#like if they had made that post independently? good post. fine post.
tagiscool · 4 months
Girls when they are hit with the overwhelming urge to be held and protected
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weirdlizard26 · 1 year
im so genuinely devastated by the fact that i go back to class tomorrow its embarrassing dfkgjdd ive been completely out of it for. weeks????? i couldnt enjoy the second half of my break bc i never stopped thinking about having to go back to uni im just aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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RIGHT YEAH I was also thinking about the scenario of Jo accompanying Masato in relation to this, in the vein of… that'd solidify that the whole lie was always about His Family and not The Family right… because what can Jo even DO for the family while he's away? He's more than a glorified accountant.
Though thinking about it, he probably wouldn't have been away too long, at least compared to a prison sentence for murder. Because Masato only faked his death in 2004 (at the very latest, I guess; it's when the news went public) and Bleach Japan was founded "almost 20 years" prior to 2019, at which point Aoki and Ogasawara had already graduated and returned to Japan.
That and Aoki wasn't in a wheelchair anymore when he met Ogasawara at Harvard, so perhaps Jo would only really /need/ to stay for the procedure and Aoki's physical therapy and all, though of course I can see him staying longer. Still, not too long, all things considered.
So this scenario's kind of the worst of both worlds, because perhaps those first couple of years it's Arakawa's own stubbornness, and then the rest of his family has to go away anyway. And he's so sure in that time what he needs is to be with his family again and he'll at least feel less alone, miss Ichi less.
But then Masato's Aoki now and only really staying in touch to use him and the Arakawa Family's resources for his own gain, and Jo--as you perfectly put it--doesn't know how to emotionally take care of him. So things he should be ecstatic about--seeing his son walk on his own two legs for the first time and having his right hand man back in action--end up bittersweet at best. Aiiieeeeee……
OH YEAH SHINJI I half-remembered there was a visit in 1 but not who actually went to visit Kiryu sorry for doing you like that my boy </3 still counts as part of a pattern to me though… subordinate visiting his aniki…
SPEAKING OF KIRYU. Yeah. Typical Kiryu L. Kazuma Kiryu you have blood on your hands and NOT in the funney Reddit meme way… ABSOLUTELY DERANGED to blame Ichi for anything in the ending whatsoever though like WHAT. He got him immediate medical attention and WE AS THE AUDIENCE don't even have time to react, let alone anyone living the fucking moment good god my blood pressure is spiking
ALSO THE JO POST… YEAH… yeah yeah yeah that's the shit I'm talking about… and like. This is where localization frustrates me so Bear With My Complaints a moment but his very last line is mistranslated in both versions, the sub in terms of what he was actually saying and the dub in terms of giving him this bitchy, flippant tone that doesn't convey his intent. So I'll cut them down the middle and say it's "[The] legit [way]? The word has never crossed my mind, not once."
There's just something to it as a clear thesis for his whole life and his eventual fate. Like of course Adachi means in terms of going through the proper legal processes, but words like proper, legit, decent, these also have clear connotations of adequacy. So for him to literally say NOTHING he's done has been adequate in his eyes perfectly illustrates what you were saying. Like he's always taken it as a matter of fact that nothing he could do would be enough, like that's a truth woven into his existence so tightly he never even thought about it. And now there really is nothing he can do.
i have my own theoretical timeline on masato's stay in america, but even with what we have there's a lot of variables involved with for exactly when certain events happened
under the assumption masato was to enroll at harvard in the fall of 2001 (assuming he was somehow able to be approved for a lung transplant as soon as that year), then jo would- at max- might only have to be abroad for (assuming they leave in january) nine months (to account for the time it took for masato to get approved for surgery and then the surgery itself plus the potential 3-6 month recovery period afterwards)
alternatively, if masato had to wait a year- two max if we're being optimistic so he could graduate on time under an accelerated 2-year academic schedule to get surgery- then jo, similarly, would have to be abroad for a similar amount of time.
the time gone doesn't matter too much i guess: arakawa will still be left alone for a long time, and that really couldnt have been easy either way. the time his family's gone only makes their comeback all the more bittersweet, as you put it (´▽`;;)
OH BUT YEAH NO THE Y7 BIT THAT SHIT PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH WHEN I READ IT like mates were trying to be smart about it like 'wow ichi way to go showing how much you love aoki and how you'd do anything for him 🙄' like God Forbid a human character acts human and imperfect what the fuck you want him to do he aint got no goddamn spidey sense how the shit was he supposed to know (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
but yeah.. speaking of Doing The Right Thing jo's never ending feelings of inadequacy are my favorite </3 cause its like.. it's a reason why i love jo so much if i can be weird to say: what he did wasnt something that you can confidently forgive or try to say 'he's done the most to rectify this' or anything like that because putting a baby in a coin locker's like.. a lot of steps are involved to do that.. not really a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing that would have grounds to forgive yourself for.. so the fact jo knows this and just has that intense guilt- it's my bread and butter to say the least 😔
#long post#snap chats#i didnt mean to ramble about my masato timeline OOPS. i havent mentioned it in months tho.... i do like thinkin a it....#thats not even to consider the idea of jo staying abroad all four years to make sure masato was getting along fine#and to make sure he made it back to japan alright- but for the sake of giving masato some independence for a bit#we can also say jo went back when he was 'no longer needed' and just let masato live how he wanted to#but again i guess the exact amount of months and years dont matter too much#as for Jo's Suffering though i can't explain why i love it so much#i think its just cause like. its nice that a character acknowledges they did something unforgivable#like even if aoki did get the lung transplant and he's fine- or WAS fine rip- that doesnt negate the 24 some years he had to be miserable#i cant explain it im very bad at explaining things can we tell#its just such a weird situation. because again what jo did isnt something you can excuse or forgive yk#like masato's critical years and his early adulthood were severely impacted by his disability#to say half his life was altered by jo's actions is an understatement- and jo knows that right#even if he made sure everything that could be done for him to make his life better was done#there was probably always that thought of 'this extra work wouldnt be necessary if i didnt do that' yk what i mean#so i guess im just glad he's dedicated to acknowledging that and trying to take responsibility for it now#idk idk i cant explain it but i hope we know what i mean. dear god i hope we do words arent my strong suit#but yeah again.... now he cant do anything to continue righting that wrong in his eyes#now its just guilt with no means of alleviating it and THAT. hurts the soul in a good way. me thinks anyhow
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unreliablesnake · 8 months
Surprises (Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader)
Summary: Price finds out at a family gathering that his favorite niece's new boyfriend is none other than Ghost. The lieutenant thinks he's in trouble. How bad can things be?
Note: A little fluff and angst. What do you think? / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
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Simon knew he fucked up the moment he realized you were Price's niece.
The very niece he babysat several times when you were little, the one he talked so much about whenever they were discussing family. He loved you, he was proud of you, and despite you now being an independent young woman, he still treated you as if you were an expensive and rare piece of jewelry that had to be locked away.
So yes, when he attended a family event you invited him to and met the captain there, he knew he was in trouble. You had talked about your Uncle John before, sure, even joked about the two of them possibly knowing each other, but not even in his wildest dream could he suspect the two men being the same.
And now he was sitting there across from him at the long picnic table in the garden, his blue eyes piercing through his skull. Every time you intertwined your fingers with his on top of the table or leaned over to place a soft kiss on his cheek, he could almost hear the annoyed groan leave his lips.
You suddenly rested your head on his shoulder, smiling sweetly when he looked down at you. He couldn't help himself, he just followed his instincts when he leaned down to place a kiss on the crown of your head. That move made the captain snap.
"Simon, why don't you help me bring out some nice, cold drinks?"
He gulped before nodding, his entire body suddenly going rigid from the terror he felt. "Hey, he barks, but doesn't bite. You'll be fine," you assured him as you kissed his shoulder through his shirt.
With a sigh, he stood up and followed Price into the kitchen, carefully closing the door after himself. "Look, Cap, I didn't know she was your niece. I'm sorry. But trust me, I'm serious about this relationship. I really like her," he began to explain the situation without hesitation.
But Price didn't seem interested in his excuses as he was quick to raise a hand to stop him. "I don't care, Simon. She likes you too, it's obvious and she told me before, I just don't want her to suffer if…"
If he dies on the field. That's what he wanted to say, he knew that. Nodding, he leaned against the kitchen island and folded his arms over his chest. The two of them stood there in silence for a while, trying to figure out what to do now. Simon understood why Price was so worried about this relationship, but he also had to understand that he wasn't about to give you up.
"Would you be happier if she was dating a civilian? Some loser who doesn't even know what he wants to do with his life?" he asked to break the silence.
Price drew in a sharp breath that he let out while running a hand through his hair. It was easy to tell he was dying to light a cigar, but his sister had a strict no smoking in the house rule. So he settled with the second best option and began pacing in front of him.
"You, as a person, are not the problem, Simon," he began. "You're a good man, I know that. The problem is our line of work. And the fact I'm your higher-up, and now I have to think about you not only as my right hand, but also as the boyfriend of my favorite niece. Every time I send you somewhere dangerous, I'll have to consider how she would react if something happened to you."
With a loud gulp, Simon considered his reasoning. He was right. Everything he said was understandable. "If you think it would be better if we broke up, just say it," he told him eventually.
There was no response for a while, they stood there in silence once again. But then Price shook his head and extended his hand. "Just make her happy, that's all I'm asking for," he said with a smile. "And don't tell her that we know each other. I don't want her to worry."
Hesitantly, but Simon shook his hand. He had no idea what made the captain change his mind, but he didn't have an issue with that as long as he was okay with him being with you. He then opened the fridge and began to put a selection of drinks on the counter next to it.
Once they made it back to the family, you immediately gave him a worried look, silently asking for a story he wasn't about to give you. So he lied like Price had just asked him to do, even if it hurt like hell.
"Everything's fine, he just wanted to get to know me," he told you with a smile before giving you a quick kiss. "We're good."
"Sure?" you asked with a suspicious look on your face. Simon nodded. "All right, if you say so. I'm glad he likes you," you noted with a smile on your lips.
Before he could say anything, Price raised a hand. "If I might add, you chose well, kiddo," he said with a smile before flashing a smile at the lieutenant.
"I know," you said with a triumphant smile before giving Simon a kiss.
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goldenroutledge · 1 year
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pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
word count: 5.3k
summary: you’re there for jj when it matters most. (inspired by this post)
warning(s): sprinkles of angst, but fluffy in the end.
a/n: the song i had in mind while writing this was intimidated by kaytranada & h.e.r <3
jj maybank masterlist
© goldenroutledge || do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work in any way
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JJ Maybank didn’t need handouts. As he told it, his independence was his most valuable asset. It’s what made him a pogue through and through. “Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish?”— An Epictetus quote JJ scribbled down, bored as ever in his freshman English class. His life motto condensed into twelve simple words, whether his newfound ‘freedom’ was out of his control or not. Either way, he played the cards he was dealt.
His friends— no, scratch that— his family, were his escape to comfort. A soft, pillowy landing from the nose dive that was his life. A foreign concept to him until he met John B, then Pope, then Kiara, then you. A refuge of safety, ironically enough, given the many times you all had looked death in the face.
Even though the pogues had already started wearing matching friendship bracelets that Kiara made by the time you came along, it was a smooth transition when you were welcomed into the group with open arms. By some more than others at first, given your kook status. But just as they’d embraced Kie, your initiation into the group was no different.
While it took time for JJ in particular to come around, his reservations were understandable. At first, you gave him his space and he gave you yours. Always letting him set the tone and lead the way.
As time went on, JJ soon decided he wouldn’t mind having you around him all the time, there was no going back. JJ loved to the point of no return, and it was incomparable to anything— or how anyone else could ever make you feel.
At times, he felt like that was all he had to offer. Nothing but fierce loyalty and protection over the ones he loves most. But you. To JJ, you were the fine line between hideaway and heaven itself. Even if he thought he may not end up there, he was sure that it would be you he’d meet at heaven’s gates.
Amongst any conflict or tension within the group, you always provided a safe haven for him to retreat to, though he had difficulty admitting it. In a way you had a solution for everything. Keeping tensions low and spirits high in the process. You were the original peacemaker of the group, before his precious gun came along.
Right now, it was almost all he could think about while he sat there, beer in hand, listening to John B and Sarah argue in the distance. How he wishes you were here, to ease his nerves and settle the anxiety simmering in his chest.
JJ hated this. He hated that nobody seemed to get along anymore. With all that was going on with the others, he wouldn’t even think to mention his problems. The looming eviction notice on his house, one of few things he had left on this island. While everyone’s lives continued to progress, JJ’s was at a standstill. No job, no parents, and now his friend group was falling apart at the seams. And with everyone else occupied these days, he was alone.
JJ, selfless as usual, would hate to bother you, no matter how badly he wanted to. He knew you’d have some inspirational shit to say to him. Though he’d poked fun at it sometimes, he’d never needed anything more right now.
The sound of footsteps came before JJ saw them, watching Sarah storm off and away from John B as he stood there, tense and silent.
JJ could be hot headed at times, that was no secret. He could understand his friends' quarrels to an extent. But he couldn’t look past the fact that you all were supposed to be sticking together, especially right now. When he said that nothing good could happen once you all returned to Kildare, he knew he was right. Call it a gut feeling.
Naturally, Sarah told you everything. Confidant, mom-friend, advisor— all titles bestowed upon you by your close group of friends over the years. You’d always tried to be as neutral as possible in times of conflict. Though in matters of the heart it was nearly impossible.
Days after her fight with John B, she found herself laying on your bed, venting all of her bottled up frustrations about him and the state of their relationship.
“I’m a mess, Y/n. I feel like such a mess.”
You looked at her sympathetically, knowing there wasn’t much you could do. Just listen, just be there in her time of need.
“So, I took my bag from the Chateau and I left. Kie’s parents told me I couldn’t stay, then I went to JJ’s and he wasn’t home. He’s working at Guffy’s again last I heard.”
You briefly glanced up at the mention of JJ’s name— and it didn’t go unnoticed by Sarah. Instead of divulging about it, she continued her rant.
“Then I was just wandering around, because it’s not like I had anything better to do. And who sees me drinking at Tiki Bar? Topper.”
You internally cringed at the mention of the Thornton boy. He was always nice when you saw him, nothing bad nor good to say about him. But you knew deep down he was Sarah’s achilles heel. He reminded her of everything she once had, the person she once was. Lately, you couldn’t help but crave some normalcy too.
“So.. what happened?”
She sighs heavily, dropping her hand across her eyes. “We went to Mase.”
“We went with some people from KDC. The old crew, Kelce, Phoebe…”
“Is that it?”
“We made out.”
Sarah squeezed her eyes shut in fear of your reaction, knowing it’d probably show on your face before anything.
“Oh.” You swallowed back any judgment you might’ve had, compartmentalizing your love for John B and choosing to hear Sarah out. “And how do you feel about it?”
“Awful. I mean Topper has been so good to me lately with everything going on, he’s always there to pick up the pieces and I just feel bad. It was a mistake.”
“It can’t happen again, y’know. Not if you want to work it out with John B.”
“I do, I wanna work it out with him.” She urged. “And then the next morning we had breakfast. Kie came into the restaurant and saw us together and I think she got the wrong message. She said she’s staying out of it but I can tell what she’s thinking.” Sarah takes a deep inhale, and a deep exhale to follow. “What do I do, Y/n?”
It still baffles you at times that you’ve become the voice of reason. You hope Sarah doesn’t notice that you feel uneasy about the whole thing. “Just… be honest. Don’t let John B find out from anyone other than you. He’s gonna be upset but he has a right to be.”
The blonde sits up, crawls over to you and envelopes you into her arms. “Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Sun reflected brightly off the boats docked at the marina, the two smoothie cups in your hand sweating from the sweltering heat. Your family's boat was kept here at Guffy’s; particularly when your parents weren’t in town to cruise around the island and daydrink with their kook friends.
At least you had an alibi, just in case you happened to run into JJ. The two medium strawberry banana smoothies you carried might need some explanation, though.
Ever since you all had made it back to the island, JJ had been hard to track down. He was rarely in one place for too long. So where else better to catch him than at work?
“Y/n? How are you doing today?” Billy questions from a distance away, putting on his friendliest smile for the daughter of his best clients.
“Can’t complain. Happy to be back.”
“And it’s good to have you back. Everything alright with the boat?”
“Oh yeah, everything’s fine, I just realized I left behind my favorite sunglasses.” You explained, hoping your excuse sounded authentic enough.
“Alright. You take care, now.”
“Actually… I was wondering is JJ around?”
“Maybank? He was here a few days ago.”
“Hm, I could’ve sworn he was working today.”
Billy sighs, eyebrows furrowing. “Listen, Ms. Y/l/n, I know you want to advocate for your boyfriend and all but JJ can’t work here.”
Confusion spread through your features this time as you genuinely had no idea what the man was getting at. You chose to not correct him when he’d mistaken you for JJ’s girlfriend.
“Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good kid. I know he wants the job back but Guffy put a pin in it. I’m sorry. Really not much I can do.”
You forced a polite smile on your face as the dots connected, remembering the melting smoothie you held in your left hand while your half-finished one remained in your right. The two of you exchanged brief goodbyes before you quickly left the marina.
If JJ really hadn’t been working at Guffy’s again, where the hell was he? His act of disappearing was unmatched, but so was your skill of guessing.
If a game of hide-n-seek is what he wanted, a game of hide-n-seek is what he will get.
Grass brushed against your ankles as you approached JJ’s home, your steps careful as you looked around for him.
Going to JJ’s home was forbidden. When Luke was around, that is. He was a phantom— an ugly, dark presence looming over the quaint home that would otherwise feel serene. The chirping birds in the trees couldn’t tell the difference.
