#like i was looking thru my plan for the story and .... i wish this wasn't based off of real lofe cos then it would be a better story
giamee · 5 months
ok i dont wanna rewrite my plan for the smau series but... bro haithams turning into a fucking CUCK 😭😭😭
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
The One I Want
Laura Kinney x Spiderpool!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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Do you know that one moment where you just feel like you screwed everything up spectacularly? well that happened to me rather recently. Oh sorry where are my manners? my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and on my world I’m known as the spectacularly annoying Spider-Pool. The spectacularly annoying part is debatable.
You see it all started when the TVA zapped me into the void, something about being an anomaly, a profane and unholy combination of both Spider-Man and Deadpool. Honestly, it’s just the best of both worlds in my book or it would be a book if I wasn’t more than just one panel in comic book of the spider verse. True story look it up.
Or it could’ve been the fact that I killed Jared Leto, oh not Morbius. I’m saying I literally killed Jared Leto. It was an accident. I thought I was going after Morbius but oh well.
To make a long story short, I was forced to team up with X-23 or Laura as she likes to be called. One of my all time favorite X-Men characters by the way!
Anyway we found ourselves at an agreement, if I got her back to her timeline and out of the Void she would help me do the same. A good deal all things considered. The only downside is the TVA is so flip floppy. I mean one show it’s the villain the next show it’s good? Fiege, please make up your mind about what the TVA is?!
“You’re sure this plan of ours will work?” Laura told me as we drove thru the woods towards the reported base of the resistance found in the Void.
“If it works, I’ll be happily back in my world by this time tomorrow, Fun Size” Laura’s eyes went wide and she slammed on the brakes, nearly sending me flying into the windshield.
“If?! What do you mean if?!” She was screaming at me. My mind could only formulate the truth. I thought truth telling was Captain America's problem?!
"The TVA are hunting me and I need to get back home to save my world." Oh yeah it all came out like a big old truth salad. A truth salad that you order from Pizza Hut and immediately regret.
Laura began screaming and banging her fists against the steering wheel, "Are you fucking kidding me?! Out of all the spider totems to get stuck in the Void with and I end up with you!"
Oh I knew exactly where this was heading. A teenage superhero such as myself could only baton down the hatches and listen as this beautiful teenage fighting machine chewed me out. How is this both the most embarrassing and fulfilling moment of my life?
"I end up with the biggest fuck up in the multiverse! A spider-deadpool equivalent that couldn't save his Aunt May or Uncle Ben. Twice!"
It's true. I even somehow got my universe's Sean Bean killed. Yes. That Sean Bean. He wasn't even playing my Uncle Ben or anything!
Laura continued her little tirade, "No wonder the Spider Society turned you down! And the Avengers too! You can't save anyone or anything. Your world hates you! The girls you were supposed to love hate you! Mary Jane couldn't stand you. Gwen probably enjoyed death more than you!"
I could feel the anger rising up in the pit of my heart.
"The greatest joke is that no matter how much you wish for death to be with Gwen, you can't die! And it's one of God's greatest jokes on us instead of you!!!"
I was left in stone cold utter silence. I could feel my vision beginning to turn as red as my outfit.
"What?! No witty comeback?!"
"I'm going to fight you now" was all that left my mouth. And you know what? I meant it. Every. Last. Fucking. Word.
"Oh are you-?" THWIP! I shot one of my web guns, a web flew right over her mouth. The anger immediately flared in her eyes. Next thing I knew she lunged at me, claws out.
She grabbed my head and slammed it several times against the car radio. I grabbed her and gently pushed her against the driver seat. Hey I may be in a fight for my life but I’d still never hurt a woman.
Laura took one of her claws and ran it over the web, cutting it. I really should have taken Fictional Chemistry to understand that admantium is stronger than webs.
“This is ridiculous! I can’t hurt a girl!”
“A girl can hurt you!” She retorted before driving her claws in my lungs.
I kicked her straight thru the windshield of the Odyssey and into the forest in front of us. She simply smirked and dove right back thru. I had to admire her tenacity and endurance.
That admiration was interrupted with the familiar feeling of Adamantium being driven straight thru me, over and over.
She began muttering something in Spanish. Sadly I didn’t have the subtitles on so I couldn’t exactly know what she was saying. My Spanish only goes as far as my name: la piscina de aranas.
I pinned her to the second row seats, which were flattened like my heart was after the dog’s death in John Wick.
Laura simply laughed and kicked me straight thru the roof of the Honda. I landed on the roof with a sickening thud and rolled off, hitting the forest floor.
Laura, ever the tease, looked at me thru the window and gave me a come at me signal. “I am a teenage superhero,” I found myself wondering, “how am I terrified and yet so turned on?”
I pulled out my punch daggers and dived right thru the side window.
We traded blows and slashes. She let out a few huffs and groans. She straddled me and begins driving her claws repeatedly, coating the interior with a lovely shade of my blood.
She paused and looked at me in concern, “is that a Glock in your pocket?!”
“I never keep a Glock in there” I laughed before pulling out another gun, “I keep a Desert Eagle!”
Blam! Blam! I fired off several shots at her, one of which hit her rib and the other hit one of her claws.
“That all you got?” She asked me thru gritted teeth.
I grabbed my web gun and shot off several shots, encasing one of her arms in a giant web. She cut right thru it and lunges at me again. She forced us into the remaining back third row. Yeah the Odyssey has three rows. Three rows of get your freak on.
Next thing I knew Laura was looking at me with those brown eyes of hers. It had a mixture of anger and... Wait what was that? Is that lust?!
Well I guess it was. Because the next thing I knew she was driving her claws into the sides of the seats to my left and my right and then she kissed me full on lip lock with teeth hitting mine lip lock. Holy Stan Lee!
Each little growl that escaped her mouth was like a bit of heaven, a symphony to my ears, and quite possibly a fear of hell.
“I…uhh…” my brain tried to comprehend the exact situation that I was going through. It was something so great and yet so terrifying and couldn’t help it intrigue me even more.
“You talk too much” was her only response before she continued her onslaught of kisses. And boy was she right.
She shoved me down onto the remaining back seat, her lips never leaving mine. I began rubbing little circles into her back as the Honda continued rocking back and forth.
It was night by the time we had worked thru all of our differences…and no we did not go any farther than a PG-13 would allow.
Laura nuzzled me, laying against my chest. We shared a bottle of Coke that we found earlier. I gotta admit, besides the whole trying to kill me thing, I could really see a long partnership with her. Both crime fighting and in private.
“I’m sorry” she whispered. “It’s not your fault. The TVA is just the worst.”
“Yeah” I agreed, “sorry I shot you with a Desert Eagle”
Laura simply smirked and held up the bullet before dropping it on the Honda’s floor. “I’ll help you get back home”
“I’ll make sure you have a home to get back to.” I smiled at her and gave her forehead a little kiss.
“Aww” a new voice broke the silence. Laura and I turned to see Deadpool and Wolverine staring at us from outside the Honda.
“Young love” Deadpool chimed in.
OK, so not exactly how I was expecting this whole date to go, but I gotta say turn out better than I thought it would. And what can I say the Honda Odyssey really fucks.
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xuune · 1 year
dropping this here because I kinda wish I'll snap out anytime soon from listening to the playlist you made for your last art, but here I am, booming 8:00, get me some, wyd, wounds will h.eal, and enclosed in my earphones at midnight. i think your music taste is fire, i'll give you that. mygods (ง •_•)ง
anw, I wanted to ask on how you decide and plan expressions/interactions for the characters when you draw your works? I always find your works to be so expressive. thanks in advance if you ever see this :OOO
p.s. I LOVE YOUR OCs, i think i'm in love with rael i genuinely wish they'll give me a headlock or smthn and i'll be happy p.p.s. i would marry your art if I could (i'm this fkn close 🤏 pls dont sue me)
(sorry for taking so long to reply, you'll know why once you read the rest of this lol)
im so glad that you had those as your faves bc those are some of mine too :D i've been seeing a few ppl rly enjoy 8:00, and if it wasn't for my friend recommending me that song, we wouldnt be here, and those drawings wouldnt have existed either, let alone the animatic i did
thank you for thirsting over my ocs, you don't know how much of a compliment that is whenever i see ppl react that way to them LOL. thats how i know i peaked with their design 😎 stay tuned for some other oc art, cuz im currently working on a piece for my friend's ocs. his ocs exist in the same universe as mine :)
i'll answer your question about planning expressions and interactions below, bc i have a lot to say about that:
when planning for expressions and interactions, i'm usually trying to answer a couple of these things:
what moment do i want to highlight
why is this moment significant
how do these characters feel in the moment, how to they react to each other, what's their motivations
what body language best answers the question above ^
basically, i'm asking myself "what's the scene?" -> "what do the characters feel in that moment?" -> "how do they act this out to convey that?" (that's how i was taught to read scripts for plays. you must understand character motivations before you figure out how to act their feelings out)
it's very important to have a good balance of body language and dialogue to convey the mood if/when appropriate, since sometimes strictly relying on dialogue to sell the moment w/o body lang or vice versa can tank the execution
i assume that you're more interested in how i planned the interactions for them sharing music? lmk if there's like specific ones, bc i can explain more for whatever else it may be
anyways, i start off with scripts of some kind. my scripts can be very barebones that just note a specific scene (i.e. "working at desk, listen to music together before class starts"), or that i build a moment based on a piece of dialogue (i.e. "better not queue anything lame"). here's the notes i made when i made the 8:00 animatic, since thats big on body language
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i wanted to get down my main ideas first, which was figuring out the the lyrics i wanted to use paired with dialogue to match. i dont show my thinking much on some of my notes, but what i was getting at this:
story moment: dk connecting the context of the song to his intimate moment with bkg
key moments: waking up, playing with hands, eye contact w/ bkg
i didn't expand on the ideas for how those moments would look until i actually started thumbnailing for the animatic, which i showed briefly here. here's what i kept in mind for their expressions/interactions:
dk shies away from directly confronting bkg outwardly expressing his feelings for him via the song. he avoids it and changes the topic verbally to make the conversation lighthearted -> "what expresses avoidance?"
bkg is direct about his feelings, his actions and expressions must convey a direct confrontation, an attempt to make dk acknowledge how he feels about him thru the song and potentially get a response from him -> "what expresses straightforwardness?"
here's what i decided would visually answer those questions
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the implications of character's expressions also factors in the circumstances of their situation. without the context, the execution tends to fall flat. if you didn't know that they were listening to a song that's all about romantic pining, then you probably would've been questioning why the fuck are they just staring at each other, or assumed that one is shy of the physical interaction when that's not the point; its the dawned realization and the acknowledgement of the other's feelings.
my other drawings for that thread followed the same kind of planning tbh, lol. all those drawings had the lyrics set the stage for how the characters are feeling, and i'd have to figure out what about their facial expressions and body language best matches the context of the situation. here's this brief example:
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but yeah, that's generally how i plan for expressions/interactions. sometimes i just get a rush of interaction ideas that is centered on one specific question i want to explore, like:
what do their mundane parts of life look like?
how do they physically react to realizing their feelings for the other?
how is someone anxious about the other person's perception of them in the comic i'm drawing?
and then build off from there. hope that helped :D
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tfw-no-tennis · 11 months
one piece liveblog chapters 813-814
liiiiisten this is some of my favorite shit. like, the trope where a big reveal happens in front of other characters and they react to it and stuff? delicious.
