#like i think i've seen it's some trend rn or something but i don't think he has seen any of that
transmascaraa · 3 months
Hi!!! Im not used to requesting but i just thought of this, could you write a scenario where the reader, does the trend where you pretend to pet a dog/cat like you drag your hand over there head like your about to pet them, but you dont? and they lean into it and dont understand what your doing? i hope you get what i mean!! sorry if i was unclear... 💗💗
(with gorou, itto, lyney, tighnari, maybe neuvilette or zhongli?? and anyone else you want)
multiple characters headcannons!
not petting them.
characters: lyney, gorou, itto, tighnari, neuvillette, zhongli x gn!reader
author's note: ofcccc i think that's a really cute idea!! especially with the specific characters you requested lol hope you enjoy
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♡ Lyney
-it is pure evil doing this to him
-you slide your hand over his head and just keep it there.
-he leans into it confusedly.
-"what are you doing?" with his pully dog eyes.
-"nothing, why?" you boldly reply.
-he thought you were about to let him.
-so he just stops leaning into your hand and does the same to you, keeping his hand over your head like that.
-"what?" you ask him.
-"how does it feel to not be petted properly?"
-you just put his hand back down and kiss him on the cheek, telling him it's a prank.
-he just goes red for the rest of the day.
✿⁠ Gorou
-also pure evil that you're doing this to an actual dog(i would too)
-so just randomly in the day, you come to him, who is in the living room on the couch.
-"need anything?" he asks.
-"no." and that's when you looked as if you were gonna pet him, but you didn't.
-after a few seconds of just staring at eachother while he leans his head into your hand, his tail wagging slowly— he questions you:
-"hm? you can pet me, i don't bite, do i?"
-"nope, wasn't even planning to." and you put your hand back down.
-"you're really mean, y'know?" he says irritatedly.
-"mhm." and you pat him on the head just then.
-he might be a bit sassy throughout the day but not like it bothers you lol
⑅ Itto
-never written for this guy yet but ok i hope he doesn't turn out ooc or smthn
-so, you go up to him once, talk a bit.
-js everyday talk as if you're not planning to do this to him rn
-and you finally do it, leaving your hand above his head, only brushing against his horns faintly.
-he leans into it, confused about what the hell you're doing.
-"what's that supposed to mean? are you trying to trick ME? the ONE and ONI itto?"
-"no, i didn't want to pet you."
-"liar, liar, pants on fire. i've already seen that trend!" so he did the same to you, trying to mock you.
-"it wasn't the trend-" you try justifying yourself but he cuts you off—
-"then what, you just randomly float your hand above my head? what's that supposed to be? a ufo? i don't think so!!" sassy idiot.
✷ Tighnari
-he doesn't keep up with the trends at all so you're kinda safe with doing it to him
-so you do it while he's researching something
-some plant idk
-and you come to his room all of a sudden.
-"what do you want? i'm a bit busy now...." he says while giving you a slight smile from his desk.
-"nothing at all, don't worry." so you come up to him and drag your hand over his head, him thinking you'd pet him for being hardworking.
-"why don't you pet me, hm? something wrong?" he's so fucking confused
-"nope, everything's fine." you can't stand to see him so needy of you petting him so you actually pet him.
-"thank you. now go, i hope it's not another trend you're doing."
-"well........... about that—"
☆ Neuvillette
-he'd be the most confused out of all these guys(excluding itto)
-he was working on some papers with you near him, as you usually do.
-sharing a few words here and there, and then you just act as if you'd pet him (which you ofc don't do)
-"hm? love? what are you doing?" he raises his head from his papers and looks at you instead.
-"you can pet me if you want?.." he slowly takes your hand himself and puts it on his head.
-so now you just keep you hand still on his head.
-"my dear, what are you doing?" he doesn't understand a single thing happening.
-you just shrugged as he then continued doing his paperwork.
-that's when you decided to just pet him as you wanted to at the start, seeing him smile at you from the side.
✧ Zhongli
-ehh so i feel like he would know about trends but never expect you to do one of them to him personally
-and you basically decide to take action mid-talk with him.
-"yes, and i've also heard about- what are you doing?" he gets cut off by your hand above his head.
-"nothing, you can continue." you reply innocently.
-"uhm.. okay? so as i was saying, recently, i've heard about how furina is doing currently in fontaine, and i can say i'm very impressed, she has- why are you laughing?" he asks with a confused smile on his face.
-you continue laughing for a bit longer until you actually pet him.
-"it was a prank-" you can't continue due to laughing at him.
-he's confused but also smiling at the same time.
i hope nothing was too ooc
this was fun
hope you liked it :p
| @mischievouseal | @mariaace <3
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ivysangel · 2 months
listen, i think smut is great. i read it, i write it, i think about way more than is probably considered healthy, but i don't think it should be as readily accessible in bookstores as it is right now, and especially without warnings.
i went to barnes & noble with my friend a few weeks ago and in the front of the store was this humongous romance section that had hundreds of those booktok romance books that was trending now. i wish i had a picture to show you guys just how big it was, because there were like six or so book cases and then this big table with some "romantic summer reads".
naturally, because it's what's trending right now, so many of the books had those really cute cartoon couple drawings. you know the one's where the two mc's are standing next to each other, or back to back, or hugging or smth (ykwim) and all of them were completely innocent looking and not marked as having adult content in any way. this isn't my first rodeo or anything, so i know that a really good chunk of these books have graphic sex written in them despite having no warnings or indicators of such content. and sure enough as me and my friend are flipping through them we're seeing all of the graphic depictictions of sex that if you were just reading the blurb on the back you would not know existed in the book.
the rationale i've seen from a lot of the authors and readers of the book are that they want something "inconspicuous" that doesn't draw attention to the fact that they're reading smut in public or whatever. and while i understand the sentiment, there's got to be some kind of regulation for this kind of thing. because some kid who's just looking for a cute romance book accidentally picking up smut is actually very bad and shouldn't be normalized in the slightest.
and i always see people saying, "well their parents should be checking the stuff they read anyway" or "i read smut when i was young so i don't see what the problem is" which pisses me off so bad because:
A) i know that when i was younger my mom didn't monitor what i read because the books i was reading were never misleading. both the covers, blurbs, and warnings (if there ever were any) were in line with the content of the books i read and there was no reason to be worried. i'm almost 100% sure that when most parents go to the bookstore with their kid and their child picks up a book with a cute cover, and the info about the plot on the back says nothing about it being anything other than a cute relationship, they don't think anything of it. maybe if it was one of those harlequin novels with the shirtless guys and the ladies with their boobs spilling out of tight dresses they'd tell them to put the book down but because the covers of new age smut books are designed to decieve, that's exactly what they do. decieve. and if it works on your friends and family and everyone around you, why in god's name wouldn't it work on someone's parent.
