#like idk the idea of a final resting place kinda sunk in
chewwytwee · 6 months
I’m not gonna smoke in an old ass graveyard again
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hologramband · 4 years
Never The 1
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(gif crds cryinghimbos) 
Alive!Reggie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: This is taking place after the boys cross over, I like the little theory where “crossing over” means just “crossing over” back to life or something, idk we gonna roll with it tho lol. 
The song I use in this is  “Never the 1” by ROSIE
The hallways were busy as you and Flynn walked side by side to your next class. This dreary Monday was almost over, just one class stood between you and hanging out with your friends. 
You knew how to sing, but you never thought you were any good, so you tended to keep to writing lyrics here and there, but mostly helping with Flynns sides of things when it came to advertising the bands events and other things, helping the band in a few different ways. 
“So, (Y/n), how have things been going with you and Dylan? Is he starting to be more okay with you spending more time with the band?” Flynn started a conversation while waiting for you to switch your books at your locker. 
Dylan was your boyfriend of seven months, things had been good between the two of you until you started wanting to spend more of your time with Julie and the boys the last month or so. You had an image issue before you met Dylan, never really being confident in yourself, you liked hiding in the background. Julie and Flynn had always included you in everything they did, but something just finally clicked with Dylan, he made you feel special. 
When the band took off you were ecstatic, growing close with each of the boys, especially Reggie, your personalities meshing really well, and Alex, him becoming like a brother to you.
You still made time for Dylan, hanging out with him when you weren’t helping the band, even invited him to practices when you went, but for some reason he wasn’t a fan of hanging out with your friends. 
“Eh, he’ll come around eventually. He can’t expect me not to have any friends other than him.” You shrugged your shoulders and closed the locker door, the two of you changing topics and continuing to class. 
When you get there a smile instantly grows on your face, this was your favorite class of the day since you shared it with both Flynn, Julie, and the boys. 
“(Y/n)! Hi! Are you coming to practice today?” Reggie smiled as you sat in your seat across from him. 
“Well duhh, wouldn't miss it.” You smiled back and looked around at the rest of the group, falling into a conversation with the rest of them. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, signaling you got a text from someone, looking down you saw it was Dylan. 
-Hey babe, something came up so I, won’t be able to go to Julies with you after school, sry :/-
You frown at the message, he hasn’t been to a single practice yet, “something” always coming up, but send a short reply saying it was okay before the teacher, Ms. Adamson walked in and started her lesson. 
“Alright class, for the next project I want to get your creative juices flowing,” She clasps her hands together and moved to the board, switching her powerpoint slide to the instructions to the new assignment, “by the end of the week I want you all to have an original piece prepared to present or preform for the class.” 
You felt your eyes widen and your body stiffen, the main reason you haven’t ever let anyone hear you sing was due to your crippling stage fright. 
You glance around and see the rest of your friends smiling and high fiving each other, seeing this as another opportunity to bring a light to the band. 
“Is this a group project?” Luke raised his hand and asked, only to be met with a smirk and a shake of the teachers head. 
“Unfortunately, Mr. Patterson, this is an individual project, consider it a time for everyone to showcase what talents they have and are keeping hidden,” Ms. Adamson laid her hand on your desk and sent a subtle wink your way. 
She had walked in on you one day in the music room while you were messing around with some new lyrics for the song the band was working on.
You sunk in your seat a bit more and looked to see the rest of your friends looking your way, slight confusion on their faces, meaning they also saw the wink your teacher had sent your way. 
The rest of the lesson was focused on the details of the project and her giving ideas on what could be done other than music, such as spoken word, a painting, etc. You spent the rest of class figuring out what you could do other than sing, but had a feeling Ms. Adamson would accept nothing else from you. 
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day and everyone stood from their chairs and collectively walked to their lockers, getting ready to walk to Julies for practice. 
You made your way to your own locker, smiling when you saw Dylan standing to the side of it. 
“Hey, Dyl.” You went to give him a kiss, but he moved his head so your lips landed on his cheek instead. 
“Sorry I can’t come today, I bombed a test in math so Mr. Douglas is making me stay after with a tutor for the next week to fix my grade.” He shrugged his shoulders and his eyes were darting from place to place. 
Deciding not to comment on his weird behavior, pushing it off as just embarrassment of failing the test. 
“No worries, you’ll make it to one eventually,” You smiled at him and saw the crew walking towards you, everyone always walked to Julies together after school. 
Dylan noticed your gaze shifting and stiffened at the sight of all of them. 
“Hey,” You placed a hand on his arm, confusion growing, “everything okay?” 
He simply shrugged your hand off. 
“Yeah, yeah, just gotta get to the library, see ya.” He left a chaste kiss on the top of your head as he rushed in the opposite direction of your friends. 
“What was all that about?” Alex commented as he swung an arm around your shoulders. 
You were still in shock that he ran off like that, but again blamed it on the bad grade, as dumb as it was. 
“Not sure,” you mumbled, quickly changing your attitude, “you guys ready to head out?”
With nods all around you all started the short walk to Julies. 
Practice went great, the band trying out new songs that Luke and Julie had written, you fixing a few of the lines so the song flowed a bti better. 
During one of the breaks, everyone decided to sit and talk about the upcoming project. 
“What are you guys gonna do? Not being able to play as a band?” You wiggled your eyebrows at the group and they all kinda shrugged. 
“Oh I know what i'm doing! “Home is Where My Horse Is” will finally get the recognition it deserves!” Reggie stretches his arms along the back of the couch that the two of you were sitting on, setting his feet on the table in front of him. 
Laughter erupted from everyone, already knowing that was what Reggie would do. 
“What about you,” Alex turned the attention to you, “Ms. Adamson sent a pretty pointed wink your way when explaining it was gonna be individual.” 
You felt your cheeks burn a bit and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“Eh, you know how she is, I’m sure I’ll come up with something.” You looked around and realized that your answer hadn’t satisfied the group. 
Your phone again buzzed with a text from your mom saying you needed to get home. 
“Oh, sorry guys, mom needs me for Dinner,” you stood quickly. 
“Ah, saved by ‘mom’,” Julie winked. 
You laughed as you gathered your things. 
“I’ll walk you!” Reggies exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, meeting you by the garage doors. 
This was a pretty normal experience for the two of you, Reggie and you always enjoying the walk together, being more open with just the two of you rather than the whole group. 
“Lets go, partner,” you winked at the reference to his growing love for country music. 
It wasn’t a terribly long walk, but after the sun went down it was always safer to have someone with you. 
Another thing that happens when the sun goes down is the reminder that you forgot a jacket, a slight chill running down your spine. You had hoped that you covered it up with a couch, but within seconds an extra layer of warmth was thrown across your shoulders. 
Reggie had taken his flannel from his waist and given it to you, you thanked him as you pushed your arms through the sleeves. 
“So, how are things with you and Dylan? You seemed upset earlier when we got to your locker.” Reggies glanced at you.
“Oh, you know, it’s fine, he’s just been a bit distant lately, i’m not sure what’s going on but i'm sure we’ll get through it.” You shrugged and looked at your shoes, suddenly finding them very interesting. 
“There’s something else, c’mon, (Y/n),” Reggie slightly bumped his shoulder into yours, causing you to look up at him, a slight smile from the action on your face, but falling instantly. 
“Um,” you look back at your shoes, “it’s really nothing, silly really.” You shrugged your shoulder again, stopping as you got to your driveway. 
The real reason you had been so shocked when Dylan walked away earlier was due to him not telling you he loved you, he had always said those three words before parting your side, no matter the circumstances, for the last four months of your relationship. When he didn’t say them this afternoon it took you by surprise. 
“Well, you know i’m always here right?” Reggie moved a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up in his direction. 
“No matter what it’s about, whether you need to rant, cry, or share something really cool, I’m always here to listen,” He smiles down at you, causing you to crinkle your nose and smile back, bringing him into a short hug. 
“Thanks, Reg. It really means a lot.” You pull away and walk the last few steps to your house, hesitating at the doorway, turning back as Reggie spoke again.  
“Have a good night, (Y/n),” Reggie smiled at your retreating figure, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“You too, see you tomorrow!” You waved and walked in the door to your house, pulling his flannel a little tighter once the door closed, then shaking the thoughts that were entering your head away. 
Reggie was just a friend, plus you had a boyfriend, Dylan might be distant right now, but he was still there…
The next few days had gone by quicker than you anticipated, it now being Thursday and you still didn’t have a plan for what you were going to do in class the next day. 
You had tried writing a few lyrics, but nothing felt right, you couldn’t find the right inspiration for what you wanted to do, you honestly didn’t even know what you wanted to do. At this point your game plan was to fake being sick so you wouldn’t have to stand up in front of the class, gasping like a goldfish out of water. 
You sat in your last class of the day, all your friends talking about what they were doing tomorrow, Alex had a drum solo with a few lyrics he had come up with, Luke singing one of his songs he was able to whip up within an hour, Julie doing the same, Flynn had made a really cool beat she was going to freestyle to, and Reggie had Home is Where My Horse Is. 
Ms. Adamson had given you the day to work and finalize your projects for tomorrow, and you were starting to feel overwhelmed. 
The bell rang and snapped you out of the anxious trance you had been in.
You walked to your locker and tried to figure out what you were going to do, you had under 24 hours to figure something out now. 
“Hey, (Y/n), you coming?” Reggie and the rest of the group were at your side, waiting to see if you were going to walk back with them. 