You haven't been here many times. The times you had been here weren’t anything you nor JJ wanted to remember. The feeling of uncertainty creeped into your mind from your past visits. You never knew what to expect.
To your left, there was a beautiful, never-ending view of the water past the grass of the Maybank’s yard. You hadn’t noticed that before. This spot had probably seen some beautiful sunsets. In a moment of imagination, you almost pictured sitting there with JJ on the plush green, hand in hand, watching the warm hues of the sky melt into a dark night.
The caution tape wrapping around the wood of the house caught your interest as you made your way onto the porch, also noticing the eviction letter left on the door, moving closer for a better look.
JJ called out, appearing from around the corner of his home, startling you out of concentration as you re-read the notice again and again.
As if you didn’t come over to finally see him in the first place. Though you couldn’t speak— for once unsure of what to say. ‘Sorry you’re getting evicted?’, it just didn’t sound right. Then again it might’ve been better than standing frozen and staring at him, silently, like you were doing.
“What are you doing here?”
“I- um…. I brought you a smoothie.”
You held out the cup, approaching him and handing it to him. He stood there dumbfounded, eyebrows furrowed. His lips eventually pursed into a smile as a way to say thank you. This wasn’t the relaxed JJ you were accustomed to; nonetheless he was still the JJ you loved.
“Why are you here?”
“I told you. The smoothie.”
“You came all the way out here from your mansion on Figure 8 to bring me a smoothie?”
“What?” You scoffed, his tone dictating where the conversation was headed. Most likely nowhere.
“Go back to reading by your pool or something. You shouldn’t be here.”
“I haven’t heard from you in days, JJ. I’m just checking up on you.”
“So what? You touring around the Cut now? Delivering smoothies to lost pogues? Is Heyward’s your next stop?”
He resumed tinkering with his bike, and from the looks of it he was working rather aggressively— desperate to distract himself from the conversation at hand.
“I miss my best friend. Am I not allowed to miss you anymore? I mean it’s not like we were stranded on an island together… not knowing whether we would live or die!”
“Well, we’re not exactly a big happy family right now. You should know that.”
“Yeah. John B and Sarah are on some kind of break. But that doesn’t mean I can’t see you, that doesn’t have anything to do with us. I thought we were past the whole picking sides thing.”
“I’ve been busy.” JJ shrugs.
“Busy working? At the job you lied about having?”
His eyes snapped to yours immediately. Your heart clenched as soon as the words left your mouth, you didn’t mean to go too far. But at least you had his attention.
“What, are you stalking me now? Or did you hire a P.I. to figure that out?”
“Hilarious, JJ. I was at the marina earlier to grab something off my boat. Actually hoping I would run into you but, whatever.”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
A few moments of awkward silence lingered between the two of you, as you kicked a pebble around with your foot.
“I know you don’t owe me anything… but you could’ve just told me.”
He paused his movements, thinking about how he was going to respond.
“Tell you what? That I prefer mixed berry over strawberry banana?” He jested, smiling to himself.
“I’m not talking about the smoothie, idiot.”
His eyes drifted over to his home, knowing exactly what you were thinking, just afraid to acknowledge it.
“My problems aren’t your problems, Y/n.”
“And I know that. I just wanna help you, however you’ll let me.”
“Well, you can help me by not helping me. I’ll figure it out. Always do.”
“All I’m saying is you don’t have to figure it out alone. I’m here.”
At that, he dropped his tools, running tense hands through his hair. “But you aren’t here! You don’t have to live like this and you should be glad that you don’t!”
He raised his voice at you, frustrated. JJ was never good at putting his feelings into words, especially when it came to actually expressing them.
He didn’t know how he could tell you about everything. The worst day he’s ever had, the lowest he’s ever been. He couldn’t see a way in which he could tell you all of it and carry on the same. You were always a constant in his life. He needed it to stay that way, by any means necessary.
“That doesn’t make sense, JJ. What’s the point of having anything nice if I can’t share it with the people I love?”
The both of you were taken aback at what your explanation implied. In actuality, it took all of your power not to say those three words to him outright. But you couldn’t, not like this.
“You don’t have to pretend to care that much. I’m sure you can find another community service project to focus on.”
“Community service?” You chuckled emptily, baffled at his ridiculousness, though deep down you knew this was how he dealt with things. He simply didn’t know anything other than defensiveness. “That’s what you think this is?”
JJ closed his eyes in exasperation, wishing this conversation away. He could hear it in your voice, your feelings were hurt. Maybe not as bad as when your 8th grade crush asked someone else to the Valentine’s dance— but even a little was too much.
“If you’re gonna reduce our decade of friendship to me doing charity work, I guess there’s no changing your mind. I’m just wasting my breath.”
The words were stuck in his throat. He wanted to apologize instantly, but now he wasn’t sure if his apologies were something you’d wanna hear at the moment. He wasn’t sure if you’d believe him.
For all the disingenuous apologies he’d accepted over the years, he’d hate to put you on the receiving end of one. Even if his heart truly was in the right place, JJ couldn’t muster up the courage to show it.
“You don’t have to antagonize me. Because everything you’re blaming me for, it isn’t my fault. Just like this isn’t your fault either.” You gestured to the eviction notice at his door.
“Yeah.” He mumbled. “You’re right.”
“Say what you want about me, but I just wanna know that you’re okay. And if it’s an apology you’re looking for, you’re not gonna get it. I’ll never apologize for that.”
He nodded, unsure of what else to say. All he could do was try to understand.
Realizing he had no further comments, you turned your back to leave.
“Will I see you at the Chateau tomorrow?” You asked over your shoulder, hope remaining in your voice despite the uneasiness that remained between you two.
“Don’t count on it.”
“Alright, well… bye.”
JJ waves, before muttering a monotone ‘thanks for the smoothie’ as he watches you go.
Since returning to the island, it was an unspoken thing that you all were to meet up at the Chateau at some point. And with all the new developments in your lives lately, these meetings were much needed.
Pope handed you a beer as he came into John B’s living room, opening one of his own as he sat down beside you.
John B and Sarah seemed to be laying low, but it was clear they were back together or had come to some sort of resolution.
Kiara was going on about how much shit her parents had been giving her lately. They’d been hovering— watching over their daughter’s every move from the moment she set foot on the island again.
Pope told the group about how Cleo had won over Heywar in record time, much faster than John B or JJ. Pope’s parents simply wanted the best for him, and knew that the danger and mischief his friends came with couldn’t be productive.
“We’ve been best friends for what…? 13 years?” John B recalls. “And your dad can hardly stand the sight of me but Cleo won him over in a few minutes? How?”
“Are you surprised?”
“Not at all.” John B holds his hands up in surrender to Cleo, Pope smirking beside her as he witnesses the interaction. “Just confused.”
“I have many superpowers, John.”
“Apparently! Winning over Heyward is like, unheard of in this group. At least for JJ and me.” John B explains, sipping his beer.
“Speaking of, where’s he at?”
At the shift in conversation, you can feel several pairs of eyes fall upon you. All you can do is act as normal as possible, tipping off any of your friends always ends badly in the case of keeping a secret. Until the cat’s out of the bag, your friends will make it their personal mission to reveal whatever it is you’re hiding.
You raised your eyebrows, pretending to only catch onto their stares moments later. “Why’re you looking at me?”
“No reason. It’s not like you guys are secretly together or anything.” Pope mutters under his breath, catching a glare from you at his false claim.
“We’re not. I wouldn’t know where he is.”
John B hisses, pretending to shiver. “Is it a little chilly in here? Or is that just Y/n’s cold shoulder?”
You roll your eyes, further proving his point until Sarah chimes in, pondering if she should speak up about what she knows.
“I actually stopped by JJ’s the other day. He.. wasn’t home.”
“Oh yeah, didn’t he go fishing? Probably not back yet.” John B remembers.
“I don’t think he’ll be going home anytime soon.”
At this your eyes meet Sarah’s hazel ones, full of hesitation. You shoot her a look of ‘whatever you’re about to say, don’t’, and you hope she is wise enough to pick up on it.
“Why is that?” Kiara questions, confused.
“He got evicted.” Sarah blurts, regret spreading through her expression as she sees you react; you don’t react. And that slightly terrifies her.
“Really?” Pope asks in disbelief, though not too surprised. More so disappointed that his best friend had to endure this, silently at that.
“Yeah. When was the last time anyone’s heard from him?”
The group silently recollects for a few moments, Kie pulls out her phone to review her latest texts with the man in question.
Instead, you’re wondering how the hell Sarah even knew about this to begin with. How long could she know about this and just stay silent? Forget not telling the group, how long could she keep this from you? How could she not help her friend who was clearly in need of support?
“How long have you known?”
Sarah appears confused, wondering where your line of questioning is coming from.
“I- uh. After John B and I fought I went there, remember Y/n? I was hoping I could stay but he wasn’t home. That’s when I saw the eviction notice.”
“And you waited, I don’t know, a week to bring that up?”
“Y/n, it’s not like I intentionally kept this from you, okay? We know how protective you are over JJ.”
Her words strike a cord within you, already on edge regarding JJ Maybank because of your argument with him the day prior. It was still a sore subject, even more so made by having no one to confide in about it.
“It’s not about that, Sarah. You didn’t even have to tell anyone at all but you didn’t think to maybe find out if he’s okay? At the very least?”
“I was a bit homeless at the time, Y/n, sorry about that.”
“Oh, right. You were too busy hooking up with Topper to care about the well-being of our best friend? Good to know the bare minimum is impossible for you.”
Sarah scoffs, John B shakes his head in exasperation. Kiara stays silent mostly, being no stranger to your and Sarah’s sister-like fights. She couldn’t even disagree with you, though with her parents keeping her on lockdown it was hard to do anything about it. She wasn’t in a place to have an opinion.
Pope and Cleo shared looks, communicating wordlessly as they had grown to do. Being away at Heyward’s kept them out of the loop quite a bit.
“JJ will figure it out, Y/n. Relax.” John B reassured. Though he was defending his girlfriend, now that they were in a ‘good place’ again, you felt anything but reassured at his carelessness around the subject. You’d think of all of you, John B would understand the most.
“Relax? Why should I relax if JJ is in trouble? If anything, you’re too relaxed!”
“I’m sorry you feel that way but you don’t have to take it out on Sarah, this isn’t even her fault! Not all of us want to fight your battles.”
“If you had any sense left you’d realize this isn’t about me. This is about our friend, who I thought we all cared about. At least enough to share this kind of news. We’re talking about his well-being here, I mean he’s losing the house he grew up in and nobody seems to care about that?”
“If he wanted us to know, he’d tell us.”
“Like he’s ever going to do that! You know better than anyway that he won’t!”
“It’s not my problem.”
“Mhm. It’s a shame JJ’s busy solving all of yours.”
“Y/n, please. Can we just have a chill night?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be his ‘best friend since the third grade?’ Because you don’t fucking act like it.” You huffed, standing up to get rid of your beer can. At this point you were rambling to yourself, more than okay with the group hearing what you really thought about them and their carelessness for the situation.
“Indeed. Which is why I don’t need to force him to tell me shit, okay?”
“Why are you such an asshole, John B?”
“Y/n, I just found my dad. So, excuse me if JJ’s living situation isn’t at the forefront of my mind.”
“I never said it had to be, but you’re acting like you don’t even care!”
“I do care! We all do!” John B shouts. “And maybe if you’d let up on him he’d actually come to you about this stuff!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m saying, maybe JJ would give you the love you so desperately crave if you weren’t fucking suffocating him.”
“John B!” Kiara warns.
Sarah held her face in her hands, knowing John B had crossed the line. Maybe he had one too many beers in his system. Either way, hell was about to break loose. And when it came to JJ, hell hath no fury like you did.
Your head felt like it was about to explode. How could your friends seem to be so comfortable with this? The same friends that claimed to leave no pogue behind, to never turn their back on one of their own.
If that was true, then what was this? From the looks of it, nobody even pretended to give a damn.
“You’re fucking terrible, John B. This isn’t even about me at all! You just can’t stop deflecting from what a shitty friend you are. I mean, JJ would die for literally every last one of you guys. And he almost did! On multiple occasions! But instead you’re gonna neglect the one person who's seen you through all your bullshit and as soon as it’s over you’re gonna pretend like nothing happened? Like the Earth is back on its axis? The world doesn’t fucking revolve around you, John B. That’s just not- that’s not something you do to someone you love.”
There wasn’t a need to announce your departure, as it was so quiet inside that you could hear your own breathing.
As hard as it was to fight with John B like that, you couldn’t deny the weight that had been lifted off your chest. Your spirit was lighter. It was therapeutic, really. So therapeutic you felt peaceful enough to go home and take the longest nap ever recorded, maybe in John B’s own hammock just to prove a point.
Entranced in your own thoughts, you didn’t even register JJ resting in the hammock himself, hands intertwined behind his head. Not asleep, but wondering what your next words will be. The walls of the Chateau were thin enough, echoes of your voices amplified by the open windows.
He wasn’t sure if you simply didn’t notice his presence or if you were flat out ignoring him, walking past like he was invisible. Testing the waters, he called out from behind you.
“I never really thanked you for the smoothie.”
You froze in your tracks, face heating up and muscles tensing at the thought of the argument he probably just heard and decided not to barge in on.
“It’s alright. Wasn’t looking for praise.”
JJ met you halfway, taking note of your tired eyes and your feet dragging against the grass.
“So, what? You’re picking fights for me now?”
“You heard?”
“I think Ward Cameron heard. All the way from Guadalupe.”
“Stop it.” You warned, cracking a smile for a split second. JJ was good at that. Making you smile no matter the circumstances. “I stand up against injustice. That’s all.”
“Then are you still mad at me?”
“About what?”
“Yesterday. The whole… note on door situation.”
“Could never be mad at you, JJ. Especially not about that.”
He softly smiles, one that you return. It’s been a long time since you’d shared a small moment like this. Too long.
He gestures for you to come closer and slide into his arms as he’d held them out for you, just like you belong there.
“I am sorry, though.” JJ mumbles the words softly, almost into the crook of your neck as if he was speaking to you and you only. “I know you’re just trying to stick around for me.”
“Yeah. Just trying to be wherever you are.”
“You don’t have to fight for me, y’know.” I’m already here. Though you may not have caught on instantly, nothing he’s ever said has made as much sense.
“Sorry, J. Sometimes I just feel like we don’t deserve you. Like I don’t deserve you.” You admitted sheepishly.
JJ scoffs, and you’re not sure why. He’s often sarcastic, but it’s hard to tell what he’s really thinking in these situations.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Y/n?”
Your eyes meet his, hesitation behind them.
“You’re the one who doesn’t deserve me? Is that a joke?”
You looked at him as if it were obvious, like the line had already been drawn in the sand. This fact had already been decided; there was no going back, not now, and not ever.
“I know I’m not the smartest person, okay, but you’re making no sense.”
“Come again?” You asked, equally as confused as he was. It was incredulous for anyone to believe JJ of all people wasn’t worth it— as if he wasn’t worth someone who would go to the ends of the Earth for him, someone who would defend him six ways to Sunday. There was no one in your life more deserving of such a thing.
“Listen, Y/n...”
“No! You listen. Nobody should treat you like that. Especially our friends! As if their problems are bigger than yours or something. It’s just fucked up for any one of them to act like they don’t care because I know deep down, they do. They care just like I do but they just suck at showing it. Mostly John B. He sucks the most. And I’m not exempt either, I mean I should’ve checked on you sooner-”
“Shoulda, woulda, coulda.” JJ interrupted, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Y/n, it’s okay. I don’t need anything.”
“I know that. I just want to love you. Because I really do. I really love you, JJ. Like bad. So bad that it’s probably sad at this point but I really don’t care anymore! Not about what John B has to say, not about anything, because I’ll never regret it. I’ll never wish that I didn’t love you.”
That stupid weight again, feeling as if it’s taking off like a rocketship and leaving your conscience for good. It makes you want to scream the words from the rooftops. Over and over and over again.
Confessing feels good, but kissing JJ feels damn euphoric. His lips are on yours before you can even register what’s happening, too busy being self-aware to realize the way his eyes turned glossy, or the way he’s gently got one hand on your waist and one hand caressing your cheek.
“He’s got it all wrong. I love you, too.” JJ confesses after pulling away from you, briefly taking his eyes off yours to glance at the Chateau. His head shakes as he says it, that starry glint in his eyes so undeniably present. “So bad.”
He earns a giggle out of you as he mocked your words to him just a few moments ago. But now, things were changing. He couldn’t stand before you and pretend he didn’t feel the way he did. Not anymore, not ever again.
Not after you’d shown your love for him so confidently to everybody, time and time again. JJ Maybank wasn’t sure about many things in life, but you weren’t one of them. This was surely the best decision he’d made in years.
“Come over.” You whine between kisses, breaking him out of his trance. If you let him, he’d kiss you forever, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
JJ raises his eyebrows, smirking.
“For dinner. We’re having sloppy joes.”
JJ, unresisting temptation, leans in again and moans against your lips dramatically. “What about dessert?”
You give his hair a tug and kiss the smirk off his face, whispering to him a secret.
“And maybe dessert.”
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taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @missevi @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @rudybarnes @annab-nana @reawritesthings @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneylaneylaney @jjpouggues @pogueslandia @mildkleptomaniac @whcclxr @mrs-cameron @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @alanniys @amourology @luversgirl + jj maybank taglist: @destourtereaux
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cannellee · 3 months
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୨୧ demigod! alpha! tokyo revengers x omega! reader (pairing : kazutora, mitsuya, baji, mikey, takemichi, shinichiro, izana, ran, draken, taiju, kokonoi, kakucho)
— a mix of what cabins they would be in and how they would be like with their omega (cabin = which god/goddess would they be the son of)
my masterlist : ☆
(I just finished watching the serie 'percy jackson' on disney+ and I just thought it would be an interesting idea to explore! of course it's purely my opinion and it might not be really representative. it's also fine if you don't know anything about percy jackson! I didn't add any details about the plot/storyline)
(+ if you've read my other headcanons, some of them might be similar to what I've already posted.. I hope none of you will mind!)