and B) it's no secret that kids have been reading smut well before they should for ages. i read smut as a kid, some of my friends read smut as kids, lots of people have and will continue to do so, the difference is that it wasn't as mainstream and easily accessible as it is now. not that you had to scour the internet for it, a quick search on wattpad would give you a million results, but it wasn't something that wasn't so publicly advertised, and sold. in my experience, it was the kind of thing that you heard about from a friend who heard about it from another friend not fucking tiktok. the biggest social media platform rn.
i'd also like to point out that if you read smut when you were younger and grew up to not understand how harmful it is, even going as far to encourage kids to read it, you're a huge fucking weirdo. i'm only 18, still very much a "child" by some people's standards, and i get chills when i remember how young i and some of my friends were when we created our first wattpad accounts. which is probably why i care so much about this topic, i don't think children should be exposed to that kind of stuff at all, and i don't like how now anyone of any age can walk into a bookstore and either knowingly or unknowingly pick up some freak nasty sex because a bunch or horny people on tiktok can't understand how harmful it is to have these books in so many places without any warnings whatsoever.
also: this had already gotten so long but i forgot to mention that there's a rising interest in "dark themes" and those books DEFINITELY need a warning. i wrote an essay once on how unregulated darker themed media has contributed to the idealization of toxic relationships in young people, and i'd like to say that right now i think booktok is one of the biggest contributors
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sunnysam-my · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel redesign ideas p. 1
Unfortunately I don't really have time to draw rn, but here are some ideas if anyone is looking for inspiration.
They follow lates trends so they won't stick to the outfits and technologies from the times they died. We even see that Vox changed his screen (head) to more modern, flat TV screen.
He is a moth that realises poison that's basically a date-rape drug. His wings are hidden, looking like a coat, which makes no sense, a cloak, cape or sleeveless coat would look better. He is a pimp who died in 1970s. Val was Hispanic when living. Apparently, he has bad eyesight.
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He is supposed to be a moth, but I don't really see it much, and the furr around his neck, that's a part of his body, just looks ridiculous. I would design him after some actual poisonous moth.
Cinnabar moth - The cinnabar is slate-black with two red spots and two pinky-red stripes on the rounded forewings. Its hindwings are pinky-red and bordered with black. The caterpillars feed on poisonous ragwort leaves. The poison from the leaves is stored in the caterpillar's body and remains even when they are an adult. As adult they leak the poison when they need to. Cinnabar moths can be seen flying during the day and night.
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Six-spot burnet moth - day-flying moth that flies with a slow, fluttering pattern. It has glossy black, with six red spots on each narrow, but long forewing. They release hydrogen cyanide when attacked.
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Personally I would go with Cinnabar moth, but make the spots heart shaped, and leave his inner outfit without the accessories (the suit with the white pants and golden heart belt). I would also leave his general body type but definitely change the neck furr ring, because wtf is that? I would play around with his glasses since he is supposed to have eyesight problems.
[Edit: Actually, I would make him a combo of both moths and make the furr ring his hair, because he is bald without the hat!?!?]
Velv is a fashion designer and critic, she is also an influencer. She keeps the Vees together and their image fresh on the internet. She's a British black woman in her early 30's. Originally her appearance was supposed to be doll-like, but that was changed to 'it-girl' and a 'bad bitch' with a darker aesthetic.
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Velvette's outfit is reminiscent of Val's (heart belt, coat with hearts, black stripes on arms) but darker, especially her sleeveless coat that imitates his wings. Since Valentino is already going to be darker (in my idea) and she is a fashion influencer it would make more sense for her to be brighter.
Main thing I would change about her is her skin tone, hair, and Harley Quinn themes left from her old design.
When creating very human like characters it's important to actually get the racial characteristics right. Her ashy skin and "curly" hair just makes it look like they didn't know how to draw a black character. I would give her a different texture, something between 3A and 4B. A hairstyle like heart shaped space buns would be so cool, but even if not, her styl in a poster in the background is already better than the ponytails.
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When it comes to her style I would get rid of pom-poms shoes and fingerless gloves. Her outfit for meeting the overlord was pretty okay, but I would change her other outfit. My inspiration would be PidginDoll's design, because he makes fabulous outfits and makeup looks for all bodies, genders and races, but I'll keep the 'goth' (it's not goth, it's just a little bit alt, mostly skulls) theme.
Blue accents like makeup would work great with her brown skin and would reference Vox.
I genuinely think he has the best design in the entirety of the show, I would barely change anything. His outfit is similar to Alastor who he is trying to imitate, but he wears a tail suit, which is way more formal and elegant than any other suit, trying to showing he is a better, modern version of Alastor. I've seen some people got rid of his hat and gave him a tail made out a cord for fun, but other than that his design is good. Not too much details and not too little, tells us a lot about the character.
Maybe less stripes, because apparently Viv loves zebras or something. /hj
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
sorry if this is something you dont wanna answer but im like super frusterated rn
does it also annoy u when u read like a good oneshot n the only comments are like "omg pt 2 plsssss"?? bc it annoys me like can we talk about the writing first and actually appreciate it😭😭
As an author? Honestly? Yeah.
I've seen countless others that have spoken on this that have articulated it far better than I could, but yeah. I get where those comments come from and what they mean, they liked it so much they want a part 2, but it doesn't come across that way to authors. Most authors are going to see it as demanding, especially as fanfic authors because we do this for free in our spare time. It's one thing if the author asks if anyone is interested in a part 2. Then yeah. Comment that to your hearts content. Sure there's better ways to phrase it "omg I loved this so much, would you consider a part 2" or "omg this was amazing, please do a part 2." Just commenting "part 2 please" sounds demanding. Doesn't matter if you say please or not, you can't even take the extra two seconds to say how much you enjoyed it? IF you enjoyed it?
It's like the decades old trend of the "more please" or "update soon" comments. Those don't come across as kind and supportive as you think they do. Again, they sound demanding. You took the time to comment but couldn't even add in a few words about how you enjoyed it? How you liked it? "I loved this so much I can't wait for more." See how much better than sounds than just "more please"?
I literally had someone on Ao3 bookmark CRCB yesterday and they put "update please"...like I literally just posted the new chapter. I literally just updated and you're demanding more? That's how fic writers are going to take that. There's no way you can frame the "update soon" or "please update" comments to have most fic writers see them in a positive light. Especially when the new chapter was just posted. Like what do you mean update soon, I just did.
Fics take time. Chapters take time. Commenting in a demanding tone, even if YOU don't think it's demanding, is not going to get you an update faster. I know a lot of fic writers that will hold off updates because of comments like that. I don't reply to comments that are demanding because what do you even say to that?? There's no compliment there.