“Um, I think I’m gonna stay back today, I really need to focus and figure out what I’m going to do for tomorrow,” You ran a hand through your hair and let out a breath, “Plus I think Dylan is tutoring in the library so I might see if he can help or something, I haven't really much from him lately.” You lightly laughed at how sad that sounded, and shook your head, waving to the group as you walked towards the library.
“Let me know if you need anything!” Reggie called out and you sent a grateful smile his way. 
You didn’t see Dylan when you walked in, so you choose a secluded spot in the corner, trying to get some work done. 
After 30 minutes of staring at the blank paper, you give up, deciding to call it a sick day tomorrow and pray that something comes to you this weekend. 
As you pack up your things you scan the room again, curious if maybe Dylan had just come in without you noticing, but frown when you don’t see him. 
You start drafting a text to him that you were looking for him, but stopped when you heard a book fall from the shelves a few rows away, and a moan that sounds quite familiar. 
Slowly, you walked down the aisle paralleling where you heard the noises coming from, and froze by what you saw through a break in the books. 
Dylan was here after all, but he had his hands all over someone else, lips on someone who wasn’t you.  
A tear escaped from your eye as you turned away, deleting the text message you were going to send and starting a new one. 
-Hey, I was looking for you in the Library. I found you… I left the bracelet you got me on the table by your aisle. -
You removed the small charm bracelet the boy had given you after your three month anniversary and placed it on the table, hit send, and blocked his number. 
Tears were flowing freely now, as well as your thoughts.
Did he ever care? 
Was I just a joke to him? 
Did he ever love me? 
Why wasn’t I enough? 
You found yourself in the school's music room, taking a deep breath as you sat down, pulling out your song journal. 
Inadvertently, Dylan had given you just the inspiration you needed for your song. 
Your fingers flowed freely on the keys, finding the right melody for the emotions you were feeling. You played and wrote the notes down, some lyrics came now, but you were focused on the melody. 
The janitor eventually came around and told you that you had to leave, and you rushed home, not wanting to forget the lyrics you had in your head. 
You skipped dinner and ran straight to your room when you got home, the tears starting again as your phone flashed with a text, not due to the sender, but the picture on your lock screen. 
Angrily you opened your phone and deleted all the pictures of the boy you had loved, not wanting the reminder that you had trusted him flashing  in your face anymore. 
While deleting the pictures you ran across one of you and Reggie messing around in the garage, the next one of Flynn and Julie with their arms wrapped around you. 
You smiled and set your lock screen as the picture of the girls and you, your new background the picture of you and Reggie. 
Feeling a bit better, you went back to work on writing the lyrics that you had been thinking of. 
When you finally finished, you saw the clock flashing 4am at you. 
Having all your emotions finally written out on paper made you feel worlds better, and you found sleep easy after, but just too easy at that. 
When you woke up the next day you saw that you had already missed the first few classes of the day. 
Reggie, Julie, and Flynn had all called and left text messages asking where you were.
Cursing, you got up and dressed, throwing the first things on that you could find, one item happened to be Reggies flannel he had lent you the other day, giving you a sense of ease when you breathed in his cologne.  
When brushing your teeth you saw your reflection and gasped, no amount of makeup would cover up the red puffy eyes that blessed your face. 
With a sigh you splashed some cold water on them, helping a little, only being able to tell now if someone was really looking. 
Not having the time to focus on this you gathered your things and ran to school. 
You walked through the doors and took note of the time, and made your way to the lunch room where you found your friends at their usual spot. 
“Well, well, well, there she is,” Flynn called as she saw you approaching. 
You smiled at the girl and sat down, trying to keep your head down, hoping they wouldn’t take notice of your appearance, but to no avail. 
“Babe,” Julie turned your face towards her, “what happened to you?” 
Before you could answer you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning to see Dylan standing there, anxiously rocking back and forth on his feet. 
“Um, can we talk?” He scratches the back of his neck, looking from your friends to you. 
“There’s nothing to be said,” you whisper and turn away from him, but he just sat in the empty seat in front of you. 
“You haven’t been answering my texts, just let me explain, please.” He was getting stressed, you weren’t giving in like you typically did. 
“They won't go through, I blocked you,” you shrug, “and there's not much to explain, you lost me the second you decided to make out with Sara in the library, sure was a pity you got caught, wasn’t it?” You shot daggers with your eyes as you spoke, a slight gasp from Flynn came from your side. 
Dylan felt the hostility from the band and shifted in his seat, why he was still here was beyond you, but the bell quickly ended the conversation. 
You stood and tried to walk away, just for Dylan to catch your wrist and turn you towards him. Before he could get a single word out you felt yourself word vomiting.
“Why wasn’t I enough for you?” the question that had been ringing in your head since you caught him finally came out, a single tear running down your cheek.  
His mouth opened and closed a few times, and you just nodded and pulled your wrist away from him, only a few steps away before Reggie had you pulled into his arms in a tight hug, soon joined by Alex and Luke, then the girls. 
They pulled away and you wiped your tears, smiling at them. 
“C’mon, we gotta get to class.” You muttered, Reggie slinging his arm around your shoulders, not an abnormal thing, but it was just what you needed in this moment. 
Class was going by quickly, the rest of the band performing their pieces, Reggie just sitting down from singing HIWMHI.
“Alrighty, last, but certainly not least we have (Y/n),” She smiled at you and you stood, making your way to the piano in the corner, the band questioning this since they only thought you knew how to play the guitar, just wait until they hear you sing. 
You clear your throat and start on the keys, taking a breath and letting the music take over. 
“Met you in October
You talked sweet and a little slow.
And I thought, mmm 
I think I, mmm”
It was obvious to almost everyone in the room that this song was about Dylan, what most of the room wasn’t aware of was that this was a break up song. 
“Warm eyes and your hands cold
You sang soft like a sore throat
And I thought mmm
I think I mmm
Cause I know you're dangerous
I saw through your games and played them
And I hate myself for letting you in”
You look at Ms. Adamson before continuing to the chorus, he eyes already gleaming with pride that you chose to sing. You tried to send a mini apology for the curse word that was coming in the next part.
“Now I could write 10 songs 'bout 9 ways you fucked me over
Only took you 8 second to forget 7 months together
We were up till 6 in the morning
5 ways a week
You said 4ever then left before I counted to 3
Loved you a little 2 much but I was never
I was never the 1”
You took a deep breath and played the keys a bit before moving onto the next part of the song. 
“You mеt me on a Friday
I dressed up likе a first date
So you'd think, "mmm
I think I mmmm"
And I knew we loved when
You stayed past 2 am
And I thought mmm
Does he think mmm”
You looked up and opened your eyes, making eye contact with your friends, Julie and Flynn having small tears in their eyes, knowing this song was written with fresh heartbreak. 
The boys all had looks of shock written on their faces, this being the first time hearing you sing, and the emotion ripe in your voice just making it that much better. 
Reggie had a hint of a smile on his face, pride radiating from him watching you blossom in front of him.
“And I knew you were dangerous
I saw through your games and played them
And I hate myself for letting you in”
You closed your eyes and launched into the chorus again, really letting the emotion carry you through the rest of the song. 
“Now I could write 10 songs 'bout 9 ways you fucked me over
Only took you 8 seconds to forget 7 months together
We were up till 6 in the morning
5 ways a week
You said 4ever and left before I counted to 3
Loved you little 2 much but I was never
I was never the 1”
You took your hands from the keys and repeated the last line again, just your voice filling the crowded classroom. 
“Loved you a little 2 much, but I was never, I was never the 1”
You held out the final “1” and then stepped back from the piano, applause breaking from across the classroom. 
You shyly courtesy and quick step it back to your seat, your stage fright quickly returning. 
“I would like to thank you all for your participation today, and another thanks for being vulnerable with everyone in the room. Everyone was absolutely amazing, I'll have grades up by Monday, have a good weekend!” Ms. Adamson dismissed the class and all your friends' eyes turned to you. 
“WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL US YOU COULD SING?” Luke exclaimed with wide eyes and flailing hands. 
You giggled a bit and shrugged your shoulders.
“Girl, that was so good, did you write it all last night?” Julie shook her head in amazement. 
“Uh yeah, inspiration hit and I just wrote until it was finished.” You shrugged and wring your hands together, not wanting to focus on the moment that inspired it all. 
“Um, are we going to the garage to hang? I can go get my things,” You tried to change the subject by standing and starting towards your locker, Reggie hot on your heels. 
“(Y/n)! Wait up!” You stopped and waited for the boy to catch up, continuing as soon as he was by your side. 
“You really have a great voice,” Reggie gushed as he looked down at you. 
A blush crept on your face as you shook your head. 
Reggie leaned against the neighboring lockers to yours as you gathered your things, looking up at him when you saw his muscles tense. 
You then followed his gaze to see him looking at Dylan walking on the opposite side of the hall, arm slung around Sara, like he used to with you. 
You returned your gaze back to your locker, a new rush of emotions flowing through you. 
Reggie lightly rested a hand on your arm and pulled you into his chest much like he had a few hours prior. 
“He’s an idiot for letting you get away,” He mumbled in your hair. 
“No,” you pulled back slightly, “I’m the idiot who thought someone like him actually loved me.” You wiped a stray tear, Reggie then grabbing each of your hands in his own.
“Don’t you ever think like that, he was rude, careless and just plain stupid for not seeing what he had right in front of him.” 
You look up at the boy in front of you. 
“(Y/n), you are the most beautiful girl I know, inside and out. Your thoughtfulness for everyone around you is absolutely amazing, you care for so many people, you do so much, and don’t ask for anything in return. You are a whole package, and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind.” Reggie finished and wiped the tears that fell while he was talking. 
