#like i said im just kinda. postin my thoughts
princegay-oof · 4 years
Its gotten to the point where when I hear/see my dead name im like "that's such a cute name!" Without any association that it used to be my name, yknow?
Or, whenever I do see it and remembered it used to be mine, my thoughts are usually "you served me well" like I just grew out of it yknow? Like I'm a Pokemon evolution or something
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kdenbibi · 4 years
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x African American! Reader
Request: Hello! Could I make a request please? Could you write an African American! Exchange student! X Kaminari Denki?(or Hitoshi Shinsou, all my faves are problematic) If I need to be more specific, I have an idea: •The reader is normally a tough girl, but Since its spooky season™️ the two of them decide to go to a haunted house and it turns out she gets spooked pretty easily -> teasing ensues But anything would be fine because I like your writing style! If you dont have the time, that's ok, thank you!
AN: I'm sorry if it's short and or trash but I love this goofy fool sm and I'm really happy someone requested him!!! (ALSO I HATEMYSELF YOU REQUESTED THIS IN OCTOBER AND IM POSTIN IT IN JUNE END ME)
"Remind me again why I agreed to do this shit?"
"I’ve always said one day my daring charm and wit would finally getcha’- please don’t go I was just playing!" He laughed out catching my elbow before I could escape the oncoming headache. 
"No, you said we were going to a pumpkin patch dickhead, this ain’t a pumpkin patch." You felt your eye twitch as you walked closer to your real destination, the scariest Halloween attraction in your town.
"I may have stretched the nature of the pumpkins, they'll still be here! Just on the heads of people trying to kill you in a corn maze.”
 Almost as if to emphasize his statement shrill screams coming from within the maze finally reached your ears, and shit did it send a chill up your spine, but you weren’t about to tell him that. Huffing out a laugh you turned to face the eccentric blonde, "We're gonna have to square up after this you know that right?"
"What? I'm not a square! I picked this place after all." He boasted gesturing to the haunting atmosphere hanging over the two of you, before you could correct him on the term a particularly loud shriek had the both of you jumping in place, the sudden movement caused your hand to ever so slightly brush against his, unknown to you, but the harmless action had his heart racing faster than the zombie that chased the two of you from the ticket booth to where you now stood.
“If something grabs me i’m going to hit you.”
He laughed holding a hand to his chest in mock hurt, “Why are you gonna hit me?! I’ll only grab you if you ask- wAIT STOP LEAVING.” 
“Well i’m not gonna hit the worker, they’re just doing their job.”
“You know I’m surprised.”
“What that I actually dragged my ass outta bed to be here? Me too.”
“No, well yes and no heh.” You turned to face him, overly aware of your place in line and how it slowly but surely grew closer to the dark entrance.
“Well you seem kinda..”
“Is there an end to that sentence?”
“Don’t bite my head off okay?” he anxiously toyed withe the strings of his hoodie, his eyes darting around from your face to the floor,
“You almost seem kinda, scared?”
“Boy if you don’t-”
Was the only word the doorman said as he ushered the two of you forward, cutting off your defense before it could begin, you’ve been in burning buildings, the bad end of a gun fight and can proudly say you’ve talked back to your mama and lived to tell the tale, statistically, you a bad bitch, things can’t shake you.
cept’ this.
The air seemed to grow colder as you wordlessly moved forward, your hands twitched at your sides, the longer nothing happened the tighter you tensed up.
“Pretty cool huh?” he whispered at your side making you jump nearly two feet in the air, your hands flying up to press against your temples.
“Whhhat the hell man? Why would you go and do some shit like that?”
He tried in vain to bite back a smile at your reaction, pausing his steps he stared down at you, “So you are scared!”
“Well no, your loud ass whispering caught me off guard is all.” He rolled his eyes, the grin on his face only growing as you suddenly picked up the pace, he had to jog to not lose you.
“Wait up a second here-”
“What good does that do anyone in horror movies ever? Exactly.” He laughed tugging at your sleeve.
