#like i just need a brain vacation
secretlytranced · 9 months
It'd be super cool if someone snuck in overnight and I woke up with headphones over my ears and a cock in my pussy pounding the hypnotic mantras deep into my sleepy mind.
Just sayin'
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
Big mistake to go into a career that is 50% reading contracts, when sometimes, the very sight of a contract makes me physically ill.
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
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< Prev Doodles | First Set of Doodles
Surprise, @redstringraven!! Guess who watched a playthrough of Horizon Forbidden West AND the DLC Burning Shores and Then proceeded to reread Pretend that I Never Left and draw Four More DOODLE PAGES!!!! To all the 2k3 Mikey fans out there, this is the fic for you!
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tabithatwo · 1 year
Because I’ve been feeling brave lately (maybe TOO brave time will tell) I’m gonna ask an earnest question like I am truly curious where this comes from…does anyone understand the frequent jackie body shames shauna trope in yj fic? I am not coming for anyone okay I just can’t figure it out for the life of me, like I am 99.99% certain the only time we see jackie discuss shauna’s body is with boob dress and that’s like…her wanting shauna to show more skin. And then she backs down immediately when shauna gets upset. It’s very much an indicator that she loves her body to me. So I can absolutely see where a hyperawareness or her body around jackie just based on like her Body Being Perceived exists!! Or shauna wondering if jackie was judging her in a negative way in the other clothes or whatever!! I just…body shaming is such a really very cruel thing and I’m very confused by where the explicit and extreme verbal body shaming thing comes from, like is there a moment where people infer it cause I’m at such a LOSS on this one. Like obviously characterization is largely based on how you read a text I fully get that!! And that’s okay!! All of this is creative prerogative!! I’m just constantly confused by how frequently people write jackie just tearing into shauna’s body because it’s so specific and so next level mean.
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titsthedamnseason · 2 months
it’s not funny anymore. i need xander and spencer’s book
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whentherewerebicycles · 6 months
trying to resist the thing where you feel bad about X and then your brain is like hey why don’t you try feeling bad about Y and Z too while you’re down there in the pit
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
I miss having the braincells to ramble about Sep and Waybee. Instead I'm squishing them like stress toys.
well currently there’s not much going on with them anyways so don@t even worry
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fooltofancy · 10 months
wanna bg3 so so so badly but there are so many things i need to work on before i can play without guilt, not to mention head hurty enough that i cant even do THOSE things
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boundinparchment · 9 months
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peppermintbutch · 11 months
Crying and yelling due to my rage (trying to do uni admin stuff so I can keep getting loan money)
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wexhappyxfew · 10 months
being a woman in stem is in fact, quite literally, reiterating the directions of a procedure you’ve done multiple times and someone going ‘no’ and then arguing and then doing exactly what you had previously said 😀😀😀
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oars · 5 months
im beating myself on the head bc i bought stuff that wasnt food lmao. and like ive been hungry the past few days too
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bodega-catto · 6 months
Tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy
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stillcominback · 1 year
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pa-pa-plasma · 7 months
i'm going to fucking kill someone. i got screamed at & called selfish & stupid for telling my mom to wear a mask. she gave me covid
#& you wanna know the kicker? she's going on a vacation. yeah. she's going on a plane right now while badly sick with covid#how do i communicate with people who are literally missing their brain?#it was my sister who screamed at me btw. she feels the need to play devil's advocate whenever i open my mouth#my mom did what she always does & coughed 17 times without covering her mouth & then sat down in the livingroom to doomscroll for 7 hours#what the actual fuck is it with parents & not covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze? they straight up just spray people with covi#& then laugh about it when you point it out as if spreading the fucking plague is funny#best part is that we're pretty sure her getting covid 5 times a year because she refuses to wear masks killed her husband#not joking about that btw. all she had to say oh ''ooh yeah that would explain it''#like ??????????????????????#i didn't get the chance to go grocery shopping either so now i dont have any fresh food#if i have to eat one more frozen or processed meal i'm gonna fucking kill someone. & now i cant do that because i have basic empathy#i don't even feel right ordering food cuz like. i have to interact with someone to do that (can't pay online)#i avoid covid for this long & then get it because ''people look at you weird if you wear masks. you wouldn't get it''#bitch i'm queer. i wear queer pins. i wear a queer jacket. you're telling ME i wouldn't get receiving weird looks???#god my sister wants to be oppressed so fucking bad. i'm sorry but bitch isn't a slur & you're a fucking coward for not wearing masks#i hope you cant fucking work for weeks because of this bullshit. bitch
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sotc · 2 years
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve really tried to make my birthday special for myself and I’m really, really glad I did. I went to the beach for the first time in over a decade and a half (and the first time really treating myself to go out like this esp during the pandemic). I enjoyed the waves, the sunshine on my skin and the tan I got, the good food and the time spent with my partner <3. My friends online and off, along with my family have spoiled me so much with their birthday wishes and kindness, I feel SO incredibly blessed and grateful for all of them. All of you!!!! Thank you guys for making me feel special on the one day of the year I can truly call my own. 💞
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