#like i'm not mad at cashiers for taking my money. i'm mad that as an entire society we have no money for groceries. ya feel?
torchickentacos · 1 year
I never do this, but reblogs were off and I want to shout this at everyone. stealing this post.
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more thoughts under read more. I know it's a popular saying and I never look down on people who say things like this before knowing the impact they have (or even after to an extent, I have too much benefit of the doubt to go around), as we all have things we say and do that have negative impacts, and sometimes you never know to change that until someone points it out. So this is NOT a call out post or whatever, this is my rambling emotional thoughts on a topic.
I think first and foremost, I'm bothered by the ableism of course. But secondary to that is my annoyance at seeing people act high and mighty about fandom discourse. Like, if you want to talk to adults with jobs, go to linkedin or something, not tumblr, where we do care about things, and where we do discuss things.
And I GET thinking some discourse is stupid. I DO! because guess what. some discourse is stupid skjfhsdjkjfhsdjfhkdjs. I've joked about the poke/amour stuff before. I'll clown on some things, and maybe that makes me a hypocrite, but I feel like a step is taken when you take it from 'making fun of the discourse', something we all do to an extent (which dare I say is a form of participating in it) to 'making fun of the people who engage in such discourse'. We are FREE to talk about how silly the voltron stuff was. We are FREE to be snarky about things because human nature is to be a bit of a hater sometimes. but do it in a way that jabs at the topic and not the people.
But I think a lot of it also hinges on how we see human value on a larger scale. People make fun of people who work retail, people who don't have jobs, people whose jobs are considered extra or undesirable like sex workers, et cetera, despite these jobs being IMPORTANT. It's disheartening to me to see people lean on these types of jabs, and I think it tends to paint human value as something purely based on what you can give out to the world. It leans on this sort of input-output based system of determining how valuable or worthy someone is. And if they don't meet that standard value of 'adult with job', then their opinions are moot as jobless losers in their mom's basements or whatever the fuck. I think the whole thing leans into the conservative 'special snowflake' attitude, which isn't something I think we should be leaning on in arguments or discussion.
And I think that the intent is usually not to be ableist. Most people don't start their day wondering how they can insult disabled people, I'd hope. But intent and impact are often detached, and good intent (avoiding discourse) can have a bad impact (making fun of people in the name of pointing out issues with disocurse). I also think race could be a component, given how racial discrimination in hiring is still a very real thing and is a real factor preventing people from getting 'GoOd ReAl JoBs', but I'll leave that side of the discussion to someone who is more qualified to talk on it than I am. Feel free to chime in with any insight on that side of the coin if you want!!! I imagine the same also goes for visibly queer people but I'm not going to get into the straight/cis passing stuff right now.
And maybe I'm looking too far into it. Maybe I'm just thinking about it too much, maybe it's just a funny little saying that TOTALLY doesn't affect actual people in any way. After all, I'm just some jobless disabled loser in my parent's house talking about discourse on tumblr, aren't I?
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jadeyarts · 1 month
Separate from that other anon I for one would personally love to hear your Peri and Harbinger/Foxglove headcanons
OMG YAYYYYY. I HAVE QUITE A FEW ♥ (for my own convenience i'm referring to them by their og series names for reasons)
the events of timmy's secret wish are what first planted the seeds of genuine, fully positive feelings and fondness for poof in foop's mind and heart... maybe even a puppy love crush. he seriously thought "well, dying in poof's arms wouldn't be so bad" and hoped that wouldn't awaken something in him. it did.
in a lot of episodes they often have differently colored eyes - foop has a darker shade of purple. i think poof's noticed, and i think he even likes the look of those darker eyes.
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given how foop would cry out for poof to protect or save him, i think that poof grows to be incredibly protective of foop… poof will square up for his square!!!
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hes the one telling cashiers that foop asked for no pickles, imho ♥
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at some point poof stopped intervening in foop's nefarious schemes so i've kind of interpreted poof as just... not caring anymore. he can't stay mad at foop for long, and he finds himself not even bothered by whatever damages he ends up causing anyways. i think he might even find his antics amusing.
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after the events of certifiable super sitter, foop actually feels comfortable with admitting that poof is his best friend-
it'd take a few more years to admit it to poof's face, though, it's too embarrassing for him! he'll gush to chloe constantly, though - she knows he's in love with poof before either of them does.
foop's first boyfriend was actually their mutual friend sammy sweetsparkle in high school, while poof had kind of an on-and-off puppy love situationship with goldie... until he kind of flipped out on her about constantly getting foop's name wrong in the middle of a jealousy induced break-down. foop was actually thrilled to hear that poof let his dark side show over wanting to be with him.
sammy and foop ironically broke up on good terms because sammy's best attempt at understanding the fairy/antifairy situation is that they must be soulmates and he didn't want to stand in the way of true love. he's their second biggest supporter.
technically poof confessed first but his confession was literally just screaming IF I DONT SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU I AM LITERALLY GOING TO BLOW SOMETHING UP!!!! at foop, which was a love confession that would only appeal to foop.
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chloe TRIED to plan the "perfect" first date for them but it was horribly awkward and not to their tastes. so instead their first REAL date was poof taking foop to a kelly clarkson concert where they got matching "my life would suck without you" t-shirts.
poof actually buys - WITH HUMAN MONEY, IN A HUMAN DISGUISE - every kelly clarkson album as it releases for foop.
they nearly elope several times but got caught by wanda every time. wanda doesn't really like the fact that poof is with foop but doesn't wanna turn into mama cosma about it so she comes to terms with it. she doesnt want them to just run away and get married when she doesn't think they're ready yet either, though. timmy has to be the one to appeal to foop's desire for attention to convince them to have a big wedding after they graduate. poof doesnt care whether he has a big wedding or just elopes - as long as foop is his. if foop wants a big wedding, that's what they'll have.
whenever people ask how long they've been together they tend to go silent because their first instinct is to say "about 50 years" even though they're only about 22-24, and they've only officially been a couple for about 6 or 7 years. foop's second instinct is also to say "from the very first moment i drew breath" like the dramatic weirdo he is. which isn't even accurate and they both know it.
literally so specific to my own little homebrewed post-canon that you can't even pretend it works with anw:
in my elaborate fanon after AC and AW abandoned foop in season 10, poof begs wanda to find someone who would be willing to take foop in. luckily, wanda knew just the fairies for the job.
after getting adopted foop changes his name to foxglove thimbleplight - poof changed his last name to thimbleplight when they got married so he becomes periwinkle thimbleplight. :3
they still call each other poof and foop - usually in the form of embarrassingly cheesy affectionate nicknames. we're talking "smoopy-poo" level cheesy usage here.
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(actually that one still works with anw but the art i drew is clearly my own designs and not the anw designs and it's exceedingly cheesy so)
poof convinced foop to go to the fairy academy with him - initially foop was hesitant because he… wants to… but… antifairies cant become godparents, right??? poof was willing to do literally anything it would take to keep foop by his side though. he initially considers manipulating some poor unsuspecting godparent to quit on their godkid just so he can hijack the ensuing fairy idol for foop to win and take their job… it's devious, and he knows foop would have loved that he did something so malicious just for him, but in the end he just gets into a fight with jorgen and the fairy council about it. he argues that technically foop is legally a fairy now since he was adopted by fairies, so he should be allowed to become a godparent. they end up agreeing.
their relationship was kind of a controversial issue in fairyworld for a few years because of poof's high profile status - while they're not the first fairy and anti-fairy couple, they're the first recorded instance of a fairy coupled with their own counterpart in eons. the media did get bored of them eventually though.
they already wanted to get married after high school but they agreed to postpone the wedding until after they graduated from the fairy academy so they had enough free time to make it as over the top as foop wanted it to be. poof actually proposed to foop AGAIN with a diamond ring after they graduated from the fairy academy, even though they were technically already engaged - with the intent of being as over-the-top dramatic and annoying to the rest of their classmates as possible.
^ which is similar to what cosmo and wanda did as teens though details differ. cosmo is literally the only one who seems to realize this and audibly goes "WOW, DEJA VU..." when this all happens.
while wanda had to get used to poof and foop together, cosmo accepted it pretty much immediately. mostly because sometimes they reminded him of himself and wanda. (<- actually canon)
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kremlin · 1 year
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"This event ends the moment you write us a check, and it better not bounce, or you're a dead motherfucker" -- Big Bill Hell
There was a time when you'd see little old ladies paying for the groceries with a hand-written personal check, holding up the line, causing an immediately-forgiven slight sense of annoyance with those behind her. Buddy. Those days are over. They've been over. What, did you think you were going to just pop a couple extra zeroes on the end of your paycheck there? Maybe scan your paycheck, open it in photoshop, make a template, print em out all nice? You think you're the first to think of that, dipshit?
It takes the law a long time to catch up with the state of the art. You're reading this on the internet, which means you never use checks. The law has caught up. Your ass will be going to prison immediately and you will see zero return.
You can't even kite checks anymore, and hell, nobody under 40 will even know what that means, due to the blazing fast, two day settlement on all ACH transactions. Let me paint you a picture.
You get paid on Friday, but it is Monday, and bills are due on Tuesday. And you're broke: $0 in the bank. Goose egg. Pop open your checkbook, go to a store, "buy" some things, write a check for the amount. The cashier takes it!
Now take those things you "bought", across town, to another store location, and return them for cold hard cash. Sweet. Bills paid. Friday rolls around, and you just make it to the bank to deposit your paycheck before it closes. After the weekend, the checks you wrote finally post, and they don't bounce! You've kited a check. You've surreptitiously taken a zero-interest loan. And we know your broke ass. The interest rate on that short-term payday loan should have been straight up usurious. We're talking 29%. That makes predatory fuckers like us horny for sex. We're so mad. Now you are going to Federal Prison. For a good minute. Fuckface.
COST: $0.10 (With banks offering free checking accounts + Bic pen)
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"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor sleet, if you fuck with the mail, we'll rip your nuts off" -- Ronald Mail (Inventor of Mail)
Many people have this misnomer that the most powerful people in politics are democratically elected. The president, of the United States, of America, is a stupid cartoon hotdog. All of them, I don't care. Way less clout than you'd think. Brilliantly, it is the people that the hotdog president appoints who are actually doing anything significant. The director of the CIA. The fucking chairman of the Federal Reserve. Probably the, like, most senior, uh, general of the military, and shit too. I don't know, we don't "do" army here at Bloomberg. You probably don't even know their names! I don't! These are the ones you should be seeing in your sleep.