'you think I know or care about your family issues?' hvbajhdfbajskdfhb bege
sanji being so blindsided is hhhhh delicious
BROOO the flashback to jaya (!) with sanji mentioning he's from north blue and brook pointing out he'd had to have traveled over to red line to end up in east blue....hello!!!! insane forshadowing my god
tbh I don't think oda had this planned from the beginning, or even from when he put that in jaya - it was such a small moment that it could've easily remained as is and it wouldn't have been a plot hole or anything
buuut I think oda did a great job leaving a lot of avenues open to do exactly this - expand on an existing character in a major way without it feeling cheap or sudden
like, I absolutely believe that sanji had a second secret tragic backstory that he never mentioned before. that makes complete sense in the context of the story!
yeeeeah pretty obvious (at least to the reader?) that sanji has been chosen for an arranged political marriage to unite the vinsmokes and big mom - though it also has the effect of linking the strawhats to big mom thru sanji as well. uh oh!
I'm soooo glad that the whole arranged marriage thing was played straight and there was no question of sanji potentially leaving the crew for a marriage bc he loves women sm or whatever. I was afraid it was gonna get treated as a joke/gag but thank godddd that wasn't the case and the arc was too serious for that 🙏🏼
like even here, there's no moment of sanji being like 'ohhh a woman oooh' he str8 up says 'I'm not marrying someone I've never met'
and like. ugh I wish sanji's character was less 'creepy and weird abt women' and more 'romantic about love.' that would be sooo interesting here, bc I DO think sanji is a romantic at heart and that's part of why he would never accept an arranged marriage, but also still wants to try to make it work/holds out hope that they could be compatible, etc
sanji saying luffy's gonna be pirate king 🙏🏼😭😭
lmfao sanji saying whatever take caesar we're leaving. yea ditch that chucklefuck
honestly love bege he's great here as a villain and I love his gangster theme and I really like his character arc during wci
vito is one of at least 2 Tongue Guys in this arc lmao
mannnn what did he say to sanji??????
honestly the emperors are hype as FUCK especially at this point in the story where we haven't directly dealt with them much...
sanji leaving the note and saying he never meant to hide anything from them....hhhhhh and its TRUE he seems like he genuinely never thought he'd have to deal with the vinsmokes ever again, let alone be used as a pawn in a political marriage by them
and pulling the classic move where he's like 'I have to resolve this by myself' oh babey buckle up time for a rescue arc fuck yes
the way he just yeets them out of bege lmao
no rights for caesar lmao good
MANNNNN SANJI BEING SO COOL...I love when sanji is written well wwwww
him threatening caesar, who they need alive, and deducing that the reason his bounty poster says 'alive only' is bc of this wedding thing, so they can't really harm him...yummmm
sanji quickly doing the math and realizing that giving himself up here is the only way to strike a bargain and make sure his crew is safe 😭 dude aughghhhh
and surely he feels extra responsible bc he's in charge of their little group while the rest of the crew is in dressrosa
they call bege godfather, love it
nekomamushi is sooo fucking cool I love his fangs
dangggg bege just lying and saying one of jack's men killed/injured pekoms
AUGHHH i looove the panel of sanji smiling and telling the crew he'll be back ;_; mannnn
fr looks like he's about to die horribly and knows it tho damn.
and of course he says 'this is my problem' bc he doesn't want to burden the crew, or put them in danger, so he sees it as something he has to resolve on his own
yeah okay like that worked out so well for nami and robin lol c'mon sanji of course luffy isn't gonna let that happen
and his note oughghhghh. so badass and casual and also just 👀👀
brook should 100% sing random exposition and filler stuff more often plsss
ok so pekoms didn't die. I figured lol
nekomamushi running after the catnip hvbhajksdfbjksfdn
LMFAOOOO brook making stuff up for his song abt nekomamushi....valid
bro I love luffy so much he's like oh cool sanjis gonna get married but he said he's coming back, I wonder if he'll bring his wife, that's chill
hhhhhhhhhh everyone can see that sanji is throwing himself on the sword to keep the straw hats out of it, and him claiming he'll return is hopeful at best - but of course luffy wouldn't see that bc to him there's no question that sanji wouldn't be part of the crew
awwwh chopper crying :(
zoro acting all blunt and uncaring...ohhhh I have so many thoughts about this
I do think zoro really DOES think sanji can handle himself and doesn’t necessarily need their help - tho that doesn’t turn out to be the case
I love too that zoro immediately backs up his attitude with facts - they just put themselves right in kaido's line of fire, and they can't just ignore one of the emperors...they're at the point in their journey where shit is heating up
zoro: we don't have time for a crewmate rescue arc we're too far along in the story for that
and like it's kinda true, I feel like rescue arcs tend to take place closer to the beginning of a story as an easy way to flesh out characters and interactions, so one taking place past chapter 800 (!!!) and with one of the well-established main characters is kinda wild
like, wci ran the risk of feeling/being kinda redundant character-development-wise (obviously it was always gonna have important plot stuff w/big mom) but instead. it slaps
oh yea zoro mentioned kin'emon. where the fuck did he and the other guy go lol
to be fair. luffy did already pick a fight w/big mom lmao sanji didn't start that beef
also again I love how opposite zoro and sanji are as characters - zoro doesn't have a complicated past w/his family, and if he were in sanji's place he'd probably just be like 'nah.' and deal w/the consequences directly
but of course sanji loves self-sacrifice so here we are
luffy being like. well. lets ask sanji! I LOVE HIM SM....
luffy really said okay kaido can wait lets go tangle w/another emperor first. he's so iconic
luffy suggesting they'll be quiet....................have to laugh vhbjakusdfslfd
mannnn the scenery and environments in one piece slap
lmao remember when everyone thought chopper was gonna get a mink gf during zou...listen this is one piece we're talking abt. no romance allowed (mostly)
chopper being the stern doctor...love it. it truly is tough when patients ignore your instructions. but also chopper lives in the one piece world so everything is kinda crazy anyways
nekomamushi is soooo funny vhbahkdsjfxhbksfdbh him being serious then instantly chasing a ball and injuring himself. helpp lmfao
'I'm only in bed because I decided to be' that is Exactly something a cat would say lmao
ooooh pekoms isn't dead
oh jk cliffhanger tiiiime!
pekoms saying that the vinsmokes are famous assassins and active in the underworld really DOES make it seem like they're a mafia family like people theorized
love the contrast of pekoms saying the vinsmokes are assassins over a panel of sanji smiling. excellent
zoro and perona in the SBS doodle wwwwww love them. mihawks weird goth kids
OH MAN these chapters are great. I love the buildup to whole cake - the tension is excellent, and it's really hard to tell at this point where the story will go.
we still haven't learned a lot about the vinsmokes yet and thinking abt it now, sanji's reaction doesn't even tell us that much about them - he's prone to self-sacrifice so he probably would've gone no matter what
I mean its obvious there's a reason sanji has never mentioned his biological family before so clearly it isn't a huge leap that they're evil, especially as we slowly learn more abt them
anyways this is dope but I gotta go to bed...more to come!
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thewolfmanny · 2 years
uhhh sappy post time
last halloween, i played house of ashes with my partner, their sister, and their sister's girlfriend. we all picked our characters and passed the controller around in couch multiplayer mode. obviously, i picked salim cuz he was the only one who wasn't us military lmao and i decided i needed to protect him at all costs. my partner played jason (cute) which thank god cuz they picked the best choices to make him feel really bad about himself hehe
i really enjoyed the story and discovered there was a fan community when i deep dived into the tumblr tag for aesthetic gif sets. i was so confused by how jason/salim could work that i started writing my fic home with you to see if i can come up with a story for them to believably get together. i don't think i did a bad job! it was the first fic i wrote/finished
now for the serious part and the point of this post - last year, i was going thru a major depressive episode bordering on suicidal due to some unfortunate-bordering-on-devastating things happening in my life. i was isolating myself and barely getting out of bed or eating. what was rough was that halloween is my favorite holiday so it was hard to get into the headspace to enjoy it until we got around to playing the game together
i found an online community during a time when i felt very disconnected with the community i used to have IRL and has since disintegrated due to the pandemic. i've lost a lot of friends over these past 2-3 years and it's still hard some days as i am trying to recover from a lifelong struggle with trauma
however, i've met some great people thru hoa and it's given me the inspiration/outlet to draw and write again when i hadn't done so for years. i look back at my first drawings for hoa a year ago and how much i've improved since then, even in writing. now i'm getting the itch to create original stories and take my art/writing seriously. being in fandom this past year has helped a lot in my recovery including safely exploring my gender and sexuality, trauma, educating myself on the world around me, and renewing old passions like learning about history. i love meeting new people from around the world and connecting together to enjoy something we love, to have fun, and relate to each other when so much terribleness is happening all over the place. kinda feels like the point of house of ashes and maybe that's why i love it so much
i'm going to start setting up my patreon and ways for folks to throw me some money if they're feeling generous. recently i had to quit a very toxic job due to racism/ableism and i'm not sure when i'll be in a good place to work full-time again. i wish i could draw and write every day for y'all and live comfortably but it's hard working solely as an artist nowadays. still, i have projects planned for the future - some horror related, kink related, original characters - and i hope y'all stick around. i'm not done with HOA yet
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
A list of things I want or need to do.....
Schedule driving lessons
Work on unicorn painting
Work on illustrations for steph book
Work on 'cinderell' comic rewrite/update
Laundry today
Dishes+ run dishwasher today
Schedule dentist appt
Schedule vet visit for Edison- he has a cold or allergies or something, also a growth on one of his toes??, and I want to really in-depth discuss a plan for his weight bc ive had no success. Also he's due for annual vaccinations presumably, so. (Wish blue pearl was not so expensive bc they now have Fear Free vet visits and the difference in his behavior when we went there last time compared to other vets weve gone to was just amazing. He was able to wander around the room and it didn't feel like a typical exam room for pets so he wasn't scared and hiding, he allowed the vet and assistant to poke and prod him and manhandled him even if he wasn't thrilled, he didn't cry or hiss or scratch anyone! But for regular vet visits they're really pricey :/)
Work on Eitan and Zahav story/comic
Work on iron man/dragonriders of pern au story
Buy parts for pvc watering system for garden (need to go with dad) and set up
Work on bookcase (with dad)
Window-shop/buy stuff for steph bridal shower (with ma or on my own, but the best store to go to is far enough I'd rather go by car, and it's more fun to go with someone else and discuss ideas and also less likely to impulse buy everything?)
