#and there’s this patch of land that looks like all the other graveyards
chewwytwee · 6 months
I’m not gonna smoke in an old ass graveyard again
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berry-nonnie · 6 months
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The screen was dark and the sound of fabric rustling was covering conversation that sounded like it was coming from another room.
“The old fuck really didn’t have great stuff,” they muttered, and it could be heard searching through a box of items. Glass, plastic, metal. The noise paused. “Is this a Walkman? Don’t matter, mine now, yoink.”
They could be heard stuffing an item into its pocket, and the search continued. Conversation sounded closer, and the rustling of its movements stopped again, followed by the sound of it shoving another item into its pocket. The voice of a woman became clearer, asking ××× what they’re doing.
“I’m just looking around for the last time, I’m going to really miss coming here for the holidays,” it sighed, and the woman gave a sympathetic hum. The camera moved out of their pocket like it was pretending to check the time on its phone, the well worn wooden floor and old shoes it was wearing were all that could be seen from the angle before the camera was put back. “I’m so sorry, but I have to go. I’ve got an appointment in the morning, can’t miss it. It was great to see you again.”
They hugged the woman and left.
“Bluebird, look at this,” they called out loudly, the sound of a door closing following their words. It pulled out its camera and the items that it took from their late family member. They placed down an old Walkman, a small digital camera, and two old looking cassette tapes. “Man, this is junk. Do you want one of these tapes?”
“Uh, sure,” another voice chirped as their friend approached. It grabbed one of the cassette tapes and handed it to its friend. “What’s on them?”
“No clue. They were left to me by my dead grandma, you’re welcome by the way,” it turned the other tape over in one hand with the camera pointed at it. The cassette tape was dusty, and strange 4 was inked onto it.
“Oh! Right, thank you ×××,” their friend said sheepishly, and they let it look at their tape on camera too. The friend’s tape was completely unlabeled. “You didn’t have to give it to me if you got them in the will.”
“You don’t want my gift? I’m trying to share the memory of her life with you, and you don’t want it?” They asked sadly, and its friend could be heard frantically trying to fix their apparent mistake.
“Wha- no! No no, I do! It’s a lovely gift, I’d love to honor her memory with you,” Its friend spluttered, the tape leave frame in the direction of their voice. “I loved your grandma, she was a great woman. I’ll treasure this cassette tape, I promise.”
“I’m glad, bluebird. You’re such a good friend, I knew you’d like my gift,” it hummed, and it grabbed its new belongings again. “You know, I’m going to go to our spot to listen to my tape. I’ll see you later.”
The camera panned around an overgrown graveyard, headstones nearly obscured by grass and weathered by nature. It turned the camera towards an open mausoleum and entered. Their footsteps echoed against the stone walls, they lowered to the ground, and the Walkman and cassette tape clattered to the ground.
“Time to see what’s on this dusty old tape,” they shut the tape into the Walkman and pressed down on the play button-
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Playing next File...
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The camera landed on a table, ××× could be seen pacing with headphones over its ears and the Walkman in their hand. The audio was cut, they were talking.
It stopped pacing and threw the Walkman against the wall. The walls of the room it was in were littered with holes and patched with cardboard and tape. They punched the wall and could be seen screaming something. The door opened and a head poked in to say something. It snapped at the person and snatched up the Walkman again. The person left quickly.
It grabbed the camera and stormed out of the room.
The camera was on the forest floor, just in frame was ×××, unconscious on the ground with the Walkman next to its head. It was wearing the headphones. The audio was still cut. The camera stayed recording for an hour before they were dragged out of frame.
[Video End]
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
anyway back to bells hells in the regency au:
laudna was born matilda bradbury, the only daughter of the bradbury family who stood to inherit a barony at the outskirts of whitestone. accused of trying to usurp the briarwoods as one of the only nobles who didn’t fall under their sway, basically atticwifed for it. pale skin and wide eyes from being locked up for years. i imagine that the atticwifing happened when she was like 20, and she’s not fed well/treated well in any way, so this affects the way she looks--slight, tall, a little more bones than flesh, even as she retains an aristocratic face and affect. 
after the debacle is settled, she keeps to herself on her land in a little cottage, taking elaborate commissions as a seamstress. ooh maybe she’s the one to dress the de rolos. anyway, she’s viewed as a spinster basically, but if anyone marries her they potentially gain a foothold into whitestone, which is otherwise fully under the de rolos by the time she can inherit her family lands. after some time she decides to travel to marquet to get away from the site of her trauma and leave the stigma of her experiences behind. starts her own little atelier of Tal’dorei-based fashion in jrusar, basically running it out of zhudanna’s house.
orym is still a bodyguard of the tempest blades and serves the Voice, the queen keyleth of the air ashari before the death of his husband will. this functions as his military accomplishments--he personally protected the queen from assassination. in his downtime he makes friends with the rest of bells hells. it’s interesting to think about, but potentially with the structure of this au he would know laudna peripherally before he meets the crown keepers, especially if she was the one to make keyleth’s wedding dress for her and vax’s wedding.
fearne was raised by nana morri to the calloway family. maybe she’s a countess or something in the ashari territory. both she and dorian (would have debuted as bronte but ended up leaving his family and becoming an independent musician and composer working up to scanlan’s scale) ‘debut’ for the queen keyleth around the same time and that’s how they meet orym. actually maybe that’s how the crown keepers meet--a year pre bell’s hells season, opal, fearne, and dorian are being presented to the queen keyleth, while dariax (and deni$e) and orym all work in and around the ashari kingdom. it’s actually funny as hell to think about orym going with fearne and dorian on an ambassadorial trip to marquet and coming back to deni$e being like i don’t know where dariax is but when i find him i will kill him,
ashton is raised on the streets, finds out they’re titled and is awkwardly shunted into a debut season after years spent robbing people blind. no one knows what to do with him. he hates the stifling, repressed, privileged nature of high society. maybe fcg is a steward or something in dancer’s household who tracks genealogies, finds out about this, and tracks ashton down after everyone in dancer’s household dies. how? i don’t know yet. we’ll find out. anyway it’s basically just the two of them and milo, who was patching ashton up after their final heist.
bertrand served in the military with percy, plays up the connection to vm all the time but basically is just an older man reliving his glory days. no kids, so he’s buried in the whitestone graveyard after bh show up at his deathbed. maybe he sponsors them in the marquesian court in conjunction with eshteross in this au.
chetney runs a wood carving workshop and does custom commissions for a lot of marquesian nobles. i guess this would be the mahaan houses if they’re primarily in jrusar. also peripherally knows laudna since they’re running their businesses in a similar circle. i’m imagining her commissioning him for little wood button details and other such trinkets that go along with dresses.
imogen is set to inherit a barony in the taloned highlands that she doesn’t really want--she goes to jrusar to find out about her long lost mother, which is how she ties into ludinus’ nonsense. i imagine she makes arrangements to stay at zhudanna’s, which is how she meets laudna. full on soft infatuation from the start, and as they live together for awhile they both fall in love.
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This might have been inspired by a random 'what if' post on Tumblr.
At any rate. Have a short story about vampire mermaids.
WC: 1319
Summary: A little mermaid seeks adventure in a ship's graveyard. She probably should have been a bit more careful.
Looking over her shoulder, she motioned to the two behind her to keep swimming. Many tales were told around the jellyfish pits about how the deeper, darker regions of the sea were dangerous, home only to witches and monsters. All the stories ended with a warning for all merkind to stay away from the shadowed rocky depths, where the graveyard of old ships lay.
But she was curious and daring, and wanted to see for herself. With friends by her side, three little mermaids swam to the border.
The edge of sanctified seas were marked by poles stuck into the ground, pulsing gently with bioluminescent light. Beyond the pale throbbing glow, the seabed flattened and fell, cracks spiraling out beyond vision while deep gashes hid the secrets of the sea.
But while the seabed beyond may have been barren, the bones of past lives rose against the light; wooden ribs of ships, some broken and some intact, masts and poles and broken bits lay scattered as if this land were a battlefield, a mark of how many humans had battled the sea...and lost. Yet sea-life persisted. Moss and lichen clung to the artificial bones, waving at the three like gaunt, spindly fingers curling as if inviting them further.
Her friends hesitated at the border, glancing at each other. Her own heart pounded against her ribs, screaming to turn and run.
But she was brave. She was adventurous. She was going to go further than her cousin, who swam out two nights before to the very edge of sight and came back with a piece of a ship to prove his bravery, and who wouldn’t stop bragging about it.
Puffing out her chest, gills flaring in front of her friends, she swam out into the graveyard of wood and steel and sea-growth. She fanned her fins bravely at the edge, spinning to make sure her friends could still see her. They gave an answering flash of fins, letting her know they could. She hadn’t gone as far as her cousin. Making an effort to swallow her fluttering heart, she turned and swam deeper into the graveyard.
The glow faded from behind her, and for a moment she felt trapped in utter darkness. Then...soft lights from above began to appear. She glanced up, watching silver threads of moonlight making its way from the surface all the way down to her. Patches of silver interspersed between whole pieces of ships and hollow shells, exposing treasures and things she had never seen before. She looked around, hoping to see what kind of fish lived out in these wastes, but saw none.
Swimming down to a random ship, she began searching for something small she could tear from the bones; it couldn’t be seaweed or moss, as that could have been taken from anywhere. It had to be something clearly marked as a human thing.
Something caught her attention further down...a song, trapped in the water. Someone was singing. Someone like her.
Her heart froze as she strained to listen, her mind buzzing with the possibilities of sea witches and horrible graveyard monsters. Everything she refused to believe. Yet...monsters couldn’t sing such a beautiful song, could they?
Her tail pumped the water, body moving swiftly through the ships as she listened. A distant part of her screamed to get away, wailed at the sudden scattering of skeletal figures under her fins. But her body wouldn’t stop. The song spurred her onwards, seeking out the singer. The music dismissed all worries as she got closer, the lilting melodies slowly beating away any fear from her mind.
And then she found it; the singer. Hidden away in the shadows of a broken deck sat another mermaid. Another mermaid!!
The singing faltered as the mermaid looked around, catching sight of her. She had a flash of instinct to hide, but found it quickly dismissed. Why would one of her kind want to hurt her? After all, she could sing so lovely.
Staring at her, the mermaid resumed the lovely melody, the music growing stronger and more intriguing. She couldn't help but drift closer and closer, yearning to look upon the face of the singer. The song promised joy and love, dismissed things like fear and hesitation and instinct. Told her not to look at the shadows looming around her, asked her to forget the sight of dried-up husks of other merfolk under her fins.
The beautiful voice.
A hand reached out, stopping just at the border of light and dark. The song changed, the mermaid weaving a story through the notes about how an old sea witch cursed her to remain here in isolation. How all she needed was the gentle touch of a stranger, and she would be set free.
She stared at the hand as the cursed mermaid’s song wrapped around her. Something drew her in, some force from the hand alone. She hadn't made up her mind. Something still snagged her attention, nagged at the back of her mind. Something was wrong...but her body moved forward, this time without permission or guidance.
Her skin crawled as she left the light. The water was so cold...no. It wasn't the water. The hand was now on her arm, a lifeless chill crawling up her scales and skin into her heart as the cursed mermaid pulled her closer.
The singing was loud, now. So loud, it washed away the last vestiges of her hesitation and will. Her body relaxed, sunk into the lilting chorus of the music. She didn’t feel any pain as sharp, pointed teeth pierced her body, didn’t flinch as the cursed mermaid began to feed. She was aware of nothing but the sweet music, carrying her away into oblivion. Then she was aware of nothing at all.
Coming upon her traps, the sea witch paused. The mast she had previously used to trap a mermaid was now empty, the magic cuff used to keep her here broken and drifting. A body floated nearby, hidden among the wreckage of human ships and sea vegetation. Moss was wrapped around the dead mermaid, holding her down in an act of burial amongst the graveyard.
The witch sighed. The mermaid previously trapped here was one of the ancient ones, back in the days when they had the ability to sing others to their deaths via sucking the bodies dry. The humans managed to confuse the legends, as humans do, resulting in names like ‘vampire’ and ‘siren’. If only they knew what horrors lurked in the deeps.
And now that horror was free.
Holding her seaweed belt down against her body, she swam over to the dead mermaid and looked her over. Two prick-marks could be found against the small body, a sure sign she had been fed on.
The witch wasn’t powerful enough to kill the ancient one, but had managed to use her arts to trap her here, and so long as the ancient one was left to starve, she wouldn’t have been able to break free. Clearly, one little mermaid had slipped through and given the keys of escape to a monster as old as the waters.
Back in the old days, the witch would have a clan to call upon. But most of her family was dead, slain by whalers or sea monsters or merfolk scared by false stories. She was the last of her kind, and it was her duty to finish what her family started.
Yanking free a small sharktooth knife, the witch began to enchant it as her mind raced. She must find the ancient one before it had time to spread itself, before it had time to give others its dark gift. The nearby territory was in danger. She had to act fast.
First, she had to make sure the newest kill wouldn't turn into that which killed her. And then...the hunt was on.
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foxclcves · 4 months
𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒆 (𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 02)
The bell tolled from the chapel, and he watched the procession from its steps, its architecture one that could have challenged him in age and fading color. The old bell at the very top looked black from where he stood under the ever persistent overcast sky, its low peal uneven and fading as its swinging slowed, and slower still. The one who rang it did not see the gathering of darkly clad visitors, walking with slow precision through patches of snow and sleeping grass, the landscape a canvas of grays, browns, and the bleak whiteness that would plague the land for months to come. Upon some shoulders, a small coffin of one dearly departed.
Sometimes, he would watch them be buried, when his reminder did not chide him so; a silver pocket watch, its finish and gleam as radiant as it had ever been, the only thing that had followed him all this time. When he was needed, it would let out a single chime, one only he could hear. But now it was silent, and he watched the plot in the earth awaiting its newcomer. He smiled with respite in mind, pulling into his lungs winter’s own breath. A satisfying plume of air followed.
He descended the stairs and ventured toward the gathering, weaving symmetrically between gravestones and mausoleums. He had been here before, and knew every marker and structure by heart. He remembered the chapel as it once was; a young couple decades old, its cemetery meeker. And how things had grown, how they changed. He witnessed plots filling, tombstones grounded, monuments built or brought in from elsewhere. People of all classes, ethnics, and economic background were carried here to lie to rest, and others continued to follow, all the same now. In the end, it was the ultimate equalizer, the common graveyard. Hallowed ground was the most peaceful he knew of. Disputes ceasing; hostility, ignorance, and misery quieted.
And yet, despite their silence, he would regale them on the newest and profound literature mortality continued to create, technologies and social movements. Despite what their stances on the now or then controversial would have been in life, they could not argue now. ‘Life goes on you see, despite your reservations,’ he would say with his chin tilted downward and his eyes on a carved name or two at a time, in a similar manner a school teacher would have when addressing a reluctant or resistant student. ‘But you are here, now. Worry not, worry not.’
His feet came to a stop at the end of the plot, the coffin having been lowered into it already. He noticed something like a flower, a rose perhaps, with an intricate border, carved into its top center. He acknowledged it with a nod. Hello, again. He glanced over the mournful gathered, hats removed and veils concealing faces. Such crowds, such faces and emotions, used to antagonize him. But now, he just kept his pleasant smile and stood among them as though he was among them. He knew this—grief, to be the greatest agony had to offer. But he also knew something that these sorrowful ones did not. A good decision was made, and they need not worry. Of course, he could not tell them that, even if he wanted to. They would have to rely on their own strength, use their own discretion toward their time, perhaps their faith if they were so inclined. His disposition was positive in spite of their current melancholy, he could not help it. Perhaps he had become desensitized, but mortality was strong even in weakness; humans, remarkably resilient, even in death.
And so he consoled them internally, still feeling what he could for a sleepless mother, a regretful father, the trembling and struggle of a friend, or perhaps lover, he could not tell. When all was said and done, all departed. The plot was filled, flowers and trinkets placed with care to frame the tombstone also engraved with the design the coffin possessed, and words were said, and words were unsaid; kept for a later time, likely.
The cemetery became silent, the occasional crow sounding off in the distance. He regarded the new grave with tender observation, for he would memorize it too; its shape and color, its inscriptions and dates. He stepped forward, placing one gloved hand on top of the tombstone.
The small crackling of fallen pine needles caught his attention, and he looked over his shoulder. A small, black form tread quietly toward him, and he straightened upon recognizing it to be a cat. One he knew very well, in fact. He stepped back, respectively, and pocketed his hands as the cat padded across the grave. In front of the tombstone, it dropped a small, lifeless rodent, and sat with its head lifted expectantly. He chuckled at the offering, despite being used to witnessing such a display.
The cat, by any none the wiser, had a normal appearance and size, even to those with their superstitions. Silent, he was; never mewed, hissed, or snarled no matter what turn of events might lie before him. But his eyes, oh, how peculiar they were; not one color but many at once, reminding one of the iridescent gleam oil possessed once spilled. No slits of pupils or whites were in those eyes, seemingly blind to the world. But when they fell upon you, it was hard to look away, whether you found yourself hypnotized or fearful. But they were not unseeing, and not piercing. They were hollow; reflective, like a mirror. Hence, his namesake: Hollow, ‘the grave robber’. He wondered what people saw when they looked into those eyes, as he was apparently immune to that unwavering gaze. Was it the future, or perhaps a glimpse into their inner most selves? Well, he didn’t quite know.
“Hello, old boy,” he greeted Hollow, who had left his prior spot and leaped up onto the shoulder of a stone angel nearby. “Hunting voles again, are we?”
Hollow continued to watch him quietly, ears inquisitive in his direction. The cat never blinked, of course; he saw everything, as was his niche, and blinking would only hinder him. The two of them were very much alike, he thought not for the first time; undying, prevailing through years and years and more, but the biggest difference was that humans could see Hollow: the strange black cat in the cemetery, its origins and purpose unknown. Such stories they came up with—bad luck, a witch nearby using the cat to spy on things, to determine which bones were most ripe to dig up, for spells or consumption. Or perhaps it was a creature you would not want to meet in the dead of night, as it might expand drastically in size, steal your soul or devour you entirely. Such overthinking, or was it? Perhaps Hollow did have an agenda unawares to him. Or perhaps Hollow spent his eternity digging rodents out of the resting places of many passed loved ones of the wary folk... or excessively licking his nether regions. As you do.
Well, they were right about one thing: Hollow’s primary caretaker was indeed a witch, and a very old one, too. Cranky and brash as she was, her magick was always well meaning and directed towards herbs, medicine, protection, and luck. He happened upon her once, but only from a distance, and he made a note to officially introduce himself at a later time, as he had received many a mouse and small rabbit that at this point, it was rude not to stop by for a spot of tea.
Hollow’s head jerked and his unfaltering stare focused on something, and without warning he lunged from his perch and took chase. He smirked and stepped forward again, clapping his hands slowly when the elusive feline vanished from sight. “Good show, sir. Never will I tolerate a word of you not doing your part. Good show.”
And then, there it was—dark red in his peripheral vision, like the color of leaves clutching still to frozen tree branches. Something swelled in his chest, but when he turned his head to find that the color vanished, he became completely still. His gaze remained on the slightest of slopes where he swore he saw warmth in a hibernating land. It had moved behind a crypt covered in thick, brown vines, its leaves twisted and shriveled. Turning from the new grave, he made his way toward the slope. Snow began to fall, once again.
He walked all around the crypt and peered inside, but he found nothing. A cardinal perhaps, he thought, soaring to a suitable tree. Or a red fox, happening on its way in search for food. But no, something wasn’t right. He could not see even Hollow now, and the grounds were vacant, not even a grave digger in sight. His eyes narrowed, and his feet carried him through the cemetery. Past meager headstones, past names washed away by the elements; persisting through grounds centuries old and paying no mind to what sort of creatures hid there. He passed through a small throng of trees, the wind picking up and whistling by his ears, frigidity not felt.