“Come on! I’ve been asking you out since you transferred and you finally said yes, stay a while.” The urge to clown him for the line was strong, only outweighed by the urge to throw him a bone, to his credit, he had been asking you out since your first day in class, you gave him an elaborate excuse not to go every single time, it became sort of a game, no matter how ridiculous the lies got, he never argued, never got mean like a lot of people do when they get rejected, instead he’d laugh along and swear one day he’d get you to say yes, and somewhere, along the way, among the jokes and terrible, garbage pick up lines, you began to notice a few things about Denki Kaminari.
The first was that he had two sides, the guy who tries to be cool, the school flirt, this is the guy he usually was, but there was also this version of him that switches his Netflix to English when you come over, just to make it easier for you to enjoy, the kinda guy that sends you memes when you’ve had a bad day, the kinda guy who actually remembered how homesick you got talking about Halloween back home so he tried to surprise you with what he no doubt thought was a good idea.
Points for effort.
You sighed slowing your pace to fall beside him, once ore you continued forward in silence, you finally came to a choice in the path, left or right.
“So, where we going?” you asked subtly inching closer to him, the skin crawly feeling seemed to spread as you stared down the offending paths,knowing no matter where you went, some scurry shit was waiting for you.
“You tell me gorgeous.”
“Why the hell should I know?” he rolled his eyes, tugging you with a grin
“Fine! Lets go this way.” he began walking to the left, to his surprise you’d suddenly latched on his arm pulling him back.
“D-Don’t the screams sound louder down there?”
He tried to memorize the way you wrapped around his arm, not knowing if he’d get the chance again, he was so caught up he nearly forgot how to speak.
“Okay, no problemo, uh right it is-” a shout from that direction halted both your steps.
“Well shit.”
“Took the words right out my mouth.” 
“Only way out is through babe.” he hesitantly gripped your hand in his own, his hold loose enough for you to pull away, when you didn’t, he swallowed thickly before tightening his grip.
“Come on, I got you scaredy cat .” he gently tugged your rigid form along thanking every deity he knew he found this place online
“If you let me die on our first date I’m telling god.”
“Ah-Ha! You admit this is a date?”
“Yes! whatever get me thefuckupouttahere!” your words were rushed as you tugged him forward, sidestepping a zombie on the floor, your grip was iron but he couldn’t find the heart to care, not when you were wrapped around him in a way he’d only imagined before.
The rest of the event was a blur as you dodged any and everything you seen, in fact it wasn’t until he pointed it out did you realize you'd ran all the way back to the train station. 
While you leaned on your knees and desperately tried to get air back into your body, he was busy watching you with the sweetest little smile curling on his lips, because even in a moment like this you were still the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and as that thought processed, he understood just how whipped he was.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize that be so scary.”
“Okay, you wanna makes jokes huh, fine next time we’re going on the biggest roller coaster in japan and I’m gonna watch your soul leave your body.”
“Can’t wait sugar.” he said looping an arm around your shoulders.
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qweenblonde · 4 years
Mean Girls 1 ½: A Beautiful Storm
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Join Tiffany as she experiences all the ups and downs of high school, from dealing with crushes to negotiating with a hitman. Will she be able to make it through the school year without her friends finding out her dark secret or will she be forced to switch schools again? Find out in Mean Girls 1 1/2: A Beautiful Storm!
Warning! Contains a few swear words and possible misspellings!
~Chapter One: Gucci Kween~
Author’s Nut: Heyy this the first fanfction I’ve ever writen! I no it’s not the best but I hope you like it! I already have many mor chapters ritten and i plan on postin at lest onc a weak. Ples fel free to leav fedbac and let me no if thers anyting you want to hapen next in the story!
This was it. My first day at Northshore High. I gracefuly hopped out of my glittery hot pink limo and threw my hot pink bedazled Gucci backpack over my smooth shoulder. I could hardly belive it! As I swung open the doors to the school. I was finaly hear!
I strutted down the hallway, my waste-length platinum blonde hair flowing behind me. I could fell everyones eyes on me. I didnt blame them really, after all I looked absoltely perfect! I was wearing my super sexy lite pink croppy toppy and my super duper cute and sexy HOLOOOO miniskirt that just barely reaches my booty and glitery white high heels.