There's another position like that. Appointed directly by the hotdog. The Postmaster General. That's a real title. He's the CEO of the mail, and buddy, what he may lack in political power relative to the director of the CEO, he makes up in raw sexual energy. Total Tom Selleck energy. Like an airline pilot. We're talking Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I'm tentpoling in my black business slacks just writing this, and all my Bloomberg newsroom bros are peering over my shoulder and also tent-poling. We're not gay though, and especially me, I'm probably the least gay, but sometimes I just lay awake for hours at night what that mustache would feel like pressed against my lips, the unbelievable and utter, total sense of security I'd feel burying my head into his hard chest.
You get it. He's your dad. And if you fuck with the mail, you've fucked with the tools in your dad's garage. And dad's been drinking. You're in for it, bucko, you are in trouble. Do you think the United States Postal Service actually makes any money? Hell no. It costs like five bucks to mail a box basically anywhere I can think of and they give you the boxes for free. You can just walk in the post office and take them. I do that, and then just throw them away, I don't know why, some kind of compulsion. Being able to move shit around like this, quickly, cheaply -- Jesus H, I've got a huge amount of money in my bank account, probably tens of trillions of dollars (due to financial knowledge gained from reading Bloomberg articles) and I could probably mail every single person ever something and still come out in the black.
No way pal. They've thought of that already. The Postmaster General is going to know every time, and he's going to grab you by the shirt collar, wearing his cool as fuck hat, and you're going to get your pants pulled down, and your bare ass spanke...I need to go use the restroom real quick.
We rely on the mail system to get important shit done. It's not something to be taken lightly, and it isn't. Trust me. This is why, like almost every other person who receives mail in this year 2023, I just fucking put a wastebasket under my mail slot. I don't even shred that shit anymore. I just burn it. Takes less time.
COST: $0.63 (Postal stamp)
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"Can call all you want, but there's no one home // And you're not gonna reach my telephone // Out in the club, and I'm sipping that bubb // And you're not gonna reach my telephone" -- Lady Gaga
I read something wild that the children of today do not know what a dial tone is, because of how fucked up and stupid they are. Isn't that super fucked up?
While it's not really our style, allow me to fill you in on some ancient, arcane knowledge about the telephone. You can turn it on, and then you can punch in numbers. Any numbers. Random ones, or maybe not random ones. If the ten numbers you punch in are the same as the numbers in someone else's telephone number, their phone will ring, and then you are talking to them. This is called "Phreaking".
Here's the kicker: You can tell that jackass anything you want. "Oh, Hi, Yes, I am Reginald Sumpter calling from Avalon Consulting LLC, we are just following up on the invoice we sent you. Please remit to ###### routing ###### account."
BOOM! Your name isn't Reginald whatever and that company doesn't exist, but you just received a deposit. It's fucking beautiful. What have you done wrong? It isn't your responsibility to handle who your business' clients/etc are, it's their's. If they want to just pay you money for no real reason, well, that's kind of on them, isn't it? I haven't stuck a pistol in your face and demanded everything in the register.
Well, it's too clever. It's too slick. This is the United States of America. It's one thing to commit a felony like armed robbery, it's another thing to piss off someone in charge of the accounting division who uses a special bathroom you need a key to get into.
You can do it on the computer too, I use a PC Computer at work and send email, so you can see how it'd work there. You can make a document that is indifferentiable from a real invoice and, straight up, 1/3 of the time they will pay that shit. Lmfao.
It's called wire fraud because, uhh, duhhhh, there's wires. What do you think that thing is strung between the telephone receiver and the dialer? And computers? Give me a break. There's so many wires with those.
COST: $0.25 (Coin for payphone)
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"People calculate too much and think too little." -- Charlie Munger
It is insane how dumb the common man can be when it comes to our world of expertise. I hear this same sentiment, like, ALL THE TIME:
"Durr hurr I will buy an insurance policy for my car or house or whatever so that in case something happens to it I will get money". And then that same person proceeds to drive safely or not burn their house down. Dumbest crap imaginable.
Let me break it down for you. Insurance is a two player competitive game. There is a winner and there is a loser. Go take out an expensive insurance policy on your American sports car. Buy a neck brace, a football helmet, and pack that bitch with throw pillows. Then get in the left lane of a major highway at like noonish, let it rip and then SLAM on your brakes. Hit from behind! Your fault! Congratulations. You have won insurance. How this gets past people is beyond me.
You can only do this once or twice before the insurance companies catch on. Then they don't want to fuck with you. It is also..I don't know man...something feels off about taking a car or a house, which like, some guy had to build and just destroying it, but that is only a weird emotional thing, since you're making money, more than whatever the destroyed thing is worth, so in reality you've built that house plus some extra. You've contributed.
COST: $106.00 (Average monthly car insurance payment)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
SUBSCRIBE TO MY WHATEVER FOR PART TWO, COMING SOON. i'll post it later today probably. whatever time frame will juice the numbers. have a sneaky peaky
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yutxsgf · 4 months
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𖹭 Ignoring JJK boys after a fight.. 𖹭
Pairings : 𖹭 Megumi x gn!reader 𖹭 Yuji x f!reader 𖹭 Toge x gn!reader 𖹭 Yuta x gn!reader 𖹭
CONTENT : 𖹭 Fluff 𖹭 Kissing 𖹭 Moody reader 𖹭 Soft sorcerers 𖹭 mdom x fsub 𖹭 Yuji calls reader mamas 𖹭
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𝓜𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓶𝓲 𝓕𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓸
It had been about roughly 4 hours since your fight with Megumi, the two of you remaining in separate rooms with you ignoring his entire existence. Anytime he tried to 'grumpily' offer you food, you'd just brush him off entirely with your back turned to him and your face buried in your phone.
At one point, he got fed up, an empty can of soda wrinkling in his grasp before tossing it aside, promising to pick it up later. Suddenly, he's grabbing you by your wrists, slamming both of them above your head and against the wall.
“Megumi— What the hell!?”
“Shut up.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He raised his voice with that one as he towered over you, teeth grit and navy blue eyes narrow.
“Wanna keep ignoring me? Fine. But you better take a Goddamn plate of food and eat it.”
You were baffled, to say the least. You would've thought he was just simply mad at the fact you were ignoring him in general. But he was worried about you eating?!
He took a deep breath, eyebrows unfurling from their irritated state as he held the neutral expression he always wore.
“I made a few onigiris. Eat it and get your ass to bed. 'S fuckin' 2AM.”
𝓨𝓾𝓳𝓲 𝓘𝓽𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓲
It wasn't like you two to argue. Yuji had always been a strict lover boy, all over you 25/8. But his cluelessness for girls and their subtle hints weighed out his clingy persona.
One too many times of a certain cashier flirting with him at the local market and him not picking up on the hints and doing anything about it made you snap at him. In public.
He didn't know what he did wrong, frown painted almost permanently on his face as he sent you text after text despite being in the same vicinity as you within your shared apartment.
I'm sorry.
Pls repky.
I miss yuo. :(
What did I do?
R u crying?
Don't cry plz.
What did I do, mamaaas..
“Stop texting me!” You yelled from within your shared room, causing him to slightly flinch on the couch he was forced out onto.
He sent a frowny face before leaving your notifications empty, just as you wished.
Though, as the 5 hour mark rolled around, you had cooled off by then. Guilt began to rack up in your head as you read over message after message that he sent before ending at that stupid little frown face.
With a sigh, you made your way out of your room, the apartment oddly silent as you roamed down the hall. Just as you were about to turn the corner, a familiar pink haired boy suddenly popped out from behind the wall.
“Yuji! Oh my goodness..” You gasped, hand clutching the fabric of your— his.. shirt that wrinkled over your heart. “Don't sneak up on me like that..”
But once your eyes flitted back up to him, you immediately noticed the fat bouquet that he had no problem holding along with a white teddy bear decorated with a large pink bowtie.
“Please don't ignore me. Ever again.” He frowned.
𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮 𝓘𝓷𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲
Whenever you'd get mad at Inumaki, he never failed to overexert himself in his training. He always seemed at the top of his game when you were frustrated with him, easily almost giving Maki a run for her money.
He was fine with giving you space, he didn't mind it. But when it got to the point where he was beginning to get impatient, that's when he'd start to act.
“Come here.” Tongue barely revealing his seal as his voice, as quickly as it escaped his mouth reached you almost instantly. Vibrations made their way over to you from across the room as he kept his arms crossed over his plain white tee.
Unable to refuse his cursed technique, your body moved on its own as you were suddenly in front of him with a couple of rushed strides.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he frowned deeply before pushing himself off of the counter he leaned on. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, thinking about what to do with you before slightly perking up.
“Kiss me.”
And with that, your lips crashed against his, eyes widened as you could do nothing but melt into his grasp, hands coming down to rest on your hip as his lips curled into a silent smile.
You were allowed to be upset, of course. Distance yourself? Sure. But if you still happened to be moody after that, he lost all form of patience with you.
𝓨𝓾𝓽𝓪 𝓞𝓴𝓴𝓸𝓽𝓼𝓾
He was a mess when you were upset, to say the least. Despite having grown a bit more confident after his brief trip to Africa, his overthinking never ceased. As much as he wished it did.
In times like this, all he could think about was you. He didn't want to overwhelm you with apologies, but he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't care.
He sat with his face buried in the palms of his hands, hair slightly pushed up between his fingers as his elbows rested on his slightly spread legs.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."
He repeated the words over and over to himself as he stressed himself out. The thoughts of you happier with someone else graced his mind before he suddenly sprung up, immediately rushing towards your shared room before shoving the door open, almost breaking it in his wake.
When he found you sleeping with tear stained cheeks, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. But it was short-lived as he realized just how bad it seemed with him sighing in relief at your tears.
After a bit of hesitation, he gently closed the door behind him with a soft click before shifting into the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, careful as to not wake you up.
Later that morning, your back was pressed against his chest, his grasp around you iron clad as if you'd leave him at any given moment.
“Please don't leave me..”
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Can you do a mini fic of al and seth accidentally running into boos ex?
He who shouldn't be named.