You leaned back into his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso, feeling grounded, safe,  in a way you never did with Dylan. 
“Thank you,” you muttered, leaning back and feeling butterflies in your stomach, “Um, Reggie, I don’t want to start anything right now, I need some time to figure me out-” you started, but were interrupted by Reggie shushing you. 
“Hey, don't stress about this, you take all the time you need, I promise you I’m not going anywhere.” He smiles down at you, you return it tenfold. 
“Hey! (Y/n)! What would you think about a feature on our next song?” Luke comes running up beside you and Reggie, ending the moment that was occurring. 
“Um, i’ll have to think about that a bit,” You smirked, Reggie grabbing your bag and placing it on his shoulders, wrapping an arm around you as the group walked out of the school. 
“By the way,” Reggie whispers in your ear, “I’m loving the way my flannel looks on you.” 
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mingishoe · 5 years
Brat | J.WY
Summary: You finally get to dom apparently you’re really good at teasing… too bad Wooyoung can’t take it
Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Smut Warning: Switch!Reader Switch!Wooyoung
Kinda exhibitionism, palming, lots of teasing, edging, orgasm denial, grinding, reversed roles? (Is that what it’s called?? Idk) rough sex, choking, Umm kinda cum play?
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Wooyoung has been messing with you all day and you’re starting to lose your patience.
It started with him just poking you to get your attention. Then he started to get really hyper and scream in your face thinking it was funny. Then that led to Wooyoung somehow thinking it was a good idea to stick his tongue out and randomly lick your face. To be frank, he was acting like a child.
You usually didn’t mind but today it was really pushing all your buttons. You’re like two years older than Wooyoung and you were most definitely more mature than Wooyoung… but that didn’t mean you could dom him.
You remember a few days ago that Wooyoung told you he would let you dom him. You’ve been waiting for a good opportunity and this is probably the best you’re going to get.
You obviously couldn’t do anything now since the two of you were with a few other members, but you were definitely going to do something when yall got home.
You don’t really know if he was acting because he was with the other members or if he was just really energetic today.
You leaned back onto the sofa and tried your best to ignore Wooyoung as he continued to be loud. You closed your eyes and put your hands over your face, “Woo, could you please be a little quieter? I have a headache…” Wooyoung turned toward you and kissed your nose softly before he went and bit it gently.
As soon as you dropped your hands from your face and gave Wooyoung a scolding glare, he could tell you weren’t having it. “Can we go?” Wooyoung knew if he said no he was going to get in trouble so he agreed.
You both told the members bye and you walked behind Wooyoung as he exited the apartment. As soon as you were in the hall you pushed him against the wall. You took his face in your hand and you glared at him, “You’re such a fucking brat aren’t you? You really don’t know when to stop do you?”
Wooyoung looked like he wanted to switch the positions but he let you do what you wanted. Wooyoung was a lot stronger than you and could easily push you off of him so you were surprised when he let you stay in control.
Wooyoung looked down at you with dark eyes, “Answer me.” Wooyoung bit his lip before he responded to you, “N-no…” you let your hand run down Wooyoung’s jaw down to his chest then to his crotch area.
Wooyoung let himself follow your touch with his hips before you brought your hand back, “come on.”
You walked to the elevators so you could leave the building with Wooyoung trailing closely behind you.
Wooyoung was practically on top of you as the two of you were waiting in the elevator, “You’re so impatient,” you gripped his clothed cock in your hand softly just to give him some friction.
His hips rutted in your palm so you stopped your hand, “Don’t move or else you won’t get anything.”
You took your hand off of Wooyoung as the elevator doors opened. You heard Wooyoung's heavy breathing as he followed behind you.
The two of you got into your car, you in the driver's seat and him in the passenger seat. You saw out of the corner of your eye that Wooyoung kept glancing at you, “What’s wrong Angel?” You smirked as he just groaned loudly, “What? Don’t wanna say it? Kinda makes you think about all the stuff you make me say huh?”
Wooyoung froze at your comment, “I- can- touch me…” you hummed in consideration as you let your hand rest on his thigh. “What do you say angel?” You saw his jaw clench in frustration, “P-Please?”
You dragged you hand up his thigh and let your palm press on his bulge with minimal pressure to tease him. You kept your eyes on the road and your hand on Wooyoung as you drove back to your place.
The closer you get to your apartment the more pressure you put onto Wooyoung. You avoided actually unbuttoning his pants and giving him what he wanted just so you could let him feel what it felt like to be teased uncontrollably.
Wooyoung was letting out his pretty moans as you finally arrived at your apartment. You almost felt bad to stop your movements since he was so close. Wooyoung gripped your wrist to keep it from parting from his length.
Your movements had stopped causing Wooyoung to use his hips against your hand. You watched for a while before you were able to catch him off guard and take your hand away. You’ve never heard such a desperate whine come from Wooyoung’s mouth which caused a wave of arousal wash through your body.
You were almost ready to risk it all and let Wooyoung take over but you wanted to prove to Wooyoung that you could actually Dom.
As you walked into your apartment Wooyoung stayed beside you the best he could so he could hide the massive bulge that he had.
Once again when you two got in the elevator Wooyoung brought you in front of him so you would touch him. You refused to touch him until you got to your room so you could touch him properly.
You pretend to ignore every time Wooyoung rutted against you or when he would be trying to touch you. You were going to get him back later like he’s done to you.
Wooyoung practically runs to your apartment and unlocks your front door waiting for you to come in. You grip Wooyoung’s face in your hands once again, “Go to the room and strip for me.” Wooyoung looks frustrated.
He totally remembers telling you that you could Dom but at this point he’s really regretting it. Wooyoung thinks you’re being unfair by using the things he’s done to you in the past, but he can’t not say that you aren’t a good Dom. He knows you have a lot of self control and patience so he’s scared for himself because of that sole reason.
Once Wooyoung goes into your room you let out a whine of frustration. You want Wooyoung to touch you so bad but you’re gonna have to wait. You take a few deep breaths in to calm yourself down as you can feel the wetness of your core drench the cloth of your panties.
You slowly walk to your door and turn the handle even slower. When you walk in you see Wooyoung sitting on the bed completely naked. His cock couldn’t be any harder against his stomach.
You brought your hand up and let a single finger go from the base of Wooyoung’s cock to the tip where you brought your finger to swirl around gently.
As you were barely touching him you could see Wooyoung was trying his best not to let his hips take over. His lip was in between his teeth and it looked like he could draw blood with how hard he was biting down.
You sunk down to your knees in front of Wooyoung causing a moan to leave him. You were careful not to touch Wooyoung the whole time, making him want something. Wooyoung looked physically pained as he tried his best not to move his hips to get any sort of friction.
“Want me to touch you?” Wooyoung nodded vigorously as your hand got closer to his cock. “Beg for me.” You honestly had to contain your amusement as Wooyoung threw his head back at your request.
He knew you were being serious and there wasn’t any way he could get out of doing what you asked, “P-Please…” you tisked at Wooyoung’s poor response, “oh come on angel… I know you can do better than that.”
You bit your lip to contain a moan as Wooyoung looked into your eyes, “Fuck… please- I need you to touch me, I can’t take it anymore.” You let your mouth go to his cock slowly. Before you took him in my mouth you gripped his thigh, “Don’t touch me okay? If you touch me I’m going to stop.” Wooyoung nodded just to get you to move faster.
As soon as you gripped him in your hand and let the head go into your mouth, Wooyoung immediately gripped the bed sheet beside him. Your tongue slowly swirled around Wooyoung as you moved your hand along the base.
You took Wooyoung further into your mouth letting yourself relax around his cock. You knew Wooyoung was having a hard time keeping his hands to himself, his grip on the sheets making his knuckles white.
His grunts and moans were the only thing that was keeping you from your original plan and stopping in the middle. You brought him all the way in your mouth until you gagged slightly before bringing a hand down to play with his balls.
His thighs and stomach were tensed signalling he was close, his moans got louder and you were pretty sure your neighbours were aware what was happening at this point.
“Y/n… fuck-” you knew that was him telling you he was about to cum so you pulled away. The whines of desperation Wooyoung let out as he tried to chase his orgasm with no friction made you want to just drop your panties and fuck him right there.
You could tell Wooyoung was beyond frustrated with you at this point and he honestly had all reason to be, you had declined him from cuming twice and you’ve teased him way too much for his liking.
“Lay down, angel” Wooyoung obliges and scoots back to lay down in the middle of the bed. You scoot next to him and you slowly take off your shirt in front of Wooyoung to tease him more. You throw your shirt somewhere on the floor and move to take both your shorts and panties off in one go. Wooyoung inhales sharply as he can see the juices dripping down your pussy. You leave your bra on for now so Wooyoung won’t have the urge to grab them, not like he doesn’t right now.
You throw your leg over Wooyoung so you’re in a straddling position. You let yourself sit on Wooyoung without letting him enter you. You take a deep breath in before you rest your hands on Wooyoung’s chest and grind yourself on him slowly.
You can feel Wooyoung’s throbbing cock against your folds making it even harder to control yourself. You yourself are starting to let out quiet whimpers as you rub yourself on Wooyoung’s cock.
“Fuck- y/n… please just fuck me already. Please- I can’t do it anymore.” Wooyoung was begging for you to do something more than grind against him. You watched as your slick covered the length of Wooyoung’s cock.