(+ I'm thinking about making it a serie : about a huge harem probably? or separated stories about omega!reader's life inside the half blood camp pls tell me what you think!!)
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ALPHA! KAZUTORA (aphrodite)
he's a hard one, like all the others, but I remember seeing a post in which kazutora was described as fairly attractive and that he was quite popular with the girls. seeing just how deceiving he can be with a charming smile on, convinced me to put him under the banner of aphrodite.
with the omega he wants to court, kazutora has no shame making use of his powers to woo her. he'll manipulate her emotions so she can only find comfort in his arms. despite being an alpha, kazutora has a pretty delicate scent which makes you want to trust him. he's aware of his charm and makes a good use of it whenever he considers necessary.
he's hopelessly devoted and indulges in his passionate love a 100%, so he often comes off as intense and overwhelming. he doesn't care though, he loves his omega with a burning passion and you need to know it. people also need to stay put, as he's pretty jealous. he's not the son of love itself for nothing, if an opponent arises, he's quick to get rid of him.
as I said, kazutora is willing to manipulate you in order to get you under his watch. he wants to supervise his lover. as an alpha, he's even more protective and possessive, he's terrified of losing you to someone else. he'll shower you with compliments and affection, inevitably forcing you to let your guard down because he's just so kind. this will make it easy for him to keep you under his influence, whether you know it or not.
as a child of aphrodite, kazutora wants to make you fall in love with him, it doesn't matter if it's with a false image of him or if he had to manipulate you. he just wants his pretty omega by his side, the only one worthy of his love and worship.
kazutora still is a toxic person, he'll exploit your vulnerabilities and the trust you place in him, for his own gain. he could use guilt-tripping, gaslighting or emotional blackmail ; he has no morals. he wants you for himself and he'll use any ways he sees fit to achieve his dream of being the only one you think about. you're the only one on his mind, it should go both ways, otherwise kazutora will feel betrayed.
you often get confused at his behaviour. how can someone be so kind, soft and attentive to you, just to end up messing with your mind like that. you don't know what to think anymore and you're just left with kazutora as your compass, as he successfully got rid of anything susceptible to drive you away from him. you didn't even realise – with how sweetly overbearing his presence is – that he managed to make your cute little brain forget about everything else. your feelings, all over the place because of his sickly gentle smiles and words, made you solely focus on him to the point that you just couldn't find happiness in anyone else but him.
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I think he could be a child of hera ; he's a great cook, responsible and reliable, independent and has his priorities straight. it's also confirmed that he's one of the best boyfriends of toman and I know alpha!mitsuya's dream is to build a family. the way he looks after his little sisters, despite his exhaustion, is a sign of how family oriented he is.
mitsuya is just so kind with his omega, reassuring, and a strong power you can count on. you don't fear anything when he's here, he's a protector and a provider. he has a deep sense of duty which compels him to keep you healthy and happy.
his omega is his joy, he's happy if you are. mitsuya is committed and view your relationship as something extremely serious he would never let go of. he expects the same devotion from his omega, as he values loyalty above anything else.
he wishes for you both to marry each other as he thrives in your presence. you can expect a merry domestic life with him, he takes care of you and keeps the relationship going with cute and funny date ideas. he has everything planned along for you, he wants to secure your future and make sure everything goes smoothly.
he also provides a stable environment for you, he approaches conflicts calmly and rationally, so you never stressed out whenever you have one of those rare arguments. your couple is healthy and lovely, mitsuya cuddles you each day, calls you whenever he has time and he's away ; he wants nothing more than to keep you safe, showering you with tender affection.
you'll never feel unloved or unsafe. hera is fierce and protective, she's also a jealous deity who sees her couple as almost sacred. mitsuya will eradicate any threats that might come your way. he'll go feral should his omega ever feel scared and distressed. it would mean that he failed as your alpha and mitsuya would feel more than defeated, crushed and will be desperate to make it up to you, to show you you can still rely on him. please give him a chance.
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ALPHA! BAJI (zeus)
baji is a son of zeus. he might not be the leader of toman, but he does have that central position with a ton lot of leadership qualities in him. he kind of is a mediator in a way, and cares for the people around him a lot, and they also look up to him, which gives him a lot of authority.
he's controlling and will absolutely get mad in the right situations. baji doesn't let just anyone near his omega, but he tries to take your opinions into consideration. he might be an alpha and therefore know better than you about whether something or someone is dangerous, but he'll let you do your own thing as long as he's there to watch and protect.
he wants a bit of control over you as well. as I said, his protective instincts are strong and very sensitive, he isn't delusional the way kazutora could be, but he's weary and suspicious. one wrong move and that man you were talking to is done for.
it might come out as small bursts of aggressiveness and anger, throwing earth shaking thunders whenever his omega's well being and honour are threatened. this behaviour of his truly is a shocking contrast to how soft and enamored he is with you. people are cautious around him, scared even, like they are walking around a volcano ready to burst. but you just have that privileged relationship with him, which allows you to let your guard down and jokingly mess with him. he lets you do about anything you want and accepts everything you do with a straight face and a satisfied scent.
baji wants to claim you. not just for everyone to see but to feel a connection with the one he devoted himself to. you're his whole world, you offer him stability and a place he can finally let go of all his worries and responsibilities. he wants nothing more than to solidify that strong link between the two of you.
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without any surprise, takemichi definitely is a son of hermes. be it the way he time travels, his smart personality (yes) ; he can think quickly and make the actual best decisions even if he doesn't realise it. despite being awkward, he communicates well and makes friends everywhere he goes, he's a people magnet and charms them unknowingly.
takemichi was able to court you with his naturally funny personality and playful banter. he's awkward ; and that's a good change you love to see in an alpha. he's not overwhelming and gives you your own space. he's respectful and values your opinions so much to the point that you might as well be his moral compass.
he has great principles and you would never abuse his kindness and dedication to you. but you can't help but notice how tamed he becomes whenever you're talking to him. if you tell or ask him something, he complies without a word.
in his eyes, you're glowing and smell so divinely good. are you sure you're not a goddess yourself ? because takemichi just can't get enough of you, as if he's hypnotized.
despite being surrounded by so many people, takemichi's eyes are solely set on you. he lives to make you laugh and is very sensitive about your emotions ; whenever you're down and feeling stressed, he quickly becomes a huge support. he calms you, reassures you by drowning you in his scent and praises. he knows exactly what to say.
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I don't think it surprises anyone as well, but I see him as a child of ares. although with his complex personality it's hard to rank him under a god for sure, but he shares the most traits with him, especially with his "dark impulse". he likes to fight, get into trouble and doesn't actively respect hierarchies. and not only does he love throwing hands, but he's particularly good at it, to the point of sparking fear and respect to his comrades and enemies alike.
mikey's personality as the son of ares isn't exactly that far from the reality. he's often violent, and for no particular reasons. but he's even more reckless whenever it involves his omega. along with provoking such violent urges, it also gives him another reason to beat someone up and he would never dodge that chance.
still, he's charismatic and despite everything, you find yourself drawn to him like a moth to a flame. he's so confident, jumping into any battles without an ounce of fear that your instincts can't help but feel at ease with him. you know you have nothing to fear ; mikey will protect you at the cost of his life. and his reputation also works like a charm to keep danger at bay.
mikey is jealous, and will become enraged if you were to show interest or affection for other men. instead of confronting you, he'll just erase them directly. that way, you have no other choice than to turn to him. if mikey keeps eliminating all of his concurrency, you'll soon come to realise that no other alphas can compare to him. you'll look at him with just as much love and desperation as he does. he doesn't care if he has to use his power and influence to keep you by his side, he'll do it with little to no regard for consequences. so what if you're mad or devastated, it was the right thing to do : a good alpha can't let bugs crawl around his omega.
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I hesitated between apollo and hephaestus, but I figured the only think he really shares with him is his ability to create, his love for machines and his technical skills. so I settled for apollo! shinichiro is a peaceful mediator, kind and compassionate, he sees the good in everyone and doesn't tolerate people without any sense of morality. he might not play any instrument and doesn't have a particular taste for music, but he has that healing and positive aura that draws people to him, kind of like takemichi.
in shinichiro's eyes, you're a joy to be around and he wants to keep that merry personality of yours by his side for as much as you'll let him.
I like to imagine alpha!shinichiro similar to who he was during the first timeline : a fierce and great fighter, with an abundant love for his family.
shinichiro nurtures an ardent affection for you, unwavering and he borderline worships you. he won't let anyone harm you, he'll fight for you, threatens anyone for you and do so much more. he has a sense of responsibility now that you're his, he can't let you down nor disappoint you. you'll see just how much of an infatuated man he is.
apollo is cruel and vengeful ; shinichiro doesn't tolerate any negative intentions towards his omega. he's observant and doesn't let second chances : if you disrespect his lover, you'll pay, end of story.
just remember apollo's love life, he's passionate and romantic. it goes beyond death and he's loyal to a fault. shinichiro knows you're the one, you make him believe in love at first sight.
just as any other god, apollo is jealous. this trait of his passed down to shinichiro, who actually acts out on this feeling secretly. he won't ever let you see such a bad side of him ; he's supposed to be your unshakable partner, calm and collected. he'll just claim you, scent you, appears more often with you during social outings. and if that still doesn't work, he'll have no choice but to be more violent. but you'll know none of this ; he'll remain confident and positive, with soft smiles and tender kisses.
he provides such a comforting space for his omega, soothing any of your worry with a radiant smile. you know he has everything under control, so you can abandon yourself completely to your alpha.
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ALPHA! IZANA (hades)
izana could be associated with so many deities but I'll settle for hades. his deranged thoughts and past actually make up most of his personality and explain his whole behaviour; he can't let go of any of his burdens and remains absolutely crushed and tortured by them. he feels lonely, betrayed and has so many negative emotions circling around him. he has trouble connecting with other people the way any normal person would, he's rude and direct, and you can even think he doesn't actually care about his comrades because of his aggressive actions.
contrary to hades, izana does let out his emotions a lot. he actually can't quite control them and is often a slave to his own feelings. he's crazily jealous and possessive, his instincts are all over the place, forcing him to keep you locked away somewhere he considers safe enough.
he hates those lusty eyes people have whenever you come by, he wants to just tear their faces apart. still, he does nothing, too preoccupied by the image you might have of him.
he's violent and pitiless, but there are times when he's self conscious and would hate himself if you were to tremble and cry from fear of him. sure it does help to keep you in check ; his omega should listen well, stay put and pretty, ready to obey him. but there's a limit he's not mentally ready to cross. don't hate him the way others do, don't look at him with a consuming fear he's so familiar to see in other's eyes.
you're one of the few people, if not the only, he lets himself be vulnerable around. he expects a devotion and willingness on your side to just do anything he asks. he won't hesitate to force you into submission, coating you with sweet words contrasting of his actions ; he doesn't know how to love and it will feel suffocating at times. but you manage.
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ALPHA! RAN (dionysus)
an easy one. dionysus is the god of wine and parties and likes to be the center of attention, although this could be more accurate for bonten!ran era. ran just loves to indulge in pleasures, participate in what one would consider as immoral and unholy. he actually couldn't care less about other people's opinions and simply enjoys what life has in store (brothels, alcohol, murder... you get it). ran is a red flag and he just enjoys chaos, he doesn't care about stability and just want to have fun. he's intense and often hard to decipher, making him a complex person.
ran is absolutely infatuated with you, he finds you intriguing, ridiculously pretty and your scent is intoxicating. how can he not desire your presence ?
being with you feels like a drug, you just can't leave his mind and that's why he can't let go of you either. he indulges fully into the pleasures of life and you just so happen to be the perfect embodiment of all the joys he seems to crave so openly.
he is sociable and there always seems to be a flock of people around him. he loves the attention, but yours particularly, to your surprise. you don't know what about you charmed him, why you of all people considering how popular he is. but here you are, glued to him and not exactly out of your own will.
ran wants you by his side, so you'll stay. simple as that. he's constantly burying his nose in the crook of your neck. you just smell so nice and every part of you is to die for. he extends predatory hands out to you, exploring your body shamelessly without any concerns for how you feel. he just wants to touch you, feel you and own you.
he's a great talker, he knows exactly what to tell you to make you behave the way he wants. if he doesn't like you around someone, he won't tell you directly, although he could, considering the power he has over you. but he'd rather make it fun : not letting you have any control over the situation and making you act a certain way all because he decided of it. like a puppet, you'll be under the good will of ran, you don't have a word to say.
despite this complex personality, he doesn't like when things get too complicated. yes he might enjoy tricking you and messing with your head, but he's all too open to fun and pleasure. so he's someone who'll spend his time having fun with you, never letting anything get boring.
as I said, he's possessive. he's an alpha and a demigod. you're both his plaything and partner, and he absolutely despises whenever someone tries to turn you away from him. just like how he looks for you first in a crowd, his omega can't have wandering eyes. he gets annoyed quickly when his fun is ruined by a stupid alpha, so he'll also get rid of the problem just as fast as it appeared. no time for gloomy and uncomfortable feelings !
he doesn't know any limits and doesn't seem to understand why you might have any. he'll let you do about anything to him, use him to satisfy any urge you might have, relieve your anger and envy however you like. just use him, just like he does with you. that's his definition of love and he can't help but levitate around you like a magnet. it's stronger than him.
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ALPHA! DRAKEN (poseidon)
I'm not satisfied with this pick, but draken works well as a son of poseidon. he's big and tall, imposing, but never goes too far, he knows how to regulate his strength as to not abuse it. he's protective and loyal, calm at times and especially when it's needed. he's a pillar to his team, toman, and people know they can count on him. he's stoic and you would never guess what's going on inside his head, although it doesn't mean he's aloof ; as I said, he's attentive and caring, he's both a shield and sword to his friends.
draken here is a bit similar to what I already wrote about him on my blog so I'll be quick.
it's painfully obvious you're his omega and you're not to be messed with. he's stable like the sea and you can't help but wish he'll let you stick with him. luckily, draken has heart eyes for you only, so he lets you have your own privileges.
it's sometimes so subtle you might not notice it. but draken does have a soft spot for you ; constantly checking up on you, asking you where you've been, what you did and with whom.
I know poseidon has a bad temper, he is proud and competitive. draken is all of the above but in a reasonable way, he doesn't go overboard. when he's in a stable condition, he knows he has the situation under control and doesn't even feel the need to keep you away. you're an omega sure, but he trusts himself enough that you don't need to be hidden.
as I said, he appears calm, but whenever he does get angry, albeit not that rare, it's always shocking and terrifying. he's so intimidating, he has that dark look which makes you want to lower your gaze, and his scent forces anyone to recognize his power.
he's so protective, gently cradling you in his arms if you're feeling scared. even if he knows you have nothing to be scared of – since he's there – he won't allow any negative emotions to crawl their way up to you. he's your shield to this particularly cruel world.
he will never judge you for how you feel : he's aware that omegas are more sensitive than alphas. he will therefore make sure you're never exposed to too much at once. he'll just assert dominance, both to keep you safe and to inform others that he's what they'll be confronted with if they ever approach you.
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another son of ares! I can't see him as anything else than that, taiju literally is the embodiment of war and violence. he has a quick temper, he easily gets annoyed and wants things to go his way. his solution to problems is to use his fists carelessly and he's not that reassuring, no matter who you are to him (friend, family, comrade or enemy). and I just know this man has a massive breeding kink, which would totally fit with ares, as he's a symbol of virility and masculine potency. this guy wants a lineage and to exert control over his omega.
same for him, I already described him pretty well in other posts so it will probably be repetitive.
taiju is unsurprisingly aggressive and thrives whenever he's surrounded by violence. he wants nothing more than to taste blood and feel the adrenaline a good fight gives him.
he wants you to look at him, to see just how strong your alpha is. be proud and feel safe. taiju is sending you painfully obvious messages of what will happen if he was to catch you cheating. you can be sure he'll never let it slide, he'll beat the hell out of anyone who looks at you and anyone you look at. by now, you learnt to never cross the eyes of anyone else for their own sake.
he's suffocating, his love is mean and jealous. you're his precious possession, don't leave his sight. he likes to see you look so small, he towers over you like he could crush your frail form if he didn't pay attention to how much pressure he was hugging you with.
this difference makes him feel in charge in the best way possible, he knows you can't resist him anyways. he loves that vulnerability of yours, how naive and dumb you can be. let taiju be the master of your decisions. as an alpha, he's way better suited to guide you than you are. please stay quiet and cute, just like always. he can't have his adorable omega tainted by unholy thoughts and disgusting people. you're so pure, you need to stay that way.
