeing the way his hand shifts higher up your leg in your adjustment, inviting you closer into him, and of course he refuses to make eye contact with either of you which sets Minjae off even more, the casualty of it makes him nauseous, treating you as if you were his girl?
He’d have to do more than just speak to you about this later.
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faintlyof · 2 years
dr tiktok and dr google making me research POTS a bit >>
i mean, i wouldn’t say that omg i definitely have POTS, but i really don’t think it’s normal the barf/get extremely nauseous/get so light-headed and dizzy i have to sit down/pass out after being a little too warm a little too long. ツ
like it’s been like this since i was little. i can literally name every time its happened cuz i actively avoid to things that may make me hot like that.
first one i remember, camping at an rv park when i was like 7 or 8. my family all went in the hot tub, so i did too (yeah i was probably a bit too young anyways but what happened next surprised everyone! xD) but i ended up getting out of the tub after about 2 minutes because i started to feel nauseous. proceeded to spend the rest of the night vomiting. ツ actively avoided hot water for a while. it was also around this time that we had to write diaries for school and in one of my entries i had drawn a picture of a frowny me at a doctor saying “I‘m sick” and the diary entry was something like “I love water! It’s really good! But I don’t like drinking hot water. It makes my tummy hurt.” so yeah, there’s that too.
in high school, my choir went on a trip for a competition, so i was probably 16 or 17. a bunch of the girls wanted to go in the hot tub, so i kind of reluctantly followed them. sat in the hot tub for about a minute before telling my friends i wanted to swim in the pool instead, but actually, i was starting to get that cold sensation of nausea ツ went back to avoiding hot water
at my first job in japan, so i was probably around 23 or so, after many students harped on how awesome it is to take baths, i decided to very very carefully try to take a bath. i drank a big glass of cool water before, filled the tub with lukewarm water and left the bathroom door open so it wouldnt get too hot in the room. sat there for the most stressful 5 minutes of my life. mostly felt anxious i would be barfing for hours, but didnt actually feel too bad. stayed sitting in the tub and let the water drain out around me and only when the tub was nearly empty, i stood up. immediately my vision went grey around the edges and i felt faint and then i passed the fuck out. ツ went back to avoiding hot water but now also avoiding warm water. xD
and the most recent time, which doesnt actually involve water for once! yippee! got on the train to go to work in winter. it had snowed recently and it was quite cold, so i was wearing my winter coat and scarf and the train had the heaters going. maybe a minute or so after the doors closed and we started moving, i began feeling that cold, creeping overheating neasea feeling. i was already standing, so i leaned against the frame of the door so when the door opened, the cool air would hit me and toughed it out, slightly untying my scarf and unbuttoning my coat. when i arrived at my station, i was so light headed, i literally threw myself onto a bench on the platform and took off my scarf and coat and literally just chilled in a short sleeve shirt for like 5 minutes until i felt well enough to go up the stairs and get to work. ツ literally terrified all winter every winter that this will happen again because i do not want to be the person who passes out on the train.
then in general, when i try exercising, i get really sweaty and shaky like really fast. i can do like a low impact cardio workout for like 10 minutes max before i start to get shaky and start feeling a bit queasy. and omg if im watching a funny movie or talking to a friend and getting excited or laughing a lot, my lips go kind of numb and prickly and i cant really control them?? a bit in the fingertips as well. i dont know if thats related but laughing/being excited/whatever is kind of an intense activity soooo
so yeah, that’s why i’m curious about this whole POTS thing cuz the it gets worse in heat thing is a symptom that ive heard about pretty frequently.
or maybe im just weird. xD anyways, 10 minute lukewarm shower life v(n.n;)
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