#i do have a vacation planned (finally) going to toronto for the first time at the end of the month!!
stillcominback · 2 years
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
I love the idea of a celebrity demonstration! Show how hard it is to do what these guys do! I also think the major issue really is that what players want to do and what fans want to see are usually very different.
I also think that the nhl likely did ask teams with players that couldn’t attend about replacements but they probably said no. I know that happened last year with the Kraken where guys just wanted to go on vacation. I really wish more players would contribute when asked about the asg. Because the articles have said that the league reached out to a couple of star players and it sounds like Connor was one of the only ones who really contributed. And while I like Connor, of course his ideas are just pure hockey skills.
I think one way to fix some of the annoying domination from one team or another is having fans vote for the player representative of their team and the league picks out the star players. That way fans can vote in their favorite guys but no team is crazy over represented. It feels like a real missed opportunity not to have more guys participating in the giant skills competition first. You could make it so there are 3 preliminaries and everyone participates in 1 or 2 of the 3 so everyone gets to see their guys. And then you just eliminate each round till you have like 5 guys in whatever the final comp is. And each skills competition in itself gets a winner.
And there should be some sort of time served exception where if you’ve been to 3 or more all star games, you decline without punishment. That way guys going might be a little more excited and you’d get to see new people.
yes i completely agree that a significant issue is what the players want to do vs what's most entertaining for many fans. i tried to touch on that in my little ramble but i don't know how coherent it was 😅 something like celebrity demonstrations imo would add a bit of that entertainment factor without putting it on players' shoulders. i think there's a really interesting thread here about how so many hockey players are uncomfortable with stepping out of the "athlete" box and into the "entertainer" box, even though sports are literally the entertainment industry (and they're not the only athletes that resist this, but it feels particularly prevalent in hockey) but i am not going to try to interrogate it before i've had my coffee 😂
100% correct on the league asking for replacements and guys saying no. as should be their right! they've already planned vacations! and i mean like, you could easily cut down on the danger of losing representation from a team by inviting two guys from more teams instead of 4-5 from two teams. but there is definitely a problem with guys simply not wanting to go. if my choices were "long tropical vacation with my friends and family" and "three days in toronto to play 20 minutes of hockey" i too would opt for the former. not including everyone in the skills comp imo MORE of a disincentive than the previous format.
i like the idea of individual event champions and an all-around skills champ -- like gymnastics! i do think there is a time constraint issue with trying to put together a fair competition that involves all of the players. in the past sometimes there have been individual event incentives -- break 100mph on hardest shot and win money for the charity of your choice, etc. (also i would MUCH rather see these guys battling to win money for charity than hear about how winning that extra million is soooo motivating 🙄)
as many issues i have with the execution of connor mcdavid's saw trap of a skill comp, i DO think it's good that he got involved! kinda side-eyeing guys who were asked and didn't get involved tbh! building an event that both players and fans can love will need to involve player voices AND fan voices, and all respect to connor's efforts but he is not representative of an average nhl player or even an average-good player, and he certainly cannot comprehend the mind of an average viewer. he's in a class of his own, as a player and with the kind of personal leverage and security he has in the sport.
anyway this is why i never got mad at ovi's habitual "oh the asg is coming up? alas, i am conveniently lightly ill or injured, guess you'll have to take someone else from my team" after he'd been a bunch of times. that's how caps fans got the absolute delight of kuzy at the asg, and how tom got his first all star nod and got to be wonderfully surprised by how welcoming the other players were to him! and then when the asg was somewhere fun and vacationy (south florida) ovi was like, yes i will make one more appearance so my son can experience the asg. i think that kind of agency is good for players! ("agency" here used loosely, since he did have to sit for a game every time he dipped out of his all-star nod. but a) he was a big enough star to get away with it and b) his organization clearly supported his decisions, which is not a luxury all players have. the league did NOT like when he did this but i support players being able to say fuck off to the league!)
i don't think it's a coincidence that many of the most memorable fun asg moments in recent memory have been ones where players and/or fans took initiative to make the weekend their own in ways that went outside of the nhl-prescribed box (e.g. ovi and geno's big reunion, ovi begging to be picked last in the draft, the john scott of it all -- even leon's "i'd get off the ice" bit and the ensuing drama kind of falls into this category for its unscriptedness imo, although it is the closest to an nhl-approved storyline of the moments that come to mind.)
lmao this is so long sorry. in my defense the metro keeps fucking holding between stations so i am stuck underground with nothing better to do. but obviosuly i don't have all the answers for fixing the asg from a player buy-in perspective OR a fan experience perspective, i just think it's a really interesting and frustrating problem!
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coreytravelogue · 1 year
Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 6, 2023
So here we are at the airport again waiting for another flight. This time to Toronto and boy what a time it has been since you last heard from me to get here, worth its own blog post which is what I doing now. Normally I feel like these intro blog posts before actual travel are a formality and more to kill time than to actually say anything. While this is still to kill time I actually have stuff to bring up.
Never before in my life has there been more drama leading up to a trip and could have jeopardized the trip than the past few weeks leading to this one.
I booked this flight back in November during cyber Monday. Everything was laid out from the flights, where I was staying to what I was doing at last 50% of the trip. Everything seemed to be set even by February.
Then March came, in mid March after 3 years of successfully ducking it I contracted COVID and was in self isolation for two weeks while I was recovering from it. Given the nature of where I work I test every week. On the Monday March 20 I tested positive but I didn’t feel anything just a light headache and phlegmy throat. By 4pm it felt like my entire body just gave up and I had just about every symptom one could have with COVID. The next 2 days were the longest 2 days I have had in a very long time, all of it spent in bed in pain sick as a dog. COVID beat the living shit out of me, it was only by Thursday that I was starting to feel like I was recovering. By the following Monday I was much better but still testing positive.
All while this is happening I get notified by my host that they cancelled my booking due to some Airbnb issue in Toronto so for those 2 weeks not only was I unsure if I could go to Toronto but unsure as to whether I had a place there anyway. All of that luckily got settled and I tested negative by April 3rd. Just in time for Flair Air to inform me that they moved my flight up from 11pm to 6am without really confirming with me or working with me. So that day followed by Tuesday and Wednesday I tried to get ahold of Flair Air to finally put me back where I originally booked myself. They never gave me a reason as to why they moved me up.
It’s been 4 years since I had been Toronto proper, 2019 when I went there for work related stuff. I wish I had stayed longer to take more advantage of being there but I was trying to keep as much leave time for myself as I could as I was trying to keep just enough for a person vacation to Europe on top of my trips to Newfoundland.
One year prior to that I visited Toronto for the first time properly in April. A few months prior I was stranded there for a night and found myself be interested in seeing what the city had to offer. April 2018 I got to see my first lacrosse and baseball games, Jayne hatted a shit ton of statues and went up the CN Tower.
This time the plan is to see my first basketball game, Jayne hat a shit ton more statues and just soak in not being in Vancouver for awhile.
The main draw is the basketball game but I am also seeing a hockey game just to experience the atmosphere of a Leafs vs Habs hockey night in Canada game.
To be honest I would prefer going elsewhere, in fact a part of me wished I just went to Edmonton instead like I did last year but oddly flying to Toronto was more affordable and I feel like I could do more. Well Edmonton is cheaper to go to but I can go to Edmonton anytime I want and I still plan to possibly. Outside of my typical transfers I do plan on this being the last time I visit Toronto. I am not really a fan of the city overall. It is just too fast for me but I do feel like one can have fun there in small doses. I am going for the Jayne hatting, basketball and simply because it was affordable. If a trip to Montreal was affordable for the same price I would have went there instead but it is what it is. Toronto has basketball, Montreal doesn’t at least not the NBA kind.
After contracting COVID I am even more paranoid about getting it than I was before actually getting it. I really don’t want to get it again though it is only a matter of time. My immune system should be at its strongest now in fighting it after beating it but still I don’t want it again but I can’t live in fear all of my life because of this. Just got to be smarter about it.
After this I am planning on going to Victoria in May for a short weekend trip. June however I finally get to repay the favour to one of my hosts from Europe. Katharina and Dirk are coming to Vancouver for a week and I will host them if they wish to stay. Probably one of the few things I am most excited for in the last while.
I am strongly contemplating traveling to Australia this year as well. The only thing making me second guess it is how utterly expensive it is now. When I flew there last it went to 2K to fly there, now it is about 2.5K roughly.
I feel I owe it to myself and someone else to go to Australia one more time, I won’t say last time but I don’t imagine I will be back anytime soon after this. There is still so much of Australia I have no seen and I won’t have much time to see it on top of seeing my ex there. It’s something I am going to have contemplate and juggle once I am done this trip.
This trip is about escape and having fun. Once I get back it is back to being busy and plotting the rest of my travel this year. Use enough to keep sanity but keep enough leave time to have enough for one last great trip of my 30s while still having time to see my parents as usual.
All things considered as I am in the twilight of my 30s despite everything my 30s have been a far cry better than my 20s in every fashion but it is not done yet and it is on me to close it out as great as I can. I have to make the most of it, life is too short and life can take you anytime. I have the means to do what I want right now and I need to grab it while I can.
So much drama getting to today alone I can only hope there will be no drama coming back as I test of Lynx air returning. One thing is certain I won’t have much sleep between returning to Vancouver and getting back to work. So one of the main things I will be doing in Toronto as well is sleeping in.
The flight I hate the most is the Vancouver to Toronto/Montreal flights. 4-5 hours of being crammed into an uncomfortable seat with other people just as uncomfortable as you. 9-12 hour flights are fine for me I just booze up and pass out when I get on the plane. It’s very hard for me to do that on these flights for some reason, they are almost always painful and feel like 9 hour flights in over themselves. I can only hope that I can only hope that my nose won’t plug up during the flight. That is almost always the worst.
My plan is to sleep through it all. By the time I get on the plane I should already be past my bed time and I hope to use alcohol to make me drowsy enough to bypass my nose plugging and the nervousness of sleeping on a plane. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Given I have no idea whether I will be sitting in the isle or window I have to be prepared to get knocked out quick, if not it is going to be a long night for me.
Here is hoping. Shazbot nanu nanu.
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Question: When did you 1st know that Meghan Markle and Harry Markle were FRAUDS?
Answer: I was listening to my American talk radio station when I heard a report about an American actress (I didn't recognize the name) dating Prince Harry. I literally laughed outloud. I vividly remember thinking, "oh please! Harry would never seriously date an American actress, this is just another fling. Later came that train wreck engagement interview. I was stunned by their obvious lies. I recall writing a comment on a YouTube channel that was created to question their interview. I wrote, "this is a fraud," and the content creator replied, "yes it is, we just don't know why."
Today I firmly believe that radio spot was PR, purchased by Meghan, to quickly make the relationship go public & appear to be serious.
I've gone through several theories over the past 5 years, and the only theory that makes sense is they agreed to become BUSINESS partners who live in an OPEN sexually fluid marriage.
When they lived in London, someone with inside information wrote, "they don't have a traditional marriage." After relocation to the US, that same contact answered me, "bc they don't have a traditional marriage... they live in separate wings." I just couldn't grasp the meaning of a "non-traditional" BRF marriage.
Watching their robotic performance at the UN settled it for me. It was identical to their robotic hand holding at the royal theatre.
Their robotic love is simply the fruit of a fraudulent marriage. They live separate lives in a scripted marriage.
Meghan's name is on a list of Hollywood celesbians, as a "serial beard" & escort for gay men. BTW Serena's name is on this same list. The popular American couples that Harry admires & desires to emulate are also in open marriages.
Obviously I don't know these people, but Harry and Meghan have NEVER once appeared to be in love with one another, not even during the wedding ceremony. Meghan doesn't seem to like Harry let alone love him. More often than not, she appears to be annoyed and resentful of Harry.
Meghan's first loves are Meghan, fame, and money. Harry loves drugs, sex and alcohol. Meghan will do absolutely anything for money, and she grew up fantasizing about becoming a Princess, like Harry's mother Diana.
Markus and the Mulroneys drilled a hole for Meghan into the locked door to elite associates and global fame. She peeked through the hole and laid a trap for Harry.
Markus ensured that she had access to Harry at the private Soho House Istanbul Grand Opening in April of 2015. Both were in Turkey, along with many of Harry’s Eton friends and UK celebrities. Meghan documented this life changing moment on her Instagram:
"48 Hours in Istanbul may be the best 48 hours of your life."
She pre-planned to reconnect with Harry during his 2 night visit to Toronto in the May of 2016 by taking her first PR trip in March to Rwanda for photographs and a (final) vacation with Cory in April.
Harry began to grow out a beard and Jason Knauf traveled to Toronto with Harry as his minder. Was Jason aware of Harry's whereabouts for both nights?
Whatever occurred during those 2 nights seems to be the beginning of their affair.
Meghan planned to travel all summer and fall. She broke up with Chef Cory, and fled Toronto perhaps giving Cory time and space to relocate. During that time, Meghan traveled internationally with friends (Greece, London, NYC) and then used Gina, Violet, Serena & Piers to help stage a public alibi for a FAKE start date to their affair: July 4th, 2016. (In August Meghan wrote on Cory's IG). On her birthday, August 4th, Meghan notified her followers that she planned to go off the grid and travel. The rest is history.
Meghan scripted everything about their "secret affair" for public consumption: the blue bracelets, H & M necklace, spooning bananas, the come & get it photos outside of Soho Farm House, Scooby-Doo online job w/US Weekly, tips to paparazzi Jesal Parshotam, and Meghan's endless merching.
After only 3.5 months, Meghan rushed to publicize and promote a long distance relationship still in the infancy stage. What was the rush? Was it to generate interest in her marketing campaign, or simply to deepen their trauma bond by feeding Harry's "security" paranoia?
Ready or not, over the next 12 months Harry grew a full beard and officially proposed marriage to Meghan.
Today we see Harry PERFORM by wearing a gold wedding band & by holding hands & arms for the cameras, but they even fail to coordinate their attire for important photographs (George's Christening), and they stumble over one another.
The cost of Meghan's clothing is obscene, while her appearance is consistently unseemly. Many husband's look better after marriage, Harry looks far worse. His appearance is sloppy and unkempt. Real husbands and wives care about the appearance of their spouse. All marriages have problems, but these 2 try too hard to sell a relationship that looks empty and devoid of anything substantial. It looks like a requirement in their contract. Real married couples don't need an American wedding band or hand holding to convince the public of their love. They can confidently sit next to one another without PDA because they aren't starving for affection, they don't have anything to prove to the public, and they aren't trying to draw attention to themselves.
We've never seen their children, ever. Just a few strange photos and video footage of a brief, scripted meeting in S Africa where each one holds a cute baby who didn't know any of the adults. Then we saw a sweet brown haired baby boy with a full diaper seated on Meghan's lap for the reading of a complex & inappropriate story. Nothing is ever simple or straightforward with the Harkle family. Everything is smoke & mirrors, an illusion, a lie, a contract with RULES.
They are partners in the business of making money off Harry’s family connections, and providing for the welfare of 2 children who are invisible to the world. Does Harry actually believe he's being guided by his dead mother? Does he think his mother's spirit is in Meghan?
I wish Harry would "come out of the closet," and be honest about himself. There is no reason to pretend. Unfortunately he seems invested in living out this lie with Meghan. Their plan was to "change the world" by working part-time for the BRF (whenever they felt like working), but with full-time benefits. They planned to launch a royal brand and an American royal court. They forgot to consider the worse case scenario: The Queen said "no."
Today, they are also partners in offense and in revenge. Harry's living out this contractual farce with a beard on his face and on his arm.
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Q-Do you think Meghan and Harry are FRAUDS? If so, when did you recognize it and what do you think is at the root of their dishonesty?
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multifandom-worlds · 2 years
A Butterfly's Promise
Genre: Fluff
Rating: SFW
Word Count: 1928
Author's Note: A gift for a good friend of mine. I love her and I wanted to do something sweet for her. Here you go @little-butterfly-writes
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It's taken months but Lucien and Layla were finally able to take a vacation together. Months of scheduling conflicts and undecided locations, a vacation was finally planned. Nicolette had told them about a place back in her home country, the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory in Cambridge Ontario, Canada. Doing the research into it, the couple decided it would be a perfect place for a date, and coincidentally, Nicolette and Victor were headed to Canada for a vacation themselves. The 4 of them loaded onto the plane for a 20 something hour flight into Canada.
The boys talked with each other while the girls slept, the girls talked with each other while the boys slept. All in all, the flight was not as bad as it could have been. They touched down in Toronto, the airport was scarce - hardly a worker to be seen. The sky outside was an inky black, dotted with tiny little points of white. The 2 couples part ways - Nicolette and Victor staying in the city, Layla and Lucien renting a car and driving an hour and some change south to the city of Cambridge Ontario.
The drive itself was uneventful, Lucien followed the GPS while Layla watched the Canadian landscape pass. The time was 11:30 pm when they arrived at their hotel. Layla stays in the car while inside, Lucien pays for the room and gets the key. Returning to the car, the two of them retrieve their luggage and make their way to their room. Once removing various items of clothing to make sleep comfortable, the two collapse into the bed, falling asleep within minutes.
The sun was high in the summer sky by the time Lucien and Layla woke up - Lucien an hour before her. She woke up to see her boyfriend of a year sitting in the window, a book in his hand, the sun bathing him in light.
Hearing her shifting in the bed, Lucien looks up from his book to his black haired girlfriend on the bed. "Good afternoon, Lay. How'd you sleep?"
"Actually pretty well." Layla responds, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
He smiles, hearing she slept well before putting his book down and getting up to join her on the bed.
"I was thinking we spend the day in the room, go to the Butterfly Conservatory tomorrow, we have a week here, there's no need to do everything in one day"
So that's exactly what they did. Lucien and Layla spent the rest of the afternoon doing various things - each other included. When dinner time rolls around, the couple orders room service and spends the rest of the night together, eating dinner and watching movies until they fall asleep, excited about their date tomorrow - Lucien more so, a secret plan brewing in his brain.
The next morning, much like the first morning they spent in Canada, Lucien was awake before Layla. After laying in bed with her for a little while, he gets up to get changed, rummaging through his luggage looking for something in particular. A ring box. While he was not prepared to propose to his girlfriend yet, he did want to give her something as a promise that he would always be there. Something that, when he's super busy and not around as much as he'd like, she can look at it and remember that his heart belongs to her and her alone.
Once securing the box, he quickly removes the ring in favor of placing it in a small gift bag for ease of concealment before returning to bed. There he stays until Layla rises a couple hours later.
Lucien rolls into his side, facing his girlfriend as she wakes up, admiring her before giving her a soft kiss. She smiles softly before pulling away, a whisper on her lips. "Good morning, Lulu."
Lucien sits up gently pulling Layla into a sitting position "Good morning, sleepy head. How about we grab a shower, go get something to eat and head to see the butterflies."
She nods, begrudgingly getting out of the bed and heading to the bathroom, Lucien hot on her heels. Starting their day off in a romantic, slightly suggestive way, Lucien takes the time to thoroughly wash and condition Layla's hair, making sure to take care of the curls that he loves so much.
Once both were sufficiently cleaned and conditioned, Lucien put on a pair of black pants coupled with a basic white t-shirt, Layla matched the casual nature of his outfit with her own. Soft lavender t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. After admiring each other and offering compliments, Lucien and Layla head out, down to the dining room for some quick breakfast.
Breakfast finished, an hour later they were on the road again, the excitement slowly building within them, for two different reasons. Lucien finds a parking space before getting out, walking around to open Layla's door and then locking the car before the two of them walk in.
They both listen as the lady at the front desk lists off the rules of the conservatory.
"Please refrain from touching any of the plants that we have growing. There may be a butterfly that lands on you, if you're not a fan, gently shoo them away. Stay on the paths and enjoy the conservatory."
Lucien nods, "Thank you" before he and Layla head through the doors that lead to the first area.
A faint gasp slips from Layla's lips as she takes in the beauty and the majesty of the exhibit around her. Brightly coloured flowers, many native and non-native species of plants grow around ponds containing fish and other aquatic creatures. Exotic birds fly overhead, the room a cacophony of different sounds.
Locating the path and lacing their fingers together, Lucien and Layla start walking, taking their time, strolling casually, taking in the scenery around them. With her free hand, Layla takes pictures of everything - the birds flying overhead, a black and white butterfly on a purple flower.
Walking further into the exhibit, a pond filled with vibrant fish comes into view. While she looks over the railing down at the fish, Lucien takes a sneaky photo of her, the first of many sneaky, candid photos he's going to take throughout their date. Not to hold up the flow of traffic, the couple keep walking, under the waterfall that feeds into the pond they were just at.
Lucien holds a hand out as they walk underneath, feeling the mist off the waterfall lands on his hand before evaporating away just as quickly as it landed. Lucien pats his pocket casually, making sure the ring was still there, his nerves settling slightly, feeling it in his pocket. Layla was none the wiser.
They exit on the other side of the waterfall, following the path until they reach a door - the diagrams and displays.
Lucien voiced the question before Layla could. "Do you want to continue?"
"Yes please."
Opening the door, the temperature of the next space was noticeably cooler and drying than the garden was but still a comfortable temperature. Display cases containing different insects line the walls, informational placards below, listening off the facts about the insects above.
Admittedly, Lucien was far more interested in this section than Layla is, but she stayed close, taking in the beauty of some of the butterflies on display. While her love learns more about insects, she looks through the photos she took in the previous area, mainly of the butterflies but there were one or two photos of Lucien she took, smiling to herself.
"Hey sweetheart." Lucien calls, gaining her attention. Layla looks up from her phone, Lucien was not where he was moments ago. Scanning the vicinity, she located him a couple hundred feet down the hall. She catches up to him, curious about what it was he wanted to show her.
Before her is a display case of a brownish coloured butterfly with a purple-blue sheen on its wings. "This is called the Purple Emperor butterfly. It's more common around England but has been seen in Eastern Wales."
She smiles, looking at the butterfly behind the case, mesmerized by the way the light bounces off its wings. Once she finished, they two kept walking, passing displays containing dragonflies, beatles, different arachnids and scorpions.
After 10 minutes they had made it to the end of the area they were in. Lucien proposed to the question of going back into the garden area. "I believe I saw some benches back in the garden, would you like to go back and sit down for a little?
With Layla's agreement, the pair turned around and walked back down the hallway to the door they had entered from. Opening the door back into the garden, the first thing they noticed was the humidity - not that they minded. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. Lucien locates the benches he was talking about and guides Layla over to them, sitting her down before joining her.
It's now or never
He shifts slightly so he's facing his girlfriend. "Hey Layla, close your eyes for me, please." While she was slightly confused, she obeyed nonetheless.
"Hold your hands out, I have something for you"
Layla holds her hands out towards him, giddy with the mystery. What could he possibly have for her? Did he go to a store while she was sleeping this morning or yesterday morning?
Lucien slips the little bag out of his pocket before placing it in her cupped hands.
"Okay Butterfly, you can open your eyes."
Sitting in her hands when she opens them is a little pink gift bag. Curiosity takes hold as she looks at the bag before looking at her boyfriend sitting beside her. His face was giving nothing away, no hints on what might be inside the bag.
With careful fingers, Layla pulls open the bag to find the ring, sitting undisturbed at the bottom.
"Look at it, my sweet."
She carefully pulls the ring out, holding it between two her thumb and finger, admiring the delicate purple stone in the middle of a golden band with two smaller white stones on either side. Before she could even ask the question, Lucien began.
"It's not an engagement ring, Layla, however it is a promise ring. We've been together for a year and it's been the happiest year of my life. I know how it bothers you when I have to work late, this way I thought it might be reassuring that you're my own one. My promise to you that I will always be by your side."
Her eyes fill with tears at the gift - both out of guilt and awe. She had never gotten anything like this before from anyone
"I-it's beautiful Luci but what if I lose it?" She voices her concern, not really wanting to say she feels guilty that she received such a beautiful gift.