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I was tempted to associate him to dionysus, but he doesn't have that extravagant personality and tendency of falling into the excesses. so athena is a pretty good pick I think. he's calm and collected, deeply loyal and ready to sacrifice himself for his loved ones, even going as far as giving up his morals. he's extremely smart and understands how everything works easily, he never strays from his goal once he has his mind set on it and his role as a money maker in his gang proves just how much his members trust him and recognize his reliability. moreover, he's not just brains, but knows how to fight pretty well, making him a great opponent.
he's cool headed most of the times. you're automatically attracted to him by his honesty and steadfast love for you. he wants the best for you and he'll give it to you in a heartbeat.
yes he does care about good and evil, what is right and wrong, but with his doe-eyed omega right in front of him, it's easy for him to just forget what morality is. he tries his best to add you into his virtuous life, but he often strays off from his righteous path if your safety is involved.
he's oftentimes composed and keeps his emotions his check, he doesn't get easily affected by the sorrows of others. but you're his weakness, and he hates your crying face despite everything. it bothers him so much to be this affected by you, but he slowly came to embrace his love for you, and life has never been easier.
he's so faithful. there's something about the both of you being so committed to one another that drives his mind crazy. he recognises you as one of his own, you're his omega and therefore, all of the people he interacts with need to show you the same respect he harbours for you.
just like athena is a defensive force, kokonoi has a strong sense of duty : he protects you without any fear. if he can't do that correctly then he has nothing to be proud of. it's a life rule at this point ; no harm should come across your silk-like skin.
he's possessive and does scent you a lot, but he doesn't want to come off as suffocating and too overpowering. he gives you your own time and space, letting you go away to cool off if you ever get mad at him. it does kill him to have you so far away from him and to know he's the reason of your annoyance, but he also knows what's best for your relationship and he doesn't want to risk anything he carefully built with you for so long.
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ALPHA! KAKUCHO (demeter)
I know this one will make a few brows furrow, but I just think it fits. demeter is kind and compassionate, just like kakucho. he has that protective role in the gang, especially towards izana and he's ready to ignore justice, morals and virtue in favour of his loved ones. he's similar in this way, to how protective demeter is with her daughter persephone. kakucho loves deeply and his fierce nature serves others, not his ideals or own goals.
kakucho is a kind alpha! he has no dirty thoughts and bad intentions towards you. he simply loves you and wish you would reciprocate his feelings.
he won't force anything on you, while being deeply involved in your relationship. he admires you and your generous personality. he thinks you're out of his league but still, he'll try to win your heart by exceeding every of your expectations.
just like demeter who's overly protective of her daughter, kakucho's main concern is his omega. it's getting repetitive but you need to know that an alpha mixed with a god can be nothing else if not possessive and protective.
kakucho reminds you of a warm home and you're always more than happy to jump into his arms, excited for his comforting hugs. he kisses your temple softly, whispers praises words of how pretty you look and caresses your knuckles with his thumb whenever he holds your hand.
it's literally written on his face that he loves you more than he values his life. he gets shy when you mention it but never denies it. contrary to some alphas, he isn't embarrassed to affirm that he indeed listens very well to his omega. he, who is supposed to be all big and intimidating, melts into a puddle whenever you call him over with a baby voice. god, he loves when you treat him so sweetly.
demeter also has a temper of her own and could become very fierce when angry. kakucho has that vibe as well, the feeling of a sleeping storm, awaiting the moment when someone will mess something up to burst.
he usually doesn't let his emotions control him, but when someone threatens him to steal you from him because he supposedly can't take care of you, he just explodes. kakucho will give anything he has and doesn't have for you, what right does a stranger have to quality him as competent enough or not ? although when his wrath has passed, he'll feel a bit self conscious and scared that some truth was hidden in his words. but if you do a great job at reassuring him and telling him how safe and giddy kakucho makes you feel, then he'll be fine as well.
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ahsxual · 5 months
Dark Sins - II
Pairing: William Afton x Fem!Reader
Summary: After what happened, you tried so desperately to forget about William Afton, the man who couldn't leave your mind no matter how hard you tried it. But desire is a dark sin, a feeling that makes human beings do things against their will.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: minors don't interact + 18, guilt, office sex, cheating, choking, sassy reader, p in v sex (no protection), spanking, Dom!William x Sub!Reader, possessive William, daddy kink, spanking (one slap), softer William at the end, married William, age gap (reader is on her 20s, William is 50), cursing, student!reader
Word Count: 2,7k
Part I & Part III
A/N: Part II of Dark Sins was unexpectedly requested by you, so here I am posting it! I didn't expect so much support after not writing fics for 3 years (can you believe??), but I'm glad to be back! Ly guys <33 @fandom-maniac-anime here's your tag, hun! ^^
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It's been weeks since that little "incident" with William and you couldn't managed to take the thought of fucking your boyfriend's dad out of your mind. You knew it was wrong, you knew it was filthy, but you couldn't forget about William's tongue and fingers inside of you, making you cum so hard until you saw stars. It sent shivers down your spine everytime you thought about it and it made you feel so guilty... Sure, Stu made some mistakes in your relationship, but nothing compares to what you did to him. You didn't know what to do: was it better to tell Stu the truth? No no, he would never forgive you and you would ruin his relationship with his stepfather, even tho it wasn't completely your fault... should you just broke up with him? That wasn't an option either, because you loved Stu dearly.
Your mind was a mess and you couldn't focus on anything. Not even your studies, which complicated things because you had an important exam in a couple of weeks. You were now in your room alone, reflecting on what you should do to make things feel right again. That's when you had an idea that could help you get in line again and distract you from your forbidden desires.
"Hey babe, can I talk to you?" you asked Stu, your boyfriend, when he answered your call.
"Sure baby, is everything alright?" you heard Stu becoming worried which was unlikely of him. Your heart started to beat faster when you thought about the possibility of him discovering your darkest secret, but you pushed it away quickly.
"Well... I was thinking of, you know, do something for me. Something I think that would be good for me." you could practically sense the confusion that Stu must have felt when you said those words.
"And... what's that?" you heard him chuckle on the phone, a typical reaction from Stu.
"I think I should get a job... like a part-time, so I can get some money and be more financially independent, you know?" you started chowing your nails nervously, before you heard a hysterical laugh from your boyfriend. Now it was your time to get confused. "Why are you laughing? I'm serious, Stu!"
"You, working? Come on babe, you must be joking! Why do you need a job? That's for desperate people. And you're not desperate." he laughed like what you just said was the best joke he had ever heard.
"What? Why do you say that? That's not true!" you felt a little bit offended by Stu's comment and immaturity. Stu was a rich and spoiled guy, of course he would think that way.
"My dad works with those people, Y/N. And even he thinks that those people are desperate just to gain a few bucks." when you heard the word "dad" come out of his mouth, you stopped breathing for a moment, making you cough. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." you lied. There was a silence between the two of you, since you weren't sure of what to say. You were lost on your thoughts, before you heard Stu speak again.
"Listen... if you really want to get a job or a part-time, fine. I'm sure my dad can help you with that." you felt trapped, like your heart was going to explode and your mind was screaming for you to refuse his help and forget the idea of getting a job with his dad's help. You didn't really need it, you just wanted to occupy your mind with important things and be as busy as you could, so your mind wouldn't be able to think about things that didn't matter.
"Yeah, I would really appreciate that." your mouth betrayed you, speaking for your lust instead of listening to your rational and morals.
"Fine, I'll talk to him then." he said with a smirk on his face and paused. You knew something was up since Stu always wanted something in return when he made you a favor that he doesn't agree in the first place. "Buuut, you need to do whatever I ask for two weeks! No matter what it is!" you rolled your eyes, knowing that he would ask something against your will.
"Sure babe, what is it?" you smiled at his excitement, even tho you felt suspicious about his request.
"Me and the boys want to spend a week out. At... Billy's house." your smile immediately fadded away when he mentioned Billy's name. You were worried about the strange and probably bad influence Billy had on Stu, but after what happened a few weeks ago, you knew you couldn't be mad at him. "Come on doll, you know I won't cause any trouble! You know me!" he laughed at his own words, which made you laugh as well.
"Yeah sure Stu, I totally believe what you just said! Not even you believe it!" you both laughed, until you decided to let him have fun without complaining. "When will you guys go out then?"
"Oh fuck, is that a yes??" you could feel Stu's enthusiasm.
"I mean, I don't want to be the nagging girlfriend who doesn't let her man go out with his friends." even tho you felt nervous about Stu spending a week away from you, specially in Billy's presence, you couldn't forbid him to do something he really wanted to.
"Nahh, don't worry about it. You're the best, babe. We'll go in two weeks after our last exam. And don't worry, I'll talk to my dad right now. He's downstairs." your stomach sank when you realized William was at Stu's house too. You haven't seen him since then, avoiding him as much as possible.
"Thanks, baby. I love you so much..." tears started forming in your eyes, guilt consuming you by each second. Maybe Stu being away and enjoy his time with the boys would be good for both of you, since Stu was a very clingy boyfriend. You didn't mind it at all... but it became incredibly difficult to show affection towards Stu and have sex with him after everything.
"Love you too, sweet cheeks." were his last words before he hung up.
Two weeks had passed and you were saying your goodbyes to your boyfriend. You would definitely miss him. Now you were in your room, looking at William's business card deciding on either or not you should go to his office. After a few long minutes debating if you should make an appointment or not, you called the number when a kind, older woman answered.
"H-hey good afternoon, I wanted to make an appointment with Mr. Afton if it's possible?" you started sweating and shaking a little bit, a ridiculous reaction to such a simple act, you thought.
"Yeah, sure! We have a vacancy for an appointment in two hours, a client canceled half an hour ago his appointment. Do you want me to make a reservation for you, ma'am?" the lady asked, and if you thought you were nervous before, now you were panting.
"Yes, that would be great." you swallowed hard, your throat becoming extremely dry.
One hour and a half passed and you were now facing the mirror, trying to calm yourself down until you felt ready to leave your room. You were dressed in a pink skirt with a small, white top that defined your breasts. You felt pretty, yet you perfectly knew this outfit would be seen as provocative to your boyfriend's dad. Why were you doing this?? Why would want to get pretty for a man who's twice your age?? Those thoughts were pushed away when you gained the courage to leave your house and went straight to Mr. Afton's office.
"Come in." you heard that deep, masculine voice... the voice that you unconsciously dreamed of hearing again. You took a deep breath before coming in and closed the door. After a moment, you saw William staring at you in disbelief before a small smirk came to his face. "Well, I wasn't expecting such an... unexpected, yet very welcoming client to come".
"I just came looking for a job, Mr. Afton." you stuttered a little bit, William's big blue eyes staring at you intimidatingly.
"I'm sure you are... sit down." he chuckled and you frowned confused before sitting down like he told you to. He started reading your curriculum attentively like he was reading his favorite book, before he looked at you silently.
"So... what do you advice me, sir?" oh that nickname... always so obedient, his little girl. Yes, you read that right. For him, you were already his.
"Well, I have a... very interesting job option for you. I think you would love working there actually, and for a part-time, it should be all good." he smirked dangerously and you looked at him confused once again, waiting for his advice.
"What is it then?" you asked curiously, before he got up from his seat slowly to make you both coffee. You accepted, since you didn't want to be rude.
"A sex shop." he said it like it was so normal to him. You almost spitted your coffee and started coughing a little bit. "It's also near my house and I know the owner very well. He told me a while ago he needed a pretty employee to... you know, attract more costumers." you looked at him shocked and speechless. No words came out of your mouth and William enjoyed the effect he had on you. "Do you want the job or not?" this time he went serious and approached you, his hands interwained in front of you to show power over you.
"Isn't there any other option? I don't think Stu-"
"My son has nothing to do with this. It's your life, your choice. Don't waste my time Y/N, you have to take this seriously. Otherwise you can get your pretty ass up and leave." he shouted sternly and went back to work on other client's files, completely ignoring you.
"O-Ok, I'll do it!" you said impulsively since you felt trapped. You wonder how William knew so well the sex shop's owner like he said. Does he buy a lot of sex toys? Is he that kinky? He must be so experienced... your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a strong hand grabbing your neck before putting you on top of his desk, him standing between your spread legs. "W-what are you doing-"
"Shut up now, bunny. You're getting on my nerves and I don't like that one bit. You think I'm stupid? That I didn't notice how you dressed up to me like an innocent girl just to get a reaction from me, huh?" his grip on your neck tighten and it became harder to breath. "You're nothing but innocent, sweetie. And you're gonna prove to me right now how filthy you really are. The side no one knows about, but me. Not even Stu." his eyes were darker then before and you felt your core getting wetter. You knew he was right and the worse of it, you didn't feel guilty anymore. You've had already sinned, so now you just let yourself go and followed your deepest desires without anyone to stop you now.
"You know what?" you challenge him with your eyes and words, before you started rubbing yourself against his already hard cock, making him confused and frown for a moment, waiting for your response. "Maybe you're right. I'm a little dirty fucking whore who's desperate to be fucked by my boyfriend's father. I've been touching myself while thinking about you... and since what happened, the only way Stu could make me cum, was if I thought it was you fucking me instead." you tried to speak the best you could due to the lack of oxygen, but it was enough to drive William insane. He stared at you incredulously, admiring your honesty with such ease. He suddenly pulled you to him and kissed your neck roughly, leaving hickeys and love bites on its way. You gasped at his roughness and the fact he was marking you as his, so everyone else could see it.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. My son won't see the way I marked you, even tho I would like to see his face once he realizes you're mine now." he whispered seductively into your ear before bitting your earlobe. He continued his attacks on your neck while he unbuttoned his pants, taking his erected cock on his strong hand and started to touch himself. He then undressed your top and bra effortlessly, like he already did it so many times during his life, before putting one of your erected nipples in his mouth. He was sucking and biting the sensitive flesh, making you moan loudly. "Shh baby, you're on my work place, don't forget it."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Afton. I'll try my best to be quiet." you promised breathlessly, pleasure consuming you at a dangerous rate.
"Good girl..." his low voice made your pussy pulsate into nothing, making you desperate for this older man's touch. "But for now on, call me daddy, understood?" he tried to remain serious and control himself, so he wouldn't cum before fucking you.
"Please daddy fuck me already, I can't wait anymore..." your desperation was palpable and it only made him even more proud of the power he had over you.
"You're mine now, bunny. Is that clear?" he said before pushing your drenched panties aside with his fingers and finally entered you. You both moaned loudly and you only prayed that no one heard you. "Fuck, you're so tight..." he pounded into you faster after giving you just a couple of seconds for you to adjust to his large size. You bite your lip until it hurted, so you wouldn't make too much noise, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Please daddy, I can't stay quiet!" he understood you needed help, so he put one hand on top of your mouth and nose and continued to fuck you hard.
"Say that you're mine... fucking say it!" he growled into your ear in a way that scared you, so you decided to give him want he wanted.
"I'm only yours daddy, I need to cum please!" you cried out pitiful pleads, meaning every word you said. He suddenly changed your positions, grabbing your body while he barely sat on the desk for support and pounded into you almost in the air. His strength surprised you and the new position touched your g spot just perfectly, making you cum within a few seconds. He knew you were about to cum, so he quickly grabbed his tie and put it into your mouth so it could muffle your moans.
"That's it babygirl, cum for daddy and make me proud. Prove to me I'm the only one who can pleasure you this good." he spanked you hard on your ass and that was all you needed to reach your limit. Your orgasm was intense and it made your legs tremble, which made your pussy squeeze William's cock as well. He came right after you, letting out a growling moan that turned you on so much, before he loaded his thick sperm inside you. He then turned around so he could sit on his chair with you on top of him, both of you trying to catch your breath. After a while you both stared at each other's eyes deeply, his now softer cock still buried in you and he didn't seem to care about the risks or if he would get you pregnant.
You knew all of this was extremely wrong... you knew he was much older than you and would never want anything serious with a young girl, specially when you were dating his own son. But the way he was looking at you right now told you something different. His eyes became softer now that he was looking at you, showing a bit of care and... love? No, it couldn't be. Stu told you that his mother and William weren't on good terms lately and probably didn't have sex anymore, but maybe that was something that made you believe William could possibly care about you and wanting to make you his. All those thoughts and theories were put aside when you impulsively grabbed William's face and kissed him. He reciprocated without any hesitation, his experienced and soft tongue tasting like coffee while his big hands pulled you closer and grabbed you like you would escape from him at any moment. The kiss wasn't rougher and primal like the sex you had. No. It was soft, slow and passionate... a kiss that you believed only people who were in love could do.
Your heart started to beat faster, desperate to feel and discover more about his softer side, and that made you realize something: was I falling in love with my boyfriend's father?
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mediocreanomaly · 11 months
i have drowsy knives purring himself to sleep stuck in my head now--THIS IS LITERAL GOLD 😭 it would take a v special s/o to pick up the slight nuances of his emotions too n he'd be head over heels 🥺
but nesting instincts 🥺 please for the love of everything knives elaborate i i i wanna know all there is to know ab this man 🥺👉👈
n maybe vashy seperately too?? 🥴
Authors Note: Turned this into a full post because I'm procrastinating my drabbles anyways lmao this is going to give away a teeny tiny bit of my uncanny Vash post I'm making but I love talking about the Twins and their less than human instincts
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Savern Twins Nesting HC's
•Knives is surprisingly the less embarrassed of the twins about nesting instincts, this is solely based on the fact that he doesn't see his plant qualities to be anything to be ashamed about, it's just another thing that sets him apart from humans
•Although, no one (besides you) knows about Knives nest. You may wonder how the two points can co-exist but that because a Plant's nest is supposed to be somewhere secure and safe. So while he's not embarrassed that he has a nest, he's not going to openly talk about it and risk giving away someone trying to get a peek of it (not that he really openly talks about anything)
•Knives nest is big, he had a bed custom made that's larger than a kings but circular and with plush raised walls so it feels not secure and less in the open. He's collected various blankets and pillows that fill the empty space so that he can bundle up under them, all of it is white because he refuses to let his nest look ugly or disorganized
•He's a perfectionist too so he spends a lot of time organizing and reorganizing his nest. Every time he gets a new blanket or pillow to add he has to redo the whole thing to make sure it's in the perfect spot or else he refuses to sleep in it
•Now Knives doesn't have to sleep much like he doesn't have to eat, but sleeping is something enjoys. He stresses about his plans a lot even if he doesn't show it outwardly. What better way to destress than napping in his nest?
