#like i said I'm basically just trying to vibe atm
anything new coming soon? 👀
Hopefully! I'm not sure exactly what tbh - I've been trying to be a little generous with myself recently and write based on what I feel like writing as opposed to what I "need to" or "should" work on. Which is great for my creativity but also means a lot of bouncing from project to project and also honestly scrapping a couple WIPs recently that I decided weren't going to pan out.
I can tell you I'm determined to follow thru on my promise of Luke fic this year. (I still intend to finish the post-show one I teased last summer but I've been working on a new one that may or may not see the light of day depending on how it turns out lmao). I'd still like to write the idea I had for a 5SOS5 release week fic, as a nice companion to my CALM and Superbloom release centric stories. The PolyCashton chaptered series I've been writing for literal years needs to happen this year. There's a long lost Gardener Ash storyline I'd love to revive. No one's asked explicitly for more Stage!Ash adventures but I love that couple so it's a possibility. I plotted out my first true AU last year and I'd like to see if I could pull that concept. I've also had ambitions the past couple years of entering the slash arena so we'll see if 2023 is finally the year. (Although full disclosure, one of my recently scrapped WIPs was a slash fic 🥸) And obviously I'd love to take any and every opportunity I can to collab with @cal-puddies - for personal reasons, we had to back off of a lot of good ideas last year but I'm hopeful we'll be able to pick up where we left off.
So short answer: yes, I'm actively writing and as soon as I have something I feel confident in sharing, you guys will be the first to know! 💙
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timidtresleches · 7 months
Actually. Some songs specifically from my shitty playlist (warning: my taste in music is shitty too) that make me smile thinking of postal dude and the song at the same time. Maybe they'll dance. Maybe they'll sing. Maybe they'll just sit there and listen to it while dying inside a little bit less than normal (this one is Postal 1 Dude and Redux) JDJSKDNBDD
Okay fuck uhhh
Postal 1 Dude: he can be a little edgy as a treat. I know everyone agrees he listens to Nine Inch Nails but they're sadly not on my playlist atm. Anyway he can get Sail by AWOLNATION I guess.
Postal Redux Dude: he's not as depressed seeming as postal 1 Dude. That being said I got a single papa roach song here and that's Last Resort. And I think redux can be a little roach too. Get that wii sports resort bitch
Postal 2: I've been trying to not give anyone MSI for this post. The Left Rights is technically NOT MSI. I'm giving GENESIS 16:12 because fuck you
Postal 3: he gets Fergalicious
Postal Brain Damaged: TV static. OK I kid. He gets Child Protective Services by Nero's Day In Disneyland. Or maybe even Sprawling Effigy by the same person. Get that music that makes zero sense to my mom white boy
Postal 4: dilf gonna get a song out of my parents playlist this time. Lmao Daddy Cool by Boney M. IM SORRY IM SORRY. He gets YMCA by Village People. Bye
Shtopor: so I don't listen to Russian music. He gets Lemon Jelly Sim Time from the Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack.
Postal Movie Dude: ... I wanted to give him smth really basic bitch but I saw She Drives Me Crazy by Fine Young Cannibals and I was like yeah that songs vibes work with him. That works. Maybe even Tarzan Boy by Baltimora. He gets TWO SONGS
She gets uhhhh. Yknow what this song isn't on my playlist but I have it on CD. I'm giving her Lady Gaga's G.U.Y. because Doe is so extremely Gender for a woman she really just has lady gagas gender situation. No idea what's happening with Gaga but Doe has that going on too. YEET
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megaawkwardhuman · 11 months
hello hi hey I'm icarus (but I'm also fine with virgo) and welcome to my blog!
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idkf how you got here but uhhh congrats?
also sorry if parts of the gif look weird idfk how to fix it
I'm a neurodivergent artist who talks about gay vampires (wwdits) a lot!
I do have other interests tho like ofmd, good omens, hannibal, re-animator, interview with the vampire, watcher, the band ghost, the world of mr plant, and south park (it's just that wwdits is just what I think about the most)
things I've made:
I've written a few fic before and one can be found on my blog! it's a post season 4 nandermo fic and here's a link if you wanna check it out :)
as for the rest can be found on my ao3 here! (I'm not going to move the post season 4 fic there mainly cause idk if I really wanna)
I made a uquiz a few months ago that basically tells you what you would be if you where in the wwdits universe (a vampire, a familiar. an energy vampire etc)
I have an instagram that I just post my art to and that's really it
things I like to make:
as you can probably gather by now I primarily do pixel art but I also like to doodle/sketch with good old pencil and paper
I make a LOT of kandi (primarily singles) buuut I don't really post it on here (I mean unless someone asks me to I'm more than willing to share)
I kinda write? like I've written fics before and I DO have a bunch of wips but it's kinda hard for me to finish a fic due to the fact that I get distracted easily and the fact that I'm really dyslexic (you have no idea how badly I wanna fist fight the english language in a denny's parking lot at 3am)
oh while it's not a medium or anything but I'd like to mention I LOVE to draw characters from the media I like as pastel bunnies! (tho at this current moment it's primarily wwdits characters I draw) is it weird? yeah but I like to so I'm not stopping anytime soon if you want a rough explanation as to why I made a long post about it
fav characters:
guillermo de la cruz from wwdits (seriously I'm fucking feral for this man he's my top blorbo atm! he has my gender in a chokehold and I relate to him A LOT also harvey guillen is just really fucking hot-)
nandor the relentless also from wwdits (not as crazy about him but like he fascinates me and I love his goofy cringefail vibes... HE'S ALSO REALLY HOT-)
dib from invader zim (while I haven't watched invader zim in a while I still consider dib to be a fav! hell he's my fucking profile pic. he's one of the first ever characters in something I've seen that I've related to)
stede from ofmd (he's a huge fucking mood and I too jump into things head first without any plans whatsoever)
argos from twomp (a new addition to my fav character list since I stumbled upon twomp more recently. idk I just like him like go googly eye man date that murderous plant dude! wow that must sound weird to those who don't know what the world of mr plant is XD. it also might have to do with the fact that he's kinda socially awkward)
mr plant from twomp (another new addition. idfk something about that murderous plant I find oddly relatable? I think it's the fact that he's also socially awkward. arguably more than argos)
herbert west from re-animator (idk I think this autistic man with no care for ethics is neat)
I have more but for now those are the ones I'm gonna list :)
other shit:
as I've already said I have dyslexia, I possibly have ADHD (never officially diagnosed buuuuut really fucking confident I do and a past therapist said I most likely do), I keep running into situations where I question if I have autism or not so take that as you will, and despite what it may seem I have really REALLY bad social anxiety (well I have overall anxiety too but let's just say there's a reason I spend a lot of time online and not out and about)
asks as you can already tell are open
DMs are also open (tho I will say it's mainly to mutuals)
nandermo shipper but I'm fine with other ships involving the two :)
overall I try to be nice on here cuz there's enough negativity out there why add to it? tho key word here is try (I've gone on small rants here before and there's the possibility I will again)
I really REALLY fucking love bats and frogs THEY'RE JUST LITTLE GUYS HOW CAN I NOT?
