#also i am home now but i am returning to school tomorrow but i will be driving back home next weekend
munadyke · 1 year
feeling so normal and not at all overwhelmed by daily life👍
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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twice-inamillion · 7 months
The Company
Newest Recruit 
Story Building and Fluff
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Chapter 8
3,160 Words
(You and Mina’s family have a talk about her enjoying the company. Jessica goes to America to buy her new home. A new set of trainees arrive to the company from a different company.)
After talking to Mina and the choreographer, you ask them for an appointment to talk to her parents. Mina agrees and calls her mom to see when the best time to talk to them both. 
You return to your hotel and talk to your assistants about recruiting her into the company. As you’re going over some possible offers, you can make you receive a phone call from the choreographer telling you that Mina and her family can meet tomorrow evening. I am glad about the rapid response and that you prepared everything for your meeting.
It’s the following day, and you’re standing in front of her house and ringing the doorbell. It doesn’t take too long for the door to open, and you see an older female, assuming to be the mother. “Good evening; you must be here because of Mina, correct?”
“Yes. Thank you for inviting me to your home.”
“Come, take a seat. I’ll call Mina and her father over.”
“Thank you,” walking to the living room and sitting on the couch.”
You see Mina walking down the stairs to the living room, “Good evening,” she shyly waved her hand. She sits on the couch across from you and waits for both her parents to arrive. 
From the kitchen, Mina’s parents and the choreographer walk to the living room with drinks and snacks.
“Sorry for the wait; we wanted to bring snacks for us to enjoy.”
Once everyone is seated, you introduce yourself as the CEO of Olympus Entertainment, surprising everyone. Knowing some information about the company, the choreographer briefs the parents on the benefits offered to the trainees and the education they get.
Both the parents smile when they hear about the great benefits offered and the chance to finish their education, unlike other companies.
“We like that your company allows them to finish their studies. We want Mina to finish her schooling if possible,” says Mina’s dad.
“Yes, we understand that joining the entertainment business isn’t what some parents see as an ideal job. Here, out of our company, we want everyone to receive higher education in case the trainees decide to change their career path. We also allow them to gain experience in the field by applying to be staff in our company.”
Her parents seem a bit more comfortable hearing that there is a backup plan just in case she doesn’t want to continue. You go over on why you want Mina in your company and what you are willing to offer. 
“I’m glad you think highly of our daughter and her talents. She’s been a good girl, and we think she should make this decision on her l own,” says Mina’s mom. 
Mina shyly speaks up, “I want to go. I’m a bit nervous, but I think it’d be nice to meet other people who enjoy dancing.” 
“Are you sure, Mina?” asks her dad.
“Yes, Ceo-nim complimented my dancing a lot, so I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Her mom then asks, “Okay, then it’s decided. Please take care of our daughter and her future.”
“I will.”
Mina and her parents sign the contract. You congratulate both of them and assure them they won’t regret it. 
“Do you need her to fly to Korea now?”
Take care of your schooling and enjoy a small break. I’ll personally come and you all to the company and give you a tour and see our facilities.”
As you’re about to leave, Mina walks up and grabs the edge of your jacket, “CEO-nim, I won’t disappoint you,” as she plays with her fingers.
It’s been a few days after signing Mina to your label, and you have been preparing for her arrival. During the week, you also had Jessica living with you after collecting her items from her apartment. She tells you about her plan to return to America and set up her own fashion brand. 
During her stay at your place, Jessica has looked online for possible houses to buy during her stay back in San Francisco. “What do you think about this one?” she asks. 
“That one looks nice; it has a nice backyard, and it's not directly in the middle of the city.”
“I like this one too, but it seems busy.”
“You said you want to relax, so maybe something where there are not too many tourists.”
“It has been nice to see them in person.”
“If you want, I can schedule a few open houses; I’m almost done with what I have to do.”
“But how are we going to get there without getting noticed? I don’t want the public to see me like this.”
“We can take my plane there.” 
“You got a plane?”
“Yes, I don’t want to go through the hassle of chartering a plane, so I just bought one myself.”
You arrive in San Francisco two days later and go to multiple open houses. Most of these homes are in the millions, but you’re willing to spend that much for your child. After a few days of looking, Jessica makes up her mind, and you sign a contract to purchase the house. The both of you stopped by her parents' house to drop off some items before heading back to Korea. Jessica is about to open the door when you hear, “Jessica, is that you?” Out comes a younger version of her, her sister. She looks at you in annoyance and says, “Is that the guy that knocked you up?”
Jessica reacts and smacks her, “Shut up!” The sister runs back inside as Jessica tries to hit her again but fails. “Sorry for the rude girl over there, but that is my younger sister, Krystal.” You try to introduce yourself to her sister, but she ignores you. 
“So, I heard from Mom and Dad that you bought a house nearby.”
“Actually, he bought the house,” she said as she looked in my direction.
“Hmph… that’s the least he could do after getting you pregnant and causing you to get kicked out.”
“Krystal, be quiet.”
“But it’s true. He was the cause for everything.”
“It’s partially my fault, too, not just his.”
The two of them continue to discuss with each other, and you say, “I’m going to be heading back to the airport. I’ll be back to help you move in. Also, send me the information on the fashion line.” Jessica turns around and kisses you on the cheek before you head out. 
A bit over a week has passed, and you are headed to Japan to pick up Mina and her parents. 
They board the plane, and during the flight, you give them the rundown of what they will see during their stay in Korea. 
“After arriving, we can have lunch and tour the campus. I will lead the tour while your items are taken to the hotel I reserved for you during your stay. The second day would be reviewing some fine details about Mina’s stay and looking at the dorms she would be staying in. You then have the next few days to tour around and do as you wish, and the company will pay for it.”
“Ceo-nim, you don’t have to do that,” says Mina’s mom.
“I want to. Mina is the first idol I personally recruited, making it a special moment. Plus, your daughter has a lot of talent, so it would be rude of me not to respond in kindness.”
Mina and Mina’s mom smile while her dad agrees that his daughter is worthy of such consideration.
You all arrive at the company and walk into the main building. You take them through the meeting room, cafeteria, and main practice rooms. The next stop is the education center, where most trainees have classes to finish their education, take extracurricular activities, or want to study. 
The last place is the large building where I have practice rooms for small to large groups or for individual practice. “The place is so big and new,” says Mina’s mom. 
“We want all our trainees and idols with the opportunity to succeed, so we provide them with the best, anywhere from education to mental health.” 
“What about security, like the safety of the trainees and idols?” asks dad.
“The campus is normally closed to the public. Most areas require a security clearance based on the position you have in the company. For example, we separate the trainees and idols to prevent any potential conflict, such as education builds and dorms. Since most of them have a regular schedule, we tend to know where they are at. If there are any irregularities, we use these bracelets to know where they last were since they are used to access building doors.” 
“What about if they get sick? How do they get treatment?” asks Mina’s mom. 
“We do have a health center that can deal with common issues and is planning to build an in-house hospital for all company employees, trainees, and idols.”
“Seems like you all have things figured out,” says Mina’s dad. 
“We want to ensure the safety of everyone here and make it as easy for them to concentrate on their goals. 
After the tour, all of you go out to dinner before calling it a night. “I’ll leave you all for the night and see you early in the morning. You’ll get to experience our cafeteria and see the dorms.”
Early in the morning, you meet Mina and her parents outside the cafeteria. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Ceo-nim.”
“How was your sleep?”
“It was great; the beds were really comfortable.”
“That’s good to hear. We use the same mattress for our dorms here.” 
“You hear that, Mina. Make sure not to sleep in too much,” says her dad.
“Otōsan… not in front of the Ceo,” whines Mina and covers her embarrassed face.
“It’s fine; I sometimes enjoy a good rest.”
The four of you head to the cafeteria. Mina is surprised by the number of food options that the area offers. “We offer meals three times a day and have cafes and small shops throughout the campus. You can even order a custom meal if given prior notice.”
Mina walks to the line, gets various dishes, and walks out of the line with a gummy smile. 
“Seems like our daughter is going to get accustomed to here in no time,” says Dad in a joking manner.
We all laugh, and Mina turns red again from her dad teasing her. We continue to have breakfast. When we are done, we head out to the dorms where she will stay. 
“The dorms are not that far away but separate from the rest of the campus. We have multiple types of dorms for those who are over of age and who are not. We keep them separate since they have different schedules and rules. Once placed in a group, you are moved to a large dorm based on the number of people within the group. They have a kitchen and more space to get to know each other better and build relationships.”
“So does that mean I get to room with another person?”
“We actually have a room available that is meant for two, but you’ll be using it on your own. Obviously, when we get more trainees, we will pair you up with someone who has similar interests.”
As we walk down the road to the dorms, her parents are amazed by how well-maintained they look. Mina cannot help but comment on how they look like college dorms and is excited to see her own dorm. “Is this my dorm?”
“Actually, yes. The one on the left.” 
You take out your phone and call the dorm manager. She came outside and introduced herself as the one in charge of managing the building and dorm RA. 
She leads the group to the second floor of the building and into the unoccupied wing. “You won't be in this wing, but we are going to use it as an example. Here are the shared bathrooms with multiple stalls and showers cleaned frequently. You are all divided in wings so there are not many who use the bathrooms. There are also individual restrooms throughout the building.”
She then walks to a room and opens it, “This is an example of a double room; there are two beds, a large closet for, and a table.” The parents walk around and seem to like the room, “it’s big. I think you’ll like Mina,” says her mom. “Next, we’ll see a triple room, and it’s much bigger than the double.” 
After the demonstration, the manager walks the group to the dorm that Mina will be occupying. “This will be your room, Mina. It’s a double, but you won't have a roommate as of now. We expect a new round of incoming trainees, so you might be paired up soon.”
“Look, Mina, it has a nice view,” says her dad. 
You comment, “I think you’ll like it. You are more than welcome to return tomorrow so you can help with the move-in process. Let’s return to my office and discuss some minor details.”
You are all in your office and take out two large folders, a copy for the parents and one for Mina. “These will be your copy of the contract, the expectations and the list of benefits, and some of the options we offer in extracurricular activities. Also, we don’t ask for any payment from the parents, and it's covered by us until they debut. After that, we do take out a share of what was invested for training.”
“That sounds more than reasonable; I heard of other companies asking for large amounts of money upfront,” says the dad.
“Yes, some do, but since we are a new company, we want to separate ourselves from them.”
As you and the parents talk, Mina looks at the extracurricular catalog and tries to decide on what she wants to join.
“Do you have an idea, sweetheart?” asks Mina’s mom.
“There are so many options, I can’t make up my mind.”
“It’s okay, Mina. Take your time; choose whenever you are ready.”
Her mom looks through the dance section and says, “I see you don’t offer Ballet.”
“Yes, unfortunately, we don’t have many trainees that practice. It was something that we wanted to have and actually have a room for it, but it's not completed.”
“What do you think, Mina? Do you still want to practice ballet?” asks her dad.
“I don’t know. I want to try other dances, but I also want to continue.”
“If you want, we can complete it for you. I would be more than happy to see you dance again.”
“See, Mina, the CEO himself said that we want to see you dance and is willing to finish its construction just for you,” says her dad.
You see, Mina thinks about it and fiddles with her fingers, “Do you really like my dancing, Ceo-nim?”
“Yes, I really did.”
“Umm… if you like it, then I’ll be more than happy to continue.”
“Aww, sweetie, that’s good to hear,” says her mom. 
“That would be amazing, Mina. Then, I’ll make sure we finish the construction of the studio. You’ll be our first user so it would be like your personal dance studio, haha,.”
“See, Mina, your own studio,” says her mom.
“Thank you so much; I’ll try to live up to your expectations of me,” says Mina shyly.
After that conversation, a member of the trainee team came in and explained the clearance system and the bracelet that Mina would be wearing. This will give her access to her room and other facilities. “We have your information in our system. This bracelet serves as a smartwatch and access key to your room, the buildings you are cleared for, your health profile for the health center, and the cafeteria.”
Mina confirms her information, and the bracelet activates. The team member puts on her bracelet and shows her how it works and what type of data it shows on our end. “This information is kept on our private servers and are not shared anywhere. So when you scan it in a certain location, it only shows based information and nothing else. Try using it here.” 
The screen shows Mina’s basic information as a trainee and a picture. “Okay, it seems like you’re all ready to move in.”
It’s been a few weeks since Mina moved into the dorms, and she’s been slowly adjusting to her new environment. You call her a few times a week to ask how she is doing or if she needs anything. Like always, she’s shy and soft-spoken. 
Today, you called her to your office to give her some news that will affect her position as a trainee. “Good morning, CEO-nim. I’m here because you wanted to see me.”
“Yes, good morning Mina. Come over and talk a seat.” 
“Is something the matter?”
“Yes. I have been in contact with JYP Entertainment, and we are going to collaborate. The company will receive a couple of its idols as part of an agreement. You will be placed together with them since you’re one of the newest trainees.”
“Do you know how many trainees will be coming over?”
“There will be fifteen others; some of them have trainees for a long time while others have just a few years.”
“Does that mean I'll be getting a roommate?”
“Yes, they should be arriving within a week, so try to make them feel comfortable.”
“I hope you treat my trainees well,” says Park Jin-young.
“Don’t worry. They’re going to enjoy their time here.”
“I hope so.”
You then step forward and introduce yourself, “Hello, everyone. Welcome to Olympus Entertainment. I hope you enjoy your time here and build friendships with those around you.”
All the trainees from JYP, in unison, stand up and say, “Thank you for having us, CEO.”
“All of you already know why you’re here, but, as a formality, introduce yourselves.
“Hello, my name is Im Na-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Yoo Jeong-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Hirai Momo.”
“Hello, my name is Minatozaki Sana.”
“Hello, my name is Park Ji-hyo.”
“Hello, my name is Myoi Mina.”
“Hello, my name is Song Min-young.”
“Hello, my name is Park Ji-won.
“Hello, my name is Kim Da-hyun.”
“Hello, my name is Son Chae-young.”
“Hello, my name is Chou Tzu-yu.”
“Hello, my name is Lee Chae-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Kim Eun-suh.”
“Hello, my name is Jeon So-mi.”
“Hello, my name is Lee Chae-ryeong.”
“Hello, my name is Natty.”
“Welcome once again, all sixteen of you.”
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raya-hunter01 · 2 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 12
Not My Sister’s Keeper
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X (Jade)
Jimmy X Trin
Rhea Ripley
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspiciously.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Philadelphia, PA
Jey’s POV
“That wasn’t what I told them I wanted.”
“I can just sit by your dad and it’s on the hard camera side. I won’t have to worry about being seen. Jey, it’s really not a big deal.” Kara said putting the finishing touches on her make up.  
“Kara, I don’t care what they said, after you and Trin walk pops to his seat, come sit with me. I’m not going to sit there for two or three hours away from my wife.”
“They don’t know we’re married Jey, if they did, I’m sure they would’ve seated us together.”
“They don’t know cause’ it ain’t nobody’s business until we ready to tell them that we are married. Hell, even if we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, you still would have been sitting wit me. You ain’t no secret, I don’t give a fuck what nobody thinks about us.”
I knew she agreed with my thought process, it wasn’t that we were ashamed it’s just that so much of our lives had been on display for the world to see and we wanted this to be ours and ours alone until we were ready to tell everyone.
“Us against the world,” Kara whispered as I put my ring finger next to hers, our matching ring finger tattoos on full display. “Damn right, us against the world.”   
We had gotten the first letter of each other’s name tattooed on our ring finger, into a ring design it was really unique, and we loved it.  I can’t help in thinking back to the night I finally proposed.
Four months earlier
“I am willing to move to Atlanta Kara, I know it was one of your choices.”
“Damn, we serious now you are using my real name.”
“Yes, because you’re not listening. Josh, I want to move back to Pensacola to do my residency.”
This has been a conversation that we’ve had for the last month especially since Tia is working to get transferred back to Pensacola to serve her sentence.
“Bae, I love that you want to come home but what about Tia being here. I can sell the house, or we keep it as a vacation house. My mom would understand and I’m sure Bill would.”
“Josh, this is home and has always been home. I don’t want to start anywhere else new. I want to live in this house as your wife and raise our kids here. I don’t give one nor two fucks that Tia is here.” Kara said as I smiled. Damn, she never put it to me like that before.
“You know I can’t wait to marry you and have some lil Uces running around here. I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay here for me, you’ve already done enough of that in your life.” 
“I have never thought that, knowing I’m coming here is like what helps me get through those tough days when I’m alone in Boston.”
“Kara, can I be honest wit you?” I asked ready to take a chance.
“You know I always want you to be honest. You don’t have to sugar coat nothing, and you know you can ask me anything. You know we locked in; I love you.” That was it, the invitation I knew I always had but it felt good to hear her say it.
“Kara, what would you say if I told you I couldn’t wait another day to make you, my wife.”
“I’d say why haven’t you asked me yet?” Kara asked without hesitation as I caressed her face. She better stop playin’ cause’ we can apply for this license in the morning, get it rushed and be married by tomorrow night.
“Kara I’m serious…. Baby, I wanna marry you, but you deserve so much like the proposal of your dreams, the big wed-”.
“Josh, I don’t need this big elaborate proposal and big wedding. I’ve done all that and it was more for others than for me. As long as it’s me, you, my dad and your mom there, that’s all I need.”
“And you’re ready? Like you ready to take that step with me?”
“Like I said, you won’t know till you ask.”
“Oh, you ain’t gotta keep tellin’ me.” Quickly reaching in my pocket I pulled out and opened the small heart shaped jewelry box. “Wait you really got a ring!” Kara exclaimed as I smiled kneeling down on one knee.
“Yes, and it’s been burning a hole in my pocket and luggage for almost eight months,” I said truthfully as Kara covered her mouth in shock.
I knew she didn’t like big and extravagant; she was more of a tear cut diamond girl, so Tiffany’s was nice enough to work with me on a design for her.
“Kara, I’ve loved you since I was five years old, and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you. We’ve been through a lot, but it brought us here and I don’t want to waste another minute.
“Are you sure?” Kara asked with tears in her eyes as I kissed her hand and placed the ring on her finger. “Kara, you ain’t never gotta question my love for you. I love you so much and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you, lau pele.”
“I love you too and I—I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.”
“Then how bout it, Ms. Kara Morris, will you give me the honor of becoming Mrs. Fatu and spending a couple of forevers wit me?”
“Yes, I would love to spend a couple of forevers being Mrs. Fatu.”
The rest as they say is history, we a license the next morning, pops knew the clerk, so he called in a favor, and we were able to get it that same day. Then later that evening we got married, with my parents and Bill as witnesses.  
“I’m going to meet Trin, and pops,” Kara said giving me a kiss. “A’ight, I’m heading back to Gorilla, and I’ll see you in a minute.” I told her before we parted ways, I don’t know why they do the Hall of Fame after smackdown.
The talent is tired and so is the crowd. I just worked the main evet and had to rush back here to get dressed for the HOF. I’m not complaining by any means, I love this, but they need a better planning system. This was so unorganized.
“Jey we been waiting, you’re up next.”
“Sorry, I had to make sure everything was straight on the home front before I came back.” I said falling in line behind Big E waiting my turn to go back out.
Kara’s POV
I felt nervous, but I can say I felt comfortable in my dress, and I wasn’t struggling to walk in my heels like some of the wives and girlfriends were, so I was ahead of the game.
“Pops, you look good,” I told him as Trin, and I each took an arm.
“So do ya’ll my beautiful daughter-in laws. Ya’ll about to have all the attention on me. Did ya’ll plan the matching hair?” he asked as we laughed.
“Nope, that was an accident, but we look cute, and you heard pops, sis. Even he knows you’re going to be his daughter-in law,” she said reaching over to fix my hair.
“Yes, I heard him.”
I smiled looking at Jey wave to the crowd as he walked down the aisle.  My husband is so sexy in all black, hell in anything he’s sexy.
“Kara, you hear me?”
“No, I was looking at my man if we are being honest.” I said, Pops belly laugh making me smile.
“See, you so in love with that man, I’mma need Ya’ll to stop playin’.” Trin said as Pops winked at me. He was getting a kick out of Trin having no clue Jey and I were already married.
“It’s our turn,” Trin whispered as they ushered us forward. I felt nervous, never had I ever went out in front of a crowd to be dissected. I had sat in plenty crowds, and backstage but this was new. I was more out in the open and felt exposed.
We couldn’t get pops to his seat fast enough, so many people were stopping us to talk to him. Picking up on my nervousness, he winked at me.
“We ain’t stopping again, they can come see me at my seat if they wanna talk,” he whispered as I nodded thankfully.
Before he sat down, he gave us a hug. “Thank ya’ll for makin’ an old man happy.”
“It’s no problem pops, I can sit with you if you want?”
“No, ya’ll go be with the twins, I’m good, ya’ll have fun.”  Quickly we went made our way to the other side of the ring. Jey stood up to give Trin a hug and to let her pass.
“I been waiting on you wifey,” he said making me smile, taking my hand in his as we sat down to enjoy the hall of fame.
Roman’s POV
I love Paul and I know what I said I would induct him, but I could have fell on my face seeing Jey and Kara sitting front row as I climbed in the ring.
I just walked past my ex-wife and cousin and had to play it cool but on the inside, I was breaking down. I guess they were finally coming out officially, but it wasn’t my business.
After introducing Paul, I couldn’t get backstage fast enough to go back to my bus. It was going to be a long weekend, sitting on my bus I went on twitter checking to see if anyone was talking about Jey and Kara.
As I expected some fans were already being messy, tagging me in an article from WrestleWorld, asking how I felt about the situation. I knew I should ignore it, but I couldn’t.
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Karma’s -A- Kara
By. Scott Jenson
Jey Uso has the wrestling world talking tonight he showed up at the WWE Hall of Fame with Kara Morris(pictured above). Kara is the ex-wife of Jey’s cousin, Roman Reigns. Kara and Trin were seen walking WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi to his seat before going to sit with their respective partners. Jey was seen also kissing Kara during Paul Heyman’s tribute video. It has been rumors swirling about the couple for years but it was never confirmed until now.
“How the fuck do they find out all this shit?" I hissed, angry at the fact people were picking apart my life and Kara’s.
Kara doesn’t have social media but has popped up on Jey’s Instagram stories and posts throughout the years. In knowing what transpired between Kara and Roman, we wish her well. Kara is about to actually graduate from medical school next month. Congratulations Kara, and Jey, enjoy the Hall of Fame ceremony.
“Then these damn tweets ain’t no better. Like how?!” Each tweet pissing me off more as I read them.
@Romanreignslover03 So, Jey Uso walked into the WWE Hall of Fame with his cousin’s ex-wife. That is some messy shit, Jey, you cold blooded kissing on that woman. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Roman0123 WrestleWorld stop spreading false news, Trin and Kara escorted Rikishi to his seat. Jey and Kara have been friends since they were kids. They are family regardless even if she divorced Roman, end of story. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Glowlove6 So what if they were kissing, ya’ll don’t know the half of what Kara went through with Roman. Do your research and good for you Kara, you deserve happiness. Plus, Jey loved her first, if anything Roman stole her from Jey.  #Jey&KaraHOF
@Usoluvsme That’s still messy sleepin’ with his cousin, damn she lookin for a come up since Jey popular now, straight up golddigger. Jey, better watch out. #Jey&KaraHOF
@Trinityglowsfans01 You do know Roman fucked her sister, had a kid with her while they were married, said sister then tried to kill Kara and Roman, right. Plus, Kara is graduating medical school soon. She doesn’t need Jey’s money, and her folks got money too.      
“Like how they know all this shit!” I wasn’t mad at Kara or even Jey, I’m mad at myself for fucking up. I allowed this to happen, but I also knew it wasn’t gonna be a secret forever that Jey was with Kara.
I hoped I got a chance to run into her to congratulate her on her upcoming graduation. She deserved all great things, and my investment in her paid off.
“Just get through this weekend and then you get a break,” I muttered putting down my phone to go grab a shower before bed.
WrestleMania Night One
Jey’s Dressing Room
Kara’s POV
“I want you to check baby. You been waiting on this,” Jey said as I sighed.
“It’s been a good week; I don’t want to bring down the mood. I’ll just check when I get home Tuesday.”
“Girl, if you don’t get on this computer and look at those results, I know something.” Trin scolded as Jey smiled.
“I don’t know why she trippin’ she studied her ass I off, I know she passed both of the tests.”
“Come on girl, check it,” Jimmy said rubbing my shoulder.
“Ok, I’ll just take a little peak,” I whispered logging in to check my results. I was hesitant to even click on the link.
“Come on.”
“Ya’ll just had your matches, literally still in your gear. We should be celebrating ya’ll not me.”
“Girl, I’m bout to do it for you, if you keep on,” Trin said making me laugh as she pulled out her phone and began recording.
“Really Trin.”
“Yes, now stop stalling.”
Jey nudged his head towards the computer letting me know it was no other option but to open my test results. Sighing, I clicked on the link and nervously began to read.
“Dear Ms. Morris, thank you for taking part two and three of the USMLE,” I mumbled as Jey and Trin peered over my shoulder trying to read as well.
“All this shit to read, I just need my scores.”
“Calm down baby, just read it.”
“Hell, I’m looking and don’t understand all of them medical words.” Trin said frowning at the computer screen.
Continuing to scroll down, I finally saw what we were all waiting for.
“I passed!” I screamed in shock, covering my face allowing my tears to fall.
“Yes! I knew it!” Jey shouted, hugging me as I sobbed.
“Yes, ma’am we in there, let’s go!” Trin cheered as I nodded truly overwhelmed that I always almost there. I couldn’t think of any better people to share this moment with than them.
“Aye, I’m proud of you,” Jimmy whispered giving me a hug.
“Thank you, brother.”
This has been the most amazing week, but I knew I had to finish out strong. Now I knew for a fact graduation was less than a month away officially.
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Roman’s POV
I had to find Kara, I tried to play it off, but I saw Jey’s comment and I had to know was it true or was I reading too much into it.
I should have tried to find her earlier, but I had to meet with Cody, Dwayne and Seth to go over some last-minute changes. The main even went great and the crowd ate it up.