He came upon a lush trail of velvet and silk, draped and rippling atop the snow. This gave him pause and he inclined his head, eyes following the trail to its end. A woman was kneeling before an elaborate sculpture of two angels; soft in demeanor, reaching out to one another with open arms and arcing wings, but not quite touching. Her gown was impossibly long, its layers of dark green suiting the scenery she found herself in, or purposefully wandered into. Her hair, loose and curling down her back from a bowed head, caused him to reminisce of autumn, fleetingly. She was the one who nearly evaded his notice, and that did not sit well with him.
Curious, and acquainted with a strange familiarity and, stranger yet, dread, he approached her. Methodically, his head tilted to catch a glimpse of her profile, but her plentiful locks were too dense for him to do so. When the woman lifted her head, he stopped. In spite of himself and what he knew better, he wondered if she could hear his shoes crunching in the snow, if she was aware of his presence. She wouldn’t have been. If she were human.
The snowfall continued around them, consistent but subtle. The sky continued to be vacant of any hint of change or an oncoming blizzard; empty of any threat, or snidely keeping any reassurances to itself, if it had any to spare at all. The woman did not move for the longest time, nor did she speak, and he mused if she were deep in thought or if, like the angels before her, she had turn to stone before his very eyes. Frozen, preserved in whatever state her mind and body had created for her, and evergreen skirts soon to be buried under a new layer of snow.
And so deep in thought that he himself had become he almost didn’t notice that the woman let out a laugh. One that crept toward him, snaking its way into the ground and through the surrounding trees’ roots, it was deep, slow, and held no joy. It stunned him as it left the ground and shot up his heels, making his legs feel as though they had given way when they had in fact locked at the knees. If he had any inclination of leaving her to her thoughts, such an action was halted.
In a movement so gradual and fluid, the woman ascended to her feet, which were concealed under her gown. He noted now that she had no protection from the cold, not even a cloak. He could tell from the backs of her arms that her hands were laced together, or that her palms were near each other. Her head lifted to look at the angels fully. “I don’t pity them,” she said. “Such melancholy, to be captured within arm’s reach of your greatest confidante, but to never touch them or feel their breath upon your face. How tragic.”
And her voice, so deep and like warm honey, resonated within him. And yet, why could he not speak or look away? What was this sensation of dryness in his mouth and throat, the subtle aching in his chest? He could not even reach up to place his hand on it, his arms useless at his sides.
“I am familiar,” the woman spoke again, her voice softening into an almost murmur. Surely, she spoke to the angels, and not him. “Yes, and how I remember the feeling of being within arm’s reach, and having it all taken away. And having none to blame, but one.”
The pines around them seemed taller now, and their brittle canopies curved inward dizzyingly. Oh yes, he was all too familiar, but could not recall ever being a direct target. His legs had gone numb entirely, and his arms felt as though they had disintegrated. The faces of the angels—they were angels no longer. Like wax from a lit candle they melted, contorted; dainty hands turning into elongated talons, faces thinning, mouths becoming fangs that dripped.
After a moment, she chuckled. This time, the sound was heavy; charred, as smoke. "Do you pity me, or are you coming to terms with your own mortality, the one you’ve forgotten? If the former, I plead you to worry not. But if the latter, well... I will allow you a moment to console yourself. It can't be helped, after all."
His silence felt like an oath now, forced upon him, and he was stricken for reasons incomprehensible to him. The woman turned to face him, and her bodice revealed a massacre. Torn was evergreen satin and snow lace, ripped was flesh. Her rib cage gleamed crimson and ivory under the overcast sun, and wet blood glistened down nearly her entire front. Exposed lungs filled and emptied with shallow breath, shuddering with her mirth. Her heart was missing. Her smile widened, its corners tugging beyond her cheekbones as though by the plucking of strings. Her teeth, sharp like the dreaded Kludde of the wood. Her lips, red with the bloodied spittle coating her chin like a theater curtain.
“But you should know. The both of us,” she intoned, “We died a long time ago.”
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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Welcome to part three! Warning on this one for language and slight gore. Feel free to let me know if you want to be tagged. (Though please forgive me/remind me if I miss anybody.)
Also, I have found the theme song for this series if you want to listen to it while you read. Click Here
Here is Part One
It Hides Within The Fog
Part Three: Raphael
“Raph, Wait!” He disappeared within the fog and Name ran after him. For a second, she thought she lost him, but then she was able to pick his bulk out of the darkness. His size was difficult to lose for too long.
He paused as she caught up with him. “You coming with me, Short Stack?” He glanced behind them. “Where'd the others go? Leo! Donnie? Mikey!”
No response from the other brothers. The ubiquitous fog had swallowed up all flashlights, brothers, and all other sound. Raphael didn't seemed worried about it. He just frowned at being ignored with a “Whatever. We'll find 'em later.”
Now Name was determined to stay next to him. She had no idea where the other brothers had gone. Though to be honest, if she was going to end up lost in a spooky graveyard with one of them, she would have picked Raphael every time. Not just because he was big and strong, and very protective, but because he felt safe. Everything about the large turtle always felt safe. Like he would never let anything hurt her.
Even the very first time she saw him looming over her, eyes dangerous, she felt in her heart she would be alright. It was something she always meant to tell him. It was just never the right time. Raphael seemed like he was more of a loner, but the reality was that he was constantly around his brothers. He liked being around his brothers. It made it very difficult to get in a private conversation.
Now, she finally had some one on one time with him, but this certainly didn't feel like the right time for expressing the truth of her heart. Not when there was a constant chill running up her spine, making her glance around. Her flashlight raked through the fog as she felt a distinct feeling of being observed. But there was nothing but headstones.
Raphael must have felt it, too. His whole body shuddered and he shook his shoulders as if he were trying to dislodge a physical force hanging off his back. He, too, glanced around at the shadows and then his gaze landed on Name standing at his elbow.
“Stay close to me. I don't want to lose you, too.”
Never. She had no intention of leaving his side, though she didn't say so out loud.
Despite the eerie feeling in the air, Raphael pushed forward deeper into the cemetery as if he were after something specific. His trajectory took them up a steep hill with dead, dry grass and dirt patches. Even with his size, he weaved gracefully around the headstones while Name nearly tripped on the corner of one almost completely buried by nature's overgrowth.
The hill was so steep, it was difficult to see what was perched at the top until they were almost right next to it. A massive slab of rectangular concrete. The biggest headstone they had encountered in the cemetery thus far. Yet, Raphael was confused as he came upon it.
“That's it?” he wondered as he looked it over.
“What's wrong with it?” Name asked.
“I caught a glance of this thing from down there. I thought there was something big on top of it. I wanted to see what it was.” He searched around, shining his flashlight in all directions. Up on the hill, they were above most of the fog with it only swirling around their ankles. Below them, it became thicker and thicker until it swallowed up everything at the bottom.
The full moon was out. Not that it could be seen through the thickness. The fog ate everything like a greedy, amorphous mass. But up here, the moonlight illuminated all that the fog had not consumed. Raphael's eyes glittered from behind his mask as he looked around in confusion.
“Maybe I got turned around. Maybe this isn't the same thing I saw.”
Name had no idea what he had originally noticed before he came up here, but the view was spectacular. So was this headstone. Or whatever it was. While Raphael wandered in confusion, she turned her flashlight on the massive rectangle to inspect it further.
It looked more like an altar than a headstone. Who was buried here? She crouched and inspected the side, looking for any kind of epitaph. Like everything else here, the stone had darkened with age and moss. She managed to find a few inscriptions, but they were eroded away. So badly eroded they didn't even look like English. More like strange symbols.
As she crouched, she grabbed the side of the stone to steady herself and pulled back when she felt wetness. Inspecting her hand in the light, she squeaked in surprise and disgust at the stark red on her skin.
“What? What happened?” Raphael poked his head around and saw her hand. “Hey, you okay? Did you cut yourself?”
He was immediately at her side, taking her hand in his and trying to wipe off the blood to find the wound.
“I'm not hurt. It...the blood's not mine.”
Raphael continued to clean her hand as if not believing her. When he failed to find any cut, his eyes traveled up to meet hers. “Good. The guys would give me so much shit if you got hurt on my watch.” His gaze trailed back down, his hands still holding hers. His thumb rubbed the middle of her palm. “And I...I don't ever want to see you hurt. Especially when I could have prevented it. I'd never let anything happen to you if I could help it.”
Name froze. It felt like her heart stopped in her chest. She had just been thinking about finding the courage to say what she had been wanting to say to him if they ever had a moment alone. And now Raphael had surprised the hell out of her by doing just that. The fact that there were things he even wanted to say floored her. Her brain struggled to catch up.
Say it! Now's the time! Tell him!
“I always feel safe with you. I know you'll never let anything happen to me,” she blurted. Her mind scrambled for traction. Wasn't there more? What did she always want to say to him? “And I just like spending time with you. I wish we spent more time together. Like...just you and me. Uh...if you wanted to.”
She was sure her face burned as he stared at her with a wide-eyed, but otherwise undecipherable expression. She wished he would say something. Anything. This was torture.
“I didn't know you felt like that,” he finally responded. His voice was low, soft.
Her face was on fire as she looked down at her thighs.
“I'd like to spend more time with you, too.”
Her head shot up, staring at him before a smile pulled at her mouth. “Yeah?”
He nearly laughed. “Yeah, of course. You think I wouldn't want to? I really—” Raphael cut himself off as he touched the stone himself and pulled back his hand covered in blood. “What the hell?”
He jumped to his feet, shining his light on the stone. It had been hard to tell, because the slab itself was so dark with age. Dark with old blood of having been used many times before.
“Where did all this blood come from?” Raphael's voice jumped a little higher than his normal tone.
“The blood,” said a new, dark male voice, “is for you.”
As if summoned, out of the darkness came a figure in a black robe. He had blended into the night, just another eerie monument among the headstones. As he neared, his face couldn't be seen, but the robe he wore was soaked in a dark, thick liquid. More blood. Whose blood, it was hard to tell.
“I have summoned you here, oh Beast of Darkness, Great and Terrible One.”
“Me?” Raphael squawked, pointing to himself.
“Rude,” Name whispered, offended on his behalf.
“Yes, you are the Shadow Beast,” the voice in the robe said. “It That Which Devours. The Ravening, Insatiable Hunger.”
“Uh...I already ate before I came here,” Raphael said. “Though I guess I could eat again. You buying?”
The robed figure stuttered in confusion and they could see a bit of his face as the hood slid back. Just some normal-ass pale dude out in the cemetery all alone.
“But...you're The Beast, right?” he asked in a smaller voice. “I did everything correct. I brought the blood, I said the words. You're what I summoned.”
“That blood; you kill someone for that?” the turtle asked dangerously.
“Uh, no. It's from...a butcher shop.” He physically wilted. “I didn't summon you?”
“Hey guy, I drove here,” Raphael shot back. “I'm not this beast, alright?”
“Super rude,” Name hissed from behind him.
The man's eyes fell on her. “Maybe I used the wrong blood. Maybe it needed to be human after all.”
He pulled a switchblade from his pocket. Not a particularly impressive one, but Raphael still stiffened at the sight of steel. He moved in front of Name, a solid wall between the two humans.
“Oh, I don't think so. You better get your dumb ass outta here before I toss you out.”
Now the man looked more offended than confused. His mouth turned down as he pointed his blade at the mutant turtle.
Raphael snorted. He was at least twice this guy's size and completely towered over him. “C'mon. Are you kidding? You wanna try me?”
“Raph, don't hurt him,” Name said, touching his arm. “He's just some lonely goth nerd having fun on Halloween. Kinda like us.”
He huffed again. “I don't care what he is or what he's doing. Nobody threatens you in front of me. Even if you could beat their ass without my help.”
She made a sound of endearment at him. The man, however, was growing more and more agitated with the situation. He grit his teeth and was about to yell at them when a low, dangerous rumble came from somewhere in the fog. The mist followed, growing, consuming. Now swirling around the top of the hill as it had been below.
All of them stopped; frozen. Raphael had been at the top of the food chain just a second ago, but that sound triggered something in his primordial lizard brain. He was now the prey.
“What...was that?” Name whispered.
Raphael made a hushing sound, backing her up against the altar as he swiveled his head from side to side, trying to triangulate the source of his newfound fear. The night had gone quiet again, but something lurked just beyond what their eyes could see. Something moved smooth and silent like a ship, barely breaking the cloud-like fog.
The other human glanced around wildly, looking nervous. Then his anger won out again. “Screw this! This whole thing was bullshit! When I get back to town, I'm gonna—” And he was gone.
Between one breath and another, he ceased to exist. Darkness came for him and winked him out of existence. All that remained of him now was the wet crunching of bones somewhere in the night.
PREDATOR Raphael's animal instincts screamed.
He glanced back at Name and his fear deepened. He never worried about if he could protect himself, no matter what he was up against. But her. He had never been this afraid.
The fog closed in tighter, as if it had a mind of its own. It scattered as something cut through it. Raphael's sais were out in a blink as something big and dark rushed in. It was wolf-like in shape; pointed angles and long legs.
The creature wasn't aiming for him, but for Name. He lunged to put his body between them and thrust out with the tip of his blade. The barrel of the monster's chest should have taken the hit, but the sai went through the body is if it were made of the blackest smoke. But the teeth; the teeth were solid, sharp, and cut through the flesh of his arm in a snap of jaws. Then it disappeared into the fog.
Raphael stared after it, insensate to his wounds for the breath of a moment. He had been called monster before, but it was the first time in his life where the word echoed in his own head as he tried to identify what he saw.  Unidentifiable, ravening, unnatural.
Then the pain hit and he winced as blood dripped down his arm, slickening the grip of his weapon.
“Raph!” Name cried when she realized he was hurt.
He only glanced at her—a warning look—and she was silent. The danger was still among them. Watching, hungry.
He saw it in the mist, darker than the gray fog around it. The wolf-like form stood up on its hind legs and shifted its shape. So easily it shifted, as if had no real form and was all forms at the same time. It grew tall, wide in the shoulders with stocky, thick legs. His heart jumped in his throat when he realized the form was copying his own in size.
The head remained wolf-like. Raphael could have sworn it grinned.
“Raph,” Name whispered in fear.
“Stay behind me,” he said, not taking his eyes off the beast. “Whatever happens, don't let it get between us.”
He heard her gasp and the creature rushed him again. This time, he was ready for the attack. The steel of his weapon clashed against rows of teeth as he tried to stab for the mouth. That seemed the only solid part of the thing. Yet, it managed to manifest claws that raked viciously down his plastron before it was gone again. Raphael looked down at the marks it left. If he hadn't had a shell protecting himself, he would have been gutted all over the ground.
Name watched in fear as she heard the scraping of claws on shell. “Are you alright?” She wanted to get in front of him, touch him for herself. Feel for any wounds.
“I said say behind me!” He growled as the creature came again.
It darted in, back on all fours, zig-zagging this way and that. It came for him, then faked to the side, trying to get around him. He managed to stay the protective wall as the creature lunged for Name, but collided with a solid shell before darting off again. It came again from the other side of the altar, leaping over it and nearly landing on top of her. Raphael managed to get himself in front of her, stabbing at nothing but air as he felt claws catch the lip of his shell and his arm.
His mind rushed in a panic. They were open and exposed. He couldn't protect her here. He had to get her somewhere safe. But there was nowhere with shelter from the beast. Just open area in all directions.
“Listen,” he said lowly as he glanced around, waiting for the next blow. “If it gets me, I need you to run.”
She was terrified of the idea. More of leaving him than of the creature itself. “Raph, No!”
“I mean it, you get out of here the second you can. Find the guys, get back to the truck. Get yourself somewhere safe. Promise me.”
She worked her mouth, unable to make such an oath. She didn't want to leave him.
And the creature stalked out of the mist once more. Right before their eyes, it melted, then split in two and reformed again. Twin wolf-like forms. They attacked as one.
“Shit,” Raphael hissed.
His twin sais spun in the air as the duo came for him. He sliced through them, the blades meeting no resistance. This time, he hit one in the mouth and there came a satisfying, tearing sound. Raphael grinned as he saw the lower jaw of creature hang loose.
Then Name's scream tore any elation from the hit away from him. The second one had her in its jaws, teeth wrapped around her arm, before he came barreling down upon it. The creature exploded into black mist as Raphael grabbed her, rolled on his shell over the alter and dropped them both on the other side. He landed on top of her in a protective crouch. The whole of his body covered her smaller frame as he looked her over with wide, wild eyes.
“You okay?”
She hissed as she looked at her tattered jacket, felt the pain of the teeth marks as blood leaked out. “It got me.”
Raphael growled. A deep, animal rumble of rage in his chest. On the outside, he looked pissed. On the inside, he was falling apart. He was terrified. They got past him once, they could do it again. He had to stop this thing. He had to protect her. If he couldn't protect the people he loved, what good was he?
He kept her bodily pressed against the alter as he peered over it and all around. On the other side, one black wolf creature stepped out of the fog. Then another. Another. And one more. Now there were four. They would get past him. They would keep multiplying until there were more than he could ever hope to block. What was he going to do? He wished his brothers were here.
They would laugh if they knew he had already given up. Leonardo would say he was disappointed. Raphael couldn't bear that thought. If he was going down, he was going down swinging. He would defend Name with all his might, try to give her a fighting chance to stay alive.
“I'm going to rush 'em,” he told her. “I'm going to take all their attention and you're going to run.”
Her arms went around his neck, holding him so tight. Her whole body was shaking. So was his.
“Don't make me leave you,” she whispered.
Raphael closed his eyes. What he wouldn't have given to have those arms around him before this night. If only he had known sooner, he would have made time. He was such a fucking idiot.
“Hey, you just survive, alright? Don't worry about me. I'll come get you when it's all over.”
She was already shaking her head before he could finish. She knew better. She knew it was a lie. But there was no more time to argue. The four creatures stalked toward the alter. Only the slab of stone existed as any kind of barrier between them.
Raphael steeled himself for one last fight. He was shaking. He pressed his wounded hand to the stone to steady himself. The instant his blood touched the dark surface, it burned.
“What the hell?” Raphael demanded as his palm stuck to the heat. He couldn't move. Something had a hold of him and his whole hand felt like it was touching fire.
On the other side of the alter, the creature suddenly sucked itself back into one entity. As one, he and the creature became connected in mind and Raphael somehow understood it was the blood. The summoner's actual blood needed to be used to control the beast. He had offered his and now he heard its thoughts. He felt its hunger, its hate. It wanted Name. It wanted to spill her blood upon its alter. It wanted more sacrifices.
And he heard its question, though it was not so much in solid words as a feeling. The creature wanted to know what Raphael wished of it. What were its orders as a summoned agent of darkness.
Raphael snarled at it. “I want you to fucking stay solid so I can kill you!”
One foot upon the alter, he tore himself free of its hold and used its height to springboard himself onto the creature. He felt its solid form as they collided, though he couldn't tell if it was made of fur or flesh, or something else entirely. It screamed and snarled, as did he, as they rolled around in a violent tangle, knocking down headstones in their wake.
The monster's claws found mostly his protective shell, but a few scratches managed to catch his skin. All the while Raphael felt the absolute satisfactory sensation of plunging his sai into solid flesh. Holding the weapon so the prongs stuck out between his fingers, his stabbed his fist into the creature again and again. Dark blood spattered out, spraying him, spraying the final markers of people gone long before him.
The beast howled and screamed, not in pain, but in rage. Its body was failing. Its time on the mortal plane was coming to an end. The kicks became weaker as the body was torn. Raphael hadn't let up. Even as the creature tired, he continued stabbing until the final blow. He ran the point of his sai through the creature's head, pinning it to the ground like a grotesque lawn ornament.
There, the beast was finished. Its form disappeared like the dark mist it came from, the sound of a long, dry exhale as it vanished. Raphael remained alone, bleeding, panting. Shaking.
Name ran from her hiding place and practically tacked him.
“Raphael! Look at me! Are you okay?” She cupped his face with trembling hands. There was so much blood on him. “Please, God, tell me you're okay.”
It took a few breaths, but he managed to find his voice. “I'm okay. Are you okay?”
She nodded emphatically, unable to trust her words. Her hands kept smoothing over his face in a self-soothing motion. She had come so close to losing him before she had ever had the chance to say all the things swimming around in her heart.