there will be moments where for one reason or another (sleep deprived, sad, bored, it's a tueday, etc etc) I'll be reminded that oh yeah I fucking love frogs and will just start spam reblogging frog posts so be warned if you see me reblog a frog photo and read the words frog blogging or frog posting in the tags run while you still can (or don't cuz frogs are the best and need to be loved and cherished)
tag stuff:
misc thoughts/ideas/this tag is mainly random shit: throwing up my thoughts onto tumblr again
theories/meta/looking too much into small stuff: word garbage™
answering asks: answering stuff
my art: *funny tag for my art*
bunny art related posts: bun stuff
mothman memo related posts: mothman memo stuff
fanfics I've written: gather around and lend me your time
edits I've made: edit shmedit
memes I've made: brought to you by ms paint
show + tags thing: + tags
all the weekly wwdits sparkle on images: sparkle on it's gay vamp day!!!
posts that involve irl friends of mine: friend chaos
follow for a fuck ton of reblogs, art, and long tangents about whatever takes over my mind atm
thanks for reading, have a nice day, and remember: baby bats are called pups
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this has nothing to do with this post I just thought this was important info plus I just wanted to throw in this cute bat image I found on google
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lennjamin-o7 · 9 months
the fic i was looking for was estranger things! danny calling himself his own grandfather was so funny. i have the great fortune of being both a danny phantom and a dsmp fan so i can enjoy all of your writing. that said i am on a strong dsmp kick atm so i have reread all of your dsmp works in the time since my last message :') your technoblade is just so good. he makes me laugh
Oh cool! I'm glad you liked that one! It's a very silly one lololol. Definitely one of my more lighthearted fics!
I'm so glad you like how I wrote Techno!!! My favorite Pigman!
And heck yeah to being both dsmp and Danny Phantom fan! It's a fun life! I've been desperately trying to pull together a Danny Phantom x DSMP crossover idea because I love both so much. I have SOME vibes for it in my head.
Here's what I've got so far, anyway
Yo, Technoblade he was just 14 when his parents made a very strange machine!
Unlike in Danny Phantom, Techno would be an only child. Which is exhausting. His parents care more about their research than they care about him. And as the kid of the weird scientists, he has NO FRIENDS at school. (That's right, its a No One Knows AU. So much angst potential). He's bullied, poor piggy.
His parents portal doesn't work, so for curiosity sake he goes inside and-oops! The portal to The Ghost Zone opens on top of him, half killing him and giving him ghost powers.
Cue Theme Song.
Anyway, first chapter would be dedicated to Technoblade fighting off the weird musician ghosty with fire powers, Wilbur Soot. Wilbur Soot is using his musical abilities to brainwash everyone into basically worshipping him. DP Technoblade would defeat him by pointing out how cringe it was that Wilbur Soot had to brainwash everyone to even listening to his music. Lame. The dude had 0 confidence in his own music. Wilbur Soot gets super peeved off about this, ready to blast Technoblade's eardrums when Technoblade offhandedly mentions he didn’t need to brainwash everyone anyways. Because his music is good. Wilbur Soot is stopped by that. Wilbur seems legitimately excited that someone enjoys his music without the brainwashing, and Technoblade rolls with it. Wilbur Soot promises to stop with the brainwashing if Technoblade promises to meet up and let him play music for him. Technoblade agrees, but says he can't do it too often because he has so much work keeping the ghosts in line.
Wilbur Soot tells him not to worry about it. He'll handle it.
Suddenly, a lot less ghosts come through the portal.
Chapter 2 sees a different ghost causing issues. At first, Technoblade doesn't see it as an issue. Why should he care that all the adults are listening to some trash discs? It doesn't effect him. And Wilbur Soot seems to get a kick out of absolutely rinsing the music disc at every opportunity, saying it sounded like the artist was "forced to write a song for a child".
Techno's parents wanting to go off on some cruise? Totally fine with him. Less dangerous with his parents not around. And Technoblade is desperate for a break. The ghosts have chilled out quite a bit, but it's hard to do school work AND worry about whether or not your family's water was going to get cut off. He never gets to be a kid.
Which is why he is so annoyed when a child ghost with a pirate ship attacks his house. The kid steals a bunch of Tech from his parents. The kid, calling himself Tommy Innit, is very annoying. Technoblade tries to stop him, but fails.
Something else would go here, but basically all the parents get kidnapped on Tommy Innit's pirate cruise for *reasons* and Techno goes to save them. Only to find a very bored Wilbur Soot dressed as a pirate, and a very exhuberant Tommy Innit speaking like a pirate. Technoblade asks what Wilbur is even doing there, and Wilbur Soot says that he has to humor his little brother sometimes.
Tommy Innit throws all the stops at Technoblade. Canons, guns, swordfighting, swashbuckling, etc. Tommy Innit is have the time of his life (or death). He keeps talking about how fun the whole thing is. Or complaining when Technoblade "cheats". Technoblade is about to lose, when he tells Tommy Innit he can't just shoot him. He needs to make Techno walk the plank. Tommy Innit eagerly agrees, and points him towards the plank. He asks Techno if he has any last words and Techno points out that Wilbur Soot should walk the plank as well. Wilbur Soot is just flabbergasted by that, But Techno points out that Wilbur didn't help at all when his Captain needed him. It was worth walking the plank. Tommy Innit agrees, and tries to get Wilbur to also walked the plank. Wilbur refuses. Techno points out that that means it's a mutiny. Tommy Innit is gleeful at the concept of a mutiny, pointing his sword at Wilbur Soot. Wilbur is not all that amused. Technoblade volunteers his services in bringing the "treacherous snake" down in exchange for not having to walk the plank. Tommy Innit agrees and Technoblade full tackles Wilbur Soot, much to Wilbur Soot's dismay and Tommy Innit's delight. They roll around on the deck for a bit, Techno promising he will make it up to Wilbur if he just plays along. Wilbur gives in and goes overdramatic with it.
Tommy Innit is over the moon. He is having so much fun. Wilbur, why didn't you tell him Techno was so much fun? Technoblade points out that there was no way that all the kidnapped adults were any fun. Tommy Innit hadn't even noticed that they evacuated.
Tommy Innit looks and is upset that all of his prisoners have disappeared. No one ever wants to play with him. Technoblade offers to play with him occasionally, if he would, you know, not kidnap people.