Heading through Gorilla, I was shocked Jimmy, Jey, Kara, and Trin were there waiting for me.
“Congrats Uce, ya’ll Killed it,” Jimmy said actually giving me a hug.
“Yea, ya’ll got them anxious for tomorrow and what’s going to happen next.”
“Speaking of that, I need to meet with ya’ll,” Paul said coming over as we all looked confused.
“Austin backed out, so we are running down something new. I’m adding in Jimmy, Jey and a few other surprises.”
“Oh, snap we in,” Jey said excited as Jimmy nodded in agreement.
“Meeting in thirty minutes in my office.”
“Roman, could I talk to you for a second?” Kara asked as I wiped the sweat off my face.
“Yea, sure I actually was gonna try to find you after my match.”
“We’ll leave ya’ll to it, I’ll meet you in the dressing room after the meeting,” Jey said without jealousy, giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking off with Jimmy and Trin.
We ended up going back to my locker room but stood outside the door. I didn’t want to push my luck, if I’m honest. Thankfully, the hall was empty, everyone was slowly filing out to get some rest and prepare to do this all over again tomorrow.
“Roman, I passed the second part of my USMLE so it’s official I graduate soon,” Kara said excitedly as gave her a short hug. “I’m very proud of you, I knew you could do it.”
“No matter how things ended, I couldn’t have done this without you and I’m thankful for all you’ve done to help me finish.”
“You don’t owe me anything except be a great doctor.” I didn’t want to make it awkward, but I had to know. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Uh, Kara I don’t mean to be nosey, but I saw Jey comment on Trin’s post. I-- Damn, I don’t even know how to ask because I know it ain’t my business.”
“Jey and I are married Roman.” I felt the air rush out of my lungs, he had married her. Looking at her ring finger I saw a tattoo. “So, ya’ll hidin’ it and you marking up your body with his initial’s n shit? What’s next his whole name on you somewhere?” I asked, my tone coming out more harshly than I intended grasping her hand and looking at the tattoo ring on her finger.
“No, we just don’t feel it’s nobody’s business until we are ready to share it.” We don’t owe the world, or you shit.” Kara said, snatching her hand away.
“Look I understand getting a tattoo to cover up the bullet hole, but putting someone’s name or initials on y-”
“Roman I’m trying to be nice, and we’ve been getting along. If you want to keep it that way, stop while your ahead.”
The warning was stern, and I knew I needed to calm down quick, fast, and in a hurry.  We were finally talking without it being awkward or forced. I didn’t want to lose her being apart of my life in any shape or form.
“Look, it just threw me for a loop when I saw his comment under Trin’s post. I’m really happy for you Kara, you deserve the world.”
“Roman, I don’t want the world; I never did. I just wanted to be happy and I finally am.” Her words cutting me to my soul, but if she was happy, then so was I.
I had did enough and cause enough damage to us both. Damage I thought would burden her for the rest of her life but I’m grateful it didn’t.
“If your happy, then that’s all that matters beautiful. I won’t tell anyone what you told me, it’s your business. Thank you for telling me.” I really was thankful because I heard it from her and not on the internet or from someone else.
“Even after everything, I would never blindside you Roman.  Now I know you gotta get ready for your meeting, so I’mma go. I just wanted to let you know about graduation and to tell you thank you.”
“You ain’t never got to thank me, after everything, I knew what I had to do and what you deserved.”
“No, let me finish…..Kara you put so much into my career, you held me down when I was broke. You took care of me when I was sick, you put your dreams on hold to be with me.”
“I wanted to do that Roman, there are no debts between me and you. Even after everything that happened.”
 “I know it ain’t no debts, I gave you all that money because none of this would have even been possible without you. Kara, there is no Big Dog, or Tribal Chief without you.  And I knew as long as I had breath in my body you weren’t gon’ struggle or want for anything ever again.”
“Thank you,” Kara whispered surprising me when she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. I swear felt the weight of the world falling away as I hugged her back.
I had finally let it go…I would always love her, but I had let go and accepted my fate.
“I will always love you Kara, and I’m happy for you. I’ll always be here for you, and I just wanted you to know that.”  Wiping her tears, Kara gave me a small smile before she walked back towards the end of the hall.
Suddenly she stopped, turned and smiled at me once again. “No debts Roman, take care of Logan and be happy.” She said as I smiled back at her.
“No debts, Kara and I will.” With a nod Kara disappeared around the corner. I instantly felt my eyes watering as I turned the doorknob to go in my dressing room.
As soon as I closed and locked the door, I couldn’t hold it in anymore, silently weeping. I knew she would never forget everything that happened, but she forgave me…She showed me grace in my time of weakness, and it was time for me to forgive myself.
Yea, things weren’t how I wanted it or dreamed it to be, but life was going on and for the first time I was ok with my fate.
I had lost her, but I gained my Logan in the process.  I knew now my fate was to be the best father to her and everything else will fall in place…I knew it would.
New beginnings were on the horizon.
Jey’s POV
Roman was the last to arrive at the meeting and he looked to be somewhat in a daze but came around as we all talked about what was going to happen in the main even tomorrow.
I was amped myself; I was going to play a part in the main event. I felt like a kid listening to all the people who were going to get involved. Tomorrow night couldn’t come fast enough for me.
“So, Taker will be the last one out?” I asked making sure I had it right, poor Cody seemed to still be in shock realizing he was going over tomorrow.
“Yea, Taker is going to have an interaction with Rock, then Seth will get up and Roman will choose to hit Seth with the chair instead of Cody, costing him the match.”
“Oh, good call back to Seth being Cody’s shield,” Jimmy said as Roman smiled.
“I like it, the fans gone eat it up bad,” he chuckled as Paul seemed pleased with what we had come up with writing more notes down.
“Alright we’ll meet again tomorrow but for now ya’ll all rocked it tonight so go celebrate.” Dwayne said rubbing his shoulder.
“What’s the matter over there, Cuz?” Jimmy asked chuckling as I shook my head. He is so damn messy.
“Hell, you know Jim, I’m too old for this shit. I’m already sore as hell and we gotta do this again tomorrow,” he said as we all laughed.
After Paul adjourned the meeting and everyone began to leave, I noticed Roman still sitting.
“You alright, Uce?” I asked as he nodded finally standing up and walking towards me.
“Yea, I’ll be good by tomorrow, nice ring tat by the way,” he said with a small smile as I shut the door, to give us some privacy.
“Roman, I ain’t trying to argue…I know-”
“I ain’t arguing, Jey. I put it together after I saw your comment under Trin’s post, and I asked Kara.”
“I know you didn’t go in on her, did you? Because if you did-”
“I’m happy for ya’ll Jey.” Roman said barley above a whisper as I looked at him in shock.
“Kara told me that you made her happy, and as much as it hurt to hear it, that’s all I ever wanted for her.”
“That’s all I ever wanted too; and I love her.”
“Then take care of her,” Roman said extending his hand to me as I looked at him searching for any sign of dishonesty but found none.
As we shook hands, it felt different. It felt like we were finally starting to mend our relationship. We weren’t just putting up with each other for our family sake…
We were finally trying to heal and build back trust…..Ok Big G upstairs I see you working on us.
Philadelphia, PA
WrestleMania 41, Night Two
Roman’s POV
I was almost home free, after the meeting last night I went to get Logan from Ma. I kept her with me last night on the bus to give Ma a break but now she was running late. I had sat her up in a nice hotel suite, she deserved it and needed a break.
 Talking with Kara and Jey last night felt good, and I finally felt everything was falling into place.
“Daddy juice.” Logan said pulling on my leg. Putting my phone down I looked at her with a smile.
“Lo Lo wants to go get juice, huh?”
“Yea!” She yelled jumping up and down only stopping when she spotted Jey. I wondered how this was going to go especially since she just met him a couple weeks before a show.
 Before I could warn him, she took off towards him as fast as her little feet could move. “Jey!” She yelled running for him as he kneeled down to scoop her up in his arms as she squealed.
“Hey Lo, it’s good to see you,” he whispered holding her close. I felt even more guilty, he thought Logan was his and was preparing to be her father. I took that away from him and I still felt terrible about it.
“Sorry she is bothering you, I can take her,” I said as Jey frowned at me.
“Uce, I ain’t gone mistreat or turn her away if she comes up to me and speaks to me. Regardless of how it all went down, ya’ll both my family.”
“I don’t want nobody to be uncomfortable, Ma was supposed to get her, but she is running a little late.”
“You good, what got you so stressed? The meeting went good last night so what’s the problem?”
“I need to do a couple interviews and finish getting ready,” I said trying to think of how I was going to do everything I needed with my mom running behind.
“We got her Roman, go do what you need to do.” Kara said, coming up beside Jey as he looked at her in shock. I didn’t know what to say myself, I didn’t want to put her in that kind of position.
“Uh, it’s ok Kara, you don’t have to keep her.”
“Roman, go get yourself together, we got her. Text your mom and tell her to call me when she gets here and we will meet her,” Kara, said giving Logan a small smile.
“Tee Tee Kara, up, ” Logan said reaching for her as Kara’s eyes shot to me in shock as Logan wrapped her little arms around her.
“How does she-”
“Rebecca suggested we start showing Logan pictures of everyone, so she knows who her family is. We started before I started taking Logan to visit Tia.”
Kara nodded as Jey caressed her back. “You ok baby, I can get her back.” Jey said as Logan laid her head on Kara’s shoulder.
“Uh, no, it’s ok…Mom is right, I am her auntie,” Kara said looking at Logan. I felt like a true fucking heel…Even though I made peace with everything, I still know that in a perfect world this was supposed to be our daughter together and I fucked it up.
“Hey, Logan I’m your auntie,” Kara whispered as Logan seemed entranced by her. “Tee Tee pretty,” she said rubbing Kara’s cheek.
“Well so are you pretty girl.”
“Uce, go do what you need. We got her,” Jey reassured me as I looked at Kara.
“Are you sure?”
“Bye, Roman,” Kara said continuing to play with Logan as I looked back at Jey who waved me off but I still couldn’t move. I was too entranced watching Logan and Kara interact with each other.
Jey’s POV
Second by second, I watched in awe as Logan was breaking down the hard walls Kara had built to protect herself. I had met Logan at a smackdown show that I had to do a dark match at a couple weeks back.
 She was a beautiful child, and I couldn’t blame her for Roman and Tia’s mess.
I knew I had to let it go to actually move on. I knew Kara had done the same, but she still hadn’t dealt with the fact she had a niece that she hadn’t seen since the day she was born almost three years ago.
“I’ll be like an hour tops ya’ll. Hopefully Ma is on the way,” Roman said giving Logan a kiss on the cheek before finally leaving. I know he thinks I didn’t catch it but I saw the yearning in his eyes as he watch them.
Yea, I’mma have to keep a look out on that, I mean yea we made peace but I ain’t dumb.
“Hey, would you like to get some cookies?” Kara asked as Logan smiled. “Please.”
“A’ight lets go ya’ll,” I said guiding them to catering. Kara was quiet most of the time but was interacting with Logan adding in her two cents when the little girl would stop talking.
 It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be, but I could tell Kara was deep in thought. I was glad they were bonding but I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do it.
 Janice finally made it about thirty minutes later and I could see the shock in Janice’s face as she came around the corner seeing Kara talking to Logan.
“Ya’ll traffic was a mess, I am so sorry,” Janice said coming up in a rush taking a seat next to Kara trying to catch her breath. “Janice breathe, we had her,” Kara said laughing as Janice looked at Logan sitting next to Kara eating her cookies.
“I see that..I just didn’t believe it…..Has she been any trouble?” she asked as Kara smiled. “Nah, she’s been a perfect little angel.”
“Grammy, I see Tee Tee!” Logan said pointing at Kara as Janice laughed reaching over and ruffled her hair.
“I see that and I’m very happy you got a chance to meet Tee Tee Kara. Do you need to try to potty before we watch daddy?”
“Yes, Grammy.”
“Alright, let’s go potty then little lady.” Janice said, taking a breath and standing up.
“Bye Logan, it was nice to meet you.”
“Bye Tee Tee,” she said throwing her little arms around Kara’s neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Janice whispered watching the exchange before picking up logan as she waved at me. “Bye Jey!”
“Bye Logan.”
I knew Kara was relieved that Janice was here. It was getting a little overwhelming for her. I could tell even though she was hiding it.
“Baby, are you ok?” I asked, wanting to know as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Yea, I’m ok.” Sighing, I got up and moved to sit beside her.
“Tell me what you thinkin’, Ma.”
“I am terrible, I never saw her. I let my anger for Tia and the hurt Roman caused block me from getting to know her.”
“Bae ain’t nobody blaming you for feeling how you felt. You had a right too, your life got turned upside down. How did you feel meeting her today?” I asked caressing her hand.
“I felt like someone reached in and snatched my soul when she looked at me and called me Tee Tee.”
“In a good way, or bad way?”
“Both…I felt horrible not being there for her knowing she has no mom. Then I felt a sudden joy when she called me Tee Tee, I am going crazy.” Kara said as I rubbed her back.
“No, you’re trying to come to terms with everything and ain’t nothing wrong with that baby.” I assured her as she seemed to be processing her feelings on the matter.
“I don’t see sleepovers and all of that happening, but I will acknowledge her and try to be less awkward when I see her. I’m going to be on the road with you sometimes and at family events. I’m bound to see her.”
“It will be ok when you see her again, stop sweatin’ it. You what I realized?”
“Before you know it, we will have our own little Uces running round here,” I whispered in her ear as she blushed.
“I can’t wait to have babies with you.”
“Aye, I been trying to shoot the club up. That damn IUD hell, was stopping my soldiers from reachin’ they destination, I’m glad you got it out.”
“See I can’t with you.”
“What, I’m just being honest about wanting to have a baby with my wife.”
“Let’s just go so you can get ready to fall off the side of the stage. It’s almost time for the main event.”
“Why you say it like that?” I asked as Kara rolled her eyes at me, getting up.
“Because I think it’s stupid as hell and dangerous, that’s why. But you my man, and I’m your #1 fan, so I’mma stick beside you.”
“Well thank you for stickin’ beside me, that’s why I love you and married yo’ fine ass.” I whispered, making her laugh.
“I love you too, so please be careful.”
 “I will and everything is going to be fine, just trust me. Jimmy and I got it planned perfectly.” Putting my arm around her shoulder, I lead her to Gorilla so we could watch the rest of the show, and I could be in place for when it was my turn to interference in the main event.
“Ya’ll better Mr. Main Event, or me and Trin will kill you both.”
 Kara’s POV
Trin and I sat by Paul in Gorilla watching on the monitor as the guys had gone off to go over everything again.
I already knew it was going to be pure cinema, and seeing Rock, Taker, Cena, Jey, Jimmy, Cody, Solo, Seth and Roman sneaking off to go over the finish, I knew we were in for a treat.
“I’mma need you and Jey to stop playing and get married already,” Trin said as we looked at some of the pictures she had taken on her phone this week. “Aww, send me those, sis.”
 It definitely was a week of fun and we were able to squeeze in a lot of fun things outside of their WWE duties.
“I need to you get an Instagram at least, social media ain’t so bad.”
“So, you see us getting married, huh,” I said ignoring her Instagram talk, trying to change the subject. I really wasn’t an internet person so I would leave that to Jey and her.
 “Yes, I do and you going to have me some nieces and nephews.”
Whoo, if she only knew….
One week Later
Pensacola State Prison
Roman’s POV
WrestleMania is in the books and I’m off for the next three or four months to try to ease Logan into a routine of seeing Tia once a week as well as trying to find a good daycare. I wanted to try to take some of the pressure off of Ma and allow her some alone time.
She has been my rock through all of this, but I can’t let her keep putting her life on hold.
Life for the moment is good, I just hate I agreed to this bullshit to bring Logan here. The only good thing that came from this is that Tia signed her rights over.
I’m just still confused as to how she all of a sudden wants to spend time with Logan.
What is she up too?
Maybe she wasn’t and I’m just still just somewhat reeling from Logan and Kara meeting during WrestleMania last week. It was not on my list of things happening this year but seeing Kara hold Logan made my heart ache.
Maybe she could be more apart of Logan’s life because bringing Logan here is seeming to do more harm than good.
“Hi sweetie, it’s your mom,” Tia said as Logan looked at her like she was a total stranger.  This was what I was afraid of, even though I showed Logan pictures of Tia she didn’t know her.
We have been visiting the prison once a week for the past month and Logan still wasn’t grasping Tia is her mother.
Then again, she recognized Kara and went willingly to her without any issue. “It’s ok Logan, it’s mommy.”
“Daddy,” her tiny voice whimpered clinging onto my leg. Sighing, I kneeled beside her. “I’m right here baby,” I soothed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face.
“What’s wrong with her Roman?” Tia asked as I looked at her like she was crazy. “She doesn’t know you Tia, it’s going to take time. She may never get comfortable with this.”
“You’ve turned her against me, all of you did. Tia accused as I had to bite my tongue to not say what I wanted. “Really, Tia after everything?”
 “You could have at least been showing her pictures of me or something.”
“I do show her pictures of you every night and explain who you are. Maybe it’s the vibe you’re bringing. Babies pick up on bad vibes,” I warned as she sighed.
“Fine, I will try to do better. She’s gotten so big.” Tia said caressing Logans hair as she held me tighter.  “Yes, she’s almost three, what do you expect, Tia,” I said somewhat harshly.
“I know and I’m trying to make up for it Roman if you just give me a chance.”
Hopefully this will get better, because if it doesn’t, I’m not going to keep putting Logan through this.
“We will try again next week and hopefully it will be a little better.”
“I hope so, I ain’t got nothing but time so I have no problem waiting for her to come around Roman.”
That’s the part I’m scared of, and I still feel like something is off.
One Month Later
Harvard Medical School
Commencement ceremony
Jey’s POV
I was anxious and excited to see Kara receive her degree. She had done what she set out to do. The day was going great until Rebecca showed up and sat right next to bill.
“A’ight chill ya’ll I’m trying to hear.” I warned as Rebecca continued to push Bill’s buttons.
“This year’s graduates have special messages for their families, and we are allowing them if they choose to bring their children up with them. This is a major accomplishment and should be shared with those they love. Please cheer on every graduate and let’s enjoy this year’s commencement ceremony.”
“Ain’t nobody invited you Rebecca, why are you here?”
“You can’t block me out from her graduation, Bill. I’m her mother, I invited myself.”
“Man, can ya’ll be quiet I’m trying to hear. This ain’t bout ya’ll, this is Kara’s day,” I hissed. They were pissing me off, this was about Kara and not their damn drama.
“All I said is she should have told Kara she was coming instead of just popping up.”
“Now ain’t the time though, and if ya’ll can’t chill out you both can go.” Trin said as Bill moved from beside Rebecca.
“Thank you! Stop feeding into it and move.” Jimmy scolded as Trin shook her head.
“I don’t even know why you sat over there anyway,” I said moving so he could sit beside me.
“She sat beside me,” he hissed as I rolled my eyes. “So, you move…Don’t let her control your emotions Bill,” my mother whispered as Bill sat back trying to calm down.
The last couple months Bill had started the process of filing for a divorce and Rebecca is grasping at straws to try to keep him in the marriage.
“Rebecca sit there and chill out before I throw you over this balcony.”
“Don’t threaten me Tani, I know how to act.”
“Mama, let it go,” I whispered seeing it’s almost Kara’s turn to have her name called.
“How does this work?” Trin asked seeing they were skipping around. “They are calling by program, and degrees earned.”
“Ok, I was about to say they got my girl messed up, she supposed to be in line with the M’s,” Trin said taking pictures of Kara standing in line as Bill snickered shaking his head.
“There she is, look at her in her cap and gown.” Trin gushed as Kara nervously rubbed her hood.
“Still though, her last name Morris, we on the letter D on this program Trin,” Jimmy said as I shot him a look to shut the fuck up.
“Maybe don’t nobody last name starts with E through L, in this degree program Jimmy. Now hush, so I can hear,” I hissed as he smiled at me.
“Sure thing twin, even though-”
“Don’t worry about it Jimmy.” My mother said cutting him off with a smile.  “Just know Kara is where she’s supposed to be at in line, I can assure you,” mother said rubbing my knee trying to calm me down.
I felt nervous, like it was my graduation.
“Once again, these following graduates are receiving their degree in Doctor of Medicine and management.”
“Dr. Kara Fatu!” Dr. Kouper said as we all jumped up cheering her on. My heart filled with pride watching Kara walk across the stage, her beautiful bright smile on display.
I was so proud of her, after everything she had made it.
“Yes! That’s my sister!!!! Wait, what the hell did she say?!” Trin screamed, pausing in shock as Jimmy snickered rubbing her shoulder before continuing to cheer.
“Kara and twin done snuck and got married on us baby.”
“Oh my gosh Jurdy! I knew something was up!”
“Gon’ head sis, welcome to the family!” Jimmy yelled as I shushed them wanting to hear Dr. Kouper.
“Kara will be hooded by Dr. Stanly Moore.” I couldn’t image how that felt for Kara. Dr. Moore meant the world to her and was there from the beginning. He encouraged her throughout the years and even kept in touch when she left medical school for the first time.
“Yea, Dr. Fatu, you did that, Ma,” I whispered trying to hold it together as Dr. Moore placed the hood around her neck.
“Kara would love to thank her amazing husband Joshua, her parents, her sister Trinity, brother-in-law Jonathon, Roman, Dr. Moore and her other professors for their unwavering love and support.”
 I couldn’t contain it no more.
“You did it baby! I love you, Dr. Fatu!”  I screamed not caring about protocol in that moment. My girl was standing there looking like a goddess and was now a doctor.
“Yes! We love you, Kara!” Trin screamed as my mom laughed. “Lord, ya’ll gon’ get us kicked out.”
“Hell, it’s over with now, they done gave her that degree and hooded her, we can leave now.” Bill said wiping his tears.
Dr. Kouper smiled in our direction, giving us a few more seconds before handing Kara something and picking right back up from where she left off.
“Kara has deferred the start of her residency until February 2025 in pediatrics and internal medicine at Pensacola’s children’s hospital & Pensacola General Hospital. Kara also wanted us to help her share some amazing news with her husband and family in attendance."
“Oh my God, look!!!” Trin screamed as I looked up at the big screen in shock seeing Kara holding up a tiny onesie.
“Daddy’s #1 fan.” I read in shock, getting choked up as my mother hugged me. “Congratulations baby. I’m so happy for ya’ll.”
“I’mma be a daddy.” I said in disbelief.  
“Baby Fatu will be arriving Thanksgiving 2024, congratulations Kara and Joshua!”
“How about that, I’m about to be a paw paw again.”
“Yes!!! Auntie is on duty!” I heard Trin yell as I turned to look back at her still in shock as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Congratulations Brother.”
“Thank you, sister.” Looking back at the stage I saw Kara making her way back to her seat. “Congrats twin.”
“Thanks, bro.”
Like I couldn’t believe it, I was going to be a daddy…Like Kara and I made a baby. She was so worried she couldn’t have children because her and Roman tried so hard for years, but they couldn’t get pregnant.
“I can’t believe you did this to her! It wasn’t bad enough you rushed her into marriage. Now she’s pregnant, you did this on purpose and now she’ll never complete her residency.”
“Rebecca shut the hell up.” bill hissed as I put my hand on his shoulder. “I got it pops, first off, I married Kara because I love her. She ain’t never gotta worry about givin’ up anything for me. We in this together.”
“How is she going to fulfill her dreams now Joshua with a baby depending on her? She’s going to get attached, and never want to leave home.”
“Kara is going to do her residency, open up her practice and do everything she’s ever wanted to do if I gotta sit home while she does it.”
“Yea, right….Kara is going to be home alone stressing, and resenting you in the end.”
“Don’t assume you know our relationship based off the shit she went through with Roman and your life with Bill. I got Kara and she got me, end of discussion.”
Feeling myself about to lose it and cuss her ass out, I got up and moved to the end of the aisle.
“Josh, where you goin’ baby?”
“I’m going to wait for my wife at our designated meeting place to tell her how much I love her, and how happy I am.” I needed some air because we were about to get thrown out  if I stayed in there with Rebecca.
Kara’s POV
It was done, I was now Dr. Kara Fatu. It seemed time passed so fast as we stood to give the Declaration of Geneva before being dismissed.
Marching out of the auditorium I stepped outside taking a deep breath. “Kara, you did it…It was hard, but you did it,” I whispered overwhelmed. Not wanting to get lost in the sea of people I chatted with a few classmates before their families found them. We took a few selfies waiting for the crowd to move a little, people were everywhere.
The only thing I really wanted to do was hug my husband. Finally heading towards our meeting place, I was shocked to see my mother.
“Now wait a minute you ain’t gonna blame Josh for Kara wanting a break to live her life. These last two and half years been hell on her. Hell it's been rough on everyone especially with the shit you let Tia pu and your dirty lil secret," my dad said as I shook my head.
Damn, can we have one day where everybody gets along.
"Kiss my entire ass Bill."
"You gotta actually have an ass to kiss first off."
They really doing this now and why is she even here. I didn’t invite her. Making my way towards them I heard Jey standing his ground.
“I ain’t got time for you Rebecca I’m leave Bill alone. I'm looking for my wife to congratulate her,” Jey said before spotting me. With a smile and his arms stretched out wide, I ran to him.
“I did it!” I cried jumping in his arms.” I’m so proud of you baby."
"We did it" I cried tuning out everyone else but him, as he held me tighter.
"Oh shit, am I holding you too tight.”
“No, I’m ok,” I reassured him. The look of joy and love on his face was something I will remember forever as he put me down and I gave him the onesie. “Congratulations Daddy.”
 “I can’t believe this; we made a baby,” Jey said in disbelief now caressing my stomach.
“We did, and I can’t wait to meet him or her. Our lips met in a gentle kiss as the realization really hit us, we were really going to be parents.
“I hate I have to share you with everybody right now.” I hated it too and he was right. As soon as he released me from his arms, Trin came over.
“Girl, give me a hug! You done gagged me for today.” Smiling, I gave Trin a long hug both of us laughing when Jimmy joined in. “Sister-in-law welcome to the family.”
“I’m sorry, ya’ll we just wanted to wait a little while before we told anyone.”