•Whenever he decides to officially make you his mate (yes he calls it that, what else is he supposed to call it? Everything else sounds too human) all his instincts will scream at him to burrow into his nest
•For awhile you'll actually be hard pressed to even be allowed out of the nest, because why would you want to leave? As your mate Knives needs to keep you safe, and where's the safest place in the world? His safest place in the world, so please stop trying to leave the nest- you're hungry? fine he'll bring you food that you can eat in the nest
•I honestly don't think Independents hold body heat because their sisters live in water, which is one of many reasons they nest. It's also why Nai will drag you in with him when he wants to sleep so he can bum off your body heat. That's when when you learn he can purr (yeah thats right Plants purr propaganda) naps like this are the best. It's hard to stay awake when he's got you cuddled under blankets, gentle rumbles lulling you asleep
•After awhile you'll be allowed out so long as you are by his side or being escorted by Legato, or atleast unless you get pregnant
•If Knives manages to get you pregnant...you are banished to the nest again. It's not so bad though, besides he likes you like this. All round and full of his child, surrounded by plush comforters and pillows that cradle your form. At this point he won't leave your side unless he has to, if his instincts were bad before then they are haywire now, he stays curled up with you because theres no way you'd be able to defend yourself in a state like this, it's his job as your mate to keep you and his unborn child safe and sound, tucked away from the rest of the world
•When the baby is born it's where you'll spend most your time too, I mean...c'mon think about it. Your little one all tucked against you and Nai curled protectively around both of you, gentle purrs from both him and your baby as both their plant markings glow ever so slightly? If there's such thing as heaven this is it
•Knives has purposely made his nest large enough to hold his growing family, so no matter how many children you have you'll all get to curl up in the nest to find comfort or just to sleep.
•I think unfortunately once the children hit a certain age they are kicked out of the nest lol, it's more reserved for a Plants mate and young ones, so starting at maybe teen age it's time for them to make their own nest
•This isn't to say they aren't ever allowed in at all though. If Knives children are in any sort of distress his instincts kick in telling him to make sure their safe so in times like that they are still allowed in, the purpose of the nest is to provide him and his family with safety and comfort so no matter what it's there waiting for you
•Vash is admittedly a bit more embarrassed about the fact that he nest
•He tries his best to blend in with humans and thinks that people might find it weird that his instincts are constantly telling him to grab every soft thing he can find and hunker down
•Not that it really matters because he's always on the run anyways, he doesn't have time to stop and nest in the first place which makes it an easy an excuse to not nest at all, so Vash doesn't have a nest...right?
•Wrong. Like I said it's instinct and even Vash can't help but begin to nest in whatever shitty motel room he's in, especially if he's had a really rough day and just wants to sleep.
•Vash's nest is...admittedly a bit more pitiful than Knives. Knives has the advantage of staying in one spot, Vash does not, so he doesn't have a single nest but more so a hastily made one consisting of anything soft he can find. old blankets, pillows, clothes, rags, and even his own coat all make up his haphazard resting place.
•When he meets you though oh boy does it make it harder to resist the urge to stay and make a nice big nest for the two of you to hide away in
•It takes awhile for you to learn of Vash's little habit because he tries really hard to hide it away. He doesn't want you to think he's weird so when he does show it to you and you don't react negativly he's shyly asking, "do you...want to get in it?"
•Please say yes, his heart can't take any other answer. After that Vash is more keen on nesting even though the two of you travel, you even buy him a couple blankets that you pack up and bring so that he has something more consistant to nest with. The two of you will arrive at the motel for the night and you sit on the bed watching as Vash sleepily mulls over the blankets, pillows, and clothes he's choosen and organses it in a satisfactory way before he weakily pulls you in with him, purring as he cuddles up to you
•If you run your hand through his hair you'll be rewarded with more purrs and him nuzzling into your hand, but don't comment on it or he'll get embarrassed and hide his face into the blankets while he pulls away
•Vash wouldn't try to get you pregnant unless it was after he dealt with his brother and at that point I think he'd have a more permanent nest. Whether that's on Ship 3 or your own little home he's finally got a spot that he knows is always there, perfect to keep you in while you grow your baby!
•Vash loves spending time in the nest, it's from a mixture of putting off his instincts so long when he was on the run and the fact he actually has a place of comfort for once that does it, so if you can't find your partner...he's most likely buried in the nest
•It's super cute though, you'll walk in the room and softly call "Vash?" and his head will peak out of the mountain of blankets eyes still half lidded with sleep and hair all messy as he says a soft "hmm?"
•This nest is still a bit more messy and it's one of those "it looks disorganized but Vash know exactly where everything is" situations, he doesn't really care about colors or anything, infact it's proably mostly blankets that other people have gifted him over the years, he feels like it tells a story
•Unlike Knives, you'll have to be the one to eventually kick the kids out of the nest once they get older because "what do you mean they can't stay in here with us? Their still our baby!" "Vash their 20" "and?"
•Vash's plant marks always appear when he's in the nest, he can't help it! It's so comforting, besides he has you here warming him up and your kids cuddled in the covers- oop he's crying, don't worry they're happy tears
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After note: I hope you liked it!!! I wanted to add more stuff about you being able to read Knives but it didn't really fit so that might have to be saved for another list I'm a firm "the boys do weird but cute animal things" believer and it's my job to infect people with that propaganda
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gardenschedule · 2 months
just came across your excellent post of quotes about the lennon-mccartney rivalry! there's sooooooo much to unpack there, but i was especially struck by your tags and hoping you could say more:
paul thrived with someone to compete against but it hurt john a lot and seemed to wear him down#i personally believe it's the number 1 cause of the breakdown of their relationship and the breakup itself#because it lead to john stacking his deck with allies like yoko and klein and looking for his own niches to succeed in without paul there
Well that's just my armchair psychoanalysis of John haha, I think he had some seriously debilitating (and mostly unwarranted) insecurities in general and particularly in regards to Paul. Their rivalry was always present but as long as their relationship was in a good place, they were working closely together and John could consider himself top dog, it was a positive motivating force for both of them and they could share the glory. But then Paul became increasingly independent (musically, artistically and socially), started churning out A-sides at a pace John struggled to match, and competing with Paul stopped being fun and was more of a source of unhappiness and stress. Then something happened (in India or around that time) that caused him to feel worthless and humiliated, while Paul was just fine, recently engaged, etc. If you're John Lennon and you've developed an inferiority complex along with a fear of being left behind or surpassed, what do you do? You strengthen your position with people like Yoko (a stalker with artistic cred who was willing to spend every moment with him) and Klein (a John guy who flattered him and made it clear he saw John as the boss), so you've got security and support. You free yourself from the pressure to compete with Paul in music by finding different ways to stand out, like politics and art. Then you're in a position where you don't need Paul and you don't need to beat him. You try to get some power back by provoking him with Yoko related antics and threatening a divorce you don't necessarily plan to follow through on - all he has to do to get you back is submit to your demands, then you have your top dog status back and you know he loves you enough to give you that. After all, when Ringo quit he got wooed back with flowers. When George quit, he got enough leverage to make changes to how they worked. But instead, Paul retreats to Scotland, inadvertently announces the breakup, then sues you. So you publicly rage about it and are deeply hurt for the rest of your life, even thought he technically just gave you what you asked for. Few journalists or authors bother to question this and just accept that you were too good for the Beatles and were bored by them and that's why the group broke up. The end.
Anyway hope that all made sense <3
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twice-inamillion · 6 months
Angst (Anguish,Fear, Embarrassment, Hate, Sadness)
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Chapter 218
2935 Words 
( A post Sana made might be more serious that it seems to be.)
“I was born in the Heisei era, so I am sad to see it end. I would say ‘good job’ to Heisei. Toward the first day of the new Reiwa era, I will spend the last day of Heisei with a fresh mind.”
“Better write that in her own diary.” - Anon
"It was rude of her to post that.” - Anon 
"They have an official Japanese Instagram account too. She should've posted it there. Not liking this at all.” -Anon 
"TWICE didn't post anything on Korea's Independence Day. Why is she posting that there in all Japanese?" - Anon
“Why is she posting that if she’s working in Korea as an idol? Didn’t she have a little bit of decency?” -Anon 
“If she likes Japan so much, why doesn’t she go back?” -Anon
“This comes to show that idols don’t have a brain. Doesn’t she know what she is doing? JYP really needs to have a leash on her.” -Anon
“It’s always the Japanese idols. Why don’t they go back to their own country.” -Anon
“You can tell that Sana doesn’t have any idea about Korean history even if she works in Korea. I bet she just has fun and lets herself be used by male idols. -Anon 
-“Haha yeah, I bet she gets passed around by the male idols in JYP.” -Anon 
-“You’re probably right. She has nothing in that brain, just sex. I bet even JYP uses her himself”- Anon. 
“If I were to see her in person, I would give her a piece of mind. Korea is better than Japan.”-Anon 
,-“If I see her, I would spit on her face.” -Anon
-“Instead, she would let us fuck her as an apology for being an ignorant fuck.” -Anon
“I’m with you. How about we all get together and pass her around? She’s already getting passed down by the; why male idols, why not us?” -Anon 
Some of these comments were seen on the Twice Instagram post from Sana, one of Twice’s Japanese members. It spread like wildfire over the internet, with hundreds of posts from anonymous commentators.  
“Oppa is asking if you want him to pick you two up,” as Sana reads the text from Nayeon early in the morning before flying back to Korea with Dahyun.
“No, it's okay.” 
“How about the managers?”
“We’re fine. We didn’t bring a lot of stuff with us.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Dahyun says it's okay, too.”
“Okay. See you back in the company then. Just message us when you get here.”
“Okay, see you in a few,” she said, turning off her phone before boarding the plane. She looked at Dahyun, who was in the window seat and had put on her mask to get some sleep before arriving in Korea since she had been up late the previous night. 
A few hours pass, the two of them arrive at the airport. They grab their bags and head to the exit to catch a taxi.
“Want to go to the shopping center?” asks Sana. 
“I don’t mind going.” 
“Okay, I’ll order the taxi to take us there,” as she waves for the taxi. 
The taxi arrives, and the driver asks,” Where to?” “To the shopping city that’s downtown.” 
“Got it.” 
The two of them enjoy a twenty-minute ride to the shopping center and pay the driver once they arrive. “Thank you for the ride.” 
The first place they go to is a local restaurant that serves brunch. They enjoy their meal in a booth and talk about their upcoming events. 
“I can’t wait to go to the States,” says Sana.
“You said you wanted to go to Los Angeles and New York, right?”
“Yeah, I do. I want to go and eat the food over there with Momo. She made a list of places where to eat. How about you, Dahyun?”
“Hmm… I don’t know. I want to bring Daeun, but I don’t think she will be able to handle all that traveling.”
“Jihyo and Chaeyoung’s mom said they can watch her doing it during the tour.”
“Yeah, you’re right, but still…”
The two of them continue to talk about their worries as they eat their food. They both decide to go to a couple of shops and buy something for all the members. 
They pay their bill, exit the restaurant, and do a bit of window shopping. As they walk around, they see a couple of ajummas staring at them. They keep on walking and stop at an ice cream shop. Once they exit, they see the same group of ajummas sitting across one of the benches. The two of them sit at one of the many tables and enjoy their ice cream. 
One of the ajummas walks towards them and asks, “Are you the Japanese idol Sana?” 
Sana, with a warm smile, responds, “Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.”
Out of nowhere, the ajumma with the cup in her hand splashes her with water. “If you like Japan so much, you should go back to where you came from. This is Korea!”
Sana, frozen from what just happened, doesn’t know how to respond. Dahyun, shocked, tries to wipe Sana off with some napkins as the group of ajummas laughs with a satisfying grin. 
The rest of the other women laugh and repeat what the first ajumma said and point at the soaked Sana. 
“I don’t know what's going on, but let’s go, unnie,” she says as she tries to help Sana stand up. “Yeah… let’s go.” The two of them stand up and walk toward the entrance of the shopping center. The ajummas follow and harass Sana as they walk behind her, attracting a crowd of people.
“Yah! Don’t you have manners, girl? Why are you talking about Japan when this is Korea?”
“We’re not done with you!”
Sana and Dahyun don’t understand what’s going on. Why are these ajummas so upset? They get to the street and see a taxi from across the street. As they try to look both ways, one of the ajummas tries to grab Sana by the arm, but Dahyun pulls her away before she can. They ran and crossed the street in panic, but just before making it to the taxi, Sana tripped on one of the sidewalk cracks. The ajummas laugh, making Sana turn red of embarrassment before Dahyun helps her stand up.
They get into the taxi and ask the driver to head to the JYP building out of instinct. Dahyun looks at Sana who is covering her face with her hands and asks, “Are you okay, unnie?”
Sana doesn’t respond but remains with her face covered. She can hear Sana’s muffled crying and tries to comfort her, only to see her bleeding knee from the fall that just happened earlier. “Ohh no, unnie you’re bleeding.” Dahyun opened her purse, took out some sanitary wipes to clean the blood, dried it, and put on a bandaid. 
Not knowing what else to do, she searches for her phone and pulls it out, only to notice that it’s still off. She turns it on and sees the amount of missed calls and messages from the members and manager unnie. She calls Nayeon, who immediately asks where they were. “Sorry unnie, we landed a while ago and just remembered to turn my phone on. Why are you all messaging us? Did something happen?”
“Wait… you don’t know?”
“No, what’s going on?”
“Is Sana with you?”
“Yeah, she’s right here with me, but she doesn’t feel good right now.”
“Oh… where are you to right now?”
“We went to a shopping center, but something happened, and now we are going to the JYP building. We are about two minutes away. Maybe.”
“Wait… don’t come here; it’s not good right now.”
“Actually, tell the driver to come through the back instead.”
“Okay, but what’s going on?”
“Hmm… just keep your heads down when you pass by; Jihyo and I are going to meet you at the back entrance.”
“Okay, we are turning the street right now.”
“Okay, hold on. We are going inside the elevator…”
The call cuts off, and Dahyun sees some reporters with cameras and a couple of people with signs. She looks and reads the signs and is upset with what she sees. She grabs Sana’s hand and places Sana’s head on her chest to prevent her from looking. 
The driver pulls up to the back of the parking lot where Nayeon, Jihyo, and manager unnie are waiting. They help Sana out of the car as manager unnie brings up their belongs and pays for the fare. 
“What’s going on?” asks Dahyun.
“We’ll talk about it when we get to the practice room,” says Jihyo.
They make their way to the practice room, where the rest of the members are waiting. Some of them, like Momo, notice the scrape on Sana’s knee and ask what happened. Sana immediately begins to cry, remembering the event from earlier. Dahyun recalls what happened, from the nasty ajumma who threw water at her for no reason, getting followed by the elderly group, and her falling and scraping her knee while everyone was looking. 
The members look upset about Sana’s experience and try to comfort her, and Nayeon and Jihyo pull Dahyun to the side. 
They explain that last night, Sana uploaded a post welcoming the new Reiwa era on the Twice Official page, and some people were offended and posted hateful comments. Nayeon shows Dahyun her phone, showing the comments from the hateful people. Dahyun can’t help but feel upset that she couldn’t do anything to protect her earlier. The members try to comfort and get her mind off the situation. They play a couple of games and watch videos in the practice room before heading home.
The members arrive home and get together to make Sana her favorite dishes. Jeongyeon, Momo, and Tzuyu work in the kitchen as the rest of the members hang out in the living room. They try to keep Sana off her phone and entertained as much as possible. Once dinner is ready, they call everyone to the table and show off their cooking skills, which have been improving.
Once they are done, some of them stay at the table while the rest go to the living room and watch the kids play. Sana can’t help but think about the incident earlier today and starts to space out, but she is interrupted when Ari comes waddling to Sana and throws herself at her. 
“Awww, Ari, I love you very much! Thank you for cheering me up!”
With a smile, Ari pats Sana’s head and places herself between Sana’s legs. They watch Jisoo running around the carpet and throwing herself at the rest of the members. It is only when the kids begin to yawn that they all decide to head back to their rooms and get ready for bed. 
“Bye Bye,” waves to Ari to Sana as she walks towards Mina’s bedroom. She kneels down and waves goodbye, “Bye-bye. Good night.”
Ari smiles and waddles to Sana, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Surprised, Sana picks her up, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and hugs her tightly.
After leaving her room, she gets ready for bed and takes a hot shower to relax after a terrible day. She still remembers the event from the afternoon and asks herself why it happened. Stepping out of the shower, she sat on her bed before drying her hair and pulling up her phone. Sana notices that her phone has been off the whole time and turns it on after not having used it for the whole day. As she turns it on and watches a couple of YouTube videos on perfumes and baby clothing before watching a movie. After a couple of hours of being on her phone, she decides to go to sleep, but not before going on Twitter and seeing if anything is interesting. She apps the app notices the newest trends and sees that her name is ranked high. She clicks on it and sees people commenting on her most recent post on Instagram. 
Sana scrolled down and read every post; little by little, she began to tear up by the hateful comments. She can’t seem to understand how people can be so mean and hurtful to someone. She didn’t think uploading a Reiwa-era post would get negative attention. 
“Why are they so mean?”
“If I knew people were going to get mad, I wouldn’t have posted it.”
The more she reads, the more emotional she gets until she can’t help but cry herself to sleep.
The next day, Sana wakes up at noon and sees new articles talking about her post, attracting more attention. This time, she sees the post on the Twice Instagram page with Once and anons arguing with each other. “Please don’t fight with each other,” she begs as she tries not to comment on the post and make it worse. 