Tommy Innit asks if he can kidnap Techno sometimes, instead, because its funny. Techno agrees, but not more than once a month. He has responsibilities. He can't play all the time.
Tommy Innit Agrees, super happy with the idea.
Suddeny, Technoblade's home no longer has to worry about bills anymore. Huh. Maybe his parents finally started to act like parents. He doesn't really complain when Tommy Innit and Wilbur Soot start monopolizing more of his time.
Chapter 3 Listen, this chapter is going to be Reign Storm. But there is no Vlad character in this AU, so I don't know how to start it. Maybe Techno's parents go into the Ghost Zone and steal the ring of rage? Who knows. But the Ghost King is awake, finally free from the eternal sleep he was forced into. Thousands of ghost refugees pour out of the portal. Technoblade is incredibly concerned that he doesn't see Wilbur or Tommy.
Technoblade is doing his best keeping all of the ghosts from hurting people, plus playing keep away with the giant ghost crows that were trying to return the ring of rage back to the Ghost King. Techno is exhausted, everyone is terrified, his parents are trying to use inventions that might get them killed. He's havinf a bad day.
The ghost king pulls the entire town into the ghost zone.
Technoblade is shocked by the whole thing, terrified with no way to fix it.
And then the Ghost King shows up.
King Philza is intense. Burning crown on his head with regal robes flowing all around. Wings blacked than the night sky raised behind him.
He demands the ring back, or else.
Technoblade chooses the latter.
It's not a close fight at all. Technoblade is tired and the ghost king is POWERFUL, even without the ring. Technoblade is forced to change back into his human form, in front of everyone to see. His secret is out, he's injured, and he isn't able to move out of the crater in the ground the ghost king knocked him into.
The king takes back the Ring of Rage, putting it on his finger. He's even more powerful, which Technoblade thinks is cheating. The Ghost King raises a hand and intends to wipe Techno from existence-
Two figures block the hand. Both start shouting at the Ghost King, incredibly annoyed that their Dad would attack their friend. That Technoblade hasn't even had his first deathday and that Dadza was being a bully.
King Philza is incredibly confused. There is no way that Technoblade hasn't reached his first deathday. He's too powerful. But Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit insist.
Technoblade is a young ghost and he's like a brother to them.
No actually-
He is their brother.
Technoblade tries valiantly to crawl out of the crater. He is hurt, and can't focus on all of the conversation. One minute he is staring at the remains of the football field-
The next he is staring into piercing blue eyes. He flinches back, but two fingers touch his temple. And then everything is black.
Technoblade wakes in a bed inside Philza's Keep, deep in the ghost zone. He cannot leave, phasing through things doesn't work. He is stuck.
Wilbur and Tommy seem over the moon. Their Dad is finally home and they can play with Techno whenever they want!
King Philza seems indulgent of his sons, but doesn't have a ton of time. It takes time to reprganize the entirety of the Infinite Realms under he control. It takes effort into crushing all resistance.
But he makes it known that his newest son WILL behave. He shows Techno a glass ball, inside containing the entirety of Techno's whole town. It would be so easy to shatter.
Technoblade submits, being hugged tightly by an excited Wilbur and Tommy.
So, yeah, I would love to get around to writing that. Especially fleshing out some of the shakier parts lol. But basically Wilbur is Ember, Tommy is Youngblood, and Phil is Pariah Dark. With a LOT of liberties thrown in!
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mymarifae · 1 year
you were right about vsa-pieldepapel. they admitted on the kriselle discord to drawing porn of the deltarune kids for 4chan, a 15 year old in chat said they'd seen it, and vsa was only worried about making sure "tumblrinas" didn't find out. not that a minor had seen it.
ohbmy god WHAT i haven't heard that name in a hot second and didn't think i would ever again WHATTTTTTTT
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context: vsa-pieldepapel is a user i namedropped in a post i made like... months ago idfk but i was talking about how fucking bullshit it is when people get asked "hey are you a proshipper?" and respond with like, "i don't want to answer this question because no matter what i say i'll get harassed. this doesn't affect how you should view me or my art" like ... yes it quite literally does. and the only people that would harass you for Not being proship are pedophiles do you really care what they think about you. at the end of the day it's just code for "yes and i actively make and/or consume disgusting content but don't want to get #cancelled so i'm going to be vague and hope no one catches onto this"
i namedropped vsa because i saw them saying exactly that ^
idr why i was on their blog long enough to catch that - i think i might have been trying to figure out the same thing abadbdbsjfjjfk because their art of the kids is... it has bad vibes. why are you as a 24 year old creating suggestive art of teenagers. what's going on here
among other things they have made some very strange insinuations about kris being nonbinary like, because they're autistic-coded they're not really nonbinary they're just nonconformative and when they grow up they'll no longer be nonbinary. (???????) also they talk a lot about kris's "agab" and it's like why are you thinking about this so much why why WHY does it matter SHUT UP. i could not be arsed to summarize it coherently atm but they had a lot of strange things to say about autism in general like ok we get it... your internalized ableism is insane. stop projecting it onto everyone who tries to ask you about your autism headcanons
idk. basically i had already determined they were a fuckin' weirdo who only cares about not being publicly "proship" or what the fuck ever to maintain their follower count not because they have morals SOOOOOOO not particularly surprised. figured they were drawing worse things in private. but still
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Hi, basically, I'm in friend group of three ATM, me and one friend are both in a qpr, I'm aro and he is aroace, I'd say our friend group just gives off VERY aspec vibes, anyway there's no real problem there, it's just that we we're talking abt attraction and all, when our third friend, who as far as I know doesn't identity as anything, when we were talking abt attraction she mentioned that she'd never felt any attraction towards anyone, never thought anyone was attractive or anything, she said she thinks that's pretty normal though, for context we are all around 15 so it's not entirety unusual to not feel any of those things, but she's also very offline and basically knows nothing abt queerness, so I guess what I'm asking you is, how do I tell her she is probably aspec, I don't want to be the judge of some else's sexuality but she's actively sex repulsed I've seen it, the chances are she'll never stop being offline because that's just who she is and those are her morals but I find it impossible to believe that she would ever be with anyone, and I don't want her to struggle with herself and everything, I feel irresponsible for keeping this information from her, she might not get another friend group like us in the future so I feel it would be the right thing to do to let her know that a) it is necessarily normal for people to have ever experienced attraction towards anyone b) that her strong dislikness and aversion of sex is not and inherently average thing but c) these are signs and experiences of people who are aspec and that I think she could possibly fall under that umbrella, then I would suggest places for her to look up information and would encourage her to just think about and tell her that we'd be here to help. Is this the right thing to do? Is it wrong to encourage someone else to question their own sexuality because what they are experiencing aligns with a certain identity?