“It’s’ ok I’m so happy for ya’ll and I’m about to be a whole auntie out here in these streets,” Trin gushed as my dad came towards us.
“My baby is a doctor, let me see her,” my dad gloated as I gave him a hug and then Ma Fatu.
“So nobody is gonna ask Kara why she would do this to herself?” My mother asked as I rolled my eyes.
“No what we want to ask you why you ain't congratulated your daughter?” Jimmy asked pointing out my mother’s attitude.
"And what exactly did I do to myself mama, besides finally living my life for me?"
“Kara, I just can't--- You really got married and didn’t tell me? I would have been there. You’re pregnant, like what were you thinking?”
 “Well, I didn’t want you here mama, and I thought that was made crystal clear since we haven’t talked since I told dad what you did.
“I married Josh because I love him…I’m having his baby because that is our dream, and it doesn’t concern nobody but me and him.”
Seeing how serious I was she changed her tune. “I’m sorry, it all just hit me at once that you got married and about to have a baby. I got scared you were giving up on your dreams again.”
 The look of shame on her face wasn’t lost upon me. I got it and understood it, but it wasn’t her place especially after all she had done.
“I’m not givin’ up nothing, Ma. You ain’t gotta worry about me.”
“Um, so how long have ya’ll been married?” Trin asked changing the subject as Jey smiled. “It’s been about five months, sis.”
“So right after the trial, you made an honest woman out of her, huh?” Jimmy joked as my mother sighed, pulling me into a hug.
It was awkward to say the least. “I know you didn’t invite me, but I wanted to show you I’m serious about us working this out. I love you and I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you for coming.”
“How far along are you sweetie?”
“I’m three months along, Ma. I found out a couple days ago when I went for my checkup.” My mother frowning, hearing me call Jey’s mom, Ma.  
“I can’t believe this shit-”
“Hush, it don’t matter what you believe Rebecca,” my dad said rubbing my back.
“Well, you gon’ be sick of me, cause I’mma stay doin’ this,” Jey said rubbing my stomach as I laughed.
“I would never.”
“Hey baby, it’s yo’ daddy.”
“Oouu! I can’t wait to shop for baby clothes,” Trin said as I saw my mother looking very uncomfortable.
“Well let’s get some pictures with Dr. Fatu,” my dad said somewhat breaking the ice as we all posed for a few photos.
Regardless of how my mom felt, today was a good day and she wasn’t going to spoil it for me.
Roman’s POV
I had come to Kara’s graduation and sat where nobody could see me. I felt I had to be here and the joy on Kara’s face was something I’m happy I got to see in person. The news about the baby stunned me, as if I needed even more proof we weren’t meant to be together anymore.
“Daddy, see Tee Tee,” Logan said pointing at Kara who was taking a picture with auntie Tani.
“No baby, we just came to cheer her on. I don’t want to bother her because she’s really busy right now.”
“Ok daddy,” Logan said sadly. I knew it was for the best, I didn’t want things to be even more awkward than Kara’s mother was. That was cringe watching from afar because I know she was probably showing her ass.
Feeling a hand on my shoulder I tensed. “Aye, it’s just me, Uce,” realizing it was Jimmy the nervous tension left my body.
“Hey, we were just leaving, I just wanted to support Kara on her graduation day.”
“Hey, lil mama it’s nice to meet you,” Jimmy said kneeling down as Logan gave him a hug.
Damn, she really recognizes and likes everyone but her own mother.
“Tee Tee win Wimmy,” Logan said as Jimmy chuckled. “She sure did.”
“Sorry, she has a little trouble with her J’s.”
“I knew what she meant, and I think it’s cute, so why ya’ll hidin’ over here.”
“I wanted to support Kara; I was planning to come over there but hearing about the baby, i’m still a little stunned.”
“I can understand that, and I know she would too,” Jimmy said standing up with Logan as she put her head on his shoulder.
“She’s going to be an amazing mom and I’m just happy for her. I’m happy for both of them, it just still stings a lot.”
“Well, I ain’t pushin’, they think I went to the bathroom and that’s the story I’m sticking with,” he said looking around at the crowd starting to thin out, passing Logan back to me.
“Tell Jimmy see you later.”
“See you later,” she said blowing him a kiss. “Bye Logan, I’ll see you soon.” The bright smile on her face as he blew her a kiss back let me knew then and there Jimmy was going to be her partner in crime as she got older.
Logan and I quietly slipped away unnoticed and went back to the car.
“Mr. Reigns anywhere else you would like to go?”
“Uh, can you find us an ice cream shop before we head back to the airport.”
“Yay! Ice cream!”
I knew she was going to be bouncing off the walls of the jet, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. After setting up Logan's ipad, I pulled out my phone to see had Trin or Jey posted any pictures on Instagram. I knew Jimmy hadn't, his ass might as well not have Instagram since he never posts.
Trin hadn't posted anything yet. "Damn, you slippin' Trin." Heading to Jey's page, I saw he hadn't put any photos up from the ceromony but had just made an apreciation post in honor of Kara.
It was a photo of Kara in her wedding gown, on the beach.
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In this moment I had to agree with Jey and I don't do that much.
Life was good.
Two Weeks Later
Pensacola State Prison
Rebecca’s POV
“What do you mean you can’t help me?!” Tia hissed as I sat with her in the family visiting room. “I ain’t being an accessory to this Tia, it ain’t right.”
“Look, all you gotta do is come to the hospital. I’ll make a scene when they try to take me for a CT scan. I will ask can you go in with me and I’ll handle the rest.”
“I can’t Tia, and I won’t. You’re on your own.”
“I already have it all worked out and I promise if you help me, you’ll never see me again.”
“Look just think about it, its months away anyway, this type of thing takes planning. I’m only going to have one chance, and I got to make it count.”
“Where are you planning to go Tia?”
“Far away, that’s all you need to know. Now are you going to help me or not?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Then I guess we got nothing else to discuss, you ain’t gotta worry about visiting me ever again.”
“Tia, I love you, but you are going to get yourself killed and I’m not going to watch you do it.”
“I don’t need you, but you’re going to be sorry. I promise you will.”
Standing up I looked at my daughter and for the first time I realized she was a lost cause…My child was a lost cause that couldn’t be saved.
“Just leave then, and tell Kara I’m happy she got everything like she always does. I mean she finally got knocked up right, even married Josh. I saw that little post he made on instagram.
“Tia, leave Kara alone and how do you even have a phone in here?”
“I have my ways, guard I’m ready to go back to the yard,” Tia said smugly standing up as well.
“Tia, I’m tellin’ you, leave Kara be!”
“I’ll see ya’ll soon, Ma..Just remember no matter what you do from here on out, I'll always be two steps ahead of you.”
"You're going to get yourself killed."
"Well, lucky me, cause' I ain't afraid to die."
Her statement chilling me to my soul as I left her alone in the visiting room. She was just too far gone, and I knew what I had to do.
Waiting until I got to the front, I politely went over to a guard. “Um, excuse me, I have some information that I need to tell the warden. A prisoner is trying to plan an escape.”
“Ma’am come with me.”  Leading me into a somewhat small conference room I felt closed in and nervous.
Yea, I could never do prison time, I ain’t built for it at all.
 “Just have a seat if you’d like and I’ll fetch the warden for you.” As the guard disappeared, I couldn’t help but pace, my nerves were getting the better of me.
“I just can���t let this go on anymore. Continuing to pace, I couldn’t help but think about Logan, Kara, and the baby. I couldn’t let her hurt them; I would die first.
Kara and I were trying to work on our relationship, I knew we had a long way to go but I knew the first step was finally choosing her.
This time and for the rest of my life I’m choosing her, even if it kills me.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
harmshake  truefant4sy  yana3sworld amandairene88
unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx tshepisho
 thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams
rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 nbanenefrmdao
sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie
rebelrel0987 kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
severenswife sayyestoheav3nn pittieprincess22 mindairy
jaded-human mainthingdoja mrswolffs-blog shamaness11 justarheaslut @shamaness11 @fearlesschimera
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mistydeyes · 1 year
cold coffee and sloppy notes
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summary: As the 141 returns home, they're always more than happy to support their favorite student as you work towards your degree.
pairing: Task Force 141 x student!civ!Reader
warnings: none :) all fluff
a/n: i thought this was fitting as i'm now officially back in school! good luck to everyone who is also heading back and feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to destress :)
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price - defending your thesis
"How's it going in here, love?" John asked as he entered the living room. He observed the TV that had your thesis defense presentation and the collection of papers and notecards on the table. "It's…okay?" you said, almost questionably. In fact, it was not okay. You had gone over your presentation to the fictional group of panelists thousands of times but always tripped up on your words. He could sense your distress and enveloped you in a comforting hug. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked as he rubbed your back lightly. "I don't know," you mumbled, "I just need to get this presentation down." He took a step back and made his way to the couch. "Then present it to me, and I'll give you some feedback."
“Good morning panelists,” you began nervously as you clasped your hands together. “Take a deep breath,” John corrected and you sighed before taking a seat next to him. He placed a comforting arm around your shoulder before you leaned into his side. “What if they don’t approve of my research?” you shakily spoke as your mind flooded with the possibility. You had spent 4 years researching this topic and the only thing in between you and your doctorate was your thesis defense. “Well you can’t go in like that,” he advised, “researchers can smell fear.” You lightly punched his shoulder as you both laughed. “I’m serious!” you exclaimed, “What if they tell me I wasted all these years?” You sighed again and he placed a gentle hand on your cheek. “You’re the expert on this topic, you just have to show them that,” he reassured and you smiled back to his soft gaze. You spent a few moments like this before getting up again and trying to go through your presentation.
You looked down at the coffee table of notes before John snatched them in his hand. He held them gently in his lap before looking back at you. You were about to object when he placed a finger to his mouth. “Love, if you keep a script then you’re going to sound like wet cardboard,” he explained as your face twisted in a mix of emotions, “I doubt they’d want to sit through another boring defense.” You took a moment to compose yourself before he gestured for you to start again. “Good morning panelists,” you repeated, with more vigor than the last time, “I am Y/N, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of…” Even if tomorrow you left as a candidate, you knew that you would have John’s unwavering support through it all.
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soap - mathematics work
As you lay on the loveseat with Johnny, you groaned loudly. You stomped your feet childishly on his lap which caught his attention. He looked up from his phone as you frustratingly erased at the paper. "You alright?" he asked and you shook your head. This assignment for your maths class had taken you hours and you still could not figure it out. The words on the page began to blend together and you were at a loss of where to start. "I don't understand why I took a maths class," you mumbled and put your forearms above your head. Soap patted your leg reassuringly before trying to peek a look at your notebook. "Let me take a look," he offered and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Thanks, babe but I don’t know if you can help,” you said, chewing on the end of your pencil. “Try me,” he joked as he looked at you. Deciding it didn't hurt to let him try, you threw over your notebook with impossible equations and problem sets. You took the time to check your phone and take a break from your calculations. After a few moments of him thinking out loud and throwing out various “hmmmms” and “I sees,” you sighed as if you were wasting his time. You were about to take the notebook back when he hit a eureka moment. “Pencil me,” he commanded and you passed it over to him. After a few more scribbles and mental math, he presented you with the solution. “Here ya go,” he said smiling and you couldn’t believe he found an answer. Your eyes scanned over the sloppy handwriting but you were able to see it followed the equation you had learned and the answer was reasonable.
“How-how did you do that?” you asked as you looked over his work. You hoped it was correct but we’re at a loss for his sudden stroke of genius. “‘m more than just a pretty face,” he joked and you pushed you eyed him suspiciously. “I’m serious, Johnny.” “Think ‘bout it, my job is all about maths,” he explained, “demolitions is about figuring out how much ya need, how big the building is, and where the pressure points are.” You shook your head in disbelief. He was right after all, geometry was so integral to many professions even if you didn’t enjoy it. "Thank you," you smiled and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss, "might just ask for your help on all my assignments."
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gaz - studying
Kyle returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea, surprised to find you had overtaken the living room floor with your textbooks, notes, and electronics. You had been at it for hours now and Kyle was more than happy to make dinner and clean your flat while you worked. The room was filled with a mix of classical music and lo-fi beats. Somewhere in there, he could've sworn he heard the Coconut Mall theme song. "Hey, you," he called and you looked up at him. He noticed the bags around your eyes as you pushed back your blue light glasses. "How's it going," you weakly asked and motioned for him to sit. You shuffled a few papers around on the couch behind you as he maneuvered through the mess.
He placed your favorite cup of tea down on the glass table before settling on the comfortable seat. You sipped it gently and savored the taste. "Decaf?" you asked, looking back at him, and he nodded. "I don't think you need more caffeine," he chided as you rolled your eyes in response. "I just have so much to do," you replied before looking back down at your organized mess. You always dreaded finals season and would procrastinate studying until the last week. Despite having copious amounts of notes, you were at a loss to remember all the material asked of you. You wished there were more hours in the day to study.
“Love, you should rest,” Kyle gently suggested as he put a hand on your shoulder. You leaned back into his touch, groaning at the eye strain and the now persistent headache. “I don’t know if I’m ready,” you whispered, trying to overcome your anxiety and disappointment in your lackluster study habits. Kyle massaged your shoulders as you closed your eyes. “We’ll wake up early tomorrow and I can help you study in one of those cafes you love,” he offered and you nodded with a smile on your face. As you relaxed into his soothing motions, he stopped before cupping your tired face. “Let’s go to bed and start again tomorrow, yeah?” you again nodded, this time eyes heavy with sleep, before you followed him to bed.
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ghost - reading and revising
When you were nose-deep in a textbook heavier than his tac vest, Simon knew to vacate the room. You were a model student and Simon would always let you know when he returned home. While you loved seeing your boyfriend, you also enjoyed his clean flat without any flatmates. You’d often lug your materials to his and request a table to organize everything. After five minutes, Simon would walk by to see you with a stack of textbooks to your side and your iPad propped up in the center of the oak table. He also noted the sticky tabs and highlighters organized by some unknown hierarchy delicately placed in arms reach. You were your own tour-de-force and with your large headphones, it was only you and your revisions in this world.
Simon didn't mind the peaceful atmosphere. It often allowed him time to clean his flat from the accumulating dust or exercise in his bedroom. "Just tell me if I'm being too loud," he'd whisper before you put on your headphones, tuning out the world. He would leave you until you finished or you found him in another room. It was a functional routine and Simon enjoyed it. This time, you had a large exam coming up and Simon had run out of errands and chores to do. As he entered the room with some paperwork in hand, you nodded in approval before returning to your work. Every so often, he would look over at your hunched-over figure and smile to himself.
Eventually, as the sun began to set, Simon decided to return to the paperwork another day. He closed up the manila envelopes before stretching slightly and making his way to the door. He was pondering what to order for dinner when he heard you take off your headphones. “Can you stay?” you said, barely over a whisper and Simon stopped in his tracks. He looked over to you but your eyes remained trained on the minuscule font. “You want me to stay?” he questioned as he walked back over to the couch. As he reclined himself on the seat, you looked up. “If you don’t mind,” you smiled, “your presence is reassuring.” Simon let out a soft chuckle at your explanation. It wasn’t every day someone told him he was a comforting presence in the room. "I can stay for few," he replied, "but we're getting dinner in an hour and you're taking a break." He laughed as you shooed him away with your hand before returning to your productive state. Simon closed his eyes and rested, knowing you wouldn't mind. Hopefully, your headphones were loud enough to drown out his snoring.
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the-cosmic-teapot · 2 months
To Be Loved By Nanami Kento
Nanami x reader
WC: 10,705
TW: Slight age gap (4 years), Canon-compliant, fluff, angst, canon-typical gore, big emotions, Nanami is such a gentleman, drinking, reader gets very drunk (Shoko), kinda steamy but no smut, marriage, family, Not a happy ending (ANGST!!!)
*Not proofread (my husband said his word limit is 5,000)
Summary: The story of how you and Nanami fall in love.
A/N: Hi pals, it's been a minute (like a couple months, oops)! This has been in the works for the majority of that time, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it until now. Let me know if you all like the longer fics or if I should break them up into parts instead. Also, I am looking for more proofreaders, if you are interested message me. As always, feedback is welcome!
P.S- The reader has a cursed technique that is using electrical energy and the gloves are what is used to conduct the energy. 
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June 2012
High school graduates are left with difficult decisions to make upon the end of their education. Differing from a typical student, graduating from Jujutsu High in Tokyo meant alternate career options; choosing to become a sorcerer, or leaving the world of Jujutsu for a mundane job. As you pack up your home of the past three years, you ponder this quandary as boxes of memories are put away one by one. On one hand, you were trained alongside some of the best sorcerers in generations, and, if we’re being honest, you’re one of them. Now on the other lives a normal life, and a normal job. One where you don’t face nearly as high a mortality rate. You could find love, have a normal family, and you could live in ignorance of your fellow sorcerers’ sacrifices.
Moving out of the dorms at Jujutsu High was bittersweet, you have a lot of memories with your friends, and even a sparse few with Gojo– as annoying as he can be. You found a nice apartment right outside of the business district in Tokyo and you were even up to get promoted to a grade one sorcerer. Things are looking up for you and your new independent life. 
Before you were able to fully get the rank of grade one sorcerer you needed to do a few missions with current grade one sorcerers, which is now what you were being sent to do.  Usually, you worked with Mei Mei because your personalities meshed well, unlike your fighting styles, but this time was different. Before you stood a tall, well-built man with blonde hair in a suit. The tan suit was a bit plain, but his bright blue button-down and patterned tie really stands out. Ijichi explained what grade-one curse this man and you needed to eradicate in an abandoned nursing home in Osaka. The man, Nanami, is to pick you up at the crack of dawn to catch a flight as opposed to driving through the night to get there. 
As you packed a small bag with a few necessities– the return flight was the following afternoon– you wondered why it took so long to meet Nanami. By the end of your second year, you had met most all of the grade one sorcerers from one gathering or another, but not Nanami. You had a few options now, you could look him up on social media or ask Gojo about the very muscular man. You decided on the former because Gojo would endlessly tease you for asking, plus you could stalk him online from the comfort of your bed. From your extensive research, you learned that there was not a trace of Nanami online other than a post from Gojo a year ago that tagged a deactivated account. Now you either have to ask Gojo or the even more embarrassing option of trying to make small talk with Nanami tomorrow. You were at a loss, was teasing from Gojo worth learning more about the undeniably attractive man? Nanami seems the type to not talk much, so small talk may not even tell you more about him. 
Your phone dings as the latest episode of a trashy show’s credits roll. You didn’t have the number saved, but you could quickly tell it was Nanami because of the overly formal language and punctuation of the message. He asked about where he should pick you up and if you wanted him to grab coffee before getting you. As you respond you also internally scream as this man keeps getting more attractive and you’ve met him once. Is it weird to be this attracted to a man you’ve just met? You suppose it doesn’t matter much, it was just a superficial attraction at best now. 
The following morning you wake up and get ready as usual, skincare, a little makeup, and finally getting dressed. You grab the overnight bag and your backpack for the trip there and head down to the lobby to wait for Nanami. After doing one final look over to make sure you weren't forgetting anything you finally leave and lock up your apartment. When you get to the lobby Nanami is already there holding his phone, probably about to call you.  
“Ah, good. You’re punctual, do you have all of your equipment ready to go?” You give a quick nod knowing you placed your sleek black gloves in the front pouch of your backpack. “Good, let’s go then,” Nanami said. He was in another suit, not a hair out of place. Without another word, he took the overnight bag and began to walk out to his car. 
He placed your stuff in the trunk of the modern black car and got the passenger side door for you. God, he truly is a gentleman. The interior of his car is clean and smells like a new car scent. You noticed a pastry on the middle console and two coffees in the cup holder after getting comfy for the quick trip to the airport. 
“I got you a strawberry Danish, as well as the coffee, I hope you like it,” Nanami says as he buckles in and starts the car. He adjusts his glasses, and checks before backing out of the 20-minute parking spot. 
“Actually, I’m allergic to strawberries… but thank you for the coffee and thinking of me!” You said with an awkward, tight-lipped smile, feeling bad that he wasted his money on you. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Nanami spoke. “I’ll keep that in mind next time” You give him a small ‘hump’ as acknowledgement. 
The drive to the airport is quick, the bright lights of Tokyo pass by in a blur together in a rainbow of color. You wonder what this mission will entail, this was a grade-one curse, so Nanami could handle this alone if needed; theoretically, you should be able to do the same. Being this close to Nanami was strange, it felt almost intimate in the dark morning. You could smell the cologne he was wearing and the heat coming off of his body. He smelled amazing, woody and smokey, with notes of whisky. 
Soon enough you notice Nanami pulling into a parking garage and getting a ticket and finding a parking space. Getting out you go to grab your overnight bag but Nanami already has it in hand with his.
“I can get my bag if you want.” You said quickly. “You really don’t need to.” You say to the back of the tall man as he walks away. 
“It’s fine, it’s not heavy.” He said plainly, walking towards the walkway to the check-in desks. His steps are quick and driven by efficiency. You could tell he will be much more professional than Mei Mei, and way harder to get a read on. 
As the plane lands you listen to the flight attendant about the typical unloading procedures, you worry about the mission and whether you will make a fool out of yourself in front of a grade-one sorcerer, especially one as attractive as Nanami. You remember this feeling when working with Mei Mei for the first time too. After you get your backpack from the floor you reach into the overhead compartment for your other bag but Nanami already has it in hand. 
“I told you I’ve got your bag, '' Nanami says, bending down to get his bag on the floor. You shivered at the thought of him being so close to you. 
“Okay, if you really don’t mind,” you say blushing slightly, moving to get off of the plane trailing after Nanami. 
When you leave the airport the sun is shining and there is a small breeze. It ruffles Nanami’s hair making him look even more divine than he already does. He hails a cab to go to the hotel so you can check in and go over what intel you have on the cursed spirit. The cab ride was uneventful at best, but your anxiety was through the roof. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat and the sweat covering your palms. 
You zone out sitting on one of the chairs with your and Nanami’s things while he checks into your rooms. Suddenly, he appears in front of you with a disgruntled look across his sharp, perfect features. He explains that the hotel screwed up and only has one room (and one bed) available at the moment, he runs a hand through his pristine hair and sighs.
“We can look for other hotels in the area if you are uncomfortable sharing a room, or I can sleep on the couch,” Nanami says in his usual tone. “The woman at the desk said that the former may be unlikely because there are a few conventions in town.” He runs a hand through his hair again, staring down at you through his glasses. 
“I don’t mind staying here, but I can take the couch.” You say it is not fair that he has already done so much for you. “I can sleep almost anywhere.” You say, which was a little lie, but it’s one night. Plus, you are considerably smaller than Nanami, he towers over you and he is broader than you because of the bulk of his muscles. 
“We can talk about sleeping arrangements when we get settled tonight.” He says after a moment of silence. Nanami walks away back to the desk and finishes checking in.
He comes back with two keys in hand and moves to get your bags. You look up at him and take the cards so he has his hands free for the bags. The walk to the room was silent, as was moving around to get settled into the nice room. There is a sort of living room then a small hallway with the bathroom on one side and a closet on the other and finally, the bedroom section was at the back. The bed is massive, most likely a king, and there is a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows facing the foot of the bed. You stand at the window taking in the view of the city and ponder how this mission will go. Taking a few deep breaths to calm your nerves you move back to the living room area with Nanami sitting on a comically small couch. 
“So, the nursing home isn’t far from here, we can walk there,” Nanami said, looking at the packet with all of the information gathered for this mission. He moved over and motioned for you to join him on the couch. As you sit next to him you realize how small the couch really is, it’s more of an oversized armchair. “The curse shouldn’t take too long to exercise, but there are bound to be more, lower grade curses.” He adjusts his glasses and hands the packet to you as he moves to get up. 
You look over the packet and see that the building has been abandoned for a few years after the owners were convicted of selling deceased residents organs without the families’ knowledge or approval. The building has recently been the site of the disappearance of teens, which has made more teens want to break in and do whatever teens do when they break into buildings. The local police have put locks on the doors and tape up to discourage more teens from entering, but this did little to dissuade them. This is why Nanami and you were called here, the 10 missing teens were concerning and the confirmed presence of a curse made this case a top priority for the higher-ups in Jujutsu society. 
Nanami lowered the veil over the condemned building and you slipped your gloves on, as you both took in the large structure. It was at least three stories high and there was mention of a basement for laundry from the packet. The smell of mold and mildew hit you in the face as soon as Nanami opened the door. There was graffiti all over the place and vines and weeds sprouting up from the cracked concrete and broken windows.
You mention splitting up to make the search go quicker, Nanami told you to focus on looking for the missing kids while he looks for the grade one curse. Of course, this is not how the mission goes, you run into a horde of grade three and lower curses in the basement hallway. As you fight them off you begin to hear the sobs of a few girls. You make your way to a locked door where you very clearly hear crying, knocking on it, and saying you were here to help. When the door opens about five girls no older than fifteen are trembling and latching on to you for dear life. 
You introduce yourself to them and tell them that your partner and you will try your best to get them out safely. They all mention seeing some of the others they were with being dragged away but not killed in front of them. You shoot a text to Nanami about the girls you found and begin to lead the shaking, but not crying, girls out of the basement and to the outside of the building. Nanami joins you a few minutes after getting the girls out and mentions how you did well. 
Going back into the buildings after talking to the girls a bit more to gather more information about the groups they came from. After another hour of searching you find the bodies of three of the boys, all drained of blood leaned up against a wall on the ground floor. It was shocking to see that a curse did not mutilate the young boys. You move on to the next floor where you run into Nanami and he mentions finding two boys on the verge of death that he brought outside and tended to their wounds. 
Wandering around a bit more you finally come across the grade one curse, its cursed energy was intense. The spirit looks like its melting bodies together, one pile of flesh with multiple eyes and appendages. The largest of their eyes is brown and vertical in the center of the mass and quickly takes notice of Nanami and you and begins to attack, flailing arms and legs towards you and Nanami. You were first to strike the curse with a zap of your cursed technique directly to the center eye. Nanami, quick to follow, slashed a few limbs off with his blunt sword. Flowing through the motions of a fight, zaps, a few punches, and maybe a kick to the curse was the easy part. The more difficult part was knowing if you were doing enough to impress Nanami or at least not look like a complete idiot in front of him. With a final right hook into the curse imbued with your technique, the curse jolted back and collapsed into a disintegrating heap on the dirty floor. 