Taking the ring from her fingers, he slips it onto the ring finger of her right hand. Saving the left for the engagement ring he will eventually buy.
"If you lose it you lose it. I know you feel guilty accepting this but you deserve to receive gifts, you deserve to be spoiled and appreciated. Layla, I love you. With every fibre of my very soul. I want this ring to be a reminder to you that I am always going to be here, I'm never going to leave."
Layla gazes down at the ring on her hand, her heart beating faster.
"Thank you…Lucien. I love you too."
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Island In The Sun
A/N: Finally the highly requested little (very long) vacation one shotttttttt, enjoy :)
Word Count: 7.8k
To you, summer was the best time of the year.
The weather was beautiful, the days were long, and the best part, Auston was off. Although you had nothing against hockey, you always loved the offseason because it allowed the two of you to relax and be together without worrying about being separated. As a parent, you loved it even more. 
One of your favourite things ever was seeing Auston and Mia interact together, and the summertime allowed you to witness that all the time. Whether it be them cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together, splashing around in the pool as Auston tried to teach your one and a half-year-old to swim, or even just the two of them walking ahead while you and Frank trailed right behind; you loved watching their bond grow. And there wasn't much more you appreciated than those special moments you got to share with your little family.  
However, since Mia was born, it had been a bit harder to find time for yourself. Not that you cared, though, because you loved your daughter more than anything in the world, but compared to before, it was much more complicated to do things and not have to worry about Mia's wellbeing as you did them.
It was even more challenging whenever you and Auston tried to have some alone time together. Sure, the two of you would cuddle up on the couch and watch Netflix every once in a while after putting Mia to bed, but going out or doing anything that was just the two of you for more than a couple of hours, simply had not been doable. 
Hockey season didn't help with that either. 
With Auston consistently coming and going for roughly six months of the year, the two of you struggled even more with getting some alone time. When Auston was home, of course, he'd want to spend time with you, but he also would be determined not to miss any time he could get with Mia. Therefore, making that much-needed husband and wife time more challenging to achieve. Sure, the two of you always took what you could get, but leading up to the end of the season, your friends and family would always go off on both you and Auston how a night to yourselves was necessary. 
Still, nothing extravagant happened. In complete honesty, the two of you were content with nights in that consisted of cuddling on the couch while Mia was asleep upstairs. It was simple. To you and Auston, it was perfect. Neither of you needed anything more than that, but then the opportunity to go on vacation with Auston's family came up.  
The Matthews family had plans to go to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico for a week-long trip at the end of July. They had vacationed in the same area a few years prior, back while you and Auston were still dating and long before Mia arrived, but you couldn't tag along for the trip because of things going on at home. That was fine, though, you still loved seeing the pictures and hearing all the stories, but this time around, you were very excited to join. 
Seeing as Mia was almost a year and a half old, it was the first time you and Auston were travelling outside of the US or Canada with her. You knew the flight from Phoenix to Cabo wouldn't be an issue seeing as she was ok on the much longer trip to Toronto, but you were still very interested to see how she was with being in a completely new setting. 
You were most excited to see how she'd like the Beach, and luckily for you, she loved it. 
The first half of your week-long trip flew by. The day everyone arrived mainly consisted of getting settled into accommodations and relaxing a bit before the fun actually started during the following days. 
Speaking of accommodations, they were unreal and so lovely.
Along with some family friends, the entire family was set up in three different places within walking distance of each other along the Beach. The first house was a little bungalow where Brian and Ema stayed, giving them their own relaxing space to go back to after a long day with the fam. The next one was a much larger house that was able to accommodate more people. It had a pool, games and all different types of activities just there and ready to use. That was where Alex, Bre, as well as the friends that tagged along stayed. It was also where everyone spent the most time as a group unless you were all out doing other things.
The last house was a kind of villa type thing. It was a bit larger than where Brian and Ema stayed, but nowhere near as big as the house between the two, and was the perfect size for your little family. The villa had two bedrooms, one smaller one that wasn't even used but was stunning, and a huge master bedroom with a large ensuite and walk-in closet. It had a little kitchen and living room with massive floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the Beach and was the perfect little oasis for you, Auston and Mia. Sure, it felt a little empty without Frank roaming around, but you knew he was living it up back in Scottsdale while being watched by a close friend of Auston's.
Your first full day in Cabo was nothing short of amazing. 
You started the morning off by meeting up with the rest of the group for breakfast at a restaurant nearby. Everyone discussed how things were as they settled in the night before, then moved on to talk about what the day's events would consist of. It was established that after breakfast, the guys and Bre were going to do a round of golf. As they did that, you and Mia decided to spend some time on the Beach with Ema and Alex. 
It was super peaceful.
You spent a fair bit of time in the water, gently pushing around a standup paddleboard while Mia sat on it with her little lifejacket, smiling widely and giggling as you moved her around. After doing that for a little while, Alex said she'd watch Mia so that you and Ema could explore a little bit. That went on for a couple of hours before eventually being joined by everyone else. 
"Hello, Miss Mia," Bre chimed as she sat down next to you on the beach blanket later that afternoon, immediately earning a response from your daughter from where she sat between your legs playing with a shovel. 
"Look who's back, Mia! Is that your Auntie Bre?" You asked your daughter as she held onto your hands to pull herself into a standing position before wobbling towards Bre. 
"Hi, sweet girl," Bre responded with outstretched arms so that she could pull Mia in for a hug once she was close enough. Mia hugged her tightly and let out a happy squeal before Bre set her down in her lap and looked back to you. "How's it going? What have you guys been up to all day?"
"Good, we've just been hanging around here," you told her with a smile. "I explored with your mom for a bit, then Alex and I got smoothies a little while ago, now they're out on the jet skis. Mia has been absolutely loving the Beach, but I haven't taken her swimming just yet. How was golf? Did you kick their butts?"
"You know it," she said matter of factly, making you chuckle. "Auston was a little cheesed."
"Of course, he was. Sore loser."
She then explained how Brian had plans to surprise Ema with a little dinner that night, so he was back at their bungalow, setting up a reservation for just the two of them. She also mentioned how Auston had gone back to your villa to shower and should be joining any minute. 
As the two of you chatted, neither of you noticed Ema and Alex as they docked their jet skis and began walking towards you until Mia got all smiley again.  
"What's got you all excited, huh?" Bre asked as Mia started reaching towards something behind her aunt, making you glance in the same direction to see who it was approaching. 
"She sees your mom," you replied while smiling and waving to the two women approaching. 
"Ah, no wonder," she chuckled and stood up from her spot to go greet them with Mia. 
"Oh, hello there," Ema said as Mia tackled her in a hug, indicating that she now wanted to be held by her grandmother. 
"Wow, Mia, nice to know who your favourite relative is," Alex joked as she sat down next to you, nudging you with her shoulder. "You ready to go shopping?"
"Yeah, whenever you guys are ready!"
"Is Mia coming?" Bre asked as she, Mia and Ema joined you and Alex again.
"I don't think so," you replied. "Auston wants to take her for a bit to hang around the pool before she needs a nap, I believe."
"Fair enough," Alex nodded and watched as Ema walked with Mia to where the tide flowed onto the shore. "We probably have a few minutes before he gets here, do you mind if I take Mia in the water as we wait?"
"Not at all, I'll have her towel ready."
"Wait, I'm coming!" Bre called after her sister as the two walked towards the water. 
You sat back and watched as your mother and sisters-in-law took turns wading into the water while holding onto Mia until a small waved formed and brushed passed them. It was so simple, but Mia loved every second of it. Each time she touched the water, Mia would let out a squeal of delight and laugh before splashing around a bit, earning some dramatic gasps from Alex and Bre.
As you watched, you couldn't help but smile as your heart swelled with so much love. These three women had become such important people in your life throughout your relationship with Auston. They always loved and supported you, welcomed you as one of their own, and built a significant and lasting relationship with you. That love was shared with your daughter from the moment she was born and had only grown ever since. You were well aware of how much Mia adored her aunts and grandparents, and it just made you so happy that she was going to grow up with these amazing people always watching out for her. 
After a few minutes went by, there was a sudden presence of a person sitting on the sand behind you and pulling you close to them. You didn't need to turn around to tell that it was Auston with the way his arms instantly wrapped around you protectively, and his facial scruff brushed against your skin as he leaned his chin onto your shoulder, quietly observing his mom and sisters play with Mia as well. 
"Hey, you," you said after a moment of just sitting there in comfortable silence, before looking at your husband and smiling. "How was golf?"
"Oh, I'm sure you already know how golf was," he responded with an eye roll.
"You lost that bad, huh?"
"Don't wanna talk about it."
You couldn't help but chuckle at the way he was acting, as he let out a huff and looked at you with a pointed glance. "Well, if it's any compensation, I'm glad that you're back even if you did lose to your little sister. Can't be better than everyone at everything, babe."
"Yeah, whatever, I'll take it," he replied with a grin. "Besides, I've got my prize right here, anyways."
He then leaned towards you, and you closed the remaining space between the two of you by meeting his lips with yours in a soft, sweet kiss. You could feel him smirk against you and had no intention to break away from him either until a voice interrupted. 
"Geez, get a room," Bre spoke up from where she stood in the water, sticking her tongue out jokingly once you looked at her. 
"Leave them be," Ema scolded her daughter before smiling at you and Auston. 
"Way to ruin the moment, Bre," Alex scoffed and stepped out of the water with your daughter. "But, I do think someone's excited to see you, Auston."
"Daddy!" Mia exclaimed and reached towards you and Auston as she and Alex approached. 
"Hi, baby," Auston grinned widely and reached up to take Mia from his sister's hold, not waiting any longer to snuggle her into his chest. "Did you have fun in the water?"
"Uh-huh," she replied as she leaned back to look at him and smile.
The two then started chatting, and you subtly moved from your spot between Auston's legs to grab Mia's towel so she wouldn't get cold. 
"Are you ready to hang out with me while your mom leaves us to go shopping with your aunts?" Auston asked Mia, making you roll your eyes as you stood up. Alex gave you a knowing look as the two of you just shook your heads.
"Yeah!" Mia said and cuddled closer to you as you took her from her dad and wrapped her in the towel.
"Mia, tell your dad that he's a drama queen," you spoke up and pecked her on the cheek.
"'Rama, daddy."
"Yes, drama!."
Alex started chuckling from where she stood beside you, while Auston huffed and looked at you with a pout. "You make it seem like Bre, and I are stealing her from you."
"Uh, have you seen the way the three of you shop? You guys won't be back for hours."
"Like you're any better," Bre deadpanned and gave her brother a look as she and Ema approached. "We'll be back before dinner. You'll be fine."
"Whatever," he said with a sigh before standing up and walking towards Ema. "At least mom wants to hang out with me."
Ema chuckled and shook her head. 
"I'm going with them. What do you mean?"
The look of absolute betrayal that washed over Auston's face as she said that was comedic and made everyone laugh but him. "Wow."
"Oh, babe, I promise next time you can come with us," you stated and walked towards your husband. Once you were close enough, Auston wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you close as he took Mia in his other arm. "We'll be back soon."
"Yeah, yeah," he replied and winked at you before glancing at Mia. "Looks like it's just me and you, baby girl. Is that alright with you?"
She didn't respond, just nodded before leaning against Auston's shoulder and knuckling at her eyes tiredly. You and Auston looked at each other knowingly after that. 
"I think I'm just going to take her back to the villa, cause someone needs a nap," your husband stated and brushed a little curl away from Mia's face. "You tired, mini?"
Whenever he called her that, you couldn't help but smile because of how true it was. Mia really was Auston's mini-me, and you loved it so freaking much. 
"Mhm," Mia replied before letting out a loud yawn. "Nemo, daddy?"
"Yes, sweets, we'll watch Nemo together," he said and leaned down to kiss her cheek before looking back to you. 
"We'll be back soon," you assured both Mia and Auston, but earned yourself an odd glance from your daughter.
"Mommy, come."
"No, baby," you responded quietly, your heart breaking a bit thanks to how she looked at you with her tired eyes expectantly. "Mommy will be back in a little bit, ok? I promise."
"Ok," she repeated before cuddling closer to Auston, showing just how exhausted she was. 
You then looked to Auston, who didn't miss a beat as he leaned down to peck your lips again. "Call me if you need anything, ok?"
"You know, I will. I'll see you soon," Auston said before giving you another quick kiss and then looking at his mom and sisters. "Have fun, ladies."
"Bye," the three of them said as you stood and watched him walk away with your baby. 
A moment later, someone nudged you with their shoulder to get your attention. 
"Ready to go?" Alex asked, already holding her folded up beach-blanket and other items. 
"Oh, yeah," you stated and moved to pick up your things before heading back to the house she and Bre were staying in. "Lead the way."
It didn't take long for the four of you to get where all the little shops and stores were, and it took even less time for the actual shopping to begin. You found a couple of cute clothes for yourself and even more adorable things for Mia, thanks to Bre and Alex's help. After that, you and Auston's sisters helped pick out a new outfit for Ema and somehow convinced her that she should wear it to dinner that night, although she was still unaware of her little date night with Brian. 
Once you finished shopping, the four of you returned to the Beach to get ready for the night ahead. Ema went back to the bungalow, while Bre and Alex helped you with the stuff you bought back to your villa. You were all excited to be back and see Mia again, but the house was empty when you entered. 
"Where do you think they went?" Bre asked as each of you set down the bags you were holding and looked around. 
"No clue," Alex replied and glanced at you. "Has Auston messaged you?"
"No, he hasn't," you told her and pulled out your cell phone to see that Ema had texted you instead. "But your mom did. She says to go over to your guys' place."
"That's where they must be," Bre said and started walking towards the door again. "Let's go. I wanna see my niece."
"I'm sure she wants to see you too," you chuckled as you followed after her and Alex back outside. 
The three of you walked down the Beach to the two-storey house you assumed everyone else was. It was early evening, so the sun was still up and would be for a few more hours, and you couldn't help but wonder what Auston and Mia had gotten up to while you were away. 
As soon as you stepped foot into the house, you got your answer.
"Y/N, go take a look by the pool," Ema said as she greeted you, Bre and Alex again. "I think there's something you might want to see."
Confused, you looked at Bre and Alex unsurely before walking by them and towards the back of the house. You could hear them and Ema following behind you and didn't know what to expect when you went outside, but your heart melted once you did. 
Brian waded in the pool with the other guys, while to the left of the door, Auston was passed right out on one of the lounge chairs, with Mia asleep on his chest. 
Mia was still wrapped in a towel, which made you think she mustn't have gone to sleep right away, so Auston brought her to the pool in an attempt to wear her out even more, but ended up making himself tired during the process as well.    
"They've been like that for an hour and a half now," Brian chuckled as he climbed onto a pool floaty. "Didn't even make it inside the house, they were both so exhausted."
"Please, I love them so much," you replied and couldn't keep yourself from awing at how cute the two of them were.
"They are pretty freaking adorable. I must admit," Bre spoke up as she placed her elbow on your shoulder and leaned against you as she observed the two sleeping beauties as well. 
"My favourite pair," Alex chimed in as she stood beside you and smiled. 
"Mine, too," you stated. "I don't want to wake them up."
But just as you said that Mia began stirring awake and started looking around as if trying to remember where she was. 
"Mama," she said with a yawn once her eyes landed on you, and Bre wasn't long in taking her arm off your shoulder so that you could go over to your little girl. 
"Hi, baby," you responded as you ducked under the broad umbrella and sat down on the edge of the lounge chair beside them, making sure to gently brush away some of the curls that fell in your daughter's face and smile at her. "Did you have a good nap with daddy?"
"Mhm," she nodded while still leaning against Auston's chest, which gradually woke him up as well. 
He stretched and groaned while wrapping his arm protectively around Mia before even opening his eyes, but when he finally did and saw you, he immediately grinned widely. 
"Hey, you're back," he said and sat up straight, his voice husky as he spoke. "Did you have fun?"
"We did," you replied, smiling as well before looking to Bre and Alex and winking at them. "Looks like you and Mia had some fun too."
"I don't even remember falling asleep," he admitted before looking down at Mia. "I guess we were both tired, huh, little miss?" 
"Yeah," Mia smiled before reaching towards you so that you'd hold her. 
"I bet," you stated while hugging your daughter close and looking back at your husband. "What do you say we head back to the villa and get changed for dinner?"
"Tee!" Mia called once she noticed Bre and Alex standing nearby, no longer paying any attention to you. 
"Well, I think that's a solid plan, but we may have trouble separating Mia from those two," Auston said as he stood up and glanced towards his sisters.
"Hi, baby girl," Alex spoke softly and crouched with her arms open as you set Mia down and watched as she wobbled to her aunt. 
"You know, you could always leave her with us as you went and got ready," Bre suggested as Alex stood back up, holding your daughter, and gave her arm a little squeeze. 
"Please, you'd never give her back," Auston scoffed, making you chuckle as you stood next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. 
"And what about it?" Alex challenged while moving so that Bre could hold Mia. "I swear, you two never take any time to yourselves. This vacation is for the both of you too, you know?"
"Yes, and we love it," you answered honestly. "But, it's a different type of vacation now with Mia here, which is fine. Wouldn't have it any other way."
Bre and Alex both sent you soft smiles after that, before glancing at each other as if they were silently planning something. Auston seemed to notice their plotting too and glanced down at you before looking back at them suspiciously, but Bre spoke up again before either of you could say anything.   
"Fair," she shrugged and looked back to you and Auston. "But go get changed, we can watch her for twenty minutes. I'm sure you'll both be fine."
"But-," Auston started, but cut himself off as his sisters both turned around and headed back into the house with your daughter without saying another word, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched them go. "Did they just steal our daughter from us?"
"Looks like it," you giggled and turned around so that you'd be facing your husband. "C'mon, let's go get changed, and we'll have her back before you know it."
And so you did. The two of you headed back to your villa, telling Auston's family that you'd both be back in a few minutes. But what neither of you noticed was that both Bre and Alex came back outside with Mia and looked at their mom expectantly as soon as you and Auston were gone. 
"How are we supposed to get them to have a whole night that's just the two of them with Auston being so stubborn?" Bre asked as she sat at the edge of the pool, still carefully holding onto Mia.
"I definitely think Y/N will be easier to convince that it's a good idea for us to watch Mia for a night than Auston will be," Alex stated from where she stood before looking at Ema. "But we need to. Those two haven't had a date night in who knows how long, and what better time to do it than on vacation?"
"Exactly," Ema agreed as she walked into the pool and waded over to where Bre sat with Mia. "We're going to have to just bombard them with the fact that they're going to be alone for a night. Don't give them a chance to argue. They'll be fine if they keep busy, and besides, it's their anniversary soon. They deserve some alone time."
Bre and Alex nodded in agreement, and both began thinking of ways to make their plan work, while Brian continued floating around and became curious about how their plan would work out.
The evening was relatively lowkey after that. You and Auston returned to the house after getting changed, and everyone headed out to dinner. Once you all at the restaurant, Brain and Ema went their separate way away from everyone else for their little date night. While they were gone, the rest of the group ate a massive meal before eventually calling it a night and heading back home with plans to meet at the big house the following morning. 
The next day, everyone met up and went boating. Some snorkelled, some went tubing, and others just chilled on the boat and made the most of it before going back on land and doing other activities. 
That was what each day consisted of. 
There was always so much to do, as a whole or split up in groups, and being with Auston's family made it extremely enjoyable. Each busy day ended with everyone grabbing dinner together before going back to their respective homes to unwind and go to bed. But on one particular night later in the week, that changed. 
Everyone had finished eating and was just getting ready to start walking back to the houses when Ema picked Mia up from her chair and started walking away. 
"Are you going to stay with me tonight?" She asked your daughter as everyone started following after them, you and Auston being the last ones to trail behind.
"Yeah," Mia replied as she hugged her grandmother, making you and Auston come to a complete halt.
"Wait. What?" the two of you asked in unison, not noticing how Bre and Alex covered their mouths, attempting not to burst out laughing.
"What's going on?" Auston questioned, still obviously very confused. 
"Mia is going to stay with your dad and me tonight," Ema said as a matter of factly while she glanced at the two of you over her shoulder, making sure to send you a wink before looking at her son. "You and Y/N can have a night to yourselves tonight. Mia will be fine with us. We'll keep her busy and then tomorrow after dinner; I'll bring her back to the villa." 
"I think they planned this," you whispered as you leaned against your husband's shoulder while he stared back at his family completely dumbfounded. 
"Exactly," Bre stated. "You two have barely had any time that was just the two of you since Mia was born. Go, have a date night. Be a little reckless. We've got Mia."
"But not too reckless," Brian chimed in, making everyone but Auston chuckle. "Have some fun. The two of you are on vacation, one night away from your daughter won't kill you. Relax a little bit."
"But-," Auston started until you cut him off. 
"It's just a night, Aus," you told him, noticing how both Bre and Alex let out sighs of relief. "She's in safe hands. If anything happens, we're not very far away. I think a night to ourselves would be… nice."
"You should listen to your wife," Alex said while smiling at you and Auston. "We'll follow you back to the villa to get Mia's things, then let the two of you be."
"I-," he was ready to argue, but when he looked down at you and started thinking of how one night with you away from Mia wouldn't be too bad, he sighed in defeat before looking back at his family. "Ok, fine."
"Perfect, let's get going," Ema said and started leading the way back to the villa. 
"They definitely planned this," Auston grumbled as he wrapped a hand around your waist and continued walking next to you. 
"I know," you replied and shook your head while laughing. "Everyone has been trying to get us to have a date night, didn't know it was so bad that we'd have to be forced to do it."
"A date night with you isn't something I need to be forced to do. I'll take that any day."
"Good answer."
"Yeah," he chuckled too. "I've just gotten so used to being around Mia and not having to leave. This feels kind of weird, her leaving me for once."
"Oh, how the tables have turned," you teased and gave him a squeeze, to which he responded by leaning down and kissing the top of your head. 
"It'll be nice getting you alone," he said huskily, not noticing that it was loud enough for others to hear.
"Ok, at least keep it PG until we get Mia's things and leave," Bre groaned.
"Hey, you can blame yourself for this," Auston replied before reaching down to squeeze your butt, trying to get a rise from his sister. 
"Auston!" You scolded and stepped away from him. "God, you're such a pest."
"You love it," he responded cheekily as you let him pull you close again. 
"Debatable," you told him with a wink, before standing on your toes and pecking his lips before linking your hand with his and pulling him after everyone else. "C'mon, it's getting late, and Mia is going to need to go to bed soon."
"Yes, dear," he said and followed behind you all the wat back to the villa. 
Bre and Alex came over to help Ema gather Mia's things, but they didn't stay long. Before you knew it, they were all heading towards the door; getting Mia to blow kisses at you and Auston as they went.  
"Bye, mommy. Bye, daddy," she said while waving goodbye.
"Bye, baby," you replied while leaning against Auston, suddenly feeling emotional over the thought of your little girl leaving. 
"We'll see you tomorrow, princess," Auston said and held you a little tighter as you both said goodbye to his mom and sisters, and they eventually disappeared out the door. Once they were gone, you looked up at Auston curiously. "Guess it's just us now."
"What do you propose that we do?" You asked. 
"Well, there's that jacuzzi tub in the washroom that hasn't been used yet. What do you say I pour us some wine, and we relax in there a little?"
"Sounds like a plan to me."
And that was how the two of you spent the night together. You relaxed in the tub, chatted, and just enjoyed each other's company before eventually getting out to shower off. However, neither of you made it to the shower because soon after wrapping yourself up in a towel, Auston was behind you, placing kisses along your exposed collarbone and holding you close. It didn't take long for things to get heated after that, and the night soon faded around the both of you as you made your way back into the bedroom. 