Yeah, I don't think your approach is a bad one. I'd probably take a very similar tack. Just have a conversation that's meant to inform in a you may find this interesting/useful kind of way, and I think the points you want to cover are good ones. And then I'd just share some resources they can look into and let them know you're open to talking more about this if they're interested at a later point. But I'd also drop it completely after that unless they chose to bring it up again themselves.
It's not wrong to just inform someone a label exists that you think may fit them, just so long as you're not being pushy or trying to label them yourself. But it does sounds like your goal here is just make sure they're informed, which is good. Of course it doesn't hurt to also emphasize while you're talking to them that this is their choice if they want to look into this or not, and you just want to make sure they're aware.
Since your friend is very offline, I'd try and share offline resources. For example Aces & Aros has pamphlets on their website you can print off and give to people. They also have book recommendations on the same page. (And then if this ends up being something they want to explore more, you can also look into things like in-person meetups in your area, or if you have a local LGBTQ+ chapter that's ace/aro friendly, checking them out.)
All the best, Anon!
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dust-and-grave · 6 months
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i'm finally able to take it easy today, which freed up some time to do some flashcard exercises with my tarot cards + enjoy a lovely tea. 💜
even though i've used tarot for over a decade, i've always been terrible at memorizing the card meanings, particularly for the court cards. plus i've only ever read for myself so i never felt like there'd be judgement if i had to whip out a guidebook.
i've been thinking about doing basic tarot readings irl for a little extra income though. i'm really feeling the strain with this stagnant wages + corporate greed situation we've got going on in the US.
to that end, i've started trying harder to memorize the meanings of the cards + practicing reading for others. i came up with a memorization method that's really worked for me so i'm thinking about sharing it in another post later this week. it's been less than two weeks + i have the meanings (upright + reversals) for the whole deck down, including those tricky court cards!
now i'm just trying to develop a helpful method for reading for others. i've said in my other posts that i don't use tarot for divination; i don't believe the cards tell the future in any way. (don't mind or care if that's how others use them though.) it's always been a tool for introspection for me. i've dealt with a lot of trauma that's made it hard for me to connect with my feelings + my reflex is to shove away my emotions rather than allow myself to feel them. i feel like the cards allow me to reach inside + coax my thoughts and feelings out in a safe way that won't completely overwhelm me.
my biggest hurdle atm is trying to figure out how to translate the way i read tarot for myself into a comfortable + introspective experience for others. when i read for myself, i don't really have to verbalize or explain to myself what i'm seeing. i see the card, i know the vibe of the card (or look it up), i automatically weigh it in my mind to see how it might fit, and finally connections are made (or sometimes not). it's going to be very different to act as a guide, nudging someone else into exploring their feelings + making their own connections.
and honestly, i am not a charismatic person in any sense of the word so that's going to make it a little more tricky as well. i can be frank with myself + confront the hard questions, but i'll have to be much more thoughtful towards how i phrase things to others. the last thing i'd want is to damage another person emotionally (or any other way).
honestly though, even if i don't start doing paid readings, this has only benefited my own tarot experience. no more breaking out the guidebook for my readings! 🤙🏻
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starglitterz · 1 year
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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phoebehalliwell · 1 year
I mean, if you want gossip, welcome to my tale of questionable decisions! Let me set the scene for you. The relevant players are me, my female friend, and a guy who we've both been befriending. (The setting, mostly irrelevant but must be added to emphasize the Questionable Decisions of this tale is a church group. As in we're all in the same church group. What the fuck at me) Anyways, friend has gotten some flirty signals from guy and is interested but not willing to do anything unless he's explicitly into her.
Meanwhile, I end up becoming closer friends with this guy bc we went to an arcade a weekend night, accidentally had too much, and then had a full on breakdown on how my ex bf almost definitely sexually assaulted me. The guy (nice guy not ex bf, he has no more relevance to this story besides my ~trauma~) ends up hanging out with me a few more days, in part bc I am Not Handling this well. (ha ha, i'm repressing it atm again, this seems like a better idea!) We end up being better friends tho, and I find out that he is into my friend which great!
Issue is that my hormones are fucking stupid as hell and I. haven't even kissed anyone since said ex bf and guy friend is nice to me and I am reasonably sure won't be weird about it. So basically: we ended up making out on my couch. for a while. Additional context: I outright told him beforehand that I didn't want a relationship with him and this would be a one-time thing that I would almost definitely never bring up again. Which: not wrong. He's a great friend and I like hanging out with him but we're fundamentally incompatible and I'm just not into him that way. (Seriously, the entire thought process on my end is that he has proven multiple times that he won't hurt me, will stop if I ask, and is chill enough that it won't need to become a thing.)
He had to leave after a while, because y'know time and I basically talked him into asking out my friend. So please, imagine this scenario. Me and him, having just spent two hours making out on my couch with the full understanding this was a one-time thing, now standing on my porch at midnight as I try to talk him into asking her out while he expresses doubt that she's into him. I've done it tho and he's gonna ask her out tomorrow. This is the current situation as of fifteen minutes ago.
My expectation is frankly that while we may talk about it in the future, bc he is currently only person alive who knows about my trauma, it will never happen again. (Like I said: I'm really not into him like that.) Admittedly, not totally sure on what'll happen with him and her but a legit possibility that they end up going out (and he's already promised me to not tell anyone about it, which he won't bc of who he is as a person) and it going well. Honestly, idk if I really need advice bc I do legitimately think that this will work out fine for everyone but may I get an f in the chat for what the fuck was I thinking. Any advice about the situation will be gladly accepted tho! (Also anything about dealing with said trauma bc like I said. I am. not handling it v well oof.)
The most ironic thing about fucking all this is that I am normally the most drama-free, chill person ever and never get into trouble and then I did this. To repeat: what the fuck at me!
legendary behavior on your part honestly like. like?? idk i'm with you i think this could turn out fine maybe. like obvs there are good odds it doesn't but like. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. like aint nobody gotta know like first off i totally believe in like the principle of making out with your friends. granted i rarely do it for like two hours with the homies but like making out for two hours with someone that you're into is also like not that weird of a thing either imo like making out with someone at the club!! you guys are both just there it's both just vibes like!! idk it's normal!!! i feel sooo hashtag phoebecoded rn i do feel like this is incredibly dumb advice but im also hashtag team you. i think this is gna be fine. but also yeah like really don't let her know. like. that's just business between y'alls just silly haha business and it's like if you get it you get it but if you don't it's really confusing and hurtful bc it's harder to get it if you already like the guy you get what i'm saying. but yeah. hope things work out for your friend and homeboy. homeboy sounds chill. also they're both so relatable for refusing to do anything until they know for sure it's reciprocated the amount of the times i have had to hold my homies at gunpoint (and vice versa!) to ask out the guy who clearly likes them... well it's a modern (?? or not idk i'm not old) rite of passage. wishing u all luck. keep me posted im nosy owo.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
IM HERE IM ASKING ABOUT UR DSMP AVIANS AU okay so like when u mean avians im assuming human-bird hyrbids like we see with grian and phil and sometimes tommy and quackity but what kinds of birds r everyone?? does everything in canon still apply the same way or are some things altered to better fit their new bird characteristics???? And do u have any new, altered design ideas that you'd like to show or describe? ???? :DDDD
yep! bird-human hybrids!