Go to DSW to get new sneakers (with ma, access by car travel only and easier to have a second opinion on shoes. My current pair I have a hole in the top by my big toe...oops)
Work on website: photograph artwork professionally, edit photos, design website layout and complete that. Add artwork to portfolio gallery on the site, add my photo and about me info. Request refund for the dumb add-on I didn't realize was useless. Make the website what I want it to be. May need to learn coding. Need to slim down choices for artwork to include to only the best stuff it makes sense to include, not just things I like.
Design pride plants stickers/pins
Plan for rainbow enamel or just hard enamel autisticat pins. Also, keychains?
Rework/update etsy listings/items available...
Come up with additional ideas for products. Stickers/prints/pins...keychains?
Fulfil current etsy order - soon
Organize my room - try on clothing, go thru piles of stuff, figure out what to do with certain things and if the new bin will help what to put in it, decide what to put back into drawers and which ones for what items, go thru some other stuff like bank statements, organize receipts, etc
Put shelf above window above curtain rod for displaying some stuffed toys (need dad's help)
Hang up new Queer pride flag (need help, also it's way bigger than I expected so may need to fold some of it behind and stitch it to itself to fit on the wall, need help to pin it up on the wall and probably a second step stool at least)
Look for vases for bridal shower for flowers (with ma or solo)
Go thru and organize stuff on breakfast bar
Plan out a budget - figure out how much I tend to spend on different categories of stuff per week or every 2 weeks or monthly, figure out how much I earn in that time period (if it's weekly it's half of my pay bc I'm paid every other, if it's monthly gotta double that amt, also gotta average it out/pick a general usual amount since depending on how much OT I do my pay is more or less lol). Consolidate that info together to decide on a basic budget for each category/ overall spending for the time period.
make list of things I need/want to buy or tend to buy, marked with priority or how often for repeat purchases, compare with budget for what impulse items/wants I can acquire in a given time frame and which to save for the next etc
Get a new bike or get mine fixed...
Spend time outside/go on walk
Water plants
Draw for fun. Draw tony or stevetony or dragons or cats
Get ice cream at some pt like tomorrow night if I'm off Thursday or on Thursday if I'm off Friday 🥺🥺🥺
Plan days to do activities! Kayaking/beach/farmers market/street fair/museum. With steph?
Plan to do something fun w work friends outside of work
Pride fest: who is going with me?
Renfair when it's time???
Pay for tallis!!! Today preferably! Write check and take it over to shul?? (Or give to ma to take to services this evening or go with her?)
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yukihime242 · 9 months
It is that time of the year where I review my games played for 2023. However, this post is meant for Anticipating games for 2024. As such, if you wish to see my games played for 2023, you can go to either my Completed or Currently Playing post.
Without further ado, let's get into it!
1️⃣ Animal Crossing New Horizons
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(Picture Source: GameSpot thru' Google Image Search)
Yes, I know, I played it before but I am attempting to restart the game progress. I had a major overhaul of my gaming progress because I realised that I wasn't really getting anywhere when multi-tasking some of my games.
I had planned to pick up the game after I am done with my Pokemon Scarlet gameplay. I already had a theme in mind for my island but it is kind of down to luck on the colour of my airport and such. Unlike before, i am going to take my time with the gameplay and decorating my island. I mean, there's only so much I can do in one day...
2️⃣ Hogwarts Legacy
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(Picture Source: Fanatical thru' Google Image Search)
Hogwarts Legacy is one of my most anticipated games. While I have the means to buy it and play it anytime, I wasn't willing to fork out a huge sum of money... I gotta eat too, you know. Hence, the big discount finally came though it was strangely not part of the Black Friday sale.
While I am eager to start on this game soon, I am also quite concern about my memory space in my laptop. Anyway, I have every intention to play through all four houses. I know the story is the same but there are differences to some of the other quests too.
The only quest that I am not looking forward to, which I saw on TikTok months ago, is the one with the mannequins in a dark room. I think I most likely will be playing happy songs just so that I can sleep peacefully at night after that quest...
3️⃣ Palia
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(Picture Source: Nintendo thru' Google Image Search)
From what I have seen so far, Palia is like a mix between Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Stardew Valley. Pokemon mainly because you get to catch animals, I guess? And for Animal Crossing is because you get to decorate your own piece of land, and Stardew Valley because there's farming.
It's really your typical slice-of-life game except it threw in the fantasy genre too. I am quite eager to start playing it but my memory space isn't cutting it. However, it is still quite high up on my list of games to play.
That's probably it for now. I do have other games I want to play but probably not at this moment. The list above is just a glimpse of the games that i highly wish to play. I may or may not post regular updates about them since it is quite tiring to keep up with both Genshin and Honkai Star Rail.
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sitpwgs · 11 months
Hi!!! I'm so sorry I didn't reply until now. This week has been blah and I've felt more tired than usual. I love it all too and I loved seeing Long Live live so much, but I mostly understand why they were cut. I like everything how it is, but I would probably change the Evermore and Red songs the most. I would get rid of We are Never and I guess 22 for State of Grace and Red, which is an awesome opener and title track that sets up the whole album. I would not get rid of ATW 10 at all omg!!! For Evermore, I would probably get rid of Tis the Damn Season and Tolerate it, even though I like the table setup. I would probably put Gold Rush instead or maybe Long Story Short and would hypothetically want Evermore since it's another title track and my fav. I still liked her solo version of it too. I think I would try to add Our Song somewhere but it's a good thing its in the movie! I definitely love Look What You Made Me do with the other Taylors and the Don't Blame Me transition. The thing about rep to me..is I like every song but I don't really have specific favorites in the album as much. I feel the same way about 1989 sort of but Iove the singles, so I don't know if I would change anything on tour.
I am excited to hear it later tonight though omg!!! I forgot which song you said you were the most interested in or the most excited to hear. For me, I think it's still Slut and between Suburban Legends or Is it Over Now. Did you see the lyric snippets she posted and which songs do you think they were a part of? The first one reminded me of Holy Ground cuz of the coffee lyric mixed with a little bit of I Wish You Would but then someone said it was more chasing shadows in the grocery line lyric and I might prefer it if the song did have more longing actually so I guess we will see. That might also change what song I'll think it's from. When she did these for Midnights, I was pretty good at guessing a few of them. I am more interested in the pool lyric cuz of aquamarine for now but we will see if she shares another one later today too! Do you listen in order or vault first? I'm still gonna try shuffle for this one and see how it goes. If you have any other predictions for the songs, you can put them here. I am very curious on the sound, though I have no idea what it could be. I think there could be another slowish dreamy song and maybe it will be the new closer. Even though most of the songs are pretty short, I'm hoping they are still amazing and I'm sure they will be! Also, I wanted to ask you if you plan to listen to The Good Witch too cuz I really don't know if I should listen to Maisie or Taylor first. Like I feel like I wanna save Taylor for last but then I will be too excited..and maybe it depends on how long the album will be, but I also wanna hear Maisie's songs too, and I don't know what to do.
For Midnights, I honestly just consider the 3AM version the main version. I think when we heard it, it was all together cuz it was almost midnight and we were barely still getting thru the main album. I remember being the most excited for Midnight Rain, and Lavender Haze, and Antihero. I did not really like Midnight Rain on the first listen and my prediction of the song was wrong. I thought Lavender Haze might be an old fashioned 50s Broadway style love song from the way she talked about it and that was wrong lol. Antihero has become one of my favorites and I liked it when I first heard it but it wasn't an instant love either. The album grew on me a lot but my favorites have stayed mostly the same, and we have some of the same favorites! I think I'm going to listen to it later to get in a 1989 pop mood and I haven't heard it in a while.
Anyway I listened to Hollys album again and I think my favorites are Into Your Room, Ghost Me, Antichrist Lauren and Elvis Impersonators. Some of the songs blended and I think I need more time but I really enjoy the whole album. I think some of her older songs stand out to me more though at this point, like Scarlet and Walls are Way too thin.
Ya stunt casts are always sort of mixed for me, but if it works and gets more people to see shows, then I guess it's a good thing. Ya I was wondering how you felt about Jordan Fisher in the role. I knew it was rumored but didn't know it was confirmed, and I would be interested to see him in the role. I hope you have fun at the tour and I think seeing someone else might make a difference in a good way, even though I like Reeve. The only thing about the Waitress proshot is I'm not used to Sara in the role haha but I'm sure she's still good. Idk if I will see it yet but I do want to at some point and hope I don't forget about it. I realized I never got around to watching the Heather's proshot either, except it wasn't one of my favorite musicals. I seriously meant to watch Daddy Long Legs and Allegiance at some point..like I had both on my old computer, but never got around to it! I have listened to the cast recording of Daddy Long Legs though and know the basic plot and meant to watch the old movie version from the 50s. I remember one of the things my sister said was she has such an interesting voice too and thats why some songs would always get stuck in my head. I love She Loves Me and have seen a non pro shot version of First Date before. I've never had Broadwayhd but always wanted to check it out. I try to watch as many proshots as I can. I've never heard of Snapshots but it sounds interesting mixing Stephen Schwartz shows. Haha yes, we have actually already discussed Smash more than once in your asks but I do love it. I wonder what happened to the Smash musical. By the way, I heard Gatsby got mixed reviews but at least I think the costumes I saw made it look better and the sets were gorgeous!