Raphael tried to stand, but his knees had turned to jelly.
“Wait here,” she told him. “I'll go find the guys to come get you.”
“No.” He desperately grabbed her wrist. “Don't you go anywhere. You stay with me. We don't know if there's anything else out there.”
At the back of her mind, she was a bit annoyed that he could send her away from danger, but she wasn't allowed to leave him when the danger was over. They could discuss that later. Right now, she understood his need to keep an eye on her.
“Alright, Big Guy, we stick together.” She stood and steadied him as he shakily got to his feet. Together, they retraced their steps back down the steep hill.
“Guys?” she called out into the fog. “You out there? Where is everyone? “Mike! Donnie! Leonardo!”
“LEOOOOOOO!” Raphael bellowed into the fog in that same obnoxious tone and volume that he knew drove his brother nuts when he screamed it through the lair.
Up ahead, the main gates appeared and the truck was still there, waiting patiently for their return. As they made their way toward it, the missing brothers appeared from the fog, all from different directions.
Name was surprised to see that the other three didn't look like they had a great time either. Michelangelo limped in, a hand clutching his cut arm. Donatello was wide-eyed and as pale as a turtle could be. Leonardo looked like he had been dragged through a canal. Where did he find water in this place?
“Where the hell were you guys?” Raphael growled. “We were fightin' for our lives while you guys were out here jerkin' off.”
“What are you talking about?” Michelangelo said. “Name and I were just running for our lives from this girl without a...” He trailed off when he noticed she was plastered to Raphael's side, in a completely different state than Michelangelo remembered her to be in. He glanced to his side as if expecting someone to have been standing there.
“Hey, when did you get over there?” He touched her arm and she hissed in pain.
Michelangelo pulled back his hand, eyes widening at the blood. “When did you get hurt? You were fine. I...I protected you.” Raphael growled at his smaller brother, putting himself between them. “Don't touch her.” His voice softened as he looked to her. “Show me. Let me see how bad it is.”
Name hissed as she tried to remove her jacket. The claw marks were starting to burn. Leonardo dove in, attempting to take control and help her out. Raphael shoved him away, gnashing his teeth.
“Back the fuck off, Leo! I said don't touch her!”
Leonardo backed up, eyes wide. Raphael's outburst wasn't so much about him, but that Raphael was stuck in primal protective mode. Adrenaline was still racing through his veins, making him overreact. Any act of aggression, or just pro-activeness was going to set him off. Leonardo looked to Donatello who was staring at Name with a haunted expression.
“Leo, until a moment ago, I could have sworn she had been with me the entire time,” Donatello whispered. “How was she with Raph?”
Leonardo just shook his head. Nothing else mattered now but getting everyone safely out of here. “Worry about it later. Can you get them in the truck? I'll drive.”
Donatello nodded. He took a step forward, but no more than that. “Raph,” he said softly. “Let's get her out of here and somewhere safe, okay? Can you take her to the truck?”
Raphael merely nodded. He wrapped Name up in his arms. She squeaked as she was lifted off her feet bridal style.
“I can still walk. I'm not that hurt,” she insisted.
“I don't care,” came the dark reply that left little room for argument.
Effortlessly, despite his damaged arm, he carried her through the gates. Name felt her face grow warm at having his strength all around her. She dared to rest her cheek against him and felt the thundering of his heart even through the plastron.
Donatello opened the side door and Raphael stomped inside, plopping himself in a seat with Name still held protectively in his lap. Donatello climbed in after while the other two brothers sat themselves in the front. Leonardo started up the garbage truck and guided them around. His fists clenched the steering wheel so hard they shook.
“Bro,” Michelangelo said, touching his arm.
Leonardo forced himself to relax and focus on his driving.
In the back, Raphael was a veritable thunder cloud; stormy and growly as Donatello, steadying himself on his knees while the truck moved, attempted to apply first aid.
“Is it just the arm?” he asked Name.
“Yeah, I think so.”
Raphael growled as Donatello helped her out of the sleeve of her jacket.
“Stop,” Name told the turtle in red, flicking him lightly between the eyes.
Raphael blinked and the growling stopped, though he still didn't look happy.
“That's one way to do it,” Donatello said as he fumbled through the first aid kit. They hit a dip in the road and he nearly toppled over.
“Are you okay, Donnie?” Name then asked. Despite her own near-death experience, she couldn't help noticing how he looked so haunted. They all did.
He smiled at her. “I'll be fine.” He pulled out a sterile gauze pad and pressed it to her arm. As soon as he touched her, the possessive growling began again. But Donatello ignored it as he then grabbed Raphael's hand and pressed it to the pad.
“Keep it there until we get home.”
Then Donatello sat himself in the other middle seat, because he knew better. Raphael wouldn't accept any first aid for himself until Name was taken care of, and it was impossible to offer that on this rocky, hole-infested road. They both could be tended to when they got back to the lair. Plus his brother needed time to calm down. He would be impossible to work with until his fear and protective response had run its course.
The truck was absolute silent on the way back to the city. No music. Everyone swallowed in their own thoughts, including Name. The adrenaline was starting to wear off. In its place was impossible fatigue that warred with the last bits of survival instinct forcing her to keep her eyes open. But she was still in Raphael's arms and he was so warm and safe. And now his heart thumped a deep, steady rhythm that lulled her.
“Hey,” his deep voice rasped in her ear, causing her to lift her head.
“You feeling better?” she asked.
He sighed. “I don't know if I'll feel better for a while. That was fucking nuts back there. And I didn't protect you. You got hurt on my watch. I never wanted that to happen. I'm sorry.”
She touched his arm, content to remain against him. “I'm okay. I want you to be okay, too. Let the guys look at your wounds, alright? You can let them help you.”
He was already nodding before she finished. He knew she was right. “Yeah, I will. I just wanted to tell you...” He paused, glancing out the window at the full moon. The fog was gone now, the city lights glittering in the distance. “When we get back, I don't want to waste anymore time not saying things.”
“Me, too,” she agreed and he snapped his head around to stare at her with wide eyes. His relief mirrored her own. “When we get home, let's have a long talk and say all the things we've been meaning to say.”
@turtle-babe83 @android-cap-007 @pheradream15 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @thelaundrybitch @analogswordsman
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WLC 2023 Spring Fic Exchange Works
Hi! We in the Whumplovers Collaborate server have been having fun writing gifts for each other in this recent exchange
We present to you the Whumperful products of our hard work, with fics in fandoms across the board, and some OC works too (:
Careful What You Cast For by FoofsterRoonie @foofsterroonie
Fandom: Supernatural
Sam finds himself on the search for a cure after casting a spell with unintended side effects, Dean ends up taking care of his little brother.
Fate/Design, two faces of one coin by ProdBionic @prodbionic
Fandom: Supernatural
Dean had been acting off lately and Sam was out of tricks. The recent bout of nightmares that had overrun Dean's sleep –Sam's sleep as well because that was bound to happen when his brother would wake up shouting next to him– must've been triggered by the apocalypse creeping up on them and all it entailed. Memories of Hell, Sam presumed.
A regular hunt was Sam's fix to the situation. It was supposed to take Dean's mind off of it.
Of course, when had anything ever been that straightforward, or easy? In this case, nothing was what it looked like..
Baseline by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
Fandom: Captain America, MCU
In which torture and a thirty-mile long trek back to the front lines landed Bucky in the field hospital. Lucky for him, Steve was the second-best mother hen out there, not that Bucky would tell him that, or admit to being one himself when the going got rough. He was a sergeant, after all. Looking after his men, which now included Steve, was part of the job description.
Fallout by contumeliouscorvid @contumeliouscorvid
Fandom: Daredevil
Lying had become something he was at ease with.
Tag to Rabbit in a Snowstorm.
Hollow by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod 
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Soot-stained and debris-covered chunks of white and blue plastoid stick out from the rubble. The wreck of the Tribunal is a mangled mess of a graveyard and Rex's brothers will forever be its only occupants.
Eventually, he feels Ahsoka put a gentle hand on his uninjured shoulder. “I can’t leave them like this,” Rex says quietly. They have time now, he thinks, to do it right for both the first and last time. They’ll make the time, if they have to, on this unknown moon, to ensure that their men can rest as they deserve.
Soon by MnM_ov_doom @mnmovdoom
Fandom: Star Wars, The Bad Batch
Seeing Rex like this was disturbing. One moment he had been pacing around in the cockpit of the ship, looking exhausted and unwell, summarising the intel he had studied for the past couple of days and maybe this time he could find a way to hack into an Imperial database and look up Cody’s CC number and-
The next moment Rex had stopped, staggered, and collapsed.
For You by User_needs_a_Username
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward goes in to give his report while Alphonse goes to pick Winry up from the train station. But it turns out something is happening in the Colonel’s office, and it involves a stranger and a gun.
an unlikely savior by Rookblonkorules 
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
When Roy is injured and bleeding out, the person he least expects is the one who comes to his aid.
one lone crow doesn’t make a murder by crowsinflight, crowsinflight (goldenzingy46) @goldenzingy46butwriteblr
Fandom: Six of Crows series
Kaz has been building up his persona as a monster, a demon, for a while. The past has a way of catching up.
Or: the fic where a religious zealot believes that Kaz is actually a demon and then tries to do something about that. Gratuitous whump.
If only by Kaufmann @kaufmann-6
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
"They're going to kill me, Ben" Klaus whispered, his voice full of fear, and Ben shook his head.
"It'll be okay, Klaus" Ben felt like he was lying to Klaus and himself, but the least he owed his brother were a few words of comfort.
An AU in which Patch didn't notice Five's van across the street and Cha-Cha got tired of waiting. Angst follows.
Finding Home by Siegrrun
Fandom: Stranger Things
Steve didn't know what to do. He didn't know where to go. He should've seen this coming, prepared for the possibility. But, really, how can you prepare for your parents kicking you out?
Or, Steve's parents kick him out. He finds a new home.
Don’t Worry, Little Wing by SuperSilverSpy
Fandom: Batman
Suiting up, he put his comm in and swung out the window. “Oracle? What happened to Robin?”
“He snuck out of the manor three hours ago. We can’t find him.”
OR Dick heads to Gotham to look for a missing Jason Featuring hurt!Jason
Lights will guide you home by vel (pineapple_vel) @thaliaisalesbian
Fandom: Percy Jackson
You know how sometimes you think a bad day can't get any worse, and then it somehow does? Percy and Annabeth were trying to make a bad day better, only for it all to go wrong.
malice by Corrosion
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears Of The Kingdom  
Link may not have his memories from a hundred years ago, but he's certain that whatever caused his current predicament hadn't existed back then. He wouldn't have survived.
How Pretty He Screams by ProfessorWorm 
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Everyone thinks Sherlock is dead. Sherlock wishes he was. John decides to live out his fantasies on his former friend. Moriarty has a confusing time.
When the Shift Ends by 99percentsure
Fandom: Emergency! (TV 1972), Adam-12  
How was Roy DeSoto to know his heading for a day off was gonna take such a nasty turn The Poles of Persephone-11 by The_Walking_Pie @the-walking-pie
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Following a shuttle crash at the pole of an unknown planet, McCoy and Chekov are the only survivors. Together, they must survive an arctic wilderness in order to reunite with the Enterprise.
A Stitch in Time by The_Walking_Pie  @the-walking-pie
Fandom: American Assassin
Mitch takes a bullet for Hurley. The man has a few words to say about that.
For the True King by The_Walking_Pie @the-walking-pie
Fandom: Original Work
The duty of any prisoner is to escape. Unfortunately, Gideon just happens to get caught in the process.
Detangling by the_diving_fox
Fandom: Original Work
Spinner is a space explorer who's been held hostage and mind-controlled for six months. Now, aboard a different ship and with his best friend, he must begin to deal with what happened to him.
Whiplash by Biarritz
Fandom: Original Work
Even the best have to let their guard down sooner or later. Being a Courier is dangerous; shopping isn't supposed to be.
The Traitor of Murland by NicolePascaline
Fandom: Original Work
Florence thought that King Percy was dead, but he's here to take back the throne and make the traitor pay for his treachery
The Chosen Hero by KnightlyCross 
Fandom: Original Work
The church couldn't stop the scientist since they had no evidence of malign actions. But after a young girl came bearing a prophecy, a hero to take down this scientist was chosen. At least that’s what The Church says.
This Cage Built For Two by Anonymous 
Fandom: Original Work
Ren’s luck has never been that great to begin with, but transmigrating into an otome game where he unexpectedly keeps dying? That’s got to be a new low.
Stay tuned for the next exchange! (Signups will open soon)
Only server members can participate so now’s the time to join us (:
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coldandfoggy · 11 months
Midnight Eucharist
The warm wood glistened with dim autumn light filtered through the small windows of the cabin. The dark lacquer gave the wood paneling a lively air as the honey-toned splashes of light stretched across the floor like golden shadows. Father Theodore, standing in his quarters, unclasped the silver crucifix necklace from around his neck. He placed the jewelry gently in his cupboard, somewhere he’ll recognize. The sacred cross gave one last glint before the drawer was sensibly shut.
            He laid his rosary delicately before the painting of The Last Supper that hung above his study. His eyes glanced to Judas, bending down to adorn Jesus with that damning kiss. He looked away. No point.
            It was bound to be dusk soon. He should be there. Making his way to the door, he paused as his hand reached the doorknob, reminded by the glint of silver. He hesitated, then carefully slid his wedding ring off his finger, placing it on a shelf by the door. He looked back for a moment, just a moment, before he shut the door behind him.
            Dusk was approaching quickly, yet some few tendrils of light peeked out from the horizon, not yet drowned by the night sky. He made his way to the church, like he had one million times before.
            Wet grass and gravel crackled beneath his feet. His black leather boots went well with his cassock, but were not well suited for any manner of hiking. They were past the church now, wading through the courtyard to the patch behind the cemetery. He weaved through epitaphs etched in stone, bathed in the golden-red light of the ever-dwindling sun.
            Beyond the town, beyond the Church’s consecrated grounds, lay a dark stretch of land. An informal continuation of the cemetery, only bereft of its holy blessing. Bodies lay there all the same; some before the church’s time, but simply not graced by consecrated earth; others buried when the church denied the dead a holy funeral on godly grounds, be they undesirable to them in some way. A cruel damning, indeed.
At the far end of the graveyard, broken up by brush and stones and unkempt paths forgotten for years, the great shining bones of what once was a grand manor lay, stripped bare and sun-bleached and picked clean by the toll of neglect among nature. But however decrepit and rotted it may be, it was not dead, for something in it was very much alive.
Before him, now, that great skeleton lay. The fossilized remains of a home once raucous with laughter and life. He finds the spot in the front yard with the sapling cypress tree. It’s grown since he last saw it, twisting itself in contortions to look for light that wasn’t there. It had grown thinner, but it was alive. He remembered planting it, still. After all this time.
He sat himself alongside the twisted cypress. The night was full and alive, the new moon only a dark spot in the endless black sky. The mist had rolled in, and the dark was growing colder. His lamplight flickered, threatening to leave him in the pitch black. He wouldn’t mind. He kept waiting.
A voice, soft and sweet, but desperate in recognition. Theodore whipped around to what he thought was the source of the noise, the name only so sweet on that tongue, the name only music in that voice.
“Sergei?” Theodore asked with trembling voice. In the distance, if his eyes do not deceive him, a figure stood tall and dark against the fog. A figure in a shape he knew so well.
The mist was thick now, the grass becoming heavy with dewdrops, bowing their heads in the frigid night air. The anticipation, the longing. It had been too long – it always was too long.
The figure, now taking form more tangible, approached Theodore. Despite the cold air, a warmth came over the both of them.
“Sergei,” Theodore said as he took Sergei in his arms, pressing him to his chest, cold skin against skin. “I missed you. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too.” Sergei spoke through bitter tears. “How did you…?”
Theodore pulled back, enough to face him. “A new moon.” Theodore said. They looked overhead to see the vast, empty sky. “It moves the fabric of this realm as if it were a tide.”
“You knew it would be a new moon tonight?” Sergei asked. Theo nodded.
“Of course. The veil is thin, as thin as it will get in the next few decades, and the mists grow thicker this time of year. I thought, it may be easier for you to step through on a colder, foggy night, when the veil is thinnest.”
“Someone’s been a studious fellow!” Sergei joked, tussling Theodore’s hair, sending him to fits of childish giggles. “Leave it to you to memorize lunar charts for a date. Ever the considerate one. How long have you been planning this?”
“I…” Theo hesitated, almost a little embarrassed. “I started planning for our next meeting the second I arrived home from our last. That was… three months ago.”
Sergei looked down at the grass dappled with crystal dewdrops. “It’s been that long already…?”
Theodore deflated a bit. “They seem to only be getting longer. I don’t know what it is, but…”
“Funny, time feels so different here.” Sergei looked up at the stars with a weak smile. “I can’t tell if the last time I saw you was yesterday or last year. It’s all foggy nights and in-betweens. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here for.”
“Two years, now.”
Sergei looked at Theodore with a surprised expression. “Two years?”
Theodore paused, momentarily too ashamed to look him in the eye. “…As of today. It’s… been two years since…” He swallowed, not able to finish the rest of his sentence.
A moment of silence filled the frigid air.
“It’s okay.” Sergei squeezed Theodore’s hand slightly. “You know that, right? You did all you could for me. And that’s all I could ever ask.”
“I could’ve… could’ve talked to them more… s-said the right things, they’d have given you a proper Christian burial…”
“Then I wouldn’t have you.” Sergei cut through Theodore’s inklings of a spiral. “And that’s all I really want. They didn’t want me in their holy earth, and frankly, I didn’t want to be there either. If their ideal world is one without us, then let us find our own world, free of them.”
Theodore looked away. They both knew where this conversation was inevitably headed. The unspoken message in the words.
Finally, Sergei said it. “I just don’t know why you’re still with them – “
“I can’t, Sergei. You know, you know I can’t.” Theodore squeezed his eyes closed.
“But why? They’re hurting you. They always have been, from the moment your father put you up on that pulpit and made you read words you didn’t understand from that lectern – “
“It’s my life, Sergei!” Theodore cried. “Without the Church, without God, what would I be? Who would I have?”
“You would have me.”
The words stunned Theodore into silence. Slowly, his shoulders fell.
“We could go anywhere, Teddy. Anywhere away from here. Together. I could bring you with me. Don’t you want that?”
… I do, Theodore thought. I do so, so badly.
“I don’t need a Christian burial. I don’t need to be laid to rest as just another one of God’s creatures, whittling myself down until I fit into the parameters of His conditional love. I never needed that.” Sergei looked Theodore straight in the eyes. “I don’t exist to placate those who want something from me. And I don’t think you do, either.”
“I do not whittle myself.” Theodore flicked a bitter glance at Sergei. “I cannot simply abandon my duties for a personal affair. I serve a purpose higher than myself--”
“All you do is whittle! All you do is serve!” Sergei burst. “I saw you grow thinner every day! You’d whittled yourself down until you could snap like a twig, and yet you worship the knife that carves you still! Hell, sometimes it feels as if your church can do no wrong in your eyes, even when they’re denying a holy burial to a man because he doesn’t love the same – “
Silence came over the woods once more. Fireflies blinked like yellow embers in the blue dust of moonlight, and crickets sang distantly their discordant tune.
“… Teddy…” Sergei said, his voice soft and warm. Delicate. Apologetic.
Theodore broke away from him, wandering a few steps forward. He needed to collect himself.
“Teddy, I didn’t mean – I… I’m sorry.”
Theodore put his hand on the twisted cypress to steady himself. He slowly sat down beside it, tracing his fingers along the warped bark.
“I remember planting this.” He said. “The thought of forgetting where you were made me sick. I couldn’t bear to… to lose you again.” Theodore took a bough in his fingers, pouring over the needle-like leaves. “I planted it over your heart. Two years ago.” Theodore sighed, lost in reverie. “I came every day to this spot after mass. In the night, while the town slept, I would lie here, half hoping the cold would take me – take me to you – but knowing my immortal soul would be damned to wander restless on unblessed ground. Laying there, in the dirt, knowing you were below me, an eternity wandering with you seemed more merciful than another day in my empty home.”