i haven't got ideas for all of the dsmp characters yet, but here are the ideas i have so far:
slime (he's still a slime, he just shapeshifted some wings on himself to blend in and look more normal (since most of the server's members are avians of some kind))
techno (he's a totally normal immortal human who's just. kinda Here)
antfrost (still Cat)
those aren't the only non-avians, but they're the only ones i have ideas for atm
The Members (Who Are Avians) That I Have Ideas For:
tommy- Mourning Dove (listen. the Symbolism. mourning doves aren't Just symbols of sorrow and grief (which...yeah), but also for peace, love and faith (religious c!tommy hcs, anyone-))
tubbo- Eurasian Golden Oriole (this one is purely for the Vibes)
ranboo- Black-and-White Warbler (again, Also The Vibes)
wilbur- European Starling (partially for The Vibes, but also cause I just think it'd look nice (also, I know according to lore that c!wil is apparently from utah, so him being a European Bird would make no sense lore-wise, but shhh-))
sally (because yes, she's here as well)- Osprey (water bird, they live near water (like the ocean), and i hc sally to be a pirate)
dream- Loggerhead Shrike (my thought process behind trying to find a bird for this guy was basically 'what sort of f**ked up bird would fit with this guy?' then i remembered shrikes. y'know, those birds that impale their prey on spikes? that are also SONGBIRDS? look, the vibes fit Way Too Well for me. also, i discovered that loggerhead shrikes can be found in florida! :] also, a fun fact! shrikes are actually Also hunt other birds :) take that how you will)
punz- Peregrine Falcon (every time i try to think of a bird for this guy, my brain keeps screeching 'F A L C O N')
phil- Crow, but the wings still have those diamond shape things that are on his cape (i think this one's a bit obvious)
fundy- Raven (look, hes both descended from The Angel of Death and has prophetic dreams. it fits for me)
eret- Lilac-Breasted Roller (Very Colorful. eret deserves to have a very colorful bird. seriously, look them up, they are The Rainbow As A Bird-)
purpled- Violet-Backed Starling (...guess)
hannah- Rosefinch, Specifically one of those Very Pink Rosefinches (...pink, also is literally called a ROSEfinch-)
niki- House Sparrow (i looked up german birds and house sparrows came up. look, i'm trying-)
sam- California Condor (okay, so! i looked up vulture symbolism, right? well, along with death and all that, vultures are also symbols for seriousness, protection, intelligence, and resourcefulness. plus, these guys are Big, and isn't c!sam canonically like, over 7 feet tall?)
quackity- Mallard Duck (look. Duck)
jack- Robin (Vibes)
foolish- Golden Eagle (big bird, and also...y'know..Golden. Eagle. just. the pun (cause his character is like a totem. which looks like it's made out of gold. look this one was partially cause my brain thought it'd be funny))
that's all i can really of for characters atm. but now!! facts!! about the au!!
so! life stages for avians!
-Hatchling: basically from birth to 5 years old. wings have little-to-no feathers
-Fledgling: 6-8 years old. wings have Down Feathers. fluffy :]
-Featherling: 9-13 years. at this point, the actual feathers start coming in! featherlings now have the ability to slow their falling and glide! no flying yet though :(
-Flightlings: 14-Adulthood. they start learning to actually fly now! at the beginning of the smp, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, and purpled fit this description!
so yeah, as you said, certain plot points have changed due to most people being, y'know, Part Bird. basically, people can actually fly around now! birb instincts!! CHIRPING AND OTHER NOISES!!
sally is here because Yes. she drags wilbur off to therapy post-nov. 16th. she is 110% done with both dream and punz's bs at this point. she just wants to protect her flock, man >:/
wing clipping is. unfortunately still a thing. i mean, from what i've looked up, wing clipping isn't exactly Permanent-Permanent. like, the feathers will eventually molt out and new feathers will grow in. it's only be really permanent if someone were to keep doing it, y'know. every time the feathers come back. so...there's that! still doesn't mean it's absolutely horrible for avians though
dream has clipped the wings of at least three server members. you can probably guess who at least One of those people are and what arc it was during
fun fact! while it's still pretty bad for a non-avian to clip the wings of an avian, it's Still not seen as being as bad as when an Avian clips Another Avian's wings. because. y'know. that's actually viewed as being Incredibly F**ked Up! on Several Levels!
y'know what? if you want, i'll make another post specifically about Exile and the Avian Au Specific F**ked Up S**t that happened there
so...i've heard of like this 'death spiral' eagles do when they mate. however, my brain came up with an interesting idea for that in this au! what if was more of a...fighting move? like, one avian grabs onto the hands of another avian and just starts trying to get them both to spiral to the ground? you know, as a way of killing each other? basically, they spiral until one is finally on the bottom. obviously, the one who hits the ground first dies.
...so, fun fact based off the above point! sally actually did that with punz in this au post-final control room! basically as a 'f**k you for killing my flock'
...well, she didn't exactly win that one. but the point is that she tried and was angry enough to do that
tommy Really Really does Not like people touching or being around his wings. At all. if he lets you be around his wings-or even lets you Preen them-then that's him showing a major sign of trust on his end.
that's all i've really got for now! but yeah, i've put a lot of thought into this!! i'm proud of myself for this!!