Les Mis was great but now I can barely remember it! I can't believe I went but it almost doesn't feel like it. I loved him as Marius! He has a good voice and I always love Empty Chairs. My sister said she actually didn't care for Enjolras on tour and preferred Aaron in the movie and also that Jean Valjean sounded like Hugh Jackman from the movie, but it could be that we are too used to it even if I do love it..but seeing it on stage obviously just feels different and it's better. Just remember that reading or annotating is supposed to be a hobby so just take your time if you want, since it's so long. Eventually you will make some progress. Honestly I haven't had a lot of time for reading either if it makes you feel better. I did make time to start our buddy read which I wanted to do before I replied to you cuz I read that you said you didn't like it as much, and wanted to see how I felt about it. only read 2 chapters so far. I thought it was okay, but I think the thing that threw me off was that I never read third person so I would have to get used to that. If you don't want to read it anymore for now though, I can also start the Night Circus..even if it's not October anymore lol. Also I realized that I might have been confusing the Starless Sea with the book that you said you hated..the house in the cerulean sea lol. I realized I don't even know what that book is about but maybe I will try to find it if I like the Night Circus. But another person I follow said they loved the Starless Sea too and it's definitely one of their favorites so I might have to check it out. Oh I did not know that about Only Murders but I know the newest season revolves around a theater show and does have music or singing in it so thats awesome. Also..I actually know nothing about hockey at all! I remember it was a category on connections at one point and I was so clueless, but I hope you had an awesome time at the game! Anyway have a blast listening to the album tonight and I will reply with my reactions and opinions so we can talk about it!!!!
i was just thinking about you, friend! i've been looking forward to hearing from you, but no pressure on when you pop into my askbox 🤍 i hope your week gets better soon, and you get to rest this weekend!! do you have anything fun planned?
ugh i love state of grace — i do prefer the acoustic but it's such a good song. "mosaic broken hearts" is one of my favorite phrases that taylor's ever written. and i was lowkey always surprised gold rush never made it on the eras setlist, but then also a lot of things about the eras setlist surprised me (like no mashups). her solo version of evermore is so good; i really hope there's a live album of the surprise songs!
and i did! i think the 300 coffees one is from is it over now, but i'm not sure what the aquamarine one is from! othe chasing shadows line is so good too, i love cardigan. i'm still upset it was cut from the movie (despite understanding why she did that). i'm really bad at guessing things so we'll see! i would love a slowish dreamy song, but i feel like 1989 will be more pop upbeat stuff this time. i'm going to listen in order, but i might actually listen to maisie's good witch deluxe first and then 1989!
i'm still holding out hope for a 3 am vinyl. i love the way midnight rain is done on tour (i think a lot of midnights is perfect for touring, actually). i do think that 1989 and midnights seem more like sisters, than midnights/anything else — including lover; what do you think?
and yay!! i'm so happy to see that you listened to holly again! i do think some of them sound a bit similar, and i think that my favorites from her ep (scarlett, the walls are way too thin, deep end, etc) still outrank how i feel about my favorites on PMBB, but am curious to see how that'll change with more listens/over time!
i think jordan fisher will be great, vocally! there's been a lot of jokes about if he shows up to work (from when they were in deh) but i think jordan's always been a very strong vocalist and i'm really interested in his interpretation! i've never seen sara in waitress, but i have some friends who REALLY love her, so i'm excited to one day see the proshot! i am so bad at watching things — it's been years and i still haven't watched the come from away proshot either, and i love that show. i loveeee megan mcginnis' voice, it's so pretty! i also really like how she sings in some things are meant to be (little women)! i remember that now 😭 sorry! i haven't looked into the gatsby musical too much after we talked about it!! i'll look at some reviews and then we can chat about it next time :")
i'm so glad you got to see gregory as marius before he left!! i just love his marius! and yes — i am so excited to buddy read! are we still buddy reading both books? which book did you get two chapters into? happy to match your pace, obviously! i am finishing up an audiobook (hopefully tonight) and then am good to start something else! i love the starless sea! but i do hate the house in the cerulean sea!! the house in the cerulean sea is probably up there for my least favorite books of all time (for many reasons). if you want i'll also buddy read starless sea with you! a quick note for night circus — pay attention to the dates! i didn't realize it wasn't chronological the first time i read it and had to restart after a friend pointed it out to me.
wait do you play connections daily!! i play connections religiously; i love it. i had a blast at that game, and i feel like every time i go see a game in person i get more into the sport — i've been watching the last two kraken games online, which has been really fun (i used to lowkey just follow updates but now i'm watching from home and learning a lot more)!
by the time you read + reply, you'll probably have listened to the vault tracks + good witch deluxe so i'll leave you with some questions! what were your favorites, and initial thoughts? least favorites? how accurate were your predictions?
hope you're having a good weekend + have some time to rest!! xx
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I. AM. HERE!!!
OK SO first of all srry abt literally ghosting for like a month. now we're gonna pretend that didn't happen and i'll send here what i would have sent for each chapter so. get ready for a BIG wall of text.
29– tf??? free yn and soobin like???? don't get me wrong i'm glad beomgyu didn't appear again but not like this 😭😭 also hee's friends liking yn more than him. AS THEY SHOULD!!!
30. i'd kiss hee rn if he wasn't dating yn bc HE SAID WHAT NEEDED TO BE SAID!! i love how non-threatening mama kim sounds bc it's all through text but in my head i'm imagining the typical k-drama rich mom getting more and more pissed until her face is so red it looks like it'll explode (kinda wish it did 🤭)
31. love the hees sm. literally the chillest ppl alive. it's so funny how mama kim's plan just. didn't work and she's acting all high and mighty already like??? that's now how it works honey 😊 you're going down AS YOU SHOULD
32. MAMA KIM PRISON ARC??? IDK WHAT I EXPECTED BUT DEF NOT HER GETTING A LIFE SENTENCE 😨😨😨 deserved but like stillll!! also heeyn marriage pls <33333 i love them
first i have to ask. is soobin ok? and like his family?? bc idk if mama kim was being dramatic when she said his family NEEDED the marriage and i'm kinda worried :(
second. i just love sm how dramatic you made this smau 😭 the way i could picture so many of the scenes cristal clear even though i was just reading texts??? even the dramatic bg music that escalates when things get more serious and ppl start shouting
finally tysm for another great smau <33 i WILL SAY unexpected partners is still my fave bc it was how i started to know you but it's amazing how you can just. make such different stories but have both of them be so great??
PD: i will be checking out other smaus some time in the near future. might be tomorrow might be in 2 weeks bc i clearly have NO concept of time 😨
PD2: i wrote all of this at once and didn't reread it so sorry if it's a bit jumbled together but that's how my brain works </3
Hey, sorry I took some time to reply. I'm on holiday 😂.
I love a long ask let's get into this 😊.
29 - Free Soobin and YN 😂😂😂. So true, they needed to be freed from Mama Kim. Ngl, Beomgyu was gonna make a comeback but then I thought that Soobin would be a better option, low level drama ya know 😂. Obviously Hee's friends like YN more they see the difference in their friend. They see how happy they make each other and they just love to roast Heeseung 😂.
30 - I loved Heeseung taking Mama Kim down thru texts 😂. He did not hold back and I love him for it. Originally I planned for the confrontation to be a written chapter but then changed my mind and I love how the texts turned out. No I love that 😂😂. Mama Kim very much was inspired by kdrama villain mothers. She's a mix of kdrama rich moms and Indian soap opera evil mothers.
31 - The Hee's were my favourite too. I just loved writing the family dynamics this fic. The sibling bond between the Kim's and the Lee's being the chillest ppl in the world. They don't care abt anything as long as their son is happy.
32 - Mama Kim is going to prison for life and she's never coming back 😂😂. The villain gotta be taken down somehow neh. I always planned for marriage to be the endgame for Heeyn and I'm happy with how it turned out.
Final Notes:
Soobin and his family are completely fine. Mama Kim was exaggerating. Soobin's family was going thru it but not to the point that they needed marriage to save the family 😂. Ur like the only person who cared about Soobin, I really have been doing my bias dirty in my fics and I feel so bad abt it 😭😭😭.
That was always the goal. I wanted this smau to be dramatic and over the top. It honestly makes me so happy that you could picture the texts. With the BG music and everything, really makes me very very happy 🤗🤗🤗🤗.
Ah thank you so much for reading my fics 😭😭😭. I love your asks, they make my day whenever I get an ask from you so really I love them more than you do. Unexpected Partners does have a special place in my heart too ❤️❤️.
PD: Check them out whenever you have the time. No rush honestly, if you don't like the story don't read it. Please don't force yourself to read something you don't want to 🥺🥺🥺. All I ask is if you do read any one shot or smau that you send asks, I love them so send those my way please but again no pressure to read everything all at once. Whenever you want, my smaus and one shots aren't going anywhere.
PD 2: It's fine, my brain works that weirdly too. Everything made sense and as I said at the beginning. I love a long ask 😂.
Again sorry it took me some time to reply, I'm on holiday and finding free time and WiFi is a struggle 😂.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
Pinkpruneclodwolf doing more big brain things.Do I see Heartslbry dorm character analysis in the future.May I ask a free questions about your takes.You can skip any you don't feel like answering.
1-What got you in to Twst
2-You is your favorite character or dorm(or event (
3-Any unpopular opinions.
4-Spicey or sweet
5-How to feel about grim
6-What frustration do you have with the game
7-Are you following the manga(or are you reading any manga or anime)
8-Do you have any other games you recommend?
9-Do you think Yuu got more agency over the last chapters.
Have a good day.And thank you for your content.
I think what got me into twst was def was in 2019, I was on YouTube and I saw this video Otome Ayui I think translating twst and I was hooked okay then @broken-synchronicity came thru with Lost in Translation and it was over for me okay
I did have a lil hiatus in 2020 to late 2021 (I'm talking around May) and I honestly wasn't planning on being so active but something shifted as soon as I posted my lil story.
My fave dorm is Savanaclaw, yes I'm pulling an Epel, but it needs to be said bc Ruggie is by far my fave character there bc he just resonates with me.
An unpopular opinion of mine would have to be a whole post within itself but I'll give two:
Sebek's very much heavily mischaracterized because of his slow development which i chalk up to him being part fae, he's very arrogant towards those who he doesn't respect and his human peers which ends up distancing him from the first years (which is why Vil calls him a Cucumber instead of a potato)
And two: Trey is actually terrifying. Like he's in the leagues with Jade and Rook bc so many ppl over look his sadism in favor of him being the perfect lil male wife when it's been shown that he does get irritated/uncomfortable with people being too dependent on him— mostly because he's got that "average guy" thing that Jamil has going on but we at least know that's not the case for snake boy.
But if he's so average, how did he get accepted into a school of villains?
Uhhh, sweet, which why I side eye Sebek and Trey sometimes.
Pacing. The pacing of Savanaclaw and overall wonky writing still makes me upset since Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore (ignihyde hasn't finished so I cannot say) were all somewhat cohesive, some theorize that Savanaclaw isn't truly over but.....
I'll probably rwork my own lil Savanaclaw fix it but for now It'll remain in the drafts.
I don't really play phone games as much as I wished to (i haven't logged into fgo in a whole month and I just uninstalled obey me to free up space for twst). Subway surfers is always a safe choice tho.
I absolutely think Yuu has more agency this time around, and I'm glad to see it. I wonder where Chap 6 will take this new found energy or if its just until Yuu gets Grim back—
Also, I really enjoy Grim, he's the cat son I wish I had, very much a baby and reminds me of my lil sis. I'm hoping to see character growth tho, can't have the Great Grim learn nothing after all.
Thank you so much for the interview, I hope you remain in good health and grace during these times.
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needleandhammer · 3 years
Y'all, I just watched Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and this is a gonna be a spoiler-filled post of what I loved and what I wish we could get more of in the future or thru internet interviews or just anything pls. I write this as I listen to the Shang Chi soundtrack .😭
right away tho my first impression is that I love all the separate elements of the film; however, the storytelling felt choppy.
[film spoilers below!]
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- Speaking of soundtrack, it's one of the best mcu soundtracks out there, so much fcking heart in the main Xu Shang Chi track is2g just hearing it play gave me that thrilled feeling in my chest and then to hear it as Shang Chi and Xialing prepare to take down those soul suckers, 🙌
- OMG I know all of you have read at least once that the choreography was amazing but you'll hear it from me again because that shit had me drooling sitting in theatre wishing I could rewind and rewatch each fight scene over and over!