Sergei knelt beside Theodore. Theodore continued, not acknowledging or simply not noticing the gesture.
“But then… then, on that night the moon was black as pitch and the veil was so thin you could feel it when you breathed, you rose from that grave, like the son of God himself. And I was terrified, but you were beautiful. So pale and beautiful, like the moon, but so cold and so still and…”
Theodore trailed off. Sergei put a hand on his shoulder.
“Why are you telling me this, love?”
Theodore looked down. “I’m afraid, Sergei. I can’t be a new man, like you. I have… so many people in town need me to – “
“Theodore,” Sergei said in his downy soft, ever-comforting voice. “Look at me. Every single person in that church, in that town, who told you they would keep you safe as long as you behaved were already hurting you. Strip away their words – all the obligations, the expectations, the rituals, the routines, the normalcy. With all of those gone from your mind, what do you want?”
Theodore paused. Truly banishing such things from his mind felt like banishing his skin from his body: an agonizing, impossible task. What was he but obligation? If no one was around towant, toneed him, to ask of him a favor, or forgiveness, or penance, would he exist at all? Or was he only what others make of him, an apparition that would fall into shadow and dust once he becomes obsolete?
“I want to go with you.” Theodore said, his voice little more than a whisper. “More than anything. I want to be with you and only you, I want to be together without fear, I want to…” He was choking back tears now, determined not to cry in front of Sergei tonight. Sergei squeezed Theodore’s hands.
“And I do, as well! Is that not enough?” Sergei seemed to light up at his words, a light in his eye not unlike the glow of the fireflies around them. “Is it not enough that we love each other and wish to be away? What more could love be, other than the letting go of old hurt and embracing of new light? You have let yourself be bled by these leeches, and now you are sullen and pale. We can heal, together.”
“But…” Theodore hesitated. “Just… disappear? What would they make of it? What about poor Mina, my wife?”
Sergei looked Theodore in the eyes earnestly. “If she loves you truly, she will want what is best for you. And this place…” He gestured to the direction of the church. “This place is not good for anyone.”
Theodore looked down at their intertwined hands, feeling the difference in temperature. He ran his thumb along the ridges of Sergei’s knuckles. Slowly, he nodded, his eyes squeezed shut as a tear fell to the ground. “I want to come with you. Take me with you.”
With that, Sergei pulled Theodore in for a kiss, which warmed them both more than any sun ever could. Sergei looked him in the eye, dusting his cheeks with butterfly kisses. “Let us go, then. Beyond the veil.”
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
A Bullet with butterfly wings p4
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A/N : I am back and trans issues presented themselves today because while writing this I am in immense pain, but I write anyways.
A/N : Pronouns are He / Him
Warnings : F-Slur use ( I'm gay don't cancel me ) Death, Detailed impaling.
Chapter Index
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ ───
"I'm gonna show you things you've never seen before."
Eric said, grinning at you as he shoved his hands in his pockets, his Crow cawing upwards almost as to celebrate, eyeing your door, you regretted locking it so soon, but too late to turn back know.
"If I die I'm blaming my death on you."
You said, eyeing up at him, watching him look at you with that same smile he always did.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
With that, he guided you around the quickly darkening streets, showing a array of things you haven't seen, proving his promise, but it's probably because you're rarely out of your house.
He pointed out a little corner shop, it looked a little freshly built for the rest of the place, which was soon explained as he set the place ablaze, which he continued to elaborate that he had a good reason.
"To be fair, all credit to you, me personally would not commit a crime over my spouses ring, but you're dead, and I don't think a trail can be held against a dead guy."
You chatted with him, occasionally glancing up to see him looking at you with endearing eyes, causing you to look back away in a panic.
You came to an old church, it seemed basically unused and weeds climbed up it's walls, perking up as Eric began to speak.
"Basically the story for this little place, the guy leading devils night and a lot of other crimes had dragged me here after holding Sarah captive—"
You spaced out a little after that, wondering if you've heard the name Sarah before, he hadn't said anything to you, you were a little confused.
"Basically, he got pierced on that little piece there."
Eric said, pointing at a little statue, which infact you could see a darker patch on the stone, you figured that was a stain of blood, interesting, you should see if that could be something you could clean in the future.
"Cool story but can we backtrack a little?"
Eric instantly locked eyes on you, responding to your voice instantly.
Brushing the thought off, you continued.
"Who's Sarah? I don't think you've mentioned them."
"Sarah's a kid Shelly looked after and we treated her like she was our kid, she's really sweet."
Eric said, smiling proudly.
"Her mom is taking better care of her now though."
You made a 'ah' sound and nodded your head, noting the information, it seemed like everything Eric had told you took a space in your mind, his own personal space in your database.
"She sounds like a nice kid, but if I'm being honest, any kid that grew up around you probably turned out alright."
He nodded his head, and kept walking, taking you past the church to a little graveyard, one heavily disturbed, the lid of the coffin kicked up stuck in the ground.
The other, however, was undisturbed, headstone clean, flowers resting on the bed of the grave, the engraving in the stone reading out "Shelly Webster"
You 'Ah'd at the sight, if you had known this is where you were going you would've brought flowers, you eyed up at Eric, who stared longingly at the headstone.
Your heart sank a little, but nonetheless you turned back to Shelly's grave, bowing your head in a sign of respect, you did this when you were visiting your grandparents grave you felt it was only natural.
"I didn't want to come here long, but I feel like you'd like to see it." Eric said, turning his frame to you but still eyeing Shellys headstone.
"I appreciate you showing me." You said, once again glancing over to him, only to snap your eyes to a pale butterfly landing on Shelly's headstone.
"Pretty." You hummed to yourself, slowly approaching it to get a closer look, the pattern on it's wings fascinating you.
Unbeknownst to you, Eric watched you awe at the butterfly, as if watching a child eye a toy from a window.
Lightly pressing your finger to the headstone and guiding the butterfly gently to your hand, you found it was easy to have butterflies crawl on you, you used to joke about being a butterfly king when you were younger.
Slowly gliding your hand up you turned to Eric, looking at him with a little bit of pride.
"Pretty neat, huh?"
Holding still as you looked at him, making sure not to frighten the butterfly.
"You've got some talent for that, I don't see many people holding those so easily."
He replied, you curtly nodded before guiding your hand up, the butterfly flying off almost as if it took the hint, you watched it fly off before turning back to Eric.
"If you couldn't tell, butterflies are my thing, they're one of the first things I picked a book to read about in the library."
You explained, coming back up next to him.
"Shall we continue with the tour?"
You asked, Eric perking up almost as if lost in thought, but smiling nonetheless and motioned his hand.
As the skies darkened and the illumination of the lights shone down on the street, and you two, he showed you multiple things he enjoyed when he wasn't dead, showing you places where his band preformed.
You listened, finding his voice calming as you walked, occasionally making comments or asking questions.
You felt at peace, for the most part, as you walked through eerie alleyways you felt more on edge, knowing Eric being undead and Off-putting to normal people, you'd hope that'd mean you wouldn't get jumped.
"I don't actually think I've been this far out, I don't do a lot of traveling."
You said, sneaking your hands into your pockets as the nights chill met your fingertips, you didn't know how late it was, but you felt more awake, not only warey of your unknown surroundings, but of how refreshing Eric's voice sounded as he spoke, and the blaring neon lights from bars and convenience stores piercing your eyes.
"I'm glad I could take you out this far then, it's a lot nicer away from the center of the City." Eric sighed, breathing in the clearer air.
"it is nice, but—" you started, finding yourself yawning before you could finish. "I don't think I'm built for walking everywhere."
"You seriously need to get some fitness in your life, you're gonna end up old and crabby otherwise." Eric joked, patting your lower back which made you arch your back on instinct.
"I do just fine sitting around all day with a diet of sandwiches and hotdogs." You said, shaking your finger at him, giggling at your own statement.
"What I need to get is a fucking watch, I seriously regret not having one."
You sighed, rubbing exhaustion from your eyes.
"I take that as a sign that you need your beauty rest?"
Eric hummed, taking you back the way you came, finding as it became later, he found himself eyeing everywhere, warey of his surroundings.
Coming back through alleys made anxiety bubble in your chest, seeing barrel fires with shady people huddled around it, eyeing you and Eric.
"I've got you, just keep walking and don't make eye contact."
Eric said in a low voice, throwing a arm lightly around you, keeping away from touching you but making sure you didn't fall behind.
You only nodded, clenching your jaw as air puffed out your nose, making pale clouds, you couldnt deny you were a little scared, mentally cursing yourself for not carrying a gun.
You felt Eric halt, stopping with him and eyeing up when you found a hand on his shoulder, a grin twitching at his lips.
"-Ey you hear me? What do you think you're doing coming around here?"
You heard, you couldn't find yourself turning around, only watching as Eric took off his coat and handing it to you, mouthing for you not to watch.
'why would he say that?? Now I definitely want to watch-'
"What are you gonna do you little fag? You can't do shit to m—"
You heard it, cringing a little at the sound, feeling Eric's hand back on your back, pushing you to continue walking forward faster than you were before.
"Don't worry, he's not dead, I just.. gave him a little something."
Eric said, clenching his hand, flexing it as it healed and felt as good as new.
You chuckled a little, laughing off the anxiety, you still felt a little antsy but you did not expect Eric to punch a random guy.
Eventually arriving back at your place, you unlocked the back door and slipped in, letting Eric in before you locked it back and began giggling.
"I did not- expect you to fucking punch a guy" you laughed out, kneeling over yourself.
"Ever see that before?" Eric said before laughing himself, grinning as you came out of your laughing fit.
"Best part of that entire tour."
You sighed out, sliding down the door and eyed Eric as he came to slide down the door and sit next to you.
You both sat in silence for a bit, feeling way warmer in the comfort of the library and each others warmth.
You looked over at him, taking a breath before speaking.
"Thank you for showing me that, I appreciate it, and making sure I didn't get jumped."
You sighed, your pale eyes meeting his as he eyed over to you, eyeing his black lips as he chuckled.
"Tour guide has to make sure everyone makes it out alive right?"
You hummed at that, meeting his eyes again, realizing how close you were you felt your face light up.
Feeling his breath brush against your lips, you pulled away and tried to shoot up from where you were sitting, pulling a excuse out as you began to push up off the floor.
"I do not need to pass out in here, it'll be terrible for my back-"
Suddenly you felt yourself get dragged back down, Eric's lips crashing on yours, it took you a moment to register that it happened and another to return it, leaning against the door as Eric found himself leaning over you.
Tangling your hands through his hair, you gasped in a breath as he pulled away, your lips tinted black as the face paint smudged onto you.
"Uhh.. hey."
You muttered out, still in shock from what happened, your face flushing more if possible as Eric smiled, chuckling out a light laugh.
"You're too cute."
He hummed, leaning back to kiss you.
'im not gonna get enough sleep tonight.'
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A/N : woop, gay shit, they kissed, enjoy 🧍
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whitepolaris · 3 months
Strip-Mall Graveyard
There's always plenty of parking at Sand Springs' Indian Cemetery. Plus, you can pick up some batteries, rent a TV, and renew your insurance policy while you're there. It's all conveniently located at Atwoods Plaza, your one-step shopping and Native American burial center.
Though only half of the graves are marked, there are about forty known burials here, comprising a quarter-acre of the only patch of grass in sight. The rest is unadulterated progress. In every direction lay asphalt and commerce, a free-market paradise held back by a short, white fence.
How did a single swatch of sacred ground become locked in the middle of a parking lot? Well, at one time the land was home to the Creek Indians, who buried their people here between 1883 and 1912. Philanthropist Charles Page purchased the land in 1906, where he then established the town of Sand Springs as a refuge for orphans and widows. From there, Sand Springs rapidly developed as a center of commerce, becoming the industrial capital of the Southwest. So, sometime in the 1960s, what had previously been grassland and pecan groves was bulldozed and paved to make way for a strip mall, with the proviso that the cemetery be preserved. About one hundred square feet was cordoned off and spared from the cover of blacktop.
When you park, though, just keep in mind that the cemetery wasn't thoroughly surveyed before it was blocked off, so although you're outside the fence, you're still more than likely parking right on top of somebody's great-great-grandpa.
Sand Springs' Sacred Shopping Ground
There was nothing really spooky about this place, other than the fact that, well, how weird is it to have a cemetery in the parking lot?
I spoke with a few people in the area who were shopping, but surprisingly enough, most of them didn't know a lot about the cemetery. I was told by one couple that it was the family who actually started the town of Sand Springs (most of the headstones I looked at bore Indian names). Another man told me that the cemetery had been there longer than the state of Oklahoma. Imagine how foolish I felt when I walked around front and saw the sign, which clearly stated the cemetery was established in 1883, a full twenty-four years before statehood.
The cemetery is located just off of Charles Page Boulevard and I-244. -Colby Weaver
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sparrowwright · 11 months
. .Midnight Eucharist. .
. .——†——. .
          The warm wood glistened with dim autumn light filtered through the small windows of the cabin. The dark lacquer gave the wood paneling a lively air as the honey-toned splashes of light stretched across the floor like golden shadows. Father Theodore, standing in his quarters, unclasped the silver crucifix necklace from around his neck. He placed the jewelry gently in his cupboard, somewhere he’ll recognize. The sacred cross gave one last glint before the drawer was sensibly shut.
            He laid his rosary delicately before the painting of The Last Supper that hung above his study. His eyes glanced to Judas, bending down to adorn Jesus with that damning kiss. He looked away. No point.
            It was bound to be dusk soon. He should be there. Making his way to the door, he paused as his hand reached the doorknob, reminded by the glint of silver. He hesitated, then carefully slid his wedding ring off his finger, placing it on a shelf by the door. He looked back for a moment, just a moment, before he shut the door behind him.
            Dusk was approaching quickly, yet some few tendrils of light peeked out from the horizon, not yet drowned by the night sky. He made his way to the church, like he had one million times before.
            Wet grass and gravel crackled beneath his feet. His black leather boots went well with his cassock, but were not well suited for any manner of hiking. They were past the church now, wading through the courtyard to the patch behind the cemetery. He weaved through epitaphs etched in stone, bathed in the golden-red light of the ever-dwindling sun.
            Beyond the town, beyond the Church’s consecrated grounds, lay a dark stretch of land. An informal continuation of the cemetery, only bereft of its holy blessing. Bodies lay there all the same; some before the church’s time, but simply not graced by consecrated earth; others buried when the church denied the dead a holy funeral on godly grounds, be they undesirable to them in some way. A cruel damning, indeed.
          At the far end of the graveyard, broken up by brush and stones and unkempt paths forgotten for years, the great shining bones of what once was a grand manor lay, stripped bare and sun-bleached and picked clean by the toll of neglect among nature. But however decrepit and rotted it may be, it was not dead, for something in it was very much alive.
          Before him, now, that great skeleton lay. The fossilized remains of a home once raucous with laughter and life. He finds the spot in the front yard with the sapling cypress tree. It’s grown since he last saw it, twisting itself in contortions to look for light that wasn’t there. It had grown thinner, but it was alive. He remembered planting it, still. After all this time.
          He sat himself alongside the twisted cypress. The night was full and alive, the new moon only a dark spot in the endless black sky. The mist had rolled in, and the dark was growing colder. His lamplight flickered, threatening to leave him in the pitch black. He wouldn’t mind. He kept waiting.
          A voice, soft and sweet, but desperate in recognition. Theodore whipped around to what he thought was the source of the noise, the name only so sweet on that tongue, the name only music in that voice.
          “Sergei?” Theodore asked with trembling voice. In the distance, if his eyes do not deceive him, a figure stood tall and dark against the fog. A figure in a shape he knew so well.
          The mist was thick now, the grass becoming heavy with dewdrops, bowing their heads in the frigid night air. The anticipation, the longing. It had been too long – it always was too long.
          The figure, now taking form more tangible, approached Theodore. Despite the cold air, a warmth came over the both of them.
          “Sergei,” Theodore said as he took Sergei in his arms, pressing him to his chest, cold skin against skin. “I missed you. I missed you so much.”
          “I missed you, too.” Sergei spoke through bitter tears. “How did you…?”
          Theodore pulled back, enough to face him. “A new moon.” Theodore said. They looked overhead to see the vast, empty sky. “It moves the fabric of this realm as if it were a tide.”
          “You knew it would be a new moon tonight?” Sergei asked. Theo nodded.
          “Of course. The veil is thin, as thin as it will get in the next few decades, and the mists grow thicker this time of year. I thought, it may be easier for you to step through on a colder, foggy night, when the veil is thinnest.”
          “Someone’s been a studious fellow!” Sergei joked, tussling Theodore’s hair, sending him to fits of childish giggles. “Leave it to you to memorize lunar charts for a date. Ever the considerate one. How long have you been planning this?”
          “I…” Theo hesitated, almost a little embarrassed. “I started planning for our next meeting the second I arrived home from our last. That was… three months ago.”
          Sergei looked down at the grass dappled with crystal dewdrops. “It’s been that long already…?”
          Theodore deflated a bit. “They seem to only be getting longer. I don’t know what it is, but…”
          “Funny, time feels so different here.” Sergei looked up at the stars with a weak smile. “I can’t tell if the last time I saw you was yesterday or last year. It’s all foggy nights and in-betweens. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here for.”
          “Two years, now.”
          Sergei looked at Theodore with a surprised expression. “Two years?”
          Theodore paused, momentarily too ashamed to look him in the eye. “…As of today. It’s… been two years since…” He swallowed, not able to finish the rest of his sentence.
          A moment of silence filled the frigid air.
          “It’s okay.” Sergei squeezed Theodore’s hand slightly. “You know that, right? You did all you could for me. And that’s all I could ever ask.”
          “I could’ve… could’ve talked to them more… s-said the right things, they’d have given you a proper Christian burial…”
          “Then I wouldn’t have you.” Sergei cut through Theodore’s inklings of a spiral. “And that’s all I really want. They didn’t want me in their holy earth, and frankly, I didn’t want to be there either. If their ideal world is one without us, then let us find our own world, free of them.”
          Theodore looked away. They both knew where this conversation was inevitably headed. The unspoken message in the words.
          Finally, Sergei said it. “I just don’t know why you’re still with them – “
          “I can’t, Sergei. You know, you know I can’t.” Theodore squeezed his eyes closed.
          “But why? They’re hurting you. They always have been, from the moment your father put you up on that pulpit and made you read words you didn’t understand from that lectern – “
          “It’s my life, Sergei!” Theodore cried. “Without the Church, without God, what would I be? Who would I have?”
          “You would have me.”
          The words stunned Theodore into silence. Slowly, his shoulders fell.
          “We could go anywhere, Teddy. Anywhere away from here. Together. I could bring you with me. Don’t you want that?”
          … I do, Theodore thought. I do so, so badly.
          “I don’t need a Christian burial. I don’t need to be laid to rest as just another one of God’s creatures, whittling myself down until I fit into the parameters of His conditional love. I never needed that.” Sergei looked Theodore straight in the eyes. “I don’t exist to placate those who want something from me. And I don’t think you do, either.”
          “I do not whittle myself.” Theodore flicked a bitter glance at Sergei. “I cannot simply abandon my duties for a personal affair. I serve a purpose higher than myself--”
          “All you do is whittle! All you do is serve!” Sergei burst. “I saw you grow thinner every day! You’d whittled yourself down until you could snap like a twig, and yet you worship the knife that carves you still! Hell, sometimes it feels as if your church can do no wrong in your eyes, even when they’re denying a holy burial to a man because he doesn’t love the same – “
          Silence came over the woods once more. Fireflies blinked like yellow embers in the blue dust of moonlight, and crickets sang distantly their discordant tune.
          “… Teddy…” Sergei said, his voice soft and warm. Delicate. Apologetic.
          Theodore broke away from him, wandering a few steps forward. He needed to collect himself.
          “Teddy, I didn’t mean – I… I’m sorry.”