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ventyvent · 4 months
Ok ok I know this is an old vent blog but i wanna say it somewhere
So there was or there might have been a misunderstanding (person maybe thought I was fully aroace, instead of just ace and allo romantic, I heard it from a mutual friend) , and I was afraid I messed up the relationship by mentioning it and trying to be honest abt my feelings since the person kinda slowly stopped messaging me for few months shortly after I told them, but they recently reached out again said sorry and that they were going through some stuff and asked if I wanted to talk again
And now we're talking again just like before ^w^) !!! Which makes me super happy , I was really afraid I made it weird by basically saying that I wouldn't say no if they asked me out on a date (but we were so clingy so i thought that was a little obvious.. but I'm ace so idk, and close clingy friends are great in their own way too)
Aaahhh, I feel some kind of romantic feelings, honestly i can be kind of quoiromantic so sometimes I'm not sure or maybe I just doubt myself because I'm scared of rejection/losing a really good platonic friendship, I really like this person, I like talking and sending hugs/snuggles/cuddles/blanket hugs/nose boops, we're pretty similar and we get along well in person too
on a side note tho, it did make me really happy to hear that he remembered that i was ace (i told him shortly after we met in person)
but you know, if we both like being really clingy and affectionate, we can be really clingy and affectionate, we don't have to give it a name yet as long as we're both happy , Id be happy with it being romantic or queer platonic , if we vibe we vibe, nothing wrong with that
we should talk about it more ofc but I don't wanna push it atm and that'd probably be better to do in person anyway / not over text (we're in different states rn)
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daubigny-stan · 6 months
Feeling Neurodivergent Asf in the Corporate World
Part 1 of my workshop aftermath essays
Kiki's delivery service got me really feeling the depersonalization caused by living in a big city under capitalism. I'm in Jakarta atm and I've been offered a job here. Might actually have to live and work here in the coming future.
I just got done with a big workshop in my field. The workshop was pretty basic; they were very simple and not at all specific to the theme at hand, just probably general management stuff (tbf, the target demographic was 16-40 so I guess they had to make it as digestable as possible). But I was under the impression that this workshop would be technical and that I would have a chance to learn more about my field through people who are already employed. Unfortunately I came to understand that people were there mostly for the networking (a friend just straight up said that). Heck, I think the organizers themselves knew that.
But that was the problem. Networking, being professional, and leveraging your social capital. These are all tasks that, for me, are exceedingly draining to do. I am able to do them, but it's like putting on a performance. I am acting, trying my hardest to read into everybody's words and actions and saying or doing whatever I think is appropriate or needed. Except, I think I'm the only actor. Everybody else is just living out their regular actions. My mother always said that I theorize too much, I analyze too deep. Well, if I don't, this mask might slip off, and I'll commit social faux pas!
It was just a big circlejerk with everyone showing where they were from and what they did and what organizations they were affiliated with. It's not about what you did or what you were working on, it was about what title you have and who you knew.
Maybe the circlejerking was the agreed upon unsaid social contract at these kinds of events. But I really did feel like an outsider much like how Kiki felt around Tombo and his other friends. They were glamorous and hip, she was old fashioned and felt plain. In the end, that was part of what made her lose her powers, her spirit for magic. Feeling alienated in a big city. All of her traits that were traditional to her upbringing as a witch, aka the traits that made her stand out and signify where she come from, she felt ashamed of. I felt like I had to tone myself down for the people there. I couldn't show my passions, what I cared for, what I could bring to the table. I had to be as socially agreeable as possible in order to get those connections.
Overall, it was an eh experience. I am told it's supposed to be overall beneficial for my career but the vibes were... off. It could be my own inexperience, this was my first time at these kinds of gatherings. Maybe my expectations set me up for disappointment. But I think people reading this would agree with the neurodivergent side of things; you know what to do in a social situation, but you don't necessarily understand it or agree with it and it takes so much energy out of you.
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glamorousruins · 2 years
Art Dump #2
continuation of this post!
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sighs as I place this bad boy down
So I had this big idea of something I wanted to do for my mutuals. So basically, my love language is gift-giving, right? I wanted to draw a headshot and a little sketch page of the yuusonas/yuus (or just any character of my mutuals) and gift it to them!! Either for being my mutual and putting up with my incoherent daily screaming or whatever.
Now here's what happened:
Life happened, not enough time happened, and at one point I started to really dislike how I drew the current headshots :')))). My style had begun to change when I looked back on this and it bugged me so much that I'm currently abandoning this batch and starting from square one again orz.
Regardless, the characters (in order from left to right) belong to @ai-0uch, @twstlibrary, and @twstedstoryshop !! So sorry that I didn't do your characters justice
But anyway, if you want separate headshots of them lmk! Trust me, I'll do them right one-day orz
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ok this is an older sketch but one of my favorite ones regardless
This was inspired by a concept by my homies @smalltasteofhoney and @187-mg!!! Blowing a kiss to you both <33
This sketch is a result of their Idia x reader x Cater fic and everything that went on in the discord server lmaooo I'm sorry but you cannot convince me that Idia is not a discord mod and Cater is scamming him by being his discord kitten. It's literally canon, Cater told me
anyways, it's ugly and old but Imma do a redraw of this one!! Fun fact, this was the first time I've ever drawn Idia lmao
Okay so under the cut will be the NSFW drawings! This does not include sexual stuff smh, I mean yandere, gore, blood, bruises, cuts, etc !! So please beware of that
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Okay, so I mentioned in a post that Ru, my version of Yuu, tends to get in fights!! More often than not, he gets his ass beat
While I have to develop the lore more, there is this specific Savanaclaw student who particularly likes giving Ru a hard time. I just wanted to draw the aftermath of said fight! You'll see that his clothes are a bit burnt at some parts and that's because it's hard to win a fight where magic is being used against you
Especially if you are magic-less:')))
anyways, I'm not too happy with this one but it is what it is
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Okay so on the discord server we were talking about this one Micheal Myers fanart and how for some reason it gave off Trey vibes???
So I present to you: Micheal Myers!Trey~~~ Ok. So it's terribly obvious idk how to draw blood. I kinda gave up on this one because I couldn't get it in a way I'd like but it's alright. There is another version of Trey smirking at us but I didn't finish it
If anyone wants to see it then I'll finish that one though
please don't ask where his glasses are- idk where they are ok
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Ok so I was trying to draw Ace smiling for an ask but then it morphed into yandere Ruggie somehow??? I am actually still working on this one atm and this is currently my Latest drawing- I figured I'd share it anyways!!
I am in love with how it coming out so far... his eyes are my favorite part
he's just so... *swoons*
Anyways- that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed this little dump lmao
Hopefully, this can show that my art style is slowly getting better orz auaghhh. Though it's very obvious that I only like doing headshots/portrait-like drawings. And that's because I do!! I like making drawings as if they are a photo still in time that you're looking at. I like making the things I draw seem like a photo taken at random and my drawings are the result
This is also an excuse to not draw bodies but ignore that
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lmao retail workers always have aces up their sleeves! Anyways, I'm in a sally face mood today and it's been a while since last time I requested something! Can I request some fluffy romantic head-canons for Sally? 💙 ilovehimsomuch I need some cliché high school crush stuff, how would he get his clueless S/O's attention, how does he confess? Kill me with fluff! *swoons*
And yes, now I can write properly, got a 15 minute walk with my puppy and now I’m calmer.All good x
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Poor Poor Sal, if it wasn’t for Larry and his other friends that he met, his Highschool experience would have been a living nightmare...Not that most of his life wasn’t already pretty tragic as it was.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a dumb person, contrary to what his bullies thought, but he wasn’t a genius either, so there were a few times where he might have needed some academic help, and you were there to help, which is how you became friends.