I use (Y/N) bc the ex isn't gonna know Boo's new nickname so lol
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"Didn't (Y/N) say this brand?" Holding up a brand of flour, Seth turned to Alphonse. The pinkette paused from trying to leave to the bread isle in the small grocery store.
"Seth. Please I literally made a list, here just look I need to get the right bread this time or (Y/N)'s gonna have my head." Shivering a bit remembering when he forgot the bread. Alphonse was scolded and given a 'I'm not mad just disappointed look' from Boo and that wasn't so nice.
"Okay listen here you pink fu-" Growling out an insult Seth's anger was paused by a man coming up to the two men. Alphonse turned his head where Seth was looking and glared slightly, confused.
"Can I help ya?" Asking the random man who walked up to the duo, Seth spoke first. Alphonse turned fully holding the shopping bag, looking down the man wondering why he looked familiar?....
"Hi, I was wondering if you were taking about (Y/N) (L/N)? by any chance?" Nervously questioning, the man looked at the two. His hands moving like he was washing them, this made the duo before him shoot a glace at each other.
"Why do you need to know?" Seth Demanded giving the man a face, Alphonse looked at the guys face a bit more. And then the pinkette went wide eyes and gasped.
"Your that fucking ex! The one that fuckin' cheated on 'em!" Spitting out loudly, Alphonse gripped the bag he was holding tighter. Seth looked at the taller man, processing his words then snapping his head to the man before them.
The blonde man before them flinched and looked around, trying to shush them since everyone could hear. But Seth opened his mouth and loudly exclaimed.
"Boy, don't try and shush me! How the hell did you find them huh?" Getting defensive Seth took a step forward. Remembering stories of how the cheating bastard fucked their mental health up. Their 5 year boyfriend form high school doggy styling their ex-best friend, in the bed in their SHARED apartment.
"I- facebook? their parent posted and I just wanted to talk-" Getting more nervous as random bystanders peaked into the aisle the menn were in. Some giving him glares since everyone knows the sweet baker down the street.
"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Hissing out Alphonse shouted and stepped forward leering over the shorter blonde in front of him. "If you go near my fucking Boo Ima snatch you up! What the hell you think gonna happen? Their gonna forgive ya?! Self center dick wad!"
Seth nodded along with his friend's words, honestly the 5'10' man wanted to grab him right now. But he thought of Boo, who wanted the boys to come back quickly so they could bake together.
"Come on Al, let's just go. This baster isn't even worth being made over. Plus, Sugar wants ta bake with us today, remember?" Huffing out an explanation, Seth turned and grabbed the flour they needed off the list. Then turned to where the 6'2" man was standing and gently touched his arm.
Alphonse looked down at the blonde cowering below him and rolled his eyes. Following Seth's lead to the broad isle grabbing the bread Boo wanted and going to check out.
"Look I really just wanna talk to them!" The annoying voice was back. Seth groaned as he watched the cashier, a young woman look at the blonde.
"Go away. We ain't gonna tell ya shit." Sternly saying Seth stood between the ex bastard and Alphonse. The pinkette chose to be quiet grabbing the money for the groceries and grabbing the bags.
"Please-" Desprate the ex tried to reach out and touch Seth. That's when Alphonse placed the bags down and shot his arm to the blonde.
"Listen here, I fucking WARNED you right?" Gripping the man's shirt Alphonse growled out. Looking down at the blonde cowering, Seth gripped his shoulder and got him to let go.
"Alphonse-" Whispering quietly trying to get him to calm down. Seth was interrupted by a gruff voice.
"Alphonse. Put that man down, I got the sheriff here. Let him deal with it." Turning everyone saw the old grocery store owner and the sheriff. Who glared at the blonde, taking a few steps he nodded to Al who let go.
"You two go run along to ya baker. I got this, I was informed that (Y/N) was worried about him comin' here." The old man put on a stern face looking at the ex. "Dylan Selick, your comin' with me boy."
After grabbing the bags and thanking the sheriff the boys wanted down the street. Seeing Boo in front of the bakery all worried and sighed seeing the two of them.
"I was wondering why it too you two so long-" Words cut short by them getting engulfed into a hug. Boo froze but then melted as Alphonse and Seth hugged then tightly, reassuring them.
"It's fine Sugar. Now let's ignore that shit and go bake some brownies!" Lighting the mood Seth ushered everyone inside to start baking.
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kteezy997 · 8 months
ok so this is random.Butvhear me out.So like lee X gn reader and you know we're on the road n' crap.So we pull up to like a gas Station reader goes inside to get food.BUT, we don't have enough money so we flirt with the cashier maybe a bit of name calling, ass slapping IDK¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯So we come out and lee has seen it all and he's really upset and mad and reader is like but we it's not like we're dating U jealous???And then lee confuses and reader says they also like them and Lee is all like I was just scared U were gonna leave.Amd it just ends in fluff.I know it's weird and U obviously don't have to do but like 🙏😊
when people send in requests mapping out the story and let me just add in a little razzle dazzle>>>
I hope it's okay that I made the reader female
You Belong to Me// Lee (Bones and All)
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Warnings: cursing, angst, fluff, and everything that is in the request is in the fic so be sure to read that
It’s a long read. Enjoy.
You were in love with him, and he acted like he had no idea. How could he not know? You spent every waking hour together and even slept next to each other. How could he not see the lingering glances you gave, or how you would take any opportunity to touch his arm, or his shoulder? He was so damn beautiful, and so protective of you, but it was more like a friend type of thing. You were certain that was how he thought of you: his friend and travel companion.
You knew he had a past, that maybe he had done some things that he wasn't proud of. You had no idea what things. But you knew that it was enough for Lee to not want to get too close to you. You were growing tired of his closed off demeanor.
"We gotta get gas." he said, turning on his blinker and pulling into the filling station.
Night was falling outside. You didn't know where the hell you were, just somewhere in Kentucky. Everything looked the same, from the landscape to the gas stations that were planted every fifty miles or so.
Lee got out and started to pump gas.
You looked into the little convenience store across the way and saw a young male employee at the register. You grinned to yourself. Now was finally your chance to mess with Lee, to see if you could make him jealous.
You got out of the truck as well, waltzing over to the driver's side where Lee was filling the gas tank. "I'm gonna go inside." you said to him.
"Okay, just don't spend too much money. We gotta make it last." he replied, looking up at you, his red hair shining pink-ish under the lights of the gas station.
You put your hands in your pockets nonchalantly as you walked over to the store.
Once inside, you smiled at the guy behind the counter, he was kinda cute, not as handsome as Lee, but he was decent looking. He nodded at you with a smirk and wasn't shy about checking out your ass as you walked by.
You decided to pick up something useful, so you grabbed some feminine pads and tampons. You knew exactly what to do. As you brought the items up to the counter, you noticed that Lee had a perfect view of you checking out from outside.
"How are you on this fine evening, darlin'?"
The man spoke to you, bringing you out of your Lee trance. "Oh, I'm fine, how are you?"
"Oh, much better since you walked in." he said with a hearty southern laugh as he started to scan your items.
You let out a fake laugh, and batted your eyelashes at him, placing your hands on the counter as he rang you up.
"You and your boyfriend just passing through?" he asked, gruffly.
"Oh yeah," you looked out the window at Lee, he was screwing the lid back on to the gas cap. "But he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend, ya know?"
"Oh really? Well, maybe I could convince you to spend the night in town? I get off in an hour, and there's a real nice motel down the road.”
What a sleazebag, you thought. But you had to play this off. You knew without even looking that Lee was watching. "Hmm, that is really tempting...how much do I owe you?"
His smirk fell a little when he had to look at the small screen where your transaction was added up, "It's uh $6.50, dear."
"Oh no, I don't have that much." you bit your lip, shifting on your feet innocently.
"Well, that's okay. A pretty girl like you needs a break. It's on the house." he said with a wave of his hand.
You looked over at Lee, leaning against the side of the truck with his arms folded across his chest. Then you looked back at the clerk, "Really? Are you sure? I'd hate to not give you anything for this stuff."
He grinned, leaning toward you with a nasty grin. "Maybe you could just give me a kiss for now, and we'll call it even."
You gulped, glancing to Lee for a second, then nodded at the stranger, "Okay, just a tiny one?"
The clerk nodded.
You leaned over the counter, your ass was now high in the air. You pecked the man on the cheek quickly, but you still got a whiff of his minty chewing tobacco. The smell almost made you sick to your stomach. You'd rather smell the occasional cigarette Lee smoked.
As you got back to your feet, the clerk reached around and smacked you right on the ass. It hurt, and you weren't happy about it, but you knew it was the perfect action to send Lee over the edge. The bell at the top of the store door chimed within seconds. The man behind the counter hadn't even stopped chuckling at what he had done.
Lee was more angry than you had ever seen him. "Y/n, everything okay in here?" He was fuming and he looked so hot, his hands were balled into fists.
"Yeah, fine." you chirped, grabbing your feminine products from the counter. "Thank you, sir, very much." you sang, smiling at the clerk, then turning on your heels to exit the store, bumping into Lee's arm for good measure.
"See you in an hour, sweetheart!" the clerk called after you.
"The fuck you will!" Lee spat immediately to the other man.
You giggled as you let the door close behind you, but Lee was on your trail.
"What the hell was that, y/n?" he barked.
"What ever do you mean?" you teased, hopping into your side of the truck.
Lee quickly got into the driver’s seat, “Don’t give me that shit, why would you let some asshole touch you like that? Who knows what he could have done to you?”
“Why would you care, Lee? It’s not like we’re dating!”
“I care about your safety, y/n, you know that.” he said, starting up the truck and pulling out of the gas station. You were on the road again.
“Well, there’s no harm in flirting if I want to.” you pointed out.
“Sure there is. You can’t trust strangers. You’re smarter than that.”
“Okay, Dad. Damn.” you mocked him with a huff, and crossed your arms, laying your head on the window. You felt defeated in your attempt to get him to like you. You started to think that he really didn’t see you as anything more than just a travel buddy.
“Don’t call me that.” Lee scoffed. “Look, I’m sorry. It just pissed me off that that motherfucker thought he could put his hands on my girl like that.”
Your heart started you beat hard in your chest when you realized what he had said. “Wait…what?” You looked over at him, his hand in his hair at the top of his head. Did he just let that slip? Was he oblivious to what he had said?
“What?” he frowned at you, then kept his eyes on the road.