Anyway, long story short, if you're going to comment, at least say something about how you liked the chapter or you enjoyed the fic and the story. Doesn't have to be some long expose, one sentence is enough to make a fic writer's day. Honestly, a key smash will do. Just don't be demanding in the comments. That's not going to get you an update any faster.
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Do you think the writers think that all of the time Adrichat sacrificed himself, necessarily or not, are like, romantic or something?
Bc while a few of them were genuinely emotional and actually did save Maribug, those are way out numbered by the times when he easily could have avoided getting taken out of the fight/turned against Maribug if he had done literally anything else.
Him getting unnecessarily hit by the Akuma of the day only makes Adrichat look a bit incompetent at best, and I've seen my share of salt fics take this trend and turn it into him purposely damseling himself to get saved by his crush, which is I think the worst interpretation of canon possible. So I can't imagine the writers are doing it to make him look like a great partner, since fans have been pointing that out since S1.
We all know how much they love the Love Square while hating the Power of Love, and it's really the only thing I can imagine it's for. Or maybe it's just the writers being bad at Girl Power™? Or a mix of the two?
Sorry, I'm just kinda rambling
It's..... a combination of things.
I think the biggest part of it is that the writers want to up the danger, but can't always figure out a way to do it. And the simplest way is to show that the Akuma of the day is capable of taking out one of the Heroes/turning them against the other, forcing the other to fight alone.
Since they can't take out Ladybug because she needs to use Lucky Charm to defeat the Akuma/purify the Butterfly/fix everything with Miraculous Cure, there is /rarely/ an episode where she can be hit by the Akuma's power. Only one where they did hit her instead of Chat that I can remember rn is Psychocomedian?
So yeah Chat ends up being taken out/affected in some way because Ladybug /can't/ be.
And it's a problem that the writers do this so often because again: they either can't or don't want to think of other ways to up the stakes for the fight other than taking out Chat. So it happens A Lot.
Which leads to him looking incompetent.
Which they try to fix by making him do the heroic sacrifices instead of getting hit like a moron. But now it looks like he's just leaping into danger with no thought to it.
So like. It is a Problem™. One I don't attribute to the Character but the Writers. And it's very much unintentional.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
Please don't ever change! I felt everything your last anon said about the tension surrounding BTS rn. There's sooo much that makes absolutely no sense regardless of shipping, promotions aand the boy's relationships with each other. Frankly, I don't blame anyone for being confused and frustrated by it.
In shipping alone, we get content that feels manipulated on all sides but apparently, we're not allowed to discuss those parts. Like many of your anons I think, I get confused and search for discussions only to find all accounts content to glorify the good parts and ignore everything else. And in the midst of all that I cannot tell you how refreshing your blog is. It's truly an open and honest discussion about things hey we might have no idea of...but at least we are talking abt it. So many ppl got over the Holland attack soooo damned fast its INSANE, jikookers included.
All morning, I've seen them switch fast to hype the upcoming vlog that you wouldn't ever know Jimin posted those pictures if not for Tkk trending right now. No one wants to address the fact that it happened and that personally, I don't understand why JK said it the way he did. These guys are smart, JK especially is brilliant in how he puts things across on camera to say enough without saying too much. On top of that they are somewhat aware of what's going on in the shipping world... so why talk about the vlog like it is something he was forced into knowing the way it can be construed..why not post anything on Jimin's birthday at least knowing that there are ppl who will check on it? It's not for our benefit but it makes no sense considering jkkers show JK to be someone who would love for others to know they are together and loves being associated with jimin? The bar is soooo low it's nonexistent at this pt and nothing makes sense.
Hi anon,
I'm glad you find my blog refreshing. A lot people think it's a pain in the ass lol
But yeah, nothing makes sense and once it does it's because it's been edited to fit what the fans want.
In a way, the blame is not all on jkkrs either. They want things to make sense too and some stuff must be swept under the rug for that to happen although it is not very honest. There is no bar anymore!
If jikook is downplaying jikook, I will sound delusional talking about how jikook is real. Because they are.
Perhaps my blog can take a more neutral approach to things and allow for conversations to flow instead of throwing in my thoughts. I still think we need a place to voice the opinions that get shut elsewhere. Maybe that's the best option.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Aww I really I hope snc would still do it explore new places around the world!…but let’s see what they will do! :)
what i heard about Elton is that he wanted to show Colby wrist?! , , destroyed Colby car?! And he also wanted to do a prank to Sam but it’s didn’t turn out well because he started bleeding?! , idk if all of this is true! 😅
I’m also a bit scared for them to go to the conjuring house! I hope it’s will turn out well!… but I still can’t wait what they will do these month and the hell week!
Also have you seen Sam new pictures when they where in Tokyo omg!
i mean, it's always possible that they will at some point. but i think it also depends whether or not they feel like a) changing up their style once again and or b) if things like that are trending/would get them more views then what they get now.
as for what elton did… those aren't quite right. first, elton never made colby show his wrist/sh scars. colby doesn't have those and has never done that. this literally never happened. there is no proof, but for some reason someone started the rumor on tiktok. i've been in the fandom since 2018, i'm telling you rn if it had happened, it wouldn't have taken until 2022 (which is when that rumor started popping up) for some fan to finally say something. not to mention, any time anyone brings that up they have no proof and then claim "it was deleted" which… if that's the case, how would you know it happened then??
that one particular rumor always pisses me off, bc there is plenty of shit to not like elton for, but that one just isn't true at all.
elton did destroy colby's car for a prank, but a lot of fans think that that wasn't actually his car, just one that looked like it. it's one of those things where the prank was a bit extreme but knowing how elton operates, it's possible it didn't happen. he's had to in the past "apologize" (bc elton doesn't really do that in all honesty) for lying about pranks or faking paranormal videos so… who knows for certain.
and yeah, he did a prank where he had a huge hand come down from above and it smacked sam in the face, and sam at that time was biting his lip or something and so when it hit him, he started bleeding from how hard he bit down.
if you want to know why a lot of really don't like elton, this and this will explain it. also, still to this day elton does things that sorta shade snc, like blocking out their names from comments, allegedly getting them blocked from going to places he went to first, and redoing a whole tfil series with someone else that he did originally with snc years back.
also above all else, he literally got banned from the conjuring house for a while until it finally got a new owner. idk how the fuck you get banned from a house that has literal demons in it, but elton did. like, if that wasn't proof enough that he's an asshole idk what is lol
speaking of, i'm scared for them to go to the conjuring house too. that place is freaky as hell, and you can feel that thru the camera. hopefully they sage themselves to hell and back before, during, and after go there. and yeah i'm excited for them to post their other investigations as soon as they can.