It took you awhile longer along with more of Wooyoung’s begging to get you to actually have Wooyoung enter you. As soon as you sunk down on his length Wooyoung’s hands immediately went to grip onto your hips. At this point you didn’t even care and you just wanted to cum.
You still tried your best to tease Wooyoung by slowly lifting yourself up and squeezing around his cock every so often.
Wooyoung was officially done with your teasing. He pulled you off him and flipped you over to lay on your back in one swift movement. You moan loudly as Wooyoung enters you in one harsh thrust.
He picks your legs up so your thighs are pressing against your stomach, and fucks into you without stopping. “You’re such a fucking brat- I really gave you the opportunity to Dom and what do you do? You fucking tease me.” Your mouth is open from the silent moans, Wooyoung lets a hand rub up your stomach to your throat as his hand wraps around it.
Your back immediately arches off the bed as Wooyoung applies pressure to your neck. Your head is spinning from the pleasure and the pressure on your neck.
Your blabbering makes absolutely no sense as you try to tell Wooyoung you’re about to cum.
He understands what you’re trying to say so he takes his hand off your throat making you take a deep breath in as he lets his hand go down to rub circles on your clit.
Your body starts shaking as the pleasure becomes too much, “Woo- I- can’t.” Wooyoung nods as he thrusts into you harder, “It’s o-okay, go ahead and cum sweetheart.” You grip onto Wooyoung as your back arches off the bed and you cum around Wooyoung.
Wooyoung grips your hips tightly as he cums right after you. The only sounds were yalls heavy breaths, “You okay sweetheart?” You nod as Wooyoung pulls out of you. Wooyoung sits back and watches the cum drip out of you.
You have your eyes closed, trying to catch your breath, as you feel Wooyoung’s fingers dip down to take some of the cum that was dripping out of you.
He brings his fingers to your mouth and you immediately open it so he can place his two fingers on your tongue.
When Wooyoung takes his fingers from your mouth he kisses you gently, “Sorry… I should’ve let you do it properly.” You shake your head with a smile, “it’s alright, I prefer it like this anyway.”
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nattikay · 4 years
Just trying to sort out some thoughts, came here cuz not sure where else to do it. Might delete later.
So we’ve had Maisie for almost a week now an honestly, it’s...caused me a lot more stress than I’d expected it to. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, and I don’t plan to give her back to the shelter or anything, good gracious, no--but tbh I feel a little guilty for not being ~euphoric~ over the whole scenario, and I’m just trying to work out why.
Don’t worry she is being well taken care of! This is an emotional issue, not an ability-to-care-for issue.
I think some of it may have its roots in our old cat, Harry Pawter. We got Harry when I was around 9 years old and I loved him. However, being a child when we got him, I was never really super good at taking care of him; most of the animal care wound up falling on my parents. 
Harry, for the most part, was a pretty good cat most of his life, but he started developing health problems around his last two years or so. By this point I was in high school, and for all intents and purposes should’ve been old enough and responsible enough to step in and help take proper care of him. But by that point, I hadn’t really formed those habits and...I never really did. Not as much as I should have. And looking back...tbh I feel really bad about it, and wonder if I didn’t love him as much as I should have, or as much as I thought I did. My dad would certainly imply at much when he got frustrated with the cat, and that...kinda sunk its way into my brain, I guess.
I’ve mentioned before that we lost Harry my freshman year of college, my very first semester. But I haven’t told the whole story, because well...I feel really bad about it. But maybe it’ll be good to get it off my chest.
See, Harry’s health had been declining for a while at that point (he was now 9 years old btw). He was struggling to keep himself clean and having more and more accidents outside the litterbox. My dad took him to the vet, and the vet suspected he may have had a brain tumor. All this was happening recently after I started my first semester of college, so I wasn’t home at the time, only getting this info via phone calls. 
My dad didn’t want to pay for expensive tests and surgeries for a cat, so was considering putting him down. I was obviously not in favor of that idea, so we decided that we’d wait until I came home for Christmas and then discuss what to do about the Harry situation.
But we never got the chance. Around November, there was some sort of leak under the fridge or something (I don’t remember the details; again I wasn’t home at the time) and we had to get a lot of work done in there to fix it, which included having all the tiles completely removed and huge fans placed in the kitchen to blow away the ensuing dust. In order to keep Harry out of the way of the construction, we wound up regulating him to the screened-in back patio (and for further context: Harry had always been an indoor-only cat, and never showed much interest in going outside). Needless to say, on top of his health concerns, this construction and jarring change in environment was probably really stressful for him. One day, he found his way out of the patio...and never came back. 
We...don’t really know for sure what happened to him after that. I like to say that he passed away rather than ran away, partly because he didn’t really have great survival skills and between that and his already-present health issues, well...I don’t think he would’ve survived long as a stray, and I prefer to imagine that his suffering ended as quickly and painlessly as possible. Even if he did manage to survive for a while then, he’s almost certainly gone now, given that he’d be nearly 15 by this point...but I digress.
All that said...idk, I guess I never really got any proper closure with Harry. And the more I learn about how to properly care for a cat, especially doing all the research I’ve been doing for Maisie...well, the worse I feel for him.
It’s not that we were bad owners, per se, and we certainly weren’t malicious in any way...but man, we could’ve done so much better. Harry was definitely overfed and undergroomed and we didn’t really know how to deal with his issues later in life...again, we weren’t malicious, but I think we were ignorant. I can’t really blame myself in the early years given that I was a literal child but by the time I reached high school and the like...idk I just feel like I could have and should have done so much better. I wonder how many issues could’ve been resolved if we’d been more attentive, more vigilant. Had been willing to put in more effort than just “meh fill up his food bowl twice a day and have Dad change the litter once in a while”.
And with all that considered, well...let’s just say I have doubts as to my prowess as a cat guardian. I want to make sure what went wrong with Harry goes right with Maisie and I just...idk. It’s just been a lot more emotional pressure than I expected it to be, even more so considering I haven’t yet quite formed the emotional bond with Maisie that I felt with Harry (not that I necessarily should have expected to at this point, given that we’ve only had Maisie for less than a week whereas we had Harry for nine years). But still.
And I mean, it’s not like taking care of Maisie has been difficult from an objective standpoint. It boils down to just feeding her (and making sure it’s the right amount of food), cleaning her litterbox, and playing with her, all of which are pretty simple and straightforward (well actually trying to figure out the right amount of food for her age and size has been a bit of a chore but I digress). 
Again, it’s not the tasks themselves that are an issue...it’s, I guess, the emotional baggage, or something. Knowing that as my cat the responsibility rests squarely on my shoulders (as opposed to having Harry where my parents took up most of the tasks) probably contributes as well.
Probably doesn’t help that this was a rather sudden development as well. It was only a week ago that we even seriously entertained the possibility of getting a new cat, and now here we are. It all happened so fast, it...almost doesn’t seem real.
Then again, not much has been feeling “real” to me lately. But that’s a separate issue and one for my therapist. :P
I also, despite all objective evidence to the contrary, feel almost like I’m being a burden my bringing Maisie into the house. I know that I shouldn’t...it wasn’t even my idea. My brother made the suggestion, my mom endorsed it, my dad ultimately agreed. The whole family seems to like her, even my dad who is by far the least of a cat-person out of all of us has pet her and talked soft to her (I expected him to mostly ignore her).
But...well, ok, another (shorter) storytime. My parents, while they don’t dislike pets, have had enough of them to last their lives, especially after Harry’s troubled final years, which we kids (regrettably) did not do much to help with despite being older by then. About a year or two after we lost Harry, a family in our church was giving away a bunny for adoption after their two dogs didn’t take well to it. My sister, who has always loved bunnies, begged and begged and begged to adopt it, and after promising and promising to take care of it, my parents finally relented. Alas, the bunny did not wind up being as friendly and cuddly as my sister expected, and after a few weeks she lost interest in it, leaving the bulk of the care responsibilities to our youngest brother (who, to his credit, did pretty well...honestly he’s just pretty good with animals in general, of all types...dogs are his top preference but he’ll happily work with just about anything). Not long later, the poor bunny injured itself, and upon doing some research my parents found that bunnies rarely heal properly from that type of injury (I forget what it was exactly, again I was away in college at the time so don’t recall all the details) and that the most humane option was to put it down. We only had that bunny for a few months.
After that, my dad was (understandably) hesitant to bring another pet into the house, however hard we promise to care for it, cuz last time he relented he got burned and a poor bunny had to suffer. When he agreed to let us get a new cat, he included the (reasonable) stipulation that if it ever seems like we’re not taking proper care of kitty, he’s allowed to make the call to give her up back to the shelter.
Now, I have absolutely zero intentions of pulling a sister-and-the-bunny on Maisie, and I very much plan to take as good care of her as possible. But...you can see how there’s some emotional pressure there, yeah? ^^; 
I feel like I have to be an absolutely flawless owner else I’ve let everyone down and proven that my promises to care for her were just talk. I’m afraid people will get mad at Maisie for doing Cat Things and I’ll take the fall and it’ll be assumed I’m not taking proper care of her because I can’t train her well enough. I’m afraid any inconvenience that naturally comes from owning and animal will by default get pinned on me, that I’ll be at fault because I’m the one who technically owns her, I brought her into the house, were it not for me we wouldn’t be dealing with Animal Inconvenience. 
And yes I know that’s irrational...I know my brain is exaggerating and none of them really expect an 8 month old kitten to have flawless behavior or blame me for it and as long as I’m keeping her happy and healthy it’s fine...and yet...
I don't know.