She gets called down for breakfast by the members and notices the bags under her eyes from her crying as she makes her way to the table. They try to comfort her as much as possible, but once she takes a bite of the food, she stands up with her hand covering her mouth and runs to the bathroom. Some of the members follow her to the bathroom and see her gagging and throwing up in the toilet. Momo holds her hair and pats her back as Sana throws up. “It’s okay, Sana, we’re here for you.” Sana turns around, looks up at them, and begins to cry. 
Jihyo and Momo help her get up and wipe the leftover residue off her lips. Jihyo notices Sana’s blushed cheeks, touches her forehead, and sees how hot she is. “Sana, you’re burning up!”
They help her to her room and tuck her back in. Dahyun stays behind and tries to make her as comfortable as possible while Jihyo comes back with some items to make her fever go down. Jihyo and Dahyun stay with her for a while. She falls asleep, and they check up on her every so often to change the towel on her forehead.
Sana wakes up a bit after midnight, hurting after being asleep for half a day. She makes her way from her bed and wakes towards the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror with pale skin. She washes her face and complains about how awful she looks. Sana sits on the toilet and tries to pee, only for her to feel a slight pain in her pelvic area. She touches her pelvis and applies a slight pressure, only to feel a bit of pain. 
Sana finishes, stands up, and immediately feels dizzy. She leads on the sink, closes her eyes, and tries to relax. After her dizziness slowly faded, she washed her hands and returned to bed. She covers herself with her blankets, stares at the ceiling to clear her mind, and falls asleep. 
Only being asleep for about two hours, Sana wakes up in pain, crying. Her heart is beating fast, and her pelvic area is hurting much more than before. 
“Ouch, it hurts.” she has her hands around her stomach in pain. Sana tries to get up from her bed, but the pain gets stronger as she lifts herself, “Owww!”
She tries multiple times to get up from her bed, but every time she tries, the pain comes. Wanting to use the restroom, she looks for her phone and searches around her bed. She finds her phone and texts Momo, but she doesn’t respond. Sana calls Nayeon, who picks up her phone, “Sana, what’s up? It’s two in the morning.”
“Unnie, help me. I’m trying to use the restroom, but I can’t get up.” 
“Okay, I’ll be right there.”
Nayeon hung up the phone and turned on the lamp across her bed to search for her slippers. Jeongyeon turns over and slowly opens her eyes to the light, “Nayeon, what time is it?”
“It’s two in the morning.”
“Hmm… okay. You going to the bathroom?”
“No, Sana called me and said that she’s having a hard time getting up and wants to use the restroom, so she called me and asked if I could help her.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll come with you then. Jihyo said she had a fever, so she might need some help.”
The two of them make their way to Sana’s room and hear a crying Sana. “Sana, what’s wrong?”
“My tummy hurts, and I really need to pee.”
Nayeon walks into the dark room towards Sana and extends her arm. With the light from the hallway, Sana grabs Nayeon’s hand and helps her stand up. Sana moans in pain, but with the assistance of Nayeon, she’s able to get up. 
Sana and Nayeon walk slowly to the restroom before Sana asks, “Jeongyeon, would you mind getting my scrunchie? It should be somewhere on my bed.”
“Yeah, sure.” Jeongyeon enters the room, turns on the light, walks to Sana’s bed, and looks on top of the blanket but sees nothing. She turns over the heavy blanket and covers her mouth at the sight of her bed, completely wet.
Suddenly, Jeongyeon hears Sana scream from the bathroom and rushes towards the two of them, “What happened?”
“There’s blood” as Sana looks at the Nayeon and Jeongyeon with a terrified expression.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Sneaky, Like a Ninja
Kind of a part 2 to this post based on a comment from @doubleb11. I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Now with a third and final part!
Living with Hopper, Joyce, and the kids while he recovered was great. Steve woke up every morning to breakfast before work, even if it was usually a disgustingly sweet Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza. He and the kids were bonding and the stilted conversations with Jonathan had lost their awkwardness. Even Joyce was starting to come around to Steve and was involving him in conversations instead of speaking around him. Things were good. 
What Steve didn’t appreciate was his midnight curfew or the rule that the door had to stay open three inches when all he wanted to do was make out with his boyfriend. He didn’t want Hopper glaring into his borrowed bedroom while he tried to “talk” with Eddie. I mean, anything more than a cautious peck was enough for Hopper to barge in with threats. 
These rules were grating on Steve’s nerves. For most of his childhood and all of his teenage years, Steve has been on his own. He made his own rules and could do almost whatever he wanted without repercussions since his parents were always out of town. So, living with other people and being expected to follow arbitrary rules fitted to a ten year old girl was significantly impacting his sense of independence. 
What choice did he have other than sneaking out? His head was fine, the mild concussion symptoms had long since dissipated but Hopper was unwilling to concede and if Steve didn’t have a fulfilling make out session with Eddie at least every other day, he was going to die. Luckily for Steve, he was somewhat of a ninja. 
So on a night that Hopper and Joyce both went to sleep early and Jonathan was out of the house working late, Steve snuck out. Honestly, it was easier than he had anticipated. He wiggled through the bedroom window, flopped ungracefully onto the hard earth while making sure not to hit his head, and waited a moment. When none of the house lights turned on and everyone remained silent in sleep, Steve grabbed Will’s bike and took off towards the trailer park. The ride was smooth and there was no one out at that time of night, it made the ride peaceful in a way that Steve hadn’t before considered. When he got to the Munson trailer, Eddie pulled him to his bedroom for cuddles and kisses. It had been far too long for both of them despite it being only a little over a week. Steve bragged to Eddie about how he was ‘sneaky, like a ninja’ and he kissed him to his heart’s content. He could get used to this. 
Early the next morning, Eddie drove him back to the Byers’ and dropped him off a few houses down. He did not want Hopper to see him dropping off his son so early, thank you very much. 
Steve gave him a kiss goodbye and carefully snuck back into the house. He was quietly closing the window behind him when he heard a throat clear. 
Steve jumped and turned around to face an unimpressed Jonathan. “Dude, what the hell! You should be asleep right now!”
Jonathan’s look only got blanker, “so should you. Where were you?”
“I was with Eddie, so what?” Steve did not want to talk about his sexual escapades to his pseudo step-brother/ex-girlfriend’s ex. 
“Steve, what would’ve happened if Hop had noticed you missing?”
“He wouldn’t have, okay. I’m sneaky! It’s fine, he's not going to find out,” Steve assured him. 
“Alright, if you’re sure, just be careful,” Jonathan warned before clapping his shoulder and walking away. 
It was fine, Steve was practically a ninja with how sneaky he could be. No one else would find out. 
His attempts to sneak out were successful the next several times. He would just use the bedroom window and off he went. However, on this particular night, when he crawled back into his room after spending a few hours with Eddie, Will and El were standing in front of the bed waiting for him like the twins from The Shining. 
“Son of a bitch!” Steve exclaimed and jerked back into the wall in surprise. He hadn’t expected the kids to notice his absence considering both of them were supposed to be asleep. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
“We were looking for you. What are you doing?” Will asked him. Steve didn’t know how to break it to him that he was sneaking out to make out with his beloved dungeon master so he stayed quiet. 
“Steve, are you okay? Should I get my dad?” El asked him, she seemed genuinely worried about him which made his heart hurt. 
“No! Do not get Hopper! Look guys, I was just going out to get some air. Everything is fine.”
“Why did you not use the door? Why the window?” El asked. 
“Were you sneaking out?” Will asked him.
“Okay, you need to tone down the accusations, kid. I was not sneaking out. Why would I even do that?” Steve asked him. 
“To see Eddie?” Will’s eyebrows raised for emphasis and Steve just stared at him. 
“Oh,” El nodded sagely. “You do not like the three inch rule. I did not either.”
“Wow! Hey,” Steve exclaimed, waving his hands. “You’re a kid, you shouldn’t be doing anything behind closed doors. Me though? I’m an adult. Also, it’s none of your business! Go to bed, weirdos!”
They each narrowed their eyes at him in tandem which kind of creeped him out but they filed out of the room regardless. Jesus Christ, Steve couldn’t wait to get back home to the empty house and parents that didn’t care what he was doing. 
When he tried to sneak out again the next night, he ran into a snag. Apparently, Will and El did not appreciate his methods of escape via bedroom window and had glued it shut. No amount of gently frantic jimmying could force it open. Son of a bitch!
The next few days Steve tried increasingly creative ways of sneakily escaping the house. He jumped through Will’s window one day, he left the back door propped open slightly to avoid the creaking sound later, he even constructed a fake body out of pillows and stayed out all night! 
When it was finally time to return home after Hopper kidnapped him, he could only breathe a sigh of relief. The Hopper-Byers were a caring bunch but the stress was starting to build up. Hopper gave him a ride back to his house and stopped him just as he was about to walk away from the cruiser.
“Hey kid?”
“Yeah,” Steve looked back at him in askance. He better not try to talk him into going back because he already had a movie night with Eddie and Robin planned at his place. 
“Next time, go through the front door. It doesn’t creak like the one in the back or stick like that bedroom window. Alright?” Hopper’s voice was void of emotion but his eyes looked amused. 
“You knew?!” Steve screamed. 
“Of course I knew, I’m the chief of police. You think anything happens around here that I’m not aware of?” The teasing tone dropped from his voice but he continued. “Tell Munson that he better stop defiling my son or we’re going to have words. Capiche?”
“Jesus Christ, Hop,” he muttered. His voice was kind of strangled and he cleared his throat as he started walking away. “I got it! Go be the chief of police and stop embarrassing me. Bye dad!” 
He shut the door behind him and leaned his head against it. So much for being sneaky like a ninja. 
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @ghosttotheparty @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper
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rinstaro · 1 year
Time can slut me tf out frfr lmao so u kno the post u made abt time ans reader having tension???? What if u flipped it so time was goin after the reader. Like u jus be chillin choppin some veggie and he comes up n starts feelin u up??
ahahaha i think i favor time now because i’ve been writing him?? he started speaking to my daddy issues and good god are they listening 🤭 he’s so djdjxjsk SLUT ME OUT!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!
cw: time should be a warning on his own. what a man! i don’t know how far i wanna write yet. hmmmm. touchie feelies, choking so slight it’s not even there, time is a hair puller, and a fiend, biting, reader has a vagina no pronouns, i spend far too long detailing how horny he is for u
minors do not interact.
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it was moments like this where time realized he didn’t have as much self control as he thought. could you really blame him? you always looked adorable, even more so when you wore his shirts like you are now. but the hickeys on your neck and thighs that had almost faded were dragging his thoughts into the gutter.
he’d ravaged you only a couple days prior, your legs so weak you couldn’t even stand. it was lovely to have him pamper you for a couple days, but you were his oh so strong and independent spouse. when you could walk again, you insisted on cooking and cleaning for him the same way he did you. time insisted it was fine but you were much more stubborn than him. the conversation hadn’t even lasted a minute.
“i’m fine.”
“i don’t mind cooking for us again, you can rest some more until tomor—“
“zip it. i’m cooking tonight and you will love every bite.”
and so he was banished to the kitchen table to watch you prepare dinner. he couldn’t say he didn’t like the view, though. perhaps a bit too much.
you felt a body behind you, flinching only slightly before relaxing again. “hi, dear.” “hello, love.” time wrapped his arms around your waist, sitting his head on your shoulder. “those carrots are cut a little thick, no?” he murmured in your ear.
“hey, i have a knife,” you huffed. he laughed softly, heart fluttering at even the smallest bit of attention you give him. he silently watched you a while longer before his eyes drifted down to your hands. he adored them.
they were the same hands that were holding onto his shoulders for dear life the other night.
time really thought you were just so cute. he stood up a bit, going to observe the faded marks on your neck. unable to resist, he leaned back down to nip at one, causing you to yelp and furrow your brows. “hey,” you urged, you’re lucky i’m done chopping. what if you distracted me and i cut myself, huh?”
“i’d kiss it better and you’d never have to lift a finger again.”
you roll your eyes, getting your seasonings down from the shelf. whatever smart remark you had for him quickly faded when he gave a nice squeeze to your backside. instead of responding, you huffed once more and continued your task. time let out a small hum, displeased with your lack of response. “you really should just let me take care of you.”
you attempted to season your vegetables, only to halt when time traced his hands up your body. he went from your waist to your stomach, all the way up to your chest. his hands stopped around the base of your neck, thumbs rubbing circles on your collarbone. your breathing only got shakier when his mouth replaced his hands. he grabbed your waist once more and pulled you flush against him, sucking fresh hickeys into your neck.
your hands gripped his, your form starting to tremble. you continued to try and be stubborn, biting your lip when small whines escaped. time traced his hands down your arms before grabbing the seasonings out of your hands and placing them on the counter.
his hands went back to work, one reaching under your shirt to play with your nipple, and the other coming to lightly tug on your hair, pulling your head to the side for more access to your neck. this time, he bit down hard. your knees buckled and you unconsciously pressed back into him, whimpering louder than you would have liked to admit.
you finally come to your senses to wriggle out of his arms, turning around and crossing your own arms in front of your chest.
“you must really not want to eat tonight,” you chided. your husband only gave you a lazy grin in response. he suddenly hoisted you up, quickly carrying you over to the table. you squealed, arms flailing and wrapping around his neck. he sat you down, spreading your legs wide. how cute. you weren't even wearing underwear.
“i think i'll be just fine, dear." without another word he dove into your sopping cunt, his tongue leaving no spot untouched. you threw your head back, letting your moans out freely. dinner could wait, he thought. he'd been craving you all day.
sure, he could go for a comforting meal after a long day, but he’s far more comforted by your thighs clamping around his head.
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thedivineflowers · 6 months
Imagine being the 9th member of Stray Kids and the youngest because you’re in middle school.
But you get told that you're too loud and clingy so you close yourself away
A warning of angst and like self doubt tell me if I need to add more!
Fans would expect you to be so full of energy and talkative and clingy because you’re a kid, maybe you’re just a quiet kid?
But no, the only reason you don’t talk a lot unless asked questions is because you’ve been told by many people in your personal life that you were just loud and to ‘tone yourself down’. You’ve been told that your clinginess was annoying by those same people. You wanted to leave a good impression on your bandmates, so you’d stay quiet and tried staying independent and not cling to them even when you were nervous or scared.
You got scared that if you became ‘loud’ and ‘clingy’ with them like the people in your personal life they’d be bothered by it. But they weren’t, one day in an interview with just you the interviewer asked about your quietness and distance with the members.
“I got told a lot by people that I was loud and was really clingy and that it was annoying how I wanted to hold hands with someone or hug them for no reason all the time just because I wanted to.” You answered and laughed at yourself a bit. “So then I thought, ‘I really am annoying’ and I’m gonna be in a band with people that are older than me so I wanted to leave a good impression and not seem annoying to them or bother them because of how talkative and clingy I was.” You breathed out and looked down at your lap. “And it’s hard at times because I get really lonely sometimes because im trying to be independent and I don’t really want to bother any of them just because I wanted someone to talk to or cuddle with y’know? They’re the only people I have besides my family and I just struggle with showing them without thinking I’m going overboard.” You sighed after getting a bit off your chest.
The interviewer was baffled because they're so fond of you and talk so much about you that you could never annoy them but moved on, but you missed one detail.
It was going to get to one of the members.
You walked back into the dorm and sighed after the long day and walked to your room to change into a pair of shorts that were just cut sweatpants and a random shirt before going on your phone when you started seeing edits of your recent interview. Your stomach dropped, the members were going to hear about it!
You heard the click of a door and multiple footsteps shuffle in with the sound of bags land on the kitchen counter when Chan shouted "Y/n, are you home?" He asked as you answered back with a yes and walked out your room to greet them.
They had come back from feeding some ducks that were at a pond nearby and they brought dinner back with them. "I heard that you're interview from a few days ago got posted, do you want me to put it on?" Felix asked and looked back at you as he was standing Infront of the TV with the remote in his hand while you were facing away at the counter.
You paused the slightest bit before shrugging. "Whatever you want is fine." You answered in the same quiet tone that you always have around them. Lee Know kept his eyes on you for a bit before going to grab plates.
"Put it on! Y/n looked so cute that time." Han decided as he pinched your cheek.
You sat down on the couch with the others but made sure to keep yourself at the end and quietly ate while the others laughed at the jokes made during the interview.
Then the part where you kind of trailed off was coming up and you abruptly stood up. "I'm full. Thanks for the food." You said quietly "But you just started eating. Do you want to save it for later if you get hungry?" Changbin asked as some of them turned their attention to you while the others kept their eyes on the screen.
"I'll put it in the fridge to heat up later." You answered before walking away as you heard the interviewer ask "So Y/n, it's not hard to notice that you're distant with the members despite knowing them since before debut, is there a reason for that?"
'Just run to your room before they notice.' You thought as you heard your voice finishing up where you trailed off and the interviewer stuttering a bit before asking the next question.
Just run before they ask and they'll eventually forget to ask.
But there was no where to run when Chan and Lee know were blocking your only exit from the kitchen. "Come sit on the couch with us." Chan said as he gently placed a hand on your back and guided you to the couch where the others sat with the video played back and paused on the previous question the interviewer asked.
You were sat between Felix and Seungmin as Felix swung an arm around your shoulder and had you lay your head on his chest while Seungmin wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your shoulder.
Han and Jeongin laid their heads against your legs while the others stood Infront of you.
"Okay, we've been wanting to make a few things clear for a while now regarding you." Chan started as he stood Infront of you with the others.
"You're not in trouble or anything." Lee Know added
"Just know that just because others consider you clingy doesn't mean that we do, and we don't care if you're talkative too. It doesn't even matter if you're a kid or not, you are a member of this band and we want you to be comfortable and not silence yourself because of what some people said." Hyunjin reassured you as you fiddled with your fingers.