When you woke up the next morning, the space on the bed beside you was empty. A few beams of light peaked through the drawn blinds and danced across the room, illuminating the area just enough for you to take in the clothes strewn all over the place, and the thin bedsheet that clung to your body. 
The half-empty glasses of wine still sat on the bedside table, and your bra hung across the lamp on the other side of the room, but you didn't care. You were at peace as you snuggled into the pillows a little more and listened to the sound of waves as they crashed against the shore outside.
The waves soon faded into the sound of running water coming from the ensuite, and it was then you realized where Auston had gone off to so early on this day that was meant for the two of you to relax.
Wasting no time, you scrambled off the bed and wrapped the sheet around your body so you'd at least be a little covered as you greeted your husband and quickly made your way to the ensuite.
Once you entered the room, Auston immediately made eye contact with you in the mirror and smirked. His mouth was full of toothpaste as he finished brushing his teeth, and his eyes were very sleepy, indicating how much the activities from the night before seemingly wore him out. However, he still looked ridiculously hot to you as he stood there in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.   
Without breaking eye contact, you walked up behind him and placed some soft kisses on the back of his shoulder before stepping beside him and beginning to brush your teeth as well. 
You kept sending each other glances as he moved on to shaving around his moustache a little, and once you both finished what you were doing, you were all over each other again. 
The next thing you knew, you were sitting on the vanity with your back pressed gently against the mirror and hands tangled in Auston's hair as he kissed you hungrily. You could feel the sheet slipping off with each movement you made and were quick in pulling it back up before too much could get shown off, making Auston chuckle as he continued kissing you shamelessly. 
A moment later, you both pulled away to catch your breath and look at each other knowingly. 
"Good morning," you were the first to speak as you leaned up to peck his lips once again, noting how swollen your's were already beginning to feel. 
"Good morning to you, too," he responded and gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear as a smug grin danced across his lips. "Did you have a good night last night?"
"Cheeky," you responded while rolling your eyes at how he referred to what the two of you did once you got back to the villa. "But, yes, I did, and I think today will be even better."
"I don't know. Last night was pretty great. Pretty sure I'm going to have to wear a T-shirt all day to cover the scratches on my back."
"I'm just messing with you," he laughed and leaned down to catch your lips in another sweet kiss, before moving away and walking towards the shower. "Well, we better start getting ready. We've got a busy day ahead of us."
"Busy?" You asked as you hopped off the counter and followed after him. "I thought we were supposed to, and I quote, relax. I mean, I'm down for anything. But I am missing Mia, though."
"Me too, which is why I think my family booked a bunch of things for us to do today. They want to keep us busy until we get her back tonight."
"What did they plan?"
"I honestly don't know," he shrugged and turned back around to face you. "I just woke up to a text from Alex saying we have to be down at the marina in an hour and a half, that's all I know. So I'm going to shower and get ready. Something is waiting for you in the kitchen if you want to check it out. Or you could join me in the shower, wouldn't be opposed to that either."
"Get in the shower, Matthews," you replied and rolled your eyes at his cheekiness again. "I'll make us some breakfast, then wash my hair."
You didn't leave much room for argument, because after that you were striding out of the washroom and back through the bedroom, not caring that you were still wearing a bedsheet dress. 
As you walked into the hallway, you wondered what the hell could be waiting for you in the kitchen, and was unable to keep yourself from gasping as you rounded the corner and saw a huge bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter. It wasn't hard to spot the little card resting in the flowers that had your name written on it, but before you could walk over and read it, a pair of hands gripped your waist and spun you back around. 
Auston's lips immediately crashed to yours, and you let out a surprised squeak, but quickly returned the kiss before pulling away slightly. 
"Happy anniversary," he mumbled against your lips before stepping back and smiling. 
But you were beyond confused and looked at him weirdly.
Anniversary? Anniversary of what? You raked your mind for ideas of what it was he talked about until something clicked, and your eyes went wide.
"Holy shit," was all you said before bolting back down the hallway towards the bedroom. 
You could hear Auston following behind you, but he was quiet as he watched you walk over to where your cell phone was sitting on the table and check the date. Sure enough, the date was exactly what you thought. 
July 30th, otherwise known as yours and Auston's first wedding anniversary, which you completely forgot about up until that moment.
Not a moment later, your phone chimed with a text from Steph wishing you and Auston a happy anniversary. Then came one from Mitch, then Alex, then Bre, then even more friends and family from home, which did not make you feel any better about the situation. 
"Oh, my God," you groaned and ran a hand down your face before eventually glancing back at your husband, who was looking at you with pure amusement. 
"You forgot our anniversary, didn't you?" He asked and stepped towards you. 
"No," you lied.
"Yes, you did, or else you wouldn't be so flustered."
"Ok fine, I forgot," you whined and flopped onto the bed, completely ashamed. Auston chuckled as he sat on the bed next to you and watched you sulk for a minute before finally looking back to him. "I'm sorry. We've just been having so much fun during this trip. I knew it was coming up, but I completely lost track of the days and didn't realize that it was today. Wow, I'm a terrible wife."
"No, you're not," Auston stated while shaking his head at your dramatics. 
"Yes, I am! Who forgets their first freaking wedding anniversary? Also, how are you so calm about this?"
"Because I'm not mad, Y/N."
"You're not?" You asked and lifted your head from the pillow to look at him better. "How? I mean, I would be. I suck."
"Because, babe, I get it," he told you seriously. "And no, you don't suck. Life gets crazy sometimes, and it's hard to keep track of things. Remember when I forgot Valentine's Day that one year?"
"Valentine's Day is not as important as our anniversary."
"Doesn't matter, I'm trying to prove that it's ok you forgot. I'm not going to hold a grudge against you over it."
It was impossible for you not to melt a little bit as he said that.
"Why are you so good to me?" You asked as he reached a hand towards you, and gently linked your fingers with his. 
"Because I love you," he replied. "Simple as that. How do you like the flowers, though?"
"I love them," you stated as you sat back up and quit your sulking. "They're beautiful, Auston. Thank you. Are you sure you're not mad?"
"Yes, I'm sure," he chuckled and shook his head before standing up. "I may never let you live it down, but no, I'm not mad."
"God, I think that might be worse than you just being pissed off at me."
"Not my fault you forgot our anniversary, now is it?"
"Auston!" You groaned and leaned back against the headboard, knowing that he most definitely would never let you live this down. 
"Love you," he singsonged as he leaned down to kiss you once more. 
"Love you too, even though you're a pain in my ass," you pouted before returning the kiss. 
"Your favourite pain," Auston stated as he moved back towards the ensuite. "But we really do need to get going, or Alex is going to be pissed that we missed whatever reservation she made."
Once the two of you were showered and dressed, you both made your way to the marina to see what the day had in store, but not without glancing at Ema and Brian's bungalow to see if you could see Mia as you went. 
When Auston gave the man who was waiting on the docks his name, the two of you were told that he was taking you both on a boat tour to see The Arch Of Cabo San Lucas and other tourist attractions such as the infamous Lovers Beach. 
"Fitting name," Auston said to you quietly as the two of you boarded the boat. 
"This kind of thing has Alex written all over it."  
"You think that's bad, Bre just texted me saying she booked us an hour at the driving range after this."
"Oh, god," you replied dramatically, but had to smile at how thoughtful and considerate it was of Auston's family to set everything up for the two of you. "As long as there's some type of alcohol, I'm game."
"Perfect," he responded as he sat next to you and the boat set sail. "Anything else you want to do before dinner?"
"I think I'll book us something at the spa," you told him with a smirk. "My treat."
"Sounds good to me."
The day couldn't have gone more perfect, and the fact that you and Auston spent it entirely together made it even more special. When evening came, you went to a dinner reservation for two, which was so lovely, but you were both a little antsy by the end of it.
"Think they'll let us take our daughter back now?" You asked your husband as you sipped on the last little bit of wine you had with dinner.
"God, I hope so," Auston said dramatically. "Not that I didn't love this time with you or anything, but I really miss her."
"I do too. This was needed, but I'm ready for us to get our little girl back."
"Couldn't agree more."
After you finished your drink, you and Auston walked hand in hand to Bre and Alex's house and couldn't wait to see everyone, especially Mia. Once the two of you arrived, it wasn't long before Ema opened the front door and pulled you both in for a hug.
"Happy anniversary!" 
"Thank you," both you and Auston replied while returning the hug.
"Did you two have a good day?" She asked and stepped back to let you enter the house.
"It was amazing," you told her honestly. "Thank you for doing this, Ema."
"Oh, don't thank just me. There was no way I would've been able to do it alone. Now, come."
You looked at Auston suspiciously as Ema began leading the two of you down the hallway, but he just shrugged. 
"Don't look at me," he started with a laugh. "They're up to something else, though. I feel it."
"Let's go you two," Ema's voice called from down the hall, not giving you a chance to respond.
"Guess we'll find out," you told your husband before making way down the hallway after your mother-in-law. 
But neither of you were prepared for what you saw once you entered the living room.
"Happy anniversary!" Everyone who came on vacation exclaimed. 
"'Versary!" Yelled Mia from where she stood between Bre and Brian.
It was then you were able to take in your surroundings finally. The room was decorated with balloons and banners all with 'Happy Anniversary' written across them.  There was also a cake resting on the table in the corner with a framed photo of you and Auston from your wedding day standing next to it. 
"You guys," you started as you covered your mouth and looked around at everyone with teary eyes. "Thank you."
"Yes, thank you," Auston said, and just couldn't stop smiling. He then looked down at you and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. "Happy anniversary, babe."
"Happy anniversary," you repeated before softly kissing him again, then pulling him in for a hug.
"Maybe I won't tell them that you forgot."
"Matthews, I swear to-." 
You were ready to ream him out but were interrupted by a small force tackling yours and Auston's legs. Immediately, you moved away from your husband and looked down to see Mia hugging you both tightly. 
"There's my girl!" Auston exclaimed as he bent down to pick up your daughter and hug her tightly, to which she returned. 
"Hi, sweet girl," you greeted as Mia looked your way and was soon tackling you in a hug as well. "Your daddy and I missed you today."
"'Versary!" She replied excitedly. 
"Yes, it's mommy and I's anniversary, princess," your husband said before leaning down to kiss her head. "Man, a lot has happened in a year. I just keep thinking of how small she was the day we got married."
"I know," you responded with wide eyes as you thought back to a year prior. "But, you know, although this past year was pretty amazing, I still think the best has yet to come."
"I think you're right," Auston agreed. "Can't wait to see what the next year brings us, and all the years after that."
"Me neither."
Both you and Auston were soon surrounded by everyone in his family, hugging and congratulating the both of you. They then went on to ask how yours and Auston's day went and had the biggest smile on your face as you relived it all. That smile remained for the rest of the evening as you mingled with Auston's, no, your family, and got even more excited with what the future was going to hold because you knew that with all of these amazing people in it, it was bound to be special.
// please let me know what you think! <3 //
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broadstbroskis · 4 years
ivy- morgan rielly
a/n: i wrote a thing, don’t hate me. very much inspired by ivy from the absolutely incredible new tswift evermore album (you should listen to the whole thing if you havent already and def this song)
warnings: infidelity (it’s a central theme), angst (lots)
The arm draped over her waist tightens just as Ophelia begins to move away. She bites her lip and closes her eyes and she feels Morgan bury his face in her hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Don’t go.” He whispers.
“I have to.” She wouldn’t. She’d stay here all night if she could. She’d stay until morning, she’d stay forever...but she can’t. “You know that.” It’s just as quiet, as if they’re both afraid of breaking the spell over them, but by now, they both know that prolonging the inevitable leads only to more pain, more difficulty leaving.
Morgan presses another kiss to the top of her head before rolling away; she feels the cold of his absence immediately, a loss that’s going to stay with her until she manages to find an escape to be with him again. 
Her clothes are scattered everywhere tonight, it seems, which merely means she feels Morgan’s eyes following her around his room as she gathers them. “Stop that.”
There’s the smallest of smiles of his face when she looks up at him, after pulling her sweater back on. “Stop looking at you? Never.” And she’s really supposed to be leaving, but how’s Ophelia not supposed to kiss him after that?
Morgan’s thumb strokes over her cheek after they break apart,  a gentle caress that expresses so much of all the things she knows he can’t-or won’t-say. “Text me when you get home, yeah?”
“I will.” Ophelia squeezes his hand gently, understanding the true message behind his words, the I love you, that’s just too much to say outright. And then, because it’s too much for her to actually say goodbye, she squeezes his hand once more, and then slips out of his room.
It’s dark still when she opens the door to her apartment a few floors down and the silence is deafening. By all accounts, it should be warmer and homier than the bachelor pad she just left. She’d put a lot of work and effort into making it a home, a place for a relationship to grow, to start a family. 
Right now, it just felt cold and unwelcoming, and Ophelia drops her keys on the table by the door in their usual spot, making a beeline for the master bathroom, not turning any lights on in the apartment until she makes it there. The sound of the shower finally drowns out the silence that’s ringing around her, stops her thoughts from running wild, and only when she steps inside does she let the tears fall.
Ophelia blinks once, and then again, adjusting her eyes to the bright sun shining in through the windows. The other side of the bed is empty, but warm still, like it’s only been recently vacated, and she musters up the energy to climb out of bed and find her slippers before she wanders out into the kitchen.
“‘Morning.” Jon’s scrolling through his phone at the table, likely checking emails, or possibly moved onto his morning social media read thru, his coffee still steaming in front of him. “There’s more in the pot.”
“Thanks.” She returns the small smile he’d sent her and pours a mug for herself, settling in at the table next to him and taking a moment to get used to the usual silence. “When’d you get in last night?”
Jon hums for a second, like he’s thinking about it. “3, I think?”
“Jesus.” She shakes her head; she doesn’t need to look at the clock to know that it’s too early for him to be up and dressed to go back to the office already then. “You need to sleep more.”
Jon stands up with his mug and kisses the top of her head. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
The thing is, she’s not sure he’s kidding. It’s an attitude that he shares with the rest of his firm, a top financial group filled with people just like Jon, always pushing themselves to do the absolute most. It’s not-she’d never begrudge him his success, but really, how well can he be taking care of himself when all he does is go to work, go to the gym, and travel for days at a time?
“That’ll be sooner than you think if you keep going on four hours of sleep.” Ophelia chides gently, standing to send him off.
Jon laughs. “I’ll be home early tonight; how’s that? We’ll go out somewhere for dinner and then come back to bed,” He waggles his eyebrows. “And then go to bed.”
“Hmm, I’ll believe it when I see it.” Ophelia says, and accepts the kiss he presses to her cheek on his way out the door.
(He doesn’t make it to dinner, but Ophelia's not shocked; she hadn’t bothered to change out of her gym clothes and orders takeout for herself instead.)
Probably a long shot, but are you free at 3 to go see a house? Ophelia sends Jon the second their realtor confirms the showing, unsurprised when he sends back a thumbs down emoji. She sighs, and confirms with the realtor that she’ll be attending alone-again-and then scrolls around the neighborhood, looking at other houses for sale. If she’s going all the way out to Etobicoke, she may as well check out a few others while she’s there.
Showings confirmed, she dresses for the spin class she’s hitting first and makes her way downstairs, catching Morgan in the parking garage. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He smiles. He’s got a couple teammates with him, the only thing stopping her from burying her face in his neck and slipping her hands into his hoodie pocket. “How’s it going?”
“Good.” She answers truthfully. It’s been a couple days since they’ve talked, longer since she’s seen him, even just in passing like this; he’s been out of town a lot this month for games. “You happy to be home for a bit?”
“Yeah,” Morgan nods, meeting her eyes, and she hadn’t intended the question to be anything more than what it is, but she catches the double meaning in his answer right away. “I am.”
“Yeah.” She catches herself mindlessly agreeing with him, forgetting about the teammates standing with him watching their every move and smiling gently at Morgan, instead. “It’ll be nice.”
Someone coughs, lightly, but it’s enough to break the moment. She suspects, from the look on Morgan’s face, that whichever one of his friend’s had interrupted had done so on purpose, is putting some kind of story together, and she’s taking that as her cue to go. “I’ll talk to you soon, I’m sure. Catch you in the halls.” She tries to joke, but it falls flat, so she makes her goodbyes instead, and even though they’re not alone, it’s impossible not to reach out and brush her fingers against his arm for just the quickest of touches as she passes.
“What do you think?” Ophelia can feel Pam studying her, but she bites her lip before she answers, knowing that she’s being an absolute pest.
“I just-I don’t really love it.” She says finally, and to her absolute credit, her realtor doesn’t even blink, even though this is the fifth house this afternoon she’s said that exact same thing about.
“What didn’t you love?”
What didn’t she love? Jesus, fucking everything. The bedrooms were too small, the kitchen was laid out terribly, the whole floor plan was a mess. Even petty little things, like the shape of the breakfast nook bothered her about this house. She explains her issues with the house, promising to make a list of what she’s absolutely looking for, and to send over any places she wants to take a look at, before slipping into her car and taking a deep breath.
There’s a text waiting for her from Jon. Going to be late at the office tonight, working on a pitch. Don’t wait up.
Another deep breath. She shoots off a response, a quick ok, and then swipes to another thread. Are you home?
Morgan’s response comes almost immediately. Yeah, just about to order dinner. You want in?
She does, absolutely. Be there in an hour.
Morgan has dinner waiting in takeout containers and plates ready, but Ophelia’s perfectly happy to ignore both of those in favor of pressing herself as close to him as she can and pushing up for a kiss. “Hi.” She says, a little breathlessly.
“I’m certainly not complaining, but what’d I do to deserve that?” He pulls her back in, entangling her fingers with his one hand and using the other to pull her closer. She loves when he holds her like this, keeps her so close that it feels like nothing can come between them, that nothing matters besides the two of them. 
She traces a pattern along his hand and feels him pull her in even more tightly. “Just for being you.” It’s a little sappy, too sappy maybe, but she cherishes every moment she’s gotten to spend knowing him and growing with him. 
The kiss Morgan pulls her in for at that is soft and promising, but he pulls back, looking as if it almost pains him. “Dinner first?” And because she can hear his stomach rumbling, she nods in agreement, with a smile and the smallest of laughs. 
“Dinner first.”
It’s snowing.
It’s snowing and the pond is frozen, but it’s empty, surrounded by evergreens and mountains, already coated in white. The air is crisp, that winter crispness that can only truly be felt in the middle of nowhere, and Ophelia breathes deeply, taking in the distinct scent of winter that she never really gets in Toronto, before it’s overpowered by a familiar one.
When Morgan skates up behind her, he doesn’t stop; instead, he only slows down enough to catch her arm and pull her along with him. 
“Morgan!” Ophelia scolds, but she’s laughing when she does, so he can’t possibly take her seriously.
“Ophelia!” He mimics, picking up speed, ignoring her sudden shriek and skating around in front of her to take both of her hands.
“Showoff.” She nods at him, still leading the two of them around the pond, only moving backwards now, so as to still be looking at her.
“Nah, just want to look at that pretty face more.”
When she stops, it doesn’t even catch him off guard; Morgan just glides the half step closer to her, still grinning as she teases him. “You get to look at my face all the time now.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m ever tired of it.” She loves him so much. How open and honest he is, that he always says what he’s thinking, from the sweetest things like that to anything he’s unclear about. His gentle touches, the warm caresses. His stupid dad jokes. She’d spend forever laughing at them just to see the smile on his face when she does.
“Not yet, at least.” She teases. “‘Ever’ is a lot of time.”
“Still not enough.” Morgan says, and then slips one of his hands into his pocket, coming back out with a velvet jewelry box. “Maybe forever?”
“Hey.” It doesn’t sound right, too distant and too unenthusiastic; it doesn’t match the pure joy in Morgan’s eyes looking at her.
“Yes.” She says, smiling and nodding at him.
“Phel,” there’s a gentle nudge against her neck and she blinks awake. There’s Morgan...but…she blinks the fuzziness of the dream away. He looks unhappy, reluctant, and she gets it, suddenly, when he continues. “It’s late.”
“Oh.” She says quietly, swallowing the lump in her throat. He presses a kiss to the back of her neck, another one on the soft skin where it meets her shoulder. “Mo-“ Morgan lifts his head to look at her, but there’s nothing she could say right now that would bring happiness to his face, nothing that would come even close to the unbridled excitement in her dream, so she keeps the memory close to her heart and gives him a soft kiss instead, before she has to go.
“Glass of red, as requested.” Ophelia smiles in thanks as Jon passes her a glass, but her attention is directed at the monstrosity of a tie that his coworker and best friend has shown up to a corporate event wearing.
“Kevin.” She says, and from the grin on his face, her disbelief is clear. “What is that?”
“It’s fashion, Ophelia.” Kevin says, putting an act of superiority on, but then going right back to his usual, kind of goofy, self. “Naw, I found it when we were in Dallas last week. It’s lit, isn’t it?”
“Lit.” She repeats dryly, taking a sip of her wine to hide a smile as he and Jon laugh. 
The laughs don’t last long, as the three of them are approached by Jon’s boss, and the small talk begins. There’s a client there they want to land tonight, or at least make dinner plans with for a later date, and that’s top priority, but don’t forget to make time for this person too because their contract is up in March, and of course, you can’t ignore the Leafs, especially not so-and-so from the such-and-such’s office because they’re looking to renew the sponsorship agreement after the season, and...
She blanks on all the names. All she needs to do is smile pretty anyway.
She excuses herself after Keith Williams (the client, who agrees to dinner later in the week, another night she’ll be alone) to refill her wine glass, and is waiting by the bar when she feels someone slide in next to her just a step too close. Instead of feeling tense though, it relaxes her immediately, and she leans against Morgan. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He smiles back at her. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Ophelia’d noticed him the minute he’d walked the door, noticed the way his suit was perfectly cut, that the navy brought out his eyes, had had a hard time looking away. “You look okay, I guess.”
Morgan laughs. “Okay, I guess?” He repeats, nudging her side.
“Very handsome.” She accepts her glass of wine from the bartender and smiles in thanks before he leaves them. “It’s a good suit on you.”
She’s sure he’s going to make a comment about how it’s an even better suit off him, but they’re interrupted. “Mo!” Someone says behind them, and Ophelia hadn’t even realized how close they were standing, that she’s curling into him and he’s leaning back, until they have to separate to turn around.
“Mitchy.” Morgan greets, sounding as calm as usual, while Ophelia feels like her heart’s going to beat out of her chest. “Finally made it, huh?”
“Matts couldn’t decide on what shoes he wanted to wear.” Mitch grumbles as the blonde next to him snickers into her palm.
“Worth the wait.” Ophelia looks over at the voice and realizes it’s one of the teammates Morgan had over the other week. She quickly realizes from the look on his face that he’s putting together the same pieces.
“Was it though?’ Mitch is asking him. “That’s the last time we agree to carpool.”
He’s ignored though. “We’ve met before, yeah?”
Ophelia nods. “Uh yeah, I live in the same building as Morgan.” She transfers her wine glass to her left hand to offer her right hand out to shake, catches the blonde’s eyes immediately go to her ring, and ignores the feeling in her stomach as she introduces herself to them.
They’re all friendly enough-Auston, Mitch, Mitch’s girlfriend-but she can’t help but feel like they’re just trying to feel her out for something; she makes polite chit-chat for a few minutes and then excuses herself away from them to go back to Jon.
“Hey.” She says quietly, slipping back into his side.
“All good?” He asks quietly. “You were gone for a while.”
She nods. “ Just ran into someone I know.” He hums noncommittally and she feels a moment of fear for Morgan, but then they’re moving toward that guy from the Leafs office he’s supposed to be talking with and he’s back to all business.
“Can we talk about this later?” Jon zips his suitcase and then looks over at her. “I’ve got to go.”