“Good, you did well,” Nanami says calmly while swiftly dispelling the blood from his blade in a singular smooth motion.
The walk back to the hotel is significantly less awkward for you mostly because you were actually talking now, and not weird small talk. This was an actual conversation, about what you enjoy, what books you like, and so forth. You had a lot in common with the stoic man, you both enjoyed cooking and reading, much preferred over going out. You were beginning to toe the line between a schoolgirl crush based on superficial attraction into a full-blown crush, born from knowing his brain. There are a few outcomes, all but one of which will fragment your heart into millions of pieces. This is dangerous territory you are beginning to tread. 
Back at the hotel you shower and take time to get the sweat and blood off of you. The hot shower felt like heaven on your sore muscles and the steam began to fog the mirror. You wash your hair with your shampoo and conditioner while you think about the day. The thoughts quickly drift from the nursing home and the teenagers you saved to the dashing man sitting outside. He is hard to not fall for, he’s charming and his looks could rival that of a man sculpted by the gods. In addition to his stunning looks his personality seems to be a perfect fit for your own. The list of Nanami’s attributes just seems to grow with the amount of time you spend with him. 
Meanwhile, the blonde man sitting outside on the couch begins working on the report for the case. He begins recounting the day’s events, typing it all out in the correct format. All of the events from what was known to the final death count of the curse. Once again, Nanami’s life became mundane; getting sent on missions, exercising the cursed spirit, typing up a report, and repeating. When he got off of work he would make dinner, maybe try a new wine, most nights were the same for him. Being sent away from Tokyo was a nice change, but not much of one, now he would just have dinner out. However, now there was someone else with him. Someone who he wants to get to know, someone who he can see as a friend. 
He has thought of dating, but with his re-entrance into the world of Jujutsu that will be difficult. There is no way for him to have a “normal” life when he faces death every day. He cannot put someone he loves in a position to mourn him, he has been down this road before and it hurts. Honestly, part of the reason Nanami left after graduation was because he didn’t want to see more of his colleagues fall; moreover, he did not want to see his juniors fall even more so. Despite this, he found himself back in the world of Jujutsu; sitting here with you in the shower. 
When Nanami was told he would be paired with a semi-grade one sorcerer he thought the person would look more intimidating, not the small, cute form he met the day prior. He was pleasantly surprised this morning when you were right on time when he came to pick you up. In the car, he could smell your hair products– vanilla and jasmine– as well as notice how you anxiously fidget with your hands. You were efficient in the airport, which he admired very much, as opposed to Gojo, who would stroll in an hour before his flight with little care about missing it entirely. 
Nanami finishes the report and he hears you step out of the shower. He stands, stretches, and then heads for his bag to gather his clothes to get ready to shower. As he makes sure he has grabbed all of his necessities– underwear, pants, and a top– his phone dings. Sitting back on the bed with his stuff sitting neatly on the dresser he reads a text from Gojo asking about how you both were getting along. Nanami opted to send a short, nondescript text on how you performed today.  
When you finally leave the warm, steamy bathroom you see Nanami sitting on the bed tapping away at his phone, presumably texting. You move your stuff into your bag as your stomach growls very loudly. In your squatting position, you make eye contact with Nanami who now has his clothing in hand to shower and clean up for dinner. 
“I’m going to excuse myself, I’d suggest looking up where you want to eat,” Nanami says standing to his full height, making you feel smaller as he has to tilt his head further down as he does. 
“Okay, I can do that,” you say, zipping up your bag and grabbing socks and your bag with your wallet and other necessities to go out. 
As Nanami stepped into the still-warm and steamy bathroom he could smell your lotion and perfume. Everything smelled like you, even the other towels that are folded under the sink; it’s a smell that is just as intoxicating as the most expensive bottle of wine he’s sampled. He peeled his blue shirt off his body and began the shower, the hot water and steam fogging up the mirror again. Slipping out of his trousers and underwear he steps into the shower with a sigh. He could smell you even more in the shower, the hot steam lifting the remnants of your hair products to his nose directly. 
Nanami thought about the day and Gojo’s text. As with most things, Gojo most likely had another intention than the one Nanami initially interpreted. Nanami could not let himself wonder what it would be like to pursue you in any capacity other than friendship; not even for a moment. There is no denying you are attractive and he could tell that you shared a lot of his interests. He pushes these thoughts of what can never be out of his mind so he can finish his shower and get to dinner. 
You go with a small sushi place with good reviews online and Nanami truly did not mind you picking. Initially, you had given him three options and he was indifferent to all of them. This was new to you because when you went with Gojo he would insist on going to his pick, given he always paid so you had no qualms. 
Walking alongside Nanami was strange, his muscular frame towered over yours and looked ten times more intimidating than you with just his resting face unobscured by the armless glasses he wore. The evening air was cooling down from the high temperatures of the day and a soft breeze flowing and it made Nanami’s hair flow slightly from its perfect position atop his head. He was in a light green sweater and light-wash jeans, which was such a change from his typical suit and tie. Casual suited him, as well as his scent without cologne, it was fresh and kind of minty. 
Getting to the restaurant you seat yourself at a nice table near the window. A server stops by to give you menus and welcome you to the establishment. As you look over the menu you fail to notice how Nanami looks at you. Your hair was pulled back with a few strands falling out around your face, framing it nicely. He thought about what a normal life would be like, how it would be to be in a relationship without the threat of death, and most of all what it would be like to be loved by someone. He once again found himself pushing these thoughts out of his mind. 
The night flows seamlessly from dinner to a little cafe for coffee and dessert. Conversation hardly stopped from when you sat down for dinner to now, in this cute little cafe with cat-themed decor adorning the walls. You were the last two in the cafe with the barista cleaning the counter and display case. This is a night you didn’t want to end, everything has been amazing, from conversation to food, and finally Nanami. The more time you spent with Nanami the more you wanted to spend with him. His presence is intoxicating. 
As you walk back to your hotel there is a light air between you both. The moon is bright and shines on the pair of you. He is close, very close, his arm is close to brushing with yours. To an unsuspecting eye, you looked like a beautiful young couple.
Getting back to the hotel room faced you with the dilemma of the one bed. Nanami initially said he could sleep on the couch, but seeing how large he is compared to the overgrown armchair that had to be out of the question. You could take the couch, but something told you he would never let that happen.
Nanami once again let you take the bathroom first. You dug through your bag for your shorts and oversized tee shirt to get changed into. When you open the bathroom door you see Nanami’s toiletries on the counter opposite your own. What would Nanami be like to live with, being able to see your things with his? He seems like the type of person who has a solid routine and rarely deviates from that. After washing your face and undressing you fold your pants and top neatly to put on for the trip home. The silky shorts felt nice after your legs had been confined all day and the tee shirt fell over the hem of them perfectly. 
Nanami is waiting on the bed with his sleepwear folded neatly beside him. When he looks up at you his hair falls away from his face, most likely from the lack of product. He is so handsome in the dim lighting of the hotel room. You both begin to speak only to stop when you realize the other wants to say something. You smile slightly at the usually awkward situation. 
“You can go first,” Nanami said, standing to his full height. His hair shifting subtly with his change in position. 
“Oh, um, I’m all done in the bathroom,” you said, fidgeting with your clothing you still have in hand.
“Ah, I was going to say that you can take the bed because I really don’t mind,” He said in that deep voice. The voice that could make angels weep. 
“That couch is too small for you, if anything I can actually fit on it to sleep,” you say as you move to place your clothing on the dresser opposite the bed. “We could also share the bed if you really won’t let me take the couch,” you say without thinking of the implications of what this fully means. 
The air seems to stand still as you both process what you just said. Nanami is a man you just met no more than twenty-four hours prior, and you mentioned you could share a bed. If this were anyone else you would call them crazy for how risky that is with a strange man. Given, Nanami is not entirely strange, he seems to have some set of moral compass given how he is dead set on taking the couch. Your face is completely flushed red and Nanami is sporting a light pink blush as well. Why did you have to say that?
“I, um,” he paused, coughing a little, “I don’t mind taking the couch,” Nanami says, slightly blushing at the thought of sleeping next to you. The smell of your soap and lotion still stuck in his nose and mind, the sweet notes of vanilla and the floral ones of the jasmine would keep him up all night. Nanami also knew he would be too stressed trying to be respectful of your space that he would not sleep at all if he had to share a bed with you. “The couch will be okay for one night, I promise I will be okay there.” He finishes still sporting a faint blush across his sharp cheeks. 
You take a breath trying to calm down. “Are you sure?” You asked for a final time, still feeling guilty he will probably not get any sleep on the couch. 
“Yes, I would not have said so if I didn’t mean it,” Nanami says firmly, looking at you directly.
You both hold eye contact for a moment, the air thick between your bodies. It feels like you both want to say something, but words don’t come to either of you. His hazel eyes are intense as they still don’t leave your face. You feel your heart rate spike from being under his gaze. Your face could rival a prize-winning tomato for how red you are; Nanami is faring better, at least on the surface. All of his thoughts from earlier, all of the thoughts of a normal life were flooding back into his mind and he couldn’t shove them away fast enough. You are dangerous because there is something about you that makes Nanami feel like he could be with you in that way. 
The moment is ruined by the phone ringing in the other room, flashing with the extension from the front desk. Nanami takes another second, keeping your gaze before he answers. You are not paying attention to who is on the other end because you are trying your hardest to calm down. It feels like you’ve just run a mile without prep with how you need to catch your breath.
“That was the front desk,” Nanami cuts through your thoughts with his clear, stern voice. “Another group canceled their reservation, so a room on the second floor is now available,” he continues, clearing his throat. “I need to go to the front desk to sort everything out, but now we both have a bed,” he says walking to put his shoes on. 
Nanami is gone for twenty minutes, but it feels like an instant. You try to resume your nighttime routine while he is gone, but you keep getting distracted by your thoughts of that moment. Your flushed cheeks and his intense stare seared into your mind as if it were branded there with a hot iron. 
When Nanami comes back into your room he silently packs his things to move into his own room. You observe him, being as still as you can, scared to move too quickly as if he will disappear like a stray cat. Once all his things are packed he stands tall in front of your seated position on the bed. His posture is impeccable, as he tells you his room number and how the hotel comped one of the rooms because of the inconvenience. As you look up at him his hot gaze is already on you, as if he were studying for an exam. You quietly respond with a soft ‘okay’ and ‘Good night’.
When you wake the next morning you feel calmer, more at ease than the prior night. You were so warm up last night that you took another shower just to try and calm your buzzing body and mind, not that it did much. Nanami was not much better, he was thankful to whatever deity granted him a room away from you. His thoughts were muddled and the clarity he was used to was gone. As he finally drifted to sleep he thought of how the atmosphere shifted in that instant before the phone call. 
Nanami let you know he would meet you in the lobby around 8 to catch your 11 o’clock flight. As you leave for the airport you do a swift look over of the room to make sure you didn’t forget anything. The room felt so much more empty sans Nanami, his large frame taking up physical space, but his aura taking up infinitely more. His presence is warm and calm, much unlike your own anxious one. 
The morning trip to the airport, as well as the airport itself, passes by in an instant. Now you sit at the gate waiting for your flight home; Nanami is on the hunt for coffee, as the hotel only had drip coffee. You are wasting time staring at the pages of a book you weren’t reading, too lost in thought. As a hand with a take-out coffee cup impedes your view and the smell of fresh pastry hits your nose. 
“I got peach this time,” Nanami says with a small smile, handing you a bag along with your coffee. He is back in his jeans and sweater from last night, much as you are in the same outfit. 
You take the coffee and bag and give thanks to the man now eating his own. The rest of the morning goes much like this, quiet and at ease. There is no tension between you, and you wonder if this is what it is like to date Nanami. Are all of his mornings quiet and tranquil? 
Nanami drops you off at your apartment and, as the true gentleman he is, gets your stuff out to hand to you. As you walk away from him you can feel his warmth leave you. This trip was a whirlwind. Nanami is attractive and his personality is unmatched by anyone you’ve met, but he is a coworker now. Plus, he gave no indication that he is interested in you, outside of that moment. That moment could have been anything and he is hard to read so you chose to match his level of professionalism. At this point, the best you can do is friends, which is okay. 
April 2014
So much has changed in the past two years after graduating high school. You’ve gotten to know yourself more, honed your fighting techniques, and become better friends with former classmates and coworkers. Soon after your mission with Nanami, you were promoted to a full-fledged grade one sorcerer, you gathered from Gojo that Nanami’s recommendation was glowing. 
Currently, you are sitting opposite Gojo in a cafe as you both talk about your plans for your upcoming birthday. The lanky man sitting across from you suggested going all out, after all, you are now an actual adult who can drink. Your speed was more like a small group of people and dinner, not the rager Gojo was already planning. Try as you might Gojo is truly an unstoppable force, and his party planning is quickly getting away from you. 
“Gojo, I am not having a massive party, my apartment is only large enough for a few people,” you sigh. “I’ll have dinner with a few friends, but nothing more,” you sternly say to the white-haired man. 
“But that’s so boring, we did that last year,” he whined as if your birthday was supposed to entertain him. 
Most of your afternoon went on like this because Gojo is, well, Gojo. On the bright side, he did pay for your coffee and treats. You have some paperwork to finish, but other than that you are free for the weekend. Gojo drops you off at your office muttering something about leaving it for Monday. 
As you quickly work through the sparse papers on your desk you hear a firm knock, clearly Nanami. Gojo would just burst in and Shoko’s knocks are short and quiet. In the nearly two years you’ve known Nanami, and in that time he has become one of your closest friends. He is the one you go to new museum exhibits with and the one you try new cafes with after said museum outings.
“Come in,” you say, not looking up from the last form you needed to fill out. You sigh for a moment as Nanami’s footsteps enter your office. 
“Hey, I saw you were still here and I wanted to see if you wanted to leave together,” Nanami says, looking down at you with a peacoat draped over his arm. “That is if you are almost done.”
“Oh, umm, yeah,” you say, still not looking at him. “I just need to sign off on this and submit it,” you say sighing as you stand to get your stuff. “Where were you wanting to go?” You ask, finally meeting his eyes.
“I was thinking of that new ramen place near yours,” He says holding his hand out to take your bag, “but I am up to suggestions.” 
“Great, I just need to run by Yaga’s office to turn these in,” you say smiling at him as you turn off the lights and close your door. 
The walk to Yaga’s office is the same as it always is, hallways blurring together. You are looking through the papers making sure everything is in order and Nanami is lost in his own mind. In the time Nanami has known you, you’ve nestled yourself into his life seamlessly. After that first mission in Osaka, the pair of you worked on a few more local missions until you were a full-fledged grade-one sorcerer. Even after that, you made a point to spend time with Nanami, to be his friend. That is something he admires about you, you put so much effort into everything you do; sometimes to your own detriment.
You have an aura to you that draws him in, something that makes Nanami want to know everything about you; not just the superficial things anyone can figure out, but the more intimate things like what your nighttime routine is and how you look when you first wake up. These things are small, but he wants them; he wants you in your entirety, mind, body, and soul. 
Nanami came to these conclusions one night after drinking with you, Gojo, and Shoko. He initially turned down Gojo, but when you asked he couldn’t find it in him to decline when he looked into your bright, beautiful eyes. While going out is not his preferred way to spend a night, especially on a Thursday, he thought your presence made it bearable. Especially when you would join in on teasing Gojo with Shoko after a few drinks. After that night Nanami vowed to keep his feelings to himself because you didn’t deserve him, he is a broken man who cannot promise you tomorrow. In his mind, being your friend was better than not being in your life at all. 
You were finally able to talk Gojo out of a big party at a club in exchange for dinner at your favorite place and a few drinks afterward. Music is loudly blaring from your phone as you get ready in the bathroom, hot water running over your figure. You think of what to wear, taking into consideration the temperature and the cute-to-comfy ratio of your outfit. When you step out of the shower, you go through your normal routine, taking more time on makeup and hair. Now you stand in front of your closet wondering what to wear. You could go with jeans and a sweater, but that’s what you wear when you normally go out; this is a special night, so maybe a little discomfort is okay. You pick out a short, light pink dress with poofy mesh sleeves and a flowy skirt. You also opt to put stockings with a criss-cross pattern on them under your dress. As you situate the stockings at the top of your thighs your phone dings and lights up. 
‘Hey, I was thinking we could head over to the restaurant together so you don’t have to walk alone’ read the text from Nanami. It is not unusual for Nanami to pick you up to go somewhere, but it doesn’t happen as much as you’d like. 
After that first mission with Nanami, you were thankful he seemed to want to be friends too, but never anything more. In the past two years, you’ve only grown to like the tall blonde more. He makes sure that you don’t overwork yourself, but rather that you get paid for the work you complete. When he can he also delivers coffee and a pastry. With every coffee delivery, you felt yourself fall a few more meters, you have yet to hit the ground. 
You shoot a short ‘yes’ and go about finishing your look for the night. Thinking of Nanami makes you heat up, more than usual that is. There are a few reasons for this, but the main reason being you’ll look like you’re going on a date walking to the restaurant together. That thought alone made you squeal like a schoolgirl. 
A curt knock rings through your apartment, signaling Nanami’s arrival, and pulling you out of your head. As you answer your door you notice Nanami has a gift bag in hand, presumably for you. You signal for him to come in and greet him, mentioning something about not being quite ready yet. Digging through your jewelry box for a necklace you ramble about your day to Nanami, who responds with grunts and nods, not that you could see him as he is in the living room. 
Nanami fills you in on how his day has been as you walk side-by-side to the restaurant. He is self-conscious, something he has not been since high school, because you look amazing, and he just has a dark grey sweater on with nice pants. The dress is just short enough to see the upper parts of your thighs, but not so short that it is immodest. Nanami tries to not stare too much, but he really can’t given how well the stockings hug your things. The plush fat of them bludged slightly from the restriction from the stockings. This outfit is driving him insane– you are driving him insane. Just for a moment, Nanami allows him to wonder what it would be like to have you look this good for him, and him alone. 
As you reach the restaurant you stop Nanami just shy of the entry, so as to not obscure the entry. He gives you a questioning look, and you just stare back at him with wide eyes. Words fail to escape your mouth as you look into his dreamy eyes. You try to start a sentence multiple times, but nothing ever reaches your mouth. Of course, he looks amazing, the sweater with the collar from a button down underneath. As you finally find the words to say Gojo begins yelling from down the block. You break away from the moment with Nanami and turn just in time for Gojo to pull you into a hug. Shoko is not far behind the lanky man as she holds two gifts, one hers and the other probably Gojo’s. 
The host seats you all at a booth in the corner of the restaurant, and lights dim for the atmosphere. You slide into the space next to the wall and Nanami follows suit, sitting close to you at the smallish table. Gojo is directly across from you and Shoko is across from Nanami. Conversation flows, as do some drinks with dinner, and the food comes and goes. You feel a light buzz from the two drinks– one from Gojo and one from Shoko– as you prepare to pay your bill. The waiter comes back to divide up the bill and you all hand in your cards and discuss where to go next, as the drink portion is to appease Gojo. 
The bar Gojo chooses has soft music playing and comfy sitting areas, the best for conversation. Nanami offers to get you a vodka cranberry, your drink of choice, while you find somewhere to sit. Shoko, being the woman she is, kept getting round after round of drinks. You are certain that you are mostly alcohol now, you cannot see straight and you didn’t want to try walking, in fear that your choice of platform boots will make you fall over. 
Nanami can tell you are out of it, your eyes are not focused on anything in particular, and you are no longer talking in more than one-word answers. He closed out at the bar and told Gojo and Shoko he was taking you home, so as to not cause you more harm in the morning. 
As you focus on Shoko complaining about some of the new changes to her duties from the higher ups you feel Nanami’s warm hand on your back. He looks down at you with concern, not that you can particularly tell right now. His deep voice is calming and rich, like the most decadent chocolate as he bids Gojo and Shoko goodbye. He makes sure you have everything, including the new mug from Gojo and the two wine glasses from Shoko.
When you step outside with Nanami still holding on to you the cool April air hits your face, causing you to shiver slightly. Nanami opts to hail a cab, mostly because he is not sure how far you can walk. As one pulls to the side Nanami puts you in the back and walks around to the other side for himself. You cling to him as soon as he sits, and you are not wanting to let go. He tells the driver your address and just lets you cling to him as if he is your lifeline. 
This is nice, your hair smells just how it did when he first met you. Nanami once again lets himself think of what it would be like to have this all the time; you pressed against his body while you go to a shared home. He thinks back to what you were trying to say before dinner, before Gojo ruined it– typical. 
The ride to your building is quick. Nanami pays and tips the driver and practically hoists you to stand. He can tell you are close to crashing, your body heavy, and your movements lethargic. At this point, he thinks about carrying you, as it may be easier than standing at an awkward angle holding you up, but decides against it so as to not cross any boundaries.
When he opens your door you struggle to take off your shoes and leave them in a pile on the floor, a problem for later you. You drunkenly stumble through your apartment with Nanami in tow as you try to undress. The zipper on the back of your dress seems infinitely further than when you zipped yourself into the dress. You break down and ask Nanami, who is standing outside as you change, to help you because you just want to go to bed. As he opens the door he sees you sitting on your bed swaying slightly. He unzips your dress and turns around to give you more privacy, but your perky butt and back are displayed in the full-length mirror he is now facing. You stand still for a minute, in your stockings and lacy pink panties with a matching bra before stumbling into the bathroom. A red-hot blush expands across Nanami’s face as he tries to not stare like a pervert, but there is something about how your ass looks in the lace panties that makes him insane. 
Nanami leaves to sit on the couch, so as to not invade your space, trying to calm down from seeing you in such a state of undress, after all, he is just a man. For a third time tonight, he finds his mind wondering what it would be like to see you like this for him. What would it be like to undress you and feel how your soft body would squirm under his touch? What noises could he pull from you? How would you sound moaning his name? He shakes his thoughts away and busies himself with getting aspirin and water for you in hopes of getting rid of his little (massive) problem. 
As you reemerge from the bathroom you have no more makeup on and are now in an oversized sweatshirt that reaches the tops of your thighs. You move to lie down and get comfy as Nanami has water and some aspirin in hand for you in the doorway. He gives you the pills first, then the water and you mutter a thanks while yawning. Making sure you don’t need anything more from him, Nanami heads for the door when he hears you, in such a soft voice, ask him to stay. In his tipsy state, he almost misses it, but not quite. 
“What was that?” He asks, making sure his ears are in working order. His eyes intently search yours as you answer.
“Can you please stay with me?” you ask again, this time a little louder. “You don’t ha–” He cuts you off with a very quick acceptance and begins to make his way to the other side of your bed. 
The next morning you wake up with a pounding headache and unbelievably dry throat. You reach for the water on your nightstand and gulp what’s left down in a hurry. Taking a breath, you take in your room, and the large man still asleep next to you. He shed his sweater and button down and is now in a form-fitting white undershirt. Sitting up next to this god among men you take a moment or two to admire Nanami’s form; his massive arms holding one of the cutesy stuffed animals you keep on your bed. Oh to be that stuffed cat. 
You get up to get more water and scrounge something to eat from your sparse pantry as your memories trickle back. Your face heats up when you set the tea kettle on the stove as you remember practically begging poor Nanami to stay with you. Given, he wouldn’t have done something unless he wanted to, that much you knew. Does this mean he sees you in a romantic way? Or was this more of him wanting to make sure you don’t choke on your own vomit?
Nanami wakes up and quickly realizes he is not in his home, but rather your home. He also realizes you are not in bed with him, but your spot is still lukewarm. The smell of toast and tea wafts into the room as he sits up in bed. As he looks around he sees the stuffed animals strewn about the room, most likely his doing as he slept, as well as the cute white cat he currently holds. You consume his thoughts, millions of them racing in. Why did you ask him to stay? Why did he stay? Could this mean you wanted him too? 
Sitting at your small table you have tea and toast, with a cup and plate on the counter waiting for Nanami. You have to talk about last night, but more so how you feel about the typically stoic man. There is no going back to before he slept in your bed, his warm body feeling like the missing puzzle piece in your life. He looked so peaceful sleeping with the sun peeking through the curtains of your room and landing on his sharp features. 
Nanami walks into your main living space in his light blue boxers, looking like a Calvin Klein ad. You offer the tea and toast on the counter to the god of a man standing in your home. He takes the seat opposite yours and just looks at you. Your hair is pulled back with a clip with a few pieces near the front falling out, framing you in such a beautiful way. The sun softly shining into your home makes you look ethereal, your beauty outshining Aphrodite. 
“I’m sorry,” you say as he takes a sip of the tea. “For last night that is,” you finish avoiding his eyes. You take a deep breath before continuing, “You should know, I like you,” another breath, “in a more than friendly way,” you say, feeling the sting of tears in the corners of your eyes. The weight of your words and emotions sit on you like a stone as you await Nanami’s rejection. 
“Can you at least look at me when you tell me you love me?” Nanami asks with a small smirk on his pink lips. His eyes meet yours, which are full of sorrow. 
“What,” you respond, taken by surprise at his comment. Your brow furrows as you ponder what he could mean. Your sorrow is replaced by confusion. 
“For such a smart woman you’re quite dense, aren’t you?” He said still teasing you. “I want your mornings, afternoons, and evenings.” Nanami stands and moves to stand in front of you, his large body looming over you. “I want to be the man you look for in a crowded room, the one you get all dressed up for. I want you– all of you.” 
You stare up at him, confused at his sudden burst of affection. His usual stoic demeanor was gone, now replaced by a soft expression on his sharp features. He holds your eyes, waiting for your response.
“Nan-” you stop yourself, now would be the time to use his first name, “Kento, I do look for you in every crowded room, you’re the one I want to give all of my time to.” You stand, still dwarfed by Kento’s massive frame. 