And let’s not forget about my super cute and super expensive Gucci jewlrey! I had on my diamand gold Gucci earrings and a gold Gucci chain necklace and finallly not one but too silver diamaand wrap rings. All together the jewlery was worth WAY more than the lives of every single person in this school.
My make up was also perfect. Just like me. I had on super cute pink eyeshadow that made my glittering green eyes pop and foke eyelashes along with some cherri red lipstick and pinky blush!
I reach my classroom and walked in. Everyone stopped what they were doong and stared at me. I looked around and could find no empty seats. Suddenly, my aquantince Damian Leigh shoved a readheaded girl out of her seat and onto the florr.
“Yoo-hoo! Tiffany Mariah Lulu Margarita Kitty Swift!”, He shouted, calling me to sit in the now empty seat.
Sigh. I love it when people say my full name. I sauntered over, feeling everyone’s eyes on me. Specifically on my purky butt. I sat down, putting my 3000 doller Gucci backpack on the desk.
“Ohmagod Damian it’s been sooo long!”, I squealed engulfing the hevyset teen in a hug. I felt him smell my hair.
“I know right!”, he shouted.
“Hey there Tiffany”, a voice called out. It was none other than my closer aquantice Janice. She looked pretty scary but she was actuualy fun and hilarious.
“Janice! Hey! How are you doing?”, I questioned.
“Im living, arent I? I think that’s enough” she responded.
“Heyyy, do you have any food?”, I asked cutely, “ I have a case of the mounchies!!”
Suddenly, everyone jumped out of their seats and held out all sorts of different food to me.
“Oh my oh my!”, I blubbled, “Thank you so much everyone!” I graciously inhaled the food out of their hands like a fabulous Kirby.
“Youre ever so welcome!”, everyone said in uneson.
“Hey Tiffy”, a voice purred. I turned to see Kevin G. I always thought he was kinda cutie.
“Oh, hey Kevin!”, I chirped
“Whatcha doing later? Cuz Id love to see that thang up close.”, he smirked and he leaned over, trying to get a peek at my butt.
I gasped in anger. Who does he think he is?! I angrilly grabbed his head and pulled it down towards me.
“Whoa!”, Kevin laughed, “I love a girl who takes charge.”
All I could see was red as rage filled me and I quickly rapped my fingers aganast his forehead and sung out a little tune of incarnattian. Kevin looked at me confused before screaming in pane. Suddenly, he burst into a cloud of gold flacks that gentaley rained down onto the floor. I heard people gasp before rushing over and throwing themselves into on the flor trying to gather up the flakes.
Whoops. I sometimes forget to keep my powers a secret.
You see im not actully a human. I’m actully a fairy! I disguize myself as a human to fit in with everyone else because I think humans are super cool and adorkable cretures! As a fairy, I have the powers to not onlyly kill disrespeckful and evil humans also heal anyone I want! Also I have super cool beautaful wings that change color with my mood and makes me have a hevanly glow around my hole body.
I dont want every one to know that and freak out so thats why I disguiz myself and everyone just thinks Im a normal human and I have magikal hands.
Anyway the readhead girl found a seat on the floor in the back of the room. Class was pretty boring except for the readhead spilling coffe on Ms. Norburry making the teacher end up stripping in front of the super hawt principall. She was trying to upstage me and impress him but I could tell Principal Dammmn wasn’t interested in seeing Mrs. Whatsherfaces boobs especialy since I saw him checking me out earlyer in the hallway.
Class was almost over and I was just sitting theyre checking my nails when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned arond only to be met with the most dazzlin eyes I have ever seen. Besides my own of course. They belonged to an unbelievablly hot boy named Aaron Samuels. He was as beautiful as a baby giraffe giving birth to a super hot supermodel. I couldn’t help but gasp a little.
“Hey”, he started,” Sorry to bother you but im having a bit of trouble with this math problem. Do you think you could help me?”
To be continued...