He was absolutely shocked that you treated him so kindly, as if there wasn’t nothing wrong with him - Or rather said, as if he was just a normal kid with no mask, no weird long blue hair with 2 pigtails and a girly nickname or a pretty short stature.
Sal was even more surprised when you suggested going to a nice and more private cafe to study, claiming it would be a much better atmosphere for studying and relaxing, which would eliminate any shyness and nervousness either of you would have, and honestly, he was incredibly grateful for your intuition and kindness with everything.
Your voice was so warm and kind, you were so patient, helping him out with every little thing that for you might seem easy, but he was struggling with...
Your smile was dazzling, looking like literal sunshine, your hair was draping and framing your face like you were a renaissance painting made by da Vinci, and your vibe was so soothing that he felt as safe as if you, a guardian angel, was wrapping her pristine wings around him.
His heart was beating so fast, and at first he didn’t understand why - Or rather said, he didn’t want to admit that he actually fell for someone.
I mean...He’s Sally Face...Who’d ever like someone as weird and disfigured as him...?
That day, when you were done studying, he walked you home, and you smiled so sweetly at him when you waved him goodbye, that he felt his knees weaken.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sal.”
It wasn’t a goodbye, it was a see you later - You actually were okay with seeing him again.
Larry is the first person who hears about everything and you bet he’s super happy about the whole idea, and he’s going to play match-maker no matter what.
His bro’s happiness is the most important thing in his life, after all, and if you showed him so much kindness and were so passive about his looks and everything, then that can only mean you have the potential to be such a great match for the blue haired soft baby.
From then on, Larry is going to make sure you are one of the group and you hang out with them more often, and as often as possible, would get everyone away from there, leaving only the two of you alone.
Sal would try to use some gaming flirt lines or pick up lines, but you’d merely laugh at how funny, cute and imaginative they were, not picking up the hint.
He would give you little gifts, with some occasions even flowers, but you’d only play it as him being a sweetheart with his friends.
He would even write songs for you and will give them to you, but you only thought he was trying to write love songs to express himself.
Everything he tried to do, all the little, subtle...Not so subtle hints that he tried to give you, when he tried to test out the waters...They only made you think he was a nice friend.
He couldn’t realise how you could be so clueless to his affections towards you, and it was driving him crazy.
Not only him, but Larry as well, would groan and hit his head on the desk, annoyed at how blind you could be and how you were forcing Sal to outright confess his love for you, so after a long enough time, when the blue haired boy finally managed to muster the courage, Larry started helping him create a love confession.
He would hype up Sally a lot and help him rehears how to ask you out, what to wear, what to say, what to gift you and so on...
But honestly now, when do plans E V E R work the way they are supposed to?!
He’s a mess, he’s stuttering and blushing like crazy (not that you can see it), he somehow managed to grip so hard on the flowers out of anxiousness that he destroyed them and he basically had to run away so he wouldn’t make an even bigger idiot out of him and make you hate him.
You tried to access his walkie talkie a lot, but he kept it shut out of embarrassment, so Larry was the next best option, and he mentioned a place where Sal would go sometimes when he needs to feel better, so following the directions, you saw Sal playing his guitar while staring up at the cloud, his voice expressing the beautiful sorrow that he felt in his heart.
You listened attentively to the sad lyrics and you realised that he himself wrote the lyrics, and you approached him as soon as he was done with the song.
“That was beautiful, Sal. I never knew you had such an angelic voice. And your guitar skills are really something...Will you teach me one day?” you walked next to him, unintentionally scaring him out of his wits.
That only made him let out a small shriek, jolting in place and hitting his head on a tree branch, and in result, making his mask fly away.
He didn’t realise it at first, especially because you didn’t sketch any kind of reaction when you went to fetch him back the mask, and he only realised it when you kneeled next to him, offering to help him put it back.
Poor Sally freaked out big time, covering his face, saying how you shouldn’t look at someone like him, that you’re too perfect to stay around him, and you could feel his voice wavering, breaking, his eyes glistering with tears.
It took every ounce of power you had to put away his hands and kiss him as gently as possible, only to leave him speechless, powerless, unable to hold the tears from streaming his pale cheeks.
Once you reassure him that he is in no way ugly, and that he shouldn’t ever downgrade his worth the way he did, the only thing he can say is a short and genuine love confession, so soft and genuine that it made your heart skip a bit, seeing the love and innocence in his beautiful eyes.
From then on, you, Sal and Larry would be the terrific trio, but this is a request specifically about Sally, so here goes that.
He’s still going to feel insecure, since you could do SO much better, he says, but you wouldn’t hear any of that shit.
He would let you play with his hair, styling it in any way you want, and hell, if you want to, he could style your hair in any way you want, and yes, that means braiding too.
Sally would absolutely MELT if you’d want to match clothes or hairstyles with him, oh god, how cute would that be?!
He honestly looks at you like a Goddess or something since you’re always so sweet with him, even during the times when you’re sad about something, which is when he knows he must step in and make sure you’re okay, trying his best to at least make you smile, if you can’t feel a genuine laugh.
Sal loves to gift you plushies for some reason and when he sees you cuddling with it on a night when you have a sleep over...You killed this boy.
Overall, he’s...Like...The sweetest person in the world? Would care about you, your heart and your well-being literally above anything else?
Would be okay with hugs and cuddles and kisses of any kind at ANY time you want, no matter the place or occasion.
If you’re in public, he would blush a bit, but as long as it made you happy, it didn’t really matter.
And, I mean, it kinda made him be filled with a certain sense of pride and confidence whenever you’d so freely flaunt your relationship in public because -
So basically
He got the Jackpot.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Could I ask for a 🔮?