“Do you know what you just said? You said my girl.”
Lee couldn’t stop the strange little smile that toyed with the corners of his mouth. “Yeah. You’re my girl.” He shrugged. “That’s how I like to think of you. Is that weird?” He put his hand on his cheek, then his fingers laid over his mouth. He looked over at you, waiting for your response.
You felt so warm in your chest, your whole body became tingly with happiness. But you didn’t want to ruin the moment in any way. You didn’t want to push him. You knew Lee, and even though he seemed so abrasive, it was because he was so fragile on the inside. You would let him come to you. “No, it’s not weird. I’m glad to hear that, actually.”
Lee smiled, then turned his attention back to the road. He drove for a while and you sat in a comfortable silence. You desperately wanted to scoot closer to him, to touch him, to feel the warmth of his body, but not just yet.
“So you wouldn’t seriously meet some stranger at a motel, would you?” he asked you.
“Lee, I never thought about that guy for a second.”
A scrunched up look of confusion appeared on his face, “Then why did you flirt with him? Were you that bored?”
“No, I um, I wanted to see what you would do if you saw me acting like that.” you twiddled your thumbs absentmindedly.
“And why did you want that?”
“I don’t know. It feels silly to say it out loud. Maybe it’s stupid, but I wanted to try and make you jealous. Now I don’t know if you think of me that way or if we’re just…companions, but you should know that I-I”
“No.” he said, sharply, interrupting you.
“No?” you felt a lump in your throat.
“Just…let me take you somewhere. I wanna take you somewhere.” his voice trembled a little. Was he nervous? He was never nervous. Lee was always in control, he always knew what to do in every situation.
“Okay.” you cleared your throat, and looked down at your hands. You noticed how badly you were shaking.
Lee continued driving for a few minutes, then turned down a dirt road, off into the woods. “There’s a spot back here that I’ve been to before. It’s great for being alone and star gazing.”
You hummed in response, smiling lightly.
There was a decent sized patch of grass mapped out by many trees, and he parked the truck. “Seems like a good spot to call it a night.” he said, turning off the ignition.
You were upset that it seemed like he was brushing you off. Like whatever feelings you had didn’t matter because he couldn’t handle them.
You were lost in your thoughts, and you hadn’t even noticed that he had gotten out of the truck. Lee tapped on your window, giving you a light scare. “Hey, you coming?” he asked, opening your door.
He took your hand when you stepped out, and you felt a glimmer of hope strike you in the heart. You blushed as he led you to the back of the truck. He dropped your hand for a moment to open up the old, rusty tailgate with its signature creeks and clunks.
To your surprise, Lee spun around and grabbed you by the waist, picking you up and plopping you down on the tailgate. You giggled in response.
He carefully put his hands on the tops of your thighs, slowly parting them so he could nestle his hips between them. He smiled softly, and your heart skipped a beat as he touched your cheek, so delicately, like dipping his toe in the water.
“You belong to me, y/n. And I belong to you. We are part of each other.” his voice was so sweet and velvet, he had the ability to melt you on the inside.
You grinned at him, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You heard him let out a soft breath as he hugged you. His hands rested on your back. You were both able to relax, and just be. Be together, in the moment without any barriers or hesitation.
“Lee, do I mean more to you than just a friend?” you asked, letting your fingers brush his curls idly.
“Hm.” he hummed, leaning back a tiny bit to look at you. The crinkles near the outside of his eyes creased as he grinned. He leaned in, you felt the warmth of his breath, and then the tender press of his lips on yours. He pulled away slightly, saying, “What do you think?” He then resumed kissing you, and tucked your legs around his waist.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @kpopgirlbtssvt
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AITA for sort of lying to my parents about why my pillow smells like cigarettes?
🚬🍝 so i can recognize
To start things off: No, i'm not the one smoking.
About less than two weeks ago, my parents went to this fancy Salsa concert in another city, it was an event that had alcohol, parties, a lot of that adult things that made it impossible for them to bring me. I (16, trans male) wasn't interested in going either, so they decided to let my (28-30, i don't remember, F) sister take care off me just for the week. Now, mom is already distrusting of my sister mainly because they had many fights before and she didn't want to leave her precious daughter in the care of someone like Kate (fake name). She only agreed because there was no other option.
Kate dropped college twice, lives alone in a small apartment she doesn't pay for (mom does), and smokes cigarettes, barely has any money on her own and stole money from Grandma's wallet to buy more cigarettes. She has had like 2 part time jobs before, one was working as a cashier at a market and the other one was working in one of her friend's restaurant selling Mexican food (we're not Mexican, but still Latinos, just not from there). But she left them shortly after. These aren't ALL the reasons mom dislikes Kate.
I didn't mind having Kate take care of me, but mom made it clear that i MUST come over to Kate's apartment to sleep every night, because she didn't want me to sleep alone at our own apartment.
For the first night it was okay, we left pretty late so by the time we arrived to Kate's apartment all i wanted to do was sleep. Kate told me to do that and meanwhile she'll be outside the bedroom having a cigarette, I didn't care.
Now to cut some things, Kate and I decided to let me sleep at my own apartment and instead she'd just come to my house to cook Lunch and Dinner, and then at night she'd go back. So for a week straight we'd be having lunch at like 4pm and dinner at 9pm or something.
We lied to our parents about it because in Kate's words if mom ever found out she'd just straight up become Kate's enemy. But honestly mom already got problems with my sister anyway.
My whole life she'd be going around, mad and disappointed at how Kate's life is just going nowhere, in her own words, she just lost faith. Instead that faith got placed on me, but that's something for my therapist to hear about (I don't have one).
Anyway, I left my pillow and some small inflatable bed at my sister's house. Days after my parents arrived Kate gave me my pillow, and that shit smelled like cigarettes. So i assume Kate just went crazy near my pillows because i wasn't staying with her anyway. Same thing for the inflatable bed, the whole thing just smelled like cigarettes, it was unbearable.
Mom started questioning me about it because she feared my sister would've start smoking right besides me and therefore second hand smoking.
I remember the lie we promised, so i just nodded.
So now mom believes Kate just doesn't care and smokes right besides her little sister. Their relationship is already bad but i think i just added a new layer.
I feel like i'm TA because the second hand smoking thing didn't happen, the only time Kate smoked near me she left the room and smoke in the kitchen instead (i know it cause the next morning i wanted to check if there was something in the fridge. There was nothing, just rotten fruit). But i also just didn't want Kate to be in a much worse problem by telling mom about our little plan, but this outcome wasn't good either, it was like she was doomed from the start.
AITA for keeping the lie? Should I just be honest about it now? The bed and pillow still smell like cigarettes and it's been days.
What are these acronyms?
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dududuuuuudud · 4 months
Random Gwuncan hc
Ok, so Gwen worked in an art store to earn money for herself. She also goes to an art college. That's also the reason why she works in an art store so she can get free art supplies. The shop is usually quiet so Gwen's just sketching as she waited by the check out.
Now, Duncan and Alejandro were going to vandalise some buildings. (Yes, Alejandro is vandalising too) Once the two get to the place they want to vandalise, they realise that they barely had any spray paint left. Duncan heads to a nearby art store (Where Gwen works) and he asks her. Turns out that art store doesn't sell any spray paints.
Anyways, Duncan realises who the cashier is and because he thinks Gwen is hot, he starts flirting with her. Gwen rolls her eyes and tells her that he needs to buy something to stay. She was used to it since this random guy, Cody does this too. Duncan sees a bunch of paintings on a mini canvas and asks Gwen about it. Gwen says that she painted them so Duncan then bought it. Afterwards, Duncan came to the art shop everyday as Gwen started to play along. She also noticed something. Duncan always had a black wristband on his right arm. It didn't look pretty or anything since it was just black.
One day, Duncan was talking to Gwen and turned out someone was behind him. It was Bridgette, Gwen's friend. Bridgette worked in the surf shack next door. (Weird how an art store is next to a surf shack, huh?) Gwen told Duncan to leave and come back another time as Bridgette turned to face Gwen.
"Is he your boyfriend? I thought you still loved Trent." Bridgette asked.
Trent was Gwen's ex boyfriend. They broke up month ago but still managed to stay friends. Although, Gwen was disheartened and still loved Trent.
Gwen denied and like wtv.
The next day, Duncan came to Gwen's art store and asked her who that 'hot girl' was. He was referring to Bridgette. Gwen says that it was Bridgette and like afterwards they just talked.
The next week, Duncan got an urgent call from Geoff to meet him by the surf shack. Duncan came and saw Geoff with his arm around Bridgette. Geoff introduced Bridgette as his girlfriend to Duncan and Duncan was mad.
"Was that the only reason why I'm here?" He asked.
Geoff walked over to Duncan and whispered to him. "Look dude, I'm going on my first date with Bridge and I really need support. Please come with me?" He pleaded.
Duncan sighed an agreed.
The three went to bowling together and as Geoff was bowling, Bridgette and Duncan were waiting for him. Duncan went closer to Bridgette.
"Psst, Bridgette right? Could you give me Gwen's number?" Duncan asked.
Duncan had been asking Gwen for her number but she never agreed. Duncan thought that she was just playing hard to get but it was taking too long.
Bridgette was a bit hesitant but she was soon convinced by Duncan and gave him Gwen's number.
Duncan was so excited and once he came home, he texted Gwen. -Hey Pasty- He started. Duncan obviously had a name to call Gwen by.
Gwen instantly recognised who texted her and was confused. -How did you get my number??- She asked.
-I have my ways- Duncan smirked as he texted her.
One day, Duncan came to the store to see it was closed. He waited outside the store thinking that Gwen just came late but she didn't come. After half an hour, Gwen finally came. She saw Duncan waiting for her and she told him that she would be busy today and went inside the store. She brought out a painting and handed it to him.
"I didn't pay you." Duncan claimed.
Gwen shrugged it off as she went inside the store to get her flannel. Duncan had always noticed that Gwen wore a flannel over all her outfits. He was planning on asking but Gwen locked the store and said her goodbyes and left.
The next two weeks, Gwen didn't come. Duncan was curious and texted her multiple times but all Gwen could say was that she was busy and leave Duncan on delivered.