Pressure, I guess. A big life change that happened pretty suddenly and it’s gonna take a little while for it to become the new normal...I’ve just gotta hang on until it does, I guess...
R.I.P. Harry Pawter, 2005-2014
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(last picture we ever got of him)
Maisie, I will do my best ;_;
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(first picture I ever got of her...which, I am just now realizing, is similar to the last pic of Harry ;n;)
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multifandombitxh · 5 years
Title: In Truth
Pairing: Dabi x Quirkless!Reader
Genre: Floof with a tiny bit of angst
Warnings: None
A/N: I always see people writing Dabi as very passive/perverted/possessive as a boyfriend so I said FUCK THAT NOISE and wrote him as a soft sweetheart bb because not even god can stop me. It’s written from Dabi’s POV (kinda). For some background, the reader is quirkless and works as a Teacher’s Assistant at UA. He’s never told them about what he does, and keeps his quirk a secret. The reader told him about the attack on the Summer Camp, and about how a villain set the forest on fire, so he knows he can’t tell them about his quirk now. Might make it into a series? idk. Enjoy!
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Dabi rolled over and groaned, the harsh sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand startling him from his sleep. He probed around in the dark for a bit before finally grabbing ahold of his phone. With one eye open, he pressed the green “answer” button, too tired to check who it was, and too tired to care.
“What?” He croaked out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his free hand.
“Wow, you sound like you swallowed sandpaper. Are you sick?”
All annoyance left his body at the sound of your voice, quickly being replaced by excitement. If there was anything that could get his heart going, it was definitely you.
“I just woke up, babe,” He replied, “You need something?”
“Dabi, it’s three in the afternoon. What are you still doing in bed?”
“Couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
Dabi chuckled, then sat up in bed. “Both, I guess.”
“Well, if you’re up to it, I was on my way home and figured I’d get some coffee. Wanna meet me there?”
“Usual place?”
“Obviously. We don’t get coffee anywhere else.”
“Damn, you’re sassy today.”
“Is it a yes or a no?”
“I’ll see you in fifteen, Y/N.”
“Okay, I love you!”
He’d heard you say it a million times by now, but it never got old. Every single time, without fail, hearing you say the words “I love you” gave him the worst case of butterflies known to man.
“I love you too, angel. See you soon.”
“Wow, the pros are really busy today,” You said, sipping your coffee and watching several suited-up heroes dart past the coffee shop. Dabi kept his head down, his shoulders slumped, and his voice low in hopes that none of them would notice him.
He’d never once included you in what he did in his free time. Sure, he’d mentioned a hundred and one times that he wasn’t a good person, that he’d hurt people, and that you were better off without him; but that did little to steer you away. You were stubborn, and determined to see the good in him, even if it wasn’t really there.
These days, though, it seemed like maybe there was a touch more goodness in his heart than there had been when he first met you.
“Yeah, read something about a lightning villain on my way here,” Dabi said softly, “Crazy stuff.”
You hummed in agreement, staring out the windows of the coffee shop in wonder.
“Still don’t understand what your obsession with pro heroes is about,” Dabi said with a soft chuckle.
“Well, some of us were born without Quirks, Dabi,�� You replied, “It’s interesting to see what people do with them.”
Unknowingly, he’d sent you into a tangent about how amazing heroes were, and- to his shock- some villains, too. He watched you go on and on, your voice like music in his ears, your soft laughter and warm smile sending his heart soaring. He’d forgotten all about his coffee, and instead was focused on you; resting his head in his hands while he watched you talk excitedly.
“-plus, I don’t really think All Might’s as invincible as everyone thinks he is, you know? Everyone’s quirks have limits-“
“Right. Sure.”
“So there has to be someone out there who can take him on and win. I’m not saying they should or that it would be a good thing, but anything’s possible. There are so many different types of quirks-“
“Remind me which type is your favorite?”
“Mind control quirks, I thought I told you that already.”
“You did. Carry on.”
Dabi saw a thought flash in your eyes, only to be extinguished almost immediately. You opened your mouth to speak, hesitated, then pursed your lips and lowered your gaze. Worry instantly shot through his veins.
“Babe?” He asked, reaching across the table and taking your hand in his. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, just-” You sighed, your voice timid. “You still haven’t told me what your quirk is.”
Oh. Right.
“We’ve been doing this for almost five months now,” You went on, “I dunno, I just thought you would’ve told me by now.”
Dabi sighed and ran a stressed hand through his hair. “Look, Y/N, it’s just- it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I just don’t think I can.”
“Why not?”
When he met your gaze, his heart sunk into his stomach like a rock. The hurt look in your eyes was enough to break even the most cold-hearted villains.
There was a reason he hadn’t told you. A very specific, very important reason. If you knew what his quirk was, you would know everything. You’d know what he was, what he’d done, and who he’d hurt.
For a split second, his heart told him to do the right thing. It was screaming at him to tell you, to confess everything, to finally come clean and just rip the bandaid off. If you couldn’t love him for who he really was, then how could the relationship work at all?
He had to. He had to do it.
He couldn’t.
Not now. Not here.
“Why don’t we go talk about this somewhere else,” Dabi said, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He stood from the table and took one last sip of his coffee before offering you his hand. You took it happily and he pulled you up, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing the top of your head.
“Does this mean you’re gonna tell me what your quirk is?” You asked as he led you from the Cafe.
“Maybe,” He replied, glancing around the streets to look for pros. Once he knew the coast was clear, he began leading you toward the beach, where the sun had begun to set in the distance.It would be quiet, mostly secluded, and honestly? He just really liked sunsets.
When you arrived at the beach, you insisted on standing by the water to let the tide roll in over your bare feet. Your shoes and belongings were left off on the sand- as were Dabi’s, to your shock- while you enjoyed the cool, salty water.
Dabi has both arms around you, holding you close to his chest while you both watched the sun dip lower and lower into the horizon. Shades of red and orange and pink painted the sky and clouds, casting very warm tones over everything in sight. Breathing in the fresh air, Dabi reveled in the moment, trying to memorize every sensation in his mind.
Even though he loved the sunset, it paled in comparison to when he looked down to see your cheek pressed against his chest, your eyes closed and a peaceful look on your face.
“I’m so in love with you,” He said softly, unable to stop the words before they came out.
“Gross,” You replied, giving him a playful smile before craning your neck to press a long kiss to his lips. He welcomed the kiss by placing one of his hands under your jaw, keeping you in place until he’d had his fill.
“Does that mean you love me back?” He asked after several minutes, gently stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“It’s open to interpretation.”
“You’re impossible.”
“I am, and you love me.”
Scoffing, Dabi pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before pulling you back into an embrace. You rested one of your hands over his ribs, toying with the material on his jacket absentmindedly. By now, the sun had all but disappeared aside from an intense, orange sliver on the edge of the rolling waves. It would have been perfect, if not for the sounds of shrill, teenage laughter at the other end of the beach. So much for secluded and quiet.
“So, about your quirk...”
Dabi sighed. “I was hoping you’d have forgotten by now.”
“Yeah, right, like I’d forget something like that.”
“Okay,” He started, licking his lips and glancing down at you. “I’ll make you a deal. If I tell you what kind of quirk I have, will you let it go for a while?”
Almost instantly, your eyes lit up and your smile had returned. “Yes!”
“You promise?”
“Pinky promise,” You replied, grabbing his hand and wrapping your pinky around his tightly, giving him your toothiest grin.
He thought his heart was going to burst.
“Okay,” He said, holding his breath. “I... have a fire quirk.”
“Oh, one of my students has one of those!” You exclaimed, “It’s so powerful. Why aren’t you a pro with a quirk like that? Doesn’t Endevour have-”
You sighed and lowered your head. “Okay, okay, I’ll let it go.”
Dabi grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger, then tilted your head to look up at him again.
“You know how much I love you,” He began, “Don’t you, angel?”
“Of course,” You replied, leaning into his touch.
“You know that I’d do anything for you, right?”
“I know, Dabi.”
“And you know that I’ll always keep you safe?”
You chuckled and smoothed out the fabric of his jacket. “You say that like I have something to be scared of.”
“Because you do,” Dabi thought to himself, “And it’s all my fault. Someone could find out how much you mean to me and have you killed. The pros might get the wrong idea and think you’re like me. The police could bust down your door and arrest you for even being near me. You’re always in danger because of me. You don’t deserve that. You’re the last person who deserves any of that. God, why don’t you just leave me? You’d be so much safer...”
“You don’t,” He lied, swallowing hard. “I just need you to know I’ll never let anything happen to you, okay?”
“Okay,” You said softly. The calmness in your voice eased his anxieties, but only slightly. When you kissed his cheek and whispered that you loved him, though?
All of his worries melted and washed away with the tide.