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graveofglenvale · 5 years
sorry this took so long i was drawing but anyways uguhhuhgfnfhhgdbjdfkg
man like the first word that comes 2 mind every time i think about you is Cool...... like wow? i talk to this person? we’re mutuals? how did THAT happen? u seem like someone who just like... hmmmm. you seem like the kind of person who would have a lot of people you refer to as Friends but only like a small couple u really get to know but even then being a pal and getting to talk to u .... im like wtf..... man.. im just out here...
the first time talkin to u was a little chaotic but it was  a blast and it was so fun and brought to my attention something fantastic. like uve said jake and karkat killing cringe culture is just so :ok_hand:. and then the second time when we talked a lil more was DOPE too i love ur rp i think ur so good at like. understanding a character’s personality and depth and shit and also wwhen u let me infodump about lemon demon i was so like. :D i was so relieved w so much u said i was like god this person has such good opinions... this person is so good. i was like SO SO excited when u wanted to talk on tumblr and discord i was like screaming aenrgnerenhjdjh ur just!!! wow
i value ur opinion a lot tbh and sometimes i get anxiety. that like  im being annoying or something but logically and in my heart i know ur just busy and distracted most of the time if that makes any sense?? which is HARD for me usua.ly i just. will not talk to people. but with you i know that if nothin else its not bc im getting on ur nerves and so im not just constantly losin my fuckin mind ur cool and CHILL and nice and i appreciate that. and as a result i kind of end up rambling about shit in your discord a lot and just going the hell off about like everything that happens to me nansdfksadng
OH OH AND I APPRECIATE THAT YOU GET EXCITED WITH ME ABOUT. bugs and animals and bird nests and things. it makes me so happy that u listen and look at the pictures i take and stuff its very exciting to talk with u about these things.... we’re frog dads.. i think about that constantly
also i kinda said it already but ur so like... insightful????? i love when u get to postin bout classpects and characters. i retain very little of the knowledge but when u start talkin abt smth u love and know a lot about im like wow i NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT THAT WAY... you know so much. you have such a big fucking brain.
on a final note you have killer taste in music and aesthetics. i love u
edit: haha the w**d number
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pepprs · 6 years
hm ive been thinking a lot abt this thing that happened in my humanities class the other day n like...... idk if it’s just me but i think it was kinda shitty n im wondering if other ppl would like Agree w that so.... heres the Sitch under this fancy readmore! im probably gonna rly regret postin this so i’ll take it down afte. A few days but i just like wanna make sure im not Delusional u kno
so uh... 4 some Backgroud im in a Program @ my school for ppl who r interested in the humanities n stuff. out of this year’s group (15 of us i think!) im the only one who lives off campus and im uhhh Socially Very Weak i guess bc im not rly close w any of them like they’re all rly connected n ive always been rly nice 2 them but idk i hardly know them n it’s just awkward bc they’re all best friends n shit n im just tagging along n im lowkey afraid they secretl. n so for our first year in the program we all have 2 take a seminar class together n this semester the seminar has been on surveillance n i... lowkey Hate it but Anyways........ we’re doin our final project presentations rn which r basically on any aspect of surveillance we haven’t talked abt in class n shit. so uh.... there’s kinda. A Clique i guess in our group of all these girls who r lowkey kinda fake n sorta Exclusive 2 me i guess? and ALWAYS volunteer in class n shit djbwjfjrks. n 2 of the girls in it were partners 4 the project n they asked if they could present first on tuesday when we got the assignment n so they were All Set For That i guess
so on Tuesday we all came 2 class as usual and like... everyone usually shows up a lil early even the professors but they were kinda running late. and the 2 girls came in and started talking abt their presentation and one of them said “o yeah we actually just ripped ours from the Internet bc it doesn’t even matter anymore lol it’s fine” n some ppl were lkke.... What Do U Mean That’s Plagarism But they totally blew it off n everyone was like......... ok u do u i guess? like i kinda was Incredulous bc they always volunteer n the professors adore both of them but idk they’ve always seemed sorta shady 2 me so i believed it. n then the professors came in and started class n whatever.