The reason to this is that Gwen's dad and older brothers were part of a criminal organisation. You could even call it the mafia gang. Gwen didn't want to be like that she she left her home and changed her name identity and everything. The only memory of home was her flannel which was her mother's before she died. Gwen's name isn't actually Gwen but that's for later. Gwen's brother finally got a hold of Gwen's number and told her that to come back since their father knew where she lived and worked. Gwen fled but not too far away but started living in her friend, LeShawna's house. She decided not to go far since they didn't know where her school was and that the school she goes to is very prestigious
So then, it was New Years. Gwen along with LeShawna, Bridgette, Noah, DJ and Heather (Yes, they're all friends with Heather) went go see fireworks. You know those grassy places near the city where you watched the fireworks on New Year? It was there.
Gwen decided to go for a walk and think about her situation right now. She loved where she worked but now she can't do it now. She couldn't see Duncan.
Duncan was at the same place as Gwen but with his friends :Geoff, Alejandro and Scott. As he was talking to them, he got a glimpse of Gwen. He could easily recognise her for her hair and her flannel. He ran after her and saw her sit down. He knew that was Gwen and sat down next to her. Gwen turned to see Duncan and hugged him tightly. Duncan hugged back and the two pulled away.
"So where'd you go and why have you been ignoring my texts? Was I that annoying?" Duncan asked.
"No! It's just complicated." Gwen responded. Soon, Gwen started telling Duncan about the whole situation. She knew she could trust him right? They've known each other for a couple of months and Gwen and Duncan thought they were the best months of their lives. "So that's why I left." Gwen said. "And if you tell anyone about this, especially the cops. I'll actually kill you." Gwen threatened.
Duncan raised his arms up in defeat. "Alright, alright. I just missed you." He admitted.
Then, the fireworks started going off and Gwen and Duncan watched with a smile on their face. Their pinkies intertwined in each other's.
The next couple of weeks, Gwen and Duncan have been texting nonstop that Gwen's roommate started to notice.
"If I don't know better, I think you have a little crush on this Duncan guy." LeShawna claimed.
"LeShawna, we're just friends. I still like Trent." Gwen responded.
"Girl, you haven't spoken to him from September or something. That music man is not worth your time." LeShawna reassured.
So I know you might be thinking how this story is going to end and I don't know either. Whoever is reading this, I know you think that this story is going to end in Duncan saving Gwen from her mafia family but I don't want to do that. That's so cliché and overused in every Gwuncan story. I also hate when they get to together because Duncan is a 'hero'. If you have any ideas to end of the story please tell me. Also, you can use this idea to make the story too but give me credits and send it to me if you actually make this turn into a story. If youd o make it into a story can you make Trent come back one day and Duncan sees and like becomes jealous. I just like seeing Duncan jealous. Doesn't matter anyways, if you recreate the story then tag me or send it or wtv and I'll make sure to read it. Make it like a sweet story not like a story where they make out every two seconds.
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cat-vase · 1 year
other thing similar to the bryce stuff that i think you may be interested in!
Owen was most likely interrogated by police about Liams disappearance since he was the last one to see Liam before he vanished (BOTH TIMES not counting bryce or the cashier+waiter in ep15), which means there’s the possibility of Owen being wrongly convicted… despite the fact that there may not be much evidence against him.
(same thing goes for Parker regarding Charlotte’s disappearance since he was AT HER HOUSE and had a reason to be mad at her, leading the police to believe he possibly murdered her over the money..?)
Someone pointed out to me once that it was likely Owen who REPORTED Liam missing in the first place! How else would the police know it was LIAM'S bike instead of... literally anyone else's? He probably got cleared of suspicion since there's likely outside security footage of Liam leaving the office alone (and Owen leaving alone, too!) Assumming this because... well. Everything has cameras everywhere nowadays.
But yeah!!! I'm sure he was questioned but since Liam literally disappeared into thin air, they couldn't find anything to convict him? Or anybody else, either? Or anything to use... to figure out where he was? Hence presuming him dead!!! Which sucks for Owen, especially if he finds out about the smokestack incident somehow (and that it happened BEFORE he saw Liam???), but what can you do!
But oh my god Parker. I have so many thoughts about Parker you have no idea. Not a lot of people talk about Charlotte I feel and even then, if they do they DON'T talk about Parker and that is a CRIME.
He saw her disappear in front of his eyes! Mid sentence! There was still dinner cooking in the kitchen and jazz playing on the TV! Wouldn't that send him into some sort of anxious spiral? Or psychotic break? Wouldn't he be unsure if she ever existed or not?
And his job is a brand associate! Wouldn't that make him in the public eye, at least somewhat? If he went crazy people would SEE and KNOW. He might be arrested on suspicion of murder? Or institutionalized? Or go off the grid? Maybe he starts to pay for her place and cover up her disappearance in order to try and investigate it! Maybe he searches every single forum he can online, stringing together other random disappearances of this nature whether or not they're actually connected! Maybe he takes something of hers to convince himself that yes, she WAS real! He can't tell anyone else in his friend group about this, of course. They'll think he did something to her, and he would never. He just wanted her to be okay. Is she okay, wherever she is? He hopes she's okay. He just wants her to come back. He's not mad about the money anymore. He's sorry he yelled. Please just come back. One day she has to, right? In the same manner she disappeared? He can't get rid of her place now, what if she came back and he wasn't there?
Maybe he posts incomprehensible ramblings on a website he makes in order to make sure he doesn't lose them, but also so he can stay anonymous. He goes on outings for days searching and never turns up any leads, of course. In the beginning his friends try to interact with him; they fear for his safety, he's so JUMPY, and he has an accident and falls in one of the caves they've been to a thousand times. He just gets more closed off after that. He becomes more and more like the person he's trying to find: No, he's FINE, he can find her on his OWN, he doesn't NEED help, he's perfectly fine and sane.
And maybe, if he's not locked up somewhere or done something to hurt himself, maybe he DOES see her come back someday. She's in a worse state than she left in.
But that's a whole different can of worms.
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opinated-user · 9 months
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i have several problems with what this anon just said. 1. unless my memory is actually glitching out, Courtney never had a fundraiser for a laptop. if i'm wrong then please, someone correct me. when searching on Courtney's blog, this is the only mention of a laptop that he does.
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"but Courtney could have deleted it". sure, he could. i still need to see the screenshot of that ever happening. what i do remember of Courtney and a laptop was her talking about how P insisted on giving her some money in order to get a new one, and how as soon Courtney told her off P hold that money over him while comparing him to one of his abusers. that i do remember very clearly. that was all between P and Courtney, nobody was involved. (...is this P.... no, no, no, she couldn't be trying to now turn the tables on Courtney... using money... her favorite thing to hold against people who wronged her... but surely that can't be) considering that P is a sex pest that violated the consent of Courtney and then made his testimony inaccesible for the public, essentially destroying any good momentum that the allegations had in a wider scale, purely out of spite and greed... i'm not about to feel bad about P not getting her money back. she made plenty using Courtney already anyway. "Courtney said she didn't have any receipts." that's a bold faced lie. he never said anything of the sort. futhermore, if he doesn't have the receipt for when he bought the food for Batman, are you seriously going to compare that to LO scamming her audience out of money for MO's immigration fees? let's say that he does show one receipt of money bough for the cat. how are you going to be able to prove that the money from the kofi was used for that? you actually can't, unless you want Courtney to document the whole process from taking the money from kofi directly into physical money and then giving it to the cashier and you'll have to forgive me, all of that for cat food is just too much for me. i buy food every day to feed my loved one, i don't keep every single receipt either. if Courtney bought the food and forgot about it, i can't believe that someone in good faith would hold that against him as a sign that he is scamming people. who are you even trying to defend here? the cat is okay. the cat is being fed and taken care of anyway. we have seen the pictures to prove that already. even if Courtney used that portion of that money to buy, i don't know, a gum, a soda, a sock, how did that hurt Batman, the target of those donation? unless you want to tell me that Courtney is just pretending to care about that cat at all and he maliciously used him just to get some extra money... then you'll need some stronger evidence for that. "she subsequently deleted all the evidence"... evidence of what? of one anon lying about donating to her anonymously and he saying he never received a cent through anonymous donations? that was the whole interaction, i have the screenshot and the reblogued post. everyone can see it just scrolling a little bit!
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of that anon saying "i want that money to be donated to a charity organization", with no way of anyone confirming that it could be true? Courtney also pointed that with a system like that, literally anyone could be asking of her anything, even amounts of money she never had in the first place. more so... Courtney is currently in the service to say goodbye to her surrogate mother. right now, as i'm typing this, she not only has to deal with her own pain of dealing with a very recent loss, she also has to deal with the pain of the rest of her surrogate family. he loss just a week ago someone that meant the world for him and you... are mad because they didn't show you a receipt for cat food. maybe, and i'm just throwing an idea here, Courtney has other things on his mind right now to be handling any of this. perhaps, i don't know, he prefered to delete that to not even deal with the stress of even "anons" (who the more i read, the more sounds to me like the same person) very obviously using this situation to try to distract people from LO scamming 2000+ USD out of her audience.
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because that anon was lying. Courtney never received any anonymous donations, everything was always attached to a name. i wouldn't just be giving out money out in the word of someone i have no idea who they are, so i won't blame Courtney either for not doing that. "either way it's a 100$ desk. i can afford that easily without a fundraiser". then why lie about that desk being the one you hosted that fundraiser on, LO, even though the fundraising happened two days before that desk was shipped to you? why did you made up something like that in the first place?
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space-blue · 10 months
wait hold on… can u elaborate about the australian slavery situation??? what did it inspire u to write??
Hah, sure! You'll find a lot of it answered in this previous ask!
Basically in Australia if you want a second year on your working holiday visa, you have to do work in some countryside postcodes. The laws have changed around it, but back then (2014?) it was basically a hellscape of modern slavery. There's a horror film about that sort of job actually! Very funny--may not watch lol
I went to a lady who lived in Grafton and who was certified batshit. It was very very bad. I worked without equipment, sometimes ankle deep in mud, in the rain, feeding horses in my bikini because that way I could hose myself down.
I had to carry and lift bags of feed, 25 or 50kg... And make feed at night, boiling it. The room we kept the feed in was a container, and from the moment the sun set, the walls would come alive. tapestry of dancing roaches.
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That's me ^ and the feed 'shed'.
The horses, of course, were great and always good company...
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(that's not me but a fellow slave).