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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melonkooky · 5 years
moonlight | ch. 2 - the address [jeon jungkook]
word count: 1151
genre: idk how to label this. it’s not fluff, but it’s not angst. jungkook is just kinda... there, working in his office. 
pairing: rich!jungkook x reader
author’s note: finally, chapter two is out. i know i haven’t been posting, or am hardly even on tumblr. i’ve been busy for once, mainly because i got a new job. but anyways, i’m getting used to working on school nights so hopefully i’ll start writing soon. please look forward to more stories!! love you!!!
taglist: @randomkoalablog @babyyynatty
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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ever since jungkook had that dream, he hasn’t been feeling himself. then again, he’s always been rather quiet and shy (that is until he’s around his high school friends, although he hasn’t seen them in a while since they’ve graduated. they still keep in touch when they can).
jungkook’s mother wanted him to take over his step-father’s business. it was a large corporation, worth millions of won. jungkook didn’t particularly like his step-father though. he still got to see his biological father whenever he wanted to, but sometimes his own mother would stop him, claiming that he had to attend an “important” (and jungkook’s mind would translate that to unnecessary) meeting with his step-father. jungkook wasn’t one to argue or put up a fight, especially since he knew his mother would be very disappointed in him. jungkook loved his mother. he would never be able to purposely hurt her. he would never even think of doing such a thing.
jungkook currently sat at his desk in the small office that his step-father had provided for him. jungkook was an employee, but did a lot of tasks that basically prepared him for when he becomes the owner of the company. jungkook was already stressed as it was from the amount of work he had. he didn’t dare to imagine the amount of work being an owner was like.
the young man sighed. he was tired, exhausted, all of his energy drained because of work, and from the lack of sleep. he finds himself staying up most nights, even though it’s been only a week since he had the dream. he could not get the innocent face of the little girl in his dream out of his head. it wasn’t haunting at all, and yet it was all he could see as soon as he shut his eyes for the night. she was imprinted onto the walls of his brain.
but, it wasn’t because he didn’t recognize her. in fact, he remembered her well. she was his best friend when he lived in that old neighborhood. they were neighbors and quite often, their mothers would schedule playdates for them. it was rare to see them apart. jungkook had grown close to her, and his heart always ached at the thought that she didn’t know what had happened to him. she probably hated him for disappearing so suddenly. perhaps she even thought he had died. if she even remembered him that is.
jungkook sighed for what felt like the millionth time. while sitting at his desk, he had read the same line four times, because each time he didn’t remember what it said. so he would have to go back to reread it only to be distracted by his thoughts and have to read it another time. his mind was not working. he tried to read it a fifth time, only this time it only brought frustration. jungkook set the paper down and rested his elbows on the edge of the desk. his hands came up to rub his face, attempting to wake himself up. but instead, it seemed to make him only want to take a break (and perhaps never come back from it).
and sitting there, alone in the silence, his mind was racing with thoughts of that girl again.
“y/n.” he mumbled quietly, staring at the discarded sheet.
suddenly, jungkook had an idea. he reached for his office phone, pressing a single button, and held it up to his ear. it hardly rang once before the person on the other end answered. “yes, mr. jeon?”
his lovely assistant: mrs. young. she was an older lady. jungkook always felt weird around her because of the age difference, and yet she was working for him, and did everything that he asked. still, she was a nice lady, and sometimes her caring, motherly presence was just what he needed.
“can you come into my office, please?” he asked.
“of course.”
he hung up and pushed his chair away from the desk slightly. he leaned back into the chair, a tired breath leaving his mouth. in a few seconds, mrs. young was knocking and entering his office. she flashed a warm smile to him, and jungkook felt his heart become just a bit lighter. “yes?” she asked.
jungkook pulled himself closer to the desk. “i need you to do me a favor.” he explained while reaching around for a stack of sticky notes - or a notepad, whichever he found first - and a pen. when he found it, he began writing down what he needed. “i need you to look up this name. i just need to know where she lives.”
he tore the piece of paper off the pad and handed it to her. honestly, he half expected her to ask him what the reason behind it was. after all, he had never asked her to do this before. he wasn’t even sure if she had the right software to do so. this wasn’t a police center where they could just pull up a web browser and search someone’s name, finding every single piece of information there was on that person. no, this was just a typical corporation, that happened to be one of the most wealthy and successful corporations.
after giving mrs. young the sheet of paper, and watching her leave with a kind smile, jungkook felt a little weight lift off of his shoulders. he puffed out a breath, glancing around his desk to see what he was working on before. now he felt like he could work properly.
about ten minutes later, mrs. young entered jungkook’s office. jungkook felt a sense of hope and anticipation erupt in his chest. he looked up from his computer. “any luck?” he asked, his doe eyes wide, making him look younger than ever.
she lightly chuckled. “took a few phone calls, but i found her. l/n, y/n. she lives in busan-“ that place that jungkook was born in but only spent a few years living there, “-at [korean street name in busan].”
jungkook took the piece of paper that mrs. young was offering him. it showed a picture of the house, the one that he could still remember vividly. so, you hadn’t moved, he thought to himself, you hadn’t gone anywhere.
he looked up at mrs. young. “thank you so much. i’m sorry it wasn’t work related.”
she waved a hand, winking at him. “no worries, dear.”
jungkook felt a tiny bit of heat creep into his cheeks. he felt flustered by her actions and kindness. he watched her walk out of the office, softly closing the door behind her. once he was alone again, he sunk back into his swivel chair, his eyes finding the picture of the house. he read the address once more. and seeing the house again, after so many years, brought a flood of memories into his mind.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia drabble:
~gruvia week: day one//fav gruvia moment~
author's note: yallllll its mf'in GRUVIA WEEEEEK omG i love this week sm it makes me so happy to see the whole community get together and post beautiful things ab this very beautiful couple and UGH<3 tbh i aint promising that im gonna post everyday cus tea is i probably wont! BUT i will try to post as much as possible. ALSO BIIIIG shoutout to the creators of gruvia week. thank u sm for continuing ur effort in making this event every year i love it sm<3 ok so idk if i'd say this is my faaaaav gruvia moment (idk if i even have a fav) but this is DEF up there. ok enjoy my bbies i love u all<3
ALSO ok so i feel like for day one of gruvia week writers have to get kinda creative??? cus i dont wanna just rewrite the whole scene. SO this drabble is piggybacking off of a certain scene. only the first bit is canon the rest is from mwuah. ok now enjoy lmao.... ok one more edit.....heard someone say its april first in japan rn...???? sooo... im posting this now hehe!!! even tho its 9:00 PM on the 31st where i am. close enough. can u tell im super excited.
"Your body is..." Gray was in the middle of scolding a very drunk Juvia.
"Juvia's body is?" She looked up at him from the ground, her face slightly twisted in confusion.
Gray had just then only realized what he was saying. It started out with him simply saying that Wendy would be able to fix the scar Juvia attained from their fight amongst themselves and Invel. It was only when Juvia flipped it onto him, saying that he could also have his scar fully healed, that he realized why he was saying what he was saying.
Gray's face burned with embarrassment as he looked down on Juvia's adorable face that was highlighted in pink, and after a long awkward pause he quickly broke eye contact and turned his head away.
"Your body is..." He muttered. "Something...I care about...'cause you're mine...kinda. Um." He tripped over every word that left his mouth.
Juvia's face lit up with excitement from Gray's bold, but poorly spoken, words. She giggled.
"Gray-sama is so romantic!" She sat back on her knees and held her cheeks with delight.
"H-hey!" He stammered, snapping his gaze back to Juvia's. "Don't go off gettin' crazy ideas! I was just sayin'!" He huffed and crossed his arms.
"Just sayin' that Juvia's body is a beautiful perfect temple that Gray-sama wants to protect at every cost!" She was slightly slurring her words.
"N-no!" Gray's face could've melted off with embarrassment. You show your emotions one time and suddenly you're a damn cassanova.
"Yes you most certainly are!" Juvia practically leapt up from the ground with exhilaration. It wasn't everyday that she got to hear things like that from Gray. Their relationship was somewhat new, afterall.
"Kya!" She yelped. In her dazed excitement and drunkenness, her heel slipped from under her foot, causing her ankle to twist, and she was on her way back down to the ground.
"Whoa!" Gray's eyes widened. He moved quickly, and he swiftly caught her just moments before her face hit the concrete. He carefully brought her back to her feet, keeping an arm wrapped around her shoulder to steady her.
"Jeez." Gray finally exhaled in relief. "You need to be more careful!" He was broken out in a nervous sweat.
Juvia chuckled under her breath. "See. You do worry about Juvia." She looked up at him, and Gray quickly realized their faces were only inches apart. He promptly took his arm away from her body and stepped forward.
"Come on." He ignored her teasing. "We should get back to the party." He looked back at her and it hit him that she wasn't wearing a top. She stripped it off during one of her drunk fits. His cheeks reddened as he immediately turned his head back to face front. "A-and we need to find you a frickin' shirt!" He was used to seeing her topless during battles, but when they weren't fighting it was a whole different context. It was like another world.
"If Gray-sama insists." Juvia said and began to follow Gray, but as soon as she took a step on that twisted ankle, a sharp pain stabbed at her. "Ouch!" She alleviated the pressure off of her foot and dangled it a few inches above the ground.
Gray instantly turned around at her gasp of pain. "What is it?" He asked, but he already saw the answer as she balanced herself on one foot.
He sighed. "Your ankle?" He asked, his voice as unentertained as ever.
Juvia gave a guilty nod. She really knew how to cause any kinda of trouble when she was drinking. First the tears, then the nudity, now this.
Without saying anything else, Gray walked back a couple steps, spun around, and crouched to the ground.
"Eh?" Juvia's impaired mind couldn't seem to put two and two together.
"Get on." His voice was low.
"G-g-get on?! Gray-sama's big muscle-y back?!" Juvia's face burnt and she found herself conflicted for some reason. It was all so much for her.
"Yeah. And we're not going back to the party. I'm taking you back to your apartment." He still wasn't looking back at her.
"What?!" She whined. "How come?!"
He finally turned his head "Because you're drunk, shirtless, and you're hurt." He faced forward again. "Just let me take you home."
She paused. She really wanted to go back to the party and celebrate Lucy's award some more with the others, but he was right. Not to mention his broad shoulders were way too intriguing to pass up.