I'm really introverted and socially anxious irl, not so much on tumblr. I read a lot, usually fantasy. If I'm comfortable with somebody, I tend to be loud and I rant a lot, a lot of the times it's about a book or a movie, fiction. Very chaotic neutral. I'm that kid who talks about politics and just issues in the world in general a lot. I've been told that I give off kiwi/everybody talks vibes and I'm just bad at implementing them, whatever that means (blame my weird ass friends) I cuss a lot. My pronouns are she/her atm. I'm bi
As for the fandom, hp? Either era?
marauder male ship - remus lupin
remus noticed u first in the library writing this huge essay for potions. he thought you were really pretty and immediately wanted to come up and introduce himself, but his doubtful thoughts got in the way. so he went to turn around but then his friends, ofc, pushed him your way. you didnt notice him at first bc you were so focused on your essay, so remus did a little awkward cough to get your attention and you looked up, expecting it to be one of your friends or the librarian, but you were very shocked to see prefect boy remus lupin standing next to your desk. he gave you a sweet, polite smile that got you sweating in second. he introduced himself, holding out his hand for you to shake, and as you tentatively held out your own hand, you began to introduce yourself only to stutter in your words. you apologized a lot but remus thought it was cute and reassured you you were doing nothing wrong. anyways, he ended up asking if he could study w you and you said yes, even tho you were like shaking and dying on the inside. the first 30 minutes were quiet and honestly, not awkward at all. you were thankful remus wasnt one of those ppl to try to do small talk. but he ended up asking you a question abt potions and ofc you answered, which ended up you having a whole rant about the potions textbook and how out of date it was. and while you were talking, remus found you so intelligent and interesting, and really cute too. and once you then looked at him shyly and apologized for taking up his time, he knew you were the person for him. you two were friends for a while before he asked you out. once he did, your relationship blossomed into something beautiful. you two took it slow, still hanging out like every day tho. you two usually study together, or when you become comfortable, you cuddle in his bed at night and you always end up talking about some muggle film youve seen, and it always interests remus. you two also share the same political views and its very fun arguing w other ppl bc you two are always right hehe. its couple bonding basically
golden trio female ship - luna lovegood
so luna is known as the weird girl but tbh shes a badass. anyways, you two first met when you were walking to your class. well more like running bc you were late, oops. and you bumped into luna, your books and papers flying everywhere. you apologized profusely and luna kept saying it was okay and she didnt mind. your apologizing only stopped when you looked into her clear, grey eyes and you were fr starstruck. like you swore she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen lol. anyways you left in haste, very embarrassed. fast forward to lunch and youre sitting alone, not bc youre a loner but your friends just have a diff lunch than you (rip this happens to me all the time lol). buuut luna happens to have the same lunch as you and she sees you alone and since she has no one to sit by either, she goes up to you. youre very shocked bc like why the hell would a pretty girl sit w you? (lmfao i am so sorry. im not building your self eestem very high. itll get better one sec) so luna introduces herself and of course she has a beautiful voice and once again, you are starstruck. you two end up talking the whole time, luna doing the most talking but you dont mind bc she also has a lot of things to talk about. at the end if lunch, she ends up asking you out to hogsmeade and youre like 😟 “wh-what? why me?” and she just smiled and says “youre very beautiful and kind, and i’d like to get to know you and be your friend, if that’s alright” and ugh you’re trying to hide your smile so muuuch so you say yes hehe and next weekend you two hang out at hogmeade and have a fantastic time. you warm up to her fairly quickly and you think its bc of her warm, comforting energy and youre slowly falling for her hehe. you two often trade off topics pretty quickly and effortlessly. she loves hearing your opinions. she thinks youre so independent and individualistic, she loves it! you two also share a lot for the same books and loooove discussing bc sometimes your opinions clash and it always makes for a fun convo :) you two take your relationship slow too and honestly you two just kinda fall into a comfortable rhythm of being a couple without realizing it (meaning like you didnt really make if official until your first kiss and stuff). you two are the cutest couple at hogwarts and ppl really admire your relationship. luna helps you break out of your shell a little too and shes always so supportive. ah, youre a lucky girl hhee
sorry this is so long, i had a lot to say. i hope you liked it!
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late--arrival · 4 years
If you were the advisor to the boys solo careers what would you advise? Also what would you advise for the brand of One Direction?
Woah, no pressure or anything! That's a lot of responsibility, I'd probably run out the door! lol
It's difficult to say, as fans we don't know what's going on behind the scenes, y'know? We don't know their thoughts and feelings regarding the public demand aspect of their job, there might be reasons they don't do things. Our opinions are just outsiders perspective. However, if I were suddenly dropped into one of those positions (is advisor the right word? Manager? Or is that something different?) I'd probably do this:
Louis: He's not signed atm so... Get him signed I guess? Also have him do a collaboration, his album I think was too personal about his life gain any new fans. So my second box on the checklist would be to try expose him to more of the general public. I'd personally choose Yungblud (and also MGK), but Louis likes Brit-Pop, so maybe Stormzy? But I think Yungblud or MGK would have a heavier swing to it. Also a second collaboration with an older British artist, I'd say Noel Gallagher but I doubt he'd do it, but someone of that sort. Gives him a bigger range to appeal to new fans.
Liam: I'd advise him to get a new team. Like, grab everyone he has right now, and dump them in the trash. Find an agency that actually knows what to do with a music artist. Liam did so well to begin with, then he got internet backlash for a load of things, which he didn't know how to handle (or his useless team) which set him back. Next I'd want to try getting him actually making music again. He did loads of writing and melodies for one direction, maybe try sparking his creative side again. Maybe a collaboration, I think Liam enjoys working with other people, so why not? I'd pick Post Malone.
Niall: First off, I'd tell him to quit searching his name on Twitter lol, he looks for and replies to tweets that mention him without being tagged in. Secondly, I'd say to try find a better balance between his professional and personal life. When he's in a relationship he tends to... disconnect with his fans? Obviously it goes without saying he deserves a wonderful personal life, but he becomes quite distant when he gets in a relationship. It's pretty jarring because he flip flops from one side of the scale to the other. So, yeah, find a little balance.
Harry: Firstly, his merch. Like, what. The. Fuck. Is that shit?! He's the face of Gucci and his merchandise is... That. Really? Clearly his merch team do not care, because those people went to university to have all these design qualifications, and the best they could do was slap his album, and/or name, and/or TPWK, on a basic t-shirt and call it a day. And then Harry looked at it and went, 'yea'. You could literally get anyone off the street and they would not only have the exact same idea, they could literally buy a blank t-shirt and have his album, and/or name, and/or TPWK, printed on it themselves for a lot less money. His whole vibe right now is 70's/80's fashion, there are so many cool ideas with that for merch, but no. Secondly, just like, something to show that he's still Harry, not just Harry Styles™. To me he doesn't have an actual personality anymore, outside a celebrity or fan mentioning how nice/polite he is.
Zayn: Just literally acknowledge some of the shady stuff he's said and apologise. Also maybe stop using his Twitter as a billboard, I'm here to see him not whatever company is paying him for adverts.
One direction: Pfft. Who knows? I'd love to have any idea whatsoever, but let's be honest it's a mess. In a perfect world the guys would actually be interacting and hanging out, because doing anything with the one direction brand kinda requires the members publicly being on friendly terms. Even with Liam and Louis talking more recently, it's not enough to build up anything relating to one direction. Even just updating their logo would a) get too many fans hopes up for ultimately nothing, and b) strange considering it's quite publicly known that the band isn't exactly... on great terms to say the least.
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