The worst though was not the insects crawling in, the black widows by the dozen, the flying roaches in my face or me having to sic the dogs on nesting mice... It was the barking.
One of the bitches had pups and was underfed. The neighbour threatened to kill her if she didn't stop killing his chickens. So instead of feeding her better, they turned the cage like space I'm in on that first pic, into an improvised kennel for SEVEN dogs. The puppies? Kept alone across the yard.
That bitch barked all night, non stop. It drove me to madness. It drove me to dark, dark places. I considered killing her myself. It was so bad, I eventually wrote a short story where Obi-Wan Kenobi breaks on Kadavo due to sleep deprivation! Then it turned into my first finished long-ish fic fix it, I'm very proud of it lol
He's lifting rocks, pushing carts, choking on his daily portion of mouldy bread, staring into the middle distance. He keeps his thoughts far from the things and people he loves, afraid that handling such precious memories might sully them, taint them with the same revolting grime that mats his hair and cakes under his nails. He feels his soul unravelling. The once thick and vibrant weave of his personality a moth-eaten rag, fraying under his touch. The person he was... The calm, collected man, sometimes to a fault... Sometimes a little too cold and obedient... Where has he gone? Like a shade into darkness, swallowed by something greater than himself.
Anyway, in the middle of that madness I started writing a 'novel' that was very much a vampire romance in which it's not *quite* vampires akchually... But then it evolved into an idea I really cherish, and wish I had the writing chops to work on soon.
So yeah anyway, I was mega broke as in '100$ and nothing else', was not paid, forced to work daily, even wash the family's stuff every day and roll the towels like in a 5 star hotel. I had no car and no money to get a way out.
The crazy horse lady kicked me out with no warning though, and I was rescued by lovely (and deeply racist) people. Before making my way to another horse person, a guy this time, who gave me a camping stove and a mattress in the room at the end of his stables.
I mucked shit every day while listening to Benedict Cumberbatch's reading of Kafka's Metamorphosis. There's a joke somewhere in there.
Here I am, over my pile of shit :
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This is an era of my life where I had no money and no internet banking, and had to ask the cashier to 'please try again' after taking a can out of the shoping, and another can, and another...
I also, tragically, read The Collector, by John Fowles. That book left me so physically distressed, I was sick to my fucking stomach. I picked up the Exorcist to try and wash my palate! But finally I searched for fellow writers online, feeling my sanity was slowly unraveling...
And I found a forum of fantasy and scifi writers who ran a small monthly short story competition! I wrote my first in one day, while mucking stables... Sat at my diner of frozen potatoes and slammed my first 1.5k words short story ever. It featured an immortal gunslinger in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Strong beginings.
You can read most of those short stories here.
I participated almost religiously to this, for years. By the time I entered fanfic-world, I had almost 7 years of this under my belt.
I'm definitely sure it rescued my sanity.
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
The Duration of Druig
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Pairing: Druig x reader
Summary: Druig begins to revisit his past and learns how to love again.
A/N: I rewatched The Age of Adeline and I forgot how amazing this film was. I instantly thought of doing an inspired fic for Druig.
Druig was the type of person to blend in his surroundings. He never drew any attention to himself, he barely made any friends...
Well, he may have bended that last rule once in his long life.
But one thing was certain: he told himself that he had to keep moving. If people suspected that he didn't age, chaos would ensue.
He looks down at a faded paper with an address written for a bakery. He promised the owner that he would come one day, and Druig knew there wasn't a lot of time.
Now, he was walking onto the corner to get there. His breath was thinning and his mind was spiraling. How much has changed in the time he left? He wasn't sure, but there was no going back now.
He opens the door and hears a bell. It wasn't busy, probably since he missed the lunch rush. He hears rustling in the back, probably someone making a batch of fresh muffins.
"One moment please!" a voice said from the back.
Druig froze in his place. That voice, he remembered that voice. It takes him back to 1960 at a diner, where he met her for the first time.
"You look like a blueberry kind of guy." She said.
Druig looks up to see a waitress, younger than the rest of the staff that worked at night.
"I'm sorry?" he asks.
"Oh, you've been eyeing the dessert menu all night. I was going to recommend the blueberry pie." She said with a kind smile.
He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He hasn't realized how long he's been staring at the paper for a few hours. "I'd like to try it if that's alright."
She writes down something on her pad and goes to the back. She then walks around, cleaning out the empty tables. A man shouts that his burger was too cold and was getting mad at the woman Druig has met. He feels angry as his eyes burned a dark shade of gold.
The rude man became quiet before taking out his wallet and paid his tab. He walks up to you and gives his leftover money as a tip and apologizes. He then goes outside of the restaurant, soon coming back to his senses as he falls flat on his face, having no recollection of what just happened.
You stood there, shocked as you had no idea what just happened. Druig just bows his head to avoid any suspicion. Soon, you come back with a pie and a black coffee.
"You're not from around here, are you?" she asks.
Druig feels his heart beating a bit, but tries to lie.
"I've traveled here for work, heard good things about the dessert here." he said, taking a bite of the pie.
He suddenly brightens up as the blueberry feels like ambrosia in his mouth.
"This is divine!" he says, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"Thank you! No one has ever complimented my food before." you said with a twinkle in your eye.
"Really? Well, this beats anything that my friend makes" He says, thinking back to Gilgamesh in his phase of cooking his own recipes.
"You're too kind, Mr..." She trailed, hoping to hear the fine young man's name.
"Druig. It's nice to make your acquaintance." He said, reaching his hand for hers.
She shakes his hand, thinking that this stranger is more interesting than she thought.
"You can call me Evangeline."
*end of flashback*
Druig returns back to the present as he hears someone walking to the cashier with flour partially on her cheek.
"Hi! How can I help you?" You ask cheerfully.
Druig was a bit stunned. He realizes you were staring at him a bit strangely and he coughs in his fist to regain his senses.
"H-Hi. Um, this may sound a bit odd, but I was wondering if the owner was in?" He said.
"That's me actually." you said, shaking off a bit of flour off your hands.
His heart stops beating for a moment.
"Is this not the establishment of Evangeline?" He asks.
You're taken a bit back, as the stranger brings up a name you're more than familiar with.
"Evangeline's my grandmother, I took over her bakery when she was diagnosed with cancer." You said.
You see his features change, almost like he was feeling remorse.
"Oh, I'm sorry." he says in a small voice.
"Do you know my grandmother?" you ask.
Druig begins to worry, so he thinks of the first thing that comes to his mind.
"My grandfather and her were friends. He died a few years ago and wanted me to visit her as his dying wish. I've been trying to look for her bakery since then." He said, hoping you were convinced.
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear. She's in intensive care at the moment, so she won't be having visitors for awhile."
"I-I understand, I'm sorry for popping by out of the blue." He says, about to head out.
"Wait!" you said, walking out of your side door and walked over to him.
"My grandmother would really appreciate it if you were to see her when visitation is allowed. Why don't we talk as of now and share stories? I'm sure your grandfather knew a lot about her." You said, hoping as you wanted to know more about her past.
Druig felt so much guilt, as he could see in your eyes that you were longing to find some closure just like him.
"Yeah, I'd like that. I'm Barry." He said, raising his hand for you to shake
You smile as you give your name, thinking that this stranger in front of you would change your life.
Soon, you two became a bit closer. He started visiting you in the bakery and bought some pastries. The taste resembled like your grandmother's baking, and it warmed his heart that he was able to have some piece of her.
Later in your friendship, you invited him over to your apartment. You were mindlessly talking about moments with your grandmother as she raised you. Druig couldn't help but smile, it was like you had a similar personality to Evangeline yet different.
He started to like different.
"Barry" you said, trying to catch his attention.
His eyes revert to you as you were probably asking him a question as you two sat on your couch.
"I'm sorry, come again?" he asks.
"Could you tell me how your grandfather met my grandmother?" you asked, sipping your wine.
His throat feels dry, but he remembers back when he was in love.
"He said he met her when she was 22, full of excitement. She had this smile that made his heart want to soar. He'd come into the diner she worked at, just to grab a cup of coffee so he could see her face. She said that he talked funny... like he was from a different time."
You giggle lightly, knowing your grandma always said what was on her mind.
"Building up the courage, he finally asked her out on a date, and that changed everything. He gave her flowers every once in a while and they went dancing, a lot. Then, she told him that she wanted to open her own bakery and make it a family business."
"and what did your grandfather think?"
Druig pauses, looking down.
"He became her number one supporter when she said she wanted to quit her job at the diner to achieve her dream."
"It sounded like they were in love...." you said.
"Yeah, they were." Druig whispered, feeling his eyes prick with tears.
"Barry, there's something I want to ask you..." you said, locking eyes with him.
"Why did you leave?" you said softly.
He backs away as his back hit the armrest. "What are you talking about? It's my grandfather-"
He pauses as you say his name, almost like how your grandmother called out for him.
"How did you know?" he asks.
You look apologetic, but you got up and went to grab a small wooden box on a shelf. You slowly open it and grabbed a picture to give it to him.
"My grandma showed me pictures of her when she was younger, she said she fell in love with a man with golden eyes." You offered the small picture to Druig and saw himself hugging Evangeline as they danced. His heart ached.
"That was the last night I spent with her." he whispers.
"She really loved you. Even if you told her that you lived forever, she still wanted you to stay."
He shakes his head, not agreeing to your statement.
"Living as long as I have, it's really hard when you have deep affection to humans. But they grow so quickly, and in a blink... they're gone. Evangeline was the last woman I ever loved... and I don't think I could allow myself to feel that again."
You look down, feeling a tinge of pain in your heart.
"There's something I want you to have." You said, going back to the shelf and slipping a piece of paper inside of his hand.
"This is where my grandmother is staying. You can visit her within the times on the paper." You said.
His eyes turn sadder as he holds onto it for dear life and looks to you.
"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me."
You just smile and pull him in for a hug. You realized all this time of just being around him, you felt this feeling inside that you can't deny. For goodness sake, you grew up hearing stories about him and now he's in your life.
But you don't know how long.
After that night, you've tried to stay your distance. Being around Druig just made your heart shatter as you knew what you felt is not mutual. He tried visiting time to time, but you said that you're too busy cooking or you just listened to him rant about his day.
He still hasn't visited your grandmother, but he expressed that he wanted to find the right words to say.