- Like, that bamboo forest fight between Momma Ying Li and Pops Wen Wu was a literal dance.
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- Wen Wu and Ying Li's love story is the ultimate reformed villain love story (pre-Ying Li's death).
- Ying Li was SUCH A BADASS. Wen Wu initially wanted to add her mythical village to his list of conquests and instead she said, bitch pls . And she looked beautiful while kicking his ass. 😍
- And I swear to high hell people need to film their fight scenes with better lighting 😤 SCATLOTTR wasn't terrible in this aspect but I still felt deprived when it came to the scaffolding fight scene
- Katy's "I love how you all know exactly what you want to do and spend your whole life getting real good at it..." ::i felt attacked and understood::
- I kind of love that dig at Katy and Shaun about how they're aimlessly living life instead of putting their talents to use. It acknowledges the anxiety and growing pains of folks like myself, unsure of where exactly I'm going and afraid to find out, heh
- I appreciate that the antagonism between Shang Chi and Xialing didn't last long. They united pretty quickly once they heard that Pops had lost his marbles.
- I fucking love Asian water dragons. Thanks for doing me a solid here.
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- never have i found bracelets so sexy on a guy's arms.
- Xialing has the heart of the dragon. gawt I love her.
- dragon vs mega soul sucker ::simping::
- Chinese mythical creatures existing on a parallel plane as ours, such a simple concept yet so powerful TT-TT
- Shang Chi and various leading characters speaking their mother language throughout the movie 💖
Now, here are all the things I want to know: how did 14 yo Shang Chi fake his identity; when did he meet Katy; what was his cover story, like did he just say he's an orphan?? How come he never checked up on Xialing bc that was cold; how many of the Ten Rings minions did Xialing beat up while she trained herself; who was Xialing's first kiss like I want to know everything about this wildly intense young woman who founded an underground fight ring??? do the kids plan to visit Ta Lo annually for special holidays? how tf did Trevor learn the language of the faceless winged puppies?
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frostbite-the-bat · 3 years
I've played thru Snowgrave but for some reason I am so starved for DR content I am just listening to a video that describes everything that happens in detail and like here's some thoughts I have from that or some thoughts I've been reminded of
(You know things r going down when Guzma starts typing more seriously)
1) Surprising I have not seen any Addison/Spamton angst of Noelle literally freezing/killing the pink Addison to get the ring (I mean it's obviously hinted at what she has done, even if it was during a black screen)
2) The slowed down remix version of the Cyber City theme is actually pretty cozy and calming, but hearing it in-game and knowing the context it's pretty terrifying. (Coming from someone who listens to daycore/slowed down music because I find it calming lmao)
3) I still can't fathom how some people can call Snowgrave Kris' fault. Same with Genocide run, but if you just look at the surface it's easy to guess it's Chara or something who's evil. (Please stop calling Chara evil, they're just a kid who has gone through a lot who is just as manipulated by your actions in Undertale as Noelle is in the Snowgrave route.)
It's the player, pushing Kris to do all these horrible things. Noelle does NOT know she's a video game character. She sees Kris as Kris. Her childhood friend and neighbor. She notes how weird they are acting all the time. It's obviously because you are now in control of Kris. We all know this, but I just feel like saying that to make things clear.
But there are still some people who say Kris is evil and that they're a creepy evil child who wants to murder everyone and since their choices don't matter, they will manipulate someone else to do it. Someone who can actually kill and affect Light world events.
Some of these people probably just can't take the responsibility that the real "evil" person is YOU. YOU can stop playing anytime. You can play through a regular route. But you decide to make Kris manipulate Noelle. It's not Kris' actions, it's YOURS. Kris is just a tool in what YOU want to do. YOUR actions do matter.
This is exactly what the game is trying to tell/teach us, and it just flies over some people's heads. Toby's games are famously meta and self-aware of being video games. There is a difference between the player character, WHO IS THEIR OWN PERSON WITH THEIR OWN LIFE. And the PLAYER. Who is also their own person with their own life. Except the player character, in Kris' case, basically falls victim to our control of them.
Hell, the point of a true pacifist route is basically... These characters are happy on this save file. They have everything. Everything has gone the perfect way. Why end it all? Why keep playing? It is a video game that is made to be played, so why not reset and experience it again? I think we're all guilty of this one, right?
Hell, in my own words I'm evil since I did Snowgrave route *just to see the changes and dialogue* and I plan on doing it AGAIN to see what I've missed. Kind of evil and fucked up, huh. These actions won't affect the real world much, we're not truly evil. But the game and characters don't see our thoughts or our own life. They just see the options we are given when we act up on them.
I can see younger fans believing that Kris/Chara are evil in their respective game's genocide routes, as I was one of them. But some of the older fans who can analyze games better who are at LEAST a bit invested into the story other than just the gameplay can surely understand that the weight of those actions goes onto the player.
Hell, I can't even make myself do a genocide run in Undertale, I can't bring myself to harm any of those characters I love so dearly. But in Deltarune, it was easier for me to do. Not only since I was doing it in a somewhat completionist way, but also because I wasn't the one directly doing the harm.
This shit is so well done, I have to give Toby huge props for that, you sly little dog.
Toying with our emotions since 2015
But god, I just wish people stopped calling Kris evil. Yes, they have odd interests, act weird sometimes and like to be mischievous and scare people. But they only start acting truly "weird" AFTER we control them. Kris is still a kid, who is going through a lot. They still love fun and being silly. They have moments where they act and react in their own way.
From a theory I have read I don't see many people notice is how Kris canonically doesn't like hugs, and Asgore apologizes when he hugs them in chapter 1. Why are we still being creepy and making Kris hug Ralsei all the time? They don't even like his tea as much. All of this affection comes from him and the PLAYER, not Kris. We are literally pushing Kris to be uncomfortable. They're under our control.
Hell, who knows, they might even have a memory of past playthroughs if we want to be extra meta.
No fucking wonder they break down and yell after Spamton's battle. Even that guy gets a better ending while they're still under our control. WE make Kris go through all of that. Spamton is literally hidden boss, we don't HAVE to fight him.
Kris clearly isn't evil. And like, I am not saying that you're an evil murderer if you do a genocide route. You're still just a person, a player, playing a game. As much as even I don't like admitting that, these are fictional characters. In a video game. They're written to say that. They don't physically exist in the real world. We can do anything with them, they're not real. They're not real people. Our actions don't TRULY harm them as they are not real, and they are all coded to do and say what they do.
We're just people, having fun and playing a video game for the gameplay, characters and the story. Your actions there can be evil, and you are still the one going to play the route that makes you see a route where these characters are hurt, and you don't have to d that. But it doesn't affect how you'd act in real life. Yes, fiction does affect reality in my opinion, but what I mean is - if you decide to do Snowgrave it doesn't mean you're not a master manipulator and murderer.
I have seen some people be very upset when being told that they're evil and that the responsibility of the bad routes is on their shoulders, so I wanted to say all of this as it may be comforting. Well, in a way. Not everyone is that comforted having to be reminded their favorite characters are not real. (Trust me, I'd know)
But if it helps people distinguish the "player" "character" and Kris, it'd mean a lot. It'd help a lot with understanding the story.
And truly, anyone can read a story and twist it in their own ways, so I am not telling you how to think. But missing story points just because you don't want to be responsible is kind of dumb to me.
This was a long one, but I tend to ramble a lot and I had a lot to say since I'm passionate about this stuff, so if you've read all of this, thank you
I'll add more stuff later as I go in reblogs, but this is it for now, since my third thought/point I wanted to make is making this wayyy too long
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Across time | Akaashi Keiji x F!reader [soulmate!AU]
for this one i tried a little bit of world building to put more context into some stuff as i suck at accurate and realistic historical aeras, this ended up being WAY longer than planned oof also YES i 100% took the well idea from Inuyasha👉🏽👈🏽
- Moeru Fukuro means blazing owl
- au where the reader finds themselves enamored far beyond the limits of alternate timeline and universes
[Tags] : @raevaioli @chenle @lcaita and @lceiji
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- it was all because of a stupid dare
- it's a shame you agreed to do anything when more than 50$ were on the line (O.O)
- your friends from high school thought it seemed like SUCH  a good idea to dare you to spend 3 hours in the woods next to your house in exchange for 60$
- the 3 hours of course starting from midnight
- but you weren't one to back down from that kind of stuff
- no sir
- the only thing you had to do was to wait by the abandoned well surrounded by trees without anything to distract you (you trusted them with your phone anyway)
- tonight wasn't even that cold anyway
-so here you were, waiting for time to pass as you listened to the sounds around you
- you found it absolutly mesmerizing, how everything around you had its own identity through the sounds made
- you had always felt calmer in moments like these, by yourself at nighttime, just taking everything in
- you had been to this well many times before, the old lady who lived accross from your appartment told you that it was used as  a wishing well most of the time
- she spoke of how many people through the times had thrown coins into the unsettling darkness of the pit and wished for true love and stuff like that
- the other day, you had found her there and she told you about how that very same well helped her meet her soulmate
- you hardly believed her
- the wishing part ? Okay. It's a normal thing to throw coins into fountains and wells and pray for things. But soulmates ? That seemed like a reach
- so you felt pretty dumb for staring into the dark pit of most likely freezing water as intensely
- you also felt pretty dumb for making sure that you brought a coin with you on this outting
- okay maybe......the idea of finding your soulmate was not so repulsive.... (◡‿◡✿)
- you didn't hope it would work too hard but still.....just sayin that it would be nice
- so, you threw the coin, listening to its sound as it came in contact with the water at the bottom after a long fall and you started praying
- "i don't really know how this is supposed to be done but....if the stories are true can i please meet the love of my life ? If not possible i also accept checks and cash (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- you didn't really mean the money part
- but you know.....getting rich isn't that bad
- at that moment you felt smart for bringing a hoodie because ???? The wind was extremely strong all of a sudden like ?? Sheesh
- you were about to sit down and cuddle into your hoodie for warmth but then u SWORE U HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE WELL
- and you aint crazy but you're about dumb enough to lean your head above the opening to hear better
- i think you know where this is going....
- the wind's strength had you tumbling down the well in no time
- time seemed to slow down as you plummeted toward the surface of the water
- soon you came in contact with it, cold soaking your clothes and hurting all the way to your bones. You could see the moon thru the suprisingly clear water as well as the bubbles from your last reserve of air, all this caused you to pass out.