"But you'll get annoyed with me like everyone el-" "But we aren't everyone else." Felix cut you off and moved his hand to stroke your hair "We are your family here.” He whispered
“You’re not lonely here, it’s okay to depend on one of us once in a while.” Jeongin spoke up as he looked up at you with a small smile. “You’re still young and you’re you, who cares about what those people said anyway.” Seungmin huffed before squeezing your cheek. “Go grab your food and sit at the table. We’re gonna get to know you, okay?” Han asked as you sat still for a bit before running to the kitchen to grab your food and sit at the table with everyone else as they asked you various things and went over memories.
Over time you were able to come out of your shell with them and fell into open arms as they returned your hugs and listened to you whenever you felt like saying anything even if it was about you whispering that you wanted to throw your skzoo character at the camera during a vlive.
Chan would often invite you when he did his Chans room episodes and they’d mostly end up with you two having your skzoo characters box each other and the loser would have to eat spicy noodles.
Lee know would call you the name of one of this three cats based on what color your hair was dyed and if didn’t match any of his cats he’d call you by the name of your skzoo character. He also has a habit of carrying a brush with him so he could comb your hair if it looked messy.
Changbin would take you to the gym with him and have you count for him and keep him company and when he’s done he’d take you to get a snack and fight over which seat you two would take on the couch before watching a movie
Hyunjin would have you help him decide what to draw or paint when he can’t decide and sometimes would let you chill with him while he did or you two would brainstorm over what he could do next. Sometimes you’d doodle on his sketch pad and he’d add details and he’d hang it either on the fridge or in his room.
Han would share bites of his cheesecake with you or if you bring back cheesecake for him you both would share it and would see who could take the biggest bite and he’d poke your cheeks while they puffed up, you both had a contest of who had the puffiest cheeks and it was left at a tie.
Felix would help you bake things that you’d find at the store and sometimes as a surprise you’d bake something and you'd find a way to get ice cream inside or serve it on the side. And sometimes to mess with him you'd try to bake BbokAri for dinner and in return he'd hit you with your own character.
Seungmin and you like to go out when it becomes fall you two would sit outside in some sweaters and just chill until you two see some stray dogs walk by and then you two run to see who can pet it first.
Jeongin and you would genuinely just bond as the youngest of the group with similarities and you’d mostly follow him around the most out of all of the members and most of the times you two can be seen hiding in a corner gossiping about random things.
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bangtaninborderland · 3 months
JHS - Twisted Feelings (15)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Warning: themes of stalking.
A/N: it was my grandmas funeral today, I felt bad not posting. I’ll trying to get my shit together lol.
Ch.14 | MasterList | Ch.16
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It had taken you twice as long to pack everything thanks to the continuous throbbing on your side and because you’d refused help. Hoseok had cancelled your Saturday session with Jungkook asking to do your Sunday session over video call.
You were thankful for the time it gave you to prepare for the move, all you had to do was find a moving company and everything was set. In all honesty you were excited about the prospect of a new apartment, it was significantly nicer than the one you had now but you couldn’t help feeling sentimental.
This was the first thing you had for yourself after leaving home. The first place you convinced a landlord to let you rent as an immature adult, the first place you’d brought a doormat for, the first place you’d had a taste of independence at.
It would be a place you missed but not a place you wished to return to.
You limped your way up the stairs, the thought of taking the elevator alone making your stomach churn uncomfortably. The halls were bare which wasn't weird for 8am on a Monday, with everyone either busy with a schedule or at home not yet being required to work. You still had 30 minutes until you were due to have your class with Hoseok which was definitely a blessing as you continued to hop your way to your ‘office’ with as little issue as possible.
You nearly made, so nearly made it to relaxing in your comfortable chair for a little while before teaching all day. “Yes?”
You turn to find Jimin watching you, eyebrows furrowed. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine jimin-ssi.” You smiled through your teeth.
“Ah” he shook his head. “Taehyung and I already agreed on us all being Informal with each other, we are all the same age.”
“I know, I still want to be professional when it calls for it though. I just don’t want anyone thinking badly of me.” You admit, working around celebrities had meant you had to carry yourself differently least everyone suspect you to be fame hungry or whatever other accusation they could come up with. “Is everything okay?”
“I just noticed you were limping.” He gestured to your leg and you did all you could to stand straight.
“It’s fine.” You brush him off. “Just too much walking.”
“Are you sure? I don’t think I remember you being checked out after the elevator accident.” He frowns as though recalling the incident.
The last thing you want is to spend any more unnecessary time doing unprofessional things in your very professional workplace. “I promise i'm okay. I was fine afterwards, I was packing all weekend and overdid it. If it gets any worse I’ll go to the doctor for a check up.”
He sighs, thankfully giving up on the matter. “Okay, Hyung should be here soon. If you need anything Jungkookie and I are going to be practising in studio B. Come and find us whenever.”
“Thank you, I will do. Have a good practice.” You wave him off as you enter your office, grunting as your body slumps rather ungracefully into the chair.
You quickly organised the papers you needed for the day, finding Hoseoks folder and setting it out on the desk ready for whenever he came.
You felt your bag vibrate against your leg, reaching down to grab your phone.
No caller ID
You tried to think about who would be calling you, it wasn’t as though an abundance of people had your number but then again with the move you’d had to contact a few moving companies and of course your new landlord.
You picked up. “Hello?”
“Blue shirt, black dress pants, you have a limp… I guess you did get hurt in the elevator after all.” The voice was distorted, it sounded like somethi he straight from a horror movie.
You hung up quickly, stuffing the phone in your bag as you checked out of the small window.
Someone was watching you, someone was watching you and knew exactly what you were wearing…did they cause the elevator accident too?
“Hey.” Hoseok knocked on the door, making you jump. “Woah I’m sorry.” He takes a step back, hands up as a surrender.
“No no.” You quickly apologise, grabbing his folder and the extra pens you’d brought. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You look scared, is everything okay?” He asks as he slides onto the chair opposite you.
“Yeah, I got lost in my own head, ignore me.” You laugh, pulling out the necessary worksheets. “I thought we could practice conversation today, it’s better if you learn the correct grammar for speaking rather than writing. Is that okay?”
“Whatever you think is best.” He agrees, taking a sip of his coffe before cleaning closer and giving you a full whiff of ‘expensive’.
You talked him through a few conversation starters, correcting him whenever he responded incorrectly before moving on to some vocabulary games, throwing in a few awful jokes along the way to make it a better experience for the rapper.
“You’re good at this.” He laughs out.
You can’t help but smile. “At what?”
“Making boring things fun. You don’t make me feel as though I can’t do it.” He explains sincerely.
“I’m happy to.” And you were, despite the fact it was your job it brought you joy. “Okay so just a few more vocabulary cards and then we will practice again and you can take a test.”
“I feel like im back in high school.” He sighs dramatically. “So much for graduating.”
“Actually, your cover of that graduation song was played at my school when we left.” You couldn’t help but recall the memory, a few of your classmates had gathered to do a little dance to it.
“Really?” He sat forward, eyes wide in surprise. “Did you listen?”
“I even danced to it.” You were fine embarrassing yourself if it made him laugh more.
“Wow.” He leans back. “I want to see.”
“Pass the test and I’ll ask my eomma to send me the video.” You shrug, sliding the paper over to him.
He looks at the paper. “What about the questions and vocabulary cards.”
“I’m making teaching fun.” You laugh, packing them away. “Good luck on your test.”
“I take it back, you are just like my high school English teacher.” He huffs playfully, picking up the pen.
He takes 25 minutes to completely finish, only asking for clarification on one question which was an improvement from your last few classes. You marked it quickly, his leg shaking in anticipation.
“So?” He asks the second you set the red pen down.
You fake a frown. “I guess I’ll text my eomma and ask.”
“Yes!” He shouts, slapping the table in excitement.
“You’ve done really well today, you should be proud of yourself. In between our classes you should listen to podcasts, YouTube videos, music, anything with English as much as possible. It may seem stupid if you can’t understand it all but I promise it is worth it.”
The timer goes off before you can give him any more ‘homework’.
“Thank you. Seriously, I had fun. I’ll try to do what you said.” He holds out his pinks. “Promise.”
“Very American.” You laugh, linking your pinky before pulling away. “Have you got a busy schedule today?”
“About 4 hours of dancing.” He groans. “And then just recording some more adlibs for the album.”
“I’m sure you’ll do amazing.” You give him a thumbs up as he opens the door.
“You’re welcome to come and watch if you have time, the staff are always there.” He offers.
“I’ll try and come by if I can, I was sent a few interviews to translate.” You explain, your love to watch them dance but you still didn’t feel as though it was your place. You didn’t want to seem overly comfortable when you’d only gotten the job because Hoseok had personally requested it. “You shouldn’t be late.”
“Of course not.” He checks his phone before frowning. “You’re right I should go, I’ll see you later if you’re still here when I get a break.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” You wait for the door to close before relaxing on your chair with a groan, your hands instantly wrapping around your hip as though to syphon the pain away.
It took you four hours and 45 minutes to completely every single interview that had been sent to you, in hindsight you probably should have procrastinated as much as you did but you couldn’t help it.
With work out of the way your mind drifted back to the earlier phone call, it was something you should report, you knew that.
You just didn’t want to worry anyone.
“Fuck.” You hiss, rummaging through your draw, finding the painkillers you’d put in there for emergencies and taking three.
Your phone buzzed, the screen flashing up with an email notification.
You click on it, guessing it was something work related only to notice the sender being unregistered and the text box empty.
There’s an attachment at the end of the empty text box, your stomach twisted as you opened it. The screen now displays an image of you entering the building with the words “You’re easy to find.” edited across it.
“What the fuck.” You cuss to yourself. Taking a screenshot of both the image and the email before closing the app.
If this was happening because you were working with the members then why did it feel so personal?
“You’re still here?” You looked up to find Hoseok standing in the doorway, hair and face sweaty from dance practice. “I thought you would have come to see.”
“I really wanted to.” You explain. “I just had so much work to do.”
“I understand, it’s important and you don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He takes a few gulps of his water bottle. “Have you finished it all?”
“Yeah, finally.” You playfully swipe your forehead. “How was dance practice?”
He shrugs. “It was good.”
The conversation falls silent and for a few seconds you stare at each other before your phone buzzes with another notification.
Another email.
You can’t help but open it, despite how rude it may seem to be during a conversation your fingers itch to know what lies within the attachment.
It’s another image but this one had been taken days ago, one of you outside of the restaurant you had gone to with Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok.
“Hoseok?” You call out, turning your phone towards him.
He frowns as he takes the device, eyes going wide at the picture. “Is this the only one?”
“Of us? Yes.”
“And of you?” He asks, handing the phone back to you.
You contemplate lying but decide against it, you didn’t want to break the little trust you had. “I received another one earlier.”
He huffs shaking his head. “We need to take this to management, they may be able to have the email address tracked.”
“Okay let’s go.” You mumble, attempting to stand only for your leg to give out underneath you leaving you undignified as you fall to the floor.
“Shit.” Hoseok drops his water bottle as he reaches out to help you up. “Are you okay?”
“My hip.” You explain, using his body to support you. “It hurts.”
“Can I see?” He asks, resting your body against your desk.
You lift up your shirt, pushing the waistband of your pants down, a deep purple bruise scales your hip
“You have to get it checked, that looks awful.” He grabs your phone before wrapping an arm around your waist. “Lean on me, I’ll take you to the company doctor.”
You internally cringe at how another day has gone so wrong. “Okay, thank you.”
“What are friends for if not human crutches?” He laughs weakly carrying you both to the doctor.
Thankfully the room is close, the doctor rushing you in to sit on the hospital style bed. You explain what happened, answering all of his questions whilst he layers heat packs against your side.
“It’s not broken but you definitely have a hip pointer.” He explained, showing you similar images from a book. “It’s when you directly impact your hip causing bruising, pain, tenderness and it may impact your walking. You shouldn’t do much physical activity for at least a week.”
“It’s not bad.” You feel lighter knowing nothing had broken and all that could help was a little bit of rest. “Thank you for seeing me so fast.”
The doctor waves you off, giving you a prescription for some antibiotics as you left the office.
“Here let me help you back to your office.” Hoseok offers, wrapping his arm around you before you could contest against it. “I’m sorry we didn’t realise you were hurt.”
“It’s my own fault really, I pushed it too hard this weekend getting everything ready to move.” You hate the idea of him blaming himself for your own actions, you were a big girl and it was your responsibility.
He practically carried you back to your office despite your protests that it would do no good for him to be injured too only for him to shush you and insist on helping. Only when you were secured back in your seat did he drop onto the small couch in the corner. “I think you’ll have to attend a recording session tomorrow, there’s some producers coming from America and Nicole isn’t here.”
“I’ll check my schedule but I'm sure it will be on there if Nicole isn’t here.” You’d briefly met the other translator, she was kind but far too busy to make daily conversation with. You could see why they needed a secondary translator. “Don’t you have to record some things?”
“Ah.” He shakes his head. “We are going to wait until tomorrow so we can see what the producers say.”
“About the picture…” You start addressing the elephant in the room. “I think we should be careful about who we tell, I don’t understand how anyone would know where we were or what I was wearing unless they had been close to the building and possibly even had access. “I know inside leaks aren’t that uncommon.”
“It’s true but after years of experience it’s always best to tell management, if you can’t walk there I can call them and they will come here?” He offers.
Despite how cramped your tiny office would be you didn’t think you’d be able to manage another trip around the building so soon after having your hip poked and prodded at. “If you wouldn’t mind.”
He steps out of the room as he makes whatever phone call he needs to, returning a few seconds later. “They are coming down now.”
It’s relatively a quick affair, Sejin taking all the information from the email along with screenshots before explaining that he will take it to the HYBE security and protection team to have it investigated, finally explaining. “If you’re worried you should stay with someone else, a friend or family maybe. We ask that you don’t contact the police yet, we want to compile a full report before involving them.”
“Thank you Sejin-Ssi.” You nod respectfully in his direction as he leaves.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Hoseok jokes trying to lighten the mood. “If you’re finished for the day I can drop you home? We have been told to rest until the producers come by tomorrow.”
You soften at the offer but still can’t find it in your to accept. “Oh no it’s absolutely fine, I can just take a taxi or the bus. I doubt it’s safe for you to come to my apartment with all these pictures being taken.”
“Please? I feel awful that you’re in pain. I know how to go undetected.” He presses.
You consider it before giving in, it was daylight and he knew what he was doing. “Okay, only if you’re sure.”
“I am. Here, let me take that.” He grabs your bag, swinging it over his shoulder before once again offering you his arm to lean on. “One time Jungkook hurt his foot before a concert and afterwards he felt awful so we took turns carrying him around.”
You both make your way into the elevator, your heart picking up as memories from the accident flash through your mind. “Did it help him feel better?”
“Nope. Jin Hyung dropped him.” Hoseok snorts at the horrified look on your face. “It was fine, everyone was fussing around him. We got him onto the couch and Jin Hyung ordered his favourite foods.”
“It worked out then?” You ask, grinning as the elevator grows closer to the ground floor.
“Sort of?” He questions. “When Jin Hyung went to get some extra napkins Jungkook poured hot sauce over his food.”
“So it was payback?” You ask through a laugh.
He shakes his head as he grins. “Not at all, Jin Hyung had been plating up Namjoons food.”
The realisation dawns on you. “So let me get this right, Seokjin-ssi dropped Jungkook-ah and then as an apology brought him his favourite food. Jungkook sabotages Seokjin-ssi’ food but it was actually Namjoon-ssi’ food?”
He hums as he helps you out to the artist only car park. “Yep, but Taehyung-ah stole a bite and he is terrible with spicy food. He ended up knocking over a pitcher of water all over the dish Jungkook had wanted.”
You take a moment to laugh at that, the thought of a joke turning into absolute chaos around the dinner table. “So then what happened?”
“We all gave up, half of the meal was drenched in cold water, the other half was cold.” He chuckles as he unlocks his car and helps you in.
You wait until he starts the car to ask any more. “What did you eat?”
“Yoongi Hyung had ordered pizza as he didn’t want fried chicken so we stole it.” He laughs, carefully checking the street as he turns the car. “But Hyung is good, he ordered two pizzas.”
“You’ve known each other for a long time, I'm sure he probably can tell when it’s necessary.” Na-Rae has always been the same, knowing what you need before you do.
He shrugs. “I think we are all just synched. It’s a little scary how similar yet different we are.”
“Well clearly it works.” You point to the little picture resting in the back of his phone case, one of all seven of them at an award show.
He looks at you with a smile. “I guess it does. Put your address into my phone, I don’t know where im going.”
You punch in the address, the map on his phone displaying a 20 minute car journey.
The drive passes by as it had started, filled with never ending conversation and laughter. When you finally pulled up to your apartment you frowned to yourself, you didn’t want to journey nor the conversation to end. “Thank you for dropping me home.”
“Let me help you up.” He doesn’t give you a chance to argue before he is already opening your door, throwing your bag over his shower before helping you stand. “Does your building have an elevator?”
“Yeah, it's not fancy or anything though.” You explain.
You weren’t often a person who felt insecure but Hoseok was someone who had everything, whatever he owned, wore, ate, did was far more luxurious than anything you’d ever experienced. “Fancy is overrated.”
You push the broken elevator button, the machine loud as it carries you up to your floor. As soon as you step off the elevator you’re reaching for your keys, only to stop as you see your door open.
“Oh my god.” You rush over, forgetting the pain in your hip as you push it open.
You’re thankful Hoseok is there as you feel your eyes water. The apartment is wrecked, pictures of your friends and family had been smashed on the floor, the walls covered in paint and other substances you weren’t willing to touch, pillows torn open, furniture thrown across the room. Anything and everything that could be reached had been damaged.