          Theodore put his hand on the twisted cypress to steady himself. He slowly sat down beside it, tracing his fingers along the warped bark.
          “I remember planting this.” He said. “The thought of forgetting where you were made me sick. I couldn’t bear to… to lose you again.” Theodore took a bough in his fingers, pouring over the needle-like leaves. “I planted it over your heart. Two years ago.” Theodore sighed, lost in reverie. “I came every day to this spot after mass. In the night, while the town slept, I would lie here, half hoping the cold would take me – take me to you – but knowing my immortal soul would be damned to wander restless on unblessed ground. Laying there, in the dirt, knowing you were below me, an eternity wandering with you seemed more merciful than another day in my empty home.”
          Sergei knelt beside Theodore. Theodore continued, not acknowledging or simply not noticing the gesture.
          “But then… then, on that night the moon was black as pitch and the veil was so thin you could feel it when you breathed, you rose from that grave, like the son of God himself. And I was terrified, but you were beautiful. So pale and beautiful, like the moon, but so cold and so still and…”
          Theodore trailed off. Sergei put a hand on his shoulder.
“Why are you telling me this, love?”
          Theodore looked down. “I’m afraid, Sergei. I can’t be a new man, like you. I have… so many people in town need me to – “
          “Theodore,” Sergei said in his downy soft, ever-comforting voice. “Look at me. Every single person in that church, in that town, who told you they would keep you safe as long as you behaved were already hurting you. Strip away their words – all the obligations, the expectations, the rituals, the routines, the normalcy. With all of those gone from your mind, what do you want?”
          Theodore paused. Truly banishing such things from his mind felt like banishing his skin from his body: an agonizing, impossible task. What was he but obligation? If no one was around towant, toneed him, to ask of him a favor, or forgiveness, or penance, would he exist at all? Or was he only what others make of him, an apparition that would fall into shadow and dust once he becomes obsolete?
          “I want to go with you.” Theodore said, his voice little more than a whisper. “More than anything. I want to be with you and only you, I want to be together without fear, I want to…” He was choking back tears now, determined not to cry in front of Sergei tonight. Sergei squeezed Theodore’s hands.
          “And I do, as well! Is that not enough?” Sergei seemed to light up at his words, a light in his eye not unlike the glow of the fireflies around them. “Is it not enough that we love each other and wish to be away? What more could love be, other than the letting go of old hurt and embracing of new light? You have let yourself be bled by these leeches, and now you are sullen and pale. We can heal, together.”
          “But…” Theodore hesitated. “Just… disappear? What would they make of it? What about poor Mina, my wife?”
          Sergei looked Theodore in the eyes earnestly. “If she loves you truly, she will want what is best for you. And this place…” He gestured to the direction of the church. “This place is not good for anyone.”
          Theodore looked down at their intertwined hands, feeling the difference in temperature. He ran his thumb along the ridges of Sergei’s knuckles. Slowly, he nodded, his eyes squeezed shut as a tear fell to the ground. “I want to come with you. Take me with you.”
          With that, Sergei pulled Theodore in for a kiss, which warmed them both more than any sun ever could. Sergei looked him in the eye, dusting his cheeks with butterfly kisses. “Let us go, then. Beyond the veil.”
0 notes
ACOTAR characters on Boxing Day rank?
Halloween, you mean? I just explained that I was an ignorant, shoe-less American. @the-lonelybarricade tried to educate me, it's like second Christmas? Sorry anon, I wish we could be more cultured. But we can't.
17. Amren- absolutely will not hand candy to children
16. Azriel- went too hard on the haunted themed yard and now no one will approach the drive way. Doesn't help his costume is horrifying.
15. Mor- Sets up a booth at the edge of the driveway charging $3 for spiked apple cider for parents only. HEAVY pours, these parents don't realize they're fucked until their kids are running amok. Only tricks tonight.
14. Nesta- forces children to share a joke before handing one piece of candy, doesn't laugh if the joke isn't funny. A lot of shamed children that night.
13. Jurian- Buys massive bag of candy, eats it himself in his living room while refusing to answer the doorbell. He's not handing out $16 worth of candy to CHILDREN
12. Tamlin- Doesn't dress up or decorate yard. Traditional triangle eyes pumpkin. Did buy candy but it's smarties. Porch light off by 9pm.
11. Feyre- Projector on the lawn playing Nightmare Before Christmas. Family costume with something cute and unoffensive that definitely reminds all the other moms that she is still hot and so is her husband.
10. Cassian- Sitting in middle of the street in lawn chair with other dads, surrounded by fire pit. Set up a massive table with candy, doesn't care how much the children take because he has POUNDS of it in the garage. It will all be gone by the end of the night
9. Gwyn- "oh my gosh, what are you supposed to be?" all night. Active interest in every costume she sees, giving out candy left and right. Runs out too quickly and has to rob Cassian for more.
8. Emerie- Speakers with halloween themed jams in her yard. Fistfuls of candy straight from plastic cauldron. Wore a witch costume, looks very cute.
7. Lucien- Halloween party at his house. All his friends are smashed. Doorbell rings, watches his wife dresses as slutty poison Ivy give a bunch of toddlers candy. Someone pukes in an expensive vase.
6. Vassa- trick or treating with everyone else. What do you mean this is only for children? Has the SPIRIT of a child, give her the fucking candy, Nesta.
5. Helion- King of the slutty halloween costume. Absolutely came to that party to ruin lives. Shots in the kitchen, accidentally pukes in a vase.
4. Tarquin- fun haunted maze for children that is absolutely age appropriate. Shirtless costume has all the moms lingering at the edge of the yard (INCLUDING FEYRE GIRL WE CAN SEE YOU)
3. Rhysand- somehow always has a beer in hand? Massive halloween light display. Pumpkins carved into super neat shapes. Fog machine has turned yard into a spooky graveyard. Part of the a couple costume, watching Tarquin next door VERY closely.
2. Elain- Slutty poison Ivy costume UNMATCHED. Bought full-sized candy bars in bulk, says nothing when she sees repeat children hitting up her door. Best halloween party on the block, spooky halloween treats on theme and yet so delicious. Understands Halloween is equal parts being hot and being nice to kids.
1. Eris Vanserra- King of the pumpkin patch himself. Appropriate spooky front yard, just enough to make people wary but not so horrifying they won't come up. Full-sized candy IF they put one of his goodest boys ever. Handing out shots to parents. Yard a Halloween-wonder land of pumpkins and ghosts. Absolute best night of the year for Eris, who will deny he enjoys it at all. Closes up shop around 11 to show his brother how to have a good time, wakes up on the front lawn cheek pressed to the grass.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
Suptober Day 6: Cemetery Boys
wc: 1.3k tags: hunter!cas, human!cas, destiel au, case fic, a little grave digging and flirting never hurt anybody
This. This was the worst part of the job; Dean concludes as he shovels away another patch of dirt. He cringes when he realizes that actually the people dying are the worst part but digging up a grave is a close second.
“I am...never...playing that...stupid...fucking game. Again!”
He hated rock, paper, scissors anyways. Couldn’t they play darts or cards to settle bets? Why do they have to play such a childish game? And why does he always fucking lose?
Dean throws the dirt over his shoulder with ache arms. Sam suggested someone had to stay with the pretty girl and protect her from the ghost of some old-timey creep. So, now Sam is somewhere comforting the college cheerleader while Dean is struggling to climb out of the hole. He just needed a second—a minute.
Fuck, he needed a nap.
He was almost out when he saw someone running towards him.
“Shit!” Dean lost his footing and fell onto his back. Landing back into the grave with a loud groan.
He heard a loud chuckle before he opened his eyes and saw, “Wow. Aren’t you pretty?”
Dean saw the man roll his eyes, but all Dean could think about was how angelic the man looked with the glow of the moon behind him.
“Did I just die and gone to heaven?”
“If heaven is finishing this dig, then yes.” Dean barely heard his words cause he was putty under the voice. The deep fucking voice. “You’re Dean, right?”
Pretty boy knows my name! “Yeah.” Smooth. “Yeah, am I that famous already?”
“Your brother sent me over to check on you.” Pretty boy helped Dean out of the grave, holding his hand out and helping Dean regain his balance by holding a hand to his waist. “Says you were taking too long.”
Was this dude teasing him, or was he dead serious?
“Yeah, well, digging up a dead body isn’t as easy anymore.”
“I don’t think it was ever easy.”
Dean blinked at him, still unable to understand if the dude just had a dry humor or if he was fucking serious.
“Who the fuck even are you?” Dean finally asked, handing the guy the extra shovel before he could even answer.
He watched pretty boy take the shovel and jump into the hole with ease. Already digging when he answers in a deep groan. “I’m Castiel.”
It took a second for Dean to stop hearing the name bouncing off the walls in his brain. “Castiel?”
Cas gave him a slight nod, his lips in a tight line as he started to shovel off the dirt quickly. Dean sat down at the edge of the grave and watched him, enjoying the way his arms and back muscles stretch his shirt, but also in suspicion.
“And what the fuck are you doing here, Cas?”
“I was on my way to this hunt, actually.”
“So you’re a hunter.”
“I thought that was obvious.”
Yeah. Well. “Well, we did all the work already, so you can’t take the credit.”
“I don’t need credit. I just want to help.” Cas was already leaving a pretty good dent. “I was supposed to be here sooner, but my car broke down. Left it on the side of the road, hidden by some trees--can’t really call a mechanic when I have an arsenal in the back.”
Dean jumped in and grabbed his own shovel to help.
“Well, it must be your lucky day, Cas.” Cas looked up at him, eyebrows knitted together. “You are looking at one of thee best mechanics on this side of the country.”
“What about the other side?”
“I’m not so good over there.”
They both cracked a smile. So maybe Cas does have a dry sense of humor. And Dean...well, shit, Dean thinks he likes it.
“After we’re done here, maybe I can give you a ride back to your car? See what I can do.”
Cas was staring at him, almost as if he could see right through him, and Dean wasn’t sure if he liked it, but he sure as fuck can get addicted to being seen.
“I would appreciate that very much. Thank you, Dean.”
“No problem. Maybe that would make us even.” Dean says as his shovel hits something old. He slams the shovel down harder and cracks the wooden box. “Jackpot!”
Cas climbed out of the grave with ease and quickly turned around to help Dean out again. He wanted to show that he could get out all by himself, too, but he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to hold the damn dude’s big rough hands.
Shit. It’s been a while for him.
“Dean?” Dean noticed his gaze had fallen to the other man’s lips. It was formed into a small smile. “The salt?”
He’s a professional! He should not be letting this pretty boy interfere with the job. Since when has this been a rule? Now. He is starting now.
Dean picked up the salt, and before he could pour it out into the grave, he felt a familiar push of something hard knocking him back. He landed hard against a gravestone, his back getting the worst of it, while he heard his name being called out but everything was a little fuzzy. The figure before him, dressed in an old prison uniform, grinned down at him before he took hold of Dean’s neck. It was choking him.
His vision faded as he tried to fight the ghost, but his legs just went through him. But eventually, he fell onto his knees, sucking in the air before a coughing fit started.
He felt strong arms around his shoulders, protecting him. “Come on, Dean. We gotta burn the remains.”
Easy for him to say. He wasn’t just thrown across the graveyard like a damn rag doll.
Dean followed Cas’s lead without complaint, noticing now that the dude had a shotgun in hand. When they reached the grave again, there stood the ghost with the most fucked up grin that made the Joker’s scars look good. It gave Dean the chills, and he started to feel his body freeze up.
“Cas.” Dean tugged at the other guy’s sleeve. His hands felt so weak, and when he looked down at himself, he noticed they were starting to become purple. “Fuck.”
This is how all his victims were found. Shit, that also meant the damn ghost found him pretty enough to kill.
Cas noticed at the same time and gave Dean’s hand a gentle squeeze as he pulled it off of him. He gave Dean an apologetic smile before turning towards the ghost. “If you want him. Take him.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Dean complained as he watched the ghost’s eyes widen as he looked Dean up and down. “If that dirty hand touches me, Cas. You’re dead.”
“Then I suggest you keep him away from you while I burn this bitch.”
Dean couldn’t help but smile. Even while being used as fucking bait, he could find time to find Cas as cute and funny.
Dean did as he was told, ignoring the way his lungs burned with every gasping breath as he tried to fucking run from the ghost. Like the first idiot who dies in a horror movie.
“You could have given me the gun!”
“Get your own!”
Dean swore he heard laughter.
And just when he was cornered, with nasty fucking claws trying to bury themselves into his chest, the ghost backs away in screams. Burning up from the inside first and slowly spreading. Then, finally, the screams and remains become lost to the wind.
Dean fell back against a grave, his chest still ached along with everything in his body, when he saw Cas run towards him. He slid into his knees and carefully cradled Dean’s head between his hands, looking at him again. Looking at him like he knew him. Cared about him.
“Dean? Dean, you okay?”
Dean wanted to shove those hands away. He wouldn’t have let anyone take care of him like this, but right now, he didn’t care.
“You owe me, Cas. That grimy nasty shit touched me.”
Cas sighed in relief, knowing Dean was fine. Or at least, he was alive.
“I guess I owe you.” Cas helped Dean up. “Maybe after you fix my car?”
“Deal. But buy me breakfast first?”
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circus4apsycho8 · 3 years
𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗, 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕. | 𝚊𝚌𝚗𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚊 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 | 𝚌𝚑. 𝚒𝚒
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𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢'𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢, 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜, 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎.
𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍: “𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚗𝚘. 𝟷” 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚘 𝚗𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎
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well when i called her evil
“When are you leaving? How long will you be gone? Will you be able to participate in the Grand Magic Games?” Romeo presses as you pack your belongings into a dark duffel bag.
“I’m leaving as soon as I’m ready. I’ll be gone for a month. Yes, I’ll be in the games.”
“Okay. That’s not as long as I originally thought,” he replies, flopping face first onto your bed.
“It’ll go by quickly, don’t worry,” you state, slinging in clothes and other necessary items.
“I get that. It’s just going to be weird not having you around for a while.” The young mage releases a dramatic sigh. “Promise me you’ll take me on an S-Class mission once you get back?”
“Maybe not S-Class. I’m not sure how your dad would feel about that. But yes, I’ll take you on a mission.”
“Yes! Thanks!”
“Alright, I think I’ve got everything I need.” You look around your room before nodding to yourself. “Okay. Let’s get you back to the guildhall.”
“You’re going to say goodbye to everyone, right?”
“I suppose.”
she just laughed
“Wait, so you’re going out to train this early?” Bisca asks, frowning.
“No, she’s going with her boyfriend!” Romeo adds.
“For the last time, he’s not my boyfriend!” you demand, rolling your eyes. “He’s just a friend. We just fought to compare strength, and then we made a bet for whoever won. We ended up being equal in power, so we decided to combine what we wanted in our bets.”
Macao sighs. “If you say so. Just...be safe, okay?”
You nod. “I will.”
Your mysterious friend is waiting for you near the base of Mount Hakobe, cloak back over his shoulders; you note that he’s also carrying another cloak. Must be the one you dropped.
“Hey. Ready to go?” you question, catching your cloak as he tosses it at you.
“Yes,” he responds, turning and heading off into the mountains. You follow him quietly.
and cast that spell on me
The mountains are thick with snow, as per usual with Mt. Hakobe. As the two of you trudge through the densely-packed snow, you watch him carefully.
Acnologia seems like he’s virtually weather proof; he doesn’t appear to be shivering nor is he wearing much clothing other than his cloak and pants. You don’t particularly mind the cold, but you do end up hugging your cloak tighter around you.
You decide to start off the conversation with a simple question that you hope will lead into a deeper topic.
“Do you like travelling?”
He doesn’t reply for a moment, but you know he heard you. He continues trekking up the steep side of the mountain with you following.
“I used to,” he admits. “A long time ago. I liked seeing the different climates, different cultures, different magics. Now, it’s all kind of blurring together for me for multiple reasons. But, another part of me is just ready to settle down, even though I know there’s no chance for that.” You hear him release a heavy sigh, so you don’t press any further. “What about you?”
“I like it for the most part – being on my own and all. I’m also kind of like you, though. Sometimes I just want to find a home and stay there.”
You see him nodding out the corner of your eye.
A few more minutes of silence blow by as the two of you approach a more level patch of the mountain.
“Do you have a specific route in mind?” you wonder aloud.
“I was thinking we could work our way through these mountains, then we could go through Akane Beach – it has a large wooded section that leads to the ocean we can hike through – and then from there we could sail across the Calm Sea into the Graveyard Sea, where we land at the Pheonix Mountains. That alone will take us long enough that the Council will stop investigating the area. After that, we’ll hike through those mountains until we make it to Crocus, where we’ll walk back to Magnolia. All of that combined will take us about a month.”
“Sounds good,” you reply, grinning a little bit. “But will you get motion sick if we sail?”
You think he’s smiling a little. “We’re not sailing.”
He doesn’t offer any other context, so you shrug it off and decide you’ll figure it out when the time comes.
Other than a few unfortunate Vulcans that got their faces smashed in by the two of you, the day ends without much trouble. As night approaches, you end up settling into a cozy little overhang on the peak of the mountain. A makeshift fire has already been ignited as you both settle by it.
“You said you wanted to learn some of my magic,” Acnologia speaks up. “What parts of it, exactly?”
You shrug. “Namely, its language, a few attacks, and your main defense moves. And, of course, whatever else you know that’s cool.”
“Okay. I’ll start teaching you tomorrow, then,” he states, lying down on the ground with his hands underneath his head.
You bunch your cloak up and push it under your head as an improvised pillow. You’d never really used a sleeping bag anyway.
Although you’re not really showing it, you’re really excited for the following morning.
boo bitch craft
The following weeks passes quicker than you thought it would. The days would consist of Acnologia teaching you the art of his magic. To your surprise, it wasn’t as complex as you originally thought it would be. You were expecting some sort of elaborate set of hand gestures or thought processes, but none of that was needed.
He told you that the secret to original dragon-slaying magic was nothing more than bleeding raw magic and utilizing it properly. At first, you were overthinking it too much – you were forcing it, in a sense, and that just didn’t work. Once he taught you the basics of its magical language, you were able to wield it much more efficiently.
Something about his magic was strangely emancipating; you couldn’t quite figure out what it was just yet. You think once you actually use it in a battle you might understand it a bit more.
Acnologia had only smiled slightly upon viewing your first failed attempt. From there, he had crept behind you so that your back was pressed against his chest, taking your hands into his. His mouth was beside your ear as he patiently described how to cast the spell. You ignored the way your heart would race every time he came close, or the way your face would turn red at a comment of yours he found funny. Every time something of the like happened, you would push your feelings to the side and focus intently on the task at hand.
You thought he was a good teacher. In all honesty, you never expected a man like him to be so patient and so thorough.
Once you got the hang of learning the spell of the day, the two of you would have a quick sparring session before you would go hunting and eat a fulfilling dinner together. Afterwards, conversations would ensue until one of you fell asleep.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Not only was Acnologia a good partner to spar and train with, but the two of you would also converse about anything and everything – ranging from personalities associated with guilds to philosophical topics. Nothing was shallow with him, and you love that.
In fact, you kept forgetting that he was a villain. A murderer. A dragon.
The time came when the two of you made it out of the Hakobe Mountains and ventured into the hometown of Blue Pegasus.
“Haven’t been out in society for a while,” Acnologia notes, walking by your side.
You giggle a bit. “I haven’t been out here in a while. I guess it’s good that it’s a rainy day, though. Less people is always a good thing.”
Your friend nods in response as you look around the plaza, your gaze eventually falling on a cute little tavern that seems pretty cozy.
“Hey, let’s grab something to eat. I’m famished!” you say, grabbing his hand and tugging him along towards the moderately-sized restaurant.
“I don’t have any Jewels,” he replies, his green eyes wide.
“I brought some. Come on, we deserve it!”
“Okay, Akane Beach is next, right? Are we going to start walking tonight or do we want to grab a hotel room?” You admit, at first you were being kind of awkward around him since you’re shy and all, but after this first week, you feel like you’ve warmed up to Acnologia faster than you have to other people.