- in the capital of the kingdom MoeruFukuro, they were many things ; from kind townfolks, to golden rice paddies and from a gorgeous royal castle to roaming forest demons
- you heard me right
- the lands around were infested by demons and spirited who manifested at night, some benevolant and others not so much
- thankfully for the royal priest Tsukishima's magical talismans placed all around the town, the people could leave in peace, the malignant creatures knowing better than trying to overcome the spells
- the capital could pride itself all around the country for having ones of the most powerful and smart array of people there ever were in addition to being prosperous from the folks' trade businesses
- for example, in the royal palace, you could find as forementionned priest and mage; Tsukishima Kei, legend has it that he was blessed by Kaguya, the goddess of the moon herself in order to have such knowledge of spells
- there was also General Kuroo Tetsurou, who had his fair share of tales and admirers alike, the biggest one being the one in which he had saved a thousand men from a demon by sacrificing himself, earning its respect and protection in battle
- obviously there was the crowned prince, Bokuto Koutaro. Well he might seem a little air headed and childish at first sight but he takes his duties very seriously even if they consist in little things such as gathering the peoples' eventual complaints himself, some people going as far as saying that he is the closest thing to a god on earth
- and then, wherever Bokuto went, it would be near impossible to forget about his right arm and advisor, the wise and renowned astronomer Akaashi Keiji. If Tsukishima had been blessed by the moon goddess then many people believed that Akaashi was the one who tought Omoikane, god of wisdom and intelligence himself, everything he knew. He was everything people wished they were, calm, good looking, creative, reasonable and intelligent beyond mesure. No wonder he was the one Bokuto trusted the most by his side
- studying the sky also brought Akaashi much knowledge on seasons and the movements of stars and such, providing help to both the people and Tsukishima
- Akaashi did not live in the castle however, well technically yes but he did have a workshop of his own a bit farther in the territory, where he could dedicate himself to staring at the night sky he loved so very very much from his makeshift observatory/rooftop
- he also had a lovely well near his observation tower that Tsukishima had passive agressively insisted on cleansing for him (>.<)
- so there he was, in this particularly enchanting night
- something about that full moon, shining stars and clear sky just about almost got some tears out of him
- but he was interrupted when he heard a low growl from beneath his observation tower
- naturally he looked down to where it came from and saw a fire fox spirit inching suspiciously close to an unconscious girl on the ground near the well
- the demons avoided the talismans yes but that far from the heart of the city trickster spirits and ghouls could just about do as much chaos as they pleased
- rushing to get down, Akaashi took his bow and arrows ready to get rid of the spirit and make sure the girl, no matter how strange her clothes looked like, was safe
- it was fast work, his arrows reaped through the night air seemingly at lighting speed and quickly made the spirit disappear
- muttering a small banishing prayer he picked up the passed out girl and brought her on top of his observatory
- she was dry but she was still shivering from the cold
- "she must not be used to the cold" thought the young astronomer, taking off his haori to put on top of her frame and sitting down next to her, looking downwards at her now relaxed features
- he did not know why he brought her up there but right now it just felt right. So he went on with looking at the sky, resting his hands flat on the ground near his sides
- you were awake, enough to feel a warmth next to you but not enough to open your eyes yet
- you thought that you'd fallen asleep after making the wish and that your friends had carried you back to your room or something
- but it was to cold to be true
- you peaked slightly from between your lashes and were met with a GORGEOUS night sky
- usually in your city, the sky was too polluted to be able to see that many
- and the full moon seemed closer than usual, bewitching, enchanting, almost asking you to come to her, so in a way you did
- now fully awake, you outstretched your hand toward the celestial body, not really thinking in the moment
- "you're awake ! How are you feeling ?" said a silvery soft voice, almost similar to a whisper
- so similar you thought that you were still dreaming as it was the same one you've heard before imagining falling into the well
- your train of thought was quickly cut short by the feeling of warm hands around your own outstreched one
- oh this was definitly real
- you sat up im a swift movement, looking around you and only seeing trees and rice paddies, as well as the lights of a town in the distance
- you almost didn't hear the man's voice over your own rapidly beating heart
- almost
- "Everything's okay now, calm down" he said, probably noticing your panic and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
- his words seemed to immediatly sink into your very soul at the second they came out of his mouth, and worst is that you thought that if it meant to be marked in such a way you would be glad to have your soul inked all over with just his words
- but you still didn't know him so you kept that thought to yourself
- "who are you and where am i ?" Your voice was so shaky and your mind so foggy that you weren't even sure if they ever made it out of your throat
- but Akaashi heard you loud and clearer than anything before, just touching your hand had seemed like such a common task but the needle like sensation that ran up his whole arm begged to differ, he regained his composure fast though
- "my name's Akaashi Keiji and you're in the kingdom of MoeruFukuro" he made sure to speak as softly as possible, never letting go of your hand, fearing that maybe, if he let go you would disappear back into the wind
- ".....my name's Y/N L/N....listen i don't think im supposed to be here- well more like...now"
- "what do you mean ?"
- and so you explained to him how you actually came from the 21st century in what you could only assume to be another timeline and universe, trying to sound as calm as possible
- because well, you weren't dumb, and castle as "cool and fantasy anime looking like that" were not so common
- Akaashi kept drinking in your voice, painfully aware of every movement of your face, every little speaking quirk and tones, never breaking contact
- he was fast in reassuring you on his own world, he spoke of his life, of his friends and of the castle, not leaving out the fact that demons and spirits were a common factor, carefully choosing his phrasing and explaining with the most concise words
- explaining so well that you felt as if you already knew all these things, deep in yourself
- and time passed
- you soon found yourself laying on you back, fingers still intertwined with the royal astronomer, talking about your lives, as if you were desperatly but as easily as breathing trying to make the other remember your existence, trying to get a part of your souls back
- the silence of the night made your voices reach the other in an almost pieircing melody, the deep blue and silver sky as your only witness of this moment
- "so you're an astronomer right.....why do you like the stars so much Keiji ?"
- oh man did he love hearing you say his name, it sounded like the rarest music he's ever heard coming from you
- "i guess it just comes easily to me....i've never felt lonely in the castle, my friends are supportive and strong even though i've never been particularly good with people....when i come here for reasons other than work and stare at the sky, it feels like im finally walking in my own feelings, finally able to search for something that i somehow always wanted..."
- he turned to your face and swore that he saw many more stars in your eyes than he has in his whole life and continued on
- " it feels- it felt like trying to find a part myself that had been fragmented and thrown into the universe....a part of myself that was very much more human than i thought"
- "oh" was all you could muster between that and the flood of feelings that was inside your heart
- you felt like you were running out of time.
- you felt like you had to make the most out of this precise instant.
- you suddenly jerked up, making Akaashi jump at the sudden move
- he sat up with you, facing you, unsure of what  that was all about
- " Keiji !" You said, full of determination despite the advanced hour of the night, and when he nodded and smiled, humming slightly as response you took it as your greenlight to continue
- " Let's find each other again ! Whether it be in this life or another ! We're bounded together now and im sure whichever gods brought me to you will make it happen again no matter what. So you have to promise me before it's too late....don't forget about me !"
- Akaashi's eyes bore into yours with as much intensity as yours and returning the smile you wore on your face
- he let go off your hand for the first time that night and you felt as if an invisible countdown just started somewhere
- he took of a teal and marine blue colored thread bracelet that he wore and put in on your wrist, it had a small crescent moon symbol made of nacre on it....how in character
- how....him
- "there. That way i won't ever forget you. I sure hope you don't forget about me either"
- the last thing your remembered was the gorgeous yet so undoubtfully sad smile of the astronomer before waking up, warm, in your own bed
- you looked around in a hurry and little did you know, you were back into your appartment's bedroom
- you figured it was just a dream
- and yet your heart was still beating against your ribcage and tears were stinging your eyes
- you looked at your phone to check the time since the sun had already went up and your eyes fell on the bracelet you were wearing on your wrist
- you wasted no time in DASHING out of your appartment straight to the old lady's, well too aware that what had happened last night was definitely not a dream
- as you rung the doorbell you were too busy trying to calm your heart that was still trying to beat out of your chest to hear an all too familiar voice from inside the appartment saying "i'll take this"
- the door opened and you almost fainted
- "hi ! Im Akaashi Keiji your new neighbor from next door.....have we met before ?"
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bella-ca · 5 years
Bound: A TRR AU
Mireya has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1,060
Mija*- My Daughter
Chapter 5
2 Years ago
You run upstairs to see a group of werewolves
attacking your family. You see your family fighting off
the werewolves. They managed to kill a few of them,
but there are too many. You fire off as many shots as
you can and are immediately attacked by two
werewolves. As you fight them, you can hear your
sister scream.
You look over to see your mom on the floor.
Your dad fighting trying to get to her. You see
another werewolf attacking your sister. “No!” you
scream as you kill the other wolf that was attacking
You run to your sister as you throw your dagger. It
howls but does not stop. You pull your dagger from
its back and continue to stab it until it falls no longer
moving. You take your sister in your arms but she is
already gone. No! Not again! you think flashing back
to when your friends died. Your mom is on the floor
bleeding out and your dad is fighting off the last two.
You attack one killing it as your dad fights the other.
Once they are dead. You rush to your mom covering
her wound to stop the bleeding. Your dad rushes over
to Sofia, He starts to cry seeing her dead. He gives
her a kiss. He then goes to your mom cradling her
head in his lap. Both of them crying.
“Mom” you say your voice cracking with sobs.
“Please don't die. Don't leave us.” you plead. Your
mom smiles, tears and blood streaking down her
face. “I wish I could mija but I won't be in this world
much longer. You are special Mireya. Your blood is
“I know mom. Im a Villalobo, a hunter.”
“No mija, you don't understand, but you will. I left
you a letter explaining. Its in my room in my dresser.
It will explain everything.”
“I love you Mireya.” She says.
“She then looks to your father and whispers
something in his ear. He nods kissing her.
Your mom looks at your father then you. She then
looks past you and smiles. you turn around. No one is
there. You look back at her and she is still looking
past you.
She smiles. “Sofia and your friends are waiting for
me.” she says and with those words she closes her
You sob knowing your mother is gone. You look to
your dad and only then do you see that he is also
hurt. He has a bite mark on his neck and it wont stop
“Mireya, there's no time, I've been bitten. We need to
stop the transformation.
“No! I wont lose you too. I don't want to be alone,”
you plead.
“Mireya, this is the only way you know that. The only
way I can stop this is through death. I won't be a
monster.” He says looking into your eyes. You nod
unable to speak.
“You are strong mija, your mom was right you are
special. Read the letter. It will explain everything. Be
strong Mireya. You will get thru this and I will always
be with you. You are ready.”
He hugs you one last time. As you watch he takes his
silver dagger and plunges it thru his heart. He smiles
at you before he closes his eyes and you hear sirens
in the distance.
Liam sits in his office. His mind once again on Mireya
and his people. There is a knock on the door.
“Come in” he says. Drake enters.
“There's been an attack on Mireya and her family.
She is the only survivor.”
Liam sits there a minute stunned before speaking.
“Who is responsible?”
“I don't know for sure, but I suspect it's Nicolas.
Drake says.
“She will be coming for us then. She will want
revenge.” Liam says.