"Alright." She said, mildly defeated, and did a little hop to get on his back.
Gray stood up and adjusted his grip so his arms were wrapped under her two legs as she had her arms chained around his neck, and he started walking.
"When we get back to your place, I'm gonna' come in for a minute and ice your ankle." He explained.
An idea popped in Juvia's imaginative mind. "Wellll," she sang. "It is pretty late. You might as well spend the night."
"Nah. Just wanna' sleep in my own bed tonight." He said, practically.
"Hmph." Juvia pouted and her head sunk into the crook of Gray's neck. "Gray-sama is so cruel."
"I'm sorry what was that? Do you want me to drop your drunk, limping, ass on the ground?" He teased.
"No!" Juvia squealed, clutching onto Gray harder than before, causing him to chuckle.
They walked on the outskirts of the venue of the party. It was still as lively and rambunctious as ever with all of Fairy Tail's members. Gray stopped for a moment. He saw a nearby bench and sat Juvia down on it.
"Stay here." He instructed as he walked away.
"Where are you going?" She called out.
"I'll be right back." He called back.
A minute or so later, Gray was back with crumpled up clothes in his hands.
"Here." He held out his suit jacket that he wore earlier that night to her in front of her practically bare chest. He looked away and blushed. "I couldn't find your stuff."
Juvia giggled with joy and excitedly snatched the jacket, putting it on her body in just a second. A smile curled on her lips as she wiggled in the coat, rubbing her arms up and down the sleeves. "So warm!" She cheered.
Gray was still blushing. He remained shirtless and said nothing as he spun around, signaling for Juvia to get on his back again, and she did so. He hoisted her up and returned to walking back to her apartment.
Juvia hummed with satisfaction and pushed her head up so her cheek was pressed right up against Gray's.
"Thank you for caring so much about Juvia's body." She whispered. "I'm very happy to be yours." She finished with a peck on Gray's cheek.
"Don't worry about it." Gray's scrunched face was coated with pink as he embarrassingly averted his gaze.
Although Gray wasn't always the best with words, Juvia could always count on his actions to tell her what he was really feeling.
And if actions could talk, she is sure they would be saying "I love you".
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rapunzel1523 · 6 years
Feysand Fic (Modern day)
But You Are Not Here Anymore 
‘Hey, you alri- you holding up okay?’ Mor whispered in her ear. It was such a subjective question. Feyre had no idea how to answer it. What did she mean by okay? Because she was in no way alright.
Considering the current situation though; Feyre nodded her head. She was just about as okay as could be expected in this scenario. Again her eyes found their way to the open casket a few feet away. The pain in her throat intensified. She did not have the words… she…
He looked like he was sleeping. With the sun shining on his face, illuminating his golden skin and raven hair, he looked as if he would wake up. Roll over onto his side and with his voice enticingly raspy say, ‘Morning, my love.’
Feyre had to close her eyes for a moment. She could almost see it. Him. In the soft light of early morning, in their bed. Could almost feel his warm hands brush away the hair from her face.
But when she opened her eyes, there was only the gentle caress of the wind on her face. Someone else came up to her, offered their condolences and pulled her into a hug. And it went on.
She wanted to be left alone in her grief but she wanted to do this as well. For him. As hard as it was, it had to be done. These people wanted to pay their respects. To pray for him. He would have wanted them here. He deserved that. He deserved the world.
Soon they were outside and he was being lowered into the ground. Feyre was somehow simultaneously completely numb to it all, and yet acutely aware of everything. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense. Rhys- Rhys was dead. The word clanged around her head. Dead. He was gone. Forever.
Cassian’s hand was on her back in quiet support. She wasn’t in denial. She knew he was dead. That he was never coming back. Yet somehow the complete implications of that hadn’t sunk in yet. How he would never again wake her up with slow kisses. How she would never again kiss him goodbye. They would not get drunk together and dance under the night sky. He would never again smile a-
She cut off the thought. Couldn’t bear it. An endless number of never-agains stretched out before her. She would have to consider and contend with that later. For now she had to get through the day, the next hour.
She stepped out of Cassian’s hold and walked forward with her fist full of soil. She could feel the grass through the soles of her black flats as if she were barefoot. The weather forecast had predicted the sunny day she had woken up to but now dark grey storm clouds rolled across the sky. As if the world itself were mourning the loss of a beautiful soul.
Feyre stood with her right hand slightly extended above where Rhysand now lay six feet under. She could not unclench her fist. Her hands may have been shaking. On her other hand her thumb twisted and worried the band on her ring finger. I’m not strong enough to let you go, she thought.
Accompanied by the deep rumble of thunder clouds, a fresh, cool breeze blew across the plain, rustling the leaves of the trees encircling the meadow. Blowing strands of hair away from her face. The wind was reminiscent of peace when everything inside of her was in turmoil, but Rhysand, he would have loved this wind.
A few rapid blinks and she swallowed back thickly. She realized she’d been standing here for a while now, arm raised, muscles cramping. No one had said a single word.
But she slowly uncurled her fingers; let the soil drain through them.
Feyre stepped back into place and one by one people dropped soil onto him. Azriel’s face seemed carved entirely of granite, a stony mask in place. When everyone had finished, the remaining soil was shoveled onto the casket fast disappearing from view. Cassian remained by her side, a silent pillar of strength. Her eyes were fixated on the soil filling up the hole, nails digging into her palm painfully.
And then it was done. And the crowd dissipated leaving behind the inner circle only. It was all so quick. How long had the entire thing – the service and burial- taken? An hour? Two?
Just a few moments to honor everything he was. Had been. These people had come, shed a few tears. They had been briefly touched by grief, and now they had gone home. By next week they will have forgotten all about him. Rhysand would only be a passing memory to them if that.
But what about her? What was she to do? How was she to cope with this loss? Rhys- he… He had been everything. They had built a life together. And now he was gone.
Feyre took in the freshly tilled earth among the sea of green grass. The headstone which read:
Friend, cousin, husband.
To the stars who listen. And the dreams that are answered.
Their friends still stood there. They had been so supportive. Azriel had quickly and efficiently organized everything for today. Mor had notified every one of the news and sent out messages. Cassian had put together the food for the wake. In some deep recess of her she was beyond grateful.
But for this last goodbye…
She let out a shaky breath. ‘I – I need some—‘
‘Can I – a moment alone with him,’ she tried again. ‘Please -‘ her voice cracked.
Mor nodded in understanding, ‘Of course. We’ll be in the church.’
‘No. Go on ahead. I- I’ll be a while.’
They left, with a lingering look at where Rhys lay buried and a worried glance at her. Feyre didn’t know if the cold was from the surrounding or from inside her.
She pulled her coat tightly around the black, knee-length dress she was wearing. Going around she sat down on the grass beside the headstone, feet tucked beneath her. Ran her fingers through the soil he was pressed beneath. Then leaned her head against the tomb-stone.
Feyre thought back to only a few months ago when he was still alive. When he had just been diagnosed. She had sat beside his hospital bed saying, ‘I don’t want to lose you.’
He lifted their conjoined hands and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her palm. ‘It is not time to worry yet’
Only a month later she had rushed him to the hospital in the middle of the night. He was having difficulty breathing. A severe nosebleed left his mouth, his chin dripping in blood. Hold on, stay with me, she had whispered throughout the car ride, and then later relentlessly pacing outside the doors of the OR.
Rhysand was unable to leave the hospital again. He should stay, the doctors had said. His condition has to be monitored.
A few days later Feyre lay beside Rhys on top of the covers of his hospital bed, when he began to speak of transferring shares, finalizing his will and ensuring smooth transition of power.
‘I can’t- think about that right now. Not when you’re…’
He had assured her that she wouldn’t have to. He would take care of it all, and she looked at him in dismay. Rhys, self-sacrificing as always. Always putting his family – their family - before himself.
‘Together. We’ll figure this out,’ she told him. He would not be alone in this.
But the disease had accelerated. And he had stopped responding to the treatment. The medication would only work for so long.
Then one day, ‘I thank God for the time we’ve had.’
‘Rhys what-‘
He reached out and cupped her face, ‘I am grateful. Beyond grateful that I found you. That we found each other. That I got to love you, and that you love me.’
He kissed her and whispered against her lips, ‘I love you. Always.’
That night, on Wednesday, May 2nd, at 1:25 a.m. Rhys died.
With her cheek pressed against stone, Feyre realized that she was crying. More time had passed than she had realized. It was pretty much dark out, and that previous hint of rain in the air was no longer so. Because now it was not only her tears running tracks down her face.
She knew she should get up and leave. She was getting more and more drenched every minute, and she seemed to be the only person left in the graveyard. But she could not get herself to move.
Feyre whispered to the dark sky, to the wind and the rain, to the soil and the gravestone she rested her head against. To any soul listening, ‘Rhys. Rhys, I love you.’
‘And I will love you for the rest of my life.’ She was completely sobbing by then. Deep shuddering sobs that left her gasping for breath.
Out of the darkness came wet footsteps. And then strong, muscular arms went around her back and behind her knees, lifting her to a warm, strong chest.
Cassian. Lifting her up and carrying her away. He held her shivering, still sobbing form close and said, ‘We need to get you dry.’
She wanted to struggle, to say no, to tell him to leave her alone; but all that came out was a broken, ‘I can’t leave him.’