“I’m sick of walking and I want to ask you something. Let’s find a hotel.”
The second part of his first sentence caught you a bit off guard, but nevertheless you simply nod and head towards the nearest inn.
You don’t really mind sharing a room with him because you don’t think he’ll try anything. And, if he did, you could just take him out. No biggie.
“One room with twin beds, please,” you mutter, handing the concierge the appropriate amount of Jewel. Wordlessly, she hands you a key and a sheet of paper listing your room number and some other pointers that you don’t care to read at the moment.
With that, the two of you make your way to your room.
“What did you want to ask?” you question, throwing your duffel bag onto your bed while he sits down on the one across from you.
Acnologia sighs, taking off his cloak and draping it over his lap. You do your best not to get distracted by his chest. “You know I took out the Tenrou team. Why haven’t you asked me about it yet?”
You shrug. “Honestly, I wanted to get to know you on a personal basis first. I feel like it’s wrong to initially judge people by the first action you’re exposed to when there could be so much more going on behind the scenes.”
A sardonic smile is traced on his lips as he looks down. “There’s not much more to me.”
“Let me guess. A dragon destroyed your village and you’ve held a resentment ever since,” you estimate, hoping that your tone doesn’t imply that you’re mocking him.
“Pretty much. You know, I was originally a doctor. A doctor without true healing magic,” he chuckles dryly. “The only magic I could use that came close to healing magic was a type that would only let me stop bleeding.”
“That’s still an invaluable magic to have,” you point out, shifting on your bed so that you’re sitting cross-legged. “I would think that would be especially useful during a war.”
“I guess so. I still felt pretty helpless, though. Hell, I was a doctor who couldn’t even heal wounds.”
“I don’t think that’s helpless. Did you go to school to become a doctor?”
“No, my mom was a healer. She could actually heal people’s wounds and taught me everything I knew. I remember that she tried teaching me how to heal injuries, but I think I was too young to understand. She ended up passing before I could fully understand it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you state honestly.
“Thanks,” he replies hesitantly – almost like he’s not used to being shown compassion.
“But you’re right. There was this one dragon I knew before we were betrayed – god, I actually thought humans and dragons could coexist in peace. I thought I had befriended him. He was our so-called divine guardian. I had stopped the bleeding on his wound one day when he mentioned that he had heard the development of dragon-slaying magic. At the time, I had no other way to defend myself or my village. So when they betrayed us, it was devastating. I had no one. I was on my own for centuries.”
“May I ask which dragon that was?”
Acnologia remains silent for a moment, head still lowered. You’re beginning to wonder whether or not you should back off before he answers.
“His name was Acnologia.”
“I see,” you mumble, wondering briefly for a moment what his birth name could be. He was so consumed with hatred he changed his identity just to strike fear into his enemies. “I assume from that point on you just got stronger.”
“Until I became the very thing I was fighting against.”
You nod, thinking for a moment.
“I don’t agree with what you’ve done, not in the slightest. There were definitely better ways you could have gone about the dragon issue, but at the same time, I see where you’re coming from.” Pausing, you look away for a moment before asking:
“Do you want a second chance at redemption?”
He looks up at you, expression inscrutable. You return the stare, unmoving.
It seems like a few minutes pass before he speaks. “Are you serious? After everyone I’ve killed? After everything I’ve destroyed?”
You sigh, unfolding your legs and leaning forward. “In my opinion, you just need to move on and get a fresh start. I get that it might not be so black-and-white for you, but the dragon slayers we have now are genuinely good. I know because I’ve heard crazy but awesome stories about them. Yeah, some of them lost sight of what truly mattered for a while, but they’ll come back around. They always do. You’re stuck in the past, but you still have a chance. Just think about how much good you could do. Perhaps you can still learn to heal. Or, you could try something else out if you’re not down for a normal life. You could join Crime Sorciere, help defeat Zeref. Hell, I bet I could even convince Macao to let you join Fairy Tail, even if he did know that you attacked the Tenrou team. Your life is still yours, and personally I don’t think it’s right to make you rot away in prison. Not after all the years you’ve been alone. Not that they could match you in terms of strength anyway. So, I’ll ask one more time. Do you want a second chance at redemption?”
Your friend seems taken aback for a while as he considers the proposition. For a moment, you’re certain he’s going to lash out judging by the tautly-blank face he’s making. You carefully study his expression in hopes of catching a glimpse of another emotion.
“...Yes. Yes, I do,” he says with a gentle but genuine smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
His smile is too cute!
“Excellent. So, Mister Acnologia,” you stand up and walk over to him, where you stick your hand out to him. “Would you like to be friends?”
“I would like that.”
yeah you wanna go out 'cause it's raining and blowing
“Do you know how much longer we have until we reach the sea?” you ask, following him as he treks through the forest.
“Should only be another five minutes or so,” he comments as you watch his cloak swish in the light breeze.
Today is a tiny bit overcast, but not that you’re complaining. You like it when the sun isn’t beating down on your skin so you can take your cloak off for a bit. You can tell it’s getting dark now, though – the walk took a bit longer than you thought it would. After the two of you had left the inn, you had changed into a comfy outfit suitable for the outdoors. The faint scent of salty air reaches your senses as the two of you stumble upon what must be the end of the forest.
As the treeline gradually recedes and the grass is replaced by sand, you take a good look around.
“I discovered this place when I was flying around here once,” Acnologia explains. “It’s a few miles away from the public resort, but nobody ever comes here because of town folklore and myths. They say those woods are haunted.”
“I didn’t sense any spirits,” you mumble, closing your eyes as a gentle breeze caresses your skin. The crashing of the waves brings a small, content smile to your lips.
“Neither did I,” he replies, also smiling smally.
For a moment, the two of you are quiet, the only noises being the crashing waves and the gentle breeze rustling the trees.
“Do you think the water’s cold?” you question.
“Doubt it. At least, not until it rains later on.”
A smirk gently tugs on your lips as you bend down to take your shoes off, an idea blossoming. Leaving them on the sand, you walk further barefoot until your feet stand upon soaked and mushy sand. The waves rush thinly over your feet and around your ankles. He was right – it's not very cold today. You walk further until you’re about knee deep, not caring that your clothes are getting wet. You have alternate outfits so it’s not a big deal if it gets ruined.
You drag your fingertips lightly against the surface of the water, enjoying the feeling of the water swirling around your skin. You haven’t been to the ocean in forever.
A few minutes later, Acnologia joins you, stepping beside you without his cloak on. You do your best to avert your gaze elsewhere.
“It feels nice today, hm?” he says lowly.
“It does,” you agree, twirling in the water a bit as you crouch so that your torso gets a bit wet. You decide now is the time for action.
“How about we try sparring in the water?”
He glances at you, simpering lightly. “Fine by me.”
With that, the two of you begin fighting. It’s much more difficult, evidently, since there are more factors to take into account in the water than they are on land. The water heavily resists your movements, so you’re much slower. He seems a bit better off since he’s able to fight the resistance with his immense amount of his strength, but you do your best to keep up. You also remind yourself periodically to keep a check on your balance so you don’t fall.
After about five minutes, he seemingly grows annoyed and ducks down, diving towards your abdomen. The action shocks you as you try to back away, but he already has his arms wrapped around your waist as he picks you up and slings you over his shoulder.
The sudden movement causes a surprised squeak to escape your lips as you kick his chest. Nevertheless, his iron grip refuses to let you go.
You groan, placing your hands on his shoulder blades to support yourself.
“Put me down!” No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t refrain from giggling, though.
“If you insist.”
Your eyes widen as he shifts you and throws you into the water, landing on your side. You come up half sputtering water and half cussing him out.
Acnologia laughs as you stand and walk over to him. You try to push him over, but he’s too heavy.
“There’s no way you’re gonna be able to lift me,” he comments slyly, eyeing you as you push against his toned chest.
“Ugh!” you groan. “That doesn’t mean I can’t try.”
“Hmph. I can always just throw you aga-”
He’s cut off when you jump on his back and try to throw him off balance with your weight. After a few minutes of him struggling to get you off, he finally falls over and you mentally celebrate.
When he surfaces, you find that his long hair is now completely flat and plastered to his skin.
“Dammit,” he mumbles as you take a moment to relish in your victory.
“Now we’re even,” you say, sitting down next to him. Where the two of you are at right now, the water only reaches your neck when you’re sitting. The goopy sediment underneath your legs swirls around in the water as the two of you silently watch the sunset, the water lapping gently against your figures as you feel your shoulders touching.
His hands are underneath the water, but from the way you feel his shoulders moving, you think he’s sifting his fingers through the sand.
“What are you doing?” you wonder, looking over at him.
“Trying to find a seashell. Or a sea monster scale. They’re pretty common out in this sea, and it’s typical for them to wash up here.”
Humming in acknowledgement, you start feeling for shells as well. Although you can’t see through the water very well, you can feel the sediment stirring up underneath your fingertips as you focus on what’s below. After a few seconds of feeling, you’re about to give up when suddenly your right hand stumbles upon something.
Judging from its fleshy and warm texture, it can’t be a seashell or a scale. Upon further investigation, you find that it’s...
...Acnologia’s hand.
As soon as the realization dawns upon you, you jerk your arm back and turn your head away, grateful that the dim sky is concealing your blush.
“Sorry,” you mumble, willing your heartbeat to slow.
He only laughs lightly in response, leaning back on his arms. He brings one of his hands up to show you a midnight-blue scale traced with silver lining.
“Here,” he places the scale in your hand.
“For me?”
You smile, flipping it over between your fingers. “Thank you.”
The two of you continue looking at the sky in silence until the water grows too cold to bear and you’re forced to retreat back to the ocean.
you can’t go out ‘cause your roots are showing
Your eyes flutter open gently as unwelcome sunlight invades your vision and grogginess overcomes your body. Groaning slightly, you sit up and take a look around.
The two of you are still at the beach. After you had gotten out of the water, Acnologia had made a campfire while you went to change into dry clothes. From there, the two of you agreed to camp out on the beach.
You admit – it was lovely to fall asleep listening to the crashing waves.
“Morning,” comes Acnologia’s disgruntled voice from in front of you. He’s sitting in front of the campfire, cooking up some monstrous fish.
“Morning. Mm, smells good. What’ve you got planned today?” you ask, moving so that you’re sitting next to him.
“I was actually going to take you to where Tenrou was,” he states with a blank face.
“Really? Why?”
“...I don’t know. I just thought I would,” he replies with the same expression. You know there has to be more to it than that, and you intend to find out his reasoning.
You fight a smile and lean closer, folding your arms. “There’s got to be a reason, don’t you think? Come on, you can tell me. You know I won’t judge.”
An annoyed sigh escapes him and he looks away. “They’re technically your guildmates. Wouldn’t you want to know?”
“Mmm...I do, yeah. But I also really want to know why you’re taking me there.”
He turns back to you, the expressionless emotion still plastered onto his face. “I...I’ll tell you when we get there, if that’s okay.”
Your smile fades at the amount of sincerity he’s displaying, and you can’t help but be curious. What’s he on about?
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you reply.
“Okay. Are you done eating?”
“Just about.”
He stands and begins walking into the forest with you still watching. You figure he’s just gathering extra resources, so you continue eating the last few bites of your fish.
But, oh, how sorely mistaken you were.
Seconds later, an ear-splitting roar thunders through the beach. Your eyes widen as you stand, your gaze shifting towards the path Acnologia had taken.
Emerging from behind the first line of trees is a dragon. Not just any dragon, no, but Acnologia’s signature form.
He’s absolutely massive, with dark, black scales the color of the midnight sky covering his body. Imprinted on certain parts of the scales are gorgeous, light, neon blue patterns of ripples. His underbelly is an off-white color, and if you squint you think you can see scars along his scales. Long, sharp claws accompany his razor-sharp teeth.
You feel your jaw drop in sheer awe as you feel pulses of incredible magic power emanate from him. You didn’t feel this much power when the two of you were battling!
“Wow,” you whisper, gazing up at him as he lands on the beach, the ground vibrating as he lands.
A few moments later, you finally find the courage to walk towards him. He stays still for a while, but he leans his snout down for you. You reach your hand up and tenderly caress the side of his jaw, feeling his scales underneath your skin. His beady, white eyes stare down upon you as you remove your hand.
“I’m so glad we’re not sailing,” you say, huffing out a laugh as well.
Acnologia shifts and turns so that his right wing is leveled towards the ground. Understanding the message, you climb upon it as carefully as you can and clamber onto his back, where you secure your hands underneath two of his thick scales, hoping that you’re not hurting him.
He seems fine, though, as he releases another mighty roar and then begins flapping his wings, rising into the air. Adrenaline races through your veins, making your heart beat faster as he rises higher and higher, the small beach shrinking even farther away with every beat of his wings.
Then, he takes off.
You squeal in delight as the wind whips across your ears and through your hair, uncontrollable laughter bubbling from your chest as he zooms across the ocean. At one point, he rises above the clouds, then gently slopes back down so low that his belly is almost touching the water. You feel droplets hit your face when he flicks his oddly-shaped tail into the water just to splash you.
“Oi!” you yell, but you can’t really stay mad because you’re having far too much fun to care.
Eventually, his path straightens out and you lay down on your stomach, turning your head so that you can see the ocean. Your grip still remains tight on his scales, but he’s not going as fast now so you’re not too worried.
At one point, you close your eyes and just enjoy the feeling of being in the air.
“Thank you,” you mumble contently. “This is wonderful.”
A few minutes later, he gradually slows down to a stop. You sit up, looking around the area only to find the vast, never-ending expanse of ocean.
This must be it.
Before you know it, a blue, rectangular blob forms underneath his figure. He flies down low enough so that you can jump off his back onto his solidified platform of magic. You wobble a bit as your legs shake from all of that excitement.
A bright burst of light ensues, temporarily blinding you before it dies out and is replaced by Acnologia’s human form.
“Better than sailing?” he questions smugly, giving you a closed-eye smirk.
“Fuck yes,” you respond, still breathless.
He laughs in response as he walks to the edge of the platform. “Good.”
You take a moment to recover your balance before you peer over the edge.
“You made this platform out of your magic?” you ask.
“Yes. It’s only temporary, but I thought it’d be better than treading water and swimming for the entire time.”
“It definitely is,” you note. “So, this is where Tenrou was?”
“Right about over there,” answers Acnologia, placing his right hand on your shoulder as he uses his other one to guide your gaze to the right direction.
“Interesting. I’m going to swim down and have a look.”
“Before you do, listen to this,” he speaks up. “There was a strange type of magic power that managed to deflect my attack. It felt like illusory magic.”
“Illusory magic?” you wonder. “I don’t think anyone on that team used an illusion-based magic type on that big of a scale, though.”
“Exactly. See if you can feel what I’m talking about when you’re down there.”
“Alright,” you reply. “Are you staying up here?”
“Yes. I just need to stretch for a minute; flying makes my muscles sore.”
“Okay. Thanks for the ride, by the way – that was awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so exhilarated before!”
He chuckles lightly and nods in your direction before pulling his left arm into a bent-shoulder stretch. You turn and hop into the water, once again not caring that your clothes are getting wet.
It’s a bit chillier out here, but it’s bearable. You summon a little black, rectangular disc that allows you to breathe into it. It works for about half an hour max before you have to recharge it with magical energy. It should last long enough for you to take a good look around.
You begin swimming down, noting that the water here is much clearer than it was at the beach. You think it’s because it’s not as close to civilization.
The sea floor looks normal, for the most part. You keep Acnologia’s words in mind as you keep swimming around, taking breaths through your magical disc when necessary.
He was right; there is some type of foreign magic here. Evidently, it can’t really be seen, but you can definitely feel something off here. You don’t think you could undo the spell, but it feels...
...temporary. Like it’s gradually being drained away by the second.
You frown and continue to investigate for a while until something catches your eye. It’s a bit sparkly in the refracted light, so it’s easy to pinpoint. You swim closer in its direction until you can see it clearly.
Lying on the sea floor is a white lacrima. Not just any lacrima, though – it has a wire plugged into it. Something is attached to the ends, but you can’t quite see it since the rest is stuck underneath a bit of sediment. You reach down and grab it, pulling it up.
It’s a pair of magic headphones – specifically, the Sound Pod model. They are round in shape with little spikes jutting out of the center. Something tells you that you should keep it, so you wrap the cable around the lacrima and put it in a safe pocket for now. You’ll see if you can find out who it belongs to later.
With that, you realize that your oxygen levels are getting pretty low, so you start swimming back up to the surface.
Once you break the water, you suck in a deep breath and take a moment to look around for Acnologia. He’s now sitting cross-legged on the makeshift platform with his eyes closed. He looks like he’s meditating, so you try to be as quiet as you can as you swim over to the solid magic platform and hoist yourself up, water dripping onto it.
“Did you find anything?” he asks, his voice distant.
“Just a music lacrima that I’m going to take a look at later,” you say, patting your pocket as you sit down. “And I sensed what you were talking about.”
“I thought you would.” He exhales deeply.
“What’s on your mind?’ you ask, sitting down across from him.
“I tried to murder everyone on that island,” he mumbles. “Why aren’t you angry?”
“I am angry,” you reply. “Like I said before, I don’t agree with what you did, and that’s something no one can ever change. But you still have a chance to change, and I hope you understand that.”
He’s looking down now.
“I get these episodes.”
You remain quiet and listen.
“I get dizzy and my head spins to the point where I can’t stand. My body becomes numb and I get this raging migraine. It throbs so much that I can’t think straight. I end up blacking out when it becomes too much to handle. And when I wake up, I have massacred. I have destroyed. Tenrou wasn’t necessarily a result of me passing out, but...” You notice that his voice is beginning to shake a bit while his fists are clenched tightly.
“Decades after I started using Acnologia’s name, I realized... I don’t even remember my own name. I don’t remember my family’s name. I don’t remember how to use my former magic. Everything about my old self was completely decimated when I changed.”
He’s still avoiding your gaze, so you cautiously walk over to him and place your hands on his cheeks, tilting his head up so he can look you in the eye.
“You were possessed. I don’t know if it was your dragon soul or something else, but I have a way to fix that,” you whisper, rubbing your thumbs on his skin gently as you gaze into his glassy eyes. “And we’ll figure out your name, okay?”
“I don’t know just yet. We’ll find it. And if we can’t, we’ll get you a new one,” you reply, bringing your forehead to his. He brings a shaky hand up to wrap around your wrist.
“I don’t want to live like this anymore,” he confesses.
“I know, Acnologia. You don’t have to. You’re starting over, remember?”
Acnologia nods. “What about after this month is over?”
“We’ll figure it out, alright? Just think about it. You don’t have to make a decision immediately, but we’ll get you settled, okay? You just have to trust me.”
“Okay.” He releases a breath, so you give him a bit of space. “Thank you.”
dye ‘em black
dye ‘em black
Days had passed since the two of you were at the ocean. Ever since, he had continued to teach you magic. Now, you’re both in Crocus, heading towards its library.
“What types of books do you like?” you question suddenly.
“I like a variety,” he answers.
“Same here, but I prefer...” you tell him your all-time favorite genre.
“Suits you,” he states.
Crocus is rather busy today, since the rain stopped a few days ago. Before you and your friend had ventured to the outskirts of the town, he had confessed that he was nervous around large crowds of people due to his blackouts. You told him that you would need to bring him into town in order to help him with the possession issue, and that if he did you would snap him out of it some way.
Your method of preventing any future possessions would be to make him get an anti-possession tattoo. It was of a symbol that was very effective in repelling spirits. You had one on yourself that prevented your inner devil from completely gaining control.
He agreed to get it earlier in the morning, so the two of you arrived at the tattoo parlor and each got one. You showed the artist a picture of the one he needed and the new one you were going to get. It went well and didn’t take too long.
As the two of you enter the library, you’re greeted by several employees. Passing them, you two head to the back, where you know you’ll find an enormous selection of books about nearly all types of known magic.
“Let me know when you start to get hungry, and we can go grab some lunch,” you note, smiling. He nods and begins looking around and you do the same.