“Do not let her out of your sight and prepare the
pack. If she does come after us, we will be ready.” He
Drake nods leaving the office. His heart aching for
Mireya. His own feelings conflicting with what his
King, his Alpha wants. He spent years watching
Mireya from a distance. He watched her grow from a
teenager to the beautiful strong woman she is. How
he wishes he can take Mireya in his arms. How he
wants to comfort her and tell her she is not alone. If
he did that he would be putting her as well as himself
in danger. Betraying his pack would surely be death
for him and her. He calls Bastien and informs him of
Liam’s plans and he heads back to Mireya’s
apartment once more. He may not be able to see her
but just knowing he's near her puts him at ease.
After the funerals, you sit in your new home. You
could not live in your parents house anymore. The
memories too painful. You sit in your bedroom. A
bottle of tequila in one hand and your mom’s letter in
the other, you set the bottle on the nightstand and
open the letter.
If you are reading this then I am no longer alive. There is something you must know. You are truly special. While I was pregnant with you, I was attacked by a werewolf. He managed to cut me with one of his claws on my belly before your father killed him. When your father stabbed him, some of his blood got into the wound on my belly. It was still early in my pregnancy so I wasn't very big yet. There was a small puncture in your embryonic sac. Wolf blood does not harm us, but we don't know how it would affect a growing fetus, how it would affect you, a Villalobo. When you were born, I noticed a small birthmark on your hip in the shape of a crescent moon. I then knew the prophecy had been fulfilled. You are special Mija, a child of the Sun and Moon. The blood of the werewolf mingled with your own. You are both human and wolf. You are our salvation. Your fathers journal should help with the many questions you have as well as our Family’s book. I’m so sorry I’m not there to tell you in person. I love you so much and I will always be with you in spirit.
All my love always,
Chapter 6
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
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@bobasheebaby @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @hopefulmoonobject @alj4890 @super-secret-fandom-blog @thequeenofcronuts @indiacater @katurrade @furiousherringoperatortoad
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blogsmog · 4 years
Lessons Learned in 2020
1…2…3….exhale and breathe. 2020 was a rollercoaster of a year, wasn't it? I felt like there were many times throughout the year where I was just holding my breath. Not sure what to expect next. Throughout the majority of my life, I have written in a journal. It’s a way for me stay somewhat sane and a way for me to reflect on my life. When I started writing about 2020, I realized it was far too easy to write on all the things that went wrong this year. The list could have been endless- but there were lessons learned in 2020. In fact, there were many positive takeaways from this crazy year. And here are the items that I am taking with me as we leave this year behind.
A life where love does
Three years ago, I read Bob Goff’s book, “Love Does.” Throughout this book, Goff shares personal stories that have changed his perceptive and thinking throughout his life. He commits to a life where he chooses to love everybody always. The book completely changed my entire outlook on life and I too decided that I was going to life a life where love does.
In 2020, I felt like we needed this more than ever. In a year that seemed to be filled with gray skies, we needed a little bit of sunshine. So, I tried to do just that. From sending little handwritten notes of encouragement to offering my photography services in ways that I could give back. For me to stay in a good head space, I needed to love others as much as possible this year.
Bob Goff also has a podcast called, “Dream Big.”  I would listen to an episode about once a week throughout this year. On one episode he chatted with Amy Grant and she said something that really stuck with me. While explaining one of her aspirations in life, Grant said, “I don’t plan to die with a savings account. I would like to die having been like a fire hose. A fire hose of generosity, that’s my dream.”
And that’s exactly how I felt about this year. And in regards to my life. I know that there is a purpose for everyone on this Earth. And I truly feel like mine is to help and love. And whether that is through financial support, emotional/listening support, or community service- I will do it. 
As I get older, I do often feel a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. So many people have helped me throughout my life. But this year, I felt more gratitude for the simple things in life. I was fortunate this year to have a job and to be able to provide a roof over my head. Many others were not. I remained fairly healthy throughout the year- while others did not. The point is that I am thankful to have what I have. And I recognize it all. 
I’m a photographer and it hit me this year that some of the photos I have taken of families were their last photos together. Some of those family members unfortunately passed away this year. And yes, that’s a part of life. But I am incredibly grateful and humbled to have been given the opportunity of documenting a milestone in their lives. To know that one day they will explain that family photo to another generation in their family means something to me.
If you lost a friend or a loved one in 2020, I am so sorry. My heart aches for you. And while my words will never be enough for what you are experiencing this year, please know that I am saying a prayer for you.
Music is the Ultimate Escape
Music is the ultimate escape and possibly the cure to many things. In 2020, I listened to a lot of music from past decades. At the beginning of the pandemic, I couldn’t stop listening to music from the 90s. Songs that I would listen to on car rides with my mom as a kid. Then, I started listening to a lot of oldies from the 60s. Now I am on to the 80s. I returned to mostly old music because of the nostalgia. Which I imagine many others did too during this year.
Taylor Swift released an album peak pandemic  called, “Folklore.” Instead of Swift writing from her usual personal narrative, she drew from inspirations of isolation and wrote songs that were told from different point of views. An album that truly fit 2020 because it was written in a sense of reflecting back on past years of life.
Then just five months later, she dropped a sister album titled, “Evermore.” This album continued the writing style that listeners were able to experience from Folklore. While listening to these albums, I often visioned the stories of the songs inside my head. In a way, they were albums of escapism. I’m not just saying this because I am a die hard Taylor Swift fan- but I feel as if these albums could be two of the best albums of 2020. If you haven’t listened to them yet- I encourage you to do so. Listen to each album from start to finish for your first listen....as you always should. (;
When the pandemic first started, I spent a little too much time in the kitchen…..and at the Chick Fil A drive thru. I decided to really start working on my health, physically and mentally. I increased my workout routine by adding CrossFit into my life. I never really thought I would become one of those people who wakes up at 5:00 am to workout, but here we are-2020 baby. Since adding CrossFit into my life, I feel more energized than ever. It’s like a domino effect: You see results and feel better- so you slowly start to make other healthier changes throughout your lifestyle.
I started feeling really good mentally too. My head feels like it’s in a better mindset and space because of CrossFit. And here is where I get really honest- I struggle with loving myself sometimes. I am my biggest critic and can often be the meanest person to myself. I realized this year that in order for me to fully commit to a life of loving others, I could not possibly do that if I didn’t fully love myself. So, I have worked on changing the way I think and talk to myself. I am giving all of my fears and doubts to God and trying to spend less time controlling everything. I am learning to live a life of forgiveness and moving on from childhood insecurities.
This is something that I am always going to have to work hard at. And so many others struggle with this too. We just don’t talk about it enough. If you’re in the mental health boat, I am rooting for you.
Dolly Parton is the Queen
Do I really  have to explain this one? Growing up in East Tennessee, you almost are born into loving Dolly. I knew about her and liked her, but it wasn’t until the last year or two that I really realized how awesome she is.
Back in 2019, I listened to a podcast titled, “Dolly Parton’s America.” The podcast features interviews with Dolly, a visit to her actual Tennessee Mountain Home, and more. It was by far one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to and it made me really appreciate Dolly. From her childhood to her work ethic to her creativity. 
2020 worked hard, but Dolly Parton worked even harder. When most of the world seemed to pause, Dolly kept on doing what she does best: loving others and giving back. From donating money to help fund the COVID-19 Vaccine to continuing to support East Tennessee- she just kept on giving and giving.
I read an interview with Billboard Magazine where Dolly made the comment, “To whom much is given, much is required. So I look at my life with that every day and think that’s what God expects it of me. I expect it of myself and think people expect it of me. If I can be an inspiration, then I want to be that. That makes me feel good.”  And that really stuck with me for the majority of this past year.
For the past couple of years, I have felt like I was in this strange relationship with my hometown. Part of me was not sure why I moved back after college, part of me wanted to establish myself, and part of me wanted to just move to a new city and start over.
But in 2020, I realized that I am completely content and happy with living back in my hometown of Clinton, Tennessee. The amount of people who have encouraged me and supported me as I have pursued my career and dreams has been incredible.
While reading another one of Bob Goff’s books (Yes, here I go again talking about Bob Goff), “Dream Big,” he said something about community that really spoke to me. He said, “As you pursue your ambitions, you’re going to need some hands to hold and some friends to love you so you don’t drift into open waters.” 
And that is exactly what 2020 brought to me- a community of people who completely listened to my crazy ideas and didn’t shut them down, but encouraged me and supported it.
My grandmother was the most influential person in my life. She had a strong love and dedication to Anderson County. Not only do I want to fulfill the legacy that she left behind, but I truly want to see my hometown thrive. I want to help it grow and I want to give back to a community that has given so much to me.
Learning to be Content
Throughout the past few years, I have craved the next big thing. I would achieve something off of my mental check list and instead of taking the time to enjoy it- I would be ready for the next thing. I have been working on changing my mindset and becoming more content with where I am at in life. By doing so, I feel as if I am more present and able to truly appreciate what I have.
If there’s anything we learned in 2020, is that life is too short. We take advantage of what we have. I don’t want to look back on a time in my life and think, “I wish I would have appreciated that longer. Wish I would have realized that was exactly what I needed.” 
Final Words
In Dream Big, Goff writes, “Our Legacy will be the amount of love and hope and encouragement we release into the world, our self-awareness and our other-awareness, and our willingness to adapt and adopt new approaches as we evolve.”
2020 was 100% that year. I can’t sit here and say it was completely terrible, because there were many teachable moments. But I can say that I am happy to say goodbye. In 2021, I plan on continuing to live a life where life does, listen to more Taylor Swift, read more Bob Goff, and hopefully step out of my comfort zone a bit more. I’m not sure what will happen, but I am ready for anything.