Neither of you says anything for a moment, rather just processing what just happened. He leans closer to you and you meet him halfway, having to stand on your toes. The kiss is tentative as if you are both scared that this is some form of a cruel dream. Once your lips touch his everything feels at peace, you have no thoughts other than Kento and his soft lips on yours. As you pull away from the short, but sweet, kiss you both cannot stop the smiles that threaten to break your faces. 
He goes in for another kiss, this time with more assurance and passion. His lips are hot and needy as his hands begin to roam your body. Kento’s kisses get more needy and his hands pull at you more and more. Large hands grab at your plush ass as he lifts you to his hips, instinctively, you wrap your legs around his muscular waist. You continue to make out while Kento carefully moves the both of you to your bedroom. 
The next few weeks are filled with getting to know Kento in a deeper, more romantic way. As time passes with him you fall even deeper in love, as does he; the only difference now is that you are not scared to hit the ground because he’s there to catch you. You get to see him, who he is at his core, what makes him tick and it is a true honor. There are so many things that are uncertain in your life, but you know Kento will be a constant. 
Kento does not believe in soulmates, there is no reason this cruel world would give people that luxury, but you are the closest thing to his. He never thought he would be allowed to have you in the ways he wanted you, but here you are in his arms. The Morning sun shines through his blinds causing you to snuggle closer to his chest. Kento debates getting up and making you breakfast, but decides against it in favor of holding your naked form against his own, just for a little longer.
August 2016
Kento finishes tying his bow tie and does a final look in the bathroom mirror before turning off the lights and leaving to find you. You are in the bedroom sitting at your vanity in a pretty white dress, something shorter because of the less-than-traditional wedding celebration. The dress has short sleeves with lace detailing at the ends that match the lace on the rest of the dress. You look up at Kento as you finish putting your makeup on and smile at your soon-to-be husband. 
“The car is almost here darling,” Kento tells you, offering you a hand, a smile matching yours. “You look stunning,” He says, leaning down for a quick kiss. 
“So do you my dear,” you say drinking him in, his white form-fitting shirt and light gray suit make you drool at the thought of taking it off of him later tonight. “Ready?” 
“More than anything else,” Kento says, the smile still not leaving his perfect features. 
The ceremony is short and intimate, just what you and Kento wanted. Nothing too extravagant, but still filled with love. After the ceremony, you and Kento go to a late lunch at your favorite restaurant and just enjoy the day as a married couple. You both sit in a cute little cafe with coffee and dessert. Every once and a while there is the soft clink on Kento’s mug from his ring, the one that matches yours. With each clink, your stomach does flips because you actually got to marry this man. 
The rest of the evening is something out of an old film, the couple strolls through the city streets, lit by the moonlight and shop lights. Kento’s hand in yours, you talk about something while he looks like a lovesick puppy. He has an uncharacteristic soft smile across his features because of you. The walk back to your shared apartment is serene and feels right. Nights like this are what you live for, they are simple, but it’s the small moments that make you fall even more in love with Kento. The way he makes sure you have at least two meals a day that are nutritious or the way he makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world– because to him you are.
November 2017
Nights with Kento are quiet and beautiful. On this particular night you lie on his bare chest post-coitus as he strokes your hair gently. You fidget with his wedding band that matches yours, just content to be with him at this moment. 
“Hey” Kento says in a soft voice to grab your attention, “how would you feel about having kids?” He asks, looking down at you. “Mine specifically” he clarifies. 
“I would love to have your kids, but do you really think we’re ready?” you ask not knowing if you were ready for such a big change to your life. “I mean, we would need to get a bigger place and work seems to never stop.” You ramble on for a little about your anxieties of parenthood and Kento just looks at you with admiration. 
“We have enough to buy a townhouse or condo if that is the biggest concern,” Kento says, softly petting your hair.
October 30th  2018
You are abruptly awoken by a loud cry from down the hall of your pristine townhouse. The noise is not foreign to you, as it once was, but more of a routine, a signal to get up and prepare to feed or change the small girl, Yukie, lying in her crib. Kento usually handles the random 3 AM cries, but he has been so worn out recently because he has been training another student, as per Gojo’s request. As you get out of the warm embrace of your husband he grunts and moves to his stomach. 
Just a few doors from your own is your daughter’s, who is in the cutest pink and green flower onesie. You pull her from her crib and get situated to feed her in the comfy chair in the corner of the obscenely pink room— Kento’s doing. The monotony of feeding pulls you into your own thoughts now that your bundle of sunshine has quieted down.
Having a kid with Kento has made you want more because of the attentive husband he was during your pregnancy and how amazing of a father he is. He never complains about getting up in the middle of the night or having to do his errands with her strapped to his chest (seeing him in the baby bjorn for the first time almost made you jump him in the middle of the kitchen). Kento is truly the ideal man to have your children with because of his evercalm disposition, which you saw crack when he held your daughter for the first time in the harsh lighting in the hospital room. 
In the morning you feel light and airy, as if you are floating a few centimeters off the ground as you are making eggs and toast. Kento and your daughter having tummy time in the living room; her bright laugh and babbles are followed by Kento’s soft chuckles and coos encouraging her. Mornings like this are the ones you live for, even if you are exhausted and have bags the size of checked luggage under your eyes. The quiet mundane life is all you need to feel complete, to feel at peace with yourself and the world. 
Kento’s voice breaks through your thoughts, “Love, I have to work tomorrow night.” He says strapping your daughter into her high chair. “I know you had some cute costumes and plans for Yukie’s first Halloween, but this is unavoidable.” Disappointment evident in his voice as he runs his hand through his hair. 
“Is everything okay?...” You trail off wondering what is so important that they would call Kento in when he’s supposed to work less because of his daughter. “I mean, I know there are more curses active around holidays, but do you really have to go in?” 
“Yaga said almost everyone active is needed, not much else though.” He says looking at you while Yukie plays with his fingers. You can’t help but feel anxiety creep up in the back of your mind. 
Thoughts are coming in from all over the place, what’s going on that Kento needs to work? Of course Kento is one of the best sorcerers, but is this a mission he needs to be on? What is going on? 
The following evening you make a quick dinner so Kento has something on his stomach for what will probably be a long night ahead of him. As the rice noodles are finishing Kento walks into the room with his suit and tie on. He looks as good as the day you met him all those years ago. Kento gets two plates down with utensils and glasses for himself and you, as well as mashed peas and carrots for Yukie. 
This domestic bliss will return after this mission, at least until the next year, when Kento needs to go back full time. Yukie is giggling as Kento is tickling her on the floor before getting her into her chair for dinner. He is her favorite person in the entire world, she will always reach for him when he comes home, drop everything the second he comes into her line of sight.
As you set the plates down on the small dining room table Kento comes with Yukie’s bib and food in hand. The rest of dinner is filled with babbles from Yukie and light conversation as you and Kento dance around the elephant in the room. Kento brings up wanting to take the last two weeks in December off to finally travel to Malaysia; which you fully agree with because you could both use a change in scenery. 
Kento starts to gather his equipment and leave after Yukie is put down for bed. The house is silent, and you are stuck in your head again. It is highly improbable that Kento will get seriously injured or killed, but that is always a fear you have given your shared line of work. 
“I should be home by tomorrow morning, dear.” Kento says, bringing you back to Earth in his calming smooth voice. He pulls you into his chest as he holds you close for a little while, planting kisses to the top of your head occasionally. 
“Just come home to me Nanami Kento.” you say looking up at him with a small smile playing on the corners of your mouth. 
“I love you.” He says before letting you go. 
You fill the rest of your night trying to not stress over the mission Kento is on, but most of your attempts of trying to relax are futile. The one thing you find does help is propping up with your laptop in Yukies room with a small lamp giving off a soft yellow light and looking up Malaysia hotels and tickets to surprise Kento with when he gets home. 
As the hour shifts to around 3 in the morning you feed Yukie one more time before heading to bed. Knowing Kento he will be upset if you screwed up your sleep schedule just for him. You quickly shower and change into a silk pajama set before lying down and falling into a dreamless slumber quickly. 
You wake up around 9 to the sound of your doorbell ringing. Kento is still not home, but maybe he is getting ahead on his paperwork so he can spend the rest of his time with you and Yukie today. The house is cold, as you slip a robe on to answer the door. When you get down the bell rings again as you open the door to Ijichi, who is already fully bowed down. 
“I’m very sorry to inform you…”
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satoruhour · 1 year
Hiii!!! I absolutely LOVE your jjk racer au's and am dying for more!!! Could you do one of megumi this time? It can be how they meet or anything really<3 absolutely love all your works and hope your having a great day!!
a/n: hi baby yess thank you for the support <3 i know you’ve been liking my stuff pretty often but im so sorry to have taken so long to get to this! i hope you like it 🥹 / part of the racer!jjk au universe, megs and reader both in uni / 0.9k
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[9:02pm, megs 🖤🏁]: hi angel. also you still studying?
there’s a text that comes in from megumi one school night, but you don’t see its contents when your head stays in your hands from the sheer stress of trying to cramp everything before an important exam tomorrow. nothing’s going in, however, from how distracted you seem to be with what questions would appear, whether you’d have enough time, if—
[9:05pm, megs 🖤🏁]: hey, look out your window
your confusion immediately melts away when you hear the rev of an engine along the barren road of the street you stay on, and your breath releases upon seeing the familiar head of black-hair peeking out from the window, a small smile etched onto his face. with a beckoning hand from you, his head tilts and you know what he’s asking. parents not home?
you shake your head, making out an eating gesture, went out for dinner.
it was unfortunate, how they saw megumi as just another bad influence, especially from how racing was still fairly taboo in japan. ‘give it a hundred years and they’ll still be bad for you, the culture, the pollution.’ you can’t bother to hear the rest of your parents’ explanation when you tell them you’ve started dating fushiguro megumi, but thankfully they’re too busy to care about whether your life goes to shit or not.
but you’re lucky megumi treats you like the moon treats the sun: taking the backseat while you rant about that annoying professor. he treats you like painters do to their muse: gentle, delicate, a million memories of your anatomy burned into his brain from how long he’s stared at you.
in a minute, he’s knocking on your front door and you’re there in half, smiling wide to welcome him, albeit with a tension in the corners of your lips. 
“let’s go drift, c’mon.”
you frown, not letting the calming brush of this thumb against the back of your hand change your mind, “i can’t, megs. got studyin’ to do.”
megumi has gotten bolder the more he’s been with you, although still with shaky hands and a speeding heart. he brushes the hair out of your face, knitted eyebrows and red eyes seemingly permanently there from how much you’ve looked at your notes.
“do you actually remember anything you’ve studied, my love?” he’s the one to frown now, fingers gliding down to your cheeks and jaw. it’s comfortable there from how you lean into his touch, and you want to stay there forever, but you only sigh, head falling forward to collide with his chest while his lips make contact with your hair — when you shake your head, you can only feel the smile growing on the other’s face.
“go put my jacket on,” megumi pecks your head and you roll your eyes beneath him because he’s always right and you hate it sometimes, but that reality check is good when you can’t shove the logarithm equations into your brain and your boyfriend is a racer, “let’s go for a drive, hm?” clad in the denim jacket you kept with you on your last visit, megumi’s cold hands hold yours as he drags you to his car, a 2001 Nissan Silvia S15 with some dark blue finishing.
within minutes, you’re already putting exams and notes and studying behind you, laughing in the passenger seat with megumi smiling too, easily driving to the mountain he’s always trained at. with a nod toward you, his eyes just look for yours, a mix of question and ardour that always seem to get the message across. ready?
the drift up the mountain is filled with secret glances and hurting cheeks and the screeching tires of his Nissan, experienced enough to look away from the road to return those glances to you every time he makes a turn and you’re looking like everything right in this moment. megumi can only hope it’s the same for you.
at the mountain’s peak, megumi can hardly hold himself back when you’re staring across the cityscape against his car, eyes sparkling from the moonlight and the blue finishing of the car reflecting against your jaw from below — he feels his breath be fully taken away just like the first time his father had taken him drifting, but it doesn’t (never) compares to whenever he looks at you.
with a hand pulling you away from the vast scenery, megumi fully believes his heart stops when your eyes are torn away from the city lights, focusing only on the other. there’s a soft smile on your face and he leans in, palms clammy and his heart going faster than his Nissan in a race — his lips finally meet yours before you arms wrap around the racer, humming into the kiss. megumi props you on the hood on his car easily, standing between your legs as oxygen begins to become scarce.
“you know we could’ve just kissed at my house, y’know?”
the tips of megumi’s ears redden and you laugh, playing with the neckline hem of his t-shirt, “yeah. well— i couldn’t have one night out with my girl?” 
it’s said so grumpily and quietly that you almost don’t catch it, but the tranquillity of the mountains provides you with uninterrupted silence, save for the chatter of the cicadas and the occasional call of the night birds. the little statement makes you only grin bigger as you prop your feet onto the front bumper, pulling him in by the belt loops.
megumi thinks you’ve only gotten more attractive by doing that, you shiver when his hands go back to your face — the both of you so oblivious to each other's desire for the other.
“yes we can, especially when i want to spend more time with my racer boyfriend, too.”
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jadedacademic · 19 days
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first day of class!! i'm so excited i woke up at 6:30 even though my ONE lecture isn't until 12:00...oh well. plenty of time to get through this 30 page chapter on financial accounting and to bask in the study vibes of the uni library 😩 i also got some coffee this morning, which i usually never do, but the text in this book is so small my eyes started to cross...can't really feel the caffeine much but it tastes good. the weather is really nice out and i'm completely in love with this study hall it's so cozy and QUIET. definitely returning here, probably already tomorrow lol. also my studygroup is meeting tomorrow, we'll see how that goes. we had to take a very psychological-assesment type of test to get sorted into these groups so i have high expectations. think i'm gonna get a sandwich before the lecture and try to finish this chapter. also complete catastrophe: i ran out of sticky notes and now i have to go buy some after school 🫣 long long day ahead.
tip: find a study space that works for you. i like to have a study space outside of home, that way i don't have to think about studying when i am at home, and vice versa. also there's more room. be sure to bring snacks though so you don't fall for the lure of the coffee shop and spend all your money on croissants 😳
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA (rape), Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ content, Stalking, Jealousy, Angst, Possessiveness, (let me know if there’s more that needs to be added!)
Word Count: 1.02k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @m-the-little-witch
A/N: Ah, I hope y’all feel lucky. Two chapters in one day! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope I captured Randy, Billy, and Stu’s personality correctly. Thank you so much for reading! I’m hoping I’d get an update out tomorrow, but if not, it should be up later on this week at some point so keep an eye open. I also wrote this on my iPad, so I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. I’ll proofread again tomorrow and put out an updated version. Oh, again, if you wanna be added to the tag list, just comment down below. Thank you :)
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 3
“Remember, your principal loves you, and I want you to be safe. All students are encouraged to return to their homes promptly from school grounds…” The principal spoke over the PA, “Avoid strangers, walk in twos and threes—“
You pinched the bridge of your nose, visibly stressed from all the questioning. You haven’t a clue why you were so upset about everything, you weren’t the killer, but for some reason it felt like you were. Maybe you should’ve lied? Twisted the story a bit so you didn’t reveal you were a mistress at some point in your life.
“I am a slut..” You mumbled, dragging your fingers down your face, causing your eyes to droop. “Now Brooke is definitely going to find out, how am I to confront her on that?” You asked no one in particular.
You stared at the vibrant blue sky, squinting when the sun flashed your eyes. “Have mercy on me, please?” You begged the man upstairs, not expecting an answer in return.
“What kind of questions did they ask you, Sid?” You heard Tatum’s voice in the distance.
You blew a raspberry, putting your brave face on and sauntered over to your friend group at the fountain.
“They asked if I knew Casey…” Sidney’s voice soon followed.
“Hi, guys!” You chirped, sitting in front of Stu, Billy, Tatum and Sidney, unintentionally stopping their conversation.
“Hello, Sweetcheeks!” Stu blurted, eyes glazing over you, a small smirk planted on his lips. “What took you so long?” He groaned, “It’s always so boring when you aren’t here!” He frowned, tossing his head back.
“Gee, thanks Stu..” Tatum snipped, causing you to giggle.
You looked over to Billy, seeing Sidney leaning against his legs, your face contorting in disgust as jealousy was creeping up on you. You mentally slapped yourself, looking away and back at Stu.
“Uh, they had me stay longer for questioning…” You admitted, leaning back against your bag, stretching out your legs.
“Huh? Why?” Billy asked, curiously.
“Yeah, why’s that?” Sidney mumbled.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.
“Just reasons, I guess.”
“Speaking of questioning, did they ask if you like to hunt?” Stu looked at Billy and Randy who seemed to have shown up out of nowhere.
“Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?” Billy answered and probed, Randy nodded in agreement.
“Hunt? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?” Tatum voiced.
“Because their bodies were gutted.” Randy spoke up, shoving a peanut in his mouth.
“They didn’t ask me if I liked to hunt…” both Sidney and Tatum declared.
Stu looked around, but his eyes always seemed to land on you, which caused you to blush, and chew on your fingernail.
“‘Cause there’s no way a girl could’ve killed ‘em..” Stu laughed.
“That’s bullshit. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct.”
“That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing…” Randy butted in.
“Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.” Stu grinned, still staring at you without realizing it.
You leaned in, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. “Really now? If that’s so, then why did they ask me if I liked to hunt, Stu?” You smirked, catching all of them off guard. “Like Tatum said, the killer could easily be a girl. Though, with how they were killed it was clearly a man. They’re all the same, messy. They like to play with their prey. A woman on the other hand, knows how to get things done, swiftly and cleanly. Why do you think they don’t get caught as easily?” You finished your statement. Drumming your fingers across your lap in triumph.
“That was— I was not expecting that.” Stu laughed loudly, bewilderment lingering around him like an aroma of some sorts. Billy was just as shocked, but more amused.
However, Sidney wasn’t having it. “How… How do you gut someone?” She asked.
“You take a knife—“ Stu started and Billy looked up from his lunch. “And you slit ‘em from the groin to the sternum..”
“Hey.” Billy cut Stu off, glaring at him. “It’s called tact, you fuckrag.”
You sighed, shaking your head.
“Hey, (Y/n)..” Sidney asked, ignoring Billy and Stu’s former conversation.
Your ears perked and you looked at her confused.
“Didn’t you used to date Steve Orth?”
‘Now how in the fuck could she have possibly known that…’ You thought, your ears turning red from anger and you clenched your fist.
“Yeah, for like a couple of months..”
“Hold up, did I miss a chapter or something? When the hell did you date him?” Billy asked, looking somewhat pissed.
“Uh, yeah, I have to agree with Billy here.. when the hell did that happen?” Tatum’s eyes widened, she felt betrayed.
“Jesus, guys, it was only a couple of months, I don’t even know how Sidney found out.” You started, shooting Sidney a glare.
“Can we change the subject, please?”
“Did you sleep with him?” Stu mumbled, starting to get irritated as well.
“All of you, please just shut up. It is not a big deal.” You demanded.
“Are the police aware that you dated the victim?” Randy asked, ignoring your pleas.
“Hey, what are you saying? That I killed both Casey and Steve?” Your mouth gaped at the accusation.
“It just makes sense, ex-girlfriend not over the relationship, gets jealous seeing her lover with someone else… You know, the scorned ex who kills for revenge!” Randy shouted, earning a few stares in the process from passersby’s.
“(Y/n) was with me last night, okay?” Billy spoke, winking at you from behind Sidney.
“Yeah, I was…” You stated, catching Sidney’s eyes darting your way.
“Was that before or after you sliced them up?”
“Hold on, you went to (Y/n)‘s after you came by my place? You said you were going to Stu’s!” Sidney flared her nostrils, anger bubbling to the surface.
“Oh, brother…” You whispered, face-palming. Seeing Sidney hurriedly packing up her things, she didn’t give neither you or Billy time to explain...
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rewh0re · 1 year
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700+ words, I was watching sex education and idk I just was itching to write this, I've not written like 20 days pls go easy on me, tbh idk what this is I wrote this in like half an hour fml. Idek if I'll put it in my masterlist we'll see
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Loving Reo came easy. He was lovely in all aspects. He was caring, calm, considerate and over all he treated you like you deserved the world. You felt yourself around him. He made you feel carefree.
Reo was what people would term as the perfect boyfriend. He would be willing to give you a ride to school, invite you over to his house, and make you meet his parents. He would take you out on the best dates known to mankind, starting from a cute french cafe to the bit on the expensive side Italian restaurant downtown. Reo let you choose the movies on date nights where you stayed over, and he watched it all without a complaint. Even if the movie was one he was not quite a huge fan of.
Your parents loved Reo. They called him 'the famous Mikage Reo' because recently all you ever actually talked to them about was him. Introducing your boyfriend to your parents went way better than you expected. Did they embarrass you? Absolutely. Did Reo playfully tease you about it? Also absolutely. Did that make you unhappy though? No. Maybe a bit of faux anger yes but not unhappy. It felt so right. You had never introduced your previous partners to your parents before but introducing Reo to them felt like the correct thing to do. He was charming. An absolute charmer. Your dad could easily converse about the stock market with him and your mom somehow coaxed the fact out that he baked at times. It was a lovely night that, when it ended and your boyfriend had to depart for his own home, made you a tad bit melancholic.
You bid him farewell and he promised to call once he got home. Dear old you and your dear old habit of being concerned.
"Well did you get home safe?" You enquired through the phone, lying down on your bed.
"Yeah. Yeah I did. You know, my driver wouldn't try and kidnap me," Reo chuckled, clearly joking.
"I know that! It's just...... I am just making sure you're okay. What? Can I not worry about my boyfriend anymore," Reo couldn't see you but he felt your embarrassment through the line. He smiled softly.
"Of Course you can," he sighed. It felt good to be cared for by someone, he thought. It felt good to be cared for by you.
"I gotta go now. Need to complete my homework," you chuckled out as you put an arm over your eyes, grinning wide, cheeks a bit hued because Reo always had that effect on you.
"Bye. Sleep on time I'll see you tomorrow," he said quietly and you thought that this was the right time. You had to say it.
"Oh! Oh! Before you cut the call I wanted to say something," you felt the sudden nerves taking over your body, a mix of excitement and a bit of anxiety as you felt the purple haired boy ask you what it was you needed to say.
"Uhm, I love you Reo," you sucked in a breath, grinning wide, excited for him to say it back.
All you could hear was silence. The line went absolutely quiet and your face morphed into confusion before you checked your phone to see if he was still on call. He was.
"Reo?" Your voice turned into one of concern.
"Oh!" Your voice seemed to bring him back to life. "Well that's uhm.....that's uh.....nice to hear y/n. That's really good to hear."
His nervous chuckle dissipated all the previous excitement you felt. You breathed in as if to gather yourself together but slowly, tears started building up in your waterline. He didn't say it back. He didn't fucking say it back.
You quickly cut the call without saying anything in return. You blinked a few times to make the tears go away. So what if he didn't say it back? You thought. It doesn't have to shatter you. But it did. Somehow, somewhere a small part of you broke.
Reo was truly the perfect boyfriend, you believed that with your whole heart. However, maybe he didn't really love you back the same way you loved him.
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gotham-ruaidh · 8 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 15A: Dreams
Wilmington, North Carolina
Labor Day Weekend, 1988
I'm hung up on dreams I'll never see Help me baby, or this will surely be the end of me…
 - Dreams, The Allman Brothers Band (1969) [click here to listen]
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“I’ll be upstairs in just a few minutes. Did you finish your reading?”
Ten-year-old William MacKenzie shook his head. “I was going to, but that’s when Daddy arrived with Jamie and Claire – I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. And then it was time for dinner, and then - ”
Gillian Duncan MacKenzie bent to kiss her son’s forehead. “All right then. Why don’t you get yourself all caught up?”
William’s eyes darted over to Claire, seated across from his mother at the kitchen table, sipping sweet tea.
“Jamie and I will be here all weekend,” she smiled. “You’ll have plenty of time to talk with him about music tomorrow.”
His face brightened. “OK! See you in the morning!”
Claire couldn’t help but smile as William darted out of the room, footsteps quickly thudding on the stairs.
Gillian turned to face her guest. “He’s so excited. It’s not every day that a bona fide rock star is here in sleepy Wilmington.”
“Thank you for asking him to not tell his friends at school. I’m used to the attention now – ”
Gillian raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Are you?”
Claire shrugged. “Well – no. I don’t know if I ever will be. But one thing that won’t change is how much we value our privacy. So – thank you.”
“Of course, Claire. Privacy and discretion are what I do professionally – how could I not extend the same courtesy to you, when you’re a guest in my home?”
“Still. Thank you.”
A beat. Claire sipped the sweet tea Gillian had made – the same recipe she’d grown to love, those months at The Ridge. Gillian gently pulled Claire’s left hand across the table, studying her rings.
“You said this was his grandmother’s engagement ring?”
Claire nodded. “He inherited it when she died. His sister Jenny kept it for him, until he asked her for it. Called her the day he got home from The Ridge, and went to see her the next day. He gave it to me a few weeks later.”
“A man who knows what he wants.”
Claire smiled. “And I’m a woman who knows what she wants.”
Gillian returned the smile, then focused on the wide band next to the engagement ring.
“I love how solid and simple your ring is. Silver?”
“Platinum. His is the same. Wide enough for an inscription on the inside.”
“I do,” she had whispered. Smiling through the tears. Thinking he looked just a bit ridiculous in his suit. Sliding the band inscribed “Forever My Love” across his knuckle.
“I do,” he had whispered. Eyes burning, full of awe. Agape at the simple gray dress she had chosen, his mother’s pearls around her throat. Sliding the band inscribed “Forever My Heart” onto her finger.
“I am so pleased to…” Professor Quentin Lambert Beauchamp loudly blew his nose into a polka-dotted handkerchief. “Excuse me. I am so pleased to pronounce you husband and wife. Jamie, you may kiss your bride.”
He did. To the applause of the ten dear friends gathered in Joe and Gail Abernathy’s Boston backyard.
“That’s beautiful.” Gillian lay her own left hand on the table, adorned only by a thin gold ring. “Dougal never gave me an engagement ring, and he insisted I have the gold band for our marriage. His is silver. He had just sunk all of his money into building The Ridge, and we couldn’t even afford flowers at the reception.”