At one point, you had convinced him to at least buy and put on a plain shirt (much to your dismay) in public at the very least. The last thing the two of you needed was attention. Not that you blamed anyone for staring, because damn he was fine.
You browse for a few minutes and pick a few books out. After a while, you walk to the other side of the library and go to reach a certain book that catches your eye. Instead, you accidentally bump into someone next to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry-” you begin, only to lock eyes with who you were next to.
“That’s quite alright,” none other than Rogue Cheney himself states, giving you a small smile. “Fancy seeing you here,” he says your name, “what brings you to Crocus?”
Rogue Cheney is your dragon slayer equivalent and one of your closest friends. The two of you met when you crossed paths with the Twin Dragons on a mission a few years back. Upon discovering the two of you were dragon-devil slayer equals, you instantly got along. Sting, on the other, could get on your nerves, but he was friendly for the most part. His constant flirting gets on your nerves, but other than that he’s a pretty likeable guy when he’s not sucking up to his master or straight up being an asshole.
Not to your surprise, to the left of Rogue is a familiar lanky man with unmistakable long, blond hair.
“Hello, Rufus. It’s been a while,” you say, offering the pair a little grin.
Rufus nods slightly and tips his hat forward, his masked eyes crinkling a bit. “Ah, greetings,” he says your name. “It has indeed, hm? What brings you all the way to Crocus?”
“I was just traveling with a friend. We, uh, decided to start training for the Games early this year, and we thought we’d take a quick rest here for a day or two.”
“Seems like fun. Hm, I wish our master would let us all get a hard start on training,” Rogue admits, looking down a bit.
“I might be able to convince him. Oh,” a familiar voice says your name, “what a surprise!”
Your face lights upon laying eyes on the newcomer.
Yep, Minerva Orland was one of your other closest friends. You had met her when the two of you were doing a photo shoot for Sorcerer Weekly for top female wizard. Her magic had always intrigued you, and that went for her as well.
However, you knew about her past and despised Jiemma – for what he had done to her and for how he treated his guild. You weren’t big on the whole friendship-beats-everything bullcrap but you don’t think guilds should work solely based on power. The other part that grated on your nerves was how Minerva acted around him; her entire personality did an entire one-eighty and she hid her true personality behind a cruel and unforgiving mask.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a little voice call your name.
“You’re back! You’re back! Fro is so happy to see you again!”
Your heart melts as you spy little Frosch waddling up to you, his arms outstretched. A big grin is plastered on his face. You laugh and swoop him up in your arms, squeezing him in a tight hug.
“Hey, Fro! How’ve you been?” you question.
“Fro has been awesome! Fro is glad you’re here!”
Another laugh escapes you as you continue to hold Frosch and catch up with the other wizards.
A few minutes pass until you feel a cold hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” you say, looking towards Acnologia.
“Hey. What’s this?”
“These are my friends from Sabertooth,” you reply before you realize you can’t really say his name out loud. You don’t think Rogue knows exactly who he is since he’s never caught Acnologia’s scent when he was in dragon form.
You do your best to make up a believable name on the fly.
“Guys, this is my partner Alexander.”
“Partner?” Minerva mumbles, giving you a smug look before bumping your shoulder so that you’re knocked into Acnologia’s chest. You glare at her once you regain her balance.
“Good to meet you, Alexander,” Rufus replies. “I’m Rufus Lore, a memory make mage. This is Minerva Orland, who specializes in spatial magic. That’s Rogue Cheney, our very own shadow dragon slayer. And finally, that’s Frosch, Rogue’s exceed.”
“Nice to meet you,” Acnologia says slowly, his eyes darting from wizard to wizard. You can tell he’s on edge, and you think it’s because Rogue is here.
“What kind of magic do you specialize in?” Minerva asks.
“He’s also a dragon slayer,” you cut in.
“Really? What element?” Rogue questions.
“Apocalypse,” you answer without missing a beat.
“Really? Interesting,” Rufus says. “I don’t recall reading about an apocalypse dragon slayer.”
“He’s not fond of the public, so his name doesn’t really get around,” you say. “Honestly, I’m not either.”
“Sting just called,” Rogue speaks up, holding a lacrima. “He’s waiting with the others at the diner.”
“Would you two like to join us for lunch once you’re done browsing?” Rufus asks, tilting his head a bit.
You look at Acnologia, and he nods in return despite seeming tense.
“Excellent. Are the two of you done browsing?” Minerva asks, looking at the two of you for confirmation.
“Are you done?” you ask, glancing at Acnologia, who nods.
“I am too. We’d love to join you.”
The group rejoices, and after a few moments you reluctantly hand Frosch back to Rogue. Once they all turn around, you discreetly grasp Acnologia’s hand in yours, squeezing it to comfort him. He smiles and returns the squeeze.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t let go and neither do you.
You groan as soon as you hear Sting yelling your name obnoxiously.
“Shut up, moron,” Rogue says, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes.
“C’mon, lighten up, man!” Sting replies.
The diner you all were at was a rather large one, but still cozy. The six of you push together a few tables to make one large enough for the entire group.
Behind Sting are Yukino, Orga, and Lector. The three of them had apparently gone shopping while Rogue, Rufus, and Minever went to the library. You didn’t know Yukino that well since she only recently joined Sabertooth nor did you know Orga. You don’t seem to get along with god slayers all that well for some reason.
Frosch hops back into your lap as you all settle down at the table and begin talking.
“Hello, Mister Alexander!” Frosch says suddenly, his adorable smile still present.
“Hi,” Acnologia replies unsurely. A smile tugs at your lips as you watch the two interact.
“Do you have an exceed like Fro and Lector?”
“I do not.”
“Aw man! Well, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll get one one day! And then Fro and Lector can play with your exceed all the time while you guys do your cool slayer stuff!”
Acnologia seems almost speechless for a moment, causing you to stifle your laughter.
“Yeah, maybe I will get one.”
As all of you place your orders and catch up, you find that Acnologia is gradually becoming less and less tense by the minute. He even joins in on the conversation at certain points and seems like he’s genuinely enjoying himself. You all talk until the sun begins to set and the employees begin gently ushering you all out.
“Man, that hit the spot!” Sting yells, rubbing his stomach.
“Fro thinks so too!”
“Do you two need a place to stay tonight?” Rufus asks.
“No, we were just going to get a hotel room,” you answer.
Sting whoops and waggles his hips, causing Rogue to slap him upside the head. You roll your eyes, thankful for your dragon slayer counterpart.
“Are you sure? It wouldn’t be a problem,” Rufus presses.
“It’s alright, Rufus. We appreciate the offer, though.”
“Alright, then. We’ll at least walk with you to the inn,” Minerva adds, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Once you all make it to the hotel, you stop at the entrance and start dishing out goodbyes.
“Bye Rogue,” you say, pulling him into a hug.
“We’ll see you at the games,” he replies as the two of you separate.
Minerva is next; she’s the one to initiate the death-grip hug that has you gasping for air.
“It was so good to see you. We really need to hang out more,” she says. “Keep in touch, alright?”
“I will,” you promise.
“Farewell,” Rufus says, tilting his hat once more. You wave goodbye to Yukino, Orga, Sting, and Lector.
Frosh is the last one. He waddles up to you and appears to be holding something behind his back.
“See you at the games, Fro. Take care of Rogue for me, alright?” you say, hugging him.
“Fro will! Also, Fro has a surprise for you and Mister Alexander!”
Acnologia raises an eyebrow but obliges when Frosch gestures for the two of you to kneel down.
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands, please!” Frosch instructs, so the two of you obey.
You feel something light being placed in your palm. When Frosch tells you to open your eyes, you find a small daisy resting in your hand.
Your heart melts and you laugh. “Thank you so much, Frosch! I love it!”
“You’re welcome! Do you like yours, Mister Alexander?”
Acnologia stares in mild shock at the plant before another one of his adorably shy smiles appears. “I love it. Thank you very much.”
“Yay! Hug?”
You choke on your own laughter as the bulky dragon picks the exceed up and awkwardly hugs him. After that, Rogue picks Frosch up and carries him as the group walks off. You and Acnologia wave to them as they go. Once they’re out of sight, the two of you turn to the hotel doors.
“I swear to the stars I asked for two beds.”
“I know you did. I heard you say it.”
You groan exasperatedly as you see a single bed in the hotel room. This is so cliché.
“Whatever, I’m too tired to care. We can just share. I trust you not to try anything,” you say, throwing your bag on one of the chairs. Acnologia sets his cloak down and looks around.
“Anyways. How’d you like them?” you wonder.
He gives a brisk chuckle and runs his fingers through part of his hair. “They’re wild. I was wary of the two dragon slayers at first...but then I realized that they weren’t threats at all,” he says, looking away. “You were right about them.”
You smile, unable to help yourself. You walk over to him and hug his arm.
“I’m proud of you,” you admit. “Tonight was a big step for you, huh?”
“Yeah, it was. But it was worth it. It...it was fun.”
Your smile gets even bigger as you look up at him, only to find him staring back at you. Your cheeks heat up a bit as he shifts his arms so that he’s holding both of your elbows. Your chests are gently pressed together.
And then he leans closer.
Your heart begins pumping wildly as your face grows even hotter. He slides his hands up your arms, past your shoulders, and up your neck before he stops at your face. He cups your cheeks gently, causing butterflies to swirl in your tummy. At this point, the two of you are so close that you have to rest your hands on his chest.
“A...Acnologia?” you whisper, eyes wide.
He doesn’t reply as he moves his face closer and brings his lips to yours. You freeze for a moment as your brain takes a moment to process what’s happening. You can feel him pressing your face to his. Eventually, you close your eyes and kiss him back, moving your arms to wrap around his neck.
Soon, the two of you pull apart slowly, eyes opening and staring into his lovely green orbs.
“Thank you,” he whispers, moving his hands to your waist. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”
You’re too overwhelmed to answer, so you kiss him again, hoping he can sense your answer.
Once the two of you pull apart, he presses his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes as he holds you in his arms. “I can never thank you enough for what you’re doing.”
“You don’t have to,” you reply.
He smiles and chuckles a little bit, brushing a bit of hair behind your ear. “You’re incredible. Absolutely incredible.”
“You’re wonderful too, you know,” you retort, laughing a bit.
After a few minutes of kisses and sweet words, you end up going about your nightly routine before lying in bed.
Acnologia climbs into bed, his shirt off again. You blush and avert your gaze.
He loops his arm around you, and you turn to face him. He kisses you one last time before he shuts off the light and the two of you fall asleep.
no. 1
The rest of the month passes faster than you wanted it to. It had been absolutely amazing; the days were filled with training, magic, kisses, cuddles, and more.
In fact, you’re greatly saddened by the fact that the two of you are now standing at the door of your home back in Magnolia.
“Do you want to stay?” you ask, your hands in his.
“I need some time to think,” he replies, squeezing your hands gently. “I’m going to stay around here for a while. I still don’t know what I’m going to do just yet.”
“Alright. Promise you’ll visit?” you ask.
“Of course,” he answers.
“Okay. You’re always welcome if you need somewhere to stay,” you state, looping your arms around his neck as he brings you in for another kiss.
“Thank you. I’ll drop by tomorrow. Get some rest, love.”
“You too. Are you sure you don’t want to stay here for the night?”
“I’m just going to go hike for a while,” he answers. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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doctorslippery · 4 years
The Pillar of First Blood – A 15ft dark stone pillar that has engraved writing on each side ‘The spot where the first blood was split between a batch of common devils”.
The Drawing Moss – A smooth stone with a bunch of growing moss on it. Touching the stone with a bare hand results in the moss slowing moving to wherever was touched. On the stone are several handprints and doodles perfectly covered over with the moss.
Curci’s Crypt – A small white stone structure deep in the woods with carvings of trees on each side. Entering brings you into the hidden crypt of Curci.
The Crumbling Shack – Far away from any civilization lays what once was a small shack. The windows are broken, some walls have crumbled away, and parts of the roof are open and fallen in.
Trio of Faces – On the side of a rocky cliff are a well carved trio of protruding faces all looking the same direction
Cone Shaped Prison – In the middle of a grassy field stands an 8ft slim cone made of iron bars, in the middle of the structure lies a sun-bleached skeleton bound in iron shackles.
The Tree of Sacrifice – A abnormally large and oddly pale brown tree where the branches are twisted, and the leaves are a sickly saturated green color. At the base of the tree lies a blood stained alter that the roots of the tree have grown around it and now hold it in place. The base of the tree as well as the ground around the alter are permanently stained a deep red. If the tree is cut, a thick blood sap seeps out of wound. If a creature is sacrificed on the alter, the blood pools near where the roots touch the alter and are absorbed while what appear to be veins appear on the tree that go up into the branches.
The Bone Pit – In an open field there is a 10ft wide and 50ft deep pit with no life growing around it. The walls of this chasm are lined with dark cobblestone and going down there are three uneven sized holes that are covered by iron bars. At the bottom there are a large pile of bones.
The Odd Stone Slab – A big square stone slab rests hidden near the side of the road. Carved into the slab is a symbol and a riddle that upon answering correctly leads to a small dungeon.
The Copper Fox – A 4ft oxidized copper statute of a fox with a small locked box in its mouth and two ruby eyes.
The Pointing Eagle – On top of a large rock formation is a big iron statue of an eagle pointing its body to the east.
The Feasting Table – Out away from any kind of civilization sits a large gray solid stone table with ancient carvings on the sides. Upon its surface are newly lit candles and a banquet of food that seems to be warm, fresh, and untouched by its surroundings. If one where to eat or take anything from the table, the next day it would be completely restocked and replenished.
The Jeweled Bush – A seemingly average looking berry bush that happens to grow small jewels instead of berries. If one where to try and consume one of the jewels picked off of the bush within 24hrs, that person gains a temporary magical effect or bonus, otherwise it’s a normal jewel.
The Ice Blood Spot – Located on the cliff face of a large mound of ice there is one spot that is dark red instead of the pure blue that surrounds it.
Dragon’s Graveyard – in a valley, there are 8-10 adult dragon skeletons, half-buried.
Petunia, the Land Whale – A large whale skeleton surrounded by petunias. The whale is miles away from the sea and the petunias aren’t native to this location.
Wondrous Obelisk – an obelisk, comprised of rose quartz and decorated with sylvan runes, appears to be of fey origin. it is surrounded in a 120-foot field of wild magic.
The Old Folk Hero – A half erected statue of an old folk hero. Either under construction or half crumbled.
The Hope Tree – It’s an oak tree with the word hope carved into it in large letters. No one knows who did it or why, but it’s turned into a useful landmark for the local village.
The Moon’s Egg – It’s a massive dome-like stone formation that shines pearlescent in the moonlight. It lays in a bare outcropping of rock and is warm to the touch.
Hollering Pit – A 50ft deep sinkhole. Well-hidden at the bottom is the lair of an accomplished burglar who calls himself the Jeweler. He’s too old to do much in the way of harm, but the countless traps he installed are not.
The Painted Cliff Face – A cliff that has been entirely covered in paint from hundreds of people.
Threeshades Tower- A weathered, ivy-mantled square tower atop a small hill. Has three levels, and each is built from a different kind of stone. The longsword stuck in one of the bricks on the top level is +1 and can project the bearer’s voice up to 50’ away.
Pigeons’ Chest – an ornate, but empty, chest of silver and pearl sitting by the road. It will not move by any means yet discovered, material nor magical.
The Ol’ Inn – The ancient ruins of a strangely ‘modern-looking’ tavern located in the deepest patches of forest. No path leads to it, no other buildings or ruins are found besides it, but dozens of deformed footsteps can be found heading out of the site. At night, the faint, muffled sound of a single viol can be heard coming out of the muddy floor.
The Forgotten Emperor’s Statue – An incredibly detailed, broken bust of a young wood elf, bearing a red crown. Its nose and left ear are missing and where its left eye should be, the socket is destroyed, and a monstrously decomposed snake eye can be found. The base has a bronze plaque which reads (in broken Celestial): ‘The only one truly meant to rule’, followed by a name which seems scratched out.
The Candle Trees – deep in the woods, a small group of trees whose leaves are bright red. They contrast starkly with the normal trees around them. The Candle trees appear otherwise normal, but the dried leaves can be brewed into a tea that warms the bones even on the coldest nights.
Tale of a Desert’s Origin – A granite obelisk in the desert with glyphs on it. It seems to tell the tale of a very powerful magic user stealing all the life from this area, killing all the plants and turning it into a desert.
The Waning Waterfall – a small waterfall that appears to reverse direction on every night with a bright full moon, running up instead of down.
The Sandmount – There’s a strange dune of sand in the middle of this grassy field, covered in scorpions.
The Awoken Stones – three stone pillars at the top of a hill, each engraved with a different rune of no known language. The pillars appear to change positions, but how this is done is unknown.
Ghost village – There’s a half-buried village in the sand, with sandstone walls being the only remnants… except for one house, which has a simple roof and door carved into the stone.
Impossible Shipwreck – Dashed upon the rocks are the remains of a large merchant ship. Weathered and ancient, the skeletons of the crew still scattered around though most everything of value has long since been looted. The most peculiar thing about this is that the rocks, and ship, are in a cavern 100ft underground, miles from the nearest navigable waters.
Sapphire Beach – a small stretch of coastline hidden between two nigh-inaccessible cliff faces. The sand is particularly fine and a brilliant blue. Rumor has it that the sand was formed when giants destroyed the jewel horde of a local dragon. There are also rumors of a dragon being sighted in the oceans nearby. Digging deep into the sands turn up giant bones.
The Lovers’ Spring – a secluded hot spring, with the initials of many young lovers carved into nearby rocks. Discarded and forgotten undergarments can be found on tree branches in the area.
The Arms of the Last Bard – A broken but thick 15ft wide half-circle embedded to the ground made of quartz and intricately laced with gold strips. An assortment of precious gems are embedded in its surface. Any attempt to collect and/or destroy this construct will cause severe psychic damage and a loud high-pitched tone to play loudly. The half-circle aligns perfectly with sunset/sunrise and every time it does, the most beautiful flute melody plays that is sourceless.
The Iron Tree – A big, old tree which seems to be made of iron, but as far as anyone can tell, is alive and growing, if slowly.
Hades’ Hand – A 15ft tall stone hand stretches from the ground, reaching for the sky.
The Stone Toad – A gigantic stone carving of a toad’s head, crumbling, half-buried, and covered in moss.
The Wrecked Ship – The sun-bleached wreckage of a ship that ran aground long ago. Inside the hull is a massive cage with thick steel bars that appear to have been smashed outward from the inside.
The Three-Sided Tower – A half-collapsed stone tower with curious triangular architecture. The bones of a lonely watchman sitting in a chair lie atop it. The watchman wears a helmet shaped like a triangular pyramid. Several towers of this type can be found around the same area.
Giant’s Playground ��� this field is entirely stone, and many massive footprints can be seen stomped into it. There are boulders laying around, some cracked.
The Fallen Hero – The legs of a giant metal statue standing beside the top of a waterfall overlooking the valley below. At the bottom of the lake below the falls, the head and torso can be found. It appears to be the likeness of a famous ancient hero that a PC might recognize.
The Charity Cave – A cave with a chest that says, ‘if you take something, leave something.’ It’s unlocked and has several trinkets inside.
The Eye of the Moon – on top of this hill is a pool surrounded with stone. The water is always cool, and at night the full moon can always be seen in its reflection, regardless of clouds or moon cycle.
Bigfoot – A large tree in the forest that bends and splits in such a way that the bottom looks like a foot, with toes.
Goddess of Death Statue – A worn smooth but still recognizable ancient statue of a goddess of death. At her feet sets a black stone bowl filled with fresh rose petals. If you were to kneel down at the bowl and look up at her, you would see her eyes stare unwaveringly into yours.
The Red Altar – in the middle of a copse in a strange swamp lies a smooth altar made of red stone, with strange carvings of trees and water all around its base. Upon touching the altar, you will hear a voice in your mind ‘sacrifice”, and you will feel a strange primal urge to sacrifice a creature on top of it.