On your day off, you walk inside the hospital that your grandmother was in. You brought blueberry muffins for the nurses that took care of her and some for yourself and her to eat. It was the first recipe you've learned from her, and she's always happy when you make them for you two to share.
When you reach her room, you see that the door is slightly open. You're about to open it wide, thinking a doctor is there, and you hear your grandmother speak.
"I never thought you'd come back."
"Of course I would have... I promised that i'd see your face again." Druig said.
You stop breathing for a moment, hearing his voice. You peer in the door and see Druig from behind as he sits by the woman he once loved.
"Is there anyone in your life? I'd hate if you have been alone all this time." Your grandma asks, reaching out for Druig's hand.
You couldn't see but he stretched his lips into a small smile as he shyly lowered his head.
"I um... met someone. She's caring and full of ambition, but I think I messed my chances with her."
"Oh? What makes you say that?" she asks softly.
"I wasn't ready to share my heart yet, I thought I was destined to be alone but... she changed everything. I don't want her to think that I used her because I never want to hurt her."
You cover your mouth with your hand, feeling tears sting your eyes.
Your grandma looks over her shoulder and sees you crying.
"Darling? Are you alright?" she asks. Druig sharply turns around and sees you, already standing up.
You back away as he calls you by your name. "Please, don't..." you whispered as you ran away, crying.
Druig's heart breaks as he stares where you once stood. He turns over and sees Evangeline piecing what just happened.
"Go." she simply said, only wanting to have her granddaughter and Druig have their own turn of their own happy ending.
Druig goes to her, kissing her hand softly as he runs out to you.
He asks nearby nurses where he might have run to and said he might find you at the hospital's greenhouse as you often came here in your free time.
Once he got instructions, he finally arrived as he entered inside. He could hear sniffling and walked lightly to where the sound came.
There were you sitting by yourself by some flowers. You turn around and see the man that you've slowly been falling for.
"Hear me out, I beg of you." He asks.
You dry your tears as you allow him to do so.
"Everything you heard back there was true. I knew I had to make things right with Evangeline because I wouldn't have moved on from my life. Since I met you, it was like I woke up from this long sleep. I saw the world like it was brand new. And the more I got to know you, the more I wanted to spend each of my breathing moments with you." He says, now kneeling to you as both your eyes couldn't bear to look away.
"There's so many things I want to say, but I don't know how." you whispered, too afraid of what will happen next.
"I understand." He says lowly, getting up.
Once he stands and turned around, you whip him to you and kissed his lips, holding his face. Druig was shocked, but he closed his eyes as he places his hands on your waist. It was like sparks flying around you both as you kissed under the sun beams from the glass.
A second later, the water sprinklers turn on and start pouring on you both. You squeal as you look up, laughing. Druig joins in your laughter as well as he twirls you in his arms, remembering the time he felt such joy. But this one was different...
It was a new kind of love.
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mamabearwonders · 8 months
Rant About Manager (Part 2/2)
So my other boss or general manager is- well, let's say he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. In his case, a McSad meal because I genuinely don't understand how he's a manager. He also walked out when I got hired and now he's back??
So in my healing from c*vid/before stomach fl* era, I called out for a mental health & thrifting day on Thursday or I knew I'd quit when I got my thrifting therapy to fuel. So I already didn't wanna come in on Friday and lowkey both still sick and getting sick again.
This guy literally stands on the line all day texting. He's supposed to be covering grill. I would call back so many times well before we ran out what we were out on. I'd just get, "K." "Yeah." Then no food. When we were in a rush ALL DAY. He starts blaming me and the other person doing a 5 person job on line that "we're giving too much food out."
Listen buddy. I'm not a math expert. But one rinky dinky pan of white rice is not going to be enough for an all day out the door mad dash rush. And customers are able to get as much rice as they want- our portions are like WW2 rations so I get it.
He refuses to put signs up, refuses to communicate with guests, won't give refunds, it's a nightmare. Half the time he doesn't put cash in the drawer so no cash. He makes giving breaks seem like such a burden.
We asked him politely to grab stuff from the fridge he's right next to because we can't leave the line or there's one poor unfortunate soul at the mercy of the hungry masses up there. He refuses and just texts. End of the day, he starts complaining to my manager who was in the trenches with me about how I didn't do outs all day. She defended me.
Like OBVIOUSLY? I can't leave the line? And we asked you to help us! There's no staff here?? We even had folks who come on at my time to leave who offered to clock on early to help us. He refused, but then refused to cover me up front while he's just texting away. Why are you a manager? I'm minimum wage, idc if this sad place burns to the ground. You're supposed to care about customers and workers - ya know, the two people that bring money in for your paycheck twice the size of mine for standing around looking at the air.
I get it, I don't do much either. But you're not gonna yell at me for having no change in the drawer which isn't my job or for not outs when you won't let anyone help us including you.
But the final straw was- at long last I could see the light outside beckoning me to leave. 30 minutes after my shift, finally. As I'm making my EMPLOYEE MEAL, he asked me to clock back on to take out another section's trash. Excuse me?
He's like I'll pay you. i hope so, sir. That would be illegal otherwise. Is that supposed to be an incentive? Also 10 extra minutes is like peanuts, it won't show up. ALSO. That's not my job either? I'm happy to help out those who help me, but not to CLOCK BACK ON? The absolute disrespect. Not even a "hey I apologize for keeping you late". But while I'm making my burrito.
So I threw my gloves on the counter, pretended to be in the back and turned around to leave. It's not about the money. And this is why friends of mine and I impulsively quit jobs- because we don't like being disrespected like this. And it sucks how you have to just put up with it because sadly that's the current state of the retail and fast food job industry.
I've been looking for an escape for months. Popped back on indeed, all the same jobs I've been applied to months ago or jobs just as toxic as mine.
I'm trying to just say, oh I don't work that often, but I absolutely dread going into work. I have 1 coworker that helps a bit, but he's only there on my shift once out of the three shifts if that anymore (college for him). I can't even sleep on nights I have work.
It doesn't help it's me and one other person if that running tortilla, hot food side (so like rice), salsas side, bagging chips and salsas and doing cashier. If we had a cashier, it would help a lot instead of constantly changing gloves and changing food and washing hands to avoid cross contamiation.
Oh. And I've gotten sick TWICE from there. I wasn't exactly having the time of my life with c*vid and certainly not with the stomach fl*, but I was happy to be away from work. Now that it's happened twice especially I just don't wanna be back.
And I can't get temporary unemployment because a previous job lied about things so I can't get it. Also adulting is kind of stacking up so I might HAVE to take another day at work and mentally, physically and emotionally I can't. My health is already bad enough, I'm just trying not to push myself so hard I'm forced to quit due to health and then have no job.
Tbh if I just got transferred to the restaurant down my street instead of that one, I'd be ok for a bit longer. It's a smaller one and just down the block instead of a few stops away. But I've applied for MONTHS and they say they're hiring, but apparently aren't. I also don't know what the environment is like over there. I just need a change of pace...anything like idk. It's not doing wonders for my health at all.
It's frustrating turning around and my manager is literally out in the open just texting. Not getting change, not helping us, yelling at us for not doing his job, trying to force us to do even more work without extra pay...
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guessimate · 4 months
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What did the ancient Romans celebrate at this time of the year? Something like an all saints' day, Lemuria. And Mercuralia as well - a holiday all about the merchants' patron, but I don't really have merchants in town right now... A celebration for the god Vulcan is rapidly approaching, too. It's good to have musicians around during these festivities.
Apparently you couldn't get married around Lemuralia, which is interesting. I might make it a 'rule' for this round - no weddings, at least in the European part of my town (should someone run away to Sim Asia, it's fair game).
My sims are celebrating those who passed away young, before their time. It's especially the elder founders who mourn their children.
It took me a while to set everything up. A lot of NPC-s spawned... A garden club person, a masseuse and a cashier at the bathhouse lot... Two head witches and the charlatan as well...
The garden club lady sells tree seeds, which I totally forgot about. Ninurta Orange decided to take her on a date (he got his 5th first date wish, which is a big deal for a Pleasure sim). I'm so mad I can't gussy her up because she's the only garden club person in my game, so I'll have to ignore her everyday look.
They had a dream date and Ninurta managed to steal a kiss from her. He's halfway through his elderhood and it might be his last 'conquest' (not really, no woohoo or love happened).
I'd like him to get into the garden club, but I don't think it's going to happen since they just started a new garden from scratch on their new lot. And I didn't want to apply when it was raining...
The Oranges' heir (grandson, generation III) aged up on the same day as the puppy they had bought.
And it finally happened... The leader of the wolves came over to nibble the founder of the Orange household. I was a bit conflicted about it because I wanted it to happen to the Wolfens. But at the same time I wanted to have at least one of the founders become a werewolf, because they 'domesticated' the stray wolves, which was one of my 'milestones'.
Unlocking supernaturals also unlocks supernatural seeds. So if I ever have vampires, they could be interested in obtaining plasma fruits.
Ninurta Orange seems quite content with being a werewolf, he wants to howl and summon wolves every night. I had him encourage his grandson Ninildu to be a bit more playful, since he doesn't have much life in him left despite becoming a werewolf. I think the original founders will start dying off next round... or the round after that.
But that's not all. The ROS for this family was actually to meet an alien... not by stargazing, but rather by just running into them. And so an alien moved in with them. I will treat this alien as a fluid class so they can marry anyone they wish. I could treat her as a servant, but I don't think that's a good idea.
Primula Venus is joining the hood. I made her personality rather extreme because that's what alien personality is usually like, so I gave her some minimal values. She's a Scorpio: 9 Neat, 7 Outgoing, 9 Active, but also 0 Serious, and 0 Grouchy. She's a Knowledge sim because... she's an alien.
Her face (at least the ears) are courtesy of these awesome faces which have a baby version.
I was thinking about incorporating the poppy set, since substances were known in ancient times in Europe, but apparently their use declined later on in medieval times, so it's high time I made use of some... I'm not sure if that mod is working properly in my game, I have to test it... The opium set does work, it's just that I can only really harvest the opium and seeds once and I thought I could do it multiple times, but whatever, it works.
I'm still conflicted on how to deal with taxes and money in general. The original ToT doesn't really mention this at all, and I was using the MCC taxing system for the East part of my sim world only for now. I might incorporate it a bit later... The problem is all my sims are a bit loaded in the European part of the world (since I played them for 2 generations). I don't want to punish them for earning money in the previous era, but at the same time I would like them to pay some sort of a tax. I might start making them pay the rent next round.