“When do you want to talk about it?” Ophelia cries frustratedly. “You’re always fucking going.”
Jon glares at her.” Jesus Christ, Ophelia.” He starts rolling his suitcase down the hall and she follows, unable to resist.
“Should I even bother looking at houses still? Or should we just stay stagnant?”
“Do whatever the fuck you want, Ophelia. I don’t care right now.” The door slams behind him, but for once, she can’t bring herself to be mad about it, too furious about the fight they just had, shouting in circles about things they’ve already fought about. 
Stewing in her anger isn’t going to do her any good, so she changes and heads to the gym, each pounding step on the treadmill relieving the thrumming under her skin. She’s feeling better, by the time she slows it down to her cool down- not quite calm, by any means, but enough that she feels she can run the errands she needs to for the day without snapping at anyone who doesn’t deserve her ire.
She’s in the grocery store when her phone starts ringing. “Hey.” She smiles when she sees it’s Morgan.
“Hey.” She can practically hear him smiling, even through the phone, her airpods still in her ears. “I’m home.”
She’s in the snack aisle at the food store, absolutely beaming at the simplest words, just because he’s been gone for a week. “You are?”
“For a few days now.” He confirms.
“You want to come for dinner tonight?” She studies the cart in front of her. “I’ll cook.”
“You’re cooking? Tell me when to be there.” Morgan already sounds excited. It’s not often she gets a chance to cook for him, but every time she does, he raves about it. 
She laughs. “I’m at the store now; I’ll text you when I get home.”
He’s actually waiting for her in the parking garage when she pulls in and she laughs at him fondly as she parks her car. “Welcome back.”
“Hmm, good to be back.” The kiss he gives her in greeting is quick, too quick, but he makes up for it when he pushes her back against the counter as soon as they’re in her kitchen and the groceries are on the counter.
“Do you want risotto tonight or not?” Ophelia laughs against his lips, laughs again as she watches how torn Morgan looks. “We have time.”
He squeezes her hand. “Never enough.” And she kisses him again, because it’s true. These stolen moments, this borrowed time, none of it felt like enough. It wouldn’t ever be enough to show him all the love she has for him, to show him everything he does for her, all the pain he takes away and the joy he brings to her life. 
“Could you go pick out a bottle of wine?” She says quietly, nodding toward the wine fridge, instead of saying the things they both know are true, but will only lead to her saying something stupid, like asking him to run away with her.
The house comes in Pam’s daily email and Ophelia loves it from the first picture. She requests a showing for as early as possible and goes through her morning routine, trying not to get overly excited each time her phone buzzes with a new notification, until finally, Pam responds that she’ll meet her there at noon.
It’s only two hours, but it’s two hours that she can’t seem to fill, no matter what she does. Time feels like it’s stopped, until finally she gets in her car and drives over.
The stone exterior is even more beautiful in person than in the pictures. The kitchen is straight out of her dreams. The bedrooms are spacious, the family room is open, the basement is huge. She walks the entire house once, goes through again and again, smile growing wider each time.
Ophelia can picture it perfectly. The laughter filling all these nooks and crannies. A small blue-eyed boy always bouncing around, begging for anyone to play hockey with him. A girl, the shine of her dark hair catching all the natural light, eagerly trying to keep up with him. Morgan throwing his bag down the second he walks in the door and scooping them both into his arms to say hello, before coming to her and a baby, greeting them both just as tenderly.
It’s abrupt, the crash back to reality. This house, this beautiful, gorgeous, house can’t be hers. That life isn’t hers. It can’t be hers. It won’t be theirs. 
Ophelia doesn’t feel her legs crumble out from under her, but she finds herself on the floor, hand brushing over the carpet. She doesn’t feel the tears start either, but it’s not long before the sobs are wracking her entire body and she’s unable to stop.
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hockeyisit · 4 years
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Summary: Amelia and Auston hang out in Arizona 
AN: The ending is a little rushed because it was getting really long. 
Word Count: 3,635
Master List
Slamming my laptop shut I smile cheerfully to myself. After waking up the next to Auston the day after our first date I apologized profusely for falling asleep on the couch. He had to reassure me that it truly was fine about thirty times before I actually in fact did believe him. Auston had drivin me back to my hotel and had asked me if I was going to be free again before I head back to Toronto.
I had told him I was free and we had made plans for two days later which was now today. I glanced in the hotel mirror as I took in my outfit and makeup. I was wearing some cute jean shorts with a crop top. Auston hadn't told me anything that we were doing except that it was going to be an all day thing starting with lunch. Hearing my phone vibrate from the bathroom I ran over to pick it up.
“Hello?” I ask into the receiver.
“Hey, it's Auston. I’m here in the parking lot.”
“Okay I’ll be right down,” I said reaching over for my purse and sliding into my shoes.
“Can’t wait,” I heard him mumble into the phone. I grinned lightly as I got to the door and unlocked the two extra locks before unlocking the deadbolt. I walked to the elevator.
“I’m hopping on the elevator so it'll probably cut out,” I told him before the call did just that. Once I finally made it outside I looked around for Austons car. Thankfully he was standing leaning up against the passenger door.
“How are you doing today Amelia?” he questioned as he went to pull the door open for me. I grinned at him before walking over and hopping in.
“Perfect,” I responded enthusiastically. He walked around and hopped in the car before turning on the car.
“Me too,” he smiled as he hooked his phone up to the AUX. He opened up his music before debating for a moment and then turning to me.
“Do you want to DJ?” he asked holding his phone out to me. I didnt really want to deal with the pressure so I shook my head no. He seemed fine with that answer and pulled up a song before hitting play and putting his phone down.
“Alright so to lunch. Is there any place that you wanted to try?” he asked as he turned to face me. This was my first time ever being here so I didn’t really have any ideas of the options so I shrugged my shoulders.
“I’m really fine with whatever. Besides Arby’s if you have that here. That place is terrible,” I said with a shudder. He laughed as he pulled out of the parking spot.
“What do you have against Arby’s,” he questioned glancing at me for a second before returning his eyes back to the road.
“Have you smelled it? It’s seriously terrible,” I said as I shrunched up my nose. He nodded his head for a moment.
“It does smell pretty bad,” he laughed back and I joined in.
“I have a place in mind and I promise it’ll be better then Arby’s,” he promised. I gave him a small grin before looking out and taking in the views around me.
“I could never imagine growing up here,” I said truthfully as I leaned back into my chair. He hummed for me to continue.
“It’s so cool, and always warm. I would feel like I’m on vacation every day,” I said as I admired his face.
“I loved growing up here,” he said gently resting his arm on the armrest. He pulled into a parking space outside of a building called Grassroots Kitchen & Tap. He reached over for his phone and opened it to safari before searching something up and then handing it to me.
“Would you want anything from here?” he asked. I took the phone from him to see it opened to the menu. I looked through it for a few minutes before nodding my head.
“Yeah this sounds good,” I said locking his phone and handing it back to him. He grabbed it before turning his car off for the two of us to get out. As I walked towards the door Auston met me in front of the car and rested his hand on my back as the two of us walked towards the host.
“Hi. Table for two?” the hostess asked sweetly. I nodded my head while Auston responded with a yes. She smiled before turning to the other host and then one led us to a table in the back of the restaurant. It was absolutely stunning. There were flowers everywhere and so much natural beauty. Auston pulled out my chair and I took my seat before he moved to sit himself.
I smiled in amazement. I had never felt so special in my whole life. I had dated a few people in my life but I had never been treated as amazing as Auston had treated me just the few times that we had spent together. Auston handed me the drink menu.
“You can get a drink if you want,” he said softly before scanning his eyes over his own menu. I looked between the two menus trying to decide what I wanted. The server came by and greeted us before asking us what we would like to drink.
“I’ll take a lemon drop martini please ,” I said glancing up from the menu and over to Auston.
“Water please,” he said, placing his menu on the table. The server nodded before taking off and leaving the two of us alone.
“You didn’t want a drink?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ll get one at some point,” he laughed leaning forward towards me. I grinned leaning towards him and resting my face on my hand.
“How is it being home?” I asked after the two of us stared at another for some time.
“It’s been good. I’ve seen my family a lot,” he reached for his drink from the server as he spoke to me. I grabbed mine and we quickly placed our order before being left alone again.
“Who all have you been seeing in your family?” I questioned him not knowing much about his family.
“I don't get to see my sisters Alex and Breyana often or my mom and dad so mostly them. I’ve been going over for dinner and what not. I try to spend as much time as I can when I’m home for the offseason,” he said. I took a sip of my drink.
“Sounds like you're pretty close with your family,” I gave him a gentle smile, he nodded his head in agreement.
“How about you? Are you close with yours?” he questioned gently. I felt myself tense up for a second before forcing myself to relax.
“No not exactly,” I said, taking a deep breath. I reached for my drink and took a sip before continuing. Auston noticed my nerves and reached for my hand.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he reassured.
“It’s okay I want to,” I said softly trying to figure out where to start.
“I moved to Toronto to get away from them honestly. I was pretty close to my mom, but she passed away from cancer when I was in high school,” I felt my eyes water for a second before I forced it to go away. Auston’s eyes looked saddened as he took me in. His hand gave mine a gentle squeeze.
“I never really got along with my dad, he’s kind of just an asshole and racist. I haven't talked to him in almost two years. I have twin brother  Dean and Will and then a younger sister Amanda. I talk to them sometimes but they are all still in the states,” I finished softly. His face hardened as I talked about my father before he relaxed slightly.
“How old is your sister?” he asked pulling his hand away as the server dropped off the food. We both started digging in the second that the server was gone.
“She’s 17 so she still lives at home with my dad,” I huffed as I cut into my food. He nodded his head as he took a bite of his food.
“I’ve always wished that I had a close family,” I admitted with a small shrug. He glanced up from his food towards me and smiled gently when he was done chewing his food. I dug into my own food and the two of us finished before being interrupted by our server handing over the bill. Auston quickly swiped it up to pay before handing it back over.
“Alright, ready for our next place,” he said standing up and reaching out for my hand. I grabbed his as I stood up and he led us out to the car.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I raised his hand up under my chin. He looked at me before glancing away.
“Mini golfing,” he responded quietly. I let out a light squeal.
“Really?” I asked pausing our walk back to the car. He held my door open for me while I hopped into the car.
“My little sister recommended this place,” he said closing the door and making his way over to the car.
“What color ball do you want?” Auston asked as he reached toward the balls. I took in all the colors before making my decision.
“Blue,” I said, reaching up to tie my hair into a ponytail. As we had stood out in the heated sun I had felt a sweat start to build up. Auston reached for the blue and black ball before foregoing the paper to keep score.
“Don’t want to keep score?” I questionly teased. He placed his hand on my back leading me to the first hole.
“I get pretty competitive and I don’t think I’m ready to show you just how much,” he teased back. I laughed as I reached down to place my ball in place. I glanced at Auston before getting into stance and took my first hit. I wasn’t too horrible when it came to certain sports so I ended up getting the ball pretty close to the hole.
“So your a sore loser?” I joked back. He embarrassedly laughed before nodding his head slightly.
“I don't lose often,” he followed up with. I chuckled at that as I watched him take his stance. He took his shot and got it closer than mine.
“Alright next up a hike,” Auston said as he put his seatbelt on.
“A what?” I scoffed. That did not sound like something I would find fun.
“A hike. You know we walk and we explore in nature,” he said, putting his car in reverse. I reached out and placed my hand on his arm.
“But Auston. It’s like really hot out there,” I said dramatically as I pointed out the window. He laughed as he nodded his head.
“It’ll cool down as we hike,” he said, turning into a dirt parking lot.
“But I’ve never hiked,” I tried another excuse.
“I have so will be safe,” he reassured, shutting his car off and leaning into the back seat for his backpack.
“C’mon, I got a surprise for you at the top,” he said, opening my door that I still hadn't opened. I sighed before grabbing his hand and hopping out of the car.
“Okay but do you have water and sunscreen?” I asked, turning to face him. He took his backpack off before opening it up to show me both. I grinned before taking his hand and the two of us started to make our way up.
“Oh my God. I swear if we're not almost there I’m giving up Auston,” I grunted breathless from the walk up. I thought that I was in shape but I was seriously out of breath as the Arizona heat beat down on us. Auston glanced over to me and handed the water bottle over to me. I gratefully took it before taking a sip.
“Were almost there. I can see it from here,” he said pointing over to where we were trying to get. Auston himself was sweating just as bad as me but due to his career he seemed to be able to handle the hike better than I was.
“Okay but one second,” I said, stopping needing to catch my breath. We had already stopped a few times up the hill. Mostly because we needed water breaks with how hot it was.
“I can carry you the rest of the way,” Auston offered, interrupting my train of thoughts. I glanced over with my mouth slightly opened before closing it.
“It’s really not that far and I don’t mind,” he walked over to me and crouched in front of me. Feeling like I had no choice I hopped on his back. We were both pretty sweaty but neither of us seemed to mind. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his. He wrapped his arms around my legs tightly to hold me in place. He walked the rest of the way to the top which truly wasn't that far and dropped me off on a rock before taking a seat next to me.
“This view is amazing,” I said a few minutes later after both of our breaths had evened out. I leaned my head against his shoulder as I took in the view before us. Arizona truly was beautiful. It was sunset so the sky was so colorful.
“Yeah it is,” he said leaning his head against mine.
“What was that surprise?” I asked as I leaned into him. He suddenly looked a little nervous.
“So I’m not sure if you'll like it but,” he rubbed his neck as he talked before leaning down to reach into the backpack.
“Your surprise,” he pulled out a joint from the small pocket. I felt a grin slowly come across my face as I reached for the joint and lighter that was in his hand. I put the joint in my mouth before lighting it up. He watched with focused eyes as I did all this before leaning back into me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I reached up for the joint and moved it to Austons mouth. He took a hit as I held it.
“Great surprise,” I grinned at him as I took in his beautiful face. The sun reflecting on him so perfectly. I took another few hits before handing it to Auston.
“I was a stoner when I was in college,” I told Auston with a small laugh.
“Badass stoner,” he grinned pulling me in closer to him. I laughed lightly before pushing him away to reach for the water bottle.
“I only smoke in the offseason,” he said as I drink my water. I took the joint from him and took another hit. I could definitely feel myself becoming high. It had honestly been awhile since I had smoked because I had a job now and just didn't do it as often.
“You look really beautiful,” Auston murmured into my ear before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I felt myself soften as I looked up to him. I took in his beautiful smile and kind sweet eyes. He looked so relaxed and happy. I leaned up feeling courageous and kissed him on this lips. He responded immediately by pulling me in and placing a hot kiss on my mouth. He had both his arms wrapped around me holding me in closely. I pulled back before giggling slightly. He smiled at me before taking another hit.
“We should head down before it gets too dark,” Auston warned as he burned out the joint. I nodded my head before pulling myself up.
“Okay. I am pretty high though,” I told Auston as I leaned into him. He laughed lightly wrapping his arm around me.
“The good thing is that the walk back is a lot easier than the walk here,” he said as we started are descend.
“Dinner time,” Auston cheered as we finally made it to his car. I cheered along as I opened my door and hopped in.
“Where to?” I asked giggling as I buckled up. The walk down had been much faster and I was still pretty high.
“Alright so we can go back to mine, I might have food. We can go pick up food. Or we can go pick up food from my moms,” he listed off. I glanced at him when he said mom and felt a little shock run through me. He wanted me to meet his mother already.
“Well I am all in favor of free food,” I responded
“My moms?” he questioned.
“Aright to your moms,” I laughed lightly. He smiled while making the very short drive. He pulled up into his family home driveway and we both hopped out of the car. I couldn't believe I agreed to do this. I was not mentally prepared to meet anyone in his family.
Auston led me to the front door and opened it easily. We walked into the house and slipped off our shoes.
“Mom,” Auston called as he made his way into the kitchen. I followed behind him and immediately noticed three girls standing at the counter. I shrink in towards Auston a bit feeling overwhelmed before forcing myself to relax when Auston grabbed my hand.
“Oh honey,” the older of the three says walking towards us and pulling Auston into a hug. He lets go of my hand to hug her back but the second they are done his hand is back in mine.
“This is Amelia,” he says pulling me forward a little by letting go of my hand and placing his on my back.
“This is my mom, Ema Matthews and then Alex and Bre,” he said pointing to each of them. I smiled at them shyly before waving. They all smiled back warmly. Bre and Alex shared a look of shock.
“We were wondering if we could steal some food,” Auston said walking closer towards the island with all the food displayed. Mrs. Matthews laughed while walking over to the cabinet for some containers. I glanced over at Auston’s sisters and gave them a smile. They were both so beautiful it was almost intimidating.
“Amelia, Auston tells me that you met on the airplane. Are you from Arizona or Toronto?” Mrs. Matthews asked me as she walked towards the counter.
“I live in Toronto. I’m from Illinois,” I said glancing away from his sisters towards her. She paused her shuffling to look towards me.
“Why such a big move?” she asked politely. I panicked as I tried to come up with something to come up with.
“Mom dont hound her with questions,” Auston tried to say, noticing the panic on my face.
“No it's okay, I just needed to get away from my home a bit and I ended up getting a job in Toronto. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up,” I said cutting him off. Mrs. Matthews sent me a small smile.
“Well, change of scenery is always good for the soul,” she said as she finished closing the containers and stacking them in a bag. Auston grinned as he reached over for it.
“Thanks,” he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. He walked over to hug both of his sisters before he grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the door.
“I’ll see you guys again soon,” Auston called as he put his shoes on.
“It was really nice to meet you girls, and you Mrs. Matthews,” I said as I also pulled on my shoes. Mrs Matthews had followed us to the door and pulled me into a hug.
“Aw, please. Call me Ema,” she said into my ear before helping us out the door.
“Thank you for the food Ema,” I said as we left the house. She smiled at us before closing the door. I turned into Auston with a smile.
“They seemed nice,” I told him as he pulled me into a side hug. He smiled at me before pulling the door open. Once we were both in the car and buckled Auston started up the car.
“Are we going back to mine?” Auston questioned putting the car in reverse. I nodded my head while leaning back in the chair.
The drive to Auston’s house was really quick. We hopped out of the car and made our way inside and were greeted by an excited Felix who followed us to the kitchen. I glanced at the clock behind Austons head and noticed that it was already 10:20. Auston put the food on the counter along with his backpack. He pulled out another joint and held it up.
“If you want we could smoke this eat and watch a movie,” he said pointing outside. I nodded my head and the two of us walked outside to smoke. He lit it up before taking a few hits. I sat down on the closest seat I could find and Auston sat right next to me.
“I was high when I met your mother. I can't believe I met your mother and sister,” I continued as he stayed silent. He handed the joint to me and I took another hit. I felt myself let out a big yawn as I leaned my head against his shoulder.
Once we finished smoking we went back inside and ate the amazing food his mom had made and put on a movie that I fell asleep to.
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leafs-lover · 4 years
I wish you were here
A/N: This was requested. I thought about making this a fluff piece, but had a change of heart and re-wrote half of it. I just have a thing for Freddie, and not going to apologize for it ;)
Also I am really bad at coming up with titles
Summary: After a stressful couple of weeks apart Fred surprises you.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, NSFW
“Hey babe” you mumble into the phone. You look to your clock on your bedside table 4:17 is illuminated on the screen.
“Hey how’s it going?” he asks as you rub your eyes open.
“Good, just lying in bed” you say yawning.
“You sound tired” he says through the phone.
“Yeah most people are at 4am” you joke.
“Oh shoot. I’m sorry babe I didn’t even realize. Why did you answer?”
“We have been pretty busy, haven’t had much time to chat” you explain.
Fred returned to Denmark almost 8 weeks ago and you weren’t able to go with him due to the pandemic. You don’t have enough vacation days left; you would only have a couple days in Denmark.
You had only started dating in January, and when the NHL paused in March Fred tried to return to Denmark but the borders had closed prior to the pause. When Auston offered for Fred to quarantine in Arizona, Fred asked your thoughts on it.
If he stayed you would have to quarantine together otherwise you wouldn’t get to see him at all. That would have meant after only being together for 7 weeks you would temporarily move into his condo, and spend every second together for who knew how long. Neither of you really wanted to do that, it would be a lot of pressure on a new relationship so he opted to go to Arizona.
You hadn’t talked about labels, and didn’t know what to expect. While he was gone Fred would facetime with you once or twice a week, and you exchanged texts almost daily. He constantly complained about Auston’s terrible taste in TV shows, you complained about your roommate’s terrible attempt at baking.
You didn’t anticipate being in contact with Fred that much, but he always carved time to talk with you, he even sent you flowers a couple times and ordered you dinner from your favourite restaurant. Neither of you thought it would be almost 3 months before Fred would return to Canada.
But when he finally did, you were the first person he saw. You had just over 3 weeks together before he had to enter the bubble, and you spent much of that time together. It was so nice to have Fred back, cuddled up on the couch relaxing with him. When you finally saw him you melted into his touch, and your relationship felt like it had been catapulted forward instead of back even with the time apart.
When he went into the bubble, you didn’t expect to see him again until September, you wanted to see him but you hoped it would be three months, but it ended up being less than three weeks. He carried so much of the strain of that loss on himself, and you tried to tell him it was a team effort. The weight isn’t his alone, but the media and a lot of the fans had a different opinion. Everyone was calling for him to be traded, if the disappointing end to the season wasn’t enough that didn’t help.
He spent a couple weeks back in Toronto, but you could tell he was defeated and needed to get out. He needed to get away from the media, the rumours and spend time relaxing with his family. Fred tried to fight you on it, he wanted to stay and spend time with you. Obviously you did too, but you knew he needed this.
When he left the NHL had hoped on a December start to the season, meaning Fred would be coming back in October or early November. But as the date for the season got pushed so did his return date. You had some late nights at work, and with the time change it made it hard to talk all the time, so when you had the opportunity you took it. Leading you to this 4am phone call on a Saturday morning.
“Go back to bed skat, we can talk later” Fred says into the phone.
“No Freddie, we barely talked this week. Now that I have you on the phone I don’t want to hang up” you whine causing Fred to laugh.
“Okay, but if you get too tired Kære let me know. I don’t have any plans today so we can talk later.”
”I’m just going to make some coffee” you say getting out of bed and heading to your kitchen. ”I only planned on getting some groceries later so I can take a nap later if i want.” You start scooping the beans into the coffee maker, opting for a large pot due to the time.
”Wish I was there for your nap” Fred says to you.
”Mmm same. You are perfect for napping with” you respond.
”Oh yeah, why’s that?”
”Because you are perfect for cuddling with. I just fit perfectly in your arms, and you are like a pillow and a blanket in one.”
Fred laughs into the phone “you just use me for my body eh?”
“Well can you blame me?” you joke walking back to your bed with your mug in hand. “No I don’t actually, I mean it’s definitely nice –“
“Nice? My body is nice? That’s what you use to describe a haircut” he jokes.
“Obviously it’s much better than nice. I just meant it’s nice that you have that body, but I wouldn’t care if you didn’t. That’s not why I’m with you though.”
“Obviously not if you just think it’s nice” he mumbles jokingly. “How was your week?”
“It was so long, I had to stay late almost every night, and there was 3 nights I didn’t leave until after 9. My boss actually wanted me to work today but I had to say no. I felt like I was getting sick from lack of sleep, so it’s nice to have the weekend off.”
“You work so hard you deserve the time off” he says to you.
“Yeah, I have a couple vacation days left, maybe I’ll take a long weekend or something.”
“Yeah you should do that, don’t want to get run down working so much” Fred replies.
“But what would I do? I wouldn’t have enough days to fly to another province. And parts of Ontario are shutting down” you explain.
“Have a staycation, I’m sure a couple days doing nothing would be nice” he replies.
“Yeah I guess” you say.
“So how are my plants doing, kill them yet?”