“Come back out here.” Hoseok directs, pulling you into his arms as he dials the police.
You let yourself cry as he spoke to the operator, your heard pained with the acceptance that everything you’d worked for had been destroyed.
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inlovewithsimonrileyy · 5 months
hey babes saw ur post that ur asks are open😏.. if you dont mind i would like to place an order. ive been itching for a stubborn fem!reader where reader and simon are just bickering and he just fucks it outta her. mb if this didnt make sense lmao
hey here's your stubbornfem!reader x ghost
"I told you, I'll be fine I'm not going to stay at the base just because you think I can't handle myself!" you shouted angrily at him, as soon as the mission was brought up in the conversation he told you that you weren't going, no argument, but you were NOT going to let him treat you like you can't be independent and make your own decisions.
"I said you're not fucking going, end of story. Don't try and defy me y/n I'm still your lieutenant." he spit back, he was so annoyed at you for even thinking about going on this mission, Price had already expressed how dangerous it was, everything had to be done precisely to perfection or the whole mission would go South. He was so worried about you and he didn't want you getting hurt, not when he could prevent it.
"Why don't you want me to go?! It would be good for me to get out there and help out, more people equals easier getting in and out!" You yelled, licking your lips and biting at your already swollen lips, it was the only thing occupying your mouth to keep you from blowing up on him.
As he thought of something to say that could possibly make you calm down he examined you, staring at the way you held your body you exuded anger and confidence, the way you chewed at your perfectly plush lips, making them look red and even more kissable than usual. You just looked so hot, and there was tension built up and both of you could tell, so... That's why Ghost was darting towards you and capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
All tongue and teeth, it was so messy and desperate. He didn't break apart from you as he practically ripped your clothes off, shoving your pants and panties down your legs and pushing you against the wall, hiking you up it and wrapping your legs around his hips.
He had already pulled away from the kiss but had yet to take a look at you, and when he did, it was one of the best sights in his entire life. Your once icy glare had been turned into a desperate, begging look in your eyes, and your hair was all messy from the quick movements he made previously.
"you want me to fuck you now? after you've been defying me all afternoon?" He asks teasingly. "please.. I need you so bad.. im sorry si-" you answer back in a much less confident tone than earlier. And before you can finish begging he's capturing your lips with his again and undoing his belt, unzipping his fly and pulling out his hard length, the tip was already red and dripping with pre.
He stroked it lazily a few times before tapping his tip against your throbbing clit repeatedly, causing you to whimper out quietly. "you ready f'me doll? I doubt you need any prep, your already soaked..." he groans out the last part, which make you clench around nothing, you finally nod as an answer and he doesn't make you say it verbally, like he usually does, he just lines up his length to your entrance and plunges it deep in you. eliciting a loud airy moan from your bitten up lips.
"fuck... I forgot how tight you are..." he says quietly, to himself or to you, you really don't know. he slowly starts moving his hips in shallow thrusting movements. his dick was just so fucking big you could only babble out incoherent sentences. finally you were able to say something that made sense "move faster- please." you whimpered out.
ghost immediately took that in and decided he would do it, so he wrapped his arms around you and carried you from the wall to your bed, pushing your back against the mattress and pushing your knees to your chest, if it was even possible he was hitting deeper inside you, his tip bumping against the sweet spot that made you see stars.
before you knew it he was pounding into you, almost a hundred times faster and harder than he was before, "this what you wanted doll? f'me to rearrange your goddamn guts?" He chuckles, knowing you could barely even talk. You could barely even make out a sentence, so you could tell him you were about to cum. But you didn't need to, because he already knew.. "you gonna cum already? how pathetic, c'mon cum on my cock, make it yours!" He said quite loudly, almost mocking you but he was still encouraging you, so you did, not able to hold back any longer. Your hole spasmed around his thick cock and your pussy gushed juices.
"fuckin hell.." he mumbled quietly, "never made you cum that hard before." he said to himself, still keeping up the same pace, the overstimulation making you twitch and shake under him.
"im gonna cum- fuck, let me fill you up- please.." he said quietly, pleading in his head for you to say yes. You nodded lazily and that was all he needed before he was throwing his head back, moaning out loudly as his cock spurted his thick hot cum deep inside of you, sticking to and coating your inner walls.
"fuckkk- you did so well, you still mad at me doll?" He said while plopping himself down next to you, turning to face you and take in your fucked out expression.
"no..." you mumbled out.
just wanted to say sorry if this was bad it's my first time writing any requests and real smut, feel free to give feedback and tell me if u want me to rewrite this and tweak it.
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mywritingonlyfans · 7 months
Alex and Bella Session / Single Dad!Alex x Reader. (Fluff!)
prompt (a/n): I've had this fic saved for a while and decided to post it. IT IS A UNIQUE AND INDEPENDENT CHAPTER! However, it fits in with two more stories on the theme of the single dad Alex, they can be found on my materlist. Here you will find Alex comforting Reader about her not feeling confident enough to take care of Bella (his daughter) alone while he is on tour + Bella calling Reader 'mum' for the first time.
words: 2,8K
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You could hear Alex's soft voice with his strong accent, inducing relaxation, akin to a child being lulled with cute lullabies before going to bed. His home, along with the presence of both, was already so comforting. It felt like finding a family that had adopted you; the thought made you smile as you set out some dishes for dinner. Bella was telling you stories about her school friends, making you feel included in her life. It was a realization that she saw you as a constant presence in her daily routine, trusting you. Occasionally, you glanced at her, nodding at her big chocolate eyes, exactly like her dad's, and she swayed her hair, which you had styled in the morning. Her face lit up with a light smile, feeling heard, and it encouraged her to share more. You loved that.
Alex was in a meeting in the room next door, yes, an online one, which sometimes brought chuckles to yourself because he was impatient with technology. Even from the kitchen, you could hear him typing and clicking the mouse with an unusual force for any laptop. If you were attentive enough, you could also catch his deep and prolonged sighs due to something beyond his control taking longer to load.
In a couple of months, precisely two, he would be leaving for a leg of the band's tour, and you had agreed to stay with Bella. That meant spending most of your time with her and having Penny take care of her when you needed to work in person. You didn't like the idea of being away from Alex, but you couldn't deny that you were excited to spend more time with Bella (she was excited too, which made Alex cringe every time she showed that, even though it was genuine, and you laughed). Consequently, you were more than determined to show Alex that you were reliable for such a responsibility, even though he had never questioned or shown reluctance about the topic. But the mind plays tricks on us, and yours had already crafted an odyssey. Thinking about disappointing Alex, or Bella, made you feel bad on an inexplicable level.
"Are you okay, Mum?" Bella jumped up, startled, and despite realizing how she had called you, she didn't worry about it when she saw your shocked state. The noise had been loud, the subsequent silence somewhat eerie, and all you could hear was your racing heart. One of the plates slipped from your hand as you reached for it on the shelf, a prior carelessness leading to more cutlery from tumbling to the ground. It would have been fine if you hadn't realized that you had cut yourself in the process. A brief glance at your hand, now covered in red, left you feeling a bit dizzy. Leaning against the sink, the faucet still running without you remembering why you turned it on, you instinctively covered your hand with a dishcloth, but your soul would take a while to return to your body. You had never been good with that sort of thing.
Things seemed slow, but they were actually happening quite quickly. Despite your trembling voice, you asked Bella not to move, and she nodded, though you hated the frightened look she gave you. Within seconds, Alex was entering the kitchen, concerned, his eyebrows furrowed, and your mind despised every minute of it. It was like being younger and messing up at your parents' house, knowing that reprimands were coming; your inner self was undoubtedly haunted by some traumas.
Alex wasn't adept at handling an overload of information, but there was something, perhaps stemming from his role as a father, that made him excel in situations like these (or as he liked to put it, he just liked to protect those he loved). He held your waist, turning off the tap, the image of his flip-flop-clad feet navigating the shards towards you, and his calm, sweet voice asking Bella to remain seated, playing repeatedly in your head like flashbacks from past lives. You knew you were worrying too much about it, but you couldn't help it. He sat you down beside Bella, and you could feel their concern over you. "It's okay, babe. Everything'll be okay," his words sounded incoherent to you. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and a lump formed in your throat as you saw the scattered glass all over the floor and the cloth in your hand starting to change color.
Bella's voice echoed his, "It's okay, we promise." Sensing your distress, Alex brushed his thumb against your cheek, his index finger lifting your chin to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he spoke in his punctuated manner, his affectionate eyes locked with yours. "Keep looking at me, okay?" You nodded, mimicking his gentle upward and downward motions. The lack of color in your face made Alex's chest tighten. He unfolded the dishcloth, the crease between his brows softening, bringing you some relief. "It's okay, you hear me?" He wrapped your hand again, planting multiple peck kisses on your forehead. In other circumstances, you might have melted and noticed how soft and caring his lips were on your skin, but gladly the sharp kissing sound grounded you back to reality, and you felt safe in his hands.
He stood up, rummaging through the kitchen for band-aids, and you'd never considered the kitchen, rather than the bathroom, a prime place for a first-aid kit, but it made sense in this situation. Alex continued to reassure you, "It's a superficial cut, just bleeding a lot, my girl." You chuckled wryly; it felt like he was reading your mind. You hadn't realized all your thoughts, but you were indeed contemplating the worst outcomes regarding your newest injury. Bella gripped your other hand tightly, giving it a slight squeeze, then kissed your forehead, mirroring her father's actions. You wondered if Alex knew how much of a positive influence he was on her. She still looked at you with concern but didn't say anything, just kissed the back of your hand. Alex was likely finishing the meeting you had interrupted, and in a few minutes, you'd be having dinner, but the trajectory had taken a chaotic turn. "I'm so sorry," Your lips were dry, and it was evident in your voice that you were trying not to cry. You didn't feel pain, not physically, but in a way, you felt uneasy about it all; it was hard to explain.
Alex quickly shook his head, kneeling in front of you and taking your injured hand into his, wrapping it in a clean damp cloth. "We don't apologize for things beyond our control, right, Bella?" He glanced at her and then back at you, with an understanding smile. You remained focused on his face, imprinting every detail like a newly read book in your mind: the tip of his nose, the groomed beard, the subtle woodsy scent, and his slightly disheveled hair, perhaps from running his fingers through it, hoping the meeting would end soon. Above all, there he was, moistening his rosy lips while talking to you. Sometimes your mind forgot he was yours, and you could look at him whenever you pleased.
"And we can buy new dishes, can't we, Daddy?" Her curious eyes observed her father, a perfect miniature version of him, only more charismatic, you dared to say. That broke your reverie, flooding you with even more love. Alex smiled, his cheeks gaining a reddish hue as he cleaned your cut. You expected pain, but the sequence involved Alex applying alcohol and then pressing the clean cloth to relieve any discomfort, followed by him leaning in to kiss your forehead and watery eyes. Bella's hand was still in yours, and the combination made you feel at ease. "Yes, we can, sweetheart," he confirmed, making her give you an assuring smile, as if to say, "See? Everything's good." Gradually, the worry faded from her expressive eyes as well.
"Dad already broke a glass once, y'know? He was upset too but I remember him saying that it was normal and that sometimes it happens; nothing bad happened from that." She said simply, sounding more mature than you, it made you feel hugged.
She had certainly noticed, but given her age it was difficult to be sure, you made mental note to ask Alex or explaining to her yourself later that you didn't handle the idea of seeing your own blood well, especially when you were nervous.
Alex, being the adult, knew it wasn't about the cut or even the dishes, but he was pleased with Bella's genuine response—as you felt embraced by both of them. "Give her a kiss, Daddy?" Her eyebrows arched; Alex smiled shyly, his rarely seen teeth appearing in such a tender gesture. You nodded, wanting his kiss on the fresh injury, just as he did with her when she got hurt. He delicately took your wrist and kissed your palm, and despite the stinging sensation, you sensed it might not have been as superficial as Alex led you to believe. That notion worsened when you realized it was your dominant hand, yet once again, his lips softened your thoughts. His lips touched your cheek, holding your face gently. "It's okay if you want to cry, no need to hold back, babe. We just want to see you well, huh?" He reassured, and Bella echoed his words, and you smiled, feeling relieved, even if letting the tears flow felt strange. It felt good to be home and comfortable with people you loved so much.
"Would you like an ice lolly too?" he asked, delicately wiping your face with his thumbs, and the light, precise kisses once again comforting you, helping to ease away the tears. Indeed, one of the mini fruit popsicles that Alex made for Bella would cheer you up. Bella cheered, insisting that you needed one, and as if nothing had happened, she sat on your lap while both of you received the popsicle from Alex's hands. You thanked him, hugging Bella as she began talking about something else (clearly trying to distract you from the pain, evident in how she held onto your arm to give you a different sensation to divert your attention—you had taught Alex and her that technique, by the way). You murmured to Alex that you could help clean up, but he declined, telling you to sit still and relax with a charming, convincing smile.
He then tidied everything up and finished cooking (which was great because you loved his food). It made you reflect on how you had been through relationships where that wouldn't have been the expected response, and it made you feel relieved, knowing you would never experience that again. Occasionally, Alex glanced at you, his gaze calm and comforting, as if he knew something you didn't. The whole atmosphere was heartwarming, both externally and internally.
Amidst conversations, you all dined together, and Alex recounted how the meeting went; it turned out that you hadn't interrupted anything. Before Bella dozed off in your lap, well-fed, you made a mental note of how Alex had portioned your food onto the plate, organized and with the same amount you usually ate; it was a rather beautiful gesture of love. Even though it took you a while to eat, you declined his help, and he understood, continuing to chat with you as you took slow, spaced-out bites, even though your hand was hurting a bit. You were still quite a handful for Alex, as evidenced by the small nose wrinkles he gave when he noticed how stubborn you were in refusing his help.
That evening, after putting Bella to bed and whispering that you loved her and kissing her forehead as well, Alex was there in front of you, kneeling at the foot of the bed with you sitting in front of him. His usual goofy smile, although tired, adorned his face. You loved him so much, yet sometimes you were afraid of failing to make that clear. He had noticed your difficulty in fastening the buttons of his shirt that you wore to sleep alone and decided to do it for you. This time, you didn't hesitate. You thought of saying something but soon lost yourself in a sigh, and he spoke, "If you apologize again, I'll take you to sleep with Bella." You chuckled softly, even though your mind still felt heavy. Nevertheless, Bella usually ended up asleep between both of you because she had a very light sleep. "That's not a punishment, Al." He nodded, his cheeks turning red for no apparent reason. You stroked his hair, brushing the fringe from his forehead, and gently kissed it while he hugged your waist. You stayed like that for a while until Alex pulled back, looking at you attentively and continuing, "What's on your mind? You seem bothered by something, but I can't tell what it is." His gaze was calm, merely curious, with no judgment. You could tell that he knew it was something related to the night, but he just couldn't pinpoint the problem precisely. Not being able to help directly left him restless. You weren't afraid to open up to him, but that didn't mean it was a straightforward matter in your head.
"Do you think I'll be able to take care of Bella when you're not here? Do you trust me?" You didn't want to, but your voice trembled. "I trust you," he affirmed, the quickness of his response alleviating any doubts. Verbalizing that made you feel ridiculous, but the way Alex ran his fingertips over your thigh and how you could look at him and be sure he was looking at you with the same affection as always made you understand that well. "I want Bella to feel comfortable being with me too, not liking how I made her scared." Alex chuckled but held you firmly in his arms, his scent comforting you. "First," he paused, as he usually did, and before continuing, he pushed aside some of your hair to look at you more intently. "Accidents happen; we understand that. It wasn't your fault; it could have happened to me or anyone else. That doesn't make me think any less of your ability to take care of Bella or not." His caramel eyes remained on yours, attentive to every expression, wanting nothing but for you to be okay. "Secondly, I think Bella is pretty confident about spending this time with you, don't you think?" He gave you a warm and playful smile, only then realizing that you might hadn't noticed it in the heat of the moment, confirming even more to him that you hadn't picked up on it at the right time, and he would need to discuss it with you again. "You're her 'mum', her words." He crossed his fingers, like a promise.
"I would love her to call me 'mum,' Al," you sounded genuine, making him want to crush you in a tight hug. "But I want it to be something she voluntarily does, not something induced. If she feels comfortable with it, then it's okay, and I'll be more than happy." Your face held a light expression, as if thinking about it made you happy. That made Alex's heart swell with joy too. "She called, babe," and although he couldn't describe the feeling, he wanted to relive that moment. Your eyes widened, mouth slightly agape in surprise. "When? Did she talk about me with you and refer to me that way?" Your hand rested on his shoulder, and Alex's fingertips followed affectionate circles on your thigh. "No, she called you that in your presence. Earlier today, before I went into the kitchen. I don't think she even realized, to be honest; she was just concerned 'bout you, not scared of or 'cause of you, darlin'?" You nodded, incredulous. Your cheekbones ached from so much great feelings at the same time; what if she hadn't even noticed it like he said and had simply spoken naturally? That was so genuine and adorable. "Do you feel okay with that, babe? Do you think she'll call me that again?" He nodded, but still vocalized, "I love that she loves you; you're special to me. I like her feeling comfortable with you. And yes, I believe she'll call you that again, darling." This time, you bit your lip to contain a smile on your face, yet your eyes were filled with emotion. Alex was as happy as you were, and the mutual feeling between you two was so evident to both of you that it was enough.
Your forehead met his, his messy hair joining yours, and your eyes began to close slightly as you felt embraced by the tenderness of the moment, overall. Gradually, the warm and comforting breath became one, and the silence and continuation of the touch was fair response until many minutes later when Alex broke it with a brief and simple, "I'll make sure to be present when she calls you 'mum' again, okay, mummy?" And you were dying inside at the thought of her calling you that in the same accent as his.
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