Damu didn't give me any indication of how he wants to earn money in terms of occupation, but he keeps wanting to sell masterpieces and earn money, so I might let him paint a bit. I don't want to do too much of it though. I would like this family to produce milk, butter and cheese someday, since they did get a pair of goats. I think I may have to give them more goats, just from buy mode. Because I'm still not sure about everything, I didn't want to mess with their money yet. It's like a setup round since they just moved in to a new place.
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violetsystems · 2 years
I haven't been doing much of anything except sending out resumes and listing stuff on eBay. The resumes seem to go nowhere but surprisingly everybody wants to buy something at the world's largest garage sale. There's a lot to like about getting rid of shit for cash. I've been on a lifelong mission of downsizing the worthless detritus that has piled up in my life. You should see my friend's list. But part of the madness is dealing with the overhang of depression that nothing seems to get better or change in real life. It's a silent expectation for me t o not rock the boat. To keep upholding a corrupt system of winks, nudges and constant neighborhood surveillance. Never really ever asking my name, how long I've lived here and why people can't seem to remember I exist when it comes time to apologize. I've learned most of the world is like this now. No personal responsibility for anything. Just a joke or a smile for every awkward encounter that seems to violate every nascent idea of human rights you've come to expect in a country that lies a lot. I was buying coffee at the local grocery yesterday. They never have the Bridgeport coffee in the system when you ring it up. So they either have to run and price check it or take your word for it. The cashier asked me if I knew the price and I said 10.99. She said she trusted me. The delivery on the line wasn't sarcastic and I really wasn't lying. Coffee is one of those things that inflation and advertising share a demarcation line with. If you drink it black like I do without sugar then there's a real difference between roast and taste. Starbuck's overr oasts everything to ash. A dark roast from La Colombe is like licking the oil off a tire iron. Blue bottle seems to never fuck up a roast but their twelve ounce bags cost over twenty dollars if you subscribe to it. Close to thirty if you decide to help out the delivery man and go into the store yourself. I've heard it said from people from Taiwan that real culture came from the things that were readily available during dark times. I still walk everywhere in this neighborhood. The Costco is only a few blocks away. The local groceries have their own deals and culture to them. But for the record the only thing I ever do with the money I was awarded from my work as retirement is shop. And with no money coming in from anything because of an apparent blacklisting and social campaign to bury me invisibly? There isn't much to focus on to deal with the depression of being isolated by society for three years and have people online read about it. There's things I'm not unhappy about for sure. And that includes my friendships on the internet. But nobody outside the internet will ever understand them. No matter how many people you put in my way on the way to the grocery store to spy on me.
That's the real anger there. I've written here for almost a decade in some form. There's accounts I've been friends with forever that I don't know beyond Tumblr. And then there's people who just magically pop back into your life like they never lost access with the help of undercover police they get their drugs from. People who literally know every sick nuance and truth behind every lie people say about me. And they just act like it doesn't happen apparently trapped behind the psyche locked in their coke mirror. I don't have problems with people who party responsibly. But we all know how deep people can get wrapped up into the lies, social scenes, and personal hierarchies of cliques and their excesses. Chicago is worse in this respect because it's a trap. No one can leave this police state. The police walk around and lead people on leashes trying to infiltrate your life when they've been actively surveilled trying to fuck it up without a warrant. I've been sitting here for three years while this happened in ways I wrote about, described and even reported to the authorities. And nothing happens. I'm left to infer that democracy and justice don't work. And I look on the tv and am reminded that it doesn't in very downhill displays of shock and horror. What happens when I'm beat unconscious by five police for complaining about them blocking the crosswalk I walk on for the ninth time? I already suffered through dealing with authority and ruin. And I wrote about it here and watched people secretly retaliate against me in public for the shit I just journaled. What is someone from my past going to learn more about other than participating in the gaper's block? You gonna offer me a minimum wage part time job at your store? You gonna sell me black market vape carts because the police told you I was going to the dispensary again. You gonna cry because I'm the only motherfucker who has love enough for reality to tell you that you don't even remotely live in it? Honestly, I am an adult who has seen other adults out here act worse than children. Myco zombies interconnected in a mass of chemicals, bad decisions and a refusal to face themselves in the mirror. I'm not like a lot of people out here. I wake up at five and keep asking questions only to have people actively follow me around like plague ridden rats in the street. None of it makes sense. And all of it just gets messier and messier. They know you are on your way out. And they both want to break you and drain you of cash before you make it. They can't stand to see you escape the wrath of their God. And also want to psychologically manipulate you with the help of tax payer dollars in an effort to address neighborhood violence. All it seems like to me is a fog like hell that I only tolerate because I care about some people in this world. I don't give a fuck about the past or the people out here. I would much rather find a job and move. But instead I'm here draining my retirement being fucked with by cops, gang bangers, and worse. I make due. I pay rent six days before it's due. And I don't have any civil rights to speak of. That's no exaggeration. So why does it persist? Why is it just an inside joke that I'm pretty much the only one going to survive the horror show out there because I stayed away from it? I couldn't bother to write about it to explain it anymore. But it is at its breaking point. And I'm just figuring out cheaper ways to enjoy my coffee in peace.
I've always just been one guy on the internet. When somebody interacts with me in my dash and I wonder? It's just me in my kitchen wondering about it. I don't tell my parents. I don't discuss what it means with my friends in real life. I have no friends I trust in real life anymore. That's their problem not mine. I may talk about it online a week later. But nobody in real life has any access to me emotionally whatsoever. They try and they have an agenda outside of their own personal shit that they compromised on. And I often wonder what kind of desperation would lead someone to believe after all I've written that I'd be interested in giving this situation around here the benefit of the doubt. I don't want to be trapped in America and be disaster porn for some revolutionary dickheads with trust funds. I have a lot of things I could be paid for. I have a twenty three year resume that people ignore everywhere except China. I hear people sit in front of cameras and make promises to people who don't even confront the real world outside of a pundit or television camera. And I just sit here being ignored on one hand. On the other, it gives me a lot of time to focus on people who actually communicate with me. And sometimes communication on here can be a bit nuanced itself. I get that people play their cards close to their chest. I get that I'm going to pay another forty dollars for ad free on Tumblr to avoid being targetted personally by the ads. What people out there don't seem to get is that there is a limit. You can fuck with someone so long before it becomes your albatross. You can talk shit about someone so many years that it becomes the only thing you say. Without my name in your mouth you don't have a point. You are worthless and nothing. You can't even come up with an idea unless you have me as a target to kick around. And that becomes all you are known for. Fucking with me. Your entire life at the end of it flashes before you. And it's all me whinging about how you spent your entire life trying to prove something about me you failed at. And you die right there. With my monotone voice explaining to you I told you so. I was right about me all along. That is confidence motherfucker. And I'm growing ever more confident every day that this is the reality you wish upon yourself wishing ill on me. I am a dead end. Look at me after all these years. You can't even fucking understand three paragraphs written this long. You keep trying to insert yourself into my dialog like you wrote the story. This city is simply a chapter for me. A particularly shitty chapter that leads to an exodus some day of sorts. Where I can write these over coffee across the table from someone. For now, you are in my heart like you always have been. I'm just trying to deal with wasting away. And one day it is going to be too late. For now, there's a lot of gabber records on my shelf to sell. <3 Tim
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sorcerers-quest · 11 months
I'm listening to an essay on the rust belt and how industrialization in America moved to other countries and states where labor, taxes, and materials would be cheaper and they could get away with worse practices (illegal dumping, unsafe work environments, long hours, etc) and what came of this was rioting in the rust belts region, and police brutality. all in like, the 1800s? and like I don't remember learning about this in school. I feel like maybe this is something that should be thought about again. like eventually we were no longer producing things as much as having service jobs. and that's where we are now I feel. importing everything from out of our country and using cheap labor from poor people in other parts of the world who are loosing their sanity, health, digits, and lives over our entertainment and individualistic living. we don't need as much as we have. for hundreds and thousands of years the clothes you owned were the ones on your back, you didn't have changes of clothes for everything.
"no one wants to work anymore" maybe working in america was awful to begin with, and people don't like suffering or even dying because of their job. and maybe we should start rioting and inciting other countries to join on the same basis, you should not be spending more hours at work than you are awake at home, per week. you should be able to have healthy and happy relationships and the ability to have children who you love and care for as a real human being and not as a burden on your lively hood and paycheck, because having a child is so expensive now the birth rate is so low in America that we won't be having many more generations to take care of things unless we open our borders up to immigration.
if we want things to continue in a "normal" way, 5 hours should be your maximum amount of hours on a shift per day, with 3 days off at minimum. you should be getting paid $30+ per hour, or things you need to survive should be lowered in price. we do not live in a scarcity, we throw out more good and edible food than we sell. we have enough housing, apartments, motels, and places to sleep for everyone. healthcare should be given to you for free by your job, at every job, as long as you are employed. preferably and ideally, it should be free. as you are a human being with the necessity of living and taking care of yourself. companies have the ability and money to hire to hire more people. they just don't want to. because having less than 10 people trained on 4+ stations working one home depot for a shift is cheaper than having 30 people all working their own station. it's cheaper for a dollar general to have 2 employees per shift than 5, so their stores end up never being stocked correctly and just looking like a disaster. the cashier your boomer dad yelled at is making $9/hr while her manager makes $16 and their GM is making a 30k salary. every one. EVERYONE. should be mad. how do you manage to live? you apply for food stamps so the government, who should be forcing your employer to pay you more, can give you $25-200 a month, depending on whatever they feel is right based on the hours your forced to work in order to pay rent. how can you even pay rent, utilities, a phone bill, internet access, literally fucking everything to be able to live a normal life, on top of eating. like????
I'm so pissed off and disappointed I don't know why we aren't running among the streets ripping the intestines out of billionaires. you jest "eat the rich", while I'm heating up my fucking crockpot and getting the meat grinder out. I'm tired of the false prophets out here doing nothing to organize and improve the lifes of themselves and everyone else around them. why are you scared. you have a phone you have internet access and so does the majority of everyone else in this sad and pathetic fucking world like start organizing the revolution now because we will not have a future generation to do it for us
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