and i did see his pics. he looks lovely :)
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i think there's a lot to be said, on both sides, for "this thing is the mostest popularest thing in The Real World but is not seen as an actually valid thing in online/lefty spheres", because i know there tends to be that inclination to go "literally just step outside", as a response to "let's normalise/appreciate [normalised outside of a small portion of online spaces thing]", but i think that misses the mark a tiny bit. what you're saying there is "go to a place with an overall toxic view of this thing, and enjoy it in that context", when maybe the person was actually saying "i feel like the spheres i've aligned with politically don't have a healthy view of this either, so where am i supposed to go?" and that's not always the case, it is definitely obviously often said disingenuously or whatever, but it probably is best to still respond with more care in those cases, if there's a chance doing so may even disarm the initial statement.
express "yes, obviously having a left wing environment that sees things in a less toxic way than the outside world would be better, therefore if a thing can be done in a non-toxic way, we should be entirely willing to normalise doing so". i'll give an example, i have mentioned this before, i tend to prefer skinny people [lefties feel completely free to gasp in horror] in dating, it's not a "those just inherently objectively are hotter", that's nonsense, i don't think it makes someone objectively hot if i find them hot, or not if i don't either, and i have found some larger people hot, it's just a trend i found in who i tend to like. i have introspected, it's not bigoted (i probably won't go into kink/s too much rn, but kneecaps sexy), i really also don't think it is healthy to overanalyse your every little thought for Signs Of Bad. obviously, outside of lefty spaces, the norms are "skinny, but not too skinny = hot", but you may see an enormous difference between that and what i said. i said "idk it's literally just a personal preference that doesn't mean anything in objective terms" and society says "no this person is objectively a hotter person than that one", and when somebody says that they found lefty spaces immediately assumed they meant the latter if what they meant was the former, and responded to it with some variation of "only dogs like bones", that's a problem with that one lefty space, that's simply reversing society's negative behaviour. saying "just go outside" is saying "go live in the fatphobia world".
no it doesn't happen that much, it's something i've mainly found happens in moderately toxic discord servers with a few newbies, who's politics have barely evolved past "society bad", but yes, it's actually essential that lefty spaces don't jump to conclusions, to demonise and assume the worst of people, and disallow them to pursue a thing in the context of a healthier environment. but i do wanna note there's better examples than this, it's only one i have personal experience of seeing happen, that feeds into another i'll sometimes see, where anorexia is seen as a personal failing we'd better shame and insult, rather than a mental illness and way we sometimes exist that deserves as much acceptance as others in reality, one that is not as accepted and adored in society as folks who's body positivity activism begins and ends at "world hate all fatness, therefore world like all smallness, therefore smallness is actually bad" think, which is an overly simplified binary (as better expressed in a post somebody made about how the world really doesn't want lesbians to be bi or bi people to be lesbians, it's just hating both, but experiencing life as one or the other may cause people to feel that the world likes the other). and i think being an informative, non-judgemental sphere that can recognise such a nuanced situation, and allow people a non-toxic space to have a particular emotion or experience, instead of saying "no, go have those things in a space with a toxic outlook", is more mature tbh.
"normalise masuline men" is sometimes a shitty conservative, in disingenuous attempt to weaponise lefty language against trans people or gnc people, and sometimes some lib gay masc4masc, who's tired of being told he should try femboys, by a toxic friend circle that doesn't understand that's not how it works. yeah, this purportedly left space should accept any gendered expression, i think. i think him seeing masculinity in a positive light, and being supported in his tastes by his friends, is better than them saying "literally just go outside [where all the toxic masculinity is, and i'll additionally add, where being gay at all isn't accepted, even that masc4masc guy, if anything he'd be seen as defying a gendered stereotype himself because both 'wear the pants']". if you cannot surpass your urge to shrug somebody off, and see complexity in statements like this, you're really not a very good lefty advocate. (additionally, more femboy for me, masc4mascs are a blessing).
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bubbles25454323245 · 2 years
I really don't like the trend of Pokemon basing starter designs on careers rather than animals. I reeeeaalllyyy dislike it. The whole concept of Pokemon is that they're monsters. Yeah, there have always been Pokemon based on people, but the starters, up until gen six, we're based on animals. Venusaur is a giant toad. Charizard is a dragon. Blastoise is a tortise. But then Chesnaught is an armored knight. Rillaboom is a drummer. Don't get me started on Incineroar, the most disappointing starter final evo imo by a LONG shot. Yeah, obviously they still have animalistic features, but they've stopped prioritizing the animal as the most important part of the design. And it kinda sucks. I want to train an axolotl into a big giant salamander monster. I don't want to raise a little child with a bunny ear headband into a soccer player with a bunny ear headband.
I understand wanting to incorporate aspects of human things into the designs, and I think samurott does a great job of melding the base animal with a human career. Samurott is very clearly a sea lion. He just so happens to have aspects that are based on samurai armor. And these aspects blend into his design very well! He has some shell plating that, yes, resembles the plating if a samurai suit, but the shell plating could also be a very useful adaptation in the wild. It's flexible yet durable protection which is something that a highly territorial and aggressive animal could end up evolving over time.
The gen 9 starters (and gen 8 too, to be fair, but gen 9 is more relevant rn) are a great example of basing Pokemon designs on humans rather than animals. They all seem to be based primarily on circus performers with slight Iberian, Mexican, and Brazilian cultural and animal influences.
Sprigatito, to everyone's dismay, immediately stands up when it evolves. It's final evo is a magician or jester or smtn.
Fuecoco, while he does end up looking more crocodilian than human, does kinda stand up when it attacks from what I've seen, has clown makeup, clown hair, and a clown nose. It could be argued that he's moreso based on Mexican Dia de Los Muertos skull candy designs, and there seem to be some nods to that, but in my opinion it's not similar enough of a design for that to translate very well. Skull candy designs are more finely detailed and intricate than the blocky bright color splotches on Skeleridge's face. Y'know who do have white base paint with big color splotches? Clowns. Not to mention the big orange firey clown nose and unkempt, silly clown hair. The only thing about it that makes me think of Mexican influence is the fact that it's name is SKELEridge and that it's a ghost type.
Quaxly's evo looks like one of those performers that ride the horses around mixed with a somewhat subdued Brazilian carnival dancer costume.
Idk I'm just tired of raising my cute little animal into someone who should be helping me pay rent, y'know? I want my monsters back.