“That’s beautiful, too, Gillian. And I understand why you wouldn’t want to upgrade. Because what you have now, is that much more meaningful.”
“I was sitting here, when Joe and Gail staged the intervention.” Jamie looked over at his wife – his wife!! – gazing up into the arbor behind the house. “The vines were heavy with grapes. I remember thinking, how appropriate that I’m looking at what could be wine.”
He pulled her closer against his side, and kissed the top of her head. Careful of the tortoiseshell combs that Jenny had so lovingly placed in Claire’s hair as she got ready this afternoon.
“Ian confronted me in a hotel room in…Sacramento, I think. I had been so wasted on stage the night before, slurring through half the songs. Jenny had come to see Ian, and she was so scared for me. She had already done the research, made a few phone calls. I puked the whole flight across country to North Carolina.”
“It’s always the ones we love who we hurt the most,” she murmured.
“I’m never going to hurt you, Claire. You know that, right?”
She turned to face her husband – her husband!! – and smiled. Reassuring.
“I do. And you know I’m never going to hurt you, Jamie. Right?”
He nodded. Couldn’t help but kiss her.
Dougal MacKenzie and Alec MacMahon turned the corner, and cheered. “Here you are! Come on – don’t let us have all the fun without you. Can’t miss your own wedding reception!”
Gillian nodded. “I don’t need it. I have the life we’ve built together, and our son, and a man who somehow thinks the sun rises and sets with me. I’ll never understand it.”
Claire swallowed.
Of course Gillian noticed.
“Don’t ever doubt how much he loves you, Claire. I’ve seen you two together – you’re so natural with each other. That’s never going to change.”
She clenched her hand into a fist. Centering herself.
“It’s…it’s just so…intense, with him,” she whispered.
“We don’t have to tonight, Jamie. We have forever, now.”
His hands shook as his thumb softly, softly traced down her neck, across the pearls, and settled into the cleft between her breasts.
“I want to, Claire. I want you so much I can scarcely breathe. I just…”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Gillian asked gently. “I can be your therapist, or I can be your friend. But I will listen.”
Claire took a deep, calming breath. “Being on tour – I see now how he developed the addictions. Every aspect of it is so stressful. He feels so much pressure to lead his band, to write music, to live up to the fans’ expectations. And he has to deal with the label and the tour manager and the production guys, and do media, and somehow find time to eat and shower and sleep on top of all of that.” Her thumb twisted her wedding ring. “He’d use the drugs to come up, and the alcohol to come down. And the women to just forget about everything for a while.”
“Are those groupies?”
Colum had organized a small gathering for the band and crew to celebrate the first show of the acoustic tour. No alcohol or drugs in the room – though Claire quickly learned that the rules by no means extended to hallways and bathrooms and storage rooms at the venue.
Jamie squeezed her hand, standing side by side in the corner, both of them holding a can of Tab.
“Yeah. I can ask them to leave, if you’re feeling uncomfortable.”
“No need.” She dropped his hand and quietly approached the four women giggling on the other side of the room.
“Ladies. I’m Claire Beauchamp. I’m with him.”
She turned slightly, looked at Jamie over her shoulder, and then turned back to her audience.
“So?” A girl wearing a strategically ripped Def Leppard t-shirt popped her gum. “That’s not what I heard about the last time he was here.”
Claire’s eyes narrowed. “That was then. This is now. I will say this only one time. If you even think about flashing a boob, or smiling at him, or trying to get him alone? I will end you.”
The girls gaped.
“Tell all your friends here in Albuquerque, please. Are we clear?”
“And now, that you’re there with him?”
Claire smiled. “He’s eating and sleeping a lot better. Has a lot more energy. He so desperately wants to do everything right. And I’m not going to lie, Gillian – seeing him perform the songs he wrote for me at The Ridge, and then being there when he comes off stage, all keyed up from singing and playing the guitar…”
“It sounds like in many respects he’s replaced his additions with you.”
Claire looked up, meeting Gillian’ gaze. “Of course he has. The album and lead single will be called She’s My Addiction. Doesn’t get any more obvious than that.”
“And how do you feel about that, Claire?”
She lay her hands flat on the table. “I’ve never felt more…loved, and cherished, than when I’m with Jamie.”
She frowned and opened her eyes when he stopped brushing her hair, one morning in Minneapolis.
“What – ”
The pads of his fingers swept the left side of her neck, still a bit tender from his kisses after last night’s show. “I bruised you. I’m sorry.”
“Hmm. I’m not.”
She swallowed. “But it’s so, so hard sometimes. He loves me for who I am, but I don’t want to do anything to fuck it up. And he stresses over so much that he doesn’t have to. Gillian, he’s been having panic attacks all tour.”
“My God. Is he seeing anyone to help with that?”
Claire sighed. “You’re looking at her. Thank God I did that psych rotation when I was in med school. I’ve helped him recognize the signs, and he knows enough to tell me when it’s happening so that we can get away and I can help him through it. But I’m not a psychiatrist. I can’t be everything he needs. He has to do a lot of work to explore what’s triggering him, so that he can manage that. Because after we take the break at the end of the year, we’ll be on the road for most of ’89. The label has booked more than a hundred shows.”
“And you’ll be with him?”
“Of course. He’s the air I breathe. I know this sounds insane, but we want to try for a baby next year. That way he can be off the road, off touring, to be with me if the timing lines up.” She sighed. “So I’ve talked to him about bringing a therapist with us on tour. He needs to have that kind of support from someone other than me. Especially when we’re in Europe and he’s playing soccer stadiums and dealing with a next level of bullshit.”
“Do you want some recommendations? Between Dougal and I, we can definitely help you find someone.”
Claire smiled thinly. “That would be wonderful. It has to be someone we both trust. Who can deal with all the craziness.”
Gillian nodded. “Consider it our wedding gift to you. I – we – really want to help you. You know this, Claire – getting sober is hard, but staying sober is so, so much harder. It does and doesn’t get easier with time. Dougal would say the same thing.”
“Do you ever miss it?”
She settled her chin into his shoulder, nestled securely in his lap. Together they watched the cornfields of Iowa glide by, thousands of feet below.
“No. Not really. The pills helped me deaden the pain. And my life doesn’t have that kind of pain at all, now.”
The private plane had four clusters of four seats, two seats on each side facing each other with a table in between. Jamie and Claire always had a cluster to themselves. Ian, his bass tech, Jamie’s guitar tech Arch, and Angus’ drum tech always sat together. Colum kept to himself. Leaving Angus in the final cluster – which he shared with the two groupies he’d been surprisingly faithful to since Albuquerque. He hated flying, but the girls certainly made it easier for him – plying him with snacks, rubbing his back, squeezing him between them in the big seat.
Claire turned slightly, and inhaled at his temple. Kissed his earlobe as he shivered. “I know you miss it, Jamie. And it’s OK.”
His grip tightened on her hip. “You taste so much better,” he whispered. Eyes far away.
Claire wiped the corners of her eyes. “I just love him, Gillian. So fucking much.” She took a deep breath. “I’m so proud of him, for everything he’s done, and for the man he’s worked so hard to become. I’m not going to lie – sometimes it’s so damn hard to deal with everything. With all of his past shit, and how he still lets it mess with his head. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve told him that none of it bothers me. Not the drugs, or the alcohol, or the destroyed hotel rooms, or what is probably hundreds of women. I can’t let any of that bother me, because that’s not the Jamie I know. But Gillian…”
Gillian reached across the table and took Claire’s hand.
“He makes everything so fucking hard sometimes. He starts to spiral, and he worries that I’ll have had enough and walk away. But then we just take a deep breath, and we look at each other, and all the bullshit is gone, and it’s just so easy again.”
“You need a day off!”
Jamie rubbed his hands over his face, exasperated. “I do have a day off tomorrow, Claire. You know as well as I do that there isn’t a show.”
She huffed, hands on her hips. “Not the point, Jamie. I saw the call sheet for tomorrow. You’re meeting with the label, and then with Colum to talk to the merch guy, and then the lighting team, and then you’re doing some local radio spots. That’s NOT a day off!”
He shrugged. “At least we can get dinner together and it won’t be shitty venue food.”
She pursed her lips, trying so hard not to scream. “Do you not remember the panic attack last night? You were sobbing in my arms, Jamie. It was really, really bad. And then you were so exhausted, but you wanted to be a hero and do the show anyway, and then you tripped over your fucking amp when you went on stage and could have broken your arm. Where would that leave us, hmm?”
He reached out to her – and she stepped back.
Not done with him yet. 
“You need rest, Jamie. Your body is going to shut down. And that won’t be good for anybody.”
“Is that your medical opinion, Dr. Beauchamp?”
A hint of a smile. Good.
“Yes. I’m your personal physician. I’m prescribing a day in bed, sleeping.”
He smirked. “OK. But only if you’re in it, too.”
She shrugged. “I’m not making any sense.”
“Yes you are,” Gillian smiled. “You said it’s intense between you – there’s no way it couldn’t be. Set aside his being a musician, and being in just about the biggest band in the world right now. Think about how and when you met. What had happened to both of you beforehand. All the changes you’ve made in both of your lives, in a relatively short timeframe. It’s overwhelming. And being on the road with him this summer had to have just upped that intensity.”
“We’re together non-stop. Which has been great, because we have so much time. We have what nobody else has, and I treasure that, I really do. But it’s also exhausting sometimes.” Claire paused, considering. “Nobody else knows what I’m about to tell you, but it’s another factor. We…we didn’t…” She closed her eyes. “We waited until our wedding night.”
Gillian’s silence was a gift.
“We were both so scared. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I think we were worried that…that it wouldn’t be good, for some reason. And it was good, Gillian. So fucking good. We both cried.”
“You’re everything.” He kissed her nose and cheeks and forehead and mouth over and over and over again, his tears mixing with hers. “My heart is going to burst.”
She hugged him tighter, nails digging into the flames tattooed on his shoulders. “Love you,” she whispered, breathless. “Love you love you love you love you…”
“I don’t need to tell you this, Claire, but I will anyway. It’s been a really good decision to spend so much time together, to really get to know each other, before you were married. Both of you deliberately wanted your relationship to be different from anything you’d known or done before. And now that last barrier is gone between you. So everything has changed, am I right?”
Indianapolis. Married one week. He couldn’t stop smiling at her, standing side stage during the show. She couldn’t stop giggling when he found her after the encore, threw her over his shoulder, and ran to his dressing room. His breath hot against her lips, breathlessly pleading for her to stay quiet, as they loved each other on the sofa and the techs and roadies and catering people and production staff bustled by the locked door.
“It has, Gillian. But in many ways it hasn’t. It feels like yesterday, and it feels like forever.”
New Haven. Married two weeks. The morning after a powerhouse show at the Coliseum. A penthouse suite overlooking the water. She had slipped out of bed in the dark, opened the curtains wide. Watched him watch her as she returned to bed. Held his gaze as they loved each other, dawn breaking over their faces.
“I get that. You’ve introduced another layer to your relationship. Probably the most complex layer that there is.”
Providence. Married two weeks and two days. Holding each other in a bath, Jamie’s hand splayed across her belly, Claire’s nose buried in the curtain of his hair.
“So, be patient with yourself, Claire. Cut yourself a break.” Gillian reached across the table to squeeze her hand. “And just enjoy yourself! My God – what an incredible life you have.”
Claire’s smile was the widest Gillian had ever seen.
“Holy shit. I married a rock star.”
“I heard that!”
And then Jamie was there, smiling, and kissing Claire’s smile.
Dougal hung back in the doorway. Exchanging smiles with his own wife.
“Come on, rock star. You said you’d help me hook up the new CD player.”
Jamie pulled back. Rubbed his nose against Claire’s.
“Hey, Dougal?”
Dougal crossed his arms. “What?”
Jamie stood. Squeezed Claire’s hands. Kissed her wedding ring.
“Love is a much better high than any drug.”
Dougal rolled his eyes. “I’ll put that on the new pamphlets we’re printing up for The Ridge. But the stereo won’t install itself. Help out, and I’ll even let you play that new stuff you brought.”
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taexbankai · 8 months
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I only want you
Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a story in about 6 years so i’m extremely rusty so PLEASE bear with me😭. I wanted to make a story that had smut but an actual plot with it so there will definitely be more chapters coming out! Also if there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes i apologize! I’ve been writing this story while at work so i read over it but i miss stuff sometimes
The first time i met satoru was about 13 years ago. I was only 5 years old, my big brother suguru was 8. Suguru came home one day after school and asked our mom if he could bring a friend over after school tomorrow. My mom said yes and that was what started it all
the next day after school suguru came home and he brought his friend.
“hello, nice to meet you! I’m satoru gojo” the white haired boy said as he introduced himself to my mom.
“hello gojo nice to meet you! are you hungry? would you like anything to eat?” My mom said as she smiled at him
“yes please” gojo said as he returned her smile. I on the other hand couldn’t stop myself from staring at him. His pretty white hair and his beautiful blue eyes were so new to me, i couldn’t help but want to get closer to him.
“this is my little sister y/n” I heard suguru say which snapped me out of my thoughts. Gojo came over to me with a smile on his face
“hello y/n, i’m suguru’s best friend nice to meet you” he said as he looked right into me eyes
“h-hi” I said as i looked down at my feet, too shy to look him back in the eyes. I heard him and suguru laugh before suguru asked him if he wanted to go into his room and play the game. As they walked upstairs i immediately went into the kitchen to talk to my mom.
“mom, suguru’s best friend is super cute!” i said thinking back to how he smiled at me when he introduced himself to me, a smile slowly finding it’s way onto my face just thinking about him.
“aww, y/n’s first crush is her big brother’s best friend” my mom teased as she laughed at me.
——— time skip a few years sorry y’all lol
I am now 14 soon turning 15 and a sophmore in highschool. My brother and his best friend are now seniors in high school. I’ve become closer to satoru but my once innocent little crush has turned into being full on in love with him. Once i turned 14 i realized my feeling for satoru were more than just a little crush.
“i’m serious shoko!” i said to my best friend on facetime while combing my hair before bed
“ but y/n why gojo out of all people? he’s not even cute” shoko said to me with a very unimpressed look on her face as i ranted to her about satoru for the 15th time today
“ i’ve decided to just suck it up and tell him how i feel at my birthday party. I invited him and he said he’ll definitely be there” i told her as i turned off my room light and turned my led lights on as i laid down in my bed
“okay and what about your brother? he’s not gonna be happy about you wanting to date his best friend” shoko said
“i know… that’s why i just won’t tell him” i said as i looked over to my clock
“ anyways it’s almost 12 so i’m going to go to bed, text me when you get up bestie” i told shoko as i turned on my side, grabbing my phone charger
“okay, goodnight bestie love you”
“goodnight, love you too”
“y/n are you up?”
i woke up to someone knocking on my door
“hmm?” i said while turning on my other side curling into a ball, slowly falling back to sleep
“i’m coming in” i heard my brother’s voice say as my room door opened
“y/n what flavor cake did you want for the party? i need you to tell me now because i want to put in a order so it’s ready by saturday” suguru said as he sat down on my bed and pulled his phone out
“you can pick” i said, pulling my blanket over my head, desperately trying to go back to sleep
“okay, i don’t want to hear any complaints then” he said as he sighed and laid down next to me while on his phone
“get off! you’re on top of my blankets” i said to suguru, annoyed that he laid down on top of the blanket instead of underneath
“nah” he said and turned on his side. I angrily got up from underneath my blanket and tried to pull the blanket from underneath suguru
“you’re so heavy!” i said as he just sat there and laughed. After 5 minutes of pulling i just gave up and laid back down trying to go back to sleep
“who all did you invite to the party?” suguru suddenly asked me
“not that many people. Shoko, satoru, and a few other friends from school” i said as i looked at him. He nodded and started texting someone on his phone
“why?” i asked, curious now
“no reason, just wanted to know if i could invite some people” he said
“eww, you wanna invite your girlfriend” i said teasing him
“shut up. and she’s not my girlfriend” he said as he slightly pushed me
“yuki is always over and you’re always hanging out with her, you might as well just date her” i said
“enough about me, when are you going to get a boyfriend” he said to me slightly laughing
“ i already like someone right now” i said accidentally. my eyes widened once i realized what i said
“oh really? who is it?” suguru asked as he locked his phone and put it down, his attention now fully on me
“it doesn’t matter who it is” i said as i turned and looked at everything but him
“i wanna know who, just in case i gotta beat him up” suguru jokingly said
“can you not be an annoying big brother for like 5 minutes please?” i said as i rolled my eyes and started laughing
“no really though, i want to know” suguru said. just when i ran out of excuses to give him his phone started ringing
“you can just come inside the doors unlocked. I’m in y/n’s room” suguru said. the person on the other side of the phone said something before suguru hung up
“who was that?” i asked
“satoru” he said
“don’t think i’m letting you off the hook. I wanna know the boy my little sister has a crush on” suguru said in a mocking voice
“y/n has a crush on someone?! who is it?” satoru said as he suddenly bursted into my room
“both of you get out of my room!” i said, now super shy since satoru came into my room
“you can tell me, i won’t tell anybody” satoru said as he sat down on my bed. He looked at me over the top of his black glasses
“next time toru” i said as i grabbed my phone trying to distract myself
“now can you both leave so i can get in the shower?” i added, trying to change the topic as i stood up and began walking to my bathroom
“wait, what flavor did you want your cake? i’m helping suguru get stuff ready for the party” satoru asked me as he stood up and stopped me by grabbing my shoulders.
“white” i said quickly without giving satoru a chance to respond before turning around and going into my bathroom
“now both go you get out” i said as i closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower water
first chapter is done! i really hope you all end up enjoying the story as i continue writing it 😭 please lmk if it’s terrible or if you’re actually liking it so far!
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raya-hunter01 · 25 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 13 Final
Not My Sister’s Keeper
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X OC(Regina)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspiciously.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Five Months Later
Rebecca’s House
Rebecca’s POV
“Sweetie I’m just glad you agreed to come over to help me cook thanksgiving dinner.”
“I know you trying mama and I’m going to try to meet you halfway.” Kara said with a tired sigh rubbing her belly.
“Wait were you using the bathroom?” I asked seeing the shower in the background.
“Yes, the baby keeps sitting on my bladder and I’m peeing constantly,” Kara moaned washing her hands.
“I guess I didn’t help calling you at 7:00 a.m.,” I joked as Kara genuinely smiled.
“It’s no problem, I be up with the chickens these days trying to get comfortable.”
“It will end soon enough and then you’re going to be tired from lack of sleep.”
“I can’t wait either.”
My daughter was going to be an amazing mother. “Uh, is Josh still leaving later on today?”
“Yea, he’s gotta film some stuff but he will back tomorrow night in time for thanksgiving. Tani is going to drop me off at your house and come back and get me when I’m ready.”
“Well, that’s nice of her, I know how I ain’t on her list of people she likes.”
“Karbug, who on the phone?” I heard Jey asked as I chuckled seeing Kara turn the camera on him.
“Hey, Josh sorry to wake ya’ll up so early.”
“Nah, you good I got to get up soon anyway,” he said waving at me.
 “I know ya’ll want to spend a little more time together, so I’ll let you go. I love you, Kara and be safe coming out in this weather.”
“I love you too mama, and I will. See you a little later.”
“I felt joyful, I had my baby back and was about to become a grandma again. While fixing breakfast for Logan, our local news alert interrupted my favorite morning show. “What the hell goin’ on now in the middle of a fucking hurricane.”
Channel 10 news
“I am April, and this is Channel 10 news. Early this morning before daybreak we’ve been told three inmates escaped the Pensacola Women’s State Prison. A security breach occurred, and caused the prison to go into lockdown, but three prisoners managed to bypass the system and count of inmates.”
“Oh my god,” I gasped in shock…This isn’t happening…Not now.
“Through an emergency investigation it was discovered Taylor Green, a newly hired guard was having sexual encounters with the three women. In exchange for the sexual encounters, Green helped the inmates escape.”
“Lord, please don’t let it be her...Don’t let it be her.”
“As of 7:00 a.m. two of the women have been captured but Tia Morris is still at large and is armed and dangerous. Please be safe everyone and if you have any information, please call 911.”
“Tia…What are you doin’?”
Cutting the TV off, I rushed to check the doors to make sure everything was locked and secure.  The storm raged outside and within me as I rushed upstairs to check on Logan.
 I signed in relief seeing her still asleep. Gently kissing her forehead, I then went and checked the rest of the upstairs before going back downstairs.
“Calm down Rebecca, she probably on the road trying to get the hell outta town. Your safe and Logan is safe,” I whispered trying to calm down but deep down I felt something bad was going to happen.
-Jey’s & Kara’s House
Jey’s POV
These last five months had been a dream, and it was getting harder and harder to leave Kara. She had been traveling with me some during her pregnancy, I even bought us a bus. I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible when she was with me.
She had been doing great up until these last two months though. Our son or daughter was determined to make his or her arrival early. We had been spending a lot of time at the hospital lately stopping her labor.
 Then the baby, won’t cooperate at all during the ultrasounds so we still don’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl. We don’t care though as long as he or she is healthy.
“Jey, we will be fine, you’re coming back tomorrow night.”
“I don’t want to leave ya’ll though,” I said kissing Kara’s belly. The storm raging outside making even harder to leave. I wanted to stay home in this bed with my wife.
“Well daddy, you gotta go so you can film. Then you get to come home and be with us for the next nine weeks.”
Damn right I was, my mom was going to stay with us, but I wanted to be home to be with Kara and the baby. I was going into a feud with the new bloodline so we were going to film some stuff that would air over the next two months. Then when I come back, I will be rejoining Roman and Jimmy to reunite the original bloodline.
“Doody, you heard me?” Kara said running her fingers through my hair.
“Yea, I heard you baby. I know I gotta go, but I don’t like it.”
“We will be fine, I promise.”
 “Hey, I’mma need you to stay in mama’s belly while I’m gone kid. No hospital visits, please.”
“I know right, these hospital visits with these contractions ain’t been no joke but I haven’t had any for two weeks.”
 Feeling a strong kick, I smiled and kissed her stomach. “I will take that kick as you telling yo’ daddy you gon’ be good,” I chuckled getting up and grabbing my bag.
“Let me get up-” gently pushing her back against her pillow, I shook my head.
“Nope….. Stay there, Ma will be here soon.” Leaning over to kiss her I knew I had to leave now, or I wouldn’t. “Fine, I’ll sleep a little longer,” she whispered against my lips. “Thank you for your cooperation, Ma.”
I suddenly had a nagging feeling, but I don’t want to scare her. It probably was me just not wanting to leave her.
“Be safe, we love you, daddy.”
“I love ya’ll too, and I’ll be back soon.”
Walking out of our bedroom I looked back one last time at my family quickly taking my phone out and snapping a picture of Kara laying in bed her belly on full display.
“Bye, Josh.”
“Ok, I’m gone…Love ya’ll.”
“We love you too!”
I felt like I should have stayed but I tried to push down the feeling that I was making a big mistake leaving.
Two hours Later
Kara’s Parents House
Rebecca’s POV
Still no updates on Tia but the prison assured me they were looking everywhere but told me to stay put. I tried to call Kara but no answer, I even called their house phone. It was best if she just stayed home and didn’t come over. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her or the baby. “Come on Josh, pick up.”
“This is josh, you know what to do. Leave it at the beep..Yeet.”
“Josh, its Rebecca. I’ve tried to get Kara on the phone, but she isn’t picking up. Tia has escaped and they can’t find her, don’t leave the house or if you have go back!”  
“Oh my god, No! Logan, sweetie, are you ok?!” I yelled running upstairs. Peeking in on her again I saw her still sound asleep. What the hell is going on?
Once again, I cautiously headed to check out my room.  As I opened the door, I heard a loud bang followed by a sharp pain shot through my stomach.
Tia’s POV
That was so easy, I didn’t think it would be this simple. “I told you that you’d be sorry.” I didn’t want to hurt my mother, all she had to do was listen and help me. She turned her back on me so as far as I’m concerned she’s collateral damage.
T-T-Tia, don’t h- hurt the baby,” my mother cried collapsing to the floor in pain. Not a care in the world about her own self.
“I would never ever hurt her; she’s coming with me.” I couldn’t leave without her; she was my ticket to getting what I needed out of Roman.
As my mother lay gasping for breath, I grabbed her cellphone as she tried to reach for it.
“Oh, you want help? Well, go find the phone,” I said throwing it out of the room as she sobbed in defeat. Just as I was about to go get Logan I heard the front door open.
“Ma, you ok? My phone is acting up and I saw I had some missed calls. Tani dropped me off and went to run a quick errand but will be back in a bit to take me to Verizon. I swear Jey will lose his mind if he can’t get in touch with me,” Kara rambled as she walked around downstairs looking for mama.  I couldn’t believe my luck right now.
“Oh, this is too good. I swear God loves me,” I chuckled as my mother lay gasping for breath pulling at my legs.” N- No, T- Tia.”
“Get off me,” I hissed kicking as I heard Kara coming up the stairs. “Ma, Logan, ya’ll ok?”  
I heard her go into Logan’s room down the hall. “Yea, come on in here next bitch, I got a surprise for you.” I could practically smell the worry on her from down the hall and I loved it.
All I had to do was wait for her to come down here to check on mama.
Kara’s POV
“Logan,” I whispered shaking her a little as she moaned opening her eyes. “Tee Tee, you here,” her tiny innocent voice said stretching her arms out wide.
“Yea, sweetie it’s me. I need you to get up ok, but don’t make a sound.” Making that statement alone in a mere whisper seemed to wake her up as she nodded, giving me a hug.
“Mommy here?” her tiny voice asked with worry as I nodded, holding her close. “Yea, I think so, and I need to get you out of here. Remember what we practiced?” I asked as she nodded.
“I run to Ms. Ruby house, her light on.” She whispered rubbing her tired eyes. “Yes, that’s right pretty girl, her outside porch light will be on and she will get some help for us.”
“I scared Tee Tee.” Logan cried, my heart breaking. Logan was an innocent child who didn’t deserve any of this mess.
“I know baby, but I got you and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” I felt helpless, that we had to teach a four-year-old how to run for help but thank God she was smart and understood.