“Nope, they are still alive, but I should get over there today to water them” you respond.
“When you say alive, do you mean alive and thriving or clinging to life?”
“Uhh, somewhere in the middle” you say causing Fred to laugh.
You continue to talk for another hour; you curl up in your bed wrapped tightly under your duvet. You can feel your eyes getting heavy, but you try to stay awake to talk to him. You are unsuccessful and end up dozing off.
When you return to work on Monday you talked to your boss who approved for you to take Friday and Monday off work, giving you a four day weekend. You are excited for your days off, but you have to get to end of day Thursday. Your week is filled with multiple zoom calls and long days, you are actually surprised your boss is okay with you taking time off.
When Wednesday comes you are completely drained. You had multiple meetings, angry clients and have to finish a project before you take off for the weekend. You were so busy you didn’t even notice you hadn’t had lunch until it was almost 3.
It’s almost 9pm when you walk through your door with some papers and dinner in hand when you hear your phone ring. Your apartment is dark and empty, your roommate away at her parents. You drop everything on your table, answering your phone as you head to your room to change.
“Hello?” you say not even looking at the caller-id, turning on your bedside lamp.
“Hi min kære, how are you?”
“Hey Freddie” you put him on speaker phone to change out of your work clothes. “I’m good, got home not too long ago.”
“Another late day eh?” he asks.
“Yeah I was trying to get my project done before my holidays tomorrow” you explain.
“Finish it?” he asks as you move to the kitchen to start eating dinner.
“Almost, should only take a couple hours tomorrow.” You look to your stove and see the time 9:09 illuminated on the screen. “Fred why are you calling so late; it’s like 3am there.”
“We haven’t talked since the weekend, and you haven’t sent many texts the past couple days” he says lightly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy with work. I’ve been having late days and have basically gone straight to bed. I also didn’t want to call you so late, I know you had a golfing trip one day” you begin to explain.
“Oh I know babe, you don’t have to explain. I just thought you could use a pick me up” Fred says to you.
“Honestly I would love one. My week has been brutal and it’s only Wednesday. Can’t wait for tomorrow” you say sitting at your table. You didn’t realize how stressed you had been until you sat down and thought about the week. The angry clients and long hours have really taken a toll on you. Stopping to think about things brings a lump to your throat, as you feel your eyes begin to well up.
“(Y/N) you there?” you hear through the phone. You zoned out trying to not cry, you thought you could wait until you got off the phone with Fred to break down. You were wrong, and now you are trying to stifle your tears so Fred doesn’t hear you, but are unsuccessful.
“Skat, what’s wrong?” he asks hearing your quiet sobs through the phone.
“I don’t know” you cry into the phone. “I don’t think I realized how stressed I am, and tired. Just everything. It’s a lot.”
You move to your bed and crawl under your duvet, wrapping yourself tightly into a cocoon. Fred stays on the other end; he doesn’t say anything for a while, letting you cry in silence. After a couple minutes your eyes begin to get heavy, as your sobs have stopped.
“I wish you were here” you say lightly.
“Me too kære” he says. He stays on the line while you lay in bed, not hanging up until he hears your soft breaths through the phone.        
“You should go” your boss says poking her head in your office at 3pm. “Start your weekend a couple hours earlier” she says smiling at you.
“You sure? I don’t want –“
“(Y/N) this place won’t fall apart without you, enjoy your time off.” With that your boss walks away, you shut down your computer and grab your jacket. You reach to grab your phone and see the blinking light. You unlock it to a text from Freddie.
F: Don’t forget to water my plants
Y/N: I watered them Monday…
F: That’s 3 days, you trying to kill them? ;)
You laugh at his message. Instead of responding you decide to go to his condo and send him a picture of you watering his plants. You jump in your car and head to his place. You park in the underground lot and make your way to the elevator. You walk down his hall and unlock his door when you hear music playing in the kitchen.
You don’t remember even listening to music when you were last here. Did someone break in? But who breaks in and plays music? You set your bag down and look around not noticing that anything missing or broken.  You walk through the living room and hear clattering in the kitchen and panic sets in someone is in here.
If you weren’t so panicked you would have noticed the bag in the living room, and the pair of shoes by the front door. You hear footsteps in the kitchen and turn around to run and hide when you feel hands on your hips.
They spin you around and pull you in tight to their chest and wrap their arms around your back. You go to push yourself off the person when you smell the familiar cologne.
“You’re off early” he mumbles kissing your head.
“Fred?” you whisper in disbelief, looking up at the person in front of you.
Your eyes meet his golden brown eyes, and red hair. You bring your hands up and stroke his beard “what are you doing here?”
Instead of answering you he smiles and kisses you. Your hand tangles into his hair when he pulls back slightly “I missed you” he mumbles against your lips.
“I missed you too” you say smiling. Without warning you jump, Fred catches you and carries you into the kitchen setting you on the counter.
“Can’t believe you’re here” you say pulling him to you for a kiss.
“I know, I didn’t know when I was going to come back but after last night I knew I had to come see you. Hearing you cry broke my heart, but the worst part was not being able to do anything about it.” He brushes a piece of your hair behind you ear “I booked a flight right after you fell asleep.”
He leans in to place a soft kiss on your lips, you snake your hands into his hair, stroking his beard on the way. You pull him closer, locking him in for a passionate kiss. You don’t want to ever be apart from him again, and you groan slightly when Fred pulls away from you.
“I wasn’t expecting you for a little bit longer. I wanted to have dinner ready when you got here to try and salvage the life from my plants” Fred jokes looking over at his wilting plant on his table.
You laugh “yeah sorry about that. I was doing a good job at it, then work got crazy and I didn’t get over here as often as I’d like” you explain to him.
Fred kisses your neck “its fine, I didn’t expect them to be alive” he mumbles.
“Rude” you say turning your neck to allow him more access as he peppers kisses. Fred laughs before walking away from you. He walks over to the cupboard and pulls out two wine glasses and pours you each a glass.
He walks back and hands you a glass, he puts his other hand beside you on the counter.
“When did you get in?” you ask.
“About 2 hours ago” he replies kissing your cheek. “8 weeks is too long to be away from you.” You take a sip from your wine and turn your neck to allow him more access.
Fred runs a hand up your thigh, giving it a light squeeze. “We’ve gone longer than that Fred” you whisper.
“Yeah because the border was closed” he whispers kissing your collarbone.
“Wait it’s still closed, how did you get in?” you ask pulling away to look at him.
“I have a Visa to play on the Leafs, it allowed me back in. Should have come back sooner” he mumbles kissing down your neck again. His hands lift your legs; he places his hands under them pulling you closer to him.
“Why didn’t you?” you ask running your hand up and down his biceps as Fred sucks on your neck.
“I’m a stupid man” he mumbles his hands stroking up and down your thighs, nipping on your neck. You moan lightly, placing your wine glass on the counter. Fred moves his hands to the back of your thigh and hoists you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you down the hall to his bedroom.
He kicks his bedroom door open and reaches to the wall to turn on the light. He gently places you on the bed, his mouth attaches to yours as he hovers over top of you. Your hands gently rake through his beard, as his tongue swirls in your mouth. His hand slides up your shirt gently, his thumb pressing circles onto the skin of your stomach.
Fred grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head; he sits up on his knees and removes your pants from you leaving you in your underwear.
“This is nice” Fred says taking in your matching red set, his finger lightly grazes the fabric.
“It’s new” you respond “thought of you when I bought it.”
Fred grins, stroking a finger over your clothed core. He quirks an eyebrow at you when he feels the wetness that has accumulated “it’s been a while” you say smiling at him.
“Let me fix that” he says pulling your underwear down your legs. He lies on his stomach, hooking your legs over his shoulders. He stares into your glistening pussy for a minute; his beard rubs against your thighs his breath makes you quiver.
He finally attaches his tongue to you, licking up your juices. You moan at the contact, his tongue is still dancing outside your folds. He groans at the taste of you, before he pushes his tongue inside you. You throw your head back into the pillow as his tongue slips inside your walls.
He brings his hand up to your clit and begins to press circles into it, as his tongue slowly licks the inside of your walls. Your hands slide down to his shoulder and you squeeze them firmly as he keeps fucking his tongue in and out of you.
“Freddie” you moan as his tongue continues to press deep inside you.
You grip his shoulder and attempt to pull him up to you. You feel Fred chuckle against you, but he doesn’t stop, pressing his thumb harder into your clit.
“Babe” you groan pulling harder on his shirt “I need you.”
Fred pulls back slightly staring at you with eyes dark from lust “you have me smuk” he chuckles. He attaches his lips to your clit and sucks on it, a fuck falls from your lips. Your legs begin to squirm slightly at the feeling.
“Fred…Fred…Fuck…I” you can’t form a coherent thought as he slips two fingers inside you, sucking on your sensitive bud.
His fingers begin to pump in and out of you as he pulls his mouth from you and begins sucking on your hip. He alternates between sucking and biting on your hip. Your hip arches off the bed as he continues to pump his fingers inside you.
“This what you want babe” he asks bringing his other hand to your bra, massaging your breast.
You bring a hand down to his wrist and clamp it. He stops moving his wrist and looks into your eyes.
“I need you Fred, I can’t wait” you say panting. Fred grins and slips his fingers out of you, and quickly pulls his shirt over his head. You reach up and grip his neck pulling him down to you. You lock lips with him, your hand slides up and down his firm bicep. Fred slides a hand under your back and unclasps your bra, freeing your breasts.
His firm shirtless body is pressed against you; you can feel his erection straining through the fabric of his clothes. You palm over his pants lightly before sliding your hand around to his back. His mouth leaves you and slides down to your breast and begins sucking on it, he brings a hand up and starts rolling your other nipple through his fingers, pinching it slightly. Your hands slide down his back and reach his sweat pants; you begin to push them down his large thighs.
Fred pulls away and pushes his pants and boxers down his legs and onto the floor. He falls on top of you and returns his mouth to yours; you roll and push him onto his back. You straddle him and begin grinding against his hard cock, desperate to have him inside you.
You hear Fred mumble in Danish as you continue to rock your hips against him. You fall forward kissing Fred, his hand tangles into your hair locking you in a passionate kiss. You reach over to the side table and pull a condom out.
You pull back and tear the foil, sliding it onto his hard member. You give him a few strokes before you rise up and line him up with your entrance. Fred brings his hands to your hips; you slowly start to drop down on him.
“Fuck” you mumble at the feeling of Fred inside of you, your hand goes onto his abs and you brace yourself. Fred is longer than any man you have been with, you had started to get used to his size but then he left to go to Denmark. You know Fred will hit areas nobody has ever hit before, but you just need to adjust.
“You okay smuk?” Fred asks looking up at you.
You keep dropping yourself down on him “yeah” you whine “just been a bit.”
He chuckles pulling your head down to his. You moan at the change of angle before Fred kisses you lightly.
“Don’t worry, take your time. I’m going to get you used to it soon” he smirks kissing you.
You haven’t taken all of him but you rise up and drop down on him. You moan into the kiss, Fred’s hand holding you to him, his other hand rests on your hip. You pull away from the kiss, Fred sucks on your bottom lip as you rise up and drop back down. Fred bottoms out in you, your ass hits against his thighs as you thrust on him.
“Ahh” you moan feeling him hit the deep spot inside you. Fred is still under you allowing you time to set the pace and get comfortable with him. You continue slowly thrusting on him, pushing yourself up. Your hand returns to his abs as you increase the pace.
Fred snaps his hips and pushes in you, as you drop onto him. His hands are on your hip, gripping you tightly as he helps guide you, keeping the slow pace. Your head falls back as you thrust on him; Fred slowly increases the pace under you.
You push into his stomach as your pace increases, rocking your hips against him. You bounce on top of Fred, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease. He brings a hand up to your breast, cupping it as you ride him. He rolls your nipple through his fingers, as your nails dig into his firm stomach muscles. Your hand slides down his treasure line, pressing hard into his groin as you feel your high approaching.
“You gonna cum baby?” Fred asks noticing you are chasing your high. He squeezes your breast hard, pinching your nipple in the process. You hum in response unable to form words. Fred releases your breast and slides his hand down to your clit to press circles into it.
“Yeah, cum on me baby. I want to feel you, feel you’re cum drip down me” he says pressing harder into your sensitive bud. His hips snap and the pace is fast, you are a mess on top of him. Sweat is dripping down Fred’s stomach; you can feel it under your hand.
“Fuck Fred” you scream out, your orgasm is close. With every thrust Fred his your g-spot, your skin flapping has filled the room, followed by occasional curse words. You notice Fred becoming erratic under you as you continue bouncing on him.
Your orgasm crashes over you, the most intense one you have had in a while. You clench around him, your walls tighten, and you feel it in your stomach. Your eyes roll back into your head as Fred continues to thrust inside of you. Your juices dripping down his cock.
He strains to keep going, allowing you to finish your orgasm. As you finally come around you feel Fred still under you. You collapse onto his chest, his arms wrap around you. You lie on him, both your breaths slowly return to normal.
A couple minutes later Fred rolls to be on top of you, he kisses you briefly before heading to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He pulls on his boxers and throws a t-shirt to you. You smile and pull it over your head; Fred climbs into bed and pulls you into his arms.
“I was going to make you dinner, but I think I’m too tired now” Fred jokes, stroking up and down your arm. “You okay with ordering in?”
You look up and into his golden brown eyes “sounds perfect” you respond. Fred leans down and kisses you, wrapping you tightly into his arms.
“So you should spend your long weekend here with me” Fred mumbles against your lips.
You smile and stroke his beard “I don’t plan on leaving; I want to spend as much time with you as possible. When are you heading back to Denmark?” you ask lightly, not really wanting to know the answer.
“I’m not” Fred replies. You look directly into his eyes “not unless you come with me” he says lightly kissing you again.   
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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(A/n: this might be a little biased since I’m in love with this man & I’m basing the relationship parts of this on my mc/myself so hope y’all don’t mind 😬)
IG info/bio: @/lucas.koh | 93.1k followers | for business inquires please visit: kohptr.com
27 (28) years old
From Oxford, England
Father is Korean & a car salesman at a Nissan dealership, he’s a strict/serious man who has high morals but beyond that he can actually be a softie in rare moments (+ that’s who Lucas gets his height from 🤤)
Mother is actually Chinese but lived in Korea studying abroad and eventually became a successful chiropractor (s/o to doctor mondragon on YouTube who I watch to help me sleep some nights and wish I could see! Lol) with her own practice. She’s a firecracker, intelligent, and quick to say what’s on her mind and doesn’t care if you like what she’s got to say. Most patients like that about her, she’s honest and her family is used to her ways but in the same way it’s more loving than offensive? (Smol woman but will remind you when she’s cracking your body she’s got enough power in her)
Either he’s a only child or he comes from a family of all boys with two younger brothers (they’re all in their 20’s) or he has one younger brother and one younger sister idk you decide
I’m feeling like he’s a Sagittarius? Carefree in the terms of he wasn’t viewing finally getting with MC when she’s dating someone else as cheating. Mans was READY to risk it all for me okay and I was down for it but ofc I had to react realistically and NOT “cheat.” *sigh* one part of me was debating ‘are we really dating tho bobby? We’re on reality tv. We’re not gonna die without each other if we hang out in seperate rooms’ *cough* Nope. but I’m a woman about her loyalty
He’s definitely adventurous. I don’t see him as the type to want to stay home all the time even tho his work definitely keeps him busy/exhausted. He’s down for road trips 💯
Occupation? Physicotherapist. His mother inspired him to get into the field and watching sports + the way players got their injuries always intrigued him? So to provide the best plan to have someone heal was something he loved to do plus being hands on while teaching/helping was a passion for him + I feel like he would also use a massaging technique instead of the usual exercise part of it
Now as someone who suffered a ACL & Mensicus tear & is STILL dealing with this BS pain years later, I would be so thankful to have him around! I feel like he’d have a optimistic attitude towards his patients and that’s what people need not someone that’s insensitive (like my surgeon/PT’s I had)
He models from time to time, when he was first approached about it he was upfront about not wanting to do it. It was much different than getting your picture taken for the office. That’s usually quick, the whole modeling process felt longer but somehow he was talked into it by his brother who’s a photographer and his mother. “Do you think you’re ugly? ‘Cause I’m not and you’re a part of me, so therefore there’s no such thing. Just look at your cheekbones, your jawline! I gave you those. The only good thing your father gave you was height.” Which filled the house with snickers while Lucas’ father just rolled his eyes and continued reading his newspaper for breakfast
Has a motorcycle and some luxurious car—not a Tesla those are basic now 🤷🏽‍♀️
Loves his motorcycle so much he’s got a tat of it on his right bicep
He has two available parking spaces in his parking garage at his penthouse but keeps his bike away in a storage unit due to a neighbor scratching it after his girlfriend broke up with him? Saying she was off to date Lucas? But that wasn’t true at all. He barely knew the girl, they didn’t live on the same floor. People were crazy but if you push him his temper might come out
Owns a leather jacket that he paid a lot for
Believes in “treat yo self” if it means in quality when shopping and has no issue being a big spender but he knows how to manage it well (his father told him all about how his own father dealt with bankruptcy)
Since he’s often at the office the whole day, he’s usually a night owl. He loves night drives and night dining. That’s usually when he finds the best places to eat
There’s this one pho spot that he loves and it’s his go to spot when he wants something quick on the way home
Cannot sleep with his entire body covered in covers, either his arms/shoulders have to be out or his legs, which would be a issue for me/mc since I sleep with the covers over my entire body...yes even in hot weather with the AC cranked up😂
He also makes great kimchi fried rice & loves Italian food
Will wine and dine. I believe it. I envision it! He loves going out on dates with his significant other (If he’s single and not with me, I think he’d try out speed dating)
Will dress to impress, will buy you a new fit he wants to see you/us/mc in especially if it’s your anniversary
Loves taking bubble bath’s with infused oils or flower petals with significant other
He’s the type that takes long showers & it brings him a true sense of freedom. He’s never able to take a quick shower, he gets lost in his ideas of what to do next in this world & it’s limitless
If he’s in for the day, which usually doesn’t last long—he’s either in sweats or in a robe all day
Only drives his bike on the weekend or if he’s going out of town but if he’s going on a trip for a couple of days with MC & if she’s got a bit of anxiety like me? He’ll stick to his car to make them comfortable
I feel like he enjoys the winter season. Maybe if it’s a slushy rainy winter more than a blizzards/snowy season. He loves bundling up, much to people’s surprise. He’s more than just his good looks and body love island fans!!!
Doesn’t post much on his socials. If you need to see what he’s about then you should do so in person or already know who he is. The internet can’t tell you much, in his opinion
Keeps himself in good health, I mean duh what kind of PT would he be 😉 goes on night jogs with reflector clothes on & occasionally morning jogs & at home workouts
Probably will date someone younger than him. Not by much, I don’t think he can take immaturity well. (That maybe how he views it) The most is 4 years younger than him
Henrik is his best bud from the show. They hang out all the time, crash at each other’s places, and vacation together all the time. They will be each other’s future best men forsure
Doesn’t go out of his way to talk to the rest of the guys from the show but if he happens to browse his feed and sees something he wants to comment on then he’ll carry a conversation of course
Far as the girls? He talks to Hannah & Priya from time to time. He also follows Hope and they like each other’s posts but not much communication is there either?
Either has a mint or black phone case, probably a Samsung galaxy user
Likes pistachio frozen yogurt but he’s lactose & doesn’t want to believe it :(
Smokes cigars when he’s out with his boys
Has a tight knit group of friends, majority of them are from the medical field since they all went to uni together + most of them are also married so the pressure is so on
*He’s the oldest out of his sibs so according to his parents he’s expected to be married first yet his baby sis is engaged and she’s 23*
wants a family...eventually. Probably will happen in his early thirties? The max for children is 2 for him. He knows they can be a HANDFUL due to his own friends who have kids + he’s a godfather and he’s babysat before so he knows how it goes!
enjoys his freedom as stated which further proves he’s a sag lol
Enjoys going to saunas to cleanse his pores/ get rid of toxins. It’s the easiest way for him to do so even tho his brother clowns him for it
His love language is deff physical touch. He loves hugs and resting his chin on top of your head, forehead to forehead, his nose pressed in between the space of your neck and shoulder, gentle squeezes, sitting next to each other with your legs touching, cuddling, sleeping on top of you or you on him, etc
He loves kissing. It’s automatic for him and it can also easily rile him up
Has strong opinions & will show them but will feel like he’s being attacked if it brings on a confrontation/argument
Will forgive and forget
Plays strategy board games
Makes his own natural healing creams & gives samples to his patients depending on their needs
His fav colors are: blue, white, & grey
Will grow a bit of facial hair in the cooler months if it’ll make mc happy (I’m a sucker for facial hair but hate it on myself lmao) but if he dislikes the feeling on his face he will shave and finds he likes a shaven face better, the facial hair makes him look a bit older—which is okay but that’s just his preference
When he stops putting gel in his hair/styling his hair in a quiff hairstyle it shocks fans with mc commenting on one of his pics, “you’re welcome x”
Likes going to the Hard Rock Cafe on causal weekends
also likes getting freaky in public, down for whatever 🤪
He’s a traveler so if he leaves the UK, I’m seeing him land in Toronto, Canada first and falling in love with it. I feel he would vibe well with the culture there, might even consider getting a vacation home in that location
Celeb crushes? Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé, Lupita Nyong'o, Anna Diop, Imaan Hammam, Jodie Comer, Megan Fox, Shay Mitchell, & Cassie Ventura Fine
Oh Lucas. I feel like we have similar tastes? Somewhat. He probably listens to more rock than I do? Maybe 80s rock moreso? & He listens to: WALK THE MOON, Allen Stone (his fav) , Emily king, Gavin Turek, Melanie Fiona, THEY., DPR live, & Sik-k
Anthem = Young the Giant, “Something to believe in”
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
One Night in Milwaukee - Chapter 3
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David x Patrick, 10k so far, read on A03
Summary:  Being stuck in the Milwaukee airport is bad enough.  Then David realizes that the man who broke his heart is sitting right next to him.
Chapter 3
David says goodnight with a quick peck to Patrick’s cheek, and shuts himself in the hall bathroom, ostensibly to shower before bed.  But before that he spends a while leaning his palms against the sink and taking slow, deep breaths in and out, trying to steady himself.
It’s been one of the most uncomfortable days of his life, and given his life, that’s really saying something.  Within the past twenty-four hours he told Patrick he still loved him, Patrick said that he wanted them to be together, and a crowd of sleep-deprived strangers in the Milwaukee airport security line cheered as they kissed.  Since then, David has felt like he has been walking a tightrope, waiting for his balance to fail him and send him crashing to the ground.
David knows that he can’t expect their relationship to snap back together like a puzzle, connected and perfect like it shines in his memory, at least not without some awkwardness along the way.  And Patrick is injured and hurting, understandably not at his best.  Even with all that, though, he can’t shake the feeling that something else is wrong.
He sits on the closed toilet and checks his phone.  This afternoon he finally texted Alexis to tell her that he was in Florida with Patrick, which, not surprisingly, resulted in a flurry of messages.  He really wants to talk to her and hear her voice, but the house isn’t that big and he doesn’t want Patrick to overhear him voice all his insecurities.  Maybe he’ll call her when he goes out for a run tomorrow morning.
Alexis has apparently told his parents, who have sent both encouraging (his dad) and vaguely foreboding (his mom) well wishes. David sends back polite responses, not wanting to get into a detailed back and forth with either of them.  Then he spends a few minutes sending instructions to his assistant purchaser at the motel group, and emails the director of operations to let him know that he’ll be taking a week off.  It’s not as if he can’t work remotely, but he’d like to have the freedom to spend the time with Patrick, and he’s got plenty of vacation time saved up.  At least taking care of this item on his mental list quiets his work-related anxiety for the time being.