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Ali & Ro
Ali: Soooooo Ali: How'd your date go? Ro: I'm not sure who you meant to send this too, but perhaps try again? Ro: You can't mean me Ali: Coy, that's how you're playing it, I see Ali: Solid choice 😉 Ali: You and Drew musta been agonising over coffee options then Ro: What are you talking about, Ali? Ro: It was just a coffee stop for everyone, rehearsal fuel Ro: You know full well I've never been on a date Ali: I know full well that was just a ploy for some alone time with you Ali: and not yet but it is so clearly on the cards! Ali: I'd start dropping hints now, otherwise who knows where you'll end up Ro: Don't be ridiculous? Drew isn't remotely interested in me like that Ro: Why would he be? He has his pick of girls at school, and beyond the gates, too I'm sure Ali: Because you're you and he should be so lucky Ali: A bombshell with brains to boot Ali: Yeah, he's got a rep but he's being uncharacteristically sweet with you so, taking him at face value Ali: Anyway Ali: What do YOU think of him? More importantly Ro: Oh no no, this isn't a transformation story whereby I take off my glasses or get my braces taken off finally and am suddenly considered good enough for the protagonist Ro: Besides, I'm not even smart, just a hard worker Ro: Most importantly, he's always sweet with Meena so it's hardly uncharacteristic Ro: Other than knowing him as her kind older brother and Caleb's friend I really don't, know him that is Ali: Oh hush ignoring the fact that art is always a poor imitation of life and not the other way 'round Ali: He's love interest #1 at best, potential to be more if he sticks to his lines Ali: You're the loveable protagonist, silly Ali: Hmpf, fine. Would you like to know him better then? Ro: Of course, like I said, he's kind and sweet and Caleb's proven himself to be a good judge of character Ro: I just fail to see why he'd be interested in getting to know me, beyond being civil to me for the aforementioned reasons of mutual connections with important people Ro: He's Drew Goldsmith and I'm me Ro: We're incompatible given even the little we are both aware of concerning each other Ali: Well, I dunno about that, I think he's a fool and my evil plan is working 😏😂 Ali: Because he fancies you Ali: Potentially Ali: This stuff can defy usual logic, for better or worse, opposites CAN attract or repel in the case of humans Ali: But he wants to find out, I know this practically for a fact (of course, I haven't asked, don't worry) so its up to you to decide if you do too Ro: I have no idea what you believe you possess in terms of knowledge about his attractions or intentions but I highly doubt you're right in so far as him fancying me Ro: Sorry to say Ro: He may look like Connla of the Golden Hair but I am by no means a fairy maiden Ro: If only I could be noble born, never grow old or indeed never die Ali: Have you forgotten what happened to the last person to question my omniscience, sister? 🤔🍄💀😉 Ali: And have you also forgotten who and what you are, 'just because they told us too Ali: Cannot believe what I'm hearing here, I refuse to! Ro: of course I haven't Ro: but perhaps I should try and grow up, or at least be more realistic, when it comes to this Ali: Never! We do live in those green and pleasant hills after-all Ali: Won't stroke his ego as hard as to say UNLIMITED pleasures await but Ali: Everyone is positively like a silly child when it comes to love Ro: It isn't love though and therein lies the issue Ro: Simply a silly crush on my part and polite interest on his Ali: It rarely is at first sight Ali: and there's nothing polite about how keen he is Ali: See where it takes you, that's all Ali: he's clearly going to be hanging 'round jam seshs' and the like as long as you're about so whatever it will be, its inevitable Ro: I thought it would be, the whole charade of fireworks when our eyes collide and butterflies in my stomach. Everything clear and definite Ro: I'm afraid of whatever this is Ali: That's just horniness Ali: You just have better restraint than romance novel writers, is all Ali: Its aright to be afraid, its new and unknown Ali: Here be monsters Ro: Well that is comforting, especially if it ensures I won't fall as hard and fast as those heroines do Ro: particularly if I'm destined to do so alone Ro: Okay...but what if the monster is revealed to be me, in his eyes anyway, what if he gets to know me and doesn't like what he discovers Ali: Sure it was the corsets, poor girls could barely breathe, makes swooning all the more likely, those dastardly dandies! Ali: Then he's as bad, and ignorant (and MORE scared of the unknown than you feel right now), as every explorer who wrote natives off as savages Ali: You are far from a monster in every sensible definition Ali: Misunderstanding maketh monsters Ali: So that'd be on him, can't control other's perceptions but he isn't going to think you are, there's just no reason to Ro: I know you're right but Ro: I just suppose I wish I could control something Ali: I know Ali: Well, one thing you can control is your yay or nay to whatever he's offering up Ali: Not suggesting you have to make the first move, or put it all out on the line, 'cos he definitely will Ali: #gentleman Ro: That much is definite Ro: We should call another rehearsal, allow you to guide my vision to where yours currently reside so I'm not blindsided Ro: because I'm just not seeing what he wants with me Ali: Absolutely Ali: I'm really feeling the whole band thing too Ali: Are you enjoying it? Ro: Unexpectedly so, yes Ali: Right? I think everyone is Ali: Its something Ro: I've never played in front of that many people outside of a recital setting, I thought I'd mess up but it wasn't like that at all Ro: And everyone there seemed really into it Ro: Who knew there was so much respective talent surrounding us? Ali: Mess ups are more than welcome but you're flawless Ali: Me me me! 😊 Ali: Toying around with the idea of doing some local performances Ro: Flawless was you and Caleb Ro: I've never heard your voice so complimentary in a duet before, don't tell Marlene Ro: Oh? I think the others would be into that Ali: 💕 Ali: Might get her so raging she'd have to join us to prove you wrong Ali: I know it probably sounds a bit soon but like you said, performances are so different to practice and whatnot Ali: People would vibe Ali: There's all the places I've done solo, they'd be chill, and you know Suggs? Left School this year gone Ali: He's having a big Bday party for his gf and he's asked if I could do something Ro: Terrifying as it'd be to make a possible enemy of her, she's a very good bassist Ro: Very true, and too much practice can make it sound too rehearsed which clearly isn't what you're going for with this Ro: I heard Caleb talking to Drew about potentially performing at the restaurant so he'd be excited for sure Ro: Hm...I'm not certain I know who you mean but a gig's a gig Ro: Would he be alright with you bowing out as a soloist? Ali: She is Ali: She's gonna come around on her own tho, I know her Ali: She's just pouting Ali: Understandably, I'm not being as glib as I sound, just, we weren't right Ali: Exactly! That would be chill, you've gotta come thru with me just to get food, it's delicious and its beautiful Ali: Yeah, of course, one person can only rock out so hard solo Ali: Even if that one person is me Ali: Like, Bowie had a band, ya feel? Ro: I trust you and your intuition Ro: When's the party? Ro: I need to mentally prepare Ali: ✌ Ali: we've got 2 weeks to prep, assuming he doesn't get his arse dumped Ali: awkies, want us to play you out honey? 😂 Ro: Funeral march for his ego Ro: If the stars are good to me I'll make 2 weeks of wishes Ro: Should suffice Ali: Brilliant Ali: I'll check our charts Ali: Pull out some eyelashes if necessary Ali: The stars will fall and align for us Ro: I have faith Ro: Have you told the others yet? Ali: I haven't actually, I'll drop it in the group chat later Ali: Seeing Caleb tonight so I'll discuss the finer points with him then Ro: Good idea Ro: Oh yes, I'd forgotten it's your date night! Ali: As long as he hasn't we'll be fine 😋 Ro: Have you done his chart? If not he has perfect eyelashes to steal Ali: Not yet Ali: Been getting quizzed myself by his Ma Ali: Fair 'nuff but no time to sneak in so hey Ms Cavante, where was Caleb born and at what time exactly? #witchgirlproblems Ro: How very unfair Ro: Tonight could be the night Ro: I've already got the cards out here, questioning myself Ro: The spread's favorable for the party to go well for us as performers Ro: [Sends her a picture of the tarot] Ali: Knew we'd ace it but with the fates on our side we CANNOT fail Ali: are you asking about the Drew sitch? Ro: Perhaps Ali: I got you Ali: Keep it between you and the universe 💖 Ro: OH what are we going to wear for our first performance? Ali: THE BEST BIT Ali: We need to plan! Ali: Maybe shop! Ali: I think the party is a masquerade ball (how sweet for a hapless stoner, right?) Ali: We could run with that Ro: Well now I'm enthused Ro: Pencil me into your diary please Ali: Absolutely Ali: I think we could make better masks than we could ever find Ali: or makeup looks Ali: we will workshop this Ro: Agreed, you could create something amazing overnight Ali: We could go out and forage fresh flowers for it Ali: that would look beautiful Ro: Yes! Oh my god, we have to Ali: Perfection Ali: I'll see what the others want too Ali: Maybe we could go a galaxy glitter/paint moment on the guys but I feel like Meena would fosho want in on this floral faerie moment Ro: If you need me to start pressing any of the flowers let me know Ro: I'll make time Ali: You're an 👼 Ali: We can do it over lunch Ali: in between practicing Ali: Such busy 🐝s Ro: I don't mind I like to stay busy Ro: Do you think Drew will come to the party? Ali: Same tbh Ali: I bet he will Ali: And not to show off his musical prowess, bless him Ro: Do we need a name to perform under if we don't just want to be called 'Ali's band' by the host? Ali: Fantastic point, I don't want to be THAT lead singer Ali: So much to think on, oosh! We'll have to put the feelers out in the group chat Ali: should be something we all vibe Ro: I bet the boys will have some interesting ideas Ro: You should speak to Tommy as well, he's learn so much stage stuff at school Ro: If we're going to do this might as well make it look professional I think Ali: Agreed Ali: As long as he doesn't want to choreograph a whole girl group dance routine for us Ro: Imagine! Ro: I'd have to hide behind the piano Ali: Shy yet sultry keyboard girl prerogative Ali: I'll crowd surf my way outta there Ro: How long of a set are we going to play? Ro: There's so many potential covers not to mention the originals you and Caleb both have written Ali: Oh man Ali: we could do 20 like an opener but we are the main act, as it were, but its not that hardcore Ali: I think we could put together a 60 Ro: I hope we can all agree between us Ali: we will Ali: oh, could you cover for me with Ma tonight? Ali: she's not my bestie rn Ro: Of course Ro: I have a rare night free of any babysitting duties so it'll be simple Ali: Good, you deserve a break from the little demons Ali: I hope a book and a bubble bath are on the cards after you calm down the dragon Ro: They are indeed Ro: Perhaps I can suggest the same for her Ali: Perhaps I'm just giving myself away as twisted but that is a hilarious mental image Ali: Her grumpy face peeking out of a bubble beard Ro: Ali don't that's going to stay with me when I do get in the tub Ro: Oh no Ali: 🙊🙈 Ali: I can only apologize Ro: Cleansing that from my thoughts immediately Ro: Are you coming home at all or just straight out to see Caleb? Ali: If I do, catch me creeping up the stairs Ali: She's not been this pissy since Lachlan Ali: She's so SURE Caleb is like that and its just Ali: hilarious Ali: imagine Ro: Once she gets to know him better she'll change her mind Ro: She has to Ali: She SHOULD but will she? Ali: Stubborn old goat 😂 Ali: He's not going anywhere any time soon so if she wants to pine for Marlene that's on her but Ali: 🤷 Ro: I'll start counting cars to wish on just for her (and you), hold my breath, dig out my baby teeth, everything Ro: She just doesn't want to be a grandmother yet is all, it's no slight on Caleb personally I don't believe Ali: My vagina my choice, Mama Ali: Bless her Ali: It'd be fine if she threw out the same level of concern at...oh, idk Ali: Bea and Fraze Ali: 🙄 Ro: If she could secure us all same sex relationships she would, undoubtedly Ro: Likewise, if there was any feasible way to show Bea concern that she'd allow it'd be done Ali: When your kids don't have the good grace to be gay #gutted Ali: Yeah Ali: I need lessons on how to be a bad bitch, clearly Ro: Please don't take any lessons from Bea Ali: Its okay, I don't think she'd be willing to teach me Ro: Very true Ali: Best kept secrets and all that Ro: Speaking of, I've just received a text and must go Ali: Say no more Ali: run baby run 💚 Ro: Have fun tonight Ro: Bluebeard and I will try not to miss you too much Ali: Aww, I'll be home for snuggles lads Ali: wouldn't wanna get pregnant Ali: Laterz Ro: See you soon xx
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