Cassian pulled her even closer and held her tighter. ‘I know sweetheart. I know.’
this is my very first fic and honestly it’s kinda bad. it got sort of long and progressively worse maybe. idk. i just wrote it in the middle of the night and figured i gotta start somewhere so i posted it. i attended a funeral and had to get the feelings out i guess. anyway i hope people like it, even a little bit.
like, comment, reblog.
And constructive criticism is very much appreciated and valued.
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dprwolfgang · 7 years
Rush // Christian Yu feat. William Singe
My Aussie babes tbh.I’m sorry I did Will dirty lol but if you don’t know who he is check out his music.
Just want to say thanks to everyone who’s been supporting so far y’all are amazing and I really do appreciate the feedback.
Fluff // Kinda based of Will’s song Rush but with a twist.
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He said it was the last time.
So why was he here?
Getting home from work the last thing I expected was to find a very drunk Christian outside my door.How the hell did he even get inside the building?
“Baby you’re h-homeeee,” Christian hiccups smiling lopsidedly at me. “I-I miszed youuuuuu.”  
“Christian what are you doing here and drunk off your ass for that matter?”
“I told youuu I miszed you duhhhh.”
He looked up at me,eyes glassy and slightly hooded.Christian and I weren’t a couple.We were best friends,keyword being were.You see everyone has their vices and it just so happened that we were each others.
The moment I caught feelings however, I knew I’d fucked up.It was the one rule we had in this entire situation.No catching feelings and as much as I tried to hide it,I had slipped up and exposed myself in one of our arguments which resulted in him ending our little friends with benefits situation.
That was two months ago though so why was he here now?
Opening my front door I helped him up off the floor and inside my apartment.Letting him drop onto the couch I disappeared into the kitchen to get him water and painkillers only to find an empty living room when I returned.
“Ian?” I called out.The sounds of coughing and groaning filled my ears so I followed it to find Christian  on the floor, head over the toilet as he puked his guts out.He must have over drank because he never throws up when he’s drunk.He might talk a lot of shit but he knows how to hold his liquor.
“Did you eat anything today?” I question helping him up and flushing the toilet once I’m sure he’s finished.
“Coffee and…and..and…coffee,” he laughed.
“Coffee isn’t food Christian,” I shook my head at him.
“Well that’s what I had silly…” He singsongs with a lopsided grin on his face.Why the fuck would the guys let him get this drunk?
Turning on the shower I reached for the hem of his tshirt to help him out of it. “Ohhhh someone’s eager.”
“You’re covered in your own vomit,now strip and get in the shower.” He salutes at me before trying to strip out of his clothes.Getting him into the shower was another challenge as all Christian wanted to do was sleep against the bathroom wall.
“Ian please get under the water,” I pleaded tugging him lightly.His body complied but as soon as he got under the water his arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested in the crook of my neck.
“I miss you..” he sounded a bit more sober now. “I miss waking up next to you, I miss hanging with you, I-I miss us.”  
“Yeah well who’s to blame for that huh?”  
No other words we spoken. I helped him get cleaned up before doing the same and changing into a extra large shirt and shorts,my now curly hair all over the place as I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts he’d left over here for him to change into. I was hungry and knowing that he needed something in his stomach I ventu into the kitchen after getting him settled in my bed.
I had no idea why I was helping him.We ended messily and the words that were said we could never take back,given the fact that we were both drunk that night.
Just as I strained the pasta my doorbell rang.Who’d be at my house at this hour I had no clue but I still checked to see anyways.
“Liam what are you doing here?” I asked the blonde before me.
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“What do you mean? I texted you earlier telling you that I’d come by before I left tomorrow.” He stated showing me the bags of takeout in his hands.A text did come in earlier but I didn’t check it.
“Liam now really isn’t a good time,I-I’ve kinda-”
“Baby I’m hungry,” my head snapped in the direction Christian’s voice came from to see him standing not to far behind me rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“The fuck is he doing here?” Will asked drawing me away from ogling at Christian’s bare chest.
“What do you mean why is he here? He’s my friend and this is my apartment,”
“You told me y’all weren’t talking anymore.”
“And you told me that she was playing with my feelings so I’m surprised to see you here.” Christian spoke up startling me.
Pulling William in the apartment I shut the door and looked at both of them. “Start talking,”
“I knew he’s one of your closest friends so that night at Dabin’s release party I figured I’d talk to him and see if he knew how you felt about me.Long story short he said that you didn’t feel the way I felt and that you’d only claim to like me so I’d keep you around.He said that was the game you played and I swear I didn’t believe it but idk I guess I just let him get into my head and I’m sorry.” Christian admits dropping onto the chair.William didn’t even try to defend himself.
“Why? Why would you do that Liam when you knew exactly how I feel about him? How many times did I come crying to you about my feelings for him and that’s how you gon do me? I’m always here for you,when your girlfriend left I dropped everything just to support you and you gon do me dirty Liam! What kinda friend are you?”
“I’m in love with you okay!” Now I’d known Liam since I was 15 and I moved to Australia to live with my grandma.Back then him and my cousin Darnell used to always be making music together and I’d always be with them.Liam was one of those guys that girls never really paid attention to but to me he was perfect. I had the biggest crush on him but when I finally told him he brushed me off and said he didn’t feel the same and that he only saw me as a friend.Being the person I am I pushed it aside and we went back to being friends.Eventually I realized that what I felt for Liam was just a school girl crush,I wasn’t in love with him the way I thought I was and that’s where Christian comes in.Christian’s mom always visited my grandma seeing as she was alone after my grandpa passed.His mom always kept her company when she had time so much so that on Sundays for family dinner we were always at their place or vice versa.I’d never met Christian,just seen a couple pictures of him but his mom and my grandma would forever tease me and tell me that we’d be just right for each other.
Christian and I met one summer while I was in Seoul traveling and ended up having the same flight home and being seat mates.We bonded at lot that summer,we had a lot in common and it was sad because I thought I’d never see him again but once our flight landed there was Mama Yu at the airport waiting for me or so I thought.Christian dropped his bag and raced over to her embracing her in his arms and that’s where everything clicked.With Christian being an idol at the time and me going to university we rarely saw each other but it never affected our friendship.Everything about him drew me in and even if we were just friends he always made me feel like I’m the only girl in the world.
“This has gotta be some sick fucking joke! Now you love me Liam? What the fuck do you take me for huh? I confessed to your ass when I was 17 and you said you didn’t feel the same,you sai-”
“I lied. I didn’t want to fuck up our friendship.” He admitted.Christian scoffed from his position on the couch.
“So now that someone else is interested in her you suddenly want her? That’s fucked up.” Christian said.
“Everything was fine until your ass came along.We were good then all of a sudden all I can hear is Christian this,Christian that! It’s fucking annoying.So what I lied to him,I was here before you and I’ll always be here because when it comes down to it she’ll always choose me over you fuck heads.She loves me.”
I couldn’t believe half the shit that was coming from his mouth.What the hell had happened to the Liam I knew?Both of them started arguing back and forth with each other and it was giving me a headache.
“Both of you shut the fuck up,now!” Both men shut up and turned their attention to me.
“Liam I loved you but I’m not in love with you anymore.It was just some silly school girl crush that I grew out of. I’m in love with Christian and I have been for a while and you know that.We’re friends and that’s all we’ll ever be.” I reason with him.
“It’s either him or me.”
“Choose y/n! Him or me?” Liam asked.
“Liam I’m not going to choose.We’re still friends and you’re behaving like a fucking toddler.” He was pissing me off with his melodramatic bullshit.
“I refuse to sit around and be your friend while you’re with him so it’s either me or him,simple as that.”
“See I told you she’d pick me!” Liam turned to Christian smiling smugly at him until what I said finally sunk in. “Wait,What?” He turned back around to face me.
“I choose him.All you’ve done lately is show me how much of a shit ass friend you are and why I don’t need you in my life. I really hope one day you’ll find someone but it’s not me.” I didn’t want to end it like this but sometimes you just have to let people go and right now it’s what’s best for both of us.His life is now in America and I honestly just don’t feel about him the way I once did.
William shook his head at me before leaving out my front door.Homeboy could’ve at least left the food.Sigh.Closing and locking the door behind him I turned around to face Christian who was standing directly behind me almost giving me a heart attack.
“You love me?” He questions,both his hands on either side of my head against the door.
“Yeah,I guess I do.” I smiled looking anywhere but his face. “You love me?”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” He teased me placing a hand under my chin and lifting my face up to look at him. “ I guess we love each other.” He smiled cheekily at me before capturing my lips with his in a slow,tantalizing,breathtaking kiss.His hands moved to my hips as he lifted me up and held me against the door as my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck pulling him closer.
Christian slowly pulled away leaving small pecks on my lips resting his forehead against mine,his eyes closed. “I missed holding you like this. I missed your taste,your smell,god just you in general.”
“You taste like toothpaste and stale alcohol.” I scrunch my face up at him.He rolled his eyes me and gave me a ‘really’ look before blowing his hot as breath all over my face being the petty ass he is.
“Eww,take yo booty breath out my face.” I mushed his head while he laughed his ass off.
“You weren’t saying that when your tongue was down my throat though.” He winked before hoisting me up and over his shoulder,smacking my ass repeatedly as he made his way towards my bedroom.
Christian threw me lightly onto the bed before settling between my legs.His arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting just under my breasts as he looked up at me.
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“I love you.” He smiled at me a look of content on his face.
“I love you too.”  I ran my fingers through his hair and he hummed lightly and before I knew it his soft snores could be heard as he slept in comfort.
This.I’d definitely choose this over anything else.Barom Yu. I got lost in him and it’s exactly the same as being found.
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