Just a little while ago, sitting on the couch with Patrick, David had tried to raise the topic of exactly what they would be doing here in Clint and Marcy’s little retirement fantasy home, but Patrick had rebuffed his attempt.  David doesn’t even know if Patrick has a job.  Patrick only stayed in Schitt’s Creek for a few months after their break-up, and David’s pretty sure he took a consulting gig after that, but Stevie was light on the details.
As he thinks of Stevie, David’s fingers automatically find her name on his phone, and he considers filling her in, but he’s not sure how she’ll take it.  His break-up with Patrick had caused a rift in his relationship with Stevie, one David has never been able to fully repair.  Because of Stevie’s role in the motel group they kept working together, but they were never as close again as they used to be.
Stevie stayed in touch with Patrick, at least for a while, but they don’t talk about him.  David didn’t press; he wasn’t entitled to know more.  He plays out in his head Stevie’s likely reaction to the news of their reunion, and given all that he still doesn’t know about what’s going to happen, he decides not to contact her yet.  He’d like to talk to Patrick about it first.  He’d like to talk to Patrick about a lot of things.  
David absolutely doesn’t mind spending time taking care of Patrick, like he did today.  In another context, he would cherish it, being able to show the love of his life how much he cares.  He knows Patrick is in pain, and not just from his wounds.  It makes David physically ill to imagine what happened to him.  He hopes Patrick is able to share more details with him sometime soon; he shouldn’t have to bear it alone.
David tries not to believe that Patrick’s distance today was some kind of test – he doesn’t think it was. Intentional or not, though, something is definitely off.  
More than anything, David wants to reestablish their old connection.  He felt it a few times, sparking across the distance like electricity, but mostly Patrick hadn’t seemed open to letting him in.  They had been more in tune sitting in the darkened food court at the airport than they were on the couch this evening.
David sighs and stands up, opening the bathroom cabinets and poking around to see what kind of products the Brewers have on hand.  He’s pleasantly surprised to see the Rose Apothecary label on the shampoo and conditioner, body milk and cleanser.  While the newer items aren’t quite the same quality as the originals he and Patrick had first sourced (quality gave way a little bit to quantity, and price), they are still products David is proud to have his name on.
David spends a long time in the shower, which does make him feel marginally better.  He towels off his hair, leaving styling to the morning, and scoots into the bedroom he’s staying in.  He hasn’t unpacked yet, so he opens his suitcase up on the floor and finds clean boxer briefs.  Unfortunately, the rest of his clothes really need to be laundered; he had thought he’d be back in Toronto yesterday evening, not on a spur of the moment trip to the land of sunshine and tourists.
He frowns as he pulls on a wrinkled black t-shirt and soft gray sleep pants.  Regardless of what else happens tomorrow, he’s going to have to do his laundry.
The air conditioning comes on with an annoying whir, and David looks around, spotting a vent in the ceiling. The noise doesn’t bode well for getting any sleep tonight, although there’s nothing wrong with the rest of the room.  While ostensibly Patrick’s, the bedroom has very few personal items in it, maybe in case the Brewers decided to rent out the house.  The bureau drawers are mostly empty except for swim trunks and some sweatshirts, and the closet contains one windbreaker, two pairs of sneakers, and a vacuum cleaner.
There’s a fluffy white duvet on the bed, with a seafoam green sheet and matching pillowcases peeking out underneath.  Not a very Patrick color-scheme.  Marcy must have been going for some kind of Florida feel.  David feels lucky the whole place isn’t covered in a Hawaiian flower print, although that would probably be more practical than white if they anticipate having strangers using their linens.  The whole concept of renting out one’s home makes David cringe, although it’s no worse than living in a motel.
David climbs under the blanket and top sheet and closes his eyes.  He makes himself stay there as the air conditioning cycles on and off two more times, and then gives up.
The house is quiet as David wanders around, taking a closer look at the rooms he saw earlier today.  There are a few framed photographs on the desk in the office.  The one of Patrick seems to be relatively recent, him and his dad outdoors.  Patrick’s smiling, but he doesn’t look happy.  There aren’t any of David and Patrick together, for obvious and yet still painful reasons.  
David wonders what happened to all their mementos from Patrick’s apartment – the posters from Cabaret and the Apothecary’s open mic night, the ticket from the ropes course that they stuck on the refrigerator with a magnet.  It would be nice to think that they are still boxed up safe somewhere, not tossed in the dumpster behind Bob’s Garage.
The open plan kitchen and living room is nice enough, and the couch is comfortable, covered in a safe tan twill with throw pillows in shades of white and blue.  David draws the curtains open and looks out through the sliding glass doors to the back yard with its screened-in pool and lanai.
With a shudder, David reminds himself that the screens are to keep the alligators out.  David knows this because he read it online this afternoon, waiting for Patrick to wake up from his nap.  When David told Patrick he would brave the alligators for him, David imagined that this was only a theoretical danger, or perhaps one to be encountered on a wildlife tour of some kind, not one he would have to face every time he left the house to get the mail.
David messes around with the light switches by the door, and finds one that turns on a spotlight under the water in the pool.  It’s pretty, lighting up the water and bathing the back yard in a gentle glow.
“It’s a little chilly for a swim,” Patrick says behind him, making him jump.  The wall-to-wall carpet is thick, and apparently Patrick hasn’t lost his ability to sneak up on David.
“Oh god, sorry, did I wake you?”  Maybe flashing the lights wasn’t such a smart idea.
“Nah, I couldn’t sleep anyway.”  Patrick turns his face up towards David, and David is convinced that he’s going to kiss him, his heart racing in eager anticipation.  But Patrick’s face shifts into sadness, and he looks away.
“Patrick?”  David reaches out and touches his fingers to Patrick’s bare arm.  “What’s wrong?”  He doesn’t say “besides the obvious,” because he can tell that it really isn’t necessary.  And he thinks Patrick wouldn’t have come out here if he wasn’t ready to talk about whatever he’s been holding back.
“I have to tell you something,” Patrick says, crossing his arms over his chest and then, noticing, deliberately uncrossing them.  
Patrick bites his lip.  “I’m afraid to say it.”
David feels a shiver run through him.  “You’re afraid?”
“Yeah.”  Patrick looks defeated.
Patrick shakes his head and turns away from David, leaning on the back of an armchair.  “Because you’ll leave.  And I don’t want you to go.”
David closes his eyes and tilts his head back.  “Obviously I don’t want me to go either, Patrick.  That’s why I’m here.”  He tugs at Patrick’s shoulder, turning him so he can see his face.  “I promise I won’t go anywhere.  But if you take much longer to tell me, we may well have a panic attack situation here on top of everything else, and I’d really rather not add that to today’s list of events.”
Patrick stares at him, eyes wide, and David just wants to take him in his arms and tell him everything will be all right.  But it’s clear that Patrick can’t be so easily convinced, and frankly, until David knows what the hell is going on, David isn’t so sure himself.
Patrick moves to the couch, and David follows him, sitting on the coffee table and putting his hands on Patrick’s knees.
“I didn’t cheat,” Patrick says, and David frowns.
“I know that now.  You said so yesterday. I believe you.”
“I didn’t cheat,” Patrick says again, “but I think Mark wanted me to.  He was flirting with me, and I didn’t stop him.”
“You’re cute.  People flirt with you, there’s not much you can do about it.”
Patrick looks at him briefly and then away.  “I could have not flirted back.”
David digs around in his head for the right thing to say, but all of the sex-positive, trusting relationship language he comes up with sounds hollow in the context of Patrick’s guilt-laden confession.
“Well, um, harmless flirting isn’t a big deal.  It’s nice to feel wanted,” he tries.
“David.  It wasn’t harmless.”
“What do you mean?”
Patrick peels David’s hands off his knees and takes them in his own.  “It wasn’t harmless because it hurt you.  It hurt us.”
“But if I had known you didn’t mean anything by it-”
“That’s just it, you didn’t know.  Because I didn’t tell you.  I wouldn’t have felt so guilty about it if there was nothing wrong with it.  I wouldn’t have worked so hard to hide it.  At the same time we were planning our wedding, I was creating an opportunity to let another man flirt with me.  I knew if you met Mark you’d suspect something.  I told him to come to the store for training when I knew you’d be out visiting vendors.”
Patrick’s practically babbling now, his words tumbling out.  It’s so unlike Patrick’s usual calm demeanor, it makes what he’s saying even more unsettling.
David struggles to find an angle where Patrick’s behavior is okay.  He’s done it before, made excuses for partners who toed or crossed the line, but he doesn’t know how to do it with Patrick.  He slowly pulls his hands out of Patrick’s and stands up, stepping backwards with a hand over his mouth.
“I’m so sorry,” Patrick says.  “Please, don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.  Just give me a minute.”  David feels ill, but he knows there has to be a way through this.  His mind is spinning, but he’s not leaving, he’s not, he’s going to figure this out.  “Were you planning on – doing anything with him?”
There’s a moment when David thinks Patrick is going to say yes, yes, I wanted him to kiss me, but then Patrick is in front of him, his face open and vulnerable.  “No, absolutely not.”
“Were you having some kind of… naughty cheating fantasy?”
“No,” Patrick says firmly.  “You remember the Ken incident.  I didn’t want anyone else.  Then or now.”
“And yet…”
“I know,” Patrick says, reaching out to wrap his hands gently over David’s biceps.  “I can’t explain it.”
They stand there in the dark kitchen, both of them breathing heavily.  Patrick slides his arms around David and pulls him in, until David’s head is resting on his shoulder.  David lets Patrick hold him, comforted by his touch even now.  
“I’m so sorry, David.  I thought about it so many times, after you left.  I convinced myself that I didn’t cheat – and I didn’t, not physically.  But what I did wasn’t <i>right,</i> either.  It felt wrong to me, and you picked up on that, and that’s why you thought I was cheating.”
“But what you said in the airport-” David’s voice catches, and he has to stop and suck in a breath.  “You made it seem like it was all my fault.”
“That was not my proudest moment.”  
David forces himself to straighten up and step away from Patrick, wrapping his arms around his own body. Patrick holds his gaze, tears streaking his cheeks.  Patrick lied to him – maybe not three years ago, when David didn’t give him a chance to explain, but just last night, in the airport.  <i>But he’s telling the truth now,</i> David thinks.  He’s put all his cards on the table, and he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop - for David to leave.  To give up on them.
But the thing is, David doesn’t want to drop the shoe.  He doesn’t want this to be the end.  He’s not done with Patrick – he tried that, and it was the worst decision he ever made.
Patrick isn’t just another one of David’s exes.  He’s not someone who was willing to take and take from David and never give in return.  David simply can’t believe that of Patrick.  It’s not who he is.  Patrick gave David everything.
“If when I confronted you that day, back at the store, I had let you explain,” David says carefully, “we’d essentially be right here, wouldn’t we?”  
Patrick’s eyes widen, and he nods.  “Well, not in Florida, but, yeah.  More or less.”
“So…” David closes his eyes and lets himself feel, the pain and the hope and the love, all whirling around in his chest.  “If that’s the case,” he opens his eyes and reaches for Patrick, his hands landing on his shoulders, “then we can just start from here, minus the overreacting, and figure it out.”
Patrick chokes out a wet laugh.  “We can?”
“I think so.  I’d like that.”  David watches Patrick’s eyes as they light up.
“David, I’d really like that too.”
David leans in, cupping his hand around Patrick’s head and bringing him close for a tear-stained kiss.  David’s not sure that the odds are great for them this time around, but if there’s any chance at all, David’s going to take it.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
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Back in December, I took a pause on doing these round-ups all the way through the end of S6, so I want to go back today and highlight some of the fics I particularly enjoyed during that time period. This isn’t going to be everything I would recommend from that time period because the list would be obnoxiously long, so this is just some of it. (My masterlist is fully up to date and includes everything else that isn’t going to fit in this post.) 
Since I’m doing this list today instead of recs from the first half of June, all those fics will be included in one big June round-up at the end of the month.
1 - 3k words
All-Natural Care, Locally Sourced by Siria (rated T) In which care packages are given and received. Set after 5.11. 
Breakfast Can Wait by schittposting (rated E) Patrick's making pancakes for breakfast. David has other ideas.
A Face Mask by WellSchitt (rated G) “I want to look good for the wedding,” Patrick blurted out, then cringed. “I mean. Uh. I want David to think I look good.” “Ew, Patrick.” He rolled his eyes and plowed ahead. “But I'm not good at stuff like this. I mean, I have a moisturizer now, and conditioner. But I still don't do much, uh, grooming." "No, I know," Alexis said, matter of fact.
i fell in love (next to you) by patrickbrewer *Alexis/Stevie* (rated G) She’s a constant juxtaposition, a clash of bold personality and silky touch. Stevie is so terrifyingly in love with her. 
A Little Twitchy by modern_leper (Not rated) Patrick asks for Stevie's blessing to marry David, and it's only slight less nerve wracking than actually proposing to David 
Salve by agreatwave (rated T) “This is ruining our romantic eye cream ritual,” David mopes. “What, this isn’t romantic?” Patrick teases, moving on to David’s forehead. “It’s kind of romantic, I guess,” David grumbles. “Like as romantic as a rash can get.”
3- 5k words
It’s Coming on Christmas by MadAlien (rated T) David and Patrick choose and decorate their Christmas Tree
Kit Kat Girl Number One by unfolded73 *Twyla/OFC* (rated T) The story of the Schitt's Creek production of Cabaret told from the point-of-view of Kit Kat Girl Number One.
A Little Bit by returntosaturn (rated G) While packing, Alexis finds the DVD copy of her limited reality series, A Little Bit Alexis. A watch party ensues.
Mixtape by sunlightsymphony (rated T) For their second monthiversary, Patrick gives David a mix CD.
Taking Inventory by GCLane (rated T) “Shana tovah,” David remarks, turning off his phone’s screen and looking at Patrick. “I’m sorry? ”“It basically means ‘happy new year,’ except Jews don’t believe in happiness, so it’s really more about goodness? A good year.” “Say it again.”
5 - 10k words
A Case of You by DoubleL27 (rated T) Five times Patrick gives David an utterly ridiculous gift for Valentine's Day and one time David does something really romantic
Given Unsought by odofidi (rated G) When David gets sick, it occurs to Patrick that he's never seen David ill before.
In the Temple of Artemis by MoreHuman *Stevie-centric* (rated T) Of course she’s still in love with him. That part’s not a mystery. She got over it, she’d had to get over it, but no one falls in love with David Rose and falls back out again. Stevie’s pretty sure there’s only one other person who’s ever done it, and she knows he would agree.
Looking for Light on the Floor by nameless_bliss (rated T) After the barbecue, Alexis visits Rose Apothecary.
Odd Man Rush by samwahmbam (rated M) After the game, David intercepted Patrick on Patrick’s way back to the locker room. Stevie snapped photos as Patrick pulled David into a kiss. He held onto his stick in one hand, the wood precariously close to knocking David in the head, and the other pulled David into him by the ass, the glove lost in the blue and white of the jersey David was wearing, the name “BREWER” stamped loud and proud on his back. Or, David is a hockey BF.
one hundred micrograms by thingswithwings (rated E) It’s great; it’s wonderful. It’s great that David’s feeling so much better, just from that tiny pill once a day. But there’s a side effect that makes―that Patrick―there’s a side effect.
Tea-Kettle Love by ArabellaStrange (rated G) Patrick thinks about New York. How do you plan to be unhappy? How can you avoid it?
Time After Time by Sholio (rated T) Stevie and David get married on a whim during a time loop. It would really be a shame if the loop ended at that point, wouldn't it?
10k+ words
All The Roads We Have To Walk by MeadowHarvest (rated T) "I wonder what would've happened if we'd met in high school?" Patrick Brewer is ready to conquer the summer of 1999 at Camp Cedar Glade. He's in for a surprise, though, in the form of one David Rose.
All the Songs I Sing Are About You by missgeevious (rated E) “Does that mean you’re open to entertaining my offer?” And David can’t help himself, he leers at Patrick just a little bit when he says it. Patrick blushes and laughs, “Okay, David. Let’s write a song together.” Inspired by the movie Music & Lyrics.
The Best Man by barelypink (rated T) David is the best man at Patrick and Rachel's wedding.
A Fabrication of Appeal by saekokato (rated T) David was gifted a vacation from Wendy as part of his separation package. Patrick was going on the honeymoon-that-wasn't on Rachel's insistence. Neither of them knew what a little harmless flirting at the airport would lead to, but vacations were for adventures, right? It had nothing to do with the free upgrades or how attractive their 'husband' happened to be. Right? Right.
He Sees You by Distractivate (rated E) Patrick gets glasses and thinks about identity. David helps.
if not for you by goingmywaydoll (rated T) On a Wednesday he breaks up with Rachel. The next Tuesday, he leaves on a road trip with David.
maybe if by magic by earlylight (rated T) Some people bring in consultants to help get their new business off the ground. David Rose, entirely by accident (or so he claims) gets a fairy.
Pot o’ Gold by ahurston (rated E) The love story of a leprechaun and the guy who bought his magic rings. 
Romantically In Business by sullymygoodname (rated E) Starting something new, something you've never done before, can be daunting. It helps to find the right partner.
sustineo by rockinhamburger (rated E) An alternate universe where David is a famous, reclusive modern contemporary artist and Patrick is the art critic who is interviewing him about his new exhibition.
they paved paradise by blueink3 (rated T) Patrick wakes up five years in the past. He reacts accordingly.
Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie by cromarty (rated T) Patrick is a Michelin Guide reviewer and David is a Toronto chef hoping for the first Michelin star awarded in Canada.
wait for a slow song by wardo_wedidit (rated E) David and Patrick break up, learn to be business partners, date other people, learn to be friends, grow up, and get back together.
We Could Turn the World to Gold by middyblue (rated T) Nine weeks of following Patrick's c25k running app, picking up from where the Season 5 finale left off.
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bambigoose · 5 years
Master Manipulator
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Kelhani was freezing, its four degrees out in Toronto today and it didn’t matter how tightly she wrapped herself up nothing was generating more heat for her. A vast jump from the sixty four degrees it was when she left Cape Town, South Africa yesterday afternoon. Her internship with Apex Shark Expeditions had kept her halfway around the world for the past six months. Currently the sharks have migrated out of the area for the next few months and Chris her internship overseer gave them free reign to work from wherever they’d like for the next two months as long as they had the research completed for their due dates and were present at the weekly meetings over skype. This was going to mean a few nights of waking up at three am for a skype call, but she got to come home for a bit so it was worth it. Besides, there were days she was walking up at three am to head out on the boat, skyping would be easy.
Waiting for the crosswalk to change, she chuckled to herself. Looking up ahead she could see Stephanie jumping up and down attempting to use Mitch’s shoulder as support in an attempt to spot her. Having stopped to do an errand before meeting up with them, Kelhani was approaching from a different direction. Hearing the beeping of the light change she proceeded across the street weaving in and out of people in a desperate attempt not to be noticed. Clumsily tripping over her own two feet she was forced to admit walking like a normal person may be in her best interest.
“Mitch do you see her?” Stephanie asked as Kelhani approached. The petite blonde kept leaping into the air using Mitch’s shoulder for balance and lift like it’ll make her see further up the street.
Mitch was sputtering, moving his girlfriend’s hair out of his face, “Babe, I can’t see anything through your hair.” He laughed. On her next landing, Stephanie punched Mitch in the arm with a soft thump.
“Hey now, don’t injure the super star Steph, the entire city might come after you.” Kelhani said wrapping her arms around both of them from behind. She was pretty sure the warning did nothing to help. Stephanie shrieked before throwing herself into her, arms flailing, and whacked poor Mitch right in the nose.
“IMISSEDYOUSOMUCH,YOU’RENEVERALLOWEDTOLEAVELIKETHATAGIAIN.” Spewed out of Stephanie’s mouth in one breath, her face turning red towards the end of it.
Kelhani laughed, “You have two months before I have to take off again.” while dipping out of Stephanie’s arms to hug Mitch properly too. Despite his calm demeanor the second the opening presented itself Mitch had her in the air spinning around and giggling like a little child.
Stephanie beamed seeing her best friend and boyfriend get along so well. Kelhani and she met the summer they both turned six. After years of supporting each other, sleepovers, joint family vacations, graduations, and break ups they’d remained incredibly close despite all of their differences. Their relationship was put to the test when they elected to attend different colleges, Kelanhi leaving to attend the University of Pensacola in Florida while Stephanie remained in Toronto. Previously, she stressed herself almost to the point of sickness over Mitch and Kelhani meeting for the first time. It turned out to be completely unneeded. The two of them had been talking through the Whatsup App without her knowing once their relationship had reached the six month mark. She almost dropped to the floor when Mitch ran through the apartment to greet his “second girlfriend” when they got home from the airport. Now, she fights with her own boyfriend for time with her best friend during their visits.
“Can you even breathe in all these layers? Mitch quipped, dropping Kelhani back on her feet.
Looking down at her down jacket, with a north face and a sweater on underneath it, her scarf kept inching up her face forced by the jacket and mittens covered her hands. “My blood thinned out okay! It’s freezing out here.”
Stephanie laughed, linking her arm through Mitch’s left while he reached out linking his right arm with Kelhani. “Let’s get the beach bum inside.”
Mitch started walking leading the girls through the crowds toward their lunch destination while Kelhani leaned forward to look at both of them, “Should we start skipping and singing we’re off to see the wizard?” She smiled as her two best friends laughed, she was home and this moment made freezing her ass off worth it.  
Lunch with Mitch and Stephanie was always an adventure is the best way to describe it. Entering the restaurant they bicker over who got to sit next to her.  Mary, their usual waitress at the diner rolled her eyes when they entered, used to the bickering of the couple. Kelhani greeted the sixty-six year old waitress with a hug. Their pseudo grandmother catching up with her quickly as Mitch attempted to rant with arms waving that it was the quality of the friendship not the length that should dictate seating privileges. Both of them were so engrossed in their argument, neither noticed Kelhani  and Mary walk over to the round corner booth for about five minutes. “Where’d Kel go?”
“She decided she interfered too much in your relationship and elected to go home.” Mary responded, eyes narrowing at the pair from behind the counter.
“Look what you did.” Stephanie whacked Mitch with the back of her hand in the chest.
“What I did? I called her mid walk! You just didn’t like that I did it before you!” Mitch lightly hip checked Stephanie to emphasize his point.
Mary looked ready to interject before Kelhani called from the back, “You two are the least observant people I know!”
Whipping their heads around like excited Golden Retrievers hearing a treat bag being opened, they both beamed seeing Kelhani straw in mouth sucking down on a chocolate mint milkshake with their favorite flavors on either side of her. A moment later, Kelhani had to wonder if this is what it felt like to be running with the bulls. Mitch and Stephanie took off in her direction, bumping each other out of the way and knocking into booths before finally sliding into her on either side with enough force to cause her to spill part of her milkshake.
Mitch ignored Kelhani’s pout, reaching over her for the menu, “Why do you even bother looking? We get the same thing every time.” Stephanie leans forward grabbing the menu out of Mitch’s hand causing Kelhani to jolt her milkshake again.
“What if they have good specials today?”
If looks could kill Mitch would be dead, the city of Toronto would be in mourning, and Kelhani would have lost her Canadian citizenship. Whipping up the third milkshake spill of the day, “You two do realize you are why we can’t have nice things, right?”
Mary came to the rescue with a new milkshake as the couple cringed. She smirked and looked directly at Kelhani for an answer. “The usual sweethearts?”
Mitch eagerly leaned forward, “Well, if I could look at a menu…”
He was interrupted as Kelhani placed her hand on his face and pushed him back fully into the seat. “Yes please ma’am.” With a glare to either side of her, “The children are going to behave or we’ll be getting out of your hair.”