Timnar’s Beard – A copse of trees growing in a single spot on an otherwise barren mountain. Unbeknownst to the world, it is the burial place of a great wizard of earthen magics. It is watched over by a trio of stone golems and a handful of slumbering treants to guard the immense knowledge held within the tomb.
The Sundered Mount – a mountain that appears to have been cleaved in two and creating two crumbling peaks with a narrow cut of a valley between them. It does not appear naturally created.
The Mage Wastes – A region where fertile grassland suddenly stops and abruptly becomes a barren wasteland of decaying grass and reddish soil. It seems as if it was the sight of some magical battle. The ground is pocked with craters and scorch marks, yet it seems as if this battle was an ancient long finished, but the battlefield has remained a wasteland frozen in time.
The Dragons Maw – A series of jutting tooth like spires of black igneous rock which rise out from the sea. These “teeth” have proven to be an extreme hazard to sailors and shipping which pass too near to them. Tearing hulls and ripping sails.
The Gods Sacrament Statue -A old weathered statue of a god with beautiful gems inlaid and surrounded with wicker basket offerings of gold, flowers, food, and trinkets. Stealing from the statue result in a curse (permanent level of exhaustion) from the deity until either greater restoration is cast on the thief or they repent and make an offering of twice the amount stolen. Award inspiration for respectful offerings or prayers given to the statue.
The Dragonblood – A massive artwork carved into a boulder placed some ways away from the banks of a nearby river. The artwork seems to depict a struggle between giants and dragons, with the giants as the victors. The faintly red runes which line it are giantish, and anyone who can decipher them will read that it marks a momentous battle between giants and dragons, over which should decide the course of the river.
The Daughter of the Sun – An enormous stone of a singular soft yellow color. It is hot to the touch but by day it is warm and comfortable simply standing near it. By night however the stone begins to glow brightly, illuminating its surroundings in radiant golden light. Large chips of the same stone can be found in the foliage growing around it. With similar glowing properties.
Would you kindly -A sentient door in the side of a mountain that has short term memory loss. He has no idea of his name or how to open himself but enjoys talking with travelers none the less. Speaking the magic word “please” will cause the door to open revealing a shortcut through the mountain. No form of magic or otherwise can lead through or get around this door without speaking the magic word due to an ancient magical barrier.
The Bread Boy – a small statue in a park depicting a street urchin. In one hand he has what is left of a small loaf of bread. With the other hand he is spreading crumbs for the birds, so they do not go hungry too. A place where the street kids gather.
Sculpture Garden – a small clearing in a forest, near a cave mouth, contains dozens of statues of humanoid creatures, many armed & armored, all with looks of surprise & horror on their stone faces.
Saben’s Cauldron – a large, circular pool off of a main river which is geothermally heated.
The Teeth – a series of vaguely conic stone spires lined up along a gentle arc. Each is over 15ft tall and 5ft across at the base, and tapers to a narrow tip. Nobody knows the origin of this formation. Some say the teeth are all that remains from some colossal dragon skeleton, others think the stones were placed there by a dragon cult, or as a sign from Bahamut.
Mage-Crater – a 120ft diameter crater. Now filled with water and inhabited by pond creatures.
The Old Man – a natural rock formation that just happens to look like the face of an old man with a long beard. Ruins of temples from several ancient civilizations can be found in the valley below, apparently attracted there to worship the face, or perhaps just to be under his watchful gaze. Most humanoid races in the region are sure the old man looks like their race and have their own legend about him.
The Deino Flats -roughly 40 acres of salt flats. A long dried up saltwater marsh from ancient times.
Grand Defender – a large, symmetrical hill where the site of a great battle once was. Stone rubble and ruins barely peaks out from the top. Flowers are left there every so often.
The Adventurers Billiard Hall – A stone statue of a Local adventurer rests on a green glass dome in the center of a public lake. The dome is lit gently from beneath. Somewhere nearby lies a dilapidated entrance which runs through a small puzzle focused dungeon.
Turned-Inn – An inn that has been carefully constructed to appear as if it was turned upside-down.
The Signposts – A collection of several dozen poles each with a dozen or more signs mounted to them pointing towards various distant lands, nearby businesses, and bizarre joke locations. It started with travelers who erected a signpost pointing to their distant homelands which other travelers added to. Eventually it got out of hand.
Worm’s Desert – A small sandy desert only a couple hundred acres in size of so. A great desert-making worm arrived from another world and sought to covert the world into an ecosystem like its home but caught a local disease it was unresistant to and died before it made much progress. The residual poison from the worm’s body deters plants from overtaking the sand.
Lightning Lab – A bizarre building with a strange mushroom-shaped metal lattice on top. It was the lab of a researcher studying non-magical electricity who died from electrocution.
The Sandlot – A square of property with no building where children come to play. A greedy landlord raised the rent on a long-term elderly tenant when they purchased the property, driving the tenant into poverty and eventually death. The tenant cursed the land with dying breath that no-one would never profit from the property. Every future tenant was driven out by terrifying haunts, and eventually the building was burned down.
Dwarven Monument – An enormous high relief of six dwarven warriors cut from a cliff pointing the way along, commemorating their epic journey.
Atlas Boulders A series of differently sized large stone spheres far too large for a man to lift. The strongest giants would lift them to prove their strength. They sometimes move, so perhaps the giants still use them.
Ancient Battlefield – ramparts, high hills, and trenches filled with water that stretch for mile marking the location an ancient battlefield. It has grown over.
The Epicenter – A large swath of woods where all the trees in a massive circle have been bent at a 90-degree angle towards the center but continue to grow that way. There is nothing (currently) anomalous at the center, but a powerful coven of druids hold it as one of their holiest places and guards it closely.
Ol Demons Place – a once portal to the abyss, sealed by hero’s long ago, now just a crumbling arch with an unsettling aura.
The Broken Hill – a hill that you need to walk uphill to get to and walk uphill to get away from.
The Rooster of Mourning – An enormous statue of a rooster, made from a strange metal, finely detailed and colored. It is hollow, and when the first ray of sunrise strikes it, a great, sad-sounding crow arises from it. Legend says that it commemorates a great battle in the distant past.
The Angry Spot – a small stone platform on the top of a hill, standing on the platform makes a person irrationally angry. Barbarians may involuntarily rage as a result.
The Alter of a Thousand Arms. – At a crossroads sits an unusual statue, made of stone it stands over 10 feet tall and has arms sticking out in every direction with their palm turned upwards. In nearly every hand there is a candle, some still lit but most are fully melted. Placing a candle in one of the hands and lighting it will give the player the blessing of ‘A helping hand.’ When a player next fails a roll, they may roll an additional d6 and add it to their total.
The Weeping Sister – A fifteen-foot statue of a girl unmarred by time. Next to her are the shattered remains of another statue, close enough that the body may have once held her outstretched hand. The feet of this larger statue are all that remain affixed to the earth – the rest is scattered throughout the clearing. Water, clean and pure, travels down her face in steady rivulets but leaves no erosion there.
The Sensible Stone Head -a large stone head protruding from the surface of a glacier. It is the head of an earth elemental and if you get his attention, he is friendly. If asked what he is doing their he replies ”swimming in the river”, given he exists at a geological place the slow flow of the glacier is like a river to him.
Glass Tree – A fairly tall an elaborate tree made entirely out of glass raises from the earth, at its base there is a plaque written in dwarven, it’s to commemorate a dwarf leader who fell in battle.
The Titan’s Blade – A 50 ft rust covered sword driven into the earth. The whole area has a magical aura and no wildlife lingers within a quarter mile of the sword.
The Well of Good Tidings – A well by the side of the road that is a base in a local hafling tradition that if one where to lose a tooth, that it is to be tossed in the well with a tip of the hat. When doing so, good fortune is sure to come. Characters that throw in teeth later find small amounts of wet coins in various locations on their person. Characters that throw rubbish, or are otherwise disrespectful of the well, find their respective objects on their person once more soaking wet and covered in bite marks.
Skilltown – A small but clearly once-bustling town lays abandoned inside of a titan’s skull. The skull is half buried in the sand; its eye sockets and mouth aim up at an angle. Walking through its mouth is the only way to enter the town. The skull looks to be that of an enormous version of whatever scariest creature lives in that area. It provides ample shade during most of the day.
Best Rest Graveyard – A cleric once prayed over a graveyard that all within would ‘rest well.’ Now anyone who falls asleep in that graveyard has the best night of sleep they’ve ever had.
Bird Hill – a grassy hill of noticeable height rises from the otherwise flat plains. On the hill are several lines of cobblestone that do not grow grass and have no discernible pattern from the surface. If flying, however, you see the cobblestone lines form the shape of a bird, along with some arcane symbols. If you happen to look up during the spring or fall, you’ll see migratory birds alter their course to fly over this hill.
Stairway to Nowhere – All that remains of an ancient fortress, the remarkably well constructed staircase rises for 3 stories out of the ground at the end of an ancient road, and then just abruptly stops.
The Crossroads – This is the place where four kingdoms meet. The main road for each lead to a massive stone pillar. Many years ago, all four kingdoms were at war, and a pillar was placed there as a symbol that none from neighboring kingdoms would be allowed to cross. It is now an annual meeting place for the four to discuss their continued amnesty.
Cloudland Canyon – It’s a canyon nestled in a northern mountain range that’s so high even the base of the canyon is a higher elevation than most of the other mountains in this world. Wondrously magical things occur here.
Stone Tree Garden – It was a garden from a former ancient culture, which vanished out of unknown reasons. One of the only things found was this tree garden. Are the trees made of stone or turned to, no one knows.
‘The Circle’ -There once was a meteorite which crashed into the land. The first to arrive found weird writing in a (Insert required size) diameter circle. No one could read what was written. In the center of the circle, where the meteor should have been, there was nothing, not even a small crater.
The Well – A seemingly normal well on the top of a hill. Anything that is placed into it is immediately tossed out of it.
The Pariah’s Mountain -One mountain among an otherwise unimpressive range, its only defining feature is its completely upside down. The base measures about 60ft across, but the peak 3,000ft up is easily a mile across. Stairs may have been carved into the side, but the climb down to the summit (or is it up to the base? The locals aren’t quite sure) is precarious at times. The locals are also similarly vague when asked about what’s on top…
Worried stones – A group of 3 standing stones with anxiety. When encountered in their clearing, they will disappear once all eyes are off them. Careful inspection will reveal them to hiding nearby – peeking from behind a nearby tree, bottom of a lake, hidden by bushes, behind where the party is now looking, etc. If discovered, they disappear again if not observed. The stones are not malicious, and do not harm the party. They would just rather you all left them to it, thank you.
The Quiet Creek – An otherwise ordinary creek that runs through a forest. It is abnormally quiet near the stream, in such that there is almost no echo around it, and it is surprisingly hard to hear from a distance. All along its course stand small boulders, almost fully grown over with moss.
The Shifting Hills – A large field of hills, dotted with rocks, grasses, and flowers. Careful study has found the hills are constantly moving, as though old creatures crawl along under a carpet of earth. Magics which call upon the earth always seem to produce unexpected results when among them.
The Devil’s Wager – A large disc shaped stone at the base of a long dormant volcano. Visitors toss a copper at it for good luck. There are a couple hundred copper around it. It is considered extraordinarily bad luck to take the coppers.
The Swordleaf Trees – there is a patch of trees here with a non-stop turbulent wind rustling the leaves and branches violently. The leaves’ edges appear to be razor sharp.
Beacon Mountain – A mountain that, on some nights, has a bright ball of light form over it which slowly dissipates over several hours. Local religion strictly forbids climbing the mountain.
Mist Valley – a short pathway of stone carved into a mountain, roughly five feet wide with names of couples and graffiti on the stone walls. The pathway always has a thick fog settled over it, making it seem eerie.
Ancient Battleground – Deep in a forest, trees are marred with years old axe and sword marks. Hundreds of skeletons dressed in rusted armor and weapons lie in this area. Taking a trinket, or even loitering may be unwise.
True Clarity Bridge – A bridge between two high places that, for many people, while staring off the side, provides answers for their most troubling issue or deep question, whether they were looking for the answer or not.
Lover’s Glade – Two sequoia trees whose bases are over a hundred feet apart have grown together and connect about 160 to 180 feet off the ground. The branches and leaves of these giant trees create a pleasantly shaded area below which is often used by the local populace as sites of wedding ceremonies.
Round Rock – A mysterious perfectly round rock that stands nearly 20ft tall. It is too heavy to roll and never seems to chip. It is the center of many local legends, varying wildly on their truthfulness.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Yandere One-Shot: Yandere Queen Hippolyta
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You arrived on the Island of Themyscira when the cruise ship you here traveling on was hit in a sudden storm, which was kind of ironic considering you made a joke about how the dark cloud forming meant you all were about to face Poseidon's Wrath.
While the captain wrestled with the raging seas, you were helping the passengers get to the door that lead to the cabins. You were about to head in yourself when you noticed a young boy near the front of the ship; refusing to leave anyone, you pushed against the winds and grabbed the boy before heading back.
You were almost there with him when a large wave came over the edge of the ship - acting on pure instinct, you pushed the boy to the sailor who caught him...but the wave caught you before you could do anything.
The raging water sent you flying to the edge of the ship, making your back come in contract with the metal rails, sending pain from the center of your spine to your entire body before sweeping you over the rail and into the water that consumed you. Your life flashed before your eyes before the air was cut off and you began drifting away into nothingness, but not before a powerful voice spoke to you from an unknown depth.
"You are perfect to stand by her side."
And then, you knew no more.
You woke up on an unknown beach, trying to remember what happened but there seemed to be a gap in your memory. You tried to stand but the pain in your back made you fall back to the sand. You managed to turn over to where your face was in view of the sun - you laid there, trying to let your back heal on its own when the sound of horses neighing and hooves hitting the sandy beach.
You opened your eyes and came face to face with numerous women, all wearing golden armor and armed to the teeth - and all wearing very pissed-off expressions on their faces. You tried to speak up they just snatched you up and tied you up before placing you on one of the horses as if you were a bounty.
You were thrown into a cell - still bound as if you were a bounty. The ladies glared at you before leaving you, all except one; you assumed she was going to watch you.
You knew it wouldn't be wise to try to speak - they were already angered with you and it wouldn't be wise to anger them further; you were already in enough pain as it was. You sat in the middle of the cell with your legs crossed and your eyes closed - if anyone saw you, they would assume that you were in meditation.
After a while, the door opened again and several people walked in - leading them was an elegant woman with a crown, she must have been the queen.
"What is this?" The queen asked as her blue eyes glared into your surprisingly calm [Eye Color] eyes.
"My Queen, this is the outsider our scouts informed you about. We found them lazing upon our beach as if it was their own." The guard said as she glared at you.
"Open the cage." The Queen ordered, the guard followed the order and she walked into the cage with a lasso in her hand, "I am going to ask you some questions - Are you going to be truthful or will I have to force the truth from you?" The Queen asked.
"I have nothing to gain but an enemy if I lie. You have my word that I shall be honest with you, Your Grace." You said.
"We shall see about that." The Queen said as she tied the lasso around your neck before holding it with one hand - there was a golden glow before the queen spoke again. "What is your name?"
"My name is [Your Name], Your Grace." You answered.
"Truthful. Well, [Your Name], how did you get here?" She asked.
"I was on a cruise ship with some other people when a massive storm it. I was aiding the people to get the safety but there was a boy that strayed from the group and was alone. I went to help him, I managed to save him but the waves swept me off the ship and into the ocean. When I came to, I was on your beach." You answered.
"Truthful." She looked into your eyes, "You risked your own life for a boy's - what reason did you have?" She asked.
"He has a life." You answered.
"What do you mean 'he has a life'?" She asked.
"He was young, no more than 6 - he cried for his mother, it was clear he was afraid. I've lived longer than him, I wasn't gonna let him lose his life when he hasn't even experienced much yet." You answered with a calm sparkle in your eyes.
The Queen looked at you for a while before taking the lasso from around your neck, "It's clear that you are honest. You really had no intention of finding this place?" She asked.
"No, Your Grace - I have no idea where I am, and I can see your people are not fond of outsiders. I would leave at once if I could." You explained.
'What's stopping you?" The guard scoffed.
"The storm damaged my back - that's why I was laying on the beach where you found me. And, I don't have access to a ship." You explained.
"There are a few ships that are in need of repair near the beach where you were laying. Once your back heals, fix a ship and leave our island." The guard ground.
"If that will please you, I shall." You closed your eyes and bowed your head. The Queen looked at you for a while before leaving the cell - which was locked right behind her - and she left the area with her guards behind her. Her blue eyes seemed focused but her mind was in a fog - she can't stop thinking about what happened the previous night...
When she prayed to the Gods for the perfect partner to rule Themyscira alongside her.
'Could they...be the one the Gods sent to me?' She wondered.
After a week, your spine was healed enough for you to move and you asked the Queen to show you the ships the guard spoke of. You, The Queen, and a few Amazon Guards went to the ship graveyard and you found a fishing boat that was mostly intact but needed a new propeller, some holes in the hull patched up, and some look at the digital map; the other ships would have the parts, you just needed the tools.
It would be another week before you got the tools you wanted.
The Amazon Hunting Parties - Lead by the Amazon Artemis, named after the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, came back with nothing one time and wasn't sure what she was going to do. You offered your aid and she laughed at you then you made her a deal.
"I am certain I can come back with meat before the shadows blank at the land - if I am able to do this, then I am to be given the tools I need to repair the boat." You offered. She laughed up you before giving you a bow and sending you on your way - there was no escape off the island so they didn't need to worry about you running away.
Just before the sun's light faded from the sky - You returned with 3 wild boars for their dinner. Artemis was both shocked and angry to be made a fool of. You gave her the meat and she gave you the tools, you removed yourself from the city with no food to continue repairs but Hippolyta followed you and left a basket of fruit, bread, meat, with a canteen of wine before leaving before you saw her.
The longer you stayed on the island, the more the locals accepted you. When you walked into the city to retrieve some things for the boat, the women would wave or smile: You became Artemis' Hunting Partner and Diana loved to spar with you. There were some times you ate with the Amazons in the meal hall or sometimes, Hippolyta would invite you to eat with her and Diana; she almost felt like you were all a family.
"So, how is progress with the boat, [Your Name]?" Diana asked you one night during dinner.
"Well, actually. I just have to wait for the automated systems to finish drying and set them and making sure the holes in the hull are patched, then I can be on my way." You smiled but...Hippolyta didn't look happy at the news.
"I thought you said would take at least 3 months to fix the boat." She said.
"It has been 3 months, Queen Hippolyta." You said as you looked in the queen's eyes.
"But...are you certain you need to go back?" Hippolyta asked.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Well, you've been here for so long and everyone already sees you as one of us. I mean - look at you - you're more like an Amazon." Hippolyta said as she gestured at the outfit you were wearing.
"Your Grace, I have been here too long. I have a life that I must return to and I am not one of you - I have no right to be here." You said.
The rest of the dinner was in silence.
After that dinner, strange things were happening around you: You would find new damages or flaws with the boat or the Amazons were acting more like family than before. You didn't like it.
One night, you were working non-stop on the boat and had just placed the propeller on when you heard footsteps, your turned to look and saw...
"Artemis? Diana?" The 2 Amazons stood there with saddened looks on their faces.
"We didn't want you to find out like this." Artemis said.
"Wait - you two have been the ones that have been damaging the boat and keeping me from leaving?" You questioned, the silence was enough to answer, "You are... Why would you do this?" You asked.
"It's you who wouldn't understand - you can't leave, you belong here - on Theymscira, ruling the Amazon with Mother." Diana said.
"I'm not an Amazon, I have no right to be here!" You tried to make them see reason.
"You may not be Amazon but you do belong here. It's been clear to all of us and we shall not let you leave our queen. The Gods brought you here because you are meant for Queen Hippolyta - you are the one she prayed for." Artemis said.
"What? NGH!!!" You clenched your head as a splitting pain shot through your mind, making you fall to your knees in pure agony.
"They are remembering something. Diana, get them before the pain fades!" Artemis said. They didn't have to worry about the pain fading because it knocked you out again.
[End of Part One]
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