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forthencho-pacino · 1 year
i think Bungie, and by extension, Sony, should acquire Halo
Look, i've been an xbox stan my whole life. never got into console wars as such, but just preferred xbox, mainly because Halo. it practically held my hand and led me into the world of obscure sci-fi and sci-tech. and i heckin love the franchise. the lore, the games, some of the media (didact damn thee, new tv series). and its because i love it that i think the franchise has a foot in the grave rn. we've seen so many people leave, so much hype gone to shit, so much of the player base just...gone.
i'm not gonna say that keeping this kind of a storyline going is easy. shit, i take a week to think up a half-decent daydream scenario. but after so much time, money, and manpower, the state of the franchise really should've been better than what it is. i'm pretty sure its just MCC and HW thats keeping it as alive as it is right now.
plus, i don't really think that microsoft acquiring activision is a good sign, either. this is a studio that has a history of stifling worldbuilding and employee freedom to get its games. heck, Bungie left activision to continue building Destiny 2, with one of the main reasons of the split being ''creative differences''.
game-wise, Halo was in its golden days with Bungie. i'm pretty sure all OG Halo players remember the Bungie opening to CE, their last message post Reach, and overall just how good the game was with them. agreed, the lore might have suffered a bit, but look at Destiny. its one of the most lore rich worlds that we have right now. so, clearly, they've gotten good with the worldbuilding.
HI might've had a good launch, but that was basically because of 2 things:
hey, its a new Halo game, lezzgooo
it takes place on one of the most important locations in the Halo-verse, Zeta
we've literally seen Bungie's rise to fame, as heckin Beyond Light became the console launch, not HI. i don't think i can comment on the player bases, because D2 is available on more platforms, but if you do a comparison of only Steam and xbox player bases of HI and D2, i'm pretty sure D2 will come on top (not gonna bring MCC into this because that's not something that was purely 343 and microsoft).
part of Halo's charm might be the platform exclusivity, but i'm pretty sure that the exclusivity doesn't count for shit if the franchise is practically dead. which honestly looks like a near future event for Halo. HI failed to deliver on multiple fronts, the TV series was practically a MAC shot into the franchise, and all the creative leads for the game leaving microsoft doesn't leave a lot of room for hope.
bungie taking their baby back has some chunky potential to boost the game back up. bungie gets something to work on after D2: Final Shape, Halo, comes into the arms of a team that has been doing pretty well in terms of game maintenance, story writing (ik Lightfall kinda sucked, but lets be honest, the general trend is still in Bungie's favour), and overall upkeep. not only that, the game gets access to an even bigger player base. and i'm pretty sure the worst case won't be all that different from what it already is.
a metric shit ton of people love the franchise, and i really think that most of us won't really mind Halo losing its ''Xbox exclusive'' tag, if it means the saga enters another golden age, which is something we all want to see.
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jankwashere · 21 days
it is pretty fucked to see people that are normally pretty liberal start talking about instagram reels where people film the bad parts of indian culture exclusively and start deriding all indians based on that. if by any chance a friend finds this blog let the record be shown that i have not been the kindest to indian people either and took some of my frustration from the job hunt out on them b/c outsourcing cs work is a fact of life. but come on.
you really can't be showing shit off instagram reels where a guy is cooking street food and does something nasty like stir shit with his hands and then say that all indian street food is like that. it's like they think people just post exclusively negative things about a culture and make accounts centered around it for the lulz. like they don't consider the greater picture of why someone would make an account like that in the first place.
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now again i'm not the best at practicing what i preach and i can be really shitty sometimes. but it does make me sad to see we aren't gonna be the generation that solves racism or whatever because people are too ready to uncritically consume whatever the algorithm shoves in front of them. it's a trend i've noticed in recent times especially, starting with when tiktok was making huge waves during the pandemic. guy wants influence and power over a younger audience -> guy gets his niche fanbase to spam videos of him on tiktok and the like -> guy starts appearing in the nebulous "algorithm" that tiktok uses to identify what you want to watch -> people take notice and his fanbase - and arguably more important, notoriety - explodes, seemingly overnight -> gen z men that are insecure and frankly don't have their shit together see sigma male grindset misogyny shit online -> this in turn influences a lot of men on a subconscious or conscious level that being a shithead is the key to success and look for arenas to bust out what they've learned from their little influencers -> this is literally just andrew tate i'm talking about rn but i've seen similar people blow up in the same fashion. like, even if your chosen talking head isn't a misogynist or whatever people should realize that any given talking head or topic or trend blowing up in the algorithm has likely gamed it to appear there. and there is always a motive. sometimes it's as simple as a talking head wanting fame but other times, like with topics and trends, it's to push a narrative and to make that narrative appear to be so large that it must be the only sensible narrative. iirc russia has been caught doing this on twitter and such. it just sucks to see such a volatile thing like the mind get ambushed under the deluge of disposable media we've created. it's hard to even care about anything online anymore because there's so much of it. so i think people cling to some narrative online and defend it to the death because it's an easy way to be part of something.
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nozomi-kaizoku · 23 days
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This is probably gonna get me death threats later, but I feel like it needs to be said.
I don't think the way we're talking about palestine is actually going to do anything about the current genocide going on there rn, at least not anymore.
Before you guys say anything, I just want to clarify: I support palestine. The amount of innocent people dying there is horrifying, and kinda triggering to me if i'll be honest, and the fact that this has been going on for years makes me sick to my stomach. Also, this post is in no way, shape, manner or form made to discredit the legitimacy of the issue.
However, I do feel like the way that this news is being spread around (especially on tiktok, unsurprisingly) is starting to devalue the entire movement and overall defeat the purpose of speaking about this issue at all.
Back in 2023 (when I first heard about this), the movement on tiktok started out as people informing others about the situation and educating people about it, things that can help out with any sort of civil rights movement/cause in general. And before then, many charities and organizations were founded to aid palestinians and to spread awareness about the genocide. Y'know, stuff that actually gets the word out in a way that causes little to no issues.
But nowadays, that's no longer the case.
All I see when I hear about the genocide on my fyp is "oh, if you don't use this audio/ watch this video all of the way you support genocide!!!!!11! >:( " or something along the lines of that, either that or I see GoFundMe's that are supposed to donate to "palestinian families" that have goals over about $10k ov average.
At first I didn't see any issues with this, but now i'm just starting to feel more like people are only in it for clout.
So, to start off, I have my suspicions that all of the GoFundMe's are most likely scams made by people with bad intentions to trick you into giving them your money.
And I have 3 points for this:
The names of the "families"/individuals the money is going to all have "mohammed" somewhere in the name(s) (at least from what I've seen). Even if it is a common name, here is absolutely NO WAY every palestinian has "mohammed" in their name. The ones that don't list a last name are also kinda sketchy, but that's not enough of a red flag for me to worry about it.
As I mentioned earlier, the goals are usually over $10k, sometimes a lot more than that. I get it if it's to pay for resources n shit once you find a safe place to stay, but if it costs THAT much to simply go to a refugee camp in Egypt or something, that would have to mean Egypt is exploiting Palestinian refugees to money, which would create a ton of backlash.