Tia thought she was smart but the eerie silence when I came in and seeing mom’s phone laying in the hall. I knew something was up and I knew we needed help.
“I left the front door open, and when I go down the hall, I want you to tip toe down the steps, try not to make a noise. Once you get to the front door start runnin’ and don’t stop till you get to Ms. Ruby’s house, ok?”
“Tee Tee come wit me?”
“No baby I can’t run, I’d never make it. That’s why I need your help and no matter what, don’t look back or stop running until you get there. Tell her grandma is hurt and we need help.”
The fear in her tiny face broke my heart but I had to be remain calm on the the outside, inside I was losing it. After I put on her shoes and coat she once again wrapped her tiny arms around me. “I love you Tee Tee Kara.”
“I love you too baby, I want you to always remember that.”
Putting her hood on I took a breath, trying to dial 911 once again but to no avial.. we had no choice it was now or never. As I left her room, I signaled for her to go downstair. Seeing her follow my directions as she tip toed down the steps, I had a hard time controlling my tears.
“Logan, try to get dressed and I will look for grandma sweetie,” I said closing her door. Glancing over the rail, I saw she was finally at the front door. She quickly turned on the porch light and glanced back up at me.
Her tiny face filled with determination as she nodded at me and took off running as fast as her little legs would allow. “Thank God,” I whispered thankful she had escaped.
 Slowly going down the hall I could see Tia’s reflection in the huge hall mirror that was adjacent to my mother’s room. There she was standing in our mother’s room with a gun. I  felt my heart drop hearing my mother crying in pain.
“Run! Kara, get Logan and run!” My mother screamed as I took off back downstairs trying not to fall.
“Uh, not now ,” I cried feeling a sharp pain shot through my stomach. “Not yet please, just give mama a little time,” I pleaded looking for my dad’s gun.
“Looking for daddy’s gun Kara?” Tia’s cold voice sending chills down my spine. It was either me or her and in this moment and I will do anything to keep my child safe, even if it means killing my own sister.
Logan’s POV
I was tired but I couldn’t stop running. Ms. Ruby house was close, I just had to keep running.  “Ms. Ruby!” I cried finally seeing the blue house with the front porch light on. “Ms. Rubby help!” I cried knocking and kicking her door trying to make sure she heard me.
I ran into her arms the minute the door opened. “Ted, call 911 Tia’s at Rebecca’s!” she yelled as I continued to cry. “Please help my grammy and Tee Tee.”
“We’re getting help sweetie, you did so good our sweet girl,” Ms. Ruby whispered, holding me close as I cried.  
Ruby’s POV
“You ok, I got you, sweet girl,” I reassured Logan carrying her inside as my son called the police. “The lines are busy; the hurricane is messing with towers and phone lines.”
 “Keep trying Ted!” I screamed as he nodded once again trying to get help.
“Finally! Yes, we need the police and an ambulance at 1254 Greer Road. Tia Morris, an inmate that escape earlier this morning is there and is dangerous. She has two hostages.”
“I want my daddy,” Logan cried as I pulled out my cell and tried to dial Roman and after a couple of times my phone finally dialed through.
“Hey, Ms. Neslon-”
“Roman have ya’ll left yet?”
“Uh, no we are grounded at the airport until the weather slacks off, is everything ok?”
“Roman, Tia has escaped and is at Rebecca’s.”
“Roman, she got out, but Kara and Rebecca are still in the house with Tia. Rebecca is hurt from what Logan is telling me.”
Putting the phone on speaker I continued to comfort Logan. “Logan, your daddy is on the phone.” Her tiny head perking up at the new information.
“Daddy, she hurt grammy,” she cried as I could hear the worry and relief in Roman’s voice.
“Daddy’s coming my baby, we are so proud of you.”
“Tee Tee help me runway,” she cried as I could hear Roman crying. “Grammy and Tee Tee Kara are going to be ok. I promise.”
Jimmy’s POV
“What you talkin’ bout Uce?” Jey asked hearing Kara’s name. “Daddy loves you and we are on the way to you.” Roman said in a panic hanging up the phone.
“Kevin, get the car back up here we need to get off this plane!” Roman yelled as I felt the room starting to spin.
“Stop and tell us what the fuck is going on!” Jey demanded as Roman wiped his tears. “Tia has Kara and Rebecca hostage. Logan ran to get help, and they have the ambulance and police on the way.”
“Kara…My Kara?” Jey asked in disbelief reaching for his phone as I placed my hand on my shoulder. “She’s gon’ be ok, they both are,” I tried to reassure him.
“Roman, call Regina and warn her,” I advised trying not to freak out as Jey kept redialing Kara’s phone, the color draining from his face each time he got a busy signal or no answer at all.
“Regina it’s me baby, I need you to listen to me carefully.”
Jey’s POV
“We gotta get there!” I yelled pulling away from Jimmy and grabbing my coat. I had to get to my wife, this isn’t happening right now.
“No, I want you to stay at the house and lock everything up. Logan is ok with Ms. Nelson. I don’t need you in any danger, Tia is insane.” “Jimmy, have you heard from Trin? I know she was supposed to help Kara and Rebecca with the food today.” I asked, the realization hitting him hard that Trin was once again in danger of being hurt because of Tia.
The silence as we all tried to call our loved ones frustrating us more and more by the second as each call was met with a busy signal or no answer.
“Pick up, pick up Trin,” he whispered dialing her number again.
“Come on baby, pick up please.” I pleaded. Damn it, where is the fucking car? I kept trying to call Kara but no luck.  I even took a chance calling Rebecca’s house phone.
 “Fuck!” I screamed getting a busy signal, but I kept calling as we made our way to the car.
“Please keep them safe.”
I knew I should have followed my first mind and not even left. The darkness, wind and rain were a blessing in disguise, and I was thankful we were still here when Ms. Nelson called.
“I knew one thing, I was going to Kill her…I was going to kill Tia if Trin didn’t beat me to it.
Rebecca’s house
Trin’s POV
Whoo, I made it. I had gone to the store to get a few more things to help make dinner for tomorrow. I even ran into Tani and told her I would take Kara later on to get her phone looked at and for her to just go home and get out of this weather.
 Hell, I really believe it’s just the weather messing with the towers. After the weather passes, I think we will be good.
“Why the hell is the front door open?” I muttered. “Kara where you at?  I saw Tani at the store and told her that she could go home,” I said walking in and placing the groceries on the counter in the kitchen.
“Trinity, we good, just leave and turn on the porch light. I’ll hit you up later.” I heard Kara yell causing me to pause.
Trinity?.....The porch light?…Why was Kara calling me by my first name, she always calls me Trin…The porch light is already on, what is sh-. ….Oh shit, Tia is here. She was giving me hints, to get the hell out and get help.
“Uh, yea sure, I’ll make sure to turn it on. I love you girly and I’ll holla at you later.” I said going back out to the car. Picking up my phone I tried to dial out and no luck.  
I then drove out the gate and parked my car out of sight a little way down the road and headed back up to the house. I had to think of a way to get back inside, I couldn’t leave Kara.
Kara’s POV
“Where is mama, Tia?” I asked rubbing my stomach as another pain jolted down my spine as she smiled. “Upstairs in her room, hopefully bleeding out or already dead,” she smiled as I gasped seeing Trin’s reflection in the patio window.
We had to get the drop on this crazy bitch, and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I knew I was going into labor because the pain was different than the Braxton hicks I had experienced before.
“I got to get up Logan and pack her a few things. Go over there and have a seat. Looks like you’re in labor sis.”
She still didn’t know Logan was long gone and I had faith she made it to Ruby’s house by now and the police were on the way. I had to believe that. “You sure you ain’t gon’ shoot me in the back again?” I groaned trying to breathe through my current contraction.
“Nah, you safe this time, my niece or nephew is your only saving grace right now,” she whispered watching me closely as I steadied my breathing.
Suddenly another sharp pain it. “The contractions are too close,” I cried collapsing to the floor as I saw Trin looking at me with worry before taking off towards the side of the house.
“You betta hold it in, I ain’t delivering no baby. You on your own with that shit. Just let me get me kid and I’ll leave you to it.”
“I don’t want you touching me anyway, let alone passing your evil ass spirit onto my baby,” I snapped as she kicked me in the stomach. “Now watch yourself,” she hissed as I rolled into a ball.
“Ugh! Fuck you!” I cried cradling my stomach as I felt another kick, this time across my lower back.
“T-Tia stop,” I heard my mom cry as I refused to uncurl my body. I had one job and that was to protect my child.
 “Oh, mama so nice of you to join us. Look at you clawing your way down the stairs to help your baby girl,” Tia laughed as I heard the sound of glass shattering from the side of the house. Trin….Trin was back inside the house.
“What the hell?!” Tia shouted running towards the sound as I pulled myself towards my mother.  “Ma, are you ok?” I cried truly terrified seeing her covered in blood and holding her stomach.
“Yea, get Logan,” she coughed, fighting to keep her eyes open. “I did, she’s gone to get help, just hang on.”
“End it Kara….Keep Logan safe,” she moaned before she passed out from the pain. Feeling her chest rise and fall under my hand I gently kissed her forehead.
“Mama, just hang in there,” I cried. Suddenly, I heard another crash followed by a gunshot.
“Trin!” I screamed, willing myself to my feet in spite of another powerful contraction tearing through my body. I had to help her. “Come on baby, just hang in there for a little while longer,” I pleaded making my way down the hall. I saw the broken window but now sign of Trin or Tia.
“I told you bitch! I warned you didn’t I?” I heard Trin yell as I got closer. Thank God she was ok, they had apparently fought their way up to the second floor.
Grabbling the railing I slowly made my way up the back stairs to the spare bedroom.
Trin’s POV
This bitch really tried to shoot at me and then dodge up the back steps to hide. Nah, not today, you gon’ learn to head the warning.
“I told you I was gon’ show you crazy!” I yelled throwing Tia against the wall as she tried to protect herself. “I’ll kill you!” Tia screamed as I grabbed her by the throat choking her.
 “Not if I kill you first,” I hissed as Tia raked me in the eyes and punched me in the stomach. “You gon’ have to kill me!” Tia screamed, tackling me to the floor as I returned the favor by kneeing her in the stomach and elbowing her in the throat.
Her gasping for breath bringing me great joy. “I’ll be happy to make your wish come true bitch!” I yelled climbing on top of her wrapping my hands back around her throat as I slammed her head against the floor. “Ow,” she hissed grabbing the back of head as I kept on. “I told you not to touch my sister, you just don’t listen.”
“Trin, I can hear the cops” Kara said as I punched her again for good measure before getting up to check on Kara who was now bent over in pain.
“Are you ok?”
“What do we do Trin?” Kara cried as I hugged her closely. “I’mma whoop her ass till the cops get here, and they gon’ take her ass back to jail,” I said trying to calm her down as Tia writhed on the floor in pain.
“She could get out again Trin! We can’t keep doing this! What do we need to do?!” Kara cried as I felt helpless. I knew what we needed to do for us all to have some peace, I just hoped Kara felt the same way.
 Grasping her chin, I made her calm down and look at me. “I’ll tell you what we do. We end it, Kara, you hear me? We end this shit once and for all, that’s what we do,” I said making sure she understood what I was saying.
As we both looked down at the gun in her hands, we knew what we had to do. “Ya’ll ain’t got the balls, don’t worry though, I’ll find a way back out,” Tia gloated as Kara put down the gun.
Kara’s POV
“Kara, what you doing?” Trin asked as I stood up trying to gather myself. “It has to look like an accident,” I mumbled not believing the words coming out of my mouth. I said it so low; I didn’t even know if Trin heard me or not.
“Let’s do it,” she said without hesitation as I nodded as we looked at each other knowing if we wanted this to truly be over Tia had to go.
I wanted no room for error or a trial.  Suddenly Trin attacked Tia again as I wiped my fingerprints off the gun and put it in the center of the floor.
I knew Tia would go for it and put her prints back on the weapon. “Stupid bitch!” Tia yelled trying to grab Trin by her hair, coming up short as Trin gripped her by the neck and threw her onto the dresser shattering the glass. “Trin now!” I yelled as she looked at me taking a step back as Tia crawled towards the gun and grabbed it.
“Don’t move,” Tia gasped trying to point the gun at Trin but couldn’t focus. Trin had rocked her and she was unsure of her surroundings. I managed to sneak behind Tia as she stood up preparing to try to attack Trin with the gun. Quickly I grabbed her from behind extending her arms in the air as the gun went off again.
“Trin now!” I screamed as Trin ran towards us.
Jey’s POV
“Uce, there’s the cops,” Jimmy said pointing at the three cop cars surrounding Rebecca’s house. “Thank god!” Roman cried as we jumped out trying to get closer.
“Hey, we got a situation, now stay back,” a cop said as felt myself losing it. “My wife is in there and ya’ll need to get her out or I’ll do it my damn self!” None of us giving a damn about the storm at the moment as the rain seemed to be falling even harder than it had been all morning.
“No, no, no, Kara! Trin!” Roman yelled as I looked up to see Kara, Trin, and Tia tussling over a gun on the small balcony. One of the cops was trying to get a clear shot but Kara was in the way.
Tia suddenly lost her footing, going over the railing still holding on to Kara. “Kara, No!” I cried as Kara cried out.
“Pull Trin!” Kara yelled as Trin tried to pull them both up but this crazy bitch started laughed trying to pull Kara over the rail with her. “It’s over Kara!”
“Shoot her fuckin’ ass!” I screamed as Roman, and I tried to get past the cops.
“Let go, Tia!”  Kara screamed as Trin held on to her tight, trying to pull her back as the rain continued to bombard us all.
“I know ya’ll seeing this shit, she trying to kill’em both! Shoot her ass, what ya’ll waitin’ for?!” Jimmy pleaded as it seemed to be a tug of war with Trin having a tight grip on Kara, and Tia trying to pull her over the railing with her.
“I’m taking you with me bitch! You don’t get a happy ending!” Tia screamed. “Shoot her ass!” I yelled my eyes bouncing between Trin struggling to keep a grip on Kara and Tia’s joy at Kara’s pain.
Seeing Kara’s belly pressed up against the railing as she cried out in pain was all I could take. My wife and my child were hurting, and nobody was gon’ stop me from getting to them.
“Bite her ass Kara!..... Is ya’ll gon’ do something or not?! You know what? Move out the fuckin’ way!” I yelled, pushing through the cops and running inside as Roman blocked their path.
As I made my way in the house, past the EMT’s working on Rebecaa, I heard a blood curdling scream and a huge thud.
“Help us!” I heard Trin scream as I took the back steps two at a time trying to get to them busting in the room and seeing the wreckage. I knew a war had taken place in here and I knew Trin had held it down for Kara.
“I- I- Its….. It’s over,” Kara sobbed as I breathed a sigh of relief seeing my wife curled up in Trins arms as they held each other tight sobbing.
“It’s over, sis.” Running over to them I did the only thing I could and that was hold them both in my arms. It really was over…It was finally over.
“I am so sorry I left you, I should have followed my gut,” I cried as Kara shook her head. “You’re here now and you couldn’t have known baby.”
“I was so fuckin’ scared, Kara I had to get to you.”
“We’re ok.”
“Is Logan, ok?” Trin and Kara asked at the same time as I smiled at them. “Yea, she’s fine. She did everything ya’ll told her to do and got help.”
“I knew she would, is my mom, ok?”
 “Yea, the EMT’s are working on her,” I whispered as Kara nodded, wincing in pain.
“Are you good?” I asked rubbing her stomach as she groaned.
“Yea, I’m good but I’m in labor.” Kara hissed trying to breathe through an apparent contraction.
“Wait what!!”
Roman’s POV
She was dead, Tia was finally out of our lives and I felt bad at the relief that filled my body as they covered her up with a sheet. Logan was free of her, we all were free of her.
Nothing ever sounded so sweet than to hear her voice. Smiling, I turned just in time to catch her in my arms. “Daddy you here!” She yelled as I cried, holding her close. “Daddy is here baby, and I’m so glad you ok Lo Lo.” I said walking down the driveway, and away from the crime scene. Last thing I wanted was for Logan to be traumatized seeing her mother’s dead body under a white sheet.
I know she didn’t know her well but that wasn’t something a four-year-old should have to see. Thankfully the rain had finally stopped for the moment.
“Tee Tee save me daddy.”
“I know baby, I know. ..Thank you, Ms. Nelson,” I said giving her a hug as she scoffed. “No need, this little one is everyone in this neighborhood’s grandbaby. You ain’t never gotta worry when she’s here.”
“I still can’t thank you enough.”
“Gram hurt daddy,” she said pointing as the EMT’s loaded Rebecca in the ambulance as we moved to the side of the road to let another ambulance in.
“Yes, she is but the EMT’s are taking care of her. I don’t want you to be scared,” I said as Jimmy embraced us both. Before running to meet Trin as she came out of the house.
“Jurdy!” she screamed jumping in his arms as he held her close. “Don’t ever do this to me again,” I faintly heard him say they cried together. Where was Kara?
A few seconds later I saw the other EMT wheel Kara out on a stretcher with Jey holding her hand coaching her through a contraction.
“No way,” I said as Trin smiled. “Yes way….Kara’s in labor,” she said giving Logan and I a hug.
“Tee Tee be a mommy?” Logan asked as Trin kissed her on the check. “Yea sweetie, your Tee Tee is about to be a mommy.”
Pensacola General Hospital
Jey’s POV
“Come on baby you got it, just bear down.”
 “I can’t, wait I can’t push!” Kara screamed laying back on the bed as I wiped her forehead.
"Kara, the baby’s head is almost out. On your next contraction I need you to take a deep breath, bear down and push with all you got," Dr. Rivers instructed. “No, I wanna take a nap. Tag you it, you take over, Jey,” I cried as Jey gently kissed me.
“If I could, I would baby, but only you can do this. I know you can do this, and I’m right here wit you.”
“I know and I love you.”
 I love you more, now let’s meet our baby. I bet he or she has your beautiful eyes.”
“And your nose,” Kara whimpered as I kissed her forehead and then her lips once again for good measure.  “Let’s go Mrs. Fatu,” I encouraged as she grunted through another contraction pushing with all her might. “Look Kara, it’s the baby. Come on baby, keep pushing.” I had never seen anything so amazing.
“Ahhh! Get it out! Get it out!” Kara screamed, and finally after ten hours of labor the most beautiful sound I have ever heard filled the room.
“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”
His tiny wails bringing forth my own tears without shame as they placed our son on Kara’s chest.
“He’s so beautiful, look at him Jey,” Kara cried as I fell in love all over again with her, and our son…. We have a son “I love you so much… I love ya’ll so much.” I cried just full and so happy as I kissed my wife and son.
“We love you too, daddy.” I don’t know how Kara knew, but I really needed to hear that. I had almost lost them both today and I just really needed to hear it.
“What are we gon’ name him?” I asked as Kara looked at me and smiled.
“How about after his dad?” she asked as I felt like my heart was about to explode. “Joshua? Like you really want to name him Joshua?” I asked as she nodded placing him in my arms.
“Yea, I can’t think of any better name…Can you?” She whispered reaching up and wiping my tears.
“Joshua, daddy loves you very much and I promise you and ya’ ma gon’ have the best of everything,” I promised as he opened his eyes and looked me.
“He’s looking at me Kara, and he looks just like me,” I said my voice breaking. “I know baby, I know.”
Roman’s POV
“Ms. Regina, can we go eat?” Logan asked as Regina scooped her up in her arms. “Of course, you deserve a hero’s dinner after what you did today, lil lady,” she said as Logan gave her a hug.
“Thank you for taking her,” I said as Regina gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. “You stay here and find out about Rebecca, I got Logan.”
I felt thankful, thankful that Rebecca and Kara had a plan in case Tia came back. Thankful for Regina coming into my life and loving Logan. These last five months just kind of hit me out of the blue. I wasn’t looking for anything or anyone and up pops Regina.
Very headstrong, has her own business and she puts my ass in my place when I need it. She met Logan last month and since then they have been joined at the hip. “You want to join them, Bill?” I asked as shook his head.
“Nah, I’m ok. I mean we’re on the outs, but I need to be here to make sure the old bat is ok,” Bill said as I chuckled to myself.
“Ok, I see your point.” I said spotting the doctor heading towards us.
“Oh, I know him…Tim how is she?” Bill asked shaking the doctor’s hand.
“She’s good, we got the bullet, and it didn’t hit any main arteries. She’s in recovery but will definitely have to take it easy for awhile.”
“Thank you so much, and we will make sure she does just that,” Bill said as I looked up and saw Jey coming from labor and delivery.
“How is Kara?” I asked as he smiled pulling out his phone. “She’s good and so is our son.” He said showing me a picture of Kara and the baby.
“A boy…How about that,” I said smiling. Kara looked so happy. “Tell her I’m happy for ya’ll.” Jey nodded, giving Bill his phone.
“There’s my boy,” Bill gushed as Jey beamed with pride. He was going to be a great dad and husband to Kara. That much I knew, and I wished them well.
“How is Rebecca?” Jey asked as Bill scoffed. “That old bat is tough as nails, she’ll be ok,” he said as Jey laughed. “Well, that’s good to hear, Kara was worried.”
“Tell her that her mama has eight lives left,” Bill said as I shook my head.” I will even though she gon’ wonder why in so many words you calling her mama a cat.”
“I prefer the term bitch in heat, but enough about that. What did the cops say?” Bill asked as Jey smiled. “No charges for Kara and Trin, it was self-defense.”
“Thank god, last thing we needed was another trial,” I said as Bill and Jey agreed. It was over…It really was finally all over.
Kara’s POV
Watching Trin with my son, I knew I couldn’t have asked for a better sister or aunt for my child. She took control and kept me grounded. Geez, I can still hear Tia’s body hitting the ground.
“Jey’s coming, I saw him push pass the cops. It’s now or never, let her ass go,” Trin whispered as I screamed for good measure making it seems as if Tia was slipping.
The look of shock on her face as I let her go was things instant karma is made of. She knew she was about to meet her end and the only thing she could do was scream.
Closing my eyes, I cringed hearing her body hit the ground bellow as Trin pulled me back in the room as we collapsed on the floor in an exhausted, thankful heap.
“Trin, thank you,” I cried as she shook her head engulfing me in a hug. “Don’t thank me….We did what we had to do.”
We walked away with some bumps and bruises, but the most important thing is that Tia is gone.  She’s gone and can’t hurt the people we love anymore.
“Don’t say it Kara…It’s ok,” she whispered placing Joshua back in my arms.  
“But we-”
“Did nothing wrong, and the cops agree. That’s why there were no charges filed.”
“I know, I just hate I had to involve you in my mess.”
“I told you a long time ago you my sister, and I meant that.”
“Trin, I’m just-”
“Overthinking, when you should be enjoying my nephew,” she said as I smiled looking down at my son.
“To the grave,” I whispered extending my pinky out as she chuckled. “To the grave,” she said as we pinky promised to never talk about what happened again. After I fed Joshua and put him down I noticed Trin on her phone.
"What's got you smiling?" I asked climbing back in bed.
"Dear brother posted the baby, let me comment," Trin said full of excitement.
"Glad he didn't post me, I look a mess."
Girl, shut up, you look as beautiful as ever," she scolded giving me a hug.
 In the end, I guess I really was my sister’s keeper after all…And I didn’t mind it at all.
Trin was my sister in every way that mattered, and I would always have her back like she had mine.
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Four Years Later
Pensacola Pediatric and Internal medicine
Kara’s POV
“I want to thank you all for coming today as we get ready for our grand opening next week. I want you all to know that without you all there is no me. Thank you all for loving and supporting me.”
The happy faces of my family as I stood in front of my first practice is something I will never forget. Residency was hard but the completion and certification was well worth it.
“Hey lil man,” I whispered picking up Joshua as Jey put his arm around Logan making sure she was ok. “Mama, we eat now?” Joshua asked as I sighed. “In a few minutes we will eat lunch, ok?”
 His little pout as he laid his head on my shoulder making me smile. “Tee Tee, this is so neat,” Logan said giving me a hug. "Thank you sweetie."  Logan just turned eight a few weeks ago and growing up so fast and is already an amazing young lady.
 After Tia’s death, I felt responsible but every time I looked at this beautiful little girl, I knew. I knew we made the right decision for her, and I would always be there for her and so would Trin.
She also had Regina who has been a huge bright light in her life as well. She was good for Roman, and Logan. Hopefully one day he will take that step and try marriage again.
“Are you staying with us tonight, Logan?” I asked as Roman smiled at Regina. I knew he was loving the possibility of them having some alone time.  
“Yes, I wanted to spend the night if it was, ok? Is uncle Jey still grillin’?”
“Yea, I am, and you can stay whenever you want Lo,” Jey said hugging her as she smiled. “Thanks, uncle Jey.” Logan always relished in the attention and love that Jimmy and Jey showered upon her and I can’t say that I blame her. They loved her dearly and she loved them.
“Well, you can get Janiya too while you at it,” Trin said pointing at her three-month-old daughter, who currently had her father wrapped around her little finger speaking baby talk to her.
“Uh, no that baby is spoiled and gon’ holla for Jimmy all night. No ma’am, we pass until she gets a little older sis,” I said as Trin shrugged her shoulders. “It ain’t me, it’s him. See what you did Jimmy?”
“Aye, get off my back. It’s our first one,” Jimmy said smiling at his daughter.
“I guess you get a pass.. You look so cute being in Daddy mode,” Trin teased as my mother gave me hug. “I’m proud of you baby,” she whispered as I held her tight. “And I’m proud of you.”
“Ya’ll proud of me too, right?” my dad asked, jumping in our hug as we laughed. “Yes, we are very proud of you too, dad.”
My parents never got back together, but they are nice to each other and survive our family get togethers. That’s a plus for me.
“Ok, can I love on my wife now?” Jey asked, tapping my dad on the shoulder. My dad couldn’t get out of the way fast enough for me as I jumped into my husband’s arms.
“ I love you so much and I'm proud of you,” he whispered as I smiled truly happy that I had did everything I set out to do. Everything had been worth it, and a new journey was beginning for us.
"I love you more and like I told you, we did this together." I reassured him as my mother picked up Joshua.