n Then the 2 girls started doing their presentation and it was abt the “what would u do” show thing where ppl do these crazy extreme situations just 2 see how other ppl will react and..,.. it was actually rly well done but the whole time they were doing it i was Big Mad bc it was Fake and they basically stole the entire presentation when EVERYONE else had 2 bust ass on theirs? but ya it was whatever.
then @ the end they started doing discussion questions n one of the girls asked the first one n then Another girl from the same clique (her ROOMMATE!!!!) raised her hand and basically snitched them out???? she was like “uhhhh yeah they stole this whole thing and that’s rly unfair 2 everyone who worked so hard on it” n anther girl in the clique jumped in n said she felt the same way n..... the room got SUPER tense and i started getting rly anxious????? and the professors got rly mad and started asking if it was serious n saying they were so disappointed in the 2 girls who cheated and also everyone else in the class bc we Knew n didn’t have he integrity 2 tell them and..... i was DEADASS on the verge of tears bc @ my school u can get in huge trouble if u know someone is cheating but don’t report it and i thought my career was Soiled... but then the 2 girls started laughing??? and it was Revealed that the WHOLE entire thing was a fucking setup and their project was this big giant meta experiment 2 see how we would react 2 their honor code violation n shit n everyone started SCREAMING and it was... wild.
but Here’s The Thing. that made me feel even worse??????? bc the professors were in on it and so were the girls who called out the presenters n shit like Everyone was in on it and had it scripted n planned oht and they basically elaborately tricked tha rest of us 4 their project. which yea was Super fucking clever and i hated them so much 4 it but Also... i felt kinda.... used? and disoriented? n just rly fuckin manipulated by that entire thing? and like honor code violations are Serious and i already have SO many trust issues w the girls in that clique n my group as a whole bc i don’t feel connected 2 them at All and i was still reeling from it for the rest of the class like............. idk. it was kinda funny a few hrs after i guess but now that ive spent a day or 2 reflecting on it im just............ rly mad abt it and still kinda Floundering bc i feel like if i couldn’t feel comfortable in that group before i Especially can’t now u kno!!?!!
So YEA that’s the story sorry 4 rambling but i just..... am still pissed abt this. and it’s not worth doing anything bc we only have 1 more class session on Tuesday and then i never have /2 see Any of them again i guess kdbdsfjsjkdf but im still kinda Bitter abt it n lkke.... Yeag
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spacegayapollo · 6 years
ay so like the reasons im postin my #reallife shit on tumblr is cus i kept getting ballsy with talking about being bi and trans online...... cus like the amount of likes i get on a selfie actually feel kinda nice sometimes even if later im gonna have Those Thoughts.............. i had some shit go down and i really cant risk it anymore so like imma post shit here until things get safe again! anywho i wanted to do a quick vent on some of the shit things my brain keeps focusing on a lot.
im only happy at work but im not out to any of my coworkers because i dont want to risk this promotion or my job entierly cus i really love woking there, but its so hard being misgendered 6 days a week for hours on end. i mean i make the ‘did you just assume my gender?’ joke a lot, and when ever someone calls me a ‘lady’ or ‘sweetheart’ i be my Dramatic Self and say shit like ‘theres a lady here??? where?????’ ect. but its still so fucking hard holy shit. id rather be alone for a full year then be misgendered all day every day but here we are!
its even worst now cus theres this guy i work with now, and my mentor is super good friends with him and he wants us to date, and like hyped us up to each other so now were like awkward kids like ‘haha.... guess we have to make out now’ but only hes actually really cute and even tho we havent said much to each other he seems neat! but i cant stop thinking about if we do date, or even kiss slightly and i come out afterwards like... hes gonna get made fun of so bad.
thats the no.1 reason i dont date. it sounds kinda stupid but it happens and i know it will and even tho im not sure ill ever come out i just really dont want to put anyone i love(d), or ever liked in anyway really, in that possition cus that sucks!
cool. end of first lil look into my life i guess? i wish i could afford a damn therapist. 
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