(and the biggest red flag I have when it comes down to these GoFundMe's) Last time I checked, Palestine doesn't even have internet at the moment, so where is the money even going to?? Certainly not a bank, because logically, they'd have to be shut down due to the invasion from Israel, either that, or they have been destroyed by now.
Also, I should note: I actually took a look at one of them, and the description for that one didn't really seem legit, reminded me of those scam emails you get out of nowhere sometimes that say "oh, your grandson was arrested in mexico and needs a quadrillion dollars in credit card money to bail out!!" or something along the lines of that.
Doesn't help that the posts promoting it look like scam texts either...
Even if the GoFundMe's weren't an issue, the other thing that bothers me is they way this issue is being spread around.
As I mentioned earlier, there's a trend going around on tiktok where people (usually non-palestinians) saying that if you don't engage with the video/audio/filter in some way, that you "aren't human/support genocide/are selfish" or something else along those lines of that, and most of the time they have little to no context whatsoever, therefore it misses the point in making a video about palestine in the first place.
I'm not saying that every person that does this has bad intentions, but regardless, that is not "spreading awareness," that is gaslighting, guilt tripping, and outright forcing it.
That's gonna make people (mostly children or uneducated people) make videos/ engage with audio/filters because they feel like they HAVE to, just to "prove" that they are a morally good person, and not because they genuinely care about the movement whatsoever.
These are the same tactics groomers and manipulators use to guilt-trip their victims into believing that the abuse they're doing is okay, and that alone makes this worse.
Also, imo this just sounds like the person who made the video in question doesn't actually care about Palestine is only in it for the clout. And half of the people who makes these videos aren't even palestinian, which proves my point even more.
But what I think is probably the most concerning part about it all is the amount of disturbing and graphic content and even literal GORE I've seen of palestine. WITH NO WARNING WHATSOEVER.
I'm talking fresh corpses mangled in all kinds of ways, people dying and/or covered in blood, mother crying over the dead bodies of their children, malnourished babies, live videos of buildings getting bombed, people getting their faces blown off by bombs, and just a lot of shit that should not be shown to the general public.
And it's not like "oh it's not that bad", you can easily access those videos on tiktok by simply looking up something about palestine on there.
I don't care what side you are on, posting shit like that is not okay, especially without a warning beforehand.
People really need to remember that not everyone can handle gore, and also take into consideration that CHILDREN are also on tiktok.
Veterans with PTSD or really anyone with trauma related to gore/disturbing imagery can easily get triggered by that shit,and it also causes people's pre-existing mental health issues to get worse, and then god knows what happens.
As for the children? Seeing graphic content at such a young age can and will have a negative impact on their development. it desensitizes then to the pain and suffering of others, and it can also worsen their mental health and in some cases make them more aggressive, which can lead them to do really bad things in the future.
I know this applies to anything related to gore, but just thought I'd bring that up because this seems to be a reoccurring issue regarding the "free palestine" movement.
I wish I was kidding...
Overall I just really don't like the way the movement's getting spread around as of now, and if I'll be honest about anything, I don't think it really matters anyway.
Unfortunately we live under a government that doesn't give a fuck about its own people, let alone those in a third-world country that's currently betting bombed to ashes by zionists that use Judaism as a shield from any and all criticism.
I know I said that I support Palestine and everything, and I do, but imo, I think they're a lost cause atp. Israel's clearly not wanting a ceasefire at all, which basically means they arealy made up their mind, and most of the refugee camps in Palestine are practically destroyed.
I'm sorry, but all we can do atp is just hope for the best.
Anyway, just wanted to get this off my chest since it's been bothering me for a while.
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cobaltsunflower · 9 months
Language accessibility issues in Vietnam
You know what fucking pissed me the fuck off? The fact that the Vietnamese landscape is slowly but surely becoming more inaccessible to Vietnamese people themselves.
What do i mean by this? So many fucking surfaces are now displaying English ONLY.
This doesn't sounds like much shits to the youths who are english-savvy or at least eating up the english stuffs since it make them feel "modern" and "trendy". But assholes who think this is fine are so self-absorbed that they forget what this country's official language is or how many percentage of the population even knows english.
You have not experienced how fucking alienating and dehumanizing this is until you have seen my grandma trying so hard just to find a mobile farming game in Vietnamese. The only good available one previously was Hay Day, which apparently the company in charge of the Vietnamese translation has gave up on and left for dead some how, i don't know the details. Now she is playing a version that must be downloaded with an american apple id, and has to ask grandpa to log into every time the game demanded an update.
This evening her hay day lagged and crashed, so she tried to find an alternative farming game. And like, there are so few options in Vietnamese it's straight up enraging me. Even those Made by Vietnamese developers are in English, and they don't even have the decency to have a Vietnamese option. She downloaded an English one and had to ask me for translation for all the tasks and dialogues in the game. And it's so sad to see she has to use another phone with ggl translate to understand it when i'm not available.
But this is just what is happening to us, a middle class family with half the members fluent in english. What about all the normal people, the older generations, the poor people who cannot study english.
On the streets i'm increasingly seeing new storefronts blasted in big shiny english names, with no further explanation of what it sells. High-end products made with english labels. Hell, i have even seen advertising billboards in all english. And like, mobile apps by foreign developers not having vietnamese is one thing, but Vietnamese-made apps not even have a second language option is just flipping people off.
And you can say these apps are trying to market for, and reach, a foreign market. But then pray tell, does it fucking hurts to made another version in vietnamese? You are literally narrowing your userbase by not selling the language of the country you are selling things in. At least don't name it in vietnamese if you can't even be bothered to put the language in.
And i'm so fucking enraged at the awful implications of this trend. This is literally volunteering to eliminate our own national language in favour of catering to foreign superpowers. Which is fucking horrible when you consider the vietnamese language has survived thousand years of imperialism and colonialism, only to be faced with the ignorant money-hungry business people jumping on the trendy bandwagon.
And ALSO, i know how ironic it is that I, the perpetually-online english-fluent youth, is saying all of this, in english nonetheless. But the matter of fact is it's a thing that looms in the horizon that scares the hell out of me. Like, speak english all you want but if your consumer products does not have basic language accessibility for the particular country then you are contributing to something larger and much more sinister.
I'm fucking pissed off rn and cannot reach a point or a conclusion for the life of me but by lord please understand how fucking horrible this this, not just for vietnam but for other non-english countries as well.
This is in the end just a big rant stemmed from shitty products inconveniencing my granny, but also i need to point out this societal problem that i've noticed for a while as well. If you have reached here thank you for your time. Here's a potato for the rant!