“Experience suggests differently you two.” Kelhani chuckled as they both attacked her sides. It was good to be home.
It was not good to be home. Mitch and Stephanie surprised her with a “small” house party they were throwing that night, which she absolutely had to come too because “we’ve missed you so much and it wouldn’t be right to do this without her.” The two of them had taken off to different areas and she was surrounded by Maple Leafs and their families who she had never met. A truly excellent way to make her anxiety feel like it was suffocating her while she contemplates how to leave without upsetting Mitch and Steph. Feeling the pressure building in her chest and finding an open route out onto the balcony Kelanhi attempted to make her escape.
Halfway across the room she collided into a brick wall, a quick sorry and a glance told her it had been Freddie Andersen. Her squeaky apology and accidental bumping pushed the anxiety almost into a full blown attack. She rushed towards the balcony missing the equally as quiet “it’s okay” and concerned look instead focusing on opening the door with the next to impossible to use handles.
Her breathing increased, almost gasping as she continued to struggle with the handle. The room appeared to be getting louder and louder while spinning the more she struggled before suddenly it was cut off. A large hand covered hers and pushed the handle opening the doors while barricating her with their body and shuffling forward out onto the balcony. Kelanhi braced herself on the railing and looked out over the Toronto skyline. Closing her eyes and breathing deeply, she took a moment to reorient herself and calm her body down before turning to look at the quiet presence off to her side.
Freddie was leaning on the corner of the balcony, looking out of the skyline while subtly looking out of the corner of his eyes at her. A loud exhale left Kelhani and Freddie turned to face her, leaning his hip against the railing. “Mitch’s place is too small for this many people…” he utters to her quietly.
A surprised gawf left Kelhani, her eyes rolling. “Don’t go telling him that.”
“I can go tell him we’re both leaving? Bulldoze our way to the door.” he suggests with a smile, Stephanie’s fairy lights twinkling in his eyes. Kelhani returned the smile with a slight nod of relief. “Of course I’ll need something for it.”
“And what’s that?”
“How about dinner? Don’t think I didn’t see you avoid all of the healthy apps too.”
For the second time in under two minutes another surprised gawf left Kelhani. “Who knew you were such a master manipulator Mr.Andersen.”
“Gotta keep people on their toes.”
Three minutes later as the two left the door. Mitch leaned over to Stephanie, “Your planned worked perfectly.”
“Well obviously, we gotta figure out a way to make sure she comes back here after her internship. Unless of course you’re looking for a trade.”
“Let’s just keep manipulating our friends.” Mitch laughs pulling her close in a celebratory hug.
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klenvs3000 · 4 years
Meet my friend Nature!
Every person’s experience with nature is unique and I hope you will learn a little bit more about my experiences and how they have shaped my perspectives on the natural world. My parents have always ensured that I have gotten to experience nature and animals. As a result, I absolutely LOVE nature photography. I know there are many opinions on zoos out there, but I really appreciate them because they are where I first got to see a wide range of animals that I would never have gotten to encounter otherwise, and where my camera gets the most use (trying to catch animals sticking their tongues out is my favorite zoo challenge).
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Ring-tailed lemur at the Toronto Zoo sticking it’s tongue out. Photo taken by me.
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One of my first visits to the zoo as a young kid standing in front of a flamingo exhibit. Photo taken by my mother. 
The Toronto Zoo helped foster my love for animals and interest in animal behavior but my path to choosing to study animals only starts there. Other memories that jump out at me is a guided walk in Dinosaur Provincial Park where the guide let us touch actual fossils still in the ground. My mother noticed me gravitating towards the ocean, especially tidepools, on family vacations and found a program at Kouchibouguac National Park in New Brunswick where you get to go along with park rangers for a day.
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Me learning how to attach and use a seine net to catch green crabs in Kouchibouguac National Park with the help of a park ranger. Photo taken by my mother. 
That is where I learned about an invasive species that would direct my entire future, and some seals spotted from the beach made the deal even sweeter. We found a course at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre the next summer that allowed me to explore many different aspects of marine biology. Here is where I must admit something, as a child, even though I loved animals, I was also scared of them, in fact I am still getting over my fear of dogs. On this course though is where that first began to change because the day we went searching for European green crabs was the first time I was truly fearless lifting up rocks and holding all the crabs so I could pass them to my team one by one. http://huntsmaneducation.blogspot.com/2018/07/introduction-to-marine-biology-2018.html That is how I ended up in Marine and Freshwater Biology and why I want to study green crabs in the future in some capacity.
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Holding a green crab to show my family on a walk after learning where to find them from the Huntsman Marine Biology course in New Brunswick. Photo  taken by me.
After having the opportunity to experience so much growing up, I had the chance to be on the opposite side of the spectrum two summers ago when I worked as a nature interpreter at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. During my time there I ran school programs, answered questions at the nature center, and interpreted the heritage house.
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Showing how to use a spinning wheel to my family when they visited me at Sprucelane farmhouse at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Photo taken by my mother.
My favorite of these were the pond study programs I occasionally ran where I got to help the students identify all the critters they were able to scoop out of the pond.
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Taking pictures of the pond I ran programs at for school trips on a visit back to Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Photo taken by my mother. 
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Spotted salamander larvae near the pond at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. One of my two goals to find during the summer (also found a crayfish). Photo taken by me.
I would love to hear any thoughts on my story and would be excited to hear your favorite activity to do outdoors, favorite places/experiences that I could use to plan future adventures (when we finally can) and your favorite animal (mine is a mudskipper).
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Anything You Want || Paul Bissonnette and Tyler Seguin
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I was in a total nsfw mood tonight and asked for some people to send me ideas. One of my group chats said I should definitely go with Bissonnette sex but suggested I add Seguin in there. I twisted their suggested prompt a little but anyway. It’s really dirty...so enjoy. 
Warnings: smut, smut and more smut.Threesome. Oral sex, actual sex, anal sex. Oh and breeding kink/actual breeding (unprotected sex) because evidently I can’t control myself. 
Word Count: 3,804
Dating Paul Bissonnette meant that your sex life was never something that could be described as boring or regular. Paul was older than you and certainly more experienced inside (and technically outside, hello airport sex) the bedroom. Still, he’d never made you feel comfortable, in fact, he was probably the best teacher you could ask for when it came to all things intimate. 
When you’d first gotten together, things had been kept fairly tame, vanilla even, behind closed doors as you learned each other’s likes and dislikes, and what made each of you fall apart. Now that things were more serious as far as the relationship went, things inside the bedroom were shifting as well. One could say that you were very much in the experimental phase of things. Still, even now Paul still had the upper hand in experience and everything that was brought up was something he had tried before and had already decided whether it’s something he likes or not. 
Unsurprisingly, Paul’s hard ‘no’s’ were things that you honestly had no desire to try and most of his ‘yes’s’ were things you were eager for as well. There honestly wasn’t much of a middle ground where there was something you wanted that he wasn’t the biggest fan of....except...shockingly, a threesome. Paul claimed that he had been there and done that before and that it was something that he felt like he’d grown out of. He hadn’t said it was something that would never happen, but it didn’t seem like something that would happen anytime soon, especially not without some prodding on your end. 
That’s probably why Paul’s text tonight had caught you so off guard. You’d come to Toronto with him for a week of summer vacation while he filmed Biz does Ontario. While he filmed, you played tourist, got a massage, and just generally took some time out of your busy life to relax. Tonight he’d gone out to meet up with some buddies and you’d stayed in, curled up with a new book. 
It was almost ten when your phone buzzed and setting your book aside as you finished a chapter, heat flooded your body. 
Put on that black lingerie set and that dress you know I like and come to 70 Yorkville Ave.
His text was suggestive enough to tell you that he had something planned but too vague to tell you exactly what it was. Still, you knew by now that when Paul had something up his sleeve it was best to just play along. So you quickly changed into the requested attire, threw your hair up into a messy and somewhat sexy bun, and applied a smokey makeup look before grabbing your things, slipping into a pair of heels and heading out the door. 
When you arrived at the lounge you looked around but didn’t spot Paul anywhere. Shooting him a text that you were there you made your way over to the bar and ordered yourself a glass of wine, your anticipation rising. Even sipping slowly, you’d finished your first glass of wine and you still hadn’t spotted your boyfriend. Just as you were about to text him again, a warm hand landed on your lower back and a voice called for the bartender to pour you another glass while ordering a beer for himself. 
Your body had tensed at the touch and you quickly spun to tell whoever it was that had decided to get handsy off. 
“Ex…” before you could even finish your first word your eyes met the cocky gaze of a certain Dallas Stars forward and you froze. The fact that Tyler Seguin was standing beside you with his hand on your lower back should have signaled exactly what your boyfriend had planned, however, your brain failed to put the pieces together quickly. 
“I’m sorry...did you not want another?” The tone of his voice was almost patronizing and for a split second, you wanted to slap him. 
“No...I...yes…” You stuttered out. “But I have a boyfriend.” Something about your words made Tyler laugh and after taking a sip of his beer he leaned closer and whispered in your ear. 
“Well, I won’t tell him if you won’t.” When your body instinctively recoiled because the last thing you’d ever do was cheat on Paul, Tyler’s facial expressions cracked for a moment before leaning in close again. “Would you just play along?” Having felt his breath on your skin one moment and then having it be gone the next made you shiver and seeing Tyler looking away from the bar made you follow his gaze. What your eyes met was your boyfriend who had his normal sexy smirk on and who was clearly watching the two of you. 
At that moment, you looked between Paul and Tyler and when you returned your gaze to the former he was clearly mouthing something to you, his body language more relaxed than it should be for someone else hitting on you. It was then that everything hit you at once...this was Paul’s plan. This was him giving in to what you wanted. A flush rose on your cheeks as you smiled at him sending him a short nod before turning your attention back to Tyler who smirked once more realizing that you were now in on the whole plan. 
Grazing your fingers along the muscles of Tyler’s forearm you couldn’t help but imagine those arms pinning you down on the bed while he fucked you. 
“So you like hitting on taken women.” You tease, sipping at your wine before purposely licking a drop of the liquid off of your lips. At your action, Tyler’s adam’s apple bobbed and there was a tick in his jaw as it tightened. 
“I like hitting on attractive women.” He responded voice low, his body stepping half a step closer to your own, boxing you in against the bar. “And what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” It was then that you realized his hand was still pressed against your back as it dipped lower to rest just above your ass. 
“And if I was supposed to meet him here…?” You whispered, your hand moving from his arm to graze for just a moment over his abs. 
“Well then maybe he should join us.” The words were said in such a matter of fact manner that even though you knew that’s where this was headed, they still stole your breath for a moment. Heat was already pooling in your stomach when Tyler’s teeth grazed over your ear as he spoke. “I bed you’d like to be fucked from both ends.” 
If you hadn’t been sitting you probably would have toppled over. You were about to look back for Paul wondering just how this was going to proceed when you felt a second hand land on your back and the scent of your boyfriend’s cologne filled your nose. Reaching for your class of wine you quickly finished it off, and as you set the empty glass back on the bar, you felt Paul’s breath against your other ear. 
“You gonna be a good girl baby and let Tyler and I fuck you? I told him what a good girl you are but he said he’d have to see it to believe it.” You couldn’t help but nod, conscious thought starting to leave you, as the combination of the alcohol and heat of two huge male bodies surrounded you. 
The next thing you know, the check has been paid and you’re being led out of the bar into an SUV. As you reach the vehicle, Tyler tosses Paul the keys and opens the backdoor for you before sliding inside with you. 
“You know where you’re going man?” Tyler asks and when Paul nods and starts the car, Tyler’s attention turns to you. Out of habit, you buckle yourself up and Tyler and Paul exchange a quick look in the rearview mirror before they both do the same. “Guess it would put a damper on things if we were killed before the fun started,” Tyler muttered. 
As soon as Paul pulled into the Toronto streets, Tyler’s hand falls to your thigh and slowly starts moving upward. The rough callouses of his fingers cause you to shiver and unconsciously you spread your legs wanting his touch higher and closer to your core. “That’s it baby. I know you want me.” Tyler breathes into your ear. For a moment, his hand moves up to cup your face and then he’s kissing you, his tongue quickly probing at your mouth for access. Needing to tease just a bit, you refuse access until Tyler’s hand returns to your body, slipping under your dress and finding your clit. 
Your moan gives him what he wants and you can feel him smirking as you kiss passionately, his hand just resting against your inner thigh. When you finally need to breathe and pull back, Tyler’s eyes are dark and he pinches at the skin of your inner thigh. “So you’re gonna be a brat. Paul didn’t tell me that.” He mumbles, his mouth dropping to your neck to bite a mark deep into your skin. The pain of it sends a jolt through your body and you whine softly. 
Before things can progress any farther, the car stops and you feel your seat belt slacken as Tyler’s fingers unlatch it before tugging you out of the car, causing you to stumble on your heels. Paul is behind you before you can regain your balance and his lips are pressed to the back of your neck. With Tyler’s hand in yours, he tugs you through the parking garage and into an elevator and it’s only once you’re inside that you feel a strong smack across your rear and you glance up to see that Paul’s eyes are dark as well. 
“I thought I told you to be good for him.” He growls softly and you chew softly on your bottom lip, eyes downcast. You know he’s not actually angry and that his actions are just part of all of this so you play along. 
“I’m sorry daddy...just wanted to ease into things.” You whisper. Before either man can respond further, the elevator has come to a stop and you see Paul toss Tyler his keys back so that he can lead you down the hall and into his Toronto apartment. Once the door opens both men kick off their shoes but Tyler glares at you when you move to slip off your own. 
“Leave them.” He growls, taking his chance to smack at your ass firmly but gently. “Bedroom is the second door on the left. Take off your dress but leave everything else on and go kneel on the floor at the foot of the bed.”  His voice is demanding and when you meet Paul’s gaze his eyes tell you to obey. 
By the time they join you in the bedroom you’ve been kneeling on the floor for at least five minutes, nipples pebbled through the lingerie from the chill of Tyler’s air conditioning. You can feel their eyes raking over your body but Paul clears his throat when you attempt to look up at them so you cast your head down again awaiting further instruction. 
When a hand brushes over the top of your head gently twice you take that as a signal to look up. When you do Tyler is standing nude in front of you, his hard cock bobbing between his thighs. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that Paul is also nude and is laying on the bed, hands behind his head. 
“Need to know if this mouth is as good as Biz claims.” Tyler declares, his fingers tangling in your hair after taking out your bun, to pull your mouth closer to him. Wetting your lips you first lick at the tip of Tyler’s cock, tasting the precum leaking from it before slowly sinking your mouth forward to take as much of him as you can without triggering your gag reflex. Working your mouth over him the same way Paul has taught you he likes, you try and gauge what works for Tyler and what doesn’t. When he groans as you hum around him you grin slightly, feeling his cock twitch. Seconds later he pulls you off of him and to your feet, clearly signaling that he’s not ready to cum yet.
“Paul you’re a fucking lucky bastard if she wears shit like this for you frequently.” Tyler declares, his hands running over the fabric of your lingerie.
“Don’t I know it.” Paul declares and when you look over at him, he’s stroking his cock causing another wave of moisture to flood your core. 
“It’s too pretty to get cum all over so I say it’s time we get you out of it.” Tyler declares and with Paul’s nod of approval, Tyler’s hands tug the fabric off of you and finally takes your heels off along with it. “Much better.” Tyler declares as he kisses you, one hand tangling in your hair. After a moment, a warm sticky substance coats the skin of your stomach and you quickly realize that Tyler’s other hand had been jerking himself off so that he could cover you in his cum. As he cums down from his orgasm, Tyler pulls away from you panting. “Go blow your boyfriend while I eat you out.” 
Nodding you take the few steps over to the bed, climbing onto it to kiss Paul’s stomach before wrapping your mouth around his hard cock. Blowing Tyler hadn’t been bad but there was something about making Paul fall apart that was just so much better. As you work Paul’s cock in the way you know he likes you can’t help but moan feeling Tyler’s mouth blowing at your pussy before sucking your clit between his lips. Receiving oral sex is one of your favorite sexual acts and it gets even better when Paul’s fingers reach down to caress your breasts, pinching and rubbing your nipples until their hard and aching and sending jolts to meet the actions of Tyler’s mouth. 
You can tell that Paul is getting close, even though your mind has started to go fuzzy with the approach of your own orgasm. Still, you didn’t expect Paul’s hand to tug at your hair as his hips jolt up into your mouth pressing his cock deeper down your throat. You gag a bit before trying to relax your mouth around him, taking him as deep as you possibly can. The way he’s grunting and breathing heavily tells you he’s close and you nuzzle your nose against him. The moment Paul starts to spurt down your throat you feel two of Tyler’s fingers slip inside you as he bites gently at your clit and the feeling of all of it at once tears an orgasm from your body much sooner than you expected it. 
Collapsed with your head on Paul’s thigh you try and catch your breath while Tyler’s fingers rub gently at your clit in a way that is almost too much but yet not enough. When he stops you whimper but then Paul is dragging your body further up the bed to kiss you gently, giving you the bit of care that he knows you need in the situation before going any further. 
Breaking the kiss after a moment, you look down to where Tyler is standing at the foot of the bed, his cock already hard again. 
“Do you want him to fuck you babe?” Paul questions softly because he would never force you into anything you didn’t want and oral sex is one thing but this is another. 
“Yes…” You respond wanting to feel both men stretching you out to your max. Anal sex was something that you and Paul had been experimenting with and this seemed like the right time to take it to the next level. 
“Condoms and lube?” Paul asked and when Tyler pointed to a bedside drawer, Paul grabbed both items, tossing the condom down to Tyler. “If you’re gonna fuck her you have to glove up.” He declared. Tyler complied quickly, sliding the condom over his dick before kneeling on the bed. 
“How are we doing this?” He asked and as always you looked to Paul for guidance. 
“She’ll ride you and I’ll fuck her from behind.” With that direction, Paul and Tyler switched spots for a moment, Paul stealing one more proper kiss before smacking at your ass. “Show him how good that pussy feels. Tight like a vice grip.” 
With Tyler spread out on the bed, you moved to straddle him, his hands quickly moving to your hips to steady you.
“You ready?” He asked and when you nodded, he lined himself up with your hole before allowing you to slowly sink down on him. The way your body stretched around him made your toes curl and you paused for a moment needing to adjust. “Fuck…” Tyler grunted, his hips flexing beneath you, clearly desiring movement. Slowly you began to bounce on him, the friction building and curling inside you deliciously.
After a moment, Paul guided you to a stop again so that he could work first one but then two lubed fingers inside your ass. After that, you resumed your slow pace, fucking Tyler while Paul worked his fingers to spread you open, eventually adding a third finger, scissoring them all inside you. 
“Paul please...I need you.” You moaned, wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by these men, filled and stretched so full. Gradually, you rocked your hips faster against Tyler, needing more of everything, but every so often a shudder would course through your body that would cause you to just grind your pelvis against his, curses spilling from his mouth. 
“Seriously dude...just fuck her ass already. She’s killing me.” Tyler declared and after a moment you felt the heat of Paul’s body as he pressed against your back. With one more stretch of his fingers inside you, they slipped out and as Paul murmured for Tyler to help brace you, his fingers were slowly replaced by his cock. 
For a moment you couldn’t breathe, the feeling of being stuffed full from both ends being too much. You knew that Tyler was aching for you to move but Paul held you still, letting you adjust to him and kissing your head while pressing his hand against your stomach. Both men were so large that you were certain they could feel each other pressed inside you and the knowledge of that pushed you even closer to orgasm. Paul must have felt your body relax enough to satisfy him because after a moment he started fucking down into you causing you to shift on Tyler’s cock. Thankfully the two men figured out how to best fuck you between them because things had just started and you were already boneless at the feeling. 
All sense of time and space was lost to you as you let yourself be used by Paul and Tyler. You had no idea how long they had been fucking you for or how many times you’d already come when you felt Tyler tense under you before an obscene moan left his mouth and he was twitching inside of you. The way your body seemed to be fluttering around him signaled that you’d cum too but maybe you’d just been in a constant state of orgasm since they started fucking you. 
Knowing Paul hadn’ cum yet you tried to weakly rock your body back against him but he had paused as Tyler came, just holding your body to him. Feeling his lips kiss down your back, you felt him slip out of you as well before flipping you over onto your back. 
“You’ve been so good for us.” He whispered and Tyler quickly mumbled his affirmance of that statement. “But I think you should show Tyler just how good you are and let me cum inside you.” 
For a split second your eyes went wide and then you were nodding frantically. 
“Yes daddy, please cum inside me.” You’d tried to convince Paul to go bareback but he’d refused since you had stopped taking the pill, declaring that it wasn’t yet time to try for a baby. As Paul settled himself above you he chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. 
“I know baby. You’re so eager for daddy to knock you up. Want you to show Tyler just how good you take my seed, how much you want me to fill you up and make you mine. Because you are mine. Tonight was the only time I’m ever going to share you.” Tears were pooling in your eyes as Paul pressed inside you, your body molding to his like you were made to take his cock. 
As Paul fucked himself inside you, Tyler’s fingers reached to play with your nipples once more. 
“He’s right...you are such a good girl letting him fuck you until you’re nice and pregnant. He’s a lucky son of a bitch.” With Paul fucking so deep inside you, shifting your legs to wrap around him until he was buried to the hilt on each in stroke, and Tyler pinching and rubbing at your nipples, it wasn’t long until you were crying out as the most intense orgasm of your life rushed over you. 
The walls of your pussy clenched down tight around Paul’s dick as he let go, milking him dry. With your body heaving, tears spilled from your eyes at the intensity of it all and you felt the bed shift as Paul leaned over to kiss you while still resting inside of you. 
“Holy fuck Paul.” You eventually breathed, your hands reaching up to brush over his cheeks. 
“Good huh?” He murmured.
“Fantastic. Though I’m not sure where that last part suddenly came from.” You whispered slightly concerned that he had only acted in the heat of the moment and would regret taking that risk. Seeing Tyler return with a wet washcloth, Paul finally slipped out of you, gently wiping you down. 
“Like you didn’t know I planned to spend the rest of my life giving you whatever it is that you want.” 
Paul had always done whatever it took to make you happy and tonight was no exception. Your first threesome had been fun and you definitely needed to thank Tyler but maybe Paul had been right. Now that it was out of your system you know that the only man you needed was the one you planned on spending the rest of your life with. 
And you couldn’t wait to see what else there was to explore with him. 
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loveylangdon · 5 years
What’s Clickbait Again pt.6
Word count: 6k+
Overall Story Summary: You’re dating Shawn Mendes but was in a long term relationship with David Dobrik and met Shawn through a collab David was supposed to have with him. David is now collabing with Shawn finally and finds out you’re dating the pop sensation and doesn’t know what to do.
Authors Note: omg okay I'm sorry for my late posting I’m horrible I know, again this has just been floating in my head and it’s cool to have somewhere to put it. I originally planned 6 chapters so it doesn’t continue on forever but I could easily do the 7th chapter a kinda aftermath of everything if you guys wanted to thank y’all so much for being patient and understanding it means the world.
pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.3 - pt.4 - pt.5 
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*gif not mine credit to owner*
Shawns p.o.v.
Sipping on my morning coffee I sigh it’s been a crazy two weeks since the party and nothing had gotten any better. I can’t wait to take y/n back to Toronto and relax for a couple of weeks before tour hopefully everything gets better. She’s been blaming herself for everything that’s happened since then. My thoughts were broken when I hear Brian
“How was shooting with the Dolan twins?” Brian asked me walking into the kitchen 
“It was something else we just went to a warehouse they had kinda like a fantasy factory” I chuckled drinking my coffee “y/n came along and was just scared for my safety the whole time so her and Con ended up leaving and going to get coffee” I shrugged chuckling
Her and Connor have been spending a lot of time together since the party fiasco.