"I was just about to pick him up Rebecca."
"Tani, you snooze, you lose. And how bout you finally admit that you don't hate me as much as you used too?"My mother asked as Tani rolled her eyes. Shaking my head I buried my head in Jey's neck.
"I can admit it, doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Please, you love sharing grammy duties with me."
"Them two a trip," Jey said shaking his head at their exchange. It's never boring, I can tell you that much.
"Think we should tell'em they're going to have another baby to spoil in a few months?" I asked as Jey smiled at me.
"Nah, they can wait a few more weeks. I ain't ready to share you just yet."
"Agreed, we need some peace and quiet for awhile."
"Damn, we really made it here,huh?" he asked still in somewhat shock, caressing my face. "Yea baby, we really made it."
The end.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites @empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
harmshake  truefant4sy  yana3sworld amandairene88
unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx tshepisho
 thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams
rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 nbanenefrmdao
sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie
rebelrel0987 kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
severenswife sayyestoheav3nn pittieprincess22 mindairy
jaded-human mainthingdoja mrswolffs-blog shamaness11 justarheaslut
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We come to a close.
I had to get this out several days after his actual birthday 😅 It was hard since I also had to account for Cater’s birthday on the 4th and got busy irl… I also had to skip responding to some interactions or else we’d have like an extra week of 3-4 Rollos per day.
So sorry for that!! 💦 I hope you at least enjoy this brief closing piece before we go back to our regularly scheduled TWST brain rot and ramblings.
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At last.
He had endured.
Now the sun was setting, and soon the stars would come out to play. The guests had departed one by one, Noble Bell College students retreating to their own lodging, Night Raven College students returning to their own campus. The student council's chambers were bereft of the souls that had filled and warmed it mere moments ago.
What remained of the celebration were the fun bits and bobs, confetti scattered on the floor and decorations still hung up. There was leftover cake and wrapping yet to be discarded, a pile of opened presents to organize.
An entire mess.
Rollo reflexively reached for a broom and dustpan only for another hand to come down upon his. He looked up into the gentle face of his vice president.
"Let me get that for you."
Rollo frowned. "I am perfectly capable of assisting with cleaning."
His vice gave him a sympathetic smile as he eased the broom and dustpan out of Rollo's grasp. "I've never doubted that for one second, Mister President—but the clock hasn't quite struck midnight yet."
"That's right," the aide chimed in from atop a stepladder. He was busy unpinning a banner that ran across the doorway. "You should head home early for once. We've got this covered."
"I can see that you two remain stubborn about this matter up until the last second," Rollo said tightly. How irksome.
He had hit a brick wall—and his patience was worn down to its last leg. Swallowing his pride, he relented. "... Very well, I will retire for the evening then. However, I expect to see this room spic and span tomorrow morning for our regular activities.”
"You got it, Mister President!"
He briskly made his exit, leaving the student council members to their duties.
His steps were neat and fleet, leaving not a sound nor a scuff in his path. Quiet as a mouse—or rat—skittering under the cover of night.
At this hour, the halls were dark and desolate, save for the pale moonlight through stained glass. When he passed the windows, their colors flickered, sliced by shadow. The corridor spilled into an atrium, empty like the rest of the school—
Rollo’s footsteps came to a halt. He caught himself on a pillar, his breath hitching.
White ones.
They flooded the atrium, covering the floors and snaking up columns, stairways, and bannisters. Curled petals up to his ankles, the color of them pure as fresh snow, untainted by outside forces. They were shaped like trumpets, filaments sticking out in fanfare.
Lilies, white lilies.
And the light trace of magic in the air, the feeling akin to soap bubbles popping on the skin. A tingle, a sampling of something rich and dark and wrong.
Rollo scowled at the field of flowers. He had no doubt in his mind where the flowers had come from.
A voice called out to him.
"What do you think of my parting gift, Flamme?"
"... Malleus Draconia."
At the name, a pair of luminous green eyes appeared in the darkness. The fairy prince, wearing a bemused grin, emerged from his hiding place. He was across the way from Rollo, poised like a marble statue under a silver spotlight.
“Come to get one last jab in before you crawl home?” Rollo demanded with a scowl. His polite pretenses were cast aside—his true face showing. He approached his archnemesis, not caring that he trampled flora underneath his heel. “The white flowers are a touch dramatic.”
“I thought you would like them.”
“What would give you that impression?”
Malleus laughed, clear and resonant in the large room. He casually stroked a lily climbing up to the ceiling. “I mulled over what your gift should be for the longest time. I finally came to the conclusion that the color white suits you best.”
“I prefer red,” Rollo snapped back, “and no flowers at all if they are to come from you.”
“Ah, but is white not the color of a saint? That is what you are in their eyes.” Malleus showed his teeth. His incisors were like knives. “A savior, a blessing... hence the white. Red is for sinners.”
A chill raced down Rollo’s spine.
Sins crawling on his back.
Discomfort and confusion twisted in his gut. The color crimson, a hot imprint in his heart. Rights and wrongs looked so similar viewed under the same red-colored lenses.
He clenched his fists.
“… You are not welcome here. Get out,” Rollo spat. “Get out now. I do not have the time to take heed of your inane ramblings and attempts at deception…!”
He was getting frantic, his volume growing louder and louder. At the height of the crescendo, it suddenly dropped to a sputter.
Blink, and Malleus was gone. Blink, and the space where he once stood was nothing more than twinkling green lights.
… and Rollo was alone among the flowers.
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Haruka Isumi - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 1 - "kome up with"
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Haruka Isumi: Takanashi-san, good work today.
Haruka Isumi: Are you with Yotsuba right now? He hasn't read my text on Rabbit Chat yet
Tsumugi Takanashi: Isumi-san, good work today!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm not with him at the moment. He's currently doing a magazine photoshoot with Iori-san, so he might not be able to check Rabbit Chat for a while...!
Haruka Isumi: Ah
Haruka Isumi: So that's why Izumi hasn't read my text either
Tsumugi Takanashi: Was there something you wanted to tell them?
Haruka Isumi: I accidentally took Yotsuba's vocabulary book home with me, and I was wondering what to do. We have a test coming up, so I should probably return it soon
Tsumugi Takanashi: Ah! The English vocabulary test, right? I heard you all studied together for it after school.
Haruka Isumi: Yup. Yotsuba was panicking, so I helped him make the vocabulary book
Haruka Isumi: But the fact that he hasn't noticed it's with me tells me he didn't try to review it yesterday lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi: He mentioned this morning that he gave in to his temptation to watch a TV show and couldn't study… > <
Tsumugi Takanashi: Should I inform him about the vocabulary book?
Haruka Isumi: Nah, it's fine. He'll probably read it after the shoot
Haruka Isumi: I did think of taking it to the dorm right now if it was urgent since I have some free time
Haruka Isumi: But I'll just give it to him at school tomorrow
Tsumugi Takanashi: Sorry for the trouble and thank you!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: By the way, Yotsuba misspelled a word lmao
Haruka Isumi: "kome up with"
Haruka Isumi: So funny
Tsumugi Takanashi: "come" turned into "kome"... > <
Haruka Isumi: And to top it off, he drew a character next to it that looks like a rice grain [1] lmaoo
Haruka Isumi: It's kinda got a relaxed face
Tsumugi Takanashi: Tamaki-san is good at drawing!
Tsumugi Takanashi: He's always doodling King Pudding sketches in the corners of his scripts; they're adorable...!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Yeah, he is pretty good
Haruka Isumi: Though everything he draws is kinda round.
Haruka Isumi: I'll write down the correct spelling next to the rice grain
Tsumugi Takanashi: Thank you very much!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Speaking of which, I heard your seats recently changed, and now you're sitting closer to each other.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I also heard you always wake up Tamaki-san when he's sleeping during class while you're distributing handouts...!
Haruka Isumi: Seriously, that guy falls asleep during class all the time
Haruka Isumi: Especially on days when we have classical literature in the fifth period; he's out cold
Tsumugi Takanashi: I wonder if it's because he gets sleepy after having lunch... > <
Haruka Isumi: That's probably part of it, but our classical literature teacher is a sweet old lady who speaks super softly
Haruka Isumi: I get drowsy too, so I understand
Tsumugi Takanashi: When a teacher has a soothing way of speaking, it does make you sleepy...
Haruka Isumi: What did you used to do when you were sleepy during class, Takanashi-san?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I would intentionally drop my eraser and pick it up, just to stretch my body a bit...!
Haruka Isumi: What if it rolled in a weird direction? Wouldn't that make you stand out more
Tsumugi Takanashi: There's a trick to making it roll to a good spot!
Haruka Isumi: What? lmaoo what kind of trick is that lol
Haruka Isumi: But yeah, moving around does help wake you up. I also do stuff like taking off my jacket or rolling up my sleeves to cool down
Tsumugi Takanashi: It must be even more exhausting for you all, considering you also have work… > <
Haruka Isumi: But if you're going to school anyway, it's better to just listen to the classes so you don't have to do any reviewing later. Plus, it saves you from last-minute studying before tests
Tsumugi Takanashi: That's impressive, especially with how busy you are!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I heard you occasionally even pack your own lunchbox.
Haruka Isumi: Yotsuba and Izumi talk about stuff like that too, huh? Lol. Only sometimes, when I don't have work
Haruka Isumi: I just pack what my grandma's already cooked or use frozen food, so it's not that big of a deal
Tsumugi Takanashi: That's more than enough...!
Haruka Isumi: It'd be nice if I could quickly whip up something with whatever's in the fridge
Haruka Isumi: But I don't have that kind of repertoire at all
Tsumugi Takanashi: Would you like me to recommend a recipe app?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I use it too, and it's very convenient because it suggests meals based on the ingredients you have in your fridge!
Haruka Isumi: There's an app like that!?
Haruka Isumi: I kinda want to check it out
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'll send you the link later!
End of Part 1.
[1] Tamaki made a drawing of a rice grain because "kome" (米) means rice in Japanese.
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oohnotvery · 2 months
Hand To Your Heart (Chapter 6)
Read on AO3
Precious readers,
Thank you so much for the encouragement and support. I have really leaned on it lately. This nausea is kicking my ass. Maybe that’s why this chapter is a veritable angst-fest. You’ve been warned. As always, I promise that things will get sweet and sappy and dopey and MSR-lovefest soon enough.
And just a reminder that things are not always as they seem. I had some readers feeling quite anxious that this was turning into a Fowley-Mulder romance, and it really, really isn’t. In fact, the idea makes me want to vomit (I mean, everything does these days, but still). None of my stories are Fowley-Mulder. They just seem like they are (to Scully).
tw/cw: pregnancy update below
Also, in personal news . . . I found out I'm having a BOY! As a girl mom, I am shocked to my core, even though there was a 50-50 chance of it being a boy. Boy mamas of the world, teach me your ways!!!!! (also, I fully believe gender is a construct and a spectrum and all that :) but right now, there is a tiny alien inside me with XY chromosomes, and it is wild)
tagging @today-in-fic
Breathless, Scully twists around, her eyes meeting Diana’s. She glances around the motel parking lot and sees no sign of Mulder’s car.
“He went to the police station,” Diana offers, a knowing smile rising to her perfectly-painted lips.
Scully nods indifferently, then moves to her car, unlocking the door and tossing her go-bag in the passenger seat. She’s about to slip into the driver’s seat when Diana catches her elbow. 
“Are you not checking into the motel?” Diana asks, her brow furrowing in mock confusion.
Scully considers it. There’s no way she’s sticking around today, not after all the damning evidence pointing to a dalliance between Mulder and Diana. Sure, Mulder might get a little pissy if she skips town, but he’s a big boy. Plus, by the looks of things, Diana will be there to comfort him.
“I have something urgent I have to return to tonight,” Scully replies primly.
Diana’s eyebrows tick up with faux interest. “Another case?”
Scully shrugs, hoping it’s enough to throw the woman off her scent.
Diana steps in closer, a girlish smile growing on her face. Her voice lowers conspiratorially. “Or do you have someone to get home to, Agent Scully? Someone I don’t know about?”
Scully blinks. Someone you don’t know about? You know nothing about me, you witch. This isn’t a high school sleepover where we gossip about boys we like.
She tries to settle her features, reminding herself that Diana is trying to bait her on purpose. “I have an engagement tomorrow that I can’t miss,” she deflects.
“So coy,” Diana replies, grinning. “Come on, Dana, you can tell me. Woman-to-woman. Who’s the lucky man?”
Scully glances at her car, wondering how rude it would be if she simply jumped in and drove away mid-conversation. Before she can formulate a response, however, Diana is already chiming in.
“Fox would be interested to know as well, I’m sure,” she continues. Scully’s head whips around at the mention of her partner’s name, and she knows her reaction is an error when Diana’s eyes gleam. “Last night, I convinced him to tell me more about your adventures together. A five-year partnership? That’s one for the books.” The woman steps closer, her perfume reeking of disdain and deception. “It has taken some special encouragement on my part for Fox to really start opening up to me, though. All men are the same in that way, you know. You give them what they desire, and they’ll give you just about anything in return.”
Before she can stop her body’s involuntary response, Scully’s lips part in surprise. Automatically, she clenches her hands behind her back, trying to prevent them from shaking.
“Something the matter?” Diana asks, smiling innocently.
Unable to trust her own voice, Scully shakes her head and slips down into the driver’s seat, something she’s realizing she should have done as soon as she spotted Diana. Before she can close the door, though, Diana slides into the empty space and holds it open, leaning down to meet Scully’s gaze. Scully keeps her eyes trained on the dashboard, certain that if she looks just slightly to her left, she’ll get a full-on view of that envious cleavage.
“I hope I didn’t say anything offensive, Dana. I suppose it’s a bit awkward to hear about your partner in that way. I know you two are practically siblings. Fox thinks of you as a little sister of sorts.” Diana’s hand slides casually onto her shoulder and Scully grits her teeth. “But surely you know that he and I—that we’ve been on the more intimate side as of late.”
I won’t react, I won’t react, she promises herself, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. But images assault her mind, dozens at a time. She thinks about the way Mulder looks when he’s coming, how his eyes seem to darken and his eyebrows pinch together, almost as if he’s in pain. And then there’s the release, and the joy and satisfaction rippling over his features so gloriously, it makes her feel like a queen. Traitorously, her mind flips the image on its head, inserting Diana where she herself normally is. Bile rises in her throat.
“He’s such a gentleman,” Diana continues with a squeeze to the shoulder. “We agreed to be friends with benefits, but I can see he wants more. You don’t take a woman out for dinner and drinks every time you sleep with her if you don’t want something more.” She clicks her tongue. “But that’s just Fox. He’ll always be ruled by those pesky emotions.”
She’s lying, the voice inside her head screams, but Diana’s words drown out all logic.
Tears start to build on her lower lashes and with trembling hands, Scully forces the key into the ignition, revving the car.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she mutters, and with a graceful smile, Diana slips out of the door.
“Thanks for the chat, Dana,” she says slyly. “It’s so good to talk woman-to-woman.”
Without even a sideways glance, Scully reaches forward and slams the door shut.
She drives to the office. It is only midday, and although her morning has been as horrible as they come, she can’t seem to shirk the sense of duty calling her back to work. At her desk, she tries to ignore the blinking red light on her answering machine, and when her desk phone rings, she is highly tempted to ignore the call. But she is a professional, and this is her work phone, and she cannot risk missing a call from A.D. Kersh. The moment she picks up the receiver, though, she knows she’s made a mistake.
“What the hell, Scully?” Mulder demands. “Did you really just up and leave me?”
She sinks her teeth into her lower lip, pausing to collect the storm of emotions brewing inside. “I had something to get back to here in town.”
Mulder pauses. “So that’s it? You’re done today?”
“I see no reason to expense the FBI for any more motel rooms,” she responds reasonably.
“Are you coming back tomorrow?”
She clacks her fingernails on the desktop. “I’m a bit preoccupied here,” she lies.
He scoffs. “No, you’re not. I know what you’re doing, Scully. I’ve been doing it for weeks. You’re sorting through bullshit requests from Kersh. None of that is as important as what we’re working on.”
“You have a partner, Mulder,” she reminds him curtly. “You have no need for me.”
“I need a pathologist, for Christ’s sake—”
“Get another one, then. I told you, I’m too busy.”  
“No, I need—I need—” He curses. “So you’re just refusing to help us out, is that right? You’re denying another agent’s request for help, Agent Scully?”  
“You’re no longer my department head, Agent Mulder,” she reminds him darkly. “You can’t make me.”
He barks an angry laugh. “No one could ever make you do anything. Much less me.”
“Are you finished, Mulder?” she grumbles irritably. “Because I told you I’m busy—”
The phone abruptly goes dead. She stares at the receiver in surprise, momentarily stunned. Swallowing past the hard knot of pain rising in her throat, she gently places the phone back in its cradle, and then as if on autopilot, turns to her computer and begins to work.
Scully stays at the office far longer than she intended, but it feels good to put her head down and concentrate on something other than her personal problems. By the time she looks up from her desk, most of the bull pen is empty, and since she worked through rush hour, traffic isn’t even half-bad.
She steps into her apartment with a sigh of relief, tossing her keys and weapon onto a side table and gingerly stepping out of her boots. She’s headed straight for the bathtub when a tall figure rises from the couch. With a yelp, she lunges for her weapon, finger tightening quickly around the trigger, only to loosen when she realizes it’s just Mulder.
Slamming her gun onto the table, she fixes him with a furious look. “What the living hell, Mulder?” she shouts.
He scrubs his hands over his bleary face and she realizes he’s been sleeping. “I tried to warn you,” he says with a shrug. “I called your work phone and left a message on your cell. Why are you getting home so late? I’ve been here for hours.”
Gritting her teeth, she shakes her head. “I stopped answering my work calls after a particularly onerous conversation left me with a bad taste in my mouth,” she gripes.
His lips twist into a half-smile. “Must’ve been a helluva chat.”
Ignoring his ill attempts at humor, she makes her way into the kitchen and pours herself a glass of water just to give her hands something to do.
“I intended to take a bath,” she tells him when she hears him enter the room behind her.
“Be my guest,” he says magnanimously, “I’ll even scrub your back.” She hears the grin on his face and it cracks something inside her.
“Do you ever stop to think about just how infuriating you are, Mulder?” she snaps, whipping around to face him. “I swear it’s like every interaction we’ve had lately has been one nightmare after the next!”
His face falls, so slightly she almost misses it. But she catches the pain and misunderstanding that flash across his face, and it makes her feel like an ass. Mulder doesn’t know what transpired after she left the graveyard. He doesn’t know she’s in love with him. He doesn’t know she snooped through Diana’s room and found damning evidence of their relationship. He doesn’t know about her conversation with Diana. He has no idea why she’s suddenly so agitated with him.
Shaking her head regretfully, she steps closer. “I’m sorry, Mulder, I didn’t mean that.”
He shrugs apathetically, but she knows she’s wounded him. “Yes, you did. But it’s alright. I’m well- aware of my defects. It’s incredible you’ve put up with me for this long.”
“Oh, stop—”
“No, you’re right, Scully. I’m a pain in the ass to be around. I’m irritating, unlovable—”  
She groans. “Mulder, please don’t turn this into a pity party—”
“Then what is it?” he asks earnestly, stepping closer. They are just inches apart now. “What’s going on? Why are you so angry at me right now?”  
When she hesitates, he grips her hands, squeezing tightly. “Scully, is this about how I hurt you? Will you please tell me what happened that night?” His eyebrows crease in consternation. “It’s practically all I can think about.”
Oh, God, is he still on about that? Her hands burn within his grip. He looks so beautifully, infuriatingly fuckable in his black t-shirt and jeans. End-of-day stubble lines his cheeks, and normally, she’d take that as a subtle cue that he wants to eat her out, because she once admitted to him how good his stubble felt against her thighs. It’s just not fair, she thinks petulantly. It’s not fair that he can play me like a violin.
She shakes her head, tugging her hands out of his and glancing meaningfully at the kitchen clock. “Don’t you have someone you need to get back to tonight?” she asks.
He tilts his head, studying her closely. “I have a case I need to get back to, but I came here to see if you’re alright.”
She shakes her head. “I’m fine.”
“Diana seemed to think you were upset.”
Her eyes flash to his. “Diana isn’t a reliable source of information.”
That seems to get his attention. He slaps his palm against the countertop. “What is your issue with her? Why can’t you stop pitting yourself against her? It’s not a competition, Scully. She can be a good agent and so can you—”
“I don’t need a lesson in relationships,” she hisses angrily. “But it seems you do.”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
“Ever since she walked back into your life, you’ve—you’ve chosen her.” She flushes red at her admission.
“I’ve chosen her?” he half-laughs, brow crinkling in confusion.
She swallows thickly, ignoring the humiliating sting of tears on her lashes.
“For the past five years,” she says, straightening her spine and lifting her chin, “I have worked tirelessly by your side to support you and bolster you. If I have ever questioned you, it is because I care. Because I want to validate your work and because I want others to see its value too.” She licks her lips nervously. “But for the past few weeks, ever since she arrived on scene, you seem hellbent on believing that I am your enemy!”
“I asked you to come out to the field with us today, didn’t I?”
“Excuse me if it didn’t feel like the kumbaya moment I’m sure you hoped it would be,” she snaps.
“You want to know what’s going on? Diana believes in me,” he says, his eyes clouded with anger. “But when I told the OPR panel about what happened to us in Antarctica, you left me hanging! You failed to corroborate my account.” He leans closer to her, his voice growing harsh. “You want me to think that you believe in me? Try having my back like Diana does—”
“That is not fair,” she hisses. “I have gone to great personal and professional lengths to protect you and defend you—”
“Out of obligation,” he snaps. “Not out of true belief. You don’t believe in my cause.”
“You can’t expect me to follow blindly, Mulder. I am a scientist.” She meets his gaze determinedly. “What the hell happened to what you said to me in the hallway, before I was stung by that bee? Or was that all just a bunch of blabber to keep me from leaving for Utah?”
He steps back, his eyes shuttering like curtains over a window. “I don’t remember what I said.”
Her cheeks flame, fire and blood rushing to her pale skin. But you saved me, he had said. Your goddamn strict rationalism and science have saved me.
She meets his gaze and there is an unasked and unanswered question between them. Do you remember that you tried to kiss me? That we were walking a very fine line between friends-with-benefits and actual lovers? Or are you pretending to have forgotten that as well?
He blinks, looking away. She dips her head, heart pounding, tears pooling, cheeks pinking. “I have been made a fool many times in the past few weeks,” she says quietly. “But I will not make a fool of myself today. If you refuse to acknowledge the value I have added to the X-Files and to your work, then that is your choice. But it makes a mockery of our time together.” She looks up and finds him staring at his shoes.
Slowly, she reaches out and brushes her hand with his. It is a last-ditch effort to remind him of the sacred thing between them, of their bond.
“What happened that’s made you feel this way about me? Is this all about Antarctica and—and that OPR panel? Is there something more?” She links her fingers around his palm.
He pushes her away abruptly, shaking his hand like she’s burned it. “Don’t try that,” he snaps.
Her eyes widen. “Try what?” 
He scowls disapprovingly. “Now isn’t the time for—you know.” He gestures between their two bodies and shock slices through her spine.
Affronted, she takes a step back. “Now isn’t the time for what?” she breathes darkly. “Do you really think I’m coming onto you right now?”
He fixes her with a knowing look and her lips part indignantly. How dare he. Sweat breaks out against her neck and she feels the words rushing to her lips, too fast to contain.
“You asked how you hurt me, Mulder,” she says ruthlessly, and when he blanches, she knows she’s hit the right nerve. She takes a step closer, feeling herself growing more and more powerful. “You fucked me after our office burned down, but you didn’t even try to make it good for me. You were so rough and so impatient with me that I bled that night and the next day.” He turns very, very still, and a sick, twisted joy rises up inside her. She lowers her voice. “All this time, I knew you were just using me for stress relief, but that night, it seemed strangely like a hate fuck. Is that what it was, Mulder? Do you hate me so much now that you couldn’t even look me in the eyes that night, but instead had to turn me around so you could useme as roughly as you wanted?”  
He has turned as pale as a ghost, all color drained from his face.
She knows that when she agreed to a relationship with him, she made a serious error in judgment. For her, their intimate moments have been separate and apart from their work. Having sex with Mulder happened outside of their roles as federal agents. Their lovemaking was a physical expression of a lust and affection that had been simmering and growing and building for years between a man and a woman. Or at least, that’s what she thought.
“I know why you did it,” she adds, her power building and cresting. In the back of her mind, she knows she should stop, but she can’t help herself. The words are flowing out of her like water rushing past a broken dam, and it feels too good. “You were never having sex with me, with Dana Scully. You were always just fucking around with Agent Scully, your coworker. And as soon as Agent Scully started to disagree with you, when Agent Scully began to stand in contrast to an old friend with a far more open mind, the jig was up. Agent Scully represented disbelief and skepticism. Diana Fowley was certainty and reassurance. I should have realized that the work and the sex would be inextricable for you. If Agent Scully isn’t fully on board with your beliefs, then you can’t bring yourself to intimacy with her.” She swallows hard, steadying herself for the final blow. “So, imagine my relief when I found out that you have Diana now to satisfy that particular need.”
He seems struck dumb, so she speaks for him. Pushing past him to her front door, she swings it open, ignoring the way her entire body trembles with rage.
“In case it wasn’t already clear, consider yourself released from any further arrangement with me, or whatever sense of obligation made you come here two nights ago. This thing between us is done.” When he doesn’t move, she points at the door. “Leave, Mulder.”
As if on autopilot, he steps forward, moving towards the doorway like a dead man walking. He pauses on the threshold and she refuses to meet his eyes. She hears him swallow and squeezes shut her eyes when his hand comes to rest against her bicep.
He stays there for a long moment, his breathing quiet but erratic, and after a time, she wonders if she’s going to need to physically remove him from her apartment. But then he squeezes her arm, so lightly that anyone else might have missed it, and bends his head until his hair brushes her own.
“I am . . . so sorry that I hurt you,” he whispers brokenly. His hand slides off her arm and she waits until he is completely out of her presence before letting the door fall shut.
And when she is finally alone, she crumples to the ground and cries.
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