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sungbeam · 2 years
hi beam! college has been kicking my butt recently ☹️ idk how ppl do it but i'm dragging myself through the week right now LMAO
i don't see anything 😀 when i search up my asks 😀 so i unfortunately 😀 have a very vague 😀 idea of our last convo 😀
but i DO remember that you asked about dc!! i'm glad u asked b/c i'm actually trying to get into dc right now! i'm watching titans season 1 on hbo max, recently watched black adam, saw ww84, & saw the new batman movie a while ago! beast boy is kinda 😍💖💕💗💞 in titans HEHEHE- my favorite dc characters rn are him & starfire but i really wanna delve into the franchise more!! who are ur dc biases so far 🙏 (yes we'll be using kpop terminology for non-kpop fandoms from now on)
also i have NOT listened to 28 reasons by seulgi yet b/c of my schedule i feel like such a fake reveluv but i'm looking into that 😭 AND YES GIVE CRAVITY SOME LOVE ON PARTY ROCK <3 i'm taeyoung biased ever since i saw his tiktoks (all their tiktoks are iconic tbh they keep up w/ trends LOL)
HOW HAVE U BEEN BTW?? and are u excited for wakanda forever? i can't believe its coming so soon alreadyyyy 😟❗️
XNONIE !!! BFF !!! I'M SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY I'VE JUST LACKED SO MUCH ENERGY TO EVEN REPLY TO ASKS THIS WEEK (´Д⊂ヽ but i was so excited to see u active and alive akcnekfnek idk how people do it either tbh :') like i felt that so hard when u said ur practically dragging urself thru the week like me too dude, me too 😔 LMAO SOMETHING IS UP W TUMBLR TAGS 🗿🗿🗿 as there always is tbh, but i went thru and found my latest response so i'll link it here BAHHAHA
AHHHH DC YESYES !!! i actually haven't watched the live action titans series yet :0 but i follow ryan potter on instagram so i've def seen some stuff for it !! he's so hot tho so true 😩😩😩 i kinda wish he was casted as nightwing/dick grayson cuz he would've made a really good one, but the current one i think fits as well :') ahh yes i actually am not the greatest fan of dc movies lmao just cuz their animated tv shows r just top notch and so much better imo but i did enjoy the first wonder woman and robert pattinson's the batman !! ooh my dc biases? it's prob the bat boys AHAHAHHA i'm writing an au inspired by them actually rn hehe so basically nightwing/dick grayson, red hood/jason todd, and red robin/tim drake, but i am also particularly fond of roy harper/speedy and robin/damian wayne @_@ they all make my mind go brrrr (wbu tho 👀👀)
AHHHHH WAKANDA FOREVER I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET I FEEL SO SAD ☹️☹️☹️ it's cuz college has also been kicking my ass and watching marvel movies is a thing my family does together and it's just not the same going to see it in theaters w anyone else :( so i've been holding back skcnekfn have u seen it tho :0 i'm also so very excited for quantumania !!! (ノ´∀`*) IT LOOKS SO SO SO GOOD SKFNKENFKD I LOVE PAUL RUDD PLS GIVE THAT MAN AN OSCAR RN
okok i think i also was gonna bring up the fact that i wanted to write another mcu au for svt?? like ik we were talking abt the xmen au, but i was thinking abt making minghao scarlet witch and basically yn is like the one person who truly saw him and when he lost u, all hell broke loose (like in wandavision), and so it's like him recreating a life w u while his friends on the outside r trying to break him out of it before the stinky government folks do skcnwidn
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18002dheauxs · 2 years
Fire Force Ruining Sex
-about: like the title says.. lil headcanons about weird things the fire force men do in bed, super late add in this is inspired by a trend I've seen on here the first person I saw doing it was yeagerslut so creds to them although they BEEN deactivated
-with: multiple fire force men, gn!reader (Assault's reader has boobs but thas it!)
-wc: 1.4K
-warnings ⚠️: sexual content (minors dni go on somewhere), rough sex implied, smut, crack (pls don't take anything I say serious I am lich rally stoopid as hell), all underaged characters are aged up to 18+
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Captain Burns: He knows, as a priest, sex is supposed to wait til marriage so that's probably why he prays to sol for forgiveness after every single time and makes you do it with him. It's definitely a mood killer & he definitely wasn't worried about sol when he was manhandling you but uhh.. lâtom ig?
Lieutenant Karim: Karim is actually pretty damn good at dirty talk even degradation, if you're into it. He's got a certain way of being juuust mean enough and it hits just right. Well.. the first time. He does that repeat speech thing in bed too and tbh hearing the absolute filth that spills from his mouth is fun once. The second time it just feels like he's got somethin to say for real 🤨
Lieutenant Pan Ko Paat: I think we all know where this is goin... yea the whistle stays ON during sex. But the whistle isn't an issue when it's just on, it dangling in your face like a chain can be kinda seggsy but I digress. No, the issue comes when he's using it during sex like if you want them to go faster or slower or whatever you could use your words no one needs this elaborate code of whistles..🤦🏾‍♀️
Captain Shinmon: His aftercare.. uhh.. leaves something to be desired.. like he does do it (he better after what yall just did I'm not sure you'll be able to walk to get your own stuff but that's neither here nor there) but I feel like he could try a bit harder. Aftercare is a bit of an exaggeration for throwing a towel on your belly and setting water & some grapes on your side of the bed & just muttering "eat it".
Lieutenants Konro: Him?? Ruining sex?? What is it? He's too perfect? He fucks too well? Now you're like a crackhead for the dick showing up at the 7 scratching your neck and shit like "I-is Konro in? Is he? I-I-I just need a lil.. come on man, I'm good for it.. I know you got some please.. man I'm begging" Yea a lil typhrosis ash on you is totally worth it.
Captain Obi: When Tyrese said "you know we be tearin it up breakin stuff that ghetto love", Obi felt that. Yall are pretty much robbing furniture stores & home depot from all the warranties yall have cashed in on. Bed frames, lamps, spackle for walls he pushed through fuckin you against, you name it. This is why yall fuck at his place.
Lieutenant Hinawa: I mean he's got a lot going for him so should you really complain? I mean he's a good guy, nice job, respectable rep, fine as hell, good in the sack, should you really be complaining that he's completely silent and deadpan when he's not giving instructions? Does the silence past the squelching & skin slapping sounds sound a bit eerie? Yea. Does it kinda feel like you're fucking a serial killer? Absolutely. But he does do the tiniest lil grunt when he nuts and the amount of times you've nut already.. I'd say it's a fair trade with Bundy over here.