“How’s she doing?” Brian asked concerned 
I sighed, it’s been two weeks and y/n still hasn’t been herself she’s been waiting for Natalie to call her, “She’s doing better slowly she’s starting to get more like herself, I know her not talking to David and being able to explain is slowly killing her, if he would stop being a dick she could explain and it would be fine it’s not like she did anything wrong though” 
Recalling how broken she was when she came home after the party, after setting Ilya and Dima up in the guest room keeping up a front for their sake, she climbed into bed with just a shirt on. makeup still on ready to call it a night with mascara stained cheeks. Remembering how I washed her face, going through her nighttime routine while she laid there as if she just went through a breakup all over again. At least while Ilya and Dima stayed here she was in hostess mode making sure they were okay and had everything before Natalie gave them their tickets home. It’s been a week since Dima and Ilya left and after they boarded their plane she was crying again. 
It’s been two weeks since the party. She acts like David not talking to her is okay and him ignoring her text messages isn’t killing her but I know she’s dealing with a whole new heartbreak, disappointing someone she loved. 
We’ve managed to get some of the video’s done for youtube all we had left was Josh Peck’s and David/Steveo’s video. Still not hearing about scheduling for Davids collaboration and Josh is on his first vacation with his new family we had to wait till he gets back to film with him.
“She didn’t do anything wrong?” Brian asked me with a raised eyebrow and sipped his coffee, my head immediately snapped to him instead of staring off into my thoughts like I previously was 
“What is that suppose to mean Bri?” I say seriously, getting defensive it wasn’t y/n fault what happened at the party or about the breakup
“You are so blind, how would you feel if your ex saw me and told me they wanted to date a new guy and I told them to go for it? Or how about Aaliyah huh, what if your Ex-girlfriend saw Aaliyah and told her not to tell you about the new relationship they’re in?” He raised his eyebrows sipping his coffee looking at me expectedly 
“I would be upset that Aaliyah would keep something like that from me but it’s not her thing to tell and as for you, I would hope you thought about what was best for both people before encouraging anything but overall the other person’s happiness is what matters the most. If my ex was happy with this new person what's the problem?” I look at him 
I breathed out, if y/n asked Brian for relationship advice yeah I would be hurt but in the end it’s bigger than me, as for Aaliyah I would be glad she had someone she thought she could confide in regardless of our relationship status I would be happy they had a relationship stronger than just me.
“Shawn you’re way too nice and understanding. David sees it as a betrayal. His two best friends went behind his back and told the girl he loved to go be with someone else, that's breaking like 4 different bro codes” 
I groan “screw bro code Brian if the person you love is searching for happiness elsewhere and rightfully so then you lost the right to call bro-code” 
“How did they even break up, I mean I knew it was messy but you guys never really told us like-“
“Good Morning gentleman,” y/n says as she walks into the kitchen 
My eyes immediately shoot to Brian telling him to silently shut up. As my heart rates kick up I can’t believe this angel is mine, as cheesy as that sounds she deserves the world and it has been hell for her the past two weeks and she’s still trying to put everyone first and make sure everyone's taken care of. It's like her superpower being too caring. I keep doing little things to make sure she knows I’m here for her but giving her space and letting her do things at her pace is killing me.
“Good morning princess” I smile so wide my cheeks hurt “How’d you sleep” I reach out my hand to her which thankfully she grabs and squeezes before turning to get a mug above the coffee pot in the cupboard.
Standing quickly I go to grab it before she gets on her tiptoes and tries to reach for it. Placing it on the counter in front of her she blushes and pink dusts her cheeks and down her neck. She’s only wearing an oversized shirt which in reality is just a vintage shirt of mine but she wears it better than I can any day.
She turns around and kisses right next to my mouth and grabs coffee 
“Is your guys’ little nasty love fest over? Can I open my eyes now I think they’re burning” Brian says dramatically as he fans his eyes with his hands 
Chuckling I go to throw a sponge at him while y/n actually reaches over to hit him upside the head. Going to sit next to Brian again y/n finishes making her coffee and walks over between my legs while my back is resting on the kitchen island.
Looking into her eyes I can tell the events of 2 weeks ago is still rough on her but she’s slowly getting the sparkle back in her eyes. 
I go to nudge my nose against her’s while she’s just looking down into her coffee cup.  Her eyes look up into mine “can I have a kiss?” I whisper scared if I say it any louder she’ll retreat back into the bedroom 
It’s been two weeks since David found out his friends knew we were dating before she told him, hell she didn’t even tell him but it's not like she owed him an explanation. Not only do I know she’s blaming the party fiasco on herself but the fall through in scheduling with David to film a video, and the reason Davids not talking to Ilya and Dima. 
She pulls me out of my thoughts with a kiss on the lips, startled at first I quickly melt into it, trying to convey feelings of reassurance to her that I know if I said out loud she wouldn’t let me finish my sentences. 
She pulls away all too quickly and with another peck, on my lips, she goes back into the bedroom. Closing my eyes and sighing after realizing she closed the door behind her. We didn’t have plans today which means she’s going to be in bed for as long as she can feeling sorry for herself. 
“Maybe you should talk to him?” Brian whispers 
“To who?” I look at him 
“David? See why he’s being a dick and not letting her explain. If what he did to her was so bad she didn’t want to talk to him and left, well she’s here and what she did was bad yah but not so bad for her to be like this for two weeks, all she wants is a chance to explain.” He shrugs 
“Is that a good idea? I don’t want to cause more problems” bitting the inside of my cheek 
“Bro your girl has been in bed painting a face on for everyone, coming home and being upset about everything he’s hurting her. Go find out what the fuck is taking him so long to call her like Natalie said he would. Whatever happened between them isn’t over-” 
I shoot him a look “what do you mean it’s not over Brian we’ve been together for almost a year”
“Let me finish, yes they’re over but this whole new situation that’s being brought up needs closure, she left after too maybe they still need closure to move past this”
“What if she leaves me Bri what if she thinks what he did wasn’t as bad as she remembered and she doesn’t come back to me” putting my head in my hands my mind is reeling I can’t lose her but I can’t let David continue to treat her like anything less than what she deserves.
“She won’t leave you, you make her so happy Shawn she would be an idiot to throw it away for a Hollywood brat who lives in studio city” he smirks 
“okay, fuck it” I nod my head more so to myself than to Brian, David isn’t going to continue to treat my girlfriend like shit for something she did as a favor to him. “Yah okay,” I say standing up and going to the bedroom. 
Knocking on the door lightly peaking my head in the room I see she’s in a blanket cocoon with her coffee hugged into her chest. My heart about burst in my chest. 
“Hey princess, I’m gonna run out for a bit and after I thought I could bring some snacks so we can have a movie day in bed and watch films, I can order take out for dinner so we don’t have to worry about it. What do you say?” I ask as I walk closer to the bed ready to scoop her cocooned body into my chest. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed I reach over for her coffee and set it down on the bedside table and reach over and pull her covers closer to me and I hear her giggle. The sweetest sound my ears will ever hear. I feel myself grinning like an idiot finally having her close enough I pull her into my chest and go to pepper kisses all over her face.
“Okay okay okay prince, stop, stop” she squeals in-between giggles trying to move away but being restrained by her blanket cocoon which earns laughs from me and a pout on her face 
“Oh princess don’t pout you’re too cute” I move to lay on top of her giving her a kiss in between each work “I am going out I’ll be back soon okay” finally placing a kiss on her forehead. 
I use my hands on either side of her to push myself off of her, I feel her hand go to the back of my head and her hand in the nape of my neck tugging on my curls. I lower my body as if doing a pushup and rest my forehead against hers, knowing what she wants but it’s easier to tease. Open mouthed she’s looking at me with love and lust her eyes going from mine to my lips I feel her breathe against mine
“You want a kiss princess?” I whisper against her lips barely touching and I feel her hand tug on my curls letting out a groan I mutter “Words princess” 
She hums as she pushed my lips against hers in a kiss. She can make me melt in the softest ways ever. Pulling away she groans “Princess I have to go, I’ll be back soon okay?”
She struggles to get out of her cocoon and I can’t help but laugh her hair is a mess she’s bare-faced and wiggling and pulling on the blankets, it's too cute to watch. 
She groans and huffs finally giving up “How long will you be gone?” 
“three hours tops, I promise” I lean over to place a kiss on her cheek but she turns her head and it lands on her lips. 
Pulling away she’s laughing at me, I feel my face heat up not expecting it
 “you’re too cute my prince, how did I get so lucky” she gazes at me lovingly 
“I’m the lucky one princess, lucky that you let me love on you, and keep you in my pocket for when I need you the most” I smirk as she goes to wiggle her arm out of her blanket to hit me 
“I am not THAT small rockstar, I may fit in your suitcase but I don’t fit in your pocket” she jokingly glares at me as I go into the closet to pull on a clean shirt 
“Sorry honey I don’t make the rules, if you fit in my arms you fit in my pocket” I shrug as I’m walking out of the closet to kiss her forehead before I leave. 
Leaning down to place a final kiss on her forehead “If you need help getting out of your cocoon just shout for Bri he’s in the living room, okay?” I kiss her forehead softly before pulling her blanket tighter around her making it harder for her to get out, I quickly walk out of the room and hear her yelling my name. Laughing making my way to the front door I call out “sorry princess text me what snacks you want” 
I shoot a wink to Bri “I’ll be back soon” giving him a wave I make my way to my car and set off to studio city. 
Pulling up to Davids house this seems like a dumb idea, Never being one for confrontation I hear my phone go off a text from y/n and I'm smiling like an idiot 
Hey prince, drive safely and come home soon love you. 
Smiling down at my phone I reread the message from y/n. Noticing Davids gate open and a couple of cars in the drive I quickly lock my phone and find a place to park.
Putting the car in park getting out and make my way up the drive. Automatically seeing the small blonde Carly and the tall girl who I think’s name is Erin and David filming by his Ferrari in the garage I roll my eyes. Carly notices me first and clears her throat towards David, and offers me a small wave. David looks up and rolls his eyes.
“Hey we need to talk” I stand up straighter directing it at David 
“No, we don’t, I’m busy you can leave” he squints up at me and points to an area he wants Carly and Erin to stand turning his back to me I try again
“No actually” I move to stand closer to Carly “I can’t, I have a girl who just had to say goodbye to two of her best friends, who’s been in bed for a week and then spent another week making everyone else around her feel better but blaming herself for something she did to protect someone she loved who completely broke her and she wanted to save him from the pain he caused her. how is that fair? If I would’ve known doing this youtube collaboration would’ve been such a big deal I wouldn’t  have taken it, or the one with you at least” 
“Someone, she loved?” He scoffs “What do you want me to say? Fuck you won congratulations.” David sneers back 
“She wants to talk to you if you just let her explain-“ he cuts me off
“No she wants to make herself feel better, do you think it’s a coincidence that literally weeks after you two met through me might I add you guys end up together? She wants to talk because she can’t be the villain in her story-“ 
“David” Carly shouts at him 
“What Carly its true, don't you think its weird that I fuck up one time and she doesn’t let me explain myself, lets me live with the guilt of it for months comes back with a new boyfriend and the one time she fucks up she wants to make it better immediately so its not on her conscious when she didn’t even give me the chance to explain it” his voice cracks and he’s getting frustrated 
“This is nowhere near the same thing and you know it, she didn’t leave you for me and you know that” my jaw clenches 
“Are you sure because it sure looks like it or is it because she just lied and can’t live with it or-“
“David stop” Erin tries sending me a soft look 
“She went behind my back and got with someone else before even telling me she was back in the country” he shouts as Natalie comes out of the house 
“Oh, Shawn hey I didn’t know you guys were filming today?” She smiled towards me as David shoots her a look 
“We’re not he’s leaving” David directs towards me 
“If you seriously think I’m leaving without you giving her the common decency to let her explain  herself you’ve lost it, man, just let her explain what happened with Dima and Ilya she’s not the one at fault here they’re her friends too” 
“explain herself? Are you delusional SHE LIED to me where’s my common decency” David shouts 
“I think you lost that right when you slept with the one person she was scared of the most” I retort back and automatically regret it. I hear the girls gasping around me all pointing looks at David and I feel him shrink all confidence lost. 
“Dave you cheated on her?” Carly is the first to break the silence “You cheated on y/n? with who, when ?” Her eyes get big and I can see her putting together the pieces as Natalie and Erin look just as lost 
“The night before y/n left you were at Liza’s Dave when did, oh my god” Carly puts her hands over her mouth backing away from him 
Erin follows suit but looking more hurt “You cheated on y/n with Liza? Are you fucking kidding me, David? How stupid are you?” She looks at him and he shrinks 
“It was an accident and it meant nothing-“ he tried to explain quickly to the girls 
Carly shakes her head “No David you told us you guys have been fighting and that’s why she left, you didn’t mention anything about cheating” she looks at him hurt
Suddenly I feel out of place all I wanted was a chance for y/n to explain herself. He looks at me and if looks could kill I would be dead 100%
“I-fuck yes okay I slept with Liza but it meant nothing and I haven’t even talked to her since” he looks at the girls trying to convince them tugging on his hair
“Dave is that why Liza was sneaking out of the house the week after y/n left” Nat looks up at him and I see him cringe 
That is new information, he was sleeping with Liza the entire time y/n was gone and he accused her of cheating. 
“An accident HA what did she accidentally slip on your dick, I can’t believe you right now” Erin glares at him and I look to Natalie for help which she nods her head to 
“David, I think you aren’t one to let y/n not explain herself, she’s waited two weeks and I promised you would call her so she can explain her side, maybe you guys should talk to clear the air get everything over with so we can move on” Natalie tries but is cut off by Erin
“Ha, you’ll be lucky if she picks up her phone, after everything she did for you David that’s how you repay her” Erin scoffs at him and turns to me and my eyes automatically widen. “Ya know she’s lucky she found a guy like you Shawn honestly I’ve never seen her so happy, Thank you for letting us know what actually happened between the two. He never gave us the honor of mentioning the truth.” Erin looks at David and walks down the driveway “Don’t call us until you apologize to her David, and whatever you get from it you deserve.” 
I turn to watch Erin walk down the driveway when I notice Jeff’s car parked in the driveway and y/n in the front seat with Brian in the back. David notices it too and I quickly rush over to the passenger side opening the door for y/n 
“Princess,” I start and she puts her hand on my cheek 
“Stop, I asked Brian where you were going and he let it slip, you really can’t tell him anything” she chuckles and I look up to see Jeff get out of the car with Brian. Jeff’s walking up to David who is trying to convince Carly and Erin not to leave. I don’t know how much y/n heard but it can’t be any better. 
y/n p.o.v.
Pulling up to the driveway everyone was so in the moment they didn’t realize Jeff’s car pull up
Stepping out of the car with Shawn’s help was easy. This was not going to be easy and I was going to have a serious conversation with Shawn later. Giving him a kiss on the cheek I walk towards David who’s too engrossed in his conversation with the girls. 
Carly notices me first and whispers my name but loud enough for David’s eyes to shoot towards me he’s about to open his mouth but I speak before he can 
“We need to talk now” I look at David giving him a stern look so he knows I’m serious. I push past him and into the house making my way to the podcast room. I look anything but presentable I’m in Shawns oversized youth hoodie and a pair of white Adidas’ luckily this house is always cold and having something of Shawns calms my nerves. 
Noticing Todd and Some Instagram models on the couch who glare at me I ignore them and walk straight into the podcast room hearing people following me 
“Dave what the fuck is happening” I distinctly hear Todd ask as I close the door to the podcast room behind me luckily no ones in here so I just wait for David. 
David walks in and closes the door behind him rubbing the back of his neck I know he’s nervous and won’t speak first because he doesn’t know what I heard. I clear my throat 
“So you slept with Liza after I left,” I ask 
“Can I explain before you accuse me of things?” He asks squinting his eyes at me 
“So what you said outside in front of Carly, Erin and Shawn was just bullshit to make yourself feel better?” I fire at him 
 he looks at the floor “I-I did sleep with Liza after you left” he doesn’t make eye-contact
“Why are you hiding it, Dave? We broke up you were free to do whatever you wanted, more like whoever you wanted” I Sigh and rub my face with my sweater paws Shawns sweater being too big on me
He smiles softly “remember when you went through my closet and would only wear my sweaters for weeks? you refused to put on pants and wore it with the biker shorts you and Natalie got sent and I had to have Natalie order merch just for you because you kept stealing my sweaters” he chuckled noticing the youth hoodie 
“That Instagram model on the couch did you sleep with her too?” I ask him making him look at me “She looks like she wants to kill me like I took her trophy”
He looks at the closed door and closes his eyes sighing “I slept with Liza, Stass, and Kelsey yes.” He looks at me 
“So the girl Zane has been pinning after you’ve slept with her?” I look at him with disgust “And of course Zane doesn’t know right because why would he” I stand up 
David flinches as I get up 
“Dave what’s going on, what happened, I can’t deal with this I’ve been racking my head for what I did wrong? I don’t know what was worse me finding out you slept with Liza from Liza or that you weren’t even going to tell me until I confronted you about it, or now you making me feel like shit for keeping something from you to find out you slept with Liza the second I was out of the picture” I look at him lost wrapping my arms around my torso 
“y/n please believe me when I tell you I never wanted to hurt you” his eyes are getting red “I love you so much it” he stops to tug on his hair “I went to Lizas that night to tell her I was going to propose to you”
My breath catches in my throat and I can feel the burning sensation in my eyes. “So let me get this straight” I pause to wipe at my nose “You went to tell your ex-girlfriend you were going to propose to me and somehow that got miscommunicated to let’s have sex?” You raise your voice at him 
“I went to tell her it’s over between us” he takes a step closer to me and I take a step back 
“That it was finally over? David oh my god we were dating for 3 and a half years” you shout “Where you screwing her behind my back” I look at him and he doesn’t answer he just bites his lip “Oh my god David oh my god” tears start falling “I trusted you, I was there for you” I back myself into a wall with my hands over my face as my breathing quickens relationship with him was built on lies. How could I have been so stupid 
“No No, I didn’t sleep with her throughout our relationship” he fires at me quickly walking closer to me “The one time before you left that night is the only night I slept with her, please believe me” 
“How can I” I glare at him 
He flinches “Let me finish” he’s standing in front of me moving my hands from in front of me and holding them in his “I went to tell Liza that we were over, when me and her broke up she said she always wanted to get back together eventually, eventually never came and it wasn’t going to because I saw you in a new light and wanted to spend forever with you. I went to tell her our friendship couldn’t continue either because I didn’t want to do that to you and that when we had the wedding she wouldn’t be invited” he squeezes my hands 
David wanted to marry me, went to tell his best friend it was done but slept with her instead. I look down at my hands being squeezed. I push at his chest “Don’t touch me” I look at him and see hurt flash across his eyes. 
“You went to tell Liza you were going to propose and slept with her, you cheated on me, David. You did the one thing I was most afraid of in our relationship and you made it into a reality, how were you even thinking about her if you wanted to marry me? How would you think I could say yes to you if you were still thinking about your ex before you’re going to propose to me” I look at him and I see a tear roll down his cheek 
“I'm sorry” his voice cracks and he’s crying wiping away at his cheeks “y/n I love you and we can fix this please please just don’t go away again. I had a moment of weakness it was more of one last time and right after I regretted it because it didn't feel like what we had, it wasn't you. Do you know what it was like to not know where you were I almost hired a private investigator to track you down, knowing I couldn’t leave the country why would you do that to me” he asks 
Knowing this is how David got what he wanted, he would flip stories on you to make it about you. Mastermind David Dobrik was trying to get you to feel sorry for him. I stayed silent. 
Standing up straighter “Don’t do that to me” I glare at him “Do not turn this around on me, ask your questions, ask me whatever you have to so we can get out of here, I’m tired David I just want to know why I wasn’t enough your moment of weakness was my living hell.” 
“You were always more than enough, I wasn’t even close enough to be deserving of your love. Every morning I would thank whoever put you in my life and every time we went out to shoot with someone I was so scared you were going to realize that I didn’t deserve you that I wasn’t enough for you. Being surrounded by all these people I knew you would realize you didn’t deserve me and move onto someone like Shawn” he rubs his nose starring at you with such intensity he knew
“I didn’t cheat on you with Shawn” I fire at him 
“Maybe not physically but you did.” He fires at me “did you sleep with Shawn before we broke up?” He accuses me 
“No I didn’t cheat on you with Shawn, I could never hurt you, even now, I can't hurt you. I can’t bear to hear anyone say anything negative about you David. Do you know how deep your claws are dug into me.” I shout at him and I hear my voice crack and I cringe “Every time someone who finds out we use to date talks about how stupid or what a psychopath you are and “their happy someone like me got away from it” I can't stop myself from defending you. Do you know how hard it was to move on from you, every time Shawn even tried to get close to me all I thought about was how you would react which is complete bullshit because you obviously had no problem going back to Liza as soon as I walked out the door and all the other people thirsty for your blue fucking checkmark. I was so scared to let myself fall for Shawn because I was scared what your fans would say, what you would think.” I take a breathe and look at the ceiling trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill “I am with Shawn now, yes I told Ilya, Dima, and your sisters and they promised to keep it a secret for me. I had no one to talk to. After the break up you kept everything David everything. I had nothing and no one so yes I left the country for you to make it easier so you didn’t have to think about what if’s or what could have been. In London, I ran into Shawn and things clicked that was the first time I smiled since I left and it was a month after, he watched me cry over you while you were fucking someone else in the bed we picked together. How fucked is that?” I look at him and he goes to open his mouth “I’m not finished, I'm with Shawn now, and I’m happy truly happy. With him I know I don’t have to worry about my heart shattering into so many pieces I cant piece it back together without help, I don’t have to worry about ex-girlfriends wanting him back or him spending time with girls who want him and him giving in. I didn’t tell you because I was worried about your well being and for that I’m sorry. I'm sorry I thought I ever meant something to you because obviously, you didn’t care, Ilya and Dima found me pretty easily, I was back in the states for a month before you even found out and I still didn’t hear anything from you.” Wiping my tears I look at him, he’s defeated because he knows everything I said was true. “You not only broke my heart but you didn’t even have the decency to tell your “friends” what you did to make me leave, you painted me out to be the villain when all I did was make it easier for you because my mistake was loving you to hard.”
“y/n please-“ he chokes out 
“I’m done dave, I’m exhausted and I can’t do this anymore. clearly, whatever heartbroken act you had going on you should put it into an acting career because everyone's right you did it to yourself, I don’t know how I was so blind.” I shake my head going to stand up  
“No y/n stop please can we finish talking” he tries 
“David for what,” I say exasperated “So you can accuse me of cheating on you when we both know who did what here. David, you cheated on me and shattered my heart into so many pieces It took me a good half a year to put it back together not only me but I needed someone else to help me find the pieces to help me find me again. Not only that but you made me out to be someone who I'm not, someone who is capable of breaking you when all you did was do it to yourself.” I sigh and go to the door leaving him on the couch with his head in his hands 
“Goodbye David I hope you find someone who loves you for the amazing guy I know you can be”  
Opening the door I see Shawn biting his nails staring at the door I just opened intently while Brian stands next to him. The house has cleared out or they're hiding by the second door in the hall. Either way, you couldn't wait to get out of this house. 
Shawns eye’s snap to you as he makes his way over, holding your face in both his hands staring into your eyes intently “Princess” looking into his eyes you know he’s sorry and regretful, leaning into his palm you close your eyes
“Prince I love you more than anything in this world you know that” I open my eyes and smile at him seeing his stupid smile break across his face 
authors note: thank yall for giving me a platform to execute this idea I've had. I only planned to write 6 parts but I can put together a 7th. thank you guys for being patient and caring. Its been a while but I can’t believe its finally here. Tell me what you think in the comments Xx thank you guys for everything. 
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