Takeru: Nothing. He's never done anything wrong in his life. You should be honored & here you are lookin for reasons to complain.. he shoulda stayed with Tamaki.. smh
Ogun: See Takeru. Nothing. He's never done anything wrong, he's perfect. Stop complaining before I slide over there. My car keys in my hand rn, don't play wimme.
Arthur: Role playing is fun when it's not every single time. Daddy, sir, Master are all cool but "Sir Knight King, your Excellency Grace Sire" is kinda a mouthful especially when your brain is umm.. otherwise occupied.. Also that's definitely not how you would actually address a king back in the days but we move ig. ALSO ask him why you always gotta play the concubine like you the only one there! Why can't you just be the queen?.. Idk man, I love himbos as much as the next but there's gotta be a limit here..
Shinra: This adorable lil mf is way too excitable. Like we get it he wanna be a hero that's all well and good but why you gotta be a part of his hero training? I'm sure everyone's very grateful to all that stamina for saving the world but we needa check on you! You ok? You need some electrolytes? Epsom salt? A wheelchair? Them 3 day sessions be beating yo ass huh? It's ok I'll talk to him for you.
The "we work with Company 8 a lot but this broad don't really know how to separate us that well so we going here" category:
Vulcan: He is just so sweet he cannot stand to leave a stray to fend for himself in the street & you love that about him, you do! It's always a surprise to see what cute lil kitten or puppy or whatever he's fostering when you go over but its way less cute when you look up from receiving some (bomb) backshots and into the eyes of the aforementioned strays. You talk to him about it but he can't lock the doors bc "this is their house too we can't just kick them out like their previous owners did". 🙄 Still, does Whiskers really need to see you getting your back blown out??
Viktor: You know what, the boy may not have the strongest constitution but one thing about ole Vik here, he got some rounds in him & it's a good thing because when yall first started sleeping together Viktor'll be the first to tell ya,a practiced man, he was not. That's probably why he used to nut so quick. Like really quick like "the first time yall had sex he got a pump in and on the out he was spilling all over your belly"quick.. yea it was a problem but that's where the stamina (and that insane head game like seriously he picked that up disturbingly fast & well) does him some good. So yea he was a 3 pump Peter the first 3 or 9 times yall had sex but he always gets you off & he looks so damn cute apologizing who could complain?
Joker: Oh Joker Joker.. it's an experience fuckin with Joker. On one hand, he'll definitely dick you down the way you like but he's also an.. eccentric character. Whether it's him smoking like a chimney in the middle of sex, being a lil too truthful in his degradation (yea yea we can talk about my daddy issues when you're not rearranging my guts) or him humming a whole chorus when he cums; its always a story when you rendezvous with this man. And yes, your therapist knows all of them.
Kurono: Chile now you know… look I get it he's kinda hot in a very creepy way but I don't even know where to start on the toxicity.. I know therapy isn't cheap but this is costing yo sanity. Plus we all know his eyes do that thing when he gets excited, it gets worse when he nuts but you know that already.. Stand up!
White Clad:
Assault: You'd think being a part of a murderous, hell cult would be the weirdest thing about your boyfriend till the first time yall tried to sleep together; this man unclamped your bra and froze up. He literally just sat there lookin between you and your tiddies for a smooth 2 minutes then touched your boob and made an excuse to go to bed. He got a lil further each time, till he finally was able to have sex with you (in the complete dark yea but still I'll count it) baby steps I guess..
Charon: For a guy who knows his own strength and can even cross over to cocky about it, my mans does not know his own length if you know what I mean? My guy is BIG.. all over.. and everyone seems to get it but him. He's always in such a rush to fuck you, you gotta remind him pretty much everytime "Charon, baby, I wanna do it too but Imma need some prep before you go tryna fit that febreeze can in me please n thanks!" He rolls his eyes but he really doesn't wanna hurt you so he obliges. Somebody hammer it into this man's head he got a whole 3rd leg & that patience is a virtue.
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fruithonorific · 2 years
Something I've been thinking about recently as a larger sociological trend is that as a greater percentage of women in the US have entered the workforce (~30% in the 1940s, steadily rising until it peaked ~60% in the early 2000s, rn it's about 57%; source, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), that means working people and especially working families have less free time overall.
Like this is a very white/heteronormative basis I'm thinking of, largely informed by the demographics of people I work with in my union; but assuming a nuclear family with a man working ~40 hours a week and a woman staying at home to do the unpaid work of raising kids, cooking, and cleaning, that means the total paid working hours of a family were 40, with a whole person to do the home stuff (and sometimes even with help doing that, if they hired someone — most likely a woman of color — to do or help with those tasks). That leaves free time for both people in question. Now, if you have two working parents working full time, or even one full time and one part time, they both have less time to do the work of cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing at home. Having one person be able to earn an income that allows for another parent to stay at home is a privilege afforded to far fewer families than was the case decades ago, when labor in the US had more power from unions, more domestic manufacturing, etc.
I think this has to have drastic implications for working people's physical health, their stress levels and their mental health, their sleep habits, their ability to be social beings who spend time with friends and community around them, affecting their ability to get involved in community organizing, to be an active citizen or an activist who is able to expend the time/effort to stay informed and engage in their local politics or in labor organizing... the list is neverending.
I was looking at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and they have lots of data that breaks this down by gender, race, age, whether the person in question has children and how old those children are, full-time work vs part-time work, etc. Obviously there have always been some women who worked outside the home, especially women of color, unmarried/single women, women in poor families. Those people and families have always had less time for both domestic work and for leisure.
But I think the big picture remains the same, that as women have drastically increased their labor force participation, which is a *good thing* that allows women to be more independent and live without being financially dependent on men, there is a total sum of free time that the working class has lost. And this ties in to an argument that I've seen a lot of people make, that the 40-hour workweek is tied to a standard that no longer exists and is too long, but idk how many people I've seen explicitly tie this to the ability to engage in labor organizing work.
I was thinking about it this week when the instructors at my union hall were talking to me and the other 1st-year apprentices about how we need to get involved because a lot of the guys involved in local labor clubs and stuff right now are getting older. And I was thinking. Are/were these older guys married? Did they have kids? Did their wives (my union is dominated by straight white men, there's like three queer women counting myself who are all apprentices, there are zero out gay men) work or stay at home? How are/were their households organized? What were their average work hours when they were employed? (So many young guys in my apprentice class *love* overtime. They want to work a ton of it, especially now, I think; they might want to work less as they get older/have kids, idk.)
Tl;dr I think we need a shorter workweek for a multitude of reasons, but a big one for me is to get more young folks engaged in organizing. But I don't know how many guys I could get to be interested in fighting for that, and I think even if I could, which is not at all guaranteed, we'd face a strong uphill battle against contractors who benefit from long working hours in construction in order to meet aggressive fast-paced deadlines.
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